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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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First time on 8chan? First time on /QResearch/? Click here before posting, newfag.

File: 5dcf8a84bce0e22⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 255x143, 255:143, f399ac48494c1cf0aa423df670….jpg)

a540e1 No.1374989

Welcome To Q Research General

Do not fall victim to MSM/other fake/false narrative pushes.




Board Rules (Read the rules please)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode

Current Q Tripcode: Q !4pRcUA0lBE

PAST Tripcodes: !xowAT4Z3VQ , !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Trip Code Change Explanation: Q accidentally typed the password in plain text, Q updated password for new Trip on

His Secured /patriotsfight/ Board, BO Confirmed and then white listed new Tripcode, and Blacklisted the compromised one, on /qresearch/. See >>1355345


Q's Latest Posts

Friday 05.11.2018

>>1373162 —————— This is why we are here.

>>1372772 —————— Q Responds to Corsi/AJ Attack

Thursday 05.10.2018

>>1368097 rt >>1368028 —– Explore further.

>>>/patriotsfight/78 ——- Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.

>>>/patriotsfight/77 ——- Future to prove past.

>>1366780 rt >>1366601 —– Note the pictures we post are ALL originals.

>>>/patriotsfight/76 ——- Rank & File. (deleted)

>>>/patriotsfight/75 ——- Castle LOCK. (deleted)

>>>/patriotsfight/74 ——- Fellow Patriots:

>>>/patriotsfight/73 ——- (DOJNUNESRELEASE.png)

>>1362511 —————— This is not a game.

>>>/patriotsfight/72 ——- NKSINGSEC.png

>>1361222 —————— [Be careful who you follow]

>>1358839 —————— Iran confirms Zarif-Kerry meeting in NY (twitter link)

>>1358706 —————— Now comes the pain.

Wednesday 05.09.2018

>>1349487 —————— http://www.iran-daily.com/News/202615.html Happy hunting!

Tuesday 05.08.2018

>>1342162 —————— Even Qs are Human ;-)

>>>/patriotsfight/71 ——- Error Corrected

>>>/patriotsfight/70 ——- Trip Confirmed

>>>/patriotsfight/69 ——- TRIP Update.

>>>/patriotsfight/68 ——- Today, EVIL lost control - also: >>1341959

>>>/patriotsfight/67 ——- Review time

>>>/patriotsfight/66 ——- Use LOGIC

Friday 05.04.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/65 ——- The World is Connected. (JKerry_Traitor.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/64 ——- THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED (Justice_1.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/63 ——- A rigged system (Justice_.png)

>>>/patriotsfight/62 ——- [OnReady] (Justice.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/58 ——- Whitelist on /qresearch/ – Deleted, see >>1298468 , >>1303388

>>>/patriotsfight/2 ——– Trip Conf – Deleted, see >>1298492 , >>1302636 (full thread captures)

>>>/patriotsfight/1 ——– Tripcode Update – Deleted

>>1298146 —————— /patriotsfight/

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

'''2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 , >>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1127332 For Website mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill

a540e1 No.1375009


are not endorsements


>>1374159 Beijing again flexes military muscle, sending fighter jets, bombers around Taiwan

>>1374202 Ecuador 'bans Julian Assange from taking visitors and phone calls'

>>1374415 Chinese billionaire Ng Lap-seng gets four years in US prison for bribing UN officials US$1.7m to support plans for Macau conference centre

>>1374496 Q74 Graphic

>>1374513 Chinese top team to land in Washington for trade talks just before US decides which products to penalise

>>1374518 Movement at NK's Nuclear Test Site


>>1374712 Planefag Report


>>1372711 Andrew Ng

>>1372731 DEVELOPING: A Major New Front is Opening in the Political Espionage CScandal

>>1372750 The National Weather Service issued a 'Tsunami Warning' this morning, leaving Alaskans confused until the false alarm messages were sent out.

>>1372757 ; >>1372764 Planefag Report

>>1372517 (lb), >>1372749 A Spoopy On the Move Has Landed

>>1372933 F9 Connections, facebook surveillance, et al Graphic

>>1372905 Stefan Halper Dig

>>1372873 Another Clinton Cash Cow?

>>1372984 Quatari Gov't Plane on Approach to Geneva

>>1373014 Sources Say Israel and Russia Agreed on Having All Iran IRGC & Proxies Expelled From Syria

>>1373075 Cambridge Forum Severs Ties With Publisher Amid Russian Spying Allegations

>>1373361 Kilauea Could Soon Explode in Once-In-A-Century Eruption

>>1372895 German Company SICK software used by FACEBOOK to listen in - RFID Voice Recognition

>>1373274 Robert Mueller, the son of a DuPont executive, went to a Waspy New England prep school where he was John Kerry's lacrosse captain

>>1373586 ; >>1373163 Bronfman's and Their Ties - Twitter Thread

>>1373648 Q puts "Example" of pharma abuses in the killbox; future proves past.

>>1373831 US Imposes Sanctions To Squeeze Iran

>>1373830 Anon's Analysis of Q74


>>1372041 Extortion Plot: Schneiderman Didn't Go After Trump Until His Victims Turned to Trump For Help

>>1372009 AT&T Executive Who Oversaw Michael Cohen’s Contract Forced Out

>>1372021 School Shooting Palmdale California

>>1372043 KJU Makes Remarks on Summit With POTUS

>>1372086 House Dem Leader Compares Sessions to Putin for Prosecuting Human Traffickers

>>1372152 Hamas Gaza leader hints at mass breach of Israel border fence as he compares Palestinians to 'starving tiger'

>>1372164 No Name urges Senate not to confirm Gina Haspel as CIA director

>>1372185 UK's armed forces short of up to £21bn for equipment needed over next decade, MPs warn

>>1372316 FB BUILDING 8 - DARPA / ETC

>>1372351 U.N. nuclear watchdog's inspections chief quits suddenly

>>1372618 Kasumi - F9 Algorhythm


>>1371292, >>1371420, >>1371440 Australia Financials/Spying Sauce

>>1371529 Israel/Iran/JCPOA Sauce

>>1371384, >>1371629, >>1371634 Fagbook bldg 8 darpa china notes

>>1371592 - Q Proof – Chinese / DARPA surveillance


>>1370368 Metadata/Q Connections Graphic

>>1370733 NZ Spy Agency Fuckery with Parliament, Refusing to State Funding Sources

>>1370752 Pelosi Connected to West Coast Tunnels (continued tunnels sauce from prev bread)

>>1370762 Snowden Tweets about Secret-Keeping Tech Sunder

>>1370865 ESNET Sauce

>>1371017 Meadows Seeking Audit of Mueller Investigation

>>1371077 SEC Clearance Answer Graphic

>>1371134 Australian Gold Held in Bank of England


>>1369567, >>1369570, >>1369589 Alefantis/Hussein/Podesta Connection to DC Tunnels

>>1369665 Avenatti's Shady History Comes Out in the Wash

>>1369872 SpaceX/Q headlines Graphic

>>1369889 5:5 Connections Graphic

>>1369893 UK Banker CEO Fined for Conduct Breach, attempt to identify whistleblower

>>1369934 Arrested Global Leaders List

>>1369946 Iridium/Q connections Graphic

>>1369969 Facebook Announcement of Brain Scan Tech Testing (from 2017)

>>1370079 AI/Q possible connections for more digging


>>1368763 Anons meet the mole, Stefan Halper

>>1368847 Digital 5 hosted in NZ

>>1368877 GermanArchiveAnon Update

>>1368881 Facebook partnered with Eutelsat to lease space on the AMOS-6

>>1369112, >>1369161, >>1369168 Minerals Used in Tech, China/NK sauce

>>1369444 Falcon 9 Takes China Experiment to ISS

>>1369469 Exploded FB Satellite is Israeli

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

a540e1 No.1375012

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>16785 ----- Prayer

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>566073 --- Q Cards Collection

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>169315 --- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

a540e1 No.1375018

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

>>1351082 Q Graphics all in GMT #20

>>1287664 Q Graphics all in GMT #19 >>>/comms/987

>>1185120 Q Graphics all in GMT #18 >>>/comms/953

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.1.0 [updated 5/9]) >>1355190

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 18,000 Memes and Infographs Searchable by Subject


Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Memes: Latest Stockpiles

Memes21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! We Really Need Patriot Bakers

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

16a99b No.1375037

File: f8df826d51d0f51⋯.png (120.13 KB, 307x230, 307:230, ClipboardImage.png)

a540e1 No.1375041



786ee7 No.1375053

What niggers and non whites mean when they talk about "equality" is equality of power. They mean that even though niggers and non whites are, per capital, much less capable than Whites due to their 15 point less IQ difference with Whites, they should still have as much power. However, because of their huge capability deficit when compared with Whites, Whites will naturally always have more power. If this was not the case, something would be seriously wrong.

The Deep State is ramming the much less capable niggers and non whites into government positions above Whites.

968035 No.1375054



Was meant for


44d121 No.1375055


he already did that with his easter address from the white house.

I member of the Qresearch board asked to say tiptop in a speech to acknowledge Q and the board.


68e9f6 No.1375056

thanks baker!



d28cdf No.1375057


https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marina_Bay_Sands

The SkyPark was opened in 2010

32c518 No.1375058

(Bread #1723)



In the far right upper corner there's an Options link where you can click to hide images. There's also a choice there to click to hover over images. Not perfect, but better than getting your eyes impaled with primary and secondary sexual characteristics.

3246dc No.1375059

>>1375047 (last bread)

I really hate this world.

http:// www.spacex.com/webcast

66ff8c No.1375060

File: 574d989592644e8⋯.jpg (101.6 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe3.jpg)

941692 No.1375061

File: e1a4859a3542ce2⋯.png (84.13 KB, 443x534, 443:534, patriots-fight-16.png)

ty baker

2dc288 No.1375062

>>1375011 prev

Morality was the vehicle through which restraint traveled in this case in the past.

We do not do morality anymore

Since we don't do morality anymore, we have to make laws and statutes to enforce shit that once was the purview of morality.

Until we do morality again, we will never be free.

531904 No.1375063

File: a2959ec0900efbd⋯.png (422.86 KB, 1000x830, 100:83, IMG_2181.PNG)

So is it a franchise to a foreign sovereign


fascist pedogarchy


Murder cult hogg farming



565a1d No.1375064

File: b0c0ffd0f618184⋯.png (874.14 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

0e7dd7 No.1375065

File: 522c4591fe037ac⋯.jpg (49.6 KB, 320x318, 160:159, PR.jpg)


The first President of the United States was Peyton Randolph in 1774.


There's that number again!

Of course, having an elected 'president' also means we were a country before the recognized 1776. Post #76 was deleted by Q as were others, leaving #74.

https:// www.peytonrandolph.com/

3246dc No.1375066


Focus in the stream

a336f9 No.1375067


now just apply your same analysis to jews

see how it works?

786ee7 No.1375068

1. Reason possesses volition.

2. Only Whites (European decent) have sentience that is individualist by nature.

3. Niggers and non whites have shit sentience, it is collectivist by nature.

4. Only the individual has sentience, the collective doesnt.

5. The collective is mindless and operates on whims, and orders from small groups higher up who are using them for their own plan to make everyone serve them.


What niggers and non whites mean when they talk about "equality" is equality of power. They mean that even though niggers and non whites are, per capital, much less capable than Whites due to their 15 point less IQ difference with Whites, they should still have as much power. However, because of their huge capability deficit when compared with Whites, Whites will naturally always have more power. If this was not the case, something would be seriously wrong.

The Deep State is ramming the much less capable niggers and non whites into government positions above Whites.

1d6b6e No.1375069

File: e3b1393f090bbb0⋯.png (493.12 KB, 720x1019, 720:1019, 20180511_210130.png)

Sorry for shitty image. Did you guys see this?

d38471 No.1375070

So what happened? Jones said Q is fake so now everyone is losing their minds?

548f42 No.1375071


Like I said in an earlier post. WE know this but the LEFT didn't and don't know about Q if he's real or not. This has slid sideways too much.

b07df2 No.1375072


That comment is clear and complete evidence of agenda.

Get it?

b93da1 No.1375073

If divided is what they want, then some of these Q posts are helping them succeed. Alt media became the enemy when? All this anon finger pointing at random people when Q hasn't actually called anyone out by name. I am becoming suspicious of Q, which is very disappointing.

e1540d No.1375074


yes 8Bit

you've been true to the cause

i remember the night we moved here

Q chose well

unlike Baruch, Pamphlet and the other BO

you have not gone mainstream for shekels

much appreciated.

after this is all over, maybe we can hook up for a nice game of chess

i will spot you a piece or two

dacc99 No.1375075


It's around here somewhere.

be9d2d No.1375076

File: e0e5ead76b84af5⋯.png (4.15 MB, 1605x904, 1605:904, 26524560250275.png)

81c4e8 No.1375078

File: 18e468b23900e99⋯.png (69.29 KB, 848x514, 424:257, 4family.png)

File: db998b48315a659⋯.jpg (910.67 KB, 990x742, 495:371, 1509581294923.jpg)

File: bcdff79f88551c4⋯.jpg (239.18 KB, 736x1103, 736:1103, marylin cole.jpg)


>>1373274 Robert Mueller, the son of a DuPont executive, went to a Waspy New England prep school where he was John Kerry's lacrosse captain

The very first Qanon thread entitled Calm Before The Storm started with this image of a painting. A reverse image search links it to this article.


It is a painting of Brandywine, the Dupont mansion in Delaware. In the original Q Clearance Patriot posts he said the 4th family had been taken out. I'm pretty sure Q meant the Duponts and associated families. This would be a direct link to Robert Mueller.

Also, Joe Biden's local church is at Brandywine. In fact his son was buried there so it's likely that Biden is linked to the Duponts as well.

St. Joseph on the Brandywine


Archive 4chan thread:


Plus, thank you baker. CIA Playboy Bunny Operative for you.

effdbb No.1375079

have we beaten to death the aspect ratio of the strange black-barred pictures from Q?

591x1280 isn't something i expect to be a 'normal' or 'default' size.


b2c4a7 No.1375080


I'm interested in how the Sabre engine from Reaction Engines is going to compare to the J-58. Amazing tech to slow air down and chill it to stupidly low temperatures in microseconds.

e4ce7f No.1375081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Space X Round 2 Eyes wide open

be7523 No.1375082

Speaker Ryan still controlled?

Speaker Ryan Splits From President Trump Over Amnesty

Ryan exposed his strategy against Trump during his Thursday press conference, when he was asked how he was dealing with the “discharge petition” push being used by 17 business-first GOP legislators to force an amnesty bill through the House.

If the 17 GOP members can collect a total of 25 GOP signatures on their discharge petition, then 193 Democrats will join them to get the 218 signatures needed to stage a floor vote, despite leadership opposition. Their planned floor vote will be a rare “Queen of the Hill” debate around four bills. That plan will allow business-first GOP legislators to unite behind an amnesty bill that will pass with support from 193 Democrats — and also split their votes to ensure the failure of pro-American immigration bills.

Ryan’s two-part agenda specifically excludes two of the four-part, pro-American immigration reforms pushed by Trump — ending chain-migration and ending the visa lottery. Those two reforms are vital to prevent a flood of low-skill chain-migrants lowering Americans’ wages and extending the Democrats’ demographic chokehold outside California, New Jersey, New York and Illinois.


4ffd81 No.1375083


then why is the MSM only showing old footage?

there is no sky park on what they show

839983 No.1375084


shoo, we like clean bread here

68e9f6 No.1375085


then gtfo

44d121 No.1375086


except we were not the united states then. There was only a continental congress.

2dc288 No.1375087


Tends to suggest what venue really has the power doesn't it.

Anons blowing gaskets

Jones/Corsi laughing.

565a1d No.1375088

File: b0c0ffd0f618184⋯.png (874.14 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)



3. Avenatti & Patrick ‘McDreamy’ Dempsey Co-Owned a Coffee Shop Chain & Dempsey Sued Avenatti to Get Out of the Deal

Patrick Dempsey Le Mans, Michael Avenatti

8a3386 No.1375089


yep love me some 8bit :D

8d5bc2 No.1375090

Trump ends the Iran deal and today:

U.N. nuclear watchdog's inspections chief quits suddenly

“Mr Tero Varjoranta has resigned effective 11 May 2018”


16a99b No.1375091

File: 24a9e47792b64c4⋯.png (155.25 KB, 467x264, 467:264, ClipboardImage.png)

cbec56 No.1375093


which stream is this from

57596f No.1375094

JC and AJ are comped. We are with you Q, all the way to the end. WWG1WGA!

e50523 No.1375095


morality is subjective…

3246dc No.1375096

EUAnons. The Falcon 9 already is in Orbit?

7a9997 No.1375097



4ffd81 No.1375099


this is fantastic news for so many!

66ff8c No.1375100

File: c82e8af4a93eff6⋯.jpg (430.79 KB, 909x1138, 909:1138, Screenshot_20180511-134933….jpg)

786ee7 No.1375101

The Rothschilds, who are Jews, are literally trying to take over the world.

968035 No.1375102


>after this is all over, maybe we can hook up for a nice game of chess

>i will spot you a piece or two

Sounds good to me.


Thank you, anon.

63050b No.1375103

http:// www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/05/lt-gen-mcinerney-rebukes-john-mccain-on-torture-it-worked-on-john-thats-why-they-called-him-songbird-john-video/

839983 No.1375104


The Hammer of Thor compels you

845669 No.1375106

File: 45ae84c01620957⋯.jpg (19.3 KB, 229x220, 229:220, IMG_2180.JPG)



a540e1 No.1375107


Time to wrap up my day, anons. Please answer the call.

2dc288 No.1375108


not really, but i know i'm not going to change your mind, so believe what you want.

68e9f6 No.1375109



just like AIM did, they pretend to be white hats then are exposed for being MSM shills

but AJ/Corsi have been comped for a while now

just their blatant shilling is new

d28cdf No.1375111


I didn't see the news show it. What channel?

d65399 No.1375112

File: b282d3761790521⋯.png (18.02 KB, 756x1008, 3:4, NOTABLES.png)


Question, though. Has anyone decided to test to see if anon are auto clowns by responding with images of text to test them?

017de3 No.1375113

Comped? In either case, observation useful…Nothing changes.

56ec48 No.1375114


BO. ok seems ok now. and 1723 is there finished up. weird. sorry for panic. just this place is a target. thought the worst.

dfe5d4 No.1375115

Markets are closed. Im expecting some big news now until late this evening. Lets do this! Motivated Anons!

Never Ever Ever Ever Give up

c6630b No.1375116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>1375010 (previous)

d28cdf No.1375118


Jones and Corsi both said Q is fake, because both Jones and Corsi are fake

18e4d1 No.1375120


i said it many times trying to tell people about aj

he is controlled op. he got a pretty good audience then started acting f crazy on air. he turned alot of new truth seekers away.

same thing with corsi… got a big enough audience and then pow. he turns alot of his followers away from Q movement.

its really easy to see, especially if you been on a truth quest for 10+ years.

c6d726 No.1375121

File: 5d7d6c0667e98e2⋯.png (84.13 KB, 730x526, 365:263, ClipboardImage.png)


The post asking "Is this the sky event" was from anon…not Q.

a4df08 No.1375122


Surprise Surprise…only a handful of Jews ever complain about it

Brother Nathaniel

Frame Games Radio

are two that I have seen

e50523 No.1375123


oh, you never know..I've been

known to change my mind.

