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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

7b9552  No.4316000

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Q & A

>>4282164 ————————————–——– Stress test failed.

>>4282020 rt >>4281684 -————————– 'Guardians' of intelligence.

>>4281837 rt >>4281583 -————————– (3) detention centers being prepped.

>>4281568 rt >>4281479 -————————– No.

>>4281478 rt >>4281387 -————————– "Watch CA" was deliberate.

>>4281410 rt >>4281121 -————————– Senate to investigate 2019.

>>4281049 rt >>4280876 -————————– Gold shall destroy FED.

>>4280936 rt >>4280653 -————————– Only her beauty and love of country.

>>4280831 rt >>4280746 -————————– NSA ability to overreach hosts possible.

>>4280779 rt >>4280688 -————————– Separated by 2.

>>4280699 rt >>4280617 -————————– While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.

>>4280615 rt >>4280575 -————————– Added server(s)/bandwidth improved performance.

>>4280592 rt >>4280423 -————————– No.

>>4280554 rt >>4280453 -————————– Mission to harm NSA.

>>4280455 rt >>4280260 -————————– No.

>>4280331 rt >>4280236 -————————– 2020+ safeguarded.

>>4280247 rt >>4280228 -————————– Yes.

>>4280231 rt >>4280212 -————————– Our promise to 'counter'.

>>4280213 rt >>4280193 -————————– No.

>>4280202 rt >>4280192 -————————– Control.

>>4280189 ————————————–——– Q&A

Wednesday 12.12.18

Compiled here: >>4281715

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

7b9552  No.4316011


are not endorsements


>>4308334 List of meme-friendly news sites for spreading the truth.

>>4282761 Anon's recap of Q's 12/12 Q&A


>>4315867 @DJT on Obamacare being struck down as UNCONSTITUTIONAL

>>4315306, >>4315321, >>4315354, >>4315340 TX judge rules v. ObamaCare, Kamala Kryin'

>>4315745 Conservative Treehouse analysis of Solomon's docs re: Flynn

>>4315443 Nicaraguan police raid NGO offices, seize records

>>4315556, >>4315558 Moar planefaggin'

>>4315547 Anon on implications of Doyle/Moynihan: CF to help fund cabal take-down?

>>4315378, >>4315386, >>4315539 Moar Mulvaney, vid of Lil Jim's smackdown in Jan.

>>4315376 FoxNews: GOPs examine possible ‘pay to play’ at CF amid donations dive

>>4315366, >>4315400, >>4315428, >>4315456 Moar re: lb's Mueller/Flynn docs digg

>>4315265, >>4315328, >>4315396 [RR] won't let Flynn Interrogator Pientka Testify

>>4315310 No. Carolina's Mark Harris's win under scrutiny, he "could be dumped"

>>4315307 “Tens of Thousands” of Police Prepare for Act 5 of Yellow Vest Protests

>>4315284 The Art of the Troll: Strzok on Flynn's chattiness & POTUS's artsiness

>>4315924 #5499


>>4315103, >>4315125, >>4315135 Moar sauce/pics/summary of Mueller/Flynn docs

>>4314817, >>4315078 Moar @DJT on Mulvaney

>>4315097 UK Lawmakers Urge ‘Extreme Caution’ As Huawei Invests in Top Brit Uni's

>>4315035 OpEd: New Problems for Embattled Huawei in France and Germany

>>4314574 New Pro-life Ohio Bill vs. Sloppy-Eater Kasich

>>4314571, >>4314627 Fed Judge (Cal) won't pick sides re: Census, schedules trial

>>4314567, >>4314580, >>4314614 Planefag offerings

>>4314541, >>4315121 Adam Schitt to POTUS: Your bank records, give them to me.

>>4314535 News vid talks France/Strasbourg Prepping for Gilet Jaunes tomorrow

>>4315197 #5498


>>4313900, >>4313959 Bibi's corruption case could expose secrets re: nukes?

>>4313894 All your data (photos) is belong to FB -- oops, to everyone!

>>4313884 Personal Bank Accounts In Venezuela Frozen "To Fight Terrorism"

>>4313875, >>4313981 GOOG: We won't sell face recognition tech, promisss!

>>4313845 Moar Apparent Anti-POTUS Drama fr Kellyanne's hubby (actors?)

>>4313779 Liddle Adam Schitt twats "Orange Mad Berry Bad Muh Indictment!!"

>>4313725 Anon anlyzes Solomon-->Whistleblowers-->Q-->POTUS's SA twat

>>4314430 #5497


>>4313535 Utah Investigators on Child Pornography: Demand/Arrests are Up

>>4313201, >>4313346 Stanford Physicist w/Ties to Huawei Suicided Day of Arrest

>>4313180 Hill: Mueller probe costing $25M so far

>>4313148 Digg on Aaron Schwartz, did Mueller lie re: NatSec abuses while dir?

>>4313262 French Mil ditched GOOG in Nov. for "digital sovereignty"

>>4313021 Oral arguments were set for today (12/14) per Mueller-Trump Sobpoena

>>4313017 FBI Docs Reveal: “Flynn Was Not Lying/Did Not Think He Was Lying”

>>4313011, >>4313278, >>4313523 Cal. councilwoman lost election, talks Q on Floor!

>>4312999, >>4313061 @DJT: Mick Mulvaney ACoS, Kelly "Great Patriot"

>>4312987 Engl translation to lb's letter to Macron fr French Generals

>>4312962 FLYNN Interview doc release

>>4313655 #5496


>>4312898 Planefag update

>>4312803 You're welcome! (t. globalist) Germany gets an official 3rd gender

>>4312725 Mais bien sur! Macron called traitor by based French Generals

>>4312382 Graphic/Q proof on [10] tweet delta

>>4312448, >>4312573, >>4312624 Anon theory on "The Perfect Trap"

>>4312906 #5495

Previously Collected Notables

>>4312072 #5494

>>4309775 #5491, >>4310546 #5492, >>4311308 #5493

>>4307503 #5488, >>4308273 #5489, >>4309004 #5490

>>4305182 #5485, >>4305939 #5486, >>4306705 #5487

>>4302883 #5482, >>4303658 #5483, >>4304428 #5484

>>4300602 #5479, >>4301364 #5480, >>4302138 #5481

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

7b9552  No.4316012

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#59 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>4283174

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

7b9552  No.4316019

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

228d2d  No.4316038

File: f5677d99df9f144⋯.png (59.33 KB, 586x320, 293:160, ClipboardImage.png)


>ObamaCare Declared Unconstitutional!!


>Of course Obamacare is unconstitutional!

>It was Hussein's Muslim tax (jizya) on non-Muslims from the beginning!

7b9552  No.4316039

File: 007e1f20f354d74⋯.jpg (13.31 KB, 225x255, 15:17, POTUSMtRushmore.jpg)

current dough


15d2ce  No.4316040

File: a974494e9443f6d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 870x1125, 58:75, hitormiss.png)


>Q Research General #5500: Five by Five-Hundred times Obamacare BTFO'd Edition

boss title baker, thank you, Shadilay

df71b5  No.4316041

We have the gold


Remember Trump met with Comey in the "Green Room” (presidential dining room) January 2017

A few weeks later, during the remodel the dining room was “taken down to the studs”,

Trump said: “We found gold behind the walls, which I always knew. Renovations are grand,”

2f540d  No.4316042

Alex Jones R.I.P.

2bb6af  No.4316043

>>4315966 LB

opps clarification comey as lower fbi agent that may have been on the bridge.

228d2d  No.4316044

File: 73f7aa3afc030fd⋯.png (41.84 KB, 623x265, 623:265, ClipboardImage.png)


bcc3e4  No.4316045

File: 7d905d8cc15e54c⋯.png (561.49 KB, 908x630, 454:315, mozambiquejimmy.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

56252e  No.4316046

Jones is not dead.

52e2e5  No.4316047

File: 0c223dcd920a448⋯.jpg (90.47 KB, 700x875, 4:5, TYB4.jpg)

fceceb  No.4316048

File: b9558ec5f3c9340⋯.jpg (32.78 KB, 612x240, 51:20, 3.JPG)


627917  No.4316049

When we had the last Q&A many of us felt Qteam was doing a stress test.

This time they confirmed it with:


Stress test failed.


So, what does Qteam think is coming that's gonna generate loads like we've seen?

It's posting that causes the stress not lurking, and the boards are

useless for discussion at those posting rates….hell, bakers can't

even collect notables.

So what does Qteam think is coming that's gonna generate those kind of

posting rates? Is it some kind of organic DDOS? When Qteam does their

Q&A I suspect it's at a peak user time….But even for a Q&A I'd guess

you'd still only have about 30 or 40% of users posting. So the users

are here, but what's gonna make them start posting like mad and why try

to accommodate it?

Anons got any thoughts?

c7af1e  No.4316050


Fri nite doc dump?

aa3077  No.4316051

File: 8efbe09104c9808⋯.jpg (122.98 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, tumblr_p7l3s0iXD41vpaqxoo1….jpg)

Thank you Baker!

4ad419  No.4316052

>>4316031 (pb)

2018 is getting glorious and if this is a gift well before Christmas, what else awaits under the tree?

111298  No.4316053

I took one for the team and went on the msnbc website. Ugh. But no Alex Jones news at least as of 921 est

65beae  No.4316054

File: a69d74b6460d620⋯.gif (278.36 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, 1542419496969.gif)

0ef896  No.4316055

File: af5accc975f9d83⋯.jpg (387.96 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_0777.JPG)


ty baker!

ed2a10  No.4316056

File: b9b063f97794389⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 909af894b5403342fef586faa4….png)

Earl Grey

bcc3e4  No.4316057

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

673300  No.4316058

File: 0148f680d82f08b⋯.png (32.79 KB, 636x272, 159:68, POTUS 12-14-18 6 16 pm PST.PNG)

File: 6a797fe4211b6a3⋯.png (44.15 KB, 631x335, 631:335, POTUS 12-14-18 6 07 pm PST.PNG)

POTUS Tweets





2f540d  No.4316059

Wow Alex jones dead wtf?

56252e  No.4316060

Holy shit! 5500 breads!

72e01c  No.4316061

>>4316000 nice trips

>>4316011 and nice dubs

>>4315769 lb

I’m questioning the source of the notable. The site originated as a blog by left wing Israelis and has been funded by socialist groups according to my ‘sauce’ which seems to have no more or no less validation than the source of the notable.

My post from pb

>>4314459 pb

>>4313900 pb, >>4313959 pbBibi's corruption case could expose secrets re: nukes?

A little about the source of this notable regarding their funding.

Originally, Mondoweiss operated under the umbrella of the nonprofit Nation Institute, which allowed Weiss to solicit tax-deductible contributions. Recently, Mondoweiss has stated that its website “is part of the Center for Economic Research and Social Change (CERSC)“, a socialist organization based in north Chicago. Other members include the International Socialist Review, We Are Many and a radical publishing firmHaymarket Books. Outside of this, Mondoweiss attests to befunded largely by its readership.


While the source I use may or may not be credible, it’s no more or no less than the notable one. The article has a lot more info in it that is worth a read and related to much of what we see daily on this board.

Thank you for the reply.

1e8b81  No.4316062


Only 8 years after we all knew it was. This will go to the SCOTUS I am sure.

b55097  No.4316063

Thanks baker. God bless.

596cd7  No.4316064


MSNBC just 10x it's hits.

308be6  No.4316065

File: 167b6d1cdfebe71⋯.jpg (253.68 KB, 1200x1045, 240:209, checked2.jpg)


digits and 5:5

you got it all baker

65beae  No.4316066

File: fb6f899b46a6fc8⋯.gif (203.38 KB, 800x676, 200:169, fb6f899b46a6fc898855a4349b….gif)

15cd73  No.4316067

File: 3b7f500765f96ba⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 661x375, 661:375, f3399c2f58cd6de14acf13d143….jpg)

File: 7f2d3a8fe2b8f6c⋯.jpg (225.51 KB, 534x674, 267:337, dea66242f9d3a506abf99185a9….jpg)

File: bb6a9ed18d55584⋯.jpg (169.1 KB, 739x487, 739:487, dc0648fde2440dcb3f8af31c9b….jpg)

File: a7fc11b8b5acd90⋯.jpg (153.73 KB, 537x672, 179:224, 206c4e8e12f3343ca2c1c511f1….jpg)

4d9d0a  No.4316068

File: b6e3d4c6b9274f2⋯.jpg (163.2 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, Chuckcare.jpg)


Get 'er done!

50146e  No.4316069


Nice try shilly

5a1470  No.4316070

File: f3526ed9efc1e14⋯.jpg (413.05 KB, 1055x654, 1055:654, baker thanks bakery w pepe.jpg)

bcc3e4  No.4316071

File: c1f52b609c8fbc2⋯.png (672.55 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, santa-claws.png)

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

73340e  No.4316072

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

1 Hour of Beautiful Piano

- Florian Bur

Pop it into a new tab and get your comfy zen on…


df71b5  No.4316073




( ' ) ( ' )

4257c8  No.4316074

File: aeb9e17cb038c86⋯.png (118.24 KB, 811x565, 811:565, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: 9c2010eee719584⋯.png (129.17 KB, 815x735, 163:147, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

>>4315798 lb

'That RR article is misleading. No where does it say or prove RR wont let him testify.''

And if he did, it was BACK IN JUNE - nothing says it is currently RR preventing it.



1e8b81  No.4316075


And Trips!! KEK! TYB!

ff7d22  No.4316076


having the public know Q is real for sure and where he posts.

bcc3e4  No.4316077

File: ec40db1fed03c80⋯.png (338.99 KB, 661x805, 661:805, ....png)

File: 7421268f851d5ba⋯.png (491.08 KB, 999x800, 999:800, herry.png)

596cd7  No.4316078

File: e2062323e12e10c⋯.jpg (183.23 KB, 972x914, 486:457, Look2.jpg)

228d2d  No.4316079


>Only 8 years after we all knew it was. This will go to the SCOTUS I am sure.

SCOTUS already ruled Ocare was a tax…no?

15d2ce  No.4316080

File: ca29f7cc9c2e5cf⋯.png (53.42 KB, 328x393, 328:393, ca29f7cc9c2e5cf85582f7bf6d….png)

669f28  No.4316081

File: 3edf327d571e8f4⋯.png (556.71 KB, 1606x826, 803:413, Screenshot (2098).png)

File: 5a21f892e268301⋯.png (217.1 KB, 1114x820, 557:410, Screenshot (2100).png)

File: c88a5b02a87b438⋯.png (507.91 KB, 1598x898, 799:449, Screenshot (2094).png)

File: 4148b9358a157e2⋯.png (873.53 KB, 1600x897, 1600:897, Screenshot (2054).png)

>>4312364 (pb)

R2OBR airborne again. Headed west, now over Texas.

Getting a hunch like MAGIC23 flight that went off grid passing by Anchorage earlier today…

2e3280  No.4316082

File: 589d337a2f7c37e⋯.jpg (74.69 KB, 736x858, 368:429, 999t846etywy3.jpg)


(not a bot or a shill as one poster suggested. I support our bakers)

50a4ad  No.4316083

Just a few of many from search references of 5.5, 5:5 pertaining to President Trump some back 2015

Why people believe Donald Trump's immigration lies — and why it's time …

A big part of Donald Trump's strategy to whip up racist hysteria against immigrants is straight-up lying. … Only 5.5 percent of immigrants are unemployed and 13.6 percent live in poverty, but …


Donald Trump: Xi faces hurdles bashing American brands in a Trump trade …

Consumers trying to punish Trump by staying away from Disney's $5.5 billion theme park in Shanghai would end up hurting Chinese companies because the American firm is just a minority shareholder there.



Economic Promises a President Trump Could (and Couldn't) Keep - The New …

Economic Promises a President Trump Could (and Couldn't) Keep … Donald Trump's HUGE RALLY in Charleston, WV (5-5-16) … Mr. Trump's economic and business agenda is a mixture of opening bids …


Globalization in the Age of Trump - Harvard Business Review

Globalization in the Age of Trump. … and, often, economic dimensions. … Its $5.5 billion R&D machine yields world-beating technological innovations, its $34 billion brand value opens doors …



The impossible magic math of Trump's budget proposal, explained - The …

The Trump administration is expected to introduce its 2018 budget proposal on May 23, which will likely include major cuts to programs for low-income Americans.


How Donald Trump Hurts International Tourism and the U.S. Economy …

The Trump Tourism Slump. … President Donald Trump, of all people, should understand the importance of travel and tourism to the U.S. economy. … and down 5.5 percent in February alone …


Obama's economist grasps at straws trying to devalue Trump's impact …

Wait until the former mastermind of President Obama's economic … Trump Donald John Trump Michelle Obama says … term level of 5.5%, instead of its current 3.9%, Mr. Trump's approval rate …


Federal Register :: Executive Orders

In 2017, Donald Trump published 55 executive orders (from EO 13765 through EO 13819). These 55 executive orders can be downloaded in CSV/Excel and JSON formats. More information about our APIs and other developer tools can be found on our developer pages.


Maschhoff talks trade, tariffs and Trump - agrinews-pubs.com

But what could happen if President Donald Trump and the country's leadership don't quickly act to stanch the bleeding from recent trade and tariff actions does just that. … We raise 5.5 …


ef3efa  No.4316084

2bb6af  No.4316085

For all those lost look up GA kid murders 1980s

2b87a2  No.4316086

File: 8cc529a14070710⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 400x351, 400:351, IMG_4609.GIF)

File: fd441589e213481⋯.png (149.75 KB, 365x365, 1:1, IMG_4614.PNG)

File: 11f46180332c4a2⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 300x275, 12:11, IMG_4615.GIF)

Cold wars and mcdonalds

Be like

e0268f  No.4316087


If you were lucky enough to get on that elevator…..would you be tempted to steal the Q stocking?

I hope I could resist.

4a30bf  No.4316088

File: 23eb2ddf8dbe0d0⋯.jpg (43.4 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 5500550055005500.jpg)


best bewbs for 5:5 0:0


b55097  No.4316089


<3 you fags! ThanQ for all!

bcc3e4  No.4316090

File: 33199a152d603fd⋯.png (171.84 KB, 649x365, 649:365, hjhimmy.png)

File: a6081c32da7d659⋯.png (739.09 KB, 999x719, 999:719, WWNBDH.png)

File: 1cb80ac3bcf4274⋯.png (617.96 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ktmsjl.png)

72f785  No.4316091

File: 2f05ceed6d01b81⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 540x239, 540:239, 23b6fe36-e970-4b95-ba9a-85….gif)

File: 0f3944426b2dc69⋯.gif (975.67 KB, 500x200, 5:2, b2551a7e-c151-46f5-853a-a5….gif)

File: ce1dec15bacee54⋯.jpg (129.8 KB, 750x922, 375:461, 13fa1d40-55c2-4f1d-a867-c5….jpg)


>fer the unsung æı baker.

