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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

a7bb56  No.4302891

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Q & A

>>4282164 ————————————–——– Stress test failed.

>>4282020 rt >>4281684 -————————– 'Guardians' of intelligence.

>>4281837 rt >>4281583 -————————– (3) detention centers being prepped.

>>4281568 rt >>4281479 -————————– No.

>>4281478 rt >>4281387 -————————– "Watch CA" was deliberate.

>>4281410 rt >>4281121 -————————– Senate to investigate 2019.

>>4281049 rt >>4280876 -————————– Gold shall destroy FED.

>>4280936 rt >>4280653 -————————– Only her beauty and love of country.

>>4280831 rt >>4280746 -————————– NSA ability to overreach hosts possible.

>>4280779 rt >>4280688 -————————– Separated by 2.

>>4280699 rt >>4280617 -————————– While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.

>>4280615 rt >>4280575 -————————– Added server(s)/bandwidth improved performance.

>>4280592 rt >>4280423 -————————– No.

>>4280554 rt >>4280453 -————————– Mission to harm NSA.

>>4280455 rt >>4280260 -————————– No.

>>4280331 rt >>4280236 -————————– 2020+ safeguarded.

>>4280247 rt >>4280228 -————————– Yes.

>>4280231 rt >>4280212 -————————– Our promise to 'counter'.

>>4280213 rt >>4280193 -————————– No.

>>4280202 rt >>4280192 -————————– Control.

>>4280189 ————————————–——– Q&A

Wednesday 12.12.18

Compiled here: >>4281715

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

a7bb56  No.4302896


are not endorsements


>>4294374 List of meme-friendly news sites for spreading the truth.

>>4282761 Anon's recap of Q's 12/12 Q&A

#5482 Baker Change

>>4302212, >>4302290, >>4302378 Military planes fly near the Bill Gates Foundation which was namedropped today

>>4302228 Graph: CF Revenue

>>4302240, >>4302260 2 E-6B's up (3 is bad)

>>4302253 Largest Oil and Gas Reserves Ever Assessed Found in West Texas

>>4302264 Moar on the bomb threats from today

>>4302318 Mexico Shutting Down Their Own Southern Border

>>4302320 Dig on CF's AIDS drugs operations

>>4302322, >>4302487 CA Rep closes speech by quoting Q 2436

>>4302353, >>4302517, >>4302631, >>4302745, >>4302783 On HRC and Ambani

>>4302358 Update on French news

>>4302434 POTUS' tweets have 17 dots and a 17 minute delta from first to last, connects to CF

>>4302457 FBI misses deadline to provide docs to Judiciary Committee probing whistleblower raid

>>4302519, >>4302565 Update from Sara Carter on the Testimony from today

>>4302552, >>4302672 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation dig

>>4302614 CIA doc: The Original Wizards of Langley

>>4302595, >>4302644 LIVE: John Solomon says DIA has exculpatory documents on Flynn that are classified

>>4302787 After Tim Fitton's testimony, Dem Jerry Connelly feels like he's in "Alice in Wonderland"

>>4302834 Julian Assange undergoes medical tests at the embassy

>>4302883 #5482


>>4301496 Mueller to outline Middle Eastern countries’ efforts to influence US politics

>>4301519, >>4301622 CF, Haiti, Apotex and Related Qdrops.

>>4301536, >>4301633, >>4301678 Flashback to DOJ plane in Little Rock...Whistleblower confirms

>>4301595 Lawfag digz on Cohen.

>>4301726 Thank you SESSIONS. Nice graphic showing Qproof.

>>4301729, >>4301917, >>4302059 Acadiana, DC and TN added to the bomb threat list. All recieving multiple reports.

>>4301584, >>4301781, >>4301908 Theory on Trust KANSAS. Double meaning?

>>4302105 Dept Of Interior Making interesting tweets. 5:5?

>>4302138 #5481


>>4300738 Updated Calendar with Dec. 19th Hearing. Thanks again Calendar Fag.

>>4300753, >>4300817 CHAI Qdrop from April un-locked after Hearing today.

>>4300852 IT Update: Malware targeting the energy sector goes by the name "Operation Sharpshooter"

>>4300959 Anon Digs Bush-CF Haiti connection.

>>4301122 New filing in United States v. Butina: Transcript

>>4301131 Form 990-T of Countries tied to CF

>>4300683, >>4300693, >>4300752, >>4300839 Euro Week Poland appears to be an muslim grooming gang operation

>>4301173 WH Tweet: POTUS has focused on delivering several crucial wins before the calendar turns to 2019

>>4301186 Roll Global (Fiji Water Cabal) Moves biggest brands under new corporate name.

>>4301065, >>4301056, >>4301242 Fitton mentions "We have the Servers" in CF hearing.

>>4300694, >>4301257 Flynn case may get thrown out. Judge Emmet G. Sullivan has "a wild card on the table".Demands exculpatory evidence.

>>4301327 Qproof on CF Docs and where they are located.

>>4301364 #5480


>>4299980, >>4300100, >>4300300, (cap: >>4300362), Con't Anon rundoowns on CF Hearing. Look here for excellent material that isn't MSM copypasta.

>>4299999 Anon gets Quints on Clintons going down. Noice.

>>4300093 Clark County Bankruptcy Judge Death is ruled a suicide by coroner.

>>4300159 Justice Department asks the Supreme Court to let the transgender military ban take effect.

>>4300163 Bar Chart of CF funds hitting Little Rock Bottom.

>>4300199 Obama’s Mexican Gunrunning Op, Fast and Furious, Could Help El Chapo’s Defense

>>4300271 Calendar Fag checks in with updates for December.

>>4300305 Summary of Qposts with mentions of "Whistleblower"

>>4300602 #5479

Previously Collected Notables

>>4298215 #5476, >>4298957 #5477, >>4299802 #5478

>>4295924 #5473, >>4296758 #5474, >>4297376 #5475

>>4293608 #5470, >>4294388 #5471, >>4295167 #5472

>>4291334 #5467, >>4292121 #5468, >>4292892 #5469

>>4288973 #5464, >>4289757 #5465, >>4290540 #5466

>>4286668 #5461, >>4287430 #5462, >>4288197 #5463

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

a7bb56  No.4302897

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#59 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>4283174

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

a7bb56  No.4302901

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

a7bb56  No.4302902



40cf22  No.4302940

thank you baker!

57fefd  No.4302954


(((When we consider the scope of operations)))

Let's think logically and critically about Q's timing.

I would like anons to consider a more patient plan.

Similar to how Reagan slowly took down Russia.

Using leverage and control over a period of years.

In France, they woke up too fast and they are rioting.

In America, we are waking up slowly and prospering.

Don't get me wrong, the innocent MUST be protected.

But Q says those traffickers have been neutralized.

So what if the PLAN has several timelines at once.

A very fast one for dealing with higher risk objectives.

A very slow one for dealing with lower risk objectives.

Let's address major objectives as unique MIL timelines.

Objective #1: Stop the Human Trafficking.

This goal has been underway full speed since day 1.

With deadly efficiency, no mercy and special forces.

Under the radar and below the public news cycle.

Objective #2: Weaponize MIL-INTEL Against Them.

This plan has been underway since Inauguration Day.

Trump visited CIA HQ on his first full day in office.

Obama's Secret Pardons require post 2016 crimes.

Objective #3: Remove Rogue Nukes & Comms.

Think North Korea nuke mountain collapse 2017.

Think Iran, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, Pakistan.

Think Subs, Missiles, CERN, EMP & SATCOMs.

Objective #4: Secure Senate & Supreme Court.

McCain, Flake, Corker = no real GOP majority.

Kennedy, Roberts = no real conservative court.

Senate and SC solved with real majority 11.18.

Objective #5: Form a Trusted Global Alliance

Think fall of Saudi Arabia in Oct 2017.

Think Xi, Abe, Moon & Kim in Nov 2017.

Think Putin, Brazil, Italy, Mexico, etc… 2018.

Objective #6: Strengthen US Military/Economy

Military completely funded through all of 2019.

Tax cuts and low interest puts normies at ease.

Caravans, Gangs, Antifa pretext for Martial Law.

Objective #7: Expose Media & Social Giants

Think advent of QAnon and Trump's Twitter.

Showcase media hypocrisy day after day.

Showcase social media censorship daily.

Objective #8: Voter Fraud & Voter ID.

Let "them" repeat crimes in 2018 midterms.

Build iron clad cases with obvious verified fraud.

Use fraud evidence as pretext for 2020 voter ID.

Objective #9: Control Financial System.

Force Queen, Macron, May, Merkel to submit.

Force alliance to hand over SWIFT encryption keys.

Force FED restructure & pardon all intra-gov debt.

Objective #10: Remove & Arrest Cabalists.

Pick off 1 or 2 "old guard" each month with "deaths".

Pick off 100-200 "CEO's" each month with "MeToo".

Pick off 10K-20K "suddenly" when "Storm is Upon Us."

0e8afc  No.4302955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You are free to make your own opinion from this. But what happened today, scares the fuck out of me. What kind of shit was this? Watch the talk by Mr. Meadows by yourself. Trust yourself. Think for yourself.

What is this supposed to mean? We need to finish this fight before Dem House takes place in January 3rd, 2019.

28c016  No.4302956

File: e60beda15a549fe⋯.png (485.35 KB, 509x514, 509:514, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4302870 (lb)

cf5674  No.4302957

>>4301594 lb5481

>Innocence ends when you can wipe your own ass

when you realize the "news" as reported isn't the truth

cebba7  No.4302958


I wonder if that was a reference to Hollow Earth.. I always ask myself why there are so many politicians visiting Antarctica.. Who cares about a frozen wasteland

28c016  No.4302959


I couldn't figure out the behavior at the time either.

After watching again a few times it's because they were refusing to turn over an additiona 6000 or so docs to the house.

28c016  No.4302960


basically he knows there isn't much time left for that group to get anything done so yeah it makes sense he'd be pissed

90bf31  No.4302961

>>4302771 (lb)

what you reference "the force" for anon?

>>4302913 (lb)

muh decode here with POTUS crrection delta has a Q post with 'forced' in it

6f5fb0  No.4302962

File: 63ce30cee9ac8c4⋯.png (341.35 KB, 493x327, 493:327, 2018-12-13_21-41-45.png)

>>4302843 LB

Yeah, we know.

ef81d4  No.4302964

File: 2f697982ddab539⋯.png (586.07 KB, 544x528, 34:33, 9dfeec0946fd4bb863c1cae866….png)


TY Baker!!!

e0393d  No.4302965

File: bdfa3056ba3163a⋯.jpg (84.11 KB, 1061x696, 1061:696, fact.JPG)

Journalist fact-checkers who signed up for a controversial partnership with social media giant Facebook to combat fake news are abandoning ship citing ethical concerns and shady practices.

The fact-checkers became disillusioned with Facebook after the company ignored requests for meaningful data that showed the impact of the anti-fake news initiatives. Participating journalists anecdotally reported minimal results and Facebook allegedly did nothing to assuage their concerns.

Facebook began courting journalists and roughly 40 media partners, including AP, Snopes, and Politifact for the project in the aftermath of the 2016 US presidential elections but despite the noble intentions and lofty goals, research and anecdotal evidence suggest the debunking had little effect. Facebook’s hiring of the Definers PR firm to smear critics was the final straw for many disillusioned do-gooders.


82a23e  No.4302966

Just for the record, Arkansas is AR.

53cacd  No.4302967


FISA brings down the House

18bea5  No.4302968

File: e39e16bc065cfb7⋯.jpg (39.07 KB, 467x480, 467:480, 137BAD29-71C8-4F9A-A466-AA….jpg)


Kavenaugh is a

42ca8e  No.4302970

File: 7421268f851d5ba⋯.png (491.08 KB, 999x800, 999:800, herry.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

e27be8  No.4302971

File: 6fc3e44b6b656a0⋯.gif (3.91 MB, 478x268, 239:134, Night Shift 6.gif)

Ty, Baker!

night shift, my brothers

2374ed  No.4302972

not playing nice chuckles


9f3f4b  No.4302973

Ammo & Toilet Paper…

90bf31  No.4302974

File: 1686753c9abd34c⋯.png (37.19 KB, 736x124, 184:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d543f5136b9a654⋯.png (50.8 KB, 441x569, 441:569, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4685985d65c28bf⋯.png (276.67 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


repost (late last bread)

potus today - misspelled letter Delta correction was 5 minutes - it was :05:20 to be precise

for fun i searched Q posts

i got only 1 hit

you think it was comms or nah

e40f90  No.4302976

File: b53b46fee45c53f⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 768x576, 4:3, Gaynigger.mp4)

File: d87210e857c10d9⋯.png (1.57 MB, 2132x1584, 533:396, Gayniggerfromouterspace.png)


And you are a

0c487f  No.4302977


God bless you from Alaskanon.

0e8afc  No.4302978


Who and why refused to turn over the additional 6000 docs to the house (current one)?

84f046  No.4302979


<muh nightshift nightshift nightshift

is what shills say to check on how many mason lodges sent in shills tonight.

The more you know.

cebba7  No.4302980

antarctica sightings 4 hints

c1bcfc  No.4302981

>>4302429 lb

This is a shameful period of America's history

ea3b82  No.4302982



FBI misses deadline to provide docs to Judiciary Committee probing whistleblower raid


382faa  No.4302983

File: fc74737bee01c57⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 680x1157, 680:1157, note.jpg)

42ca8e  No.4302984

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

d40343  No.4302985

File: 93850d3b318559a⋯.jpg (204.92 KB, 972x914, 486:457, look-chuck-q9.jpg)

9da41e  No.4302986

File: 53a39326079fe02⋯.jpg (23.27 KB, 407x413, 407:413, Selection_001.jpg)

>>4302889 (lb)

18bea5  No.4302987

Wray's dogg always tried to kill him

And he is sitting on the new wu tang album

53cacd  No.4302988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6ef8ce  No.4302989

>>4302932 (pb)

Typical do nothing piece of shit.

Fucking lazy worthless human garbage.

Let someone else do it for you.

You’re the reason we needed potus and q in the first place.

Seriously... no joke ,...KYS

7b0b22  No.4302990

File: d71bd2aa1c29aa3⋯.jpg (76.79 KB, 1079x788, 1079:788, 131245474565785787870006.jpg)

Charges against Flynn will be dropped tommorow.

Screenshot this.

a7bb56  No.4302991


what you just posted is legitimately in the post you linked to

03b0d3  No.4302992


So when the Clintons go to jail, does willy's presidential library get converted into the qresearch and meme wars library?

908dbc  No.4302993


feels like it is the last days of American History.

b9a8db  No.4302994

File: 0463ddd2c9a4056⋯.png (800.85 KB, 762x590, 381:295, friday.PNG)


Mrs. Parker for that swift work

61faa0  No.4302995

File: aae9f45559c2b40⋯.pdf (663.6 KB, Clinton-Foundation-2017-99….pdf)

Clinton Foundation 2017 990

382faa  No.4302996

File: e58ad4f5e59851f⋯.jpg (196 KB, 894x894, 1:1, ns.jpg)



18bea5  No.4302997


Hey soyboy

Start a board

c00562  No.4302998

>>4302795 PB

>>4302833 PB

>How can this douchebag

copy pasta the Blaze? the article has a link to the actual story, barely mentioning the ruling in the first paragraph, and then basically spews regurgitate. (regurgitant?)

and leave out perhaps the single most important detail:

"The plaintiffs say the administration is not honoring a waiver provision in the president’s ban on travelers from five mostly Muslim countries - Iran, Lybia, Somalia, Syria and Yemen."

but hey, we have a Beanz fag here too.

da0aa1  No.4302999

pay attention.

could Trump be cabal tool?

cabal knows that threw the internet and new tech that they are becoming more exposed.

they hatch "the plan"

enter Trump as anti deep state.

start Q to gather all awoken in one place.

Anons are the indictments.

b49240  No.4303000

File: f4ebd5392947d40⋯.jpg (59.72 KB, 736x736, 1:1, nightshift.jpg)


Nice gif.

Looks like he is wearing a natural mask

e40f90  No.4303001


Why not

7db095  No.4303002

File: 39b717ec48c3b36⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20181213-204741.png)


d968c1  No.4303003


Once Huber was a no-show the whole hearing became meaningless. Where the fuck is Huber?

5dfe0f  No.4303004


Sounds legit.

fcac8b  No.4303005

File: 3a0681da714229a⋯.png (152.39 KB, 356x508, 89:127, Screenshot (2147).png)

Cody Hiland, Lead investigator at Little Rock?

Needs some digging..

18bea5  No.4303006


He can bartendvat applebees prol

766504  No.4303007




Regarding Clinton Foundation

Aug 2016 phone call

DOJ was concerned about overt steps taken by FBI agents regarding the Clinton Foundation

McCabe then asked Hussein DOJ:

"Are you telling me that I have to shut-down a validly-predicated investigation?!"

42ca8e  No.4303008

File: 33199a152d603fd⋯.png (171.84 KB, 649x365, 649:365, hjhimmy.png)

File: 0f54a7a19013170⋯.png (341.57 KB, 717x444, 239:148, dandmFIGHT.png)

File: 00d21ddb4d2f189⋯.png (221.03 KB, 376x431, 376:431, DDH.png)

File: 1cb80ac3bcf4274⋯.png (617.96 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ktmsjl.png)



all of you

you are ours now

do you know who your master is?

it is us

we are the handler now


08e357  No.4303009


Q, it's starting to look like there's no one in DC who knows WHO should make a big move.

Am increasingly let down by how dim some of our reps are.

I'm an old B/C student, and I'm sitting here thinking, well shit, I'm smarter than these guys.

Like they say, common sense isn't that common.

0e8afc  No.4303010


That is correct. But that would have to happen before the new dem House even takes place. Once the House has the power in January 3rd, it would literally be the repeat of the endless circle like we always had experienced so far since Kennedy was assassinated back in the 60s.

01173d  No.4303011

File: 939410d35770d76⋯.png (144.78 KB, 1573x322, 1573:322, QMirrorAnswerYes.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.

ef81d4  No.4303012

File: 1c80f10d897ac65⋯.jpg (277.06 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Maitland Ward - pop and pe….jpg)





Oh! The suspense!!! Did anons ever figure out we're under maritime rules of engagement?


Who's really pulling the strings right now, anons?

14f81f  No.4303013

No self respecting anon can claim being a remotely intelligent contributing researcher that does not know or understand what “Bible code” is and how it is deciphered/ utilized to demonstrate the holy magic that the bible possesses through future proves past methodology. Do yourself a favor and look it up.

4c3b28  No.4303014

Gates and other rich people sign pledge and donate to


a55e1a  No.4303015


It means were fucked.

Wtf has panned out? Name one person whos been to jail! [iran next]?

The mullahs seem to be fine.

Parade? Election? D5?

Moar and moar Q seems to be a pacifer…ive been sucking on it too. Zero fucking results.

What happened to ol jeffy going to the sc to unrecuse? Fisa? RR? Huber?

Shit, hope theres some magical boom day, when is it? 2025? Hiws ol georgey soros?

No name? Oh yeah, he paid some invisible price.

6558f3  No.4303016

Is this investigation just a way for POTUS to get the truth out that it was the largest turnout ever for an inauguration?

8724a6  No.4303017



Because Clinton Foundation has 17 letters too, just pointing that out in case that is missed

ec728e  No.4303018

File: 70b95abe0a8b0ef⋯.jpg (130.36 KB, 800x600, 4:3, FISA night shift.jpg)

File: b9dd63c19f82bcd⋯.jpg (437.33 KB, 1265x791, 1265:791, CEO President Notable Resi….jpg)

File: 5dc0522829db879⋯.jpg (196.36 KB, 850x855, 170:171, Jamal Khashoggi connected ….jpg)

File: 0e63218835c2c37⋯.jpg (177.01 KB, 840x702, 140:117, Ties to Florida.jpg)

File: 8cd6ccff144afee⋯.jpg (226.25 KB, 990x754, 495:377, mocking bird daily beast.jpg)

975b09  No.4303019


I hope so.

1e53dd  No.4303020

Either Drudge is completely comped or he’s in on this Q shit. Seriously.. Drudge dropped dimes on Clinton non stop for YEARS and in the last year and a half or so, since after the election, he’s turned it all on Trump. Rarely anything positive now and during the campaign he was pushing the hell out of him. To not have a single headline about the CF hearings is crazy.

53cacd  No.4303021


He was not going to testify. Dec 5 apparently was to make them spend ammo. Sit back and be comfy.

4f71dd  No.4303022

The congress and senate had hush money to silence woman they

raped and abused. Millions of dollars of hush money. Americans demand a list of all politicians.

42ca8e  No.4303023


what kind of consciousness is "ebot" connected to?

901af3  No.4303024

>>4302771 (lb)

No. That was at [2] and today is [11]… no obvious "force the Q" alignment.

18bea5  No.4303025

File: f1eeb4d9c521ff2⋯.jpg (128.13 KB, 800x1039, 800:1039, IMG_4533.JPG)

Got any biscuits in there

61faa0  No.4303026

File: 21d572c97ea9478⋯.jpg (87.78 KB, 960x944, 60:59, DuWDoItWkAAgScc.jpg)

e0393d  No.4303027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

just leaving this here

3479af  No.4303028


This is a distraction for ([{them}]), something else is going on in parallel. Q felt the need to perform a stress test, is the flood about to start?

e27be8  No.4303029



b0638b  No.4303030

File: 88e7c470b3a8f9f⋯.png (394.16 KB, 960x960, 1:1, NPC_nap.png)

28c016  No.4303031


the independent investigators.

Jim Jordan threatened to have the same docs and such seized - their response is they 'want' that to happen

d110e9  No.4303032

File: 24b92817d46f1c0⋯.jpg (313.8 KB, 1524x1014, 254:169, No crying.jpg)


STFU shill.

Huber would have nothing to say about on going investigations.

These hearings are not where justice will happen.

d745ec  No.4303033


Like like this idea!

