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Great quotes:

Muh addiction|

5:2017-05-24 21:46:14 +missanthropy cedra, I know what mental illness means, lmfao.

9:2017-05-24 21:46:28 +missanthropy Once again, you're being a bit put-down-ish towards others because you don't agree with their opinion.

11:2017-05-24 21:46:34 +missanthropy <cedra> Coffee affects your daily life

12:2017-05-24 21:46:38 +missanthropy That's why coffee is a drug.

15:2017-05-24 21:46:47 +missanthropy That you can become addicted to.

17:2017-05-24 21:46:52 +missanthropy And addiction is a mental illness.

18:2017-05-24 21:46:57 +missanthropy Yes, addiction is a mental illness.

20:2017-05-24 21:47:09 +missanthropy As it affects your brain and your daily life.


Pedophile shit:

91628:2017-06-06 17:53:24 +missanthropy The age of consent in the US is retarded.

91632:2017-06-06 17:53:42 +missanthropy Tbh, 14 seems more reasonable than 16.

91645:2017-06-06 17:54:44 +missanthropy Prove to me objectively that they're depiction of children.

91646:2017-06-06 17:54:44 +missanthropy From what I remember, children tend to not be drawn figures.

91648:2017-06-06 17:54:54 +missanthropy Yeah, that is also a good point from there, cedra.

91655:2017-06-06 17:55:11 +missanthropy It's like when brushy was talking about that guy who got arrested for having dolls that "resembled children."

91661:2017-06-06 17:55:27 +missanthropy cedra; no, I don't like pedophile anime.

91665:2017-06-06 17:55:50 +missanthropy LOLLLLLL, DungPickle

91669:2017-06-06 17:56:32 +missanthropy cedra, even if it is possibly depictions drawn of people who look younger, it's still not real children.

91670:2017-06-06 17:56:43 +missanthropy Like, would you rather someone view things that are fake depictions or the real thing?

91673:2017-06-06 17:57:05 +missanthropy It's not hurting anyone so it's not necessarily morally wrong.

91684:2017-06-06 17:58:09 +missanthropy True, but pedophilia is just a sexual paraphilia that can't be helped like any paraphilia, so as long as they're not hurting anyone, they shouldn't be automatically hated, I think.

91687:2017-06-06 17:58:17 +missanthropy http://www.independent.co.uk/news/paedophilia-sexual-orientation-straight-gay-criminal-psychologist-child-sex-abuse-a6965956.html

91688:2017-06-06 17:58:20 +missanthropy ^ cedra

91693:2017-06-06 17:58:48 +missanthropy It's no different than being a masochist as long as you don't act on it, cedra, it's not like they can help feeling that way.

91694:2017-06-06 17:58:59 +missanthropy Also, many pedophiles were themselves abused when they were young.

91695:2017-06-06 17:59:12 +missanthropy Sexually or w/e.

91701:2017-06-06 17:59:48 +missanthropy Well, like, maybe it helps them deal with the feelings and it's not real kids, idk.

91704:2017-06-06 17:59:56 +missanthropy It'd be different if it was real kids in the videos and stuff.

91710:2017-06-06 18:00:13 +missanthropy cedra, how does it do the same thing? It doesn't hurt anyone, it's basically a victimless thing.

91717:2017-06-06 18:00:34 +missanthropy If it helps prevent them from looking at real children, then meh.

91721:2017-06-06 18:01:06 +missanthropy I don't think it always does but it's possible that it could for some people?

91722:2017-06-06 18:01:19 +missanthropy Or help them to not act on the feelings because it serves as a mostly innocent outlet?

91726:2017-06-06 18:01:58 +missanthropy There isn't really much we can do to fix pedophiles, anyway.

91727:2017-06-06 18:02:09 +missanthropy So hating them probably makes it worse, as long as they're not acting on it.

91728:2017-06-06 18:02:21 +missanthropy Like, they need therapy or w/e and that could be a type of therapy, maybe.

