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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

826b18  No.4294398

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Q & A

>>4282164 ————————————–——– Stress test failed.

>>4282020 rt >>4281684 -————————– 'Guardians' of intelligence.

>>4281837 rt >>4281583 -————————– (3) detention centers being prepped.

>>4281568 rt >>4281479 -————————– No.

>>4281478 rt >>4281387 -————————– "Watch CA" was deliberate.

>>4281410 rt >>4281121 -————————– Senate to investigate 2019.

>>4281049 rt >>4280876 -————————– Gold shall destroy FED.

>>4280936 rt >>4280653 -————————– Only her beauty and love of country.

>>4280831 rt >>4280746 -————————– NSA ability to overreach hosts possible.

>>4280779 rt >>4280688 -————————– Separated by 2.

>>4280699 rt >>4280617 -————————– While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.

>>4280615 rt >>4280575 -————————– Added server(s)/bandwidth improved performance.

>>4280592 rt >>4280423 -————————– No.

>>4280554 rt >>4280453 -————————– Mission to harm NSA.

>>4280455 rt >>4280260 -————————– No.

>>4280331 rt >>4280236 -————————– 2020+ safeguarded.

>>4280247 rt >>4280228 -————————– Yes.

>>4280231 rt >>4280212 -————————– Our promise to 'counter'.

>>4280213 rt >>4280193 -————————– No.

>>4280202 rt >>4280192 -————————– Control.

>>4280189 ————————————–——– Q&A

Wednesday 12.12.18

Compiled here: >>4281715

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

826b18  No.4294401


are not endorsements


>>4282761 Anon's recap of Q's 12/12 Q&A


>>4293753 Defendants charged with multiple counts related to interstate prostitution and sex trafficking enterprise.

>>4294323 Comey’s remarks about Trump dossier are not credible, says former FBI official.

>>4294059 Carrie gives us an update on Sgt. Pattens status with BSO. o7 patriot.

>>4294193 UW using wireless sensors to monitor bumblebee pollination patterns.

>>4294130 FB files patent to predict your movements based on gathered data.

>>4294154 Virgin Galactic successfully launches tourism rocket ship into space for first time.

>>4294155 President Trump: “I don’t think we made a payment to that tabloid” – National Enquirer.

>>4293946 Some of Strzok's/Page's texts were not able to be recovered. Or can they?

>>4294074 Gary Sinise flew 1,000 children of fallen soldiers to Disney World for Christmas.

>>4294068 OIG: Using personal devices for official business exposes those devices to legal discovery.

>>4293873 Indiana police thwart would-be school shooter’s plan to commit violence as suspect was en route to school.

>>4293836 Amazon execs blasted by New York City officials.

>>4293805, >>4293841, >>4294227 DJT Tweet: "Happy 382nd Birthday @USNationalGuard..."

>>4293771 End of Yemeni war? Warring sides reach initial agreement on Al-Hudaydah and Taiz.

>>4293761, >>4293819, >>4294015 36 convicted in largest international sex trafficking ring brought down by US government.

>>4293750 Did Clinton Foundation mislead IRS?

>>4293740 Rahm Emanuel says pot and casinos should help with Chicago’s skyrocketing debt.

>>4293726 DJT interview with Harris Faulkner just finished.

>>4294388 #5471


>>4293570 Hannity: FBI recovered thousands of texts from FBI devices issued to Strzok and Page.

>>4293431 USMC: Every journey has a beginning.

>>4293326 DoD announces first military tribunal scheduled for 2019!

>>4293236, >>4293246 Black Eye = laser based, hostile satellite defense system?

>>4293193 Gitmo channel coming to cable?

>>4293178 Netanyahu: Israel ‘won’t rule out’ military action in Iran.

>>4293176 S.Korean prosecutors raid Samsung BioLogics' office in accounting probe.

>>4293166 Bible teacher gets prison for sex acts with girl inside church.

>>4293159 Feinstein/Cornyn: CyberTipline Modernization Act, passed the House of Representatives. (NCMEC comped?)

>>4293157 EU leaders grant PM ‘ten minutes’ for Brexit talks.

>>4293123 The CEO of privacy search engine DuckDuckGo says Google uses location data that puts entire ZIP codes in politically biased 'filter bubbles'.

>>4293122 Linda Sarsour, unfazed by new anti-Semitism charges, will keynote radical Islamist gathering.

>>4293112 Note they are bypassing Samsung Knox security. The coup just keeps getting bigger and bigger

>>4293088 ongoing samsung knox, phone rooting, etc. dig around missing text issue

>>4293032 ABA joins Clooney Foundation, Columbia Law in trial monitoring initiative

>>4293608 #5470


>>4292819 Three Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers To Testify, Deep State MSM Silent

>>4292754 Mysterious Warminster Hazmat Investigation

>>4292742 Thirty-Six Defendants Guilty for Their Roles in International Thai Sex Trafficking Organization

>>4292579, >>4292856 another instance of Black Eye involving masers (microwave lasers)

>>4292622 Samsung Knox is the software embedded into the FBI phones to capture communications.

>>4292267 Gowdy says he will shock the world


Previously Collected Notables

>>4291334 #5467, >>4292121 #5468,

>>4288973 #5464, >>4289757 #5465, >>4290540 #5466

>>4286668 #5461, >>4287430 #5462, >>4288197 #5463

>>4284369 #5458, >>4285154 #5459, >>4285921 #5460

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

826b18  No.4294403

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#59 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>4283174

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

826b18  No.4294405

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

826b18  No.4294418

File: 25e976ab80c0005⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 5106x3207, 1702:1069, gitmas.jpg)



Credit to anon 2 breads back for the meme/title

397758  No.4294423

File: 4dc9aab94030833⋯.png (48.15 KB, 760x544, 95:68, CSPAN.PNG)

>>4294105 (pb)

Don't have cable so it won't work Can't find another stream of this. Anons?

87788c  No.4294444

Can an anon embed the hearing for a fellow fag??

9d4620  No.4294468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

397758  No.4294471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


NVM… got it..

9f4f75  No.4294482

File: 3ec992706b2245f⋯.png (788.57 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ButtBoy.png)

Mistress Mika already has her Butt Boy.

Ask Joe the price of fame…

1. Rape and murder an intern.

2. Bribes from foreign nations.

3. Being pegged by wife on film.

4. Selling soul to Satan.

5. Laughed at by world.

All for crappy ratings on MSNBC.

Whta a cuck.

2bda3e  No.4294491

File: f9d7d6257f06338⋯.jpg (24.49 KB, 372x351, 124:117, qjfkno.jpg)

Perfect Q & A answer.

831c90  No.4294507

File: 4400d9081e5fb22⋯.jpg (125.64 KB, 454x418, 227:209, oh-my-god-not-this-shit-ag….jpg)

9bd67f  No.4294508

File: 5b655643e17fbeb⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 641138B5-4945-4BA1-8F1D-8….jpeg)


Venue Change. Now airing on CSPAN

e50a3e  No.4294513

File: 01c800638c27375⋯.jpg (253.37 KB, 724x844, 181:211, 01c800638c27375984cbaeb9c7….jpg)

156925  No.4294517

File: 6dd67b6516acd63⋯.png (614.22 KB, 884x638, 442:319, 6dd67b6516acd634cce2cd4ec5….png)

f96bd3  No.4294521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you bake it, he will crumb

3a313f  No.4294522

File: f5cb047b89cb1cc⋯.png (526.85 KB, 1567x1621, 1567:1621, RshillsBTFO.png)


try harder you stupid fucks

it's incredible you have to rationalize that much

1dbda8  No.4294532

File: 8b28aef087b130a⋯.jpg (39.28 KB, 480x280, 12:7, 2oweu8_1.jpg)

File: 739757322ce8f73⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 500x474, 250:237, 2owj7l_1.jpg)

Chris Wallace is an unsavory character.

e0f3a1  No.4294534

Q+ Q

17 + 17

2 * 17


4 10 20


c45f84  No.4294540

refreash your cspan link its working now

9604b7  No.4294541

File: 03f450682102821⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1206x1554, 201:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18de421fcdebf45⋯.png (3.57 MB, 1280x1919, 1280:1919, ClipboardImage.png)


c928ce  No.4294542

File: ac36e52ada09bb6⋯.png (61.88 KB, 420x420, 1:1, b8.png)

e27819  No.4294543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

USA will be bound by UN migration compact

Answering a question by AfD member Martin Hebner on October 12, Chancellor Angela Merkel said:

"If the pact that goes back to the UN General Assembly next week is debated and adopted, then a Member State may demand a vote. The vote is such that if two-thirds of the UN countries agree, then [the pact] is valid for all. That's how it is when it comes to majority decisions."

"Wenn bei der UNO-Vollversammlung nächste Woche der Pakt noch einmal zur Debatte steht und angenommen wird, dann kann ein Mitgliedsstaat Abstimmung verlangen. Diese Abstimmung muss dann so sein, dass zwei Drittel der Länder der VN dem zustimmen, und dann ist es für alle gültig. Das ist nun mal so, wenn es um Mehrheitsentscheidungen geht."



49ac33  No.4294544

File: 0bdb587d1bf1212⋯.png (562.01 KB, 693x642, 231:214, 36 Convicted largest inter….PNG)

36 convicted in largest international sex trafficking ring brought down by US government

Five defendants were convicted yesterday by a federal jury for their roles in operating a massive international sex trafficking organization that was responsible for coercing hundreds of Thai women to engage in commercial sex acts across the United States. Thirty-one defendants previously pleaded guilty for their roles in the sex trafficking organization.


787181  No.4294545

Damn it. Stupid hearing about to start and I have to go to work.

5654d8  No.4294546

Republicans Take Bold Tack Against Democratic Gerrymander In The Supreme Court https://trib.al/uTgtD4K

e933ed  No.4294548


previous bread


He did it while working undercover for the C_A and tried to further their efforts in stopping the NSA from catching them undermine the country, it's security and rule of law.

Maybe you were unaware these two agency's are in conflict with each other?

bb4934  No.4294549

>>4294526 LB

Some people watch 'snowden' too many times.

>>4280554 rt >>4280453 -————————– Mission to harm NSA.

3a313f  No.4294550



fuck off hans

0aa22d  No.4294551

CSPAN not working for me.

Anyone have a working livestream link?

453b07  No.4294552



6ae94b  No.4294553

File: 6e44076f65ae180⋯.jpg (203.06 KB, 735x490, 3:2, baker thanks german.jpg)

830da0  No.4294554

House Oversight Subcommittee Hearing on the Clinton Foundation

House Oversight Subcommittee Hearing on the Clinton Foundation


0450eb  No.4294555

File: f9e8940a5da26ab⋯.png (1.21 MB, 603x830, 603:830, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7127a544aca2c4⋯.png (860.31 KB, 619x827, 619:827, ClipboardImage.png)


Christmas Tree lit up in Dama Rose Hotel in Damascus


Ministry of Industry issues decision on establishing Board of Directors of Federation of Syrian chambers of Industry

The Board of Director includes Heads of Damascus and its Countryside Chamber of Industry Samer al-Debs, Aleppo Chamber of Industry Fares al-Shihabi, Homs Chamber of Industry Mohammed Labib al-Ikhwan, and Hama Chamber of Industry and the Secretaries of Damascus and its countryside , Aleppo Chamber of Industry , in addition to representatives from Damascus and its countryside, Aleppo, Homs and Hama Chambers of Industry, according to the decision which SANA received a copy of it.


Pentagon Says Any Military Action Into SDF-Held Area Is “Unacceptable”

In its first response to Turkey’s plan to launch a military operation against the Syrian Democratic Force (SDF), the Pentagon said that any military action into northeastern Syria will be “unacceptable” and a source of concern.

“Unilateral military action into northeast Syria by any party, particularly as U.S. personnel may be present or in the vicinity, is of grave concern. We would find any such actions unacceptable,” Commander Sean Robertson, a Pentagon spokesman, said at the early hours of December 13.

Robertson added that dialogue between the SDF and the Turkish government is the only way to secure the Syrian-Turkish border without clarifying if the U.S. will work to facilitate such solution.

“We believe this dialogue is the only way to secure the border area in a sustainable manner, and believe that uncoordinated military operations will undermine that shared interest,” CNN quoted Robertson as saying.


Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham And Jaysh Al-Izza Launch New Attacks In Northern Hama

On December 13, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) [the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria] shelled several positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) around the town of Taybat al-Imam in the northern Hama countryside. The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said that the army responded and struck several positions of the radical group in the town of al-Buwaydah.

“The strikes destroyed several artillery positions and killed many terrorists,” the SANA’s reporter in Hama said.

Later, the SAA foiled an attempt by Jaysh al-Izza, a key ally of HTS, to launch an attack from the demilitarized zone in the northern Hama countryside. According to the SANA, the SAA stuck fortifications, weapons and equipment of the radical group around the town of Maarkaba.


More Than 15,000 FSA Fighters Will Participate In Upcoming Turkish Attack On Northeaster Syria

The NSA leader had said the Turkish attack will be limited to the border city of Tell Abyad. However, according to Hamoud the northern cities of Manbij and Ras al-Ayn are among the targets of the upcoming attack.

“The battle will be launched simultaneously from several fronts … It will be in Manbij and Tell Abyad and Ras al-Ayn,” Reuters quoted Hamoud as saying.

Hamoud said that the attack will likely begin from the Turkey territory. Later, the attack may be develop to include fronts in the Turkish-occupied areas in northern Syrian.



bc1585  No.4294556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1dbda8  No.4294557

File: 712288990e5bddc⋯.jpg (62.24 KB, 700x903, 100:129, 02688e6182d59538372d72b261….jpg)


9fc825  No.4294559

5a4d29  No.4294560



they really want the YellowVests to go international

ok then

5654d8  No.4294561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: House Oversight Subcommittee URGENT Hearing on the Clinton Foundation

Starting Soon…

Golden State Times stream

119b33  No.4294562



c45f84  No.4294563


refresh works

0450eb  No.4294564

File: c0b7ac2fd2711ba⋯.png (64.66 KB, 741x766, 741:766, ClipboardImage.png)



Russia Established New Base Near Al-Tanaf – Report

More weapons, including heavy rocket launchers, are expected to arrive in the base in the upcoming few days.

Earlier this month, the US-led coalition launched several rockets from its base in al-Tanaf at positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the nearby al-Ghurab mount. The attack didn’t result in any casualties and the coalition never acknowledge it.

Few days after the incident, the Ministry of Defense of Russia revealed that it had suggested the idea of jointly operating the al-Tanaf base in order to avoid any conflict in the area. However, the U.S. was not interested.

The increased activity of Russian forces around al-Tanaf is aimed at deterring and pressuring the US-led coalition, according to local observers, who believe these steps may eventually force Washington to withdraw its troops from the strategic border area.


Syrian War Report – Dec. 13, 2018: Turkey Threatens US-backed Kurdish Forces With New Operation


Russia: Imposing Israeli laws on occupied Syrian Golan rejected

Zakharova said that “Russia takes a principled stance on the issue of Syria’s ownership of the Golan Heights. That was confirmed by the 1981 UN Security Council Resolution 497. Our approach to Israel’s illegal decision to extend its sovereignty to the Golan Heights has remained unchanged. Changing the Golan Heights’ status bypassing the Security Council is a direct violation of UN decisions.”


bd5416  No.4294565

File: 7ed977dda6d1f3f⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1278x771, 426:257, 2018-12-13_14-05-13.png)

>>4294494 LB

'Low Energy'

'Please Clap'

13b1a8  No.4294566

File: 7bb1eba50f96221⋯.png (577.09 KB, 480x476, 120:119, 1510614601472.png)

File: bc207e88c5b1815⋯.png (3.73 MB, 5599x6000, 5599:6000, History1.png)

0b320c  No.4294567


the bread is full of them… here >>4294471

bf9bd9  No.4294568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


735db4  No.4294569

Hearing looks cancelled everybody walking out of room

e81b42  No.4294570

File: 3d22ec99269acf9⋯.png (1.42 MB, 632x786, 316:393, 1_JC_121318_145PM.png)

New JC Tweet


ba7dd7  No.4294571

live stream CF hearing


6ae94b  No.4294572

File: fdf69932098f794⋯.jpg (72.4 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, pepe reeee.jpg)

Clinton Foudation hearing MIA

1623a4  No.4294573

Q 956

Panic mode.

