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/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

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Welcome to AGDG, keep working on your game anon!
See also: /ideaguy/ | /vm/

File: c5b2b89de27dca0⋯.gif (237.98 KB,752x484,188:121,pixel_waterfall.gif)

7d45ab No.28950 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post what you're dithering on.

Previous thread >>24615

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b9e6cf No.34410

File: 827af1991cbc6f2⋯.webm (743.11 KB,995x560,199:112,2021_06_15_18_52_49.webm)

Getting closer to a vertical slice. So much art to do...

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File: 78270f86152f273⋯.png (768.09 KB,2000x1987,2000:1987,toned_black_agdg.png)

bd16be No.34348 [Open thread]

Welcome to /agdg/.


Old news/meta thread got corrupted, image was lost, so I'm starting a new one.

We're going through time of turmoil yet again and it's understandable that many don't want to stay on 8kun. The agdg community deserves to stay together, so the wiki features a list of all the currently active bunkers and alternative boards:


Should this place become abandoned, it shall remain an archive of our efforts over the years.

The rules

Please discuss all aspects of game development here.

Make a thread for the game you are working, it will be lovely to follow your stuff. If you want to develop your game concepts or have small tech questions, go to the design/implementation thread >>29080.

Do not spam or dox. Spoiler any NSFW images. Spamming is defined as making the exact same post over and over again (I'm looking at you pickle rick), or deliberately trying to hit a thread's bump limit and will get you permabanned.

If a post or thread needs policing, report it and move on. Also, feel free to send any suggestions, critique and complaints in this thread.


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File: c64ab35143bc804⋯.jpg (173.03 KB,738x681,246:227,16719726895110.jpg)

71210f No.34429 [Open thread]

Sup 8 kun, I'm an amateur 3D modeler with a Russian-language image board. I can model low-poly robots, maybe locations, and if I gain more experience, an optimized mid-poly hard surface. I'm looking for a developer working for GODOT, I'm ready to join an existing projeSap 8 kun, I'm an amateur 3D modeler with a Russian-language image board. I can model low-poly robots, maybe locations, and if I gain more experience, an optimized mid-poly hard surface. I'm looking for a developer working for GODOT, I'm ready to join an existing project or help start a new one, I can help brainstorm ideas and concepts, make 3D models, rigs for them, textures, animations, 2D elements for menus, music. I have an amateurish level of knowledge of Linux, I tried to develop games myself on GODOT, but the problem is that I’m not a coder. My main requirement is the lack of responsibility and payment, I am ready to fit into a non-profit project of one or two people. my working software is blender, krita, gimp, milky tracker. My sidekick, a programmer-sysadmin, can also provide all possible help, but he is usually very busy. I can communicate via matrixct or help start a new one, I can help brainstorm ideas and concepts, make 3D models, rigs for them, textures, animations, 2D elements for menus, music. I have an amateurish level of knowledge of Linux, I tried to develop games myself on GODOT, but the problem is that I’m not a coder. My main requirement is the lack of responsibility and payment, I am ready to fit into a non-profit project of one or two people. my working software is blender, krita, gimp, godot, milky tracker. I can communicate via matrix @miyuki-chan:matrix.org

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71210f No.34430

Something crazy happened to the text of the post, I don’t know how it happened, in short, someone contact me

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71210f No.34431

File: caba5b7378afbaa⋯.jpg (554.04 KB,1024x768,4:3,17117322648330.jpg)

This strange site somehow completely loads my Ryzen 5800x radeon 5700x PC with 64 gigabytes of RAM, so I will not check the thread in the future. write to the specified address in matrix.

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File: aaad168d10de2bf⋯.jpg (40.34 KB,1280x720,16:9,apes.jpg)

8b1ec4 No.34397 [Open thread]

Why hasn't everyone here yet banded together to form a single, unified indie studio? Surely one cannot deny that a team would make more progress, and do so faster, than individual devs could apart. Its worked for farmers and it can work for indie game devs.

