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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

8abc10  No.4296783

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Q & A

>>4282164 ————————————–——– Stress test failed.

>>4282020 rt >>4281684 -————————– 'Guardians' of intelligence.

>>4281837 rt >>4281583 -————————– (3) detention centers being prepped.

>>4281568 rt >>4281479 -————————– No.

>>4281478 rt >>4281387 -————————– "Watch CA" was deliberate.

>>4281410 rt >>4281121 -————————– Senate to investigate 2019.

>>4281049 rt >>4280876 -————————– Gold shall destroy FED.

>>4280936 rt >>4280653 -————————– Only her beauty and love of country.

>>4280831 rt >>4280746 -————————– NSA ability to overreach hosts possible.

>>4280779 rt >>4280688 -————————– Separated by 2.

>>4280699 rt >>4280617 -————————– While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.

>>4280615 rt >>4280575 -————————– Added server(s)/bandwidth improved performance.

>>4280592 rt >>4280423 -————————– No.

>>4280554 rt >>4280453 -————————– Mission to harm NSA.

>>4280455 rt >>4280260 -————————– No.

>>4280331 rt >>4280236 -————————– 2020+ safeguarded.

>>4280247 rt >>4280228 -————————– Yes.

>>4280231 rt >>4280212 -————————– Our promise to 'counter'.

>>4280213 rt >>4280193 -————————– No.

>>4280202 rt >>4280192 -————————– Control.

>>4280189 ————————————–——– Q&A

Wednesday 12.12.18

Compiled here: >>4281715

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

8abc10  No.4296786


are not endorsements


>>4294374 List of meme-friendly news sites for spreading the truth.

>>4282761 Anon's recap of Q's 12/12 Q&A


>>4296705 Nancy Pelosi is willing to keep US ‘government closed forever’ before she’ll fund border wall.

>>4296517 POTUS planning 16 days at Mar-a-Lago?

>>4296413 Massive haul of meth, cocaine, heroin seized at US-Mexico bridge.

>>4296083 FBI issues statement on nationwide bomb threats.

>>4296161 Supreme Court will consider case that could help undermine administrative State.

>>4296758 #5474


>>4295677 Hueber after Mueller? Counter to the report?

>>4295488 Bomb threats are nationwide.

>>4295407 Trump cancels White House Christmas party for media.

>>4295387 Hackney worked at IRS (same department) during the targeting of Conservatives.

>>4295324 Anon digs on the gutting of the IRS.

>>4295313 England’s most senior Catholic cleric apologises for withholding evidence of child abuse allegations.

>>4295924 #5473


>>4294873, >>4294911 Huber at a different trial?

>>4294959, >>4295019 Mass. State Police Fusion Center tracking multiple bomb threats emailed to businesses in the State.

>>4294955 FBI violated policy in Flynn’s case, judge demands all exculpatory evidence.

>>4294855 Planefag: 'AF1' flying away like a bat out of hell again.

>>4294674 Under-fire UNAIDS chief offers to resign in June

>>4294727 Pilot seriously injured after military jet crash off Hawaii

>>4294573 CIA reportedly dove into 'panic mode' as Trump chose Putin over US intelligence.

>>4294555, >>4294564 Syria update.

>>4294521 Oversight of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study on the Clinton Foundation. (JW, live)

>>4295167 #5472


>>4293753 Defendants charged with multiple counts related to interstate prostitution and sex trafficking enterprise.

>>4294323 Comey’s remarks about Trump dossier are not credible, says former FBI official.

>>4294059 Carrie gives us an update on Sgt. Pattens status with BSO. o7 patriot.

>>4294193 UW using wireless sensors to monitor bumblebee pollination patterns.

>>4294130 FB files patent to predict your movements based on gathered data.

>>4294154 Virgin Galactic successfully launches tourism rocket ship into space for first time.

>>4294155 President Trump: “I don’t think we made a payment to that tabloid” – National Enquirer.

>>4293946 Some of Strzok's/Page's texts were not able to be recovered. Or can they?

>>4294074 Gary Sinise flew 1,000 children of fallen soldiers to Disney World for Christmas.

>>4294068 OIG: Using personal devices for official business exposes those devices to legal discovery.

>>4293873 Indiana police thwart would-be school shooter’s plan to commit violence as suspect was en route to school.

>>4293836 Amazon execs blasted by New York City officials.

>>4293805, >>4293841, >>4294227 DJT Tweet: "Happy 382nd Birthday @USNationalGuard..."

>>4293771 End of Yemeni war? Warring sides reach initial agreement on Al-Hudaydah and Taiz.

>>4293761, >>4293819, >>4294015 36 convicted in largest international sex trafficking ring brought down by US government.

>>4293750 Did Clinton Foundation mislead IRS?

>>4293740 Rahm Emanuel says pot and casinos should help with Chicago’s skyrocketing debt.

>>4293726 DJT interview with Harris Faulkner just finished.

>>4294388 #5471

Previously Collected Notables

>>4293608 #5470,

>>4291334 #5467, >>4292121 #5468, >>4292892 #5469

>>4288973 #5464, >>4289757 #5465, >>4290540 #5466

>>4286668 #5461, >>4287430 #5462, >>4288197 #5463

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

8abc10  No.4296788

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#59 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>4283174

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

8abc10  No.4296790

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

8abc10  No.4296804

File: ad14159a4b0c611⋯.jpg (106.09 KB, 833x1200, 833:1200, trumpwhistle.jpg)



a80718  No.4296823

File: a6081c32da7d659⋯.png (739.09 KB, 999x719, 999:719, WWNBDH.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

472e45  No.4296824

File: fe2d6c59baa3b68⋯.png (30.16 KB, 270x270, 1:1, 509d9314.png)

St. Xavier High School to release names of accused sexual abusers Monday, letter states


8d4bcf  No.4296829

Hmm, this guy is about to drop some truths I think.

a80718  No.4296830

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

866177  No.4296832

If it’s ever coming out, it’s RIGHT NOW.


f49b86  No.4296833

>>4296781 (lb)

what's the sauce on this Q cell pic?

aaf6e3  No.4296834

File: 1e1f339b24e19c4⋯.jpeg (888.21 KB, 1242x1683, 138:187, B0AC486C-CB32-4E97-BB74-0….jpeg)


7127b8  No.4296835


Too much introduction to be nothing, right?

26c263  No.4296836

No conclusions?!

681efc  No.4296837


I LOVE how he is setting this up!!!!

82c137  No.4296838

US Senate passes resolution blaming Saudi Prince MBS for Jamal Khashoggi murder


9e535c  No.4296839

Fuck all of you people. We don't know you. Here's the fucking facts on the Clinton foundation. Eat it bitches. This should be fun.

2d7e27  No.4296840

File: 30f9966f8200c5b⋯.jpg (471.18 KB, 851x1280, 851:1280, IMG_541.jpg)

patriots win!!

f6bcd7  No.4296841

File: fc871fc1790a8a5⋯.jpg (101.79 KB, 822x562, 411:281, fc871fc1790a8a55fb07346518….jpg)

8bc2f4  No.4296842


It's happening!

05ad29  No.4296843

>>4295138 pb

Missed that connection.

Question is if ES can in some way redeem himself.

Q def wants him come in from the cold.

Was ES using our fear of bad optics, the bad optics of gis eliimination by going public?

Otherwise could just eliminate him.

Is a debrief necessary? They know what he took but maybe still don't know his contacts and recruiters?

But then again, sometimes when you already know something, you don't want others to know, so that they either think they are safe, or are worried and covering their tracks. And covering tracks can mean eliminating contacts which, interestingly, creates tracks.

His recruiters contacted him at a real point in time in his career for his mission.

When and where?

During military service? After miltary service?

They would be looking for a guy with the skills(already had?) to pull it off, or someone they thought they could teach(giving him all the skills needed) to impress an employer(and also to complete the mission). You wouldn't just train someone up to entry level skills and say, "good luck after you get in to your job. Hope you are able to learn what you need to accomplish the mission after you get hired".

I would look at the Snowden movie as a reworked sequence of events to retain plausibilty but something to be scrutinized further, with an eye looking for the time to insert when he was recruited, and looking for when and where he received full training for his mission. Real people. Real places. Events- not so real.

fc362d  No.4296844

File: 5a8f26c31bcf3f0⋯.png (683.39 KB, 942x495, 314:165, ClipboardImage.png)


9083fc  No.4296845

File: effb35c6e522598⋯.png (108.26 KB, 1588x325, 1588:325, QMirrorAnswerYes.png)

Q answered yes to JFK Jr Question. It is a mirror. The odds are impossible that these are coincidences.

855ef3  No.4296846

File: bf916240a22330f⋯.png (1.56 MB, 960x1200, 4:5, bda472c7ab3d33c46ae0811794….png)



TY Baker!!! These guys are about to lay it out.

57e401  No.4296847

File: 9e7aacc7444d1a7⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 9e7aacc7444d1a76b00397c1eb….jpg)

These guys are fugging KILLING it. Oh man. Loving this!!

Thank You Baker!!

f8c211  No.4296848

File: 22b849d03c7506e⋯.png (359.36 KB, 353x539, 353:539, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4296825 (PB)

Doyle stated such in his opening.

6bb8af  No.4296849



What are they spraying

Why are they spraying

Who authorizes the spraying

Who pays for the spraying

What benefit comes from spraying

Who benefits from spraying

Who oversees the spraying

Who is doing the spraying

What are the affects of spraying on humans/animals short-term/long-term

Who pays for adverse health affects on humans/animals

Why is the spraying necessary

What would happen if spraying was stopped

Who produces the chemicals used for spraying

Where are the studies showing the safety of these chemicals

74f5f1  No.4296850

They always are talking about being Jesuits…. Virtue signalling on another level.

c8c15a  No.4296851

File: fda7cee9b153c73⋯.jpg (101.35 KB, 1111x688, 1111:688, 40ae56e920aca2f3515631ae29….jpg)

>>4296803 (LB)


0dc1f3  No.4296852

where's my boy sacred_gravy at?!

we connected on the IG the other day..

just sending out a holler!

8d4bcf  No.4296853

Jesus what an intro…. this better blow some lids off

26c263  No.4296854


Do Seth Rich next

a80718  No.4296855

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

9e8d6f  No.4296856

File: a6797f1f279b9af⋯.png (202.47 KB, 835x575, 167:115, popcorn.png)

Looking up.

8617f7  No.4296857

house oversight committee they had a sign saying mr Huber!!!!!

2b0cf3  No.4296858

File: 61095678d2738f1⋯.jpeg (183.62 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, cowgirl.jpeg)

Þakka þér bakari

0dc1f3  No.4296859


do you know the whole picture?

0d5cd3  No.4296860


Never mind, got it.

2d7e27  No.4296861

File: b77635344938863⋯.jpg (182.28 KB, 640x824, 80:103, IMG_555.jpg)

patriots laugh!!

b637ea  No.4296862

HAITI !!!!!!!!!!!

1fea12  No.4296863

File: 5eb44bbd26bd760⋯.jpg (223.43 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, look-chuck-q11.jpg)

55884a  No.4296864

File: 8ee47f0b0e1bf50⋯.jpg (94.23 KB, 500x322, 250:161, 1514052983635.jpg)


>expecting congress to do something meaningful

2e8c62  No.4296865

File: 09e314f2d3dac58⋯.png (262.91 KB, 661x562, 661:562, Concha re Bomb Threats 12-….PNG)

File: 4200af6faf7334b⋯.png (39.61 KB, 502x553, 502:553, cbs 1 Bomb Threats 12-13-1….PNG)

File: e1298c8909c1882⋯.png (52.97 KB, 507x659, 507:659, cbs 2 Bomb Threats 12-13-1….PNG)

I am shocked, just shocked at this news.

No, not really

Q, Is the FBI arresting them?

NYPD Monitoring Spate Of Bomb Threats Across NYC; Similar Threats Reported Across Country



1d0cab  No.4296866

These fuckers really have their shit together.

69a7a3  No.4296867

"followed the money"

confirmed happening

4ea3ec  No.4296868

File: 38b7a84db4fe3de⋯.jpeg (58.6 KB, 450x355, 90:71, 2EC330A1-CC19-4816-99B2-9….jpeg)

File: 248fb7436c9e37d⋯.jpeg (157.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, D15C6303-B8CB-4F6B-A337-8….jpeg)

6889bc  No.4296869

Less than 1/10th of 1% of the donors to CF gave 80% of the money.

~ Whistleblower Doyle

b637ea  No.4296870

They Followed the money

9c71d7  No.4296872

Moynihan's group created a statement of probable cause saying CF operated outside of the law.

Their talking is too slow and may not get the facts out in time.

