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File: 324f575998c5033⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.7 KB,895x795,179:159,yumm.jpg)

 No.373 [Open thread]

Th3 KKK is h3r3 and u cant do ANYTHING 2 stop 1t f4gg0ts b prepared 2 get h4xx0red like th3 whole R1z0n n3tw0rk

Official KKK watchlist


if ur name is on th1s l1st prep4re 2 b h4xx3d… we w1ll plant ch1ld pr0n on ur PC and c4l1 the p0lice…

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>posts nigger dick

>lurks in #/pone/

so surprises here

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File: f257a6882a9a319⋯.png (595.47 KB,700x806,350:403,board games iceberg.png)


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File: 1e068f6353a4b1d⋯.jpg (45.52 KB,720x640,9:8,22365239_10214123444945106….jpg)

 No.742 [Open thread]

KKK r00lz

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File: a8d438fe7d5ce18⋯.png (2.12 MB,1268x792,317:198,kkkwp - Copie.png)

it is best klub!

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File: 19225211b764afd⋯.jpg (139.89 KB,1200x900,4:3,1553943593910.jpg.kkk.jpg)

1f ur n0t a k00l k1d pls g0 aw4y fr0m the k1ub…

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Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.1307 [Open thread]

BLACKEDRAW Adriana Chechik Needs A Double Dose Of BBC

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 No.1305 [Open thread]

Fuck me hard until you cum into me (creampie) - SolaZola

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Шикарный Анальный Секс с Marcelin Abadir

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Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.1303 [Open thread]

He surprised me with a huge cumshot in my face on top of a mountain

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File: a8eb8f0296055f6⋯.png (43.9 KB,640x400,8:5,kkk.png)

 No.1302 [Open thread]

State Department says US cutting off aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras


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File: dbf6442c1db04d2⋯.png (405.52 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.1300 [Open thread]

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 No.1299 [Open thread]

Dice rollRolled 11, 6, 6, 6, 11, 5, 2, 5, 8 + 7 = 67 (9d11)

0ff1c1al KKK tr41n1ng vid.

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File: 8b3df9c55c910fd⋯.png (376.5 KB,780x438,130:73,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.1298 [Open thread]

In Italy's city of love, global far-right groups join forces under a 'pro-family' umbrella


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File: 4305cf9350ebe2b⋯.png (233.89 KB,420x420,1:1,dc2f18a38b7149629ca8435c92….png)

 No.1285 [Open thread]

old PM leak: jmanfatty orbiting missa


>goes full emo, talks about being cucked, drug use, gives away his email, confesses his love etc

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[16:35:14] <missanthropy> Errr…I doubt that will happen but, um..

[16:37:46] <jmanfatty> So. Twice now I've gotten way too attracted to you when I think about your head-game. I actually liked when you split and argued for a while. I started to like you for real. I'm fucking stupid. you shouldn't trust me. I'll fuck off from FT forever now and let y'all do your thing. I'm very sorry but I can't play a charade when something like

[16:37:46] <jmanfatty> that happens. Anyways if you ever do want to talk you can email yuge.mayne@offcolormail.com – I can't even believe I typed this message but hey it's there. Please don't shit on me. I know you'll hate me now but I'm not the kind of person that can pretend as if this isn't the case. So it's my fault and I wasn't trying to hit on you ever throughout any of this. I'll fuck off permanently.

[16:44:40] <jmanfatty> No I don't want this to be the case. Yes I know how stupid it is. You didn't do anything wrong. I didn't mean to do anything wrong.

[16:44:49] <missanthropy> Oh…I don't hate you…Actually, I appreciate your honesty…really. I understand how hard it must have been for you to type that and….I understand, it must suck to like someone else, or get close to someone else, who is already taken. I understand if you have to leave. Rofl, you got happy for a second…I mean, I guess that's natural and it takes a big person to even admit the bad emotions.

[16:45:02] <missanthropy> I mean, "bad" emotions.

[16:45:14] <missanthropy> It's not stupid.

