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/ircsecrets/ - IRC CONFESSIONS

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File: abde8e48056177c⋯.mp4 (7.9 MB,636x360,53:30,Less Than Three - Becky (R….mp4)


i heard her tits r funy and she loves everyone on irc

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File: f9b19b92747a27f⋯.jpg (77.43 KB,720x1280,9:16,princesskitarda.jpg)

woops forgot to include this

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File: 86fe9b6ce112377⋯.jpg (19.32 KB,394x394,1:1,4f42091e26bdfe7b18cf28c935….jpg)

<princesskitana> Kujata I am in Canada right now on a study permit. I am looking to entice someone so I can get a common kaw agreement and get sponsored. How about you?

<Mijin> I like it because just showing it does the job most of the time

<princesskitana> *law

<HKM> i bought a suppressor few months ago Mijin

* pendrive has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

<Kujata> princesskitana, almost everybody in the usa has some type of gun

<HKM> cost me near total 900

<Mijin> you want to get married and live in the states princesskitana?>

<HKM> i got octane 9hd

<Mijin> where did u get it

* pendrive (~Android@35C7472C.BC60505.19A57FEC.IP) has joined

<HKM> ordered it they sent to FFL

<princesskitana> Mijin yes, how do I do this?

<HKM> tax alone was 230

<HKM> lol

<Mijin> ill let you marry me and live in my house

<Mijin> you will just have to do stuff for me

<Mijin> like clean the house

<giorgio> Mijin; The way he can eat pizza during his chat with Chris makes me think he would see nothing wrong with resting a plate of wings on a girl's back while having sex.

<Mijin> and fill my sex needs

<princesskitana> Mijin you will have me as your maid you mean?

<Mijin> no just normal woman stuff

<giorgio> This guy was quite the prick, at first I thought maybe he was just trying to make up some sleazy story about being there but the more he talked, I could tell he really felt he was doing nothing wrong at all. He had it all rationalized in his head from the get go, which lead me to believe this is not his first time, and I would venture to say not his last. Guys like this have weird rationales for things and I agree, he is like Joshua

<giorgio> Colon. He is missing some social knowledge.

<Mijin> chores and what not

<Mijin> but you wwouldnt have to work and id buy stuff for you so it would be a fair trade

<princesskitana> Mijin what if I want to chat and neglect some chores from time to time, will you whip me?

<Mijin> if you wanted to leave after you get your citizenship that would be fine

<Mijin> yeah that's cool just make sure the place is clean when people come over

<HeilTrump> kill the jews

<princesskitana> Mijin are you a non smoker?

<Mijin> where are you at in canada i could pick you up

<Mijin> yeah I dont smoke

<princesskitana> Ok this is good

<Kujata> princesskitana, did you do the research to how those marriages work?

<princesskitana> No Kujata please tell me?

<Kujata> they make you check in from time to time to make sure you're really together

<Kujata> you have to look it up

<Mijin> that would be easy

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File: 6e663a8b6b6d617⋯.jpg (114.71 KB,640x480,4:3,geezlouise.jpg)


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File: ff9a67e12725318⋯.png (61.93 KB,740x864,185:216,notabus.png)



>high quality

youre right, her tits are funy!

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File: b49e65e2ac43b10⋯.jpg (9.34 KB,213x300,71:100,princesskitanaxox.jpg)

i dribble the ball late nite and mess my head up

princesskitana will chew you up boyz

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File: 9a58767d0c1c6e3⋯.png (3.76 KB,263x142,263:142,whatt.png)

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File: 127bb8bb96b1c28⋯.png (168.68 KB,1012x475,1012:475,yep.png)



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File: 86fe9b6ce112377⋯.jpg (19.32 KB,394x394,1:1,86fe9b6ce1123771c1d2f96875….jpg)



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is this all satire? she's the cringiest ircwhore we've had in a long time

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>is this all satire?


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o this thread is autism then


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This song is fucking cancer btw

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File: be8488f06f6ce5a⋯.png (175.46 KB,277x479,277:479,0FZ1bth.png)

>her tits are funny

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<SwedishMeatball> my gf is vegetarian and she doesn't smell any different from other girls I have been with who eat meat

<princesskitana> SwedishMeatBall are you sure? My partner says mine smells like how he would suspect battery acid to be like.

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File: 7ece4ffe8b42fce⋯.jpg (46.17 KB,732x145,732:145,christkek.jpg)


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File: 30ca65c25577fed⋯.jpg (10.57 KB,403x604,403:604,1923452_6757395805_4461_n-….jpg)

<&princesskitana> This is my old pic from 10 years ago

>those trousers

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