<chrome tiddies

5f4a16  No.4316092

File: c917d473b8bf49e⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 400x294, 200:147, rep46.jpg)

>>4315868 (lb)



Minus the (((Illuminati))) fuckery!

>Beautiful Brave New World

627917  No.4316093



But, most will lurk…that's how it's been for other influxes.

567e85  No.4316094

File: bb648aeb8e2feb9⋯.jpg (170.54 KB, 956x960, 239:240, tumblr_pj1v33MEau1v5aspz_1….jpg)


77a8a9  No.4316095


Last stress test we saw an 8Chan server upgrade and I know code monkey has been working on those new blockchain servers so it may have something to do with that.

15cd73  No.4316096


I imagine that's been attempted, and more by the deep state than supporters.

9922a0  No.4316097

File: db555e34e0d0423⋯.jpg (59.11 KB, 631x333, 631:333, Screenshot 2018-12-14_21-2….jpg)

cryin' chuck

662648  No.4316098


Would have gone smoother if not for all the dumb fucking jfkjr, flat earth, and aliens shit

322cd9  No.4316099

File: 424b7a8fdca07d1⋯.png (55.03 KB, 1796x216, 449:54, ClipboardImage.png)

NICE title.


df71b5  No.4316100

File: f5d94e5cad147ce⋯.jpg (9.31 KB, 240x205, 48:41, 31OCnECTmAL[1].jpg)

228d2d  No.4316101

File: 4fea59abf32ea7f⋯.png (609.79 KB, 588x500, 147:125, BORDER SECURITY.png)

0a654d  No.4316102

File: f8d1365c5776a6e⋯.png (94.18 KB, 1203x545, 1203:545, CNN_DHS Smackdown.png)

CNN Anchor’s Fake Border Stats Exposed By DHS


1e8b81  No.4316103


Yes, but since the mandate was removed, this Judge says it's unconstitutional completely.

5a1470  No.4316104


My Dad isn't going to the hospital. Why are you laughing out loud at me?

c1742d  No.4316105

File: f1d480a8cb86536⋯.jpg (93.09 KB, 1300x957, 1300:957, smiling-redhead-woman-show….jpg)


TY Baker!!!

5be58b  No.4316106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Soviet-born Konstantin Kisin feels "right at home" when UK college dictates "no go" topics for comedy routine

10-14-18, c. 30 mins in

In a segment called "The End of Comedy", Tucker invited comedian Konstantin Kisin to comment on a recent agreement he was asked to sign before being allowed to perform at an unnamed college in London. It included a list of banned topics, including:

racism, sexism, classism, ageism, ableism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, anti-religion, or anti-atheim

Tucker [to home audience]: That's a long list! What was he supposed to joke about?…Well, we've asked him to come on tonight to tell us about it. [Kisin chose not to perform.]

Tucker (trying not to crack up): First, is that real? Did you make up that list? Is this a comedy bit?

[Camera cuts to Kisin.]

Kisin: No, it's not, [although] it's been very good for my comedy. If you go deeper into the contract, they also demanded that "all jokes must be respectful and kind"….

[Tucker cracks up again.]

Kisin: As you know, I was born in the Soviet Union, and getting this contract made me feel right at home. [You can't make this stuff up!!!]

[Tucker is still trying not to laugh as the two chat some more about the problems of modern censorship and where comedians stand in all of this.]

Kisin: "We're the canary in the coal mine…It's [really] about ordinary people up and down the country–in Britain and in America–feeling like they can't say what they think.



Sound silly? The UK press is ALL OVER THE STORY. See below.





6ec371  No.4316107


Well the Shills go nuts when Q posts, So that is part of it. But many of us just Lurk.

15d2ce  No.4316108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



305a72  No.4316109

File: 860798b0735d583⋯.jpg (81.89 KB, 759x422, 759:422, a5276667a155639fa7d7171509….jpg)

10afee  No.4316110


When can I expect my refunds for the “penalties” I paid?

756db2  No.4316111

File: 44f5849a81d7c21⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 480x637, 480:637, Shit-bag.jpg)

bcc3e4  No.4316112

File: b9ebf9960c3d8b7⋯.png (1011.19 KB, 999x814, 27:22, NOTH2.png)

File: 9a5a08ce73390da⋯.png (220.29 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, cat-of-arms.png)

File: 5ce2567372ceb3a⋯.png (249.07 KB, 412x347, 412:347, shmmy.png)

File: 198c167ace716f8⋯.png (199.88 KB, 510x333, 170:111, smmy.png)



You are literally allowing me to gain control over you. LOL!

Fun times.

b75391  No.4316113

File: 90b8f6488cd769d⋯.png (32.5 KB, 592x292, 148:73, Screenshot_2018-12-15_02-2….png)

Well, I was not expecting this!!!!!


fceceb  No.4316114

File: 275845584f0d4ef⋯.jpg (142.07 KB, 542x953, 542:953, 3.JPG)

File: c3364c500dba004⋯.jpg (22.38 KB, 544x86, 272:43, 4.JPG)

Sunrun Is The Subject Of An Undisclosed Fraud Investigation By The FBI And DOJ


c90c82  No.4316115

File: 4bc09b420e8b694⋯.png (126.13 KB, 735x884, 735:884, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a33f75239dd6296⋯.png (129.8 KB, 736x883, 736:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4860000eda11ef⋯.png (143.53 KB, 731x880, 731:880, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89e094f383ab480⋯.png (51.5 KB, 736x892, 184:223, ClipboardImage.png)

Fake or real?


2bb6af  No.4316116


it was not chan that failed it was anons

Fucking flat earth?

Well Q chose that question so perhaps Q failed too.

1e8b81  No.4316117



Spoiler that shit!

b73cd6  No.4316118

>>4315982 lb

>>>What are snuff films.

I answered your question faggot. I just didn't respond to the first part requesting a clarification on another subject.

Do (((You))) even understand what you write FFS

ce6607  No.4316119


Who has the authority to appeal? Would the DOJ with the blessing of the administration not be required to decide to defend the policy? Why would Trump want to appeal? Me thinks its dead.

0be6b1  No.4316120

File: 7dd6843697f66b1⋯.jpeg (346.61 KB, 1242x767, 1242:767, 3B5C249D-2AE0-41A4-B90C-9….jpeg)

I think it’s supposed to be “surprising”. Is there an extra “ly”?

b55097  No.4316121


>Obamacare :07

>ObamaCare :16


308be6  No.4316122

File: 7c313ed68b50f25⋯.jpg (81.98 KB, 1600x1171, 1600:1171, ns12.jpg)



2b87a2  No.4316123

File: 67c65efc4098f48⋯.jpg (39.15 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4486.JPG)

File: 48bec45ee25046e⋯.jpg (560.36 KB, 751x958, 751:958, IMG_4515.JPG)

File: a67d46f7eab04fb⋯.png (86.3 KB, 590x392, 295:196, IMG_4520.PNG)

4d9d0a  No.4316124


top fuckin' kek. the desperate fuck actually did it. >>4316068

sorry cuckin' chuck, game's over.

2ac116  No.4316125

First I just want to say thanks to all the anons here day in and out. I’ve learned so much from y’all. I can remember when the breads were less than 300. Im so glad to see we’re all still here digging, memeing, and most of all PRAYING.

30d5f0  No.4316126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bread music.


They can not stop this orange mad man! I hope you are all enjoying the show.

72f785  No.4316127

File: e07112c13646396⋯.jpg (84.9 KB, 709x790, 709:790, ece97f65-61bf-4301-874e-2c….jpg)





the absolute state…

df71b5  No.4316128


1e8b81  No.4316129


Just setting a stage for when her parents go down.

5f4a16  No.4316130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If this is not posted at least once a day then (You) are failing!

We Fight Evil Every Day.

Start SHOVING that shit back in their face!

16a298  No.4316131

File: 7e713b3e60bb78f⋯.png (368.48 KB, 670x568, 335:284, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe6a811ee32637a⋯.png (336.15 KB, 671x590, 671:590, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e1cea639821443⋯.png (29.82 KB, 607x165, 607:165, ClipboardImage.png)


77a8a9  No.4316132


Thanks for the update shill

b75391  No.4316133

File: b66187487d59d77⋯.jpg (125.94 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ShillTards.jpg)

109530  No.4316134


I think fake.

Page 22 of 24 cites the fucking Magna Carta for jury number (23 not 25). Magna Carta is English charter of rights.

bcc3e4  No.4316135


His posture is amazing. He will end up suffocating to death on his own scrotum when he is 90.

1ae535  No.4316136

File: aceb844b5da5dd1⋯.png (89.66 KB, 253x196, 253:196, 2018-11-01_06-13-14 copy 5.png)


Wouldn't have expected this dual citizenship Israel patsy to do anything else.

fceceb  No.4316137

File: 6f766332e3fea5b⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 6f766332e3fea5bca1ac6c1d0a….jpg)


Fake & Gay anon

a0713d  No.4316138

File: 1c5b552d9b60416⋯.jpg (200.86 KB, 1019x639, 1019:639, Qproof_ Nothing is ever tr….jpg)


>>4315828 (lb)

>Can the deleted texts be recovered?

Nothing is ever truly deleted

Yes, see Qposts 577 & 579

No Such Agency

308be6  No.4316139


podesta retweeting chelsea defending barron…


d7cc41  No.4316140

File: bf8aa8da0ff521e⋯.png (1.73 MB, 2339x3280, 2339:3280, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4315912 (lb)

Current FAA list of private air facilities in Montana


Selected Location(s)








2bb6af  No.4316141

Original Q would never



have even dained to

to acknowledge a flat earth question.

627917  No.4316142



Agree….but Qteam is asking those question w/answers to get people going crazy…what do

they think is coming?

6ec371  No.4316143


It is obvious to me. They are Pedophiles. But Barron is the one kid they do not want to mess with.

72e01c  No.4316144

>>4316058 ObamaCare ruled unconstitutional by a Texas judge.


0a654d  No.4316145

A Lesson For Americans: Venezuelan Exile Rues The Day They Let Hugo Chavez Take Their Guns


How many other countries have allowed this?


f35b98  No.4316146


Novel Device Treats Damaged Nerves, then Dissolves

Researchers at Northwestern University and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have invented a bioresorbable medical device to treat nerve damage.

One of the Holy Grail inventions of medical devices is one that is bio-compatible, serves a therapeutic function, and can be reabsorbed into the human system when its work is finished. Researchers at Northwestern University and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have developed what they said is the first example of this future for medicine with an implantable, biodegradable wireless device. This device speeds nerve regeneration to improve the healing of a damaged nerve.

Regrowth of Nerves With Electrical Stimulation

Materials scientists and engineers at Northwestern and neurosurgeons at Washington University put their heads together to develop the device, which can deliver regular pulses of electricity to damaged peripheral nerves in rats after a surgical repair process. The team showed in tests that this accelerates the regrowth of nerves in the rats' legs, enhancing the ultimate recovery of muscle strength and control, according to a Northwestern University news release.

“These engineered systems provide active, therapeutic function in a programmable, dosed format and then naturally disappear into the body, without a trace,” said John A. Rogers, professor of materials science and engineering, biomedical engineering, and neurological surgery at Northwestern, and a pioneer in bio-integrated technologies. “This approach to therapy allows one to think about options that go beyond drugs and chemistry.”

The bioresorbable electronic medical device developed by the team is tiny—just the size of a dime and the thickness of a sheet of paper—and can operate wirelessly for about two weeks before naturally absorbing into the body, researchers said.

bioresobable device

A bioresorbable device developed by researchers to provide stimulation to nerves to promote healing is showed on a model of a human nerve. Researchers at Northwestern University and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis invented the device. (Image source: Northwestern University and Washington University School of Medicine)

Replacing Pharmaceuticals

Scientists envision that such devices can not just complement, but even replace pharmaceutical treatments or implants for various medical conditions. The key is that they provide treatment for an allotted period of time directly at a site where such treatment is needed. This type of treatment can reduce side effects or risks associated with medications or other types of medical implants, including surgeries to implant and replace devices, researchers said.

Specifically, the device wraps around an injured nerve and delivers electrical pulses at selected time points for days before dissolving. A transmitter outside the body powers and controls the device remotely.

The team so far has tested the device only in rats with injured sciatic nerves, using it to send signals up and down the legs and control the hamstrings and muscles of the lower legs and feet. The device provided one hour per day of electrical stimulation to the rats for one, three, or six days—or no electrical stimulation at all—while researchers monitored the rats’ recovery for the next 10 weeks.

No Adverse Effects

What the team discovered is that any electrical stimulation was better than none at helping the rats recover muscle mass and muscle strength in the damaged areas, said Dr. Wilson Ray, an associate professor of neurosurgery, biomedical engineering, and orthopedic surgery at Washington University. In addition, the more days of electrical stimulation the rats received, the more quickly and thoroughly they recovered nerve signaling and muscle strength, he said. Moreover, researchers found no adverse biological effects from the device and its reabsorption.

“Before we did this study, we weren’t sure that longer stimulation would make a difference, and now that we know it does, we can start trying to find the ideal time frame to maximize recovery,” Ray said. “Had we delivered electrical stimulation for 12 days instead of six, would there have been more therapeutic benefit? Maybe. We’re looking into that now.”

The team controlled the precise number of days the device remained functional inside the body by varying the composition and thickness of the materials in the device, Rogers said. Some of the newer versions of the device they developed can provide electrical pulses for weeks before degrading—which takes the place of a surgery to remove the device, he said.


2e4b32  No.4316147

File: b93ddbf5abe922f⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB, 768x576, 4:3, Truck of peace.mp4)

>>4316003 LB


Well you know the drill.

1e8b81  No.4316148


Libs will appeal the decision, not Trump.

341e6d  No.4316149


no that & JFK Jr were perfect questions to answer now the spammers of that BS stopped because Q has spoken

e3f11e  No.4316150

File: 59edd94000f260e⋯.jpg (5.66 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, pixlr_20181214212126707.jpg)


6b8ade  No.4316151

File: f7f8dc22f84a130⋯.jpg (95.19 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Ready2.jpg)


Tanks Baker

2b87a2  No.4316152

File: ef768bc30c6da5b⋯.jpg (104.07 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, D9E6A6E6-B043-4687-ADAB-91….jpg)

File: 121208f12b08cd3⋯.jpg (55.05 KB, 570x855, 2:3, 115B0A91-35FE-4EDC-8C15-00….jpg)

File: cf2eedaf632933a⋯.jpg (297.17 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, 0D139430-9929-4320-8C28-B2….jpg)

File: d0ecf45b035c38f⋯.jpg (88.47 KB, 320x400, 4:5, 531D19AB-65B3-40C6-B987-B5….jpg)

File: 1e8bc26fa94c779⋯.jpg (82.23 KB, 320x400, 4:5, 63BC4B72-3469-4820-9927-43….jpg)

Damn fags

39d691  No.4316153


Because dirty politician swamp creature knows more about legal reasoning than this judge…

52f510  No.4316154

File: e68314efb689506⋯.jpg (3.11 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, The Punisher.jpg)

The Punisher comic cover right after WW2 March 1946.

109530  No.4316155


Read the damn notable title.

204735  No.4316156

>>4315698. Lb. MONTANA

Would this guy want such a place? He's got the land there

In addition to his Kahala home and Nevada mansion, Omidyar owns a 640-acre ranch in Montana, 

f80fa0  No.4316157

File: eddef739a6b1192⋯.png (236.59 KB, 1136x727, 1136:727, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

cf28e4  No.4316158


Now….Congress must stay the fuck out of healthcare.

9922a0  No.4316159

File: 584129d7b7aa632⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 379x1057, 379:1057, Screenshot 2018-12-14_21-2….jpg)



maybe this origianlly but seems them have it covered

569c40  No.4316160


no, reading into it a little "too" much. that is grammatically correct

b75391  No.4316161


I'd swim The Atlantic to come to his aide!

bca31f  No.4316162

File: d09373a72ef46f5⋯.mp4 (47.19 KB, 480x248, 60:31, kikiblack cat food.mp4)

Although I don’t agree with this leaf Paul Hellyer, he has some interesting points on the cabal and banking. Yes it’s a UFO convention, but is talk is mostly the cabal. He’s an idiot on Muslim immigration and is dumb that that is part of the cabal. If the USA cause issues with muslim nations, that’s no reason to jump on the hornets we kicked. If space force is taking out alien ass, there should be a good reason. It’s Trump or the cabal…take your pick. This is a very very interesting talk.


5be58b  No.4316164


Looks fake


But the Magna Carta was a nice touch!

bcc3e4  No.4316165

File: 702cce4f60b9f86⋯.png (222.02 KB, 376x431, 376:431, DSB.png)

File: 5a22a0028aca0c4⋯.png (401.3 KB, 768x512, 3:2, jlj.png)

File: 8f958d57500ea85⋯.png (655.24 KB, 1111x688, 1111:688, சூண.png)

File: 1e8be18d341dc3e⋯.png (1.1 MB, 803x999, 803:999, pksoon.png)


going down?


d0e6b3  No.4316166

Below is an Oldie, but goodie, folks.

Remember, this is why we are here:

Admiral Rogers is an absolute hero, and monuments will be erected in his name. Without him, not of this is possible.

Pay closest attention to the timeline at the bottom.

No Such Agency.

Where We Go One, We Go All.



2af362  No.4316167

File: d737d037f7fdf72⋯.jpg (351.74 KB, 1023x1154, 1023:1154, GEOTUS-ID4.jpg)


At this rate, I expect POTUS to at least introduce, if not announce an already completed, deal to return to the Gold Standard for American Citizens. Maybe it will take 6-18 months, but could you imagine if he just spoke to us all from the White House, and calls a spade a spade the way Trump does better than anyone…

"Banking cartels…Not Federal…Unconstitutional….Fiat is Slavery…"

Could you imagine?? Sigh….Well, an Anon can dream. It would only be Righteous. Soon. Very soon.

c644c4  No.4316168

5:5 = 100%


.Q. What's happening anons .Q.

Nothing but beautiful glorious winning AWESOME habbenings!KEK!


2905f3  No.4316169


Podesta and Chubble need to keep that boys name out of their filthy fucking mouths

d7cc41  No.4316170


meant for >>4315912 (lb)

>>4315993 (lb)

109530  No.4316171

ed2a10  No.4316172

File: a97aff693c68af8⋯.png (482.57 KB, 438x703, 438:703, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png)


Just c ollecting virtue points

0be6b1  No.4316173


I hope he chokes on his wife’s sick tonight. Can’t stand this evil prick

77a8a9  No.4316174


Now we just need a cure for eczema :)

ef3efa  No.4316175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This one is my favorite.

2ac116  No.4316176


There have been multiple times she has asked that Barron be left alone. I’m not saying I like her but I believe in giving props when they are due….

b73cd6  No.4316177

File: 7878245483fb5de⋯.png (37 KB, 731x329, 731:329, StressTest.png)


Unfuckingbelievable! (pic related)

Why are you here?

btw, flat Earth wouldn't have mountains.

