[–]▶ 24d452 (1) No.3979794>>4828195 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
>The universal sentiment of the Freemasons of the present day is to confer upon Solomon, the King of Israel, the honor of being their first Grand Master. But the legend of the Craft had long before, though there was a tradition of the Temple in existence, given, at least by suggestion, that title to Nimrod, the King of Babylonia and Assyria. It had credited the first organization of the fraternity of craftsmen to him, in saying that he gave a charge to the workmen whom he sent to assist the King of Nineveh in building his cities.
>That is to say, he framed for them a Constitution, and, in the words of the legend, this was the first time that ever Masons had any charge of his science. It was the first time that the Craft was organized into a fraternity working under a Constitution of body of laws. As Nimrod was the autocratic maker of these laws, it necessarily resulted that their first legislator, creating laws with his unlimited and absolute governing power, was also their first Grand Master.
We're going back, way back, to where this all began. Join us as we trace from the beginning to today, and identify the symbols throughout the ages and how they show the rise and fall of nations time and time again.
This time we discuss the "NEW WORLD" Order, not to be totally confused with the "New World Order". There's something pretty important being hidden about the New World. It just doesn't add up.
Some questions to ponder, add your own:
1) Vikings are now acknowledged to have discovered North America. They called it Vinland. They had colonies there for generations. Official narrative blames local Climate Change for their disappearance. DID YOU KNOW: The Vatican had an officialy Bishop in Vinland in 1121. Think about this. When did we discover America?
2) Ok, look at DNA Haplogroups. You can CLEARLY see that most Natives came from the same Haplogroup that lives in Siberia. This bolsters the "Siberian Indian Americans" theory! Except, perhaps it could bolster a different hypothesis: Tartaria owned North America. Discuss anomolies from Native American lore, tie it into the symboism of the world.
3) Did the so called Conquistadors 'conquer' New Tartaria? Look up the original Mexico City. It was as glorious as Venice. Somehow, it was destroyed and turned back into a lake. Why? What a horrible loss to archeology.. Perhaps they couldn't cover up this destruction as well as they did the others? Perhaps a few buildings got left standing and still hide amongst us today?
4) Does the Louisiana Purchase still subtly affect politics today? Some argue that the whole deal was illegal since Napolean didn't really own the territory to sell it. He basically stole it from the Spanish, which once got it from the French. Why was the Louisiana tract so darn big to begin with? What was actually going on "in there" before it was bought by the USA? Could Spain or France claim it back?
5) This is about where the sordid history of Haiti starts. Knowing Haiti today requires knowing it then. What's the most 'ancient' facts we can find about this place? Why was it so important then? Why today? Is there a continuance between then and now?
5) Could this connect with the Civil War? Was it an attempt for monarchies to be installed in America, under the excuse that half of America was a stolen monarchy to begin with. The rest of America gets conquered by the Kingdom of America, afterall the American government is that of rebels and revolutionaries, not valid for this world. Why did Russia help the North against the South's help of England and France?
And many other questions! The above hopefully inspired some thought.
The purpose of this thread is not just to answer these in isolation, but to show connections that tie it ALL TOGETHER.
If you can, please provide exact dates as much as possible as it would be cool to eventually compile a Chronology of this timeline.
Formerly Nimrod World Order
Archived: http://archive.is/NyPBc
Formerly Nordic World Order
Archived: http://archive.is/mob16
▶ 133430 (2) No.3981573>>4241161
2 oldest standing structures in Mexico are pyramids dedicated to sun and moon, no?
Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan
Pyramid of the Moon, Teotihuacan
▶ 6eb7e0 (1) No.3989061>>4685959
1. We only recently learned that the Vikings colonized North America, and are told the rest of the world never knew of it till 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Except, the Vatican had an official Bishop of Vinland in 1121AD. What? Apparently he eventually left the Church to go live amongst the natives!
2. If you believe mainstream chronology (more on this later) then you know that Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the world in the 2nd Century BC. If he was that good at math, it's pretty obvious to look at their modern map and realise that the Mediterranean is a small sliver of the Earth's surface!
3. Surely, a seafaring culture might be tempted to explore? The Phoenicians ruled the seven seas for a thousand years, the traded trinkets to humans, royal purple eye to bronze alloy. But, where did they get the tin they needed to make bronze with?
4. Several "ancient" tin mines were discovered near Lake Michigan.
5. Very few cultures sailed beyond the Pillars of Hercules. Iberia is Ancient Spain, was conquered by the Carthaginians (who were the Phoenicians). On the south west region, a mysterious place called Tartesso existed, a trading culture way richer than it should be. Could this have been the Phoenicians launching port to the America's?
6. The Muslims conquered Spain early in their history, and held on to it for hundreds of years. After the crusades finally weakened their empire, the Vatican finally endorsed a Christian invasion which occurred in many phases. Spain was finally fully "liberated" when they finally conquered the south. Guess the year! 1492. What did they find there?
7. Christopher Columbus was in Spain for years trying to get funding for an expedition to India. His brother Bartholomew was in England trying the same. Suddenly, Spain agrees to fund him. Did the Spanish Catholic monarchs recently learn (from the newly conquered South) that there was vast and bountiful lands out there, and thus let Columbus go find the other side of "India" all the sudden, even though they turned him down for years prior?
8. John Cabot was some failed merchant from Venice with limited experience in navigation. Yet King Henry VII (7) gave him letters patent to claim lands to the West for England. Cabot plopped an English AND Venician flag in North America in 1497. By the way, say Venician again. Now say Phoenician. Did Henry choose Cabot because he was relatively obscure and he wanted to explore without much noise?
9. The "official" rule was if you claim a new land, it extends to the entire connected land mass. At this point, Columbus only actually discovered the Carribean. SCANDAL! Did England just Trump Spain? Does England jointly own the America's with Venice?
10. Not on my watch! Says Spain with its unrivaled navy, backed and endorsed by the Holy See. The Pope splits up the new world between Spain and Portugal, England is not impressed. Henry the VII tried to stop the political marriage of Catherine to his son who would become Henry VIII (8). Yes, that one. History books tell us she couldn't produce a male heir which led to Anne Boleyn and the Church of England breaking from the Vatican. How romantic. What bullshit. Perhaps he had his male babies killed so that Spain wouldn't have an heir on the throne? The Schism with the Pope was because he wasn't being allowed to explore the new world.
11. It's around here, in 1534 that the Jesuits form as a Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation.
12. Queen Mary was Catherine's child, thus tried to restore Catholic rule and relations with Spain. Of course, English loyalists who knew what was at stake had to get Elizabeth, Anne Boleyns child, on the throne. The Spanish tried to assassinate her many times throughout her life to no avail. In 1558 Elizabeth finally wrestled the Church from the papacy forever.
13. In 1559 she revived and expanded the navy. Before this she endorsed "Pirates" like Sir Francis Drake to rob Spanish ships full of new world gold, and also explore (he made it all the way to California). At last England could freely explore without needing the Pope to approve, but Spain still ruled the seas and had developed a huge stake in South America.
14. By the way, look up exploration missions of this era. Notice how England stops exploring for a HUNDRED YEARS?! Now you know why.
15. England had a claim to North America, but to secure it they needed to earn it. They had to defeat the Spanish at sea. The circumstances of how she sunk the Spanish Armada is curious. The seasoned and skilled Spanish commander randomly died and is succeeded by some amature. Bad weather fucks them over. Elizabeth DECIMATES the fleet and barely looses a ship. I suspect some epic revenge spying and sabatoge happened. Now England ruled the ocean, and soon after the East India Trading Company is born. Go look up their flag.
▶ 52fd6d (5) No.4003149>>4003191 >>4011529
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
VIDEO: The tragic (yet often beautiful) story of Osiris, Isis and Set
Set=Planet X
NOTE: Please reference Saturn and "polar configuration theory" posts in previous thread (V2) to understand what this is about.
▶ 52fd6d (5) No.4003191>>4003204 >>4011132
E pluribus unum
>"Out of many, one"
>13 pieces of Osiris
>13 colonies in the new world
(((Freedom is the best choice)))
▶ 059f59 (1) No.4005608>>4015245 >>4296713 >>4307479
Couldn't figure out the best place for flat earth discussion so hear will do because flat earth is a major part of this satanic deception.
If you've been following qanons breadcrumbs for flat earth this guy has a flat earth model consistent with the breadcrumbs/book of Enoch/Bible descriptions and observable reality - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIhBO2DTHgQcW033kebPnpyWfmlPtgdVy
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4011132>>4357616
Hey thanks for posting! Great images please post more.
I've been deeply reading Fomenko lately.
This might blow your mind, but it's actually possible that the "ancient" Egyptians weren't ancient and still thriving up unto the age of discovery.
There is a famous temple in Egypt that has a horoscope depicted therein. When you calculate the alignment it is reflecting, the best fit is from the 1400s AD!
I've been intrigued at how many Phoenician relics look downright Egyptian…. Perhaps they actually WERE the Egyptians afterall. Perhaps they didn't disappear at all. John Cabot was a Venician/Phoenician/Egyptian who claimed North America.
Now you know why USA embraces Egyptian symbols, it was claimed by them.
▶ 376898 (1) No.4011529>>4021119 >>4307479 >>4357616 >>4706505 >>4707281 >>5021235
So, just want to state my presence now that we got the new thread… I'm an OG Saturn Anon, but I kind of showed up late in last bread.. but I've been posted up mentally on this concept for awhile now… I recently came across what feels like a breakthrough in understanding this polar configuration!! I think it's important to keep the current ideas in the discussion, but I'm trying to explore other angles, so to say…
I gotta work on some parts of the visual presentation to better express what may have happened, but I'm really excited to say that I have some pretty good supporting evidence to add to the work of many brilliant minds who have already contributed major pieces!!
I've been a huge fan of the Polar configuration in that it seems to present a logical explanation for the symbols and archetypes.., however the one thing that I've been struggling to find is any evidence of this happening elsewhere in space… While I realize that we are still in the early stages of planetary discovery, I still think that observation will play a critical role in a logical explanation… If we had a polar configuration scenario here within our solar system, then it has to be happening somewhere else in space for us to observe… Here's the best part :) We don't even have to travel outside of our solar system!!
What if I told you that the same celestial mechanics that allowed for a "polar configuration" with Saturn can be observed right here from Earth?? You don't even need a telescope!! Now.., I'm going to work on my presentation, but I want to leave you all with the clue that was my Eureka moment :)
Why does only one side of the moon face Earth??
How rare is this phenomena, just within our solar system??
How may this apply to some of the features on Mars??
What stands out in respect to Mars' magnetic field??
How does that correlate in regards to terrain??
Cross reference features from Mars (North/South) with features from the moon (Near/Far-sides)…
What is a "Right-Hand Rule"??
Apply [current]..
What is a "New Spin"??
I'll be contributing more to the general conversation in the weeks to come ;)
Peace and Love, everyone!!
▶ 800a82 (6) No.4015245
The deception is that hell exists. There is no "below" on a sphere. Hell is a mind space in the now. Hell is alienation from goodness, truth, and beauty.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4021119>>4703846
One of my main objections to the PC is that it seems so absurd that such an event happened within living human memory.
But lately I'm beginning to question our collective memory.
Why was history fabricated in the middle ages? We have literally not a single writing from before then. Absolute earliest is allegedly 800ad. Stone is nice but etchings can't be dated.
Thunderbolts goes on at length about cave art depicting the PC. I think some cave art is fake, but those that are real are far more recent than claimed. Go ahead, go PAINT on rock and come back 10,000 years later. The best painters of the renaissance, using the best materials, suffer from their works deteriorating.
So, let's argue that the PC happened. About 2000 years ago. Most of the world would be ruined. Humanity would have to live underground during the intersolar transfer (giant cave cities exist). They would write their depictions of the PC for future generations to remember.
The mythos of it would be remembered silently in pharaoh crowns. Those who know for certain this happened long for a day to return to Saturn at all costs. Maybe the Climate Change hoax is a convert means of funding technology that could sustain our atmosphere during a realignment back to saturn?
After almost 1000 years of waiting for rescue, and forgetting why they needed rescue, humanity suddenly realized it had no idea what history was, and set off to create a reasonable chronology.
This chronology is almost certainly a fraud. Now you know why.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4072623
We're going back, way back, to where this all began. Join us as we trace from the beginning to today, and identify the symbols throughout the ages and how they show the rise and fall of nations time and time again.
Diggers got Dig. Get in here!
Shills, Flat Earth Fags, please fuck off
Part 3 Version 1
>>2710856, >>2711453, >>2953600 - Book READ The Curse of Canaan - By Eustace Mullins
>>2003005, >>2011231 - Astarte (goddess worship) and feminist movement?
>>2481406 - 8:40mins - Germanic Barbarians Phoenician link to Germanic tribes and Vikings. Strong Link
>>2684194 - Phoenician / Canaan DNA dig. They "Rule over the multicultural blob"
>>2622953, >>2690765 - Alternative history Mormons. David and Solomon Pharaohs (Hyksos occupation of Egypt, Seqenenre story, Orsirus, Hiram, Jesus, Etc…?)
>>2481694 - Video Saturn could have been sun at some point in the past. The primEVIL sun. The Bull of heaven.
>>2481406 - Video Saturn the Sun. Pagan connection to holidays to Saturn. Sunday is Saturn-day. according to video. Romans and Israelis claim to be from Saturn or children of Saturn. Child sacrifice to Saturn or and El or Moloch.
MOAR SATURN, >>2482007, >>2482219, >>2482336, The cosmic wheel could be Saturn., >>2482524, Barry Knows, >>2483037, from ancient knowledge to modern popular culture.
VIDEO - From Video Holy Mountain (1973), >>2483319
VIDEO - , >>2483393, >>2483437, >>2483458, Symbols of alien sky. MOAR Saturn discussion. Long Videos TLDW
>>2484006 - Interesting connection to different light wavelengths from lights from Saturn sun.
>>2484254 - Jupiter link
>>2484361 - Saturn vs. Jupiter
>>2492331 - Saturn theory in response to Anon.
>>2496597 - Saturn related to Phoenicians and sacrifices to Moloch
>>2483501 - Apron dig
>>2490455 - Anon claim it's Sirius not Saturn
>>2490640 - Moar Sirius
>>2490687 - Sirius linked to human trafficking - no sauce :(
>>2490498 - Focus more on esoteric suggests an anon.
>>2907602, >>2910975 - Hermetic Principles
>>2954276 - Sophia. The original knowledge or wisdom?
>>2491459 - Weaving Spiders dig - related to NWO.
>>2491652 - Ancient Aratta-Ukraine [oldest civilization?] - Alien? Cone shaped head
>>2493191 - Response to Giant question, Electric Universe, Sirius.
>>2592427 - An anon trys to summarize., >>2593288
>>2661998, >>2666691 - Baphomet digs, VIDEO
>>2592594, >>2668767, >>2668767 - Why so much war / destruction in Middle East?
>>2640552 - Video Problems with Religion. Stories
>>3030525 - Audio book. Irish Wisdom… Related to Phoenicia?
>>3684734, >>3684739 - It's all Goddess worship silly.
▶ 3cfb41 (1) No.4085309
Is Narnia based upon somewhere real?
Does this place have symbology here there and everywhere?
Stone owls, inveted pentagrams, Mr. Tumnus's
Wooden carvings of Royal Symbols and an erect unicorn penis.
Who is Roger Cashmore?
Does he have any important ties to CERN?
Where was he fired from?
Does the Hellfire club still exist?
Has it been rebranded as the Phoenix?
Is it a coincidence that the colors of the 'Lima' flag are the same as those of the place where it now exists?
The more you know = NBC
What is an anagram of NBC?
Brasenose College.
Do you believe in coincidences?
▶ e1ab22 (1) No.4129278>>4373605
Big connections here
>So I lied to you. The Phoenicians don't really exist. It was a name given to them by their competitors in Greece. The name essentially means "Purple" and it was given to them because of their monopoly of purple dye. The official story is that they started in Phoenicia, which wasn't actually a nation just a collective of city-states and wasn't really called Phoenicia either. They then spread to Carthage (modern day Tunisia), and expanded into Iberia (ancient Spain). And then Rome crushed them in the third Punic war and raised them to the ground and the world hasn't seen them since. Ha ha ha! Alternative ideas is that they started in Ireland, went to Sumer and started "civilisation", expanded to Canaan, expanded to Egypt, destroyed the world with the Bronze Age Collapse, ruled the Mediterranean seas, built mines all over the world, expanded to Carthage, expanded to Spain, probably were the Goths that eventually destroyed Rome (ahh! You thought you won, silly Romans?), founded Venice, were the Templars, are the Freemasons, built the Spanish Armada, "discovered" America, sunk their own Armada and started the East India Trading Company, sparked the American Revolution, the French Revolution, sunk the Titanic and were behind all world wars. These people are not linked by race, but by ideology and symbols, and I hope you'll join me tracing their symbols back to the beginning and up to the present.
>The Phoenicians didn't exist. They were the Canaanites.
Side note: I thought the freemasonry myth is that Hiram from Tyre, Phoenician, lead engineer and constructed for the temple. He was then murdered, so the story goes but more of analogy for keeping secrets.
<Why do they leave their symbols? EGO?
Connections to the Phoenix.
Connection to Atlantis?
▶ 9407d4 (1) No.4129744>>4278428
"POPPY" BUSH 41 #McCAINED! 🗽JUBILEE!! #Good4Hymn! Patriots Alliance Timing. Q
Indeed, Military Justice is being SERVED!!
Live shoot: Godfather movie funeral??🔫🎥 👍
NAZI FUNERAL ¿FISA DECLAS? Would not be surprised at All if the MARINES showed up to Show their "RESPECTS" 🔫#44GITMO #ClubGITMO🌴
▶ 4456db (2) No.4151830
This man is very knowledgeable,travels throughout europe pointing out the symbology. Stated the royals//masons/Jesuits all come from phaironic line, then swiss Templars, who were nazis, who still run the world.
Check it out:
He also does daily videos as he travels on his other yt channel, "central intelligence agency".
He's fascinating and very interesting.
▶ 4456db (2) No.4151894
4151830 cont from last post: correction: video posted is from his "central intelligence agency" yt channel. Other channels he has are "giureh" and "chatzefratz"… this guy is a wealth of info..
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4184378>>4197455
▶ 554d3d (1) No.4184896>>4190078
Was looking into Tartary as a curiosity. Until the flag came up. The flag of the country having an owl on it.
▶ 15467a (1) No.4190078
I have been on that site for the past couple of days and it offers much insight for an alternative perspective on history much of which seems extremely plausible to have occurred.
Something I have noticed that St. George slaying the dragon could in fact be a griffin.
Griffin = Half Eagle/Half Lion, Eagle rules the sky and Lion rules the land; symbol of Tartaria
It could also be the case that the half-man/half lion "sphinx" in Egypt is really a griffin. And (((they))) altered the sphinx to fit (((their))) narrative.
So we really know who built the pyramids/sphinx now.
As for the owl it is nocturnal bird that can "see in darkness"
JK Rowling Harry Potter series' includes the main character joining Gryffindor and an owl for a pet. The main villain Lord Voldemort is spoken of as (((he who must not be named))).
Sound familiar or just another coincidence?
She also studied the classics.
Slightly off topic but the Pugachev Rebellion 1773-1775 occurring during the time of our American Revolution 1765-1783 is also a strong indication of what was happening around the world.
At the time of Pugachev's execution he was 33. (((Coincidence)))
Also, Q Post 566 states: Make sure to learn Russian. This could be one meaning.
I hope fellow anons will be able to help sort this out.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4197455>>4200049 >>4202353
Has anyone read this yet? If you've read this and it DOESN'T blow your mind, read it again.
Fomenko does this repeatedly. Showing how chronological reigns of kings literally match the same sequence and lengths of rules in other kingdoms later on.
Biblical Kings = Roman Kings = Byzantine Kings
What does that mean?
It means Rome never actually happened. It was a fiction, a phantom past, a reflection of Byzantine history replicated backwards through time. Not once, but many times!
Perhaps in those days, local rulers wanted to have a nice legacy to claim power from so they just copy/pasted from a rich history elsewhere. No one was smart enough to notice or care. The rulers didn't care about plagiarising, they only cared about their little chunk of the world and not about what people in 2018 would think about it.
When the enlightenment happened, all these smart idiots got confused and didn't notice that they were basically the same stories, slightly modified, over and over again. They just made a joke that "History repeats itself".
What does this have to do with Q?
Think about it.
If the Roman pagans.. the dastardly Phoenicians… weren't from 400BC but actually from 1200AD (give or take)……….
That means those ancient cults weren't ancient at all.
And it makes the claims of Freemasonry make a LOT more sense.
▶ c8ab7c (1) No.4200049>>4200551
Very Interdesting…
for audiobook
Not the best voice to listen to but I ain't got time to read all that!
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4200551>>4202607
Yeah I started with this, and it was ok. Thing is, you really do need to focus when reading it. I have it on my phone and I'm abour 350 pages into it now. Things REALLY get good finally about 300 pages in.
The reason being is that Fomenko is a SERIOUS researcher. He's not a blogger. He's not a sensationalist. He's a legit academic and spends a LONG time outlining his methodology. I skipped over a lot of that.
Here's a few bookmarks from the pdf you might want to check out though, note I'm using the text page numbers not the pdfs:
Page 95: Shows how the eclipses in ancient historical texts match PERFECTLY to the conditions only in the 1200's, which means these "ancient" battles were medieval!!
Page 135: Revelations was written in 1486AD based on Astrological Zodiac precise matching.
Page 167: talks about how the books of the Prophets in the Bible actually reference the Revelation and must precede it and not predate it! WHAT-THE-FUCK
Page 238: Reviews a few ancient maps and shows that it's absurd to think these are ancient. We basically don't have maps older than 1200
Page 294: The good stuff, actual comparisons of timelines and where the replications happen.
This is about where I am so far. Just looking at this index is exciting as it shows what I'm about to read:
6. The general layout of duplicates in
the textbook by Scaliger-Petavius”.
The discovery of the three basic chronological shifts 320
7. The Scaligerian textbook of the ancient history glued together
four duplicates of the short original chronicle 321
8. The list of phantom “ancient” events which are phantom duplicates,
or reflections of the mediaeval originals 323
9. Identification of the “ancient” Biblical history with the mediaeval
European history 328
10. Our hypothesis: history as described in surviving chronicles only begins
in ca. the X century a.d. We know nothing of the events that took place
before the X century a.d. 333
11. Authentic history only begins in XVII century a.d.
The history of the XI-XVI century is largely distorted.
Many dates of the XI-XVI century require correction 334
12. The radical distinction of our chronological concept from the version
of N. A. Morozov 334
13. The hypothesis about the cause of the fallacious chronological
shifts in the creation of the history of antiquity 336
13.1. Chronological shift of a thousand years as the consequence
of the fallacious dating of Jesus Christ s life
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4200583
Think about what this means, if all history is BULLSHIT until 1500…..
When did we discover the New World?
▶ a72737 (1) No.4202353>>4203062
>And it makes the claims of Freemasonry make a LOT more sense.
newfag here, could you expand on these claims a bit for me?
▶ dd1ef9 (1) No.4202607>>4202915
Complete nonsense. Utter nonsense. Hilarious nonsense. Did I mention that this is nonsense? Who would fall for this?
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4202915
You likely are just coming across this theory for the first time, haven't read a single one of his proofs, and are just shocked at the idea.
I was too.
Then I read it.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4203062
Well their order claims to go way back to the building of Solomons Temple and even back to the building of the Pyramids. I never took such a thing seriously because that would mean they kept intact as a coherent secret society for 3000-5000 or way more years.
But if those events happened in the past 500-1000 years, sure. Makes sense.
The Freemasons and the Jesuits are likely the ones perpetrated the fake history.
https://ancientmistery.weebly.com/history-is-fake.html (this website seems to be a good intro to this whole rabbit hole)
I don't think the fake history was done ON PURPOSE. But it was conveniently exploited. Any real histories of the ages prior were burned as heretical in the great book burning of the middle ages.
The Catholic Church would keep a copy however, they're all in the Vatican Secret Archives.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4241161
>Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan
The Pyramid of the Sun is the largest building in Teotihuacan, believed to have been constructed about 200 CE,[6] and one of the largest in Mesoamerica.
So you're telling me these SAVAGES built a monument almost as impressive as the Great Pyramid, and it was in 200CE?
Yet the Great Pyramid was made in 2600BCE? Or some think that was just a repair job, and it was built much much earlier?
………Or was it much much more recent? Could these folks and the Egyptians and all the other similar world wide monuments be from a civilisation that flourished about the same time?
▶ ac69e9 (3) No.4273724>>4273743 >>4275948
Minoan Civilization possible revalance
▶ 800a82 (6) No.4278411
The book consists of three essays and is an extension of Freud’s work on psychoanalytic theory as a means of generating hypotheses about historical events. Freud hypothesizes that Moses was not Hebrew, but actually born into Ancient Egyptian nobility and was probably a follower of Akhenaten, an ancient Egyptian monotheist. The biblical story of Moses is contradicted by Freud, who retells the events, claiming that Moses led only his close followers into freedom (during an unstable period in Egyptian history after Akhenaten's death ca. 1350 BCE), that they subsequently killed Moses in rebellion, and still later joined with another monotheistic tribe in Midian who worshipped a volcano god they called Yahweh. Freud supposed that the god of Moses was fused with Yahweh, and that the deeds of Moses were ascribed[vague] to a Midianite priest also called Moses.[vague][1] Freud explains that centuries after the murder of the Egyptian Moses, the rebels regretted their action, thus forming the concept of the Messiah as a hope for the return of Moses as the Saviour of the Israelites. Freud said that the guilt from the murder of Moses is inherited through the generations; this guilt then drives the Jews to religion to make them feel better.
Publication history
Moses and Monotheism was first published in 1939. It appeared in English translation the same year.
The mythologist Joseph Campbell wrote that Freud's suggestion that Moses was an Egyptian "delivered a shock to many of his admirers". According to Campbell, Freud's proposal was widely attacked, "both with learning and without." Campbell himself refrained from passing judgment on Freud's views about Moses, although he considered Freud's willingness to publish his work despite its potential offensiveness "noble".[2] The theologian Rowan Williams concluded that Freud's accounts of the origin of Judaism are "painfully absurd", and that Freud's explanations are not scientific but rather "imaginative frameworks".[3]
The philosopher Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen and the psychologist Sonu Shamdasani write that in Moses and Monotheism Freud applied to history "the same method of interpretation that he used in the privacy of his office to 'reconstruct' his patients' forgotten and repressed memories."[4]
▶ 800a82 (6) No.4278428
▶ 800a82 (6) No.4289661>>4292407
Mind Blown.
Learn Russian.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4292407>>4294547
Big page, can you highlight what blew your mind?
▶ dc6dc6 (1) No.4293560
Anyone seeing these schools on lock down?
First indiana , suspect dead no details.
Second columbine high school colorado!
Suspiciois person reported!
deep state clock work!
▶ 800a82 (6) No.4294547>>4296014
A friend tipped me off to Freud's book Moses and Monotheism. I looked it up the wiki which was interesting and followed some of the links there. Also the "see also" links which lead to:
Joseph and His Brothers
Moses The Egyptian by Jan Assmann
All were interesting in their own right
That rabbit hole got me here. There are some interesting things in his background but some of his ideas in his books about the lost and rewritten story of humanity and a 3rd testament yet to be written. It's hard to highlight specifics. It's only of those whole is greater than the parts topics.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4296014>>4299140
I feel like I caught a wavelength just now.
As I keep reading Fomenko, who boldly states that "Jesus" existed in 1100AD, and the Crusades were launched in retaliation for his death.
Why? Well, because if that's the case then who the hell are the Popes that are contemporary with this so called Jesus? Aren't the Popes supposed to be the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth?!
But then I think about the strange disconnect of symbolism in the ROMAN Catholic Church. So many strange symbols that don't seem biblical at all.
Then I think about the strange fact that in the olden days they actually used to call Cairo.. wait for it… BABYLON… That's right, not in Assyria, but Egypt.
So what could have happened? Let's just give Fomenko the benefit of the doubt for a second and see if this actually adds up.
Now, remember that Christ means Anointed One, so Jesus being a Christ doesn't mean the Popes are the Vicar of JESUS. At least back then.
So, what religion were the Popes ruling, and still perhaps do to this day? Could it be… Babylonian? Could it be… 'ancient' Egyptian? Were the Popes essentially Vicars for the Egyptian Religion, likely Osiris? Whoa.
Well, what the fuck then?
So, the reason Fomenko thinks this has to be the case is because he's DISCOVERED, and let me tell you it's actually VERY HARD to dispute him on this, that History has replicated itself "literally" pastwards several times. The patriarch Kings and Judges of the Old Testament chronicle parallel exactly to the dynasties that are recorded in the XI to XVI centuries. If that's true, and it honestly PROBABLY IS TRUE, then that means the Old Testament would have HAD to be a late invention, less than a thousand years, and much less probably.
So how does the Vatican go from worshipping Egyptian gods to worshipping the Jewish Christ instead?
What happened in the 1500's?
What happened in the 1500's?
Rebirth (Renaissance)
What happened in the 1500's?
Somehow, either by accident or on purpose (likely ON PURPOSE), the Bible was compiled into one book and was confused for history. This lead to people like Martin Luther thinking, "Dude, WTF? You guys aint biblical at all!".. and of course, they weren't and never were!
But as this weird book called the Bible got translated into more languages, the Vatican had no choice but to pretend it's the true religion of that book, and slyly adopted it wholesale.
Hence the mass book burning of heretical literature. Were they burning all the Egyptian heresies?
Hence the inquisitions. Were the burning all the people who were smart enough to know the fraud they were perpetuating?
This means that the ancient cults aren't ancient, in fact very recent, and are still very active. It explains why the Vatican is a front for a secret evil cult. They never gave up their old ways, just publicly masked it in Christianity.
They did such a good job at this, you probably think I'm bat shit insane for even writing these letters in the first place.
▶ 1e2e5f (1) No.4296713>>4297156 >>4301904
Flat earth is fake. You fucking retarded if you think the earth is flat. Or you disinfo propaganda bot shill controlled by cia.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4297156>>4301922
I think we can finally officially say that FLAT EARTH is not part of Q Research.
You want to discuss that, go somewhere else as it has nothing to do with Q
▶ b0f088 (2) No.4301904>>4309253
Q said disinfo is necessary, so I guess we will know which answers were fact and which were disinfo when it is all done.
▶ b0f088 (2) No.4301922
still watching to see what is fact and what is necessary disinfo. pretty sure you do not have that info yet.
▶ f71e11 (2) No.4307479>>4309059
Basically we live on a flat square plane inside a prism (like the great pyramid without the capstone
OK I admit I got half shilled, wasn't really balls deep in flat earth - I suspected NASA was doing a shit job of faking space to promote flat earth. I still think those interviews of astronauts in 'space' is shot on zero g planes - to promote the flat earth psyop. As well as that "operation highjump'.
▶ f71e11 (2) No.4309059
Still think NASA was turned into a mockery after JFK was assassinated. I think he created it to compete with the black budget secret space programmes already in existence.
Everything out of NASA is probably fake. Rainbows indicate there's some sort of glass like firmament (god's rainbow promise) and also show that the sun is some type of personal projection that moves with you like rainbows do.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4309253>>4309628
So we can just ignore everything that Q says, right?
▶ cffa6e (1) No.4309628
Finally you are catching on…Q-fag is a lie. There will be NO JUSTICE!
▶ b2036f (6) No.4345840>>4346149
It's the neanderthal world order
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4346177
Where'd all the Historyfags go? Come on, let's keep digging I feel we're so close.
The baptistery in Ravenna
Some may object to me that there are many proofs of the existence of Jesus, all over Europe since the Middle Ages and the introduction of Christianity in Europe. Would that stained glass, mosaics, frescoes and sculptures of the cathedrals representing Christ.
Well this is not so sure. The windows are never earlier in the 13th century, we know very little, and if some well represent Christ, he could be Imperator Constantine disguised as a penitent, wearing the Mithras robe as he liked to show the obverse of his coins.
Before the 14th century, if we find in fact representations of Christ, the name of Jesus and his Biblical identity are never mentioned. For then Christ was not Jesus but the Roman Emperor Constantine dressed like Mithras.
And then came the case of the Baptistery in Ravenna. A dear friend sent me the photo above. And then I pulled the mug. I think my friend did not realize the scope of this photo. I saw evidence that, suddenly, ruining the beautiful theory of the missing centuries. Indeed, the baptistery is dated 6th century, so as Fomenko prior to Jesus’ invention. Yet the mosaic really represents Jesus Christ with John the Baptist, no problem: that Christ then is absolutely not Constantine.
This mosaic by itself shattered the thesis of Jesus invented in the 14th century. One can imagine how it made me shit. So I thought taratata! look see!
Well took me. Wikipedia tells me that: “The Arian Baptistery was located near the church of the Holy Spirit also built by Theodoric and originally named Hagia Anastasis (Holy Resurrection) This church, Arian cathedral was re-consecrated as. Catholic cathedral under the invocation of St. Theodore (soldier and martyr of Amasea in Porto) in 526. very little remains of the original building since its reconstruction in 1543 “.
Rebuilt in 1543, the mosaic is from the 16th century: it is no longer opposed to the hypothesis of a Jesus invented only in the 14th century. The hack is as it were proven … But if a previous baptism in the 14th century were to be discovered, not panic, nothing proves whether Jesus invented. This is the baptism of Mithra -- Esus among the Celts. Bloody schemers! They really thought of everything. Well no, actually. They laid a lot of blunders.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4346975
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Comparative Mythology: Jesus, Mithras and Osiris
I'm starting to zero in on Mithras, I think there's a huge clue here.
They have the timeline mixed up. Mithras was in vogue all the way up to what we call 1100AD. Then the cult of Jesus grew via the Crusades. By 1400, after the plague, the Catholic Church switched to worshipping Jesus instead of Mithras and the history of their prior worship was burned at the stake, either through the inquisition or book burning.
They forgot to modify all their symbols though.
Their Symbols will be their Downfall.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4347111>>4960241
By the way, I was only introduced to this idea of phantom time because of the previous threads. It was a radical and absurd idea before, but the more I think about it, the more it explains everything. Before that, all these ancient religions playing off each other was just a weird and unexplainable coincidence. It's such a mind fuck that I've only recently come to terms with the rationality of it, so conveying it to other people is almost certain to make you look insane. It's almost certain to make Christians VERY angry to hear it hasn't even been 1000 years of "The Year of our Lord".
Except, from my perspective.. I lost faith in Christianity a long time ago because of all sorts of historical anomalies that were poorly explained. Strangely, the possibility that "Jesus" was actually in 1150 AD and the Crusades were launched as a revenge for his death. If this is based on actual truth, then this truth would have HAD to be known BEFORE Jesus with legitimate religions (otherwise God dooms everyone before Jesus?). So, Osiris to Mithras to (maybe) the legit incarnation of this deity in Jesus in 1150 is actually a reasonable progression.
Intense social, political, and economic strife gave the universal church vast power in the 1400's and finally led them to finally accept that Jesus was Mithras/Osiris and adopted their practices to worship him and finally canonised the Bible (most of which was written after 1100ad).
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4347199>>4347232 >>4357616
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Sun Worship ☼ December 25th - Mithraism - Osiris
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4347232
While watching this, translate whenever he says "the Church incorporated [this xyz paganism]" into "the Church already had [xyz], but purposed it for the new Jesus narrative". It makes way more sense. The practices weren't "adopted", they were there to begin with, Jesus was actually adopted into this religion and all the symbols had to be adjusted to coincide.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4347764>>4348321 >>4357706
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
For the sake of balance I'll post this guy who tries to debunk the Mithras/Jesus connection. I feel like he's a bit too smug and dismissive and has the typical "Youtube" patronising voice, but at the same time I do feel like he did dive into the research so it's definitely good food for thought.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4348321>>4651939
As I love reading comments to find folks brutalizing the video in question, here is a rather fascinating one I came across:
2 months ago
@Marcel Costache Mitra is Demetra (Demeter)
"Roman" meant "member of the city", that is, of the city of God (Saturn). Being a Roman was a religious concept, by which the rulers considered themselves of divine origin - think "blue blood", and those they ruled over, as mere cattle.
The "Romans" arrived in Italy migrating from the Carpathians. To understand this migration, read Dudo of St.Quentin's Gesta Normannorum. The European civilization - from civis (member of the city) - originates in the lands between Caucasus and Carpathians - what we know as Dacia and Scythia. The "Romans" were pushed out of the father land, in a rather brutal social custom, by which excess males were expelled, forced to live as wolves, preying on other groups, to avoid conflict with their own keen.
Thus, the Romans were merely a mark (state) of the civilization in Dacia-Scythia, with Dacia being the metropolis. This civilization is what the academia calls "Iranic peoples". To get an idea what these Iranic people really were, compare the Romanian words "stana" (a shepherd's estate) with the Iranian word 'stana' (state). Also 'cioban' (shepherd) and 'stapan' and 'jupan' (lord) with Iranian 'cupan'. Of the "Iranic" empire that thrived in Dacia-Scythia, you can read in detail in V.Parvan's works. I'll just add that in Dacia there were the settlements of Sacidava, Sagadava and Sucideva, that document the name Saca (Scythians).
The Sacas (Scythians) are considered the ancestors of the Saxons. That is Saxon is a rendering of Sacasons - sons of Saca. Which Saca is the same thing as Isaac in the Bible. Isaac is the son of Abraham, who is the son of Trac (tav-resh-chet). see William Camden - 'Britannia' (1600) and Sharon Turner - 'The History of the Anglo-Saxons' (1775) and there's more dudes writing about this. I would just add, that you have the so called Sagudati, a "Slavic" tribe, haha, whose name is Saca+Daci. you can find countless maps of Dacia, named Datia.
The conclusion I'd like to point you to, is that:
1. we are currently captives in a nationalist ideology, which is incompatible with the past. That is, there were no "Persians" and "Greeks" and "Romans" and "Dacians". Mithras was not a "Persian" god, Dionysus was not a "Greek" god. To understand this, think of cars or rockets: a Ford is not an "American" car. Soyuz is not a "Soviet" rocket.
2. Christianity is the creation of these "Iranic people" who had a crucial upper hand over all others, in those times: the technology of iron.
3. Israel is the son of Isaac. That means that what we call "Jews" or "Israelites" are merely offspring of the Saca (Scythians), installed as elites over the Semitic peoples in Arabia. To understand the concept of Royal Bloodlines ruling over the nations, look for the origin of the Royal Houses of Europe in 1910. All Royal Houses of Europe, are from Holy Roman Empire, that is, they are Saxons. The kings and queens of England, are from the House of Saxa Gotha Coburg. The czars of Russia were from the House of Holstein Gottorp. The kings of France were from the Capet house, from Holy Roman Empire.
ax yourself: how come a "German" power structure, called itself "Roman"?
true knowledge is very difficult, and you may reject what I shared to you here. but it's ok. Revelation 21:16
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4360299
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Watch at about 45min in
Or watch the whole thing, these guys are great
▶ 0d0083 (1) No.4373605>>4376788
No name cannanite was Phoenix, strangely. Purple is a Phoenix Suns color.
Btw, a mormon fella was a big part of the naming schemes in az. A mormon clowns in america figure ran against Trump in election, just to vacuum out Utah votes. Mormons run Vegas. Paddock name had a Mormon history. Not to mention Romney of Mexico.
Mormons have compounds in Mexico and do a lot of running back and forth of shady stuff, second families etc.
They run a lot of business scams as well. Bloody history to how they took their areas. They treat non-mormons as gentiles. Masonic temples. Jews are the only other ones allowed to attend their closed off services.
Lot of problems.
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4373970
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4376265
Might have caught one here…
OES=230 mirrored.
230 on its side is…
Is there a relationship between the OES and the PEO?
STARs, Istars, and Sistars
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4376404
>>4373743 pb
The pattern on the wall breaking through the veil sure looks like pepperoni pizza…I wonder what the reference is…
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4376788>>4461990
I'm intrigued by the Mormon claim that Jesus went to America.
I'm on a Fomenko kick right now so I apologise if that turns anyone off, but if we grant his hypothesis that Jesus was actually killed in 1150ad, then it's very possible that he actually just jumped on a ship and went to the new world.
The "church" knew about the New World, they had a Bishop of Vinland in 1121ad.
Absurd claims start to become more feasible if you remove the middle ages.
▶ 67f1ca (1) No.4461887>>4589191
Is this post trying to alter events of history and remove the Creator from it? I can understand that history has been altered look at 9/11 happened right in front of our eyes. It appears thought that this thread is trying to cast serious doubts as to whether God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit exist at all. That would cause mayhem to do as thou wilt Alister Crowley children eating to go through the roof!
▶ 68b6cc (1) No.4461990>>4589272 >>4613616
You realize that Mormons believe you can go on to inherit a planet and become savior to it just like Jesus was here.
It’s absolute lunacy but they believe in it.
Are you trying to become a god anon?
You’re not one and you won’t succeed in becoming one. But maybe that’s what their fascination was about the Aztecs and Incas.
Their ability to time travel……
▶ 505931 (1) No.4537365>>4843913
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Question everything you've been taught. If you want to understand the true nature of reality you have to expose the deception and find the TRUTH. There is a system of disinformation to keep the masses misinformed and under control. Does the truth disprove God or provide physical evidence of his hand in creating the Earth and all of humanity? I leave it to anons to come to their own spiritual conclusions but there is so much suppressed evidence that history is incorrect and it should not be ignored any longer. We need a new scientific awakening free from (((control))).
The "expanding planets" theory can both contradict and support the "electric universe" theory. I am studying both to compare ideas. I think some combination of both theories could be true. I'm keeping an open mind. I don't want to get too far off topic but I believe all these ideas are related and important to understand in order to understand the beliefs of those who control the world, whether or not their beliefs are true or misguided.
I will post more as I have time. Please keep the discussion going. I am especially interested in the connections between America and Egypt that have been posted already in the previous thread and I plan to discuss this more in detail.
What is the true meaning of the word America?
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4589191>>4589332 >>4651614
I finally have a chance to answer, sorry for the delay and I hope you're still around.
No, not at all. In fact, Fomenko actually gives a more reasonable timeline for Jesus and many of the "skeptic" and "atheist" arguments against a Historical Jesus become moot if Jesus was actually from the "1150's". It's hard to wrap our heads around this statement, because it's ridiculous, since we count from the Nativity to begin with. Saying Jesus was born in 1150ad is saying "Jesus was born 1150 years after Jesus was born", waaa?
So that's not what Fomenko is saying. Fomenko is saying is that chronologists fucked up pretty bad, and big, and possibly on purpose. What if Jesus wasn't 2000 years ago? What if Jesus walked the earth less than 1000 years ago?
What if the ancient cults of yore aren't ancient, and in fact very recent?
What if the original "Universal Church" was actually a Church of these ancient cults and not "christian" at all. What if the money lenders tables and the den of thieves that Jesus overturned was actually the Catholic Church of that day that was likely engaged in Dionysus worship?
What would you do if you were an ancient Church that ruled based on the ignorance of your sheep, but now that the printing press is allowing translations into the local languages, you're going to be exposed as the cult you are? How would you go underground?
Step 1. Stop doing the practice in the open.
Step 2. Burn books that talk about your practices and declare them to be heretical and totally not official, wink wink.
Step 3. Burn people who remember the truth.
Step 4. Enter the Jesuits who take over the education systems
Step 5. Push history backwards, make the vices of yesterday into the folly of yesteryear.
Step 6. Continue to practice your evil cult stuff in secret.
Think about how much fake news we see everyday that's rewriting history that literally happened a week ago! How they're writing their version of history that paints Trump as a monster. It's so apparent every single day.
Now imagine this on a grander scale.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all. It's so mind blowing. Consider this, that if Fomenko is right in that the "Old" Testament was written AFTER the "New", then who the fuck are the Jews? He makes some very compelling cases that this has to be the case. Either we have to accept that the prophets of the "old" were truly prophets, or… they were written afterwards and were actually quoting the gospels and "Revelations" directly.
It's frustrating because no one has SERIOUSLY challenged Fomenko on any of this. They just mock him and roll their eyes. I'm 500 pages into his first book (of seven), and I can't argue with his logic on many of his points.
One skeptic said "If Jesus is Pope Hildebrande, then how come Hildebrande died of old age?!"… That's not at all what Fomenko is saying. He says that the ancient past are phantom images of the more recent past, but they're not perfect copies. There will be variation in the stories. It's the telephone game scaled up monstrously.
Really puts into question the idea of the reformation.. the re-form-ation. Could Christianity as we know it have been finally canonised only 500 years ago?
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4589272
My current line of thinking is all relgiions don't have it right. That all religions are corrupted. God doesn't need a book to talk to anyone, and he certainly doesn't need your help to kill anyone, or judge anyone.
Religious writings are philosophical/theological musings of Mankind. When they become dogmatic, they become dangerous. When they masquerade as science, they become dangerous.
So really, I find their end game to be rather egotistical to an extreme. I don't think I can relate to that notion. However, I do think the notion of all religion is to become divine.
Holy means separate.
Religion means relink.
God is Holy because he's separated from us and we need to relink to the divine and become whole again.
This doesn't mean becoming *a* God, but realising you are God merely viewing your own creation from a limited perspective.
This is what the mystics have told us forever and seeds of this idea are inside literally every single religion that exists. What differs is merely HOW to achieve this goal.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4589332
▶ 0f0c9f (2) No.4612217>>4612239 >>4633537
If you only read one thing on the NWO, please read this. It is an eye opener.
▶ 0f0c9f (2) No.4612239
New Order of Barbarians - transcript of tapes I-III
▶ 4fa2f2 (1) No.4613372>>4613601 >>4974514
Does anyone know the meaning behind Walmarts six pointed star logo? Why did they change from a five pointed star to 6 after Sam walton died?
Look at his hat
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4613601
▶ 222479 (1) No.4613616>>4614779 >>4785734
What if Jesus was a normal man like the rest of us, but more in tune with God source, a conduit to the God source as it were - and the church has spun a narrative that he was supernatural…. To keep knowledge of our innate power occulted
What do Anons think of the emerging science of the new cosmology? The Quantum Conscious Holographic Universe theory. Where science and spirituality once again become one.
▶ a7c4e0 (1) No.4614779
"What if Jesus was a normal man like the rest of us, but more in tune with God source, a conduit to the God source as it were - and the church has spun a narrative that he was supernatural…. To keep knowledge of our innate power occulted"
your inner light ! TRUST YOUR INNER LIGHT !!!!!
Q: transforming water ti wine?..rather wine to water if possible, water is vital in the middle east !
just 1 example
i don't need a book
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4633537>>4634492
In order to do this, the Bible will be changed. It will be rewritten to fit the new religion. Gradually, key words will be replaced with new words having various shades of meaning. Then the meaning attached to the new word can be close to the old word - and as time goes on, other shades of meaning of that word can be emphasized. and then gradually that word replaced with another word." I don't know if I'm making that clear. But the idea is that everything in Scripture need not be rewritten, just key words replaced by other words. And the variability in meaning attached to any word can be used as a tool to change the entire meaning of Scripture, and therefore make it acceptable to this new religion. Most people won't know the difference; and this was another one of the times where he said, "the few who do notice the difference won't be enough to matter."
9 Dec 2017 - 11:12:19 AM
News unlocks map.
Future proves past.
Why was the Lord's prayer posted?
Which version?
Why is this relevant?
What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?
What can be connected?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Re-review the map post relevant news drops.
Godfather III.
▶ 10b7ed (2) No.4634492>>4634723
Psalm 10:7
His mouth is filled with cursing and deceit and oppression; under his tongue are mischief and iniquity.
▶ 10b7ed (2) No.4634723>>4656440
Q - Nice verse. 8ch has never once in their history ever verified anything as being real and happening as they stated. Enter year 3 and all lies. Just another day on 8ch
▶ b359d6 (3) No.4643125>>4656497
…Saturnian cults.
Their desire to bring about a return to a 'golden age', which was nothing more than humankind subjugated by fear, anxiety and confusion.
An age when Saturn was the polar north star and the planetary configuration much closer than the current order. The skies a purple haze, sudden disasters due to electrical exchanges of planetary bodies passing close (think of a static electric shock on a grand scale when Mars and/or Venus come close to the Earth) and a handful of self proclaimed 'illuminated ones' posing as a false savior or messiah.
These are the same cultists that have kept the true history of Earth and humanity a secret, then flaunt their symbols in the face of the ignorant.
black sun = Saturn
▶ b2036f (6) No.4651614
Pretty interesting stuff
▶ b2036f (6) No.4651939
In Poland the local nobility called Szlachta(derived from the German 'slachten' which means to butcher) widely believed they were descendants of the Sarmatians, closely related to the Scythians.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if all European nobility was descendant of these Iranic nomads. In the middle east they were sometimes known as the Umman Manda.
I wonder if there is any statistics of genes of nobility, they probably wouldn't allow it.
Also in Slavic languages the word for state is also "stan"
▶ 65fe14 (6) No.4656440
Yet…here you are!
▶ 65fe14 (6) No.4656497>>4860851
Ya know…………….
Before, I didn't give the Polar Configuration theory much thought. Sounds so crazy. Surely humanity would record such an event. But after reading Fomenko, and the theory that History before 1100AD isn't reliable… isn't it actually a possibility?
I used to think "We don't know what the hell Humanity was up to before 11000BC…" now i'm starting to think "…before 1100AD…."…
If such a crazy event happened, maybe the powers at be saw a good reason to occult it?
What I REALLY WANT TO SEE (for real) is one of the Electric Universe people to model how the transfer would actually happen and also predict what kind of reminents in the solar system would be left behind if such an event occurred in the VERY RECENT past.
▶ 65fe14 (6) No.4657668
April 14th 2016
By: The Unhived Mind
Please don’t be fooled into thinking that the Central Intelligence Agency masters all the other intelligence agencies as disinformation like that is simply not true. The Central Intelligence Agency doesn’t even have information that the Jesuit Order has let alone the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service and British Intelligence. Both the Central Intelligence Agency and Israeli Secret Intelligence Service serve the British intelligence services known as the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and Security Service (MI5) both of which are commanded by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Kent through the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath along with the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Both the Central Intelligence Agency and the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service were created by Sir William Stephenson the head of the British Security Co-ordination (MI6). The finest intelligence agencies in the world are based in New Venice (Britain) and Rome such as the The Entity (Entitas). The British intelligence network is based on the most excellent but evil Venetian intelligence systems of the Consiglio Dei Diece. When it comes to special military operations the Empire of New Venice never relies on the U.S. plantation and its Green Berets, Navy Seals or Delta Force but instead the first choice will always be the reliable British Secret Air Service and its subsidiaries like the dreaded Keany Meany Services. I’d like to remind you of Kay Griggs the wife of Marine Corps colonel George Griggs and how she always claimed that the Central Intelligence Agency was nothing more than a bogeyman or a diversion in order to guide you away from the real military powers which were tied to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. If the Central Intelligence Agency is so all knowing and powerful then ask yourself why the Director of Central Intelligence, George J. Tenet didn’t even know about or even understand how the both the chief of the Secret Intelligence Services (Sir Richard Dearlove) and the Director General of the Security Service (Sir Stephen Lander) managed to enter closed U.S. Airspace within hours of the 9/11 attacks. Now please can you tell me if it sounds like all the shots are being called out by the Langley crew? The intelligence agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency are mere fronts created by New Venice in order to just do the Empire’s dirty work in keeping the Empire’s economy either flowing or stagnant depending on the desires and needs of the time according to the recommendations of the Venetian Arsenal mind benders web. So now you can understand why when it comes down to raw tacks then the true masters in New Venice will always step in and pull the strings over its plantations and slave fronts…..
▶ 255289 (5) No.4669632
Just noticed this thread. Maybe you guys will appreciate this
▶ 05dcef (33) No.4672156
Nimrud Dag
Dag in turkish = mountain
is that a pyramid behind the podium?
▶ 05dcef (33) No.4674105>>4930739
from wikipedia (note the supernatural birth) - part 1
Within the Roman empire, Germanic tribes had lived in the river deltas now in the Netherlands long before the names "Frank" or "Salii" appeared. The most important are known to history as the Batavi, a name based on the older name of the island they lived on, which is where we first find the Salians living. They were reported by Tacitus to be immigrants from the Chatti.
The first mention of Franks in the area was about 286 AD, during the reign of emperor Probus (276-282), when Carausius was put in charge of defending the coasts of the Straits of Dover against Saxon and Frankish pirates.[10] In the time of Probus there is also record of a large group who decided to hijack some Roman ships and return with them from the Black Sea -- reaching the Atlantic after causing chaos through Greece, Sicily and Gibraltar.[11] It has been proposed that the meaning of the term Frank changed over time, and that these pirate Franks were actually Frisii, or some other coastal people.[12] Centuries before the Vikings, the term "Saxon" came to refer to coastal Germanic groups specialized in raiding Roman territories by boat, whereas the Franks were strongly associated with the inland Rhine region.
In the later period when the Salians first appear in the record, the term Frank was not associated with seafaring or coastal tribes. Their origins before they lived in Batavia are uncertain. Much later, it was only Zosimus, and not Ammianus Marcellinus whose work he possibly partly followed, who claimed that the Salians had once lived under the same name outside the Roman empire, saying that they had been forced away by Saxons, and had come to share control of Batavia with the Romans. Whatever their origins, Zosimus says they were being pushed out of Batavia by a Saxon group known as the "Kouadoi", a Greek spelling of "Quadi" which some authors believe might be a misunderstanding for the Frankish Chamavi, who were mentioned by Ammianus.[13]
According to Zosimus, these Saxons had used boats on the Rhine to get around other Frankish tribes who effectively protected the Roman frontier, and into the Roman river delta. Julian took the opportunity to allow the Salii to settle in Toxandria, south of Batavia, where they had previously been expelled:
"[Julian] commanded his army to attack them briskly; but not to kill any of the Salii, or prevent them from entering the Roman territories, because they came not as enemies, but were forced there […] As soon as the Salii heard of the kindness of emperor Julian the Apostate, some of them went with their king into the Roman territory, and others fled to the extremity of their country, but all humbly committed their lives and fortunes to Caesar's gracious protection."[14]
The Salians were then brought into Roman units defending the empire from other Frankish raiders. Ammianus Marcellinus on the other hand mentions the Chamavi, normally considered Frankish, as the Germanic tribe who had entered the empire in this area at this time. Unlike the Salii, these Chamavi were expelled from Roman lands, though they clearly lived close by, where their grain was disappointingly unready for Roman use.[15]
In a poem from 400 Claudian celebrates Stilicho's pacification of the Germani using names of people which may only be poetic: "Salian now tills his fields, the Sygambrian beats his straight sword into a curved sickle". (The Sugambri had apparently long ago been defeated and moved by the Romans.)[16]
▶ 05dcef (33) No.4674129>>4930739
from wikipedia (note the supernatural birth) - part 2
From the 420s onwards, headed by a certain Chlodio, a group of Franks pushed through the boundary of the Roman inhabited Silva Carbonaria and expanded their territory to the Somme in northern France. Franks then ruled that area which included the Belgian city of Tournai, and the French city of Cambrai. Chlodio is never referred to as Salian, only Frankish, and his origins unclear. He is said by Gregory of Tours (II.9) to have launched his attack on Tournai through the Carbonaria Silva from a fort named Dispargum, which was in "Thoringia". The most common interpretations of these names are neither in Salian Batavia nor in Toxandria.
In 451, Chlodio's opponent Flavius Aëtius, de facto ruler of the Western Roman Empire, called upon his Germanic allies on Roman soil to help fight off an invasion by Attila's Huns. Franks answered the call and fought in the battle of the Catalaunian Fields in a temporary alliance with Romans and Visigoths, which de facto ended the Hunnic threat to Western Europe.
The Notitia dignitatum listing Roman military units in the 5th century mentions the Salii iuniores Gallicani based in Hispania, the Salii seniores based in Gaul. There is also record of a numerus Saliorum.[17]
While their relationship to Chlodio is uncertain, Childeric I and his son Clovis I, who gained control over Roman Gaul were said to be related, and the legal code they published for the Romance speaking country between the Loire and the Silva Carbonaria, a region the Franks later called Neustria, was called the Salic law.[18] Their dynasty, the Merovingians, were named after Childeric's father Merovech, whose birth was associated with supernatural elements.[19] Childeric and Clovis, were described as Kings of the Franks, and rulers of the Roman province of Belgica Secunda. Clovis became the absolute ruler of a Germanic kingdom of mixed Galloroman-Germanic population in 486. He consolidated his rule with victories over the Gallo-Romans and all the other Frankish tribes and established his capital in Paris. After he had beaten the Visigoths and the Alemanni, his sons drove the Visigoths to Spain and subdued the Burgundians, Alemanni and Thuringians. However, after 250 years of this dynasty, marked by internecine struggles, a gradual decline occurred. The position in society of the Merovingians was taken over by Carolingians, who came from a northern area around the river Maas in what is now Belgium and southern Netherlands.
In Gaul, a fusion of Roman and Germanic societies was occurring. During the period of Merovingian rule, the Franks began to adopt Christianity following the baptism of Clovis I in 496, an event that inaugurated the alliance between the Frankish kingdom and the Roman Catholic Church. Unlike their Gothic, Burgundic and Lombardic counterparts, who adopted Arianism, the Salians adopted Catholic Christianity early on; giving them a relationship with the ecclesiastical hierarchy, and their subjects in conquered territories.
The division of the Frankish kingdom among Clovis’s four sons (511) was an event which would repeat in Frankish history over more than four centuries. By then, the Salic Law had established the exclusive right to succession of male descendants. However, this principle turned out to be an exercise in interpretation, rather than the simple implementation of a new model of succession. No trace of an established practice of territorial division can in fact be discovered among Germanic peoples other than the Franks.
▶ 05dcef (33) No.4674831>>4675232 >>4769254
Found these in game called Total war: Rome II
symbolism….. look who they refer to…
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4675149
Alphabet Q ©
In cultures all over the world, from ancient times to present day, girls with water jars have been features of daily life. The letter Q is a picture of a water jar.
An array of girls and women carrying water jars
The majuscule (capital) letter Q represents the vulva of Isis.
Illustration including a fountain goddess pouring water from a jar and the majuscule letter Q in large type
The majuscule letters are heaven symbols. Isis is the EarthMother Goddess. The Goddess is of heaven. Parts of the Goddess are heaven symbols. The majuscule letter Q is a picture of the mouth of a water jar with a plume of water pouring forth from it. The mouth of the water jar Q represents the vulva of Isis. The plume of water pouring from the jar represents the natal waters of the Mother Goddess. This is the wellspring of life from which we all sprung.
The minuscule letter q is a picture of a girl carrying a water jar on her head or shoulder.
Two maidens carrying water jars equated to the small letter q The minuscule letters are earth symbols. A maiden carrying water from the well is of earth. The minuscule letter q is an earth symbol. The sound of letter q is derived from the sound of swallowing water.
The imagery of a maiden with a water jar has had romantic significance in cultures all over the world. In many ancient towns and villages the well was the social center of the community. That was where the young maidens made their peer group contacts and discussed their dreams with their friends. That was where the young women assimilated much of their knowledge of feminine lore. That was where boys and girls had a chance to meet away from their homes and parents. It wasn't a place of mating, but many of the preludes to marriage and mating took place at the village well.
The sound of letter q is derived from the sound of swallowing water. The sound of swallowing water has found its way into many Thothian words and names. For instance, the Latin name for water, aqua, is derived directly from the sound of swallowing water. Some of our near ancestors quenched their thirsts by quaffing tankards of ale. The words quenching and quaffing begin with the water swallowing sound. The words squish and squash also contain the swallowing sound. The name of the plant, squash, was probably originally the name of a drinking gourd that was later applied to a wide variety of plants.
In all of the languages that use the Roman alphabet, the letter q is always followed by the letter u. The reason for that is discussed under the letter u. However, the q+u sound is not always convenient in words that use the swallowing sound. Hence the water swallowing sound is not always written with the q+u combination.
Sometimes the letters c and k, or ck and ch, are used to convey the swallowing sound. The ch sound in the Scottish Loch Ness is another version of the water swallowing sound. The k sound in the English word lake is also an alternative to the q+u combination.
This is from the Sunwing web page.
A period of peace and prosperity followed the Genesis of Isis. There was a "Golden Age."
Winged sun disk without serpents With the Genesis of Isis and the spread of her bloodline in the royal families, the old Arean "sunwing" had the sacred asps of Isis added to it.
With the hiss of the asp added to its name, the UrRe became the Uraeus. Winged sun disk with serpents As the Genesis of Isis progressed through the old Arean kingdoms, the Uraeus sunwing with the serpents replaced the old UrRe sunwing without the serpents.
An Aquarian woman pouring water from a water jar with the name AQUARIUS across the illustration The name Aquarius is a compound of Aqua, water, plus the name of the sunwing Uraeus. The "Age of Aquarius" refers to a Golden Age of peace on earth. The water Aqua in the name Aquarius is a reference to the natal waters of EarthMother Isis.
Resurrect Isis. Let a new Aquarian Age be born from the womb of the Goddess.
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▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4675232
▶ ab4ada (1) No.4676057
The graphic evolution of crita to fleur-de-lis was accompanied by textual allegory. By the late 13th century, an allegorical poem by Guillaume de Nangis (d. 1300), written at the abbey of Joyenval at Chambourcy, relates how the golden lilies on an azure ground were miraculously substituted for the crescents on Clovis' shield, a projection into the past of contemporary images of heraldry. Through this propagandist connection to Clovis, the fleur-de-lis has been taken in retrospect to symbolize all the Christian Frankish kings, most notably Charlemagne.
The fleur-de-lis' symbolic origins with French monarchs may stem from the baptismal lily used in the crowning of King Clovis I.[25] The French monarchy possibly adopted the Fleur-de-lis for its royal coat of arms as a symbol of purity to commemorate the conversion of Clovis I,[26] and a reminder of the Fleur-de-lis ampulla that held the oil used to anoint the king. So, the fleur-de-lis stood as a symbol of the king's divinely approved right to rule. The thus "anointed" Kings of France later maintained that their authority was directly from God. A legend enhances the mystique of royalty by informing us that a vial of oil---the Holy Ampulla—descended from Heaven to anoint and sanctify Clovis as King,[27] descending directly on Clovis or perhaps brought by a dove to Saint Remigius. One version explains that an angel descended with the Fleur-de-lis ampulla to anoint the king.[28] Another story tells of Clovis putting a flower in his helmet just before his victory at the Battle of Vouillé.[20] Through this connection to Clovis, the fleur-de-lis has been taken to symbolize all the Christian Frankish kings, most famously Charlemagne.
In the 14th-century French writers asserted that the monarchy of France, which developed from the Kingdom of the West Franks, could trace its heritage back to the divine gift of royal arms received by Clovis. This story has remained popular, even though modern scholarship has established that the fleur-de-lis was a religious symbol before it was a true heraldic symbol.[29] Along with true lilies, it was associated with the Virgin Mary, and in the 12th century Louis VI and Louis VII started to use the emblem, on sceptres for example, so connecting their rulership with this symbol of saintliness and divine right. Louis VII ordered the use of fleur-de-lis clothing in his son Philip's coronation in 1179,[30] while the first visual evidence of clearly heraldic use dates from 1211: a seal showing the future Louis VIII and his shield strewn with the "flowers".[31] Until the late 14th century the French royal coat of arms was Azure semé-de-lis Or (a blue shield "sown" (semé) with a scattering of small golden fleurs-de-lis), but Charles V of France changed the design from an all-over scattering to a group of three in about 1376.[a][b] These two coats are known in heraldic terminology as France Ancient and France Modern respectively.
Fleur-de-lis on an old concrete wall
In the reign of King Louis IX (St. Louis) the three petals of the flower were said to represent faith, wisdom and chivalry, and to be a sign of divine favour bestowed on France.[32] During the next century, the 14th, the tradition of Trinity symbolism was established in France, and then spread elsewhere.
In 1328, King Edward III of England inherited a claim to the crown of France, and in about 1340 he quartered France Ancient with the arms of Plantagenet, as "arms of pretence". [c] After the kings of France adopted France Modern, the kings of England adopted the new design as quarterings from about 1411.[33] The monarchs of England (and later of Great Britain) continued to quarter the French arms until 1801, when George III abandoned his formal claim to the French throne.
King Charles VII ennobled Joan of Arc's family on 29 December 1429 with an inheritable symbolic denomination. The Chamber of Accounts in France registered the family's designation to nobility on 20 January 1430. The grant permitted the family to change their surname to du Lys.
▶ 75f3a2 (11) No.4676169
The Métis Flag was first used by Métis resistance fighters in Canada before the 1816 Battle of Seven Oaks, having been received as a gift from Alexander MacDonell of Greenfield of the North West Company in 1814.[1] The flag shows a white infinity symbol on a field of either blue or red. The blue flag is used to associate the Métis employees of the North West Company,[2] while the red represents the Métis who worked for the Hudson's Bay Company[2] (see Anglo-Métis). The symbol represents the mixing of the European immigrants and the First Nations peoples, which creates a new and distinct culture.
The blue background flag has been accepted by the Métis National Council as the official flag of the Métis Nation. The red flag now stands as the provincial ensign for the Métis Nation of Alberta.
The white infinity symbol on the flag represents the faith that the Métis culture shall live on forever.[2] It can also be perceived as two conjoined circles, standing for the unity of two cultures, Aboriginal First Nations and European (primarily French).[2] The flag can still be seen in areas in Manitoba, and other traditional Métis territories such as Batoche and other settlements in Saskatchewan and Alberta, northern Ontario and eastern New Brunswick.
▶ 65fe14 (6) No.4677428>>4677502
Jesus Christ, whoever you are, keep posting. Please add some commentary too. Your pictures are most appreciated!!!
▶ 75f3a2 (11) No.4677502
it's all connected. Look at the details. This goes back all the way to King Solomon and his temple. Ask who build that temple? then ask whom they worshiped?
▶ 65fe14 (6) No.4677508
They're all fucking DEAD and I'm not.
They can't say a THING, but I can.
▶ 75f3a2 (11) No.4677542>>4677624 >>4677678 >>4677687
Kadmus was a prince from where? He went looking for his sister. Look at his hat.
▶ 65fe14 (6) No.4677624
Go on, you glorious asshole
▶ 75f3a2 (11) No.4677678
kadmus killing the dragon?
▶ 75f3a2 (11) No.4677687
Dragon and snake eating each other's tails.
Arch Angel Micheal and the dragon.
St-Georges and the dragon.
▶ 75f3a2 (11) No.4677707
Church in Spain = Pilar.
Walls and decoration covert in symbolism.
Bourbon = 3 branches.
1 - France
2- Spain
3- Luxembourg
▶ 75f3a2 (11) No.4677733
not sure if related but worth a look.
"In the Classical era, it[clarification needed] was regarded by Athenians as one of the notable characteristics of the Athenian character. Metis was the one who gave Zeus a potion to cause Cronus to vomit out Zeus' siblings.[4]
Metis was both a threat to Zeus and an indispensable aid:[5]
Zeus lay with Metis but immediately feared the consequences. It had been prophesied that Metis would bear extremely powerful children: the first, Athena and the second, a son more powerful than Zeus himself, who would eventually overthrow Zeus.[6]
In order to forestall these dire consequences, Zeus tricked her into turning herself into a fly and promptly swallowed her.[7] He was too late: Metis had already conceived a child. In time she began making a helmet and robe for her fetal daughter. The hammering as she made the helmet caused Zeus great pain, and Hephaestus either clove Zeus's head with an axe,[8] or hit it with a hammer at the river Triton, giving rise to Athena's birth. Athena leaped from Zeus's head, fully grown, armed, and armoured, and Zeus was none the worse for the experience.
The similarities between Zeus swallowing Metis and Cronus swallowing his children have been noted by several scholars. This also caused some controversy in regard to reproduction myths and the lack of a need for women as a means of reproduction.[9]
Hesiod's account is followed by Acusilaus and the Orphic tradition, which enthroned Metis side by side with Eros as primal cosmogenic forces. Plato makes Poros, or "creative ingenuity", the child of Metis.[10] Stephen Fry mentions this at length in his popular book Mythos"
▶ 75f3a2 (11) No.4677753>>4677763 >>4685600
still not sure, needs more digging. is it a coincidence?
red metis = anglo branch
blue metis = franco branch
▶ 75f3a2 (11) No.4677763
Metis = mother of Athena.
Owl = symbol of Athena
▶ 75f3a2 (11) No.4677806
Throne of Ashtarte with winged sphinxes on sides, almost identical to Venus Heliopolitanus
▶ 75f3a2 (11) No.4677837
reconstruction of temple
2 frontal columns = Jachin & Boaz look like PALM trees.
▶ 9f7838 (13) No.4677984>>4678053
Hayk the Great (Armenian: Հայկ), Armenian pronunciation: [hajk], or The Great Hayk, also known as Hayk Nahapet (Հայկ Նահապետ, Armenian pronunciation: [hajk nahapɛt], Hayk the "head of family" or patriarch[1]), is the legendary patriarch and founder of the Armenian nation. His story is told in the History of Armenia attributed to the Armenian historian Moses of Chorene (A.D.410 to 490).
Moses of Chorene gave Hayk's genealogy as Japhet, Gomer and Tiras, Torgom. Hayk's descendants are given as Amasya, Ara, Aram, Aramais, Armanak, Gegham, and Harma.[7] Hayk was also said to be the founder of the Haykazuni Dynasty. According to Juansher, Hayk "was prince of the seven brothers and stood in service to the giant Nimrod (Nebrovt') who first ruled the entire world as king.[8]"
▶ 9f7838 (13) No.4678053
Possible grandson of Noah? Where did the ark "presumably" land? Why has there been a very hard effort to decimate the descendants of Hayk/ Haïg? or disperse them? Forgotten by history?
▶ 9f7838 (13) No.4678101
Who was Dikran II?
Who was Lucullus?
Other members of the first Triumvirate?
What did Pompeo do to Dikran II? Under whom's protectorate the lost Polis of the coast fell under?
Who built the second temple and when?
it's all connected.
Q keeps on telling us we have more than we know.
it's been right in front of us for more than 2000 years.
▶ 9f7838 (13) No.4678244
Carthage was a colony. Living there were MANY FACTIONS
▶ 9f7838 (13) No.4678265
Sphix again?
Circular Port?
Inspired from a more ANCIENT civilisation?
▶ 9f7838 (13) No.4678290
sophisticated naval tech for the era?
Compare to contemporaine ships of other civilisations
Great navigators?
▶ 9f7838 (13) No.4678360>>4678398
Bonnet Phrygien?
Bare breasts Marianne leading the charge?
Location of ancient Phrygia?
▶ 9f7838 (13) No.4678370
Phrygia and Lydia neighbors?
Midas king of Lydia?
Golden touch story
Notice hat detail in recent drawing
▶ 9f7838 (13) No.4678389>>4678396
Croeusus king of Lydia
"Croesus[1] (/ˈkriːsəs/ KREE-səs; Ancient Greek: Κροῖσος, Kroisos; 595 BC -- c. 546 BC) was the king of Lydia who, according to Herodotus, reigned for 14 years: from 560 BC until his defeat by the Persian king Cyrus the Great in 546 BC[2] (sometimes given as 547 BC).
Croesus was renowned for his wealth; Herodotus and Pausanias noted that his gifts were preserved at Delphi.[3] The fall of Croesus had a profound impact on the Greeks, providing a fixed point in their calendar. "By the fifth century at least," J. A. S. Evans has remarked, "Croesus had become a figure of myth, who stood outside the conventional restraints of chronology."
Croesus is credited with issuing the first true gold coins with a standardised purity for general circulation, the Croeseid (but his father Alyattes already started to mint various types of coins). Indeed, the use of gold and silver coinage is attributed first to Lydian civilization.[11][12] However, they were quite crude, and were made of electrum, a naturally occurring pale yellow alloy of gold and silver. The composition of these first coins was similar to alluvial deposits found in the silt of the Pactolus river, which ran through the Lydian capital, Sardis. Later coins, including some in the British Museum, were made from gold purified by heating with common salt to remove the silver
▶ 9f7838 (13) No.4678396
Electrums are the VERY FIRST printed coins = money
▶ 9f7838 (13) No.4678398
Where is Nimrud Dag located?
Time difference.
▶ 9f7838 (13) No.4678432
The horrors of the Carthage Tophet = possibly child sacrifice.
Tanit Symbol again.
Punics & Phoenicians were for a long long time accused of this horror = accused.
But think mirror.
They accuse their opponents of the crimes they commit, just like what they do RIGHT now with POTUS. They have been using projection and mirror for a very long time.
They not only hid VERY ancient history, they also distorded the history AFTER the great fload. They accused their competitors of their doings. Same as now.
If you dig in traditional history books you will find the phoenicians and the punics depicted as MOSNTERS, inhuman. There are a lot of details everyone forgets or they are hidden or squashed, deformed on purpose. and this distortion in history is being perpetuated for centuries.
Just remember what they are currently doing to POTUS, they did the same thing to the Phoenicians and the Punics. Don't foroget that Carthage was a colony where many FACTIONS lived, just like nowadays in the states you have china town and korean town. get it?
Compare the witch hunt of the phoenicians to the one of POTUS.
▶ c1d7a5 (1) No.4679740>>4693098
Hollywood is their TOOL.
Who is the hystorical Hannibal: "Hannibal Barca (/ˈhænɪbəl/; 247 -- between 183 and 181 BC)[n 1] was a general of the Phoenician-Canaanite state of Ancient Carthage, and is widely considered as one of the greatest military commanders in history. His father Hamilcar Barca was the leading Carthaginian commander during the First Punic War"
Unfortunetly, modern day persons, most anyways, when they hear the name of Hannibal, they quickly think of the "Silence of the Lambs".
and immediatly, almost automatically say = Hannibal Cannibal.
Who planted this "Hannibal Cannibal" seed in our heads? Why did they "program" us to think "Hannibal Cannibal" each time we hear the name Hannibal?
The movie had 2 sequels = RED DRAGON & HANNIBAL.
Notice the butterfly, red, dragon, red eyes.
In the movies, apart canni*balism and murder, there is transgenderism, self mutilation, pigs involved; reminds me of what Q just posted about RBG.
See how it's all connected, they were trying to brainwash + program us, they want us to follow THEIR narrative. They don't want us looking to the REAL story of Hannibal of Carthega. WHY? Why are they distorting history? What are they TRULY hidding?
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4680224
Water-pouring goddesses.
Plants need water.
▶ b359d6 (3) No.4685600
…going upon the hypothesis of an electric universe and a closer planetary configuration, this is symbolic of Mars & Venus' plasma exchanges, during the reign of Saturn as the sun.
I assume this the origin of many familiar symbols, today; Owl, spade, heart, as examples.
▶ ee0b61 (1) No.4685666
For anyone who wants to download the decrypted 9/11 files, i have them uploaded at
Layer_2 is segmented because of size uploading limits
▶ 389b03 (2) No.4685959
▶ 389b03 (2) No.4686004
The Nordic god Odin has only one eye.
I wonder if that is tied to the black eye all the cabals have as a marker.
They can't all go around with one eye missing so they just get a black eye as an initiation.
▶ b2036f (6) No.4693098>>4696175
I think the Phoenicians won the second Punic war and took over Rome, then they burned everyone that remembered what really happened. I think the whole dark ages not happening really makes a lot of sense if you consider what really happened after the Punic wars. So like the 1400s was actually only 100 years or so after Caesar and Jesus, Caesar was the last person that stood up against them, the Holy Roman emperors of Germany were the Roman emperors, and the stories of Viking raids was possibly as hired mercenaries during the Punic wars.
▶ a8499a (19) No.4696153
▶ a8499a (19) No.4696175
dig.dig.dig. history is not what you are thought. Archeology is PROOF not history. HIstory is distorted for a specific reason = they are hidding something BIG
▶ b00a7d (3) No.4696577>>4696813
New world order = Jew world order. this shit isnt that complex.
▶ a8499a (19) No.4696813>>4696872
You are correct. We refer to them as JEWS but they are hidding what & who they really are. There is a secret behind it.
▶ b00a7d (3) No.4696872>>4696901
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Not much of a secret. They are Babylonian Pharisees, which their oral traditions made up the Jewish Talmud
Q drops regarding the babylonian eye of Ra explained in 10 minutes.
This is the truth that the enemy doesn’t want you knowing. Ask yourself, in a nation of Christians, why are these simple dots never connected? Is someone suppressing this information? Who?? Answer: (((them)))
This is the most informative 10 minutes u will spend all year.
▶ a8499a (19) No.4696901
i already know this but it's still too shallow. i've dug deeper and found mind blowing stuff. Dig, go deeper, there is more, so much more, and it's HUGE.
▶ a8499a (19) No.4697431
In the illuminati ball in NY the person wearing 3 faces mask & vines on his head is saying that this ball will end in a drunked Bacchanalia.
In the old rothchild ball, there was also a guy wearing a 3 faces mask with a top hat which had some sort of stripes on the front.
Could do the stripes be related to the protection talisman?
What about the 3 faces mask? In the Classical era, they used to wear masks when performing in the theatre but it wasn't 3 faced.
There are some 3 faced gods: Shiva, Asura and Hekate.
"HEKATE (Hecate) was the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy. She was the only child of the Titanes Perses and Asteria from whom she received her power over heaven, earth, and sea."
So, the meaning = Black magic Bacchinial party
▶ a8499a (19) No.4698326
Compare Heliopolis = Baalbek with Giza.
Is it even possible? maybe yes for the small blocks, but what about the monoliths?
▶ b359d6 (3) No.4698560
Apologies in advance for the pic repost.
…The first picture, top right gave me the chills. I view it as a ritual sacrifice of the first born (son? Assuming that is what the top pointing triangle represents).
The 2 planetary bodies align side by side, the black sun high above to accept the offering from the arms of the mother.
Venus, Mars, Saturn's previous planetary alignment has me thinking whether Earth once had less gravity than what exists, today.
…The moral of the story: Don't get stoned and Chan, or do it. It don't matter.
▶ a8499a (19) No.4698693>>4698702
the movie is called 10 000 B.C. and they were building pyramids in it. yet to the "official main stream historical" lies they were built = "Most were built as tombs for the country's pharaohs and their consorts during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods. The earliest known Egyptian pyramids are found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis. The earliest among these is the Pyramid of Djoser, which was built c. 2630--2610 BC during the Third Dynasty"
Planting seeds again in our heads to distort or HIDE the true history
▶ a8499a (19) No.4700283
"This detail shows one of the few mosaics which survives from the period of Theodoric"
Another distorted part of history?
▶ a8499a (19) No.4700405>>4701474
Is this the reason behind the bearded Christ image?
How many times was this proven correct? Then debunked? Round and round till it turned into a what?
What are they hidding by playing all of these GAMES?
▶ a8499a (19) No.4701086
Qana & Cana/ Kana/ Khirbet Kana
Geographical location of Qana?
Geographical location of Cana/ Kana/ Khirbet Kana?
2 Qanas/ Kanas?
What does Khirbet mean in arabic?
Which one is the real Qana/ Kana?
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4701421>>4701671
There's a reason why women weren't allowed in the sciences, etc., until only recently. It's because the male fraternities such as the Illuminati and Freemasons and Jesuits were all exclusively male. They simply couldn't trust any women to go along with "The Big Lie"
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4701474>>4701520
Some say it's a medieval forgery. Some say it's really Jesus. Some say it's both medieval AND really Jesus.
▶ a8499a (19) No.4701520
WHY some say?
Isn't that a SPIN?
Why are they trying to confuse us?
Don't they use the same tactics now with the Pizzagate subject?
▶ a8499a (19) No.4701671>>4710719
Kinda true. no offense to women. But don't THEY transmit the "power" through the women?
Q keeps on telling us to watch the wives as well, why is that?
▶ 9902dc (14) No.4703846>>4706505 >>4707281
Sorry, I haven't been around to continue on my thought. I was chasing the lead that I mentioned. By the way, the answer to my question I posed is a feature called "Tidal Locking".
I knew it was important. However, I didn't fuly understand the significance until a few days ago. I'm DEEP into this rabbit hole. We're about to get into a quite a few symbols, myths and archetypes!!
I've been aware that are still some unanswered questions regarding the polar configuration. It seems like even the folks over at Thunderbolts Project were having some trouble figuring out a few details. I don't think they were trying to hide anything, but there are some intense scars on the face of planet Earth that weren't getting enough attention. Probably because it would scare the heck out of people if they thought that it was something that could happen again. I first noticed the scale back in July, and it's been haunting me ever since. So, I made it a point to revisit this back in November.
I'm fairly new to the Thunderbolts Project, but I grasp the concepts pretty well. I've actually reached several of their conclusions, independently. Usually when I would check to see if there was any info out there to back my claims, I would find a link to someone in the Electric Universe community. Which is how I became a fan in the first place (Believe it or not, I actually first bumped into a Wal Thornhill video when I was trying to find info to explain to people how and why the Earth wasn't flat). Anyway, I finally came across someone who saw what I see. His name is Michael Steinbacher. Unfortunately, he passed away back in 2015. He had a great eye for spotting these large features (probably because he was a photographer). One of his last requests was to revisit Velikovsky's work.
Personally, Velikovsky has been stuck in the back of my mind ever since I first read it, over a dozen years ago. His method was to observe all the evidence, including mythology, and make BOLD predictions. Dave Talbot used such methods to reach his conclusion of the polar configuration. I will also use such methods here to explain something so outrageous, it might just make complete sense!!
In between now and my last post, I've made it a point to learn more about the physics behind the Electromagnetic Force. So, I may not have fully understood why the tidal locking feature was important. However, It will play a critical role in supporting my claims. This may have been the very event that caused the polar configuration in the first place. Honestly, we need some sort of catalyst to wind up in such an alignment, and that has yet to be discovered by the Thunderbolts crew. However, you'll need to at least be familiar with their work in order to understand what it is I will be presenting here.
