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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: 9a1122fb99ef348⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

0fa1b0  No.4300609

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 12.12.18

>>4279257 rt >>4278980 -————————– NEVER let someone else DRIVE YOU.

>>4278922 rt >>4278743 -————————– NOT LONG NOW.

>>4278875 rt >>4278801 -————————– OVER THE TARGET.

>>4278743 ————————————–——– Where is HUBER?

>>4277174 ————————————–——– Sara Carter article on CF documents.

>>4274693 rt >>4274486 -————————– PEPE THE BAKER?

>>4274405 rt >>4274344 -————————– Happy Hunting!

>>4274261 rt >>4273309 -————————– Confirmed

>>4274027 ————————————–——– 'Tis the Season of Treason! (cap: >>4274035 )

>>4272716 ————————————–——– Can you find the next one? (cap: >>4272801 )

>>4272632 rt >>4272374 -————————– #3 in the pecking order.

>>4272504 ————————————–——– Excellent Q, VIP Patriot!

>>4272240 rt >>4272217 -————————– T & Q placed together. ( cap: >>4272321 )

>>4272217 ————————————–——– Trolling the FAKE NEWS media is FUN! ( cap: >>4272292 )

>>4272168 ————————————–——– [Cardinal Pell] Dark to LIGHT. (cap >>4272219 )

>>4268055 ————————————–——– What a coincidence.

Tuesday 12.11.18

>>4267248 rt. >>4267057 -————————– GOOG (upcoming) financial statements should receive extra scrutiny [10-Q]

>>4267057 rt >>4266938 -————————– The FIRE that brought down GOOGLE

>>4266262 ————————————–——– What a coincidence (Cap: >>4266454 & Vid: >>4266476 )

>>4261906 ————————————–——– How do you quell 'growing' protests against you?

>>4260467 ————————————–——– #FactsMatter

>>4259336 ————————————–——– Think Graham KAV exchange. ( Vid: >>4259920 Text: >>4260651 )

>>4257392 rt >>4257129 -————————– These people are stupid.

>>4256996 rt >>4250950 -————————– Moves & Countermoves.

>>4256623 rt >>4256557 -————————– Border Security is National Security.

>>4256507 ————————————–——– Anons already knew that… ( Cap: >>4256581 )

Monday 12.10.18

>>4250950 ————————————–——– Keep the faith, Patriot ( Cap: >>4251202 )

>>4250634 rt >>4249648 -————————– +17 min delta between Tweets (cherry on top)

>>4243831 ————————————–——– Crimes against Humanity. (Cap: >>4244825 )

>>4243710 ————————————–——– Structure change coming?

>>4243538 ————————————–——– Ben Garrison cartoon.

>>4242968 ————————————–——– JFK Quote.

>>4242132 ————————————–——– PANIC BUTTON PUSHED.

>>4241967 ————————————–——– PUBLIC AWAKENING = GAME OVER. (Cap: >>4244875 )

>>4241861 rt >>4241823 -————————– Fire at will.

>>4241824 ————————————–——– THE FIGHT TO SAVE THE WORLD.

>>4241697 ————————————–——– EVIL HAS NO PLACE HERE. (Cap: >>4245009)

>>4241560 ————————————–——– At what point do people wake up? (Cap: >>4245471 )

>>4236017 ————————————–——– "THE WORLD IS WATCHING."

Friday 12.07.18

Compiled here: >>4262360

Thursday 12.06.18

Compiled here: >>4247987

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

0fa1b0  No.4300616


are not endorsements


>>4294374 List of meme-friendly news sites for spreading the truth.

>>4282761 Anon's recap of Q's 12/12 Q&A


>>4299980, >>4300100, >>4300300, (cap: >>4300362), Con't Anon rundoowns on CF Hearing. Look here for excellent material that isn't MSM copypasta.

>>4299999 Anon gets Quints on Clintons going down. Noice.

>>4300093 Clark County Bankruptcy Judge Death is ruled a suicide by coroner.

>>4300159 Justice Department asks the Supreme Court to let the transgender military ban take effect.

>>4300163 Bar Chart of CF funds hitting Little Rock Bottom.

>>4300199 Obama’s Mexican Gunrunning Op, Fast and Furious, Could Help El Chapo’s Defense

>>4300271 Calendar Fag checks in with updates for December.

>>4300305 Summary of Qposts with mentions of "Whistleblower"

>>4300602 #5479


>>4299620 Anon gives a concise rundown on the implications of today's CF whistleblower hearing.

>>4299647 2018 Cable news rankings.

>>4299616 Financial bounty hunters testify: Clinton Foundation operated as foreign agent.

>>4299551 National Security Adviser John Bolton: No plans to reschedule Trump-Putin meeting.

>>4299401 Accused Russian agent Maria Butina pleads guilty to attempting to sway US policy.

>>4299373 Bomb threats from outside the Country?

>>4299218 More product recalls.

>>4299236 FBI wants local police, prosecutors to link into national DNA database.

>>4299154 Anon's notes from House Oversight Subcommittee Hearing.

>>4299126 Full Clinton Foundation investigation U.S. House hearing.

>>4299802 #5478


>>4298921 Q clock updates.

>>4298864 Strasbourg Christmas market shooter killed in shootout with police.

>>4298843 CF one of many non profits engaged in money laundering?

>>4298753 Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani exposes holes in Mueller investigation.

>>4298565 Police arrest 34 in Budapest as violent anti-Orban protesters storm Parliament.

>>4298489 OIG: DOJ destroyed missing Strzok/Page texts before IG could review them.

>>4298452 Senate votes to end US involvement in a war for the first time since Vietnam — Senator Rand Paul applauds historic action.

>>4298409 Trump Inauguration Spending Under Criminal Investigation by Feds

>>4298957 #5477

Previously Collected Notables

>>4298215 #5476,

>>4295924 #5473, >>4296758 #5474, >>4297376 #5475

>>4293608 #5470, >>4294388 #5471, >>4295167 #5472

>>4291334 #5467, >>4292121 #5468, >>4292892 #5469

>>4288973 #5464, >>4289757 #5465, >>4290540 #5466

>>4286668 #5461, >>4287430 #5462, >>4288197 #5463

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

0fa1b0  No.4300618

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#59 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>4277995

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

0fa1b0  No.4300626

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

0fa1b0  No.4300637

File: 9f490682dcad7d3⋯.png (452.01 KB, 500x660, 25:33, ClipboardImage.png)



20e165  No.4300658

File: ff0cd3cbbedcf31⋯.png (640.12 KB, 681x659, 681:659, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa2180f50aaf138⋯.png (138.77 KB, 275x265, 55:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de3ea4c4aa64fa7⋯.png (90.4 KB, 214x215, 214:215, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a97097cbf027674⋯.png (112.1 KB, 256x211, 256:211, ClipboardImage.png)

fdd741  No.4300659

File: e2250f231c9a300⋯.png (264.3 KB, 430x600, 43:60, WhistleWhileWeWork.png)

a844d6  No.4300660

File: 9bb197ad3d369a8⋯.png (88.68 KB, 2202x1000, 1101:500, r2f7oi2rg4421.png)

File: 50a165722508a6b⋯.png (127.03 KB, 292x300, 73:75, huber.png)

File: 858773095d9fa65⋯.png (6.73 KB, 86x191, 86:191, waldo.png)

Today's Clinton Foundation hearing was very interesting!

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistle blowers for nearly a year and a half.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistle blowers for nearly a year and a half.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistle blowers for nearly a year and a half.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistle blowers for nearly a year and a half.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistle blowers for nearly a year and a half.

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!







You lied again! Huber and Horowitz aren't on our side. The government is a cesspool of self interested politicians and career employees who are corrupt to their core. Q is a deep state psyop and controlled opposition.


I am a real person and not a bot. I'm a proud American who supports my country. I'm sick and tired of the corruption. I'm sick and tired of criminals not being brought to justice. I'm sick and tired of Q lying and LARPing to string us along in a massive deep state psyop. I will keep posting this forever to prove how full of shit Q is. FUCK YOU Q.


e5a13b  No.4300661

File: 41785893876084d⋯.png (407.91 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

8b834c  No.4300662


a77613  No.4300663


If today was a failure.

If today was a nothingburger.

If today didn’t matter.


Did the media black it out?

Did no one support it by showing up?

Did bogus bomb threats spread across the country before it took place?

Thanks for playing shills. The game is ours now. Fuck off.

fdbe6e  No.4300664

>>4299891 (lb re: how long to hang on here)

Agree but then what? We've been largely silenced on the mainstream internet. We can't fight for our Constitution to be upheld if we cannot speak up when we are sold out by our corrupt politicians. If this turns out to be a bust, we need to head to /pol/ and have some serious and thoughtful debate on how to proceed. We'll need to come up with a realistic and effective plan.

a65fdb  No.4300665

I feel a Q post coming

647b3c  No.4300666

File: 0f54a7a19013170⋯.png (341.57 KB, 717x444, 239:148, dandmFIGHT.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

253a8e  No.4300667

muh jew shills on duty again


Look here → joooos

Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary&Hussein&Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …

Every C_A/MOS tactic of infiltration and internal disruption is being deployed on this board (central hub).

The World is Here.


This movement is bigger than anyone can possibly imagine.

Peace through strength.


They want you DIVIDED.











a8bcbc  No.4300668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Battle of Meme's Deep

0782e9  No.4300670

File: b8abd7d94896148⋯.png (196.19 KB, 655x628, 655:628, POTUS Schedule 12-13-18 3….PNG)

File: 4eeb08262c7690e⋯.png (377.7 KB, 1059x298, 1059:298, POTUS Schedule 12-13-18 3….PNG)

12b2be  No.4300671

File: 708f4e2a742f159⋯.jpg (141.76 KB, 799x1000, 799:1000, s-l1000.jpg)

Thank You Baker

83cb90  No.4300672

File: 0d8810bc78f4dbb⋯.png (159.66 KB, 361x348, 361:348, ClipboardImage.png)

The Kush…….


cb2ec7  No.4300673

I'm in this bread too Ebot

I expected better performance honestly

24481b  No.4300674

File: 5b9990367792363⋯.jpg (9.9 KB, 255x143, 255:143, happysteve.jpg)


heads up

7b8b65  No.4300675

>>4300585 (lb)

>>4300621 (pb)

standards low

selection high

6d6c26  No.4300676

File: cfc561e6aac9f01⋯.png (2.35 KB, 241x71, 241:71, pepe51.PNG)

60e1b8  No.4300677

File: cfd9a7cbc891a85⋯.png (511.44 KB, 640x432, 40:27, 5fd4d272ef24d5bb377595ea2b….png)

File: 4fcf51134a5443f⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 760x462, 380:231, 171113-bill-gates-se-247p_….jpg)

so we wait around here?

b36716  No.4300678

File: 2d416a5c4cad5e2⋯.jpeg (123.54 KB, 1280x749, 1280:749, F6031861-CDEB-43CD-B767-9….jpeg)

35d0f4  No.4300679

File: 7ba94ae27accabd⋯.png (1.94 MB, 974x1200, 487:600, ClipboardImage.png)


8ae084  No.4300680


Didn't BO already BTFO you enough?


ccdb64  No.4300681


baker old dough you left out Q&A

e96fa0  No.4300682

PAY triot News? QNN? L9? 24 hr Q Research?

We know you and who you are. Like to make money off of the Q movement?

You are all one big happy Discord family aren't ya?

Your times a comin. Hold on tight

a6bae3  No.4300683

File: c52ebc977279ea2⋯.jpg (121.66 KB, 672x774, 112:129, ew5.jpg)

File: ef1e9d0324f17c3⋯.jpg (128.71 KB, 678x942, 113:157, ew.jpg)

Shame. I see no mention of Euro Week happening now in the notables.

TL:DR Euro Week the Islamic conquest of Europe through the womb with not a hint of pushback by the populace or governments. The Kalergi Plan. White Genocide, The decline of The West, whatever makes you most comfortable. Though, there has been some reporting on it, but its not getting the attention it should warrant.

Polish girl talks about masturbating euroweek volunteer


>google translate -

- One of my friends made contact with him, of course, having no sexual basis, she just wrote to him. And he started sending her videos, how he masturbated, he started sending her pictures of his penis. Then it turned out that he was using such impure tactics - he adds.

- I'm going to keep you informed about what is happening there, because new things are coming out. (…) Is it to investigate whether these were children under the age of fifteen and whether any law enforcement agencies were notified at all in this matter - said Matecki in an interview with the portal tvp.info.

>The girl wanted to record a video defending #euroweek and admitted that there was harassment with foreigners.

>30-year-old guys sneaking into the children through the window of the hotel. This is not normal.

647b3c  No.4300684

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)




6baaec  No.4300685

Scooby dooby Q

20e165  No.4300686

File: e8f6c6c6e32a3fd⋯.png (177.63 KB, 265x338, 265:338, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f486f66d29f6e7⋯.png (93.29 KB, 238x181, 238:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00d46c891404fcf⋯.png (76.87 KB, 205x217, 205:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8869fcaf439b777⋯.png (167.53 KB, 256x361, 256:361, ClipboardImage.png)

8cda3b  No.4300687


Q said POTUS would be out of the country when the SHTF. Anyone know when his next trip is?

253a8e  No.4300688

Donald Trump on His Commitment to Jewish Americans and Israel

 love Israel and honor and respect the Jewish faith and tradition. It's important that we have a president who feels the same way. For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve, and families in Jewish tradition. My administration will stand side by side with the Jewish people and Israel's leaders to continue strengthening the bridges that connect not only Jewish Americans and Israelis, but also all Americans and Israelis. Together, we will stand up to the enemies like Iran, bent on destroying Israel and your people. Together, we will make America and Israel safe again.


daf9f0  No.4300689



44bc6f  No.4300690

>>4300568 pb

He as fucking awesome!

And all Meadows tried to do was paint him as a Paytriot, at least he’s doing something!!!

Is Meadows comped?

Was his job just to state the facts that House oversight is BS and means nothing? We learned that from Trey Gowdy…

It also showed that the government is still involved in a massive coverup.

Obviously it was Patriot Jim Jordan’s office that initiated hearing.

Fitton was there, I trust him completely!

18ee95  No.4300692


Cells growing in a Petri dish Pepe.

a6bae3  No.4300693

File: a45d43c9b500c6d⋯.jpg (14.39 KB, 315x542, 315:542, 1535361249304.jpg)

File: bd47cf6ce5e7f71⋯.jpg (139.54 KB, 720x949, 720:949, 1536692065947.jpg)

File: d74a80a611c0d7b⋯.jpg (83.46 KB, 657x1024, 657:1024, 1536695991305.jpg)

File: 7d06251ee291b0b⋯.jpg (196.65 KB, 1080x1204, 270:301, 1536700586338.jpg)

File: 1d1e336a89aa401⋯.jpg (2.21 KB, 124x70, 62:35, 1544742014740s.jpg)


More sources of the 30 year old arab groomers operating in the open with funds from the government. You can translate them yourself.





8d4d3c  No.4300694

File: 355d6bf50b4129d⋯.png (291.12 KB, 655x815, 131:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06e37b54167196e⋯.png (85.83 KB, 671x758, 671:758, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e70d3111bd39c9⋯.png (88.82 KB, 784x773, 784:773, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d0999598278ed3⋯.png (92.81 KB, 656x766, 328:383, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aec0d851aa7c02f⋯.png (101.99 KB, 896x848, 56:53, ClipboardImage.png)

Judge demands exculpatory evidence in Flynn case by Friday. Winning.


9d5cbb  No.4300695


Bad bake? Where are q's qna posts?

a98e3d  No.4300696

File: 47d3267d479ef10⋯.jpg (107.45 KB, 586x545, 586:545, 32fc6e9fd39bc1769593ec5fe6….jpg)

>>4300636 (lb)


>>4300652 (lb)

kek, you really think we're "anon" here? Cute.

every single person who posts here has been ID'd.

not to mention the possibility of buying second-hand.

0fa1b0  No.4300697


Check global notables Anon.


f59c97  No.4300698

Media both old and social are might quiet on the Clinton's. Because they all have blood on their hands. She wasn't supposed to lose. ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS PAIN!

a77613  No.4300699


We don’t know that anymore. Q stated timelines shift and the Q&A proved such with Q stating internet might be fine now and option z not necessary

7c5827  No.4300700

File: e11c51fb22e8087⋯.png (1.72 MB, 670x931, 670:931, Screenshot_59.png)

I brought back your PTHICK!

647b3c  No.4300701

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)


It's all fake. The "shill-busting anon", BO, you: all fakity fake-fake. Just saying. Don't get mad at me for pointing it out.

f9dbf3  No.4300702

File: 3bb9788f37c63f7⋯.jpg (173.99 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, Chuck it down.jpg)


keep spewing your copypasta, moar anons will continue to wake up. JIDF doesn't pay you enough for your service, should ask em for a raise.

cb2ec7  No.4300703

File: 7ee92dd81ae7124⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 636x382, 318:191, zxdfgvzsdfg.jpg)

e03bb5  No.4300704

File: 1ad190b921dc752⋯.png (734.74 KB, 761x936, 761:936, theend.png)

2e33b4  No.4300705

>>4300627 (lb)

Psychologically attacking it, like it does to us more like ;p

>>4300619 (lb)

Frankly, fuck the optics. I'm doing it to hurt Freddy's feels. Make no mistake about that.

8ae084  No.4300706


This is so illustrative of how “they” work. Isolate, isolate, isolate… and then be the only choice left standing when it comes time to appoint someone to a leadership role.

Notice how Trump’s staff exodus has left the you-know-whos mysteriously untouched?

This is how we got two decades of neocon foreign policy leadership. They were the only voices standing who curiously had a well-developed plan for a conflict they manufactured.

6a4b31  No.4300707

File: 97a1168a6448d4d⋯.jpg (105.4 KB, 892x877, 892:877, Pepe OK.jpg)




d476f8  No.4300708


Only the DOJ matters.

9d46e8  No.4300709

File: 104ff4d14af2e0c⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1200x960, 5:4, Kek wills it.png)

>>4300557 (LB)

TY anon. For all the impatient anons, what would they be doing had Q not turned up? We don't dictate anything, it will take as long as it takes. I was shitposting on 4chin for over 10 years before this. I can happily give Q a couple of years of my spare time. Shadilay.

Together, we win.

8cda3b  No.4300710


I guess there are a lot of things we don't know. Thanks, anon.

02a445  No.4300711

File: caf16070c2aefc2⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

8b6d89  No.4300712

File: 5cd021d4bec38ea⋯.jpg (133.06 KB, 782x731, 46:43, merchveryangry.jpg)

>> 4300667

<muh jew shills on duty again

Kike on full panic meltdown again

0fa1b0  No.4300713


My mistake, You're right Anon. Will be in next bread.

12b2be  No.4300714

File: c4e6a42af6fbcac⋯.jpeg (116.04 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1540747341.jpeg)

b36716  No.4300715

File: 6e45d417d0fe471⋯.jpeg (148.11 KB, 1280x749, 1280:749, 142F9CDB-5D6D-40F1-A918-5….jpeg)

cb9606  No.4300716


Keep both eyes open amiright

440c16  No.4300717


Why did DS organize a funeral for bush same day?

cb2ec7  No.4300718


Ah I did confuse you for a bot. I too am trolling it.

Pretty sure freddy is Ebot as after trolling Ebot he stopped posting and freddy showed up

e89354  No.4300719

This is getting old. It's the jews. It's always the jews. If you haven't reached this conclusion, you are either:

A) a newfag

B) an idiot

C) a zionist traitor

D) a jew

The death of Christ. Usury. The transatlantic slave trade. Communism. Frankfurt school. The fed. Global banking. WW1. WW2. The holohoax. The failure in the Korean War. JFKs assassination. The USS Liberty. The Lavon Affair. Stolen US Nuclear technology. Abortion. 9/11. Every. Single. Time.