91736:2017-06-06 18:03:00 +missanthropy cedra, no, they can't, necessarily.

91740:2017-06-06 18:03:20 +missanthropy This is the same convo we had yesterday; you don't just easily get over your trauma or w/e.

91743:2017-06-06 18:03:58 +missanthropy cedra, people used to think that homosexual people had an illness and that they needed therapy, but you're not hurting anyone with your orientation so it's fine.

91746:2017-06-06 18:05:13 +missanthropy Paedophilia is a “sexual orientation” like being straight or gay, according to a criminal psychologist.

91747:2017-06-06 18:05:13

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+missanthropy The idea that sexual attraction to children is an “orientation” is highly controversial as it suggests that offenders cannot change.

91748:2017-06-06 18:05:13 +missanthropy But, writing on the Reddit networking website, the psychologist said it was possible to treat child sex abusers on “the understanding that the attraction may always remain”.

91751:2017-06-06 18:05:23 +missanthropy Asked “can paedophiles actually change?”, the expert wrote: “I believe Paedophilic Disorder is a sexual orientation with individual that are attracted to child features. In other words, an individual with paedophilia has the same ingrained attraction that a heterosexual female may feel towards a male, or a homosexual feels towards their same gender.

91753:2017-06-06 18:05:49 +missanthropy “Treatment, to me, isn’t about modifying the orientation per se, but getting the individual to find more appropriate behaviours to engage in,” they wrote.

91754:2017-06-06 18:05:56 +missanthropy Likeeeee possibly watching drawn figures?

91755:2017-06-06 18:06:01 +missanthropy rofl, cedra.

91756:2017-06-06 18:06:38 +missanthropy It's kinda sad how quickly people are to jump on a pedophile and automatically hate them, if that were changed, maybe they'd be more open about it and you could help them.


More pedo shit

190142:2017-06-14 15:28:21 +missanthropy 16 is the age of consent in the US.

190149:2017-06-14 15:28:41 +missanthropy pong, well, yeah, but 16 is the AoC for most states.

190154:2017-06-14 15:28:55 +missanthropy cedra; well, that's the ridiculous part of the law.

190158:2017-06-14 15:29:07 +missanthropy It's legal to fuck them but illegal to have a picture of them naked.

190166:2017-06-14 15:29:52 +missanthropy I think AoC should be 14.

190170:2017-06-14 15:30:11 +missanthropy I know I was ready to fuck at 14.

190187:2017-06-14 15:33:30 +missanthropy Why shouldn't it be legal?

190188:2017-06-14 15:33:42 +missanthropy These are silly laws, women used to get married at 14 all the time and still do in some countries.

190189:2017-06-14 15:33:50 +missanthropy If the body is biologically ready for sex, why should it be illegal?

190192:2017-06-14 15:34:00 +missanthropy And don't say mental maturity because some people never mature mentally.

190195:2017-06-14 15:34:33 +missanthropy cedra, some people are never mature, as evidenced by some people on Rizon.

190198:2017-06-14 15:34:41 +missanthropy So I don't see any good argument for why it shouldn't be legalized.

190199:2017-06-14 15:34:44 +missanthropy To fuck a 14 year old.

190204:2017-06-14 15:35:08 +missanthropy If the body is biologically ready for sex, it seems silly to deny it based on a mere 4 years.

190205:2017-06-14 15:35:11 +missanthropy Or 2 years, even.


Still more pedophile shit:

<missanthropy> Ya, Nuclear unironically really likes pussy

31409:2017-07-02 21:18:13 | <missanthropy> what a faggot. xD

31415:2017-07-02 21:19:00 | <missanthropy> Lol, I mean, it *kind* of is. As long as the animal likes it and isn't being hurt, I don't see a problem w/it. Girls have sex w/dogs all the time.

31417:2017-07-02 21:19:21 | <missanthropy> Lol, hebephilia IS natural, though.

31419:2017-07-02 21:19:29 | <missanthropy> Incest is just hot because it's a social taboo.

