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File: 9548443492c5203⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,2000x1306,1000:653,NASM_NAM_A_47865_A.jpg)

 No.1681 [Open thread]

<owo> i apologize for any bad behavior i demonstrated in #8chan, i was being influenced by a duplicitous jew

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File: 487fab83269ca76⋯.jpg (26.19 KB,403x480,403:480,Our_first_atom_bomb_China_….jpg)

 No.1680 [Open thread]

the weapon of perpetual peace

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File: f60f31bfff90409⋯.jpg (188.69 KB,554x350,277:175,nuke_bomb.jpg)

 No.1679 [Open thread]

'Tis the season to be nukey

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File: b5dabb77f0cf25d⋯.jpg (210.51 KB,1174x1474,587:737,02_10_2014_romeo_nuke.jpg)

 No.1678 [Open thread]


The war was still going on between Japan and the United States,

Many people dying, many homes being destroyed,

The houses tumbling down, the windows cracked, and the broken gates,

Many people dying, many people crying out for help as they see

the corrupted surroundings.


The sound so loud, a noise so new, a deafening sound…

that has never been heard before.

The first atomic bomb, dropped on the homes of many Japanese people

in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Little Boy is not so little killing ninety percent of the people

in the city of Hiroshima,

Fat Man wiping out one-third of Nagasaki…

killing about forty thousand lives.

The terror the people must have felt, the fear, trying to escape the bombs…

The horrifying catastrophe going on,

My calling out to help the people escaping, I want to help.

This tragic moment that the survivors lived through,

How strong and brave they must have been,

Having to lose everything and everyone they cherished…

But still staying strong through all the suffering;


That is all. Respecting the survivors,

The ones who went through all the hard times, but have endured.

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File: 36916ce7307d594⋯.jpg (124.28 KB,1440x810,16:9,190305_asteroid_full_1440x….jpg)

 No.1677 [Open thread]

<owo> it was like a year ago that i was on there

<owo> you can't delete a board you don't own

<owo> i was never a mod

<owo> i don't care about image boards

this board has no mods. and if it does, they don't browse because a post is made here once every 2-3 months. nukity nuke!

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File: de4268d55bc495b⋯.jpeg (116.57 KB,1024x683,1024:683,1_nqDN9NX6NMrKAdxNwZDdCg.jpeg)

 No.1676 [Open thread]

nukity nukity nukity nukity nukity nukity nukity nukity nukity nukity nukity nukity

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File: f30810501e9bbcb⋯.jpg (242.74 KB,2000x1345,400:269,owo_is_gone.jpg)

 No.1675 [Open thread]

nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke

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File: 572384a3dcc007a⋯.png (54.06 KB,249x350,249:350,diamond_tiara_by_korsoo-d9….png)

 No.623 [Open thread]

Only DiamondTiara could reunite us all and save #8chan from the NWO. Preserving us from the SJW and Jewish menace, annihilating, bullying their spooks with the magic of friendship alone, and blind the gay with nudes.

9 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 2cbbfb95b5c2d2b⋯.png (13.25 MB,2400x2400,1:1,eulapone.png)

so yeah i kind of ended up making my own quotes like this with a unfancy graphical vomit. Something as common in the 1980s backgrounds as Memphis design. Would even Qanon make such a work? Absolutely not, he's a loser.

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File: aa1096e68c45602⋯.png (5.8 MB,6400x6400,1:1,1274374.png)

I stopped counting how many LGBT "friends" liked this one on Facebook.

Fucking mongoloids can't even read. I could openly insult them with rainbows and they will also repost it on their daily emo-tranny motivational timelines full of «I am unique tell me I'm beautiful uwu»

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File: 812b5663ca838cb⋯.png (3.29 MB,2000x2000,1:1,believeinyourself.png)

I don't even believe in humans since a decade or something. They have been extinct and replaced with motorized terminals.

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File: 6ce022011bcf53d⋯.png (4.27 MB,1313x1248,101:96,5ea9daef9d8cde3c.png)

File: 6ce022011bcf53d⋯.png (4.27 MB,1313x1248,101:96,5ea9daef9d8cde3c.png)

They have the data. They have the control no government, no NSA, no project CybverSyn could even had so far.

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File: 064be053e2b6372⋯.jpg (504.11 KB,1920x1200,8:5,FxAYjgqH5yw.jpg)

I just wanted to save the world but I know it is beyond salvation.

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File: 9206699153f08c7⋯.png (2.09 MB,1720x853,1720:853,z0O7.png)

 No.1661 [Open thread]


We must protect our true queen Anna at all costs!!! Report all new intell on SwedishMeatball here so he can be ETERNALLY BTFO'd

22:14 <~ANNA> [07:00:09] <SwedishMeatball> I've seen your pussy and tits and I've always been loyal to u not to share em, how are u gonna backstab me for a weak incel like owo wtf anna

22:14 <~ANNA> [07:14:06] <ANNA> ?

22:14 <~ANNA> [07:14:19] <ANNA> you threatening me?

