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File: 8d1a7c74560296b⋯.jpg (8.7 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 1Old_Banner.jpg)

6d79e2  No.15042242[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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6d79e2  No.15042244

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TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

President Donald Trump Launches new Platform https://www.truthsocial.com

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6d79e2  No.15042245



>>15041448 partial scrape @ tree fiddy

>>15041502, >>15041518 Mysterious Frog Statue happens to reside in RITTENHOUSE SQUARE, Philadelphia, PA

>>15041505, >>15041536, >>15041533, >>15041562, >>15041564 time to expose [who] set this all in motion

>>15041505 Jury selection started this week on Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial for providing underage sexually trafficked girls to famous celebrities

>>15041614 Do we have any lawfags in here?


>>15041553, >>15041805 Governer [Pritzker] has a full statement on Kyle…

>>15041669 Mesa County Clerk, Tina Peters, was on War Room this am. FBI raided her house.

>>15041750, >>15041774, >>15041803 RIOTS Portland right now. Several arrests already. OFFICER SHOT

>>15041823 Cops retreat in the face of black block in Portland OR



>>15040704 Biden is gonna get sued for defaming a minor

>>15040712 What did Trump say about Kyle?

>>15040713, >>15040761 We triggered the Anti Defamation League

>>15040884 Ready to get rocked? Anons are sitting on the story of the century.

>>15040737 lots of numbers that might align with Q drops RE: Reported mass WWII child graves

>>15040749 Anyone who is BLM is now subject to this jurisdiction if this is "Their Message"

>>15040794 The sole highlight of the Harris Administration was the full acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse.

>>15040900, >>15041383 Gauge Grosskreutz was caught prowling PD parking lots taking pictures of Officers PERSONAL VEHICLES

>>15041002 Multiple live streams of various protests

>>15040711 Biggest African Bank Leak Shows Kabila Allies Looted Congo Funds

>>15041053 VERIFIED BAD CGI/image Vanishing magical Potato feet!

>>15041248 Was there CGI At the trial as well?

>>15041058 BASED helicopter on DJ Trump Jr's twitter

>>15041143 Lindell should patten a pepe pillow, it would sale

>>15041180 How to get HCQ: Takes about a week and a half total wait time

>>15041199 what if i told you there are no jews and it is fake terminology?

>>15041232 New York Times loses an appeal in Project Veritas case

>>15041255 Racists making it about Race, mere minutes after jury announced its verdict clearing Rittenhouse

>>15041243 NASCAR Driver Bubba Wallace wants moar race riots, also

>>15041319 So many Virtues to signal, so little time (Kaepernick)

>>15041362 Rittenhouse Clock you say?

>>15041420 #19029


>>15040018 Live stream links for Trump on Laura Ingraham 10pm tonight

>>15039962, >>15040265 America's political left explodes after Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted on all charges, and takes comfort in falsehoods, smears and trashing the United States

>>15039968, >>15040081 Citizen Journalism Saved Kyle Rittenhouse

>>15039971 @SpaceX Static fire test complete – targeting Tuesday, November 23 at 10:21 p.m. PT for Falcon 9’s launch of @NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test

>>15039973, >>15040076, >>15040077 Parasite-Demon Comms

>>15039976 Every House Democrat running for re-election should be asked if they agree with the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee’s hysterical attack on the right to self-defense

>>15039980, >>15040002 I regret to inform you that the AP is at it again

>>15039990, >>15040030 Dark Winter Here's the simulation script from 2001 for a Smallpox attack

>>15039994 BLM takes to the streets in Brooklyn NY chanting "EVERY CITY EVERY TOWN, BURN THE PRECINCT TO THE GROUND" after the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict

>>15040006, >>15040029, >>15040299, >>15040438, >>15040500, >>15040504, >>15040512, >>15040517 These people are stupid

>>15040010 SAM 685 up out of JBA - some nob headed home for the weekend

>>15040024 LIVE Australia Melbourne Perth Adelaide Brisbane Sydney Victoria Protests

>>15040087 On Bannon controlled gate keepers have their uses, but when caught cold make excuses

>>15040090 'The Sandlot' star Art LaFleur is dead at 78

>>15040079, >>15040156, >>15040173 Huber Family issues a statement about the Kenosha Assailants

>>15040171 Grassley

>>15040200 DOJ to Review Kyle Rittenhouse Case on Civil Rights Grounds

>>15040258, >>15040217, >>15040070 Maurice Freeland, 39, 'Jump-kick man' who was filmed kicking Kyle Rittenhouse

>>15040354 Exec with ties to NY lieutenant governor indicted for campaign fraud Lt. Gov. Brian A. Benjamin

>>15040358 Colin Kaepernick Says Rittenhouse Verdict ‘Validates the Terrorist Acts of a White Supremacist’

>>15040392 Kenosha live stream

>>15040409 Joy Reid is in a hotel room melting down on air, compares Kyle Rittenhouse to a slave-catcher (Cap 1:36)

>>15040436 Jared Golden sole Democrat to vote against Build Back Better Act

>>15040483 Is the West in a Cold War with China?

>>15040629 #19028

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6d79e2  No.15042246


>>15039190 Endorsement of Ryan Guillen

>>15039191, >>15039456, >>15039609 Tucker Carlson first to interview Kyle Rittenhouse on Monday night

>>15039525 Donald Trump joins Mark Levin on Life, Liberty & Levin Sunday November 21, at 8pm eastern on Fox News

>>15039804 President Trump will be on Laura Ingraham tonight at 10:00 pm ET

>>15039203 Kash Patel: “You know who one of the lead people on the committee is? Adam Schiff.

>>15039204 Andrew Cuomo’s Ominous Reaction to the Rittenhouse Verdict

>>15039210 Georgia governor orders probe into 'sloppy' November 2020 vote counts in Fulton County

>>15039217, >>>15039236, >>15039238, >>15039239 Stunning Election Fraud Allegedly Found In Delaware County, PA

>>15039221, >>15039235 FAKE TWITTER bots pushing the same 4am, salty tears

>>15039236, >>15039238, >>15039239 Stunning Election Fraud Allegedly Found In Delaware County, PA

>>15039255, >>15039309 chuck Todd: Gun Owners ‘May Feel Incentivized,’ ‘Emboldened’ After Rittenhouse Verdict

>>15039263 What Will It Take To Say Enough Australia?

>>15039294 LIVE: Medical Freedom Rallies in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia

>>15039288 Gross. Biden Was Sniffing the Kids Again today at Turkey Pardon – Who Does This?(1:16)

>>15039299, >>15039477 Uncle of Jacob Blake, whose shooting by police sparked riots in Kenosha, slams Kyle Rittenhouse not-guilty verdict and says Biden, Harris 'sold out our family'

>>15039301, >>15039427 "HIGHEST LEVEL of EVIL"

>>15039377 Reminder Gage Groskreutz said he was working for the ACLU while in Kenosha


>>15039443 Lawyer Cleta Mitchell who tried to overturn Trump's 2020 loss appointed to a U.S. election board

>>15039559, >>15039651 Revolver’s Case For Disbarring Binger

>>15039574 Disney and other Florida-based businesses are “PAUSING THEIR COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATES and rehiring employees that were fired for refusing to “take the jab.”

>>15039583 Whistleblower Videos Capture Pennsylvania Election Officials Destroying Evidence

>>15039589, >>15039560 The Rittenhouse List: Who Should Kyle Sue?

>>15039634 GoFundMe Shuts Down Fund-Raiser For TX Deputy in ICU with COVID – Family Loses Court Battle Over Ivermectin — YOU CAN HELP THEM HERE!

>>15039667 GoFundMe Denied Rittenhouse Fundraising While Crowdsourcing Funds For BLM Rioters

>>15039701 Dismissal With Prejudice

>>15039708 PF REPORTS 3 SAMS up and about

>>15039771, >>15039866 RITTENHOUSE FOUND NOT GUILTY: Jurors found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges. TONIGHT on “Hannity,”

>>15039817 More accounts inciting violence and criminality in response to the Kyle #Rittenhouse ruling. #Kenosha

>>15039917 #19027

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6d79e2  No.15042247


>>15038419, >>15038472, >>15038778, >>15038851 Police in pursuit of stolen vehicle in Los Angeles, Orange counties

>>15038423 The Executive Branch of Government is ignoring the the rulings of the Judiciary Branch.

>>15038411 Moar work tonight: Kenosha police scanner

>>15038449 RINO Alert: RNC chair

>>15038458, >>15038466, >>15038497 Nick Sandmann Encourages Kyle Rittenhouse to Sue the Hell Out of the Liberal Media

>>15038470, >>15038558 Texas Governor approves funding the “most comprehensive forensic audit in the country.”

>>15038481 Mia Farrow's salty tears

>>15038496 Distressed Woman Yells “F*ck America!” Before Having a ‘Seizure’ on Kenosha Courthouse Steps After Rittenhouse Found Not Guilty

>>15038498, >>15038505 Georgia governor orders probe into 'sloppy' November 2020 vote counts in Fulton County

>>15038506 Ms. Rittenhouse claims Lin Wood John Pierce latched onto her son’s case for their own personal reasons.

>>15038518 Rekieta Law's video stream has officially changed the legal commentary game

>>15038532, >>15038830 Germany: Corruption affair at Erlangen University FAU: Gates Foundation donates almost 25 million dollars to FAU

>>15038547, >>15039076 Can kyle sue the potato for all the defamation?

>>15038549 WITH PREJUDICE: A decision that does not allow for a party to pursue the matter or retry the case again in another court.

>>15038551, >>15038631 Hold The Line - Australia: Nuremberg 2021

>>15038592 Long Island Man Sentenced to 200 Months’ Imprisonment for Attempting to Provide Material Support to Terrorists

>>15038598, >>15038638 POTUS45 congratulates Kyle Rittenhouse

>>15038600, >>15038888 Charges against Kyle Rittenhouse are dismissed WITH PREJUDICE

>>15038657 Rittenhouse Defense Lawyer Blasts Joe Biden For Defaming His Teen Client with ‘White Supremacist’ Label

>>15038672 House judiciary chair calls for DOJ to review Kyle Rittenhouse verdict: ‘A miscarriage of justice’

>>15038690, >>15038716, >>15038738, >>15038848 PF Reports

>>15038708 Guam Needs SM-6 Missile for Hypersonic Defense, Navy Admiral Says

>>15038736 UK Announces Deal To Sell Warships To Kiev, Raising Tensions In Black Sea

>>15038766, >>15038797 Huma Abedin twat: It was like old home week chatting with Hillaryland family

>>15038784 Notable anon opine

>>15038894 President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Jon Rocha for Michigan State Representative

>>15038912 Donald Trump Jr. - CNN and MSNBC were at first unhinged but they clearly got the call from the top to cool it

>>15038956 GoFundMe Denied Rittenhouse Fundraising While Crowdsourcing Funds For BLM Rioters

>>15038965 Kamala Harris Criticizes Rittenhouse Not Guilty Verdict

>>15038968 1 pilot died and 2 others injured during an aircraft accident on a runway at Laughlin Air Force Base

>>15038987, >>15039034 Dirtbag House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler Calls for Federal Review of Kyle Rittenhouse Case

>>15038960 Is there a PANIC for other reasons?

>>15038993 New York Times Colludes With Corrupt DOJ To Steal Legal Documents From A Journalist Suing NYT

>>15039020 ACLU attacks jury system, due process over Rittenhouse ‘not guilty’ verdict

>>15039109 #19026

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6d79e2  No.15042248


>>15037671 Clockfags on the Clock - The Rittenhouse Clock!!!

>>15037677, >>15037779 BlueCheck SeanDavis calls out GoFundMe et al.

>>15037687, >>15037858 1/25 Stryker BCT "Everyone needs a little Bane…"Tweet + Bain/Romney Connection (Autists Assemble)

>>15037702, >>15038032 anon on Strzok Testimony before Congress voluntarily…

>>15037706 USNI #OTD in 1969, the all-Navy crew of Apollo 12 reached the moon.

>>15037731, >>15038202 Kyle Rittenhouse could face federal charges as Rep. Nadler calls for DOJ review

>>15037814 Huber's GF reacts to verdict.

>>15037854 Gavin Newsom Denounces Rittenhouse Verdict: We Just Sent the ‘Message’ That You Can ‘Kill People and Get Away With it’

>>15037925 ‘Chronic Underutilization’ of America’s Trucking Capacity Means 40 Percent Is ‘Left on the Table Every Day’: MIT Expert

>>15038023 Kyle Rittenhouse’s attorney says there will be a fight over the roughly $500k that Lin Wood & FightBack say they are entitled to.

>>15038073 13 Suspects Arrested in Athens and 60 Firearms, Land Mine, $1 Million Seized During Course of Ongoing Investigation

>>15038115 French Navy Kicks Off Force-on-Force Drills in Mediterranean with Partner Nations, NATO - USNI News

>>15038137 Former New York Times journalist says the paper deliberately HELD her story condemning Kenosha rioters until after 2020 election: 'The reality of what brought Kyle Rittenhouse into the streets was one we were meant to ignore'

>>15038162 Whether Kyle Rittenhouse can win damages in civil suits could boil down to if a jury finds the media's language was defamatory, opinion, or rhetorical hyperbole.

>>15038216 LIV Sotheby’s International Realty closes record-breaking deal with the $9.5 million sale of an Evergreen estate

>>15038222 Anon on Things going on / shows on the screen

>>15038248 The Western States Sheriffs Association, which represents Sheriffs from 17 states, declares a position of no confidence in DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

>>15038253 Rittenhouse Defense Lawyer Blasts Joe Biden For Defaming His Teen Client with ‘White Supremacist’ Label

>>15038295 History - Executive Summary The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) began issuing U.S. Savings Bonds in 1935

>>15038312 Army orders commanders to 'flag' unvaccinated troops to block reenlistment, effectively end careers

>>15038347 #19025

Previously Collected Notables

>>15035982 #19022, >>15037110 #19023, >>15037556 #19024

>>15033692 #19019, >>15034490 #19020, >>15035262 #19021

>>15031357 #19016, >>15032130 #19017, >>15032922 #19018

>>15029431 #19013, >>15029722 #19014, >>15030534 #19015

>>15026557 #19010, >>15027382 #19011, >>15028184 #19012

>>15024190 #19007, >>15025084 #19008, >>15025789 #19009

>>15022171 #19004, >>15022606 #19005, >>15023646 #19006

>>15019493 #19001, >>15020266 #19002, >>15021027 #19003

>>15017106 #18998, >>15017880 #18999, >>15018782 #19000

>>15014697 #18995, >>15015487 #18996, >>15016215 #18997

>>15012359 #18992, >>15013164 #18993, >>15013978 #18994

>>15010973 #18989, >>15011042 #18990, >>15011577 #18991

>>15007704 #18986, >>15008490 #18987, >>15009201 #18988

>>15005223 #18983, >>15006072 #18984, >>15006978 #18985

>>15003143 #18980, >>15003932 #18981, >>15004675 #18982

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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6d79e2  No.15042249

Dough: https://controlc.com/b5ca7f85

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ad2e91  No.15042254

File: 98fcb86eca04ade⋯.png (13.45 KB, 598x182, 23:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5808b3998bedbdd⋯.png (581 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6d79e2  No.15042261

File: efdc48c5f2aebfe⋯.jpg (52.99 KB, 885x463, 885:463, Ghost_Kitchen.jpg)


Kitchen is Ghost!

Tag for last bred's notes @ 350: >>5041841

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ad2e91  No.15042263

File: 0676ad6026a31f1⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1600x3170, 160:317, ClipboardImage.png)

Remember, our journey isn't overthe best is yet to come!–GEOTUS T. PFUNK.

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6d79e2  No.15042265


Correction - Tag for notes >>

>>15041841 (PB)

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ad2e91  No.15042267

File: 8df9d2201f99373⋯.png (12.85 KB, 598x134, 299:67, ClipboardImage.png)


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b20e1b  No.15042268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d5f25e  No.15042269

File: 652c98f1a492a58⋯.png (672.01 KB, 500x681, 500:681, address.png)


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ad2e91  No.15042270


Watch yer cornholes!!

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ac0355  No.15042272

File: efb69e19b68a9db⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 3456x4608, 3:4, IMG_20211119_183116.jpg)

File: a7c76be66a66219⋯.jpg (986.07 KB, 3456x4608, 3:4, IMG_20211119_184106.jpg)



Good Morning Frenz

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4cc68d  No.15042273

File: cf226f6182b91db⋯.jpg (27.84 KB, 329x499, 329:499, 41fwRChedKL_SX327_BO1_204_….jpg)

The Kamala Method

Kamala Harris' 77 success habits and attitudes to incorporate to your life.