Enjoy the show.


CIA Reportedly Dove Into 'Panic Mode' as Trump Chose Putin Over US Intelligence


CF whistleblowers hearing

Enjoy the show

6ae357  No.4294574

File: 3ef7d05671c6205⋯.jpeg (400.31 KB, 1962x797, 1962:797, E633623F-7988-4F02-B7EC-7….jpeg)

e77370  No.4294575




1f9d83  No.4294576




3a313f  No.4294577

>>4294555, >>4294564 Syria Update


the turks are threatening again

09eca8  No.4294578

>>4294524 Re-read the crumbs.

>>4294473 The sole purpose behind Snowden's revelations (of what most people suspect, anyway) was to demoralize US citizens.

The more hopeless and useless you feel, the less you'll stand up and fight WHEN (((they))) send (((their))) super-soldiers (terrorists) in to exterminate you!

Wake. Up.

fc64c7  No.4294579

Hi. I thought this was preety darn interdasting


How does a mirror work?

It reflects with a revearse image.

How does an eye work?

When the light of an object enters the eye… it is flipped and inverted INSIDE the eye.

Heaven is good with evil trying to break through.

Earth is evil with good trying break through.

A mirror image - reversed.


Beware the black eye.

9d4620  No.4294580


Fastest way to get US out of UN.

7ed14e  No.4294581

Snowden-Fags vs R-Fags

Which group will display all the textbook stages of grief the best?

Snowden-Fags in the lead now

But R-Fags starting to make a comeback

bd2af4  No.4294582

Open Mic at hearing on CF


36a19e  No.4294583

here is the youtube embed link that removes all the extra shit like comments and chat


839fd1  No.4294584



5c7e31  No.4294585


Agreed, I wasn't even talking about he Q&A drops, on top of it; I was referring to previous drops :)

d4140f  No.4294586

File: 092095cb5b298e7⋯.png (359.08 KB, 797x531, 797:531, tymongolia.png)

3f9b08  No.4294587

File: 24113dfb59b7296⋯.png (360.84 KB, 594x473, 54:43, ClipboardImage.png)

It sure is interesting that someone put a "placeholder" for Mr. Huber when he was supposed to have cancelled.

0aa22d  No.4294588


thanks fren!

735db4  No.4294589


Everybody walked out of room WTF anon?

a0eae5  No.4294591


no JFK JR is dead but JFK is alive

if you wanna twist it that is

6c83c4  No.4294592


The Qmap.pub site underlines it as a footnote.

Has nothing whatsoever to do with Q's post.

>>4280455 rt >>4280260

031516  No.4294593

wth the video they are playing at https://www.c-span.org/video/?455872-1/house-oversight-subcommittee-hearing-clinton-foundation


7e9792  No.4294594


Yeah that was weird.

6ae94b  No.4294595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: House Oversight Subcommittee URGENT Hearing on the Clinton Foundation

6b7bba  No.4294596

I go to go to work in a bit. They really need to get this hearing going.

35eaa4  No.4294597

File: c3f8a4bc7f86d46⋯.png (276.77 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ButtBoy2.png)


eabdb7  No.4294598










57a8c3  No.4294599

>>4294536 lb

Yesterday FOX was supposed to stream live the FLOTUS/VP speech.

they cut Pence off mid-speech about Space Force to bring us breaking news about 3 deer that fell in a lake.

Starting to think they are fucking our news 'reliability' up.


for TWO DAYS now.

suddenly the moment its to happen we're listening about… Women's Summit now ?

fuckery is afoot

6ae357  No.4294600

File: 8effbf5ffd635f2⋯.jpeg (121.69 KB, 1200x1659, 400:553, 9901F76B-6660-4839-9ACF-2….jpeg)

1dbda8  No.4294601

File: 83b842051ab5c9f⋯.jpg (50.7 KB, 500x418, 250:209, 2o20z0_1.jpg)

File: 9ac612a6142b4d9⋯.jpg (108.13 KB, 736x981, 736:981, downloadfile-8.jpg)

Fox news Chris Wallace is a piece of shit, can't stand that fuck.

34a238  No.4294602


And also just to hurt America


[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]

Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency)


Why did ES make public NSA CLAS tools?

Think XKeyscore + PRISM specifically.

Was such tech kept from 'elected' officials?

Was such tech kept from 'elected' directors?

Why was DOJ">DOJ">NO SUCH AGENCY created?


What ADVANTAGES exist to BIG TECH, other ABC off/on agencies, elected officials, CEOs, FOREIGN ADVERSARIES etc. if such information is learned?

46ba35  No.4294603


oh ffs.


fe, again?


119b33  No.4294604

File: db4657b91a8dc46⋯.jpeg (25.69 KB, 400x400, 1:1, PEPEMAGA.jpeg)

0450eb  No.4294605

File: be34d19a85f3a35⋯.png (54.21 KB, 706x912, 353:456, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92bed586aba6bfa⋯.png (49.28 KB, 718x908, 359:454, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c263d5ec2351cf9⋯.png (56.45 KB, 711x924, 237:308, ClipboardImage.png)

File: abddf5ddcdc9321⋯.png (17.38 KB, 722x297, 722:297, ClipboardImage.png)

raq, The Rebuilding of a Nation In the Wake of Sixteen Years of US Sponsored Terrorism and Destruction

An Interview with the Norwegian Refugee Council

Iraq, which in the years of Saddam Hussein (1979-2003) lived a long period of prosperity and social stability, then recognized by the UN as one of the Arab countries that most respected religious diversity, has now become one of the most devastated nations in the world since the 1991 Gulf War, followed by the criminal US-imposed economic embargo which among many other catastrophes resulted in the death of more 200,000 children.

The second US invasion and occupation in 2003 was illegal, based on proven lies, undertaken without a UN mandate and in violation of international law and the UN Charter, not to mention the US Constitution.

If all this were not enough for Iraq, after the second invasion by those who promised the Arab nation freedom and security, Iraq was subjected to the attacks of US sponsored terrorist groups including Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS) for almost four years, from 2014 to 2017, not to mention Obama’s bombing raids against civilian infrastructure, implemented as part of a fake counterterrorism mandate. The unspoken objective was to destroy.

Since 2003, more than one million Iraqis have been killed. Both Al Qaeda and ISIS-Daesh are supported covertly by the US, funded by Saudi Arabia.

The underlying objective was to destroy Iraq, destabilize and divide the Middle East, which encompasses more than 60 percent of the World’s reserves of crude oil.

Tom Peyre-Costa, a spokesperson and activist at the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), details in the following interview the work of his organization especially in Iraq, and discusses the challenges of the Arab country to get out of a quagmire that seems endless – which the American regime historically best does in foreign lands.

“Displaced Iraqis feel abandoned one year after the announced defeat of IS,” Peyre regrets acknowledging the Iraqi government’s effort, while pointing out weaknesses and neglect of Baghdad to some degree, at this stage of Iraqi reconstruction. “Displaced Iraqis feel abandoned one year after the announced defeat of IS.”

The NRC is present today in 31 countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Djibouti, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali and Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen, Colombia, Honduras, Afghanistan, Iran, Myanmar, Greece, Ukraine, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Norway, Switzerland, USA, United Kingdom.

As a non-profit NGO, the NRC is funded by voluntary donors – the main ones are Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union Humanitarian Aid, UN Refugee Agency, UKAID, and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.


bb4934  No.4294606



No deals for comey, especially.

Thank you.

b26325  No.4294607


“It’s been three years since PiS came to power … and we have seen a decisive change in how economic and social policy is viewed in Poland,” Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told lawmakers.


1e1dfd  No.4294608

File: 14d431ed863a60d⋯.jpg (178.26 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1542669276870.jpg)

TY Baker!!!

What the hell? Is C-SPAN comped? Why are they not showing the right thing, here? Are they waiting for the official start? Did they not think people were going to want to watch this?

27208b  No.4294609

File: c1fb1186b70fe7f⋯.jpg (54.9 KB, 500x725, 20:29, yfv.jpg)

Speaking about fake news, where has Accosta been lately?

c928ce  No.4294610

File: 1e05a3a2ced57d7⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 510x288, 85:48, iet.jpg)


In another body, yes :)

19cf35  No.4294611

File: e6e624e59b242eb⋯.png (169.35 KB, 480x344, 60:43, ClipboardImage.png)


Shh its supposed to be a surprise!!

9fc825  No.4294612


tfw its the same shill

839fd1  No.4294613


Watch it here


49ac33  No.4294614


We will leave UN if they keep this crap up

51d046  No.4294615

File: 418f7de1864ec52⋯.jpg (111.59 KB, 647x670, 647:670, Screenshot 2018-12-13_14-0….jpg)

File: 0fad02a6ecaac26⋯.jpg (58.2 KB, 541x320, 541:320, Screenshot 2018-12-13_14-1….jpg)

Tesla's head of digital product, Parag Vaish, is leaving to start a company at Google's incubator>>4294491


fb4212  No.4294616



22e916  No.4294617

File: a1d1429d6816d00⋯.png (3.68 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 991FCFD2-C65B-485C-9E8A-B7….png)

Skippys good time Christmas

6b2f6b  No.4294618


Over my dead body.

7ed14e  No.4294619

5c7e31  No.4294620


I can see qmap.pub disabling that feature because of this trolling.

This is just childishly stupid.

This is why we can't have nice things.

09eca8  No.4294621


Yes, exactly.

The destruction of the US, UK and others was imminent 'til Trump saved the day!


44d4bd  No.4294622

Hey Now It's

11:11 pst!

c103b8  No.4294623

File: a7b86c7bd5eb4e3⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1492x2000, 373:500, ClipboardImage.png)

4e3094  No.4294624


Thanks, anon!

3125b3  No.4294625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







6ae357  No.4294626


Silicon Valley is incest.

119b33  No.4294627

The one fucking evening I have to leave at 430.. let's get this party started damnit! This should have started way earlier in the day.. kek

bb4934  No.4294628


oh yeah, i just left that there for others.

I knew you know your stuff.

Was obvious.

I read other peoples conversations here.

I assume others do also, so i leave extra

if its easy.

However, it tends to confuse the original


Sorry about that.

33332e  No.4294629


I was thinking it is sort of like the black bands on a policeman's badge to honor a fallen member-

the black band is for GHWB

51d046  No.4294630

File: 0ccc5deb030cc35⋯.jpg (120.96 KB, 853x505, 853:505, shalala.jpg)


All i want for my birthday is a big booty hoe

2bda3e  No.4294631

File: 51b7fb01470c382⋯.jpg (82 KB, 641x617, 641:617, spacexufo.jpg)

What was that?


6c83c4  No.4294632






It's back up!

1e1dfd  No.4294633


yeah, I'm on Golden State's Youtube feed.

3a313f  No.4294634

File: 197ccf92656049f⋯.png (88.17 KB, 300x229, 300:229, bfytw.png)

To the 'JFK is elvis' faggots, you're fucking stupid and need to go back.

To the FEfaggots, you're fucking stupid and need to go back.

You got btfo'd, go start your own fucking board for your stupid fucking shit and stop shitting up /qresearch/

Your stupidity is absolutely repulsive, and it's about time Q btfo'd your fucking nonsense.

Fucking kill yourselves.

d71306  No.4294635

File: eb2963c8a76751d⋯.png (358.61 KB, 939x607, 939:607, ClipboardImage.png)

CSPAN fucking around

9c4f21  No.4294636

File: 94d3833faec54a7⋯.jpg (105.9 KB, 728x567, 104:81, portrait huber.jpg)

13b1a8  No.4294637

File: f9dd789919178fd⋯.jpg (117.41 KB, 672x960, 7:10, 6db283d25098d3b2c0c72dda10….jpg)

File: 649095c85d54b39⋯.jpg (33.05 KB, 586x442, 293:221, 649095c85d54b39ace61fdfe89….jpg)

fcc756  No.4294638

Without Huber it's a nothingburger.

f045cf  No.4294639

File: 9ccfdb03bb653fe⋯.jpg (207.78 KB, 587x456, 587:456, Capture17.JPG)

Anyone know which city is represented in this ornament from FLOTUS pinned twitter video?

Could be a hint as to main Q team member identity

6b7bba  No.4294640

No hour introduction or remarks please. Let's just get right into it.

fb4212  No.4294641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

98a9db  No.4294642

Q names Quinn and Qi names Trump.

Trump and Qi??

44d4bd  No.4294644


nice time stamp


b7f146  No.4294645

wow right at 1:11 for me it started up , is live now .

ce4aa4  No.4294646

File: 95ff2a57880638d⋯.jpg (76.39 KB, 667x499, 667:499, you_will_be.jpg)

f0e1aa  No.4294647


In real life terms it's called sexual slavery.

Execute every single one of them.

5654d8  No.4294648


>Everybody walked out of room WTF anon?

Do you SEE where it says "STARTING SOON"?

THAT means it has NOT started, Anon…WTF? smh lmao

735db4  No.4294649


That is a spacecraft.

c0475a  No.4294650

File: ccee86c318536a2⋯.png (27.69 KB, 663x231, 221:77, Chambers re Flynn POTUS In….PNG)

File: e580415fffba02c⋯.png (148.58 KB, 383x589, 383:589, Chambers bio.PNG)

Faulkner is trending on twitter and I was reading the comments

Read this tweet carefully

Fake News by Daily Mail WH Correspondent


c103b8  No.4294651

File: 96b66a335fc0647⋯.png (955.48 KB, 1522x1928, 761:964, ClipboardImage.png)

5c7e31  No.4294652


Kkekekke all good :)

It's got to be repeated, and often, with the amount of bogus shit the shills inject.


804b5a  No.4294653


3f9b08  No.4294654


Try again, it was just shown live also. There's no way someone sets a place for someone who supposedly canceled 2 days ago. I'm still holding out hope

d4140f  No.4294655

File: 29f2180ab1b8378⋯.png (641.88 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, water.png)

File: 33648caba6b08b3⋯.png (667.26 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, watchthewater.png)

File: f164cc4caa0ac59⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1095x730, 3:2, vast2.png)

9c4f21  No.4294656


The kid looks like Bobby from King of the Hill, except not fat.

9fc825  No.4294657


well said

cf55e1  No.4294658

House Oversight Hearing about to start… looking at CSPAN. also on YouTube.

7d2286  No.4294659

SHILLS continuously hit the Bread Maker with everything they got and a schitt thank you.

Anons say – we BAKE and MAKE GOOD BREAD with the MAKER!

830da0  No.4294660


House Oversight Subcommittee Hearing on the Clinton Foundation

79de17  No.4294661

File: 82aa2569d65580a⋯.gif (248.74 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1538340582609.gif)


The US will dissolve its affiliation with the UN if they attempt to subvert other nation's sovereignty like that.

3a313f  No.4294662


not true

these whistleblowers all gave Huber their info, so we're seeing what Huber has

I would've liked to see him, but he thought it wasn't appropriate to do it (ongoing investigation)


posted it last bread, no one cared


I'd fuck her

09da6e  No.4294663

Will CF hearing be 17 min late? im waiting

9e5bbc  No.4294664


Can you imagine the great decorations/designs if Americans put them on?

2d4224  No.4294665

>>4294465 (lb)

because the vaccines are a way of spreading disease (think healthy young adults in Africa and Aids)

b43fa1  No.4294666

File: 7dd6eab6a1a9c20⋯.jpg (44.92 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 7.jpg)

Are we allowed to guard our vault?

e77370  No.4294667



LIVE: Clinton Foundation U.S. House Hearing Investigation 2pm Eastern


26ef41  No.4294668


Here we go

32c87f  No.4294669

File: 7dc2d77321b7b75⋯.jpg (87.18 KB, 960x724, 240:181, bushesf.jpg)


right and their alleged "names" on TV are similarly flimsy.

