bdfe67 No.1367201
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Current Q Tripcode: Q !4pRcUA0lBE
PAST Tripcodes: !xowAT4Z3VQ , !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]
Trip Code Change Explanation: Q accidentally typed the password in plain text, Q updated password for new Trip on
His Secured /patriotsfight/ Board, BO Confirmed and then white listed new Tripcode, and Blacklisted the compromised one, on /qresearch/. See >>1355345
Q's Latest Posts
Thursday 05.10.2018
>>1366780 rt >>1366601 ----- Note the pictures we post are ALL originals.
>>>/patriotsfight/76 ------- Rank & File.
>>>/patriotsfight/75 ------- Castle LOCK. (deleted)
>>>/patriotsfight/74 ------- Fellow Patriots:
>>>/patriotsfight/73 ------- (DOJNUNESRELEASE.png)
>>1362511 ------------------ This is not a game.
>>>/patriotsfight/72 ------- NKSINGSEC.png
>>1361222 ------------------ [Be careful who you follow]
>>1358839 ------------------ Iran confirms Zarif-Kerry meeting in NY (twitter link)
>>1358706 ------------------ Now comes the pain.
Wednesday 05.09.2018
>>1349487 ------------------ Happy hunting!
Tuesday 05.08.2018
>>1342162 ------------------ Even Qs are Human ;-)
>>>/patriotsfight/71 ------- Error Corrected
>>>/patriotsfight/70 ------- Trip Confirmed
>>>/patriotsfight/69 ------- TRIP Update.
>>>/patriotsfight/68 ------- Today, EVIL lost control - also: >>1341959
>>>/patriotsfight/67 ------- Review time
>>>/patriotsfight/66 ------- Use LOGIC
Friday 05.04.2018
>>>/patriotsfight/65 ------- The World is Connected. (JKerry_Traitor.jpg)
>>>/patriotsfight/64 ------- THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED (Justice_1.jpg)
>>>/patriotsfight/63 ------- A rigged system (Justice_.png)
>>>/patriotsfight/62 ------- [OnReady] (Justice.jpg)
>>>/patriotsfight/58 ------- Whitelist on /qresearch/ -- Deleted, see >>1298468 , >>1303388
>>>/patriotsfight/2 -------- Trip Conf -- Deleted, see >>1298492 , >>1302636 (full thread captures)
>>>/patriotsfight/1 -------- Tripcode Update -- Deleted
>>1298146 ------------------ /patriotsfight/
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Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128
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>>1126202 , >>1207179 For Instagram mirroring
>>1127332 For Website mirroring
>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill
bdfe67 No.1367205
are not endorsements
>>1366522 Clarification G-2 SIS
>>1366486, >>1366535 Q Deleted #75
>>1366490 Intrigued by double post
>>1366547 MC-130H Combat Talon II airborne
>>1366531, >>1366655 D5 means 45.
>>1366559 23:31 timestamp
>>1366587 D5 as a metaphor of where we are
>>1366623, >>1366861 Qpost breakdown
>>1366672, >>1366678 Coincidence?
>>1366810 Infogram for D5 information
>>1366932 When was Q's Mandarin Orchard pic taken?
>>1366966 The D5 Are Meeting This Week
>>1367052 D5 Also means Highest Rating of Avalanche
>>1367144 D5 = chess move where bishop (cult) is trapped
>>1365737 Qpost compared with POTUS tweet "A Rigged System"
>>1365828 Count the pens
>>1365853, >>1365907, >>1365863, >>1365977 D5 referring to chess game?
>>1365910, >>1365936 Doesn't NK have large deposits of rare-earth minerals?
>>1366017 the 23:00 timestamp
>>1366075 Obama = King
>>1366130 Chess Poem "Opening Overture"
>>1366253 Dig after watching Red Sparrow
>>1366259 Artificial Intelligence for the American People
>>1364921, >>1365215, >>1365625 Can anyone find sauce on what Sara said? / About That FBI ‘Source’
>>1365025 "FAKE & FALSE" Q post side-by-side
>>1365055 He's using his Presidential powers to release the info!
>>1365136 Nunes-DOJ showdown over Mueller docs on hold
>>1365310 FollowThePens_Study the EOs
>>1365455 Sarah Palin Goes All In Supporting WikiLeaks and Julian Assange
>>1365686 Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative – Hillary’s Achilles Heel?
>>1364150 Kenyan Bishops Say They've Uncovered a Massive International Population Control Program
>>1364175, >>1364285 Another Q pyramid
>>1364295 The US-Israeli Plan To Assassinate Iran's Elite Revolutionary Guard Commander
>>1364309 for printing crumbs
>>1364458 NoName's pals in NSB Sold Sotloff's Head to ISIS
>>1364712 Location of NoName ISIS Photo may be: Azaz National Hospital
>>1364647 Kiwis fear cancer after working near leaky US nuclear reactor in Antarctica
>>1364667 RoseanneAnon at the Trump Rally?
>>1364669 15 active lava fissures in Hawaii
>>1364726 Learn to De-Q
>>1364739 The GMT +1 Time on is not correct
>>1363377 NXIVM/MarinaA./A.Crowley etc. Hudson River Map
>>1363429, >>1363570, >>1363647 Pyramid Autism
>>1363528, >>1363836, >>1363948, >>1363973, >>1364052 Planefag updates
>>1363559 NZ will play a very important role in harboring fugitives?
>>1363584 'Lying and negligent' nurse is charged in the death of ex-national security adviser H.R. McMaster's father
>>1363886 Modern art scandal uncovered
>>1363903 Comparison re China posts/tweets
>>1364055 Storied WWII Unit Was Made Up of Nisei. Who Were They?
>>1362609 POTUS Live
>>1362603, >>1363165 Closer look around Marina Sands area
>>1362614, >>1362712, >>1362712 McMasters fathers death
>>1362644, >>1362778 This is what Kantbot speaks about
>>1362702, >>1362931, >>1362970 Who would have been profiting off those 3 hostages in North Korea?
>>1362726 Now comes the pain - Iran - Regime change - Re-read crumbs for more connections
>>1362818 Information on nurse
>>1362860 Sky event. YKS is the code for Yakutsk airport in Russia.
>>1362986 Architect of Marina Bay Sands Hotel
>>1363237, >>1363124 The inverted pyramid is the key
>>1363239 N. K. Singh (Nand Kishore Singh) is a politician, economist and
>>1363241, >>1363258 Atlantis will rise?
Best Of Bread >>311157
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
bdfe67 No.1367213
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release
[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!
[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
Useful twat hints on war room info graphs
Best Times to TWEET:
Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use on laptop or PC
Threads & Research Section
>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)
>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)
>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>>143179 --- META
>>16785 ----- Prayer
>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II
>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion
>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening
>>566073 --- Q Cards Collection
>>870846 --- The Letter Q
>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch
>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch
>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A
>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics
>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes
>>169315 --- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2
>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2
>>4356 ------ Tools and Information
>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources
>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848
>>4369 ------ Research Threads
>>1233401 - All Executive Orders
>>1241760 - Shill posters
>>1243929 - JFK Files released
>>32223 ---- Qs chess game
>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.
>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas
>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread
>>618758 --- Merkel research thread
>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection
>>885933 --- P=C
>>904395 --- The Plan
>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture
>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread
>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?
>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III
>>1143658 - Abramovic
>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace
>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig
>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share
bdfe67 No.1367216
Graphics of All Q'S Posts
Q Graphics all in GMT
>>1351082 Q Graphics all in GMT #20
>>1287664 Q Graphics all in GMT #19 >>>/comms/987
>>1185120 Q Graphics all in GMT #18 >>>/comms/953
>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics
Q Graphics all in EST
>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636
>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968
>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967
>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966
>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics
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MasterArchivist ———————– |
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Germanarchiveanon ——————!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw
Learn to Bake! We Really Need Patriot Bakers
New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154
Or read the Bakers Manual
bdfe67 No.1367229
Dough #1715
3b929e No.1367241
Some D5 Avalanche memes maybe.
Instead of the truck, …
Instead of highlighting "Climber" - replace with "CABAL"
bdfe67 No.1367242
New Baker Request
Having trouble keeping up, time for a break
733358 No.1367243
snowball + D5 avalanche works
4e3a3a No.1367245
the clouds likely came from a military exercise: the test launch of a Trident II (D5) missile from a submarine off the coast of San Diego, which was scheduled for March 26-27."
and i also posted in feb:
The game Assange referenced was Capablanca-Marshall in 1918.
Relevant to the theory that Trump met with Kissinger to discuss a prisoner swap, after the capture in Shanghai tower.
Walk-through of the chess match for reference
The action is at 1:08.
Capablanca is White. The match is famous for Marshall Gambit, when Black (Marshal) (instead of moving D-column Pawn up one square to support his other center pan) moves up 2 squares to d5 to threaten e4 white Pawn. Pieces are swapped and black gives a knight and 2 pawns for a white knight and 1 white pawn, losing a pawn in the exchange.
It's a gambit because black is trading a pawn for better position on the board. It appears to work, until Capablanca turns the table on him.
Turning the tables = VINTAGE TRUMP.
E5 is the square where they trade knights.
>White takes pawn with knight
>Black takes knight with knight
>White takes Knight with Rook
Going with the Shanghai analogy I think it's more likely that Trump captured a knght (valuable piece) than a pawn.
Q posts:
>White rook takes black knight
>exchange completed
>DOPEY released for intel leading to capture of [ ] in Shanghai
>deal made with Kissinger concerning capture in Shanghai
>(Black's move)
7aad9a No.1367248
Thanks baker!!!
WWG1WGA came from a Q crumb and has spread BIGLY
I propose starting UWSWW (United We Stand World Wide), good for nonUSA anons
113db8 No.1367251
Always hard to keep up when Q is around.
Thanks Baker!
344caa No.1367252
if NO NAME is faking his death to hide…
will you expose him for all to see..
JUSTICE awaits that TRAITOR..
de0c04 No.1367253
Last bread Re: D5 ballistic missiles. POTUS speech was also in Indiana tonight. Looks like an upgraded class of Sub (we have the sub?) Sub delivered, tested, and passed?
a4d5b4 No.1367254
This talk of the meeting having already happened: How do you do that when the press follows him 24/7? If he's on a plane, they are on a plane.
a85e88 No.1367255
Sky event.
Id get the fuck out of town if khan shows up too.
94cdf3 No.1367256
eager is a nice way of saying impatient
813c09 No.1367257
Rank & File.
DOJ, FBI, C_A, State.
[SIS Good].
Not Forgotten.
Ranks and File members at the 4 letter agencies are not forgotten. We know not all have been bad. We appreciate you and you will overcome what the bad have done to your agencies.
Thank You Gina.
f41297 No.1367258
>>1366998 (last)
already stated in another post that :
The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.
D5 is the biggest avalanche possible. Think F5 Tornado
942dfb No.1367259
well apparently only retards think that things could be hidden in photos. it hasn't happened yet that i know of in Q posts but… oh wait there was this (pic related)
035910 No.1367260
Finally watching the TRUMP rally.
Anyone catch POTUS day joe Donald ( Indiana dem) serves his liberal HANDLERS and not the people?
Interesting choice of words
9764ea No.1367261
I think you mean 3 letter.
56a09b No.1367262
the press dont follow him 24/7, Trump made sure of this as soon as he entered office so the MSM were kept out of the loop
ced060 No.1367263
>>1367196 (pb)
Here is the Freedom.png from the deleted post, renamed with date.
Also including another freedom.png from another of Q's posts, not sure which one though.
Included because I noticed they are slightly different in file size and content. Maybe something hidden?
6c09f0 No.1367264
DoD 7 pm PST
🎇 Eagle Flares 🎇
DoD 9 pm PST
The 🦅 has landed!
ddb946 No.1367265
Q said: All pics are original.
He/she/they didn't say 'real time'.
Q said 'original'.
Doesn't matter when they were taken.
Someone in the 'Q' group took it.
It was not screencapped from the google.
Saw some confusion on this last bread.
7d88f3 No.1367267
Re-post from last bread. Dig into Stefan Halper, who may be the FBI source Nunes is hunting, that entrapped George Papadopoulos and kicking off the DOJ "insurance policy" against Trump.
2d885d No.1367268
Q posted this 111 days ago. Does anyone else think this is what will be released to force country wide mandatory voter id?
