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/ircsecrets/ - IRC CONFESSIONS

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File: 572384a3dcc007a⋯.png (54.06 KB,249x350,249:350,diamond_tiara_by_korsoo-d9….png)


Only DiamondTiara could reunite us all and save #8chan from the NWO. Preserving us from the SJW and Jewish menace, annihilating, bullying their spooks with the magic of friendship alone, and blind the gay with nudes.

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File: 9ada85ee4cbd389⋯.jpg (20.4 KB,265x333,265:333,1509741344790.jpg)

File: 96121c98da4986a⋯.jpg (2.9 MB,2722x3079,2722:3079,no more.jpg)

Don't drag DT into this you nigerian, she dindu nuffin

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File: a7e3c3725a41dcf⋯.jpeg (34.36 KB,670x281,670:281,Ponies.jpeg)


JEWS/Enig/RatFink you're stale memes are more recycled than a walmart bag, a chimp made your low-quality hillary approved memes.


I don't see anything wrong with blinding the gays with nudes. I just point my AK at them but my I'm allergic to liberals so my trigger finger gets itchy.

Good work at OC, DiamondTiara you should give JEWS/Enig some drawing or basic MSPaint classes.

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File: c18db9ea0298d0e⋯.png (36.72 KB,1024x768,4:3,clothes.PNG)


Yep, I guess that would be a productive thing to do.

as for the current irc drama, what you need is to rule yourselves. not rule over others. so don't count on me to become your leader, I despite "leaders", they weaken you.

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marry me

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File: ab23f7b8b2d9894⋯.png (8.71 KB,593x587,593:587,colorstest.PNG)


I want you… to download and start using this magnificently crafted electronic computer program.


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/me pwns self to attract future bride

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File: fa6234273cbfc94⋯.jpeg (48.85 KB,837x466,837:466,6356776.jpeg)


you know what? I'm gonna buy some cigs and I'll be right back, alright?

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>waits two days

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File: fc7368fa239fb6e⋯.jpg (6.2 MB,2400x2400,1:1,02_224.jpg)


yeah so i was saying, I totally agree with >>626, the only thing I see now is that people just retweet, repost content and never create anything, And it's a shame i'm not even an original pon myself. But at least, posting stuff. that is not the decision of someone else or a quote from some big brain hippie or a soulless actor/celb.

Why can't we just kill these people. plain and simple

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File: 2cbbfb95b5c2d2b⋯.png (13.25 MB,2400x2400,1:1,eulapone.png)

so yeah i kind of ended up making my own quotes like this with a unfancy graphical vomit. Something as common in the 1980s backgrounds as Memphis design. Would even Qanon make such a work? Absolutely not, he's a loser.

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File: aa1096e68c45602⋯.png (5.8 MB,6400x6400,1:1,1274374.png)

I stopped counting how many LGBT "friends" liked this one on Facebook.

Fucking mongoloids can't even read. I could openly insult them with rainbows and they will also repost it on their daily emo-tranny motivational timelines full of «I am unique tell me I'm beautiful uwu»

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File: 812b5663ca838cb⋯.png (3.29 MB,2000x2000,1:1,believeinyourself.png)

I don't even believe in humans since a decade or something. They have been extinct and replaced with motorized terminals.

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File: 6ce022011bcf53d⋯.png (4.27 MB,1313x1248,101:96,5ea9daef9d8cde3c.png)

File: 6ce022011bcf53d⋯.png (4.27 MB,1313x1248,101:96,5ea9daef9d8cde3c.png)

They have the data. They have the control no government, no NSA, no project CybverSyn could even had so far.

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File: 064be053e2b6372⋯.jpg (504.11 KB,1920x1200,8:5,FxAYjgqH5yw.jpg)

I just wanted to save the world but I know it is beyond salvation.

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