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65c71e  No.14544892[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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65c71e  No.14544894

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements

#18398 TBC


>>14543460 Gold Star mom invites 'real President' Trump to son's funeral; Slams Joe Biden

>>14543603 >>14543954, A Maricopa rep resigns. (R)

>>14543622 White House Signals New COVID-19 Measures Coming for People Who Are Unvaccinated

>>14543644 LIVE: Rally To Save Our Schools, Loudoun County, Virginia. Dr. Ben Carson just spoke, and is about to take questions.

>>14543659 Chinese businessman gets 2 years in prison for exporting U.S. marine tech to China

>>14543638 This won't age well for Fauci….

>>14543669 All across the world there were massive protests against medical tyranny and COVID vaccine passports this past week

>>14543833 The Powerful Case Against Covid mRNA Vaccine

>>14543404 @BarackObama, California! You’ve got a big choice to make by September 14, and everything is on the line

>>14543866 DynCorp, Global Linguist Solutions (GLS), Buck Foundation, DynCorp mercenaries replace Blackwater in Yemen

>>14544174 #18397


>>14542839 Nurse Destroys"Delta" Narrative, Vaxxed Patients Fill Hospital

>>14542940 A Heated Natomas District Meeting Over High School Teacher Discussing Alleged Support For Antifa

>>14542970, >>14542983, National Archives Slaps ‘Harmful Content’ Warning On Constitution, All Other Founding Documents

>>14542976 Robert F. Kennedy Jr - Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism

>>14543027 PEDO BUN 8 September 21


>>14543200 @RealGenFlynn, Free speech Sarasota School board

>>14543220 >>14543234, >>14543242, >>14543254, Wendy Rogers, AZAudit Information

>>14543230 Liz Harrington, HUGE findings out of Arizona today!

>>14543289 CM recommends you do not go to DC on Sep 18.

>>14544174 #18396

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65c71e  No.14544895


>>14542341 Headlines BUN

>>14541784 Maricopa County Canvassing Result BUN

>>14541841, >>14542436 COVID-19 and Neem

>>14541849 Ingredients for Astra zenaca covid vaccine as listed by the UK government

>>14541862 There is still time for you to turn to God.


>>14541882 Video of Liz in the link: 173,000 missing votes in Maricopa Country…

>>14541911 Florida doctor will refuse to treat unvaccinated patients

>>14541987, >>14541991, Geronimo / Q144 COMMs?

>>14541990 PEDO BUN 8 September 21

>>14542003, >>14542451 pf report: NAME43 flying regular station south of Nantucket / interesting pattern.

>>14542006 You can't see the elephant because there is a peanut in front of it

>>14542012 U.S. offers $5M reward for information leading to arrest of fentanyl kingpin whose operation killed a Grand Forks man

>>14542016, >>14541974 PAIN. Bidan twit timestamp

>>14542041 KANSAS twit numbers

>>14542062 NY AG ISSUES SUBPOENA Cuomo $5.1M BOOK DEAL (twitter sauce)

>>14542070 Merkel confidant dies days after becoming China ambassador

>>14542085 Anti-Parasite drug Ivermectin shows promise against cancer

>>14542098 Neem components as potential agents for cancer prevention and treatment

>>14542069 From deer and dogs to rats and mink, COVID-19 has spread to the animal world

>>14542117 KanekoaTheGreat on TG posts todays War Room episode on rumble

>>14542135 White House Staffers Have So Much Anxiety When Joe Biden Gives Public Remarks, They Mute Him or Turn Off His Remarks

>>14542193 BADGE OF HONOR

>>14542219 RENEGADE propping up CA Newsom

>>14542332 FOX PHARMA NEWS weighs in on Ivermectin

>>14542390 Comfy Cruisin'!

>>14542452 BREAKING! AZ Audit Released! 270,000 Fraudulent Votes! Maricopa County Canvass Initial Report Claims

>>14542453 Wow. Everyone who believed the election was stolen has been vindicated today.

>>14542518 #18395

Previously Collected

>>14540711 #18393, >>14541685 #18394

>>14540524 #18390, >>14538879 #18391, >>14540629 #18392

>>14535630 #18387, >>14538858 #18388, >>14540421 #18389

>>14533269 #18384, >>14534064 #18385, >>14535165 #18386

>>14530963 #18381, >>14531713 #18382, >>14535669 #18383

>>14529792 #18378, >>14529851 #18379, >>14534810 #18380

>>14527102 #18376, >>14527861 #18377, >>14529792 #18378

>>14524725 #18373, >>14525407 #18374, >>14529041 #18375

>>14522343 #18370, >>14523166 #18371, >>14523950 #18372

>>14520435 #18367, >>14520799 #18368, >>14521572 #18369

>>14518377 #18365, >>14519140 #18366/1, >>14519142 #18366/2

>>14516043 #18362, >>14517066 #18363, >>14517593 #18364

>>14517275 #18360, >>14517271 #18360, >>14517968 #18361

>>14512696 #18358, >>14512695 #18358, >>14513514 #18359

>>14510356 #18355, >>14511141 #18356, >>14511895 #18357

>>14509316 #18352, >>14509352 #18353, >>14509432 #18354

>>14506158 #18349, >>14506335 #18350, >>14507086 #18351

>>14503170 #18346, >>14504039 #18347, >>14504724 #18348

>>14500462 #18343, >>14501275 #18344, >>14501753 #18345

>>14499461 #18340, >>14499462 #18341, >>14499703 #18342

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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65c71e  No.14544896

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

>>14110921 ————————————–——– Jew Research General #1

International Q Research Threads

>>14385792 ————————————–——– Australia #18

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

>>13167439 ————————————–——– Brazil #2

>>14317266 ————————————–——– Canada #23

>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14357399 ————————————–——– Germany #86

LINK DEAD ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

LINK DEAD ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

LINK DEAD ————————————–——– Nordic #3

LINK DEAD ————————————–——– Russia #2

LINK DEAD ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41

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65c71e  No.14544898

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65c71e  No.14544900


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65c71e  No.14544905

GEORGENEWS, [09.09.21 03:06]






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6b7585  No.14544909



o7 Baker

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fc929b  No.14544911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The E-team

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65c71e  No.14544915


Collecting lb notes==

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0c2359  No.14544916



o7 kek .the last part of my captcha was tyb

dank meme.jpg

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2db549  No.14544917

In the previous bread, an anon pointed to this conversation on 4chan: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/338252477

The OP reads:

Does anyone else remember when the original Q started posting? It was after the Vegas shooting, there were those extemely long threads where there was some guy saying he has Q clearance and was talking about Hillary and huma getting arrested?

I see all this shit about Qanon but nobody seems to remember the real origins, and whoever that was somebody else co-opted the idea extremely fast and turned it into whatever it is today. But whenever people bring up the history of Qanon they don’t bring this up and I want to know if I’m crazy or if anyone else was here during that time that remembers

What exactly did go down when Q started posting? What were the reactions from the anons? Even if you were there, you probably don't recall much. Well, I compiled all of the Q posts and the anons' replies from Oct 28 to Nov 2, 2017. I did this way back in March 2019 and I've been sitting on it because I didn't know what I should really do with it. I started commenting the material but then I stopped. Still, though the material is incomplete, it is nonetheless an important part of history and I'm tired of sitting on it. I've been working on my Github account and so I have a place to post the material. Without further ado, here it is in five parts (only the first part is commented):






Warning: it's a very long read. Enjoy.

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65c71e  No.14544918


get a screenshot? for ron

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95bdfe  No.14544919


Michael got me to his doorstep

i feel in love with him again

My child was taken

i failed

we are now at the point where he takes pity on jerusalem and again picks israel

heart breakin' for me

the division of time happened this mornin'

Now i am eatin' chocolates doin' what i can to pour the oil of healin' on the scars of those to the left and to the right

because just because i'm miserable doesnt mean everyone should be and kickin' the shit out of everybody you meet isnt an option goin' forwards

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53147a  No.14544920



Spin me around. Lose my course. Nights went by like hours.

If anon learned what assets were currently airborne then what makes you think that I would share such knowledge with you? Earn your own stripes. Slug.

image jpeg pepe


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0c2359  No.14544921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In Australia the governments are in the process of rolling out vaccine passports

If you are not vaccinated you will be refused entry to all but essential services

Entry will be refused to hotels and barbers/hairdressers, cinemas and nightclubs and restaurants etc

The chief health officer of NSW is Kerry Chant and has been caught out a few times stating this is the "New World Order"

NWO: They are being overt now and don't even hide it

(vid related)

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bac6dc  No.14544922


( . )( . )

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65c71e  No.14544923


filtered the freak

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65c71e  No.14544924

File: ca3e7e7f4da1666⋯.png (351.81 KB, 535x536, 535:536, 071e77c0767d2cd5a347517e93….png)

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bac6dc  No.14544925



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95bdfe  No.14544926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Revolution is required

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593402  No.14544927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

so this is weird

0.15 second vid 1+5=6

@0.06 mark 6

you hear Holy Shit

like a Luciferian might think about all that is Holy…is shit

Then all the people world wide


and the sick club

capture the grief

in their sick religion

and they filmed it all

September 11, 2001, (9/flipped 6, 11 Masons, 2001=3 3 6's and Mason 11 Masons 666)

Flight 11 and crashed it into the northern facade of the north tower at

08:46, impacting between the (8+4+6=18 which boils down to 9 flipped is a 6)

93rd (3 9's flipped is 666)


99th floors. (9 an 9 flipped is 6 6, 6=6=12 boiled down is 3, 3 9's 666)

play video

hit K on your keyboard to stop it and start manually

Use Comma on keyboard to go bacwards frame by frame'

use Period on keyboard to go forward frame by frame

now pay attention to what you see at exact 0.06 time

a strong flash like a bomb

whomever filmed this was there to capture it

like a snuff film

and i bet it is someone in the evil 6 club

use COMMA and Period key and toggle back and forth

someone paid to get this on film exact time of 0.06is what we are made to see in our face

when the bomb went off

this it the beginning of all of the lies @ 0.06

and take note

when you look like this

frame by frame


Close up of the fake impact

there is NO plane

but you clearly see a bright flash going outward


archive offline



2.41K subscribers

On September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 and crashed it into the northern facade of the north tower at 08:46, impacting between the 93rd and 99th floors.

Close up of the impact

there is NO plane

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593402  No.14544928


>play video

>hit K on your keyboard to stop it and start manually

>Use Comma on keyboard to go bacwards frame by frame'

>use Period on keyboard to go forward frame by frame

>now pay attention to what you see at exact 0.06 time

>a strong flash like a bomb

>use COMMA and Period key and toggle back and forth

>someone paid to get this on film exact time of 0.06is what we are made to see in our face

>when the bomb went off

>this it the beginning of all of the lies @ 0.06

>and take note

>when you look like this

>frame by frame


>Close up of the fake impact

>there is NO plane

>but you clearly see a bright flash going outward


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593402  No.14544929



normies take note and wake the fuck up

0.06 symbology is whenall this fake fuckery began

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9e4946  No.14544930




Working link for Scotland #5

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

International Q Research Threads

>>14385792 ————————————–——– Australia #18

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

>>13167439 ————————————–——– Brazil #2

>>14317266 ————————————–——– Canada #23

>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14357399 ————————————–——– Germany #86

LINK DEAD ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

LINK DEAD ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

LINK DEAD ————————————–——– Nordic #3

LINK DEAD ————————————–——– Russia #2

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41

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8dad55  No.14544931

File: 2bb5e961a20f865⋯.png (380.54 KB, 862x587, 862:587, 09_32_03.png)

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95bdfe  No.14544932


9 = Jesus 11 = Chris t

Chris Na = us together, not shit

He died for me

No anon your numerology sucks so bad it could charge money

11 = End game

legs eleven

Chess allows you to go higher

No one will know what air is in the air, ya'll canny see me

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593402  No.14544933




the french guys

were at this spot filming their domentary

of a new fireman

a "Probie" short for on probation

the Naudet Brothers

the documentarry was a ruse to have the cameras just happen to be there

they have never released the raw footage of allthey filmed that day

and one of them was in the lobbby of the Tower and yu can hear what they say are jumpers hitting the ground and other ground follor places, but would not film it

but made sure you HEARD it

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593402  No.14544934





using the slo mo

frame by frame

all is OUTWARD

a flash

and outward debris


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593402  No.14544935



archive offline

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65c71e  No.14544936


Love those Scottish braggards


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593402  No.14544937

>>14544931 <<<<<<<<<<

cannot see images

must tell me what you want me to know


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65c71e  No.14544938




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490ce9  No.14544940


Now that's some esoteric grammar nazi shit right there

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0c2359  No.14544941


>Close up of the impact


>there is NO plane

The MSM will roll out all of the faked 911 footage again on the psyop anniversary to reinforce the programming

The NPC's will lap it up, the same retarded eaters and shitters that are gleefully taking the vax poison

Many refuse to see, or are incapable of doing so, the leap is too much

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593402  No.14544942


i do not do numerology fag

i just know they like the symbols of 11 and 6 and 9

just pointing out that this vid and the time of the flash and the the date and the time

are with those symbolic numbers

you can go do your gematria and numerology i really don't care about that shit

>>14544927 the slo vid and the numbers and the start of the hisrotic event are @0.06

and no plane

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593402  No.14544943

>>14544932 <<<<<<<

i do not do numerology fag

i just know they like the symbols of 11 and 6 and 9

just pointing out that this vid and the time of the flash and the the date and the time

are with those symbolic numbers

you can go do your gematria and numerology i really don't care about that shit

>>14544927 (You) the slo vid and the numbers and the start of the hisrotic event are @0.06

and no plane


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95bdfe  No.14544944


have already arted Sstar anon

tis irish

f can fuck right off

no one is gonna save you peter and you dont fly

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593402  No.14544945


aware even in my own home weird to see it

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59ba7c  No.14544946

Covid 19 coronavirus Delta outbreak: Sex during hospital visits 'a high risk activity, potentially' - Dr Ashley Bloomfield

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and director-general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield today clarified that they advise against having sexual intercourse during hospital visits, regardless of Covid-19 status or alert levels.

When a reporter asked about an allegation of a hospital patient and a visitor having "sexual relations" at Auckland Hospital, Ardern looked visibly bemused by the topic.


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0c2359  No.14544947



boaster · brag · bragger · show-off · blusterer · trumpeter · swaggerer · poser · poseur · poseuse · peacock · egotist · self-publicist · big-noter · blower · bouncer · shaker · puff · rodomont · braggadocio · gasconader · fanfaronade · attitudinizer

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53147a  No.14544948


The freak is the leak.

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2db549  No.14544949


>Many refuse to see, or are incapable of doing so, the leap is too much

This is because the normies either believe or disbelieve.

They have no concept of entertaining an idea as an idea and not as a component of a belief system.

I reserve judgement on the "no planes" theory but will not discount it. Normies cannot do this.

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95bdfe  No.14544950


can kick the shit out of you moar if you like

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b5ba5b  No.14544951

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jack Posobiec


Unconfirmed reports that Senator Dianne Fienstein, 88 years old, has passed away.

3:22 AM · Sep 9, 2021·Twitter for iPhone



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53147a  No.14544952

Bleeding has stopped. Digit functionality approaching 80%. Chili cheese fry recipe be damned. Curse the torpedoes. Full throttle. Steady on the helm.

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2db549  No.14544953


It just gets crazier and crazier.

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468060  No.14544954

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, 5175E9C4_6AC3_4B0D_87DC_B8….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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ee8e2a  No.14544955

following the 9/11 plane v no-plane on last bread, cgi v not cgi etc. all that is downstream i reckon…i got questions

any digs on the origins of the close-up video(s) of planes hitting towers every tv channeled played on the day?

on the assumption that the video was real in real-time, does anyone know the chain of custody of that video feed, and the networking/communications connections? was it hardwired from the camera to where, exactly? who was the cameraman?

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73f696  No.14544956

Utterly destroy the “professional” political class!

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2db549  No.14544957


At the rate that this bread is going, it will take hours to exchange greetings.

Good Morning.

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76221b  No.14544958

File: da5b171b5d69f1b⋯.mp4 (14.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Flight_175_on_911.mp4)

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7522d8  No.14544959


Count your beats

how do you send a message in plain sight?

conspiracy to truth


Highly recommend someone take all my crumbs and put into a massive dump (a single shot). This will be considered the biggest 'inside' 'approved' dump in American history.

They are beginning to understand as Podesta's attorney was just notified.

All my dumps are being recorded but again it doesn't matter.

Alice & Wonderland.


1-Election + D party officials filled out many thousands of blank ballots?

2-Election + D party officials removed and destroyed 'legal' ballots?

3-Election + D party officials deliberately organized non-citizen voting?

4-Election + D party officials in [XX] locations across the US [under lock & key] stored many thousands of 'blank' ballots for purposes of 'altering the vote total'?

Who safeguards 'blank' ballots?

Who issues 'blank' ballots?

Who controls 'blank' ballots?

How many 'blank' ballots are generated vs. total county pop?


Why did the same counties [under dispute today] REFUSE to turn over voter registration information upon request to the Voter Fraud Commission?

Why was the Voter Fraud Commission disbanded and turned over to DHS?

What vested auth does DHS have compared to a commission body?


Enemy @ the Front Door.

you have more then you know

spread the word

Its happening

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53147a  No.14544960

Former PF anon here supposing none even noticed, due to lack of image posting (or viewing) capability, the USAF E4-B call sign McFly even flew CONUS skies. Such is the sad state of current affasir. How is the chokedown treating you personally anon? Care to elaborate to any degree your lament?

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0c2359  No.14544961


>Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

it's a tranny

a cabal tranny

Jacinda has larger gear than Big Mike

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826f3c  No.14544962


>I reserve judgement on the "no planes" theory but will not discount it. Normies cannot do this.

It's the only one that really makes sense.

Why rig the buildings with explosives or whatever when you are using real ones?

There are experts regarding controlled demolitions.

Are there experts that fly planes into buildings?

What happens if something goes wrong?

Can a plane fly at such high speeds at such a low altitude?

What happens to a plane when it can not handle the speed?

Who would fly the planes? Even glowniggers aren't stupid enough to do a suicide mission.

Remote control? What happens if anything goes wrong?

9/11 had to happen on exactly that day.

Secret societies.

"He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high — a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping"

What's the risk of such an operation vs. the risk of the fake news simply faking it?