Kamala Harris has made history. She is not only the first woman to hold the office of Vice-President of the United States, but also the first African-American to do so. However, her journey has not been easy, and it won’t end there it seems. The Kamala method shares with us a hundred decisive elements in Harris’ life—habits, tipping points, her way of addressing conflict… the everyday details that make up a person’s destiny, and this book will bring us closer to those of a self-made woman, so that we may implement them in our daily lives.

Buy on scamazon for $5.25!

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ba276d  No.15042274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anthony Fauci is a Jesuit bioterrorist employed by the US government to create bioweapons to use against humans.

All that is necessary for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.

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443845  No.15042275

File: 544074f4d373438⋯.png (43.6 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

What the hell's going on around here?

First off, let's take it from the start

Straight out, can't change what's in my heart

No one can tear my beliefs apart, you can't bring me…

You ain't never seen no one like me

Prevail regardless what the cost might be

Power flows inside of me, you can't bring me…

Never fall as long as I try

Refuse to be a part of your lie

Even if it means I die, you can't bring me…

You can't bring me down!

Who the hell you calling crazy?

You wouldn't know what crazy was

If Charles Manson was eating fruit loops on your front porch

Time out, let's get something clear

I speak more truth than you want to hear

Scapegoat to cover up your fear, you can't bring me…

You ain't never seen so much might

Fight for what I know is right

What up? You got yourself a fight, you can't bring me…

Stand up, we'll all sing along

Together ain't nothin' as strong

Won't quit, we ain't in the wrong, you can't bring me…

You can't bring me down!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down, no!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down

You can't bring me down!

Tell them what's up Rocky!

You can't bring me down!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down, no!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down

You can't bring me down!

So why you trying to bring me?

Well you can't bring me down, no, no, no, no

Can't bring me down, no, no, no, no, no, no

Can't bring me down, no, no, no, no, no, no

Can't bring me down, no, no, no, no, no, no

So why you trying to bring?

Well, you can't bring me down

Just 'cause you don't understand what's going on

Don't mean it don't make no sense

And just 'cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good

And let me tell you something

Before you go taking a walk in my world

You better take a look at the real world

'Cause this ain't no Mister Roger's Neighborhood

Can you say, "Feel like shit"?

Yeah, maybe sometimes I do feel like shit

I ain't happy 'bout it but I'd rather feel like shit than be full of shit

And if I offended you

Oh, I'm sorry but maybe you need to be offended

But here's my apology and one more thing, fuck you!

You can't bring me down!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down, no!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down, no!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down, no!

Bring me down

You can't bring me down, no!

Bring me down!

You can't bring me down!

Bring me down!

Can't bring me down!

Can't bring me down!

Can't bring me down!


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972662  No.15042276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Best is Yet to Come

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ad2e91  No.15042277

File: 9dea10c5f8c936b⋯.png (14.14 KB, 598x134, 299:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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50fdee  No.15042278

File: ecf588062f6df0b⋯.png (1.3 MB, 944x632, 118:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53dcd86aaf8271f⋯.png (201.03 KB, 481x484, 481:484, ClipboardImage.png)



will collect notables from last bread. after a noice cup of tea.


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443845  No.15042279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d5f25e  No.15042280

File: 2c7d6b1dff5d3b5⋯.png (130.99 KB, 1102x620, 551:310, sen.png)


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ad2e91  No.15042281

File: 78b46e3e55421c8⋯.png (129.41 KB, 478x461, 478:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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b20e1b  No.15042282

File: 14b671459c9f318⋯.png (120.62 KB, 219x206, 219:206, ClipboardImage.png)

This red writing on the wall is kind of creepy.

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3950b5  No.15042284

File: 12698106dd0803c⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1392x788, 348:197, scatter.png)

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2862d0  No.15042285

Running just as fast as we can

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ac0355  No.15042286


OBVIOUSLY… That is a helicopter too.

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3cb129  No.15042287

File: b539af5fe0a0ce0⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1075x808, 1075:808, b883bf69fee51d43832847101f….png)

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6d79e2  No.15042288

File: 9864607138276e4⋯.jpg (148.39 KB, 610x376, 305:188, Don_t_be_like_that.jpg)

>>15042278 THank YoU!

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e1a56a  No.15042289

File: a2c19962abc2de7⋯.jpg (192.34 KB, 648x776, 81:97, Screenshot_20211120_014315….jpg)

File: 6e50aea0d874217⋯.jpg (456.85 KB, 719x1244, 719:1244, Screenshot_20211120_014505….jpg)

File: a21e0781d15f13e⋯.jpg (97.61 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20211120_014854.jpg)



Have any idea if this is true?

Uncanny resemblance.

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d5f25e  No.15042290

File: 70d2379bee9d97f⋯.png (81.02 KB, 645x431, 645:431, or_death.png)


November 19, 2021

Fauci Finally Admits Vaccines Don’t Protect Against Serious Covid or Death

By Vasko Kohlmayer

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29c258  No.15042291




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ad2e91  No.15042292


It's also the brand name of muh fridge, furnace & A/C. 27 years old and still going strong.

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d5f25e  No.15042293

File: 980e06128cb043f⋯.png (439.07 KB, 854x761, 854:761, study.png)


EXCLUSIVE: European Medicines Agency Data Shows 1,163,356 Adverse Drug Reactions and 30,551 Fatalities by COVID-19 Vaccinations

By Jim Hoft

Published November 19, 2021 at 11:45am

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2862d0  No.15042295

The People are Starting to Suspect Something is up.

Time for a Narrative Shift

Global Level.

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3950b5  No.15042296

File: 4567fe8500bb30e⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2003_and_they_already_want….mp4)

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3cb129  No.15042297


nice 8 pointer


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7e6678  No.15042298

File: d6641b07428d5c0⋯.png (705.99 KB, 480x640, 3:4, the_rittenhouse_new.png)

File: aff9c5814635ad4⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 1700x1091, 1700:1091, Giant_Frog_Cornelia_van_Au….jpg)

Rittenhouse Square is one of five city squares conceived by Philadelphia’s founder, William Penn, in the 1600s. Originally called Southwest Square, the park was renamed in 1825 to honor David Rittenhouse, a local astronomer-clockmaker and patriotic leader during the Revolutionary era.

The first mansion facing Rittenhouse Square was built in 1840, and by the second half of the 19th century, the Square had become the city’s most fashionable residential neighborhood. Later, in 1913, the Square’s entrances and central plaza were redesigned by architect Paul Philippe Cret— incorporating a reflecting pool, fountains, and timelessly beautiful sculptures.

By the 1920s, the Square’s impressive family mansions gave way to landmark high-rise buildings, and the neighborhood evolved into what it is today— a thriving hub of homes and apartments, upscale shops, galleries, restaurants, luxury hotels, book stores, a public library, health and sporting clubs, and an abundance of Euro-style sidewalk cafés that give Rittenhouse Square its old world charm.

Explore Center City’s numerous cultural and historic sites amidst a green and leafy oasis. With blooming shrubs that add splashes of seasonal color, a summer concert series, annual flower markets and outdoor art exhibits, RIttenhouse Square embodies William Penn’s dream of a “Green Country Towne.”


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3db36b  No.15042299

File: b5ad98d8cd58804⋯.png (823.94 KB, 678x523, 678:523, ClipboardImage.png)

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6d79e2  No.15042300

>>15042249 (me / dough)



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3950b5  No.15042301

File: a3e20f54f7b116d⋯.png (720.69 KB, 810x730, 81:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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ba276d  No.15042302


Jesuit educated Anthony Faucihi, the highest paid employee of the US Government, creates bioweapons to use against humans.

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d5f25e  No.15042303

File: 6d30fd07b423bbc⋯.png (166.19 KB, 693x416, 693:416, failed.png)


NEW: 40 Places Where Covid Shots Have Failed To Stop The Spread

24 countries and 16 states where cases reached new all-time highs after vaccination roll outs.


40 Places Where Covid Shots Have Failed To Stop The Spread

24 countries and 16 states where cases reached new all-time highs after vaccination roll outs.


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3950b5  No.15042304

File: 2804e9db793a0a4⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 720x720, 1:1, cleaned.mp4)

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d5f25e  No.15042305

File: 4d08b659e7b6295⋯.png (36.75 KB, 698x291, 698:291, pesent.png)

File: 4719ca7056ef717⋯.png (5.59 KB, 200x74, 100:37, hca.png)


FDA poised to authorize Moderna, Pfizer boosters for all adults


11/19/2021 10:00 AM EST

[HCA] <<<<

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f54d78  No.15042306

File: f3fc876306ca33e⋯.png (7.74 KB, 696x48, 29:2, 45_replies_to_17_UIDS.PNG)

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b20e1b  No.15042307

File: ec9905f0c9f6cac⋯.png (61.65 KB, 773x816, 773:816, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51f2e7ee2f373c1⋯.png (473.7 KB, 751x876, 751:876, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb0f1956975e181⋯.png (974.27 KB, 847x901, 847:901, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35906153b350d84⋯.png (1.17 MB, 899x841, 31:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8465cd0ec4810a1⋯.png (684.1 KB, 923x617, 923:617, ClipboardImage.png)







Whitetail deer and COVID.

Good news for South Dakota so far.

Covid not found in South Dakota whitetail population

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3950b5  No.15042308

File: 2f3b5f8237f6531⋯.png (286.95 KB, 705x475, 141:95, ClipboardImage.png)


Could you repeat the question?

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2862d0  No.15042309

Don't forget to get your Booster.

There is No Maxwell Trial.

Go Back to sleep.

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e1a56a  No.15042310

File: 75d1d5d3be231e3⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Follow_the_Pen.mp4)



Follow the Pen

Much luv. No homo.

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d5f25e  No.15042311

File: 45d106cadc93e10⋯.png (214.14 KB, 900x506, 450:253, for_hca.png)



Pandemic is financial bonanza for HCA

By Peter H. Lewis & AVL Watchdog • Oct 26, 2021

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ba276d  No.15042312

File: 3e76916538d407b⋯.jpg (111.09 KB, 750x396, 125:66, Georgia_Guidestones_Rosecr….jpg)

File: 996da17f3617037⋯.jpg (817.63 KB, 1214x1533, 1214:1533, Installed_pResident.jpg)


>Data Shows 1,163,356 Adverse Drug Reactions and 30,551 Fatalities by COVID-19 Vaccinations

The "vaccine" is effective.

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d5f25e  No.15042313

File: 3ee5743d2d786f2⋯.png (41.82 KB, 1019x236, 1019:236, safe_space.png)


State university offers race-segregated events after Rittenhouse trial, mistakenly saying Jacob Blake is dead

by Timothy Nerozzi, Associate News Editor

| November 19, 2021 11:42 PM

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f4ae83  No.15042314

The verdict, yesterday was some kind of healing for me!

- 2A in the US was/is under attack

- self defense was/is under attack

- the life of an innocent was under attack

But the most important point I got from all of this… [They] have no power left! If they had, Kyle would be in jail for the rest of his life! …and they are losing grip of the narrative! One year fucking lies about Kyle in the media and now they are bitching about the NOT GUILTY… But just a few poor minded wrecks are in the streets, with no message at all!

Politicians from the left calling for some kind of riots, with their twatts and no one is listening to them… It makes me a little furious, that the fucked up suit wearing idiots in the GOV can do that, without being removed from office immediately, but on the other hand… [They] are fucked and the population starts seeing it!

Yesterday was a good day!

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b20e1b  No.15042315

File: dda9bf2dd4a943b⋯.png (112.5 KB, 595x386, 595:386, RittenhouseVerdictNOTGUILT….png)


I watched this ten times already.


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2862d0  No.15042316

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

99% → Hospital

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3950b5  No.15042317

File: 68712e22748f5eb⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB, 780x360, 13:6, seizure.mp4)

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e1a56a  No.15042318


Old but gold

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443845  No.15042319

File: f8f70bb188a37d9⋯.png (231.01 KB, 474x237, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I wish so hard that I could be just like the one you want me to

But it doesn't seem to work though I'm trying

I try so hard to do what's right, to be so good, to make you proud

But it never seems to satisfy you

It's just the person that you want is not the person that I am

The conflict inside's horrifying

I want so much for you to think of me as a person that

Deserves your respect and attention

I wonder if I'll ever do the things you want the way you want

When I don't even know what I want yet

It's not that I'm rebelling against the person you are

It's just that I don't know who I am

All I know is it hurts, oh how it hurts

Oh God, do you know how I'm hurting?

There's an emotion in me, there's an emotion in me

Emotion No. 13

Look into my eyes, you'll see I'm not lying

Emotion No. 13, easy crying

Don't ask me how I know, but I'm dying

Emotion No. 13, blows my mind away

Emotion No. 13, it blows me away

Look into my eyes, you'll see I'm not…

Emotion No. 13 say's I'm…

Don't ask me how I know but I think I'm…

Don't ask me how I know but I think I'm dying, dying

Dying, dying

All I know is it hurts, oh how it hurts

Oh God do yo know how I'm hurting?

There's an emotion in me, there's an emotion in me

Emotion No. 13

Look into my eyes, you'll see I'm not lying

Emotion No. 13, feels like I'm dying

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d5f25e  No.15042320

File: de2ba24b9f87c8a⋯.png (21.21 KB, 1035x169, 1035:169, babies.png)


Fauci expects vaccine will be available for babies in 2022

by Ryan King

| November 19, 2021 05:22 PM

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3950b5  No.15042321

File: fbf908214b44f8f⋯.png (3.89 MB, 1200x1614, 200:269, rapino.png)

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443845  No.15042322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't ask me how I know but I think I'm…

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3950b5  No.15042323


He's not the sexiest man alive for nothing.

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2862d0  No.15042324

Have (you) Suffered Enough?

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d5f25e  No.15042325

File: 3a237e4517a7c49⋯.png (88.06 KB, 863x529, 863:529, iran.png)


Iranians Hold Huge Anti-Government Protest After Key River Completely Dries Up

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Nov 19, 2021 - 08:00 PM

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c57255  No.15042326

Im wondering if Gavin Newsom remembers a white girl on a pier and an illegal who got to kill someone and get away with it…

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ac0355  No.15042327


10pts there buddy!

The Tenderloin are longer based on pts. kek

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d5f25e  No.15042328

File: 1cee2a562e78fa9⋯.png (111.28 KB, 880x529, 880:529, rolling.png)


Rolling Blackouts Possible In Texas, Midwest As Cold Blast Looms

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Nov 19, 2021 - 06:40 PM

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b20e1b  No.15042329

File: 50ad1bf389ab909⋯.png (449.5 KB, 841x561, 841:561, ClipboardImage.png)

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ac0355  No.15042330


I'll risk it.

My guess is "THEY" don't like peasants having the ability to feed themselves and we should trust their irradiated process mystery "meat" instead.

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d5f25e  No.15042331

File: 178b2c68b6e3d53⋯.png (352.88 KB, 859x834, 859:834, camp_prom.png)


Biden Admin Quietly Authorizes Largest Oil Lease Sale In US History Despite Campaign Promise

President Biden Pardons National Thanksgiving Turkeys

Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images

Taylor Giles


November 19, 2021 8:34 PM ET

Font Size:

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116c56  No.15042332


Reminder that Rittenhouse Square is only blocks away from the upscale shops that got looted in the riots back in early 2020.

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ac0355  No.15042333


And, I thought we already decided the PCR test was a load of shit.

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3cb129  No.15042334

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2862d0  No.15042335

They were Planning to Annihilate us all and Steal the Children

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b20e1b  No.15042336


Ultimately, it will just be designed to be in our food and water supply.

Probably in the air that you breath as well.

We are royally fucked without the help of God Almighty!

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d5f25e  No.15042337

File: f8ec2b5b1157769⋯.png (508.25 KB, 970x760, 97:76, oz_rise.png)


Austria rises up against “health dictatorship

16th November 2021 - 3:39 pm by Emilien Lacombe

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d5f25e  No.15042338

File: cd620f93cc3b9eb⋯.png (154.59 KB, 427x492, 427:492, pe_nut.png)


Pepe Deluxe, [20.11.21 05:58]

[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)]

[ Video ]

Kash Patel: “You know who one of the lead people on the committee is? Adam Schiff. You know who sits next to him? His peanut butter sidekick, Eric Swalwell. These two guys, I ran Russiagate against them. We used the facts, they used politics.”

Did you hear that?

“I ran Russiagate against them.”

Interesting 🤔

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443845  No.15042339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ac0355  No.15042340

File: eb695ace98f511a⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1220x763, 1220:763, Trump_Baker_of_BREADS.png)

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2862d0  No.15042341

File: 0f9931e5f706242⋯.mp4 (15.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1624316797_Copy.mp4)

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b20e1b  No.15042342


I think they are using DEER as the excuse for their new American Variant that's going to wipe out over half the world's population.

We are so fucking fucked!