I have not come across this hypothesis anywhere else, and as far as I can tell, this is a completely new idea. I'm bringing it here because this is OurStory. I'm going to need a few comments to relay all of the information. I hope Q understands why I've had to put the politics on hold until I get this message across. This is BIG!!
Since you brought up the petroglyphs, I'll post this video from Anthony Peratt. There seems to be a pattern he had noticed. The very first petroglyphs pointed to the south. This is a huge clue, for a number of reasons. For starters, it gives a reference to the sequence of events. Obviously, it was something BIG, since it was so important that the people would record such an event. Next, in regards to the polar configuration, if Saturn was in the North, that means SOMETHING was in the South. Also, in order for the petroglyphs to line up in such a manner, it would mean that the continents were, most likely, in a similar positions to where they are today. While you might not fully understand the significance of that last part, yet, I assure you it is an important piece of the puzzle.
▶ 8ba3f9 (11) No.4706214>>4706851 >>4949686
Queen & Freddie Mercury
Why name of "Queen"?
Logo = coat of arms of brits monarchy + phoenix?
Crown costume on stage?
Masonic black and white tiles?
Red again?
Eyes on costume? (as if one wasn't enough)
Drag queens?
▶ 8ba3f9 (11) No.4706316>>4706851 >>4949686
Queen and Freddie Mercury - part 2
Leather costume (look i'm gay message, it's cool)?
Falsh Gordon movie soundtrack - space wars?
Cross-dressing and wanting to be free? Free from what Freddie? From the cabal?
Orgy? Ball?
Ah yes! the great pretender?
▶ 8ba3f9 (11) No.4706431>>4706832 >>4706851 >>4949686
Queen and Freddie Mercury - part 3
Highlander (the movie), isn't that in Scotland? Where there is a famous freemason lodge? Living for ever? Who wants to live for ever (song)?
of course, there is also the tv series: in the end, there could be only one…… how nice!
Oh yeah! Almost forgot = Bohemian Rhaspody (wonderful lyrics about mama i just killed a man…)
Bohemia Grove? nnnnaaaaa, it's just a coincidence.
Oh that was turned into a movie recently. won awards, right? Rami Malek?
Soundtrack for the Highlander the movie. Who consider themselves as the PRINCES of the universe? Immortality?
just a coincidence
▶ 8ba3f9 (11) No.4706483>>4949686
Queen and Freddie Mercury
Freddie got HIV. Sacrificed? Coincidence? Fate?
Lost in his sexual identity?
Powerful lyrics and songs that resonated in the hearts of millions? why? was he suffering himself? is he a willing puppet or a controled one? or was he simply used and was a victim as well?
and the cherry on top of the cake is = Freddie was Zoroastrian ^_^ coincidence, right?
Why did the other members of Queen asked POTUS NOT to play their songs in his rallies? I'm sure it's all a coincidence.
▶ 9902dc (14) No.4706505>>4706563 >>4707281 >>4795906
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Building off my previous posts.
Pictures on pause because this video is important!! We have a verified evidence that supports a link between the water on Earth and the planet Saturn. I've actually come across this information a few years back and was having trouble finding the link which I originally read back in 2016, I believe. It may have got scrubbed, but I really don't know. That does happen a lot where one study will report it's findings, then a later study will back the claims, or dispute. Either way, that's not important because we have this, now. Here's the link, which prompted the video.
So, basically there's a chemical signature in our water. Hydrogen is composed of one proton and one electron, no neutron. Deuterium does have that neutron, which in turn gives the atom more mass (this is why they refer to it as "Heavy Water"). Overall, Deuterium behaves in a similar fashion as Hydrogen would, and an Oxygen atom doen't care what's in the nucleus, as long as there's a free electron to hook up with. Different environments will have different amounts of Deuterium and Hydrogen available, which leads to a "signature" in the water.
Scientists have been "puzzled" and "perplexed" about the origins of the water found on Earth. If you don't believe me, search the topic. Too much to get into here. The point is, there is a distinct connection between the water on Earth and the water surrounding the planet Saturn. In reality, it's just another one of many "coincidences" that links the two planets.
Now, there's obviously a lot more to the story, since Saturn is pretty far away. The Polar Configuration touches on the subject of how we may have got from Point A to Point B. There are several catastrophic accounts that can be found in every culture and religion from around the world. They will help explain this. The symbols are going to come into play, as well. The Thunderbolts Project is still building on their theories, and Wal even addresses this in another recent video.
This isn't the first time he has talked about "Proto-Saturn". I'm going to build upon this situation further. I'm pretty sure I'm sitting on a significant piece of the puzzle, and I want to get it out to you all, rather than sit and wait to publish this or whatever. I'm not here to promote anything. However, I do give some props along the way.
So, Wal mentions what life would be like on Earth during these times of intense flaring of the dwarf star, Saturn. I don't think it was nearly as bad as some may think. I'm going to prove that is possible. Saturn ruled during the time of the Golden Age. How could that be possible if the star was flaring up in such a violent fashion? There is a logical solution, and you have to take several things into account.
I'm glad to see that there are a lot of ancient megalithic ruins on this thread. I've looked at them a lot. One of the more perplexing things we encounter is the largest size blocks on the bottom. Also, the old stuff does look pretty technologically advanced, too. So, the question I have to ask to Giorgio Tsukalos, "Did the Aliens suddenly get smaller?" OR. . . "Were the people larger, exposed to less Gravity (which makes the blocks lighter, btw), and living as an advanced race for quite some time, before a series of catastrophic events, which resulted in eventual loss of this technology and a dramatic change to the cosmic environment?". I know it's a mouthful, but it makes more sense when you think about it.
First off, on top of our DNA's ability to adapt to different environments, on the fly (Look up Epigenetics), a flaring Saturn would have exposed life to some intense radiation. This would speed up the process of "evolution". I'll get further into the details in another post. Basically, anywhere the conditions are right for life, it's going to come to be. "Consider the vastness of Space". Even if our race was created by aliens, the aliens would have to be alive, therefore. . . It's just how things work. Life is. From the looks of things, Life has been on this planet for awhile. At one point in time it was Larger. If humans existed alongside dinosaurs, it would be logical to conclude they, too, would be bigger under such conditions. We see evidence to support the claim. We here myths about giants. That's not really why I'm here today, but I'm just saying. . .
▶ 8ba3f9 (11) No.4706563
Humans existing along side dinosaurs?
Narmer palette, coincidence?
▶ 8ba3f9 (11) No.4706709
Hierakonpolis palette dates back to King Narmer as well = the scorpion king.
oh wait! Wasn't that a movie?
Dwayne Johnson?
I'm sure that's another coincidence
▶ 8ba3f9 (11) No.4706805
Who is Yazdegerd II?
Who was Vartan Mamikonian?
Why did the battle of Avarayr took place?
"The Battle of Avarayr (Armenian: Ավարայրի ճակատամարտ Avarayri čakatamart) was fought on 26 May 451 AD on the Avarayr Plain in Vaspurakan between the Armenian Army under Vardan Mamikonian and Sassanid Persia. It is considered one of the first battles in defense of the Christian faith in history.[7] Although the Persians were victorious on the battlefield, the battle proved to be a major strategic victory for Armenians, as Avarayr paved the way to the Nvarsak Treaty of 484 AD, which affirmed Armenia's right to practise Christianity freely.[2][3]
The battle is seen as one of the most significant events in Armenian history.[8] The commander of the Armenian forces, Vardan Mamikonian, is considered a national hero and has been canonized by the Armenian Apostolic Church"
"The Kingdom of Armenia under the Arsacid dynasty of Armenia was the first nation to officially convert to Christianity, in 301 AD under Tiridates III. In 428, Armenian nobles petitioned Bahram V to depose Artaxias IV (Artashir IV).[11] As a result, the country became a Sassanid dependency with a Sassanid governor. The Armenian nobles initially welcomed Persian rule, provided they were allowed to practise Christianity; but Yazdegerd II, concerned that the Armenian Church was hierarchically dependent on the Latin- and Greek-speaking, Orthodox Christian Church (aligned with Rome and Constantinople rather than the Aramaic-speaking, Persian-backed Church of the East) tried to compel the Armenian Church to abandon Rome and Byzantium in favour of the Church of the East or simply convert to Zoroastrianism. He summoned the leading Armenian nobles to Ctesiphon, and pressured them into cutting their ties with the Orthodox Church as he had intended.[12] Yazdegerd II himself was a Zoroastrian rather than a Christian, and his concern was not religious but securing political loyalty. "
Who are the descendants of Hayk/ Haïg?
The first NATION to convert to Christianity? When? A decade before the emperor Constantine the great?
oh wait! Another movie? Just a coincidence?
▶ 8ba3f9 (11) No.4706828
Coat of arms of Hayastan = the lion and the eagle
Where did i see that before?
▶ 4dac84 (2) No.4706832
Fucking duschbag! Queens B. Rhapsody is a fucking GYPSY you piece of shit American! Step the fuck off US soil and expereince he real world.
My god curse your children and family for your pure bullshit. Please my your dna be removed from planet earth to make the human race a better place. FU
▶ 4dac84 (2) No.4706851
May Allah find you and prove their justice for your fucking slander mother fucker! Please end all your dna bloodline so others do not have to do it to make the world a better place.
Hope you children harm in front of your eyes for fuckng with freddie mother fucker.
▶ 8ba3f9 (11) No.4706869
The Lion & the Eagle
My personal favorites
▶ 8ba3f9 (11) No.4706902
Combine the lion and the eagle and you will get the griffin.
"The griffin, griffon, or gryphon is a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle; and sometimes an eagle's talons as its front feet."
▶ 8ba3f9 (11) No.4706987
where did i see a battle between the lion/eagle and the snake/dragon?
In history? In movies? in novels?
Horus? Sphynx? Jason & the Argonauts? Hercules wearing the Nemean lion fur skin fighting the hydra? Arch Angel Micheal versus the dragon? St. Georges versus the dragon?
oh yes, there is also House Gryffindor verus house Slytherin? is there also a griffin the story?
What was J.K. Rowling trying to tell us?
▶ 22d26d (1) No.4707281>>4708443 >>4709084
Continuing to build. I'll get to the symbols [soon] enough ;)
Remember when Q told us to, "Learn how to read the Map"? I know I may be taking this a bit too literally, but I've been studying Earth a lot via satellite images. Ruins were one thing that got me into it in the first place, but while I was scouring Earth, often I would come across some extremely bizarre features. I would think to myself, "Is this real? Or was this section of Earth cropped??". . .
Over time, I became more accustom to seeing such unusual features. Eventually, I stumbled upon the Electric Universe, which gave me a new perspective on what I was looking at. I was aware of the scar on Mars, but I never imagined that something of that magnitude could've taken place while Life was on Earth. Last July, while Q was on break, I spent a few days revisiting the old hobby of looking at satellite images.
At first, it was an innocent encounter. I was looking around the continent of Africa. I was used to finding those "stone circles", which some of you may have heard about. Then I found a patch of land with a bunch of wavy lines. it looked unusual, but I was used to seeing these strange features, often described as ancient sea beds. I can see why some would think that, due to the wavy pattern in the Earth. However, when I zoomed in the scale of the waves was incredibly large, and the parts without sand were solid rock.
Scrolling around in the region, I noticed an interesting features. It almost looks like a fish was scratched into the landscape. It also kind of reminds me of a solar flare in a way. Nearby, there was a patch of land with what looked like a bunch of positive and negative lightning strikes. These where pretty large features for an ordinary lightning strike. At first, I thought I found a tiny little section of Earth that had experienced some intense electrical scarring. It was when I started to zoom out to make note of the region that I began to see the scale of this. . .
It wasn't just one remote region. I began to see what looked like an extremely large current running through the ground, creating mountains, rivers and literally shaping the face of the Earth. I decided to scroll over to the Richat Crater, aka the "Eye of the Sahara". I noticed the same thing. I could follow the current in both directions. Across the Atlantic, over to the Amazon River. Then following back in the other direction, over to the Caspian Sea. I was staring at the scar of Poseidon's Trident.
For those of you who are familiar with the Primer Fields, the bowl shaped magnetic structure should jump out at you. On a smaller scale, you will also find a bowl shape feature near the base of the Appalachian Mountain range. This is not a coincidence. This is the result of some MAJOR [current] running through the ground. If you're not familiar with the Primer Fields, the basic structure also appears on one end of the "Squatter Man" Plasma discharge. You can also find this same feature in much larger galactic structures. This is the Electromagnetic Space Force in full effect!!
▶ d520ec (1) No.4708107
So all this magic and tarot cards and astrology stuff is real? It's not a conspiracy theory?
▶ 9902dc (14) No.4708443>>4709084
Continuing the EU catastrophic geology for a second, before returning to the overall story.
At the bottom of the first image of the Eastern half of the USA, you can see that bowl shape feature at the base of the Appalachian Mountains. The clouds cut it out a bit, it's there. See for yourself. It looks like the Mountains surge forth right out of the ground, at the precise location of where the discharge is expected to occur in that type of magnetic structure. To put it bluntly, THERE WAS A SHIT TON OF CURRENT FLOWING THROUGH THE EARTH!!!
Anyway, it's not exclusive to one region. You'll see it on every CONTINENT. It even affects the weather! I know you may think that weather is shaping the land, but it's actually the other way around. When the current shut off, many of these larger features were "frozen" into the Earth. Believe it or not, electricity has the ability to alter chemistry, which should make sense when you realize that Plasma is basically a bunch of free protons and electrons, and electricity is just the flow of electrons. It might sound scary at first to think about this amount of current flowing through the ground. I was incredibly happy to find Michael Steinbacher's work because he saw this. Just listen :' )
I've been going back to discover more of his work. I get the feeling that this topic was kind of a GIANT elephant in the room. He wanted the EU community to address this, and I think some of the others were afraid to because they weren't quite sure of the cause. This scale is insane, and it's not exactly the thing you want to bring up if you don't know the answer to the question. Steinbacher wanted to revisit Velikovsky, thinking the cause was Venus (I already shared a spoiler alert). Michael's last presentation at the EU convention was presented by another guy, while Michael was in the hospital. There were some awkward parts, to say the least. This was the final interview he did. I don't think this was out of bad blood or anything. It sounds to me like he just wanted some answers and the others genuinely didn't know. . .
I'll give you another video of Steinbacher's where he explains what he sees in this rather larger feature in along the coast of Namibia, called Brandberg Massif. I went to the spot on the map. Scrolling to the North East a bit, I found a mountain range. This bears a striking similarity to braided plasma filaments. So, I followed the feature further into the continent, where eventually I reach what I can only describe as a MASSIVE shock wave that was released. This should give you an glimpse into some of the things that people like Steinbacher and myself are seeing and trying to describe to the rest of (you)s. . . Rest in Peace, Michael. . . Gone but not forgotten :' )
▶ 9902dc (14) No.4709084>>4709726
So, my ID has changed but I'll try to link everything together at the end for ease. Continuing on from-
So, I'm going to reveal another symbol to start this next post since I've already talked about the high intensity current that was flowing through the Earth. Time to talk about Janus, the divider. The question I've been asking myself is, "How fast could Pangaea actually have split apart??". . .
When you start to take the legends into account, there is quite a few similarities with this idea of a "Golden Age". I don't think it was just the "Cosmic Mountain" that Dave Talbot was talking about. Also, you do see similar features in those advanced polygonal megalithic building block techniques. That's one heck of a coincidence for cultures to develop that independently.
I can think of at least one story that comes to mind from the Bible. In Genesis, early on, it talks about how after the flood the Earth was divided (See Genesis 10:32 and 11-1). I'm going to mirror that to the myth about Atlantis. I could go on with more, but that should give you an idea of where we're at in the timeline.Now, the BILLION dollar question is, "How in the ____ did it habben?" (: I'll be explaing this shortly ;)
First, we have to address something about the fossil records. There are special circumstances that have to exist for any creature to be preserved via fossilization. In order to explain the change in chemical composition, scientists require "millions of years" to explain this. However, if you look around the web, or if you've ever encountered Michael Cremo's work, you will find a ton of things that make you think, "WTF is going on?". . .
First off, I will state that sometimes chemical reactions are responsible, and environments will always play a role in the process. Having said that, I do think the concept of electrical transmutation should be considered when taking things into account. Instant fossilization ;)
I've already proposed that the current was flowing through the Earth. Take that into account, apply it to the plant and animal life that, which give the dates for the Super-Continent of Pangaea. Suddenly, it doesn't sound so outrageous to have that giant landmass in the not so distant past.
Two more things I'd like to point out. First, if you consider how far the plates are actually moving in modern times, they would even have moved a mile in the last 12,000 years. Second, scientist don't really have an answer to why the Earth's plates are moving to begin with. It's one of the more unique features of this planet. Now, think about what the Earth may have looked like during the time of Pangaea. If all the land was on one side, where would the water be??
▶ 9902dc (14) No.4709726>>4710659
Continuing on from
As you can see from that map of Mars, most of the ocean would wind up in the Northern Hemisphere. If You take a look at the moon. The features are similar to Mars only the lower elevation is observed on the "Near-side" of the moon. This is where things get really interesting in regards to "Celestial Mechanics".
If you only take Gravity into account in the equation, it would take billions of years for two bodies to become tidally locked in such a fashion. When you consider the Electromagnetic Force.., and how powerful that is, something like this can happen MUCH faster. Trust me, I've did my homework. This is Physics.
I'm not here to talk about the moon, though. What I'm pointing out is that, first off, tidal locking is a common feature we observe within our own Solar System. Second, the "shallow" side of the moon is the side that faces Earth. It wobbles a little, but there are forces at play which keep the Near-side of the moon facing Earth at all times. I just want to point that out. There are certain geologic features we observe, that appear in our relationship with our tidally locked moon.
Now, with Mars, it's the shallow side in the Northern Hemisphere. And when you think about how the mechanics would work, since Mars is not tidally locked to any celestial body at the time, it makes sense for the balance to occur in such a way. However, if Mars was tidally locked to another celestial body at some point in the past, it would be reasonable to at least consider that "shallow" side may have faced whatever larger celestial body it was locked, too. Remember which pole was facing Saturn in the Polar configuration?? Santa lives at the North Pole :)
Now, I'm going to take a leap of faith and consider the possibility that perhaps the Earth was also a tidally locked body in the past. The features are there when you consider that super-continent, Pangaea. Just saying. . . You ready for it?? I've been building this up all morning :) What if the planets which were orbiting Saturn during the time of those intense flares of a red dwarf star.., were tidally locked in such a manner that only one side of the planet would be exposed to flares???
Right away, something JUMPS out at me. What would the people living on the one side of the Earth think? I'll have to get deeper into the details later (we're going to talk about "Sea Serpents"), but I have to point out two more things to end this post. First, water absorbs radiation really well, so it would help filter the exposure if life where to exist throughout such an environment. Also, we observe strong magnetic fields in these flaring red dwarf stars. So, this idea is not that far-fetched as it may sound.
▶ 527e98 (3) No.4710026>>4710433
P.S. : the overview is not a 100 % accurate with the findings on ground. i couldn' find a better picture.
I want to draw your attention to what is called the Hexagonal court. An Hexagone has 6 sides, right? So this court has 6 sides if you include the 2 walls where there is the entrance doors.
Now take a closer look at the "clothing" of Jupiter Heliopolitanus. He is wearing some sort of tunic, and on top of that tunic, there is this looooooong armor or a dress of some sort. This armor or dress like clothe is devided into 6 squares; each square containing a bust of a divinity.
from upper left to lower right =
Helios = Sun = Dimanche = Sunday
Selene or Luna = Moon = Lundi = Monday
Ares or Mars = War = Mardi = Tuesday
Aphrodite or Venus = Love = Vendredi = Friday
Chronos or Saturn = Time = Samedi = Saturday
and i must appologize to the reader but this reproduction has a little mistake since the original sculpture had the last face damaged, so the one doing the reconstruction thought it was a man. But if you follow the pattern, this 6th deity with the damaged face must be a woman wearing a veil, which can only lead us to:
Hero = Junon = Jeudi = Thrusday
that is 6 days in the week. If you look closely (i hope some anon will find better images than i did) to the 6 walls of the Hexagonal court, you will find a niche enclaved in each wall. So 6 walls = 6 niches = 6 deities statues placed in those niches = 6 days of the week.
But we have 7 days in a week, right? where is the 7th one. the 7th deity on the clothes of Jupiter Heliopolitanus is the one right in the middle, shapped like a column with a human head = that's the graphical representation of Mercury Heliopolitanus.
If you look how they always represent him, he ALWAYS has a column in the place of a human body. So the 7th deity is:
Hermes = Mercury = Mercredi = Wednesday
that makes it 7 deities each for a day of the week.
But where to place the 7th deity in a 6 walls/hexagonal place? Since the 6 walls have their niches already FULL, only the center of the hexagone remained empty.
on the floor, right on the center, there is something, as if something existed there and was removed or broken. The entire sanctuary is filled with small sized alters where they used to put statues on top, mostly of a deity or the person making an offering to the temple. So it's not hard to imagine a small alter placed right at the center of the hexagone where the statue of the 7th god rest upon.
Which god is it in the center? let me assure you it's not Mercury eventhough he is represented in the middle of the clothing.
WHO is this temple dedicated to? = Jupiter Heliopolitanus. the most sacred part of the big temple of Jupiter faces the East, so does the door from the hexagonal court to the big court. So if you place the 7th statue right in the middle of the hexagone and the sun rises from the East, it will hit directly that 7th statue placed in the middle. It's not called Heliopolis for nothing you know.
There are also sculptures of head of lions from the falle pieces of the temple of Jupiter. And the lion is a fire element = the SUN.
▶ 527e98 (3) No.4710433
Had to include that school trip photo ^_^ it's funny how tiny the students are compared to that monolith. The texture of the monolith is different of the other stones in the quarry near by.
it's the same with the texture of the Trilithon, it's as if it's made from another type of stone than the rest of the podium where the temple of jupiter is built upon.
It is known from the written records that the smaller stones of the podium of the temple of Jupiter were put it place (at least they started to construct it) during the reign of the emperor Antiochus IV Epiphanes.
"Antiochus IV Epiphanes was a Hellenistic Greek king of the Seleucid Empire from 175 BC until his death in 164 BC. He was a son of King Antiochus III the Great. "
Not only the size, but also the cutting and the texture as well as the color of the smaller stones are totally different of the ones belonging to the Trilithon. The smaller stones easily recognisable to the naked eye as stones being cut from the quarry near by.
But when it comes to the Triliton, it baffels the mind of everyone, because it's as if they were made of some sort of "cement". YES………. believe it or not, you have to see it with your own eyes. I did. My jaw fell all the way down to the floor. These are not naturally cut stones from a quarry. They are precisely MADE stones, made in a very hard, unbreakable material, even stronger than cement. i'm not saying they are cement. i'm using that word because i'm totally baffled, i've never seen anything like it in all of my travels to archeological sites on the entire planet.
oh sorry, i did see identical ones = in the pyramid of Giza. Same stuff.
Imagine the weight of one monolith? How did they even move that thing an inch forward? and what baffeled me the most is the height, i mean where they were placed on the podium. it's not directly on the ground. They were lifted, these HUGE stones were somehow lifted and placed upon lower levels . How is that even possible? we cannot do that even with our current tech. Each monolith must have weight tones.
Before i end this, i want to add 2 remarks:
The sanctuary was famous for it's divination priests. They read the stars, fortold events and apparently there was some of seer, a famous one apparently.
The information i gave you, i gathered it from the archeologists working on the site, took note, asked questions. The guide of the site don't know these stuff, at least not in the depths i was told about from the archeologists. If you want information, primary information on the sanctuary, the germans worked a lot on. But it's old fashioned, and a lot of new discoveries were unearthed that changed this and that from the german studies.
I always was and still am like Saint Thomas, i wouldn't believe it until i see it or touch it. It's the main reason i went there. and it was beyond anything i had imagined it to be. it's a hidden history. forgotten, neglected, thrown away as garbage, while it may be priceless. the temple of jupiter turned out to be one of 3 temples. Only one is unearthed for now. don't forget, this is a triade, meaning 3 gods. apart jupiter, there is mercury and venus. till this day no one knows the whereabouts of these 2 temples, they are still underground someplace.
the temple you might see (if you dig) neighboring the temple of jupiter is the temple of Bacchus, god of wine and debauchery. it's smaller in size comapred to the temple of jupiter because it's a secondary god in Heliopolis and not one of the main 3 gods.
This is Thomas anon hoping other anons will dig and research about this. As for me, this is going to be my last drop for a while.
Q, this battle between the light and darkness, how long has it been going? As long as i have dug, or even older?
If it's older, than imagine the size of what POTUS, Q and the alliance are facing. Imagine the real scope of this.
With general Flynn (a great man) we saw an eagle flying. I'm asking Q and Potus : when we will hear the Lion Roar, and when will we finally see the griffin in all of his might strike down the darkness once and for all. i'm trying to be patient but when i see how long they have been prolifirating and darkness spreading so wide and so long, i get down and sad. it's heart breaking how many souls they hurt for so long.
We must unite in the name of HUMANITY and GOOD to face this huge evil monster that has been trying to destroy us for so long.
God bless you all.
▶ 9902dc (14) No.4710659>>4824924
I've got one last post in me, before I have to take a break. I've already made it this far. I really want to get this next part out to you all. building off everything I've said, so far…
So.., perhaps the people of Earth were actually living on this Pangaea landmass for quite some time, tidally locked to a flaring red dwarf star. Then one day that system came in contact with a body like Neptune. As Neptune approached the system, the Earth happened to be the closest body in between Saturn and Neptune. As Neptune approached, it would probably cause some wobbling for our tiny little Earth. At some point it would get close enough to lock onto Earth, electromagnetically, but the two bodies don't collide. Instead, Neptune continues on it's course, and Earth now gets caught up in an intense match of tug-of-war between to much larger celestial bodies. (: For the record, I am taking physics into account, throughout this entire process ;)
I've been trying to take EVERYTHING into account. This is the only logical explanation I was able to come up with. There are too many coincidences to ignore. I'll point out that nobody has ever came up with any idea as to HOW the polar configuration was triggered to begin with. If it did happen, we need some kind of catalyst. This encounter may have been what triggered such an event. On a side note, this could also work with Uranus in the mix, and through an effect similar to Newton's Cradle may explain how the first 4 bodies fell in line, with the last in the chain continuing momentum.
I shouldn't have to link anything, since it's fairly well known that Neptune is often referred to as the god of the sea. This would make a ton of sense if were the celestial body that split apart a the great continent of Pangaea, exposing several new sections of land to to large bodies of water. It also makes sense about the myth of Atlantis "falling into the sea". Imagine being in the middle of a large landmass, which essentially made up the entire known world, then suddenly a third of the land started drifting away, eventually off into the horizon, as a large body of water suddenly appeared, all the while there were unfathomably large earthquakes and volcanoes amidst the stress being exerted upon the planet. Are things starting to make sense??
As Neptune started to move away from the Earth, it began to pull. Saturn wasn't going to give up. Neptune was locked onto the land (it looks to me like it's initial target may have been Africa, but it wound up tugging on Antarctica on it's way out. If I had to guess, I would say that Saturn grabbed a hold of the Americas, as the Earth was wobbling about. The further away Neptune moved, the more intense of a force the Earth would have experienced. This wouldn't have been a fun time for life on Earth.
Anyone who survived would be sure to make note of the experience, which is exactly what we see. Going back to the very first petroglyphs, all pointing to an event in the south. I'm proposing that event was pointing to the body Neptune, as it was departing after one of the most events that our planet will ever have to endure. For the inhabitants of the Northern hemisphere, the would have not only had to live through such a traumatic event in the Earth being ripped in half, but now they were also staring at a large celestial body (Saturn), for the first time in their lives, fixated in the north pole, after it "rose from the sea". By the way, due to the polar configuration, with Mars in between, it would have the appearance of a giant "eye in the sky" and the overall experience gives some solid input about where the concept of "Judgement Day" originates. . .
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4710719
My take is that the only women who would be allowed on the inside would be high ranking occultists. We'd think of them as witches. Think Helena Blavatsky of Theosophy, basically the female Aleister Crowley.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4716380>>4716853 >>4785521
▶ 31b1c2 (1) No.4716835>>4717240
Anons who actually listen to the "muh joo" shills need to educate themselves. Cabal affiliated jews are a very small minority originating from khazaria and the tribe of dan.
The patriarch of that tribe was Esau, which means red. Their territory in Israel was bordered by phoenicia, which translates as dark red. Red is a very common color in cabal symbols, and the name Rothschild means red shield.
Baal/idol worship seems to have spread across the border from Phoenicia to the tribe of Dan. The Phoenicians saw horned animals/goats as sacred creatures. I read a recent /pol/ thread where the OP claimed to be a rothschild, and at one point he mentioned the Tuuatha De Danaan, which was a mysterious group in Irish folklore that just showed up under some very strange circumstances and took over Ireland. Translated the Tuuatha De Danaan means "The Tribe of Dan", Thus explaining both where the Rothschilds got the 'red' in their name (they are descendants of Esau/the tribe of dan) and why they were pictured wearing goat heads and coated in gold (because they followed the Phoenician religion of idol worship).
Given that much of the old testament originated in Egypt, there's a good chance the rivalry between the brothers Esau and Jacob is connected to the most important Egyptian myth, the contention of horus and set (also brothers). The eye of ra, which Q mentioned as an important cabal symbol, was the right eye of horus which was cut out by seth. So its possible one of the biggest cabal signals/symbols relates back to the tribe of dan's patriarch Esau.
Also some other interesting things. The Bible has many hints that the tribe of dan is evil and as a result many biblical scholars over thousands of years have predicted that the antichrist will come from the tribe of dan. Furthermore they have some very interesting symbols such as the serpent, take a look at the graphic for more.
Here is some very good reading about the tribe of dan (traces their lineage throughout the world, very interesting) and Phoenicia.
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4716853>>4750813 >>4750849 >>4750936
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4717240
>The Bible has many hints that the tribe of dan is evil and as a result many biblical scholars over thousands of years have predicted that the antichrist will come from the tribe of dan.
Birth Name: Joan Ruth Bader
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York City, New York, U.S.
Date of Birth: March 15, 1933
Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jewish
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4721314
Researchers also think that this finding adds special meaning to the term “iron from the sky" which was a hieroglyph found in ancient Egyptian texts.
▶ 0ceb73 (1) No.4721424>>4785462
was watching a video on cosmic alignments of celestial bodies in the solar system and noticed this.
this was from a video talking about the electromagnetic properties of that cigar shaped comet.
angles were multiples of pi or some shit.
▶ 89a540 (2) No.4732165
I am not sure if I am reaching but it seems wierd to me. 1457 is like Q 17 and 45.
The picture in tweet has more numbers below also
▶ 89a540 (2) No.4732208
Sorry I posted it in the wrong place but I cant figure this board out! I keep trying to post and it says the thread is full.
▶ 7ca231 (1) No.4749801
you just can't be serious about saving the world's economy or humanity with bloodgold accumulated throughout history.
gold is worthless and a tool of darkness
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4750813>>4750936
That back to the future picture is amazing. There's NO REASON they had to have that there, considering the whole town was a set.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4750849>>4750936
Brotherhood of Man
Now, your time has come, a storm of iron in the sky
War and murder come again, lucky if you die
No way to rescue destiny, scream and curse in vain
You will never be remembered, no-one knows your name
When the music changes then all is broken down
Mighty cities laid to ruin, burning to the ground
Murder is become the law; you cannot make a stand
Chaos rules the world, now mortal, brotherhood of man
You cannot hide the truth from me, I know what's in your heart
Greed and jealousy, each equal, all your days now dark
Mighty mountains fall in dust, the world falls into Hell
Faith in lying prophets, no-one to lift the spell
Monsters rule your world, are you too scared to understand?
You shall be forever judged and you shall surely hang
We live and scrape in misery; we die by our own hand
And still we murder our own children, brotherhood of man
Blood on all our hands, we cannot hope to wash them clean
History is mystery, do you know what it means?
Slaughter, kill and fighting still and murdered where we stand
Our legacy is lunacy, brotherhood of man
We are worse than animals, we hunger for the kill
We put our faith in maniacs, the triumph of the will
We kill for money, wealth and lust, for this we should be damned
We are disease upon the world, brotherhood of man
Brotherhood Of Man
John Larroquette
You see, Wally, even though we're all apart of this cold, corporate setup,
Deep down, under our skins, there's flesh and blood,
But we're all brothers.
Now you may join the Elks, my friend,
And I may join the Shriners,
And other men may carry cards as members of the Diner's.
Still others wear a golden key or small Greek letter pin.
But I have learned there's one great club
that all of us are in.
There is a
brotherhood of man.
A benevolent brotherhood of man!
A noble tie that binds all human hearts and minds
Into one brotherhood of man.
Your lifelong membership is free;
Keep agivin' each brother all you can.
Oh, aren't you proud to be in that fraternity?
The great big brotherhood of man!
So, Wally, I want you to remember that before you consider firing Mr. Bigley.
Whoa, whoa, who's considering THAT?!
You see, Wally, I know what's on your mind-
You'd like to clear out the whole crowd from top to bottom!
That's the obvious move!
But STOP, and think
One man may seem incompetent, another not make sense,
While others look like quite a waste of company expense.
They need a brother's leadership,
So please don't do them in.
Remember: mediocraty
Is not a mortal sin.
There (We're)
In (in)
The (the)
Brotherhood of man.
Dedicated to giving all we can!
Oh, aren't you proud to be in that fraternity?
The great big brotherhood of man!
No kidding!
Is there really a brotherhood (Yes, you're a brother!)
of man? (You are a brother!)
A benevolent brotherhood of man? (Oh, yes, sir, yes!)
A noble tie that binds all human hearts and minds
Into one brotherhood of man?
Your lifelong membership is free;
Keep agivin' each brother all you can.
Oh, aren't you proud to be in that fraternity,
the great big Brotherhood of Man?
Ohhhh, that noble feeling
feels like bells are pealing!
Down with double-dealing
Ohhhh, brother!
You, you've got me!
Me, I've got you!
Ohh, that noble feeling
Feels like bells are pealing!
Down with double-dealing
Ohhh, brother!
You, you've got me!
Me, I've got you!
Ohhh, that noble feeling,
Feels like bells are pealing!
Down with double-dealing,
Ohhh, brother!
You, you've got me!
Me, I've got you!
Your lifelong membership is free;
Keep agivin' each brother all you can.
Oh, aren't you glad to be in that fraternity?
The great big brotherhood of man!
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4750936>>4750982
"Almond Joy's got nuts, Mounds don't"
One of the Mounds behind the sweeper is upside down.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4750982
“Back to the Future” screenwriter Bob Gale has revealed that Donald Trump was the inspiration for Marty McFly’s arch nemesis Biff Tannen.
The revelation comes as part of a slew of nostalgic retrospectives on “Back to the Future Part II,” in which McFly (Michael J. Fox) and Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) travel to Oct. 21, 2015. Gale spoke to the Daily Beast about the similarities between Biff and Trump.
“We thought about it when we made the movie! Are you kidding?” Gale told the outlet when asked if he noticed Biff’s resemblance to Trump. “You watch ‘Part II’ again and there’s a scene where Marty confronts Biff in his office and there’s a huge portrait of Biff on the wall behind Biff, and there’s one moment where Biff kind of stands up and he takes exactly the same pose as the portrait? Yeah.”
“Part II” sees Tannen (played by Thomas F. Wilson) build a 27-story casino and gain political sway, which he uses to take over Hill Valley, Calif., where he insists on being called “America’s greatest living folk hero.”
Director Robert Zemeckis declared on Wednesday that there would be no additional “Back to the Future” films made.
“It is a well-made trilogy, and will stay that way,” he said.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4751090
The WW1 Conspiracy
Pt 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tclAbWvBt70
Pt 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-5kWX7rYuU
Pt 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzVd7XCTu28
▶ f4a7e7 (3) No.4751380
It's awesome to see another anon dig about this. i've been holding back a lot of info cause it's going to be a HUGE shock and many won't accept it.
Let me give you more hints: Heliopolis is built not far from the 33 degree parallel (is that what you call them?) and the altar of the 3 main temples are ALL facing East = the rising sun.
As for the temple of Jupiter, it has a ver ODD specifity = what's underneath it.
See that site was an old TELL (that is how the archeologists refered to it) as in a big mound like a small hill which is ruins from a VERY old time, a very old settlement of some sort. the entire big court and the temple of jupiter were built right on top of that "Tell". A few years ago, there was some shallow excavations in the almost the center of the big court where they wouldn't damage the infrastructure of the sanctuary if they dug there. And the archeologists found a HUGE number of pottery fragments. For many reasons, lack of fundings for example, they stopped digging, but left the whole open, so that visitors can see there is an older layer under the level we stand upon.
Why am i talking about this? because the Trilithon was built on the edge of that "Tell". That is why i've asked previously how did they managed to lift up those huge stones to that level. The site seems to be older than anyone thought it was.
And there is more = the entire Beqaa valley is dotted with ancient "Tells" and even some Dolmens. Only the archeologists know where everything is. You can see some of them while driving around, but most people think they are just little hills here and there.
The sanctuary of Jupiter and the pyramid in Giza share a lot of oddities. Just like in the pyramid, the smaller stones where built around the monolith…. facing East… and there is one more common point but i'm gonna hold onto that for now. My appologies.
so i advise you to dig and connect all of my drops. There is something. It's a like spider web. We can reconstruct the distorted history they have been spoon feeding us for so long. it's totally fascinating how everything connects. and we can even have glimpses to what was before the big flood. i've got a big theory about that, but it's just a theory for now, i hope archeology will give me facts, proofs and evidence so i can support my theory, till now, it is helping me a lot.
oh and the decoration = sculptures you see around in the sanctuary, it was rightly interpreted, they got 99% of them right and they identified correctly who they represent and what it means. the archeologist have been quietly doing a great job. Don't look for info in the main strem research places, there is a publication done by the department of antiquities in Lebanon and they publish in it most of what they find, either the raw data of the digging and then the interpereation of the findings. that publication is called B.A.A.L as in Bulleting Academique Archeologie du Liban (if i remember correctly) there are articles written in many languages, mostly french and english. I hope it will help.
▶ f4a7e7 (3) No.4751849
In Cali. called Non Plus Ultra.
Loads of symbols, don't you think?
▶ f4a7e7 (3) No.4751967>>4752251 >>4762331 >>4769254 >>4769706 >>4810641 >>5030891
The inifinity sign is what pushed me to start droping my research in here.
It's been a while that POTUS and the persons working behind the scenes have been pointing to the infinity sign but no one has picked that up and researched. There is the grave at Arlingthon which POTUS stood behind and if i remember correctly there is also those planes flying in an infinity pattern.
I've been digging a lot about it and each time I'm comming back to the same result = the infinity, the Fleurs de Lys, the "square" cross (like the one used by the Nazi) and the arch keep on popping. It seems all 4 point to the Merovingian dynasty, which are the founders of the royalty in France which ended (supposedly). P = Paysseur is supposedly the descendant of Louis XVI, if so then he is a direct descendant of the Merovingian Bloodline. If is POTUS hinting at the descendants of the Paysseur/Merovingian? Is he asking us to dig there?
If it's the case, i hope POTUS, our lovely FLOTUS or Q would confirm this by tweeting something with the name CLOVIS in it. Clovis being the founder of the Merovingian dynasty, it means we should dig there.
▶ 255289 (5) No.4752251>>4752360 >>4752463 >>4765947
Keep going. You're doing great.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4752360
Thank you so much for your encouragement.
Let me give you a hand, i've dug a gold mine. i hope you can use the images i'm gonna drop to make those awesome connections you are doing
▶ afe914 (24) No.4752380>>4769254
The Hittites?
The antlers ?
Rothschild ball?
▶ afe914 (24) No.4752453>>4752506
The Hittites empire map. Same geo location as Phrygia? Lydia? Nimrud Dag?
Neighbor to :Armenia? Mesopotamia? Phoenicia? Syria? Greece?
Passage way? Crossroad?
At war with? Assyria? Pharaonic Egypt? Others?
Time? Date? Chronology?
Same wingged solar disk?
Same elongaded hats?
See previous drops of mine and connect then put into a chronological order and place on world map.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4752463
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Have you seen this? There's 8 other long videos just like it.. This guy is incredible
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4752506>>4752699
1. The nation of Heta or the Cossack Goths. Russia, or the Horde, in Egyptian texts found upon Egyptian monuments.
1.1. The Hitians, ot the Mongols.
Brugsch begins his account of the XIX dynasty with the description of Hita or Heta, a great nation - the Goths, as we are beginning to realise, or the Russians.
However, it is possible that Brugsch himself suspected the blood relations of the Hita nation and the “Mongols”, without realising just how correct he was really. This is what G. K. Vlastov tells us about this matter: “Brugsch was referring to the Hiksos dynasty and the Hita (or the Heta), especially the latter, whom he suspects of having Mongolian blood, as we shall see later on ([99], page 75).
In Greek, Megalion means “The Great”, which once again identifies the Hittites (or the Goths) as the “Mongols”.
Apparently, Egyptian sources are referring to the history of relations between the Ottoman = Ataman Empire, or Russia (the Horde) of the XIV-XVI century. The Pharaohs are the Ottoman = Ataman Sultans, and the nations of the Heta nations are the Great Princes of Russia, also known as the “Mongolian” Great Khans.
As we already mentioned in in CHRON1, Chapter 7:7.3, according to Scaligerian history, the Hittites were “discovered in Asia Minor” as late as in 1880. Professor Archibald Sayes (and then William Wright) suggested to consider the land to the North of Palestine the “land of the ancient Hittites” ([291], page 21), basing their suggestion on the Bible and being certain that the Biblical “promised land” was located in the modern Palestine and not anywhere else. After that, some of the archaeological findings made here were attributed to “those very Hittites”.
N. A. Morozov wrote: <<Edward Meier believed that the Hittites were one of the ‘primary ethnic groups in Asia Minor’. He believes that their culture left behind the reliefs with lengthy noses, pointed hats and shoes with toes pointing upwards. But what made him identify these figures in such a manner? . . . The most interesting local emblems are as follows: the winged solar disc and the snakes similar to the Egyptian ones. Apart from those, we have the bicephalous eagle of the Byzantine kind, a two-sided axe and winged gods, clearly prototypes of the cherubs . . .
However, another discovery was made recently, which was thoroughly amazing . . . A study of the burial mounds in the Southern Russia yielded a number of similar findings. Thus, in the burial mound of the Chertomlytskaya Queen in the Kuban region of Russia archaeologists found a pointed hat of the Hittite sort. The nation that created such objects lived in the Maikop region, while in the Kiev province researchers discovered a bronze belt “doubtlessly” identifiable as belonging to a culture closely related to that of the Hittites. See G. I. Borovka, “Female Head-dresses of the Chertomlytskiy Burial Mound”, Courier of the Material Culture History Academy, 1921.
G. I. Borovka says the following in this respect: “The influence of the Hittite culture was still great enough to manifest for a long time and on a great distance . . . after the nation and the culture that created it had long perished” (2100 years later!) (as Morozov points out -- Auth.).
Indeed, how can we withhold from being amazed at such great influence of the Hittite culture?>> ([544], Volume 6, page 1053).
▶ afe914 (24) No.4752569>>4752706
The Hittites.
The Sphinx (this one is an ugly version if you ask me)
Lions everywhere (look at claws)
Female Sphinx at both sides of gate?
A double head Eagle? Same as the coat of arms of Austria? Same as coat of arms of Rothschild?
for now 2 connections to Rothschild = the antlers in previous drop and now the double head eagle
▶ afe914 (24) No.4752699>>4752761 >>4785390
sorry. the ottomans are the descendants of 2 clans the banu Othman and the banu turkman.
I wasn't satisfied with what i was finding out online, so for 12 years i've dug in the old archives in a lot of places. i've got some copies.
There was a HUGE wave of migration, from what is now called Turkey to Europe and from Europe to what is now known in the middle East, this specific migration i'm mentionning (because there has been plenty of them) dates back to around the Hittites era. it went both ways.
As for the mingols, goths, turks, the migration of those came later on. you musn't mix the chronological periods. they are very distinct lines. and (i don't know how to say this) but there is a very distinct human physical features of each group. so this way it's easy to reconstruct when each group came in contact with the other.and don't forget, what is now called Turkey was a passage way, just like Phoenicia and Syria were. for a long long time i thought that specific geo location on this planet was a huge melting pot of culture and mostly human race = as in genetical features.
until i noticed something very peculiar while walking in the streets of Beirut. There are 2, only 2 races living there = 2 types of skull shape. It seems the population doesn't know, they are not even aware. and when i started connecting it to other spots in the world, i found "their relatives".
What i'm about to say is probably wild, totally crazy, but, i think i've found the missing 10 tribes of the 12 tribes of the jews as they call them, but i don't think they are the tribes of jews. i think they are the tibes of something else.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4752706>>4752866 >>4785390
You're on the right track. I started with the bicephalous eagle almost a year ago and it led me down a rabbit hole that surfaced in Russia, aka Grand Tartaria. Which then led me to a fascinating guy, still living, named Antony Fomenko, who says that History is a verifiable lie and goes on for seven THICK volumes verifying his hypothesis. The maps and names and everything are all mixed up.
It's ABSURD at first to think that the Bible was written in the Middle Ages, that the New Testiment *HAD* to have been written before the "old". But then he shows you EXACTLY why this is the case.
For example, he proves that the ancient dynasties of the Roman Empire match almost perfectly the dynasties of the kings/judges of Judea in Kings/Chronicles, and further match almost perfectly the dynasties of Medieval Byzantine (which must be the original). Therefore, since Rome and Judea are phantom copies of the middle age Constantinople, they MUST be inventions of that age. Period.
How does he do this? Statistical analysis. He does this on many fronts. First, chronologically list the length of reign for each king. Amazing, isn't it, how each king's reign is the same, reign after reign, when you compare the 2nd Roman Empire/3rd Roman Empire/Judea/Byzantinum. Sloppy! Obvious! Second, collect 'indicators' within their reigns, such as a volcano exploding, revolution, death by poisoning, etcs, and score points for each ruler that exhibits these various characteristics. You'll be amazed to find that not only do the length of reigns match, but those that match also have a match on the characteristics scores. I should make it explicitly clear that of course they don't match 100%, they obviously have different Names and locations etcs, but the fact that they match so fucking close is impossible to ignore.
Third, he shows through computer analysis that "ancient" eclipses that have been described can ONLY match eclipses that occurred in the middle ages.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4752761
Have you considered Fomenko or heard of him? I'd be interested to hear you're taking on his thoughts on Ottomans as he has some pretty solid statistical research baking his claims. Note that if you "studied" history, you're studying Scalagerian history which is almost certainly a cabal lie.
See my post below yours, as you can't read the link I dropped unless you understand the context that Fomenko is literally saying we DONT know a THING about ANYTHING before 1500ad, and absolutely nothing before 1000ad
▶ afe914 (24) No.4752866>>4752885
That guy seem to be smart.
Did you wonder why i called myself Thomas Anon in a previous drop? Cause i'm like St Thomas, i need to put my hand on the wound to belive
I'm an archeologist, been for 20 years, and been digging for 20 years. On top of that i speak 5 current languages, and can decipher 4 old ones. i hope i can add italien and japanese to my list of languages ^_^
I was picked up by my mentor whom is the greatest archeologist about the middle east. i was picked because of the way i can see what no one else can see.
When i dig, i go straight to the origines. like when i read Movses Khorenatsi, first i was (rolling my eyes) = is this dude real?
Then when i went to Armenia, i swallowed my tongue ^_^ Movses khorenatsi was soooooo accurate that it rattled me.
I think the ones we refer to as the elongated skulls are the 12 tribes. And i'm not going to even try to say they are jews because i believe the jews are just ONE tribe of the 12.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4752872
PS. I hope I dont offend by offering this perspective which I'm more and more thinking is true after studying many old maps, there is a LOT of confusion of what was what and where was where back then. We did NOT have google maps, no databases, and every nation was an island unto itself with very little communication or knowledge of what lies beyond.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4752885>>4754126
Really? That's fucking fantastic then. There are aspects of Fomenko that blew my mind that you might be able to help either verify or dispel, I dont have time to type them up at this very moment though.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4752971>>4754106
No i don't know Fomenko, i will write down his name and when i have time between work and posting in here to get the truth out and some other stuff that i have on my hands.
sorry for the use of words but i know first hand how full of crap is the "main stream history".
i'm an archeologist, (a historian by the force of things)…. in archeology, we find things in the gorund and we try to explain why it's there and everything about it. the historians take the data we find and they write a story, just like a novel.
we are no different than detectives or if you want to use modern words we are like crime scene investigators.
Sure i would like to help. i'm not familiar with the writtings of the russians or Mr Fomenko, nor the germans, even though i've heard some are excellent.
i've been very busy for the last decade with the excavations that i didn't have any time at all to sit down and read at all…. and to me that is getting old too fast in the archeological world.
When this pizzagate blew up, it drove me nuts. I always had pieces of the puzzle of the illuminati in my hands but i never put them together and some didn't make much sense to me. But when that damn woman ran for president and everything started unraveling, i just waited for my time to come out and talk.
But i also know, i'm very aware, what i have, it's hard, so hard to believe. People are going to be shocked, terribly rattle, mostly in their faith. But you see, it's the opposite, discovering the truth will only harden and anchor the faith in God. unfortunetly most people won't understand that. The Cabal has hijacked history and even faith in God. it has distorted both of them.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4753260
The Hittites
The Sphinx at Kark has a head of a person and a head of a lion. Strange? Maybe! But it also support the theory that the original face of the Sphinx of Giza was the one of the Lion, later on, during the reign of the Pharaohs it was resculpted (for an unknown reason) into the head of a man = supposedly the Pharaoh Khephren. This was a wild theory before, but after seeing the Sphix of Kark, do you still think it's a theory?
And just as sidenote, due to the geographical proximity, it might have also influenced the concept or idea of the Chimera in Greek Mythology; as well as the Sphix in the Oedipus myth (which lead to the Oedipus complex in psychology) and of course, there is also the big possibility of the Sphix of Egypt being the origine of all that i've mentioned before, since it's the oldest of the bunch.
I always ask to dig. so dig and connect. Find it for yourself and savour the knowledge, it's going to be an eye opener like a revelation.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4753562
The Hittites.
For those whom don't know, Nefer (transliteration from Hieroglyphics) (it's the only word i didn't forget from classes back in uni ^_^) means beautiful or pretty.
Nefertiti, yes that one, that famous Nefertiti, was a Hittite princesse. She was sent to Egypt to mary the prince whom became later on the Pharaoh Amenophus IV or more known as Akhenaten. Yes, that same Akhenaten one that was called a heretic. What for? What was Nefertiti's influence and role?
Is it all a coincidence?
Dig anons, dig, find it yourselves .Ask yourself what was the link between Phoenicia and Akhenaton?
Connect it to my previous drops.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4753685
A few last words about the Hittites drops;
Nefertiti, the name, means the beauty that came from beyond the mountains (if i remember correctly from my egyptology classes)
Now ask yourself to who the famous bust of Nefertiti belonged to, at least for a period of time? Where is it displayed now?
Do you think it's a coincidence?
There is something about the Cabal that I've noticed, apart being addicted to symbology, they are also collectors, they like to keep the objects that has meanings to them close to them, and they collect everything they can get their hands on concerning that specific meaningful thing. So now, does it make sence as to whom owned this Nefertiti bust for a period of time? Does it make sense the RUMORS that person used to talk to the bust and tell poems to it?
Does the bust of Nefertiti is conected somehow to what is known as the Aryan bloodline?
Dig anons. Is it a coincidence? See my previous drops and connect.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4754048>>4754296
An example of reigns and actions coinciding pretty closely:
5a. Gnaeus Pompey Magnus , the organizer of the first triumvirate.
5b. Diocletian The Divine , the organizer of the first tetrarchy.
5.1a. Second Empire. After the strife 70 b.c. the power passes into the hands of the Emperor
Pompey the same year. He enjoys a splendorous triumph and becomes honoured with the
consul’s title ([660], Volume 2, page 338). The period of Pompey’s reign is known as the
epoch of Pompeys Principate ([767], Volume 1, Chapter XI). For Pompey, the situation with his
imperial title is similar to Sulla’s. Although contemporary historians do not consider Pompey
to have been “an actual emperor”, Plutarch uses the title to refer to him without any hesitation
whatsoever, qv in [660], Volume 2, page 338. There are also numerous ancient inscriptions
in existence that call Pompey emperor without any double-talk at all ([873], page 91, No. 34).
5.1 b. Third Empire. After the strife of 284 a.d.,
Diocletian is crowned emperor ([76]). With Diocletian coming to power, “a new epoch begins in the history of the Roman Empire - The Epoch of Dominate" ([327], page 413).
5.2 a. Second Empire. Pompey is one of the most famous rulers in the history of Rome. He accomplishes large-scale democratic reforms, in particular, the reformation of the court and the troops ([327], page 277). Pompey was declared divine in his lifetime ([767], Volume 1, p. 279).
5.2 b. Third Empire. Diocletian is one of the most eminent rulers in Roman history and the initiator of several important democratic reforms. He reforms the court as well as the military bodies; he is also the author of a monetary reform ([767], Volume 2, page 649 etc). Diocletian was also deified in his lifetime ([327], pages 422-424).
5.3a. Second Empire. In the alleged year 49 b.c., the Roman senate strips Pompey of all his powers. This marks the end of Pompey s reign; he dies in several years.
5.3 b. Third Empire. In the alleged year 305 a.d., Diocletian abdicates, which marks the end of his reign ([327], page 424). He dies a few years after that.
5.4a. Second Empire. Pompey ruled for 21 years: 70-49 b.c. ([76]).
5.4b. Third Empire. Diocletian ruled for 21 years: 284-305 a.d. The reign durations coincide.
How can someone read that and think that these two weren't duplicates?!
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4754106>>4754390
>When this pizzagate blew up, it drove me nuts. I always had pieces of the puzzle of the illuminati in my hands but i never put them together and some didn't make much sense to me. But when that damn woman ran for president and everything started unraveling, i just waited for my time to come out and talk.
Funny you say that. Before Trump ran, I gave up on "conspiracy theories" completely. Since 2008 I stayed far away from "woo town".
But once Trump ran.. won.. and now Q.. I've come full circle and am digging deeper than I ever have before!
▶ afe914 (24) No.4754126
This picture is for you. As you can see it's another 2 headed eagle. I do my best to rename the pictures giving clues to whomever want to research.
As you can see, this is from the Seljuks. The Seljukits are early form of the Ottoman empire and now Turkey. It's one and the same.
Did you ever wonder what is the connection? I mean this 2 headed eagle, why do we find it in the austian coat of arms, the rothschild and the seljukits?
Marie-Antoinette, mother of Louis XVII, was an Austrian princess from the house of Hadsburg, make the connection to the aryan bloodline.
Now ask yourself, what is the common point between the aryan (specifically the Nazi ideology) bloodline, the Jews and the Seljuk or Turks?
They all have one common point = they all believe in the superiority of their bloodline. It's what some call the supremacy of the Jews….
Don't they consider themselves as the POEPLE CHOSEN BY GOD? Don't they refer to themselves in the old testament as the CHOSEN ONES?
is that the supremacy ideology?
Isn't it the same as what happened during the Nazi Germany?
Take a walk in the street od Istanbul, Ankara, Adana, Izmir or Antalia, and talk to the peopple there, the citizens. Be discreet as to not to offend them, but try to ask them about their turkish race = they immediatly tell you that their race is superior to others. They look down onto the other races.
Funny isn't it? The Nazi, the Jews and the Turks share the main vein in their ideology. Oh wait! Is the Cabal, or i should say the 13 Illuminati families have that has well. Aren't the Rothschild Jews, aren't they Illuminati? Is this a coincidence?
Why do you think it is FORBIDEN to even question Israel or anything that country does?
The UN was created solely in order to create the country of Isreal and then protect it's existence. And it's my belief that is the REAL reason behind WWi & WWII = to create the necessary chaos and funds to "synthetically" create Israel.
Why they the Illuminati bloodline families wanted to recreate Israel? Aren't they practicing in-breeding for centuries so that the anti-christ will be born from within them? And in order for the anti-christ needs to be born, they need = wealth, the vatican (the pope) and the land of Israel.
Do you see how it's all connected? How digging in the past explains what the heck has been going on since early XX century, bringing us to the current day? And add to it all the monster Killary was supposed to win and bring on WWIII which would have seen the birth of the anti-christ, or something like that.
Jesus. When Q says they are sick. He really means it, Big time. and it's true, those whom know cannot sleep. Guess what? I struggle each night to sleep eventhough i exhaust myself in work during the day. Q has been telling us the truth big time, we are not connecting it. We only focus on one part of the big puzzle he is giving us but we as anons have been neglecting other parts of the puzzle or the plan.
I'm no genius in maths, nor do i understand how Serialbrain2 does his little magic and decodes in his way Q's posts, nor do i understand military strategy or the plan fags or the encrypted tweets. I know there is more than one layer to this puzzle, it truly is a 5 D chess game. I also know there is this part that is neglected about it and it concerns the symbolism and it's connected to the past. My hope is that other anons from all over the planet dig and discover, find the real history of mankind, stop being blindfolded. In my opinion that is another layer in this 5 D chess and we must lift the fog from there as well.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4754296>>4754487
You are right about the time thingy, but did you dig closer about the first and second triumvirate? I mean the events that took place, it's just amazing. Something extremely important took place.
I've read Plutarque and all the ancient greek and roman authors about a specific subject (=subject of my Thesis in my advanced studies diploma in uni)…. i didn't read all the volumes, only the parts that concern my domain, the research i was doing. I would like to caution you about "their point of view". Since they consider themselves as superior and they are the winners, so of course they depict themselves as good and civilized while everyone else, mostly the looser or opponents are barbariens. that got me laughing back then. so manipulate, read through everything but with caution because they are biased in their opinion, mostly when they give their opinion. But they are damn too accurate in their discription, mostly of faces, places, clothing, house furniture and other events like that.
i will be dropping some stuff about the persons you mentioned, but i think i will hold it for now. i have a lot of references and archives or copies of them. But if you have noticed i am posting pictures of stuff i find in google. it's still not time for the truth. but now is the time for people to get curious and start digging, i hope i can point the way. i've been dropping different pieces of the puzzle, scattered on purpose so that people would connect everything themselves.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4754390
I never was a conspiracy theorist. I never cared about that, still don't.
I'm very skeptic in nature, so i always followed clues.Remember archeologists are like detectives or forensic scientists. I always knew about Killary being an EVIL entity, and i always knew about the planes in the buildings………you know what i mean, it's not being real, i mean as what they were telling us. It was simply not logical, mostly that shorter building like that.
I was never a believer of Atlantis myth, nor the UFO thingy. It's only after Q that it hit me hard. I quickly made the link to Atlantis through arheology. There were a lot of unexplainable stuff i was facing each day that finally made sense. But the UFO thingy, man! That is a hard one to swallow, still is today even though i know it's real NOW. That felt like an ice bucket was thrown on my head.
And just a month ago i found out about the eye of Mauritania. I never listened to the so called conspiracy stuff, but being here opened my eyes on things i never imagined possible. but now a lot of things make sense to me.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4754487>>4754520
You wrote a Thesis on Greek Authors eh? Then this part might particularily interest you:
Use the left/right page arrows on the bottom, start on the 5. header on the right.
Basically, Fomenko makes the case that Ancient Greece has ZERO archaeological support. Which, as an archaeologist yourself, you'll probably think is ludicrous. Or, perhaps you'll find it fascinating.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4754520>>4754575
no sorry, i guess i mispoke. i'm very tired and half alseep right now.
my thesis was about something else, but i used greek and roman authors as sources and references
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4754547>>4754751
By the way, in case you're wondering why I'm thinking Fomenko is even relevant.. is because it closes the gap. When I first saw a Sumerian double headed eagle I thought holy shit.. this has been going on for THOUSANDS of years! Maybe it's only been going on for HUNDREDS. That actually makes more sense. Stretching out history makes the elite seem more ancient and own a mandate of history to certain lands. Stretching out history also obfuscates dark cults, as if the "mystery schools" are a long lost extinct past, not some very recent and still active cult.
I started this thread almost a year ago when I noticed that Viking ships looked JUST like Phoenician ships. I got a bit discouraged however since there was a 1000 year gap between the cultures. But, if Fomenko is right, and he might be, then there was no gap. Interestingly, Fomenko also says that the Phoenicians were the Venetians and has VERY STRONG evidence for this besides just a phonetic similarity.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4754575
No worries! either way, if you're into archeology you might be interested then to know that Athens and Rome were only ever built in the middle ages!!! Would love you to read it sometime and give me your thoughts on the matter
He also dedicates an entire chapter in his first book to Archeology and how its dating methods rely on assumptions to traditional chronology.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4754751
you got me all excited about Fomenko and it's very late where i am right now, i wonder if i'm gonna get some sleep before dawn is here ^_^ i guess not.
I believe there is a connection between the Phoenician and the north of Europe. i did't say Vikings precisely, i said norh of Europe. Europe got it's name from a Phoenician princess by the way. that is not a coincidence.
I don't really have big gaps in my research. i'm posting slowly and not in a organized why on purpose so that whom ever reads my posts will try to dig. i've managed to trace it all back to the first triumvirate, during the last pwriod of the republic. i got it all in a straight line. while i got some fragments from older parts which i'm trying to figure out not in a chronological way, but in a MIGRATING way. I still haven't linked how they exchanged and blended or should i say mutated.
There are some very throny parts as well mostly when it comes to religion. oh Lord! if that part ever comes out, not matter what religion it is, it's going to be totally nuts out there.
I'm also trying to go towards the East as in India and China and the rest as well as the West, beyond the Atlantic as in Sounth America, in my research. Not my usual timeframe, since i'm mostly greek-roman era.
Archeology is like studying medics, i mean there is a heart doc or a kidney doc etc, right? in archeology it's exactly the same, we have the first 5 years of intense general studies, and i do mean intense. we graduate after that. if we want to, we can go to the higher level and study 4 more years, like taking on a speciality, going into a specific domaine. that's where i am. and after that there is the PHD level, i still didn't do it. been dragging my feet for a decade now. maybe one day i will take that step.
I think the link between Viking and the rest is related to Atlantis. why am i saying this? well, let me drop something. i hope i will explain this well.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4754807
Eye of Mauritania is it Atlantis?
▶ afe914 (24) No.4755084
In Archeology, they FORCE us to take a geology course.
Why? Because when we dig, 1 - we must identify metals, stones, pottery, jewelry etc.
2 - stratigraphy talks to us. When you have no clues, it's the soil that talks to you. that is how we know when we move from greek layer to roman layer. it's not like we have a road sign burried undergroudn telling us we've reach roman layer or greek layer, right?
3 - we must identify the nature of the materials in the gound and above it. if you have read the remarks i've done about the Trilithon of Heliopolis, i said that the monoliths are different in structure, composition, color etc from the surrounding stones.
We also take a lot of geology lessons, so that we know how the elements impact the objects we find and how they leave traces. and we combine that with geology. i told you, we are like crime scene investigators.
so now, i didn't know about the eye of mauritania until a month or so ago. when i looked at it, my jaw dropped.
The very first thing that caught my eye was the edges of both the eye of the Richat structure and that other crater that i've included in this drop
Look closely to the edges of the circle, the periphery. I'm not an expert in geology, i've only taken the basic course, but i know how to follow soil and land and these edges quickly caught my attention.
the picture that has the number 29716180…. the crater in the red soil. That is a BLAST. I know this for sure. why? again look at the edges, it's from the INSIDE OUT and the circle is way too perfect.
If it was a volcano, there should have been some remains in any sort, even in antartica we know there are volcanos. so there isn't any volcanic sort of remains around.
if it was a meteorite crash, weeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllll that got me laughing hard when i heard that theory.
Have you ever seen a meteorite crash onto eath in a perfect perpendicular straight way down ^___^ i'm laughing again right now.
Usually when meteorites crash on earth, they come into the atmosphere diagonally and crash with a diagonal angle and leave a trail for kilometers and disfigure the serrounding geological composition, leaving a trail of deposite of the same componants as the meteorite for kilometers.
But here we don't have that. it's a perfect circle and there is no tail trail anywhere. so in no way this is a meteorite crashing. and from the looks of it, i doubt it's a volcano. just from one glance at the picture i quickly came to the conclusion this is a BLAST from the INSIDE OUT.
and that circle does have something in it's EXACT center. it looks like square with that has diagonals running in it as if it was a 3 d object, when i say that i mean it went up high in the sky, it was not a flat structure. so the possibility of this being a pyramid in it's center is extremely high. i put my money on that.
Now i was surprised how CLOSE that crater was to the eye of the richat structure.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4755418
We also take geography lessons along side geography lessons,
everything around us talks to us in archeology, mostly stone and soil.
and we take into consideration the climate, and pluviometry. we usually have experts do that sort of thing for us, but when we dig, to know how or where to dig, we bring in the experts and they give us reports and we go from there. Remember in archeology it's like in medicine, there are specialties, and we do have geologists, topographers, architects etc working with us. We do the digging, they assistant us, depending on what we find mostly.
so when you look into what is called the eye of mauritania or the eye of the Richat structure, we should take into consideration geology and geography, not as you see it now, but as it was LONG AGO.
Do you think the sea level was the same? What about the techtonic plates? What about the flora back then?
It is rumored that the great Sahara desert was a covered with dense vegetation. i say it was. WHY?
Have you ever researched how OIL is formed in the ground? How do you get that precious Petrol everyone is fighting over now? that comes from the flora or fauna decomposing for a big time underground …….i'm not going into that, you can dig it for yourself if you are interested.
So if you look at the countries that have a lot of oil right now underground, you should know that it was either a place covered with trees or it was a seabed filled with aquatic life forms.
and you already know that the countries of north africa have some oil underground, right?
so it means the entire region was mostly, most probably covered in green. and it won't be surprising if the entire land was different as in the water, the shore, was much more closer to the eye of Richat than what we see now.
Now i've put in this drop a picture of the eye of Richat that i've edited a bit, as in i've added green squares to it. The areas in green are totally amazing, This is a landslide for sure.
Something HUGE took place that got the terrain to slide towards the sea. and look at the angle of the slide.
And look at the color of the soil, it's beige is different. that is not the wing of the Sahara that can cause such a coloring on such a large scale. again i'm no geologist expert but damn! that talks a lot to me.
What is sad about this is that some persons with good intentions can come out and confirm to you what i NOTICED about the eye of richat. But in the same time, some persons with BAD intentions will also come out to ridicule the findings or plant doubt in the minds or even lead you in the wrong path. I bet if you dig about this last group = persons with bad intentions, you will find that most of them are being PAID to say those things; and i bet they are paid by the cabal to hush things up.
and there is the 3rd type of persons whom will never believe any of this, neither the good or the bad information that comes out. Experts will talk, and they will go back and forth and debate. Some have good intentions and truly believe in this while others are there just to plant discord. And don't forget that discord is the cabal's favorite tool.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4755895
Now add to it what Plato wrote about it,
nothing much at first glance, but he says beyond the Columns of Hercules - Les colonnes d'Héraclès- which is the Gibraltar straight.
lol. found this picture about the clomuns of Hercules in google and it made me laugh. But i think the idea of the colossus of Rhodos was inspired by what Palto wrote about the columns of Hercules.
By the way check which are the 7 wonders of the ancient world? did it ring the little alarm bell in your brain? Interesting, not?
so now, where was i, oh yes, so if you go back in time (it can be done by computer simulation if you have the equipment) and see where the water, the land were as well as how the continents were located, then yes, and a big yes, it's possible, very highly possible that the eye of richat is the lost Atlantis.
Another clue is the Ocean, it was named after the so called sunken city. get that? sunken………remember the terrain slide near the eye of richat? ^_^ are you starting to see what i am seeing?
Now imagine a huge block like that slide into the water, it is only natural it will cause a tidal wave, more commonly known by it's japanese name TSUNAMI.
But you mustn't imagine that on what you see on tv, you gotta make that totally huge in your head. it was sooooooo huge that it covered most of the habitable land with water. it was soooo huge that it FORCED the Atlanteans to built SHIPS in order to flee, in order to survive.
Doesn't that sound like Noah's ark? Or Gilgamesh story
Didn't Hollywood made a move a few years ago with some similarities = 2012
See how the earth was turning upside down, how the volcanoes errupted and the huge Tsunami? How did humanity survive? Building boats or arks? I wonder how they knew all of those details to put them in the movie. maybe the cabal can answer me.
so imagine something of that magnitude and the epicenter was the eye of Richat.
Look at my previous drops about Noah's ark.
And do you think there was only ONE ark or boat that survived? What i'm unable to put together till now is where the Ice Age Riss fall in place in all of this. Is it after or after that calamity?
I'm curious about Greenland and i'm thinking of digging there when i find time, it might hide the clues i'm looking for.
Anyways…. as i was saying, do you think that only one boat or one ark survived what happened to Atlantis? Apart the one Noah was in, is it possible there were others?
Of course. a big yes.
how many survived? I haven't gotten the answer to that, but apparently enough to repopulate the planet, right? ^_^
And where did they LAND?
I'm right now trying to trace that. And connect it to everything else. i've found some while i didn't find others. Logic lead me to the earliest human civilisations as the what is know in the main stream history as being the cradle of civilisation, as in the middle east. that is where SOME, not ALL, the survivors landed after straying for a long time, looking for a place to land. Or maybe the boat landed some place but they had to move on foot, or migrate in order to find a good place to hunt, plant seeds, build houses…. i'm still looking into that.
And then it got me to think what had cause the BLAST in the first place. And in both the Genesis and the Gilgamesh story, they mention an evil "entity", you have that as the snake in the garden of Eden…. you can dig the rest….
▶ e0cfbf (1) No.4756525
In regards to the Y family meaning and their symbolism.
"Y" can also be a "J" i would imagine…so wouldn't the connections to this family be obvious?
▶ afe914 (24) No.4756549
it got me thinking,
What the heck happened there to cause such a blast?
Then when i remember what the cabal has been doing for so long, i ask myself = is it possible?
I mean the cabal members we have right now are the descendants of the people causing the blast back then? is that even possible?
Or is the blast some sort of natural disaster? Or as some say some electrical malfunction because they believe the pyramid was some sort of electricity plant….. Now that is totally AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH…… oh my Lord! My head is going kkaaaappooooot on me. God! i don't smoke, i don't drink, i don't do drugs, i barely drink one cup of coffee the entire week, i always eat healthy food, and i'm going insane because of this…
and then I got to think = what if SOME of the survivors were the ancestors of the cabal?
What if the ones whom survived, there were good FACTIONS and they were also bad factions? oh yes, that is very possible.
now where did the survivors land? Well, look at a map, you have both americas on the west, and there is talk about a lost civilisations in the amazones, a lost city, that a british explorer tried to find. And some phoenician historian and researchers (to my knowledge they were not archeologists), some lebanese historians, were talking and making publications a decade (at least, maybe even older) that the Phoenicians were the ones whom discovered South america first, not the Vikings and certainly not Colombus. Everyone made fun of those lebanese historians and they were trashed and ridiculed and called loony, and they work was supposedly debunked. But now, i wonder what is true or not. I wonder…. were they right ?
And yes, the survivors of Atlantis might have very well landed in Ireland and even further north-east. There are some historians whom claim that the survivors of Atlantis has specific physical features, like blond hair, colored eyes, they were tall….
But i think that is just one faction of the Atlanteans, at least that is the part that landed up north of Europe.
There is also a part that certainly landed somehow in Egypt or in ancient Nubia.
As well as what is now known as Mesopotamia, but that section, i might revise it and link it later on to Noah's ark because i have found some text that might link the 2 together. That is work still in progress….
Then there is some that most probably landed in India and another even further to the East, maybe in China.
And at last there are the ones whom landed in what is now Australia. The aboriginess there are proof.
In most what i'm talking about is not a 100 % prooven, i'm still digging….. but it's very much possible………
and the survivors most certainly were pushed back, thrown back into a very primitive state. imagine yourself right now with no electricity, car, fridge, internet etc….. you will return to the stone age, right?
so they had to start all over again, and the climat wasn't helpful. and then they had kids and grandkids and so on…..their offspring forgot. and with time, they transmited what they knew oraly.
until a certain and specific time where you can notice some sort of an "invisible hand" meddeling and trying to distort or hide or change history. This started LOOOONG ago and i believe that invisible hand is the survivors of the bad faction in Atlantis, the ones we know know as the cabal.
They are trying for thousands of years to destroy the other factions, mostly the ones they fear the most = the ones whom have the so called elongated skulls. Look, watch closely to history, the main stream one = on and on, the descendants of the elongated skull are none stopped depicted as evil and bad by that invisible hand that is twisting everything around. They even tried to wipe the elongated skulls descendants many times from history, as in kill them all. The irony is that this is still ongoing.
▶ afe914 (24) No.4756556>>4760676
Q lead me to thinking this, he keeps on saying think mirror. then he put the definition of narcissit and projection, which lead me to all of i am saying. i've been digging and seeing stuff in different eyes = they smother their rivals and enemies with the bad things they do.
Before i go, for everyone who will read my drops or follow them, I want to say something important, so please take my words into consideration:
I've been very dissapointed by SOME anons. i've been lurking on this board ever since Q emigrated here and i've been following Q since the third time he posted, i even was there when FBI anon posted. It has been wonderful, mostly how finally PATRIOTISM ROSE AGAIN against GLOBALISM.
Oh Lord! Even the smell of the air is better when patriotism rose. that is such a blessing. and i encourage everyone to be like that, be as patriotic as our dear POTUS is.
But what totally shocked me and disapointed me is when SOME anons started talking about AMERICANS or FRENCH or GERMANS etc, being more advanced or superior than the THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES.
The term third world countries was invented by the cabal in order to divide us and in order not to draw attention to the "cradle of civilisation". To qualify other HUMANS as third world and to LOOK DOWN on them is exactly what the cabal wants, it serves their prupose in hidding and distorting history, and their bad doings for centuries.
I'm sure right now, they have their paid goons in here, reading all i'm writting, and they have their legions of "experts" that are going to call conspiracy theory and crazy and so on, debunking and the rest. Don't you know you cannot play the same trick twice cabal? you are still using the same playbook. And as i heard once Roger Stone say" once the toothpaste is out, you cannot put it back in the tube" ^_^
My posts are for the patriotic anons out there, i hope they will dig, find what i have found out, discover, uncover, inform others. This is for ALL humanity. This doesn't have a specific flag attached to it, nor color, nor religion, nor ethnicity, nor age or gender, this is for all mankind. This is TRULY a BATTLE between EVIL and GOOD. Don't look down to your fellow humans, Q is right when he asks us to help those whom are still in the dark to see the light.
We also mustn't look at Eastern and Southern located countries (for lack of better terms) as non developed or inferior to the Industrialized countries. We owe them so much, so much, and if you look closely, they were the ones suffering the most under the ruthless iron first of the cabal.
Go right now to any of those countries, walk down the street and talk to the people, most are very friendly, generous (sure there are some thieves, liars, hypocrites, murderes and charlatans in every country) …. they will cut the one loaf of bread they have and share it with you, they will sit down and laugh with you to funny stories and cry with you to sad stories.
Patriotism was the first step in my eyes to the great awakening, and i strongly believe that the second step is to unite as humans whom believe in good versus the evil forces whom have been trying to destroy us for centuries. Joe M's video in youtube is right when he says it's the plan to save the world. This has never been ONLY about a specific country, we are all in this together.
What do you think WWG1WGA means? it's bigger than one country. The States have been leading the charge, the attack on the cabal with our POTUS (I love it when he kicks their ugly asses), but i'm sure POTUS is leading the way for every single human being whom believe in good and God and whom reject Evil and it's minions. So unite .
I have also posted in the UFO thread some cartoons pages from the Manga Gantz. I advise whomever is curious about the cabal to go read the entire thing, it can be found online. They are telling us a lot of things in it, that another face of the cabal = Disney is not the only tool they are using to brainwash our kids.
As for how E.T.s are in this mix……weeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllll, no one ever wondered why the cabal is sooooo obsessed with the symbol of the eye?
Could it be an ancestor of the cabal saw that from up high in the space? or someone flying high up told them about it all? I think anons should start combining their findings in all the threads = this is one HUGE spider web, and each anon contributing in here as a piece of the puzzle, including me, we should unite, no matter what nationality we are and we should put togther this big spider web and finally know the entire truth.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4760497>>4762284
9.1a. Second Empire. After the death of Julius Caesar,
the nineteen-year-old Octavian, adopted by
Caesar and supported by his troops, claims the
throne for himselfand soon attains it. In doing
so, he relies on the Roman legions that he was
tremendously popular with.
9.1 b. Third Empire. After the death of Constantius
I Chlorus, allegedly in 306 a.d., the twenty-
year-old Constantine, son of Constantius I
Chlorus, is appointed the Caesar of the
West. It is the support of his troops that
earned Constantine the title of Caesar.
10.1 a. Second Empire. In the sea battle ofAccium,
Octavian Augustus defeats Antony, his
last enemy, completely. With this victory,
"the period of civil wars in the history of
Rome ends" ([327], page 259). Octavian
Augustus is one of the most widely known
emperors ofRome in its entire history. First
name, Caius.
.1b. Third Empire. In the sea battle ofAdriano-
polis, Constantine I finally defeats Licinius,
his last competitor. This victory marks the
end of the civil war epoch in the alleged
III century a.d. ([327], page 429). Constan-
tine I Augustus is one of the mostfamous
rulers in the history of Rome. First name,
Caius. The names of the doubles coincide.
10.2a. Second Empire. Antony, defeated by Octavian,
had been his closefriend and co-ruler initially,
subsequently having become Octavian's worst
enemy. Before his coronation, Octavian had
served in the troops in the East.
10.2b. Third Empire. Defeated by Constantine I,
Licinius, who had earlier been his compan-
ion-in-arms and co-ruler, later became
Constantine's enemy. Before his corona-
tion, Constantine I had served in the
troops in the East.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4760676>>4762304 >>4785003 >>4785236
One thousand years ago we all lived in a small colony called Atlantis/Eden. Humans are from elsewhere. Some act of hubris managed to blow the thing up and our species had to leave the garden.
We fucked up but we knew our spaceships would one day relink back to us. However, given the issues of space travel, help would take CENTURIES. What to do while we wait?
Here we are stranded on this rock, lost all our good technology and need to survive for generations to be rescued! We tried to remember how we got here, but the message was oral and got distorted over time. After enough generations, very few knew the truth and kept the knowledge of ancient science and technology, hoping for a day when the world will be organized enough to actually rebuild it. This is what the highest levels of the secret societies know.
As the population grew larger they realized they (the bloodlines that kept the sacred memory) can't keep everyone ignorant forever, people are asking questions. So they invented answers. They extended our history to 10000BC. They said we evolved 200000 years ago. Apparently we sat around with thumbs up our assets for 190000 years! They build churches and schools and governments. They let us vote, knowing we would vote according to our educations.
They had a nickname for America. New Atlantis. This land was to be the launch pad back to the stars where humanity would finally reclaim its place in the heavens.
We are not alone though. Many other species are observing and interfering. Some even breed us for intergalactic slavery (North Korea).
Now you know why Trump is demanding a Space Force.
▶ 4cf6b3 (3) No.4762284>>4763665
Sorry but it's not exactly what you think. I don't know where you are getting these informations but they are mixing everything up for you. You've done this many times before. I'm starting to believe you like spaghetti ^_^
Take a look at the Full name of Prince William…. see how long that is and his titles along with it. It was the same with the romans. And if you see repetetif names, well, Julius or Yulius and caius were quiet trendy. They used them a lot, really a lot, and not just for emperors, almost everyone has Yulius or Caius stuck to their LONG name. As for the name Ceaser, it kinda mutated to a word along with time and it started to have the meaning of PRINCE or crown prince in same cases.
I'm glad you are digging, but you are still in the main vein and not looking closely at the events that took place in each region. I'm not saying this is easy, in fact it's very complex and sometimes the meaning of one word differs from one Polis to another during the same era.
it seems i have a lot to tell then. But for now i rather now, i rather wait on Q, i know the team is moving and POTUS is making big steps. I'm glad ^_^
During the battle between Octavius and Marc-A the library of Alexandria was burned down. What did that library contain? Mostly relating an old civilisation?
I hope you will stop following the history you are showing me, i'm sorry i'm making you write too much. there are no double coincidences in the names but more like honorific stuff, trendy stuff, prestige stuff…. some emperors weren't legitimate, so in order to become legitimate they used to mary the ladies of the old reigning family and take the names. It's quiet a complex matter and each case is worth a thesis. As for Constantine, that is a whole different story. i didn't even start with the Byzantine empire, I digging the Seleucides and the Ptolemic dynasties, i'm currently during the war years.
▶ 4cf6b3 (3) No.4762304>>4763608 >>4785003
Please tell me more about this.
This is the first time i'm hearing this. I'm all new about it.
I am not sure, but the cabal is killing what is called the elongated skulls. They are trying to exterminate them for some reason. I'm not going to say much about this cause i'm afraid it's gona cause trouble . But i want to hear everything you know if possible.
And if possible, if you have any info or knowledge, i would like to hear about the physical attributes, like the height, hair color, eye color, and mostly those ear lobes and Rh negative.
Also, what is this telepathy thingy? What is this contact thing or being possessed thingy by some entities?
we find a lot of Djin repeling artifacts in tombs while we dig, so i'm terribly thirsty for knowledge about this issue. Please if possible write long and all that you know. This is a piece of the puzzle that i am almost clueless about.
▶ 4cf6b3 (3) No.4762331>>4810641
We see from the arch the obelisk and the fountain, which got me thinking a lot. Where can we find an arch, a fountain and an obelisk all in the same place and same time.