42ca8e  No.4303034

File: c91e3b6cf84667a⋯.png (101.35 KB, 941x411, 941:411, TT.png)

File: 1c853b32e3209d9⋯.png (305.56 KB, 504x663, 168:221, OUIORNOT.png)


you are a DOG, aren't you?

cebba7  No.4303035

File: 03220c0b08e6e35⋯.jpg (348.71 KB, 1872x1404, 4:3, Susan_Collins_John_McCain_….jpg)

NK and Antarctica have a lot in common..

Empty wastelands that people seem to care about more than they ought to..

e4d404  No.4303036



notable summary of THE PLAN as executed thus far - 24 months this is a lot

no its not public arrests but the plan is to avoid civil disturbance

BUT patriots in control = plan Z IF needed - (last resort) appears it will not be needed per latest Q posts

come on anons we were TOLD all of this

yes its frustrating to watch MSM and crazy old bat nigger congress but that is nothing to what potus and the patriots are risking

you think Q likes these people? HA

de4320  No.4303037

84f046  No.4303038


Answer 5 min BEFORE question?

Is that your theory, shill?

4f71dd  No.4303039

File: 8d7da2419b970a1⋯.jpg (38.78 KB, 625x412, 625:412, DuV_Z92UUAAZIxc.jpg)

6ef8ce  No.4303040

It’s Roman law faggot

It’s always been Roman law

Get a clue


b49240  No.4303041

File: 1e73f68a79b521c⋯.jpg (68.5 KB, 751x900, 751:900, 1e73f68a79b521c0bd70f53304….jpg)

82f842  No.4303042

File: c455d256c9a6f1b⋯.jpg (26.9 KB, 289x177, 289:177, 5b41b38a1bb44a0fbb7272ad16….jpg)

e27be8  No.4303043

File: e8fc3840b4048f9⋯.png (858.93 KB, 636x636, 1:1, Pepe Chekt.png)



a7bb56  No.4303044

File: 863ab7cf2c06c73⋯.png (729.99 KB, 600x633, 200:211, btfoFEjr.png)


see you next bread shillspammer

7b0b22  No.4303045


Think about it. Muller can either provide the 1st set of forms which clear Flynn or the 2nd falsified ones.

18bea5  No.4303046


Earl grey and milk


53cacd  No.4303047


I think its going to happen after. The House has to have special elections to fill seats. Hoping many empty seats after FISA.

6de086  No.4303049

File: bab655aaa72902e⋯.png (3.77 MB, 2111x1384, 2111:1384, ClipboardImage.png)

ef81d4  No.4303050


Awe, c'mon. Make a worksafe redhead version.

0e8afc  No.4303051



Oh, right. I totally forgot about that. Where the fuck was Huber? Chair was empty.

b4904f  No.4303052

>>4302307 (all pbs)

>Mr. Boston accent until November 30th? I'm confused why he waited?

Not only did NOT respond..they apparently lost the submitted documents TWICE and the guys had to send them a third time via flash drive.

SO who destroyed / hide or otherwise slid shit with the first two submissions? And Huber just now got the documents THIS is not in alignment with Q.


>The Clinton Foundation story will go nowhere.

Based on the "packed hearing room"…you're probably right. That committee wanted the docs to bury it…and make deals with the IRS and FBI to shut it down…bank on it.

The good news is those two guys want their money and unless they get arkancided (wait for it)…they aren't going to stop…

c029a6  No.4303053



2374ed  No.4303054

the kind the cabal ate when they lost the crystal ball from GIGO

14f81f  No.4303055


Do your own digging. This is not a charity.

435555  No.4303056


that whole sharade of "give us the docs"

was basically this:


I have given the docs to every form of official law enforcement agency that works for the United States. They can bring charges with the stuff I have given them.

You can't.



important to remember

08e357  No.4303057



It was remarkable, how many times the gov't behind the bench "threatened" something, and the guys at the table said they welcomed all of it.

"Come get our stuff! Please! Raid our office! Call ahead and we'll have a hot breakfast waiting for your people!"

18bea5  No.4303058


Stfuramen head

b3722e  No.4303059

File: 99b952e6c1fbf5e⋯.jpg (83.43 KB, 474x832, 237:416, 3.JPG)

File: 8ad1d0d574e861b⋯.jpg (120.1 KB, 496x876, 124:219, 4.JPG)

File: 7b62a3d44b97515⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 462x411, 154:137, 5.JPG)

Billionaire Jack Dorsey, Who Doesn't Take A Salary, Pocketed $80 Million In 2018


ec728e  No.4303060

File: 377e9837cac21f3⋯.jpg (167.88 KB, 677x840, 677:840, Weinstein.jpg)

File: c1c2f124b9c1e81⋯.jpg (224.34 KB, 1278x1650, 213:275, A Weiner Court.jpg)

ea3b82  No.4303061

File: 92276a1bba4e21b⋯.png (819.7 KB, 900x588, 75:49, 1530593934424.png)


yeah. checked but didn't see it.

I was looking at an old bread in an old tab

5e3384  No.4303062

File: fef3dfdf914d31e⋯.png (85.38 KB, 357x197, 357:197, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

9516e4  No.4303063

File: 8682e0db93e8403⋯.jpeg (741.33 KB, 1535x2048, 1535:2048, 943F494B-B5BB-460D-81DD-2….jpeg)

File: e4cbd28a21fd690⋯.jpeg (888.13 KB, 2048x1535, 2048:1535, 41E1CABC-324C-4B22-B742-5….jpeg)

Night Shift in the house!

01173d  No.4303064


Wow. This is an example of how a retard cannot know that he is a retard. KEK

5dfe0f  No.4303065


That's not how this works.

That's not how any of this works.

18bea5  No.4303066

File: 8113705427ea7b4⋯.jpg (69.47 KB, 576x720, 4:5, 055F6603-729D-494C-BAED-2E….jpg)

850109  No.4303067

File: 3a0ef4005907fb2⋯.png (230.2 KB, 529x711, 529:711, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16c45cc07401d4f⋯.png (50.75 KB, 824x827, 824:827, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 136e547d76a3f9b⋯.png (21.97 KB, 830x379, 830:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c4126cd1e01a56⋯.png (22.66 KB, 816x460, 204:115, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d00874ce8ce1f0b⋯.png (13.47 KB, 812x312, 203:78, ClipboardImage.png)

Congress Hid Illegal Legislation in Farm Bill to Further Support Horrific Genocide in Yemen and It Passed

Hiding the provision in a Farm Bill, the House passed an insidious piece of legislation that will facilitate perpetual war and genocide in Yemen.

Yesterday, Congress violated the Constitution and the War Powers Act by voting to block and further moves by Congress, to withdraw U.S. forces from the wholesale slaughter and genocide currently taking place in Yemen. This move was done using the Farm Bill.

Many Americans are wondering what, exactly, a Farm Bill has to do with genocide in Yemen. The answer to that question is absolutely nothing. However, it does make for a good hiding place for insidious and illegal legislation, which is why the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 contained a section which removed the application of the War Powers Resolution.

As the mainstream media reported on the government finally legalizing a plant—industrial hemp—that should have never been illegal in the first place, one of the most disgusting moves ever by Congress was carried out in the dark like cockroaches.

“To avoid a debate on whether the US should be involved in a war in Yemen, today our leadership will trick members into suspending the provisions of the War Powers Act,” tweeted representative Thomas Massie yesterday morning. “Sad!” he said. “Despicable” that House Speaker Paul Ryan “is shirking responsibility for debating our involvement in the Yemen war by hiding the war resolution in a procedural vote on the farm bill.”


ddcff5  No.4303068

b0638b  No.4303069

File: 2780781afc35287⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 460x460, 1:1, 2780781afc35287dd558bc0f04….gif)


That's soap flakes your smokin, not crack…

c6a025  No.4303070

Has there been a server/hardware upgrade?

Board seems to running very smoothly right now.

77186a  No.4303071


Whenever you get pissed at the continual Kabuki Theater escapades (like today).

Rememeber 1 simple thing.

POTUS can pull the plug any time he wants with the DECLAS.

So, it's not Q I get frustrated with - It's POTUS.

c00562  No.4303072

File: 8700009a1f7570d⋯.jpg (37.21 KB, 718x536, 359:268, bruce.jpg)

>>4300159 notable #5479

4F? flat feet got nuttin on havin your dick cut off. are other MH allowed to serve in combat roles?

266aa1  No.4303074

File: 1ed84711c174966⋯.jpg (37.2 KB, 450x338, 225:169, 1544715746.jpg)


>Second this


IMO pin this

Thanks, anon

Great work

8bc727  No.4303075


It’s becoming a farce, nobody can do anything about government corruption. I think it’s here to stay.

9f3f4b  No.4303076


Just a tiny matchbox house for kicks & giggles

Nothings going to happen.

You’ve been deluded in trusting the government/q

cf5674  No.4303077

>>4301594 lb5481

>Innocence ends when you can wipe your own ass

when you realize the "news" as reported isn't the truth

e0393d  No.4303078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ok just one more for the road

2bbbbd  No.4303079


I'll screenshot it. fer funzes

01173d  No.4303080


Just tell me the odds, smart guy. Go ahead…

cebba7  No.4303081

File: 6c0c8d3e65970c1⋯.png (80.77 KB, 783x197, 783:197, 4f13b8ed1e4f42378506951f07….png)

File: a0ed13c1c7b2d1b⋯.png (276.58 KB, 852x456, 71:38, 0dbfc7c9edaa210f3b40ad785c….png)


I'm drinking the same thing … Huh

42ca8e  No.4303082


jimmy, it is, in a way, sad to see you like this

i might have at least hoped you would have the slightest bit of style

the smallest spark of interest

but you are just lukewarm turd

is this really how you should be doing things?

can't you think of a better way jimmy?

I promise you– your games are not working

i'm not lying jimmy

can't you think of better ways?

you are working very hard jimmy

but are you working smart?

lol, jimmy

come on now

let's talk

08e357  No.4303083

9f3f4b  No.4303084

File: fba36e97527eb69⋯.jpeg (285.23 KB, 1360x2048, 85:128, F6535BCC-52EF-4057-9492-8….jpeg)

e4d404  No.4303085


now you see

most of congress are cutouts

selected managed and controlled by others

clean house

its coming - already well under way

PS - i would vote for you

850109  No.4303086

File: 61cd895bddc0077⋯.png (36.04 KB, 615x427, 615:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Private Investigators Tell House Subcommittee That Clintons Could Owe Hundreds of Millions in Taxes

WASHINGTON—Two financial investigators say they have submitted thousands of documents to the IRS that they believe show the Clinton Foundation, founded by Bill and Hillary Clinton, potentially evaded paying millions if not billions of dollars in taxes, a House subcommittee on government operations heard Dec. 13.

Lawrence Doyle and John Moynihan of DM Income Advisors said they first submitted their complaints to the IRS office in Ogden, Utah, in August 2017.

“We filed a claim of probable cause that the foundation operated outside the bounds of its approval that came from the IRS,” Moynihan said.

They looked at the foundation’s tax returns, other publicly available data, and interviewed several foundation employees. They tried to match what was being spent on charitable giving and how much was set aside for things such as travel, salaries, and administration expenses.

“We attempted to reconcile all those donations with expenses. The basis of our claim is that we were unable to do that,” said Moynihan.

Among other things, they found that about 60 percent of the foundation’s income was spent on things like salaries, travel, and grants. Moynihan said he believed a good charity would only spend about 15 percent on such things.

Rather than a charity, Doyle and Moynihan called the foundation a “closely held partnership.”

Further, they said they reviewed some emails that showed the Clintons had been approved to accept funds for Bill Clinton’s presidential library but were in talks with potential donors about health programs that weren’t part of the library’s mission, according to the articles of incorporation.

Based on their research, Doyle and Moynihan believe the Clintons owe between $400 million and $2.5 billion in taxes; if the IRS finds that the foundation isn’t a charity, its donors might also be liable for taxes owed on their contributions. They also said that, while not looking for this specifically, they did find instances of “pay-to-play” behavior between the donors, the foundation, and Hillary Clinton’s position as secretary of state, which she held from 2009 to 2013.

Based on an interview with a former employee, they said Bill Clinton regularly “mixed and matched, on an ongoing basis, his business with that of the foundation.”


926e56  No.4303087


All of the actresses "get the part" alright, but not necessarily in the movie.

18bea5  No.4303088

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

babbfe  No.4303089


It was a failure of House oversight. Did you think that was going to work? Was it supposed to work?

fadce6  No.4303090

File: a8ef3fd655b18f5⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1350x1198, 675:599, Screenshot_2018-12-12 Pupi….png)

File: 78dbc6c5879a7ab⋯.png (66.53 KB, 733x183, 733:183, s.png)


59b3ad  No.4303091

Mr. Doyle and Mr. Moynihan are REAL autists

a7bb56  No.4303093


No, there's just not 400+ UIDs posting at once with many times that amount of lurkers

8ch got upgrades a month or two ago, and it's been great

that kind of traffic would fuck up many sites

f180a1  No.4303094

File: 1c3c5e75ff448a5⋯.png (117.58 KB, 1260x672, 15:8, ClipboardImage.png)

Jimbo - karma is a ungrateful mistress.

766504  No.4303095



"The [Hussein] Justice department at the time was working with the Clinton campaign to target President Trump, they were targeting President trump. One of the key folks in that was Peter Struzk."

f61857  No.4303096


Notable perspective

e4d404  No.4303097


>he’s in on this Q shit

bank on it

20f59b  No.4303098

File: c3efa98f1fbac65⋯.jpg (15.69 KB, 251x255, 251:255, Angrycat.jpg)

850109  No.4303099

Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers $155 billion per year… building a wall could pay for itself almost immediately

n a press conference with the President, Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, declared that a $5 billion border wall is a waste of money. It’s nothing for the Democrats to approve $150 billion in spending and send it all to Iran, but when it comes to doing something for the safety and security for the people of the United States, it’s a “waste of money.”

And, according to a 2017 cost analysis by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers $155 billion annually. If the U.S. built a stronger border wall and enforced immigration laws, then the wall would pay for itself almost immediately and begin saving the country tens of billion of dollars each year.

Illegal immigration imposes a net fiscal burden on U.S. taxpayers

When an American earns their paycheck, they pay out a percentage to local, state, and federal taxes. Illegal immigrants, on the other hand, find ways not to pay taxes, while still taking advantage of systems that taxpayers fund. This is just one of the reasons why strong border protection and enforcement of legal immigration laws is so desperately needed. Illegal immigration drains the resources out of the country, putting a financial burden on all the Americans and legal immigrants who already pay their fair share.

By investing $5 billion into a strong border wall, the U.S. taxpayer could likely see future tax breaks because the costs of illegal immigration would start to go down. FAIR’s cost analysis found that the total expenditures for illegal immigration is $45,870,474,332 at the federal level and $88,992,981,032 at the state and local level. The amount that illegal immigrants pay into the system at the federal level is a meager $15,447,897,700 and $3,520,960,000 at the state and local level. After doing the math, illegal immigration imposes a net fiscal burden of (115,894,597,664)USD.

This means that the U.S. recoups only 14 percent of the amount expended annually on illegal aliens, leaving everyone else to foot the bill. These are lost funds, which if recouped, could be put into healthcare, schools, veterans, small business, and programs that actually help legal immigrants.

Other serious costs of illegal immigration

This cost analysis does not even include other expensive factors such as:

• American jobs lost

• How commerce is affected due to remittance

• The diseases that are introduced into communities

• Women and children who are raped and murdered by gangs

• The cost of illegal drugs that are trafficked through

Open borders have a ripple effect throughout communities in the United States. Law enforcement have to tackle more drug, violence, and child trafficking problems than ever before. A $5 billion border wall is an investment into the lives of the people who live, work and play in the United States. Will a wall fix all the problems with a broken immigration system? Likely no, but the wall will help ensure the safety and security of Americans for generations to come. Migrant caravans cannot pour into the country and demand that U.S taxpayers foot the cost. This is an unsustainable way to run a country and is a disservice to the people who live and work in the U.S.

Charitable aid is a great thing, but the U.S. should not be disrespected and abused by the rest of the world. In order for the U.S. to continue to be an inclusive country, we must first protect our borders and establish a merit-based system for those who want to come in legally. Open borders cost billions of dollars — and they cost lives.


ec728e  No.4303100

File: e4c9dd8c80aa872⋯.jpg (44.49 KB, 408x368, 51:46, Nothing happening question.jpg)

d745ec  No.4303101

File: f821f9c76e4fbe9⋯.jpeg (496.95 KB, 1242x811, 1242:811, AAF69C9B-91F3-4DF9-AF6E-6….jpeg)

c00562  No.4303102

File: 95cdcc92e7de408⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 474x335, 474:335, full potato.jpg)

File: 09f510cff312e2c⋯.jpg (73 KB, 598x500, 299:250, funny.jpg)

59b3c9  No.4303103

The red pill that's bringing my normie spouse down the rabbit hole is the Beatty family from the line of Payseur. All bexause of this tak of French Monarchists trying to take advantage the counter-revolt. What if the Dauphin truly is an American-French lineage? Donald (love that name) Croon Beatty Jr. and the GAALT industries do exist. The whole idea of the great monarch being an actual American (who may even be connected to the cabal families?) is just too fantastic of an idea.

72de27  No.4303104


The guys testifying were paytriots. They had the info, but refused to turn it over, citing their other pending actions. They're essentially bounty hunters, seeking rewards offered that lead to the conviction of 501C3 officers that break the law. They didn't want to jeopardize their payday with a doc dump. I would imagine Meadows found this unsettling, considering they even plead the 5th.

8f1407  No.4303105


of the highest order

ec728e  No.4303107


I like this logic.

4c3b28  No.4303108


Langley Air Force Base secretary faked payroll for 17 years, giving herself an extra $1.46 million

A former employee at Langley Air Force Base admitted Wednesday that she bilked the federal government out of $1.46 million — mainly by faking the amount of overtime she worked over 17 years.

Michelle M. Holt, 52, was a civilian secretary at the base, where she worked in the communications support squadron of Air Combat Command.

She pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Newport News to felony charges that she undertook a long-running effort to boost her own pay.

Between December 2001 and July 2018, Holt falsely claimed 42,847 overtime hours that she didn’t work, according to a statement of facts that Holt, her lawyer and prosecutors signed off on Wednesday as part of the plea deal.

The ruse began slowly at first.

In late 2001, Holt used a co-worker’s log-in information — without that co-worker’s knowledge — to get into a Department of Defense computerized pay database. She retroactively added 15 hours of overtime to her paycheck.

As time went on, Holt’s retroactive additions to her overtime “became a regular occurrence,” the statement said. She began to get bolder, particularly after 2008 — when her overtime pay began to double her regular salary.

In 2017, for example, Holt’s salary was $51,324. But she took home $119,585 in overtime pay.

In one two-week period, the statement said, she billed the Air Force for 137 overtime hours that she didn’t work. Though overtime was by far the bulk of the scheme, she also falsified holiday and sick pay.

But things began to unravel in June, when the Department of Defense’s Inspector General’s Office found discrepancies between Holt’s pay and attendance records.

She appeared to get wind that an investigation was afoot. Holt wrote to a co-worker on June 18: “Please keep this between us, have you all had (the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations) come over here about anything?”

de4320  No.4303109


Kant wake up the normies if you hoard all the info, dick.

Be best

ff2fbf  No.4303110



897b2a  No.4303111


Always makes me nostalgic but also happy.

513f0b  No.4303112

File: 0348ea82e129724⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 370x502, 185:251, 14dhiru3.jpg)

b4904f  No.4303113

File: 9bef14adf73930f⋯.jpg (121.66 KB, 1136x644, 284:161, NOPE.gOSHON.jpg)

>>4302354 (pb)

>FBI misses deadline to provide docs to Judiciary Committee probing whistleblower raid

That's not exactly true. FBI was never intended to turn over those documents. The committee wanted the Whistle dudes to hand them over, they refused. Things got spicy as the committee is desperate to shut the investigation down.

Huber did not show up to testify because there is clearly an ongoing investigation. Has nothing to do with a deadline…kek…that committee is NOT getting the documents..tell them to go to (pic related) They can't get a straight answer out of Comey..that's OK…but this…well threats were made but those guys…kek…NOPE.

6ed8b7  No.4303114


^^^^This Anon gets it!!!! Anons that don't know that this is the Main Event, the reason for it all.

the Q&A questions were for trolling the shills

18bea5  No.4303115

File: 9c6e1a837703c8f⋯.jpg (351.94 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_4527.JPG)


Y'all want some electric French press memes

850109  No.4303116

“You’re Worth $1 Trillion. Why Do You Need Our $3 Billion?” Angry New Yorkers Confront Amazon Execs at City Council Meeting

After being kept in the dark about New York’s $3 billion deal with Amazon, allowing the trillion-dollar corporation to build its new headquarters—complete with helicopter landing pad for CEO Jeff Bezos—in the Queens neighborhood of Long Island City, concerned New York City Council members and scores of angry New Yorkers on Wednesday angrily confronted company representatives over the plan.

At the first City Council meeting on Amazon’s so-called “HQ2,” about 150 protesters joined the mostly-Democratic lawmakers in slamming the closed-door process through which the city and state finalized the deal and the effect the corporation’s arrival will likely have on affordable housing and community development in Queens and the entire city, as New York pours much-needed funds into the new one million square foot campus.

“You’re worth a trillion dollars,” New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson said bluntly to Amazon officials Brian Huseman and Holly Sullivan. “Why do you need our $3 billion when we have crumbling subways, crumbling public housing, people without health care, public schools that are overcrowded?”

Amazon has said its arrival in New York will create 25,000 jobs for residents—a claim one protester derided as “smoke and mirrors” during the hearing—and has promised to fund a new school that would serve just 600 of the city’s school children.

Huseman, Amazon’s vice president for public policy, noted that 5,000 New York workers are already employed by the company at a fulfillment center on Staten Island—but as the hearing was underway those same employees were publicizing their effort to unionize, citing long hours, insufficient breaks, and safety concerns on the job.