06018a  No.4296873

File: 2455bfc93f834d8⋯.png (258.54 KB, 495x490, 99:98, just-stop-youre-embarrassi….png)

304096  No.4296874

File: 072bfaf99f96b1c⋯.png (575.76 KB, 862x815, 862:815, Q DEMOCRATIC GERRYMANDERIN….PNG)



55389d  No.4296875

Financed out of their own pockets. These are the facts, not your facts, not our facts.

We used the FOIA substantially to gain public and non-public information.

Our claim is a tax claim. The foundation operated outside the bounds of its approval that came from the IRS - that's our claim.

We went to the 990's. We started with the returns that the Foundation filed. There were their revenue sources and their expenses.

Less than 1/10 of 1% of the donors gave 80% of the money, so we following the money.

8bc2f4  No.4296876

6d4140  No.4296877

File: cd0c2df54ef2393⋯.png (850.23 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Buckle Up Buttercup Q Alph….png)


2b0cf3  No.4296878


Hmmm, I've noted no anxiety here. Must be a fake news TV thing

662bf8  No.4296879

File: fe8781ff02857a3⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1239x815, 1239:815, ClipboardImage.png)

Huber next?

92ce42  No.4296880

CF "operated outside the bounds of its approval that came from the IRS".

Fuck yeah.

855ef3  No.4296881


It's not untrue.


So what are they going to do with that resolution?

82c137  No.4296882


SA was cleaned

MBS is good guy.

So i dont understand.

8e1d36  No.4296883

It is 4pm EST - any CF whistleblowers yet? (My guess is no.)

472e45  No.4296884

File: a4c0c87d29d4dfd⋯.png (125.05 KB, 1920x600, 16:5, Less Perfection more Authn….png)

Anons, what the fuck is this place? The symbolism is fucking unreal!


0d5cd3  No.4296885


Got it, thanks, Anon

ba54dc  No.4296886

File: 893774cc4458e8e⋯.png (422.15 KB, 940x496, 235:124, ClipboardImage.png)

be62d1  No.4296887

Fuck. Guys with NY accents always sound dumb as shit.

15b53a  No.4296888



9268c0  No.4296889

"CF operated outside of the foundations of IRS"……. this guy is so busy being neutral, waiting for something to be said

472e45  No.4296890



b1f857  No.4296891

b637ea  No.4296892

email exchanges !!!!

b1aca9  No.4296893


So when Obama and the Clinton’s are shown to have murdered Michael Hastings and Andrew Brietbart there’s no wiggle room. Optics. Nothing can happen to MBS except all the demonrats can get on their soapbox. When the truth comes out about Breitbart those soapboxes will collapse.

9083fc  No.4296894


OK, Embarrass me more. Tell me the odds.

f172be  No.4296895



866177  No.4296896

File: 02229d87bb56292⋯.jpeg (691.55 KB, 992x1089, 992:1089, B8B79206-E1F3-4DDB-B9DA-0….jpeg)

Kek “tax claim”. Just what we were all promised.

01abc9  No.4296897


No. Scroll up.

e64e60  No.4296898

File: c565413d4629c18⋯.jpg (114.99 KB, 634x503, 634:503, 295D338A00000578-3111095-i….jpg)

51f2d5  No.4296899

I expect these guys are gonna be found hanging from a doorknob

671312  No.4296900


Assuming you're watching C-Span and mixed up the two tickers on the bottom of the screen

>Senate approves resolution ending U.S. Military assistance in Yemen

>Senate condemns Saudi Crown Prince in killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi

8bc2f4  No.4296901

"quite shocking"

a6a5b1  No.4296902

These two fuckers are tag-teaming Hillary.

752916  No.4296903

Conclusions - Foreign agents. Should've registered. Boom

f8c211  No.4296904

File: 50d6858ec4dfeea⋯.png (761.51 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

What did Q tell us?

3955d5  No.4296905

These men seem to be the most legit witnesses ever televised.

96d280  No.4296906

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Pedovore Boogie

97f8c6  No.4296907

File: fddba8fe4fb13b1⋯.jpeg (293.07 KB, 681x804, 227:268, 78094991-5D39-48E7-A9D8-2….jpeg)

Whistleblower just Commented …NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW. Q PROOF.

57e401  No.4296908



The Results Were Quite Shocking

The Results Were Stark


51f2d5  No.4296909



Eifel Tower her ass

f900e0  No.4296910

File: c3781686691a11e⋯.gif (2.62 MB, 400x327, 400:327, popcorn2.gif)

9c71d7  No.4296911

CF did act as a foreign agent. Should not be a tax-exempt organization.

75b560  No.4296912

File: e5d82748be27489⋯.mp4 (135.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ItsHappening.mp4)


7c1bc8  No.4296913


I'v never seen that first image. kinda wish the retard bot shills here would converse like that, would be interesting

6889bc  No.4296914


Mouthpiece for the SA bad guys is how I understood it. Undermining the new team.

472e45  No.4296915

File: d05a2e180cb019a⋯.png (177.29 KB, 836x674, 418:337, d05a2e180cb019a6a8dd5a71e6….png)

26c263  No.4296916


Ok starting to like this

fce501  No.4296917

File: 66af218602c22ee⋯.jpg (516.76 KB, 751x958, 751:958, IMG_4513.JPG)

19c708  No.4296918

File: 579ea4d108875c8⋯.jpeg (732.75 KB, 1242x1226, 621:613, 96F994D1-DA77-4EB5-9109-1….jpeg)

57e401  No.4296919

Not eligable for 501(c)3

e64e60  No.4296920


Wow. Foreign agents. That is so big.

752916  No.4296921

Charles Ortel has been saying the same things. Not following their IRS Chatar.

635482  No.4296922

>>4296517 lb

>POTUS 16 days at Mar-a-Lago 12/21 - 01/06

>>4296710 lb

21st would be shut down of government (deadline)

22nd is also full moon…

b637ea  No.4296923

Clinton Foundation is a foriegn Agent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BOOM !!!!!

They are agents for foreign governments !!!


eb0361  No.4296924


1 in 676

92ce42  No.4296925

File: 8825abe5ef7d335⋯.mp4 (70.63 KB, 480x360, 4:3, giftcgiphy.mp4)


Public disclosure is habbening right now!

a4bc47  No.4296926

File: d1fe940376970aa⋯.png (253.97 KB, 918x563, 918:563, rolemodel.png)

8617f7  No.4296927


Psyching out those dirty Dems

244018  No.4296928

Not a 501C3…should not be tax exempt.

19c708  No.4296929

File: d4ea56c2b9ec807⋯.jpeg (560.58 KB, 1242x1741, 1242:1741, 0D151422-DD28-47FE-B044-E….jpeg)

2fe699  No.4296930

(all lb)







Fuckin A right–crying from laughing

68666d  No.4296931


Damn yeah!

8d4bcf  No.4296932

Notice how he said ALL this was acquired from public info? We really did have it all.

725e6b  No.4296933

>>4296705 lb notable

Nancy keeping government shut down forever a constitutional crisis?

286037  No.4296934


didn't register a FARA…

55389d  No.4296935


We sourced contracts, MOU's, interractions with foreign governments between senior foundation execs and government officials.

The foundation should have registered under NARA. The foundation is not entitled to 501(c)(3).

e12ba0  No.4296936


what happens to Foreign agents that commit crimes against the United States?

752916  No.4296937

Misuse of public funds… Boom

8bc2f4  No.4296938


a80718  No.4296939


They have to be trolled. But humans here are too passive, meek, and subservient to troll the AI :/

c61643  No.4296940


Challenger crew: Not a word?

Someone must know these people.

Pls share.

4fb99d  No.4296941

Emb3d hearing please

19c708  No.4296942

File: a35dd68eaf4315c⋯.jpeg (460.12 KB, 1242x921, 414:307, 199FFEC7-1A6C-407B-9FBC-C….jpeg)

6889bc  No.4296943



f172be  No.4296944


man you know he was on the chans

b1f857  No.4296945

Money laundering!

f900e0  No.4296946

im getting a freedom boner

d20441  No.4296947


John F. Moynihan - Counter-Terrorism

Send Email / View Resume

Mr. Moynihan is a partner and founder of BERG Associates. He pioneered the design of monitoring and compliance programs to prevent and detect fraudulent financial schemes and is an expert investigator of financial crimes.

Mr. Moynihan has extensive domestic and international experience investigating money laundering and associated financial crimes. He most recently has worked as a Senior Manager at a big six accounting firm as the firm's specialist in money laundering matters. Mr. Moynihan has dedicated his career to the disruption of the surreptitious flow of illegal proceeds through financial as well as non-financial and multinational organizations. Mr. Moynihan has counseled multinational corporations and government employees dedicated to anti-money laundering initiatives in the United States, Latin America, Africa and Europe. Mr. Moynihan has formerly been employed with the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, as an Intelligence Specialist dedicated to financial analytical support in developing money laundering investigations worldwide.

Mr. Moynihan has successfully investigated and documented highly sophisticated money laundering cartels operating both internationally and domestically. He has also investigated multi-million dollar contract frauds involving taxpayer funds.

Highlights of some of these investigations are detailed below:

• Money Laundering: Investigated many money laundering schemes worldwide and issued recommendations on reducing corporate vulnerabilities, risk and liabilities on such matters. Has advised corporations and governments on regulatory issues confronting the efforts levied against money laundering cartels.

• International Trade: Federal investigations which identified hundreds of millions of dollars transferred to and through U.S. and International organizations that were the direct result of illegal narcotics sales.

• Insurance: Identified a multi-million dollar insurance fraud involving the falsification of information on applications.

• Import/Export: Directed an investigation on several fictitious import/export companies that resulted in bank seizures of over $10,000,000.

• Contracts: Investigated statewide contractor fraud in the area of Public Works projects.

Mr. Moynihan received his B.A. in Economics from Holy Cross College. He is a magna cum laude graduate of Old Dominion University where he received his Masters in Business Administration with the specialty of International Finance.

47d723  No.4296948


That's a BOOM

26e311  No.4296949

Is there just an audio stream for us phone Fags? Stuck at work in long island

c23cab  No.4296950

File: db5850fcbed6010⋯.png (110.78 KB, 958x591, 958:591, ClipboardImage.png)

9083fc  No.4296951


Wrong. Try harder.

57e401  No.4296952

File: 26f727d12f506d5⋯.jpg (348.72 KB, 1984x1143, 1984:1143, 8b58aa3367dee760c14ff31f4c….jpg)


Love you Fags!!!

58705e  No.4296953


Bomb scares nation wide!

600820  No.4296954

File: 3a0eafa46917976⋯.png (1017.47 KB, 1233x782, 1233:782, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

92ce42  No.4296955


"Acting" as foreign agent

b0cef1  No.4296956

It would shock me one bit if one of these crazy Democrats pulls out a gun during this hearing and shoots one of these guys while saying " I yield back my time"… lol!

2bf876  No.4296957

File: 359da0d44651c6f⋯.png (85.41 KB, 630x630, 1:1, Qpain.png)

26c263  No.4296958

Hold me Q

c61643  No.4296959


So touchy.

5da5da  No.4296960







304096  No.4296961

Monday, June 18, 2018

New York Times op-ed: Why the I.R.S. Should Go After Trump. by Philip Hackney (LSU; moving to Pittsburgh):

The New York State attorney general yesterday filed a lawsuit against the Donald J. Trump Foundation and its directors, accusing the charity and the Trump family of violating campaign finance laws, self-dealing and illegal coordination with the presidential campaign. It asks that Mr. Trump pay restitution and be prohibited from leading a nonprofit in New York for 10 years.

As a former attorney for the chief counsel of the I.R.S. who specialized in nonprofit organizations, I believe Mr. Trump is also criminally liable for his actions. If I were still at the I.R.S., based on the lawsuit, I would make a criminal referral, on charges of tax evasion or false statements on a tax return, or both.

On the tax evasion charge, the government must demonstrate that the defendant willfully failed to pay a tax he owed and acted to disguise or attempted to disguise that evasion. For a false statement charge, the government must show the defendant willingly signed a return under penalties of perjury, making a materially false statement that he knew was false.

These are not easy charges to prove, but the Trump Foundation is a nonprofit organization that is entrusted with money to be used exclusively for public charitable purposes. Any use of foundation money to benefit himself is akin to theft.

The government could anchor a tax evasion and false statement case upon the multiple instances of self-dealing, as cataloged by the New York attorney general, between Mr. Trump and the foundation. …

A criminal prosecution may be unlikely for both political reasons and issues of proof, but I still think the I.R.S. has a duty to open an investigation under the egregious set of facts the lawsuit laid out. If Mr. Trump has made false statements on these returns, is it possible he made false statements on other tax returns? He has never released his tax returns, so we have no way of knowing that.