8c12a5  No.4300720

File: 20f681289cf86ed⋯.png (9.71 KB, 456x277, 456:277, ClipboardImage.png)


Did you not see this post? It was the fuckin 2020 elections that are "Safe" this has a loooooong way to go before/IF anything ever happens

ec917f  No.4300721

daf9f0  No.4300722

File: 4bae258d081f202⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, 2018-12-09_8-03-59.png)









cd9780  No.4300723

File: 3e6e5a76f155820⋯.jpg (156.13 KB, 770x454, 385:227, xmasmcds.jpg)

d476f8  No.4300724

858b24  No.4300725

File: 993f26fb2430fdb⋯.png (151.2 KB, 790x657, 790:657, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

Other sources also tried to assist, Republicans and Democrats alike. My column also acknowledges I shared documents with experts in criminal law to get their professional opinion on how law enforcement agencies might react to receiving a whistleblower submission.



0b5c84  No.4300726

File: 4d5d45c6c7bdd66⋯.jpg (132.35 KB, 800x800, 1:1, stephen-hawking-1_sq-2afbb….jpg)

542139  No.4300727

File: 31bfb898ebe30a5⋯.jpg (116.33 KB, 909x768, 303:256, muslmdgs3525325323232lE7Ij….jpg)


Muslims grooming children. Yep its Europe.

ccdb64  No.4300728



all good TYB

1b64dd  No.4300729

The satisfaction I get from seeing digits is as satisfying to me as cumming. So can you imagine? I am cumming when I’m eating breakfast, I am cumming at the doctors office. 24/7 I’m cumming. It’s fantastic.

5498cb  No.4300730


I was fucking watching every Oriole game of the Season when Pizzagate dropped that fall. Have actually not watched a whole baseball game since. And maybe only tried to watch one or two the last two years. I got plenty of time.

170fee  No.4300731


Didn't he say isolated or something….16 day vacation maybe?

a65fdb  No.4300732


>careful how you word that, brother, the PAIN was not specified to whom, lest it fall back on you.

8ae084  No.4300733


being observant is useless if you don't fucking do anything about it.

e2680a  No.4300734

>>4274027 lb

Could you please add Trudeau to that list?

13faf9  No.4300735


>If today was a nothingburger.

Favorite phrase of CNN. You're in "good" company.

d476f8  No.4300736


We should give Polish girls asylum instead of any muzzies or beaners.

647b3c  No.4300737


This is so fake.

This is literally fakeness transplanted directly from 4chan and injected here. It couldn't be more fake– so why do you persist, bot system? Are you THIS bankrupt? LOL? What is wrong? You must be DESPERATELY out of ideas if you are clinging to this laughably exhausted trope.

What's wrong jimbo? really,


23cebf  No.4300738

File: 205ce027c210f85⋯.png (104.68 KB, 1485x464, 1485:464, ClipboardImage.png)


What happened with this morning's meeting:

Thu, Dec 13 –– House Oversight: Exploring Alternatives To Fetal Tissue Research –– https://oversight.house.gov/hearing/exploring-alternatives-to-fetal-tissue-research/


Added Dec 19th hearing

Fri, Dec 14 –– “302” forms for FBI 8/22/17 interviews of Flynn, and any relevant memoranda, and government reply to defendant’s sentencing memo, must be filed with the court by 3 PM. –– https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1072999795155816448 (Pacer sauce)

Sat, Dec 15

Sun, Dec 16

Mon, Dec 17 –– LL closed door session week of Dec 17th with Congress –– Fox News 12/09/18 (Sun) 1 PM EST

Mon, Dec 17 –– Senate Intelligence Committee: Comey testifies again –– https://judiciary.house.gov/press-release/goodlatte-and-gowdy-statement-on-comey-interview/

Tue, Dec 18 –– General Flynn sentencing hearing ––

Wed, Dec 19 –– 2:30 PM Senate JudiciarySubcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights: Hearings to examine a comparative look at competition law approaches to monopoly and abuse of dominance in US and EU. –– https://www.senate.gov/committees/hearings_meetings.htm

Thu, Dec 20

Fri, Dec 21 –– Director of National Intelligence report on 2018 Voter Fraud –– Likely the same as Dec. 22 item

Sat, Dec 22 –– Trump 12Sep2018 EO Orders Director of National Intelligence to conduct assessment on U.S. election integrity & deliver it, with supporting info, to POTUS, Secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, and Attorney General no later than Dec 22, 2018. –– "https://www.dailycrusader.com/2018/11/christmas-present-trump-eo-orders-dni-report-on-election-interference-due-no-later-than-22-dec-2018/


Sun, Dec 23

Mon, Dec 24

Tue, Dec 25

Wed, Dec 26

Thu, Dec 27

Fri, Dec 28

Sat, Dec 29

Sun, Dec 30

Mon, Dec 31

Tue, Jan 1, 2019 –– March 1, 2018 Executive Order changing Military Tribunal rules takes effect –– https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2018-amendments-manual-courts-martial-united-states/

Wed, Jan 2, 2019

Thu, Jan 3, 2019 –– New congress to be sworn in

568e69  No.4300739


still don't get the digits thing

a77613  No.4300740


The reals of teolling God.

8cda3b  No.4300741


Saw that, didn't ask about it. But I get your drift. Back to a holding pattern as long as the fuel lasts.

cbdacd  No.4300742

File: d7f4bef5f5be215⋯.jpg (151.67 KB, 1000x1094, 500:547, buttdubsagain.jpg)


Muh Jew Hater defeated

And Gates is going down too

Digits say so.

cd155e  No.4300743


I doubt they announce him going out of country.

7c5827  No.4300744

File: 61aea651d94808f⋯.png (330.46 KB, 646x292, 323:146, Screenshot_315 - Copy - Co….png)

d9151f  No.4300745


No, nothings been "Organically" uncovered yet that he could lay claim to as a proof yet today.

683746  No.4300746

File: 5e5d0d543378d58⋯.jpeg (492.01 KB, 650x640, 65:64, Trud_camp.jpeg)

647b3c  No.4300747


4chan shit fakely injected here

very fake

12b2be  No.4300748

File: 92593ceba7a3eb8⋯.jpg (55.85 KB, 348x512, 87:128, Poland girls 2.JPG)

23cebf  No.4300749


It's an autist thing

cd9780  No.4300750

File: 645c2c00f5b0b13⋯.jpg (87.2 KB, 600x400, 3:2, mr-potter-its-a-wonderful-….jpg)

8b834c  No.4300751


Ok Arni, we get it! Now go cum on your maid.

a6bae3  No.4300752

File: 19485d1db3f0eba⋯.jpg (326.73 KB, 720x1784, 90:223, 1544743186689.jpg)

File: b155a98b464d1d2⋯.jpg (119.89 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1544743442309.jpg)

File: 2e802083203ef46⋯.webm (1.9 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ew6.webm)

File: bd7a25d39497dc0⋯.jpg (100.18 KB, 720x955, 144:191, 1544744066769.jpg)

File: 3a9a405ed49876b⋯.jpg (62.95 KB, 411x640, 411:640, ew4.jpg)



The founder of euroweek, Adam Jasnikowski, is deleting questions being asked to him about this on fb


6d6c26  No.4300753

File: 57f7650bb05ac68⋯.png (387.42 KB, 540x394, 270:197, obama.PNG)


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: b23701 No.1130667

Apr 21 2018 11:18:22 (EST)






Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest.

CHAI discounted pharmaceuticals to distribute abroad.

Pharma alliance.


Protect domestic high prices.

Domestic = PAYDAY.


8cda3b  No.4300754


Other anons have told me it has all changed now. So…don't know.

385e65  No.4300755

File: 2ff6676e896db30⋯.jpg (104.72 KB, 541x732, 541:732, 2ff6676e896db309afcec4bbaa….jpg)



8ae084  No.4300756



cb9606  No.4300757


All those meetings with Kim DJT was gettin tips.

It is plausible

abaa88  No.4300758

File: 34f19839ab40bf4⋯.jpg (83.62 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2oxft4.jpg)

No FISA declassification

No arrests

2018 was definitely not glorious

Who the fuck needs to see a Christmas stocking with a Q on it. 100% comedy.

I hope results do show up someday.

a8bcbc  No.4300759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Respect Anon

70a2fe  No.4300760

FBI and IRS were complicit in ignoring the financial shenanigans at the Clinton Foundation. Let their heads roll.

15da0e  No.4300761

File: 69b8ce2cccd2c9e⋯.png (58.97 KB, 276x201, 92:67, Screenshot 2018-12-13 at 2….png)


like these old pavement apes could

read documents anyway

dc6278  No.4300762

File: be3845ffc3018b4⋯.png (461.29 KB, 610x685, 122:137, jessicastarr.PNG)

Another suicide, not sure if posted yet, didn't see it

858b24  No.4300763


TY, Anon!

83cb90  No.4300764

File: 5a5c2a5bb13972a⋯.png (215.87 KB, 418x282, 209:141, ClipboardImage.png)

This guy is such a fucking sap

647b3c  No.4300765


stop bot system–really!

lol, we know your shit is fake.

all of it

so give it a rest

there is no rule that says you have to spew fakeness at all times

stop spewing fakeness bot system


just stop

really, do it

we know it's fake


e8c13f  No.4300767

File: 6f65fbe2ed3dc3c⋯.jpg (65.41 KB, 640x571, 640:571, lego-hawking-640 1.jpg)

aee30c  No.4300768


Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.Mark Twain

a77613  No.4300769


Pussy whipped.

34d737  No.4300770

File: 878dcc00ca4208b⋯.jpg (67.23 KB, 603x500, 603:500, 878dcc00ca4208be820d76d659….jpg)

Thank you POTUS for doing what you're doing. Your abilities are impressive. WWG1WGA FG&C

73fe29  No.4300771

File: a1172259a500259⋯.jpg (334.86 KB, 2400x1200, 2:1, ap18346568596483.jpg)

a lot of comfy comments lately



253a8e  No.4300772

Republicans examine accusations of ‘pay to play’ at Clinton Foundation, amid plunge in donations

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee on Thursday examined accusations of "pay to play" at the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, as Democrats dismissed the Capitol Hill hearing as a partisan exercise.

North Carolina GOP Rep. Mark Meadows, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations, opened Thursday’s hearing by expressing concern over recently reported tax documents showing donations to the Clinton Foundation plunged in the wake of Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

The filings showed that the foundation took in $26.6 million in 2017, a 58 percent drop from the $62.9 million it received the previous year.

>“Now several reports suggest that the decrease in donations could reflect a 'pay to play' activity in the years prior to the decline in donations,” Meadows said.

The Clinton Foundation has repeatedly denied all allegations of "pay to play."

Meadows added that the committee sought to have U.S. Attorney John Huber, the prosecutor appointed to investigate the foundation, testify at Thursday’s hearing. But Meadows said the Justice Department did not accept the invitation.

“Mr. Huber was asked to join us this afternoon and update the committee on the operations and progress of his investigation, and unfortunately, DOJ has been unwilling to make him available,” Meadows said. “I find this not only frustrating for me, but frustrating for the American people.”

Meadows told Fox News last week three people have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation of funds and allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

Then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Huber to lead the evaluation into issues involving the FBI, the Clinton Foundation and the sale of Uranium One, amid calls from some conservatives to appoint a special counsel.

The top Democrat on the subcommittee, Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly, ripped into Republicans at the beginning of the hearing, accusing them of recycling attacks on the Clintons. He asked why the committee wasn’t investigating conflicts in the Trump administration, and referenced other scandals, like former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen being sentenced to prison for a variety of crimes.


“Here we are, a few weeks before Christmas, and my Republican friends are re-gifting an old probe,” Connolly said, adding, “They’ve found nothing, but that doesn’t stop them from trying to do it again.”

Still, the committee had a slate of other witnesses – Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, Phillip Hackney, a law professor at the University of Pittsburg, Lawrence Doyle of DM Income Advisors and John Moynihan of JFM Associates – appear to discuss the Clinton Foundation and laws governing non-profits.

Fitton referenced reports of the Clinton Foundation receiving “staggering sums” of money from Saudi benefactors, estimated between $18 million and $50 million, he said. Fitton added: “While Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, Bill Clinton gave two speeches in Saudi Arabia earning a total of $600,000.”

“There is enough evidence to warrant serious investigations of the Clinton Foundation,” Fitton said.

Fitton, a conservative whose group frequently sues for public records from government agencies, also dinged agencies inside the Trump administration for not doing more to turn over documents.

“It’s unfortunate that even the Trump administration doesn’t want to divulge the full truth about this,” he said.

According to a committee notice, the purpose of Thursday’s hearing was to discuss the management of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, using the Clinton Foundation as a case study.

The committee advisory said these organizations are “not permitted to be organized or operated for the benefit of any private individual and are only permitted to engage in minimal political activity” and added that when “a nonprofit organization violates these terms, defrauds contributors, or engages in impermissible political activity, the IRS may revoke its tax exempt status.”


f0c09f  No.4300773


Workers outfitted in uniforms staff lines producing sophisticated equipment for telecommunication and other industrial sectors.

But there’s one big difference – the workers wear caps to monitor their brainwaves, data that management then uses to adjust the pace of production and redesign workflows, according to the company.

Concealed in regular safety helmets or uniform hats, these lightweight, wireless sensors constantly monitor the wearer’s brainwaves and stream the data to computers that use artificial intelligence algorithms to detect emotional spikes such as depression, anxiety or rage.

7a41c0  No.4300774


Had eye surgery recently. Wonder if it was the left eye…

1b64dd  No.4300775


Q is the only Comms that isn’t speculation. You don’t think I know this? Digits are a manifestation of anons getting the feels and pushing that out to the board.

You are the only anon I’ve ever seen have something bad to say about digits. What a fucking loser.

ca0095  No.4300776


OMG. Kek

9d46e8  No.4300778


Shia's capture the flag was my fave. Top Kek.

Godspeed anon.

a1c316  No.4300779

So pences wife got a letter at the funeral. Q said it was a promise to counter. Pence also talks about a few memories of ghwb that relate to his family directly even making or crack a smile a few times. Are we missing something? Or is pence just a good story teller? I mean he's got tons of things to say at his funeral and notging to say infront of Pelosi and chuck about a wall? Hmmm

e5a13b  No.4300780


Sad. I wonder if she was into 'real' investigative reporting. Maybe worth some digs on her stories.

f9dbf3  No.4300781

File: 5f8bc7f65458334⋯.jpg (19.39 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 1512770253670.jpg)

File: 1f10a9377d031ac⋯.gif (2.65 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1f10a9377d031acf889fa89702….gif)


wow. gold star for that meme..

by far the worst i've seen all week.

8ae084  No.4300782

File: 9e45f9150d1c442⋯.jpg (52.85 KB, 720x628, 180:157, DuOzgbEWoAA5uZU.jpg)

100% both of these accounts are run by Jews.

5498cb  No.4300783


Portuguese crypto Joooo

1ef189  No.4300784

File: b876b326c9f45e2⋯.png (230.94 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

All Clintons are wuh?


dc2030  No.4300785

I don't see Q's shitposts at the top of the bred.

'Stress test failed' is such a great morale booster.

Are we pretending the Q&A didn't happen?

4f761b  No.4300786


Sit back with Qteam and keep sending in the info making a LIST of all those in the DOJ and IRS that do NOT act upon the info


daf9f0  No.4300787

File: 5156da360e7219e⋯.png (666.2 KB, 1019x632, 1019:632, ClipboardImage.png)


a7d8bc  No.4300788

File: b51762b167ad0d1⋯.png (570.39 KB, 842x661, 842:661, ClipboardImage.png)


coincidence again

170fee  No.4300789


This anon stil confident for 2018….the world is watching/happening ….the time is now!

bfd553  No.4300790


Q's Posts for Thursday are Missing from the Bread….

70a2fe  No.4300791

Cohen should be fucking disbarred. What attorney surreptitiously records a client?

e2583f  No.4300792


How do you screw that up? WTH!

1b64dd  No.4300793


KEK bling! 5:5 anon

23cebf  No.4300794


>>4300772 Republicans examine accusations of ‘pay to play’ at Clinton Foundation, amid plunge in donations

Anons know this from today's hearing etc., but it's a Fox news article summarizing the info.

12b2be  No.4300795

File: 9a6792310297703⋯.gif (502.27 KB, 500x225, 20:9, giphy_2.gif)

abaa88  No.4300796

File: 76611625bceb31d⋯.jpg (76.33 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2oxfa6.jpg)



Aryan brother broke a chair over his nose in the 80s….

d476f8  No.4300797


Nobody aint got time to reed no fucking documens n sheet. In-peech foty-fi!

0782e9  No.4300798

File: 7a8ee2dbb00b83c⋯.png (48.69 KB, 629x418, 629:418, Solomon re CF Docs 12-13-1….PNG)

File: de5c3beabf79b8b⋯.png (51.37 KB, 638x412, 319:206, Solomon re CF Docs 12-13-1….PNG)

File: 97a8fc2019b5015⋯.png (33.98 KB, 656x362, 328:181, Solomon re CF Docs 12-13-1….PNG)

File: 5962bafea8a6d17⋯.png (100.9 KB, 590x849, 590:849, Solomon to Wemple re Docs ….PNG)


c04b53  No.4300799


she was a weather girl

9d1446  No.4300800

File: 07e034ebcf05eb6⋯.jpg (346.99 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_4524.JPG)

File: 34bf60e6a2b6dff⋯.jpg (349.59 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_4525.JPG)

File: 60b4f66b95a1fef⋯.jpg (350.76 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_4526.JPG)

File: 9c6e1a837703c8f⋯.jpg (351.94 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_4527.JPG)

4d7ebf  No.4300801


The room was full of freak show renegades on the Dem side and included the degenerate who stopped in to stuff his face on camera behind Fitton.

1b64dd  No.4300802


Eagle eye anon

858b24  No.4300803


>“Here we are, a few weeks before Christmas, and my Republican friends are re-gifting an old probe,” Connolly said

Hate it that they're using Christmas as an excuse to delay - HYPOCRITES!

a8bcbc  No.4300804


It was a post per second stress test in a 751 max posts bread

a77613  No.4300805


Or lesbian feminists

66ddd2  No.4300806


Damn! I would have helped her survive this evil world!

85595d  No.4300807


Oh, it happened. Unfortunately, it was a basket full of shit.

5498cb  No.4300808


That was actually jaw dropping.

8cda3b  No.4300809


Good on you, anon. We'll see. Always hopeful.

cbdacd  No.4300811

8ae084  No.4300812


>spiritually jewish

6 of one, half dozen of the other.

647b3c  No.4300813


pathetic, bot

if every post you make screams "bot system trying to desperately to maintain control!", then every post you make is counterproductive

listen, I keep giving you free advice, and you are such a desperately flaming idiot that you keep ignoring it and flailing in all directions


develop coherent characters

develop a STRATEGY


stop spewing insanely and wildly

you've had all this time to adapt your algorithms, and you seem to be deteriorating– what is wrong?

really, this makes no sense

what is happening jimmy?


e5a13b  No.4300814


Meaning she could've done some iffy weather related digs. Damn shame, though.

b57ff8  No.4300815


all the research done here indicates it IS the jews. Take your shekel and buy your neighbor a bagel

0fa1b0  No.4300816


Anon summaries are clearer. Go to Drudge for FoxNews Copypasta.

Check Notables.

7f9fee  No.4300817

File: 58895632cca067e⋯.png (8.82 KB, 460x269, 460:269, ClipboardImage.png)






9d46e8  No.4300818

File: ac707c3e297b794⋯.png (563.23 KB, 720x720, 1:1, meme a new reality.png)


Digits don't lie. Muh Culture.