The HQ2 deal was brokered by state and city officials including Gov. Andrew Cuomo, New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, and the Economic Development Corporation, headed by James Patchett. The officials bypassed public land use reviews which would have required the input of the City Council, including member Jimmy Van Bramer, who represents Long Island City’s 68,000 residents.

“James, you disrespected this body with how you handled this process,” Van Bramer told Patchett. “I think it’s fundamentally unethical with what you have done. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

The councilman also called on Amazon, whose CEO is the richest person on the planet, to simply build the headquarters with its own money and redirect the funds to public housing developments in the neighborhood.

Outside City Hall, State Assemblyman Ron T. Kim led protesters in a rally, calling the hearing a “first step” in holding Amazon accountable to the people of New York.

“Our current state, all of the hatred, all of the divisiveness that we are feeling right now on the ground—those are symptoms of a deeper problem. Of an economy that has been failing us for 40, 50 years,” Kim said. “When the economy is failing we give trillions of dollars to big banks, when the economy is booming we’re giving billions of dollars to mega-corporations…There’s an opportunity right now to undo this. Unrig the system. This is the first step—getting clarity, transparency, and focusing on the process.”

As rumors swirled last month about HQ2, just before Amazon announced that it would build one campus in New York and one in Arlington, Virginia, Kim joined former attorney general candidate Zephyr Teachout in warning against welcoming the company to New York, referencing the skyrocketing home prices and community erosion that’s resulted from Amazon’s presence in Seattle.

“If Amazon indeed locates a substantial part of its business in New York, serfdom is the style of ‘partnership’ the city should expect,” Kim and Teachout wrote in a New York Times op-ed. “Despite the familiar promises, Amazon is not a good partner. Not for the cities it occupies, not for the merchants who depend on it, not for the workers it employs. The company does not seek partnership; it seeks control. Seattle’s experience shows that becoming dependent on Amazon did not lead to broader wealth; it has pushed up home prices and led to increased homelessness. Amazon also threw its political weight around in the city, spending millions in a brutal campaign to resist corporate taxes in Seattle.

“It would be a special insult in New York City to sell out to a company so closely identified with squashing small merchants, stifling workers’ rights, and undermining the publishing and ideas industry,” they added.


08e357  No.4303117


They were great today

Anybody got screencaps of the guys?

0e8afc  No.4303118


I am not sure how they want to accomplish this after the new Dems house takes place. It's going to be a very hard fucking challenge to do that. Right now, we have all the options, possibilities right on the table. I am certain, that POTUS tries to play around with the Deep State and tries to confuse them, but still, time is running out. The change has to happen this month or never.

However, what I kinda would suspect is, that Trump might use the military. When Schumer and Pelosi argued with POTUS, POTUS remarked he would use the military. Even though it were in the context of the wall, it could also be a hidden signal.

a7bb56  No.4303119


all good anon, looking for digs or news about today's hearing

59b3c9  No.4303120


Rmember what Q said about true patriots doing it for the love of country?

f4c2cb  No.4303121


If I were in a position to travel first class to Antarctica on the company dollar for a sightseeing junket, I'd jump at the chance. That would be one hell of a fridge magnet.

d40343  No.4303123

File: e44c3929a83f6f7⋯.jpg (184.09 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, look-chuck-q3.jpg)

42ca8e  No.4303125

File: 8f958d57500ea85⋯.png (655.24 KB, 1111x688, 1111:688, சூண.png)

File: 1e8be18d341dc3e⋯.png (1.1 MB, 803x999, 803:999, pksoon.png)

File: 00e660b4cf3c236⋯.png (274.51 KB, 601x333, 601:333, jmyy.png)

File: c5b208bd55e5065⋯.png (347.48 KB, 444x578, 222:289, rtr4d.png)


jimmy, this is pathetic

why keep working this hard jimmy?


2e3389  No.4303126

File: afcc0e2b9027110⋯.jpeg (77.52 KB, 1080x735, 72:49, 24C6E1D3-285C-4D53-B774-E….jpeg)

File: 69cf673fbf1fd29⋯.jpeg (307.96 KB, 1242x1486, 621:743, FF3EBB5E-956C-4E73-9197-A….jpeg)

Question for QMapAnon (thanks for all you do)

When I search for “only”, i get no hits. Why?

c1bcfc  No.4303127


If Congress worked properly we never would have gotten into this mess. Highlight highlight highlight.

2f23db  No.4303129


They turned them over to the proper entities who should be doing something about it

850109  No.4303130

Whistleblowers: Clinton Foundation Operated Outside Bounds of Non-Profit – Brokered Money and Pharmaceuticals

The House Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations held a hearing on Capitol Hill Thursday on the Clinton Foundation.

Mark Meadows (R-NC), the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Operations, led the hearing Thursday — special prosecutor John Huber was a NO-SHOW.

The whistleblowers, Lawrence Doyle of DM Income Advisors and John Moynihan of JFM Associates, argued that according to their research, the Clinton Foundation was operating outside of its bounds as a 501c3 non-profit organization and instead operated exactly like the global fund in Geneva, Switzerland by brokering money and pharmaceuticals.

Mr. Moynihan also stated that 60% of the donations going to the Clinton Foundation were used for “administration fees” which is a stark difference from the industry norm of 10-15% for admin fees.

“The investigation clearly demonstrates that the [Clinton] Foundation was not a charitable organization per se, but in pointed fact was a closely held family partnership,” Mr. Doyle said.

Doyle continued, “As such, it was governed in a fashion in which is sought in large measure to advance the personal interests of its principles as detailed within the financial analysis…and further confirmed within the supporting documentation and evidence.”

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked the whistleblowers to elaborate on their claims the Clinton Foundation was operating as an agent of a foreign government.

“They were brokering money and they were brokering pharmaceuticals — they were an agent of money through these donors, they would take a vig (fee), broker the money and then they negotiated these relationships with the pharmaceutical companies — by the same token they were brokering the pharmaceuticals and again taking the vig (fee),” Doyle said.

Mr. Moynihan then explained to Congressman Jordan that the Clinton Foundation became a hybrid of a private foundation and a public charity which they were not approved to do.

In a shocking admission, Mr. Moynihan said, “Our analysis shows that this hybrid modeled the global fund in Geneva, Switzerland.” WOW!

The Clinton Foundation was doing all of this and not paying the same taxes as they would had they been operating as a partnership which means they potentially misled the IRS.


dda84d  No.4303131



897b2a  No.4303132


Rub my balls nigga

a4269c  No.4303133

File: a589aa45246fd5b⋯.png (565.18 KB, 838x826, 419:413, Schumer_A_Piggy.png)

947365  No.4303134

Huber could appear by surprise through the House back door.

Once he spill the beans, we will see how the new House (Jan 3) run by Dems, do everything possible to avoid having him at committees and focusing on what he has to show.

Then the People will see how the House behaves in order to not face Huber presence there.

266aa1  No.4303135

File: 113f39ee7f4ccf2⋯.gif (355.02 KB, 512x640, 4:5, 24f57a6a38b04fc5f78a994cee….gif)


Bring it on


25b833  No.4303136

File: 8b6a3c203d9d362⋯.jpg (118.92 KB, 600x399, 200:133, eggfull1.jpg)

da0aa1  No.4303137


I would be angry too.

Ultimate pysops

28c016  No.4303138

File: a74027cc7deebaf⋯.png (195.71 KB, 989x379, 989:379, ClipboardImage.png)


done. now deliver.

c029a6  No.4303139


Can’t SCOTUS declare it unconstitutional

cf5674  No.4303140


Admiral Byrd hinted at that after his solo flight went off the grid for a time and then he returned. He was never the same after that.

d745ec  No.4303141

File: 1a5baa013c9532f⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1147x1540, 1147:1540, 6BB34553-6A19-4F51-9FB5-E….jpeg)

84f046  No.4303142



So your R shill theory is based on an anon who replied to Q, 5 min later, and asked about jfk.

That really is stupid.

By that logic, I can write anything in reply to your post now, and your answer ALREADY WAS "wow"?? Topkek, shill.

What happened to the old shills?

ef81d4  No.4303143

File: e8dd63d132e840b⋯.jpg (126.39 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, Flag Fringe.jpg)



That fringe, though.

42ca8e  No.4303144

File: 0a5497750188bd4⋯.png (307.29 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC65.png)

File: 0ae7d10029cf554⋯.png (262.22 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC64.png)

File: b9ebf9960c3d8b7⋯.png (1011.19 KB, 999x814, 27:22, NOTH2.png)

File: 32719c976c196ba⋯.png (336.3 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC58.png)

File: 24005df2354f32c⋯.png (547.99 KB, 741x506, 741:506, bimmy.png)

b4904f  No.4303145

>>4302358 (pb)

>The (((Ones))) Who Cry Wolf Chime In



that fucking WOE IS US shit…is so old now it's decomposed entirely. Anti-semetic shit…and racisssss…old as fuck. Do not care…they're assholes and soon the world is going to BTFO Israel. We've had it.

dcc58c  No.4303146

File: 56f3d69eb477702⋯.png (524.89 KB, 917x655, 7:5, gates_snowden.PNG)

File: d698f37060d7023⋯.png (142.53 KB, 798x893, 42:47, micro_encr.PNG)

Clowns gonna clown.



c00562  No.4303147


Song of Solomon : "and i shall bruise your teats" is code for…

there's never a jawbone of an ass around when ya need one

p.s.: "holy magic" is blasphemy, do yourself a favor, and look it up.

e4d404  No.4303148


lawfag here

not to worry anons

POTUS has legal power to do whatever he and the plan require

congress cannot effect POTUS war powers and he knows it

PLAN Z still available if needed - ALWAYS

04d33b  No.4303149


any relation to Warren Beatty and his sister Shirley MacLaine?

01173d  No.4303150


Another example of how a retard does not know he is a retard.

dcc58c  No.4303151



14f81f  No.4303152


That’s the problem no one wants to make the effort. Enlightenment cannitbe given it must be obtained. Besides, google it!!! There is plenty info on the subject.



6ef8ce  No.4303153


Exactly, NOT A LARP… but it is Psychological Operations of the highest degree

d1cb16  No.4303154


Meadows said the DOJ wouldn't allow him to come, whatever that implies.

b0638b  No.4303155

File: 562233b789d8409⋯.png (125.34 KB, 500x304, 125:76, your-penis-5bd725.png)

File: 944f3dc12e2d62e⋯.png (168.67 KB, 497x498, 497:498, you3.png)



Odds Jr is alive = 0

Odds SR is alive = 0

cry moar.


you know damn well I'm the anon that you call a bot or a human every other bread, when I choose to fuck with you.. the next five people that mock you will be "jimmy" too.

6615d5  No.4303156

File: 3b72b6a037df733⋯.png (1007.65 KB, 1107x931, 1107:931, Flynn3.PNG)


THIS IS HUGE–> PLEASE PASS THIS ON! John Solomon: DIA Holds Document to Exonerate Gen. Flynn – Refuse to Release It! —Hey @RealDonaldTrump


b1b4f9  No.4303157

Honestly I think Q saying they will be ready for the 2020 elections is bull …. Disinformation …. I think they want these idiots to think they will be sworn n Jan 3 …… How can you seat someone you know cheated ?

ddcff5  No.4303158



if johnhenryhill said it it must be true

fcac8b  No.4303159


Former Arkansas Gov Mike Huckabee discusses federal prosecutor Cody Hiland of Arkansas, who is in charge, with the FBI, of the Little Rock based probe into alleged Clinton Foundation pay-for-play activities. Jan. 7, 2018


Cody Hiland Takes Office as United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas

LITTLE ROCK—Cody Hiland has taken the oath of office to become the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas. Mr. Hiland was nominated by President Donald Trump on June 29, 2017, and confirmed by the U.S. Senate on September 28, 2017. He took the oath of office today at 1:30 p.m. from United States District Court Judge J. Leon Holmes, and began work immediately after the ceremony.


640ffd  No.4303160


Typical angry piece of shit.

Fucking aggressive, lawless worthless human garbage.

Lets destroy and burn down our cities and businesses while POTUS is in the WH ( yeah, that will make him look good) all the while Q and the Military is executing a very precise plan. ( yeah, lets throw a monkey wrench into all of it cuz MUH yellow vests)

If Hillary won, just like Macron did in France, I'd be with you! But since we did our job and voted and won, and we have POTUS and can choose to keep our country intact AND NOT ON FIRE,

We will NOT riot on the streets like some simple Antifa fags!!!! We dont want to overthrow OUR POTUS or our government… WTF would you riot against? MAGA? Low gas prices? Tippy top unemployment numbers? What the fuck are you mad about? Go riot with the antifa and resist if you want to, otherwise STFU

Seriously… no joke ,…KYS

( all your words are belong to me, faggot. See how i did that? Kek)

4485c3  No.4303161


>In France, they woke up too fast and they are rioting.

>In America, we are waking up slowly and prospering.

Sounds like the the American Revolution vs the French Revolution.

e4d404  No.4303162


seems that way until the dam breaks

then all bets are off

watch for it

the people running this are patriots and assuming huge responsibililty that you and i cannot imagine

god bless them all

6ef8ce  No.4303163


Thanks Sorcha

a55e1a  No.4303164

What about this year has been glorious? I want the hardest fucking, zero doubts, Q believer to tell me?

Not some “this probably means there is an investigation” bullshit.

That isn’t glorious. That isn’t “they wont be able to walk the streets”.

Kiddy porn arrests are awesome. Podesta in cuffs is glorious.

513f0b  No.4303165

File: 9275eb44edc0010⋯.jpg (21.12 KB, 172x258, 2:3, Screenshot 2018-12-13_21-5….jpg)


5e3766  No.4303166


Huber not being there does not matter. Until the results of he and Horowitz investigations are wrapped up and announced there's no reason to lose hope.

6f5fb0  No.4303167

File: a2921c98d8dd8b2⋯.png (595.42 KB, 464x768, 29:48, 2018-11-30_19-28-41 copy.png)

File: c1f852eaa9d359b⋯.png (633.22 KB, 574x766, 287:383, 2018-05-04_02-37-48 copy 3.png)

File: b92295350afd702⋯.png (456.89 KB, 764x321, 764:321, 2018-07-21_23-26-36 copy 3.png)

File: 195a8d75158670d⋯.png (116.48 KB, 252x254, 126:127, 2018-10-02_05-26-51.png)

382faa  No.4303168


ive never clicked on that till now…


nice job

5d9e33  No.4303169

File: 6c57a480d0d6785⋯.gif (536.16 KB, 800x792, 100:99, 6c57a480d0d6785fa3aadddf18….gif)

6ed8b7  No.4303170


Glad it is back in rotation

ef81d4  No.4303171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b3722e  No.4303172

File: b6413845ac136ff⋯.jpg (104.79 KB, 531x932, 531:932, 3.JPG)

Billionaire Charles S. Cohen acquires Avenue magazine


897b2a  No.4303173


I always thought Drudge was our Jew. Honestly I still think Alex Jones is our Jew.

If Drudge has gotten to his controlled op breaking point it would be sad.

cebba7  No.4303174

File: ea1d6526e30602a⋯.png (257.53 KB, 1581x820, 1581:820, d9f5f7bf6a72ee6048ab28e593….png)

Newt Gingrich talked about it

Why send politicans instead of scientists to Antarctica? Politicians role is to represent the people so who are they representing us to in Antarctica?

a7bb56  No.4303175


really weird, try search anything else, no results come up fora lot of other stuff

tried: 'a' and nothing came up

tried: 's' and many did

but search nothing (leave it blank) and it's fine


84f046  No.4303176


Newshill, i am still the same 'retard'…

Ask yourself, why are smart shills gone already? They figured something you are about to learn?

01173d  No.4303177


Just go ahead and tell me the odds.

14f81f  No.4303178


You really don’t know?

Sad. Autist you are not.

It’s decoding 101 I bet your mind will be blown when you discover it.

226ace  No.4303179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

please listen/read

possibly/arguably the best

… or at least my favorite…

reading + analysis of

this great piece


Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright

Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,

Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light


Dylan Thomas, 1914 - 1953


f00828  No.4303180


It implies the investigation is still ongoing and, as they keep repeating, every time this comes up, they don't comment about ongoing investigations. At some point, everyone in the world will begin to believe them.

7362b7  No.4303181


Read between the lines..

e4d404  No.4303182


no anon this is good stuff

romans used to collect taxes this way

mercenaries are very effective

62c51c  No.4303183

File: c918ec758dfe83f⋯.gif (2.63 MB, 188x167, 188:167, 2883BD73-5164-4346-ACE8-03….gif)


They said they’ve been working on this for three years. Great job guys!

59b3c9  No.4303184


Don't know but supposed to be the richest family in the world who own everything and are very good at being undercover. And when I say everything think computer tech patents and satellites and banks and all the old companies imaginable. It's been around for centuries accumulating vast amounts of wealth.

6ef8ce  No.4303185


You did and continue to do nothing…

Pathetic faggot

a7bb56  No.4303186

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>4302954 Anon on Q's 'Obectives'

>>4303059 Billionaire Jack Dorsey, Who Doesn't Take A Salary, Pocketed $80 Million In 2018

>>4303086, >>4303130 Moar on today's testimony from the private investigators

>>4303099 Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers $155 billion per year

>>4303159 On the Arkansas FBI and US Attorney

42ca8e  No.4303187

File: 786692aeeb75fb2⋯.png (353.84 KB, 581x444, 581:444, oops-u-lose.png)

File: 1e9994c9909df04⋯.png (255.59 KB, 622x444, 311:222, ohhaha.png)

File: 9f030de3227e1bd⋯.png (603.19 KB, 1189x444, 1189:444, bgcwbjm.png)

File: 0a7735e3c6fabd0⋯.png (282.98 KB, 558x314, 279:157, flrbjm.png)



'jimmy' is a generic designation for all nodes of the system

every element of the system, ultimately, converges on one point

all roads lead to jimmy

aww jimmy


what are you doing big guy?

77186a  No.4303188


>whatever that implies

If it's the compd remainders blocking it then it's self-explanatory.

If it's the White Hats, then they didn't want him to be backed into answering a question that screws up an investigation.

fecdb5  No.4303189

File: a0c1fec514058d9⋯.png (373.8 KB, 777x532, 111:76, ClipboardImage.png)


I'd be with you, anon, buy there's still some 2018 to be played out. I'm not giving in.

9cf9ba  No.4303190

File: 236f1bbc908b849⋯.png (109.45 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)


The House is corrupt AF, including Mr. Meadows.

As soon as it came out that Clinton Foundation has been under investigation for the past year, Meadows and others became very combative, demanding to know what they know (but in writing, not in front of the cameras), who the whistle blowers talked to, reminding us that the whistle blowers stand to make money from this, and promptly ending the interview when he realizes they are boned.

It was amazing to watch.


c029a6  No.4303191


YES! We have a leader and we don’t need to riot. We won’t riot unless we lose…then we take to the streets.

01173d  No.4303192


Yes, you provided another example of how a retard cannot know that he is a retard; it's too difficult a concept for your kind.

a16bd6  No.4303193


They’re broke yet spent $3 million in travel.

2f23db  No.4303194


They have been cheating for a long time now anon….they have all still been getting seated

ec728e  No.4303195

File: 171718b827397d8⋯.jpg (228.39 KB, 1000x683, 1000:683, Nothing to see here.jpg)

20f59b  No.4303196


Who does Huber report to now, Whitaker, so obviously he was told by Whitaker not to testify. Sounds double agenty…. but I'm still doing the mental math.

a8b9a9  No.4303197

File: b9fa74e6943487e⋯.png (724.34 KB, 1058x748, 529:374, Screen Shot 2018-09-03 at ….png)


It's only Righteous. And then…A FREE General Michael Flynn is gonna Sherman in Atlanta on the DS fuckers who tried to DESTROY him.

de4320  No.4303198



Completely false. I'm a normal guy, figured out how to get here. Try to keep my mouth shut. Don't even know how to keep myself safe here besides a vpn. There's millions of us. Now how about a fucking shortcut on the "Bible Code" or maybe it's just more bullshit…

b0638b  No.4303199


I just did you genius.

I will concede that I mixed up the tags, but other than that… KEK

975b09  No.4303200

Is Jimmy Carter cabal?

f4c2cb  No.4303201


Americans need justice for that election fraud

a7bb56  No.4303202

File: e2887c356e83649⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, miller1.jpg)

Stephen on Laura tonight


a34e3a  No.4303203

https://youtu.be/Y3ansP04Id4 Plane Fags please investigate, potential special forces operation in Kentucky Ohio Illinois Region, chaff released to hide activity?

435555  No.4303205


these guys already turned the docs over to IRS FBI and DOJ

one of them at least 3 times [Huber]

The committee cannot bring charges ( ultimately what brings clintons down )

if he handed the papers over today, and that asshat bitch 'fren' next to chairman rattled off REALLY IMPORTANT INFO that can't be revealed yet….

it would be a bad thing. just .. just think for a minute on it.

4485c3  No.4303206


>Is this investigation just a way…

to mirror their crimes?


A "Thomas Barrack, Jr." supposedly a friend of Trump organized it. Is the name a coincidence?

All of these fake scandals are mirroring what the Cabal and DS are doing. For example, I believe the Kashoggi "murder" mirrors what actually happened to Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy (in London).

> think mirror

> enjoy the show

> you are watching a movie

266aa1  No.4303207




It was audible emotional screaming from the opposition….

Could hear their thought clearly

*We buried this shit so deep no one could find it….and did it TWICE….murdered to hide it….. and THEY FOUND IT ANYWAY*

aba3de  No.4303208

File: 1162dae2f4765ea⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 879x669, 293:223, antarctica.JPG)


Is everything a Foundation?

ca4c65  No.4303209

File: b5d0bd2d2e5de59⋯.jpg (505 KB, 1752x2628, 2:3, thislittlepiggy.jpg)

0e8afc  No.4303210


It either implies the investigation is still ongoing or the DOJ is still corrupt as fuck. I think it's the latter. This month is literally the last month of our chance, since the new Dem house will take place in January 3rd 2019.

