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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

21cff8 No.1545069

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1489607 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


21cff8 No.1545072


are not endorsements


>>1539021 Dig and theory about phones, sky event and a trap

>>1544746 Tommy Robinson's Israeli Connections

>>1544847 Collection of QProofs: Article

>>1544787 The FBI Spied for LBJ’s Campaign

>>1544659 Some Q posts dealing with RR for rereading

>>1544394 Q's Tripcode Change: New Proof Graphics

>>1544389 DynCorp and Human Trafficking

>>1544382 Adm Rogers wanted a front door KEY, with lots of locks

>>1544365 Schools involved with shootings linked through "Blackboard"


>>1544141 Q's Tripcode Change: Side-by-Side with IP Hash

>>1543977 Comparing new Epstein Island images

>>1543787 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) discuss ways of ditching the dollar

>>1543786 John Giacalone, Executive Assistant Director of FBI’s National Security Branch: Profiles

>>1543729 Comey Disaster: Will testify before Congress

>>1543726 Hussein and Cabal kept the war going in Afghanistan: Breitbart

>>1543646 Link to the Epstein Island folder in our Graphics Library (for comparing with the new images)

>>1543581 Parkland & Santa Fe connections to DynCorp & SES


>>1542787 Saudis Halt All Government Orders From German Companies Because of Iran Deal

>>1542795 Obama Attorneys suing P.I. Firm investigating Seth Rich

>>1542844, >>1542906, >>1543070, >>1543071 Update re: Epstein pics

>>1542859, >>1543462 Think this is worthy of 24 hour op?

>>1542870 There's something going on with the dots (…)in trump's tweets

>>1542889 Mike Pompeo: US should expose wealth of corrupt Iranian leaders

>>1542922 Jr is trending on twitter

>>1542989 Pentagon approves 736 more National Guard troops to support air, land, sea border agents

>>1543008 Q's Password Reveal Proof

>>1543016 Planefag Update

>>1543018 Louis Farrakhan clip

>>1543030 The plan of trump, how the MSM is being neutralized

>>1543094 Link dump re: Epstein

>>1543142 Trump tweeting about reinstating the Summit

>>1543182 Looking through POTUS' old twats for 'spy' and found this

>>1543282 Ginsburg And Gorsuch Are Trolling Each Other In An Epic Way

>>1543293 What "movement" would the POTUS survey be referring to?

>>1543351 111 Day Connection


>>1542046 The ADFGVX cipher

>>1542069 There Have Been Five Successful Or Attempted Mass Shootings In The Past Nine Days

>>1542137, >>1542154 Trump tweet re: ZTE phone company

>>1542169 Trump signs three executive orders taking aim at unions

>>1542207, >>1542740 Planefag Update

>>1542231, >>1542279 New pics from Epstein Island, follow ID >>1542574, >>1542683 List of posts

>>1542315 Sitrep re: Teachers pushing political ideology and squashing dissenting opinions.

>>1542594 POTUS Schedule Flashback Two [2] Days

>>1542662 POTUS Tweet today linked to tweet 2/12 & Q post 11/11

>>1542671 Giuliani: WH wants Briefing on Classified Meeting.


>>1541278 Alabama - Biggest Child Porn Ring Bust Indicts a Pedophile on 6,547 Charges with 10 Victims

>>1541343 Trump issues orders making it easier to fire federal employees

>>1541350 Possible FF setup here

>>1541464 The Clinton Foundation is back w/ Sting, Shaggy and Adam Rippon

>>1541391 Trump Moves to Ease the Firing

>>1541413 "Failed presidential candidate Killary Clinton Wants to Be CEO of Facebook

>>1541416 UK throws joirnalist in slammer for lengthy sentence after reporting on the trial of a moslem rape gang.

>>1541518 Did Harvey Weinstein send a message to the cabal with his book?

>>1541521 Video from Maine: Muslim migrant youth attack park goers in Lewiston

>>1541545 Update on Harvey Weinstein getting arrested

>>1541595 Irish voters set to liberalize abortion laws in landslide: exit poll

>>1541625, >>1541739 May 23 = March 23 (61 day timetable)

>>1541724 Trump bringing Chicago murder capital up again in tweet

>>1541765 EPA red tape stalls filling drug-smuggler tunnels

>>1541800 Former USS NoName officer pleads guilty after deadly collision

>>1541857 Planefag Update

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

21cff8 No.1545075

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 – QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 – TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 — META


>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 — Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 — Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>674740 — Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 – Newfag Q&A

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 – Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>32223 —- Qs chess game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 — Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread


>>810563 — NXIVM info collection

>>885933 — P=C

>>904395 — The Plan

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

21cff8 No.1545079

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 —————————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

cPavuk Systems Q Database:' https://''www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

czIndependent Q archive resource:' irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://''irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954 Re: >>1514062

21cff8 No.1545088

File: 64dd9e771675f3d⋯.jpg (143.14 KB, 472x518, 236:259, Comfy.JPG)



0fb35d No.1545110

File: 915a3eb6774b0ab⋯.png (41.12 KB, 330x225, 22:15, ClipboardImage.png)


54fed0 No.1545116

When you buy beef,how much is really beef?

Where are the bodies?

Surely not all are buried.


You have to drive them out for what they are.

Up to you.

We will guide. Only you can put pieces together.

08967d No.1545119

File: b59a2a840d9ba31⋯.png (446.28 KB, 400x500, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

779b6c No.1545132

Useful filters apparently has its own thread now. The link at the top is almost a week old.


41e091 No.1545143


High maintenance.

fba430 No.1545145

File: a38f7c368280fa9⋯.png (825.54 KB, 720x896, 45:56, IMG_1700.PNG)

Thank you, Baker!

779b6c No.1545146

File: c0ffb1b0919cfc2⋯.gif (52.43 KB, 768x528, 16:11, comfy.gif)

2319dd No.1545147


I bet McCabe knows where the bodies are buried!

3821f4 No.1545150

File: aecb81d3b1f152b⋯.png (279.51 KB, 622x569, 622:569, ClipboardImage.png)

41e091 No.1545152


Maybe there are mass graves that haven't been uncovered yet.

cf8f21 No.1545154

File: e5708f6c29d4799⋯.jpg (15.29 KB, 480x360, 4:3, desert caravan.jpg)

File: 260a46da7ed455b⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 500x284, 125:71, mideast caravan.jpg)



>You might, once. But many people live that way their entire lives.

Well, we are humans after all, that is what we have been adapted to do. We owe our evolutionary history to the countless humans who have made such migrations across diverse terrestrial environments for 10's of thousands of years. The only thing that has really changed is the means of travel.

But, in the case of this picture, my guess is that UNESCO promised them a great prosperous life in Europe if they were to make the trip. A false promise made NOT out of compassion, but rather to fulfill an evil agenda to bring cultural genocide to those living in Europe.

And in the case of Libya, the offer to migrate was only sweetened when their fresh drinking water came to an abrupt end for 4 million people following the US led NATO bombing of the pumping stations of Qaddafi's great man-made river authority.



Is it not ironic that your tax dollars actually may have been involved with the decision of these folks to migrate? Let that sink in...

0b6c04 No.1545157

File: 34d5922ebd0c40f⋯.png (4 MB, 1468x2112, 367:528, ClipboardImage.png)


54fed0 No.1545158

You’ve been at this for so long,you should recognize MM stooges.

They are sore thumbs.

She wasn’t supposed to lose.

Do not let boss down.

He has so much faith in each and every one of you.

Your future depends on it.

Your children’s future depends on it.

Don’t let them fall into their trap.

253a00 No.1545159

>>1545148 lb

i dont doubt you one bit but sauce

f70446 No.1545160

File: d8bf34c5aaa4baa⋯.png (33.33 KB, 639x331, 639:331, Cornyn to CNN Raju re Leak….PNG)

Texas Senator to CNN reporter

831d0e No.1545161

Are there any anons here that were around when Q was gone for 10 days at the end of December?

1bafe5 No.1545162

File: 4b8bc10545f1d74⋯.jpg (452.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Dontwannabe.jpg)

"In recent years and even decades, too many people have forgotten that truth. They have forgotten that our ancestors trounced an empire, tamed a continent, and triumphed over the worst evils in history. In every generation, there have been cynics and critics that try to tear down America. But in recent years, the problem grew worse. A growing number used their platforms to denigrate America’s incredible heritage, challenge America’s sovereignty, and weaken America’s pride.

We know the truth, will speak the truth, and defend that truth. America is the greatest fighting force for peace, justice, and freedom in the history of the world. And in case you have not noticed, we have become a lot stronger lately. A lot. We are not going to apologize for America. We are going to stand up for America. No more apologies. We are going to stand up for our citizens. We are going to stand up for our values. And we are going to stand up for our men and women in uniform.

Because we know that a nation must have pride in its history to have confidence in its future. We are the nation that built the highways, the railroads, the Empire State Building in one year, the Golden Gate Bridge, and we are the nation that built the Panama Canal.

We trekked the mountains, explored the oceans, and settled the vast frontier. We won two world wars, defeated communism and fascism, and put a man on the face of the moon. We cured disease, pioneered science, and produced timeless works of art that inspire the human soul. And on distant islands, far-away battlefields, above the skies and beneath the sea, the entire world has borne witness to the unstoppable strength, skill, and courage of the United States Navy and the American Marines.

Each of you enters service at a truly exciting time for our country. For we are witnessing the great reawakening of the American spirit and of American might. We have rediscovered our identity, regained our stride, and we are proud again. Prosperity is booming at home. Our economy is the strongest it has ever been. And our country has regained the respect that we used to have long ago abroad. Yes, they are respecting us again. Yes, America is back."

~President Trump Speech exerpt from the United States Naval Academy Graduation Ceremony

21cff8 No.1545163

2319dd No.1545164

2f42f5 No.1545165

Well "happy hunting" I'm out. Gonna watch something more productive like Family Guy. Probably won't be back. I have enough problems. I don't want to get hooked on the Q crack pipe, again. But you guys have fun for the next few months, or years, in your exercise in futility. I'm sure you'll make the history books. By Snowden. You got em'. You got em good!

ad833d No.1545166




9aab55 No.1545167









Date and time photo taken….

>exif:DateTime: 2018:04:10 02:09:49

Date and time photo uploaded to computer file…

date:create: '''2018-05-25T18:03:40-06:00

date:modify: 2018-05-25T18:03:40-06:00'''

41e091 No.1545168


>Is it not ironic that your tax dollars actually may have been involved with the decision of these folks to migrate?

Some on the left have been led to believe it's due to climate change.

253a00 No.1545169



30bf24 No.1545170

b45a73 No.1545171


No, that’s a human skull; they bind their heads when they are baby’s while their skull bones are still soft, tons of info on this, some cultures in Africa still do it. Why did they start is the question. To make the basketball team?

f70446 No.1545172


Technically CBTS, but yes

f1c945 No.1545173


Bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

831d0e No.1545174



Oh good! I thought we had been completely infiltrated by noobs.

1bafe5 No.1545175




Man it must really suck to be the left.

fa1502 No.1545176


I believe they feed them to livestock, specifically pigs. Why do you think pork isn't kosher?

6112b6 No.1545177


maby you listen to too much pink floyd

b55574 No.1545178

File: 44458c384c320bd⋯.png (60.06 KB, 1016x287, 1016:287, ClipboardImage.png)

Did someone post this yet?


ad833d No.1545179

File: acdf957b3e7b435⋯.png (131.65 KB, 276x331, 276:331, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

7d9439 No.1545180



222cd8 No.1545181


Fuck ya, and all the shit that went down during those 10 day… JA/US Navy twatter thing, planes turning around all over the place, power outages, John Legend/ Chrissy Tigen ect….

d46ef0 No.1545182

File: fa7ddbfcede044f⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1685x1313, 1685:1313, HRChell1.png)

thanks baker!

(reposting per request)

meme it up anons!

d40291 No.1545183

File: 757ee38682d703b⋯.png (220.6 KB, 601x513, 601:513, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


I've been here forever. KEK!!

253a00 No.1545184


yes im aware of the bindings and also on feet bindings and also on neck stretching

but these was nephilim, they was giants

831d0e No.1545185


617aa8 No.1545186


Yes, we've evolved since then.

We know so much more.







30e412 No.1545187



It's memorial weekend. Chillax.

3821f4 No.1545188

C stands for Corrupt

C==BS , AB==C== , NB==C== , MSNB==C

BB==C== , VI==C==E

and of course #1 ==C==NN

7f36a0 No.1545189

File: 72bf267bbb7fc69⋯.jpg (160.82 KB, 610x510, 61:51, ren and stimpy dj 3.jpg)

95d9f2 No.1545190

Has anyone else wondered why Q chose the most esoteric number related to the "Illuminati".

7cc96e No.1545191



41e091 No.1545192


Hmmm…..good point!

aa26cb No.1545193


Hardest time in my life by far. It was almost as bad as trying to quit facebook for two weeks and then going on a Candycrush binge partially fueled by meth.

f69fb7 No.1545194

File: fceac45018df359⋯.png (44.02 KB, 631x256, 631:256, checkmate.png)

253a00 No.1545195


and dont forget the gay porn

5c7488 No.1545196

File: 7fd386bdd60ee0f⋯.png (893.93 KB, 728x910, 4:5, y73w3xC.png)

d46ef0 No.1545197


or C = Communist

either works anon lol

4f8240 No.1545198




2319dd No.1545199


Most are just lurking and trusting the plan. Those who know just, well…….know!

3821f4 No.1545200

C stands for Corrupt



NB==C== MSNB==C==




d40291 No.1545201

File: 8dcb58ad1389e7b⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1608x1080, 67:45, IMG_20180223_235154_proces….jpg)


Make sure you all go take a dump on Netflix and the Obamas on Twatter if you Twat. Roseanne set it up. Funny shit. KEK!!


0b6c04 No.1545202

File: ccfeb71448b7e7d⋯.png (529.66 KB, 925x926, 925:926, ClipboardImage.png)

7f36a0 No.1545203


Yes indeedy

831d0e No.1545204







Glad to see y'all here still! And yes, what a crazy 10 days those were!

902652 No.1545205

File: 57845f6c5c170e8⋯.jpg (328.93 KB, 2252x1197, 2252:1197, 20180525_190527-1.jpg)

File: 37444d21ef03330⋯.jpg (324.23 KB, 1600x1328, 100:83, 20180525_145155-1-1.jpg)


To whom it may concern,

These were some funny shit earlier in the day.

But it's not necessary to target good guys.

Anyway, good job!

08967d No.1545206

File: fbdc69d8c5aebfe⋯.png (1.55 MB, 807x1023, 269:341, ClipboardImage.png)

b55574 No.1545207


What this mean? I posted just in case.

22eab2 No.1545208

>>1545071 (last)

nah, dont care to drag imgs from desk 2 phone...boards compd anyway...either BO is complicit or negligent...letting (((BV))) fuck up the breads on a regular basis...deleting posts, massbans, fatgrillteats., >>1491371

nah...i take my memes elsewhere...(((you))) are faggot.

253a00 No.1545209

File: 29712591b1b8bb5⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 480x475, 96:95, pinkfloyde.jpg)

3821f4 No.1545210

C stands for Corrupt

==C== BS

AB ==C==

NB ==C==

MSNB ==C==

BB ==C==

VI ==C== E

==C== NN

2adf00 No.1545212

File: d2a11115544ede0⋯.jpg (176.29 KB, 1086x941, 1086:941, Capture.JPG)


5c7488 No.1545213

File: 87fbbfa66f1958d⋯.jpg (216.37 KB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, goD_6sQ-I8bOc2Elh_bkCtZfb9….jpg)

3af3b8 No.1545214

File: b1cee6e5ffd8165⋯.jpg (85.92 KB, 564x798, 94:133, 33403313_1696851593741534_….jpg)

I'm wondering if the shooter in Indiana was black, hispanic, or muslim…

They sure are being tight lipped about this one when they usually parade everything around…

b55574 No.1545215

File: 0465aac081fc55b⋯.png (60.71 KB, 1911x444, 637:148, ClipboardImage.png)


519a94 No.1545216


Yet when bush came to visit my base they had all of us stationed there quarantined off to the other side of the base and not even allowed to look at his plane from a distance. Only a small delegation of trusted leadership was allowed anywhere near him. Rumour was that he was afraid of his own troops.

95d9f2 No.1545217

Here are just some examples of the power of 23…

1. In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosones. 22 of these pairs look the same in both men and women, the 23rd pair is the sex chromosone and that is different for men and women. Women have two X chromosones while men have one X and one Y chromosone.

2. Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by numerous enemies in the Roman Senate. His stab wounds were said to number 23

3. William Shakespeare is believed to have been born on 23 April 1564 and he died on 23 April in 1616, aged 52. The number 23 was the constant in these two dates.

4. Psalm 23 (The Lord is my shepherd…) is the most famous and quoted of the Psalms.

5. The first Morse code transmission was ‘What has God wrought?’ This is a passage from the Bible, Numbers 23:23.

6. Famous occultist Aleister Crowley credited himself with inventing William Churchill’s V for victory hand sign. He said he created it as a mystic symbol to counter the Nazi’s usage of the swastika. The V sign is made by a hand keeping 2 fingers up with 3 digits down…

7. Whilst at Manchester United, David Beckham wore a lucky number 7 red shirt. When he transferred to Real Madrid, he wore the number 23, which he also wore in America for LA Galaxy.

8. One of many conspiracy theories about the terrorist attacks known as 9/11 is that the numbers involved in the date (9+11+2+0+0+1) add up to the number 23. Is it possible as some do to believe in the power of a number?

8239d2 No.1545218

File: 73ed7b39487a7a2⋯.jpg (147.22 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, St._Padre_Pio1.jpg)

54fed0 No.1545219

06efe0 No.1545220


Arrow 18


Arrow R

Warr or

Posted at 9:00PM




4aa966 No.1545221


What's that planeanon?

0b6c04 No.1545222

File: 3e04d9b3d5a2d28⋯.png (371.52 KB, 734x683, 734:683, ClipboardImage.png)

e94fce No.1545223

File: b3bceb759e48e49⋯.jpg (273.16 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ComfyQ.jpg)



I'm comfier now so not jonesin like back then. Still a little anxious though.

4f8240 No.1545224

File: 5fe646debf08e21⋯.jpeg (30.99 KB, 600x563, 600:563, fukkensaved.jpeg)

1a1182 No.1545225

3821f4 No.1545226

C stands for Corrupt








b55574 No.1545227

File: 632403348e96402⋯.png (163.53 KB, 1270x504, 635:252, ClipboardImage.png)

OMG. CNN wants IN.

ad833d No.1545228

File: a1b93cb6bf7754b⋯.jpeg (10.57 KB, 304x166, 152:83, download (1).jpeg)

6112b6 No.1545229


C stands for CUNT because thats what your ass is for spamming

06efe0 No.1545230

File: 210c86ed017817f⋯.png (546.64 KB, 644x794, 322:397, 210c86ed017817f1476f24e665….png)

>>1544978 (forgot to add twat pic)

Arrow 18


Arrow R

Warr or

Posted at 9:00PM




cce433 No.1545231

File: c084f118f3ac583⋯.png (509.92 KB, 508x544, 127:136, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

The oar makes it 5:25 on the circle (clock)

aa26cb No.1545232


>some cultures in Africa still do it. Why did they start is the question. To make the basketball team?

Well this one is easy. I would like to solve the puzzle but first gimme a choppa, island full of midget hookers and 10 kilos of top notch fda approved cia made cocaine. i'll take legit pharma drugs as substitutes too, i ain picky

7d9439 No.1545233

Lengthy quiet periods from Q:

Dec 25-Jan 4

Feb 24-Mar 3

Mar 23 (actually really late Mar 22) - Mar 28

Several 4-day absences

b45a73 No.1545234


Giants, Kangs, whatev…

08b1ec No.1545235

File: 958449fa4c02350⋯.png (585.56 KB, 1034x1466, 517:733, Screenshot_20180526-101427….png)

>Clinton wants to run Facebook because of its capacity for spreading news. She called the tech giant the “biggest news platform in the world.”

>“Most people in our country get their news, true or not, from Facebook,” Clinton said. “It really is critical to our democracy that people get accurate information on which to make decisions.”

>Dream on, Hillary.

617aa8 No.1545236

File: e5037d44652a8e3⋯.png (592.54 KB, 880x635, 176:127, Trump Relax I've got This.png)

831d0e No.1545237


War w/ Hussein?

f70446 No.1545238


DoD pic taken May 16, 2018


7ee264 No.1545239


Yep, been following since beginning of Nov. Now, I come here for the day's news first. More informative. :) We should always keep this going - anons for truth news site, even after this bout with Q ends.

ad833d No.1545240


Feb 1-5

3a5876 No.1545241



Relax, he'll be back soon enough.

fa2315 No.1545242

cf8f21 No.1545243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Some on the left have been led to believe…

And some had their heads in the sand, while the rest had their heads so far up BO's ass that they were not even aware that Hillary& BO were behind the neo-liberal globalist agenda to destroy this country.

a2efc1 No.1545244

File: fc530d2d0350b5a⋯.jpg (133.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fire.jpg)


Fight fire with fire.

The "laws" Obama set in place for when Hillary was to win actually are being used against them.

They never thought she would lose.

653a76 No.1545245


Just when I thought all of the redhead women was going to keep me from sinful thought. Then this…

6112b6 No.1545246


just don't get caught up in the YT BS

ad833d No.1545247

File: 8ee70b44d5f2fb2⋯.png (40.54 KB, 796x331, 796:331, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

694cfe No.1545248


aaaaaaaaaaand love you for that. nohomo.

1ca4c1 No.1545249

File: 08aa5db79e161f4⋯.jpg (199.16 KB, 660x484, 15:11, 20180526_004616.jpg)


Thank you anon. God bless you ALL patriots!

A few shills can't deter the TRUTH. I know how these "people" operate, believe me.


253a00 No.1545250


seen on local news this morning

said 2 people injured

1 kid shot

1 sprained ankle

shooter in custody

middle school

hours after it was over

news was saying they dont know why swat was in there not letting anyone in.

also said there was confusion and high school also went on ld

4d1e0f No.1545251


I am the anon who said

"Hello, my name is anon and I am a Qaholic"

It was a good therapy bread.

c6f898 No.1545252

ba0ddc No.1545253

File: bbcdf204e97578b⋯.png (35.25 KB, 2068x1236, 517:309, timeline.png)

7d9439 No.1545254

File: d3353b654c78c71⋯.png (311.13 KB, 516x514, 258:257, ClipboardImage.png)



Such a dirty, dirty mind, anon!

I only saw pic related.

No, JK, I saw that too.

9a3dd4 No.1545255

File: f56a752e7be89f1⋯.jpg (51.2 KB, 1184x488, 148:61, No results.jpg)




(last bread)

The Woodlands Mall, a suburb of Houston Texas? No results found on their web page.

6112b6 No.1545256


do you need some milk and cookies?

a71994 No.1545257

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….png)


At least I'm vegetarian.

95d9f2 No.1545258

File: d5bec545d74ab2b⋯.png (328.95 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Screenshot_2018-03-02-21-2….png)

6. Famous occultist Aleister Crowley credited himself with inventing William Churchill’s V for victory hand sign. He said he created it as a mystic symbol to counter the Nazi’s usage of the swastika. The V sign is made by a hand keeping 2 fingers up with 3 digits down…

Motherfuckers. I KNEW it!!!

I knew you would show yourself. You cant help but piss all over your stuff.

21cff8 No.1545259

File: 53a42bca57d15a9⋯.jpg (54.79 KB, 858x536, 429:268, 53a42bca57d15a95512b964695….jpg)


KeK. Member that.

2f50f6 No.1545260

>>1544288 (OP of this topic) lb:

>>1543638 (other reply to OP)

>>1544195 (this anon's reply)

>>1544288 (OP's reply to anon)

Don't know what made OP of the blackboard digg think this anon (teacherfag post) was a dyncorp shill. Walked the dog thinking about it, still confuzed. After a long workfag week, maybe didn't catch the connection that school shootings were coordinated via BB, but wasn't trying to slide from that, just agreeing that BB was sketchy bc linked to marxist bullshit.

Post was meant to amplify the digg and its reply post about BB's prevalence in college and suspected use in high schools.This anon's prior work for DoD was as pharmafag, contractor. Choice to leave industry for Ed was mine, not supported. (Not a cabal asset--hardly. Live in poverty as patriot).

The shill barrage we endure gets in your head I know. John Carpenter's "The Thing" treats the subject well, of not knowing who in your ranks is an impostor. (Carpenter also did the iconic "They Live.") Anyway, when in doubt, always err on the side of suspicion, so no hard feelings on this end. Just wanted to reply for the anons studying this stuff (as I do) to try to figure out what the hell's going on. Anyone who felt this anon's post was real, your bullshit detector isn't off. It's just I replied at a more culture related level of discussion than OP. But we do have to respect that the core of qresearch is DIGGS, not culture-level impressions. Qresearch should mainly be for discussing source data, not feels and personal experiences. So sorry to have slid from that.

Ultimately it's about digging for yourself, so don't take any of our words for it. Always verify sources. No other strategy for resisting disinfo is effective.

831d0e No.1545261




Not worried about Q being gone, was worried there was no original Q anons left with people shilling 'Q is gone forever' stuff. Now moar comfy knowing oldies are here too.

93c05d No.1545262


Agreed Anon!

aa26cb No.1545263


> the most esoteric number related to the "Illuminati".

live fast, troll hard, bring down bad guys and have a laugh whilst doin it

you never seen boxers talk smack between throwing punches? funniest shit in the world because they exchange blows afterward.

363645 No.1545264

File: 5ad8aaf19b7490f⋯.png (693.93 KB, 833x668, 833:668, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


3af3b8 No.1545265


That's all I'm seeing also.

I'm guessing the shooter had the sprained ankle.

a71994 No.1545266


Time to destroy FB.

1bafe5 No.1545267




Congress filed HRes 907 for baddy FBI/DOJ/FISA abuse/why clinton probe ended/2nd special counsel




Nice catch bro, haven't seen it yet.

7d9439 No.1545268


The later ones were actually tougher. I had a really bad flu over Christmas/New Years so I wasn't in the mood for lurking or digging.

4189d4 No.1545269





Adolph didn't win. Winners write history. Anything else is a sell.

The closest you'll get to the truth of what really happened is researching Patton, and how he felt about the war once Germany surrendered, and stuff was being divvied up amongst the globalists.

Then research what happened to Patton after he opened his mouth about it.

Good day.

0b6c04 No.1545270


we're still here. just lurking until the shit floats down river…

6112b6 No.1545271


oh i know. you're now safespaceanon

fa2315 No.1545272


When he says, Enjoy the Show, something is about to happen. In this case, HW perp walk and maybe suicide weekend.

Q will return after the SHOW.

0f94a6 No.1545273

File: d467f6ea331bade⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 467.13 KB, 1932x1809, 644:603, IMG_6588.JPG)


NEVER FORGET those who gave All for us to be able to have the FREEDOM to be here digging for truth & exposing the Cabal!


667b01 No.1545274


Watch the water:

Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System

"In a nutshell, whoever controls NSAS, controls the economies, foreign policies and destinies of several countries in the region, not just north-eastern Africa," explains Saeedi.





1bcb01 No.1545275


BAKER Notable

b55574 No.1545276

File: 33adae639d7bcb7⋯.png (46.41 KB, 1445x438, 1445:438, ClipboardImage.png)

An Indiana middle school student armed with two handguns opened fire inside his science classroom Friday, authorities said, wounding a classmate and a teacher whose swift intervention was credited with saving lives.

The shooter, who had asked to be dismissed from the class before returning with the guns, was arrested "extremely quickly" after the incident around 9 a.m. at Noblesville West Middle School, police Chief Kevin Jowitt said. Authorities didn't release his name or say whether he had been in trouble before but indicated he likely acted alone.

Seventh-grader Ethan Stonebraker said the student was acting suspiciously when he walked into the room while the class was taking a test. He said science teacher Jason Seaman likely averted a catastrophe.

"Our science teacher immediately ran at him, swatted a gun out of his hand and tackled him to the ground," Stonebraker said. "If it weren't for him, more of us would have been injured for sure."

Stonebraker told ABC News that Seaman threw a basketball at the shooter and ran toward the bullets as screaming students sought cover behind a table.

He said he also knew the suspected gunman, whom he described as "a nice kid most of the times" and said he often joked with the classmates.

"It's just a shock he would do something like that," Stonebraker said.

The attack comes a week after an attack at a high school in Santa Fe, Texas, that killed eight students and two teachers, and months after the school attack that killed 17 people in Parkland, Florida. The Florida attack inspired students from that school and others throughout the country to call for more restrictions on access to guns.

Seaman's brother, Jeremy Seaman, told The Indianapolis Star that his brother was shot three times and was undergoing surgery. He said he was conscious after the shooting and talked with his wife, telling her he was OK.

Jason Seaman, 29, of Noblesville was in good condition Friday night, police spokesman Lt. Bruce Barnes said. The injured student, a girl, was in critical condition, Barnes said. Her name has not been released.


8c73db No.1545277

File: 8e0cec33eb125c2⋯.jpg (74.45 KB, 800x600, 4:3, pattontruth.jpg)

File: fa6752b14a4b210⋯.jpg (290.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, pattontruth2.jpg)

File: cdbb109232bab49⋯.jpg (87.74 KB, 512x369, 512:369, pattontruth3.jpg)


We know. Pics related.

aa26cb No.1545278


i think someone is trying to send us a signal

thigh space thigh

5 : 5


01461e No.1545279


We'll drive them out as soon as you name 'them'.

93c05d No.1545280

1bf549 No.1545281


you really don't know what is going on right now?


never ask me4.

I AM I Know.

54fed0 No.1545282


He didn’t have scandals he wasn’t embarrassed by.

He enjoyed all the anti American activities he was engaged in.

Post American World.

Scum. Slime.

Want another like it?

Stay the course.

Keep your head in the game.

We’re counting on you to hit an irrevocable irreversible nugget of truth that even a hardline communist could not ignore.

c818e4 No.1545283

File: 8d70faff6061f35⋯.png (518.2 KB, 1160x2446, 580:1223, ClipboardImage.png)


I thought I remembered him. Chased out from the FBI and then given a cushy job at HILTON by (((them))) to keep him quiet.

Other goodies are off to the side, but I don't have an account to see them myself. Note Steinbach…


YES and THANK YOU…newfags please take note and calm your tits. Take this time to dig, archive, organize, and/or pray. Stay comfy.

1bcb01 No.1545284

File: 3123c3c333ea817⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 2816x2112, 4:3, Digging.jpg)

6112b6 No.1545285


Q is here 24/7 anon just like ED

7d9439 No.1545286


Is that yours, anon?

That is nice – some serious autism.

I started to put something together and only got up to maybe 450 or so. I should really use this down time to catch up. (or I could use it to catch up on life. naw, on second thought…)

3a5876 No.1545287

File: 24cc3809328d7d5⋯.jpg (96.11 KB, 815x315, 163:63, Q Blade Runner.jpg)

8c73db No.1545288

File: 8c2ab1e82837fc0⋯.jpeg (21.19 KB, 474x478, 237:239, belikevlad.jpeg)


Enjoy the show. If BO et all gets their shit together and clean this board up a bit - maybe throw in some news from Q on israel or very specific race angle stuff that helps, anons will be all over this shit, original AND new.


cbed26 No.1545290


The narcissistic nigger from Kenya is so pathologically deluded that he actually believes that.

08967d No.1545291

File: 52c39b2f59e2e51⋯.png (6.95 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

ca9834 No.1545292


it wasn't so bad… when he started posting again.

01461e No.1545293



363645 No.1545294


Well, it made me kek b/c when the truth comes out, that'll be a great line.

fa2315 No.1545295


Of course they are monitoring…Not as Q

18595b No.1545296


that's puuuuurdy


b55574 No.1545297

Judge Orders Alaska Prison to Stop Serving Pork Products to Muslim Inmates During Ramadan

A judge has ruled that a prison in Alaska needs to provide meals that do not contain pork to Muslim inmates who were allegedly being “starved” after they were fed pork products during Ramadan.

The decision was handed down by the judge on Friday, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The decision comes after CAIR filed a lawsuit on Tuesday on behalf of two Muslim inmates at the Anchorage Correctional Complex.

The suit claimed the correctional officers at the jail left Muslim inmates “starved” because they were not receiving proper meals during Ramadan. CAIR said in a statement that the two inmates were given “less than half the calories they require—as little as 500 calories on some days—which amounts to a starvation diet.”


95f832 No.1545298

File: f0d17e851807a29⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1510x1204, 755:602, whites.png)

File: d7d92a6007645d3⋯.png (131.72 KB, 370x236, 185:118, whites1.png)

File: 957d5db6275d0b1⋯.png (164.68 KB, 1232x434, 88:31, whites2.png)


cbed26 No.1545299


Impeach that POS judge!