Feb 16 2018 17:58:54 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo 97 📁
“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity,” Rosenstein said. “There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”
Future proves past:
In an effort to preserve the integrity of all U.S. elections, as ordered by the President of the United States, after an extensive investigation in select counties (the ‘sampling’), the DHS has concluded that while Russian entities (as outlined within SC Mueller’s investigation were complicit in attempting to undermine the presidential election of 2016) had no direct impact or bearing on the outcome of the presidential election, nor were any U.S. person(s) knowingly part of such an attempt to sabotage as it relates to the Russian investigation, U.S. and other foreign entities (as further described within DHS[XXXX]), acting outside of Russian agents, did attempt on numerous occasions, and were successful, in interfering w/ the presidential election of 2016, senate elections of [x, y, z], [x] elections, whereby several million of illegal, non-resident ballots (the “irregularities”) were counted, while legal ballots were improperly tabulated and/or intentionally mishandled. We believe these actions were a coordinated attack against the democracy of our country.
The DHS will be submitting a final report to the WH/DOJ/other state and local agencies outlining our findings as early as March [ ], 2018. While this report only encompasses a sampling of twenty-two (22) counties across the U.S., it is strongly suggested, based on the evidence provided, that a mandated countrywide investigation begin under the recommended US50-EIC guidelines as set forth in Section VII of the final report. Furthermore, based on our immediate findings, we recommend the adoption of 8(E)(F)(G)(H) be made immediately to combat sources & methods currently being deployed to …………………………..
The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.
3b929e No.1367269
16 second reply. Damn anon, wouldn't want to duel with a trigger finger that fast!!!
813c09 No.1367270
Yes those of you at the 3 letter agencies, not 4 letters. Late here, sorry.'
877377 No.1367271
It's not a single 'software', it's a process.
077f4f No.1367272
>D5 is the biggest avalanche possible. Think F5 Tornado
Good catch Anon. You are correct. 5 is the worst rank of an avalanche, and the D stands for Destructive potential
0b1509 No.1367273
Drooling Joe Big Pharma
NASCAR Politicians Meme set per Brendan Dilley…
I challenge you all to make a bunch of these to awaken people who are unaware who pays each politician…
Research isn't too hard to do into any of them…
3bf62f No.1367274
f8a0f3 No.1367275
From previous:
D5 is an avalanche grade and a variant of chess is called Avalanche Chess:
7cb73a No.1367276
Trump dismantles NASA climate change program
5fce2d No.1367277
So much Love for all the anons that are helping cast Light upon the darkness.
Praying and sending positive vibrations throughout.
Prepare yourselves to teach.
86e87d No.1367278
Confusion by low reading comprehension anons…
abfd73 No.1367279
What was the Castle Lock post? I had an emergency next door and missed it.
3648e5 No.1367280
Use LOGIC ----
LOGIC Layout Optimization with Guillotine Induced Cuts
Brought me to the pic.
Which brought me to a thought: Does Q want us to present the map like a newspaper guillotine layout?
3bf62f No.1367281
GREAT idea, anon
f225ab No.1367284
Install Stegsolve like many of us have and run photos through it. Simple.
1eb081 No.1367285
things to do eventually:
-sleep somehow
5030d0 No.1367286
Any other fellow Christian anons here wonder about the following? In the Bible, before the coming of Jesus there were multiple God chosen prophets, leaders and ordinary people. Since Jesus and the establishment of modern organized Christian religion and it's multiple denominations there hasn't been a single one person who could be considered as ordained by God himself to carry out a special mission on Earth and with evidence of miracles to back that up.
Is there some info that is being suppressed? The Qs are obviously religious and Christian given the many times us, anons are urged to pray for America and for our military. Is there more going on? Is the world finally due for a new real Christian leader who follows God and through whom God works miracles and blessings? Just wondering because 2k years since Jesus has risen and well, unless you count the Popes there has been nothing and as far as I know Popes are not known to really perform any sort of special mission or miracles in the first place. I guess Trump can be considered one but since he was picked by the military intelligence community to be their public figurehead I don't know if that can be considered.
Correct me if I am wrong or if I am missing something here.
113db8 No.1367287
You can still see it on https:// – they have everything included Q's deleted posts.
77da3e No.1367288
Interdasting, no shills on shift…
4efa3f No.1367289
another post deleted from /pf
ddb946 No.1367290
So is he calling for an accounting of holocaust victim funds?
Maybe like 9/11, Sandy Hook and others should have done?
Or am I misunderstanding?
4c342c No.1367291
How the fuck does NASA get dismantled before the FED/IRS? Jesus.
184603 No.1367292
If you do step one properly step two should be easy.
813c09 No.1367293
Rank and File members at the 3 letter agencies are not forgotten. We know not all have been bad. We appreciate you and you will overcome what the bad have done to your agencies.
Thank You Gina.
its going to bug me if I don't fix it. thank you all.
733358 No.1367295
nah… tried to sneak it in last bread… quick copy to new bread
cc0b29 No.1367296
can't help but read post 74 as a warning of some fucked up shit coming around the bend that we will have to "stay the course" and "trust the plan" and "remain brave" through. am i the only one who is reading this as a warning that we need to steel ourselves for whatever happens on the day "they knew was coming?"
read it again, everyone. i think there's some projection going on with all the optimism. maybe i'm the one doing it, but worth examination.
86e87d No.1367297
You fucking jinxed it for fuck sakes!
abfd73 No.1367298
Oh geeze… I didn't even think about that.. kek.. thanks… it's late, I'm worn.
d885a1 No.1367299
If you turn it sideways, one of the towers is falling
9ed020 No.1367300
Love your motivation to everyone, Q.
More is never enough, keep that up for us!
God speed, God bless.
Keep POTUS safe, the most devious are the quiet ones around you.
You are all in our prayers at all times, thank you for all you guys are doing, especially and and most importantly any who have already given their lives for our country in this battle of good over evil.
7fa5ea No.1367301
>>1367203 (previous bread)
Excellent! This plays into the chess marker quite well. The Bishop has been idle waiting for the attack.
5b5450 No.1367302
This anon gets all of it.
Remember what our lives were like just a couple or three years ago? Never heard any of the names of these people and organizations ever before. Had no idea about the spiderweb worldwide grip of the Clinton's "charities". Didn't know how compromised much of the world was. Still thought Hollywood was okay.
I'd rather buy a beer for people like Peter Schweitzer and Charles Ortel than some damn actor, any day of the week.
4c342c No.1367303
Maybe (((their))) strings got cut. Shills don't work for free…sadly patriots do. I'm not asking for a check, I'm just looking for the FED to get BTFO.
7aad9a No.1367305
they got rid of the muh climate change shit, not "dismantled"
3bf62f No.1367306
I imagine that there are going to be some people who made out like bandits - perhaps some countries, perhaps some NGOs that were in charge of distribution but who instead kept for themselves??
not sure, but it is likely going to hurt some legacy families.
8156b7 No.1367307
WTF is on top of those buildings? Looks like a …rocket or missile or space ship or something
70b1ce No.1367308
Terms like "Avalance" are used on military bases/outposts as a code for the base being overtaken by the enemy.
That could've been the code to put activate CASTLE LOCK.
I'm not saying anything went down at the castle, just that a lockdown was initiated.
813c09 No.1367309
We were thinking WH secured.
113db8 No.1367310
You're right!
>>>/patriotsfight/76 – gone.
09107d No.1367312
SpaceX launch today: "Block 5" Falcon 9 rocket launch rescheduled for Friday, May 10
CBS News · 10 hours ago
877377 No.1367314
There are 51 Q posts with "D5" in the ID. Coincidence?
0d6c04 No.1367315
Posted on Twitter in the same minute
ae4243 No.1367316
Looks like the FED would not be dismantled. It supported Trump.
dca9b4 No.1367317
He wants the Nazi Gold Train….and everything else they took from the world.
86e87d No.1367318
I can see it for sure but are we projecting here?
4c342c No.1367319
Kek sooooo let's get rid of the fucking FED/IRS faggots.
5880db No.1367320
Its a Jeep anon. Sorry, I can't help it.
e7c52c No.1367321
looks like a rocket lying down to me
3b929e No.1367322
It was a Freudian slip, as they've become four-letter words. Instead of swearing about them, time to restore their 3-letter status (those that can be saved).
f41297 No.1367323
he already did in the crumbs
7aad9a No.1367324
keeping it at 74…. number of the fire truck from last night….
813c09 No.1367325
Fancy patio garden thing
6aa26c No.1367327
>>1367069 LB
>>1367091 LB
That's your "take"….I remember reading it, and it stuck out like a sore thumb and it was DEFINITELY a "veiled threat" regarding Ivanka….that's how I read it.
And considering the response….I think I'm right. Why would Q call somebody because they were "supposedly" calling out a fake Q….that happens all the time….
154184 No.1367328
Immigration stats for New Zealand
How many tourist guides does the country need?
9e047f No.1367329
2356a8 No.1367330
>>1367215 prev
That makes sense. I am expecting something huge to happen on 12th.
09107d No.1367331
5 hours ago - May 10, 2018. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — SpaceX has delayed the launch debut of its upgraded workhorse rocket. This latest version of the …
99c1eb No.1367332
0d6c04 No.1367333
Nevermind, I think Q was an hour prior.
0b1509 No.1367334
I used 50 cent's hat, and this chain on the drooling joe meme, if you want to thug it up a bit. I chose to go with the drug dealer theme…
The chain is transparent, but you'll have to clean up the hat… It's a good base for logos…
27e90e No.1367335
I bet FLOTUS took the pic. That's her beautiful houndstooth Dior suit pant leg showing in bottom right.
We love our FLOTUS!!
2c4729 No.1367336
you think trump called kim rocket man to his face and he liked it?
7aad9a No.1367337
got no problem with that
NASA is the shit (pic related)
6c15b3 No.1367338
I like this prisoner swap idea. It makes a lot of sense.
5030d0 No.1367339
>Trump dismantles NASA climate change program
Holy crap, how did NASA end up having to study the cyclical pattern of plant and animal fart accumulations in the atmosphere behaving in a sinusoidal fashion with a period of a millenia.
3c6fc7 No.1367340
Psalm 91
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers,and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
68b31e No.1367341
Hoping it's even more!
0c8032 No.1367342
>>1366780 (lb)
>> (lb)
Thank you Mr. President. I've watched the speech twice today. God bless you. OH… and the embassys….. absolutely stunning. Can't wait to hear the thousand stories left to tell. God Bless The United States of America.
813c09 No.1367343
No you are right. It was within the same minute.
d813ea No.1367344
Interesting… anywhere that Trump meets KJU is going to be monitored constantly by President's security team to make sure its not tampered with, from BEFORE the place is announced.
7aad9a No.1367345
>beautiful houndstooth Dior suit pant leg
lol good digging anon
a4d5b4 No.1367346
Then they need to look in the vatican, as well. They've got so much stolen art.
9e047f No.1367347
Lost the reply number. Was intended for the "I'm fucking psyched" anon.
2baf19 No.1367348
>Fellow Patriots:What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.
This is a note from 45 to anons
Godspeed Mr. President, Godspeed.
de0c04 No.1367349
They love movies. MIB had a working ship in Seattle on top of the Space Needle.
7cb73a No.1367351
7 people found dead in rural Western Australia, including 4 children
bcb49c No.1367352
>>1367211 (late last bread)
Q | IP Ghost
Your move | Your move
You know what we have | Increased chatter re: Mueller
You know that we know | Are you confused?
Can you trust? | Attempts to contact have failed
Shall we play a game? | Can you trust?
49428a No.1367353
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. US War College Director: 100% certain that 911 was an Israeli operation.
" … if Americans ever know that Israel did this, they're gonna scrub them off the Earth, and they're not gonna give a rat's ass - forgive my language - what the cost is. They are not going to care. They will do it. And they should."
877377 No.1367354
Likely related to D.E.W. projects for the Cabal.
113db8 No.1367355
Did it come out (in MSM or on here) why Singapore?
813c09 No.1367356
Owner of the hotel is friends with Trump too
8a1893 No.1367357
Yeah I thought it looked like a missile as well but it's a ship.
d885a1 No.1367358
Does seem odd and odd is usually true in here, no coincidences, does look like the first tower dropping though, another question mark i guess
077f4f No.1367359
Crazy how we just now caught it
0d6c04 No.1367360
I'm fucking confused. How can 8pm PST = 22:00 EST ?