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bac913 No.34399


Everyone's got their own project. I have my own and I'm not really interested in dropping that to work on somebody else's idea. Honestly there were actually a lot of really good projects on here before things went to shit. I presume many of them are still active, just under the radar for now or on a different site. I know the guy who's making Shinobu Project / Viva Project is going strong at least, I believe the Peripeteia devs are still going too. Unconventional Warfare is on Steam and updated not too long ago... So they're all there and devving, for all the memes a lot of people here are actually doing really well, it's just that this place has gone to shit ever since it was shut down and it looks like we haven't regrouped anywhere yet

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04221a No.34428

I remember that when our office of my company had our own IT department, it was also like this. We almost had to beg for help. Then our general manager hired it support and services https://asd.team/expertise/travel-and-hospitality/ and those external guys started really doing their job well. And nobody has ever shown to us that we were kind of inferior.

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File: 6c29250141760ca⋯.png (12.33 KB,400x400,1:1,AGDG.png)

789be3 No.29080 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Interested of getting into game dev?

Got a small question not worth it's own thread?

Wondering how to move forward?

This thread is for you!

Dev resources



- Gamemaker: http://docs.yoyogames.com/source/dadiospice/000_using%20gamemaker/index.html

- Unity: http://unity3d.com/learn

- UE4 tutorials and resources: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?483-Community-Tutorials-for-UE4

- Godot: https://github.com/okamstudio/godot/wiki

- Sly: https://github.com/guildhall/guile-sly (2D)

- Xenko: https://xenko.com/ (2D/3D)

- Construct 2: https://www.scirra.com/ (2D)

- Urho3D: https://urho3d.github.io/


- Python: http://www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/python

- Javascript: http://www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/javascript


- WebGL Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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8c71de No.34382


>It would be nice to also have something for the linux terminal, but I can't find a very straightforward tutorial.

Nothing is straightforwards in linux lol

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282082 No.34404


Aren't VNs just pictures with text and buttons which lead to other pictures?

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282082 No.34405


>Nothing is straightforwards in linux lol

actually the funny thing is that programming is one of the few things which is easier in Linux IMO. Most Linux distros come bundled with all the compilers you need all set up and ready to use, just g++ code.cpp and you're off. Windows was a fucking pain to set C++ up for, it delayed my nodev life by a couple years because I was too much of a dumb shota to figure out how to set up compiler

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519f49 No.34426

Absolutely! I've dabbled in game dev. For quick Qs, forums like Reddit's gamedev or Unity's community are gold. Dive into tutorials, start small, and keep creating!

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1c4972 No.34427

I was wondered whom I can to contact to develop the app I want. Are there any good custom web portal development services like https://www.digiteum.com/web-portal-development/ . As I know that one is a good service whcih can create u the saas web app but may be there are any others?

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File: 48973bb47b9c09a⋯.jpg (61.22 KB,512x512,1:1,uw_logo.jpg)

4d8f08 No.32403 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

UW is a tactical shooter with waifus.

Posting progress and answering questions and stuff.

Harsh critiques are welcome!

twitter : https://twitter.com/unwargame

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8bf6c9 No.34320

File: d0113d01798b15f⋯.jpg (14.14 KB,227x225,227:225,loli_out.jpg)

tactical lolis confirmed???

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83f585 No.34356

Is there realistic gore and bruises? I'd love to shoot more women.

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e661c4 No.34393

File: 105d662b4198f0e⋯.webm (3.94 MB,817x604,817:604,jam_icon.webm)

sorry for the absence but we're still working hard makin progress after the successful kickstarter.

sadly agdg here seems less and less active...

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8888fd No.34402


>sadly agdg here seems less and less active...

yeah this place is kill. Ah well happy to see you guys are still going

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9bbb44 No.34425

If you want to gamble and expect the most successful results, it is worth spending at least a little time to find and choose a reliable online casino. For me it is Playfina, although it is a fairly new online casino that has been operating since 2022. Click this link https://playfinacasinoaus.com if you have not heard anything about this casino. It won't be surprising, because now there are a lot of casinos, both popular and new.

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File: 1445288881386.swf (1.8 MB,Kike_Klicker.swf)

692a13 No.23218 [Open thread]

Ever wished you could carry out Hitler's dream? Want to rid the world of those filthy Jews?

Well let me introduce "Kike Klicker", a shit knock-off of the somewhat well known autistic time waster "Cookie Clicker"


It's currently pre-pre-pre-alpha, honestly just uploading this version for shits and giggles.

Suggestions welcome.

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d45e74 No.29391

File: ac856d53a73abb5⋯.jpg (12.83 KB,209x140,209:140,plane1.jpg)

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d0d0d8 No.29804


Godot confirmed for /ourengine/.