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d5f25e  No.15042343

File: c6fde521b1d7abd⋯.png (276.96 KB, 594x631, 594:631, last_y.png)


A far-left group is fundraising money on @VenmoSupport

to distribute funds to people who are mobilizing to #Kenosha. Like last year, crowdfunding on @VenmoSupport

& @CashSupport

was used to pay or help people who went to BLM-Antifa riots. #Rittenhouse



8:54 PM · Nov 19, 2021·

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ad2e91  No.15042344


Sauce is in the image. Eleven measly characters. Fewer even than the 12 characters in our post.

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d5f25e  No.15042345

File: 6c6721c9702f00e⋯.png (158.82 KB, 426x364, 213:182, nothing.png)


We The Media, [20.11.21 00:06]

[Forwarded from Qtah]

[ Video ]

We’re celebrating over Kyle Rittenhouse, wait until this happens. Because it will. It’s coming. Nothing can stop what’s coming.

Listen above. Goodnight Patriots 🇺🇸

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74aa55  No.15042346

File: 69deac9ba252528⋯.jpg (143.66 KB, 499x366, 499:366, doomed_kitty.jpg)

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116c56  No.15042347


I look forward to the day where pediatricians begin pushing this vaxx to children in their practices. The majority of parents will finally see them for what they are. Big pharma drug pushers roping in our youngest as lifelong customers.

God will have His way with your souls. Do what is right, docs. The choice is yours.

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b20e1b  No.15042348


Everybody should be told to bring an AR 15 strapped to their shoulders.

It's legal there, ya know!

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3db36b  No.15042349

File: bdaa459f8f647e5⋯.png (287.11 KB, 680x697, 40:41, ClipboardImage.png)


Sauce it newfag - NO excuses.

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d5f25e  No.15042350

File: d5bdc15ec763a31⋯.png (189.77 KB, 416x502, 208:251, sperm.png)



We The Media, [20.11.21 02:15]

[ Photo ]

Maybe it's time to consider opening an account. 😎

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fc8525  No.15042351

File: d0587a65c5d088e⋯.png (8.19 KB, 469x131, 469:131, ClipboardImage.png)


Is the muh joos shit show over, what a fucking wasted last bread.

…and now this fuckery

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2862d0  No.15042352


Kavanaugh Treatment

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2862d0  No.15042353


The Buck, Stops Here.

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d5f25e  No.15042354

File: f0ed06e80459acb⋯.png (238.33 KB, 592x546, 296:273, all_on.png)


It’s all on record. The misinformation is coming from them. Never forget that.


Anonymous UK Citizen

12:39 PM · Nov 19, 2021·

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ac0355  No.15042355


Life is a dream… When I wake up, I plan to go hunting with my extended family.

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972662  No.15042356


>American Variant that's going to wipe out over half the world's population.

At this point, anybody who still believes in viruses is a fool.

Why do you think they keep lying about it?

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d5f25e  No.15042357

File: 41b2e035fafc1bf⋯.png (149.97 KB, 424x312, 53:39, dad.png)



Freedom Warriors, [20.11.21 03:20]

[ Video ]

⚠️Dad says "Pfizer killed my baby"..

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2862d0  No.15042358

Trump Card Inbound

Protect the Heavy


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d5f25e  No.15042359

File: 34c148e79c11c96⋯.png (18.03 KB, 595x160, 119:32, vaxist.png)


Are you a Vaxist? Vaxism is the new Racism

By The Exposé on November 20, 2021

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7195d5  No.15042360



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b20e1b  No.15042361



There are still viruses, it's just that this particular "virus" is a construct and is more along the lines of nanotech.

We are so overwhelmingly fucked.

As if we just had the Atomic Bomb dropped on our Nagasaki and Hiroshima!

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ad2e91  No.15042362

File: 08fd74dfd196cf6⋯.png (131.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6d79e2  No.15042363

File: 6e6ded37253d7ac⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Covid_Misinformation.mp4)

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f92d56  No.15042364


Blacks. Blacks people. Black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black black

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0e43c4  No.15042365

File: d4416044e014d5f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 998x1024, 499:512, covidlockdown.png)

>>15040142 pb

no you don't

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ac0355  No.15042366

File: b9adf3f45bc7cc5⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_20211120_060724.jpg)

File: 0827901108c8e66⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_20211120_060735.jpg)

File: 32620d958c1d821⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_20211120_060741.jpg)

File: 9b3741b72f36d55⋯.jpg (918.94 KB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_20211120_060803.jpg)

File: f0cf695f3a41d45⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_20211120_060810.jpg)




Just, Plant Me already when I can no longer hunt.

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a9f3e8  No.15042368


does anon know which Q-Post had the

W RITTEN <–Spelling error?

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2631c7  No.15042369

File: d8c5dfe96a645ff⋯.jpeg (236.66 KB, 1241x950, 1241:950, 9D3BEDED_6DBE_47F6_A8EB_C….jpeg)

This guy needs to learn to talk to press! He should have said “No he was protecting his own life and had a right to do so”.


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f92d56  No.15042370


True!! At work the management is always saying wear your mask!! But if you refuse you go home. If you wear it and pull it down and talk from time to time. That’s okay.

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ad2e91  No.15042371

File: bb0b2dacf0af9ae⋯.png (687.63 KB, 680x546, 340:273, ClipboardImage.png)

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d5f25e  No.15042372

File: dc1251cf944fbde⋯.png (188.65 KB, 233x557, 233:557, not_small.png)


Freedom Warriors, [20.11.21 05:12]

[ Video ]

Brisbane, Australia. This is NOT a small minority! Fantastic to see huge numbers erupting across Oz! 🇦🇺🇦🇺

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443845  No.15042373

File: 19af943649b5df0⋯.png (382.17 KB, 900x580, 45:29, ClipboardImage.png)


Yesterday, as I went out the house

I saw a body lying down quiet as a mouse

Lying face down in the sewer

I got up closer, and realized that I knew her

All her organs coming from her insides

Slashed up skin, sliced up hide

Turned her over and saw the tire tracks on her head

That's when I realized she was dead

I saw your mommy, and your mommy's dead

I saw your mommy, and your mommy's dead

Twisted body, chopped off feet

Her body was minced meat

Bugs crawling on her arms

She's dead, can't do no harm

Gnarled up legs, broken and bent

Her last breath has been spent

I wonder

How much would I pay

To get your mom killed

In such a bloody way?

I saw your mommy, and your mommy's dead

I watched her as she bled

Chewed off toes on her chopped off feet

I took a picture 'cause I thought it looked neat

But the thing I liked seeing the best

Was the rodents using her hair as a nest

I saw your mommy, and your mommy's dead

I saw your mommy, and your mommy's dead

Twisted body, chopped off feet

Her whole body was minced meat

Bugs crawling on her arms

She's dead, can't do no harm

Gnarled up legs, broken and bent

Her last breath has been spent

I know

That your momma's not what you really miss

But make it look good at her funeral

And give her a little kiss

I saw your mommy, and your mommy's dead

I saw her lying in a pool of red

I think it's the greatest thing I'll ever see

Your dead mommy lying in front of me

I'll always remember her lying dead on the floor

I hope she dies twenty times more

I saw your mommy and your mommy's dead

I saw your mommy and your mommy's dead

Twisted body, chopped off feet

Her body was minced meat

Bugs crawling on her arms

She's dead, can't do no harm

Gnarled up legs, broken and bent

Her last breath has been spent

I wonder

How much would I pay

To get your mom killed

In such a bloody way? Ah!

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443845  No.15042374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f92d56  No.15042375


Legally No means factually.

An opinion can’t ever be a matter of fact. Anyone and everyone can opine.

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d5f25e  No.15042376

File: 1d61e33c3bf1f97⋯.png (122.58 KB, 421x389, 421:389, call_for.png)


TeoAnon17, [20.11.21 04:26]


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2631c7  No.15042377

File: 76f7dc062b0e202⋯.jpeg (359.73 KB, 1241x1694, 1241:1694, 3B7D60DD_AE88_48C1_B40F_D….jpeg)

File: a50f1a99f51837b⋯.jpeg (126.76 KB, 1241x467, 1241:467, AC712A86_1B24_4BDF_B005_4….jpeg)



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116c56  No.15042378

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ac0355  No.15042379

Bread is slow this AM.. Everyone drank too much last night celebrating Kyle verdict and is hung over.

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f4ae83  No.15042380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Protest against COVID restrictions in Vienna as Austria goes into full lockdown

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a9f3e8  No.15042381

File: 68753f13f13755f⋯.jpg (64.43 KB, 600x696, 25:29, Screen_Shot_2021_11_20_at_….jpg)

File: f702fe77f73054e⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 599x233, 599:233, Screen_Shot_2021_11_20_at_….jpg)



>does anon know which Q-Post had the

>W RITTEN <–Spelling error?

Saw the hidden hand comm and today was glad to see him acquitted but something didn't feel right about it.

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d5f25e  No.15042382

File: 76ad61eae038e23⋯.png (386.55 KB, 747x692, 747:692, confirms.png)


CDC Quietly Confirms mRNA COVID-19 Injections Increase Risk Of Myocarditis & Myopericarditis

Photo of Brenda Brown Brenda Brown Send an email 1 week ago

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b0d668  No.15042383

File: e62e98431d7ea32⋯.png (618.8 KB, 459x811, 459:811, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d85bd7c1721d96c⋯.png (604.44 KB, 459x811, 459:811, ClipboardImage.png)



Kyle about to get his weight up.

Stole the fiat version and made it my own.

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972662  No.15042384


>There are still viruses

No proof other than what we have been told.

>Atomic Bomb dropped on our Nagasaki and Hiroshima!

No proof of that either.

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ba276d  No.15042385


>Just four days before the sale, the Biden administration signed the COP26 pact, which requires countries to eliminate subsidies for the fossil fuel industry.

Those subsidies are what keeps ethanol fuel under $4.00 a gallon.

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d5f25e  No.15042386

File: 9a15f7cfb967d16⋯.png (497.82 KB, 884x802, 442:401, stew.png)


Stew Peters Show

Sex Trial Of The Century Begins: Epstein Madam Ghislaine Maxwell Faces Justice

The Stew Peters Show

By Stew Peters Show

November 19, 2021

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ac0355  No.15042387


Shitposters are us old timers that have spent decades spreading truth. No we are enjoying the show you youngins are about to embark upon wishing we could as well.

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d5f25e  No.15042388

File: a13b7068917adf4⋯.png (62.92 KB, 798x317, 798:317, germ_stud.png)


New study from Germany confirms higher vax coverage → higher excess mortality

The Harvard study showed vaccination makes things worse as far as cases goes. This new study from German shows that the more you vaccinate the more people get killed. Not a surprise to me.

Steve Kirsch

5 hr ago

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3eaa4b  No.15042389

File: 993bed8bce8d4d9⋯.jpeg (176.46 KB, 1747x1024, 1747:1024, C35F18AE_BD8A_4F57_B56D_B….jpeg)

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d5f25e  No.15042390

File: 67eeca0efa66b4d⋯.png (52.94 KB, 880x370, 88:37, y_star.png)


Celebrity Death

Young Hockey Star Boris Sadecky Lost his Life After Collapsing

2 weeks ago

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d5f25e  No.15042391

File: 190bb7e06f84e60⋯.png (947.59 KB, 1374x917, 1374:917, was_wrong.png)


Daniel Aakervik: One Of The Greatest Talents In Cross-Country Skiing Suffers Severe Reaction To COVID Vaccine: “I Immediately Felt Something Was Wrong”

The COVID World post date: November 12th, 2021

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972662  No.15042392


>Protest against COVID restrictions in Vienna as Austria goes into full lockdown

Something not right about that title. How is it a lockdown if nobody is actually, you know, locked down?

We should stop using (((their))) words.

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116c56  No.15042393


However, I am just now looking at the actual post.

What was posted all day yesterday was a screen cap of a search result from one of the Q aggregator sites….when you search ritten, every single result containing the word written, including 1381, appears to be separated with a space.

So, methinks that this “misspelling” is in fact just how the aggregator displays its search results.

Am I missing something and getting that all wrong? Can’t believe Anons were getting tingling almonds over something that isn’t actually there.

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50fdee  No.15042394

File: 1a1732cbc7f2ab1⋯.png (1.23 MB, 944x536, 118:67, ClipboardImage.png)



Q Research General #19030: Vanishing Magical Swamp Edition

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

>>15041448 early

>>15041502, >>15041518 Mysterious Frog Statue happens to reside in RITTENHOUSE SQUARE, Philadelphia, PA

>>15041536, >>15041533, >>15041562, >>15041564, >>15041614, time to expose [the judges] who set this all in motion

>>15041505 Jury selection started this week on Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial for providing underage sexually trafficked girls to famous celebrities


>>15041553, >>15041805 Governer [Pritzker] has a full statement on Kyle…

>>15041666 gif meme kyle celebration (note this is older edited with kyle trial.

>>15041711 TRUTH WON BIGLEY! (full list of assets deployed against kyle) full respect to all anons here and on the ground, plus alt media sites.

>>15041721 BRITISH LIBRARY ARCHIVE PRE WAR WHERE YOU CAN SEE THAT B.I.S IN SWITZERLAND ARE FINANCING THE WAR - with source for moar, valuable archive link and screenshot

>>15041669 Mesa County Clerk, Tina Peters, was on War Room this am. FBI raided her house.

>>15041750, >>15041774, >>15041803 RIOTS Portland right now. Several arrests already. OFFICER SHOT

>>15041823 Cops retreat in the face of black block in Portland OR

>>15041505 Jury selection started this week on Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial for providing underage sexually trafficked girls to famous celebrities


>>15041888, >>15041921, >>15041942, >>15041976, >>15042192 salt mining kyle twats

>>15041905 kyle and judge gif for keks

>>15041908 stephen king twat on kyle case

>>15041955, >>15041961, >>15042106, Rittenhouse/Kenosha: NAARPR/Protests → Unions → Communists - anon dig, use discernement.

>>15041963 COVID Vaccines have a 3% fatality rate,But COVID only has a .03% fatality rate, cure is 100 x worse - gwp

>>15042036 Magician…Illusionist! - youtube video and link, language and meaning.

>>15042141 Orgy of violence;’ Dutch police open fire on rioters - heraldonline

>>15042153 Disgraced ex-CEO Elizabeth Holmes takes the stand in her criminal fraud trial - nyp

>>15042155 trump on ingraham - youtube

>>15042163, >>15042218, The Great Resignation is still happening—here are the underlying causes - fortune.com

>>15042181 Ex-Defense Secretary Mattis testifies in Elizabeth Holmes fraud trial September 23, 2021 - nyp

>>15042191, >>15042195, Bodycam footage of ‘Horror House’ raid shows cops rescue abused Turpin kids - nyp

notables and salt mining, plus what this anon believes needs to be highlighted

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ac0355  No.15042395


only 1 shows up


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d5f25e  No.15042396

File: 15a03af5f247f45⋯.png (416.23 KB, 663x602, 663:602, fernan.png)


Congressman Fernando Herrera died in full debate in the Peruvian Congress after suffering a strike | World

Breaking News

Tameka news 24 days ago

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443845  No.15042397

File: 15c8c6bc86dfbc4⋯.png (233.58 KB, 474x592, 237:296, ClipboardImage.png)


These people are

I hurt myself so I can heal myself

I wanna get sick

I hate myself so I can love myself

I wanna get sick

I, I wanna release, I wanna get ill

I wanna get sick

I, I wanna go off, I wanna get ill

I wanna get sick

I feel my best when I am at worst

I wanna get sick

I fight myself to make peace with myself

I wanna get sick

I, I wanna go off, I wanna get ill

I wanna get sick

Sick sick sick bbb get sick, ya get sick

I confuse myself to understand myself

I wanna get sick

I punish myself to replenish myself

I wanna get sick

I, I wanna release, I wanna get ill

I wanna get sick

I, I wanna go off, I wanna get ill

I wanna get sick

Get sick get sick get sick

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6d79e2  No.15042398

Kitchen still Ghosted

The Earlies for Incoming Baker @ 130ish

>>15042249 Dough

>>15042261 Ghost

>>15042300 Revised Dough

>>15042394 Full Scrape from PB Thank You Fren!! (not included in revised dough)


>>15042280 Today's delta: Chairman Graham, it's time. Senate was the target.

