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File: 9b4344249ec50ca⋯.jpg (152.88 KB,640x799,640:799,9d13ed40-0f25-4be4-b0ec-85….jpg)


selling owo's dox dm if interested

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File: da8d83414cf3a78⋯.png (146.1 KB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_4166.PNG)


Nice fucking trip faggot


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lmao @ PedoFink

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Here's a fact list:

- owo is a man

- owo is a confirmed transvestite

- xz is a gay man that camwhores on chaturbate

- owo met xz on chaturbate

- owo and xz were in a gay relationship for some time, probably still are

- owo since he broke up with xz collects orbiters such as visual

- owo, his bf and his orbiters get really mad and do massive damage control when you say anything from this fact list

Ask around if you don't believe me, fags.

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Oh, I forgot:

- owo lures beta virgins like JEWS in #8chan, JEWS gave owo +ao because he thought owo is a woman, when he's a mere trannie

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owo hates gays actually she says it whenever i talk about cute dicks

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>she says it

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kek to reread that, have no doubt it's true

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