I ended up in Paris, la place de la Concorde, where there is the Luxor Obelisk along with a fountain, locate in the 8th arrondissement, at the eastern end of the Champs Elysées where the Arc de Triompne is.
Does anyone else see this = the arch, the fountain (watch the water) the obelisk and 8 being the infinity sign upwards. At the place de la Concorde is where they beheaded Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette.
Remembering Potus talking about the Rose Garden, i put the name of Rose of Versaille into google search and i ended up into a Japanese Manga/cartoon talking about Marie-Antoinette.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4763608>>4765460
I was spinning off what "afe914" was writing about combining all the research threads together so I thought I'd give my spin on it. So please, it's just a fun idea based on various strands of research I've been looking at lately. Maybe it's true!?
It's all Q Based though.
For example, the way Q talks about NK being a garden similar to the Matrix and how the Matrix isn't just a movie.
Anyway, I posted this in the general thread as well and got some interesting responses. One asked me about the notion of why life on earth, and humans, seem to be related to each other. Again, I'm having fun with the idea so my spin on it is that Noah's Ark was actually a genetics lab that was able to modify the body of a species on Earth to allow a "human soul" to inhabit it properly.
Think of it like this, if we go to the stars, eventually humanity will evolve so much that we wont even look like humans anymore. If that's the case, who cares about this meat machine we're currently in? Especially if these people KNOW that a SOUL is a real thing (maybe?), therefore you can make a host in each environment/planet you inhabit and then make it a fertile ground for Souls to go to.
This is the basis of the Demiurge myth in Gnositicism.
This is also the idea of what Paul wrote about and Jesus said.
Jesus, in this scenario, would have been an "alien" who came to reveal to us that we're actually not of this earth either.
(I'm not saying I really believe this, again, I'm just having fun with ideas)
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4763665>>4765555 >>4769936
You need to read this more carefully. I'm not saying this just because they have similar names. First of all, this is direct quotes from Fomenko who is an undesputed mathematical genius who employes an entire team of tenured researchers to dig into this angle of historical research. He's not just some random blogger, this is serious academic stuff.
I'm well aware that "Augustus" and "Caesar" are TITLES not names.
But read it carefully, this analysis actually goes on MUCH longer than what I posted. But look at the sea battle. Octavian beats Antonty at sea / Constantine beats Licinius at sea. Both these battles were decisive moments which made these emperors the sole rulers and made them the most famous rulers of Rome.
I can show you dozens more parallels that defy coincidence.
I ask you to think wider. Think about how (((they))) have distorted and controlled the 9/11 History. Think even nearer, and how they're trying to twist history right now about Russia and Trump. These people are not to be trusted, and they've been writing the history books for hundreds if not thousands of years. Some have traced this all the way back to the origin of the Royal Society in England during Elizabeth's reign.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4764658>>4765367
"We are of the thirty-three elements of the cosmic ruler of the darkness."
(just saw this on the general thread, stealing it for here)
▶ fff412 (13) No.4765367>>4765947
so it's related to star travel. The Pleiades…. that is surely very interesting. Thank you. and ihad made previoous drops about the key of solomon as well as the seals. check it out. i didn't post all the pictures because there is too many of them, but if you look closer to those medalions in my posts, you will there are some small dots/ circles on the rim of the medalions, these are constellations.
▶ fff412 (13) No.4765460
Thomas Anon here again and thank you for listening. Sometimes i get the impression i'm all alone in here. I find what you said about the humans being from else where and all is rather fascinating and terribly interesting. I don't agree with Noah's ark idea being a lab, it's more like it was a case in emergency and they needed it to survive. But yes, other than the date, what you say does makes a long sense, so we were some sort of colonny and someone messed things up and it blew and the survivors forgot their true origines. At least some of the survivors.And we are waiting for our "relatives" to come back and they road is too long, it's taking them time ^_^ i've been looking at research about the sun being some type of worm whole for space travel or a "star gate". Now that makes a lot of sense about that movie and it makes a lot of sense why all the OLD civilisations had their primariy god as the sun or the god had the sun's powers and attributes.
▶ fff412 (13) No.4765555
About the water battle thing, this is not just about the romans, i mean it happened before. And the one that personally drew my attention to it was the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Along with Waterloo (1815) (notice the name) they both stink cabal to the high Heavens and just after those 2 battles there was an economic crisis in the UK. Reminds of them using war to cover their economical theft.
You can check in interested the battle of Salamis, in my opinion too much similarities. I bet this is the cabal at work here.
▶ 255289 (5) No.4765947
Second image very much related.
▶ fff412 (13) No.4766628>>4768921
What is the link between king Solomon's mines and the Eye?
Can anyone help?
▶ fff412 (13) No.4766676>>4768921
Why is Hollywood so obsessed with King Solomon's mine?
▶ fff412 (13) No.4766817>>4769254
Possible origine of the eye?
Notice the color blue of the eye of Richat structure.
Is it connected to the Evil eye? or the eye of providence?
▶ fff412 (13) No.4766855
From Wikipedia =
The evil eye is a curse or legend believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when they are unaware. Many cultures believe that receiving the evil eye will cause misfortune or injury. Talismans created to protect against the evil eye are also frequently called "evil eyes".
▶ fff412 (13) No.4766936
Why is the evil eye blue?
▶ fff412 (13) No.4767018
Why is it everywhere in Turkey?
▶ fff412 (13) No.4767134
Why do the Turkish people believe so much in it?
▶ e194ad (1) No.4768642>>4768970
> Hamsa hand of fatima
It's a BENIS
▶ 255289 (5) No.4768921>>4768970
Who controls Hollywood?
Who are the descendants of the pharaohs?
What is the meaning of the eye of Horus and Ra?
What is Solomon's treasure?
What is Solomon's key?
▶ 9547d2 (10) No.4768970
it's all connected
▶ 0b9680 (2) No.4769936>>4770078
it's easy to obfuscate until one senses what the other chooses to imbibe to live
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4769955>>4769998 >>4770015
The Wild Hunt is a folklore motif (ATU E501) that historically occurs in European folklore. Wild Hunts typically involve a ghostly or supernatural group of hunters passing in wild pursuit. The hunters may be either elves or fairies or the dead,[1] and the leader of the hunt is often a named figure associated with Woden[2] (or other reflections of the same god, such as Alemannic Wuodan in Wuotis Heer ("Wuodan's Army") of Central Switzerland, Swabia etc.), but may variously be a historical or legendary figure like Theodoric the Great, the Danish king Valdemar Atterdag, the Welsh psychopomp Gwyn ap Nudd, biblical figures such as Herod, Cain, Gabriel or the Devil, or an unidentified lost soul or spirit either male or female.
Seeing the Wild Hunt was thought to presage some catastrophe such as war or plague, or at best the death of the one who witnessed it.[3] People encountering the Hunt might also be abducted to the underworld or the fairy kingdom.[4] In some instances, it was also believed that people's spirits could be pulled away during their sleep to join the cavalcade.[5]
The concept was developed based on comparative mythology by Jacob Grimm in Deutsche Mythologie (1835) as a folkloristic survival of Germanic pagan tradition, but comparable folk myths are found throughout Northern, Western and Central Europe.[2] Grimm popularised the term Wilde Jagd ("Wild Hunt") for the phenomenon.
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4769998>>4770015
The Merry Wives of Windsor is a comedy by William Shakespeare first published in 1602, though believed to have been written in or before 1597. The Windsor of the play's title is a reference to the town of Windsor, also the location of Windsor Castle, in Berkshire, England. Though nominally set in the reign of Henry IV, the play makes no pretense to exist outside contemporary Elizabethan era English middle class life. It features the character Sir John Falstaff, the fat knight who had previously been featured in Henry IV, Part 1 and Part 2. It has been adapted for the opera on several occasions. The play is one of Shakespeare's lesser-regarded works among literary critics.
Eventually the wives tell their husbands about the series of jokes they have played on Falstaff, and together they devise one last trick which ends up with the Knight being humiliated in front of the whole town. They tell Falstaff to dress as "Herne, the Hunter" and meet them by an old oak tree in Windsor Forest (now part of Windsor Great Park). They then dress several of the local children, including Anne and William Page, as fairies and get them to pinch and burn Falstaff to punish him. Page plots to dress Anne in white and tells Slender to steal her away and marry her during the revels. Mistress Page and Doctor Caius arrange to do the same, but they arrange Anne shall be dressed in green. Anne tells Fenton this, and he and the Host arrange for Anne and Fenton to be married instead.
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4770015
Herne with his steed, hounds and owl, observed by the Duke of Richmond and the Earl of Surrey, in Harrison Ainsworth's Windsor Castle, illustrated by George Cruikshank, c.1843.
▶ 9547d2 (10) No.4770078>>4781722
i want to put the piece of UFO/ET, Bible, Bloodline, Symbolism, real history and archeology together. And they fit perfectly now.
Q's map.
▶ 9547d2 (10) No.4770515>>4771044
Possible heir to Paysser?
Merovingian bloodline?
And probably much older.
Did prince Charles mary Princess Diana solely for her blood lineage?
Was Princess Diana a descendant of William the Conqueror?
▶ a97e9b (2) No.4771044>>4771281
net search for famouskins.com
▶ 9547d2 (10) No.4771238>>4784462
Bicephalic Black dragon?
This is ending in the same place for me = Merovingians
Did prince Charles mary Princess Diana solely for her blood lineage?
Was Princess Diana a descendant of William the Conqueror?
▶ 9547d2 (10) No.4771281
Awesome. Thanks a lot
when i saw what's in there, it turned my stomach. Damn! They really are sick, and they are making me sick by how sick they are. Lol
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4778297>>4778309 >>4782264 >>4782708
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This guy does a pretty good job highlighting some of Fomenko's points
▶ 0b9680 (2) No.4781722
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>4770078 the Q map needs the addition of frugivores, megaliths, and dinosaurs for relevance with MAN and earth.
obfuscation exposes itself as the system commits ouroboros. e.g. the largest terrestrial animals, the sauropod dinosaurs cannot exist with 9.81m/s2 gravity.
Elephants are as big as it gets - on land - in the CURRENT set-up…
and "may" government shut-down continue for GOOD
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4782264>>4782712 >>4782922 >>4783037 >>4783067
This is Thomas anon.
OMG! Let me repeat that OMG! This is what you are listening to? i was about to throw myself from my appartment window after listening 3 min to the video.
let me explain some of the stuff that was said in this video and i'm gonna start from the end all the way up to the start =
1- Cliff High recommended the book!?!?!?! I almost fainted when i heard this. You know who Cliff High is? There are plenty of rumors circulating about him that he is just like Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones. And as st Thomas, i needed to confirm this, so i called a "friend" of mine whom knows these stuff; my friend couldn't talk much, he just chuckled and told me that there is no smoke without fire. And he added he will leave it up to me to believe or not. Since he knows I'm like st Thomas, i always need confirmation to tangible proof, so that means a lot.
So just by hearing who recommended the book alarm bells are ringing in my head.
2 - Phoenicians and Venitians (rolling my eyes) Really? The Phoenicians are the descendants of the elongated skulls (at least one tribe of the elongated skulls) while the "bankers" or money holders in Venice were the ancestors of the Rothschilds (most probably) I'm calling them like that cause NOWADAYS the Rothschilds are the most known bankers. But what i want to point out to is that the ones manipulating the money in Venice back then were the ancestors of the current cabal members whom are manipulating the money right now. How do you think the city of Constantinople fell under the Othomans?
So according to Fomenko, the descendants of the elongated skulls and their enemies = the cabal, are one and the same.. Jesus. Haven't you been reading or seeing anything i'e been posting. Why am i posting? what is it that i'm trying to prove? What am i trying to draw attention to?
3 - I alsmot had a heart attack when he said that Tyr and Sidon are rat holes that no boat can be launched from.
Really? Did this Fomenko ever set foot there? I bet not. And saying that the poor poeple living there are rats living in that cirty rat hole is cabal jargon, this is what they do, remember what i said about the term "third world countries". who invented that?
Sure those place are super dirty, as if we don't have such places in the States, France, India, Zimbabwe, Brazil or Canada.
And most importantly you are forgetting that this is old land, the ports are still there, but since civilisation followed by another civilisation from one conquest to another occured, so with each victor, there is new stuff being built to a point that the shore changed, there are a lot of places that you don't see any sand of the shores anymore being every single civilisation that came there constructed something which means dumping big blocks of stone in the water, which chipped away the landscape of the shores in some areas, like Tyr and Sidon. See the Crusades fortress in SIdon that is artificialy build on water.
As for Tyr look at the pictures i've attached with what i'm writting When Alex the great wanted to conquer the coast, he did so to the main land, but the citizens of Tyr hid behind the fortress walls of their island. He couldn't win. after a seige, he decided to built a passage way, like a bridge by dumping big boulders in the water and this is how he won. With time, with each new conqueror of the region, they simple added to it, they dumped more and more blocks, changing the shore landscape.
And Fomenko should eat his beard, because there is one INTACT port of the phoenician and it's the one in BATROUN. It's delapidated because the gov. has no budget, but it's there. And there is the one in BYBLOS or JBEIL (same place but has 2 names, one greek name and other Akkadian) that is partially conseved and still in use, local fisherman still use it even though they poured cement a few decades ago, but if you look to the lower levels or dive in the water it's all there. The Crusades build a fortress along with a lighthouse as well, and the Mamluks reused that Crusade fortress and made some changes as well.
So that part is pure bullshit. sorry, but this is giving me a heart attack, just thinking there is such stuff being INVENTED and put into people's minds, this is unbelievable.
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4782708>>4783407
I'm gonna continue where i left off in my first post:
4 - Fomenko said that the rivers were too shallow. OMG! Do you know how much i've laughed when i heard this. I guess he is right, ther rivers are too shallow, because they come down in a steep downwards way from the mountains and drop into the sea. LOL! The angle is too harsh for any short of nagivation even nowadays nothing can float on them cause in 5 min you will turn like a snowball falling from the top of the moutain and end up in the Mediterannean sea. It's clear he never step a toe in Lebanon, he doesn't know the geography of the place and the weather or the landscape.
5 - Fomenko talked about the chronology being false when it comes to Egypte, Roman and Greek. Really? Did he ever heard about Carbon 14 test? Jesus! I guess that test was invented for people like me, whom don't believe just by hearing stuff and need proof. Just one test on ANY old Egyptian artifact can prove the time. What is not correct is how modern history books TELLS the story of what had happened back then.
I told you many times before, archeologists (at least the honest real ones, not the ones whom are paid by the cabal) are like forensic scientists, we follow clues and proof and evidence, we have an army of people working along with us, including doctors if we ever found mummies and chemists to analyse chemically the stuff we find. I had to do an intership for 4 months in a metal cleaning lab, where i had to learn MANUALLY (not theoretically in books) how to clean = as in take off, the oxydation from metal ojbets we found underground and how to restore it, put it back together if it's broken, and what materials to apply to it to preserve it and prevent it from decomposing and deteriorating.
My dear anon, i'm done with Fomenko with just that one video, i didn't even listen to the second one cause i'm feeling pain my chest right now. Right now, you have 2 choices in front of you:
1 - Either you continue believe Fomenko and follow him blindly, or
2 - you dump everything you know from him and from school books and you follow the evidence that comes not from books, but from the ground = what is unearthed in archeology.
Those stuff we unearth, they are physical concrete proof, evidence of stuff that took place long ago, it's not a theory, it's not a story some greek dude dead long ago is talking about. It's real object that you can hold in your hands. Look at the pictures i've included in my previous drops, as i've said before i've taken them out of google, i didn't put anything that i have in my archive (still ^_^, maybe i will, still haven't decided yet) but those pictures I've CHOSEN them, PICKED them myself, one by one. They are not randomly picked. These are REAL stuff that are still standing or excists. Right now, ifyou hop on a plane and go to Nimrud Dag, you will see what i've posted. These are FACTUAL pictures, THESE are REALITY. I've myself visited MOST, not all, MOST of the places i'm talking and posting about. I've checked them out with my own eyes, touched the stones myself; remember i'm Thomas anon, just like St Thomas.
So my dear anon. think and thin good. You either stay on that Fomenko course, or you put your hands in the soil and start digging the TRUTH out. I hope this closes the subject of Fomenko, because tonight i was going to post new stuff, instead I ended up trying to CLEAR this up.
I rather focus on reconstructing the distorted history we have through tangible stuff, facts, like after seeing all the sculptures about the elongated heads, does anyone still doubt they excist? Did anyone catch their geographical spread on the middle eastern map? i bet not. No one is making the connection, i haven't seen anyone connecting the dots yet.
As for the other non whom mentioned the dinosaurs. Youve' got a point, but you see, i've divided the time frame into 2 big chunks:
1 - After the flood which is the distorted history that was spoonfed in school. I'm calling it on purpose distorted.
2 - Before the flood which is the forgotten history that was considered as fables.
I don't know where the dinosaurs fit. most likely in the second chunk as in before the flood and that part, i didn't look into yet, just barely looking at Atlantis. For now, i'm trying to reconstruc the distorted history of mankind because i believe it holds clues to the time before the flood if we manage to reconstruct it.
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4782712
That is why i've said previously in one of my drops that we should unite the research of other threads, of other anons with what we are doing here. I strongly believe everyone is right and everyone is wrong in the same time ^_^ as in everyone holds a piece of the truth but none has the whole picture nor holds the entire truth in their hands.
I've read many times in 8 chan the Bible people and the ET people jumping on each other's throats. I didn't know if i should laugh or cry, cause i know both are correct, they both hold ONE piece of the puzzle, and they are not bringing the pieces togther, instead they are attacking one another and disagreeing (sometimes in a nasty way)…… it's exactly what the cabal wanted, it's exactly what the cabal planted in each one of you and you are eating in the cabal's palm.Congrats anon, they are succeeding in dividing you so you won't go looking for the REAL TRUTH, not the fabricated truth they are telling you about.
And one last thing before I go:
I've been busy a lot lately so i didn't have time to listen to some of the stuff i wanted until today and I heard a few hours ago the interview done by Jeanine Pirro with POTUS this last Saturday
Please listen to it:
I want to attract your attention to minute 19 of the interview. It's the main reason i'm not telling all i know, because of the cabal. They are weakened, but not totally beaten to a pulp yet.
And also please check out minute 25.30…. Am i hearing correctly? Did POTUS say 4 times in a row Symbolism? Does this mean what i think it means? I must have bumped my head somewhere, right? Am I reading too much into this guys?
Gosh! I have a skull splitting headache right now.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4782922>>4782946
BIG NOTE: this guy is NOT Fomenko just some random dude that likes him and decided to vlog about it. Fomenko has absolutely no affiliation with Alex Jones or Corsi
▶ 866cc8 (1) No.4782941>>4782958 >>4812297
Don't know if notable, or mentioned. Chelsea responded to a PizzaGate heckler on twatter.
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4782946
I know this. I never said that. Re-read what i wrote. English is not my primary language, so sometimes i express myself differently than others.
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4782958
I'm about to throw up
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4783037>>4783236
From his Chronology 1:
The localization of the “ancient” states mentioned in the Bible also raises a vast number of questions. The Bible often mentions the Phoenician towns of Tyre and Sidon; since we now allow for possibilities of mediaeval interpretations of many Biblical names, one cannot fail to notice the similarities between the names of Venetia and Phoenicia - they may well be the same name if we consider the usual rules of flex- ion. One comes up with the hypothesis of localizing the Biblical Phoenicia as the mediaeval Venice.
Indeed, the Bible describes the “ancient” Phoenicia as a powerful nation of seafarers that reigned over the entire Mediterranean, with colonies in Sicily, Spain, and Africa. “Ancient” Phoenicians traded extensively with faraway lands, as can be seen in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 27. All of these Biblical criteria are met by the mediaeval Venetian republic, a well-known and powerful state.
The Scaligerian history claims the principal Phoenician towns to have been the modern Tyre and Sidon (Saida). Do these towns fit their Biblical descriptions of lavishness and splendour? A XIX century volume of sailing directions for seamen tells us the following about Saida: “The town had 1600 inhabitants in 1818… There is a small bay to the south. . . A small pier that is barely visible in our day used to belong to a small harbour that is now completely covered by the sands. . . Plague often rages fiercely here. . . One finds no traces of for- mer splendour in Saida nowadays. . . There’s a reef on the south end, and it’s very shallow in the north. . . The depth between the town and the island is uneven… The passage is narrow, and the bottom is full of stones. A large ship’s boat cannot come close to the shore, which makes it impossible to replenish water supply here”.
The town is located in the estuary of a river that isn’t navigable by ships. Its main means of survival in the XIX century had been the local gardens. Strategically speaking, Saida’s location is perfectly hopeless. It used to belong to virtually everyone during the crusades epoch; there are no records mentioning it as a large independent trade centre. All of this contradicts the Biblical descriptions of the greatness of Sidon and Phoenicia. The situation with Tyre is similar. Evidently, the Bible is referring to other locations.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4783067>>4783339
>Really? Did this Fomenko ever set foot there? I bet not. And saying that the poor poeple living there are rats living in that cirty rat hole is cabal jargon, this is what they do, remember what i said about the term "third world countries". who invented that?
Don't attack Fomenko, he never said it was a rat hole and the people there are poor thirdworld rats that don't matter. Not at all. Fomenko seems to have great respect for others and other cultures as he tries to rebuild the chronology.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4783236>>4784238
Keep in mind a KEY POINT of Fomenko is that The Bible was written after 1000ad, and the names and places are misplaced and misinterpreted. Which is why you can't find any evidence of King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, it was never there. In fact, many famous cities are actually the same city: Constantinople. He goes over this at length elsewhere but this quote is in context of Tyre, which Fomenko is also making the case that Tyre = Tzor (hebrew) = Czar = Czar-grad
Also remember, Fomenko doesn't work alone, he has a whole team of tenured university researchers working with him and this project has been going on since the 1970's, he's not just throwing shit at a wall.
From Chronology 4
At the end of the XI century, which is the epoch of the First Crusade, the Antiochian Spear emerges once again. The Crusaders were striving to lay their hands upon this holy relic during the whole long siege of Antiochia in 1098 . Modern historians are mistrustful of the belief shared by the crusaders, namely, that the spear that had pierced the side of Jesus was kept in the besieged Antiochia. Could the crusaders have been correct?
Antiochia is presumed to have been captured by the crusaders exclusively, without the participation of the Romean (or “Byzantine”) troops. However, there are historical records of the city of Tyre, which is right next to Antiochia, taken by Egyptian troops in 1094, also after a 3-year siege: “In 1094, the Fatymid army [Fatymids is the name that historians use for the dynasty that presumably ruled in Alexandria during that epoch; in reality, the army in question belonged
to the Romean, or Roman Emperors, also known as Pharaohs - Auth.] marched to the North, laying this seaport [Tyre - Auth.] under siege and taking it by storm 3 years later, looting the city utterly”. Let us also recollect the fact that “Tyre” translates as “Czar”, or “Czar-Grad”; therefore, Tyre had been a capital city, likewise Antiochia. Most probably, Antiochia and Tyre are but two different names of a single city - for example, Constantinople had also been known as Czar-Grad.
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4783339>>4783552
I've never said Fomenko said anything about "rat hole". I was pointing to the WORDS used by the man in the video.
And if you want to keep on following Fomenko be my guest. I'm not gonna waist time debating on an author while i can dig and find facts and tangible stuff to find the REAL history.
I usually work my way backwards in archeology and this method never failed me = I find an object, and then see if the texts written about it are correct or not.
Most people use the text first and then try to prove it with the object. As for me, I have the object and the text needs to MATCH the data the object is giving me. If the text doesn't match the data from the object, then there is something wrong with the text. This is how i always worked.
I'm not here to have a dispute with you. Both you and i have the same goal = finding out the truth. You can hang onto your method, while i work with mine. That is just fine. But it would be so much better to unite instead of each working in their own corner, not just in this thread, but to build bridges with other anons in here. I'm saying this again, each have a piece of the truth, but none have the whole truth in our hands. If we want to find it, we must work together. It's better to drop Fomenko and focus on tangible objects we can see and touch. When we find an object, then we dig the texts (old writtings and new) to see what says what about it, when and all of that, to try to find the truth. See who is lying, who is distorting, who is correct, what purpose does it serve atc. This is a why to beak the veil of conspiracy theory title and jump into conspiracy fact.
When i want to come out with the truth, the REAL truth, i don't want to come out floating in the air with theories and stuff that MIGHT have happened. When i want to know the REAL truth, i was proof, tangible stuff, evidence, facts, that i can shove in the face of the cabal and corner them so that they cannot twist the truth anymore.
See how they twist and turn words: POTUS when campaigning promised us a border wall, so now the left and the mocking bird media are twisting and distorting things up because we went from the word wall to fence. Oh Lord! give me a break here.
I want IRON solid stuff that no one can dispute or argue. These stuff, i'm gonna use to solidify my findings. Fomenko doesn't cut it for me. You wanna stick with him, that is your choice. I only wished i would have some help and won't work on this alone. I wished it was a team effort from accross many threads as well. I can still wish, but i might not get what i am wishing. That is alright i guess! And as Dr Janda said today : it takes one man to move things. I will leave the choice to you anon, but please stop waisting your preciours energy and focus on Fomenko. Eating the same food each day is not healthy, if you want to work with me, then put him aside for now. i'm not saying to throw him away. I'm saying put him aside, let's focus on things to DIG and when we establish a point, we will comapre to as many authors and theories we can find, from all times and new. and we will see who's got it right and who'r got it wrong. This way, we can also build a bibiliography we can point anons to go read if they are interested.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4783407>>4783430 >>4784371
> My dear anon, i'm done with Fomenko with just that one video
Forget the video. Fomenko is astounding, don't let some random guy's interpretation and very very very brief summary of it recorded in his GARAGE dissuade you. He's incredibly scholarly.
I don't follow him "blindly", he brings to light some incredible facts and paralells. You can't just dismiss him so quickly. READ his work, directly. Very few have so far because his books have only recently been translated to English.
I expect you to be insulted by his research. Any proper historian should be. It's not easy to think that the whole entire study of modern chronology is WRONG. But his proofs are absolutely incredibly, but also difficult to sum up in a few words, which is why he had to write 7 thick (600 pages each) volumes going over the BASICS of it all, which was researched since the 1970s, that's almost 50 years.
> Did he ever heard about Carbon 14 test?
He did two whole chapters on Carbon, you may be interested in reading them. Only then can you rightfully critique him. I've done you a favor and screencapped them in one image for you or you can read it from the "book" here:
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4783430>>4783575
My point is, if Fomenko is RIGHT, then these symbols the cabal use aren't ancient, they're very recent and still very active in their 'ancient' cults.
It's worth considering.
Consider that the cabal control the schools and the governments world wide. History is what they want you to believe. But they fucked up in many ways, and Fomenko noticed.
His study of ancient eclipses are probably the most damning and easiest to scientifically validate.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4783552
Fun fact: we have no original texts. None. They're all copies of copies of copies. At least, that's the official story
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4783575>>4784518
One = i'm not an historian. There is a universe in difference between an archeologist and a historian.
Two = You got it right when you say they don't each us the correct history and I loved it when you said that the Cabal fu*cked up because you are correct, but not where you think they did ^_^ You are sooooooo close to a big "revelation". From the start i keep on telling you that i'm holding back, have you stopped for a minute and asked yourself why?
I sent you that video of Jeanine Pirro interviewing POTUS, did you listen to the moments i've indicated to you? Potus and Q keep on saying that timing is everything.
If we dig the truth too early, it might spoil things up for Q and POTUS. So for me, i'm gonna focus where i can help POTUS and push forward. I want for people to get curious, slowly wake up. And when it's ripe, then yeah, it's time to tell the truth. But not now. There is a big reason why they are not finding anything in Jerusalem. This is the only comment i'm gonna make on that issue. Q did say that they are leaving Israel for last. ^_^ Q is correct in what he is doing.
Again, please, put Fomenko aside, there is tones of work to be done. I don't want to talk about him anymore. If you want to hang onto that, that is your choice anon. As for me, i will walk alone again then. No more arguments, please. It's better to take our shovels and dig then connect through evidence in our hands.
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4784139>>4784157 >>4784329
A new dig,
From wikipedia =
"Panic of 1825:
The Panic of 1825 was a stock market crash that started in the Bank of England, arising in part out of speculative investments in Latin America, including the imaginary country of Poyais. The crisis was felt most acutely in Britain, where it precipitated the closing of six London banks and sixty country banks in England, but was also manifest in the markets of Europe, Latin America, and the United States. An infusion of gold reserves from the Banque de France saved the Bank of England from complete collapse.[1]
The panic has been referred to as the first modern economic crisis not attributable to an external event, such as a war, and thus the start of modern economic cycles. The period of the Napoleonic Wars had been exceptionally profitable for all sectors of the British financial system, and the expansionist monetary actions taken during transition from wartime to peacetime economy initiated a surge of prosperity and speculative ventures. The stock market boom became a bubble and banks caught up in the euphoria made risky loans."
Now connect with this =
"From Britanica:
British Railways:
British Railways, byname British Rail, former national railway system of Great Britain, created by the Transport Act of 1947, which inaugurated public ownership of the railroads. The first railroad built in Great Britain was the Stockton and Darlington, opened in 1825. It used a steam locomotive built by George Stephenson and was practical only for hauling minerals. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway, which opened in 1830, was the first modern railroad. It was a public carrier of both passengers and freight. By 1870 Britain had about 13,500 miles (21,700 km) of railroad. At the system’s greatest extent, in 1914, there were about 20,000 miles (32,000 km) of track, run by 120 competing companies. The British government combined all these companies into four main groups in 1923 as an economy measure.
When World War II began in 1939, Britain’s railroads were placed under government control. The Transport Act of 1947 nationalized the railways, which were taken over by the British Transport Commission (BTC) in 1948 and given the name British Railways. The BTC divided Britain’s rail network into six (later five) regions on a geographic basis. A 1962 law replaced the BTC with the British Railways Board in 1963. The board’s management emphasized mass movement over major trunk lines and the closing of money-losing branch lines and depots.
Between 1963 and 1975 the board shortened its routes from 17,500 miles (28,000 km) to 11,000 miles (17,000 km) and cut personnel from about 475,000 to about 250,000. As part of a modernization program, steam locomotives began to be replaced by diesels in the 1950s, and this was followed in the ’60s by electrification. The board undertook track reconstruction, installed long, continuously welded rails, and introduced new signaling systems. A computerized freight service introduced in 1975 could monitor the movements of more than 200,000 freight cars. In 1966--67 the west-coast line from London to Birmingham, Manchester, and Liverpool was electrified, and in the early 1970s electrification was extended to Glasgow. Track improvements and the High Speed Train (InterCity 125), a diesel train operating at speeds up to 125 miles per hour (200 km per hour), cut travel times between Britain’s major cities.
The British government restructured British Rail in 1993 prior to privatizing the company. Passenger traffic and freight traffic were divided into 25 train-operating units and six freight-operating companies, respectively, that were franchised to private-sector operators. A new state-owned company, Railtrack, was created in 1994 to own and manage the system’s track, signals, land, and stations. Railtrack was privatized in 1996. A cracked rail led to a train derailment at Hatfield in 2000 that killed four people; trains were slowed down throughout the country as rails were checked for cracks. As a result, Railtrack announced losses of 534 million pounds in 2001. The British government formed a new not-for-profit company, Network Rail, Ltd., that assumed Railtrack’s business in 2002."
Now connect both to this =
"Timeline of United States railway history"
And then connect all to the list of 1/3 of the companies owned by Paysseur.
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4784157>>4784329
Notice the names of the companies? Whom supposedlt owned them? The year. And most importantly try to find out whom were their business partners and mostly their bankers. I bet there is a lot in there and i bet it's no coincidence the parallels in the rail road expansion on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Who monopolized the rails on both sides of the Atlantic?
What lead me to this is that I noticed how FAST (if I'm not mistaken, about 40 years time) it took for the Paysseur owned companies to monopolise the entire rail business in the States. I mean, they owned everything relared to rails in a blink. Is that even possible for a normal person to do even if they are very wealthy?
Of course not, so i started snooping a bit and they i remembered the battles of Trafalgar and Waterloo that were followed after a short time in England by an economical crisis which gave birth to a boom in the rail business and to the industrial age.
Anyone noticing any similarities with the economical "crisis" we have now?
The cabal has been doing this over and over again in history. And with this, we just put together a small piece of the puzzle. I hope anons can dig better than me and find out the SOURCES or should i say the ROOT.
I'm very very interested in digging up whom the heir of the Paysseur is nowadays. Is it the Windsors? Maybe, it's a possibility. We know they are blood related for sure. But Paysseur operating in the shadows for a LOOONNNGGG time. So the possibility of the Windsors being the heirs of Paysseur is there but I'm not so much convinced of it cause the Windsors are in the OPEN, just like the Rothschilds are. Paysseur heir likes to stay in the shadows and he/she pushes other Bloodline families as a facade for their work or their empire; just like the Vanderbilt Castle is TRULY owned by Paysseur.
So who is the current heir of Paysseur? I want to find out. Still haven't figured out that one.
▶ 9e7caa (10) No.4784238>>4784612
lurking & fascinated
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4784329>>4784562
Now anons:
Compare, then connect everything from these 2 posts to the crash of Wall Street in 1929.
I also want to get attention to the following which is related to the above:
Historical of world reserve currency (some of the dates are aproximatives) =
- Portugal from 1400 to 1500 A.D.
- Spain from 1500 to 1620 A.D.
- Netherlands from 1620 to 1700 A.D.
- France from 1700 to 1789 A.D.
- Britain from 1789 to 1925 A.D.
- U.S.A. from 1925 till now
I want to point out that even though the Federal Reserve has been created in 1913, the US dollar was not the dominant/ or should i say the world currency before a few years past; that is until the old currency (the british pound at that time) was slowly dying.
And I believe now they were going to do it all over again and move from the US dollar as world reserve currency to the Chinese Yuan. But they didn't expect POTUS to win, did they?
Dig anons, dig. It's a spider web, find the connections. The rail road business on both sides of the Atlantic along with the bankers is a good place to start.
▶ 9e7caa (10) No.4784371
interesting about the mummy and the cloth
▶ 9e7caa (10) No.4784462>>4784504 >>4784590
is Y head bicephalic symbolism
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4784504
Possible. Until it is confirm by Q or POTUS. Just like what happened with P. One day Q came out and confirmed it was Paysseur. so…. we have to wait and see.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4784518>>4784631
Let me put this plainly. I don't give a shit if you want to open your mind to Fomenkos ideas or not. You are free to dismiss him quickly and mock him at your whim. I don't care. I only care about truth. And there's no doubt that Roman and Jewish history is plagerized from Byzantine Dynasties and Fomenko illustrates this very well.
I was excited to share this idea with you because I figured perhaps it might ignite a lightbulb that connects your other research together in ways you never thought possible. But, alas, you won't even give it the time of day.
Honestly, I don't really blame you. It took me two years of being offended and confused by the idea until I finally decided to read it DIRECTLY.
Now I can't put it down. It's amazing.
And I don't follow it blindly. Every time Fomenko says something wild, I go verify it. For example when he said there was scarce reference to the mighty Athens during the middle ages, I had to double check, true enough. Same with Rome. It was pretty much forgotten. How's that possible?!
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4784562>>4784599
I hate to do this since you're obviously annoyed by Fomenko. Whatever. Just call me FomenkoAnon and I'll make my own connections, take it or leave it.
I plan to read this in depth, but I cant help but notice the year 1400!
It all starts then!
Fomenko agrees!
So the Roman empire somehow had an awesome mint that made thousands or millions of coins. Then.. We forgot how that worked.. And money was a occult thing for centuries.. Then around 1400 we remember how money and economics work?!
Or did we never forget and really the Roman Empire was the Byzantine Empire and the practice of banking lost from the Roman age never was lost, it was a smooth evolution from the invention of coins in the middle ages.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4784590
Personally I think that's what he means. It started me on this wild quest as I "Followed the Y heads around the world", ie, find the lost empire, you find the deep state
▶ 80428e (1) No.4784599
“Socialism is an economic disease born of envy and ignorance. Unfortunately both abound in our present politics. The sickness has found an attractive spokeswoman---perhaps, sadly, the voice of her generation.”
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4784612
Feel free to ask me about it, I obviously enjoy this idea!
Also think of the history of naval engineering. How we went from long boats.. To a thousand years of stagnation.. To giant juggernauts that could sail across the Atlantic.
Perhaps there was no gap
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4784631>>4785272
Good. You follow your path and i will follow mine. This is a spider web and there are many paths.
If i bother you by posting here, tell me so, i will stop. maybe go to another thread or open one of my own, or just stop posting. I'm not here to argue or to follow anyone . I only want to reconstruct and shed the light. There are many paths to that, so be it.
As for the year 1400…. ^_^ nothing special about it. i went backwards from now, and got tired and sleepy, so i stopped there, didn't dig further back but i will eventually. I've got a lot on my plate for now.
▶ 9e7caa (10) No.4785003
do ET seek out plantaganents from an early age?
▶ 9e7caa (10) No.4785236>>4785377
alienfag here.
no sauce on being bred for "intergalactic slavery."
please allow me to correct the record with some sauce.
ET medical healings chapter 6
research study raw data.. draw your own conclusions this is pure data
my conclusion: the data indicates that the ET presence is assisting humanity. 85% of contactees report positive, life changing experiences despite the surprising and shocking nature of unexpected encounters.
Anecdotal: I know contactees who claim to have met their hybrid children. Their emotions on this subject are mixed, but conclusions of these individuals are not negative. If there is small breeding program, as the data suggests, it may be for the highest good of all concerned and if the children are slaves, as anon claims, why would they be permitted to visit the parent homo sapien?
Claim does not hold up under data or scrutiny. Comparing to NK is fallacy = comparing apples to oranges.
(much love anon, I appreciate your digs very much)
While it is entirely possible, if not probable, that ET played a role in the ancient past of humanity, speculation about the current and future involvement of ET should remain evidence based and not speculative.
I do see a connection of plantaganent contactees (based on anecdotal experiences with said plantaganents) but would hesitate to draw conclusions as to what the relationship is. Possibly, the elite plantaganents have their heads so far up their asses that for all their stupid symbolism they have lost sight of what the real connection is.
raw data https://www.experiencer.org/initial-research-data-summary/
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4785272>>4785300
No, please keep posting here we appreciate your contributions
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4785300>>4785854
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4785377>>4785734
Can you please tell me, in depths if possible, about what you know about the elongated skulls?
Rh negative?
Red hair?
Attached ear lobes?
Height? As in being tall.
Telepathy or mind connection?
Some poeple talk about being possessed or talking with Spirits or Djins. Do you know anything about that?
I'm new when it comes to the ET stuff. Never believed it before. But now. OMG! I'm still not certain cause i'm new and i don't know much, but there is a possibility of connections with some of the stuff i'm digging.
As you can see, i'm very hesitant cause this is so new for me, so it hasn't sunken in yet.
▶ 9e7caa (10) No.4785390>>4786411
two anons. two sides of the same coin
▶ 9e7caa (10) No.4785462
▶ 9e7caa (10) No.4785521
think mirror, maybe?
another example of good/evil SS's is knights templar old vs new sect/sovereign military order of the temple of jerusalem
▶ 9e7caa (10) No.4785734
read this drop.
what you are asking about is only a small element of a much bigger picture.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4785854>>4785911
I still view your research to be very interesting. I might have a different take on it all, but that doesn't mean you should stop or I should stop. The last thing I want is to censor you. We all want the same thing: the Truth!
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4785911>>4786049
Don't put all of your eggs in one basket anon. We do have the same goal = the truth.
I have a question: do you know anything about the armor of God?
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4786049>>4786122
Corinthians 13:4-13; Ephesians 6:10-18
15 Aug 2018 - 1:12:17 PM
"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
-- Corinthians 13:4-13
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."
-- Ephesians 6:10-18
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4786122>>4786358
OMG! I'm having a hard time believing what my eyes see.
Is this from King James' Bible?
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4786358>>4786435
You'll have to ask Q about that :)
I believe it's the NIV, from a quick google search
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4786411
But Anon's say no!
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4786435>>4786551
Good. Thanks a lot.
I've seen this before in 8 chan and it was taken from King James Bible. They only wrote the first few words of it, not everything. And where i am, we don't have the King James Bible.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4786551>>4786582
Why do you ask about the Armor of God?
And here's a KJV if you like, along with every other popular translation
▶ bd8dde (18) No.4786582
Thanks you a million for the help anon. It's much appreciated.
I'm asking about the armor of God because it's linked to all that is taking place. I rather not say much more, at least for now. I keep telling you this is bigger than this thread, it's all connected.
So does the ET thingy. If you have noticed, i keep on asking the same questions when it is about the ETs. why you think that?
I've been in some places on the net, and i've been taking a lot to what other anons have been writing in here about ETs. But i'm still not getting the answers to my questions. And my questions are not random.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4787757>>4804249
Just want to say I fonly had a chance to start diving into your drop, Thomas Anon. Interesting. DEFINATELY on topic here. I'll comment more when I'm done.
BTW, this is a great forum, but what do you think of this post?
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4795906
>These researchers found that, based on spectroscopic observations of the Saturn system from Cassini, the water in Saturn’s rings and moons is surprisingly like the water on Earth --- an unexpected result, given their disparate locations. Even stranger, the water on Saturn’s moon Phoebe (and only Phoebe) is unlike the rest of the water in the Saturn system, suggesting it formed even farther out in the solar nebula, rather than in place around the ringed planet.
Checks out
▶ dc5593 (1) No.4799278>>4804147
where may i acquire a read on these things
▶ c13369 (3) No.4804147
You can start simply from wikipedia:
"The Seal of Solomon (or Ring of Solomon; Arabic: Khātam Sulaymān) is the signet ring attributed to King Solomon in medieval Jewish tradition and in Islamic and Western occultism. It was often depicted in either a pentagram or hexagram shape; the latter also known as the Star of David in Jewish tradition.
This ring variously gave Solomon the power to command demons, jinn (genie), or to speak with animals. Due to the proverbial wisdom of Solomon, his signet ring, or its supposed design, it came to be seen as an amulet or talisman, or a symbol or character in medieval and Renaissance-era magic, occultism, and alchemy."
I want to draw your attention to the words "magic, medieval, occultism, alchemy, speaki to animals & command demons". I believe this is directly linkd to the witch craft and the occultism stuff those weirdos do.
The rest is in here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_of_Solomon
There are links and they even talk about King Solomon's sword, if you want to go that far into this rabbit hole.
They are selling plenty of books about it as well, i believe some are manuals for witch craft, you can find on amazon or ebay. I bet you can also find they in your local bookstore or library if interested. As for the "seals" themselves, they are selling them like candy on the net. You can check that out if you want and see who is selling and what they are. I believe each seal as it's own "powers", some are for protection, while others are to harm, or do good, while there are some related to money and stuff like that….. so happy digging anon.
▶ c13369 (3) No.4804249
Great find Fomenko anon. I used to believe this was the case until Q showed up. Then i started to dig and i finally understood. They are not the same, the Phoenician and Jews are not the same. I'm still not sure, but it's as if they were cousins or BROTHERS and one has been trying for centuries to eliminate the other. And it's the not the Phoenicians doing that, so guess who it is. This keeps on reminding me of Abel and Cain story from the Bible.
▶ c13369 (3) No.4804292
Good morning FLOTUS,
This is Thomas anon wishing you a wonderful day.
Thank you for being as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.
Red gloves symbolism:
"Still looking for a Christmas miracle?
Check for red gloves.
People wearing them believe in miracles, and they believe it's better to give than to receive."
The rest of the article is in here = https://qconline.com/news/local/red-gloves-a-symbol-of-giving/article_ebd38765-c1ce-5139-9f5e-5741369bce9c.html
▶ b88652 (7) No.4804786>>4804950 >>4805003
Thomas anon here again.
Is it possible that:
One + equals one bloodline family sitting on that first level.
Two ++ equals two bloodline families sitting on the second level.
Three +++ equals three bloodline families sitting on that third level.
It's a thought, I don't know much about the hierarchy of freemasons, so i'm just trying to figure it out. But if what i'm saying is true, then +, ++ & +++ is more than 3 persons or 3 bloodlines, it's 6 of them.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4804950>>4805097
I like this thought. I was always thinking of it as equal sides of the triangle, but you're stacking them
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4805003>>4805044
From Q:
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
Which would put Soros at the top, which I don't think makes sense.
▶ b88652 (7) No.4805044>>4805054
Good to see you Fomenko anon.
You are right about what you said but I'm starting to believe that Soros was propelled to the top because the family that previously held that position LOST it's power and influance. So it was kind toppled by Soros if you wanna put it that way. There is power struggle among the illuminati bloodlines, they are all hungry for power. Does that make sense?
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4805054>>4805069
Well Soros would definately be power hungry and ambitious, however he couldn't possibly in a single lifetime match the combined wealth of the generations of Rothschilds.
I think Soros took Rockefeller's spot
▶ b88652 (7) No.4805069
Spot on. Exactly my thoughts. And it does fit his personality, right?
▶ b88652 (7) No.4805097
I see them as if standing on an Olympic podium. They are on top of the pyramid alright, but not on equal levels; and INSIDE 2 there are 2 family bloodlines and inside level 3 there are 3 family bloodlines. Only level one has one family bloodline in it.
▶ b88652 (7) No.4805206>>4805261 >>4805380
A new dig,
I was curious about female freemasons, which took me into a strange path = Maria Deraismes.
From Wikipedia; "Maria Deraismes (17 August 1828 -- 6 February 1894) was a French author and major pioneering force for women's rights.
Born in Paris, Maria Deraismes grew up in Pontoise in the city's northwest outskirts. From a prosperous middle-class family, she was well educated and raised in a literary environment. She wrote several literary works and soon developed a reputation as a very capable communicator. She became active in promoting women's rights.[1]
In 1866 a feminist group called the Société pour la Revendication du Droit des Femmes began to meet at the house of André Léo. Members included Paule Minck, Louise Michel, Eliska Vincent, Élie Reclus and his wife Néomie, Mme Jules Simon and Caroline de Barrau. Maria Deraismes was persuaded to participate.
Because of the broad range of opinions, the group decided to focus on the subject of improving girls' education.[2] In 1870 Deraismes founded L'Association pour le droit des femmes with Léon Richer. She helped fund Richer's paper Le Droit des femmes.[3] "
If you want to read the rest: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Deraismes
A pionner in women's right and an author about girl's education, a freemason and a feminist. There is this slight smell of communism in it as well. Keep those in mind ^_~
▶ b88652 (7) No.4805261>>4805380 >>4826941 >>4864990 >>4932241 >>4942496
I dug on the other side of the Atlantic a bit, just a bit, barely the surface and i landed on this = Alva Belmont Vanderbilt. Ring a bell?
From Wikipedia:
"Alva Belmont (January 17, 1853 -- January 26, 1933), née Alva Erskine Smith --- known as Alva Vanderbilt from 1875 to 1896 — was a prominent multi-millionaire American socialite and a major figure in the American women's suffrage movement.[1] Known for having an aristocratic manner that antagonized some people,[2] she was also noted for her energy, intelligence, strong opinions, and willingness to challenge convention.[3]
In 1909, she founded the Political Equality League to get votes for suffrage-supporting New York State politicians, wrote articles for newspapers, and joined the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). She later formed her own Political Equality League to seek broad support for suffrage in neighborhoods throughout New York City, and, as its president, led its division of New York City's 1912 Women's Votes Parade.[3] In 1916, she was one of the founders of the National Woman's Party and organized the first picketing ever to take place before the White House, in January 1917. She was elected president of the National Woman's Party, an office she held until her death.
She was married twice, first to William Kissam Vanderbilt, with whom she had three children, and secondly to Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont; both men were millionaires and members of socially prominent families in New York City. Alva was known for her many building projects, including Petit Chateau in New York; the Marble House in Newport, Rhode Island; the Belmont House, also in New York; Brookholt in Long Island; and Beacon Towers in Sands Point, New York.
On "Equal Pay Day," April 12, 2016, Belmont was honored as President Barack Obama established the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument in Washington, D.C"
The rest: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alva_Belmont
Same ideology and principles?
▶ b88652 (7) No.4805380>>4805669
A got a little curious and decided to dig in a tiny bit more and i landed on = Charlotte Mason ^_^
From wikipedia:
"to search
For the American philanthropist and socialite, see Charlotte Osgood Mason. For the basketball and softball coach, see Charlotte Mason (coach).
Charlotte Maria Shaw Mason
Charlotte Mason.jpg
1 January 1842
Bangor, Gwynedd
16 January 1923 (aged 81)
Ambleside (from 1891)
Alma mater
Home and Colonial Society
Bishop Otter Teacher Training College, self-employed
Home town
Worthing, England
Charlotte Maria Shaw Mason (1 January 1842 -- 16 January 1923) was a classical English educator in England at the turn of the twentieth century. She proposed to base the education of children upon a wide and liberal curriculum. She was inspired by the writings of John Amos Comenius, Matthew Arnold and John Ruskin. "
The rest in here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_Mason
Would like to point out = "She proposed to base the education of children upon a wide and liberal curriculum." Is this the ORIGIN = the source, of Common core in the educational system we have?
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4805669
Which in turn reminded me of Chelsea Clinton and how much she is fond of children's education and writting children books.
Is this a coincidence? Maybe, but then, i remembered something else:
What did Chelsea name oer daughter? Ah yes! It's Charlotte, right? Not a very common first name if you ask me. Poor kid, having such a horrible family.
At least now we know where Chelsea got the name of her daughter from and which literature Chelsea reads and which ideology she follows, whom inspires her, right? Is this why she is sooooooo hooked on writting educational children books?
And Prince William and Kate Middleton also name their daughter Charlotte. I wonder whom inspired them to name the kid that way.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4806161>>4944602
Then I went back to take another look at Charlotte Mason.
This caught my attention = "Scouting"
From Wikipedia (same link as previous post):
"Charlotte Mason was the first person to perceive the educational potential of Scouting applied to children. In April 1905, she added Aids to Scouting by Robert Baden-Powell to the syllabus of the Parents' Union School. Later, Baden-Powell credited a governess trained by Mason, coupled with the reputation of Mason herself, for suggesting the educational possibilities of Scouting. This, amongst other influences, led to Scouting for Boys and the formation of the Scouting movement.[16][17]
Mason and her teachers organised the Parents' Union Scouts for boys and girls around the country, both those educated at home and those at schools using the P.N.EU system (date?). When the Girl Guides were established, Mason suggested that the P.U. Scouts amalgamate with national organisations for boys and girls respectively. "
So this lead me to take a look at the Scouts. Oh boy! Oh boy! Take a look at the pictures that i've found.
The Fleurs de Lys = Symbol of the French kings, used by the Bourbons whom's last known heir was Louis XVII, which is Payseur.
The hand gesture also got my attention…. Coincidence?
It made me wonder if this is where they look for potential future members for freemasons and in the same time if this is where they can pick their potential "victims" as well?
This is far as i went cause i started having a headache. But i hope another anon would pick up where i left off and dig even further.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4806727
DJT is 72 years old
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4807107
Note, that I think this video is mostly bullshit, but interesting near the end when it talks about Elon Musk
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4807759
Is the Tesla drawing of the pyramid we see early on in the video be that thing in the middle of the Rothschild family coat of arms?
Where is Jordan Sather when you need him? A big fan of yours Jordan.
And the "MOUND" mentioned in the video about the great pyramid of Keops…. That is the EXACT thing the lebanese archeologists talked about, but they called it "TELL", they refer to it as the ancient Tell.
It's all connected somehow.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4809045>>4809186 >>4932241
A new dig,
It's been a while, at least ever since P turned out to be Payseur, that i've been curious and intrigued with this mysterious shadowy figure that seem to own most of the world's wealth as long as being the puppet master whom controls almost everything. (Thank you Neon Revolt and In the Matrixxx)
Trying to dig from the French monarchy and the Payseur lives in the States didn't get me forward much. So i started to look AROUND them as in their ENTOURAGE. I thought the best place to start was Biltmore Castle, since it's a Payseur estate managed by the Vanderbilt family (a bloodline family) and i bumped into this =
"Opening in February 2018 at Biltmore: First large-scale exhibition of costumes from Oscar-winning film “Titanic”
Here is the Link: https://www.biltmore.com/media/newsarticle/titanic-at-biltmore
There are a number of articles written about the exposition, if anyone wants to read.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4809186>>4809474 >>4932241
Yes, it's THAT movie, from THAT Titanic.
And here are some pictures from the exposition.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4809474>>4809853 >>4932241 >>4932579 >>4975104
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the Titanic? Ah yes! The Federal Reserve; and yes, I'm talking about THAT federal reserve, the same one.
For those whom don't know :
And : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Reserve
The second thing that comes to mind when thinking about the Titanic is Celine Dion's song. And in turn that reminds me of her recent creepy ad for this GENDERLESS kids clothing line.
And the third thing that comes to mind when thinking about the Titanic is the Hope Diamond.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4809853>>4810351 >>4975104
So next I went to take a look at the Hope Diamon.
From wilipedia:
"Jump to search
Hope Diamond
Hope Diamond.jpg
The Hope Diamond in the National Museum of Natural History
45.552 carats (9.1104 g)
Fancy Dark Grayish Blue (GIA)
Antique cushion
Country of origin
Mine of origin
Kollur mine
Unknown. Present form first documented in the inventory of jewel merchant Daniel Eliason in 1812
Cut by
Unknown. Recut from the French Blue diamond after 1791; slightly reshaped by Harry Winston between 1949 and 1958
Original owner
Unknown. Numerous owners including: Tavernier
Louis XIV of France
Henry Philip Hope
Smithsonian Institution
Estimated value
$200--$250 million USD
Picture of a diamond.
The Hope Diamond in 1974
The Hope Diamond is one of the most famous jewels in the world, with ownership records dating back almost four centuries. Its much-admired rare blue color is due to trace amounts of boron atoms. Weighing 45.52 carats, its exceptional size has revealed new findings about the formation of gemstones.
The jewel is believed to have originated in India, where the original (larger) stone was purchased in 1666 by French gem merchant Jean-Baptiste Tavernier as the Tavernier Blue.[1] The Tavernier Blue was cut and yielded the French Blue (Le bleu de France), which Tavernier sold to King Louis XIV in 1668. Stolen in 1791, it was recut, with the largest section acquiring its "Hope" name when it appeared in the catalogue of a gem collection owned by a London banking family called Hope in 1839. After going through numerous owners, it was sold to Washington socialite Evalyn Walsh McLean, who was often seen wearing it. It was purchased in 1949 by New York gem merchant Harry Winston, who toured it for a number of years before giving it to the National Museum of Natural History in 1958, where it has since remained on permanent exhibition. "
The rest in here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hope_Diamond
What caught my attention was 2 things:
1 - "Original owner: Unknown. Numerous owners including: Tavernier; Louis XIV of France; Henry Philip Hope"
2- "The curse controversy"
So 1 it was originally from India, then owned later on by French royalty, then moved to England, then to the States to end up in the Smithsonian. Interesting, no? And each owner ended up with something BAD happening to him or her, right? Even more interesting, no?
So we have French royalty ties and occult ties (= the curse) and it ends up in the Smithsonian where there are some STRANGE things taking place.
The it got a new display from it's OLD Cartier one (Cartier as in French Jewelers) = "On November 18, 2010, the Hope Diamond was unveiled and displayed at the Smithsonian in a temporary newly designed necklace called "Embracing Hope", created by the Harry Winston firm"
There are a lot of things and connections still to be explored. Just the names of the Jewelers and the Museum is like getting into another rabbit hole.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4810351>>4810641 >>4975104
Nice piece of rock, right?
well, I got curious about that curse: "The most commonly accepted origin of the curse dates back to 1653, when a French merchant named Jean Baptiste Tavernier obtained the original 115-carat blue diamond in India. The story goes that Tavernier plucked the gem from one of the eyes of a Hindu idol and, for this sacrilege, was later mauled to death by dogs"
Here is the link:
And there are a lot of articles to read from for anyone whom wants to dig deeper.
I haven't done it yet, but looking more closely to the "cursed" owners of the Hope Diamon might lead somehwere
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4810641>>4810754 >>4975104
Well, I don't know about the anons, but I think this Hope Diamond is important in the dig. I mean it's important enough to get it's own Barbie doll, and a gold label on top of that. Makes you wonder who really owns Matel, right? Payser maybe, just maybe?
And of course, i dumped all the other owners (for now anyways) and went straight to the one that caught my eyes the most : Louis XVI, King of France.
Yes, that same Louis father of Louis XVII aka Payseur. The Louis that was decapitated by the guillotine at la Place de la Concorde."It is located in the city's eighth arrondissement, at the eastern end of the Champs-Élysées"; where you can also find the Obelisk of Luxor there. And the Champs-Elysées is where the "Arc de Triomphe" is in Paris. Remember FLOTUS tweet? See my previous drops about it.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4810754>>4810919 >>4932241 >>4950169 >>4975104
And where did Louis XVI got the Hope Diamond from? From his great-granfather (or what ever) Louis XIV….oh yes! that same Louis XIV who nicknamed himself the SUN KING (keep this im mind for a future drop of mine). The same Louis XIV who built the chateau of Versailles as we know it. And yes, it's the same Louis XIV who wears red heels shoes or red shoes.
Ring a bell anyone?
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4810919>>4811142 >>4863885 >>4932241
Hm! Where did i see red shoes before?
Ah yes! In the creepy art of Tony Podesta.
And some brilliant anons managed to link the red shoes to the pool oooofffffffff? = None other than Biltmore castle, owned by Payseur, managed by the Vanderbilt family bloodline.
And here i came back to where I started. Full circle.
What does this mean?
And is this the REAL reason why Anderson Cooper is so anti-Trump, as well as trying to debunk Q, calling them a LARP; and is this why he is recently been lurking aorund in here trying to decode Q and call us anons STUFF?
Oh my! So much secrets inside the walls of Biltmore and the Vanderbilt family bloodline.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4811142>>4811313 >>4816068 >>4826706 >>4863885 >>4932241 >>4932959
And who wears red shoes again nowadays?
Let me see: creepy Tony Podesta and stupid Bill Maher; both whom hang out with Anthony Weiner. Oh yes that Weiner, the perverted dude sexting underage girls, the same Weiner with a laptop full of horrible stuff.
Then we have Elton John. Oh there is a lot of weird stuff about him for years, but I think the most noticable point about him is that he was best friends of Princess Diana. He honored her with that song : candel in the wind.
Which, ironically, there is another version of the song whom was about Marilyn Monroe. Yes, that Marilyn, the mistress of JFK.
There is Eminem. Wonder why he viciously attacks POTUS?
There is Pharrell Williams. Did he attack POTUS as well?
What about those ladies in the last picture? Any POTUS hater or attacker among them? Any Witch among them? Any of them involved in Me Too movement?
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4811313>>4811504 >>4826706 >>4863885 >>4932241 >>4932959
There is also the Pope Benedict famous red shoes.
What did Q say about it? I mean, who is behind the POPE?
P was it, right? Didn't that turn out to be Payseur?
I think we need to take a closer look to the maker of the red shoes given to Pope Benedict. Would any Italian anon reading this like to give us a hand here?
Let's continue:
There is Usher as well wearing red shoes. Maybe it's just a coincidence.
There is also Chelsea Clinto. Maybe it's just a fashion statement.
And of course there is a LOT of red shoes in CHILE. oh wait! Isn't it where a LOT of Cardinals recently (a few months ago) resigned because of a pedophile scandal?
I would also like to point out that in my little search, i found a lot of people wearing red shoes. My wife has red shoes, it doesn't man she is an Illuminati, she just likes them, it's fashion. So not every person, or every celebrety wearing red shoes is an Illuminati.
I only included the ones whom are "confirmed" to be one of THEM.
But now, connecting everything makes you see the WHOLE picture, right? At least, we started knowing WHY they attack POTUS so much = Because of PAYSEUR, it's because they are linked to PAYSEUR.
▶ 8e96d1 (1) No.4811413
Cohen black eye
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4811504>>4811783 >>4932241
If you think i'm done digging, then you are wrong. I've dug further and this time I took another approach to it. Weeeelllllll, I've found the Payseur "Clan" or "gang" or "group" or "brotherhood" or whatever you want to call those freaks wearing red shoes. But I still didn't find Payseur himself/herself. So i kept an digging, but taking another angle.
I was curious as to whom the Vanderbilt were hanging out with. I simply thought Payseur heir might be someone hanging around the Vanderbilt family bloodline, and they must be so cosy and close to one another since:
1 - the castle is owned by Payseur heir and managed by Vanderbilt.
2 - The Titanic exposition at the castle linking us to the Hope Diamond which links us to the Bourbon bloodline which are where Payseur came from.
3 - The Red shoe link between Louis XIV and Biltmore castle.
4 - POTUS and FLOTUS hints via twiter pointing to the Merovingian bloodline which is devided to the french branch of it and the english side of it.
5 - The ones whom attacked POTUS so viciously were (for most) from the red shoe gang.
So here I am looking with whom the Vanderbilts and Anderson Cooper hangs out with; and look whom I bumped into:
None other than Kathy Griffin.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4811783>>4812213 >>4812483 >>4932241
Oh yes! It's the same Kathy Griffin that did the thingy with deheading our dear POTUS.
Beheading, just like Louis XVI was beheaded in the "la place de la Concorde".
So Griffin is from the red shoes gang = The Payseur clan.
I guess this explains why she is attacking POTUS so viciously and she is refusing to appologize, or did she? I didn't notice if she did cause she is garbage and I don't pay attention to people like her.
So then I went and take a little look to whom she hangs out with (apart Anderson Cooper and Gloria Vanderbilt) and look om whom i landed =
1 - Joan Rivers. If i'm not mistaken, they did a show together, right? I guess Joan really did know TOO MUCH, probably much more than we thought she did.
2 - Rosie O'Donnell. Oh Lord! I laughed till i cried when i saw this picture. I hope POTUS is reading my drops and enjoying this. Their feud (POTUS and Rosie) is legendary.
3 - Kate Beckinsale. I was like : WHAT?????
oh wait! Wasn't there a while ago this about her = "Kate Beckinsale hops on the ‘penis facial’ trend"
Here is the link: https://nypost.com/2018/11/27/kate-beckinsale-hops-on-the-penis-facial-trend/
And she does Vampire movies a lot, no?
And just a little remark about Kate Beckinsale, a few years ago, i vaguely remember reading a magazine article about her being part of some aristocratic family and she is married to this wealthy dude or something. I'm wondering if this is a place to dig into or not?
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4812213>>4812374 >>4813409
So now, after making all of those connections, does things start to make sense to you anons?
Weeeeellllllll…………….. i didn't want to look further into Griffin, but decided to go back my tracks and i wanted to take a closer look to the Vanderbilts.
And i decided to take a GOOOOOODDDDD look to Gloria Vanderbilt, mother of Anderson Cooper.
But just before I move to Gloria Vanderbilt, I want to take a tiny detour into "the wizard of oz the movie" (1939)
Hm! let me see….
First, we have those red shoes.
Then we have that wicked witch. I don't know about you anons but i think she looks a lot lit Killary ^_^ LOL!
Then we have this GOLDEN BRICK path. Maybe like the gold bricks at Fort Knox? Or does it symbolize wealth? Those gold bricks SPIRAL, who can forget that one?
And most importantly = The man behind the curtain = the pretender, hidding behind the curtain. Doesn't this remind us of Payseur? Hidding while he puts as a front other bloodline families to manage his wealth?
And we have the strawman, that MIGHT refer to the agriculture age. The Thin can man that MIGHT refer to the industrial age. ANd of course there is the LION.
I guess this sums up for me when it comes to this movie……… if any anon wants to dig in and find out the names, whom they relate to, the director, the funds for the movie, who produced it….. I wonder if the company that produced it is owned by Payseur. Just a thought anons, but again, I think we might uncover some stuff if we dig and connect it to other things, because remember = IT'S ALL CONNECTED.
▶ f408b9 (3) No.4812297
Will-i-ma Bill NEEDS to educate his Daughter (kid) 'bout WHY he's PLANT BASED.
'n kNOT the same way Podesta "educates" kids either !
▶ f408b9 (3) No.4812374
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>4812213 is the "us" new world bank rep. a pedovore?
1985 Pepsi Commercial. The Choice of a New Generation.
we're getting verily tired of this caper - and Treason = death.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4812483>>4812784 >>4932241 >>4932579
Now let's move onto Gloria Vanderbilt:
From wikipedia:
"Gloria Laura Vanderbilt (born February 20, 1924) is an American artist, author, actress, fashion designer, heiress, and socialite. During the 1930s she was the subject of a high-profile child custody trial in which her mother, Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, and her paternal aunt, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, each sought custody of her and control over her trust fund. Called the "trial of the century" by the press, the court proceedings were the subject of wide and sensational press coverage due to the wealth and notoriety of the involved parties, and the scandalous evidence presented to support Whitney's claim that Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt was an unfit parent.
As an adult in the 1970s, Vanderbilt became known in connection with a line of fashions, perfumes, and household goods bearing her name. She was particularly noted as an early developer of designer blue jeans.
She is a member of the Vanderbilt family of New York and the mother of CNN television anchor Anderson Cooper. "
The rest is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloria_Vanderbilt
Are you sure there is noting left unsaid Mrs Gloria?
Let me see: you come from a bloodline wealthy family, live in castle where bizare (the least i could say) things happen, you've been married many times, and you did marry the first time when you were underaged, not to mention you KEEP on wearing weird jewelry that is somehow connected to the Illuminati or the Occult.
Not to mention the weird occult stuff you have in your kids bedroom….. A pampered rich gal whom doesn't know what to do with all of her money and time, so she decides to hang around and befriend people whom are openly hostile towards POTUS and they play scenes where they hold his severed head. And so on….. there is plenty to say when it comes to you. Not to mention both of your sons = one ended up dead and the second one all f****d up.
Congrats, Mrs Gloria, you had a full and wonderful life.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4812784>>4812911 >>4932241 >>4932579
Here are more pictures related to Gloria Vanderbilt. And i encourage other anons to go take a look at her pictures, all of her pictures on the net.
So now I see she into fashion design, she has a jeans line? WoW! And Iman popped up, yes THAT iman = wife of David Bowie. Coincidence?
And then, what is this link to Louis Vuitton? Is it just a coincidence, i wonder? I really do wonder. Mostly that Louis is used a lot to name the French kings, like Louis XIV and Louis XVI, which both are connected to Biltmore along with Louis XVII.
And what about the logo of Louis Vuitton? Can that be considered a Fleurs de Lys? At least a mutation of it? And those letters L & V could they mean something more? Like XVII?
From wikipedia:
"Louis Vuitton Malletier, commonly referred to as Louis Vuitton (French: [lwi vɥitɔ]), or shortened to LV, is a French fashion house and luxury retail company founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. The label's LV monogram appears on most of its products, ranging from luxury trunks and leather goods to ready-to-wear, shoes, watches, jewelry, accessories, sunglasses and books. Louis Vuitton is one of the world's leading international fashion houses; it sells its products through standalone boutiques, lease departments in high-end department stores, and through the e-commerce section of its website.[5][6] For six consecutive years (2006--2012), Louis Vuitton was named the world's most valuable luxury brand. Its 2012 valuation was US$25.9 billion.[7] The 2013 valuation of the brand was US$28.4 billion with revenue of US$9.4 billion.[8] The company operates in 50 countries with more than 460 stores worldwide"
The rest is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Vuitton
OMG! Is this a joke? Malletier? As in the one whom fabricates lugage bags?
Does that remind anyone of the word Payseur? I keep on writting it sometimes Paysseur; anons never wondered why i make this typing mistake? Could it because the French word for feryman is "passeur".
Passeur heard by english ears could be very well mutate into Payseur. Isn't that what was Louis XVII registered as he fled France and docked into England?
Isn't it like Saint-Claire family mutate in english ears into Sinclair? Another bloodline family?
And what about the date which Louis Vuitton was founded in = 1854. I find this very interesting.
So here again, i believe we have another link connecting the Vanderbilts and the Payseurs to French monarchy. Any anons feel like digging into Louis Vuitton?
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4812911>>4812987 >>4932241 >>4932579
Oh I almost forgot about Frank Sinatra.
I didn't look into it YET. Gosh! Weren't there rumors about him being involved with some shady mafia or something like that? So now he was in a "relationship" with Gloria Vanderbilt. This needs some digging anons.
I didn't look still at this "loosing a child" newspaper story. If any other anon wants to dig there as well, please do.
I also get a tiny bit interested into that woman sitting on the top of the Louis Vuitton trunk, next to Gloria Vanderbilt. It turned out to be Gertrude Vanderbilt Whytney.
From wikipedia:
"Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney (January 9, 1875 -- April 18, 1942) was an American sculptor, art patron and collector, and founder in 1931 of the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City. She was a prominent social figure and hostess, who was born into the wealthy Vanderbilt family and married into the Whitney family."
Here is the rest: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gertrude_Vanderbilt_Whitney
Another hole worth of digging in my opinion, mostly that i'm still looking for Payseur heir, and I know, she or he is related or connected or in the entourage of the Vanderbilts.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4812987>>4813212 >>4932241
here a couple of other images from other members of the Vanderbilt family. I didn't look there yet because something caught my attention = There is another Gloria Vanderbilt.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4813212>>4813326 >>4932241 >>4932579
Oh Q! With this hint you sent us, it wasn't just about the necklace or what's hangging on the wall, was it?
It was also about Gloria herself. There is another Gloria Vanderbilt.
And that is my dear anons the mother of Gloria, as in the grandmother of Anderson Cooper = Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt.
Ring a bell?
From Wikipedia:
"Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt (born Maria Mercedes Morgan; August 23, 1904 -- February 13, 1965) was a Swiss-born American socialite best known as the mother of fashion designer and artist Gloria Vanderbilt and maternal grandmother of television journalist Anderson Cooper. She was a central figure in Vanderbilt vs. Whitney, one of the most sensational American custody trials in the 20th century. Her identical twin sister, Thelma, Viscountess Furness, was the mistress of the future Edward VIII. "
The rest in here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloria_Morgan_Vanderbilt
Wait! What? A Morgan? As in the Bloodline family?
And Gloria Morgan had a TWIN sister !?!?!?!?!?
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4813326>>4813517 >>4932579
First I went to look at the coat of arms of the Morgans to see if there is any familiar symbols in them.
That is when i found out there are several branches of the family scatered. We have Scotland, Germany, Wales, England and the one in the States. Look at the details in the coat of arms or in the crest.
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4813451
The original slippers in the story were silver…the whole story is an allegory about sane monetary policy.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4813517>>4813637 >>4932579
So now, we Know that Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt had a twin sister called Thelma Furness, viscountess of Furness.
From Wikipedia:
"Thelma Furness, Viscountess Furness (born Thelma Morgan, 23 August 1904 -- 29 January 1970) was a mistress of King Edward VIII while he was still the Prince of Wales; she preceded Wallis Simpson in his affections (for whose sake Edward abdicated and became the Duke of Windsor). She was the maternal aunt of the author, fashion designer and socialité Gloria Vanderbilt.
During most of Furness' relationship with the prince, she was married to a British nobleman, Marmaduke Furness, 1st Viscount Furness. That marriage ended the year before her relationship with the Prince ended. "
The rest is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thelma_Furness,_Viscountess_Furness
Oh my! Quiet a lady this one! She was the mistress of King Edward VII of England while he was still a prince.
Oh My!
Yes….. we are talking about THAT prince whom abdicated from the throne.
And guess what? Thelma was the one whom INTRODUCED Wallis to Edward.
Things are getting interesting, right anons?
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4813637>>4813758 >>4932579
My applogies to anons reading this, I made a typo in my previous drop, it's Edward VIII of England.
So now, where was I? Ah yes! Thelma Morgan Furness, the ex- mistress of Edward VIII while he was still a prince, introduced Wallis Simpsons to the future king.
So now, here are some pictures of Walis and Edward. Anons can dig about them on the net, there is plenty written about their "love story" and lives.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4813758>>4813869
Edward VIII seems to be a fun loving guy isn't he?
Oh wait! Didn't I see similar photos? oh yes! There it is = Richard Nixon while he was still VP in 1959.
Look who took the pictures. Yup! It's the same photographer = Philippe Halsman.
In 1953 Wallis and Edwards were wearing paper crowns……OOOOOHHHH boy! You didn't let go of it, didn't you Eddie?
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4813869>>4814077
So now we have Edward VIII along with Nixon.
The Nixon whom became president of the USA.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4814077>>4814178
So Nixon was good budies (at least) with the exiled ex-King Edward VIII.
Was Nixon trying to negociate something with the Queen for Edward VIII? Was Nixon THE BRIDGE between the Queen and Edward VIII?
It makes one ask a lot of questions; which some are:
- what is the REAL reason behind Edward VIII's abdication to the throne?
- did Edward VIII play a role or had a hand in USA politics?
- What was the Watergate scandal really about? I mean REALLY about?
Was it just about the official story? Those 18 minutes of tape? Or was it about these rumors mentioning stuff about pedophiles? Or was it all connected to Edward VIII and his abdication to the throne?
Well one thing is for sure, I know someone whom is connected to it all and that is Killary.
What did she discover that made her as powerful as she is right now?
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4814178>>4814257
Things are getting quiet interesting. The more I go into this rabbit hole, the juicier it becomes.
So now, it got me thinking why did Edward VIII abdicate in the first place? The official story is his "great love" to Wallis. But was it really that?
And then i bumped into these pictures, taken from the visit of Edward VIII to Germany, in 1937. A visit that took place 2 years before WWII started and yes, he met Hitler himself and as well as other famous Nazi people.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4814257>>4814334
here are more pictures.
So Edward VIII and Hitler were so close, to a point that Hitler invited him to his famous mountain retreat. And Edward was also good friends to Joseph Goebbles.
And Wallis was there was well.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4814334>>4814397
More pictures.
Ah! Those smiles.
Hitler was quiet a charmer wasn't he? Being a gentleman with Wallis.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4814604>>4814867 >>4826078
Is this why Nixon was impeached? = Because he was best friends with an Nazi loving ex-king?
Is this the secret Killary discovered while being on the Watergate investigation? Is this REALLY why she was kicked out of the investigation?
Is this why Edward VIII had to abdicate?
Edward VIII abdicated because Churchill "twisted his arm behind his back"? (sort of speak)
By that I mean, did Churchil FORCE Edward VIII to abdicate in order to save the monarchy = the system, in Britain? If it were to found out about Edward being so cosy and loving with Hitler, would the English people revolt and over throw the crown?
Is this also the reason why our beloved POTUS sat in Churchil's chair? Is this link between Edward VIII & Hitler what POTUS was pointing/ hinting at?
Our POTUS is the King in trolling isn't he?
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4814867>>4814994
And look what i have found out: Edward VIII and Wallis in Balmoral castle garden, teaching young Elizabeth and her sister the Nazi salute.
Quiet interesting, right?
So here we have the British royal family lovy dovy with Hitler and the Nazis. Just great! That reminded me of good old pince Harry's little costume. That was a coincidence i bet ya, right?
And anyone apart me notice which paper took BOTH pictures? Yup, it's the same one in both young Elizabeth & Prince Harry Nazi = the Sun.
Where has the Brtitish people been all of this time? Sleeping at the wheel? Is there any Brtiish reading my drops right now? Are you disgusted by all of this?
The head of the british state, forced a king to abdicate in order to hide their affiliation with Nazi Germany and Hitler. It's the entire royal family that is implicated in this and not just Edward VIII. Churchil hushed things up by forcing Edward VIII to abdicate and they invinted this little "love" story between the king and Wallis as a cover. Doesn't that sound familiar?
And that same Nazi lover ex-king came all the way from England to the States, where he was buddies at least with Nixon. I bet he was buddies with loads of other US politicians and businessmen from both parties.
And this Nazi lover ex-king had close ties to the Vanderbilt and Morgan families. Both are bloodline families, whom had close ties to the heirs of French monarchy, the Bourbons. So did Edward VIII leave the UK to come join his distant "cousin" Payseur, heir to Louis XVI?
Cousins? Because both are descendants of the Merovingian Bloodline, which has symbols as the arch, the fleurs de Lys, the infinity sign, the Nazi cross as well as the black dragon.
See my previous drops on all of this.
It's all connected anons, it's all connected. And yes, it's true! Q was right, we do have more than we know, more than we are aware of.
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4814945
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4814994>>4815193 >>4932959
Makes one wonder about paperclip project and when and how the Nazi infiltrated the USA, right anons?
And it makes a lot of sense now how we have the Bushes so close to the Nazis? i bet some anons can dig the connection adding Edward VIII to the equation.
Of course now the british royal family got my attention. And the first thing that popped out was none other than the Black eye thingy.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4815193>>4815386 >>4932959
PS: For the anon whom just posted a rather rude remark = with all the connections i've made and what i've uncovered…. Do you think it took me 15 mins to get here? At least be nice a bit for all that i've been unfolding. This is no game anon, this is not easy.
So i will continue now making the connections and uncovering more stuff.
Ah yes! A lot of Celebs with black eyes and they all SUDDENLY got it.
And there is the Pope too. Yes, this Pope. It's the Jesuite Pedophile protecting Pope (with a black eye) that forced the revious Pope (the one with red shoes) to abdicate; then he took his place.
Prince Philippe, the husband of the queen, has a black eye as well. So that makes him also a member of this BLACK EYE gang, clan, brotherhood or what ever you want to call it.
Just like there is this red shoe clan on the other side of the Atlantic in the States. And Prince Philippe is the husband of queen Elizabeth II, whom is a direct descendant of whom? oh yes! The Merovingian Bloodline. The same ancestor as the one the Bourbon royal family has. So same family but two branches, equals 2 clans: one with red shoe symbol and the other with black eye symbol.
So in other words, P behind the Vatican seat was the red shoe clean leader, whom's puppet Benedict was ousted by the Windsor's puppet Francis, representing the black eye clan. A power struggle at the highest level anyone can imagine.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4815386>>4815704 >>4932959
Now let's see, who else we have in black eye?
There is Bush Junior, which makes a lot of sense if you connect everything that I previously dropped about the Nazis and Edward VIII, not forgetting Skull and Bones are we now?
Which makes sense about John Kerry.
Harry Reid and McStain are both linked to the Pee Pee dosier and the Fisa scandal which links us straight back to the British MI6 and royals.
Bronfman is linked to NXIVM.
And pedo Andrew apart being part of the royal family is linked to Epstein Island and Bill Clinton.
So now we have the french merovingian branch (red shoes one) attacking POTUS and trying to remove him from the presidency. And we have the british merovingian branch (the black eye one) attacking POTUS and trying to remove him from the presidency as well.
▶ c8b56d (37) No.4815704>>4815856 >>4816269
Just a quick remark about Bill Clinton's black eye: I'm not so sure he is part of the black eye clan because there is the possibility that Killary might have beaten the crap out of him again because he might have raped another woman and word of it got out.
I salute the brave women whom came out and spoke of the horrors they endured at the hands of both Bill and Killary. Ladies you are very brave.
So now, for the empatient anon = NO I didn't found out who the Payseur heir is. But i found out what Y is ^_^
Y is the merovingian bloodline that was divided into two branches as in Y = I + V = one main bloodline that was split into 2 branches.
Which explains why the black dragon has 2 heads = one for each branch of the family.
As for Payseur, I'm now sure that:
- he/she is the descendant of Bourbon royals,
- he/she is the head of the red shoe clan
- he/she is orbiting in the entourage of the Vanderbilt and Morgan families.
I didn't get the chance to dig deeper, but i know among all the people that are named in the links i've attached, and among all the names in the pictures i've posted today, somewhere, Payser is there. Anderson Cooper's reaction to all of this tells a lot. I know i'm close to Payseur, but i've still didn't nail him/her.
And as anons can see there is HUGE ground to cover with all the pottential holes to dig into. That is why i'm hoping I will get some help.
The Bicephalic black dragon reminded me of another bicephalic black animal = The double headed eagle of the Rothschild coat of arms (sometimes represented as 2 seperate eagles)
So when I looked at the Rothschilds, i found out there are several branches to the family.
▶ 2ce910 (3) No.4815856
So with the Rothschild i mind, i started to look at the Vanderbilt and Morgan businesses.
But that, i will leave it for tomorrow. Thomas anon is totally exhausted and it's bed time for this old guy.
I know i'm getting closer to Payseur. I would be helpful and appreciated if I get some help from anons, as I've mentioned before, the ground to cover is HUGE. And i'm one man that spends his extra time on this, after i come home from work and take care of family related stuff. It took me a long time, months, to get this far. It would be also great if anons all over the world would dig into this, mostly the anons whom live close by to the locations i've talked about, or anons whom can easily access the gvt archives or the libraries. Digital searching is not enough. Q told us to save off line. We also need hard copies = as in papers, of everything we can find.
Today i woke up thanking FLOTUS for her red gloves. So now, i'm gonna go to sleep by thanking POTUS for all the sacrifices he took for ALL of our sake to help us get rid of this EVIL entity that has been trying to destroy us for a very long time.
▶ 2ce910 (3) No.4816068>>4826706 >>4932959
sorry anons, i forgot to post this earlier. My appologies
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4816269>>4816317 >>4816327
>Bourbon royals
Why don't we just kill them all? Round them up, torture them until people squeal, then line them up for public executions. Problem solved.
"Action Research"!!!
Are you looking at patrilineal decent? or matrilineal? or mixed?
I've got a big fat hunch that it's matrilineal…and that's part of the reason why it stays hidden…as they say, "behind every great man is a wicked matrilineage."
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4816317
The 4th House of Orléans, sometimes called the House of Bourbon-Orléans
The Imperial family of Brazil are from that line.
Some of them were supporting and allying with Bolsonaro before his election…
▶ 2ce910 (3) No.4816327>>4816420
No violence please. if we do that, we will become them, and i think we are much better than them. And i also think POTUS is taking care of that for us. I mean look at McStain and GHW Bush.