Why were there actors at the ground of 9/11?

Mark Walsh spoiling the plot.

And finally when you watch the live footage, you see that there were quite a few people there that said "no planes, bombs". That explains the reason for the actors.

That's also why most truther movements (controlled) reject no planes, calling it crazy. Because it's the one where the fake news is destroyed forever, with no coming back. It's game over.

Of course the problem is that the common public will not believe it, and that's what also makes no planes credible. The best protection is when your actual plan sounds completely ridiculous to the average person, plus you can lock people in and call them crazy when they say so.

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df24e1  No.14544963


>All my dumps are being recorded

Are they being graded for quality? What are the metrics?

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0bf47f  No.14544964

Pepe_01100110_ nodding_gif

Somebody scared of the 8kun. Comfy as fuck.

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0c2359  No.14544965


>a massive dump

I had one a few hours back, anon

feelin' comfy now

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65c71e  No.14544966

File: e1d5ab466dd48f9⋯.jpg (755.66 KB, 783x1011, 261:337, e1d5ab466dd48f94f8ce46d4a9….jpg)

File: ba41e7c90f2a9a3⋯.png (45.13 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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826f3c  No.14544967


>any digs on the origins of the close-up video(s) of planes hitting towers every tv channeled played on the day?

To my knowledge any footage that shows planes going into the building (cartoon physics) was not live.

All live footage was - to my knowledge - at best showing "a plane", then an explosion, with no collision visible.

The ones that did were released hours later, enough to fake it, and it is fake, it's cartoon physics and ridiculous. No debris falling off, nothing. It's going through the steel frame building as if it was butter.

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2db549  No.14544968


>The best protection is when your actual plan sounds completely ridiculous to the average person, plus you can lock people in and call them crazy when they say so.

So true.

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65c71e  No.14544969

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements




>>14544145, >>14544430 Whistleblower Nurse Destroys "Delta" Narrative, Vaccinated Patients Fill Hospital

>>14544198 Dr. Robert Young & Scientific Team Discover of Graphene Oxide, Nanometals, and Parasites in CoV-19 Vaccines

>>14544201, >>14544231, >>14544243 Australian death causes and rates don't add up to what MSM is pushing, restrictions changed

>>14544263 Pfizer develops injectable IVERMECTIN, its all about the money

>>14544265 Maricopa County Private Canvass Data Revealed, And It's Really Bad For The Regime

>>14544274 Texas State Board Of Pharmacy

>>14544276 Gen Flynn: 2020 Maricopa Election Fraud

>>14544279 Third and fourth “booster” vaccine shots in Israel

>>14544296 Donald Trump Jr Saturday Night Fight

>>14544297, >>14544322, >>14544307 Dan Scavino: Gutfeld

>>14544303, >>14544313, >>14544418 Contract approved to use graphene oxide for water treatment

>>14544342 Wendy Rogers: Hobbs Adds Backdoor Internet Connectivity in 2022 Draft Election Manual

>>14544346, >>14544801, >>14544830 Australia, your politicians are openly calling for a NEW WORLD ORDER (vid)

>>14544391, >>14544514 You must learn FOSS and Linux, put it on an old laptop or tower, it takes a few weeks to learn

>>14544404 There Are More Patriots Who Want To Be Heard In This Country

>>14544442 Tranq Dope Has Turned Philadelphia Into Zombie Land

>>14544444 Australia Confiscates Alcohol, Limits Residents in Lockdown to “Six Beers or Pre-Mixed Drinks or One Bottle of Wine”

>>14544449 Pfizer-BioNTech Plan to Inject Babies with Experimental COVID-19 Injection as Soon as January 2022

>>14544452, >>14544453 Recall Candidates Needed For Clark County School Board Now

>>14544456 Leon Black says ex-girlfriend is lying about Jeffrey Epstein sex claims

>>14544535, >>14544650, >>14544804 NOBODY GO TO THE SEPTEMBER 18 EVENT IN DC

>>14544638, >>14544643 Do not attend on September 18th.

>>14544656 Canvass All 50 States

>>14544667, >>14544669, >>14544671 Arizona Canvass Update: 299,493 Votes Impacted

>>14544713 U.S. Naval Institute 1945, destroyer minelayer USS Lindsey lost 60 feet of her bow after being hit by two kamikaze

>>14544884 AZ AUDIT NUMBERS! "The Day America Has Been Waiting For"


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2db549  No.14544970


Kek. This is very funny if you put it in the context of a toilet.

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ea071f  No.14544971

I expect Biden to serve his full term at this point and 3 more years of literal hell on earth as America slips further and further to the brink before anything happens.

If anything happens.

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593402  No.14544972



>>14544965 same 2 minutes ago feeely comfy af

hivemind kek

it was habbening

when i feel it

i do it

i never pause


stop what you're doing

'cause i am about ruin…

takes priorty over shitposting

i never want my body to think i am not listening

the dump is king

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2db549  No.14544973


Another kek.

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593402  No.14544974



>Highly recommend someone take all my crumbs and put into a massive dump

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826f3c  No.14544975

You know what would be fun?

Fly actual planes into actual buildings and see what happens.

It either looks like cartoon physics (which I seriously doubt), or proofs that the footage was fake.

I'm going with the latter.

The corona virus is basically the same hoax, created by the fake news.

If the public can get red pilled on that fakery, they will accept 9/11 being a hoax as well.

And for corona it's ridiculous.

"it's totally deadly"

"but here, there is no excess mortality."

"but I still believe it's super deadly. Wear the mask."

"but here, these studies show that wearing masks doesn't protect you, plus Sweden didn't do it and it works out today."

"I still believe that my mask will protect me."

It's really like talking to children.

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593402  No.14544976


hahahahaaaaa in tears

>This will be considered the biggest 'inside' 'approved' dump in American history.

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593402  No.14544977


>All my dumps are being recorded but again it doesn't matter.

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65c71e  No.14544978

File: bd319506c0dbb44⋯.jpg (118.88 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, bd319506c0dbb447d17ea194b5….jpg)

Dough update

Included notables from #18398


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65c71e  No.14544979

File: 1638108faddaed0⋯.jpg (504.12 KB, 2000x2500, 4:5, 1638108faddaed0e2b7ce18a83….jpg)


Dough updated

Included notables from #18398


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593402  No.14544980


Enema @ the Front Door.

>you have more then you know

>spread the word

>Its happening









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490ce9  No.14544981


Holy shit these. They are actually trying to capture CO2 from the ambient air, as a means of lowering the global level.

A large industrial scrubber just went online in Iceland to do just that. Imagine the size of the erf, and the negligible impact this one tiny spec of a plant will have.

These people are insane.


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76c827  No.14544982

CIA wants anons to be COMFY, COSY and sitting in a blanket on a sofa… then they will have fuck all resistence.

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53147a  No.14544983


>Who issues 'blank' ballots?

'''And who folds them and places them into the envelopes? Don't push the envelope. kek.

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593402  No.14544984


you again


not even on hos timeline

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76c827  No.14544985


Probably just a prop to sell the Globalist Carbon Tax Scam.

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03481a  No.14544986

The Texas Medical Board and Pharmacy Board issued a statement reminding doctors and pharmacists it’s still acceptable to prescribe medicine the old way, i.e. using your professional discretion to write off-label prescriptions rather than following outside guidance.

Thanks Karla C for bringing this to my attention.



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2db549  No.14544987


Not even big enough to account for the output of a single volcano.

Just another attempt to convince us of the global warming myth.

They'll scrap it in a few years.

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03481a  No.14544988

"UNITE!" California.


Eyes open.


Mark this post.


Watch for banners.

Do not attend in DC on September 18th.

The IC has violence locked and loaded.


Multiple agency informants have leaked to me that the event will be used to push "domestic terrorism" law forward.

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b5ba5b  No.14544989

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jack Posobiec


Unconfirmed reports that Senator Dianne Fienstein, 88 years old, has passed away.

4:02 AM · Sep 9, 2021·Twitter for iPhone



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53147a  No.14544990


Look asshole. Ever since that missile expert moved away back home, neighborhood security has suffered. PLA agents bought the property and, after impeachment failed, COVID proceeded to proliferate. You people better wake up before you go to sleep and remain unable to reverse your circumstances.

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5580f7  No.14544991


>I expect Biden to serve his full term at this point and 3 more years of literal hell on earth

This is The Storm where everything gets unfurled. All of their lies get exposed. Buckle up Buttercup.

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73f696  No.14544992


If true, hell has a new malignant tenant.

Thought’s enough to make Satan tremble.

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65c71e  No.14544993

Liz Harrington, [09.09.21 03:53]

[ Photo ]


President Donald J. Trump announces rally in Perry, Georgia on Sept. 25, 2021

Register HERE:




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826f3c  No.14544994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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65c71e  No.14544995

Liz Harrington, [09.09.21 03:57]

[ Photo ]


President Donald J. Trump announces rally in Des Moines, Iowa on Oct. 9, 2021

Register HERE:




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65c71e  No.14544996

Liz Harrington, [09.09.21 04:01]

[ Video ]

A tale of two weekends: Spontaneous "F U" chants for Joe Biden



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65c71e  No.14544997

Liz Harrington, [09.09.21 04:17]

[ Photo ]


President Donald J. Trump:

"Thank you, Kathy. America feels your loss and fully understands your pain. Rylee will never be forgotten."=

Read the message from Kathy McCollum, Mother of Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, USMC:



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65c71e  No.14544998

Liz Harrington, [09.09.21 04:17]

[ Photo ]


President Donald J. Trump:

"Thank you, Kathy. America feels your loss and fully understands your pain. Rylee will never be forgotten."=

Read the message from Kathy McCollum, Mother of Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, USMC:



Liz Harrington, [09.09.21 04:21]

[ Album ]


"Just watched as a massive crane took down the magnificent and very famous statue of 'Robert E. Lee On His Horse'…

Our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the Radical Left, and we can’t let that happen!"



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65c71e  No.14544999

EWillHelpYou, [09.09.21 03:38]

[ Photo ]

In order for victims of Jeffrey Epstein to recieve compensation from the Epstein Victim's Compensation Program, they have to sign away their right to testify against Ghislaine Maxwell.


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826f3c  No.14545000


And once the S.T.O.R.M. is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the S.T.O.R.M. is really over.

But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in.

That's what this S.T.O.R.M.'s all about.

- Haruki Murakami

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65c71e  No.14545001

America’s Frontline Doctors,[09.09.21 03:17]

[ Video ]

It’s unifying how awful the current Governor of California is.

Vote Yes to Recall Newsom. He intends to fire tens of thousands of City and County workers, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.

Vote now, through September 14th.



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03481a  No.14545002


The government in DC is not legitimate

Don't go to DC to protest it

Turn your back on them

Ignore ​DC

Instead go to your state capital

And protest the fake federal government from their

Let the CIA/Mossad DeepState own DC

It will be their downfall

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53147a  No.14545003



yeah, right.

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03481a  No.14545004

While digging into Peter Sellers, I ended up looking at Nabokov, and discovered this amazing reference to Q. Remember that the MAGA Q and the Star Trek Q are bot manipulating society to change things. The Nabokov family was doing the same thing in the early 20th century as well. This is part of a very large plan.

Clare Quilty, when first introduced, seems to be almost an afterthought from Nabokov. The initial mention of him comes in Lolita’s faux-foreword written by a fictional John Ray, Jr. In it are a few words about a biography entitled My Cue (Cue being Clare Quilty) written by Vivian Darkbloom (Nabokov 4). Vivian Darkbloom is an anagram of Vladimir Nabokov, which the author uses in order to place himself into Lolita. This first indication of Quilty is innocuous and innocent. It does not betray how important he is to the story that the main character, Humbert Humbert, will spin over the next three hundred pages. Clare Quilty, for the beginning of the novel, is simply a playwright – in fact, for much of the novel Humbert seemingly believes him to be a woman. However, Clare Quilty is quite possibly one of the most interesting characters in the novel due to the fact that he simply might not exist. Whether it is just his personality that is dreamt up by Humbert or whether he never existed at all, Clare Quilty is nothing but a pawn in Humbert Humbert’s quest to prove his morality and innocence.

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2db549  No.14545005

A lot of good one-liners in this article.

It’s always “surging,” this “infection rate.”

The school system is literally a prison grid, trying to protect kids from a supposed virus that the virus masters themselves claim doesn’t affect kids.

These kids are being trained as a new generation of hostages on a prison planet.

These kids are being taught to be faceless interchangeable units led around by a faceless system of control that is everywhere at once and yet completely depersonalized.

Belief in the virus is the real virus; anyone who believes in the virus becomes an infected agent who serves the grid.


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7f3f5f  No.14545006

Is muh 10 days of darkness not over yet? I still see your garbledy dot pics.

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b7fd13  No.14545007



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14ec9d  No.14545008

Just got home from 10 days in the hospital with the Chyna! Flu. Sucked! Wasn't sure if I'd make it back. Glad to see all you faggots getting through image server deal. Feels like something's coming, weird buzz.

Love ya fags!

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65c71e  No.14545009

Media Caught Red-Handed with Fabricated Story about Ivermectin



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65c71e  No.14545010

WRONG AND ILLEGAL: Trump Reacts to Taliban Tweeting While He is Banned



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03481a  No.14545011

The CIA program to create, train and fund ISIS

Timber Sycamore


Timber Sycamore was a classified weapons supply and training program run by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and supported by various Arab intelligence services, most notably that of Saudi Arabia. Launched in 2012 or 2013, it supplied money, weaponry and training to rebel forces fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian Civil War. According to U.S. officials, the program has trained thousands of rebels.[1][2] President Barack Obama secretly authorized the CIA to begin arming Syria’s embattled rebels in 2013.[3] However, the CIA had been facilitating the flow of arms from Libya to Syria "for more than a year" beforehand in collaboration with "the UK (United Kingdom), Saudi Arabia and Qatar."[4]

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0c2359  No.14545012


what meds did they give you, anon ?

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65c71e  No.14545013


later on = ron

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03481a  No.14545014


CIA op Timber Sycamore created, trained and funded ISIS. Trump shut it down

Behind the Sudden Death of a $1 Billion Secret C.I.A. War in Syria


The shuttering of the C.I.A. program, one of the most expensive efforts to arm and train rebels since the agency’s program arming the mujahedeen in Afghanistan during the 1980s, has forced a reckoning over its successes and failures. Opponents say it was foolhardy, expensive and ineffective. Supporters say that it was unnecessarily cautious, and that its achievements were remarkable given that the Obama administration had so many restrictions on it from the start, which they say ultimately ensured its failure.

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2db549  No.14545015

For anons who have an underwear fetish:



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03481a  No.14545017

>>14483609 pb

>>14483415 pb

>>14483429 pb

How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare

Following another catastrophic mass shooting or crisis event, Orwellian “solutions” are set to be foisted on a frightened American public by the very network connected, not only to Jeffrey Epstein, but to a litany of crimes and a frightening history of plans to crush internal dissent in the United States.beautiful pearl.


Following the arrest and subsequent death in prison of alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, a little-known Israeli tech company began to receive increased publicity, but for all the wrong reasons. Not long after Epstein’s arrest, and his relationships and finances came under scrutiny, it was revealed that the Israeli company Carbyne911 had received substantial funding from Jeffrey Epstein as well as Epstein’s close associate and former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak, and Silicon Valley venture capitalist and prominent Trump backer Peter Thiel.

Carbyne911, or simply Carbyne, develops call-handling and identification capabilities for emergency response services in countries around the world, including the United States, where it has already been implemented in several U.S. counties and has partnered with major U.S. tech companies like Google. It specifically markets its product as a way of mitigating mass shootings in the United States without having to change existing U.S. gun laws.

Yet, Carbyne is no ordinary tech company, as it is deeply connected to the elite Israeli military intelligence division, Unit 8200, whose “alumni” often go on to create tech companies — Carbyne among them — that frequently maintain their ties to Israeli intelligence and, according to Israeli media reports and former employees, often “blur the line” between their service to Israel’s defense/intelligence apparatus and their commercial activity. As this report will reveal, Carbyne is but one of several Israeli tech companies marketing themselves as a technological solution to mass shootings that has direct ties to Israeli intelligence agencies.

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65c71e  No.14545018


Kitchen is open

New Baker self confirm

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5580f7  No.14545019


“Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. You turn again, but the storm adjusts. Over and over you play this out, like some ominous dance with death just before dawn. Why? Because this storm isn't something that blew in from far away, something that has nothing to do with you. This storm is you. Something inside of you. So all you can do is give in to it, step right inside the storm, closing your eyes and plugging up your ears so the sand doesn't get in, and walk through it, step by step. There's no sun there, no moon, no direction, no sense of time. Just fine white sand swirling up into the sky like pulverized bones. That's the kind of sandstorm you need to imagine.

And you really will have to make it through that violent, metaphysical, symbolic storm. No matter how metaphysical or symbolic it might be, make no mistake about it: it will cut through flesh like a thousand razor blades. People will bleed there, and you will bleed too. Hot, red blood. You'll catch that blood in your hands, your own blood and the blood of others.

And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about.”

― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore


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6b7585  No.14545020



E-TEAM 911

How fitting.

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03481a  No.14545021

>>14483609 pb

>>14483415 pb

>>14483429 pb

Inside The Elite Israeli Military Unit 8200

Ariel Parnes joins host George Rettas, president and CEO of Task Force 7 Radio and Task Force 7 Technologies. Ariel is responsible for designing and delivering Mitiga’s cyber security solution set. Mitiga is a stealth cyber security company out of Tel Aviv, Israel.


Ariel spent over 20 years as an 8200 unit member before retiring as a colonel. The unit, which is comparable the United States’ National Security Agency or the UK’s GCHQ, is the largest single unit of Israel’s Defense Forces. During his time with the unit, Ariel held roles in intelligence, information technology, offensive and defensive cyber security operations, and cyber warfare. He was awarded the prestigious Israel Defense Prize for technological breakthroughs in cyber security.

Ariel believes the success success of the military branch is due to a couple of things. For one, each year, new talent enters the military. He credits the unit’s constant energy and innovation to the continuous addition of fresh-minded young soldiers.

Second, the unit is in constant demand. The digital ecosystem is rife with challenges that 8200 is called upon to work on. For example, it is currently providing the Israeli Health Ministry with data science expertise to analyze the evolving COVID-19 situation.