I do not believe these violations are within the norm of mistaken or accidental use. It represents a continued willingness to violate basic charitable norms. He may see it as a petty violation, but it is an enormous breach for the broader community.

The I.R.S. owes it to the public to investigate such egregious acts for criminal violations.


63f080  No.4296962

File: 4f20637e51d26e1⋯.jpg (123.5 KB, 366x467, 366:467, dis.jpg)

All Jordan faggot-holes lit

JFK Jr becomes just JFK if his father died. Law says a Jr becomes Sr when father


In order for a legally declared dead person to be found alive he has to go

before a judge to present his case and the judge determines whether he is truly

alive and was simply missing for an extended period of time. If JFK Jr.

Hasn't gone to court, he is still legally dead.

Technically he is Dead… he is legally pronounced dead…

Fire is lit! Why be happy at bad news? be careful who you follow

"flat earth is as crazy as JFK JR" - Bait

deb984  No.4296963

>>4296803 pb

Fucking hilarious


Sounds like Baawwston to me

f172be  No.4296964


dd9d6c  No.4296965


They're Jesuits, they don't fuck around. This is a strange turn of events though. Have Jesuits been flipped?

53d454  No.4296966


Im liking what Im hearing from them.

96d280  No.4296967

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Boom, boom, doom.

855ef3  No.4296968



>Nobody is above the law

>Follow the money

>Emails and Foreign Governments



752916  No.4296969

Family Partnership - Chelsea's wedding? LOL

3e8066  No.4296970

File: f90c4db63460f8a⋯.jpeg (24.79 KB, 390x600, 13:20, A6FA62A9-1D09-4A1D-9660-2….jpeg)


Bastan Scott Glenn

7fc2d7  No.4296971


this is just to piss off our allies. nothing more. look at the votes, count who did what and voila, you know who is still either a: blackmailed, and b: deep state butt boy/girl, or c: both

f900e0  No.4296972

File: d1779eda6c8f101⋯.jpg (73.88 KB, 735x1089, 245:363, yesss.jpg)


this is beautiful

9c71d7  No.4296973

CF not a charitable organization, but a family partnership.

305178  No.4296974


"Follow the money! 80% of the money came from 0.1% of the donors. … They acted a foreign agent. The foundation failed the operational test for the 501C. The foundation falsely attested that it used the funds for charitable purposes. …. profit oriented…. not a charitable organization…."

b637ea  No.4296975

Clinton Foundation are foreign Agents

domestic and abroad

Not a charitable foundation

A FAMILY partnership !!!

3955d5  No.4296976

Intentional misuse of charitable funds. That needs to be viral.

3ca635  No.4296977

File: 76502357ab0f05e⋯.jpg (117.27 KB, 945x500, 189:100, 2itm6l.jpg)

635482  No.4296978



It likely enables habbenings and take down of cabal assets.

02e559  No.4296979

Pelosi has changed

The flipper go flipped

8d4bcf  No.4296980


No doubt. He is likely one of us

662bf8  No.4296981


saw nothing..

43ed90  No.4296982



e43124  No.4296983



75b560  No.4296984

File: 05cd4d94f30060c⋯.jpg (133.68 KB, 361x342, 19:18, (You).jpg)

a4bc47  No.4296985


they are all "twins" of the "dead" kek

11833a  No.4296986

I get the excitement but in normie land this means nothing.

47d723  No.4296987


These fuckers are serious. God Bless these Fuckers

e02fc9  No.4296988


It does sound strange right? Sounds just like that Mike Binder(?) guy on the Scientology show with Lisa Remini.

8063b5  No.4296989

File: 42cc4f42b5450d2⋯.gif (1.17 MB, 480x268, 120:67, tenor.gif)

b0cef1  No.4296990

It wouldn't shock me one bit if one of these crazy Democrats pulls out a gun during this hearing and shoots one of these guys while saying " I yield back my time"… lol!

26c263  No.4296991


Are they.. are they the good guys??

55389d  No.4296992


The organization was a closely held partnership to advance the financial interests of its principals.

The private foundations that donated to the Clinton Foundations are subject to tax payments unless they meet specific conditions.

e12ba0  No.4296993



f900e0  No.4296994

File: 1c215b18059d1de⋯.jpg (63.99 KB, 603x603, 1:1, comfy3.jpg)


love it

04c563  No.4296995

File: 53c45f77126c8ee⋯.png (349.11 KB, 1327x542, 1327:542, cambridge.PNG)

Apologies if already posted.

Bannon heavily involved in setting up Cambridge Analytica

With financial backing from hedge-fund billionaire Robert Mercer, Bannon co-founded Cambridge Analytica in 2013 as the US-branch of Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL) Group, a British company that advertises how it has conducted "behavioral change" programs in more than 60 countries.

Wylie described Cambridge Analytica as "Steve Bannon and Robert Mercer using a foreign, military contractor … to use some of the same techniques that the military uses … on the American electorate."

Bannon and Cambridge Analytica did not respond to requests for comment to this story.

SCL Group has consulted numerous government agencies and organizations on psychological operations and strategic messaging since the 1990s. The company has offered clients "research and analysis that yields intervention strategies aimed at specific behaviors," according to its website.

That work has included an examination of ways to reduce recruitment into violent jihadist groups in Pakistan in 2009, a communication program aimed at decreasing the number of improvised explosive devices built in Iraq, as well as political consulting throughout sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and South America, according to SCL documents.

SCL was commissioned to train a psychological operations group that supported the British military, according to a 2012 letter by the group's then-commanding officer.

The US State Department also contracted SCL in 2017 to conduct "target audience research" in order to better understand ISIS radicalization and recruitment. A State Department official told CNN the research included about 100 interviews in Europe and the Middle East.

"SCL's sales pitch essentially was 'Look, we go into foreign countries. We use our tools, our psychographic profiling, to manipulate public opinion.' Ultimately that's what Bannon wanted to do in the United States," said CNN political analyst Joshua Green, whose book 'Devil's Bargain' chronicles Bannon's role in Trump's election.

Cambridge Analytica has come under fire this month for its alleged use of personal data from tens of millions of Facebook users obtained through the company Global Science Research (GSR) without Facebook's permission. The New York Times and The Observer of London first broke the story.

Bannon, a former White House chief strategist and Trump campaign CEO, told CNN last week that he doesn't remember purchasing personal information from Facebook while working for the company.


3955d5  No.4296996


I think there is a c-span radio stream. Check the site.

ba54dc  No.4296997

File: 01e089ee5b6909d⋯.png (450.31 KB, 940x496, 235:124, ClipboardImage.png)

274a65  No.4296998

File: d964f12b8b680b7⋯.jpg (130.83 KB, 625x538, 625:538, clintonfoundation.jpg)

This guy up now has passion when he speaks, but I can't understand what he is saying.

No party affiliation

in other words.

He is not emotional about the outcome.

They are detached.

Submission of Probable Cause to the IRS

They are doing it for $$$

because they think they have a good case, and make money by turning in the Clintons.


CF was a "closely held family partnership"

not a charitable org.

74f5f1  No.4296999


That 2020 election is in the plan.

Buckle up (for the long haul)

244018  No.4297000

Fuckers owe taxes on their donations to the CF.

dc3de4  No.4297001

File: 91f2dd9c602d549⋯.gif (879.07 KB, 245x230, 49:46, 1547.gif)

File: 1cb8b2245c43cb9⋯.jpg (178.02 KB, 680x684, 170:171, 52656.jpg)

File: 77810d7b25ec4b1⋯.jpg (155.89 KB, 952x714, 4:3, 584167.jpg)

File: 0ec4ce79456d975⋯.jpeg (378.94 KB, 730x765, 146:153, 1540888940.jpeg)

File: cdff4bf4e36d409⋯.png (125.07 KB, 470x371, 470:371, 1366451984222.png)

i-is it h-happening bros?

1d0cab  No.4297002

donors are liable too … BOOM

866177  No.4297003


Let’s see them drop 294. Until then my gun cocked.

b637ea  No.4297004


e64e60  No.4297005

The private foundations that donated to the Clinton foundation are also in hot water.

8d4bcf  No.4297006

Foreign agents is huge if it can be proven, like very big.

752916  No.4297007

I'd love to see their report….

db4549  No.4297008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9083fc  No.4297009


People who research for themselves have no need to grieve in this case.

f172be  No.4297010

mother fucking doyle just did that arm thing where you stretch to make the clothes fit nicer you know like in movies

hes ready

37b7dc  No.4297011

Comey out on the talk show circuit.


92ce42  No.4297012

Holy Cross BA economics.

26e311  No.4297013

57e401  No.4297014

File: f02411e59240c23⋯.jpg (11.63 KB, 255x202, 255:202, 1a36c577d3dd5bb4e8eb3cdd9d….jpg)

They claimed to be charitable, but that was not the case

Clearly demonstrates that the Foundation was NOT a charity

These are not YOUR facts, these are not OUR facts, these are THE facts

All other organizations that donated and wrote the donation off are also in deep shit

Some paraphrasing . KEK!!

47a6e7  No.4297015

File: 4f033bb00244306⋯.jpg (14.93 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1541090012190.jpg)

Just getting back from work; what have I missed?

9e535c  No.4297017

See hack isn't sitting in the back. Bye plant bitch. Finally getting some facts!!! Real booms not ds bs bomb wave ff.cf foriegn entity

de31e2  No.4297018

File: 465ea2cc9f31ba6⋯.jpeg (5.12 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 6CAF9BEC-C369-4713-9C7E-1….jpeg)

File: 789c1d3658dc04a⋯.jpeg (3.68 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 5E94FA36-CD23-4499-934D-B….jpeg)


“us foreign policy for sale”

ho lee sheet!!

“blatant disregard”



e901fa  No.4297019


Bots are not welcome here.

Are you AI?

Why are you here?

We do Q research here, not fighting with boyfriends online

4fb99d  No.4297020

Embes please I'm driving

dd9d6c  No.4297021


Most certainly not, I think POTUS and Q flipped them

aad418  No.4297022

These two guys are hammering it

dc3de4  No.4297023

File: 901f16c2cf0628f⋯.jpg (50.49 KB, 640x592, 40:37, 1497750246183.jpg)

File: b46f30d05d75614⋯.jpg (91.7 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1504570491707.jpg)

File: ffa439bf2bd585d⋯.png (343.42 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1505575147779.png)

File: b7dbbb967e2575a⋯.jpg (79.49 KB, 542x555, 542:555, 1509722964276.jpg)



92ce42  No.4297024

File: 27213c6f355cc85⋯.png (98.62 KB, 452x460, 113:115, Screenshot_2018-12-13 Holy….png)

57e401  No.4297025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8e8b10  No.4297026

File: 2401de38a86b080⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djt44wsdoitQwAnon….png)

>>4296151 LB

You might want to make a clearer graphic showing that you added the digits to reach those numbers

Everything matters. Nothing is random.

75b560  No.4297027

File: 535bf278de89161⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, Transcript-of-Graham-quest….jpg)



f900e0  No.4297028


[Clinton Foundation]

95b39f  No.4297029

No evidence. Nothingburger.

305178  No.4297030


And I was about to turn it off.

b1f857  No.4297031

File: 6fe241e6c29098a⋯.jpeg (11.53 KB, 245x206, 245:206, checked.jpeg)

f172be  No.4297032


f900e0  No.4297033


kek, i can feel your fear, its glorious

472e45  No.4297034

Anons jump too quick. Fool me once….

Fool me the 5,327th time…

Temper expectations so the board isn't an emotional bitch fest in 2 hours.

855ef3  No.4297035

File: 238d4412735d8aa⋯.gif (997.11 KB, 500x373, 500:373, 1456278007757.gif)




They are also going after the donors for TAX MONEY!!!

7fc2d7  No.4297036


It is CBS, Cambridge is a legit company, Facebook and twitter were the ones doing the suppression and the marketing of americans social media without their knowledge…

286037  No.4297037

the foundation pursued an array of activities at home and abroad - profit oriented and taxable undertakings of private enterprise

Not a charitable foundation - Clearly demonstrates that CF is a closely held family partnership

advancing personal interests

donors subject to taxes code IRC-4945

IRS code 72719582

28d3ec  No.4297038


Remember the blue guy from Megamind. That would be perfect….

8063b5  No.4297039

File: b7a7cd6df75c443⋯.png (962.05 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, b7a7cd6df75c443800354a30cb….png)

244018  No.4297040

Clinton Crime Cloaking Device remains intact…all systems nominal.