As for the lineage, i think we should look at both, but just like you anon, my hunch is telling me to take a double and a triple look at the women's side of things ^_~ Payseur is like a rat or a roach : he/she likes to stay hidden in the dark.
This is going to take a LOT of time, energy and patience anon…. Unless we get some help from POTUS or Q.
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4816420
Enhanced Interrogation.
▶ 9902dc (14) No.4824924>>4825229 >>4826757 >>4911058 >>4999917
Sorry, but I misread somethings. Shortly after posting this I had a bit of a revelation. . .
I think I'm dead on with this tidally locked Pangaea concept.I revisited Genesis Chapter 1 the other day. Originally, I was laughing about the similarity to Flat Earth depictions, but then I started reading the Words. "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters". There's your first clue about the True Nature of God.., for real!
Very interesting things happen when you have an arrangement as I've been describing. Left undisturbed, having Pangaea Earth tidally locked to a flaring red dwarf would be an ideal set up for Life. The water would shield from flares and limit our exposure to the otherwise deadly radiation. These are actually ideal conditions for Life to develop. That whole part about dividing the waters above from the waters below is legit. Yes, there would be a "firmament". The waters below would be pretty gnarly! Especially, on the surface. Pretty much the whole first few Chapters can be read, with an incredible amount of significance if you know what it is you are looking at. Anyways, there is a weakness in this setup, which is why I said, "left undisturbed".
I started to think more about the actual physics involved, and that's when it hit me like a Cosmic Thunderbolt! Lightning doesn't just appear out of the sky. The conditions have to be right. Several things factor into the equation. Distance is really important! If Earth was the furthest orbiting satellite of red dwarf, Saturn, and our planet would be the most likely object to experience an electric discharge event. Here's where things get interesting for "Life on Earth".
So, remember the set up. Think about how our moon has one side facing us at all times and we never see the "far side" of the moon. The near side is shallow, and in the case of Pangaea Earth, that would be the side with the ocean. Meaning "our side", the part with the land, would have been the closet to the approach, thus the most likely to experience a cosmic lightning bolt… And this is what happened :) for six straight "Days". Prior to that there was nothing visible in the sky, because we were shrouded mist, from the intense radiation evaporating the waters on the other side of the planet. In this case, a "Day" wouldn't have been like anything we experience in our "Day". These "Days" occurred as Earth continued it's orbit around Saturn. As it reached the nearest point with every revolution, there would be a discharge, "As God spoke". However, before going into arc mode, the plasma would glow as we drew ever closer, brightening our sky, like the "Dawn of a new day". On the opposite end, after the discharge, we would still experience enough excitement to see a glowing sky, until eventually moving far enough for the plasma to return to "Dark mode" (that's basically what our atmosphere is: Plasma in dark mode. There's gas, but there's also free charge floating around in the mix. Thank Q!!).
So, Event 1 was a close brush with another planet or satellite that lasted six revolutions around Saturn, before reaching a safe enough distance, thus no further arcing. The way this event was set up is interesting. I might have to revisit this in another post just so I can add a video. The salt water would have been a much better conductor than the land, and it's holding on to an incredible amount of charge. However, before reaching the desired distance for arc, the currents would already be in glow mode. What would happen, there would be a stream of water, rise up from out of the sea, and start slithering across the surface of the land, along the equator. The moment we got close enough.. . . ZAP!!, and ALL that charge from the other side of the Earth would come rushing into one spot. This would probably happen in a way that carved 4 channels, creating a path of least resistance, for the current to flow. North, South, East & West. Dividing Pangaea into Quadrants. I can't make this up. It's physics. It's the way Nature works!!
▶ f408b9 (3) No.4825229>>4911058
>>4824924 your graphics are the best interpretation of our earth' watery birth. 'hanks!
▶ 03205b (1) No.4826052
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Here is A Written History of 8ch's Q Formation for Newbies:
>>4767032 = Pt 1
>>4767063 = Pt 2
>>4767085 = Pt 3
>>4767097 = Pt 4
>>4767111 = Pt 5
SECRET VIDEO OF Q's Origins thru 8CH/Qresearch HISTORY!
Start at 24:00 but All Awesome!
Do you all want to LEARN the Entire Formation/History how Q and 8ch Started? If 1 calls this post a "Shill" ask yourself "Why" they want to keep their formation SECRET? IF WRONG 8ch, please provide your HISTORY!
100% always ask/remember "Trust But Verify"
That means ask for physical verifiable evidence of ones PAST EVENTS they claimed happened, so you can see what they claim was real or not! How can you Trust any website of pure fantasy, if they can not ever in their history verify a single past event as happened as they claimed? So ask for verification to get your "TRUST" you want! Ask them "why" they brand one a "shill" for even asking for factual evidence?
Ask yourselves:
1 - Why can't Qresearch Clockfag Clock Wheel fantasies ever provide 1 past Forecasted event as being verified REAL, as Forecasted? Qresearch can NOT verify any PAST EVENT EVER BEING FACTUALLY PROVEN as being True!? Not 1 verified factual nor truthful? Why?
2 - Ask where did all the "Crumbs" criminal crime tips, photos, connections, criminal links go? You gave them 10,000+ tips yet not a single tip EVER went into any Actual Criminal court case, nor any charge!? Where did it all go? If Honestly was being used for Q good, why not 1 ever being charged in Public? Notice it is a Dark Evil Bottomless Pit, where you all give everything, yet again, nothing in their entire history has ever been given back? Where did all this 10,000+ criminal information tips/connections go? Could 8ch be Deep State site?
Notice Trump never arrested/charged 1 single DC swamp in public yet? Not even 1 minor ATTEMPTED CHARGE or "Bone" being thrown to the Public TO SEE?
How do you REALLY know if you are serving "Dark" Evil or "Light" Good on 8ch? Shouldn't Light be open public with facts, yet nothing is factual verified on 8ch? How is this Patriot "Light" when ALL is 100% "Dark"and unproven? Lies?
Ask for verifiable evidence of factual events happening as 8chan stated, so why does 8chan NEVER give any Patroit "Light" back? You are only asking for "TRUTH" to verify you are helping good, so why never any factual based examples of charges they claimed they were after? 8chan's endless fantasy created Lies can always exposed using your "Verified Truth"! NO FACTS = NO TRUTH!?
Always ask yourself "Trust But Verify". Whats so hard about that? Why do you 100% automatically believe everything ever stated on 8chan is factual, yet they never show evidence of factual truth back?
How can 1 word or 2 digits alone be SECRET CODE, when 1000s of other documents have the exact same word or code? 8chan "creates" fantasy backstories by only selecting the 1's they want in past documents, to "Create" any 1000s of fake storylines!
For example what does "See Spot Run" mean to you? See how these 3 words ALONE CAN "Create" ANY backstory you want to make? Running to/from Danger/Love? Up/Down Hill? Day/Night? Location? Any Name Involved? See how easily one can "create" fantasy backstories using 3 words?
Instead of "See Spot Run" 3 words, 8chan word trickery "Highlights" and picks 1+ single word(s), or any 2 digit code in any past document, thus "Creating" any fake storyline? If fact, where is the physical evidence one can see who, what, where (etc) Spot is Running? See how only 3 words can be used. from any past documents, to "Create" any 1000's of fake storylines?
When is pure coincidences, theories, speculation, alledged backstories, possibilities of 2 digits or 1 word in 1000+ page documents be unquestional factual "links" in Code; yet the other 999+ documents with the exact same word/digits be discarded? "See Spot Run" is secret to their "creation". One can interchange any name, event, location, with any past word usage to "create" their fake fantasy storyline. Then it will be truthful and verified.
Factually always ask "Trust But Verify" so you can "Verify" who, what, Where and what stories you "Trust" are Factual or Fake! Always cross-check validity using factual evidence so we all need to judge in the most honest and open way, what is Real or Fake!
Did you learn the Creation HISTORY of "Q" and 8chan? If this history is WRONG, 8ch/Qresearch, provide proof of the alledged "LIES" it contains, or your history.
We all know something is going to happen soon.
Why blindly trust "Qresearch"? Because it has a "Q" in its name, so its all REAL FACT?
Love Q, Trump and Patriots, but beware of those playing pure fantasy "Slight Of Hand" Word Parlor and Clock trickery to create behind the scenes fantasy backstories on 8chan. Prove me wrong.
Q/Trump says embrace WWG1WGA, yet on 8chan, they ATTACK PATRIOTS & NOT WELCOME!?
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4826078>>4826320 >>4827616
This is Thomas anon continuing yesterday's drops.
Yesterday, when i said that Churchil forced Edward VIII to abdicate was because the king was going to do that and he was at odds with Stanley Baldwin the PM (at least according to the official story). It's not CLEAR but it seems Winston Churchil played a role in all of this. I believe he was the one whom convinced the arrogant young king to abdicate.
I got all curious about Winston Churchil so i went to Wikipedia to take a little look at him : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill
Here are some interesting segments from that page =
"Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (30 November 1874 -- 24 January 1965) was a British politician, army officer, and writer, who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. As Prime Minister, Churchill led Britain to victory in Europe in the Second World War. Churchill represented five constituencies during his career as Member of Parliament (MP). Ideologically an economic liberal and British imperialist, for most of his parliamentary career he was a member of the Conservative Party, which he led from 1940 to 1955, but for twenty years from 1904 he was a prominent member of the Liberal Party.
Of mixed English and American parentage, Churchill was born in Oxfordshire to an aristocratic family."
"After two years out of Parliament, he served as Chancellor of the Exchequer in Stanley Baldwin's Conservative government, returning the pound sterling in 1925 to the gold standard at its pre-war parity, a move widely seen as creating deflationary pressure on the UK economy. "
"A direct descendant of the Dukes of Marlborough, his family were among the highest levels of the British aristocracy,[9] and thus he was born into the country's governing elite.[10] His paternal grandfather, John Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough, had been a Member of Parliament (MP) for ten years, a member of the Conservative Party who served in the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli.[11] His own father, Lord Randolph Churchill, had been elected Conservative MP for Woodstock in 1873.[12] His mother, Jennie Churchill (née Jerome), was from an American family whose substantial wealth derived from finance.[13] The couple had met in August 1873, and were engaged three days later, marrying at the British Embassy in Paris in April 1874.[14] The couple lived beyond their income and were frequently in debt;[15] according to the biographer Sebastian Haffner, the family were "rich by normal standards but poor by those of the rich".[16] "
"In 1876 John Spencer-Churchill was appointed Viceroy of Ireland, with Randolph as his private secretary, resulting in the Churchill family's relocation to Dublin, when the entirety of Ireland was part of the United Kingdom.[18] It was here that Jennie's second son, Jack, was born in 1880;[19] there has been speculation that Randolph was not his biological father.[20] Throughout much of the 1880s Randolph and Jennie were effectively estranged, during which she had many suitors.[21] Churchill had virtually no relationship with his father;[22] referring to his mother, Churchill later stated that "I loved her dearly---but at a distance."[23] His relationship with Jack would be warm, and they were close at various points in their lives.[20] In Dublin, he was educated in reading and mathematics by a governess,[24] while he and his brother were cared for primarily by their nanny, Elizabeth Everest.[25] Churchill was devoted to her and nicknamed her "Woomany";[26] he later wrote that "She had been my dearest and most intimate friend during the whole of the twenty years I had lived."["
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4826320>>4826559 >>4932579
More on Winston Churchil:
"Churchill was eager to witness military action and used his mother's influence to try to get himself posted to a war zone.[48] In the autumn of 1895, he and Reginald Barnes traveled to Cuba to observe its war of independence; they joined Spanish troops attempting to suppress independence fighters and were caught up in several skirmishes."
"In North America, he also spent time in New York City, staying with the wealthy politician Bourke Cockran at the latter's Fifth Avenue residence; Cockran profoundly influenced the young Churchill"
PS: Bourke Cockkran was from the democratic party ^_~
"While in Calcutta, he stayed for a week in the home of Viceroy George Nathaniel Curzon.[81] On the journey home, he spent two weeks at the Savoy Hotel in Cairo, where he was introduced to the Khedive Abbas II,[82] before arriving in England in April.[83] He refocused his attention on politics, addressing further Conservative meetings and networking at events such as a Rothschild's dinner party."
PS: It's getting interesting, no?
"At age 25, he was now an MP.[101] MPs were not then paid a wage and, to earn money, Churchill embarked on a speaking tour focusing on his South African experiences; after touring Britain in late October and November he proceeded to the US, where his first lecture was introduced by the writer Mark Twain.[102] In the US, he met President William McKinley and Vice President Theodore Roosevelt;[103] the latter invited Churchill to dinner, but took a dislike to him.[104] Churchill then crossed to Canada to give more lectures,[105] and in spring 1901 gave talks in Paris, Madrid, and Gibraltar."
"In the House of Commons, Churchill increasingly voted with the Liberal opposition against the government.[115] In February 1903, he was among 18 Conservative MPs who voted against the government's increase in military expenditure."
"In May he expressed opposition to the government's proposed Aliens Bill, which was designed to curb Jewish migration into Britain.[125] He stated that the bill would "appeal to insular prejudice against foreigners, to racial prejudice against Jews, and to labour prejudice against competition" and expressed himself in favour of "the old tolerant and generous practice of free entry and asylum to which this country has so long adhered and from which it has so greatly gained."[125] On 31 May 1904, he crossed the floor, defecting from the Conservatives to sit as a member of the Liberal Party in the House of Commons."
PS: It's getting more and more interesting, no?
"In August 1906, Churchill holidayed on a yacht in Deauville, France, spending much of his time playing polo or gambling.[144] From there he proceeded to Paris and then Switzerland---where he climbed the Eggishorn—and then to Berlin and Silesia, where he was a guest of Kaiser Wilhelm II.[145] He went then to Venice, and from there toured Italy by motorcar with his friend, Lionel Rothschild."
"In 1923, Churchill acted as a paid consultant for Burmah Oil (now BP plc) to lobby the British government to allow Burmah exclusive rights to Persian (Iranian) oil resources; these rights were ultimately granted.[263] He stood for the Liberals again in the 1923 general election, losing in Leicester West."
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4826559>>4826785 >>4932579
More on Winston Churchil:
"As Chancellor of the Exchequer Churchill oversaw Britain's disastrous return to the Gold Standard, which resulted in deflation, unemployment, and the miners' strike that led to the General Strike of 1926."
"In response to Gandhi's movement, Churchill proclaimed in 1920 that Gandhi should be bound hand and foot and crushed with an elephant ridden by the viceroy.[292][293][294] Later reports indicate that Churchill favoured letting Gandhi die if he went on a hunger strike."
"Churchill's initial attitude towards the fascist dictators was ambiguous. After the First World War defeat of Germany, a new danger occupied conservatives' political consciousness---the spread of communism. A newspaper article penned by Churchill and published on 4 February 1920, had warned that "civilisation" was threatened by the Bolsheviks, a movement which he linked through historical precedence to Jewish conspiracy.[310] In his 1920 newspaper article entitled "Zionism versus Bolshevism", Churchill wrote in part:
This movement among the Jews is not new … this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.
However, in this article, Churchill praised the Jews who had integrated into the national life of the countries in which they lived "while adhering faithfully to their own religion", contrasting them with those who had "forsaken the faith of their forefathers" and come to play an influential role in the rise of the Bolshevik movement.[311] Most Churchill scholars cite his great admiration for the Jews. Due in part to his childhood exposure to his father's many Jewish friends and associates, Churchill was a lifelong, fervent opponent of antisemitism and a supporter of the Zionist movement."
It's getting very interesting, so he supports the Zionist movement, is that because he was best buddies with the Rothschilds?
"Speaking in the House of Commons in 1937, Churchill said, "I will not pretend that, if I had to choose between communism and Nazism, I would choose communism."[318] In a 1935 essay, "Hitler and his Choice", which was republished in his 1937 book Great Contemporaries, Churchill expressed a hope that Hitler, if he so chose, and despite his rise to power through dictatorial action, hatred and cruelty, might yet "go down in history as the man who restored honour and peace of mind to the great Germanic nation and brought it back serene, helpful and strong to the forefront of the European family circle."[319] His first major speech on defence on 7 February 1934 stressed the need to rebuild the Royal Air Force and to create a Ministry of Defence; his second, on 13 July urged a renewed role for the League of Nations. These three topics remained his themes until early 1936. In 1935, he was one of the founding members of The Focus, which brought together people of differing political backgrounds and occupations who were united in seeking "the defence of freedom and peace."[320] The Focus led to the formation of the much wider Arms and the Covenant Movement in 1936."
"In June 1936, Walter Monckton told Churchill that the rumours that King Edward VIII intended to marry Mrs Wallis Simpson were true. Churchill then advised against the marriage and said he regarded Mrs Simpson's existing marriage as a 'safeguard'."
"The Abdication crisis became public, coming to a head in the first two weeks of December 1936. At this time, Churchill publicly gave his support to the King. The first public meeting of the Arms and the Covenant Movement was on 3 December. Churchill was a major speaker and later wrote that in replying to the Vote of Thanks, he made a declaration 'on the spur of the moment' asking for delay before any decision was made by either the King or his Cabinet.[332] Later that night Churchill saw the draft of the King's proposed wireless broadcast and spoke with Beaverbrook and the King's solicitor about it. On 4 December, he met with the King and again urged delay in any decision about abdication. On 5 December, he issued a lengthy statement implying that the Ministry was applying unconstitutional pressure on the King to force him to make a hasty decision.[333] On 7 December, he tried to address the Commons to plead for delay. He was shouted down. Seemingly staggered by the unanimous hostility of all Members, he left."
His behavior raises a lot questions doesn't it? I think Winston Churchil played a HUGE role in the abdication of Edward VIII. My hunch is telling me he was the one whom convinced the king to abdicate, that is what i meant yesterday when i said "he twisted Edwards hand behind his back"
And did anyone notice the "failure" of the gold standard? That got me laughing. I bet his Rothschild bankers friends wanted it to happen this way so that they can take all the gold for themselves.
▶ f82d7e (2) No.4826706>>4826851
JFK Jr in Red Shoes?
Was JFK into this? Remember, he had dozens of affairs as President, including a Russian Spy who was about to expose him. Plus a needle junkie.
Don't hate - just asking. Can't be only your enemies yet you provide cover for those you love? Once you pick your enemies and provide cover for those you love, you have become criminal. Pedo's has no D or R but is human. Was a great President though.
▶ 9902dc (14) No.4826757>>4911058 >>4999917
Ooooh.., it gets DEEPER!!!
The second encounter I think we had was with the satellite of a larger planet. It may have been Uranus… I heard Uranus is BIG!!! "How BIG is it?" It's so BIG it could pull Antarctica to the South Pole! "That is pretty BIG!" True, but not BIG enough to pull the Earth away from Saturn, and that is an important thing to factor into the equation.
Seriously tho… I thought this was Neptune originally, but it could be either one, or both, or I could be reading this whole thing wrong, but this feels about right. So, some time goes by, Saturn was possibly making a Decent further into the solar system (I'm not sure of the orbit, but it would have to get here somehow. I'm not sure when the others got here, but the best candidate for encounter number 2 is Uranus). This is the most horrific thing the Earth would have to encounter, as far as I know, but it's over and Life still exists, so BE HAPPY!!! I've been lucky to catch things at certain times. One of which was an article someone shared about "the moon appearing in the sky, after the flood". Another awesome person shared a video, in which someone pointed to the scar I was referring to as the "Trident", only they were hinting at it being caused by Venus. A lot of people like to blame things on Venus, after they read Velikovsky. There are other planets in the solar system, and Venus wasn't around at the time this happened. It may have come about as a result of this encounter, but the scar on Earth is not from Venus. It's from when the Earth collided with the moon :) There was no impact (: Why? :) ARC MODE (: Thank Q!!)
Before ever physically colliding with one another, there would be an enormous amount of electricity that got discharged! Both bodies would want to continue on their respective forces, but the electricity would've knocked them 90 degrees over. The two would become locked as they tumbled about. Meanwhile, Saturn and Uranus would have been carrying on with their motion, until they finally began to move away. This may have taken a bit longer than the first encounter, since we did [probably] get closer. Never-the-less, as the two larger bodies started to drift apart, the Earth, being the larger of the 2 smaller bodies, settled into the ((Center oV Gra(V)ity)). Each of the larger bodies would have wanted to take their respective satellites with each other, and Saturn and Uranus begin fighting for the rights of the new couple.
I should probably mention the besides the lightning bolts in Asia, there would've been some serious shock waves that were sent out, along with current moving around through the waters as the rushed inland and really all over. It's a MESS!!, but the result is equally as beautiful as it is frightening to think about what it must have been like. Anyway, as that drama is unfolding, Earth starts being pulled by some A--hole at the south end, as Santa is up at the North Pole trying to load up the presents and ride off on his sleigh. In this instance, Saturn wins, and this may be one of the better scenarios I can possibly imagine to trigger a polar configuration, if it did happen.
If you asked me how long this entire encounter lasted, it's incredibly hard to say. Prior to this, I don't know if "time" was even a "thing". If it was, conditions would've been completely different. What we do have is the scars to prove something like this did indeed take place, forever changing our world as we know it. Knowing how to read those scars would've been beneficial to future characters. I'll have to revisit them to, someday. I know there is a lot more to the story, but I wanted to get this part out for everyone, especially since there's a lunar eclipse tonight. Hopefully this will provide others with a better understanding of our world. Remember THIS day.., and… Enjoy the Show!!!
(:Thank Q!!)
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4826785>>4826941 >>4932579
So i decided to go take a look at the parents of Winston Churchil.
His mother was Jennie Jerome: "Jennie Spencer-Churchill CI RRC DStJ (née Jerome; 9 January 1854 -- 29 June 1921), known as Lady Randolph Churchill, was an American-born British socialite, the wife of Lord Randolph Churchill and the mother of British prime minister Sir Winston Churchill. "
For more reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_Randolph_Churchill
"Jennie Jerome was married for the first time on 15 April 1874, aged 20, at the British Embassy in Paris, to Lord Randolph Churchill, the third son of John Winston Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough and Lady Frances Anne Vane.[14] The couple had met at a sailing regatta on the Isle of Wight in August 1873, having been introduced by the Prince of Wales, the future King Edward VII.[15] Although they became engaged within three days of this initial meeting, the marriage was delayed for months while their parents argued over settlements.[16] By this marriage, she was properly known as Lady Randolph Churchill and would have been addressed in conversation as Lady Randolph."
"Lady Randolph is believed to have had numerous lovers during her marriage, including the Prince of Wales (the future King Edward VII), Prince Karl Kinsky, and Herbert von Bismarck."
"As was the custom of the day in her social class, Lady Randolph played a limited role in her sons' upbringing, relying largely upon nannies, especially Elizabeth Everest. Winston worshipped his mother, writing her numerous letters during his time at school and begging her to visit him, which, however, she rarely did."
PS: It's getting more and more interesting.
So i then went to take a look at Winston Churchil's maternal grandfather.
Leonard Jerome was born in Pompey in Onondaga County, New York, on November 3, 1817. He was one of nine boys and one daughter born to Aurora (née Murray) Jerome (1785--1867) and Isaac Jerome (1786–1866). Isaac was a descendant of Timothy Jerome, a French Huguenot immigrant who arrived in the New York Colony in 1717. Jerome was born on a farm in the Central New York town of Pompey, near Syracuse. His paternal grandmother was Betsy Ball, a relative of George Washington.[1]
"He originally enrolled in Princeton University, then known as the College of New Jersey (where two of his brothers studied theology and became Presbyterian ministers), as a member of the Class of 1839, before leaving for Union College, where he studied law with his uncle, known as Judge Jerome, and set up a practice in Rochester, New York.[1] He later moved to New York City, where he became a stock speculator and promoter. "
"Jerome was a flamboyant and successful stock speculator. He made and lost several fortunes, and was known as "The King of Wall Street". He held interests in several railroad companies and was often a partner in the deals of Cornelius Vanderbilt.[2] He was a patron of the arts, and joined in the founding[citation needed] of the Academy of Music, one of New York City's earliest opera houses.
During the New York Draft Riots, Jerome defended the New York Times office building with a Gatling Gun.[3] Although he had significant holdings in the Times,[4] he was not the majority shareholder as is sometimes erroneously claimed. "
PS: So he was in stock exchange and knew a Vanderbilt. it's getting more and more interesting.
"Jerome was an avid sportsman. He enjoyed yachting with his friend, William K. Vanderbilt. They shared a passion for thoroughbred horse racing and helped found the American Jockey Club."
"In 1866, Jerome bought the estate and mansion of James Bathgate near Old Fordham Village in what was then rural Westchester County, but is now The Bronx. Jerome and financier August Belmont, Sr. built Jerome Park Racetrack on the Bathgate land; the first Belmont Stakes was held there in 1867"
"Jerome became a resident of Brooklyn. He, Vanderbilt, and other investors founded the Coney Island Jockey Club which in 1884 built the Sheepshead Bay Race Track. "
So here we have our LINK to the Vanderbilts and the Belmonts. His wife's name was Clarissa Hall, daughter of wealthy Amos Hall, Palmyra, New York.
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4826851
I HONESTLY don't know about JFK. There is rumors though.
I mean some consider the KENNEDY family as one of the bloodline families. And everyone in that family was into something weird. It was rumored that both JFK and his brother Robert were into Monroe at the same time.
And yes, JFK was a big womanizer, probably did other stuff as well. It always surprised me how FAST Jackie married Onassis. It was as if she was fleeing a demon.
So I honestly don't know, and didn't look into it much, mostly that i know one day soon POTUS is going to declassify those papers and then, maybe i will make an opinion about it. For now, all i can say is that THEY are a STRANGE family.
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4826941>>4827019 >>4932241 >>4932579 >>5310171
So naturally i went to take a look at the Vanderbilt who was close friends with Jerome
"William Kissam Vanderbilt I (December 12, 1849 -- July 22, 1920[1]) was an American heir, businessman, philanthropist and horsebreeder. Born into the Vanderbilt family, he managed his family's railroad investments."
"Vanderbilt inherited $55 million (equal to about $1.5 billion today). from his father. He managed his family railroad investments. In 1879, after taking over P. T. Barnum's Great Roman Hippodrome which was on railroad property by Madison Square Park, he renamed the facility Madison Square Garden"
"On April 20, 1875, Vanderbilt married his first wife, Alva Erskine Smith (1853--1933), who was born in 1853 in Mobile, Alabama, to Murray Forbes Smith, a commission merchant, and Phoebe Ann Desha, daughter of US Representative Robert Desha"
" Alva divorced Vanderbilt in March 1895, at a time when divorce was rare among the elite, and received a large financial settlement reported to be in excess of $10 million (equal to about $300 million today). The grounds for divorce were allegations of Vanderbilt's adultery. Alva remarried to one of their old family friends, Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont, on January 11, 1896."
PS: it's getting more and more interesting. That's the same Alva Belmont in one of my earlier drops.
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4827019>>4827163 >>4835375 >>4932579 >>5310171
and it all lead me to:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_Belmont
"August Belmont Sr. (December 8, 1813 -- November 24, 1890) was a German Jewish-American politician, financier, foreign diplomat, and party chairman of the Democratic National Committee during the 1860s, and later a horse-breeder and racehorse owner. He was the founder and namesake of the Belmont Stakes, third leg of the Triple Crown series of American thoroughbred horse racing."
"He attended The Philanthropin, a Jewish school, until he began his first job as an apprentice to the Rothschild banking firm in Frankfurt."
"Belmont threw lavish balls and dinner parties, receiving mixed reviews from New York's high society. He was an avid sportsman, and the famed Belmont Stakes thoroughbred horse race is named in his honor. It debuted at Jerome Park Racetrack, owned by Belmont's friend, Leonard Jerome (the maternal grandfather of Winston Churchill). The Belmont Stakes is part of thoroughbred horse racing's Triple Crown and takes place at Belmont Park racetrack, just outside New York City. Belmont was heavily involved in thoroughbred horse racing. He served as the president of the National Jockey Club from 1866 to 1887, and owned two large horse-breeding farms as well."
"On November 7, 1849, Belmont married Caroline Slidell Perry (1829--1892).[16] She was the daughter of naval officer Matthew Calbraith Perry (1794–1858), captain and commodore in the U.S. Navy, later famous for his expedition to open the trading ports of Japan in 1853.[16] According to Jewish newspaper sources, he converted to Christianity at that time, taking his wife's Episcopalian/Anglican faith.[17][18] Together, they were the parents of six children, with all of his surviving sons becoming involved in politics:[19]
Perry Belmont (1851--1947),[20] who married Jessie Ann Robbins (1858–1935), the divorced wife of Henry T. Sloane.[21]
August Belmont Jr. (1853--1924),[22] who married Elizabeth Hamilton Morgan (1862–1898).[23] After her death, he married Eleanor Robson (1879–1979), an actress.[24]
Jane Pauline "Jennie" Belmont (1856--1875), who died aged 19.
Fredericka Belmont (1856--1902), who married Samuel Shaw Howland (1849–1925) of Howland & Aspinwall
Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont (1858--1908),[25] who married Sarah Swan Whiting (1861–1924). They divorced, she married George L. Rives and he married Alva Erskine Smith (1853–1933), former wife of William Kissam Vanderbilt.[26][27]
Raymond Rodgers Belmont (1863--1887), who accidentally shot "himself while practicing with a pistol."
PS: Oh my Lord! It's all connected. Is this the "trail" of Payseur?
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4827080
If it's you Fomenko anon, can i ask a bit of help from you please?
Please read the stuff i'm putting out the Winston Churchil and his ancestry and see the connection, then if possible can you make out of it one of your graphes with arrows. It would be easier to pin point Payseur heir if we have a graphic in front of us instead of a text.
There is still a lot to cover, so i'm gonna keep on sending the text and you take them out as i send them. If it's not a bother that is. Thank you in advance if you decide to help out.
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4827163>>4827205 >>4932579
Then I went to take a look at the paternal side of Winston Churchil's family:
"Lord Randolph Henry Spencer-Churchill (13 February 1849 -- 24 January 1895) was a British statesman.[1] Churchill was a Tory radical and coined the term 'Tory democracy'.[2] He inspired a generation of party managers, created the National Union of the Conservative Party, and broke new ground in modern budgetary presentations, attracting admiration and criticism from across the political spectrum. His most acerbic critics resided in his own party among his closest friends; but his disloyalty to Lord Salisbury was the beginning of the end of what should have been a glittering career. His elder son, Winston, wrote a biography of him in 1906."
"Churchill's youthful exuberance did not prevent him gaining a second-class degree in jurisprudence and modern history in 1870. A year later he and his elder brother, George, were initiated into the rites of Freemasonry, as later his son Winston would be."
"Randolph Churchill was a close friend of Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, and received "extensive loans" from the Rothschilds. He reported on the mining industry in South Africa on their behalf, where their agent Cecil Rhodes was consolidating mining deposits which ultimately led to the creation of De Beers."
"In January 1875, only about a month after Winston's birth, Randolph made repeated visits for an undisclosed ailment to the family doctor, Dr Oscar Clayton, a specialist in the treatment of syphilis at his London practice at 5, Harley Street. According to Frank Harris, who published the allegation in his scandalous autobiography, My Life and Loves (1922-27), "Randolph had caught syphilis…" Dr Clayton was, however, a "society doctor" with many patients among the British upper class."
A freemason whom ws good buddies with Nathan Rothschild, it's getting more and more interesting.
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4827205>>4827259 >>4932579
Then i took a look at Churchil's grandfather, the 7th Duke of Marlborough.
"Winston Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough, KG, PC (2 June 1822 -- 4 July 1883), styled Earl of Sunderland from 1822 to 1840 and Marquess of Blandford from 1840 to 1857, was a British Conservative cabinet minister, politician, and nobleman. He was the paternal grandfather of Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill. "
"He was an influential Freemason;[2] he was sworn of the Privy Council in 1866, and made a Knight of the Garter in 1868. On the formation of Disraeli's second cabinet in 1874, he was offered, but declined, the Viceroyalty of Ireland.[1] He again held office under Disraeli as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland from 1876 to 1880. "
"On 12 July 1843, Spencer-Churchill married Lady Frances Anne Emily Vane (15 April 1822 -- 16 April 1899), eldest daughter of the 3rd Marquess of Londonderry and Lady Frances Anne Emily Vane-Tempest. They had eleven children:
George Charles Spencer-Churchill, 8th Duke of Marlborough (13 May 1844 -- 9 November 1892)
Lord Frederick John Winston Spencer-Churchill (2 February 1846 -- 5 August 1850)
Lady Cornelia Henrietta Maria Spencer-Churchill (17 September 1847 -- Upper Brook Street, Mayfair, London, 22 January 1927), married 25 May 1868 Ivor Bertie Guest, 1st Baron Wimborne, by whom she had issue.
Lord Randolph Henry Spencer-Churchill (13 February 1849 -- 24 January 1895), married 15 April 1874 Jennie Jerome. Their issue included Sir Winston Churchill and John Strange Spencer-Churchill.
Lady Rosamund Jane Frances Spencer-Churchill ( 9 Nov 1851- 3 December 1920), married 12 July 1877 William Fellowes, 2nd Baron de Ramsey, by whom she had issue.
Lady Fanny Octavia Louise Spencer-Churchill (29 January 1853 -- 5 August 1904), married 9 June 1873 Edward Marjoribanks, 2nd Baron Tweedmouth, by whom she had issue.
Lady Anne Emily Spencer-Churchill (Lower Brook Street, Mayfair, London, 14 November 1854 -- South Audley Street, Mayfair, London, 20 June 1923), married 11 June 1874 James Innes-Ker, 7th Duke of Roxburghe, by whom she had issue.
Lord Charles Ashley Spencer-Churchill (25 Nov 1856 -- 11 March 1858)
Lord Augustus Robert Spencer-Churchill (4 July 1858 -- 12 May 1859)
Lady Georgiana Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill (10 St James's Square, St James's, London, 14 May 1860 -- 9 February 1906), married 4 June 1883 Richard George Penn Curzon, 4th Earl Howe, by whom she had issue.
Lady Sarah Isabella Augusta Spencer-Churchill ( 4 Jul 1865 -- 22 October 1929), a war correspondent during the Boer War; married 21 November 1891 Lt. Col. Gordon Chesney Wilson (son of Sir Samuel Wilson, MP), by whom she had issue."
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4827259>>4827334 >>4827453 >>4932241 >>4932579
I kept on looking around in the Marlborough family:
"Charles Richard John Spencer-Churchill, 9th Duke of Marlborough, KG, TD, PC (13 November 1871 -- 30 June 1934), styled Earl of Sunderland until 1883 and Marquess of Blandford between 1883 and 1892, was a British soldier and Conservative politician, and a close friend of his first cousin Winston Churchill. He was often known as "Sunny" Marlborough after his courtesy title of Earl of Sunderland."
"He was a nephew of Lord Randolph Churchill and a first cousin of Sir Winston Churchill,[1] with whom he had a close and lifelong friendship. He was a fourth cousin twice removed of Diana, Princess of Wales."
"Marlborough was married twice. His first wife was the American railroad heiress Consuelo Vanderbilt, whom he married at Saint Thomas Church in New York City on 6 November 1895. The marriage was a mercenary one. Inheriting his near-bankrupt dukedom in 1892, he was forced to find a quick and drastic solution to the financial problems of his family. Prevented by the strict social dictates of late 19th-century society from earning money, he was left with one solution; to marry money. The marriage was celebrated following lengthy negotiations with his bride's divorced parents: her mother, Alva Vanderbilt, was desperate to see her daughter a duchess, and the bride's father, William Vanderbilt, paid for the privilege. The final price was $2,500,000 (worth about $62m in 2007) in 50,000 shares of the capital stock of the Beech Creek Railway Company with a minimum 4% dividend guaranteed by the New York Central Railroad Company. The couple were each given a further annual income of $100,000 for life. The bride later claimed she had been locked in her room until she agreed to the marriage. The contract was actually signed in the vestry of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, immediately after the wedding vows had been made. Whilst they honeymooned in Europe, Marlborough told Consuelo that he actually loved another woman but had married her in order to "save Blenheim".[16]
They had two sons, John Spencer-Churchill, Marquess of Blandford, eventually the 10th Duke of Marlborough, and Lord Ivor Spencer-Churchill. Their mother famously referred to them as "the heir and the spare".[17]
The Vanderbilt dowry was used to restore Blenheim Palace and replenish its furnishings and library, for many of the original contents had been sold over the course of the 19th century. Many of the jewels worn by subsequent Duchesses of Marlborough also date from this period.[citation needed] The 9th Duke employed noted landscape gardener Achille Duchêne to create the water garden on the terrace at Blenheim.[18] In 1934 he owned 19,685 acres of land.[13]
However, Consuelo was far from happy; she records many of her problems in her cynical and often less than candid biography The Glitter and the Gold. She shocked society by leaving her husband in 1906. The couple were divorced in 1921; the marriage was annulled by the Vatican five years later, no doubt facilitated by the duke's wish to become a Roman Catholic (the family remained Anglican).[1] Consuelo subsequently married a Frenchman, Jacques Balsan. She died in 1964, having lived to see her son become Duke of Marlborough; she frequently returned to Blenheim, the house she had found uncomfortable and inconvenient when living there."
PS: So his first wife was a Vanderbilt. This means that Churchil hand Vanderbilt and Rothschild ties from both sides of his family.
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4827334>>4827375 >>4932579
Now i got curious about Wallis Simpson:
"Wallis Simpson (born Bessie Wallis Warfield; 19 June 1896[1] -- 24 April 1986), later known as the Duchess of Windsor, was an American socialite whose intended marriage to the British king Edward VIII caused a constitutional crisis that led to Edward's abdication.
Wallis grew up in Baltimore, Maryland. Her father died shortly after her birth and she and her widowed mother were partly supported by their wealthier relatives."
"An only child, Bessie Wallis (sometimes written "Bessiewallis") Warfield was born in Square Cottage at Monterey Inn, a hotel directly across the road from the Monterey Country Club, in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania"
"Her father was Teackle Wallis Warfield, the fifth and youngest son of Henry Mactier Warfield, a flour merchant described as "one of the best known and personally one of the most popular citizens of Baltimore" who ran for mayor in 1875.[6] Her mother was Alice Montague, a daughter of stockbroker William Latane Montague."
"For her first few years, she and her mother were dependent upon the charity of her father's wealthy bachelor brother Solomon Davies Warfield, postmaster of Baltimore and later president of the Continental Trust Company and the Seaboard Air Line Railway. Initially, they lived with him at the four-story row house, 34 East Preston Street, that he shared with his mother."
"In 1908, Wallis's mother married her second husband, John Freeman Rasin, son of a prominent Democratic party boss."
"On 17 April 1910, Wallis was confirmed at Christ Episcopal Church, Baltimore, and between 1912 and 1914 her uncle paid for her to attend Oldfields School, the most expensive girls' school in Maryland.[13] There she became a friend of heiress Renée du Pont, a daughter of Senator T. Coleman du Pont of the du Pont family, and Mary Kirk, whose family founded Kirk Silverware."
>>>> i'm begining to think that Wallis wasn't a commoner. She befriended a DuPont daughter whom is part of a bloodline family. And her Uncle owned a railroad company.
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4827375>>4827409 >>4932579
This is her Uncle, the owner of the railroad:
"Solomon Davies Warfield (September 4, 1859 -- October 24, 1927) was an American railroad executive and banker. He is primarily remembered for extending the Seaboard Air Line Railway into South Florida in the 1920s and for connecting the east and west coasts of Florida by rail. To this day, Amtrak trains travel from Central Florida to South Florida on the route built by Warfield. "
"Warfield was born in Baltimore County, Maryland, the son of Henry Mactier Warfield and Anna W. Emory Warfield, and was named for a friend of his father's, Sol B. Davies. Warfield's father was a prominent grain merchant and director of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. He was a paternal uncle of Wallis Warfield Simpson, (later the Duchess of Windsor), for whom King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom, (later the Duke of Windsor) abdicated his throne in 1937. Warfield never married. "
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4827409>>4932579
And this is about the railroad company he owned:
"The Seaboard Air Line Railroad (reporting mark SAL), which styled itself "The Route of Courteous Service," was an American railroad which existed from April 14, 1900, until July 1, 1967, when it merged with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, its longtime rival, to form the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad. Predecessor railroads dated from the 1830s and reorganized extensively to rebuild after the American Civil War. The company was headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia, until 1958, when its main offices were relocated to Richmond, Virginia. The Seaboard Air Line Railway Building in Norfolk's historic Freemason District still stands and has been converted into apartments. "
PS: Notice the "freemason" district of Norfolk?
here is the rest: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seaboard_Air_Line_Railroad
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4827453>>4932579
I've found the coat of arms/crest of the Marlborough family, but in another picture, it was written under it that it's the Vanderbilt's family crest. I find that curious.
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4827616>>4828304
The i got curious about why Edward VIII and Wallis always went to France .
So i dug a bit and i bumped into Charles Bedaux.
"Charles Eugène Bedaux (10 October 1886 -- 18 February 1944) was a French-born American millionaire who made his fortune developing and implementing the work measurement aspect of scientific management, notably the Bedaux System. Considered one of the most eccentric millionaires of the early twentieth century, Bedaux was friends with British royalty and Nazis alike, and was a management consultant, big game hunter and explorer. "
"Bedaux purchased the sixteenth-century Château de Candé, in France, and lived there with his American second wife, the former Fern Lombard (1892--1972), a daughter of lawyer James Lombard of Grand Rapids, Michigan.[1] The couple purchased the château in 1927 and renovated it, completing work in 1930.[41]
On 3 June 1937, Charles and Fern Bedaux hosted the wedding of Wallis Warfield and Prince Edward, Duke of Windsor at the château.[1] Bedaux then arranged the couple's honeymoon to the Third Reich, where they publicly met the Führer, Adolf Hitler."
"When Paris was occupied by the Germans during World War II, Bedaux became acquainted with leading Nazi and Vichy figures. After the fall of France in 1940, he was appointed as an economic advisor to Vichy and the Reich.
Bedaux's wife, Fern, and her sister, Eve Duez (Mme Louis S Duez), were interned briefly in Paris during the war but were soon released through their connections to the German government in France.[43]
In 1941, Bedaux experimented with a political-economic system of his own invention, Equivalism, in Roquefort, Vichy France. Recent research has shown that the experiments amounted to tinkering which locals hardly noticed.[44]
Also in 1941, in France, there was a violent coal strike over the Bedaux System in the Nord and Pas de Calais in May and June.[45]
Bedaux's German connections were not restricted to Occupied France. In October 1941 he was designated by the sabotage branch of the Abwehr (Abwehr II) to command a covert mission to Persia (Iran) to capture the refinery at Abadan from his former client, the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, and protect it from Allied bombardment prior to a planned German military invasion of Iraq and Persia.[46] By the end of 1942, however, strategic events (e.g. the Second Battle of El Alamein and the Battle of Stalingrad) had rendered the operation unworkable, and Bedaux was dropped by Berlin. The countersabotage plan then became obsolete,[47] though it looked suspicious when Bedaux was later investigated by the FBI and MI5.[6] "
"Despite Bedaux's cultivation of relationships with various Abwehr and Nazi Party officials, declassified National Archives and Records Administration records indicate that Bedaux did not have dealings with the upper echelons of the Party or with officials of the Sicherheitsdienst (SS Security Service)."
"On 13 January 1943 Bedaux was in Algeria allegedly supervising the construction of a German pipeline when he and his son were arrested by the Americans. He was kept in custody without charge for a year.[1] Bedaux was eventually flown to the US, and, awaiting charges of trading with the enemy and treason, committed suicide using an overdose of barbiturates while in FBI custody in Miami, Florida.[1][7][47] His death featured prominently in the contemporary media,[48] particularly an influential New Yorker biographical trilogy by Janet Flanner.[1][6][7][33][49] Here, Flanner attacked the Bedaux System and Bedaux Unit as, despite Bedaux's verbose claims to originality, she argued that they did not differ 'much from the old Frederick Winslow Taylor shop-management system of the nineties'."
>>>> Was Bedaux one of the bridges between the Nazis and the Bushes? Was he helping and facilitating the infiltration of the Nazis in the US?
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4827872>>4827913 >>4932241 >>4932579
After all that, i decided to go take a look at the business of the Vanderbilts and the Morgans:
Oh Lord! It's totally crazy. I ended up onto a huge network of railroads, banks, stockbrokers etc. I was crossed eyed because of it. But I did manage to find some very interesting pictures.
And i found this article about Churchi and Edward VIII relationship:
I think this is an MI6 propaganda at play. With this article they are trying to muddy the water or make us look at the wrong direction. Which means, they are hidding something.
As for the pictures, i think sometimes we can find the truth where we least expect it to be. I believe these drawings hold a lot of truth in them.
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4827913>>4827961 >>4932241 >>4932579
Note that they refer to themselves as the MEN who BUILT AMERICA.
The irony of it all.
▶ 08cfbf (2) No.4828195>>4934549
>>3979794 (OP)
Has anyone else tracked the owls back through the Masons, Knights Templar, and Jesuits.
Click these pics for large size and see the Templars even have owls on their passports.
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4828304>>4828481 >>4828516
Let me try to sum things up a bit:
- We know the Payseur = Louis XVII fled France to England, then landed in the States.
- We also know P is the heir of the french branch of the Merovingian dynasty, the top bloodline of the Illuminati.
- We know they are "cousins" with the Windsors and probably are related to most british aristocracy as well as the aristocracy in most european royal families (since Marie-Antoinnette was a Habsburg)
- We know P has created a huge financial empire for him in railroad, Oil, banking, stocks etc. And this empire is managed by other Illuminati families whom are "lesser" in rank than the Merovingian. P uses those families as a facade so that he/she remain in the shadows.
-We know P owns Biltmore castle where it seems a lot of creepy stuff was taking place.
- We know P is the head of the red shoe clan symbol.
- We know P is directly related to the creation of the Federal reserve system managed by the big bankers whom serve him/her.
-We know P is orbiting around or is in tof the Vanderbilts and the Morgan family. We can make links to the Marlborough/Churchil family, the Moors, the Belmont, the Whitney, the Mellon, the DuPont, The Jerome, The Warfield, the Rockefeller and the french branch of the Rothschild family.
- We know P has everything to do with the creation of the scouts.
- We know is connected to the female empowering movements, most recently the Me too movement and those pink pussy hats movements. (look at the female celebraties sporting red shoes and whom are known to be either witches or part of these movements)
- Which in turn makes me believe that Soros replaced the Rockefellers as P's number 1 right hand man. And don't forget Soros' link to Killary, Nazi & Antifa.
- P is connected to Edward VIII & Wallis Simpson through the Vanderbilts, the Morgans, the Railroad business and the Nazis.
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4828481>>4887950
Now some stuff i noticed:
- Madonna (the stupid singer) directed a movie about Edward VIII and if i'm not mistaken she is part of these feminist movements and she did "wish to blow up the WH"
- Richard Nixon was close buddies with Edward VIII whom died in 1972; Nixon removed the dollar from the gold standard in 1971, and then resigned in 1974. Could it Nixon lost influance and power after the death of Edward VIII. And could it be Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard because Edward VIII was the bridge between Nixon and P, as in Edward VIII was transmitting orders from P to Nixon. This is just a thought for the moment.
- Edward VIII a big Nazi lover was in good terms with Churchil who was also a nazi sympathizer. Churchil had blood ties to the Vanderbilts and many other "socialist" railroad, or stocks or banking american families, which in turn were in close ties with the Vanderbilts; which makes me believe they were all orbiting around P. And Churchil was close friends with the Rothschilds.
- Could it be that Edward VIII played a role in helping the Nazi infiltrate the US? Could he have a role to play in the paperclip project? The creation of the CIA? What are his ties to the Bushes? And what role did Charles Bedaux plays in all of this?
If so, then it means, it's connected to the assassination of JFK, to the Nazis fleeing to Argentina, to Antartica, to Tesla discoveries, to the secret spavce program and advanced technology.
It will be a tast wothy of a titan, but I think we need to compare the names (the womans too) of the business companies owned by Pauser to the family names i mentioned in my earlier drop. I believe P is in there somewhere and he/she is close (for generations) to the Vanderbilts.
▶ 397b2a (4) No.4828516>>4828646
thomasanon I have just in one sitting read many of your drops. wow go ahead and make the training manuals on how it's done j/k.
I appreciate you taking the time with your approach, my undergrad degree is in archeology so I can wrap my head around how you go about the process.
may I suggest you shift you geographic focus (but keep the topical and familial foci)? Look to Latin America. The modern borders of at least a few states were made with railroad interests in mind (e.g. Colombia once included parts of Panama). Railroads, families, Nazis all connect in Latin America. For what I know not
▶ ea35ba (23) No.4828646>>4830071
I was actually thinking of checking out India, Australia and France.
I've noticed "attachment" from P towards his "place of origin".
But i'm also aware how big this task is and almost impossible if you are not a local who can access to the archived data personally. So, maybe for now i will drop my search for P's identity.
That is until Q or POTUS give us another hint.
They have been hinting a lot to P from the start.
▶ 397b2a (4) No.4830071>>4830083 >>4830084 >>4834589
that makes a lot of sense looking in that direction in terms of linguistics diaspora and evolution over time. However, to stick with he rail section, I have read that in India to this very day since rails we're laid there was such fierce competition among the rail lines that they went so far as to employ different gauge rails in sections each controlled, on otherwise contiguous routes, to mitigate the likelihood of one company seeing hostile takeover of another as an attractive route to consolidatio.
▶ 397b2a (4) No.4830083
forgot to conclude… lol… doesn't sound like the m.o. of cabal. however the opium trade that began there does.
▶ 397b2a (4) No.4830084
forgot to conclude… lol… doesn't sound like the m.o. of cabal. however the opium trade that began there does.
▶ 266c25 (1) No.4830352
Hey Q,
In the Lisa Page transcript she admits being in London once in Dec. 2016 but the pic you show of her has to be Feb. 2016 or earlier. Based on the pic, it could not possibly be from Dec. 2016. Was Lisa Page setting Trump up in Dec. 2015? Now that's a bombshell. That's before the first primary.
▶ b00a7d (3) No.4830396>>4834660
Its Noahide world order. Confirmed by anons long ago.
Read moar here - https://www.scribd.com/document/392911608/Michael-Hoffman-Judaisms-Strange-Gods
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4834589
Well i actually wanted to take a good look at the common wealth commerce and what is know as the East India Company. I bet the cabal is all over those 2. They like trade roads a lot ever since the Medieval ages.
Ad for Argentina and Latin America, it's a very obvious spot. Obvious to a point that i think a lot of anons are going to that dirction and dig there, neglecting other parts like South Africa, India, Canada, Australia and what was called the colonise countries.
I don't want to dig that deep because i know it's going to be hard to make out right from left. What i'm interested in is simply the company or business names, the owners and the dates, in order to compare them with what we know already. If i find a lucky winner, then i will try to see the tentacles of this octopus. And this includes opium, spices, textile and what ever else marchandise there is.
The Hope diamond being "stolen" from India and cursed reminded of another precious stone, a big red ruby "stolen" from India and supposedly cursed as well. And ever since it's stolen, it is on the royal crown jewels (I think it's on the crown of the spouce of the ruler). So i find those similarities quiet interesting as well. And one is BLUE (french) and one is RED (english) = the traditional colors used by both royal houses.
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4834660
It's like the Zemma law in the Quran and how the Vatican ALWAYS think their members shouldn't be judged by civilian courts, but in Vatican courts.
And if you look closely, all 3 have the same roots.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4834721
Think about it
There are videos of NASA saying they destroyed the tech they used to get to the moon originally. Which is why it's hard to get back since they'd have to start from scratch.
Of course, that's bullshit. The military appropriated it. Think logically. The whole excuse to go to the moon was to beat the Russians. Why? Because they were terrified the Russians would make a base on the moon.
So now that the US got to the moon, what are they going to do? Call it a day? No. They're going to build a fucking base on the moon.
They couldn't execute Operation Horizon publically, the tech had to be developed by the public tax funders. Such an ambitious project would never get approved if it meant the fruit of victory had to be kept secret. Thus NASA was created instead to do the first phase. Which was a success.
Then they take the tech and continue to develop it.
This is partially where the $21 Trillion went.
Now China is actively exploring the moon, its literally a matter of days until they discover the American Bases. This is why Trump is demanding a Space Force, because its the only way to legitimize an already existing and old program.
This is what Q meant.
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4835375>>4835379 >>4932241 >>4932579
Oh boy! It's as if I landed on something:
for the entire article = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._%26_J._Sloane
"W. & J. Sloane was a prominent furniture and rug store in New York City that catered to the prominent, including the White House and the Breakers, and wealthy, including the Rockefeller, Whitney, and Vanderbilt families.[1]
After a long period of prosperity and prominence, the firm went through a shorter period of decline and was forced to file for bankruptcy in 1985."
"The company generated considerable wealth for the direct descendants of William and John Sloane, who include in addition to Rev. Coffin, diplomat Cyrus Vance, attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr., musical producer John H. Hammond, his son, musician John P. Hammond, and philanthropist Emily Thorn Vanderbilt Sloane. It also brought the Sloane family into prominence in New York City, where they intermarried with the Whitneys, the Vanderbilts, and the Pynes.[14] Employees who worked for the firm include the American cooking icon Julia Child (then Julia McWilliams), whose first job out of Smith College in October 1935 was Assistant to the New York Advertising Manager, A. W. Forester.[15] Other notables include the Bevelacqua brothers: Salvatore and Aurelio, who designed under the Sloane banner before their respective success in furniture design"
PS: It's getting very interesting.
Emily Thorn Vanderbilt, to read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_Thorn_Vanderbilt
"Jump to search
Emily Thorn Vanderbilt
Emily Thorn Vanderbilt Sloane White.jpg
Mrs. William Douglas Sloane (Emily Thorn Vanderbilt) by Benjamin Curtis Porter
Staten Island, New York
July 29, 1946 (aged 93--94)
Lenox, Massachusetts
William Douglas Sloane
(m. 1872; his death 1915)
Henry White
(m. 1920; his death 1927)
Florence Adele Sloane
Emily Vanderbilt Sloane
Lila Vanderbilt Sloane
William Douglas Sloane
Malcolm Douglas Vanderbilt Sloane
William Henry Vanderbilt
Maria Louisa Kissam
Emily Thorn Vanderbilt (1852 -- July 29, 1946) was an American philanthropist and a member of the prominent Vanderbilt family. She financed the creation of New York's Sloane Hospital for Women in 1888 with an endowment of more than $1,000,000."
I got carried away a bit and thought it was the same "SLOAN" hospital that RGB was in. So i checked it out.
for more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_Sloan_Kettering_Cancer_Center
"Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Manhattan, New York City, US, United States
Non-profit hospital
Hospital type
Affiliated university
Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Emergency department
Urgent care center
1884[1] (as New York Cancer Hospital)
Hospitals in the United States
Other links
Hospitals in New York
A radium laboratory at Memorial Hospital, 1918
Memorial Hospital, 1930
Rockefeller's York Avenue land donation, 1937
The relocated Memorial Hospital building, built between 1936 and 1939, standing on its present location on York Avenue
Groundbreaking at the Sloan Kettering Institute, 1946
The original New York Cancer Hospital[2] built between 1884 and 1886, now housing, at 455 Central Park West and 106th Street in Manhattan.
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4835379>>4835831 >>4836730 >>4932579
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK or MSKCC) is a cancer treatment and research institution in New York City, founded in 1884 as the New York Cancer Hospital. MSKCC is the largest and oldest private cancer center in the world, and is one of 47 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers.[3] Its main campus is located at 1275 York Avenue, between 67th and 68th Streets, in Manhattan. "
PS: Not the same place as you can see but then read this:
"Memorial Hospital was founded on the Upper West Side of Manhattan[2] in 1884 as the New York Cancer Hospital by a group that included John Jacob Astor III and his wife Charlotte,[4] and a $100,000 [approximately 3 million dollars in 2018] bequest by Arabella Huntington in memory of her late husband Collis Potter Huntington to establish the first cancer research fund in the country, the Huntington Fund for Cancer Research (1902). The hospital appointed William B. Coley as an attending surgeon, who pioneered an early form of immunotherapy to eradicate tumors.[5] Rose Hawthorne, daughter of author Nathaniel Hawthorne, trained there in the summer of 1896 before founding her own order, Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne.[6] In 1899, the hospital was renamed General Memorial Hospital for the Treatment of Cancer and Allied Diseases.[7]
Around 1910 James Ewing, a professor at Cornell University's medical college, established a collaboration with Memorial Hospital with the help and funding of industrialist and philanthropist James Douglas, who gave $100,000 to endow twenty beds for clinical research, equipment for working with radium, and a clinical laboratory for that purpose.[8] Douglas' enthusiasm and funding for development of radiation therapy for cancer inspired Ewing to become one of the pioneers in developing this treatment."
"In 1934, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. donated land on York Avenue for a new location.[15] Two years later, he granted Memorial Hospital $3,000,000 and the hospital began their move across town.[16] Memorial Hospital officially reopened at the new location in 1939.[17][18] In 1945, the chairman of General Motors, Alfred P. Sloan, donated $4,000,000 to create the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research through his Sloan Foundation, and Charles F. Kettering, GM's vice president and director of research, personally agreed to oversee the organization of a cancer research program based on industrial techniques.[19] The originally independent research institute was built adjacent to Memorial Hospital"
PS: So now we have Rockefeller connected to both hospitals. And we can add to the mic the Vanderbilts, the Whitney and the Belmont. And in both hospitals the SLOAN family names pops.
Is this why Q asked us to look where RGB was being treated? Is Q trying to point us to the Rockefeller connection? Is this why Q asked us who is paying for RGB medical fees? If it's Rockefeller then it means it's P as in Payseur. Am I right Q?
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4835831
Logo of Sloan & Kettering hospital
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4836730>>4836980
This is to support that P is the one taking "care" of RGB, through Rockefeller:
"Rockefeller Foundation:
The Rockefeller Foundation is a private foundation based at 420 Fifth Avenue, New York City.[4] It was established by the six-generation Rockefeller family. The Foundation was started by Standard Oil owner John D. Rockefeller ("Senior"), along with his son John D. Rockefeller Jr. ("Junior"), and Senior's principal oil and gas business and philanthropic advisor, Frederick Taylor Gates, in New York State on May 14, 1913, when its charter was formally accepted by the New York State Legislature.[5] Its stated mission is "promoting the well-being of humanity throughout the world."
>>>> Started by non other than Standard oil, interesting, no? And I must admit, the list of current and past trustees is rather eye catching.
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4836980>>4932579
"Andrew Carnegie (/kɑːrˈneɪɡi/ kar-NAY-gee, but commonly /ˈkɑːrnəɡi/ KAR-nə-ghee or /kɑːrˈnɛɡi/ kar-NEG-ee;[3] November 25, 1835 -- August 11, 1919) was a Scottish-American industrialist, business magnate, and philanthropist.
Carnegie led the expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century and is often identified as one of the richest people (and richest Americans) in history.[4] He became a leading philanthropist in the United States and in the British Empire. During the last 18 years of his life, he gave away about $350 million[5][note 1] to charities, foundations, and universities---almost 90 percent of his fortune. His 1889 article proclaiming "The Gospel of Wealth" called on the rich to use their wealth to improve society, and stimulated a wave of philanthropy.
Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, and immigrated to the United States with his parents in 1848. Carnegie started work as a telegrapher, and by the 1860s had investments in railroads, railroad sleeping cars, bridges, and oil derricks. He accumulated further wealth as a bond salesman, raising money for American enterprise in Europe. He built Pittsburgh's Carnegie Steel Company, which he sold to J. P. Morgan in 1901 for $303,450,000.[6] It became the U.S. Steel Corporation. After selling Carnegie Steel, he surpassed John D. Rockefeller as the richest American for the next couple of years.
Carnegie devoted the remainder of his life to large-scale philanthropy, with special emphasis on local libraries, world peace, education, and scientific research. With the fortune he made from business, he built Carnegie Hall in New York, NY, and the Peace Palace and founded the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Carnegie Institution for Science, Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, Carnegie Hero Fund, Carnegie Mellon University, and the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, among others. "
"Starting in 1853, when Carnegie was around 18 years old, Thomas A. Scott of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company employed him as a secretary/telegraph operator at a salary of $4.00 per week ($120 by 2018 inflation). Carnegie accepted this job with the railroad as he saw more prospects for career growth and experience with the railroad than with the telegraph company.[9] At age 24, Scott asked Carnegie if he could handle being superintendent of the Western Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad.[23] On December 1, 1859, Carnegie officially became superintendent of the Western Division. Carnegie then hired his sixteen-year-old brother, Tom, to be his personal secretary and telegraph operator. Not only did Carnegie hire his brother, but he also hired his cousin, Maria Hogan, who became the first female telegraph operator in the country.[24] As superintendent Carnegie made a salary of fifteen hundred dollars a year ($42,000 by 2018 inflation).[23] His employment by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company would be vital to his later success. The railroads were the first big businesses in America, and the Pennsylvania was one of the largest of them all. Carnegie learned much about management and cost control during these years, and from Scott in particular"
"The building was completed in late 1902, and he lived there until his death in 1919. His wife Louise continued to live there until her death in 1946. The building is now the Cooper-Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, part of the Smithsonian Institution. The surrounding neighborhood on Manhattan's Upper East Side has come to be called Carnegie Hill."
"Over the course of twenty years, Carnegie's steel properties grew to include the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, the Lucy Furnace Works, the Union Iron Mills, the Homestead Works, the Keystone Bridge Works, the Hartman Steel Works, the Frick Coke Company, and the Scotia ore mines among many other industry related assets.[94] Furthermore, Carnegie's success was due to his convenient relationship with the railroad industries, which not only relied on steel for track, but were also making money from steel transport. The steel and railroad barons worked closely to negotiate prices instead of free market competition determinations.[95]
Besides Carnegie's market manipulation, United States trade tariffs were also working in favor of the steel industry. Carnegie spent energy and resources lobbying congress for a continuation of favorable tariffs from which he earned millions of dollars a year."
"At the height of his career, Carnegie was the second-richest person in the world, behind only John D. Rockefeller of Standard Oil."
PS: So now we have this new connection to Morgan, Mellon and the rail industry. I bet this is another FRONT = FACADE of Payseur business managed by others. It's totally amazing and fascinating how FAST their business grows and expands and they ALWAYS end up MONOPOLIZING the market.
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4838189>>4838281 >>4838435 >>4838506 >>4838628 >>4864990 >>4932241
This is Thomas anon.
Just wondering, is this a coincidence? I've been scratching my head about this ever since gen. Flynn put that picture out and anons found out where it's from. Could it be another estate REALLY owned by Payseur and managed by Vanderbilts? Too much French monarchy sort of like decoration in the house, don't ya think? And it was designed to be like the Little Trianon, from Versailles, Marie-Antoinette's favorite place. Jesus!
For more = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marble_House
From wikipedia:
"Marble House is a Gilded Age mansion in Newport, Rhode Island. Designed as a summer cottage for Alva and William Kissam Vanderbilt by the society architect Richard Morris Hunt, it was unparalleled in opulence for an American house when it was completed in 1892.[2] Its temple-front portico, which also serves as a porte-cochère, resembles that of the White House.[3] Located at 596 Bellevue Avenue, it is now open to the public as a museum run by the Preservation Society of Newport County. "
"Marble House is one of the earliest examples of Beaux-Arts architecture in the United States, with design inspiration from the Petit Trianon at the Palace of Versailles.[2] Jules Allard and Sons of Paris, first hired by the Vanderbilts to design some of the interiors for their Petit Chateau on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, designed the French-inspired interiors of Marble House.[2] The grounds were designed by landscape architect Ernest W. Bowditch.[7] "
"The interior features a number of notable rooms. Entrance into the mansion is through one of two French Baroque-style doors, each weighing a ton and a half. Both are embellished by the monogram "WV" set into an oval medallion. They were made at the John Williams Bronze Foundry in New York.[5] The Stair Hall is a two-story room that features walls and a grand staircase of yellow Siena marble, with a wrought iron and gilt bronze staircase railing. The railing is based on models at Versailles. An 18th-century Venetian ceiling painting featuring gods and goddesses adorns the ceiling.[5]
Architect Richard Morris Hunt hired Giuseppe Moretti to produce the interior's marble friezes and statuary, including work on bas-reliefs of Hunt and Jules Hardouin Mansart, the master architect for Louis XIV during the construction of Palace of Versailles; and which stood side by side on the mezzanine level of the staircase. The Grand Salon, designed by Allard and Sons, served as a ballroom and reception room. Designed in the Louis XIV style, it features green silk cut velvet upholstery and draperies. The originals were made by Prelle. The walls are carved wood and gold gilt panels representing scenes from classical mythology, inspired by the panels and trophies adorning the Galerie d'Apollon at the Louvre. The ceiling features an 18th-century French painting in the manner of Pietro da Cortona depicting Minerva, with a surround adapted from the ceiling of the Queen's Bedroom at Versailles.[5]
The Gothic Room, in the Gothic Revival-style, was designed to display Alva Vanderbilt's collection of Medieval and Renaissance decorative objects. The stone fireplace in the room was copied by Allard and Sons from one in the Jacques Cœur House in Bourges. The furniture was by Gilbert Cuel.[5] The Library is in the Rococo-style. It served as both a morning room and library. The doors and bookcases, in carved walnut, were a collaboration between Allard and Cuel.[5] The Dining Room features pink Numidian marble and gilt bronze capitals and trophies. The fireplace is a replica of the one in the Salon d'Hercule at Versailles. The ceiling is decorated painted with a hunting and fishing motif, with an 18th-century French ceiling in the center.[5] Mrs. Vanderbilt's Bedroom, on the second floor, is in the Louis XIV style. The ceiling in this room is adorned with circular ceiling painting of Athena, painted circa 1721 by Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini. It was originally in the library of the Palazzo Pisani Moretta in Venice."
Anons, this is amazing, it's like a replica of Versailles and the Trianon.
And please check this article = http://www.iridetheharlemline.com/2012/04/27/the-mansions-that-the-railroad-built-part-1-marble-house/
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4838281>>4838360 >>4932241 >>4932579
Consuelo Vanderbilt:
"Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan (formerly Consuelo Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough; born Consuelo Vanderbilt; 2 March 1877 -- 6 December 1964) was a member of the prominent American Vanderbilt family. Her marriage to The 9th Duke of Marlborough has become an emblem of the socially advantageous, but loveless, marriages common during the Gilded Age."
"Consuelo's second marriage, on 4 July 1921, was to Lt. Col. Jacques Balsan, a record-breaking pioneer French balloon, aircraft, and hydroplane pilot who once worked with the Wright Brothers. Also a textile manufacturing heir, Balsan was a younger brother of Etienne Balsan, who was an important early lover of Coco Chanel.[23] Jacques Balsan died in 1956 at the age of 88.[24]
After the annulment with the Duke of Marlborough, she still maintained ties with favorite Churchill relatives, particularly Winston Churchill. He was a frequent visitor to her château, in St. Georges Motel, a small commune near Dreux about 50 miles from Paris, in the 1920s and 1930s, where he completed his last painting before the war.[25]
Records in Florida show that in 1932 Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan built a home in Manalapan, Florida, just south of Palm Beach. It was designed as a love nest by Maurice Fatio. The dream home of 26,000 square feet is called Casa Alva, in honor of her mother. Although Conseulo sold her home in 1957, it still exists. Many believe[who?] that Churchill polished his famous Iron Curtain Speech in that house as he visited his cousin's wife on his way to Fulton, Missouri, to deliver an address at Westminster College.[26]
Consuelo Balsan published her insightful but not entirely candid autobiography, The Glitter and the Gold, in 1953. It was ghostwritten by Stuart Preston, an American writer who was an art critic for The New York Times. A reviewer in the same paper called it "an ideal epitaph of the age of elegance."[27]
Consuelo Balsan died at Southampton, Long Island, New York, on 6 December 1964. She was buried alongside her younger son, Lord Ivor Spencer-Churchill, in the churchyard at St Martin's Church, Bladon, Oxfordshire, England, near her former home, Blenheim Palace."
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4838360>>4838643 >>4932241
"United States President Benjamin Harrison granted George H. K. Carter a homestead in 1889 on the yet unnamed land.[5] In 1931, the sparsely populated settlement was incorporated by Harold Stirling Vanderbilt as the "Town of Manalapan".[5] A large share of the first settlers being natives of Manalapan, New Jersey caused the name to be selected.[6]
One of the most puzzling mysteries in Florida history was the disappearance of Circuit Judge Curtis Chillingworth who left a friend's home on the night of June 14, 1955, and went to their ocean-front cottage in Manalapan."
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4838435>>4932241
"Belcourt is a former summer cottage designed by architect Richard Morris Hunt for Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont and located on Bellevue Avenue in Newport, Rhode Island. Construction was begun in 1891 and completed in 1894, and it was intended to be used for only six to eight weeks of the year. Belcourt was designed in a multitude of European styles and periods; it features a heavy emphasis on French Renaissance and Gothic decor, with further borrowings from German, English, and Italian design. In the Gilded Age, the castle was noted for its extensive stables and carriage areas, which were incorporated into the main structure"
"Located on Bellevue Avenue at Lakeview Avenue, Belcourt was designed by Richard Morris Hunt for thirty-three-year-old Oliver Belmont who was divorced from Sara Swan Whiting and the father of a daughter, Natica, whom he denied paternity to, during the construction of his 50,000 square foot (4,600 m²), 60 room summer villa. Based on the Louis XIII hunting lodge at Versailles, Belcourt incorporated Oliver's love of pageantry, history and horses in its magnificent interior halls, salons and ballrooms."
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4838506>>4932241
"In the summer of 1926 the estate was purchased by American socialite Alva Belmont, formerly Mrs. William Kissam Vanderbilt, who restored it as her primary residence. It had been one of several inspirations for her châteauesque-style Petit Château in Manhattan. Her daughter, Consuelo Vanderbilt, wrote that she thought that Jacques Cœur's reported ownership had partially inspired her mother to buy the estate. Belmont did much restoration and renovation during her ownership. She had the river flowing through the estate widened because she said, as Consuelo later wrote, "This river is not wide enough." She brought in paving stones from Versailles to cover the previously sand-paved great forecourt between the house and the village. She had a massive neo-Gothic portal gate erected on the northern entrance road, separating the château and village from the surrounding farmland. Changes inside the château included replacement of the wrought iron staircases and moving the kitchens to the basement. She also added a bowling alley in one of the buildings on the estate, one of the first in France. After her death in 1933, the chateau was left to Consuelo, who sold it to a Swiss company in the winter of 1937.[3]
From 1986 to 1989, the château and 272-acre (110 ha) estate were resold twice. It is now a luxury hotel, complete with a golf course. The course, established in 1995, has 18 holes and was designed by Olivier Dongradi."
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4838628>>4838746 >>4932241
"The William K. Vanderbilt House, also known as the Petit Chateau, was a Châteauesque mansion at 660 Fifth Avenue in Midtown in New York City. It was next door to the Triple Palace of William Henry Vanderbilt, which occupied the entire block between 51st and 52nd streets on the west side of Fifth Avenue"
"The mansion was built for William Kissam Vanderbilt, second son of William H. Vanderbilt and Maria Louisa Kissam from 1878 to 1882.[4] Determined to make her mark in New York society, Vanderbilt's wife Alva worked with the architect, Richard Morris Hunt, to create the French Renaissance-style chateau.[1][2] Her renowned fancy-dress ball, held here in March 1883 and attended by a thousand people, captured the public's attention.[4][3] The structure, a reflection of Alva's love of all things French, was one of the earliest chateau style mansions in New York City and served as inspiration for many later designs throughout the country by Hunt and others.[4]
It was sold to real-estate developer Benjamin Winter, Sr. in 1926, demolished,[5] and replaced by a commercial building. In a draft of her memoirs, Alva, then Mrs. Belmont, merely noted the demolition in passing. The site is currently occupied by an office building known as 666 Fifth Avenue."
"Its most important piece of furniture was an ebony secretary, now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, that was built by Jean Henri Riesener for the use of Marie Antoinette at the Château de Saint-Cloud."
>>> Holy Heavens! Did anons catch the 666? And that Marie-Antoinette personal secretary desk?
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4838746>>4838779 >>4932241
"Beacon Towers was a Gilded Age mansion on Sands Point in the village of Sands Point on the North Shore of Long Island, New York. It was built from 1917 to 1918 for Alva Belmont, the ex-wife of William Kissam Vanderbilt and the widow, since 1908, of Oliver Belmont."
Literary scholars believe the mansion helped inspire F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1925 novel The Great Gatsby,[5] which describes the house of Jay Gatsby as
A factual imitation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy, with a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin bead of raw ivy, and marble swimming pool and more than forty acres of land.
--- F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
Beacon Towers reportedly also inspired the design of Gatsby's mansion in Baz Luhrmann's 2013 film adaptation of the novel."
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4838779>>4932241
And i noticed this from Marble House Newport Wikipedia:
"The interiors of the mansion have appeared in several films or television series. Scenes appearing in the 1972--73 television series, America, the 1974 film, The Great Gatsby, the 1995 miniseries The Buccaneers, the 1997 film Amistad, and the 2008 film 27 Dresses were shot here.[10] More recently, Victoria's Secret filmed one of their 2012 holiday commercials here."
SOOOOO, we have 2 castle owned by Alva Vanderbilt Belmont whom had a connection with "The great Gatsby". Coincidence?
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4840055
Oh my!
"Gynecological sense ("female genitals, especially with a display of pubic hair") is 1927 British slang, transferred from earlier meaning "a bearded man" (1910), from the appearance of split beaver pelts."
Which is also called a BUSH. LOL! I think i ate too much and it's going to my head. LOL! I wonder if anything is going to happen to or with G.W. Bush?
And there is plane that is also called beaver bush.
▶ 6e1b0d (18) No.4840185
My first impression out of this picture =
This looks like a giant clock and the 2 hands of the clock are pointing to 12.
Is FLOTUS signaling it's TIME = THE TIME?
▶ 832494 (1) No.4843913
Anon on the spot. This video triggered lots of discoveries back when i saw it.
It put me on the way to the full picture, and i mean it.
Only THIS book : https://www.thebookoflife.eu/table-of-contents.php
will make you understand what's at stake here and reconcile growing earth with electric universe (2nd part of the book).
Flat earth theory has a purpose, disinformation has always been there to veil the truth. FET is to hide the truth of growing astral bodies.
THEY know that a spirit with a little fragment of truth will uncover the rest of it, and that's why they pushed so hard disinformation along history.
The book of Enoch will tell you much more, and connections will be made about "the old guards" (and the understanding of why this text was withdrawed from the bible, will get to fruition)
Then, with some thinking, one will be able to answer why there are pyramids all around earth, in connection to an ATLANTIS WORLD ORDER, or first world order, ruled by descendants of "foreigners" brided with humans. They were called sons of god before they fucked up.
Now only remains 13 degenerate bloodlines. Since the darkest times humanity had to face slavery and sacrifices from them.
It seem that the fall of Atlantis and the story of the moon are indirectly linked. Let's say that the moon gave the coup de grace to dinosaurs long ago, but the aftermath, in earth crust, took time and IS what destroyed the land once standing in the middle, between americas and europe/africa (from far best place to rule the world isn't it?)
Sure when one has the idea of "subduction" in mind, he cannot understand earth anymore… and all the above look just like non sense.
Look: in the bible, old testament points out a ruling empire which enslaves mankind, worshipping [whatever you want but btfo God !] - in fact it points out a "ruling sect"
New testament : BIG call out of the satanic sect, ruling over roman empire at this time. They worship the same "gods" as the egyptians, as the masons, they only change names.
This is gonna trigger shills, but the book i linked above is the third of the trinity.
But… everything connects… EVERYTHING.
our universe has no age, the only "big bang" that occured is when our sun lit up, and that's what realy are supernovas.
Neptune will show us one day how god gives birth to life everywhere in the universe. Count on that.
Anyway, anons, i strongly urge you to dig further this way. I haven"t told 1% of all i have seen that corroborates what i affirm.
But knowledge has to be organic. What i found others probably did and others will do, but we won't go silent into the dark anymore.
All of (you) are opening the gates to the kingdom.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4849520>>4860837
The ROMAN EMPIRE never existed. How many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible? Why does the Second Empire almost perfectly match up with the Third Empire? How the hell has no one noticed this until now???
▶ f1a432 (6) No.4853049
This is Thomas Anon,
2018 versus 2019
Almost same pictures. WHY Anons didn't notice?
What is Flotus' message? Anons missed it last year, so she resent the same message this year. THIS IS NO COINCIDENCE.
She is trying to tell us something.
▶ f1a432 (6) No.4853895>>4943997 >>4955376
This is Thomas Anon again. Here is my take on this:
I agree with anons when they say there is more than one meaning to everything that POTUS & FLOTUS are tweeting.
Some anons have noticed a bucket in a window, on the upper floor of the WH, and have also noticed the decorating under the window edge. I agree with the anons thinking it's the infinity sign. Read my prior drops is you are interested in this anons.
Now, bucket in French is SCEAU. And that word is an Homonym, it has many meaning in French but SCEAU means BUCKET & also SEAL, as in presidention seal, like the one FLOTUS tweeted about just a few days ago.
Now add to it the symbolism of infinity sign points to Payseur as descendant of the Merovingian bloodline. And I think we should always look at the french equivalent to the stuff POTUS hints at because Payseur's origins are French.
Now when I went looking for SCEAU, i bumped into this SCEAU (from Wikipedia) =
"Sceaux (French pronunciation: [so]) is a commune in the southern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 9.7 km (6.0 mi) from the center of Paris."
"Sceaux is famous for the Château de Sceaux, set in its large park (Parc départemental de Sceaux), designed by André Le Nôtre, measuring 2 km2 (0.77 sq mi). The original château was transformed into a School of Agriculture during the Revolution and lost much of its luster. It was demolished at the beginning of the 19th century following its sale by the then French government. Sceaux castle was originally built by Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the minister of finance to Louis XIV and purchased by Louis' illegitimate son, the duke of Maine in 1699. His duchesse held court in a glittering salon at Sceaux in the first decades of the eighteenth century.
The present château, rebuilt between 1856 and 62 in a Louis XIII style, is now the museum of Île-de-France open for visits.
Housing costs are extremely high, higher than in many districts of Paris, especially with streets facing the Parc de Sceaux. Sceaux is one of the richest cities of France, according to the INSEE."
"Sceaux hosts two cités scolaires, combined junior high schools and public high schools/sixth-form colleges, the lycée Marie Curie and the lycée Lakanal.[2] The lycée Marie Curie was named after the famous scientist who was married in, lived in, and was originally interred in Sceaux with her husband Pierre Curie."
"The commune also has a small movie theater, the Trianon, where international movies are released in their respective language and subtitled in French. The theater is also known for showing independent films and hosting special events. In 2006, a debate revolving around ecology was organized and Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth was shown. "
"The Parc de Sceaux was the location of Madonna's Parisian first visit with her Who's That Girl World Tour 29 August 1987, breaking the record of 131.000 people."
For more reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sceaux,_Hauts-de-Seine
HOW many time does POTUS & FLOTUS have to point out to the SAME things over and over again until the ANONS pick up on this? This is not a coincidence.
I mean in Heaven's name, just take a look at the history of the place. And look at their seal = the fleurs de lys and the snake (just great) and Marie Curie (i guess you've got your reply Jordan Sather for that tweet of yours about vaccines) and on top of it Al Gore, Madona, and the Trianon = Marie-Antoinette's favortie place in Versailles.
Anons, please wake up already. It's sooooo clear.
▶ f1a432 (6) No.4854063>>4854145
Dear POTUS, are you ONE MOVE away from STEPPING on the TOP of the PHOENIX?
▶ f1a432 (6) No.4854145
Dear POTUS, are you ONE MOVE away from STEPPING on the TOP of the PHOENIX?
A Phoenix that is wearing a Fleur de lis as a crown. Just great! So this was Payseur's plan.
▶ f1a432 (6) No.4854284
Dear POTUS, the first 2 pictures are now very clear to me, but I'm still trying to figure out FLOTUS 2 pictures.
And you just sent me on a wild search Gen. Flynn with NEWPORT.
Each day i tell myself i'm gonna take a break from all of this, just to relax and rest, and I end up hammering my head again. Can i take a break?
I don't know how much you've noticed this, but unless Q, POTUS, FLOTUS or gen Flynn are going to directly point to it, MOST of the anons won't pick it up. And i have no idea how many are reading what i'm posting.
▶ f1a432 (6) No.4854439>>4855456
Remeber how both Lincoln and Hamilton died?
RGB born 3-15-1933?
Don't forget what ideology each one of them represent.
▶ 5270d5 (21) No.4855456>>4858592
Both 2013
The Treasurer, front and center.
▶ 8b3257 (1) No.4858592
Great find anon! well that makes it a 666 then:
15$ = 1+5 = 6
2013 = 2+0+1+3 = 6 and we have 2 of those, so there is your 666
▶ a88e66 (1) No.4858728>>4860851
I posted this in one of the older reseach boards. It might be relevant to understanding the origins of the cult that`s behind all of this. The symbols they use may be explained as natural fenomenon visible in the sky thousands of years ago.
In short, our solar system may have looked quite different than it does today. Electric discharges between planetary bodies may have caused what the Bible refers to as The Great Flood.
You`ve got the star and sicle, the stairway to heaven, the owl, the Y, the twins, devils horns, protruding tongue, pyramid like structures, the peacock god of the yazidi, even the christmas tree… just to name a few.
The Illuminated ones may regard themselves as ancestors of the survivors, performing horrible occult rituals in order to please their god with the hopes of restoring a Golden Age, returning their civilisation to former glory. Last section just my personal theory. Conclusion: they are bat shit crazy, but we know that.
For more info, visit the Thunderbolts Project site.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPoQbzIkI5Y
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4860837
Anyone actually read this yet? It's pretty eye opening.