>>15042290 Am. Thinker: Fauci admits vaccines don't protect against Serious Covid or Death

>>15042293 European Medicines Agency Vax Data Shows 1,163,356 Adverse Drug reactions / 30,551 Fatalities

>>15042298 Moar on Rittenhouse Square, PA Frog statue

>>15042307 Oh Deer! - White-tailed deer and Coronavirus

>>15042305, >>15042311 HCA Profits and Coronavirus

>>15042313 Segregation, Safe Spaces and Fake News are alive and well @ Massachusetts Fitchburg State University

>>15042343 @MrAndyNgo: far-left group is fundraising for people who are mobilizing in Kenosha

>>15042325 Iranians hold Huge Anti-government protests after key river dries up

>>15042320 Fauci expects vaccine will be available for babies in 2022

>>15042354, >>15042363 @James Melville: Never forget where Covid misinformation originates

>>15042377 PDJT on Laura re: Rittenhouse

>>15042380 Live Austrian COVID protest

Baker/Collector Out

Add to zee bunz for incoming baker!

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c57255  No.15042399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This one goes out to Ryle Kittenhouse

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443845  No.15042400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d5f25e  No.15042401

File: a2a9868af11dfdc⋯.png (158.81 KB, 430x407, 430:407, red_cross.png)


𝔸𝕣𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖 👁, [19.11.21 23:26]

[Forwarded from John F. Kennedy Jr.]

[ Video ]

American Red Cross: Vaccinated people cannot donate blood, because the vaccine completely destroys their natural antibodies.


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3cb129  No.15042403


you could always bait them to your porch

lawn chair and a cooler…

just sayin'

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ac0355  No.15042405

File: ffe6ff28297b6f9⋯.png (5.61 MB, 1113x1737, 371:579, ClipboardImage.png)


>old timers

Just drop us off somewhere we can be helpful with a few MRE.

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972662  No.15042406


>Shitposters are us old timers that have spent decades spreading truth.

Old timer here as well. Not sure I accomplished much as far as spreading truth but I've planted a lot of seeds. I wonder how those seeds are doing nowadays.

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b20e1b  No.15042407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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d5f25e  No.15042408

File: 12759f7a596a970⋯.png (297.99 KB, 756x613, 756:613, pox.png)



US Gov. Bought $113 Million In Smallpox Vaccines!

Photo of Addison Wilson Addison Wilson22 seconds ago

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116c56  No.15042409

(They) harvest our energy.

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ac0355  No.15042410


That would be illegal within city limits.

I still feel guilty about all the sparrows I shot as a child with my bb gun when and dumb.

Shooting a deer always chokes me up a bit. It gives one serious appreciation for what it takes to actually survive, outside of shrink wrapped burger.

heart felt reverence.

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d69062  No.15042411

File: 313e025b363fb79⋯.gif (2.77 MB, 498x331, 498:331, america_welcome_to_costco.gif)

File: 37397bfe53901c0⋯.png (185.34 KB, 1365x1410, 91:94, 1636983522957.png)

File: 879df158470bb9a⋯.png (548.05 KB, 1150x1410, 115:141, 1636979314722.png)

File: 8e364a372f6c445⋯.png (143.69 KB, 298x488, 149:244, 1636978485275.png)

File: 7d187e9c267725a⋯.png (504.72 KB, 1015x1410, 203:282, 1636977318638.png)

>>15041553, >>15041805 Governer [Pritzker] has a full statement on Kyle…


Fuck this idiot and the Gout Scooter he rode in on!

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d5f25e  No.15042412

File: ea63dcd7af7769c⋯.png (331.45 KB, 770x631, 770:631, wabs.png)


Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset' (Videos)

Michael Lord

November 10, 2021

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972662  No.15042413


The purebloods will soon be making a fortune selling unvaxxed sperm and unvaxxed blood.

Is there a market for unvaxxed hair too?

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a9f3e8  No.15042414


Ok so there was no spelling error but 1383 ties directly to Jim Jordans Tweet… 1381 with TRUMPS White House letter-head. Only House is exposed.






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d5f25e  No.15042415

File: fda626064eebe86⋯.png (371.68 KB, 790x617, 790:617, wake_f.png)



Episode 10-Fight Against Medical Tyranny-Interview With Dr. Andy Wakefield

by CD Media StaffNovember 19, 2021

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1c7108  No.15042416



What if the jab is a way to change our blood.

So the "invisible enemy" cant harvest us anymore!

Maybe its a way to dry up "their" food source

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e1a56a  No.15042417

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Putting out fires.

A @NENationalGuard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter delivers a 780-gallon bucket of water on hot spots in support of firefighters battling the Buffalo Creek wildfire in western Nebraska.


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116c56  No.15042418

File: 0f1a045eb5e3dba⋯.jpeg (487.48 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, EA7FF54C_ECD8_40AC_A931_7….jpeg)

Rittenhouse Elementary School, built in 1925, is a well-preserved historical school located in Queen Creek, Arizona, approximately 35 miles (56 km) southeast of downtown Phoenix. The school closed in 1982, and was subsequently used for storage by the Queen Creek Unified School District. Since 1994 the building has been the home of the San Tan Historical Society Museum.[2]

In 1990, the building was placed onto the Arizona Register of Historical Places. This list includes Arizona's historic districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects worthy of preservation.[3] On June 21, 1994, the historical society signed an agreement with the school district, which allowed them to oversee the building's restoration and start a historical museum. The society immediately began the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) nomination process for the building, while simultaneously raising funds for its restoration. This application was approved, and the building was listed on February 5, 1998.[a]: 1 

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ac0355  No.15042419


A Noble Lie in 1995 started my reality check.

Dialup w/Bill Cooper and I never stopped.


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b3d40b  No.15042420

File: 2ef6c39a581cdc6⋯.jpg (14.29 KB, 280x210, 4:3, that_thing.jpg)


In the last couple of weeks I've seen memes I made 2 years ago posted here and a few other places. Those seeds will grow if they're fertilized with truth.

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d5f25e  No.15042421

File: 2856ac50f86f406⋯.png (37.89 KB, 1295x177, 1295:177, states.png)


States sue Biden for sweeping limits on deportation of illegal aliens, including convicted criminals

Arizona, Montana, and Ohio are asking the court to declare the DHS secretary's guidance illegal and stop it from going into effect.

Updated: November 20, 2021 - 12:24am

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298e25  No.15042422


>but something didn't feel right about it.


Who is the director?

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3cb129  No.15042423



pretty cool critters


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d5f25e  No.15042425

File: a6b9d1746070076⋯.png (258.01 KB, 595x619, 595:619, times.png)


A New York trial judge has temporarily blocked the New York Times from publishing some Project Veritas materials.

A New York trial judge on Thursday temporarily blocked the New York Times from publishing some materials concerning the conservative activist group Project Veritas, a rare step that the newspaper said violated decades of First Amendment protections for the process.The order…


Judge Temporarily Blocks NY Times From Publishing Project Veritas Materials

A New York trial judge on Thursday temporarily blocked the New York Times from publishing some materials concerning the conservative activist group Project Veritas, a rare step that the newspaper…

5:40 AM · Nov 20, 2021·

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e1a56a  No.15042426


That's all we can do oldfag.

We can plant seeds but we can't make them grow. The Holy Spirit brings the rain, Jesus gives His Light and God gives the increase.

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116c56  No.15042427


Obama, FBI, DOJ

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d5f25e  No.15042428

File: 9227140bcbfd91d⋯.png (161.98 KB, 421x515, 421:515, t_room.png)


Midnight Rider Channel, [19.11.21 22:03]

[Forwarded from Police frequency]

The Board of Ed knew a huge crowd of angry parents was coming out to the meeting because they are allowing students to be exposed to "shocking porn" - but they couldn't legally shut them out. So they figured out another way to silence them.


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c0bc5f  No.15042429

File: aed391c9ffc4baa⋯.png (816.07 KB, 1080x715, 216:143, 20210928_190858.png)

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ac0355  No.15042430

File: 0c6c383dbd7d156⋯.png (1.16 MB, 995x922, 995:922, ClipboardImage.png)




Was making memes before they became political.

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d5f25e  No.15042431

File: d697f6a2c3da783⋯.png (211.58 KB, 423x569, 423:569, fl_at.png)


The Epoch Times, [19.11.21 21:39]

Florida Attorney General Files Lawsuit Over CMS Vaccine Mandates

READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/florida-attorney-general-files-lawsuit-over-cms-vaccine-mandates_4113612.html?utm_medium=epochtimes&utm_source=telegram

@EpochTimes |📱Download Our App (https://app.adjust.com/y91pc85)

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d69062  No.15042432

>>15041553, >>15041805 Governer [Pritzker] has a full statement on Kyle…

Calling rioters hitting people in the head "umarmed" is fundamentally wrong. Any object used to threaten or cause bodily harm is considered a weapon.

As a Former Federal Law Enforcement Officer…


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d69062  No.15042433



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972662  No.15042434


What would happen if the parents shut off the power?

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c68270  No.15042435

File: ca7d7c68b66fbdd⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 5uw2zw.jpg)

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861022  No.15042436


How about we start with illegal possession of a firearm by a felon! This seems to be the plague of our system as to not hold these individuals accountable. But the Dems are crickets! They would rather start with the lawful owners.

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a9f3e8  No.15042437







So what are we looking at then? A reverse Sandy hook?

How did Q know?

Did anyone actually die in Kenosha?

Also when Q says "those who are the LOUDEST"… JJ would fit the bill for that.

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c68270  No.15042438


At the last second it just disappeared. Like it was never there in the first place….hmmm

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3950b5  No.15042439


>“I Immediately Felt Something Was Wrong”

Shaggy, this isn't weed.

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d5f25e  No.15042440

File: 7f698f573c0e80c⋯.png (155.24 KB, 421x520, 421:520, hi_cost.png)


NTD, [19.11.21 22:55]

The High Cost of Medical Debt in America

READ: https://www.ntd.com/the-high-cost-of-medical-debt-in-america_704213.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram


if one survives… how does one pay for it ?

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d69062  No.15042442

File: be26420f6f49de3⋯.mp4 (14.46 MB, 426x240, 71:40, 777_COMING_BACK_TO_LIFE.mp4)



This Anon Gets It!

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d69062  No.15042443

File: cf7d586f83ce5fb⋯.mp4 (11.07 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1_POWER_AND_GLORY.mp4)

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d69062  No.15042444

File: cee28450c137f11⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB, 270x480, 9:16, 2_JOIN_TOGETHER.mp4)

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ac0355  No.15042445

File: cbdae059c60139c⋯.png (359.96 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Watching now…

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443845  No.15042446

File: ecf87951de902b2⋯.png (580.98 KB, 1200x501, 400:167, ClipboardImage.png)


Dammit, dammit

I've Had it, I've Had it

Panic, Panic

I'm ready to blow-ow-ow-ow!

Dammit, dammit

I've Had it, I've had it

Panic, Panic

I'm ready to blow-ow-ow-ow!

Panic on the street, I'll be laughing as you stand

Panic's coming on, so you'd better be aware

Panic on the street, I'll be laughing as you stand

Panic's coming on, so you'd better be aware

Go, Panic!

Why don't you panic ?

Believe it, believe it

When I tell you, I tell you

Believe me, believe me

It's a lie-ie-ie-ie

Believe me, believe me

When I tell you, I tell you

Believe me, believe me

I'm sick of all your lies-ies-ies

Panic in your eyes, I can see it's no surpise,

Panic is on the rise, if my …-ise

Panic in your eyes, i can see it's no surpise,

Panic is on the rise, if my …-ise

You're gonna panic

I want you panic

You're gonna panic

I want you panic

Panic! (several times)

Panic in your eyes, I can see it's no surpise,

Panic is on the rise, if my …

Get on it, get on it

Of the anger, the anger

Can I …, all the pai-ai-ai-ain

Can't stop it, can't stop it

all my anger, my anger

Can't stop it, can't stop it

all my pai-ai-ai-ain

Panic in my head and ain't burning in my brain

Waiting to escape all the anger and the pain

Panic in my head and ain't burning in my brain

Waiting to escape all the anger and the pain

Go, dammit!

I've Had It! (several times)


You're gonna panic

I want you panic

You're gonna panic

Panic! (several times)

There's a panic in my head and it's burning in my brain

Panic, you panic!

Waiting to escape all the anger and the pain

Panic, you panic!


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d5f25e  No.15042447

File: 9854087e7e568e8⋯.png (19.21 KB, 424x102, 212:51, learn.png)


Jeffrey Peterson - jeff.pro, [19.11.21 17:49]

You can Learn by assimilation by following the conversations of more than 5,000 Patriots who love Free and Open Source technology, in our great technology chat room, the biggest of its kind on all of Telegram! -> @jptchat

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443845  No.15042448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Panic, you panic! Waiting to escape all the anger and the pain

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a459f6  No.15042449

Good morning Anons:

Yesterday was rather invigorating with the jury coming back with a unanimous acquittal on all counts. Prayers out to Kyle and his family, and to America as well… we’re not out of the woods yet, not by a long shot.

The up side I’m here to share with you fags, is that the dustup has lots of people asking about The Constitution… ‘how does it work, this 2A thingy?’

This anon has had many varieties of pocket Constitutions (never leave home without it). Some come with footnotes, some with a few extra opening and closing pages, some including more of the follow-on Amendments. Some have publisher’s adverts, which i do not care for at all except for the lowered price.

Any POCKET size prints or formats that you anons like to see.

Considering making a special printing in large quantities, to be distributed at cost. Listing to suggestions on what version of content to include.

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3950b5  No.15042450

File: 55d33fda5c77078⋯.mp4 (10.68 MB, 640x360, 16:9, transmission.mp4)

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f9ccdd  No.15042451


He likes it, hey Mikey!

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d5f25e  No.15042452

File: eb7abb2b021f5be⋯.png (372.87 KB, 606x869, 606:869, flip.png)


Christian Ziegler Flag of United States




' relentless Conservative leadership & refusal to back away from a fight is growing our Republican Party BIG TIME!

Great work Team @FloridaGOP


TY @ScottPresler

for being a hawk on Pinellas!


10:43 AM · Nov 19, 2021·

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ba276d  No.15042453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Early life and education

Walensky was born Rochelle Paula Bersoff in Peabody, Massachusetts, to Edward Bersoff and Carol Bersoff-Bernstein, a Jewish family. She was raised in Potomac, Maryland.

Why does she refuse to answer questions about natural immunity and why the CDC and NIH are not studying the effectiveness of natual immunity? And why does she not answer questions as to how many at the CDC are vaccinated?

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d5f25e  No.15042454

File: f075849483f239e⋯.png (237.62 KB, 599x559, 599:559, sup_b.png)


After Rittenhouse Acquittal, Support Builds For Defamation Fund: ‘Sue The CRAP Out Of Corporate Media’ http://dlvr.it/SCsYKg


6:30 AM · Nov 20, 2021

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3950b5  No.15042455

File: 8d3e072c95532ba⋯.png (268.56 KB, 634x428, 317:214, ClipboardImage.png)


Dr Fauci says Covid hospitalizations are rising among fully vaccinated people who have not had a booster

Fauci said on Tuesday the U.S. is seeing an 'uptick' in COVID-19 hospitalizations among fully vaccinated people who have not had a booster

He said the majority of those hospitalized with Covid are the unvaccinated, but he said it is a 'significant' proportion

On Wednesday, CDC director Dr Rochelle Walensky said data have shown cases are also lower among nursing home residents who have received a booster

The seven-day average of new Covid hospital admissions is 5,400, but it is unknown how many of these are among the vaccinated population

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0e43c4  No.15042456

File: 3bb2545b685fd03⋯.jpg (836.9 KB, 996x1660, 3:5, contemplativeancient.jpg)

>>15040713 pb

"peaceably assembled?"

Either too stupid to live (so stupid they forget to breath?) or lying?

infected with worms?

Or just didn't bother to "look closer"?

anon tends to think the ignorance of the Press is deliberate.

It always is.

>>15042259 pb

not the same

wrong arm for the "hidden hand"

We have pics of "Noah" grown up

The pics used of him were old

He already much older than Kyle

>>15042258 pb

I knew it. They are sponsored.

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ac0355  No.15042457


This board reminds me of the difference between AOL and IRC.

AOL people did not understand shit about anything and IRC was hip to all the cool shit.

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ad2e91  No.15042458



I'm the OP shitposter. I've been red-pilling sheople since late 80's and hardcore beginning 2006. I've had quite a few converts including two today plus millions of seeds planted. I'm not old but too old to be enjoying the full on effect that Humanity Unchained ® is going to deliver to this world. Just knowing that HUMANS will be back in charge if good enough for me. That and getting to jerk off until I die of dehydration watching Felonia Von Pantsuit hang by the neck until dead on an endless loop. While I'm nowhere near evil, I'm too fucked up for the glorious world that is coming. I've had a great fucking life so far and despite the rough patch immediately ahead for all of us, I have no doubt the rest of my life is going to be amazing. WWG1WGA!

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d5f25e  No.15042459

File: 5c780edae4f76a4⋯.png (247.09 KB, 586x758, 293:379, man_says_stop.png)


Police cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving light!!EYES ON!!Police cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving light

Police cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving lightA Man With A PlanPolice cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving light

6:23 AM · Nov 20, 2021

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a9f3e8  No.15042460


forgot CIA or intended?