Finally, 8200 started out as a SIGNIT unit, but its talented leaders saw the need to take a disruptive approach to IT which laid the foundation for its successful cyber security capabilities.

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902805  No.14545022

My service provider went down tonight for 4 hours. Seems a lot of people have been complaining for the past couple of days about them. Some haven't even gotten their service back even after contacting them. I remember some anons the other day warned about the internet going down. Hmmmm.

Then I try to submit this post and for about the dozenth time got hit with a Ban message because some shill got himself banned on that particular VPN IP. Bloody hell.

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0362a4  No.14545023


> Well, I compiled all of the Q posts and the anons' replies from Oct 28 to Nov 2, 2017. I

"You can see what I mean about Q's style. His posts are devoid of grammatical or spelling errors, unlike the larper's posts."

Q's second post:

Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.

spelling error

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03481a  No.14545024


The Secret Wars of Unit 8200 and U.S. Cyber Command


Israel’s Unit 8200 may be small but pushes others around like the diminutive younger brother of a giant- picking fights it would not pick without the security of knowing that the giant has it’s back. Sources in the US government have pointed to Israeli aggression as an unnecessary nuisance that compromises U.S. safety – particularly their aggressive Military Intelligence unit known simply as Unit 8200. What you may not know about the brash, bold and aggressive Unit 8200 is that they are equally responsible for creating tools of destruction as they are for the cool new outfit your new style app picked out for you.

Unit 8200 was able to repurpose the algorithms used to track and prevent suicide bombings to produce Stylit – an app for choosing clothes, and Waze the popular ‘alternative route’ driving app. However Unit 8200 is hardly just a bunch of stylish Israelis helping you be a snappy dresser or get to work on time – they may be responsible for dragging America into global conflict.

In 2010 a cyber security firm known as Symantec discovered a virus that had almost 15,000 lines of code, no bugs and utilized four zero day exploits. The programming time and skill including undiscovered zero day exploits in the virus were appraised by Symantec to be worth over a million USD. A “million dollar virus” copying and spreading all over the world is a far cry from the usual bug laden viruses from the usual suspects of Chinese or Russian teenagers.

Symantec dubbed the super virus “STUXNET” based on the combination of two words STUB and XNET, but is referred to as Operation Olympic Games amongst the US Cyber Command & NSA. Stuxnet was never intended to become the global phenomenon that it did, but largely due to Unit 8200’s aggressive short-sighted alterations it spread wider and further than ever initially intended.

U.S. Cyber Command is the US Government’s digital warfare department and is the aggressive arm of the NSA, and happens to operate out of the same building as the NSA. U.S. Cyber Command has specific targets and goals that could be compromised, unlike the NSA whose job is to vacuum and index all information. The public may not very familiar with Cyber Command for a variety of reasons: nearly all of it’s activities are top secret, they have no practical oversight for their operations and there currently is no pressing enough reason for the public to know about them.

Most rational citizens understand the need for classified information for ongoing military operations, at least to a limit. U.S. Cyber Command does not need to have their missions and operations blown due to public oversight. From a military perspective, the U.S. Cyber Command operates most best out of the public eye as they originally intended Stuxnet to be.

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14ec9d  No.14545025


Remdesivir, kinda scary actually, zetomax something, some kind off steroid i think. Bartimascla, antiviral I think…

Don't remember a lot, tried hcq and ivermectin before lungs gave out. Tortured the drug names above.

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53147a  No.14545026






















was it worth it? Jack?

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2db549  No.14545027


Kek. Good eye, anon. Q was a little less careful until he proclaimed that "spelling matters".

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0c2359  No.14545028


interesting anon, thanks

the zetomax is used for congestive heart failure amongst other things

I hope you recover fully

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03481a  No.14545029

If you want to die and become a martyr for MAGA then go to DC. But we need more than martyrs to make it so


The treatment of the J6 political prisoners amounts to torture and is inhumane. They need strong advocates for their human rights and dignity while they await trial.

During the run up to J6, BLM looters and Antifa rioters were elevated to a state of holiness by Regime media. As a result of this elevation, the judicial system offered them leniency or total freedom by way of lessened punishments for their crimes.

Time has shown that the J6 protesters have had the opposite happen. Instead of leniency, they have had the book thrown at them.

It is plausible (if not probable) that the Sep18th rally in DC will see similar levels of subversion and infiltration. This is exactly what the Regime wants to have happen: an excuse for another expansion of centralized organizations like the Capitol Police.

Everyone who attends the event should be fully aware of the potential risks of their participation at this time.

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0362a4  No.14545030



Obama ultimately OK'd by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/ Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet etc which could never happen. Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof!

poofs before BOOMS

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2db549  No.14545031

I love reading Daily Stormer (now calling itself Hoax Watch for some strange reason) because they say exactly what all of us are thinking but can't put into exactly the right words.

Anyone who got the vax knows it was wrong. Somewhere in their soul, they know this is evil.

And they’ve bought into the evil, so they cannot escape it.


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14ec9d  No.14545032


Got it wrong, dexamethazone & benzonatate

Heart is in great shape thankfully.

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ee8e2a  No.14545033


yep sounds about right, but my memory of the day is a bit sketchy. i always found it curious that the origins of imagery so monumental in american history is untraceable and no investigation of the origins in the media, almost like it was purposefully allusive. given the quality of the video of the plane hitting the tower, i'd say it was intended to be controversial to keep the focus on something that most psyches would deny…all the while distracting from the bigger picture. and since there would never be a conclusive resolution to the question of whether the video was fake, the distraction would live on. kinda like keeping the laser pointer on exactly where you want people to focus. fuzzy logic proof that its fake.

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902805  No.14545034


Q did start on 1/2 chan. Nobody here forgot that. The 1/2 chan anons were calling Q a larper etc. I think Q had a problem with either the mods or Administration or both over there and Q came to 8chan. I'm pretty sure Q mentioned something about 1/2 chan being comped. I'm doing this from memory before I double check with Q post archive.

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826f3c  No.14545035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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826f3c  No.14545036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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356aa7  No.14545037

Regarding images working. In the begining the ads still worked but over the course of a couple days, even the ads stopped being visible…until today. So my question is, why is Gen Flynn smiling at be from the bottom ad…

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5580f7  No.14545038


I never noticed that spelling error before.

What does the missing "n" mean?

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902805  No.14545039


Forgot to add that's how HWNDU came to 8chan. The mods over at 1/2 chan /pol/ kept deleting those threads. Don't know how 1/2 chan gets all the credit for HWNDU when it mostly happened here on this site. That's how I came to this site as well. Haven't been back to 1/2 chan since then.

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826f3c  No.14545040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b36d2f  No.14545041





◢◤ █▀▀████▄▄▄▄◢◤

█▄▂█ █▄███▀▀▀▀▀▀▀╬



Quick flyby

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826f3c  No.14545042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



was so awesome.

Fine memories.

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0362a4  No.14545043


>I love reading Daily Stormer

I like Anglin's writing a lot, it's hilarious

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f1967c  No.14545044


Weird breaking news that breaks every day and gets debunked every day as bullshit. Im sure it is legit post today and notable, and totally breaking news and not bullshit, because red text.

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902805  No.14545045


Hell yeah. Season 3 was the best. I was one of the Austronomers picking out those barely visible stars and lining it up with a stat map program I had at the time kek

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99eccf  No.14545046


S.T.O.R.M. Anyone know what this spells out?

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6b7585  No.14545047


Hullo Marty!

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da3162  No.14545049

Find it kind of interesting that so many different prophetic examples seem to be easily applies to current world events. Joe Biden has a very obvious mental condition (head wound). The Democrats are organized under the BLUE banner or cap. China the Dragon is expanding out of the sea. And the list seems pretty expansive depending on how one interprets current events.

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6b7585  No.14545050

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2db549  No.14545051



HWNDU. I seem to have missed all of that. Too much has happened.

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45381d  No.14545052

File: a815153dc1cbed2⋯.png (659.45 KB, 861x765, 287:255, la_pol.PNG)


Police to collect social-media info on everyone they stop

This includes people who are NOT arrested or even accused of any crime

Art Moore By Art Moore

Published September 8, 2021 at 7:34pm

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45381d  No.14545053

File: 801337517b15a97⋯.png (18.5 KB, 451x285, 451:285, cm_on_joy_camp.PNG)


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [08.09.21 21:40]

As these covid “quarantine camps” get going we will inevitably be seeing this story fold out:

0. Man is unvaccinated.

1. Man gets sick.

2. Man gets on bus to covid quarantine.

3. Family disallowed contact with man.

4. “Oh so sorry, he died. Should have been vaccinated.”

“Quarantine camps” may quickly become “kill camps” and the unvaccinated will be first in line.

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45381d  No.14545054


are hospitals already doing this ….?

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902805  No.14545055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



At 2:46 is one of my Austronomy contributions. So is the ending sequence in that video with the drones for operation Eagle Eye carrying the bucket and flag kek

Anyway back to researching.

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5564ae  No.14545056


The man should have never gotten on the bus.

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826f3c  No.14545057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0362a4  No.14545058


>I love reading Daily Stormer

America is the World’s Worst Shithole Country

You should watch some of the videos on YouTube showing what life is like now in various American cities. It’s really much worse than anything that has ever happened in the entire history of the world.

It’s definitely much worse than anything that is going on in the third world.


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895bd3  No.14545059


have tried explainin' this reality to those who are in a position to act on that information

Problem with socialism is that it provides a 'safe' existance, everyone trusts the government

"They will implement no more socialism"

Applies to all 'social' s

Social media

Social Housing

Social Medicine

you REEP what you so


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27a350  No.14545060

The biggest scam in History:

0AD Christ is murdered.

70AD the events of Revelations

1000 year reign of Christ aka Tartaria


200 years of war and chaos

1270AD (2020)

It is the very end times of Revelation.

The cabal are planning a fake return of Christ.

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27a350  No.14545061

Anyone that thinks voting in 2024 or 2022 will change anything is an idiot.


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73f696  No.14545062


While He is planning His actual return.

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895bd3  No.14545063


not fake

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27a350  No.14545064


Yes, but the cabal are trying to fake it with their own fake messiah.

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0362a4  No.14545066






>At 2:46 is one of my Austronomy contributions. So is the ending sequence in that video with the drones for operation Eagle Eye carrying the bucket and flag kek


>Anyway back to researching.

that was HQ effort trolling …

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73f696  No.14545067


Let them try, as nothing can stop Who is coming!

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490ce9  No.14545068


CM fear porn?

Has there been a quarantine camp yet outside of Australia?

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902805  No.14545069



As I thought my memory is still good


Nov 25, 2017 1:54:45 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 000000 No. 10956085



4CHAN infiltrated.

Future posts will be relayed here.


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2db549  No.14545070


>Has there been a quarantine camp yet outside of Australia?

They're known to have been built in the US and Canada. Dunno about elsewhere.

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895bd3  No.14545071



That is you

By Doubling double you




peter is the result of that

she is 'yeshiva', has taken the role of israel from me

stephanie at number 17 has taken my other crowns, the police etc

The destruction of jerusalem is real and i have watched the whole thing happen

if i was to cry i would not stop, so i dont

the part where she is given Eagles wings to flee and then comes back and john had to close that up until the end is real

Not the same women because its all been taken away

was me in the desert

now, i am nothing

next week even less, as has been continuin' since Q's first post

am almost totally destroyed

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902805  No.14545072



Monday, 23 August, 2021

With quarantine continuing to be a critical part of the Australian response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Government is working with the states and territories to purpose build quarantine accommodation hubs outside of major cities. A purpose-built facility will be located outside Melbourne’s CBD, to combat and protect the community from COVID-19, with dedicated quarantine and emergency response facilities also planned for the Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia. The NSW Government has expressed interest in its own dedicated quarantine facility and is expected to put a proposal together to the federal government.


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5580f7  No.14545073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MUSE… "Uprising" (with lyrics)

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490ce9  No.14545074


CDC has a 'plan' but as far as I know never put into action.

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dd96c2  No.14545075


coming to a city near you, sooooon

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2db549  No.14545076


Awesome piece of music. I think of it as "Q's Theme", kek.

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dd96c2  No.14545078


What if……?

HE was already here

HE read 8 chan/kun

HE started Q

HE was doing his best to awaken the planet


" I AM " means YOU are

one man, of spirit nor flesh can change the world own his own.

If everyone understood "I AM" means looking to self, within, then we can make some progress.



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65c71e  No.14545079




( •_•)

/ >🚀

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14640a  No.14545080



This is an excellent idea. It should be done.

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5580f7  No.14545084


Interdasting to read the comments from eleven years ago.

Here's one of them:

Mary Starr

11 years ago

Great great job with this vid and lyrics combination:-) major Red Pill band and such great musicians:-) THANK YOU!


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895bd3  No.14545085



This becomes the war between Gog and UMagog

Was tryin' to avoid that anon

am almost ded as is

World doesnt need War world needs healin'

Come on i just kicked the shit out of Peter, he goes to Leigh, so i know how that turns out

Wear the revolution eyeshadow, ok, however ice melts in the fire

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0362a4  No.14545086




>Q did start on 1/2 chan. Nobody here forgot that. The 1/2 chan anons were calling Q a larper etc. I think Q had a problem with either the mods or Administration or both over there and Q came to 8chan. I'm pretty sure Q mentioned something about 1/2 chan being comped. I'm doing this from memory before I double check with Q post archive.

if memory serves, Q got laughed out off /pol after couple of fuck ups with the tripcodes … these fuckups were commited, if memroy serves either by Baruch the Scribe AKA Paul Furber AKA Big Dig Anon, or Pamphlet Anon of the Patriot Soapbox …. I know i know, there are pamphlets and manifestos, there are anons but there is no PamphletAnon … the are big dicks and anons but there is no Big Dick Anon etc

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ee8e2a  No.14545088


used to be a higher up in the industry and can tell you the insane ones are the greenies who drive the legislation. to the engineers it's just a cool technical challenge. i saw a concept design for australia that was a massive above ground pipeline network that went into the tasman. all CO2 exhaust streams in the country would be connected to the pipeline and injected into the earth under the sea.

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6ea026  No.14545089


Just watched 2 videos…..so much power and joy.

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2db549  No.14545090


It never ceases to amaze me that so many people were already awake many years ago.

There are more of us than we realize.

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65c71e  No.14545091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nina Simone - Feeling Good (Official Video) - YouTube

Fortifying Simone’s legacy, “Feeling Good” depicts generations of Black joy and boundless self-expression. Get new Nina Simone merch, and follow Nina everyw

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895bd3  No.14545092


More than one anon

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0362a4  No.14545093


>>>14545023 (You)


>I never noticed that spelling error before.


>What does the missing "n" mean?

most probably it means nothing … Q was on the move or something

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76221b  No.14545095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It’s Happening Now But People Don’t See It - Roger Waters on Challenging Authority


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65c71e  No.14545096

Liz Harrington, [09.09.21 04:30]

[ Video ]

==An estimated 96,389 mail-in ballots came out of addresses where they could "not have possibly been cast by the voter that the vote was registered to"=

"And again, we're estimating on the low side."


Liz Harrington, [09.09.21 04:38]

[ Video ]

"If we don't straighten out our elections, we're not going to have a Country…nobody thought our elections could be so dirty." - President Donald J. Trump



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625848  No.14545098


Maybe he is talking about Australia?

Camps are build arround the world, before covid! Their plan is a little bit older. But I am not in a camp and I think this has to do with a plan I am trusting in!

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65c71e  No.14545099

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [09.09.21 04:40]

As these covid “quarantine camps” get going we will inevitably be seeing this story fold out:

0. Man is unvaccinated.

1. Man gets sick.

2. Man gets on bus to covid quarantine.

3. Family disallowed contact with man.

4. “Oh so sorry, he died. Should have been vaccinated.”

“Quarantine camps” may quickly become “kill camps” and the unvaccinated will be first in line.


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65c71e  No.14545100

KanekoaTheGreat, [09.09.21 04:58]

Forwarded from Vote Matt DePerno

[ Photo ]

An honor to be endorsed by General Michael Flynn, an American Patriot #AmericaFirst 🇺🇸


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65c71e  No.14545102

Candace Owens, [09.09.21 05:05]


One is the enemies of public health is tyrannical rule dressed up as public health.



Candace Owens, [09.09.21 05:25]

I talked about this Covid-19 vaccine side effect almost 3 months ago on my show—back when journalists deemed it a lie and a conspiracy.

I’m sick my stomach that it’s taken the NIH THIS long to acknowledge this very serious side effect women are having.



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76221b  No.14545103

How many Walmarts closed and empty in the last few years?


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65c71e  No.14545104

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [09.09.21 04:40]

As these covid “quarantine camps” get going we will inevitably be seeing this story fold out:

0. Man is unvaccinated.

1. Man gets sick.

2. Man gets on bus to covid quarantine.

3. Family disallowed contact with man.

4. “Oh so sorry, he died. Should have been vaccinated.”

“Quarantine camps” may quickly become “kill camps” and the unvaccinated will be first in line.


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5580f7  No.14545105


Yes. I was a late bloomer.

Seeds were planted in my brain after 9/11 when I heard a friend suggest that the gov't. and news media were lying to us. But I was busy with life and it took me awhile to catch on.

Q was an eye opener for me.

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dd96c2  No.14545106


Starts with one, who has an idea, and then engages the best help HE can.

So the Q-uestion is " How does one take down a planet?"

1000yrs of peace has to start some where.

So lets say for arguments sake HE really was here, what would you expect HIM to do? Just one man in flesh does not have the power of an army, but does HE need an army? maybe HE uses anons & others to start a new movement, one that is growing & has the 1% sh!ting themselves?



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0362a4  No.14545107




>What if……?


>HE was already here

Jesus came back as Q

well he mingled with the sinners before, but CP and NAzi shit is kind of hardcore even for Jesus

Donald John maybe then was John the Baptist AKA Elijah who had to come back before Messiah

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5580f7  No.14545108


They totally redid the Walmart by my house.

For some unknown reason.

Tore up the parking lot and everything.


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895bd3  No.14545109


Was Julian

anon could hear his true voice in interview

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f59e54  No.14545110


>Jesus came back as Q

>but CP and NAzi shit is kind of hardcore even for Jesus

You are either retarded or has a good sense of humor.

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03481a  No.14545111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Avicii -For A Better Day

–Hmm that sounds like The Best Is Yet To Come

Tim Bergling is Avicii

Look at today's Google Doodle.