49a7e7  No.4316178

I broke the news to my family and friends. About Q. now my friends hate me and kids want to backer act me. I'm going into hiding.

2b87a2  No.4316179

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

15d2ce  No.4316180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

gun be a good night

2bb6af  No.4316181

File: 2a18e372057a3f0⋯.jpg (13.53 KB, 165x255, 11:17, 64a8bd4e6359410d53da644dba….jpg)

File: 7083711e5567eba⋯.png (140.71 KB, 1896x1690, 948:845, 3fba11ee61adaaa910bfe3ff13….png)

File: 02052497f770f3e⋯.jpg (16.04 KB, 242x255, 242:255, ba7d7521164b61c18a3e91999b….jpg)



so you have any clue what so fucking ever?

bfc4eb  No.4316182

File: 65f8923dc93c79a⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1010x831, 1010:831, Screenshot_2018-12-14 Goog….png)

File: 998457f02dfaaff⋯.png (1.13 MB, 812x677, 812:677, Screenshot_2018-12-14 Goog….png)

File: 54ed7e02c28518e⋯.jpg (306.46 KB, 999x669, 333:223, Screenshot_2018-12-14 Goog….jpg)



close up of lake

Google maps showing "Hidden Lake"

"The Lake" looks to be a picture of the stars in the sky cut paste job

Next to a Black Foot Indian reservation

228d2d  No.4316183



So, you're as fucking ignorant as crooked H, all brown/black people look alike, idiot shill? fuck off!

edd4b0  No.4316184

File: 07070fc3587f405⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 1024x969, 1024:969, DubHBf4U8AAmbN_.jpg)


db891a  No.4316185

Was banned for CP….


So… wtf, are bewbz cool, or aren't they? I think they should be, but fuck… this is my reputation we're talking about here…


5be58b  No.4316186


Never thought about it before, but note the color of the chairs in which POTUS sits: gold.

6b8ade  No.4316187


don't do that.

56252e  No.4316188


Working family here: fuck the ACA.

b55097  No.4316189


Original shills would not have shilled that stupid.

All other mason shills doorknob'd for poor performance?

2f359b  No.4316190

File: 66aed8745c40ee3⋯.jpeg (109.61 KB, 808x714, 404:357, 5B1AE5BE-3613-4F27-B599-7….jpeg)

I feel amazing.

c5be3c  No.4316191


What is the penalty for voting unconstitutional? Certainly the congress and judicial branches should be held accountable.

Treason? Execution?

2b87a2  No.4316192

File: d839de3ea7d4186⋯.jpg (150.34 KB, 800x918, 400:459, IMG_4506.JPG)

6ec371  No.4316193


I pissed a bunch off a few threads back posting an article about pedos and linking isreal. they didn't like that all.

2ac116  No.4316194


Yes!!!! My baby suffers from it and he is so tired of itching and hurting. We’ve tried EVERYTHING. Last trip to the dermatologist we left with almost $2700 worth of meds…..

109530  No.4316195


Those are waves, not stars.

c2d56f  No.4316196

File: 3a38b846d8038d5⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)



2af362  No.4316197

File: 25e7277a2d5469d⋯.jpeg (67.44 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DXy3dGVVQAEVMJ4.jpeg)


Do it Christmas day.


Could you imagine??

"My Fellow Americans…I am here today to announce the plan for the end of your chains that you and your ancestors have lived in, brutally, illegally, for so long…."


Hope is a Good Thing!!


12720e  No.4316198


Lol check the comment I just left at plebbit

2bb6af  No.4316199


What is this dig please?

0be6b1  No.4316200



2b87a2  No.4316201


Look at that shitty creep pasta

e0268f  No.4316202


Biggest clue Q ever gave.

There are no coincidences.

0ef896  No.4316203

File: 981a8b5436c353d⋯.jpg (438.22 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_1433.JPG)

4a30bf  No.4316204

File: f64dd67701b86f5⋯.gif (6.15 MB, 320x240, 4:3, dsjiujfngvdfjnbv.gif)

File: 0dba96f76c5897c⋯.jpg (28.54 KB, 474x401, 474:401, th76ZY6NB0.jpg)

WHY? Why do you hate the baker

on this most historic bread


15d2ce  No.4316205


kek anon, that's not how our republic works


interdasting, probably because you were spamming bewbs

the BV/BO check questionable pics too

1234b2  No.4316206

little fish little fish blue fish pink fish…

so sad you don't understand :(


e33a45  No.4316207


need a house or two first remember. that and PRIVATE airstrip.

GIS would be great in this situation.

63d6ef  No.4316208


She was made fun of for being ugly when she was a child in the WH. they all remember that, and so stand up for Barron.

Satanists are people too.

c48aab  No.4316209

Obamacare ? I feel like we are going backwards …. Investigating shit from 2 years ago …302 s 702 s. …. Slow as shit this Plan

52e2e5  No.4316210


this isnt a porn board faggot.

2ac116  No.4316211


I suffer from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. My hope is that there is a cure before I pass on from this world

2b87a2  No.4316212

File: 24a540cf887243b⋯.jpg (28.49 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4499.JPG)

cf28e4  No.4316213


Govt healthcare is unconstitutional but the free market Pres still wants govt involved in healthcare. Can you say hypocrite?? Govt is the problem never the solution.

fab6ff  No.4316214


The SCOTUS simply votes not to hear the appeal. The Txas ruling stands.

Obamacare is dead.

4a4901  No.4316215

So we have two really good placeholders now.

Mulvaney and Whitaker.

ce6607  No.4316216

>>4316148 what standing do they have to represent the .gov? that falls on the AG to appeal when the .gov is ruled against.

0be6b1  No.4316217


The stars at night

Are big and bright


341e6d  No.4316218


and the Marianas Trench is 7 miles deep

a369c8  No.4316219


Interdasting indeed.

Along with films and other entertainment, trying to keep us out.

In the Godzilla series, he retreats over there sometimes.

77a8a9  No.4316220


Try using Thyme (the spice) it works for me. Go to Amazon and look up Thyme out and read the reviews. It really works :)

5f4a16  No.4316221

File: 47d3267d479ef10⋯.jpg (107.45 KB, 586x545, 586:545, 32fc6e9fd39bc1769593ec5fe6….jpg)


Going to listen now.

The one I posted stuck with me because that's the one Q posted when Operators went Active.

Thanks, fren.

df71b5  No.4316222

I am real, but are you?

627917  No.4316223



Interesting, net shut down…brings us all down…all platforms…right? And killing those Apps (goog, FB, …) shouldn't affect us here…right?

6f66ad  No.4316224

tried this



bca31f  No.4316225


Kids of presidents are always there to protect kids of presidents. They Know. Amy Carter and the Bush twins did the same for Obama's kids. The rule is leave the kids alone, let them grow up. Once older if they decide to go normal, leave 'em alone. If they go into a public job all bets are off. E.g. Chelsea is fair game now.

569c40  No.4316226


what clue are you referring to?

2b87a2  No.4316227

File: 356e0d16fa2f33f⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 570x553, 570:553, E4B3243C-B29C-4F76-9BA2-D0….jpg)

37da70  No.4316228


Q's going to post documents in all the categories on PatriotsFight.

And I believe he's going to post some streaming video.

It was a load test of the server/network infrastructure to determine how much further to upsize the site based on a predicted amount of future traffic to access these things.

109530  No.4316229


CBD oil. Do it.

662648  No.4316230


Good question. First Q&A had 400000+ IPs. Any numbers on last one?

308be6  No.4316231

e33a45  No.4316232


possible human trafficking rape/child sacrifice occult dungeon type mansion/estate in montana.

a main house (at LEAST over 5000 sq ft) next to a worker's quarters. two houses.

private airstrip.

secluded, all windows in the house facing lake?

cages and altars in the house, cages around property (possible have been moved).

was seen two years ago, maybe less.

db891a  No.4316233


That's what I thought too, but then the bewbz kept rolling on.

Just think it's a shill tactic to kill the bewbz all together, imho.

Not BO/BV's fault. They have to do what they have to do, but fuck… I can only see so much of the same old shit…

7c810a  No.4316234

File: 7488cfa32cc02d0⋯.png (5.34 MB, 4490x1587, 4490:1587, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f528c0fcafbb18b⋯.png (49.82 KB, 462x432, 77:72, ClipboardImage.png)

diggin re-diggin on Titanic tonight

this timeline by anon from 4plebs and this confirmation by Q post is a good prep as a baseline

109530  No.4316235


the herb…also, you can GROW IT and it is comes back every year.

523cb4  No.4316236

>>4315867 (lb)

Okay, Decipher fag here. Not going to post the whole decryption of this TWAT by GEOTUS, but adding up all of the unnecessary Capitol Letters, assigning their numerical value, and adding up, you get the number 371.

371=3+7+1=11; Which equals: 1:1, and quite possibly 1/1/19 for the date the high profile arrests happen (Double meanings exist, or GEOTUS is saying, "I'm talking directly to YOU (the board). Arrests happen on January 1, 2019."

Just my 5 cents…

b75391  No.4316237


Sun or sunbeds. Sun is best, but sunbeds do really help.

52f510  No.4316238


Notice the past & future reference? A couple of Q related things in there.

228d2d  No.4316239


Apple cider vinegar is cheap, look it up!

9922a0  No.4316240


yea so if net shutdown /pause is covered by NSA… won't happen…. then everyone comes here when all other platforms die temporarily then some permanently

67b0f2  No.4316241

>>4315273 PB

>Anyone else think it's convenient that we live in a borderline society and borderline personality disorder gets almost no funding because it cant be cured with a fucking pill?

Had family diagnosed with this. Got rid of it by elimination of glutamic acid and aspartic acid in the food.

The food is loaded with excitotoxic neurotransmitters. (brain chemicals aka: brain and nerve drugs)

To learn how to clean up the food see:


Good advice for anyone who suffers migraines, seizures, panic attacks, rage disorder, PTSD, manic depression, BPD, and children with poor vision early in life.

My son was 20-40/20-60 legally blind at 7 years old.

I cleaned up the food. Gave him vitamins and fish oil Omegas. It took three years to heal his eyes and let the nerves reconnect to his retina's. He is 20-20 today both eyes, and is a pilot.

39d691  No.4316242

"Nothing Scares The Identity Politics Left Like An Actual Working-Class Uprising"


5a1470  No.4316243



fceceb  No.4316244

File: 5357d89cb0eff44⋯.jpg (72.69 KB, 967x485, 967:485, 3.JPG)

Former Rockford Leader Faces Fraud Charges


673300  No.4316245


>Was banned for CP….

And yet here you are

Most patriots here, of which YOU are NOT care about the Great Awakening not your lack of self control

2af362  No.4316246

File: 8a1b55f02f60e85⋯.gif (2.93 MB, 346x615, 346:615, 6b7d8822dab2463fb1c03adb6b….gif)

To the Anon who shared this earlier…THANK YOU!! WOW!!

And that's one of my very favorite Memes, I share the heck out of it everywhere. And this is an even more aggressive version. Again, Honored!!


5be58b  No.4316247


Sounds like they are trying to test the board to see how much traffic it can handle right now and whether it can be upgraded to accommodate more


Topics don't matter if Q is trying to test the system; better than there are lots of responses of any kind so Q team can max out the system

3289bb  No.4316248

File: 1e0363e0ee5f418⋯.png (1020.46 KB, 820x532, 205:133, CORPS girl.png)

Corps girls for bakers!

da0e74  No.4316249

Jason Schavetz is doing a great job filling in for Hannity, he seems like a natural!!!

What say you anons?

7c810a  No.4316250


very large graphic

open image in new window if interested

this is what the anon was responding to that Q then responded to anon

35ae03  No.4316251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I was premature with the last one.

2b87a2  No.4316252

What a waste of a term

c48aab  No.4316253

Comey coming back Monday ..Is this a Fucking Joke …. Lock these lying fucks up already

77a8a9  No.4316254


Agreed, I use a combo of the sun and Thyme, also brew it into a tea to drink….

2bb6af  No.4316255


give me general location to make it 3D

c807b5  No.4316256

KTLA is reporting a box truck exploded in Boyle Heights and said it may have been carrying propane.

Anyone remember the stolen propane tanks from Missouri a few years back?


15d2ce  No.4316257



almost bed time

5f4a16  No.4316258


kek..they never do.

we know who is Anon and who isn't..no matter what they say, Q has addressed it. it's last.

6e91ab  No.4316259


Back-pedaling . . .

12576f  No.4316260

File: 4795f4db5ac259a⋯.png (538.49 KB, 641x390, 641:390, Screenshot_1.png)

File: 0f9e3a05145608f⋯.png (824.54 KB, 640x543, 640:543, Screenshot_2.png)

Apparent report from French policeman political orders re. protest

"cannot verify"



A French trade union has released an alarming report—one that I cannot verify the veracity of, so keep that in mind. It claims the French police were ordered in some cases to use force when unprovoked, in others to let destruction go unanswered to make the Yellow Vests unpopular.

To be clear, the officer is not certain, but suspects that the order to let destruction ensue last Sunday (graffiti on the Arc de Triomphe) was the same as the order he received last year during May Day (a day during which Anarchists often protest violently):

5d8700  No.4316261

File: b63bf3b578122f9⋯.jpg (24.32 KB, 277x255, 277:255, hahaha.JPG)

fab6ff  No.4316262


If unconstitutional, the law simply goes away. Laws return to what was in effect beforehand

627917  No.4316263


OK, so the load is not posting but users pulling files down?

6f66ad  No.4316264

u can also get this in tablet form and ingest it if u dont like taste american health



62102d  No.4316265

File: f5eab9ec5e4a27c⋯.jpg (158.31 KB, 971x527, 971:527, trap.jpg)

b55097  No.4316266


I am having a hard time beliving you were banned for these pics…clearly not cp.

But, making many anons talk about it now, might be considered sliding.

Boobs needed for free speech, though.

111298  No.4316267


For now, yes but tomorrow who knows.

3df5ae  No.4316268

File: b1496fe2bd2c9da⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Reindeer Q.jpg)

2af362  No.4316269

File: 82a22989bcbfd98⋯.png (385.21 KB, 431x579, 431:579, Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at ….png)


OG Baker girl there. One of the prettiest. God that is MY kind of woman. Radiant.

8ecad1  No.4316270


My son is 27 and would like to get ACA, but it's ridiculously expensive ($300+ a month) and with almost $8000 of deductibles, the chances of him getting any benefit are extremely low.

Ludicrous and mostly the dem-controlled tort attorneys on one side and big pharma on the other side are to blame.

2bb6af  No.4316271


i am good at the map shit so ok

37da70  No.4316272

File: 9f872b53fd0da08⋯.jpg (66.22 KB, 750x422, 375:211, QCrumbsChoiceToKnow2.jpg)

File: 88cfe9618b8ee6a⋯.jpg (263.99 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, QCrumbsTimeIsNow.jpg)

File: ce2cb1b977c35de⋯.jpg (131.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, QCrumbsHuberSeverePainDC3.jpg)

File: ae60698d7b50ffe⋯.jpg (145.45 KB, 735x490, 3:2, QCrumbsWorldChange13.jpg)

File: 5130e3b21c3e23e⋯.jpeg (205.71 KB, 1126x1317, 1126:1317, QCrumbsRemainBrave1.jpeg)

2f4b96  No.4316273

File: b09399a90e81487⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1705x1091, 1705:1091, 3F5CA0F9-D075-4358-9C60-8….jpeg)

File: 515d7c078c7d4b0⋯.jpeg (525.77 KB, 976x797, 976:797, A1555AA5-10C6-4100-B561-1….jpeg)

File: 0bd2ba6261af6fd⋯.jpeg (270.78 KB, 701x709, 701:709, F28D4956-05A9-4031-BAB5-C….jpeg)


Socialize it for real American citizens and get over muh Free market healthcare,

662648  No.4316274


Rawleigh's salve

228d2d  No.4316275


>I suffer from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. My hope is that there is a cure before I pass on from this world

Try a pinch of baking soda in a quarter cup of water!

You'll never hear about it because it's "too cheap" of a cure!

1234b2  No.4316276




this is NOT funny


6b8ade  No.4316277

File: 6266846786ffee4⋯.jpg (887.39 KB, 1638x1438, 819:719, More lightning.jpg)


I feel it Too

615605  No.4316278

File: 51e0c622ed83429⋯.png (31.83 KB, 300x281, 300:281, PepeFish2.png)


So that'd make what, 10 hits?

bca31f  No.4316279


Not a victim, just not a sociopath.

d0e6b3  No.4316280


Tangentially, where is Admiral Rogers?

5d8700  No.4316281

File: 2a48ac5a69ce98f⋯.jpg (87.62 KB, 959x714, 137:102, point6.JPG)


Be careful who you follow.

615605  No.4316282

Congress Can No Longer Use Taxpayer Dollars to Settle Their Sexual Harassment Problems

One of the more ridiculous things our taxpayer dollars were used for is taking the financial burden off of politicians who were caught sexually harassing others, essentially making us foot the bill for the Washington elite’s inability to engage with others with common decency.

No longer, however, thanks to a bipartisan bill that unanimously made its way through the Congress and Senate and will shortly appear on President Donald Trump’s desk for signing.


bfc4eb  No.4316283

File: e605dcab345df61⋯.png (39.16 KB, 907x860, 907:860, ClipboardImage.png)

c644c4  No.4316284


man.., again the stress test failure was pecklesslosi and schmuck self destruct meeting with POTUS. superspitting

03ed5d  No.4316285




db891a  No.4316286


See that's what I'm saying. It would have to be a slide if it's to be decided what to do about it. Don't want to slide, but sometimes, bewbz are all you got…

845225  No.4316287

File: 2035c272df494bf⋯.jpg (87.77 KB, 948x676, 237:169, AQ1.jpg)

File: 9b7e11137a5e6a3⋯.png (297.25 KB, 489x368, 489:368, AQ5.PNG)

First one's stolen. Second one's mine. Couldn't find original.

29bd17  No.4316288


The third pic is CP, fuck off.

b75391  No.4316290

File: 2f384ce35927562⋯.jpg (183.41 KB, 1140x1140, 1:1, DigHarder.jpg)

fceceb  No.4316291

File: 63f6f007b2416ac⋯.jpg (80.42 KB, 769x816, 769:816, 3.JPG)

Pilot injured after plane crash in Spotsylvania County, Virginia


12576f  No.4316292

File: 04830a3af18c02a⋯.png (271.47 KB, 687x311, 687:311, Screenshot_3.png)

109530  No.4316293

File: 97ce11012edd1de⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6c431735b2096813cb0c3b80f0….jpg)

419f17  No.4316294

The More Time I spend Here

The More Surreal This Reality Becomes

Might be Time to Shut off everything

and take a walk in the Woods

673300  No.4316295

File: 56e7007dd76f5c3⋯.png (47.81 KB, 649x375, 649:375, Rudy re Comey Strzok 302 1….PNG)

The FBI 302s of Gen. Flynn interview shows Comey and [Stroyk] were not searching for the truth but setting a perjury trap for Flynn.


a369c8  No.4316296


They've been telling us these things for years.

