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File: d5864fabf1371e9⋯.jpg (140 KB, 900x721, 900:721, d5864fabf1371e9f1f347ed5ef….jpg)

eee9af  No.15042981[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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eee9af  No.15042984

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TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

President Donald Trump Launches new Platform https://www.truthsocial.com

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eee9af  No.15042989



>>15042280 Today's delta: Chairman Graham, it's time. Senate was the target.

>>15042290 Am. Thinker: Fauci admits vaccines don't protect against Serious Covid or Death

>>15042293 European Medicines Agency Vax Data Shows 1,163,356 Adverse Drug reactions / 30,551 Fatalities

>>15042298 Moar on Rittenhouse Square, PA Frog statue

>>15042307 Oh Deer! - White-tailed deer and Coronavirus

>>15042305, >>15042311 HCA Profits and Coronavirus

>>15042313 Segregation, Safe Spaces and Fake News are alive and well @ Massachusetts Fitchburg State University

>>15042343 @MrAndyNgo: far-left group is fundraising for people who are mobilizing in Kenosha

>>15042325 Iranians hold Huge Anti-government protests after key river dries up

>>15042320 Fauci expects vaccine will be available for babies in 2022

>>15042354, >>15042363 @James Melville: Never forget where Covid misinformation originates

>>15042377 PDJT on Laura re: Rittenhouse

>>15042380 Live Austrian COVID protest

>>15042382 CDC Quietly Confirms mRNA COVID-19 Injections Increase Risk Of Myocarditis & Myopericarditis

>>15042425 A New York trial judge has temporarily blocked the New York Times from publishing some Project Veritas materials.

>>15042431 Florida Attorney General Files Lawsuit Over CMS Vaccine Mandates

>>15042455 Dr Fauci says Covid hospitalizations are rising among fully vaccinated people who have not had a booster

>>15042644 Clockfags on the Clock - JFKjr 61st bday & 2 days ahead?

>>15042743 There's nothing more frightening in America today than an angry White man CNN

>>15042762 PF Update DC10 Crossing the Delaware River

>>15042802 Kamala Harris appeared to contradict Biden, saying Kyle Rittenhouse verdict shows the criminal justice system needs to be more equitable

>>15042808 DJTjr Trolling - Have a great weekend folks.

>>15042831, >>15042923 Tech billionaire allegedly kept spreadsheet of 5,000 women he had sex with & other allegations

>>15042835 Protesters Take to Streets Across the Country Following Not Guilty Verdict in Rittenhouse Trial

>>15042865 Federal Judge Orders Pennsylvania School Board to Allow Critics to Speak, Blocks Vague Speech Codes

>>15042903 Indiana woman allegedly sold her daughter, 13, to man, 27

>>15042933 Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls on SEC to investigate Trump SPAC deal with DWAC for possible securities violations

>>15042951 Arizona AG Requests Federal Probe Of Alleged ‘Dossier’ on School Parents

>>15042959, >>15042966 World Protest and Marches Saturday 20th of November.

>>15042963 Massive Freedom Rallies Held Across Australia Today – Huge Numbers of Australians Participate and March for Freedom (VIDEO)

>>15042965 4.4 Million Americans Quit Their Jobs in September Amid Vaccine Coercion, Pandemic Stress

>>15042978 #19031

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eee9af  No.15042992


>>15041448 early

>>15041502, >>15041518 Mysterious Frog Statue happens to reside in RITTENHOUSE SQUARE, Philadelphia, PA

>>15041536, >>15041533, >>15041562, >>15041564, >>15041614, time to expose [the judges] who set this all in motion

>>15041505 Jury selection started this week on Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial for providing underage sexually trafficked girls to famous celebrities


>>15041553, >>15041805 Governor [Pritzker] has a full statement on Kyle…

>>15041666 gif meme kyle celebration (note this is older edited with kyle trial.

>>15041711 TRUTH WON BIGLEY! (full list of assets deployed against kyle) full respect to all anons here and on the ground, plus alt media sites.

>>15041721 BRITISH LIBRARY ARCHIVE PRE WAR WHERE YOU CAN SEE THAT B.I.S IN SWITZERLAND ARE FINANCING THE WAR - with source for moar, valuable archive link and screenshot

>>15041669 Mesa County Clerk, Tina Peters, was on War Room this am. FBI raided her house.

>>15041750, >>15041774, >>15041803 RIOTS Portland right now. Several arrests already. OFFICER SHOT

>>15041823 Cops retreat in the face of black block in Portland OR

>>15041505 Jury selection started this week on Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial for providing underage sexually trafficked girls to famous celebrities


>>15041888, >>15041921, >>15041942, >>15041976, >>15042192 salt mining kyle twats

>>15041905 kyle and judge gif for keks

>>15041908 stephen king twat on kyle case

>>15041955, >>15041961, >>15042106, Rittenhouse/Kenosha: NAARPR/Protests → Unions → Communists - anon dig, use discernment.

>>15041963 COVID Vaccines have a 3% fatality rate,But COVID only has a .03% fatality rate, cure is 100 x worse - gwp

>>15042036 Magician…Illusionist! - youtube video and link, language and meaning.

>>15042141 Orgy of violence;’ Dutch police open fire on rioters - heraldonline

>>15042153 Disgraced ex-CEO Elizabeth Holmes takes the stand in her criminal fraud trial - nyp

>>15042155 trump on ingraham - youtube

>>15042163, >>15042218, The Great Resignation is still happening—here are the underlying causes - fortune.com

>>15042181 Ex-Defense Secretary Mattis testifies in Elizabeth Holmes fraud trial September 23, 2021 - nyp

>>15042191, >>15042195, Bodycam footage of ‘Horror House’ raid shows cops rescue abused Turpin kids - nyp

#19030 >>15042394

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eee9af  No.15042994


>>15040704 Biden is gonna get sued for defaming a minor

>>15040712 What did Trump say about Kyle?

>>15040713, >>15040761 We triggered the Anti Defamation League

>>15040884 Ready to get rocked? Anons are sitting on the story of the century.

>>15040737 lots of numbers that might align with Q drops RE: Reported mass WWII child graves

>>15040749 Anyone who is BLM is now subject to this jurisdiction if this is "Their Message"

>>15040794 The sole highlight of the Harris Administration was the full acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse.

>>15040900, >>15041383 Gauge Grosskreutz was caught prowling PD parking lots taking pictures of Officers PERSONAL VEHICLES

>>15041002 Multiple live streams of various protests

>>15040711 Biggest African Bank Leak Shows Kabila Allies Looted Congo Funds

>>15041053 VERIFIED BAD CGI/image Vanishing magical Potato feet!

>>15041248 Was there CGI At the trial as well?

>>15041058 BASED helicopter on DJ Trump Jr's twitter

>>15041143 Lindell should patten a pepe pillow, it would sale

>>15041180 How to get HCQ: Takes about a week and a half total wait time

>>15041199 what if i told you there are no jews and it is fake terminology?

>>15041232 New York Times loses an appeal in Project Veritas case

>>15041255 Racists making it about Race, mere minutes after jury announced its verdict clearing Rittenhouse

>>15041243 NASCAR Driver Bubba Wallace wants moar race riots, also

>>15041319 So many Virtues to signal, so little time (Kaepernick)

>>15041362 Rittenhouse Clock you say?

>>15041420 #19029

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eee9af  No.15042998


>>15040018 Live stream links for Trump on Laura Ingraham 10pm tonight

>>15039962, >>15040265 America's political left explodes after Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted on all charges, and takes comfort in falsehoods, smears and trashing the United States

>>15039968, >>15040081 Citizen Journalism Saved Kyle Rittenhouse

>>15039971 @SpaceX Static fire test complete – targeting Tuesday, November 23 at 10:21 p.m. PT for Falcon 9’s launch of @NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test

>>15039973, >>15040076, >>15040077 Parasite-Demon Comms

>>15039976 Every House Democrat running for re-election should be asked if they agree with the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee’s hysterical attack on the right to self-defense

>>15039980, >>15040002 I regret to inform you that the AP is at it again

>>15039990, >>15040030 Dark Winter Here's the simulation script from 2001 for a Smallpox attack

>>15039994 BLM takes to the streets in Brooklyn NY chanting "EVERY CITY EVERY TOWN, BURN THE PRECINCT TO THE GROUND" after the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict

>>15040006, >>15040029, >>15040299, >>15040438, >>15040500, >>15040504, >>15040512, >>15040517 These people are stupid

>>15040010 SAM 685 up out of JBA - some nob headed home for the weekend

>>15040024 LIVE Australia Melbourne Perth Adelaide Brisbane Sydney Victoria Protests

>>15040087 On Bannon controlled gate keepers have their uses, but when caught cold make excuses

>>15040090 'The Sandlot' star Art LaFleur is dead at 78

>>15040079, >>15040156, >>15040173 Huber Family issues a statement about the Kenosha Assailants

>>15040171 Grassley

>>15040200 DOJ to Review Kyle Rittenhouse Case on Civil Rights Grounds

>>15040258, >>15040217, >>15040070 Maurice Freeland, 39, 'Jump-kick man' who was filmed kicking Kyle Rittenhouse

>>15040354 Exec with ties to NY lieutenant governor indicted for campaign fraud Lt. Gov. Brian A. Benjamin

>>15040358 Colin Kaepernick Says Rittenhouse Verdict ‘Validates the Terrorist Acts of a White Supremacist’

>>15040392 Kenosha live stream

>>15040409 Joy Reid is in a hotel room melting down on air, compares Kyle Rittenhouse to a slave-catcher (Cap 1:36)

>>15040436 Jared Golden sole Democrat to vote against Build Back Better Act

>>15040483 Is the West in a Cold War with China?

>>15040629 #19028

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eee9af  No.15042999

Previously Collected Notables

>>15038347 #19025, >>15039109 #19026, >>15039917 #19027

>>15035982 #19022, >>15037110 #19023, >>15037556 #19024

>>15033692 #19019, >>15034490 #19020, >>15035262 #19021

>>15031357 #19016, >>15032130 #19017, >>15032922 #19018

>>15029431 #19013, >>15029722 #19014, >>15030534 #19015

>>15026557 #19010, >>15027382 #19011, >>15028184 #19012

>>15024190 #19007, >>15025084 #19008, >>15025789 #19009

>>15022171 #19004, >>15022606 #19005, >>15023646 #19006

>>15019493 #19001, >>15020266 #19002, >>15021027 #19003

>>15017106 #18998, >>15017880 #18999, >>15018782 #19000

>>15014697 #18995, >>15015487 #18996, >>15016215 #18997

>>15012359 #18992, >>15013164 #18993, >>15013978 #18994

>>15010973 #18989, >>15011042 #18990, >>15011577 #18991

>>15007704 #18986, >>15008490 #18987, >>15009201 #18988

>>15005223 #18983, >>15006072 #18984, >>15006978 #18985

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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eee9af  No.15043002

File: ab3877fc09c543b⋯.jpg (353.99 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ab3877fc09c543bd54e4219984….jpg)



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eee9af  No.15043015

File: bceb1d5a2e8fd8b⋯.png (336.62 KB, 763x787, 763:787, d5d3ec181520f05735a0ba265d….png)


Kitchen is Set For Next Baker

Next Baker Self Confirm / Acknowledge

much love to anons

no homo

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fa2634  No.15043019

File: d0bf945f1fca2a4⋯.png (9.36 KB, 251x168, 251:168, ClipboardImage.png)

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a78326  No.15043035

File: 1ccf9db35e49c12⋯.png (103.21 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2021_11_20_08_2….png)

File: ea3187db7fe97e3⋯.png (91.04 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2021_11_20_08_3….png)

The Post’s Ruth Marcus obtained a draft version of the non-disclosure agreement. It said violators would face a$10 million penaltyfor every disclosure of nonpublic information they learned during their White House tenure, though Marcus said the penalty was probably reduced in the final version.


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c6a3ef  No.15043037

File: ddd26c4c47fd893⋯.png (15.86 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 2bca_1_.png)

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3c9a17  No.15043038

File: ff1cd5922778c7c⋯.jpg (75.5 KB, 960x960, 1:1, NTOC.jpg)

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4e7a65  No.15043039

File: 0edaf1d49947c48⋯.png (664.42 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15042944 pb

I hope he'll learn himself a new skill.

Maybe rope jumping.


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c94791  No.15043040

>>15042856 (lb)

If anons would stop giving credence to the mouthpieces, their world would be much more peaceful.

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1259cf  No.15043041

lb >>15043011

Not my personal energy I was referring to.

Feeling the energy of others and it becomes clear.

Being an Empath has been brutally educational.

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1777c4  No.15043042

Canada, Mexico Angry over Biden’s Support for Electric Vehicle Tax Credits, Citing Trade Agreements

Penny Starr19 Nov 2021

I bet they are missing Orange Mad Bad, by now

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador came to Washington to meet President Joe Biden this week angry about his backing the Democrats’ plan to give tax breaks to Americans who buy electric vehicles.

Politico reported:

Canada and Mexico strongly oppose the electric-vehicle tax credit, which the countries warn would damage their auto sectors and undermine the new United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement. For Trudeau, warning U.S. officials about the fallout of Biden’s electric vehicle proposal was a top objective during his two-day visit to Washington.

“We underlined to what point this would be a big problem for auto production in Canada,” Trudeau said at a news conference late Thursday after trio met. “We very clearly underlined our position.”

Politico reported that the tensions between the “three amigos” overshadowed the first meeting of the North American leaders since 2016.

When Biden was asked about the electric car tax credit, he said it might not survive in Congress.

“We don’t know what will happen in the Senate, but there’s a lot of complicating factors,” Biden said when he was asked by reporters about the proposal. “We’re going to talk at length about it, I’m sure.”

Politico reported:

The provision would provide consumer tax credits of $4,500 for electric vehicles made with union labor in the U.S., on top of other credits for the clean cars. That would disadvantage a number of foreign automakers, like Toyota, Volkswagen and Honda, which operate in nonunion states and have loudly opposed the measure. But it would allow Biden to deliver a tangible victory for organized labor, one of his major constituencies, as well as workers in Midwestern states like Michigan that will be crucial for his reelection.

Chrystia Freeland, Trudeau’s deputy prime minister, told reporters Wednesday that the proposal had the potential to become the “dominant issue” in the Canada-U.S. relationship. She said Trudeau told top Republicans and Democrats from the House and Senate on Wednesday that Canada is “certain” that the incentives, as currently formulated, would violate the USMCA.

Do you really want to violate it in such a significant way so soon after its passage?” Freeland said. “That was one of the points we made. I think they heard us.”

Speaking on behalf of the Biden administration, White House press secretary Jen Psaki defended the policy proposal.

“We don’t view it that way [as a violation of USMCA],” Psaki told reporters. “In our view, the EV tax credits are an opportunity to help consumers in this country. It’s not the first time there have been incentives and tax credits for consumers, to lower prices for consumers [and] help incentivize a move toward a clean energy industry.”


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088490  No.15043043

>>15043021 pb

Hanging brother. Out of everything this much I know as I stated in another post. I trust Trump. He ain't done.


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4bfcdf  No.15043044

File: 3a364d08d942dc9⋯.jpg (136.18 KB, 830x837, 830:837, patch44.jpg)

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07f898  No.15043046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Protest Lausanne, France - LIVE

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3c9a17  No.15043047

File: 3e5fcdc11c5106d⋯.jpg (20.46 KB, 354x170, 177:85, PA_PigWins.JPG)

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d4bbad  No.15043048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bots come out agasint Kyle. Is it possible to find out origin?

lol, like clockwork the bots come out

Nov 19, 2021

The Outer Light

80.1K subscribers


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07f898  No.15043049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Protest Vienna, Austria - LIVE

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0fdc02  No.15043050

>>15043034 (pb)


may be, not is.

Still: defending yourself using weapons okay now. MAGA supporters are typically pro law and want to follow law (which is great). Now they got the "right to defend themselves" and lefties didn't care about laws anyway.

So if this is a psy-op, it does a quite perfect job when all you want is a civil war.

Both sides would think they are righteous.

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c67408  No.15043051

Msm- dem messaging

Defund the police and defending yourselves is racist

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50cef7  No.15043052

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cd5545  No.15043053

File: 321753afe585663⋯.jpg (81.22 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, AHHH.jpg)

It's happening

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87c17b  No.15043054

File: c19b9ee21c30c11⋯.jpg (13.69 KB, 194x255, 194:255, mirror_on_the_wall.jpg)

File: bc60e7a89316f12⋯.jpg (171.97 KB, 666x500, 333:250, CHOOSE_WISELY.jpg)

File: 286768c82c9bf52⋯.jpg (67.72 KB, 517x360, 517:360, FIGHT_FOR_TRUTH.jpg)





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07f898  No.15043055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Protest Rome, Italy - Live

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07f898  No.15043056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Protest Paris, France - Live

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7f1c31  No.15043058

File: d64fdd137436122⋯.png (119.25 KB, 953x487, 953:487, a1lns1adea.png)

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ee5fab  No.15043059

File: 7149fa9564c0006⋯.jpg (49.39 KB, 600x282, 100:47, PIG_PENN_WIN.jpg)




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50cef7  No.15043060


>may be, not is.

I agree. It's fishy at least

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1777c4  No.15043061

File: 4c9fc8c053b9b7f⋯.jpeg (97.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2EFBD5A5_8DAA_4C00_9520_3….jpeg)

‘Baffling Error:’Joe Biden Removes Nigeria from Religious Oppressor List Despite Christian Persecution

Edwin Mora19 Nov 2021

Church members carry placards reading "self defence is now the answer" "the jihad will not work", as they take part in a protest against the killing of people by suspected herdsmen in Makurdi, north-central Nigeria, on April 29, 2018. - On April 24, 2018, at least 18 people, including two …

EMMY IBU/AFP/Getty Images


Secretary of State Antony Blinken removed Nigeria from the U.S. list of countries that engage in severe religious freedom violations, drawing the consternation of an international Christian persecution watchdog group this week.

David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA, a group that monitors Christian persecution across the globe, declared in a statement Wednesday:

We’re deeply alarmed at today’s decision by the U.S. State Department to end the designation of Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC). This is not only a baffling error, it’s likely in direct violation of the International Religious Freedom Act, the law that requires these designations to be made in the first place.

On November 15, Blinken made the CPC and “Entities of Particular Concern (EPC)” designations.