He crossed too many red lines

Baby blue and pink for little boys and girls

He is yellow because he blocked the flow of gold

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0692b5  No.14545112


HE that is, is a presence in our mind.

If we cast out the demonic spirits trying to invade our thoughts, and place the presence of the Father on the throne, WE will be one.

Imago Dei

God Bless!

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6ea026  No.14545113


Whoa…..why didn’t I know this? When did he get put in Belmsrsh?

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895bd3  No.14545114


My nephew

who becomes my son

yeah tis confusin'


his mother was mary

my daughty rubys birthday tomorrow

as is Ganesh

trump = ganesh

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0362a4  No.14545116


Alex Jones tier shit

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5580f7  No.14545117



I would say so

Hospitals have become kill camps.

The hospital covid protocols are killing people.

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895bd3  No.14545118


when do 2 become one ?


Melissa = Zion, Jerusalem

Amanda = israel

Nancy = Jerusalem. israel


Nancy = M at the moment

when it is AM


2 become 1

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0362a4  No.14545119


>trump = ganesh

isn't ganesh a Hindu Elephant God or something?

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f59e54  No.14545120


>Alex Jones tier shit

To be fair. Alex Jones was always a shill, but he wasn't always wrong.

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895bd3  No.14545121


"I will make Mary



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d6b2e2  No.14545122


what about all the refuges from south of the boarder and around the world where are they being held>>>?

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d6b2e2  No.14545123

File: 63332b869754af4⋯.png (422.1 KB, 476x412, 119:103, think_think_think.PNG)

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5580f7  No.14545124



Especially the ventilators are killing people.

Being put on a ventilator has become a death sentence.

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0362a4  No.14545125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>my daughty rubys birthday tomorrow

ruby friday

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dd96c2  No.14545126


I never said HE was Q, I said HE created Q

Only a few know Q, very few know HIM

There is no CP on 8kun (thats a lie)

Maybe you will learn history & understand who & what Hiltler actually was. You will learn in time.

Maybe Trump was chosen. (think about it - hilary was the alternate!)

How was 2016 election really won? hint: not Russians

Was it HIS choice? did Trump know he had been selected?

Can election machines be hacked?

What if white hats did that to a better effect?

Elections are the basis of a democracy.

America needed to be shown.



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2db549  No.14545128

Some interesting statements in this article.

The gaming community is overwhelmingly right-wing, and in fact, people would have bought these games to show support.

Who would have guessed that video game companies were so big into abortion?


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2fa4ba  No.14545129


GM from Rwanda.

Even that I don't like to say morning, I'm hangover….

Q need $ for teeth and renovate my shit!

20k, yesterday.

I'll not say please, b/c I deserve it, for the last 4 years.

You can abduct me and fix me teeth, but yesterday too.

Or ask my walk in family to do so.

Yesterday, b/c my face starts to modify….

And I don't like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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65c71e  No.14545130


World war 2 Nazi shit, my grandmother was taken by the Germans at age 13.

This is how it starts.

You're a fool to assume otherwise.

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490ce9  No.14545131


This is some top tier writing:



Guy invokes George Carlin, Solzenietzen, and Orwell.

"I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Sooner or later the people in this country are going to realize: the government does not give a fuck about them. The government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare, or your safety. It simply doesn’t give a fuck about you. It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.” – George Carlin

In a previous article – Cascade of Consequences – I attempted to make the case the ruthless billionaire oligarchs and their bought off lackey whores in government, media, academia, corporations, the military industrial complex, sickcare industry, and Federal Reserve have used this engineered covid pandemia to further consolidate and expand their wealth, power and control over a frightened, willfully ignorant, compliant populace. In the month since that article the “powers that be” have ramped up the fear, increased their coercive mandates, reinstated mask mandates, and instituted vaccine passports in liberal bastion cities across America.

I see these ham-handed authoritarian dictates as a sign of weakness and their false narrative falling apart. A sense of desperation wafts from the halls of power in DC, corporate executive suites, and left-wing media outlets on the coasts who have overplayed their tyrannical hand. Resistance is building among an irate minority of critical thinking individuals who follow George Carlin’s first rule."

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f59e54  No.14545132


I'm gonna end my post with some initials too.

It makes me look like an insider and that makes me feel special.

They might even think I know Q.


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5580f7  No.14545133


Part of his job is to make "conspiracy theorists" look crazy by the way he presents stuff. imo

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0362a4  No.14545134


>>>14545116 (You)


>>Alex Jones tier shit


>To be fair. Alex Jones was always a shill, but he wasn't always wrong.

Aj never shilled for anything else than for himself … sometimes wrong, sometimes almost right but always hyping up and sensationalizing

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08d274  No.14545135

One thing that I think we need to remember is that, though a person who administers COVID jabs cannot be held civilly liable for vaccine harms, there are still crimes for which people can be arrested.

Premeditated murder, medical battery etc. would still be considered criminal acts even if the Bell's Palsy someone got is not something they can sue to recover damages for.

When it is established that the "vaccines" serve no beneficial health purpose, are driving cases and deaths and have been lied about, the true intent will become clear and many, many people who participated can legally be arrested and jailed. Anyone administering a "vaccine" is guilty (intent does not matter, negligent homicide and such are still crimes) of a crime.

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0362a4  No.14545136




>Part of his job is to make "conspiracy theorists" look crazy by the way he presents stuff. imo

that's a crazy conspiracy theory IMO…

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2fa4ba  No.14545137


I also want a 17+ inch laptop, preferable Sony.

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5580f7  No.14545138

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f59e54  No.14545139


>Part of his job is to make "conspiracy theorists" look crazy by the way he presents stuff. imo

I'd say that, that was/is his job.


>Aj never shilled for anything else than for himself …

And the Mossad…

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710fa6  No.14545140


Video was very good.

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490ce9  No.14545141

“I don’t like ass kissers, flag wavers, or team players. I like people who buck the system. Individualists. I often warn people: Somewhere along the way, someone is going to tell you: ‘There is no I in team.’ What you should tell them is: ‘Maybe not. But there is an I in independence, individuality, and integrity.’” – George Carlin

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d6b2e2  No.14545142

File: 492e3fe221ddaee⋯.png (51.6 KB, 1336x452, 334:113, mig_camps.PNG)



Migrant detention centers in the US are under fire for their 'horrifying' conditions — and there's at least one in every state. This map shows which have the most.

Leanna Garfield , Shayanne Gal , and Andy Kiersz Updated Jul 5, 2019, 5:11 AM

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0362a4  No.14545143


>>>14545116 (You)


>World war 2 Nazi shit, my grandmother was taken by the Germans at age 13.


>This is how it starts.


>You're a fool to assume otherwise.

Aj has been going on about FEMA camps all his life

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6b7585  No.14545145


>devoid of grammatical

[de]void = Not-Void.


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14640a  No.14545146

File: 28d958f20c270a9⋯.png (625.58 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee8e2a  No.14545147


alex jones is like watching pro wrestling and the news at the same time

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2db549  No.14545148


Alex Jones rants and raves because his audience loves it (myself included).

Would he even be listened to otherwise? The medium is the message.

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2db549  No.14545149


Good analogy.

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490ce9  No.14545150


KEK. AJ must have inherited the ghost of Sam Kinison somehow. That's OK, personalities have to cultivate their brand. Rush Limbaugh did it, no one ripped on him. AJ has been right on a lot of stuff, even if he is a blowhard.

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2fa4ba  No.14545151


My grandma was in a train to siberia, they had to eat frozen shit and drink frozen from the train up there, don'd know the exact name in english, to not die of hungry and thirsty.

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08d274  No.14545152


I don't need or want "them". No "slow death by sublethal injection" care for me. No Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Government. There is nothing these political and corporate "whores" have to offer.

I will go forward and not look back. "They" needed me but did not know it. I will not miss "them" but "they" will miss me.

You want to get off the train ride to hell, you presstitutes and etc? Repent while you have a minute to do so.

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88f3b5  No.14545153


bill hicks

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6b7585  No.14545154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For the FIX-IT.

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62ea37  No.14545155



Read that as underwater. Imagine my confusion. Needs more covfefe.






























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08d274  No.14545156



Trains. Something up with that?

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f59e54  No.14545157




is also





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0362a4  No.14545158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>when do 2 become one ?



think mirror

Abba, means father in Hebrew and other semitic languages

ABBA is also brand of Swedish salted herrings … a red herring?

Is ABBA's new single Don't Shut Me Down a COMM?

"dream within a dream to be decoded"

is it about the vaxx, lockdowns?

if you are vaxxed with a Gates chip can you be remotely shut down?

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05aa62  No.14545159

German Ministry of Finance & Justice Raid

JUST IN - Police, prosecutors raid the German Ministry of Finance and Justice. There is suspicion of obstruction of justice in office.


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f5e988  No.14545160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jen Psaki talks about Biden's "NEW" plan to get things under control


#JenJenJen #KeK

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2fa4ba  No.14545161


Yet I still like Putin over 'merica most loved president bideu, that was voted by 81+ mil people, ahahahhahahhahahahha, you allowed this to happen since JFK.

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07db5f  No.14545162

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid says that the US Ministry of Defense officials are ′′ violation ′′ of the Doha agreement, which said that some of their (Taliban) cabinet members are on the black lists of America.


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5580f7  No.14545163


I don't care to listen to him, because he only tells half truths, half of the story, not the real story.

It's like someone going on an on about a hang nail when they have a head concussion.

Look here, not there.

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2fa4ba  No.14545164



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c92d78  No.14545165



you are completely full of shit, baker

there is no 18398 bread

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d6b2e2  No.14545166

File: 24e771c5f73b2fe⋯.png (51 KB, 628x404, 157:101, work_report.PNG)


September 9, 2021

A health care worker reports from the inside on COVID insanity

By Alison Ruthless

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942b06  No.14545167

Another day or masks, headlines, management dictatorship, and just full gay American society prevails again.

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490ce9  No.14545168


I know what it is that creeps me out about her. She looks like a female version of the Zuckerbot. Same kind of vacant slightly awkward look. It is just 'off' somehow.

If we could see memes i'd make one. You'll just have to imagine it.

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62ea37  No.14545169


Question for anons:

When they implement camps in the US, do you think people like Candace Owens will be put in them, or are they going to continue to have a voice and such? How about AJ? Crowder? Just curious if anons think all these big names will end up getting rounded up or not.

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2db549  No.14545170


Kekkity kek.

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942b06  No.14545171


Freedom isn’t trending but bitching is up at the stock market.

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2fa4ba  No.14545172


She told me many stories, of horror, one, a person blow his nose, at first they arrived there, and the tip of the nose was frozen and he remained w/o.

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f59e54  No.14545173


>but bitching is up at the stock market.


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d6b2e2  No.14545174

File: 613ae42c6cbe868⋯.png (163 KB, 876x524, 219:131, def_change.PNG)


CDC Changes Definition of “Vaccine”, Vindicates Alex Berenson

By Larry Johnson

Published September 8, 2021 at 9:03pm

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942b06  No.14545175


I think you will be the only person in the camp. Curled up. Worrying about the virus.

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2fa4ba  No.14545176


Fingers, foot, hands, all day loosing, they had nothing there. They had to build everything.

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0362a4  No.14545177


>>>14545134 (You)


>>Aj never shilled for anything else than for himself …


>And the Mossad…

that's ridiculous, Aj just knows his audience is mostly pro Israel Evangelical hicks, he does not want to alienate them

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62ea37  No.14545178


She's a cold, heartless communist. Complete lack of empathy/compassion for anyone that doesn't agree with her worldview. Think about the level of depravity that creates in a person. Now think about whether or not she's been vaccinated and realize that black hole she considers a conscious is built on the idea that she truly believes only people like her should be in control over the masses.

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f5e988  No.14545179


She reminds of the Disney animatronic Stepford model with Twunt 2.0 programming kek Keep waiting for smoke to come out of her ears

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2db549  No.14545180


Good video. What if you're wrong? Indeed. They are so cocksure, aren't they?

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f1826c  No.14545181

GOD gettin' ready to lay down the TRUMP card


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d6b2e2  No.14545182

File: 14201640008c3e1⋯.png (278.11 KB, 814x653, 814:653, role_stoned.PNG)


NEW NewsBusters Podcast: The 'Facts First' Media Trip Over Fake Ivermectin News

Tim Graham

September 8th, 2021 9:58 PM

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0362a4  No.14545183


>“I don’t like ass kissers, flag wavers

so he would not have liked Q?

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f59e54  No.14545184


You should re-read the Q posts…

Why do you think, AJ suddenly had the "Real Q" Zack? Because Q exposed him as Mossad.

You don't become as big as him without backing.

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2db549  No.14545185


>he only tells half truths, half of the story, not the real story.

Are you really so sure that you have a special relationship with the truth?

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62ea37  No.14545186


CM seems to think Australia's COVID camps are going to become death camps. Just gauging anon's reaction to the question is all. Yours is certainly one of many takes.

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0362a4  No.14545187


>>>14545023 (You)


>>devoid of grammatical


>[de]void = Not-Void.





1. entirely lacking or free from

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2db549  No.14545188


First anon to notice? Kek.

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d6b2e2  No.14545189

File: 91e92f45a476823⋯.png (540.36 KB, 908x607, 908:607, libs_vs_fouch.PNG)


Vince Coglianese Rips Into Liberals For Celebrating Deaths Of Unvaxxed Instead Of Holding Elites Like Fauci Accountable

Coglianese on Fuaci and Leftists

(Screenshot/Fox News)

Shakhzod Yuldoshboev


September 08, 2021 11:31 PM ET

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0362a4  No.14545190


Donald's style is also heavily indebted to prowrestling

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942b06  No.14545191

Sent home from work for not having a mask on.

Days later daughter sent home from school because someone she was seen eating with went to doctor and was Covid positive.

Sons still going to school and no one at work who pulls mask down at times is sent home.

Nothing of this makes any sense. It’s all just Cause we say not What we say.

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c92d78  No.14545192


what bread do these take you to?

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements


>>14544145, >>14544430 Whistleblower Nurse Destroys "Delta" Narrative, Vaccinated Patients Fill Hospital

>>14544198 Dr. Robert Young & Scientific Team Discover of Graphene Oxide, Nanometals, and Parasites in CoV-19 Vaccines

>>14544201, >>14544231, >>14544243 Australian death causes and rates don't add up to what MSM is pushing, restrictions changed

>>14544263 Pfizer develops injectable IVERMECTIN, its all about the money

>>14544265 Maricopa County Private Canvass Data Revealed, And It's Really Bad For The Regime

>>14544274 Texas State Board Of Pharmacy

>>14544276 Gen Flynn: 2020 Maricopa Election Fraud

>>14544279 Third and fourth “booster” vaccine shots in Israel

>>14544296 Donald Trump Jr Saturday Night Fight

>>14544297, >>14544322, >>14544307 Dan Scavino: Gutfeld

>>14544303, >>14544313, >>14544418 Contract approved to use graphene oxide for water treatment

>>14544342 Wendy Rogers: Hobbs Adds Backdoor Internet Connectivity in 2022 Draft Election Manual

>>14544346, >>14544801, >>14544830 Australia, your politicians are openly calling for a NEW WORLD ORDER (vid)

>>14544391, >>14544514 You must learn FOSS and Linux, put it on an old laptop or tower, it takes a few weeks to learn

>>14544404 There Are More Patriots Who Want To Be Heard In This Country

>>14544442 Tranq Dope Has Turned Philadelphia Into Zombie Land

>>14544444 Australia Confiscates Alcohol, Limits Residents in Lockdown to “Six Beers or Pre-Mixed Drinks or One Bottle of Wine”

>>14544449 Pfizer-BioNTech Plan to Inject Babies with Experimental COVID-19 Injection as Soon as January 2022

>>14544452, >>14544453 Recall Candidates Needed For Clark County School Board Now

>>14544456 Leon Black says ex-girlfriend is lying about Jeffrey Epstein sex claims

>>14544535, >>14544650, >>14544804 NOBODY GO TO THE SEPTEMBER 18 EVENT IN DC

>>14544638, >>14544643 Do not attend on September 18th.

>>14544656 Canvass All 50 States

>>14544667, >>14544669, >>14544671 Arizona Canvass Update: 299,493 Votes Impacted

>>14544713 U.S. Naval Institute 1945, destroyer minelayer USS Lindsey lost 60 feet of her bow after being hit by two kamikaze

>>14544884 AZ AUDIT NUMBERS! "The Day America Has Been Waiting For"

>>14544969 #18398

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942b06  No.14545193


Wow. You are a good journalist.

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f5e988  No.14545194


Their world is crashing down around them and they can't understand why. Very sad existence that they were weak to sell their soul, but then again, what if they did choose this existence or experience for them.

We are witnessing history, gentlemen, has to be a reason why we were born when we were. Gonna be grand moving forward.

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c92d78  No.14545195


so it's really a useless second bundle for 18397.

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902805  No.14545196


#18397: Flags Out

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03d39b  No.14545197



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0362a4  No.14545198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>I know what it is that creeps me out about her. She looks like a female version of the Zuckerbot. Same kind of vacant slightly awkward look. It is just 'off' somehow.


>If we could see memes i'd make one. You'll just have to imagine it.


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490ce9  No.14545199


Optimistically I always want to believe in a person's integrity, especially those on 'our' side.

Realistically 99% of people seem to be unable to maintain that integrity when pressured. What will they offer Candace to sweet talk people when the time comes?

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08d274  No.14545200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listening to this right now.

Something he says that I think is likely true: The Americans held in Afghanistan may appear to be held by Taliban, but the ransom money sought will/is flowing to US entities.

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7969b4  No.14545201

( . )=( . )

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2fa4ba  No.14545202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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490ce9  No.14545203


Like we've said 1000 times, this is not supposed to make sense. It is just supposed to result in compliance. They will just coerce and coerce until they get what they want.

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bfc695  No.14545204

Day 14 of no visibility of images and clips, no downloading of images, clips & PDFs.

If this is no operation of whitehats for cover of MIL operations on the ground, this is sabotage. The claim for this place to be an "image-board" lacks truth.

If it is an operation of the blackhats it is no different from BigTech censorship. As all the technology (hardware & software) roots in tech the DS owns and controls (except for undisclosed MIL-tech) this seems more the case. If patriots are truely in control, the least they could do is inform or talk about it. To me it apears as if none of the talking heads on either side, wether MSM or alt media, is talking about this, which is more than suspicious.