74f5f1  No.4297041


no, entire ordeal is to sidetrack autists. 2020 will be glorious (for the newest version of rulers)

efacd1  No.4297042


The longer this goes, the more likely doubt or impatience will visit you. I have found, if I remain quiet while understanding what kind of major undertaking this is, I can appreciate the elegance and brilliance of the plan. I am going nowhere. I'm quite comfy. WWG1WGA

fce501  No.4297043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fe63be  No.4297045


Maybe nothing would happen if a spineless RINO were in charge.

c8c15a  No.4297046

File: 522540f647f6c01⋯.jpg (9.61 KB, 255x150, 17:10, 986107a0560a22a8bc59ab2340….jpg)

2d7e27  No.4297047

File: 6f13c0a70927801⋯.jpg (328.86 KB, 1400x900, 14:9, IMG_556.jpg)

patriots win!!!

01abc9  No.4297048


>muh not reading notables.

a4bc47  No.4297049

File: b656515be8b6c20⋯.png (325.03 KB, 746x427, 746:427, fed.png)

1d0cab  No.4297050

681efc  No.4297051


2017, kek

82c137  No.4297052

Strasbourg Christmas market shooter ‘dead’ in central district police raid – reports

2710ff  No.4297053


Who the fuck are you telling who and what’s allowed here?

57e401  No.4297054


Game over.

dc3de4  No.4297055

File: 248dda7fd05ac95⋯.jpg (37.89 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 88.jpg)

File: 5b9b2384738d34b⋯.jpg (222.93 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 1541937960-4.jpg)

File: fbd3132b60b2514⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1067x800, 1067:800, 1517302858241.png)

File: 609515fae9cefcc⋯.png (242.03 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1522141427982.png)

File: ccee0c951417949⋯.jpg (88.57 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1525462257352.jpg)


the jewish subversion of our nations

0674a1  No.4297056

File: 0286205a1fa4847⋯.jpg (161.65 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, 5843d9f2fd1702e1fe3996e57d….jpg)

95b39f  No.4297057


Zero fear because there's zero evidence.

434f17  No.4297058

File: 714aabf94cbdcf4⋯.jpg (56.23 KB, 654x366, 109:61, poll24.jpg)

You know what to do.


a9610b  No.4297059


of 2017…


96d280  No.4297060

File: 4fdd8b5d1730fc8⋯.jpg (85.62 KB, 750x1024, 375:512, 1509588896010m.jpg)


Look like a clown honey pot harvesting IPs.

b1f857  No.4297061


Glowing this hard….

8d4bcf  No.4297062

These guys, for a living, do THOTAUDIT work. I love these fucking guys

8f7317  No.4297063


This one makes more sense.

e43124  No.4297064

File: 2399a00ae7a60a7⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1531x919, 1531:919, ClipboardImage.png)


801beb  No.4297065

CLINTON FOUNDATION MUST NOT HAVE PAID TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


26c263  No.4297066


But we still need to search your homes plebs stand aside!

f900e0  No.4297067

File: 3157201e060a307⋯.jpg (666.17 KB, 3840x2400, 8:5, traitors.jpg)

57e401  No.4297068

7968e6  No.4297069


>this is just to piss off our allies


SA is one of our evilest ally.

#2 actually.

a80053  No.4297070

File: 017b6ada9d1a3ce⋯.jpg (123.39 KB, 820x595, 164:119, wikitwat.jpg)


Exactly…thanks for posting that interview.

..both the CIA and the NSA are black hats…so WTAF eh?

In this post Wikileaks calls Q a Trump base pacification operation…this is true..probably more true than you realize..but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

BUT if we assume that Wikileaks is no longer under control of Assange or other Wiki staff…and that it is being controlled by the CIA…they kinda shit their own bread….in the attached post.

No matter what Q says, neither CIA or NSA are anything good. What they do to us is UN-Constitutional and we wouldn't even know about it if not for Snowden and Assange. Is Q trying to say all that shit they do is a good thing? That they should be punished for exposing the shit?

Not feeling warm and fuzzy about this. I don't give a shit about what Q says, I give a shit about what makes sense (OH but you don't know all that Q knows..) no I don't but I do know what has been exposed…THAT is bad for US and we the people should be concerned that our current leadership is on the team of the clowns…CIA/NSA and would even consider taking them out…I get the feeling from Q that they will do the same to Assange…and right then and there we will tell the normies (AKA Qanonfag replacement population) from the true ANONYMOUS…and the ease with which it has been done is troubling.

So all you all ANONYMOUS (NOT Qanonfags)…we've been supporting Julian for what he's exposed…for years now…and HE helped Snowden get away…he's NOT stupid…so what game is afoot.

SO why is Q against the American people finding out that the NSA (and CIA really) have been engaged in ILLEGAL unconstitutional spying?

WHO is paying for the servers and upgrades here? What data are they collecting. Did your brains fall out your asses?

47a6e7  No.4297071


Thx, I heard it was happening today but employer only has MSNBC on and it sux.

37b7dc  No.4297072


God bless you, anon.

3955d5  No.4297073

Every donor to the Clinton Foundation must be audited and criminally investigated.

9268c0  No.4297074

venues vs expenses. they submitted probable cause to IRS last AUGUST!! The fuck?

53d454  No.4297075


Yes agreed.

e12ba0  No.4297076


we noticed.

Fox feed yesterday

FAKE "live" hearing today that happened yesterday

Alice in Wonderland

Thank you,

anonymous patriot

6815c0  No.4297077

File: 3f3a639c75130e7⋯.png (62.15 KB, 735x362, 735:362, 808a8be2e4ae34b7bf7e5c1288….png)

>>4296612 lb

>"space *and* time"

+ "hope" x2

19c708  No.4297078

File: bcceefde5a4c3a4⋯.jpeg (981.53 KB, 1233x1824, 411:608, 84EC9084-DC8B-426B-AC68-F….jpeg)

9083fc  No.4297079


Not interested in interesting the retards that can't add three digits and match a double-c. Thanks, though.

215f30  No.4297080



yeah, um, we got him and all, but we'll need to keep the continent on lockdown and state of emergency for a few decades, THANKS

472e45  No.4297081


I posted the bloomberg page for it as well. No honeypot needed for your IP anon. The minute you went on the internet that shit was given up. This idea of VPNs being a save all is absolutely false.

b09643  No.4297082


6bb8af  No.4297083

File: 8ec0fc8103e1a15⋯.jpg (7.13 KB, 260x194, 130:97, bodybag.jpg)

Q Question

Will Clintons ever see justice re: trail of bodies from Arkansas.

Could die of old age before justice is served.

Justice delayed is justice denied. No justice?

a80053  No.4297084


Sorry PB ALERT PB phonefags do not click..interview of Putin about Snowden

752916  No.4297085

Articles of Incorp were approved for a Library. Holy Crap!

f900e0  No.4297086

File: 1d40addd1a08df1⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 200x150, 4:3, thafuck.gif)

8d4bcf  No.4297087

I have honestly never seen witnesses come more prepared than these two. They know their craft inside and out

f49b86  No.4297088

6de4cc  No.4297089

File: f61adf3bd3505aa⋯.jpg (94.37 KB, 498x521, 498:521, Tom fitton2.jpg)

File: d8f7401e36193ee⋯.jpg (67.79 KB, 500x550, 10:11, 2iwthc.jpg)

5c02e8  No.4297090


actually, anons jump back and forth quick and often, mainly in multiple directions simultaneously whilst remaining perfectly still and poised to strike when a retard approaches

9b0d06  No.4297091

I got too mad watching this circus and had to go have a drink

Are Doyle and Moynihan doing any better?

26c263  No.4297092


He got a phone call so we need to search everyone for ever

57e401  No.4297093


The whole thing is a crime.

Every donation taken, every event held, every paper filed, and they paid NO taxes on top of all of it.

Probably Billions of years worth of prison time for economic crimes alone.

0674a1  No.4297094

File: 71b4f837f56f851⋯.jpg (113.4 KB, 1090x674, 545:337, gitmuh.jpg)

305178  No.4297095


Well done. Future proves past.

104869  No.4297096


866177  No.4297097

File: 0d03a63a4819c02⋯.jpeg (1.75 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 2F09269A-7339-469B-8E9B-4….jpeg)


244018  No.4297098

CF assets are already seized…Bill and Hillary flying coach and selling tickets on Groupon.

8f7317  No.4297099


Nobody gives a shit about Twitter polls.

1d0cab  No.4297100

we have the emails

305178  No.4297101


Fuck yeah

57e401  No.4297102


One of the greatest things I've ever seen. And I have a law boner. I was MADE for a courtroom. These men are going down in History.


8bc2f4  No.4297103

red flag!

a80718  No.4297104

It was in the letta

6889bc  No.4297105


By definition a 501(3)c is tax exempt.

They're saying fraudulent tax exempt status.

658afd  No.4297106


Huff Po. Should be called Ho Puff. Buncha Dem whores writing puff pieces for their favorite Rats. Fuckers.

b1f857  No.4297107


Remember, that's what they got Al Capone on.

95e96e  No.4297108


Now when it's others' turn, fair game?

26c263  No.4297109



752916  No.4297110


Yeah, there was a picture of them in coach. ROTFLMAO

472e45  No.4297111


We'll see in a few hours I guess.

e64e60  No.4297112


Hitting it out of the park.

286037  No.4297113

EU based country and African based country signed MOU for cash flow

IRS only gave approval for library

why are you negotiating health related contracts?

cb818d  No.4297114

previous bread


Wish my life was so padded I could flitter about watering the plants and baking cakes all day. Having children in sports is prolly the best at preparing one to ride those up's and down's in style that I've found.

Perspective Anon… perspective. Life is nothing but a roller coaster or your not living it, but just existing within it.

9b0d06  No.4297115



6380b8  No.4297116


I'll be real interested to see what the Dems try to do with these guys

2b0cf3  No.4297117


How the fuck would you know asshat, unless you already THINK you calculated them. Lay out your calculations and sauce or shut the fuck up. Stupid motherfucking idiot.

2add81  No.4297118

File: 9e9d7ea21c43795⋯.png (772.68 KB, 1306x890, 653:445, Q Testify.png)


215f30  No.4297119


ohhell yes, good point.

anyone with a phone on the planet is a suspect

(huh? whatever happened to the person that actually called? dunno… why do you ask?)

1fea12  No.4297120

Clintons go down for tax fraud (if irs is forced to follow up) ….Q hinted at that a long time ago ….hinted at how Al Capone went down

47a6e7  No.4297121


Trust me, I didn't miss that. Be nice to find a "Solution" to that problem.

d6e150  No.4297122


I posted this about this time last year. Cambridge Analytics is responsible for supporting GamerGate, Brexit, the Great Meme War of 2016 and Q. It's amazing. They trained this army to do exactly what we are doing.

37b7dc  No.4297123


Betcha some folks at the Citigroup Private Bank would know they're pulling equity out of the family real estate.

c23cab  No.4297124

File: 8d46c69d5b30f9c⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1046x1033, 1046:1033, ClipboardImage.png)

2d7e27  No.4297125

File: b0aa6ac68916680⋯.jpg (480.43 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_557.jpg)

patriots pray!!!!

2d1e67  No.4297126

So these guys are the whistleblowers?

fce501  No.4297127

File: e67e37c246095eb⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 500x251, 500:251, IMG_4395.GIF)

File: d5c8cf0e0fb9849⋯.jpg (162.44 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_4399.JPG)

File: c4b6060c8053fbc⋯.jpg (117.6 KB, 642x855, 214:285, 847B7472-270E-4434-87CD-76….jpg)

That's a shitty fish and ashitty duck

Go soros go

I just want the Dr Pepper machine in the corner shipped

286037  No.4297128


Hi Charles - like your book.

26c263  No.4297129


Yeah but he's not on a great platform

47d723  No.4297130

File: 635f318e1fdab0c⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 320x240, 4:3, elm.gif)



f172be  No.4297131


8f7317  No.4297132

Norton looks like someone shaved Chewbacca and put him on transition hormones.

7a809b  No.4297133

File: a1683b2bb14971d⋯.jpg (164.93 KB, 750x500, 3:2, pearman.jpg)

Pedos are Real

Bomb threats are real

spinning on pear Fake

7de58e  No.4297134

The end point of this may be a RICO v CF, sounds like anyway.

37b7dc  No.4297135

6ef1c6  No.4297136

OMFG! A Ceaucescu moment!

f8c211  No.4297137

File: 4ee33e7839b6c7b⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1536x865, 1536:865, ClipboardImage.png)


Agreed and Chek'd

c4ff4a  No.4297138



good work anon

good hard work is what this board needs more of.


dbc420  No.4297139

Bitch that is NOT fucking Correct!

5da5da  No.4297140


>CLINTON FOUNDATION MUST NOT HAVE PAID TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Charities don't PAY taxes!

BUT…and here is the pisser…

CF is NOT a real charity foundation so EVERYONE that donated to the "CF" was SUPPOSE to pay taxes on the money they gave to crooked Clinton! bwhahahahahaha

1c4c87  No.4297141

File: 1f7196040833404⋯.gif (558.48 KB, 367x265, 367:265, 1523404994082.gif)

This hearing is looking up!

b637ea  No.4297142

African and European Country !!!!

library money misused

emails — This is not a CF

Clintons are foreign agents !!!!