Same with "Hussain"

They can't prove a lie.

Pictures don't lie.

One picture is worth 1000 sentences.

9fc825  No.4294670


ok ill be sure to not listen to it rabbi

880ffb  No.4294671

Kind of empty. Where are all the people???

a0eae5  No.4294673


i told ya! man, thoose clones

87763f  No.4294674

File: ee8f8a0b801fe40⋯.jpg (75.13 KB, 656x735, 656:735, 3.JPG)

File: a0f9711fd4823d8⋯.jpg (100.44 KB, 627x786, 209:262, 4.JPG)

File: 588de5b3df29470⋯.jpg (57.83 KB, 635x386, 635:386, 5.JPG)

Under-fire UNAIDS chief offers to resign in June


6b7bba  No.4294675


3a313f  No.4294676


> To the FEfaggots, you're fucking stupid and need to go back.

go fuck yourself you fucking dumbass

6b2f6b  No.4294677

File: ca26b552a02bc16⋯.jpg (9.7 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images-1.jpg)


It's starting!

1f9d83  No.4294678

aaaaaaand it's started.

0450eb  No.4294679

File: 19761764d5b83f1⋯.png (385.69 KB, 606x786, 101:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19e7b88e5d51fee⋯.png (498.58 KB, 612x920, 153:230, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5358aaca47fbabf⋯.png (20.22 KB, 604x267, 604:267, ClipboardImage.png)

Zionist regime’s disturbed dreams will never come true: Iran

The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesman has described the Zionist regime of Israel as the main cause of instability in the region, noting that its bad dreams about Iran will never come true.

Bahram Qassemi made the remarks on Thursday in reaction to earlier statements by the Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who had noted on Wednesday that Israel was prepared to launch attacks inside Iran if its survival was at stake.

“Our red line is our survival,” Netanyahu was quoted by AFP as saying at a meeting with foreign media where he was asked what his “red line” was for attacking Iranian territory, instead of Iran’s allies in Syria and Lebanon.

In reaction to Netanyahu’s ranting, Qassemi said, “Although the corrupt and aggressive Zionist regime, which is symbol of delusions, grudge and hatred, will never dare to take such a step, but uttering such outrageous and shameful words out of ignorance or delusion by the prime minister of an aggressive regime, knowingly or unknowingly, amounts to threatening a big and historical country with military action, which will be certainly followed up on in legal and international forums and institutions.”

The Iranian official noted that although the Zionist regime has been the main disturber of stability and security during past decades, but “expresses false concern about stability in the region in a ridiculous way and with no shame.”


0b320c  No.4294680

popcorn munching engaged!

374fca  No.4294681



Numbers, numerals, and digits

confess they can be manipulated to achieve whatever result is desired.

27208b  No.4294682


Your west coast

dd5f45  No.4294683


can confirm , first thing i noticed


2d4224  No.4294684


re Cortez – you must enjoy the crazy ones; but your kids won't

33942d  No.4294685

Disagree, even though your probably just shilling. You think Huber has the freedom to talk freely like Fitton will? You're falling for everything apparently or you just love to type"nothingburger"


6ae94b  No.4294686

File: e1594a14ec53478⋯.png (309.38 KB, 601x595, 601:595, pepe reeee.png)

39aa83  No.4294687


Oh the memories

7ed14e  No.4294688



Great troll then

063fc0  No.4294689

File: 60abac7df632ec3⋯.jpg (154.55 KB, 997x759, 997:759, FAKES.jpg)

Learn to discern guise.


bb4934  No.4294690


Shadilay Anon Fren.

I send you all my luck for today.

Love all the Anons helping the World.

Thankful for shills that prove Q.

I feel the winning.

They))) must be scared.

Enjoy the show and the fruits of your

hard work Anons.

6b7bba  No.4294691


c89ffa  No.4294692


What does that mean?

6713f7  No.4294693

>>4294529 (pp)

Do a Banana one.

For…. reasons…

5c7e31  No.4294694

File: 75299fca6374b3d⋯.png (16.72 KB, 624x222, 104:37, statistical_you.png)

04d82e  No.4294695

Well here we fucking go.

CF on the clock.

a0283a  No.4294696


527519  No.4294697

File: 0966f75fa376a66⋯.jpg (55.55 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, jordan.jpg)


Time to take the muzzle off

3a313f  No.4294698




I'm going to cringe every time a libtard talks

827f86  No.4294699

File: 84c59227a5b1d76⋯.gif (2.91 KB, 300x300, 1:1, shutdown-command.gif)



Many of the nearly 115,000 Justice Department employees have national security and public safety responsibilities that allow them to keep working during a shutdown.


Many State Department operations will continue in a shutdown. Passport and visa processing, which are largely self-funded by consumer fees, will not shut down.


The U.S. military will continue to fight wars and conduct missions around the world, including in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. And members of the military will report to work, though they won't get paid until Congress approves funding.


The workforce at the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies will be pared down significantly, employees who are considered essential and have to work will do so with no expectation of a regular paycheck. While they can be kept on the job, federal workers can't be paid for days worked during a shutdown.


Nearly 90 percent of Homeland Security employees are considered essential and will continue to perform their duties during a government shutdown. That means most Customs and Border Protection and Transportation Security Administration workers will stay on the job

3a313f  No.4294700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9fc825  No.4294701

File: bc9a06752512675⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 239x320, 239:320, popcorn.gif)


my body is extremely ready

51d046  No.4294702

File: c6053c606afc816⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 320x320, 1:1, d385eTVu5uV7gwR0.mp4)

#Macron offers condolences after 'tragic' #Strasbourg attack



9c4f21  No.4294703

File: e9173d12fa87d16⋯.gif (23.64 KB, 310x760, 31:76, happening.gif)


Means it's happening

fc64c7  No.4294704


Oh my goodness.

So like, if we lived in some sort of eye shaped, dome covered flat earth thingy the true mirror

in heaven would like, reflect a reverse image on the earth?

Even his very reflections, who were created in his likeness…. would be poluted.

Wow. Could something like this really be?

You know we know. Fear the black eye.

They are hiding the mirror.


57a8c3  No.4294705



fucking great pic

453b07  No.4294706



2a10d8  No.4294707


He is there in astral body doing remote mind control on the witnesses.

dd5f45  No.4294708



33942d  No.4294709


If nothing else that made the dems on this committee just piss a little in their Depends.

d4140f  No.4294710

File: 9b9b96fdcbb596b⋯.png (832.88 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, osamanaut.png)

6b7bba  No.4294711

oh my god huber not available wtf even put his placecard there

735db4  No.4294712

Anons need specific credible documented testimony on CF crimes TODAY and if not now, WHEN? This is the forum.

2bda3e  No.4294713


Important work is clearly going on in here. Example: boobs.

GFY 8chan "researcher"

(Not dividing. Just puffing chests)

13b1a8  No.4294714

File: de185b50d30e66e⋯.jpg (103.55 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, 1509667792666m.jpg)

Stick to it shills! HILLDAWGS never quit! You houseflies ought not quit either!

397758  No.4294715


Michael Cohen.

6b7bba  No.4294716

I bet he shows up

a0283a  No.4294717

File: 0ec8bde70bce046⋯.png (383.63 KB, 748x880, 17:20, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)

830da0  No.4294718

House Oversight Subcommittee Hearing on the Clinton Foundation


1f9d83  No.4294719


"Unfortunately DOJ has been unwilling to make him available"

1a681b  No.4294720

File: 9dc93bd39774f2f⋯.jpg (8.04 KB, 288x200, 36:25, 9dc93bd39774f2f3e2c7fb1707….jpg)

880ffb  No.4294721


No Huber, No IRS, no MSM… WTF???

27208b  No.4294722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Elvis is everywhere man…..

c928ce  No.4294723


Nah, the soul is the same. Clones mean the body is the same but the soul may be gone. Like hilldawg, bill clinton or Ben Swann (first pizzagate reporter).

a5742b  No.4294724

Why is the January gitmo livestreaming only available @ 1 base? https://www.ftmeade.army.mil/index.html


The world wants to watch!

bd5416  No.4294725

File: 8fa1e3f9fc4b82a⋯.png (277.41 KB, 483x363, 161:121, 2018-12-13_14-17-14.png)


That might trigger the masses…

6713f7  No.4294726

No Huber after all.

So whooooo is the Stealth Bomber…er…

0450eb  No.4294727

Pilot Seriously Injured After Military Jet Crash off Hawaii

HONOLULU – A Hawaii Air National Guard civilian contractor was in serious condition Wednesday after his plane crashed off the coast of Honolulu during a military exercise, authorities said.

The pilot of the Hawker Hunter jet ejected safely from the plane, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam said in a statement. He was initially rescued by a private sailboat and then transferred to the U.S. Coast Guard.

Honolulu Emergency Services spokesman Dustin Malama said the 47-year-old appeared to have traumatic injuries and was taken to a hospital.

Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Ian Gregor said a Hawker Hunter jet went down in the ocean around 2:25 p.m. after taking off from Honolulu's airport.

The pilot was rescued about 3 miles (4.8 kilometers) south of Oahu near Honolulu's Sand Island, the U.S. Coast Guard said.

The pilot had been participating in a military exercise called Sentry Aloha, which was temporarily suspended after the crash. The Hawaii Air National Guard was hosting the exercise, which involved about 800 personnel and 30 aircraft from nine states.

The cause of the crash was under investigation, the military said.

Departing flights from the Honolulu airport were held as a precaution for about 20 minutes, said Tim Sakahara, spokesman for the state Department of Transportation.

The Hawker Hunter is a British jet developed in the late 1940s and early 1950s, said the website of defense contractor BAE Systems.

Initially, a single-seat version was used as a maneuverable fighter aircraft. It was later used as both a fighter and bomber and for reconnaissance missions.

The British navy and air force continued to use a two-seat version into the early 1990s.

Britain exported the plane, and it was also used by the air forces of 21 other nations.


57a8c3  No.4294728

the DOJ has made HUBER unavailable to the committee.

we have not heard from him publicly in almost 9 months (huber)

c89ffa  No.4294729

"DOJ has been unwilling to make him (Huber) available"

397758  No.4294730

Huber had a death in his family?

33942d  No.4294731


Because you are watching a fucking movie. How many times to you have to be told?

fe8a40  No.4294732

Mark Meadows says DOJ did not make Huber available to the committee.

54b171  No.4294733

File: 46b0b5e31a7c753⋯.jpg (156.97 KB, 638x501, 638:501, 1544608540052.jpg)


Warlock confirmed.

ee8948  No.4294734


He cant appear. They have grand jury going. It’s an ongoing matter. Whistleblowers, too.

cad014  No.4294735


Says a lot for sure…..

804b5a  No.4294736

HUBER no show

7ed14e  No.4294737


DS whacked a witness family member

64227c  No.4294738

File: 8df075b5f3609c2⋯.jpg (117.21 KB, 1160x628, 290:157, clintonfoundation.jpg)

1dbda8  No.4294739

File: e97407b472a702d⋯.png (234.41 KB, 442x478, 221:239, Screenshot_2018-12-13-11-1….png)

Whatever happened to this beauty queen?

a0283a  No.4294740

Mr Horton had a death in the family and cannot attend…

1623a4  No.4294741

Huber comped??

DOJ refused to let him testify?

02603a  No.4294742

looking like a stitch up already

ce4aa4  No.4294743

"A death in his family"

What timing…..

51d046  No.4294744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



8cd243  No.4294745

File: 820495801469ec2⋯.gif (2.6 MB, 356x270, 178:135, yDNGPd.gif)


There is lots of crazy shit flying about up there.

cad014  No.4294746


Slick Willy!

6ae94b  No.4294747

They killed a Horton family member, when will this end???

1e1dfd  No.4294748

File: 82a40ca08694dea⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 390x205, 78:41, well there it is.gif)

Huber was detained by the DOJ from attending the meeting!


3a313f  No.4294749



>To the FEfaggots, you're fucking stupid and need to go back.


>To the 'JFK is elvis' faggots, you're fucking stupid and need to go back.

especially you, you're a fucking disgrace

being this fucking desperate: >>4294491

I genuinely hope you kill yourself

2d4224  No.4294750


HRC calling card

9fc825  No.4294751


arkanocide perhaps?

35f73d  No.4294752

File: 05de3b351aa5f4f⋯.jpeg (16.42 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 2312b6c21bbfdb8419cbccc50….jpeg)

d4140f  No.4294753

File: cc01c694c43ba66⋯.png (817.27 KB, 1111x642, 1111:642, twintower.png)

File: 3be93cf45488c89⋯.png (852.24 KB, 756x1000, 189:250, cutiepie.png)


6713f7  No.4294754

File: 9dc0579ffb6d605⋯.jpg (341.12 KB, 641x562, 641:562, dream_n4pn8awc9td.jpg)

"Couldn't attend due to a death in his family."




735db4  No.4294755


Or someone was ordered to sacrifice

687f6d  No.4294756

What is this nonsense about testimony about Trump now as well?

4e3094  No.4294757



try this


c7d513  No.4294758

I smell a Big Nothing Burger today on CF

No Huber


1e1dfd  No.4294759


No, I bet you RR got in the way.

e77370  No.4294760


DOJ decided that Huber should not testify today ????

IRS Witness also not attending ???

f0e1aa  No.4294761



He's really Johnny on the spot, isn't he?

bd2af4  No.4294762


no- IRS guy

880ffb  No.4294763

Her we go with the partisan bullshit from the D's.

5654d8  No.4294764


>So whooooo is the Stealth Bomber…er…

Tom Fitton is a fucking beast!

Just watch…

57a8c3  No.4294765

Can we file a FIOA for this case?

90e210  No.4294766


that's 4 so far heba her sister, alexandria ocasio-cortez, and now sharon mobley stow. Who btw has been divorced from acosta a long while

5c7e31  No.4294767

File: 34794f854d20f48⋯.jpg (68.07 KB, 460x562, 230:281, 34794f854d20f48b29fc43efe3….jpg)


>How many times to you have to be told?

You will repeat that until the last shill loses the ability touch an input device.

Whoever made this meme, Shadilay, I love it :)

2bda3e  No.4294768


Look how angry you are. Nimrod.

ce4aa4  No.4294769


My thoughts exactly.

9604b7  No.4294770


This is a disabled girl named Nataliya Martynenko. She attended a special school for the performing arts in 2011 where she trained as a singer and also performed in several monologues, which is a form of theatre that is much more widely done in Russia than in the West.

Look at her arms. She was holding this axe as a prop during a monologue performance at the school. Someone else likely placed the axe in her hands due to her disability.

She has a great singing voice and when you watch videos of her performances, some of which are in English, she is generally standing propped up by a chair, or sitting on a tall chair.

Natty_M is her stage name.

Check out her singing on her YouTube channel:


And think about this for a moment. How do I know all this?

Simple. I dug and did not simply believe what I was told. Like Q said…

We, the PEOPLE.



Do you think all these attacks on 'Q' (We, the People) is simply for a person on the internet who they label as a conspiracy?

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

Research for yourself.

Be in control of yourself.

NEVER let someone else DRIVE YOU.

Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.


3f9b08  No.4294771


I think it's just step one to bring it into the public. Optics

6713f7  No.4294772


Is Tom Fitton a Prosecutor?