968035 No.1375124


I don't have any deletion requests in my reports list. Could you point them out?

256e62 No.1375125

File: ac6ee308a522861⋯.jpg (244.29 KB, 850x566, 425:283, 324213235567.jpg)

So, Is Jordan Peterson controlled opposition too?

396391 No.1375126


there is no such thing as constructive panic.

next time, remember to breathe

2dc288 No.1375127



I'll remember that.

4ffd81 No.1375128


Fox news, I have it on 24/7

while working I have the sound off

a few times today when mentioning the summit

they showed pictures of the hotel

but they were at least ten years old


they have taken the sky park down

0e7dd7 No.1375130


Semantics. If we elected a president of the CONTINENT(al) Congress (our governing body at the time), we considered ourselves a nation/country that was independent of England. 1776 was merely our declaration of such as our hand was 'forced' so to speak, by England.

But yes, you are correct.

d38471 No.1375131


I knew they would pull that shit. How many different retards are going to try and pull Roy Potter's schtick before no one falls for it?

I really think it will do nothing more than fuel the Q fire.

8447b4 No.1375132


It is disappointing. Leaders form alliances, they don't do what Q just did.

3246dc No.1375134


We really need help…

fb3ca4 No.1375136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5 mins to go

ce4513 No.1375138

File: 5973c0769d120ec⋯.png (208.28 KB, 561x531, 187:177, Have no clue.png)

These people are so stupid they have no clue the entire planet is on to them….

396391 No.1375139


hope not, can't wait to see him BTFO Justin

786ee7 No.1375140

It is just a little bit strange that Clinton and Soetoro are walking around.

How long has it been now and no arrests?

Leads one to believe that Q is a hoax.

3829b7 No.1375141


Truth is FREEdom and Lies Cost you your soul.

b07df2 No.1375142


will find and resend.

b68ad1 No.1375143

File: 01de05a3941777e⋯.jpg (345.53 KB, 720x724, 180:181, Screenshot_20180511-155840….jpg)

File: 828c7ae90000e7f⋯.jpg (164.31 KB, 715x636, 715:636, Screenshot_20180511-160623….jpg)

How to get this message out effectively is the question…


d38471 No.1375144


Just woke up dude, chill. Damn.

5d8ac9 No.1375145


Most likely. Some of what he says is completely looney.

But he is one of the more intelligent shills

ee0a44 No.1375146

>>1374845 lb

I'll take North Weald Airfield for $500, Alex.

7dff6f No.1375147



That isn't the type of power that should ever be entrusted to a person.

It is just too ripe for abuse.

Laws have always existed to protect us from each other.

The idea there was ever that kind of morality is retroactive fantasy.

3246dc No.1375148


If you're EUAnon, don't lose the focus in the rocket..

32c518 No.1375149


It doesn't have to be about Q. The important thing is to get clear, understandable information out about history and current events, ideally in small, not too threatening doses to familiarize those who haven't had real news access, the memes are a great vehicle. In-depth information here adds to that, once people's curiosity is piqued. An example is people who first happened on something that didn't make sense about 9/11, the next thing they knew, they found themselves three days later still going down the rabbithole.

a4df08 No.1375150


Yes…hes a socialist preaching Nihilism

Basically his soloution is …do nothing

692629 No.1375151


The development is crowned by a one-hectare Sky Park bridging the two towers. The Sky Park offers panoramic 360-degree views of Singapore’s skyline

https:// www.aconex.com/projects/marina-bay-sands

BTW Aconex hosts most of the world's largest building, construction and engineering projects from the last 18 years. They are a document and project management platform that recently was sold to Oracle.

Technically Oracle now has all the blueprints and plans for large scale infrastructure and buildings. Granted you need to be a DB admin to access.

f37af8 No.1375152

More on China and surveillance. Looks like they are already embedding brain sensors in caps and helmets to monitor the workforce. It's called "emotional surveillance"


786ee7 No.1375153


Fuckin'A right !!!

e7fc33 No.1375154

File: 30eba336066f1da⋯.png (148.82 KB, 817x522, 817:522, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)

File: 98e83096b2ffbe4⋯.png (165.14 KB, 733x618, 733:618, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)

File: 990596f5f998398⋯.png (158.28 KB, 861x567, 41:27, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)




SpaceX is targeting launch of Bangabandhu Satellite-1 on Friday, May 11 from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, Florida. The two-hour launch window opens at 4:14 p.m. EDT or 20:14 UTC. A backup launch window opens on Saturday, May 12 at 4:15 p.m. EDT or 20:15 UTC. Bangabandhu Satellite-1 will be deployed into a geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) approximately 33 minutes after launch.

The Bangabandhu Satellite-1 mission will be the first to utilize Falcon 9 Block 5, the final substantial upgrade to SpaceX’s Falcon 9 launch vehicle. Falcon 9 Block 5 is designed to be capable of 10 or more flights with very limited refurbishment as SpaceX continues to strive for rapid reusability and extremely high reliability. Following stage separation, SpaceX will attempt to land Falcon 9’s first stage on the “Of Course I Still Love You” droneship, which will be stationed in the Atlantic Ocean. You can watch the live launch webcast below and find out more about the mission in our press kit.


396391 No.1375155


>It is just a little bit strange that Clinton and Soetoro are walking around.


(it's from last night, not even old, fer fug's sake)

Read below slow and carefully.


Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?

U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded

U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.

Read above slow and carefully.


Welcome to the Deep State.

Future to prove past.


5808b5 No.1375156

File: 12e47ac4163f2f6⋯.jpg (494.34 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180511-160845….jpg)

File: 21ad50437e543c9⋯.jpg (460.77 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180511-160851….jpg)

Grassley Graham letter.


4ffd81 No.1375157


two towers..

looked like three to me

25aede No.1375158


Select being the keyword. Corsi and AJ are exposed as being paytriots not patriots. That's absolutely clear per Q.


Ok shill. Corsi is not a follower. In fact he's a pied piper leading POTUS's followers towards himself. If (you) can't see that ur either too stupid or intentionally shilling for Corsi. Either way ur defense of him is highly suspect and bordering on treasonous to the board.

If u really mean no harm and are just that simple I suggest you reread Q's last crumb from Reddit and the notables. There may be hope for you.

Last I'm gonna discuss the Corsi/AJ shit b/c this is bordering on a slide (which is extremely telling seeing how many are shilling for them against Q).

U have a choice: support AJ/Corsi or support POTUS. Choose wisely.

eae5ba No.1375160

File: 85037e41d85e794⋯.png (194.48 KB, 1138x622, 569:311, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)

https:// blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/282166/lawyer-says-trump-knew-of-schneidermans-alleged-abuse-in-2013/

f5bb07 No.1375161




28a083 No.1375162


2 reasons

Iran inspections were bullshit

Israel has never been inspected

Trump is dropping le hammer.

a4df08 No.1375163


Go watch Vox Day pull his books apart

Petersen is a broken down Socialist Hates Trump

Ben Shapiro…same thing full of shit never Trumper

d65399 No.1375164

File: fe2c3042abb80ed⋯.jpg (38.08 KB, 600x355, 120:71, billsface.jpg)


Stuff analyzing it is in recent notables, too.

In a very fresh bread, there's multiple anons who haven't bothered to even hover over the recent notable links.

ce4513 No.1375165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: SpaceX to Launch Falcon 9 Rocket


T-Minus 3 minutes

3246dc No.1375166



Another Spy or EMP?

47547c No.1375167

File: ca35ee1f842c2ca⋯.jpg (33 KB, 360x479, 360:479, 514ad2dc88d73ee03f6430173b….jpg)

Remember when A Jones tried to discredit Pizza Gate (Pedogate)?

dacc99 No.1375168


Was wondering why Pompeo can't just revoke those security clearances as none of them have government jobs anymore?

0954a5 No.1375169


A lot of people think Alex is real and not a bullshit artist.

1bb0f4 No.1375170


Every time I bring it up people want proof! Where is the proof???

e7fc33 No.1375171


The two-hour launch window opens at 4:14 p.m. EDT or 20:14 UTC.

>2 min

2dc288 No.1375172


Hmm, I thought Morality was basically the universal adoption of the 10 commandments.

Don't kill, don't lie, don't steal, you know the drill.

The ability to self govern, abide by those universally accepted principles of how society behaves…..

I guess I was wrong on that?

If there isn't any such thing as morality, then a police state is what we must have, since i cannot trust you to not be immoral and thus cause me injury.

c6d726 No.1375173

File: 3f93431e0526838⋯.png (126.33 KB, 1096x641, 1096:641, ClipboardImage.png)

2f123a No.1375174

16a99b No.1375175


Q is now a anti capitalist shill…

c2dc6f No.1375176


Anons who follow both Q and AJ/Corsi have gone into massive cognitive dissonance.

692629 No.1375177


maybe a mistake in this copy. Beginning of press release mentions 3 towers

28a083 No.1375178


He admitted in divorce court that it's all an act for $$$

586318 No.1375180

File: 62c36bf61a93d3f⋯.jpg (99.84 KB, 457x592, 457:592, GOD'S WORD #001.jpg)

File: a3b49769b46865c⋯.jpg (83.02 KB, 382x600, 191:300, FRET NOT #001.jpg)

File: aeb033439d0ca33⋯.jpg (94.16 KB, 445x539, 445:539, PATRIOTS HAVE NO SKIN COLO….jpg)

File: c118ff8a8ff0a9b⋯.jpg (95.84 KB, 399x553, 57:79, WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES ….jpg)

File: 9d702550b88bd7d⋯.jpg (94.26 KB, 436x546, 218:273, IWILL BLESS THE LORD.jpg)

396391 No.1375182


>why Pompeo can't just revoke those security clearances as none of them have government jobs anymore?

<How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

548f42 No.1375183


You must not have not read the very first post. What you are posting has nothing to do with my post wanting just a small wish that Trump could knowledge Q in a tweet so the left would know he is legit. We know that can't happen. That was it.

68e9f6 No.1375184



their thinking: well, its not illegal

18e4d1 No.1375185


lol, like tons of other stupid laws on the books.

we really need this as a law?


a78678 No.1375186

File: 060593670f0de1a⋯.jpg (121.11 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 2a2bdq.jpg)

File: adf16557b23fb71⋯.jpg (164.45 KB, 500x690, 50:69, 2a2blx.jpg)

File: 768fad268e3771d⋯.jpg (169.71 KB, 500x690, 50:69, 2a2brl.jpg)

83fd35 No.1375187

>>1373057 lb

AJ likely new election was a guarantee win for Hillary because they all thought the fix was 100% fool proof. So agent in place played his part but the good guys were smarter this time. Rogers, NSA and MI teams are heroes beyond imagination. AJ is gonna be screwed.

92e903 No.1375189

Wow has my internet been slowed, BIGLY.


40861b No.1375190

File: 8b95f24024c5c84⋯.png (334.85 KB, 851x499, 851:499, av.PNG)

I suspect this Stormy Daniels story is going to end exposing political corruption is behind it all so I am filing this info in the back of my mind for later reference. I remember hearing something about fair and equal access to media for political candidates being the law. This access combined with CNN's new proclamation that they are not going to be showing Trump rallies in full might be important later

a78678 No.1375191

File: c3d72434bcf4ace⋯.jpg (143.37 KB, 780x439, 780:439, 2a3ho8.jpg)

File: 1e1f78438bee8aa⋯.jpg (135.13 KB, 500x656, 125:164, 2a3jnq.jpg)

File: b6dd550de8a1aaa⋯.jpg (127.66 KB, 500x656, 125:164, 2a3kre.jpg)

File: 5c7f6952eb73a80⋯.jpg (134.68 KB, 500x656, 125:164, 2a3lqi.jpg)

396391 No.1375192


a lot of people like to dress up in animal suits.

28a083 No.1375194


Corsi has some shit from 1994/1995 that he blocked me for bringing up yesterday.

He was president of MDS Securities.

Worked with Ron Brown, who was arkancided.

Corsi was sued in 1995, but had hidden money in his wife's name.

61bb24 No.1375195

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt had a $240-per-person dinner at a Rome restaurant with a Vatican cardinal who was a climate-change skeptic and under investigation for sex abuse in 2017. The EPA office did not disclose the cardinal was at the dinner on public records, according to documents obtained by The New York Times.

Cardinal George Pell pleaded not guilty to historical charges of sexual abuse at the end of April in his home country of Australia. But in June 2017, he had dinner with Pruitt, his top aides and others at La Terrazza, a restaurant in Rome. Pruitt’s team knew Pell was under investigation for sex abuse at the time, according to Times reporter Eric Lipton, who told the story in a series of tweets containing links to EPA documents he and colleague Lisa Friedman obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests and subsequent lawsuits.

Planning for the dinner with Pell started in May 2017. But as Lipton noted, none of the four calendars released by Pruitt’s office showed that Pell would be attending the dinner. Pruitt’s top aide, Samantha Dravis, sent an email on June 9 saying she was “at dinner with Cardinal Pell and Mr. Pruitt.”

According to that email, the two men were discussing a Wall Street Journal article by a former Obama administration official proposing a process of peer review for climate science that would use opposing teams to argue for and against scientific reports, a system known as “Red Team/Blue Team.”

Pell and Pruitt have both expressed skepticism about climate change. In 2011, Pell gave a speech in which he said carbon dioxide was “not a pollutant, but part of the stuff of life,” and that “plants would love it” if carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased. Increasing carbon dioxide emissions as a result of industrialization are a major cause of global warming.

Just a few weeks after the dinner, Pell was charged with sexual assault, the highest-ranking Vatican official to be charged in connection with the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal.



dacc99 No.1375196


Tranquilizer darts?

Just imagine Shillary going down in a heap.

3246dc No.1375197



And I have the worse internet of the world..

8d5bc2 No.1375198


>Trump is dropping le hammer.

Excellent news.

4bc2e3 No.1375199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Psycholgical assassination coverups

Got get em dr Phil


27a837 No.1375200

File: 0611616a452e74a⋯.png (371.03 KB, 900x596, 225:149, 1red.PNG)

File: 3376c00f578bd3f⋯.png (338.03 KB, 954x580, 477:290, 3red.PNG)

File: 369ca4cc3b57643⋯.png (397.2 KB, 940x648, 235:162, 2red.PNG)

somebody should tell these fags to correct that…even reddit on board with these cunts..

be9d2d No.1375201

File: 06cadf88586c0e0⋯.png (4.15 MB, 1605x904, 1605:904, 43568926865253.png)

d28cdf No.1375202

The Falcon 9 was supposed to launch 1 minute ago. I cannot find any article confirming it launched yet

be7523 No.1375203

File: a62479cbf271d62⋯.jpg (149.16 KB, 519x1000, 519:1000, Pepe_popcorn.jpg)

Moar Winning!!!!!

Georgia School Board Votes Unanimously to Arm Teachers

eorgia’s Fannin County School Board voted unanimously Thursday night to arm teachers for defense of themselves and their students.

The only caveat is that approved teachers must carry their guns in holsters:


cbec56 No.1375204

File: 1455d72d0e6ac2e⋯.jpg (125.54 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, 1485884978174.jpg)


>What could be a SKY EVENT and also cause tsunamis?

>Could this also be the cause of the insane weather and Earth changes worldwide lately?

Nibiru. See the entirety of http://z etatalk.com/ning/index.htm

786ee7 No.1375206


Soetoro and Clinton in New Zealand with security clearances and full access means that something is wrong here.

3246dc No.1375207

it seems that The Falcon9 was launched

4bc2e3 No.1375208

File: 8a2087d32425401⋯.jpg (37.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, IMG_2189.JPG)

73fcc3 No.1375209


he seems very good, but that's just in contradistinction to his peers.

we have the elevated form already here in the USA:

http:// www.hanshoppe.com/

7a36bb No.1375210


LOL he's the opposite of that, dumbfuck

c2d304 No.1375211

File: e3018a7cb87499e⋯.png (235.31 KB, 853x480, 853:480, Screenshot-2018-5-11 Banga….png)


dcfb24 No.1375213


"Just about to go through MAX Q"

68e9f6 No.1375214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


looks like it did

3246dc No.1375215


Bye Bye World?

f37af8 No.1375216

"Kalden is, in fact, the elusive "Wise Man" Ty Gospodinov, the original inventor and founder who came up with the idea for the company. Mae agrees to meet him in secret and he tells her that a totalitarian regime will soon arise if nothing is done to stop it, equating it to a surveillance society. He explains the need for privacy in the digital age and asks her to help him take down the Circle, saying he cannot do it alone. Mae thinks that he is crazy, but pretends to go along with him, but then betrays him by telling the other founders of the Circle what has happened, who ensure that Ty is silenced. The book ends with Mae looking at Annie in a coma at the hospital, wondering when the time will come that the circle will develop enough technology to read people's thoughts, saying that "the world deserves nothing less and would not wait".

16a99b No.1375217

File: 830cb9217411b33⋯.png (144.96 KB, 293x284, 293:284, ClipboardImage.png)

a540e1 No.1375218



I have to abandon the oven, anons.

f9c658 No.1375219

File: 2192bd1489085bf⋯.jpg (901.21 KB, 1032x1367, 1032:1367, jerome corsi and AJ PAYtri….jpg)

File: 0f684d510bc3a70⋯.jpg (493.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, jerome corsi PAYtriot.jpg)

cc669d No.1375220


They don't call out traitors in their ranks? Wrong.

eae5ba No.1375221

File: fdefff8a7ef297e⋯.png (909 KB, 1130x872, 565:436, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)

He wants to be President and will do anything to get there

http:// www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/gov-cuomo-planning-trip-israel-express-solidarity-article-1.3982468

396391 No.1375222





Wizards & [WAR]locks.

These people are really DUMB.

839983 No.1375223

MAX. FUCKING. Q. ayyyyyyy

28a083 No.1375224


Unless NZ is working with Trump.

Like Iran did when they set up Kerry a couple of weeks ago.

bd420f No.1375226


Anon this is probably not important but the painting you refer to is actually a photograph and there is someone in pink hiding behind one of the posts of the rotunda.

256e62 No.1375227


It's hard to know who is legit these days.

a4df08 No.1375228


Oh hey Jordan…what happened to your male live in lover

Did your "wife" kick him out or???

786ee7 No.1375229

Jews making laws to forbid people to research the holocaust.

7a36bb No.1375230


A win for the CIA

b93da1 No.1375231


Classic liberal response. I am confused and concerned. I am asking questions, questions some of you don't like. Too bad. I want answers, not questions. MAGA

4bc2e3 No.1375232

File: e82bb02af3cc953⋯.jpg (99.93 KB, 1024x652, 256:163, IMG_2184.JPG)


32c518 No.1375233


>Every time I bring it up people want proof! Where is the proof???

That can be true for any statement. It might be good for people who know about links to corroborate what's in memes to relay that somehow to meme-makers, so they can include them.