752916  No.4297143



26c263  No.4297144


It was an unknown number, show me your texts

dc86fe  No.4297145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this was already on notables this morning, just reposting for some moar eyes…

Google CEO grilled by congress over rumored video of Hillary and a —-.

@3:43:23 Democrat Jamie Raskin grills Google CEO Sundar Pichai over videos that discuss Hillary Clinton “sexually abusing and consuming the remains of children, often in satanic rituals,” on YouTube.

21a0af  No.4297147


well I watched this. they will cut support of saudis in Yemen. but they will assist Isreal with anything they need. and Isreal needs the Saudis.

this is smoke and mirrors. now the bomb threats everywhere.Cue BiBi.

be62d1  No.4297148

More nothingness. Ima find a good movie to watch. I think I'll expect big habbenings from now on to be those with zero hype. Or totally unexpected. This shit is getting old and tired, just like me.

57e401  No.4297149


Pleasure. I woke up to it from another Anon. That's how we do it.

SO grateful to share this time with you Anons. It's getting SOOOOOO good.

God I can't wait to see these men crush the idiotic Dem's. They gotta be SHOOK.

ee9203  No.4297150


Chemtrails are classified, you will not be learning the truth about them….or many other subjects. Think about the questions you ask and know the answer they give you can not be the truth. Do you see now why "disinfo is necessary", they are prohibited from telling you the truth.

8d4bcf  No.4297151

She has no idea what to say lol… she has NO IDEA how to proceed

b02fae  No.4297152

File: 7c5a128ba5e8246⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1216x639, 1216:639, 12354.PNG)


7fc2d7  No.4297153



I do, i did my part. optics matter too.


9b0d06  No.4297154


You're an idiot. He doesn't HAVE a book.

Diss Charles Ortel, and I will beat your ass.

Come on. Right here, right now.

ba54dc  No.4297155

File: 29e40226284a1de⋯.png (540.33 KB, 940x496, 235:124, ClipboardImage.png)

01abc9  No.4297157


>Capone went down for tax fraud

I was just about to post the same thing!

These people are so fucking stupid.

681efc  No.4297158


He is FUCKING drilling this bitch! "We anticipated this question"…

f172be  No.4297159


a30152  No.4297160

He is giving Norton the what for. HAHAHA

2e8c62  No.4297161

File: 6e6e9b8215970a6⋯.png (641.64 KB, 655x763, 655:763, DoD 12-13-18 1 pm PST.PNG)

File: 048f105e9d262ad⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1160x773, 1160:773, DoD 12-13-18 1 pm PST pic.PNG)

Blastoff 🚀


a80053  No.4297162


This is a bullshit..there isn't even any proof this asshat is dead. HABEUS CORPUS assholes. They need MBS gone…because he's fucking up (((THEIR))) plan.

b0cef1  No.4297163

Are these the whistleblowers?

6de4cc  No.4297164

File: 7d50e071cb12d09⋯.png (32.68 KB, 1171x347, 1171:347, 5qqc.png)


We know.


12-steps ahead anon.


9e535c  No.4297165

Watch how the dims handle these two Patriots! Cough hack cough stutter cough

dbc420  No.4297166

More to CUM nigga!

c5f288  No.4297167


Heh, dems can't go off script, NPC IS REALS!

752916  No.4297168


Charles Ortel is the man!

3955d5  No.4297169


He has put his life on the line to investigate these animals. Ortel should end up with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

f9d0b8  No.4297170



68666d  No.4297171


305178  No.4297172

He just said he has more than just tax stuff. BOOOOOOM!

1fea12  No.4297173

File: 521e302c00e681f⋯.jpg (94.86 KB, 614x549, 614:549, its-habbening-hillbag.jpg)

b637ea  No.4297174

MS Norton freaking out !!!!

witness corrects Norton !!!

3dd015  No.4297175

File: 5649228711c27b1⋯.png (626.15 KB, 1015x619, 1015:619, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

Holy Fuck. It's habbening

Best movie I've watched in a while. This is why very few of the minority has shown up to this hearing.

There may be further causes of action under the law…bwaahhaaaahaaa.

6889bc  No.4297176


Awesome! The Dems don't have a copy of their report!!

552e4d  No.4297177



9083fc  No.4297178


Would you say the odds of it being a coincidence are so low as to be impossible?

a80053  No.4297179


fuck off namefag.

2add81  No.4297180

Every fucking democrat unloads with WHATABOUTISMS

b1f857  No.4297181

More to come….. oh shit.

831ab7  No.4297182

>>4295019 pb

Someone give them some bitcoin just to track it. These people are so stupid!

866177  No.4297183



ba54dc  No.4297184


great chop

3ca635  No.4297185


will do.

asking for these in my face will be added to the end of the prayer.

7a809b  No.4297186

File: 637bcd542579a59⋯.jpg (102.61 KB, 736x736, 1:1, gravity4.jpg)

Nasa lovers with Neil the rapist

752916  No.4297187

Cough, cough again

343c94  No.4297188

Norton choking on her bullshit.

f8c211  No.4297189

"There is more to come"

Very huge!

43ed90  No.4297191


Have all of those things anon. I don't think you were trying to be a jerk, but assumptions abound in your statement.

What if I have actually have so many roller coasters and high stress situations that adding one more that has not resolved isn't helping?

305178  No.4297192


And the IRS doesn't have everything they have either.

f900e0  No.4297193


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Galactic Federation Starfleet Academy, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Vlash and Maitre homeworlds, and I have over 300 confirmed mind-melds. I am trained in psyonic warfare and I'm the top interceptor pilot in the entire Arcturian Armada. You are nothing to me but just another colonization. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this galactic sector, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, human. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of ayylmaos across Agartha and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, monkey boy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, earthling. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven quintillion ways, and that's just with my mind bullets. Not only am I extensively trained in psyonic warfare, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Pleidian-Draco Hybrid Shapeshifters and I will use them to their full capabilities to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the planet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn failed genetic experiment. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, earthling.

06d163  No.4297194

File: d348c05e9c1bc4c⋯.jpg (121.69 KB, 666x500, 333:250, AvoidEarth.jpg)

801beb  No.4297195







1d0cab  No.4297196

Shutting her the fuck down.

This is glorious.

Maybe I'm over-caffeinated.

836073  No.4297197


37b7dc  No.4297198

File: 381279f3f035d95⋯.png (343.17 KB, 776x436, 194:109, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

"So you mean…you mean there is more to come?"

9ad515  No.4297199

File: 1e52e546f3ee648⋯.jpg (179.77 KB, 426x640, 213:320, daaamn-thats-an-ugly-ass-b….jpg)

26c263  No.4297200

Or are they whistleblowers under the law?

b637ea  No.4297201

more to come — are you whitleblowers ?

274a65  No.4297202




Here comes Norton again.

Low IQ , as I said.

She's lost for works

Caught in her own lies?

Nervous coughing.


663226  No.4297203

can this loser stop coughing

Q give her some sizzurp

600820  No.4297204

File: 2462b3a235ee126⋯.png (122.42 KB, 267x272, 267:272, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

8d4bcf  No.4297205

lol SHE has NO IDEA what to ask haha!

e901fa  No.4297206


board moderator

c580e4  No.4297207

can this senile nigger die already

51f2d5  No.4297208

man that ghoul needs to get her ass home and in bed

801beb  No.4297209



9745bb  No.4297210


b36352  No.4297211

Norton having more trouble with that Pepe in her throat.

05ad29  No.4297212


I was thinking, back when LGraham made his post-CIA briefing statement on the Khoshogi murder, that we had regime change in SA in mind as well as policy change in Yemen on our mind- indeed if not planned all along.

You didn't think we wouldn't be pressuring for regime change did you?

dbc420  No.4297213

1300 for the republicans. You bitch get NOTHING!

fce501  No.4297214

File: 859bedb6dc01430⋯.jpg (613 KB, 751x958, 751:958, IMG_4511.JPG)

b637ea  No.4297215

Norton correcting Norton again !!!!

1d0cab  No.4297216

coughing is a signal?

"I need my next talking point"

b36de9  No.4297217

File: 6853c81166ad28d⋯.png (199.1 KB, 333x404, 333:404, 2018-12-13 22_08_01_CEST_W….png)

This guys demeanor is off. Who is this?

Something just doesn't click with me about his bodylanguage

552e4d  No.4297218



876009  No.4297219


'so eh, how fucked am i?'

215f30  No.4297220


i'm only authorized to show them to my imam

7a809b  No.4297221

File: d9c2f90ea1a38c7⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 550x450, 11:9, 45048273dc38a775dfca17d031….jpg)

5c02e8  No.4297222


no we won't, you just don't get it do you, the eo hasn't even kicked in yet, moves and countermoves…

6380b8  No.4297223

This fuckin' Irish prick! Ohhh, Boston, I love ya.

b02fae  No.4297224



2f7172  No.4297225


>but not million-pound clouds of water

….You've never seen it rain?

a4af50  No.4297226


More than you know

ee1282  No.4297227

Not gonna lie guise. That black pill is looking pretty tasty right now. Really hope something habbens. Hard to imagine they knocked off GHWB to put off this train wreck of a hearing.

a4bc47  No.4297228

File: ecd717d780e93a1⋯.png (952.96 KB, 1041x552, 347:184, c_aentology.png)

c43aa1  No.4297229

These guys are not letting anyone get the jump on them…..love it

b36de9  No.4297230



472e45  No.4297231


If you can explain gravity, you can explain our existence. The hologram principal explains gravity quite well.

But your meme forgets one thing, how does it rain then?

a30152  No.4297232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dbc420  No.4297233

Stop coughing and just fucking die

26c263  No.4297234


Damn well you have a good life sir

752916  No.4297235


They are using the whistle blowers clause to file the report to the IRS, I think I am getting that right. Maybe not.

9b0d06  No.4297236


Even Navy Seals are not meaner than I am right now

This hearing is turning me into the Incredible Hulk

Gonna have to fix some drywall now


a94d5f  No.4297237

Shes either stalling with coughing or signaling. Anons, all eyes and alert!

75b560  No.4297238

File: d3ca2efa386d3dc⋯.jpg (646.66 KB, 1835x1723, 1835:1723, 21a126aee69abd3481cfc63e95….jpg)


/ourguys/ have the best Intel

866177  No.4297239

9ad515  No.4297240

File: 73135c1e5b8b0cf⋯.jpg (68.06 KB, 400x309, 400:309, holy-fuck-thats-one-ugly-b….jpg)

6de4cc  No.4297241

File: b2bf04d49619191⋯.png (615.65 KB, 1022x676, 511:338, anonusescomputer.png)

b36352  No.4297242


Apparently to spread the plague.

9745bb  No.4297243

Yes, we know how easily confused you are, stupid cunt

02e559  No.4297244

DECLAS ←– Has begun

snowball —→ aVALANCHE

f900e0  No.4297245

600820  No.4297246

File: 18fcb859e5fdd69⋯.png (347.21 KB, 527x385, 527:385, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)


57e401  No.4297247


This and POTUS shitting on Chuck & Nancy are two of the VERY best parts of The Show so far. KEK!!

b1f857  No.4297248


She's a cabal shill. Her purpose is to stall and deflect.

92ce42  No.4297249

Fuckin coughing old ass bitches.

Term limits FFS.

2d1e67  No.4297250


She’s about to keel over me thinks

552e4d  No.4297251




0bc3fa  No.4297252


So start with this, and then it will be death by 1,000 cuts? Actually seems like a good way to handle this, to be honest.

58705e  No.4297253

HRC cough

26c263  No.4297254


So Cain is the 3rd?

dbc420  No.4297255

That is not fucking what you asked me!

472e45  No.4297256


Must be code to Hillary.

Cough cough COUGH COugh..

9b0d06  No.4297257


Die right now, bitch.

Do it.




f900e0  No.4297258


kick that drywalls ass, seabass!

965e80  No.4297259

These people are sick …

37b7dc  No.4297260

omg with the coughing….

what next, is she going to be dragged to a waiting blue van?

b09643  No.4297261


ba54dc  No.4297262

File: 2ed7f058334e1dd⋯.png (121.79 KB, 267x272, 267:272, ClipboardImage.png)

b637ea  No.4297263

Norton confused coughing like HRC

a4af50  No.4297264



7d81b8  No.4297265

Christ, can they just replace Norton? The coughing is getting irritating.

95b39f  No.4297266

Sooooo….gotta any of that…evidence?