6112b6 No.1545300


even firewatch is here all the time you just have to learn how they communicate

3337f6 No.1545301

Allison Mack [NXIVM] arrested [date]?

When does a bird sing?

Schneiderman resigns [date]?


Eyes Wide Open.

Who will be next?

Watch NYC.

Watch CA.


When is National Suicide Prevention Week End..?

This one are the Next one.

cf8f21 No.1545302


>Watch the water:

>Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System

Interesting! Thanks anon

08967d No.1545303

File: aac9312d49518e3⋯.png (549.63 KB, 923x519, 923:519, ClipboardImage.png)

831d0e No.1545304


Yes the 10 days Q was "gone" was actually pretty epic.


7ee264 No.1545305


Kinda thinking once you really fall down this particular rabbit hole, there's no walking away. :) Been reading this every day since the birth of CBTS on 4chan - this whole experience has the ring of truth I don't get anywhere else. Here till the end. I want to "KNOW ALL".

fa2315 No.1545306


Impeach indeed.

01461e No.1545307


Sure is.

8c73db No.1545308

File: 6a309cf332fadaa⋯.jpg (92.77 KB, 640x482, 320:241, msmroasted.jpg)


The only thing mudslimes need to be served is violation of their physical selves and plenty of bacon juice until they are dead. ENOUGH BULLSHIT.

93c05d No.1545309


This pisses me off. Why do we cater to criminals. Eat what is served to you or go hungry. We need to bring back old values…don't reward bad behavior…ever!

aa26cb No.1545310


>I had a really bad flu over Christmas/New Years so I wasn't in the mood for lurking or digging.

That was no flu. Are you a caucasian of European descent?

a71994 No.1545311


that is as the code of the DNA/Barcode

3821f4 No.1545312

File: ad0ef9379925ec2⋯.png (57.84 KB, 664x567, 664:567, ClipboardImage.png)

ba0ddc No.1545313



Made it myself, yes. yw.

cbed26 No.1545314


Learn to spot patterns of sound words.

0b6c04 No.1545315

File: b9680bbac601578⋯.png (558.92 KB, 1510x1092, 755:546, ClipboardImage.png)

We're finally invading Canada.

522208 No.1545316

As much as it pains me to say this, but I just saw a comment on Conservative Treehouse that said Barry also shook all the hands of the USNA graduating class of 2009. A video was linked but it's just a recording of the whole event. Checked to see if I could find it in print but came up empty. Not an autist so it being a slow night could someone vet this please and thank you? Would love to call BS on that comment.

f70446 No.1545317


Talk to the United States Supreme Court.

That is considered a dietary need based on religion.

222cd8 No.1545318


Are times a changing???

b55574 No.1545319


Love the image.

d40291 No.1545320

File: 4a7bf3dcf00be0a⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 960x868, 240:217, 4a7bf3dcf00be0a7832519c494….jpg)

File: 7c172c4625885e7⋯.jpg (54.66 KB, 568x376, 71:47, RedPillCannonPepesArmy.JPG)

File: 312ba1c0acb7992⋯.png (69.12 KB, 319x440, 29:40, Screen Shot 2018-04-08 at ….png)

File: e43e0ef34d378a5⋯.jpg (19.83 KB, 237x255, 79:85, f9076c8c760e0375a0382b7423….jpg)


100%. I almost have another board set up for our normie buddies so I can expose them to this amazing team of brilliant weirdo super hero world saving shit posters.

This is my most comfy spot in the world and I've been here since day one.

I love all you guys (Full Homo)

ab7a9b No.1545321


read about the last nephilim

the red headed giants in cali

indian story was they was eating the people

the men all got together and trapped them in a cave and burned they (_v_)s

08967d No.1545322

File: 035c08bfcf1430d⋯.png (252.67 KB, 582x505, 582:505, ClipboardImage.png)

cce433 No.1545323

File: 692444a418acda2⋯.png (228.23 KB, 825x657, 275:219, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 09d3f9368bd1c4a⋯.png (166.13 KB, 388x425, 388:425, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


Allison Mack tweet 1/18

f70446 No.1545324


And for innocents wrongfully arrested and jailed?

6112b6 No.1545325


it's like learning another language

50fc01 No.1545326

File: 1d1726d78a10d14⋯.jpeg (298.18 KB, 1200x689, 1200:689, DeF7heyXcAY6B0r.jpeg)

To: anons


A friend (even though some of you fgts h8 me…i still love you all.)

ab7a9b No.1545327

File: 2a2b3ec2d522d9f⋯.jpg (59.95 KB, 556x239, 556:239, news - Copy.jpg)

just seen this on fox

885b9c No.1545328

1bf549 No.1545329


remember Q?

I Am.

af6b01 No.1545330


Deff not black. Muslim or immigrant kid of h1b fuck at Lilly probably. Noblesville is affluent

The location of the house they were searching says $$$.

617aa8 No.1545331

File: 2e7927168003b4e⋯.jpg (70.41 KB, 600x583, 600:583, pantysnifferpepe.jpg)

b55574 No.1545332

File: eb0fd3d97dd5cdb⋯.png (955.48 KB, 963x843, 321:281, ClipboardImage.png)

Wining some more. AWESOME!

Trump to Save $100 Million by Slashing Use of Govt. Time on Union Work

President Donald Trump ordered a major overhaul of the civil service system on Friday via three executive orders, according to senior administration officials.

One of the orders will significantly limit the amount of time public employees can spend working for unions while still being paid by the government. The government expects the order to save taxpayers $100 million over the course of a year, according to a senior administration official.

Nearly 1,000 employees spent at least half of their taxpayer-funded time working for unions in 2017, according to a memo by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. American taxpayers paid $177.2 million in 2016 for the time government employees spent performing work for unions, according to the Office of Personnel Management.

Trump’s executive order limits the amount of time federal employees can use for union work to 25 percent. Employees will also no longer be allowed to use taxpayer-funded time to lobby Congress on behalf of unions. The order also prohibits the use of government funds on union appeals against the firing of government workers.

The federal government will also start charging union rent for the use of office space as well as travel costs incurred by employees who spend time working for unions on the taxpayers’ dime.

“Dentists at the Department of Veterans Affairs, air traffic controllers at the Department of Transportation, and tax examiners at the Department of the Treasury are being paid for work they were not hired to do without doing the work they were hired to do,” states a memo from the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

For example, an employee at the Department of Transportation spent 100 percent of his or her time working for a union in 2017 and was paid $187,000 by the government. A nurse anesthetist at the Department of Veterans Affairs made over $190,000 while spending all of her time working for a union.

The term used for the time government employees spend working for unions is “official time.” In 2017, 221 government workers spent at least half their time working for unions while being paid over $100,000 per year.

The second executive order will make it easier for government agencies to fire employees for egregious misconduct. A senior administration official cited research showing that government workers were 44 times less likely to be fired after their first probationary year compared to private sector workers.

The order will also eliminate an Obama-era policy that required agencies who did not fire one employee for a specific type of misconduct to not fire any other employee for the same type of misconduct.

The order also prohibits agencies from hiding information from each other. A senior administration official explained that departments sometimes make deals with employees who they are firing to not disclose information to other agencies, which results in workers who were fired for misconduct and other issues to go on to secure jobs in other government agencies.

The third executive order targets union contracts. These contracts often include provisions that make it harder to fire workers. Meanwhile, the unions often negotiate these contracts while being paid by taxpayers, in effect circumventing the democratic process while using taxpayer money to ask for more taxpayer money.

The order directs all government agencies to renegotiate their union contracts and requires all the contracts to be posted online for the public to review. The executive order also creates a centralized government body to review and negotiate the contracts.


7092d0 No.1545333

It's quite possible the Cabal is using "our money" as an opportunity to destroy competition in the digital marketplace. Who is left if Netflix dies? AMAZON AND HULU

aa26cb No.1545334


>The suit claimed the correctional officers at the jail left Muslim inmates “starved” because they were not receiving proper meals during Ramadan. CAIR said in a statement that the two inmates were given “less than half the calories they require—as little as 500 calories on some days—which amounts to a starvation diet.”

Well shit, have they tried being the descent peacefull Muslims that they were supposed to be and not break some serious ass laws?

Holy Shit, don't want to eat random food and not have a choice about it? Do not commit to a series of bad decisions that end you up in jail.

6112b6 No.1545335



ab7a9b No.1545336


the teacher that tackled him is the one that sprained ankle

i dont think this was a planned ff but they will prolly use it

0263ef No.1545337

File: 460f19b26ec7720⋯.jpg (119.41 KB, 767x763, 767:763, anon by choice.jpg)

File: 1b1c51d3e40152b⋯.jpg (444.28 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, beauty.jpg)

File: 8b637c794d6ca44⋯.jpg (64.54 KB, 272x194, 136:97, freedom.jpg)


The spiritual aspect of the battle can take its toll at times. The stakes are so high, morale is importnat. God Speed, God Bless!

We pray for strength, wisdom and patience.

d40291 No.1545338

File: 15ccee31f521c3e⋯.png (366.96 KB, 758x435, 758:435, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 7199bbc4d7ed165⋯.png (456.61 KB, 714x458, 357:229, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


Who's next??

1bafe5 No.1545339

File: 88e76fbbead5a8e⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 2500x1665, 500:333, Cicerostat2.jpg)


Right on

I just thought it was an odd connection leading to Feinberg and his recent addition to Trumps advisory group.

Crashing out.

Have a good one

395472 No.1545340


Already have, hence why I brought it up.

ab7a9b No.1545341


wasup pantysnifferanon

a71994 No.1545342

File: 85b48ea6a2d6720⋯.png (27.17 KB, 1322x284, 661:142, USVSFIVEYES.png)



8c73db No.1545343


Since Q team has everything, it would be great to see hussein being wound up for execution on public perception with the pic being the final hammer.



0f94a6 No.1545344



12a1cc No.1545345

File: e35255931481a8f⋯.png (27.14 KB, 626x614, 313:307, ClipboardImage.png)

8 signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump's campaign

Funny how the opening sentence in Sharyl Atkisson's article is the only part that contains no evidence to support it. The rest seems well-written.


50fc01 No.1545346



d46ef0 No.1545347

>>1545326 Stringer Crumb Theory


Great work anon!!

7990eb No.1545348


With your enlargement it looks like he's holding a sheep, not a cow? But the tail looks like a tassel. Now I see his right leg and that he's standing . His left leg looks cut off below the knee.

779b6c No.1545349


Why, is this some kind of dox?

013a9f No.1545350


Who is that redhead?

Seems to be in Germany or Austria, right?

617aa8 No.1545351


Gotta get rid of ANY union who's members receive ANY taxpayer money - Federal, State and Local. Total conflict of interest.

f70446 No.1545352


Burn the United States Constitution

0263ef No.1545353


Still here – amazing how far things have come.

Just had a friend text, who I hadn't talked to since Christmas. His text was "Looks like it's all coming true". Perspective helps, amazing how much has been accomplished in that short time

831d0e No.1545354

File: b2ca116a349641f⋯.png (403.44 KB, 1077x1220, 1077:1220, Screenshot_20180526-000118….png)


Saw this earlier today. I hope Trump goes after them HARDDDDDDD.

1bf549 No.1545355


at your fucking service anon.

I love You.

I Am

ab7a9b No.1545356


idk but she is on fire, wowee

4f9042 No.1545357


Fucking KEK.

Is Q…..


Could Tesla have tranceded?

> Transcendence (movie)

Did Tesla turn himself into a quantum computer?

7990eb No.1545358


Definitely need a magnifying glass for this?

b263b4 No.1545359


Of course. A few days is really no big deal. Q will show up when Q can show up.

779b6c No.1545360

File: 532793c5442f07b⋯.png (742.49 KB, 1280x688, 80:43, bricktop.png)

aa26cb No.1545361


If many were a highly intelligent species of non Earth origin and found Earth.

Found already evolved primitive hominid species that were well adapted to local solar system and earth environment.

Would these many try and make enhanced hominid hybrids with extraterrestrial DNA?

For some reason I just had this idea of a science experiment gone wrong.

93c05d No.1545362


Eat what is served to you or go hungry. Many on the streets scrounge in dumpsters for left-over pickings….better something than nothing to eat.

013a9f No.1545363

File: 07b73bc86d51610⋯.png (1.26 MB, 895x895, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Too many redheads

Time for GREEN-EYED girls

d40291 No.1545364

File: 11667d0cc26683c⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 2e1fe26cacf6dc2441e0314d75….jpg)

File: 5bb21164ac647be⋯.jpg (5.91 KB, 255x128, 255:128, 9fa2a4451ad1566423158a07c0….jpg)

File: 7155cf5855dc7bd⋯.jpg (17.18 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 444794ff887427ae8284aa3429….jpg)

File: 5b919d7013c6e9e⋯.jpg (22.12 KB, 255x255, 1:1, bb20eb789f04fc80f873a77c29….jpg)


LOL!! I bet I've said 1,000 times how much I love these simple PePe's. KEK!!

And I'm truly NoHomo, but some Anon said that one night a long time ago and I nearly died laughing, so I had to do it at least once.


Drive ON!!

4d1e0f No.1545365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I had a thought Anons in regards to all of the Space talk and Moon colony talk. Admiral Byrd was on the record talking about all of the land and resources beyond Antarctica. What if the earth was actually a really really really big ball? Let's say 100 times larger than we are being told. There would be whole continents and massive amounts of land to explore, discover and colonize. Plenty of space to spread out. Maybe that's what the flat earth psyop is hiding. Maybe what we know as earth is just a tiny portion of the whole planet. Idk, just a thought but it would make sense imo.

694cfe No.1545366


…..you brilliant fuck.

67e03d No.1545367

File: f065e07423a5360⋯.png (1.11 MB, 2024x930, 1012:465, the case against dyncorp p….png)

File: b9c2cf2df2cf9dc⋯.png (975.72 KB, 2519x1106, 2519:1106, case against dyncorp pg 3.png)

File: 1cdd98ad5237fac⋯.png (1.04 MB, 2490x1109, 2490:1109, Case against dyncorp pg 2.png)

File: 412e8a11600a88e⋯.png (702.16 KB, 2501x1160, 2501:1160, Case against dyncorp 1.png)

File: 29fc97c37258f91⋯.png (183.88 KB, 1362x738, 227:123, DynCorp infograph.png)


moar dig on dyncorp

Human Trafficing

Defense Contract fuckary

Organ Trafficing


I have the full PDF. Can post origional Sauce for DL, but if there is an

anon who knows how to archive, Or a good site for anon-uploading

(beyond my technical ability on mac)

Please identify yourself and I will post it. (don't want to give (((them)))

a chance to scrub it any further.

Looked on major searchengines and could not find this PDF,

again i'm not very technically inclined compared to autists so i might

just be failing.

Dyncorp connects corporations i have seen Anons mention before,




Dupont Vaccine Company

to HIllary clinton, Ron Burke, Steve Feinberg

222cd8 No.1545368

22eab2 No.1545369


Fuck him and his NLP-talk

<NLP != niggerlip

cbed26 No.1545370


Well, if they're so goddamned religious, why the fuck are they in prison in the first fucking place?

Oh, I forgot. Their gutter religion calls for raping and killing infidels.

Impeach the motherfucker judge and let's take it to the high court.

831d0e No.1545371


No, was just worried no originals were left here. Looks like plenty are still here though :-)

1bf549 No.1545372


chicken shit…


95d9f2 No.1545373


You just answered yourself. O.o

b55574 No.1545374

File: 40bf97892856432⋯.png (108.41 KB, 1876x726, 938:363, ClipboardImage.png)

50fc01 No.1545375


Thx anon. Just passing along the work of an incredibly talented friend and associate.

Dont forget this too:


f70446 No.1545376


That is not the way the US Constitution works.

You must not be from here.

Or you are an imbecile.

a2d30f No.1545377


Bye Harvey.

ab7a9b No.1545378


i think the renaming evil nephilim are in antartica

with top people doing dna shit.

9a3dd4 No.1545379

File: b9b157cdc059d35⋯.jpg (98.13 KB, 736x736, 1:1, Flat Horizon.jpg)

File: b14649dfcb296f6⋯.jpg (122.52 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Earth Brain.jpg)

File: fe9fbec9770e735⋯.jpeg (77.59 KB, 692x1005, 692:1005, moon light.jpeg)

4d1e0f No.1545380


Well done anon

well done indeed

0263ef No.1545381

cbed26 No.1545382


I learned it quick.