I wonder what the hell it is thats frozen?

c644c4  No.4316297



341e6d  No.4316298


This is YOUR movie, we are but actors

df71b5  No.4316299


Congress Can No Longer Use Taxpayer Dollars to Settle Their Sexual Harassment Problems

This, of course, will come back to bite us in the ass. Expect Avenetti types to bombard GOP Senators with fake claims.

52f510  No.4316300


Just tell me where baby.

39d691  No.4316301

Read this:

All I have to say is it's a good thing we have a secret space program and technology hundreds of years more advanced than our enemies.

Washington Is Changing The World Order Against Its Own Interests


f1dbde  No.4316302


I remember,

2bb6af  No.4316303


I can't copy past that shit city and state or lat and longitude

9b68fc  No.4316304


Hopefully right after hussein is arrested for perpetrating a fraud on the USA.

523cb4  No.4316305



7b9552  No.4316306

>>4316040, >>4316047, >>4316051, >>4316054, >>4316055 (auspicious dubs checked), >>4316063, >>4316065 (AB holds the record for pur digit madness tho), >>4316082, >>4316075, >>4316088, >>4316091, >>4316094, >>4316105

ty anons


Understood, ty for your persistence, gud attitude and info. You're right, understanding the sauce of orig. article w/ facts about its background is pertinent. Will add this info to this bread's notes (unless I'm missing something anons bring to my attention).



d7cc41  No.4316307

File: 0a6b807c5c32374⋯.png (1.03 MB, 2339x3280, 2339:3280, cbImScwxZZ.png)


Posted about but effed up the link back to (lb)

See 4316140 this bread

3df5ae  No.4316308

File: f9993c61a6c3daa⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2596x2596, 1:1, Volcanic Q.jpg)

4d4224  No.4316309


I'm not sure that is entirely the case.

It doesn't make sense for Q to "stress test anons." The very nature of the board makes it rather silly to use that.

While the people pushing that narrative do have a point - that people reacted rather foolishly at times - that is nothing new and also rather predictable when it comes to the chans.

There are a few ways to take the "stress test failed" remark, one of which is simply that anons overwhelmed whatever system was being tested. While this also seems silly to announce - it does make some sense if you figure that 8chan is a pre-positioned asset to be used as a comms hub in the event of internet censorship getting out of hand.

It may not have been a stress test of the servers hosting infinity, but a test of servers responsible for somehow defeating the attempts to block 8chan routing in certain countries.

I think to take off with much of anything Q says in a direct manner is a bit of a silly thing. Q is a bit of an oracle, and pretending as though you have the true meaning of what Q said is probably going to bite you in the ass.

cf28e4  No.4316310


Would you really expect teh govt to admit they have lied to you in schools for over 75 years and swindled the tax payers out of over 1 Trillion dollars for "moon missions"? Open your wallet "space force is coming" and they need money…

a39bd4  No.4316311


Agreed. She defends both sides when it is children.

fab6ff  No.4316312


Please, just ban the pervert.

bd6fea  No.4316313

Night Shift it is smellin good in the kictchen brothers and sisters!

56252e  No.4316314

If it's questionable "CP", don't post it. This isn't hard.

f1dbde  No.4316315


Here’s the article


37da70  No.4316316


That is my surmise. None of us knows for sure.

I looked at the stress test as a software engineering exercise to profile the components of the site, determine capacity, determine where the choke points are, etc. It is quite possible to scale up a site once you know how many bytes are going to be served and what the infrastructure design will be. There are many variables such as # of CPUs, type of CPUs, amount of memory, software structure, load balancing (parallel paths through multiple links and machines serving the load), caching proxies, network adapters and links, etc. There are people with expertise in this kind of design.

I could be wrong about what Q meant or intends, though.

e33a45  No.4316317


lake is not a major one but a secluded private one we think. Focus on any body of water (less than 200 acres), no neighbors for miles in all directions,

29bd17  No.4316318


They evade bans, so report it when you see it.

49337a  No.4316319

File: 00efd7abcb84d0c⋯.png (48.84 KB, 600x227, 600:227, ClipboardImage.png)

the truth is closer than you think

419f17  No.4316320


Standard MO for (( them ))

d96772  No.4316321

File: 91d17a582e6627e⋯.jpg (45.77 KB, 886x491, 886:491, DuU-3JsWsAAKAfJ.jpg)

File: 4070a8a776c7be1⋯.jpg (42.8 KB, 868x489, 868:489, DuU-3ZXXcAA2KBc.jpg)

someone hacked a screen in wales

72e01c  No.4316322

>>4316155 You mean read previous notables? Yes, I did miss, apologies. Glad to see your other posts add so much value to the bread.

>KEK, GROW IT, [7]

b7f537  No.4316323


Thanks /BV/.. Shadilay!

9922a0  No.4316324

File: 149068007714d4d⋯.mp4 (6.74 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, U3fDF4POxHS29oYk.mp4)

Merry Christmas

5d8700  No.4316325


Nice dig anon, good to know. TY.

Whomever used the BS tax fund STILL needs to be exposed including the details so WE can conclude. There are insentient people accused live Kav….

87a8d2  No.4316326

File: c5c2db4166d0a34⋯.jpg (117.92 KB, 894x521, 894:521, aliens.jpg)

bca31f  No.4316327


it maybe a special evlevator for upper floors. the lower classes cannot get on it w/o a proper key.

12576f  No.4316328

File: 0370e5d4f7657d4⋯.png (481.1 KB, 675x498, 225:166, Screenshot_4.png)


French police authorities are breaking down from exhaustive work sessions, they attempt to use this stress to justify their preemptive use of force on demonstrators, claiming that they (the police) feel like zombies.


c2d56f  No.4316329



She was brutalized in the media as a kid.

Shows she at least has some empathy left - if only because she actually lived what she's defending Barron against.

a369c8  No.4316330


Fucking brilliant!

They should get Times Square next

df71b5  No.4316331

We are all Yellow Vests

2bb6af  No.4316332


anons autistic abilities have way been dropping in last several months. It is more like normies trying to be anons.

e0268f  No.4316333


I will assume the odds of a baby getting stuck in her vag coming out is rather low?

5f4a16  No.4316334

File: 4a36bb2a4aac6e8⋯.png (277.47 KB, 799x500, 799:500, qns.png)


When does it become appropriate to ban fools when they put the entire board at jeopardy?

We saw what happened earlier per Anon's post about some boards getting closed/deleted because of CP.

b20502  No.4316335

Was the 5th floor closed today because that judge ordered Mueller to release the Flynn docs?

567e85  No.4316336



b55097  No.4316337

To all the shills,

Please, be the lost sheeps that return to their Lord and father and that are welcomed by him. God loves all his children.

Your masters don't give a shit about you, like their masters don't give a shit about them.

All considered profane, sheep.

They will send you to death w/o a blink.

Cut evil masonic ties. Stay away from the lodge and 'brothers'. Now.

You can save yourselves, bc you are so many, they can't doorknob you all!

YOUR chance is NOW. Few time left.

You are shilling (and educating yourselves) here so long, you see God is winning. Join the good site, don't oppose.

Pray. Be saved.

>>4154137 pb - Parable of the Lost Sheep - Luke 15:1-7

Why the secret handshake between police and Freemasons should worry us



Albert Pike: "The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine."

Fuck MLK!


c5be3c  No.4316338

I don't need to I remember it was horrible


52e2e5  No.4316339

File: 6238b9e2e9829f2⋯.jpeg (35.59 KB, 564x414, 94:69, 6238b9e2e9829f24cf2b63e0d….jpeg)


great memes anon!

c1ff7c  No.4316340

File: f5c68e7fa5c34ec⋯.jpeg (119.72 KB, 1524x221, 1524:221, 6229C0E4-635A-409D-B039-C….jpeg)

>>4315745 lb Notable Conservative Treehouse analysis of Solomon's docs re: Flynn

One problem with Sundance’s analysis - in May of 2017 the PDB would be for Trump, not Obama.

15cd73  No.4316341

File: e6bf50069850b82⋯.jpg (300.98 KB, 759x475, 759:475, 9de98edd2009c6cadb70ccc355….jpg)

File: 42d0d0b7eeb172b⋯.jpg (173.1 KB, 556x648, 139:162, a956264f7721651692db626c56….jpg)

File: 9cba1ab73166f85⋯.jpg (155.55 KB, 671x537, 671:537, 50080b21765945e9b14e6df338….jpg)

a369c8  No.4316342


Good lookin' out

111298  No.4316343


Classy couple.

c861c6  No.4316344


Try urea cream. It works wonders. 40% for body.

f227da  No.4316345


use the POWER thanks for service

bfc4eb  No.4316346

>>4316140 ty i got it still digging

662648  No.4316347


Need the names and amounts for any living congress member who benefited

5f5a34  No.4316348


There is a Your Mom joke screaming to be uttered there.

bca31f  No.4316349


People who care about working families need to stop wage suppression and public service theft by illegal aliens, amirite chucky?

73340e  No.4316350

Get his vitamin D3 above 50 ng/ml and watch what happens. Check yours too…VERY common deficiency with a mile-long list of comorbities.


596cd7  No.4316351



b7f537  No.4316352


What you saw was shills becoming aware that they were attacked for infantile retardation.

df71b5  No.4316353


err.. uddered

412c1c  No.4316354


THIS x 10

2bb6af  No.4316355


i am anon i will follow Q when it is solid - i will call it political BS when I see it as political BS. I can find a flag by wind pattern and the type of trees in the picture.

0be6b1  No.4316356

File: 119dea9aa6ecb43⋯.jpeg (101.02 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 4BA8ECC7-504E-41AD-ADE8-4….jpeg)

c4ff42  No.4316357

File: e4cbd28a21fd690⋯.jpeg (888.13 KB, 2048x1535, 2048:1535, 0DD58101-EFF6-4953-8607-D….jpeg)

File: 8682e0db93e8403⋯.jpeg (741.33 KB, 1535x2048, 1535:2048, 0FBD9416-3133-466D-A565-F….jpeg)

Night Shift in the house!

c5be3c  No.4316358

I just bought a yellow slicker, raincoat. Reflective.

I hope I won't need it for protesting.


7b9552  No.4316359

File: d3bdc62ef113ae3⋯.png (66.11 KB, 938x476, 67:34, ClipboardImage.png)


changed my mind after reviewing your source more. In our well-reseaerched experience, anyone decrying any source for reasons of "anti-semitism" are using dishonest ad hominem attacks. But ty for offering the info for us to review.

50146e  No.4316360


She's built like a record player.. 33-45-78

c48aab  No.4316361

Dec 14 2018:…. still nothing to show the public …. Nobody is waking up … Just getting us more and more pissed off …. Plan sucks

305a72  No.4316362

is it possible to use the user JS to make a hash of every post and then be able to filter based on identical-to-previous copypasta?

37da70  No.4316363


When there are new tasks for us to do, you will see us shine again. Autists don't handle repetition/boredom very well.

e42332  No.4316364

Anybody else sick and tired of right wing commentators refusing to call a spade a spade by refusing to speak DIRECTLY about Treason & Sedition?

fab6ff  No.4316365


Soon, the question will be asked. How many posts in the hour thereafter. I will lurq, but posting will be futile

5be58b  No.4316366


Raising the interesting question….Who is posting which pix? Shills obviously post anything they can, some of which is obvious designed to gross people out, nothing else. And then there are some very tasteful/attractive pix of ladies (and even gentlement). But then there is the stuff in between, and I can never tell who posts it.

341e6d  No.4316367


why is it back on here then?

50a4ad  No.4316368

File: 7423e6919a5d4ea⋯.png (449.92 KB, 659x798, 659:798, Q CIBC2 REMOVES CLIMATE CH….PNG)

File: 7be2c85d56bd41a⋯.png (235.46 KB, 681x910, 681:910, Q CIBC REMOVES CLIMATE CHA….PNG)



b53e78  No.4316369

f80fa0  No.4316370

File: 5147cced6860835⋯.png (79.62 KB, 628x490, 314:245, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: 94f303a2e7ffe39⋯.png (130.04 KB, 632x771, 632:771, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: b3b4a90b41c7f48⋯.png (132.72 KB, 635x765, 127:153, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: 61b8442f429853f⋯.png (122.96 KB, 625x528, 625:528, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)


Look at the BIG picture.

Expand your thinking past BT & you will see whats 'really' being said.

CC is NOT sticking up for or defending Barron.

Read between the lines..

b55097  No.4316371


Just leave the namefield blank, anon.

5d8700  No.4316372


BO rocks, TU!

109530  No.4316373



2bb6af  No.4316374


local airport within 50 miles?

523cb4  No.4316375


Yeah Corsi's a Professional MOS victim! Oh, poor me, bew-fucking-hew! Buy my book and read all about it! Was wondering what his agenda could be as a DS Shill, but maybe attempting to gain "cred," for further, future fuckery?

0a654d  No.4316376

File: 1fcdf8183ac1838⋯.png (563.09 KB, 1815x774, 605:258, JW 12-14-18.png)

File: 05d6f1e1d498e45⋯.png (127.11 KB, 1772x422, 886:211, JW 12-14-18.2.png)

File: 21a10dc1d3d6971⋯.pdf (2.45 MB, JW-v-State-Cardin-December….pdf)

File: 6aa19e9733441ed⋯.pdf (2.07 MB, JW-v-State-Cardin-docs-013….pdf)

Documents attached.


df71b5  No.4316377


Don't forget your rubbers.

15d2ce  No.4316378


>## Board Volunteer

BO is cool too

2ac116  No.4316379


I will have his checked! No lie….mine was 5 around 3 years ago. I take 10k units per day and it is still in the 20s. My doc said mine was the lowest he’d ever seen!

eac7d0  No.4316380

File: 0c10cb63539d278⋯.png (239.27 KB, 1518x668, 759:334, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: 375acf71b515167⋯.png (848.85 KB, 1356x1008, 113:84, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

Anons, didn't see this in the Notables but seriously – it's happening.


I mean FUCK!!

57f635  No.4316381

File: 3391ddec3f836f2⋯.gif (19.69 KB, 220x191, 220:191, IMG_4600.GIF)

File: a3c83fe5176acee⋯.gif (6.82 MB, 570x321, 190:107, IMG_4601.GIF)

File: cf5a2cf886ae4ba⋯.gif (397.54 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_4604.GIF)

680f71  No.4316382

File: 18c542ed8f4ca12⋯.png (3.85 MB, 2540x3460, 127:173, IMG_2899_01.png)

662648  No.4316383


The hell with her and her wedding that was funded off Haitian kids

5f4a16  No.4316384


Severely OTT.

Shit is going down, very soon.

Let's all enjoy the ride, I suppose.

673300  No.4316385



6af87e  No.4316386

Can someone link me to the fox video of Pelosi that anon in last thread claimed made it 'look like she flipped'?

341e6d  No.4316387


Thank You

c7af1e  No.4316388


actually the 18 thing is a turnoff. they get a thrill out of thinking you're 14.

ef3efa  No.4316389

1ae535  No.4316390

File: c55cd3159d5ca43⋯.png (107.57 KB, 520x378, 260:189, 2018-12-14_21-36-03.png)

File: 57e1f70a7a1e417⋯.png (232.04 KB, 656x401, 656:401, 2018-12-14_21-39-27.png)

c807b5  No.4316392

File: e026be871fcde11⋯.png (170.41 KB, 472x297, 472:297, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

5be58b  No.4316393


You mean, like, on Fox?

2ac116  No.4316394

Thank you!


c644c4  No.4316395

Eagles and other larger birds protect their kin and consider their most vulnerable as a "must protect first' position. And will claw back the owls prey as its tenderling calls out for its bosom breast.

e33a45  No.4316396


private airstrip, I presume on the building site. PRIVATE, not municipal or federal.

cf28e4  No.4316397


Yet the govt can not protect the American skies from aircraft chemtrailing the public? Reconcile.

c5be3c  No.4316398

Slides right over my loafers. KEK


627917  No.4316399



Yep, I guess that could be it. This will no longer be a discussion board then.

37da70  No.4316400

File: affec08cad01638⋯.jpg (175.93 KB, 1095x868, 1095:868, QCrumbsTruthWillShine1.jpg)

File: ecedd072a18aeda⋯.jpg (219.84 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, QCrumbsTruthWillShine3.jpg)

File: b0a4ee29562135b⋯.jpg (111.35 KB, 600x563, 600:563, QCrumbsWeStandForLove.jpg)

File: b97c92930dc8b1e⋯.jpg (118.61 KB, 647x556, 647:556, QCrumbsWorldChange2.jpg)

File: b5c11d04f1b57b4⋯.jpg (236.31 KB, 632x948, 2:3, QCrumbsWorldChange12.jpg)


Thanks. Just dispensing from a massive collection, various memeanons.

fab6ff  No.4316401


Will do.

3dd55a  No.4316402

File: ef463debd2d4643⋯.png (2.52 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, 7C41E686-865C-4628-93DD-AD….png)

File: f6c73551c66a281⋯.jpg (55.41 KB, 250x320, 25:32, IMG_4591.JPG)

File: 6ba373f24f13862⋯.gif (111.16 KB, 500x211, 500:211, IMG_4592.GIF)

f1dbde  No.4316403


You do know that he wrote into the ovomitcare act, that he gets paid every time that word is used….right?

bfc4eb  No.4316404


sorry man still learning the ropes

48-36-03.6000N / 113-06-55.1000W

48-36.060000N / 113-06.918333W

72e01c  No.4316405


Thank you Baker. I tend to look at the source 1st if it is unknown and do a search to see what comes up. Thank you for addressing.

2bb6af  No.4316406


pick a side subject rhen solve EQ thing, or solve math things, or solve TOE, or a best recipe thing just do it!

4f9396  No.4316407

File: d2f8f9d803eb4dd⋯.jpg (361.66 KB, 768x917, 768:917, 2018-10-11 20.23.02.jpg)

OOOOh I hope the DS is ready for the sandpaper condom, because it's gonna be rough and gritty. KEK

5d8700  No.4316408


^^^^^^^^^^^ Nice one anon :)

5be58b  No.4316409


I was trying to post on patriotsawoken when Q was doing Q&A (I sometimes test complex posts there for formatting purposes) and was surprised to get a flood message. So it's the entire system.

611061  No.4316410

File: 9b2215a764395cb⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ingodwetrust.jpg)


You seem to like trusts as do I…. one trust I believe that flies under the radar and is somehow connected to the DTCC is the "In God We" Trust…..

f80fa0  No.4316411

File: 5c24002251a0840⋯.png (91.44 KB, 264x284, 66:71, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)


Feels too good

3dd55a  No.4316412

File: 442d73ecd8b9be4⋯.gif (206.02 KB, 400x351, 400:351, IMG_4606.GIF)

5f4a16  No.4316413

File: e57f10e35630a54⋯.png (399.51 KB, 799x500, 799:500, 5-5.png)

File: 379bb94f5acc239⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1094x936, 547:468, 379bb94f5acc239e883a84365c….png)

e42332  No.4316414

>>4316393 Exactly who I'm talking about! Seems like Tucker wants to talk about it, but won't!

a369c8  No.4316415

File: 905848c10738f71⋯.jpg (80.97 KB, 600x450, 4:3, fly chariot ridin on dubs.jpg)

39d691  No.4316416



The government is chemtrailing the public.