31420:2017-07-02 21:19:41 | <yigd> missanthropy

31426:2017-07-02 21:20:11 | <missanthropy> >7

31427:2017-07-02 21:20:13 | <missanthropy> That's way too low.

31428:2017-07-02 21:20:17 | <missanthropy> Don't trigger me, rofl.

31430:2017-07-02 21:20:21 | <missanthropy> I mean, 13+ is basically okay.

31431:2017-07-02 21:20:21 | <yigd> no it isn't missanthropy

31433:2017-07-02 21:20:35 |

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<missanthropy> LOL.

31435:2017-07-02 21:20:46 | <missanthropy> Ya, Nuclear, there are some odd laws, for sure.

31437:2017-07-02 21:20:58 | <missanthropy> I think age of consent should be, like, 14.

31439:2017-07-02 21:21:14 | <missanthropy> And it's funny that in the US, you can join the military at 18 but you can't drink until you're 21.

31445:2017-07-02 21:21:40 | <missanthropy> Lots of first world countries have absurd laws, though.

31449:2017-07-02 21:22:20 | <missanthropy> Lol, that's true.


your buddies.

Jul 03 09:40:10 <missanthropy> ^

Jul 03 09:40:12 <Monroe> the channel has been perfect since. ;)

Jul 03 09:40:18 * Jesus changes the topic to: #8chan - lgbt funhouse | post your favorite gay panties | who here /lgbt/ | AIDS and proud | that's not funny, my cat is gay

Jul 03 09:40:20 <RatFink> sure, fixed in no time, yet you said FIVE HOURS

Jul 03 09:40:22 <Monroe> princesskitana: good for you, weirdo.

Jul 03 09:40:25 <Monroe> can't we all

Jul 03 09:40:26 <RatFink> man, you kids have shitty memories

Jul 03 09:40:34 <RatFink> what are ya gonna be like when you get to my age?

Jul 03 09:40:41 <missanthropy> Er, no, I can't

Jul 03 09:40:46 <missanthropy> how the fuck would you have 50 nicks

Jul 03 09:40:47 <missanthropy> wtf

Jul 03 09:40:48 <RatFink> practically half senile in your 20s

Jul 03 09:40:50 <Jesus> if you never played POGS, you aren't even a childhood or a 90's kid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA4YOPqMS-w

Jul 03 09:40:51 <RatFink> LMFAO

Jul 03 09:40:52 <princesskitana> Monroe your lil normie bot isn't match for the spam I can do.

Jul 03 09:40:54 <Monroe> [14:38:13] <JEWS> where you said you're irrationally avoiding me

Jul 03 09:41:05 <JEWS> oh boy i'm getting involved

Jul 03 09:41:07 <Monroe> I said I was avoiding you.. not that it was irrational

Jul 03 09:41:12 <missanthropy> princesskitana: then do it.

Jul 03 09:41:13 <jmanfatty> too late now JEWS

Jul 03 09:41:18 <missanthropy> Let's see proof.

Jul 03 09:41:19 <JEWS> you did say it was irrational, Monroe

Jul 03 09:41:20 <Monroe> lol.. don't highlight and inject yourself into conversation with me then.

Jul 03 09:41:22 <Casey> .np

Jul 03 09:41:23 <yigd> LOL ETHAN

Jul 03 09:41:24 <JEWS> "you don't need a reason for it"

Jul 03 09:41:26 * Casey is bouncing to 'Gipsy & Queen - Love'

Jul 03 09:41:29 <RatFink> OH NO PK< PROOF IT

Jul 03 09:41:33 <jmanfatty> see that's why you should marry me pk. I have bot armies on standby. over 9000 at my command

Jul 03 09:41:34 <RatFink> PROOOOF ITTTTTTTTTTTT

Jul 03 09:41:34 <Jesus> I got POGS for my birthday

Jul 03 09:41:35 <Monroe> JEWS: did I say 'irrational'?

Jul 03 09:41:36 <Monroe> no.