6112b6 No.1545383


what are you getting at?

d40291 No.1545384

File: b33bbb88b2d3ab2⋯.jpg (15.86 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 16f7442845c5cac92d5c786161….jpg)

File: 636d9e9abee9d54⋯.jpg (14.45 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 39154ed851fa622bf15c18ec81….jpg)

File: 0e07e66de3b02e0⋯.jpg (398.45 KB, 696x696, 1:1, AintWoke2 (1).jpg)

File: 0b418c3b929c562⋯.png (69.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, breakthemsm.png)


Oh boy…I bet Don Jr. is licking his chops.

These fuckers are FUCKED!!

0b6c04 No.1545385



a2d30f No.1545386

File: acf072b5664d5b7⋯.jpg (23 KB, 341x268, 341:268, monkey continue.jpg)

c818e4 No.1545387


Notice he has a pattern of leaving at the end-into-beginnings of months…he may not be back until literal D-Day this time kek.


It gets to be a 6th sense lol.


"Blame Canada, blame Canada!" Hehe…


Huh, never seen that one before…GREAT!!

d46ef0 No.1545388


>What if the earth was actually a really really really big ball? Let's say 100 times larger than we are being told. There would be whole continents and massive amounts of land to explore, discover and colonize. Plenty of space to spread out.

very interesting thought anon

not sure though

b55574 No.1545389

File: 1ec05470155a4d9⋯.png (66.56 KB, 1079x736, 1079:736, ClipboardImage.png)

8c57f8 No.1545390


Yeah, look at the f'ing moon moron. STOP THAT SH!T!

cf8f21 No.1545391


yep, same here

831d0e No.1545392

f70446 No.1545393



You go ahead and get busy doing that.

Lets see, holiday weekend, so Tuesday then?

You can tell us how the attorneys you contacted laughed in your face.

1bf549 No.1545394




not even a simple question.

d40291 No.1545395

File: d9e0fbf51a3809b⋯.jpg (125.06 KB, 1252x952, 313:238, sdf67g5sdf87g798ds0g798dfg….jpg)


Not bad…not bad.

A failure, but A+ for the subtle introduction of doubt.

4f8240 No.1545396

File: a8617b849fc417a⋯.png (369.54 KB, 560x272, 35:17, hiding.png)

File: 06ad18940a6dbc2⋯.png (122.49 KB, 234x251, 234:251, cardinaldirections.png)

File: ff81ea35e16c631⋯.png (221.37 KB, 352x318, 176:159, liddlestjames1.png)


So I'm guessing tunnel entrances where they checkboarded out a section of beach?

Never noticed the compass before.

>Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west.

3f6f7c No.1545397

File: 7349040881206c4⋯.png (74.93 KB, 232x272, 29:34, 1523130002359.png)

File: bb7687ee53febc0⋯.png (745.79 KB, 1298x884, 649:442, Barry Soetoro Andrew Basia….png)

File: 48d44da2d158491⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 447x400, 447:400, The-face-of-a-man.jpg)

File: c7861b04765b136⋯.jpg (160.99 KB, 1200x677, 1200:677, DduzakAU8AAE1NH.jpg)

File: 19843df789d6c25⋯.jpg (207.15 KB, 706x486, 353:243, frog-man-killed-fuddy.jpg)

1e8821 No.1545398

File: 3137d7536cc82c3⋯.png (11.89 KB, 645x773, 645:773, WUT.png)


This is legit DIRECT from anon?


6112b6 No.1545399


youing me says nothing. wtf?

8c57f8 No.1545400


Nice! KEK!

6526a2 No.1545401

File: c25d5c960de7156⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1316x976, 329:244, t676tbbght555.png)

>there will never be any arrests

d46ef0 No.1545402

we dug pretty hard on Epstein's island… a month ago

9a3dd4 No.1545403

File: 83d5fdb8c3f5d4c⋯.jpg (406.41 KB, 1258x756, 629:378, Moons.jpg)


You mean this moon?

cbed26 No.1545404


OK. You win.

Give the motherfuckers everything they want.

Because to do anything about it means attorney fucks laugh in your face.

Got it.

0b6c04 No.1545405


so did wjc…

a2d30f No.1545406


Congress cant prosecute squat. Wasting time.

b55574 No.1545407


I think Q said they are force to report the real news? I hope this is the beginning.

222cd8 No.1545408


Writing is on the wall…..

95d9f2 No.1545409


Who are YOU?

c818e4 No.1545410

File: b2545f06cbab7fd⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1280x854, 640:427, ClipboardImage.png)


Not all of them lol!

667b01 No.1545411

File: bd0adf3f498e2e1⋯.jpg (106.69 KB, 600x705, 40:47, IMG_3310.JPG)

cce433 No.1545412


The primitive hominids were not advancing, so the extraterrestrial beings seeded them with their DNA to create hybrids.

Stayed around as "gods" teaching them astronomy, agriculture, mathematics, etc.

Then they left, but still think of us as their relatives.

95f832 No.1545413


Allison Mack arrested 4/20

Schneiderman resigned 5/7

Sounds like more to come soon

National Suicide Prevention week will be 9/23-29… so ends on the 29th?

3a5876 No.1545414


>Too many redheads

Not possible.

0f94a6 No.1545415


You are correct

a2d30f No.1545416


Thigh Gap confirms.

303c7a No.1545417


haha memories

f70446 No.1545418


The US Constitution wins moron.

Try reading it sometime.

For this particular matter you can start with the 8th amendment.

8c57f8 No.1545419


Sh!t happens when you HANG with the WRONG CROWED…

aa26cb No.1545420


Whatever is there, we already got enough info as it is. Clearly Earth has attracted a lot of attention over the years and this attention is not of this solar system.

Do some alien races get a kick when they get to jump in on some backwards upncoming alien species and literally "DNA shape" em in their own image.

Then some Alien white hats swoop in a bit later like Buzz Lightyear and try to clean up the mess?

68e600 No.1545421

File: e30f98079ca9639⋯.jpg (959.28 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0626.JPG)

Q, where are you?

3f6f7c No.1545422

File: 50b6b8627798b50⋯.jpg (152.45 KB, 1010x1200, 101:120, 1511728679012.jpg)

File: c28765545d2556a⋯.jpg (92.06 KB, 720x802, 360:401, 1511722159167.jpg)

File: 87036a3bac437d5⋯.jpg (77.88 KB, 614x640, 307:320, 1511735265679.jpg)

File: a43f2749c80a810⋯.png (3.71 MB, 1591x2348, 1591:2348, Faked_photos footage?.png)

File: 1deeb184f17c934⋯.jpg (84.33 KB, 960x554, 480:277, 13255955_10206293230670027….jpg)


It's called tidal locking, filtered shillfag.

779b6c No.1545423

c7849e No.1545424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Julius Sumner Miller - Physics - Bernoulli pt. 1

e5e225 No.1545425

Horry sheet anons lots of clock and MAP clues in previous bread… thank you helpers. I forgot about that Tesla multiplication thing.

Moar clues!!

6112b6 No.1545426


look shithead go tell corey gag and david shitcock to fuck off.

d46ef0 No.1545427

File: 426990341e5f918⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1335x730, 267:146, pepeMOON.png)


FEshills are the STUPIDEST shills we get

even the "Q is a larp" shills try harder

8c57f8 No.1545428


Round or flat?

ae9e46 No.1545429


Been here since well before Q, and this is the best place to get the daily news by far

7990eb No.1545430

File: ba096e446b6ba95⋯.jpg (48.27 KB, 476x596, 119:149, 5255.JPG)

Maybe because too many people figured out he and his clique did 9/11?


95d9f2 No.1545431

Nephilum means fallen angel yes. But not fallen from grace.

Fallen because they DIED serving THE CAUSE.

766e62 No.1545433


No photographer name.

No lacation name.

No distance named.

Fake and cannot be verified.

Just like you satanists like it.

4e1227 No.1545435

Sky Event.

I'm sure it has multiple meanings as a good portion of what Q gives us is.

The illuminous ones [nuke world order]

one of their closing moves in Clown Playbook 101 is a FF [sky event]

ET invasion.

The Sheep will walk willingly into world government under the guise of needing to defeat this great threat to humanity.

Probably be EU led using a UN army (isil, Hezbollah ect proxies) nothing new there>>>>

United We Stand right>>>>>[not this time clowns]

They are the greater threat to us all WW


ET's will be fake>>>you are wantching a movie, actor's, holographics, CGI msm.


Technology used to invade will be top secret rouge advance technology from earth, holographics, CGI MSM, 40,000ft stealth bombing blamed on LGM>>👽👽

Use Logic

So much proof of advance technology>

Seen it with my own eyes many times///

Little green men….. no real proof what so ever, if you want to bite on anything called proof of them it's tiny compared to advance technology witnessed…..

Logic….. distance to great to travel even at SOL.

Logic…. radiation belts{van Allen}

Any planet with life has a huge problem of getting life those belts alive.

low earth orbit………

low earth orbit………

low earth orbit………

The Killing and death will be very real.

The LGM from outer space will bep luciferian elites and clowns.

Juat one of my thoughts on SKY EVENT

William Copper final thoughts after years of researching advance tech and LGM. Technology yes, LGM not so much. class US docs on ET contact put out because someone would start talking.

[Clowns]shitting on stages trying to set a long game narrative.

Use Logic

d46ef0 No.1545436


^^^^ this shit


sure and I've been here since Nam

af6b01 No.1545437



One kid broke ankle another kid passed out after being evacuated to the high school. Two students shot going to live

Teacher shot 3? times..called out as doa over comms. Not dead. Shooter in custody right away. not I identified. Shooters gf however sought out police for interview immediately.

Side note media wont cover was the pandemonium that occured in the surrounding area. Multiple car wrecks some with people trapped. A matteress caught on fire in yard adjacent to school.

1bafe5 No.1545438

File: d8430db7fa7798a⋯.jpg (259.33 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, iuyuigyh.jpg)

8c57f8 No.1545439



7d9439 No.1545440

File: e52827791a2c727⋯.png (500.9 KB, 1000x755, 200:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a735cefac00d19b⋯.png (509.44 KB, 942x722, 471:361, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30cb596099b6342⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1049x697, 1049:697, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05033a7b40cd247⋯.png (499.68 KB, 965x610, 193:122, ClipboardImage.png)


Checkerboard construction timeline

March 2014: nothing

October 2016: construction activity

>February 2017: completed

<August 2017: gone?

a2d30f No.1545441


Tell it to the Tribunal, Soetero.

ab7a9b No.1545442


uh we started at pol then moved to cbts then here

i was in pol about 2 weeks before Q started posting

93c05d No.1545443


Clown at work

aa26cb No.1545444


>Then they left, but still think of us as their relatives.

Hmmm…sometimes I do wonder.

What are you, taking PTO and shitposting on q from your alien dildocruiser?

8c57f8 No.1545445



c7849e No.1545446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sesame Street Pinball Number Count (All Segments)

617aa8 No.1545447

File: f74864fd1ce48f3⋯.png (11.99 KB, 201x255, 67:85, pepeheart.png)

21cff8 No.1545448


We have NEW Epstein Island Images

>>1542231, >>1542279 New pics from Epstein Island, follow ID >>1542574, >>1542683 List of posts

>>1543094 Link dump re: Epstein

>>1543646 Link to the Epstein Island folder in our Graphics Library (for comparing with the new images)

>>1542844, >>1542906, >>1543070, >>1543071 Update re: Epstein pics

>>1543977 Comparing new Epstein Island images

>>1545167 , >>1545396 Further digging on the new Epstein Island images

54fed0 No.1545449

Where’s LDR?

b55574 No.1545450

In my opinion, this is not a good sign. This maybe a warning sign?

FBI warns Russians hacked hundreds of thousands of routers

(Reuters) - The FBI warned on Friday that Russian computer hackers had compromised hundreds of thousands of home and office routers and could collect user information or shut down network traffic.

The U.S. law enforcement agency urged the owners of many brands of routers to turn them off and on again and download updates from the manufacturer to protect themselves.

The warning followed a court order Wednesday that allowed the FBI to seize a website that the hackers planned to use to give instructions to the routers. Though that cut off malicious communications, it still left the routers infected, and Friday’s warning was aimed at cleaning up those machines.

Infections were detected in more than 50 countries, though the primary target for further actions was probably Ukraine, the site of many recent infections and a longtime cyberwarfare battleground.

In obtaining the court order, the Justice Department said the hackers involved were in a group called Sofacy that answered to the Russian government.

Sofacy, also known as APT28 and Fancy Bear, has been blamed for many of the most dramatic Russian hacks, including that of the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign.

Earlier, Cisco Systems Inc said the hacking campaign targeted devices from Belkin International’s Linksys, MikroTik, Netgear Inc, TP-Link and QNAP.

An FBI official told Reuters that the kinds of devices known to be affected by the hack were purchased by users at electronic stores or online.

However, the FBI was not ruling out the possibility that routers provided to customers by internet service companies could also be affected, the official added.

Cisco shared the technical details of its investigation with the U.S. and Ukrainian governments. Western experts say Russia has conducted a series of attacks against companies in Ukraine for more than a year amid armed hostilities between the two countries, causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damages and at least one electricity blackout.

The Kremlin on Thursday denied the Ukrainian government’s accusation that Russia was planning a cyber attack on Ukrainian state bodies and private companies ahead of the Champions League soccer final in Kiev on Saturday.

“The size and scope of the infrastructure by VPNFilter malware is significant,” the FBI said, adding that it is capable of rendering peoples’ routers “inoperable.”

It said the malware is hard to detect, due to encryption and other tactics.

The FBI urged people to reboot their devices to temporarily disrupt the malware and help identify infected devices.

People should also consider disabling remote-management settings, changing passwords and upgrading to the latest firmware.

Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch in Washington and Joseph Menn in San Francisco; Editing by David Gregorio


6112b6 No.1545451


about a month ago there was a huge explosion on the island. you weren't here for that?

a2d30f No.1545452



22eab2 No.1545453


If ever there was a legitimate time to display "gore", now would be it. KEK

222cd8 No.1545454


Wasn't there a brief stop between CBTS and here? The Storm, it lasted less then a day. Same day Baruch the Shill deleted Q's post I think.

766e62 No.1545455


Boy, I wish I would have thought to do a search on google and read what the cabal says instead of

using my own research and common sense.



bb93a9 No.1545456

File: c29bdcb47cf6be1⋯.png (329.4 KB, 734x678, 367:339, Qeverywhere.png)

File: 0e8f7ea72859d24⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1199x699, 1199:699, Qs-Tacos.png)


>>1544889 from last thread


62624d No.1545457

Regarding board moderation:

Shit has been sorted out. No more bans from here on out. Only dedicated spammers/shills. Ebot/Efag should be filtered via ([*]*)=,e regex. All BVs told to switch tactics, snapshots/warn before ban/follow global rules (which is basically how I moderate) and be as flexible as possible with anons. All BVs primary focus will be to assist anons instead of keeping the board clean. The only bans in the list are currently Ebot/Efag, which will be removed soon to free up IPs.

The BVs don't mean to fuck with our movement. We all mean well, and we will do a better job from now on to show you that. This board belongs to the anons, not the staff.

013a9f No.1545458

File: b6f12d44f09e586⋯.png (572.73 KB, 500x647, 500:647, ClipboardImage.png)


Some redheads have green eyes

d46ef0 No.1545459


I know, the last are from GoogleEarth though lol

617aa8 No.1545460

File: a5b5a3e77efd5b7⋯.png (12.02 KB, 255x167, 255:167, pepe_moon.png)

ab7a9b No.1545461


no nephilim are the offspring of human woman and animals and fallen angels

read your bible ffs

cbed26 No.1545462


Just read it. I'll start with the Preamble to the Constitution:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I don't see how Muslims or their dietary needs fall under the "our Posterity" part. But then I'm a moron, and wonderful upstanding attorneys laugh in my face.

18595b No.1545463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

an anon shared this earlier. Thank you, anon.

This video, alone, really put the whole North Korea situation in to a much clearer perspective for me.

Kind of like… Kim was the misunderstood fat kid in the school yard who became a 'bully' for attention. When, in fact, all he wanted was honest friends with a mutual respect.

Well worth the watch. Thanks again, anon.

On March 3, 2017, the Modern War Institute at West Point hosted a panel discussion on "alternative tools of diplomacy." Panel participants included former NBA all-star Dennis Rodman, Columbia University's Dr. Joseph Terwilliger, and Chris Volo, all of whom have traveled to North Korea and met North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.


a2d30f No.1545464


His wrist is way too limp for that.

222cd8 No.1545465


Praise BO

cce433 No.1545466

File: 60c23c99ad5b48e⋯.jpeg (43.22 KB, 700x1050, 2:3, iu-9.jpeg)

6112b6 No.1545467


BV's need to throw a warno of any deletions before end of bread then.