The latter refers to non-state actors who have also engaged in particularly severe violations of religious freedom.

About a week before Blinken put together the list, Nigerian authorities arrested a reporter for the anti-communist China newspaper Epoch Times who criticized the African government’s failure to protect Christians from deadly persecution at the hands of Fulani jihadis.

Communist China has developed close ties to Nigeria through its “Belt and Road” colonization initiative. Still, there is currently no evidence to suggest Beijing played a role in the reporter’s detention.

Blinken listed jihadis from Boko Haram and the Islamic State (ISIS) branch that operates in the West African country as top violators of religious freedom, but he omitted the Fulanis.

In 2018, fatality figures indicated that the Fulanis were growing deadlier than Boko Haram, also known to target Christians.

Ofter referred to as herdsmen, the Fulani jihadis have massacred Christians in north-central Nigeria. Some analysts suggest that the violence began as tension over resources between the mostly-Muslim Fulani herdsmen and mostly-Christian farmers in Kaduna and neighboring states. However, Fulani attacks have evolved into a campaign of persecution against any Christian who crosses their way. The State Department has identified the Fulanis as terrorists.

Per the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA), Blinken designated the governments of Burma, communist China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan as “Countries of Particular Concern” for engaging in or tolerating “particularly severe violations of religious freedom.”

The law defines particularly severe violations as “systematic, ongoing, egregious violations of religious freedom,” including transgressions “such as torture; prolonged detention without charges, forced disappearance, or other flagrant denial of life, liberty, or security of persons,” according to the State Department.

Notably absent from Blinken’s CPC designations list is Nigeria, ranked on the lower end (number nine) of the top ten countries on Open Doors’ 2021 World Watch List of nations where Christians face extreme levels of persecution over their faith.


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73258b  No.15043062

>>15042623 (lb)

>Sometimes you have to show them.

How many people still think that Kyle killed 3 blacks? That he carried the rifle across state lines? Even normies will have to acknowledge that they have been lied to by the MSM because they have built up this story to be such a big thing. For some reason this story was irresistible to them and yet them MSM just couldn't keep themselves from lying about it. Anons knew it was self defense the first time we saw flying jumpkick/skateboard video way back when it happened.

Why would the MSM build up an obviously false narrative for so long, and even continue to push it? [Gov Pritzker] -> Penny Pritzker -> Obama/Jarrett

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0fdc02  No.15043063

File: f7835444e9c1b73⋯.png (1.34 MB, 975x3650, 39:146, US20210082538A1.png)

File: 14aeb1a7fbd9dea⋯.pdf (5.5 MB, 2020_11_30_Methods_and_sys….pdf)

US Patent US20210082583A1: Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities while protecting the privacy of individuals



An aspect of some embodiments of the invention relates to system and methods for anonymously selecting subjects for treatment against an infectious disease caused by a pathogen, comprising: 1. a plurality of electronic devices configured with instructions to generate an ID, when in proximity of another such electronic device, one or both of transmit said ID to said another electronic device and receive an ID from said another electronic device, generating a score based on a plurality of such received IDs, receiving information from a server, displaying relevant treatment instructions to said subjects based on received information; 2. at least one server comprising instructions for sending to said plurality of electronic devices information to display said relevant treatment instructions; where said at least one server or said electronic devices comprise instructions to generate a prediction of likelihood of a subject transmitting said pathogen, based on a score of the subject.

It is most contagious during the first three days after the onset of symptoms, although spread is possible before symptoms appear, after they disappear and from people who show very mild or do not show symptoms at all.

Dedicated Mandatory App


In some embodiments, in view of the pandemic,the government may order the citizens to install a dedicated application on their smartphones (or other smart devices like tablets, smart watches, smart glasses, etc.) to help the government with the logistics of the vaccination procedures.In some embodiments, the government (or other body) provides the public with such dedicated smart devices. In some embodiments,the app and/or the smart device is configured to inform on the user's location at all timesand to communicate with adjacent smart devices (via Bluetooth for example) to assess the interactions between users, for example vicinity between users, movement of users, etc.). In some embodiments of the invention, already existing software may be used, for example, both android and is based cellphones have software (e.g., as an operating system service) which can detect proximity of others and such software may be used or improved to provide functionality as described herein.


In some embodiments, such app can be used to provide information regardinghow many unique people the user meets. For example, a certain user can meet many people but they are all the same people all the time. While another user can meet fewer people but each one is a different individual. In some embodiments, the second user may potentially receive a higher score and therefore receive treatment first. In some embodiments, such app and/or smart devices are also used to assess the progression of the vaccination procedures and the efficacy of the vaccination procedure.In some embodiments, individual data arriving from each user is coupled with their health information (sick, vaccinated, recovered, etc.) to further assess the progression of the vaccination procedures and the efficacy of the vaccination procedure. Optionally, if the persons met by a user are vaccinated or otherwise determined to be immune, such contacts may not count and/or be weighted lower.


In some embodiments,the app will be also used to send personalized communication to the users, for example, to come and be vaccinated. In some embodiments, in view of the information received from the app, specific actions are taken, for example, send a communication to the user to enhance his awareness to behavioral rules during pandemic, to come and be vaccinated, to avoid certain locations, which are at high risk of contagion.

Dedicated Voluntary App


In some embodiments,in view of the pandemic, the population is encouraged to install a dedicated app, where those that do install the app are rewarded. In some embodiments, the reward is priority to receive treatment.

Monitoring Behavior of Subject


In some embodiments,the behavior of the subject is monitored in relation to safety features performed by the subject, for example, wearing a mask (e.g., analyzing images taken during calls or other looking at screen of cellphone), washing his hands (e.g., analyzing sounds of water running or movement by a smartwatch), keeping social distancing (e.g., based on Bluetooth power levels and/or NFC detection), moving between multiple locations, etc. In some embodiments, these are monitored using the same devices/methods as disclosed above.

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d4bbad  No.15043064

File: e446502677a5c4f⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1164x577, 1164:577, Capture.PNG)

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0fdc02  No.15043065

File: e6e96f2e343691b⋯.png (407.44 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 17.png)



An aspect of some embodiments of the invention relates toprioritizing vaccinations and/or prophylactic treatmentsin a pandemic event by identifying potential superspreaders. In some embodiments, potential superspreaders are identified from a population before critical groups have been excluded. In some embodiments, potential superspreaders are identified from a population after critical groups have been excluded. In some embodiments, critical groups are for example, health care providers, essential service provides and high-risk individuals. In some embodiments, potential superspreaders are identified according to one or more of: their usual and/or expected level of activity, their usual and/or expected type of activity, their usual and/or expected health state, their belonging to a closed or open circle of connections, the kind of individuals a certain subject usually meets, the kind of individuals a certain subject has met and their actual sensed behavior. In some embodiments, the entire population (with or without the critical groups), or a part of the population, such as a critical group or other group, are subjected to an analysis which provides each individual with a “superspreader score” (referred hereinafter just as “score”) which reflects a likelihood of such a person acting as a superspreader and/or general expected ability of that person to spread the disease. In some embodiments, potential superspreaders are identified according to a score in relation to other scores from the rest of the population. In some embodiments, potential superspreaders are identified according to a score in relation to a predetermined score generated by the system. In some embodiments,identified potential superspreaders having the highest score are vaccinated (or provided with prophylactic treatments) first.It should be appertained that the score may also be weighted with other information, such ascriticality for infrastructure, social standing and/or risk form the disease or perceived risk to high-value members of society.


In some embodiments, thenotification for getting treatment may or may not contain information regarding the results of the calculations.For example,an individual that was identified as a superspreader may or may not receive information about the fact that he/she was identified as such.In some embodiments, the potential advantage of not providing such information is to further enhance the privacy protection of the user. For example,an onlooker may not be able to tell if a user received a high score due to his own behavior, the behavior of those he meets and/or an underlying health condition, which may put them at higher risk.


In some embodiments, dedicated codes, for example in the form of coupons, will be provided to individuals having important/relevant professions (like doctors, police, etc.). In some embodiments, insertion of the codes into their personal electronic devices will inform the system that that encrypted/anonymized user needs a correction in their score. In some embodiments, the correction can be either increasing the score or decreasing the score. In some embodiments, when the electronic device detects certain behavior, like an increase in the movements of the user, the electronic device (for example via the dedicated app) will warn the user that his score will be changed if the behavior is not changed. In some embodiments, changing the score can be either increasing or decreasing the score.


In some embodiments, vaccines are all compounds as disclosed in in the website of the World Health Organization (https://www[dot]who[dot]int/publications/m/item/draft-landscape-of-covid-19-candidate-vaccines), which are all incorporated herein by reference, and which are optionally provided (e.g., as a kit) with software such as described herein and/or provided with instructions for use targeting potential super spreaders detected, for example, using methods and apparatus as described herein, and include the following:

28 candidate vaccines in clinical evaluation

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612405  No.15043066

File: 2bbd530142283d4⋯.png (813.84 KB, 1132x906, 566:453, 64990f396c7e41b97424d02991….png)

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088490  No.15043067

>>15043028 pb

>Did you get the jab then?

Hell no and ain't going to. I know. I don't have a explanation for him doing that. But there has to be a reason. Matters not to me. I think and do for myself regardless.

"Let's say MAGA and everything was real, why wasn't Trump put in prison now"?

Hmm……………….they're trying too anon!!! You know they are. kek

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4bfcdf  No.15043068

File: 17f037a37bad00b⋯.png (16.88 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 83d0a761ca46f29d37429f9011….png)

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7f1c31  No.15043069

File: 6800fb92531d0b9⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1118x666, 559:333, agnt5.PNG)

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509ad7  No.15043070

File: a8891dbd45befed⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1910x1052, 955:526, ClipboardImage.png)


Revealed: Bodyguard survivor of Princess Diana crash has rebuilt his life and is now AstraZeneca's global head of security

- Trevor Rees-Jones is the only survivor of the crash in which Princess Diana died

- Mr Rees, 53, has recovered to land job as global head of security for AstraZeneca

- He was in the front passenger seat of the car and was trapped in the wreckage

- He was in an induced coma for ten days and was left with severe facial trauma

Bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones, the only survivor of the crash in which Princess Diana died, has rebuilt his life and is global head of security for AstraZeneca, the Mail can reveal.

Despite suffering appalling injuries and severe memory loss, he has recovered sufficiently to land a huge job with the pharmaceutical giant behind one of the world's most effective Covid-19 vaccines.

It is not known if his role involves protecting key personnel involved in the vaccine programme, or guarding the firm's laboratories and intellectual property.

The former member of the Al- Fayed security team, who now calls himself Trevor Rees, was travelling in the front passenger seat of the Mercedes and was trapped in the wreckage, conscious but with severe facial trauma.

He was placed in an induced coma for ten days.

It took skilful reconstruction by surgeons, working from an old photograph, who used 150 titanium parts to piece him back together.

Mr Rees, 53, was also left with profound amnesia for several months.

Dr Maurice Lipsedge, an expert psychiatrist commissioned by Lord Stevens' Operation Paget inquiry, said Mr Rees had 'very limited recall' of what happened immediately before and after the crash and this was unlikely to ever change.

Mr Rees left his job with Mohamed Al-Fayed the following year.

He published his own account of his experiences, with help from a ghost writer, in 2000 in a book called The Bodyguard's Story.

His first post after returning to work was with the United Nations in its department of peacekeeping.

He also spent six years with the US-based oil operations company, Halliburton, working his way up to director.

His LinkedIn entry describes him as being based in Shrewsbury and having experience in international operations.

Both AstraZeneca and Mr Rees, via his employers, declined to comment.


other good Diana-related articles at sauce

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87c17b  No.15043071

File: 83adb1603136093⋯.jpg (140.87 KB, 959x500, 959:500, dead_if_didn_t.jpg)

File: 55c43944b204000⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 768x432, 16:9, SUE_FAKE_NEWS.jpg)

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0fc33a  No.15043072

totally angry brandon is the scariest whitey of this dark winter

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07f898  No.15043073

So many freedom protests today in Europe.

What a good thing.

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0fdc02  No.15043074

File: eaaca4851111ba1⋯.pdf (1.95 MB, 2018_RFID_at_workplace_IPO….pdf)

File: a910fab6d30cc50⋯.png (419.02 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 17_flipped.png)


2018: EU: The Use of Chip Implants for Workers


This paper briefly explains the technology ofRFID chip implants; explores current applications; and considers legal, ethical, health, and security issues relating to their potential use in the workplace.

Compulsory use would be likely to encounter legal and ethical challenges. Even voluntary use might be subject to challenges, for example, on data protection grounds.

It seems that therisks of adverse health effects in humans might be considerably less than some have suggested, although they cannot be entirely discounted without better evidence.

Contrarily, although there are indications of improvements in recent years, the benefits in terms of enhanced security might not be deliverable with the vulnerability of current RFID chip technology.

This document was prepared by Milieu/IOM Ltd at the request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament

There are a number of reports of carcinogenic effects, mainly in specific strains of mice.

However, it appears that this probably reflects the unique sensitivity of these species and is not a trans-species phenomenon. Potential mechanisms suggest any similar effects in humans to be unlikely(although currentlyimpossible to discount completelywith the present state of knowledge).

Given such challenges,unless there is seen to be an overwhelming need or demand for implantable RFID chips in the workplace, then adopting a waiting game would seem to be the preferred option.

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87c17b  No.15043075

File: 060071080fb8ac4⋯.jpg (232.06 KB, 788x544, 197:136, UN_fatalities_and_injuries….jpg)

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7c88b2  No.15043076

File: 6e6ded37253d7ac⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, lies_lies_lies.mp4)


Right from their own mouths.


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1259cf  No.15043077


>Revealed: Bodyguard survivor of Princess Diana crash has rebuilt his life and is now AstraZeneca's global head of security



That's not at all SPOOPY AF

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07f898  No.15043078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Protest London, UK - LIVE

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c1ea3a  No.15043079

File: 780296c8d9dd73e⋯.jpg (52.6 KB, 550x412, 275:206, ZomboMeme_19112021115027.jpg)

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6a68a3  No.15043080


THIS is why he has to go on Tucker - they may hate Tucker, but they do not ignore him. Tucker needs to play the video, and Kyle needs to be humble and true to himself, and speak to what happened. Normies need to SEE the truth - and once it is aired on Tucker it will spread like wildfire.

Would I prefer OANN? Maybe. But normies - especially liberal ones - would not watch it. Fox is easy to find on their TVs; OANN et al are not

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87c17b  No.15043081

File: 07065b9258bac08⋯.jpg (215.77 KB, 780x541, 780:541, UN_fatalities_and_injuries….jpg)

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47734b  No.15043082


Sleepers activated comms?

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1777c4  No.15043083

File: 54958a85fcaeee4⋯.jpeg (386.17 KB, 1185x2090, 237:418, D03F7AB1_5A06_4D6F_B585_4….jpeg)


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87c17b  No.15043084

File: eb8cd449bc82ee5⋯.jpg (219.07 KB, 780x549, 260:183, UN_fatalities_and_injuries….jpg)

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a78326  No.15043085

"Brandon" was in before Q is why.

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ed7c01  No.15043086

Smallpox: Threat or False Flag? A Telling Timeline


Good read.

Keep your eyes on this shit, anons.

If (they) start pushing the smallpox narrative, they are really desperate.

If it ges out, ONLY THE GOVERNMENT has the 'vaccine'!

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c67408  No.15043087

File: c8a1d09a20a4513⋯.jpg (262.04 KB, 2160x3840, 9:16, 20211120_094642.jpg)


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87c17b  No.15043088

File: bdf2f2cd043f690⋯.jpg (224.9 KB, 780x550, 78:55, UN_fatalities_and_injuries….jpg)

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7c88b2  No.15043089

File: 6e6ded37253d7ac⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, lies_lies_lies.mp4)



Justice for Crystul

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87c17b  No.15043090

File: 163acc5c2a186de⋯.jpg (175.63 KB, 2182x548, 1091:274, DEATHS_AND_INJURIES_FROM_G….jpg)

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b8b15c  No.15043091


My first thought too, reward.

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bee1b0  No.15043092




Therefore, I know I am..

You can use that one Gutfeld.

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0fdc02  No.15043093

File: a458057bfd36f75⋯.png (169.53 KB, 505x288, 505:288, juncker_hitler_505x288.png)

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c67408  No.15043094

File: 50234f53aa25dc3⋯.jpg (88.59 KB, 680x663, 40:39, 20211120_094548.jpg)

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4e7a65  No.15043095

File: 6abf9ffb5c73a3c⋯.png (699.38 KB, 640x450, 64:45, ClipboardImage.png)

How easy would it be to fool the ignorant that when Kyle's case got dismissed with "PREJUDICE" that means it's because the Judge admits there was clear racism.

It'd be an easy troll in social media… similar to the "piss for equality" campaign.

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6a68a3  No.15043096


This needs to gain traction. Time to bring the corrupt Kenosha operation DOWN. There is obviously a systemic problem in that place, and it needs to be exposed. No better time than now while all eyes are on Kenosha

Anons with Twitter, please put this on blast

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87c17b  No.15043097

File: dc0c8f60ec915e0⋯.jpg (157.38 KB, 1094x567, 1094:567, kids_for_cash.jpg)

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1259cf  No.15043098



The Matrix only has so many images to work with.


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a78326  No.15043099


Neighbors told him the home invader was planning to kill the resident. They have comms. 24/7. Member?

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73fb71  No.15043100

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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4e7a65  No.15043101

File: 4a2bbb51a8e2b56⋯.png (157.67 KB, 255x249, 85:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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c1ea3a  No.15043102

File: 6d9332d88fb7ec7⋯.jpg (472.11 KB, 1080x1835, 216:367, Screenshot_20211120_095032….jpg)


This is all i found. The extract is not available anywhere that I can find, but the actual plants are.

Might grab a couple just in case. Works topically.


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87c17b  No.15043103

File: 82859a0fced54ec⋯.jpg (138.89 KB, 540x540, 1:1, It_started_with_a_finger.jpg)

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4e7a65  No.15043104


Good morning

Stabs the Air.

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07f898  No.15043105

File: e728b5727e0b031⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB, 480x600, 4:5, np.mp4)

Colombian police pays homage to Germany with a 'Nazi' party

Outrage in Colombia over the party organized by a group of students from the Simón Bolívar Police School in Tuluá, in which several uniformed officers recreated scenes alluding to Nazi Germany. (translated with deepl.com)


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0c4e41  No.15043106

>>15043061 Joe Biden Removes Nigeria from Religious Oppressor List Despite Christian Persecution


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088490  No.15043107


Shot and killed her pedo abducter then I support her 1000%. Hope a good attorney is helping this poor woman.