0b1509 No.1367361
If you look close there's a little drool (cum X-D) on Joe's mouth. It just wrote itself. Anyhow, let me know if you want me to make any meme's. I'm taking requests!
0679a2 No.1367362
Rocket man was a song Kim likes. It's been speculated Potus was referring to Kims favorite song.
05c3dc No.1367363
No, he's giving Jews free reign to loot Europe under guise of "Holocaust reparations." Because Trump is a Jew lackey and traitor.
577ac4 No.1367364
NASA is going to be shutdown, Trump is calling their bluff, they won't be able to provide any rational/tangible/logical/physical proof about anything. Hopefully they all go to prison.
86b98c No.1367365
It reminded me of the USS Constitution from FO4
f2cce8 No.1367366
e9cb2c No.1367367
/patriotsfight number 76 post now deleted
e5f084 No.1367368
Winning !
86e87d No.1367369
The ???? keep stacking up faster then we answer them….
0e1d6f No.1367370
when looking at the picture this way i see the pens as a hand on the clock is the last pen pic were 5 would be? 5:5?
5880db No.1367371
The stego slide has started!
f1083a No.1367372
You wouldn't believe it until you do
53757d No.1367373
>Because Trump is a Jew lackey and traitor.
0b1509 No.1367374
One I came up with the other day. You might have seen it on Twitter…
077f4f No.1367375
Anons, tonight is the calm before the storm
7aad9a No.1367376
were going to mars dumbass
1eb081 No.1367377
75/76, they served their purpose.
not for us…
06fd46 No.1367378
Hillary's last speaking date in Australia is tomorrow (Friday).
We need to keep an eye on where all these idiots are.
"Mrs Clinton’s tour kicks off in New Zealand on May 7, followed by Melbourne on May 10 and a final show in Sydney at the ICC Sydney Theatre at Darling Harbour on May 11."
77da3e No.1367379
d813ea No.1367380
I heard it on TV today
68b31e No.1367381
NO NO NO! Don't take it back!!!! Keep moving forward!!!!
113db8 No.1367382
meant for other eyes?
purpose now served?
a4d5b4 No.1367383
Fuck you, asshole. Do have any fucking idea how much was stolen?
d885a1 No.1367384
That's why we archive everything, one sec here next second poof gone
813c09 No.1367385
Mine is set to Central time.
f41297 No.1367386
Finally hitting down that hoax used to tax us more and more.
c2c69f No.1367387
05c3dc No.1367388
1eb081 No.1367389
>Anons, tonight is the calm before the storm
3b929e No.1367390
There was a great pastebin back a while ago by Anonsec about the penetration into the NASA program. Included some good chemtrail info as well.
b70f21 No.1367391
thanks anons
Added Nancy (halfmoon), Clare (halfmoon), Marina (malden bridge), NXIVM Arapos (half-moon)
fd13c6 No.1367392
Wow Trump is totally in control of the narrative right now.
It's totally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things but even this faggot is getting investigated by the Treasury Dept. and sued for millions of dollars.
813c09 No.1367393
forgot to tag you.
577ac4 No.1367395
ddb946 No.1367396
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>1367353
Starting 9:00
So does this guy.
Most of the UN walked out.
dca9b4 No.1367397
i saw that too but i didn't know if the pics on here had been rotated for a better view/close-up. follow the pen re:b EO
ced060 No.1367399
Combined those 2 images to spot the differences.
Looks like antialiasing differences in the stripes and star edges.
195372 No.1367401
8pm = 20:00 PST
10pm = 22:00 EST
It's just a time zone stamp thing, depending on where you are located, the clock will be different. West is a few hours behind east, but
only on the clock.
Maybe that's it…?
d885a1 No.1367402
Really though, is there a bottom to this barrel?
7f0224 No.1367403
I am pretty sure tomorrow is the 74th day Julianne Assange has been quiet??
Either way.. If POTUS declassifies stuff tonight JA could dump tomorrow. If that is what is going on// and if its not…
Take control of the news cycle for the ENTIRE weekend… drop something HUGE in the morning. Completely ruin the 4AM plan. They will be scrambling like mad.
c0550a No.1367404
Go back to
And you can get back to Israel
Nailed it
077f4f No.1367405
Very cool! And youre awesome for posting the blank picture too
49428a No.1367406
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Victor Thorn was so sure 9-11 was a Jewish plot, that he challenged anyone to prove him wrong.
Victor Thorn was found dead, the apparent victim of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on August 1, 2016.
cddf06 No.1367407
Which one was deleted?
3b929e No.1367408
Also, we're still poisoning our planet. Be cautious with the Poisoning the Well situation, where some is legit and some a scam.
And eroding our topsoil etc.
7aad9a No.1367409
lol muh NASA bad
5880db No.1367410
double daylight savings time?
I'd certainly love to sleep an extra two hours. The getting up two hours earlier would be horrible though.
86b98c No.1367411
no seeing 75, anyone else?
4e3a3a No.1367412
Q always deletes everything thats accomplished..
Q105, Q106, Q461…etc etc
184603 No.1367413
Autismtiststians, find meaning.
de45a9 No.1367414
Nice catch. interdasting
5635c7 No.1367415
30c2fa No.1367417
If memory serves me, Q stated that the Fed wouldn't be abolished but that it would be "restructured"…or something like that.
7aad9a No.1367418
refresh /patriotsfight/
#'s 75 and 76 were deleted
2356a8 No.1367419
877377 No.1367420
Yes. Most in here are not noticing. Look at how the 51 posts relate to each other and to chess also.
4e3a3a No.1367421
Q DELETED #Q75, 69,70,71, 76
184603 No.1367422
We're going to put the fed into the blockchain
43376e No.1367423
I set mine for EST so they match Trumps.
86e87d No.1367424
Doesn't seem to be, at least not yet but I'm more then willing to put in the time to try and find the bottom.
1373b7 No.1367425
This could be a something burger. especially with the EO picture today.
5635c7 No.1367426
b8f21c No.1367427
The top structure of the Marina Bay Singapore across the three 55 story buildings called SKY PARK. Sky event?
813c09 No.1367428
I should do that.
86b98c No.1367429
finally peacetime
de0c04 No.1367430
Think Nationalized. Interest-free paper money issued by the government.
31d346 No.1367432
Archive everything.
37f3e0 No.1367433
195372 No.1367435
They were there earlier. I have it on screenshot.
They aren't there now.
I trust the Q point team have their reasons…
5635c7 No.1367436
2b1ef1 No.1367437
Castle lock means the wall has been built.
Castle is secure. USA is secure
Time to unleash the cracken(indictments)
Then watch the rats try to flee.
Declare marshal law.
Justice will be severed to the unjust
68b31e No.1367438
https:// 8ch. net/qresearch/res/1108585.html#1108971
2d885d No.1367439
not big secret she lurks here.
5fa369 No.1367440
brings us back to Engine Q74
05c3dc No.1367442
Property is a creation of the state, and as sovereign the state is the de facto owner of all property within the territory of the state. Jews never had any right to be in Europe in the first place, so all of their property would be forfeit under that consideration.
Even if we accept your accusation that it was "stolen," Jews today have no right to demand restitution from Poland and other places that have nothing to do with this alleged theft.
Trump is a kike and the worst traitor our country has ever seen.
fcbe9c No.1367444
You're doing incredible work Baker. Kudos. I can't take over just now but can collect.
Notables from the end of last -
>>1367214 U.S. Relations With Singapore
>>1367144 D5 is the move in the chess game when the bishop (the cult - see q post) is trapped. GAME OVER!
This bread until now -
>>1367245 D5 Analysis
d005ce No.1367445
keep em healthy
so we can rape
then eat them
1eb081 No.1367447
reposting pic
(oh and hey, good to add a warning when crossthread posting, like
>>1367115 <<
877377 No.1367448
Nice 5:5 loud & clear to the team
0b1e6a No.1367450
5635c7 No.1367451
FBI and CIA rent lawful ab initio and must go asap. Unconstitutional.
184603 No.1367452
Nice timestamp
He's jewish though.
Just playing a part.
In a movie.
6be94e No.1367453
WTF 76 was just deleted?
a7d5e3 No.1367454
What do anons think of this vid?
The Rothschild Syria Connection - Major Revelations
The vid alleges that Trump is beholden to the Rothschilds and one of their puppets. The guy says that Wilbur Ross is helping Trump to implement worldwide economic and energy policies to specifically benefit the Rothschilds.
bc6329 No.1367456
Interesting that you said it's been 2k years since Jesus Christ was risen. Made me think of the +'s in Q's posts.
I have been studying regarding the events to come. I have found that there are TWO seperate and distinct events where Jesus Christ returns to earth - future events. One will be what's known as the gathering together or the rapture where Christians are gathered together with Christ. We basically meet Christ in the clouds. Right after that the Anti-Christ will be revealed. There will be a time of great wrath and tribulation. Then after certain events another 1k years will pass before Jesus Christ returns yet again. This time with his Angels and on a white horse (a very different event than the gathering together). This is when he kicks butt and puts the adversary in his place forever. Just wondering if the +'s can also mean or represent the thousand years.
+++ - representing JC's life and ministry here on Earth.
++ - representing Jesus Christ's next return (approx. 2k years later).
+ - representing JC's third presence on Earth, aka The Day of the Lord.
86b98c No.1367457
0b1e6a No.1367458
Joo haters squirming like the cockroaches they are all over the board tonight.
b344e4 No.1367459
8 PST =/= 10 EST
This is nothing.
877377 No.1367460
219465 No.1367462
elected a liehuh
6c15b3 No.1367463
This is probably bigger than we know. The whole climate change thing was a hoax, which meant they were probably using that satellite for some kind of recon. Now they're blind.
f27f5e No.1367464
The summit has already happened. The future proves the past.
e5f084 No.1367467
Scrubbed! SpaceX delays the launch of its first 'Block 5' Falcon 9 after rocket gives the abort signal just 58 SECONDS before lift-off
By Annie Palmer For
23:28 BST 10 May 2018, updated 00:24 BST 11 May 2018
2d885d No.1367468
b88c4e No.1367469
the meeting already took place. I think the June might be the show….
27fa37 No.1367470
813c09 No.1367471
Except the wall isn't built yet.
"a mans home is his castle" WH
e817de No.1367472
6 months
a4d5b4 No.1367473
You're an idiot. Even in Europe a person had personal property. The state did not, under normal circumstances, steal from it;s citizens.
You're a Storm Front asshole. Go back.
8156b7 No.1367474
ohhhhh — the sky event is the meeting with Trump and KJU??
2c65f4 No.1367475
Healthy kids just taste better
0b1e6a No.1367477
Like cockroaches squirm before an earthquake.
Oh, yeah.
8a1893 No.1367478
8pm pst would equal 23:00 EST because it would be 11 EST>>1367401
Exactly I'm central time but the site I follow shows everything in eastern time so if it was posted at 11 eastern then it would be 10 central. When I look at the flag picture it was posted on the site
at 23:00 EST but my time it was at 22:00
2bccb7 No.1367479
The inference was boots on the ground,,,timetable still up for debate. Insults aren't constructive anon.
195372 No.1367480
What is your interpretation of Defcon 5?
What does Defcon 5 mean
(to you)?
33b6d4 No.1367481
13c58d No.1367482
We go through these dry periods of no overt habbenings, fewer Q drops, the strain of war ops, the doubts and shill fuckery, and then these moments when a breakthrough's about to happen and Q gives us the heads up as both a call to attention and a celebration and… and the allergies, man. Allergies act up every time.
Nothing I love more than truth and justice.
It's like they've been held hostage.
And are coming home.
942dfb No.1367483
she still owes us tits
577ac4 No.1367485
They gotta eat the pain on earthquake night
7aad9a No.1367486
hey muh jew shills, if Q told all you that you are a bunch of NAZI, soyboy, and dumbass shills, would you leave and gtfo?
5635c7 No.1367487
This is a must. Without this, there is no vote, it's a joke.
ddb946 No.1367488
twit shows the time zone the person looking at it is in.
Gotta then move to EST.
Need east coast fag to go to her twit page and check.
219465 No.1367489
i stopped counting at 2 dozen wiretaps for $9 of chinese food and three packs of smokes, cia niggas all fucking day. then there is eulogy for dead faggots on chan, waste of tax dollars and any bench would consider not 'judicially economical'
d3409a No.1367490
"The summit ALREADY happened"
Anon, You may very well be right!