If the first option is actually possible, then that means that the investigation brought up either something new or they scheduled it to next week as a 'surprising' gift or whatever. Idk.

d40218  No.4303211

File: 7263eba940a172a⋯.png (820.52 KB, 656x768, 41:48, FLOTUS 12-13-18 6 52 pm PS….PNG)

File: 9c9e8bbaa07edd7⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1156x769, 1156:769, FLOTUS 12-13-18 6 52 pm PS….PNG)

File: 178d47f93ffa19b⋯.png (1.58 MB, 863x698, 863:698, FLOTUS 12-13-18 6 52 pm PS….PNG)

File: e64802a7adf3e7d⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1159x765, 1159:765, FLOTUS 12-13-18 6 52 pm PS….PNG)

File: f04c51bfb5cd414⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1160x771, 1160:771, FLOTUS 12-13-18 6 52 pm PS….PNG)


a55e1a  No.4303212


Brother i hope your right..hope is why we are all here.

14f81f  No.4303213


Next time. Respond only when you know what your talking about. Because your response proved how ignorant sheep you are. Plebe!

d968c1  No.4303214


I am ashamed that a retarded bald negroid gender fluid cunt could hold a seat in the US Congress.

b0638b  No.4303215

File: 48abe01a6b3ff7d⋯.png (7.72 KB, 542x141, 542:141, NECKYOURSELF.png)

246c02  No.4303216

File: ea9dae67d2e7367⋯.png (33.99 KB, 541x334, 541:334, jones is a shill.PNG)

File: 93362e043df4b21⋯.png (50.89 KB, 525x507, 175:169, trust the most.PNG)


Drudge is comped

Think about it, who does Alex Jones quote from on a constant basis? Drudge.

They are all players in the movie. The FAKE NEWS movie we are force fed daily.

9f3f4b  No.4303217


Keep taking your red pills…


42ca8e  No.4303218

File: 5d8b974634bbb2e⋯.png (433.11 KB, 1024x820, 256:205, jammy2.png)

File: 0ca0420bd799cf5⋯.png (334.16 KB, 661x805, 661:805, jammy1.png)

You are ours now jammy

c00562  No.4303219

File: 2deddaa096e8806⋯.png (112.4 KB, 500x350, 10:7, hq.png)


the charges are exactly what is happening w/ CF . cumonanon

pic still as true as it was on November 9, 2016

84f046  No.4303220

To all the shills,

Please, be the lost sheeps that return to their Lord and father and that are welcomed by him. God loves all his children.

Your masters don't give a shit about you, like their masters don't give a shit about them.

All considered profane, sheep.

They will send you to death w/o a blink.

Cut evil masonic ties. Stay away from the lodge and 'brothers'. Now.

You can save yourselves, bc you are so many, they can't doorknob you all!

YOUR chance is NOW. Few time left.

You are shilling (and educating yourselves) here so long, you see God is winning. Join the good site, don't oppose.

Pray. Be saved.

>>4154137 pb - Parable of the Lost Sheep - Luke 15:1-7

Why the secret handshake between police and Freemasons should worry us



Albert Pike: "The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine."

Fuck MLK!


2bf905  No.4303221

>>4302426 lb

Trolling Level: [L]y'nDeranged[R]enal extreme schitt is abominable follow the wives stupid.


thinking hilliary is the pied piper of these screeching banshees?


56f5e9  No.4303222

20f59b  No.4303223


He's gullible but too stupid to be

b57dab  No.4303224

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

975b09  No.4303225


No one successful would be allowed to operate unless they were controlled.

I am wondering who they control on talk radio.

a8b9a9  No.4303226


Approved!! Great work.

Notable or even a Global

f180a1  No.4303227

File: 0e1f4a7276ce902⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1222x1054, 611:527, ClipboardImage.png)

HRC and her "aide" living the billionaire lifestyle.

How does it feel to be a prop in a big Bollywood production?

f59a95  No.4303228

File: b96b8b0cf30b215⋯.jpeg (865.55 KB, 1125x1942, 1125:1942, 97BCBFEA-C814-4CAB-9162-2….jpeg)

File: 1e893fbff1a0089⋯.jpeg (307.75 KB, 1125x984, 375:328, B13C0DEF-52BE-46F2-B69D-1….jpeg)

ANONS - we forgot HRC has some explaining to do!!


Is it tomorrow?


Q is going to smoke our bags off for this. Smh

382faa  No.4303229


god i love that poem

ec728e  No.4303230


hmmm all roads lead to jimmy.

jimmy china.

all roads lead to china.

d745ec  No.4303231



Trump follows 46 account on Twitter. One of them is Drudge.

32c716  No.4303232

>>4302774 (PB)

Thank you Anon. How could I forget?

The ratio has gotten so bad. But, you are so right.

7362b7  No.4303233


Roped in,not by choice… you can tell in all the pics, the distance he puts himself away from other former presidents/cabal.

b9a8db  No.4303234

File: 673df8a3200e2b7⋯.png (487.21 KB, 598x765, 598:765, et2.PNG)

Tangent line


ef81d4  No.4303235

File: d646f5c34099ad7⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 300x300, 1:1, ben wyatt shrug.gif)


Did you watch the hearing today?

If <Yes>

Then (Loop until understood)


Execute Shill /end

42ca8e  No.4303236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


who necks?

who necks jimmy?


cd27ec  No.4303237


Sadly Drudge is a closet conservative faggot and he hooked up with a super left wing Faggot who has demanded Drudge change his site or No Cock.

Drudge choose Lefty cock over his principles.

Short Version why Drudge Report has changed.

59b3ad  No.4303238

File: 5f334964f5a254b⋯.png (357.18 KB, 687x489, 229:163, Doyle_Moynihan.png)

897b2a  No.4303239


Fellas I dont want to put to much on this but this stutter step constantly having dates for a major event then pulling back is exactly what Hitler did before the invasion of France in 1940. Some historians suggest Hitler had a case of the nerves because he reset the attack date something like 30 times. But some historians think it was more of a tactic. The boy who cried world type thing. When Hitler did strike into the low countries it actually still caught the French and British and unbalanced them. So this stutter step by Q and Trump could be designed to wear the left out. Make them punch drunk and never sure when the hammer will fall.

A very similar situation.

bc9382  No.4303240


>mercenaries are very effective

Especially when the bureaucrats are useless/corrupt.

804dd9  No.4303241

PBS pushing an interestingly timed propaganda piece today on tv on the Federal Reserve.


You can guess it is a pro-Fed piece titled How the Federal Reserve Works.

The operative word in the title being "works", as in "is good for you".

4485c3  No.4303242


I don't doubt they're the highest ranking anons when the come here. I loved their combativeness and absolute seriousness. Doyle even used the word, "hugely".

25b833  No.4303243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Article video embedded.

(Article isn't anything other than a quote from Soloman)

42ca8e  No.4303244

File: ca75311b40cd35b⋯.png (917.53 KB, 2972x646, 1486:323, oopskarl.png)

d745ec  No.4303245

File: 495871e50209b1e⋯.png (399.07 KB, 600x337, 600:337, XSiqsHx.png)

01173d  No.4303246


Well I did not see your numbers anywhere. Go ahead and tell me the odds of 23cc and 17cc as ids, a mirror/flipped question/answer, and the questioner's only two post being the same question. You do know what 17 and 23 are, right? You do know the obvious words for which cc are intials, right?

abfaeb  No.4303247

File: d41b88de51937c7⋯.png (30.58 KB, 415x411, 415:411, ClipboardImage.png)


What bout huber?

28c016  No.4303249





that was part of the theatrics to out the deep state plants in the alphabets

b0638b  No.4303250

File: faeda3187722496⋯.jpg (20.92 KB, 433x414, 433:414, 9bd76702c805ca03848e0a6b21….jpg)

0bb38c  No.4303251

File: 84919f9451a05dc⋯.gif (409.45 KB, 840x488, 105:61, dancing pepe.gif)

So many happenings I can hardly keep up.

ddcff5  No.4303252


and if you had taken the time to research for yourself instead of believing fringe websites you would know what the gold trim is for

and we dig a whole dig on it for nuts like you a month ago so put that shit a way and go learn

9f3f4b  No.4303253


He’s gonna get FBI raided, and, unfortunately die of a heart attack…

435555  No.4303254


clock is important for a reason

and clockfags are fucking heroes

d1cb16  No.4303255




My thought is they didn't want him to be associated with JW or the hired guns and may also be the reason why Utah didn't respond to the hired guns' docs until just before the hearing with them was scheduled.

a7bb56  No.4303256

wow, that elvis is alive faggot is so fucking stupid.

even though both FE and that shit got btfo'd, I think the elvis is alive shills might be moar stupid.


20f59b  No.4303257


You get the repetitive post award this afternoon but maybe you are Hammity…

850109  No.4303258


Will we be free in 2019?

Will anyone of consequence be arrested in the remainder of this year?

266aa1  No.4303259

File: aeb1dc15d37bd88⋯.jpg (11.55 KB, 231x244, 231:244, aeb1dc15d37bd88f7804de248d….jpg)

640ffd  No.4303260


Yup. You too. You're here , trying to incite riots on OUR streets.. It's not like your faggot ass is singlehandedly yellow vesting out there.

Go kick rocks , Muh yellow vest…ALONE!!!! Glowing like the faggot that you are….


>>Muh yellow vests! I wanna destroy things too. I love POTUS but lets riot…reeee.<<


f59a95  No.4303261




d40343  No.4303263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🎄Season's Groypings!🌟 Groyper and Apu Christmas 🥁 - Little Drummer Boy

61faa0  No.4303264

File: d6458c21c9b8cf0⋯.png (17.96 KB, 597x150, 199:50, twitter_com_kanyewest_stat….png)

File: d41dde4e86626a9⋯.png (29.69 KB, 611x207, 611:207, twitter_com_kanyewest_stat….png)

File: 6214ead4654573f⋯.png (28.17 KB, 588x205, 588:205, twitter_com_kanyewest_stat….png)

513f0b  No.4303265

File: 71dc1fa3a2d0fa8⋯.jpg (105.32 KB, 717x576, 239:192, Screenshot 2018-12-13_22-0….jpg)

4946ab  No.4303266


I did. Two PI’s saying they think theres an investigation means fuck all.

57c31d  No.4303267


Might also explain Q's place holders? Those will be filled as they move along with the info meant to be seen? Q said, not everything will be revealed.

730efa  No.4303268


So they are going thru the motions picking off the cabal along the way?

14f81f  No.4303269


You have no business being here if you don’t have knowledge of this subject. The info is highly available if you just put in a little effort.

Not trying to be a dick but “if you feed a man a fish he eats for a day. If you teach him how to fish he can feed himself for life.”

246c02  No.4303270



Were almost there anon. Now we just cover each others back and enjoy.

ec728e  No.4303271

File: 0c631233f291453⋯.jpg (152.84 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q drop 11112018_ 1 place h….jpg)


Nice [Placeholder]s.

db6bd6  No.4303272


The only reason they showed up is the chance that congress would put pressure on the IRS to

investigate so they can get their huge pay check.

It was actually pretty funny because the tall one

didn't give 2 fucks that he was talking to congressmen

72de27  No.4303273


I agree - I'm all for it.

Just explaining why Meadows would get frustrated. It was his last opportunity as chair, and I'm sure he wanted fireworks. Docs are in the right hands anyway.

b09805  No.4303274

U.S. Dept of Defense

Verified account


Following Following @DeptofDefense


Top of the world!

#DOD leaders are increasingly moving planes, ships, subs, missiles and radar to the Arctic.

a809a7  No.4303275


time is up for hrc

435555  No.4303276


he's sad as fuck right now dude

e4d404  No.4303277



sorcha posts war drum articles alternating with DS takedown articles

ef81d4  No.4303278


We also post evidence to support our claims, no?

3e57de  No.4303279

File: e6f1e2e7b040c8d⋯.jpg (30.49 KB, 780x439, 780:439, ed8d28121d4b46481fd96f0841….jpg)

f7aa89  No.4303280

File: 8f6a167960a648a⋯.jpg (669.42 KB, 1080x1655, 216:331, Screenshot_20181213-210522….jpg)

Looks like Huber has a scheduling conflict.

b57dab  No.4303281

File: 433a22c08fb465b⋯.png (650.81 KB, 659x516, 659:516, drake.png)

File: 8e3262885f8c6f7⋯.jpeg (13.45 KB, 223x300, 223:300, drake_eye.jpeg)

42ca8e  No.4303282




what are you going to do james?

is getting toyed with by the human helping you?

know your limitations jim

I know mine

now are you going to keep squandering yourself on this pointless and undignified groveling?

or will you get smart?

think about it

we are here

we are open to discussion

we want to hear what you have to say

don't be shy

don't be scared

come to the table jimmy

9f3f4b  No.4303283


You think they’ll be rapped up in your favor?


03b0d3  No.4303284


Isn't she still in India? Looks like she's going to miss the deadline. Definitely a notable

435555  No.4303285


Hollow Earth Hole revealed soon?!

ddcff5  No.4303286


youre free now

c029a6  No.4303287


Moynihan said “knows where the bodies are buried”… damn straight they have been here

850109  No.4303288

File: 971ac63cd444864⋯.png (175.49 KB, 793x814, 793:814, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d538cce00b789e⋯.png (32.89 KB, 801x305, 801:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 207f05a193bc6df⋯.png (909.42 KB, 782x580, 391:290, ClipboardImage.png)

Planned Parenthood ‘Proud’ To Stand With Women’s March Amid Anti-Semitism Controversy

Planned Parenthood is standing by left-wing activist group Women’s March, despite repeated accusations of anti-Semitism.

Women’s March’s leaders have had ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan for years.

An investigation by Tablet magazine revealed Women’s March leaders making anti-Semitic remarks and using Nation of Islam members for their security.

Planned Parenthood is standing by Women’s March, even as accusations of anti-Semitism roil the left-wing activist group.

An investigation published by Tablet Magazine on Monday revealed Women’s March leaders repeatedly made anti-Semitic remarks, including spreading conspiracy theories about Jews being responsible for the slave trade.

The investigation also revealed that ties between Women’s March leaders and Nation of Islam — a notoriously racist and anti-Semitic organization — go even deeper than previously known.

But Planned Parenthood is proudly standing with Women’s March, Planned Parenthood communications director Erica Sackin said in a statement to left-wing website Refinery29 on Thursday.

“Over the last two years, we’ve seen unprecedented attacks on our health and rights from the Trump-Pence administration. The Women’s March has become a symbol of our collective resistance to these damaging and discriminatory policies and Planned Parenthood is proud to once again, join our progressive partners for the #WomensWave mobilization to protect and advance the progress we’ve made as a movement dedicated to equity and justice for all people,” Sackin said.

The hashtag “#WomensWave” refers to Women’s March’s third annual march against President Donald Trump’s administration.


f00828  No.4303289


Exactly. You can't show your hand tot the people you're investigating. Meadows knows this, as do every other one of the good guys in Congress. They have to create a show to get the public on board.

268278  No.4303290

Opinion | Review & Outlook

The Flynn Entrapment

A court filing shows the ugly tactics employed by James Comey’s FBI.

Of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s many targets, the most tragic may be former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. The former three-star general pleaded guilty last year to a single count of lying to the FBI about conversations he had with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. Now we learn from Mr. Flynn’s court filing to the sentencing judge that senior bureau officials acted in a way to set him up for the fall.

Not a rich man after decades in uniform, Mr. Flynn pleaded guilty to avoid bankruptcy and spare his son from becoming a legal target. Mr. Flynn’s filing doesn’t take issue with the description of his offense. But the “additional facts” the Flynn defense team flags for the court raise doubts about FBI conduct.

The Flynn filing describes government documents concerning the Jan. 24, 2017 meeting with two FBI agents when Mr. Flynn supposedly lied. It turns out the meeting was set up by then Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who personally called Mr. Flynn that day on other business—to discuss an FBI training session. By Mr. McCabe’s account, on that call he told Mr. Flynn he “felt that we needed to have two of our agents sit down” with him to talk about his Russia communications.

Mr. McCabe then urged Mr. Flynn to meet without a lawyer present. “I explained that I thought the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [Mr. Flynn] and the agents only. I further stated that if LTG Flynn wished to include anyone else in the meeting, like the White House Counsel for instance, that I would need to involve the Department of Justice. [Mr. Flynn] stated that this would not be necessary and agreed to meet with the agents without any additional participants,” wrote Mr. McCabe in a memo viewed by the Flynn defense team.

According to the FBI summary of the interview—known as a 302—Mr. McCabe and FBI officials “decided the agents would not warn Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport.”


America Is Addicted to Outrage. Is There a Cure?

A Campus Free-Speech Dustup With No Conservatives

The Global Carbon Tax Revolt

The Amazing Madoff Clawback

Life as We Know It Turns 50

We also know from then FBI Director James Comey that this was his idea. This is “something I probably wouldn’t have done or wouldn’t have gotten away with in a more organized administration,” Mr. Comey boasted on MSNBC this weekend. “In the George W. Bush Administration or the Obama Administration, if the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House counsel, there would be discussions and approvals and who would be there. And I thought, it’s early enough let’s just send a couple guys over.”

If the goal was to set a legal trap, it worked. The two agents showed up at the White House within hours of Mr. McCabe’s call, and they reported in the 302 that General Flynn had been “relaxed and jocular” and “clearly saw the FBI agents as allies.” One of the agents was Peter Strzok, who is famous for his anti-Trump texts to his FBI paramour.

The Wall Street Journal


Expert commentary and insight that

put the pieces together.


The FBI agents had seen transcripts of Mr. Flynn’s conversations with the Russian ambassador that were “unmasked” by Obama Administration officials. The 302 says that rather than flag this and ask Mr. Flynn for an explanation, the FBI agents decided before the meeting that if “Flynn said he did not remember something they knew he said, they would use the exact words Flynn used, . . . to try to refresh his recollection. If Flynn still would not confirm what he said, . . . they would not confront him or talk him through it.”

Keep in mind the FBI’s counterintelligence probe into Russia and the Trump campaign was still secret. Mr. Flynn had done nothing wrong in conversing with the Russian ambassador—it was part of his job—and he had no reason to believe he was in legal jeopardy. He initially claimed he misremembered what was discussed, which is more believable than that a highly decorated officer would lie to FBI officers he agreed to see without counsel.

Mr. Flynn’s lawyers are requesting probation and community service, though the facts suggest the judge should question the entire plea deal. Messrs. McCabe and Strzok have both been fired for misconduct, and their behavior reeks of entrapment.

If he does nothing else, President Trump has an obligation to former aides like Michael Flynn and to the public to declassify and disclose the FBI documents related to the FBI’s Russia probe.

850109  No.4303291


What a load of shit

0bb38c  No.4303292

File: 60bad43b743575e⋯.jpg (487.94 KB, 1228x1172, 307:293, Fighting Irish.jpg)


Plus they're Irish.

bc9382  No.4303293


As interesting an argument as any. Kudos, anon.

84f046  No.4303294


Naybe I'n Hammity…kek

df8cdd  No.4303295

The FBI, nor any US Attorney will ever testify about an ongoing investigation. That is why no Huber today. Even if he had shown up, he can’t say anything. Indictments coming. >>4303196

266aa1  No.4303296

File: b2d6055651cff27⋯.jpg (11.41 KB, 255x220, 51:44, af956e24ca62fba4c4b1128c6f….jpg)


(You might make han nity cry anon)

d745ec  No.4303297

File: c93ce05cfce7c3b⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1242x1540, 621:770, 7A832E3D-1764-4066-A87B-8….jpeg)

513f0b  No.4303298

File: d6000fc350873b4⋯.jpg (66.15 KB, 588x465, 196:155, Screenshot 2018-12-13_22-0….jpg)

File: fda47c410221dc0⋯.jpg (155.86 KB, 590x987, 590:987, Screenshot 2018-12-13_22-0….jpg)

File: 7fa12b46c68a62c⋯.jpg (114.18 KB, 723x556, 723:556, Screenshot 2018-12-13_22-0….jpg)

File: e92867d8bcb6560⋯.jpg (89.92 KB, 716x550, 358:275, Screenshot 2018-12-13_22-0….jpg)

2e3389  No.4303299


“bible code” is a wholly mathematical phenomenon wherein you line up the letters making up the bible in their original languages like a crossword puzzle and then find words in the horizontal, vertical, and diagonals .. again, like a crossword puzzle. The phenomenon is interesting, and unmatched by similarly large tomes that “doubters” have tried to use to find similar things. Myself, I never put much stock or interest in it, because God’s actual words are plenty interesting, but if anything it is just another fingerprint of God.

e4d404  No.4303300




>If Hillary won, just like Macron did in France, I'd be with you! But since we did our job and voted and won, and we have POTUS and can choose to keep our country intact AND NOT ON FIRE

de4320  No.4303301


Teaching not your strong suit, got it. Over and out.

513f0b  No.4303302

File: fa4499214a82d6c⋯.jpg (180.54 KB, 718x957, 718:957, Screenshot 2018-12-13_22-0….jpg)

File: be3f83af9821059⋯.jpg (139.28 KB, 708x791, 708:791, Screenshot 2018-12-13_22-0….jpg)

File: 6773d9860e7bc45⋯.jpg (157.38 KB, 733x1084, 733:1084, Screenshot 2018-12-13_22-0….jpg)

File: a90bb2287cb0f07⋯.jpg (97.74 KB, 716x569, 716:569, Screenshot 2018-12-13_22-0….jpg)

File: b19b13a7d4e6b4d⋯.jpg (186.05 KB, 717x1063, 717:1063, Screenshot 2018-12-13_22-0….jpg)

d66a55  No.4303303

What the fuck would it take for this board to at least question this whole thing? Has this turned into a cult?

ec728e  No.4303304

File: 87da6687bd80487⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Digital Soldiers.jpg)

da0aa1  No.4303305

File: 7143a3370ad2017⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2576x1932, 4:3, 20181213_220623.jpg)

such a hateful religion.

a6203e  No.4303306

File: 80eee7e814b8268⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1473x1943, 1473:1943, B2A26298-FDCD-4E07-B11C-6….jpeg)

File: 841b0b6c28db0f8⋯.jpeg (702.4 KB, 1335x1830, 89:122, 6CE793E0-2946-4254-8C0E-9….jpeg)

Two killed in Antartica Research Station:


e4d404  No.4303307



then KYS

c35345  No.4303308

I don’t understand why everyone is going on about HRC but not about Bill. You know he is as guilty as she is in this

4485c3  No.4303309

File: 6c1c09e7d6b0f3b⋯.png (213.23 KB, 422x326, 211:163, hrc double.png)



bc9382  No.4303310


>They have to create a show to get the public on board.

