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File: 728d2bcf6eaafba⋯.mp4 (10.6 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Macfag.mp4)

 No.1227 [Open thread]

Upload your best Obama is gone crab memes.For such a small creature, it makes people extra-salty.

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File: 27a679f80e0ce7a⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,Ovens.mp4)

Who deleted the last one?

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File: b0e4df99dfe7869⋯.png (16.94 KB,750x525,10:7,8chan.png)

 No.1228 [Open thread]

the 8chan race has been divided for too long! Ever since The Great War against JEWS and his loyalist, the 8chan race has been divided between #8chan and ##8chan…it is time for a change.

The 8chan Nationalist Party will once again unite our great race under one banner.

One Culture, One Channel, One People

(I was going to write more but im too lazy)

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I want to give my clothes to black kids in Africa and ship myself naked to ISIS but I am not sure.

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Become a fascist greenshirt instead! Help reunite our channel

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File: 93c4af6d8a70462⋯.jpg (409.4 KB,1600x2408,200:301,DSC09242.JPG)

File: 8e6092b7c1404a2⋯.jpg (304.21 KB,1200x1806,200:301,TJ'smurrsonathingw.jpg)

 No.1219 [Open thread]

TJ wanted me to draw his fursona, so here!

You a dino nao.

I wonder who will be the next victim.

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File: 5c29c10b01d9f5c⋯.jpg (2.11 MB,2450x3260,245:326,IMG_20180929_000614_edit.jpg)

File: c1eee87327a4173⋯.jpg (2.12 MB,2448x3264,3:4,IMG_20180929_000556_edit.jpg)

This is what Rance- wanted. I also had to draw him a fursona.

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File: e2e2ccfccaf780e⋯.png (11.02 MB,2448x3264,3:4,convicted_felon_sketch.png)

>I also had to draw him a fursona.

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File: 22a29783f26ee68⋯.mp4 (13.6 MB,480x360,4:3,Kittens Playing_1.mp4)

 No.1217 [Open thread]


How is it that there aren't any live streams actually showing the fight? Do the companies behind the fight intend on us to pay $10 to watch people hug eachother? The whole fight was nothing but Logan Paul and KSI hugging and throwing a few punches atleast. At the end of the fight, neither KSI or Logan Paul look significantly beat up compared to professional fighters. The worst damage to KSI's face was just his eye and Logan Paul pissed on the ground.

Lets just hope the rematch will have much more livestreamers and free footage to judge who won. Maybe they won't rig it up for Logan to win next time?

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File: f98a0dfbf67000d⋯.jpg (69.1 KB,492x500,123:125,KSI_isa_Pussy.jpg)

File: ebae3b76f971ddb⋯.jpg (35.21 KB,640x436,160:109,bandana.jpg)


Coming out the rink!


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File: 1a5a7ad31aeb25f⋯.png (790.62 KB,1416x1416,1:1,IGLOOGHOST - Little Grids ….png)

 No.1207 [Open thread]

Folks I meow presently

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This is a test

This is a test

This is a test

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File: 80dd1f5956e66a5⋯.png (1.28 MB,966x824,483:412,memer.png)

 No.1149 [Open thread]

ITT: Upload Orb Memes

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File: 48d3b27f9563fc4⋯.jpg (149.5 KB,1041x877,1041:877,2beip6.jpg)

File: b8f4ad21765d4d4⋯.jpg (120.81 KB,1041x687,347:229,2beips.jpg)

File: f57dbb54433d2c4⋯.jpg (272.91 KB,1041x781,1041:781,2beisn.jpg)

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File: 24d364d77c02241⋯.jpg (336.1 KB,1041x1388,3:4,2beiu5.jpg)

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File: b8b699a8f74d0f1⋯.jpg (122.72 KB,1041x832,1041:832,2beizw.jpg)

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File: bbe44a74b0e02db⋯.jpg (272.74 KB,1041x781,1041:781,2c5tw7.jpg)


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File: f34a140cc405056⋯.jpg (137.52 KB,1041x694,3:2,2c5u7j.jpg)

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File: 4811bab54e756eb⋯.png (347.27 KB,714x418,357:209,1503988706908.png)

 No.852 [Open thread]

Daily reminder two people with the [k00l] tag were caught with #/pone/ in their channel lists and none of them will respond when asked why they have people in there.

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File: f2bd172176e9402⋯.jpg (40.54 KB,489x489,1:1,mondiaraaaaarh.jpg)



they are not bronies or polish, they all actually are ponies pretending to be humans, but roleplaying as ponies! but they really are ponies.

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File: c79163fcc7346ea⋯.png (45.52 KB,1024x600,128:75,billbord.png)

How deep does this rabbit hole go, and when should I alert the Militpone High Command >>860

also low color depth OC

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File: 149856087cbd5ea⋯.png (914.25 KB,2000x2000,1:1,1448200324186.png)

/pone/ is best.