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fdf8e0  No.15043108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"World Wide Rally for Freedom" - Protest Marches Saturday 20th of November.

London - Stream 1 https://youtu.be/KTSoTrLilGI

London - Stream 2 https://youtu.be/tF0R72Rv5VM

London - Stream 3 https://youtu.be/XjrMy1JMRic

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7b88e1  No.15043109



GBY and all anons

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4bfcdf  No.15043110

File: 59bb17e50cbd54b⋯.gif (4.68 MB, 463x260, 463:260, milesdavis44.gif)

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47734b  No.15043111


>"PREJUDICE" that means it's because the Judge admits there was clear racism

That would be a pretty epic troll. Half chan would be up for it.

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7f1c31  No.15043112

File: 89262ee2aa17c38⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1051x662, 1051:662, agnt3.PNG)

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5be521  No.15043113

They know now the price of fucking around. The verdict let them find out from the safety of their own homes. They should be thankful. Without the public trial, they'd all still rush a gun with no weapon. Now they might think twice. If not, then Darwin award season is open.

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7c88b2  No.15043114

File: 4ed97ef69d7df85⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1143x821, 1143:821, ClipboardImage.png)

Vaccinated Doctors are Dying and Unvaccinated Doctors are Quitting or Being Fired

update of medical doctors who have died after receiving a COVID-19 shot, or when their vaccination status is not mentioned, died suddenly or unexpectedly.


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509ad7  No.15043115

>>15043077 chekked on dubs of truth for SPOOPINESS

>>15043082 IDK the purpose of the COMMs. Unconsciously prepping UK / anglosphere normies for GREAT AWAKENING / real history?

Royal fam / establishment is toast once truth about Di comes out

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b8b15c  No.15043116


Thats a Calla Lily, I grow those in my garden. They come in many colors, beautiful.

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853179  No.15043117


I wonder shy pillowguy won't help her with bail and legal?

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c1ea3a  No.15043118


They call it a purple pitcher plant. It is carnivorous.

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612405  No.15043119

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1496x788, 374:197, 2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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5dd6d9  No.15043120


It says right in the picture it is a Pitcher Plant…

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4bfcdf  No.15043121

File: c68243e99855312⋯.jpeg (106.48 KB, 1183x776, 1183:776, c68243e9985531224dcbf3f0c….jpeg)


Bless you as well, Swordy




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ed7c01  No.15043122

Smallpox: Threat or False Flag? A Telling Timeline


Good read.

Keep your eyes on this shit, anons.

If (they) start pushing the smallpox narrative, they are really desperate.

If it ges out, ONLY THE GOVERNMENT has the 'vaccine'!

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4e7a65  No.15043123


> ONLY THE GOVERNMENT has the 'vaccine'!

If the government has the vaccines now, then do they also have vials of the virus now?

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c37828  No.15043124


Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

Definitely not the Vaccine

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87c17b  No.15043125

File: c5d3816bf6af83a⋯.jpg (41.67 KB, 417x226, 417:226, there_are_side_effects.jpg)

File: 9b5a41d3e11b3f5⋯.jpg (146.46 KB, 976x549, 16:9, JUST_A_SCAM_FOR_MONEY.jpg)

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bee1b0  No.15043126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If I was sober.. I'd bake!

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19342f  No.15043127

File: 669af0f751dc18c⋯.png (542.49 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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3cec6f  No.15043128


Brave girl needs the help of anons. This should be spread to all corners of the internets.

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ed7c01  No.15043129


Bullet Points from the Smallpox article


Timeline of Key Events Pertaining to Smallpox

June 22-23, 2001

Simulated Covert Smallpox Attack Dubbed “Dark Winter”

September 4, 2007

The FDA licensed Sanofi Pastuer Biologics Co.’s ACAM2000 Smallpox vaccine.

July 1, 2014

6 Vials of Smallpox Were Found in a Cardboard Box in a Cold Storage Room at NIH

November 2014

Bill Gates, Chimerix, Wellcome Trust, Oxford University, and FDA – Future Smallpox Treatment

October 6, 2017

Emergent BioSolutions finalized their acquisition of ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine business from Sanofi Pastuer

July 13, 2018

FDA approved SIGA Technologies’ TPOXX (tecovirimat) – the first drug with an indication for treatment of smallpox

September 10, 2018

SIGA Technologies signed a multi-year TPOXX contract with BARDA for up to $629 million

September 3, 2019

Emergent BioSolutions was awarded a 10-year HHS contract, valued at approximately $2 billion, to deliver ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine into the Strategic National Stockpile

September 16, 2019

The Russian lab that is only one of two labs in the world known to store live samples of the variola virus which causes smallpox, had an explosion

September 24, 2019

FDA approved Bavarian Nordic’s Jynneos – the first live, non-replicating vaccine to prevent smallpox and monkeypox

November 15, 2019

FDA issues final guidance for development of smallpox treatments as part of critical preparedness efforts

June 25, 2020

SIGA Technologies delivers another $32 million in Oral TPOXX to HHS

March 11, 2021

Merck secured over $300 million from the Biden administration and Gates Foundation

June 4, 2021

The FDA approved first ever antiviral treatment for smallpox – Chimerix’s Tembexa (brincidofovir)

July 29, 2021

SIGA Technologies announces collaboration with Oxford University to expand use of TPOXX to treat Monkeypox in Central African Republic

October 31, 2021

Joe Biden signed executive order 14051: Designation to Exercise Authority Over the National Defense Stockpile

November 9, 2021

Bill Gates warned governments of a smallpox terror attack while requesting tens of billions for research and development

November 12, 2021

OSHA suspends Covid-19 vaccination and testing mandates on businesses

November 16, 2021

15 Alleged vials of smallpox found at Merck Facility in PA

November 17, 2021

The second U.S. case of monkeypox this year is discovered in Maryland

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fdf8e0  No.15043130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Yellow Vest Paris" - Protest Marches Saturday 20th of November.

Paris - Stream 1 https://youtu.be/_8Ybw9cDb3c

Paris - Stream 2 https://youtu.be/GipxHWDulvE

Paris - Stream 3 https://youtu.be/7d6-Fpk8524

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6afaee  No.15043131

File: 3232425d4a1fa8d⋯.jpeg (532.67 KB, 889x892, 889:892, 8EE8D6A6_C0D4_41E5_9BFD_0….jpeg)

File: f0bae75cd86320a⋯.jpeg (724.27 KB, 1170x1432, 585:716, 908C47DE_D8AC_479B_A414_E….jpeg)

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1259cf  No.15043132


>Sudden Adult Death


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b8b15c  No.15043133


Looks like my calla lilies, comes in white, pink yellow and dark purple almost black. But they arent carnivorous.

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87c17b  No.15043134

File: 054f7732c0346cb⋯.jpg (216.95 KB, 1024x601, 1024:601, fauci_loves_hurting_animal….jpg)

File: 1859bf2a130e848⋯.jpg (64.89 KB, 550x366, 275:183, millions_adds_to_billions.jpg)

File: 672cdb7d7e23bb9⋯.jpg (35.36 KB, 250x269, 250:269, FAUCI_FORCED_DRUGS_ON_KIDS.jpg)

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07f898  No.15043135


this isn't the link to the yellow vests!!!

this is the LGBT shit protest t the same time while yellow vests protest, you idiot!!!

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19342f  No.15043136


Pfizer's next pandemic, so that they can push their new and improved smallpox vax which is another mRNA vax. Nothing wrong with the old one, other than it won't make them any money.

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2649fa  No.15043137

File: bed0ad704358e16⋯.png (4.37 MB, 2975x3129, 425:447, qClock_BannonPetersInject.png)

all pb



>FBI Raids Home of Elections Official Tied to QAnon Voter Fraud Scheme


>Mesa County Clerk, Tina Peters, was on War Room this am. FBI raided her house.


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/20/2018 13:47:29 ID: 5a1150

Archive Bread/Post Links: 1115558 / 1116309

Direct Link: 1116309

Anonymous 04/20/2018 13:44:41 ID:10fbb7

Archive Bread/Post Links: 1115558 / 1116269

Direct Link: 1116269



Anonymous 04/20/2018 13:45:09 ID:9237d9

Archive Bread/Post Links: 1115558 / 1116276

Direct Link: 1116276


Amazing. They are literally opening the door for you to drop all the information as evidence in a court of law.



They fall for it every single time.


How do you ‘legally’ …….



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/19/2018 17:54:59 ID: d24602

Archive Bread/Post Links: 1104781 / 1105115

Direct Link: 1105115


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/19/2018 17:50:50 ID:d24602

Archive Bread/Post Links: 1104781 / 1105041

Direct Link: 1105041



Relationships High.

“Insurance File.”

Quiet until now.

Join POTUS’ legal team.

Direct discussions avail [now] w/ Mueller.

Enjoy the show.

They never thought she would lose.




We have everything.

How can we use what we know?

How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?

What are you witnessing unfold?

Trust the plan.


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0c4e41  No.15043138


Why should it be him? Can’t another rich patriot step up? The pillow guy has enough on his plate with the Supreme Court case on the 23rd. Maybe you didn’t know. Now you do.

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a78326  No.15043139

File: 685bc4e876291e9⋯.png (64.08 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2021_11_20_08_5….png)


Could a home invader be charged with assignation attempt?

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bee1b0  No.15043140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6b5bf6  No.15043141


United Nations, Halliburton, Astra Zeneca

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8ab68d  No.15043142


SADS Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

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87c17b  No.15043143

File: f3e0f57d0b53368⋯.jpg (35.74 KB, 385x256, 385:256, FUCK_YOUR_DYING_KIDS.jpg)

File: 47d4d78214b15a4⋯.jpg (82.47 KB, 639x358, 639:358, DR_DEATH.jpg)

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c67408  No.15043144

File: 71977cc924622eb⋯.jpg (137.91 KB, 661x1042, 661:1042, 20211120_095750.jpg)

Thank you Jesus for every victory

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bee1b0  No.15043145

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a78326  No.15043146

File: e224e55579a381e⋯.png (90.31 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2021_11_20_08_5….png)


Fuck around….


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4a0475  No.15043147

>>15041505 p

anons don't understand the Succession of Treachery.

The traitorous bitch made his bones. He'll probably be DA soon and lieutenant governor in a couple of years.

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87c17b  No.15043148

File: 71bf944fb0e5cab⋯.jpg (80.79 KB, 620x413, 620:413, FAUCI_HAS_VESTED_INTERESTS.jpg)

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c67408  No.15043149


'suddenly' has become a popular word in obits….I've noticed

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dd39d8  No.15043150

File: c5d0fdcfbf72427⋯.png (823.57 KB, 786x680, 393:340, ClipboardImage.png)


Good list, but it's missing at minimum this article about Bill Gates in January of 2014. Should be added for accuracy.


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fdf8e0  No.15043151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"World Wide Rally for Freedom" - Protest Marches Saturday 20th of November.

Netherlands, Vienna - https://youtu.be/t7ePW4g4LAA

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5be521  No.15043152


>home invader

That is asking for a funeral. Anon's been invaded. Two guns and they couldn't run away fast enough. Being stupid is a terminal disease.

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73fb71  No.15043153

File: 6f47ffb1c75fafe⋯.jpg (82.76 KB, 500x833, 500:833, 1637266168606.jpg)

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19342f  No.15043154

File: 61b890d82e18fa2⋯.png (590 KB, 888x500, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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07f898  No.15043155


You are so fucking stupid!

Vienna is not in the Netherlands, asshole!

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db424a  No.15043156

Day 3 of ivermectin. This thing is trying to find any weakness in me to exploit. It’s kicking my ass. But I have God on my side. No fear.

T y anons.

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f9807d  No.15043157


Personally, I hate the meme, but I love the image. Do you have the original without the text?

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bee1b0  No.15043158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c94791  No.15043159

File: 70b6a367cce1eba⋯.jpg (145.54 KB, 606x1041, 202:347, Screenshot_20211120_085954….jpg)

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87c17b  No.15043160

File: 91fa7c37332492c⋯.jpg (154.92 KB, 1138x350, 569:175, not_filtered_.jpg)

File: d37f1a19fc58574⋯.jpg (129.12 KB, 675x492, 225:164, DYSTOPIC_NIGHTMARE.jpg)

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7cb32f  No.15043161

File: dcef2561aada881⋯.jpg (57.99 KB, 500x625, 4:5, ADDI2_17.jpg)

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4a0475  No.15043162

>>15042290 p Am. Thinker: Fauci admits vaccines don't protect against Serious Covid or Death

of course he "admits" it. that's how he justifies the Perpetual Booster Regime of Total Control.

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e31738  No.15043163


Kenosha and Racine have always been hubs for corruption, if i recall it was a bootlegging hub back in the 30's so organized crime helped build those democratic areas.

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fdf8e0  No.15043164


What >>15043155

No shit sherlock. Go Troll someone else you gay fag fucker

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582b07  No.15043165

File: d2c7de9e2a7aedb⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1331x853, 1331:853, SendUsChildRapists.png)


Presley's so smawt!!!

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c1ea3a  No.15043166

File: 63c689d061e7cc3⋯.jpg (122.51 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ZomboMeme_11112021212549.jpg)

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87c17b  No.15043167

File: a69ba90cbe98c41⋯.jpg (80.6 KB, 800x360, 20:9, kills_and_maims.jpg)

File: 1ec5ed3eaa45156⋯.jpg (110.14 KB, 976x401, 976:401, JAB_CAUSES_IT.jpg)

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a78326  No.15043168

File: c0ee74f278e785b⋯.png (223.91 KB, 1286x1074, 643:537, 4738.png)

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c67408  No.15043169

File: 64e0cc695968291⋯.jpg (16.98 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 1acc090489e394c80acffbc313….jpg)


No but I got this one

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e7a1eb  No.15043170


that is funny, to watch a British or French movie from the last couple of years, you would think half the population is BIPOC, and especially the people in positions of power.. In all those women, i didn't see one black sister. kek

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088490  No.15043171


>Why would the MSM build up an obviously false narrative for so long, and even continue to push it?

The MSDNC media does this because they can. Get's picked up by other fellow traveler media outlets and disseminated across the entire planet. Saw that segment on TC last night with Glenn Greenwald and people in Brazil stunned to learn that it was not 3 blacks that were shot but 3 whites. The lies are strong supported by repetition and frequency.

Lie, lie often and lie with confidence.

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3c9a17  No.15043172

File: 071401963cb4424⋯.jpg (681.98 KB, 1200x2061, 400:687, Accolade_by_Edmund_Blair_L….jpg)


God Bless you as well, Swordanon

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c67408  No.15043173


Katharine Hepburn da you?

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f9807d  No.15043174


Oh, well. That's even better. Thanks.

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fdc095  No.15043175

Hey, Brnovich, you put up a good front, with the suit against vax mandates, and now with wanting to know wassup with the school parents thing. But the big kahuna, election fraud, not a freaking sound out of you or your office. You know, that itty bitty item that the entire world is watching and waiting for, that little thang the existence of the nation rides on. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT

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4a0475  No.15043176


William Faulkner: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

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4bfcdf  No.15043177

File: db7fa6b94be521e⋯.webm (2.6 MB, 600x600, 1:1, db7fa6b94be521e8da07a62d5….webm)


shoot the whole tube


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ed7c01  No.15043178

File: f3bda3ad4d7eca1⋯.png (30.44 KB, 390x489, 130:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0a770f7579926c⋯.png (30.68 KB, 381x561, 127:187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cb64a69029682d⋯.png (9.99 KB, 402x296, 201:148, ClipboardImage.png)


Almost overlooked this one!

Joe Biden signed executive order 14051: Designation to Exercise Authority Over the National Defense Stockpile


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c1ea3a  No.15043179


Australia is a wreck anyway.

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35f659  No.15043180


uhm anons a bad thought just crossed my mind

Covid Vaccine is meant to kill you.

Boosters are ment to keep you alive form the vaccine tht is suppose to kill you.

'They' have created a Pay per Life scenario

Either you pay for the booster, or you're ded.

>Prove me wrong.

*Disclaimer, not responsible for thoughts crossing my mind.

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db424a  No.15043181


Kek.. it’s the pills.

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db424a  No.15043182


>'They' have created a Pay per Life scenario

>Either you pay for the booster, or you're ded.


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c67408  No.15043183


Clearly we need a 17 year old to step up….

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853179  No.15043184


I was just curious. You seem triggerd. Go for a walk anon.

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87c17b  No.15043185

File: 43efe68d977bd3d⋯.jpg (83.81 KB, 730x310, 73:31, It_s_time_for_change.jpg)

File: 768c5a20456fbb0⋯.jpg (142.73 KB, 780x439, 780:439, Looper_taking_out_trash.jpg)

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1259cf  No.15043186


Article from Sept

The Wisconsin Supreme Court will review an appellate court decision that opened the door for Chrystul Kizer to use an affirmative defense while fighting a murder charge for the death of a man who prosecutors admit had been preying on Kizer and other underage girls.

Kizer is charged with first-degree intentional homicide for the June 2018 death of Randall Volar III, a 34-year-old Kenosha man. Kizer was 17 at the time she was charged, accused of shooting Volar in the head, then setting his house on fire.

Prosecutors have argued that Kizer’s motive in killing Volar was theft. Her supporters, however, believe Kizer was defending herself from a trafficker, and her attorneys hope to use an affirmative defense included in state statute for victims of sex trafficking.

Whether her defense team will be allowed to pursue that line of defense is the subject of the Wisconsin Supreme Court review. The affirmative defense has never been used in a homicide case in the state.

Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge David Wilk previously had ruled that Kizer could not use the affirmative defense in a homicide case.

But the District II Court of Appeals overturned Wilk, ruling that Kizer may be able to use the defense if she is able to show her actions were a direct result of the trafficking she experienced. At trial, the defense, if allowed, would be similar to a self-defense argument

The Supreme Court will not review that decision based on an appeal from the state. Rather, the court is asking the state and defense to file briefs in support of their arguments over the next two months.