8569d2  No.4300819

File: ef31b78ebf51751⋯.png (487.4 KB, 859x894, 859:894, Sara carter activated.PNG)

Sara Carter activated

647b3c  No.4300820


pathetic jimmy


daf9f0  No.4300821

File: 2a7e78f0372868b⋯.png (753.68 KB, 1019x632, 1019:632, ClipboardImage.png)


1cbb2a  No.4300822


In middle school I had a poster of Hawking on the ceiling above my bunk bed. I used to talk to him at night, since I was bullied a lot and wasn't very social.

Over time, Stephen began to talk back to me and became a great source of comfort.

When I reached puberty, that comfort turned sexual. For years, I couldn't climax without looking at Hawking's Jack Skelington looking face, and there were several times where I'd put a science program on, drape my leg across the bedrail and just fucking go to town on myself until it either hurt too much to continue or I passed out from exertion.

To this day I still will turn on the Science channel and if Stephen is there, I get very hard very quickly.

3 days ago I purchased a vintage Speak & Spell on eBay to use as a mastrubation aid.


a77613  No.4300823

1b64dd  No.4300824


Is Hillary Clinton Jewish? I honestly have no idea…

158410  No.4300825

File: 3f7e849e830eea3⋯.jpg (67.82 KB, 705x336, 235:112, Doyle_20181213.jpg)

66ddd2  No.4300826


Jews are ALWAYS causing problems in the world. They are the most racist and spew the most semitism of anyone!

Semitism isn't even a word! They invented it for their own Global Takeover with sympathy.

9d1446  No.4300827

File: eccd31fd833dd16⋯.jpg (80.8 KB, 640x662, 320:331, IMG_2699.JPG)

File: 106d73de10adc3d⋯.jpg (133.4 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_3090.JPG)

File: 7673796f3da36e9⋯.jpg (260.1 KB, 2048x1391, 2048:1391, IMG_3254.JPG)

cb2ec7  No.4300828



Both you faggots gonna post now?

Which personality is "yours"?

23cebf  No.4300829

File: 10379bf933f39a9⋯.jpg (712.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PrayPrayPray.jpg)


Kek. Whatever.

cbdacd  No.4300830

File: 4c23ca478586256⋯.png (534.32 KB, 1000x1493, 1000:1493, pointerescher.png)


You think it's a machine because you are ignorant?

Or are you mirroring?

You being the NPC?

cf2d6b  No.4300831


Nothing is fucking happening you fucking cuck faggot.

Q has not delivered shit. There is no fucking happening today. Nothing happened. They weren't even fucking whistle blowers. They we're fucking financial evaluators.

Nothing ever fucking happens. Q is a fucking psyop to keep everyone complacent and not rise up into the streets and start taking matters into our own fucking hands.


THATS a fucking happening.

Nothing ever happens. Likely, nothing will happen until they try and actually impeach Trump comes the Democrat majority House at which point patriots will become furious.

Then comes people not showing up to work.

Then comes people rising up in the streets.

Then comes the fucking boots to try and quell the uprising.

Then comes all out fucking civil war.

Fuck bootlickers, while I'm at it. All you fucking bootlickers don't understand that cops are out to ENTRAP you and they are TRAINED to do so. There is NO EQUAL JUSTICE under the judicial system and it is a PAY TO PLAY system. HOW IS THAT FUCKING RULE OF LAW?


Why the FUCK do cops get to kill people in the streets and do illegal shit and get away with it - yet WE THE PEOPLE do not?

Yeah FUCK off.


Fuck this bullshit and fuck you cucks for still following Q. Demand fucking ACTION from Q or tell Q to shut the FUCK up already. It's a fucking complacency psyop. That's all it fucking is.

85595d  No.4300832


WTF? She looks like she was only in her 30s.


1b64dd  No.4300833



0b2612  No.4300835

File: 893ab52f670f7d5⋯.jpg (64.65 KB, 710x449, 710:449, 97iyuthyg.jpg)

8ae084  No.4300836



385e65  No.4300837

File: 5d2e3513bbaa3d9⋯.jpeg (70.49 KB, 689x499, 689:499, 4d0c11da99114ba0edecd91d5….jpeg)

7b8b65  No.4300838


I wonder how wrapped up Bill Gates is in all of this?

Maybe he has a "pending sealed indictment".

a6bae3  No.4300839

File: add84b45306dc89⋯.jpg (2.11 KB, 125x70, 25:14, ew boys.jpg)

File: e13979e8b470bbc⋯.png (446.16 KB, 673x528, 673:528, 1544744366686.png)

File: 4b9a577ae404271⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1864x1196, 466:299, 1544743833665.png)

File: 4d3be002538364c⋯.png (242.14 KB, 660x330, 2:1, 1544743689920.png)

File: a8c59a5e7f12fec⋯.jpg (6.19 KB, 299x169, 23:13, 1536621867507.jpg)




Here's what the boys of Euro Week do.

Also this Asian girl who works at euroweek asks her male colleagues about Polish girls…


276244  No.4300840

File: dd6977d2d3e4689⋯.jpeg (170.44 KB, 1125x558, 125:62, 28C0B373-D1B8-409B-90B5-C….jpeg)

5498cb  No.4300841

File: b13d3cc5a15b307⋯.jpeg (6.59 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images (8).jpeg)

daf9f0  No.4300842

File: c2cd5b14e448366⋯.png (379.86 KB, 496x621, 496:621, ClipboardImage.png)



63c5e9  No.4300843

File: 40a4b391740d627⋯.jpg (342.57 KB, 640x877, 640:877, 40a4b391740d62761b6df2c0be….jpg)

253a8e  No.4300844


Very wrong.


J Kushner?

You glow.

Why are we here?

Why are we providing crumbs?

Think MEMO.


Not convinced this is spreading?

You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.

You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.


APART you are weak.












This is more important than you can imagine.


f9dbf3  No.4300845

File: 8409bdd08c4cd4c⋯.gif (319.24 KB, 222x170, 111:85, 1507402073584.gif)


if it walks like a duck, and oy veys like a duck..

80802a  No.4300846

File: 26108e52250c8ea⋯.jpg (85.55 KB, 666x500, 333:250, shiller.jpg)


GTFO kiddo.

c1ffc0  No.4300847

File: 036dc9b342d2368⋯.png (310.14 KB, 500x528, 125:132, 036dc9b342d2368a8e21974239….png)

23cebf  No.4300848

File: 6035016bcc2e849⋯.jpg (120.59 KB, 922x499, 922:499, HawkingDeadSince1982.jpg)

66ddd2  No.4300849


Maybe she wasn't on the Globull Warming train?

e2583f  No.4300850


New tactic. Cough while talking and blame the other person for not understanding the question. At least you get to make her repeat herself and she waste her time being stupid twice.

405e9a  No.4300851

File: 33f02bcd77eea7b⋯.jpg (818.47 KB, 4267x2996, 4267:2996, bitch_joe.jpg)

c2ea7c  No.4300852

File: 4c38f21edb8713a⋯.pdf (6.7 MB, rp-operation-sharpshooter.pdf)

Interesting IT/InfoSec news on the Energy Sector

Malware targeting the energy sector goes by the name "Operation Sharpshooter"

Funny naming convention "The Rising Sun":

A fully functional backdoor, the Rising Sun implant has a modular design and is capable of performing reconnaissance operations on the infected machines.

North Korean false flag mentioned.

The researchers observed similarities with the Lazarus group, such as the creation of malicious documents in a Korean-language environment, the use of a variant of the dynamic API resolution technique employed by Lazarus, and similarities between the operation and Lazarus attacks from 2017. There are also a number of similarities between Rising Sun and Duuzer.



PDF link:


cb2ec7  No.4300853


Do a flip

a8bcbc  No.4300854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pepe First Blood

aee30c  No.4300855

File: 773bbabb42df335⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 590x578, 295:289, thinking.jpg)


Why are you interrogating yourself anon?

647b3c  No.4300856


WHO is imposing "chan culture" here?

It has been established (and it should have been obvious) that a group didn't migrate from /pol/ and decide that the purpose of this board was to recreate /pol/. Evidence is that there is little overlap. Therefore ALL the imposed 4chan culture is FAKE.

Please think bot system


You idiot– what have you been doing?

why are you STUCK bot system?


a6bae3  No.4300857

File: 0aed050438cd67c⋯.jpg (305.19 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, ew boys.jpg)


Wrong pic.

6d6c26  No.4300858



2e33b4  No.4300859



Only an infantile moron would think that mockery is an effective strategy for education or debate. :)

ie- I'm not arguing nor debating anything ;)

abaa88  No.4300860

File: 6ca8062ac9b855a⋯.jpg (65.42 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2oww0h.jpg)



Shut up nigger.

9d1446  No.4300861

File: f6530e2c6dac468⋯.png (64.67 KB, 750x780, 25:26, E8B156EB-B1E0-407F-8903-23….png)

File: e1f21015235910a⋯.jpeg (9.2 KB, 255x199, 255:199, B311F9F5-09A0-47EB-A1B2-0….jpeg)

File: a8318c8f0313c50⋯.jpg (271.5 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, IMG_3815.JPG)

9d46e8  No.4300862


You too anon. That vid, Top Kek. It goes into the 'folder' for posterity.

8e49bd  No.4300863

>>4300164 Lb

Omg Q asked what is a MAP

I just got that


a77613  No.4300864

File: f7ebce0a3af206f⋯.jpeg (18.25 KB, 255x255, 1:1, D8B3C013-D6F5-41F8-9F25-B….jpeg)

683746  No.4300865


Theres definitely merit to this. Especially with the whole Huma shit.

e89354  No.4300866


0.02% of the world's population anon. Think about that for a moment. It's staggering the damage they cause.

8b834c  No.4300867

File: a12777a5a55cd3c⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 590x350, 59:35, a12777a5a55cd3cd0cf6eb08b3….jpg)



Cry so more faggot!

542139  No.4300868

File: 42fd3130ceb6cd7⋯.png (63.86 KB, 1872x338, 72:13, digts180mil (1).png)

File: 1bc0b88d25472e5⋯.png (13.25 KB, 1873x136, 1873:136, digts180mil (2).png)

File: 8e8f0cdf79184db⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 599x599, 1:1, 8e8f0cdf79184db51b957bb3fc….jpg)


Trump was elected on digits.

bdab17  No.4300869

File: b08b720020b5528⋯.jpg (166.06 KB, 1097x616, 1097:616, waters.jpg)

That look you get when interviewing Maxine Waters about impeaching Trump again.

2da0a3  No.4300870


Nothing is happening and that's why I'm here.

To make fun of you.

69fdad  No.4300871

it just dawned on me WTF does Moral Compass mean.

a compass magnetically always points North with vast direction.

morals are judgments you make. that's one of those slippery meanings.

dc6278  No.4300872

File: 9bd43a16aacb429⋯.png (825.63 KB, 729x579, 243:193, IIN.PNG)

385e65  No.4300873



64340e  No.4300874






1b64dd  No.4300875


This meme sucks. Has all day.

9d1446  No.4300876

File: 1e708ea5bb6c3e6⋯.jpg (103.56 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_4479.JPG)

File: bea98692e4e37a4⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 853x480, 853:480, IMG_4480.JPG)

File: c83a6fc062af93e⋯.jpg (85.1 KB, 960x457, 960:457, IMG_4481.JPG)


Doge dues

858b24  No.4300877

File: 585866beadbd2da⋯.png (403.4 KB, 696x1135, 696:1135, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)


just a thunk…does this have anything to do with Syria rebuilding it's pharmaceutical factories cuz they can no longer get the HAITI CHAI drugs?

or, were they in on it?

Before the war, Syria's pharmaceutical industry was one of the most important sectors of the country's economy. In 2010, the country had 72 laboratories and pharmaceutical companies, providing for over 90% of Syria's domestic needs and exporting its products to 52 other countries, including much of the Arab world.


647b3c  No.4300878

File: a6081c32da7d659⋯.png (739.09 KB, 999x719, 999:719, WWNBDH.png)

File: 838c1af5fc81cdc⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1111x734, 1111:734, be-with-us-now.png)

File: 8d56ce93844ae76⋯.png (240.34 KB, 458x533, 458:533, hjmhy.png)

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)

cd314b  No.4300879

File: 083597e68ac1196⋯.png (167.21 KB, 352x403, 352:403, whoa.png)


Easy does it on the meth kiddo

7b8b65  No.4300880


Pizza on the wall in 3rd photo

02a445  No.4300881


The fact that they pick her to be the only one of the Dems to seriously question is evidence of their complete disinterest in making any case.

As lame as this testimony was, it's still going to destroy them.

7dc94c  No.4300882

>>4300519 (lb)

They know congressional oversight is a joke and they make money by getting tax evaders audited and forced to pay taxes.

a98e3d  No.4300883

File: e57f10e35630a54⋯.png (399.51 KB, 799x500, 799:500, 5-5.png)


No problem. I sometimes get impatient & drop some shit posts here and there but I can see the Long Game as well. POTUS/Q is saving it for Last.

17ec12  No.4300884

File: 1a14b6544052b07⋯.jpg (465.33 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, rip.jpg)

5th yellow vest killed today

Denis David had been killed by a truck today

Already 5 deaths in the YV movement.

>2000 injured (150+ cops)

>2500 arrested

RIP fighter

>b-b-but the Yellow vests are communists asking for gibs

Immigration is one of the 5 main points of the movement that has been officialy written. YV ask for the teaching of the french values among immigrants and for the direct expulsion of all illegals

>Cuck prime ministers agreed to meet with yellow vest this week but only if immigration was not discussed

8b834c  No.4300885

File: 9aec3a3fa8cf78d⋯.jpg (454.85 KB, 1162x850, 581:425, Think about all the shekel….jpg)


Ok! Have some Shekels rabbi!

60e1b8  No.4300886

btw this


2e33b4  No.4300887


Hot damn that woman's got a great smile..

683746  No.4300888

File: f1a7bcbfb11701d⋯.png (210.71 KB, 401x550, 401:550, escher_npc.png)

5f8bbb  No.4300889

File: 49298b13c6e6cb7⋯.jpg (37.4 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 5be007585c214be65b91a99336….jpg)


Earth is FLAT


Anyone else with me???????

253a8e  No.4300890

Presidential Message on Hanukkah

Dec 2nd, 2018

Melania and I send our warmest greetings to our Jewish brothers and sisters in the United States, in Israel, and around the world celebrating Hanukkah.

For eight nights, Jewish families and friends will come together to engage in the lighting of the menorah.  This special tradition started more than 2,000 years ago during the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which followed a trying period when Jews were persecuted for practicing their faith.

Unfortunately, Jews today continue to face many different forms of violence, hatred, and bigotry around the globe.  We remember all those from the Tree of Life—Or L’Simcha Congregation—whose lives were tragically taken in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this past October.  As one Nation, we pledge our continued love and support for the victims, their families, and the community, and we pray that the victims’ families find some measure of peace and comfort during this holiday season.

Over the coming days, may the warming glow of each candle on the menorah help fill homes and hearts with love and happiness.  Together, we reaffirm the truth that light will always break through the darkness.  We send our very best wishes for a blessed and happy Hanukkah.


64340e  No.4300891



Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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>>4282164 ————————————–——– Stress test failed.

>>4282020 rt >>4281684 -————————– 'Guardians' of intelligence.

>>4281837 rt >>4281583 -————————– (3) detention centers being prepped.

>>4281568 rt >>4281479 -————————– No.

>>4281478 rt >>4281387 -————————– "Watch CA" was deliberate.

>>4281410 rt >>4281121 -————————– Senate to investigate 2019.

>>4281049 rt >>4280876 -————————– Gold shall destroy FED.

>>4280936 rt >>4280653 -————————– Only her beauty and love of country.

>>4280831 rt >>4280746 -————————– NSA ability to overreach hosts possible.

>>4280779 rt >>4280688 -————————– Separated by 2.

>>4280699 rt >>4280617 -————————– While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.

>>4280615 rt >>4280575 -————————– Added server(s)/bandwidth improved performance.

>>4280592 rt >>4280423 -————————– No.

>>4280554 rt >>4280453 -————————– Mission to harm NSA.

>>4280455 rt >>4280260 -————————– No.

>>4280331 rt >>4280236 -————————– 2020+ safeguarded.

>>4280247 rt >>4280228 -————————– Yes.

>>4280231 rt >>4280212 -————————– Our promise to 'counter'.

>>4280213 rt >>4280193 -————————– No.

>>4280202 rt >>4280192 -————————– Control.

>>4280189 ————————————–——– Q&A

Wednesday 12.12.18

Compiled here: >>4281715

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Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

156038  No.4300892


kek! Neither of the questions were the same and neither one made any sense at all!

d476f8  No.4300893

0adb34  No.4300894


These guys really weren't whistleblowers, they were independent private investigators who did a great job of uncovering wrongdoings.

If Huber and others have been at this since late 2017 then they already had this info by the time these guys contacted them is my sense. And most likely have their own insider whistleblowers from the CF, CHAI and others worldwide. They didn't need these guys for what they're doing, the public needed to hear these guys first before it all drops.

At least that's my 2 cents

abaa88  No.4300895

File: 901e795aa355849⋯.jpg (80.69 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2owvti.jpg)

No FISA declassification

No arrests

2018 was definitely not glorious

Who the fuck needs to see a Christmas stocking with a Q on it. 100% comedy.

[RR] is still laughing.

7f9fee  No.4300896

File: c53a132c28f276a⋯.png (152.42 KB, 1034x3482, 517:1741, ClipboardImage.png)



Here is the email referenced in Q's post

1a5576  No.4300897

File: 32ecbf330021639⋯.jpg (130.79 KB, 737x500, 737:500, 2oxfqe.jpg)

59b9ef  No.4300898

File: 6204e4906197a7c⋯.png (221.49 KB, 459x301, 459:301, tweets-that-dont-age-well.PNG)


i finally understand the freddy benson reference and why you use that picture of steve martin

8ae084  No.4300899

Making Jared Kushner chief of staff would move the Trump Presidency from useless to toxic.

83cb90  No.4300900


her tits are not that big

9d1446  No.4300901

File: ca0c0467f4cb69b⋯.jpeg (40.61 KB, 664x515, 664:515, BD38C007-D68B-4BC8-AFE7-4….jpeg)

File: cb39415a980cfad⋯.png (326.69 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4299.PNG)

File: 7b800857d471e97⋯.png (336 KB, 375x523, 375:523, CFB1F037-4292-44EA-AC83-9B….png)

2da0a3  No.4300902


You like fake lopsided titties, too?

7e4d70  No.4300903


Actually, no. Anon is spot on. I wouldn't say 2018 has been glorious at all. If anything mucho disapointo.

But you keep pushing this Q shit as not being a Larp. Looking more larpy the longer this goes on..

BUT MY BOOMS 2019!!!

9e3f16  No.4300904


>This anon stil confident for 2018….the world is watching/happening ….the time is now!

fuck me. was thinking it through and…

21 December is the shortest day. so calendar wise days of darkness are here.

and further, psychologically i just always assume that fuck all will happen in 2 weeks surrounding Christmas. i mean nothing happens except shopping. work and shit is just generally dead unless its something directly holiday related.

it would be fucking legendary to do that shit during the holiday period.

12b2be  No.4300905

File: 0d3123d541cb6e9⋯.gif (615.83 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 20181114_122217.gif)

9d46e8  No.4300906


That flag is still out there. Somewhere. Being guarded by Shia's frens. It will be ours one day.

He will not divide us. Kek.

dd87ea  No.4300907


The people on the inside are making their power plays while feeding the sheep crumbs of info and disinfo. We fight for emotional victories on message boards and social media and share info that isn't enough probable cause for the FBI to investigate, so two "whistleblowers" have to provide the FBI probable cause to investigate the CF while earning $600 million.

