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/rec/ - Weeb Help & Recommendations

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For downloads check Nyaa Pantsu or Nyaa.si or Tokyo Toshokan | For manga check MangaDex | For hentai manga check E-Hentai and sadpanda | For non-weeb requests see /r/

File: 3d734fd36e99af6⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,1652x2400,413:600,4.jpg)

 No.9450 [Open thread]

I've been reading a lot of manga with mi manga nu, and batoto works great for the mangas it works with aside from the gay registration requirement that you can just use a burner email for. There are other websites on the program but I thought /rec/ would know what to pick.

tl;dr what are the best free manga sites?

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Oh shit, the more you know. I'm glad I made my account however long ago then.

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File: 74596cad126fad9⋯.png (5.75 KB,272x90,136:45,madokami.png)



The least bad open manga website seems to be MangaFox in my experience.


>check it out

>get this

Time to wait until the end of time.

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I checked out mangadex and it's not too bad.

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Kissmanga is kill. Where go?

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Semi-related question.

Is there a good manga reading workflow on PC?

At the end of the day my phone still has a better screen than my PC and tachiyomi makes everything simple, easy and fast, whereas on PC you have to fight manually downloading every new chapter you want or webshit interfaces. At this point it's mostly a question born out of curiosity, since tachiyomi is so good.

Reading on a replicant device with high quality free software like tachiyomi is very nice, but at the same time I can't find a good manga reader for PC. I use zathura and it's so-so and bloated. I manually download everything from mangadex and it's time consuming manual work that could be automated. I have to memorize where I'm at on everything when the computer could handle it for me.

At this point, it seems the only way to read manga is to become a phonetard.

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File: 1b717614d0be840⋯.png (973.52 KB,1272x782,636:391,goblin.png)

 No.10396 [Open thread]

Is the opening of the Goblin Slayer anime out in full? Is pretty neat.

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Here comes the choo-choo train.


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 No.10404 [Open thread]

Would someone please kindly give me a link to the OmniProductions dub of Cardcaptor Sakura. Thanks in advance.

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Also known as the Animax dub.

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File: 3284fa728f0e3a9⋯.png (334.41 KB,650x1100,13:22,Aw2-lash.png)

 No.10403 [Open thread]

is there a manga character that is drawn well and looks identical or close to lash from advance wars 2 ? i couldn't find any online

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File: 05e8192356faca7⋯.png (189.34 KB,389x386,389:386,05e8192356faca7ee032126a56….png)

 No.10392 [Open thread]

I'd like to start using MAL to keep track of the series I have watched and hopefully stay updated on new releases, but I really don't want to make a gmail or google+ account to do it, especially if I'm going to be posting my profile to flex on other anons. Its within the best interests of every anon to have several degrees of seperation between all of his online presences. Look at /cow/ or kiwifarms if you want to know why.

The reason I'm asking this is because I have tried creating a MAL account with several secure burner emails such as cock.li and tutanota but have had no success with any of them. I'm really hoping something like google mail is not required. If you can help me with this question then thanks.

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Just set up a fake jewgle/popular e-mail account, or try one of the "safe" options like protonmail and such.

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File: 31c124458ce1b7a⋯.gif (450.02 KB,500x370,50:37,akane dance.gif)


I just made an anilist account since its basically the same shit and they accept my cock.li with no fuss at all. Thanks for the advice though.

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 No.10394 [Open thread]

Is there nipponese music like here from the first 5 seconds?

Catchy ad song genre I guess…

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 No.9378 [Open thread]

Title says it all, recommend me some good or your favorite manga that already completed, doesn't matter if its obscure stuff or mainstream. I'm gonna start off with some of my favorites just from the top of my head


>Angel Densetsu

>Midori Days

>Arcana Soul

>Koharu no Hibi



Also, gay shoujo shit and gender bender need not apply

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Detroit Metal City

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File: 9924ef59567d16f⋯.jpg (233.13 KB,1222x960,611:480,e8826d704dbe530ffa91278c6f….jpg)

Just discover this recently, three days of happiness. Prepared for feels

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I need more manga faggot

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Wagatsuma-san wa Ore no Yome

Yakitake Japan

Ikigami (I had to buy the last few volumes though)


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 No.10386 [Open thread]

I need help finding an old feature-length anime that I can't find no matter how much I try. I watched it as a kid several times on VHS and if I were to guess I'd say it's from the mid 80's. A couple of things I remember:

>Girl main protagonist

>Somehow gets teleported to a different sci-fi dimension

>Wears a (most likely skimpy) sci-fi armor while there

>Gets born into the sci-fi world via a giant flower

>Has some sort of (probably animal) sidekick

>At one point traverses a great grass field on a sci-fi hoverbike while the sidekick explains to her what's going on in that world

Unfortunately that's about as much as I can remember, sorry it isn't much. Hopefully someone has some idea. Pic obviously unrelated.