Also, I can produce one for the Roman Empire = Ancient Israel as well
It's hard to deny these as just "coincidence"
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4860851
▶ d2f93c (12) No.4863249>>4863705 >>4864072 >>4893093 >>4932579
This is Thomas Anon continuing where i left off on my dig:
I decided to "Zoom out" and take a look at Newport itself.
"Newport is a seaside city on Aquidneck Island[4] in Newport County, Rhode Island, located approximately 33 miles (53 km) southeast of Providence, "etc". It is known as a New England summer resort and is famous for its historic mansions and its rich sailing history."
" A playground for the wealthy in the 19th and early 20th centuries, it was the location of the first U.S. Open tournaments in both tennis and golf, as well as every challenge to the America's Cup between 1930 and 1983. It was known for being the location of the "Summer White Houses" during the administrations of Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy. "
"Newport grew to be the largest of the four original settlements which became the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, which also included Providence Plantations and Shawomett. In 1658, a group of Jews were welcomed to settle in Newport; they were fleeing the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal but had not been permitted to settle elsewhere. The Newport congregation is now referred to as Congregation Jeshuat Israel and is the second-oldest Jewish congregation in the United States. It meets in Touro Synagogue, the oldest synagogue in the United States. "
The commercial activity which raised Newport to its fame as a rich port was begun by a second wave of Portuguese Jews who settled there around the middle of the 18th century. They had been practicing Judaism in secret for 300 years in Portugal, and they were attracted to Rhode Island because of the freedom of worship there. They brought with them commercial experience and connections, capital, and a spirit of enterprise. Most prominent among those were Jacob Rodrigues Rivera, who arrived in 1745 (died 1789) and Aaron Lopez, who came in 1752 (died May 28, 1782). Rivera introduced the manufacture of sperm oil which became one of Newport's leading industries and made the town rich. Newport developed 17 manufactories of oil and candles and enjoyed a practical monopoly of this trade until the American Revolution.
Aaron Lopez is credited with making Newport an important center of trade.[6] He encouraged 40 Portuguese Jewish families to settle there, and Newport had 150 vessels engaged in trade within 14 years of his activity.[7] He was involved in the slave trade and manufactured spermaceti candles, ships, barrels, rum, chocolate, textiles, clothes, shoes, hats, and bottles.[8] He became the wealthiest man in Newport but was denied citizenship on religious grounds, even though British law protected the rights of Jews to become citizens. "
"Newport was a major center of the slave trade in colonial and early America, active in the "triangle trade" in which slave-produced sugar and molasses from the Caribbean were carried to Rhode Island and distilled into rum, which was then carried to West Africa and exchanged for captives. In 1764, Rhode Island had about 30 rum distilleries, 22 in Newport alone. The Common Burial Ground on Farewell Street was where most of the slaves were buried. "
"On July 10, 1780, a French expedition arrived in Narragansett Bay off Newport with an army of 450 officers and 5,300 men, sent by King Louis XVI and commanded by Rochambeau. For the rest of the war, Newport was the base of the French forces in the United States. In July 1781, Rochambeau was finally able to leave Newport for Providence to begin the decisive march to Yorktown, Virginia, along with General George Washington. The first Roman Catholic mass in Rhode Island was said in Newport during this time. The Rochambeau Monument in Kings Park on Wellington Avenue along Newport Harbor commemorates Rochambeau's contributions to the Revolutionary War and to Newport's history. "
"Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, wealthy southern planters seeking to escape the heat began to build summer cottages on Bellevue Avenue, such as Kingscote (1839).[18] Around the middle of the century, wealthy Yankees, such as the Wetmore family, also began constructing larger mansions, such as Chateau-sur-Mer (1852) nearby.[19] Most of these early families made a substantial part of their fortunes in the Old China Trade.[20]
By the turn of the 20th century, many of the nation's wealthiest families were summering in Newport, including the Vanderbilts, Astors, and the Widener family, who constructed the largest "cottages", such as The Breakers (1895) and Miramar.[21] They resided for a brief summer social season in grand, gilded mansions with elaborate receiving rooms, dining rooms, music rooms, and ballrooms---but with few bedrooms, since the guests were expected to have "cottages" of their own. Many of the homes were designed by New York architect Richard Morris Hunt, who kept a house in Newport himself. "
▶ d2f93c (12) No.4863705>>4863842 >>4932579
There are many things that caught my attention, so i went to look at Eisenhower to see if there is something eye catching.
And i landed on some VERY interesting articles:
- https://www.scmp.com/news/world/europe/article/2103416/churchill-and-eisenhower-tried-hush-peace-talks-between-ex-king
More articles and all they do is muddy the water.
But I think the pictures TALK a lot more than those articles.
Edward VIII taking a walk with his mother in the house of the Dukes of Marlborough….. YUP! The same Marlboroughs whom are linked to the Vanderbilts and Paysseur.
And Edward VIII along with Wallis attending an official ceremony in front of the Astoria. That same Astoria connected to another bloodline family.
Eisenhower being good buddies with Churchil and getting along with the Queen. Weren't there "rumors" about both Eisenhower and Churchil hushing up stuff when it comes to UFO and advanced techs etc.?
It's all connected.
▶ d2f93c (12) No.4863842>>4932579
So of all the places where to spend a vacation Eisenhower goes to Newport. Let's consider that a coincidence.
Then it is said that the Kennedy couple married there. WEEELLLLLL! Put aside the fact that Jackie was from a NOBLE french descendant family, and the "rumors" that the Kennedy family was part of the bloodline families, so it's just a coincidence, right?
And here we have both Eisenhower and Kenndy in "receptions" and dinners where Edward VIII was.
And we have Wallis visiting Palm Beach. Weeeellll! That is just her social life and duties.
But then, the photo of Nixon and his 2 daughters popped out. And JULIE NIXON EISENHOWER caught my attention.
For more:
From wikipedia:
"Julie Nixon Eisenhower (born July 5, 1948) is an American author who is the younger daughter of Richard Nixon, 37th President of the United States, and Pat Nixon, First Lady of the United States.
Born in Washington, D.C. while her father was a Congressman, Julie and her elder sister, Patricia Nixon Cox, grew up in the public eye. Her father was elected U.S. Senator from California when she was two; Vice President of the United States when she was four. Her 1968 marriage to David Eisenhower, grandson of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, was seen as a union between two of the most prominent political families in the United States.
Throughout the Nixon administration (1969 to 1974), Julie worked as Assistant Managing Editor of The Saturday Evening Post while holding the unofficial title of "First Daughter." She was widely noted as one of her father's most vocal and active defenders throughout the Nixon administration. Eisenhower was named one of the "Ten Most Admired Women in America" for four years by readers of Good Housekeeping magazine in the 1970s. After her father resigned in disgrace from the White House in 1974, she wrote the definitive biography of her mother, the New York Times best-seller Pat Nixon: The Untold Story. She continues to engage in works that support her parents' legacies.
She is the mother of two daughters, Jennie Eisenhower and Melanie Catherine Eisenhower, and a son, Alex Richard Eisenhower. "
"In 1966, Julie Nixon Eisenhower was presented as a debutante to high society at the International Debutante Ball at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. David Eisenhower was her civilian escort at the International Debutante Ball."
"In spite of her family's history of supporting Republicans, Julie donated $2,300 to Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary race against Hillary Clinton.[39][40] She supported Mitt Romney in 2012, the Republican nominee against President Obama, and Donald Trump in 2016"
It's getting interesting, right anons? She married the grandson of president Eisenhower, she donates to the "establishment" deep state puppets in election times, & by coincidence her debutante ball was at the Astoria.
▶ d2f93c (12) No.4864072>>4864155 >>4932579
It's interesting how "John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier were married in St. Mary's Church in Newport on September 12, 1953.[23] Presidents Kennedy and Eisenhower both made Newport the sites of their "Summer White Houses" during their years in office. Eisenhower stayed at Quarters A at the Naval War College and at what became known as the Eisenhower House,[24] while Kennedy used Hammersmith Farm next door. " I didn't want to dig any deeper in that rabbit hole because for now I'm trying to focus on Paysseur.
So I went back to Newport and this time, i decided to take a look at the Widener family and the Miramar "cottage".
So first i decided to take a quick look to the "cottage"
"Miramar is a 30,000-square-foot (2,800 m2) French neoclassical-style mansion on 7.8 acres (32,000 m2) bordering Bellevue Avenue on Aquidneck Island at Newport, Rhode Island. Overlooking Rhode Island Sound, it was intended as a summer home for the George D. Widener family of Philadelphia. "
"The building and landscaping were still in the design stage when George Widener and his son Harry lost their lives aboard the RMS Titanic.[1] His widow, Eleanor Elkins Widener, who was rescued in a lifeboat from the Titanic, completed the project and construction was undertaken during 1913 and 1914 and opened to friends with a large reception on August 20, 1915."
I was like WHHHAAATTTT????? The Titanic? That Titanic? Again?
▶ d2f93c (12) No.4864155>>4864275 >>4932579
So i decided to go take a look at the Wideners.
"The American Widener family of Peter Arrell Brown Widener (1834--1915) and his wife Hannah Josephine Dunton (1836–1896) were from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and were one of the wealthiest families in the United States. In 1883 Widener was part of the founding partnership of the Philadelphia Traction Company and used the great wealth accumulated from that business to become a founding organizer of U.S. Steel and the American Tobacco Company.[citation needed]
The legacy of Peter and Hannah Widener includes the Widener Library at Harvard University but even more important was the implanting of a social conscience in their children that has been passed down from generation to generation. While the family fortune dwindled over time through estate taxes and the natural division and redivision by inheritors, many of their 21st century descendants continue to be involved in charitable works. Widener University in Chester, Pennsylvania, is named after the Wideners as a result of a very large contribution the family made when the college was transitioning from an all-male military college to a co-educational civilian university.[citation needed]
Peter and Hannah Widener built Lynnewood Hall in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, a 110-room Georgian-style mansion designed by Horace Trumbauer where they assembled one of the most valuable art collections in the country. Left a vast fortune, their offspring became one of the most prominent factors in American Thoroughbred horse racing history as well as founding benefactors of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., Widener University in Chester, Pennsylvania, and the Widener School for Crippled Children.[citation needed]
The descendants of Peter Arrell Brown Widener and Hannah Josephine Dunton include:
George Dunton Widener (1861-1912)
Joseph E. Widener (1871-1943)
Harry Elkins Widener (1885-1912)
George D. Widener Jr. (1889-1971)
Peter A. B. Widener II (1895-1948)
Gertrude T. Widener (1897-1970)
Josephine P. Widener (1902-1961)
Peter A. B. Widener III (1925-1999)
Ella Anne Widener (1928-1986)
Fitz Eugene Dixon Jr. (1923-2006)"
Great! Another family that is in railroads, steel, tobaco etc. Hm! I wonder what they meant by this "but even more important was the implanting of a social conscience in their children that has been passed down from generation to generation"?
I wonder about this "social consciouce" that was "implanted" in the kids and that has been "passed down for many generations". This is very interesting anons.
▶ d2f93c (12) No.4864275>>4864437 >>4932579
So now I took a look at Mr George Widener.
"He joined his father's business and eventually took over the running of the Philadelphia Traction Company, overseeing the development of cable and electric streetcar operations. He also served on the board of directors of several important area businesses including Philadelphia Traction Co., Land Title Bank and Trust Co., Electric Storage Battery Co., Portland Cement Co. A patron of the arts, Widener was a Director of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.
RMS Titanic[edit]
In 1912, Widener, his wife, and their son Harry traveled to Paris, France, with original intentions to find a chef for Widener's new Philadelphia hotel, The Ritz Carlton. The Wideners booked their return passage on RMS Titanic. After the ship struck an iceberg, Widener placed his wife and her maid in a lifeboat. The women were rescued by the steamship RMS Carpathia, but Widener and his son Harry perished on the Titanic.[4] Their bodies, if recovered, were not identified."
"In 1883, he married Eleanor Elkins,[6] the daughter of his father's business partner, William Lukens Elkins.[7] Together, they had two sons and a daughter:
Harry Elkins Widener (1885--1912), who died aboard the Titanic.[8]
George Dunton Widener, Jr. (1889--1971),[9] who married Jessie Sloane Dodge (1883–1968)[10] in 1917.[11]
Eleanor Widener (1891--1966),[12] who married Fitz Eugene Dixon in 1912.[13][14] Eleanor sued Dixon for divorce in 1936.[15][16][17]
After Widener and his son's death aboard the Titanic, a memorial service for them was held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, where stained glass windows were dedicated in their memory.[18][19] Two weeks after their untimely deaths on the Titanic, Widener's daughter Eleanor married Fitz Eugene Dixon at the family estate in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania.[20] "
When i saw the maiden name of his wife = Eleanor Elskin, it startled me. Because it's very similar to Alva Erskine Smith. We already know there is a "last name change" that "OCCURES" when it comes to the Paysseur line, i bet that is a coincidence. And the letters L and R are close to each other when being used, so….could it be? Just a thought for now anons, nothing more, just me thinking out loud.
▶ d2f93c (12) No.4864437>>4864596 >>4864990 >>4932579
So naturally, I went to take a look to this Eleanor lady.
"Eleanor Elkins Widener, née Eleanore Elkins[note 1] (later known as Eleanor Elkins Widener Rice or Mrs. Alexander Hamilton Rice; c. 1862--1937) was an American heiress, socialite, philanthropist, and adventuress best remembered for her donation to Harvard University of the Widener Library---a memorial to her elder son Harry Elkins Widener, who (along with her first husband, George Dunton Widener) perished in the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
Widener later married Harvard professor Alexander Hamilton Rice Jr., a surgeon and explorer. She subsequently accompanied Rice on a number of expeditions, including one on which she "went further up the Amazon than any white woman had penetrated" and, purportedly, he was attacked by cannibals."
"Widener was the daughter of Philadelphia streetcar magnate William Lukens Elkins. In 1883 she married George Dunton Widener, son of her father's business partner, thereby "[uniting] two of the largest fortunes in the city. She was known as one of the city's most beautiful women." [5]
In later marriage[clarification needed] they lived in her father-in-law's 110-room Pennsylvania mansion, Lynnewood Hall. Their children were Harry Elkins Widener, George Dunton Widener Jr., and Eleanor Widener Dixon."
"One headline read: "Explorer Weds Titanic Widow".) [9]:20 She gave up her Philadelphia home, dividing her time among Newport, New York, and Paris when not accompanying Rice in his explorations"
So now we have this Elksin gal, whom survived the Titanic, but left her first husband there, and then her second "explorer" husband was attacked by cannibals in the Amazon. That reminds me of the Fake News CNN reporter that recently went and spent some time with a cannibal tribe.
▶ d2f93c (12) No.4864596>>4932579
So I went to look who the parents of Eleanor were:
"William Lukens Elkins (May 2, 1832 -- November 7, 1903) was an American businessman, inventor, and art collector"
"William Elkins was born in Wheeling, West Virginia on May 2, 1832. His father, a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was George Elkins, and his mother was Susanne (née Howell) Elkins"
"He started his working life at a grocery store in Philadelphia where his family had returned to live. He next worked for a produce company and eventually formed a partnership with Peter Saybolt to operate their own produce business. By 1860, Elkins had bought out his partner and had built their produce operation into the largest store of its kind in the United States.[1]
Always looking for business opportunities, William Elkins soon recognized the potential for the usages of oil being pumped from the developing oilfields of Northwestern Pennsylvania and became a pioneer in the refining of crude oil. In Philadelphia he founded Monument Oil Works that built a primitive oil refinery which he constantly modernized and soon expanded into other locations. His company was the first to make gasoline and was involved in the production of asphalt. In 1875, the increasingly wealthy Elkins entered into a partnership with Standard Oil, becoming a significant shareholder in that oil giant.[1]
In 1873, William Elkins first met Peter Widener and the two became trusted friends who would partner in street car and railway businesses that would expand to major cities across the United States and make them both enormously wealthy.[3] A member of the Board of Directors of numerous enterprises in Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey, among his investments William Elkins held sizeable share positions in American Tobacco Company and International Mercantile Marine Co."
"William Elkins died at his summer home, at age seventy-one on November 7, 1903 in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. Among his philanthropic gifts, William Elkins left $240,000 to the Masonic Home for Girls in Philadelphia. He bequeathed his art collection to the city to be given following the death of his last heir"
Just great! Another big shot in the oil and a Mason. He married his daughter to the son of his business partner Widener. And one of this grandsons married a SLOAN = "George Dunton Widener, Jr. (1889--1971),[9] who married Jessie Sloane Dodge (1883–1968)[10] in 1917.[11]"
But what caught my attention is the name of William Elkins' mother maiden name = Susanne Howell.
HOWELL? Now where did i hear that name before? Then i remembered that Killary's maternal grandfather was a Howell.
My first thought was " oh sh*t! Is it even possible?"
So I TRIED to dig anons. I really tried. Hard. And each time I ran straight into a brick wall. No matter which approach I took, no matter what angle i came from, i ran straight into a brick wall. I didn't find a zit.
I'm not saying they are related. I AM NOT SAYING THAT. But God! That made what black hair in have on my head turn white on the spot. I don't know what the heck is all of this. I don't know if it's just a random name. I don't know if it's a coincidence. I don't know why i cannot find ANYTHING when i dig. I'm not saying it is, I'm not saying it's not. I don't know anons, i don't know. Maybe i've gone into the wrong rabbit hole. I don't know. This is driving me nuts.
▶ d2f93c (12) No.4864990>>4865129
Now since i couldn't go anywhere with the previous post, i decided to walk back my own steps and take a look at both Eleanor Elskins and Alva Erskine Smith.
Do tell me anons, is there a physical ressemblance? Could they be cousins or distant relatives? I didn't find anything more than what i've posted about them when it comes to their family trees.
but i did find the following about Alva:
“Alva Belmont, in full Alva Ertskin Smith Vanderbilt Belmont, née Alva Ertskin Smith, also called (1875--96) Alva Vanderbilt, (born Jan. 17, 1853, Mobile, Ala., U.S.---died Jan. 26, 1933, Paris, France), prominent socialite of New York City and Newport, Rhode Island, who, in her later years, became an outspoken suffragist.
Alva Smith grew up in her birthplace of Mobile, Alabama, and, after the American Civil War, in France. She married William K. Vanderbilt, grandson of Cornelius, in 1875. Although the Vanderbilts were among the richest people in the world, they were excluded from the "Four Hundred," the cream of New York society, by the arbiters of such matters, Mrs. William B. Astor and Ward McAllister. Alva Vanderbilt undertook an aggressive plan to break into the club. She commissioned the fashionable society architect Richard M. Hunt to build a $3 million mansion on Fifth Avenue, a gesture that ended McAllister’s resistance; then, in 1883, plans were made for an Olympian masquerade ball for 1,200 persons, by far the most opulent entertainment yet seen by New York. At the last moment Astor capitulated, calling on Vanderbilt in order to secure an invitation for young Caroline Astor. As a final touch Vanderbilt had Hunt build a palace---ostentatiously referred to as a "cottage"—at Newport that, with its furnishings, cost $9 million on completion in 1892. In 1895 Vanderbilt divorced her husband and, a year later, after arranging the marriage of her daughter Consuelo to the duke of Marlborough, she married Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont.”
“After her husband died in 1908, Alva Belmont became deeply interested in the cause of women’s rights. She brought the English suffragette Christabel Pankhurst to the United States in 1914 for a speaking tour and opened her houses and her purse to Alice Paul and the more militant feminists. With Elsa Maxwell she wrote Melinda and Her Sisters, a suffragist operetta, and staged it at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in 1916. In 1921 she was elected president of the National Woman’s Party, a post she held for the rest of her life, and she was the founder of the Political Equality League. She is credited with offering the original advice "Pray to God. She will help you." In her later years she became a noted architectural designer and was one of the first women ever elected to the American Institute of Architects.”
And there is this as well = http://www.thelady8home.com/2015/01/19/marble-house-newport-ri/
“On one hand she coerced her totally dominated daughter Consuelo into a loveless match with a Duke (9th Duke of Malborough to be exact, first cousin to Winston Churchill) to lay her hands on a title by any means, nevermind the fact both her daughter and the impoverished Duke were in love with other people at that point of their lives; on the other, she herself divorced Wiliam Vanderbilt three years after the Marble House was completed when such things were unheard of. Surprisingly, not only she did not suffer any slight to her social position, she rather secured it even further by marrying another disgustingly rich man (Oliver Belomont) right after and moving into another magnificent palace (Belcourt) few mansions down. At the same time, she managed to keep Marble House for herself during the divorce settlement and legend has it that this jawdroppingly expensive house was used as a ‘laundry place’ for the lady.”
I found it very interesting on how Alva took on straight ahead with Mrs Astor (remember that familia that owned the Astoria hotel?)
And take a look at this from the Newport wikipedia:
"By the turn of the 20th century, many of the nation's wealthiest families were summering in Newport, including the Vanderbilts, Astors, and the Widener family, who constructed the largest "cottages", such as The Breakers (1895) and Miramar.[21]"
So, the Breakers owned by Alva Berskine Smith and the Miramar owned by Eleanor Elskins were considered the TOP cottages in Newport. And from that Britanica piece, it seems that Alva wasn't welcomed at first with arms wide open into the high class society of Newport. But I bet the Astor lady was good friends with Eleanor Elskins. Could it be we have a rivalry between Alva and Eleanor? Both belonging to the same family bloodline, but each on a different branch of the family? FOR now, i couldn't link them, nor find any connections. But it's just thoughts. Maybe an anon can do better than me and find what i couldn't.
▶ d2f93c (12) No.4865129>>4865246
I decided next to take a closer look at Marble House Newport.
is there a resemblance to the WH? i don't know anons, you tell me.
Then I saw the furniture in Marble House, so i decided to take a look at the furniture of Belcourt as well.
Notice the wallpaper in Belcourt corridor, and the fabric of the chairs in Marble House gold room and the reddish dining room chair fabric?
They kinda looked familiar.
▶ d2f93c (12) No.4865246>>4865428 >>4932241
Well anons, it reminded me of a very specific thing in Biltmore castle = the pool.
The anon whom managed to find this was amazing. I mean it's true that the tiles are not identical but the ropes and the rest matches. So take a look at these pictures and tell me if they are not SIMILAR. I'm not saying they are INDENTICAL, but SIMILAR. Just like it's the case for the pool tiles.
Could it be those are the same wallpapers or curtains but the painter modified them a bit so they won't look identical to the ones at Belcourt mansion and Marble House?
And yes, these paintings are from the same painter = Patricia Piccinini, whom's favorite fan is none other than Creepy Tony Podesta.
▶ d2f93c (12) No.4865428>>4932241
Could it be inspired from the fabric of the dining table chairs at Marble House? I have no idea anons. I will let you think what you want about it.
And after another look, i think the facade Marble House is like a mixture between the WH and the petit Trianon
▶ b2036f (6) No.4879236>>4879269
Who were the original Israelites? I believe the Sqythians, Sarmatians and Cimmerians were the true lost children of Isreal. The bible speak of a holy anointing oil known as Kaneh Bosm. What if that anointing oil is related to Cannabis whom all of Scythians and assorted tribes left huge amounts in their tombs? The Israelites the true one were know to be scattered across the frontiers of Babylon, were these Umman Manda the true lost children of Isreal? the Sakka, Iskuz sons of Isaac, scots, Saxxons, Cymbri from Cimmerians and Polish nobility who have tradition of being ascended from Sarmatians. Tombs of Tocharian another related extinct brother shaman mummified with blonde hair and blue eyed buried with the sacred anointing oil Cannabis. Did the scattered tribes gave birth to all our indo-european languages after being confused and depropgrammed in Baybylon, our are langauges of Babylon and not our native? The sacred plant is the link
▶ b2036f (6) No.4879269
Also forgot to mention the Cucuteni trypilan culture with text more ancient than official narratives by thousands of years, and archaeologic sites filed with traces of beer and weed
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4880865
I was thinking about Y-heads and looked into the currency symbol for the yen and the yuan.
very similar Ys with one having one and the other 2 horizontal lines intersecting the base vertical line.
I found a very weird video talking about it with lots of other strange videos and symbology on the channel with a little owl professor that explains it to you:
I have yet to explore those other videos as it was mere coincidence…or not.
But in the yen/yuan video they trace the root back to a common traditional character between chinese and japanese: 圓
the even more ancient root of that character is a istar like glyph. You can read through the translations, but in the context, it seems to mean round, like with respect to coinage.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4887950>>4887959 >>4889770
Did you see this?
Archives reveal how Churchill covered up Nazi plot to install new king
Germans intended to re-crown abdicated Edward VIII following a successful invasion of Britain
20 July 2017, 5:00 pm 2
Winston Churchill speaking in January 1939. (photo credit: AP Photo/ Staff/ Putnam)
Winston Churchill speaking in January 1939. (photo credit: AP Photo/ Staff/ Putnam)
LONDON --- Britain’s National Archives released records Thursday showing then prime minister Winston Churchill’s attempts to cover up a Nazi plot to collaborate with members of the British royal family.
The elaborate plan to install the Duke of Windsor as king, should the Nazis successfully invade Britain, involved luring the abdicated king out of neutral Portugal to Spain to offer him a deal.
Former king Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 over his marriage to US divorcee Wallis Simpson. He was known to have Nazi sympathies.
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Nazi telegrams detailing the plot were found after the war in German archives. American researchers wanted to include the material in the official US record of the war, to Churchill’s dismay.
Top secret documents, made available Thursday by the National Archives at Kew, showed how Churchill tried to stall the publication of the plot after World War II as he was worried about how the royal couple would be perceived. Churchill even asked US president Dwight Eisenhower in 1953 to delay publication of the memos. The British wartime leader wanted to push off their publication for 20 years.
The Nazi plot failed, and the memos detailing it were eventually published in 1957 when Churchill was no longer prime minister.
Edward, Duke of Windsor, reviewing an SS squad in 1937. (CC-BY-SA: Wikimedia)
Edward, Duke of Windsor, reviewing an SS squad in 1937. (CC-BY-SA: Wikimedia)
The documents published Thursday detail how Churchill tried to suppress the plot, not the plot itself which has long been public.
After the war Churchill tried to have the dossier about the Nazi attempts to court Edward destroyed and wrote to Eisenhower in 1953 saying ‘If they were to be included in an official publication they might leave the impression that the Duke was in close touch with German agents and was listening to suggestions that were disloyal,” the Daily Mail reported.
The telegrams that Churchill tried to keep hidden show the Nazis kept a close eye the duke and duchess and put into action a plan to try and convince them to stay in Spain in 1940 until Britain could be conquered after which Edward would be installed as a puppet king.
The Duke and Duchess of Windsor, left, are shown as they visited Adolf Hitler at his home in Berchtesgaden, Germany, on their tour of that country, October 1937. On Hitler's right is Dr. Robert Ley, head of the German Labor Front, and guide of the Windsors on many of their industrial visits. (AP)
The Duke and Duchess of Windsor, left, are shown as they visited Adolf Hitler at his home in Berchtesgaden, Germany, on their tour of that country, October 1937. On Hitler’s right is Dr. Robert Ley, head of the German Labor Front, and guide of the Windsors on many of their industrial visits. (AP)
Churchill was informed of the plan and took measures to have the duke and duchess first returned to neighboring Portugal and then sent to the Bahamas, where Edward was set up as governor.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4887959>>4889770 >>4889811
>Churchill was informed of the plan and took measures to have the duke and duchess first returned to neighboring Portugal and then sent to the Bahamas, where Edward was set up as governor.
And now you know how Edward ended up in America!!!
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4888660>>4889770
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Found this interesting documentary on Edward VIII called "The Traitor King"
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4889770>>4890414 >>4894588
This is Thomas Anon.
I'quiet a while about all of this = Edward VII, Churchil & the Nazis. I've noticed something, you can say it's my gut feeling.
Follow my reasoning a bit:
You know how there is this main stream media message or propaganda the cabal puts out there for everyone to follow, right? So many believed what ever was said in the MAIN stream. But the Cabal is also aware that they cannot convince a 100 % of the people to their narrative. They knew there will be some 20% (around 20%) of the people whom will either not believe the MAIN STREAM narrative or they will doubt it. Just like what happened with 9/11.
So what does the Cabal do with the remaining 20 % that are skeptic = they create another narrative, a MINOR = smaller narrative for those whom are skeptic of the main stream story. In this lesser group, they tell just a tiny bit of the truth to make it sound authentic, and then they twist the narrative.
Like this they are in control a 100 % of the narrative and the people whom follow both the major group = the main stream narrative
and the minor group = the ones whom doubt the main stream narrative.
As best example i can point to, is CNN(and the ones whom are like it), now that is where 80 % used to go to get their news. That is the main stream conduct.
But they also created Alex Jones and other so called "free", right wing media, because the cabal knew that at most 20 % of the poeple would fall out from the main stream narrative and fall into the SECOND trap or second net the cabal has put for them. I was a part of this second group, and i was a daily listener after the election of 2016 to Alex Jones. That stopped when Q showed up.
Why i've said all of this, because i believe there is more than what those articles are putting out, mostly the articles that show that Churchil wanted to overthrow the king/queen and put back into place Edward VIII.
I believe this sort of articles are controled opposition, just like Alex Jones.
Now hear me out before jumping on my throat. I'm not saying this MAY not be true. I MAY BE TRUE. OR IT MAY NOT BE TRUE. OR IT MAY BE PARTIALLY TRUE.
But you know what got me ticking about this issue? Well, for one =
1 - Edward VIII was a great womenizer. A HUGE one. Even married to Wallis, he had dozens if not hundreds of mistresses. Does it make sense to you anon? I mean HE WAS A KING IN HEAVENS NAME. A KING. And he abdicated the throne to the greatest love of his life = WALLIS. But then, he goes and cheat on her? Does that make sense to you anon? It doesn't to me.
I don't know about you, but i've been in love like crazy with my life for decades. We have grey hair and wrinkles now. And to me, she is still the most beautiful lady to walk on this earth. i still see her as i used to see her when we were young. And it never crossed my mind once to cheat on her or to even look at anothe woman. The instant she walks into a room, I forget everything. I'm still totally hypnotized by her.
So do tell anon, does it make sense to you for a KING to abdicate the THRONE (and all the money, power and fame that comes along with it) for his GREAT love to go and cheat on her? Naaaaa……. it doesn't pass the smell test for this old fellow.
2- I honestly believe that the entire Royal Family is one HUGE bag of poo poos and they are ALL Nazi sympathizers. The biggest thing that got me thinking this is actually the behavior of the queen towards BREXIT. She is openly saying: I don't want nationalist in Britain. Isn't that what Brexit is all about? = getting back their sovereignty. So if she was such a big patriot, why is she opposing it? It doesn't add up.
And there is this paper photos of Harry wearing the Nazi costume, and them being the descendants of a german prince = queen Victoria's husband Albert. Some even say that queen Victoria was german herself = she wasn't the child of her father, apparently her mother was a mistress of some german prince of something. And those pictures of Edward VIII at Balmoral castle teaching young Elisabeth and her sister the Nazi salute, if you dig a bit more about that, you will articles sayin that the ENTIRE family was staying there TOGETHER. I wonder what were theyey talking about when being around the table at supper.
Again Anon, this SORT of articles may be telling the truth, or they may not, or they may be telling just a tiny part of the truth. But i think there is more to it. I'm starting to believe this is like an onion = with my digs, i've pealed out the outer 4 pr 5 layers; but I still didn't reach the core of it. And just like an onion, they closer you get to the core, the more it will sting your eyes.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4889811
Have you thought that EDWARD VIII ending in America was INTENTIONAL? What better way to infiltrate a big strong country like the US. All of this could have been part of their plan anon, including the abdication.
Have you considered that possibility? Just voicing my thought out loud for now Anon, that's all for now.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4890414>>4890834 >>4932959
Anons, it's been a while that i've come to believe there was a struggle, for centuries, between the 2 branches of the Merovingian bloodline =
1 - the red shoe clan with Paysseur heir on top.
2 - the black eye clan with Windsors on top.
If you look closely at how WWI started, how it was all triggered = the assassination of the crown prince of the Austrian empire, you have to include to your thinking that Paysseur was the descendant of Marie-Antoinette, a Habsburg princess. So when the crown prince of Austria was murdered in Sarajevo, it means that the blood relative of Payseur was killed, maybe a cousin.
Has anyone considered that the crown prince was killed to weaken and even remove RED SHOE CLAN from dominating Europe?
Could it be that the French Revolution of 1789 be an attempt from the BLACK EYE clan to remove the RED SHOE clan from France?
What about Napoleon Bonaparte? It's a fact that he was a Freemason, and i want to remind the anons that he did go to Egypt. And what did he bring back with him from Egypt?
And in WWII we have the Black eye clan (aka the windsors) lovey dovey with the Nazis.
I you take all 4 (French Revolution, WWI, WWII and Napoleon) together you will notice they one thing in common = the total dominance of Europe.
Could this have been a struggle between the Black eye clan and the red shoe clan on WHO will DOMINATE and control Europe?
And when it all failed, the Black eye clan tried to infiltrate the States, where the headquarters of the Red shoe clan was with Payseur on top of it, and the Black eye clan tried to destroy the "Empire" Payseur had built for him/her self.
For me, that is very much possible anons. It's very possible because of what they did to the papacy ( I pointed to this in one of my previous posts) =
I mean Pope Benedict was part of the Red shoe clan, which means that the Holy See was controled by Payseur heir. But then came Pope Francis, whom is Black eye clan member, and "forced" Benedict to abdicate, then took his place; which means that now the Holy See is controled by the Windsors.
This is a big proof about a power struggle between the 2 clans of Red shoe and Black eye.
When POTUS showed up, both clans understood he was their COMMON ENEMY. This is why we see him being attacked by both clans, both trying to kill him, both trying to impeach him, both trying to destroy him any way possible.
Is it starting to make sense to you anons? For me, it does. This is goes far more than what we thought it is.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4890834>>4891446 >>4932579
As for what happened in the States, well, till now, i have bits and pieces = fragments of it but at least i understood the following =
Eisenhower along with Nixon as VP were the guys of the black eye clan. Then came Kennedy a possible member of the red shoe clan (mostly because of the french origines of Jackie, and other details i mentioned in a previous post) i'm not saying it is certain but it's quiet possible.
So Kennedy totally wipped the floor with the representative of the Black eye clan and he won the presidency BIG TIME. He was then assassinated, in a way that is strickingly close to the way the crown prince of Aunstria was in 1914, which ignited WWI.
After Kennedy was killed, then came Johnson whom most probably had a hand in killing JFK along with Bush senior, which is making me believe that both of those nasty dudes were part of the Black eye clan. And with Nixon winning the presidency, the Black eye clan took back control on the States.
The impeachment of NIxon was a chess move from the Red shoe clan to take out the Black eye clan from the presidency. For now this is where I am. I didn't look further. I said this before anons, the ground to cover is HUGE. And I had set myself a few points that i'm following, one of them is the identtity of Payseur. That is why for now i'm neglecting (just a bit) the other rabbit holes, but i'm not forgetting about them, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, later on, in a dig of mine, i can connected more rabbit holes on to another.
Now some may ask me: WHAT about POTUS?
He was good friends with JFK Jr, does this make him part of the red shoe clan? or the Black eye clan?
HELL NO! And the biggest proof i can give you is how he is attacked by both clans, from all sides. And i cannot even count anymore the number of times that BOTH clans tried to kill POTUS. Madonna the singer is part of the red shoe clan and she wanted to blow the WH. And anons don't want me to remind them how many times the MI6 has already tried to kill our POTUS. You can find plenty of "weird" articles about it on the net.
So you see anons, POTUS is not part of either clan = HE IS NOT ONE OF THEM.
But then, what is he part of?
I have a huge smile on my face when i think about it because POTUS is part of a third clan.
THAT CLAN, I've come to name it the CLAN OF THE WHITE KNIGHT. Some people refer to them as the white hats because they work in the snooping and intelligence community.
But I remembered a conversation i accidently overheard once while i was ridding the train back home. i heard bits and pieces of it. Back then, it didn't make much sense to me, but now it does.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4891446>>4891468
So here is was sitting in the train, on the ride, going back home and within my ear reach there were 2 persons talking about Freemasons and Freemasonry.
i didn't pay much attention to them at first mostly with all the noise from the train and the rattles and that stuff. What got my attention was the word BEWARE the older person kept on saying. That is when i decided to take a tiny look at them. One was still young while the other was much older and they gave me the impression they had this teacher/student relationship between them and the older person was teaching or should i say guiding the younger person.
They were talking freemasonry stuff as i just mentioned and it was like the young person was a new recruite in the ranks of the freemasons, while the older person was an OLD member of them. So it was like the older person was guiding the younger one in freemasonry and giving that person advice as well.
So the old person kept on saying "beware" at first, then he added "beware of the white knight". As i mentioned before, i heard bits and pieces of this conversation, but what i understood to be the topic of it was that the freemasons believe and they are also teached that their greatest ENEMY is the WHITE KNIGHT. Apparently the white knight will be the one to decimate them ^_^ or be the cause of their peril ^_^ I don't know about you anons, but I sure like this idea.
It seems they consider the "white knight" as the MORTAL ENEMY of the freemasons, which is probably the mortal enemy of the Merovingian bloodline = both branches = both clans.
That conversation took place LOOOONNNGGGG ago, really long ago. It never made sense to me, that is until POTUS was elected and we got Q.
I think the white knight concept in freemasonry is something similar to the team that POTUS is part of. The freemasons are always afraid of the RIGHTOUS GROUP or a TEAM MADE OF GOOD PEOPLE, a TEAM MADE OF GOD PEOPLE, people whom are just and honorable and they believe in God. Because they believe that group will rise up from the citizens or the people and that group is going to chop the head of the snake that they are, after chopping off all of their tentacles everywhere.
When you think of it this way, Q makes a lot of sense, right? And it does explain a lot of those comments Q makes from time to time, about good versus evil, etc.
So i say here is where POTUS is. POTUS is part of the white knight clan that rose up from the good persons and decided to take out that giant octopus like snake that is trying to poison all of us for a LONG time.
I also think that POTUS already knows whom the heir of PAYSEUR is. He already knows the Merovingian bloodline is devided into 2 branches, One of the branches is in the open = the Windsors, so it's easy for the blind public to see the truth about them.
But Payseur is another story because he/she is hidden, they act in secrecy, they lurk in the shadows and they use other (lesser in rank) bloodline families as a facade, as a front for their evil deeds.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4891468>>4893165
I think POTUS, FLOTUS and Q team have been trying to not just awake the public about the WHOLE truth, but they have been trying to point us to Paysseur heir. They are trying to make us discover for ourselves who Paysweur heir is, who is the leader of the red shoes clan. That is why there are many layers or degrees in the posts Q makes or the stuff POTUS or FLOTUS put on twitter.
They know us, the people, don't think all alike. They know we have differrent level of understandings, intelligence, education, beliefs, experiences. So they talk to us in a way, that almost ALL of us can see what they are in the hints they give us.
Like someone from the military can understand the hidden subtile military messages in the tweets, while a mathematician can see it in a mathematical way and a factory worker can see it as a factory worker should. They are trying to make it so that every single TYPE of brain or thinking can understand. They are giving us EACH a piece of the puzzle. That is why we must unite, as anons, we are all different, but we all have a small part of the truth, a small part of the whole picture. If we bring the pieces we have in our hands and connect them to the pieces other anons have in their hands, we will start to see what POTUS sees. we will start to know what POTUS knows.
If anons reading this think I've found some big stuff in my digs, well, let me point out I am totally worthless if it wasn't for other anons whom dug up things and found them. Like the pool in Biltmore estate. I mean when the anon found that piece. I was like Holy Heavens! It fits perfectly with what i have, and it also links me to this and that. If anons reading this think i've come to big stuff, again, i wouldn't have done it if it weren't for other anons. I've reached where i am because of the hard work of other persons like me, whom are seeking the truth, whom believe in good, whom wants this evil to stop and vanish from existence.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4893093>>4893167
So after taking a closer look to Alva and Eleanore, my dig came to a halt. I couldn't go anywhere further (for now) in that rabbit hole.
So i decided to go back to square one = where i started this dig, fearing that i might missed something.
And i did = the Kennedys.
I didn't want to go into JFK for the simple reason that is a HUGE research area and i didn't want to get lost in that maze. So i went to look at where they spent their vacation in Newport = Hammersmith Farm
"Hammersmith Farm is a Victorian mansion and estate located at 225 Harrison Avenue in Newport, Rhode Island, United States. It was the childhood home of First Lady Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, and the site of the reception for her 1953 wedding to U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy. During his presidency, it was referred to as the "Summer White House".
"Hammersmith Farm's 28-room main house was built in 1887 for John W. Auchincloss, the great-grandfather of Hugh D. Auchincloss (1897--1976), Jacqueline Kennedy's stepfather. It was erected on what had been originally known as "Hammersmith Island," possibly named after the English hometown of William Brenton, the 17th-century governor of Rhode Island who established the first farm on the site in 1640."
"The main house remained in the Auchincloss family until the 1976 death of Hugh Auchincloss. Janet Lee Auchincloss (1907--1989), Jacqueline Kennedy's mother, sold the main house and moved into one of the guesthouses on the farm, called "The Castle". There was another guest house on the farm built to resemble a windmill. A group of investors bought main house in 1977, and opened it for public tours and special events. Fruit of the Loom executive William F. Farley bought it in 1997 for $6.675 million. "
"In 1999, Farley sold the main house for over $8 million to Peter Kiernan, a partner at Goldman Sachs, who restored the failing building and converted the house back to private use. It had not been lived in since 1974 (over 25 years), and had fallen into serious disrepair. "
Well anons, at first glance, nothing important or noticable, right?
▶ 5d258d (2) No.4893165
I agree with you that we each have a part to play. I also want to see evil vanish from.our existence.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4893167>>4893252 >>4932579
Then, i thought to check out Jackie's father.
"John Vernou "Black Jack" Bouvier III (May 19, 1891 -- August 3, 1957) was an American Wall Street stockbroker and socialite. He was the father of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and of socialite Lee Radziwill, and was the father-in-law of John F. Kennedy. His nickname, "Black Jack", referred to his perpetual dark tan and his flamboyant lifestyle. "
"Bouvier was born in East Hampton, New York. He was the eldest of five children born to Major John Vernou Bouvier, Jr., born 1866, a successful attorney, and Maude Frances Sergeant, born 1869.[1] Bouvier's great-grandfather, Michel Bouvier, was a French cabinetmaker from Pont Saint-Esprit in the Province of Provence in southern France. He immigrated to Philadelphia in 1815 after having served in the Napoleonic Wars. He married Louise Clifford Vernou of Philadelphia, after the death of his first wife. As well as crafting fine furniture, Michel Bouvier had a business distributing firewood. To support this he acquired large tracts of forests some of which turned out to contain a large reserve of coal. Michel grew his fortune later in real estate speculation. His sons,Eustes, Michel Charles (M.C.,),and John V Bouvier Sr., distinguished themselves in the world of finance on Wall Street. They left their fortune to their only remaining male Bouvier heir, Major John Vernou Bouvier Jr.,he than used some of the money to buy an estate in East Hampton, Long Island, known as Lasata."
"Bouvier attended Philips Exeter Academy and Columbia Prep, than he studied at Columbia University, before transfering to the Sheffield Scientific School at Yale University. While attending Yale, he was a member of the Book and Snake secret society and the Cloister Club. He graduated in 1914.[6][7] Upon his graduation, he went to work as a stockbroker at his Father, and Uncles firm, Bouvier, Bouvier,& Bouvier."
"Bouvier married Janet Norton Lee on July 7, 1928 at St. Philomena's Church in East Hampton. They had two daughters, Jacqueline Lee "Jackie" Bouvier in 1929 and Caroline Lee Bouvier in 1933.[9] Bouvier's drinking, gambling, and philandering led to their divorce in June 1940.[10] Bouvier never remarried.
In June 1942, Janet Lee Bouvier married Hugh Dudley Auchincloss, Jr.[11] Janet reportedly did not want her ex-husband to escort his daughter, Jacqueline, down the aisle for her 1953 wedding to John F. Kennedy, so Jacqueline was instead escorted by her step-father. But some reports indicated Bouvier was too intoxicated to escort his daughter, leading Auchincloss to step in to give the bride away."
So now we have French origines, great grandfather suddenly becomes rich from working in real estate speculation and Jakie's dad and grandfather worked in stocks and Jackie's dad went to Yale and joined a secret society club there.
I don't know about you anons, but for me, it's the same M.O. as all the other bloodline families in my previous posts.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4893252>>4893321 >>4894725 >>4932579
The i thought i would take a look at Jackie's mother.
"Janet Norton Lee Auchincloss (December 3, 1905 -- July 22, 1989)[1] was an American socialite and the mother of the former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis."
"Janet Norton Lee Auchincloss (December 3, 1905 -- July 22, 1989)[1] was an American socialite and the mother of the former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis."
"Janet graduated from Miss Spence's School in 1926 and attended Sweet Briar and Barnard Colleges. She was a three-time winner of the hunter championship at the National Horse Show.[5]
She served as a board member of the Newport Historical Society and the Redwood Library. She was also the honorary director of the Robert E. Lee Memorial Association in Stratford, Virginia."
"In 1942, she married her second husband, Hugh Dudley Auchincloss Jr., an attorney and Standard Oil heir; becoming his third wife.[15] Together, they had two children: "
In other words we have ANOTHER socialist woman, whom AGAIN married MANY times, she was close to horses (a new connection with the other bloodline families in Newport whom liked to attend horse races or horse breeding) (see my previous posts), and she ties to Newport library and probably lived in Newport. The she married a super wealthy dude who turned out to be the HEIR of Standard Oil. Coincidence anons? This caught my attention.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4893321>>4893406 >>4932579
so naturally i went to chekc out this Auchincloss dude.
"Hugh Dudley Auchincloss Jr. (August 15, 1897 -- November 20, 1976) was an American stockbroker and lawyer who became the second husband of Nina S. Gore, mother of Gore Vidal, and also the second husband of Janet Lee Bouvier, the mother of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (wife of President John F. Kennedy) and Caroline Lee Bouvier. "
"Auchincloss was born at Hammersmith Farm in Newport, Rhode Island. He was the son of Hugh Dudley Auchincloss Sr. (1858--1913), a merchant and financier, and Emma Brewster Jennings. His maternal grandparents were Oliver Burr Jennings and Esther Judson Goodsell. His uncles included Edgar Stirling Auchincloss, the father of U.S. Representative James C. Auchincloss, and John Winthrop Auchincloss, the grandfather of Louis Auchincloss, an attorney and author.[1][2] He had two older sisters, Esther Judson Auchincloss and Ann Burr Auchincloss.
Auchincloss graduated from Groton School in Massachusetts and then from Yale University in 1920, where he was elected to the Elihu Senior Society."
"In 1931, he bought his seat on the New York Stock Exchange for $235,000 (equivalent to $3,872,000 in 2018).[6] It was reported that he used some of the large inheritance received from his mother to found the Washington, DC brokerage firm of "Auchincloss, Parker & Redpath" with Chauncey B. Parker and Albert G. Redpath.[4] The firm eventually had 16 offices with two in New York City and the rest spread along the East Coast. In 1970, the firm merged with Thomson & McKinnon, a brokerage house based in New York. At the time of the merger, the new firm, known as Thomson & McKinnon Auchincloss, had assets of $160 million (equivalent to $704,468,000 in 2018) and 58 offices. By the time of his Auchincloss' death in 1976, the firm was known as Thomson & McKinnon Auchincloss Kohlmeyer"
"In 1931, he bought his seat on the New York Stock Exchange for $235,000 (equivalent to $3,872,000 in 2018).[6] It was reported that he used some of the large inheritance received from his mother to found the Washington, DC brokerage firm of "Auchincloss, Parker & Redpath" with Chauncey B. Parker and Albert G. Redpath.[4] The firm eventually had 16 offices with two in New York City and the rest spread along the East Coast. In 1970, the firm merged with Thomson & McKinnon, a brokerage house based in New York. At the time of the merger, the new firm, known as Thomson & McKinnon Auchincloss, had assets of $160 million (equivalent to $704,468,000 in 2018) and 58 offices. By the time of his Auchincloss' death in 1976, the firm was known as Thomson & McKinnon Auchincloss Kohlmeyer"
It's getting interesting anons. we have the same M.O. all over again, just like what we saw with the other bloodline families.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4893406>>4893617 >>4932579
So i went to see who is father of this Auchincloss dude
"Jump to search
Oliver Burr Jennings (June 3, 1825 -- February 12, 1893) was an American businessman and one of the original stockholders in Standard Oil. "
In 1849, he headed West to seek his fortune in the California Gold Rush. He set up a general mercantile store in San Francisco with Benjamin Brewster and amassed a considerable fortune by outfitting prospecting camps along the coast and around Sacramento."
"In 1862, he returned to New York with the intention of retiring from all business activities. Due to his close relationship with his wife's brother-in-law, William Avery Rockefeller, Jr., he became interested in the affairs of the Standard Oil Company.[3] In 1871, when Standard Oil was incorporated in Ohio, Jennings was one of the original stockholders. Of the initial 10,000 shares, John D. Rockefeller received 2,667; William Rockefeller, Henry Flagler, and Samuel Andrews received 1,333 each; Stephen V. Harkness received 1,334; Jennings received 1,000; and the firm of Rockefeller, Andrews & Flagler received 1,000.[6]
Jennings served as a director of Standard Oil of Ohio and then as a trustee of the Standard Oil Trust that resulted from the company's reorganization in 1882"
'On December 13, 1854, he married Esther Judson Goodsell (1828--1908) in Fairfield. Her sister Almira Geraldine Goodsell (1844–1920) was the wife of Standard Oil co-founder William Rockefeller, Jr. (1841–1922).[7] Together, Oliver and Esther had five children:[1]
Annie Burr Jennings (1855--1939),[8] a philanthropist.[9]
Walter Jennings (1858--1933),[2] the director of Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and president of the Jekyll Island Club from 1927 until 1933.[10]
Helen Goodsell Jennings (1860--1946), who married Dr. Walter Belknap James (1858–1927), president of the Jekyll Island Club from 1919 until 1927
Emma Brewster Jennings (1861--1942), who married Hugh Dudley Auchincloss, Sr. (1858–1913)
Oliver Gould Jennings (1865--1936), who married Mary Dows Brewster (b. 1871), daughter of Benjamin Brewster and Elmina Hersey Dows."
Holy Heavens anons! it seems I struck gold with this one = family ties to Rockefellers
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4893617>>4893634 >>4932579
I decided to go check THOSE "CLUBS" that keep on popping up before going down into the lineage chain with the Rokerfeller wifey.
So, first "club" i checked is the one mentioned last = Jekyll Island Club.
"The Jekyll Island Club was a private club on Jekyll Island, on Georgia's Atlantic coast. It was founded in 1886 when members of an incorporated hunting and recreational club purchased the island for $125,000 (about $3.1 million in 2017) from John Eugene du Bignon. The original design of the Jekyll Island Clubhouse, with its signature turret, was completed in January 1888. The club thrived through the early 20th century; its members came from many of the world's wealthiest families, most notably the Morgans, Rockefellers, and Vanderbilts. The club closed at the end of the 1942 season due to complications from World War II. In 1947, after five years of funding a staff to keep up the lawn and cottages, the island was purchased from the club's remaining members for $675,000 (about 7.4 million in 2017) during condemnation proceedings by the state of Georgia.
The State tried operating the club as a resort, but this was not financially successful and the entire complex was closed by 1971. The complex was designated a historic landmark in 1978.
It was restored and reopened as a luxury resort hotel in 1985. Today, Jekyll Island Club Hotel is a member of Historic Hotels of America, the official program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation"
At the end of the plantation era of Jekyll Island, Newton Finney, suggested to Dubignon, his brother-in-law, that they might acquire the island and then sell it to Northern businessmen as a winter resort. A New York banker helped with the purchase of the entire island. By 1885, Dubignon was the sole owner of Jekyll.
In 1885, Finney and a New York associate, Oliver K. King, gathered a group of men and petitioned the Glynn county courts, becoming incorporated as the "Jekyl Island Club" on December 9, 1885. They agreed to sell 100 shares of the Jekyll Island Club stock to 50 people at $600 a share (about $15,000 in 2017).
duBignon Cottage
Rockefeller Cottage
Finney had no difficulty selling the shares. Six of the first seven shares went to the men who signed the charter petition: Finney, Dubignon, King, Richard L. Ogden, William B. D'Wolf, and Charles L. Schlatter. In all, Finney was able to find 53 people to join the Club, including such famous names as Henry Hyde, Marshall Field, John Pierpont Morgan, Joseph Pulitzer, and William K. Vanderbilt"
"Several nationally important events took place on Jekyll Island during the Club era, including the first transcontinental telephone call made by Theodore N. Vail, president of AT&T, to Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas A. Watson and President Woodrow Wilson in 1915; and the development of the Aldrich Vreeland Act for the National Monetary Commission in 1908"
"The Jekyll Island Club was a unique resort, more family oriented than the Union Club or the Chicago Club. It enjoyed great popularity among the elite classes, maintaining a highly exclusive character for 60 years.[5]
When the club started out, hunting was a major recreational activity. A gamekeeper was hired to keep the island well stocked with pheasants, turkeys, quail and deer.
All members were to report daily what they had killed and turn it over to the club. Wild game was a common sight on the menu of the clubhouse. A taxidermist shop was located within the club compound, specifically for mounting the prize game."
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4893634>>4893704
More about Jekyll island club:
"Jekyll Island was the location of a meeting in November 1910 in which draft legislation was written to create the U.S. Federal Reserve. Following the Panic of 1907, banking reform became a major issue in the United States. Senator Nelson Aldrich (R-RI), chairman of the National Monetary Commission, went to Europe for almost two years to study that continent's banking systems. Upon his return, he brought together many of the country's leading financiers to Jekyll Island to discuss monetary policy and the banking system, an event which was the impetus for the creation of the Federal Reserve.
On the evening of November 22, 1910, Sen. Aldrich and A.P. Andrews (Assistant Secretary of the United States Treasury Department), Paul Warburg (a naturalized German representing Kuhn, Loeb & Co.), Frank A. Vanderlip (president of the National City Bank of New York), Henry P. Davison (senior partner of J. P. Morgan Company), Charles D. Norton (president of the Morgan-dominated First National Bank of New York), and Benjamin Strong (representing J. P. Morgan), together representing about one fourth the world's wealth at the time, left Hoboken, New Jersey on a train in complete secrecy, dropping their last names in favor of first names, or code names, so no one would discover who they all were. The excuse for such powerful representatives and wealth was to go on a duck hunting trip on Jekyll Island. "
I wonder who that New York banker whom helped them buy the island was? And i bet no one but me noticed whom were the persons among the first members of the club. And i bet no one but me noticed where THEY met to write the draft legislation of the creation of the Fed Reserve. And they used to HUNT in this club. I wonder what KIND of HUNTING was taking place. Reminded me of the picture i've attached to this post.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4893704>>4893924
Then, i went to see the second club or society or whatever:
"Elihu, founded in 1903, is the fourth oldest senior society at Yale University, New Haven, CT.[1] While similar to Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key and Wolf's Head societies in charter and function, Elihu favors privacy over secrecy.[2] Founded in 1903 as "the first non-secret senior society," Elihu held itself up as a model of openness at a time "when prestige of membership in a senior society was reaching its zenith."[3][4] The society's building, located at 175 Elm Street, has windows, though they are blinded. In several interviews and commentaries on their society experience, many Elihu members have referred to their ancient building as a home rather than a tomb, in contrast to other societies. Like the other societies, the organization's building is typically closed to non-members. Elihu is likely the first society to tap an undergraduate from an ethnic minority -- Henry Roe Cloud, a Native American who graduated in 1910 – and one of Yale's first black female undergraduates, in keeping with its contemporary reputation for diversity.[5] It was the third of the above-ground societies to tap women. It takes its name from Elihu Yale."
You can read the rest if you are interested. But apart being like skull and bones, i would like to point out the name ELIHU. It sounds like ELOHIM, doesn't it?
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4893924>>4894029
The i checked the third and last club that caught my attention: Book and Snake
"The Society of Book and Snake (incorporated as the Stone Trust Corporation)[1] is the fourth oldest secret society at Yale University and was the first society to induct women into its delegation. Book and Snake was founded at the Sheffield Scientific School in 1863 as a three-year society bearing the Greek letters Sigma Delta Chi. As other "Sheff" societies, it was once residential and maintained a separate residential "cloister" at 1 Hillhouse Ave, which was built in 1888 and deeded to Yale after the institution of the residential college system. Members who lived in the society residence, or "Cloister", become the Cloister Club.[2] Today, the building is the Yale University Provost's Office. A plaque honoring the society can be found on the first floor of the building. The Book and Snake emblem is a book surrounded by the ouroboros.
Like other landed Yale societies, Book and Snake owns its own meeting hall, or "tomb" at the corner of Grove St. and High St. As is tradition with the meeting places of Yale secret societies, the building is windowless and available only to the current members and alumni"
" Notable members"
-Bill Nelson, Florida Senator
-Bob Woodward, journalist, The Washington Post[3]
-Henry Louis "Skip" Gates Jr, literary critic, Harvard professor[4]
-Porter J. Goss, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, U.S. Congressman[5]
-John Campbell Greenway, General, U.S. Army, Mining Executive, husband of Isabella Greenway[6]
-Les Aspin, former Secretary of Defense[7]
-Nicholas F. Brady, former Secretary of the Treasury[8]
-Dr. S.C. Sharma, Political Advisor, US State Dept Official, Political Action Group[9]
-John Vernou Bouvier III, Father of former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
-Charles Rivkin, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs"
Do anons notice the similarities with Skull and Bones? And the Ouroboros, as in the infinity sign, the merovingian symbol that Potus keeps on pointing to.
And did anons catch BOB WOODWARD from the Washinghton Post?
Yes anons, it turned out to be the same Woodward from the Watergate scandal and the same one that is attacking POTUS right now. This is NO COINCIDENCE anons.
For sure the Bouvier family was part of the red shoe clan and now we know they had a hand in the watergate scandal. This is a direct proof linking everything together. Was it Jackie whom "ASKED" for a favor to "get back" at the Black eye members what they did to her husband? Was this the work of one woman? Or was there someone high in the red shoe clan whom was behind it all and it turned out to be that the Bouvier family is part of this club belonging to the red shoe club?
And i would like to point out that i haven't checked the Kenney family if they are part of the red shoe clan, but it seems to be very much the case just by the looks of it.
Which bring me to ask the question: Is this the REAL reason why JFK Jr was killed? Was he about to unmask them, reveal everything? Was the going after THEM ALL?
I have a lot of questions anons and barely any answers.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4894029>>4897169
So i naturally took a quick look at his partner i breaking the watergate story: Carl Bernstein
"Bernstein's biography of Hillary Rodham Clinton, A Woman In Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton, was published by Alfred A. Knopf on June 5, 2007. Knopf had a first printing of 275,000 copies. It appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list for three weeks.[12] A CBS News end-of-year survey of publishing "hits and misses" included A Woman in Charge in the "miss" category and implied that its total sales were somewhere in the range of perhaps 55,000--65,000 copies."
Quiet interesting if you ask me. I mean this guy was involved in everything and everywhere. Anons must check him out and read SLOWLY and CAREFULLY. And it did make me chuckle when i read he wrote an biography of Killary: a woman in charge.
You gotta be kidding me. "In charge"? In charge of what exactly? I'm scratching my head about this.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4894278>>4894673
So now i decided to go into the rabbit hole about concerning Oliver Burr Jennings. And i went to check his grandson = Benjamin Jennings
"B. B. Jennings was born to Oliver Gould Jennings (1865-1936) and Mary Dows Brewster. Both his paternal grandfather, Oliver Burr Jennings (1825--1893), and his maternal grandfather, Benjamin Brewster (1828–1897) after whom he was named, were involved with Standard Oil co-founder John Davison Rockefeller and had become his partners in running the Standard Oil Trust.[2] Both men had gone west in the California Gold Rush and had set up a successful dry goods merchandise business, outfitting prospecting camps along the coast and around Sacramento.[4] B. B. Jennings's paternal grandmother, Esther Judson Goodsell, was the sister-in-law of Standard Oil co-founder William Avery Rockefeller, Jr. through his marriage to her sister, Almira Geraldine Goodsell Rockefeller"
"In 1920, he graduated from Yale University, where he was tapped for the secret society Scroll and Key.[7] He continued his involvement with Yale as an alumnus, serving as a member of the Yale Corporation Council and as chairman of the Yale Development Committee."
And we have another secret society pooping out: Scroll and Key
"The Scroll and Key Society is a secret society, founded in 1842 at Yale University, in New Haven, Connecticut. It is one of the oldest Yale secret societies. The society is one of the reputed "Big Three" societies at Yale, along with Skull and Bones and Wolf's Head Society.[1] Each spring the society admits fifteen rising seniors to participate in its activities and carry on its traditions. "
Anons just take a look at the notable member's list of this secret society, any familiar names showing? ^_^
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4894588>>4894696
hello! jr post-processual middle-theory Anon here (I joke) from other night.
You would not be so off base. the terms for such small narratives are controlled opposition and "modified limited hangout"
on note about Edward's abdication. I am going to pull a citation to recommend directly from my reading list…
Dr. Quigly was Historian with position at Harvard. Well prolific in his life esp during mid-20th century.
The work in particular is called Tragedy and Hope.
The story behind it is that he was approached by a representative of cabal as they had decided to seek him out to make official record of their works. I guess a dying patriarch or matriarch had legacy concerns aside from intergenerational machinations on the human race.
hang on for source of background story of how it came to be written
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4894673>>4932579
So then i went to check out William Rockefeller.
"William Avery Rockefeller, Jr. (May 31, 1841 -- June 24, 1922) was an American businessman and financier. He was a co-founder of Standard Oil along with his older brother John Davison Rockefeller (1839–1937). He was also a prominent member of the Rockefeller family"
William Jr. was born in Richford, New York. He was the middle son of con artist William Avery Rockefeller Sr. (1810---1906) and Eliza Davison (1813—1889). In addition to elder brother John, William Jr.'s siblings were Lucy (1838—1878), Mary (1843—1925), and twins Franklin (Frank) (1845—1917) and Frances (1845—1847). He also had two elder half-sisters, Clorinda (c. 1838—?, died young) and Cornelia (c. 1840—?), through his father's affairs with mistress and housekeeper Nancy Brown.[1] In 1853 his family moved to Strongsville, Ohio. As a young pupil in public school, he was inspired and motivated by his teacher-mentor, Rufus Osgood Mason, whom Rockefeller later named "A Rockefeller Patron."
The i went to look at the father of this William Rokefeller
"William Avery "Big Bill" Rockefeller Sr. (November 13, 1810 -- May 11, 1906) was an American businessman, lumberman, and salesman who went by the alias of Dr. William Levingston. He worked as a lumberman and then a traveling salesman who identified himself as a "botanic physician" and sold elixirs.[1] He was known to buy and sell horses, and was also known at one point to have bought a barge-load of salt in Syracuse. Land speculation was another type of his business, and the selling of elixirs served to keep him with cash and aided in his scouting of land deals. He loaned money to farmers at twelve percent, but tried to lend to farmers who could not pay so as to foreclose and take the farms.[2] Two of his sons were Standard Oil co-founders John Davison Rockefeller Sr. and William Avery Rockefeller Jr. "
This guys is SUUUURRREEE something. Anons you gotta read this. He is the "perfect" crook if you ask me. It's really interesting how he used to "rape" women and have mistresses and was bigamist, no?
The i went to take a look at the teacher/mentor of William Rockefelle Jr.
"Mason was also deeply interested in metaphysical speculation and theory. His input would help in the early pioneer development of parapsychology and psychical research. These subjects were published in many books, magazines, and newspaper articles. He is accredited as "An Early Father-Pioneer of Parapsychology" and advance-supporter of the study of applied therapeutic uses of what is known today as Hypnotherapy.[citation needed]
He was a contributing member of The Society for Psychical Research. His main publication was the book Telepathy and the Subliminal Mind (1897), and his work focused on case studies and popularization. His chief contributions to the field are considered to be the latter, in the United States, particularly relating to the work of the Society for Psychical Research and the theories of Frederic William Henry Myers.[1]
Much of Mason's research and observations in psychical research would be applied in early ESP, Telepathy, Astral (OOBE) research, and in present-day remote Viewing.[citation needed] The 50th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, September 2007, acclaimed him as an early pioneer in parapsychology and psychical research."
He does sound a lot like Abramovic, right?
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4894696
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4894725>>4895108
just a long shot but it ended my head to ask right now before I forget have you come across any surnames Dickerson or Garreth by chance? U.S.A. Atlantic seaboard states.
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4895088>>4897188 >>4897224 >>4897314 >>4932959
do you see the spider web? Do you see how it's all connected? it's amazing, right? And it was under our noses all of this time.
From what i've been reading, researching and digging, my gut feeling is telling that Payseur is hidding somewhere in the WOMEN side of things. I feel like they have been using the MALES from the lesser bloodline families for their SEEDS and so that the males will "manage" the family business.
And I don't know how many anons read my posts and noticed "an idea" that kept on repeating in all of the stuff i've posted about the women: divorce wasn't popular back then, and it shocked the society.
Really now? From what i've read and dug so far, those ladies changed husband as frequently as they changed their socks. And it seems MARIAGE an DIVORCE was like walk through the park for these ladies.
Just a theory for now = It is rumored that rapist Bill Clinton is a bastard of a Rockefeller. So i went to check on his mother. And she was a nurse whom went to New Orleand and Louisiana to train. When i tried to find where she went for training, as in which medical facility, I found a big fat nothing.
I then noticed that the biggest and most important medical centers in those 2 places were linked to the Rockefellers. But this is as far as i could find. No direct link.
What got me suspecious about all of this is how I've walked many times into a brick wall each time i TRIED to dig the info about the ancestry of Bill and Killary. Oh i'm sure they scrubbed everything or hid it. Which makes me wonder why? What are they hidding? Whom are they, really?
Then i remembered a tiny detail = a couple of words i've exchanged a few days ago with another anon in here. It was about Soros Rockefellers as Number one right hand man of Paysseur heir, and taking their place.
So for now, let's assume that is the case, and lets assume that the rumors about rapist Bill Clinto being a Rockefeller bastard. If Killary was one of Paysseur heirs from her mother's lineage, then it makes sense how the rockefellers held power for so long = they kept on marrying into the Paysseur daughters line, as well as the Vanderbilts.
But when Killary lost th election in 2016, she lost her crown or should i say Bill lost his influence with the Paysseurs. In the same time Chelsea married a relative of Soros. Since Chelsea is the daughter of Killary, that makes her and her children heir to Paysseur (if it turned out that Killary is one of Paysseur heirs). This wild idea of mine can explain why we see the Rockefeller influence diminish while we saw the RISE of SOROS.
I don't know what to think of this anons. My head is buzzing because of this. We always thought Killary was a low level or a middle level puppet or pawn in the cabal hierarchy, and she was topped by Soros, Rockefeller and Rothschild.
What if it was the opposite? What if she was their boss?
if you look closely, study closely her behavior through all of her life, and how the bloodline families as well as the celebrities behave about her and around her; it's as if she was the center of the universe they orbit around. She is worshiped like a goddess. And everyone is going through great length to cover for HER. And the british crown has gone into great length to HELP her out.
One of her brothers, i think it was Tony, did say once that their father alwas treated Killary differently because SHE WAS SPECIAL. I thought she was raped as a kid by a pedo father. But what if she was something totally different, apart being totally psychotic that is. is this why Anderson Cooper is in AWE in front of her? Beyonce? Madonna? Is this why people in her entourage wear a lot of red shoes? Or are involved in Pedo stuff and Satanic stuff? is this why Clinto foundation was registered as a library for how long? two decades or so? And no one in DC dared to blink about it? is this why she has all intelligence agencies (most of them anyway) and the mossade at her finger tips? is she more than the daughter of a mob chicago boss? When i look at her "younger" pictures, i see a girl treated as royalty, growing up TRULY like a princess. Is my imagination running wild anons? I mean her links to KSA…. The Bushes…. Epstein Island, NXIVM…. i keep on getting the feeling the clinto foundation is at the crossroad of all of this network.
I guess the future will tell me if i'm going wild with my imagination or if i'm right about this. Time will tell anons, maybe i ate too much again today ^_^
▶ 5cfc5d (21) No.4895108
Maybe, at least i don't recall seeing those names, anon. I can go back and read all i have to check it out for you but it's gonna take me a bit of time, it's quiet long.
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4897169>>4900275
I just wanted it stated this thread is turning into the most explicative propounding of where we are and how we got here, so to speak. the origin story of this moment in human history. To each of you diggers I say: Shadilay and thank you much!
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4897188>>4900275
I am in range of New Orleans. I have my father's side of family both his mother and fathers kin hailing from New Orleans. My first Cousins live in metarie and grew up there. My mother's side of family from Lake Charles which if digging in area may prove suprising. drop questions needing answers, wait, and I'll see what I can find
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4897224>>4900275
this idea of Hillary being the mark makes sense because you point out Chelsea married into soros line. I was not aware. but this answers a question that's been bugging at me: why would generational families of initiates in an esoteric order exile an entire clan that's been part of it virually the whole time, and then replace their spot with an outsider (soros) over some matter that occurered in recent years. marriage is a rite and for a family or kin group it is liminal for initiation into secret alliance!
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4897314>>4900275
Hillary the whore of Babylon?
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4897401>>4900275 >>4900673
I think there is a case to be made that connects Pelosi as well. They've put her into the number 3 slot to draw out the attacks, to get the cabal to risk exposure if it can rid of POTUS in a desperate last attempt…With Pelosi, they are so close!
What would happen if Trump and Pence were out? Is a path cleared for Hillary 2020(w/ HERR)? Or is Pelosi the real end game for the cabal?
▶ 68517e (13) No.4900275>>4900568 >>4902170 >>4932959
Thank you, all of you anons. This place (8 chan) always makes me feel like i'm alone in here, so it's nice to hear from other anons.
For ALL anons whom want to dig stuff about rapist Bill and Killary. I want to start with a warning = Be careful. I don't call her Killary just for the fun of it. This beast lady already has a lot of blood on her hands. So when you go, don't use your credit card so you won't be traced back, use cash money if you need to pay for anything, watch out for security cameras, try to cover your steps. This is NO GAME. Remember, she tried many times to kill POTUS already, what do you think she will do to any anon if he gets too close to what she wants to hide? For her we are ants or flies, so please anons be careful.
Now as for what to look for: ANYTHING about the lineage of Bill and Killary. There isn't much info about Bill's mom apart she was an anesthesist nurse. She went to New Orleans and Louisiana to train in anesthesists. Apart that, i have no name of medical center or hospital she trained in, no dates, whom she trained with.
This is a long shot anons, and it's a less than 50 % chance to find anything. First, we have 2 states she went to, plus, can you imagine the number or medical facilities in both states? and we manage to find which one it is, we gotta zoom onto the year and whom she was hanging out with at that time. Did she met a Rockefeller while being there? If so who was that Rockefeller? As i've said in a previous drop, there are Rockefeller medical centers in both States. Could it one of those place? It's possible, but it's not certain.
And i'm sure they already had anticipated this move from anons and had scrubbed any possible record there might be. There is an alternative to the records, and that is finding a classmate of hers or a nurse whom worked with her. That person MIGHT have NOTICED or WITNESSED something.
Usually, this is how i work = when i cannot find enough paper trail, i go aorund and ask the potential people whom MIGHT have met them or been around them….. This is a very long shot anon. So you might not find anything. Sometimes i wonder if the documents the DOJ loaded on that plance in Arkansas from the Clinton Library are just about the foundation. It is quiet possible (and iI hope it will turn out to be true) that they also took something like personal private papers of the Clintons like a bith certificate. Oh Lord! If Potus ever managed to do that, he surely is a champion.
And I find it odd, very odd how we cannot find anything concerning Killary's maternal grandfather. See how the showed us in detail the lineage of maternal grandmothe but not a zit about the grandfather. As for her father's side of the family, i also find it odd there is nothing, but i always assumed it's because he was a mafia boss, that is why they are hidding his lineage.
It's been a while i'm trying to find Paysseur heir but it's as if trying to find a needle in a hay stack. This lead me to believe that it's hard to "track down" Paysseur because we are not looking at a Patriarchal hierarchy like the one we have in the windsor clan, but with Paysseur heir, we have a matriarchal hierarchy. This is not a proven fact, YET, but it does make a lot of sense how they managed to hide and we are unable to find a pesk of dust concerning Paysseur.
▶ 68517e (13) No.4900568>>4900977 >>4902170 >>4932959
Being a matriarchal hierarchy explains things a lot when it comes to Paysseur, it makes more sense. Even if the heir of Paysseur didn't have any daughters but only sons, the grandmother will transfer the reign of power to her granddaughter. So we should see Paysseur as a family but there is one leader on it's top, and it's a woman, and only the females in the family can hold the reigns of powers.
Just like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds are a big family, but there is one head = one patriarch of the family. If we think the same way about Payseur but with women leaders, this explains a lot why Killary's brothers are like Valet to Killary. And i think Killary received the FULL reigns in power after her mother died. i forgot when that was. But as long as her mother was alive, that old hag had the final saying.
And yes, Chelsea is next in line. And what a joke is that stupid beans like guy she married. He is sooooo full of himself. Anons do rem2 ago all of that money that he lost in his new business. I forgot what it was, something that has to do with speculation or stocks or hedge funds, something of the sort. He lost millions if not billions with the greek economical crisis. What a looser! Or was it a pretext to launder money? I don't know. But if you look closely to Bill and Chelsea's husband, they are only there for their seeds. They are good only to give the females heirs.
if you take a look at how Bill was always treated by Killary, it does speak a lot. And take a look at Alva and how domineering she was, and look at Eleanore and how she led her life. I'm starting to think that those 2 women were part of the Paysseur family bloodline, and one was rivals with the other.
Another point is how ATTACHED Paysseur is to WOMENLY issues = The planned parenthood thing was a Paysseur creation, just like the Me Too movement, just like the women's right march, the pink pussy hat movement. And if you look, those movement and compare it all to Killary's speaches and behavior = it's identical. And we all point the finger at Soros for funding those things but Soros is just the middle guy in my opinion.
Marina Abramovic is another person whom made me suspect that Killary is the Paysseur family head or heir. Have you noticed how everyone around Abramovic behaves with her, how she is honored and respected and how they all BOW to Abramovic, as if she is the cult leader. But if you look closely to videos and photos, you will notice that Abramovic only bows to Killary, no one else.
Soros was a known Nazi collaborator, he adores money and is addicted to power, and yes, he was part of the cabal, but a low ranked member of it, probably he didn't have any "special" blood in him. It is only after Chelsea married and Rockefeller old guy (what was his name?) died at the age of 90+, that Soros was propelled from almost the bottom, to the very top. And his weird son Alex keeps on hanging out with Chelsea and her husband.
▶ 3fb312 (1) No.4900673
One theory is that Pelosi becomes POTUS, nominates HRC as VP, then steps down.
But, that assumes Pelosi's ego allows that transfer of power.
▶ 68517e (13) No.4900977>>4901092 >>4932959
As for Pelosi, I see her as a stooge for Killary. Winning the presidency was SUPPOSED to be KILLARY's CORRONATION. But that didn't happen, and being the spoiled psychotic brat that she is, she wants her crown at all costs.
This is where Pelosi gets into the game. yes that theory about Killing Potus and VP then replacing them with Pelosi is correct. I believe this is what the Cabal is trying to do right now. But anons, you are forgetting one thing, one important thing = This is part of Q's plan.
Do you think they handed over the leadership of the house to Pelosi without knowing about this? Without taking into the equation this attempt to replace Potus and VP with Pelosi? I bet Q and the white hats already know and this makes me smile big. The plan is going very smoothly anons.
And let me tell you something about Pelosi = there are rumors of her and family running drug and weapon (probably other stuff too) in the area she represents in Cali. She is the local big dog, and she does the dirty work for the cabal in congress to advance their agenda. So she is there to follow orders. And i believe those supposedly negociations about the wall, well, they are negociating alright, but it's not about the wall. It's about getting a plea deal for Killary. And remember what Q said = NO DEALS ! ^_^ I'm loving this anons.
The "Wall" means much more than anyone thinks.
Now i would also like to point out something = in 2008 when Obama pulled the rug from under Killary and won the democratic nomination, she wouldn't concede. So what happened there? This has been eating me up for years and i couldn't find a way to explain it till now.
Remember how I told you in an earlier drop about the power struggle between the black eye and the red shoe clans? Well, i'm not sure, but i'm starting to believe that Obama was PLANTED there by the Black eye clan (just like Nixon was in the past and Bushes were) but Killary wanted the presidency no matter what. So in order to avoid a "civil" war between the 2 branches of the merovingian bloodline, they came to an agreement: Obama serves for 2 terms and he takes Killary as sec of State to give her glitter and proppel her to the presidency, and Obama advances her agenda, like what they did to the FBI, the IRS, the MEDIA.
Don't get me wrong, the cabal infiltrated those agencies for decades, it's not recent, but they had a specific programming to undergo and i believe Obama took some of Killary's ideas and implemented them. I also believe all of this Benghazi horror was due all THANKS to Killary. I believe she was the one calling the shots, and Obama was vacationing somewhere. I believe Killary let those brave poeple die and she went peacefully to sleep that day.
And she was supposed to come for 2 terms after Obama, it was part of the deal with the black eye clan. Her as president, she was supposed to have WWIII and a HUGE world Wide economical crash. I guess it didn't work as she wanted. And Potus came and took her favorite toy from her.
Pelosi, Feinstein, Schiff, Cummings, Harris Schummer, McCain, Romney and the rest of them are only her minions following her orders in the corridors of congress, nothing more or nothing less. She is the one whom decides which narrative they all should follow, this includes the media as well. And i would like to remind anons of this tactic = they used it in the MOnica Lewinski scandal to smear her and destroy her reputation. And whom orchestrated everything behind the scenes back then = SYDNEY BLUEMENTHAL = the dark prince or is he called the black prince.
I believe Sydney Bluementhal is in charge of this attack on Potus, he is the one orchestrating everything. He gives her advices, she tells him what she wants, and he must find a way to get her what she wants. Compare it to the Lewinski scandal and you will find a lot of common points between the 2. He is called black or dark prince because he manages (he is her right hand man) her dark underground mafia empire for her, he is the one whom wacks people and threathen them. Podesta works in the open, as her political right hand man, but Bluementhal works in the dark, behind the scenes, in the underground world for her. He is a very dangerous man, with a dark soul, and anons shouldn't forget that he played a huge role in what took place in Lybia and he is probably also responsible to what took place with ISIS and Syria.
This was how i see things anons. That is why i'm asking everyone whom wants to dig to be careful. This is no game anons. They kill people more often than they bat their eyes. So please be super cautious. Why do you think MANY are simply TERRORISED to come forward and come out to speak, tell the truth? This is no game anons. Q already warned us. We must play it like a game, but it's no game. This is what Q really meant. We must trick them as if we were in a game, but it's a real life and death situation so it's no game.
▶ 68517e (13) No.4901092>>4903358 >>4932959
For all the anons reading,
For now, as you can see, i only have circumstantial evidence and it's just me observing the behavior of everyone i mentioned, mostly Killary. I'm not sure i'm right. i could have gone into the wrong rabbit hole. I've been trying hard to dig and find a link between the Paysseur bloodline and Killary but nothing so far. Unless we find a solid direct proof or lieneage, we cannot ever be certain and this will remain a theory or an observation an old man did. SOOOOO until we find those links, everything i've said about Killary being the head of Paysseur family line might be wrong, it might turn out to be false. Those were the thoughts and suspicions on an old guy whom want to know the truth, he simply found some anomalies when it comes to listing killary's lineage and thought it MIGHT be connected to Paysseur. So i guess we STILL have a lot of digging to do anons. And as i've said before, the future will either proove that i was wrong and i went down the wrong rabbit hole, or it may prove i was right and we anons finally nailed the identity of Paysseur.
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4902170>>4902487 >>4903079 >>4903095
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
In our dualistic creation, the feminine is a motif on yin…emptiness and formlessness. Or, better said, on context and containers. A matriarchy will evolve as a motif as well, so we need to understand this shadowy way of being. It's not enough to stop at women are mysterious/unknowable. In fact, those characteristics are precisely what the feminine is. But if we continue to seek the the feminine as content, we'll miss the underlying archetype. Here are a number of psychoactive ideas that might trigger the epiphany and help people when trying to think how best to research.
The masculine is a heart made of glass.
Every time it beats, it breaks a little.
The feminine is a glass full of heart.
Drink from it and receive life.
This is the mystery of the Christ and the Grail,
the comedy and the tragedy.
“All of those for whom authentic transformation has deeply
unseated their souls must, I believe, wrestle with the profound moral
obligation to shout from the heart---perhaps quietly and gently, perhaps
with fierce fire and angry wisdom, perhaps with slow and careful analysis,
perhaps by unshakable public example---but authenticity always and
absolutely carries a demand and duty. You must speak out, to the best of
your ability and shine your headlights into the eyes of the complacent.
You must let that radical realization rumble through your veins and rattle
those around you.
If you fail to do so, you are betraying your own authenticity.
Because, you see, the alarming fact is that any realization of depth
carries a terrible burden: those who are allowed to see are simultaneously
saddled with the obligation to communicate that vision in no uncertain
terms. That is the bargain. You were allowed to see the truth under the
agreement that you would communicate it to others. And therefore, if you
have seen, you simply must speak out. Speak out with compassion, or
speak out with angry wisdom, or speak out with skillful means, but speak
out you must.
The fact that you might be wrong is simply no excuse. It is your
duty to speak the truth with whatever passion and courage you can find in
your heart. You must shout, in whatever way you can…If you are right, or
if you are wrong, it is only your passion that will force either to be
discovered. It is your duty to promote that discovery--either way.”