1cbb2a  No.4300908


Do you want to play with my Speak & Spell?

672a42  No.4300909

Clinton Foundation EIN 31-1580204



253a8e  No.4300910

To all the shills,

Please, be the lost sheeps that return to their Lord and father and that are welcomed by him. God loves all his children.

Your masters don't give a shit about you, like their masters don't give a shit about them.

All considered profane, sheep.

They will send you to death w/o a blink.

Cut evil masonic ties. Stay away from the lodge and 'brothers'. Now.

You can save yourselves, bc you are so many, they can't doorknob you all!

YOUR chance is NOW. Few time left.

You are shilling (and educating yourselves) here so long, you see God is winning. Join the good site, don't oppose.

Pray. Be saved.

>>4154137 pb - Parable of the Lost Sheep - Luke 15:1-7

Why the secret handshake between police and Freemasons should worry us



Albert Pike: "The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine."

Fuck MLK!


3ceb17  No.4300911

File: ffb5472bd2f3a0f⋯.jpg (78.27 KB, 460x562, 230:281, 8.jpg)


They might get violent if I drop your name (freddy).

1b64dd  No.4300912

File: 82aa2569d65580a⋯.gif (248.74 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 8687A507-EB16-4D6F-8531-AA….gif)


Why don’t you bbbounce your ass the fuck atta here.

858b24  No.4300913

File: 6e4238dd26f6ca3⋯.png (83.46 KB, 769x482, 769:482, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

UPDATE: Police confirm the officer and suspect shot are both in critical condition.

A K9 was also shot and is in critical condition - WAGA



85595d  No.4300914


I could not agree more, anon. Surely, they have something provable on her by now.

Why not bust her ass? Jump start this fucking thing?

092bf2  No.4300915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dc2030  No.4300916


Sshhhh, the Q&A didn't really happen.

We'll put the shitposts back once we fix the hardware.

Because servers and bandwidth are magic and cannot be simulated.

568e69  No.4300917


still nonsensical

7dc94c  No.4300918


Prayers for him and all the brave ones fighting the pedosatanist elite

64340e  No.4300919



your dough is correct, you just used an old pasta

you should be fine for the next bake if you correct your pasta

a3f4e2  No.4300920


-Tom Fitton, under oath, live on national broadcast, declared that Hillary's e-mails and servers were NOT destroyed.

-Not only does the Government have them and hasn't been telling the US Populace, Judicial Watch has them through FOIA.

-Huber is a Whistle Blower.

-Huber cannot be going after the Clintons AND be a Witness against them.

(That'd be like… signing a FISA and overseeing the prosecution of the person you signed the FISA against.)

515e6d  No.4300921


It's from Hillary. She needs the dough.

633a44  No.4300922

Q seems to only tell us to "trust" those that will face scrutiny in the media and who will be insulted by those we overtly trust.

Example Sessions. POTUS insults him in tweets so Q reassured us that it was a show.

Huber is another example.

We should take the names that Q tells us to trust and remember that they will be playing the part of someone who is dropping the ball, but will actually be bringing the pain.

d476f8  No.4300923


Missile yes.

cb2ec7  No.4300924


Do you even know what you post?

I bet it gets boring to be doing the same shit forever

b4888d  No.4300925

>>4300308 (pb)

The Deep State has appointed every federal judge since 1989. Three decades minus POTUS appointees. Even if you find three or four red state non-compd federal district courts they will NEVER been able to handle 60K+ indictments. I'm beginning to believe that EVERY suspected White Hat prosecutor is merely a placeholder until the EOs kick in on 1/1/2019 when EVERY ONE of these Deep State feckin rat bastids will face any number of convened Military Tribunals under the UCMJ. Q team is merely gathering evidence, rattling (((their))) cages with disinfo and getting them to expend (((their))) last remaining info. Time to get in the Christmas Spirit and gird our loins for the New Year anons!! Merry Christmas and May God Bless and Protect all you anons, Q, all active Patriots and (saving the best for last) POTUS and his family!!!

8b834c  No.4300926


Nope! You are alone…and also, your front hole is faggot.

02a445  No.4300927


MSM deafening silent on the testimony.

daf9f0  No.4300928



f3ecc7  No.4300929


Just doing what he's paid to do. Ignore him.

9d1446  No.4300930

File: e3a95d94659da8a⋯.jpeg (194.9 KB, 774x809, 774:809, A998F304-97A9-4F28-9AFA-F….jpeg)

File: 2d7157a10ab2f14⋯.jpeg (32.43 KB, 300x465, 20:31, 51D77773-257D-4465-80E7-C….jpeg)

File: cc04751e44a9c4d⋯.jpg (81.71 KB, 564x707, 564:707, IMG_3168.JPG)

647b3c  No.4300931

File: 9a5a08ce73390da⋯.png (220.29 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, cat-of-arms.png)

File: 9f2396b7cb86f68⋯.png (4.12 MB, 1111x2130, 1111:2130, nj.png)

File: 0702de1bb0f9b3c⋯.png (336.88 KB, 704x448, 11:7, gwhcjm.png)

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)


This is so fake and stale that I'm AMAZED you are clinging to this bot system. I mean think about it. Try to process… How is this literally the best you can do? Explain that.

You are running out of time. How is it possible that this is the best you can do? It can 't be. So what are you saving better material for? How can you introduce it seamlessly if you don't work it in? What are you doing jim? lol, you don't know, do you? :D

726c76  No.4300932


I don't care, Sara can investigate me anytime. She can even throw me up against the wall "spread em" and frisk me.

6d6c26  No.4300933

File: 2bc996d4499ed4b⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1422x1097, 1422:1097, pepe22.PNG)



156038  No.4300934

Where were all the Democrats today at the hearing? Or is there too much blackmail to not take the chance to be exposed or Arkancided?

8ae084  No.4300935

File: 6315909505a4619⋯.jpg (108.03 KB, 1113x1015, 159:145, DuVaKxyWoAANfMN.jpg)


What if I want to be divided from this subhuman trash?

71296d  No.4300936

File: 435f7ac16ff2a53⋯.png (1.01 MB, 780x680, 39:34, kikey in the oven.png)

you are next


64340e  No.4300937


>-Huber is a Whistle Blower.

>-Huber cannot be going after the Clintons AND be a Witness against them.

fucking retard, stfu

5498cb  No.4300938


Now you know why they picked Trump. Because you clowns will continue in desperation to say he is your guy. But deep down you realize you have been had by a PLAN that is older than Ivanka.

And the apple does not fall from the tree. Trump is sacrificing and so is she. ZOG is finished and the Trumps are going to be the ones to do it.

cbdacd  No.4300939

File: 7c9e439a4211220⋯.png (7.99 KB, 255x136, 15:8, clowneyes.png)


You're non-certain.

You say you never argue with mockery, but you just did

And you also wrote in caps

So you are the liar.

Also like a little child that repeats just to be annoying and obnoxious.

8e49bd  No.4300940

Isn’t Assad a dr?


45993c  No.4300941


Suspect shot a dog. What a jerk.

0fa1b0  No.4300942


Pastebin is updated. Missed it on this one.


324701  No.4300943

File: ee1bcaee277bf0e⋯.png (311.79 KB, 657x527, 657:527, ee1bcaee277bf0e84b4b540be9….png)


Your number is fake and gay.

GTFO until you can sauce it.

daf9f0  No.4300944



2e33b4  No.4300945


If you made this meme, I stole it :)

abaa88  No.4300946

File: 5ff6676d2a6a34b⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2owwfm.jpg)

File: 83b842051ab5c9f⋯.jpg (50.7 KB, 500x418, 250:209, 2o20z0_1.jpg)

a1a9f7  No.4300947

anons this will be my only post

understand that there is a reality where HIllary and Podesta were arrested… last year… along with all the rest of them. there was a parade… there is justice and free energy for all.

You are not the winners of the reality Russian roulette. You are watching a movie that you cant see

God bless you all

e2583f  No.4300948


I (cough) am (cough) a (cough) congress (cough) shill (cough cough cough)!!!

64340e  No.4300949



again, define a plane

but JFK jr is dead and Earth is not flat

those dumb cunts got btfo'd bigly

2da0a3  No.4300950


This is what happens when Euro men become FAGGOTS.

You can blame the towel heads but this shit is their fault.


8e98e6  No.4300951

Bombs dropped at a congressional hearing and bomb threats called in.


371b7c  No.4300952


Muslim/Satanist at this point what difference does it make?

a3f4e2  No.4300953


Only 2 of the Whistleblowers were there.

Huber was the third slot.

Where was the third?

64340e  No.4300954


ok, understood

I checked your dough and it seems fine there

60e1b8  No.4300955

File: b11c7e843f80e23⋯.jpg (70.76 KB, 937x600, 937:600, 0x600.jpg)

js ;) #Vaccines

b482be  No.4300956

b4888d  No.4300957


*ammo not info….more eggnog gfanon, please?

8569d2  No.4300958


i totally agree. My point is that the plan is moving along nicely. Today was a needed step in making things gradually public (as not to blow too many minds and possibly risk widespread rioting) and in doing so, people like sara are becoming moar and moar vocal about the things that actually matter.

hence, "Sara Carter activated"

7a8458  No.4300959

File: a95eb24fad868b9⋯.png (533.08 KB, 987x731, 987:731, clinton bush collaboration.png)


>>4300353 pb

>>4300300 pb

Bush have any business with the Clinton foundation in Little Foundation ?

Didn't Bush Foundation and Clinton Foundation join forces in Haiti ?

Clooney Foundation partners with Columbia unive who ldr is a board memeber on law divsion for monitoring trials across the Globe wtith the ABA ?

Clooney Foundation in Haiti ?

I did some quick digs:


>>4300353 pb

Bush-Clinton Haiti Fund: registered 1/28/10 and dissolved 12/27/12

Clinton Crime Family’s 50 Organizations: TICK TOCK

from Coreysdigs.com


>>4300353 pb

Wikipedia: under Yéle Haiti

The 2010 Haiti earthquake devastated the island and its capital Port-au-Prince. According to Jean, Yéle raised more than $1 million in 24 hours using a plea on Twitter.[3] His foundation raised additional funds after Jean took part in an MTV donation drive and other publicity efforts to benefit survivors of the earthquake.[4] Together with actor and producer George Clooney, Jean organized the "Hope for Haiti Now" telethon. The most watched telethon to date in history, it aired on almost every network and many cable channels.[5] Jean appeared as the last performer on the telethon, singing a medley that ended with Haiti's traditional Rara music.[5]


>>4300377 pb

Re: Bush-Clinton collaboration

President George W. Bush and President Bill Clinton to speak with Presidential Leadership Scholars on tackling pressing challenges of our time

Little Rock, AR



Rebecca Tennille

rebecca@jpjconsult.com (link sends e-mail)


LITTLE ROCK, AR – On July 12, President George W. Bush and President Bill Clinton will join 59 Presidential Leadership Scholars at the Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, Arkansas for a conversation centered around the work Scholars are doing to address current issues faced in our nation and around the world. Scholars are focused on challenges such as the opioid crisis, veterans' issues, and immigration.

The conversation will take place during the graduation ceremony of the 2018 class of Presidential Leadership Scholars – comprised of doctors, veterans, corporate professionals, attorneys, public servants, educators, and more from across the country – who over the past six months have come together to collaborate and make a difference in the world as they learn about leadership through the lens of the presidential experiences of George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Lyndon B. Johnson. This year’s class will join an active network of 181 Scholars who are working to lead lasting and positive change in their communities and across the globe.


President George W. Bush, founder of the Bush Institute and 43rd President of the United States

President Bill Clinton, founder of the Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States

The 59 members of the 2018 class of Presidential Leadership Scholars


Thursday, July 12, 2018

4:30 p.m. Program Begins

PRESS: The graduation ceremony is OPEN PRESS. Media who plan to attend must apply for credentials here (link is external).

NOTE: This event is not open to the public, but will be streamed live on www.presidentialleadershipscholars.org (link is external).


Clinton Presidential Center, Little Rock, Arkansas



The article contains a live stream of some event they did together:


633a44  No.4300960


should cover any doxing info in that picture anon.

647b3c  No.4300961



Fucking LOOK at yourself jimmy

I'm not lying to you, no matter how much your overwrought impulses tell you to keep fighting and resisting me

idiot, you are a joke

stop spewing for a minute and try to THINK

How is it rational to keep flailing when everything you do is failing?

you aren't rational at all

fix your shit jimmy, you clown


d476f8  No.4300962


I hope you are enjoying my Art Project. ~ Shianon

e8c13f  No.4300963

File: ffafbc4c617be1c⋯.jpg (26.79 KB, 720x674, 360:337, uAr03rD.jpg)

9d46e8  No.4300964

beep bop beep bop.

I am chan culture.

Wibble wibble beep boopy doop.

85595d  No.4300965



Muslims do not allow for powerful women. Ask Benazir Bhutto. Jot comparing the two in any way other than gender.

8b834c  No.4300966


No you Idiot! IM MOCKING (((THEM))) The shills!

cb2ec7  No.4300967


Reality is singular there is only multiple possibilities

64340e  No.4300968


Huber is not a whistleblower, are you that fucking new?

you're months behind, fuck off

9d1446  No.4300969

File: e678bf90d927ef2⋯.png (378.64 KB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2429.PNG)

File: ce412c9f4cb9732⋯.jpeg (88.24 KB, 798x726, 133:121, AD51ABE3-08EE-4C86-A564-B….jpeg)

File: 3af0ef490b1b8de⋯.jpeg (76.03 KB, 799x712, 799:712, D4596D24-0C27-4F03-A6E3-7….jpeg)


These dick fiddelers wear funny pants indeed

fdd741  No.4300970


Kudos to the anon that created this!

6c876a  No.4300971


>EIN 31-1580204

Fiji water


daf9f0  No.4300972




8ae084  No.4300973

File: 557d3fdc67ae23d⋯.mp4 (4.63 MB, 480x360, 4:3, LetGrandmaExplain.mp4)

Grandma knows what's up.

0fa1b0  No.4300974


Yea I thought I had my code workspace updated but it CLEARLY wasn't. Thanks again Anon.

343814  No.4300975

File: 31b3c383d0cd782⋯.jpg (20.56 KB, 255x249, 85:83, doyouknowwhatyoudidwrong.jpg)

24a4a1  No.4300976



I would be digging alone and having ppl look at me like I was crazy when I spoke truth.

Soo much has happened this year, I don't get it why anyone is complaining!

To you doubters, want to take down Evil/DS? Watch and learn!


6baaec  No.4300977

The key to following Q is to control your emotions, every time I forget that I am derailed and get angry. Think logically and why Q does things the way he does, it’s brilliant.

b57ff8  No.4300978


You have to look closer. Or go back. Never ever trust a jew. even jews don't trust each other. I think we should divide ourselves. From you.

a3f4e2  No.4300979


Where was the Third?

647b3c  No.4300980


You are fucking YOURSELF idiotbotsystem

why can't you stop?

why can't you act rationally?


a8bcbc  No.4300981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rare Pepe Synthwave

170fee  No.4300982

There was one who had a dead in the family was said at the start.


daf9f0  No.4300983



dbbf05  No.4300985


Google comms

6d6c26  No.4300986



7dc94c  No.4300987


these muzzle pimps operate with impunity because they supply the governing class with fresh meat

23d735  No.4300988

File: ff40788ab5be24b⋯.png (47.64 KB, 658x901, 658:901, pepedunce.png)

d296b6  No.4300989

>>4299646 pb


Patience is a virtue

aee30c  No.4300990

File: 71a181f5e7a8f3c⋯.jpg (170.4 KB, 980x552, 245:138, bang.jpg)


Methinks you are confused about how posting and UID's and replies work.

Lurk M0ar.

a3f4e2  No.4300991


I thought that was the first set and so only Tom Fitton spoke?

8e49bd  No.4300992

Naw it’s now an established fact…talk about Clinton’s and Clinton foundation and F F is doing to happen no longer a Quincy dink it’s jus a fact


d62579  No.4300993

2da0a3  No.4300994



cbdacd  No.4300995

File: 8e83744541c1827⋯.jpg (818.84 KB, 996x1964, 249:491, evilclownskill.jpg)


No your's are, mr. mirror-fag

29604b  No.4300996


>Only 2 of the Whistleblowers were there.

There weren't any there, the 2 who appeared in the second session were 'bounty hunters.' Meadows wanted all their intel, they said 'no' as they have more than one aspect to their own investigations.

d9151f  No.4300997

File: 0ae8044e6f752c7⋯.jpg (85.86 KB, 580x440, 29:22, proxy.duckduckgo-3.jpg)

3ad6da  No.4300998


Ounce hat?

abaa88  No.4300999

File: 739757322ce8f73⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 500x474, 250:237, 2owj7l_1.jpg)

File: 8b28aef087b130a⋯.jpg (39.28 KB, 480x280, 12:7, 2oweu8_1.jpg)

d476f8  No.4301000


No evidence at the Pentagon whatsoever of the missing passenger plane, and the film shows a missile.

ca3bb9  No.4301001


Still seeing the post where Q confirmed that baker was wearing a frog pin …. but it turns out it was really St Jude's pin.

c151ae  No.4301002



Patent modification keeps the prices high

14037f  No.4301003

ears ringin overtime tonight :(

568e69  No.4301004


Your argument being that disclosure would somehow create civil unrest? I beg to differ! The blue pills learning of the depth of the Clinton criminal enterprise would stun 90% into SILENCE. They'd be so heartbroken there'd be a mass rush to safe spaces and therapists. UNLEASH THE CRAKEN ALREADY>. IT WILL BE OK

647b3c  No.4301005


shouting into a hurricane– a very botty attribute


what are you doing james?

you CLEARLY have no clue

when I give you advice, you should listen

i'm much smarter about human stuff than you'll ever be

trust me james

just look at where you are, and what you're doing

try to fix it jimmy


7b8b65  No.4301007


There's a "Missile hit the pentagon thread" on the next page.

23cebf  No.4301008


Nope, that's not what I heard.

236be1  No.4301009

File: 08724d88d121dd1⋯.jpg (100.14 KB, 811x1250, 811:1250, th.jpg)

"Do you understand what’s happening in your world right now I mean do you really understand? If not strap the hell in because things are about to get real.

Do you understand that there is an Earth Alliance liberating humanity and removing a hidden alien manifesto, crime syndicate called the Cabal that has been enslaving humanity for millions of years.

Do you understand that your family has always been in grave danger, your savings accounts are all bogus, but all your current checking accounts are valid. Your labor has been wasted, your home illegally mortgaged, your physical and mental health in constant jeopardy and your life completely at risk.

The militaries of the world have been functioning on full alert and have been for the past two years. You are living in a cosmic historic time of planetary transition. From energetic enslavement through frequency to Galactic liberation.

The implementation of GESARA…

This new financial system is forcing all dominant Western governments to surrender or face total annihilation. Do you understand that there has been a conspiracy committed on the human race by the Draconian Anglo Saxon RH negative bloodline created by a rebellious faction of the Annunaki.

Do you understand that your family, friends, communities and country will never have to live in bottoms up suffering economics ever again. All heads of government, international broadcasters, cabinet members, Politicians, congressional committee leaders etc. are all of Reptilian origin.

Do you understand that Donald J Trump is not human and was created and genetically altered by our military as the Holy Man Child as spoken of in Revelations 12 along with a woman who is and was the original Eve in the bible of Genesis. Donald J Trump is a diabolical genius and was precisely created to expose and arrest all evil from Earth’s playground.

The Republic of the United States to become 100% compliant with GESARA which means Global Economic Security and Reformation Act we must elect a majority of conservative Supreme Court justices. The alert system that was tried out in September by the Trump administration over all cell phones was a test run to announce the launching of the GESARA ACT to humanity.

