The media made alarmism with given facts to them that should have been fucking nothing.
But the reality is that it's been minimized, by the government of China and the globalists, so many paid "fact checkers" being like: "it's just a bad flu lol dont be racist you won't catch it"
it's exactly what it's not.
COVID-19 has been engineered in Wuhan. in a high security P4 lab / institute based on France's lab from Lyon. NOT the Pasteur institute! That was a military lab that in 2015 was transferred to the INSERM. an institute of research.
gov't passed a contract with China and gave em the material. To the chinese. Lab in wuhan is operational in 2017 and all the versions of the SARS/Coronavirus are being experimented. And somehow it leaked. in a secu like this mistake are hard, like arming a nuke, it had to be intentional.
The COVID19 is as contagious as smallpox.
Media in fact minimized its effect. China lied and still LIES. They did not contain it in time. Since december, the day 0! Exports and international shipments continued, and it was now all fucked.
Agnes Buzyn our health minister knew the situation was alarming since January, neither her nor Macron did anything, birders have been left open, and the cases are climbing exponentially.
they only ordered confinement last weekend, no arab in paris respects it. it will be an hecatomb like in Italy.
that was wanted.