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ba276d  No.15042461


The garbage media needs taken to the curb.

No protections. No subsidies.

Let them fail.

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b3d40b  No.15042463


True. IRC was the original hive of scum and villainy on the internets.

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3a5938  No.15042464

if Sandmann got $250mil, how much you rekon Kyle will get?

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116c56  No.15042465


Is it possible that this was entirely staged, front to back? A polarizing issue such as gun rights and self-defense?

But the question is, who does it favor the most? Sure, one side “wins” and most Patriots obviously support the ruling. But think about all of the ENERGY spent. That is the goal, in my opinion. Further the divide - the more energy placed into one of the ideological silos further locks an individual into that silo.

This is so fucked! Like you, I felt something wasn’t right. Kyle was seen laughing throughout the trial, smirking, the judge was just fucking weird at moments…idk about you, but if my freedom and life was at stake, I wouldn’t be smiling, nor would I be happy that the judge for my trial was acting like a clown.

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d5f25e  No.15042466

File: 6c81ece64083a74⋯.png (303.52 KB, 699x867, 233:289, ex_pel.png)


Aussie Patriots Unite With The Sovereign Tribal People To Form a New Government & Expel The NWO

Under the Laws of War, the Australian Military now has the justification and obligation to end the Belligerent Occupation of the unlawful corporate government because the true Sovereigns have stood up and asserted jurisdiction, control, and lawful authority over their land.

The Australian People and Sovereign Tribes have declared that they will continue with the laws and constitution that is foundational to the Nation of Australia but demand those guilty of Treason, and War Crimes be routed from government to stand trial for what they have done to the People.

The Australian Military is now obligated to intercede on behalf of the People and country that they have sworn an Oath to defend.

Riccardo Bosi @AustraliaOneParty supports this, please share to bring international awareness to the birth of a free Australia #PowerToWeThePeople


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b20e1b  No.15042467

File: 27555f6801cf6a7⋯.png (181.41 KB, 1075x727, 1075:727, ClipboardImage.png)





I felt a little artsy this morning.


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d5f25e  No.15042468

File: 140f791124bd384⋯.png (551.78 KB, 1120x623, 160:89, essy.png)





6:12 AM · Nov 20, 2021

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7195d5  No.15042469


An easy $1 gorillion

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a39ae6  No.15042470


how do you defeat a psyop? with a psyop.

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74cc5b  No.15042471

File: 666f5788f467b6f⋯.jpeg (393.73 KB, 828x1019, 828:1019, 239E34D4_B204_416F_A55F_E….jpeg)

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ba276d  No.15042472






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ac0355  No.15042473

File: b57fce8d32e0398⋯.jpg (64.15 KB, 1108x325, 1108:325, 11_20_2021_065924.jpg)

File: 8bad2f4c50ba42c⋯.jpg (196.27 KB, 757x634, 757:634, 11_20_2021_065848.jpg)


Small POX is being used to scare us a lot recently.

Bill Gates has never been wrong BEFORE an outbreak actually happens.

Normies need to think about that.

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2c9f14  No.15042474


That my favorite band of all time.

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ac0355  No.15042475


What did you use to make that?


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8f4659  No.15042476

File: eae266ee5eaf63b⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 500x300, 5:3, rochelle_walensky_tells_th….jpg)


Why does she defy the Supreme Court Re: Property Rights? Could she be following Karl Marx's instructions like so many are?

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443845  No.15042477

File: 842573bf421a0b2⋯.png (102.15 KB, 300x294, 50:49, ClipboardImage.png)

This weekend… pledge your allegiace

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443845  No.15042478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d5f25e  No.15042479

File: 5e8604a221f09e7⋯.png (410.36 KB, 778x618, 389:309, spring.png)

File: 54d64e53685d2f0⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1158x860, 579:430, y_vest.png)


Protests spring up in NYC, other cities in response to Rittenhouse verdict

By Larry Celona,

Steven Vago,

Joe Marino and

Patrick Reilly

November 20, 2021

how about the hundreds of thousands fighting the NWO

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3a5938  No.15042480

wouldn't be surprised if Kyle trial was a whitehat psyop, Chauvin trial was the test run.

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5aa43b  No.15042481

File: 96d27ef9ef3eb12⋯.png (808.76 KB, 768x576, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10a9d72251116e6⋯.jpg (54.51 KB, 640x1032, 80:129, greenspancontemplates.jpg)

Chuck D writes damning open letter saying ‘old white men’ are to blame for Astroworld, not Travis Scott

I’m not buying the Young Black Man did it. He’s being blamed for a crime while the old white men running the corps that Travis and his fans trusted with their lives stay quiet in the shadows, counting their money and watching their stock prices go up and up.

>old white men running the corps

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972662  No.15042482


>Why does she refuse to answer questions about natural immunity and why the CDC and NIH are not studying the effectiveness of natual immunity?

Maybe because there is nothing to be immune to? Besides, even if the virus does exist, it is not fatal except to those who are already sick. Of those who do catch it, 80% have no symptoms. Of those who have symptoms, 99% get the sniffles for a few days. What exactly does "immunity" mean then? What is the point of worrying about immunity to something that is mostly harmless in the first place? It is all just semantics.

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ac0355  No.15042483


Stop the racisms fren.

There is a YUGE difference between niggers and our black patriot American brothers.

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d69062  No.15042484

File: ea7330d9d3202d0⋯.mp4 (14.86 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Why_We_Do_It_Bill_Cooper.mp4)

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b20e1b  No.15042485


Good ol' Microsoft Paint.

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c68270  No.15042486


At the last second it just disappeared. Like it was never there in the first place….hmmm


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ee3611  No.15042487

File: 80061f8a3e79011⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB, 560x416, 35:26, VID_20211119_142823_008.mp4)

Top Kek

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d5f25e  No.15042488

File: 6aae8a1fd22c84c⋯.png (147.65 KB, 421x408, 421:408, soros.png)


Pepe Deluxe, [20.11.21 06:50]


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c68270  No.15042489


Written _ House

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e7c16b  No.15042490

File: 8c1aed9950d2ac5⋯.jpg (146.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, hith_sistine_chape_2.jpg)


Spoke directly to this anon. Not sure how he does it, but it's always the right thing at a very specific time. Kinda spooky, really; lol.

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972662  No.15042491


>Kyle was seen laughing throughout the trial, smirking, the judge was just fucking weird at moments

Dunno about you but I would find it hard to maintain a gloomy demeanor. Kyle waited over a year for this trial. You try putting on a sad face and see how long you can keep it, kek.

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ba276d  No.15042492


Then why a vaccine? And if a vaccine is considered effective enough to mandate then why no vaccine for a common cold?

The vaccine is a bioweapon.

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6d79e2  No.15042493

File: 4d3532b16949fa4⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 320x558, 160:279, Australian_Stop_It.mp4)


This is not about a disease - it's about destroying Australia. The moment enough Australians say "That's it. It's over…"

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e7c16b  No.15042494


Yes, but only after he takes Jack's wife out for a date.

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e96a4a  No.15042495

File: 26e85d21955102a⋯.jpg (3.93 KB, 259x194, 259:194, junglemac444.jpg)


they out there,

pass dem trees..

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ac0355  No.15042496


> I'm too fucked up for the glorious world that is coming


"If we only knew then what we know now!"

And if ALL these NORMIE MORANS would listen.. That would help. kek

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d69062  No.15042497

File: c6eb45b8b1e9417⋯.mp4 (672.7 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Wasn_t_Right_In_the_Head.mp4)


Nigger comes from Niggardly in the King James Bible. It means lazy and not the Negro from which so many "think" the word comes from.

Men are Men! Niggers of all colors are worthless. Slaves of Body, Mind, and Soul.

Trash who do not contribute to Society and will not fight for their Country.

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915107  No.15042498


Isn't that Milton "Bill" Cooper?

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972662  No.15042499

New version of Alleycat Player is now available

- Support for over 50 video sources including YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Vimeo, Brighteon, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

- Download or play videos or copy the video link for playback on an external player such as VLC or SMPlayer.

- Sources for free movies and TV shows. Many of these sources are unsafe but not with Alleycat Player.

- Over 250 Internet TV channels and Internet Radio. Quick and easy push-button access for channel surfing.

- Advanced video player controller with seek presets, brightness adjustment and more.

Also get the latest version of the 8kun Bread Launcher

- auto-updating, posting and new thread creation

- ability to display a post and its replies in a new tab

- threads cached for quick access; no more pb/lb frustration

- posts are colour-coded to mark those you've already seen

- the Post Office feature allows you to edit 6 posts at once

- robust and error-free; no more double-posting or stalling

- just added: hints for bakers

Go to my GitHub Pages website: https://8chananon.github.io

P.S. If you had trouble installing Node.js in the past then please see the updated installation manual.

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018ca4  No.15042500

File: 27e29ff8d1ebead⋯.png (611.94 KB, 500x695, 100:139, media.png)


Shitty meme…..ah feels good

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ba276d  No.15042501

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e7c16b  No.15042502

File: a7d520885ce39f7⋯.jpg (53.19 KB, 736x525, 736:525, f4ef1e5e09037c06ed7872cbaf….jpg)



Anons aren't galling for this shit.

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cddc8d  No.15042503

File: b7d05e56d0a30ff⋯.png (326.74 KB, 346x501, 346:501, Screenshot_2021_11_20_at_1….png)


Australian Special Air Service special forces guy.

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d69062  No.15042504

File: a71c5084fc08e25⋯.jpg (52.48 KB, 780x688, 195:172, Smoking_Normies_Pepe.jpg)

File: 17d355399533dda⋯.pdf (1.04 MB, Majestic_12_The_Secret_Gov….pdf)


Tis… Tis. Here's one of his lesser known tomes. At least to normies…

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a9f3e8  No.15042505


Perhaps with the BIGGER picture there's the possibility that something else is being averted… something BIGGER that requires us to be encouraged to self defend?

Concur though…

>This is so fucked!

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ac0355  No.15042506

File: e897aa2ca390cf2⋯.jpg (508.82 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Mind_brain_chakra_Consciou….jpg)

File: 40ea03004f3a56e⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1721x714, 1721:714, ClipboardImage.png)


Show off..

So many people are here are so awesome.

Damn shame we're now all neighbors.

Or are we…

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8f4659  No.15042507

File: 7c9da2ab03527fe⋯.png (398.64 KB, 504x794, 252:397, Fauci_Jim_Jones.png)

Covid-19 was the pysop to create a "sense of urgency" to make people rush and be mandated to take an experimental vaccine en mass before all the effects could be fully known.

It was a very clever eugenics move that worked on millions. Jim Jones tactics on steroids.

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74cc5b  No.15042508

File: 4b710d9e72ea497⋯.jpeg (133.37 KB, 762x636, 127:106, DACAA4FC_A8FB_437E_8330_2….jpeg)

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ac0355  No.15042509


>Damn shame we're now all neighbors.

>Or are we

NOT.. NOT all neighbors..

Fingers worked faster thatn my brain.

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d69062  No.15042510

File: 5ae27b14ab3b4bf⋯.png (514.82 KB, 636x632, 159:158, Trump_Sodapopcorn_Soon.png)

File: 599e356788a5777⋯.png (127.48 KB, 526x517, 526:517, Trump_Hand_Over_Heart.png)

File: fe52092b7dceec9⋯.jpg (21.82 KB, 255x191, 255:191, Trump_Stronger.jpg)

File: 855596926599e3e⋯.jpg (199.94 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Trump_Strong.jpg)

File: f3469c014d0d2fe⋯.jpg (81.16 KB, 840x560, 3:2, Trump_Bible.jpg)

To all the shrieking Karens saying Kyle Rittenhouse cannot file a lawsuit against Joe Biden because he is President…

Turn about is Fairplay…


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7195d5  No.15042511


They trying to take away a reliable food source?

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3950b5  No.15042513

"A scientist working in the Vatican conducted what amounts to a deep-dive into the planet's digital network and accidentally 'touched' the spiritual veil separating Earth from Heaven and Hell. Because of this, the Celestial and Infernal Hosts "fell" into the physical Earth while The Matrix itself overloaded. This had the secondary affect of crashing the global economy and leaving both the physical and virtual world in ruins. To make matters worse, the Hosts who found themselves here were now cut off from 'god' or whatever had previously given them direction; this left them free to make their own way and decisions, which they had neither the capability, experience or desire to do."

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d5f25e  No.15042514

File: 47ed2e619ce0c03⋯.png (72.55 KB, 807x687, 269:229, fed_up.png)


17 mins ago - Politics & Policy

Axios-Ipsos poll: Independents are fed up

David Nather

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e96a4a  No.15042515

File: 777654eb8d7c617⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 300x300, 1:1, c4dcc38c2f62f6109fd52331a6….jpg)

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443845  No.15042516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Join or Die.

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2631c7  No.15042517

File: 261e42af0ecc6ac⋯.jpeg (735.79 KB, 1241x1841, 1241:1841, B802AB6B_7E2A_41DD_8CE2_8….jpeg)


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d69062  No.15042518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ac0355  No.15042519


It is a words to describe actions of a race is what I figured. Just like White Trash would be for honkeys doing the same things.

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db912f  No.15042520

File: 1149c3d17224e08⋯.jpg (124.18 KB, 720x502, 360:251, Screenshot_20211120_071828….jpg)


Essayons is the motto of the Army Corps of Engineers.

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b3d40b  No.15042521


Be a lot cooler if you sauced that

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d61f0a  No.15042522

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, 7A6C89F4_7BEB_4F33_B23E_DC….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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74cc5b  No.15042523

File: dd35226eef1ebd1⋯.jpeg (126.62 KB, 828x682, 414:341, 2D1F788D_7CE5_408D_89C8_D….jpeg)

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3a5938  No.15042524



that's Ricardo Bosi, former SASR and leader of The Australia One party, speaking at the Sydney rally today.

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ac0355  No.15042525

File: 46d2eb1fed0fa88⋯.png (704.65 KB, 450x580, 45:58, ClipboardImage.png)



Superb video and comment btw OP

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f5fd32  No.15042526

File: 2ca8c25e6800c55⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1756x2238, 878:1119, Screen_Shot_2021_11_20_at_….png)

File: 9853deff1624f43⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1664x2222, 832:1111, Screen_Shot_2021_11_20_at_….png)

Morning anons…

Last paragraph…"matter of national security…"

What will it take for normies to accept martial law? Matter of national security? Worth watching the "Western Sheriffs Association"…

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3cb129  No.15042527

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f54d78  No.15042528

File: afe7b535fa0fabb⋯.jpg (31.84 KB, 640x459, 640:459, al.jpg)


Mornin' Sam

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b20e1b  No.15042529




I guess we will wait for all the reports of hunters coming down and dying from some mysterious new illness.

Deer Variant?

Mutated Strain?

Hunters Pneumonia?

Hunters Lung?

What will be the Scare Phrase of choice this time around?

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dddd95  No.15042530

File: aa5c5af2b352097⋯.png (209.29 KB, 673x384, 673:384, fauci_gates.png)


It's hard to believe anything these evil rat bastards have to say.

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4a09bc  No.15042531

>>15041515 (LB)

How dirty ya gotta be to gain the handle Jiz Ln? Also, I didn't realize how much weight I've gained over the last couple years. Nothing can stop it. I have more than I knew. Thanks Q!

10 U.S.C. 1551 - Correction of name after separation from service under an assumed sec1551Document in Context - USCODE-2010-title10-subtitleA-partII-chap79-sec1551


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cddc8d  No.15042532

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74cc5b  No.15042533

File: 2002acc5e1c7259⋯.jpeg (184.86 KB, 433x310, 433:310, 9AB34124_8A17_4430_8A56_1….jpeg)


Stag Flu?

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ac0355  No.15042534




You figure it out.. OP


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d5648c  No.15042535

File: 6018a98d03c9eea⋯.png (568.4 KB, 640x464, 40:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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d69062  No.15042536

File: 93a7c6290d2b4a2⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 4_DONT_TREAD_ON_ME.mp4)


I am an Oldfag, I grew up in the South where everyone was a Democrat. They used the word liberally. Same people who hid bibles in the walls for the tribulation. Find an older KJV Bible (Pre-Modern Edit) Niggardly is found several times. Look at the context.

Proud men work by the sweat of their brow, regardless of color. They work for God.