Jul 03 09:41:37 <RatFink> oy vey

Jul 03 09:41:37 <Monroe> end of the story.

Jul 03 09:41:38 <princesskitana> MissA your lil sailor bot will stop me?

Jul 03 09:41:55 <RatFink> fake up a log to PROOF IT, princesskitana. it is what missanthropy does all the time

Jul 03 09:41:59 <JEWS> "it's not irrational but my actions aren't determined by reason"

Jul 03 09:42:01 <Casey> hahaha

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Jul 03 09:42:02 <zof> highly irrational postings from monroe today

Jul 03 09:42:04 <Casey> he harrassed me

Jul 03 09:42:07 <Casey> he said his name is Casey

Jul 03 09:42:11 <Casey> THATS A GIRLS NAME


Jul 03 09:42:24 <Monroe> it's determined by reasoning of which I decided not to made known in this channel, JEWS

Jul 03 09:42:30 <princesskitana> jmanfatty the botnet you have is welcomed to take down normie monroe and his duo partner MissA

Jul 03 09:42:37 <jmanfatty> well

Jul 03 09:42:38 <Monroe> but.. if you really want a reason.. I just think you're an irritating board faggot.

Jul 03 09:42:38 <jmanfatty> I mean

Jul 03 09:42:41 <jmanfatty> I could flood the chan

Jul 03 09:42:44 <jmanfatty> but then everyone loses

Jul 03 09:42:46 <jmanfatty> lol

Jul 03 09:42:49 <Monroe> and I'm not the only one who privately held that opinion

Jul 03 09:42:51 <jmanfatty> do you have some social media profiles :)?

Jul 03 09:42:55 <Jesus> is kamille a girl's name

Jul 03 09:42:55 <princesskitana> Its them

Jul 03 09:42:59 <JEWS> i know pretty much nothing about you, but i'm finding the black swans like you're made of them

Jul 03 09:43:02 <Hydrastra> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sgycukafqQ

Jul 03 09:43:12 <Monroe> JEWS: okay, stop talking to me then. I don't care about you.

Jul 03 09:43:16 <Jesus> I like the music Hydrastra is linking

Jul 03 09:43:19 <Monroe> you're a nobody.

Jul 03 09:43:33 <jmanfatty> damn

Jul 03 09:43:38 <JEWS> i'm not a gossip autist, therefore i'm nobody

Jul 03 09:43:40 <princesskitana> normie Monroe is becoming agitated now

Jul 03 09:43:40 <jmanfatty> ain't that some shit

Jul 03 09:43:44 <Jesus> we should make an 8ch board for music like this

Jul 03 09:43:48 <Jesus> brb mod.php

Jul 03 09:43:56 <Jesus> we cna post webms

Jul 03 09:44:01 <Jesus> music webm

Jul 03 09:44:19 <princesskitana> Jesus has some good intentions to bring music to this bitter squabbling.

Jul 03 09:44:26 <Monroe> I don't think owning an 8ch board dedicated to lolcow-tier gossip detracts from you being a gossip autist, JEWS.

Jul 03 09:44:27 <Jesus> being cool is about ironically downloading lossless discographies of music you hate

Jul 03 09:44:30 <Monroe> you're weird imo.

Jul 03 09:44:43 <Monroe> anyhow. this is getting boring.

Jul 03 09:44:48 <JEWS> you're fleeing

Jul 03 09:44:56 <yigd> Jesus!