2356a8 No.1367491
I know it was there earlier. It is at and
99c1eb No.1367492
>Because Trump is a Jew lackey and traitor.
Now this is the disinfo, no matter how much JIDF fucks like df5b99 or 0b1e6a wants it to be.
5635c7 No.1367493
My full libtard county doesnt even bother sending me a ballot. They got it for me, np.
219465 No.1367494
i remember when flynn joined the cia, we had biscuits and gravy after the shooting at the waterfall
b8f21c No.1367495
Just a possibility
0e4e16 No.1367496
Careful what you wish for. God can and does work through world leaders to accomplish His plans. But the only world leader prophecied is the AC himself. At least we know it can't be Trump, because the AC will be universally loved and adored until the middle of his 7 year reign.
abfd73 No.1367497
Man I hope we awaken to Shit hitting the fan. Even if the arrests are only in the DOJ, jokers and clowns.. Please let this be the MOAB, the Nunes drop.
99c1eb No.1367498
Stealing and filching like a good kike lol
05c3dc No.1367499
>You're an idiot. Even in Europe a person had personal property. The state did not, under normal circumstances, steal from it;s citizens.
Again, there is no "stealing" because all property rights are granted by the state and may be revoked at their discretion. This is realist theory of property.
And, again, Jews were foreign Invaders who never had any right to occupy Europe in the first place. Justice demanded the confiscation of their ill-gotten wealth and their physical removal from the realm.
05ee01 No.1367500
Marina Bay Sands
Las Vegas Sands
Sheldon Adelson (links to Marina Bay)
Interesting that anon edited a wiki page about 15 hours ago.
5635c7 No.1367503
Amateur Hour. Clown in training. He's no Jack Kennedy.
7aad9a No.1367505
question anons:
C_A = clowns
what do we call F_I ?
43376e No.1367506
The message was not for us. it was replied to too.
2b1ef1 No.1367507
the USA is our home
6bd5eb No.1367508
Kiss it. Now go kill yourself faggot.
7284ee No.1367509
[Pope] will be having a terrible May.
Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT>
Dark to LIGHT.
56a4af No.1367511
sry, needed a distraction but this wasnt what i was looking for
e5f084 No.1367512
Is this why there have been Telegram outages the world over recently too?
Trump announces capture of five 'most wanted' ISIS terrorists who were lured from Syria to Iraq with fake Telegram app messages - including top aide to 'caliphate' leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
43376e No.1367513
Clowns were deep state so they get a name.
5635c7 No.1367514
We've known about this for a year.
86e87d No.1367515
check, a bit testy tonight.
699559 No.1367516
d06993 No.1367517
Could you be more obvious
3bf62f No.1367518
I have no idea which country's (countries') Holocaust era asset distribution that EO is referring to, however, for an idea of the $$ we are talking about here have a look at pic related.
Note the underlines. these figures are in 1941 dollars!
also note the date - was that right after Bush Jr was sworn in or just before?
06fd46 No.1367519
Obumma's latest twit.
I tried looking up his schedule or see where he is, no luck so far.
077f4f No.1367520
C Page, or someone we dont know yet?
219465 No.1367521
bc6329 No.1367522
Right, but also the AC will not be revealed until after the gathering together - "until there be a falling away first". The Holy Spirit filled Christians are the ones that restrain the adversary from reeking havoc on the Earth. Once they are removed, all the restraints are removed, thus the AC will be able to reveal himself/herself.
05c3dc No.1367524
Explain how allowing Jews to unjustly loot Europe makes him anything other than a Jew lackey
7aad9a No.1367525
there are deep state F_I too, and DOJ, and at State?
5635c7 No.1367527
It's a missile aimed at uranus.
9c116e No.1367528
Why do I feel like Q is referring to Hussein here, not the Pope?
e5f084 No.1367529
53757d No.1367530
813c09 No.1367531
bdfe67 No.1367532
Thanks, all help is appreciated. ;)
219465 No.1367533
faggots in the wrong hood
cb8903 No.1367534
Meme Magic Anon.
Anons posted many cats. kek.
8a1893 No.1367535
I wonder if those 5 most
wanted leaders of ISIS
are singing?
764dfc No.1367536
Fuck off shill. You glow in the dark
1373b7 No.1367537
Looks like the ADL just logged in, Incoming Jew/nazi posts. the quiet was nice whilst it lasted.
a4d5b4 No.1367538
Your argument loses its argument when referring to the Jews as invaders.
And, when you refer to POTUS as a kike.
Do you live in Little Rock by chance?
7aad9a No.1367539
56a4af No.1367540
wats w/ the deletions??????
43376e No.1367541
FBI is not deep state. They did have some criminals in there like in DOJ etc but only CIA aka Clowns were deep state organization.
184603 No.1367542
There are very few issues more important than nuclear war to BO. I'll list them:
1. Hiding birthplace
2. Becoming a better pegging partner
3. Acquiring fresh young blood
4. Activating almonds properly
1eb081 No.1367543
right, ClownsInAmerica, NoSuchAgency, …
pretty sure i read one for FBI before but blank rightnow
27fa37 No.1367544
Bah… let the middle east have a full on war with themselves. Fuck each other up big time like they've been doing to each other for centuries. Only way it stops is when one side exterminates the other.
813c09 No.1367546
Clinton Foundation.
Post Election Loss.
No Access / Control = No Donations
NZ Donation Restart.
1) Selling Secrets?
2) Selling 'Future' Access [regain control/power]?
3) Selling Silence?
Read below slow and carefully.
Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
Read above slow and carefully.
Welcome to the Deep State.
Future to prove past.
7dd955 No.1367547
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. When was the last time Americans saw large flags and firetrucks together so prominently?
Never forget.
5635c7 No.1367548
Kim Jong locked down a White Castle in New Jersey and went gangnam style on 100 burgs.
219465 No.1367549
。*゚+.*.。(っ ᐛ )っ✂╰⋃╯
it's an emoticon of that weird cia cult shit that homos still practice in the gov't,
0679a2 No.1367551
So what's it like to live within the boundary's of your self imposed limitations? Must be tough trying to have a conversation with another being when you've pretty much painted them all with this racist paint set of yours. What shall we paint you pray tell?
2d885d No.1367552
That must suck anon. Did you look at the details of the investigation into the election? Russian agents were successful in interfering w/ senate elections [x, y, z]?
A full report should have come out in March. I'm not aware of it being released yet. Maybe the papers Potus declassified were pertaining the those results.
b88c4e No.1367553
I thought i saw somewhere HRC received 80 million from NZ. Could be wrong.
7a4c67 No.1367554
Q's post was at 2200 EST (10pm) that is 1900 PST (7pm)
B's post was at 2000 PDT (8pm) that is 2300 EDT (11pm)
It's nothing. (I got excited too, though). Maybe we can get GEOTUS to abolish Time Zones!! (kidding)
c0550a No.1367556
The goyim know… Faggot.
06fd46 No.1367557
Damm - Q be up late tonight!!
No sleep for many of us.
2356a8 No.1367559
813c09 No.1367560
SHE IS STILL DOING IT!!!!!!!!????????
STOP HER!!!!!!1
5635c7 No.1367561
FED/IRS are unconst., unratified and must go period
6be94e No.1367562
Planefag you still watchin da plane?
9c116e No.1367563
Does FVEY = Five Eyes?
7a4c67 No.1367564
2300 EDT (11pm)
*should be EST
ddb946 No.1367565
All I saw was 5.5m
5030d0 No.1367566
>Careful what you wish for. God can and does work through world leaders to accomplish His plans.
I was just wondering if there is information out there about real modern prophets of God being suppressed or maybe other books of the Bible being hidden away as well.
I figure there has to be some sort of pre-flood bible because Noah knew God and followed him and did good by him. How did Noah come about to know of God and follow him in the first place? Clearly not from his fellow men who were busy sinning.
13c58d No.1367567
kek. the recycled playbook and bad grammar of these shills is also pretty lulzy.
You blame all jews like bot cyberjihadi! I see you are a, how you say, "soy boy" who is also Nazi shill and you can't meme those are such bad memes! Give up now kys and why do you divisive when Q says stop?
5fa369 No.1367568
Read below slow and carefully.
Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SECClearance?
U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
Read above slow and carefully.
e6bbd8 No.1367569
So the originals are not posted for a reason? What reason that might be? Compromise the mission?
9b7b80 No.1367570
31d346 No.1367572
FVEY = Five EYEs
4e3a3a No.1367573
no extradiction from NZ..
abfd73 No.1367574
I think so… Q asked us if NZ was part of F.E.'s
657d8d No.1367575
b88c4e No.1367576
Comey flew to NZ? Why would comey fly to NZ?
FBI starting to have meetings in foreign countries?
bc6329 No.1367577
I screenshotted…
86b98c No.1367578
that cunts stealing intelligence
219465 No.1367579
since hogg and frump and dead cia niggas still eulogy on chan boardsm i trust my tractor more than faggots whom say 'full control' like what they said to nixon
f1083a No.1367580
de45a9 No.1367581
9c116e No.1367582
They are originals.
077f4f No.1367583
That was my guess too
86e87d No.1367584
Why can't/hasn't POTUS cut the strings to FVEY?
c0550a No.1367585
Talmudist-kikes, pretending anyone other than their shilly, Jew buddies agree with them on here… In hopes of roping you in through a bandwagon appeal… Weak AF.
Go back to Khazakstan.
68b31e No.1367586
>Read below slow and carefully.
>Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
>U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
>U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = >U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
>Read above slow and carefully.
fcbe9c No.1367587
No worries bakeranon, steamy kitchen tonight. The best kind. Kek.
Gotta step out unplanned now, just to let you know I won't be collecting. Hope a new baker rocks up for you soon. Godspeed anon.
184603 No.1367588
Clinton can go to NZ and scan FVEY records for her incriminating evidence and grab them without any logs because US IN NZ actions are not flagged
He had a drop similar to this before.
There's ways to bypass any system if you're the one that designed it..
typical stuff for a crook.
5635c7 No.1367589
8fca1b No.1367590
No, D5 is 5 days from now I guess.
657d8d No.1367591
yep among others. Remember BO's trips
2356a8 No.1367592
Why the hell they still have clearance when Q and POTUS know they are dirty? To trap them? I hope so!
813c09 No.1367593
Look again anon.
ddb946 No.1367594
Hillary just left there with 5.5m$$$.
Where do you see Comey went?
Last year was the last time I remember him going.
7f0224 No.1367595
004c2b No.1367596
Networks can be used for white hat purposes too!
4e3a3a No.1367597
NZ is where her bolthole is…
4b871c No.1367598
do (you) have faith the size of a mustard seed? pray
0d6c04 No.1367599
Okay so Q posted that flag at 20:00:27 PST / 23:00:27 EST. What threw me off was that I grabbed the deleted Q post from the archive, which for some reason does NOT reflect the time accurately.
Bailey did in fact post her flag in the same minute. Either this was a message or it was her being REALLY quick to post her flag immediately after seeing Q post. Here's both in PST. Plus she tweeted a teaser early yesterday morning, then didn't post anything twitter until this flag.
848004 No.1367600
keep us going tonight Q
i will not be able to sleep regardless, so please keep em. coming
572610 No.1367601
6f55de No.1367602
>>1367085 (past bread)
Does this mean the deep state also had no idea it already happened? That's my question. It seems like (((they))) would figure something was up at least.
411861 No.1367603
Cringeworthy Clinton's Stupidest Moments
<literally hilarious
df5b99 No.1367604
86e87d No.1367605
and, why can't POTUS stop the former heads from keeping their clearances?
4e3a3a No.1367606
f27f5e No.1367607
US has extradition from NZ
184603 No.1367608
86b98c No.1367609
I sure hope the teams have kill on sight orders
05c3dc No.1367610
>when referring to the Jews as invaders.
How are Jews not Invaders? They aren't native Europeans. Nobody ever invited them into Europe. They're Invaders who have been squatting there against the wishes of the native Europeans for centuries.
3070ab No.1367611
Clinton Foundation.
Post Election Loss.
No Access / Control = No Donations
NZ Donation Restart.
1) Selling Secrets?
2) Selling 'Future' Access [regain control/power]?
3) Selling Silence?
Read below slow and carefully.
Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
Read above slow and carefully.
Welcome to the Deep State.
Future to prove past.
5fa369 No.1367612
b88c4e No.1367613
NZ was still referring to HRC as Sec of State
0679a2 No.1367614
Posting an original means you are the one taking the picture.
06fd46 No.1367615
'''Security Clearance is allowed, so we can use
FiveEyes to spy on (Hillary) while she is in NZ and AU?'''
7f0224 No.1367616
FEFY i meant.. whatever
68b31e No.1367617
035910 No.1367618
HRC in NZ for Intel from five eye partner?
Threats made? Why you said we won’t be taken hostage and why potus said we were born free. We will live free. And we will die free.
Some think they will regain control and are selling that lie
affd71 No.1367619
Yea and I seem to recall from wwaayy back something about federal credit unions being utilized, or more established? Maybe that was just anon interpretation tho. Sorry half asleep.
73b51c No.1367621
Yes - no guess needed.
95628d No.1367622
Breaking: Q has a new drop!
ddb946 No.1367623
NSA still has it tho.
b70f21 No.1367624
less detailed map
9c116e No.1367625
Hussein/Kerry others flew to countries before and after Trump/Q to try to strike a better deal.
de0c04 No.1367626
Read below slow and carefully.
Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
Read above slow and carefully.
Continued access to sensitive/classified materials. Comms through compromised channels, leaked to the right medium, made public, admissible in court. Arrest warrants served, in possession of classified documents overseas = treason.
219465 No.1367627
maybe if we rub enough sticks togeth, all the idiots that won't pay can get ritually sodomized by the ethernet, cause nobody is doing my yardwork
733358 No.1367628
DEFCON 5 Defense Condition 5 (Peace Operations)
cb8903 No.1367629
8ef40d No.1367630
Thought we already had that Doll…
2356a8 No.1367631
I never noticed. Its got no hip.
9c116e No.1367632
Hussein/Kerry/Clinton and others flew to countries before and after Trump/Q to try to strike a better deal.
7f0224 No.1367634
fcbe9c No.1367635
The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.
184603 No.1367636
They have everything.
b88c4e No.1367637
Private FBI plane to NZ
b5d72c No.1367638
3b929e No.1367639
What's with the Quantum Computer (virtual)??
6c09f0 No.1367640
1eb081 No.1367641
<U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
<U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
HRC shopping in NZ.
And people wonder why they let her loose and allow trips…
They see all.
The fall will be GLORIOUS
9daa2a No.1367642
Thanks for sharing your "female intuition" with us, but we operate on facts, not hunches, on here. Got sauce?
657d8d No.1367643
does the Nunes EO pull SEC Clearance from 'former' dignataries? Retroactively if they violated the Logan Act?
c0550a No.1367644
Sure… But that didn't happen.
Instead, he said "Were saving Israel for last". And, hasn't rebuked us once.
I'd say we're over the target. Luciferian-Jew rats, BTFO.
ddb946 No.1367645
I wonder if this last trip of hers to NZ is what will be her downfall…
I wonder if NZ set her up.
Just spitballing…
d005ce No.1367646
>>1367521 ←– shill, shitting up the thread, as usual
219465 No.1367647
so what faggot, did you kill a kid for your cia job
5635c7 No.1367648
Is Boris a grey hat or what? Cant get a handle.
5bd830 No.1367649
And NZ are letting her.
Act of War.
NZ PM is former member of Tony Blair team.
Going to jail.
Jacinda is going to resign. Then prison. Unless she flipped.
Clinton is about to be arrested.
ddb946 No.1367650
Same as Iran did with Kerry.
68b31e No.1367651
Anon, honestly, I'm glued here since Oct 29th, and I manage work/life balance with 2 kids and a wife. I had that screenshots of other posts made within a minute because those particular drops were legendary. Sometimes, we're just quick with the "Print Screen" button.
86e87d No.1367652
Cut the strings now and Reestablish after this operation is concluded.
06fd46 No.1367653
Read below slow and carefully.
Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
a4d5b4 No.1367654
Never ignore your gut, anon. Never.
aa2bf7 No.1367655
Bitch Hillary isn't over there trying to sell her book.
She over there spying on (US) and the administration, I PRAY SHE GET'S CAUGHT !!
05ee01 No.1367656
Looks like Israel for last being set…
Tone of article being more dramatic as President Trump dismantles JPOA while some folks lose their minds…
184603 No.1367657
He said that it's beyond race or religion.
He said it's about Good vs Evil.
3070ab No.1367658
Not sure.
bc6329 No.1367659
99c1eb No.1367660
>Clinton Foundation.
>Post Election Loss.
>No Access / Control = No Donations
This is what loss of control (or perception of it) means/looks like vs…
>NZ Donation Restart.
World wide black hats/ (((shills))) SEEM to think there is a good chance power could be regained.
>1) Selling Secrets?
>2) Selling 'Future' Access [regain control/power]?
>3) Selling Silence?
All of the above.
>Read below slow and carefully.
Five eye intel sharing.
>Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
They should not. Deep state allows it under various guises/ loopholes.
>U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
Any comm. or transfers of intel within US is detected.
>U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
Not the same case if same intel is taken from NZ - with SEC clearance, HRC and other traitors are still viewing and taking these intel.
>Read above slow and carefully.
We shouldn't - unless….(these people are stupid).
>Welcome to the Deep State.
>Future to prove past.
219465 No.1367662
mysterious like antmatter
c8e4da No.1367663
WEAK. So weak. Come on, we demand better shilling than that. That's just an insult. Really? They actually pay you for that weak sauce? Try a job in retail, bro. This is not your calling.
572610 No.1367664
Q, please, I don't need to see any arrests. Just kill the Clinton bitch. We won't judge or ask any questions. Do it for America. Please!
803c28 No.1367665
Q, how was the stay at Mandarin Orchard?
Nice partly cloudy day.
Sounds like POTUS - looks like around the 10-12 floor?
de0c04 No.1367666
I think that's what it refers to re: funds. Since their funds were cut off, she was forced to again try to raise funds, actively violating RICO statutes (the ongoing part).
73b51c No.1367668
Only originals posted prove the source.
Also, not fuckery (hidden embeds, trackers, etc.)
e4fd6b No.1367669 is on it….maybe not.
b88c4e No.1367670
HRC also went to Austrialia
crazy hrc fan in link follows everywhere
https: //
13c58d No.1367671
The way they absorb our criticisms about them and repeat the phrases back against us is so… slimy. "Crawling all over the board tonight."
Lol, OG anons don't "crawl" on the boards, they ARE the boards. It's the infiltrator-impostor calling the natives the spies. "These aren't our values!" Kinda like what they do in our nations and governments right?
5bd830 No.1367672
They set a trap for bad actors.
Let them keep access.
Feed them false Intel.
43376e No.1367673
They need to take away Security Clarence from people who don't work there anymore. These people are stupid to think no one is going to notice they are using their clearance to spy on us and sell it to NZ. Idiots.
b70f21 No.1367675
HRC = priestess witch
c8f792 No.1367676
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
US in NZ could be the US Embassy as it is counted as US soil.
4e3a3a No.1367677
"selling silence" who in NZ wants her to stfu ??
5635c7 No.1367679
You can slap a girl and make her into a sex slave, but she has to LIKE it! Duh! Not just anybody you dumbass kike muthafucka!
184603 No.1367680
I just read Q's drop again,
so HRC can go to NZ, promise to sell them anything they want from FVEY database, and then grab it without logs and give it to them.
I get it now.
2c4729 No.1367681
hillary can use nz 5e to spy on usa without any records.
b5d72c No.1367682
The President Executive Order 13526
Classified National Security Information
December 29, 2009
Sec. 4.4. Access by Historical Researchers and Certain Former Government Personnel.
(a) The requirement in section 4.1(a)(3) of this order that access to classified information may be granted only to individuals who have a need-to-know the information may be waived for persons who:
(1) are engaged in historical research projects;
(2) previously have occupied senior policy-making positions to which they were appointed or designated by the President or the Vice President; or
(3) served as President or Vice President.
(b) Waivers under this section may be granted only if the agency head or senior agency official of the originating agency:
(1) determines in writing that access is consistent with the interest of the national security;
(2) takes appropriate steps to protect classified information from unauthorized disclosure or compromise, and ensures that the information is safeguarded in a manner consistent with this order; and
(3) limits the access granted to former Presidential appointees or designees and Vice Presidential appointees or designees to items that the person originated, reviewed, signed, or received while serving as a Presidential or Vice Presidential appointee or designee.
3bf62f No.1367683
>>1367226 (prev bread)
could explain the 'refueling' and the 'staged' hostage release
99c1eb No.1367684
That sure as hell did not save any of the jews crushed so far by POTUS and Q team.
Nor will it save any of the JIDF and traitors in here trying to subvert.
Criminals, be they races, or religions, are ALL in our sights.
035910 No.1367686
Is there a law that allows for different monitoring of people who have or don’t have SEC Clearances?
0679a2 No.1367687
How are you still able to type and breath at the same time. Get a clue…no one cares what you think about the jews…nobody is impressed…get a blog and post your views there. Quit shitting up the board with your programming and divisionist indoctrination. Your a tedious waste of time and majorly pathetic
b1464f No.1367688
This guy is a pro photographer who writes a blog I follow. He's based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This is the first "political" piece he has written (to my knowledge) and the language he uses to describe the outgoing administration will be familiar to everyone here.
It's an easy read and the photos are nice, too.
077f4f No.1367689
We've thought that many times though lol
b8f21c No.1367690
60c4ae No.1367691
Q !4pRcUA0lBE 77 📁 NEW
May 10 2018 23:45:37 (EST)
Clinton in NZ
The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States
c0550a No.1367692
Are you telling us that Donald Trump is responsible for the COUDENHOVE-KALERGI PLAN and/or THE BALFOUR DECLARATION?
Also, how does Trump control Europe's border policy again?
148217 No.1367693
this. she has clearance and can view fvey intel without fillong out paperwork
1eb081 No.1367694
f27f5e No.1367695
It wasn't missed. Many have posted the same.
e4fd6b No.1367696
Frankfurt school
SEOUL, South Korea, April 12, 2018 /PRNewswire/ – GLOSFER, a South Korean blockchain company led by CEO Taewon Kim, has announced its official partnership with the Frankfurt School Block Chain Center (FSBC).
86b98c No.1367697
that has to be on purpose, even when I was working in a NOC people would RDP in and we would know which server, files and who
ddb946 No.1367698
That was last year. A day before Pompeo got there.
657d8d No.1367700
E.O wording that allows this loophole from 2009
Sec. 4.4. Access by Historical Researchers and Certain Former Government Personnel.
(a) The requirement in section 4.1(a)(3) of this order that access to classified information may be granted only to individuals who have a need-to-know the information may be waived for persons who:
(1) are engaged in historical research projects;
(2) previously have occupied senior policy-making positions to which they were appointed or designated by the President or the Vice President; or
(3) served as President or Vice President.
b88c4e No.1367701
HRC meeting with PM
077f4f No.1367702
Hehe the hostages could've very well been chilling in Alaska until last night
d813ea No.1367703
HOLY SHIT: COVFEFE = Clinton - Obama - Via - Five - Eyes - For - Execution
184603 No.1367704
Absolutely by design.
09e692 No.1367705
The noose is tightening. God bless you Q and POTUS!
b70f21 No.1367706
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>1367374
Will Galison made the video 8 years ago
been a long time coming for the douchebag Schneiderman
9daa2a No.1367707
How the fuck do you know what Pence has or hasn't done? A lot of things happening behind the scenes, but I guess you have more intel than the Q Team, bitch.
3b929e No.1367708
It's all in the GRID. The END.
3bf62f No.1367709
yes, that's how I read it too.
.. that's a mighty HUGE loophole to the system.
So, knowing this, I wonder what kind of disinfo was put into these databases. Maybe the entire thing is fake at this point - they've set up a new one and Hillary/Deep State are all accessing some pointless one that is being fed false info.
that'd be hilarious.
0679a2 No.1367710
9ea977 No.1367711
00:45 timestamp
its happening
ea44e4 No.1367712
The moment the FISA report meets the cult story is going to be epic.
b88c4e No.1367713
She shared a stage in Melbourne on Thursday night with former Australian prime minister Julia Gillard and will do so again in Sydney on Friday night.