22:18 <~ANNA> [07:17:08] <SwedishMeatball> no anna I would never do that to you. but I am loyal and I expect loyalty back. if ur gonna be thotting around with filth like owo that groomed emma in #8chan and hydrasta and tries to get girls to talk to him in exchange for ops, then I deserve better

22:18 <~ANNA> [07:17:28] <ANNA> yeah go away then

22:18 <~ANNA> [07:17:57] <SwedishMeatball> owo belongs in the trash, and you're not a fucking raccoon

22:18 <~ANNA> [07:18:07] <SwedishMeatball> stop eating garbage and come sit at the table with me

22:18 <~ANNA> [07:18:15] <ANNA> if you spread my nudes, da skal jeg kontakte svensk politi, för jag har dina dox

22:18 <~ANNA> [07:18:26] <SwedishMeatball> dont worry about that, I promise I will never do that

22:21 <~ANNA> if you do not do what i tell you to do

22:21 <~ANNA> [07:20:14] <SwedishMeatball> sigh

22:22 <+IrcX24> This is some psycho stuff. :/

22:23 <~ANNA> [07:22:37] <SwedishMeatball> I just looked on that irsecrets site, what dox are you talking about

22:23 <~ANNA> [07:22:51] <SwedishMeatball> did something new get posted?

22:23 <~ANNA> [07:22:57] <ANNA> jag har ditt svenska personnummer

22:23 <~ANNA> [07:23:05] <ANNA> jag vet vem du är

22:23 <~ANNA> [07:23:17] <SwedishMeatball> o.O

22:23 <~Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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<~ANNA> [07:33] * Now talking in #services

22:39 <~ANNA> [07:33] <ANNA> ?

22:39 <~ANNA> [07:34] <SwedishMeatball> mods is it allowed to dox someone and make legal threats to them with it?

22:39 <~ANNA> [07:34] <ANNA> ?

22:39 <~ANNA> [07:35] <ANNA> I am saying I will if you spread my pictures

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <SwedishMeatball> anna took my dox off some site somehow and is making threats to me

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <SwedishMeatball> I never spread anything

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <ANNA> because its not ok

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <ANNA> you threatened to

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <SwedishMeatball> I NEVER THREATENED YOU

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <SwedishMeatball> LIES

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <ANNA> ok well, then keep not spreading them

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <SwedishMeatball> I told you that you and I shared a lot together

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <ANNA> well be fine

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <%linear> This is not what #services is for

22:40 <%cull> haha

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <SwedishMeatball> and you betray me for trash like owo

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:36] <SwedishMeatball> linear: she is threatening to call the police on me and tell them lies

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:36] <SwedishMeatball> and I dont want to get in trouble at work

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:36] <SwedishMeatball> I dont know which site she is using to get the dox from so I scan screenshot

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:36] <%linear> What action would you prefer I take in order to stop them from making a phone call

22:40 <+IrPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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19:50 < SwedishMeatball> I know where you live anna I will come up to the mountains and strangle you and nobody will ever find your body

19:51 <+ANNA> is that a threat?

19:51 < SwedishMeatball> yeah it is, do something about it you unemployed social worker



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File: 167be5c5e317c4f⋯.gif (249.24 KB,396x400,99:100,lardwheels.gif)

 No.1656 [Open thread]





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there are no cools in #8chan

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\becausee they are all in #war

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like who

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File: 1ddb33a20153f75⋯.jpg (155.93 KB,2048x2048,1:1,1073724_10151813627425081_….jpg)

 No.1639 [Open thread]

just like the title says,pic is the girl

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lets hear the whole tale

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is she pregnant now

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God knows all i would like to grab abitch like that and make it to suck my cock till he drinks it

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File: 416712c806455ae⋯.png (802.58 KB,1282x688,641:344,1601364590427.png)

 No.1653 [Open thread]

Is SwedishMeatball still alive?

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File: 5e966d93ae26d81⋯.jpg (186.12 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1601365192205.jpg)

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File: 5856b0f9f755c34⋯.png (102.5 KB,1116x1018,558:509,1606290152164.png)

sadly yes, he survives by a strange process of digesting semen he absorbs.

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Yes he's alive, I learned he survives by a strange process of digesting semen he absorbs.

also he's on ##8chan.

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File: 443dbcd043d0ff6⋯.png (755.5 KB,526x730,263:365,Adam_Tan_2012_01_07_Wet_02.png)

 No.1660 [Open thread]

>mfw this thing is still on

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File: ec9033000956eaa⋯.jpg (88.39 KB,376x710,188:355,gr8.jpg)

 No.1659 [Open thread]


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File: 7fadc62cf7577de⋯.jpg (13.47 KB,300x199,300:199,0_OGAQ_lBb1xKOTvOA.jpg)

 No.1655 [Open thread]

<princesskitana> And in Toronto they give a free kit to help you stop smoking

<Vodka> Pk I'd give you a free kit to stop breathing.

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File: f0b5db3c32d9d17⋯.png (51.48 KB,320x320,1:1,293_2939233_8037140_pepe_l….png)


<SuspiciousPizza> monroe did your mama and daddy manage to save some money for your schooling so you could pay attention in 3rd grade?

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