779b6c No.1545468


Congratulations. You've identified that Q gets vacations and holidays.

4bc2f1 No.1545469


still banned?

e94fce No.1545470

File: 6be1d1316a1e03c⋯.jpg (89.24 KB, 640x640, 1:1, d39c541dafc73142b07c82662c….jpg)


As long as they are green-eyed redheads

4860e6 No.1545471

File: d359519ad13b474⋯.png (822.93 KB, 1200x914, 600:457, 19JmB96X8s1yjqKybVcAwYk8Ln….png)

File: d413f01e9cb722c⋯.mp4 (7.9 MB, 1200x914, 600:457, 19JmB96X8s1yjqKybVcAwYk8Ln….mp4)

12a1cc No.1545472



Add to bread please where future bakers will not cycle it out.

d46ef0 No.1545473



it was comfy with them gone, just bitching about muh BV

Keep banning them IDGAF

95d9f2 No.1545474


Read the Bible Anon says.

Do you really think these fucking child eaters gave YOU a book to YOUR SALVATION?

Are you fucking serious?

ab7a9b No.1545475


i believe so but i was in hospital with me girl so i missed like a week. was so upset i couldnt even phonefag

50fc01 No.1545476

File: 25a955a8aa3ecb2⋯.jpg (617.14 KB, 1200x688, 75:43, 20180526_011618.jpg)






831d0e No.1545477

File: 54061ddbcd24e46⋯.jpg (870.79 KB, 2450x3267, 2450:3267, 20180405_124718(0).jpg)

DynCorp is in McLean VA, or at least one office build is.

a2d30f No.1545478


They should be fed nothing but bacon sandwiches.

c961da No.1545479


Not easy because hard to tell what you are. It could be Jesus 2.0 or some random shill. And how does it help…

What should we do?

7d9439 No.1545480


This was debunked as untrue one or two breads back.

95f832 No.1545481

File: 2a66582b6f8705e⋯.jpeg (1.79 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, jeisland3.jpeg)


Thanks anon. Do you know what this photo is of? IslandAnon had a bunch of this spot, and wasn't sure.

ab7a9b No.1545482


i have my belief u r entitled to urs

667b01 No.1545483


Close, but the spacing is wrong.

3af3b8 No.1545484


Just like Webb brought up… forever ago.

ab7a9b No.1545485


lmfao yea

c818e4 No.1545486


o7 Thx, BO!

95d9f2 No.1545487


EVERYTHING IS A LIE. Where the hell have you been? Under a rock? Mormon boot camp?

8c73db No.1545488

File: 2b64cd007284014⋯.png (164.44 KB, 563x308, 563:308, ohnogoyimknow.png)


https:// squawker.org/world/4chan-user-q-warned-lynn-de-rothschild-about-deadly-plane-crash-3-days-before-it-happened/

We know the mission failed, but we got our second shot and seems it was a success on whomever was the true target ie not LdR.

LdR went off twitter a while ago if I recall. Did she travel to NZ to restart the CF activities? She doesn't exactly publicize her whereabouts.

In custody/dead? I hear ((roths)) have a very direct method of dealing with overly mouthy female members of the family that harms ((their)) interests by talking too openly.

93c05d No.1545489



cce433 No.1545490


That was another island. NOT Epstein island.

62624d No.1545491


Already lifted.

ab7a9b No.1545492


i believe in my creator

if you dont thats your problem

u seriously believe u came from fucking monkeys? lol

95f832 No.1545493


Hooray! Thank you BO!

831d0e No.1545494


Oh that wasn't EI? Bummer.

6112b6 No.1545495


animals? methinks your mixing cayce with the bible anon

8c73db No.1545496

File: 287032ad27ef54f⋯.jpeg (28.42 KB, 474x394, 237:197, Qteamfeelings.jpeg)


Let's fire up the energy. Godspeed, BO.

f70446 No.1545497

ICYMI earlier. POTUS has a new survey out

[look at question 17]





21cff8 No.1545498

File: d22e767ea1eb7ca⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 746x746, 1:1, IMG_2632.GIF)


Naise. Thanks BO. I agree with this.

779b6c No.1545499


Memorial Day is a big armed services holiday anon,

4bc2f1 No.1545500


interesting it didn't show up in the list.

4f8240 No.1545501

File: afcf9058d465ea2⋯.png (13.83 KB, 548x72, 137:18, donteatprocessedfood.png)


Are you sure?


aa26cb No.1545502



I've read several different versions/translations as well as researched the original Greek words themselves. It could also be interpreted as those who fell from the sky.

Sons of Elohim were the ones who sired the nephilim to be with human (hominid) women.

a2efc1 No.1545503

File: 2f9b2c49fb4dc55⋯.jpg (466.19 KB, 2700x1800, 3:2, s37-logo.jpg)

Interesting biblical themed name for next season of Survivor "David vs Goliath".

Clearly, this is about GOOD vs EVIL. I think next season will be great!


4d1e0f No.1545504


Thanks for the update BO.

Good move on the new policy.

4bc2f1 No.1545505

File: 7a4390c756bf915⋯.png (429.23 KB, 933x720, 311:240, ricflairTRUST.png)

ab0198 No.1545506



Erectile dysfunction? 24/7


6112b6 No.1545507


north right?

1bf549 No.1545508



God asked.

there is no time He returns.



i am sorry for this anons.

test failed.

test perfect.

I am only Daniel.

3a5876 No.1545509


I like the original blue better (pic related)


Heh. Cute!

95d9f2 No.1545510


Monkeys. They are still here aren't they? Why the fuck didn't they evolve?

Monkeys. Can you believe people fall for that shit. LOL!

ae9e46 No.1545512


You know what I mean

694cfe No.1545513

File: 54a3a7b0ce77575⋯.jpg (35.64 KB, 640x390, 64:39, 2ef9e738e6c96ff80af84aab78….jpg)


Shouldn't post this then, eh?


Not sorry.

b55574 No.1545514

File: 0c99990f1bcd57c⋯.png (28.87 KB, 941x306, 941:306, ClipboardImage.png)

Get ready for heavy censoring.

ussian disinformation has become a problem for European governments. In the last two years, Kremlin-backed campaigns have spread false stories alleging that French President Emmanuel Macron was backed by the “gay lobby,” fabricated a story of a Russian-German girl raped by Arab migrants, and spread a litany of conspiracy theories about the Catalan independence referendum, among other efforts.

Europe is finally taking action. In January, Germany’s Network Enforcement Act came into effect. Designed to limit hate speech and fake news online, the law prompted both France and Spain to consider counterdisinformation legislation of their own. More important, in April the European Union unveiled a new strategy for tackling online disinformation. The EU plan focuses on several sensible responses: promoting media literacy, funding a third-party fact-checking service, and pushing Facebook and others to highlight news from credible media outlets, among others. Although the plan itself stops short of regulation, EU officials have not been shy about hinting that regulation may be forthcoming. Indeed, when Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg appeared at an EU hearing this week, lawmakers reminded him of their regulatory power after he appeared to dodge their questions on fake news and extremist content.

The recent European actions are important first steps. Ultimately, none of the laws or strategies that have been unveiled so far will be enough. The problem is that technology advances far more quickly than government policies.


825f77 No.1545515

#FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobinson

28260b No.1545516

File: 5c46ed54a342071⋯.jpg (127.62 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 6py9km.jpg)


As the anon who started the gingerslide, I approve this message.

8c73db No.1545517

File: 0b8f896e7be68ff⋯.png (277.66 KB, 522x393, 174:131, kekvsminerva.png)

File: 4d9aa8272098805⋯.jpg (46.75 KB, 459x664, 459:664, kekwillsit.jpg)

File: 7bf07f946f4beb1⋯.jpg (155.73 KB, 395x683, 395:683, kikeantisecondamendment.jpg)

File: 0c3debe23e1517c⋯.jpeg (15.08 KB, 255x255, 1:1, kikecaught.jpeg)

File: 6529e359b844f92⋯.jpg (129.34 KB, 709x690, 709:690, kikecrimeisis.jpg)


We just have to not allow JIDF and the like (((shills))) to distract. Also, snowflakes btfo.



6112b6 No.1545518


still unsure about them.

3a5876 No.1545519

File: 4514d62042268cc⋯.jpg (288.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, download.jpg)


forgot the pic!

c7849e No.1545520

File: f42a9abbce51517⋯.jpg (121.42 KB, 612x488, 153:122, ithinkitis.jpg)


Mad props BO!

Killin' the game!

0b6c04 No.1545521

File: 00c2e001d021226⋯.png (277.01 KB, 360x360, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

d46ef0 No.1545522


I don't get it BO, the only SHILLS bitching about the bans were SHILLS

they are already back shilling

hope you and BVs keep up the banning of "dedicated spammers/shills"

21cff8 No.1545523


Tonnes of new ones though… could use another digging

>>1542231, >>1542279, >>1543094

18595b No.1545524


monkey -→ 98 more monkeys -→ Shakespeare

Much easier to believe than flipping a light switch.

8239d2 No.1545525

File: ed2f8c5a95a1fff⋯.png (1.49 MB, 2084x1196, 521:299, Stringer decode1.png)

File: 14671c2dc9a081f⋯.png (776.02 KB, 1670x1202, 835:601, Stringer decode2.png)

File: 12dd9dda669e061⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1983x1274, 1983:1274, Stringer decode3.png)

File: c6ebf99a907056e⋯.png (2.18 MB, 2136x1265, 2136:1265, Stringer decode4.png)


Here are full quality images of all of this magnificent code breaker's work. It's worth investigating again. Save offline.

4bc2f1 No.1545526

File: 7b0b6237d0ef7cb⋯.png (626.31 KB, 1476x724, 369:181, BVeanz.png)


You know I have to…

578aaf No.1545527


It's becoming predictable when after Q goes dark for a number of days (10): the shills get so bored that they finally have nothing left but "muh j00s"

Not too long after that he drops more crumbs

a2d30f No.1545528

ab0198 No.1545529

File: 36f2ce054f3da62⋯.jpeg (45.46 KB, 700x368, 175:92, 9FD646DE-2B98-4E70-B6E5-7….jpeg)

222cd8 No.1545530


The Cajun Ruffles guy, loved those commercials!

cce433 No.1545531


I meant to send it to the anon who said too many redheads.

6112b6 No.1545532



7ee264 No.1545533


I stumbled on MegaAnon in pol after the election, but dropped out for a bit. It was the Vegas shooting that brought me back. It was so obvious that something was really wrong and I came back to pol cause I learned more there than anywhere before the election. ;) Got hooked on Q from the first post. Whatever happened to the MegaAnon meltdown, remember that, about Q being JA?

b43622 No.1545534

File: fc08cdd89693d14⋯.jpg (51.71 KB, 960x720, 4:3, MntBren01.jpg)

222cd8 No.1545535



ab7a9b No.1545536


well i heard the local shit this morning and it was all over and no mention of the stuff your saying so they used the opportunity to turn it into more than it was. no surprise on that.

95d9f2 No.1545537


Daniel who? There are many.

62624d No.1545538


You still want to trash the BVs huh? TB is not staff.

791851 No.1545539


Not that any exit nodes were poisoned, seeing as how every appeal was left open - going so far as to deny, remove and reban so it wasn't burnt if they appealed it right away.

A lot of time and effort goes into making sure this is an amazing place for you all. o7

Post last edited at

a71994 No.1545540


Even the Redheads of Argentina/Uruguay are more cute.

8c73db No.1545541

File: ed190e0cc97a393⋯.jpg (67.88 KB, 615x499, 615:499, mattiswisdom2.jpg)


>muh nam

>muh baptist

>muh great jews

Fuck yourself, (((bitch))). We. SEE. YOU.

e6ed99 No.1545542

File: 697292b203aac15⋯.jpeg (176.04 KB, 750x1252, 375:626, IMG_5372.jpeg)

California man pleads no contest to raping 5-year-old, gets house arrest

STOCKTON, Calif. – A Stockton businessman who pleaded no contest to raping a 5-year-old girl has been sentenced to just 90 days of house arrest.

In addition to the house arrest, 79-year-old Lyle Burgess was also sentenced Wednesday to five years of probation for the crime.

The girl's lawyer said Burgess was a friend of the girl's family, and the sexual assault happened after the family was invited to his Calaveras County cabin in 2016.

((("He's obviously very wealthy))), and it's just an example of how the wealthy people, time and time again, escape the penalty for what they did," said attorney Ken Meleyco.

Burgess does not even have to register as a sex offender. The girl's family has now filed a civil suit against Burgess.


f9f93e No.1545543

File: b648491eef00bd4⋯.jpg (27.16 KB, 705x120, 47:8, prince.JPG)

This is Kushner's paper. What the fuck is going on? Wasn't he in the US when this went down?


d46ef0 No.1545544


shills did that BO

they've been on this for DAYS now

a2d30f No.1545545


Theres nothing in the Constitution about specialized prisoner diets, not at all .

b55574 No.1545546

File: 1973d84746e2c48⋯.png (1.23 MB, 902x826, 451:413, ClipboardImage.png)


The president of the University of Southern California, C.L. Max Nikias, is stepping down, according to an announcement by the university's Board of Trustees. The resignation comes as USC is embroiled in a series of scandals that have tarnished the public image of the prestigious private institution in Los Angeles.

The most recent scandal involves a campus gynecologist, Dr. George Tyndall, who is alleged to have made sexual comments and inappropriately touched patients during pelvic exams. More than 300 people, including many former female student patients, reported his misconduct dating back to the early 1990s.

As The Associated Press reported:

"Tyndall routinely made crude comments, took inappropriate photographs and forced plaintiffs to strip naked and groped them under the guise of medical treatment for his 'sexual gratification,' according to civil lawsuits filed this week.

"At least a dozen lawsuits have been filed so far and police are interviewing alleged victims to see if any crime was committed."

The university's internal investigation determined many allegations were true and Tyndall was allowed to resign, but USC administrators never reported the incident to the California Medical Board, nor did they notify the patients. As a result of that and other scandals, several hundred faculty signed a letter saying Nikias had "lost the moral authority to lead." The Board of Trustees did not say when Nikias would leave his post.

Earlier this week, the Board of Trustees had issued a statement saying that it while it is "deeply troubled by distressing reports about Dr. George Tyndall," it still has "full confidence" in president Nikias's leadership.

Nikias has been a prolific fundraiser during his 8-year tenure as USC president.

The Los Angeles Times, whose reports uncovered the complaints about Tyndall, detailed Nikias' accomplishments.

"The cornerstone of Nikias' legacy is a $6-billion campaign launched in 2011, then described as the largest such drive in academic history. The university collected gifts and pledges to surpass the goal about 18 months ahead of schedule, according to USC. For his 'exceptional progress' in the $6-billion campaign, trustees awarded Nikias a one-time $1.5-million bonus three years ago, making him the third-highest paid college president in the nation that year."

But Nikias' handling of the Tyndall scandal and other controversies, including misconduct by two former medical school deans, one of whom lead a double life using drugs and partying with addicts and prostitutes, lead to mounting pressure for the Board of Trustees to take action.


efc792 No.1545547


All A.I. needs to be ELIMINATED from the Human


That's It!

4bc2f1 No.1545548


naw, just postin' my shitty photoshop. KEK

222cd8 No.1545549


Still a great Meme.

395472 No.1545550


Meh, thought this was basically in the rules already but glad you came out to say so BO. Anons are welcome to filter crap they don't wanna see, like I said last bread, might lose out on some knowledge but then again maybe not. Their choice. You're awesome BO.

18595b No.1545551


well… at least there's tits.

b55574 No.1545552


Ugly inside and out. It sucks to be her.

34e221 No.1545553


The Dutchess of Sussex will bankrupt Harry if this thing goes on long enough. Bitch started the spending spree with the $65,000 engagement dress. Its not like she's young and has a seriously hot body to be worth any of that money or attention. Then again, he ain't no beauty himself, so…

7cc14d No.1545554

File: 4a43ecf2bf0231b⋯.jpg (139.96 KB, 980x551, 980:551, e5526332-2fbf-11e7-8928-05….jpg)

Bringing balance to the Force. . .

826a6b No.1545555


yes, also had that flu. what about it?

3a5876 No.1545556


I can be pursuaded …



A man of great taste, I see.

3e335d No.1545557

what is the mundane?

more of the same,

the day to day?