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7c88b2  No.15043187

File: 4f7d692f1047daa⋯.png (699.71 KB, 871x877, 871:877, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03958d6f03866cb⋯.png (691.01 KB, 1444x1012, 361:253, ClipboardImage.png)


Especially EYES ON Dark Winter since Potato told us we were in for a Dark Winter last October

Here's the sauce:


Here's the deets on the exercise:


The Dark Winter exercise, held at Andrews AFB, Washington, DC, June 22-23, 2001, portrayed a fictional scenario depicting a covert smallpox attack on US citizens. The scenario is set in 3 successive National Security Council (NSC) meetings (Segments 1, 2 and 3) that take place over a period of 14 days. Former senior government officials played the roles of NSC members responding to the evolving epidemic; representatives from the media were among the observers of these mock NSC meetings and played journalists during the scenario's press conferences.

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73258b  No.15043188


>Lie, lie often and lie with confidence.

I agree, but still don't understand. They back the obvious loser in this race, and even after they have lost, continue to double down. Either they are being forced to expose themselves, or they don't care that they are being exposed.

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73fb71  No.15043189

File: e915a54c31b47fd⋯.png (36.16 KB, 823x960, 823:960, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a11bbef21b662bb⋯.png (24.9 KB, 220x142, 110:71, ClipboardImage.png)

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131371  No.15043190

File: eb386601f378601⋯.png (258.64 KB, 598x658, 299:329, miscarriage_of_justice_huh.png)

File: cc518cf3a063df8⋯.png (541.76 KB, 923x792, 923:792, miscarriage_of_justice_huh….png)

File under things you won't see on the MSM biased networks, happening at same time frame…


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19342f  No.15043191

File: 6facca4aa5aefb9⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 787x960, 787:960, MSM_false_perception.jpg)


>ow many people still think that Kyle killed 3 blacks?

Loads. NYT & CNN first ran with this right after it happened. They quietly revised the narrative over time never again mentioning the "race" of the perps shot by Kyle.

The MSM need to be held accountable for the absolute lies and deception, designed to cause riots and division. The military is the only way? Will they drag these pieces of shit out of their news rooms at some point? Man, I hope so!

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4bfcdf  No.15043192

File: 9c0c3da76bc2d87⋯.png (15.55 KB, 214x255, 214:255, 2794a2b4519b6f34de559ea577….png)


down them all!


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58147c  No.15043193

File: ce69caa856859c3⋯.png (916.42 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, 0d574f735481d4d6e7f6d0e3e8….png)


Same to you, Swordanon!

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6a68a3  No.15043194


WATER! 96 oz/day. Vitamin D/K2! Do it

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bee1b0  No.15043195

File: a474670888b1485⋯.png (410.43 KB, 600x337, 600:337, ClipboardImage.png)


I am agnostic and cannot understand why I am so moved by what I know.. Even though what I know is pretty much, legend.. History is warped by the winners.

So many religions and histories and the story of Christ always gives me goose bumps when referenced.

If I was going to believe man made books from God.. It would be Christianity.

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7c88b2  No.15043196

File: 275ea54e480f37d⋯.jpg (124.88 KB, 1154x1122, 577:561, 275ea54e480f37d7b5fb74cb1b….jpg)


Literally wrote a fiction book about this in 2019.


Stop stealing my plots!

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4a0475  No.15043197

q: why do freepers always repeat the same stupid cliches and act like they own the place?

a: so anons can tell they're freepers.

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720c3f  No.15043198

File: 9557031d8e57330⋯.png (785.45 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

God keeps his promises.

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cceb1b  No.15043199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Beaver moon?

Luminaries for determining the SIGNS & seasons.

New shit everyday.

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5d441d  No.15043200

Mornin frens.

Earned some freedom last night.

Hope you all have a blessed day.

I think I'll enjoy the new 007 movie and then take in the sights for a bit.

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0fdc02  No.15043201



Fauci: "These vaccines are highly highly effective."

MSNBC: "Vaccinated people do not carry the virus. They won't get sick."

Fauci: "They are really really good against variants."

Bill Gates: "Everyone who takes the vaccine is not just protecting themselves, but reducing their transmission to other people, allowing society to get back to normal."

Bill Gates: "Our key goal is to stop the transmission. get the immunity levels up, so that you get almost no infection going on whatsoever"

Fauci: "When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected."

Bidan: "If you are vaccinated, you're not going to get hospitalized, You are not going to be in ICU, and you are not gonna die."

Bidan: "If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask."

CDC: "Anyone who is fully vaccinated, can participate in indoor and outdoor activities. Large or small, without wearing a mask or physically distancing."

CDC: "What they can't do any more is prevent transmission."

Bill Gates: "We didn't have vaccines that block transmission. We got vaccines that happen to help with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission. We need a new way of doing the vaccine."

Fauci: "The levels of virus in the nasal pharynx of a person who is vaccinated and infected is the same level as the level of virus in the nasal pharynx of an unvaccinated person."

CDC: "Reports from our international colleagues including Israel suggest increased risk of severe disease amonst those vaccinated early."

Fauci: "If you look at Israel, which has always been a month to a month and a half ahead of us in the dynamics of the outbreak in their vaccine response and every other element, they are seeing a waning of immunity (after six months of vaccination) not only against infection but against hospitalizations and to some extent, death which involved all age groups, not just the elderly"

Bidan: "The plan is for every adult to get a booster shot."

Bill Gates: "Clearly one of the best investments I have ever been involved in."

sorry if there are typos

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52ecd5  No.15043202

"Self Defense is NOT illegal" - Rittenhouse

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4a0475  No.15043203

File: e0ff405d673bbb2⋯.png (681.53 KB, 809x573, 809:573, fauci_orb.png)

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4e7a65  No.15043204


I just got over it last week.

It was painful, lost taste/smell, no sleep for 3 days, sweats, headaches, extreme weakness, and difficult breathing.

I started feeling better when I used an albuterol rescue inhaler, a flovent steroid inhaler, an albuterol nebulizer machine, Zythromax, Ivermectin, NorCo, Zicam, Dandylion pills, Cinchona bark pills, Quinine liquid drops, and 3x the daily dose of my daily multivitamin.

The difficult breathing wasn't the worst… the weakness and full body pain was the worst… even inside my bones hurt in like the fucking marrow.

I wasn't giving medical advice.

Get well soon.

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db424a  No.15043205


T y anon. Doing the i mask protocol.

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87c17b  No.15043206

File: 6dcfe4230799492⋯.jpg (200.85 KB, 1302x714, 31:17, work_confined.jpg)


>Australia is a wreck anyway.

Not yet… but if certain politicians don't change… it will be.

The people that built this country…. can also disassemble it… for a rebuild.

Sometimes that gets messy…changing opinions would be easier…. but politicians these days, are stupid… so we'll see.

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52ecd5  No.15043207

DS gambled BIG they could take down Rittenhouse…..and they lost BIGLY

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4a0475  No.15043208


saturday morning cartoons are that way, bitch

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fdf8e0  No.15043209


Nice spot. kek

BIPOC - Minorities have taken over the main Cities (eg. London, Manchester, Birmingham) in the Uk.The majority white in the march will be from all over the UK.

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7c88b2  No.15043210



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4e41dc  No.15043211


>Crystul Kizer

Interdasting name

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db424a  No.15043212


Same symptoms here. Glad you’re better. :)

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fdc095  No.15043213


Reminiscent of the video from about 25 years ago–Dead Doctors Don't Lie.

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4e41dc  No.15043214


Wake 'em up, shake 'em up, Woodward

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088490  No.15043215

Just saw the girlfriend of Anthony Huber who I guess was the Skateboard fuck. What a mental mess these kids have wound up in. Can't think in a straight line at all. Said she was not for violence and that life is precious. So what did she think her boyfriend was going to do to Kyle's head with that skateboard? Had this piece of shit succeeded in knocking Kyle out, killing him or severely injurying him, would he have taken Kyle's AR and shot him with it? Others?

Yes little girl, life is precious and it's so precious that one has the right to protect it ie……… others and oneself. Your boyfriend didn't think the same. Well, as we say here on the kun, he fucked around and found out.

Life lesson if you have a brain cell to realize it.

Good Fucking Grief……………..

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131371  No.15043216

File: 082d7af04aab50a⋯.png (54.57 KB, 765x725, 153:145, Oil_producing_states_WW.PNG)

File: 45578218db081df⋯.png (121.65 KB, 1314x867, 438:289, Oil_producing_states_map.PNG)

File: 031800d6cf7097e⋯.png (93.11 KB, 719x875, 719:875, Oil_producing_states.PNG)

Why are we having a "Gas Crisis???"…

Texas, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and New Mexico are the US tight oil-producing states. Of these states, Texas and North Dakota will continue to be the largest producers of crude oil because of the large amounts of economically recoverable resources in the Eagle Ford, Permian, and Bakken regions.


The Governors of each state are in control of the oil production, NOT the Federal Government…

These Governors should pump up the volume on the oil production in each of their states…then don't need the Federal approval on what they do in their own state…the Federal Government is there to help the states NOT CONTROL THEM…

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bee1b0  No.15043217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c94791  No.15043218

File: fa2d40c062612e7⋯.jpg (67.07 KB, 720x476, 180:119, Screenshot_20211120_091427….jpg)

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4a0475  No.15043219


they don't tell secrets, either, which is more to the nub of the matter.

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720c3f  No.15043220

File: b5d018c2620e91d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 900x466, 450:233, ClipboardImage.png)


No matter how far you think your child may have drifted away from the Lord, we can be rest assured that God has a tether on their soul.

Keep praying for our children.

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a78326  No.15043221


Do freepers request [The start] over his understanding of new 5G technologies our intelligence agencies didn't quite understand yet along with international espionage whistle blower claims pertaining to intellectual property theft via University Laboratories?

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bee1b0  No.15043222

File: 75d38389e4c4731⋯.png (291.88 KB, 574x280, 41:20, ClipboardImage.png)


The fact I did a search "Give me a sign" and that showed up.. IS THAT A SIGN???

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dd2070  No.15043223

File: 27a233c2d7a0f2a⋯.png (464.25 KB, 586x857, 586:857, hold_the_line.png)

File: 470f843a8e2d079⋯.png (777.5 KB, 876x793, 876:793, red.png)


Christina Pushaw Crocodile


What happens when you hold the line

Quote Tweet

Ben Becker


· 2h

BREAKING: Action News Jax has obtained and confirmed this memo regarding Ascension St. Vincent’s now allowing suspended unvaxed hospital employees to return to work @ActionNewsJax


8:36 AM · Nov 20, 2021·

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5dd6d9  No.15043224

File: 46e4ff289b25661⋯.png (734.67 KB, 802x689, 802:689, Screenshot_2021_11_20_at_1….png)

had to pass this on, taken from: https://theothermccain.com/

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4a0475  No.15043225

File: 8c0fafa6906b489⋯.png (447.5 KB, 356x717, 356:717, mind_over_matter_alice_rab….png)

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671d63  No.15043226

File: 1e65f7ffac7f9fe⋯.png (603.26 KB, 670x449, 670:449, swordanon_copy_2.png)


God bless you as well swordanon

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513667  No.15043227

File: f60599caa2bde79⋯.jpg (119.09 KB, 542x437, 542:437, money_for_storage.jpg)

File: 2bee0499c1928f2⋯.jpg (93.58 KB, 499x646, 499:646, movie_watching.jpg)

File: 818af21ba39f461⋯.jpg (167.36 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 420.jpg)

File: efaf27e959f17a6⋯.jpg (102.71 KB, 645x434, 645:434, popcorn.jpg)

File: 31c4c5803bc90cd⋯.jpg (128.6 KB, 582x475, 582:475, LORDs_Disciples.jpg)

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19342f  No.15043228

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB, 398x442, 199:221, pepe_5.png)

1 to 2 teaspoons daily of cinnamon is good for immune health, as well as circulation, anti-inflammation and more. Big pharma will poo poo that fact, and even try to make claims that people have "dangerous allergic reactions" to cinnamon.

So many natural remedies, and big pharma doesn't like it, since it cuts into their bottom line.

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bee1b0  No.15043229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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58147c  No.15043230


The gimmick with crude oil is induced scarcity. Earth produces that stuff nonstop, so scarcity is just a control lever for them for profits.

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19342f  No.15043231


Anyone have that salt shaker pepe meme?

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d5238f  No.15043232

File: c3ba6d6a861f132⋯.png (425.45 KB, 629x616, 629:616, Screen_Shot_2021_11_20_at_….png)

Knew I'd seen that critter found in the COVID Kill Shots before.

Looks like the Mimics from Edge of Tomorrow movie.

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a78326  No.15043233


Looks familiar.


I like.

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dd2070  No.15043234

File: dd313c20de7b16d⋯.png (28.57 KB, 933x188, 933:188, plum.png)

File: 0681b1b6a8df16b⋯.png (212.74 KB, 580x657, 580:657, pain.png)


Biden's job approval plummets in swing-state Arizona

by David M. Drucker, Senior Political Correspondent |

| November 19, 2021 10:47 AM

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bee1b0  No.15043235












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f9807d  No.15043236


Or the mind flayer from Stranger Things.

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513667  No.15043237

File: e04596ab63dd3cc⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 396x436, 99:109, sabbath_quotes_hold_on.jpg)

File: 9f71887e565c03d⋯.jpg (96.94 KB, 500x665, 100:133, REMEMBER.jpg)

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c07aac  No.15043238

File: 5a02bd96c912cbe⋯.png (510.21 KB, 850x850, 1:1, fuck_you_.png)

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dd39d8  No.15043239


They would have to pay me at least twice what I was getting before they "let me go" by way of violating my rights to get me to work for them again.

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dd2070  No.15043240

File: 2c416da078e7fbc⋯.png (131.55 KB, 1038x454, 519:227, lock_down.png)


Europe's anti-lockdown hell: Violence breaks out in Vienna as 10,000 protesters take to the streets hours after two people are SHOT in Rotterdam during clashes between activists and Dutch riot police

Violence erupted in Vienna today as 10,000 protesters took to the streets after new lockdown was announced

Two people were shot during an 'orgy of violence' amid anti-lockdown protests in Rotterdam Friday evening

Police confirmed the injuries to the rioters, but did not clarify what type of ammunition was used against them

Police fired water canons as demonstrators lit fires and set off fireworks in Rotterdam's busy shopping district

The Netherlands entered a partial lockdown on Saturday, sparking a furious backlash against the government

Austria on Friday reimposed a full winter lockdown and neighbouring Germany warned it may soon follow suit

By Lauren Lewis and Chris Jewers For Mailonline and Wires

Published: 05:32 EST, 20 November 2021 | Updated: 10:18 EST, 20 November 2021

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088490  No.15043241


Damn good question but it's the transporting of that petroleum that has been shutdown by FJB. Anwar closed, other federal leases terminated. A lot of oil has been artificially taken off the world market. As planned. Have to make oil and gasoline as expensive as possible so that they can point to it and say "see? Oil is dirty, killing the planet. Electric cars, windmmills, solar power is the "wave" of the future". Until there ain't no wind, or sunshine. Or night comes. Texas found out real damn good this past winter. Didn't they?

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4e7a65  No.15043242


Bruh… believe it or not,


That's why the aliens haven't killed us off… they fear God more than we do because they don't have the same connection we do to Him.

They visit Earth to learn and share with us because we are beautiful and extremely unique.

When humans meet God, the awesome feeling we will get is similar to the awesome feeling aliens got when they met us here on Earth.

We enjoy interacting with their technology, and they enjoy enjoy interacting with our spirit.

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bee1b0  No.15043243


Many of us Old Timers have never listened to this before..


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52ecd5  No.15043244

File: 17769d43da27297⋯.png (304.94 KB, 567x506, 567:506, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d92d9a723099b0⋯.png (821.87 KB, 1305x663, 435:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bab109f681b42e2⋯.png (144.84 KB, 824x735, 824:735, ClipboardImage.png)




> Hello, I am the mother of, Chrystul Kizer, who was a minor at the time of her incarceration and is currently facing charges in Kenosha, WI because she defended herself from a known sex trafficker.

Randall Phillip Volar, III had a search warrant executed on his home in February 2018, after a different minor black female from my daughter, called 911 and reported that "Randy" gave her LSD and was going to kill her. During that raid Randy was taking into custody and his home was searched. Items related to child sex trafficking and child pornography was discovered and there were many items confiscated including tor browsers,videos and photos involving the suspect (Randall Volar) and numerous underage BLACK GIRLS, participating in various sexual activities. Randall Phillip Volar III, describes himself as anescort trainer in one of the videos, with a clearly apparent underage girl.


The HANDS OFF CHRYSTUL KIZER DEFENSE COMMITTEE, is currently trying to raise $45,000 to secure an attorney to get her released as soon as possible so that she can begin HER healing process. This is a very traumatic experience for her and considering the fact she doesn't come from a background involved with these types of situations I know she will require that much more love and support from not only me but from her community. I never in a million years would have thought we would be in this position, but here we are. THE HANDS OFF CHRYSTUL KIZER COMMITTEE, are looking to retain the legal services of a law firm out of Madison, WI.

I encourage you to check out the #FreeChrystulKizer, facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/freechrystul/

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6b5bf6  No.15043245

File: 0ae443f0f9a45b5⋯.jpg (195.94 KB, 528x599, 528:599, 0ae443f0f9a45b54555dde99d1….jpg)

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87c17b  No.15043246


lol… first meme…GRANTED.

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b559cf  No.15043247

File: 24b220e1f16749a⋯.mp4 (10.69 MB, 854x480, 427:240, y2meta_com_Andrew_Coffee_I….mp4)


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088490  No.15043248


Excellent meme. KMFAO!!!

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b44755  No.15043249

File: 3b093ab331aeb41⋯.png (623.26 KB, 1120x353, 1120:353, crooks.png)

Think of this:

The ursurpers claim it is DJTPOTUS and his followers who are attempting to overturn the USA government

But who is taking away the Citizen's Rights?

Who wants to abridge and 'correct' or throw-away the Constitution of USA?

One more example of their Satanic mirroring.

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088490  No.15043250

Anons, anyone have a good website for making memes?

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735393  No.15043251


>Joe Biden signed executive order 14051: Designation to Exercise Authority Over the National Defense Stockpile

So he can sell/give it to China?

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dd2070  No.15043252

File: dc3c24f9b568603⋯.png (659.83 KB, 972x634, 486:317, doxx.png)



MSNBC’s History Of Doxxing Normal People Shadows Attempt To Follow Rittenhouse Jury

Are James J. Morrison and Irene Byon just MSNBC's next Ben Collins and Brandy Zadrozny?