3246dc No.1375234


What, that was in the process in the falcom9 yesterday?

a78678 No.1375235

File: ffb271a24de3fb1⋯.jpg (98.31 KB, 652x435, 652:435, 2a26cw.jpg)

File: 9daa861fe0e81c9⋯.jpg (123.1 KB, 996x500, 249:125, 2a27mh.jpg)

File: 034a4f32593fc0b⋯.jpg (105.75 KB, 996x500, 249:125, 2a27kd.jpg)

File: 053ba7f8ae9487c⋯.jpg (88.93 KB, 652x435, 652:435, 2a26b8.jpg)

16a99b No.1375236


you owe AJ worm meat

6f73a7 No.1375238

So that Chinese billionaire that was just arrested for bribing US officials bribed John Ashe? The same John Ashe that died in a weightlifting accident that many thought Hillary had something to do with?

ffead6 No.1375239


Mine too. It's been like this for days, and I'm in a populated area with multiple towers. It's the middle of the freaking day and most people are at work.

It was crazy bad when the prisoners came home at 3 in the morning. It seems like the bandwidth is being strangled and the people involved are being shadowbanned. This is the first week that the White House has been showing up in my feed, but I couldn't even search the Secretary of State the other day without obviously non-related people and issues popping up as the primary hits.

68e9f6 No.1375240


lol theres not a liberal bone in muh body

this isn't the palce to whine and bitch about Q, go to twatter

8d5bc2 No.1375241

e3ae6a No.1375242


Boomers still using opioids. Kek. Just die already.

5d8ac9 No.1375243


I just assume that if they have a large audience they are shills.

If they weren't they would have been stomped out before getting really big,

3056f4 No.1375244


Speak for yourself matey.

562837 No.1375245

File: 210e6b00ac0d32a⋯.png (71.92 KB, 300x168, 25:14, socialmedia.png)

File: be33a9542e1ed15⋯.jpeg (165.13 KB, 1200x603, 400:201, socialmediacontrol.jpeg)

(from a past bread)


yep, but YouTube cribs the numbers.

They boost the Ghosts

We already found out they are all connected at the top. They promote their own people/agents. And fake numbers. Many times we've seen numbers go down! They cap it if it's truth that threatens them and boost if it's fake news.

Sort of like a vaccine: You get the fake thing and when the real item comes around your body throws it off.

8d5bc2 No.1375246


>hes a socialist preaching Nihilism

How dumb can you be?

786ee7 No.1375247


Q said that New Zealand doesnt keep logs. Therefore, NOT see all hear all.

4bc2e3 No.1375249

File: 40c553b6c350244⋯.jpg (57.75 KB, 500x437, 500:437, IMG_2188.JPG)

Let's talknarizona Coventry , fuck Scottsdale

3246dc No.1375250

Already is the End of the World?

28a083 No.1375251

Pretty sure Corsi/Jones tried to discredit Dennis Montgomery…

The one who has a current lawsuit against Jim Comey…


a78678 No.1375252

File: 0e17baaa58b4adf⋯.jpg (142.86 KB, 500x843, 500:843, Q proof Corsi 111 day mark….jpg)

25aede No.1375253


When the only people supporting you are democrats involved in treason u may be a treasonous democrat. RINO is too good of a name for no name.

dc91bc No.1375254

So nobody is picking up on the pattern?

The slow intermittent reward system that Q has set up to condition and control…

Tickles you with stuff that you can look up without him, but is still very sensational which many investigative journalist have ( hence why everything linked to is AN ARTICLE WRITTEN ). Then has stretches where the info is really entertaining and exciting but nothing actually happens ( beside the war mongering everyone said they were against) followed by slower periods of "drops," all the while feeling the need to post more often ( cuz it's not about followers to Q?) Then touches every socialist anon's heart by showing you love by bagging on profits, then anons work harder because it validates them to have their unquestioned leader tell you its ok to work for free,then Q says " yeah i knew I could count on you Great work anons, you're on fire …" rinse repeat and toss in " listen to nobody else ," No its not a cult

d38471 No.1375255

Well at least #wethepeople is helping put out the CorsiJones bullshit fire.

565a1d No.1375256


e7fc33 No.1375257

File: 67236d4a8294ac9⋯.jpeg (31.55 KB, 549x312, 183:104, AlexJonesAlexNapier.jpeg)

File: 664cafb38584cf6⋯.jpeg (11.36 KB, 243x207, 27:23, download.jpeg)

wife: Kelly Rebecca Nichols

Alex Napier

Alexander John Robert Napier (1977) died in the World Trade Center, New York, on 11th September 2001.

Alex was managing director for the USA of AON Trade Credit, located in the south tower. He and his staff had begun to evacuate their offices after the first of the terrorist attacks. On the way down they were informed that the emergency was over and those who wished could return to their desks. Alex and one other member of staff did so and were caught in the second attack.

He, Nicky (n?e Sykes) whom he had married in 1988, and their three children had become well settled in America, bought their own house in Convent Station New Jersey, loved the life and made many friends, some of whom spoke most movingly at his memorial service in Madison.



e3ae6a No.1375258


Not even fucking close sadly…

47547c No.1375259


No. He is working on another level. Restoring sanity to the substratum of our culture.

Why is the ability to read people such a rare talent?

b0d9d5 No.1375260

File: 4c40752c769f891⋯.png (51.94 KB, 1167x408, 389:136, NZ_google_trends.png)

Interesting how New Zealand is #1 in search interest for QAnon in past few hours swamping the US search traffic. I guess FVEY perked up and doing a massive download of as much info as they can for damage control on HRC. It's early morning in NZ, so they must have been burning the midnight oil.


9b57c2 No.1375261


Q team/GEOTUS already have what HRC is trying to delete.

786ee7 No.1375262

Jews / Rothschilds running GeoEngineering?


4d4b3c No.1375263

File: 7d951f49cd3c347⋯.jpg (24.46 KB, 573x378, 191:126, Kerry.jpg)

be7523 No.1375264

Another resignation!!!

Voluntary or forced??

Top State Department Nuclear Expert Announces Resignation After Trump Iran Deal Exit

One of the State Department’s top experts on nuclear proliferation resigned this week after President Donald Trump announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, in what officials and analysts say is part of a worrying brain drain from public service generally over the past 18 months.

Richard Johnson, a career civil servant who served as acting assistant coordinator in State’s Office of Iran Nuclear Implementation, had been involved in talks with countries that sought to salvage the deal in recent weeks, including Britain, France, and Germany — an effort that ultimately failed.

He did not give a specific reason for his departure. But in a farewell email to colleagues and staff, Johnson stressed that the 2015 agreement Trump was ditching had successfully curbed Iran’s nuclear program.


396391 No.1375265


egad, you're slow.

read again, i've been nice enough for you, bye.

d65399 No.1375266


May is going to be a bad month for the Pope.

I have two theories because this is very strange:

Cardinal Pell is a pedo, but didn't play ball with climate change, so he was canned.

Or Cardinal Pell is not a pedo, and got charged for being a pedo by the deep state (projection) in order to get him out of their climate change plans.

If the second one is true, perhaps we should take a look again at who has been charged with sexual assault/rape in the Vatican (that the Vatican allowed or supported the prosecution of), because it it could be that the Vatican is using rape/sexual assault charges to remove dissidents.

a4df08 No.1375267



Petersen is a closet homosexual, atheist and marxist….

Thats why he gets on MSM

controlled opposition

He is a POS, a sell out and a traitor

bc2b75 No.1375268

File: 87b02eb70b114ab⋯.png (138.73 KB, 767x310, 767:310, Infinity.png)

There was an idea.

To bring together a group of remarkable people.

To see if we could become something more.

So when they needed us,

we could fight the battles,

that they never could.

b07df2 No.1375269



4b2a2e No.1375270


>Q told everyone the truth

>People turned on Corsi

>Q came and dropped another truth bomb

>Alex Jones went ape shit, but I'm being redundant, really

>Some people are now scratching their heads because they never understood that Alex Jones is disinfo psyop to make any movement in the right direction look like a conspiracy

Again, Q warned about this stuff repeatedly, and some didn't pick up on it initially. Alex Jones has always been disinfo; regardless of whether he was telling partial truths in some of his, um, "work", or not.

f5bb07 No.1375271


it has


cc669d No.1375274


Then GTFO.

4bc2e3 No.1375275

File: 4c899be7d603b72⋯.jpg (169.88 KB, 2000x967, 2000:967, IMG_2185.JPG)


32c518 No.1375276


Big Pharma needs dismantling. Some of Operation Paperclip landed there, it's totally compromised.

839983 No.1375277


the one just now, yeah, thought it was funny :)

28a083 No.1375278


Possible a video.

8d5bc2 No.1375279


If you are so dumb that you have to ask others to help you to have an opinion on JP, you don't deserve to be here.

Listen to him, learn.

Don't post!

e3ae6a No.1375280


Too bad it doesn't trickle down to inform The People because the rest of the anons are too fucking fixated on (((Alex Jones))).

9c3fe7 No.1375281

File: 216c30a2833b680⋯.png (12.43 KB, 472x421, 472:421, ClipboardImage.png)



f33c7f No.1375282

Theory on At&t/Novaris & Cohen

Cohen creates a "foundation"

Contacts CEO's

Access Access Access

America for sale

BAU for CEO's

Bait taken

F_i raid secures evidence

Charges for Cohen

It's all admissible

They know


PR nightmare

Setting the stage

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

18e4d1 No.1375283



and telling them to die, u sound as bad as the cabal… u have no compassion to someone older than you that needs meds?

do you have grandparents? i would bet almost anything they are on some kind of medicine.

3246dc No.1375284


Just remember. The Human Being is destroying the planet with the natural resources exploitation…

5c714d No.1375285

File: 190cdc2d5fcf738⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 610x324, 305:162, 10worst.jpg)

gee… sure would be unfortunate if Corsi's books Amazon ratings plummet…. Glen Beck experienced some backlash ratings plummet. Corsi should have paused for a second and thought about it

4a1372 No.1375286

File: e6001c1518e79e8⋯.png (554.33 KB, 427x563, 427:563, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons (or could be shills) are now asking for Q confirmation!

Yet it is staring them, neon signs and all, right in the face!!!!


Didn't you see that? Didn't you get it?

If that's not Q/POTUS confirmation I don't know what is!!!



16a99b No.1375287

File: 605c4349061e4ab⋯.png (35.03 KB, 375x369, 125:123, ClipboardImage.png)

8b3377 No.1375288

File: aa944286fe938f4⋯.jpg (51.23 KB, 483x612, 161:204, Q money.jpg)

I do not believe that making money on this movement should discredit the information one shares or discredit the person outright. It is the content of their information that should discredit someone.

After all, I have been following Q since the beginning. I often spend hours a day looking into these boards. I have grown a fond respect and dare I say love for this movement. I think the underlying reason is for what it represents, the potential for TRUE FREEDOM.

I have grown to believe that if you find something that you love to do and you find a way to make money from it, you never have to work a day in your life. So I do not shame anyone for trying to make money from something they love, especially if they are providing a service.

What I do not like is if someone is making money where the underlying purpose is to mislead or there is a hidden agenda. It can often be hard to tell who is legit and who is misinformation and who has a hidden agenda. But you can more easily find those that love the underlying purpose behind their work and generally speaking they are good until proven otherwise.

Many of these YouTubers/writers/etc are making money doing a service. A service that helps people follow Q. Not everyone has hours upon hours a day to follow along. These sources provide summaries, they try to break things down for others to understand, they help spread the underlying message.

So while Q says to be careful on who you follow. I believe it is not necessarily meaning that if someone is profiting, they are bad. Instead, try to figure out why/how they are profiting or what their underlying purpose is. Look for red flags, but just having an ad on a video isn't and should not be a del breaker.

(full disclosure - I have not made money off Q and do not intend to)

As an ending metaphor- Just because someone is given money by the NRA doesn't mean that their message on guns should be discredited. Maybe their message was already what they are putting out and the NRA is supporting them. It is NOT necessarily that a person changed their message for the NRA money (though that may be the case for some).

a336f9 No.1375289

Sarah the super nanny

I thought you had a stable genius at the WH

Seems the team should be able to out strategize those assholes

Make them look like the shit heads they are

76a974 No.1375290

Q says be careful who you follow. Q doesn't say who to follow or who not to follow, in that context, right? Just sayin', Q has no reasonable control over anons likes/dislikes, formulating opinions, etc. On the other hand, the PAY-triots have an obsession with followers, attention whoring, as such. To them, everyone else but them is wrong, and any criticism is regarded as a vicious attack. Who cries in pain pretending to be a victim while cursing you? Do you ever wonder who does that? And then, buy my merchandise, it has all the answers to your questions and more.

eb3e36 No.1375291

File: a70674835f66441⋯.jpg (200.5 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningBrave1.jpg)

28a083 No.1375292


Jumping before going to jail.



786ee7 No.1375294


Clinton is spying on Trump and making moves from New Zealand where bitch has full security clearance and zero logs kept. There is no see all hear all in New Zealand. Soetoro and Clinton are conspiring from New Zealand.

e7fc33 No.1375295


>Grassley Graham letter.



3246dc No.1375296


Hopefully. The White Hats put something in that Satellite..

4ffd81 No.1375297


and of course I still love you?

why does he keep saying that?

4bc2e3 No.1375298

File: 463b714e12094e4⋯.jpg (38.87 KB, 403x302, 403:302, IMG_2183.JPG)

What I told you brain eating sacks of death run the cia

e3ae6a No.1375299


If Corsi and Beans can make a penny, then I'll do it too. Fuck them. Fuck you guys.

0ec392 No.1375300

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Reminded me of this:

08cdc2 No.1375301


What's your beverage of choice? Because I owe you many drinks.

d28cdf No.1375302


Thanks Anon!

5d8ac9 No.1375303

New shill tactic:

Q = Communist / Socialist

81c4e8 No.1375304

File: 54f9ead84bd0d3a⋯.gif (919.48 KB, 320x240, 4:3, colliniout.gif)


Thanks Anon. I actually thought it was a hyper-realized painting. Silly me.

I don't think anyone is paying attention anyway. The Alex Jones, Corsi, AIM, Thomas Paine mockingbird division fag train keeps on rolling so I shall retire from the board for a short while.

7a36bb No.1375305

File: 604378349690b25⋯.jpg (14 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 14429604.jpg)

bd420f No.1375306


Sounds like you're both on the same side, no?

586318 No.1375307

File: 321f9203bcb1b63⋯.jpg (80.8 KB, 430x609, 430:609, HILLARY CLINTON #007.jpg)

File: db192f78303114b⋯.jpg (77.5 KB, 441x599, 441:599, THE NAME OF THE LORD #004.jpg)

>>1375180 DOWN SHE GOES !!

68e9f6 No.1375308



Q means that REAL patriots don't seek fame or fortune and don't profit of a movement for TRUST

but you must be new here, so you have no idea what you're talking about

gtfo then kys

be9d2d No.1375309

File: 1bb63426ae4e3fd⋯.png (4.14 MB, 1605x904, 1605:904, 13864142902486065.png)

File: e5fd721ca2a3c82⋯.png (4.16 MB, 1605x904, 1605:904, 9726911937319365.png)


git er dun!

cc669d No.1375310


Well said anon.

b07df2 No.1375311

File: 219025dd9098051⋯.gif (370 B, 15x15, 1:1, Grin.gif)


you gotta place dere if you want one!

786ee7 No.1375312

1. Reason possesses volition.

2. Only Whites (European decent) have sentience that is individualist by nature.

3. Niggers and non whites have shit sentience, it is collectivist by nature.

4. Only the individual has sentience, the collective doesnt.

5. The collective is mindless and operates on whims, and orders from small groups higher up who are using them for their own plan to make everyone serve them.


What niggers and non whites mean when they talk about "equality" is equality of power. They mean that even though niggers and non whites are, per capital, much less capable than Whites due to their 15 point less IQ difference with Whites, they should still have as much power. However, because of their huge capability deficit when compared with Whites, Whites will naturally always have more power. If this was not the case, something would be seriously wrong.

The Deep State is ramming the much less capable niggers and non whites into government positions above Whites.

68e9f6 No.1375313


agreed 100%

muh Q is a marxist

e1540d No.1375315

File: f77a250d9ff16c4⋯.png (665.62 KB, 785x3010, 157:602, from-the-senate-today.png)

File: b39a56dc94b381a⋯.png (224.35 KB, 1247x691, 1247:691, senate-2.png)


d28cdf No.1375316


And even though Trump team new all along, Trump has to play the victim who was taken advantage of. Shame on Cohen. But still doesnt tell us if Stormy/Avenatti are good or bad…. could just be a deep state ploy to discredit Trump and once its proven Cohen is dirty and paid Stormy, we will see Cohen was working with them to set Trump up

3246dc No.1375317


8e6c75 No.1375318

[continued from part 1]

Answer: It is all connected to the approach of the rogue Planet X, aka Nibiru.

Washington Post article, Dec. 30, 1983 (of all places!):

"Possibly as Large as Jupiter"


"A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite."

Note infrared. Planet X is ONLY visible in infrared and/or near-infrared.

NYT article January 30, 1983:



"Recent calculations by the United States Naval Observatory have confirmed the orbital perturbation exhibited by Uranus and Neptune, which Dr. Thomas C. Van Flandern, an astronomer at the observatory, says could be explained by a single undiscovered planet. He and a colleague, Dr. Robert Harrington, calculate that the 10th planet should be two to five times more massive than Earth and have a highly elliptical orbit that takes it some 5 billion miles beyond that of Pluto - hardly next-door but still within the gravitational influence of the Sun."

Definition of orbit: "the curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star, planet, or moon, especially a periodic elliptical revolution."

Orbits REPEAT.

Scientists are discussing this again:

"New evidence in support of the existence of Planet Nine"


"Last year, the existence of an unknown planet in our Solar system was announced. […] Their calculations were motivated by the peculiar distribution of the orbits found for the trans-Neptunian objects (TNO) of the Kuiper belt, which apparently revealed the presence of a Planet Nine or X in the confines of the Solar System."

Mainstream articles on Planet X all the way back to the 1950s found here:


[continued in part 3]

9c3fe7 No.1375319

File: 216c30a2833b680⋯.png (12.43 KB, 472x421, 472:421, ClipboardImage.png)



47547c No.1375320


Yeah, Trump is such a socialist.

f9f1f7 No.1375321

File: 0f075d2934535b2⋯.jpg (502.46 KB, 750x1010, 75:101, IMG_9358.jpg)


I think AJ believes what he's saying, but doesn't understand he's being played by his "sources" just like any other programmed MSM actor.

It should be pretty clear to anyone that AJ has been the subject of selective programming.

de4589 No.1375322

File: 8e54e691bc220f7⋯.jpg (54.43 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, drake succ deck.jpg)


cc669d No.1375323


Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

256e62 No.1375324


That's probably a good bet.

0ec392 No.1375325

lol, they just bullshitted booster landing

Video cuts out… not there… nothing…


Suddenly perfectly there.