Thaaaat'd be a twist…

c9e118  No.4294773

File: 22fee2c0e773dfb⋯.png (258.99 KB, 726x1620, 121:270, Fort-de-France-airport.png)

File: 2abc320729e2135⋯.png (474.87 KB, 1249x1507, 1249:1507, Snake-Flag-of-Martinique.png)

File: 03b0f4447277571⋯.png (277.56 KB, 1191x553, 1191:553, QRG-5396-Digging-In-The-Sn….png)

Think Mirror

I have. Thank you for the bread thought forms.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Mon 10 Dec 2018 01:04:22 a02646 No.4236017

{Pic: TheWorldIsWatching.jpg - Q Anons in Canada, Germany, France, and the UK}

{Pic: TheWorldIsWatching_.jpg - Q Anon at South Pole}










What is AOB?

What is FDF?

At first FDF was a thought challenge. Searching, came up with Freedom Defense Fund. Though that was an interesting connect, didn't think it was right, but interesting.

AOB - Any other Business - Unsure what to make of this.

I'll have to deal with this last. ;)

Now if you THINK MIRROR, you get:


If it is not Freedom Defense Fund and Bank of America, then what?

FDF is the Airport code for Forte-De-France, Martinique Airport.

The Ensign (Flag) of Martinique is called the 'Snake Flag'.

The snake flag was adopted as an ensign in 1766, being nothing but a variant of the civil ensign used by French vessels. According to an Edict by Colbert (1689, confirming a previous Edict of 1661), merchant vessels should hoist a blue ensign with a white cross. Such ensigns were also used in the French ports. When a civil ensign was used in a colony, a distinctive emblem was added in each of the four blue quarters

The snake is the Martinique lancehead - Bothrops lanceolatus (Bonnaterre, 1790) - a venomous speceis endemic to the island, very common in sugarcane and banana plantations. The snake has a triangular head (as its French name, trigonocéphale, derived from ancient Greek, says it) and a forked tongue. In the drawing shown beside the original text of the historical Edict, the artist misinterpreted the snake name and represented it with a triangular tongue instead of head.


The snake design is a mistake, a misunderstanding by the artist. Pit Vipers have triangle heads, Boa's have triangle tongues. This means Q is identifying Martinique and the Snake Flag as the beginning of where to research.

The people of Martinique contain 2 groups, European descendants who control the majority of the business, i.e. money, the rest of the population, mostly black. Most of the European descendants are of French Lineage, many with Heuginot ideologies who fled the Protestant persecutions. During the French Revolution on the mainland, the Islands French nobility escaped the Guilotine, because at the time the island was under English control. Martiniques noble bloodlines were preserved. The first French colonial ruler of Martinique was Jean Assier - born 1688 - died 1777. Please note the initials, JA.

The Island had been under French control, then English control, since the early 1900's it has been back under French control.

The island of Martinique was used by Nazi's during WWII to refuel submarines during the Battle of the Carribean.

Martinique is close to Dominica/Haiti. There must be a strong connection to human trafficking in Martinique, and so, France as well.

Colonialism explains why United Nations forces implicated in mass rape, human trafficking rings, and the cholera epidemic continue to occupy Haiti. Colonialism is the driving force behind former US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s spring 2018 tour throughout the Caribbean, intimidating, threatening, and bribing states to vote at the Organization of American States (OAS), in favor of foreign intervention in Venezuela.

Historian Gerald Horne attests to the uncontainable impact of the Haitian Revolution, initially marked in 1791 by the Bois Caïman ceremony led by resistance and spiritual leaders Cecile Fatiman and Dutty Boukman. The ceremony inspired a wave of successful pan-African-led rebellions on the island against mainly French colonialism.

The rapidly spreading rebellions from Martinique to Barbados were inspired by and aligned with the Haitian revolution and its call for an end to colonialism.


“The Last Masters of Martinique” (production: TAC Presse):

In Martinique, less than 1% of the population owns 52% of the farming lands. They are the “békés“[Fr], name given to the families of white people, who have been living and managing the island even before the French Revolution.

For Spécial Investigation, Romain Bolzinger investigated a little-known and discreet community who have succeeded in preserving its traditions, wealth and codes through the centuries. He drew the portrait of a department [Martinique] tormented by various inequalities and post-colonial resentment.


Alain Huygues Despointes - from Lille - in 1650

Jean Assier - born 1688 - died 1777

7096db  No.4294774


839fd1  No.4294775

This Connolly guy …

c89ffa  No.4294776

Per the Q drops the other day, its obvious that there is someone more important than Huber that white hats had to keep a secret

c45f84  No.4294777


we been had

irs wont testify huber wont testify

this is beyond a fucking joke

may as well have anons up there saying what we have dug

1a681b  No.4294778

File: b166d791c2bb315⋯.png (128.6 KB, 484x364, 121:91, Screenshot 2018-11-12 at 1….png)

397758  No.4294779

>but muh whataboutism

fcc756  No.4294780

So all the hearing has are people who have made careers out of attacking the Clintons.

This will go nowhere at all.

aa5983  No.4294781

this is fuckery

880ffb  No.4294782


Rosenstein is NOT in charge, shill.

9fbca9  No.4294783

File: f0f2fb41516437a⋯.png (48.66 KB, 590x314, 295:157, Maxi.png)

0e5394  No.4294784

DOJ unwilling to make Huber available.

13b1a8  No.4294785

File: 61913c1bc1006d0⋯.png (186.68 KB, 500x568, 125:142, 61913c1bc1006d0952bee18d87….png)

Christmas Pepe (ultra rare) wants (you ) not to reply to shills.

b43fa1  No.4294786



Read into that what you will.

5a4d29  No.4294787

File: 9296a33437a0b62⋯.png (815.34 KB, 1231x705, 1231:705, CB_0opy.png)


>Pictures don't lie.

>One picture is worth 1000 sentences.

26ef41  No.4294788


Tom Fitton isn't a lawyer.

20375d  No.4294789

Connolly = compromised. Belongs in prison.

6d11da  No.4294790

File: 0f921c7e72152db⋯.mp4 (9.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, RDT_20181205_1748332672030….mp4)

cc2367  No.4294791

Where the hell is Huber! He's a no show at the Congressional Hearing on the CF!

cad014  No.4294792


Connolly an A1 asshole.

5c7e31  No.4294793

File: 59795a6b3b3801c⋯.png (169.22 KB, 576x576, 1:1, seenothingsaynothing.png)

c8334c  No.4294794

>>4294217 lb

>Why did Karen Pence get a envelope? Did they sit in the wrong seat? Obama didn't get one?

Occam's Razor : Q is full of shit. No message of a 'counter' was given in those envelopes.

There is a distinctive pattern here … for anyone willing to open their eyes and see it.

6713f7  No.4294795


Not that yoooooou're aware of. kek

8a60a3  No.4294796

its all so tiresome.

c2e9e8  No.4294797


He's not a lawyer.

That place is empty. Huber isnt there. This is a big ass nothing-burger. So tired of this shit.

5654d8  No.4294798


>Is Tom Fitton a Prosecutor?

Judicial Watch!

And he has been digging crooked Clinton dirt for years!

cad014  No.4294799


DOJ won't let him testify.

13a905  No.4294800

This is no sausage fest. This is extremely HLA.


57a8c3  No.4294801


time to flood this retard's twat with complaints against the CF.

9c5591  No.4294802

File: fdc22eea3bbcfd4⋯.png (117.67 KB, 666x582, 111:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a047863b5d56ae⋯.png (296.61 KB, 546x540, 91:90, ClipboardImage.png)

Mr Hackney is literally a Hack

He tried to debunk the Clinton Foundation crimes here, quoting Politifact as his source.


397758  No.4294803


>oy vey go back to sleep

Fitton is huge.

e27819  No.4294804









It's complicated. The US veto power at the UN security countil is kinda important.

Funny thing is, the Migration compact establishes principles that override the rights listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, due to its article 29.

> These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Free speech? Not if it's against the UN principle of free migration.

It's a big deal. This is HISTORIC for the Islamic world, because their Sharia law is imposed onto the world. Look up the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam. Article 12 will shock you.


3a313f  No.4294805


go to your own board shillfaggot: >>>/rresearch/

you faggots have been spamming and shilling our board for months, you get btfo'd by Q, and you're still here

again, I genuinely hope you kill yourself

cdd8f7  No.4294806


Crickets amplified.

05a728  No.4294807

Quick Question: Guardians of the P.

Did they (other actors) stick up for JG or was it a tactic to draw attention to the topic.

Any thoughts?

0450eb  No.4294808

File: 48f6a0681f9b625⋯.png (857.39 KB, 640x808, 80:101, ClipboardImage.png)

Beloved Fox TV meteorologist and mother-of-two, 35, kills herself a month after telling fans she was struggling to recover from laser eye surgery which she got to finally be able to stop wearing contact lenses

Jessica Starr's death was announced by her Fox 2 colleagues on Thursday morning

The 35-year-old meteorologist was married and had two young children

She was still recovering from Lasik eye surgery when she died

In November, she asked fans for their prayers, saying she was finding it 'challenging' getting back to work and her normal life

She underwent Lasik eye surgery the previous month after wearing contact lenses for years

It is unclear if the young mother was taking pain medication to help her recover

Starr underwent Lasik SMILE surgery which corrects short-sightedness

The procedure was approved by the FDA in 2016 and is carried out by doctors across the country

It is unclear where Starr underwent her procedure in Detroit

A well-known TV Michigan meteorologist and mother-of-two has taken her own life a month after telling fans she was struggling to recover from laser eye surgery that she got so she could finally stop wearing her contact lenses.

Jessica Starr, 35, worked for WJBK Fox 2 since 2011. On Thursday morning, her colleagues cried as they announced her death on the air.

Starr, whose married name was Rose, had two young children. She leaves them behind along with her husband of eight years, Daniel.

In a statement issued on its website and read aloud by her colleagues on Thursday morning, Fox 2 said: 'Last night we were informed of the heartbreaking news that our friend and colleague, meteorologist Jessica Starr took her life.

'All of us here at FOX 2 are in deep shock and cannot believe that such a wonderful, bright and intelligent individual will no longer be with us.



bb4934  No.4294809

Is everyday planned re POTUS?

If we lose a day, can POTUS regain the day?

Or do we just accept the lost and move on.

Depends, I suppose.

If they days are planned, bush funeral

pushed schedule back how many days?

Does that affect Q clock/Anon clock?

If so, by how much?

Not much, I assume.

Biggest reward for such a move, make

people lose faith in Q plans, which is

now a bit behind schedule?

ba7dd7  No.4294810

File: 35428be99846b75⋯.jpg (35.89 KB, 727x198, 727:198, french.JPG)

French voted. Yellow vest will not be happy

9e5bbc  No.4294811


Huber cant say anything anyway. All these Congress. hearings result in nothing, no bun.

06fc88  No.4294812


My expecations of Fitton are zero.

c45f84  No.4294813


in control doesnt mean what i thought it did

baab85  No.4294814


CSPAN on Youtube here→


0aa22d  No.4294815

someone may want to let golden state (youtube channel) know that youtube is uporessing the number of viewers. Have two devices watching, one then the next. Numbers never changed despite both now being on the channel.

4178b5  No.4294816

Dennis Shields, a resident who said he lived on the 42nd floor, described the scene.

“You could smell the smoke and you could hear things falling like through the vents,” he said. “It just smelled like sulfur.”

He said there were no orders to evacuate but he received a text message from Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Michael D. Cohen.

Mr. Shields, who said he grew up with Mr. Cohen, continued: “He said, ‘Are you in the building?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘You better get out ASAP.’ That’s how I knew to get out, otherwise I’d still be in there.”

13a905  No.4294817


+++++++++++++ infinite

Why not.

a0eae5  No.4294818


i think hilldawg looks empty because shees already dead, like a puppet controlled by remote.

jfk so i dunno but



somewhere on the world/in this universe/1 of many /where a you/ what is a multiverse

fe8a40  No.4294819

Ranking member refuting testimony before it occurs - saying it's all been heard and disproved before.

6713f7  No.4294820


Oooooooh… and he has lawyerbros…

I wonder if Judicial Watch is the "transparency arm" of the Stealth Bomber… could be fun.

0450eb  No.4294821

This guy is a kiddy fucker for sure taking this line!

5654d8  No.4294822

File: 3433a341d466335⋯.png (178.16 KB, 521x455, 521:455, ClipboardImage.png)

Juanita Broaddrick turns 76 years old today -

==her one wish is “To see the Clintons behind bars.”== 😂😂😂

2d4224  No.4294823


who is this Dem windbag – hey buddy watch one episode of Charles Ortel investigation into the corrupt foundation if you want to know about the problems at the Foundation

- old crimes and treasons need to be punished now

67ff1d  No.4294824

Huber and FBI not showing….part of the plan q?

e203ea  No.4294825

File: dbede3b39f29a58⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 634x491, 634:491, TOAST.jpg)

5a4d29  No.4294826


they got TTP/PTITPITTP and all that btfo'd

back for another round against sovereignty and the very concept of nation states


13a905  No.4294827


Why Not!


27dac1  No.4294828

File: 60d230e585a60ad⋯.png (166.38 KB, 344x265, 344:265, ClipboardImage.png)

I know, no violence, but I really wanna slap Connolly with a trout.

c928ce  No.4294829


Probably SSP craft

bd2af4  No.4294830


i had to mute!

a0283a  No.4294831

File: 865f1227cedd207⋯.png (245.93 KB, 675x379, 675:379, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

I has shenaniganintel from the Trump foundation and from the Whitaker foundation…

CF is muhinnocent

no Muhquid pro quo

y'all are just tryin' tuh smear the glorious Clinton name

2d4224  No.4294832


Lord God, please hear her prayer

d03843  No.4294833

could this guy just shut the fuck up and let the witnesses testify?

6277af  No.4294834

Testify then drop

b6707c  No.4294835



804b5a  No.4294836



830da0  No.4294837


House Oversight Subcommittee Hearing on the Clinton Foundation

33942d  No.4294838


This has been clear for a couple of days. Why all the surprise?

6b7bba  No.4294839


Stress test failed.


6713f7  No.4294840


453b07  No.4294841


How do these cabal fucks keep hanging on.

397758  No.4294842


(((your))) expectations aren't relevant

0b320c  No.4294843


Nice. I'm feeling that for sure.

ce4aa4  No.4294844

This pedo is clearly in full PANIC mode.

7cab9b  No.4294845

Where is Huber??

d36e48  No.4294846

This guy sounds like he just finished unhinging his jaw to swallow a massive jew donger.

7e9792  No.4294847

Sather looks really bad in this debate. Damnit…

2bda3e  No.4294848


True patriots. Hard at work.

0450eb  No.4294849

Cybill Shepherd says Les Moonves cancelled her sitcom when she refused to have sex with him after he told the actress that his 'wife and mistress did not turn him on'

Cybil Shepherd said in an interview on Thursday that Les Moonves ended her show when she refused his sexual advances

The actress appeared on SiriusXM's The Michelle Collins Show and said that Moonves propositioned her during a dinner meeting

'He was telling me his wife didn't turn him on, some mistress didn't turn him on,' said Shepherd, who said Moonves then asked to take her home

Shortly after she said that Moonves became overly critical of the show and soon after it was cancelled, even though it was supposed to run five more years

The show was abruptly pulled in its fourth season without airing a finale despite strong ratings and having received 12 Emmy nominations

Like many actress who have shared their #MeToo stories, Shepherd was branded in the press as notoriously difficult during the show's run

Cybill Shepherd is claiming that her eponymous sitcom was cancelled by Les Moonves after she rejected his sexual advances.

In an interview on SiriusXM's The Michelle Collins Show, Shepherd told the host that her show would have run for five more seasons until she upset her boss.

'Well, he did, uh his assistant and my assistant made a dinner date and we went to it and he was, well he was telling me his wife didn't turn him on, some mistress didn't turn him on,' said Shepherd.

'And I'm watching him drink alcohol and I'm going, he says, well, you know, why don't you let me take you home? I said, no, I've got a ride and I had my car outside with a good friend of mine who is an off duty LAPD officer.'

Shepherd said after that night the show suddenly began getting notes about what her character could and could not do and shortly after was cancelled by the network.