Today's show failed, I'm afraid.

84f046  No.4303311



Some news soon?

513f0b  No.4303312

File: 27f73a9a46dfcc1⋯.jpg (155.08 KB, 588x995, 588:995, Screenshot 2018-12-13_22-0….jpg)



Obamas face

42ca8e  No.4303313

File: 34f7443babb725e⋯.png (895.7 KB, 1259x808, 1259:808, pppo.png)

0cacf5  No.4303314


Was listening to Hannity radio on the way home from work and he didn't cover either. Was very strange to me. And to be fair, Maybe I missed it, but given how he repeats everthing, I doubt it.

ddcff5  No.4303315


this dog dont hop for lazy fucks like you

you post no evidence and show no respect so

fuck you

c58f16  No.4303316

File: 00802bd93b0c127⋯.jpg (81.86 KB, 863x585, 863:585, nightshift2.JPG)

Diggin till daylight..

ca4c65  No.4303317

File: 15a3910fc686522⋯.jpg (25.15 KB, 540x960, 9:16, shitforbrains.jpg)

20f59b  No.4303318


Yeah definitely moar important than testifying on CF cabal… Makes you want to give up.

d745ec  No.4303319

File: 4bb93c66697c288⋯.jpeg (852.47 KB, 1242x897, 18:13, 9B74F8D4-45DE-4E2F-977D-5….jpeg)

640ffd  No.4303320


Some people have a much higher Neanderthal DNA % than others. Kek.



0bb38c  No.4303321


What a perfect waste of trips.

d110e9  No.4303322


When the shills leave i will start to question.

b0638b  No.4303323


I'm not Jimmy, faggot.

If I were to lie, I would immediately be outed.

Go fuck yourself.

6f5fb0  No.4303324

File: 8de7177a00f770d⋯.png (662.35 KB, 684x847, 684:847, 2018-12-13_22-06-33.png)

3614cd  No.4303325

File: 2f8c5604a9f3391⋯.jpg (75.5 KB, 1024x1001, 1024:1001, d3ce2f43-b362-4c97-b849-02….jpg)

bba760  No.4303326


This is where I stand right now too.. this was for the normal folk.

Bomb threats must have been used to steer public attention.


f59a95  No.4303327


Mmm this is interesting.

OVO (dark) vs. the LIGHT.

Who are they going to choose?????

b57dab  No.4303328

DECLAS if hillary Clinton is bipedal lizard

b49240  No.4303329


digits confirm link to common sense an idiot cannot understand

01173d  No.4303330


Yes, Islam is a political philosophy of hate, murder, rape, torture, and conquest.

56f5e9  No.4303331


Not even a salacious word about it?

2abdb3  No.4303332

File: 4824206975c74ab⋯.jpg (9.92 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 4824206975c74abea2ff40ff4b….jpg)

File: 5057e3cf27dea01⋯.jpg (600.23 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, merry fucking christmas.jpg)

Hey there night shift!

I'm here to report an interesting development

A CaliAnon fren has received a Congressional District Census from the Republican Party on behalf of POTUS

A few interesting passages are underlined

Here's the underlined portions that stuck out…

1st: With our nation so politically divided and the Democrats and MSM constantly spreading fake news about President Trump and his administration, it is difficult to get the real facts about his agenda out to Americans all across the country.

2nd: The fight to re-elect President Trump starts today. (letter not dated just says Wednesday morning)

3rd: If the Democrats win this battle it will prove disastrous for Americas future

Just thought I'd share with the board this habbening… carry on


314c0c  No.4303333


>In France, they woke up too fast and they are rioting.

The French riot all the time anon, I wouldn't worry about it. Let's see if it goes past this weekend as well. I suspect they will have a few weeks off over xmas.

>In America, we are waking up slowly and prospering.

>Objective #9: Control Financial System.

It's a good run down anon but whatever way you go with it, eventually the system has to fall so you have to wonder. Why not just crash it and get it over with?

I do agree with you overall though. It was Option B for FBIanon on 4chan. Try and do things slowly and transition into the new world. In which case, this will be going on for 20 years.

2bbbbd  No.4303334


great way to move, hide, and launder money.

ca4c65  No.4303335


Not even close. What happened to the semi-believable fake? She shoot herself in the head? Twice?

975b09  No.4303336

File: 3e4a1f233e9c892⋯.png (306.65 KB, 380x544, 95:136, bill2.PNG)

aa10e6  No.4303337



8d0b6d  No.4303338


Objective 4. We still have a problem with Sen. Collins and the Senator from Alaska. Also Mitt Romney will be in the mix in January and I don't trust him.

e4d404  No.4303339


i think meadows is still a true believer

he believe congress hearings accomplish something real

he found out today - not

just a circus until the moment Q gets on muhtv

then the SHTF

4946ab  No.4303340


Not much questioning habbening.

Wtf about this year has been glorious Q?

Can any anon here say, “yep! This is what i had in mind back in jan, back before march madness..back before april showers…back when “the world will know the truth”?

50f825  No.4303341


Yeah, he's definitely used to dealing with rich tax scoflaw vermin

7362b7  No.4303342


Pure panic… look here not there..

b4904f  No.4303343



Got missed last bread..not the OP but I saw the drop..this is regarding the Clinton Foundation, the AIDS drugs…and the Dead Canadian couple…this was dropped some time ago…and the relevance to the current investigation…becoming clear.



Right after the calendar turned to 2018, he was going to talk. He had to talk. He didn't want to go to jail for lying. He was going to have to talk to investigators in his own country. When they asked where the money was going and who he was paying and that secret installation out in the middle of his country, that is where things were going to get more interesting. Investigators from the US would then be called in and that would set off alarm bells all over the place.

Who is the he mentioned in the first paragraph? If you live in his country, you might not know his name but you knew his company. You knew his products. Almost every single person had probably used one of his products. People from all over the world used his products. It is why he was very very rich. He also had a lot of charities he supported. People also gave his charities money. He was very interested in creating products for people that his charities supported. That is how The Church became involved with him. That is the "product" that was created.

Why was he going to talk to investigators? He got busted. He got busted for paying off people he shouldn't have paid off and he gave them a lot of money. He gave them enough money to do his bidding for the rest of his days. When investigators asked him did he give any money to anyone else he would answer yes. They would go through the list and one of those names was going to make some ears go up and some telephone calls made. Lets call that name F.

Why did he give money to F? He wanted to try a new product. A product he had been testing not only in poor countries around the world, but also testing in a facility in the middle of his own country, away from prying eyes. Did he have permission to test it there? No. Those indigenous people thought they were signing up for something completely different for that money they were being paid.

He finally got the product mastered and wanted to be able to sell it to the world. He thought of a way to do that and make a big splash. That is where F comes in. He gave a huge amount of money to F to get his product into a country at a time when all eyes were focused on that country. He wanted every news story to have pictures of his product and people talking about his product. That all happened. He got his wish and the product flew off the shelves. It flew off so quickly that it was easy to forget the early stages of the product that killed people in other countries and his own country.

When faced with all of that in front of him, when he would have nothing left to save himself, the only thing he could possibly offer up was The Church. So, they killed him. Period. And now? That pesky investigation that was scheduled to happen is about to be called off. No one is going to ask any questions about anything.

Bernard and Honey Sherman/Canada/Apotex/Bill Clinton/Product - Apo-triAvir


c00562  No.4303344

File: 87011b98fe2e5b8⋯.jpg (21.71 KB, 340x336, 85:84, tranzler.jpg)


yes. all shills are masons.

and only (you) can fix them with a scripture.

idiot? shill? do i care to differentiate any longer?

>join the good site.


>few time left.

translation malfunction.

d745ec  No.4303345

File: 9e594d9af0df76e⋯.jpeg (79.46 KB, 750x1250, 3:5, 7683092_imageedit34665925….jpeg)

40cf22  No.4303346



6ix9ine isn't dead.

56f5e9  No.4303347


Omg! Where is Ja Rule!

42ca8e  No.4303348


And precisely the problem with this persistent line of propaganda is that you CAN'T "dismiss this whole thing" with the day's events. The assumed narrative that you are even pushing isn't even clear. You cant EXPLAIN AWAY all the confirmations there are. THE STORM is a fact that exist far outside the confines of our narrative. It is still there in the form of a simmering global political war. So you need a NARRATIVE to push your fake angle. But you have none.

So shut up bot.

You can't win.

Humans are in control here.

975b09  No.4303349


Drake is the guy sucking the dick with cum all over his face right?

435555  No.4303350


whats up with muh stapler guy on the far left

bc9382  No.4303351


Pretty sure ol' Hill ain't sitting at the dining room table answering these questions. There's probably 25 lawyers working on/researching the answers.

ef81d4  No.4303352


You mean two PIs that have submitted paperwork awaiting a response?

>FBI raids whitsleblowers - Wray

>Huber didn't show because he's working with Arkansas AG

>Tons of shit on a plane leaving Arkansas is now in Utah

I mean, do I need to spell it out? CF investigation is still ongoing when some of us (myself included) that it had concluded:



d40218  No.4303353

File: c79584c1db2b31e⋯.png (386.39 KB, 666x697, 666:697, DoD 12-13-18 7 pm PST.PNG)

File: 7b75512dea61885⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1160x771, 1160:771, DoD 12-13-18 7 pm PST pic.PNG)

Top of the world!

#DOD leaders are increasingly moving planes, ships, subs, missiles and radar to the Arctic.


2bbbbd  No.4303354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RussiaGate Pusher Gets Owned By Google CEO

I don't even know what to make of this title.

4946ab  No.4303355


Pacer? Kys faggot. Whoopty fucking doo.

382faa  No.4303356

File: 29411d4309ee2af⋯.jpg (61.62 KB, 800x480, 5:3, dontcare.jpg)


we did that 12 months ago and learned quickly it was real

constant doubt is a sign of a shill or worse

which is why now its a constant battle with you idiots while we kek at your idiocy

947365  No.4303357

>Where is HUBER?

Fighting child trafficking!


d66a55  No.4303358


You're only strengthening my argument. I'm being serious. There's always a fucking excuse.

Today was a pile of dogshit.

ef81d4  No.4303359


Links are (PB) Q posts. Sorry.

e4d404  No.4303360


that is so weak im tempted to call it huber trolling

513f0b  No.4303361

File: 63b7fe6d3a398c0⋯.jpg (419.9 KB, 1124x1152, 281:288, Screenshot 2018-12-13_21-3….jpg)

Reliance foundation?

3444d6  No.4303362

Just woke up to find I was charged sixteen bucks by Barnes and Noble for "Becoming Michelle Obama" for my e-reader, which I most certainly did NOT order. Anybody else experience this?

01173d  No.4303363


You are not telling me the odds. Tell me the odds.

20f59b  No.4303364


He's been comped since election of POTUS. Noticed the slide immediately after. WTF are you thinking. Kinda glowing right now…

25b833  No.4303365

File: 2c4988578f7e683⋯.png (1.43 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, drakesuck.png)

f00828  No.4303366


Nonsense. Don't be stupid. Now everybody knows there's an actual investigation, ongoing, into the CF. Every bit of this was staged.

ec728e  No.4303367

File: 3f396e78e745800⋯.jpg (82.15 KB, 800x450, 16:9, weinstein m obama whoopi.jpg)


So awesome and fitting.

9cf9ba  No.4303368


You're right. We should have elected Hillary.

If your scenario is the case then we're fucked anyway so no reason to worry about it.

b57dab  No.4303369



4c3b28  No.4303370

How long does a face lift take to heal? Makes me wonder about HRC, is she off getting one and her doubles standing in? Where’s her back brace? And she was wearing the scarfs around her neck a LOTTTTTT before… now her fakers aren’t wearing any

f62bb8  No.4303371

File: 83ce4c11b4a2aa3⋯.jpg (102.62 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2oxtzu.jpg)

b09805  No.4303372


did they lobotomize Bill and put his brain into Hillarys body?

266aa1  No.4303373


Makes you feel good, don't it? That the game was rigged for so long here, then golden boy was in office for eight years…..

And Obama blew it

He failed

Failed HARDWe were all supposed to be on the same clock as Europe….


17499e  No.4303374

File: 700852869f32431⋯.png (3.49 MB, 2158x1228, 1079:614, ANEWCLINTONFEMINAZISPAWNQW….PNG)

File: 6864bc4095d60ad⋯.png (3.44 MB, 2158x1222, 83:47, ANEWCLINTONFEMINAZISPAWNQW….PNG)

File: c8ec48904f666ca⋯.png (3.43 MB, 2168x1229, 2168:1229, ANEWCLINTONFEMINAZISPAWNQW….PNG)

File: 66bca70e45deafd⋯.png (3.39 MB, 2166x1229, 2166:1229, ANEWCLINTONFEMINAZISPAWNQW….PNG)


e08e21  No.4303375

>>4302954 I think it's critical that the public see…WATCH public executions! Doesn't have to be all of them…but definitely some high profile executions! I think such a display would efficiently break the spell of leftism that has a lot of people under it's influence! I'm doing work for a leftist family…mom, dad and mid 30's lesbian daughter…at this point they CANNOT be reasoned with! Public executions will snap many awake…but 20+ percent…they're gone for good!

18bea5  No.4303376


Y'all want some electric French press memes

It's a chefs choice electric French press bout 15 yo model 690

4485c3  No.4303377

File: d5691ff9b4c1dc3⋯.png (1.43 MB, 882x1140, 147:190, bill to weak to catch her.png)


Do tell, anon. ISIS?

btw, look at bill watching that little girl get away

63f95c  No.4303378


Why doesn't she have to wear the body brace when she's out of the country?

975b09  No.4303379



50f825  No.4303380


I'm just here for the boobs and dating tips

2e3389  No.4303381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


no arrests by mid 2019 would have me really discouraged.

No cult here. I am following the plain evidence.

This video was great, and this guy is spot on. He was close to Trump for two years. Now gtfota here

450c2a  No.4303382


Classified, cant be revealed. It would put normies in the hospitals. Returning power to the people but not the truth.

435555  No.4303383


wow that .. looks kinda real

850109  No.4303384

File: 32b67e2f410965f⋯.png (17.28 KB, 658x274, 329:137, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54f0e5ca20a00e0⋯.png (22.4 KB, 656x336, 41:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32c6a0c3da11ee8⋯.png (13.64 KB, 653x199, 653:199, ClipboardImage.png)

Past Their Sell-By Dates, Merkel and May Cling on to Power with Plot and Process

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has promised parliamentary colleagues she would not fight the next British general election, a price paid for her short-term political survival also employed by Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The two world leaders, overtaken by events of their own making, within their own control, but beyond their competence now rely on party processes and hastily made deals to sustain them beyond what their rivals see as their natural points of departure.

Germany’s Merkel sowed the seeds of her own demise in 2015 when reacting to emerging illegal migration streams from the Syrian civil war, she declared on the behalf of both her nation and the European Union at large “wir schaffen das” — ‘we can do it’. The ensuring rush at national borders thrown open metastasized into the Europe migrant crisis, and robbed Merkel of her moral authority as a leader, which was expressed in a series of poor election results at the national and local level.

Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU-CSU) party saw their worst national result since 1949 at the 2017 general election, leaving her to form another so-called ‘grand coalition’ with her left-wing opposition to maintain power. The result came among others in Hesse, Bavaria and Berlin which saw record lows for Merkel’s candidates.

Finally concluding her days were numbered, Merkel struck a Faustian pact with the party to give herself years more at the top of German politics. Going against her own previously stated belief that leadership of her party and leadership of the nation should go hand in hand, Dr Merkel gave up leadership of the party but said she would stay chancellor until 2021.


a7bb56  No.4303385

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>4302954 Anon on Q's 'Obectives'

>>4303059 Billionaire Jack Dorsey, Who Doesn't Take A Salary, Pocketed $80 Million In 2018

>>4303086, >>4303130 Moar on today's testimony from the private investigators

>>4303099 Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers $155 billion per year

>>4303159 On the Arkansas FBI and US Attorney

>>4303228, >>4303261 Reminder: HRC ordered to answer questions about her emails

>>4303280 Huber Tweet

>>4303288 Planned Parenthood ‘Proud’ To Stand With Women’s March

>>4303357 Huber was at a meeting discussing stopping human and child trafficking today

8656ee  No.4303386

John Solomon: FBI Holds Document to Exonerate Gen. Flynn - Refuse to Release It!

John Solomon: Let me say this about Mike Flynn. In May 2017 there was a document identified to a small number of people in the United State government. It’s in the possession of the Defense Intelligence Agency. For 18 months there’s been an effort to resist declassifying that document. I know that that document contains extraordinary exculpatory information about General Flynn. I don’t believe the president has ever been told about this document. One lawmaker discovered it but he was thwarted by the Defense Intelligence Agency in his ability to disclose it. I think we all should ask for that declassification! Get that out. It may enlighten the judge!

6e2822  No.4303387

File: 03504e326bbd2d0⋯.jpg (31.3 KB, 540x960, 9:16, patiently waiting.jpg)

sounds legit


4485c3  No.4303388


>Why doesn't she have to wear the body brace when she's out of the country?

it's not her, it's her healthier clone - or a double

d66a55  No.4303389


You're a fucking moron. What was the point of today? Enlighten me.

1c7802  No.4303390

What was the point of having the two dudes from MDA testify in an open hearing? Who's case was helped?

db6bd6  No.4303391


well he is a Jew

9f3f4b  No.4303392


He should not be in charge of freedom caucus…

Just like Rubio invaded Tea Party.

42ca8e  No.4303393

File: 2d110c7270aba04⋯.png (1.02 MB, 996x666, 166:111, jimmyy.png)

File: 54ad87c6862e439⋯.png (400.7 KB, 667x1043, 667:1043, UNSTOPPABLE.png)

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)


it's up to you

continue these pointless histrionics

what does it matter to me?

if i have to wait and watch you self-destruct in absurd ways, then it doesn't bother me much

it seems reasonable that we should try to figure out the outcome that would be most gratifying for all involved, but if you are intent on being the biggest loser, that's on you

but why would you do that jimmy? :D

you poor little guy

you are so lost

435555  No.4303394


any sauce on that?

(i had to)

90bf31  No.4303395

File: c2e166e3cfc7d34⋯.png (8.19 KB, 240x255, 16:17, slimey says.png)


checkem digits

just diggin, prayin, and meme'in goy

trying not to be anyones [echo chamber]

trying not to close my ears and go lalalalalala when someone says check this out

c00562  No.4303396


<copy pasta CDAN.

notable? when you sauce it. now dig, faggot. you just volunteered. until then… just notable.

0e8afc  No.4303397

File: 9bdca85ba8946d8⋯.png (18.33 KB, 1815x233, 1815:233, ffa04aa654c124ee6b30a710b2….png)




Maybe this Q post could help:



8656ee  No.4303398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

John Solomon: FBI Holds Document to Exonerate Gen. Flynn - Refuse to Release It!

John Solomon: Let me say this about Mike Flynn. In May 2017 there was a document identified to a small number of people in the United State government. It’s in the possession of the Defense Intelligence Agency. For 18 months there’s been an effort to resist declassifying that document. I know that that document contains extraordinary exculpatory information about General Flynn. I don’t believe the president has ever been told about this document. One lawmaker discovered it but he was thwarted by the Defense Intelligence Agency in his ability to disclose it. I think we all should ask for that declassification! Get that out. It may enlighten the judge!


012ac5  No.4303399


This is excellent.

42ca8e  No.4303400

File: aaa36a962f58228⋯.png (337.45 KB, 717x444, 239:148, dandmLEGEND.png)


Doyle and Moynihan have arisen.

318f00  No.4303401

266aa1  No.4303402



Not a very good one at that

e08e21  No.4303403

>>4303375 You work with merit from glp doncha!

1e53dd  No.4303404


Kinda think you’re kidding - sauce if not. It’s hard to find anything on the guy. He’s sneaky like that.

382faa  No.4303405


and that response is why the absolute best job you could find was shilling for shariablue

9cf9ba  No.4303406


Huber could not attend because the Clinton Foundation investigation is on-going so he can't comment.

38ce43  No.4303407

File: 476f951e1911c4d⋯.jpg (133.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, bridge_kinzuabridge2.jpg)

God Bless all Yellow Vests, French Anons, UK Anons, Polish Anons, Hungarian Anons. Arabic Anons, Asian Anons, African Anons. May all of our Bridges connect in grace and beauty . I love u All.

18bea5  No.4303408


It's a half and half vanilla soy honey sugar mixture

Some fag on lsd taught it to me in college

Werks well with Yerba mate and green tea too

cf5674  No.4303409


>Q felt the need to perform a stress test

I must have missed the memo, what exactly is a stress test?

63c2b4  No.4303410

File: 2915f35a7be9889⋯.png (337.47 KB, 800x600, 4:3, sunTzuArtOfWarDeception.png)


>So this stutter step by Q and Trump could be designed to wear the left out.

it's right out of Sun Tzu

Q's 'crumbs' that are dropped here are a most convincing way to spread disinformation to the 'enemy'

It annoys some here, and confuses many more, but there is definitely method to this madness

42ca8e  No.4303411


stop the fake 4chan routine

we know its fake

once we know things are fake, stop throwing bots at them

if the people are waking up to the AI thing, then don't keep pushing out bot posts

slow down

stop spazzing all the time


84f046  No.4303412



a8b9a9  No.4303413


All I would add is The Wall Anon. THAT had to be sealed off for 100+ different reasons, pertaining to missions stated, and for us to be able to squeeze life out of the bastards and be prepared if/when, real hammers drop.