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 No.10376 [Open thread]

> i have never read a manga

can someone recommend me something very cute but gun violent?

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 No.10375 [Open thread]

Just wondering if anyone knows any good manga about the conquest of Mexico or exploration of the new world?

Looking for less stuff on North America, more on Latin America.


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File: fab98c0f73d83b7⋯.jpg (28.8 KB,325x232,325:232,UltimateMuscle.jpg)

 No.10373 [Open thread]

Is there any place with a decent download or torrent of Ultimate Muscle? Does not matter if sub or dub since I can't find either with any seeders.

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 No.10372 [Open thread]

I have been dying to make a cover of this song from the anime "Amon: Apocalypse of Devilman".

As far as I know, theres only a spanish translation, but no english translation.


Tenohira aite mo

Nani ni mo nai yōdakara Boku wa

ken or nigirishimeta ndarou

Ittai boku wa nanidarou

Sono kotae or umeru yō ni

Toki wa tada susumi tsudzukeru

yo Kane wa narudarou Boku no

tame janai to shite mo

Boku wa iku nda yo

Kidzuite ita dake de

Nan 'nimo deki tenakattakara

Kimi no gen e Todokanakatta yo

Fukakuna yume or Boku wa

doko made mo nigiru no

Kane wa narudarou Sore ga

dare no tamedarou to

Boku wa iku nda yo

[Daite mo anshin suru monkey nante dokoni mo ari wa shinakattakara]

[Kekkyoku zenbu jibun ni kaette kuru dake nagedashi ni narukara]

Fukakuna yume or Boku wa

doko made mo nigiru no

Kaneganarudarou Sore ga

dare no tamedarou to

Haitsukubatte mo Boku wa

me no mae no tsudzuki or


Kasanete ikudarou

Me no mae no zenbu no tame ni

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If you want I can translate the spanish version for you, chico.

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 No.10359 [Open thread]

What are some good animes/mangas about working and jobs?

I am not talking about animes where a job is just a setting, like Working or Blend S.

I am talking about anime/manga where working/job/economics are the main subject of the anime/manga, like Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, Silver Spoon and Bakuman.

Bonus points if it's a layback and relaxing anime.

Apparently Spice and Wolf is good and on subject, but I have already been spoiled on the ending on a video comparing the anime and the visual novel, so I lost all interest on watching it

Picture most likely not related due to fitting into 'job as setting', but I didn't watch, so I wouldn't know

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Sakura Quest, Shirobako, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Hoozuki no Reitetsu, New Game!, Locodol, Doujin Work, Isekai Izayaka. I don't know where the exact cutoff is for the job just being a setting.

Voice actor anime, Sore ga Seiyuu, Gi(a)rlish Number, Rec.

Log Horizon and Outbreak Company kind of have economics here and there.

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 No.9393 [Open thread]

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone know any non-shit irc channels for discussing animu, mango, jp stuff etc.? Preferably without too many homosexuals and communists.

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The handful that I've been on were channels for prominent animu&mango sites but they were all shit and involved little actual discussion on the topic.

Animebytes has a dedicated /jp/ channel though, maybe that would be worth a shot.

There's also 8/a/, but anons don't really talk much on there. Perhaps they would if prompted though?

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this is something I'm interested in also

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File: c69073945bfbffe⋯.jpg (349.1 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Dragon-Ball-GT[1].jpg)

 No.10349 [Open thread]

Mentally ill faggot here. I'm looking for a pre-2008 shonen anime. I've already seen Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Dragon Ball. I'd like a show close to the style of these. These work really well because I can get fully invested in a fantasy world. The abilities characters have, the excitement for what would come next. I just want more of that, it doesn't have to be /a/-approved.

The reason for wanting pre-2008 is because the animation feels childish and mentally draws me out from the escapism no matter how much I watch.

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This board doesn't get many posts, and most threads get 0 or 1 replies, but I'm genuinely invested in getting a response so please don't see this as a dead-on-arrival thread.

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You seen One Piece yet? I'm hundreds of episodes in and not slowing down. The amount of episodes may be scary, or a good thing as it takes a while to end, getting a lot of content. After all, it's adapted from the top bestselling manga of all time.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I've seen about the first 10 episodes before and remember liking it. I'll try it out again.

Does the series have power-ups? Like how in Naruto or Dragon Ball the characters get stronger. This is still a big appeal for me.

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I'm 35 episodes in and love One Piece so far. More recommendations are welcome since I'll probably get burnout. Watched 20 episodes in one day yesterday.

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