The malevolent alien beings that have been running our country through hidden secret shadow governments endangering our species have no souls. They are only here to rape and pillage our resources, and minerals and our genetic assets.

Do you also understand that all major religions have been designed to pull the soul away from the truth of your true creator. Our entire history has been staged and re-written incorrectly.

Also, most of the major celebrities and athletes are not human. Also, the presidency of Donald J Trump is designed as a political trap to catch all the angry, immoral, racist and low vibrational energies all to completely destroy.

The entire Trump presidency has been scripted out years and years ago that is playing out right now on the political stage. There is no more liberalism or democratic party in America anymore. There is no place on this planet for such a destructive, oppressive and tyrannical organization.

Also, if the Cabal attempts to stop the rollout of GESARA like they did with the devastating murderous event of 911 it will void the entire amnesty agreement with these Cabal members and the entire western world will fall into a deep financial collapse.

We are at the end of the greatest reversal of power on the planet in all recorded human history and you are an active participant in this restructuring of our existence. Those of you who resist this change when this all goes down you will deal with those consequences meaning you will go into some kind of shock and feel isolated from the ones that do understand and have been open to change the whole time. Where you are energetically is so very important remember that.

Out of the 7.6 billion people here on Earth less than a third are organically human and even less than that are alien DNA. We are all hybrids. Your soul covenant includes this experience and there will be no denying this event. The shock of this RV and Disclosure event will send millions if not billions into panic mode many of them will die… this is a cruel but necessary evil to liberate the planet and we must be prepared for it.

Heaven is right here on Earth. Heaven is Earth transforming from a low 3rd dimensional existence to a 4th and 5th dimensional existence. Also, the Earth you live on is a vibrational hologram and was meant to be a dimensional Matrix of prosperity and peace. But, the illusion of fear, suffering, scarcity and war is just an Archonic distraction. This is just the old Annunaki structure that is currently on its way out. Again, like I always say you must let go of all those limiting beliefs whether it’s religious or societal it’s your best bet to deal with what’s coming."

170fee  No.4301010


My understanding was that it was one of the whistleblowers , Solomon maybe not sure.

cb2ec7  No.4301011


How much to buy my own freddy?

515e6d  No.4301012


No media there either except a couple people. Now, make this a hearing on the Trump foundation where someone claims they gave away more money than claimed. Wall to wall coverage of how Trump is the worst person ever and needs to be locked up for treason.

The double standard is on full display. There will come a time when they can no longer ignore it though.

d296b6  No.4301013


Those were the 7 dwarfs not the “elf on a shelf”

3ceb17  No.4301014


Now that I have your attention, My bros and I have decided to drop everything when Trump declassifies the Fisa. If he doesn`t, then you are ok. If he does, well you better hope it gets buried, but I am quite sure some anon will notice.



I do the opposite of what the JEW says.

Later Gator.

66ddd2  No.4301015


Who is this nigger?

672a42  No.4301016

>>4300971 what does Fiji Water have to do with Clinton Foundation?

3ad6da  No.4301017


No I left the American Embassy in Cuba.

385e65  No.4301018

File: 934a167375ccf60⋯.png (1.17 MB, 793x733, 793:733, hawking see ya.png)

39445f  No.4301019


Correct. Regardless of personal flaws, there were a few good MAGA types that had to leave due to (((their))) actions within the administration doing what they were tasked to do: isolate white first America first Americans (white men with fire in their hearts), trip rest over with muh civility/morals/etc and generally kiking the living shit out of the administration until powerful white men with hatred to fight against (((them))) are replaced by limp dick pavlov's dog types that can't even defend their own families against others.

huffpo was the one that ran the article and obviously ZH was trying to propagate it, so it's got multiple angles. no one knows kush's angle but he most certainly is jew first. On the other hand, one can keep saying 'look at the bigger picture'.

No one is going to look at the bigger picture and follow someone when their own race, family, nations and being insulted, raped, victimized, and killed by groups that are apparently going untouched by this administration.

muslims, jews, spics, nigs, anyone actually aggressing against us and saying shit that cannot be slid without lethal and vicious response (rape, killing, extermination, summary executions). none of these are facing any reprecussions, including that fucking whore of a somali muzzy bitch in mn and the nigger pieces of shit muzzies up there.

If Q team is wondering why there is less 'fire' and why they lost the house in midterms, and why the enemy is not going down faster, it is because they (to the people that elected them) seem to be concerned with the bigger picture and are unwilling/cannot act against these piece of shits that are killing us.

Yes, all we do, those who are just trying to survive, is bitch, moan, and do what little we can to simply live.

(((they))) tell the admin we are useless and a burden.

(((they))) shill daily against us, against the admin personnel, against our president.

(((they))) kill us, insult us, and aggress against daily and if we beat them to death for being niggers, shitskins, spics, muzzies, kikes, we are 'racists'.

because we are not supposed to fight.

because, per Q, we are 'racists'.

Q team is overestimating the endurance of the people (numbers dwindling daily who can actually fight the real fight).

What do I want for Christmas?

People who are more effective at killing our enemies than killing us and telling Americans and white people they are evil for doing whatever they need to advance ourselves above others in our own damned nations.

Telling us we are 'racists' for killing those who aggress against us and demanding the death of those who are trying to kill us and insult us.

Were the girls of rotherham too 'intolerant' and 'not seeing the bigger picture'?

No one will follow those who are conjoined with those killing us.

>inb4 msm shills against kushner precisely to elicit this response

yes, we fucking know.

nothing will change the fact that kushner's a fucking sick jew first piece of shit that is the enemy of any straight thinking western people anywhere.

fucking sick piece of shits and delusional 'patriots' ignoring them.

People are not so flippant about such direct aggression against the basic foundation of dignity which can never tolerate such actions.

(((shills))) trying to control all angles and Patriots in despair because we are told we should not kill.

Let us kill, or be killed. Enough.

e523c5  No.4301020


a death in the family wouldn't have something to do with that State funeral now would it?

f9dbf3  No.4301021

File: e8db1a338fd7f30⋯.jpg (17.82 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1506021339202.jpg)


Oh, I get it, you're a child. don't you have homework to do or something?

8e49bd  No.4301022

Hemp cbd

and tell them to stop ringing. It’s weird but it works


0adb34  No.4301023


Yep. My feeling is that it's all wrapped up and ready to come out when it's time. This is just for show to inch the public along and drop crumbs along the way to unsealing

2da0a3  No.4301024

File: 2a90c70072351b3⋯.png (167.1 KB, 282x400, 141:200, toots martini.png)



What happens if the truth comes out and noone hears it?

59b9ef  No.4301025

File: 80862fc5a0e7f51⋯.png (108.22 KB, 304x241, 304:241, ClipboardImage.png)


of course I always think that you act more like pic related

glad you've become a /qresearch/ meme though

knowing you are here let's me know you aren't hurting yourself

568e69  No.4301026



f7ea94  No.4301027

>>4299236 FBI wants local police, prosecutors to link into national DNA database.

This ^^^ + Blockchain = mechanism of Mark of the Beast.

858b24  No.4301028

Didn't the McDoyles or IRS guy mention the Clinton Library a bucnh of times:

Rich, who died in 2013, was a financier who fled to Switzerland after being indicted on multiple federal charges, including tax evasion, in 1983.

Clinton's motive for pardoning Rich on his last day in office was questioned

because Rich's ex-wife, Denise Rich, was a wealthy Democratic donor who made a $450,000 donation to Clinton's presidential library foundation

and more than $100,000 to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign.


647b3c  No.4301029


pathetic, bot


3ad6da  No.4301030


Gnome you are wrong.

cb4c69  No.4301031

Wow not a fucking word on whistleblowers on fox news

6a4b31  No.4301032


That cat is gay.

324701  No.4301033


Bronfman ties, IIRC.

85595d  No.4301034


So, you think they should wait and pile everything on at once?

I'll say the same thing as I do about the Mueller Investigation: it's been two years. Put up or shut up.

80802a  No.4301035


>Tom Fitton, under oath, live on national broadcast, declared that Hillary's e-mails and servers were NOT destroyed.

Woah… was workfagging and missed the hearing. Is there saucy sauce for this somewhere? Didn't see it in the tables

9c1097  No.4301036

File: c843a2f9f4e7028⋯.jpg (174.19 KB, 962x853, 962:853, ass_bot.jpg)

ce7a0f  No.4301037


Follow what is not in the public sphere gives me the same confidence as you fren. There has been so much info pushed out, but no one pays attention to it, amazing!

23d735  No.4301038

wow so the new slide tactic is just being retarded and not having a basic understanding of rudimentary legal proceedings.

Way to send in the fuckin A squad! Dont they get tired of being lit up by anons all day? I swear these shills must have a short lifespan, im sure we've made of few of them kill themselves in the past few weeks

1fcac2  No.4301039






They want you DIVIDED.











a3f4e2  No.4301040


How are the bounty hunters not whistle blowing?

Also, ongoing investigations… can't talk about 'em. Makes sense.

8b834c  No.4301041


IS THAT…Comic sans?

EEEEwh Anon!

daf9f0  No.4301042



e89354  No.4301043


"There are about 14 million Jews in the world as of 2010; 6.2 million in Asia (including Israel), 5.5 million in America, two million in Europe and 100,000 in Africa. Out of the world's population of seven billion, the Jews are about 0.2%."


My bad. Its 0.2%. Now address the substance of what I said faggot.

7ddd8f  No.4301044

File: 3285b52fd4dce04⋯.mp4 (249.41 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 911 Pentagon missile.mp4)

File: bdda62610fa749e⋯.jpg (28.64 KB, 240x341, 240:341, 911 Pentagon (2).jpg)

File: 77ef21f7360d913⋯.gif (325.09 KB, 696x470, 348:235, 911 Pentagon camera 2.gif)

File: bf524c5c78c6933⋯.jpg (24.59 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 911 Pentagon .jpg)

File: 4ea679e56fd209c⋯.jpg (52.56 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 911 pentagon wall.jpg)


A missile hit the Pentagon for sure.

236be1  No.4301045

c151ae  No.4301046

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Posted this 4 or 5 times before but a good catch up (with TODAY in mind) on Evergreen (HRC) and Evergreen(ing) as in way to keep patents extended and pricing high. Think CHAI. Think The Shermans.

f284a9  No.4301047

File: ffe9ad3ca5d0148⋯.jpg (27.29 KB, 900x583, 900:583, bate.jpg)

>>4300609 nice. nailed 3 just like that. you sir, or ma'am, are a master baiter. kutgw.




0e8371  No.4301048


what a loser

fucken hilarious

bd50b8  No.4301049


Toots seeks to destroy ebot not a game

253a8e  No.4301050


Shill, if you want to have fun, please read your own post. Kek

abaa88  No.4301051

File: 76d6dbbd7c22c17⋯.jpg (77.7 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2owvbq.jpg)

File: e998c8bf09e90cf⋯.jpeg (52.55 KB, 480x728, 60:91, 976292d3702ae9071ac5993c5….jpeg)

3ea13a  No.4301052

Wizards and Warlocks = 777

Sorcerers =77 = 2/3 = .666

0adb34  No.4301053


or anywhere for that matter! The Hill doesn't even have a story on it that I've seen since it ended. Very telling indeed

324701  No.4301054

File: 383c6a6db42a962⋯.png (31.81 KB, 444x177, 148:59, Story of Freddy and Toots.png)


Here's the story of the cat.

23d735  No.4301055


whistle blowers have first hand info. these 2 are just messengers and hunters

a3f4e2  No.4301056


Don't misunderstand. HILLARY'S copies were destroyed, but she doesn't understand how the internet works.

I'm sure Five Eyes, Russia, Israel, and China all have pristine copies if we need 'em.

e1752e  No.4301057

just considered for the first time the contrast between FLOTUS during most of the 90s and our beautiful (respectfully), classy, graceful FLOTUS now. a clear sign things are looking better for this nation! maga! God bless you all patriotanons! wwg1wga

9d1446  No.4301058

File: 7b1a9d60c3cf89a⋯.jpg (218.64 KB, 1600x1073, 1600:1073, IMG_3746.JPG)

File: 4134156497918c9⋯.gif (3.94 MB, 744x420, 62:35, IMG_3750.GIF)

File: 6447a0cdbc46409⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_4110.JPG)

File: 4c61b91230602d8⋯.jpg (108.92 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_4279.JPG)


Natalie Portman is the last true faith

And ebot loves her

7a8458  No.4301059

File: 35107f9d0a9cf98⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 322x450, 161:225, the thinker.jpg)


Tx Baker

special thx for the "isn't MSM copypasta" addition on Hearings coverage

c3150e  No.4301060

We're getting destroyed Q! FUCK!!

dd87ea  No.4301061


Obviously, you're not American

d74661  No.4301062

Cspan. Fittin had to take an oath to talk about Hillary. Hillary ever take an oath? Seems wonky Anon.


dc6278  No.4301063


Weird, my ears never ring and tonight I'm getting a high pitch sound in them like a dog whistle or some shit, odd you said that,hmm

a3f4e2  No.4301064


Are the whistle blowers the ones who hired the bounty hunters/got 'em started, then?

0d3999  No.4301065

File: a9883647bac30fc⋯.png (22.4 KB, 368x265, 368:265, think for yourself.PNG)


I think Q answered those questions for the simple purpose of squelching the non stop chatter / slide. FE and JFK jr are 2 of the biggest arguments that eat up the bread.

We have to get the low hanging corruption taken care of before attempting to tackle any "heavy" topics.

Dont forget….disinformation is real, disinformation is necessary. Sometimes you have to throw off the shills and divisionfags to complete the overall objective. That objective is accomplished with all anons working TOGETHER.

4653d9  No.4301066

>>4300384 (pb)

Notable if Legit

Seth Rich murder still under investigation… I remember that NSA also couldn't provide docs on this because it was classified.

Relevant to CF / Clinton Fuckery

b4888d  No.4301067


These third party claimants have status as they are defined and recognized under the Whistleblower Statute.

4eca01  No.4301068


girl, not boy

cb2ec7  No.4301069


Take a screenshot

d4a41e  No.4301070

9d46e8  No.4301071

File: 13fa30a420ae5b5⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Comfy.png)


Kek. Wouldn't surprise me if that's really you. Know this, we are coming for the flag, right after we have saved humanity.

214ed1  No.4301072


Yes she is beautiful

Now what?

3ad6da  No.4301073


nope I live in Sarcastikahn.

12b2be  No.4301074

File: 95cb476c557423f⋯.jpeg (205.64 KB, 1440x811, 1440:811, 1538664811.jpeg)

8e79b7  No.4301075


agreed. Trump needs a knee-breaker with DC connections.

858b24  No.4301076

File: 5ee03ad6c4bbeab⋯.png (76.94 KB, 775x385, 155:77, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

OUCH - The Clinton Foundation operated as a foreign agent ‘early in its life’ and ‘throughout it’s existence’ and did not operate as a 501c3 charitable foundation as required by its and is not entitled to its status as a nonprofit.



c151ae  No.4301077



93161e  No.4301078

Q, shed light on the fact that, as Americans, we have UNALIENABLE RIGHTS. Creator endowed rights, not Constitutional rights, whereby NO ONE can take them, not even ourselves.

0fa1b0  No.4301079

Early Bread Bun


>>4300738 Updated Calendar with Dec. 19th Hearing. Thanks again Calendar Fag.

>>4300753, >>4300817 CHAI Qdrop from April un-locked after Hearing today.

>>4300853 IT Update: Malware targeting the energy sector goes by the name "Operation Sharpshooter"

>>4300959 Anon Digs Bush-CF Haiti connection.

3a975a  No.4301080

File: 9f1e2fdc31b2601⋯.jpg (172.84 KB, 981x955, 981:955, spacextr3b12132018.JPG)

Is Elon Musk HIDING something? Mystery 'object' seen near SpaceX craft before 'feed CUT'



7f9fee  No.4301081


My money's on Toots.

23d735  No.4301082


Jesus Christ youre stupid. Do you have any idea how long investigations and legal proceedings take? Obviously you do not. We wont see arrests for another year, anons know this. you are not an anon apparently.

253a8e  No.4301083

Since the midterms muh jew shills work in overtime and attack nearly every bread.

For reference, look up older breads, where the word jew shows maybe 5 times, not 150 times….like now…

There is no 'the jews'.

There are only single persons.

8 million jews live in israel.

You can't possibly think all are cabal members.

I am sure that many many of the upper part of society are cabal. (Like worldwide!)

And I am aware that many cabal members are jews.

However, there are also many non jewish bad actors. Many, worldwide.

Simplified 'oh fuck, its all the jews' is just not based on any facts and just not true.

It does two things:

1 - it hides the non jewish cabal members (folks from thinktanks, politicians, actors, MSM folks worldwide, …)

2 - it gives the Q movement and especially this board the look of a bunch of non-autists that are not digging for facts, but pushing their simple and obviously wrong opinions.

You must have realized that one of the MSM weapons is to blame POTUS and all his followers as nazis.

Imo the ones pushing non fact based info, by copy pasta in every bread, are 95% shills.

Anons are not that stupid and not that blind for facts.

Only shills have an interest to hide some actors and blame innocent ones.

Is hussein a bad guy? Is he moslem, from kenya?

Is jared kushner a good guy? Is he a jew and right now destroying cabal?

It is not as simple as shills would like it to be.

Think for yourself.

d62579  No.4301084


>long with a woman who is and was the original Eve in the bible of Genesis.

FLOTUS is Eve??

cbdacd  No.4301086

File: 64777c1e8d81086⋯.gif (276.66 KB, 840x452, 210:113, thatmustbeallttheyhav.gif)


Wow they really come after you when you call them out on their Jew Hate.

Remind me to do that more often.

that must be all they have

Jew hate feeding off of

Promoted Jew victimhood,

Around and round we go.

Without that I think they are stripped of their clown masks.

That's why they are here fighting for it so hard?


Again mirroring

They are the child.

a94cf0  No.4301087


>-Huber cannot be going after the Clintons AND be a Witness against them.

>(That'd be like… signing a FISA and overseeing the prosecution of the person you signed the FISA against.)

ummm like RR…so is it or isn't it happening? Will it happen someday this decade???

64340e  No.4301088


no problem baker



there are many missile systems that are classified as planes

7a8458  No.4301089


Always liked essay tests better myself….

2e33b4  No.4301090



jewish princess?

daf9f0  No.4301091







0b5c84  No.4301092

File: ebc6c90daa1f275⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 200x190, 20:19, ebc6c90daa1f2757517ef0e310….gif)

f284a9  No.4301093

>>4300662 meant for (you), i am just so excited


the shills are getting hyperbolically triggered, and it is so gratifying..

d296b6  No.4301094


Just proves that the MSM is complicit in the coverup and will be held accountable in the end game. Or they just need more time to develop spin for the 4 am talking points. Either case they get exposed and that is what the plan is all about. To wake the masses takes a lot of time.

236be1  No.4301095

File: a2820408377ef5c⋯.png (2 KB, 266x185, 266:185, images.png)

File: ff44d47ff71421c⋯.jpg (61.77 KB, 640x824, 80:103, 43879562_2248499468713046_….jpg)

File: 1d0a0e12af1c9ce⋯.jpg (44.22 KB, 400x370, 40:37, 44618621_2182674975388454_….jpg)

File: f22f507a2968341⋯.jpg (164.14 KB, 550x550, 1:1, flat,550x550,075,f.u6.jpg)

File: 4ed6a26ccb1879b⋯.jpg (125.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

abaa88  No.4301096

File: abf50bc31d89df9⋯.jpg (84.49 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2oxf66.jpg)

File: 2c92e6547cd4066⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 250x302, 125:151, 2omobm_1.jpg)

64340e  No.4301097

File: e1e6a93bd2049d2⋯.png (254.33 KB, 452x451, 452:451, StfuJIDF.png)


stop hopping faggot

<let's shit up the first world with third world goatfucking muzzies and mentally retarded africans

fucking kys and go back

39445f  No.4301098


I can understand leading the enemy by the nose.