Whatever it is, I do not have the option to turn back from what I have learned about evil the last few years.

Freedom or death, the later not voluntarily.

Bring it Q.



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08d274  No.14545205


I won't stay at a job that demands a "test" or "mask". Quit job, homeschool children, easy peasy.

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2fa4ba  No.14545206


This gibbon deserves 1000 years of pain!

So she can deliver the truth, not circle back w/ lies.

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65c71e  No.14545207


All of the trains in Melbourne were retro fitted, so you cant open the doors once locked.

The supermarkets have been fitted out so people can go in but cant get out, like a slaughter house.

Shit is getting real, real fast.

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490ce9  No.14545208


Since about 1992 I have lived my life as if this is the last generation. Too much shit even back then for the world to continue on the trajectory it is on. It is liberating in some ways, frustrating in others. Whether it is destruction or rebirth, something big is about to happen.

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5580f7  No.14545209


We know that increasing vaccinations will do none of those things.

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03d39b  No.14545210

Theranos blood tests were reportedly used on drug trial patients for GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer

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2fa4ba  No.14545211


I really think Aussies are living a real experiment. If that works, all the world will live that.

Lizard queen is a must die!

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03d39b  No.14545212


>She looks like a female version of the Zuckerbot.


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490ce9  No.14545213


Aint it amazing how their revisionist version of the facts keeps getting shorter and shorter? They are spinning things now that are just a few months old. Very Orwellian.

Speaking of Orwellian, does anyone but me find it amusing that the famous 1984 Apple commercial with the olympian and the sledgehammer, is the same company who now provides Black Mirror spy devices for Big Govt?

Does anyone find it strange that Steve Jobs was allowed to die from cancer? He was certainly rich enough for the cure.

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03d39b  No.14545214



Young blood

Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline have used Theranos to run blood tests on patients undertaking drug trials, since its tests can be taken many times a week. In March it announced an alliance to provide test services for Cleveland Clinic, a chain of hospitals and health centres.

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2fa4ba  No.14545215

Just let me fly, so I can do a payback sh!t!!!!!

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6b7585  No.14545216

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2db549  No.14545217

This is fixing to be another 7-hour or 8-hour bread.

My heartfelt thanks to all the anons who keep these breads going.

Q would be proud. Fuck the shills who say otherwise.

Never Give Up

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490ce9  No.14545218



I believe this. AUS and NZ. Primed as the globalist's wet dream, even positioned to allow China to walk right in and take over.

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e3ac9e  No.14545219


Im not buying the host excuse anymore. I saw Gen Flynn in the bottom ad just 1.5 hours ago, until I pointed him out as the only image visible on the page…and now its gone…

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6b7585  No.14545220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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03d39b  No.14545221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Theranos didn’t work with the huge drug company it supposedly made money from, huge drug company says

'I cannot find any evidence that we've done business with them in recent years'

Theranos, the hot Silicon Valley blood testing company that’s under scrutiny after a Wall Street Journal investigation suggested that the company's technology doesn't work as it should, has a lot of explaining to do. For over a year, multiple news outlets — including The New Yorker, The Washington Post, The Economist, and Fortune — have reported that Theranos earns a portion its income from large pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline, who reportedly use Theranos' tech to conduct clinical trials. But according to representatives from both companies who spoke to the Financial Times that information is factually incorrect.

"I cannot find any evidence that we've done business with them in recent years," a spokesperson for GSK told the Financial Times. When The Verge asked GSK about this, Mary Anne Rhyne, a spokeswoman for GSK told us that "GSK has not done any business with Theranos in the past two years." When we asked if the company had worked with Theranos before then, she told us that she didn't "have more information to share." A Theranos spokesperson told us that Theranos had engaged in clinical trial testing for GSK starting in 2008, however, but that was before Theranos opened its retail business.

Pfizer, on the other hand, told the Financial Times that the company's dealings with Theranos were limited. "We've done only very limited historical exploratory work with Theranos through a few pilot projects," the Pfizer representative said, "and we do not have any current or active projects with them."

"A dermatologist has been running Theranos' lab"

The denials from GSK and Pfizer add to an already bad two weeks for Theranos. The Wall Street Journal's investigation — an investigation that questioned the accuracy of Theranos' blood testing technology — has cast a large shadow over the company. According to Theranos, the company has developed technology that can be used to run a full range of blood tests using far less blood than conventional methods. But the company has published almost no data demonstrating the validity of its tests. In addition, an investigation by The Verge shows that the company has exploited a number of regulatory loopholes to ensure that regulators don't compare its technology to machines developed by other companies. Most recently, the drugstore chain Walgreens announced that it would stop expanding its "wellness centers" program, which are powered by Theranos.

The Financial Times also reveals that the full-time director of Theranos's laboratory resigned at the end of last year. Since then, a dermatologist named Sunil Dhawan has replaced the director, but on a part-time basis. Dhawan is not certified by the American Board of Pathology, the FT reveals; such a certification isn't a requirement for the position, but it is unusual to run a large lab without one.

"Theranos may have allowed this misinformation to spread"

It's unclear why so many news outlets reported a partnership between Theranos and GSK when the pharmaceutical company says that it hasn't worked with Theranos in at least two years (GSK has yet to tell us if they worked with Theranos before that). It's also unclear what "limited historical exploratory work" means for Pfizer. (The Verge called Pfizer for comment; we have yet to hear back.) But if these two large pharmaceutical companies are correct, then it means that Theranos has allowed incorrect information to spread for more than a year — most notably in a prominent New Yorker profile of Elizabeth Holmes, the company's founder.

Update October 27th, 4:16PM ET: This story was updated to reflect a statement from Theranos and a statement from GSK.

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03d39b  No.14545222


>Pfizer, on the other hand, told the Financial Times that the company's dealings with Theranos were limited. "We've done only very limited historical exploratory work with Theranos through a few pilot projects," the Pfizer representative said, "and we do not have any current or active projects with them."


>It's also unclear what "limited historical exploratory work" means for Pfizer. (The Verge called Pfizer for comment; we have yet to hear back.)

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2db549  No.14545223


I've had CodeMonkey's homely mug at the bottom since the bread started. I guess it varies.

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0362a4  No.14545224


>>>14545177 (You)


>You should re-read the Q posts…


>Why do you think, AJ suddenly had the "Real Q" Zack? Because Q exposed him as Mossad.


>You don't become as big as him without backing.

Aj is [MOS] is not an exposure but a cryptic statement. Mossad is not interested in a lowbrow hack catering to dumb hicks, it sets it sights to more high end targets

dumbing down your message you are able to reach big masses even without major backing

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5580f7  No.14545225



I can see thru his bull shit

It is a special gift that I have.


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65c71e  No.14545226


I grab the bake at the very end, because noone had baked, this is the dough from last bread,


based off the notables the next corresponding bread was #18398 to be collected, I number the this bake to #18399 accordingly.

Someone has been screwing with the numbers and it wasn't me.

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03d39b  No.14545227


>In March it announced an alliance to provide test services for Cleveland Clinic, a chain of hospitals and health centres.


“This alliance with a world-renowned health system like Cleveland Clinic furthers our mission, and is another step in our work to bring access to high-quality, affordable lab testing to everyone and help improve the quality and cost of care”

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df875f  No.14545228

NAACP, University of Texas students allege 'Eyes of Texas' fosters 'hostile environment'

The NAACP and a group of students at the University of Texas - Austin have filed a federal complaint alleging that school administrators have fostered a "hostile environment" for Black students by continuing to play the controversial school song "The Eyes of Texas" at games and other school events.

In the complaint, filed Friday morning with the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights, the Texas chapter of the NAACP and a group of anonymous students argued that the university had continued to keep the song as an official part of the university "despite its racially offensive origin, context and meaning," according to the Texas Tribune.

A 2020 report commissioned by University President Jay Hartzell found that while the song was previously used in minstrel shows and in periods where Black students were not allowed on campus, the song itself had "no racist intent."

The university announced in April that while it would not force football players and students to sing the controversial song at the end of games, the Longhorn Band would be required to perform it, and the school would create an additional band that would not play it.

However, the Friday complaint alleged that the creation of a separate marching band violates equal protection rights granted under the 14th Amendment.

The Tribune reported that the NAACP and students who filed the complaint said that the university has not adequately responded to reports of racial harassment against Black students and others who have vocally opposed the song.



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0362a4  No.14545229


and also AJ was jealous because the "Qanon people" (= the early adopters and influencers like the Patriot Soapbox) had bumbled in to a novel way of doing CT, the participatory, larping, gamified way

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5580f7  No.14545230



how about that!

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df875f  No.14545231

Judge Peter Sakai resigns from the 225th District Court

Judge Sakai's leadership, adoption of foster children in Bexar County has increased nearly 1000% from 1995 to 2005

The courthouse said Sakai's resignation is effective Oct. 31. Judge Sakai submitted his letter of resignation to the Governor's Office.

A letter from Judge Sakai said reflected on his 16 years as the judge going through four elections and standing on his promise to "protect the children, empower families and improve the system."

Judge Sakai said since he has fulfilled his promises, he is ready to embark on a new path of his life.

Judge Sakai said his last duty was the calling and presiding over the special status hearing docket for foster children without places to go. In his letter, he asks Governor Abbott to do what he can for the children.

The judge did not say what he plans to do once he resigns.



Children's Court Division & Programs

In November 2006, Judge Peter Sakai was elected to the 225th District Court bench, succeeding his friend and mentor, Senior Judge John J. Specia.

Judge Sakai was born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. He graduated from McAllen High School in 1972 and attended then named Pan American University. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1976 and graduated with a Doctorate of Jurisprudence from the University of Texas Law School in 1979. At the age of 27 years old, he was appointed to be the Chief of the Juvenile Section of the District Attorney's Office. He left the D.A.'s office for private practice. In 1989, he was appointed to be the Juvenile Master/Referee of the 289th District Court (Juvenile Court).

On January 1, 1995, Associate Judge Peter Sakai was appointed to the Children's Court bench by the unanimous vote of the Bexar County Civil District Court Judges. He was assigned to hear cases that involve child abuse and neglect cases and the adoption cases that involve foster children.

Through Judge Sakai's leadership, adoption of foster children in Bexar County has increased nearly 1000% from 1995 to 2005. Bexar County routinely leads the State of Texas for the number of foster children with consummated adoptions and permanent homes. For his efforts, President (then Governor) George W. Bush recognized Judge Sakai and his model court on the Governor's Committee to Promote Adoption.


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2fa4ba  No.14545232


It is very real.

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03d39b  No.14545233


>another step in our work to bring access to high-quality, affordable lab testing to everyone

That was running head first into WuhanFlu testing, wasn't it.

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e3ac9e  No.14545234


I should learn to count my blessings…


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0f3ef8  No.14545235

Are Australia and NZ cleaning up their child trafficking problem with the same vigor as the US?

Or perhaps not?

One explanation for the deranged behaviour of Australian politicians is that they have guilty secrets and understand that either they lock up their citizens or their citizens will lock them up.

Would you let Andrews babysit your children?

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bfc695  No.14545236


Me neither.

It must be one of three extremes.

Best case it's the good in full control. Second best it's evil "in control" /w permission of good - for whatever reason.

Worsed case evil is in true control (of the board).

But it's none of the cheap excuses being sent out by JW.

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65c71e  No.14545237


Those are from #18397...

I just checked the shitty dough from last bread, if you look at the last dough posts, they are bogus.


>>14543460 Gold Star mom invites 'real President' Trump to son's funeral; Slams Joe Biden

>>14543603 >>14543954, A Maricopa rep resigns. (R)

>>14543622 White House Signals New COVID-19 Measures Coming for People Who Are Unvaccinated

>>14543644 LIVE: Rally To Save Our Schools, Loudoun County, Virginia. Dr. Ben Carson just spoke, and is about to take questions.

>>14543659 Chinese businessman gets 2 years in prison for exporting U.S. marine tech to China

>>14543638 This won't age well for Fauci….

>>14543669 All across the world there were massive protests against medical tyranny and COVID vaccine passports this past week

>>14543833 The Powerful Case Against Covid mRNA Vaccine

>>14543404 @BarackObama, California! You’ve got a big choice to make by September 14, and everything is on the line

>>14543866 DynCorp, Global Linguist Solutions (GLS), Buck Foundation, DynCorp mercenaries replace Blackwater in Yemen

>>14544174 #18397


>>14542839 Nurse Destroys"Delta" Narrative, Vaxxed Patients Fill Hospital

>>14542940 A Heated Natomas District Meeting Over High School Teacher Discussing Alleged Support For Antifa

>>14542970, >>14542983, National Archives Slaps ‘Harmful Content’ Warning On Constitution, All Other Founding Documents

>>14542976 Robert F. Kennedy Jr - Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism

>>14543027 PEDO BUN 8 September 21

>>14543188 (You) @RealGenFlynn, We need FORENSIC AUDITS, CANVASSES, ARRESTS, and LEGISLATION

>>14543200 (You) @RealGenFlynn, Free speech Sarasota School board

>>14543220 (You) >>14543234, >>14543242 (You), >>14543254 (You), Wendy Rogers, AZAudit Information

>>14543230 (You) Liz Harrington, HUGE findings out of Arizona today!

>>14543289 (You) CM recommends you do not go to DC on Sep 18.

>>14544174 #18396

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0362a4  No.14545238


>Theranos blood tests were reportedly used on drug trial patients for GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer

I don't believe that, those are pros … only dumb old farts like highly respected Mad Dog fell for the scam

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f5e988  No.14545239


She does a nice breakdown on hospitals required to post prices for patients, to be "transparent" and they are doing this. The buying a car comparison is spot on.

The healthcare system is a sector of control in keeping you linked to BigPharma.

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03d39b  No.14545240


Elizabeth Holmes May Pursue ‘Mental Disease’ in Her Defense

Former Theranos Inc. Chief Executive Officer Elizabeth Holmes is exploring a “mental disease” defense for her criminal fraud trial, in one of Silicon Valley’s most closely watched cases.

Disclosure that Holmes may rely on such a defense was revealed Wednesday when the judge overseeing the case ruled that government prosecutors can examine Holmes. The ruling was in response to the former CEO’s plan to introduce evidence of her “mental disease or defect” or other mental condition “bearing on the issue of guilt,” according to the filing.

Holmes and her former boyfriend, ex-Theranos president Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani, are accused of falsely claiming that the company’s devices could perform myriad tests with a single drop of blood and of duping investors and defrauding doctors and patients who trusted the results. Theranos, which attracted the backing of high-profile investors and leading venture capital firms, was valued at $9 billion before unraveling over the alleged fraud.

U.S. District Judge Edward Davila in San Jose, California, decided in March that Holmes and Balwani, who were charged together, should face separate trials.

Holmes’s trial was postponed amid the coronavirus pandemic and is now scheduled to start in March. Balwani’s trial will follow.

The case is U.S. v. Holmes, 18-cr-00258, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California (San Jose).

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2db549  No.14545241


>Are Australia and NZ cleaning up their child trafficking problem with the same vigor as the US?

Good question. Do we have an answer?

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0362a4  No.14545242




>>She looks like a female version of the Zuckerbot.



Elizabeth Holmes was consciously imitating Steve Jobs when pulling her scam

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826f3c  No.14545243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



How you are PROGRAMMED to be poor

How you are programmed to be poor. A lot of people don't realise, but for most of us, society is built to keep us poor. And a lot of this is subconscious, that we don't realise is even happening to us.

Whether it's our schooling system build during the industrial revolution, the way media programs us to be poor, or the phenomenal success of large companies who are able to subconsciously program you to spend until you've got nothing left, the odds are definitely stacked against us all.

Now I'm not saying that becoming successful or financially abundant is all about mindset. It's not. Yes, you need a great mindset of abundance as a building block for whatever it is you're trying to achieve in life. But that needs to be combined with a plan, knowledge, and action as well.


0:00 - Introduction

0:49 - Why mindset isn't everything

2:21 - We're programmed at school to be workers

6:19 - Negative belief programming around money

8:30 - How media programs you to be poor

10:16 - We are poor by design

13:46 - What can you do?

17:49 - Give yourself a 12 month challenge

20:02 - Outro

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f5e988  No.14545244


*They are NOT doing this.


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65c71e  No.14545245




Just looked at flights out of the country and it seems very difficult to get out of this country now.


Check Travel Restrictions

If traveling internationally, check with your destination’s Office of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Health or the US Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Country Information pageexternal icon for details about entry requirements and restrictions for arriving travelers. Follow all entry requirements for your destination and provide any required or requested health information. If you do not follow your destination’s requirements, you may be denied entry and required to return to the United States.

If traveling by air, check if your airline requires any health information, testing, or other documents. If traveling internationally, you must get a COVID-19 test no more than 3 days before you return by air to the United States. You are required to show a negative COVID-19 test result or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 before boarding a flight to the United States.

Information for people who recently recovered from COVID-19

If you recovered from a documented COVID-19 infection within the last 3 months, follow all requirements and recommendations for fully vaccinated travelers except you do NOT need to get a test 3-5 days after travel unless you are symptomatic. People can continue to test positive for up to 3 months after diagnosis and not be infectious to others.

* This guidance applies to COVID-19 vaccines currently authorized for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson (J&J)/Janssen COVID-19 vaccines. This guidance can also be applied to COVID-19 vaccines that have been listed for emergency use by the World Health Organization (e.g. AstraZeneca/Oxford). See WHO’s website external iconfor more information about WHO-authorized COVID-19 vaccines.


Find out what you need to know for your trip.


Travel restrictions for Australia


Australians can’t leave without a travel exemption »


COVID-19 and travel

Do not go overseas. A travel ban is in place. Exemptions apply.

23 March 2021

There's a ban on overseas travel from Australia. You can’t leave Australia unless you have an exemption from the Department of Home Affairs, or are travelling to a destination that is exempt from the ban.

Our global travel advice remains at 'Do not travel' due to the health risks from the COVID-19 pandemic and the significant disruptions to global travel. Some destinations were already set at Do Not Travel prior to COVID-19 due to the extreme risk to your safety.

If you’re overseas and wish to return to Australia, be prepared for delays and read our advice on trying to get home.