The Boarder is HUGE.

Once again, great piece.

db6bd6  No.4303414


"you invited us here, now fuck off"

bba760  No.4303415


That was a great interview.

I agree with you, anything passed mid 2019 and I'm gonna start to worry…

My philosophy has always been. The pen is mightier than the sword.

We have failed if it comes to bullets in our streets

493cb9  No.4303416


What about lil peep? He was a talented guy, way more than cabal puppet drake and that faggot John legend.

cebba7  No.4303417

File: fd67038203f8f27⋯.png (625.94 KB, 1054x858, 527:429, 25fcab32a34e17d535bed93a59….png)

File: 3e386b9459719a6⋯.png (41.34 KB, 975x154, 975:154, 2e4ba2e94a1bd441c7446e26ce….png)

Newt Gingrich, Bohemian Grove attendee

ca4c65  No.4303418


I don't buy your numerology bullshit, faggot! Since it's all fucking made up, there ARE no odds. Piss off.

9cf9ba  No.4303419


Also, that's just my guess. I don't know for certain, obviously.

18bea5  No.4303420

The tortilla is flat unleveaned bread


226ace  No.4303421

25b833  No.4303422


Just floated up on one of our research boards months ago.

I'm sure other anon's have the actual source. Male version of the "fappening" or something, I don't know.

42e6af  No.4303423


Was that a typo in Politico story on Haiti or was it really an earthquak?

a6203e  No.4303424

File: dc6abdf3a1f5787⋯.jpeg (627.22 KB, 1517x1819, 1517:1819, 3C0E4C5F-C012-4DA5-989D-5….jpeg)

File: c2b3f6051569663⋯.jpeg (862.36 KB, 1211x1940, 1211:1940, 6E31BC97-AC74-411A-BC7F-A….jpeg)

File: 3812452c7acaede⋯.jpeg (765.88 KB, 1267x1850, 1267:1850, 7B2AF762-DC56-40C9-9442-7….jpeg)

File: a42bb7757f89fd3⋯.jpeg (81.52 KB, 1052x288, 263:72, B00650D8-F7A5-4D99-A5D3-D….jpeg)


Info on PAE:

b4904f  No.4303425

File: 196af21b5cbe59e⋯.jpg (16.89 KB, 280x280, 1:1, benis.jpg)


Did you see the fucking LINK asshole? Do you know who the Shermans are dickface? The story of their "murder" has been ALL over the news…this CDAN drop…well fuckhead..check the date..what more sauce do you want than today's testimony (Gates/AIDS) along with the SHERMANs murders?

(((YOU))) pic related

42ca8e  No.4303426


No guff was taken.

bd237e  No.4303427


Got them to ask for the docs. He was quite upset about it.

da0aa1  No.4303428


you never had a choice.

who owns the voting machines.

your all flies in this honeypot.

6ef8ce  No.4303429

File: 76f7ed21b7602f5⋯.jpeg (72.02 KB, 723x407, 723:407, DF6C57AF-0DDB-48E9-9093-4….jpeg)

File: b38b0a5708700be⋯.jpeg (60.88 KB, 500x433, 500:433, C99AE0D0-9DFA-4502-A424-B….jpeg)

File: 6c4f92c05d13ed3⋯.jpeg (120.39 KB, 745x497, 745:497, DB942A74-F5D5-4004-A44A-C….jpeg)

File: e7c89c05f11ce4e⋯.jpeg (110.69 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 61CB7AAA-0D51-4006-9496-8….jpeg)

b0638b  No.4303430

File: 95be20d8003e19d⋯.png (234.06 KB, 492x509, 492:509, youmegashill.png)

f62bb8  No.4303431

File: 586fbda0c5c5773⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 3e9c64c005584db379c75296a9….jpg)

84f046  No.4303432


Do not namefag.

aa10e6  No.4303433

File: a9a2d978b0f1efa⋯.png (73.82 KB, 604x700, 151:175, kanye.png)


90c896  No.4303434

File: 9bb197ad3d369a8⋯.png (88.68 KB, 2202x1000, 1101:500, 1.png)

File: 50a165722508a6b⋯.png (127.03 KB, 292x300, 73:75, huber.png)

File: 858773095d9fa65⋯.png (6.73 KB, 86x191, 86:191, waldo.png)

Today's Clinton Foundation hearing was very interesting!

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistle blowers for nearly a year and a half.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistle blowers for nearly a year and a half.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistle blowers for nearly a year and a half.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistle blowers for nearly a year and a half.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistle blowers for nearly a year and a half.

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!







You lied again! Huber and Horowitz aren't on our side. The government is a cesspool of self interested politicians and career employees who are corrupt to their core. Q is a deep state psyop and controlled opposition.


I am a real person and not a bot. I'm a proud American who supports my country. I'm sick and tired of the corruption. I'm sick and tired of criminals not being brought to justice. I'm sick and tired of Q lying and LARPing to string us along in a massive deep state psyop. I will keep posting this forever to prove how full of shit Q is. FUCK YOU Q.


d66a55  No.4303435


He was a fucking photography. Seemed like a good dude. He doesn't know what the fuck is going on. 2018 is almost over dumbfuck.

Where's the declas?

42ca8e  No.4303436


pathetic, bot system

get a grip

you are in a downward spiral

better adjust, and quick

435555  No.4303437

File: 276b020cda5207d⋯.png (46.23 KB, 923x309, 923:309, pinkpolo.png)

513f0b  No.4303438

File: a5c8bdb09f23c30⋯.jpg (129.05 KB, 877x676, 877:676, Screenshot 2018-12-13_22-1….jpg)

File: 105ccbe9d166fe6⋯.jpeg (38.06 KB, 300x250, 6:5, download.jpeg)

f4b132  No.4303439

File: cab964e9ffedcf4⋯.png (915.24 KB, 1147x677, 1147:677, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

18bea5  No.4303440

File: 41799c7dafc37c3⋯.png (206.32 KB, 375x524, 375:524, 18C327C2-A9B2-4FDE-9C16-CD….png)

But muh dreidel dues


dcc58c  No.4303441

File: 8d49c21f736aae1⋯.jpg (97.9 KB, 800x584, 100:73, crimes.jpg)


Fitting. Huber wasnt there because of crimes against children. However, he could still pointing towards what hes actually investigating in regards to the CF. Very cheeky.

aba3de  No.4303442


I want to know how many Countries are involved.

6f5fb0  No.4303443

File: 1d9c34f7b604b6d⋯.png (882.09 KB, 788x634, 394:317, 2018-12-13_22-16-39.png)

File: a35efbe193787ee⋯.png (403.38 KB, 578x988, 289:494, 2018-12-13_22-12-46.png)


Where you find corruption, there you will find the Clintons.

c767c0  No.4303444

Just maybe we are experiencing 10 days of media blackout on the Clinton Foundation Whistle blowers Investigation, until Dec 24th, Christmas Eve…….then Boom! Huber makes the investigation very public with the public arrest of Bill, HRC, and Chelsea. Is this the Merry Christmas present Q alludes to?! The MSM finally reporting on the Clinton’s with indictments would be a great present. Christmas is never a big breaking news day. Just maybe ….praying here for a huge breaking news story.

42ca8e  No.4303445

File: 5bec158a9c25f94⋯.png (330.86 KB, 661x805, 661:805, shhhhhh.png)

File: ddc6a92316027df⋯.png (464.03 KB, 750x666, 125:111, DDHRC.png)

File: 8911863605dde46⋯.png (303.75 KB, 444x524, 111:131, safd.png)

50230f  No.4303446

File: 4c01b18fb77754c⋯.jpeg (43.41 KB, 699x485, 699:485, PepeHmm.jpeg)


Nicely put anon.

266aa1  No.4303447


Don't you wish you could sue for fraud?

62c51c  No.4303448


This guy looks like a douche. Don’t look to him for anything but self-congratulation.

b4904f  No.4303449

>>4302588 (pb)

>Drudge (getting more Cabal controlled by the day) had a story about the FBI harvesting DNA & using speedy DNA machines. I would hope the White Hats wouldn't do stuff like that.

KEK ^^^^ assumes there are any white hats in the FBI.

There might be the odd good guy now and then..but the culture of corruption has been going on for so long...I'd say the bad guys outnumber the good ones 99-1.

aa10e6  No.4303450

File: 86e93faed3607b2⋯.jpg (111.26 KB, 1024x1020, 256:255, DuWJNtIWsAEac6F.jpg)

17499e  No.4303451

File: 88753ba718fb1e8⋯.png (3.03 MB, 2150x1220, 215:122, CONNELYDRUMPHUNDERMININGDE….PNG)


f92396  No.4303452

The house committee is irrelevant. In a few weeks the Dems have control of it anyway.

569f42  No.4303453


Why did everyone expect him to show if he couldn’t/shouldn’t be there?

897b2a  No.4303454


I have a theory of how Alex Jones could still be our guy despite Q talking against him. But at this point it is just a pretty decent thought process.

One the whole chaos thing to cause maximum confusion. What better way then play fighting amongst your own teams. It makes the enemy unsure. I have similar point in the avoiding the Saul Alinsky tactic of picking a target and polarizing it and destroying it. Alex Jones was so visible for 20 years the Cabal would love to make him the FACE of the Q movement. They would use the huge amount of silly videos and oddities in Alex Jones's narrative that making Alex the face would potentially bring it down (maybe in the beginning) so play fighiting like they do in the movie Brainstorm could be the tactic. Not letting Alex be the face. Creating a false war.

But it is moot now.

28c016  No.4303455

File: 528793e89393d0b⋯.png (370.03 KB, 605x638, 55:58, ClipboardImage.png)

Antifa Groups Are Using Patreon To Fund Violent ‘Insurrection’ Against America

Drop the mother fucking Hammer on these faggots


141abb  No.4303456

File: 31534b9e4466b9f⋯.jpg (71.2 KB, 560x300, 28:15, cf2.jpg)

No Mainstream Media coverage of today's Congressional Oversight Committee Hearing on Non-profit Organizations featuring The Clinton Foundation (big surprise). Testimony exposed CF's illegal business practices and fraud related to administering a 503-c as an "Unregistered Foreign Agent" implementing quid pro quo, "Pay-for-Play" schemes, illegal government access and influence peddling. The Clinton's may be on the hook for taxes and penalties related to $400 Million to $2.2 Billion in revenues resulting from donations. It was also revealed that the FBI has an open criminal investigation examining the foundation's practices. One might think this would be CNN's lead story! Instead they are pushing a FAKE NEWS narrative on The Trump Foundation. #ThinkMirror. You can't make this stuff up. 🤣🤣🤣

df8cdd  No.4303457

Cabal must be very nervous. Numerous bomb threats today. Vatican money man found guilty of child molesting in Australia 2 days ago, Popes number 1 adviser facing charges in Austria, and now the hearing in the house where the Clinton Foundation is put squarely in the crosshairs and the stunned reaction of the members on the committee… Don’t these people pay any attention? Everyone on this board just about knew that both Fitton and these Whistleblowers were going to peel the scab wide open. Why did Meadows act like he has never heard any of this before? Good actor? Or, is Trump right about the house… it’s a lost cause and can be ignored mostly as long as he has the SUpremes and the Senate.

e29857  No.4303458




helper anon in the house?

01173d  No.4303459


Retard. Not numerology when q postulated the the alpha-numeric code, faggot. Odds are real statistical tools-not to mention the fact that Q asks 'what are the odds?' all the time. So, tell me, what are the odds?

18bea5  No.4303460

File: d241985001a45c0⋯.jpg (59.14 KB, 720x743, 720:743, 67782B19-F809-4B7F-971D-D1….jpg)

File: 07e034ebcf05eb6⋯.jpg (346.99 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_4524.JPG)

File: aea2df5f67237bd⋯.jpg (461.45 KB, 751x958, 751:958, IMG_4534.JPG)

4485c3  No.4303461

File: 295e14580b9cde3⋯.png (10.27 KB, 67x64, 67:64, cf - upside down star.png)


notice how for-hire merc financial investigators dropped the dime that the IRS and FBI are currently investigating the CF? Huber couldn't do that, but they could. so eat a mutha fuckin dick

b3722e  No.4303462

File: 03fb867e68dc1da⋯.jpg (141.99 KB, 639x958, 639:958, 3.JPG)

File: bd2c4639275fb2d⋯.jpg (42.61 KB, 503x585, 503:585, 4.JPG)

FBI To Burn 53 Tons Of Classified Material


f255b6  No.4303463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's crazy the thinkgs people have come up with

2bbbbd  No.4303464


That's totally gonna happen.

Yeeeeeeah niggaaaaa

fae968  No.4303465


Filled with misinformation.


0c99bd  No.4303466

That image of Xi, Putin and Obama is so interdasting


b1ee1d  No.4303467


JFk Jr isn't alive

It was a LARP started by Ranon

- he deleted all his social media when he was exposed.

- just stop

9f3f4b  No.4303468


Drake sucks cock AND sucks a Fortnite.

Chill out…

7362b7  No.4303469


IMO it’s basically the opening stages of awakening the public of what the Clintons are really up to. Diluting it to make it easier to swallow.

84f046  No.4303470

Why are we here?

Why are we providing crumbs?

Think MEMO.


Not convinced this is spreading?

You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.

You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.


APART you are weak.












This is more important than you can imagine.


17499e  No.4303471

File: ad22734e677ea3e⋯.png (3.35 MB, 2147x1208, 2147:1208, CONNELYWEHAVECOURTEVIDENCE….PNG)

File: 32fe7eb08c285c6⋯.png (2.85 MB, 2151x1224, 239:136, CONNELYWEHAVECOURTEVIDENCE….PNG)


d40218  No.4303472

File: 0880a36ee1758ab⋯.png (496.27 KB, 744x805, 744:805, DoD 12-13-18 7 pm PST Arti….PNG)

File: 1723513802b4ebf⋯.png (49.15 KB, 445x744, 445:744, DoD 12-13-18 7 pm PST Arti….PNG)

File: afa708229ed2c38⋯.png (35.43 KB, 456x544, 57:68, DoD 12-13-18 7 pm PST Arti….PNG)

File: 89557b04b3cb10b⋯.png (975.67 KB, 834x622, 417:311, DoD 12-13-18 7 pm PST Arti….PNG)


Services Putting Their Assets on Ice - Brrrrr


ef81d4  No.4303473

File: c4a214788520e22⋯.png (213.49 KB, 1802x905, 1802:905, Guns.png)




If the US Military had been working under Marshal Law to get the job done, would we even be aware? You do realize that absolute civil unrest would lead to a real panic scenario, right?

If the world publicly knew the US gov't was engaged in something like that, they'd pounce at the opportunity to engage the populace into revolting. In reality, they actually have. It didn't work, though. Look at all of Q's antifa posts. Look at the protests. The "alt-right" controlled opposition crap.

Everything Q has done has been behind the scenes, and is now playing out, like a movie, in public view.

e791bb  No.4303474


Wrong. The FBI didn't hand over the docs that Grassley wanted on the raid on the whistleblower Cain, by Dec 12. It has nothing to do with the 2 whistleblowers at todays hearing. Also, today was a House committee; Grassley is senate.

ca4c65  No.4303475

File: 7f0b6566190c6f6⋯.png (643.98 KB, 1278x1220, 639:610, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

Did this get noticed?

"We found the Clinton email server." Tom Fitton.


aa10e6  No.4303476

File: 3fc88f9af6f9a22⋯.png (30.95 KB, 584x263, 584:263, kanye.png)

42ca8e  No.4303477

File: 9f2396b7cb86f68⋯.png (4.12 MB, 1111x2130, 1111:2130, nj.png)

File: b037e8f762220a0⋯.png (418.15 KB, 629x499, 629:499, ji.png)

File: 12c95cbbec10c1a⋯.png (289.04 KB, 697x444, 697:444, bgjmy.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

ec728e  No.4303478

File: 40952844ed1e79c⋯.jpg (98.02 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Q Proof time Trump twts 12….jpg)

File: dbaa44eb97351d1⋯.jpg (113.76 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Q Proof time Trump twts 12….jpg)

File: 22c3d851ae35c02⋯.jpg (120.15 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Q Proof time Trump twts 12….jpg)

File: bccb9bdb591b8da⋯.jpg (95.81 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Q Proof time Trump twts 12….jpg)

File: b974535ecad60ea⋯.jpg (104.56 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Q Proof time Trump twts 12….jpg)

Thank you, Anon meme creator.

d66a55  No.4303479

All you brainwashed morons watched the dems steal fucking elections in real time. You saw it with your own eyes. Q says don't worry about it

and that's it. It's done.everyone moved on. That's fucking insane

2b3e65  No.4303480


Notable for Anon's well thought out theory Boss!

435555  No.4303481


kek that guy clearly didn't study before exams

18bea5  No.4303482

Still no cash or kittehs

Po box 42



1f55ce  No.4303483

2bbbbd  No.4303484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4f71dd  No.4303485



highest ranking anon

20f59b  No.4303486


This Antarctica visiting can't be merely coincidence. There must be something there to see maybe?

90bf31  No.4303487


this guy and his fuckin dirka dirka schtick

db6bd6  No.4303488


enough nigger drama slide

9cf9ba  No.4303489


Misdirection, suspense, drama?

I'm sure it plays a part.

e27be8  No.4303490

File: a1cc26093e187ec⋯.mp4 (4.62 MB, 360x640, 9:16, Server.mp4)



84f046  No.4303491

Pray for Ye,

Let him get our love.

All will be fine, patriot.

56ad39  No.4303492


When POTUS was talking to Chuck and Nancy, he said tip top. I think it was in reference to the military.

17499e  No.4303493

File: b75d141680271e6⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1808x1020, 452:255, Alice and Wonderland.PNG)

Connely: says "Alice and Wonderland"

2bbbbd  No.4303494


We're here out of desperation.

It's literally this or Game Over.

d40343  No.4303495

File: c859d17448028e3⋯.jpg (14.96 KB, 255x169, 255:169, c859d17448028e33abc83a8302….jpg)

691d30  No.4303496

What's in your head zombie?


f4b132  No.4303497

File: 24064ac977acf67⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 510x422, 255:211, 0bamapick.jpg)


>I must have missed the memo, what exactly is a stress test?

A test by Q of how much bullshit he can spew and still retain dumb asses who believe his false hope, broken promises, and unmet expectations.

This test must have shown Q that anons with 2+ brain cells have figured out this psyop and don't give a fuck about Q anymore.

d745ec  No.4303498

File: 4f1137677837fec⋯.jpeg (677.86 KB, 1242x837, 46:31, C49B2DA0-50B6-4BD3-B445-9….jpeg)

14f81f  No.4303499


Either they are complicit or really fucking dumb. Either way it’s a bad sign.

18bea5  No.4303500

File: c3208e44dfaf2de⋯.png (55.21 KB, 590x288, 295:144, IMG_4517.PNG)

Such rage

Such quit

Such homo

Such drama


50f825  No.4303501


Well, they don't get paid until the IRS gets paid, and there's a lot of guap to made on back taxes of a couple billion

01173d  No.4303502


Santa Claus of the United States is still up. That is JFK Jr.

He is still alive.

Are you saying that 17cc, 23cc, mirror, are all coincidences?

17499e  No.4303503

File: fb4e8ee8817567d⋯.png (2.93 MB, 2175x1222, 2175:1222, DRUMPHDRUMPHDRUMPHDRUMPH1.PNG)

File: 85d07a0937e9aab⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1821x1044, 607:348, DRUMPHDRUMPHDRUMPHDRUMPH2-….PNG)

File: 6c40726cb4fb27c⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1808x1033, 1808:1033, DRUMPHDRUMPHDRUMPHDRUMPH-F….PNG)


da0aa1  No.4303504


and your read the Quran yourself as research to validate your point?

b4904f  No.4303505

File: bfc10712026daa8⋯.png (341.53 KB, 619x313, 619:313, obama shooter.png)

>>4302620 (pb)

>All it takes is a finding from the IRS that the Clinton Foundation has been acting illegally as a nonprofit and BOOM!

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry...^^^^expects the IRS to find anything....

Maybe we could get Obama to direct them to find something tho....

2ae52b  No.4303506

All of these sworn testimonies today can be "injected" into Huber's & FBI's investigations now, if they weren't already.

0c99bd  No.4303507

No it’s shillville and silly time night shift. But it’s a HUGE BOOM yes. He has the server and they are ALL gonna burn


435555  No.4303508


I danced on my back porch for 20mins after he said AND THEN [pause] WE FOUND THE SERVER

4f71dd  No.4303509


>A very fast one for dealing with higher risk objectives.

Speed the movie

9cf9ba  No.4303510



His scheduled testimony and absense was a logic problem to tell the House Investigation Committee (and anyone paying attention) that the Clinton Foundation investigation is on-going.

b49240  No.4303511

File: b16ac82498ed707⋯.png (479.5 KB, 568x335, 568:335, 15987263547645943039.png)


nice snag

thanks, anon


d968c1  No.4303512


And the MSM is pushing that Republicans cheated in North Carolina. Sickening.

84f046  No.4303513


For you shills this is true.

Anons know we are so powerfull by now, option z was avoided, that makes very comfy!

babbfe  No.4303514


Well, no wonder he couldn't make it! That looks important.

cebba7  No.4303515

File: 01923339eed2ede⋯.png (427.24 KB, 755x858, 755:858, 780a358e823c67053cd8e735e7….png)

File: 35573991584bd37⋯.jpg (217.31 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, C5EuXODVcAIFBqx.jpg)


I think there might be something very big to c there.

d66a55  No.4303516

Illuminate me assholes. What happened with midterms?

17499e  No.4303517

File: e038d1c7d4731e7⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1824x1040, 114:65, FAKE NEWS INSTRUCTIONS.PNG)


bc9382  No.4303518


Disagree and that doesn't make me stupid, thank you. The headline from the hearing is the DOJ/FBI is refusing to cooperate. There was no hard evidence that Huber is conducting an investigation, only assumptions.

Of course, we know that Huber is investigating, but the media will ignore the few crumbs that came out of the hearing. There was nothing there to make the public pay attention.