Kylee Zempel

By Kylee Zempel

November 19, 2021

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bee1b0  No.15043254


>That's why the aliens haven't killed us off… they fear God more than we do because they don't have the same connection we do to Him.

Shit like that makes me want to cry.. Knowing others see it too.

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4a0475  No.15043255

>>15042392 p

anon asks sensible question, makes sensible point.

ban him now!

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52ecd5  No.15043256


>I wonder shy pillowguy won't help her with bail and legal?


>I was just curious. You seem triggerd. Go for a walk anon.

you were trying to trigger people by implying Lindell wasn't a good guy because he isn't involved in this injustice.

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b60610  No.15043257


No. 1 Kek to the highest

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088490  No.15043258


It works anon. They would not be utilizing this tactic if it didn't.

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19342f  No.15043259



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5d441d  No.15043260



I have a feeling you knew how last night was gonna go before I ever started.

In some ways epic fail, yet in others I had a great time.

Always a learning experience.

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bee1b0  No.15043261


God really pissed off those bastards when he made us, eh..


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52ecd5  No.15043262


>BREAKING: Action News Jax has obtained and confirmed this memo regarding Ascension St. Vincent’s now allowing suspended unvaxed hospital employees to return to work


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720c3f  No.15043263


"allowing" or begging

how many employees who were let go will say "fuck you"

They screwed themselves when they let those people go.

Now they must pay.

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dd2070  No.15043264

File: 7d2e7dadfd09a5c⋯.png (62.58 KB, 1253x432, 1253:432, open_fire.png)


Dutch police open fire on Covid lockdown protesters as European nations reintroduce restrictions

An "orgy of violence" broke out in Rotterdam overnight as demonstrators clashed with police, the city's mayor said.

Nov. 20, 2021, 7:46 AM EST / Updated Nov. 20, 2021, 9:11 AM EST

By Chantal Da Silva and Associated Press

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19342f  No.15043265

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)


It's time, for the hunters (NBC) to become the hunted. Let [them] live in fear of the doxxing.

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5c8a97  No.15043266

File: 6b5fcf1390b3b0f⋯.png (212.59 KB, 474x237, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25f846e345cf5b1⋯.png (314.56 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

Morning Anon's:

Did not see it from previous notables but the Kyle Rittenhouse trial was interesting because it also has big ties to the board.

He was charged by Laurel & Hardy on 5 counts of murder or attempted murder.





Jump Kick idiot

These are the 5 charges the jury in Kyle Rittenhouse's trial considered


When all said and done.

Kyle was 5 for 5

Avalanche coming.

Now it is time to focus the trial Maxwell trial with cameras in the court room.

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63de70  No.15043267

Any Anons know where I can find the old video of Hussein on the View talking about the lizard side of your brain and all the co-hosts fawning over him asking who they actually are and where they came from? It was from his early years as (fake) potus.

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dd2070  No.15043268

File: 22505bded5d98e7⋯.png (626.65 KB, 743x379, 743:379, boston.png)


history remembers ….

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4a0475  No.15043269

File: b78054524292577⋯.png (46.89 KB, 1292x100, 323:25, Screen_Shot_2021_11_20_at_….png)

File: 3de27046ce0c531⋯.png (409.09 KB, 696x422, 348:211, ratigan_pity.png)


o, dear…

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7e8d54  No.15043270


True that.

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b559cf  No.15043271

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a6c405  No.15043272


Perfect match when age difference, lighting and angle is taken into affect.

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4e7a65  No.15043273


Are dogs or cats pissed off at Humanity because Humans are made in Gods image?

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0dda2f  No.15043274

File: 8b449bc64cececc⋯.jpg (96.66 KB, 929x474, 929:474, sdfds.JPG)

File: b2215eaaf65a015⋯.jpg (122.67 KB, 913x640, 913:640, chimerix6.JPG)

File: e918256d9cd62cf⋯.jpg (75.99 KB, 1010x730, 101:73, chimerix.JPG)

File: ec58c3b0759cb77⋯.png (97.15 KB, 799x694, 799:694, five.png)

File: 4bd3e529d7e1649⋯.png (85.28 KB, 734x689, 734:689, one.png)




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09510a  No.15043275


Love it! Never heard that before.

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bee959  No.15043276

File: 2b6bc67df6f4e6c⋯.png (240.08 KB, 400x327, 400:327, grammar_kitty_intensifies.png)


>I'll enjoy the new 007 movie

Grammar Kitty says the verb must agree with the subject and, in this sentence, they clearly do not.

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7e8d54  No.15043277


God lifts.

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bee1b0  No.15043278


God created us so we could collapse the wave form into matter which caused the Universe.

Little pieces of him given free will?

We are like the filter of forever trying to figure out what it is..

Biological lifeforms that collapse matter into linear time and space.


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0dda2f  No.15043279

File: a1b655313f00627⋯.jpg (87.45 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, metalogo.jpg)

File: 75d7fa8e6f81291⋯.jpg (12.86 KB, 474x323, 474:323, chimerixlogo.jpg)

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52ecd5  No.15043280



looks like a match to me

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dd2070  No.15043281

File: 8482144fffc0241⋯.png (391.26 KB, 853x745, 853:745, regi.png)


Biden Regime Ignores Courts Again and Tells Businesses to Move Forward with Vaccine Mandate

By Joe Hoft

Published November 20, 2021 at 9:15am

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4a0475  No.15043282

File: b8c31b5864b9d05⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Obama_lost_without_a_telep….mp4)


never heard of it

but this one's always fun

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4e41dc  No.15043283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f9807d  No.15043284


One of my cats seems a little testy.

The others also.

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c94791  No.15043285


>If God has made your cup sweet, drink it with grace; or even if He has made it bitter, drink it in communion with Him. If the providential will of God means a hard and difficult time for you, go through it….You must go through the trial before you have any right to pronounce a verdict, because by going through the trial you learn to know God better.

- Oswald Chambers


Not my work, anon. I just borrowed it. But, yes, it's excellent.

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bee1b0  No.15043286


Did I say that?

I amaze myself sometimes…

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4e7a65  No.15043287


And the Universe said I love you because you are love.

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4a0475  No.15043288

File: fd87a4cdfb022cb⋯.png (563.45 KB, 1030x528, 515:264, Screen_Shot_2021_11_20_at_….png)


gosh that looks scary

ff much?

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87c17b  No.15043289

File: cd956291a320a26⋯.jpg (169.4 KB, 962x514, 481:257, treason_Jake.jpg)

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5dd6d9  No.15043290

File: a8a148964640749⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1266x837, 422:279, Screenshot_2021_11_20_at_1….png)

This woman's voice…I'd listen to her read the dictionary!


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bee1b0  No.15043291



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6b5bf6  No.15043292

File: 84210513b8941a6⋯.png (297.03 KB, 516x500, 129:125, a9976be3b4dfcc37c57b4a484c….png)

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2104d9  No.15043293

File: d14a466d2eb3621⋯.png (127.52 KB, 174x262, 87:131, Screenshot_2021_11_20_at_1….png)

FBI used Sergei Millian to illegally entrap the Trump campaign…

Years later, during the Mueller investigation, on June 8, 2018, the shady Israeli businessman Charles Tawil, for no good reason, gave Papadopoulos $10,000 in cash while the two were in Israel—seemingly so that Papadopoulos would fail to declare the money when the FBI braced Papadopoulos on his return flight to America. Instead, Papadopoulos wisely left the money behind.


Best part of this entire shit show. Anon was LMAO when Papa was telling this story to Bongino.

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e8a107  No.15043294

File: bdc3222e7158c6a⋯.png (534.52 KB, 709x488, 709:488, kyle_the_patriot.png)

Kyle's Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandfather, ca. 1776

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19342f  No.15043295

File: 5fc307269b5fd5a⋯.png (667 KB, 1163x491, 1163:491, pot_taking.png)

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4a0475  No.15043296



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b44755  No.15043297

File: 9c7fb334339fe80⋯.jpg (307.61 KB, 800x634, 400:317, haberman.jpg)


When people become aware of it, it stops working.

Press paid off by the crooks.

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73fb71  No.15043298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do you know talk is a real thing? There is more power in speech than many conceive. Thoughts come from God and are born through the marriage of head and lungs. The head molds the thought into the form of words, then it is born and sounded on the air, which has been, already, in the secret kingdoms of the body, which goes in bearing life and comes out freighted with wisdom.

For this reason, a lie is very terrible, because it is turning mighty and incomprehensible things to base uses, and it is burdening the life-giving element with a foul return for its goodness; but those who speak the truth and whose words are the symbols of wisdom and beauty, these purify the whole and daunt contagion.

The only trouble the body can know is disease. All other miseries come from the brain, and, as these belong to thought, they can be driven out by their master as unruly and unrepentant vagabonds; for a mental trouble should be spoken to, confronted, reprimanded and so dismissed. The brain cannot afford to harbor any but pleasant and eager citizens who will do their part in making laughter and holiness for the world, for that is the duty of thought.

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bee1b0  No.15043299



Brian I meant!

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6a68a3  No.15043300


Good. Dont stop. and if you have a vaporizer/humidifier, use it 24/7 - it helps. Also if you can get your hands on 'Xlear', do. Amaz9n has it and im not sure who else. it is helping me with congestion. it is xylitol nasal spray - look up the great things xylitol does. Peter McCullough. one of the docs doing great work recommended it recently so I just grabbed some in case. And then I needed it

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87c17b  No.15043301

File: d0f5316013e0597⋯.jpg (209.42 KB, 718x722, 359:361, fist_up_arse_puppet.jpg)

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bcfc73  No.15043302

File: 7193ed98d8b4145⋯.png (260.32 KB, 850x404, 425:202, fauci_covid_vaccine_hydra_….png)

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b559cf  No.15043303

File: 66698f0f12421be⋯.jpg (123.74 KB, 720x885, 48:59, Kyle_at_some_point.jpg)

File: 2331660676f7953⋯.png (3.91 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Cheers_to_you_kyle.png)

File: dc21dbe5a390c6a⋯.png (966.58 KB, 1080x691, 1080:691, Trump_and_Kyle.png)

File: 16a7c074ae99983⋯.png (351.74 KB, 601x640, 601:640, Rittenhouse_cleared_of_all….png)

File: 25ded8427487a4c⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 537x302, 537:302, Hey_Kyle_before_you_leave.gif)

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fa2634  No.15043304

File: fe0fbd55c506fca⋯.jpg (28.38 KB, 1022x1024, 511:512, jump_1022x1024.jpg)

File: 9aa35f17b13e779⋯.png (268.53 KB, 607x487, 607:487, ce343450d683f11cbbf9374eb5….png)


>Jump Kick idiot



A career criminal and convicted felon with an open domestic violence charge has claimed to be the unidentified male at whom Kyle Rittenhouse shot twice at close range but missed, on the night of August 25, 2020.

: 'Jump-kick man' who was filmed kicking Kyle Rittenhouse in the head before the teen shot at him is revealed as a career criminal with an open domestic violence charge for 'throwing his girlfriend to the ground and attacking her'

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671d63  No.15043305

File: 892e42beebe339a⋯.png (888.29 KB, 1495x819, 115:63, prez_poopy_pants.png)


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35f659  No.15043306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>humans are made in gods image…

anyone want to splain Gorillas?

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bee1b0  No.15043307


My soul is old too..

I am allowed to drink and smoke as early as I want.

3rd density is Edjewmucation.

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4e7a65  No.15043308


And the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code.

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db424a  No.15043309

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4a0475  No.15043310


>Biden Regime Ignores Courts Again

At what point do Americans revisit the Declaration of Independence?

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87c17b  No.15043311

File: 0085879e72caa0e⋯.jpg (113.63 KB, 750x500, 3:2, it_starts_with_the_fingers.jpg)

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5d441d  No.15043312


Inside joke, anon.

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6b5bf6  No.15043313


He couldn't keep up with the earpiece.

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52ecd5  No.15043314


jump kick man looks like Lebron James

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b55f70  No.15043315

File: 1072ffe2982177e⋯.png (79.88 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Is Q gonna drop a new crumb today or what?

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c6fc0b  No.15043316

File: 716198951ca778d⋯.jpeg (94.38 KB, 700x863, 700:863, bball.jpeg)

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19342f  No.15043317


>'Jump-kick man' who was filmed kicking Kyle Rittenhouse in the head before the teen shot at him

Joy Reid believes Kyle had no right to shoot at him, and doing so was racist.

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1777c4  No.15043318


Chrystul Kizer, sex trafficking victim accused of killing alleged abuser, wins appeal in Wisconsin

a couple of people sitting at a table: Chrystul Kizer is pictured during a hearing in the Kenosha County Courthouse on November 15, 2019.

An appellate court in Wisconsin has ruled that Chrystul Kizer, a child sex-trafficking victim charged with killing her alleged abuser, may be able to use a state law intended to help trafficking victims accused of crimes.

The law, known as the affirmative defense, will give Kizer, now 20, a chance to present evidence to a Kenosha judge, and possibly a jury, that her actions were a “direct result” of the trafficking she experienced. If successful, she could be acquitted of some or all of the charges against her,rather than face a mandatory life sentence— and could break legal ground for trafficking victims accused of crimes.

Read The Washington Post investigation into the case of Chrystul Kizer

The court’s decision, which has been pending for over a year, comes as legislatures and judges across the country are reevaluating how the unique abuse trafficking victims experience should be taken into consideration in the legal system.

The majority of states have laws that offer protection to people who can show that a crime they committed — such as prostitution, drug possession or fraud — happened because they were being trafficked.

But when the crime in question is a violent offense, anti-trafficking advocates and prosecutors are divided over how much leeway these victims should be offered.

In Kenosha, prosecutors argue that when Kizer was 17, she planned the 2018 murder of 34-year-old Randall Phillip Volar III in order to steal his BMW. Kizer says she was defending herself after Volar, who had been filming his abuse of her since she was 16, pinned her to the floor when she refused to have sex with him.

The two sides have been at odds over the meaning of Wisconsin’s affirmative defense law, which is somewhat similar to laws around self-defense. It states that trafficking victims have a legal defense “for any offense committed as a direct result” of being trafficked.

Prosecutors argued that “any offense” did not include homicide and that even if it did, Kizer’s charges should only be lowered to lesser ones. But the appeals court agreed with Kizer’s lawyers, who argued “any offense” did indeed mean “any offense.”

If Kizer and her attorneys can prove to a judge that there is “some evidence” her crime was a “direct result” of her trafficking, then she will probably go before a jury. If that jury agrees that her charges were a “direct result” of her victimization, she would be found not guilty.

Kizer’s case gained national attention after a Washington Post article showed that Kenosha police and prosecutors knew that Volar, a White man, was abusing Kizer and other underage Black girls before his death.

Three months before Volar’s death, a 15-year-old was found fleeing from his home after she called 911 to say he had drugged her and was going to kill her. Police raided the house and found “hundreds” of child pornography videos and more than 20 “home videos” of Volar abusing girls who appeared to investigators to be as young as 12 years old. While the investigation unfolded, Volar remained free.


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0fdc02  No.15043319

File: 312e03431ce9779⋯.pdf (1.54 MB, 2020_10_RealWorldEvidence_….pdf)



Oct 2020: Real-World Evidence: The Case of Peru. Causality between Ivermectin and COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate


In these eight Peruvian State analyses, Ivermectin distributions preceded sound reductions in excess deaths and case fatality rate (CFR).

The variation in the number of detected cases nor the vulnerable population decrease can explain this reduction.

Other possible explanations, such as cross-immunity with dengue, or mere causality, have been discarded due to their lack of consistency in this study.

Treatment with ivermectin is the most reasonable explanation for the decrease in number of deaths and fatality rate in Peru.

Its implementation in public policies is a highly effective measure to reduce the excess deaths and IFR of COVID-19


In these eight Peruvian State analyses, Ivermectin distributions preceded sound reductions in excess deaths and case fatality rate (CFR).

The variation in the number of detected cases nor the vulnerable population decrease can explain this reduction.

Other possible explanations, such as cross-immunity with dengue, or mere causality, have been discarded due to their lack of consistency in this study.

Treatment with ivermectin is the most reasonable explanation for the decrease in number of deaths and fatality rate in Peru.

Its implementation in public policies is a highly effective measure to reduce the excess deaths and IFR of COVID-19.

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fa2634  No.15043320

File: ce28d83fe771cd6⋯.jpg (114.8 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, GettyImages_1228205707.jpg)


Maurice Freeland, 39, has admitted that he was the one who kicked Kyle Rittenhouse in the head on the night of August 25,2020

Rittenhouse is charged with First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety of Freeland, who was only known as 'jump-kick man'

The state has painted all these actors as heroes attempting to take down an 'active shooter'

But DailyMail.com can reveal that at the time of the 2020 incident Freeland was out on bond and is a career criminal

He was charged with Battery Domestic Abuse, Criminal Damage to Property Domestic Abuse and Disorderly Conduct Domestic Abuse

Freeland was charged for an incident that took place on March 23, 2020 between Freeland and his partner Monalisa N McDuffie

McDuffie told police that Freeland 'threw her to the ground and kicked her in her lower right ribcage…then began punching the television'

Rittenhouse has been charged with First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety of the man known in trial only as 'jump-kick man,' for the flying kick he took at the teenager's head as Rittenhouse was attacked minutes after he shot Joseph Rosenbaum dead.

Now Maurice Freeland, 39, has admitted that he was the one who kicked Rittenhouse in the head and narrowly avoided being shot as a result, after the then 17-year-old stumbled to the ground as he attempted to flee.

Moments later Anthony Huber swung at Rittenhouse with his skateboard for a second time, grabbing for the AR-15 that was slung across his chest. Rittenhouse fired once, shooting Huber in the chest at point blank range.

Gaige Grosskreutz was next, advancing on Rittenhouse with a Glock 27 in his hand. He was shot in his right bicep for his efforts.

The state has painted all these actors as heroes attempting to take down an 'active shooter.'

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c94791  No.15043321

File: 342bacbc133ca39⋯.jpg (241.26 KB, 720x721, 720:721, Screenshot_20211120_093716….jpg)


>A career criminal and convicted felon


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bee959  No.15043322

File: edd51ecf8c31a4c⋯.jpg (292.96 KB, 1024x613, 1024:613, grammar_kitty_thumbs.jpg)


It's ok.