C'mon. lol

630982 No.1375326

File: 3fe198770da8236⋯.jpg (59.23 KB, 600x416, 75:52, ButchSundance.jpg)

Lordy, lordy, Jason Goodman has done gone and flown clear the hell to New Zealand, gone to some damn speech Hilldawg gave (apparently within last 24 hours) and put the video up on his YT channel. Haven't watched yet because it's three hours long.

I think he went to NZ to avoid a fistfight with George Webb, though. Go on and settle it like real men, you two cityfags!

08cdc2 No.1375327


This. Stopped paying any attention to him after that

9b57c2 No.1375328

File: 941390175bd7d3d⋯.jpg (27.52 KB, 474x394, 237:197, pepe autism.jpg)


its getting laughable on this board. The tactics are more ridiculous than ever. Now we have the shill captain AJ (AKA stratfor) getting his brainwashed followers on the board to shit it up.


f7050f No.1375329


I think you are on to something. How else do you expose the graft, corruption and the damn laws that need to be changed that makes this stuff legal?! Cohen's records, which the MSM is drooling over, will have to be covered when exposed.

8e6c75 No.1375330

[continued from part 2]

What about more recently? Future proves past.

NASA sent up TESS on April 18, 2018:

"What's Next for NASA's TESS Exoplanet Hunter?"


"TESS will observe 85 percent of the sky over its two-year prime mission and is expected to discover thousands of new worlds, as well as other astronomical objects like galaxies. […] The mission will rely on observations by other telescopes, both on the ground and in space, to confirm which of its detected "candidates" are bona fide planets."

Cooperation between ground-based and space-based telescopes, you say? Are there infrared space-based and ground-based telescopes out there? On that note, can TESS see in *infrared*?

"The Astrobiology Magazine Guide to TESS"


"As it happens, there are star systems where rocky planets — and potentially habitable ones at that — are close enough to their star to transit quite frequently. These star systems are the M-dwarfs, which are small, cool stars such as red dwarfs that emit most of their light towards the red and infrared region of the spectrum.

"TESS has been optimized to look in near-infrared light," says Ricker. "This means that, for the first time, we will open up the regime of M-dwarfs, which comprise about 75 percent of the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

M-dwarfs, previously ignored by astronomers, have grown more attractive to exoplanet hunters in recent years. This turnaround has been caused, in part, by ground-based telescopes discovering habitable zone planets orbiting nearby M-dwarf stars such as Proxima Centauri, TRAPPIST-1 and Ross 128."

Optimized for near-infrared light, you say?

M-dwarf planets were previously ignored, you say? Or were scientists "told" (threatened) to avoid looking at them or speaking of them?

Sure is interesting timing to be sending up new expensive satellites that are optimized for near-infrared…unless there is a reason…

Exoplanet: "A planet that orbits a star outside the solar system.

Most of the 100 known exoplanets are comparable in mass to Jupiter."

Think the Vatican satanists are hiding info about this?

"Lucifer Instrument Helps Astronomers See Through Darkness to Most Distant Observable Objects"


VATICAN'S. TELESCOPE. NAMED. LUCIFER. What in the hell does the Vatican want or need a telescope for? Does that telescope use infrared at all? Quote from that link:

"A new instrument with an evil-sounding name is helping scientists see how stars are born. Lucifer, which stands for (deep breath) "Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research," is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it's named for the Devil, whose name itself means "morning star.""

Infrared again. Also, is it not obvious they're satanists by pulling the name out of LBTNUCIFUER? What if the Vatican has been hiding the 3rd secret of Fatima (look it up) from us, and multiple Popes have hinted at its contents previously?

What if Noah's Flood is a story of a tsunami from a Planet X passing ~11,000 years ago? What if the Exodus is a story of a previous passing of Planet X ~3600 years ago, and all the planetary upheaval it brought with it? What if Revelations is a story about what is coming in the next passing of Planet X?

What if the SKY EVENT at the Marina Bay Sands is when Trump and Kim Jong Un (and potentially others like Putin) will announce the presence of Planet X in our solar system to the entire world?

d38471 No.1375332

Corsi and Jones shill for Israel.

Corsi and Jones turned on Q because they know Israel is the root of the problem.

Israel is last.

Can we finally see that it really is Israel, or do we need more flippy shills?

f283f0 No.1375333


I found some older photos from 2014 on social media of Q74 fire truck, called Quint 74, for a moment it appeared added just for us.

The link to the Q #74 post is still quite something. >>1373830


c6630b No.1375334


He's a target of the same conspiracy antics as he has done.

44d121 No.1375335

f5bb07 No.1375336


thats the name of their drone, it got me too i was weirded out but it hahaha!

4c197f No.1375337


from what I've heard from the Australian news he is a pedo.

One that covered for others as well, a real dog.

d4cc43 No.1375338


Why should they be making money when anons are doing all the work for free?

786ee7 No.1375339

Q might be a shit fest. Where is just one fucking arrest?

aad107 No.1375340

File: 459744eb81b3df5⋯.jpg (114.66 KB, 830x426, 415:213, 2a3ok2.jpg)

548f42 No.1375341

I saw that picture of Corsi with a Rockerfeller. Did an Anon figure out if Corsi was a Rockerfeller? I had heard he was but I would like proof. I am not good at this type of digging.

7a36bb No.1375342


At least these shills are dumber than even FE shills so it's pretty entertaining.

396391 No.1375344



(whatever happened to that guy? do he still do shows?)

ce4513 No.1375345


That's what Sylon Musk named either the second stage or the drone ship, absolutely gay, but Soylon gets to have creative freedom as long as he does what GEOTUS tells him to do :)

f283f0 No.1375346

File: 804d9a988a37758⋯.jpg (39.24 KB, 466x350, 233:175, 10426245_10204030708742282….jpg)


pic added

b68ad1 No.1375348


What are you talking about? Watch the video I posted, that's all the proof you need!

No name, in his own words,spelling it goes name,rank & what happened, saying he WASN'T A PRISONER!! He clearly states he was being VERY well taken care of, not being beaten in a cage

be9d2d No.1375349

File: 065b27b9674c0d7⋯.png (4.13 MB, 1605x904, 1605:904, 1871475932259080565.png)

9c3fe7 No.1375350


Trump is pro-Zionist. Zionism isn't a bad word. It's a badge of honor.

548f42 No.1375351


Bullshit. Just stop. Has nothing to do with Israel

4bc2e3 No.1375352

File: 3a9f25503ea948a⋯.jpg (33.39 KB, 461x461, 1:1, IMG_2186.JPG)

Willfull arrogance and a falsehood is a travesty

Willfull ignorant is just some cold beers

9b57c2 No.1375354

File: f428259e10b351e⋯.gif (19.72 KB, 358x358, 1:1, Comfy Pepe.gif)


I don't have a popcorn container big enough…

839983 No.1375355


i thought the exact same thing lol! my first response was "bullllllshiiiiiiiiit"

eb3e36 No.1375356

File: 201b296d21b34b3⋯.jpg (204.01 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningBrave2.jpg)

e7d9aa No.1375357

File: 48bf8e68855de84⋯.jpg (329.93 KB, 1298x776, 649:388, 5-11-18 Big Pharma.jpg)

It's been 3 months since Q posted about Big Pharma.

d65399 No.1375358


But can the Australian news be trusted?

The U.S. news tell us that POTUS is a racist, sexist, madman, but that's not true.

Definitely not saying we should trust the guy, but something doesn't add up.

Why would the Vatican allow this to happen in 2017?

Just for climate change?

Then again… climate change is the vehicle of a lot of nefarious shit.

786ee7 No.1375359


Fuckin'A right !!!

Isreal is not needed in the world at all. America can deal with the ragheads on its own, Israel is the main cause of all the problems over there.

256e62 No.1375360


Last time something like this was pointed out, it was right before action was taken in the country that topped the list.

But just like last time I can't duplicate your results.

Anyways, I'll be watching NZ.

d38471 No.1375361


>It's a badge of honor.

You are very misinformed.

31cbb5 No.1375362

help a brother anon out… why is D5 circled… is there a D5 connection in the graphic? I'm not seeing it.

a4df08 No.1375364


Did you say the same about AJ and Corsi?

Grow up buddy…these people are ruthless and always come as wolves in sheeps clothing

a99695 No.1375365


Really appreciate that. Thank you.

d38471 No.1375366


>Has nothing to do with Israel

Except everything.

e50523 No.1375367


haha…tell us moar.

ffead6 No.1375368


It's only disappointing if you didn't already figure out what they were on about and actually dedicate time and energy to what they're saying. If you're researching on your own and reading other research from the boards then you're probably completely apathetic about the situation. The problem is that Corsi was misrepresenting what was going on to begin with. AJ was probably just getting a movement's "representative" to come on and speak because the information appeared interesting and prescient and it was gaining momentum. I don't give a shit what they think, but when it comes down to it, if they start to go completely off the reservation then they're going to discredit Q bigly with a lot of people.

4d4b3c No.1375369

File: ea898dfa158371c⋯.jpg (15.28 KB, 264x299, 264:299, Goyim.jpg)

9b57c2 No.1375370




AKA GEOTUS directly talking to us…

68e9f6 No.1375371


not sure about the badge part but POTUS is technically a zionist

786ee7 No.1375372

The dancing Israelis did 9/11. It is clear for all to see.

548f42 No.1375373


Remember how hard we got hit on the board not soon after? Then the school shootings I think is what started.

99b78e No.1375374


They only have access if they are in the job, you can keep security clearances for a period of time after a job that required it. The point Q is trying to make us that having a security clearance means the government can legally monitor you for suspicious activity without a warrant.

258845 No.1375375


Use your brain, why is it a choice: Q or AJ? Why can't we listen to both, and draw our own conclusions.

5e6cd3 No.1375376


Yep he looked like an idiot then too. Couldn’t take the heat and did a complete180. He is not a friend to truth because he will discredit it in a heartbeat if he gets a flack for reporting it. What he did with pizzagate is why I have never given him the time of day since. Biggest drama queen POS I know of

dc91bc No.1375377


Yeah and every dissenting voice is a shill , no danger in that right?

a4df08 No.1375378


Trump is a Presbyterian…you should look into their views on Zionism

d38471 No.1375379


>POTUS is technically a zionist

Is he though? Or is it part of the plan?

548f42 No.1375380


With Jones and Corsi? No.

f7f34c No.1375381

File: 9db1835ba58eafd⋯.jpg (148.46 KB, 1149x799, 1149:799, Careful___.jpg)

8b3377 No.1375382



Why does a friendly neighbor help change a tire for free while there are paid services that will change the tire?

The underlying work of changing the tire is the same.

Do not bash a paid service because you do it for free.

Instead, bash them if they knowingly put on a leaking tire because they own the tire shop down the road and know you will need to replace the tire aka- a hidden agenda.

9c3fe7 No.1375383


Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Conservative Christians liken him to biblical Cyrus. How do you reconcile that?

4bc2e3 No.1375384

File: da776ad0b4aef6a⋯.jpg (52.04 KB, 264x333, 88:111, IMG_2182.JPG)

How've many lsd chemists had accidental deaths distracting this cabal, Paris orange

f9c658 No.1375385


Nice, way to go anon, well done.


5b9c40 No.1375386

File: a558842ba3f4160⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1179x1259, 1179:1259, C90DC3B7-D25F-42CC-8110-0….jpeg)

DoD retweet at 1628 est

3246dc No.1375388

Why I think that More [Space Junk] could to fall in the Sky?

http:// stuffin.space

ps: leave to talk about of AJ, Corsi, it's pure BULLSHIT

f9f1f7 No.1375389


It's like pirating hollywood movies instead of boycotting them. It doesn't matter if you don't give them money or pay for it, you're still being programmed with false information.

e7fc33 No.1375390


Douglas>>Seaman>>Corsi wasn't good enough, time for the big guns..KEK

ecc9f5 No.1375391

File: 58bd37cba4e05b3⋯.png (409.56 KB, 877x968, 877:968, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)

Holy Shit, B just posted about POTUS being on a plane when this all goes down.

Last night she posted the Flag at the exact time Q did.

3246dc No.1375392


Trust Xi?

d38471 No.1375393


>How do you reconcile that?

I'm watching the plan.

Rothschild owns Israel so it is part of the plan.

968035 No.1375394


All posts in that thread by 65b6fd, you, have been deleted. I don't like to do that, so please be careful what you post next time.

e5a977 No.1375395

File: 02e9441eb6219c1⋯.jpg (841.5 KB, 2719x2249, 2719:2249, hillary_nz.jpg)


>Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?

security clearances are kept because of the revolving door of government employees and big business. they use it to buy/sell secrets which are used to enrich the power structure of the deep state, bribe/blackmail people for business or political favors and basically keep the whole shitshow going.


this is now a liability for them. they are getting desperate and are using these security clearances in FVEY countries to avoid detection. i don't think they've succeeded. it seems the patriots are giving them the rope in which they will hang themselves (again).

>we hear all. we see all.

7d4d60 No.1375396


I like that thought.

e7d9aa No.1375397

File: 081f151e7d72907⋯.png (59.78 KB, 519x229, 519:229, ClipboardImage.png)

Not to start any more shit but…

Yeah, okay, maybe just a little!!


A multi-millionaire asking for paypal donations to bash Q just rubs me the wrong way!

4bc2e3 No.1375398

File: 71841e48283b855⋯.jpg (36.04 KB, 460x278, 230:139, IMG_2187.JPG)

What if told some guilty are cornered in a booth

e50523 No.1375399


xi it yeah!

f7050f No.1375400


This quest is NOT about making money. It's about freeing human beings!! Don't try to rationalize making money off of someone else's torture. It's like the person who goes in to a hurricane disaster area and sells water for $10 a bottle. Do they need it? Yes Do they need you to take advantage of their plight? No.

586318 No.1375401

File: c9017a35e197060⋯.jpg (144.64 KB, 486x678, 81:113, DECEIVED AND BEING DECEIVE….jpg)

25aede No.1375402

File: 73675e5df1d2c19⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 399x600, 133:200, IMG_6201.JPG)

Holy fucking glow batman. Anyone else see all this "Q is a shill" shit? Hahhahahahaha. These clowns are absolutely BTFO.

a4df08 No.1375403

File: f64640c6dafd99b⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 4656-Sun-Tzu-Quote-To-know….jpg)


Read Sun Tsu

ec5e8d No.1375404

File: 485522eb9792043⋯.jpg (161.01 KB, 471x1057, 471:1057, corsi1.jpg)

4f9921 No.1375405

File: 09407f5bbe58679⋯.jpg (96.25 KB, 630x630, 1:1, kekistani_af_recon_squadro….jpg)

File: d51ed52f2023c37⋯.png (811.72 KB, 3000x1742, 1500:871, 2_MUST_6.png)

It looks like 2-MUST is heading to UK, I'll update when a destination is more clear.

bf1bcf No.1375407


Its the wrong B. @B754344255

4119e3 No.1375408


Give me TRUE FREEDOM, or give me DEATH!

eb3e36 No.1375409

File: 538cc757289015c⋯.jpg (245.93 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningBrave3.jpg)

397da3 No.1375410

http:// whitehatsreport.com/2018/05/11/white-hats-report-64-extraditeherzog-part-1

We’ve exposed two of the prominent US crime families, Bush and Clinton, in addition to a wide variety of their stooges who do the heavy lifting, taking the real exposure risk for fronting their scams and cons.

When you control the law enforcement community, everyone involved has “immunity” unless your gambit to elect another criminal, Hillary Clinton, fails and you’re faced with the unthinkable, having to come out of your bolt holes and dark hiding places to expose yourself in the preservation of your criminal racketeering and conspiracies.

We are witnessing the “throwing under the bus” of such cabal enablers as Strzok, Page, McCabe and others, soon it will start moving up the ladder to Comey, Lynch and perhaps the Kenyan born conman himself, Barry Soetoro. These fools thought they had cover but are finding out otherwise as the unpeeling of the onion of sordid criminality continues. Not to mention the military tribunals that will soon be formed to address the treason committed for years against the last free country in the world, the united states of America.

Dr. Michael Herzog

The releases coming over the next few days and weeks will again shine the spotlight of shame on Herzog, a co-conspirator with current and former Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, aspiring politicians and the usual suspects in the banking cartel including former Fed Chairmen. Not only do you display your loyalty to the crime family but also your ambitions by both your deeds in private and your worlds in public. With the assistance of the CIA controlled media empire in the US, propaganda and lies are continually offered in the hopes of dumbing down the unsuspecting public and creating virtual rock stars of the most incompetent of these criminals in the pursuit of putting them in positions of power. When they’ve proven their undying loyalty to the crime bosses, they are then rewarded with higher offices through a fixed, rigged system from top to bottom.

Enter Dr. Michael Herzog, an international Zionist banker who knows the intricacies of the bank trading apparatus and is able to manipulate the system and front for the crime families pulling the strings.

We began reporting in late 2010 while the theft of Falcone funds was playing out in real time. We documented the bribes and payoffs, the investigation which reached into Europe, the attempts on Falcone’s life and the knowledge of the FBI, Congress and SCOTUS of the whole affair while doing absolutely NOTHING. Blackmail, threats and payoffs is how the minions of the crime families are controlled to do the bidding of their masters holding the puppet strings. All while holding public office and performing to the voters who, misinformed and hoodwinked, vote them into office.

Trading programs

We’ve exposed to the masses bank trading programs, reporting on them in throughout our releases and providing proof of their existence in our White Hats Report #63 – #ARRESTTHEFED. These programs were designed to raise money for humanitarian projects all over the world but like everything else related to banking and finance, have been hijacked by the cabal to serve their own aspirations of world domination. All power emanates from the banking cartel and if you control that, you control the world. When you control law enforcement, you can steal and thieve your way to a position of power and influence and never inconvenienced by laws enacted only for the slaves in which you rule over. Bush Sr.,Greenspan and Cohorts have Racketeered via Trading Programs generating Trillions with No Congressional oversight, through a myriad of Offshore banks and false fronts.

Ed Falcone, a real estate developer from Florida had intentions of helping to rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and revitalizing the slums of Miami, Florida. A concerted effort by the cabal and their media arm have conspired to harass and portray Falcone as the heavy while continuing to trade his stolen funds, avoiding taxes and enriching themselves and their loyal minions who’ve facilitated the entire con.

6fa9fa No.1375411


He's a gatekeeper.

Here's the proof:


99b78e No.1375412

If you have a top secret clearance and have access to top secret information you don't still have access to it when you leave your job, even though your clearance remains active for some time. The clearance only allows you to get a job that may have access to that type of info, not to have access to it whenever.

786ee7 No.1375413

Israel is the cause of all the worlds wars. Israel should be ended and the Jews sent to Africa.

cc669d No.1375414


No Outside Comms.

9c3fe7 No.1375415


You should look into the views of your president. Quote: "I stand in awe of the accomplishments of the Jewish People, and I make this promise to you: My Administration will always stand with Israel." So fuck off with your anti Jewish sentiments. I am a proud Zionist and supporter of the Jewish people.

548f42 No.1375416

File: 1e479b5e693879c⋯.png (33.78 KB, 532x303, 532:303, James Gagliano.PNG)

Well well

6fa9fa No.1375417

File: a5b4ce3481d20f0⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 564x384, 47:32, 1481286265198.jpg)

68e9f6 No.1375418

File: 2071a663f424080⋯.png (22.21 KB, 504x232, 63:29, ClipboardImage.png)


he wants the "development and protection" of Israel, so yes technically he is a zionist

but what is part of the plan?