God Wins

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e96a4a  No.15042537

File: a13eb965f46a58a⋯.jpg (52.82 KB, 600x600, 1:1, imagine44.jpg)

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2862d0  No.15042538


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

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63270f  No.15042539

File: 20f193654b15ae2⋯.png (392.71 KB, 796x550, 398:275, givesendgo_rittenhouse.PNG)

BOSTON, Mass. – Kyle Rittenhouse was found innocent by a jury on Friday after being on trial for fatally shooting two men and wounding another during a protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin on August 25, 2020. Rittenhouse was only 17 at the time of the incident. He is now 18 at the time of his acquittal.

Rittenhouse attempted to raise funds for his legal defense on GoFundMe last year, but was unsuccessful due to his campaign being shut down by the crowdfunding site. GoFundMe confirmed in August of 2020 they had shut down all campaigns supporting, or raising money, for Rittenhouse.

Discover Card also cancelled Rittenhouse by attempting to block all Discover card donations to his campaign. At the time of this release, Facebook still won’t allow Rittenhouse’s campaign to be shared on its platform even after Rittenhouse was declared innocent in a court of law.

GiveSendGo, the world’s #1 free Christian crowdfunding site, instead welcomed all campaigns in support of Rittenhouse on it’s platform. GiveSendGo Co-founder Jacob Wells said this decision was made because he believes that every American has a right to a fair trial and is innocent until proven guilty.

“Without GiveSendGo stepping in, this young man wouldn’t have been afforded that right to a fair trial,” said co-founder of GiveSendGo, Jacob Wells. “Rittenhouse has now been declared innocent in a court of law and every platform that cancelled him should be ashamed for not standing with the side of justice.”

Heather Wilson, co-founder of GiveSendGo, said Rittenhouse was in a hopeless situation before GiveSendGo stepped in and provided a platform for him to raise funds for his legal defense.

“What would have happened to Kyle had GiveSendGo not been there?” Wilson said. “GiveSendGo exists to provide hope to the hopeless through crowdfunding and that’s exactly what happened with Kyle Rittenhouse. In the end, Kyle was found innocent and we had his back, even when no one else did.”

Additional names to cancel or otherwise shut down Rittenhouse are GoFundMe, Joe Biden, Discover Card, Facebook, Fundly, Twitter, and Instagram.


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116c56  No.15042540


What about reindeer? Is Christmas still on? Will there be a shortage of toys because many of Santa’s elves refused to get vaxxed?

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2862d0  No.15042541

File: 6f97ad99b1dfc29⋯.png (310.44 KB, 675x528, 225:176, ClipboardImage.png)


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76aae5  No.15042542


That sounds cartoonish, as it's been sped up tooooooo much!

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d5f25e  No.15042543

File: 5d5064ec5dcd2c8⋯.png (364.53 KB, 788x642, 394:321, media_rage.png)

File: 39b2b23133b712d⋯.png (317.58 KB, 699x690, 233:230, pits.png)

File: 53fbfa211b0aee8⋯.png (814.53 KB, 1551x819, 517:273, they_will.png)


Jonathan Turley Says Coverage of Facts in Rittenhouse Case ‘Causes Rage’ in Society: ‘It Comes from the Media’

By Rudy TakalaNov 19th, 2021, 5:45 pm


Europe's COVID crisis pits vaccinated against unvaccinated

With coronavirus infections spiking again across Europe despite nearly two years of restrictions, the health crisis increasingly is pitting citizen against citizen — the vaccinated against the unvaccinated

By RAF CASERT and KAREL JANICEK Associated Press

November 20, 2021, 2:49 AM

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ac0355  No.15042544


Never too old to be learnt!

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6627c7  No.15042545

File: c8851ecd82b1f73⋯.gif (339.51 KB, 488x488, 1:1, D55EAA7A_9EEC_4C20_9010_C2….gif)


put some memes from this place on it

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cddc8d  No.15042546



Y head variant?

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d69062  No.15042547

File: b1632f47238a602⋯.jpg (70.23 KB, 625x450, 25:18, Crimes_Against_Humanity.jpg)

File: bb562317a471b0e⋯.jpg (101.78 KB, 804x540, 67:45, Logical_Leap.jpg)

File: a49504602aa6ad1⋯.jpg (129.17 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Biden_Organ_Harvest.jpg)

File: 3cecb6c5e3a2535⋯.jpg (89.74 KB, 960x408, 40:17, Shitpost_Uncle_Argyle.jpg)

File: eab101aed5fb6bf⋯.jpg (113.52 KB, 706x397, 706:397, Braveshits_Post.jpg)

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e96a4a  No.15042548

File: 45d99d1713b0177⋯.jpg (23 KB, 255x223, 255:223, efad3640a278dc0929605d3787….jpg)

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63270f  No.15042549

File: 510ead7b4ce8027⋯.png (685.71 KB, 784x575, 784:575, chuck_todd_holds_back_tear….PNG)


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e7c16b  No.15042550


I'm going to guess "Venisonian Flu", lol.


Self reliance/sufficiency removes dependency on them. They hate that.

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0c6f15  No.15042551

File: 19fc1698261414e⋯.jpg (47.24 KB, 640x319, 640:319, state_lines.jpg)

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66cec3  No.15042552

File: 00e6da271c5c497⋯.png (364.07 KB, 616x493, 616:493, PresidentTrump_.png)

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e96a4a  No.15042553

File: 242d3f10924e1a2⋯.jpg (22.44 KB, 255x189, 85:63, 38651fa665402070295b79b658….jpg)


do believe this is yours


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f5fd32  No.15042554

File: a6e46a5dcd24c33⋯.png (3.67 MB, 2318x1430, 1159:715, Screen_Shot_2021_11_20_at_….png)

File: 798ad77f1d20e77⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1444x810, 722:405, Screen_Shot_2021_11_20_at_….png)

Is Kyle the spiritual justice for OJ?

Is this the FLIP OF THE BISCUIT????

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0e43c4  No.15042555

File: 3bb2545b685fd03⋯.jpg (836.9 KB, 996x1660, 3:5, contemplativeancient.jpg)

File: e854e42da42b0b7⋯.jpg (745.13 KB, 1200x1210, 120:121, Peale_David_Rittenhousetcr….jpg)


good idea.

fliers, pamphlets, and Covid eugenics program info.

Best to distribute by hand?

Learned about the Rittenhouse (David) which the square in Philly was named after. He had few children only (2 who lived) so very unlikely our Rittenhouse is a descendant. Rittenhouse family very prolific.

Here's about the famous astronomer the square was named for; likely distant cousin of Kyle?

"When his uncle died, Rittenhouse inherited his uncle's set of carpentry tools and instructional books. He used these tools and began a career as an inventor. At a young age, Rittenhouse showed a high level of intelligence by creating a working scale model of his grandfather's paper mill. He was self-taught and showed great ability in science and mathematics.

When Rittenhouse was 13 years of age, he had mastered Isaac Newton's laws of motion and gravity. As a young boy he loved to build scale models, such as a working waterwheel and a paper mill. Rittenhouse never went to elementary school and was completely self-educated from family books"

"Rittenhouse was admired by many colonial Americans and scientists, including Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams. On February 24, 1775, Rittenhouse delivered a lecture on the history of astronomy to the American Philosophical Society, in which he linked the structure of nature to the rights of man, liberty and self-government. Rittenhouse also used the occasion to decry slavery. So impressed were those in attendance that the American Philosophical Society commissioned the speech to be printed and distributed to delegates of the Second Continental Congress when they arrived in 1776."

"He made and repaired instruments for (George) Washington. (Benjamin) Franklin consulted him on various occasions. For (Thomas) Jefferson he standardized the foot by pendulum measurements in a project to establish a decimal system of weights and measures. He was appointed the first director of the Mint by Washington on April 14, 1792 and served until June 1795. He was painted by Peale and Trumbull, a marble bust was made by Ceracchi and a bronze medal by Barber, engraver of the Mint."

"Tributes to David Rittenhouse

Rittenhouse Crater is a lunar crater named for David Rittenhouse.

"The blue field of stars in the American flag may be a tribute to the work of David Rittenhouse[ (some scholars believe)

One admirer and colleague of Rittenhouse, Francis Hopkinson, was on the Navy Board that wrote the Flag Act of 1777, which defined the Flag of the United States of America and explained the blue field of stars as a representation of "a new constellation." This is thought by some to be a direct tribute to Rittenhouse. Biographer Brooke Hindle wrote, "Few admired Rittenhouse more unrestrainedly than Francis Hopkinson."

Blue, I believe,

is for faithfulness and loyalty?


"peaceably assembled?"

Either too stupid to live (forget to breath?) or lying?

infected with worms.

Or just didn't bother to "look closer"?

anon tends to think the ignorance of the Press is deliberate.

It always is.

>>15042259 pb

not the same

wrong arm for the "hidden hand"

We have pics of "Noah" grown up

The pics used of him were old even at the time.

"He's" already much older than Kyle

Hicks-Jones threw the case?

>>15042258 pb

I knew it. They are sponsored.

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3950b5  No.15042556



The theme of Heresy was the continuation of the War in Heaven between angels and demons in a futuristic cyberpunk setting. The premise is that the barriers (known in the game as the Mirror, Shroud, or Veil) between the physical realm (the Wilds), the digital realm (the Matrix), and the spiritual realm (Heaven) have grown thin, and fallen angels on Earth are trying to use the Matrix (cyberspace) to open a portal to ascend back into Heaven. Meanwhile, Earth is torn by conflict between not just the aforementioned angels and demons, but also human governments, corporations, criminal organizations, artificial intelligences, hackers, and cybernetically-enhanced humans.

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443845  No.15042557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah, you know what… I'm sane.

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d5648c  No.15042558

File: 14363d9d612f7b2⋯.png (784.55 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


They tried that shit last year. Santa commercial in GB. He was sick and said "no Christmas".

(pic not related)

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2862d0  No.15042559


Pedophiles Protect Pedophiles.

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b3d40b  No.15042560


Pedo solidarity. Stone Dead Steve Austinberg was one of his people.

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d5f25e  No.15042561

File: 653850772e642a3⋯.png (236.92 KB, 596x799, 596:799, say_no.png)



See new Tweets


Bernie's Tweets


Our government sponsored media is pushing this hard now. Even though hospitalisations are dropping and 93 million vaccines have been given.

It will not end until we just say “no”

#lockdown #Covid_19


7:08 AM · Nov 20, 2021·

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ba276d  No.15042562

File: cd923eb32b4f012⋯.png (480.76 KB, 611x508, 611:508, I_seriously_hope_you_guys_….png)


<Trusting the innoculant jew.

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

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ac0355  No.15042563

File: 2425fc4ae399206⋯.png (10.75 KB, 664x158, 332:79, ClipboardImage.png)


Thought those were called wiggers. kek

Russian = Riggers

Spanish = Spiggers

Got to be a joke in there somewhere!

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4a09bc  No.15042564


Fucl a time limit. Fraudulent exchange, misappropriations of funds or denying deserved information nullifies any tictoc buzzer issues.

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b3d40b  No.15042565

File: b62c3bfc36797f3⋯.jpg (115.5 KB, 600x432, 25:18, IMG_20190307_145040.jpg)



Has this been validated by Snopes as well?

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d5f25e  No.15042566

File: 371c9117a58ea4a⋯.png (361.93 KB, 605x674, 605:674, vern.png)



stops vaccination mandates in Florida. But @GovKemp

continues to turn “left” and ducks it in Georgia. It’s time for a fighter in Georgia. Join me in taking Georgia back!


Florida Gov. DeSantis signs legislation against Covid-19 mandates

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday signed what he called "the strongest piece of legislation that's been enacted anywhere in the country" in opposition to coronavirus vaccination…

7:14 AM · Nov 20, 2021

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890be8  No.15042567


Buy bulk constitution from reputable press like our government and then pass them out. A few years ago l did and made sure to place one in the porch of liberal neighbors.

If you see a BLM sign in the yard, lay a constitution on the porch!

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e7c16b  No.15042568

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ac0355  No.15042569


>scum and villainy


Irredeemable /ctcp

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ba276d  No.15042570



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d69062  No.15042571

File: 8e602cbf64afc95⋯.jpg (119.22 KB, 465x587, 465:587, Drive_Them_Out.jpg)

File: f00a19d90544bae⋯.png (355.52 KB, 429x643, 429:643, Matrix_Resurrections_Poste….png)

File: 9da6840394962c3⋯.jpg (48.21 KB, 600x460, 30:23, SAC_HQ_Security_Policeman.jpg)

File: 4f9ba896b3540b0⋯.jpg (137.64 KB, 684x720, 19:20, Tuskegee_Airmen.jpg)

File: 5cafda045b29111⋯.jpg (102.45 KB, 1024x702, 512:351, Pepe_Council.jpg)



I got into this argument during USAF Noncommissioned Officer's Academy. The black NCOs asked for sauce. I went to my car and brought back my old and battled weathered KJV. They had never seent this. They grew up in the North. I then asked them, which party freed the slaves. They all responded Democrat. I asked them which President freed the slaves. They all knew that. I asked which party was he? They had to look it up. I then told them to also look up who the KKK, Jim Crow, and Civil Rights Resistors. I then topped it off with looking up the Lyndon B. Johnson quote…

We became Frens…

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d5f25e  No.15042572

File: 80861f1f6f51a48⋯.png (133.92 KB, 424x484, 106:121, trump_card.png)

File: 948eef90b6f0291⋯.png (393.42 KB, 531x441, 59:49, carddddd.png)


TeoAnon17, [20.11.21 07:31]

[ Photo ]

New POTUS45 statement.

When do you play the Trump Card? 👀

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3cb129  No.15042573

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b3d40b  No.15042574

File: 07557ae70917097⋯.png (240.62 KB, 686x686, 1:1, 32eb02ff9a34127a4da003dc01….png)


Kek. You're just wasting time and money on the libs. They hate and want to destroy the Constitution because White People. You're better off subverting them with memes and ostracization.

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f75a20  No.15042575

File: 7c9ff21dcf078b8⋯.webm (8.22 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Kyle.webm)

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2862d0  No.15042576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Control of the Narrative = Power

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6d870f  No.15042577

The Rittenhouse interview with Tucker on Monday is obviously going to be the most watched event of the year…

Wonder what would happen if he said he’s a Q follower?

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ec8af8  No.15042578

File: ee7a269fb40bdfe⋯.png (325.04 KB, 661x372, 661:372, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 687e291df74b3a4⋯.png (1.6 MB, 2048x1152, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Who doesn't own the media? Bro Nathanael keepin it real http://brothernathanaelchannel.com/watch_video.php?v=1453

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63270f  No.15042579


will comcast nbc, at&t cnn and disney abc be covering this trial?

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e96a4a  No.15042580

File: 92505d0fa2e80c0⋯.png (13.23 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 5defa5e43f6b017ed407ec6025….png)


"Beanie Babies Dodge Shipping Crisis"


wtf, did i wake up in '93?


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ac0355  No.15042581

File: 8f46d84ae6847e0⋯.png (758.91 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


No, "doctor" Fauci…

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b3d40b  No.15042582

File: 089939d073bc8f2⋯.jpg (57.89 KB, 474x628, 237:314, 089939d073bc8f2ebbd7171fe4….jpg)


That would cause a media shit-storm. Might be fun to watch.

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3cb129  No.15042583

File: 587a5828ecd6bc6⋯.png (117.13 KB, 335x401, 335:401, 40915740570349570498957034….png)

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d5f25e  No.15042584

File: 58385a0f019c945⋯.png (193.83 KB, 727x360, 727:360, caaaaa.png)

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3950b5  No.15042586

File: ab23c7558f62938⋯.jpg (71.27 KB, 890x909, 890:909, power.jpg)

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d5648c  No.15042587



1) If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he

is not known and do the evil there. –Moed Kattan 17a

2) If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed.

Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God. –Sanhedrin 58b

3) A Jew need not pay a Gentile (“Cuthean”) the wages owed

him for work. –Sanhedrin 57a

4) If a Jew finds an object lost by a Gentile (“heathen”) it does

not have to be returned.

-Baba Mezia 24a also in Baba Kamma 113b

5) When a Jew murders a Gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no

death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may

keep. –Sanhedrin 57a

6) Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God

has “exposed their money to Israel”. –Baba Kamma 37b

7) All Gentile children are animals. –Yebamoth 98a

8) Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

–Abodah Zarah 36b

9) Only Jews are human (“Only ye are designated men”).

–Baba Kattan 114a-114b

10) Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.

–Baba Kamma 113a

11) Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, "We have to recognize that Jewish

blood and the blood of a goy are not the same thing."

-NY Times, June 6, 1989

12) Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, "One million Arabs are not worth a

Jewish fingernail." -NY Daily News, Feb 28, 1994

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66cec3  No.15042588

File: 06d46ae5ba23ac7⋯.png (522.91 KB, 497x671, 497:671, msmshit.png)


Fucked up my last post. But shit meme applies to this. Lawsuits can be very effective. Put these cocksuckers under oath where bullshitting an audience wont be so easy

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e96a4a  No.15042589

File: 4439dec9a177b2b⋯.jpg (8.78 KB, 240x240, 1:1, yoda44.jpg)


it most definitely is


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0e43c4  No.15042590

File: 7325c607c096bfb⋯.jpg (6 MB, 4174x5220, 2087:2610, Peale_David_Rittenhouse.jpg)



In 1781 Rittenhouse became the first American to sight Ouranos 10].