0687b8  No.4316417

>>4312803 (pb)

>>4312824 (pb)

Try 0.12%

THIS is the bullshit they're trying to do here. AND they're trying to make you think it's a HUGE percent of the pop. It isn't, and they aren't. Abolishing all social norms for one tenth of one percent is FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

3dd55a  No.4316418

File: 8cc529a14070710⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 400x351, 400:351, IMG_4609.GIF)

63bbdc  No.4316419


Are you serious? He just did a QA here on the 12th.

d514e3  No.4316420

File: 042a4860dacf49c⋯.gif (374.62 KB, 354x200, 177:100, tenor (2).gif)


I am a lowly meme and shitposter. However….nomnomnom

fc7c6c  No.4316421


My son is same age and pays <$100/mo for this:


2f6648  No.4316422


This makes sense to me, anon. Because, otherwise, what are all the placeholders on PF?

When stress tests fail, it's because you push the system until failure occurs so you can see its limit. Q sat here Q&Aing, building traffic, massive user count, until fail. Data used to determine needed upgrades.

2bb6af  No.4316423


Star Browning airstrip Montana?

df71b5  No.4316424

File: 29962ae6e9c6d13⋯.jpg (210.76 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, scm5500_1_[1].jpg)

15cd73  No.4316425

File: c6afdf07771d4b2⋯.jpg (212.66 KB, 693x520, 693:520, 003c08c178b9bc02e05ca0157f….jpg)

File: 949ff46b033f5a1⋯.jpg (79.86 KB, 474x315, 158:105, 49cdfaaddc4cfbca70824b8f2b….jpg)

File: 1495cb2d0588e66⋯.jpg (154.61 KB, 759x475, 759:475, c47d433ac647ad9b68f966c8af….jpg)

File: b75104d24b16ac7⋯.jpg (206.35 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 7d2997c27cc45d52b6d56cd247….jpg)

9b68fc  No.4316426


We need the "Any law congress passes applies to congress" law.

a369c8  No.4316427


Yeah but do we know why, yet?

To sicken and weaken us?

Terraform the planet?

It never made sense to me that they have to breathe the same air as we do, thus are also exposed to it.

3dd55a  No.4316428

File: 6a27c56004cea38⋯.gif (166.72 KB, 400x351, 400:351, IMG_4611.GIF)



d7cc41  No.4316429

File: 0a1ef2ae9aba38b⋯.png (143.41 KB, 802x1096, 401:548, ClipboardImage.png)


This link lets you create an xls with all private airports by state




bca31f  No.4316430


if he has to explain his joke, it's not a joke. Anons (and decent folks) know the kid is off limits. this liberal chit deserves all the heat coming at him. His joke is so bad even a Clinton outs him, it's pretty pathetic.

bfc4eb  No.4316431

5a1470  No.4316432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not a fox video


old news

627917  No.4316433



Waite…what??? So PatriotsFight goes down too during Q&A?

65beae  No.4316434


How do you know?

3a7699  No.4316435





cf28e4  No.4316436


Exactly, while they claim to be in control they continue to poison the public air, water, and food supply. They have it all…we are the targets.

5d8700  No.4316437


FUXs is comped, get over it now that Murdock has past.

6ec371  No.4316438

Any MEMEFAGS doing a new Meme with the international criminals in the cell? We need some good ones.


111298  No.4316439


I hear those ads- tempting.

f1dbde  No.4316440

Wonder if my daughter who’s 36 can get that, they wanted $3700 a month cause she’s a single female


0f510d  No.4316441

I try to never post while Q is posting. Usually just lurk and watch what comes. When Q is done I evaluate, check to see impressions of others on the board and if I have anything to add to the conversation, Post it. If not I lurk moar and go digging. There are many topics still unresolved.


1ae535  No.4316442

File: e0bc0909df0480b⋯.png (134.26 KB, 362x308, 181:154, 2018-12-14_21-34-27.png)

File: 2d05a186a3a5435⋯.png (215.5 KB, 484x394, 242:197, 2018-12-14_21-33-56.png)

File: 50bcd234fb7d56e⋯.png (493.4 KB, 432x602, 216:301, 2018-12-14_21-47-30.png)

File: 6c95efcb71c8daf⋯.png (108.58 KB, 487x367, 487:367, 2018-12-14_21-49-54.png)


Probably not relative.

56252e  No.4316443


He's done stress tests multiple times, this was just the first time he actually called it a stress test.

We anons called out his Q&A as a stress test when he first posted "Q&A". He knows we are not stupid and since we already acknowledged that we knew it was a stress test he then called it a stress test at the end.

The stress test failed because of infrastructure problems. Board was instantly laggy, started getting 502s, etc.

That's why it failed. A Q&A is in no way a "stress test for anons".

(Not singling you out, just giving my 2cents on the subject)

37da70  No.4316444

File: 6eec3ca2f4e31c0⋯.jpg (140.5 KB, 570x767, 570:767, QCrumbsHuberSeverePainDC5.jpg)

File: 0031d893108c4d0⋯.jpg (151.95 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsHumaAbedin.jpg)

File: 0426fe8351b83e6⋯.jpg (432.44 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, QCrumbsKnowEnemy2.jpg)

File: f6896c3a8d6b328⋯.jpg (144.23 KB, 600x686, 300:343, QCrumbsPrecipice2.jpg)

File: a90cb08e41227c5⋯.jpg (170.44 KB, 764x471, 764:471, QCrumbsRemainCalm.jpg)


or if yer a memefag

keep on meming


3dd55a  No.4316445

File: 146bdec65569dfd⋯.jpg (37.44 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4572.JPG)

File: 2d0dff39b58b56d⋯.jpg (215.2 KB, 1075x800, 43:32, IMG_4575.JPG)

File: ee6bc41e4d46e12⋯.jpg (57.07 KB, 530x700, 53:70, F1EFDF6E-C483-40CD-B582-B7….jpg)

5699a4  No.4316446

been away for a few days. did anything come from the "explosive" clinton foundation whistleblowers?

f80fa0  No.4316447


^^Anon gets it^^

ed2a10  No.4316448

File: 96f6d51ae6e650e⋯.png (383.36 KB, 1296x1296, 1:1, image.png)

0a654d  No.4316449

Wonder how long before some higher-up judge reverses this => SCOTUS

How did Roberts rule last time?

7ca0b3  No.4316450

File: 9a16a1223be9968⋯.jpeg (154.2 KB, 980x588, 5:3, Q Sent Us.jpeg)

"You’re living in a country designed by and for rebels".

Stolen quote from pb.

d96772  No.4316451

File: 8e218ea7e2a1d77⋯.jpg (75.67 KB, 985x613, 985:613, Dua13pJUwAAw3q8.jpg)

ok this is epic


According to developers, a soon-to-be-released video game will allow you to play as Jesus Christ, Donald Trump, or Adolph Hitler in a battle against LGBTQ people, feminists and “social justice warriors.”

imagine this with a few million backing it, make a truther mmo so paqt with judeo-masonic faggotry nobody would leave the house

fab6ff  No.4316452


It works.

5a1470  No.4316453


by spade you mean nigger?

28a800  No.4316454


Lurk Moar faggot

856b48  No.4316455

File: 19b80f69b5a5757⋯.jpg (50.76 KB, 500x700, 5:7, f901cea8cd434edda936bbd114….jpg)

File: 2f0cd6d94734ad5⋯.jpg (161.56 KB, 352x500, 88:125, 20181214_204301.jpg)

File: bfcbe354785b051⋯.jpg (115.59 KB, 600x522, 100:87, 20181214_204738.jpg)

File: 2a749cce79ad6c8⋯.jpg (344.31 KB, 1024x1154, 512:577, 20181214_204936.jpg)

0687b8  No.4316456


WHAT???? You mean district courts SHOULDN'T have the power to dictate law to the rest of the country???

Say it ain't so, Chuckie.


3dd55a  No.4316457

File: 66c5b6a1894248c⋯.gif (223.09 KB, 400x351, 400:351, IMG_4610.GIF)

308be6  No.4316458

File: b5fbb796ebbdf26⋯.jpg (249.74 KB, 1366x854, 683:427, brave.jpg)

df71b5  No.4316459

File: dfb6f6f61749c7a⋯.jpg (24.69 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 600x600[1].jpg)

5be58b  No.4316460


Interdasting….c comes before C…..caps UNCONSTITUTIONAL both times…..compare with Q posts….do you know whether any of the Q drops sites allows searches on capital vs small "C"s?

109530  No.4316461


Patriotsfight only Q can post…

134595  No.4316462

File: f54d9736f4b40f3⋯.png (479.39 KB, 608x708, 152:177, ClipboardImage.png)

So Mick Mulvaney comes in just in time to help negotiate the budget for the wall and avert a shutdown, then takes out the rest of the trash. He can recite numbers and statistics the way a schoolchild recites 'row row row your boat'. THEN PDJT appoints a permanent CoS with a law background during the cabal take down. NP and Cryin' Chuck (pic related)

9b68fc  No.4316463


The mayor doesn't even know he is stupid. Local govt everywhere is filled with people like this.

bca31f  No.4316464


they need to call in with blue flu

1e8b81  No.4316465


I am not a lawyer, but they run on a different set of laws than the rest of us do.

2f359b  No.4316466

File: 48fc6f9ea2e4297⋯.jpeg (57 KB, 547x485, 547:485, FC7ED68D-757F-466B-8D77-9….jpeg)

845225  No.4316467

File: c7518b012c42cb1⋯.png (11.87 KB, 277x351, 277:351, AQ6.PNG)

File: 69a1f9d8fabb952⋯.png (610.09 KB, 550x563, 550:563, AQ CallB.png)

Obamacare blowing up on twitter.

Twatterfags and Memefags, hijack that shit!

Make them Democrats FEEL their failure.

b75391  No.4316468

File: fefe6fb4f048b64⋯.mp4 (9.76 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Andy Kroll on Twitter “It’….mp4)

5c3ec3  No.4316469

File: b0dafdf978ceeeb⋯.jpeg (67.16 KB, 748x420, 187:105, FCB6A0B2-E5B9-43CA-B6F3-9….jpeg)


Confiscated Venezuelan guns were given to these devils, the Colectivos.



fc7c6c  No.4316470




Check it out.

It's legit.

3dd55a  No.4316471

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.


edd4b0  No.4316472


In a stunning decision that will define his legacy as chief justice, John Roberts broke with the Supreme Court’s conservative bloc and provided the fifth vote to uphold the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. While declining to uphold the Act under the Commerce Clause, Roberts argued that the mandate could pass constitutional muster as an exercise of Congress’s power to tax. In so doing, he refrained from providing a precedent for what many conservatives regard as an unprecedented expansion of an already expanded New Deal Commerce Clause about which they have grave reservations.

One can only speculate about Roberts’ motives for proceeding as he did. It is certainly possible that, like Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes in the mid-1930s, he had one eye focused on jurisprudence and another on the standing of the institution he heads. This may be another “switch in time” that saved the Court from becoming embroiled in a full-fledged confrontation with the executive and legislative branches.


2bb6af  No.4316473

For the Closest MT lake - no data - no roads or blacked out.

e7fd38  No.4316474


Assuming Strzok is a clown sociopath working for Brennan…

We need to reconsideyr this latest 302 as white hat way to get his lies on record or scare Brennan.

Is he trying to save himself?

Throw McCabe or Yates under the bus?

Hide illegal wiretapping?

Think people.

There is something else going on here.

df71b5  No.4316475

File: c968b7ec16e871c⋯.jpg (19.49 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Q[1].jpg)

d2b300  No.4316476

>>4313725 pb

Was Solomon the person that Q warned in drop 2505?



30 Nov 2018 - 6:27:58 PM

To the person who leaked Huber > [Clinton Foundation] Whistleblower' DO NOT reveal more.



b20502  No.4316477

File: d06e732c34f9f6f⋯.jpeg (43.06 KB, 306x377, 306:377, 1C809A8F-1777-4C43-9FC7-A….jpeg)

Are any of you retards gonna connect that judge demanding the exculpatory evidence on Flynn be handed over by the SC with the 5th floor of the DC circuit being closed to reporters today or nah?

19f94f  No.4316479


Ever notice it is never CloudFlair failing but the 8ch end server?

Here is some IPs to look at and see why the "stress test" failed.

15d2ce  No.4316480


>references WW2

>had to ally with Stalin

>needed to defeat Hitler

>says Hitler was a mass murderer

<Stalin is still uncle joe and dindu nuffin

5d8700  No.4316481


Just remember, Roberts picked all the FISA court justices and was a Winnie dog when the ACA was judged… I dug so you dig, I'm tired.

1234b2  No.4316482

so think logic?

really and true?


why are they afraid of the people?



WHO is the subject of said fear?

WHO r you talking too?


523cb4  No.4316483


If MA does that, he will be exposing his clients and possibly himself to sanctions for filing a frivolous lawsuit, like what happened to Stormy Daniels! It is actually unprofessional, and unethical to take a case that an attorney believes to be frivolous, so he may have to deal with the State Bar of CA. (Although since it is in Looney Tuneville, CA, where they allow illegal aliens to become attorneys, they may create an award for him!)

CA lifelong resident, lawfag here.

109530  No.4316484


Jesus. Is that a typo? 3700 A MONTH??

df71b5  No.4316485

File: 35a7e3bb8c9680f⋯.png (31.9 KB, 600x600, 1:1, jules.q[1].png)

744bca  No.4316486


66,000 arrests, after that it's flood city in here

7ca0b3  No.4316487

WTF is with the 404's on the bewbs?

031c87  No.4316488

>>4315867. From last bread.

If ObummerCare is unconstitutional, how fast can it be struck down and replaced?

Spouse and I both work and both our jobs do not provide health insurance. Our only option is through our state's ObummerCare Exchanges. We have to renew our coverage THIS WEEK in order to maintain coverage without a break. We have only 2 plans to choose from. Prices went up again significantly with both plans and we're about to watch the modest raises we both will receive starting in January be completely wiped out by the rising health insurance premium.

I'm sick to my stomach over it. Spouse survived cancer 3 years ago but we're left with a 3 foot tall stack of medical bills, even with insurance. MAGA hasn't reached us yet because of ObummerCare.

Q, I know POTUS knows this already, but please tell him some of us are still hurting out here. Also tell him how much we love and support him. Thank you, and God bless. I pray every day for you all.

0f510d  No.4316489


Roberts is comped. Dig on his illegally adoption. That’s how O’Bama owned him for the health care vote. I thought everyone knew this already?

b7f537  No.4316490



Considering they started openly threatening anons I would call that a fair assessment.

e33a45  No.4316491


useful, but bear in mind a 'private airstrip' can just be a rough non-paved but mowed and maintained strip of land.

I would just look in GIS for those who have access and any map savvy anons for the combination of characteristics listed above. Large mansion type house + separate servant/worker house, windows facing secluded lake with no neighbors within miles in all direction, private airstrip/runway that may simply be gravel or just grass. can still ID via satellite imagery.

Kalispell mt, missoula, mt, greatfalls, mt, bozeman mt, billings, mt.

also pay attention to any locations near indian reservations just in case.

34fe0a  No.4316492


I don't agree. Massive amounts of new eyes on. Plus the fact most of them came from a "chat room" environment, so they post without any regard for the decorum here.

That stress test, I would venture that 80% of the questions asked were not from seasoned 8chn veterans.

Any dig worth it's salt will have autists attention.

Keep the faith.

023c6a  No.4316493

The Fed Gov't needs to be THE FUCK OUT of healthcare entirely. Return insurance to what it was intended - a means of avoiding financial disaster in the the event of a catastrophe, as opposed to a prepaid healthcare. Fee for service and competition across state lines. Also, unfuck us from the big pharma. That's the non-deep state, common sense approach to fixing healthcare.

7984cf  No.4316494


yes, it was the Friday night interview with Hannity

3dd55a  No.4316495

File: 969832bc9cd73d2⋯.gif (1.73 MB, 400x351, 400:351, IMG_4605.GIF)



183f59  No.4316496


wew lad. the commies have the guns now

RIP Venezuela :(

5f4a16  No.4316497

File: cf8a53048da8525⋯.png (412.85 KB, 799x500, 799:500, AllIsWrong.png)


This is what we're fighting against, Anon.

It is a massive undertaking & people have their own avenues of 'expertise' but there is a End Game.

Invert reality.

Twist Narratives.

Control the Information.

Common Core(Indoctrinate Youth) 2+2 = 5.

Though AJ was CO, he still got real Truthers/Patriots to latch on with his 90% disinfo, 10% truth(real)


Big Picture.

I see it all but just can't break through.

True Freedom is but a Dream.

People will reject.

63768b  No.4316498

File: 5fc07d109925cd7⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1241x921, 1241:921, Obama Thanos.PNG)


2f6648  No.4316499


Second this.

But I don't think we can hope for relief until at least 2020.

5a1470  No.4316500


just say no E

533521  No.4316501

I take a medication that is 15k a month. Thankfully I am employed and have coverage with my employer.

eaacb6  No.4316502

File: a3629162850ebc2⋯.png (644.19 KB, 379x805, 379:805, Capture.PNG)

73340e  No.4316503


If it's still that low…here's a fix that is safe and very effective: take 500,000 IU of D3 in a bolus dose then take about 100 IU/lb/day after that and get your blood levels checked in a couple of weeks and dial the daily in based on blood levels. Try to be in the top of the range or slightly 'over' around 80 to 120 ng/ml for optimal. You do get into toxicity until way above that ~400 ng/ml, so you'll get enough to get out of the hole without nearly enough to get into trouble. D3 is VERY safe, contrary to big pharma BS..

39d691  No.4316504

File: f58cd9650162020⋯.jpg (69.7 KB, 940x529, 940:529, 16152967_403.jpg)

File: fd0b3094f302301⋯.jpg (312.29 KB, 1760x470, 176:47, RanchHand1.jpg)



I have no idea.

I suspect that the pilots are told that there is a very good reason and it's for our safety.

Where have we seen chemtrailing in the past?

627917  No.4316505


Yep, but check the other post…that anon is saying all 8ch goes down during Q&A…so that's patriotsfight too.

e42332  No.4316506


No! I understand the difference between racism and culture! I HATE Immoral and anti-social behavior, including racism! If you're a racist you SERVE Soros et al!

8770a8  No.4316507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tom Fitton is a B2 Pilot.

He is doing SO MUCH for redpilling the nation asleep.. he is the driving force getting the info of the crimes committed by Hillary/Clinton Foundation/Pay-4-Play/etc.