565a1d No.1375419

File: 24a6de42abee0ff⋯.png (665.81 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, ClipboardImage.png)

Here are some interesting facts about Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti

Stormy Daniels isn’t paying Michael Avenatti for his legal services, someone else is.

Source: Twitter OPENS IN NEW WINDOW Archive: archive.is/tj5KM OPENS IN NEW WINDOW

Michael Avenatti has history of lawsuits against Donald Trump.

Source: CBS News OPENS IN NEW WINDOW Archive: archive.is/z9Men OPENS IN NEW WINDOW

In March of 2017 March 2017 Michael Avenatti’s lawfirm Eagan Avenatti LLP filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Source: Plainsite.org OPENS IN NEW WINDOW Archive: Archive.org OPENS IN NEW WINDOW

Jason Frank a partner at Eagan Avenatti LLP claimed he was owed 14 million dollars.

Source: Law360.com OPENS IN NEW WINDOW Archive: archive.is/wTxG6 OPENS IN NEW WINDOW

According to his divorce filing Michael Avenatti lives a very lavish and expensive lifestyle, he has monthly expenses of $40,000 and his wife has expenses of $25,000

Source: Heavy.com OPENS IN NEW WINDOW Archive: archive.is/spWhx OPENS IN NEW WINDOW

His wife Lisa Storie-Avenatti runs a clothing business Ikaria Resort Wear that’s losing money.

Source: Twitter OPENS IN NEW WINDOW Archive: archive.is/BMmc7 OPENS IN NEW WINDOW

Grey’s Anatomy star Patrick Dempsey sued Michael Avenatti to get out of business deal over a coffee shop business they jointly owned.

Source: Seattle Times OPENS IN NEW WINDOW Archive: archive.is/03qBV OPENS IN NEW WINDOW

There is a 5 million dollar tax lein against the coffee shop business


Interesting Twitter thread about Michael Avenatti’s connection the lawfirm that hired Fusion GPS who is credited with pushing the Steele Dossier.

Source: Publication OPENS IN NEW WINDOW Archive: archive.is/u7nNw OPENS IN NEW WINDOW

The Inspector General of the Treasury Department is investingating how Michael Avenatti obtained possession of confidential business documents from President Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen.

Source: Hill.com OPENS IN NEW WINDOW Archive: archive.is/SqqlL OPENS IN NEW WINDOW

Michael Avenatti was on CNN 59 times in 54 days in March and April of 2018

Source: Twitter OPENS IN NEW WINDOW Archive: archive.is/2D0O8 OPENS IN NEW WINDOW

Michael Avenatti’s compensation was 1.85 million dollars from his lawfirm during the same time he ran up a tax lien of 1.5 million dollars

Source: Twitter OPENS IN NEW WINDOW Archive: archive.is/8iwKA OPENS IN NEW WINDOW

de4589 No.1375420

File: 6c3436df9629b92⋯.png (463.69 KB, 684x6202, 342:3101, jew academia.png)


494d00 No.1375421

did I miss the Nunes EO or has it not dropped yet?

774b2f No.1375423


The enemy REALLY sucks at memes.

e7d9aa No.1375424

File: 56b6d0f36793db3⋯.png (210.46 KB, 771x651, 257:217, ClipboardImage.png)

d74780 No.1375426

Markets closing.

a4df08 No.1375427

File: 6fcc1eec1fb616d⋯.jpg (71.29 KB, 850x400, 17:8, CiceroontheJews.jpg)


I would say the same thing…then stab them right in the neck

f9f1f7 No.1375428


Kek, I just watched this the other day and I was amazed how much more intense the normalization of surveillance has become more prominent in movies since the 90's.

16a99b No.1375429

File: de5d56f2205404a⋯.png (95.37 KB, 319x234, 319:234, ClipboardImage.png)

bb8dd8 No.1375430



I have been at this a long time.

AJ opened my eyes, he helped red pill many, many people.

but something absolutely changed with AJ after he started bringing outsiders in.

.. he's comped now. It's written all over him.

My money is on whoever Pozner is + the pizzagate group. Someone got to him.

Also I don't trust Roger Stone and who knows if Biggs wasn't part of the team that got to Jones.

.. pure speculation but look, FWIW, I don't think there's any need to participate in 'taking him down' .. or Corsi. Let it happen because it's already well underway.

c6d726 No.1375431

File: 107710f4997625f⋯.jpg (10.43 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ad9ab5521d9e8f13575ad15f51….jpg)

fb3ca4 No.1375432

Camera went out on reentry and it just appeared on deck of ship!

eae5ba No.1375433

File: dc57ff22af55065⋯.png (88.19 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Trump_187_lobbyists.png)

https:// slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/03/trump-administration-has-hired-187-lobbyists-propublic-finds-swamp-much.html

396391 No.1375434


those that try and be a "voice of reason" are even lamer/funnier, in their own way…

da2b3d No.1375435

File: b70c47fb6955b60⋯.gif (11.34 KB, 350x437, 350:437, IMG_2170.GIF)

File: 997905bd8984e4f⋯.jpg (59.21 KB, 182x230, 91:115, IMG_2171.JPG)

NOODles not today


7d4d60 No.1375436

File: 284908de878dac2⋯.mp4 (8.34 MB, 560x320, 7:4, George Carlin - It's a big….mp4)

I like to think of Q as the ghost of George Carlin.


92e903 No.1375437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Calm Before the Storm

e50523 No.1375438


Zionism doesn't mean "jews."

cc669d No.1375439


Nunes went to DOJ to view the document. He did not get any copies. No telling how long we will have to wait for it.

b01e53 No.1375440


Snap. I think the plan was for extreme support of POTUS for as long a state they could hold out and draw as many staunch-pro-MAGA followers as possible, and then at a not-predetermined time, drop the anti-Trump hammer. It's a brilliant psyop actually, and typical Deep State. Get the mass public to trust you so much by saying exactly what they want to hear, then at the right time, drive them all off the cliff. Another Anon allied it best; PIED PIPER!

494d00 No.1375442


thanks, anon

4119e3 No.1375443


Keep your enemies close…

"I am a proud Zionist." - (You)

Get the fuck outta here, faggot. No one wants you here.

0954a5 No.1375444


More by birth than by choice. I think it's safe to say Trump hasn't spent a lot of time thinking on spiritual things or bible doctrines. He attends an Episcopal church now when he goes.

28f0b6 No.1375445

>>1375233 Here is one that tells much of the background: https://www.oathkeepers.org/breaking-news-john-mccains-1969-tokyo-rose-propaganda-recording-released/

32c518 No.1375446




>I don't think anyone is paying attention anyway.

I'm paying attention and that looks like a very convincing analysis. For me, it's conclusive.

e3ae6a No.1375447


I have no compassion for a generation who don't fucking listen. Young or old. Just because I don't look like some Johnson in a suit/lab coat no one would give a shit about what I say when mentioning holistic medicine like CBD or fruits & vegetables. There's a small town that eats a ton of apricots and also has more B17 intake (200x more) than most people. No cancer and a long life averaging 100 years old. I've talk about this for years yet boomers would rather just sit around waiting for Trump to spoon feed them or waiting for a commercial for more opioids. YOU sound just as bad as the cabal with your ignorance and fear of change. Old fuck. I have compassion for those who truly want to get well. Like the pool of Bethesda - pick up your things and walk. You can't walk if you have to pick up so much shit. Look at this joo fuck only talking about lowering prices like he's shilling to the Big Pharma dumb fucks rather than talking about the QUALITY or the pills themselves. Plain and simple, boom boom.

be9d2d No.1375448

File: 06c87d37550de36⋯.png (4.14 MB, 1605x904, 1605:904, 133109084746811389.png)

7d4d60 No.1375449


You're right, it means RICH jews

8d5bc2 No.1375450


D5 means the "maximum avalanche", which is interesting in Q#s context of a "snowball" that can't be stopped.

D5 = maximum avalanche

eae5ba No.1375451

File: fdefff8a7ef297e⋯.png (909 KB, 1130x872, 565:436, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)


http:// www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/gov-cuomo-planning-trip-israel-express-solidarity-article-1.3982468

5aa6df No.1375452


It was announced Feb in 2016 that he was under investigation https:// pedophilesdownunder.com/cardinal-pell-whats-wrong-with-this-picture/

Its not just MSM reporting on Pell downunder and it has been a long time coming

66c8a8 No.1375453


>>Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS?

Because from the outside, it appears very little is being done Q

People are frustrated!

People want answers!

People want JUSTICE!

d65399 No.1375454



This could not literally be more fake.

I was so surprised to hear people cheer. There's 0 proof of that landing actually happened.

d38471 No.1375455


>he wants the "development and protection" of Israel, so yes technically he is a zionist

>but what is part of the plan?

I know what Zionism is. But I also accept the fact that WE don't have all the information.

You really can't, logically, come this far with Q and the plan and still think Israel is on the side of the U.S.

da2b3d No.1375456

File: b669ba2b280f959⋯.jpg (149.65 KB, 1710x900, 19:10, IMG_2174.JPG)

99b78e No.1375457

People are still not getting it, having a clearance does not make you less detectable it makes you more detectable. The government legally monitors people with security clearances, you automatically allow the government to track you for national security concerns when you obtain a clearance, without a warrant.

d4cc43 No.1375458


The friendly neighbor isn't taking resources from the tire service business. That would be stealing.

eb3e36 No.1375460

File: 00952f15b4cde79⋯.jpg (191.35 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningBrave4.jpg)

e7fc33 No.1375461

File: 5656900952ba996⋯.png (153.92 KB, 483x476, 69:68, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)



8d5bc2 No.1375462




a4df08 No.1375463


Tell yourselves all the lies you want…It wont change a damn thing….

Good luck…you are going to need it

5e6cd3 No.1375464

File: abe8bfe6fde68a3⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1784x1338, 4:3, 4E680CDF-3EC4-4B44-8EA8-08….png)

File: cf9fc3dfbddfbcd⋯.png (780.77 KB, 2048x1456, 128:91, 24580AE4-B3ED-458A-B18E-B2….png)


AJ got on his knees to kiss Alefantis’ ass. It’s all here. This is what this wimp does for truth.

Here are some shots from article and link

https ://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/26/521545788/conspiracy-theorist-alex-jones-apologizes-for-promoting-pizzagate

27a837 No.1375465



de4589 No.1375466

File: 1548d675d9f36f5⋯.jpg (53.25 KB, 680x440, 17:11, israel is our friend.jpg)


DeRp DuHr

fb57dd No.1375467

File: 0352e4a457e8b3d⋯.png (148.74 KB, 306x450, 17:25, iranmissiletest.png)

Babak Taghvee claims Iran has stood down from a planned missile test

due to fear of America… why the sudden change in tone?

Are they really that scared? Are they under our control? (to some extent?)

e7d9aa No.1375468

File: e9356e229c3ec07⋯.jpg (338.04 KB, 1256x696, 157:87, Stormy lawyer.jpg)

b320c6 No.1375469


Well, post 1373162 does say a lot. AJ was instrumental in getting POTUS elected, so if he's comp'd, so confusing and disappointing.

be7523 No.1375470

File: ac177507fa25b42⋯.png (59.65 KB, 520x484, 130:121, Pepe toast wine.png)


"Make sure the list of resignations remains updated."

"Mind will be blown by chain of command."

68e9f6 No.1375471

File: 227cbb2f21e71a4⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1500x1052, 375:263, COMPED.png)

eae5ba No.1375472

786ee7 No.1375473


1. Reason possesses volition.

2. Only Whites (European decent) have sentience that is individualist by nature.

3. Niggers and non whites have shit sentience, it is collectivist by nature.

4. Only the individual has sentience, the collective doesnt.

5. The collective is mindless and operates on whims, and orders from small groups higher up who are using them for their own plan to make everyone serve them.


What niggers and non whites mean when they talk about "equality" is equality of power. They mean that even though niggers and non whites are, per capital, much less capable than Whites due to their 15 point less IQ difference with Whites, they should still have as much power. However, because of their huge capability deficit when compared with Whites, Whites will naturally always have more power. If this was not the case, something would be seriously wrong.

The Deep State is ramming the much less capable niggers and non whites into government positions above Whites.

565a1d No.1375474

File: 4ce394c07fc1030⋯.png (62.89 KB, 255x133, 255:133, ClipboardImage.png)



968035 No.1375476


You don't owe me anything anon. Pale ale is often my beverage recently though.


Woooooow, that motherfucker.

f80368 No.1375477

File: 6a91c706b9e254f⋯.png (106.92 KB, 1055x745, 211:149, ClipboardImage.png)

Not sure if anyone else has seen this, but this is a rather odd patent by the NXVIM ring-leader, wouldn't you say?


9c3fe7 No.1375478


On the contrary, faggot, I'm not going to stand for your antisemitic subversion. We have a containment board for you retards - /pol/ - so fuck right off.

9b57c2 No.1375479


GEOTUS knew how to reach the people during the campaign… that doesn't me he and AJ are in cahoots

27a837 No.1375480



c2dc6f No.1375481


Puleez…AJ was no such thing.

396391 No.1375482

File: 4359aa04b0bba39⋯.jpg (168.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, _MadAsHell.jpg)


>People are frustrated!

>People want answers!

>People want JUSTICE!


5aa6df No.1375483


she's just posting the first crumbs.

b68ad1 No.1375484

File: e7c8baeec0d7dbe⋯.jpg (84.38 KB, 512x512, 1:1, IMG_20180511_163516.jpg)

File: 053adab7720cd69⋯.jpg (431.58 KB, 720x1439, 720:1439, Screenshot_20180511-163533….jpg)

Right in our faces.

e3ae6a No.1375487


It's gonna be weeks/months until the Pharma section of the swamp is drained. Banksters are still in business…like housing scammers. Fuck all this.

18e4d1 No.1375488


ur have alot of growing up to do

like you know everything son

they was lied to just like the rest of us

when did u wake? when Q started posting

and leading you in right direction for truth?

i been awake for years, not a boomer.

you need to learn respect

b2c4a7 No.1375489

Question for the planefags. This 2-MUST plane is registered (term used loosely) in the name of William McSweeny - is this the same guy that worked for Occidental Petroleum? If it is, he's at least 88 years old.

0954a5 No.1375490


Which part was a lie.

de4589 No.1375491

File: 0e262ec1a86cb0c⋯.jpg (7.75 KB, 217x255, 217:255, israel usa bitch.jpg)


Who is a good boy? Who is a good boy?

48806b No.1375492


If you think very little is being done, you have missed a lot of memos.

e50523 No.1375493


hivemind? hehe

be7523 No.1375494


What percentage of our economy is spent on "health care"?

a4df08 No.1375495


Go to the Iris Seismograph site…. We smashed at least 3 Iranian sites with something that mimiced a 3.5 to 4.5 on the Richter scale

4119e3 No.1375496



dacc99 No.1375497

File: fb0e4a40cf5c075⋯.jpg (176.83 KB, 487x650, 487:650, never surrender.jpg)

6fa9fa No.1375498



terrible b8.

try harder.

d9f89b No.1375499


Thanks for the confirmation

f5bb07 No.1375500

that SpaceX stream had a voiceover about Bangladesh and the guy says "they will have the first GALACTIC ENTITY??"

5d8ac9 No.1375501


Trump stole AJs audience because he knows that he is really selling what AJ says he is selling.

And now he is showing AJs true colors.

839983 No.1375502


c6630b No.1375503


One must always pay their respects to their masters

5e6cd3 No.1375504


Exactly this is all any real anon should ever need on whether or not he is a POS

85dd92 No.1375505

Eyes IN the sky = Spy Satellites (just like >>1369469 )

Sky Event = Multiple Satellites burning up in atmosphere after being destroyed. Looks like meteor RAIN.

9ebe39 No.1375506


Q please release the cure for Lyme Disease (and it’s co-infections) developed by Paperclip asset Dr. Erich Traub on Plum Island. Millions have been infected as has the Nation’s blood plasma bank. ThanQ

941692 No.1375507

Patriots exposing AJ is actually great for getting bipartisan support for the MEGA movement.

ee0a44 No.1375508

File: e97a359b9dc22e3⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 1650x1299, 550:433, SR-71_LASRE_cold_test.jpg)


Different need. Familiar with the aerospike?

18e4d1 No.1375509


yep, hes a mfer, i heard him deny 911

i heard him deny sandy hook

def controlled op

ffead6 No.1375510


You don't know what zionism is, do you? Agreeing with their right to have their own country and not be genocided by the surrounding countries isn't the same as the belief that all the Jews belong in Israel and MUST GO THERE. You can support their nation-state without supporting the zionist ideology (or even the actions of the nation-state itself).

6fa9fa No.1375512


go easy on that shit anon, zog beer will give you manboobs, it's just science:


786ee7 No.1375513


Not sure what former means, however, New Zealand is Deep State and Soetoro and Clinton are over there with full security access to Americas secret information. It means they are conspiring from New Zealand.

e7fc33 No.1375514


He has been doing this since forever


Anti-Defamation League loves AJ

4d4b3c No.1375515

File: 7f94a3101a67108⋯.jpg (109.24 KB, 754x500, 377:250, MatrixChoice.jpg)

4119e3 No.1375517


We have a containment board for you too… It's called Israel.

Now fuck off back to it. You Talmudist, kike, pedo-fuck.

f251fe No.1375518

File: f517280176f2176⋯.png (83.45 KB, 470x433, 470:433, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)




cc669d No.1375519


D5 is a chess move. Q regularly refers to chess moves in drops.

5d8ac9 No.1375520


^ this anon gets it

3246dc No.1375521


In with the launch of SpaceX


8402a7 No.1375522

Cry for Corky & Porky Shills! AHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA

e50523 No.1375523



he tailks about them in an interview, too.

we'll see what happens. hehe

e7fc33 No.1375524



Conspiracy No More.

ecc9f5 No.1375525

File: 22b5cc6a1ce25dc⋯.png (406.6 KB, 680x692, 170:173, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)

File: 58bd37cba4e05b3⋯.png (409.56 KB, 877x968, 877:968, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)


Sorry I connected the wrong post from B.

There is a connection to Marker from [Post 35]

548f42 No.1375527


From what I understand Trump was not that religious but spiritual. Why now is he saying prayers in front of the camera. Acknowledging God etc. What you are saying is the opposite

b07df2 No.1375528


Still…many beers to you…pale ales, ipas…

Lots of microbrewery growlers, crowlers and cases available…

you have the link ; )

9c3fe7 No.1375529


Thank you for conceding defeat. Off to /pol/ with you now.

e155d3 No.1375530

CIA Contractor Pleads Guilty to Illegally Retaining Classified Materials as Deep State Crashes

Again, the media blitzes to report on Comey's book tour, but completely fails to tell the American people what sort of illicit activities the FBI was engaged in under Comey.

James Comey helped “set the deck” in favor of Hillary Clinton during the investigation into her crimes because it would have brought down so many additional high-powered billionaires, government agencies, and members of the Democratic Party who assisted in selling away America's National Security during Uranium One.