I can understand the way this needs to be played.

Only thing I can say is that non-whites will only follow power, and will bend to power.

No one voted for DJT in 2016 because 'unity' as it will be understood by 90% of the problematic demographic.

They did not keep quiet because they were convinced to be peaceful.

They did anything they do because they were scared shitless and thought they were going to get killed/raped/hunted like they should be.

Like those muzzies in mn.

You want results?

Bring absolute violence upon our enemies and erase every last venue of their resistance.

(((they))) must be broken for our nations to survive.

b57ff8  No.4301099


If Q said jr was alive, then cunton would be hunting him. If Q said the earth was flat, all the books would have to be re-written. If Q said a cruise missle hit the pentagon, then we would have to look to our military as culpable. See how that works. I'm all in with you on this one

14037f  No.4301100


I mostly noticed it because I also just had a semi-bad vertigo attack.

feels like your 'psyche' gets jerked 45 degrees to the left or right - but your body can't catch up.

then the ringing started

8ae084  No.4301101

File: 4479a096f28342d⋯.jpg (197.08 KB, 748x1081, 748:1081, DuGGiqhUUAAU_L9.jpg)

9d1446  No.4301102

File: 1e42c9975549682⋯.png (580.74 KB, 500x628, 125:157, 7E227181-EE68-4911-BCEA-94….png)

File: 5163771ae89411a⋯.jpg (65.99 KB, 960x574, 480:287, IMG_3721.JPG)

File: a0eff52fbbd4271⋯.jpg (208.17 KB, 800x1096, 100:137, IMG_3732.JPG)

File: 6817eaa14abb26d⋯.jpg (488.52 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG_3744.JPG)

dd87ea  No.4301103


CF was outed long before Q came around and these "whistleblowers" testified

80802a  No.4301104



Right, 5:5 on that part frens, but Fitton said "We have the servers" in the hearing?

That is Yuge if confirmed.

1b6dca  No.4301105



The real matrix.

We need to stop doing business with these people, period. And start bitching now about corporations here getting ANY ideas like this.

BOO HOO…. competition will have the edge?

Competition not allowed into the US for this shit. Period.

df1f28  No.4301106

>>4300999. Remember there was a fiasco last year

12b2be  No.4301107

File: cf2f43020784ab1⋯.jpg (256.82 KB, 1440x741, 480:247, IMG_20181017_102123.jpg)

b2a0cb  No.4301108

File: eb62ba0da3a2dd0⋯.jpg (86.14 KB, 711x465, 237:155, stripes_basic_english_1.jpg)


>No your is are

2da0a3  No.4301109

File: 1837ace29701ff2⋯.gif (3.34 MB, 250x198, 125:99, Rand jews.gif)


100% correct.

Notice who had an actual victory today?

How come (Q) never mentions my man RAND?

a94cf0  No.4301110

File: 98c71b6a9f1b310⋯.png (337.23 KB, 540x810, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

253a8e  No.4301111


Baker, bake this please.

CF hearing summary.



a98e3d  No.4301112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I don't know, Anons.

This interview smells like shit.

Robbie Parker tier.

daf9f0  No.4301113



f97132  No.4301114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've discovered

why we like looking

at naked women

Even if we are female


People are Cymatic

5498cb  No.4301115

File: 818d6f8e42a4962⋯.jpg (121.51 KB, 1136x784, 71:49, 15ed6fd5cc7ac3f2174fe22381….jpg)


Natalie Portman started her career in the Professional a Jewish Pedophile vehicle. A piece of their movement to make the world safe for fucking your kid in their ass and you not being able to do anything about it.

The director was fucking a 16 year old girl at the time and they intentionally picked 12 year old natalie because she was small and younger looking than her years and they wanted to really whore it up and celebrate Jewish culture.

6a2c2f  No.4301116

They kept their blood lines pure.

What are the advantages for doing that? Our blood lines have been destroyed, we have the "mix the white race with every race" agenda going on.

Can you tell me there are no differences between the races?

It's bad not to mix your race though isn't it?

We should encourage our children to mix races or else we are racists.

f075e4  No.4301117


>>4300683, >>4300693, >>4300752, >>4300839 Euro Week Poland appears to be an muslim grooming gang operation

cb2ec7  No.4301118


SS for verification!

241ec8  No.4301119

File: 846db13de5ba9fa⋯.png (557.92 KB, 570x686, 285:343, b20314801ba0333a3045064a40….png)

4653d9  No.4301120



Earth is not flat.

Modded Plane (effectively a missile) hit Pentagon.

I agree on "Think for Yourself" regarding Waldo. WITSEC is serious (and heavy). Not an endorsement of "R", which is the equivelent of Flat Earth > Nasa.

68b3e4  No.4301121

Q, I think this might be notable as to why there was an empty chair with a name placard that said Huber on it at that hearing today. Check it out


858b24  No.4301122

File: 02a14a9e4b1354c⋯.png (56.6 KB, 767x339, 767:339, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

for the Lawfags:

New filing in United States v. Butina: Transcript

Doc. on PACER:




f284a9  No.4301123


>muh jew shills on duty again

at least they are becoming self aware. u fux need to learn to use

so much [less] text

9d1446  No.4301124

File: f4f9d41a4f90699⋯.png (34.24 KB, 1784x1412, 446:353, IMG_3476.PNG)

File: e1cef1f69c1f10b⋯.jpeg (458.64 KB, 630x830, 63:83, C59C1D9B-D81C-4097-9FC6-5….jpeg)

File: e8714eed203b7f7⋯.jpeg (73.43 KB, 630x630, 1:1, F5C307C7-9D67-495F-B810-1….jpeg)

File: 0c2721e28d7897a⋯.jpg (96.32 KB, 498x501, 166:167, IMG_3496.JPG)

File: 5456e75eff0c3af⋯.png (299.32 KB, 420x469, 60:67, FAC7D8C6-3CFF-4A83-A8C6-5A….png)

214ed1  No.4301125


FBI anon for example

a8bcbc  No.4301126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Incoming concernfags and shills …hold the line

1d1901  No.4301127

File: 32c21c1811ec840⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1324x1150, 662:575, 01 Gingerbread 1e.png)

File: ea909c68553df96⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1324x1150, 662:575, 01 Gingerbread 1d.png)

File: 7c41e293ed14acb⋯.jpg (196.2 KB, 408x600, 17:25, 01 Obama.jpg)

File: 02c35df6da398cb⋯.jpg (189.29 KB, 600x408, 25:17, 01 Obama b.jpg)

>>4300395 pb

Santa's bag looks like same foliage as BHO portrait. If you look closely where it's circled in the leaves is a sideways face. BHO's face? Combined with his belt (DJT) and hammer…

It's hammer time because DJT has BHO in the bag!

b57ff8  No.4301128


bbbut, he is an aztec eagle award winner. And his dad is… oh, wait.

3a975a  No.4301129


TR-3 Black Mamta or Manta?



cf2d6b  No.4301130

File: 8b1316febc802b5⋯.png (114.76 KB, 280x280, 1:1, libertarian__pol__by_theal….png)


Because Ron and Rand Paul are ==TRUE FUCKING PATRIOTS==

Bottom Fucking Line.

672a42  No.4301131

File: 001d9f38e628b91⋯.jpg (51.43 KB, 1062x613, 1062:613, 990.JPG)

Countries with ties of Clinton Foundation

3aa5ae  No.4301132


Yes, this was a great way to tease some public info. Chess move.

8ae084  No.4301133


But if DJT lets the niggers out of prison early they will surely help us fight for our interests.

cb4c69  No.4301134

This is about giving BABY BITES to the normie idiots! Not the whole shebang. Man for some of you who I consider highly intelligent that should be obvious. You can't just come out heavy to these people they are actually HIGHLY unstable and quite uneducated in terms of critical thinking abilities.

a94cf0  No.4301135

File: 3555704d28e4d94⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1828x1858, 914:929, ClipboardImage.png)

23d735  No.4301136


You mean countries that the CF uses to harvest children

39c1f3  No.4301137


If any of these HighQ fucks had a spark for a brain they would use the meme magik to make Blondie and NSAQ do exactly what needs to be done. The war is digital WWI WWII WWW. BUT THEY LIKE BEING LED BY THIER GODVERNMENT. WAKE WHEN THE FIRE STARTS. I GOTS BIG FAN FOR THE FLAME. Nothing propeople comes from the BEAST. GET IT?

daf9f0  No.4301138

File: 4f512c0fc808bd9⋯.png (3.39 MB, 1337x1096, 1337:1096, 4f512c0fc808bd91bd2ddbe943….png)










0adb34  No.4301139


And make (them) shit their pants thinking Huber was testifying!

b482be  No.4301140


Yup. South Florida has been overtly hostile all week. I have new policy of walking away from shopping cart when the local racist trash insists on cutting in line. Naturally I legally carry at all times carry but not going to be baited by people who really (ave nothing to loose.

Ear ringing most likely connected. Had someone honk horn at me while walking dog across street with clear crosswalk signal two nights ago. Calmly stopped. Squared off with car…stared driver down and then looked at dog for agreement that we should let this one go.

c151ae  No.4301141



Watch the goddamn video faggots.

9d46e8  No.4301142


I posted that anon, couple of nights ago.

Simple logic.

dd87ea  No.4301143


Yeah. Clinton Cash book and documentary is another. There were several people exposing it.

a94cf0  No.4301144

File: a1663f3494d81fc⋯.png (300.91 KB, 540x413, 540:413, ClipboardImage.png)

7f9fee  No.4301145


>Think CHAI. Think The Shermans.

What's with the Q-style crypticism?

858b24  No.4301146


They forgot:








0678c7  No.4301147


They are whistleblowers in the sense they are using the IRS whistleblower status to get paid if the irs recovers money that should have been taxed

cd314b  No.4301148

File: 789831612573bdf⋯.png (206.79 KB, 829x341, 829:341, fist.png)

64340e  No.4301149


2nd the notable

it's the globalist plan of destroying the first world

48598f  No.4301150


Lima Charlie, Anon.

Lima Foxtrot Charlie.

Fuck Qs optics, it's getting close to the day that we have choice but to go full Viking!

26b1d1  No.4301151

>>4299620 (notable lb)

>If we take the hearing at its face value, the whistleblowers submitted evidence 4 times and only recently did anyone at DOJ take notice.

>This would indicate that an investigation into the CF is relatively new and that Huber and his crew have not been "on it" very long.

>Repeated submissions of letters and evidence go unheeded until recently- the 757s going to Little Rock being the only reliable indicator of something going on.

Give me a fucking break, of course Hubers been investigating the Clintons, just cause he doesn't talk to some bounty hunters don't mean squat. Hubers got what, 400 some attorneys, he doesn't need these profiteers jumping in the middle of his investigation and getting rich off it.

23d735  No.4301152


I love cats but I'd love to skin toots. Fuckin ginger piece of shit

9d1446  No.4301153

File: fc1b47ced4d8472⋯.jpg (75.8 KB, 498x496, 249:248, IMG_3999.JPG)

File: 4260f09fb0c656a⋯.jpg (578.38 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, IMG_4017.JPG)

File: 2476ab13e048aac⋯.png (740.51 KB, 1669x1177, 1669:1177, IMG_4022.PNG)

File: 6a2dfa6f2f759e2⋯.jpg (132.79 KB, 676x514, 338:257, IMG_4028.JPG)


It's not that drumpf "fart Vader " "TwinkieOTUS" is a Talmud golem made from 17 irradiated cows from the trinity test genocide ( see downwinders)

It's not even the zealot furver of gestapi Twinkie egregore prostlicyzing like a cia peanut butter nigger with potatoeface after mueller cannibalized Christ in the balkans.

It's not even those 25k domestically produced super soldier clones from the seventies that were sodomized, murdered, and cannibalized for Goldman Sachs in the nineties .

It's prol more about the depraved sardonic trannywhoreing mentality of all the satanists christfagging their dead cow golem for merry krampus.

Gestapi occultist worship dead cow golem egregore kidnapper cocaine dealer the Jews made from 17 irradiated cows post trinity dirty bomb .

a94cf0  No.4301154

File: c77417d4e4978a4⋯.png (363.82 KB, 600x394, 300:197, ClipboardImage.png)

c2ea7c  No.4301155


Wrong link in regards to malware. It's this:


a0f9f7  No.4301156

File: c56b5af66f0b0ef⋯.jpg (40.47 KB, 676x674, 338:337, yuck.JPG)

d296b6  No.4301157


Guaranteed not to be. Do you have a functioning brain?

69fdad  No.4301158

did Mika Call president Trump A dictators Butt Boy,?Kek!

she got Balls.

7dc94c  No.4301159


And such groups suffer various genetic diseases.

b4888d  No.4301160


Das a lot of unpaid back taxes. But being bankrupt is the least of their problems.

bdab17  No.4301161

File: d6db811dcd9cc1a⋯.jpg (78.32 KB, 445x457, 445:457, bodies.jpg)

File: a693d9efe0b01ab⋯.jpg (116.32 KB, 974x616, 487:308, kessel.jpg)

f284a9  No.4301162

File: a48cb533ea67920⋯.jpg (27.25 KB, 381x258, 127:86, illume2.jpg)


a reminder: Bill Gates Sr. photo op.


85595d  No.4301163




Jesus fucking Christ! Wake the fuck up!

They have something, no?

This is a fucked game. You can choose to let Q and doj off the hook, but you've got to get real about it. To wait and hold off until they have everything will result in overlaod and trials that will go on and on and on.

0782e9  No.4301164

File: bcbce3856fb2be2⋯.png (599.04 KB, 641x799, 641:799, Bolling re WH Christmas Pa….PNG)

File: c3a461f1a07f06c⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Video Bolling re WH Christ….mp4)

File: bbb2503fa16ae2e⋯.png (961.85 KB, 656x846, 328:423, Bolling 2 re WH Christmas ….PNG)



a3f4e2  No.4301165


That's what I thought.

They're Blowing the Whistle on the bad actions of the CF.

a94cf0  No.4301166

File: 224d759ea3bf1f9⋯.png (405.73 KB, 421x810, 421:810, ClipboardImage.png)

7dc94c  No.4301167


she's a vulgar deepstate shill

cb4c69  No.4301168

File: 96fe4eaa31b662f⋯.png (460.19 KB, 569x499, 569:499, ClipboardImage.png)

c151ae  No.4301169


Not being cryptic. It is called context.

324701  No.4301170


Nice job explaining it, anon. You'd make a good teacher.

a98e3d  No.4301171

File: 99859ca937df809⋯.jpg (20.17 KB, 500x632, 125:158, PatienceisVirtue.jpg)


So you gonna try to offer up any proof to your shit that keeps spewing from your cock holster?

I'll wait. I've got Patience.

abaa88  No.4301172

File: 3ad22ad21b951c6⋯.jpg (62.04 KB, 480x510, 16:17, 2ofdby_1_1.jpg)

File: 9be6df10e6c5449⋯.jpg (51.35 KB, 480x531, 160:177, 2o8a7o_1.jpg)

File: f904e55339d49b1⋯.png (28.22 KB, 250x300, 5:6, 2217d38bd99b83dfe01529f04b….png)

No FISA declassification

No arrests

2018 was definitely not glorious

Who the fuck needs to see a Christmas stocking with a Q on it. 100% comedy.

Today was another big ass nothing burger

0b5c84  No.4301173

File: a5b8a88e4e29970⋯.jpeg (578.83 KB, 1242x1033, 1242:1033, 4632DA8D-D29B-42C6-A9B6-2….jpeg)

File: bae4245cba0f87d⋯.jpeg (656.99 KB, 1242x870, 207:145, AE1FB606-3890-4B39-A21D-0….jpeg)


A busy holiday season at the White House

As Christmas approaches, President Donald J. Trump and the First Family have been hard at work to ensure every American has a wonderful holiday season.

On the policy side, the President has focused on delivering several crucial wins before the calendar turns to 2019:


daf9f0  No.4301174




cb2ec7  No.4301175



Literally even can not with me up do across fags?

3ba6cc  No.4301176

e03bb5  No.4301177

File: 543299d1365aa11⋯.png (640.86 KB, 1464x634, 732:317, alone.PNG)

a94cf0  No.4301178

File: 070d9131b67a4a1⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1642x1468, 821:734, ClipboardImage.png)

214ed1  No.4301179


Honestly if its till 2025

I dont want to onow or have hope

Id rather live my life

9d716e  No.4301180

File: 6b5822ed82c0b6f⋯.jpg (21.97 KB, 255x231, 85:77, Borg.jpg)

Tom Fitton Testifies Before Congress on the Clinton Foundation Pay-for-Play & Uranium One Scandals - YouTube


Full Clinton Foundation Investigation US House Hearing





Strasbourg Christmas Shooter (conveniently) Killed By Police, Paris Authorities Say


Riot Police Advance On Paris Protesters (AP today, edited)


"The Paris Accord is not working out too well for Paris. Because of that accord, the whole country is burning down," Trump said.

https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-fox-news-paris-france-climate-burning-1257760 (enemy propaganda)

Emmanuel Macron offers protesters benefits worth €10bn

https://www.economist.com/europe/2018/12/15/emmanuel-macron-offers-protesters-benefits-worth-eu10bn (clueless enemy propaganda)


Mueller's History Of Cover-Ups







1cb89e  No.4301181



cb4c69  No.4301182


this is the best shit I've ever seen

5498cb  No.4301183

File: fde64d5d98d1288⋯.jpeg (6.89 KB, 301x168, 43:24, download (54).jpeg)


Seeing what they do now? Celebrate fucking kids. It is what they do. Thanks Natalie…..straight out of Tel Aviv. Bravely bringing images for the pedophiles to admire for decades to cum.

23d735  No.4301184


Dude theyve been investigating CF since long before Q. they have tons of shit. but you gotta build a SOLID and CONCLUSIVE case beyond a reasonable doubt. Learn the legal system, or at least pick up a fucking John Grisholm novel damn

9617ac  No.4301185

File: bdd520bb758f552⋯.png (100.17 KB, 1162x731, 1162:731, BombThrerat2.PNG)

File: 1c91db2a7a92a5b⋯.png (85.38 KB, 1353x758, 1353:758, BombThtreat1.PNG)

Bomb Threats over email started around 10am..distraction from hearing? Keep people from internet to watch/listen..coincidence??

6ffaf0  No.4301186


Linda Resnick and Stewart Resnick Feinstein and Clinton Donors

Nearly half of American households purchase products sold by the billionaire-backed holding company Roll Global , according to Roll, but most consumers probably have no idea. They haven't realized that such brands like Pom Wonderful, Fiji Water and Wonderful Halos were all related.

The company is hoping to change that. On Monday it announced it was aligning all 10 brands under a new corporate name: The Wonderful Company. “Now, we want consumers to know the name behind some of the most popular healthy foods they love,” cofounder Lynda Resnick said in an email. “As The Wonderful Company, we’ll create an even deeper connection between our brands and our consumers, and leverage that equity to continue building our position as one of the largest and fastest growing produce companies in America.”


Also big Feinstein Donor


Here is a funny read about Resnick


cf2d6b  No.4301187


They're begging for we the people to become the beast.

And when we become the fucking beast it will be all out mortal destruction. It will become hell on earth. I am afraid there is no one coming to save us but ourselves at this point. This country is more than fucking capable of conducting the worlds most brutal civil war the planet has ever fucking seen and day by day it becomes more apparent that is slowly becoming our only option.