Jul 03 09:44:57 <Jesus> and listening them in super fidelity on $1600 headphones

Jul 03 09:44:58 <Hydrastra> Jesus, just doing my part

Jul 03 09:45:03 <jmanfatty> Monroe confirmed loses

Jul 03 09:45:12 <t–manyt-c-unt> which one of you guys is "dep which one of you twaffles is informing the feds about our "dark web" convos

Jul 03 09:45:20 <Hydrastra> JEWS, i'm a nobody too

Jul 03 09:45:23 <princesskitana> normie Monroe loses

Jul 03 09:45:31 <RatFink> oh, this is just a typical missanthropy meltdown where she rages at people over literally

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Jul 03 09:45:41 <RatFink> it is part of being an alcoholic BPD cunt

Jul 03 09:45:44 <zof> jews is among maybe 6-7 we don't be gassing

Jul 03 09:45:45 <Jesus> just install cloveros dude

Jul 03 09:45:49 <zof> yea RatFink

Jul 03 09:45:50 <jmanfatty> lol

Jul 03 09:45:58 <Hydrastra> kek

Jul 03 09:46:02 <JEWS> a tiny minority of a tiny minority

Jul 03 09:46:46 <yigd> ever meet a leprechaun

Jul 03 09:47:00 <yigd> dass mah bro

Jul 03 09:47:00 <Casey> ye i saw one once

Jul 03 09:47:16 <t–manyt-c-unt> so Jay Z called out the jews

Jul 03 09:47:16 <RatFink> and I do love when missanthropy tries to throw morality or even good sense at people, she is married woman with a child who literally fucks mentally ill men and lies like crazy all the time

Jul 03 09:47:23 <princesskitana> Under the rainbow

Jul 03 09:47:23 <RatFink> she has no moral ground to stand on

Jul 03 09:47:25 <RatFink> none

Jul 03 09:47:39 <jmanfatty> damn

Jul 03 09:47:44 <JEWS> CUCK

Jul 03 09:47:44 <jmanfatty> I feel like this just went next-level

Jul 03 09:47:46 <yigd> t–manyt-c-unt go on

Jul 03 09:48:07 <t–manyt-c-unt> lemme get quote

Jul 03 09:48:10 <RatFink> she does literally cuckold her husband

Jul 03 09:48:14 <yigd> jewish leprechauns

Jul 03 09:48:19 <RatFink> she even had one schizo living with them

Jul 03 09:48:20 <yigd> i know one, and you do too

Jul 03 09:48:30 <RatFink> all three crazies and one poor 4 year old in one house

Jul 03 09:48:33 <RatFink> can you imagine?

Jul 03 09:48:53 <jmanfatty> damn

Jul 03 09:48:59 <RatFink> oh look, they ran away again

Jul 03 09:49:08 <princesskitana> hmm…

Jul 03 09:49:09 <RatFink> or is this the eye of the spergnado?

Jul 03 09:49:19 <jmanfatty> I think RatFink peepeepoopoo'd some real shit for the win

Jul 03 09:49:46 <JEWS> lol i'm hiding joins and parts

Jul 03 09:49:48 <RatFink> and yes, I know ir is hurricanes that have eyes but I can't fit "sperg" into hurricane

Jul 03 09:49:53 <jmanfatty> lol JEWS

Jul 03 09:49:54 <jmanfatty> nice

Jul 03 09:50:05 <RatFink> spergicane? see?

Jul 03 09:50:09 <RatFink> no one would get that


Jul 03 09:50:23 <princesskitana> Its funny yesterday they kept cheering they won and cereleun or however their name is spelled rage quit

Jul 03 09:50:25 <Ponyo> :o

Jul 03 09:50:31 <Monroe> lol. Ratfink. you're so stupid. you really don't understand or know very much, do you?

Jul 03 09:50:34 <Ponyo> Herro

Jul 03 09:50:36 <RatFink> i saw some of that last night, princesskitana

Jul 03 09:50:41 <Hydrastra> the consequences of whoring yourself out on irc

Jul 03 09:50:41 <RatFink> it was pretty cringey

Jul 03 09:50:45 <JEWS> oh he's back

Jul 03 09:50:46 <Monroe> anyhow.. the lack of intelligence in this channel is genuinely becoming emetic. god damn.