One of those people is Robert Mueller himself.

So when you're asked why is Robert Mueller so determined to stop President Trump, you only need to know that the answer lay with him trying to save his own skin.

With the anticipation growing in response to the long-awaited next chapter of the OIG report, today's news is one more example of just how corrupt the intelligence community actually is as for how dangerous the deep state can be in harming America's national security.

“Draining the Deep State swamp,” is something that's occurring before your very eyes, and it brings into question that with both of these men entering a guilty plea, without a trial, whether they actually have agreed to testify in larger cases once the Office of the Inspector General releases his final reports and Special Prosecutor John Huber brings about charges as per the behind-the-scenes investigations led by Attorney General Jeff Sessions that are no doubt occurring.

Trust the plan. It's happening.

https:// thegoldwater.com/news/25757-CIA-Contractor-Pleads-Guilty-to-Illegally-Retaining-Classified-Materials-as-Deep-State-Crashes

4f9921 No.1375531

File: ec57af9d091baf5⋯.jpg (660.64 KB, 2962x1694, 1481:847, pandemic_exit_whitehouse.jpg)

>The top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic has left the administration, and the global health security team that he oversaw has been disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.

>The abrupt departure of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer from the National Security Council means no senior administration official is now focused solely on global health security.

<Ziemer's last day was Tuesday, the same day a new Ebola outbreak was declared in Congo. He is not being replaced.

https:// www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/white-house-pandemic-response-john-bolton-global-health-team-disband-nsc-a8346346.html?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#link_time=1526067625

b2c4a7 No.1375532


No, I'm going to do a quick dig on that little beauty.

5b9c40 No.1375533


Top kek, need a memeanon or moviemakeranon to do something along the lines of a giant Q plowing over all of these assholes with AJ in the line of sight or at the moment getting run over KEK

27a837 No.1375534





someone (got) flipped or turned on them and helps getting mother justice a slight push??

7a36bb No.1375535

File: 9228fa19684c7c3⋯.jpg (344.92 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, nlegaelsemgx.jpg)

TFW you watch famefag supporters realize they are even dumber than the famefags they follow.

14d368 No.1375536

So now Q is naming the names and endorsing Jordan Sather? What the hell?

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 9b1a97 1373162 📁

May 11 2018 12:42:48 (EST)

This is why we are here.



396391 No.1375537



it's quite beautiful, actually.


for a while we could not mention his name here, we'd get hundreds of posts saying "yeah but i like him and he helped me be less dumb sometime" etc, etc.


786ee7 No.1375538


Yes former employees still have access.

What is your point?

3246dc No.1375539


Are you American?

e3ae6a No.1375540


Respect is earned, not given you old fuck. You'd see a lot more with your head out of your ass. I woke waaaaaay before a Sesame Street letter like Q came along. You're the type of fucker who would call me a hippie or pot head for being a free thinking person who grows their own food. You love suburbia so fucking much you dare not think outside the box and stop watering bullshit grass and us that water to grow food because of what your neighbors (you don't know) would say. You're a slacktivist. All talk, no do.

66c8a8 No.1375541


In the overall scheme of things, a few memo's and no-name people getting a slap on the hand is 'little'

Considering how big this is!

494d00 No.1375542


used to live near an AB where those bad boys were housed. Big thrill as a kid seeing those fly over. Made such an impact, named my PC SR-71 and had my two girls help make a model to set on PC. We read about the history of that fine plane together as well.

b01e53 No.1375543


The people that are most commonly referred to as Jews-as far as the, "Elites," are neither of Semitic Ethnicity, or worship the God of Abraham. They have truly hi-jacked the name and the religion. 90% of "Jews" are either Central Asian or Iberian DNA. And since many practice that Talmudic Mysticism, Polytheism Occultist Bullshit, they have zero claim to being the "People of the Book." It's the Greatest Lie in History since the 9th Century.

5238df No.1375544


Bangladesh’s first communications satellite

786ee7 No.1375545

This board is full of clowns, what's up with that?

e7fc33 No.1375546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5b9c40 No.1375547


Love the patriot sign above it. Perfecto

f251fe No.1375548



3246dc No.1375549



548f42 No.1375550


Endorsing? Just stop. Q did not endorse anyone.

4119e3 No.1375551


"Anti-Semitic subversion"

Bahahahahaaaa….. Oh the irony. A member of the most subversive fucking people on the planet, who are solely responsible for the Marxist-subversion in our nation… saying we are ending in "anti-Semitic subversion".

You projecting Jew-rat… You're all alike.

e50523 No.1375552


"they" love negativity, fear, etc.,…

yum yum

e1540d No.1375553

File: db7879a7188f87d⋯.png (100.13 KB, 1203x685, 1203:685, checkandfinished.png)

File: 41168e05000e27b⋯.png (118.13 KB, 1245x691, 1245:691, castle-lock.png)


d5 is where the bishop is sitting

before moving in for checkmate

it is a blatant threat to the cabal

telling them no matter what they do, they are fucked

see images

16a99b No.1375554

File: 5e6e287e9577707⋯.png (170.53 KB, 445x250, 89:50, ClipboardImage.png)

d28cdf No.1375555


What if I told you that normal, good, decent human beings dont ever insult and tear down someone else like this?

6fa9fa No.1375556


It must infuriate (((you))) that (((THIS))) feature is built-in to the board. The board's #jwoke, and there's no going back to sleep. Shill harder.

f9f1f7 No.1375557

File: fc67f8e4dbb36a0⋯.jpeg (279.9 KB, 750x474, 125:79, IMG_F212927FFDC2-1.jpeg)

18e4d1 No.1375558


ur lost son, and 4 ur info i said i wasnt a boomer

grow up and learn to respect others.

im done talking to you

f83727 No.1375559

Cheez-its makes the dog fart


27a837 No.1375560


read on…this is clearly not the reason to drop this..is this all you're reading or could you wave hands to AJ from me and tell him he can fuck off..thx shill

31cbb5 No.1375561


This is actually a great example of how (((they))) brainwash us.

The US was formed during the second continental congress.

The Constitutional Convention was an effort by the Federalists and (((Roth))) agent Alexander Hamilton to centralize power.

Many states, led by Thomas Jefferson did not want strong central powers and wanted to remain under the Articles of Confederation.

When they finally agreed they demanded the right to be able to secede at any point and demanded a bill of Rights.

Although, we see the Constitution as the sacred document that it is, the Articles of Confederation were much looser and more conducive to Liberty.

Here's some sauce regarding presidents during the Articles of Confederation / Continental Congress..


eb3e36 No.1375562

File: ee28b543c35e18e⋯.jpg (313.81 KB, 607x987, 607:987, GreatAwakeningBrave5.jpg)

ec5e8d No.1375563


Yep full normalization for the sheep. This film has the archetypal bad Muslims.. ((Hollywood)) priming us for the coming events later that decade.

4a1372 No.1375564


Wow! This is huge! Can you add to resignations?

83fd35 No.1375565


And d5 countries–multiple meaning in 5-4-3-2-1….

786ee7 No.1375566


Dude. Speak with clarity, dont try to confuse the common retards.

9c3fe7 No.1375567


By your logic Trump is a "Talmudist, kike, pedo-fuck". How are you this dumb? Oh right - blame your own ills on the joos, so you never achieve self-improvement. Gotcha.

50cca8 No.1375569

File: dd39414971246c8⋯.png (25.69 KB, 710x550, 71:55, banned.PNG)

File: be73f793c6dc739⋯.png (127.65 KB, 711x862, 711:862, banned_again.PNG)

File: b59d097bd96e154⋯.png (385.91 KB, 1114x779, 1114:779, bread_and_memes.PNG)




bannedbaker here…still looking at the ban page for my desktop IP, and it still says "Shill baker 'truncated' the bread". (pic related)

This was my second ban, the first of which was for being a "spambot_r" (pic also related).

Both of these statements are patently false, and I would appreciate this ban being lifted at your earliest convenience…screenshot of my original memes and breads folder is attached, also…and bear in mind that I deleted about 30 QR header images (you'll see the gaps in the bread numbers if you care to look.

I challenge anyone and everyone to point out where I "truncated" anything…I did bake a bread entitled "The Truncated Thread Edition", but that was in response to the previous bread going from 751 to 432. I do admit to the occasional shitpost, but no more so than some of the worser shitposters.

But I digress…

If lifting the ban is a problem due to my IP being "spoofed" or whatever (again, don't toetally know what that means), fine…but know there's (probably) an operator-assisted (((shillbot))) still shitting up every bread with 20+ (40?) posts.

Either way, I'm still going to post my comments and (hopefully dank) memes when I have something to contribute, I just have to phonefag or coffee-shop to do it. (oh noes, 1st world problems. kek!).

FWIW, I realize y'all have a full plate, and are doing your best. If I'm caught in the virtual cross-fire, well, that's just how it goes. KEK!

So, with that said…

==eat shit, (((shills)))



48806b No.1375570


You missed the sarcasm. I was not referring to memos. You have not been paying attention. BIG things have been happening. NK, for example. Raniere, for another example. Research before spewing nonsense.

3246dc No.1375571


I don't understand the why Americans don't trust.

There countries worst that them.

There more Supporters of MEGA than before..

32c518 No.1375572


>Sounds like you're both on the same side, no?

No, I don't think it's necessary that people believe in or even know about Q. I think the important thing is to start slamming social media with real news, in assimilable bites if necessary, to start something that could eventually drown out FSM.

ee0a44 No.1375576

File: 5edfcbe348ec008⋯.png (1.45 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, QTexas.png)


If you're in Texas, I'll bring pizza.

e5a977 No.1375578

>AJ was instrumental in getting POTUS elected

totally disagree.

i think AJ will be out of a job when THE PLAN goes through.

b07df2 No.1375579

No. No they do not in proper moderation.

But Cheetos are a neon flag for gulls

565a1d No.1375580

Michael Avenatti, Stormy's lawyer is very interesting, while in college and law school, Avenatti worked at political opposition and media firm "The Research Group", run by Rahm Emanuel, yes that Rahm. He's worked on many campaigns including Joe Biden’s U.S. Senate campaign, worked at O'Melveny & Myers, a high-powered Los Angeles law firm.

Avenatti has had a prominent anti-Trump career. After O'Melveny he moved to Greene Broillet & Wheeler, a law firm in California where Avenatti helped sue Trump for allegedly stealing the idea of his hit reality TV show on NBC, "The Apprentice."

In 2007, Avenatti formed the now defunct law firm Eagan Avenatti, LLP. In April 2017, Avenatti prevailed against Kimberly-Clark Corp., spin-off Halyard Health Inc. and their lawyers from King & Spalding when he secured a $454 million fraud verdict

Just a month prior in March 2017, Eagan Avenatti LLP was plunged into Chapter 11 bankruptcy when an elusive Orlando creditor named Gerald Tobin filed an involuntary petition over a claim for payment worth less than $30,000. https://www.plainsite.org/dockets/34qj2x1fs/florida-middle-bankruptcy-court/eagan-avenatti-llp/ …

The firm’s primary dispute was not with the petitioning creditor “but with three former attorney employees” of the firm, the motion stated. The former employees and Eagan Avenatti disagreed about sunken costs and claims to settlements, according to the motion.

a336f9 No.1375581

File: fa5347be4e16ea8⋯.png (8.8 KB, 255x191, 255:191, potusfists.png)


think mirror

think projection

the more propaganda and phony anon "research" the anti jew anti zionist anti israel posters put out

the more memes they post

the more they blame the woes and evils of the entire world on jews with zero evidence

the more they blame anons for the very shit tactics they employ (ip and teampost fagging)

the more they point to the overwhelming over-representation of Jews in positions of power as evidence of wrongdoing - not hard work and merit - sounds like marxism again so….

the more nasty amd threatening messages and replies they create

every bread incessantly…..

even with their stupid ((())) brackets secret code ring

the more all anons can be 100% certain they are a mirror of the truth - in other words complete and utter lies to divide we the people

that is what they fear the most

its happening

PS - also thick headed morons do not understand satire even when it bashes them in the face - they use the anti-jew graphic posted by Q for support of their fantasy even tho it is clearly shown n the related Q posts that such divisive lies are brought to you by the RCC and the Popes - for centuries now…

PSS - Roths are cabal leaders first, only and always - they use the SAME anti-jew divisive messaging along with all their other tricks - so pointing at them as "jews" is another lie

a78678 No.1375582


YEP, Carlin would have loved this/ Q.

Could you imagine his tweets, if he was still around.


396391 No.1375583


thing is, Q didn't reach out to

>normal, good, decent human beings

…he came to /pol/.

deal with it

6214be No.1375584


I asked how those defending the money hungry profiting from POTUS' war, felt about those who profited from 9/11 & the current wars that Patriots have died in. No response.

56ec48 No.1375585

butthurt cbts bo. if he was Q originale' then he should be able to keep going with some most informative classified info. of course the nigger can't. proof to me he just a butthurt vaginafag cupcake that got called out by Q, and can't get the tampon out. interesting to see some better info than the real Q.

there's a meme in there somewhere.

e50523 No.1375586


that's a rabbit hole

i'm unfamiliar with….geez.

726d85 No.1375587

KEY POINTS: The Apartheid State of Israel (sometimes known as the Modern State of Israel) is in no way related to the people of Israel referred to in the Holy Bible. The Modern State of Israel (MIS) is a purely political entity fabricated by the modern-day Ashkenazi Zionist descendants of the Khazarian kingdom that was converted to Judaism by their king during the 8th century A.D. The true record clearly indicates that the MIS never existed in it present form and as it has been shoehorned on the geographic area known as Palestine. The factual historical record clearly proves that the land known as Palestine was outright stolen from the Palestinians by the Rothschild banking cartel which employed the British and American governments to carry out and legitimize the theft. The imprimatur of the United Nations was then used to ‘bless’ this 100-year crime spree that began at the turn of the last century.


4119e3 No.1375588


No… My logic does not suggest Trump is a kike-pedo, at all. Quite the opposite.

You sure wish he was though, don't you. You kike-pedo.

548f42 No.1375589

e3ae6a No.1375590


What if I told you, at some point, it gets real old hearing that time and time again. Should I wear a Barney suit so you'd actually listen? Judging a book by it's cover and keep trusting those in suits/lab coats stealing your life from you. Nice job.


Appreciate you, fam.

f7050f No.1375591


Funny you mention Roger Stone. He is responsible for Trump not getting on the helicopter that crashed in 2000. Was that coincidence or was it a way for Trump to feel indebted emotionally to Stone? Or was it a warning - we can take you out at any time. Remember, this was the year after JFK jr had his plane crash and Hillary stepped into Senate race.

6fa9fa No.1375592


Q came to us, not (((you))).

>even with their stupid ((())) brackets secret code ring

Your spam is having the opposite effect but you're too stupid to realize it.


4f9921 No.1375593


Sure thing, ill post it over there in a second.

249c43 No.1375594

File: 2a28a823eb16996⋯.png (44.21 KB, 500x427, 500:427, pepeB52.png)


This is good work anon. Archived.

f2f69e No.1375595

Unfaltering article by The Texas Monthly on Alex Jones from April regarding the faltering Info Wars Empire credibility.


a336f9 No.1375596


this is copy pasta

repost dog shit

5b9c40 No.1375597

File: 542f47ac6227f8e⋯.jpeg (105.23 KB, 768x783, 256:261, 70C4A674-D2A5-4D93-A99A-F….jpeg)

be9d2d No.1375599

File: af16d6e25208925⋯.png (4.14 MB, 1605x904, 1605:904, 7831635419964289.png)

7c1f04 No.1375600





Good to see you this afternoon.

cc669d No.1375601


Kind of reminiscent of NoKo

839983 No.1375602


Do you get paid by the Keyword?

8b3377 No.1375603


> Don't try to rationalize making money off of someone else's torture.

If someone is trying to profit off someone else's torture, then yes it is not a good thing. But that is not what I am doing and it certainly is not what many of these people are doing.

Some of these people are doing this to spread the word. They have to spend hours upon hours to do research (on these boards and elsewhere). In order to do so, they need to do it full time. Thus, they need to pay the bills somehow.

What is wrong with making some money to pay the bills to help spread this information to wake up even more people?

Whether you like it or not, many people came across Q because of these people. They have been more of a service than a disservice - for the movement.

> It's like the person who goes in to a hurricane disaster area and sells water for $10 a bottle. Do they need it? Yes Do they need you to take advantage of their plight? No.

Many people are intimidated by the chans. It is hard to follow Q posts without some additional research. People do not have time to sift through the TONS of information on these boards. They are providing a service. The cost? Watch 5 seconds from an ad.

In your hurricane situation above, what are the underlying cost to get the bottle of water to you? What if that money is going to be spent on rebuilding? What if it is to hire more people to deliver the water? Just because someone is charging $10, doesn't necessarily make it not right. If the underlying purpose is to keep the situation the same and to keep the market there so that they can sell more bottles of water at $10/bottle, then you can complain.

If I walked 10 miles to get a bottle of water and want to save it for myself for the next day, are you going to be mad at me for requesting $10 for said bottle of water when you ask for it?

America was founded on Capitalism. What you seem to be arguing for is a style of socialism.

dfe5d4 No.1375604


can any planefags locate AF1 and see if its on the move?

2dc288 No.1375605


The plan will never go through.

Can't get enough people to pull the oars at the same time in the same boat.

The left doesn't have that problem. They ALL are out for blood 1000%. The "ourside" is too busy fighting among itself to be of any serous threat to the 'enemy'. This place is a prime example of it.

d28cdf No.1375607

File: 0edccd42f308413⋯.png (8.47 KB, 255x145, 51:29, db7879a7188f87d4479fc3add1….png)

Im clearly missing something here. This isnt checkmate

e3ae6a No.1375608


Ok, middle aged retard? You hurt? Drink some bleach, you'll feel a lot better. Trust me, I'm a doctor.

6fa9fa No.1375609

File: cce4677565570b4⋯.jpg (21.7 KB, 347x302, 347:302, DYqFujRXkAAskqC.jpg)


lol rekt.

48806b No.1375610


And this bears repeating:

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


68e9f6 No.1375611


Did anyone notice AJ just said "source say that" Q is comped? No evidence, no facts, no data. Corsi said he got a "feeling" that Q was comped on April 28th, and reading those crumbs they were normal, except on the 29th, that was the PAYTRIOT crumb.

muh sources say (kinda like MSM…)

gotta try harder than that lol

f30765 No.1375612

File: a46443c5888abca⋯.jpeg (230.46 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 761CD949-16E5-4674-8A18-0….jpeg)

Is Zarif the guy in the ISIS McCain meeting? Sure looks similar

3246dc No.1375613



Think mirror.

8402a7 No.1375615

File: 063b2cd24085503⋯.jpg (17 KB, 385x385, 1:1, 2rdx6rd[1].jpg)



d28cdf No.1375616


haha I can't disagree with that one

f2f69e No.1375617


Unflattering article by The Texas Monthly on Alex Jones from April regarding the faltering Info Wars Empire credibility.


f5bb07 No.1375618

File: 6ea90739f37e544⋯.png (10.19 KB, 255x209, 255:209, AI.png)


CERN + AI maybe. perhaps to do with this?

b8e06b No.1375619

Next step of compromising Q will be probably a Hollywood movie. I bet one is already in the pipeline.