When you arrive in Australia you must quarantine for 14 days at designated facilities in your port of arrival, unless you have an exemption or are travelling on a quarantine-free flight from a green zone destination. At this time, vaccination against COVID-19 does not change this quarantine requirement. You may be required to pay for the costs of your quarantine. View State and Territory Government COVID-19 information for information about quarantine and domestic borders.

If you're staying overseas, make plans to stay for an extended period. Follow the advice of local authorities and minimise your risk of exposure to COVID-19. Stay in touch with family and friends so they know you're safe.

Our network of embassies and consular posts around the world will provide you with up-to-date local advice and support throughout this difficult period. Be aware consular services may be limited due to local measures.

For the latest information, read and subscribe to our news and travel advice. Also see our COVID-19 information pages.






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6b7585  No.14545246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Etymology of the prefix 'de' = un = no

All part of the end time deception with the languages.

Does to + too = fore?

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0362a4  No.14545247


>Does anyone find it strange that Steve Jobs was allowed to die from cancer? He was certainly rich enough for the cure.

a cure didn't exist

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f59e54  No.14545248


>Mossad is not interested in a lowbrow hack catering to dumb hicks, it sets it sights to more high end targets

>dumbing down your message you are able to reach big masses even without major backing

You underestimate the power of public perception. Everything is about what "we" think. That is the highest end target there is.

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5580f7  No.14545249

File: bff9df5e3ec63e7⋯.png (64.75 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


I still see it.

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c79e42  No.14545250


▄▓▓▓▌╖░▓▓▌░░▓▌╓▌║▐▓▓▌░░ ▓▓▓▓▓╢╢╣╣▓▓▓▓▓▓╣╢╢▓▓▓▓╢▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓╣▓▓███▄▀█▓████████████

^[ [^ascii ^art ^generator](http:''//''asciiart.club) ^]

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f59e54  No.14545251


Sure, this might have played into it as well.

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5580f7  No.14545252




can't post pics


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65c71e  No.14545253


In other words, you are not allowed to leave the country, EVER

They are holding us prisoners.

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03d39b  No.14545254


>I don't believe that

You don't believe what, that Theranos blood tests used on drug trial patients for Pfizer?


>consciously imitating Steve Jobs

She's got those bulgy cartoon eyes, ten bucks says MK Ultra.

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bc869b  No.14545255


Posted this here a year ago

its just a mask

its just an app

its just a vaccine

its only a train

its just a shower

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2fa4ba  No.14545256

Dear family of light, This planet is going down, fast, you letting this happen, makes you complicit, or maybe it is that you're looking for, so you can subjucating us moar, if you're the only one that remains for helping us.

See, we don't trust anyone, anymoar……

You like it?!?!?!?!?!

Maybe you have a hidden plane too…..

Why you so hidden????

What's your actually plan??

B/C seeying what is happening @ the world, and all the world it is rulled by criminals, that have anointerest in good to the people, makes you criminals too.

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0362a4  No.14545257


>>>14545238 (You)


>>I don't believe that


>You don't believe what, that Theranos blood tests used on drug trial patients for Pfizer?


>>>14545242 (You)


>>consciously imitating Steve Jobs


>She's got those bulgy cartoon eyes, ten bucks says MK Ultra.

1)Pfizer couldn't have fallen for the scam

2) she wore a similar turtle collar shirt

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03d39b  No.14545258


United States v. Elizabeth A. Holmes, et al. 18-CR-00258-EJD

Selected case documents of special interest:

Docket Number Filing Date

Third Superseding Indictment 469 07/28/2020

Order re: Holmes’ Motion to Exclude Expert Opinion Testimony of Dr. Master 797 05/21/2021

Order re: Motions in Limine 798 05/22/2021

Order Granting Motion to Determine that Defendant Lacks Individual Privilege Interest in Disputed Documents 812 06/03/2021

Order Overruling Objections to Magistrate Judge’s Order 858 07/01/2021

Motion of Dow Jones & Co. to Intervene and Unseal 881 07/30/2021

Order Denying Motion to Suppress 887 08/04/2021

Final Jury Questionnaire 928 08/20/2021

Order re: Dow Jones Motion to Unseal 965 08/28/2021

Order re: Pre-trial Motions 989 08/30/2021

Supplemental Prospective Juror Packet: Anticipated Trial Schedule, Witness List, and Biographical Questionnaire 08/31/2021

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4621cb  No.14545259


checked em>>14544999

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c92d78  No.14545260


complete with 5 yous

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2db549  No.14545261


>Posted this here a year ago

Very prescient, anon. The plan is progressing nicely.

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434f62  No.14545262


Why would we worry about Covid camps? And why do you hate black people? Or do you just hate the beautiful black conservative women?

The only 'camps' in the US will be for the insane, violent leftists who simply cannot be tolerated running loose in society any longer!

Looking at you, Antifa, BLM and urban niggers!

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df875f  No.14545263


protection from CP spam to help keep the board alive?

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434f62  No.14545264


GEOTUS Trump is indebted to no one or no thing!

That's the part rabid leftists hate the most. They've sold everything from their souls to their sex!

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2db549  No.14545265


Remember the scene in Superman II where Superman tricks the villains into sealing themselves inside the red sun chamber?

Maybe the camps are really for the evil ones but they don't know it yet. That would be a great plot twist.

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2815e4  No.14545266


The problem that many have with Jesus is that he's the messiah, not their vindicator. People rarely want salvation and, in all honesty, "saving" people can be manipulative as a person is in dire straits to cast aside their ideas of self to accept the guide of another wholly. Seems a bit predatory.

Most people follow not out of true belief or a true desire to understand, but out of a social benefit to conformity. This is not to say that all the church has done is bad, but that piety to religious doctrine and dogma benefits the church moreso than it leads to any kind of personal enlightenment or union with the divine.

And therein lay the subtle problem at the core of the church. Which is more important? Bringing man closer to god, flawed though he may be - or getting man to do all the things god says to do and abstain from all things god says not to?

When it is said that works do not earn one entry to heaven, this is often twisted to still mean that conformity earns heaven, not something as difficult to pin down as seeking the divine.

But, of course, from its mouth shall come many such profanities.

Which brings us back to the problem many people have with a messiah… Very few people expect that messiah to look at them, facepalm, and tell them they need to rethink things. Almost everyone expects the messiah to, if not take notes on how to save the world, to at least cheer them on. I, myself, am not immune from it - it would be very difficult to accept an argument that I have the basis of my theology wrong. A theoretical second coming who was not taking notes or cheering me on would find I require extensive debate to sway. There again, my eyes wouldn't necessarily glaze over and I burn my own messiah at the stake…. Which is what is liable to happen if many religions actually met their messiah.

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03d39b  No.14545267


>similar turtle collar

MK Ultra

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0362a4  No.14545268




>Im not buying the host excuse anymore. I saw Gen Flynn in the bottom ad just 1.5 hours ago,


>Day 14 of no visibility of images and clips, no downloading of images, clips & PDFs.


>If this is no operation of whitehats for cover of MIL operations on the ground, this is sabotage. The claim for this place to be an "image-board" lacks truth.


>If it is an operation of the blackhats it is no different from BigTech censorship.

never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence

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434f62  No.14545269


Old news. Back when GEOTUS Trump did not allow foreign invader enemies to run loose in our country!

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03d39b  No.14545270



Theranos, Cleveland Clinic CEO’s on innovation partnership


Cleveland Clinic partners with Innovations winner Theranos for lab tests


Cleveland Clinic mum on details of alliance with embattled blood-testing company Theranos

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b02900  No.14545271

File: 73bcdf642cf5be0⋯.jpg (194.2 KB, 532x900, 133:225, little_lord_shri_krishna_m….jpg)


Christ - Na



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c79e42  No.14545272

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679646  No.14545273

Bill Gates' investment firm to take control of Four Seasons in $2.21B deal

Cascade Investment is buying about half of Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talal's stake


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679646  No.14545274



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0362a4  No.14545275


>MK Ultra

that program was closed down decades ago for the same reason the Military closed down Remote Viewing program … because those things don't work in the real world like in the movies

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03d39b  No.14545276


"We've done only very limited historical exploratory work withTheranosthrough a few pilot projects, and we do not have any current or active projects with them."



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5a0e4e  No.14545277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brazil heating up


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03d39b  No.14545278


filtered retard

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df875f  No.14545279

Former Marine arrested in Florida shooting that killed family of 4 is denied bond

PUBLISHED: September 6, 2021 at 5:17 p.m

The former Marine who allegedly murdered a family of four in Lakeland, Fla., and left an 11-year-old girl in critical condition Sunday was denied bond Monday during his first court appearance.

Bryan Riley, 33, has been charged with four counts of first-degree murder, seven counts of attempted first degree murder of law enforcement officers, cruelty to an animal, shooting into a building, arson and burglary.

Riley, a trained sharpshooter who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, surrendered to police Sunday morning after a shootout with officers from inside the Lakeland home, according to Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd.

The self-described “survivalist” first showed up at the house around 7:30 p.m. Saturday, when he told a woman that God sent him to speak with one of her daughters, Amber. The woman told him that there was no Amber there and he left, only to stop down the road and tell two more people that he was looking for Amber, who he claimed God had told him intended to commit suicide.

The woman called police, who searched for about 20 minutes, then left, finding neither Riley nor his car.

Riley then allegedly went home to Brandon, talked to his girlfriend and returned to Lakeland around 4:30 a.m.

That’s when a Polk County Sheriff’s Office lieutenant who happened to be in the area heard “two volleys of automatic gunfire,” Judd said during a press conference Sunday.

Responding police arrived at the house to find a truck on fire and heard a popping noise coming from the front yard. There, Riley was “totally outfitted in body armor and looked as though he was ready to engage us in an active shooter situation,” Judd said. Glow sticks were laid out in a path between the road and the residence.

Riley ran back inside the house when he saw the police, at which point the deputies heard a gunshot, a woman scream and a baby “whimper,” according to Judd.



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679646  No.14545280

File: 4b404e55deea2c8⋯.png (3.03 MB, 2500x2500, 1:1, seasons.png)

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dc0825  No.14545281


No… they figured out out to include EVERYONE in the program…

The National Defense authorization act (NDAA 2012)

created the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) which is an independent agency of the United States government.

According to its website, its mission is to "inform, engage, and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy."

Hillary Clinton was on this board at the time of Sandy Hook, while she was Secretary of State.

This law empowers the government to legally propagandize the American people.

Why would the Congress create and approve this bill, which was signed into law by Obama, if they didn't plan to use it?

Have we ever actually seen any "fake" news in the media?

“National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has an amendment added that negates the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (SMA) and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987.”

“The amendment empowers the State Department and Pentagon to utilize all forms of media against the American public for the sake of coercing US citizens to believe whatever version of the truth the US government wants them to believe. All oversight is removed with Amendment 114.  Regardless of whether the information disseminated is truthful, partially truthful or completely false bears no weight.”

“Repealing the Smith-Mundt Act allows the direct deployment of these tactics on the American public.

Information Operations activities are undertaken to shape the essential narrative of a conflict or situation and thus affect the attitudes and behaviors of the targeted audience and equates descriptions of combat operations with standard marketing strategies. With the NDAA 2012 in its current form, the State Department and Pentagon can go beyond manipulating mainstream media outlets and directly disseminate campaigns of misinformation to the U.S. public.  Successful wars require domestic acceptance.”


“The Sandy Hook shooting occurred just days after Sen. Rand Paul sent out an alert that the U.N. was set to pass the final version of the Small Arms Treaty, supported by Obama the day after election.

Part of the treaty bans the trade, sale and ownership of all semi-automatic weapons … like the one Adam Lanza used to kill 20 children and 6 adults.

The "Batman shooting" in Aurora, Colo., also happened to coincide with the same time as negotiations of the U.N. Small Arms Treaty.

The timing is impeccable.”

“…Through the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act the US government has the legal regulation to use propaganda against foreign audiences and American citizens. The intention is to sway public opinion by using television, radio, newspapers, and social media targeting American and foreign targets in controlled psy-ops or perception management…”



“The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy,” wrote Douglas Valentine in his important book, The CIA as Organized Crime.



“If we assume the scale of unconstitutional conduct has become systemic, that likely answers the questions. Personally, I believe this is the most likely scenario.

“Likely” meaning the entire apparatus, DOJ, FBI, Legislative Oversight and the Intelligence Community (IC), is now so enmeshed within this corrupt out-of-control state that no-one, even the good guys, is willing to expose it because the institutional collapse would be devastating.

This is what I would call the Biggest of the Big Ugly.”


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03d39b  No.14545282


>a few pilot projects

love to hear some details about them


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6b7585  No.14545283





Fail… no such post.

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dc0825  No.14545284


And this:

Observers such as PeterOfEngland wonder if LifeLog was replaced by Facebook, which, oddly enough, launched on February 4, 2004 – the very same day DARPA announced the termination of their public surveillance Project LifeLog.


Psy-Ops and DARPA

“…DARPA’s new ultrasonic neural interface devices can frame information as narratives which shape, explain, and make sense of data. Cognitive computers themselves can also do this – creating news articles from pooled data with no human being involved. What used to be called propaganda is now called “strategic communications” that tell a stories or create narrative networks.”


“…The reality is that Terrorism, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the International Banking Cartel inasmuch as it takes a LOT of money to pay for these highly consequential black ops and never-ending psyops.”


“Back in the good old days, when things were more innocent and simple, the psychopathic Central Intelligence Agency had to covertly infiltrate the news media to manipulate the information Americans were consuming about their nation and the world. Nowadays, there is no meaningful separation between the news media and the CIA at all.”


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03d39b  No.14545285


September 8, 2021

Government: Holmes forged Pfizer report to woo investors

Prosecutors said Holmes' alleged deceit, in its early stages, involved a report, supposedly written by pharmaceutical company Pfizer, that Theranos' blood analyzer devices showed "superior performance."

The problem, prosecutors said, was that Pfizer hadn't authored the report, despite the company's letterhead on the top of the document that Holmes circulated to investors, who poured in millions of dollars.

"Pfizer did not write this. Pfizer did not put its logo on this," Leach told the jury. "It did not put its conclusions in this report. In fact, it gave the opposite conclusions."

The government plans on calling Pfizer officials as witnesses, in addition to Theranos whistleblowers, investors who say they were defrauded and patients who claim to have received false and misleading results after paying for Theranos blood tests.

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db0880  No.14545286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dc0825  No.14545287


“The verdict referenced a study published by Oxford Academic in September on the correlation between 3,790 positive PCR tests and 1,941 SARS-CoV-2 isolates. The researchers found that at a cycle threshold (ct) of 25, the test was 70 percent reliable, a figure that dropped to 20 percent at 30 cycles, and just three percent at 35 cycles. That meant 97 percent were false positives, yet that was used “in most laboratories in the USA and Europe.”

The judges also concluded that, “however, and more relevantly, there is no scientific data to suggest that low levels of viral RNA by RT-PCR equate to infection, unless the presence of infectious viral particles has been confirmed by laboratory culture methods.”


“Essentially labs were running as many cycles as necessary to achieve a positive result, despite experts warning that this was pointless…” (even Fauci himself said anything over 35 cycles is meaningless).


“…CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.”


“…this study further questions the credibility of relying on vaccines, given that the study showed that the vaccinated were ultimately 13x as likely to be infected as those who were infected previously, and 27x more likely to be symptomatic.”


The Powerful Case Against Covid mRNA Vaccine

(…) Gibraltar has had a99%vaccination rate since June 1. The consequence has been a2,500 percent daily increase in Covid cases.As the vaccine is useless, why the push for mandatory vaccination and Covid passports? It makes no public health sense. (…)


P.S….. article has pretty graphs & images for anyone who's visually stimulated


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826f3c  No.14545288






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03d39b  No.14545289


>The government plans on calling Pfizer officials as witnesses

Hey guys check out the flack.


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6b7585  No.14545290


Nosuch Q-Post

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826f3c  No.14545291


I never claimed so.

That's in your mind.

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65c71e  No.14545292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Perspectives on the Pandemic | "Blood Clots and Beyond" | Episode 15(43:38)

In February, 2021, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and a number of his colleagues warned the European Medicines Agency about the potential danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections.

Since then, two of the four injections have been suspended or recalled in Europe and the United States for just that reason.

In this episode of Perspectives, Professor Bhakdi explains the science behind the problem, why it is not just limited to the products already suspended, and why in the long term we may be creating dangerously overactive immune systems in billions of unwitting subjects.


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62ea37  No.14545293


>And why do you hate black people?

I don't; not at all. This anon gets it:



Not a journalist, and you aren't paying very good attention.

Today, the Biden admin is going to make some announcement whose entire purpose is to strike fear into the still-not-vaccinated crowd. Bets are it will be that all airline passengers will be required to carry a COVID card. Anons need towake the fuck up, because where you see France, UK, Australia, Brazil, and other nations protesting formonths, here in the USA, it hasn't even started getting to that point yet. The questions I'm asking this morning are to get anons to think.

What's it going to take to get folks to wake up to what's about to come down the pipe? Pay attention to what Psaki says today, and ask yourself how much further you think they may be willing to take this agenda.

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c79e42  No.14545294

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^[ [^ascii ^art ^generator](http:''//''asciiart.club) ^]

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62ea37  No.14545295


As a reminder:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ebc49e No.3783812 📁

Nov 7 2018 13:12:06 (EST)

We are going to show you a new world.

Those who are blind will soon see the light.

A beautiful brave new world lies ahead.

We take this journey together.

One step at a time.



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6b7585  No.14545296




>How you are PROGRAMMED to be poor



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65c71e  No.14545297

Sucharit Bhakdi: On the difference between Corona and Flu



COVID Focus Talk || A Third Dose? Not So Fast || 5 Scientific Facts that Pfizer Didn't tell you!



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85b257  No.14545298




Soon after her return from a business trip to Hong Kong, Beth Emhoff dies from what is a flu or some other type of infection. Her young son dies later the same day. Her husband Mitch however seems immune. Thus begins the spread of a deadly infection. For doctors and administrators at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, several days pass before anyone realizes the extent or gravity of this new infection. They must first identify the type of virus in question and then find a means of combating it, a process that will likely take several months. As the contagion spreads to millions of people worldwide, societal order begins to break down as people panic.—garykmcd

Release date: September 9, 2011 (United States)


The film was wholly shot using Red Digital Cinema's RED One MX digital camera, which has a 4.5K image resolution.[4][10]

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03d39b  No.14545299


Elizabeth Holmes Trial: Live Updates

Lawyers delivered opening statements in the highly anticipated criminal trial of Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes, who faces federal charges of defrauding patients and investors with claims of revolutionary blood-testing technology. Follow the latest developments.