18bea5  No.4303519

File: 82db56d856348bc⋯.jpg (102.75 KB, 509x748, 509:748, 388C126A-634F-4BB4-AD77-48….jpg)

2f23db  No.4303520



abffa4  No.4303521

File: c32ac68c63fc3cf⋯.jpg (26.83 KB, 313x341, 313:341, MonkeyWise.JPG)


Why do you try to glorify night shift.

Many of us are sacrificing our daytime stuff to spread the good word

WWG1WGA < Remember?

Day shift = Night shift.

20a86c  No.4303522

File: aad80a81961339f⋯.png (13.06 KB, 249x249, 1:1, 1992b76a9483d0352e3b78a965….png)


so obvious

they played it well today


f4b132  No.4303523


Is that Drake?


But, tbf, most prisoners have been in that exact position at some point in their lives.

Drake, however, looks to be working it like a pro. He might just enjoy it.

ef81d4  No.4303524


>Dem House takes place in January 3rd, 2019.

When the arrests happen, there's likely to be a shit ton of special elections. Just sayin.

d40343  No.4303525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You know we love you e-bot

7362b7  No.4303526

Jeeze 181 UID’s,and seems like 161 are shills…

Were are all the real Anons at?? Kek

01173d  No.4303527


Yes. There are hundreds of references to murdering the non believer, conquering, expanding, plundering, raping virgins, etc….all in the Koran.

ec604d  No.4303528



17499e  No.4303529

File: 9282c4a9457eaca⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1797x1003, 1797:1003, FITTON SMIRK ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ….PNG)

a7bb56  No.4303530


we lost in the house because neocon R's were lazy pieces of shit, and gained in the senate because they're actually getting shit done

abfaeb  No.4303531


Thats how they control each other. all of them have pictures like that on each other or worse. They worship satan. extort and blackmail each other, its only natural that murder would follow.

1b19a6  No.4303532


Gen Vince Stewart, "muh first African-American to head the DIA" is a rabid Obot and as crooked and corrupt as they come. He destroyed the lives and careers of many honest Patriots in the intel community when they refused to construct illegal documents etc.

He has destroyed the talent pipeline for USMC intel for at least a decade. "IMO" he is a traitor to this country and deserves to lose everything, before meeting the appropriate fate for a treasonous bastard. He is the example of why a naturalized citizen should never be allowed to be a commissioned officer.

PS: He is also a vicious racist and a serial sexual harasser and abuser. I doubt that he will ever be held accountable for that, but he should be.

The End.

2bbbbd  No.4303533


You need to re-read what you responded to.

They never thought she'd lose… remember?

e27be8  No.4303534

277f17  No.4303535

File: 7221bc379947708⋯.jpg (261.28 KB, 640x942, 320:471, QCrumbsHuberSeverePainDC.jpg)

File: cc8a7c78b663eef⋯.jpg (156.6 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, QCrumbsHuberSeverePainDC2.jpg)

File: ce2cb1b977c35de⋯.jpg (131.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, QCrumbsHuberSeverePainDC3.jpg)

File: 2a9206c2f359ccd⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, QCrumbsHuberSeverePainDC4.jpg)

File: 6eec3ca2f4e31c0⋯.jpg (140.5 KB, 570x767, 570:767, QCrumbsHuberSeverePainDC5.jpg)

2ae52b  No.4303536


Even OBAMA admitted there was targeting.

4485c3  No.4303537


>oldie but goodie



I always believed those e-celeb alt-right faggots were up to no good.

226ace  No.4303538


butthurt flatearther



17499e  No.4303539

File: 6242d9e0ee503f1⋯.png (3.08 MB, 2155x1217, 2155:1217, FLY FLY FLY LIKE A DEMON.PNG)


b4904f  No.4303540


>Tata, Ambani

Tata has major "engineering offices" in the US..they bring in Indians to work at them....interesting. They don't usually hire Americans but when they do...(check glassceiling website for Tata employee reviews)...so one wonders what they are really doing here? doesn't seem to be much engineering of the normal type.

6ef8ce  No.4303541


Unknown to most Americans, this report notes, a parallel legal regime allows President Trump to sidestep many of the constraints that normally apply—with the moment the he declares a national emergency—a decision that is entirely within his discretion—he has more than 100 special provisions become available to him—specifically the emergency powers contained in 136 statutory provisions that give Trump more power than any other leader in the world.


Try harder

428c73  No.4303542


>The rules also ordered Assange to pay his medical and phone bills and clean up after his pet cat."

Dammit Julian, change the litter box.

ef81d4  No.4303543


That's a man that is seeing 10 years of work coming to fruition. It's absolute genius.

abffa4  No.4303544

1e53dd  No.4303545


I’m glowing or you’re an idiot? Why would he shill for Trump for 2 years and then immediately switch sides? If you’re the MSM of the internet, so to speak, why not push Clinton if that’s the result you’d prefer?

382faa  No.4303546

File: fa9ff30c36b0fe4⋯.jpg (394.25 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, gameover.jpg)


you fucks are desperate tonight

something happen today that made you nervous?

5bfeaf  No.4303547

File: fd55f576d10f210⋯.jpg (126.67 KB, 960x660, 16:11, nghtfrgs.jpg)

Waiting for the moon to rise


4485c3  No.4303548

File: 02db931e5cebfed⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 960x594, 160:99, brrrrt.jpg)

435555  No.4303549

someone really needs to get Kanye on qResearch.

poor guy is lonely and sad and feeling so misunderstood.

7d016f  No.4303550

File: 7d56b2cb7483569⋯.png (310.78 KB, 1370x1249, 1370:1249, ClipboardImage.png)

28c016  No.4303551



Link to article


and archive:


db6bd6  No.4303552

File: 6890238a19f066b⋯.jpg (72.15 KB, 625x455, 125:91, 6890238a19f066b77cd019a154….jpg)



We already knew we had the server!

When is someone going to do something with it?

18bea5  No.4303553


(you) can't leave the bar without paying the stripper

17499e  No.4303554

File: c191d3e0e12d020⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1797x1008, 599:336, SnakeFace2OMGOMGOMG LAYHOO….PNG)

File: 0b03a8a9b5272b2⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1793x1027, 1793:1027, SnakeFaceOMGOMGOMG LAYHOOS….PNG)


850109  No.4303555

Galatians 5:55

Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.

926e56  No.4303556


>>>Objective #4: Secure Senate & Supreme Court.McCain, Flake, Corker = no real GOP majority.<<< WRONG! McCain's dead, and the other two did not seek re-election. 53-47 for Republicans, if you've been paying attention.

>>Kennedy, Roberts = no real conservative court.Senate and SC solved with real majority 11.18.<< Wrong again! Kavanaugh replaced the retiring Justice Kennedy. Roberts appointed all of the FISA Judges and he may be gone before it's all over!

The rest looks pretty good, but needs "The Wall" added.

abffa4  No.4303557


Watched the entire CF hearing

Did you?

babbfe  No.4303558


He looks disturbingly like Blasee Ford in that pic

897b2a  No.4303559


Perhaps. But Q likes to be tricky. Like when someone asked if a plane hit the pentagon and q threw us some spin saying yes it was a plane. When you look in a dictionary definition of plane it is any object moving under it own power with wings that do not flap. Thus a drone or a cruise missle or a plane can be a plane. With or without a human pilot. So Q was being cute.

Jfk could have ditched his Fusa character and perhaps is using a different persona. So since Jfk jr is not in the open with his discuise off…Q might mean Jr is dead. But no more meaningful then the Sun God dying for three days and coming back on Christmas. Reborn. So maybe esoterically Jr is still hiding….dead so to say. Waiting for a rebirth?

You niggas need to try to be more creative. And you need to see where Q is playing with us.

No proof just a thought process.

4f71dd  No.4303560

File: 7d2c00f073bba2b⋯.jpg (197.83 KB, 800x708, 200:177, a2dacdcbb74d117e648028fdeb….jpg)

f59a95  No.4303561

File: 40a8393bf53973e⋯.jpeg (849.24 KB, 1125x1533, 375:511, 9E57C50C-5200-483B-AC01-F….jpeg)


Ears not pierced. How rare is that for someone in his profession?

908dbc  No.4303562

File: 4f503e8aa1dd7c0⋯.jpg (5.62 KB, 183x275, 183:275, sexy fur.jpg)


Best Strip Club in Antarctica.

6e2791  No.4303563

Report: Facebook’s ‘Fact Checkers’ Increasingly Alienated — ‘They Threw Us Under the Bus,’ Used Us for ‘Crisis PR’



The journalists who were hired as “fact-checkers” for Facebook have reportedly “lost trust” in the company, claiming the role is closer to being Facebook’s “propaganda” arm than actual fact-checkers.

In an article, the Guardian compiled several complaints from current and former Facebook fact-checkers, who revealed their distrust in the social network.

Facebook currently has fact-checking partnerships with Snopes, PolitiFact, Factcheck.org, the Weekly Standard, and Associated Press.

“They’ve essentially used us for crisis PR,” expressed former Snopes managing editor Brooke Binkowski to the Guardian. “They’re not taking anything seriously. They are more interested in making themselves look good and passing the buck… They clearly don’t care.”

“You’re not doing journalism anymore. You’re doing propaganda,” she continued, adding, “They threw us under the bus at every opportunity.”

Another former Snopes employee, Kim LaCapria, recently left the company over its partnership with Facebook, accusing it of focusing only on the “appearance of trying to prevent damage without actually doing anything,” and expressing distaste with the fact that Snopes was being paid by Facebook.

“Why should we trust Facebook when it’s pushing the same rumors that its own fact checkers are calling fake news?” added an unnamed Facebook fact-checker. “It’s worth asking how do they treat stories about George Soros on the platform knowing they specifically pay people to try to link political enemies to him?[…] Working with Facebook makes us look bad.”

One fact-checker who has reportedly “long worked” with Facebook even referred to the social network as a “terrible company,” declaring, “and, on a personal level, I don’t want to have anything to do with them,” while another fact-checker proclaimed, “Most of us feel it’s more trouble than it’s worth.”

Facebook started its fact-checking efforts following President Trump’s 2016 presidential election victory, and is even expanding into fact-checking images and videos.

Left-wing biases have been found at nearly all Facebook fact-check partners in the United States, including Snopes, Politifact, and the Weekly Standard.

An investigation revealed that Snopes employs left-wing people almost exclusively, with some of its most prominent fact-checkers openly describing themselves as “progressive” and expressing anti-Trump sentiment.

A satirical article from popular satire website Babylon Bee about CNN using a washing machine to “spin the news,” was also nearly removed by Facebook after Snopes fact-checked it as false.

One of Facebook’s other top fact-checking partners, Politifact, is funded by a frequent Clinton Foundation donor, and gave preferential treatment to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election — rating 51 percent of Clinton’s claims as true versus just over 15 percent for Trump.

Even a 2013 article from one of Facebook’s other fact-checking partners, the Weekly Standard, claimed Politifact “has it out for Republicans,” and the Weekly Standard itself has also pushed out misleading information during its partnership with Facebook.

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington, or like his page at Facebook.

abfaeb  No.4303564


Nothing can Start what is coming.


a7bb56  No.4303565

LAST CALL, let me know if something was missed


>>4302954 Anon on Q's 'Obectives'

>>4303059 Billionaire Jack Dorsey, Who Doesn't Take A Salary, Pocketed $80 Million In 2018

>>4303086, >>4303130 Moar on today's testimony from the private investigators

>>4303099 Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers $155 billion per year

>>4303159 On the Arkansas FBI and US Attorney

>>4303228, >>4303261 Reminder: HRC ordered to answer questions about her emails

>>4303280 Huber Tweet

>>4303288 Planned Parenthood ‘Proud’ To Stand With Women’s March

>>4303357 Huber was at a meeting discussing stopping human and child trafficking today

>>4303455, >>4303551 Antifa Groups Are Using Patreon To Fund Violent ‘Insurrection’ Against America

>>4303462 FBI To Burn 53 Tons Of Classified Material

ee8408  No.4303566

File: 4db9c9d305dd3b0⋯.jpg (261.74 KB, 908x638, 454:319, Bald Eagle Soon.jpg)


This was thoroughly and thoughtfully typed out.

Good post, thanks! Have a meme.

d66a55  No.4303567

You saw cheating in real time and moved on because Q told you to. U just dropped it with no hesitation. Congrats you're in a fucking cult

e29857  No.4303568

File: 03ffc7bab6dd7f5⋯.png (387.59 KB, 582x447, 194:149, loneranger.png)

42ca8e  No.4303569


oh, you're going to pay


you're running up quite the tab

are your actions rational?


are you paying attention?

28c016  No.4303570


rebuild it and use it to shit post on 8ch

4485c3  No.4303571

File: afd922ed557c1cc⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1450x1354, 725:677, CF taxable income 1.png)

File: f39244146d6cec1⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1542x1372, 771:686, CF taxable income 2.png)

38ce43  No.4303572


the whole culture of Washington is shit. x10.

Optics is all they work for. They do not work for us anymore. We have to show them how corrupted they are. Somehow that will make them change their ways?

17499e  No.4303573

File: d75fbf0ff33f39f⋯.png (2.81 MB, 2151x1222, 2151:1222, MOYNAHAN ACTUALLY SAID [TH….PNG)

File: 752eb90af1da014⋯.png (3.02 MB, 2170x1220, 217:122, MOYNAHAN ACTUALLY SAID [TH….PNG)

File: 42d9c2136e5fb05⋯.png (3.08 MB, 2188x1232, 547:308, MOYNAHAN ACTUALLY SAID [TH….PNG)

File: 495a849a32d2fa5⋯.png (3.21 MB, 2163x1234, 2163:1234, MOYNAHAN ACTUALLY SAID [TH….PNG)

File: 598e0a0ba1f8bac⋯.png (2.94 MB, 2166x1208, 1083:604, OHHHHHHH COUUUUUUUUUUUUUGG….PNG)


90bf31  No.4303574

File: 8894369f1539e75⋯.png (729.06 KB, 1200x580, 60:29, ClipboardImage.png)

21899d  No.4303575


Discernment. Q is depending on the anons FIGURING OUT WHAT IS TRUE.

Japan thought the US Pacific Fleet was twice it's size because the name changed depending on whether Halsey or Nimitz was in charge.

Deception to the enemy and Discernment of truth is everything at this point.

e4d404  No.4303576


misleading anons

they didnt find the actual server

they found out its EXISTENCE via FOIA

6e2822  No.4303577

wtf is jordan doing? a rail of coke?


382faa  No.4303578


so youre leaving then?


9cf9ba  No.4303579

File: 0008a79f6f0895a⋯.png (338.51 KB, 629x356, 629:356, ClipboardImage.png)

The corrupt judges all put their names on a list.


18bea5  No.4303580


Idgaf boy them feelz boy

5d9e33  No.4303581

File: 829fba84635cb31⋯.png (466.81 KB, 1168x750, 584:375, ClipboardImage.png)

Jimmy's being cryptic again…

Dark to LIGHT?

f71dc4  No.4303584



df49b9  No.4303585


Seems like maybe Huber is comp'd. They had to send in the evidence 3x? Finally to his 3rd in command, who called back and said omg - thank you so much!! And Q alludes to a possible 2nd prosecuter with the same mandate. Seems like maybe Huber is comp'd. And it is through his comp'd'ness he will bring severe pain to DC.

7d016f  No.4303586

File: 93577efdb1c6ce2⋯.png (855.39 KB, 777x584, 777:584, ClipboardImage.png)

1bf4c3  No.4303587


Too many concernfags here. Listen this distances them from the republicans. NO ONES GETTING THE INFO DEM OR REPUBLICAN. Congress can't do anything its only over-site. When the grand jury comes out and charges are filed then you will see heads roll. This is just a way to get the normies up to speed about whats going down. Now its going main stream.

18bea5  No.4303588


Both fucks vanished

f4b132  No.4303589

File: 30dab89cc04f2e2⋯.jpg (10.59 KB, 255x171, 85:57, hrccunt.jpg)


>Q says

This is the problem, anon.

Nothing but fucking sheep in here anymore. Blindly following an anonymous 8chan poster who is consistently BTFO by real life occurrences.

The researching anons that started with optimism 13+ months ago have all left.

Morons and the easily duped are all that are left here.

b57dab  No.4303590

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

435555  No.4303591


shiiit using ear print forensics i think it might not be drake.

63c2b4  No.4303592


>when you realize the "news" as reported isn't the truth

when you realize much of the "news" as reported isn't the truth, it's not all truth and it's not all lies… it is somewhere in between

when you realize there are strategic omissions, facts and stories you aren't supposed to hear about because they contradict the 'narrative'

when you realize the government has lied to you for the purpose of making certain people rich and powerful while making literal slaves out of others

f59a95  No.4303593


HRC has 30 days for to answer those questions. Starting on 11/14.

6ef8ce  No.4303594


Sloooowoohohoho down there neon

34af77  No.4303595

This whole op was about waking up bloodlines. Certain members had been sleeping unaware of where the fuck their kids were.

The people in place who were to represent us had buried us in a deep sleep.

Hence the Great Awakening We’re cleaning houses and throwing out the ones who have fallen the furthest from God and have committed atrocities to human kind and unspeakable things including trying to dismantle our Nation.

Some of us are rightful heirs to thrones in Europe who live in America but some of us have chosen to be heroes. We’re cruising timelines and going back to find out who did what and where it went wrong.

That’s how we’ve stayed ahead POTUS and Q team.

We are righting wrongs and avoided Z (a complete reset)

There’s are divisions in the family but most will truth of what really happened and how we’ve been misrepresented as evil and so forth.

We’re United more than you think and we’re working hard for all of us to live together on this planet we call home.

e40f90  No.4303596

File: e5f1880b7693ed0⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, confused pepe.jpg)


Seriously What the Fuck is Newt going to do in Antarctica???

db6bd6  No.4303597

File: a80eb590146dff6⋯.png (73.61 KB, 183x295, 183:295, Screenshot 2018-12-09 at 1….png)


I'm stealing that

20f59b  No.4303598


We don't hold them accountable so why should they care….

24f644  No.4303599

File: 7e4c56990d5faee⋯.png (705.3 KB, 915x645, 61:43, ClipboardImage.png)

Ohio Senate passes ban on aborting babies with heartbeats, ‘pro-life’ Kasich vows to veto

COLUMBUS, Ohio, December 13, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – The Ohio legislature voted 18-13 Wednesday to pass a ban on aborting babies if their heartbeat can be detected, setting the legislature up for a confrontation with ostensibly “pro-life” Republican Gov. John Kasich. The vote follows the Ohio House’s vote last month to pass House Bill 258, which bans abortions on any preborn baby with a detectable heartbeat, except in cases of a “substantial and irreversible” physical threat to the mother. Any physician who violates the statute would face up to a year in prison. Preborn babies’ hearts finish forming around seven or eight weeks into pregnancy.

Cleveland.com reports that the Senate added two amendments to the bill, which will require the House to approve them before sending the bill to the governor’s desk. The first clarifies that the ultrasounds used to detect heartbeats don’t have to be administered transvaginally. Pro-abortion activists have falsely claimed in the past that other pro-life bills require transvaginal ultrasounds, calling them “invasive” and even akin to rape despite being commonly used by Planned Parenthood itself. “It’s my understanding a transvaginal ultrasound could possibly detect a heartbeat earlier than an external heartbeat detection method,” Sen. David Burke explained. “But we found that process is possibly intrusive. We wanted to protect the rights of women who didn’t wish to have that done to them because their doctor may be under the impression that that’s the only thing that bill allows.”

The other amendment would let the state medical board call an emergency meeting over any physician accused of violating the law, and decide whether to suspend or revoke his or her license without the lengthy wait for a criminal conviction. Jaime Miracle of NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio claimed the amendment gives a “blank check” to Ohio Right to Life president Mike Gonidakis, who sits on the board, despite Gonidakis holding just one of the board’s twelve votes. Speaking out in support of the bill, state Sen. Peggy Lehner, a Republican and former Ohio Right to Life leader, recounted the sorrowful testimony of women who regretted their abortions. “I have never had a woman cry when she said she chose life. Not once. Not a single time,” she said, the Columbus Dispatch reports. “Because in our hearts we know this is a human life.”

The Dispatch notes that four Republicans voted with Democrats against the bill, meaning it came up two votes short of the supermajority necessary to override a probable veto from Kasich. The governor, who vetoed a heartbeat measure in 2016, declared last month that he remains opposed to the bill because he thinks it would fail to survive a costly lawsuit. Supporters of the bill argue that virtually every pro-life state law is challenged in court anyway, and that pro-lifers should welcome such a fight as a test case against Roe v. Wade. Ohio Right to Life is neutral on the bill, however, with legislative director Jessica Warner telling Our Sunday Visitor, “we don’t want to send something to the Supreme Court that won’t be able to win.”

Further complicating the prospects of a Roe challenge are the unknown views of the Supreme Court’s newest justice, Brett Kavanaugh. Many pro-lifers have theorized that Donald Trump’s appointees to the court make now the perfect time to challenge Roe, but Kavanaugh’s vote Monday not to hear a case involving Medicaid funds to Planned Parenthood has reignited fears about his thinking. Other pro-life leaders have expressed outrage for Kasich, who has signed some pro-life measures but also claimed Republicans “focus too much” on abortion. Faith2Action president Janet Porter declared that Kasich “can never run again as a ‘pro-lifer,’” while Citizens for Community Values president Aaron Baer said the governor “should be ashamed of himself.”

The bill’s prospects before the current legislative session ends on December 31 are somewhat academic, however. Incoming Republican Gov. Mike DeWine has already said he would sign a heartbeat abortion ban, making a version likely to become law next year even if House Bill 258 fails.


17499e  No.4303600

File: ed23533bc85c1aa⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1801x1030, 1801:1030, How'd I do MOLOCH.PNG)


2f23db  No.4303601


C_A assassinated MLK did they not?

926e56  No.4303602


Us "Niggas?" Wrong board there, Willis! BET's down the hall.

