This is my first fountain pen and after getting this, I'm pretty sure I will only buy fountain pens from here on out. When I buy a new type of something I like to buy the best quality I can afford to make sure I am giving something the best chance and not evaluating a new thing, in this case fountain pens, using less than ideal quality.
I bought this pen as a treat for myself to power up before cancer treatment and it really helped my mood to have a new toy.
This is a fine nib. I saw recommendations to get mediums, but I wanted to make sure it was fine enough to still do crossword puzzles. This pen feels almost perfect. I have no complaints about it at all and I'm a stickler for details.
The best thing about going fountain pen is the mental freedom of being able to use as much ink as I want without worry about the price. I was pounding through relatively expensive rollerball cartridges and they ain't cheap. I am going to hand write the Bible with this one. I like the Mont Blanc black permanent. That's another thing I like better. All of the Mont Blanc rollerball inks are not permanent and bleed with a bit of water. Nice to know what I write is permanent.
This is me new everyday carry although I always have a couple back ups within reach.