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1c5558  No.14545300

File: 7af1957694dbcd9⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 340x184, 85:46, ralph1.gif)


>Morning, Frenz

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826f3c  No.14545301


>He wrote a Q, that means that…..

It's in your mind.

The videoid ENDS with a Q, that's a fact.

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible.

How about reading and understanding instead of imagining things?

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03d39b  No.14545303


>Elizabeth Holmes Trial: Live Updates


text messages

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7969b4  No.14545305



















































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430475  No.14545306


>The videoid ENDS with a Q, that's a fact.

So does this.


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2db549  No.14545307


>Sucharit Bhakdi: On the difference between Corona and Flu

His explanation sounds like utter lunacy. Prehensile hands, kek.

The more I learn about viruses, the more ridiculous the so-called "science" appears.

Germ theory is false.

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6a3bb4  No.14545308























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6b7585  No.14545309


so with that logic… every youtube vid with a string that ends with a Q is Q [re]lated?

We see what you're doing.

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6d5e76  No.14545310


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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7969b4  No.14545311


I wish they'd fix the milkie dispenser graphics server.

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03d39b  No.14545312



Alwaleed bin Talal here (In conference Book)

I heard that. Ignore al Waleed everyone meets with him for money so u need to put that out of ur mind. Don't need that. It will be a mistake.

Obviously just sharing BC we've talked abt it so much

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7adfb6  No.14545313


this is ugly and nonsense as fvck.

Stop w/ this ascii sh!t and be yourself.

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6b7585  No.14545315


[EYES-ON] anons

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2db549  No.14545316


Think of it as a fridge door that has been welded shut.

Your beer is still being kept cold but you're not allowed to drink it.

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7adfb6  No.14545317


Take the vaxx.

You seems very derranged up there.

Trust Trum, he only invested a small amount of money, and he gives you a free shot, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10….

till you die!

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03d39b  No.14545318


>Jacinda has larger gear than Big Mike


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a3131b  No.14545319

morning, do we know what time the potato is speaking today? His big covid announcements.

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65c71e  No.14545320



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03d39b  No.14545321


>one of the most expensive efforts to arm and train rebels since the agency’s program arming the mujahedeen in Afghanistan during the 1980s

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2db549  No.14545322


Mr. Potato Head put a lid on it.

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7adfb6  No.14545323


00:00 somewhere, but he will late, cos he moves like a dead shit.

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65c71e  No.14545324


you bastard!

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ae3598  No.14545325

Today's Forecast : jack squat nothing Early, jack squat nothing Late, In Between, jack squat nothing. Strong Probability Of Faggot Throughout.

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823e6e  No.14545326

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e9df3d  No.14545327

File: 4234e47d705b55a⋯.jpg (98.37 KB, 1278x650, 639:325, Capture.JPG)

Still running the same plays…

In 1943 the following directive was issued from party headquarters to all communists in the United States:

"When certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them after suitable buildups as fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic, and use the prestige of anti-fascist and tolerance organisations to discredit them. In the public mind constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell. The association will after enough repetition become fact in the public mind."


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c79e42  No.14545328

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826f3c  No.14545329


Yes, Q has a sense of humor, which is why I doubt it's AI, maybe an AI that understands humor?

So is this:


Pcr test is not for covid - 19, watch what Karry Mullis nobel prize and inventor says


Denmark official faints (w/ cat)


9/11 no floors


Vaccine Jenner bullshit destroyed (vaccine origin story)


Dimitri Khalezov - WTC Nuclear Demolition


This video will get Trump elected


The Human Microbiome: A New Frontier in Health


Annie Jacobsen, "Operation Paperclip"


Modern money mechanics


Make a wooden smartphone - with Covid passport!


"I Was Tortured Under The Guise of Medical and Mental Health Intervention"




"We're living in an updated, modern version of 1938," Wayne said. "Right now, they're coming for the unvaccinated."


"Save me, I'm running out of air"


Trump's cryptic warning ahead of Iran decision: 'The calm before the storm'

How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

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65c71e  No.14545330

Disclose.tv, [09.09.21 06:01]

[ Album ]

NEW - Facebook and Ray-Ban "smart glasses" images leaked. No AR (Augmented-Reality), but networked glasses with two cams to gather even more data about the behavior of its users and from everyone and everything they look at.


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65c71e  No.14545331

File: 228ae604e0ac201⋯.png (83.5 KB, 458x464, 229:232, ClipboardImage.png)

Disclose.tv, [09.09.21 07:21]

[In reply to Disclose.tv]

[ Photo ]

UPDATE -Fact-checkers are scrambling on Twitter to clarify Dr. Kerry Chant's choice of words as the video goes viral: "New World Order" is commonly used to "describe times of change and cultural shift."



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7adfb6  No.14545332

America is china = scum.

Hope that TX and AZ will not follow, b/c no one will save you anymoar.

It is help the sheep, or guide them to the slaughter.

Both ways will have conseiqwuqeqwnces!!!

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7adfb6  No.14545333


Positive or negative.

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3cac55  No.14545335


>One step at a time.


There is no step 5

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65c71e  No.14545336

Disclose.tv, [09.09.21 05:25]

[ Video ]

NEW -Australian public health chief: "We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order."


copy and save offline

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03d39b  No.14545337


>The government plans on calling Pfizer officials as witnesses

The commenter was identified as EX PHARMA and wrote: “I worked for AstraZeneca… Theranos tried to pitch pharma on ‘Adaptive Clinical Trials’ with the idea of collecting $100M strategic agreements… and saving pharma billions in clinical trials for pharma… trouble was the technology didn’t work at all—the assays didn’t work and the informatics didn’t work. Pharma didn’t bite strategically nor were any of the pilots extended. There was an apparent transformation [at Theranos from a business strategy of serving pharma] into a direct-to-consumer diagnostic company.”

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2db549  No.14545338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Am I a bad person for thinking that this is hilarious? Don't answer that.

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64075b  No.14545339

Morning anons…



I have come to some of the same conclusions anon. Civil war was the USA's "great reset". Lincoln fucked it up and the good guys were not over run. The "parasites" hide in the shadows.

Russian cities that would easily house half a million folks (Moscow and St. Petersburg) were EMPTY in the mid 1840's. Further the architecture was stunning, and, like the pyramids, clearly was built by a higher society than what existed in Russia in the mid 1840's.

Ottawa Cananda is an interesting study. Why would horse and buggy settlers build a major university, a town hall, and an epic cathedralBEFOREthey built housing? Check out this 1880's picture…


"24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:

25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.

27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?

29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.

30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn."

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eae1ff  No.14545340

File: ad36a73d71ecdbf⋯.jpg (8.14 KB, 180x255, 12:17, duck2.jpg)

Everybody ready for the child sniffer to take this shit to the next level today?…Shit happens when you wear the boot of submission

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826f3c  No.14545341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe not every single one of them, but tons are.

For some Q is at the left, for others it's at the far right.

And then there are special ones like this here:


Now our mission is complete

And our friends are here.

Evil things brought down by the light,

Life goes on until the end.

>We see what you're doing.

I see what you are doing.

Twitter image urls are controlled, at least some are, OBVIOUSLY for anyone who is into Q.

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03d39b  No.14545342


In December 2018, GSK announced that it, along with Pfizer, had reached an agreement to merge and combine their consumer healthcare divisions into a single entity. The combined entity would have sales of around £9.8 billion ($12.7 billion), with GSK maintaining a 68% controlling stake in the joint venture. Pfizer would own the remaining 32% shareholding. The deal builds on an earlier 2018 deal where GSK bought out Novartis' stake in the GSK-Novartis consumer healthcare joint business.

In 2014, GSK applied for regulatory approval for the first malaria vaccine. Malaria is responsible for over 650,000 deaths annually, mainly in Africa. Known as RTS,S, the vaccine was developed as a joint project with the PATH vaccines initiative and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The company has committed to making the vaccine available in developing countries for five percent above the cost of production.

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823e6e  No.14545343

>>14544954, Morning

>>14545308, GBY

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826f3c  No.14545344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Joe Biden Incoherently RAMBLES on at CNN Town Hall

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2db549  No.14545345


That's a man. Or a poorly maintained bitch.

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e9df3d  No.14545346

File: 5de3fa3b05ef9a5⋯.jpg (187.45 KB, 1131x1503, 377:501, FauciRedCarpet.JPG)

Why Fauci was presented to world by Trump.

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eae1ff  No.14545347

File: b1c2528597756ee⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, duck_3.jpg)

Sept 11….what a interesting date…..does it only mean one thing….ahh the start of something new

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03d39b  No.14545348


>It's unclear why so many news outlets reported a partnership between Theranos and GSK when the pharmaceutical company says that it hasn't worked with Theranos in at least two years (GSK has yet to tell us if they worked with Theranos before that).




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823e6e  No.14545349

Lost a Chicken Last Night.

Poor thing.

Praying for her to come home.

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abdb46  No.14545350

Q, I know you are with us during this dark to light. I have some what Q's. How far will (they) go to reset? will (they) starve us, beat us, confine us? plan z still an option?

I know , take back our local government and agency, right? save our elections?

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03d39b  No.14545351


FDA finds flaws in Theranos' nanotainers and quality control procedures

October 28th, 2015

The latest blow to Theranos' blood testing technology comes from the US Food and Drug Administration, which found flaws in the company's quality control procedures. In one of the two heavily redacted reports the FDA published, the agency says Theranos' "design validation did not ensure the device conforms to defined user needs and intended uses." The agency found out that Theranos describes its nanotainers (tiny containers for blood drawn by pricking a finger) as Class I medical devices, even though they fall under Class II, along with other higher-risk tools.

A second FDA file has revealed that the company didn't review or investigate complaints involving the "possible failure" of its proprietary device. In one instance, it didn't document a report that there were difficulties seeing the specimen's quality inside the nanotainers – in particular, some parts of its walls are too opaque to be able to spot blood clotting clearly. The agency also discovered during its inspections conducted from August 25th to September 16th, 2015 that the company has been shipping its "uncleared medical device in interstate commerce between California, Arirona, and Pennsylvania."

In addition to all these quality control failures, Theranos has been dishonest about the extend of its partnership with large pharmaceutical companies, according to the Financial Times. Previous reports about the company mentioned that it earns big money from those partnerships, but at least two have refuted those claims. A Pfizer spokesperson told the publication that it has "done only very limited historical exploratory work with Theranos through a few pilot projects." GlaxoSmithKline, on the other hand, "cannot find evidence" that it has done business with the company in recent years.

Elizabeth Holmes, the controversial company's CEO, has been defending Theranos and its technology ever since The Wall Street Journal piece that started all of this came out. Most recently, she promised to publish data that the company says can prove the accuracy of its unconventional blood testing tech. Unfortunately, Theranos didn't mention a timeframe, so we'll just have to wait until that data's released to the public.

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76221b  No.14545352


>brave new world

Brave New World's main theme is the incompatibility of happiness and truth. Throughout the novel, John has argued that it's better to seek truth, even if it involves suffering, than to accept an easy life of pleasure and happiness.

Plot summary

Brave New World is set in 2540 ce, which the novel identifies as the year AF 632. AF stands for “after Ford,” as Henry Ford’s assembly line is revered as god-like; this era began when Ford introduced his Model T. The novel examines a futuristic society, called the World State, that revolves around science and efficiency. In this society, emotions and individuality are conditioned out of children at a young age, and there are no lasting relationships because “every one belongs to every one else” (a common World State dictum). Huxley begins the novel by thoroughly explaining the scientific and compartmentalized nature of this society, beginning at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, where children are created outside the womb and cloned in order to increase the population. The reader is then introduced to the class system of this world, where citizens are sorted as embryos to be of a certain class. The embryos, which exist within tubes and incubators, are provided with differing amounts of chemicals and hormones in order to condition them into predetermined classes. Embryos destined for the higher classes get chemicals to perfect them both physically and mentally, whereas those of the lower classes are altered to be imperfect in those respects. These classes, in order from highest to lowest, are Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. The Alphas are bred to be leaders, and the Epsilons are bred to be menial labourers.

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436879  No.14545353


I can easily imagine bad actors using the board in many nefarious ways to exert pressure and worse on anons or Jim. Advance notice of attacks/FF's by 'right wingers' etc. They tried to bait anons/patriots into shit all last summer. Word is that Jim is under some kind of gag order (anyone know by who or why? perhaps it relates to his Capitol Hill testimony?) Hell, maybe white hats are trying to expose the BO/Ak-47 images here and black hats are behind the image issue. Try to relax. Good things come to those who wait. This anon has been comfy since January 2018 after waiting 3+ decades for ANY sign that the Cavalry was inbound. Q was that sign.

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eae1ff  No.14545354

File: 86b89d81e9cd44f⋯.jpg (137.65 KB, 480x640, 3:4, slide.jpg)

wow slippery in here today

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abdb46  No.14545355


there is no plan but the plan to expose, fix and win,

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65c71e  No.14545356


It's a man.

As evil on the inside as it is on the outside. No plastic surgery can make that thing presentable.

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76221b  No.14545357





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823e6e  No.14545358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Complex Positive Energy Patterns Detected.

She's gonna be a Hot one Today.

Hold Tight.

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0c47be  No.14545359

Stephen Miller@StephenM·13h

ALERT: Biden just sent Congress his Administration’s policy “riders” for the Gov’t Funding Bill (Continuing Resolution).They include lifetime welfare & path to citizenship for every unvetted Afghan national Biden has randomly flown—or will fly—into US, and their relatives. 1/10

In this first screenshot you can see the covered population is ANY Afghan national living in ANY country that Biden flies to the US between last July and the end of *NEXT* fiscal year. By definition, they lack lawful status. If adopted in CR, it’s likely renewed annually. 2/10

In the next section, they eliminate every statutory vetting process, and every legal qualification, by declaring the sole standard to be whatever Mr. Open Borders (Mayorkas) rubber stamps via the misnamed “Operation Allies Welcome” (there’s zero requirement to be an “ally”). 3/10

All legal restrictions on welfare & public benefits are waived, allowing every unauthorized Afghan national to access cash welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, public housing, etc. This is “off books” spending—Congress doesn’t appropriate the $, it’s just drawn from the Treasury. 4/10

At any point in the future, immediate relatives are available for the same status and benefits. Of course, the numbers really explode once citizenship is attained and formal chain migration kicks in. Biden compounding one disaster with another. 5/10

The key section: 1 year after arrival, Afghan nationals will be given “permanent residence” (green cards) by Mayorkas, which means rapid path to citizenship & chain migration. No need to meet any legal definition of SIV, asylee, refugee, “ally”—or any legal standard at all. 6/10

If that all wasn’t radical enough, the budget plan further authorizes Mayorkas to waive almost any ground of inadmissibility—in other words, even if an Afghan national is explicitly barred from admission by law, they can be made a permanent resident. 7/10

And it goes further yet still: “Afghan national” is defined not only to include current but also *former* residents of Afghanistan. This would include much of the millions-large Afghan community living in Pakistan. 8/10

Lastly, Biden’s budget plan exempts all Afghan nationals from statutory immigration caps (no offsetting cuts) and backdates permanent residency to the date of parole to move up citizenship to five years from enactment. 9/10

Open borders to extremist hotbeds will yield catastrophe. For tiny fraction of cost, migrants could be resettled in home region. This is about Biden’s agenda of maximum migration. Makes Obama’s Syrian refugee plan look very conservative. Pro-sovereignty lawmakers must block.10/10


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03d39b  No.14545360


>In 2014, GSK applied for regulatory approval for the first malaria vaccine. Known as RTS,S, the vaccine was developed as a joint project with the PATH vaccines initiative and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


New partnership between GSK and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to accelerate research into vaccines for global health needs

29 October 2013

currently in late-stage development in partnership with the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative. RTS,S has been designed for use in infants and children from sub-Saharan Africa, where maintaining vaccines at an optimum temperature can be challenging. Developing a method of making AS01 more heat stable could bring a significant public health benefit. The results could also have broader applications for all other AS01-containing vaccines, including vaccines in development by GSK against HIV and tuberculosis.

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6b7585  No.14545361

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03481a  No.14545362

==My Atomic Bomb Findings. - The grand manipulation 1945-2021. -

Part 1==


10 000's of fake (but secret) atomic bombs have since 1945 been built, transported around, mishandled, dropped by mistake, we are told, but none has ever exploded. Reason is that a real atomic bomb cannot explode. It is physically impossible. Military explosive fission is pseudoscience!

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7c1fc6  No.14545363

God Wins!

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2db549  No.14545364


Damn. I don't whether to laugh or commiserate, anon.

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f1826c  No.14545365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>She's gonna be a Hot one Today.

>Hold Tight.

feelin' it anon. love, light and truth to (You)

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abdb46  No.14545366




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03d39b  No.14545367


Aluminum-containing adjuvants are vaccine ingredients that have been used in vaccines since the 1930s. Small amounts of aluminum are added to help the body build stronger immunity against the germ in the vaccine. Aluminum is one of the most common metals found in nature and is present in air, food, and water. Scientific research has shown the amount of aluminum exposure in people who follow the recommended vaccine schedule is low and is not readily absorbed by the body.

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09f9c6  No.14545368

"I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13848 with respect to the threat of foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in United States elections."

–Joe Biden

Signed on September 7, 2021


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823e6e  No.14545369


May the Source be with you on this Day.


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03d39b  No.14545370



An adjuvant is an ingredient used in some vaccines that helps create a stronger immune response in people receiving the vaccine.


>AS01-containing vaccines


Adjuvant system AS01: helping to overcome the challenges of modern vaccines

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3cac55  No.14545371

Circling Back…


Drew Barrymore had a ‘full-circle’ moment with Steven Spielberg ‘directing’ her daughter

On Jimmy Kimmel Live Wednesday, actress and talk show host Drew Barrymore discussed a recent dinner she and her children had with Steven Speilberg, the man who directed one of Barrymore’s very first films, E.T. the Extra Terrestrial. She described him as a father figure to her who has been in her life since she was a child, and who even held both of her kids after they were born.

Since Barrymore’s youngest daughter, Frankie, is almost exactly the same age as Barrymore was when she filmed that movie, Spielberg decided to have a little fun with her.

