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/ircsecrets/ - IRC CONFESSIONS

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File: 4811bab54e756eb⋯.png (347.27 KB,714x418,357:209,1503988706908.png)


Daily reminder two people with the [k00l] tag were caught with #/pone/ in their channel lists and none of them will respond when asked why they have people in there.

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shamoanjac and one other were in pony channels a year ago, so was capone and they're all polish, so maybe polish people are ponies

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It's our operations base, kiddo.

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[k00l] confirmed bronyfags

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File: f2bd172176e9402⋯.jpg (40.54 KB,489x489,1:1,mondiaraaaaarh.jpg)



they are not bronies or polish, they all actually are ponies pretending to be humans, but roleplaying as ponies! but they really are ponies.

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File: c79163fcc7346ea⋯.png (45.52 KB,1024x600,128:75,billbord.png)

How deep does this rabbit hole go, and when should I alert the Militpone High Command >>860

also low color depth OC

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File: 149856087cbd5ea⋯.png (914.25 KB,2000x2000,1:1,1448200324186.png)

/pone/ is best.

/mlp/ is gay.

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bump for truth

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