-Ken Wilber
“What matters to me in this notion of the feminine is not merely the unknowable, but a mode of
being which consists in slipping away from the light.” -Emmanuel Levinas, Ethics and Infinity
“In existence the feminine is an event, different from that of spatial transcendence or expression
which go toward the light; it is a flight before the light. The way of existing of the feminine is
hiding, or modesty.” -Emmanuel Levinas, Ethics and Infinity
It is certainly true that the cultural denial of our essential connection to the Earth Mother created
an unhealthy distortion of both the feminine principle of nurturance and the masculine principle
of manifestation. Many have called this recent paradigm “patriarchy”. Perhaps a more accurate
and less loaded term to describe our recent historical period would be “umbriarchy “-- the rule of
the shadow. -NCFM, From Shadow to Rainbow: Post-Pathology Psychological Dysfunction or
The Epoch of Umbriarcy
“Feminism articulated the shadow side of men and the light side of women but neglected the
shadow side of women and the light side of men.” -Warren Farrell, The Myth of Male Power
As the masculine measures the feminine, time accounts for space.
As the feminine bends the masculine, emptiness curves the hour.
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4902487>>4903079 >>4903095
It would be a chain of causality, my death for her life, and her death for the life of the
offspring, rather than a true loving relationship based on equality of life and death and respect for
the intersubjective space between those two aspects of self, the masculine and feminine. Though
it is common to assume that relationships are between two equal individuals, there is a stark
inequality in the way that masculine energy and feminine energy are exchanged. Luce Irigaray
begins to illuminate this point. She notes that ¨woman seeks herself in man, who, in turn, seeks
himself in the mother.¨ (2001, p. 56) This unidirectionality captures the way in which we seek the
Self, or, at least, who we think robbed us of it or has the missing key to it, but it misses the way
in which we project hope, which is from mother to son, who, in turn, projects his hope on a
woman. Here, I might imagine that a feminist might gawk at the inequality as being the end in a
weighty chain of projection, but suffice it to note, that the women at the end of the chain,
becomes the mother at the beginning. All this is to say that modern roles in relationships, which
seem about equality on the surface, still maintain this deeper flow of exchange which is
masculine down, from the mother to the son to the woman to another son, and feminine up, from
the woman to the man to the mother to the husband and so forth. A balanced exchange would be
to have the freedom to act in either role and in either direction, but this would neither maximize
survival of the collective respecting tradition or post-modernity, create the intense violent
passion resultant from the polarity of duality which we think is a prerequisite to love, nor allow us to fulfill the ego roles of the horizontal level: men being masculine and heros for eternity
through their death to women and women being feminine and bright and shining stars if only for
a moment through their life to men. Interestingly, Emmanuel Levinas describes the feminine as
¨not merely unknowable, but a mode of being which consists of slipping away from the light.¨
(1985, p. 67) If one`s preferred mode of being is thus, then peak experience is defined by striving
for only momentary whispers of the brightness of absolute penetration following by a retreating
into the formless. Though it is not a subject I wish to discuss, this sequence of exchange is the
causal mechanism, rather than a patriarchal society, for the common feminist complaint about the
difficulties in the mother-daughter relationship: it is difficult to project the masculine down onto
a daughter and neither can a daughter project the feminine up to a mother.
Social justice is the vaginal massaging of the penetrating worker to ejaculate the life-giving resource of the masculine tax payer into the parasitic uterus of the feminine welfare state, only to abort any defile the creative truth, goodness, and beauty that belongs to neither.
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4903079>>4903095
The masculine/feminine structure is a
process of form which is a holographical and fractallic motif on the duality gestalt itself. I see the form/emptiness dichotomy motifed three-fold in states: gross/subtle, causal(including its two
sides)/witness, and dual(all the states)/nondual.
The previous two definitions are particularly different from the meaning of Emptiness from
eastern meditative traditions such as Vajrayana Buddhism. Among other terms, the term sunyata
describes a very specific idea as the innate purposelessness of the form/emptiness duality
altogether. Here the word is used not to mean volume in relation to form or as a descriptive
characteristic of states but as volume in relation to meaning. Specifically, it means that because
of duality’s lack of ontological truth, the meaning of blind identification with the dualistic world
is nil. According to the traditions, this is the perspective gained upon an identification with the
nondual, but duality must be integrated eventually as one continues living in the dualistic
manifestation. The awakening to this definition is the potential insight catalyzed at the crossroads
of the other two definitions concerning duality and states. These clarifications about the use of
the word emptiness, the distinction between the sequence and structure of states, and their
correlation resulting in an alternative structure were paramount to my research.
“Kronos forms the awakened counterpole to the static, secluded darkness; as such this is
none other than the motion of the night.” (Gebser, 1986, p.172)
“‘Soft countries,’ [King Cyrus] said, ‘breed soft men. It is not the property of any one soil
to produce fine fruits and good soldiers too’…The difference between firm bodies and soft bodies
was the difference between rulers and slaves.” (Shigehisa, 2006, p. 141)
“Freud made the mistake of treating consciousness as if it were a thing rather than an
event, of making it a noun instead of a verb…Consciousness takes the form of its
container.” (Combs, 2002, p. 227)
Ovule: “alone, wait, host, life, emotion, menstruation, pain, patient, non-competitive, sex, love, slow,
receptive, maternity, women, fertility, finite, good resistance, egg, retention, retains, care”
Sperm: “fast, many, competition, goal, achievements, conquest, velocity, challenge, sex, short life,
selfish, only care about reaching their goal, they serve to the extent that they leave their producer, life,
love, surrender, necessary, complement, technique, release, released, production” (Sordo, 2006, p.25)
Concerning women,
“When we talk about ourselves, we do not talk about ourselves, we always talk about others and these
others seem to be the cause of our unhappiness or our happiness without appearing in this discourse
our own personal responsibility in our doings and in the construction of our daily lives. In contrast,
men seem worried mainly about the achievements, goals, and obstacles they find in their way.” (Sordo,
2006, pp. 12-13)
“Isn’t it enough to simply celebrate the rich diversity of various views and not try to integrate them?
Well, recognizing diversity is certainly a noble endeavor, and I heartily support that pluralism. But if
we remain merely at the stage of celebrating diversity, we ultimately are promoting fragmentation,
alienation, separation, and despair. You go your way, I go my way, we both fly apart-” (Wilber, 2001,
p. 112)
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4903095
Science has taught that we do not sense things as they are and, so, we might merely find
what we are looking for. We induce facts about the sensible world with mental correlates. For
example, we take finch beaks as evidence for the idea of evolution or photos of twin stars as
evidence for black holes and the theoretical curvature of space-time. This confusion of sensation
with structure led us to believe in mechanics that the fantom centrifugal force was pushing when,
in the physical reality, the centripetal force was pulling. “That the truth consists of hard to vary
assertions about reality is the most important fact about the physical world. It is a fact that is
itself unseen yet impossible to vary.” (Deutsch, 2009, 16:10) I am tasked with describing things
unseen in terms of things seen, analogies and metaphors. If the truth is where the visible and the
invisible overlap, where the nexus of emptiness and form merge, and where the emptiness
created between the bodies of a man and women disappear, and the explanations for that truth are
hard to vary, then perhaps science is correct: we perceive nothing as is really is. Better said, we
perceive no-things precisely as they really are, motifs on emptiness. At least, I hope we will. If
not, then the truth of this very structure may come true in light of Krisnamurti’s famous adage:
“In the gap between subject and object lies the entire misery of humankind.” While that gap itself
resembles a motif on duality, it is also a sinister notion to contemplate. Should we, as a
collective, prove this structure wrong, or at least prove ourselves worthy enough to destructively
create the new emergence with conscientious participation, then human misery deserves our
compassion and we must dive head first into that gap. Even Carl Jung agrees that “one does
not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4903358>>4903490 >>4903623
Who is Sarah ABBS (Monk)
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4903490>>4903623 >>4908786
Modus Operandi to accuse the other of what you do or just to slander and defame…perhaps to get the daughters into his custody and then into the custody of the grandmother, Emma Howell (Josephine Monk)…whose mother was Sarah ABBS, somewhat of a phantom…could just be a dead end.
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4903623
Follows the Matriarchal Line is my point.
Forgot the image.
This site seems like a throw wanting to follow a direct lineage rather than one that might skip any male-only generations. Lots of French for plausibility…
Just info to mueller over.
link to >>4903358
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4906742>>4906802
hey Thomas and on I got a lead on your trail 4 Willie bills ma in New Orleans. the only school that would have handled unnecessary as a specialty for nursing was Charity hospital founded by the nuns affiliated with order of st. Vincent de Paul
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4906802>>4908110 >>4909667 >>4909921
dammit that's speech to text technology for you. lol. Thomas Anon… anesthesitist… Charity hospital… nuns of st. Vincent du paul
▶ 68517e (13) No.4908110
Thank you anon, will check it out. God bless you.
▶ 68517e (13) No.4908786>>4932959
Thank you anon. It's a small lead, but a lead none the less. It's way better than the brick wall i ran into many times. This is a small crack in the wall, and i'm happy you found it becaue i was getting discouraged and i was starting to believe i went into the wrong rabbit hole.
I tried another combination. I went to look for Sarah Monk ^_^ And i landed on Sarah P Monk = she was a naturalist living in San Pedro Cali. Born in 1841, died 1926.
"Sarah Preston Monks was born in Cold Spring, New York, the daughter of John Monks and Sarah Charlotte Monks (née Jolly).[1] Her brother John A. S. Monks became a noted New England artist[2] and her sister Mary E. Monks lived in Massachusetts.[3][4] She studied at Vassar College, where she earned a bachelor's degree in 1871 and a master's degree in 1876. She read one of her own poems, "Waiting for the Tide", at Vassar's 1871 graduation ceremony.[5] She pursued further technical training at the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania.[2] "
Noticed her mother's name = Charlotte
And take a look at her picture, any physical ressemblance?
▶ a7a2b6 (1) No.4909667
same order of Nuns in this affair linked
▶ 68517e (13) No.4909921>>4910043 >>4910987 >>4932959
Thank you again anon,
it is a lead and i think you nailed it. But first i would like to apologize for making the mistake of thinking New Orleans and Louisiana were too seperate startes. My apologizes.
In this article, they said: "This hospital came under the administration of the Sisters of Charity, who would run the hospital for the next century. Under their care, Charity Hospital, partnered with the Medical College of the University of Louisiana. "
So first, i went to see what this Medical College was about.
Tulane University : "Tulane University is a private, nonsectarian research university in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. It is considered the top university and the most selective institution of higher education in the state of Louisiana. The school is known to attract a geographically diverse student body, with 85 percent of undergraduate students coming from over 300 miles (480 kilometers) away.[5]
The school was founded as a public medical college in 1834, and became a comprehensive university in 1847. The institution was made private under the endowments of Paul Tulane and Josephine Louise Newcomb in 1884. Tulane is the 9th oldest private university in the Association of American Universities, which consists of major research universities in the United States and Canada. The Tulane University Law School and Tulane University Medical School are considered the 12th oldest and 15th oldest law and medical schools, respectively, in the United States.[6][7] "
"Facing a budget shortfall, the Board of Administrators announced a "Renewal Plan" in December 2005 to reduce its annual operating budget and create a "student-centric" campus. Addressing the school's commitment to New Orleans, a course credit involving service learning became a requirement for an undergraduate degree. In 2006 Tulane became the first Carnegie ranked "high research activity" institution to have an undergraduate public service graduation requirement.[28] In May 2006, graduation ceremonies included commencement speakers former Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who commended the students for their desire to return to Tulane and serve New Orleans in its renewal."
"notable people: Tulane is home to many alumni who have contributed to both the arts and sciences and to the political and business realms. For example, from television: Jerry Springer and Ian Terry, from literature: John Kennedy Toole, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of A Confederacy of Dunces, Shirley Ann Grau, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction winner, and Andrew Breitbart, conservative journalist; from business: David Filo, co-founder of Yahoo!, and Neil Bush, economist and brother of President George W. Bush; from entertainment: Lauren Hutton, film actor and supermodel, and Paul Michael Glaser, TV actor of "Starsky and Hutch"; from fine arts: Sergio Rossetti Morosini, artist and conservator, and internationally renown glass artist Mitchell Gaudet; from music: conductor and composer Odaline de la Martinez, who was the first woman to conduct at a BBC Proms concert in London; from government: Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House who famously coordinated the first Congressional Republican majority in 40 years…"
"The Tulane Hullabaloo is the university's weekly student-run newspaper. It is published every Thursday of the academic year, except on holidays, and has received multiple Pacemaker Awards, the highest award in college journalism. "
"The Jambalaya, Tulane's yearbook, published annually since 1897, published its last edition (Volume 99) in 1995, because of funding and management problems. In the fall of 2003, the Jambalaya was reestablished as a student club, and in the Spring of 2004, the centennial edition of the Jambalaya was published. The staff now continues to publish a Jambalaya annually. "
Did anons see and read what i read? So papa Bush and rapist Bill went there for student graduation ceremony. And i wonder if we can find the picture of Bill's mother in the year book or any comments about her in the university newspaper.
▶ 68517e (13) No.4910043>>4910297 >>4910942
After that i went to take a look at who this Tulane dude was: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Tulane
"Paul Tulane (May 10, 1801 -- March 27, 1887) was an American philanthropist, born near Princeton, New Jersey, the son of Louis Tulane, a French immigrant, and Maria Tulane. He was educated in private schools, including Somerville Academy of New Jersey, until he was fifteen years of age. He clerked briefly in a store in Princeton and thereafter spent three years touring the southern United States with a well-educated male cousin, who was a member of the bar in France. It was from this tour that Tulane developed a keen interest in New Orleans.
In 1822, he established Paul Tulane and Co. in New Orleans, a retail and wholesale dry goods and clothing business. Later, he invested in real estate in both New Orleans and New Jersey. By 1828, he had amassed a fortune of over $150,000. His business operated for nearly 40 years. He retired with a large fortune in 1857. About this time he bought the John P. Stockton home in Princeton, now known as the Walter Lowrie House, where he subsequently resided. During the American Civil War, Tulane was the largest donor in New Orleans to the Confederate States of America"
Hm! Another one from French origin, and i wonder why it took him soooo long to tour the south with this mysterious "well-educated male cousin, who was a member of the bar in France."
And as others, he was in retail then he moved into real estate and made a fortune out of it.
▶ 68517e (13) No.4910297>>4910499
Then i went to take a look at the first president of the Tulane University: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_L._Hawks
"Hawks was born in New Bern, North Carolina. He graduated from the state university, now known as the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in 1815, where he was a member of the Philanthropic Society. He then entered the practice of law. He represented New Bern in the North Carolina House of Commons in 1821.[1] Hawks also became active in the Episcopal Church, where he took the post of lay reader of his parish. Hawks felt drawn to the ministry[2] and entered the tutelage of Bishop John Stark Ravenscroft.
Hawks quickly climbed the church ranks, becoming deacon in 1827 and assistant minister of Trinity parish in New Haven, Connecticut, a short while later. His preaching was widely praised,[2] and in short order, he was ordained a priest. His next post was as assistant to Bishop White of St. James' Church in Philadelphia. He next took a position as Professor of Divinity at Washington College (now Trinity College) in Hartford, Connecticut."
"In late 1838, Hawks became one of many targets of a trend among the American penny press to expose alleged vices of holy men. The accuser was George Washington Dixon, a man known for his blackface music act, who claimed that Hawks was engaging in sexual affairs.[16] Hawks charged Dixon with libel on 31 December 1838. After a heated trial, Dixon pled guilty on 10 and 11 May 1839. The reasons for this remain a mystery, though Dale Cockrell surmised that Hawks did not want to face further defamation of character in trial and may have paid Dixon off. Dixon claimed so in 1841.[17] Even mainstream newspapers had begun to turn on him by this point. The New York Herald wrote that "[he] may explain and explain till doomsday---but these facts and their inferences [will] adhere."[18]
Another scandal erupted closer to home. Hawks had opened a boys' school in 1839 in Flushing, Queens. The school had financial difficulties and was failing within three years, and Hawks was accused of mismanaging the funds. This proved one scandal too many. Hawks resigned from St. Thomas Church on 21 October 1843.
Over the next decade, Hawks bounced from church to church. He first moved to a church in Holly Springs, Mississippi, on the American frontier and far from the disgrace of New York.[19] There he went to work starting another school. At the Mississippi Diocesan Convention of 1844, Hawks took center stage due primarily to his endeavors to create a Diocesan school. When the Convention called for the election of the Diocese's first bishop, Hawks was tapped.[20] His episcopal confirmation at the General Convention was protested, with James Quarterman, a painter from Flushing, alleging that Hawks had over $100,000 in outstanding debt due to financial mismanagement at St. Thomas.[21] Though Hawks successfully defended himself and the General Convention expressed their support for him, they discharged his consent back to the Diocese of Mississippi.[22] In the end, Hawks turned the post down.[8] He instead moved to Christ Church in New Orleans, Louisiana.
In 1847, he was named the first president of the University of Louisiana, known today as Tulane University. Then in 1849, he returned to New York City to pastor Calvary Church. He stayed there until 1862."
I find this priest very interesting anons. i mean look at the geographical area he was in. Isn't that known as Paysseur territory? Didn't Payseur land in N. Carolina? And expanded in those places? And what about that sexual scandal? But this scandal doesn't stop him from being the president of the Tulane university. Seem familiar anons? Hush money?
▶ 68517e (13) No.4910499>>4910903 >>4942496
Then i went to take a look at Randall Gibson because =" In response, through the influence of former confederate general Randall Lee Gibson, the Louisiana state legislature transferred control of the University of Louisiana to the administrators of the TEF in 1884.[1] This act created the Tulane University of Louisiana.[18] The university was privatized, and is one of only a few American universities to be converted from a state public institution to a private one"
So in other words this Gibson fellow had played his part in all of this.
"Randall Lee Gibson (September 10, 1832 -- December 15, 1892) was an attorney and politician, elected as a member of the House of Representatives and U.S. Senator from Louisiana. He served as a brigadier general in the Confederate States Army. Later he was a regent of the Smithsonian Institution, and a president of the board of administrators of Tulane University. "
"Gibson was born in 1832 at "Spring Hill", Versailles, Kentucky,[1] the son of Gibson, a planter and slaveholder. His mother was from a slaveholding family in Lexington, Kentucky.
His paternal great-grandfather was Gideon Gibson Jr., who was likely born in the colony of South Carolina in 1731. His great-great-grandfather, Gideon Gibson, was a free man of color who was married to a white woman, and had owned land and a few slaves in Virginia (likely where he was born) and North Carolina, before migrating with other settlers to South Carolina in the 1730s. The government was worried that he might provoke a slave revolt and the colonial governor had an interview with him. Learning about his life, the governor declared him a free man with all privileges, and granted him land.[2]
Gibson's father moved his family to Louisiana when Randall was a child, where the youth was educated in local academies. He went to college in the North, graduating from Yale University in 1853, where he was a member of the Scroll and Key society. He returned to Louisiana to study for his bachelor of laws (LL.B) from the University of Louisiana Law School, later Tulane University."
"After being promoted to brigadier general (special) on January 11, 1864, he fought in the Atlanta Campaign and the Franklin-Nashville Campaign; he next was assigned to the defense of Mobile, Alabama"
"Randall Gibson died as a United States senator while in Hot Springs, Arkansas.[1] His body was returned to Kentucky, where he was buried at Lexington Cemetery in Lexington, Kentucky."
Oh boy! So he was part of the confederate army, he was regent of the smithsonian, he was president of he board of Tulane University, comes from a "mixed colored family" (I apologize for using those terms), went to Yale and was part of the Scroll and Key secret society, he defended Mobile Alabama which is the birth place of Alva Belmont Vanderbilt, and he died in HOT SPRINGS ARKANSAS.
Holy Heavens! Is that what i think it is anons?
▶ 68517e (13) No.4910903>>4911215 >>4932959
I went to take a look at Hot Springs Arkansas:
"Hot Springs is a city in the state of Arkansas and the county seat of Garland County. The city is located in the Ouachita Mountains among the U.S. Interior Highlands, and is set among several natural hot springs for which the city is named. As of the 2010 United States Census, the city had a population of 35,193.[4] In 2017 the estimated population was 36,915."
"In 1673, Father Marquette and Jolliet explored the area and claimed it for France. The 1763 Treaty of Paris ceded the land to Spain; however, in 1800 control was returned to France until the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. "
"Joseph Reynolds announced his decision to construct a narrow-gauge railroad from Malvern to Hot Springs; completion in 1875 resulted in the growth of visitation to the springs. Samuel W. Fordyce and two other entrepreneurs financed the construction of the first luxury hotel in the area, the first Arlington Hotel, which opened in 1875.[7] "
"Illegal gambling became firmly established in Hot Springs during the decades following the Civil War, with two factions, the Flynns and the Dorans, fighting one another throughout the 1880s for control of the town. "
Hot Springs eventually became a national gambling mecca, led by Owney Madden and his Hotel Arkansas casino. The period 1927--1947 was its wagering pinnacle, with no fewer than ten major casinos and numerous smaller houses running wide open, the largest such operation in the United States at the time. Hotels advertised the availability of prostitutes, and off-track booking was available for virtually any horse race in North America."
"Local law enforcement was controlled by a political machine run by long-serving mayor Leo P. McLaughlin. The McLaughlin organization purchased hundreds of poll tax receipts, many in the names of deceased or fictitious persons, which would sometimes be voted in different precincts. A former sheriff, who attempted to have the state's anti-gambling laws enforced and to secure honest elections, was murdered in 1937. No one was ever charged with his killing. Machine domination of city and county government was abruptly ended in 1946 with the election of a "Government Improvement" slate of returning World War II veterans led by Marine Lt. Col. Sid McMath, who was elected prosecuting attorney. A 1947 grand jury indicted several owners and promoters, as well as McLaughlin, for public servant bribery. Although the former mayor and most of the others were acquitted, the machine's power was broken and gambling came to a halt, as McMath led a statewide "GI Revolt" into the governor's office in 1948. Illegal casino gambling resumed, however, with the election of Orval Faubus as governor in 1954. Buoyed into 12 years in office by his popular defiance of federal court desegregation orders, Faubus turned a blind eye to gambling in Hot Springs.[33][34][35]
Gambling was finally closed down permanently in 1967 by two Republican officeholders, Governor Winthrop Rockefeller and Circuit Judge Henry M. Britt. Rockefeller sent in a company of state troopers to shutter the casinos and burn their gaming equipment. Until other forms of gambling became legal in Arkansas four decades later,[36] Oaklawn Park, a thoroughbred horse racing track south of downtown, was the only legal gambling establishment in Hot Springs and one of only two in the state of Arkansas; the other was the Southland Greyhound Park dog track in West Memphis. Both Oaklawn and Southland remain in operation."
"Oaklawn Park has been operating since 1904. (A second horse racing park was once within the city limits, but was eventually closed.) Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, his half-brother Roger, and Billy Bob Thornton, all Hot Springs natives, have frequented Oaklawn Park. The meet, held from January through mid-April each year, is sometimes called the "Fifth Season". In mid-April, its final week sees the "Racing Festival of the South", concluding with the Arkansas Derby, which has drawn many Triple Crown contenders. In 2015, American Pharoah won the Derby and another race at Oaklawn before going on to win the first Triple Crown in three decades. In 2018, the track commemorated the horse's victories by installing a life-sized bronze sculpture by James Peniston. "
Jesus! What is this place? We even have an Arlington hotel = Al Capone favorite place.
And we finally found a Rockefeller, the governor Winthrop Rockefeller = a potential candidate for the role of being the "natural" father of rapist Bill.
"Along with Bathhouse Row, one of downtown Hot Springs' most noted landmarks is the Arlington Hotel, a favored retreat for Al Capone"
▶ deec8c (4) No.4910942>>4911222
Lawyer that can practice in France courts can practice in Louisiana. same legal system from Napoleanic era.
▶ deec8c (4) No.4910987>>4911025 >>4911047
the presidential speakers may or may not be as big a deal at global level as they first seem. 50/50. by 2006 rest of world and we after Katrina reestablished lines of communication and supply. took military a week or two just to trudge trees off the interstates to make move to get here. Bush was very much down here regularly to oversee for himself.
▶ deec8c (4) No.4911025
I still have program from cousins commencement ceremony in Gulfport where GW was keynote.
▶ deec8c (4) No.4911047
Bush gave impression to many that he has a conscience even if involved in nefarious… hang on going to do ununisual and see if a buds FB profile has a pick from those days. if I can find I will tell story behind it
▶ 9902dc (14) No.4911058>>4999917
Thank you, fren!! I've been kind of shooting from the hip as I go, so I'm glad things make sense.
Building off these thoughts:
Something else jumped out at me, because, ya know..,
This first encounter was electrical, which means it wouldn't have just left a scar. It would've probably caused the Earth to spin, too. Something gives me the feeling that the Earth would've stayed tidally locked to Saturn, but the 4 landmasses would now be swirling around, causing wind, weather and whatnot. Why on Earth would I ever imagine something so crazy?
I've been revisiting myths to search for more clues. I will say that I do notice a reoccurring theme about the 4 landmasses and/or rivers. Still, that wasn't what caught my attention. If there was a great continent that was split up in such a fashion, surely there would be something incredibly obvious laying around as some kind of symbol, right? Which is exactly what we see. Anyone wanna take a guess? Of course, out of all the symbols it had to be this one. Anyone remember that joke about how we are all a bunch of racist Nazis?
Considering the swastika is found all over the world, and often regarded as a sacred symbol, I think we may have a winner! So, if I'm reading this symbol correctly, the landmass would have been split into quadrants, then spun like a pinwheel. One pole would've been situated in the center of the 4 landmasses, while the other would've been on the other side of the planet at the point closest to Saturn. I also see significance in several cultural practices that make me think of this concept. So many things make sense right now, it almost seems unreal.
Speaking of myths, symbols and coincidences, guess who I bumped into while researching myths about the moon ;) A White Rabbit!! Not all the myths have a rabbit playing this role, but there are a number of similarities between several different legends. Originally, I was incredibly bothered by the myth of ten suns. Like, REALLY bothered. Trying to imagine what kind of hellish nightmare was going on in the solar system to where we wind up with a myth about ten suns is not fun at all. Here's an article from the Thunderbolt Project regarding some of this myths. The author starts off by making a great point, that these "suns" may not have been referring to what we consider a sun. I give him props for that. Prior to this moment in time, I don't know if any human had ever seen the sun, so any significant object in the sky may have been "sun".
I must, however, critique this guy for not recognizing such a blatant pattern. I could understand if the people confused something like a planet with their tales, but the moon is sitting right next to us. For one of these "suns" to later turn into the moon, and for such a thing to show up in not just one, but several myths from around the world, I'd say that's pretty significant. I can imagine that the moon was incredibly hot during the chaos. It appears that I am, indeed, on to something. I could be misreading this, but it does sound like this event may have triggered the polar configuration. Between Saturn, Mars & Venus that accounts for 3 more "suns". As for the other 6, those may have been glowing plasma in the sky, prior to discharge, as the moon was moving in. Even if it wasn't that, it could also have been the other large planet, whose moon we stole, or any number of said planet's smaller satellites. Who knows? Anyway, it's a relief to know that the "sun" which did the most damage was actually the moon, now much cooler, calmer and collected.
Which brings me to my next point, which I'm trying to be cool as possible about, but I'm still pretty pissed. I'm trying to put the majority of my own personal issues aside here, so this doesn't get any uglier. I'm not mad about the swastika. If anything, I'm laughing about that part. The rest of this, tho, has me quite upset. The part where we are being fear-porned into thinking that a tiny, little space rock could wipe out life as we know it, at any given time, even though the physics allow us to withstand a DIRECT COLLISION WITH THE MOON.
Furthermore, how much time, money, talent, etc., is being wasted on the whole "pole reversal", which again gets blasted in our faces that all sorts of shit can happen here, and we just don't know, blah, blah, blah. How many of those scientists are being paid to study the Earth? And you're telling me not one has ever considered the MASSIVE amount of current that was flowing through the Earth at the time the continents drifted apart!? Yet, this was one of the first thing that occurred to me, back in July. So, let's just keep paying those scientists to travel the world, researching something they haven't the slightest clue about, so we can scare the shit out of the masses and waste how much more time and money? Cuz the world doesn't have enough f***ing problems.
▶ 68517e (13) No.4911215>>4932959 >>4968209
Weeelllll it seems it's not the Rockefeller we are looking for. But anyways, read for yourselves anons: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winthrop_Rockefeller
"Winthrop attended Yale University (1931--34) but was ejected as a result of misbehavior before earning his degree. Prior to attending Yale, he graduated from the Loomis Chaffee School in Windsor, Connecticut.
"Rockefeller moved to central Arkansas in 1953 and established Winrock Enterprises and Winrock Farms atop Petit Jean Mountain near Morrilton in Conway County.
In 1954, Republican Pratt C. Remmel polled 37 percent of the vote in the gubernatorial general election against Democrat Orval Faubus. It was a good showing for a Republican candidate in Arkansas, compared to previous races in the 1940s and early 1950s. Twelve years later, Rockefeller would build upon Remmel's race and win the governorship for the Republican Party.
In 1955, Faubus appointed Rockefeller chairman of the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission (AIDC).
Rockefeller initiated a number of philanthropies and projects. He financed the building of a model school at Morrilton and led efforts to establish a Fine Arts Center in the capital city of Little Rock. He also financed the construction of medical clinics in some of the state's poorest counties, in addition to making annual gifts to the state's colleges and universities. These philanthropic activities continue to this day through the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation."
"In a surprise, Rockefeller's running-mate for lieutenant governor, Maurice L. Britt, a decorated World War II veteran and a former professional football player, was narrowly elected to the second-ranking post over the Democrat James Pilkington of Hope, Arkansas. "
Bill Clinton was born in 1946.
I'm gonna stop here anons, i'm exhausted.
▶ 68517e (13) No.4911222
Thank you for your precious help anon
▶ 5d3ba1 (3) No.4917413>>4917513 >>4919739
These digs began with a reference to the fact that early Christians had at times been accused of worshiping the image of a crucified donkey-headed god, as opposed to the likeness of Christ to which we are seemingly accustomed. Initial research led directly to the infamous & deeply maligned "Alexamenos Graffito", the earliest depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus dating back to at least 200 CE/AD. True, the graffiti in question has often been cited as being a slanderous mockery directed towards the fledgling Christian religion itself. Of course, to the intrepid Anon this naturally arouses the suspicion that there is perhaps something here that "they" don't want us to see! It is from this point that I began to dig, simultaneous to research into Black-Cube/Saturn related material.
It is this Anon's assertion that the 3 Abrahamic faiths have long been compromised & under direct control of the Blackhat wing of the Illuminati, who we Anons routinely refer to as the Cabal. Whatever the exoteric doctrine offered openly to the flock, at the core of all 3 faiths lies an esoteric belief system which consists of nothing less than the worship of Set [a.k.a. Satan] whose symbols are understood to be those Saturnian in nature, the most prominent being the now familiar "Black Cube" imagery found throughout Judaism, writ large by the mere existence & importance to Muslims of the Kaaba at Mecca, or "The Devil" card of the Rider-Waite tarot. But what of Christianity you might ask, which appears at first sight to be lacking in these very same Saturnian symbols? This led straight back to Typhon-Set, god of foreigners & hot-dry winds; lord of forcible sodomy & destruction.
I began to ask myself: When the prophet Jesus instructed his disciple to fetch an ass for his triumphal ride into Jerusalem before the Last Supper, was this not a quite deliberate decision on his part that he should enter that city riding not upon a horse or camel, but instead astride the animal known symbolically throughout the ancient world as being that particular beast held most sacred to the worshipers of Typhon-Set=Satan. And why would Jesus, being no doubt well versed in the myriad local traditions of the pagan peoples with whom he co-existed, make such a damningly purposeful & glaringly symbolic choice knowing full well the comparisons that would inevitably be made between himself & Typhon-Set? Was this not an intentional display of symbolism offered explicitly to show one & all to whom it was that the The Lord & prophesied Messiah truly served?
If it is true that Christians were quite rightfully accused of paying worship to an ass-headed god, just as the Jews had been before them, & that this deity was in fact Typhon-Set who is one & the same as Satan, then is this not direct proof that even before its inception, Christianity was already pre-destined to be run &/or ruined under the auspice of the Cabal to whom Set=Satan=Saturn is held to be most holy? Indeed, it appears so!
And while all pics are certainly related, Anons are advised to pay especial attention to the "Y" inscribed to the right of the "HEAD" of the crucified figure of Typhon-Set to whom Alexamenos pays worship, as portrayed in the "Alexamenos Grafitto". That, & read carefully the corresponding screenshot text which defines the symbol in question.
As it is stated here: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/2027-ass-worship
>A "Y" is a symbol of Typhon-Seth worship.
Also included for the purpose of expediency, is the Egyptian myth of the rape by Set of his nephew, the child Horus. Let it be known that it is from this myth that the Cabal have derived their debased act of ritualized sodomy. The horrors of rampant pederasty which have leaked forth with no apparent end in sight from the Catholic church can also be said to have been derived from this myth, whether the perpetrators in question know it or not.
The enemy are merely imitating & exploiting this myth towards the evilest of ends. Let intrepid Autists & Anons be the judge of this!
▶ 5d3ba1 (3) No.4917513
A basic definition of exoteric versus esoteric knowledge [pic related].
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4920633>>4923353
This is Thomas anon,
Good day to all anons reading this post of mine.
I just found out that the anon that goes by the name of IN THE MATRIXXX has his identity revealed (as think you youngesters call it doxing, right? I guess i must start to learn your jargon in here anons).
The way I see it, IN THE MATRIXXX just took a bullet for this fight we are fighting anons. And i'm very aware that eventhough we play this as a game, this is no game. Remember what they did to those Covington students? It seems the same is been done to IN THE MATRIX.
I don't know about other anons reading this, but he's got my full support. I consider him and every TRUE anon as my brother in arms in this fight against evil. And i just said my brother in arms just took a bullet in this fight. So i'm asking the anons whom are reading this, to lock arms with him. I'm asking to support him ANY WAY YOU WANT. CHOOSE ANY TYPE OF SUPPORT YOU WANT ANONS, BUT LOCK ARMS WITH YOUR BROTHER IN ARMS. HE NEEDS US.
After all WWG1WGA.
Let us LOCK ARMS and create a WALL, not just any wall, but the ANONS WALL, to block the slandering, the sullying and the attacks on GOOD, HONEST & TRUE PATRIOTS.
And from what i understood, he got attacked because he was among the few, maybe even the first one to figure out who P is, as in being Payseur.
For a few days, i've noticed the amount of attacks on anons in here from minions of the cabal were in full force and have suddenly increased and were terribly vicicous. I thought it was POTUS kicking this nasty wasp nest again with his magnificent trolling, he surely knows how to do that perfectly.
But i learned that this up tick in cabal minions posts in here was because of Payseur. From what i've heard, they are using every tactic in the book to either dissuade anons from looking into Payseur or misguiding anons etc. They are using everything they've got, and it seems this has been going for the entire passing week.
Now this piece of news put a huge smile on my face anons ^___^ Because it means that some anon out there is tightening the rope around Payseur. Whomever Payseur is, they are worried, stressed and afraid, they have started to feel the heat close to their feet. They want to diverge our attention and point us in the wrong direction. They don't want anons to look and search. It means there is some anon or a group of anons getting close to pinning Paysseur's identity. I like that, big time.
From the very start, i always thought POTUS along with his team, were pointing us to PAYSEUR. I alwasy thought he wants us to find out WHOM Payseur is.
What does it mean that POTUS wants us to find out the identity of Payseur? For Thomas anon, it means 2 things:
1 - It means that the ID of Payseur is within the reach of anons, we can dig it out and expose Payseur's identity if we look for it anons. It's withing our reach, or should i say within our "clicking" on the devices we are using to surf the net. The information is out there, we just have to find it.
2 - Potus knows whom Payseur is or he wouldn't be pointing, hinting at him/her and asking us to search/look for it. So if he knows and he is asking us to look for Paysseur, it means Payseur is SOMEONE US ANONS KNOW. WE KNOW WHOM PAYSSEUR IS. I mean Payseur is hidding right in the open, He/she is right in front of us. HE/SHE is most probably a public figure or a household name. Potus wants us to make the link, the connections and dig the dirt and info. We need to build that bridge. I bet Payseur is right under our noses all of this time and we are not aware of it. Not yet anyway.
So you see why IN THE MATRIXXX was doxed and is being attacked anons. HE DUG OUT A BIG PIECE OF THE PUZZLE BY FIGURING OUT P AS BEING PAYSEUR. IN THE MATRIXXX needs our supports anons. And us, the other anons, must keep on digging about Payseur. I'm telling you guys, this P is within our reach and right under our noses. And it pisses me off like crazy to know i'm most probably seeing that P every single day on tv or in the news without realizing whom he/she really is.
▶ 45ff8f (1) No.4923353
How did that happen?
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4928059>>4928099
This is Thomas Anon,
Here are Cyclades.
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4928222>>4928238
The Cyclades, Santorini ruins = Akrotiri
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4928238>>4928419
The Cyclades, Akrotiri, Santorini
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4928419
The Cyclades.
I was for a long time like many of my fellow archeologists; believing that Atlantis was a MYTH projected from the erruption of Volcano Thera.
Some archeologist believe that the civilisation that was in the Cyclades were the first in ancient Greece, as in the start of the Mycenaen kingdom. Others think it's part of the Mycenaen kingdom, while a few thought it was the surviving members of a more ancient civilisation.
No matter what the case was, a lot of archeologist thought that the mythical Atlantis was the civilisation that existed in the Cyclades; where a volcanic erruption destroyed it which was followed by a big Tsunami. The geological evidence confirm there were both a volcanic erruption followed by a tsunami. And they place this event as taking place in 3600 BC.
3600 BC anons, 3600 BC. Take a look at the pictures, we have 2 leve houses, look at the fallen stair case, look hoe PERFECT the pottery is made, look at how well the architecture of the houses are, look at the details in the frescos, the colors used, look at that lion alley, but mostly look at the details of the frescoes as in what they were wearing, their hair, the jewelry. Does that look like a civilisation that is PRIMITIVE? What were the Pharaohs doing back then? Compare. See who was more ADVANCED.
I used to be among those whom believed that the Cycladic civilisation disapeared because of the volcanic erruption and this erruption created the myth of Atlantis by ancient historians. That is what i used to think, before i discovered the EYE OF MAURITANIA.
Now, everything needs to be re-examined and we need to include in the equation the existence of the eye of the Richat structure. For now, all i'm certain of is that the Cyclades are a piece of the puzzle when it comes into solving the mystery of Atlantis. How important is this piece of the puzzle? I don't know for now, that needs to be determined.
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4929353>>4929472 >>4931621 >>4932721
This is Thomas Anon again,
I hope the anons reading my drops are not just interested in "modern day history" or should i say the modern day machiavelic skeems of the Cabal. I've said in some of my previous drops that figuring out the identity of Payseur is one of the points or should I say goals/ targets of my posts in here. I do have OTHER targets as well, like Atlantis or finding out the REAL history of mankind and not this distort history we've force fead for so long.
I hope anon will help me solve all the goals i've set to myself, not just about Payseur, but also about Atlantis.
So after my little historical drop related to Atlantis, I want to get back at my dig about Payseur/Vanderbilts/ Edward VIII.
The picture i've attached to this post got me scratching my head for quiet some time. They do seem close don't they? The mother and the son. And look closely to Edward's face, he is old. At least much older than when he abdicated. This means he came back to England after he abdicated, he wasn't EXILED or REJECTED as what the press was saying or what everyone talked.
And the name of the place = Marlborough house….. isn't that supposed to be owned by the dukes of Marlborough? The same family that Winston Churchil was part of? And it's the same family that Consuelo Vanderbilt married into, apparently FORCED by her domineering mother = Alva Erskine Smith.
So naturally, i went to take a look, at the house and at queen Mary, mother of Edward VIII.
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4929472>>4929559 >>4930848 >>4931272 >>4931621 >>4932721
So about Queen mother Mary; please read VERY SLOWLY and CAREFULLY, it's FULL of very important CLUES.
From wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_of_Teck
"Mary of Teck (Victoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes; 26 May 1867 -- 24 March 1953) was Queen of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Empress of India as the wife of King George V.
Although technically a princess of Teck, in the Kingdom of Württemberg, she was born and raised in England. Her parents were Francis, Duke of Teck, who was of German extraction, and Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, who was a granddaughter of King George III. She was informally known as "May", after her birth month.
At the age of 24, she was betrothed to her second cousin once removed Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, the eldest son of the Prince of Wales, but six weeks after the announcement of the engagement, he died unexpectedly of pneumonia. The following year, she became engaged to Albert Victor's next surviving brother, George, who subsequently became king. Before her husband's accession, she was successively Duchess of York, Duchess of Cornwall, and Princess of Wales.
As queen consort from 1910, she supported her husband through the First World War, his ill health, and major political changes arising from the aftermath of the war. After George's death in 1936, she became queen mother when her eldest son, Edward VIII, ascended the throne, but to her dismay, he abdicated later the same year in order to marry twice-divorced American socialite Wallis Simpson. She supported her second son, George VI, until his death in 1952. She died the following year, during the reign of her granddaughter Elizabeth II, who had not yet been crowned."
"Princess Victoria Mary ("May") of Teck was born on 26 May 1867 at Kensington Palace, London, in the same room where Queen Victoria, her first cousin once removed, was born 48 years and two days earlier. Queen Victoria came to visit the baby, writing that she was "a very fine one, with pretty little features and a quantity of hair". May would become the first queen consort born in England since Catherine Parr.[1] Her father was Prince Francis, Duke of Teck, the son of Duke Alexander of Württemberg by his morganatic wife, Countess Claudine Rhédey von Kis-Rhéde (created Countess von Hohenstein in the Austrian Empire). Her mother was Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, a granddaughter of King George III and the third child and younger daughter of Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge, and Princess Augusta of Hesse-Kassel.
She was baptised in the Chapel Royal of Kensington Palace on 27 July 1867 by Charles Thomas Longley, Archbishop of Canterbury.[3] From an early age, she was known to her family, friends and the public by the diminutive name of "May", after her birth month.[4]
May's upbringing was "merry but fairly strict".[1][5] She was the eldest of four children, the only daughter, and "learned to exercise her native discretion, firmness, and tact" by resolving her three younger brothers' petty boyhood squabbles.[6] They played with their cousins, the children of the Prince of Wales, who were similar in age.[7] She grew up at Kensington Palace and White Lodge, in Richmond Park, which was granted by Queen Victoria on permanent loan, and was educated at home by her mother and governess (as were her brothers until they were sent to boarding schools).[8] The Duchess of Teck spent an unusually long time with her children for a lady of her time and class,[5] and enlisted May in various charitable endeavours, which included visiting the tenements of the poor.[9] "
>>>>> Did the anons catch the MAY? And she is from a GERMAN father and an english mother? Her father was Prince Francis, Duke of Teck!
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4929559>>4929581 >>4932721
More and "May" aka queen Mary mother of Edward VIII:
"Although May was a great-grandchild of George III, she was only a minor member of the British royal family. Her father, the Duke of Teck, had no inheritance or wealth and carried the lower royal style of Serene Highness because his parents' marriage was morganatic.[10] The Duchess of Teck was granted a parliamentary annuity of £5,000 and received about £4,000 a year from her mother, the Duchess of Cambridge,[11] but she donated lavishly to dozens of charities.[1] The family was deeply in debt and moved abroad with a small staff in 1883, in order to economise.[12] The Tecks travelled throughout Europe, visiting their various relations. They stayed in Florence, Italy, for a time, where May enjoyed visiting the art galleries, churches, and museums.[13] She was fluent in English, German, and French.[1]
In 1885, the Tecks returned to London and lived for some time in Chester Square.[1] May was close to her mother, and acted as an unofficial secretary, helping to organise parties and social events. She was also close to her aunt, the Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and wrote to her every week. During the First World War, the Crown Princess of Sweden helped pass letters from May to her aunt, who lived in enemy territory in Germany until her death in 1916.[14] "
"In 1886, Princess May was a debutante in her first season and introduced at court. Her status as the only unmarried British princess who was not descended from Queen Victoria made her a suitable candidate for the royal family's most eligible bachelor, Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale,[1] her second cousin once removed and the eldest son of the Prince of Wales.[15]
In December 1891, May and Albert Victor were engaged.[1] The choice of May as bride for the Duke owed much to Queen Victoria's fondness for her, as well as to her strong character and sense of duty. However, Albert Victor died six weeks later, in a recurrence of the worldwide 1889--90 influenza pandemic,[16] before the date was fixed for their wedding.[1]
Albert Victor's brother, Prince George, Duke of York, now second in line to the throne, evidently became close to May during their shared period of mourning, and Queen Victoria still favoured May as a suitable candidate to marry a future king.[17] The public was also anxious that the Duke of York should marry and settle the succession.[1] In May 1893, George proposed, and May accepted. They were soon deeply in love, and their marriage was a success. George wrote to May every day they were apart and, unlike his father, never took a mistress.[18]"
"May married Prince George, Duke of York, in London on 6 July 1893 at the Chapel Royal, St James's Palace.[19] The new Duke and Duchess of York lived in York Cottage on the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk, and in apartments in St James's Palace. York Cottage was a modest house for royalty, but it was a favourite of George, who liked a relatively simple life.[20] They had six children: Edward, Albert, Mary, Henry, George, and John.
The children were put into the care of a nanny, as was usual in upper-class families at the time. The first nanny was dismissed for insolence and the second for abusing the children. This second woman, anxious to suggest that the children preferred her to anyone else, would pinch Edward and Albert whenever they were about to be presented to their parents so that they would start crying and be speedily returned to her. On discovery, she was replaced by her effective and much-loved assistant, Charlotte Bill.[21]
Sometimes, Mary and George appear to have been distant parents. At first, they failed to notice the nanny's abuse of the young Princes Edward and Albert,[22] and their youngest son, Prince John, was housed in a private farm on the Sandringham Estate, in Bill's care, perhaps to hide his epilepsy from the public. However, despite Mary's austere public image and her strait-laced private life, she was a caring mother in many respects, revealing a fun-loving and frivolous side to her children and teaching them history and music. "
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4929581>>4929597 >>4932721
"Edward wrote fondly of his mother in his memoirs: "Her soft voice, her cultivated mind, the cosy room overflowing with personal treasures were all inseparable ingredients of the happiness associated with this last hour of a child's day … Such was my mother's pride in her children that everything that happened to each one was of the utmost importance to her. With the birth of each new child, Mama started an album in which she painstakingly recorded each progressive stage of our childhood".[23] He expressed a less charitable view, however, in private letters to his wife after his mother's death: "My sadness was mixed with incredulity that any mother could have been so hard and cruel towards her eldest son for so many years and yet so demanding at the end without relenting a scrap. I'm afraid the fluids in her veins have always been as icy cold as they are now in death."[24]
As Duke and Duchess of York, George and May carried out a variety of public duties. In 1897, she became the patron of the London Needlework Guild in succession to her mother. The guild, initially established as The London Guild in 1882, was renamed several times and was named after May between 1914 and 2010.[25] Samples of her own embroidery range from chair seats to tea cosies.[26] "
"On 22 January 1901, Queen Victoria died, and May's father-in-law ascended the throne. For most of the rest of that year, George and May were known as the "Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York". For eight months they toured the British Empire, visiting Gibraltar, Malta, Egypt, Ceylon, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Mauritius, South Africa and Canada. No royal had undertaken such an ambitious tour before. She broke down in tears at the thought of leaving her children, who were to be left in the care of their grandparents, for such a long time.[27] "
"On 9 November 1901, nine days after arriving back in Britain and on the King's sixtieth birthday, George was created Prince of Wales. The family moved their London residence from St James's Palace to Marlborough House. As Princess of Wales, May accompanied her husband on trips to Austria-Hungary and Württemberg in 1904. The following year, she gave birth to her last child, John. It was a difficult labour, and although she recovered quickly, her newborn son suffered respiratory problems.[28]
From October 1905 the Prince and Princess of Wales undertook another eight-month tour, this time of India, and the children were once again left in the care of their grandparents.[29] They passed through Egypt both ways and on the way back stopped in Greece. The tour was almost immediately followed by a trip to Spain for the wedding of King Alfonso XIII to Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, at which the bride and groom narrowly avoided assassination.[30] Only a week after returning to Britain, May and George went to Norway for the coronation of George's brother-in-law and sister, King Haakon VII and Queen Maud."
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4929597>>4929621 >>4932721
"On 6 May 1910, Edward VII died. Mary's husband ascended the throne and she became queen consort. When her husband asked her to drop one of her two official names, Victoria Mary, she chose to be called Mary, preferring not to be known by the same style as her husband's grandmother, Queen Victoria.[32] Queen Mary was crowned with the King on 22 June 1911 at Westminster Abbey. Later in the year, the new King and Queen travelled to India for the Delhi Durbar held on 12 December 1911, and toured the sub-continent as Emperor and Empress of India, returning to Britain in February.[33]
The beginning of Mary's period as consort brought her into conflict with her mother-in-law, Queen Alexandra. Although the two were on friendly terms, Alexandra could be stubborn; she demanded precedence over Mary at the funeral of Edward VII, was slow in leaving Buckingham Palace, and kept some of the royal jewels that should have been passed to the new queen.[34]
During the First World War, Queen Mary instituted an austerity drive at the palace, where she rationed food, and visited wounded and dying servicemen in hospital, which caused her great emotional strain.[35] After three years of war against Germany, and with anti-German feeling in Britain running high, the Russian Imperial Family, which had been deposed by a revolutionary government, was refused asylum, possibly in part because the Tsar's wife was German-born.[36] News of the Tsar's abdication provided a boost to those in Britain who wished to replace their own monarchy with a republic.[37] The war ended in 1918 with the defeat of Germany and the abdication and exile of the Kaiser.
Two months after the end of the war, Queen Mary's youngest son, John, died at the age of thirteen. She described her shock and sorrow in her diary and letters, extracts of which were published after her death: "our poor darling little Johnnie had passed away suddenly … The first break in the family circle is hard to bear but people have been so kind & sympathetic & this has helped us [the King and me] much."[38]
Her staunch support of her husband continued during the latter half of his reign. She advised him on speeches and used her extensive knowledge of history and royalty to advise him on matters affecting his position. He appreciated her discretion, intelligence, and judgement.[39] She maintained an air of self-assured calm throughout all her public engagements in the years after the war, a period marked by civil unrest over social conditions, Irish independence, and Indian nationalism.[40]
In the late 1920s, George V became increasingly ill with lung problems, exacerbated by his heavy smoking. Queen Mary paid particular attention to his care. During his illness in 1928, one of his doctors, Sir Farquhar Buzzard, was asked who had saved the King's life. He replied, "The Queen".[41] In 1935, King George V and Queen Mary celebrated their silver jubilee, with celebrations taking place throughout the British Empire. In his jubilee speech, George paid public tribute to his wife, having told his speechwriter, "Put that paragraph at the very end. I cannot trust myself to speak of the Queen when I think of all I owe her."[42]
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4929621>>4929633 >>4932721
"George V died on 20 January 1936, after his physician, Lord Dawson of Penn, gave him an injection of morphine and cocaine that may have hastened his death.[43] Queen Mary's eldest son ascended the throne as Edward VIII. She was now the queen mother, though she did not use that style, and was instead known as Her Majesty Queen Mary.
Within the year, Edward caused a constitutional crisis by announcing his desire to marry his twice-divorced American mistress, Wallis Simpson. Mary disapproved of divorce, which was against the teaching of the Anglican church, and thought Simpson wholly unsuitable to be the wife of a king. After receiving advice from the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Stanley Baldwin, as well as the Dominion governments, that he could not remain king and marry Simpson, Edward abdicated.
Though loyal and supportive of her son, Mary could not comprehend why Edward would neglect his royal duties in favour of his personal feelings.[44] Simpson had been presented formally to both King George V and Queen Mary at court,[45] but Mary later refused to meet her either in public or privately.[46] She saw it as her duty to provide moral support for her second son, the reserved and stammering Prince Albert, Duke of York, who ascended the throne on Edward's abdication, taking the name George VI. When Mary attended the coronation, she became the first British dowager queen to do so.[47] Edward's abdication did not lessen her love for him, but she never wavered in her disapproval of his actions.[18][48]"
"Mary took an interest in the upbringing of her granddaughters, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret, and took them on various excursions in London, to art galleries and museums. (The princesses' own parents thought it unnecessary for them to be taxed with any demanding educational regime.)[49]
During the Second World War, George VI wished his mother to be evacuated from London. Although she was reluctant, she decided to live at Badminton House, Gloucestershire, with her niece, Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort, the daughter of her brother Lord Cambridge.[50] Her personal belongings were transported from London in seventy pieces of luggage. Her household, which comprised fifty-five servants, occupied most of the house, except for the Duke and Duchess's private suites, until after the war. The only people to complain about the arrangements were the royal servants, who found the house too small,[51] though Queen Mary annoyed her niece by having the ancient ivy torn from the walls as she considered it unattractive and a hazard. From Badminton, in support of the war effort, she visited troops and factories and directed the gathering of scrap materials. She was known to offer lifts to soldiers she spotted on the roads.[52] In 1942, her youngest surviving son, Prince George, Duke of Kent, was killed in an air crash while on active service. Mary finally returned to Marlborough House in June 1945, after the war in Europe had resulted in the defeat of Nazi Germany. "
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4929633>>4930739 >>4932721
"Mary was an eager collector of objects and pictures with a royal connection.[53] She paid above-market estimates when purchasing jewels from the estate of Dowager Empress Marie of Russia[54] and paid almost three times the estimate when buying the family's Cambridge Emeralds from Lady Kilmorey, the mistress of her late brother Prince Francis.[55] In 1924, the famous architect Sir Edwin Lutyens created Queen Mary's Dolls' House for her collection of miniature pieces.[56] Indeed, she has sometimes been criticised for her aggressive acquisition of objets d'art for the Royal Collection. On several occasions, she would express to hosts, or others, that she admired something they had in their possession, in the expectation that the owner would be willing to donate it.[57] Her extensive knowledge of, and research into, the Royal Collection helped in identifying artefacts and artwork that had gone astray over the years.[58] The royal family had lent out many objects over previous generations. Once she had identified unreturned items through old inventories, she would write to the holders, requesting that they be returned.[59] In addition to being an avid collector, Mary was also generous in giving gifts of jewellery, such as presenting her ladies-in-waiting with rings on the occasion of their engagement.[60]"
In 1952, King George VI died, the third of Queen Mary's children to predecease her; her eldest granddaughter, Princess Elizabeth, ascended the throne as Queen Elizabeth II. The death of a third child profoundly affected her. Mary remarked to Princess Marie Louise: "I have lost three sons through death, but I have never been privileged to be there to say a last farewell to them."[62]
Mary died on 24 March 1953 in her sleep at the age of 85, ten weeks before her granddaughter's coronation.[63] Mary let it be known that, in the event of her death, the coronation was not to be postponed. Her remains lay in state at Westminster Hall, where large numbers of mourners filed past her coffin. She is buried beside her husband in the nave of St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.[64] "
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4930110>>4930164 >>4930221 >>4930227
Thomas get over to the main research thread I think we found Payseur in Napa valley! any questions or clarifications you might have leave here and I will get to them asap
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4930221
Thank you for the notification anon. But i will stick to hear and post in here. I don't believe Pindar and Payseur are one and the same, at least not the pindar you are talking about. You are forgetting many important details but the most important is that Payseur is the head of the red shoes clan and GHW Bush was a member of the black eye clan. They are brothers, they help each other when they are cornered, but when there is peace, they turn into rival, and both want to snatch the power from the other. So, i'm gonna keep on posting here and if i'm wrong and you are right, then i guess Potus or Q will come out and tell us P is pindar. But if i'm right and you are wrong, then it means someone lead you down that wrong rabbit hole on purpose. I bet it's the same group that doxed IN THE MATRIXXX.
▶ 3eadb0 (1) No.4930227
I need to decompress long night digging on Napa valley from someone nudging us from there. but it.looks like pic above suggests Barbera Bush nee Pindar. Pindar it is written is synomous with Payseur or maybe instead a different lineage that held same position at different time the source is authoritative but impeachable easily: Fritz Springmeir
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4930739>>4930848
so naturally i went to check on May's mother
"Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge (Mary Adelaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth; 27 November 1833 -- 27 October 1897) was a member of the British royal family, a granddaughter of George III, grandmother of Edward VIII and George VI and great-grandmother of Elizabeth II. She held the title of Duchess of Teck through marriage.
Mary Adelaide is remembered as the mother of Queen Mary, the wife of King George V. She was one of the first royals to patronise a wide range of charities"
"Mary Adelaide was born on 27 November 1833 in Hanover, Germany. Her father was Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge, the youngest surviving son of George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.[1] Her mother was Princess Augusta of Hesse-Kassel, the daughter of Prince Frederick of Hesse-Cassel.[1]
The young princess was baptized on 9 January 1834 at Cambridge House, Hanover, by Rev John Ryle Wood, Chaplain to the Duke of Cambridge. Her godmother and paternal aunt Princess Elizabeth, Landgravine of Hesse-Homburg, was the only godparent who was present. The others were King William IV and Queen Adelaide (her paternal uncle and aunt), Princess Mary, Duchess of Gloucester and Edinburgh (her paternal aunt), Princess Marie of Hesse-Cassel (her maternal aunt) and Princess Marie Luise Charlotte of Hesse-Kassel (her maternal first cousin). She was named Mary Adelaide Wilhelmina Elizabeth for her aunts and uncle.[2][3]
Mary Adelaide spent the early years of her life in Hanover, Germany, where her father acted as viceroy, in place of her uncles George IV and later William IV.[1]
After the death of William IV, Mary Adelaide's first cousin, Princess Victoria of Kent ascended the throne in 1837.[4] However, Salic law prevented Victoria from ascending the throne of Hanover, which instead passed to Prince Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland. Thus, the personal union which had existed for over a century between Britain and Hanover came to an end along with the arrangement of Hanover's ruler living in England as the British monarch and using a viceroy to represent him in Hanover. The Duke of Cumberland moved to Hanover as King and Mary Adelaide's father, no longer needed in Hanover, returned to London with his family, setting up residence in Kensington Palace. "
>>>>> WHAT?!?!?!?! SALIC LAW? They are still using THAT law after 1300 years? And again, we have German blood relations?
For more info on Salian people look for it on Wikipedia, very easy to get, and here are my previous drops about it. See how it's all connected anons.
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4930848>>4930895
The i took a look at the father of Queen May, mother of Edward VIII:
"Francis, Duke of Teck GCB GCVO (Francis Paul Charles Louis Alexander; 28 August 1837 -- 21 January 1900), known as Count Francis von Hohenstein until 1863, was a German nobleman who married into the British royal family. He was the father of Queen Mary and therefore a great-grandfather of the current British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. Francis held the titles of Count of Hohenstein (Graf von Hohenstein), Prince (Fürst) and later Duke of Teck (Herzog von Teck), and was granted the style of Serene Highness in 1863. He was granted the British style of Highness in 1887. "
"Francis was born as Franz Paul Karl Ludwig Alexander on 28 August 1837 in Esseg, Slavonia (now Osijek, Croatia).[1] His father was Duke Alexander of Württemberg, the son of Duke Louis of Württemberg. His mother was Countess Claudine Rhédey von Kis-Rhéde. The marriage was morganatic, meaning that Francis had no succession rights to the Kingdom of Württemberg. His title at birth was Count Francis von Hohenstein, after his mother was created Countess von Hohenstein in her own right by Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria."
"Teck was made Honorary Colonel of the 1st City of London Artillery in 1867[2] and Honorary Colonel of 49th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers (Post Office Rifles) on 16 August 1876.[5]
He was attached to the staff of British General Sir Garnet Wolseley during the Egyptian campaign of 1882. He received the silver medal for the Battle of Tel-el-Kebir, the Khedive's Star, and the Order of Osmanieh, first class.[2] On his return from Egypt he was gazetted a Colonel in the British Army.[6] "
Quiet interesting medals you have there Duke of Teck.
1-"The Egypt Medal (1882--1889) was awarded for the military actions involving the British Army and Royal Navy during the 1882 Anglo-Egyptian War and in the Sudan between 1884 and 1889.
Resentment at increasing British and other European involvement in Egypt since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 triggered an Egyptian army mutiny that threatened the authority of the British-backed Khedive of Egypt, Tewfik Pasha. The British military intervention was in response, to protect British interests. Once in Egypt, the British became involved in the conflicts in the Sudan, which Egypt had occupied since the 1820s.[1]
All recipients of the Egypt Medal were also eligible for one of the four versions of the Khedive's Star."
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4930895
2- "The Khedive's Star was a campaign medal established by Khedive Tewfik Pasha to reward those who had participated in the military campaigns in Egypt and the Sudan between 1882 and 1891. This included British forces who served during the 1882 Anglo-Egyptian War and the subsequent Mahdist War, who received both the British Egypt Medal and the Khedive's star. Cast in bronze and lacquered, it is also known as the Khedive's Bronze Star."
3 - "The Order of Osmanieh or Osmaniye (Turkish: Osmanlı Devlet Nişanı) was a military decoration of the Ottoman Empire."
"The order was created in January 1862 by Sultan Abdülaziz.[1] With the obsolescence of the Nişan-i Iftikhar, this became the second highest order in the Empire, ranking below the Nişan-i Imtiyaz. It was awarded by the Sultan to Ottoman civil servants and military leaders for outstanding services to the state. Generally, it could not be awarded to women, but exceptions appear to have been made at the Sultan's discretion. The order was originally established in three classes. In 1867 the order was expanded to four classes, plus an augmented first class set with brilliants or diamonds (This does not include the awards with sabers, which were not separate classes, but did constitute separate awards). The order was restricted (for Turkish recipients) to 50 members of the first class, 200 members of the second class, 1000 of the third class, and 2000 of the fourth class. Originally, one could not receive the first class of this order without having first been decorated with the First Class of the Order of the Medjidie, but during the 33-year reign of Abdulhamid II, most of these restrictions were ignored and the first class of both orders were awarded liberally. A fifth class was added in 1893."
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4931272>>4931430 >>4950191
And the last piece about Queen May,is:
"Kingdom of Württemberg
The Kingdom of Württemberg (German: Königreich Württemberg; German pronunciation: [ˌkøːnɪkʁaɪç ˈvʏʁtəmbɛʁk]) was a German state that existed from 1805 to 1918, located within the area that is now Baden-Württemberg. The kingdom was a continuation of the Duchy of Württemberg, which existed from 1495 to 1805.[1] Prior to 1495, Württemberg was a County in the former Duchy of Swabia, which had dissolved after the death of Duke Conradin in 1268.
The borders of the Kingdom of Württemberg, as defined in 1813, lay between 47°34' and 49°35' north and 8°15' and 10°30' east. The greatest distance north to south comprised 225 kilometres (140 mi) and the greatest east to west was 160 kilometres (99 mi). The border had a total length of 1,800 kilometres (1,100 mi) and the total area of the state was 19,508 square kilometres (7,532 sq mi).
The kingdom had borders with Bavaria on the east and south, with Baden in the north, west and south. The southern part surrounded the Prussian province of Hohenzollern on most of its sides and touched on Lake Constance. "
I didn't see much in the history of the kingdom, but what ticked me was the coat of arms, the flag and the geo map. It reminded me of something or should i say of someone and i was right = THE ROTHSCHILDS
"Rothschild family:
The Rothschild family is a wealthy Jewish family descending from Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744--1812), a court factor to the German Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel in the Free City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire, who established his banking business in the 1760s.[2] Unlike most previous court factors, Rothschild managed to bequeath his wealth and established an international banking family through his five sons,[3] who established themselves in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples. The family was elevated to noble rank in the Holy Roman Empire and the United Kingdom"
Isn't that the same Hesse-Kassel where the grandmother of Queen May was a princess from : "Her mother was Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, a granddaughter of King George III and the third child and younger daughter of Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge, and Princess Augusta of Hesse-Kassel. "
PS: I would like to point out the colors of the flag, don't forget those anons.
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4931430
And of course i went to look at this Princess Augusta of Hessel-Kassel:
"Princess Augusta of Hesse-Kassel (German: Auguste Wilhelmine Luise von Hessen-Kassel; 25 July 1797 -- 6 April 1889) was the wife of Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge, the tenth-born child, and seventh son, of George III of the United Kingdom and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. The longest-lived daughter-in-law of George III, she was the maternal grandmother of Mary of Teck, wife of George V. "
"Princess and Landgravine Augusta of Hesse-Kassel, third daughter of Landgrave Frederick of Hesse-Kassel, and his wife, Princess Caroline of Nassau-Usingen, was born at Rumpenheim Castle (French: Château de Rumpenheim, German: Rumpenheimer Schloss), Offenbach am Main, Hesse. Through her father, she was a great-granddaughter of George II of Great Britain, her grandfather having married George II's daughter Mary. Her father's older brother was the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel. In 1803, her uncle's title was raised to Elector of Hesse---whereby the entire Kassel branch of the Hesse dynasty gained an upward notch in hierarchy. "
And then i went to see who the mother of this princess Augusta was:
"Princess Caroline of Nassau-Usingen (German: Prinzessin Karoline Polyxena von Nassau-Usingen; 4 April 1762 -- 17 August 1823) was the elder daughter of Karl Wilhelm, Prince of Nassau-Usingen, and wife of Landgrave Frederick of Hesse-Kassel.
Caroline was born at Biebrich, Nassau-Usingen the second child and first daughter of Karl Wilhelm, Prince of Nassau-Usingen (1735--1803), and his wife, Countess Caroline Felizitas of Leiningen-Dagsburg (1734–1810), daughter of Christian Karl Reinhard, Count of Leiningen-Dagsburg-Heidesheim.
Caroline, via her mother's roots among the Alsace lords of Leiningen, was a cousin of the Danish aristocrat, the Duke of Augustenborg, they both being direct descendants of the important Danish and Sleswicker magnate and statesman Frederik Ahlefeldt [dk], 1st HRR Reichsgraf zu Rixingen, 1st Lensgreve of Langeland (1623-1686). This Danish connection played a role in Caroline's marriage. "
I don't know if anons realize this, but this is the direct lineage of queen Elizabeth II. This is her bloodline and i must admit, it's a very thick blue blood. Mostly german, but it has ties to Danmark as well. I'm repeating myself, I believe that the only reason Charles married Diana was because Diana was a direct descendant of King Charles II and even had blood ties to the Dukes of Marlborough. By marrying her, people accusing the windsors of being Nazis or being Germans would have been told that Prince William was a direct descendant of Charles II through Diana's lineage.
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4931621>>4931827
Now the last piece related to that picture of Queen May and Edward VIII is Malborough house.
"Marlborough House, a Grade I listed[1] mansion in St James's (City of Westminster, Inner London), is the headquarters of the Commonwealth of Nations and the seat of the Commonwealth Secretariat. It was built for Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough, the favourite and confidante of Queen Anne. For over a century it served as the London residence of the Dukes of Marlborough. "
"The Duchess wanted her new house to be "strong, plain and convenient and good". The architect Christopher Wren and his son of the same name designed a brick building with rusticated stone quoins (cornerstones) that was completed in 1711.
The house was taken-up by the Crown in 1817.[2] In the 1820s plans were drawn up to demolish Marlborough House and replace it with a terrace of similar dimensions to the two in neighbouring Carlton House Terrace, and this idea even featured on some contemporary maps, including Christopher and John Greenwood's large-scale London map of 1830, but the proposal was not implemented.[3] "
"Located north of The Mall and east of St James's Palace, Marlborough House was primarily used by members of the Royal Family, especially dowager queens and by Prince Albert Edward of Wales and his wife Alexandra. Queen Adelaide, widow of William IV, was given the use of Marlborough House from 1831 until her death in 1849.[4]
From 1853 to 1861 Prince Albert, the consort of Queen Victoria, arranged for the building to be used by the "National Art Training School", later the Royal College of Art.[5]
From 1861-1863, Sir James Pennethorne substantially enlarged the structure by adding a range of rooms on the north side and a deep porch for the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, and his wife the Princess of Wales, Alexandra of Denmark, who made their home the social centre of London.[6] Their second son, later King George V, was born at Marlborough House in 1865, and the family lived there until Victoria died in 1901, when Edward acceded the throne and they moved to nearby Buckingham Palace. "
Princess Alexandra of Denmark.
So i went to check on this princess:
"Alexandra of Denmark (Alexandra Caroline Marie Charlotte Louise Julia; 1 December 1844 -- 20 November 1925) was Queen of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Empress of India as the wife of King Edward VII.
Her family had been relatively obscure until 1852, when her father, Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, was chosen with the consent of the major European powers to succeed his distant cousin, Frederick VII, to the Danish throne. At the age of sixteen, she was chosen as the future wife of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, the heir apparent of Queen Victoria. They married eighteen months later in 1863, the same year her father became king of Denmark as Christian IX and her brother was appointed to the vacant Greek throne as George I. She was Princess of Wales from 1863 to 1901, the longest anyone has ever held that title, and became generally popular; her style of dress and bearing were copied by fashion-conscious women. Largely excluded from wielding any political power, she unsuccessfully attempted to sway the opinion of British ministers and her husband's family to favour Greek and Danish interests. Her public duties were restricted to uncontroversial involvement in charitable work.
On the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, Albert Edward became king-emperor as Edward VII, with Alexandra as queen-empress. She held the status until Edward's death in 1910. She greatly distrusted her nephew, German Emperor Wilhelm II, and supported her son George V during the First World War, in which Britain and its allies fought Germany. "
"Her father was Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and her mother was Princess Louise of Hesse-Kassel."
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4931827>>4931863
More Princess Alexandra of Denmark:
"In 1848, King Christian VIII of Denmark died and his only son Frederick ascended the throne. Frederick was childless, had been through two unsuccessful marriages, and was assumed to be infertile. A succession crisis arose as Frederick ruled in both Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein, and the succession rules of each territory differed. In Holstein, the Salic law prevented inheritance through the female line, whereas no such restrictions applied in Denmark. Holstein, being predominantly German, proclaimed independence and called in the aid of Prussia. In 1852, the major European powers called a conference in London to discuss the Danish succession. An uneasy peace was agreed, which included the provision that Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg would be Frederick's heir in all his dominions and the prior claims of others (who included Christian's own mother-in-law, brother-in-law and wife) were surrendered"
PS: Salic law again.
"Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert, were already concerned with finding a bride for their son and heir, Albert Edward, the Prince of Wales. They enlisted the aid of their daughter, Crown Princess Victoria of Prussia, in seeking a suitable candidate. Alexandra was not their first choice, since the Danes were at loggerheads with the Prussians over the Schleswig-Holstein Question and most of the British royal family's relations were German. Eventually, after rejecting other possibilities, they settled on her as "the only one to be chosen"
PS: Did anons catch that = "most of the British royal family's relations were German" ^_^
"As the couple left Windsor for their honeymoon at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, they were cheered by the schoolboys of neighbouring Eton College, including Lord Randolph Churchill."
PS: I wonder why they threw, i mean mentioned Randy Churchill in the bio of Alexandra?
"By the end of the following year, Alexandra's father had ascended the throne of Denmark, her brother George had become King of the Hellenes, her sister Dagmar was engaged to the Tsesarevich of Russia"
"Albert Edward and Alexandra had six children in total: Albert Victor, George, Louise, Victoria, Maud, and John. All of Alexandra's children were apparently born prematurely"
PS: this premature birth is very interesting.
"The royal couple undertook a six-month tour taking in Austria, Egypt and Greece over 1868 and 1869, which included visits to her brother King George I of Greece, to the Crimean battlefields and, for her only, to the harem of the Khedive Ismail. In Turkey she became the first woman to sit down to dinner with the Sultan (Abdülâziz)."
"An increasing degree of deafness, caused by hereditary otosclerosis, led to Alexandra's social isolation; she spent more time at home with her children and pets.[34] Her sixth and final pregnancy ended tragically when her infant son died only a day after his birth.Despite Alexandra's pleas for privacy, Queen Victoria insisted on announcing a period of court mourning, which led unsympathetic elements of the press to describe the birth as "a wretched abortion" and the funeral arrangements as "sickening mummery", even though the infant was not buried in state with other members of the royal family at Windsor, but in strict privacy in the churchyard at Sandringham, where he had lived out his brief life"
"Meanwhile, Lord Blandford's brother, Lord Randolph Churchill, persuaded the lovers against an elopement. Now concerned by the threat of divorce, Lady Aylesford sought to dissuade her husband from proceeding but Lord Aylesford was adamant and refused to reconsider. In an attempt to pressure Lord Aylesford to drop his divorce suit, Lady Aylesford and Lord Randolph Churchill called on Alexandra and told her that if the divorce was to proceed they would subpoena her husband as a witness and implicate him in the scandal. Distressed at their threats, and following the advice of Sir William Knollys and the Duchess of Teck, Alexandra informed the queen, who then wrote to the Prince of Wales. The prince was incensed. Eventually, the Blandfords and the Aylesfords both separated privately. Although Lord Randolph Churchill later apologised, for years afterwards the Prince of Wales refused to speak to or see him."
"In 1881, Alexandra and Albert Edward travelled to Saint Petersburg after the assassination of Alexander II of Russia, both to represent Britain and so that Alexandra could provide comfort to her sister, who was now the tsarina"
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4931863
More about Princess Alexandra of Denmark:
"Alexandra was denied access to the king's briefing papers and excluded from some of his foreign tours to prevent her meddling in diplomatic matters.[56] She was deeply distrustful of Germans, and invariably opposed anything that favoured German expansion or interests. For example, in 1890 Alexandra wrote a memorandum, distributed to senior British ministers and military personnel, warning against the planned exchange of the British North Sea island of Heligoland for the German colony of Zanzibar, pointing out Heligoland's strategic significance and that it could be used either by Germany to launch an attack, or by Britain to contain German aggression.[57] Despite this, the exchange went ahead anyway. The Germans fortified the island and, in the words of Robert Ensor and as Alexandra had predicted, it "became the keystone of Germany's maritime position for offence as well as for defence".[58] The Frankfurter Zeitung was outspoken in its condemnation of Alexandra and her sister, the Dowager Empress of Russia, saying that the pair were "the centre of the international anti-German conspiracy".[59] She despised and distrusted her nephew, German Emperor Wilhelm II, calling him in 1900 "inwardly our enemy".
"On 17 September 1916, she was at Sandringham during a Zeppelin air raid,[70] but far worse was to befall other members of her family. In Russia, her nephew Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown and he, his wife and their children were killed by revolutionaries. Her sister the Dowager Empress was rescued from Russia in 1919 by HMS Marlborough and brought to England, where she lived for some time with Alexandra."
I find this very interesting anons. And it explains a lot. See how it's all connected. And now we have the Tsar thrown in the mix, The bolchevic revolution, the king of Greece and their relations with the Ottoman sultans.
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4932241>>4932579
well anons,
i'm gonna stop my dig on the Windsors there, for now ^_^ They are after all the second branch of the Merovingian bloodline. What? You thought i would be neglecting that side of the family?
So now i'm gonna try to connect/link my digs to the Q posts concerning P. And i will thank IN THE MATRIXXX for putting them in his thread in his tweeter account about Payseur, he made things easier for me.
First, here is Q post on nov. 5 2017. I believe this was among the ever few posts Q dropped, right anons?
So in this drop, in the red square, Q is asking us to look into Anderson Cooper's family background and Q is telling us that this is relevant.
So if we look to the family background of Anderson Cooper, we land on the entire Vanderbilt family, a bloodline family.
And here are my drops about them:
Now i don't know about you anons, but the Vanderbilts are right in the heart = in the middle of this. Payseur heir is closely connected to the Vanderbilts.
And in Q post 764, Q told us that we are missing the connections. By that he meant the connections between all the family bloodlines, mostly those whom are around Payseur, his inner circle, sort of speak.
▶ d74945 (2) No.4932411
Thanks to the Anon who recently mentioned the Nimrod thread on the research thread. I was an early proponent of the Nimrod idea and will sometimes post a "N=numnuts" when an N slide starts over there. Sorry if that was any of you Anons. Kek
You're collecting lots of good material here and I have read many of the EU articles over the years. I enjoy also studying ancient history, geology, and physics. I'm also a biblefag (literalist, sufficiency of scripture, young earth, …)
I find the Saturn-system ideas interesting and somewhat in alignment with my views on the antediluvian earth. I had run across the S-system ideas earlier but just mad a connection. Our planet was a strange place before the flood. Never rained, incredible life spans for man and beast, incredible technologies, Nephilim, strange 'gods'. Somebody should make a movie! kek
Anyway, thanks for listening. Hopefully, (if I can tear myself away from the palace intrigue) I can contribute here, too. God bless.
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4932579>>4932721 >>4932911
So if we want to connect the bloodline families, how we do that? The solution came from Gloria Vanderbilt, Anderson Cooper's mother. When i dug about her i found the connections to the other bloodline families.
Please see my previous drops on this:
So you see anons, we have the Vanderbilts with connections to:
Group 1 = Rockefellers, Morgans, Churchils, Belmonts, Astors, Jennings, Auchincloss, Bouviers, Kennedy, Ertskin Smith, Elkins, Wideners, Jeromes,Carnegies, Sloans, Moors, Warfields, French branch of the Rothschild, Mellons, DuPonts, Mellons and Whitenys.
Group 2 = And they had "interactions" with Eisenhowers, Nixon, Windsors, Bush, Simpson etc.
Group 3 = Clintons
For me, Payseur is somewhere in Group 1. I strongly believe he has blood ties to those bloodline family. All of them manage his wealth and investments. It's like he was the king of that group and they were his court subjects.
Group 2 is the second branch of the cabal, the black eye clan, with whom Group 1 interacted and had contact with or business with and more often, it was like being rival on who will control the money and the power.
As for Group 3….. it's driving me nuts. I can smell them all over group 1. They have links to everyone in some way or the other, but still till this day i'm unable to find a direct connection. They are present everywhere, i find them everywhere, but they are also no there. Strange. I cannot explain it.
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4932721>>4932959
So is this what Q meant by saying " inner circle"? Was this the "inner circle" of P? it's like a royal court and P is the king of it and the other bloodline families are the court subjects.
When asked if P is the pope, Q didn't confirm it. Instead he replied in an even more cryptic way by saying that the pope will have a terrible MAY.
First, I would like to point out that Q with this answer, completly ignored the question about P = pope, as in Q is telling us P is not the pope.
So Q diverted the gaze of the anons into "Pope will be having a bad May"
There is the month of May. There is Theresa May. And as i posted today, There is also Queen Mary "May", the grandmother of Queen Elizabeth. So which one is it Q?
▶ 6a68d4 (1) No.4932850
phone faggi ATM but if anyone knows how can we take a sec and archive this thread and the Intel Thomasanon et al have been generating? even if just print to PDF and post I'll check and download. intuition is nagging me and I just asked general thread to do same
▶ 54c33c (3) No.4932911>>4932959
Is it because Clinton is a bastard child and his real last name isn’t Clinton?
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4932959>>4933178 >>4933452
So now we take a look at the pope and the "guardians of the pope" or those whom back him will be pushed into the light, and "the chair serves the master"
So here are my drops about the pope:
And what is driving me nut is this "P=C" Q put in post 998.
So what is C? I think it's the NEW NAME for Payseur. The heir of Payseur married into a family whom's name starts with a C = It's very possible.
So whom we have with C:
1- there is the british Crown: this doesn't hold too much ground because they ALREADY ARE the other BRANCH of the Merovingian bloodline.
2 - it's the Churchil family, as in the dukes of Marlborough, whom have close blood ties with the Vanderbilts.
3 - And the third possibility that comes to my head is C as in Clinton.
So anons, as i've said in previous threads, i've ran straight into a brick wall, i had some help from anons (thank you soooo much), but research about Clinton family tree is air tight closed. And i bet someone went through a lot of pain to have it this way. And i noticed that what info there is out there, either about Killary or rapist Bill is very "aesthetically" presented to the public = they took great care to make it all pretty and lovely and scrub a lot of things off.
i've said this in one of my previous posts:
"From the very start, i always thought POTUS along with his team, were pointing us to PAYSEUR. I alwasy thought he wants us to find out WHOM Payseur is.
What does it mean that POTUS wants us to find out the identity of Payseur? For Thomas anon, it means 2 things:
1 - It means that the ID of Payseur is within the reach of anons, we can dig it out and expose Payseur's identity if we look for it anons. It's withing our reach, or should i say within our "clicking" on the devices we are using to surf the net. The information is out there, we just have to find it.
2 - Potus knows whom Payseur is or he wouldn't be pointing, hinting at him/her and asking us to search/look for it. So if he knows and he is asking us to look for Paysseur, it means Payseur is SOMEONE US ANONS KNOW. WE KNOW WHOM PAYSSEUR IS. I mean Payseur is hidding right in the open, He/she is right in front of us. HE/SHE is most probably a public figure or a household name. Potus wants us to make the link, the connections and dig the dirt and info. We need to build that bridge. I bet Payseur is right under our noses all of this time and we are not aware of it. Not yet anyway."
I know that anon, i know, but it's enough to say it, we gotta prove it beyond any doubt. See my previous post about it and how i believe Soros replaced the Rockefellers in the top spot.
▶ 54c33c (3) No.4933178>>4933246 >>4933452
I’m kinda following you anon but I have a question. If Paysseur is C and Clinton (possibly is not C linton. And with Chelsea possibly being a Hubbell is this the wrong dig? Is it another C name?
▶ 54c33c (3) No.4933246>>4933452
Maybe CHENEY. Daughter Liz.
▶ d74945 (2) No.4933349
Anons - a coming up to speed question. So as far as the Saturn system goes, it was Earth, Mars, Saturn was a brown dwarf, other bodies(Moon?, ???). How were their orbits arranged? I understand the tidal thing between Earth and Saturn. Perhaps there's already a diagram? Thanks, Anons.