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283d36 No.33604

How do you run the final version? The one that was posted in 2016.

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ade167 No.34396


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de7c5e No.34412


daily reminder:

Shekel Clicker Still exists


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File: 46423479fcf7360⋯.gif (243.37 KB,639x493,639:493,1622330594223.gif)

3eb358 No.34411 [Open thread]

In case anyone still doesn't know, most people left 8kun some time ago due to technical problems with the site, disagreements with the rebranding (8chan -> 8kun) and other things that came along with it such as the disclaimer on posts, and the final nail in the coffin was some controversy regarding loli imagery.

The /v/ userbase split into 2 major parts, https://zzzchan.xyz/v/ for people who didn't like Mark (the original /v/ BO), and https://8chan.moe/v/ for those who did. Both have an /agdg/ thread.

There's also an /agdg/ board that is connected to zzzchan through a "webring", though it's not very lively:


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File: 9d65d3c2c935bd4⋯.png (179.16 KB,700x1280,35:64,icup7trophypic.png)

e5980d No.34407 [Open thread]

Hey guys, /icup/ here with a question on how we're going to handle the next iteration of the Infinity Cup ( https://anon.cafe/icup/ )

We're trying to poll whether certain boards are interested in playing in the cup, or if there's some specific team that you'd like to see play. If you want to, please answer or add your own answer to the poll in https://poal.me/6x3j1u

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File: 73585b814ec98db⋯.png (14.72 KB,1113x346,1113:346,1.PNG)

0c1988 No.33075 [Open thread]

Users on my Discord recommended I share the game more so here I am; The Bad Grammar Loliconman to present:

Lolicon Market.


Lolicon Market is a text-based (Lolicon/Shota) dating sim. While the game is still being improved, I pride myself on user input and a multiple choice story where almost every choice has an effect on the story; from massive to the hypocrite.

The game is the first game I ever made with twine and...Well, I was banned from twine discord instantly and told I could never host it on their site due to the Admin being triggered. I respect honesty and love to receive both good and bad input, but if you're not a lolicon I'd recommend not to even play it.

Hope you enjoy, next update coming out on the 15th to remedy small bugs and most of the typos.

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127a2b No.33150

File: e4ef76d611af8c7⋯.jpg (125.15 KB,601x583,601:583,smug_kuroko.jpg)

>implying I'd let my sister/daughter anywhere near a public school

>implying I'd let my sister/daughter/ anywhere near my degenerate habits

>implying I wouldn't let them go for my sister/daughter's sake

Anyway, definitely needs some editing work. To name two examples, "gestor" should be "gesture" and

>"'You’re doing well! Don't be shy, my sister here to be your new friend.'"

is missing an "is" between "sister" and "here", though even then the sentence sounds a bit off.

Otherwise I kind of wish there were more customization choices. Even if simple, like hair/eye color. I'm still playing through it, but so far I kind of wish there were more options; feels too linear.

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127a2b No.33151

File: e6f249412f791dd⋯.jpg (140.91 KB,900x636,75:53,wutkit.jpg)


>Soon after your sister begun grade school, you often see her with her two friends you introducted to her.

Wait, there was another? I only met Suika.

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127a2b No.33152

File: bfc3eb9f5389ea8⋯.jpg (52.91 KB,594x439,594:439,newspaper_really_m8.jpg)



>daddy has anger issues normal temperature for modern first-worlders

>scold daughter

>get pressured into apologizing

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127a2b No.33161

File: 9a980a173c6a76a⋯.webm (2.09 MB,568x360,71:45,SWTOR_-_le_Dark_Side.webm)

File: c28374c9b213974⋯.gif (426.7 KB,200x198,100:99,wait_what.gif)

>mother is a CEO

>cannot afford the bills whilst paying for the condominium

Don't remember, but is he just paying the bills, or mortgage as well? If the latter as well, why doesn't he just move to a smaller abode? If he isn't allowed to sell the house, why doesn't he change the ownership? If it's more complicated then just visiting a government center, why doesn't he go to court? Doesn't really matter, and I understand that the point is that the parents really don't give a shit about their children, but still.

Also, the default age says "18", but now I'm 24? Then I think it says I'm younger again, I don't know.