Is this not all we have?

earth, rock, dirt and grass?

fire, water, streams of conscious energy?

the inward pull of gravity?

earth, rock, dirt and grass

allow the question to be asked

what is the mundane?

that gnawing in your veins.

iron, blood and oxygen

coalesce to reminisce on times when

all was just

star dust.

what is the miraculous?

if not more of the same

this day this day

children play in grass and dirt

spinning with the Earth,

some distance in a universe.

Distant far off galaxies,

delicate sweet gravity.

All of Us



Has not the Kingdome come?

Are not all things One?

Have we all grown so blind, deaf, and dumb?

The Ordered Chaos of it All

The sound a tree makes in a silent forest as it falls.

The wind beneath the eagle's wings,

The math behind the music when she softly sings.

Is this not all a single lovely harmony?

An infinite vibration of quantum strings,

old hymnal's on a sunday morning.

Does Heaven not surround you?

mountain haze and morning dew.

sunrises in the rearview.

acquantaince and companionship

short springtime roadtrips.

How is

all of this

anything short of pure bliss?

so what of work, and hurt, and toil,

Are we more than wet, organized soil?

would you say there is a soul?

would you say you have control?

And what of precious time?

Where is yours, and when is mine?


is any of this allowed

to be so?

and what does it mean to truly know?

What is the mundane

when All of Us



Blessings To/From The Most High!

May Peace, Strength, Virtue, Wisdom, Discernment, Enlightenment, and Synchronicity, surround and invade the very Being of all anons diligently questing for Truth!

Vincit Omnia Veritas

Cras es Noster,

Deus Vult!

1bf549 No.1545558



there is only one.

i'm not awake so don't ask what happened.

i am waking.

a71994 No.1545559


I'm not live in the US.

831d0e No.1545560


MbS is ok.

f70446 No.1545561


Oh my.

Ignorance is unbecoming.

Try a little research.

28260b No.1545562

File: ce95a92196b7ca1⋯.jpg (216.24 KB, 400x452, 100:113, 06eee60bfc801bc436400102e3….jpg)


>Shouldn't post this then, eh?

Fake bewbs and hitting the wall. Try one like dis.

8c73db No.1545563


We see your efforts. We see what you (((project))). We can smell your JIDF ass the first post you make. If this BV was going after selectively against your JIDF ass instead of all being distracted and infighting as (((you))) intended, you would have been kvetching your head off (or trying to fuck with BO some other way).

We can see your jew ass.


Baker, notable

3337f6 No.1545564



Shall we play a game?

Map is critical to understand.

Future unlocks past.

a2d30f No.1545565


I think we are counting



as /our/ arrests.

363645 No.1545566

File: 810cfe2851a95b9⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB, 360x640, 9:16, Mad.mp4)

EX-Muslim Bengali is really angry on the arrest of Tommy Robinson


831d0e No.1545567

Good night anons.

825f77 No.1545568


still, small voice

4860e6 No.1545569

File: d413f01e9cb722c⋯.mp4 (7.9 MB, 1200x914, 600:457, 19JmB96X8s1yjqKybVcAwYk8Ln….mp4)


ab7a9b No.1545570


yea i kinda remember, ive been in info overload

i have terrible short term memory anymore.

i do remember clearly though anon saying tits or GTFO and she showed us… lmao

funny how we can remember certain things better, lol

the fucked up porn during superbowl and them tearing the town up.

694cfe No.1545571


shit, tag me in this answer if you please. curious to see where this goes.

8c73db No.1545572


Will do, anon. Thank you for sharing.

825f77 No.1545573


this is why the continual push to take away the second amendment , the uk doesn't have it

4d1e0f No.1545574

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

I know we have a lot of Reagan fans here and Fox news fans but you need to realize that Reagan was handpicked and installed by the enemy and Fox is owned and operated by the enemy. You don't make $20 million a year by going on the air and talking about what really happened on 9/11. You stick to the script, just like Hannity. Like it or not he cucks for $20 million a year. All journalists know what they can and cannot talk about. They do what they are told and they are fat, happy and wealthy. End of story, simple concept. And Reagan did give the cabal some push back but at the end of the day he was just another puppet. Truth sucks sometimes but it will be ok. Bill Cooper knew.

95d9f2 No.1545575


What test failed?

21cff8 No.1545576


G'night anon, sleep well.

d46ef0 No.1545577



when will you stop?

many anons have made wrong/untrue side by sides and have STOPPED posting them

when the REAL EO comes out, make a new one then post it


363645 No.1545578


I know, poor Brits.

They're also a shock troop for child rape normalization.

b55574 No.1545579



a71994 No.1545580



https:// www.rt.com/op-ed/427207-facebook-atlantic-council-nato/

222cd8 No.1545581


Before Abraham, I AM

86cd8e No.1545582

File: 2b301b1123cae0c⋯.png (254.68 KB, 559x635, 559:635, ClipboardImage.png)

SPYGATE Explodes: London Mission Revealed

coincidentally Priestap was in London when the dossier was being initiated …

2 min video


c961da No.1545583


My question is:

Is everything going like planed? Are we doing good here? How can we anons assist our Q team in the best way and how to manifest the beam of light?

8c73db No.1545584


Seriously, try harder. You really think you can make 'muh joo' a thing now?

You need to re-learn your lessons.

4d1e0f No.1545585


it's a slide mi amigo

9a46ff No.1545586


Reagan only served one term anon, after he was shot power was given to Bush.

42f159 No.1545587

File: 9f5cd6456c493d7⋯.jpg (36.54 KB, 607x607, 1:1, 9f5cd6456c493d74b77dc819e9….jpg)


Hey thanks again for lifting ban earlier BO. Sorry i had to come back on VPN to post proofs. Only did it like 4-5 times.


a2d30f No.1545588


Is Hoggboy there on his bicycle yet?

ab7a9b No.1545589

File: c43fa7db58f1ce9⋯.jpg (172.52 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, EDDIE - Copy.jpg)

File: 43477119fa140e4⋯.jpg (233.09 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, OFFER - Copy.jpg)


remember all these

a71994 No.1545590



e94fce No.1545591

File: 20da637d49ebecf⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 500x750, 2:3, cute-redheads-16.jpg)


>Bringing balance to the Force. . .

8c73db No.1545592


baker, possible notable

3e335d No.1545593


ehyeh asher ehyeh

b3476c No.1545594

File: 51c97ca7e9d6151⋯.jpg (75.4 KB, 900x787, 900:787, hogg004.jpg)

did someone say something about a meme war?

6112b6 No.1545595


I rode my bicycle past your window last night

I roller skated to your door at day light

It almost seems like you're avoiding me

I'm okay alone, but you got something I need

Well, I got a brand new pair of roller skates

You got a brand new key

I think that we should get together and try them out, you see

I been looking around awhile, you got something for me

Oh, I got a brand new pair of roller skates

You got a brand new key

I ride my bike, I roller skate, don't drive no car

Don't go too fast, but I go pretty far

For somebody who don't drive I been all round the world

Some people think I done all right for a girl

Well, I got a brand new pair of roller skates

You got a brand new key

I think that we should get together and try them out, you see

I been looking around awhile, you got something for me

Oh, I got a brand new pair of roller skates

You got a brand new key

I asked your mother if you were at home

She said "Yes" but you weren't alone

Well, sometimes I think that you're avoiding me

I'm okay alone, but you got something I need

Well, I got a brand new pair of roller skates

You got a brand new key

I think that we should get together and try them out, you see

I been looking around awhile, you got something for me

Oh, I got a brand new pair of roller skates

You got a brand new key

Oh, I got a brand new pair of roller skates

You got a brand new key

Oh, I got a brand new pair of roller skates

b43622 No.1545596

File: 9399c229c74b6cc⋯.jpg (82.43 KB, 960x720, 4:3, carl12.jpg)

4f8240 No.1545597


El problema es global

4d1e0f No.1545598


I'm just saying, he was handpicked, groomed and installed just like the rest of them. The first was Woodrow Wilson, his handler was House.

aa26cb No.1545599



google it and study the victims. i have/had my own suspicions about it.

posts on halfchan at the time dropped crumbs about how the pathogen was not detected as a normal flu virus.

came in waves too or cycles. got a lot of people

There is a popular saying, sweat and bleed more in training so you don't have to in a real fight.

What do the Globalist threat to do every couple of months via MSM? Global pandemic, flying bacon pigflu virus and some made up jumbo.

How do you best prepare the unsuspecting, bluepilled public covertly for such a real biological threat?

617aa8 No.1545600

File: a04f0686d863e28⋯.jpg (22.19 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1A_2A.jpg)


1A + 2A = Freedom

8c73db No.1545601


From what I hear, mbs is alright - possibly kush running interference for the sake of the plan?

kush btw has regained his permanent security clearance.

Interesting coincidence.

d46ef0 No.1545602

File: 3b9fdf8b27f6bd3⋯.jpg (95.05 KB, 516x540, 43:45, memewar.jpg)

File: cd35af840823a47⋯.jpg (177.94 KB, 939x803, 939:803, memewarpepe.jpg)

93c05d No.1545603


Surely a lib clown to be calling any anon an imbecile. Your colors are showing through very clearly.

cf5a79 No.1545604


Right on Ashraf!! Welcome to the light side. WOO HOO!!

42f159 No.1545605

File: 46048e1a768c319⋯.png (56.26 KB, 1104x872, 138:109, 1526758437709.png)


> Red Shit

Thats simply not true. But i cant be fucked reposting shit i got banned for.

0b6c04 No.1545606

File: 51d5d88320cd950⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.04 MB, 1238x1051, 1238:1051, ClipboardImage.png)

G'nite anons.

Watch the water…

b55574 No.1545607


>https:// www.rt.com/op-ed/427207-facebook-atlantic-council-nato

FUCKERS. Thanks for sharing.

222cd8 No.1545608


Exodus 3:14

1bf549 No.1545609


not a haqlf hour ago faggot. :)


follow back anon. ask God when He says ASK! nuff said.


next trime do not be afraid anon. God only wants to prosper (You).

do (You) understand?

825f77 No.1545610


first they took London …

a2d30f No.1545611


NavySealThreatFag has already killed most of the shills and is still out on mission in Virginia. As for the joosfags and divisionfaggots, all dead. It's over, kiddo.

617aa8 No.1545612

File: a6b619a5f527511⋯.png (15 KB, 232x255, 232:255, pepe_qsleep.png)

d46ef0 No.1545613


cry moar

21cff8 No.1545614

Notables so far

Any missed pls shout out.

>>1545457 Major announcement from BO


>>1545542 California man pleads no contest to raping 5-year-old, gets house arrest

>>1545546 President of the University of Southern California, C.L. Max Nikias, steps down

>>1545476 , >>1545525 Freedom Stringer Code Breaker

>>1545448 NEW Epstein Island Images from mystery poster

>>1545167 , >>1545396 , >>1545440 Further digging on the new Epstein Island images

>>1545367 Further diggin on Dyncorp and Human & Organ Trafficking

>>1545332 Trump to Save $100 Million by Slashing Use of Govt. Time on Union Work

>>1545326 Stringer Crumb Theory

>>1545253 QPosts Timeline

>>1545178 Congress files HRes 907 for FBI/DOJ/FISA abuse/why clinton probe ended/2nd special counsel

62624d No.1545615

File: 2023a7a4e16eb67⋯.png (17.85 KB, 600x250, 12:5, Ebot.png)


On another note, I think Ebot is retarded. FemBV sent me this (Pic related).

(Sorry for shitposting, I'm done)

cce433 No.1545616

File: eb8692ef7fcf5bb⋯.png (506.33 KB, 790x659, 790:659, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

6112b6 No.1545617

694cfe No.1545618


hitting the wall…..wtf lol?

And fake bewbs?

Funny…..the other fake breasts posted don't get called out but go figure.


But I'll keep mine thanks.

67e03d No.1545619

File: da699dfc2113fbd⋯.jpeg (8.81 KB, 213x255, 71:85, baby pepe love.jpeg)


>All BVs primary focus will be to assist anons instead of keeping the board clean

Can you recommend a place

I can upload a pdf? Or LMK if this is old news?

related to this post:]


wanna get this info out there, Can try again

tomorrow if you are busy.

Thank you for what you do


1e8821 No.1545620

File: 01f7421b9591b08⋯.png (275.81 KB, 462x412, 231:206, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be61a0dca164ade⋯.png (400.71 KB, 460x492, 115:123, ClipboardImage.png)



3af3b8 No.1545621

File: 70a45199a535f36⋯.jpg (49.46 KB, 636x460, 159:115, BANANA-EATING-LION.jpg)

I was looking for things to deep dream to use as meme backdrops and…

Fuck, I don't even need to touch this one.

a2d30f No.1545622


Frozen bacon-wrapped sausages of doubtful content.

222cd8 No.1545623


I understand at times but I forget that fact often….

4d1e0f No.1545624

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Bill Cooper speaks about Luciferian Philosophy

c20a5a No.1545625


nia qara translates to"look at it"

3a5876 No.1545626


>Bringing balance to the Force.


Infinity Chan: The Ginger Wars

8c73db No.1545627


James Woods. True Patriot.


Just when you thought (((shills))) couldn't get any dumber…

21cff8 No.1545628

baker looking to hand off soon

Any bakers in the house?

791851 No.1545629


He tried. I would've given him a random unban for that.

Post last edited at

ab7a9b No.1545630


thankQ BO

appreciate your work

4f8240 No.1545631


hopefully Gitmo or 666 ft under

1bf549 No.1545632


believe. really easy when you can do it anon.

95d9f2 No.1545633

File: 71d19c8b34e40cb⋯.jpg (578.96 KB, 888x986, 444:493, 03_b_tree-of-life-150.jpg)


god from the bible god? Ah hell no. Don't speak to him. Don't pray to him. Hope he leaves forever. Crazy Motherfucker.

I'm good. Thanks! Best of Luck!

aaa892 No.1545634


Really hope whatever this is it smears mud all over the faces of corrupt Canadian gov't officials.

06660e No.1545635


She looks like plastic. Needs freckles.

222cd8 No.1545636


Exactly, WHEN I can do it…

a71994 No.1545637



This is so crazy

d46ef0 No.1545638

until morning anons


God bless anons, bakers, BO, BV, Q, POTUS, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

927f05 No.1545639

File: 66caf6ff259df40⋯.jpg (652.28 KB, 1107x1300, 1107:1300, tesla.jpg)

I see a being with large horns and large wings .. Not nice wings ..

stare at the image and look closely

1bf549 No.1545640


i know. only killed baby killers and baby fuckers.

why like Him?

50fc01 No.1545641

File: 3c0ce833aa1421c⋯.jpeg (137.91 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, DeF899IWsAAp0P_ (1).jpeg)

File: 5fd3ca1a45b07b2⋯.jpeg (155.67 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, DeF8-TZX4AAaRSZ (1).jpeg)




A few more gems for you, anons


b43622 No.1545642

File: e0da8e1a6877a17⋯.jpg (198.23 KB, 598x460, 13:10, CanBcn.jpg)

62624d No.1545643


I guess it's kinda witty.


The baker has added your post to the notables.

8c73db No.1545644


Sane white hats vs black hats.

efc792 No.1545645


Ladies & Gentlemen.

I bring you Once Again.

James "FUCKING" Woods!


b3476c No.1545646

File: 8ee17b5fca837c3⋯.jpg (102.15 KB, 1021x522, 1021:522, emma001.jpg)

aa26cb No.1545647



>follow back anon. ask God when He says ASK! nuff said.

What the heck is this, some sort of trippy Biblefag stonerfest?


>next trime do not be afraid anon. God only wants to prosper (You).

>do (You) understand?

And all those around you without a cost to anyone else. Most delicate balancing trick in the entire universe.

42f159 No.1545648


You lack of compassion tells me youre not human and im not accusing you of being a bot. What are you?

a2d30f No.1545649


Fuck off, Ive studied the Constitution for 40 years and have a JD with Con Law Studies for two years among that. Theres a diff between the Constitution and what some liberal asshole SCOTUS justices opine, you fucking dipshit.

50fc01 No.1545650

File: 9f485431c909ce0⋯.jpeg (249.35 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, DeF9cVtWAAAzuVJ.jpeg)

And one more….color coded.

b55574 No.1545651

File: 0b7b82011ba2c3b⋯.png (498.9 KB, 474x418, 237:209, ClipboardImage.png)


Everything Tastes Better with Bacon. Why waste them on sums of bitches.

a2d30f No.1545652


Plus youre a fucking queer, Takei.

95d9f2 No.1545653


Confirm you are speaking about bible god. Not jesus. Bible god. The dude in the sky everyone fights about.

0b6c04 No.1545654


flux capacitor…

a2d30f No.1545655


Really. So lame. What's wrong with a 23 year old English hottie? Duh!