Wasting our time then.

ac7095  No.4297267

fake ass cough

f9d0b8  No.4297268

File: 0a8cc4c7a0cd8f9⋯.jpg (9.82 KB, 230x219, 230:219, 0a8cc4c7a0cd8f9fcedf01503e….jpg)

77a705  No.4297269

File: 671e50290f5e837⋯.jpg (188.25 KB, 800x736, 25:23, FireShot Capture 52 - BNO ….jpg)


244018  No.4297270

Holmes has bronchitis from smoking crack.

e8f9f8  No.4297271


Finally someone with the balls to call out these lunatics

92e760  No.4297272


>Maybe I'm over-caffeinated.

That would be my guess

fce501  No.4297273

File: 67c65efc4098f48⋯.jpg (39.15 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4486.JPG)

File: 2157935edfd4706⋯.jpg (31.42 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4489.JPG)

File: c58b3690afd2cef⋯.jpg (41.66 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4490.JPG)

9745bb  No.4297274


can they at least send someone who knows what she's saying next time?

00a4fd  No.4297275

finally! someone testifying to congress that is honest and direct! These 2 are amazing and completely credible

7fc2d7  No.4297276



ever notice how people who cannot speak truth choke on their lies? lol

df5484  No.4297277

Hi Tom!

8d4bcf  No.4297278

She is seriously gross listening to her cough, almost puke, hack, etc

2af8eb  No.4297279

I guess we are gonna have to have a civil war before anything gets done around here. You want ppl to trust the plan so bad but the ones who are spreading the info and giving false hope to their friends are the ones who are suffering.


c8c15a  No.4297280

File: 4cdd889f76d7a19⋯.jpg (71.46 KB, 845x569, 845:569, 781f8884e68bb722ba49878915….jpg)


af4f91  No.4297281

File: 32bc6e7c8a79ce1⋯.png (10.82 KB, 437x120, 437:120, ClipboardImage.png)


Q answered a question re JFK Jr. The stupid JKF anon was ignored.

eb0361  No.4297282

is bread dead?

286037  No.4297283

File: 1eb98b46f3ddd6e⋯.png (296.48 KB, 539x477, 539:477, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

File: 205047cff568ee8⋯.png (373.51 KB, 708x588, 59:49, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)


Joh Solomon on his own initiative gavcoughethThedocs

that's not what you asked me

472e45  No.4297284


John Locke. Don't tell him what he can and can't do.

6d32fd  No.4297285

Look at Moynihan's eyes. PAIN IS COMING and he knows it. He's relishing it.

866177  No.4297286

This piece of shit being exorcised on live tv?

57e401  No.4297287


The True beginning of the end.

a80718  No.4297288

she needs hillary's water glass so she can eject her slimeball

0674a1  No.4297289

523958  No.4297290

File: 43700bc2996a072⋯.jpg (154.24 KB, 854x758, 427:379, Highest Ranking Anon.jpg)

681efc  No.4297291


The LEFT has no repsonse. They're not asking shit about the actual findings but are picking on when documents were or weren't received

7a9c9e  No.4297292


Had a question for my evefags.

Any interest in me setting up an eve/Q discord server? I had considered it if there was interest from my fellow Keksuleers.

Judging by the number of "o7s" I see here, there is. But knowing our collective level of paranoia, I wanted the input of you all before I started it.

Hit me up, if you like the idea, if you don't, or just throw me an o7 because why not.

In rust (and Q) we trust, fly safe.

ede345  No.4297293


Why do they want you to stop smoking tobacco?

b36de9  No.4297294


fucking KEK Anon! … *cough*

47d723  No.4297295


There's a lot of those today on this shit show

b637ea  No.4297296

Norton corrected again by witness !!!!

ee9203  No.4297297


IF MBS cleaned house and is /ourguy/ does it not makes sense the DS will try to discredit MBS and try to get him removed from his position so he can be replaced with a new "controlled" pawn somebody like say Alwaleed bin Talal?

a30152  No.4297298

We'll explain it, AGAIN. KEKEK!!!

3dd015  No.4297299

File: 0a0b892c6451c5b⋯.png (839.07 KB, 1015x607, 1015:607, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

Fitton checking 8chan

752916  No.4297300

>>4297254 I think Cain is a real whistle blower that was in the CF.

7fc2d7  No.4297301


I noticed that too, they have been waiting for this!

51f2d5  No.4297302


trying to find out who the real 'whistle blower' is

probably to send them a nice red scarf.

472e45  No.4297304


you dont get it. Too quick to be snarky. I meant in a few hours we will see how this room reacts.

ba54dc  No.4297305

File: a19fe266ff0c26f⋯.png (647.83 KB, 1069x477, 1069:477, ClipboardImage.png)

8d4bcf  No.4297306


They have no idea what to do lol

37b7dc  No.4297307


wtf is the point of her questioning?

8bc2f4  No.4297308

I am fn loving this!

9b0d06  No.4297309

Moynihan is having to tell this retarded bitch what the law is.

Most ignorant nigger I have ever SEEN

cough cough cough

Somebody put Mammy out of her misery

55884a  No.4297310


because they used all that uranium to fertilize the tobacco fields.

831ab7  No.4297311


Panic in DC

82f8e6  No.4297312



7a809b  No.4297313


Gravity is a theory, just like Clinton is innocent.

Explain rain? same as your rapist friend dropping a mic. , density.

b805e7  No.4297314

cough,cough,cough…. go home alien bitch

b36352  No.4297315



26c263  No.4297316

They do make a good tag-team

305178  No.4297317

File: 3eae012fb7c4f54⋯.jpg (31.69 KB, 359x300, 359:300, force is strong.jpg)

9e535c  No.4297318

Norton spent over 5 mins coughing and 25 mins trying to get to the bottom of nothing. Fucking dead weight.

2add81  No.4297319



8063b5  No.4297320

*cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*

37b7dc  No.4297322


"We are not about right vs. left….we are about right versus wrong."

fucking BOOM

57e401  No.4297323

We need a meme with the two men looking at them saying, "These People Are Stupid."

Cough Cough Cough…




9b0d06  No.4297324

This dumb old pickaninny is hacking her way through a list of questions that somebody else wrote for her

Moynihan is eating her lunch.

6889bc  No.4297325

File: 4ece266fcb3fff0⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Kek.jpg)


Fitton on his cell. Was thinking the same - is on Twit or here?!

9745bb  No.4297326

File: 1d8e479fd938f89⋯.jpg (19.01 KB, 240x263, 240:263, wraith.jpg)

855ef3  No.4297327

So, Moynihan just confirmed that the CF investigation is still, indeed, ongoing. Interesting. I thought they'd wrapped it up already which is why everyone's talking, now?

HUH. That's why Huber isn't there.

6d4140  No.4297328

File: 5e0a55a5252b36b⋯.png (1.16 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Kekistan Infinity Q Alpha.png)

File: d103f0b945528a3⋯.png (1.17 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Kekistan Infinity Q Alt Al….png)

File: 99ade042fb4abcb⋯.jpg (614.48 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Kekistan Infinity Q Alt.jpg)

Kekistan Infinity Q .png Only File

Kekistan Infinity Q Alt .jpg & Alpha .png Files

f9d0b8  No.4297329

File: b7c91d09a92c717⋯.png (287.35 KB, 500x551, 500:551, ClipboardImage.png)


6d32fd  No.4297330


Not right vs. left … right vs. wrong … damn I have chills right now. They KNOW.

831ab7  No.4297331



>Panic in DC

March 15-17, 2019

b637ea  No.4297332

right vs wrong

not repubs and dems

9ad515  No.4297333


Satan is hard on the body and soul..

68666d  No.4297334

File: da9a157b70d4ad5⋯.png (243.16 KB, 413x493, 413:493, ClipboardImage.png)

f3e941  No.4297335


Sucks when a person has


92ce42  No.4297336

File: 296b03b1056f164⋯.png (144.27 KB, 284x284, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

John Solomon American Hero!

75b560  No.4297337

File: 96bb68ab05be666⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, QproofD5_Update.jpg)



dbc420  No.4297338

Bitch you got everything you are due!

c43aa1  No.4297339

File: aeaa20c60b0b335⋯.png (278.78 KB, 517x542, 517:542, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)


7a809b  No.4297340

File: 4d4e4c07f607581⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 500x505, 100:101, DlFS8FlUwAA4TrK.jpg)

c23cab  No.4297341

File: 13fd8905104d6f9⋯.png (124.93 KB, 436x325, 436:325, ClipboardImage.png)

3955d5  No.4297342

Norton is an absolute embarrassment to this country. People WorldWide are laughing at her, and are in complete amazement that such a specimen can hold office.

57e401  No.4297343

Oh shit….

"We need to take this private, we didn't get the papers."

dc3de4  No.4297344

File: f52f8513ad6b2b4⋯.png (571.86 KB, 1500x778, 750:389, 1488.png)

File: 360f6f558a29593⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 300x258, 50:43, 24665688.gif)

File: a8046b0e8f8be51⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1224x1412, 306:353, 1540896428.png)

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 207x207, 1:1, 1446701127573.gif)

File: 786b5315b54549a⋯.gif (43.82 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1452395055662.gif)


she has the nice bumbum


the jewish subversion of our nations


they uderestimate us

f900e0  No.4297345

someone in the youtube chat just said "kuru cough"


7de58e  No.4297346

File: 17a8ebcaa9eccdc⋯.jpg (59.87 KB, 960x720, 4:3, stevie.jpg)

77d461  No.4297347

File: 17d557da32407da⋯.png (298.56 KB, 1316x986, 658:493, ClipboardImage.png)


Sara Carter

"EXPLOSIVE: The Whistleblowers on Clinton Foundation ( highly credible non-partisan investigators, who conducted the investigation with their own funds reveal the #ClintonFoundation operated as an agent of foreign governments and should have registered under FARA … more to come"

244018  No.4297348


600820  No.4297349

File: 21aa4430e53ae06⋯.png (299.93 KB, 520x425, 104:85, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

8d4bcf  No.4297350

Meadows better not break here

57e401  No.4297351

1fea12  No.4297352

File: 65971f441e234e4⋯.png (205.65 KB, 469x376, 469:376, habbening-pepe2.png)

58705e  No.4297353

finally someone asked the question of %

752916  No.4297354


Yes he is!

a30152  No.4297355

File: 97ce11012edd1de⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6c431735b2096813cb0c3b80f0….jpg)

df5484  No.4297356

Vince Foster does not think tax evasion is enough.

d53fa9  No.4297357

File: 787f02d82139f79⋯.png (490.09 KB, 828x643, 828:643, speedial.png)

9a2ee1  No.4297358

3e8066  No.4297359

472e45  No.4297360


Fuck killary.

8f7317  No.4297361



b805e7  No.4297362

seems like everyone left the country like killary. Boom day and mofo's are running

2add81  No.4297363


ding ding ding

Huber found a last minute lead, likely related to the whistleblower, that reopened it once more for a bit longer.


f172be  No.4297364


sounds nervous

40906d  No.4297365


If anyone remembers the last time a Republican House attempted to hold major hearings on corruption  and malfeasance by Democrats, it was in the 1990s and the GOP held promised hearings on Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Democrats in the minority took control of the hearings and made them  a referendum on the NRA and gun violence.

Result of the hearings was the Clinton gun ban, a federal law against all sorts of firearms  including scary looking carbines and magazines that held more than 15 rounds.

So anyone expecting a boom from these hearings is either ignorant about Republican Congressmen  or just a moron.

7a809b  No.4297366

File: e80c06555cfaae7⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 345x353, 345:353, funny.jpg)

42989f  No.4297367

KEEP faking that illness RAT

fce501  No.4297368

File: f0a38972cbe7e0b⋯.jpg (2.62 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_4504.JPG)

We can ship the breeders to Africa for "agricultural" stuff

b02fae  No.4297369

File: 90bf55c096913c6⋯.jpg (138.66 KB, 951x499, 951:499, 2owzua.jpg)

3d16d4  No.4297370



7a9c9e  No.4297371



b36352  No.4297372


What did he ask?

7d81b8  No.4297373

I tapped out. My brain is about to explode with all the coughing, like I want to rip my fucking ears off. I'll watch a highlights vid later.

b1f857  No.4297374


Noose is tightening on the Clintons today.

37b7dc  No.4297375

Here it comes…

"what was the % from the Clinton Foundation…"

8abc10  No.4297376


>>4297269 Bomb threat menace spreads to the Canadians.

>>4297161 DoD: Blastoff!

>>4297078 Soros, State Dept, USAID: "Open Government Partnership."

>>4296918 US Senate passes resolution blaming MbS.

>>4296874 Republicans take bold tack against Democratic gerrymander in the Supreme Court.

>>4296824 St. Xavier High School to release names of accused sexual abusers.

