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File: e594bd035af6b8e⋯.png (471.68 KB,1000x418,500:209,duRZwY1.png)

 No.64 [Last50 Posts]

HKM memes thread

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File: 29803d86745a33b⋯.png (57.48 KB,1000x1000,1:1,HbgiKai.png)

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File: ab99536e6270ff0⋯.jpg (258.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,jyrmyv.jpg)

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<Christistheway> a day in the life of HKM: crawls out of bed (literally, using a ladder), uses a stick to hit the power button on his pc, climbs up onto his chair using a ladder, waits for his ancient shit running w10 to boot, speaks into the headset "Cortana, please launch mirc.exe", and then spends all day having cortana type shit into irc for him, that is the entire life of Hindu Kostenloss Midget

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[21:22:32] <suegar> daily reminder HKM doesn't know what a REPL is

[21:22:38] <HKM> ^

[13:41:48] <HKM> yes im mad

[16:52:01] <HKM> here japex

[16:52:08] <HKM> this is myt baby momma angyl

[16:52:08] <HKM> https://app.box.com/s/lnsn3cx46hcmvvt1xn2hva7ot0k4joq9

[16:52:18] <HKM> https://app.box.com/s/71oj6e80bef8x3pbho3w5b2ac2ei1ixh

[16:52:20] <HKM> ^ oops

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File: ebe36f6f699a77f⋯.png (1.75 MB,1200x900,4:3,hkm toy story.png)


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File: 7f43676f2838eac⋯.png (2.46 MB,1536x2048,3:4,powerranger.png)

upcoming power ranger show coming out soon

img related new power ranger

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<Christistheway> Who is the smallest of them all, who makes rand paul look tall, HKM, HKM

<Christistheway> Who works at seven eleven, wears ninja pyjamas at four foot seven, HKM, HKM

<Christistheway> Who couldn't drop $2k for sampletext's dox, is totally obsessed with sucking docks, HKM, HKM

Christistheway = based af

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File: f879735734c4eba⋯.jpg (77.22 KB,640x480,4:3,soyjoo.jpg)

my HKM cosplay

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needs more goats though

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File: 95b2ba46aead4b6⋯.png (160.4 KB,474x468,79:78,hkm_bully.png)

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File: 83b5f4157c3824c⋯.png (289.29 KB,480x640,3:4,vcrjtx.png)

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File: 83b5f4157c3824c⋯.png (289.29 KB,480x640,3:4,hkmJUST.png)

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File: 009954d29425226⋯.png (208.89 KB,900x1273,900:1273,rarity hoofcheek vector.png)


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mfw the 111 get was a pic of hkm looking depressed working at office depot

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File: 09edfbd6d8691dc⋯.png (256.39 KB,480x640,3:4,hkmgoku.png)

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File: 90065210161b1df⋯.png (294.3 KB,480x640,3:4,hkmtriggered.png)

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File: d9dc15e14730542⋯.png (601.51 KB,3000x3000,1:1,hkm_diploma.png)

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14:54:13 < HKM> rettys let me make this very clear for ur noob ass

14:54:17 < HKM> my name is Moin Uddin

14:54:19 < pong> tehy can keep defending their excessive layers of abstraction on android

14:54:20 < HKM> DOB: May 10 1987

14:54:26 < HKM> my IP:

14:54:27 < pong> causing the trash speed and latency

14:54:32 < HKM> im the operator of UseNET STHNSv4

14:54:41 < pong> nice free vps man

14:54:44 < HKM> now mere 8chan poster rettys

14:54:51 < HKM> go play outside

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File: 12dabf8db74d17e⋯.jpg (121.56 KB,541x640,541:640,meme5.jpg)

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File: 604f57118515ac0⋯.jpg (472.9 KB,1300x2600,1:2,hkmeme.jpg)

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File: f48e323c6124bb7⋯.jpg (762.74 KB,1920x1080,16:9,hkmgun.jpg)

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File: a890d21febf3dca⋯.jpg (66.41 KB,640x480,4:3,hkmgun2.jpg)

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File: edb70b730ad3f23⋯.jpg (697.64 KB,1536x2048,3:4,midgetninja.jpg)



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Smith & Wesson M&P compact .40

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File: a54514bf84890cc⋯.jpg (73.47 KB,500x500,1:1,hkm.jpg)

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<HKM> do u think ill let my son grow up with a father?

<HKM> my gf i shere

<HKM> any ngas who wants a free blowjob?

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[15:32] <hkm> nothing like cold glass of beer with ice

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you dont put ice in beer

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File: 4dfb35f00d771f7⋯.jpg (9.15 KB,480x360,4:3,youdontsay.jpg)

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<HKM> i will always be a fucking joke

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heh faggot

xxx -Odysseus

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File: 889931928546538⋯.webm (4.92 MB,480x640,3:4,BDay, 0sec, HKM Pictures,….webm)

HKM showing off his "940 USD" hotel room

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File: e8988744df90d72⋯.webm (3.11 MB,480x640,3:4,Flashy, 0sec, Cash, Walle….webm)

basketball indian attempting to impress irc with contents of his wallet

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File: 359aa5265310264⋯.webm (4.74 MB,640x480,4:3,HKM, exp0, mickey, euphie….webm)

sad pajeet dreams of nigger existence

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File: 2635e1279592913⋯.webm (4.01 MB,640x480,4:3,HKM, FLashy, Wallet, Nga ….webm)

pajeet fascinated with "tactical" "paycheck" wallet

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[21:39:21] <HKM> what happened to hillary?