GK was joshing too; there is nothing grammatically incorrect about the sentence.

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5e9243  No.15043323

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c6fc0b  No.15043324

faucian hydra in the soup

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35f659  No.15043325


>At what point do Americans revisit the Declaration of Independence?

when (you) see the white of 'their' eyes

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bee1b0  No.15043326


And it found (you)

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c6fc0b  No.15043327

File: dcaad086a8cd7f5⋯.jpeg (228.26 KB, 1296x1650, 216:275, kyle_tears.jpeg)

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f74075  No.15043328

File: aad9f2b6edb3e81⋯.jpg (179.21 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, twp2.jpg)

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73fb71  No.15043329

File: fbf7ef4e63c8bb4⋯.png (985.23 KB, 627x723, 209:241, 34.png)

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c3d0f9  No.15043330

File: 63afeced0cd2443⋯.png (17 KB, 813x266, 813:266, ClipboardImage.png)




listen to dis chick. Hussein signed order in 2014 making it legal to run PSYOP on America people. Her message. Do not be afraid.

Kinda similar to dis one.

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b55f70  No.15043331

File: ea301bf397134e0⋯.png (20.01 KB, 350x350, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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4a0475  No.15043332

File: eecf3ba2850dec5⋯.gif (477.81 KB, 490x368, 245:184, thomas_the_tank_engine_tho….gif)


anon will clique dat shit nigga

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e8a107  No.15043333

File: 3ff5fc5e1b5cfca⋯.png (857.69 KB, 865x889, 865:889, ClipboardImage.png)


Outstanding work, anon!

Stolen with prejudice.

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bee1b0  No.15043334



I feel divinity in me this morning!

Or is it this Hawaiian blend..

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c3d0f9  No.15043335


**gotta scroll up a bit to find the vid.

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c6fc0b  No.15043336

File: 092ee659d1273ed⋯.png (671.59 KB, 978x548, 489:274, gaa.png)

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87c17b  No.15043337

File: 1034cca48adeda2⋯.jpg (86.8 KB, 696x438, 116:73, ANZAC_DIGGER.jpg)

File: e739a78ea883900⋯.jpg (96.5 KB, 660x446, 330:223, FU_Scott_Morrison.jpg)

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b60610  No.15043338


How do you corner a dangerous animal? Reduce their choices to shit and shittier

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19342f  No.15043339

File: a5c118b1332be84⋯.png (64.93 KB, 400x400, 1:1, points_5.png)


Quads confirm, that would make a great tat!

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c2de6c  No.15043340

File: abc1941bb3f22ec⋯.png (710.8 KB, 725x579, 725:579, 1152348943068.png)

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1777c4  No.15043341


More of the article:Graveley is the DA that assigned Binger and Kraus

Kizer told The Post that Volar had been paying her for sex since she was 16 and drove her to hotel rooms where she was sold to other men who sexually abused her. On June 5, 2018, Kizer allegedly shot and killed Volar, set his house on fire and fled in his car.

Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley, who waited to charge Volar for sex crimes, then charged Kizer with first-degree intentional homicide, an offense that carries a mandatory life sentence in Wisconsin.

An online petition asking Graveley to free Kizer amassed more 1.4 million signatures and support from the advocates and celebrities behind the #MeToo movement.

But Kizer remained behind bars until last summer, when the nationwide protests following the death of George Floyd brought renewed interest to her case. The Chicago Community Bond Fund, an advocacy group that was flooded with support as it worked to free jailed protesters, used donations to pay Kizer’s $400,000 bail so she could live in Milwaukee with her mother while awaiting trial.

Chrystul Kizer, accused of killing her alleged sex trafficker, freed on bail after two years

By summer’s end, Graveley was in the spotlight again after a Kenosha police officer was filmed firing seven shots into the back of Jacob Blake, leaving the 29-year-old Black father partially paralyzed. In the midst of the protests that followed, Kyle Rittenhouse, a White 17-year-old, allegedly shot and killed two demonstrators and wounded a third.

In January, Graveley announced that he would not bring charges against the officer who shot Blake, saying there was not enough evidence to outweigh the argument that the officer was trying to protect himself. Rittenhouse is expected to go before a jury in November.

Nearly three years after she was arrested, there is no jury trial scheduled in Kizer’s case. The attorneys have been awaiting a decision from the appeals court since December 2019, when Judge David Wilk ruled that in his view, Kizer did not have access to the affirmative defense.

The proceedings could be delayed further if prosecutors decide to appeal the new ruling to Wisconsin’s Supreme Court, a process that could take a year or more.

a man in a suit and tie: Prosecutor Zachary Brost, left, and District Attorney, Michael Graveley are pictured during the hearing in the Kenosha County Courthouse on November 15, 2019.

© Sarah L. Voisin/The Washington Post Prosecutor Zachary Brost, left, and District Attorney, Michael Graveley are pictured during the hearing in the Kenosha County Courthouse on November 15, 2019.

Graveley contends that the case is not about trafficking, but about an intentional homicide. Revealing some of the evidence he would present to a jury, Graveley has stated in court that in days before the murder, Kizer told a friend that she would soon be the owner of a BMW.

Once at Volar’s home, Graveley said, Kizer sent texts that appear to show she was waiting for the right moment to use the gun she brought to the home, saying “I’m finna do it.” She posted a selfie from the house captioned “My Mug Shot.” In the minutes after a neighbor heard the sound of a gunshot coming from the house, Graveley said, Kizer appeared to download a police scanner app on her phone.

None of that, judge — none of that — is self-defense,” Graveley argued at a February 2020 hearing. “All of the motives I’ve just described are motives consistent with a person who is committing an intentional homicide.”

Alexis Martin: The state of Ohio vs. a sex-trafficked teenager

Kizer also has the possibility of taking a plea deal, something she has previously indicated to the judge that she would be willing to do.

“I’m not looking to walk out of your courtroom with nothing. I come to you and Randall’s family with a sincere heart of apologies for what I have done,” Kizer wrote to Wilk from jail in March 2020.

But the appeals court ruling gives her attorneys more options moving forward, and increases her chances of being acquitted.

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7fe81f  No.15043342

File: c45fe753ea6efae⋯.jpeg (170.42 KB, 829x1063, 829:1063, D7597A07_7C22_4CF8_B8C7_6….jpeg)


“The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath.”


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c6fc0b  No.15043343

File: 71a9961ffc33d7b⋯.jpeg (63.39 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, dunk1.jpeg)


quads true

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19342f  No.15043344

File: f4d889925aff9c4⋯.png (447.69 KB, 677x500, 677:500, Biden_fuck_the_courts.png)

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bee1b0  No.15043345

File: e897aa2ca390cf2⋯.jpg (508.82 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Mind_brain_chakra_Consciou….jpg)


This image has always struck me as truth..

No matter what any religion might claim..

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4e41dc  No.15043346

File: 2ed5f7764f89037⋯.png (566.93 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)



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7bec1b  No.15043347

File: 7f5d61dcc3ef96f⋯.png (4.79 MB, 3443x3206, 3443:3206, qClock_BannonPetersOkeefeI….png)

File: dda0557a5c13151⋯.png (79.02 KB, 756x659, 756:659, q1200_inject.png)

File: 69c25f4440507d2⋯.jpg (168.11 KB, 1200x1091, 1200:1091, trumpCardNov19.jpg)


>We have everything.

>How can we use what we know?

>How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?

>What are you witnessing unfold?

>Trust the plan.


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4a0475  No.15043348


tiny, two-celled micro-hive mind


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35f659  No.15043349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Giant Chimpanzee Society Of The Congo That Are Able To Take Down Lions

>ever seen a 6' chimp.

i mean besides Newsom

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6b5bf6  No.15043350

File: 768636d49c48eec⋯.jpeg (57.42 KB, 1024x687, 1024:687, 768636d49c48eec94589b712a….jpeg)

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58147c  No.15043351


Top o the mornin' to ya.

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b44755  No.15043352

File: b947abc478794c1⋯.jpg (135.56 KB, 645x1024, 645:1024, david_rittenhouse_c1780.jpg)

>>15042764 pb

No it's straight out of a bio which I excerpted.

Their family is from colonial USA.

Large family, it is said.


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1777c4  No.15043353

File: 3efdbb5d9d96bc1⋯.jpeg (38.88 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 58843FB1_6069_4DC4_8711_8….jpeg)



Chrystul Kizer, sex trafficking victim accused of killing alleged abuser, wins appeal in Wisconsin

Jessica Contrera 6/3/2021

DAs assigned by Graveley

a man in a suit and tie: Prosecutor Zachary Brost, left, and District Attorney, Michael Graveley are pictured during the hearing in the Kenosha County Courthouse on November 15, 2019.

© Sarah L. Voisin/The Washington Post Prosecutor Zachary Brost, left, and District Attorney, Michael Graveley are pictured during the hearing in the Kenosha County Courthouse on November 15, 2019.

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35f659  No.15043354


I object, Stealing is a crime of passion and can never be dismissed with prejudice

>I will now steal this meme as to demonstrate

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1259cf  No.15043355



Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/20/2017 13:12:14 ID: Qwfs7lfI

4chan Thread/Post: 150209720 / 150214731

Direct Link: 150214731

POTUS opened the door of all doors.

Expand your thinking.

What is the keystone?


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52ecd5  No.15043356



Volar was previously arrested in 2017 after a 15-year-old Black girl reported him to police for giving her drugs and threatening to kill her.[3] He was charged with child enticement, using a computer to facilitate a child sex crime, and second-degree sexual assault of a child.[7]Volar was released the same day and had to pay no bail, and was told he would receive a court summons.[3] The Washington Post reported that court records demonstrated that police had evidence that Volar was abusing multiple underageBlack girls and there was video evidence of the abuse.[2] Records also showed that the prosecutor's office received the evidence 12 days before Volar was killed and three months after his arrest.[6]

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c2de6c  No.15043357

File: def96545c341724⋯.png (812.48 KB, 949x585, 73:45, 54786239100132.png)

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35f659  No.15043358


We're gonna need a bigger Ar-15

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7c88b2  No.15043359


Here's the Telegram link to that vid

TY anon


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3f9d08  No.15043360


You should see the adverts on TV here.. The agendas are advertised subtly more than the actual product..

Mixed race families, same sex couples now feature in them.. Amusing to watch on occasion and then forget about.

TV 'soap operas' are the same but I don't waste time watching them..

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bee1b0  No.15043361

File: c2318c2a54b6f7a⋯.jpg (166.64 KB, 640x662, 320:331, 116.jpg)

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4a0475  No.15043362

File: 88bac2c4cb90ea0⋯.png (733.68 KB, 1044x666, 58:37, Screen_Shot_2021_11_20_at_….png)

Nothing suggestive about this message. You know, nothing that would make you accept it uncritically or anything.

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7c88b2  No.15043363

File: 612bdede4583e3e⋯.mp4 (9.77 MB, 464x848, 29:53, 000PSYOP.mp4)


Here's the vid

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4e7a65  No.15043364

File: a0f861a1cdf237a⋯.jpg (74.08 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, CPTheSpy.jpg)

File: 6e9b401cd1c030f⋯.png (314.06 KB, 614x383, 614:383, GPTheSpy.png)


Did ____ know he was being surveilled when he joined the Trump campaign?

If he did know he was being surveilled, then did he tell Trump?

If he didn't tell Trump he was being surveilled, then why not?

What is the job title of someone who does that?

Fill in the blank with CP or GP.

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87c17b  No.15043365

File: b35fb0bfc19d239⋯.jpg (115.33 KB, 775x412, 775:412, ANZAC_STANDS_FOR_FREEDOM.jpg)

File: d61d63431acd421⋯.jpg (254.1 KB, 1236x570, 206:95, DIGGER_CALLS.jpg)

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0499d8  No.15043367

File: 81653146bc6ec5a⋯.jpg (49.8 KB, 657x494, 657:494, yuasda4rsygdvja.jpg)

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7b88e1  No.15043368

File: b264ce27bfbbbf4⋯.png (464.56 KB, 608x339, 608:339, Screenshot_2021_11_20_at_1….png)


Dis one big enuff?

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52ecd5  No.15043369


> Prosecutor Zachary Brost, left, and District Attorney, Michael Gravele

need digz on these two DS cabalist who are protecting pedophiles and human traffickers

they had all the evidence needed to charge and detain the abuser, but let him go

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1259cf  No.15043370


Thinking the issue with this country is the fact that the Laws around Child Sex Crimes need to be REWRITTEN.

You CAN. NOT. Rehabilitate. A. Predator.

ZERO Leniency.

Should be AUTOMATIC LIFE SENTENCE for some and DEATH for others.


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546666  No.15043371

File: eef7ed2642d0ece⋯.png (59.96 KB, 973x583, 973:583, ClipboardImage.png)

Is the Everything Bubble About to Burst?

Phoenix Capital Research's Photo

by Phoenix Capital Research

Friday, Nov 19, 2021 - 13:53

We are getting DARN close to a top of some kind.

The market is being propped up by fewer and fewer stocks. This week, the NASDAQ has had more stocks making new lows than at any time in since the March 2020 CRASH.

And the NASDAQ is at all-time highs.

Again, the NASDAQ is at all-time highs, but the number of NASDAQ stocks hitting new lows is approaching levels associated with the fastest 30% market crash in history.

This is truly incredible, and it tells us that just a handful of stocks are holding up the entire market. And this is during the greatest stock market bubble of all time… a bubble so massive that it makes the Tech Bubble look like a joke in terms of speculation.

The coming bust is going to be life-changing for many people. Most will lose much if not everything. But a small number of investors will generate literal fortunes.

If you’re interested in becoming one of them, you need to check out the signals that I rely on to tell me when a crash is about to hit.

I detail them, along with what they’re currently saying about the market today in a Special Investment Report How to Predict a Crash.


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87c17b  No.15043372

File: 894993644d9bc7f⋯.jpg (297.58 KB, 1342x664, 671:332, SAD_DIGGER.jpg)

File: 1a00421a03b21f2⋯.jpg (191.23 KB, 1164x514, 582:257, FIGHT_FOR_OUR_FREEDOM.jpg)

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19342f  No.15043374


Be not afraid


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35f659  No.15043375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GIANT CHIMP HUMAN-SIZED UPRIGHT New Species Pt. 1 Bili World's Largest


And aliens made man from the image of monkeys

Aliens + Monkeys = (You)

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c6fc0b  No.15043376

File: 7dc1153ae9e571c⋯.png (502.97 KB, 980x488, 245:122, covvid.png)

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b44755  No.15043377

File: 8f3f131fe74a8ab⋯.mp4 (131.59 KB, 640x256, 5:2, itsgonnabebiblical.mp4)


>>15042555 pb

>>15042590 pb

The BLUE (loyalty) on the USA American flag is said to represent Rittenhouse? The man who designed the flag was an admirer


On February 24, 1775, Rittenhouse delivered a lecture on the history of astronomy to the American Philosophical Society, in which he linked the structure of nature to the rights of man, liberty and self-government. Rittenhouse also used the occasion to decry slavery. So impressed were those in attendance that the American Philosophical Society commissioned the speech to be printed and distributed to delegates of the Second Continental Congress when they arrived in 1776."

The famous Colonial Rittenhouse had only two children so it more likely Kyle is a cousin rather than a descendant?

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bee1b0  No.15043378

File: 02bad3e5f98133e⋯.png (375.25 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c8a97  No.15043379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listen very carefully regarding Mr. Richard's comments.

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52ecd5  No.15043380



>]Volar was released the same day and had to pay no bail, and was told he would receive a court summons.[3] The Washington Post reported thatcourt records demonstrated that police had evidence that Volar was abusing multiple underage black girls

they let him go!!

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35f659  No.15043381


Interesting enough, I am quite Impressed.

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58147c  No.15043382

File: 2eb7c504dd353d0⋯.jpg (22.78 KB, 390x280, 39:28, image_redhead_calm_sportsw….jpg)


Anons are amazing folks. We each get a chance to be an example of that.


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b44755  No.15043383

File: b144d5299454158⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, meteorshower.mp4)


"Rittenhouse also used the occasion to decry slavery"

whaadda coinkydink.

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f5489a  No.15043384

Notice Anons!

Attacks are intensifying! All for a Larp, right?

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513667  No.15043385

File: acf25431e2bf8c6⋯.jpg (102.88 KB, 800x449, 800:449, darkest_fate.jpg)

File: 223613bec46e1cc⋯.jpg (83.03 KB, 764x398, 382:199, DEATH.jpg)

File: ee2194fd402d5d3⋯.jpg (68.51 KB, 570x363, 190:121, mr.jpg)

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19342f  No.15043386

File: be8ece4bb7fe11e⋯.mp4 (12.3 MB, 1010x568, 505:284, MichaelRapaport_keks.mp4)


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6a68a3  No.15043388


Of course. Battling a monster sinus infection over here

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1259cf  No.15043389


"If Kyle had been black, we wouldn't be going through this."

AND… Ignorance Continues.

BLM needs to be Charged with Inciting and Gaslighting, just like Anitfa, MS13 et al.

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4e7a65  No.15043390


>has claimed to be the unidentified male

He publicly admitted that he was the jumpkick man, or are there only conspiracy theories that he might be?

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f77901  No.15043391

File: a8502a7f72cd18d⋯.jpg (162.73 KB, 639x734, 639:734, image0_10.jpg)



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18e209  No.15043392


Yeah but that dog won’t hunt. They just need to be reminded that Ashli Babbit’s killer was black.

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19342f  No.15043393


>BLM needs to be Charged with Inciting and Gaslighting, just like Anitfa, MS13 et al.

Let's not forget the MSM and social media giants.

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4a0475  No.15043394



Pretty sure qanon must be taken in moderation under those conditions.

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6b5bf6  No.15043395

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, 616efcf270f952e212ba69cf84….png)


Never gets old

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c6fc0b  No.15043396


or did he admit it but really it was someone else to keep their identity a secret

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546666  No.15043397

File: 4b72655c36a83e1⋯.png (321.83 KB, 592x809, 592:809, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9533a4d58f8906⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1280x698, 640:349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 876fd4e9c2e53c5⋯.png (587.11 KB, 666x372, 111:62, ClipboardImage.png)

Update (Saturday 0715 ET): The reports turned out to be correct. Protests were seen in multiple cities, and a riot was declared in Portland, Oregon, hours after Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal.