Moonves was married to his first wife Nancy at the time.



5c7e31  No.4294850


There's more to this story than was printed.

Seems odd they brought up the eye surgery in connection with a suicide.

Smells funny.

4dda81  No.4294851


someone took a Sharpie to the O stocking and made it a Q so STFU

9604b7  No.4294852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Natty M sings a cover of

Shot in the Dark

Not only does she have a good singing voice, but her English is very well done considering her native language is Russian. Few slavic people can speak English without accent like this.

She shows us all what it means



Take the 5 minutes; listen to her performance

5a4d29  No.4294853



Better that than pols trying to curry favor with the people.

Now all can see where their alliegance lies.

13a905  No.4294854




Fuck me

828be5  No.4294855

File: 046a9f5c47f5a29⋯.png (629.99 KB, 1355x880, 271:176, ClipboardImage.png)

'AF1' flying away like a bat out of hell again

bd2af4  No.4294856


DOJ said NO

2a4da2  No.4294857

File: 115e7603c79ee89⋯.png (129.34 KB, 1838x254, 919:127, ClipboardImage.png)

93a2d4  No.4294858

File: 5f13f132347f45a⋯.jpg (6.81 KB, 239x160, 239:160, th.jpg)



he sounds like this guy

f0e1aa  No.4294859


Some days it certainly is.

6b2f6b  No.4294860


The Chairman said DOJ held him back.

a3d884  No.4294861

File: 85ccd195f5d68cd⋯.gif (621.06 KB, 200x189, 200:189, Kramer-whaaa.gif)

File: 144875617667fdb⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 350x178, 175:89, NPHWhaaat.gif)

File: 0929433aed206ca⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 498x498, 1:1, SayWhaa.gif)

File: 798cf4c4708b7f6⋯.gif (606.02 KB, 360x202, 180:101, GBWhaa.gif)



>the DOJ has made HUBER unavailable to the committee.

"… He [Huber] was supposed to fill that role [as the 2nd Special Counsel]." - Meadows


13b1a8  No.4294862



Anon has ID'd Q's clue. Location Martinique

Flag a Fucking Viper

8a1015  No.4294863


fe8a40  No.4294864

The ranking member just said, "…there's no there there" quoting Stzok and Page???

72c220  No.4294865

File: c95b0a7b0c02b38⋯.jpg (174.51 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, meme.jpg)

57a8c3  No.4294866


right after the weird DEER RESCUE feed yesterday, they were talking about eye surgery on FOX

9c5591  No.4294867


Why are these cocksuckers so willing to keep protecting the Clintons?


9e5bbc  No.4294868


Mueller should go to jail merely for his misconduct in the special counsel office.

7cab9b  No.4294869


Son of BITCH!!!

1a681b  No.4294870

This is just another congressional circle jerk

966f6d  No.4294871


Then Why the Fuck was he supposed to appear a week ago, and why was it rescheduled to today???

687f6d  No.4294872


Fitton is a great asset, but if you follow him you already know what he's got for the most part so I doubt we'll learn anything new.

I'll wait till it's over but it's not looking good right now. I was so pumped for this.

d26d7d  No.4294873

File: fc4ad71c01b1d70⋯.png (35.78 KB, 561x282, 187:94, ClipboardImage.png)

Huber at another trial?

c89ffa  No.4294874

File: 7b9006b54b1b732⋯.jpg (155.4 KB, 1117x687, 1117:687, 52d7303cd712e36a3afb608e77….jpg)

b43fa1  No.4294875

File: 21d2c29a0005cb2⋯.jpg (27.76 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Still going.jpg)

Dems already decided the whistleblowers aren't credible? Then why did you show up?

Get fucked in the ass Connolly.

831c90  No.4294876

File: a0957a97188a063⋯.jpeg (50.68 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, nothingburgerw-1024x576.jpeg)

397758  No.4294877

File: 144f78cc6d7551d⋯.jpg (160.91 KB, 800x1206, 400:603, letterman.jpg)

830da0  No.4294878

House Oversight Subcommittee Hearing on the Clinton Foundation


c8334c  No.4294879

File: 53fd29c1fbcdc42⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 332x192, 83:48, laserpointer.gif)


>Huber and FBI not showing….part of the plan q?

Q is full of shit again because reasons.

inb4 "moves and counter moves" or "this was expected and planned for"..

Those bullshit lines seem to work well when Q is completely wrong … which is always.

32c87f  No.4294880

File: 9aed4ae3e07c9b8⋯.png (103.46 KB, 500x355, 100:71, Clinton burned Waco.png)

outstanding allegations.


outstanding evidence

Why is Connelly shouting? Or is it just my earphones?

0450eb  No.4294881

TABLES TURNED: Judge Orders Special Counsel Robert Mueller To Hand Over Documents

In a new twist, a U.S. District Court judge has ordered special counsel Robert Mueller to hand over all secret documents related to the questioning of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Flynn's legal team claims the Federal Bureau of Investigation urged the retired United States Army lieutenant general not to bring a lawyer to an interview with agents at the White House in January 2017. Flynn has since pleaded guilty to one count of lying to prosecutors and is scheduled to be sentenced on Tuesday.

U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan on Wednesday ordered Mueller to turn over all documents and "memoranda" related to Flynn's questioning by 3 p.m. Friday. Sullivan is the same judge who overturned a 2008 conviction of former Sen. Ted Stevens after government misconduct was revealed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe set up the White House interview with Flynn, suggesting he not have a lawyer present. "I explained that I thought the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [Flynn] and the agents only," McCabe wrote, according to newly filed court documents.

"I further stated that if LTG Flynn wished to include anyone else in the meeting, like the White House counsel for instance, that I would need to involve the Department of Justice. [Flynn] stated that this would not be necessary and agreed to meet with the agents without any additional participants."

FBI officials also decided not to warn Flynn that there he could face perjury charges if he made false statements during what appeared to be an informal interview.

In his ruling, Judge Sullivan also ordered the Flynn team "to turn over the documents backing up its assertions. The judge could determine why the FBI apparently took a significantly more aggressive tack in handling the Flynn interview than it did during other similar matters, including the agency's sit-downs with Hillary Clinton and ex-Trump adviser George Papadopoulos," Fox News reported.

Mueller's team recently filed court documents that say Flynn provided "substantial assistance" to Mueller's investigation and as a result, the special counsel asked that Flynn serve no jail time for making false statements to the FBI. The filing states:

The defendant deserves credit for accepting responsibility in a timely fashion and substantially assisting the government. As described in the Addendum, shortly after the SCO reached out to the defendant to seek his cooperation, the defendant accepted responsibility for his unlawful conduct and began cooperating with the government.

"Given the defendant’s substantial assistance and other considerations set forth below, a sentence at the low end of the guideline range — including a sentence that does not impose a term of incarceration — is appropriate and warranted," attorney Brandon L. Van Grack, who works on Mueller’s team, wrote in the documents.

The filing says that Flynn sat for 19 interviews with the special counsel and the Department of Justice during the investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.


19cf35  No.4294882

File: 4dc1760e624e264⋯.png (277.88 KB, 660x371, 660:371, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ddabcd6794f7b1⋯.png (44.86 KB, 838x313, 838:313, ClipboardImage.png)

Indian households have the largest private gold holdings in the world, standing at an estimated 24,000 metric tons. That figure surpasses the combined official gold reserves of the United States, Germany, Italy, France, China and Russia. See which countries have the largest gold reserves!Oct 11, 2017

c2e9e8  No.4294883


Look for the pattern. Something gets talked about on the boards… (envelopes)

Q pops out and says "See, PROOF", "Countermoves"

2d4224  No.4294884


that explains why a good show was cancelled

1dbda8  No.4294885

File: c6620a69a0b0d6f⋯.jpg (50.14 KB, 500x474, 250:237, 2owj7l_1_1_1.jpg)

File: 8b28aef087b130a⋯.jpg (39.28 KB, 480x280, 12:7, 2oweu8_1.jpg)

eb8ed7  No.4294886

>>4294198 (lb)

>you guys

>boys club

Wut? I post shit all the time that is parroted a bread or two later. I don't care, the info is out there. Detach ego from this "work", only you can make yourself feel badly. Were in this together.


58cf7f  No.4294887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Clinton Foundation U.S. House Hearing Investigation 2pm Eastern

20375d  No.4294888

Charles Ortel should be testifying at this hearing.

13b1a8  No.4294889


Not just the Clintons. It's their "way of life."

880ffb  No.4294890


And why does this little weasel get to testify? He's not a witness. Shut him the fuck up.

0a0447  No.4294891

>>4294418, >>4294305 lb

>Credit to anon 2 breads back for the meme/title

It's great, ty baker.

Here's wishing all our DS (((frens))) a Merry Gitmas

>>4294319 lb, >>4294382 lb

>Anywhere from double-digit to low triple-digit views per dough.

Great, ty baker. That's about where I was.

Indicates a shit ton of lurkers! Wew.

>post a pastebin. some anon is gifting pro accounts.

Not sure my bakes are the kind he'd want to facilitate more of, wouldn't wanna put him in an uncomfortable position kek. But on behalf of all bakers, many thanks for the generous gift PastebinProAnon


>>4294322 lb, >>4294340 lb

>to see if they are behaving.

Kek. I agree we should all take active stake in baking, to uphold/safeguard our standards. I disagree if it means policing anons/bakers for (((subject content))), even if it's in good faith on basis of it being so unPC as to rattle shills or discourage normies, but I'm aware it creates a lot of upset on the board when controversy is put front-and-center as happens w/notes. I do it for purposes of pushing the Overton Window in the direction of we need it to go (difficult truths that can only be said here) and preventing our culture from becoming too normie-fied, but I also think pushing too much too fast is bad for the board. Baking Persona aside, I do monitor and adjust for that: slow and steady is my aim, not chaos.

>>4294340 lb

>i’m sure anons check the pastebin to see who’s baking too

Gotta admit, I'm a little concerned about this becoming a kind of soft-namefagging. Especially if that name carries other issues (a doxxed IRL identity & femfagging/flirting in particular) that lead to the loosening of our board rules in ways that can damage it. Not sure what we should do about it tho.

9d4620  No.4294892


Swamp creature Connolli

7cab9b  No.4294893


Son of a BITCH!!! *

That's kind of annoying.

ee8948  No.4294894


Obviously Congress doesn’t know what’s going on at the DOJ.

9fc825  No.4294895


they have skin in the game

and the game is raping children

363e34  No.4294896


Why u got a boner to dox?

fb2ef4  No.4294897

Sorry, guys, Connolly says there’s no “there” there. Time to shut ‘er down.


2d4224  No.4294898


he sounds like he is in panic mode

c89ffa  No.4294899

Well today is gonna be another Nothing Burger… but trust the plan… still :/

9845f6  No.4294900


Would be very Trumpian.

ad317f  No.4294901


Some days, I agree.

fe8a40  No.4294902

Ranking member now deflecting to alleged wrongdoing by Trump Foundation.

c8334c  No.4294903


>Something gets talked about on the boards… (envelopes)

>Q pops out and says "See, PROOF"

This is it.

33942d  No.4294904

Dems are just going to stall like this Connolly idiot. He's been projecting for 5 minutes now. Don't expect one Democrat question, just stalling. Pieces of shit to the very end.

54ae50  No.4294905

hang the chinamen

7f3546  No.4294906


Playing on you tube now. 2 door ford lookalike in the background

bb4934  No.4294907


Wow, just wow.

13b1a8  No.4294908

File: 45db8e114785e8e⋯.png (139.52 KB, 1166x971, 1166:971, 2075d27820c90be00993c82946….png)

File: a3ea47bd15cc0f0⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1200x1820, 60:91, a3ea47bd15cc0f09b234258be4….jpg)

57a8c3  No.4294909


… that phrase is a weird thing, but not uncommon in gov/congress transcripts.

its actually the only place i've ever heard it used.

2d4224  No.4294910


hillary is their witch queen

79de17  No.4294911

File: b5ff938e02b0a00⋯.jpg (13.04 KB, 255x234, 85:78, b5ff938e02b0a0017924c3bc42….jpg)


Oh shit, is Huber presenting Rosenstein's FISA fraud?!?!?!

fcc756  No.4294912

Trust the plan. LOL.


c7b459  No.4294913

787181  No.4294914

God, shut this fucker up. I have to go to work and I don't want to hear his bullshit.

34a238  No.4294915


This dickhead is incredible

7b125b  No.4294916

Really sick of the slow drip! We need fucking ACTION! WE NEED REAL BOOMS!

57a8c3  No.4294917

"wehve had our umpteenth hearing on the clinton conspiracy"



27dac1  No.4294918

File: 3cbd0cb9e83c84f⋯.jpg (91.63 KB, 634x476, 317:238, Overreaching.jpg)

0e5394  No.4294919

Where's the fucking whistle blower?

f716a8  No.4294920

These proceedings are every bit as useless as is the structure of our 2-party gubbermint as currently operating.

9510fb  No.4294921

Whittaker recuses himself from sending Huber to the hearing and RR blocks Huber from showing up?

26ef41  No.4294922

Doesn't Connelly have as time limit?

687f6d  No.4294923


Yup, he doesn't even need to hear from anybody so I guess we don't either! He seems like an honest, non-partisan guy…. Hope he gets herpes.

0450eb  No.4294924

Macron out? French government faces no confidence vote as the country is in crisis

Macron’s Government is set for a no confidence vote as French lawmakers have put together a joint statement filing a motion of no confidence against Macron’s government, AFP reports.

Leaders André Chassaigne, of the French Communist Party; Olivier Faure, from the Socialist Party; and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, founder of France Unbowed (La France Insoumise) movement joined 59 members of the National Assembly said in a statement that the placative measures announced on Monday by Macron, including a minimum wage increase, tax-free overtime pay and end of the year bonuses, were “neither fair nor responsible” and “are not likely to respond to the anger and demands of the French”.

“Yellow Vests” spokesman Benjamin Cauchy was quoted by French news BFM saying that the movement wasn’t satisfied with Macron’s tax cuts and wage rises: “The French don’t want crumbs, they want a baguette.”

The French Constitution in Article 49 states that a no-confidence motion must be voted upon at least 48 hours after filing with the absolute majority of MPs required to bring down the government. Macron’s La République En Marche! party, however, holds 309 seats of 577 so there is a strong chance that won’t occur.

It has, however, forced a response from Prime Minister Edouard Philippe who has stated he will detail his 2019 budget plans before the vote, which possibly could be postponed due to the terror attack on the Christmas Market in Strasbourg which killed three and injured 13 others.


73d818  No.4294925

ugh I cant stomach these liberal jackasses

70fc3f  No.4294926

File: 66504b4beaca9cc⋯.png (17.35 KB, 222x255, 74:85, 76ef947ba156fe94d580d99a43….png)

DOJ said no , because there is a grand jury currently ongoing ?

d26d7d  No.4294927



6b2f6b  No.4294928


Someone tell this pedophile to shut up.

Better yet, lock him up now.

966f6d  No.4294929


the last time something like this happened,

Saudi Purge took place on the other side of the planet.

This better be good.

397758  No.4294930


You let the toddler run around screaming for a while until they tire themselves out, so you can have peace later on when you're down to business.

119b33  No.4294931


d63333  No.4294932

This Connolly emeffer really needs to STFU!

804b5a  No.4294933



bb4934  No.4294934


Q&A /End

Stress test failed.

6713f7  No.4294935

Connolly is lying so brazenly that his voice won't stop cracking.

0b320c  No.4294936


very interesting.


Q calls it exactly 1 year ago. "Where is HUBER?"

687f6d  No.4294937


yeah, I just paused it and will fast forward soon.

735db4  No.4294938

>>4294841 Cabal still in control of MSM and many politicians

f0e1aa  No.4294939

Did you guys really think Huber was going to be tgere and testify to what they have thus far?

