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File: f0fb80dcdb5e2be⋯.jpg (31.21 KB,285x475,3:5,22318702.jpg)

08c9da No.10154 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Use this thread to request a book you are looking for.

I have a rare one I'm looking for-

Huey Long- Every Man a King, A biography of Huey P. Long.

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ebdf02 No.14852

Looking for this book:


Anna's Archive is aware of it but there's no PDF of it. need this for class, anons.

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File: 1415554411272-0.jpg (85.86 KB,433x579,433:579,I like what I'm reading.jpg)

453498 No.48 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


These are the other libraries I know of on the web with PDF files

If any of you know of any other online PDF archives drop them ITT and I will add them, feel free to upload any of the files here… if you wish

Marxist Library


National Bolshevik PDF Archive: Everything from Anarchism to Prepping and Philosophy (Down at the moment)


Archive of authors at NazBol, see https://archive.org for their books


Various Books


Krystallnact Library: Everything from Anarchism to Prepping and Philosophy. DEAD!


k0nsl archive, the biggest of them all.


k0nsl Mega rip, contains everything but the german archives. K0nsl works well now as well


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6f1db0 No.14685

File: 3dc9ab086a6d0a7⋯.pdf (90.48 KB,CDC.pdf)

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File: 1415545893830-0.jpg (9.88 KB,177x284,177:284,Gottfried Feders Economic ….jpg)

File: 1415545893830-1.pdf (639.89 KB,Gottfried Feder - Manifest….pdf)

83d573 No.3 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


Testing if it works.


General PDF thread to get board activity started

Note: If you look after Gottfried Feder's economic Manifesto. Download this one instead




It's exactly the same, but it is much easier to read.

If you are a native German speaker. Here is the original German version of of his economic manifesto



If Spanish is your first language. Here is the Spanish translation. Translated by Miguel Serrano



There is a French translation too. It is here. The free download is slow, but it is the real file. I downloaded it myself.


The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait - Frederic Morton 1962

https://web.archive.org/web/20160215101443/https://u.pomf.is/lqyloq.pdPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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c2f3b6 No.14850

File: 1eb244dd9c6cc09⋯.pdf (670.56 KB,tir_27_3_05_magness.pdf)

Trends, trendz

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File: 8bf23e001165f42⋯.png (402.65 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240925_174149.png)

4045f9 No.14851 [Open thread]


Over 800 ebooks available to download via magnet link, or stream in the Browser via WebTorrent, with a tagging class system and a graph Database.

Based on What.CD's Gazelle

Code available here: GitHub.com/petrokles/AtlantisLib

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b33bf1 No.14853


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3d2899 No.14855

Up thanks

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171825 No.14854 [Open thread]

Hi, I'm lookgin for this book

Manuel Des Francophonies: 22 - Ursula Reutner

ISBN: 978-3110346701

Wanted to buy it, but everywhere I look the price is no less than 200$

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File: dd64e553d34ae54⋯.pdf (4.68 MB,paulist_sermons.pdf)

File: 6b3936aaf8c8771⋯.pdf (590 KB,planets_angels.pdf)

File: fa5e98bca0d6b46⋯.pdf (1.21 MB,Thomas_Aquinas_prayers.pdf)

be8b93 No.14849 [Open thread]

Prayer books

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f5e250 No.14778 [Open thread]

Theories of counseling and psychotherapy Systems, strategies, and skills

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109aae No.14848


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007dcc No.14846 [Open thread]

looking for pdf of Japan's Holy War: The Ideology of Radical Shinto Ultranationalism

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8edaaf No.14777 [Open thread]

Smith, Huston. The Illustrated World's Religions: A Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions

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File: bcfd5a6940eecd5⋯.png (1.39 MB,1807x2338,1807:2338,Erwin.png)

1803ff No.13651 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


That way the catalog stays up to date as it's still broke and not updating right unless you post in a thread that isn't stickied.

Post whatever you want here I don't care.

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6cd541 No.14717

File: c2188f3b0f78b6a⋯.pdf (841.5 KB,The_Book_of_Five_Rings_PDF.pdf)



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fbfe23 No.14748

File: abe4606f322d6bc⋯.pdf (Spoiler Image,11.98 MB,Survival_Shelters_Construc….pdf)

for the coming struggle

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6465ac No.14757

File: ef4bb39a3a5c29d⋯.pdf (2.07 MB,The_Spirit_of_Nehanda_A_Rh….pdf)

To the gud ol days of image boards

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8e6bb8 No.14773


anyone have 200 years together by Alex in English or French?

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894583 No.14775


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eab9ea No.14774 [Open thread]

Les fondamentaux de la cybersécurité avec WatchGuard

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File: 248d901acb8204e⋯.jpg (2.69 MB,3072x4096,3:4,17060885852618469834040248….jpg)

3cee5d No.14753 [Open thread]

Greetings Together,

I am searching for the name or if possible the pdf File of a book I read some few years ago.

If I remember it right there is a man standing in front of a rising Swastika, on the book cover.

The story is about a normal man getting redpilled by an national socialist he meets at a gas station. They begin to talk and the Nationalsocialist talks about his adventures in the middle Sea shooting down refugee boats.

I'm new to this webpage, so thanks in advance for Amy help. Greetings

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396710 No.14756


I believe the book you're referring to is "A Squire's Trial".

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e99629 No.14772

File: ce3e40374c15390⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1200x6400,3:16,rw2.jpg)




google drive easy to use interface

download the whole blob or pick and choose

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File: 1421374501425-0.jpg (84.22 KB,400x359,400:359,math.jpg)

File: 1421374501425-1.pdf (2.18 MB,Algebra Know-It-ALL Beginn….pdf)

1e2340 No.417 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Math books
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5725cd No.13289

File: 1b8164044bbe70f⋯.pdf (7.47 MB,Geometric_Optics.pdf)

Geometric Optics

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5725cd No.13290

File: 6b22c3f132f4fce⋯.pdf (13.74 MB,f38math_0198534469.pdf)

Visual Complex Analysis

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5725cd No.13291

File: 31c9fed851ea44c⋯.pdf (5.44 MB,Crossley_Essential_Topolog….pdf)

Crossley Essential Topology

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cd8ebe No.13445

File: a1bf09eb0275096⋯.pdf (11.21 MB,Single_and_Multivariable_C….pdf)

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cecf76 No.14771


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File: 44c27877fc2a98b⋯.jpeg (46.08 KB,453x677,453:677,images.jpeg)

62b687 No.14759 [Open thread]

cant find the unabridged version anywhere, also should i waste time on this?

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5892b6 No.14767


Are you sure that unabridged version exists?

>also should i waste time on this?

Depends on what are you looking for in it.

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File: ebaaeba0bf488e9⋯.png (111.23 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

d3147a No.14766 [Open thread]

Do ugh, white people really all have goat leg and umm, what's commonly known as the arm pit of death? regardless how hot or pretty?

Like really hair leg, curry yellow hair and it smells like goat?

I never really smelled an ugh, like, white white girl before? like, do they smell like goat? like you have to marinated them in goat sauce in order to make it taste good and stuff, better pour some BBQ sauce on that ass too.

is that the right way to enjoy a, like a white girl, or what?

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