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/ircsecrets/ - IRC CONFESSIONS

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We must protect our true queen Anna at all costs!!! Report all new intell on SwedishMeatball here so he can be ETERNALLY BTFO'd

22:14 <~ANNA> [07:00:09] <SwedishMeatball> I've seen your pussy and tits and I've always been loyal to u not to share em, how are u gonna backstab me for a weak incel like owo wtf anna

22:14 <~ANNA> [07:14:06] <ANNA> ?

22:14 <~ANNA> [07:14:19] <ANNA> you threatening me?

22:18 <~ANNA> [07:17:08] <SwedishMeatball> no anna I would never do that to you. but I am loyal and I expect loyalty back. if ur gonna be thotting around with filth like owo that groomed emma in #8chan and hydrasta and tries to get girls to talk to him in exchange for ops, then I deserve better

22:18 <~ANNA> [07:17:28] <ANNA> yeah go away then

22:18 <~ANNA> [07:17:57] <SwedishMeatball> owo belongs in the trash, and you're not a fucking raccoon

22:18 <~ANNA> [07:18:07] <SwedishMeatball> stop eating garbage and come sit at the table with me

22:18 <~ANNA> [07:18:15] <ANNA> if you spread my nudes, da skal jeg kontakte svensk politi, för jag har dina dox

22:18 <~ANNA> [07:18:26] <SwedishMeatball> dont worry about that, I promise I will never do that

22:21 <~ANNA> if you do not do what i tell you to do

22:21 <~ANNA> [07:20:14] <SwedishMeatball> sigh

22:22 <+IrcX24> This is some psycho stuff. :/

22:23 <~ANNA> [07:22:37] <SwedishMeatball> I just looked on that irsecrets site, what dox are you talking about

22:23 <~ANNA> [07:22:51] <SwedishMeatball> did something new get posted?

22:23 <~ANNA> [07:22:57] <ANNA> jag har ditt svenska personnummer

22:23 <~ANNA> [07:23:05] <ANNA> jag vet vem du är

22:23 <~ANNA> [07:23:17] <SwedishMeatball> o.O

22:23 <~ANNA> [07:23:29] <SwedishMeatball> psykopat

22:24 <~ANNA> [07:23:48] <SwedishMeatball> de galen?

22:24 <~ANNA> [07:23:56] <ANNA> lite

22:24 <~ANNA> [07:23:58] <SwedishMeatball> wtf anna

22:25 <~ANNA> [07:23:58] <SwedishMeatball> wtf anna

22:25 <~ANNA> [07:24:55] <ANNA> du ytrar trussler om sprädning av mina personliga bilder på nätt

22:25 <~ANNA> [07:25:05] <ANNA> det är inte ok

22:25 <+IrcX24> its almost like he should not make threats if he doesn't want to be threatened.

22:26 <~ANNA> im telling him heäs threatening to spread my junk

22:26 <~ANNA> online

22:26 <~ANNA> so

<+Ramfuk> Yeah with English and German I can almost read all of this

22:26 <~ANNA> i have his personal ID number

22:26 <+Ramfuk> It's almost like Scandos speak human language

22:26 * cull sits and wonders what it says

22:27 <~ANNA> i will go to police

22:27 <+IrcX24> I can guess most of it and I have google translate to confirm.

22:27 <~ANNA> and file a charge of harassment and spreading of revenge porno pictures that was sent in private

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<~ANNA> [07:33] * Now talking in #services

22:39 <~ANNA> [07:33] <ANNA> ?

22:39 <~ANNA> [07:34] <SwedishMeatball> mods is it allowed to dox someone and make legal threats to them with it?

22:39 <~ANNA> [07:34] <ANNA> ?

22:39 <~ANNA> [07:35] <ANNA> I am saying I will if you spread my pictures

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <SwedishMeatball> anna took my dox off some site somehow and is making threats to me

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <SwedishMeatball> I never spread anything

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <ANNA> because its not ok

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <ANNA> you threatened to

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <SwedishMeatball> I NEVER THREATENED YOU

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <SwedishMeatball> LIES

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <ANNA> ok well, then keep not spreading them

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <SwedishMeatball> I told you that you and I shared a lot together

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <ANNA> well be fine

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <%linear> This is not what #services is for

22:40 <%cull> haha

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:35] <SwedishMeatball> and you betray me for trash like owo

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:36] <SwedishMeatball> linear: she is threatening to call the police on me and tell them lies

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:36] <SwedishMeatball> and I dont want to get in trouble at work

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:36] <SwedishMeatball> I dont know which site she is using to get the dox from so I scan screenshot

22:40 <~ANNA> [07:36] <%linear> What action would you prefer I take in order to stop them from making a phone call

22:40 <+IrcX24> lol

22:41 <%cull> imagine being an ircop and dealing with this shit

22:41 <~ANNA> [07:36] <ANNA> I will leave you alone

22:41 <~ANNA> [07:36] <SwedishMeatball> can you tell anna she will be zlined for doxing if its again the rules

22:41 <~ANNA> [07:36] <ANNA> if you leave me alone

22:41 <~ANNA> [07:36] <ANNA> thats all

22:41 <~ANNA> [07:36] <ANNA> dont spread my shit

22:41 <~ANNA> [07:37] <ANNA> its against the law

22:41 <~ANNA> [07:37] <SwedishMeatball> I never even saved your pictures you dumb fuck

22:41 <+IrcX24> They probably just want to approve vhosts and release dead channels. Not this shit lol

22:42 <~ANNA> [07:37] <%linear> This sounds like a personal problem between two users rather than something that requires network staff

22:42 <~ANNA> [07:37] <ANNA> in your country

22:42 <~ANNA> [07:37] <%linear> Please /part if that's all

22:42 <~ANNA> [07:37] <SwedishMeatball> psykopat!!!

22:42 <~ANNA> Session Close: Wed Dec 23 07:37:15 2020

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19:50 < SwedishMeatball> I know where you live anna I will come up to the mountains and strangle you and nobody will ever find your body

19:51 <+ANNA> is that a threat?

19:51 < SwedishMeatball> yeah it is, do something about it you unemployed social worker



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