Do you really think they want to give and info to the enemy?

ad317f  No.4294940


Lasik would not push someone to do this. Lasik nowadays is done all by lasers. Any damage is reversible. You'd have to REEEEEEEAAAAAAALLY fuck up. And even then, 98% of it can be repaired.

ee8948  No.4294941

22 letters.

“One of 22”

444cd4  No.4294942


>Ask an NPC what the CF does exactly

muh the Foundation "saves lives."

>Ask how

muh shut up racist

6713f7  No.4294943



3a313f  No.4294944


that was yesterday retard

5c7e31  No.4294945

File: 61ab473fb01ef6f⋯.png (278.29 KB, 488x480, 61:60, babcome[y].png)

57a8c3  No.4294946

"if there's no there there, there's no excuse HUBER shouldn't be here today" - meadows

ce4aa4  No.4294947

Huber doesn't need to be there

He is a prosecutor, and can take care of the case on his own. He can assemble a grand jury and bring indictments regardless of a house hearing.

fcc756  No.4294948

There is no whistleblower. There are only people who always attack the Clintons. So it doesn't matter what they have, they're not credible in the public eye.

79de17  No.4294949

File: badc76ee9d37a8d⋯.gif (221.61 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1544573150713.gif)


Holy shit, that would be beautiful.

1e1dfd  No.4294950




Wait… He just made an interesting point. Huber not showing up means Whitaker might be involved in detaining Huber from the meeting, not RR! Now, they are attacking Whitaker's foundation. Check this out:

>Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 5b7dc4 No.2262557 📁

>Jul 24 2018 10:45:27 (EST)

>From Sea to Shining Sea.

>Who does Huber report to [directly]?

Sessions then, Whitaker now. RR couldn't get in the way if Whitaker wanted Huber there. That means Huber's on a new mission:

>Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 432368 No.4279257 📁

>Dec 12 2018 17:52:23 (EST)




SESSIONS' forced release of name [HUBER] to House created another variable.

>Use Logic.

Why would we tell you the plan if in doing so also alerts those who we are actively engaged in HUNTING?

HA! Whitaker and Huber are on a "hunting" trip!

58cf7f  No.4294951

File: 0a45da524a5face⋯.png (191.74 KB, 463x290, 463:290, ClipboardImage.png)

Ms. Maloney looks like a Hillary clone that didn't turn out quite right.

0450eb  No.4294952

File: 54409754c884681⋯.png (479.84 KB, 702x456, 117:76, ClipboardImage.png)

Finnish MP compares the European Union to fascist Germany in the 40s

During a parliamentary debate, Finnish MP Ville Tavio of the nationalist Finns party, has asserted as reported by Finnish national broadcaster Yle: “Federalists are threatening the people of Europe and the nation state. They create a new kind of Soviet Union, they create a new Nazi Germany”.

He’s received criticism from fellow politicians, as well as from the Prime Minister Juha Sipilä. The Finns, Ville’s party, are not disavowing the statement about the “fascist” likeness of European globalism, calling it a “new form of fascism”.

He explains that he believes that the Finns were unaware of the globalist agenda when they voted to join the EU in the 1990s. The 34-year-old politician’s statement has sparked a major debate with politicians on both the left and the right having a strong response.

The Finns, who used to be called True Finns and still is their name in both of Finland’s official languages of Swedish and Finnish, are the Finnish right-wing nationalists and EU-sceptic party.

They have stood with Ville regarding the comment, the group chairperson Leena Meri stating: “I understood it in the way that Tavio was aiming at the EU’s megalomania, that nothing is ever enough. He didn’t offend any person in particular, but criticised the entire institution as such”.


0c37d7  No.4294953

Where is Huber Q?

9fc825  No.4294954

c0475a  No.4294955

File: 4618462fb24c059⋯.png (403.63 KB, 640x808, 80:101, SCarter re Flynn 12-13-18.PNG)

File: 7db91533526b8e3⋯.png (140.67 KB, 685x734, 685:734, SCarter 1 re Flynn 12-13-1….PNG)

File: 2ae064c5153559d⋯.png (164.33 KB, 688x703, 688:703, SCarter 2 re Flynn 12-13-1….PNG)

File: 933b4d421a783c8⋯.png (100.53 KB, 695x451, 695:451, SCarter 3 re Flynn 12-13-1….PNG)

FBI Violated Policy in Flynn’s Case, Judge Demands All Exculpatory Evidence



839fd1  No.4294956



119b33  No.4294957

File: b97b7cc32653b34⋯.jpg (7.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Pepe Red Rage.jpg)

1dbda8  No.4294958

File: 2ab7652cd8130ca⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 500x436, 125:109, 2o1vio_1_1.jpg)

File: 139c2f1a2b6ecd0⋯.png (196.09 KB, 480x562, 240:281, Screenshot_2018-12-03-07-4….png)

File: ff406df2a9b66bc⋯.jpg (44.92 KB, 500x404, 125:101, 2o1z60_1_1.jpg)

f4600e  No.4294959

File: 18a4ddd09445c3e⋯.png (89.92 KB, 700x512, 175:128, ClipboardImage.png)

Right on cue



6b2f6b  No.4294960


This meme should never be posted again anon.

0450eb  No.4294961


17d177  No.4294962

File: 30a64c1ce288cc0⋯.jpeg (97.76 KB, 724x445, 724:445, 389B80A9-A69D-428E-80E6-1….jpeg)

bb4934  No.4294963

SEE the shills?

Trying to insult Anons.

Desperate for a reply.

Try harder shill.

Try way harder.

Send the better shills, these ones are stupid.

26ef41  No.4294964


The original didn't turn out right either,

53ba1e  No.4294965

File: 40e1ce34b2b61c8⋯.jpeg (527.12 KB, 1734x1749, 578:583, F41A2636-5ABF-4F3D-84D7-2….jpeg)

Yopait Q

e9bc07  No.4294966


5c7e31  No.4294967


Hi voice of reason, nice to meet you.

1a681b  No.4294968

Did we just go all-in on an almost empty

hearing room with 2 witnesses? This is weak

687f6d  No.4294969


lol, yeah she does.

0450eb  No.4294970

File: d9020730aa1f20f⋯.png (401.04 KB, 773x683, 773:683, ClipboardImage.png)

7e9792  No.4294971

Not going to deny that I am disappointed that nothing came from Huber today in an official manner

51d046  No.4294972

Bomb Threats coming in fast


6713f7  No.4294973

File: 6510d45321b5426⋯.jpg (274.53 KB, 490x734, 245:367, dream_0n50ojnkkbn.jpg)


9c4f21  No.4294974

File: 2fb3c222b93a61b⋯.jpg (41.77 KB, 600x600, 1:1, laughing hyenas.jpg)

File: 6188acad6dd1179⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 413x395, 413:395, trump laugh.jpg)

baab85  No.4294975

Connelly D Va, what an a-hole.

32c87f  No.4294976

File: 02eff332156b78a⋯.png (483.2 KB, 585x599, 585:599, clintonrussia2.png)


Connelly = Fake Debunker.

Hasn't Trump been investigated enough.

What is a serious allegations vs. actual evidence?

Connelly is citing New York Times

How long is this blowhard going on.

Oh good. He petered out.

There is not there there"

That was what Strzok said regarding the Russian Collusion


3a313f  No.4294977



a lot of anons know this



57a8c3  No.4294978


Fitton looks like he's rdy to throw down.

Handsome suit.

Game Face On.


89573c  No.4294979

File: 9b10ebc7e7b8291⋯.png (12.61 KB, 588x130, 294:65, bm.png)

b43fa1  No.4294980

So help me God.

Connelly is getting fucked in the ass.

c8334c  No.4294981

File: c2151991b39a122⋯.jpg (16.72 KB, 413x395, 413:395, scotch2.jpg)


"I'm an anonymous member of Military Intelligence from the government posting cryptic stuff on 8chan and I'm here to help. Trust this plan I have but won't tell you about. Here, this blurry picture of some old guy's ear is for you to search the internet while you're trusting my plan."

682d8e  No.4294982

They just keep slamming Huber for not being there. WTF can happen without him there?

93d7f1  No.4294983

File: a08b18717e84cd4⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 540x483, 180:161, chicago 4.jpg)

File: 392244694fc5db9⋯.jpg (60.81 KB, 530x484, 265:242, chicago 3.jpg)

File: 88edbb2b9fd75aa⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 540x451, 540:451, chicago 2.jpg)

File: 53642da42cc2d4c⋯.jpg (60.17 KB, 531x451, 531:451, chicago 1.jpg)


Q found some more fun proofs in Gingerbread Elevator




49ac33  No.4294984

File: edc9456436a43dd⋯.jpeg (30.12 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 911.jpeg)

HAPPENING NOW: Officials Across The Country Responding To Dozens of Bomb Threats

Police departments in several states were reporting bomb threats at seemingly random locations on Thursday.

Threats to various businesses, schools, jewelry stores, attorney’s offices and even Zoos were made–mostly via email.

The states include, New York, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Louisiana, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Utah, California and Mississippi. The list is growing.

Police say the emails demand payment in the form of Bitcoins.


a0283a  No.4294985

File: 4fe290c5aa520c5⋯.png (289.08 KB, 930x1041, 310:347, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….png)

13a905  No.4294986

God Demands It Pal!

510447  No.4294987

the dems have been practicing for today's hearing..

they will all follow the same script..

an NPC per se..

06fc88  No.4294988


Sorry, I wasn't trying to be negative. I will watch with an open mind. No matter what, WWG1WGA!

dae69c  No.4294989







Q assured us that the DOJ would actually be useful after Sessions left. Another lie! Trump is appointing SWAMP CREATURE BOB BARR, one of the swampiest corrupt deep state asshats from the Bush 41 administration. Why?!?







Q assured us that the DOJ would actually be useful after Sessions left. Another lie! Trump is appointing SWAMP CREATURE BOB BARR, one of the swampiest corrupt deep state asshats from the Bush 41 administration. Why?!?


I am a real person and not a bot. I'm a proud American who supports my country. I'm sick and tired of the corruption. I'm sick and tired of criminals not being brought to justice. I'm sick and tired of Q lying and LARPing to string us along in a massive deep state psyop. I will keep posting this forever to prove how full of shit Q is. FUCK YOU Q.





You lied, Sessions and Huber did nothing, and they were never on our side. There was never a plan. We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.





You lied, midterms was a disaster. You set us up for failure. You do nothing to investigate and punish voter fraud. We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.




You do nothing to protect actual whistleblowers and American citizens. We're done trusting you. You failed us. You're a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. At this point we know you are nothing but a deep state / mossad psyop.



I am a real person and not a bot. I'm a proud American who supports my country. I'm sick and tired of the corruption. I'm sick and tired of criminals not being brought to justice. I'm sick and tired of Q lying and LARPing to string us along in a massive deep state psyop. I will keep posting this forever to prove how full of shit Q is. FUCK YOU Q.


d03843  No.4294990

File: a558925d23222d0⋯.jpg (157.48 KB, 800x1618, 400:809, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….jpg)


in muh email yesterday

54ae50  No.4294991


I bucked ur ma

67df4b  No.4294992


Called it. They say he cancelled, for his safety to move freely, then he shows up and drops the booms. (I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope)

6b7bba  No.4294993

Now it would be a nice boom if Huber showed up out of nowhere in the middle of the hearing.

It's possible because they did a placecard and a seat there.

9c4f21  No.4294995


Bait taken. Huber busy behind the scenes…hopefully

a0283a  No.4294996

File: 406beb85ecaf6f3⋯.png (719 KB, 1120x697, 1120:697, ba1cf54ee389347dad1d856e71….png)

32c87f  No.4294997

Wait. Clinton's there?

It looks like a double?

fcc756  No.4294998


LOL. This clown. Look at his 180 from just last night.

bd2af4  No.4294999


they are evacuating business in El Dorado County Calif. Emails were sent.

20375d  No.4295000

You can eat in the hearing? Looks like some guy is eating a sandwich!

6713f7  No.4295001


gee, what's in your browsing history?

385a68  No.4295002

So who's the terrorist eating a sammy over Fitton's right shoulder? Looks like he had nothing better to do.

7e9792  No.4295003


Other than Columbine?

839fd1  No.4295004

>meanwhile eating a sandwhich in the backdrop

9fbca9  No.4295005

File: c291f4a3b6224b5⋯.png (51.91 KB, 590x314, 295:157, gitmo.png)

79de17  No.4295006

File: b638f0d7374d61b⋯.jpg (106.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, b638f0d7374d61b676d2a02265….jpg)



2d4224  No.4295007


Why is the hearing public gallery almost empty? Fear of the wrath of Hillary Khan?

77962e  No.4295009

That dude is owning that sandwich.

ad317f  No.4295010


Didn't this faggot claim some insider told him to expect fireworks today? Now it's just to get on record? Fuck. Every one of these fuckers over blows their statements. Hannity, Sara Carter, and all these twiiterfags - fucking annoying.

c3f6cf  No.4295011


Right when the Clinton foundation hearing starts too…hmm

6b7bba  No.4295012

POTUS can call DOJ to have Huber there at any moment.

d63333  No.4295013

wtf is up with the scrub in the back chowing down on a sammy? it's a congressional hearing not lunch break at 7-11. show some respect.

3a313f  No.4295014

9d4620  No.4295015


>be like…

Go back to reddit.

9e5bbc  No.4295016

57a8c3  No.4295017


waiting for his call

16bc29  No.4295018

File: 31f6c278854e980⋯.png (457.24 KB, 664x510, 332:255, ClipboardImage.png)

who the fuck is the dude stuffing his face witht he sandwich

51d046  No.4295019

File: 42bbf2db61e961d⋯.jpg (106.1 KB, 647x726, 647:726, Screenshot 2018-12-13_14-3….jpg)

File: 60827d641c9e3ce⋯.jpg (162.22 KB, 514x1082, 257:541, Screenshot 2018-12-13_14-3….jpg)

File: f947ef2fc288a03⋯.jpg (123.68 KB, 524x793, 524:793, Screenshot 2018-12-13_14-3….jpg)


HAPPENING NOW: Officials Across The Country Responding To Dozens of Bomb Threats

Police departments in several states were reporting bomb threats at seemingly random locations on Thursday.

Threats to various businesses, schools, jewelry stores, attorney’s offices and even Zoos were made–mostly via email.

The states include, New York, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Louisiana, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Utah, California and Mississippi. The list is growing.

Police say the emails demand payment in the form of Bitcoins

f09496  No.4295020


Where the fuck is Huber?

69cfd6  No.4295021


Trips confirm.

Eating during the hearing is allowed.


33332e  No.4295022



(we could wish!)

5c7e31  No.4295023


>muh barr

>muh whine

>muh cheese

So what's the next name you're going to pasta in there?

You're paid waay too fucking much.

9c4f21  No.4295024


Someone needs to tell him this isn't a trial. He protests too much

baab85  No.4295025

>>4295011 Plus, muh Columbine.

453204  No.4295026

File: 2f3da3f1cf7d991⋯.jpg (12.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e807f9f6c3edff5e667b66e0ae….jpg)


durrrr.. I know its a hatchet Q chose to bury..

=I bet I can find a way to keep the bullshit going!==

reassess your strategy or FOREVER regret the consequences

e27819  No.4295027


Vote failed to pass.


cad014  No.4295028


Yes, good word to use.

ef7717  No.4295029

39aa83  No.4295030


It actually does smell like a real happening in this sea of faggotry. This is too big a nothingburger to be a nothingburger. Wtf is going on today.

d63333  No.4295031

ad317f  No.4295032


It's a subject to deter from speaking of the real reason for being there.

44d4bd  No.4295033


She was [187]

Suicide over Lasik?


36a19e  No.4295034

File: 1223b14595233d3⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 2872x1636, 718:409, Screen-Shot-2018-12-13-at-….jpg)

[HUNGER] is in the kill box

c3bb41  No.4295035

bomb threats == FF

learn our comms

f716a8  No.4295036

Dude over Fitton's right shoulder is signaling, "We're going to eat your lunch!"

