02:49 <dressedinyellow> owo and I were dating.
02:49 <jmanfatty> I see
02:49 <dressedinyellow> I've seen pictures.
02:49 <dressedinyellow> We were close.
02:49 <dressedinyellow> We fought, I left the channel.
02:49 <jmanfatty> ah
02:49 <dressedinyellow> That's it.
02:49 <jmanfatty> so it was uber personal
02:49 <dressedinyellow> Yeah.
02:49 <dressedinyellow> Yeah.
02:49 <jmanfatty> couldn't possibly have hurt you like Monroe tier
02:49 <dressedinyellow> We PMed all day for, like, 3 months.
02:49 <dressedinyellow> We were in love and stuff.
02:50 <jmanfatty> so owo is bisexual then
02:50 <dressedinyellow> owo is my ex.
02:50 <jmanfatty> gotcha
02:50 <dressedinyellow> That's….owo didn't want anyone to know.
02:50 <jmanfatty> well ofc I won't be telling anybody this
02:50 <jmanfatty> I just wanted to be part of the elite club that knows this
02:50 <dressedinyellow> Part of the reason I didn't want to tell you is I thought you might be turned off by me if I told you owo was my ex.
02:50 <jmanfatty> oh um
02:50 <dressedinyellow> Like, think I am weird.
02:50 <jmanfatty> how could that be the case
02:50 <jmanfatty> other than owo being a gay dude
02:51 <jmanfatty> i mean your ex husba…
02:51 <dressedinyellow> Yeah, I love gay men.
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