(ysh, anon will spell it that way because of you juveniles. kek)

In 1785 Rittenhouse made perhaps the first diffraction grating using 50 hairs between two finely threaded screws, with an approximate spacing of about 100 lines per inch.[15][16] This was roughly the same technique that Joseph von Fraunhofer used in 1821 for his wire diffraction grating.

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443845  No.15042591

File: e0973c841261440⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1500x1103, 1500:1103, ClipboardImage.png)


I gotta gotta take a trip, gotta take a trip out of this place

I gotta gotta get away, get away from the human race

I don't know what I'll see, don't even know what I'll find

I don't know what to pack, never been to a trip at the mind


Trip at the brain, trip at the brain, trip at the brain -

Do you know what I'm saying

Trip at the brain, trip at the brain, trip at the brain -

Well, I'm going insane

I took a wrong turn and ended up at my heart

It could barely even pump no blood it was so thrashed and torn apart

Thank it for working overtime in pain and misery

Then I set back on the trail, headed for my destiny


Fly with me

Flying free


You must be tripping

Trip, trip, tripping

I cannot stop this trip, I forgot to pack the brakes

Crashed straight into a concrete wall of my mistakes

Ended up in a cemetary of a thousand wasted days

But that's alright with me, cause that's where most of my memories lay

(Major triping which you'll just have to listen to)

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e7c16b  No.15042592


Wyatt has always been great at posting a lot of unsauced stuff and drawing some somewhat convincing correlations. Having said that:


This is very much a true statement. If you think deprogramming doesn't take some willful (albeit with good intentions) manipulation, you are nowhere near ready for the 1%.

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e96a4a  No.15042593


just call them all Canadians



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3950b5  No.15042594

File: 843f0f7cb225915⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 720x406, 360:203, Tucker_Carlson_Joseph_Rose….mp4)

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ac0355  No.15042595

File: 544f76c9721a095⋯.jpg (74.75 KB, 738x652, 369:326, xmas_Capture.JPG)

File: f094c2d71052c0a⋯.jpg (32.37 KB, 772x649, 772:649, Q_xmas_Capture.JPG)

File: b72534eacd69188⋯.jpg (102.22 KB, 578x462, 289:231, xmas2010_dees.jpg)

File: f2eac5384f1ebbd⋯.jpg (48.24 KB, 540x539, 540:539, xmas_santa_intern_camp_nwo.jpg)

File: c4d0f336f37ec5a⋯.jpg (121.2 KB, 610x813, 610:813, Xmas_Tree.jpg)


Christmas memes already!

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4eefd7  No.15042596


that makes sense

the tricky part is that Trump said to get vaxxed, but maybe it was necessary for us to stand on our own

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3f0f4d  No.15042598


Fuck the “settle out of court” thing!

Put these FakeNews Execs on trial, public trials, obviously televised!

That would be a good start!

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b75a3f  No.15042599

File: 44bcc192b795271⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB, 480x640, 3:4, Lets_go_Brandon.mp4)

can you sing, fuck reptoids an greys, nxt time?

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b20e1b  No.15042600


Now that IS scary as hell.

The Y Variant (AKA. Stag Flu, Deer Variant, Hunter's Lung, etc.) is highly contagious for adults, but the kicker is that it is the Y Variant is extremely contagious and deadly for children under the age of puberty.

And Hunters are bringing the new Y Variant home to their families and their kids are dying…all because most hunters are conservatives that have not been vaccinated.

Yep…that sounds about right.

We're the news now.

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2862d0  No.15042601

There will be I Told you So's

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ac0355  No.15042602

File: 7080e3d59a15641⋯.mp4 (7.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Blame_Canada_South_Park_Bi….mp4)



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b0d668  No.15042603

File: 00c789e9e980310⋯.png (824.01 KB, 1000x760, 25:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d242be02b29d5e⋯.png (1.22 MB, 899x766, 899:766, ClipboardImage.png)


>if Sandmann got $250mil, how much you rekon Kyle will get?


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d69062  No.15042604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e7c16b  No.15042605


Religious books are just archaic systems of control. Even if they didn't believe these texts, they know that others think they do, so it works to their advantage to divide and control. Anons are smart enough not to fall for bigotry in all its nasty forms.

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fc8525  No.15042606


>"convicted child-rapist, released from mental hospital"

Kudos to Tucker for calling out FACTS

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e7c16b  No.15042607


Anons have gotten to the point where they can predict even the verbiage that will be used to excite their fear narratives.

Playbook Known?

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2862d0  No.15042608

File: 42bde12f6d13e70⋯.png (279.4 KB, 1090x532, 545:266, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm Just a Simple Millstone Farmer.

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e7c16b  No.15042609


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b20e1b  No.15042610

File: 5a3a62eeaf916ff⋯.png (399.58 KB, 858x772, 429:386, MrPigRosBmShklHberJew.png)

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3f0f4d  No.15042611


We’ll I’ll be dipped in shit!

(They) are the same person!

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c694d8  No.15042612


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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d5648c  No.15042613


They straight up believe and follow this. If you didn't know this long ago, 4 years on the boards has made it obvious to even the most casual observer. This is who they are.

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edb35e  No.15042614

File: bdf76b377632f7c⋯.jpg (223.65 KB, 945x494, 945:494, SOLIDARITY.jpg)

What an awesome day for Australia… well done Aussies… well done.

I saw some beautiful things…. but one that stood out, was the 90+ war digger getting up on stage.

Chest covered with medals… saying that the ANZACS stood up for freedom around the world and that Australians need to stand up now.

He asked all retired armed forces and emergency services to stand against tyranny.

FUCK YOU SCOTT MORRISON…. this aussie digger would have been at the memorial if he could have… and you would have shot his arse too.

Fuck your rant about "Aussies should be ashamed"…. this 90+ war digger is behind the people…. NOT YOU

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896cf0  No.15042615

File: b63c0f6638a0e36⋯.jpg (50.33 KB, 716x536, 179:134, LT_2.jpg)


Mornin Sam

carry on…

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e96a4a  No.15042616

File: ee127ef6bae347c⋯.jpg (25.04 KB, 643x480, 643:480, chkt44.jpg)



this is 'dasting



"Owner Of Beanie Babies Booked Cargo Flights From China to U.S."


"We're not only going to be able to get our product here via airfreight, but we also continuing to receive, uh, containers via shipping."

-Jose Verger, VP of Field Sales, TY

Is that so Jose?

thought this was going to be a feel good story about TY manufacturing these in the U.S. or something.

Nope. VP sucking the China D



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9fcbe5  No.15042617

File: 00152573caae2ab⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1076x1051, 1076:1051, ClipboardImage.png)

It's Time…

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e7c16b  No.15042618




It's a head fake.

Yes, they will fall for it.

They really don't have a choice in the matter.


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3cb129  No.15042619

File: c9e0e8ce3447a75⋯.jpg (144.24 KB, 927x618, 3:2, _4954_29587409258470959837….jpg)

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dedf98  No.15042620



strange story

who is up next, Cabbage Patch doll CEO? kek

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edb35e  No.15042621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again : The Angels Live Melbourne 1988 - YouTube

This song got the best responses…lol.

In regards to Dictator Dan….. NO WAY… GET FUCKED… FUCK OFF… was glorious…lol.

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d5f25e  No.15042622

File: e7314ddc3bf4d5f⋯.png (502.59 KB, 649x746, 649:746, brit.png)


Katherine Schaffstall

20:49 ET, Nov 19 2021Updated: 2:18 ET, Nov 20 2021

Katherine Schaffstall

Invalid Date,

BRITNEY Spears slammed Christina Aguilera for "refusing to speak" about "abusive" conservatorship.

The 39-year-old called out the Genie in a Bottle singer after her huge court win.

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fc2555  No.15042623



This is my theory as well. If it was organic, I'm obviously super happy for Kyle and his family. But I can't shake the nagging feeling that there was something… "off" about this whole thing.

- Too much media attention.

- The already wRitten House post.

- GMaxwell jury selection just happens to start on the same week.

- The trial itself was pretty strange tbh

- A Rosenbaum goes on stand and blows the entire case

- The attorney pointing a rifle at everyone

What are we looking at here, anons?

I am NOT trying to downplay the significance of the verdict. There was obviously great things that came out of it, including a win for the 2A, exposing the media, Bidan, et al as horrendous hypocrites.

I am saying that it seems to me that there is (as always) more than meets the eye to the story.


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d61f0a  No.15042624


I’ll be right back


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b3d40b  No.15042625

File: 5523f10fb19b8ec⋯.jpg (95.37 KB, 906x500, 453:250, 2u34k3.jpg)


Not yet. But the red line will be crossed soon. [They] are running out of time.

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21ce0c  No.15042626


a friend of mine has a small alfalfa field by his house

one year he woke up his wife

by shooting his deer out the front door

in his pajamas

or so he claims

he never seemed like the pj wearing type to me

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e96a4a  No.15042627

File: 396be0e69cb868e⋯.gif (7 MB, 498x329, 498:329, mpdance44.gif)

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3f0f4d  No.15042628

File: 59561d30bf92932⋯.jpeg (124.36 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, E7070012_D4E3_4497_8231_7….jpeg)


Morning Anons!

You too Swordy, I know you’re here.

Spread the freedom today anons. Talk it up at your weekend events!

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b3d40b  No.15042629


She's aged horribly. Would no longer smash.

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443845  No.15042630




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0e43c4  No.15042631

File: 4953d70e0653885⋯.jpg (125.9 KB, 1200x444, 100:37, 911banner12.jpg)


Get them for 9/11 TV Fakery while ur at it

The were essential actors in the fraud "false flag" satanic ritual snuff event, which caused many deaths, much suffering and war;

And which served as the pretense for the mis-labeled (inversion technique) "Patriot's Act" which took away the rights of the citizens (Capital Crime in itself)

Severed as the foundation for the overthrow of America, ("the new normal")

They are war criminals as much as any politician.


Still Waiting.

We are faithful.

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d69062  No.15042632

File: d5fa1165070773e⋯.mp4 (789.36 KB, 640x360, 16:9, d5fa1165070773ee8b79b98cb0….mp4)

File: 8f3f131fe74a8ab⋯.mp4 (131.59 KB, 640x256, 5:2, Biblical.mp4)

File: b144d5299454158⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, b144d52994541581dbfced2f4d….mp4)

File: 7a174a8341d6067⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Pepe_Fireball.mp4)

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e565ef  No.15042633

File: 3ad77c3a7580faa⋯.jpg (75.48 KB, 676x944, 169:236, 20210812_101413.jpg)


They will try


We will be relentless

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dedf98  No.15042634


very nice to see Aussies standing up as it is the front line of this war at least for 5 eyes countries.

from Canada


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b20e1b  No.15042635


Deer Hunting season starts today in my neck o'the woods; so for this story to play out, sometime just before Christmas…we should see a mysterious deadly upsurge in a new COVID Variant break out.

Mocking hunters will now be the norm.

Shaming hunters into getting the vaxx because they are literally killing their own families off from going out and bagging 4 point bucks to bring home before Christmas.

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30b272  No.15042636

>>15041058 pb

>muh based Jr

He's not that bright and doesn't stay on top of shit.

CPAC or RNC I forget – he refers to "The murder of George Floyd" using those words.

not the death, the "murder" - indicating he either didn't have a fucking clue what he was talking about or got his info from (((sources))) who infest and surround the whole family.

For all I know he has a good heart.

Consistently comes off as more of a poser than a bad actor.

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2862d0  No.15042637

File: ff7d783a9298582⋯.png (296.31 KB, 500x491, 500:491, ClipboardImage.png)

DS Is in some Real Pretty Shit now.

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4a09bc  No.15042638

I heard the rams may consider a 200M jumping off point to be excluded from the League wide litigation. Perhaps a collective bargaining agreement would save everyone face and time? Who's up for an 8 kun phony option today?

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b3d40b  No.15042639


Anon finds porch hunting unethical. If you're too lazy to stalk it and kill it, just buy it at the grocery store or meat locker.

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b20e1b  No.15042640




December 5th time frame sounds about right for this variant to start popping up.

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d5f25e  No.15042641

Since the fake news won't tell you…Dominion software lost their legal suits to Sidney Powell and Rudy Guilliani today Woman shruggingWoman shruggingWoman shrugging The more ya know…..

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ac0355  No.15042642

File: 76f7784b35e6684⋯.jpg (89.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, MAP_PEDO_MILLSTONE.jpg)

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66cec3  No.15042643

File: 8b6283e704d45d3⋯.jpg (121.22 KB, 747x481, 747:481, raffenberger_owned.jpg)


Nothing like a bunch of pissed off Aussies. Fuck the crown. Make your own Independence Day. I drink with you and smile

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b0d668  No.15042644

File: e3de15fa37000b5⋯.png (4.44 MB, 2756x2747, 2756:2747, christmas_qclock_11202021.png)

Or JFKJR's 61st birthday, using 11 (Nov) instead of clock hour… or just wait another FIVE days for the real one.

"2 days ahead of schedule" of 11/22 bang event.

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d61f0a  No.15042645

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e7c16b  No.15042646



Christina is still very much living that life.

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3f0f4d  No.15042647

File: 59561d30bf92932⋯.jpeg (124.36 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, E7070012_D4E3_4497_8231_7….jpeg)


Morning Anons!

You too Swordy, I know you’re here.

Spread the freedom today anons. Talk it up at your weekend events!


Shooting from your front porch is wrong and illegal is most places.

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e96a4a  No.15042649


that VP was really touting their logistics ability to work with and make deals with CHINA to get TY toys here



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a5bf4e  No.15042650


Disscovery, Discovery, Discovery. Ths is why lawsuits get settled out of court. No settlements. Hit them where it is going to do the most damage.

All internal comms ie……….., emails, cellphone records, text messages, voicemail messages, minute meetings, one leads to the other and another and another. They will say "name your price". Justice is the price. You play? You are not only going to pay, you are going to be exsposed butt fucking naked. All of it.

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d69062  No.15042651

File: 60ddf2c49d77a00⋯.mp4 (13.28 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 6_NSA_THE_TURNING_AWAY.mp4)


As Fomer Leader of tens of thousands, SNCO and Veteran…

How come Leadership Coaches never have actually led shit?

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ac0355  No.15042652


Birth of a meme right there.

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edb35e  No.15042653

File: 3ac32690a6879cf⋯.jpg (75.31 KB, 820x474, 410:237, FUCK_YOUR_MANDATES.jpg)


It was a good day…Antifa dickhead etc tried trouble but were kept quiet.

Well done Victorian police… was nice to see you not shooting unarmed civilians… and actually keeping the peace.

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7195d5  No.15042654


After all she has been through she would probably make the best wife ever

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8978e0  No.15042655

File: c8bdb0300a04636⋯.jpg (74.26 KB, 600x699, 200:233, mitchREEF.jpg)


Bob Mitchum started the scourge that is reefers

He would get it from Negro Jazz Musicians

Sometimes Mexicans

And give it to Young Starlets so he could plow their furrow

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7e6678  No.15042656

File: eed4423cbd38943⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 630x472, 315:236, image_3.jpg)

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ec8af8  No.15042657


This! I was stumped as to whether KR was a player or just caught in the play till this. Gotta admit he's a pretty good actor.

That dude with the blown out arm, total moulage, fake. Thanks to anon who posted this.

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28fb69  No.15042658

File: 5a99da038bf8510⋯.png (14.37 MB, 536x356, 134:89, GODWINS.png)

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d69062  No.15042659

File: 57e61877801048b⋯.mp4 (14.74 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, Patriots_vs_Traitors_3_1_.mp4)

File: a842085b14529c4⋯.mp4 (181.51 KB, 280x400, 7:10, Patriot_Pain_Pyrates.mp4)



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b3d40b  No.15042660

File: 47f69830e4c3c81⋯.png (215.25 KB, 439x569, 439:569, 47f69830e4c3c8142d3fdf7c98….png)


For the same reason teachers teach SGM.

>Those who can't, teach.

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ac0355  No.15042661

File: f5a71f8aba54b9a⋯.png (215.86 KB, 450x185, 90:37, ClipboardImage.png)


This Homey Don't Play That!


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b3d40b  No.15042662


Never stick your dick in crazy anon. Even if it appears to have mellowed in it's crazyness.

