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File: a6bade972914fc9⋯.png (182.34 KB,675x900,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.454 [Open thread]

the story of kamran the pedo, my dudes

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Fuck off with these threads about degenerates nobody cares about except for other degenerates who has nothing going on for them in their lives so they make fun of other people's lives on a fucking IRC.

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>I put the tip of my thing in my 4 year old cousin's mouth without understanding what I did at all

Exibit A: This is my dick behind underpants and a zipped fly.

Exibit B: This is my dick behind underwear and an unzipped fly.

Exibit C: This is my dick in my hand coming through an unzipped fly.

Exibit D: This is a mockup of my dick on the tip of my 4 year old cousin's mouth.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury can you figure out what I did? Because I sure as hell can't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What?!?! Seriously???? Come awnnnn….

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File: a12736a31ea3d42⋯.png (147.17 KB,329x248,329:248,muhselfesteem.png)

 No.395 [Open thread]

Have you wondered what a soft little two-faced pussy looks like.. you know, the one that acts all feminine when PMing girls, but pretends to be something he's not uses his e-powers to stop anyone from revealing his touchy, vindictive and deceitful side outside of PMs? His name is Mijin; the guy who likes to pretend that server-sided logs are fake when he tries to establish a 'truce' between somebody.

[18:03] <Mijin> I like to always one up people in arguments

[18:03] <Mijin> i've been known to take things REALLY far irl lol

[18:03] <Mijin> but the like 2 times i KIND of crossed the line and flited with you

[18:04] <Mijin> was really so that I could just say I was trolling you like ratfink suggested if you betrayed my trust

[18:04] <Mijin> and also just because I wanted to see what you would say I guess

[18:04] <Mijin> I like when girls give me attention lol

[18:04] <Mijin> but the fact that monroe tried to take that shit public to make me look bad made me want to retaliate

[18:05] <Mijin> and defend my image

[18:05] <Mijin> so there you go

[18:05] <Mijin> that's the 100% truth

[18:05] <Mijin> now I guess we'll see if you post it public

[18:06] <Mijin> and if you want i can call of tard and ratfink

[18:07] <Mijin> and post publicly some kind of announcement that we were just memeing eachother

[18:07] <Mijin> if you're willing to do the same

This is somebody who threatens to ascend to a fucking autistic super saiyan on cocaine if logs are leaked.

[18:25] <Mijin> I'm not going to unless you fuck me over

[18:26] <Mijin> but if you fuck me over I'm going to show you a level of autism the likes of which rizon has never seen before

He's a washout who talks about his low self-esteem.. which is transparentPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Based Mijin will BTFO the Jew mods: (((owo))) and (((JEWS))).

It will be a beginning of the new KKK era.

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File: 0fe50595d35ca8d⋯.png (49.73 KB,236x317,236:317,mijin.png)

…6 days later…

MijiSperg is still akicking half of the channel regulars and threatening everyone.

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nice normie meme

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<Mijin> how much power does it take to run a computer?

<Mijin> I stole a few computers from work

<Mijin> my power bills probably going to be like $500

<RatFink> run and extension cord to the neighbors

<Mijin> i've thought about it before

<Mijin> my white trash dna getting the best of me

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File: d534a0d1f9c2c14⋯.gif (754.46 KB,446x222,223:111,hafnhj.gif)

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File: abde8e48056177c⋯.mp4 (7.9 MB,636x360,53:30,Less Than Three - Becky (R….mp4)

 No.211 [Open thread]

i heard her tits r funy and she loves everyone on irc

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This song is fucking cancer btw

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File: be8488f06f6ce5a⋯.png (175.46 KB,277x479,277:479,0FZ1bth.png)

>her tits are funny

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<SwedishMeatball> my gf is vegetarian and she doesn't smell any different from other girls I have been with who eat meat

<princesskitana> SwedishMeatBall are you sure? My partner says mine smells like how he would suspect battery acid to be like.

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File: 7ece4ffe8b42fce⋯.jpg (46.17 KB,732x145,732:145,christkek.jpg)


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File: 30ca65c25577fed⋯.jpg (10.57 KB,403x604,403:604,1923452_6757395805_4461_n-….jpg)

<&princesskitana> This is my old pic from 10 years ago

>those trousers

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 No.344 [Open thread]


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Oh, shit… fug. You caught me. God damn it.. I've been forever exposed as someone who embraces being a hermit. Lol.


Yeah, man. She fucks the Easter Bunny too, did you hear? Woah.

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Dogs and bunnies?

So anything with fur and a penis?

So why does she like you, Monroe?

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File: e947a269534b3fc⋯.jpg (122.81 KB,1077x958,1077:958,1501874550148.jpg)


that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about her

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The worst part of this thread is being associated with someone who isn't my Mom. REEEE, 8CHAN, REEEE, STOP ITTTT. Haha. ;)

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File: c7def92d22ea62c⋯.png (39.19 KB,474x657,158:219,BWpPNI4.png)

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File: 3075367aab58cbb⋯.webm (7.46 MB,640x360,16:9,Shitposting.webm)

 No.44 [Open thread]

I'm back and I'm ready to unleash some serious shit into my posting

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File: 685a3e1ec39a39d⋯.png (44.6 KB,602x500,301:250,arch.png)

 No.97 [Open thread]

who /arch/ here?