He is as vital as it gets. A “citizen” bringing the big guns and doing what he charcterizes as “NOTHING BY TRUMP ADMIN/DOJ too”.. he is painting the picture (that is true btw) he is bringing it, ahem.. Judicial Watch is bringing it and President Trump/Sessions/& now Huber being gone “not doing anything”..

It is all theatre. It is to get these serious crimes OUT into the forefront (even if MSM doesnt cover it) redpilling the masses, getting these proceedings GOING.. all the while doing what President Trump does.. talk shit to make it look like you are not apart of the plan 👊

Fucking bravo Q & team. You guys ran all the scenarios that is for sure. So where Huber was isnt as important as [Y] he was gone.

4257c8  No.4316508


I wonder if the Yellow Vests are going to start Part 5 in another 6 hours or so…….

I have lost sleep every Sat night for the last 4 weeks watching the protests.

3dd55a  No.4316509

d2b300  No.4316510


thx anon

28a800  No.4316511

1) So gee, what did we learn in the past 3 days?

1) there was no FD-302 form filed within 5 days of the interview of Gen Flynn *as FBI policy says must be done*

2) They waited SIX MONTHS to create this FD-302 & it's Stzok being interviewed *about* the interview he did w. Flynn

3) Footnote 20 of the Flynn filing seems to indicate the Mueller SC team *didn't turn over* exculpatory evidence until AFTER Flynn had pleaded guilty & until *after* Judge Sullivan ORDERED them to do so with a Brady ruling on Feb. 21

4) When Judge Sullivan gives an order for all the documents & all the 302 forms, the Mueller Special Counsel Team will write him a new memo he didn't ask for 'explaining' stuff he didn't ask him to explain while hoping he doesn't notice they aren't complying with his order

Reminder: Judge Sullivan is known as the "Brady Ruling Judge" for a reason. When he caught the Ted Stevens federal prosecutors engaging in all kinds of malfesance, including hiding exculpatory evidence from the defense, he RIPPED THEM A NEW ONE.

You know why I think the earlier 302, if it existed [Comey supposedly read one to Congress], hasn't been produced to the Judge yet even though he's SPECIFICALLY DEMANDED TO SEE IT?

Those agents went to the WH on Jan 24 2017 to tell Flynn he'd been cleared.

I mean, think about it. Whats was McCabe's entire plan? Get Flynn relaxed, at ease, not suspecting anything.

So, what appeared on the front page of the Washington Post on January 23rd?

Anybody remember? I do!

ff7d22  No.4316512

File: 7ddb7f163736d20⋯.png (30.09 KB, 1398x141, 466:47, palemoon_2018-12-14_21-55-….png)


673300  No.4316513


> reconsideyr

Another out of place 'Y"

Rudy's tweet was a bit odd / the spelling of Strzoks name

>There is something else going on here.

I agree / Rudy's tweet needs eyes on

e33a45  No.4316514


forgot to add, perhaps within 50-100 miles radius of the respective city centers.

(((they))) want it far enough away but not too far.

9922a0  No.4316515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Drink Up

Water is good for you

Michelle Obama controlling Curry

2 / 2 Handicap / lost twice

Drink up

c1ff7c  No.4316516


No, not related to the Flynn case. It’s been under seal the whole time and fast-tracked, and involves Mueller’s team. Those are the only known facts. Politico has speculated that it may involve a subpoena for Potus.

5d8700  No.4316517


Medishare is a Christian org. Yes she can.

2bb6af  No.4316518

File: 783b3bc4f3e3c1d⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1280x837, 1280:837, mthiddenlake.png)


the Montana Lake thing I found Hidden lake with dirt road

28a800  No.4316519


THIS appeared on the front page of the Washington Post just one day before McCabe called Flynn up and then sent FBI agents Peter Strzok & Joseph Pientka to let him know he'd been cleared…uh I mean, INTERVIEW him on a criminal matter….


You think Flynn at the WH would known DC's major newspaper carried a story on it's front page supposedly putting to bed a week & 1/2 of DNC MEDIA HYSTERIA that he'd been caught red-handed colludin' with tha EEEEVIL RUSSIANS thanks to a leak to Ignatius of WaPo on Jan. 11?

Imagine Flynn seeing/hearing about that on Jan. 23rd, after being hounded by the media for almost 2 weeks about all that nefarious Russian collusion he was supposedly 'caught' doing with those Kislyak phone calls.

"Whew! The FBI cleared me! Glad that's over!"

THE VERY NEXT DAY, Jan 24, here's Andrew McCabe, Dep. Director of the FBI, calling him up, saying he wants to send over a coupla FBI agents just to, you know, tie up a few loose ends, maybe even officially let Flynn know "Yep, the FBI has now cleared you after taking a look."

And during phone call McCabe "suggests" that to speed things along, to keep things casual and all, it'd be a good idea for Flynn to meet these agents just comin' over ta have a CHAT with no lawyer there.

And we find out before they went McCabe coached these two agents to be very careful to not tip off Flynn this was a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION and for God's sake, don't do anything to alert him to the fact he'll face CRIMINAL PENALTIES if they think he's lying to 'em.

Now, after LEARNING all this, Judge Sullivan said "Wow, I better review all these documents myself. Hand them over by 3 pm Tuesday, Dec 14."

There was no AMBIGUITY there. It was a direct order from the court. Even a very clever lawyer will find no wiggle room.

Instead of handing over what Judge Sullivan ordered them to hand over, the Mueller SC team decided they'd rather hand over a FD-302 interview done six months later of Peter Strzok being interviewed about the interview he did with Flynn.

Um…that's uh…NOT what Sullivan ordered them to hand over.

FBI policy is that a FD-302 form has to be filled out and filed within 5 days of the agent conducting the interview.

So as of today…the Mueller team *still* has not produced Strzok's actual 302 form from the Jan 24 Flynn interview.

Not only have they NOT produced that document, they today handed him a memorandum he didn't even ask for, a response to Flynn's filing from Tuesday.

So I fully expect to see Judge Sullivan toss this case on Tuesday, Dec. 18, and then rip these Mueller prosecutors a new one.

What they did here is just as bad as what the Ted Stevens prosecutors got caught doing, and it goes WAY higher right into leadership of the FBI.

Also note clearly what the Mueller filing is saying: there was no Russian collusion involving Flynn, there never was, the media is full of morons, and what they charged Flynn with doing was supposedly LYING TO PENCE AND OTHER WH OFFICIALS about his phone calls with Kislyak.

The Mueller SC team is about to LOSE the very first case it brought to trial after they & the Democrats & DNC Media & Never Trumpers spent a $#!?ing YEAR high-fiving each other over sending Flynn to prison.

Eat it, you losers.

Some fag’s twat with good analysis

d96772  No.4316520

File: 3789ea0869eaef0⋯.png (153.68 KB, 600x449, 600:449, DuaRQPNVAAALEA6.png)

c'est le weekend!

109530  No.4316521


I might bet that Q adds stress to simulate higher traffic. It always gets jiggy when Q posts.

4a4901  No.4316522


from what I have learned talking to various people, rates are going up all over…..for no reason except to hurt Trump.

9ae5ae  No.4316523


It's irritating because you KNOW the PLAN

Don't watch the news, unless you know what to expect (someone factual is on like Sara C), it will drive you nuts.

bcc3e4  No.4316524


Why are you using abusive language, "anon"? What board are you on? Why are we here? What is realistic, and why doesn't your activity reflect that? Try to think. Can you?

0be6b1  No.4316525


Damn it!! I don’t have any good memes referencing Obamacare!

ab4043  No.4316526


The left: "When they go high, we go WAAAAAAY low."

5a1470  No.4316527

File: 0eb440734e17d67⋯.jpg (29.05 KB, 590x350, 59:35, boobs5.jpg)


moar 4 u

391dc0  No.4316528

I've been coming here moar regular than two full time jobs for moar than a year, [a year and 9 days to be exact] and it never ceases to amaze me how despite everyone knowing better,

the amount of fukkery that shills get away with.

In no way do I think BAKERS are comped

However, it is amazing how often they get led astray by the very good shills. You know, the ones that only shill a liddle… when it's important. A comment here, a comment there. It's not very obvious but you CAN see it if you look. Just enough to derail a good dig. They usually roll with the ebb and flow of the bread but will throw out comments at just the right time. Their not aggressive enough to be spotted if your not paying attention.

Those guys [shills] EARN their sheckles… VERY WELL PLayed!


Previously mentioned shills, Fuck off.


15d2ce  No.4316529

File: 8d3ee617246c43b⋯.png (44.44 KB, 325x368, 325:368, 5ca89b125cfb57e43081459d71….png)



5d8468  No.4316530


I saw 464,000 UIDs at 7:50pm est. I texted it to my daughter at that time.

c59e02  No.4316531



Plus anons are getting dragged down by normies and also some “anons” are responding to shills. Which is no different than giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

6b8ade  No.4316532

File: dc703cdc89da167⋯.jpg (88.63 KB, 537x542, 537:542, moon rainbow.jpg)

Can you guys fathom that the military is on the side of the people/persons for the first time in my Life Time. How weird is that?

3dd55a  No.4316533

File: 396fbe6ef4d4766⋯.jpg (43.47 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4559.JPG)

65beae  No.4316534

File: b9dc014773de93c⋯.jpg (36.33 KB, 426x406, 213:203, FUI.jpg)

655e2e  No.4316535

File: 1ef1f8dd6216cf0⋯.jpeg (236.56 KB, 638x834, 319:417, 3B605F8D-E301-4A62-92CE-9….jpeg)


Place was issued permits to original owner then different owner when completer, 2nd owner took occupancy of new construction. She’ll corps and attorney names are frequently used instead of people living there

2f6648  No.4316536


And the reason To make moar monies

a369c8  No.4316537


Or they arent human, or are just avatars or something.

7ca0b3  No.4316538

File: 0325f213e1b36a4⋯.png (3.31 KB, 257x143, 257:143, 404.PNG)

Who the fuck has decided bewbs are 404? Fucking isis and sharia shit law on the chans? Get this shit straightened out or you're going to see REEEEEEE on the geologic scale asshole.

1234b2  No.4316539


song and lyrics on YOU tube…

in your WILDEST dreams…


8deace  No.4316540

File: d049d29c5c6896a⋯.png (337.75 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 8E7ED906-CCE8-434C-93D2-CF….png)

File: 15caead871497af⋯.png (342.13 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 450079DC-0AA1-42AC-BEE2-AA….png)

http:// humantraffickingsearch.org/traffickingofnativeamericans/

Stats on human trafficking

Reservations are outside of US jurisdiction for a lot of stuff. Money laundering hot spot .

edd4b0  No.4316541

File: 73fbdf4d8a7a5a4⋯.jpg (11.32 KB, 559x92, 559:92, Dd1qSfGU0AEGo-f.jpg)

1ae535  No.4316542

File: c6b3b562c419764⋯.png (127.12 KB, 630x404, 315:202, 2018-12-14_21-57-20.png)



5d8700  No.4316543

File: 82ccca514a8af63⋯.jpg (41.43 KB, 439x407, 439:407, point4.JPG)

945662  No.4316544




Why you so angry?


567e85  No.4316545

Anons, lets not forget Thin Thread.

Why did Q take down the post pointing to this video?


5be58b  No.4316546


I suspect Q WAS warning Solomon, Sara & Hannity….along with the actual leaker. There could have been a breach or simply a misunderstanding.

I also suspect Solomon, Sara & Hannity did not realize they were "doing anything wrong" mentioning this info on the air on Friday. All three just seemed innocently excited. Like they thought it was part of the plan. Which means somebody told them that.

I wonder who.

412c1c  No.4316547

2bb6af  No.4316548

For those that sent me on this dig

there are no buildings on this lake near the airport

so it is a nothing.

85ed39  No.4316549

File: 467bbfa9b616e54⋯.png (1.05 MB, 736x1104, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dae8ad2c47629ca⋯.png (1.13 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d42ef2d0aa93bb⋯.png (790.84 KB, 640x960, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

52e2e5  No.4316550


are you a frenchie anon?

any updates on what is going on with the movement?

673300  No.4316551


>Get this shit straightened out or you're going to see REEEEEEE on the geologic scale asshole.

Most patriots here don't care about your whining and lack of self control

c59e02  No.4316552

A plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11


4a4901  No.4316553


but if obummer were still in office, they would lower the costs to get him reelected.

109530  No.4316554


BV deleted and banned some dude for CP image, probably you are needing to refresh to see the ==X DELETED== place holder.

65beae  No.4316555

File: c24fcafcce5f456⋯.jpg (24.69 KB, 350x305, 70:61, c24fcafcce5f4561b351946523….jpg)

15d2ce  No.4316556

File: 5516b0c16d431a6⋯.png (345.07 KB, 675x911, 675:911, namefags.png)

b5b3da  No.4316557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LG talking about JK leaving, mentions 'Order out of Chaos' re JK. Then a curious glance??

751d35  No.4316558


Just wait till Q asks anons to explain human sexuality to the masses.

b20502  No.4316559


Fuck off bot

7b9552  No.4316560


Ty BV. Hope all's well for ya


>In no way do I think BAKERS are comped

>However, it is amazing how often they get led astray by the very good shills.

It does happen. Bakers def need anons to keep eyes on and call stuff to our attention. When many shills pile on one baker, the odds are against us unless anons lend a hand.

Ty guys!

fab6ff  No.4316561


It works. >>4316493







Baker notable

The truth about health-care

183f59  No.4316562

df71b5  No.4316563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3f6df3  No.4316564


the pic of Santa with the Hammer

6ec371  No.4316565

Joy Behar needs to be nuked, she is running her mouth bad mouthing Sen Hatch.

3dd55a  No.4316566


Such a shitty cult

Such betrayal

Much space cows

Much spam

Holly fexas fehgelry

That ain't little green men

b7f537  No.4316567


one loaded to the gills with explosives.

2af362  No.4316568

bcc3e4  No.4316569


Use logic.

Are PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE issues holding us back?


We can't create a board with a hardware backbone to support Q?

Of course we can.

So what is REALLY going on [here]?

We DON'T need to be [here] for any obvious reason, so the reason must be something we haven't thought of yet…

c59e02  No.4316570





He’s a CIA Officer ffs.

Define official cover.

56252e  No.4316571

File: 93982877da5c73e⋯.png (39.47 KB, 720x492, 60:41, Screenshot_20181214-205945….png)


5a1470  No.4316572


not a racist, I just hate niggers and semites

35728e  No.4316573

File: e86c893440d7d6f⋯.jpg (23.54 KB, 171x255, 57:85, Really!.jpg)


If/When the participation in CP and flesh traffricing (Haiti) is confirmed, the the Assets can be "BLOCKED" and wherever that goes.

87a8d2  No.4316574

File: 3ce278a6e7276a0⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2012x1418, 1006:709, water.jpg)

d96772  No.4316575


>the left

magatards on patrol

bcc3e4  No.4316576


Not even going to mouse over your thingy bot.

Don't get mad at me for calling you out. Fix your crappy output. You aren't emulating humans well at all. It's pathetic. Fix your shit botsystem. I shouldn't have to keep telling you.

56252e  No.4316577



Meant for you

419f17  No.4316578


define REAL

a0713d  No.4316579



7b9552  No.4316580


>>4316493 Anon's take on basic logistics of health-care absent fed gov. meddling

>>4316469, >>4316496 Wew. Confiscated Venenzuelans' Guns given to Lawless Commies

>>4316260, >>4316328 (no direct sauce) report from French policeman re: protest?

>>4316340, >>4316074 Anons clarify info in Conserv. Treehouse & TGP arts lb

>>4316058 @DJT twats on ObamaCare's BTFO, :16 and :07 minute markers

3289bb  No.4316581

File: 8292ae9510dc3ff⋯.png (516.01 KB, 1140x1140, 1:1, d16725aa5fbde08a6f5fa5f652….png)



Here's an alpha if you want to play with it.

5be58b  No.4316582


I don't see why it couldn't be physical infrastructure, allocation of resources. If physical structures didn't matter, we wouldn't have any problems with attacks, right? Even when Q isn't here? So there are obviously still issues to deal with on that level.

52f510  No.4316583


At first glance yes but the more she runs her mouth the more she brings to light the stupidity of the left. Freedom of speech. Let her yelp.

3dd55a  No.4316584

File: 56b3a9aff3c007b⋯.jpg (84.23 KB, 639x524, 639:524, IMG_4065.JPG)

19f94f  No.4316585


These are not collocated at Switch FFS

8deace  No.4316586

Meteors in night sky SW WA

b95cad  No.4316587

5:5 x 100!

2f6648  No.4316588


Well… they haven't lowered them yet, not even to get Big H elected. My understanding is that since ACA, the whole healthcare landscape is even more fucked than before. Pharma, Docs, etc. charging through the roof, insurance co's charging thru roof to keep up. Only people with no choice is We the People. Because thanks to Dems, we only have the choice to buy these heavily loaded plans full of shit we don't want and don't need–abortions, dental care for kids I don't have but none for me, sex changes, etc.

308be6  No.4316589



f227da  No.4316590


it's not your call so fck off..you have no control

569c40  No.4316591


Fox just aired Joy baher saying "truth to power" on the view

627917  No.4316592



So are you saying that during a Q&A those IPs are flooding posts? So we aren't DDOS ourselves?

34c330  No.4316593

4257c8  No.4316594

File: 7f315f29d4a0f85⋯.jpg (81.5 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, France Girl on Light.jpg)

File: 33c75905415ecee⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 1088x671, 1088:671, France Yellow Trump Macron.jpg)

File: 70886ce529e9e0e⋯.jpeg (49.05 KB, 500x500, 1:1, France Pepe KEK.jpeg)

673300  No.4316595

File: f2889579c25b815⋯.png (820.03 KB, 770x609, 110:87, Joy Behar.PNG)

File: c482ec6d21590fe⋯.png (782.85 KB, 731x471, 731:471, Behar Blank.PNG)


>Joy Behar

d96772  No.4316596

File: 17a8505d04137e8⋯.jpg (49.95 KB, 618x710, 309:355, DuZs4f4VAAA60Uf.jpg)

>muhjooeueeexxxx sheeeel

4f9396  No.4316597


Yeah no way he's racist he also hates running.

Got your 6 kek

0be6b1  No.4316598


Fuck yeah!! These people may be stupid, but they’re damn good at making this shit confusing as hell

e81eaa  No.4316599



44dfb1  No.4316600

File: 5e525ef1cbe6146⋯.png (575.58 KB, 800x541, 800:541, ClipboardImage.png)

5500 breads!


ThanQ bakers!

109530  No.4316601


KEK. Tell me to use logic, then offer nothing but another question.

523cb4  No.4316602


"Archaeologist," knucklehead!

72e01c  No.4316603


And it was specially addressed here

>>4280615 (pb) rt >>4280575 (pb) -————————– Added server(s)/bandwidth improved performance.