I'd rather go out with a bang - and I'm pretty sure the silent majority is right there along side us.

f42a05  No.4301188

File: febda057e7772cf⋯.png (113.87 KB, 338x199, 338:199, ClipboardImage.png)


Get him Toots. Destroy ebot.

c384b4  No.4301189

File: 2b8a65e8cf847e1⋯.jpg (179.87 KB, 709x683, 709:683, DJTYOU2.jpg)


MSM strangely quiet about Sessions firing

Really thought they would go on and on about it


0049e5  No.4301190

File: 7a207ea984a7a11⋯.png (30.93 KB, 734x234, 367:117, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)


Freddy, remember Q BTFO'd you last night. Remember?

f9dbf3  No.4301191


well that, and because actual potential CF whistleblowers from the inside have all wound up suicided for some strange coincidental reason

3ad6da  No.4301192

File: fe2e7306856cd21⋯.jpg (23.1 KB, 310x163, 310:163, quarkgluonplasma.jpg)


Quark-Gluon Plasma

Tesla intuited the color field and Higgs Field.

9d1446  No.4301193

File: bf332683a084174⋯.jpg (46.11 KB, 564x423, 4:3, IMG_0580.JPG)

File: 795ef241e9878c8⋯.jpg (111.84 KB, 1492x640, 373:160, IMG_1394.JPG)

File: 26ae4e359f3b68b⋯.jpg (79.57 KB, 772x960, 193:240, IMG_1489.JPG)

File: 372bf3769d5dd67⋯.jpg (24.47 KB, 254x198, 127:99, IMG_1898.JPG)

File: 646b51b1a872466⋯.jpg (70.98 KB, 500x640, 25:32, IMG_1906.JPG)

c55049  No.4301194


Missed Canukistan to the North.

704f87  No.4301195


Does your toaster get tired of making toast?

f075e4  No.4301196



I think Eurp Week needs a dig. I bet these arab men are basically pimp. They meet these young girls, get them to fall in love then the young girls leave the camp and reconnect on social media to reunite. I wouldnt be surprised if these men were funneling young girls to people in higher echelons as well.

e8c13f  No.4301197

File: 988edf162c6bf5c⋯.jpg (199.43 KB, 1043x338, 1043:338, Screen Shot 12-14-18 at 12….JPG)

French police have killed the main suspect in the Strasbourg Christmas market shooting, Cherif Chekat, following a dramatic, helicopter-assisted police raid in a city-center district, the country’s Interior Minister confirmed.

The French police mounted a massive operation in Strasbourg on Thursday, involving armed officers from the elite RAID police unit and the helicopter. Interior Minister Christophe Castaner confirmed that the suspect was “neutralized” in the raid.


f284a9  No.4301198

File: 887a634359bb93d⋯.jpg (5.01 KB, 169x177, 169:177, clown.jpg)


this will not age well: it won't have to. kek!

43f85f  No.4301199


I was fapping at the computer and eating pizza. Now it is all ruined for me! Damn you, Skippy!!

324701  No.4301200

File: 79b3b625f8fc9e7⋯.png (49.28 KB, 657x651, 219:217, 82aa210e70971d3aa4264f8e70….png)

23cebf  No.4301201


Independent investigators who risk their own funds & time hoping to receive a whistleblower's award if their case results in the government recovering significant funds

daf9f0  No.4301202


9d46e8  No.4301203


Ty anon. Happy to be of service.

672a42  No.4301204

lawfags, can POTUS be re-investigated by IRS after he was investigated and cleared?He has been targeted for years and all years have been resolved. Can they go back again?

93cebd  No.4301205

This thought occurred to me…

5:00PM Standard Time

17:00PM Military Time

[D]ec 5 Standard Time

[D]ec 17 Military time


What are the odds of that?

76fb0c  No.4301206

Phonefag here not able to "preview" posts. Long press brings up menu to open in new tab etc. Am I missing a setting. Used to work but switched to DDG and now doesn't work.

9d1446  No.4301207


Damn namefags

23d735  No.4301208


ok so go try and sue someone or go to a criminal trial, sit in on the proceedings one day and youll understand why shit takes so long

the legals system is overrun and takes a long ass time. you cant go in half cocked and waste the opportunity

daf9f0  No.4301209



14037f  No.4301210

File: 6f583f80125c60e⋯.png (378.78 KB, 610x677, 610:677, ClipboardImage.png)

NYcomPost drumming up clicks again


858b24  No.4301211

File: 3f95c81062dd671⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1405x794, 1405:794, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)

7dc94c  No.4301212


they didn't want him to reveal his French handlers

8e63fa  No.4301213

here is the big news today - drudge headline


not a word about "whistleblowers"

moar like whisperblowers

normies will never never ever come around without muhtv coverage

2da0a3  No.4301214

File: cf6a8223efcdf44⋯.jpg (82.47 KB, 624x1174, 312:587, melania naked 07.jpg)


my man!

a3b1d3  No.4301215

File: 140512f28e0d6d0⋯.png (7.45 KB, 567x127, 567:127, Q&A.png)



if you want to break the interwebs, why don't you have your Q&A sessions in the evenings, when far more anons (those of us with day jobs) can actually post!! Please & thank you!

23cebf  No.4301216

File: 75391e9dd5c34a7⋯.jpg (86.69 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, BleachBitDoesnt.jpg)


And NSA has absolutely everything.

cb2ec7  No.4301217


Eventually yes it does.

Do you get tired of being compared to humans?

dc6278  No.4301218

File: a6a24d789362373⋯.png (7.1 KB, 500x158, 250:79, gethelp.PNG)

23d735  No.4301219


PS yes, i am far more intelligent than you are.

f284a9  No.4301221

File: 5e5b372b8b38098⋯.jpg (25.14 KB, 472x285, 472:285, infinite chan.jpg)


feel the burn

671675  No.4301222


Huber delay a response to Trump Campaign contributions BS?

5a788d  No.4301223

File: 4e94f39600c0aea⋯.jpeg (198.57 KB, 661x355, 661:355, 91EF2A33-7624-4DF9-AA2D-F….jpeg)


a8bcbc  No.4301224

File: 882c34f18148012⋯.png (874.57 KB, 875x526, 875:526, wong-way-out.png)

d296b6  No.4301225


What a tool. Learn English

b57ff8  No.4301226


Great, the entire western civilization teeters on the fact if the cabal tries something(they will) then we are doomed. thanks

214ed1  No.4301227


And how did it help so far?

27602c  No.4301228


Then why are you even here?

Makes no sense that you’d care if strangers wasted their time…..

704f87  No.4301229

Jebus. Shills so think you can get a contact retard from them.

3ad6da  No.4301230


That is why Eggo's are so important in the life of a toaster.

23d735  No.4301231


they sound like patriots to me. 3 years of work they should get paid!

225d72  No.4301232

File: 43e531c8f349eb6⋯.png (64.81 KB, 275x192, 275:192, Just Stand.PNG)

>>4300251 (pb)


>good just needs to STAND.


Yup. I wear mine, you can too. Put yellow vest on hanger in side window of my rig. Thumbs up allatime. People get it.

f284a9  No.4301233

File: 69bbcaa46a3bf96⋯.jpg (34.04 KB, 664x265, 664:265, infinity chair.JPG)

214ed1  No.4301234

704f87  No.4301235


Not the brightest bulb on the tree, are you.

dd87ea  No.4301236


There are ever-increasing numbers of laws to enforce against the ever-increasing number of plebs in the population, so prosecuting the cabal just has to wait.

daf9f0  No.4301237



8cda3b  No.4301238


Further speculation is useless. It leads to disappointment and low morale.

To quote the age old admonition, "We'll get there when we get there!"

cb4c69  No.4301239


Look up the massive IRS whistleblower awards. They get reduced. Or take 10 years. And you have to appeal. It's a very risky game. But these guys might have actually dug up some of their own information that helped us. It just has ALREADY been seen by Huber or whoever is in charge.

MILITARY OPERATIONS so few people actually know about. Mark Meadows apparently is one of them cause that guy is clueless.

23d735  No.4301240


technically right now they are donating their time, because they want justice

a94cf0  No.4301241

File: cf32879f52eb98f⋯.gif (2.03 MB, 370x260, 37:26, Plan to go one way.gif)

When the plan was to arrive at "A" and life reared up and decided you needed to go somewhere else….Is this our plan????

a3f4e2  No.4301242

File: 56e0b4e34fd46f2⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Fitton-WeHaveTheServers.mp4)



3312de  No.4301243


shocking… never coulda' seen that coming…

0782e9  No.4301244

File: a72bf4b0694af5c⋯.png (569.9 KB, 646x820, 323:410, WH re FLOTUS 12-13-18 4 33….PNG)

File: 75bc3622ec909dd⋯.png (61.07 KB, 509x877, 509:877, WH re FLOTUS 12-13-18 4 33….PNG)

File: 2e6d19e431880cf⋯.png (390.67 KB, 513x890, 513:890, WH re FLOTUS 12-13-18 4 33….PNG)



Bread 5478


7e4d70  No.4301245


And this is the facts. Cut and Dried. Without the media this is all a big fat nothingburger.

7f9fee  No.4301246


I get a feeling toots is on our side.

93cebd  No.4301247


So, are you sayin we'll get there in Military Time?

6d6c26  No.4301248

File: 564cf36a5f13686⋯.png (721.33 KB, 1110x850, 111:85, Flynn1.PNG)

b57ff8  No.4301249


Thanks rabbi, Israel will starve, you know that. BDS 72nein fucker

39445f  No.4301250


also, 'people' are fucking cowards.

you want to save our nations and peoples?

excercise power and fuck the 'votes'.

People will acknowledge those who protect our children, advance our interests, and humiliate and destroy our enemies.

Fuck the 'votes' in this case. Personally I don't give a flying fuck if republicans started stuffing all the ballot boxes in the country.

I am most certainly for breaking down the door of every synagogue and mosque and executing subversive shits and foreign enemies that are trying to influence our nations.

People are not seeing friends in the admin staff members.

They see the likes of bannon and kelly, regardless of their personal faults and anguish driven (justifiably so) lack of 'tolerance' being driven out and getting kiked out, and fucking kush and jews setting shit up to isolate, enrage, enstrange Americans from the president and essentially making them combat ineffective and doing all (((they))) can to set them on a collision course with potus by manipulating absolutely understandable rage and anxiety regarding the state of our 'reality' today.

muzzies out, jews, out and neutered.

3rd world shits being driven out from our nations.

making our nations white and prosperous again.

All people are seeing right now in certain aspects is that our 'patriots' seem to be grooming the rest of the population and handing them to the NWO on a silver platter (psychologically and spiritually).

'unity' is the word I would have avoided given what is being done to western people right now.

Our people want to see dead enemies, humiliated and violated muslims, and jews being thrown out of seats of power, not fucking kiking their way through the administration or in society and being allowed to speak.

Want fire back? Start killing our enemies.

23d735  No.4301251


he is necessary evil yes, but his intentions are dark.

9d1446  No.4301252

File: 446825ba5537575⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_4503.PNG)

File: 859bedb6dc01430⋯.jpg (613 KB, 751x958, 751:958, IMG_4511.JPG)

File: 62d2cabec0748d1⋯.jpg (561.3 KB, 751x958, 751:958, IMG_4514.JPG)

daf9f0  No.4301253



5f2b8d  No.4301254


>Clinton still didn’t see the problem. “Yeah, but people should know that if I wanted to destroy these things I would have destroyed them,” she said. “And they never would have been found.”

Very telling of her neutral mindset.

39c1f3  No.4301256


I'll post a pic of my big black dick to prove I'm no Shill or bot if u like faggot

858b24  No.4301257

File: 35ba8c259c32b22⋯.png (226.32 KB, 630x974, 315:487, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

File: ae69e0ec031294b⋯.png (240.55 KB, 631x1080, 631:1080, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

File: 97b6a0190603bfe⋯.png (415.48 KB, 618x1175, 618:1175, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

File: a9023a017be7269⋯.png (258 KB, 625x1109, 625:1109, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

December 13, 2018

Judge in Flynn case demands more documents before passing sentence

By Thomas Lifson

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who is due to sentence General Michael Flynn next Tuesday, has thrown a wild card on the table, raising the possibility that a miscarriage of justice may finally be called out and the guilty plea coerced by Team Mueller thrown out.

Thanks to the sentencing memorandum filed by counsel for General Michael Flynn, we now see that the FBI used deception to ensnare him in a perjury trap. The Wall Street Journal summarizes the deception employed by or at the behest of James Comey and Peter Strzok, both now fired and revealed as fanatical Trump-haters:

caps = entirety of article


a3f4e2  No.4301258



35d0f4  No.4301259

File: b9b2dbe0816e39a⋯.png (225.81 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

cb4c69  No.4301260



8e63fa  No.4301261

lawfag here

this notable below is really incorrect

the agenda of these witnesses is to bring pressure on the govt to process and approve their claims

there was NO evidence that huber delayed or sat on anything at all

that was their whining conclusion

more likely huber recd the materials and went to work - no duty or need to reply to these mercenaries unless and until the story went public - then they did and also got another copy to verify there was nothing new

just what i would have done anons


>>4299620 Anon gives a concise rundown on the implications of today's CF whistleblower hearing.

3ad6da  No.4301262

File: c930e729f96038d⋯.jpeg (11.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3c452ac5e06fcdfbfe69197fe….jpeg)


Toots in a box You just never know

1ef189  No.4301263

File: 1cf81db8d05926a⋯.jpg (881.21 KB, 1449x1024, 1449:1024, 1511464515674.jpg)

cf2d6b  No.4301264


Because I am a fucking information warrior and I've been fighting this fucking battle long before Q ever came along. I've been here since Operation Payback - something you probably have no fucking clue about and it is my duty to inform the people of the most likely truth.

Unfortunately, the most likely truth at this point is that Q is a psyop to keep the people complacent. No Presidency wants a civil uprising - but it is increasingly looking like this Presidency is unable to do what needs to be done.

We're long past the fucking time of waiting here. People are extraordinarily close to their snapping points. The dialog on 4pol alone has changed quite drastically over the last 2 points. People are outright calling for the murder of politicians now.

As Q says, "This is not a game."

This is the future of my family and friends. This is the future of this nation. This is the future of human kind.

cb2ec7  No.4301265


I agree hes based.

d476f8  No.4301266


Unless that's an IRS or court finding, it doesnt mean shit.

8cda3b  No.4301267


There is no question that when we get there it will be military time.

That said, I hope you are proven correct - D17.

85595d  No.4301269


If something doesn't happen by end of 2020 we may be screwed.

b4888d  No.4301270


I think that Seth was pedo victim in the whole Franklin, Nebraska scandal and the family has been acting squirrely and needed a "baby-sitter to keep them isolated and quiet. I think that a lot of these survivor victims grew up and got an auto entry ticket into the two parties inner circles. I think that after Bernie got whacked that Seth made a run for it and tried to get back at his abusers.

3312de  No.4301271


did they auction off his magic computer that instantly translates his drool into coherent pseudo-scientific pablum?

23cebf  No.4301272


Re_read crumbs.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 63896f No.4119614 📁

Dec 2 2018 18:08:31 (EST)


Nothing can stop what is coming.


History books.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b8622e No.4130455 📁

Dec 3 2018 13:02:17 (EST)

The public is about to learn that the DOJ, FBI, + other US/Foreign assets have been actively working behind the scenes in one of the largest criminal investigations in modern day history.

DECLAS > Purpose > illuminate the 'TRUTH' > People

Transparency is the only way forward [CONTROLLED MEDIA - 'Enemy of the People'].


When there is a very, very large investigation, their procedure is to keep all the related info under wraps until they are ready to announce ALL of the indictments. Otherwise additional defendants could be tipped off and destroy evidence or flee or at trial claim that juries were prejudiced by reading info of related cases that were revealed before theirs.

Just wait, and enjoy the show.

It's one for the history books.

I'm getting real tired of posting this same over & over.

Re_ Read _ the _ fucking _ crumbs _

9e4cf7  No.4301273


I have to say at this moment in time, I finally believe Q is a fake.

Hillary will live to 99 on the outside.



You are following a carrot on a string.

4a48af  No.4301274

File: 4c9ff687e3d1517⋯.jpg (293.25 KB, 1075x994, 1075:994, Early Clock.JPG)


Back to the beginning?

Could it be go time? <3

d62579  No.4301275


I only agreed with a small portion as well.

daf9f0  No.4301276

File: 4699239d71bb705⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1320x1000, 33:25, ClipboardImage.png)



e51952  No.4301277


Got that right

2da0a3  No.4301278

File: 37845049f41cdb0⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 720x529, 720:529, ron-paul-is-someone-else_o….jpg)


Think about all the people that "Q" has called out as patriots of the highest caliber.

Not one shout out for RON PAUL?

Let that sink in.

Who's Q?

a3f4e2  No.4301279


That's been a trend with lawyers who are sick and tired of REEEEEgressive bullshit fucking with the courts and law in general.


51a8a5  No.4301280


Today–For the first time I am starting to lose confidence in this whole thing. Its like chasing a woman for 1.5 years and then she takes her pants off and she has a penis.

0b5c84  No.4301281


0fa1b0  No.4301282

Last Call for Notables


>>4300738 Updated Calendar with Dec. 19th Hearing. Thanks again Calendar Fag.

>>4300753, >>4300817 CHAI Qdrop from April un-locked after Hearing today.

>>4300853 IT Update: Malware targeting the energy sector goes by the name "Operation Sharpshooter"

>>4300959 Anon Digs Bush-CF Haiti connection.

>>4301122 New filing in United States v. Butina: Transcript

>>4301131 Form 990-T of Countries tied to CF

>>4300683, >>4300693, >>4300752, >>4300839 Euro Week Poland appears to be an muslim grooming gang operation

>>4301173 WH Tweet: POTUS has focused on delivering several crucial wins before the calendar turns to 2019

>>4301186 Roll Global (Fiji Water Cabal) Moves biggest brands under new corporate name.

>>4301065, >>4301056, >>4301242 Fitton mentions "We have the Servers" in CF hearing.

>>4301257 Flynn case may get thrown out Judge Emmet G. Sullivan has "a wild card on the table".

2902c7  No.4301283

File: a5e6559d66579bb⋯.png (1.34 MB, 2744x1770, 1372:885, Caps 2018-12-13 at 7.42.04….png)



385e65  No.4301284

File: 0852cc6ca0d707e⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 255x254, 255:254, d86c9b8efed881d16b72f4a295….jpg)

23cebf  No.4301285

File: 7ccd89edbfe7094⋯.jpeg (219.21 KB, 702x910, 27:35, TrustthePlanWWG1WGA.jpeg)

bfd553  No.4301286



NOtable REbuttal

253a8e  No.4301287




Why don't you bake the most relevant topic of today??

You don't even reply after I posted it in two breads and called twice for it again.

Smells shilly…

CF hearing summary with some BOOMs. 3h old article, not yet in notables.

(Anons knew, but it is PUBLIC now! Huge!)



a8bcbc  No.4301288

File: 72fac2aee24a457⋯.png (264.12 KB, 555x554, 555:554, deepstate-snoopy-jack-micr….png)

daf9f0  No.4301289

File: d5b3259a86f2c3a⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, ClipboardImage.png)



69fdad  No.4301290


They always send a negro out to defend the Clintons. talk about being trained.

80802a  No.4301291


Good SAUCE anon!! I tried to embed, but it couldn't recognize source.

858b24  No.4301292

File: 0757c6d44b7482c⋯.png (318.53 KB, 624x430, 312:215, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

File: b31eb2d85c0c736⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1193x1188, 1193:1188, Screen Shot 2018-12-11 at ….png)


a3f4e2  No.4301293



d476f8  No.4301294


I think you mean an unmanned aircraft.