55884a  No.4297377

60/40 split.

b637ea  No.4297378

File: 7d2c00f073bba2b⋯.jpg (197.83 KB, 800x708, 200:177, a2dacdcbb74d117e648028fdeb….jpg)


more to come

Clintons are Foreign Agents

8d4bcf  No.4297379

What is that crazy looking woman doing behind them

752916  No.4297380


Peter Schweizer too!

831ab7  No.4297381

File: 6072bd9fb58f83a⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



366df2  No.4297382

File: 05e73c9013ee793⋯.png (444.14 KB, 900x900, 1:1, wtf.png)

seriously wut

25a66b  No.4297383


he loves the attention!

104869  No.4297384

File: b7854424799982f⋯.jpg (94.92 KB, 736x522, 368:261, Donations to HRC foundatio….jpg)

File: 8d030cefdc1144b⋯.jpg (50.33 KB, 606x428, 303:214, donations.jpg)

File: fdad410187e6ee8⋯.jpg (105.91 KB, 590x960, 59:96, donations1.jpg)

Charity Foundation %'s ??????

a80053  No.4297385

File: fdd6af5d377da4a⋯.jpg (218.27 KB, 1125x1161, 125:129, npc SHEEP.jpg)

>>4296653 (pb)

>Emotions cloud judgement.

>Emotions cloud logic.



Nothing makes that more evident than the way people act every time you post…even if you post illogical stupid shit…they believe every word you say. NOICE

who is paying for the server upgrades to handle the "stress" better?

6d32fd  No.4297386

Oh SNAP they are detailing CF expenses. And showing exactly how anomalous it is compared to a typical 501c3.

9afb9a  No.4297388

File: c8d95a594dab54f⋯.png (175.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8d95a594dab54f⋯.png (175.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

26c263  No.4297389

37b7dc  No.4297390


60% to CF.

6457c7  No.4297391

File: 8b2e3f4c8ec787f⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 320x164, 80:41, great.gif)

b0cef1  No.4297392

Cough …cough…" I need another hit off my crack pipe"…cough cough…."where's my glass dick?" Cough

6c3631  No.4297393


MAGA used Cambridge Analytics, found the bridge people

Clinton / DNC used attentive.ly now owned by blackbaud, created an echo chamber of "thought leaders", essentially social media "stars" they thought we would follow.

92ce42  No.4297394


Sara Carter too

244018  No.4297395


% of donations to legitimate charity.

fe63be  No.4297396


RIP Sean Smith!

Goonswarm forever

9745bb  No.4297397


Which would be?

2d1e67  No.4297398


Yes! He wrote the book on it!

752916  No.4297399



a80718  No.4297400

File: 5a22a0028aca0c4⋯.png (401.3 KB, 768x512, 3:2, jlj.png)

File: 8f958d57500ea85⋯.png (655.24 KB, 1111x688, 1111:688, சூண.png)

File: 9a5a08ce73390da⋯.png (220.29 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, cat-of-arms.png)

File: 3c4e116f30103c6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1999x1392, 1999:1392, thedegradationofthebotmago….png)

File: 86e04a8437d6c73⋯.png (505.98 KB, 850x568, 425:284, hrappening.png)

b207ce  No.4297401

I have been gone and just got back home,

Is the whistleblower hearing still going?

e64e60  No.4297402

They should let Jim Jordan ask all the questions.

9b0d06  No.4297403

Imma have to find a wine merchant that delivers around here


Fucking love Boyle and Moynihan

I want hockey jerseys with those names on them

Dumb old bat is saying she doesn't have everything

Everyone else in the room: YES YOU DO, YOU DUMBASS, JUST READ IT

I swear to God, they're so stupid.

That old bitch needs to be in a nursing home on oxygen, not in Washington DC

dbc420  No.4297404


That does not mean the 40% they claim went to the charity actually did any good and was not itself frittered away.

26c263  No.4297405

Say it!!

855ef3  No.4297406

File: cc1839afcff80a3⋯.jpg (63.05 KB, 563x688, 563:688, 248a3ccfe65aba787dff6c476b….jpg)


Yes! makes the drops make sense! This "boring" hearing is giving us Q-proof candy!

f9d0b8  No.4297407

Paht and pahcel

I love these guys

752916  No.4297408


Yes…. Boom

b805e7  No.4297409

This dude from Boston is sharp

a30152  No.4297410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

37b7dc  No.4297411


How much do foundations usually take for expences?

How much did the Clinton Foundation take?

472e45  No.4297412


I'll preface this with, yes, I will kill myself after I post this to appease those that disagree.

But these EXPLOSIVE, BOOM, TICK TOCK titles seem like a fluffer. CNN, MSNBC and all points in-between will downplay this shit. It's two different worlds. When does the normie world start to feel and see this? All these big happy words are for anons and the right.

af4f91  No.4297413


Espionage Act

725e6b  No.4297414

Investigation was 2005-2015, so wouldn't include election interference.

6ef1c6  No.4297415

Norton just coughed out a bit of baby.

ba54dc  No.4297416


boston marathon?

f9d0b8  No.4297417


Right on

Boston Strong

95b39f  No.4297418

Nothing these randos say matters. They have no authority, just opinions.

dc3de4  No.4297419

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, 21212144.png)

File: 0e6f307ab30da62⋯.png (274.26 KB, 1440x1347, 480:449, 1537500984577.png)

File: 57a638c77ec4987⋯.jpg (123.75 KB, 1065x1600, 213:320, 1538055481238.jpg)

File: cc87a21e96d5fd4⋯.png (167.92 KB, 584x589, 584:589, 1538098081098.png)

File: 8147a548a6e0ae2⋯.jpg (30.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1538553450696.jpg)


people around the world agree

286037  No.4297420

1300 pages via Meadows office

Doyle and Moynihan are reticent to provide doc.s

I don't get it

Doyle - emphatic that both sides should have the same material

Those materials were supplied by john Solomon

We wanted to understand the playing field with the IRS

cough - wut? confuzionz

Meadows - we want to make sure it's a level playing field

Ross - what is the average donations that go to the beneficiaries

Doyle - a lot of the ones we work on are the ones that have problems

no more than 15% was administrative - one would hope

Ross - Clinton's

Doyle - 40% average went to programs

our analysis takes this foundation from 2005 to 2015, we break it down dolla by dolla

22 mil dollars not approved

Ross - pay to play?

Doyle part and parcel there were intsances of that

b637ea  No.4297421

Analysis 2005 - 2015

Following the money

Play to pay

Foreign agents

9e9740  No.4297422

I work for a 501c3 and we take only 5% admin, the rest goes to the people. 15% is too much

4249f3  No.4297423


Once it starts happening, it will all fall, like dominoes, it will all have been worth the wait, and when you think about it and look how slow the legal system works, and remember that POTUS has only been in office a little over 2 years, we haven't wait THAT long. We are just frustrated because we all know Clinton and Obama have committed crimes for a long time, and it shouldn't have to take Trump to make them finally pay for their crimes. Should have been done long ago.

57e401  No.4297424


It's just THAT damn simple.

92ce42  No.4297425

"There are so many examples"…kek

8d4bcf  No.4297426

"Agents of a foreign government"

That is insane.

600820  No.4297427

File: 85eede764f392ca⋯.png (3.24 KB, 276x182, 138:91, download.png)

File: ec2c36fd200f872⋯.jpeg (10.56 KB, 223x226, 223:226, download (1).jpeg)


47d723  No.4297428

Agent of a Foreign Government - - You go Jim!

96d280  No.4297429

File: d2508275b363f0d⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 367x532, 367:532, 1511013695575.jpg)


Jews that convert and open ice cream bars for rich children are called marachinos.

0ccae3  No.4297430

Get Ready for Mueller’s Phase Two: The Middle East Connection

The ‘Russia investigation’ is set to go global. In court filings due to drop in 2019, prosecutors will unveil Middle Eastern countries’ attempts to influence U.S. politics.

Over the past year, the indictments, convictions, and guilty pleas have largely been connected, in one way or another, to Russia. But now, special counsel Robert Mueller’s office is preparing to reveal to the public a different side of his investigation. In court filings that are set to drop in early 2019, prosecutors will begin to unveil Middle Eastern countries’ attempts to influence American politics, three sources familiar with this side of the probe told The Daily Beast.

In other words, the “Russia investigation” is set to go global.

While one part of the Mueller team has indicted Russian spies and troll-masters, another cadre has been spending its time focusing on how Middle Eastern countries pushed cash to Washington politicos in an attempt to sway policy under President Trump’s administration. Various witnesses affiliated with the Trump campaign have been questioned about their conversations with deeply connected individuals from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, according to people familiar with the probe. Topics in those meetings ranged from the use of social-media manipulation to help install Trump in the White House to the overthrow of the regime in Iran.

Now, according to those same sources, the Special Counsel’s Office is ready to outline what cooperating witnesses have told them about foreigners’ plans to help Trump win the presidency. Two sources with knowledge of the probe said Mueller’s team has for months discussed the possibility of issuing new charges on this side of the investigation.


f9d0b8  No.4297431

Agent of (((money)))

dbc420  No.4297432

Nothing but bribes.

f8c211  No.4297433

File: 634b18d2cc9c059⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Soooooo many

37b7dc  No.4297434


lulz he said 60%.

58d683  No.4297435

dolla by dolla

752916  No.4297436


Which is the way a 501c(3) is supposed to work! Very nice.

fb1558  No.4297437


o7 MCorp fag here.

8d4bcf  No.4297438


"Follow the foundation"

9c71d7  No.4297439

CF brokering money and brokering pharmaceuticals

6d32fd  No.4297440

"They were brokering money, and they were brokering pharmaceuticals." - Doyle on the CF

3955d5  No.4297441


Exactly. Probably donated to other crooked organizations and subsequently stolen. I bet less than 10% went to any real function of charity.

671312  No.4297442


and pharmaceuticals

e43124  No.4297443

File: 423348922fdad78⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1245x897, 415:299, ClipboardImage.png)


866177  No.4297444

The Clinton’s are fucked.

GOOD this time.

8063b5  No.4297445

File: 30c5019083d8362⋯.jpg (152.1 KB, 782x782, 1:1, 30c5019083d836235e27096a00….jpg)

82c137  No.4297446

Virgin Galactic launches SpaceShipTwo to the edge of space

A Virgin Galactic rocket plane blasted to the edge of space on Thursday, capping off years of difficult testing to become the first US commercial human flight to reach space since America’s shuttle program ended in 2011.

The test flight foreshadows a civilian space race that could kick off as soon as next year, with the British billionaire Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic battling other billionaire-backed ventures to be the first to offer suborbital flights to tourists who pony up the hefty fares.

Virgin’s airplane-like SpaceShipTwo took off on Thursday morning from California’s Mojave air and space port, about 90 miles (145km) north of Los Angeles.


26c263  No.4297447


Taking the vig

d20732  No.4297448

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, Ce54ffg.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm,this day and forever.

b1f857  No.4297449



1c4c87  No.4297450

File: 8ede0bc623dd504⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 1280x714, 640:357, 1542717852706.gif)

Jim Jordan:

"You said AGENT OF A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT in your opening statement. Give me an example."

Mr Doyle:


3dd015  No.4297451

holy fuck. "they took a vig"

dbc420  No.4297452

37b7dc  No.4297453


loving this.

ef4a6e  No.4297454

Brokering money, pharmaceuticals.

6ea0e5  No.4297455

So Clinton was a Foreign Agent while being Secretary of State? Hmm… Just doesn't sound hunkey-dory to me..

55884a  No.4297456

File: a7f59594a87dcb1⋯.gif (174.26 KB, 380x165, 76:33, FollowTheMoney.gif)


Follow the agents of money.

8d4bcf  No.4297457



!!!! So they probably are responsible for the opiate crisis on the planet

9b0d06  No.4297458

Moynihan and Boyle for Anons of the Day

Fuckin' killing it

Magnificent bastards!!!

Man, I wanna take these dudes out for the most expensive dinners in DC tonight


b563b7  No.4297459

Watching this bullshit hearing

Chances of 2018 looking GLORIOUS not very good right now

ef4a6e  No.4297460

They might just blame attorneys.

4dbf05  No.4297461

File: 34ef8dc5b3505fa⋯.png (279.11 KB, 600x600, 1:1, shit_it_down.png)

57e401  No.4297462


We need to keep a bullet sheet of the top quotes. I put some in red up there. This is AMAZING.

b09643  No.4297463



92e760  No.4297464


>The Clinton’s are fucked.

>GOOD this time.

Its only a movie….it ain't real

01abc9  No.4297465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

855ef3  No.4297466




>The WORLD will UNITE in this cause (G v E/R v W).

>Read the BIBLE.



68666d  No.4297467

Brokers - pharmaceuticals !!!!