48988f  No.4316604

File: f40043cc18c99f9⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 338x450, 169:225, quxybN6.jpg)

File: 4e0b7e08ee0c347⋯.jpg (188.86 KB, 625x838, 625:838, BYLyhUB.jpg)

Monument of Hillary Clinton in Albania. This one was during elections, they celebrated her victory.

Statue of Bill Clinton in Kosovo Pristina

97ff62  No.4316605

Box truck explosion downtown LA.


a0713d  No.4316606


nice on the iiiiiiiiiiii's

1ae535  No.4316607

File: 071456d194cfe28⋯.png (131.31 KB, 630x404, 315:202, 2018-12-14_21-57-20.png)



569c40  No.4316608


post link not intended.

"Truth to Power" said on the view

845225  No.4316609

File: db139757c74e73f⋯.png (386.33 KB, 599x330, 599:330, AQ4.PNG)


Go to Imgflip.com

Start somewhere.

2af362  No.4316610



Thank You Anon!!

f80fa0  No.4316611

File: 0d8528fdc8ee664⋯.png (90.04 KB, 638x406, 11:7, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: e251da1d871a137⋯.png (75.97 KB, 631x447, 631:447, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: b3b4a90b41c7f48⋯.png (132.72 KB, 635x765, 127:153, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: 61b8442f429853f⋯.png (122.96 KB, 625x528, 625:528, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

So[C]king Gun x2


Maybe POTUS was pointing Anons to Chelsea Clinton & ultimately this Tweet from 'Jonathan Chait'?

e06823  No.4316612

A great article

Imperator Rex from hearing..



19bb0d  No.4316613

Nobody ever asks Q who is P

The longest running question and nobody can think to ask Q

Who is P?

Why do we fail so?

8deace  No.4316614


Or exploding satellite bits.

SKy event = meteor shower this December

134595  No.4316615

File: 2b428a39a0a7b8e⋯.png (167.6 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9440c7daa5d5fd4⋯.png (144.66 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)


Found Sunrun, Inc in the USAspending.gov database. Same one?

65beae  No.4316616

File: ff96ea83809d682⋯.jpg (25.28 KB, 475x393, 475:393, nine-nine-nine.jpg)

2bb6af  No.4316617

File: d1c9fe27e002e8c⋯.png (9.89 KB, 272x185, 272:185, colortrinity field.png)

File: ab0d8b2e4ae2a77⋯.png (115.15 KB, 1280x914, 640:457, 30degreegravtensorb.png)

Any quantum or geometry questions before I go to bed?

37da70  No.4316618

File: d5bcaf66dfdf298⋯.jpg (212.37 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningCitizenJourn….jpg)

File: 5521c8da7031363⋯.jpg (130.32 KB, 768x768, 1:1, InfographObamacareBackdoor.jpg)

File: 140b90e19f139fe⋯.jpg (61.66 KB, 564x510, 94:85, ObamaCareGutted.jpg)

File: 0cad243ddd49467⋯.jpg (34.17 KB, 278x312, 139:156, Obamacare.jpg)

File: b6e3d4c6b9274f2⋯.jpg (163.2 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, ObamacareUnconstitutional.jpg)


we only have a few in the archives. I'll dump em here

b20502  No.4316619


U can’t read this nigger

Copypasta that and I’ll believe you’re not s bot, otherwise fuck off.

Anyone with two brain cells can see that the 5th floor closure is a


ed2a10  No.4316620

File: f839fc3cfde5681⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1332x2160, 37:60, e-you-you-c.png)

d514e3  No.4316621

File: f5d38bd76945008⋯.jpg (316.13 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, bc0ee257198ced067fda988ef3….jpg)

39d691  No.4316622


Don't be so sure.

The military is simply battling it out with the old guard and taking back control of our country, which was scheduled for demolition.

As long as there are chemtrails and forced vaccinations, there is a war against the people.

9b5d4f  No.4316623



THANKS FOR THE 302's Q!!!!!!

First Step. Light to dark.

72e01c  No.4316624

>>4316309 see >>4316443 and >>4316603 me, listed in dough.

541121  No.4316625

File: c6f998412fa974b⋯.jpg (68.11 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1-a-RAPE-OF-EUROPA.jpg)


he's cracking one off over this

52e2e5  No.4316626

File: 140420a10037fe0⋯.jpg (231.71 KB, 1200x541, 1200:541, simulation.jpg)

9922a0  No.4316627



twitter post

lost link now

5be58b  No.4316628


Tucker is the "sly man." He operates on the fringes, sneaks things in like the king's jester. It's an effective way of winning people over and meshes with his personality.

67b0f2  No.4316629

>>4316058 PB

>Govt healthcare is unconstitutional but the free market Pres still wants govt involved in healthcare. Can you say hypocrite?? Govt is the problem never the solution.

Anon, an insurance company is not a corporation originally designed for the purpose of profit, as other corporations are. They are not "free market" things in the typical sense.

They are specifically designed for the purpose of "spreading the risk". Because this is their purpose, they were and are given special tax status, and they are required to collect a pool of money that is there for their beneficiaries in times of need, not for shareholders to profit from.

When corporations get into the insurance game, but, refuse to spread the risk or cover pre-esixting conditions, they are now taking the cream of the crop of payments for the purpose of raising cash for the benefit of shareholders, not patients and the sick.

Because of this they are really no longer spreading the risk, but are indeed, preventing the spread of risk.

In addition they no longer deserve the special tax status.

They are simply insurance vampire corporations, making special status profits, and destroying good insurance corporations.

Because of the special function of true insurance companies as originally designed in the law, these corporations must be watched (oversight) to assure their proper function is carried out, in return for that special tax status.

When these corporations are no longer "being insurance corporations" but are gutting the insurance system of the funds we collectively need to cover one another, they should be disbanded as medical insurance corporations.

b53e78  No.4316630


habbening now?

19f94f  No.4316631

File: ba6107ad6e8dc37⋯.jpg (197 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, switch-gallery-05-1366x0-c….jpg)

39d691  No.4316632


Yeah, it's called a tomahawk.

704098  No.4316633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[Method Man]

This goes out

to all the big head niggaz

And all them big head bitches

You know my steez-o

Yo, yo, yo, yo

Deadly melodic, robotic steez-o blur your optic

So you can't see the topic, condition combo

Blaze bring the heat to your Mourning like Alonzo

Head honcho like Eastwood, gun in my pancho

Another bad desperado, trapped inbetween

the hills and the El Dorados, but you can't do that

Welcome to the Wheel of Fortune where Pat don't Sajak

Bring it to these cats often, the biggest payback

is when I condemn men, to purgatory

Stick a pen, do em in, eight million stories

in the naked Mr. Method, Blade Runner

Blood stain on my track record, top gunner

[Chorus: Method Man]

You know it's sick now, just a little bit, aw shit

Can't quit now, hard as a brick, what's this

Make em get down, head where I fit, more grip

Hold this shit down, she don't know you better school her

("Step in the Arena" sample scratched)

Step by Step, inch by inch, piece by piece, bit by bit

Step by Step, inch by inch, piece by piece, bit by bit

[Method Man]

Check my Extinction Agenda, mind bender

No retreat no surrender, head trauma

Death before dishonor, sword and golden armor

Undetected stealth bomber, blow the session

With Immaculate Conception, hit yo' section

with my Def Squad connection, the Green-Eyed Bandit

E Double up dammit, Iron Lung

flow taste like a knuckle sandwich, now you know

It's time that I take advantage, take command yo

Cops caught me red-handed

Blood On the Dance Floor

or was it Michael Jackson

Fuck it, time for some action

Check my Re-Runs an see What's Happening

[Chorus 2X]

[Method Man]

Before she get her back blown

Jealous men don't understand and get clapped on, now I'm reloadin

Automate and keep it goin, right and exact

Runnin track like I'm Jesse Owens, catch em wit my rap slogan

Jack Frost, leave em frozen

Bust flows and never lay text/latex without my Trojan

Hand writtin ass whippin, I keep spittin

At any head-on collision, throw dart wit precision

And split decision, tell your old folk

and your children what I'm dealin

Good times, and hood rhymes from the villain

Till I see you at the ooh-building motherfuckers


1234b2  No.4316634


NEWS… it was girls included…

c'mon faggot…


that org was man boy love?

shoot a girl in?

c'mon anon…




BUT by Ivanka?



673300  No.4316635

File: 4642971af2087ac⋯.png (665.19 KB, 653x756, 653:756, DoD 12-14-18 7 pm PST.PNG)

File: 00ec2118f57d691⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1195x794, 1195:794, DoD 12-14-18 7 pm PST pic.PNG)

Tired of being tired after a long flight home for the holidays?


3dd55a  No.4316636

File: d26569bf48945b6⋯.jpg (136.03 KB, 1184x675, 1184:675, IMG_0419.JPG)

File: 4f639df817ef6cc⋯.jpg (181.57 KB, 1070x1344, 535:672, IMG_0452.JPG)

File: e6dc0b3721404a1⋯.jpg (148.35 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, IMG_1356.JPG)

File: 4cde95db84ac7dc⋯.jpg (281.77 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, IMG_1618.JPG)

File: 91a705066ec0734⋯.png (1.01 MB, 973x1080, 973:1080, IMG_2453.PNG)

4ad01d  No.4316637


Q answered. See post 1970.

37da70  No.4316638

File: 84671ab35c57534⋯.jpeg (163.95 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, ObamacareFail.jpeg)

File: d60cf8798e99c33⋯.jpg (71.05 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Anon healthcare.jpg)

File: 51aa974fb157ddc⋯.jpg (111.8 KB, 567x489, 189:163, HealthcareTakesCare.jpg)

File: 44383a4c6417cdf⋯.jpg (229.61 KB, 871x833, 871:833, CAdemsPushingHealthcareIll….jpg)



That's all I can find in the archives.

To get some quickly we need web search and also text suggestions for memeanons to get their brains lubricated.

6b8ade  No.4316639



on my check list.

19ac31  No.4316640



2bb6af  No.4316641


Yes and No

LOL Pain is real at the time.

but it is a bubble - and not the reality of the you within

2f6648  No.4316642

Mulvaney needs power memes about him. He's a boss. Fires anyone that needs firing quick as look at you. Can read a room full of spreadsheets while holding down a second cabinet position and still get home in time for dinner. A different style of ass-kicking than Gen Kelly, but bringing no less pain to those who deserve it. Two class-A Patriots. We are lucky to have them.

16a298  No.4316643

File: 836f7920bf043c9⋯.png (39.45 KB, 637x381, 637:381, ClipboardImage.png)

asked and answered


b73cd6  No.4316644


You answer questions like FE, SR, JFK Jr., etc. They know what anons are interested in. Q&A probably flooded over into the Twitsphere with those.

1e8b81  No.4316645


Yay cabbage!

228d2d  No.4316646

CA Supreme Court Chief Justice Leaves GOP Over Kavanaugh https://trib.al/TtwP3s0


Didn't you see Robert's statement, you dumb wench!?

34c330  No.4316647

File: 9139086b2bf34b8⋯.png (250.14 KB, 850x719, 850:719, ClipboardImage.png)



8c6f46  No.4316648

File: 3bd71efca909366⋯.jpeg (90.22 KB, 602x402, 301:201, special counsel.jpeg)

15d2ce  No.4316649

File: 0375752070aadae⋯.png (616.75 KB, 1076x806, 538:403, pencenigga.png)


>I just hate niggers and semites


541121  No.4316650

File: 6df805d53b46904⋯.png (306.02 KB, 379x448, 379:448, 6df805d53b469048213f9f2541….png)


interesting anon. very interesting.

wheels within wheels.

40dd4a  No.4316651


Doesn't even matter at this point.

With Fags on both sides willingly giving their DNA to companies like 23andMe and Ancestry.

Plenty of "woke" anons on this board still haven't figured out WHY they want your DNA.

0a654d  No.4316652

FBI actively investigating Papadopoulos days after his release from prison


PapaD back under the microscope?

19f94f  No.4316653

In the name of Jesus Christ, bots kys.

d514e3  No.4316654


Serious fucking monkey arms in Bubba

d2b300  No.4316655

>4313900 pb

I'd bet money that Israhell's nuclear "secrets" really means they have no actual nukes. Probably the world's biggest and boldest bluff!

673300  No.4316656

File: 04df49a2a2910b5⋯.png (440.72 KB, 523x891, 523:891, 1 Army Jet Lag.PNG)

File: 93fa6f834e73c68⋯.png (65.22 KB, 491x818, 491:818, 2 Army Jet Lag.PNG)

File: 78f004cdca6be53⋯.png (53.93 KB, 498x689, 498:689, 3 Army Jet Lag.PNG)


US Army, UK researchers study jet lag remedy in Brunei


7ca0b3  No.4316657


>.you have no control

But it's Ok when puritanical zealots take over. Yeah, works for me sharia man. I bet you filter everything you don't want to see or don't agree with. You. Are. What. We. Are. Destroying. Here. Ass. Hat. M.F.

fafbed  No.4316658

BREAKING NOW: Federal Judge Rules 'ENTIRE' Affordable Care Act Unconstitutional


3dd55a  No.4316659

File: d8438fe282f2f46⋯.jpg (109.45 KB, 853x800, 853:800, IMG_4530.JPG)

File: f1eeb4d9c521ff2⋯.jpg (128.13 KB, 800x1039, 800:1039, IMG_4533.JPG)

File: aea2df5f67237bd⋯.jpg (461.45 KB, 751x958, 751:958, IMG_4534.JPG)

37da70  No.4316660

File: a10bb9e9d476157⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ObamacareSinkingShip.jpg)

File: f6fbd3fccb47a6e⋯.jpg (89.47 KB, 630x643, 630:643, obamacare-disaster.jpg)

File: 61a74d9ced7b09a⋯.jpg (60.79 KB, 500x542, 250:271, aa-obamacare-disaster.jpg)

File: d30a9c42ed1adeb⋯.png (403.06 KB, 900x502, 450:251, ObamacarePremiumTripled.png)



Quick web search to find more

ff7d22  No.4316661

File: de87fc657be4cff⋯.jpg (343.96 KB, 2025x1388, 2025:1388, Brave_2018-12-14_22-08-43.jpg)

Things are about to get interesting.


19f94f  No.4316662


Supreme court here we come.

bcc3e4  No.4316663


But that wasn't what was at issue, was it?

Combining truth with lies is the game. The pattern of GASLIGHTING with self-referential negativity. The people are waking up. Maybe you need to scale back your activities? Think.

a369c8  No.4316664

File: 4eac3df8e62eedf⋯.png (1.55 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, huber drive movie 2.png)

Severe pain incoming

615605  No.4316665

S. 3749: Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 Reform Act

A bill to amend the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 to reform the procedures provided under such Act for the initiation, review, and resolution of claims alleging that employing offices of the legislative branch have violated the rights and protections provided to their employees under such Act, including protections against sexual harassment, and for other purposes.


Dec 13, 2018


Passed House & Senate (President next) on Dec 13, 2018

This bill was passed by Congress on December 13, 2018 and goes to the President next


b20502  No.4316666




Finally some niggas that’s paying attention

258999  No.4316667

Q, I have been inspired to make a song in honor of the movement. Thank you (your team) for all y’all do. Little inspires me anymore but you have ignited a spark. Merry Christmas!

You better watch out.

You better not cry.

You better not pout.

I’m telling you why.

QAnon is coming to town!

He’s made a list.

Of all your vice.

He already knows.

Who’s naughty and nice.

QAnon is coming to town!

He sees you when you’re leaking.

He knows when you are FAKE.

He knows if your’e a patriot

Or are part of the deepstate.

You better watch out.

You better not cry.

You better not pout.

I’m telling you why.

QAnon is coming to town!

With indictments unsealed

And convictions amassed

Evil no longer

Hiding at last

QAnon is coming to town!

Turning light into dark

Your secrets we’ll tell

Get ready for a bunk mate

In your new cell.

QAnon is coming to town!

We’ll know where you are sleeping

We’ll have a jubilee

The history books will document

This time in history

Oh! You better not doubt

The people know best

We won’t stop fighting

‘Till we see some arrests

Justice is coming to town!

85ed39  No.4316668


I would imagine it could be to create some type of bio weapon to go after people with certain genetic markers.

Or they are going to kill everyone and clone themselves an army of ignorant sheep.

f39db6  No.4316669

File: 0c3a80abdf4bc99⋯.png (590.63 KB, 620x3869, 620:3869, ClipboardImage.png)

Defense One article on new National Vetting Center (NVC)



National Security Presidential Memorandum-9


Implementation Plan - redacted verson


Working Group Charter


Privacy Impact Assessment


National Vetting Center



df71b5  No.4316670


15d2ce  No.4316671


state → federal → then supreme court

might be forgetting a part, not a lawfag

edd4b0  No.4316672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe diGenova appears on Fox News with Tucker Carlson to discuss the case against Michael Flynn and calls out the specifics behind the fraud.

7ca0b3  No.4316673


>"Archaeologist," knucklehead!

Sharia Man, censor what you don't want to see or hear. AssHats.

c5bbd1  No.4316674


>Come[Y] and Stro[Y]k

ff7d22  No.4316675

File: 6c549f2ce159605⋯.png (117.66 KB, 1057x531, 1057:531, Brave_2018-12-14_22-09-59.png)


welcome to an hour ago anon.

109530  No.4316676


Those trips.

fab6ff  No.4316677


Tucker is pure evil.

627917  No.4316678



Ha…don't forget Aliens.

3dd55a  No.4316679

File: 2157935edfd4706⋯.jpg (31.42 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4489.JPG)

b810bc  No.4316680

File: cdd6d0f6f1b8368⋯.jpeg (690.68 KB, 1242x1212, 207:202, 65EEADC0-5A56-4506-B30E-B….jpeg)

19f94f  No.4316681

Speaking of the Supreme Court when is RBG scheduled to give up the Red Shoes?

97ff62  No.4316682

FF downtown LA RIGHT NOW!!! https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Explosion-Starbucks-Boyle-Heights-Olympic-502826021.html

f80fa0  No.4316683


just noticed, (you'd) wrong ID, meant to (you) different Anon on different subject.

Going through now.

56252e  No.4316684

File: 9ff5af6fbd11fc1⋯.jpg (4.07 MB, 4160x3120, 4:3, IMG_20181214_210511959.jpg)

File: 9d076e38fb4ea3d⋯.jpg (5.07 MB, 4160x3120, 4:3, IMG_20181214_210427224_BUR….jpg)

File: cbb3ca3c2583f49⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 4160x3120, 4:3, IMG_20181214_210420777_BUR….jpg)

Somalian Amazon employees violenly protest at fulfillment center in MN. Protesting working conditions and lack of community outreach programs. Protestors had to speak through translators to news station. Somalians make up 2/3 of MN Amazon fulfillment center employees.

db6567  No.4316685


Maybe this is planned to be the primary means of comm from POTUS directly to us, especially at critical times, emergencies.