4f9042 No.1545656


I see angels wings and a halo

7f36a0 No.1545657

File: c3e03984f9e1a34⋯.jpg (135.08 KB, 750x401, 750:401, kek wills it 4.jpg)


Appreciate all you guys do

95d9f2 No.1545658

File: da26dd9bd5dea17⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 216x254, 108:127, Studio_20180525_234411.jpg)

1a05d9 No.1545659

File: ce63ae2badd809d⋯.jpg (18.95 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 1495325162411.jpg)

About15 minutes ago, I felt such a great surge of love going through me that it was hysterical.

We are fucking winning, lads.




b3476c No.1545660

File: 65b814af525f39e⋯.jpg (24.26 KB, 574x335, 574:335, ebot2.jpg)


It's learning.

da6c01 No.1545661

File: cd557b32adb11d1⋯.jpeg (6.34 KB, 249x203, 249:203, images.jpeg)

File: 7664f363b5c8453⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 512x391, 512:391, Amph.jpg)


the batman?

a2d30f No.1545662


Yeah, Fox is a limited hangout, but a pretty good read on normie politicalville as a whole.

826a6b No.1545663


i think he meant willowbrook


pretty sure this is the same business https://shopfashionq.com

8dff60 No.1545664


This is all bullshit. It's called Crowdstrike and Clowns.

b55574 No.1545665


You are doing the right thing. Thanks.

06660e No.1545666


Probably not releasing info because he is a minor.

7f36a0 No.1545667


I never noticed her Apollo 11 patch. Interesting

95d9f2 No.1545668


Nooooo. Not batman. Lol.

1bf549 No.1545669



read the entire old testament.

God orders death to pretty much everyone.ahhhh. who is killed?


or righteous?


1e921c No.1545670

b55574 No.1545671



a71994 No.1545672


I know. but the problem is so big in the western world. this is really collapsing. US is with the good guys. But Who more?, Mexico?, Brazil?, Or some country of the invaded Western Europe?

694cfe No.1545673

File: 0f86d2795022a57⋯.jpg (63.27 KB, 480x425, 96:85, 0e0eb7dba711af38b569d3dd63….jpg)


Q brought backup ^.^

8c73db No.1545674

File: 190741d65133b91⋯.jpg (2.83 MB, 1350x1826, 675:913, bloodlines.jpg)


Black background version.

95d9f2 No.1545675

File: 3731e1e57acad06⋯.jpg (35.3 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Sacred-Symbolism-of-Vesica….jpg)


Already decided.

779b6c No.1545676


Kek. Bot or completely non-english speaker.

3af3b8 No.1545677


666 says…

What about Adam Lanza?

a71994 No.1545678


Leave it. save your life.

a2d30f No.1545679

File: c3cd9d931b94b44⋯.jpg (112.5 KB, 758x787, 758:787, obama legacy.jpg)


Theres no meme war because we know leftists arent smart enough to meme.

0617b2 No.1545680

File: cb80135f7cb6bed⋯.jpg (101.88 KB, 1386x184, 693:92, mambadd.jpg)

File: 9248d2ca398cffe⋯.jpg (478.59 KB, 1749x936, 583:312, mastarclose.jpg)

File: eb5056c10a3e468⋯.jpg (281.63 KB, 1875x924, 625:308, madw.jpg)

File: 776f9c9d1060ffb⋯.jpg (193.29 KB, 1000x793, 1000:793, img-marina-fig-3_121809544….jpg)

File: b6bc8e30ecdde08⋯.jpg (176.12 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, img-marina-fig-7_121915461….jpg)

ab7a9b No.1545681


did he bond out, i didnt see today

50fc01 No.1545682


Nice. Much better IMO.

b2d5eb No.1545683

EVERYBODY CALM DOWN. If you all keep making a big deal about this, 'Muh Dick' guy is going to show up.

825f77 No.1545684


am not there but see how it fits into the big picture of global coordination , hence my efforts to draw attention to it

617aa8 No.1545685


Trump tax cut surge: S&P 500 companies return $1T to shareholders

S&P 500 companies have returned a record $1 trillion to shareholders over the past year, helped by a recent surge in dividends and stock buybacks following sweeping corporate tax cuts introduced by Republicans, according to a report.


023f35 No.1545686


Yes he did. No passport, Ankle bracelet.

4f8240 No.1545687

File: a0158da8904263c⋯.png (9.71 KB, 264x105, 88:35, wwcure.png)

3af3b8 No.1545688


n/m, he was 20

f70446 No.1545689




Deemed flight risk.

Has to stay in NY and Connecticut

023f35 No.1545690

File: fba38b165c19e07⋯.png (230.33 KB, 378x254, 189:127, TQt39A9 - Imgur.png)


Sorry had to.

ab7a9b No.1545691


is there a release video?

how much bond was posted?

8c73db No.1545692


Think east.

a2d30f No.1545693


What's the over/under on his demise?

3af3b8 No.1545694

File: e2d6afeb82b7bba⋯.jpg (199.82 KB, 671x537, 671:537, dream_c3dtudeihby.jpg)

File: 9b2f95dd970144d⋯.jpg (86.95 KB, 671x537, 671:537, dream_izmwlr7v0kn.jpg)

File: 9c5349caa68a3bf⋯.jpg (170.5 KB, 671x537, 671:537, dream_g175l0n8opn.jpg)

File: 2005367aecf7a83⋯.jpg (156.23 KB, 671x537, 671:537, dream_atf0i8dchkm.jpg)

If anyone needs a lion to meme with:

513308 No.1545695


The photos are from Little St. James Island i.e Epstein Island

36d261 No.1545696

File: af3b69446b7f1b7⋯.png (432.51 KB, 852x480, 71:40, neveragain.png)

File: c552b8a55f63e8b⋯.png (365.06 KB, 612x406, 306:203, neveragain2.png)

File: d5162c563e82165⋯.png (373.65 KB, 960x540, 16:9, neveragain3.png)

We doing memes for Hogg's meme war?

If so, thoughts?

cc8c20 No.1545697

File: 93a1c6b0b1afe8a⋯.jpg (37.31 KB, 879x433, 879:433, BullShit.JPG)

Fuck you V-sauce.

6526a2 No.1545698

File: 69913695fd0b806⋯.jpg (29.86 KB, 420x419, 420:419, d27fad4625169cfd966b50f89d….jpg)

WSJ: "The conceit of those claiming Mr. Trump has crossed some line in ordering the Justice Department to comply with oversight is that “investigators” are beyond question. We are meant to take them at their word that they did everything appropriately. Never mind that the revelations of warrants and spies and dirty dossiers and biased text messages already show otherwise."


023f35 No.1545699


1 million

b263b4 No.1545700


One million

1bf549 No.1545701


waking up is hard to do… and admit it.

He is here anon. Talk faggot.

4bc2f1 No.1545702

File: 920f59ec142e965⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1458x905, 1458:905, ClipboardImage.png)

shit's WAYYY better than baseball cards. KEK!

013a9f No.1545703


It was all those people staring in the eyes of these redheads that we are posting. Even the clowns and shills on the board are stirred by it and are adding to the love. We just created a LOVE BOOM and that is what you felt.

1bf549 No.1545704


buk buk buk buuugoook!

da6c01 No.1545705


Tommy.R gets murdered in jail the brit workung class will sit up straight as if from a nightmare hang the queen and kick millions of Muzzies out the chunnel and back to the countries where they cut off womens labia and ass rape their children.

cc8c20 No.1545706

File: 18e2f0546c3f897⋯.png (292.92 KB, 813x433, 813:433, BullShit.png)


No, really.

dd1611 No.1545707


Spread? When?

21cff8 No.1545708

File: 5c77bec21757b9d⋯.jpg (16.01 KB, 255x255, 1:1, TrumpAndBaronMAGA.jpg)

95d9f2 No.1545709

File: 9d5f3f7e30fbe3b⋯.jpg (53.41 KB, 216x254, 108:127, Studio_20180525_235326.jpg)

Find this part more interesting. And goes with rhe Angel Wings and halo.

013a9f No.1545710


Is this just rhetoric or is the establishment now coming to the opinion

That there REALLY IS a Constitutional Crisis in the USA

Caused by the behavior of the Obama administration

During the election campaign?

Because if that is not just rhetoric

Then this is really a BOOM BOOM BOOM

b55574 No.1545711


Anyone here take baking soda daily? If so, do you see the positive effects? I read taking baking soda daily is good for you, but I am skeptical.

023f35 No.1545712

Started listening to "Art of the Deal" last night.


3a5876 No.1545713


>Reagan was handpicked and installed by the enemy


>Reagan only served one term anon, after he was shot power was given to Bush.

Nonsense. Reagan started this backlash rolling, I was there and I remember it. There's a difference between living history and reading about it, anons.

42f159 No.1545714

File: 11ad3b551416841⋯.jpg (542.16 KB, 1530x1201, 1530:1201, 1526936815255.jpg)

File: e5e6972f51a305a⋯.jpg (113.6 KB, 624x434, 312:217, 1526929339183.jpg)


Weve tried to help leftists with ideas but i think PC and SJW culture makes everything be unfunny.

3af3b8 No.1545715

File: b21e6d6ccb5cc61⋯.jpg (179.26 KB, 800x450, 16:9, dream_kf87m3ke9gy.jpg)


The hell do you have against V Sauce?

Is this a math/physics argument between you and a wall?

a71994 No.1545716


Think OBOR?

927f05 No.1545717


Now put a baby in the craddle

b55574 No.1545718


By the way, where is Q? Taking a nice long memorial weekend vacation?

023f35 No.1545719


People are awakening. That's what the "Great Awakening" was all about.

There will be pain.

There will be justice.

21cff8 No.1545720

File: f5e3cfabea4e08f⋯.jpg (109.98 KB, 401x560, 401:560, IMG_4783.JPG)

a4dd59 No.1545721


>Are there any anons here that were around when Q was gone for 10 days at the end of December?

Yup. No worries.

67e03d No.1545722

File: 88f35bd68d99d3f⋯.png (206.07 KB, 680x667, 680:667, Comfy baker.png)



Can you please add this pastebin link to the

Dyncorp dig notable



It doesn't have the images in the text, but all

the info/ sauce links are there. i'm fading fast,

can't keep my eyes open.

Thank you for keepin' it so Comfy in here.

much respect.

goodnight everybody.



95d9f2 No.1545723


We been talking. Now I'm a faggot. Strange invitation for more conversation.

8c73db No.1545724


saving the world.

eeda20 No.1545725

Did you catch Judge Jeanine who was sitting in for Hannity ask one of her guests about Kim of NK skipping the meeting with POTUS because of fears of being killed?

c818e4 No.1545726

File: 13fd209239a7e2d⋯.png (670.06 KB, 800x600, 4:3, PizzaPepe.png)


Indeed kek

513308 No.1545727


I wouldn't blame the father if he shows up at assholes house and puts him in his grave.

d3805e No.1545728


Man, I have to admit that by day 9 you could not have pulled a pin out of our asses with a tractor.

ab7a9b No.1545729


goodnight anon, me 2

b55574 No.1545730


He deserves little rest. I still like to hear from him though. :-)

c961da No.1545731


Most lovley invitation i have seen in this board.

222cd8 No.1545732


You must be new here, stop being a faggot.

21cff8 No.1545733

File: 1a8f891cf9ef7a1⋯.png (251.04 KB, 401x560, 401:560, 3 - Winning Bigly.png)


Will do anon. Sleep well.


8c57f8 No.1545734


Yep, since the beginning actually. Remember #releasethememo?

cc8c20 No.1545735


Fun you Bee sauce!

Nothing really. I like his mind bending contemplations.

My fam and I just watch that video. That was my reaction.

Still is.

Fuck you V-suace, you can't doo dat.

297329 No.1545736

File: 1651fda633ef92e⋯.png (3.58 MB, 1558x1708, 779:854, 2018-05-26_00-56-59.png)


Some people are drawn to evil.

And there are some that ARE just plain EVIL.

Pray for Justice.

1bf549 No.1545737


faggot here is a term of endearment anon. sorry you are so new. ;)

4bc2f1 No.1545738


nice work…a lil creepy, but nice. kek

3af3b8 No.1545739

File: e639b8cbfd9ab0e⋯.jpg (187.72 KB, 734x490, 367:245, dream_6rg4mide388.jpg)


as long as you're watchin' with fam…

0001f9 No.1545740

File: 1e32c6e0d49bd14⋯.png (881.31 KB, 1301x766, 1301:766, ClipboardImage.png)

Was searching for an image of Baphomet and this article popped up via image search.

sick shit. Cleveland Satanist group's decrepit mansion AirBnB involved with 'community outreach' meanwhile they have some of the most grotesque "art" I've seen.

of course VICE used it to smear the RNC which has absolutely nothing at all to do with it.

Posting bc this guy gives me that feeling. Like he's linked … will dig tomorrow. night anons.


21cff8 No.1545741

File: 66f217ea39339ed⋯.png (369.76 KB, 401x560, 401:560, 22 - QTeam.png)

023f35 No.1545742


I was wondering what was so cool about being a bundle of sticks…

3d977c No.1545743


Prince Charming will awaken everyone who has been asleep from the poison. The Great Awakening. Erik Prince.

184549 No.1545744

File: 61ab7e8e22bd916⋯.jpeg (472.05 KB, 2000x2611, 2000:2611, f4455c713d03b7d3_pizza-wo….jpeg)



cce433 No.1545745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Harvey Weinstein Arraignment

In case people missed it this morning.

7 min video

b55574 No.1545746


Sweet dreams!

cc8c20 No.1545747


That's cool stuff you make.

4bc2f1 No.1545748

File: cbf2cc6e8a7f259⋯.jpg (17.27 KB, 255x191, 255:191, martin-original.png.jpg)

6112b6 No.1545749

Ahhhh meds!

induced hallucinations to keep the paranoia away.

Here's my meds

they fix my my head

they make me not wish i was dead

i finally get to goto bed


826a6b No.1545750


last week jeanine was calling session the most dangerous person to our country, that he needed to be fired immediately.

jeanine is not our ally, wolf in sheeps clothing.

remember when she was saying "we need to kill them" regarding all muslims, thats her purpose, make republicans sound like crazy Islamophobs that hate all muslims, shills are here in force doing the same with many fuck all muslims memes.

its just like the fuck all jews shills. just more effort to make us look racist/bigoted

1bf549 No.1545752


i hope newfag see's this. :D

a71994 No.1545753

And Meanwhile in Latinamerica/Southamerica. Colombia already is a New Member of the NATO.

Turkey 2.0?

Preparing the War?

http:// www.thejakartapost.com/news/2018/05/26/colombia-to-become-first-latin-american-nato-global-partner.html

023f35 No.1545754

I got a weird suggestion for poweranons who are not hanging with covfefe or energy drinks.

Went to a store the other day and they had limestone paste that you smear on a leaf, but some 'betel nuts' in it and chew.

Supposed to be a YUGE stimulant. From Thailand.

93c05d No.1545755


And the Fake News Awards and all the memes for that……great times and great history here with Q

21cff8 No.1545756

File: afc4e6ccacc1a2f⋯.png (213.34 KB, 401x560, 401:560, 18 - Sessions.png)

363645 No.1545757


Good tactic.

Shades of Draft our Daughters

b3476c No.1545758

File: 93d356e3e3177f7⋯.jpg (96.91 KB, 900x506, 450:253, harvy001.jpg)

2349a5 No.1545760

95d9f2 No.1545761


Very new. First day ;)

1e921c No.1545762


>Anyone here take baking soda daily?

There's a health thread now:

Alkaline and Health


3d977c No.1545763



3af3b8 No.1545764

File: c9011701f1580dc⋯.jpg (184.89 KB, 800x450, 16:9, dream_8q5coedthi8.jpg)

File: 82c89337e7363a7⋯.jpg (207.04 KB, 734x490, 367:245, dream_q56uhhjw204.jpg)

File: 8f02d7f67cc0e33⋯.jpg (90.04 KB, 585x615, 39:41, dream_v0zbiohweq5.jpg)

File: 8648e658035486c⋯.jpg (188.76 KB, 457x685, 457:685, dream_epiykdvljyc.jpg)



Have some more!

And then I'm done for a while. :D

8c57f8 No.1545765


Well done.

06660e No.1545766


Google Image Search found her:


eeda20 No.1545767


Patriot, if we didn't have insider info. we'd be thinking Sessions was an enemy too. chill

023f35 No.1545768


Really? I read the Thai's been using for generations.

62624d No.1545769

File: 940d663c50edf95⋯.jpg (368.31 KB, 2184x3164, 78:113, MuhDick.jpg)

efc792 No.1545770


Maybe Energy Field?

