Great quotes:
Muh addiction|
5:2017-05-24 21:46:14 +missanthropy cedra, I know what mental illness means, lmfao.
9:2017-05-24 21:46:28 +missanthropy Once again, you're being a bit put-down-ish towards others because you don't agree with their opinion.
11:2017-05-24 21:46:34 +missanthropy <cedra> Coffee affects your daily life
12:2017-05-24 21:46:38 +missanthropy That's why coffee is a drug.
15:2017-05-24 21:46:47 +missanthropy That you can become addicted to.
17:2017-05-24 21:46:52 +missanthropy And addiction is a mental illness.
18:2017-05-24 21:46:57 +missanthropy Yes, addiction is a mental illness.
20:2017-05-24 21:47:09 +missanthropy As it affects your brain and your daily life.
Pedophile shit:
91628:2017-06-06 17:53:24 +missanthropy The age of consent in the US is retarded.
91632:2017-06-06 17:53:42 +missanthropy Tbh, 14 seems more reasonable than 16.
91645:2017-06-06 17:54:44 +missanthropy Prove to me objectively that they're depiction of children.
91646:2017-06-06 17:54:44 +missanthropy From what I remember, children tend to not be drawn figures.
91648:2017-06-06 17:54:54 +missanthropy Yeah, that is also a good point from there, cedra.
91655:2017-06-06 17:55:11 +missanthropy It's like when brushy was talking about that guy who got arrested for having dolls that "resembled children."
91661:2017-06-06 17:55:27 +missanthropy cedra; no, I don't like pedophile anime.
91665:2017-06-06 17:55:50 +missanthropy LOLLLLLL, DungPickle
91669:2017-06-06 17:56:32 +missanthropy cedra, even if it is possibly depictions drawn of people who look younger, it's still not real children.
91670:2017-06-06 17:56:43 +missanthropy Like, would you rather someone view things that are fake depictions or the real thing?
91673:2017-06-06 17:57:05 +missanthropy It's not hurting anyone so it's not necessarily morally wrong.
91684:2017-06-06 17:58:09 +missanthropy True, but pedophilia is just a sexual paraphilia that can't be helped like any paraphilia, so as long as they're not hurting anyone, they shouldn't be automatically hated, I think.
91687:2017-06-06 17:58:17 +missanthropy
91688:2017-06-06 17:58:20 +missanthropy ^ cedra
91693:2017-06-06 17:58:48 +missanthropy It's no different than being a masochist as long as you don't act on it, cedra, it's not like they can help feeling that way.
91694:2017-06-06 17:58:59 +missanthropy Also, many pedophiles were themselves abused when they were young.
91695:2017-06-06 17:59:12 +missanthropy Sexually or w/e.
91701:2017-06-06 17:59:48 +missanthropy Well, like, maybe it helps them deal with the feelings and it's not real kids, idk.
91704:2017-06-06 17:59:56 +missanthropy It'd be different if it was real kids in the videos and stuff.
91710:2017-06-06 18:00:13 +missanthropy cedra, how does it do the same thing? It doesn't hurt anyone, it's basically a victimless thing.
91717:2017-06-06 18:00:34 +missanthropy If it helps prevent them from looking at real children, then meh.
91721:2017-06-06 18:01:06 +missanthropy I don't think it always does but it's possible that it could for some people?
91722:2017-06-06 18:01:19 +missanthropy Or help them to not act on the feelings because it serves as a mostly innocent outlet?
91726:2017-06-06 18:01:58 +missanthropy There isn't really much we can do to fix pedophiles, anyway.
91727:2017-06-06 18:02:09 +missanthropy So hating them probably makes it worse, as long as they're not acting on it.
91728:2017-06-06 18:02:21 +missanthropy Like, they need therapy or w/e and that could be a type of therapy, maybe.
91736:2017-06-06 18:03:00 +missanthropy cedra, no, they can't, necessarily.
91740:2017-06-06 18:03:20 +missanthropy This is the same convo we had yesterday; you don't just easily get over your trauma or w/e.
91743:2017-06-06 18:03:58 +missanthropy cedra, people used to think that homosexual people had an illness and that they needed therapy, but you're not hurting anyone with your orientation so it's fine.
91746:2017-06-06 18:05:13 +missanthropy Paedophilia is a “sexual orientation” like being straight or gay, according to a criminal psychologist.
91747:2017-06-06 18:05:13