[21:39:23] <coco-chan> HKM is a hillary supporter?

[21:39:24] <HKM> she made me money

[21:39:27] <HKM> how much u made suegar

[21:39:30] <HKM> whats that broke bitch

HKM admits he's a shill.

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File: 216361c4da46685⋯.webm (7.3 MB,640x480,4:3,Lotto, ScratchOff, Instan….webm)

imagine being so poor you think recording you playing $20 scratch lotto over and over until you win on one impresses people

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<HKM> u deformed homo

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File: 69cb0170d240667⋯.jpg (43.89 KB,480x640,3:4,doorway.jpg)



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i'd estimate about 5'2"

yayo midget

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File: d7413916218badc⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2048x1542,1024:771,hkm-guns.jpg)



midget pistol on the right for tiny midget hands

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File: fb61971f405bdb3⋯.gif (1.75 MB,375x325,15:13,bqaE9C.gif)

flying ninja midget pajeet hkm

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Is that a noose in the bag?

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I think he had to tie a knot in the shoulder strap to prevent the bag from dragging on the ground

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<efTard> u do know i ran my own mini casino

<efTard> right?

<creamar> I'm sure you did

<_bet4_> this outta be good

<efTard> no its not a meme

<efTard> short faggot bet4

<efTard> its posted online

<efTard> those r slot machines

<efTard> i use to operate them until Rick Scott fucked it up

<efTard> made it illegal in 2013

<efTard> http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/09/tech/gaming-gadgets/florida-slot-machine-law/

<efTard> lol all he has to do is google HKM's casino

<efTard> LOL

Keep in mind folks, florida midget Moin Uddin thinks that people will believe that he owns a serbian slot machine company


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yayo midget Anonymous

explain to me again

how u r the bitchest made fraud midget

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<faggetttss> i thought you're a hardcore muslim, why do u drink

<faggetttss> allah hates liars

<efTard> yayo midget bitch faggetttss

<faggetttss> isnt that right

<efTard> show us in the quran

<faggetttss> how can you face allah when u die

<efTard> where its haram to drink


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<efTard> loL @u cant have real sex in a car

<efTard> all the pic is posted by me :)

<creamar> With no timestamp

<efTard> refer back to your mIRC.exe HKM log

<efTard> midget

<efTard> ppl of my status

<efTard> we dont need timestamp

<efTard> we verify it via same background

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<efTard> yayo midget bitch faggetttss

<efTard> show us in the quran


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he actually showed him the absolute madman

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File: 806cd446acefbb3⋯.png (92.43 KB,741x422,741:422,Screenshot_2016-12-15_00-5….png)


yayo midget showing off his paypal account from march 2015 to prove he's not broke

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File: 4db6874852ed425⋯.jpg (20.94 KB,384x480,4:5,221500991.jpg)

HKM mugshot

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File: 028f3d66cf7961f⋯.gif (339 KB,320x400,4:5,yayo.gif)

yayo bling

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Height: 5'03"

Height: 5'03"

Height: 5'03"

Height: 5'03"

Height: 5'03"

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File: 86699b0c4930fbd⋯.png (12.63 KB,664x154,332:77,nuclear.png)

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>calls exp0 a "broke nigga"

>gets caught stealing $300 from some sheboon's wallet

>thinks $20 scratch off tickets are for rich coke dealers

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File: a5b31cc8b6ee205⋯.jpg (298.18 KB,1479x863,1479:863,yb80wLG.jpg)

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File: adf99aa839e6ce3⋯.jpg (1.73 MB,1536x2312,192:289,JJxeJXQ.jpg)

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File: 8b7f921a3d40cec⋯.webm (897.39 KB,640x480,4:3,123.webm)

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File: 9aa59c816266c6b⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,1536x2312,192:289,therealhkm.jpg)

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File: 0278947e430566e⋯.png (197.73 KB,1200x594,200:99,negfqv.png)


hkm forgot he wasnt on rizon anymore

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Okay, here's an update.

All of these memes have been true. All of them.

He was born in India, has Bangladeshi citizenship, has no car (it really was a rental like we assumed), lived in motels for a while, and works for an Exxon-Mobil gas station.



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lol that's such shitty code

and writing it in c was retarded in the first place

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>the phone is in my pocket you can take it

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I found some eggdrops he owns in the home directory of a free shell account of his

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<tj> i was raised in the bronx

<HKM> LOL @ i was raised in BRX

<HKM> nga im from Flushing, Queens

>literally a pajeet from Flushing

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return my HKM memes

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File: f1313170e79c941⋯.jpg (686.02 KB,1200x901,1200:901,savings.jpg)


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