Protests were observed in downtown Brooklyn, New York; Boston, Massachusetts; Chicago, Illinois; and Portland, Oregon. Focusing on Portland, a riot was declared at 9 p.m. local (or 2400 ET) after hundreds of demonstrators unleashed their liberal rage by smashing windows and hurling objects at police.

Police declare #riot in #Portland amid unrest over #Rittenhouse verdict#RittenhouseVerdict pic.twitter.com/zYyqbkurvK

— Ruptly (@Ruptly) November 20, 2021

After Kyle #Rittenhouse was found not guilty, #antifa in Portland organized an attempt to break inside the Justice Center to burn it down. They attacked police & also smashed up a passing driver's vehicle & targeted nearby buildings. Police declared a riot https://t.co/KhALOWp8AC pic.twitter.com/EA8nVZMPg1

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) November 20, 2021

#Antifa launched an attack on the Justice Center in downtown Portland, Ore. overnight following the #Rittenhouse verdict. They chanted about wanting to burn down the building, which houses inmates, the central police station & the sheriff's office. https://t.co/VNYxMtszuQ pic.twitter.com/sgtZEViQpo

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) November 20, 2021

URGENT! Police in Portland Oregon have just declared a riot.

Right now Rioters dressed in black are breaking windows of several government buildings. All police precincts are responding. 911 callers will experience long wait times due to this incident. pic.twitter.com/hmqITYNkGa

— ഡേവിന്ദർ ആനന്ദ് D K ANAND 🐅 (@DAVINDERANAND3) November 20, 2021

There are calls for more demonstrations today.

Following mass #antifa violence last night in Portland, Ore., the antifa cell in Los Angeles has announced a direct action for today at Pershing Square. #Rittenhouse pic.twitter.com/FBoZk5zPK7

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) November 20, 2021

Keep an eye out this afternoon or evening for additional protests in liberal-controlled metro areas.

* * *

Update (1558ET): Reports suggest multiple protests are planned across the U.S. after the jury decided to acquit Kyle Rittenhouse of all charges.

Twitter account "Raws Alerts" reports protests are being planned in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where the trial was held. National Guard troops are on standby for action if social unrest breaks out.

Comments outside the protest include one individual who said, "when it's a state-sanctioned murder, you get to riot."

“When it’s a state-sanctioned murder, you get to riot” Comments from some opposed to the Rittenhouse acquittal outside the courthouse #RittenhouseVerdict #Kenosha pic.twitter.com/0TMB3myfIV

— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) November 19, 2021

Activists with the Revolutionary Communists @therevcoms call on people outside the #Kenosha courthouse to join their cause for an “actual revolution” following the #Rittenhouse verdict. pic.twitter.com/fIG1pk46hx

— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) November 19, 2021

Other protests are allegedly being planned for Chicago, New York City, Portland, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and Los Angeles.

As of 1550 ET, there are no reports of protests or riots in any mentioned cities. This is something readers should keep a close eye on into the evening and overnight.

* * *

Update (1500ET): When asked for his opinion on the verdict, President Biden said he "stands by" the jury's decision to acquit Rittenhouse, adding "the jury system works and we have to abide by it."

NOW - Biden "stands by" on the jury's decision in the Rittenhouse trial.pic.twitter.com/INJMiUMwzG

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) November 19, 2021

Biden issued a lengthier statement shortly after, calling for people to "express their views peacefully."

Statement by President Biden

While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken. I ran on a promise to bring Americans together, because I believe that what unites us is far greater than what divides us. I know that were not going to heal our country’s wounds overnight, but I remain steadfast in my commitment to do everything in my power to ensure that every American is treated equally, with fairness and dignity, under the law.


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546666  No.15043398


I urge everyone to express their views peacefully, consistent with the rule of law. Violence and destruction of property have no place in our democracy. The White House and Federal authorities have been in contact with Governor Evers's office to prepare for any outcome in this case, and I have spoken with the Governor this afternoon and offered support and any assistance needed to ensure public safety.

In a press conference following the verdict, defense attorney Mark Richards said it was "the longest jury deliberation I've ever been a part of."

Defense attorney says length of Rittenhouse jury's deliberation instilled "doubt" prior to verdict.

"It was the longest jury deliberation I've ever been a part of." https://t.co/osaysWVXtG pic.twitter.com/6BO1cnAyMG

— ABC News (@ABC) November 19, 2021

He also commented on Biden's assertion that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist.

NOW - Rittenhouse defense attorney Mark Richards: "Biden said some things that I think are so incorrect and untrue." pic.twitter.com/DLmHeKmHlW

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) November 19, 2021

* * *

Kyle Rittenhouse has been acquitted on all charges related to last year's shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

The 18-year-old was charged with five felonies; first-degree intentional homicide, first-degree reckless homicide, attempted first-degree intentional homicide, and two counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety.

BREAKING: Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty pic.twitter.com/dl6K37mjvd

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 19, 2021

Rittenhouse hugged his attorney after the verdict was read.

The jury reached their decision after four days of deliberations, which lasted longer than anyone - including Judge Bruce Schroeder, had expected. It came amid two mistrial requests from the defense over high-definition video evidence which was withheld - possibly unintentionally - by the prosecution. Rittenhouse's attorneys claimed that an inferior copy of a potentially crucial video could have affected their defense.

Prosecutors were visibly crestfallen after the verdict was read.

On Thursday, a juror asked Schroeder if she could take the jury instructions home, which was granted. The jury also asked to review the drone footage that was a 'linchpin' in the prosecution's case, as well as the best views of all the shootings compiled from six video clips.

Rittenhouse, now 18, shot and killed two men who were pursuing him and injured a third during the 2020 riots in Kenosha. The former police youth cadet faces life in prison if convicted of the most serious charge against him.

Via the Daily Mail

Awesome! Vehicles have been driving by in Kenosha honking in celebration of the verdict, with some stopping to react outside the courthouse.


— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) November 19, 2021

On Thursday, Judge Schroeder banned MSNBC from the courthouse after a freelance employee was pulled over after running a red light while following the jury bus. The network acknowledged that the man was an employee, but said he "never photographed or intended to photograph them."

Never forget what they did to him pic.twitter.com/4F1Djiq8ig

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 19, 2021

We can't wait for the lawsuits… including one against the Biden campaign.

$100MM. Over/under on Rittenhouse settlement for Biden suggesting he was a "white supremacist"https://t.co/pC3jptvlIr

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) November 19, 2021


EVERY LAST ONE. #KyleRittenhouse #NotGuilty pic.twitter.com/j7EUcfscUs

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) November 19, 2021

And cue the riots…

This is a senior Democrat calling for riots because they don't like a verdict. https://t.co/yXEAnQhPkv

— Andrew Follett (@AndrewCFollett) November 19, 2021


— Jack Po-So-Bik (@JackPosobiec) November 19, 2021

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4e41dc  No.15043399

File: fe9a3e57f1d6378⋯.png (422.29 KB, 414x621, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 885aa38c086c6da⋯.png (240.62 KB, 740x370, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


In Godzilla vs Kong, the ape and the lizard team up against rogue AI/technology

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b60610  No.15043400

File: e9a5d7a543002a8⋯.jpg (45.3 KB, 1024x741, 1024:741, hollywoodshit.jpg)

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20a69b  No.15043401


Deepstate Satellites 🛰?

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1b4457  No.15043402


Truer words were never spoken. We are all the Jedi.

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35f659  No.15043403

>>15043391 0.0

0 matches

TinEye searched over 50.6 billion images but didn't find any matches for your search image. That's probably because we have yet to crawl any pages where this image appears. TinEye is always crawling, so try your search again soon. See our FAQ for other reasons we may not have found your image.

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dd2070  No.15043405

Have we considered renaming AR-15’s to KR-15’s?

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37c405  No.15043406


Inciting riots.

The law needs to step up.

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52ecd5  No.15043407

File: 9824f83c184c5e9⋯.png (606.41 KB, 1450x752, 725:376, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b09e6b20b72f46⋯.png (102.56 KB, 1289x741, 1289:741, ClipboardImage.png)


this guy is only 36.

he is obviously taking order from somebody higher up., who is telling him not to prosecute a human trafficker.

who's his boss?

Who is sheriff of Kenosha?

this needs a deep dig to expose the cabal in Kenosha

>Zachary Brost,



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7c88b2  No.15043409

File: d4d5db1156cb290⋯.png (1001.94 KB, 1449x1077, 483:359, ClipboardImage.png)

128 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted

Immunology and virology 101 have taught us over a century that natural immunity confers protection against a respiratory virus’s outer coat proteins, and not just one, e.g. the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein. There is even strong evidence for the persistence of antibodies. Even the CDC recognizes natural immunity for chicken-pox and measles, mumps, and rubella, but not for COVID-19.

The vaccinated are showing viral loads (very high) similar to the unvaccinated (Acharya et al. and Riemersma et al.), and the vaccinated are as infectious. Riemersma et al. also report Wisconsin data that corroborate how the vaccinated individuals who get infected with the Delta variant can potentially (and are) transmit(ting) SARS-CoV-2 to others (potentially to the vaccinated and unvaccinated).

This troubling situation of the vaccinated being infectious and transmitting the virus emerged in seminal nosocomial outbreak papers by Chau et al. (HCWs in Vietnam), the Finland hospital outbreak (spread among HCWs and patients), and the Israel hospital outbreak (spread among HCWs and patients). These studies also revealed that the PPE and masks were essentially ineffective in the healthcare setting. Again, the Marek’s disease in chickens and the vaccination situation explains what we are potentially facing with these leaky vaccines (increased transmission, faster transmission, and more ‘hotter’ variants).


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5e9c29  No.15043410

File: 040351741a62f52⋯.jpeg (235.31 KB, 1124x2048, 281:512, divine_mercy_image.jpeg)

File: 0dd6a1988024ea0⋯.jpg (4.85 MB, 2400x3000, 4:5, our_lady_of_guadalupe.jpg)

pray the rosary! Jesus, I trust in You.

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4a0475  No.15043411

anon thinks that somewhere, some very rich people kekking themselves over coffee at this movie they've made us all extras in.

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4a0475  No.15043412




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07f898  No.15043413


I apologize for offending you.

Was angry because you mixed up the gay protest with the yellow vests' protest.

And I also did a mistake myself.

Lausanne is not in France but in Switzerland.

Anyway, I am really sorry and I hope you accept my apology.

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1777c4  No.15043414


Graveley Kenosha DA let the guy stay on the streets after finding all of this months before Krystul killed him

>Three months before Volar’s death, a 15-year-old was found fleeing from his home after she called 911 to say he had drugged her and was going to kill her. Police raided the house and found “hundreds” of childpornography videos and more than 20 “home videos” of Volar abusing girls who appeared to investigators to be as young as 12 years old. While the investigation unfolded, Volar remained free

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dd2070  No.15043415

File: fb3c931ae780092⋯.png (365.33 KB, 601x741, 601:741, former.png)


Gary Stephen Maynard of San Jose was charged with four counts of arson to federal property and one count of setting timber afire.

Maynard "maliciously damaged and destroyed" or "attempted to damage and destroy" forests behind firefighters.

California Wildfire


Former college professor charged with arson for four California fires

A former professor was indicted by a grand jury in California after he allegedly set fire to a forest behind cleanup attempts from firefighter companies.

10:12 AM · Nov 20, 2021·

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f3a4a2  No.15043416


The laws are fine. These fucked-in-the-head DAs getting Soros/Democrat funding shoved up their faggot asses need to start being brought up on the gallows! AND their funders!

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0cb8c4  No.15043417

File: 75e3119ffc2b1e5⋯.png (426.88 KB, 636x382, 318:191, Kim_Pete_Ho_0H.png)

These ppl are sick


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19342f  No.15043419

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB, 236x207, 236:207, pepe_keks.png)


"Arson?? I thought that was a mostly peaceful protest?"

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4a0475  No.15043420


Application filed by Gal EHRLICH, Maier Fenster

how come anons never dig on these two?

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dd2070  No.15043422

File: 8e388d17371ecc8⋯.png (146.64 KB, 426x370, 213:185, mel_born.png)


We The Media, [20.11.21 10:50]

[Forwarded from Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)]

[ Video ]

"We're not gonna take it" played at the Melbourne protest.

There's a reason that this song was Q's last post: We the people have the power and we're learning how to fight back.

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37c405  No.15043423

File: c6ced64742ad97c⋯.png (178.96 KB, 349x225, 349:225, ClipboardImage.png)


"What's getting ready to happen"


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546666  No.15043424

File: 69f0e078f2e3fea⋯.png (989.72 KB, 833x467, 833:467, ClipboardImage.png)

Rotterdam "Transformed Into A War Zone" Amid New COVID Lockdown Protests

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Nov 20, 2021 - 09:55 AM

On Friday, social unrest flared up across Europe as governments reinstated strict COVID measures such as restrictions for unvaccinated, partial, and full lockdowns amid a wave of new infections.

COVID-19 infections are surging in Germany, the Czech Republic, and Greece, and many of these countries are imposing strict public health measures to contain the spread. Austria has gone so far as to enact a nationwide lockdown beginning Monday.

Riots broke out in downtown Rotterdam during a demonstration against partial lockdowns Friday. Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb told reporters it was "an orgy of violence." He said, "on several occasions, the police felt it necessary to draw their weapons to defend themselves" as rioters set fires, torched cars, threw rocks and other blunt objects at police.

"They shot at protesters, and people were injured," Aboutaleb said. He couldn't provide an injury report but said police fired warning shots.

Photos and videos from last night show absolute mayhem.

NOW - Violent protests against Covid-restrictions in #Rotterdam, Netherlands.pic.twitter.com/xCTyqiy609

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) November 19, 2021

Police cars were torched.

Just chaos.

Protests turned violent in the Netherlands as crowds in Rotterdam marched against government plans to make a 'coronavirus pass' mandatory for some indoor venues https://t.co/zqTADgZZiW pic.twitter.com/N3haRtyRJQ

— Reuters (@Reuters) November 20, 2021

Allegedly protesters were shot by police.

At least two people shot at anti mandate protest in Rotterdam pic.twitter.com/A2XXoZFWEE

— 𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕣𝕪𝕣𝕒𝕪𝟞𝟞 #HoldTheLine (@angryray66) November 19, 2021

More gunfire.

Protesters pounce on police in the streets of #Rotterdam. The tension is at its maximum. Shots are fired into the air. #rotterdamprotest pic.twitter.com/2ainffqQZs


Rotterdam riots were some of the worst the Netherlands have seen since officials enforced similar public health measures last year.

Justice Minister Ferd Grapperhaus denounced the riots:

"The riots and extreme violence against police officers, riot police and firefighters last night in Rotterdam are disgusting to see.

"Protesting is a great right in our society, but what we saw last night is simply criminal behavior. It has nothing to do with demonstrating," Grapperhaus said.

The right-wing political party Leefbaar Rotterdam condemned the riots in a tweet:

"The center of our beautiful city has this evening transformed into a war zone," it said. "Rotterdam is a city where you can disagree with things that happen, but violence is never, never the solution."

Meanwhile, Austria has introduced the most extreme restrictions out of all 27 countries in the EU, announcing full lockdown will begin on Monday.

Dozens of protests are expected across Dutch cities and other countries on Saturday. As demonstrations begin, we will update throughout the day.


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eff338  No.15043425

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5c8a97  No.15043426

File: 51fb7147c155b00⋯.png (317.13 KB, 705x459, 235:153, ClipboardImage.png)



Kyle Rittenhouse's defense lawyer says former attorney Lin Wood wanted to use teen 'for a cause'



Kyle Rittenhouse's defense lawyer says former attorney Lin Wood wanted to use teen 'for a cause'

Taiyler Simone Mitchell

Fri, November 19, 2021, 2:57 PM·2 min read

In this article:

L. Lin Wood

American lawyer

Kyle Rittenhouse defense attorney Mark Richards

Kyle Rittenhouse defense attorney Mark RichardsPool / Getty Images

Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted Friday of all charges after fatally shooting 2 people and injuring one more.

His attorney told reporters that his previous attorneys wanted to use the teen for a "cause."

Lawyers Lin Wood and John Pierce left the teen's team before the homicide trial began.

Kyle Rittenhouse's defense attorney Mark Richards told CNN that the teen's former attorneys were using him for "a cause" rather than simply representing a client.

Richards said he was hired by Rittenhouse's prior attorneys, Lin Wood and John Pierce.

"They wanted to use Kyle for a cause, and something that I think was inappropriate," Richards told reporters after a jury acquitted Rittenhouse of all charges in the case. "The only thing that mattered to me was whether he was found not guilty or not. I don't represent causes, I represent clients."

Richards said he told the teen when they first met that he wasn't going to fight over anything that wasn't tied to his legal defense.

"If he was looking for someone to go off on a crusade, I wasn't his lawyer," Richards said he told his client.

Wood and Pierce were Rittenhouse's first attorneys and haven't been shy about their pro-Trump politics.

The two lawyers used Rittenhouse's appeal to the far-right to fundraise the money needed for his bail, according to the Chicago Tribune.

They later asked for the funds back, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. In a statement to Insider on Friday evening, Pierce said that they disclaimed any entitlement to the bail money.

"I am so proud of Kyle and thankful that justice was served. The ability to defend ourselves is one of the most basic rights and today that that right was affirmed and upheld," Pierce said in a statement. "I am also incredibly proud of the work that I did in the initial months of the case, building a defense team and helping to raise millions of dollars to gain Kyle his freedom."


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4e41dc  No.15043427


Boiled bear urine or space lasers?

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c2de6c  No.15043428

File: 22adbe5ed243878⋯.png (726.55 KB, 831x587, 831:587, 3789612908457.png)

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52ecd5  No.15043429


>Volar remained free

^^^^^^^^^^^notable …..who are his customers?

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5e9243  No.15043430

File: 28fb2fac6b88871⋯.png (111.66 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


he looks like moron guy

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4c9e1d  No.15043431

File: 40023082d03f736⋯.gif (193.03 KB, 99x90, 11:10, sitting_on_couch_al_bundy.gif)

I have a few minutes, lemme see what's going on.

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c94791  No.15043432


>I apologize for offending you.

Newfag, yes?

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6b5bf6  No.15043433


Christians do not pray the rosary. We pray direct.