40ae83  No.4297468


this meme shall make history

7fc2d7  No.4297469


fucking BOOM, Pharma, and taking the profits. they claimed 501c but treated it like a business. How many other 501c's will be going down after this. so we are going to see some PAIN

8bc2f4  No.4297470


Explains her falling a lot!

274a65  No.4297471

File: 1b1ebb39333dcd3⋯.jpg (32.23 KB, 447x522, 149:174, octopus.jpg)


She's lost for words.




What did "Q" say?

RR is finished.

The FBI and CIA are implicated in the Clinton Crimes.

So they've got a hold of a leg of the Octopus?

He just used the word "VIG"


d6e150  No.4297472



When you look into Mercer it will get a bit confusing especially when you see the symbols surrounding him (his house and Yachts), the actions of he and his daughter and the technology background of all surrounding Mercer including Jared Kushner. Again, it's amazing what has been planned and for how long.

26c263  No.4297473


Then Trump is in the clear suckas

600820  No.4297474

File: 451b422d0670853⋯.png (44.28 KB, 520x331, 520:331, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

DEC[L] 12th


19c708  No.4297475

File: a9899866e1309f7⋯.jpeg (657.24 KB, 1242x1199, 1242:1199, 5CDB7870-C3F6-4F50-877F-1….jpeg)

286037  No.4297476

JJ - Closely held family partnership and NOT A CHARITY?

Doyle - yes.

Public charities don't make grants.

Private foundations are different.

Those fndshuns - issue grants - a lot of times they go to a public charity - but CF bcame a hybrid

modeling the Global Fund in Geneva Switzerland

a4bc47  No.4297477

File: acebec368923a1b⋯.png (306.22 KB, 768x413, 768:413, bankonit.png)

5da5da  No.4297478



I think Cain is a real whistle blower that was in the CF.

Cain IS a whistleblower but he was working as a contractor for the FBI when he gathered the CF evidence!

9c71d7  No.4297479

if nothing else, donors need to know a major percentage of money going through the CF was spent on salaries, travel, other "expenses".

f9d0b8  No.4297480


05ad29  No.4297481


Is it also possible he was the next in succession but not our first choice?

We don't even need a corpus delecti to get what we wanted.

b637ea  No.4297482

Mozambique 2002 MOU with Clinton Foundation

support minstry of Health

brokering meds and money

Clintons taking money from big Pharma

Family partnership not a foundation

Family partnership as foreign agents

1d0cab  No.4297483

I really hope the fake bomb threats are all they have left … because this is getting DEEP

8f7317  No.4297484

These guys are fucking outstanding. I want to quit my dayjob and help them.

3e8066  No.4297485


Last standing shill. Swordanon was here a long time ago, and lots of folks don’t like him neither

dd9d6c  No.4297486




9c6642  No.4297487


they are starving the beast.

clinton and there scam is one part of a much larger..

3d16d4  No.4297488

hybrid = mule

cb60cb  No.4297489


I think they are protected under the agent of money clause

3ae92b  No.4297490


I don't know about you's, but I have an urge to cough, and everyone in the hearing room have phlegm bubbles now.

752916  No.4297491


Yes, thank you for the correction.

6815c0  No.4297492

File: b35ac5a0e0ce0c9⋯.jpg (38.39 KB, 1024x675, 1024:675, the_vig.jpg)


681efc  No.4297493


Holy shit this is DEE-LIOUS!!!

47d723  No.4297494


a80718  No.4297495

File: 972eb173b466297⋯.png (460.53 KB, 693x536, 693:536, jmmns.png)

File: edf775a78683520⋯.png (175.48 KB, 649x365, 649:365, wummm.png)

File: c3b4a49214e174b⋯.png (365.81 KB, 444x446, 222:223, soonbyz.png)

File: 00d21ddb4d2f189⋯.png (221.03 KB, 376x431, 376:431, DDH.png)

7cf6ec  No.4297496

File: cbfbfa34bd98054⋯.jpg (101.91 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, laughmil.jpg)


You're late.

But w/ the forever clause, doesn't really matter does it?

Bless you too.

a30187  No.4297497

What a waste of time and opportunity. The non-Democratic side obviously did not rehearse. Weak and definitely not effective. How embarrassing and disturbing. Winging it is not an option. Get your sh*t together or GTFO.

3955d5  No.4297498

Global! Geneva!

7a9c9e  No.4297499



Seems to be a bit confusing, but I'll lurk, see activity levels, and go from there.

Evefags should have a place to share our unique perspective on things. Hopefully this is it.

Ty anon.

92ce42  No.4297500

File: 2c088d0e68c5ed2⋯.jpg (39.55 KB, 599x363, 599:363, hcorgjail0874tg5yt.jpg)

a30152  No.4297501


57e401  No.4297502

I've never heard of Unitade.

And here comes Gates name.

37b7dc  No.4297503


lulz. he's also in clear cuz congress has a hook-up slush fund. And cuz bill did it in the oval office,

but muh mockingbird.

77d461  No.4297504


Posted to twatter

e43124  No.4297505





8d4bcf  No.4297506

Funneling money, literally drug dealing. They literally acted as a drug cartel am I hearing this right? MR. GATES TOO!!!!!

f900e0  No.4297507

[Gates] too because BURN IT ALL WITH FIRE

im loving these guys (possible homo)

47d723  No.4297508

File: 21963e51bc8ae95⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 400x300, 4:3, giphy.gif)

It's Hammertime

3dd015  No.4297509

File: 9b73dba91a87037⋯.jpg (77.58 KB, 220x325, 44:65, Departed234.jpg)

why does this movie remind me of this movie (pic related)

f8c211  No.4297510


And Gates!

305178  No.4297511

Everyone enjoying the FREE BEER???

74f5f1  No.4297512

File: a199c5036e0bad8⋯.mp4 (1013.96 KB, 640x360, 16:9, TommyFarts.mp4)

f3e941  No.4297513

File: 02d717997457c02⋯.jpg (15.34 KB, 384x284, 96:71, JohnGielgud-Arthur.jpg)


Normally one would have to go to a

Bowling Ally to meet a person of your


Good Luck in Prison!

a94d5f  No.4297514

File: 15377103614ee4a⋯.png (270.49 KB, 476x449, 476:449, ClipboardImage.png)

35cd1d  No.4297515


Bannon is a Georgetown trained diplomat. Jesuit.

47e496  No.4297516


Drug dealers?

4cfc5b  No.4297517

File: 916f3985c824d27⋯.jpg (273.65 KB, 1125x1161, 125:129, 1234.jpg)

57e401  No.4297518


There's Switzerland.

And ALL of those banks that knowingly laundered money are FUCKED.

96d280  No.4297519

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Live Forever

b1f857  No.4297520



Digits confirm!

e64e60  No.4297521

File: 320f67829d94da7⋯.jpg (88.1 KB, 931x524, 931:524, hillary vig.jpg)

6d32fd  No.4297522

The MSM is dead silent on this right now. OVER THE TARGET

8063b5  No.4297523

File: c71114c39a665a3⋯.jpg (10.3 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download.jpg)

a80053  No.4297524


Exactly…and *(((WHO))) wanted the Saudi/Yemen war? NOW that our guy (MBS) is in charge or nearly so…he too wants it to stop…to get out from under Israel's shit…Rand is right…OUT OUT OUT…Bibi must be knashing his teeth.

26c263  No.4297525

Pay your taxes Hillary!

dbc420  No.4297527

We got these faggots on Tax evasion.

Capone went down for Tax evasion.

b637ea  No.4297529

unitafde Bill gates and Clintons 2006

tax free money

69a7a3  No.4297530

its coming

let everyone know

df5484  No.4297531


92e760  No.4297532





and No One will go to jail…….Theater

af4f91  No.4297534

File: fbc79f440e171e6⋯.png (474.95 KB, 630x435, 42:29, ClipboardImage.png)

669ae2  No.4297535

Why is my TV doing the emergency alert thing all afternoon? it just says its a test but it's done it almost a dozen times.

it usually only does it one a week…

ccf5da  No.4297537

File: 60632288cc1b74b⋯.jpeg (321.98 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1544667560.jpeg)

dbc420  No.4297538


40ae83  No.4297539


eb0361  No.4297540


8934e5  No.4297541


37b7dc  No.4297542

fucking congress "i have no clue…muh statutes…"

17804a  No.4297543


286037  No.4297544


Giveth your opinions

Do you believe there is probable cause of wrongdoing




752916  No.4297545

Wrong Doing! BOOM!

a80718  No.4297546


6d4140  No.4297547

File: c246d7aaba8e5fd⋯.png (363.62 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Boom Q Alt Alpha.png)


841aed  No.4297548

Doyle: “Hugely!”

55389d  No.4297549


Mozambigue 2002: CF had a Memorandum of Agreement to work on behalf of their Ministry of Health. This was not a Clinton foundation program per se. They were there to support the Ministry of Health. In laymans terms: they were brokering money and pharmaceutical sales.

a30152  No.4297550

Probable Cause?

Yes. Yes. Yes


749fea  No.4297551

File: f3415c3ee959acf⋯.jpeg (603.82 KB, 1445x1052, 1445:1052, AF25B49F-E6BC-42C1-8133-D….jpeg)

If I Were To Bet, I’d Bet On 12/21 Red

Any bookies in Las Vegas making odds on when Q goes mainstream?

836073  No.4297552

Fitton keked

aaf6e3  No.4297553

File: d533af2661904f6⋯.jpeg (688.81 KB, 1242x1325, 1242:1325, D603911D-B2D0-4355-A384-3….jpeg)



06d163  No.4297554

File: 1f8c2ed607e8c8c⋯.png (2 MB, 3000x2560, 75:64, 1f8c2ed607e8c8c1ac148fd6bf….png)


Goodbye Hillary. Goodbye Bill. Goodbye Chelsea. Goodbye dirty Clinton Foundation.


472e45  No.4297555

Hillary pulled a SITUATION


6d32fd  No.4297556



5da5da  No.4297557


KaBOOM, Biatches!

3955d5  No.4297558


92ce42  No.4297559


3e8066  No.4297560


Top kek.

855ef3  No.4297561


We craft the future we want.

57e401  No.4297562



37b7dc  No.4297564



75b560  No.4297565


1fea12  No.4297566

File: e2e4ce13d91b0cd⋯.jpg (206.7 KB, 971x910, 971:910, look-chuck-q12.jpg)

493e68  No.4297567


Wrong doing Both said YES! Fitton Gets a big grin. NAILED!

8bc2f4  No.4297568



831ab7  No.4297569



March 2019 Widespread Panic DC tour dates on the clock with Sept. 17 & 18 Panic in DC drops.

Lots of Panic in DC drops on 9/11/18…

Getting 9/11 stuff in March?

9083fc  No.4297570


We just had the third one in less than three hours here.

a30152  No.4297571

Meadows: Right the fuck now, dammit!!!

b637ea  No.4297572

Hugely Wrong doing

841aed  No.4297573


Fitton cracked a smile, too.

6457c7  No.4297574



How can anyone NOT LIKE someone someone simply asking that God bless and protect you?

dc3de4  No.4297575


they're kind of 7.5


Charles Murry, he's good


it's a biological weapon




rumored and confirmed agoddam shitskin retard


sorry, I didn't mean it bro, pls do not psyonic me

I'll get me mom on you

bba8fd  No.4297576

File: c165de81ac392aa⋯.png (22.22 KB, 660x324, 55:27, Vig.PNG)


>"They were brokering money, and they were brokering pharmaceuticals." - Doyle on the CF

And they were getting a VIG!!!


>Whats a vig? (fees, loan, payment, interest)


286037  No.4297577

Meadows - my patience is running thin

provide expert testimony of what you found

you need to cut to the chase

talk amongst yourselves - talk to ya lawyas and come back

a4af50  No.4297578

File: e6f16fb033727d3⋯.png (671.14 KB, 1263x1699, 1263:1699, ClipboardImage.png)




Good Times God`s Times

855ef3  No.4297579


Shit, POTUS and team are firing on all cylinders. Sara, Q, this hearing; feels like they are on offense, now!

f3e941  No.4297580

File: 307bfc849a14ffb⋯.jpg (7.89 KB, 292x173, 292:173, Unknown.jpg)

26c263  No.4297581

Spill it Doyle!

e64e60  No.4297582


Meadows doing God's work.

55884a  No.4297583

File: 5330201e7dcbb67⋯.jpg (155.76 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, Chuck it down.jpg)

cb60cb  No.4297584

File: 190833c9d806b65⋯.png (179.55 KB, 600x257, 600:257, ClipboardImage.png)

8d4bcf  No.4297585

Meadows trying to fuck

7ea799  No.4297586


Btw, thanks for that Globals addition,


472e45  No.4297588


Yeah, I agree.

dbc420  No.4297589


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