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4933452>>4933858
As for the anons whom believe that P is the pope, Q already ignore that option, which means it's not correct.
And the anons whom believe that P is Pindar. I personaly strongly believe that Pindar is a group just like the Federal Reserve or the UN or the Red Cross or the Pope = they are here to serve the MASTER. THEY ARE NOT THE MASTER. Don't rush anons when you see a shallow connection, linking Pindar to Barbara Bush. If you do that you are overlooking and neglecting a lot of Q posts, hints from Q, Potus and Flotus, even Gen. Flynn and all the connections i've dug.
I've already said in a previous post that minions of the cabal are working super extra hard in here to divert us anons from researching P's identity, and they are misleading us on purpose. I think this pindar thingy is exactly that. It's like what happened to IN THE MATRIXXX, he got TRICKED to think that good and patriotic anons were going to work with him, it turned the people whom he trusted and thought were real anons put his personal info out, you call it doxing, right? And they turned out to be back stabbers = only cabal minions do that, in order to discredit this movement and makes us look like some crazy bunch. So don't fall into their traps anons, use logic, don't rush into believing anything unless you've turned every single pebble out there. I'm not called Thomas anon for nothing, i doubt a lot, just like Saint Thomas did.
I would als point out that Q said that he is saving the best for last, in post 714. But that, i believe Q will "take out" the head of the red shoe clan and the head of the black eye clan . I think they will be the very last to fall, Because i think Q wants them to witness = see with their own eyes their entire "empire" crumble right in front of them.
And if we take a look at the Bush family, Q has already started to take members of it out, while GW Bush is in the process of being taken out. They are along with McStain the first Cabal members to be taken out. So here again, we have another point in my opinion that Pindar (along with Barbara Bush) is not Payseur.
So anons, please, do check out everything, even what i post. doubt me, verify what i present, it's better to make sure it's a 100 % correct.
Please anon, do read my posts from the start. I know it's long, but it will explain a lot of things. I'm saying that C being Clinton is a POSSIBILITY it's not been confirmed YET. and every time i try to dig, i run into a brick wall. And if you read my previous posts about this, i said i believe that Paysseur lineage is a matriarchal one, it doesn't matter whom the biological father is, because what is important is the MOTHER. The men they marry are just there for the seed and to manage the family business = they are used. It's different from the Windsor lineage, that i believe is a Patriarchal one. Those are my opinion, thoughts anons. So check things out, and make your own mind. I encourage you to dig and connect things.
OOOOHHHH BBOOYYYY!!!!! I never thought of that. Yes, it could be. I gotta look into this as well. Thank you anon.
But There is one thing that bothers me in all of this from the start, and this has lead me to think P = C = Clinton = it's how everyone, including the Windsors, treat Killary, she is treated like royalty and everyone is in AWE in front of her. Everyone is going to extra lenght to cover her murders, scandals, corruptions, rapes and many other crimes. And they've been doing that for DECAGDES openly, right in front of our eyes. And if you look closely you will see all the lines of this spider web going straight into the Clinton Foundation. And as i've said before, HER winning the presidency was supposed to be HER CORONATION. For a gut feeling, i don't think those words were just a figurative way of talking. So yes, we gotta take Cheney into the possible options, but she doesn't fit the profile of P.
well anons, this old guy is going to bed, tomorrow i will be back to make some smaller connections, like the ones with Madonna and other celebrities. And i've still got a few holes i haven't fully gone into and want to re-check. So see you tomorrow anons. I hope you will work hard and dig. if i'm wrong, then please correct me in a logical way, that comes with a bunch of prooves. I'm Thomas anon, i doubt a lot. And please, be careful of cabal minions in here trying to divert us from searching into Payseur. They are point us in the wrong directions a lot lately, there is increased panic from P about the anons looking into him/her, this means, there is anons out there whom are getting closer to finding out whom's P.
Oh and anons, if anyone finds anything, i will read it, i'm checking out everything you post or reply to me drops, even if i'm not commenting much about it sometimes.
God bless you anons
▶ eb0c49 (29) No.4933858>>4934156 >>4934669 >>4936546
This is Thomas anon again,
As i was going to turn off here and do to bed i had a crazy thought =
P = C = Cooper.
As in Anderson Cooper. That is another possibility. But it throwns down the drain the hypothesis of Payseur being a matriarchal lieneage. I'm willing to put this new option on the table and take it into consideration. For me, everything goes, every road is to check, even this one.
I wish soooo much we can get a confirmation from Q. it will take a lot of wrong "turns" out of the equation.
▶ a97e9b (2) No.4934156
famouskins.com is an interesting lineage "mapping" site for royalty, presidential, entertainment, infamous, famous, Hollywood, historical persons and much more. Continually adding more.
▶ 08cfbf (2) No.4934549
Can I ask again. Has anyone traced the owls back to the Templars? Even their passport has owls. More pics and info here >>4828195
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4934669
someone in general might have found it. I am back. one second will bring back the notable
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4934700
ok it's from icke who I consider not credible but this is part 1 of two drops. long-short. Did Payseur rename to surname Cass?
>A battle continues for control of the former Payseur holdings, but at the moment it appears they are controlled by the Rothschilds.
>In 1872, a Payseur company, the Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad, established a telegraph company called Western Union. It formed a subsidiary called AT&T in 1875 and today it is one of America’s biggest telephone and communication companies.
>The Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad company is the parent company for the Federal Reserve, the privately owned ‘central bank’ of the United States. The Payseur empire became heavily involved in banking. Their Bank of Lancaster became the North Carolina Bank and then Nationsbank. The biggest bank in Texas, Interfirst, of which George Bush is a director, merged in 1987 with Republic Bank to form First Republic. This was later absorbed by Nationsbank which then merged with the Bank of America.
>These two launder CIA drug money and that’s appropriate because the forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs’ own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System. It’s all wheels within wheels, family within family, and Americans have not a clue who really runs their lives and their country…The Payseur family have now lost control of their empire, but the same reptilian tribe are still at the helm.
>After the ‘revolutionaries’ executed King Louis XVI (Ramses-Piso-Bush) and Queen Marie Antoinette (Ramses-Piso-Bush), her son, Crown Prince Louis, still a toddler, was placed under house arrest at the Paris Temple. Two years later he was smuggled out in a laundry basket by his doctor, Dr Naudin. The retarded nephew of the Marquis de Jarjayes was substituted and he died in 1795. The prince was secretly taken to the Vendee Palace and given sanctuary by Prince Conde. He was later moved to a fortress on the River Rhine where he lived under the name of Baron de Richemont.
>He arrived in England in February 1804 with the former royal paymaster of France, George Payseur, and was protected by King George III, the monarch at the time of the American War of Independence. The Prince changed his name again to Daniel Payseur while George Payseur became George Bayshore. King George III gave the prince, now Daniel Payseur, a ship and awarded George Bayshore 600 acres of land in North Carolina. When they arrived in America they were given help by the Boddie family, who were related to the British monarchy.
>Before leaving England, the prince bought shares in the Virginia Company and once in America he acquired gold mines, including the Gold Hill Mining Company, which he purchased secretly using a trustee, George Newman, as his frontman or proxy. With the invention of the steam engine, Payseur began to build railroads and leased them to operating companies. He also established the Lancaster Manufacturing Company to produce timber for railroad products and the Lincolnton Iron Company which later located in Chicago and formed two subsidiaries, Carnegie Steel and Pullman Standard Company.
>SAUCE: David Icke --- The Biggest Secret
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4934726
>Who was Lewis Cass?
>Lewis Cass (October 9, 1782 -- June 17, 1866) was an American military officer, politician, and statesman. He represented Michigan in the United States Senate and served in the Cabinets of two U.S. Presidents, Andrew Jackson and James Buchanan. He was also the 1848 Democratic presidential nominee and a leading spokesman for the Doctrine of Popular Sovereignty, which held that the people in each territory should decide whether to permit slavery.
>He joined the Freemasons, an increasingly popular fraternal organization in that period, being initiated as an Entered Apprentice in what is now American Union Lodge No.1 at Marietta on December 5, 1803.[3] He achieved his Fellow Craft degree on April 2, 1804, and his Master Mason degree on May 7, 1804. On June 24, 1805, he was admitted as Charter member of Lodge of Amity 105 (now No.5), Zanesville. He served as the first Worshipful Master of Lodge of Amity in 1806.[3] Cass was one of the founders of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, representing Lodge of Amity at the first meeting on January 4, 1808. He was elected Deputy Grand Master on January 5, 1809, and Grand Master on January 3, 1810, January 8, 1811, and January 8, 1812.[3]
>What's this have to do with the Payseurs?
>Daniel Payseur named his son Lewis Cass. Lewis Cass Payseur is the one who acquired all those railroads and banks. https://armandoalejandro.blogspot.com/2016/04/assets-of-lewis-cass-payseur.html
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4935684>>4941283 >>4942283
dropping off another from the general thread.
TA make of it what you will
>“The Payseur family have now lost control of their empire…The Payseur’s principal trustee, Leroy Springs, died in 1931 and his playboy son, Elliot, took over. He volunteered to upgrade the local County Records filing system and removed the records from the Lancaster courthouse.
>When he returned them, hundreds of Payseur land deeds had been reassigned to Elliot Springs, a Rothschild relative. [Likewise, recent AP stories reported on how hundreds of courthouses were burned down to destroy southern blacks' deeds so that local landowners or corporations could steal their land.-JS] It seems obvious that he was told exactly what to do to stop the Payseur daughters from inheriting the empire.
>In the early 1950s, Anne, the daughter of Elliot Springs, married a New Jersey organised crime figure called Hugh Close and Close was appointed chairman of all the Payseur companies stolen by Elliot Springs. Close’s daughter, Mrs. Crandall Close Bowles, became a director of the Carolina Federal Reserve Bank. A battle continues for control of the former Payseur holdings, but at the moment it appears they are controlled by the Rothschilds.”
>“The Payseur family have now lost control of their empire…The Payseur’s principal trustee, Leroy Springs, died in 1931 and his playboy son, Elliot, took over. He volunteered to upgrade the local County Records filing system and removed the records from the Lancaster courthouse.
>When he returned them, hundreds of Payseur land deeds had been reassigned to Elliot Springs, a Rothschild relative. [Likewise, recent AP stories reported on how hundreds of courthouses were burned down to destroy southern blacks' deeds so that local landowners or corporations could steal their land.-JS] It seems obvious that he was told exactly what to do to stop the Payseur daughters from inheriting the empire.
>In the early 1950s, Anne, the daughter of Elliot Springs, married a New Jersey organised crime figure called Hugh Close and Close was appointed chairman of all the Payseur companies stolen by Elliot Springs. Close’s daughter, Mrs. Crandall Close Bowles, became a director of the Carolina Federal Reserve Bank.
>A battle continues for control of the former Payseur holdings, but at the moment it appears they are controlled by the Rothschilds.”
>It appears the Payseur fortune is now contained in a Corporation called GAALT industries.
>GAALT® Industries is a new name for a very old family business in communication, energy, and
>transportation established in North America in 1620 A.D., and in the present State of Alabama in 1750.
>Alabama was permitted to become a State in 1819 contingent upon the continuation of this family
>business under the treaties and contracts executed by Benjamin Franklin for the United States of North
>America on February 6, 1778.
>Guise, source is an old forum that is very interesting, Digging on GAALT Industries is proving very difficult. Could it be?
>more at;
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4936546>>4943233 >>4943997
bravoandy=Andy Cohen https://www.instagram.com/bravoandy
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4941283>>4942496
I will tell you right now if there was a vandy from mobile, and this GAALT = Payseurs wealth= company incarnated circa 1650… something big is lurking right down here between Florida and Louisiana and coastal AL, and MS. the gulf Coast is wayy French culturally. A town near me called Diberville is named for a french captain that landed in the area circa 1699. Mardi Gras actually from Mobile, AL. said to be invented by someone named Joe Cain
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4942283>>4943676
This is Thomas Anon,
Thank you anon for everything you are posting.
I first read Springmeier in one of Neon Revolt's article and that is when i found out first about Payseur. I must say, this book of Springmeier is something. I didn't read it from cover to cover but i've read the parts that Neon Revolt put up and for me, it passes the smell test.
To a certain degree this book is good. I'm saying to certain degree because when i looked at the publication datte, it turned out to be in 1998. So 20 years had passed since the information written in that book happened, which means it needs UPDATING. This book is great to give us a strat, a lead, to help us figure out some "occult" stuff, but i think it lacks of TODAY information. The world was different 20 years ago anon, it was very different, and from then till now, a LOT of events and wars took place.
So you see anon, Springmeier held just a small piece of the puzzle in his hand, not all of it, but it's a GOOD piece of the puzzle, it holds it's ground. I went to the bookstore around where i live and they don't have it. So i'm gonna look at another place, i hope i can buy it and read all of it. This book is a good place to start because it can give you a mental image and a peek into the cabal's dark world. This book may help us when we get stuck, but we shouldn't consider it as bullet proof or error proof as well because as i just said, it needs an update.
So anon, if you have chapters or pages of the book, save them, cause we are going to need them when we are stuck or when we don't understand right from left. It can be very helpful. And i hope i can manage to get my hands on a hard copy of the book before long .
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4942496>>4943761
Please anon, re-read, slowly and carefully, my drops. I had already picked up about Mobile, Alabama. I've already smelled something fishy in there. I'm still looking. And i believe it's connected somehow to Little Rock Arkansas and New Orleans. As of Florida, I'm not putting it out of the equation but for now, i won't go there, i won't look there. I have very good reasons. Remember anon, this is played like a game, but it's not a game. So i'm postponing my search about Florida for now ^_~
And i hope you and every anon reading this drop will now FINALLY SEE & UNDERSTAND that POTUS and FLOTUS didn't post this picture randomly. Is it starting to make sense to you anon.
BOTH Potus and Flotus have been TALKING to us a lot, but most anons haven't been listening. If you think we are awake anon, you are wrong. We are not awake, NOT FULLY. We are in the process of being awake, but we aren't there yet.
And sometimes when i sit to think about all of that is taking place, i find the real reason why Potus hasn't arrested anyone with high profile is because of us . We are still not fully awake. Sometimes, i think it's because the public is still largely at sleep or blindfolded that Potus hasn't arrested anyone. Well, don't mind this old man, those are just my personal thoughts.
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4943233>>4943997
Thank you anon for the information. Excuse me, but i'm not going to dig into this hole, i rather stick to my own "plan". But if you are interested i encourage you to dig in this tunnel and who knows what little dirty secrets you may find.
When i saw the pictures you went, i got sick in the stomach anon. I'm reposting your pictures a bit edited, I want you take a very good look at the parts i've put in a red square.
For the one in the kitchen, did you notice that painting? I tried to zoom in as much as my device allowed me to, i'm not certain, but it looks like a big man wearing an orange shirt and blue pants is holding by the neck a smaller in size human whom seem to be naked = not wearing clothes. And all of it is on a checkered background.
It reminded me of the creepy art of Tony Podesta, that is why my stomach turned anon.
As for the other 2 pictures, they are HEAVILY religious and have a lot of christian symbols in them. There are a couple of things that seem odd about them:
1- There is just too many of them hanging in one place. I mean how many crosses or religous pictures one can have in his home? Unless your home looks like a church or a museum. Do you get my point anon? And this gives me goosebumps. If it's an ART collection why are they displayed like that without any way of protecting them and preserving them?
2 - if you look at the rest of the ambiance of the place, how it's decorated, the furniture, those heavily religous items seem out of place. Now i don't undertand much in fashion, nor in furniture or decorating the house (i leave that to my wife) but again, if you look how lite and "purified" (is this what some call zen? I don't know what people call this style) the style is…. I mean just look at how simple, and purified the style of the furniture and decoration is, but then you have really heavily religous item, a whole stack of them, plastered all over the walls like that. They seem so out of place for me.
I guess i understand what it means. If you are interested, i'm gonna post in a bit about Madoona, and you can read what it means for them to have such religious stuff in their lives.
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4943676
If you have a digital reader like Kindle this is where I go http://gen.lib.rus.ec it's a project established in Russia to make knowledge open in opposition to paywalls and discriminant pricing by publishers based on geographic location. there has been a constant onslaught from industry (e.g. palgrave McMillan, ebsco) to shut it down but so far they've had little luck. it has most of slringmeiers work specifically, and anything else is worth a searcg
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4943761>>4944058
wow. so I'll just throw this out there my siblings live in Birmingham. one of them married a U. Alabama alum. I don't want to self dox but just say he's a hard nut to crack, even after an undergrad spent learning culture and graduate hours in qualitative methods. that plus what I am about to add will make it plain why I am adding it: he's dual citizen swiss-US and he is very (very) high up in the medical system in Birmingham
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4943997>>4944303 >>4960183
Now today, I'm going to go back to my initial dig about the bucket at the WH window. This dig of mine lead me all the way to France.
In that dig, some stuff stood out, so i went digging a bit deeper. And i'm gonna start by the last thing i've dug out and that is Madonna . Just so i can give an answer to this anon.
About Madonna:
"Madonna Louise Ciccone (/tʃɪˈkoʊni/; born August 16, 1958) is an American singer-songwriter, actress and businesswoman. Referred to as the "Queen of Pop" since the 1980s, Madonna is known for pushing the boundaries of songwriting in mainstream popular music, as well as imagery in music videos and on stage. She has also frequently reinvented both her music and image while maintaining autonomy within the recording industry. Besides sparking controversy, her works have been praised by music critics. Madonna is often cited as an influence by other artists.
Born and raised in Michigan, Madonna moved to New York City in 1978 to pursue a career in modern dance."
PS: you can read the rest if you want anon, personally, there is nothing that important to this old hag except 3 things:
1 - the "C" in her family name.
2 - Anons should check out the name of her tours. GOD! She is soooo disgusting.
3 - "Madonna directed her second feature film, W.E., a biographical account about the affair between King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson. Co-written with Alek Keshishian, the film was premiered at the 68th Venice International Film Festival in September 2011.[214] Critical and commercial response to the film was negative.[215][216] Madonna contributed the ballad "Masterpiece" for the film's soundtrack, which won her a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song."
In other words the movie she directed was a failure, a flop and she got awards for it (rolling eyes). If you think i'm an old senile guy seeing too much into Madonna directing a movie about Wallis and Edward, or Madonna having a concert the Parc des Sceaux, you are mistaken.
Please look closely to her bracelet with crosses on it. That used to belong to Wallis Simpson, gifted to her by Edward VIII. Madonna bought it, if i'm not mistaking at an auction.
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4944058
Good to see you anon,
I haven't fully figured it out yet about Potus picture with the AL. Uni flag. It may mean Potus is pointing to the university itself or he may be pointing to the State of Alabama. Either way, DON'T RUSH. If you read my previous posts you will know that this could be dangerous and people may get hurt. So it's a wonderful news that we have a "potential helper" in that area, but for now, i prefer to keep him as a TRUMP card ^_^ If we got stuck in our research and couldn't find anything, then yes, I will be honored to have him help me. But if i can dig out what i'm looking for on the net, then i won't risk anything concerning him. So please anon, don't rush into it.
Don't worry anon, i am covering a lot of ground and i'm posting what i've found slowly, i'm in no rush. I still have a lot in my pocket.
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4944303>>4944460 >>4960183
I bet that dress with RED butterflies on them is a coincidence. Just like it's a coincidence she directed a movie about Wallis and Edward VIII. And on top of it all, there is another coincidence that she bought the bracelet that Edward VIII gifted to Wallis.
But then is this another coincidence? I bet she only like kittens, right? i mean she only paid 4.5 million pounds to get her hands on that glittering cat. So it's just fashion i bet ya.
Oh! and guess who was the jewler whom made that glittering kitty that Edward VIII offered to Wallis? = Cartier.
YUP! It's that same Cartier that made the Hope Diamond into a necklace. i bet that is another coincidence anons. Just like Louis Vuitton is another coincidence.
I must say, this Wallis gal, i mean there was a time that she and Eddie said they didn't have much money. Poor thing. They didn't have much money but they always somehow manage to get the most expensive jewellery and stay in the most expensive houses and live a big life, eating super well, and wearing terribly nice clothing.
I don't know about you anons, but i bet the cost of that necklace with the big amethyst stone in the middle (=purple stone) can probably feed the entire African continent for an entire year. So yeah! Poor Wallis and Edward, They had to rely on other people's help.
Doesn't that sound like KIllary when she (according to her own words) were bankrupt and pennyless when they left the WH. But of course, she is not mentioning all the off shore bank accounts she has does she, nor the fact that she pillaged the WH when she got out of there. Taking some souvenirs along with her, right guys?
And at last here another gal whom bought some of Wallis' jewelry : Sarah Brightman. I didn't dig into her yet.
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4944460>>4944602 >>4960183
So being curious as i usually am, i thought i would take a look whom are Madonna's friends, or at least whom she hangs out with.
And what do you know? I ran straight into Anderson Cooper. That same Andy whom still didn't get out from under his mommy's skirt.
And that same Andy, whom's great Aunt (= the sister of his maternal grandmother) was Edward VIII mistress. It's the same great Aunt that INTRODUCED Wallis to Edward VIII.
Yeah! I get it, it's just another coincidence anons.
Hm! Wonder why she gave him that banana on stage in front of everyone? Wasn't he supposed to be gay? I bet ya he has a deficiency in potasium and she is a good friend helping him out.
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4944602>>4944711 >>4960183
Then i came accross this picture of her and Cooper. She was wearing the scouts outfit. My jaw dropped on the floor. The scouts are a creation of Payseur. It's probably one of the "hunting" ground of the red shoe clan, and in the same time, it's the recruiting ground for potential future members of the red shoe clan. Hell! maybe even the black eye clan use the scouts the same way the red shoe clan does.
So Madonna, i have a question for you: you prefer little girls or little boys? I still didn't figure out that answer, but watching your behavior for years now, i think you will go with everything, including animals, i bet you like bestiality a lot, no?
So now your baphomet costume on stage and your gestures, oh my! it's more, much more deeper, isn't it?
But if anons are still not convinced that Madonna is not just a satanist, not just an illuminati, but also a HIGH RANKING MEMBER of the red shoe clan, then please take a good look at the last 2 pictures.
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4944711>>4944900
Wearing that jacket at that age. You were one of them from the start, weren't you?
And wanting to blow the WH, hating Potus so viciously, wearing that stupid kitty hat and pretending to stand up for women, attacking him without a reason…. oh no! wait, you do have not just one reason, but many reasons to attack Potus:
1 - you are one big pedophile
2 - you are a satanist whom probably do horrible stuff, including child sacrifice.
3 - you are defending your beloved MASTER = Paysseur heir.
4 - Potus know all the above and is going to put you in an orange junp suite and behind bars.
Now it makes total sense to me why you want to blow up the WH.
So now let's look whom she hangs out with other than Anderson Cooper.
1 - We have Oprah. Oh boy! i'm gonna talk some other time about you Oppy.
2 - We have Jean-Paul Gautier, the FRENCH fashion designer Madonna is so fond of. I wonder what will come out if i dig about him?
3 - And of course we have corrupt Bibi and his ugly theif of a wife.
Great company Madonna.
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4944900>>4945083
So now let's take a look into some of Madonna's pictures.
1- So first, the name Madonna itself is a reference to the Virgin Mary in Italien.
2 - "Like a virgin", Like a prayer" and what was that song about papa don't preach i'm in trouble deep? So you are so pious from an early age in your carreeder that you picked your stage name the name of the Virgin Mary, you respect virgins so much to a point that you encourage in another song girls to get pregnant, calling the baby a "trouble' in your song. Well, i'm glad you weren't living in New York back then, you could have gotten a late term abortion. I bet you would have loved that. You like to kill babies, no?
And you also like to burn crosses from an early age as well use the cross as a pole dance. Not mentioning you dressing up like gypsies or whatever, whom are famous for fortune telling, and occult practices, not to forget those horns of course.
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4945083>>4945216 >>4948823
You also like to be crucified? Oh! that's a new one, even for my old eyes.
So yeah, yeah! i get it, you like wearing crosses, sometimes along side the "star of David". You also like to have a cross on some gliterring teeth. So yeah! i get it, you are one big fan of crosses. it's very fashionable. Just like black dress you wore at met gala with that tiara filled with crosses.
Then you are such a BIG supporter of women, that you consider LIBERATING women must be done by teaching them to behave like sluts and expose themselves as you do. As if a women's body isn't a scared thing simply because she is the one whom gives life. A woman's body is very important, and very beautiful. So it's alright to trash it, right? You made the most beautiful thing God ever created on this earth = a woman's body, the most sullied thing. it's fun for your isn't it? To make it loose it's importance and value, you like to do degenerated stuff like that. And you hide your mind programming behind slogans like LIBERATING women, EMPOWERING women, women's RIGHTS. But you also encourage women to loose self respect, honnor and moral. But that's alright i guess, i'm just a senile old fashioned guy, right? But you know what old toad, I'm not afraid of having grey hair, not having wrinkles like you are ^_^
And i'm happy and soooo blessed. WHY? Because of my wife and kids. They are my treasure, my everything. I love to see aging, growing up with my wife. She is so liberated, strong willed, such a big tender and generous heart, but she also is a strong willed women with such a strong personality. She is my strength. THAT is a REAL FREE woman. NOT a TRASH like you. So before you go being a role model for young ladies, and before you call for blowing up the WH, try not to look for a full day into the mirror. Try not to visit your plastic surgery doctor each week to have botox and don't be so afraid of having wrinkles. They are not a monster you know.
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4945216>>4948733
For all anons reading this, that was my opinion and how i see things, you don't agree, i don't give a damn! You think you are free, think again, the ones whom follow such "stars" are being held hostages, they are prisonners.
As for the anon whom posted pictures of Anderson Cooper's Brasil place. Did you notice the common points with Madonna and what she wears = they are OBSESSED with religous symbols, places or objects, mostly christian ones.
It's like when Kathy Perry bought that monastery from the nuns. Why you think she did that?
Those cabal members whom worship satan, they like to take the holiest of holies, like the name of the Virgin, the cross and other stuff, and they like to sully it, dirty it, with immoral stuff and horrible stuff. You get my point.
So having those religous items in Anderson Cooper's home fall into this same category, just like Madonna, Beyonce, Kathy Perry, Lady Gaga. They like to use blasphemy, tey like to sully what is sacred. It's their beliefe to do so in order to please satan.
And for other anons, I bet there is a lot to still dig about Madonna. I didn't check her family as in her parents or her children nor her ex husbands. It's also interesting to take a look at her investments, her business, her concerts (i bet most if not all are ritualistic black masses), take a look to the people she worked with, where she invested her money, where she buys clothes. I bet a lot of poo poo is going to come out. This old toad is rotten to the core.
I'm gonna stop here for tonight anons, that was just ONE of the rabbit holes that are linked to the dig about SCEAUX. The rest is to come.
▶ e27b9a (2) No.4948733>>4949661 >>4961202
Thank you for your work. It may be tied to the cult of baal or the descendants of cain? The search continues.
Religion keeps coming up in my research.
(((They))) seem to put a lot of effort in their secret religion and they certainly don't like Christianity. Looks like Madonna is mocking Christianity.
I think Madonna's mockery provides a connection to the ancient mystery religions, the cult of Baal, or whatever early pagan worship you want. There seems to be overlapping symbols and connections which you clearly show.
>Symbolism will be there downfall.
Modern entertainers, politicians, sports stars, business men, and leaders are members of these cults and their symbology shows it.
Masonry was infiltrated by Jesuits, incorporating the teaching of the Kabbalah. Back further Templar, (Alumbrados), Rosicrucian's, Knights Templar → further back Priory of Sion from Society of Ormus (which is essentially Gnostic and Hermetic principles.). It start after the flood, according to history, with secret knowledge that survived the flood. Lamech Pillars perhaps, see more below.
In the image map see brotherhood of the snake (top rightish). Hope to research that next more. Could be related to reptiles or dragons in folklore which kind of resemble snakes.
They have a website:
<Not much info on their site
What Billy Coop says here:
Start at around 4:30
The snake (or dragon) tempted eve (with knowledge / gnosis) to fall from grace (Eden / Utopia, rejects Logos). And birth of consciousness / Ethos.
Can be a parable to human nature and the need for more, ego, the self; once you become aware of limits / wants.
Do it our way, do what thou wilt.
The creation of the human struggle.
(You) need to do the right thing, to live by a moral code, to strive for the truth.
Abel and Cain story.
Funny how God demanded sacrifices from Cain and Abel. :S
<Peterson's take on the story of Abel and Cain.
Importance of morality, truth and doing the right thing.
<I do NOT endorse Peterson.
So, the story goes before the flood Lamech (descendant of Cain) inscribed secret information onto two pillars which have survived the flood. Some speculate this is the hermetic principles and gnosis (knowledge) that forms the 'mystery' religions.
The King and the Priest are the twin pillars and hold together kingdom (keystone). Creating heaven on earth… (Bloodlines).
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil"
And so the struggle will continue.
Live in the infinite. Don't succumb to fear and hate.
They believe in their cult and they have a plan for everyone. They stick together and stick to the plan. They want it all. Is everyone else going to let them take it?
▶ e27b9a (2) No.4948823>>4949686
I forgot to mention.
Kayne likes the same art as Madonna… Is that part of MEGA?
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4949661
Thank you anon for putting it so well.
Yea, i strongly believe there are strong connections to ancient cults and to the Bible. And yes, symbolism WILL BE THEIR DOWNFALL.
It's not just celebrities or presidents that are in the cult, or even royalties, it's every single person whom held any type of "powerful position" , including the clergy and other religions as well. And the funny part is how arrogant all of them are, thinking about how "superior" they are to us, but the truth is they are not very lowly creatures and their masters are using them as a stepping stone.
Yes, it seems there is mixture and connection to Eden and to the story of Abel and Cain. And I also believe it's connected to Noah and to the 12 tribes of th jews I always thought those were MORALE stories, but from what i've come to understand, it seems they have a REAL historical background, as in the events REALLY did take place. And it can be proven by using archeology, geology and even maybe astrology (thank you to all anons explaining that last part), come to think of it, maybe even linguistic might help.
I noticed the cabal wants us asleep, not just to be able to control us, but also because they are afraid of us being conscious, self aware. Have you ever been like that? Well, when you are conscious, you realize how trivial things like fashion, celebrities, money is. You realize that you don't need to walk with in the herd. Being conscious, along with the good nature of your heart, will lead you to be GOOD, not hurt others, be satisfied with your own physical appearence, you will feel so blessed, which is you truly are. you will reach out and help others not because of well you would look in the eyes of bystanders, but because it's the right thing to do, it's the natural thing to do.
Check out this video an anon posted it . Oh boy! I had quiet a laugh when i saw it because it's EXACTLY who they are, This is the brainwashing they do to their members, don't go to think their members are free and have knowldge, they are under the "boot", sort of speak. They trick them into beieving they are special, just to get foot soldiers. The real knowledge, mostly of old history, is a priviledge kept only, exclusively to the bloodline families. It doesn't matter how smart, good looking, wealthy, capable, brave or witty you are, all it matters is the blood you have in your veins, even if you are as stupid as a pebble.
Yes, the struggle will cotinue unfortunetly. And yes, this is mostly a spiritual fight. But i would also like to point out how much they attack christians and christianity. No one is noticing that their first and only target is christianity and christians. They attack it so fervently and they have been doing anything, I mean, really ANYTHING for at least 2 millennia, to destroy it and persecute christians, just like they have been trying to do to the eleongated skull descendants. Never wondered WHY anon? Think about it, think long, hard and deep.
At time of peace, they are rivals = the clan of red shoes and the clan of black eyes = the fight for the ultimate control and power, they want to take everything for themselves, they are quiet greedy. But when a common ennemy shows up, they will automatically unite and fight to eliminate that ennemy together, because that ennemy threatens their own existence. What we know as being the jews or the israelists behave just in the same way. And it's not just in this specific point, but in almost every single point.
▶ 57d9e3 (14) No.4949686
As for Kayne West, i don't care much about him. There is something wrong with him though, i mean he did "write his bible" and the worst is that he is married to Kim Kardashian. "Kardash" in turkish language means bother/sibling (depending how you use it in a sentence) the "ian" in armenian is attached to the end of the family name to point at the "clan" or the "tribe" or That is why ALL armenian names have the "ian" or the "yan" attached to it. it's like the "Mc", like McLean, or the "O" like O'Donnell, the Von, the Fitz and the IBN or Bin in arabic. So Kardashian means the sons or the clan of the brotherhood.
I don't know if Kkayne is fully one of them or he is disturbed, he was brainwashed and he is trying to get out. That is his struggle, and if he frees himself or not will be entirely up to him. Somtimes, some artists shout out of help by using a lot of religous symbolism. It doesn't necessarly mean they are full scale cabal high ranking members like Madonna is. If you look to my drops about Madonna, i didn't just rely on her costumes to say she is a high ranking member of the red shoe clan, i've gathered more evidence then just her choice of "art" (if you can call that art)
I also talked in an earlier drop about Freddie Mercury
I got me a really nice reply from a muslim, mostly a zoroastrian, cursing me (this is how they react when they cannot face reality or don't have any rational arguments on their side). And zoroastianism does figure in Q's map, look closely ^_^ so i thought it would be a nice place to start. The red shoe clan isn't the only clan whom is satanist, the black eye clan is satanist as well, and one of their great "entertainers" was Freddy mercury, just like Madonna is a great entertainner of the red shoe clan.
Happy digging anon, you have a lot of work on your hands.
And Thomas Anon would like to ask of 2 things from anons reading my posts, please:
1 - It would be great if some anon can tell me bout the jargon you anons use in this place, sometimes while reading, i don't get it. So far, i got:
- Sauce = source and - doxing = exposed.
See anons, even i with all that i've studied and dug, i'm still learning. There is no shame in it after all "life is a lesson you learn it when it's through". So the help would be very appreciate it anons.
2 - I've asked and hoped several times in my previous drops that a skilled anon would pick up what i've posted and create VISUALLY a graph, it's important to visualize the links/ connections between the Bloodline family members having at it's core the Vanderbilt family. So far, not a single anon picked up on that, it's going to make things for th search of Payseur identity much easier. And i have no skill and certainly not the time to do it myself or i would have done it ages ago. so this time, i hope an anon reading this will make a graphic and put the links between all of the bloodline family members i've posted about. I believe it can help us find Payseur heir.
Thank you anons, God bless you all. WWG1WGA
▶ eacb74 (2) No.4950169
When ones' history is kept from them, then eventually discovered, is only divine intervention.
▶ eacb74 (2) No.4950191
When your Soul is free you discover. Wisdom and Knowledge becomes your Crown of jewels.
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4955376>>4955388
This is Thomas anon, continuing my dig on Sceaux.
So yesterday we went down the Madonna tunnerl in this Sceaux dig, and as anon can see, there is a lot there. It's one thing to assume that Madonna is a satanist illuminati, showing it and proving it is another, right anons?
So now, we are going down another tunnel when it comes to Sceaux. And what Caught my attention is the DUKE OF MAINE. So i went to check him out.
"Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, duc du Maine (31 March 1670 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye -- 14 May 1736 in Sceaux) was an illegitimate son of the French king Louis XIV and his official mistress, Madame de Montespan. The king's favourite son, he was the founder of the semi-royal House of Bourbon-Maine named after his title and his surname. "
"Louis-Auguste de Bourbon was born at the Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye on 31 March 1670. He was named Louis after his father[2] and Auguste after the Roman Emperor Augustus[2]
Immediately after his birth, Louis-Auguste was placed in the care of one of his mother's acquaintances, the widowed Madame Scarron, who took him to live in a house on rue de Vaugirard, near the Luxembourg Palace in Paris. His siblings, Louis-César, Louise-Françoise and Louise Marie Anne de Bourbon were also brought there after their births. Their mother, living with the king at Versailles, rarely saw her children, and Madame Scarron took the place of mother in Louis-Auguste's affections."
"Louis XIV showered him with gifts and titles, and hired the best tutors for him. The maréchal du Luxembourg, a famous military strategist, was put in charge of the child's military training. Despite this, Louis-Auguste never became more than a mediocre soldier. He was made Grand Maître de France.
The king also blackmailed his cousin, the wealthy La Grande Mademoiselle, into ceding some of her estates to du Maine in return for the liberation of her imprisoned lover, Antoine Nompar de Caumont, Duke of Lauzun. As a result, Louis-Auguste became the comte d'Eu, sovereign Prince of the Dombes, and duc d'Aumale. He also received the governorship of Languedoc and was awarded the Order of the Holy Spirit. In April 1684 du Maine represented the king at the wedding of the Duke of Savoy to du Maine's cousin, Anne Marie d'Orléans. In 1688, Louis Auguste was made a capitaine général des galères (General of Galleys). "
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4955388>>4955648
more about the duke of Maine:
"Several potential brides were considered for him, including his first cousin, Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans, the only daughter of his uncle, Monsieur and his enemy, Madame, who was horrified at the prospect of her daughter marrying a bastard. However, the Grand Condé, a more distant relative of the king but still France's premier prince du sang, was willing to overlook the discrepancy in social status. So du Maine was allowed to choose among the three unmarried daughters of Condé's son, the duc d'Enghien. He chose Louise Bénédicte, Mademoiselle de Charolais, over her sisters, Anne Marie, Mademoiselle de Condé and Marie Anne, Mademoiselle de Montmorency (later duchesse de Vendôme). "
"On 19 May 1692, Louis-Auguste and Anne Louise Bénédicte were married in a ceremony at the Palace of Versailles. Presided over by the Cardinal de Bouillon, the guest of honour was the exiled James II of England. Madame de Montespan, who had fallen out of favour with the king after the Affaire des Poisons, did not attend her son's wedding."
"In July 1714, pressed by Maintenon, Louis XIV raised Louis-Auguste and his younger brother, the comte de Toulouse, to the rank of princes du sang, and compelled the Parlement of Paris to acquiesce to their being placed in the line of succession to the French throne, following all of the legitimate lines of the House of Bourbon. "
"It was at Sceaux that du Maine died on 14 May 1736 at the age of sixty-six, during the reign of his grandnephew Louis XV, by now a young man of twenty-six years. The House of Bourbon-Maine became extinct at the death of his eldest son, the prince de Dombes, in 1775.
The large du Maine fortune was inherited by their cousin, the duc de Penthièvre, the only son of du Maine's younger brother, Louis-Alexandre de Bourbon, comte de Toulouse. "
Well, did the anons notice the "Charlotte". Also, did the anons not notice how the choose his bride = they presented him with 3 girls (probably from the bloodline families) and he picked one of them. I guess this is how William and Kate, then Harry and Meghan. Back when William and Kate were engaged, there were "strange" rumors circulating about her and i read some "Weird" stuff about her in some magazine while i was waiting for my turn at the dentist. I will comment this much about William and Kate, the dig about them will be for some other time anons.
I also want to attract the attention of anons how domineering, powerful and authoritarian. Read about Louis XIII, Louis XIV (mostly) and Louis XV. Look how powerful they really are, they are in charge, their are the big dog, the big boss. Which contradicts the idea of the Payseur line is a matriarchal line, no?
Well, that got me scratching my head for some time, and i think the answer is rather simple. When the Bourbons were kings of France, i believe they were a patriarchal system, just like the Windors are. They used to follor the Salian law as well. When the recolution of 1789 took place and Louis XVII fled to the States, his line male line ran into a wall when the heirs were 2 daughters, right anons?
So, i believe that till Louis XVII the Bourbon line was a patriarchal one, but when the only blood heirs were females, that is when they switched to a matriarchal line. I believe they weren't a matriarchal from the very start, they mutated, the changed, they switched to a matriarchal one when the only remaining blood heirs were 2 females.
▶ 07b49e (1) No.4955423
Olivier Sarkozy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivier_Sarkozy
On March 3, 2008, he was appointed Co-head and Managing Director of the Carlyle Group's Global Financial Services Group.[5] He resigned from that position in May 2016.
In June 2017, Carlyle took its non-traded BDC, TCG BDC, Inc., public in the first business development company IPO since 2014.[51][52]
So While he became the Co-head and managing director of the carlyle group global financial services, what did carlyle do during his time? A supposed multinational corporation, took a 1.35 billion investment from united arab emirates.
Then "In February 2008, California legislators targeted Carlyle and Mubadala, proposing a bill that would have barred CalPERS from investing money "with private-equity firms that are partly owned by countries with poor records on human rights." The bill, which was intended to draw attention to the connection between Carlyle and Mubadala Development, was later withdrawn."
White hats fighting this at the time defeated? Company taking money from a cabal controlled country with human rights violations?
"In May 2012, Carlyle completed an initial public offering of the company, listing under the symbol CG on the NASDAQ. The firm, which at the time managed approximately $147 billion of assets, raised $671 million in the offering. Following the IPO, Carlyle's three remaining founding partners, Rubenstein, D'Aniello and Conway retained the position as the company's largest shareholders.[50]"
Went public in 2012.. couple years after he quit, so his job was to get in, move the money and get out. What if the Sarkozy family is one of the main cabal banking families?
You could not have a sweeter deal in the financial sector if your own brother is the President of France. This is no different than Bush Clan holdings.
"In Fahrenheit 9/11, Moore makes nine allegations concerning the Carlyle Group.[62] Moore focused on Carlyle's connections with George H. W. Bush and his Secretary of State James Baker, both of whom had at times served as advisers to the firm. The movie quotes author Dan Briody, who claimed that the Carlyle Group "gained" from the September 11 attacks because it owned United Defense, a military contractor, although the firm’s $11 billion Crusader artillery rocket system developed for the United States Army is one of the few weapons systems cancelled by the Bush administration.[16] A Carlyle spokesman noted in 2003 that its 7% interest in defense industries was far less than several other private equity firms.[63] Carlyle also has provided detail on its links with the Bin Laden family, specifically the relatively minor investments by an estranged half brother.[citation needed]
In The World According to Bush, William Karel interviewed Frank Carlucci to discuss the presence of Shafiq bin Laden, Osama bin Laden's estranged brother, at Carlyle's annual investor conference while the September 11 attacks were occurring.[18][64]"
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4955648>>4955777
After that, i did a LOOOOOT of reading anons because i went into every name mentioned.
You can check them out for yourselves, I'm only going to put the link about Mme de Maintenon.
So after reading a LOT, my well dried out. The historical information is great, but it lead me no where. That is when i noticed word MAINE. And I thought to myself = could it MAINE as in the States? So i went to check it out, and it turned out we have 2 Maines: 1 in the States and 1 in France which is a province. So i went and read the French Maine first. Here is the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maine_(province)
For any anon interested in history, there is a lot to read in it. It's interesting in a historical way. But when it comes to our search, nothing that eye catching.
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4955777>>4955986
You guessed it alright anons, i then went to take a look at the Maine is the States after not finding anything significant (apart it's historical value) about the French Maine.
"Maine (/meɪn/ (About this soundlisten)) is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States. Maine is the 12th smallest by area, the 9th least populous, and the 38th most densely populated of the 50 U.S. states. It is bordered by New Hampshire to the west, the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast, and the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Quebec to the northeast and northwest respectively. Maine is the easternmost state in the contiguous United States, and the northernmost state east of the Great Lakes. It is known for its jagged, rocky coastline; low, rolling mountains; heavily forested interior; and picturesque waterways, as well as its seafood cuisine, especially lobster and clams. There is a humid continental climate throughout most of the state, including in coastal areas such as its most populous city of Portland.[15] The capital is Augusta.
For thousands of years, indigenous peoples were the only inhabitants of the territory that is now Maine. At the time of European arrival in what is now Maine, several Algonquian-speaking peoples inhabited the area. The first European settlement in the area was by the French in 1604 on Saint Croix Island, by Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Mons. The first English settlement was the short-lived Popham Colony, established by the Plymouth Company in 1607. A number of English settlements were established along the coast of Maine in the 1620s, although the rugged climate, deprivations, and conflict with the local peoples caused many to fail over the years.
As Maine entered the 18th century, only a half dozen European settlements had survived. Loyalist and Patriot forces contended for Maine's territory during the American Revolution and the War of 1812. During the War of 1812, the largely-undefended eastern region of Maine was occupied by British forces, but returned to the United States after the war following major defeats in New York, Maryland and Louisiana, as part of a peace treaty that was to include dedicated land on the Michigan peninsula for Native American peoples. Maine was part of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts until 1820, when it voted to secede from Massachusetts to become a separate state. On March 15, 1820, under the Missouri Compromise, it was admitted to the Union as the 23rd state. "
"There is no definitive explanation for the origin of the name "Maine", but the most likely origin is that the name was given by early explorers after the former province of Maine in France. Whatever the origin, the name was fixed for English settlers in 1665 when the English King's Commissioners ordered that the "Province of Maine" be entered from then on in official records"
"The first European settlement in Maine was in 1604 on Saint Croix Island, led by French explorer Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Mons; his party included Samuel de Champlain, noted as an explorer. The French named the entire area Acadia, including the portion that later became the state of Maine. The first English settlement in Maine was established by the Plymouth Company at the Popham Colony in 1607, the same year as the settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. The Popham colonists returned to Britain after 14 months.["
"The French established two Jesuit missions: one on Penobscot Bay in 1609, and the other on Mount Desert Island in 1613. The same year, Castine was established by Claude de La Tour. In 1625, Charles de Saint-Étienne de la Tour erected Fort Pentagouet to protect Castine. The coastal areas of western Maine first became the Province of Maine in a 1622 land patent. The part of Eastern Maine north of the Kennebec River was more sparsely settled, and was known in the 17th century as the Territory of Sagadahock. A second settlement was attempted in 1623 by English explorer and naval Captain Christopher Levett at a place called York, where he had been granted 6,000 acres (24 km2) by King Charles I of England.[33] It also failed. "
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4955986>>4956132
More about Maine:
"Ross Perot achieved a great deal of success in Maine in the presidential elections of 1992 and 1996. In 1992, as an independent candidate, Perot came in second to Democrat Bill Clinton, despite the long-time presence of the Bush family summer home in Kennebunkport. In 1996, as the nominee of the Reform Party, Perot did better in Maine than in any other "
I went and checked mostly the French names like Claudes de la Tour, Charles de Saint-Étienne de la Tour and Fort Pentagouet. Nothing important stood out, apart the French connection, the presence and influence of the Jesuites and the trade in furs and slaves.
Then I went to check on Plymouth Colony;
"The laws also set out crimes and their associated punishment. There were several crimes that carried the death penalty: treason, murder, witchcraft, arson, sodomy, rape, bestiality, adultery, and cursing or smiting one's parents.[124] The actual exercise of the death penalty was fairly rare; only one sex-related crime resulted in execution, a 1642 incidence of bestiality by Thomas Granger.[125] Edward Bumpus was sentenced to death for "striking and abusing his parents" in 1679, but his sentence was commuted to a severe whipping by reason of insanity.[126] Perhaps the most notable use of the death penalty was in the execution of the Native Americans convicted of the murder of John Sassamon; this helped lead to King Philip's War.[127] Though nominally a capital crime, adultery was usually dealt with by public humiliation only. Convicted adulterers were often forced to wear the letters "A.D." sewn into their garments, much in the manner of Hester Prynne in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter."
"The seal of the Plymouth Colony was designed in 1629 and is still used by the town of Plymouth. It depicts four figures within a shield bearing St George's Cross, apparently in Native-American style clothing, each carrying the burning heart symbol of John Calvin. The seal was also used by the County of Plymouth until 1931"
Did anons notice the crime and the laws? I mean, how perverted was that place? Sounds a lot like Cabal member practices and habits. And those adultery letters = A.D.
And I'm very curious about Saint Georges' cross being on the seal:
"The red cross in particular was associated with the Knights Templar, from the time of the Second Crusade (1145),[4] but in 1188 red and white crosses were chosen to identify the French and English troops in the "Kings' Crusade" of Philip II of France and Henry II of England, respectively."
"The white-on-red version was chosen as the Reichsbanner ("imperial banner") by the German crusaders in the 12th century, and Emperor Frederick II used it in his European campaigns of the 1250s after he had returned from the crusades. It continued to be used as the Reichssturmfahne ("imperial war flag") of the Holy Roman Empire, eventually giving rise to the flag of Savoy and the present-day flags of Switzerland and Denmark).
A vexillum beati Georgii is mentioned in the Genovese annals for the year 1198, referring to a red flag with a depiction of St George and the dragon. An illumination[clarification needed] of this flag is shown in the annals for the year 1227. "
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4956132>>4956262
more about the flag of St- Georgesrge:
On the origins of the flag and its connection to the Genoese flag the Duke of Kent remarked in 1992:
"The St. George's flag, a red cross on a white field, was adopted by England and the City of London in 1190 for their ships entering the Mediterranean to benefit from the protection of the Genoese fleet. The English Monarch paid an annual tribute to the Doge of Genoa for this privilege."
"From 1348 and throughout the 15th century, the Saint George's Cross was shown in the hoist of the Royal Standards of the Plantagenet kings of England. "
So noticed anons : It was the flag adopted in 1190 by England and of the city of London for their ships, as in trade = trade routes = commerce = banks. And whom owns the city of London? Interesting, right anons?
And the last thing i checked was the summer home the Bush family has in Kennebunkport.
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4956262>>4956433
I don't know about anons, but for me, i didn't know the Bush family had a summer home there.
"Kennebunkport is a town in York County, Maine, United States. The population was 3,474 people at the 2010 census.[4] It is part of the Portland--South Portland–Biddeford metropolitan statistical area. "
"Kennebunkport was also the summer home of former U.S. President George H. W. Bush, father of former U.S. President George W. Bush. First built by Bush's maternal grandfather George Herbert Walker, it has been a family home ever since, and has been owned by Bush[who?] since sometime in the early 1980s.[citation needed] The Bushes' ancestry is distinct from the Walker family that settled York County, Maine. Some of this family's Walker relatives are buried in the Kennebunkport area ancient cemeteries. During his presidency, George H.W. Bush often invited world leaders, from Margaret Thatcher to Mikhail Gorbachev, to Kennebunkport. In 2007, his son George W. Bush invited Vladimir Putin and Nicolas Sarkozy. The Bush compound is on Walkers Point, called Point Vesuvius prior to the Walker family's acquisition.[citation needed] "
Things are getting interesting anons.
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4956433>>4956540
"The Bush compound is the summer retreat house of the Bush family. It served as the Summer White House of George H. W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States. It is located along the Atlantic Ocean in the northeast United States, on Walker's Point (previously known as Point Vesuvius and home to a Kennebunkport city park called "Damon Park").
Walker's Point juts out into the ocean in southern Maine, in the town of Kennebunkport, approximately midway between the cities of Portland, Maine, and Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The property has been a family retreat for more than a century, starting with Bush's maternal grandfather and great-grandfather."
"The estate was purchased in the late 19th century jointly by Bush's great-grandfather David Davis Walker, and his son, St. Louis banker George Herbert "Bert" Walker. Both built mansions on the point in 1902. D. D. Walker's mansion has since been torn down. In 1921, Dorothy Walker and Prescott Bush were married, and Bert Walker built a "bungalow" on the Point and gave it to them as a wedding present. When Bert died in 1953, his son, George Herbert Walker Jr. ("Herbie"), purchased the property from his father's estate. It was not willed to him. Upon the death of Herbie in 1977, the property again went up for sale and was purchased by Herbie's nephew, George H. W. Bush. The estate has since remained in the Bush family.
President Bush spent much of his childhood at the Kennebunkport estate. As an adult, Bush, his wife Barbara, and their children George W., Jeb, Marvin, Neil, Dorothy, and Robin spent most summers at the estate. The estate has been a backdrop of family weddings, holidays, and receptions. While at the "Summer White House," Bush hosted world leaders including Margaret Thatcher and Mikhail Gorbachev for informal and private meetings. As a young man, Bush relocated to Houston, Texas; eventually the Bushes maintained a working residence in Tanglewood, where they spent most of their time.
George H. W. wrote of his memories there to Portland Magazine in 1997 after reading the article "Inventing the Campbells." The Campbells were the heirs to the Palm Beach clothing fortune and had a home in the Kennebunks. "I really enjoyed that article about the Campbells by Colin Sargent, July/August 1997). I remember Connie, Babs, and Bill---remember them well and very favorably. Connie was the glamour girl, all right. When she would flash by in that neat little Chris Craft, blonde hair flying, all us little guys, who were madly in love with her—from afar, that is—used to sigh and dream. We would hang around hoping that this the most glamorous of women would give us a ride in that flashy boat. Barbara was a wonderful girl, too. Just my age—so my friends and I were not quite as intimidated by her as we were by the slightly older Connie. Anyway, your story brought back many happy memories… President George Bush, Houston, Texas"
Bush's son, the 43rd President, George W. Bush, visits with family in Kennebunkport several times a year. His "Summer White House" also known as the "Western White House," was the Prairie Chapel Ranch near Crawford, Texas. "
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4956540>>4956749
So anons, let's go check every single of the mentioned names:
"David Davis "D. D." Walker (January 19, 1840 -- October 4, 1918) was an American businessman. He started his career as a dry goods wholesaler in St. Louis, Missouri. He was the co-founder of Ely & Walker, which remains a clothing brand to this day. "
"David Davis Walker was born on January 19, 1840 on a farm near Bloomington, Illinois to George E. Walker (1797--1864) and Harriet Mercer (1802–1869). His paternal grandfather, Thomas Walker, was an English slavetrader.[1] Walker was a first cousin of Senator and Supreme Court Justice David Davis.
At age fourteen, he was sent to the Beloit Preparatory Academy, part of Beloit College in Wisconsin"
"In 1857, Walker went to St. Louis for business training with the merchandiser Crow, McCreery & Co., then the largest wholesale dry goods house in the city. He worked his way up from office boy, and became a partner after just eight years with the firm."
"In 1880, he went back to work, forming Ely, Walker & Co. with Frank Ely and others. The business was a huge success, and in 1883 it was incorporated as the Ely & Walker Dry Goods Company. He remained President of the company until 1892, and thereafter retained the largest interest in the firm. His sons David Davis, Jr., Joseph Sidney and George Herbert all had involvement with the Ely & Walker firm, which continued as a major clothing manufacturer until it was acquired by Burlington Industries after World War II, but George went into banking. "
"Walker married Martha Adela Beaky. They had a son, George Herbert Walker"
So in a miraculous was way, he managed to climb all the way from a simple offcie boy to a partner in the business. WOW! That is very impressive. I bet he found a magic wand, right anons? And look, another ancestor that was a slave trader. Just great!
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4956749>>4956859
So then i went to check on his son George Herbert Walker
"George Herbert "Bert" Walker Sr. (June 11, 1875 -- June 24, 1953) was an American banker and businessman and the maternal grandfather of President George H. W. Bush and a great-grandfather of President George W. Bush both of whom were named in his honor."
"George Herbert Walker was born on June 11, 1875 in St. Louis, Missouri. Walker was descended from a Maryland family of slave owners.[1] His great-grandfather Thomas Walker was a British slave trader. He was the youngest son of David Davis Walker, a dry goods merchant from Bloomington, Illinois, and Martha Adela Beaky. Ely, Walker & Company, which grew into a leading regional wholesaler, was later acquired by Burlington Industries.[citation needed]
Walker was educated at Stonyhurst College, a Jesuit boarding school in England. He graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 1897. "
"Walker started a banking and investment firm named G.H. Walker & Co. in 1900.[2] His family had developed many international banking contacts, and he helped organize the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. Walker was known as the power behind the local Democratic Party.
In 1920, Walker became the President of the W.A. Harriman & Co. investment firm, and quickly arranged the credits that W. Averell Harriman needed to take control of the Hamburg-Amerika Line. Walker also organized the American Ship and Commerce Corp. to be subsidiary of the W.A. Harriman & Co., with contractual power over the affairs of the Hamburg-Amerika. W.A. Harriman & Co. (renamed Harriman Brothers & Company in 1927) well-positioned for this enterprise and rich in assets from their German and Russian business, merged with the British-American investment house Brown Bros. & Co. on January 1, 1931. Walker retired to his own G.H. Walker & Co. This left the Harriman brothers, his son-in-law Prescott Bush and Thatcher M. Brown as senior partners of the new firm of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. The firm's London branch continued operating under its historic name Brown, Shipley & Co.
Walker was a director of the W.A. Harriman & Company; Harriman Fifteen, American International Corporation; Georgian Manganese Corporation; Barnsdall Corporation; American Ship & Commerce Corporation; Union Banking Corporation; G.H. Walker & Company; Missouri Pacific Railroad; Laclede Gas and the New Orleans, Texas and Mexico Railroad. "
"He also coheaded the syndicate, (with W. Averell Harriman), which rebuilt the famed sports venue of Madison Square Garden and the Belmont Race Track, 1925. "
"Walker married Lucretia Wear (1874--1961), daughter of James H. Wear and they had six children: Dorothy Wear Walker and New York Mets cofounder George Herbert Walker Jr., Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center CEO Dr. John M. Walker Sr. (father of Judge John M. Walker Jr.), James Wear Walker, Nancy Walker, and Louis Walker (S&B 1936). His brother-in-law Joseph Walker Wear was one of the founders of the Davis Cup. His son-in-law Prescott Bush was a member of the executive committee of the USGA, serving successively as Secretary, Vice President and President, 1928–1935. Walker not only maintained the Walker's Point estate in Kennebunkport, but also a mansion on Long Island, and a stunning residence at One Sutton Place in Manhattan.[3] In the 1930s Walker purchased the 10,000-acre (40 km²) Duncannon Plantation near Barnwell, South Carolina as a private hunting retreat. In the 1940s Walker moved out of the circa 1835 plantation house, and the property became a hunting club. Much of the land was later purchased by the U.S. Government for development of the Savannah River Site.[4] "
"Walker died in 1953 in New York City, New York, aged 78. He was survived by his wife, daughter Dorothy Walker Bush, several grandchildren including George H.W. Bush, Ambassador to Hungary and Stifel Nicolas CEO George Herbert Walker III, William H. T. (Bucky) Bush, Nancy Ellis Bush, Ray Walker, Betty Walker Holden, and many great-grandchildren including George W. Bush, and Jeb Bush."
Holy Heavens anons! Did you see it?
First, take a look at all the businesses he is in.
Second, his role in the democratic party.
Third, he is into the horse racing in Madisson Square garden and the Belmont race track.
Forth, he is the father of "Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center CEO Dr. John M. Walker Sr. (father of Judge John M. Walker Jr.)" Yes, that same hospital where the Rockefellers made big donations to and where RGB had her most recent surgery.
5th, his son-in-law is Prescott Bush, and that speaks a lot for itself.
6th, he owns a house in the Carolinas that is a private hunting retreat. HUNTING, do you get it anons?
So now we know it was not only the red shoe clan that was "taking care" of RGB but also the Black eye clan as well; it seems they are "partners in business" in the Sloan-Kettering hospital.
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4956859>>4957045 >>4957350 >>4957573
oh and i forgot:
7th, He was a jesuite student.
So i started looking at the businesses first:
"Burlington Industries is a diversified American fabric maker based in Greensboro, North Carolina. Founded by J. Spencer Love in Burlington, North Carolina in 1923,[1] the company has operations in the United States, Mexico, and India and a global manufacturing and product development network based in Hong Kong with over 8000 employees on several sites in USA, Canada and worldwide.
The company entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in December 2001. Its assets were acquired by International Textile Group (ITG) out of bankruptcy in late 2003.[2] The Lees Carpet division was sold to Mohawk Industries as part of the deal. With only 500 employees remaining, the company moved out of its headquarters building on Friendly Avenue in October 2004. ITG continues to operate the companies Burlington WorldWide Apparel and Burlington House Interior Fabrics.
ITG continues to protect with full force of law the brand name Burlington, which it owns. This has, on occasion, caused conflicts with Burlington Coat Factory, which was found in contempt of court for misusing the Burlington trademark and had disclaimed in its advertising that it is not affiliated with Burlington Industries.
For its American home market, the brand name Burlington Socks is licensed to Kayser-Roth, Inc. of Greensboro, North Carolina (an affiliate of the Italian Golden Lady Group since 1999).[3][4][5] For the various European countries' markets and "certain other territories", the brand name Burlington (apparel, accessories, jewelry) is licensed to Falke Group of Germany.[6]"
Then i took a look at that Jesuite college:
"Stonyhurst College is a coeducational Roman Catholic independent school, adhering to the Jesuit tradition,[2][3] on the Stonyhurst Estate, Lancashire, England. It occupies a Grade I listed building.[4] The school has been fully co-educational since 1999.
The college was founded in 1593[5] by Father Robert Persons SJ at St Omer,[6] at a time when penal laws prohibited Catholic education in England. After moving to Bruges in 1762 and Liège in 1773, the college moved to Stonyhurst in 1794.[5][6] It provides boarding and day education to approximately 450 boys and girls aged 13--18.[7] On an adjacent site, its preparatory school, St Mary's Hall, provides education for boys and girls aged 3–13.[8]
The school combines an academic curriculum with extra-curricular pursuits.[9] Roman Catholicism plays a central role in college life, with emphasis on both prayer and service, according to the Jesuit philosophy.[10] "
"Stonyhurst has provided inspiration for poets and authors who include former classics teacher Gerard Manley Hopkins, whose poems feature details of the local countryside, and former pupil Sir Arthur Conan Doyle whose "Baskerville Hall" was modelled on Stonyhurst Hall, and who named Sherlock Holmes' nemesis, Moriarty, after a fellow pupil.[68][69] J. R. R. Tolkien wrote part of The Lord of the Rings in a classroom on the Upper Gallery during his stay at the college where his son taught Classics; his "Middle-earth" is said to resemble the local area, whilst there are specific resonances in names such as "Shire Lane", (the name of a road in Hurst Green) and the "River Shirebourn" (the Shireburns built Stonyhurst).[69] Poet Laureate Alfred Austin, and the poet Oliver St John Gogarty ("Stately plump Buck Mulligan" in James Joyce's Ulysses) were educated at the school, (as were the sons of Oscar Wilde and Evelyn Waugh).[65] George Archer-Shee, at the centre of Terence Rattigan's play The Winslow Boy, is an alumnus.[70]
The school runs its own publication company, St Omer's Press, which publishes religious literature, and first began when the college was located at St Omer in Flanders.[71] "
Those are very interesting informations.
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4957045>>4957234 >>4958720
Then i checked the university he went to:
There is a lot to read in it, but ONLY the following caught my attention:
"The university hosted the only 2008 vice presidential debate, between Republican Sarah Palin and Democrat Joe Biden, on October 2, 2008, also at the Washington University Athletic Complex. The university hosted the second 2016 presidential debate, between Republican Party candidate Donald Trump and Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton, on October 9, 2016"
Holy Heavens anons! THAT DEBATE. THAT ONE. The one Anderson Cooper moderated?
You get it anons? Do you udnerstand it? What happened back then? The symbology of it ALL?
The second debate, when Potus told Killary if he was in charge of the justice department, he would appoint a special counsel to look into her corruption and he told her she would be in JAIL. Potus went in the lion's den = the univversity where Prescott Bush studied (wasn't he a Nazi helper or sympathizer?). Potus went into the enemy's territory, he said those things, and Anderson Cooper aka Vanderbilt family was in charge of moderating the debate. Can you imagine the magnitude of this. So you understand what took place back then? How big it was? I fell from my chair when i read this. That was TRULY a historical moment.
Oh! The look on everyone's face, mostly the 3 Clintons, it's priceless. The guts Potus had to say this to QUEEN Killary…… Holy Heavens! Bakc then i though Potus was a brave man; now i think he is SUPERMAN.
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4957234>>4958421
Then i took a look at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition; which turned out to be the cavern of Aladin. There is a universe of information in there, many are rabbit holes which connect with other rabbit holes, it's big, it needs a parallel dig on it's own:
But one thing caught my attention, it link us to another dig of mine:
"The Vulcan statue is the largest cast iron statue in the world, and is the city symbol of Birmingham, Alabama, reflecting its roots in the iron and steel industry. The 56-foot (17 m) tall statue depicts the Roman god Vulcan, god of the fire and forge. It was created as Birmingham's entry for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition (1904 World's Fair) in St. Louis, Missouri. The statue is the world's largest iron-ore statue, and among the nation's tallest.[2] "
"Commissioned by the Commercial Club of Birmingham, Italian-born sculptor Giuseppe Moretti began designing the monumental figure in 1903, using a 6-foot (183 cm) tall model to study the form. He next sculpted a clay master model in an unfinished church in Passaic, New Jersey, and this was then divided into sections and transported by railroad to the Birmingham Steel and Iron Company for the preparation of casting molds for the iron.[2] "
"The Vulcan statue was eventually re-erected at the Alabama State Fairgrounds, but the statue's arms were installed incorrectly, and the god was without his spear, which had been lost on the way from St. Louis.
With nothing to hold in its hands, Vulcan soon became an advertising figure. Over the years, Vulcan held an ice cream cone, a Coca-Cola bottle, and even Heinz pickles. In the late 1920s, the statue was disassembled for inspection. During this time, children would often play around the disassembled statue. It was painted a flesh color and was reassembled in the early 1930s. "
You think this is a coincidence anons?
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4957350>>4957400
I'm still looking at the businesses of George Walker
"Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. (BBH) is the oldest and one of the largest private banks in the United States.[2][3] In 1931, the merger of Brown Brothers & Co. (founded in 1818) and Harriman Brothers & Co. formed the current BBH. Assets Under Custody $5.6 trillion (2017).
Brown Brothers Harriman is also notable for the number of influential American politicians, government appointees, and Cabinet members who have worked at the company, such as W. Averell Harriman, Prescott Bush, Robert A. Lovett, Richard W. Fisher, Robert Roosa, and Alan Greenspan. "
PS: Yes, it's that Alan Greenspan from the fed reserve and the other persons mentioned have ties to the cabal.
"After immigrating to Baltimore in 1800 and building a successful linen mercantile trading business,[2][3][6] Alexander Brown and his four sons co-founded Alex. Brown & Sons.[7][8] In 1818, one son, John Alexander Brown, traveled to Philadelphia to establish John A. Brown and Co.[9] In 1825, another son, James Brown, established Brown Brothers & Co.[10] on Pine Street in Lower Manhattan and relocated to Wall Street in 1833.[2] This firm eventually acquired all other Brown branches in the U.S.[10] Another son, William Brown, had established William Brown & Co. in England in 1810, which was renamed Brown, Shipley & Co. in 1839 and became a separate entity in 1918.[6][7][10]
Following the panic of 1837, Brown Brothers withdrew from most of its lending business. Two of the brothers, John and George, sold their shares in the company to the other two brothers, William and James. During the recovery from this economic turmoil, they chose to focus solely on currency exchange and international trade. "
"On January 2, 1931, Brown Brothers & Co. merged with two other business entities, Harriman Brothers & Company, a private bank[11] started with railway money, and W. A. Harriman & Co. to form Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Founding partners included:[12]
Prescott Bush"
TIME's December 22, 1930 issue announced that the three-way merger featured 11 of 16 Yale graduates as founding partners.[13] Eight of the partners listed above, except for Moreau Delano and Thatcher Brown, were Skull and Bones members.[14]
In 1930s the company acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Adolf Hitler.[15]
After the passage of the Glass-Steagall Act, the partners decided to focus on commercial banking, becoming a private bank, and spin its securities marketing and underwriting off into Harriman, Ripley and Company which eventually evolved into Drexel Burnham Lambert via mergers.
Harriman, a partner in the firm, was the ambassador and statesman responsible for the relationship between Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt during World War II. Some historical records of Brown Brothers Harriman and its precursor companies are housed in the manuscript collections at the New-York Historical Society. "
So anons, from the looks of it, this is a black eye clan business web we have under our noses. And it's not just Prescott Bush involved, but it was also his father in law George Herbert Walker as well. And look at the ties to Nazi, to Churchil and Roosevelt.
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4957400
So i checked this Alex Brown & sons:
"Alex. Brown & Sons was the first investment bank in the United States, founded by Alexander Brown in 1800 in Baltimore, Maryland. The firm was acquired by Bankers Trust in 1997 to form BT Alex. Brown, and then integrated into Deutsche Bank in 1999 following Deutsche's acquisition of BT. In 2016, Raymond James acquired Deutsche's U.S. private client services unit, operating under the Alex. Brown brand. "
"Alexander Brown (1764 --- 1834), an Irish linen merchant, emigrated in 1800 from Ballymena in Ulster to the United States, settling in Baltimore, Maryland, where he established the first investment banking firm in the U.S.[1] In 1808, the company organized the first initial public offering in the U.S., that of the Baltimore Water Company."
"In 1810, Alexander Brown was joined in business by his sons, William, George, John, and James, and the firm was named Alex. Brown and Sons, Inc.[2] By the 1820s, Alexander Brown had expanded his business interests into sterling exchange and international trade, including tobacco and cotton.[3]
Brown's sons eventually started related businesses in various locations, beginning with William. William founded William Brown and Company in Liverpool, England, which later became Brown, Shipley & Co. In 1818, John and James started Brown Bros. & Co. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. James subsequently opened a branch in New York City in 1825, a predecessor to Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.[2]
"George remained at the firm's Baltimore headquarters, where he took a leading role in the founding of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in 1827. Upon Alexander Brown's death in 1834, George became the head of Alex. Brown and Sons, which proclaimed itself "America's foremost international banking enterprise in the nineteenth century."[2]
Some historical records of Alex Brown & Sons are housed in the manuscript collections at New-York Historical Society. "
Soooooo now, it's owned by Deutsche Bank. Full circle, if you as me!
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4957573>>4957653 >>5296518
Then i went to take a look at the Horse race track thingy of Geroge Walker:
"Belmont Park is a major Thoroughbred horse racing facility in the northeastern United States, located in Elmont, New York, just east of the New York City limits. Opened 114 years ago on May 4, 1905, it is operated by the non-profit New York Racing Association, as are Aqueduct and Saratoga Race Course. The group was formed in 1955 as the Greater New York Association to assume the assets of the individual associations that ran Belmont, Aqueduct, Saratoga, and the now-defunct Jamaica Race Course. "
"August Belmont, Jr. and William Collins Whitney, along with other investors, built the original Belmont race track which opened on May 4, 1905. In its first 15 or so years, Belmont Park featured racing clockwise, in the "English fashion"---allowing the upper-class members of the racing association and their guests to have the races finish in front of the clubhouse, just to the west of the grandstand. (A "field stand," at what was then the top of the stretch, was located east of the grandstand). The original finish line was located at the top of the present-day homestretch.[5] In his 1925 book, "The Big Town", Ring W. Lardner refers to the then-recent directional change, when he has a character at Belmont say (speaking of a recent race) "At that time, they run the wrong way of the track, like you would deal cards". A later innovation was created by Joseph E. Widener, who took over track leadership when August Belmont II died in 1924: the W822idener Chute. It was a straightaway of just under 7 furlongs (1.4 km) that cut diagonally through Belmont's training and main tracks, hitting near the quarter-pole of the main track; the course was removed in 1958.[citation needed]
There are presently two features of Old Belmont Park remaining today. First is the display of four stone pillars on Hempstead Turnpike, a gift from the mayor and park commissioners of Charleston, South Carolina. The pillars had stood at the entrance of the Washington Course of the South Carolina Jockey Club in Charleston, which operated from 1792 to 1882. The stone pillars are now found at the clubhouse entrance. Lesser known-but more visible-are the racing motif iron railings seen partially bordering the walking ring. The railings, used as decoration on the south side of the old Belmont grandstand, were salvaged during the 1963 demolition.[citation needed] "
"The original Belmont Park was not only unprecedented in its size, but also had the then-new innovation of a Long Island Rail Road extension from the Queens Village station, running along the property, tunneling under Hempstead Turnpike, then terminating on the south side of the property. The train terminal was moved to its present location north of the turnpike after the 1956 season.[6]
Near the railroad terminal was yet another track---Belmont Park Terminal, a steeplechase course operated by United Hunts until 1927.[7] "
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4957653>>4957709
Then i started looking in the people mentioned:
"George Herbert "Bert" Walker Jr. (November 24, 1905 -- November 29, 1977) was an American businessman and an uncle of President George H. W. Bush. "
"George Herbert Walker Jr. was born on November 24, 1905. His father was George Herbert Walker, a wealthy American businessman. His mother was Lucretia "Loulie" (Wear) Walker (1874--1961), daughter of James H. Wear. His elder sisters were Nancy Walker, and Dorothy Walker Bush.
Walker graduated from Yale University. He became a member of the Skull and Bones society at Yale in 1927, as were his brother-in-law Prescott Bush (S&B 1917); brothers Dr. John Mercer Walker Sr. (S&B 1931) and Louis Walker (S&B 1936); and his nephew, the 41st President of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush (S&B 1947); and Bush's son (therefore George's great-nephew), the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush (S&B 1968).[1]"
"Walker was an original owner of the New York Mets, a team which he co-founded in 1960 with Joan Whitney Payson."
He married Mary Carter (20 November 1905 -- 5 September 1998) on October 29, 1927. They had three children, one of whom was George Herbert Walker III, the former United States Ambassador to Hungary. His nephew George H. W. Bush, served as the 41st President of the United States. "
Just great! Yale, Skull & Bones, Whitney.
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4957709>>4957771
"Dr. John Mercer Walker Sr. (January 15, 1907 -- August 17, 1990)[1] was an American physician and investment banker. A member of the prominent Bush-Walker family, he was a maternal uncle of US President George H.W. Bush. "
"Walker was the fifth of six children of banker and businessman George Herbert Walker and his wife Lucretia Wear, daughter of James H. Wear. (Dr. Walker's older sister Dorothy married President Bush's father Senator Prescott Bush.) Walker attended The Hill School[2] and later Yale University, where he lettered in football, baseball and squash, was a member of Skull and Bones,[3]:164 and graduated in 1931.[4]:10 In 1936, Walker graduated from the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and went on to his residency at Roosevelt Hospital.[1] "
"In 1952, he joined Memorial Hospital (now part of Memorial Sloan--Kettering Cancer Center) as a clinical assistant in surgery[4]:129 and remained with the institution for 25 years, serving as president from 1965 to 1974.[1] "
"In 1953, future President Bush's daughter Pauline Robinson "Robin" Bush was diagnosed with leukemia. A local doctor advised them that treatment was futile, but Walker helped her get admitted to Memorial Sloan--Kettering."
"Walker had a second career as an investment banker. He became a managing partner in G. H. Walker & Co., founded by his father in 1900, and a limited partner in Alex. Brown & Sons.[6] In 1971, he retired to a farm in Easton, Maryland which for two decades he ran profitably for a third career. He spent summers with his extended family in Kennebunkport, Maine.
In 1989, President Bush appointed Walker's eldest son District Judge John M. Walker Jr. to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Bush told a White House lawyer "It's the least I can do for someone whose father did so much for me. Besides, Johnny's as well qualified as anyone else for the position."[4]:129 "
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4957771>>4958097
John Mercer Walker Jr. (born December 26, 1940) is a Senior United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. He was appointed to the Second Circuit in 1989 and served as Chief Judge from September 30, 2000, to September 30, 2006, when he assumed senior status.[1] He was a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, appointed in 1985 by President Ronald Reagan, before being elevated to the Second Circuit in 1989."
"Walker was born in New York City.[2] He graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in 1958, and received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Yale University in 1962. He received his Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan Law School in 1966.[3]
Walker is married to Katharine K. Walker, has a daughter and three stepsons, and lives in Madison, Connecticut. He is the son of Dr. John M. Walker Sr. and Elsie Louise Mead. His uncle is George Herbert Walker Jr., co-founder of the New York Mets. He is a first cousin of United States President George H. W. Bush, the two having a grandfather in common, George Herbert Walker. He is also a first cousin once removed (common paternal uncle), of President George W. Bush and his brother, former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush. "
"His former law clerks include FBI Director James Comey and Ethan Leib. "
"On the evening of October 17, 2006, while driving home, Walker's Ford Escape automobile struck a police officer, Daniel Picagli, who was directing traffic in a rainstorm at a road construction site for AT&T in New Haven, Connecticut.[22][23] There were no construction signs or traffic cones marking off the site.[24] Picagli died four days later on October 21, 2006. "He had been wearing a black raincoat and a reflective vest".[25] Police Chief Francisco Ortiz said the "officers did not feel it was necessary to test Walker for drugs or alcohol".[25] Walker stopped immediately, and New Haven police have said the cause was not related to drugs or alcohol.[26] A police investigation reported that Walker "was traveling at a slow speed through the dark and rainy construction site."[27] The prosecutor declined to press charges, saying nothing indicated "intentional, negligent or reckless conduct" by Walker.[28] "
Oh Lord! This is full and now we have Comey in the mix? Just great
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4958097
There is a small mention of the Bushes and a Clinton street in here:
Then, after a long read, i went back to the Bush compound and i took another look:
"Inventing the Campbells" caught my attention;
"July /August 1997
To paraphrase “Inventing the Abbotts;” the 1997 movie starring Liv Tyler, “If the Kennebunks hadn’t had the Campbells, they would have had to invent them.” Heirs to the Palm Beach clothing fortune, the Campbells epitomized swank-a wealth, grace, and Gatsby-like lifestyle never seen before and never since. "
So anons, we have the great Gatsby again, as well as Palm Beach. And the Campbell's family does start with a "C".
For now, this is all for this dig. To think i've come all of this way from a bucket placed at the window of the WH ^_^
I also learned today Anons that Joe M's twitter account was suspended for a week. Again, please to the a stick together, Joe has red pilled a lot of people with JUST one video, please do show him your support any way you see fit. He is a brother in arms as well. Oh and my wife does miss Liz Crokin's video updates on youtube. Liz we haven't seen you there for some time, i hope you are well. You rock! Big fans of yours. You are a very honorable and brave young lady. I hope your fingers are better. Please do take care of yourself and we hope to hear from you soon.
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4958421>>4958487
I am coming to realize the city's moniker of "magic city" might be more than a slogan.
btw terminology:
fag as an infix to another noun refers to a nerd or specialist like lawfag or planefag.
shill is someone acting to derail the research being conducted on the board and or demoralize the anons doing the research. they may employ any number of techniques.
Baker is like a moderator but not. they have a responsibility where others may just read or present findings. they volunteer at the end of one thread (bread) to relieve the current Baker. on the next thread they are tasked with being like record keeper of the nominated notables and other things they may find themselves notable.
racial epithets are just that with the exception of nigger which is thrown around to keep the free speech part of the psyche from atrophy in the face of shills arguing for censorship.
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4958450>>4960329 >>4961461 >>4998343
This is Thomas Anon,
Before i call it a day anons,
Hear my thoughts:
1 - Why was it so easy to dig out a lot of stuff about the Vanderbilts/Morgans and other bloodline families? Mostly the lineage and connections?
2 - Why was it so easy to dig out the "Walker" side of the Bush family mafia? And connect everything to their business network?
3 - Why can't i, just so easily, climb back up and find the ancestors or any other kind of information concerning both Killary and rapist Bill Clinton? It's all foggy and almost impossible to find anything, why is that? Why is that while i can do it so easily to other bloodline families? Why can't i climb up the history and lineage of both Clintons? Why is the road so obscure?
4 - And why am i having the same exact problem into finding the descendants of LC Payseur? Why is the road downward is so obscure, almost impossible to dig out? I think Springmeier answered that, but it's noticable how both the lineage of LC Payseur and the Clintons (one moving upward while the other moving downward) have this dark cloud around them, preventing us from seeing in.
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4958487
thank you anon. Thumbs up.
▶ 9318cd (23) No.4958720
I apologize anons, made a mistake, my brain is compost right now. so i'm gonna try to correct = The second debate of presidential election 2016 took place at the university where George Walker, not Prescott Bush. I'm on overload right now anons, so I apologize again for the mistake.
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4960183>>4967201 >>4967408
What's something they have in common? Brazil.
No extradition treaty.
Here's something that I read earlier from ZH:
The first thing that jumped out:
Well big dog will be in the dock first," Shepherd said, referring to Jenkins. "We’re not playing a game here."
as in "this is not a game."
A later response: No, I’ve got a house in Brazil, there’s no extradition treaty," Boath joked. "I’m off."
Another Barclays article if worth going down this hole: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-24/barclays-ceo-says-another-financial-crisis-likely
Regardless, Brazil ties in. Lots of potential reasons, old black magic from these orishas, macumba, caipoeira groups. John of God, who Oprah and others visited was arrested. Lots of people caught up in the Alan Kardec spiritist cult. Tons of local issues by the 3 big drug cartels are certainly part of the international trade north. Likely some leftover deals with Iran. Lots of ex-nazis in the south and Jews all around. (Finkle is Einhorn) What else? No extradition! It's a pretty perverted place…Salvable, for sure, but on the edge.
▶ d95d51 (1) No.4960241
Wtf is phantom time. I mean, I get what the name suggests, but what in particular does it refer to?
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4961202>>4961259
>What Billy Coop says here:
>Start at around 4:30
about halfway in, there's like and intermission. not sure who is singing, but "some say love" has a lot of famous renditions by people…
Nice bracelet, Bette.
▶ 3ad06b (16) No.4961259>>4998343
just some more Bette stuff.
the christopher reeve picture got me thinking if his horse accident was actually that…it was in culpeper, va and a something big about the DS came out about culpeper last week that I now can't remember.
▶ 23b509 (6) No.4961461>>4968209
Have you checked a Bill Clinton Albert Pike connection? Sure does look like Pike. when BC was young and had that beard.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4967201>>4967408
This is Thomas Anon,
Good day to you anon. With your post, you put such a huge smile on my face, so i hope in return, i can put a huge smile on your face with my answer to your post.
There are a lot of reasons why Brazil is important for the Cabal, i'm gonna name just a few now:
1 - Brazil is a big trafficking hub. And when i said trafficking i mean drugs, weapons and human trafficking. It's famous. I'm old enough to remember the "daily" reports in the local newspapers, they is plenty of material about that in the newspapers and local news. I don't remember a day has gone by without Brazil being in the news when it comes to trafficking. And Rio Carnaval is the climax of it all.