14d368 No.1375620


Good. I was beginning to worry.


Fuck you asshole. Just because I have a difference of an opinion does not make a shill.

I don't trust Jordan. Q was linking to a Raddit that thinks highly of Jordon.

e7fc33 No.1375621


steamroller would be funny :)

e50523 No.1375622



the plan is working perfectly.

5238df No.1375623

File: 4e90d295fd292dc⋯.jpg (59.88 KB, 556x419, 556:419, alex-jones-is-stratfor1.jpg)

File: b052847dcdf8695⋯.jpg (66.39 KB, 259x195, 259:195, alex-jones.jpg)

File: 47c2ba74344e13c⋯.jpg (89.34 KB, 1134x1200, 189:200, Buy My Filters.jpg)

File: 9b7582c41df547b⋯.jpg (85.62 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 170321-chuck-barris-mn-073….jpg)


All it takes is for normies to wake up and smell his bullshit….

be7523 No.1375624

File: fc84870036ace5f⋯.png (248.6 KB, 330x485, 66:97, paleale_0.png)


Cheers BO

08cdc2 No.1375625


truth hurts

e3ae6a No.1375626


These fuckers sure do love dragging things out. As if those old fucks will live forever. Stealing sand from our hourglass like vampire faggots.

d28cdf No.1375627


You said it's your job to act as board police?

e1540d No.1375628

File: 9d4e457dbbf7a28⋯.png (133.83 KB, 797x629, 797:629, marshallvscapablancastory1….png)


well not checkmate

but in 1918, Capablanca announced mate in 5

before taking the pawn at F7

king can still move to H8 or H7

but mate in 5 max moves in unstoppable

in 1918 marshall conceded at this point

0954a5 No.1375629


No, Q is not endorsing Jordan.

Yes, He did just light Alex Jones & Jerome Corsi on fire.

6fa9fa No.1375630


That's scary. At the rate Q moves they might have a sequel out.

38c0fd No.1375631


Definitely Cheers to the BO he has been TOP-NOTCH.

3246dc No.1375632


For that The MAX Q in the Falcon 9?


50cca8 No.1375633


you dumb faggot…that's an original post.

eat shit, (((shill)))

a4df08 No.1375634

File: 36d646a66b5e96e⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 220x229, 220:229, images (4).jpg)

c81c40 No.1375635

File: d0a61a630e09a64⋯.jpg (236.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dirty-money.jpg)

d28cdf No.1375636


I figured something like that. Makes sense. Q is basically saying we have checkmate?

9c3fe7 No.1375637


You don't even know how to differentiate posters? I'm the Zionist guy. He is not me.


Thank you for this post.

5ef6b3 No.1375638



another turd face on the snowball headed to hell

968035 No.1375639


Oh fuck dude! Ok, guess I'm staying the hell away from that now.

68e9f6 No.1375640



close, in the trailer they say "anonymity is the enemy"

f83727 No.1375641

File: fea4f3ee0ed7f6c⋯.jpg (67.63 KB, 552x754, 276:377, IMG_1596.JPG)

REMEBER when prescott bush stole the cocaine trade from Louisiana then killed a bunch of buffalo to impress Germans

e50523 No.1375642


..but then it feels good SOLID!

Stand on it!

32c518 No.1375643


>How to get this message out effectively is the question…





Meme maker, here is someone giving a link to support the history.

14d368 No.1375644


That I approve.

6214be No.1375645


Up until April 28th, how convenient. AJ also said that he knew the Q was comped months ago. Their 2 differing accounts don't reconcile.

e155d3 No.1375646

Starring Members of Deep State Need the Playground of YOUR Mind

https:// canadafreepress.com/article/starring-members-of-deep-state-need-the-playground-of-your-mind

d38471 No.1375647

Good on Patriots soapbox for NOT misleading the viewers! They did the right thing and that deserves a nod.

c6d726 No.1375648

[FORMER] Dignitaries? Why would a former POTUS and SOS/FLOTUS be considered a [FORMER] Dignitary?

"Revoking U.S. citizenship is possible under federal law if a person commits “any act of treason against, or attempting by force to overthrow, or bearing arms against, the United States.” Burning a flag, under U.S. law, is not a treasonous act.

A person also risks losing citizenship if he or she voluntarily renounces nationality, pledges allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision, serves in the armed forces of another country, especially if they are “engaged in hostilities” against the U.S.

For naturalized citizens — those who are born abroad — grounds for losing citizenship include joining or becoming affiliated with certain organizations, such as the Communist party or a terrorist organization within five years of naturalization."


In 1990, the Supreme Court declared that laws against desecrating the flag are unconstitutional and that flag burning is an example of constitutionally protected free speech.


e7fc33 No.1375649



a78678 No.1375650

File: d189e66ad287d23⋯.jpg (160.38 KB, 500x1357, 500:1357, Trump FireTruck Q.jpg)

File: 8428ba2e32eb1dd⋯.jpg (123.52 KB, 500x1005, 100:201, Trump Q firetruck.jpg)

b07df2 No.1375652



Real case(s) available! : )

It is what it is.

2dc288 No.1375653


Describe the goals of the plan and show where it has met those goals.

I'll wait.

5238df No.1375654


Top KEk

6214be No.1375655


Basically KEK

68e9f6 No.1375656


he also said he know "all of Q" and talked to Q

muh sources

839983 No.1375657


Oh lord I want dat

c5f813 No.1375658


True story, BO. High hops content is the culprit.

562837 No.1375660

File: 37c8f1e129df580⋯.jpg (39.19 KB, 347x389, 347:389, jones.jpg)


They don't want peace in the Middle East. The object was and is War, and that would be their agenda. That's why they claim there will never be peace there. Self-fullfilling prophecy.

They must have large scale war to get their NWO agenda.

Shills are funny claiming "Q" is not a "Conservative" but a Commie - Lefty.

As if "Jones" is a real conservative. ?

As Q wrote: evil vs good, not left vs. right.

And yeah, "Jones" is evil. No doubt.

494d00 No.1375661


now that's a fantastic option. Then try them as foreign combatants.

e3ae6a No.1375662


Quit being so butt hurt fucker. Don't judge a book by it's cover. If some tells you they can cure cancer but are black and you love Jim Crow living, you'll die like the rest of the faggots. Free your mind. Stop trusting people in suits that look like White Knights. Use discernment which I'm sure is difficult for retards who love worshiping themselves.

fd337d No.1375663


dubs confirm


565a1d No.1375664

File: bc2a62bc37fea7b⋯.png (44.91 KB, 432x338, 216:169, ClipboardImage.png)

Earlier this year Bankruptcy Judge Catherine Bauer dismissed Chapter 11 proceeding ending the bankruptcy of defunct class action law firm Eagan Avenatti LLP after approving the deal between Eagan Avenatti and former partner Jason Frank, who left the firm with 2 other attorneys

Jason Frank, a former attorney at Eagan Avenatti claimed he was owed $14 million in profit share and origination bonuses under a contract he signed with the firm.

The point being Eagan Avenatti must have suffered huge financial losses in this ordeal.

Jason Frank, one of Avenatti's partners who claimed he was owed several millions in payments? Well guess who represents him?

Frank is represented by Sara L. Chenetz and Amir Gamliel of Perkins Coie LLP.

Perkins Coie: the same Law firm that engaged Fusion GPS

FusionGPS did "opposition research" and hired Christopher Steele to produce the Trump-Russia Dossier. Just as Michael Avenatti himself when he worked a political opposition research and media firm run by Rahm Emanuel.

Another curious coincidence, if you want to call it that: Avenatti attended law school at George Washington University, where he worked with Professor Johnathan Turley on constitutional issues relating to Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Yes, FISA Surveillance

d2e9fc No.1375665


sounds like a plan.

f9f1f7 No.1375666

File: e2baac57f5394b7⋯.jpeg (191.52 KB, 750x500, 3:2, IMG_984A60FB8832-1.jpeg)

File: 0f075d2934535b2⋯.jpg (502.46 KB, 750x1010, 75:101, IMG_9358.jpg)




4119e3 No.1375667


In addition… Q's latest post reaffirms his allegiance with Trump.

And Q made it clear… "We're saving Israel for last.' Hence, why your gay, pedo-jew, shilling-ass is here.

I'm pretty warm, aren't I?

WE will not tolerate (((YOU))) supremacist-kike, hypocrites.

In fact, we're going to root out and expose you all. So strap on your yakima, bitch.

cc669d No.1375668


You made your comment, now go back to your libtard board. Patriots have work to do.

e1540d No.1375669


with castle lock he mocks them

with king having no out

caslte= king

lock = no where to run

black to move as of right now

blacks move will be pawn H7 to H6


as is the remainder of the game

it is over and black knows it

see image on right

so show caslte lock


3246dc No.1375670

Guys. Check this Out with the Satellites of SpaceX..

http:// stuffin.space/?search=Space

6214be No.1375671



Anon. Tried watching this yesterday. Gave up after 10 minutes or so, couldn't hold my attention.

68e9f6 No.1375672


they are a shill for the NWO

muh israel isn't the answer to this

e7fc33 No.1375673


Don't listen to that fool, he knows nothing of GAINZ


fb3ca4 No.1375674

Satellite successfully launched

dc9eee No.1375676


In all fairness that guy who went into the pizzeria with the gun really did seem like a patsy intending to frame right wing news outlets. Alefantis personally sued AJ and had him over a barrel.

Owen Shroyer made a statement late-late at night on one of their pre-election 72 hour broadcasts urging people to go down to the pizzeria to investigate and take pictures. Inforwars really did get fucked on that one because of that mistake.

16a99b No.1375677

File: cbccc6ff75b872c⋯.png (233.98 KB, 536x304, 67:38, ClipboardImage.png)

e5a977 No.1375678


this isn't about left or right. this is about eradicating the evil and corrupt power structure that have robbed humanity of so much. the 'left' has no coherent plan. they are anti-MAGA. AJ and many others are gatekeepers and anyone following them should know better. our movement isn't divided at all. the only ones who are divisionfagging are the shills. we are here for the TRUTH and for FREEDOM for all.

b07df2 No.1375679


You can see the old posts.

Check that *.com one

For real

d28cdf No.1375680

File: e146efce6a2e1f5⋯.jpg (47.6 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 2a3qwk.jpg)

2dc288 No.1375681


Well, I suppose you're right I have had enough.

If this group of people is who Q wants to surround himself with, so be it.

I will not dishonor myself to be a part of it.


e3ae6a No.1375683


Cool. EMP when?

6fa9fa No.1375684

We're God's Chosen People™, but it's the WHITES who are supremacists!

d38471 No.1375687


>muh israel isn't the answer to this

"muh israel" is the seat of power fool.

d28cdf No.1375688

File: 12b7ed399d40940⋯.jpg (89.17 KB, 890x495, 178:99, 29z4fm.jpg)

68e9f6 No.1375690


yea looked dumb, watched the trailer to see what it was, the title caught my attention

db502e No.1375693

File: 76a2f6450cc2439⋯.jpg (12.55 KB, 259x194, 259:194, zion not.jpg)

27a837 No.1375694


read the fuck on..is all i'm saying..it's not about him..and don't post til you have read the whole post..thank you faggot

bb8dd8 No.1375695


I don't know that story..

I'll look it up, see if it tells me anything, ty anon

3246dc No.1375696


Check the Space Junk.

c6d726 No.1375698


NO. They are ALWAYS dignitaries. They have SS protection for LIFE. They are NEVER considered Former DIGNITARIES…only Former PRESIDENT or Former SOS.

a73dd6 No.1375699


True, but there's a time and a place for high hops.


494d00 No.1375700


OK, Q, time for a original photo from space. Like a big explosion or something?

08cdc2 No.1375701


shit tier meme

f7050f No.1375702


You don't abuse the victim…..period. You are rationalizing bad behavior. Either do it with goodness in your heart or don't do it at all. Rationalizing greed is a quick pathway to hell.

15afb6 No.1375704


pls stop

1e9b68 No.1375705

File: 6835f45e017ff7f⋯.jpg (51.57 KB, 400x387, 400:387, IMG_2175.JPG)

If old gestapi designed obsolescence is lingo fer flat earth conspiracy


You are not your brothers keeper

That tech sector gonna getta goose now


92a02e No.1375706

File: 9bb4aac205e0c3a⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 1st recon.jpg)




Love the Sled.

Yea though I fly through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for I am at eighty thousand feet, Mach 3 and climbing. – sign in the SR-71 operations room, Okinawa, Japan.

68e9f6 No.1375708


hahaha the seat of power of what the NWO?

come on anon, Israel has its deep state problems but the EU is CLEARLY the "seat of power"

Israel is some small ass country in the ME surrounded by enemies and only have us to help them

Imma need some sauce for that, but open minded

9b57c2 No.1375712

File: 8a8886a8272576e⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, 90shill.jpg)





For the day this seems more appropriate

ecc9f5 No.1375713


Yup, thanks for the reminder

6214be No.1375714

File: b5d57effe15ee91⋯.png (70.62 KB, 575x472, 575:472, ClipboardImage.png)


Those who take him on face value will be the only ones who keep following him. Those who get/got curious and seek out who Q is for themselves, just may end up here.

Pic related

c6d726 No.1375715


4119e3 No.1375717


Yeah… There's a reason Q came to the most anti-Semitic place on the internet.

And, it wasn't to be pro-Israel.

Your desperation is pleasing, you anti-white, piece of shit.

66c8a8 No.1375718

File: 2ef222cbe4acd09⋯.jpg (237.49 KB, 800x564, 200:141, Hope-and-a-Future.jpg)


I agree, but still, people are frustrated, want answers, want action.

Q is our Greatest HOPE

d38471 No.1375719

File: c72e80eb8635052⋯.jpg (119.46 KB, 681x900, 227:300, 681px-Balfour_declaration_….jpg)


Rothschild owns Israel you stupid cuck.

cc669d No.1375720




Last night, another anon said that D5 is also a "graveyard" of sorts, in the chess world.

22e9f3 No.1375721

1. Reason possesses volition.

2. Only Whites (European decent) have sentience that is individualist by nature.

3. Niggers and non whites have shit sentience, it is collectivist by nature.

4. Only the individual has sentience, the collective doesnt.

5. The collective is mindless and operates on whims, and orders from small groups higher up who are using them for their own plan to make everyone serve them.


What niggers and non whites mean when they talk about "equality" is equality of power. They mean that even though niggers and non whites are, per capital, much less capable than Whites due to their 15 point less IQ difference with Whites, they should still have as much power. However, because of their huge capability deficit when compared with Whites, Whites will naturally always have more power. If this was not the case, something would be seriously wrong.

The Deep State is ramming the much less capable niggers and non whites into government positions above Whites.

6fa9fa No.1375724

File: 5fb6763163415c2⋯.jpg (193.81 KB, 750x728, 375:364, 1521509720249.jpg)

4119e3 No.1375725


Talmudist, pedo-kikes, BTFO… again.

08cdc2 No.1375726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

plane fags

the whole talk is worth watching

68e9f6 No.1375727


what indication from Q (besides the "israel is last" crumb that has to do with Awan) shows that Q isn't pro-israel?

POTUS is pro-israel af and Q serves for POTUS

396391 No.1375728

File: a24389764987c55⋯.png (303.23 KB, 888x757, 888:757, 2017-11-22 DTTT Q Code.png)

File: dfa6f65df640998⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1111x6516, 1111:6516, 2017-11-22 Q_DTTT_Pick up ….png)


i can't help but wonder how that relates to this odd event, though… (getting late bread so not too slide-risky)

db502e No.1375729

File: 3a0073fe3448137⋯.jpg (12.75 KB, 251x201, 251:201, Rabbis.jpg)


You must be a fake Joo zionist

1e9b68 No.1375731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

be9d2d No.1375732

File: 20a3131064b9515⋯.png (4.14 MB, 1605x904, 1605:904, 978216419783625439287.png)

a4df08 No.1375733


The divisions are plain as day… most Jews and Israel will side with the deepstate….watch and see…Ziocucks with their Scofield bible will as well

de68cc No.1375734

Any other patriots here enjoy listening to the Subgenius Hour of Slack radio program?


b2c4a7 No.1375735

File: ff57e032361dde9⋯.png (1001.09 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting. 2-MUST isn't going to North Weald, it's looking more like Mildenhall or Lakenheath.

We've both lost $500, Alex.

d88803 No.1375736


The security clearance gives them access to FVEY (Five Eye) intel. In foreign FVEY countries, they have access to intel collected on US targets and can take the intel with them. It's WW housecleaning by HRC, JK, BO.

27a837 No.1375737

btw..it's not about you or me and your opinion on some faggot doesn't make you any more or less important unti it's about contribution to the fuckin topic which is clearly not some faggots name in a post about something very fuckin important so don't bother and fuckin READ..


6fa9fa No.1375738


Q started going down that road but had to pull back to prevent the conspiracy label. Blue pilled normies like yourself aren't ready for it. You need to come to grips with it on your own. All the facts are out there. Plenty of evidence. Lots of brainwashing that keeps you from it.

4119e3 No.1375739


This is correct… Most Israelis are not Jewish. (Like 85%). In fact, Palestinians have much stronger ties to ancient Hebrew-lineage.

It's all here: http://www.texemarrs.com/092013/jews_deny_being_khazars.htm

14d368 No.1375740


Just to point out. I do not particularly care about Dark Journalist. I followed for a while during the "COREY’S KID INC" crap. They argued back and forth. It was comical. The way Jordan defended himself was very interesting, and he did not give convincing argument. Just my opinion. I don't find him sincere. Jordan is there to make money and to spread disinformation.



cc669d No.1375741


you don't have to yell, anon.

a78678 No.1375743

File: d9c75252d40dea0⋯.jpg (385.43 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 130111034.qS5fRVza._MG_927….jpg)



I found this one before( the number 74 is for Andrews Base fire department)

but could not find the Q74 truck before, that you found.

So it must have been added, or you are a good digger, kek

66c8a8 No.1375744


Rothschild CREATED Israel.

ce718a No.1375745


It was either they jump off the Corsi train or stay on it and lose all views and trust.

I think they took an awful long fucking time.

But yeah. good for them, but still I question why it took so long for them to speak up.

I still am wary of them. Time will tell.

68e9f6 No.1375746


I'm aware of that, the NWO is MUCH more recent than that

Israel has barely any influence around the world

the deep state/NWO opposes israel

4119e3 No.1375748


Roger Stone is a former NXIVM member… DO NOT trust.

9c3fe7 No.1375749

27a837 No.1375750


>btw..it's not about you or me and your opinion on some faggot doesn't make you any more or less important unti it's about contribution to the fuckin topic which is clearly not some faggots name in a post about something very fuckin important so don't bother and fuckin READ..

470b17 No.1375751

>786ee7 divfag shill 20 posts. Filter.

d38471 No.1375752


Well it is/was Palestine first but yes.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration

ce718a No.1375754


This Anon knows whats up

Soon many will have to either face the truth or run from it.. either way its coming. Thanks for being in the know!