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d4bbad  No.15043434





Reminds me of the girls gymnastics Olympics doctor who abused those girls but was protected by FBI and others

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4e7a65  No.15043435


Sounds possible. Then in a couple weeks he's going to sue anyone he can for defamation, he will have a solid alibi proving that "racist alt right Qanon domestic terrorist Trump supporters" attacked him with no proof. Another "unfair racist" narrative/conflict emerges.

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b44755  No.15043436

File: 9add7de238813b0⋯.jpg (36.35 KB, 640x405, 128:81, omnitruncated.jpg)

File: 6211bbe98c4575c⋯.jpg (38.04 KB, 640x400, 8:5, omarmateemactor.jpg)

File: b6d2efe672fb2bb⋯.jpg (208.2 KB, 1000x935, 200:187, om.jpg)

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dd2070  No.15043437

File: c7240fe02d62994⋯.png (463.74 KB, 718x839, 718:839, go_frogs.png)

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0fdc02  No.15043438


Isn't that guy a patent attorney?


So who is actually behind that patent?


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eff338  No.15043439

File: 5cc42b94c632878⋯.jpeg (12.81 KB, 160x255, 32:51, f177e3c49d0dcd20362f1f791….jpeg)


rich people don't drink coffee…that is swill for the masses

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19342f  No.15043440


>Boiled bear urine or space lasers?

Swamp gas…

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20a69b  No.15043441

File: 5124e0de579dde5⋯.jpeg (813.42 KB, 1279x869, 1279:869, 02B8EBF8_623A_487D_83DF_1….jpeg)

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b44755  No.15043443


nothing new. That's a gorilla?

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eff338  No.15043445

File: 11f170874fe2f57⋯.jpg (12.91 KB, 255x190, 51:38, Portland.jpg)


will you bargain with "almost" peaceful instead?

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35f659  No.15043446


nope its a 6' chimp.

new species found

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20a69b  No.15043447

File: c4ffaff2b8fb845⋯.jpeg (473.23 KB, 1000x634, 500:317, C89B3B3B_2E7D_4D0F_A565_2….jpeg)

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eff338  No.15043448


richards is a secret gun grabbing commie

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b44755  No.15043449


a giant chimp.

seems less than new.

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7bec1b  No.15043450

File: e598c54400f43ff⋯.png (51.05 KB, 603x560, 603:560, Screenshot_from_2021_11_20….png)


>POTUS opened the door of all doors.


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/20/2018 22:17:04 ID: c95f7e

Archive Bread/Post Links: 1122742 / 1123074

Direct Link: 1123074


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/20/2018 22:12:34 ID:c95f7e

Archive Bread/Post Links: 1122742 / 1122995

Direct Link: 1122995


Over the target.

Expand further.





https:// www.wehoville.com/2018/04/12/west-hollywoodss-mariah-sunshine-coogan-identified-victim-scottsdale-plane-crash/

Open source.



This door will be opened later.

The choice, to know, will be yours.



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d4bbad  No.15043451

File: 31d85f5b815a6d6⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1084x3834, 542:1917, 4679.png)

File: 799fbbe96e6edaa⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1084x3018, 542:1509, 4668_1_.png)


ARSON is extremism









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87c17b  No.15043452

File: 53f4fca5fa8fb14⋯.jpg (121.92 KB, 500x478, 250:239, I_m_a_racist.jpg)


Fuck that… I think the whole world has had enough of people crying "oppressed"…. but only I am oppressed…. not you.

EVERYONE IS OPPRESSED for the majority, one way or another.

For the majority of arguments I hear from angry black Americans…. is actually as racist as fuck.

lets put it on the other foot.

An all black court case truthfully gives a verdict to a black kid, that he defended himself in self defense.

Soooo… the klu klux clan, can assemble out the front and call for a mistrial and for that black defendant to hang….. because it's an all black, racist society that we live in, and he just needs to be lynched…… let alone the fucked up threats of pouring hydrochloric acid over him.

Fuck no… that's not racist at all…..ummm…. wellll….. ummmmm…… maybe that is racist as fuck.

But it's ok for it to be the other way around?

ummmmm….. nope.

If the roles were reversed… it wouldn't be acceptable… is not acceptable as it stands now… truth is truth… bullshit is bullshit.. people complaining about truth and justice being served… piss me off.

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07f898  No.15043453


just trying to be a better person from now on

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2104d9  No.15043454

File: c4b8f2535a1c160⋯.png (239.84 KB, 336x262, 168:131, 10K.png)


>Did ____ know he was being surveilled when he joined the Trump campaign?

Anon not Papa or Page, so can't answer.

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18e209  No.15043455


It’s a mega monkey, big whoop.

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19342f  No.15043456

File: 410fabc3979dcee⋯.jpg (109.38 KB, 630x840, 3:4, chimp_out_2015.jpg)

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eff338  No.15043457

File: 96f6f10140e44a5⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 76ac149563e111c05489e9456e….jpg)


>Boiled bear urine

now i have to clean the coffee off my screen….thanks for that.

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039741  No.15043458

File: a33066be5228388⋯.png (59.92 KB, 463x460, 463:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: adb34dfca92f620⋯.png (13.79 KB, 227x255, 227:255, 3e489ce450d719bd92b8af2302….png)

You guys are amazing!!!

Good mornin' y'all!!

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211c1f  No.15043459

File: 7812a3855dc813d⋯.jpg (55.06 KB, 864x556, 216:139, Screen_Shot_2021_09_21_at_….jpg)


>Dis one big enuff?

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c94791  No.15043460

File: 6f6749a99700827⋯.jpg (96 KB, 702x903, 234:301, Screenshot_20211120_100834….jpg)

Not anon's work. Normies on fakebook getting savage. 'Bout time.

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20a69b  No.15043461

File: 0ba30debfe9ca48⋯.jpeg (164.08 KB, 906x900, 151:150, 661C625D_19B3_499A_B6D2_1….jpeg)

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7e8d54  No.15043462


A failed man, defiled and powerless, putting on his little threat display, within a whirlwind of lies.

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dd2070  No.15043463

File: e44141815c3b49f⋯.png (386.42 KB, 596x850, 298:425, justic.png)

File: 7e4161129f4c6fa⋯.png (253.16 KB, 612x611, 612:611, trrrr.png)


Jack Posobiec Latin cross


Justice for Crystul!

Quote Tweet

An Open Secret


· 15h

Call for justice for Crystul Kizer of Kenosha.

Kizer was 17, shot & killed her pedophile child sex trafficker to escape.

She was wrongfully denied access to a self-defense law & her case is on appeal.

It's more productive than attacking Kyle Rittenhouse.

Show this thread


9:31 AM · Nov 20, 2021·



See new Tweets


An Open Secret




Call for justice for Crystul Kizer of Kenosha.

Kizer was 17, shot & killed her pedophile child sex trafficker to escape.

She was wrongfully denied access to a self-defense law & her case is on appeal.

It's more productive than attacking Kyle Rittenhouse.


An Open Secret


Prosecutors plan to appeal Chrystul Kizer defense decision to Supreme Court


Prosecutors plan to appeal Chrystul Kizer defense decision to Supreme Court

Prosecutors plan to appeal the ruling that opened the possibility that Chrystul Kizer — accused of murdering a Kenosha man who had been filming sex with her and other underage

7:57 PM · Nov 19, 2021·

long thread linked to Tweet…..

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eff338  No.15043464

File: 0760dcda2b2441b⋯.jpeg (15.56 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 94fda9c2db82b99cddd32a7c2….jpeg)


>seems less than new.

please stop…..i have to clean the screen again

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19342f  No.15043465

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


They will be B& by Zuck's pink-haired fact checkers.

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c94791  No.15043466


Then kudos to you, anon

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19342f  No.15043467

File: f0ab1828e202310⋯.png (172.34 KB, 389x300, 389:300, michelle_shock.png)

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20a69b  No.15043468

File: 8a18e2d0c693174⋯.jpeg (80.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 6DA74D79_61CA_45B0_8389_4….jpeg)

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f74075  No.15043469

The Cambridge Dictionary Word of the Year 2021 is… perseverance


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7c88b2  No.15043470

File: fb63d49d1de1321⋯.mp4 (11.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 000air_shot.mp4)

Aeriel view of Brisbane and Perth Australia.

Tell me again how the Great Awakening isn't happening?

Everyday we grow in numbers.

H/T: https://t.me/DaneanHere2

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c94791  No.15043471


>people complaining about truth and justice being served… piss me off.

With ya, and injustice infuriates anon

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0cb8c4  No.15043472


Marina Abramovic will probably officiate the wedding. kek

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eff338  No.15043473


black mamas and heavy metal hair bands LOVE to misspell shit into homophones ; what's up with that?

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0dda2f  No.15043474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"peace and protection to KR"


- self defense distribution-capable anon

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20a69b  No.15043475

File: c0dd54379673d10⋯.gif (2.13 MB, 300x187, 300:187, 0A52F9DC_F43B_4B7D_A151_30….gif)

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eff338  No.15043477

File: a125d498fbec213⋯.jpeg (10.04 KB, 206x255, 206:255, 55b79962757aaa90986e95838….jpeg)


biiiiiiiiigMIKE!…he is gonna get mixed up in this Jussie thing later this month …since it was his idea to begin with

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d4bbad  No.15043478

File: 1f84f8c97af7521⋯.png (214.44 KB, 1148x2088, 287:522, 1829_1_.png)

File: f8242d1296318d1⋯.png (294.5 KB, 1148x3364, 287:841, 1009.png)



Carter Page was a plant. Plants need water

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015aff  No.15043479

File: 36c304f3cbd34ee⋯.jpg (14.67 KB, 355x499, 355:499, 41FfOBcFvML_SX353_BO1_204_….jpg)

File: 63b6aeae41d4200⋯.jpg (91.23 KB, 1200x838, 600:419, VctMrHHdjSuO6s5q_HJHme7Tnv….jpg)


Because THE PLAN is called theGREAT RESET

And it's goal is to kill off 7.1 billion of us by 2030

Because the DeepState Elite only need 500 million slaves

Do you know what kind of plan never fails?

No plan… NO PLAN AT ALL!

If you make a plan life never works out that way.

That's why people shouldn't make plans..

With no plan nothing can go wrong!

And if something spins out of control…

It doesn't matter.

Be carefull about WHO you trust

And WHAT you trust.

The only kind of plan that YOU can trust



The Planning Fallacy

People are notoriously bad at planning. The worst part is, we don’t even know it. One psychological study conducted asked students to predict when they expected to complete an assignment, almost none gave enough time. Other looks into financial analysts show that few can consistently beat the market.

The real problem is that these planning failures aren’t recognized. People make wildly overconfident projections but fail to notice their abysmal track record in predicting. The question is, what can you do about this?

One way to mitigate the actual risk is to plan for the worst cases possible. The point of this is to make you aware of the negative outcomes, and knowing you can handle it. The worst-case rarely materializes, or if it does, it usually happens in a way you didn’t expect. Worst-case planning can’t give you a look at everything that could go wrong, just a bit more confidence in knowing you can handle it.

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dd2070  No.15043480

File: 89c331afc69b71c⋯.png (56.52 KB, 609x270, 203:90, the_h.png)


BREAKING REPORT: Biden's FBI BREAKS DOWN DOOR of School Board Activist Sherronna Bishop, during the incident according to Bishop, one of the agents GRABBED HER DAUGHTER BY THE HOODIE and dragged her around the house…

10:38 AM · Nov 20, 2021

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1777c4  No.15043481


==Blm didnt revolt when chrystal Kizer killed the sex trafficker anused her for years and she killed him=. Blm and Antifa are not about minorities or protecting them, they want yo destroy Americans, white people and the rule of law, along with 2A

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2104d9  No.15043482


So many large demonstrations and nothing changes. You have truth and the numbers on your side. Use them.

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680035  No.15043483

File: 1f1d306490ce7ba⋯.jpg (21.44 KB, 255x254, 255:254, HB_armorofgod2.jpg)

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4e41dc  No.15043484

File: fa9d4cdb92f8a71⋯.png (285.29 KB, 1005x726, 335:242, ClipboardImage.png)


I can't take credit for that one


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18e209  No.15043485


They are controlled by Jesuits…. Just like Every. Single. Other. Group.

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dd39d8  No.15043487

File: 7fcbfd21517482b⋯.png (35.69 KB, 1500x302, 750:151, ClipboardImage.png)

Another steps down and gets shuffled around.

Another staffer is departing the White House after less than a year at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, as approval ratings for President Biden continue to dive.

Emma Riley, the White House communications chief of staff, announced in a Friday tweet that she is leaving the West Wing and will be joining the Labor Department.

"It was an honor and privilege to serve @POTUS and the American people at the @White House … I'm excited to be moving down Pennsylvania Ave and traveling around the country with @SecMartyWalsh and @USDOL," wrote Riley.

In addition to Riley's departure from the White House, Vice President Kamala Harris' communications director resigned on Thursday amid reports of turmoil within the East Wing.

Ashley Etienne, a longtime top adviser to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., served as Pelosi's communications director twice, and also in the Obama White House.

"Ashley is a valued member of the Vice President’s team, who has worked tirelessly to advance the goals of this administration," a White House official told Fox News. "She is leaving the office in December to pursue other opportunities."

moar here -


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5f4f1f  No.15043488


Those chinese need to be warm for the winter more than we do apparently.

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ed5a7d  No.15043489


He never sources his tweets

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87c17b  No.15043490

File: b57658bf9921e73⋯.jpg (93.1 KB, 488x648, 61:81, Ned_not_happy.jpg)

File: 34608c0cf331aa0⋯.jpg (88.73 KB, 486x416, 243:208, CROSSING_THAT_LINE.jpg)


I'm proud to call myself an Aussie, after watching everyone stand up today.

Come on world… your turn…. make signs… make noise… get organized and do what you can.

As peaceful as can be… let you voice be heard.

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d4bbad  No.15043491



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1259cf  No.15043492


Well, because the current "Climate" narraitive has been allowed to GROW, it's up to the HONEST BLACK PEOPLE to stand up against their FELLOW DIVIDERS and show them how offensive it is, for these ASSHOLES to USE THEM and their COLOR as a DIVIDING FACTOR for PROFIT.

That is all these groups are, but once they put out their LIES against one race, that race can NOT make a stand alone.

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dd2070  No.15043493

File: a607fcf5705a4c1⋯.png (285.17 KB, 598x532, 299:266, red_sun.png)


NEW: Protesters take to the streets in Hamamatsu, Japan to demonstrate against Covid mandates.


Nicole Elisei

11:18 AM · Nov 20, 2021·

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eff338  No.15043494

File: f8fb600fcbf7b6f⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 570x378, 95:63, Giants_Causeway_head_shot_….jpg)



"humans" as equine puts hoof to shaking forehead

(some shit just cannot be made up)

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ce96e4  No.15043495


How does one collect enough bear urine to boil? This story has holes kekkk

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8d13b2  No.15043496

File: 676f8f81e4c39e9⋯.png (776.54 KB, 474x713, 474:713, ClipboardImage.png)

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7bec1b  No.15043497

File: e5e371ace019838⋯.png (323.83 KB, 712x573, 712:573, Screenshot_from_2021_11_20….png)



The Cable

The Cable goes inside the foreign policy machine, from Foggy Bottom to Turtle Bay, the White House to Embassy Row.

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans

'For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government's mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences.

July 14, 2013, 7:06 PM

For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government’s mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2, that came silently to an end with the implementation of a new reform passed in January. The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption in a reform initially criticized as a green light for U.S. domestic propaganda efforts. So what just happened?

Until this month, a vast ocean of U.S. programming produced by the Broadcasting Board of Governors such as Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and the Middle East Broadcasting Networks could only be viewed or listened to at broadcast quality in foreign countries. The programming varies in tone and quality, but its breadth is vast: It’s viewed in more than 100 countries in 61 languages. The topics covered include human rights abuses in Iran, self-immolation in Tibet, human trafficking across Asia, and on-the-ground reporting in Egypt and Iraq.

The restriction of these broadcasts was due to the Smith-Mundt Act, a long-standing piece of legislation that has been amended numerous times over the years, perhaps most consequentially by Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright. In the 1970s, Fulbright was no friend of VOA and Radio Free Europe, and moved to restrict them from domestic distribution, saying they "should be given the opportunity to take their rightful place in the graveyard of Cold War relics." Fulbright’s amendment to Smith-Mundt was bolstered in 1985 by Nebraska Senator Edward Zorinsky, who argued that such "propaganda" should be kept out of America as to distinguish the U.S. "from the Soviet Union where domestic propaganda is a principal government activity."

Zorinsky and Fulbright sold their amendments on sensible rhetoric: American taxpayers shouldn’t be funding propaganda for American audiences. So did Congress just tear down the American public’s last defense against domestic propaganda?

But for BBG officials, the references to Pentagon propaganda efforts are nauseating, particularly because the Smith-Mundt Act never had anything to do with regulating the Pentagon, a fact that was misunderstood in media reports in the run-up to the passage of new Smith-Mundt reforms in January.

One example includeda report by the late BuzzFeed reporter Michael Hastings, who suggested that the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act would open the door to Pentagon propaganda of U.S. audiences. In fact, as amended in 1987, the act only covers portions of the State Department engaged in public diplomacy abroad (i.e. the public diplomacy section of the "R" bureau, and the Broadcasting Board of Governors.)

But the news circulated regardless, much to the displeasure of Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX), a sponsor of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. "To me, it’s a fascinating case study in how one blogger was pretty sloppy, not understanding the issue and then it got picked up by Politico‘s Playbook, and you had one level of sloppiness on top of another," Thornberry told The Cable last May. "And once something sensational gets out there, it just spreads like wildfire."

That of course doesn’t leave the BBG off the hook if its content smacks of agitprop. But now that its materials are allowed to be broadcast by local radio stations and TV networks, they won’t be a complete mystery to Americans. "Previously, the legislation had the effect of clouding and hiding this stuff," the former U.S. official told The Cable. "Now we’ll have a better sense: Gee some of this stuff is really good. Or gee some of this stuff is really bad. At least we’ll know now."

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dd2070  No.15043498

File: b7b8e8312f529c0⋯.png (159.55 KB, 601x657, 601:657, corey.png)


Corey A. DeAngelis


26 state school boards associations have now distanced themselves from the National School Boards Association.

14 of those states (purple) have discontinued membership, participation, and/or dues because of the NSBA's actions.


10:59 AM · Nov 20, 2021

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5c8a97  No.15043499

>>15043448 What village are you the idiot of?

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eff338  No.15043500