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File: a12736a31ea3d42⋯.png (147.17 KB,329x248,329:248,muhselfesteem.png)


Have you wondered what a soft little two-faced pussy looks like.. you know, the one that acts all feminine when PMing girls, but pretends to be something he's not uses his e-powers to stop anyone from revealing his touchy, vindictive and deceitful side outside of PMs? His name is Mijin; the guy who likes to pretend that server-sided logs are fake when he tries to establish a 'truce' between somebody.

[18:03] <Mijin> I like to always one up people in arguments

[18:03] <Mijin> i've been known to take things REALLY far irl lol

[18:03] <Mijin> but the like 2 times i KIND of crossed the line and flited with you

[18:04] <Mijin> was really so that I could just say I was trolling you like ratfink suggested if you betrayed my trust

[18:04] <Mijin> and also just because I wanted to see what you would say I guess

[18:04] <Mijin> I like when girls give me attention lol

[18:04] <Mijin> but the fact that monroe tried to take that shit public to make me look bad made me want to retaliate

[18:05] <Mijin> and defend my image

[18:05] <Mijin> so there you go

[18:05] <Mijin> that's the 100% truth

[18:05] <Mijin> now I guess we'll see if you post it public

[18:06] <Mijin> and if you want i can call of tard and ratfink

[18:07] <Mijin> and post publicly some kind of announcement that we were just memeing eachother

[18:07] <Mijin> if you're willing to do the same

This is somebody who threatens to ascend to a fucking autistic super saiyan on cocaine if logs are leaked.

[18:25] <Mijin> I'm not going to unless you fuck me over

[18:26] <Mijin> but if you fuck me over I'm going to show you a level of autism the likes of which rizon has never seen before

He's a washout who talks about his low self-esteem.. which is transparently evident when he kicks and bans people who dare to question or say anything to him in what was once a free-for-all IRC channel until he paid $100 for ops because his balls and much-desired online social status shrunk so much he didn't have a choice. Heck, he probably doesn't even have balls any more and is recent eunuch, which is why he's trying to make up for it now.

[18:31] <Mijin> I just was trying to make it look like I was following ratfinks plan if shit blew up

[18:31] <Mijin> and also

[18:31] <Mijin> baiting for complements

[18:31] <Mijin> I guess lol

[18:31] <Mijin> if I'm being fully honest

[18:32] <Mijin> I kind of do but I kind of dont

[18:32] <Mijin> Like I know I'm good looking, but I still feel I'm inadequate sometimes

[18:32] <Mijin> likely because of my childhood

In his childhood, his dad probably diddled him. Let's not forget how he worries so much about his IRC reputation, it probably gives him more fucking nervous diarrhoea than a street-shitting pajeet.

[18:38] <Mijin> I used to enjoy trolling people on IRC

[18:39] <Mijin> but then it started to feel like work because I started worrying about my reputation like a faggot

[18:39] <Mijin> so

[18:39] <Mijin> I just feel like being fully honest now

[18:39] <Mijin> and enjoying irc

His 'best friend' probably pussy whips him into submission and makes him feel like a she-male.. because having low-self esteem issues while being best friends with some chick is telling.

[18:42] <Mijin> I honestly honestly honestly was not trying to woo you from monroe

[18:42] <Mijin> my best friend

[18:42] <Mijin> is a woman

[18:42] <Mijin> who is married with 2 kids

[18:42] <Mijin> we get along great

[18:42] <Mijin> i've known her for 10 years

Oh.. and he tries to manipulate chicks to get dirt on them because he's fucking petrified of girls in general.

[18:43] <Mijin> I said shit that

[18:43] <Mijin> monroe SHOULD have been mad about

[18:43] <Mijin> but i didn't know he was reading the log ffs

[18:43] <Mijin> or I wouldnt have said it

[18:43] <Mijin> which isn't REALLY right either

[18:43] <Mijin> but

[18:43] <Mijin> my motivation for doing it was just because i didnt trust you fully

[18:44] <Mijin> and I was trying to get you to say incriminating things i could use against you

He also likes to pretend he's seeing someone, and then immediately retracts that statement.

[18:53] <Mijin> Yep I feel the same

[18:53] <Mijin> I'm actually seeing someone on and off atm

[18:53] <Mijin> irl

[18:53] <Mijin> na I'm not lol

[18:53] <Mijin> I just figured that sounded good

He likes MILFs, and now pretends she's his fuck buddy. (read full logs). No doubt he gets sloppy seconds as she's out fucking other guys on the regular. He most likely tried to secure a relationship with her, but dribbled all over her pussy when he was trying to stick his dick in there because he has a hard time figuring out the female anatomy. By the way, someone send out a rescue crew, he's probably lost in narnia with NowhereFag, because they both give of extremely bisexual/gay vibes in #8chan.

full logs: https://pastebin.com/BMG6Fp9c – p.s: he has a love affair with princesskitana http://i.imgur.com/7JpALWD.png


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[18:04] <Mijin> I like when girls give me attention lol

[18:26] <Mijin> but if you fuck me over I'm going to show you a level of autism the likes of which rizon has never seen before

[18:32] <Mijin> Like I know I'm good looking, but I still feel I'm inadequate sometimes

[18:32] <Mijin> likely because of my childhood

[18:53] <Mijin> Yep I feel the same

[18:53] <Mijin> I'm actually seeing someone on and off atm

[18:53] <Mijin> irl

[18:53] <Mijin> na I'm not lol

[18:53] <Mijin> I just figured that sounded good

lol'd too hard at these bits btw

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File: 7112882abce2883⋯.jpg (33.01 KB,650x349,650:349,dangerous_sith.jpg.kkk.jpg)

Monroe, no one gives a shit about your thread.

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don't cut yourself too hard, bro.

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nice trip

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File: 9dc142da1b9b4f3⋯.gif (142.46 KB,1221x1007,1221:1007,1501617562618.gif)

well, he is a faggot.

but so are you.

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The fact that you save random dudes' dicks on your hard drive makes my sides orbit the Moon.



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File: 18004c2a9e05ea3⋯.jpg (84.82 KB,600x447,200:149,1w.jpg)


>implying I didn't just copy it over from imgur really quickly, upload it and delete it.

keep on crying, faggots.

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The technical subtleties don't matter. What matters is, you have a link to a dick pic, somewhere, that you've saved as if it was precious. I think you're a little bit confused about your sexuality.

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File: 7f3c6608c5e3e65⋯.png (268.77 KB,362x304,181:152,copythat.png)


okay; if you say so. ;D

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Based Mijin will BTFO the Jew mods: (((owo))) and (((JEWS))).

It will be a beginning of the new KKK era.

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File: 0fe50595d35ca8d⋯.png (49.73 KB,236x317,236:317,mijin.png)

…6 days later…

MijiSperg is still akicking half of the channel regulars and threatening everyone.

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nice normie meme

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<Mijin> how much power does it take to run a computer?

<Mijin> I stole a few computers from work

<Mijin> my power bills probably going to be like $500

<RatFink> run and extension cord to the neighbors

<Mijin> i've thought about it before

<Mijin> my white trash dna getting the best of me

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File: d534a0d1f9c2c14⋯.gif (754.46 KB,446x222,223:111,hafnhj.gif)

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