/mlp/ is gay.

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bump for truth

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File: 2030135f2ca80d6⋯.png (1006.73 KB,2558x1422,1279:711,Anon.png)

 No.1196 [Open thread]


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File: f535e9789a87977⋯.jpg (130.43 KB,749x1334,749:1334,wutdo.jpg)

 No.13 [Open thread]

Matched with this on Okcupid.

What do?

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Turn 360 degrees and run away

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Two years late to the game. Feed it some road head and drop it off at the nearest corner.

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Pretty eyes. I say go for it. Maybe you can even get married. He's homoflexible just like you!

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bang that shit out brah!

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File: 9b4344249ec50ca⋯.jpg (152.88 KB,640x799,640:799,9d13ed40-0f25-4be4-b0ec-85….jpg)

 No.354 [Open thread]

selling owo's dox dm if interested

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Here's a fact list:

- owo is a man

- owo is a confirmed transvestite

- xz is a gay man that camwhores on chaturbate

- owo met xz on chaturbate

- owo and xz were in a gay relationship for some time, probably still are

- owo since he broke up with xz collects orbiters such as visual

- owo, his bf and his orbiters get really mad and do massive damage control when you say anything from this fact list

Ask around if you don't believe me, fags.

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Oh, I forgot:

- owo lures beta virgins like JEWS in #8chan, JEWS gave owo +ao because he thought owo is a woman, when he's a mere trannie

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owo hates gays actually she says it whenever i talk about cute dicks

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>she says it

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kek to reread that, have no doubt it's true

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File: 444f38df8edb6a9⋯.png (361.27 KB,593x313,593:313,happ0.png)

 No.1136 [Open thread]

<missanthropy> owo, it's better than our original plan which was to get married during the first meeting. ;)

<missanthropy> Until he just one day said, "K, I'm coming in March"…lol.

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File: 0ec812717b40e5a⋯.png (2.35 MB,858x1525,858:1525,1524183855330.png)

I guess one finally said yes!

1:08 PM <Guest503> I'll meet him, rofl.

1:08 PM <•yigd> MissMaude

1:08 PM <•yigd> wat

1:08 PM <•RatFink> nope

1:08 PM <Guest503> I've met two other people from IRC, RatFink.

1:08 PM <Guest503> Rofl.

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File: 7f420d6e14ea16f⋯.png (141.62 KB,465x583,465:583,fordy wilson.png)

File: e33f8f79d14bd91⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1902x1906,951:953,9d29d8ae7d0a8a02741d9313f7….jpg)

 No.622 [Open thread]

So yeah, in this one Ford's a new wave music producer from the late 70s that went into obscurity until a large comeback in 2004, and appul's got an issue with these giant ass bugs fucking up the camping experience.

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File: 6c2fd4273735bcf⋯.png (172.04 KB,298x324,149:162,RangieTime.png)

File: 5899680f2713ea4⋯.png (334.22 KB,606x662,303:331,pack.png)

In this one, Jake Paul is filming vlogs on the scene in Parkland, Florida which was a influential suburb in the late 70s and went into obscurity until a large comeback in 2018.

It's #rangetime folks!!!!!!!

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File: a29b0be6953fe3c⋯.jpg (896.99 KB,2576x1932,4:3,JPEG_20171231_193556.jpg)

File: c154f567a38e139⋯.jpg (28.84 KB,508x677,508:677,JPEG_20171231_193726.jpg)

File: 5a9808d2c3d5bf0⋯.jpg (985.08 KB,2576x1932,4:3,JPEG_20171231_193743.jpg)

 No.1047 [Open thread]

furry/drug addict adnol using his shitty chromebook

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I am no furry you degenerate

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File: ef1ef66c234142a⋯.jpg (19.05 KB,300x250,6:5,Faggot.jpg)

Which one of you bought this ad

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I second this, furries use Thinkpads. not Google's terminals full of botnet and gay.

Did you had to follow black youtubers in order to keep your account?

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File: 694dcdf81977f8e⋯.png (161.01 KB,260x343,260:343,NewVideoPoll.png)

 No.1098 [Open thread]


My next new video will be released on Valentines Day, it will not be as excellent as my videos usually are.

Vote on poll whether to release it as WebM or YouTube


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File: d26d9241f006080⋯.png (523.43 KB,2142x1076,1071:538,Subscribe.png)

Excuses for any spamming, I did it only to wake up all the mods to vote on my poll.

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File: 9cc25f6f1b111f6⋯.jpg (94.03 KB,640x480,4:3,1406980491819.jpg)

 No.1074 [Open thread]

adnol your gay

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