3a313f  No.4295038


do you read the bread before posting?

or do you just post and look at your own post to see who replies?

6b2f6b  No.4295039



57a8c3  No.4295040


so fucking transparent.

Why didn't they just say incoming nuclear bomb, we're all gonna die! everyone run for your lives?!

f8fa86  No.4295041


Washington, DC

06fc88  No.4295042

File: 6503caca9371d71⋯.jpg (145.83 KB, 800x531, 800:531, e1df13-20171002-paddock.jpg)

826b18  No.4295043

File: 7ef06a5f22cde81⋯.jpg (67.68 KB, 600x404, 150:101, ahmedclockmed.jpg)


They grow up fast.

880ffb  No.4295044

Mad respect for Tom Fitton. I could NOT do what he does.

d88bc3  No.4295045

HAPPENING NOW: Officials Across The Country Responding To Dozens of Bomb Threats


a0eae5  No.4295046


thats the 3rd cousin of jewsus re-incarneted trying to spit out hell

c8334c  No.4295047


>"if there's no there there, there's no excuse HUBER shouldn't be here today" - meadows

He's not wrong.

Huber is cover for the entrenched crooks, appointed by the entrenched crook Sessions … who is now unemployed by a boss who was sick of his do-nothing bullshit.

How obvious can it be at this point?

6b7bba  No.4295048

18 to 50 million from saudis

clinton speech $600,000

1e1dfd  No.4295049

File: 859b894ed10447d⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, 859b894ed10447df64c5b52e12….png)



>Police say the emails demand payment in the form of Bitcoins.

Beside the timing, the payment request is absolutely intriguing.

a9417c  No.4295050


see :



sounds like the fireworks are right on Queue..

32c87f  No.4295051


We heard he wouldn't be there some days ago already.

Its because he's in the midst of Investigations.- which relate to this.

You want real charges, right?

Today is preparation. Optics.

cf55e1  No.4295052


yep, House Oversight Hearing just started. Fitton testifying re CF. slide anyone??

67df4b  No.4295053


He's got those crazy eyes….. Q!! We got possible fuckery! Code blue!!!!

2cd94a  No.4295054


Who the fuck is that guy anyway. He's wearing a fucking tee shirt.

d03843  No.4295055


I do wholesale business with the company…. but found it interesting nonetheless

wholesale pricing is almost 1/2 of MSRP

27dac1  No.4295056

File: 8715019720b627a⋯.png (413.19 KB, 602x597, 602:597, ClipboardImage.png)



He has been in office far to long (1995)


687f6d  No.4295057


looks like he's eating his last meal before he goes jihadi on this thing.

33942d  No.4295058


If it were going to be a nothing burger, the MSM would have made sure it was standing room only.

0b320c  No.4295059




it says, "schedule for TOMORROW, WHERE IS HUBER"

PRO TIP, don't be a retard while calling someone a retard. it makes you look retarded.

1a681b  No.4295060

Let me get this straight….

The deep state killed off their leader

to postpone an empty hearing room with 2

witnesses and no Huber???

We got played….again

9e5bbc  No.4295061


I dont know why anons get excited about Congress. hearings. Nothing ever happens, no enforcement powers. What we want are DOJ actions.

9fc825  No.4295062


walks in wearing a black leather duster, no shirt

slams a stack of papers on the table

smile from ear to ear

bae0c3  No.4295063

File: 0e6280e7dc2bfe4⋯.png (295.22 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

79de17  No.4295064

File: 5fc34812fbf04ac⋯.gif (424.42 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 5fc34812fbf04ac84eb42813ba….gif)


Idk but it's getting lively again…

13b1a8  No.4295065

File: 1812bfd39eb087a⋯.mp4 (519.7 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, _Large (1).mp4)

51d046  No.4295066


hearing is important

concur, palpable desperation

efbde8  No.4295067


Nice plaid tie! Keeping up appearances.

9c4f21  No.4295068


JIDF call center busy

2bda3e  No.4295069


6-8% population extremist minded. Won't accept reality. Includes left and right. Q was started in part to coral those on the extreme right, to utilize their energy, but not to endorse every narrow mindless idea and agenda. Cage and control them. You're among those, aren't you. It shows.

9d4620  No.4295070


Habbening confirmation.

c6a6f4  No.4295071

File: cc4a94b590d4a53⋯.png (926.37 KB, 761x759, 761:759, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7af9d677307043b⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1349x759, 1349:759, ClipboardImage.png)


Bait expends ammo

c8334c  No.4295072


>He can assemble a grand jury and bring indictments regardless of a house hearing.

So why hasn't he?

e69254  No.4295073


Anons, let's get busy digging on the Clooney Foundation! I'm sure there must be some fuckery going on there, beyond the stated fuckery!

132bf6  No.4295074

File: f38e0acbcf0fb4f⋯.png (659.59 KB, 991x472, 991:472, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone know what Sara Carter has a Mayan or Aztec pyramid on her home page?

b9c09f  No.4295075

File: f9469c6dccd9aea⋯.png (925.35 KB, 750x499, 750:499, ClipboardImage.png)

ad317f  No.4295076


Bootleg monopoly attention whore

1e1dfd  No.4295077



> last meal

Hivemind, anon.

ddd19d  No.4295078



Crowd seems pretty sparse too…. who shows up stands out.

ee8948  No.4295079

Tommy laying out everything, DS activating all over the Country. Is Meadows looking at 8ch?

a0283a  No.4295080

File: 1a9040a3bb3296d⋯.png (416.5 KB, 1317x1045, 1317:1045, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

File: d3d7dfb8975e5d5⋯.png (228.31 KB, 768x877, 768:877, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

The Bitcoin-spam-scammers have moved on from fake blackmail threats to fake bomb threats. So far no-one's paid anything to the address, and I suspect it'll stay that way.




c8334c  No.4295081



8ebd07  No.4295082


What a brave lady

Sadly, her wish will not be granted.

57a8c3  No.4295083




33942d  No.4295084


Maybe she went there. I've been there.

a41708  No.4295085

No=14+15= (5+6={11)– (1+4+1+5={11)=

11:11…. 11=(2)/11=(2) 2+2=(D)isinformation

When a Jr has a Jr. they become a Sr. Jr.=10. Sr=10. 10+10=20(T)rust the plan


Bring it= information saying he died. One proof? Bring it

67ff1d  No.4295086

Anyone make out the names on the chairs behind fitton?

6713f7  No.4295087


My hero.

Dude has a bitch to make him sammiches.

bc0890  No.4295088

Who let that chewing bum in!? Left behind the heavy lifter

ddd19d  No.4295090


Oh yeah, she told me this morning. She's letting us all know where to go for the big gang bang goin' on later.

13b1a8  No.4295091

File: c3f3afd7eff2d91⋯.png (91.43 KB, 190x266, 5:7, 4713ba1c91760aa0486d9a2a6a….png)


Hostages. School.

dde983  No.4295092

File: 4f2873863ec05ed⋯.png (259.69 KB, 698x416, 349:208, Meadows.png)

Mark Meadows:

“The numerous Pay-to-Play reports and allegations has lead congress to call for a Special Prosecuter to investigate the Clinton Foundation. In response, former AG Jeff Sessions appointed US Attorney John Huber to (invalida) investigate the alleged wrongdoings by the Clinton Foundation.

“Mr. Huber was asked to join us this afternoon and update the committee on the operations and progress of his investigation, and unfortunately, the DOJ has been unwilling to make him available. Now, I find this not only frustrating for me, but frustrating for the American people. If indeed a Special Prosecuter was not appointed, Mr Huber was supposed to take that role. Then why indeed have we not heard from him publicly in almost 9 months? And so, sadly we will look at his loss of testimony today as perhaps an indicment on his inability to provide transparent oversight testimony before this committee.”

“The IRS was also scheduled to attend for this 501C3 registration oversight and the potential claims of the whistleblowers, and sadly Mr Horton was unable to attend due to a death in the family.”

5c7e31  No.4295093


>We got played….again

And you shills will continue to get played.

And just to be clear, the 41 funeral showed that the DS knows they are all fucked.

No more arrogant faces like at nonames funfest.

ad317f  No.4295094


Probably hispanic background.

6b7bba  No.4295095


It's Imran anon. Keep up.

20375d  No.4295096


We should all be there with buckets of popcorn.

804b5a  No.4295097

File: 7c2d7bf136104a7⋯.png (119.53 KB, 1688x689, 1688:689, Albert Pike Plan.PNG)

49ac33  No.4295098


School shooting, schools lock down like Columbine , bomb threats and the day is still early

a9417c  No.4295099


well she did fly down to mexico when the whole caravan thing was going strong..

9e7530  No.4295100


In all fairness the sandwich didn't look half bad.

b09b26  No.4295101


I love how Q trolls the biggest derpers during system load tests.

9d4620  No.4295102


Faggots who link off-bread without pb or lb aren't frenz. They throw phonefags under the bus.


64c990  No.4295103


5b07a8  No.4295104

File: 29fd6faabdeb9ee⋯.png (189.26 KB, 500x635, 100:127, 1513310085969.png)


lmao i just heard this kek

7e9792  No.4295106


Dude looks shady as fuck

8ebd07  No.4295107


You will not be disappointed.

9e5bbc  No.4295108


She's cool, I like her.

b43fa1  No.4295109

My live feed cut as soon as Fitton said "and then we found the emails" kek.

fe8a40  No.4295110

Huma regularly fielded requested to put CF donors in touch with State Department resources.

64227c  No.4295111

File: 90c8d2c9c098084⋯.jpg (25.79 KB, 640x474, 320:237, obama-straw-e1276691725428.jpg)

9c4f21  No.4295112

Doug Band

Wasn't he the one in the NK photos and the Hong Kong street photos?

cad014  No.4295113

Hillary probably downing a fifth of vodka about now.

58cf7f  No.4295114


>chicago 2.jpg

17 white whats?

>chicago 1.jpg

The letters visible in other scenes show B S A B T Q which would throw off the math.

Observations, not trying to discourage.

8e568c  No.4295115


Except Q said that optics NO LONGER MATTER. I don't understand the play here, but these disappointments are beyond old now.

fcc756  No.4295116

Looks like The Plan was to eat a tasty sandwich.

385a68  No.4295117


Probably a reason he is built like a brick shit-house.

bb4934  No.4295118

Things happening.

Anons not sure why, but ready for


shills act like they know what's going on,

trying to throw Anons off.

Watch out, Newbies.

bc0890  No.4295119


Kek of course you guys were already on it. What a piece of shit. Homeless shelter full?

a0283a  No.4295120


>unfortunately, the DOJ has been unwilling to make him available.

ce4aa4  No.4295121


Most likely still gathering evidence and witnesses and still working on the case.

d03843  No.4295122

anyone seen Doug Band lately? where is Doug Band?

c8334c  No.4295123


Stupid, and reeking of desperation to explain more Q bullshit.

Get help, anon.

d28f72  No.4295124


settle down faggot

132bf6  No.4295125


Just wondered since she is "Our Girl" if it was a hint at something

33942d  No.4295126


Like he might detonate as soon as he finishes that Big Mac?

b108bf  No.4295127

>>4294524 pb

Does Snowden have anything of value for Q? Wasn't Q sending cryptic messages in drops with dates to comply? Does Q want to debrief ES? And is Q offering anything other than a room with a view?

e517f3  No.4295128

File: a275a1a18606df8⋯.png (193.25 KB, 495x299, 495:299, ClipboardImage.png)

b31c40  No.4295129


Really don't like the eyes on the sandwich stuffer…eyes on!

8ebd07  No.4295130


what a loser

5654d8  No.4295131


>HAPPENING NOW: Officials Across The Country Responding To Dozens of Bomb Threats

BREAKING: DS uses FF to distract from CF corruption!

f716a8  No.4295132


He lifts heavy things, puts them back down and repeats… often.

0b320c  No.4295134


never mind. I'm retarded. so for being so retarded. it happens to me from time to time.

f09496  No.4295135


Kek, Huber not testifying about ongoing investigations. Q already told us.

579297  No.4295136

File: 986f4674a74d9fe⋯.jpg (62.6 KB, 483x270, 161:90, 63316581.jpg)

826b18  No.4295137



15-9 = 6

9-6 = 3

6*9 = 54

54 - (3 + 6) = 45


a0283a  No.4295138



Elf on a Shelf

he moves every night…

c2e9e8  No.4295139

If FISA release after the declass ends all this, why would they hold it back? Does that make sense? No. No it doesn't.

Here we are watching a House Committee meeting over the Clinton Foundation that has less in attendance than the chik-fil-a across the street.

You're watching a movie alright. And its meant to keep you in your seat and shutup. There is no happy ending to this flick.

6b2f6b  No.4295140

File: 81eca4b65d068be⋯.jpg (51.26 KB, 564x430, 282:215, 2dc9e1f85b1ef9062783f44e2b….jpg)

d03843  No.4295141

U1 $2.35 million donation to the Clinton Foundation

6b7bba  No.4295142

When he was talking about 18 to 50 million from saudis was that dealing with U1?

e517f3  No.4295143

File: 6c93925373ed7a3⋯.png (345.7 KB, 618x452, 309:226, ClipboardImage.png)

c0475a  No.4295144

File: 68a2dce69616f5d⋯.png (294.5 KB, 651x664, 651:664, JW re Fitton Testimony 12-….PNG)


64c990  No.4295145


Fuck you, cunt

fe8a40  No.4295146

Fitton now connecting U1 deal to CF.

ce1cc2  No.4295147

This one is live …


15ec6f  No.4295148

File: 16bfe626a3bdde3⋯.jpeg (427.06 KB, 607x538, 607:538, AA22623D-64A5-4C4F-95CF-2….jpeg)

File: c1b9f3d296bfab6⋯.jpeg (50.29 KB, 800x450, 16:9, CE21BE1B-77A1-404B-89F5-B….jpeg)

>>4294261 (lb)

I agree it is frustrating to post a notable in muh baker requested format only to see it get ignored and then be in notables later.

You have a valid point.

However I’m male and it happens to me as well.

Im curious why its a quick jump to “boys club”. There are femanons/bakers too.

This always pulling the sex card is boring just like the race card.

ad317f  No.4295149


I'm assuming those pics and korea stuff in earlier drops to Snowden was more to tip him off that they knew. I don't think any of it was real-time as I previously thought.

a9417c  No.4295150


Sand-WITCH guy gone now.

4b5b52  No.4295151

File: 6fc33701c1a2fdd⋯.jpg (478.6 KB, 1437x795, 479:265, jfkjrbig.jpg)

54ae50  No.4295152

File: 6623ef4dd266241⋯.png (73.12 KB, 559x448, 559:448, 1544189952357.png)

f716a8  No.4295153

Sandwich guy eats and runs.

f8fa86  No.4295154


It was a feint.

eb8ed7  No.4295155

File: 63e0ffc6ce0c861⋯.jpg (576.49 KB, 964x1079, 964:1079, Smells Fishy.jpg)

9e7530  No.4295156


RIP sandwich

e69254  No.4295157


Hey FUCKWAD Faggot, I didn't post the link, just commenting asshole! Fuck Off, and KYS!

a3d884  No.4295158


Sandwichfag just left to refill his drink.

e17bed  No.4295159


Maybe Doug Band pulled that neato trick where you stuff yourself in a duffel bag, then hack yourself dead

7cab9b  No.4295160

Apparently 19,000 more page and strzok text were found too.

72c220  No.4295161


no table, baker

False flag bomb threat MSP fusion Centre.

fcc756  No.4295162

Even sandwich guy got bored with this not-happening.

bb4934  No.4295163


Awesome meme, thank you.

Loading cannon.

Ready, aim, FIRE!

d8897e  No.4295164

>>4292267 pb

Gowdy - Purple tie

d03843  No.4295165

Hackney = Faggot

ccc605  No.4295166



826b18  No.4295167


>>4294873, >>4294911 Huber at a different trial?