95d9f2 No.1545771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I need some music. Fucking love this song.

1bf549 No.1545772


do not get called a nigger. it means you are a moron who has no color. THE WORST EVER!!!

6526a2 No.1545773

File: 8f3ed700ad47cf1⋯.png (253.13 KB, 1204x874, 602:437, hgvghvh56555.png)

>muh conspiracy

21cff8 No.1545774

6eb383 No.1545775

File: 7c0619e863dfae2⋯.jpg (74.19 KB, 768x960, 4:5, Soup-Nazi.jpg)

c818e4 No.1545776

File: b16849db5ce418a⋯.png (572.59 KB, 472x580, 118:145, Comfy&Thoughtful.png)


Shit, was that her that wrote that post before? Or she just lurkin kek?

Hi Jeanine!


Not my creation lol…makes me hungry though.





c961da No.1545777

File: fb2ce613874dc5c⋯.jpg (106.22 KB, 1406x1741, 1406:1741, Herz-Jesu-Bild.jpg)



356868 No.1545778

File: 5e318e8fc43322b⋯.jpg (42.27 KB, 600x600, 1:1, trollface.jpg)


>live through vs read about

Gotta do both if you want to know how 41's clowns were running amok.

95d9f2 No.1545779

File: 2d1e9b9702437ea⋯.jpg (517.39 KB, 1280x1656, 160:207, 5ee2eef1f10e36311cf372511e….jpg)

3d977c No.1545780


Yep. I worked for an Indian at a liquor store about 30 years ago and got into it for a while. Shit works, but…


bf7ab7 No.1545781


Curious. Why did Marshal not make his 17th move checkmate?

I have often wondered if this was tied in to "They though she would never loose."

Marshal could have won, had he moved his Queen in place of the bishop.

Seemed a rookie mistake to me.

cce433 No.1545782


Love seeing these that you post.

df4521 No.1545783

File: 2b05f3db20b2748⋯.png (24.73 KB, 642x267, 214:89, Comey1.png)

File: 3bfd3e69b6e2ea3⋯.jpg (168.83 KB, 750x1098, 125:183, Omar-Montoya.jpg)


8c57f8 No.1545784


Disturbing but sleep well Anon.

3af3b8 No.1545785

File: 521d281e7dc3639⋯.png (454.58 KB, 926x1024, 463:512, 521d281e7dc3639f1b9e5c87b9….png)

222cd8 No.1545786


BO the board slider

5c4e2e No.1545787


I think that dude is just jealous of Markle, maybe he needs to push her out of the way so he can get his Fetish On with the Williams junior member

023f35 No.1545788


Drool like never before?

4bc2f1 No.1545789

File: b17ca5ffdbfee88⋯.jpg (153.27 KB, 764x827, 764:827, nobooks4u.jpg)

b55574 No.1545790

File: 77f41eef44e4691⋯.png (323.92 KB, 822x1560, 137:260, Capture.PNG)

Hmm. I just saw this @ True Pundit

60d1f0 No.1545791

I listened to an audio book of Trump's.

It was just one chapter called "Revenge" from "Think like a champion".

Hilarious and enlightening.

Any anons got links to other audiobook downloads of GEOTUS?

ab7a9b No.1545792


ty anon

loved watching him put in light

2f50f6 No.1545793


>"flu" targeting Euros?

Ex-pharmafag worked on defense project = bioterrorism countermeasures, genome-specific strategies.

I think what anon is suggesting is certain soft-pitch viruses are being released to create immunity to protect against potential weaponized release by blackhats.

I have no verification that's what's being done, just know that it's possible, that blackhats are big into bioterrorism, that DoD has long been into preparing defenses, and that whitehats would def employ such a strategy.

But will look into this over long weekend. TY anon.

95d9f2 No.1545794

File: 957da840a7d34f9⋯.jpg (262.28 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, archangel_mihail_by_dimona….jpg)


You are very kind. I was being sarcastic. Been here since day 3 I think.

I just don't like the term. It's juvenile in my mind. Doesn't mean I'm right. Just my perspective.

184549 No.1545795

File: d663e8eabc1e134⋯.jpg (36.07 KB, 690x493, 690:493, Newborn-Triplet-Photograph….jpg)


Nice trips, Anon!

da6c01 No.1545796


Whites is pedo central.


Boodles appears less so, possibly.

b55574 No.1545797



Thank you sir!

222cd8 No.1545798


What a faggot.

62624d No.1545799


Speak for yourself Chatty McGlowfag.


That's what I was thinking.

efc792 No.1545800


Welcome to the WILD WILD WEST NEGRO!!!

297329 No.1545801

File: 600a000776bc093⋯.png (3.59 MB, 1558x1708, 779:854, 2018-05-26_00-56-59.png)


A hat tip to James Woods.

Thank You, sir.

95d9f2 No.1545802


Pssst…who is He? You said he is here.

4bc2f1 No.1545803

File: ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, nasimgif.gif)

cc8c20 No.1545804


Alright. (((Saved))) Thanks Anon, goodnight.

222cd8 No.1545805


Easy there BO, def not a glowfag, just a shit poster

a2d30f No.1545806


Jeanine is a standard-issue Republican. I can do without her.

62624d No.1545807


Alright, fair enough.

c818e4 No.1545808



Responded to myself like a dumb kek.


Bigly if truly!

6eb383 No.1545809


23 posts on your 1st day?


363645 No.1545810


The Armenian genocide is a conspiracy theory.

–Cenk Uygur

4f8240 No.1545811

File: 025aabda680cb2e⋯.png (13.78 KB, 244x135, 244:135, key.png)


When we find the key

I have this running theory that Q stringers are giving us a name, column, primary key, and a foreign key (go). For what database? Probably the Q postings. Work in progress

a2d30f No.1545812


Get a room, faggots.

1bf549 No.1545813



Talk to Him with no FEAR.

He will talk to You with no pretense.


023f35 No.1545814


I'll take a standard issue Republican over an average Democrat most days.

3a5876 No.1545815


> how 41's clowns were running amok.

Knew it then. The only counter to the NY Times was the WSJ or National Review, no internet.

We were listening to Myron Fagan on vinyl records, for fuck's sake. Reagan was severely handicapped by that, but stll managed to redpill a generation.

3d977c No.1545816


Big time, and they are bitter (I didn't use the lime juice, but you learn to enjoy it.

b2d5eb No.1545817


You are such a faggot.

617aa8 No.1545818

Nunes = Patriot

CNN Goes To Devin Nunes' District To Dig Up Dirt – Disappointed To Find Out His Constituents Love Him


df4521 No.1545819

File: fb3e699d3eca53d⋯.png (129.04 KB, 1256x701, 1256:701, Omar-Reply-POTUS.png)

a13d04 No.1545820


I'd award you the special shitposting memedal of valor, but a true shitposter never reveals his position so brazenly.

95f832 No.1545821

8c57f8 No.1545823


This is only 1/8th the Rabbit Whole…

95d9f2 No.1545824

File: 23b78287c560e27⋯.jpg (8.11 KB, 194x259, 194:259, download-3.jpg)


Ugh. No thanks.

21cff8 No.1545825

File: 0e0103d63ea1cf6⋯.jpg (48.95 KB, 427x299, 427:299, BakingBread.jpg)


And requesting hand off next bread.

Sleep calls.

eeda20 No.1545826


chill dude. I was debating her moral or political leanings, I mentioned this because she seemed to have cooberated that post about an assassination set up with the z phones

3af3b8 No.1545827

File: 46dbb8ac6c20793⋯.jpg (209.66 KB, 585x615, 39:41, dream_953pqy571le.jpg)


Okay, one more.

This was too funny to me.

df4521 No.1545828



42f159 No.1545829

File: 453ba2e6b17099c⋯.png (406.12 KB, 946x459, 946:459, 1518128471936.png)

File: a5c9d4439b04e01⋯.png (200.47 KB, 999x442, 999:442, 1518128488242.png)

File: 4425cd4c0865cae⋯.jpg (71.27 KB, 680x278, 340:139, 1518128444325.jpg)

File: 7eff73436761892⋯.png (323.14 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 7eff734367618925b41c61b5f3….png)


Welcome! And remember chans are tough love. No hurt feelings here.

222cd8 No.1545830


I'm a low IQ shitposter

faf395 No.1545833


kys useful idiot antifa faggot

1bf549 No.1545835


the choice has always been yours.

023f35 No.1545836


I grabbed that. It's sweet.

c961da No.1545838


Damn :) I thought lets welcome a new soldier. But it sounded to good to be true. Always the same shit.

513308 No.1545839


Everyone on this board is a faggot, it's a term of endearment. You'll get used to it if you truly belong here.

8c57f8 No.1545840


Wut a load of SH!T fucks….

65f72e No.1545842


>def not a glowfag, just a shit poster

Tom-A-to / Tom-AH-to?

a2d30f No.1545843

File: 5722e037b780cbb⋯.png (654.62 KB, 888x499, 888:499, comey trump fag.png)


Sir? Do you mean, You fucking faggot?

95d9f2 No.1545844


Right. Squishes would make it 5 minutes in here. I have years of training and experience in ignoring. :D

TY! <3

16bc35 No.1545845

8c57f8 No.1545846


Compliment bro…

a2efc1 No.1545847

File: 81832bf8fe48457⋯.jpg (117.13 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, american-usa-fbi-logos-192….jpg)

Just in case this was not seen. FBI News on May 25, 2018

"FBI Director Christopher Wray Announces Five Senior Executives"

Ryan T. Young

Gary A. Loeffert

Gregory Ehrie

Matthew J. DeSarno

Timothy M. Dunham


c7849e No.1545848

File: 32e05a18b2e1335⋯.jpg (161.02 KB, 532x400, 133:100, hs.jpg)

95d9f2 No.1545850


Hey. You few were the first I have ever seen do it. Tyvm. Sorry you didn't catch the ;) at the end.

a2d30f No.1545851


Not for an hour though.

3d977c No.1545852


I'm still digging on the Armenians but after digging Steiger/Bush and the Aleppo strategy my head started filling up white noise and I couldn't concentrate. Anyway, the Armenian organized crime syndicates have a foothold in CA. They are protected by the Mexican Mafia. A couple of years ago they tried to organize a 3 way cooperation between themselves, MM, and MS-13 to do nationwide recruiting to form a huge network. From what I could gather, the plot was infiltrated and a bunch of MS-13 guys got snagged…but I would bet they are still at it.

1bf549 No.1545853


I am Daniel…

Follow Him or not.

I Follow Him.

up to (You).

af3267 No.1545854


I made this graphic.

Got this one wrong.

Got lots of other ones right.

I don't mind the criticism.

And I could care less about praise.

Back to research.

8c57f8 No.1545855


Uh Huh…. Perfect.

a2d30f No.1545856


You made your comment and I made mine, faggot.

3337f6 No.1545857

File: ec949f355d08566⋯.jpg (39.43 KB, 639x359, 639:359, Qpic426.jpg)

Hard day for these sweet Jail Mates

. They lost a loved one today and must be in terrible pain…

More PAIN Coming.

95d9f2 No.1545858

File: e78cccd825b01cf⋯.jpg (57.6 KB, 548x472, 137:118, 1cdfecdc4c469895c97ccc8c01….jpg)


Yes it has. And always will be.

dd1611 No.1545859


When you try to spread truth and shine light to sleeping people, they will either get pissed off or think you are crazy or both.

6eb383 No.1545860


>And I could care less about praise.

Couldn't care less

a2d30f No.1545861


Him, Marine Bob and his whole crew includ RR need to get the rope.

42f159 No.1545862

File: 01a0e29cba80edb⋯.gif (214.07 KB, 219x257, 219:257, 01a0e29cba80edb38078294cea….gif)


Add more memes faggot. Shits bland as fuck.

363645 No.1545863


Very interesting. Keep at it!

8c57f8 No.1545864


All noise in the end bro…. Sleep well my bruthu.

54099f No.1545865

File: 06e918f2405f3ee⋯.jpeg (700.04 KB, 1242x2062, 621:1031, A084DDC3-B0F1-46EE-BCC3-0….jpeg)



023f35 No.1545866

File: 5a2093bb34f975f⋯.png (496.62 KB, 500x595, 100:119, Fco4MpG - Imgur.png)

b55574 No.1545868


Trump got a nice smile.

6eb383 No.1545869

File: b7d08a1e54dfa2a⋯.jpg (16.43 KB, 217x254, 217:254, 2b1djg.jpg)

a71994 No.1545870

File: 2a5b4be558b52e8⋯.png (263.36 KB, 648x660, 54:55, IRIAF.png)

Iran giving more supplies in Idibil

https:// twitter.com/obretix/status/998986839183806465

c961da No.1545871


The ";)" at the end WAS the trick. What anon has enough emotions left inside to make smilies…

a2d30f No.1545872


Addition by subtraction also. One of /ours/ can effectively replace 5 of /theirs/

2ab533 No.1545873


Damn, ConspiracyAnon. You got some good material m8!

5c4e2e No.1545874

https:// msn.com/en-us/news/politics/john-mccain%E2%80%99s-shocking-concession-on-the-iraq-war-it-was-a-%E2%80%9Cmistake%E2%80%9D/ar-AAxNXcL

McShitStain in his book Claiming his share of responsibility for the war in Iraq, Bwa ha ha ha, little to late to salvage any reputation…

8c57f8 No.1545875


OLD shift braw….

8c57f8 No.1545876



1bf549 No.1545877



nice meme anon. ty.

a2d30f No.1545878


We need him to live until June so no special election is required.

023f35 No.1545883

File: 377a441bc27a6cd⋯.jpg (9.1 KB, 202x202, 1:1, heinzbeanz.jpg)

Where's Tracy at?

df4521 No.1545884

927f05 No.1545885


He's still lying

95d9f2 No.1545886



I am a terrible follower. Just awful at it. I have these opinions and thoughts. Mostly I don't give a shit what anyone thinks. March to my own drum. Ya. Terrible.

16bc35 No.1545887


The fallout from this will be going on for years!

779b6c No.1545888


40 year old pioneer headphones….

95d9f2 No.1545889


Yw! I hope lol.

2d1305 No.1545890

When this is all over, and the plan has been completed, when all all these animals are in jail or have suicided themselves, I hope we all replace our desire for Q drops (myself included) w/the energy necessary to continue the cause. I hope/pray we avoid the cancer of apathy following the great awakening.


21cff8 No.1545891

File: e1b2f097267ce4a⋯.jpg (83.71 KB, 579x329, 579:329, IMG_2516.JPG)

New Bread

New Bread




Have to sleep now anons. Next baker please bake the next and self confirm. Godspeed.


8c57f8 No.1545892



c818e4 No.1545893

File: f29d3918725a29e⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 700x593, 700:593, 1478042943710.jpg)

a71994 No.1545894

File: 51a05077b22df80⋯.png (277.81 KB, 658x598, 329:299, BOOM.png)

More BOOMS!!!

https:// twitter.com/obretix/status/999912485359566849

023f35 No.1545895


We will know what we're in for at mid-terms.

df4521 No.1545896


also Omar's reply to @POTUS


b55574 No.1545897


I hope he gets arrested soon.

c7849e No.1545898

File: c1d038ac60f9de9⋯.jpg (219.46 KB, 581x400, 581:400, side2.jpg)

21cff8 No.1545899

File: 99e10c5507a6495⋯.jpg (64.21 KB, 630x630, 1:1, IMG_2267.JPG)

8c57f8 No.1545900


It's NEVER over. Complacency's a BITCH!

023f35 No.1545901


I gotta go to class for this.

cf5a79 No.1545903

Answer your phone baker ;)

21cff8 No.1545904

File: 989c9966cb9db3e⋯.jpg (18.19 KB, 254x245, 254:245, 45736db2a1d995e3f19ac8bbc0….jpg)

617aa8 No.1545905

a13d04 No.1545906


When the hard parts over, the bigger than we can imagine part begins.

21cff8 No.1545907

File: 60bcef81fd2b58f⋯.jpg (73.15 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 60bcef81fd2b58fafa2aa7ada8….jpg)

a11cd0 No.1545908


Once Q is done, the Booms will continue quite rapidly…

My prediction: By 2020 we will be living in a sci-fi world with free energy, abundant money (not fiat based), flying cars… and the imagination can only wonder

8c57f8 No.1545909


F Offffff fagot

617aa8 No.1545910

File: b09e3387611bd7b⋯.jpg (14.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, John Wayne.jpg)

b55574 No.1545911

I hate this ID cf5a79

c818e4 No.1545912



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