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lol yew got rekt

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File: e8739b5f3f4fefc⋯.jpg (1011.59 KB,4208x3120,263:195,thinkpad.jpg)

yes i use parabola

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happybox go home

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arch is for fags tbqh

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File: 51f949a887a48cb⋯.jpg (102.22 KB,464x700,116:175,1059255.jpg)

File: 07bf7d6015e0e3e⋯.jpg (110.06 KB,1024x769,1024:769,C-Jc8RbUwAAWxBF.jpg)

File: 2c1627f9f63e0aa⋯.jpg (66.07 KB,465x600,31:40,medium(7).jpg)

 No.370 [Open thread]

Jessica Leah Blank, the SJW tranny edgelord, actual racist, atheist jewish ISIS defender, and infamous horsefucker.

Also known as Mayim, Prpltnkr…

If you have dank logs from this lolcow please post away!

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File: a584555c3c73c91⋯.jpg (23.12 KB,320x249,320:249,hdxzle.jpg)

 No.336 [Open thread]

praise hotwheels

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File: 3a20469d23c398b⋯.jpeg (24.69 KB,700x530,70:53,ren.JPEG)


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hotwheels is a fucking scumbag, and should be used to chum the water for shark fishers.

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File: 76f6aa4216d20d9⋯.png (847.05 KB,812x550,406:275,nailfucked.png)

 No.177 [Open thread]

dub here if you want nuds

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File: 370ccc4a437ada2⋯.jpg (46.28 KB,650x360,65:36,checkem.jpg)


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File: 4824baf91f92ee1⋯.png (185.08 KB,565x340,113:68,calm.png)


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File: b626b5892dd2a3d⋯.png (333.41 KB,931x554,931:554,hacked.png)

sudo -u #gaycedra trips.hax

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KKK agent standing by

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File: 16386f4629b3b78⋯.jpg (41.29 KB,360x640,9:16,Snapchat-1342445009.jpg)


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File: 66d5932cf9b919e⋯.png (119.31 KB,1024x600,128:75,Screenshot_2017-02-26-00-5….png)

 No.337 [Open thread]


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werk werk werk

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File: 7f9ce8d2bc18bab⋯.jpg (120.8 KB,750x631,750:631,F_8RJ5SAspP-XhRUTJSU9J4gaK….jpg)

 No.335 [Open thread]


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File: 5df1589cf3c78d6⋯.png (58.65 KB,1024x600,128:75,Screenshot_2017-02-26-19-2….png)

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File: 96457aabcc90a3a⋯.png (233.33 KB,580x461,580:461,tt-8.png)

 No.331 [Open thread]

This is my safe space

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File: b385d8be1f9c1ab⋯.webm (2.24 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Sandstorm.webm)

I'm posting animemes inside your safe space

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File: 10fb48ebc1db5af⋯.jpg (18.27 KB,600x338,300:169,873.jpg)

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File: f62239d99c19f80⋯.png (163.21 KB,680x449,680:449,freesoftwarevan.png)

 No.40 [Open thread]

hi yes hello this is box where to buy memes i need some dank vlads thank you

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File: ffd972eb8bbee79⋯.jpg (16.98 KB,480x360,4:3,crippling_depression.jpg)


i have crippeling depsressions xddddd

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File: 5b4bfea31b5415d⋯.jpg (585.21 KB,1080x1920,9:16,leanshake.jpg)

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File: 765a0e92b2298d5⋯.jpg (23.34 KB,400x240,5:3,lowe.jpg)


is this a meme?

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>dat filename

i said "whoa" out loud irl wew

nice meme

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File: f91c6bea1dc51da⋯.jpg (560 KB,2557x1587,2557:1587,lewdvan.jpg)

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File: 516feecbe7be1db⋯.webm (1.1 MB,720x720,1:1,1484432385766.webm)

 No.321 [Open thread]










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File: 60c8aeedd90e774⋯.webm (3.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,1484443204762.webm)

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File: 308c23d8fcc548c⋯.webm (2.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,1484439369516.webm)

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File: 5897fdd0e6cab0a⋯.webm (1.15 MB,640x360,16:9,5897fdd0e6cab0a4d7421cd58….webm)

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File: 724e8a04303aed7⋯.webm (2.18 MB,640x360,16:9,724e8a04303aed7a4a790596c….webm)

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Fucking RIP Gabe the doggo :((

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File: 41ff7619568337d⋯.jpg (30.6 KB,300x450,2:3,sweettea.jpg)

 No.311 [Open thread]


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File: 9eaf00dcd5a2e2b⋯.jpg (11.28 KB,320x180,16:9,righty.jpg)



meh band sucks

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File: 3715f665f06a216⋯.jpg (10.33 KB,320x180,16:9,thetoppest.jpg)

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File: 23631c2d0254574⋯.jpg (10.54 KB,320x180,16:9,deag.jpg)



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File: 41ff7619568337d⋯.jpg (30.6 KB,300x450,2:3,sweettea.jpg)


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