Jul 03 09:50:49 * Ponyo drop kicks Monroe into the abyss

Jul 03 09:50:54 <t–manyt-c-unt> You wanna know what’s more important than throwin’ away money at a strip club? Credit You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? This how they did it

Jul 03 09:50:54 <jmanfatty> lol

Jul 03 09:50:54 <Jesus> i used to be pro-gay until i saw some of the disgusting, heinous shit they do. the most grotesque thing is how they destroyed civilization. now i just mow down fag enablers without a second thought

Jul 03 09:50:55 <JEWS> and there he goes


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<missanthropy> I just dated a guy when I was 13 and he was 19 and he was, like, my first "real love" and I was definitely ready for it…..So ofc, lol. I'm not a pedo, myself, though.

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LOL @ missanthropy. Another trap slut uncovered. As always, good job anon.

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File: a2eb57ddf020576⋯.jpg (62.51 KB,590x474,295:237,wow-this-dubs.jpg)

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File: a0e3d11f12ca418⋯.jpg (30.18 KB,212x252,53:63,ScreenHunter_897 Jun. 10 1….jpg)

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The gift that keeps on giving

<tard> missanthropy masturbated while talking to hkm on the phone

Fucking amazing

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File: d6ef789a9087119⋯.png (142.07 KB,660x627,20:19,milo.png)

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<swanky> >whiteknighting a troll

<+missanthropy> >thinking missanthropy is a troll

<swanky> >not realizing I meant missanthropy was the white knight

<+missanthropy> >using the term white-knight to refer to any male who cares about a female on IRC

<+missanthropy> >using these 8utistic terms cuz you never touched a female in your life and don't know what friendship is


<+missanthropy> Lol, you legit sound like a fucking retard when you use those terms swanky.

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<missanthropy> Lol, maybe I am trying too hard to see the best in people.

<missanthropy> ROFL, this fucking faggot autist.

<missanthropy> Lol, I would just leave it if you wanted me to, Monroe. :P:P

<missanthropy> I know I wanted to before and I got drawn in by kind PMs.


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File: 948d95a930527a8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.86 KB,480x640,3:4,miss_anthropy.jpg)

Jul 12 01:00:10 <Monroe> I like seldom going outside

Jul 12 01:00:15 <Monroe> I'm legit like a fucking hermit. ;)

Jul 12 01:02:51 <Monroe> lol, I'm definitely not larping, I'm being 100% real

Jul 12 01:02:58 <Monroe> it's hardly something I'm ashamed about

Jul 12 01:02:59 »» %NowhereMan shudders

Jul 12 01:03:01 <xuaqua> hi Monroe

Jul 12 01:03:08 <zof> it is something to be ashamed about monroe

You can't make this shit up!

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MissAnthropy is a dogfucker:

Aug 01 03:28:39 <+Ponyo> missanthropy: but i dont fuck a dog like you though

and minutes later…

Aug 01 03:29:57 <missanthropy> Bestiality is legal in Nevada.

Aug 01 03:30:01 <acidspaces> payne

Aug 01 03:30:02 <missanthropy> I can fuck dogs as much as I want.

Aug 01 03:30:07 <yigd> pills :D

Aug 01 03:30:08 <+Ponyo> missanthropy: so you admit

Aug 01 03:30:12 <Casey> underprivilegedwhite no i mean the umaru-chan joke

Aug 01 03:30:12 <+Ponyo> Kewl missanthropy

Aug 01 03:30:18 <+Ponyo> I was right then

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Oh, shit… fug. You caught me. God damn it.. I've been forever exposed as someone who embraces being a hermit. Lol.


Yeah, man. She fucks the Easter Bunny too, did you hear? Woah.

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Dogs and bunnies?

So anything with fur and a penis?

So why does she like you, Monroe?

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File: e947a269534b3fc⋯.jpg (122.81 KB,1077x958,1077:958,1501874550148.jpg)


that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about her

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The worst part of this thread is being associated with someone who isn't my Mom. REEEE, 8CHAN, REEEE, STOP ITTTT. Haha. ;)

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File: c7def92d22ea62c⋯.png (39.19 KB,474x657,158:219,BWpPNI4.png)

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / ausneets / cyber / fit / kpop / pen / random / tingles / wtp ]