7aad9a No.1367714
2d1eaf No.1367716
Is this why they are letting her roam free?
The white hats are watching her tighten her own noose
c0550a No.1367717
Kids certainly tend to die wherever she goes.
7a4c67 No.1367718
Q's post was at 2200 est = 7pm pst
ddb946 No.1367719
Melania went to Alaska to meet with the military that day…
cb8903 No.1367721
That seems a declaration to War..
813c09 No.1367722
So did BHO. AUS, NZ, Singapore, Japan. This is HRC's second trip there within a few months.
1af7f9 No.1367723
abfd73 No.1367724
86b98c No.1367725
I'll bet it must be a rope a dope, they're waiting for her to slip and cut deals and it she gives up the data. they will have her on one more thing, the PM is probably working for us.
077f4f No.1367726
I'm thinking the answer to this is so they still feel like they are in control and "winning". As we've learned, VERY important to allow them enough space to think they are in control
f2cce8 No.1367728
b88c4e No.1367729
Evening with HRC 80M so it somewhere
113db8 No.1367730
certainly SOS would qualify.
4e678f No.1367731
Not sure if any other anons caught this:
Timestamps of 23:00 and 23:31 have been removed by Q Team. Those same timestamps coincide with timestamps of 10/31/17 (Q#s 14, 15, 16) in pics below. I'm not sure if this is significant or not; however, thought I might point it out.
8ef40d No.1367732
Qew, did you think those white tradh grifters would just ride off into the Ozarks? Sounds like she just played you. All you had to do was release the video or even the audo on election night and she'd a been DONE. Now she's mounting a counter offensive and the 4 eyes are helping her. THey've got nothing to lose.
68b31e No.1367734
Kalergi plan was already (forcibly) implemented you fucking dolt; Merkel had LOTS to do with that. Just look at Germany, FFS. Trump is attempting to undo all the damage that has been done by the Deep State since Bush Sr.
Adults are talking here. Go back to 4chins and create a BBC thread or something.
195372 No.1367735
SECURITY Clearance
But don't you need a special code or chip or something to access classified info?
Surely there has to be some kind of security protocol involved worldwide (at least among allies) so they know who is looking/accessing what, and when, and where. Yes?
ddb946 No.1367736
BHO went to Germany recently also.
1eb081 No.1367737
>How do you capture a very dangerous animal?
c64410 No.1367739
Whatever she's up to it's all being documented
99c1eb No.1367740
If (((shill))) activity in here is any indication, that is working beautifully.
1f7fa3 No.1367741
TRUST _ = betrayed lucis?
flipped flop on the tippety top
577ac4 No.1367742
Yep, I'm guessing that's who paid killary.
de0c04 No.1367743
They would still not be authorized to remove the information from secured locations. She is out there actively fund raising for a criminal organization - warrant for RICO violations - found with Classified Materials on her…..fucked.
d005ce No.1367744
Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/11/18 (Fri) 00:45:37 No.77
Clinton Foundation.
Post Election Loss.
No Access / Control = No Donations
NZ Donation Restart.
1) Selling Secrets?
2) Selling 'Future' Access [regain control/power]?
3) Selling Silence?
Read below slow and carefully.
Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
Read above slow and carefully.
Welcome to the Deep State.
Future to prove past.
7b5c84 No.1367745
Thanks Fuckstain, you're about as helpful as "Ask Jeeves".
Go impale yourself on your sister's vibrator, you fucking waste of air.
06fd46 No.1367746
We need to watch and see when she is returning.
06ca06 No.1367747
Watch it come out that Little Rocket Man was a puppet all long of Clowns, China, whomever, and Trump set him free.
004c2b No.1367748
She's in Sydney today!
3b929e No.1367749
In other news, did anyone else download the set of 'russian' ads released today? Archived a set. In pdf, PITA to view them.
Social Media Advertisements
Quarter 2 (218 MB)
Quarter 3 (662 MB)
Quarter 4 (397 MB)
Quarter 1 (522 MB)
Quarter 2 (1.4 GB)
Quarter 3 (656 MB)
Quarter 4 (1.6 GB)
Quarter 1 (1.4 GB)
Quarter 2, April (1.2 GB)
Quarter 2, May (754 MB)
Quarter 3 (24 MB)
NOTE: There are no records from June 2017.
To read more about these advertisements and Russia’s effort to sow discord online, click here.
fda55f No.1367750
Europe will cave to Trump's will on Iran, senators predict
Republican senators are predicting that President Trump will be able to force European allies to cut off investment with Iran through the threat of “secondary sanctions” imposed by the Treasury Department.
“The determination as to whether those secondary sanctions are going to be utilized will — regardless of what rhetoric may be out there — it will have a huge effect,” Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., told the Washington Examiner.
Trump decided unilaterally to renew all American sanctions on Iran, giving various industries 90 to 180 days to wind down the deals they have struck since the implementation of the 2015 nuclear agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. European allies that support the nuclear deal have vowed to continue working with Iran’s economy in an attempt to keep the deal intact.
“Our governments remain committed to ensuring the agreement is upheld, and will work with all the remaining parties to the deal to ensure this remains the case including through ensuring the continuing economic benefits to the Iranian people that are linked to the agreement,” British Prime Minister Theresa May, French President Emmanuel Macron, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a joint response to Trump’s withdrawal from the JCPOA.
“If the secondary sanctions are applied, then that will have a very dampening affect on the remainder of the Iran agreement staying in place,” he said. “Because it will definitely affect European investment and their decision about whether they want to stay with the U.S. in that regard or whether it's worth it to them to be investing in Iran.”
State Department officials plan to negotiate with European allies, in the hopes of agreeing on a broader plan to counteract Iran that will preclude the need to use sanctions to isolate the regime economically. Those talks will be driven, at least implicitly, by disputes about the efficacy of the nuclear deal and an American belief that Europe is unduly motivated to invest in Iran.
“A lot of these countries, their overriding goal is commercial success; it’s not national security,” Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, told the Washington Examiner. “The Italians would throw their mother under the bus to get a good deal with Iran.”
Sullivan thinks Trump’s team has more leverage than Bush did, because of an “American energy renaissance” that has seen U.S. oil and natural gas production skyrocket. “We’re the hottest place to invest, in the energy sector, in the world. For an administration official to be able to go to a European energy company and say, ‘you have a choice, Iran vs the United States energy sector,' that’s powerful leverage.”
Still, that’s a “brute force” use of sanctions, as Corker conceded. Iran’s potential economic partners won’t fail to notice that American economic power is being deployed to force them into foreign policy positions that they insist damage their national security.
“I’m not saying it’s going to be easy,” Sullivan said. “All I am saying, though, is that if the Europeans are highly-motivated by commercial opportunities and advantage, the argument that’s now out there — that the United States doesn’t have any leverage — is wrong. We have a lot of leverage.”
643080 No.1367751
Apologies. Now I get it, assets in place.
Does this mean the sky event confirmation?
2c4729 No.1367752
i'm too lazy right now to prove it, but her timestamp is in fact correct.
2d1eaf No.1367753
and she is leading them right to all of her "business" partners
95e7aa No.1367754
Thought I heard John Roberts on Fox say, guess I'm going to Singapore.
bc6329 No.1367756
Q just explained it!!!!
Read slowly and carefully!!!!
184603 No.1367757
I figured we'd have to loop back to those drops at some point… future proving past and all that.
Hope you're right
113db8 No.1367758
Bill *followed* original covfefe tweet (bill name inspired by it)
ddb946 No.1367759
SoS is lifetime.
68b31e No.1367760
So, Q and team know about this. Trump could've just reversed it, but didn't. HOW DO YOU SET A TRAP ANONS?
3bf62f No.1367761
I'd like to point out something another anon drew attention to today and that is the Mouaz Moustafa (pic related) is all of a sudden interested in malaysia.
IMO, Mouaz is a deep state agent.
6bd5eb No.1367762
Who wants to make a bet that Hillary and Hussein will still be completely free this time next year?
c7c22c No.1367763
Hannity said, on the radio I think, that they might take his show to Singapore for the event.
b88c4e No.1367764
> like they are in control and "winning". As we've
YUP. Even in the chess game. the whole time seemed like a losing game. The GM knew he was winning the whole time.
7a4c67 No.1367765
Seriously? WTF??? B's post was an hour later.
99c1eb No.1367766
Honeypot for fuck's sake.
2bccb7 No.1367767
Important to note the ominous tone of "we knew this day would come" These sick fucks are desperate and about to stage a major offensive/event. TRUST THE PLAN!
92f7ec No.1367768
So good. Notable for sure it wasn’t before. Solid Q proof.
c0550a No.1367770
I'll give it a peak… But that sounds so fucking absurd, I may not.
7f0224 No.1367771
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance
We have operators on the ground in NZ already and gathering everything?
b344e4 No.1367772
It's the Former dignitaries that run the Deep State.
Access to US Intel without accountability.
HRC, Jugears, HorseFace, Brennan are running the Deep State, with full access to all US intel.
43376e No.1367773
I wonder what docs they have taken and sold. I have no sympathy for them that they are crawling on their stomach to please their 'Master'.
1dd89b No.1367774
Is this coded in law? Shouldn't POTUS be able to revoke someone's security clearance considering he is in charge of the Executive branch?
5030d0 No.1367775
>Kalergi plan was already (forcibly) implemented you fucking dolt; Merkel had LOTS to do with that. Just look at Germany, FFS.
Was Iraq war supposed to be the beta test for the Kalergi plan/
184603 No.1367777
a77781 No.1367779
All the English-speaking Rothschild pawns started a club, what are the odds.
7dd955 No.1367780
98d646 No.1367781
Can you elaborate on how/why that works?
dca9b4 No.1367782
So…NZ is island, isn't it? Couldn't be that hard to turn out the lights there and surround it.
16e8c0 No.1367783
Their security clearance makes them easier to watch. This is why we know what they did in NZ,
8a1893 No.1367784
Yes I think the archive threads are what is throwing off the times because on one it
says that the flag was posted at 23:00 EST
and on another it says 22:00 EST so I think
the archived places are what are throwing off
everyone with the time.
8973aa No.1367785
86e87d No.1367786
Like Q and team didn't have enough honey already? Why not blind the fuckers NOW?
5bd830 No.1367787
Would be good to arrest her on stage!
b88c4e No.1367788
Seems to cover her track talking to the PM of NZ and Austrailia… Shadow gov HRC
She raised well more then 5.5M
An evening with HRC raise more donations..
6c09f0 No.1367789
Ok sure
20:00 is 7 pm
Somewhere I am sure
411861 No.1367790
They SEE and HEAR all
d005ce No.1367791
it's called giving them the rope
so they cam make their own noose
813c09 No.1367792
They just had a new leader installed today.
a7d5e3 No.1367793
That's what I thought but after watching I had to bring it here.
bdfe67 No.1367794
Updates to Notables?
>>1367245 D5 Analysis
>>1367715 Kim Dotcom tweet re: Clinton
>>1367588 Clinton can go to NZ and scan FVEY records for her incriminating evidence
9ea977 No.1367795
timestamps connected to five eyes graphic
4e3a3a No.1367796
Answer to Qs question - because they are still deep state / Cabal actors after the end of their public role.
And as the SEC is totally compromised and run by DS it requires its key actors to still have access.
catch and release
1dd89b No.1367797
So Five Eyes really is as bad as it seems. Open market on US data?
004c2b No.1367798
To quote a great Anon: Did you hit your head?
733358 No.1367799
5fa369 No.1367800
interesting he names Putin in drop 15
c0550a No.1367801
Ding, ding, ding.
I'm glad others recognize this weak-ass Jewry. Fuck these people. They cannot be trusted by anyone.
77aa00 No.1367802
They are in NZ because they have the clearance to access records without being subject to US oversight. Former dignitaries have access because FVEY is nomgovernmental, but legal authority was required for original access that then persists.
Alternatively, the use of 'Former' and [FORMER] may suggest they don't recoginize the legitimacy of Trump's election.
3bf62f No.1367805
sure but a super extra bonus would be for the buyers to be purchasing info that will lead them into a secondary trap
de45a9 No.1367807
What are the odds, 5:5?
b88c4e No.1367808
Way more then that kim.