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e565ef  No.15042663

File: f97e77d5c7cb649⋯.jpg (78.42 KB, 720x432, 5:3, 20211120_080209.jpg)

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fc2555  No.15042664

File: 68d31383b529287⋯.png (942.03 KB, 1023x1014, 341:338, ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Nye on the WH instagram page…

Can't help but think of the gallows.

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50fdee  No.15042665

File: 5df9bfc9332227d⋯.png (326.62 KB, 711x610, 711:610, ClipboardImage.png)


Note: Full article posted, continued in next comment.


Last Updated: 18th November, 2021 06:55 IST

Pope Francis' Role In Vatican London Property Deal Questioned In Court

Defence lawyers accused prosecutors of breaking court order by withholding evidence, as the pontiff's own role in a shaky London deal was brought before court.

Written By

Aparna Shandilya



On Wednesday, November 17, defence lawyers in the Vatican's fraud and extortion trial accused prosecutors of breaking a court order by withholding evidence, including an alleged interrogation of Pope Francis, as the pontiff's own role in a shaky London deal was brought before the court for the second time.

The trial is about the Secretariat of State's 350 million euro investment in a luxurious London property development, much of which was paid by loyal donations. Prosecutors in the Vatican have accused Italian brokers and Vatican officials of cheating the Holy See in the purchase and extorting 15 million euros from the Vatican in order to gain control of the property. Prosecutors have charged ten persons, including a cardinal, with a variety of offences.

The president of the Vatican City State Tribunal, Giuseppe Pignatone, said he would rule on a new defence plea to dismiss the charge on December 1, according to AP. Several allegations against many of the defendants have already been dismissed due to prosecutorial errors, according to Pignatone. “It’s clear we need more time before starting. If we manage to start,” Pignatone told the court.

Pope Francis' role in Vatican's negotiations

The issue, though, is Pope Francis' role in the Vatican's negotiations with broker Gianluigi Torzi, who is accused of extorting $15 million from the Holy See in order to gain ownership of the facility. According to the transcript, Perlasca (the Vatican official who was most closely involved in the London deal and signed all of the contracts with the brokers) informed Prosecutor Alessandro Diddi that Pope Francis had allowed Vatican officials to negotiate a settlement with Torzi. Other witnesses have concurred, and even the chief of staff of the Secretariat of State, Archbishop Edgar Pena Parra, has stated that the Pope was the one who decided that the Vatican should negotiate with Torzi rather than suing him.


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e565ef  No.15042666

File: 60152a3642a3210⋯.jpg (61.36 KB, 678x396, 113:66, 20211120_080036.jpg)

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50fdee  No.15042667



Attorney Panella blames prosecutors of making 'unjustifiable' changes

Perlasca was initially under investigation, but he began cooperating with authorities in August 2020, and he was removed as a suspect. On November 3, prosecutors lodged the Perlasca tapes with the tribunal after first refusing to do so in response to a court order. However, the tapes had multiple cuts that prosecutors reportedly claimed were essential for investigative purposes.

On Wednesday, defence attorneys screamed foul, requesting that prosecutors completely comply with Pignatone's July 29 order, which they reaffirmed on October 6, to release full tapes. Attorney Luigi Panella, who is representing the Vatican's long-serving money manager in the case, accused prosecutors of making unjustifiable changes and pointed out that there is no provision in Vatican procedural rules for editing evidence. He also pointed up inconsistencies between the videotapes and the prosecutors' own accounts of what was stated.

Prosecutor Diddi's office never interrogated Pope

Panella presented to the court a report from a technical expert who evaluated the taped material and discovered that some of the interrogation files lacked metadata. AP reported, citing the investigation, that up to an hour of testimony was eliminated from those that contained metadata indicating when and where changes were made to the recording.

The lawyer also highlighted an April 29, 2020 interrogation of Perlasca in which Diddi disputed Perlasca on his version of events by saying he heard a different version from the Pope, which is not mentioned in the published report. Diddi's claim alluded to contacts with the Pope that were never transcribed or made available to the defence. Diddi later said his office never interrogated the pontiff and that the reference was to public statements the Pope had made, according to the media agency.


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d5f25e  No.15042668

File: 768c120a57a70db⋯.png (264.24 KB, 595x568, 595:568, wait_what.png)


Wait, what?

Judge Alison Nathan. Photo Courtesy of U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.


Biden nominates Ghislaine Maxwell's judge, Memphis litigator to appeals courts

President Joe Biden on Wednesday nominated the Manhattan federal judge overseeing the sex abuse trial of British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell and a Memphis litigator at the law firm Butler Snow to…

8:01 AM · Nov 20, 2021·

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a107cb  No.15042669

Meme makers…

It seems a few "Let's Go Kyle" memes are in order.

(How to piss of a liberal and the establishment media 101)

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7e6678  No.15042670

File: 432a8302a33d5b2⋯.mp4 (639.83 KB, 1280x436, 320:109, MASK_OFF.MP4)

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7661c1  No.15042671


>Have (you) Suffered Enough?

Just got my forced second jab two days ago because military faggot.

We only need to suffer and watch the country burn for another 10-20 years for Q's plan to work.

Trust the plan.

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ac0355  No.15042672

File: 8dc8f0451ce8b71⋯.mp4 (4.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, A_REVERENCE.mp4)

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ecf030  No.15042673


he deserves to be on the gallows. Fucking brainwashing children. Hope he gets necked somewhere along the ling.

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b20e1b  No.15042674

File: 18047a3b838de12⋯.png (28.93 KB, 709x387, 709:387, ClipboardImage.png)


>Alpha (B.1.1.7 and Q lineages)



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e96a4a  No.15042675

File: 380053332225da1⋯.gif (245.53 KB, 240x138, 40:23, 44getya44.gif)


jus' when i thought i was out

they pull me back in

the ride that never ends


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b20e1b  No.15042676


sauce for image.



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e6f2b2  No.15042677

File: 7af1957694dbcd9⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 340x184, 85:46, ralph1.gif)


>Morning, Frenz

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a5bf4e  No.15042678


Britney is still beautiful and will age very, very well as long as she takes care of herself. I'm not really a fan and I do kinda like her music. I prefer jazz. I've always liked her and I'm glad to see she is finally getting her life back. Happy for you Britney. Now, get married, have some babies and live a good life.

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e6ed1a  No.15042679

Re: Havana Syndrome

Anon had a car following him that had headlights which would alternate from white to hues of blue, violet, and purple.

Anon felt pains in chest when this light appeared in side and rear view mirrors. For a few minutes anon tolerated this.

Anon then turned the side mirrors and rear view mirrors away so he could no longer see the variations of light from the headlights. As soon as anon did that the chest pains went away.

Not a single bit of pain returned. Anon believes the gook clownniggers are using varying intensities of light to do this.

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ac0355  No.15042680

File: c72be3c44e76993⋯.png (6.09 MB, 2716x1810, 1358:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 052f2c05a24b5cd⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63d5b18ad3950ae⋯.png (161.34 KB, 400x212, 100:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bc560c304d277f⋯.png (3.91 MB, 1440x1126, 720:563, ClipboardImage.png)

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812235  No.15042681


Biden didn't do shit. Chess piece moved.

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63270f  No.15042682

File: 7384dfedc3d5cd0⋯.png (158.35 KB, 476x448, 17:16, christina_aguilera.PNG)

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890be8  No.15042683


Don't put your issue thru crazy Momma.

Dick out, never in crazy. Life lesson.

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d5648c  No.15042684

File: 3a4f8b3b712030d⋯.png (1.3 MB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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82d4ab  No.15042685

File: e9cd8d5ad3a412c⋯.png (4.67 MB, 1440x1800, 4:5, e9cd8d5ad3a412c0e35a093405….png)


Young patriots. The future of America!

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b20e1b  No.15042686

File: d5bbbbe4bf03411⋯.png (34.27 KB, 888x424, 111:53, ClipboardImage.png)



There is a AY sub-variant.

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d61f0a  No.15042687

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2862d0  No.15042688


"Biden has used his 64 judicial nominees to date to further diversify the bench. If confirmed, Nathan would be the second openly LGBT woman to serve on an appeals court "

Everything Woke turns to shit

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cddc8d  No.15042689


>For the same reason teachers teach SGM.

>Those who can't, teach.

Those who can't teach, teach the teachers.

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b3d40b  No.15042690


Only a faggot pedo would wear a bow tie as part of his everyday business attire.

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443845  No.15042691

File: e33710b172bcf52⋯.png (462.52 KB, 474x433, 474:433, ClipboardImage.png)


Never good at talking, so many things I couldn't say

But those thoughts never went away

And I'm sure you remember, said that all I wanted was sympathy,

Now add this to your memory

Too many times-I felt so sad and lonely

Too many times-I needed someone there

Too many times-I tried to tell you something

Too many times-It seemed like no one cared

And I don't like asking-and it's not easy to say…

I never learned how to pray

So if you have a moment it means so much to me oh can't you see…

If you'd just say a prayer for me

Too many times-I didn't even have a second

Too many times-you thought I was much too strong

Too many times-you said the feeling wouldn't last forever

Too many times-I proved you so damn wrong

Saw the changes-thought they'd go away-do you still remember that day

Can't really fault you-only have myself to blame…

But do you still feel the same

Do ya, do ya, do ya, do ya, do ya?

But I waited so long-for someone to take my hand, and say they understand

And I waited so long-for someone to show the way-to make a better day

and I waited so long-for someone to spare a kiss for the love I miss

And I waited so long-for you to look me in the eye

And say it's worth another try

But yo keep me waiting-waiting-too many times

You keep me waiting, one too many, one too many, one too many times,

Too many times

One too many one too many one too many times too many times

Can't you see yo keep me waiting-one too many times

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d5f25e  No.15042692

File: e39d01b5c12cd56⋯.png (316.66 KB, 599x610, 599:610, mail_in.png)


Prosecutors Find Mail-In Jury Votes At 3AM, Rittenhouse Now Guilty


Prosecutors Find Mail-In Jury Votes At 3AM; Rittenhouse Now Guilty

KENOSHA, WI - In a stunning reversal, Kyle Rittenhouse awoke this morning to discover that he had been found guilty after all.Prosecutors explained that during the night, they had found dozens of…

8:00 AM · Nov 20, 2021

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443845  No.15042693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Play it and mean it.

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e6ed1a  No.15042694



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28fb69  No.15042695

File: e5db4e5cb143646⋯.png (355.51 KB, 760x465, 152:93, Mr_Pig_Sleeps.png)

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d61f0a  No.15042696

Anon has married friend with 5 kids. All full vaxxed but the 7 year old.

5 of the 7 got Covid 2 weeks ago. Parents are obese.

Dad Anon got monoclonal antibody treatment.

Mom now has asthma .

Question is: can Dad spread Covid after monoclonal treatment?

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fc2555  No.15042697



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b20e1b  No.15042698

File: 548c4bbbf504954⋯.png (75.31 KB, 921x605, 921:605, ClipboardImage.png)


The Hunter's Flu/Stag Flu would have to be considered a VOHC–a Variant of High Consequence.

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7195d5  No.15042699


That’s Gupta

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c68270  No.15042700

File: e528349fd1f0802⋯.jpg (780.3 KB, 1600x2133, 1600:2133, Goyaale.jpg)


Nothing can stop what is coming


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812235  No.15042701


It will fail as a narrative. The truth is starting to pull the public consciousness' hair as it permeates. Folks are going to start waking up whether they want to or not.

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82d4ab  No.15042702


Can't imagine any person on Earth believing this grifter is anything but what he is..an actor

Grifter gonna grift

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66cec3  No.15042703


MK Ultra written all over her.

Conservatorship> Handler(s)

She just might be the one that brings it into light

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2862d0  No.15042704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d5f25e  No.15042705

File: 06b5de4c3343c8c⋯.png (37.59 KB, 418x251, 418:251, dig.png)


Woke Societies, [20.11.21 08:00]

America isn't just a country, it's an idea… and that idea is under attack!

Join @AmericanExceptionalism 🇺🇸


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ac0355  No.15042706

File: c72be3c44e76993⋯.png (6.09 MB, 2716x1810, 1358:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63d5b18ad3950ae⋯.png (161.34 KB, 400x212, 100:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9b91cb947c5c00⋯.png (497.04 KB, 817x780, 817:780, can_t_stop_the_love.png)

What is the Schumann thing up to?

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b75a3f  No.15042707

Love you Tucker, tard high class.

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b7fb62  No.15042708

File: de7fff1187caa1f⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1030x728, 515:364, qresearch.png)

>>15042249 TYB

would like to give a big shout out to all the anons that stayed focused and gave support to the rittenhouse agenda.





god bless us all, it has just begun

>Next Agenda: Incoming in 3..2…

Have a great weekend and eyes on kenosha and Dems, I'm sure we have more repercussions on the way.

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ac0355  No.15042709

File: c72be3c44e76993⋯.png (6.09 MB, 2716x1810, 1358:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63d5b18ad3950ae⋯.png (161.34 KB, 400x212, 100:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9b91cb947c5c00⋯.png (497.04 KB, 817x780, 817:780, can_t_stop_the_love.png)

Can ya feel it.. Schumann is way up!

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d5f25e  No.15042710

File: 16c395767d06de2⋯.png (932.16 KB, 1107x826, 1107:826, chase_down.png)


Americans Chasing Down Trump’s Wild Election Conspiracy Snuck into a Mafia Prison in Italy


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812235  No.15042711

File: 569940083c7e357⋯.jpg (33.32 KB, 628x380, 157:95, Dark_Knight_Returns.jpg)


Tucker reads notables.

Tucker talks 'anon' to the public.

Tucker knows WTF is up.

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d5f25e  No.15042712

File: b04630b576cbfe9⋯.png (335.88 KB, 865x675, 173:135, fbi_s.png)


FBI Raids Home of Elections Official Tied to QAnon Voter Fraud Scheme


Will Sommer

Politics Reporter

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82d4ab  No.15042713


Why did he call them "Isal"?

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8f4659  No.15042714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ac0355  No.15042715

File: f93d73cd7a3d479⋯.png (204.88 KB, 290x242, 145:121, ClipboardImage.png)


He's about to look up..

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3f0f4d  No.15042716

File: ce66f4d62ecb6f9⋯.jpeg (56.61 KB, 484x527, 484:527, 83E5BA52_A661_4FD8_9CF9_5….jpeg)

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d5f25e  No.15042717

File: c24b802ab33bfbc⋯.png (522.92 KB, 809x656, 809:656, f_father.png)


Our founding fathers warned us about QAnon

Matt Malone, S.J.November 18, 2021

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fc8525  No.15042718

File: 5b037e6c1c5865b⋯.png (818.1 KB, 500x625, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

kekkity kek

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8a4a43  No.15042719

File: c1cc6ef87adb044⋯.png (52.52 KB, 552x400, 69:50, ClipboardImage.png)

Always check the accuracy of material we (you) circulate, if the information is harmful, and also wrong, we (you) are accountable , and false and harmful information will cause us, (you) to be at once thrown down into the lower reaches of the time bound hells. They say.

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e96a4a  No.15042720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Feel Alright

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7661c1  No.15042721

File: 2f1117cb1fe3132⋯.jpg (93.42 KB, 749x499, 749:499, Soros.jpg)


Tucker and Hannity are the most controlled mouthpieces on cabal news.

The most watched and highest paid?

You really think they write all their own material?

No, someone writes that FOR THEM.

Only fucking retards and normies can't see them for what they truly are.

Controlled opposition so the SHEEP will at least stick with one news outlet.

Fuck you.

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6c0ef8  No.15042722

File: 31aa9b67d7b9fd0⋯.png (92.44 KB, 350x250, 7:5, 528C3AEC_7114_4712_91D0_56….png)


Special Edition, that would be.

Have also considered a standalone “Memethology”.

But thinking more about your suggestion, it would take a lot more time but probably worth it… use memes to ‘illustrate’ each sentence and passage.

Youanon, might be onto something.

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3950b5  No.15042723

File: 58044cbe8a5e4c1⋯.png (753.75 KB, 960x635, 192:127, ClipboardImage.png)


Biden nominates Ghislaine Maxwell's judge, Memphis litigator to appeals courts

(Reuters) - President Joe Biden on Wednesday nominated the Manhattan federal judge overseeing the sex abuse trial of British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell and a Memphis litigator at the law firm Butler Snow to serve as federal appellate court judges.

The announcement came a day after U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer revealed he had recommended Biden nominate U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan for a seat on the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Biden also nominated Andre Mathis, a partner at Butler Snow experienced in commercial and government litigation and criminal defense work, for a seat on the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Biden has used his 64 judicial nominees to date to further diversify the bench. If confirmed, Nathan would be the second openly LGBT woman to serve on an appeals court and Mathis would be the first Black man confirmed to the 6th Circuit in 24 years.

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7661c1  No.15042724


Don't be like Kyle, bring extra magazines.