669f28  No.4316686



a walk is good

right in head

right in life


15d2ce  No.4316687



134595  No.4316688


What if 'stress test failed' wasn't a message for the board, but for some other player who was trying to hack into Q(+) communications - ie stressing the Q system. I found it odd that Q posted the failure message immediately.

5f4a16  No.4316689

File: d2a2358f0b95f19⋯.png (304.67 KB, 494x509, 494:509, if-a-man-is-born-ignorant-….png)

File: 9f5eef6cd48c31c⋯.jpg (19.95 KB, 392x392, 1:1, crime.jpg)

File: 0cddcb5000f0180⋯.jpg (22.32 KB, 387x499, 387:499, justice.jpg)

File: 27f9485dccc416b⋯.png (328.53 KB, 500x499, 500:499, wakeup.png)

Just gotta say…if you cuck for man-made laws and speak of 'normies', "real anons", etc, then you are a fukken normie, kek!

Why do we allow other people to Rule over us?

What a joke.

I was born out of a pussy just like (You) were…what gives you the right to tell me how to live my life?

As long as I'm not hurting anyone then fukk off and leave me the fukk alone. Capiche?

I'm not your comped ass version of Anon that you see on twAtter either. (notice they habben to be ex-MI, kek - had my own run-in with them)

Do you dream or do you Dream?

19f94f  No.4316690


CA vs TX

3dd55a  No.4316691


He can work at Applebee's while on probation

2ac116  No.4316692


Thank you for the info. I’m screenshotting this and will talk to my doctor about it. He is VERY open minded and will do anything to help me. Doesn’t hurt that I used to work for him. I wish all doctors were like him. He’s the best.

308be6  No.4316693

09a8ea  No.4316694

File: c39ed1caeca095a⋯.jpg (316.21 KB, 1080x1007, 1080:1007, Screenshot_20181214-210901….jpg)

Anons, CREEPY PUSSY LAWYER is back. Legalfags, Any sauce on CPL's client?

15d2ce  No.4316695

File: 0b361117c831597⋯.png (430.8 KB, 599x534, 599:534, anonyfag.png)

19bb0d  No.4316696


WHUT! Where was I when this happened

I was RIGHT! HA!!!!!!!! SOAB!

(Sort of anticlimactic months later find it out though.)

Thanks for the 411!

2905f3  No.4316697


You fame faggin'? If that last was in referance to what I think it was

..nice work

f227da  No.4316698


come on man….porn hub is only a few click away if you can't stay away from the kids

f80fa0  No.4316699


second this

b7f537  No.4316700


Lilith smart, but she was a bitch; so adam got a new girlfriend, but she was a dumbass.

Adam just can't catch a break.

30d5f0  No.4316701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Scrolling music:

kinda wish noname was still alive to see bo care going to the supreme court. next they get outplayed with the wall. muller is currently being outplayed via flynn. so we now get cohn crap and inauguration crap that will go poof poof. 8chan shills are nothing compared to the mainstream media shills. scroll past. the lack of huber (huber's silence is confirmation to trust sessions. ← the panic is the sauce. ) and 2 diggers (that are going to make a fuck ton of money) will not turn over the documents. two everyday citizens told the house oversight subcommittee to go fuck themselves. some stupid pawn oped writer went under oath and projected the trump foundation crimes. i am enjoying the show.

910e9d  No.4316702

File: c69e9e758a67b66⋯.jpeg (842.03 KB, 1125x1417, 1125:1417, 0F64858A-56B1-471B-A316-A….jpeg)


Do we have the gold?


Gold shall destroy FED

1e8b81  No.4316703


With what? His hand?

655e2e  No.4316704


99.999% on the thousands of lakes or hundreds of lakes this could be. Am not giving up, sticking my ass in the line, so please don’t quit either. It’s aomewhere in that fucking place.

fafbed  No.4316705


just got in…


full mueller response but we have that..


111298  No.4316706

No prayer time?


c7356e  No.4316707


(((they))) are looking for special peeps ~ maybe having rare blood type or organ donor match ~ find out if there is a match? then, go get them!

Hello? anybody home?

f6fad8  No.4316708

File: d40c58eba37e6a1⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1393x945, 199:135, cheked.png)

322cd9  No.4316709

627917  No.4316710



Well….that's an interesting take.

2bb6af  No.4316711

File: fe2e7306856cd21⋯.jpg (23.1 KB, 310x163, 310:163, quarkgluonplasma.jpg)

File: c68b154ee668c7f⋯.png (966.42 KB, 960x720, 4:3, c68b154ee668c7f7f57dc5d4eb….png)

File: 1268a498e9b2e81⋯.png (75.34 KB, 220x328, 55:82, Helix_oam.png)

File: bc811e1576a530a⋯.png (10.67 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 88584022f8b56c6f8b4c967b55….png)

File: dbfd7baf77b6254⋯.png (1.28 MB, 866x838, 433:419, lenstomandelbrot.png)

figure your shit out and get back to me

bubble reality.

15d2ce  No.4316712


what do you mean?

not sure, but wouldn't it go all through texas because the original case is from there?

and is there a chance a higher court would uphold it, is there any way to then challenge it?

c47097  No.4316713

Leftism satinism

7b9552  No.4316714


>>4316081 Planefag update

>>4316628 Anon on Tuck's particular gift

>>4316106 Tuck: comedian on UK Uni rules, "all jokes must be respectful & kind"

>>4316493 Anon's take on basic logistics of health-care absent fed gov. meddling

>>4316469, >>4316496 Wew. Confiscated Venenzuelans' Guns given to Lawless Commies

>>4316260, >>4316328 (no direct sauce) report from French policeman re: protest?

>>4316340, >>4316074 Anons clarify info in Conserv. Treehouse & TGP arts lb

>>4316058 @DJT twats on ObamaCare's BTFO, :16 and :07 minute markers

baking soonish

Any bakers lurking?

Doggo has been waiting patiently, kek

9da575  No.4316715

File: 8e701a090ca5cc9⋯.jpg (14.4 KB, 269x269, 1:1, 22850_chalupa_supreme_269x….jpg)


Did you really ask for Sauce on a Chalupa?

56252e  No.4316716




0be6b1  No.4316717


Thanks Anon!!

3dd55a  No.4316718

File: 48b2d276db675db⋯.jpg (43.5 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4556.JPG)

8c6f46  No.4316719


To know who has "the right bloodlines" and who doesn't. Agenda 21. Georgia Guidestones. etc.

be8f3c  No.4316720

1e8b81  No.4316721


Let them strike. I don't order from Amazon. MN anon.

9ae5ae  No.4316722


Any time he gets a new client, it's to expose a part of the case. Whether he is good or bad, we benefit from his cases.

541121  No.4316723

File: f266c31e431072c⋯.jpeg (43.56 KB, 474x544, 237:272, 7fb1fe2d9de3f03f9dc71c09f….jpeg)

e42332  No.4316724


You're right, I do! But It WELL out in the open on our streets and in our neighborhoods! ALL of it! Suffering oppressive laws on a day to day basis was one thing, but add unbridled, psychopathic, Domestic Enemy offensive rage…it's become too much to endure! I'm now convinced we ARE going to erupt into a hot, on the streets civil war! I'm also convinced that MANY of our mental slob Domestic Enemies will go silent as soon as they catch a glimpse of the carnage…the rest…they asked for it!

aa64d9  No.4316725


Regular (daily) connection to nature is vital

5c8a47  No.4316726


CPL is a dog chasing firetrucks. His bar card is soon to be yanked..

40dd4a  No.4316727

File: 4e5b67289f9ee7b⋯.jpg (45.87 KB, 600x300, 2:1, obamacaredumb.jpg)

a92ab7  No.4316729

File: a7dddb008652b9c⋯.jpg (51.14 KB, 600x594, 100:99, borrows 5.jpg)

File: 476e1a83fa3833d⋯.jpg (333.8 KB, 973x730, 973:730, attempt 2.jpg)

File: ee0651d6d5745a1⋯.jpg (188.3 KB, 900x678, 150:113, KWHC.jpg)

File: 32c73e1a60ccf5f⋯.jpg (89.17 KB, 770x551, 770:551, prism dick.jpg)

pepe stencils would be greatly appreciated. need heads for a more serious piece. Eager, determined, active, mad, shouting, etc. Heads on clear background.

Tia. (checked all links but 1 I think)

ab4043  No.4316730


Note anons, no "z" in Strzok. Avoided z?

(and added y)

5a1470  No.4316731

File: beefe6ae8d341e9⋯.jpeg (152.06 KB, 1440x956, 360:239, hitler hien.jpeg)

97ff62  No.4316732


truck explosion downtown LA??? https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Explosion-Starbucks-Boyle-Heights-Olympic-502826021.html

851c2f  No.4316733


Her mirror must hit back, fuck that's in a whole new league of fugly.

1e8b81  No.4316734


I bet she is rich from all the trademark and patent payments.

044eb6  No.4316735

813ae6  No.4316736

File: a583371921a1ed3⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 1581x3100, 51:100, icebergblank.jpg)


nothing can stop what's coming

56252e  No.4316737

37da70  No.4316738







and I'm trying to find/create a quick set of Obamacare memes for twatfag frens.

fafbed  No.4316739

all laid out here


b20502  No.4316740

File: 68f2528f47da757⋯.jpeg (22.86 KB, 230x219, 230:219, DF4675F7-E250-43F8-BD85-1….jpeg)


U peeped that too?

596cd7  No.4316742

File: 4599fe411153a98⋯.jpg (109.03 KB, 570x890, 57:89, e3d27a6ebd37655938c47f1c11….jpg)

15cd73  No.4316743


Holographic Universe whaaaaaat


whatever you say.

fceceb  No.4316744

File: fb212feea3490d5⋯.jpg (115.51 KB, 552x886, 276:443, 3.JPG)

File: 49ac4e17ec65d18⋯.jpg (126.7 KB, 494x901, 494:901, 4.JPG)

File: 63e0e6a8e07661d⋯.jpg (102.32 KB, 588x906, 98:151, 5.JPG)

File: 106f4e2da8b00d5⋯.jpg (137.26 KB, 519x910, 519:910, 6.JPG)

File: d965edadf316f8a⋯.jpg (107.07 KB, 504x734, 252:367, 7.JPG)

Lists of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse Are Spilling Out Across the Country


9ae5ae  No.4316745

File: 8410e3d45d07767⋯.jpg (138.21 KB, 860x844, 215:211, chalupa.JPG)



8310ba  No.4316746



bca31f  No.4316747


where/when is this?

b7f537  No.4316748


The mirror broke so hard it necked itself that night.

2bb6af  No.4316749

File: 3439e36ed386bdb⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1280x828, 320:207, goosehunt.png)


Well I will not do it tonight repost the lake pic will match it within 50 miles when I can.

37da70  No.4316751

File: 86658094c3aa153⋯.jpg (154.11 KB, 1161x764, 1161:764, ObamacareUnconstitutional3.jpg)

File: 467ac2c37b77324⋯.jpg (158.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ObamacareUnconstitutional2.jpg)

4d4224  No.4316752


But can I play it on my phone? Like Diablo Immortal?


One thing I have come to understand, anon, is that while I am easily frustrated with "normies" - I do not see myself as being "worth more" than them. In terms of intellectual performance - I give Mensa a run for their money and argue they are mostly huffing their own farts.

The average person, however, has a charm and practicality to them which I find surpasses much of what I can accomplish. Even those who achieve very little do not deserve to be battered by my ego.

True gods do not require worship, in a sense. Their existence and authority are self-validated. Anything that needs something to worship it is a parasite.

"Life Fiber Over-Ride…" … Eh, like two people will get the reference. People do not live for the sake of clothing.

What I am getting at, here, is that the Normies aren't really bad. They can be a bit slow by comparison, but also practical and composed in a world where people like myself wander halls of mirrors and engage in fleeting games of wordplay.

Despite my vast understanding of various things and ability to… Entertain distinguished company… I still go and order food from a normie and will have rather deep conversations with them because I despise cooking for myself (I love cooking for others - after my family kind of all died and went their separate ways, cooking for myself is depressing). They are all growing up around me and having children while I find it difficult to find women who aren't pets by comparison.

They should be able to enjoy life, free from the machinations of people of similar ability to myself, or those who have become a pack-hunting group of psychopaths. If I am to come into this world and command anyone to bow before me, it is those who hold themselves as kings and gods above others.

Which is also why I say my ego knows absolutely no bounds, and why it is important to have reverence for the life and rights of the proverbial normies.

14008c  No.4316753



"…support and defend the constitution of the United States…"

Military follows orders, period. POTUS is the Commander in Chief, and Congress writes the laws.

I suspect (and have read) chemtrails are the result of int'l treaty - if so, POTUS & military cannot disobey, but must obey the law and/or work within the law to change

111298  No.4316754


Moving out of this f ing state. I can’t wait!

7b9552  No.4316755


>>4316694 Aviente the Avaricious Avenatti is back! (going after Manafort/Trump)

>>4316081 Planefag update

>>4316628 Anon on Tuck's particular gift

>>4316106 Tuck: comedian on UK Uni rules, "all jokes must be respectful & kind"

>>4316493 Anon's take on basic logistics of health-care absent fed gov. meddling

>>4316469, >>4316496 Wew. Confiscated Venenzuelans' Guns given to Lawless Commies

>>4316260, >>4316328 (no direct sauce) report from French policeman re: protest?

>>4316340, >>4316074 Anons clarify info in Conserv. Treehouse & TGP arts lb

>>4316058 @DJT twats on ObamaCare's BTFO, :16 and :07 minute markers


on the fence on this one tbh.

anons? if we want it noted, may have to add nb

845225  No.4316756

File: b10a5978276774d⋯.png (214.72 KB, 304x502, 152:251, AQ14.PNG)

308dd5  No.4316757


Yes, the free market is much better than government solutions (see: Venezuela).

But this particular ruling does not say "govt healthcare is unconstitutional." It says the ACA is unconstitutional, which is correct because it mandates an action and then taxes for lack of action. That is not authorized in the Constitution.

feb4b8  No.4316758


If you want to get an idea what make PS tick, study his convo with LP in the first text dump. He is codependent, wants reassuring, needy, entitled and fast track to the top by any means possible. He has no loyalty, but maybe some to AM. Read the text, very informative.

a369c8  No.4316759

File: b0c487dc5114231⋯.jpg (277.74 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, obamacare unconstitutional.jpg)

d715a7  No.4316760


You are incorrect, posting is not the stress on a SERVER.

A SERVER is something that offers up data upon request. Every one of those lurkers has a default "auto update" turned on, which the SERVER has to SERVE. Pulls (request) by far outnumber pushes.

541121  No.4316761

File: 46af21b0ea5003b⋯.png (693.76 KB, 599x797, 599:797, 46af21b0ea5003b2d4107b8c24….png)


Back they ALL go.

a0713d  No.4316762

File: f4ea54322a00619⋯.jpg (85.67 KB, 590x710, 59:71, Q .jpg)


>Merry Christmas

15d2ce  No.4316764


can take it next bread if needed baker

851c2f  No.4316765


Well I guess, got that same look of K Griffin..not good

2bb6af  No.4316766



who the fuck is Talbot?

4a4901  No.4316767


well worth watching

4257c8  No.4316769


Fake news

1e8b81  No.4316771

If they need prayer time they can have plenty back in somalia.

73340e  No.4316772


Here's a great collection of research on Vitamin D3…this old guy has done a superb job:


If he's that cool, you're in luck…doctors give injections with millions of IU of D3 to get levels up quickly, so a half mil is easy peasy.

28a800  No.4316773


Terrible digits but none the less they confirm the work of the devil

5f5a34  No.4316774

File: 13bf7a6ba4f3283⋯.gif (7.49 MB, 320x175, 64:35, FakeNGay.gif)

db6567  No.4316775



feb4b8  No.4316776


Muh Legacy!

47f488  No.4316777




Anons Analysis of Flynn case ahppenings

1ae535  No.4316778

File: d57e4eedcf68706⋯.png (551.65 KB, 903x445, 903:445, popefrancishang.png)


They can'tg keep their hands off the kids!

34c330  No.4316779


The truth about health care is that (((Health Insurance Companies))) are sucking cash and providing no fucking service. (((they))) are engaged in a predatory practice, where they collect your money and decide what you can spend, while keeping the rest.

If the money (((they))) spend on advertising, executive salaries, lobbying and departments dedicated to finding ways to fuck you out of your claims (not to mention the trillions in profits), we could fund health care for every-fucking-one.

WAKE UP!!!!!

c807b5  No.4316780

File: 8d0138b02ccd090⋯.png (37.65 KB, 677x130, 677:130, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)


I posted that the truck was carrying propane & it reminded me of propane that was stolen in Missouri a while back that folks thought would be used in a terrorist attack.

358de4  No.4316781


Barium meals for the media

Even "that" media

0fa0f8  No.4316783

File: 15b06025529f6bd⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1024x831, 1024:831, 56325769886450800007587.png)

c47097  No.4316784

File: 9047315522b816f⋯.png (152.01 KB, 760x428, 190:107, all-might-heroi-jogavel-my….png)


5f4a16  No.4316785

File: c0bc860a5c3d86c⋯.jpg (54.56 KB, 564x564, 1:1, c0bc860a5c3d86c27296e3dc21….jpg)

File: cba784e8e4058e0⋯.png (191.69 KB, 499x501, 499:501, anons.png)

>>4316695 (low IQ post)

Kek, you sub-human, sub-par, parasitic, low energy, low-form waste of oxygen - you have no idea.

You think Wikileaks wasn't comped after assange was cut off?

You also don't think the same habbened for Anon on (((social media)))) kek.

Take your shekel (16) faggot.

5d8468  No.4316786


Thank you! Merry Christmas!

52e2e5  No.4316787

File: 6a6f4c35d848459⋯.jpg (157.47 KB, 1393x945, 199:135, NIGHTS12.jpg)


cool picture.

111298  No.4316788

1234b2  No.4316789


God is nice.

THAT simple.



bca31f  No.4316793


whut! for real OBAMA CARE unconstitutional? But Roberts said it was a TAX

7b9552  No.4316794

File: 9ee0827f38c883a⋯.jpg (7.43 KB, 205x200, 41:40, BreadBowlLidded.jpg)

fresh bread bowl




fresh bread bowl

331c5a  No.4316795

File: 940013d123a9ca1⋯.jpeg (354.54 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 85670454-151A-48D6-AFB9-2….jpeg)

f6fad8  No.4316796

File: 4535701f0faf806⋯.jpeg (41.02 KB, 1080x1586, 540:793, 4535701f0faf806bb857581c2….jpeg)

5d8700  No.4316797


Think again. Everything changed when the government got involved. [they] fuck everything up. I was there when it happened.

2bb6af  No.4316798


Universe is M-D divinity is center and all. But we 'see divinity as center so we create our 4D as outside - on the bubble that is not within the divinity sphere.


87a8d2  No.4316799

File: 194d29d5eccbbf5⋯.jpg (129.73 KB, 490x370, 49:37, band2.jpg)

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