3b929e No.1367809
68b31e No.1367810
Saddam kept the radicals at bay by being a radical himself. That was for putting US bases in strategic positions (oil). We also found out that there were extensive "oil for food" programs between EU nations states and Iraq. US involvement/invasion kind of fucked that deal over once we removed Saddam from power. That also gave us the segue we needed to start our own ME fuckery campaign that Trump's trying to undo.
After sweeping changes happen in the EU, we'll start seeing better (less subversive) relations with the EU.
8ef40d No.1367812
Did SA use nukes (neutron) on Yemen last year??
4e678f No.1367813
I had forgotten that he named Putin with other black hats…makes me wonder now too.
184603 No.1367814
Wonder how much my data is worth.
They better be paying a good price, I spent a lot of time generating that shit.
86e87d No.1367815
Exactly, blind these fucks! Isn't their enough evidence by now to prosecute in a military tribunal?
b70f21 No.1367816
baker - this notable map
has been updated by request of other anons
updated notable
a6a20a No.1367817
Yeah, seems to have been set to central time for some reason..
b344e4 No.1367818
>U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
>U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
Five Eyes members gain access to US intel through Hillslag (and Jugears, HorseFace) on visits.
While in the US, they are monitored.
Outside of the US (at Five Eyes member states) their activities are not monitored.
Traitors. A-Frame. Rope.
Assembly required.
6bd5eb No.1367819
I don't know, you tell us. Why are all known traitors still completely free after a year. There have literally been zero big arrests. Not even one.
16e8c0 No.1367820
I love listening to these prophesies about Donald Trump from 2007 and 2014.
Kim Clement: "A Plan so perfect it could only have come from God Himself"
If you haven't watched this already, you owe it to yourself.
c185a2 No.1367821
There's nothing she can do about the incriminating evidence( they have everything)
She is however, selling secrets for sure, for money, to hide away( in a trust for her grandchildren,, bloodlines mean everything, and she is on suicide watch)
Q , they should all be bankrupted, and after Hillary and Chealsea go to GITMO,, her grandchildren should be adopted out to people living in a rural arkansas trailer park( put them back where they belong)
And don't tell them who their family was( witness relocation program)
Same with the roths and others.
Thats what is most precious to them, their money and bloodlines.
Make their bloodlines fogotten, and MAKE THEM POOR AS FUCK.
Let them know that right before the gallows ,, that their legacy is gone,, thier children and grandchildren will live at the bottom of the barrel, as so called peasants.
13c58d No.1367822
>muh divisionist indoctrination
>shitting up bread
>no one's listening
OG anons ARE the bread.
Literally created chan culture sui generis out of 100% desire to know and speak the truth, which they came to by evidence-based research, not indoctrination.
But you're right, total waste of time, no one's listening. Which is why Q never came here, and neither did you. We're clearly losing, really should just give up and, ya know, kill ourselves, right?
4f700f No.1367823
Hillary in NZ today. Kim Dotcom tweeted today that NZ gave Clinton Foundation $5.5m. Why, when world knows the CF is under FBI investigation.
4e3a3a No.1367825
Answer to your question - hrc etc may be selling their silence re Cabal actors and actions by leaders here.
John Key, previous PM, was on board of US federal Reserve before being sent here by the Cabal to become PM.
Current PM, Jacinda Ardern, was also sent here to become PM & is also Cabal. She was a lawyer in the UK for 10yrs defending elite pedophile rings including politicians, police, judges, House of Lords, royalty, etc. included Epstein case due to prince Andrew etc.
silence on these people is worth millions. They each gave millions.
8ef40d No.1367826
They bought an assload of nickel silver 2 years ago…
e4fd6b No.1367827
To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family
fd13c6 No.1367828
Don't let your prey know they're cornered.
657d8d No.1367829
de45a9 No.1367830
504d17 No.1367831
I thought Smegma Zuckerberg was leaving Fuckbook?
184603 No.1367832
Yeah I think you are right about that.
86b98c No.1367833
2d1eaf No.1367834
future proving past
b5d72c No.1367835
Hussein and his appointees have been travelling the globe, meeting foreign dignitaries, including those of enemy states, and selling US secrets under Hussein's own Executive Order 13526.
MI and Q team have monitored everything, and this will be a brutal take down.
b88c4e No.1367836
5eyes part of the 16Yr plan ?
99c1eb No.1367837
Because this is an ongoing war, we are in a fight, not a one-sided slaughter (which it is slowly becoming, but not right away).
This is a BATTLE. Q team has thus far managed to handle it in such a way as to make it fairly accurate according to plan, but this isn't like everything is dancing on our palms.
Get it?
Start helping.
77aa00 No.1367838
ddb946 No.1367842
I doubt NZ is worried about the FBI.
cc950b No.1367843
On behalf of myself and other kiwi alliedfags I'd like to apologize for the role my country has played in this.
We tried, with Kim's help, to free our country from this abominable agreement but we failed.
If it ends up that our services were the ones that spied on POTUS im straight up going to hurt some people.
4e678f No.1367844
Also interesting that drop #16 states Fri and Sat too which is the time slot we're now in.
9b7b80 No.1367845
Time change was set to account for DST, which would have messed up deltas between posts.
195372 No.1367846
Well, given they have free access to essentially
unlimited classified secrets, that means that
whatever you say or do, security wise, could
be compromised.
SO, if you plan to engage in some secret'
activity or record some 'secret' information,
only those with access would be able to see that 'secret' info.
And genius.
7a4c67 No.1367847
ya, and what time zone are you showing?
5fa369 No.1367848
you set a trap. Was NZ the trap?
3f8c92 No.1367849
Hey anons
Might be a stupid question, but:
has anyone tried scanning Q's pics for QR codes?
184603 No.1367850
Ahahaha just fucking wait a minute
SO she can sell our countries deepest secrets to whoever wants it
and MAKE THE TAXPAYERS foot the bill?
hahahaha gallows plz.
de0c04 No.1367851
She could be blackmailing/extorting them…even more RICO violations. Pile it on, you stupid bitch.
b88c4e No.1367852
part of the 16yr hrc plan ?
70c695 No.1367854
Hillary still has top security clearance. She's broke and desperate. She's used her clearance to collect as much info as she can.
She's gone to 5eyes in New Zealand where she can't be monitored to sell the information. Money is laundered by her foundation.
Traitorous Witch!
bb0493 No.1367855
Q 05/11/18 (Thu) 00:45:37 No.77
[45] min
077f4f No.1367856
dca9b4 No.1367857
if you're in NZ, i'd be finding a deep cave….
113db8 No.1367858
>the use of 'Former' and [FORMER] may suggest they don't recoginize the legitimacy of Trump's election
They certainly don't. That seems to be the vibe I am getting by their world tour.
"Trump doesn't really speak for the US. Just hold off another 2 years or so ago and we'll be back."
ddb946 No.1367859
Hillary has all the dirt on everyone worldwide.
She is threatening.
She is scared.
37f3e0 No.1367860
Needs more Senate before slapping QE2 in the face.
b88c4e No.1367861
any from fbi selling from the [I] store ?
4f700f No.1367863
Agreed. The point is the NZ people… even MORE of their tax money goes to a potentially corrupt org STILL… looks really bad… so whateve the payment is for MUST be super serious. Whoever is paying that payment is jeopardizing their political seat.
9ea977 No.1367864
guys this is the whole picture
all of Q's timestamps tonight paint the picture
06fd46 No.1367865
Info on seeing a 'friend in AU
Mrs Clinton’s tour kicks off in New Zealand on May 7, followed by Melbourne on May 10 and a final show in Sydney at the ICC Sydney Theatre at Darling Harbour on May 11.
813c09 No.1367866
Probably more SAP information. This is really stupid. I know they are doing it to help her sink herself deeper but UGHHHHHH.
b5d72c No.1367867
But BC has all the dirt on HRC…
0e4e16 No.1367868
Think he would have had a second hand account from any of several ancestors still living. He only missed Adam by a short time.
ddb946 No.1367869
That's what the Iranian minister said about his meeting with Kerry.
Screwed the shit outta Kerry with that.
6bd5eb No.1367870
That is ridiculous. There are known traitors that have been responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people. Not to mention the innocent children they have been kidnapping and trafficking to third wold hell holes to be abused by foreign scumbags. In no way whatsoever is it a good idea to allow these traitors to remain free. If this is a plan, then it's a stupid plan. No telling how many more innocents have died because of these traitors remaining free.
1eb081 No.1367871
well, she could have done the same in 3 other accomplice countries, so don't feel too bad
86e87d No.1367872
Time to crush these fucking bugs, enough already! Release the Kraken and the mighty USMC and lets get this done.
2d885d No.1367873
They are the Shadow govt. Obviously, they have convinced NZ that Potus will be removed soon and HRC will take over.
They're in for a bug surprise!
3bf62f No.1367874
7aad9a No.1367875
>an example of deep state activities
Clinton Foundation.
>fuck CF
Post Election Loss.
>After HRC lost the election, it was basically useless due to the LACK of influence HRC could peddle
>They fired so many people because it was useless
No Access / Control = No Donations
>No one could buy influence/access/control because SHE LOST
>HRC in NZ
NZ Donation Restart.
> HRC got $4 million (
>buying influence/access/control from DEEP STATE/cabal/NWO
1) Selling Secrets?
>yes, intel obtained using their security clearance
2) Selling 'Future' Access [regain control/power]?
>yes, they want a COUP of POTUS
3) Selling Silence?
>HRC is selling HER "silence" of the crimes they have, are, and will commit so it is not exposed (they are buying the commitment that their crimes won't be revealed)
Read below slow and carefully.
>5 eyes intel group
Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
>So that they can peddle influence after they leave office using SECRET INTEL
U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
>exchanges of $$ from someone in the US to someone in the US are Logged/Flagged/Recorded
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
>exchanges of $$ from someone in the OUTSIDE the US to someone IN the US are NOT Logged/Flagged/Recorded; HRC can sell intel that needs a security clearance to have/view
Read above slow and carefully.
Welcome to the Deep State.
Future to prove past.
>yes it does
813c09 No.1367876
Its 2 islands and they are very large.
195372 No.1367877
Quote: " These people are stupid " comes to mind.
b88c4e No.1367878
allies ?
Would allies harm our POTUS or his family ?
99c1eb No.1367879
Black hats recognize no nation, no boundaries, no race, no culture. Only power, wealth, and access.
Stay strong, anon.
99957f No.1367880
The has to be way to limit these deep staters from getting into current intel. Do we really have controls in place to protect our country? This is infuriating.
5bd830 No.1367881
I was in the country when Kim was taken out.
My wife is a Kiwi.
In UK now.
Nothing to apologise for anon.
The cancer WAS rife.
The Cure is ALL of us anon.
Godspeed much love no homo
113db8 No.1367882
No. It's in Eastern Standard Time. Doesn't account for the shift to Daylight Saving Time. See pic relevant.
a77781 No.1367883
>silence on these people is worth millions. They each gave millions.
Millions are what you see. Behind the scenes are billions. This silence is worth their lives and their lives are worth a lot more paper than Dr. Evil can handle.
4e3a3a No.1367884
There’s more tho.
NZ is in Five Eyes.
Our SS and Govt spies on Americans, Canadians, English & Australians so they can share info to the SS in those countries. Each FE member does this for the others so none are breaking their own internal laws.
4b788f No.1367885
Maybe because he knows the level of GREED and STUPIDITY he is dealing with and knew they couldn't help themselves?
This alone is enough to hang them.
1f7fa3 No.1367886
hey I just thought of the funniest joke —
remember when bambam was all concerned about AI?
ddb946 No.1367887
Aedlaide must be dangerous as fuck…
6c09f0 No.1367889
I was just going to research this.
May I ask what was the purpose, at least from NZ's standpoint of giving that money to CF?
4e3a3a No.1367890
Don’t forget hrc has a girlfriend in Australia too.
Suspicions are it may be her controller from her coven
de0c04 No.1367891
These people will have THE BEST lawyers in the world, not to mention all of the normies screaming bloody murder "SETUP…FRAMED". The cases have to be numerous and rock solid, and ALL bad actors smoked out so they don't escape. The level of complexity of this is astounding.
67bcc8 No.1367892
9c116e No.1367893
▶Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/10/18 (Thu) 22:11:07 No.78
Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.
[F9 algorithm]
Are they recording/safe-housing?
Metadata collection?
Building 8.