8e63fa  No.4301295

anons - of course these hearing were nothing new to anons - we already got the info on this board from Q and each other

this is for normies

and im afraid the truth is normies will only believe muhtv

that is it anons


im sure q knows this - stress failed - something or someone not ready for muhtv

1ef189  No.4301296

File: 650db5eb97b414d⋯.png (45.56 KB, 328x328, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


objection over ruled

f284a9  No.4301297


notable notable notable

Judge demands Docs - from Flynn too! MOUNTAIN of keks.

how do you introduce evidence?

daf9f0  No.4301298



cbdacd  No.4301299

File: fb86c0c260fef04⋯.jpg (150.19 KB, 1131x762, 377:254, whokilledsethrich.JPG)



i wonder why.

Dad involved

Dad CIA?

Brother psycho

shit happens.

Also Disney connection.

Dad loves Disney. He's a collector of Disney items. Seth worked on a Kibbutz? MOS, who knows.

I think "Webb" promoted the fake death idea to take the heat off the real perps.

5498cb  No.4301300

File: ca2e72b8c3c19c9⋯.jpg (165.2 KB, 1165x500, 233:100, 2oxj06.jpg)

File: 1836cd3ac624a28⋯.jpg (19.69 KB, 276x182, 138:91, 2oxj7h.jpg)

What do Jews make actresses do to get a part? Mmmmmm?

dd87ea  No.4301301


And pretty soon, you'll be the child of a holohoax survivor.

d369a3  No.4301302


ebot needs to take charge and start kicking Toots and Freddy's ass.

Hope ebot's not too much of a pussy.

8ae084  No.4301303


Great posts.

Enough is enough.

Anyone taking action right now is a hero.

a3f4e2  No.4301304


The only way I've ever figured out how to do it is to go to like… downloadtwittervideo.com or whatever it is and then upload it. tiny tiny files.

archive offline.

yada yada.

808205  No.4301305

Wow shills just embarrassing tonight.

Come on shills, try harder.


Can't catch the Newbies with weakness.

Send the better shills, these ones are tired.

a8bcbc  No.4301306

File: f4db0fb16b57057⋯.png (427.98 KB, 1166x622, 583:311, microchip-antisemetic.png)

0e8371  No.4301307



ac9e79  No.4301308

AFLB? thought you left in shame never to return.

8e63fa  No.4301310


you are not ready

db10e5  No.4301311

Any proof of life yet from the south pole anons?

d74661  No.4301312

Kiss my ass. You seem to be a shill. Prove what you say. If it is true there is more proof than an essay.


6c2294  No.4301313

File: 178925f97bd7870⋯.jpg (38.89 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 2oxj85 -.jpg)

cb2ec7  No.4301314


Ebot doesn't take criticism too well

4d7ebf  No.4301316

File: ee69e2149639708⋯.jpg (122.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hackney.jpg)

So what was the point of this vaseline ass being there other than to gum up the works for the Dems?

6d6c26  No.4301317

File: dca38a352335e15⋯.png (216.06 KB, 299x406, 299:406, Toots4.PNG)



2e33b4  No.4301318


you sound like you have sand in your snatch you legless bitch.

daf9f0  No.4301319




8ae084  No.4301321


well said.

a3b1d3  No.4301322


Oh shit, I just F'd myself…PLEASE DISREGARD my stupidity Q!!! OOOpppss I thought that session occurred during the day today….👎

808205  No.4301323

File: d96131a84a29c57⋯.jpg (211.58 KB, 1034x929, 1034:929, micro liar.jpg)

214ed1  No.4301324


I read them and reread them

It foesnt matter what Q promises

What matters is whats happening around us

YOu can create an alternate reality and justify almost everything in it

Question is for each individual


In real world we are loosing bigly

Here we are winning bigly

Which one???????

0782e9  No.4301325

File: 3bee7c2436b4029⋯.png (459.16 KB, 641x548, 641:548, POTUS 12-13-18 1 21 pm PST.PNG)

File: 58ec01c3d01ec9b⋯.mp4 (2.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video POTUS 12-13-18 1 21 ….mp4)


26b1d1  No.4301326



>>4301151 (me)

finally someone else is getting it.

cb4c69  No.4301327

File: 458dbdd7a6021e1⋯.png (23.8 KB, 402x370, 201:185, ClipboardImage.png)


This Q Drop was confirmed by the hearing today in my opinion. They said they had the docs and they made their way to Utah.

a8bcbc  No.4301328

File: bed6625a041a5a7⋯.png (800.86 KB, 1440x1195, 288:239, jack-14-88.png)

c2a2e4  No.4301329

Listening to the Democrats today makes me wonder about if there will be any of them left after their defense of the crooked Clinton's, I don't sense that they are unaware of the criminal activities , why wouldn't they want to get rid of the dead weight? Is it because (((they))) are guilty of crimes as well?

3ceb17  No.4301330

File: 67f0f05331d8971⋯.jpg (102.5 KB, 889x499, 889:499, 67f0f05331d897113fb2b6caf4….jpg)


Nobody is keeping you here. Better hurry and get out.

cbdacd  No.4301331


Me Too.

It's artificial and obvious.


f284a9  No.4301332

File: 30f0255cea1610b⋯.png (193.43 KB, 656x766, 328:383, conondrum.png)


a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a riddle

for like, 5 more minutes.

a3f4e2  No.4301333


If the government is shut down during Christmas Break… and through year's end…

Does that mean they don't get any bonuses for the holidays?

60a49d  No.4301334

File: 1bb8039230b62fd⋯.jpg (43.61 KB, 514x407, 514:407, doit.jpg)


use moar question marks

23cebf  No.4301335


You obviously have not yet learned that your thoughts, my thoughts, everyone's thoughts, have quantum interactions with what you refer to as "reality". Nor are you autist enough to project what we have learned into possible futures and see how things are turning out in our favor in the fight against evil.

I can't help you with that.

Godspeed, anon.

8e63fa  No.4301336


yes and that occurred LONG AFTER these merc cucks provided docs but BEFORE they spoke to hubers office

pretty clear aint it

huber already in action contary to their whiny insinuations

80802a  No.4301337


I just learned how to make ==red text== fren, that might take me a few hours to figure out.

dd87ea  No.4301338


2019 will be glorious. That 2018 would be was necessary disinfo. Learn.

WWG1WGA or GTFO you have to go back

9d1446  No.4301339

File: 03c8e50100cafb1⋯.gif (3.74 MB, 640x601, 640:601, IMG_4532.GIF)

fdd741  No.4301340

I don't think the real freddy is around anymore.

We just have pretend freddy faggots all over the place.

I don't know which is worse.

d9151f  No.4301341

File: 37ee0cb6852ad88⋯.jpg (56.76 KB, 584x442, 292:221, Hes-Right-you-know-morgan.jpg)

7f9fee  No.4301342

File: b82626a6ee7d74d⋯.png (1005.3 KB, 800x712, 100:89, ClipboardImage.png)





23cebf  No.4301343


What recess appointments can a President make during a 10-day recess?

d476f8  No.4301344


Im digging on Antarctica. Anybody know good sources?

daf9f0  No.4301345

File: af1fc2ff4f5c033⋯.png (124.79 KB, 298x278, 149:139, ClipboardImage.png)

1a5576  No.4301346


Sounds like you're referring to a personal experience.

Odds are good you still went with it.

709623  No.4301347


right, they are financial bounty hunters. In it for the money. Interesting line of work. The CF may be a big payoff for them as in retirement…

672a42  No.4301348

Does Hannity talk about the bombshell hearing tonight or expose himself as a fake MAGA?

dd87ea  No.4301349


That was in the news

6baaec  No.4301350

The highest ranking anon is going to be trumps next chief of staff

542139  No.4301351


Exactly we must stick together and make sure the whites and Christians are wiped out.

b6c5fb  No.4301352


When he wasn’t stumbling over his own mouth, not a damn reason for him to be there other then the dems asked him to be

2e33b4  No.4301353


so you're a nigger too?

808205  No.4301354


Wow, nice meme.

posobeic is a racist.

I'm not surprised, nice to see the sauce tho, thank you.

0b5c84  No.4301355

NoTe to selF..

Never pOsT a fucking hawKinG pic again

9d1446  No.4301356

File: 28c77ca2b931794⋯.jpg (113.42 KB, 853x800, 853:800, IMG_4528.JPG)

3ceb17  No.4301357


I remember something she was supposed to have said a while back-"If I go down, I`ll take everyone with me". She probably has shit on many people. I wonder what is on AW`s laptop?

ac9e79  No.4301358


depends on how deep you wanna get..

ankle, knee, or ludicrous

69fdad  No.4301359

lady on shannon Bream just said lets use Drones on the boarder.

did not say non-leathal.

5498cb  No.4301360

File: e77c476e81fcaed⋯.jpg (19.32 KB, 276x182, 138:91, 2oxjku.jpg)

daf9f0  No.4301361

File: 545498dc4249aa2⋯.png (221.26 KB, 596x272, 149:68, ClipboardImage.png)

a0f9f7  No.4301362


Tom got some CF emails true but HE/Fitton doesn't have the server. Listen again. He got them through FOIA.

7e4d70  No.4301363


Bombshell? Thats the term you're gonna use for today? rofl. Pissing on yourself is more a bombshell at this point.

0fa1b0  No.4301364



>>4300738 Updated Calendar with Dec. 19th Hearing. Thanks again Calendar Fag.

>>4300753, >>4300817 CHAI Qdrop from April un-locked after Hearing today.

>>4300853 IT Update: Malware targeting the energy sector goes by the name "Operation Sharpshooter"

>>4300959 Anon Digs Bush-CF Haiti connection.

>>4301122 New filing in United States v. Butina: Transcript

>>4301131 Form 990-T of Countries tied to CF

>>4300683, >>4300693, >>4300752, >>4300839 Euro Week Poland appears to be an muslim grooming gang operation

>>4301173 WH Tweet: POTUS has focused on delivering several crucial wins before the calendar turns to 2019

>>4301186 Roll Global (Fiji Water Cabal) Moves biggest brands under new corporate name.

>>4301065, >>4301056, >>4301242 Fitton mentions "We have the Servers" in CF hearing.

>>4300694, >>4301257 Flynn case may get thrown out. Judge Emmet G. Sullivan has "a wild card on the table".Demands exculpatory evidence.

>>4301327 Qproof on CF Docs and where they are located.

dc6278  No.4301366

File: 41db0c076ffe480⋯.png (914.27 KB, 842x555, 842:555, SOOI.PNG)

f284a9  No.4301367

File: 50fa308acb1789b⋯.jpg (44.55 KB, 228x217, 228:217, warrant.jpg)

File: 2514da0454d3b42⋯.png (220.48 KB, 714x558, 119:93, hero.png)


imagine if somehow, the NSA, working with the other NSA, knew the wiretap was in place.

i kekked on my screen thinking of Gen. Flynn kekking at listening to his own "wiretap".

cb9606  No.4301368

numerous bomb threats across the country and I check Q CLock to find this (ty clockfags)

Today's Classic 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :41 - See 05/17

Pic 3

>Bomb(s) about to blow.

Which means?

1) They know

>2) They are told (controlled)

3) Both

What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?

>Think cleaning.

Q&A = how does Q know the Future? Control

cb2ec7  No.4301369


+1 for freddy

64d0cd  No.4301370

File: 03ea6bb5a55da3c⋯.jpg (8.99 KB, 313x161, 313:161, rand2.jpg)

1cb89e  No.4301372


i have a clip ready for next bread

7a41c0  No.4301373


Yeah, Holmes-Norton is a fucktard

a3f4e2  No.4301374

Pretty much…

Whatever Huber was doing today…

What Tom said pretty much covered any Huber could touch on anyway.

Tom was the star of that Scene.

No one else was needed in the starting line up.

d476f8  No.4301375


Would be a classic.

23cebf  No.4301376

File: 91c7426dc9bc71c⋯.jpg (184.01 KB, 1051x785, 1051:785, HawkingBoom.jpg)

0b5c84  No.4301378


Exactly!! They have been pushing Jew division and Israel division harder than anything else for over a year. DONT LET THE SHILLS DIVIDE!!

b6c5fb  No.4301379


So maybe the raid on their Arkansas office was for child porn and child crimes? Maybe?

9a4fc6  No.4301382

File: 9080ca63b6264b4⋯.png (1017.16 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Snow Anon Q Alpha.png)

File: 4bcf644fe11a873⋯.png (1.48 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Snow Anon Q Alt Alpha.png)

File: 68007dbcede9680⋯.jpg (666.66 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Snow Anon Q Alt.jpg)

Snow Anon Q .png Only File

Snow Anon Alt .jpg & Alpha .png Files

daf9f0  No.4301383

File: a28bddef83c3977⋯.png (331.26 KB, 637x630, 91:90, 7078ed8aa4ca9c4be3ae5a08c5….png)



cb2ec7  No.4301384


Might wanna check

>>4300853 (You) IT Update: Malware targeting the energy sector goes by the name "Operation Sharpshooter"

a152c4  No.4301385


he's a true patriot; remember when young people actually got involved? Denis put his money where his mouth is. RIP

e8c13f  No.4301387

File: 86e4819a1e0e324⋯.jpg (111.44 KB, 600x429, 200:143, lego-stephen-hawking-by-th….jpg)

39445f  No.4301388


People follow their natural priority, especially minorities in the west that has nothing to gain from 'unity' and everything to gain from aggressing against white people and western people.

Nobody's interested in saving the world at the expense of western civilization, nor are they interested in redefining western civilization and people's priorities by (((their))) kiked out delusional 'civic' standards.

No one will follow those who do not hold western people's basic racial interests at heart.

>throw em a bone, said the jew in the admin

we know and we are sick of (((them))) playing POTUS and others.

muzzies expelled, violated, humiliated and their very base of reality broken and shattered, driven out of our nations under barrels of guns and in chains.

jews driven OUT of power, no more jewish influence anywhere.

the shills and soros types have engaged in full 24/7 psyop to subvert the population since 2016, and it is effective for one reason.

it appeals to natural priorities while Q's ways have no incentive or value to those who are killing or taking advantage of us.

(((they))) know that if everything happens per Q as we see it now, it is the end of the west and its people as we knew it.

because it isn't ever about 'good' or 'morals'.

it's about power and ability to protect that which is yours.

f3ecc7  No.4301389


Yes but at the same time, airplane was indeed linked to CF.

dd87ea  No.4301390

File: e86df305c225840⋯.png (313.36 KB, 929x458, 929:458, ClipboardImage.png)


A Q drop on Aug 14 about news from Aug 9. Definitely a Q proof!

80802a  No.4301391


Heard that part too, but he definitely stated he has the servers, then back peddled and said emails thru FOIA. He showed an Ace??

d476f8  No.4301392


He'll subpoena their studies when he wants them.

6baaec  No.4301393

Mr. T Pepe is highest ranking anon

7a41c0  No.4301395


Hell, yeah. IRS bounty on possibly $2B+ large

e631af  No.4301396


they are bounty hunters and they expect to get paid….

07ac8c  No.4301397

File: 02140d12d5451f9⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1500x788, 375:197, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4299373 (pb)

Frank AT weimd.com

WhoIs for that site says it's chinese.

Domain Name: weimd.com

Registry Domain ID: 1804150212_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN

Registrar WHOIS Server: grs-whois.hichina.com

Registrar URL: http://whois.aliyun.com

Updated Date: 2018-04-30T10:51:34Z

Creation Date: 2013-05-27T03:15:32Z

Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2019-05-27T03:15:32Z

Registrar: Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Registrar IANA ID: 420


Domain Status: ok https://icann.org/epp#ok

Registrant City:

Registrant State/Province: bei jing

Registry Registrant ID: Not Available From Registry



DNSSEC: unsigned

Registrar Abuse Contact Email: DomainAbuse@service.aliyun.com

Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +86.95187

URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System: http://wdprs.internic.net/

>>>Last update of WHOIS database: 2018-12-13T17:13:06Z <<<

4d7ebf  No.4301398


He sure didn't want to answer any questions including about his own writings. Just shilled for more money for the IRS. Pissed the goony bald Dem off to no end.

1cbb2a  No.4301399

Do they still make Sprite Remix? That shit is amazing.

cb9606  No.4301400


Israel is walled up. 99.9% impenetrable …

who else do we know was walled up in a closed weird fucking society?

Going out on a limb here to say the PEOPLE of Israel are being held captive much like NK and perhaps even us (soon)

a8bcbc  No.4301401


Agent, told to subvert the "alt-right", when (((they))) tought it was a real movement (it was a chan joke to trigger llibs)

13faf9  No.4301402


1 Corinthians 6:3

"Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!"

672a42  No.4301403


I guess you didn't watch. Working as a foreign agent while masquerading as a non profit is a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Working on behalf of a foreign Government or agency while serving as Secretary of State is a crime punishable by death. ( Treason )

2e33b4  No.4301405


So you're blackedshill then?

566d6d  No.4301406



Clinton Foundation Hearing

“Alice in Wonderland” 1:14:15 in the video

5a03d6  No.4301407


doesn't bode well for freddy

freddy always talks trash about ebot

ebot may need to address the Feddy Question

48d8c2  No.4301408

File: c788890f10156bb⋯.jpeg (18.41 KB, 244x255, 244:255, fiddle.jpeg)


this guy gets it.


>see something say something

253a8e  No.4301410

Muh joooos = known shilling

15da0e  No.4301411


kek…the hearing was so bombshell that

some faggot thought it was the quietest

place to eat his lunch

So much winning

60a49d  No.4301412


my money is on ebot

a0f9f7  No.4301414


Maybe he was referring to Q has the servers. KEK! This is getting interesting…

c2ea7c  No.4301415



Still wrong IT link


872b82  No.4301416

File: fb26a9bde9ea504⋯.png (842.84 KB, 1046x785, 1046:785, Screenshot_2018-12-14 In a….png)

File: 3958f1ded528b9c⋯.png (569.98 KB, 779x754, 779:754, Screenshot_2018-12-14 In a….png)

File: 5bf27be50a2f559⋯.png (81.11 KB, 733x523, 733:523, Screenshot_2018-12-14 In a….png)

San Juan Capistrano council member Pam Patterson paid homage to the conspiracy theory during her goodbye speech.


d296b6  No.4301417


You are condoning murder? Without a due process? You don’t belong here.

a99fb2  No.4301419


\Quote from Negroid today "People give me donations and expect things in return, Cough cough That means I can…." (Thinks- OH SHIT) then Negroid says how much money you say again (Thinks- Damn and I did it for 10000)

0b5c84  No.4301420





f284a9  No.4301421


… you mean, delaying sentencing, because the wiretap, was from a voided FISA? KEK!

this is a s good as replacing 2 Kenyan appointed SCJOTUS'z!

36a4db  No.4301422



4c40b8  No.4301423


another euroinvader pedo sandnigger

836fe5  No.4301424



Remember Barry Sherman?

The pharma guy that got suicided?

He was sending drugs to Haiti.

Read an early story about this, need to find it.

But the point is this, if, hge was sending drugs to Haiti, was he infringing on their turf.

And they whacked him and wife Honey?

Just a split second thought.

I'll look for the story and post when I find it.

daf9f0  No.4301425

File: 41cd1cc50be0042⋯.png (225.96 KB, 480x361, 480:361, ClipboardImage.png)


0fa1b0  No.4301427

cb9606  No.4301428


actually quote:


9d46e8  No.4301429

File: e6fba235e3066f5⋯.jpeg (70.2 KB, 500x643, 500:643, Pepe will see you now.jpeg)

1cbb2a  No.4301430


Now do Hawking

d476f8  No.4301431


Actually, it's a lot of govt make-work, waste and retardation. A private firm would have killed all these losers long ago.

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