>have a thing for tomboys

But I don't actually I do, at least not Jewesses, unless she was supposed to be Anglo-Saxon-Hibernian shouldn't I be able to choose? Or is it based on how high the love meter is?

Otherwise, I select options that read, for example, "Smoking isn't for everyone", yet then there's all this extra stuff I did not anticipate when selecting. Vid related.

Also, I don't remember meeting Redia on day 2. Also also, what was that about the sister and her room? Is it revealed later or what? Most people would ask why everything strewn about and why she's crying.

I don't know if text games or Japanese VN are like this, if so, then I guess I shouldn't complain too much. I have not really played VNs. Anyway, I enjoyed it (really, there's something comfy about games like that), but the earlier chapters definitely need to be tuned before continuing.

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eafa48 No.34406


kill yourself discordfaggot. might as well tell us about reddit too.

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File: 0e93308cff5c51b⋯.jpg (129.91 KB,678x832,339:416,0e93308cff5c51b98c9ce7eec6….jpg)

475454 No.34332 [Open thread]

Genuinely curious. I'm in a trap. Every game feels like a huge waste of time, but at the same time I am feeling some burnout and need to relax. Playing games seems like it'd be a good way to re-ignite my passion, but I can't even pick them up anymore. Is anyone else suffering this problem?

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62e5d6 No.34345


I like how you keep track of your relax time and dev time. I was trying to do the same, but I had a huge hole in my productivity because I was trying to shuffle my life around so I could work part time. Failed.

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c0d19f No.34395

"Gaming" is a manchildren hobby that serves only one purpose: to get you dopamine addicted on (((product))).

Deving has a pass because it serves a creative purpose. There is no reason to play games. Make them instead and earn money from other suckers' addiction to them.

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6dfea4 No.34398

Thank you very much guys. Appreciated your gaming post.

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f4ef7e No.34401

File: 8ab4508375c711d⋯.png (8.64 KB,927x222,309:74,regret.png)


That's your chart? Haha nice I like this kind of autistic time management. I should probably start doing it, right now I just use my Github calendar thing

Before the pandemic I had a routine where I'd go out for about 4-5 hours on my laptop after waking up and basically just dev. Between that and eating it'd generally be late afternoon when I got back home. Then I'd go home and try to do some other creativity thing like watch an anime episode or something. Then the pandemic fucked me up because I was used to doing things outside so study and gaming took up all my time.

Right now I'm just getting back into a good routine. Wake up early around 8am, do morning shit for 1-2 hours, go out for 4-5 hours to dev, then a couple hours of studies, then go home and fuck around or go to work. Seems to work for me. For some reason I basically haven't gamed at all this past week, it seems to come in phases like with >>34335. I think I kinda gamed myself out through the pandemic so I'm good for a while. I was just playing shitty timesink stuff like Rome 2 anyway. I know gaming shouldn't feel like work but I'm more proud of the times when I made structured decisions about my gaming, like playing through all of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark over a couple months. I think I'll get back into that and maybe start doing that in the afternoons when I get back from devving and studies. Like just pick 2-3 games and just focus on those instead of having 100 Steam games installed.

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55462e No.34409


lol. Enjoy your nodev

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File: 1dc800a5e3b45e0⋯.jpg (144.28 KB,1882x1155,1882:1155,Untitled-1.jpg)

71e463 No.33528 [Open thread]

Does anyone even still post here?

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29ba42 No.33552

I still lurk but I don't have any progress to post. Hopefully soon.

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923107 No.34017

Working on a casino mobile game for some easy cash flow. Unity is incredibly fast, though its taking more time than I anticipated - but I should have a complete prototype done within the month. My only real problem is that I'm not an artist, and the only good artist I know is a true artist who doesn't work unless 'inspired', yet he still asks me to do the work regularly. I have no money to pay someone and the game isn't going to make enough money to make royalty system worth it. Just trying to break out of wage slaving, piece by piece.

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f59a9d No.34385


>Godot is harder than Unity


Godot is dead easy just look up some online tutorials.

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000000 No.34390


As this anon suggested >>33533, Unity is too easy too learn now, they even make their premium content free due to Corona-chan outbreak.

I recommend you to start with C# course before jumping into other courses.