219465 No.1367894
NZ had to pass strict laws about the importation of genetics cause of all this phony govt caca
7aad9a No.1367895
buying deep state influence, secret intel, and SILENCE
f2cce8 No.1367896
HRC = hands
Five Eyes/NZ = cookie jar
a4d5b4 No.1367897
They've already tried. remember the powder sent to junior's house? Wife intercepted?
Not too long after she supposedly filed for divorce
642a72 No.1367898
Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.
[F9 algorithm]
Are they recording/safe-housing?
Metadata collection?
Building 8.
e67576 No.1367900
Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.
[F9 algorithm]
Are they recording/safe-housing?
Metadata collection?
Building 8.
ddb946 No.1367902
If 5eyes had anything bad on Trump, we would know it by now.
There's nothing for her to 'take'.
There's plenty for her to 'threaten'.
9c116e No.1367903
▶Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/10/18 (Thu) 22:11:07 No.78
Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.
[F9 algorithm]
Are they recording/safe-housing?
Metadata collection?
Building 8.
184603 No.1367904
hope I linked that correctly
b88c4e No.1367905
She is down Under !!!
Down she goes !!!
Australia !!!
Future proves Past!
46e366 No.1367906
I've been here since Q migrated from half. I lurk a lot, I transcribe, I dig and I pray but one thing I need to say; I'm an intuitive, and May 12th is screaming in my head. I just gotta put it out there. That date has been in my head for months. I figured it had to do with what's going on but now I really know it does.
813c09 No.1367907
Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/11/18 (Fri) 00:11:07 No.78
Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.
[F9 algorithm]
Are they recording/safe-housing?
Metadata collection?
Building 8.
92f7ec No.1367908
Realized earlier how we’ll get IBOR. It’ll be easy. They’ll be shamed into submission and we’ll demand it and hopefully a new congress knocks it out of the park.
8973aa No.1367909
bdfe67 No.1367910
6c09f0 No.1367911
That is what the told the taxpayers of NZ?
350a3a No.1367912
Hillary Clinton got 5.5 million dollars from NZ
Is this what Q has meant by 5:5?
Was this "donation" a sting?
aa2f10 No.1367914
Hey Q, considering HRC is here at the moment, I have a feeling these meetings aren't being conducted by patriots…
219465 No.1367915
homos batin to porn
7aad9a No.1367916
If my (and others) theory is correct, Q will delete #'s 77 and 78 to preserve the 74#, in reference to the firetruck when the NK prisoners came home
and signalling the importance of that #74 crumb
b5d72c No.1367917
May 12 is the Iran Deal renewal deadline.
81e85b No.1367918
Her final show is over in about 8 hours or less. She may just wake up in NZ in 15 hours to see nothing has happened and head back to the US, only to be airborne and found out upon return the storm has indeed arrived. That would be fucking justice, especially if she just left a non extradition country.
cb8903 No.1367919
Trips for this year
Is CRAZY!!!??
4e3a3a No.1367920
now THats not fkin scary at all… 0.0
350a3a No.1367921
Hillary Clinton got 5.5 million dollars from NZ.
Is this what Q has meant by 5:5?
Was this "donation" a sting?
4b788f No.1367922
I noticed tonight I couldn't take a photo with the fb messenger app without giving the fucking thing permission to use my mic. Unreal.
1eb081 No.1367923
>>>/patriotsfight/78 ——- Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.
Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/11/18 (Fri) 01:11:07 No.78
Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.
[F9 algorithm]
Are they recording/safe-housing?
Metadata collection?
Building 8.
5fce2d No.1367924
(And example of how to think about what is being shown)
>Clinton Foundation.
>Post Election Loss.
>No Access / Control = No Donations
After Clinton lost the election, the donations stopped because she wouldn't be in the position to either sell government secrets or be bribed on the behalf of others to enact legislation and the like. Basically, sincce she could no longer be a puppet, nobody was interested in giving her money, and nobody could be paid.
>NZ Donation Restart.
May 7, 2018
"A subsidiary of the controversial Clinton Foundation is set to receive US$3.9m (NZ$5.5m) in taxpayer money in 2018/19, the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union can confirm. This is in addition to NZ$8m given to the organisation since 2014."
Article of the same thing posted today.
NZ -
CHAI received hundreds of millions from foreign nations between 2009 and 2014, including: the United Kingdom ($79.7 million), Australia ($58.6 million), Norway ($38.1 million), Canada ($12.1 million), Ireland ($11.7 million), Sweden ($7.2 million), and New Zealand ($1.2 million).
>1) Selling Secrets?
They have no secrets to sell anymore. They're not in the position to.
>2) Selling 'Future' Access [regain control/power]?
Nobody actually believes she'll be able to take back control. So, this is not it.
>3) Selling Silence?
This is it. They're extorting the countries that worked with them.
Read below slow and carefully.
Five Eyes
Why do 'Former' Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
>Because if they keep a security clearance, they are still in the system and can legally still be monitored without a warrant?
U.S. to U.S. = Logged/Flagged/Recorded
>If they're in the U.S., everything is being recored.
U.S. [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records = U.S. Sec Clearance AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
>If they're in other places, like NZ, then the U.S. is not privy unless they have a security clearance. Then Five Eyes can view it, record it, and then give it to us.
Read above slow and carefully.
Because as long as they keep the security clearance, they can legally be spied on wherever they go.
>Welcome to the Deep State.
Been here.
>Future to prove past.
Pic related.
7aad9a No.1367925
lol NOPE
muh charitable giving
e4fd6b No.1367928
Facebook Inc. is planning to design chips that could be used in its consumer devices, artificial-intelligence software and data centers, according to a person familiar with the matter and recent job listings.
affd71 No.1367929
bc6329 No.1367930
From what I'm understanding, Q is explaining that the only way that we can log/flag/record information from a US Citizen while in a foriegn country is if that US person has Security Clearance. Otherwise - U.S [in] NZ = No Logs/No Flags/No Records.
The Security Clearance opens up the AUTH FVEY VIEW + Doc Take.
219465 No.1367931
soundcloud ipa 2.7.2 still not functional
56a4af No.1367932
Heres my thoughts.. yes, its "another" honeypot … they let them keep their clearance so they can keep track of them and gather more intel in their nefarious plans. American has shitty laws. a sex offender will get off if he doesnt penetrate his rape victim… the police, even though they can stop it, will let the person get rapped so they they can prosecute the perpetrator. Fukn stupid ass shit. Same with THESE fuks. more intel/data to build their case makes it harder for thr sheep & msm to deny the facts as "fake news."
2d885d No.1367933
She's now in AUS, another FVEY country. Want to bet the Shadow Govt is convincing them that Potus will be removed and she will then declare victory on the 2016 election?
Makes me wonder if she is somehow "creating" intel to share with AUS to give credence to her claims of Potus removal.
ddb946 No.1367936
b344e4 No.1367937
>they have convinced NZ that Potus will be removed soon and HRC will take over.
Unless POTUS has already warned these countries of the traitors' intentions and are monitoring their actions without HRC and Jugears knowing it.
Sun Tzu would have POTUS waaaaay ahead of his enemies plans.
2356a8 No.1367940
DARPA. People been conspiring about that for years. It's no conspiracy now, is it?
86b98c No.1367941
we understand Hebe Kikenburger
6bd5eb No.1367942
Remember me saying this, no revolution in world history has even been won without violence. The traitors are capable of the worst crimes imaginable. President Trump has chosen to take the high ground by following the legal process. As a result, all traitors have been left alone to travel and conspire freely for over a year. Mark my words, this will backfire. They should have all been rounded up day one. If the normies wanted to complain, then they could have risen up to support their communist idols. And the American patriots would have put them all down. Problem solved.
184603 No.1367944
>Building 8
Inside Building 8
Facebook's WEAPON
f1083a No.1367945
219465 No.1367946
wow all these semantics, must be trying to keep that egregore alive for the occult
43376e No.1367947
They are past stupid. This is complete desperation You have to just face palm here.
803c28 No.1367948
that was a troll for newfags many breads ago.
4e3a3a No.1367949
evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries.
ddb946 No.1367951
Sounds legit. Good catch.
that's why they keep clearance.
cb8903 No.1367952
Hmmm.. The New Gorv of Malaysia is FSA?
85e433 No.1367954
Q! expose facebook! prove it to the normies undeniably that facebook is doing this! its a perfect redpill opportunity! after FB just spoke to congress and all over youtube denying doing exactly this, showing how much he was lieing now while its still fresh in the masses minds would bring alot on board.
e9cb2c No.1367955
004c2b No.1367956
Was wondering same. 5:5 was referenced with the video though so not sure????
Plus it's 5.5 mil in NZD not USD.
5fa369 No.1367957
is FB listening even w/o app or account?
aa2bf7 No.1367958
Fuck Zuck. That liddle prick needs to get a beat down when he gets to GITMO
06fd46 No.1367959
Q - Is the 5.5 million she received for CF going to be SEIZED?
de0c04 No.1367960
Facebook building 8
b344e4 No.1367961
>This is infuriating.
It really is.
It's also rope worthy, at the end of all of this.
But safeguards need to be established.
c0550a No.1367962
I'm glad you mention that… Because most Jews are atheists/Luciferians. And most Israelis are not of Hebrew-descent.
Now, are they EVIL? Perhaps not all… But where does their allegiance lie? And, do you know any other group of people who have been sacrificing children for "power", since the 1700's (we know it's been longer), as admitted by this woman:
Now, I think any sane person would say that exposing this type of evil is a GOOD thing.
And if you aren't willing to call out the evil within your own ranks, you are a part of that EVIL. And when you turn a blind eye to their transgressions and instead defend them, while decrying those who call them out, you are the epitome of that EVIL.
f1083a No.1367963
do you ever go out in public ?
184603 No.1367964
During Zuck's testimony there was a question asked about if Facebook was able to record metadata from computers on the same network even if they aren't on Facebook and he said yes.
7aad9a No.1367965
this? not sure???
4f700f No.1367966
No way Hillary is broke!! Her $$ tentacles are global. Whatever she's up to has to be deeper than that.
077f4f No.1367967
5:5 is lingo for "I can read you loud and clear". He referenced 5:5 regarding the HRC tarmac video conference video, just meaning the video is very clear and there is no doubt its her or what is being said.
4b0156 No.1367968
electronic chips from China
cb8903 No.1367969
EO or Congress/Senate?
7f0224 No.1367971
We knew that FB stuff. Not new. Next
ddb946 No.1367972
HRC VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5:5
Taking the bribe!!!!
e06a77 No.1367973
This shit has gone on for too long. POTUS is completely within his rights to send in the green berets, Marines Special Forces, or whoever, to cap this bitch's ass. The will of the people approves.
7fa5ea No.1367974
Thanks. Whew lads!
9c116e No.1367976
Q has referenced F9 before:
>>>SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239].
1373b7 No.1367977
Using the Fn key and F9 at the same time opens Mission Control on an Apple computer running macOS X.
7aad9a No.1367978
350a3a No.1367979
Maybe they recorded her accepting the cash for a fucked up reason like Q outlined in his latest post
13c58d No.1367980
MOAB Mother Of All Bait?
43376e No.1367981
Frozen assets from the EO order of Dec 21
de0c04 No.1367982
We still have rule of law and a Constitution to uphold.
195372 No.1367983
Pallets, JetBlue…?
3070ab No.1367984
Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.
[F9 algorithm]
Are they recording/safe-housing?
Metadata collection?
Building 8.
813c09 No.1367985
9ea977 No.1367986
new Q 1:11 timestamp
its still working
642a72 No.1367987
>Building 8.
Can they read our minds?
7f0224 No.1367988
We already were scared the first time we found out lolol Over it now ;)
1eb081 No.1367990
they do, or do not, there is no try
b344e4 No.1367992
I never had Facebook.
Don't have Twatter either.
f2cce8 No.1367994
It's already happening.
cc950b No.1367995
Not clear at all.
Last PM abrubptly resigned, no idea why.
Clinton did mention Jacindas pregnancy (as creepily as you could imagine). Maybe she's cabal with a moonchild up her.
I don't know anything really I'm reeling.
And too angry to think straight.
6bd5eb No.1367996
And the traitors don't give a shit about the rule of law and the Constitution. The unwillingness to do what needs to be done is going to get us all killed.
813c09 No.1367997
She is broke, that is why she is going over seas to access high level info to sell to the rest of the 5 yes countries.
b5d72c No.1367998
bdfe67 No.1368000
New Bread
New Bread
New Bread
New Bread