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/ircsecrets/ - IRC CONFESSIONS

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File: 7c623e050aa8419⋯.jpg (389.7 KB,1380x1760,69:88,wixkedcybercrime.jpg)

 No.1652 [Open thread]


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File: 40da498242d82cb⋯.png (172.66 KB,261x426,87:142,superhero.PNG)

 No.1644 [Open thread]

PK is now a Fortnite character

PK is now a Fortnite character

PK is now a Fortnite character


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PK is a fat nigger

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File: d7ba0c8c4daa1ef⋯.png (116.38 KB,250x298,125:149,angry.PNG)

 No.1648 [Open thread]

Where is my Tik Tok?

Why is Ruth Bader Ginsburg dead?

Where is my Harry Potter?

Will Daddy come home with Starbucks?

Who took my Frozen 2 and Disney +?

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File: 0a37b4ae0dcdb44⋯.jpg (16.63 KB,512x512,1:1,1585126474494.jpg)

 No.1631 [Open thread]

When will missa be released from prison??

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science has gone too far

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File: 220989387e9af3d⋯.png (137.75 KB,772x375,772:375,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3012f9da83eb6c6⋯.png (38.13 KB,496x116,124:29,larp_2.PNG)

 No.1645 [Open thread]

This just in, Atlantic RBLX has been declared King of LARPing by Murdoch Chan itself.


We Did it.


Yeah. Everyone lets pat our backs.

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File: 3e38277272938e6⋯.jpg (43.37 KB,474x632,3:4,rfp.jpg)

 No.1643 [Open thread]

have u ever done anything you feel you could never redeem yourself from? if so, what?

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File: c49eaba75cbcc32⋯.jpg (239.1 KB,1280x1024,5:4,dimlight.JPG)

 No.1642 [Open thread]

any SERIAL KILLERS/SEVERE DEVIANTS who see this, tell me some stories please

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File: 805b540edaec5c2⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB,640x360,16:9,owo.mp4)

 No.1640 [Open thread]

Found Owo

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File: 58beef8c785ef52⋯.jpg (223.93 KB,998x1920,499:960,spoke.jpg)

 No.1632 [Open thread]

Natalie "ninjalie, spoke" Green, BPD & NPD, known EFnet scenewhore, off at 14yo w/ paedophile Anthony "kongfuzi" Eufemio (12 years her age,) cucked her last man & still leeches off of him, kicked out everywhere & now hangs on EFnet #lrh and irc.supernets.org #superbowl – loves to be told about when she got "almost graped" & her psychological evaluation

URL to nudes/pics/psychological evaluation, since this PoS website won't let me upload: https://ufile.io/j5u5hc67

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File: 4e1335e49c21470⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB,858x480,143:80,spokeshit5da52fe0a4b88.mp4)

(point in case)

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File: 297fd4c97626c26⋯.mp4 (11.82 MB,640x352,20:11,spokepissfart.mp4)

Favourite fetishes: domination & humiliation, anal sex, getting pissed, farted, and shat on

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File: 0201ba4a0c73692⋯.jpg (191.16 KB,1504x2016,47:63,spokelarpingmuslimah.jpg)

Started LARPing as Muslimah 1.5 years ago

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File: 2c8f3bdd643fbc3⋯.jpg (14.98 KB,480x640,3:4,spokepoo.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.1630 [Open thread]

If you have seen the latest "six-nine Trolls" just know that addiction help is available and out there.

You never have to suffer alone. There is a nice hotline out there to take care of any addiction you can think or obsess about. :P

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File: aae0a0e51106bd7⋯.png (1.05 MB,678x744,113:124,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.1619 [Open thread]

In the year of our lord 2020, princesskitana (pk) is seeking better pastures through leaving IRC #8chan/#8chan. Below is a list of the people she mentions in her letter.

>Bullies: Casey, dogbert, brite, tard, Random420, dumbgoy, RatFink,

>Neutral: AlterEgo_, Jesus, mezmur, Kali_, Moin (HKM).

>Positive: Etiv, Deacon, Monery, grobend, Dwarf, JEWS, Owo, Carp, Lysana, Christistheway, Emma, Beast, Ponyo and jmanfatty, MissA, Monroe, MasterofMuppets.

It is truly a revelation the new document that was put forth today. Linked is the full letter.


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RIP pk :'(

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kinda pissed off I wasn't even mentioned

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File: cf74ba671dacb2a⋯.png (581.53 KB,615x409,615:409,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.1628 [Open thread]

<JAX> But also, fuck copypaste. Sellout backstabbing bitch. You shat on your fanbase and ignored this place for years.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.1627 [Open thread]

Big booty bitches

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File: 01e627f4b81a67a⋯.jpg (37.62 KB,400x400,1:1,ESNDWN2VAAAJstq.jpg)

 No.1626 [Open thread]

What re ya doin' this Momma day.

>Getting flowers for Ma

>Getting chocolate for Ma

>Calling up all of your mothe's (tanku kewl)

>Getting me gummy bears at the Gas Station (hope they don't call the cops)

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File: 54e416acd5cddbd⋯.png (1.78 MB,1702x902,851:451,lf.png)

File: 5007b1af8291e19⋯.png (347.5 KB,493x356,493:356,l.png)

 No.1571 [Open thread]

The moment you realize…

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They're copying my shit!

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File: 98a0d937548db54⋯.png (640.23 KB,701x403,701:403,dildo_1.png)

File: 01bd7901fb628ad⋯.png (411.52 KB,598x338,23:13,dildo_2.png)

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File: a28080a848bc051⋯.png (867.27 KB,1110x607,1110:607,memes.png)

File: c16a696a9f010ec⋯.png (805.52 KB,1045x587,1045:587,logo_2.png)

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File: f03cfecd154895c⋯.mp4 (3.88 MB,640x480,4:3,Meme.mp4)

File: 118e8fac7badb77⋯.mp4 (4.91 MB,640x480,4:3,Meme_Clone.mp4)

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


The 2 kids in the pool with Milo.

Here's what they were referencing. If their reference went completely over your head.

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