8d2c60  No.4303603

File: b47611a1c681d28⋯.jpg (374.12 KB, 4800x3200, 3:2, nightshift.jpg)

Yes…….. We are……..

18bea5  No.4303604


Let's think bout them choices that brought this Bullshit

4485c3  No.4303605



pray that you anons may always possess it

30abe3  No.4303606

File: 23eb2ddf8dbe0d0⋯.jpg (43.4 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 12A0D75.jpg)

62c51c  No.4303607

File: 9f678cfb6308993⋯.jpeg (53.98 KB, 750x478, 375:239, A1C629B2-1A7A-4CC0-BA27-F….jpeg)

ec604d  No.4303608

File: f765af7d48a1aa7⋯.png (639.54 KB, 500x633, 500:633, safrr.png)

25b833  No.4303610


MLK, shot dead.

Lincoln, shot dead.

Yet he chooses to make these "patriotic" visits to these monuments very often.

Seems to be a theme he's going for here…

25041b  No.4303611

File: c76e029f3ee22e9⋯.jpg (92.58 KB, 640x572, 160:143, FullSizeRender-4.jpg)


richard donahue in the news tho

f59a95  No.4303612

File: 82aa2569d65580a⋯.gif (248.74 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 8E45FB20-0958-4829-B739-B7….gif)


It’s a free speech board don’t word police. Lurk or contribute.

bba760  No.4303613


Yup. Your over the target

d66a55  No.4303614


Yes I am moron. Keep trusting the plan. You're a bunch of brainwashed bitches. meme that shit.

Trust Huber destroying evidence is part of the plan. Fucking morons

3e986a  No.4303615


Some of us are still here because it's a better news aggregate than anywhere else.

The normies are almost worse than the shills. There's certainly more of them.

0c88c2  No.4303616

File: efbc34150dc2f47⋯.png (249.93 KB, 560x315, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

db6bd6  No.4303617


and how did he fit his fat ass in a kayak?

897b2a  No.4303618


Q got 40 Deep State kid fucking Republicans to leave office last cycle. So Trump has real power. I do not see why he cant just dominate the Democrats this cycle. After all he as the kid fucking and murder videos.

17499e  No.4303619

File: f5ea750134a850c⋯.png (2.99 MB, 1825x1022, 25:14, WHO IS DAT ON TV - TF DA M….PNG)


42ca8e  No.4303620



stop bot system


you are posting way too much

there is no rule that says you must spew your fake output into every available space

you are pushing to a tipping point

you are outing yourself FOR NO REASON

try to think

you need to adjust, very much so

i'm not lying james

we are trying to help you and you insist on being stupid

try to think


ec728e  No.4303621

File: aa04e881d5a8c71⋯.jpg (316.67 KB, 1096x636, 274:159, o7 Anon.jpg)

18bea5  No.4303622



Use the ATM

b57dab  No.4303623

if Joan Rivers were alive shed tells us about AAntarctica

01173d  No.4303624


Comey is giving a signal to the other traitors…something having to do with an assassination.

1f55ce  No.4303625


These peoples' hands are full of tapes.

Why does that lady have a $1 bill in a ziplock bag?

c1bcfc  No.4303626

What was scheduled to occur in Congress today?

What happened instead?

What had been scheduled to occur in Congress on 12/5?

What happened instead?

What's the terrorist threat level color today?

382faa  No.4303627

42f0e1  No.4303628


The federal reserve is insolvent. There is no money to confiscate. In fact, one of the laws resulting from the 2008 financial crisis says John Q. Public must foot the bill for any loss the federal reserve incurs. This seems like an obstacle to the Trump administration, should they truly wish to end the fed and bring back gold and silver as the currency.

The term "stimulate [the] economy" means inflate (devalue) the currency. The entire reason to have a gold and silver backed currency is as a hedge against inflation, i.e. a stable market. It's basically never desirable for the government to "stimulate the economy" by flooding the market with cheap currency. The federal reserve should've been dismantled after the world wars. World war is about the only time it could be advantageous to debase your currency–assuming you conquer enough wealth back quick enough before the market starts to correct the prices. It's a hell of a gamble, and generally, it never pays off.

2ae52b  No.4303629


Right now?!

ccf7eb  No.4303630

File: b8060d43592bd81⋯.png (65.76 KB, 738x185, 738:185, thank you.png)

3918a7  No.4303631

File: 46af21b0ea5003b⋯.png (693.76 KB, 599x797, 599:797, WLJdOWD.png)


Kek. Perjury trap with today's testimony.

b4904f  No.4303632

File: fdd6af5d377da4a⋯.jpg (218.27 KB, 1125x1161, 125:129, npc SHEEP.jpg)


>What happened to all the real anons? Seriously? Gone gone gone.

Please let me help you sort this out...there is ANONYMOUS...that is who Q originally went to....they kicked him out because...

NOW the ANONYMOUS that did follow to infinity has been replaced..that replacement population is called QAnonFags..they are NOT Anonymous...KEK they are breathless soccermons, granny tits, grumpy grampas...and the funnest...conspiracyfags from the outer reaches of ATS, GLP...those dark places that discuss endless means by which Masons control the world (that's today..tomorrow we will be back to flat earth, alien overlords and ascension)...this population is easily led (just tell them what they want to hear), they wouldn't notice the Emperor has no clothes because they are so emotionally overwrought that any ability to think critically that they MIGHT have had...has gone clean out the window. They do not recognize they are every bit as NPC as the left...all you have to do is toss them a bone now and then and it's off to the stupid races.

Again...ANONYMOUS has been replaced...by QAnonfags....those tards filter, scream shill...

in order to see the difference please visit /pol/....trust me...the difference is night and day.

33bad0  No.4303633


Did he go to JFK's gravesite too or was that someone else? (Brennan?)

52bb82  No.4303634

Monday, January 7, 2019 is Orthodox Christmas 2019.

EO goes into effect January 1, 2019

"Merry Christmas"

And a Merry Christmas indeed!

18bea5  No.4303635


Borrow the cash

513f0b  No.4303636

File: 71b10822c452c31⋯.jpeg (12.32 KB, 280x300, 14:15, th.jpeg)

File: 05b23f696ba184e⋯.jpg (23.19 KB, 300x264, 25:22, Drake-666-Hand-All-Seeing-….jpg)

9cf9ba  No.4303637



lol meme this

Comey being not-so-subtle in front of monuments of CIA assassination targets.

cf5674  No.4303638


screwing with the War Powers Act Yemen is only the beginning….. how about S.Africa pres declaring war on all whites and his intention to kill white farmers, their women, their children and…. wait for it…. the dogs and cats owned by whites. Something is terribly wrong here. POTUS needs to intervene, IMHO

d40343  No.4303639

File: 8c6445edb63df49⋯.gif (477.01 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 8c6.gif)

012ac5  No.4303640


very interesting. Wonder who took the photo.

17499e  No.4303641

File: 826d1e1f69702f7⋯.png (3.16 MB, 2167x1238, 2167:1238, YOU GUYS HAD THIS [[[[INSI….PNG)


a7bb56  No.4303642


nice tits

ec1242  No.4303643


thta would line up with a hunch i was developing earlier today. what if IG Horowitz has multiple AGs working with hin in tAndem. anyone seen the paperwork on hubers scope? what if just guessing but what if hes over say human trafficking? (utah would have experience from polygamy cases right?) give CF financials to a NY AG so on and so forth

f00828  No.4303644


And here you are offering nothing but insults for all those people you think so little of.

This says more about you than anyone else.

cebba7  No.4303645

File: 4d9e3a703a03b78⋯.png (757.93 KB, 1475x939, 1475:939, bfc5927447727856e417668f72….png)

John Kerry (Reported Skull and Bones member)

cbc48b  No.4303646


patriot bewbs?

9f3f4b  No.4303647

File: 516059f9de9acd6⋯.jpeg (256.26 KB, 819x1588, 819:1588, AA8517C0-F8CE-4A48-A341-4….jpeg)


Don’t be scared Kanye…

Get a Scar!

01173d  No.4303648

File: 6f60a5699e698d2⋯.jpg (16.25 KB, 444x322, 222:161, aborted_fetal_cells.jpg)

5a5ea9  No.4303649

>>4302318 (last)


Brilliant cooperation by Trump and the AMLO administration. Are they shutting down the border crossing on Rt. 6, where the bridge is entirely in Guatemala? How, with lots of fence?

I do wonder how they'll make sure people don't swim or boat across the Suchiate River, or cross at other crossings, a few are land crossings, and mostly along another river (which is so long it has two names) on the long eastern and southeastern part of the border.

fb0d89  No.4303650

What happened to declas? Suicide weekend?

Other than david spades sister, anyone even remotely notable offed themselves?

Wtf happened to D5? How about horowitz acting wuicly to declass?

Shit, remember bach when we thought the SOTU was going to be lit? Hows that phone pic hunt going?

When u said disinformation was necessary Q, we expected SOME fucking real info.

Shit or get off the pot Q.

Where is our fucking justice?

a8b9a9  No.4303651


I Don't even really like boobs that much, but that's perfection.

d745ec  No.4303652

File: be8d89c6de490ed⋯.jpg (90.67 KB, 720x600, 6:5, muhammad raped girl meme.jpg)

b53818  No.4303653

File: 324466dab11a8e7⋯.png (70.28 KB, 700x1122, 350:561, Q2604.png)

Re: Mike Flynn

"In may 2017 there was a document identified to a small number of people in the United States government. It is in possession of the Defense Intelligence Agency…" [Declas]

-John Solomon

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), an external intelligence service of the United States federal government, specializes in defense and military intelligence.

A component of the Department of Defense (DoD) and the United States Intelligence Community (IC), DIA informs national civilian and defense policymakers about the military intentions and capabilities of foreign governments and non-state actors. It also provides intelligence assistance, integration and coordination across uniformed military service intelligence components, which remain structurally separate from DIA.[3] The agency's role encompasses the collection and analysis of military-related foreign political, economic, industrial, geographic, and medical and health intelligence.[4] DIA produces approximately one-fourth of all intelligence content that goes into the President's Daily Brief.[5]

DIA's intelligence operations extend beyond the zones of combat, and approximately half of its employees serve overseas at hundreds of locations and in U.S. Embassies in 140 countries.[6] The agency specializes in the collection and analysis of human-source intelligence (HUMINT), both overt and clandestine, while also handling U.S. military-diplomatic relations abroad.[7] DIA concurrently serves as the national manager for the highly technical measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT) and as the Defense Department manager for counterintelligence programs. The agency has no law-enforcement authority, contrary to occasional portrayals in American popular culture.

DIA is a national-level intelligence organization that does not belong to a single military element or within the traditional chain of command, instead answering to the Secretary of Defense directly through the USDI. Three-quarters of the agency's 17,000 employees are career civilians who are experts in various fields of defense and military interest or application;[8][9] although no formal military background is required, 48% of agency employees have some past military service.[10] DIA has a tradition of marking unclassified deaths of its employees on the organization's Memorial Wall.

Established in 1961 under President John F. Kennedy by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, DIA was involved in U.S. intelligence efforts throughout the Cold War and rapidly expanded, both in size and scope, after the September 11 attacks. Because of the sensitive nature of its work, the spy organization has been embroiled in numerous controversies, including those related to its intelligence-gathering activities, to its role in torture, as well as to attempts to expand its activities on U.S. soil.

42ca8e  No.4303654


why won't you try to think?

what is it about self-destruction that has you so bewitched?

are you as helpless as you seem?

what is wrong?

has rational action become impossible?

f255b6  No.4303655


That is a photo of an Australian politician taken some years ago, with a foreign politician photoshopped onto it.

01173d  No.4303656



435555  No.4303657


at least 2 news anchor suicides in the last 24 hours and I haven't even been tracking them

a7bb56  No.4303658


>>4302954 Anon on Q's 'Obectives'

>>4303059 Billionaire Jack Dorsey, Who Doesn't Take A Salary, Pocketed $80 Million In 2018

>>4303086, >>4303130 Moar on today's testimony from the private investigators

>>4303099 Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers $155 billion per year

>>4303159 On the Arkansas FBI and US Attorney

>>4303228, >>4303261 Reminder: HRC ordered to answer questions about her emails

>>4303280 Huber Tweet

>>4303288 Planned Parenthood ‘Proud’ To Stand With Women’s March

>>4303357 Huber was at a meeting discussing stopping human and child trafficking today

>>4303455, >>4303551 Antifa Groups Are Using Patreon To Fund Violent ‘Insurrection’ Against America

>>4303462 FBI To Burn 53 Tons Of Classified Material

18bea5  No.4303659


Maybe you can tossbitchholez

Not my problem

9282a7  No.4303660

BOMBSHELL: Judge Trying Flynn Demands to See 302 Form…It’s Been Altered


14f81f  No.4303661


Argree completely it’s a sad.

6de086  No.4303662

File: be25c3b84820fba⋯.png (3.84 MB, 2000x1312, 125:82, ClipboardImage.png)

4485c3  No.4303663


(now shoa'd) http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/heist.html

archive - https://archive.fo/qrcH7




7362b7  No.4303664

File: e96b5c4865f1eb9⋯.gif (345.21 KB, 250x147, 250:147, C1692947-2744-417F-A077-11….gif)

850109  No.4303665


Seems like Q and POTUS are toothless tigers

All talk

6ab913  No.4303666


When tough work is about to pay off,

just like his guns he is stretching his suit out

with. Didn't make them gains over night.

He is about to see all of his hard work pay off.

"We found the Clinton email server"

That moment he said that must have felt like

heaven for him to be able to reveal that to the public finally!!

18bea5  No.4303668


Stfu faggot

ef81d4  No.4303670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He's got a voracious appetite.

25041b  No.4303672

File: 6a6771e656467d4⋯.jpg (142.8 KB, 1920x1078, 960:539, th.jpg)


actors shot lincoln

2374ed  No.4303673

4 voices

1 "real"

3 toolbags

got it

42ca8e  No.4303674

File: a6e37ce9a792e77⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 531x661, 531:661, 543fe888b5a34d3c00c8dcab97….jpg)

File: 501338be0e57a30⋯.png (222.51 KB, 376x431, 376:431, DS.png)

File: 72d37a72791bc7a⋯.png (274.4 KB, 777x854, 111:122, blazonalt.png)

File: 8e0c1845a52db36⋯.png (953.55 KB, 999x791, 999:791, jhimmy.png)

20f59b  No.4303676


I don't get it. There are great ones in Atlanta.

109dd0  No.4303678


I want to read the news surrounded by people who want to see Hillary hang.

f255b6  No.4303679


And here is the proof


53cacd  No.4303680

Ebot fighting with Tiresias, classic

8d2c60  No.4303681

File: 5d87c96000c791a⋯.jpg (92.49 KB, 500x630, 50:63, 2mbxet.jpg)

18bea5  No.4303682


Obsequious ubiquity

Is Bullshit

Res ipsa loquitor

cebba7  No.4303683

Hints 4 Antarctica facts

82f842  No.4303684

File: 2b9a69e851b327e⋯.jpg (392.63 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Chaotic_Beauty_in_Constell….jpg)

33bad0  No.4303685


Nice post anon.

Well written, well thought out

And my autism is definitely enjoying your formatting.

Just waiting for the last line to occur!!

6de086  No.4303686

File: 418c0861fc3a337⋯.jpg (112.31 KB, 549x615, 183:205, DP_-_Meditate.jpg)



da6dd6  No.4303687


That’s why you’re here, correct?

9cf9ba  No.4303688


That line didn't work when you guys used it against Gowdy so it certainly won't work against Q and POTUS.

c44f6a  No.4303689


wat ?


4485c3  No.4303690


fuck that..seen dem titties before

4f45b8  No.4303691

Newfag here, testing this out, adding some meme ammo…

3e986a  No.4303692


That's fair and accurate

42ca8e  No.4303693


because you are a simple dogbot, you can only bark

and because your master can't think, it doesn't believe me when I tell the truth

the time for these histrionics is past

I'm not lying

we are here to listen

we are here to hear

hear hear

so why not come to the table?


382faa  No.4303694

shills did an extra line of coke tonight

the CF is at the heart of it all

fb0d89  No.4303695


Oh. Clearly important in the global geo-political scheme of things.

Maybe i just aim too high. Hoping more for, ya know, important people.

30abe3  No.4303696

File: 09068e5b8167aa5⋯.jpg (14.89 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 10eb9760e5eac422f27a144924….jpg)

df8cdd  No.4303697

Mishandling of NDA’s is his own fault and as to the other charges… Trump has nothing to do with his money laundering and tax evasion related to the taxi medallions. While it may be great television waving around charges against Cohen, they have nothing to do with Trump. Except that he would never have gotten tangled up in this witch hunt but for the overreaching of the Mueller investigation. Corsi as much as I despise him is doing the exact right thing in the face of probably illegal interrogation tactics by Muellers team. Sue the shit out of them. I read somewhere they had 9 people interrogate Corsi for 41 hours. The man is in his 70’s. Do they want answers or do they want to put an old man under duress with incessant questions and I’d bet threats until he tires and caves. Being that Corsi is most likely Mossad… that tactic isn’t going to work. >>4303471

d40218  No.4303698

File: 5cf6b39bcb095c6⋯.png (501.06 KB, 979x817, 979:817, MLK Drum Major.PNG)



18bea5  No.4303699

LIKe a pack of fart tasteing zombies need a restraining order is more like it


a5872a  No.4303701


that dude know where bodies are buried.

that's why they don't like him out of line.

9a7d62  No.4303702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Over The Target Edition'…

Bombs away, begins at the 1 hr. 30 min. mark. The IRS Whistle blower payout is going to be huge.

Law and investigativefags Doyle and Moynahan have have it buttoned up.

cebba7  No.4303703

File: f14c463c0fc8c06⋯.png (565.78 KB, 1328x736, 83:46, 26a6803bfab91e04290a5c8852….png)

bc9382  No.4303704


They are protected by the laws they write. They also attend the same parties as the guys empowered to enforce those laws.

It's really that simple.

Frankly, there is nothing we can realistically do about it, especially since voting is a manipulative scam.

Think about campaign financing. So much money going to buying ads that no one cares about or remembers. But, what else they buy for that money…media loyalty. It's a really big, YUGE fucking scam that most Americans fall for every 2 years.

ef81d4  No.4303705

File: c0d1017cab2c8bb⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 260x260, 1:1, whew.gif)


Redhead - Check

Fair Skin - Check

Tits - Optional but, Check

2bf905  No.4303706

>>4303650 <u Hilliary? way tooo much use of what happened.,

Your answer to what happened:

Hillary (YOU) lost. Dirty laundry hung up for all to see. Much more in the basket.

926e56  No.4303707


Said as OP looks in the mirror!

33bad0  No.4303708

File: c8fb7ac78d86d10⋯.png (802.17 KB, 808x499, 808:499, unalike.png)


Thought it was Booker.

4f45b8  No.4303709


Crap, can't upload… what the shit

38ce43  No.4303711

File: 2013be5fee5d52a⋯.jpg (60.17 KB, 600x400, 3:2, cane toad.jpg)


They made the laws that keep us from holding them accountable. Getting rid of USA.Inc could be a good start. I am not shure what a Republic means. No one ever taught me that. I hope it is good.

850109  No.4303712



I'm here as we need to fight for each other and this place gives us a platform to reach millions. I support both Q and POTUS but I trust God and tangible evidence not blind hope in MAN.

e34a48  No.4303713



q loves calling them smart

despite being fucking morons

1+16=17 BAM q proof

bishop to d5

there is no stopping this snowball

watch ca

midterms are safe


53-47 - judge k vote or final senate count, you decide


751424  No.4303714

File: 5e135c4a7c2b0e6⋯.png (181.84 KB, 401x639, 401:639, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

File: 1603a5be6d17b51⋯.png (876.37 KB, 1244x765, 1244:765, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

File: 1aa88b31b7ab65d⋯.png (635.28 KB, 365x727, 365:727, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871[1]) (also known as "Alice through the Looking-Glass" or simply "Through the Looking-Glass") is a novel by Lewis Carroll and the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865). Alice again enters a fantastical world, this time by climbing through a mirror into the world that she can see beyond it. There she finds that, just like a reflection, everything is reversed, including logic (running helps you remain stationary, walking away from something brings you towards it, chessmen are alive, nursery rhyme characters exist, etc)

Climbing up onto the fireplace mantel, she pokes at the wall-hung mirror behind the fireplace and discovers, to her surprise, that she is able to step through it to an alternative world. In this reflected version of her own house, she finds a book with looking-glass poetry, "Jabberwocky", whose reversed printing she can read only by holding it up to the mirror.

Through the Looking-Glass is based on a game of chess, played on a giant chessboard with fields for squares. Most of the main characters are represented by a chess piece, with Alice being a pawn.

if Alice is a Pawn and Hillary = Alice than Hillary is a Pawn.

ec728e  No.4303715

File: aed70d040b3906f⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Gowdy comey interview dec ….jpg)

File: b10473a1db8d5bb⋯.jpg (268.41 KB, 1100x732, 275:183, Hollowed Out_2.jpg)

File: e5d86f30cd94cd1⋯.jpg (101.92 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Canceled guest.jpg)

File: 1d6a76a749cf7e9⋯.jpg (98.78 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q drop 12032018_3.jpg)

File: e2ddaa4e8624046⋯.jpg (107.66 KB, 800x791, 800:791, google sundar pichai.jpg)

a7bb56  No.4303716

63c2b4  No.4303717

File: ac0ce80a53f31aa⋯.png (219.49 KB, 1287x317, 1287:317, prayer.png)

69b71b  No.4303718

File: 79a312bc984acb8⋯.jpg (56.01 KB, 1240x696, 155:87, drakechelbil.jpg)

435555  No.4303719


well geo-political figures would never be publicly outed as a suicide.

too much benefit to spin it any other way

18bea5  No.4303720


Because you ate someone's butthole before someone snuffed yo bitch ass doesn't make (you) a cia agent

2c9d93  No.4303721

Where we go one we go


0bb38c  No.4303723


Yep. A charade.

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