On this day I share that the,
only thing Americans need to do,
and all men, and citizens of major cities
in the world, is to go to the ATM, or bank
And empty their bank accounts.
Their money is insured by the FED anyway.
It's called a Banked Run.
It's what that whore Rockefeller did.
In 1929 black Tuesday, to topple
All markets. Com Mon sense.
If they do so, all people's will be free.
As, Banks will be forced to call in,
Major loans, and Board of Directors,
Of all major Corps will be forced to
Sell off Assets. That will cause them
To Dump Stocks. That will make
Markets crumble. God bless 911
Only proved once again Wallstreet,
Is a fraud, and some sort off rip-off.
As stock prices go down, and banks
Collapse, and corporations as wells,
The prices of the stocks will be pennies,
On the Dollar.
Mutual Funds, will collapse as well.
And people will be able to buy back
Those stocks for cents.
Inverse 1929, or 21st century Robin Hood.
Let me know when it happens.