32c518 No.1375756


This is one strange-ass place for the Qs to set up shop.

eb3e36 No.1375757


Anon requested Big Pharma memes so I posted everything on Pharma that we have in the meme archives, over in Memes21 starting here >>1375651

We only have 40 memes on Big Pharma in the archive and some are duplicates with different #Hashes. Could use more of those.

Have at it.

396391 No.1375758


>I think they took an awful long fucking time.


<These people are stupid

b07df2 No.1375759


They have a complete system. Key word "complete." It contains vocabulary, key words, signals, religio-socio-ecomomic system that the all understand.

It doesn't work the way you think it does. They "know" it works the way they think it does.

so they act and operate according to those understandings.

Understand and infiltrate those…and you can establish a means of communication and manipulation.

certain words and phrases have certain meanings….same with body language and many other signals, symbols and colors.

It is what it is to them

It is what is is to not them.

If P then Q.

If not P then Not Q

d28cdf No.1375760


Wasn't he also the same person who introduced either Carter Page or Paul Manafort to the Trump campaign?

7d4d60 No.1375761


It is not. (((They))) worship the god of money since times immemorial cfr. Jesus flogging the bankers out of the temple; they all do, khasarians, sephardis etc… They work in diamond business, banking, cinema, media, upscale shopowners, science, music, etc.

Met jewish pipefitters lately? Plumbers? (I bet in Israel there'll be some though…) They are not even 2% of USA pop but represent easily 40% of gov… How many % in the (lower) military of USA? They like Americans getting killed for their causes but will pass on the occasion to do same…(they are not stupid).

>…Iberian DNA > how come, they were REAL jews, not Spaniards or Moors, is called the diaspora, gets mixed with local DNA how could it be not so?

Most religious jews have high regard for the Talmud AFAIK.

Just sayin'. Still… zionism = more or less= RICH jews. That good? That bad? Bit of a factoid really. Unconvenient truth, spin it as you like though.

fb3ca4 No.1375762



Patience anons. Time will reveal!

16a99b No.1375763

File: 4a0a09113235205⋯.jpg (566.13 KB, 1338x1263, 446:421, oktomakemoney.jpg)

be7523 No.1375764


Good explanation

9c3fe7 No.1375765


There is no Palestine. There are no Palestinian people. They are Arabs supported by useful idiots like yourself.

2c3d9c No.1375766

File: 0d5c0f8556ad097⋯.png (307.98 KB, 500x485, 100:97, ClipboardImage.png)


VERY TRUE. AJ is a snake oil sellin' gypsy fart.

6fa9fa No.1375767


No JIDF, telling people who to filter and tone policing in general gets you the filter.

d28cdf No.1375768

Maxine is fucking crazy

d38471 No.1375769


I agree, it did take way too long.

5b9c40 No.1375770

File: 76027236b520c3a⋯.jpeg (776.82 KB, 1200x1251, 400:417, D7CAE15E-2091-4E62-904C-0….jpeg)

bb8dd8 No.1375771


I am 100% with you, anon.

.. and I have not made a penny, either.

e155d3 No.1375772

David Hogg mocks Oliver North: ‘You would know about terrorism, wouldn’t you?’

Too FUNNY !!!!!!

https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/10/david-hogg-mocks-oliver-north-over-iran-contra/

c6d726 No.1375773

File: a1d0cd8a6cc0622⋯.png (742.53 KB, 921x867, 307:289, ajcry.PNG)

68e9f6 No.1375774


POTUS is pro israel, and is moving the embassy to jerusalem

Q has mentioned Israel like 6 times

I'm not bluepilled at all, you muh israel anons don't show sauce that Q and POTUS are anti-israeli

please reconcile:

POTUS supports Israel, you say he doesn't

de68cc No.1375775

We are an army of strangely-dressed, deeply-confused, pseudo-individual conformists.

b68ad1 No.1375776






d38471 No.1375777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Israel has barely any influence around the world


32b529 No.1375778



>Learn double meanings.

f7050f No.1375779


Roger Stone told the story on Infowars. Maybe you can search youtube for the interview.

7d4d60 No.1375780


TY for that thought. You made my day here, really, I'm going to dream of this I hope!

470b17 No.1375781


George Carlin with hope and faith.

3056f4 No.1375782

File: 49b73d6224e5792⋯.jpg (14.29 KB, 212x238, 106:119, little_faith.jpg)

92a02e No.1375783


Maybe Stansted.

a336f9 No.1375784


>the most anti-Semitic place on the internet.

now that is laughable

im not surprised

losing does that to a person

6fa9fa No.1375785


LOL mad online.

Yeah, you're going to have a very hard time soon.


22e9f3 No.1375786

You know it is the Jews, because only religion would drive people to such ends.

d38471 No.1375787


You are fucking retarded.

5b9c40 No.1375788

File: 9ac1e507d983006⋯.jpeg (181.24 KB, 1054x479, 1054:479, 0C079D5B-EA4B-41DE-A503-8….jpeg)

5e6cd3 No.1375789


Maybe you should go visit/pol/ on half chan and see how anons really deal with normies. I have been proud of the anons on this board for their dealings with normies. You would get slaughtered over there. Here, we know it’s for the greater good.

Also we are good enough for POTUS so STFU. He sure as hell didn’t go to The Donald on Reddit now did he

3bd3fd No.1375790


It should be fairly easy to determine whether HRC, Kerry et al. are traveling with SS protection.

4ffd81 No.1375791


fake as shit

d4cc43 No.1375792


This is why nobody likes you Tracy. Stop the incessant whining and rationalizations. If your heart is full of love and desire to help others, then you'd do it for free like anons do.

2c3d9c No.1375793


I never got the context of that.

a4df08 No.1375794


Logic has fled from you completely

b07df2 No.1375795

been seeing "their" communications for more than half a century…

68e9f6 No.1375796



you say they are the "seat of power" for the NWO


08cdc2 No.1375797


Praise the Lord and Check the Digits

e50523 No.1375798


dttt…strange..very smart. imo

remember well..369

494d00 No.1375799


Major kek anon. Thanks. Gonna share with my girls

7d4d60 No.1375800


True that.

Missed that bit, my bad, but still…

7b055b No.1375801


You can get off the jew hate. POTUS & Q are supporters of Israel. NOT the rotten apples, the good ones there. Much like our very own government. Israel is not THE proble,. Racist hate mongering bigots like you are.

ec5e8d No.1375802


Much more recent?

1912: Titanic

1913: US Federal Reserve Act

1913: Anti-Defamation League

1914: World War I commences

1916: Sykes-Picot Agreement (carved up Middle-East amongst Brit/French/Russia rule)

1917: Russian Revolution (Remove Tzar)

1917: Balfour Declaration

1919: Versailles Treaty (teeing up WWII)

New World Order run amok.

4119e3 No.1375805


Ding, ding, ding… fucking nailed it.


9c3fe7 No.1375806


You know no fucking history.

968035 No.1375807


36 bans have just been lifted. You're probably one of them. Don't fuck it up.

2c3d9c No.1375808

File: e634bcb06eb416b⋯.png (1.24 MB, 901x1200, 901:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

d28cdf No.1375809


Wow!! Also, winning!

aee63a No.1375811

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Try the top floor billy


e155d3 No.1375812


Thanks God & Q team !!!!!

66c8a8 No.1375813

File: 47da85bb3053449⋯.jpg (31.07 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Trumped.jpg)

Legend has many hero's, today we only have One:


d38471 No.1375814

File: e7b2f6e0d1c3269⋯.jpg (19.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, g_i_wonder.jpg)

File: f3c662d223926ab⋯.jpg (888.65 KB, 2910x2002, 1455:1001, Trusrael.jpg)

fd337d No.1375815

File: e8a9d29bb0705f8⋯.jpg (15.24 KB, 384x384, 1:1, main-qimg-da32ebcb4b0a23f0….jpg)

88f233 No.1375816

Tech AI is fucken ruining everything!

have any of you faggots looked at the games in steam lately?

occulous rift and VR BS is turning everyone's brains to mush!

who the fuck would plan any of that garbage let alone leave a review for it!

absolute insanity!

people are degenerate AF

4f9921 No.1375817

File: 09407f5bbe58679⋯.jpg (96.25 KB, 630x630, 1:1, kekistani_af_recon_squadro….jpg)

File: bb0bf4e3469f583⋯.png (814.51 KB, 3000x1746, 500:291, 2_MUST_stansted.png)


Bingo! 2-MUST is making his approach into Stansted.

6fa9fa No.1375818

File: 341a73740b75376⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 341x376, 341:376, 1521505518492.gif)


>It's not us God's Chosen, it's you goyim supremacists!

a336f9 No.1375819



typical misleading garbage

WW1 and britain and the UN created israel

rothschild just facilitated as they always do

68e9f6 No.1375820



you refuse to answer


POTUS supports israel, you say Q doesn't when Q serves POTUS

I just want an honest answer and can't get it


the NWO came WAY after WW2 come on anon

f44e40 No.1375821

d28cdf No.1375822


"STFU" lol, no I'll keep talking as much as I fucking want to. I wasn't even defending myself, I watched some dumb hippie Anon unload on an older Anon, which was completely out of line and completely uncalled for, so I said something. Ill say whatever the fuck I want, mind your own fucking business

5b9c40 No.1375823

File: 4c28cffa6689cae⋯.jpeg (199.64 KB, 1177x454, 1177:454, 324B86FC-4DA8-456F-88B7-1….jpeg)

b2c4a7 No.1375824

File: 258a92b0943b625⋯.jpg (323.86 KB, 1911x801, 637:267, 2MUST_12.jpg)

2-MUST landed at Stanstead.

16a99b No.1375825

562837 No.1375826


Nobody "got" to him.

He was a liar and an actor from the start.

I respect your feelings for him, and that is very honorable. But he was there to deflect the "Tea Party" types from 9/11 , since they were the most aware of it. He's an actor. It's a "school play" All that was even admitted in the Court Room by his lawyer. He thinks it's funny.

178c03 No.1375827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


United We Stand

4119e3 No.1375828


Ahhhh, what's wrong… Mad, you've been found out?

Cry out in pain, as you attack us again… faggot.

e7fc33 No.1375829

File: ebecdc1d0d49295⋯.png (176.61 KB, 498x316, 249:158, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)

File: c7ff6bbc42022e9⋯.jpeg (29.89 KB, 450x306, 25:17, 300px-violetjones.jpeg)

File: 3b4884f54be267b⋯.png (202.85 KB, 471x360, 157:120, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)

File: dda5066dd3f5be9⋯.png (234.08 KB, 482x378, 241:189, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)

File: a868978a474e2c3⋯.png (68.11 KB, 761x374, 761:374, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)


follow the wives:

Kelly Rebecca Nichols

d38471 No.1375830

File: 3857b5a8a85fc3e⋯.png (156.06 KB, 754x588, 377:294, listen_to_me_goy.png)

b07df2 No.1375832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c52d1b No.1375833


This homo poster needs to put a spoiler over that

de68cc No.1375834




470b17 No.1375835


Naw, only in theocracies does that work, because the religion IS the state. You don't recall that it used to be illegal to cohabit in most states in the US, it was illegal to engage in oral sex or anal sex, it was illegal to marry outside your race, it was illegal to buy alcohol on Sundays, I mean – the blue laws were innumerable. So, morality WAS legislated here. Your point does not hold.

eddb48 No.1375836


Indeed, a good bit of distance adds credibility.

3246dc No.1375837



At least a Win in this day.

32c518 No.1375838

File: 216c30a2833b680⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 472x421, 472:421, QSaysTheyWantYouDivided-47….jpg)


Why are you on this board?

fb3ca4 No.1375840


Did you see it? I thought so too.

a4df08 No.1375842


Do you understand what a COIN op is?

Muslim vs Jew, Capitalists vs Communists

Its all manufactured….Israel is the nuclear armed terrorist of the Middle East…they use it to extort the world for free gibs

2c3d9c No.1375843

File: 7dfbd2651c47b93⋯.png (314.1 KB, 640x327, 640:327, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7bdbdc2211179e8⋯.png (424.63 KB, 640x426, 320:213, ClipboardImage.png)

49 minutes ago,

First launch of SpaceX's revamped Falcon 9 carries Bangladesh's space ambitions

Today brings historic firsts for both SpaceX and Bangladesh: the former is sending up the final, highly updated revision of its Falcon 9 rocket for the first time, and the latter is launching its first satellite. It's a preview of the democratized space economy to come this century.

Although Bangabandhu-1 is definitely important, especially to the nation launching it, it is not necessarily in itself a highly notable satellite. It's to be a geostationary communications hub that serves the whole country and region with standard C-band and Ku-band connectivity for all kinds of purposes.

Currently the country spends some $14 million per year renting satellite time from other countries, something they determined to stop doing as a matter of national pride and independence.

"A sovereign country, in a pursuit of sustainable development, needs its own satellite in order to reduce its dependency on other nations," reads the project description at the country's Telecommunications Regulation Commission, which has been pursuing the idea for nearly a decade.

It contracted with Thales Alenia Space to produce and test the satellite, which cost about $250 million and is expected to last at least 15 years. In addition to letting the country avoid paying satellite rent, it could generate revenue by selling its services to private companies and nearby nations.

Bangabandhu-1 in a Thales test chamber.

"This satellite, which carries the symbolic name of the father of the nation, Bangabandhu, is a major step forward for telecommunications in Bangladesh, and a fantastic driver of economic development and heightened recognition across Asia," said the company's CEO, Jean-Loïc Galle, in a recent blog post about the project.

Bangabandhu-1 will be launching atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, but this one is different from all the others that have flown in the past. Designed with crewed missions in mind, it could be thought of as the production version of the rocket, endowed with all the refinements of years of real-world tests.


d38471 No.1375844


Clearly far more than you do.

aee63a No.1375845

File: eef45ddf8f15552⋯.jpg (95.51 KB, 600x900, 2:3, IMG_2169.JPG)



08cdc2 No.1375846

If AJ was legit they would have Breitbart'd him

7d4d60 No.1375847


If only.

Make a wish…

e7fc33 No.1375848

File: 1a082691324a346⋯.png (68.56 KB, 714x663, 14:13, Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at ….png)

File: 134dc5bf00c6a6f⋯.jpeg (32.81 KB, 440x330, 4:3, AlexJonesCharlieSheen.jpeg)

File: f4f03708923accc⋯.jpeg (7.33 KB, 200x200, 1:1, AlexJones.jpeg)

File: ea9b09f7f6a90de⋯.jpeg (12.98 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0.jpeg)

File: 67cadaf4f9a7b4a⋯.jpeg (11.2 KB, 200x254, 100:127, AlexJones1.jpeg)

249c43 No.1375849

File: 77aae1a1943e9b8⋯.png (776.02 KB, 800x1568, 25:49, 878.png)

I haven't seen this on the board in a while. Newfags should give it a look. Bloodlines are very important. The names associated with them help to identify not so obvious connected families. Knowledge is the key to understanding. Anyone saying the NWO is new is clearly not well read on the subject. This shit has been going on for centuries. Learn who your enemies are.

4119e3 No.1375851


Way to be alert, anon… Call them out wherever you find them.

d28cdf No.1375852

Damn so its looking like Stormy wasnt a Trump weapon, but just another deep state tactic trying to cause problems….and Cohen being bad all along. But rest assure, Trump team knew Cohen was always bad

16a99b No.1375853


notable baker

f251fe No.1375854


i agree. seems like all the "next" places we've been going with Q are being set free bc the bad guys are controlling the people

462d25 No.1375855


There's someone who wouldn't be leaving if POTUS wasn't in control. Here's hoping for a great, MAGA-oriented replacement.

ec5e8d No.1375856


The NWO isn't a homogenous group - there are two clear factions.

- Socialist one world government

- Zionist/nationalist imperial rule

That's why they have these Bilderberg meetings.. to negotiate stuff.

396391 No.1375857


read the green graphic, it has the thread/context

e50523 No.1375858


so true..been amazed at the restraint.

much rougher early on…hehe

68e9f6 No.1375859


>Israel is the nuclear armed terrorist of the Middle East


I'm open minded but this nonsense isn't helping jewpill me!

1849a2 No.1375861


Uhg. What a wimp. He's no Patriot

14d368 No.1375862


I pray it will be tomorrow.

fd337d No.1375863

File: 57abd9034b3475f⋯.jpg (15.98 KB, 255x252, 85:84, e1594a14ec5347824adecfeed4….jpg)

a336f9 No.1375864


palestine was a territorial designation

people lived there

never a nation since the time of king david

there will be a palestinian state when potus is done

also peace in the ME

e3ae6a No.1375865


you KNOW every shill kike got BTFO when they saw this. As if we make this shit up. KEK.

2c3d9c No.1375866

File: 529f506ebda1117⋯.png (226.89 KB, 530x298, 265:149, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's everything Elon Musk told reporters about the reusable rocket that will fly twice within 24 hours

SpaceX founder Elon Musk took questions before the launch of Falcon 9 Block 5.

"We're on track to be double our launch rate" in 2018, Musk said.

"Next year is when we intend to demonstrate … same day re-flight of the same rocket," Musk said.

A majority stake of the global launch market

"We're on track to be double our launch rate last year, which was a record launch rate for us. In fact, I believe Falcon 9 was the most launched rocket worldwide of 2017. And, if things go well, which is a caveat, then SpaceX will launch more rockets than any other country in 2018."

After 8 years of upgrades, the final version of Falcon 9

"This will be the last major version of Falcon 9 before [the Big Falcon Rocket]. And we expect this to be a mainstay of SpaceX business. We think of probably winding up something on the order of 300 flights, maybe more, of Falcon 9 Block 5 before retirement."

"10 or more flights with no refurbishment"

"The key to Block 5 is that it's designed to do 10 or more flights with no refurbishment between each flight — or at least not scheduled refurbishment between each flight. The only thing that needs to change is you reload propellant and fly again."

"We believe that the Block 5 boosters are capable of on the order of at least 100 flights before being retired. Maybe more."

9c3fe7 No.1375867


You are battling cognitive dissonance. These losers are convinced the the joos are the reason they are fat, lonely and depressed. To reconcile would be to realize that they in fact are responsible for their own lives. You almost never see people take responsibility like that (these days). But good on ya for trying!

d38471 No.1375868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f44e40 No.1375869


Thanks, BO…here's the thing, tho…I didn't actually DO anything (at least I don't think I did).

My breads have always been righteous and tasty (a point of personal pride for me, actually).

Anyway, thanks again. KEK!


4d4b3c No.1375870

File: b08cba2bfc88a96⋯.jpg (159.22 KB, 883x650, 883:650, Building8.jpg)

File: 5ac6e86edf53dd4⋯.png (285.74 KB, 600x617, 600:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a47569986ce7df0⋯.png (294.2 KB, 593x562, 593:562, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4958d5dc51ca5e⋯.png (235.22 KB, 605x614, 605:614, ClipboardImage.png)

Hmm, building 8

7b055b No.1375871


I'm southern Baptist, fucktard. Lmao at you ALL!

dbddf8 No.1375872



ee0a44 No.1375873


Last move in the chess game.

68e9f6 No.1375874


lol shhhhh

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