[16:45:29] <missanthropy> It is what it is, I guess…

[16:45:47] <missanthropy> Like, I wish we could just be friends and talk in FT, of course…but I understand your feelings, too..

[16:45:54] <missanthropy> And meh, you never did openly hit on me or anything…

[16:46:10] <missanthropy> Meh, lol, thank you for being so up-front and honest.

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CTRL+F "Monroe", 0 results………..

This dude literally went through 2000 lines of pms and removed every single reference to himself, while changing some of the content.

No wonder it took you over a year and half from when you originally said you'd release this

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[16:58:50] <jmanfatty> like this one valentines day, I bought her a fucking ring, a bear, chocolates, fucked her like 10 times and made her cum so much it splashed on me (not at all a normal thing for her) :: still cheated the very next day and I found out a month later

[16:59:06] <missanthropy> what.

[16:59:09] <jmanfatty> true story

[16:59:09] <missanthropy> Are you fucking serious?

[16:59:15] * jmanfatty dead serious

[16:59:15] <missanthropy> Who did she cheat on you with?

[16:59:27] <jmanfatty> another football player

[16:59:57] <jmanfatty> her story is she just can't help getting drunk and hanging out with her sister

[17:00:07] <jmanfatty> and I pretend she's not doing this on purpose

[17:00:29] <jmanfatty> and she only tells me because the guy moved and I caught him calling her by accident

[17:00:34] <missanthropy> …LOL? So her excuse was that she got drunk, was around some guy, and it just happened?

[17:00:39] <jmanfatty> pretty much

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File: 651c751889221d0⋯.jpg (16.45 KB,320x180,16:9,hentai.jpg)


Monroe thinks this is "being cucked" lol

Which I wonder what this means then….


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File: 58d2d3c759ee1de⋯.png (393.09 KB,1280x720,16:9,Cover_2.png)

 No.1168 [Open thread]

Meme War! Roblox is crumbling under attacks by the ruthless anti-meme Lord, George Soros. There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere.

The song dives into a college student suffering from Donald Trumpism, worst disease of it's kind. Donald Trump has won the presidential office and is taking names. Crybaby is left in a constant state of sadness, only aided on by her school classmastes.

The only way to absorb the full meaning of my video is to…


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Second Life for 10 year olds

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File: 6296c53cd6f61d6⋯.png (63.25 KB,420x420,1:1,popper.png)

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File: 69a3c1702e2b470⋯.png (45.67 KB,434x327,434:327,93ED062C-C50A-4E99-9271-75….png)


<games released after 2010

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File: 7d67ce492a0e96c⋯.jpg (42.84 KB,1349x1146,1349:1146,kintistwud.jpg)

The simple idea to imagine Soros could outlive Jean-Marie Le Pen is horrifying and makes me want to wreck a tranny with a hammer.

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File: e594bd035af6b8e⋯.png (471.68 KB,1000x418,500:209,duRZwY1.png)

 No.64 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

HKM memes thread

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>the phone is in my pocket you can take it

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I found some eggdrops he owns in the home directory of a free shell account of his

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<tj> i was raised in the bronx

<HKM> LOL @ i was raised in BRX

<HKM> nga im from Flushing, Queens

>literally a pajeet from Flushing

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return my HKM memes

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File: f1313170e79c941⋯.jpg (686.02 KB,1200x901,1200:901,savings.jpg)


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File: 6393b3449686c17⋯.png (20.04 KB,749x321,7:3,cptc-logo-white_0_0.png)

 No.1261 [Open thread]

#8chan has truly turned into a shit show…


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 No.1174 [Open thread]

==ITT: [k00l] in a nutshell]

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this is absudly and amazingly true

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bump bc [k00l] is sliding the board like the spergs they are lol

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File: 5a6e98dc489cf31⋯.jpeg (219.69 KB,2048x1536,4:3,D4635A63-B7AF-4954-BC91-A….jpeg)

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 No.1254 [Open thread]

Found Cat Missa


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