“He said, ‘Frankie, I want you to say this line: Alligators in the sewers,’” Barrymore said. “And she did. And then he looked at me like, ‘Yep, she's got it.’ And it was so surreal to me, to have that circle of life moment. It was so trippy.”

Barrymore was just six years old when she spoke that line on the big screen, during a scene around the dinner table. And while Barrymore says that while she would totally support her kids if they wanted to act, she just doesn’t see them as actors. Which is what made this all so weird for her.

“It was a moment where I was like, ‘I can't believe Steven's directing my daughter at the same age, this is just so surreal,’” Barrymore said.

And even though her daughter can recite lines from E.T. now, Barrymore says her kids are actually more into some of her other films, and not the kid-friendly '80s classic.

“They love 50 First Dates and Ever After,” Barrymore said. “For some reason they were at the wrong ages for E.T., they weren't in. But I want to show them now to see if it was just an age thing.”


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65c71e  No.14545372


that's appalling

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f1826c  No.14545373


>May the Source be with you on this Day


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a3131b  No.14545374


fucking sand niggers.

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02185a  No.14545375

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a5d838  No.14545376


>28 days later

zombie apocalypse

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2db549  No.14545377


>Q was that sign.

Yes. I believe that. Q was the first sign of the Great Awakening.

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e9df3d  No.14545378

Sep 18 event will be used to push "domestic terrorism" law forward.

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c79e42  No.14545379

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e9df3d  No.14545380


Panic moar.

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02185a  No.14545381

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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03d39b  No.14545382


>Aluminum-containing adjuvants are vaccine ingredients that have been used in vaccines since the 1930s. Small amounts of aluminum are added to help the body build stronger immunity against the germ in the vaccine. Aluminum is one of the most common metals found in nature and is present in air, food, and water. Scientific research has shown the amount of aluminum exposure in people who follow the recommended vaccine schedule is low and is not readily absorbed by the body.


Updated aluminum pharmacokinetics following infant exposures through diet and vaccination

Aluminum is a ubiquitous element that is released naturally into the environment via volcanic activity and the breakdown of rocks on the earth's surface. Exposure of the general population to aluminum occurs primarily through the consumption of food, antacids, and buffered analgesics. Exposure to aluminum in the general population can also occur through vaccination, since vaccines often contain aluminum salts (frequently aluminum hydroxide or aluminum phosphate) as adjuvants. Because concerns have been expressed by the public that aluminum in vaccines may pose a risk to infants, we developed an up-to-date analysis of the safety of aluminum adjuvants. Keith et al. [1] previously analyzed the pharmacokinetics of aluminum for infant dietary and vaccine exposures and compared the resulting body burdens to those based on the minimal risk levels (MRLs) established by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. We updated the analysis of Keith et al. [1] with a current pediatric vaccination schedule [2]; baseline aluminum levels at birth; an aluminum retention function that reflects changing glomerular filtration rates in infants; an adjustment for the kinetics of aluminum efflux at the site of injection; contemporaneous MRLs; and the most recent infant body weight data for children 0-60 months of age [3]. Using these updated parameters we found that the body burden of aluminum from vaccines and diet throughout an infant's first year of life is significantly less than the corresponding safe body burden of aluminum modeled using the regulatory MRL. We conclude that episodic exposures to vaccines that contain aluminum adjuvant continue to be extremely low risk to infants and that the benefits of using vaccines containing aluminum adjuvant outweigh any theoretical concerns.

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65c71e  No.14545383


Engrish ?

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65c71e  No.14545385



Kitchen is open

New Baker self confirm

Kitchen is open

New Baker self confirm

Kitchen is open

New Baker self confirm

Kitchen is open

New Baker self confirm

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7969b4  No.14545386


Eventually my desire to shitpost will exceed my laziness and I'll switch on the HOSTS angle grinder.

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436879  No.14545387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I have some what Q's. How far will (they) go to reset? will (they) starve us, beat us, confine us?

How far will YOU let them go? Will YOU let them starve or beat you? Will YOU let them confine you? No offense but you sound like someone who would get on the cattle car. There are some things worse than death. You can fight and die or be a cowering simp who is enslaved, starved, beaten and confined BEFORE they kill you. Freedom isn't free.

Sometimes you just gotta get MEAN……

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02185a  No.14545388


I said "erection!"


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2db549  No.14545389


>HOSTS angle grinder.

The "hosts" file fix no longer gets around the problem.

That's what I mean about the door being welded shut.

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03d39b  No.14545390


Where Are Hospitals Overwhelmed By COVID-19 Patients? Look Up Your State

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710fa6  No.14545391


You have far more patience than I do. Waiting for the media controlled zombies to wake up is close to torture for me.

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03d39b  No.14545392


Judge halts Florida’s enforcement of ban on school face mask rules … again

Leon County Circuit Judge John Cooper ruled against Gov. Ron DeSantis

A Florida judge ruled Wednesday that the state cannot enforce a ban on public schools mandating the use of masks to guard against the coronavirus, while an appeals court sorts out whether the ban is ultimately legal.

Leon County Circuit Judge John C. Cooper lifted an automatic stay of his decision last week that Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and state education officials exceeded their authority by imposing the blanket ban through executive order and tagging defiant pro-mask local school boards with financial penalties.

Cooper said the overwhelming evidence before him in a lawsuit by parents challenging the DeSantis ban is that wearing masks does provide some protection for children in crowded school settings, particularly those under 12 for whom no vaccine yet exists. The issue came to a head amid a recent surge in cases caused by the more contagious and deadly delta variant of the virus, which health statistics show has begun to wane.

“We’re not in normal times. We are in a pandemic,” Cooper said during a hearing held remotely. “We have a (coronavirus) variant that is more infectious and dangerous to children than the one we had last year.”

Since DeSantis signed the mandatory mask ban order on July 30, 13 school boards representing more than half of Florida’s 2.8 million students have adopted mask requirements with an opt-out only for medical reasons. State education officials have begun going after rebellious school board members’ salaries as a form of punishment.

Jacob Oliva, public schools chancellor at the state Department of Education, said in a notice last week to local superintendents that “enforcement must cease if the stay is lifted.” That includes the effort to dock salaries of school board members or impose other financial penalties.

The Education Department already began withholding funds from Broward and Alachua counties.

“I think for us as a district, we’re going to continue to move forward,” said Dr. Carlee Simon, the Alachua County School District superintendent. “But we are, you know, we’re optimistic. And we’re also just understanding that we are well in the middle of this process, and we need to just be patient and go through the process.”

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03d39b  No.14545393


Duval County Public Schools’ mask mandate went into effect Tuesday, despite being threatened with the same funding cuts. A district spokesperson released a statement that reads:

“We are obviously watching as things play out at the state level. However, we are doing everything possible to focus on teaching and learning and working toward those academic outcomes we want to see at the end of the year with our students.”

Simon said she’s hopeful that the district will get the money back that’s been withheld by the state.

The case next goes before the 1st District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee. DeSantis said at an appearance Wednesday in Palm Harbor that he is confident the state will prevail. The matter could ultimately be decided by the Florida Supreme Court.

The core of the governor’s argument is that the recently passed Parents Bill of Rights gives decision-making authority to parents on whether their children should wear a mask to school.

“What we’ve found is in the trial courts in Tallahassee, state and federal, we typically lose if there’s a political component to it, but then in the appeals court we almost always win,” the governor said.

Cooper seemed to go out of his way to point out that he has frequently ruled in favor of Florida governors in the past, including cases involving GOP Govs. Jeb Bush and Rick Scott. Cooper has been a Leon County circuit judge since he was first elected in 2002.

“If you look at my record, it’s not somebody who runs all over the place, ruling against the governor,” Cooper said. “This case has generated a lot of heat and a lot of light.”

On the Parents Bill of Rights, Cooper said his previous order follows the law as passed earlier this year by the Legislature. The law, he said, reserves health and education decisions regarding children to parents unless a government entity such as a school board can show their broader action is reasonable and narrowly tailored to the issue at hand.

The DeSantis order impermissibly enforces only the first portion of that law, Cooper said.

“You have to show you have authority to do what you’re doing,” the judge said. “You cannot enforce part of that law but not all of it.”

In a separate case, parents of special needs children have filed a federal lawsuit claiming the DeSantis mandatory school mask ban violates the Americans with Disabilities Act by placing their medically sensitive children in jeopardy.

A federal judge in Miami did not immediately rule after a hearing Wednesday in that case.

Additionally, school officials in Broward, Alachua and Orange counties filed a petition to schedule a hearing before an administrative law judge. According to the filing, the local school officials want the judge to invalidate a state health department emergency rule against school mask requirements based on the governor’s executive order.

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02185a  No.14545394

Nice digits, by the way!


Sam Heughan's birthday

April 30, 1980


Henry Cavill's birthday

May 5, 1983

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7adfb6  No.14545395


When I read cnn, it is like heaven screams in my mind.

Something like satan meets God, this revolt it is in my brain.

It is bad, that I wanht them all dead and meet God, that will punish them for every loie, treason, and crimes?~?~?~?~?~





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03d39b  No.14545396


Gov. Ron DeSantis appeals judge’s ruling on masks in schools

Under the DeSantis executive order, state education officials have been seeking to penalize defiant school boards by withholding salaries of board members. As of Friday, 13 districts representing more than half of Florida’s 2.8 million public school students had imposed mask mandates despite the governor’s order that a parental opt-out must be included. Most have only an opt-out for medical reasons. Those counties included Alachua and Duval counties.

The rebel districts showed no signs of backing down, with some hiring lawyers to defend their decisions that often came after raucous public meetings pitting pro- and anti-mask parents against each other. Alachua County school Superintendent Carlee Simon, like others, insisted a mask mandate is permitted under the Parents Bill of Rights.

The judge’s ruling against the DeSantis order, she said in a statement, “confirms what we’ve said all along, which is that our mask mandate does not violate Florida law.”

DeSantis, who is gearing up for a 2022 re-election campaign and a possible 2024 presidential run, has dismissed the recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that people generally wear masks to prevent coronavirus spread in certain situations. In particular, he contends that masks are less essential for young people and carry some risks of their own for children.

At a news conference Friday in Pensacola, DeSantis said he opposes broad government or business mandates on masks or anything else related to the coronavirus pandemic. He did not directly address the school mask debate.

“We’ve got to protect people’s ability to live their lives,” DeSantis said. “My philosophy is, as a governor, my job is to protect your individual freedom.”

The governor’s appeal came Thursday night after Cooper issued a written version of his order delivered orally last week. The judge found that the Parents Bill of Rights law exempts government actions that are needed to protect public health and are reasonable and limited in scope — such as masking students to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in schools.

In fact, Cooper wrote that the DeSantis order on school masks itself violates the Parents Bill of Rights by illegally constraining the actions of school boards.

“This statute does not support a statewide order or action interfering with the constitutionally provided authority of local school districts to provide for the safety and health of the children based on the unique facts on the ground in a particular county,” Cooper wrote.

In addition, the judge said school boards must be afforded a chance to contest any penalties levied against them for adopting a student mask mandate.

The appeals court did not immediately indicate when it would take up the governor’s appeal, which first must be filed in a full written document. The action taken Thursday night was a notice to the court that a detailed appeal of Cooper’s order is coming.

Also Friday, school officials in Broward, Alachua and Orange counties filed a petition to schedule a hearing before an administrative law judge. According to the filing, the local school officials want the judge to invalidate a state health department emergency rule based on the governor’s executive order.

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03d39b  No.14545397

The School District of Lee County has a constitutional duty, statutory authority and primary responsibility to provide a safe learning environment for all students and employees.

Since the start of this year, we have had students and staff members hospitalized, and have had employees pass away from this deadly virus. We have had to close 92 classrooms compared to 76 during the entire 2020-21 school year. This yields over a 1089% increase in weekly classroom closures during a surge in COVID-19 like we have never before experienced.

We view 30 days of temporary masking, during conditions far worse than at any point during this pandemic, as imperative to containing the spread of a highly contagious virus, and to protect and possibly save lives.

It is the position of this District that our temporary masking requirement, along with all our other mitigation efforts, is necessary, reasonable, narrowly tailored and least restrictive to address the health crisis in our community.

Rob Spicker, spokesperson for the School District of Lee County

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02185a  No.14545398

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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abdb46  No.14545399


Oh sure, you don't know me, I would fucking die, kill, for those who don't understand what (they) are capable of. get mean? to we do that now, or while they're pushing people into the cattle cars?

When does the mean part happen?

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65c71e  No.14545400


Am I going to regret clickin dat shit?

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075cc0  No.14545401

D.C. Sep 18……….It's a trap!'

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02185a  No.14545402


It's cute!

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2db549  No.14545403


>You have far more patience than I do.

It's not about patience, anon. You don't have to stare the monster in the face.

Just live your life as best you can. Time will pass faster if you don't focus too much on the insanity.

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abdb72  No.14545404

File: 389379b70bbbf24⋯.jpg (46.81 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 933kf84nf8csnsjd72.jpg)

[ ]

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28b9b2  No.14545405


If you're looking for information regarding mask studies, these are the ones I've collected so far. Feel free to add.







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65c71e  No.14545406


huh? LOL

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075cc0  No.14545407


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"I ain't clickin' that shit nigga…"

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65c71e  No.14545408


mmm feeling uncomfy about it…

what kind of cute?

seriously I dont want to hit you

but I will.

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76221b  No.14545409



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02185a  No.14545410

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Haven't you been following along with my story?

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710fa6  No.14545411


The last part - kek

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2db549  No.14545412


DeSantis should sign a bill declaring that the virus does not exist.

Who has the guts to propose such a bill? Would get really interesting if that happened.

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02185a  No.14545413


The cute stuff that I love!

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7adfb6  No.14545414


Q, I will die at some point, return home, then I will start to punish evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My pain it is not in vain, you want me act w/ revenge for all this pain??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

B/C I will fvcking do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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02185a  No.14545415

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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823e6e  No.14545416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wake up Joe.

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abdb46  No.14545417

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65c71e  No.14545418


no I filter you

like hanging up the phone


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f35465  No.14545419


Thank you for posting, anon.

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1cc9ad  No.14545420

Went to the local HD yesterday to see what they had for fall crop seeds.

Not a seed of any kind to be found, and one rack of seedlings (toms and peppers too late to plant).

Spoke to a cashier that indicated they were wiped out of this stock in the last week.

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02185a  No.14545421


There's no where to filter anymore! My story is everywhere!

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90e3cc  No.14545422

On Tuesday, France's top court overturned a decision by a lower court to dismiss charges against industrial giant Lafarge that it is guilty of "complicity in crimes against humanity" by funding terrorism in Syria, according to France24.

The ruling by the Court of Cassation, one of the four courts of last resort in France, is a significant setback for the cement manufacturer who is accused of paying terrorist groups, including ISIS, approximately 13 million euros ($15.3 million) so its cement factory in northern Syria could continue operating through the beginning of the country's ongoing multi-sided civil war. 


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0c47be  No.14545423

Election Wizard@ElectionWiz

BREAKING:Taliban to let dozens of U.S. and other foreign citizens to leave Afghanistanon a flight to Qatar scheduled to take off from Kabul on Thursday, two sources familiar with the matter tell NBC News.

7:18 AM · Sep 9, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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2db549  No.14545424


That's a really good meme.

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02185a  No.14545425




/ (ˈdiːvəʊ) / noun plural -vos or -vi (Italian -vi) a highly distinguished male singer.

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668752  No.14545426

File: 3556d6e56921a26⋯.jpg (243.32 KB, 1236x807, 412:269, 3556d6e56921a2647c00bb4415….jpg)

File: d488db8f9e621f1⋯.jpg (244.39 KB, 1251x852, 417:284, d488db8f9e621f17610a1d00b8….jpg)


FWIW, found these old posts.

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65c71e  No.14545427

File: 7a508f8e4960a32⋯.mp4 (5.24 MB, 848x464, 53:29, new_world_order_video_2021….mp4)

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f5e988  No.14545428


>>The questions I'm asking this morning are to get anons to think. What's it going to take to get folks to wake up to what's about to come down the pipe?

Everyone has an individual journey, free will(of sorts) and this movie we are watching is seen through the lens, perception of said individuals, anon.

Many anons that stop by this board have not even read the Q drops, so caught up in the narratives being dished out as they themselves are still plugged into the old world system.

We have forgotten who we are, why they truly fear us waking up, remembering and uniting as a whole. We were created to create. We can manifest a new system where wars, control, fear are used to enslave no longer are required, but it takes one to go within and unlock who they are.

"thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven"

#4944 Are you ready to finish what we started? 'Nothing can stop what is coming' is not just a catch-phrase.


Less focus on [their] timeline which is coming to an end and focus on the now, get in the zone of knowing, faith, love and turn up your frequency and tune in that heart radio dial.


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436879  No.14545429



I don't need to know you but but we'll recognize each other if we ever meet. And don't worry, you'll know when it's time. We'll all know because an overwhelming number of us will be awake and fighting and that will be the end of ((them)). However, it's my understanding that are going to be taken to thePrecipiceso I don't think it will get that far. I'm half thinking the bad guys will practically be begging to be arrested/incarcerated or preferably, 'suiciding' just to keep the people from slaughtering them in the streets. Truth is going to be their destruction and that is just about exactly the time that Satan, like he always does, will exit stage left and leave his devotees hanging. It's going to be Biblical.

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29d410  No.14545430


They must have finished vetting this group. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right and innocent people on a plane.

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f35465  No.14545431


>My heartfelt thanks to all the anons who keep these breads going.

>Q would be proud.

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65c71e  No.14545432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

THE MATRIX 4 RESURRECTIONS Teaser Trailer (2021)


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02185a  No.14545433

Pūblius Ovidius Nāsō (Latin: [ˈpuːbliʊs ɔˈuɪdiʊs ˈnaːsoː]; 20 March 43 BC – 17/18 AD), known in English as Ovid (/ˈɒvɪd/ OV-id),[1] was a Roman poet who lived during the reign of Augustus. He was a contemporary of the older Virgil and Horace, with whom he is often ranked as one of the three canonical poets of Latin literature. The Imperial scholarQ>>14545425

uintilian considered him the last of the Latin love elegists.[2] Although Ovid enjoyed enormous popularity during his lifetime, the emperor Augustus banished him to a remote province on the Black Sea, where he remained until his death.

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c79e42  No.14545434

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