>>4294959, >>4295019 Mass. State Police Fusion Center tracking multiple bomb threats emailed to businesses in the State.

>>4294955 FBI violated policy in Flynn’s case, judge demands all exculpatory evidence.

>>4294855 Planefag: 'AF1' flying away like a bat out of hell again.

>>4294674 Under-fire UNAIDS chief offers to resign in June

>>4294727 Pilot seriously injured after military jet crash off Hawaii

>>4294573 CIA reportedly dove into 'panic mode' as Trump chose Putin over US intelligence.

>>4294555, >>4294564 Syria update.

>>4294521 Oversight of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study on the Clinton Foundation. (JW, live)

a20d26  No.4295168

File: 5d9afb30dba589b⋯.png (35.43 KB, 120x112, 15:14, hmm.PNG)


687f6d  No.4295169

So GHWB derails this thing last week and now Mr. Horton from the IRS has a family death preventing him from coming this week. WTF are the odds of that?

Anyone know Mr/ Horton's first name?

6c83c4  No.4295170

16bc29  No.4295171



Guys!! The sammwich slayer is a plant! to distract us from the actual testimony. a false flagwich

c89ffa  No.4295172

File: c12e5d8422e3279⋯.png (189.38 KB, 495x299, 495:299, a275a1a18606df8acc3c94da01….png)

This faggot loves his sandwich

bc0890  No.4295173

7e9792  No.4295174


Holy fuck, they all appearing just as this starts. Diversions for a real target?

365e68  No.4295175


c8334c  No.4295176

File: dcad77c988c12ac⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 396x385, 36:35, vigpepe.jpg)


Call your families if they are at home without you, anons.

This is the distraction shit that leads to home invasions. Bad guys have seen a bunch of bomb threats lately and are trying to cash in on them.

Fuck the deep state panic narrative and protect your families.

f0e1aa  No.4295177

6b2f6b  No.4295178


Q definitely got a bone to pick with that guy.

d63333  No.4295179

File: 46b077939dd3229⋯.png (314.48 KB, 500x361, 500:361, ClipboardImage.png)



e517f3  No.4295180


IM workfagging…had to pause the feed to deal with those pesky customers….

0450eb  No.4295181



Suicides need to be noted

06fc88  No.4295182



72c220  No.4295183



>no table, baker

>False flag bomb threat MSP fusion Centre.

063fc0  No.4295184

File: 00da482b321673a⋯.jpg (118.03 KB, 1022x565, 1022:565, PepeIsHere.jpg)

d03843  No.4295185

👌👌👌 Hackney 👌👌👌

d54297  No.4295186


If I were closer yes!!!

bc0890  No.4295187


We couldn’t do the heavy lifting he does before breakfast

6713f7  No.4295189

File: b00bbe3e3269c17⋯.jpg (409.04 KB, 490x734, 245:367, WHTS.jpg)

Soooooooo BOOM!, djes?

8e5c81  No.4295190


Both the US and Russia have had interstellar craft for some time. It looks like this one is a later GEN of the Tr3B…nice they're letting it out and soon it will be off the black budget. Right thing to do.

13b1a8  No.4295191


something about his gait…

c8334c  No.4295192



I've seen the hope turn to shit too many times, anon.

36a19e  No.4295193

File: e75be8bb794ff7e⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1224x1236, 102:103, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

2d4224  No.4295194

3a313f  No.4295195


exactly, I wonder if dec 5 wasn't postponed, if huber would've shown up then too

his investigation is STILL ongoing

cfc4da  No.4295196


Where in the video was USA mentioned?

c3bb41  No.4295197

File: 7cd9af889d24d5b⋯.png (87.84 KB, 1024x667, 1024:667, Screenshot-2018-12-13 Abou….png)

File: c5d5d68699fd3a1⋯.png (168.23 KB, 1024x667, 1024:667, Screenshot-2018-12-13 Davi….png)



6c83c4  No.4295198

File: 4cc6dc4835dc1a5⋯.png (38.2 KB, 600x509, 600:509, 88e9433adfa8fa734227e97b36….png)

214af3  No.4295199


prob why Huber is missing. more tools expended by DS. More bait

c89ffa  No.4295200


David Horton, he is the commissioner of the IRS

9e5bbc  No.4295201


If Congress were managing the currency as mandated by the Constitution, it would get up to a lot less mischief and useless bullshit "investigations," after which nothing happens.

9d4620  No.4295202

File: 8ac535e1152a343⋯.png (41.21 KB, 212x160, 53:40, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

Do those little jew hats suck the hair off your head?

214af3  No.4295203

File: 1b8a4eef3244b7d⋯.png (51.92 KB, 648x797, 648:797, stdfhs5reyea4ts5yes4.png)


9fc825  No.4295205

73d818  No.4295206

This dude asking for more money for the irs… for fucking sakes…

9e7530  No.4295207


Interesting shirt for us to watch.

f8fa86  No.4295208


Better than being murdered, I guess.

d03843  No.4295209


that's pretty much what I was thinking

70fc3f  No.4295210

File: c686d1056fae015⋯.png (16.27 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 11bbf445edfaf194234a8744ce….png)


the arrow made me kek

1e1dfd  No.4295211


CF Investigation complete. U1 is not. They are directly linked. Think Mueller. Are we getting enough Q proofs out of this, yet?

6713f7  No.4295212


Surely they checked that non-descript black backpack… right?

In general.

51d046  No.4295213

File: 43f713653654136⋯.jpg (79.54 KB, 639x332, 639:332, Screenshot 2018-12-13_14-4….jpg)

5d9707  No.4295215

File: 9de73898c7b110b⋯.png (267.05 KB, 1723x441, 1723:441, ClipboardImage.png)

Patriot News on YT

Fake as fuck MAGA

80f73c  No.4295216

File: 76c2fa08e92f1ed⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

8ebd07  No.4295218


When was the last time anything important came from a Congressional hearing?

The Hillary Benghazi hearing? nope

The 9/11 hearings where hardcore crimes were exposed? No

You might have to go back to the Reagan years to find something important.

Anons are going so be VERY DISAPPOINTED with this.

1a681b  No.4295219


more bait…..and I took it….again

d63333  No.4295221


I bet you it's tunafish…stinky

8739b1  No.4295222

>>4293876 (lb)


4eded6  No.4295223


He went to the gym.

d4140f  No.4295224

File: ca63cc505dfcf51⋯.png (100.48 KB, 383x300, 383:300, them copy.png)

6802f5  No.4295225


Symbolic of the FALL we all took,

down the third ventricle, to be pushed out as sperm into the world of our mother, to later be born out as US.

06fc88  No.4295226


Oh look, it's "Peter Strzok"

He has such a memorable voice.

54ae50  No.4295227

0b320c  No.4295228


i deserve that. laughing at myself with you. sorry for speaking too quickly.

e17bed  No.4295229


But Braverman recently popped up, to my surprise

6b7bba  No.4295230

Okay back to Fitton

13b1a8  No.4295231

File: 2aaf1087488434c⋯.png (296.7 KB, 347x500, 347:500, 1509660338916.png)

cf55e1  No.4295232


watching also. maybe those folks think if they feign disinterest it will not be picked up by any press.. you know, ignore by example….. "How's that workin for ya?"

51d046  No.4295233

File: c5be2e105036c4e⋯.jpg (76.5 KB, 645x415, 129:83, Screenshot 2018-12-13_14-4….jpg)

07d7ef  No.4295234


its a Qnia? looks like Trump hair

6713f7  No.4295235


Reverse the order of operations.

Jews are notorious for bald spots.

Jew Beanie cover explicitly bald spots.

After that, you move to the full brim hat and let your Jew Curls hang.

2d4224  No.4295236


cannot have anyone hearing about the Clinton Foundation corruption

b9c09f  No.4295238


Convenient timing

dcdb59  No.4295239


What did Europe say about the axis powers before, DURING and even after the war?

Oh they're not really doing what they're doing!

This dude is sounding the trumpet in the land of the deaf

5c7e31  No.4295240


It's actually kind of tragically comical that [they] try to play to emotions like that.

I guess it's a good thing though, because the act of [them] doing that (the psychological warfare specifically), only hardens my resolve to fight [them] tooth and nail here.

e933ed  No.4295241


Don't you just love the way they pontificate and narrate their own questions like the world shives a get. My family hone's their sarcasm on twit's like Chris and the rest of the globalists on these stations.

eb8ed7  No.4295242



>Right on cue


1a681b  No.4295243

Ummm….where's the bombshells, fox news promised me?

36a19e  No.4295244




6b2f6b  No.4295245


Pepe don't give a fuck.

d03843  No.4295246

Hackney = Political Hack

6ae94b  No.4295247

ummmm this doesn't look too good, sorry, don't flame me bro

a0283a  No.4295248

File: 69d8e2be06ea03a⋯.png (292.61 KB, 531x592, 531:592, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

Professor - worked at office of the chief counsel - tax abuse sector…

private firm - acct irregularities

oversight of NP orgs

there's a real crisis in non-profit oversight - not enough $$$


how the IRS was gutted: the IRS has fewer than 10k auditors - 1953 was last time it had that #

200 auditors are looking into fraud

non-rpofit world got bigger 3 trillion assets 5% of gdp 0ver a gorillion orgs

it is important to have good oversight within this group - America deserves it

the law should be their to stop these orgs from acting in their own self interests

if this is going to be a tit for tat - it ain't gonna help us - I'd like to these nonprofs working better

we need more $$$ for oversight

880ffb  No.4295249

What is the point of this Hackney guy?

b365a4  No.4295251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4292622 (pb)

Samsung Knox is a security software product. The FBI bought it to capture comms for legal and adminsitrative reasons like evidence, case work and criminals, spies and traitors within. It means the FBI should have all the comms from FBI all devices used in the commission of the conspiracy against our duly elected POTUS.

ce4aa4  No.4295252


"sent electronically"

Watch it turn out to be a SCAM email…..

94e6ff  No.4295253


Yup congressional hearings are dog n pony shows. Congress is feckless and impotent.

6c83c4  No.4295254


We'll give you the highlights later.

Go provide for your fam.

27dac1  No.4295255

File: e82f41faf163db5⋯.png (593.18 KB, 1075x1811, 1075:1811, ClipboardImage.png)

f0e1aa  No.4295256


I'm more interested in Loretta's testimony.

Anyone know when that is?

214af3  No.4295257

File: e1aebe5769a1dd9⋯.png (312.68 KB, 588x446, 294:223, ClipboardImage.png)

sky is falling?

14c375  No.4295258

File: 4f6afb87b776010⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1895x1070, 379:214, ClipboardImage.png)

What's with all the empty seats???

32c87f  No.4295259

File: 3bb4f50d5580fee⋯.png (421.73 KB, 800x416, 25:13, clintonevidence.png)


No they didn't kill him

He's in Gitmo getting getting to experience "death" out-of-body experiences , more than once;

Such as he deserves.


Perfect timing.

2d4224  No.4295260


this guy is a moron

8ebd07  No.4295261


That's exactly right.

Almost all of the juicy stuff that has come out in hearings over the years never comes out to the mainstream.

Absolutely ZERO is done.

People need to REALIZE this.

c3bb41  No.4295262

Is the guy eating the sandwich suppose to make a scene in there? like i dont know a bomb threat!!!!

a bag

abnormal fashion

skin color

typical suicide bomber

c2cfc1  No.4295263

File: 001ff1060469027⋯.png (432.37 KB, 799x607, 799:607, ClipboardImage.png)

Gee I wonder why this is happening today..


32c87f  No.4295264

File: d8c560b39a66f5f⋯.mp4 (8.57 MB, 320x256, 5:4, Bush Knocked down the Twin….mp4)


No they didn't kill him

He in Gitmo getting getting to experience "death" out-of-body experiences , more than once;

Such as he deserves.

0450eb  No.4295265


Fuck this guy

ddd19d  No.4295266

I'm amazed their aren't any psychotic protesting nutcases to make a scene.

8e5c81  No.4295267


He's doing it already….see where it says BIG EUROPEAN CITY…rather than big FRENCH CITY?

6802f5  No.4295269

File: 35276287a64024c⋯.jpg (13.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, unlearn.jpg)


The priests doing the ritual sacrifice at the top and eating the ambrosia of the sacrifices- brains, eyes, hearts, are an echo of the brain cells getting high off of the DMT release in the brain when brain cells are sacrificed at the alter of the throne, the third ventricle in the diencephalon during orgasm, aka le petit mort,

The 'Fall'.

27dac1  No.4295270


Any IRS fanboi is an enemy of the people

397758  No.4295271



LOL, desperation

c8334c  No.4295272

File: 706cf4020f6b8ab⋯.jpg (124.57 KB, 536x640, 67:80, allwehadtodo.jpg)


>Im curious why its a quick jump to “boys club”. There are femanons/bakers too.

>This always pulling the sex card is boring just like the race card.

Unless we see her tits, there are no women on the internet.

That femanon hasn't figured that out yet.

089504  No.4295273


Go home shill

80f73c  No.4295274


Media blackout as per their playbook, anon. Par for the course.

bb4934  No.4295275

Who is mica brazenkies dad?

And she Q uestions Pompeo's Patriotism?

365e68  No.4295276


Two technicians die at U.S. research station in Antarctica


FILE PHOTO: General view of McMurdo Station operated by the United States on Antarctica. Picture taken January 1 2000./File Photo

(This Dec. 12 story has been refiled to correct temperature conversion in last paragraph.)

(Reuters) - Two technicians performing maintenance at a U.S. research station in Antarctica died on Wednesday while working on a building that houses a generator for a nearby radio transmitter, the National Science Foundation (NSF) said.

The pair, both employed as subcontractors at the NSF-managed McMurdo Station in Antarctica, were found unconscious on the floor of the building after a helicopter pilot flying over the area saw what appeared to be smoke coming from the structure and landed to investigate.

2d4224  No.4295277


these worms need to be arrested

f8fa86  No.4295278


Still, the question remains. POTUS signalled that Huber was going to drop bombs at this hearing, then Huber was kept from the hearing. Because the hearing isn't action; it's a dog and pony show. Huber is doing something that will get results; that's his job. Dog and pony shows aren't. I wonder if Huber ever even went to DC this week.

9d4620  No.4295279


Plausable deniability?

9d22fd  No.4295280


It’s antisemetic. Better ban it.

c89ffa  No.4295281

File: eeaaea8180e51ca⋯.jpg (82.63 KB, 805x499, 805:499, 2owpfa.jpg)

6713f7  No.4295282



7cf0c3  No.4295283

This is so amazing, listening to Mr. Fitton!

Lord, I am so undeservedly blessed to witness this day!

Q -

Mr. Trump -

QArmy -

Anons -

thank you all from the bottom of my heart to let that day happen!

May the Lord bless every breath you take.

Thank you thank you thank you from Germany


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0_pd2HYs_A

1a681b  No.4295284


Hey guise…don't worry the IRS will fucking save us!

39a035  No.4295285

File: 2923e61dbaf782d⋯.jpg (72.08 KB, 1053x515, 1053:515, MSJU-2018.12.13.jpg)

Mount Saint Joseph University, Cincinnati Bomb Threat

UPDATE: As of 2:32pm, police have concluded their search and determined that no threat is present. Campus is now re-opened.

27dac1  No.4295286


>What's with all the empty seats???

It's about the Clintons.

Similar to speaking tour.

c6a6f4  No.4295287


Too risky being in that room with sammich guy

7e9792  No.4295288


Seriously… could this be anymore obvious. Wow…

bf9bd9  No.4295289


FBI evidence farming day

9e5bbc  No.4295290


Agree there have been no significant Booms. A Boom is not merely an info drop about something we've known for years in many cases, or the termination of an obviously corrupt govt agent. A Boom must be an actual, unmistakeable loud event.

826b18  No.4295291

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

Dubz Edition

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