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66b3e3 No.34392

you will gamedev

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File: 1461688077594.png (7.58 KB,200x72,25:9,Godot_(game_engine)_logo.s….png)

0746c3 No.26553 [Open thread]

So I have actual experience with coding in multiple languages, but for games I mainly use Construct 2 for development due to simplicity, etc, etc. I have my own minor problems with it, but I'm gonna be taking on a larger project soon, so I'm wondering if learning godot would be a better choice.

Note that I took a quick look at the docs before, and it looked a little complicated, so I passed on learning it...

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05146d No.33560


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105ec5 No.33601

Godot is bredy gud. Learning it myself atm, gdscript is a lot like python but it also has visual scripting. and there's more tutorials being put on youtube every day.

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573702 No.33603


Just a shame that the 3.x versions are not that toaster friendly.

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240686 No.34383

Godot is by far one of the easiest game engines to use, plus there are tonnes of resources on JewTube and Joogle. Definitely recommend it, its also rather fast for prototyping and getting something 2D/3D working from the ground up

You just have to wrap your head around how the node structures/hierarchies work.

There are a whole bunch of sample projects within its online repository

Also you can check this Github repo out for a bunch of nice tools and plugins people have developed for Godot.


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c81637 No.34388

Been looking into Godot. Think I'll start using it for my projects. Don't know why. I think it's because I want something new for myself.

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File: 0154f0f9146bcd6⋯.png (25.88 KB,423x364,423:364,combat.png)

File: 1ee2ba32ac6d04f⋯.png (77.66 KB,692x620,173:155,city objects.png)

File: 1ef9f623e2ad1b9⋯.png (18.64 KB,594x387,66:43,raft.png)

File: eb68ce94cef91e4⋯.png (32.01 KB,695x343,695:343,trade cart.png)

e5cced No.33710 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Crafting, construction, tech advancement and capital investment inspired by TerraFirmaCraft.

Combat, talents, leveling and gear inspired by vanilla WoW.

>Build persistent structures

>Found or join a city, and (optionally) share tools, resources and storage

>Declare war on an individual player or a rival city

>Engage in trade

>Unlock new tech through crafting and construction

>Use vehicles to cross rivers or move goods

>A mix of history and mythology

Still a ton of work left to go, including the majority of content. There are no dungeons yet, and tech only spans from the stone age to tin (no copper/bronze/iron yet).

The reason I'm making this thread now is that I've finally implemented rudimentary client-side prediction of movement; before that the game was unplayable at moderate–high latencies.

Download the client: http://hellas.timgurto.com/client.zip

72 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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130d38 No.34311


You can ask people to click on publicity for you like some private MMO servers did back in the day. Also, since it's on github, what are the rules for contributing to your project?

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076c5b No.34322


It's on Github primarily because it's free. I'd be happy to merge pull requests that fix bugs, but more hesitant for anything else.

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8fd1a9 No.34355


I noticed your github page is down, what happened?

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70c5f0 No.34360

The github repository has vanished.

I would probably be able to encapsulate the network code and make it run on Linux/Mac if winsock is the only obstacle there.

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bff395 No.34386

Sorry for the lack of replies; I've pretty much migrated to 8chan.moe. Not that it's all that active there.

I made the repo private, because I don't want copycats. It's mostly the server that concerns me though; I'd like to figure out a way to split the client into a separate repo that can be public.

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File: 156f9e7b140bce7⋯.jpg (636.6 KB,1073x1080,1073:1080,9D07055D_8F61_4077_88A1_A7….jpg)

9d45f0 No.34361 [Open thread]

Does anyone want textures or sprites for a game? I want to be able to learn how to use drawing software efficiently, and I thought that something like this would be the perfect opportunity. If you want me to try and make texture/sprites for your game, email me at demonichead@protonmail.com with a description of what you want, and I'll email you back the thing!

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9d45f0 No.34362

In case it wasn't clear, i'm doing this for free.

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1af954 No.34368


I don't want to be rude, but noone wants their game to have shitty sprites.

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ec56e3 No.34384

File: fa7d498bd40e52d⋯.jpg (20.31 KB,400x200,2:1,tBall.jpg)

Why not! Try making some pixel art style textures that i can attach to a sphere, (That means you cannot draw much close to the hemispheres as they will distort) Ill give you a sample tennis ball texture i generally use and hit me up with something interesting, this is an imageboard after all so just post the png/jpg files here

>yes i know the tennis ball texture looks like a female sanitation pad

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