2 - Gangs and mobs rule entire areas in Brazil, even local police don't dare to go in there. They are the ones controling the drug prodution and distribution as well as the weapons. And of course, the sex/slave trade. They run the show on the ground. But those are just foot soldiers for the higher ups, maybe the local ring lieaders know whom the real boss is, but not the regular foot soldier gang member. The real leaders of these gang that are like MS 13, are the Cabal members . They run such organisation by the means of the intelligence agencies, the top 3 being the Mossade, the MI6 and the CIA.
3 - Brazil is one of the very few counties that didn't sign the Interpol extradition treaty. Ever since i could remember, i've always heard in the news or read, that XZ criminal fled to Brazil to avoid justice in their country of origin. In my entire life time, i know about one and SINGLE case where Brazil did extradite a fugitive criminal back to his homeland, only because the crime was horrifying. So yes I'm expecting a lot of Cabal members and celebrities to flee there, and i hope they will try to do so.
It puts such a smile on my face ^___^
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4967408>>4976006
Because of Bolsonaro.
Ask yourself Anon =
Is Potus stupid? You think he and the white hats don't know about Brazil? You think they didn't take into calculation about this situation while elaborating the plan? You think Bolsonaro became president of Brazil just for fun? Why you think the man was stabbed and almost died? You think he came to the presidency as a coincidence?
What is his first actions when he became president? Are you looking anon, are you truly watching? Do you think Potus will leave an escape route for the Cabal?
Let's pretend that a celebrity (like Madonna) knows she is about to get arrested very soon, panics and flee the States. That celebrity will go to Brazil in order to avoid being extradited to the States. If this senario takes place there are 2 options:
1 - She lives peacefully and happily there carrying out the Cabal's habits and occult practises.
2 - Bolsonaro isn't there for the fun nor was he stabbed (almost killed) just "randomly". He got elected for a reason, a very specific reason. And he is doing his job very well so far. You think he will allow a canibalistic pedophile to live peacefully in Brazil while the horrors continue? You think he is going to sit there and turn a blind eye to the practises and witch craft that is going to take place? So what will he do then?
He has 2 choices:
1 - He will either arrest the celebrity and with a side treaty or an agreement with Potus, extradite that celebrity back to the States so that they can face american justice.
2 - or he can arrrest that celebrity, judge her and put her in a brazilian jail. and i can assure you, if you have to choose between and american jail and a brazilian jail, you should choose an american jail.
So to all the cabal members and celebrities thinking or planning to flee to Brazil in order to avoid justice and not be extradited there, I tell you = Please do it, please, i cannot wait to see you flee to Brazil, so that Bolsonaro will arrest you and put you in brazilian jail where you will be treated exactly as you are = rats. You will get exactly what you deserve, they will treat you in the same way you treated all of those victims of yours.
Potus knows of this, he has taken this into account. He already knows and already has prepared for it. The outcome will entirely depend on the celebrity fleeing to Brazil. They have a choice, either be jailed in the US and have a chance of staying alive, or they can choose to be jailed in Brazil where their chances of survival are scarce.
So anons, trust the plan, trust Q, trust Potus. They've got this taken care of, they know what to do and i bet they didn't leave one loop loose. Just sit back, don't worry about this and enjoy the show. I know i will, and i cannot wait to see who is the idiot celebrity or cabal member that is going to flee to Brazil. I'm gonna enjoy watching this.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4967658
OOOHHHHH!!!!!! Boy! oh boy!
Thank you soooo much anon for this fresh meat. I didn't know Lynn had her nose done. Plastic surgery is a good trick.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4968209>>4968593
You have a good sense of things Anon ^_^ those are exactly my thoughts. But find a connection and proof is another thing.
I've been posting about 5 different parallel "digs" of mine = 1 is historical - 2 is about Payseur - 3 is about the bucket of WH window - 4 is about Bill and Killary - 5 The Windsors.
So for today, i'm gonna continue where i left off about dig number 4 = Bill and Killary.
I had previously stopped with Winthrop Rockefeller. I must admit, i got terribly disapoint and discouraged when i didn't get a direct link. I guess it was wishful thinking of my part for things to be smooth and easy when it's about the Clintons.
I mean the closest thing i managed to find about Winthrop and Hope was this: "In a surprise, Rockefeller's running-mate for lieutenant governor, Maurice L. Britt, a decorated World War II veteran and a former professional football player, was narrowly elected to the second-ranking post over the Democrat James Pilkington of Hope, Arkansas. " and this was past beyond the birth of rapist bill.
So since i didn't get much out of Winthrop Rockefeller, i decided to take a look of Little Rock, Arkansas since it's where the governor of Arkansas lives and Winthrop Rockefeller was governor of Arkansas.
"Little Rock is the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Arkansas. It is also the county seat of Pulaski County. It was incorporated on November 7, 1831, on the south bank of the Arkansas River close to the state's geographic center. The city derives its name from a rock formation along the river, named the "Little Rock" (French: La Petite Roche) by the French explorer Jean-Baptiste Bénard de la Harpe in the 1720s. The capital of the Arkansas Territory was moved to Little Rock from Arkansas Post in 1821. The city's population was 198,541 in 2016 according to the United States Census Bureau. The six-county Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway, AR Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) is ranked 78th in terms of population in the United States with 738,344 residents according to the 2017 estimate by the United States Census Bureau.[4][5]
Little Rock is a cultural, economic, government, and transportation center within Arkansas and the South. Several cultural institutions are in Little Rock, such as the Arkansas Arts Center, the Arkansas Repertory Theatre, and the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, in addition to the hiking, boating, and other outdoor recreational opportunities. Little Rock's history is available through history museums, historic districts or neighborhoods like the Quapaw Quarter, and historic sites such as Little Rock Central High School. The city is the headquarters of Dillard's, Windstream Communications, Acxiom, Stephens Inc., University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Heifer International, the Clinton Foundation, the Rose Law Firm, and Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield. Other large corporations, such as Dassault Falcon Jet and LM Wind Power have large operations in the city. State government is a large employer, with many offices being in downtown Little Rock. Two major Interstate highways, Interstate 30 and Interstate 40, meet in Little Rock, with the Port of Little Rock serving as a shipping hub."
"Little Rock derives its name from a small rock formation on the south bank of the Arkansas River called the "Little Rock" (French: La Petite Roche). The Little Rock was used by early river traffic as a landmark and became a well-known river crossing. The Little Rock is across the river from The Big Rock, a large bluff at the edge of the river, which was once used as a rock quarry."
So anons, it was a French name = La petite roche. And forgive me anons, i'm not going into the rabbit hole of the Clinto foundation nor the Rose Law firm. That is one huge tunnel, i don't want to get into just yet.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4968593>>4968814
more about Little Rock, Arkansas:
"Little Rock was named for a stone outcropping on the bank of the Arkansas River used by early travelers as a landmark.[7] It was named in 1722 by French explorer and trader Jean-Baptiste Bénard de la Harpe, marked the transition from the flat Mississippi Delta region to the Ouachita Mountain foothills. Travelers referred to the area as the "Little Rock." Though there was an effort to officially name the city "Arkopolis" upon its founding in the 1820s, and that name did appear on a few maps made by the US Geological Survey, the name Little Rock is eventually what stuck."
PS: I checked about Jean-Baptiste Bénard de la Harpe, nothing eye catching, if anons are interested in reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Baptiste_B%C3%A9nard_de_la_Harpe
Little Rock and its surroundings are the headquarters for some of the largest non-profit organizations in the world, such as Winrock International, Heifer International, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, Clinton Foundation, Lions World Services for the Blind, Clinton Presidential Center, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, FamilyLife, Audubon Arkansas, and The Nature Conservancy. "
And i didn't find anything special about Little Rock itself, but when i reached the list of notable people from Little Rock, i was surprised that there was not a single mention of it's 44th Governer = Micheal Dale Huckabee."
This is very curious anons, that is why i went to see the list of people from Little Rock, Arkansas.
I still didn't see Mike Huckabeen in the list, but i saw other persons name that caught my attention:
"Linda Joyce Bloodworth-Thomason (born April 15, 1947) is an American writer and television producer. She is best known for creating, writing, and producing several television series, most successfully with the series Designing Women. She and her husband, Harry Thomason, are also notable for their friendship with former President Bill Clinton and his family."
"The Thomasons' friendship with the Clintons dates to Bill Clinton's days as governor of Arkansas. The couple created several short-subject political promotional films for Clinton and for other candidates, such as General Wesley Clark's presidential bid and Hillary Clinton's run for the United States Senate. "
Nothing that notable came out, apart that she is a good frinds with both Clintons and she helped them all the way to the days of Killary's senate run.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4968814>>4969323
Then of course, since i don't leave a pebble without turning it, just checking, i took a look to the husband.
"Harry Z. Thomason (born 1940) is an American film and television producer and director, best known for the television series Designing Women. Thomason and his wife, Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, are close friends of President Bill Clinton and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and played a major role in President Clinton's election campaigns. "
"Harry Z. Thomason was born in Hampton, Arkansas, the son of a Southern Baptist deacon. He was a Little Rock, Arkansas, high school science teacher and football coach. He married and divorced Judy Crump, with whom he has a daughter Stacy.[1]
In 1983, Thomason and his second wife, Linda, were married and formed Mozark Productions, the vehicle for several successful television series, including Designing Women, Hearts Afire, and Evening Shade. In 2007, they began production on the HBO series 12 Miles of Bad Road, starring Lily Tomlin.
Thomason was a close friend of Bill Clinton and produced the glowing biographical film, The Man from Hope, the centerpiece of the 1992 Democratic National Convention. Thomason and his partner, Darnell Martens, provided charter air service for the Clinton campaign and served as an image consultant.
After Clinton was elected, Thomason became embroiled in the Travelgate scandal. His partner, Martens, reported that he had heard rumors that the White House Travel Office was corrupt and disloyal to the Clintons. This view of the Travel Office was compounded by a series of leaks at the White House that were unfavorable to the Clintons. Thomason began pressing Hillary Clinton to investigate the travel office. When the financial irregularities were discovered, the White House called in the FBI. The resulting firings generated a great deal of negative press coverage and an investigation of the events surrounding it, including Thomason and Martens' air service.
Thomason served as co-chairman of the 1992 Presidential Inauguration Committee and once again worked as an image consultant at the beginning of the Lewinsky scandal. Thomason ended up testifying before the Lewinsky Grand Jury.
In 2004, Thomason produced the film documentary version of The Hunting of the President from the book by Joe Conason and Gene Lyons, about political efforts to discredit and defeat Bill and Hillary Clinton."
Oh Lord! This Harry Thomason guy has his hand in Clinton poo poo all the way up to his elbows. So he was heavily involved in "electing" the rapist bill to the presidency, he had a role to play in the Travelgate scandal, and of course, he TESTIFIED to the grand jury in the Lewinski scandal. To me, that is someone whom played a big role. ANd if you read how everything is worded about him, mostly the section about Travelgate, it's all lovey dovey, all nicely put, making Killary look like a saint. This is aesthetic writting anons, they are making her image look pretty in order to hide the horrors and the truth.
So then i kept on looking and i landed on:
"John Selden Roane (January 8, 1817 -- April 7, 1867) was an American politician who served as the fourth Governor of Arkansas from 1849 to 1852. Prior to this he commanded the Mounted Arkansas Infantry (also known as Mounted Arkansas Volunteers) following the death of Colonel Archibald Yell at the Battle of Buena Vista. Roane also served as a senior officer of the Confederate States Army who commanded infantry in the Trans-Mississippi Theater of the American Civil War. "
"At the outbreak of the Mexican--American War, Roane was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the Regiment of Arkansas Mounted Volunteers, succeeding to command when Colonel Archibald Yell was mortally wounded repelling the charge of the Mexican lancers at the Battle of Buena Vista. Roane was officially appointed Colonel on February 28, 1847. He was known to be jealous of the honor of his state and once challenged Albert Pike to a duel over what he perceived as derogatory statements made about the regiment's actions in the war. The duel was fought, but neither combatant was injured. "
i find this dual very interesting anons.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4969323>>4969485
So naturally i went to check Albert Pike
Read the following slowly and carefully anons, things don't add up in my eyes, and this guys stinks all the way to Heaven.
"Albert Pike (December 29, 1809 -- April 2, 1891) was an American attorney, soldier, writer, and Freemason."
"Pike was born in Boston, Massachusetts, the son of Benjamin and Sarah (Andrews) Pike, and spent his childhood in Byfield and Newburyport, Massachusetts. His colonial ancestors settled the area in 1635,[1] and included John Pike (1613--1688/1689), the founder of Woodbridge, New Jersey.[2] He attended school in Newburyport and Framingham until he was 15. In August 1825, he passed entrance exams at Harvard University, though when the college requested payment of tuition fees for the first two years, he chose not to attend. He began a program of self-education, later becoming a schoolteacher in Gloucester, North Bedford, Fairhaven and Newburyport.[3]
Pike was an imposing figure; six feet tall and 300 pounds with hair that reached his shoulders and a long beard.[4][5] In 1831, he left Massachusetts to travel west, first stopping in Nashville, Tennessee and later moving to St. Louis, Missouri.
There he joined an expedition to Taos, New Mexico, devoted to hunting and trading.[1] During the excursion his horse broke and ran, forcing Pike to walk the remaining 500 miles to Taos. After this, he joined a trapping expedition to the Llano Estacado in New Mexico and Texas. Trapping was minimal and, after traveling about 1,300 miles (650 on foot), he finally arrived at Fort Smith, Arkansas.[5]
Pike's relative, Jacob, married Bethina Jones, daughter of the Chief of the Choctaw Nation. Jacob and Bethina's son, Benjamin M. Pike, was fluent in several Indian dialects and served as representative between the Native American Tribes in Oklahoma and the government of the United States of America"
"Settling in Arkansas in 1833, Pike taught in a school and wrote a series of articles for the Little Rock Arkansas Advocate under the pen name of "Casca."[6] The articles were popular enough that he was asked to join the newspaper's staff. Under Pike's administration the Advocate promoted the viewpoint of the Whig Party in a politically volatile and divided Arkansas in December 1832.[6] After marrying Mary Ann Hamilton in 1834, he purchased the newspaper.[7]
He was the first reporter for the Arkansas Supreme Court. He wrote a book (published anonymously), titled The Arkansas Form Book, which was a guidebook for lawyers[8]. Pike began to study law and was admitted to the bar in 1837, selling the Advocate the same year. "
"Additionally, Pike wrote on several legal subjects. He also continued writing poetry, a hobby he had begun in his youth in Massachusetts. His poems were highly regarded in his day, but are now mostly forgotten. Several volumes of his works were privately published posthumously by his daughter. In 1859, he received an honorary Master of Arts degree from Harvard."
PS: What is the name of his daugher?
I tried to dig it out and i found out some super strange about his children whom are not mentioned in the biography of him in wikipedia:
He was the father of 10 children.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4969485>>4969664
His children were: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Pike-3199
1 - Ben Desha Pike (1835-1836) born and died in Pulaski Co. Arakansas.
2 - Albert Pike (17 feb. 1837- 19 feb. 1837) born and died Pulaski Co. Arkansas.
3 - Luther Hamilton Pike (1838-1895) born in Arkansas, died in Washington DC
4 - Walter Lacy Pike (1840-1863) born and died in Pulaski Co, Arkansas.
5 - Isadore Pike (1842-1869) born in Pulaski Co, Arkansas, died in Shelby Co., Tennessee
6- Lilian Pike Roome (1843-1919) born in Pulaski Co, Arkansas, died in Washington DC
7 - Albert Holden Pike (1844-1858) born and died in Pulaski Co, Arkansas
8 - Clarence PIke (1846-1848) born and died in Pulaski Co, Arkansas
9 - Eustace Pike (20 feb 1848- 24 Jul 1848) born and died in Pulaski Co. Arkansas
10 - Ivon Pike (1849-1929) born in Pulaski Co, Arkansas and died in Washington DC.
And i also found these:
• ==1850 Census==
Name Mary Pike House Number 647 Household ID 655 Event Type Census Event Year 1850 Event Place Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas Image Number 00486 Gender Female Age 34 Race White Birth Year (Estimated) 1816 Birthplace Louisiana Line Number 33 GS Film Number 2483 Household Role Gender Age Birthplace Albert Pike M 45 Massachusetts Mary Pike F 34 Louisiana Luther H Pike M 12 Arkansas Walter E Pike M 10 Arkansas Isadore Pike F 9 Arkansas Lilian Pike F 7 Arkansas Albert Pike M 6 Arkansas Zion Pike M 1 Arkansas William Winter M 32 Germany Affiliate Name The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Affiliate Publication Number M432 Affiliate Film Number 29 GS Film Number 2483 Digital Folder Number 004193069 "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M676-3NB : accessed 29 October 2015 Ed L Pike-2301), Mary Pike in household of Albert Pike, Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, United States; citing family 655, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.). Pike-2301 16:42, 29 October 2015 (EDT)
• ==1860 Census==
Name Mary Pike Event Type Census Event Year 1860 Household ID368 Page 56 Event Place The City Of Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, United States Gender Female Age 44 Race White Birth Year (Estimated) 1816 Birthplace Mississippi Household Role Gender Age Birthplace Albert Pike M 50 Masscheusets Mary Pike F 44 Mississippi Luther H Pike M 22 Ark Walter L Pike M 20 Ark Isadore Pike F 18 Ark Lellan Pike F 17 Ark Yvon Pike M 9 Ark Affiliate Name The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Affiliate Publication Number M653 GS Film Number 803049 Digital Folder Number 004211308 Image Number 00060 "United States Census, 1860," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M871-5XF : accessed 29 October 2015 Ed L Pike-2301), Mary Pike in household of Albert Pike, The City Of Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, United States; from "1860 U.S. Federal Census - Population," database, Fold3.com (http://www.fold3.com : n.d.); citing p. 56, household ID 368, NARA microfilm publication M653 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm 803,049. Pike-2301 16:57, 29 October 2015 (EDT)
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4969664>>4969709 >>4969740
Does anyone aside me find this terribly creepy?
well, let's continue with Albert Pike shall ?
"When the Mexican--American War started, Pike joined the Regiment of Arkansas Mounted Volunteers (a cavalry regiment) and was commissioned as a troop commander with the rank of captain in June 1846. With his regiment, he fought in the Battle of Buena Vista. Pike was discharged in June 1847. He and his commander, Colonel John Selden Roane, had several differences of opinion. This situation led finally to an "inconclusive" duel between Pike and Roane on July 29, 1847, near Fort Smith, Arkansas.[10] Although several shots were fired in the duel, nobody was injured, and the two were persuaded by their seconds to discontinue it.[11] "
"After the war, Pike returned to the practice of law, moving to New Orleans for a time beginning in 1853.[citation needed] He wrote another book, Maxims of the Roman Law and Some of the Ancient French Law, as Expounded and Applied in Doctrine and Jurisprudence.[12] Although unpublished, this book increased his reputation among his associates in law. He returned to Arkansas in 1857, gaining some amount of prominence in the legal field."
PS: I don't buy the story of "difference of opinion" leading to a duel. There is something fishy in this. And it seems he "ran away" to New Orleans. Hm! Wonder why?
"As in the previous war, Pike came into conflict with his superior officers, at one time drafting a letter to Jefferson Davis complaining about his direct superior.[15]
After Pea Ridge, Pike was faced with charges that his Native American troops had scalped soldiers in the field.[16] Maj. Gen. Thomas C. Hindman also charged Pike with mishandling of money and material, ordering his arrest.[17] Both these charges were later found to be considerably lacking in evidence; nevertheless Pike, facing arrest, escaped into the hills of Arkansas, sending his resignation from the Confederate States Army on July 12.[17] He was at length arrested on November 3 under charges of insubordination and treason, and held briefly in Warren, Texas. His resignation was accepted on November 11, and he was allowed to return to Arkansas.[17] "
PS: In my opinion he is getting one free pass after the other.
"Pike first joined the fraternal Independent Order of Odd Fellows in 1840. He next joined a Masonic Lodge, where he became extremely active in the affairs of the organization. In 1859 he was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite's Southern Jurisdiction.[10] He remained Sovereign Grand Commander for the remainder of his life (a total of thirty-two years), devoting a large amount of his time to developing the rituals of the order.[18] Notably, he published a book called Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1871, of which there were several subsequent editions. This helped the order grow during the nineteenth century.
In America, Pike is still considered an eminent[19] and influential[20] Freemason, primarily in the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction.[21]"
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4969709>>4970032
"Pike died in Washington, D.C., at the age of 81, and was buried at Oak Hill Cemetery. Burial was against his wishes; he had left instructions for his body to be cremated.[22] In 1944, his remains were moved to the House of the Temple, headquarters of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite. A memorial to Pike is located in the Judiciary Square neighborhood of Washington, D.C. He is the only Confederate military officer with an outdoor statue in Washington, D.C.[23]
The Albert Pike Memorial Temple is an historic Masonic lodge in Little Rock, Arkansas; the structure is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.[24] "
"Figure in conspiracy theory:
Pike has become a key figure for conspiracy theorists. Some people claim that stories about Pike, including his "forecast" of three world wars, are bogus and derive from the Taxil hoax.[25]
In the 2007 movie National Treasure: Book of Secrets, Albert Pike is mentioned as a Confederate general to whom a missive from Queen Victoria is addressed"
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4969740
because unasked questions are useless. what is creepy in prior post? I got that majority by large of his kids died very young. can't parse the raw form census data but hunch is that combined with list of offspring is to what you are referring
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4970032>>4970153 >>4970282
I don't care what other anon thinks but there is something about this guy that doesn't add up. And he is worshiped like a god. They take him for a role model and quote him. While digging about him. I noticed he is surrounded with death and "strange events", it's always put out there as rumors and whispers, no one dares to come out and say it out loud. There is even hinting that he is connected to the burning of some "black" people on crosses. And the fact that in his bio they talked about "consipiracy theorists" made me laugh, this bio from wikipedia was written by a spy agency folks. I've seen their penship a lot. It's as lovey dovey as the one written about Killary. There is Aesthetics involved here and they want to make Albert Pike look good.
And for the anons whom find there is nothing wrong with his kids dying young.
First, if ther is something wrong around where you live and it's making your kids sick and die, won't you move out to a "healthier place"?
Second, if it's not the environement where you live that is causing your kids to die at infancy, then their must be something wrong with either the process of birth or the process of pregnancy as in the kids are being conceived and they are not growing in a healthy way in the mother's whomb. So does it make sense to anyone if that is the case to keep on having childen one after the other, knowing in advance that your child will mostly have a weak physical constitution and may not live?
Third, look at the date of birth. Jesus! it takes 9 months of pregnancy for the child to be born. It seems his wife spent most of her young life pregnant, nearly each year. This is insane. How did she breastfeed the newborn while a couple of months later she got pregnant AGAIN.
Forth, only 4 of his children made it into adulthood, but 2 died as young adults, while only 2 = one boy and one girl, grew to be old.
So yes, there is definetly something strange going on. If it's something biological, i don't understand how can parents keep on having children, (mostly the mother getting pregnant) knowing the chances of their child dying is high. If it's something that has to do with where they live affecting the baby's health, why didn't they move out to a healthier place.
And as if that wasn't enough here is an article about masonic baptism, whatever that is:
I wonder which GOD he is talking about during the baptism ceremony?
▶ 23b509 (6) No.4970153>>4970465
Maybe hemophilia? Also porphyria, SIDS. Very common in some royal blood. I also find the issue of "degrees" as in masonic degrees interesting. In genealogy the relationship or separation between individuals is gaged in degrees. ie: "Six degrees of separation". Many records I have run into describe degrees of separation to Queen Victoria specifically. I need to dig moar on this.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4970282>>4970465 >>4970470
Albert Pike and Killary do have a lot in common = they lived in the same area, both are satanist (if you read his books you will find out), both have "strange" connections to peopple ending up dead, both have their bad deads convert for them, both are "worshiped" and idolized and considered as great leaders and role models. But both also have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar stealing money (should i say misplacing money?) And both ended up having a small slap on the wrist while the "evidence" against them evaporated or was not solid enough. Also both don't respect the law at all, Pike also had problems with his superios officers when he was in the army. This is very specific trait in character for domineering personalities, they cannot swallow the fact of receiving order, even if they are in the army. Isn't Killary just like that?
Now hear me out anons. I'm not saying Pike is Killary's grandfather or ancestor. I'm just point out at their behavior and how it seems there is this sort of "fog" around them that suddenly "saves" them when they get into trouble, mostly legal trouble. i don't know what else to call it than "fog", or maybe i should call it an "invisible hand"? Those 2 were/are protected from the justice system, they are untouchable and shielded by and invisible hand. They are both corrupt and greedy to the core. And they are both into weird "occult" stuff. And if you read slowly and closely what Pike wrote in his books, it sounds awfully like the 16 years plan Q mentioned. And to my greatest surprise, it sounds a lot like the speaches Henry Kissinger and Geroge HW Bush used to give.
And when i thought of Henry Kissinger, i remembered something else, i had not paid too much attention to.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4970465>>4970585 >>4970615 >>4971080
What I think about Pike?
Well, he, for sure, had influence in the area where he lived. Not just political influence, but also intellectual influence. I think his IDEAS, DOGMA, PHYSOSOPHY was carried on from one generation to another. And i think his writtings had an impact on whom are living there for many generations.
So yes, i think Killary more than rapist Bill was heavily influenced by Pike. Read his writting and compare them to Killary's speaches through the years and compere both to what Q has been telling us about her. I think he influanced and shaped her just like Aleister Crowly did.
Also, I find the year 1861 vvveeerrrryyyyyy interesting and intriguing. Why you may ask? Because of 1981. I know anons are not going to understand what i'm saying but i bet the Cabal does. it's related to the "planetary alignment" and the "prophecy" isn't it cabal? Are you still looking or did you did you find?
I would like to thank the anon whom pointed out the physical ressemblance between Albert Pike and Bill Clinton. Yes, there is something going on there as well. It's very possible, because of the greographical proximity that Albert Pike was the great-granfather of Bill Clinton. That is a possibility, not a fact, We gotta proove it first. and with all the mysteries surrounding both Pike and rapist Bill, i am not sure we will find any paper trail, i doubt that, it will be a miracle if we do.
I took a look at a map and i find it very possible there MIGHT be some family relations between rapist Bill and Pike.
As for the anon:
I honestly don't have a clue what you mean, but if you find out anything, even if it's in the medical or biological field, please let me know i'm interested and i will read all the stuff you post. It may help me understand things better or answer some of the questions that are puzzeling me.
▶ 23b509 (6) No.4970470>>4970508
I am definitely getting the BC Pike connect. Do they BOTH share DNA? That is how the Bloodline always liked it. If so, they might both be "entitled" to certain privileges and protections. The links will be out there, in the public domain.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4970508
Oh i hope you will dig them out anon. I want to know if rapist Bill is connected to the Rockefellers or not? And if not, what other bloodline family he is connected to? and another piece that is puzzeling me = why and what are they hidding about Pike and rapist Bill? Why don't they want us to find out that they are related (if they are)? What are they covering up? Why the mystery about each one of them?
▶ 23b509 (6) No.4970585>>4970714
Hemophilia and Porphyria are diseases of the blood that plague certain royal bloodlines. Since Royals like to intermarry the issues grew in their ranks. The close births of Pikes children make me think that his wife and handmaidens (surrogates) may have both been used for breeding by him. Just a possibility. They would have done it to lesson the chances of all his children dying young. Sorry if I am sharing this is a way that is confusing.
▶ 23b509 (6) No.4970615>>4970645
btw, blood transfusions are used as major treatments for both of these medical conditions.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4970645>>4970819
Wow! Anon you rock. This explains a lot of things.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4970714>>5035951
If what you are saying turns out to be true, then Pike is a blue blood, and he must surely have impregnated a "maid" which bore him a "bastard" child. And in turn that child could have been the grandparent of rapist bill.
Didn't they do the same with Hitler? I read some articles about Hitler being the "bastard" son of a Rothschild. And i believe Lincoln was the same.
▶ 23b509 (6) No.4970819>>4970945
TY fren. As to why they might hide the geneology,maybe, just a guess here, but if they both hail from,say, Queen Victoria, they both are in the British Royal Bloodline. They might have them stealthily infiltrate American power in order to regain what they consider theirs, America Itself. Remember, we were a British Colony first, before we broke free. My guess, it would be best for that plan if we did not know they were Brits. BC did attend Oxford ( for free) on his Rhodes Scholarship.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4970945
I see.
And i also had the same thought but about the French Bourbons. I mean when Louis XVII came to the States, him and his descendants worked in a way as if they were re-creating the "kingdom" that they had lost in France. But there was a struggle with the British over the dominance of the territory, and the French side lost. It tried to rebuild it's structure for many years and this lead to the "Civil war" in the States. They wanted to divide the Stares between a British part of the cake and a French part of the cake, just like what they did to Canada.
I was told of "report" that MOST of Canada's lands and "houses" are not owned, truly owned by the people. The citizens think, believe, they own the house they are living in, but apparently there is this clause in the contract in tiny letters saying that it belong to the British Crown. Can you imagine that? I also heard it's the same about Australia and New Z. In oher words, you work your butt off all of your life to pay for a house and it turns out the TRUE owner of it is an old hag with a crown on her head.
As for rapist bill being at Oxford. Is it where he supposedly killed his roommate or another fellow student?
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4971080
I would like to end this section for now by 2 tweets made by Julian Assange:
Tweet 1 (Oct 14 2017 at 11:06 Am)
" Hillary Clinto has a birthday on Octobre 26 and Wikileaks has an October surprise just for the occasion.
Bleach Bit doesn't work."
Tweet 2 (Oct 15 2017 at 5:41 PM):
" There's something wrong with Hillary Clinton. It is not just her constant lying. It is not just that she throws off menacing glares and seethes thwarted entitlement. Watch closely. Something much darker rides along with it. A cold creepiness rarely seen"
JA, you were so right.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4971223>>4971262 >>4974749
I want to start a new dig, my 5th parallel dig to the others. I'm starting it from Q posts 742 where he mentioned Mika Brzezinski.
"Mika Emilie Leonia Brzezinski Scarborough (/ˈmiːkə bərˈzɪnski ˈskɑːrbɒroʊ/;[3] born May 2, 1967)[4] is an American journalist, talk show host, liberal political commentator, and author who currently co-hosts MSNBC's weekday morning broadcast show Morning Joe. She was formerly a CBS News correspondent, and was their principal "Ground Zero" reporter during the morning of the September 11 attacks. In 2007 she joined MSNBC as an occasional anchor, and was subsequently chosen as co-host of Morning Joe, alongside Joe Scarborough. She and Scarborough were married on November 24, 2018, with Rep. Elijah Cummings serving as the officiant.[5]
Mika Brzezinski is a visiting fellow at the Harvard Institute of Politics.[6] Her main political interest is in wage equality for women. She is also the author of three books; two on her career as a journalist and one on food addiction.
Brzezinski is the daughter of the late diplomat and political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as adviser to both Lyndon B. Johnson and Jimmy Carter. "
"Brzezinski was born in New York City, the daughter of Polish-born foreign policy expert and former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski[7] and Swiss-born sculptor Emilie Anna Benešová. Her mother, of Czech descent, is a grandniece of Czechoslovakia's former president Edvard Beneš. Her father was teaching at Columbia University when she was born; the family moved to McLean, Virginia, near Washington, D.C., in late 1976, when Zbigniew was named National Security Advisor by newly elected President Jimmy Carter. Her brother, Mark Brzezinski, is an American diplomat and was the United States Ambassador to Sweden from 2011 to 2015. Her second brother is military expert Ian Brzezinski. She is a first cousin of the author Matthew Brzezinski.
Brzezinski attended the Madeira School and then enrolled at Georgetown University. During her junior year, she transferred to Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts,[7] and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English in 1989."
"Since the program's inception, Brzezinski appeared as co-host and news reader on MSNBC's morning program Morning Joe,[9] alongside Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist. "
"Initially Mika was a supporter of Trump's campaign as seen on the Morning Joe show [13] [14] Only later did she and co-host Joe Scarborough turn against Trump"
"The 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak revealed that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairperson of the Democratic National Committee, had emailed Chuck Todd, the Political Director of NBC News and host of Meet the Press, to demand that he "stop" Brzezinski from criticizing the DNC's treatment of Bernie Sanders.[16] In December 2016, after Clinton had lost, Brzezinski suggested the Clinton campaign had tried to silence her by calling executives at NBC and telling them she "needed to be pulled off the air".[17] "
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4971262>>4971427
more on Mika Brze:
"On February 15, 2017, Brzezinski banned Trump spokesperson Kellyanne Conway from future appearances on her show. Brzezinski said, "We know for a fact that [Conway] tries to book herself on this show. I won't do it. Because I don't believe in fake news, or information that is not true… every time I've ever seen her on television, something's askew, off or incorrect".[18] Her co-host Joe Scarborough said the decision to ban Conway from future appearances was based on her being "out of the loop" and "in none of the key meetings". "She's not briefed. She's just saying things just to get in front of the TV to prove her relevance".[18]
On February 15, 2017, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin agreed that Conway should be banned from future television appearances. "In recent days, George Stephanopoulos and Matt Lauer blasted her directly, essentially calling her a fabulist. Given all that, it would be irresponsible for any news show to put her out there, suggesting she really does not know what is going on at any given moment", Rubin wrote.[19] According to both Scarborough and Brzezinski, Conway is privately "disgusted" by her job and Donald Trump, and her words do not reflect her actual beliefs---though Conway disputed the claim.[20][21][22] "
"During the 2016 presidential campaign, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump tweeted several times criticizing both Brzezinski and Scarborough.[23] In March 2017, Brzezinski called Trump's presidency "fake and failed", and soon thereafter Trump unfollowed Brzezinski and Scarborough on Twitter.[24]
In late June 2017, Brzezinski was again the target of Trump's tweets in which he called her "low I.Q. Crazy Mika" and asserted that she was "bleeding badly from a face-lift" (she wasn't).[25][26][27]
Brzezinski and Scarborough then accused the White House of threatening to blackmail them with an exposé in a tabloid magazine unless the pair apologized publicly to the President.[28]"
"On December 12, 2018, Brzezinski called Secretary of State Mike Pompeo "a wannabe dictator's butt-boy", referring to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, during a live MSNBC broadcast. She apologized later that day (as well as the next day) after her remarks were widely criticized as homophobic.[29][30][31] "
"On October 23, 1993, Brzezinski married TV news reporter James Patrick Hoffer, now of WABC-TV.[32] They met when both worked at WTIC-TV. They have two daughters, Emilie and Carlie Hoffer. Hoffer and Brzezinski divorced in 2016 amidst allegations of an affair between Brzezinski and Scarborough.[33]
In early 2017, Brzezinski became engaged to her co-host Joe Scarborough, and both were married on November 24, 2018, in Washington, D.C."
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4971427>>4971450 >>4996459
I started to look at Mika's father, and this dude made me sick. What kind of a monster is he?
"Zbigniew Kazimierz "Zbig" Brzezinski (/ˈzbɪɡnjɛf brəˈzɪnski/;[1] Polish: [ˈzbʲiɡɲɛf bʐɛˈʑiɲskʲi] (About this soundlisten);[2] March 28, 1928 -- May 26, 2017) was a Polish-American diplomat and political scientist. He served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and was President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981. Brzezinski belonged to the realist school of international relations, standing in the geopolitical tradition of Halford Mackinder and Nicholas J. Spykman.[3][4]
Major foreign policy events during his time in office included the normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China (and the severing of ties with the Republic of China on Taiwan); the signing of the second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II); the brokering of the Camp David Accords; the transition of Iran from an important U.S. ally to an anti-Western Islamic Republic led by Khomeini; the United States' encouragement of dissidents in Eastern Europe and championing of human rights in order to undermine the influence of the Soviet Union;[5] the arming of the mujahideen in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; and the signing of the Torrijos--Carter Treaties relinquishing U.S. control of the Panama Canal after 1999.
Brzezinski served as the Robert E. Osgood Professor of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, a scholar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and a member of various boards and councils. He appeared frequently as an expert on the PBS program The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, ABC News' This Week with Christiane Amanpour, and on MSNBC's Morning Joe, where his daughter, Mika Brzezinski, is co-anchor. He was a supporter of the Prague Process.[6] His eldest son, Ian, is a foreign policy expert, and his youngest son, Mark, was the United States Ambassador to Sweden from 2011 to 2015. "
"Zbigniew Brzezinski was born in Warsaw, Poland, on March 28, 1928.[7] His family came from Brzeżany in Galicia in the Tarnopol Voivodeship (administrative region) of then eastern Poland (now in Ukraine). The town of Brzeżany is thought to be the source of the family name. Brzezinski's parents were Leonia (née Roman) Brzezińska and Tadeusz Brzeziński, a Polish diplomat who was posted to Germany from 1931 to 1935; Zbigniew Brzezinski thus spent some of his earliest years witnessing the rise of the Nazis.[8] From 1936 to 1938, Tadeusz Brzeziński was posted to the Soviet Union during Joseph Stalin's Great Purge,[9] and was later praised by Israel for his work helping Jews escape from the Nazis.[10]
In 1938, Tadeusz Brzeziński was posted to Montreal as a consul general.[10] In 1939, the Molotov--Ribbentrop Pact was agreed to by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union; subsequently the two powers invaded Poland. The 1945 Yalta Conference among the Allies allotted Poland to the Soviet sphere of influence. The Second World War had a profound effect on Brzezinski, who stated in an interview: "The extraordinary violence that was perpetrated against Poland did affect my perception of the world, and made me much more sensitive to the fact that a great deal of world politics is a fundamental struggle."[11] "
"After attending Loyola High School in Montreal,[12] Brzezinski entered McGill University in 1945 to obtain both his Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees (received in 1949 and 1950 respectively). His Master's thesis focused on the various nationalities within the Soviet Union.[13][14] Brzezinski's plan for pursuing further studies in the United Kingdom in preparation for a diplomatic career in Canada fell through, principally because he was ruled ineligible for a scholarship he had won that was open to British subjects. Brzezinski then attended Harvard University to work on a doctorate with Merle Fainsod, focusing on the Soviet Union and the relationship between the October Revolution, Vladimir Lenin's state, and the actions of Joseph Stalin. He received his Ph.D. in 1953; the same year, he traveled to Munich and met Jan Nowak-Jezioranski, head of the Polish desk of Radio Free Europe. He later collaborated with Carl J. Friedrich to develop the concept of totalitarianism as a way to more accurately and powerfully characterize and criticize the Soviets in 1956.[15] "
PS: Anons, please take notice of the mentioned person's names as well as the "groups" he was involved with, and the treaties and events that took place around him.
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4971450>>4971512
More on Zbigniew Brze:
"As a Harvard professor, he argued against Dwight Eisenhower's and John Foster Dulles's policy of rollback, saying that antagonism would push Eastern Europe further toward the Soviets.[16] The Polish protests followed by the Polish October and the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 lent some support to Brzezinski's idea that the Eastern Europeans could gradually counter Soviet domination. In 1957, he visited Poland for the first time since he left as a child, and his visit reaffirmed his judgement that splits within the Eastern bloc were profound. He developed his ideas he called "peaceful engagement."[16] Brzezinski became a naturalized American citizen in 1958.[17] "
In 1959, Harvard awarded an associate professorship to Henry Kissinger instead of Brzezinski.[7] He then moved to New York City to teach at Columbia University.[15] Here he wrote Soviet Bloc: Unity and Conflict, which focused on Eastern Europe since the beginning of the Cold War. He also taught future Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who, like Brzezinski's widow Emily, is of Czech descent, and who he also mentored during her early years in Washington.[18] He also became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York and joined the Bilderberg Group.[19]"
"During the 1960 U.S. presidential elections, Brzezinski was an advisor to the John F. Kennedy campaign, urging a non-antagonistic policy toward Eastern European governments. Seeing the Soviet Union as having entered a period of stagnation, both economic and political, Brzezinski predicted a future breakup of the Soviet Union along lines of nationality (expanding on his master's thesis).[13]
Brzezinski continued to argue for and support détente for the next few years, publishing "Peaceful Engagement in Eastern Europe" in Foreign Affairs,[20] and he continued to support non-antagonistic policies after the Cuban Missile Crisis on the grounds that such policies might disabuse Eastern European nations of their fear of an aggressive Germany, and pacify Western Europeans fearful of a superpower compromise along the lines of the Yalta Conference. In a 1962 book Brzezinski argued against the possibility of a Sino-Soviet split, saying their alignment was "not splitting and is not likely to split."[7] "
"In 1964, Brzezinski supported Lyndon Johnson's presidential campaign and the Great Society and civil rights policies, while on the other hand he saw Soviet leadership as having been purged of any creativity following the ousting of Khrushchev. Through Jan Nowak-Jezioranski, Brzezinski met with Adam Michnik, future Polish Solidarity activist.[citation needed]
Brzezinski continued to support engagement with Eastern European governments, while warning against De Gaulle's vision of a "Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals." He also supported the Vietnam War. In 1966, Brzezinski was appointed to the Policy Planning Council of the U.S. Department of State (President Johnson's October 7, 1966, "Bridge Building" speech was a product of Brzezinski's influence). In 1968, Brzezinski resigned from the council in protest of President Johnson's expansion of the war.[7] Next, he became a foreign policy advisor to Vice President Hubert Humphrey.[7] "
"Events in Czechoslovakia further reinforced Brzezinski's criticisms of the right's aggressive stance toward Eastern European governments. His service to the Johnson administration, and his fact-finding trip to Vietnam, made him an enemy of the New Left.
For the 1968 U.S. presidential campaign, Brzezinski was chairman of the Humphrey's Foreign Policy Task Force.
Brzezinski called for a pan-European conference, an idea that would eventually find fruition in 1973 as the Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe.[21] Meanwhile, he became a leading critic of both the Nixon-Kissinger détente condominium, as well as George McGovern's pacifism.[22]
In his 1970 piece Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, Brzezinski argued that a coordinated policy among developed nations was necessary in order to counter global instability erupting from increasing economic inequality. Out of this thesis, Brzezinski co-founded the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, serving as director from 1973 to 1976. The Trilateral Commission is a group of prominent political and business leaders and academics primarily from the United States, Western Europe and Japan. Its purpose was to strengthen relations among the three most industrially advanced regions of the capitalist world. In 1974, Brzezinski selected Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter as a member.[7] "
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4971512>>4971599
"Brzezinski was considered to be the Democrats' response to Republican Henry Kissinger"
PS: to me, they seem to be 2 sides of the same and exact coin.
After his victory in 1976, Carter made Brzezinski National Security Advisor. Earlier that year, major labor riots broke out in Poland, laying the foundations for Solidarity. Brzezinski began by emphasizing the "Basket III" human rights in the Helsinki Final Act, which inspired Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia shortly thereafter.[26] "
"The State Department was alarmed by Brzezinski's support for dissidents in East Germany and objected to his suggestion that Carter's first overseas visit be to Poland. He visited Warsaw and met with Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski (against the objection of the U.S. Ambassador to Poland), recognizing the Roman Catholic Church as the legitimate opposition to communist rule in Poland.[32] "
"Brzezinski advised Carter in 1978 to engage the People's Republic of China and traveled to Beijing to lay the groundwork for the normalization of relations between the two countries. This also resulted in the severing of ties with the United States' longtime anti-Communist ally the Republic of China (Taiwan)"
"1979 saw two major strategically important events: the overthrow of U.S. ally the Shah of Iran, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Iranian Revolution precipitated the Iran hostage crisis, which would last for the rest of Carter's presidency. Brzezinski anticipated the Soviet invasion, and, with the support of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and the People's Republic of China, he created a strategy to undermine the Soviet presence. Using this atmosphere of insecurity, Brzezinski led the United States toward a new arms buildup and the development of the Rapid Deployment Forces---policies that are both more generally associated with Reagan's presidency now.[citation needed]
On November 9, 1979, Brzezinski was woken at 3 am by a phone call with a startling message: The Soviets had just launched 250 nuclear weapons at the United States. Minutes later, Brzezinski received another call: The early-warning system actually showed 2,000 missiles heading toward the United States.[33] As Brzezinski prepared to phone President Jimmy Carter to plan a full-scale response, he received a third call: It was a false alarm. An early warning training tape generating indications of a large-scale Soviet nuclear attack had somehow transferred to the actual early warning network, which triggered an all-too-real scramble.[33]
Brzezinski, acting under a lame duck Carter presidency---but encouraged that Solidarity in Poland had vindicated his style of engagement with Eastern Europe—took a hard-line stance against what seemed like an imminent Soviet invasion of Poland. He even made a midnight phone call to Pope John Paul II (whose visit to Poland in 1979 had foreshadowed the emergence of Solidarity) warning him in advance. The U.S. stance was a significant change from previous reactions to Soviet repression in Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968.[citation needed]
Brzezinski developed the Carter Doctrine, which committed the U.S. to use military force in defense of the Persian Gulf.[10] In 1981 President Carter presented Brzezinski with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. "
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4971599>>4971637
Anons, this guy is a MUST read from A to Z:
"Brzezinski briefed U.S. vice-president George H. W. Bush before his 1987 trip to Poland that aided in the revival of the Solidarity movement."
"In 1985, under the Reagan administration, Brzezinski served as a member of the President's Chemical Warfare Commission. From 1987 to 1988, he worked on the U.S. National Security Council--Defense Department Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy. From 1987 to 1989 he also served on the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board."
"In 1988, Brzezinski was co-chairman of the Bush National Security Advisory Task Force, endorsing Bush for president, and breaking with the Democratic party. Brzezinski published The Grand Failure the same year, predicting the failure of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms, and the collapse of the Soviet Union in a few more decades."
"In 1990, Brzezinski warned against post--Cold War euphoria. He publicly opposed the Gulf War,[citation needed] arguing that the United States would squander the international goodwill it had accumulated by defeating the Soviet Union, and that it could trigger wide resentment throughout the Arab world. He expanded upon these views in his 1992 work Out of Control."
"Brzezinski was prominently critical of the Clinton administration's hesitation to intervene against the Serb forces in the Bosnian war."
Wary of a move toward the reinvigoration of Russian power, Brzezinski negatively viewed the succession of former KGB agent Vladimir Putin after Boris Yeltsin. In this vein, he became one of the foremost advocates of NATO expansion. He wrote in 1998 that "Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire."[36] He later came out in support of the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia during the Kosovo war"
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4971637>>4971680
"He also appointed his own press spokesman, and his frequent press briefings and appearances on television interview shows made him a prominent public figure, although perhaps not nearly as much as Kissinger had been under Nixon"
"The Iranian revolution was the last straw for the disintegrating relationship between Vance and Brzezinski. As the upheaval developed, the two advanced fundamentally different positions. Brzezinski wanted to control the revolution and increasingly suggested military action to prevent Ayatollah Khomeini from coming to power, while Vance wanted to come to terms with the new Islamic Republic of Iran. As a consequence, Carter failed to develop a coherent approach to the Iranian situation. Vance's resignation following the unsuccessful mission to rescue the American hostages in March 1980, undertaken over his objections, was the final result of the deep disagreement between Brzezinski and Vance"
"During the 1960s, Brzezinski articulated the strategy of peaceful engagement for undermining the Soviet bloc, and while serving on the State Department Policy Planning Council, persuaded President Lyndon B. Johnson to adopt (in October 1966) peaceful engagement as U.S. strategy, placing détente ahead of German reunification and thus reversing prior U.S. priorities.[citation needed]
During the 1970s and 1980s, at the height of his political involvement, Brzezinski participated in the formation of the Trilateral Commission in order to more closely cement U.S.--Japanese–European relations. As the three most economically advanced sectors of the world, the people of the three regions could be brought together in cooperation that would give them a more cohesive stance against the communist world.[43]
While serving in the White House, Brzezinski emphasized the centrality of human rights as a means of placing the Soviet Union on the ideological defensive. With Jimmy Carter in Camp David, he assisted in the attainment of the Egypt--Israel Peace Treaty.[44]
He actively supported Polish Solidarity and the Afghan resistance to Soviet invasion, and provided covert support for national independence movements in the Soviet Union.[citation needed] He played a leading role in normalizing U.S.--PRC relations and in the development of joint strategic cooperation, cultivating a relationship with Deng Xiaoping, for which he is thought very highly of in mainland China to this day.[citation needed]
In the 1990s he formulated the strategic case for buttressing the independent statehood of Ukraine, partially as a means to prevent a resurgence of the Russian Empire,[citation needed] and to drive Russia toward integration with the West, promoting instead "geopolitical pluralism" in the space of the former Soviet Union. He developed "a plan for Europe" urging the expansion of NATO, making the case for the expansion of NATO to the Baltic states.
He served as Bill Clinton's emissary to Azerbaijan in order to promote the Baku--Tbilisi–Ceyhan pipeline. Subsequently, he became a member of Honorary Council of Advisors of U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (USACC). Further, he led, together with Lane Kirkland, the effort to increase the endowment for the U.S.-sponsored Polish-American Freedom Foundation from the proposed $112 million to an eventual total of well over $200 million."
"In the aftermath of the invasion, Carter was determined to respond vigorously to what he considered a dangerous provocation. In a televised speech, he announced sanctions on the Soviet Union, promised renewed aid to Pakistan, and committed the U.S. to the Persian Gulf's defense.[48][49] The thrust of U.S. policy for the duration of the war was determined by Carter in early 1980: Carter initiated a program to arm the mujahideen through Pakistan's ISI and secured a pledge from Saudi Arabia to match U.S. funding for this purpose. U.S. support for the mujahideen accelerated under Carter's successor, Ronald Reagan, at a final cost to U.S. taxpayers of some $3 billion. The Soviets were unable to quell the insurgency and withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989, precipitating the dissolution of the Soviet Union itself.[48] However, the decision to route U.S. aid through Pakistan led to massive fraud, as weapons sent to Karachi were frequently sold on the local market rather than delivered to the Afghan rebels; Karachi soon "became one of the most violent cities in the world". Pakistan also controlled which rebels received assistance: Of the seven mujahideen groups supported by Zia's government, four espoused Islamic fundamentalist beliefs---and these fundamentalists received most of the funding.[46] Years later, in a 1997 CNN/National Security Archive interview, Brzezinski detailed the strategy taken by the Carter administration against the Soviets in 1979:"
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4971680>>4971751
"When asked if he regretted supporting Islamist groups in their fight against the Soviet Union, Brzezinski replied, "What was more important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? "
"In November 1979, revolutionary students stormed the Embassy of the United States, Tehran and took American diplomats hostage. Brzezinski argued against Secretary of State Cyrus Vance's proposed diplomatic solutions to the Iran hostage crisis, insisting they "would deliver Iran to the Soviets."[7] Vance, struggling with gout, went to Florida on Thursday, April 10, 1980, for a long weekend.[54] On Friday, Brzezinski held a newly scheduled meeting of the National Security Council and authorized Operation Eagle Claw, a military expedition into Tehran to rescue the hostages.[54] Deputy Secretary Warren Christopher, who attended the meeting in Vance's place, did not inform Vance.[54] Furious, Vance handed in his resignation on principle, calling Brzezinski "evil"."
"Shortly after taking office in 1977, President Carter again reaffirmed the United States' position of upholding the Shanghai Communiqué. In May 1978, Brzezinski overcame concerns from the State Department and traveled to Beijing, where he began talks that seven months later led to full diplomatic relations.[7] The United States and People's Republic of China announced on December 15, 1978, that the two governments would establish diplomatic relations on January 1, 1979. This required that the United States sever relations with the Republic of China on Taiwan. Consolidating U.S. gains in befriending Communist China was a major priority stressed by Brzezinski during his time as National Security Advisor. However, Brzezinski "denied reports that he encouraged China to support the genocidal dictator Pol Pot in Cambodia, because Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge were the enemies of communist Vietnam."[56] "
""During the decades when Poland was stuck against her will behind the Iron Curtain, he and the Polish pope were the two most important voices for a free Poland abroad. After liberation, he acted as an adviser and champion of the new democracies on their way to rejoining Western institutions."[62]
Though he rose to national prominence as a member of the Carter administration, Brzezinski avoided partisan politics and sometimes voted Republican. In 1988, he endorsed Republican George H. W. Bush for president"
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4971751>>4971760
"Brzezinski argued against the 2003 invasion of Iraq and was outspoken in the then-unpopular opinion that the invasion would be a mistake. As recalled by David Ignatius, "Brzezinski paid a cost in the insular, self-reinforcing world of Washington foreign policy opinion, until it became clear to nearly everyone that he (joined in this Iraq War opposition by Scowcroft) had been right."[64] He later called President George W. Bush's foreign policy "catastrophic."[7] Brzezinski was a leading critic of the George W. Bush Administration's conduct of the War on Terror. In 2004, Brzezinski wrote The Choice, which expanded upon his earlier work,The Grand Chessboard(1997), and sharply criticized George W. Bush's foreign policy. In 2007, in a column in The Washington Post, Brzezinski excoriated the Bush administration, arguing that their post-9/11 actions had damaged the reputation of the United States "infinitely greater than any wild dreams entertained by the fanatical perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks" and destroyed any chance of uniting the world to defeat extremism and terrorism.[65] He later stated that he had "visceral contempt" for British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who supported Bush's actions in Iraq.[63]
He defended the book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by John Mearsheimer.[66]
In August 2007, Brzezinski endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. He stated that Obama "recognizes that the challenge is a new face, a new sense of direction, a new definition of America's role in the world"[67] and that "What makes Obama attractive to me is that he understands that we live in a very different world where we have to relate to a variety of cultures and people."[68] In September 2007 during a speech on the Iraq war, Obama introduced Brzezinski as "one of our most outstanding thinkers," but some pro-Israel commentators questioned his criticism of the Israel lobby in the United States.[66] In a September 2009 interview with The Daily Beast, Brzezinski replied to a question about how aggressive President Obama should be in insisting Israel not conduct an air strike on Iran, saying: "We are not exactly impotent little babies. They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch?"[69] This was interpreted by some supporters of Israel as supporting the downing of Israeli jets by the United States in order to prevent an attack on Iran.[70][71] In 2011, Brzezinski supported the NATO intervention against the forces of Muammar Gaddafi in the Libyan Civil War, calling non-intervention "morally dubious" and "politically questionable".[72]
In early 2012, Brzezinski expressed disappointment and said he was confused by some of Obama's actions, such as the decision to send 2,500 U.S. troops to Australia, but supported him for re-election.[63] "
▶ 150b45 (28) No.4971760>>4974570
"On March 3, 2014, between the February 22 ousting of Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych and the March 16, Crimean referendum, Brzezinski authored an op-ed piece for The Washington Post entitled "What is to be done? Putin's aggression in Ukraine needs a response."[73] He led with a link on Russian aggression; he compared Russian President Vladimir Putin's "thuggish tactics in seizing Crimea" and "thinly camouflaged invasion" to Adolf Hitler's occupation of the Sudetenland in 1938, and characterized Putin as a cartoon Benito Mussolini, but stopped well short of advocating that the U.S. go to war. Rather, he suggested that NATO should be put on high alert and recommended "to avert miscalculations". He explicitly stated that reassurances be given "Russia that it is not seeking to draw Ukraine into NATO."[73]
According to Ignatius and Sikorski, Brzezinski was "deeply troubled" by the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States and worried over the future. Two days after the election, on November 10, 2016, Brzezinski warned of "coming turmoil in the nation and the world" in a brief speech after he was awarded the Medal for Distinguished Public Service from the Department of Defense.[64] On May 4, 2017, he sent out his final Tweet, saying, "Sophisticated US leadership is the sine qua non of a stable world order. However, we lack the former while the latter is getting worse."[62] "
"Brzezinski was a past member of the Atlantic Council and the National Endowment for Democracy.[75] At the time of his death, he was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations[76] and the International Honorary Council[77] of the European Academy of Diplomacy. "
"Brzezinski died at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia, on May 26, 2017 at the age of 89.[78][79] His funeral was held June 9 at the Cathedral of St. Matthew in Washington, D.C.[80] Former President Carter and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright were among those who gave eulogies, while attendees included international diplomats and emissaries; journalists Carl Bernstein, Chuck Todd and David Ignatius; 100-year-old Gen. Edward Rowny; former National Security Adviser Susan E. Rice; and former National Security Advisor, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster. Former National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, aged 94, was unable to attend, but a note he sent was read during a eulogy: "The world is an emptier place without Zbig pushing the limits of his insights."[81] "
I agree = this man is evil
I will post the rest tomorrow anons.
▶ 0d4af4 (9) No.4974570>>4974601
This is Thomas Anon continuing my drop on Brzezinski; here is about Mika paternel grandfather: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tadeusz_Brzezi%C5%84ski
"Tadeusz Brzeziński (February 21, 1896 -- January 7, 1990) was a Polish consular official and the father of US President Jimmy Carter's national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski. "
"Brzeziński was born in the town of Złoczów, in what was then the Austro-Hungarian Empire (today Zolochiv, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine), the son of Zofia (Woronieckich) and Kazimierz Brzeziński.[1] He received his university education in Lwów (now Lviv), and in Vienna. As a volunteer in the Polish independence movement from 1918 to 1920, Brzeziński saw action in the Battle of Lwów during the Polish-Ukrainian War and against Soviet forces in the final Warsaw campaign of 1920. He entered the diplomatic-consular service of the new Polish Republic, serving in Essen, Germany; Lille, France; Leipzig, Germany; Kharkov, in the Soviet Ukraine, and Montreal, where he lived after the Communist takeover in Poland after World War II.
While in Leipzig, Germany, before World War II, Brzeziński became involved in efforts to rescue European Jews from Nazi concentration camps. In 1978, his efforts on behalf of the Jewish people were recognized by Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin.
Brzeziński was consul general from 1938 until the Communist takeover of Poland at the end of World War II. He served as president of the Canadian Polish Congress from 1952 to 1962, and in 1975 helped create the World Polish Congress. Until his retirement, he worked for the Quebec province Ministry of Culture, setting up French-language centres in small towns. "
I think i get it now = the Brzezinski family serves Payseur, they are part of the red shoe clan. It was also all over Mika's father foreign policy, while i think Kissinger was part of the black eye clan.
▶ 0d4af4 (9) No.4974601>>4974627
So now here is Mika brother Ian: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Brzezinski
"Joseph Brzezinski (born December 23, 1963) is an American foreign policy and military affairs expert.
He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO Policy in 2001--2005, under President George W. Bush"
"Ian Brzezinski graduated from Williams College in 1986. He was a Support Analyst/Information Assistant at the National Security Council in 1986--1987.
He served as a member of the Policy Planning Staff in the Department of Defense in 1991--1993, and was also a consultant to the Center for Naval Analysis in 1991–1992.
In 1993--1994, Brzezinski became a volunteer advisor to the government of Ukraine, where he assisted Ukraine's National Security Council, Foreign Ministry, Defense Ministry and Parliament.
He returned to the United States in 1995, and became Legislative Assistant for National Security Affairs to Senator William V. Roth. In 2000, he became a Senior Professional Staff Member for the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.[1]
He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO Policy in 2001--2005.
After leaving the Defense Department, Brzezinski became a Principal at the consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., providing policy and technical advice to U.S. combatant commands and foreign clients. He left Booz Allen Hamilton after five years, and now heads the Brzezinski Group, which provides similar services: " … a strategic advisory firm serving U.S. and international commercial clients in the financial, energy, and defense sectors. The Brzezinski Group assists them navigate geopolitical developments, develop and execute market entry and opportunity capture strategies, and manage relationships with government entities."[2]
He is also a member of the Strategic Advisors Group at the Atlantic Council; in 2010 he was named a Senior Fellow in the Council's Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security.[3]
Brzezinski is a frequent contributor to the American press on foreign policy issues.[4]
Brzezinski is the father to Tulane University "Spring Scholar" William Brzezinski. William loves the outdoors, speaking Spanish, and has recently found a passion for lifting weights in the gymnasium. Brzezinski also has a daughter, Sophie Brzezinski. "
PS: It makes one wonder how involved this family was in the recent affairs of the Ukraine and the Cirmea seperation from it.
And here is about the second brother Mark:
"Mark Francis Brzezinski (born April 7, 1965) is an American lawyer who served as the United States Ambassador to Sweden from 2011--2015."
"Brzezinski graduated from Dartmouth College with a Bachelor of Arts in government, earned a Juris Doctor from the University of Virginia Law School, and holds a Doctor of Philosophy in political science from Oxford University. He also earned a Fulbright Scholarship to study the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland. "
"Brzezinski was a corporate and securities associate at Hogan & Hartson LLP in Washington, D.C. from 1996-1999. From 1999-2001, Brzezinski served in the Clinton administration as a director of Russian/Eurasian affairs and director of Southeast European affairs of the National Security Council at the White House. In that capacity, he was White House coordinator for U.S. democracy and rule of law assistance programs for the region.
Brzezinski was a foreign policy advisor to the presidential campaign of Barack Obama,[1] and was later appointed Ambassador to Sweden by Obama.[2] "
"His first wife was Carolyn M. Campbell, a lawyer.[3] His second wife, from 2008, is Natalia Lopatniuk."
▶ 0d4af4 (9) No.4974627>>4974749
I got interested in that Hogan & Hartson LLP; it's good to read it,
And this is about their Mother:
Jump to search
Emilie Beneš Brzezinski
Emilie Anna Beneš
1933 (age 85--86)
Geneva, Switzerland
Wellesley College, Massachusetts
Known for
Zbigniew Brzezinski
(m. 1961; died 2017)
"Emilie Beneš Brzezinski (born Emilie Anna Beneš; 1933) is an American sculptor and the widow of Zbigniew Brzezinski."
"Emilie Beneš was born in Geneva, Switzerland. She earned a fine arts degree at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, United States. After marrying, she sculpted for 25 years while raising a family, then had her first solo show in 1981 in Washington, D.C.[1]
Since the 1980s, most of her works have been in wood. Her monumental 1993 work Lintel, constructed from cut cherry trees and then cast in bronze, is in the collection of Grounds for Sculpture, a 35-acre (140,000 m2) sculpture park and museum in New Jersey.[2] She exhibited in the 2003 Florence Biennale and participated by invitation in the 2005 Vancouver International Sculpture Biennale.[3]"
"Shortly after graduating from Wellesley, Emilie Beneš, herself a relative of Czechoslovakia's former president Edvard Beneš, married Polish-born emigrant turned naturalized citizen Zbigniew Brzezinski, a political scientist who served as an adviser to President Carter. The Brzezinskis have three children. Their oldest son, Ian Brzezinski, has served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO Policy in 2001--2005, under President George W. Bush, among other roles. Their second son, Mark Brzezinski, is a lawyer and political appointee who has served as an adviser to President Clinton and President Obama. Their youngest child, Mika Brzezinski, is a television journalist, political commentator, and co-host for MSNBC.[4]
Václav Edvard Beneš, a mathematician, is her brother. "
And now here is about cousins Matthew:Shortly after graduating from Wellesley, Emilie Beneš, herself a relative of Czechoslovakia's former president Edvard Beneš, married Polish-born emigrant turned naturalized citizen Zbigniew Brzezinski, a political scientist who served as an adviser to President Carter. The Brzezinskis have three children. Their oldest son, Ian Brzezinski, has served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO Policy in 2001--2005, under President George W. Bush, among other roles. Their second son, Mark Brzezinski, is a lawyer and political appointee who has served as an adviser to President Clinton and President Obama. Their youngest child, Mika Brzezinski, is a television journalist, political commentator, and co-host for MSNBC.[4]
Václav Edvard Beneš, a mathematician, is her brother.
"Brzezinski was born in Canada[1] and is of Polish heritage. He graduated from McGill University in 1991.[citation needed] Brzezinski began working as a journalist in the early 1990s in Warsaw, writing for publications including The New York Times, The Economist, and The Guardian (UK). He was a Wall Street Journal staff reporter in Moscow and Kiev in the late 1990s.[1] Relocating to the US, he became a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine, covering counterterrorism in the aftermath of 9/11.[2] His work has also appeared in many other publications including The Washington Post Magazine,[3] the Los Angeles Times,[4] and Mother Jones.[5]
Brzezinski is the nephew of former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and his wife Emilie Anna Benešová. Brzezinski is the cousin of television anchor Mika Brzezinski, military affairs expert Ian Joseph Brzezinski and Mark Brzezinski.
Brzezinski lives in Manchester-by-the-sea, Massachusetts with his wife and three children.[citation needed] "
PS: This family is heavily involved in foreign policy, mostly about Eastern Europe foreign policy.
▶ 0d4af4 (9) No.4974749>>4974801 >>4975067
As Q asked in drop 742, i checked the entire family back ground, and i came up with a few conclusions:
1 - These are Payseur aka red shoe clan people.
2 - They are heavily involved (along with Kissinger) in shaping the foreign politics of the States, mostly in Easter Europe and the Middle East.
3 - They are very fond Jews and Israel and they worked hard for it's best interst.
Q also says in this same drop that we should investigate those whome are in front of cameras and scream the loudest. Well, i hope anons will pick on that and each take one person and dig on him/her exposing them big time. And on Q's request, i went to check in McLean Virginia.
"McLean (/məˈkleɪn/ mə-KLAYN)[4] is an unincorporated community and census-designated place (CDP) in Fairfax County in Northern Virginia. McLean is home to many diplomats, businessmen, members of Congress, and high-ranking government officials partially due to its proximity to Washington, D.C. and the Central Intelligence Agency. It is the location of Hickory Hill, the former home of Ethel Kennedy, the widow of Robert F. Kennedy. It is also the location of Salona, the former home of Light-Horse Harry Lee, the Revolutionary War hero. The community had an estimated total population of 53,673 in 2015, according to estimates prepared by the United States Census Bureau.[5] It is located between the Potomac River and the town of Vienna. McLean is known for its luxury homes and its nearby high-end shopping destinations: the Tysons Corner Center and the Tysons Galleria. The two McLean zip codes - 22101 and 22102 - are among the most expensive ZIP Codes in Virginia and the United States.[6] In 2018, data from the American Community Survey revealed that McLean was the 3rd wealthiest city in the United States, based on its poverty rate of 2.6% and its median household income of $190,258.[7] "
"The community received its name from John Roll McLean, the former publisher and owner of The Washington Post. Along with Stephen Benton Elkins and French aristocrat Jean-Pierre Guenard, in 1902 he bought the charter for the Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad. Completed in 1906, it connected the area with Washington, D.C. McLean named a railroad station costing $1,500, of which $500 was raised locally, after himself where the rail line (traveling on the present route of Old Dominion Drive) crossed the old Chain Bridge Road.[8] The community itself was founded in 1910, when the communities of Lewinsville and Langley merged."
"As a suburb of Washington, D.C., McLean is a part of both the Washington Metropolitan Area and the larger Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area. The CDP includes the unincorporated communities of Langley, Lewinsville, and West McLean, and it borders several other Washington suburbs including: Potomac and Cabin John, Maryland to the north; Brookmont, Maryland to the northeast; Arlington to the southeast; Falls Church to the south; Idylwood, Pimmit Hills, and Tysons Corner to the southwest; Wolf Trap to the west; and Great Falls to the northwest."
PS: Did anons catch the Wa.Po. connection? And the French connection?And a name that totally blew my mind = Elkins = soooo i was rightto smell something about Alva and Eleanor. Arlington = That same Arlington where Potus stood behind that grave with infinity sign; the same Arlington where a plane flew over and made an infinity sign in the air and anons picked up on that?
"The headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency is located in the Langley area of McLean, and the headquarters of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence is also located in McLean. The U.S. Department of Transportation's Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center is also located down the street from the CIA headquarters"
"The Capital Beltway, George Washington Memorial Parkway, Interstate 66, Dulles Access Road, Dolley Madison Boulevard/Chain Bridge Road, Georgetown Pike, and Old Dominion Drive all run through McLean. McLean station on the Washington Metro Silver Line opened in 2014, two miles west of the village near Tysons Corner. WMATA also has several bus routes traveling through McLean. "
PS: So we have CIA headquaters and a road called Georgetown PIKE.
▶ 0d4af4 (9) No.4974801>>4974824
More about McLean:
"Due to its proximity to Washington, D.C., numerous figures from American politics and government live or have lived in McLean including former Vice-President Dick Cheney and his family,[33] U.S. Army General and former Secretary of State Colin Powell, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy and former Justice Antonin Scalia, and U.S. Senators Byron Dorgan, Patrick Leahy, Don Nickles,[34] and George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley. Foreign diplomats such as Turki bin Faisal Al Saud and Bandar bin Sultan have also lived in McLean.[34] Other famous residents have included the one of the "fathers of the internet", Vint Cerf, former Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, author and political activist Gore Vidal,[34] science fiction writer James Tiptree, Jr.,[35] Alexander Ovechkin, captain of the 2017-2018 Stanley Cup Champion Washington Capitals, and Bradley Beal, a Washington Wizards player. "
PS: This is a very interesting place, we have 2 FORMER SC justices living there. And we have 2 KSA princes: Turki bin Faisal Al Saud and Bandar bin Sultan. Weren't they amon those arrested when that "clean up" took place in KSA?
A couple of names got my attention, one of them is: Booz Allen Hamilton, i've seen it before somewhere in my search, but i cannot pin point it.
"Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. (informally Booz Allen)[4] is an American management and information technology consulting firm,[5] headquartered in McLean, Virginia,[6] in Greater Washington, D.C., with 80 other offices around the globe. The company's stated core business is to provide consulting, analysis and engineering services to public and private sector organizations and nonprofits"
"The company that was to become Booz Allen was founded in 1914, in Evanston, Illinois, when Northwestern University graduate Edwin G. Booz founded the Business Research Service. The service was based on Booz's theory that companies would be more successful if they could call on someone outside their own organizations for expert, impartial advice.[9] Booz's service attracted a number of clients, such as Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Chicago's Union Stockyards and Transit Company, and the Canadian & Pacific Railroad.[10]
During the following three decades, the company went through a number of name changes and business models, becoming a partnership called Booz, Fry, Allen & Hamilton in 1936, before Fry's departure in 1942 left it as Booz Allen Hamilton. "
"In general, the post-war era saw a shift in the company's client pool, with many contracts coming from governmental institutions and different branches of the Armed Forces.[10]
Edwin G. Booz died in 1951. The company received its first international contract two years later, in 1953, to help reorganize land-ownership records for the newly established Philippine government.[11]
The partnership was dissolved in 1962 and the company was registered as a private corporation. In 1998, Booz Allen Hamilton developed a strategy for the IRS to reshuffle its 100,000 employees into units focused on particular taxpayer categories"
"Bloomberg named it "the world's most profitable spy organization".[13] According to an Information Week piece from 2002, Booz Allen had "more than one thousand former intelligence officers on its staff".[11] According to its own website, the company "employs more than 10,000 TS/SCI cleared personnel".[14]
In 2010, Booz Allen went public with an initial public offering of 14,000,000 shares at $17 per share. [15][16] In 2012, Booz Allen purchased the Defense Systems Engineering & Support division of ARINC, adding approximately 1,000 new employees to its roster.[17] In 2014, Booz Allen acquired Epidemico.[7][18] In 2015, Booz Allen acquired the software development division of the Charleston, S.C. technology firm SPARC.[19][20] In 2017, Booz Allen acquired eGov Holdings."
PS: Holy Heavens anons! We've got connections to the railroad business and then contracts with the arm froces, then with IRS then with the spy agencies. What is this place?
▶ 0d4af4 (9) No.4974824>>4974916
More about Booz Allen Hamilton:
"A June 28, 2007 article in The Washington Post related how a United States Department of Homeland Security contract with Booz Allen increased from $2 million to more than $70 million through two no-bid contracts, one occurring after the DHS's legal office had advised DHS not to continue the contract until after a review. A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on the contract characterized it as not well-planned and lacking any measure for assuring valuable work to be completed"
"On July 11, 2011[34][35] the group Anonymous, as part of its Operation AntiSec,[36] hacked into Booz Allen servers, extracting e-mails and non-salted passwords from the U.S. military. This information and a complete dump of the database were placed in a file shared on The Pirate Bay.[37] Despite Anonymous' claims that 90,000 emails were released, the Associated Press counted only 67,000 unique emails, of which only 53,000 were military addresses. The remainder of the addresses came from educational institutions and defense contractors.[38] Anonymous also said that it accessed four gigabytes of Booz Allen source code and deleted those four gigabytes. According to a statement by the group, "We infiltrated a server on their network that basically had no security measures in place."[39][40]
Anonymous accused Booz Allen of working with HBGary Federal by creating a project for the manipulation of social media. Anonymous also accused Booz Allen of participating in intelligence-gathering and surveillance programs of the U.S. federal government and, as stated by Kukil Bora of the International Business Times, "possible illegal activities".[36] Booz Allen confirmed the intrusion on 13 July, but contradicted Anonymous' claims in saying that the attack never got past their own systems, meaning that information from the military should be secure.[41] In August of that year, during a conference call with analysts, Ralph Shrader, the chairman and CEO, stated that "the cost of remediation and other activities directly associated with the attack" were not expected to have a "material effect on our financial results".
"In June 2013, Edward Snowden---at the time a Booz Allen employee[43] contracted to projects of the National Security Agency (NSA)—publicly disclosed details of classified mass surveillance and data collection programs, including PRISM. The alleged leaks are said to rank among the most significant breaches in the history of the NSA[44] and led to considerable concern worldwide. Booz Allen condemned Snowden's leak of the existence of PRISM as "shocking" and "a grave violation of the code of conduct and core values of our firm".[45] The company fired Snowden in absentia shortly after and stated he had been an employee for less than three months at the time. Market analysts considered the incident "embarrassing" but unlikely to cause enduring commercial damage.[46] Booz Allen stated that it would work with authorities and clients to investigate the leak. Charles Riley of CNN/Money said that Booz Allen was "scrambling to distance itself from Snowden".[47]
According to Reuters, a source "with detailed knowledge on the matter" stated that Booz Allen's hiring screeners detected possible discrepancies in Snowden's résumé regarding his education, since some details "did not check out precisely", but decided to hire him anyway; Reuters stated that the element which triggered these concerns, or the manner in which Snowden satisfied the concerns, were not known.[48]
On Wednesday July 10, 2013, the United States Air Force stated that it cleared Booz Allen of wrongdoing regarding the Snowden case."
PS: I don't know about you anons but my heart is about to stop. What the heck is this place?
▶ 0d4af4 (9) No.4974916>>4974929
"In 2013 David Sirota of Salon said that Booz Allen and parent company The Carlyle Group make significant political contributions to the Democratic Party and the Republican Party as well as individual politicians, including Barack Obama and John McCain.[50] According to Maplight, a company that tracked campaign donations, Booz Allen gave a total of just over $87,000 to U.S. lawmakers from 2007 to June 2013.[51] Sirota concluded that "many of the politicians now publicly defending the surveillance state and slamming whistleblowers like Snowden have taken huge sums of money from these two firms", referring to Booz Allen and Carlyle, and that the political parties are "bankrolled by these firms".[50]
According to CNBC, these contributions resulted in a steady stream of government contracts, which puts Booz Allen in privileged position. Due to the company's important government services, “the government is unlikely to let the company go out of business. It's too connected to fail”.[52] Furthermore, the influence Booz Allen carries in Washington isn't restricted to donations, but to a large network of lobbyists and political insiders. According to government watchdog OpenSecrets, “4 out of 6 Booz Allen Hamilton lobbyists in 2015-2016 have previously held government jobs”.
"In June 2012 Booz Allen expanded its operations in North Africa and the Middle East, with initial plans to add operations in Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates. It planned to later add operations to Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, during a time when those countries, as stated by Jill R. Aitoro of the Washington Business Journal, were "recover[ing] from the turmoil associated with the Arab Spring".[53] The Booz Allen employee base, when it was a part of Booz & Company, had long-term relationships with many North African and Middle Eastern countries; Booz Allen had split from Booz & Company[53] David Sirota of Salon said that politicians in the United States who received financing from Booz Allen and "other firms with a similar multinational business model" have vested interests in "denigrating the democratic protest movements that challenge Mideast surveillance states that make those donors big money, too."[50]
Booz Allen helped the Government of the United Arab Emirates create an equivalent of the National Security Agency for that country. According to David E. Sanger and Nicole Perlroth of The New York Times, "one Arab official familiar with the effort" said that "They are teaching everything. Data mining, Web surveillance, all sorts of digital intelligence collection."[54] In 2013 Sanger and Perlroth said that the company "profits handsomely from its worldwide expansion".[54]
Booz Allen has particularly come under scrutiny for its ties to the government of Saudi Arabia and the support it provides to the Saudi armed forces. Alongside competitors McKinsey & Company and Boston Consulting Group, Booz Allen are seen as important factors in Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s drive to consolidate power in the Kingdom.[55] On the military side, Booz Allen is employing dozens of retired American military personnel to train and advice the Royal Saudi Navy and provide logistics for the Saudi Army, but denies its expertise is used by Saudi Arabia in its war against Yemen. Additionally, it also entered an agreement with the Saudi government that involves the protection and cyber-security of government ministries,[56] with experts arguing that these defensive maneuvers could easily be used to target dissidents."
PS: So now it's all over the arabic peninsula with ties to Bin Salman. And don't forget the cherry on top of the cake is SNOWDEN.
▶ 0d4af4 (9) No.4974929>>4974985
"Notable personnel and associates (past and present):
-Sir (Francis) Christopher Buchan Bland: Chairman of the Royal Shakespeare Company, and former chairman of British Telecommunications PLC[57][58][59]
-Art Collins: Chairman and CEO, Medtronic, Inc.[60]
-Edward C. Davies (Ted): Managing partner, Unisys Federal Systems[61][62]
-Karen Fawcett: Director, Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia[63]
-Rhonda Germany: Vice President of Strategy and Business Development, Honeywell[64][65]
-Gerry Horkan: Vice president of corporate strategy, Yahoo! Inc.[66]
-Paul Idzik: Executive vice president and chief operating officer, Barclays PLC[67]
-Abigail Johnson: President of Fidelity Investments
-Joel Kurtzman: Founding editor, Korn Ferry's Briefings on Talent & Leadership, Senior Fellow, Wharton School, Senior Fellow, Milken Institute.
-Raymond J. Lane: General partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers; chairman of the board of trustees at Carnegie Mellon University, former president and chief operating officer of Oracle Corporation[68][69][70][71] and chairman of Hewlett-Packard[72][73]
-Matthew Le Merle - Investor, board director and leading authority on innovation
Gretchen W. McClain - President and CEO of Xylem Inc., former NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Space Development
-Christopher North, CEO of Shutterfly[74]
Edward J. O'Hare: Chief Information Officer for the U.S. General Services Administration's's Federal Acquisition Service; former Assistant Commissioner, General Services Administration, and former VP at Dynanet[75][76]
-Torsten Oltmanns: currently Global Marketing Director at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants and Assistant Prof. at University of Innsbruck[77][78]
-Todd Y. Park: Co-founder and chief development officer of Athena Health and second Chief Technology Officer of the United States[79][80]
-Mark DeSantis: Chief executive officer of ANGLE Technology Consulting and Management and former CEO and president of Formation3 LLC[81][82]
-Stan Scoggins: Vice president of worldwide digital assets, Universal Studios[83][84]
Deven Sharma: President, Standard & Poor's and VP for global strategy at McGraw-Hill[85][86]
-Michael Wolf: Former president and chief operating officer of MTV Networks"
-Wendy Alexander: Labour Party Leader and Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP).[89][90]
-Thad Allen: former Coast Guard Admiral Commandant of the United States Coast Guard
-Miles Axe Copeland, Jr.: a prominent U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operative who was one of the founding members of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) under William Donovan.
-Karol J. Bobko: Retired United States Air Force officer and a former USAF and NASA astronaut.[91]
-Ian Brzezinski: Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO Policy from 2001 to 2005
-James R. Clapper: Director of National Intelligence, formally Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and lieutenant general in the US Air Force[92]
-Keith R. Hall: Director, National Reconnaissance Office (1997--2001); formerly Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs[92]
-Steve Isakowitz: Department of Energy Chief Financial Officer. Former Deputy Associate Administrator, NASA, 2002--2005[93][94][95][96]
-William B. Lenoir: Former NASA astronaut.
-John M. McConnell: Director of National Intelligence (2007--2009); formerly director of the National Security Agency (1992–96); retired in 1996 as vice admiral, United States Navy[97]
-Todd Park, former Chief Technology Officer of the United States (2012-2014) and former CTO of the Department of Health and Human Services
-Zoran Jolevski: Minister of Defense of Macedonia.
-Thomas S. Moorman Jr.: Commander, Air Force Space Command (1990--92); Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force (1994–1997)
-Patrick Gorman: Chief Information Officer (CIO), and Assistant Deputy Director National Intelligence (ADDNI), Strategy, Plans, and Policy, ODNI[98]
-Andrew Turnbull: Member, House of Lords (upper Parliament), United Kingdom (2005--); Head of British Civil Service (2002–2005)
-Melissa Hathaway: Director, National Cyber Security Initiative
-General Frederick Frank Woerner, Jr.: Retired United States Army general and former commander of United States Southern Command.
-R. James Woolsey, Jr.: Director of Central Intelligence (1993--95)
-Caryn Wagner: former Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis
-Dov Zakheim: Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (2001--04)"
PS: Anons, we've got Clappter with Ian Brzezinski and we have in the mix Wagner, McConnell and a brit member of the house of LORDS Andrew Tumbul.
▶ 0d4af4 (9) No.4974985>>4975015
"Other Fields:
-Robert Bakish: President and CEO of Viacom
-Joseph Garber: Author
-Olivia Goldsmith: Author of The First Wives Club[99]
-Harold T. Martin III: accused of stealing data from the NSA while working for Booz Allen Hamilton.[100]
-Graeme Maxton: Secretary General, The Club of Rome
-Daniel O'Keeffe: Guamanian swimmer in the 2000 Sydney and 2004 Athens Summer Olympics.
-Bruce Pasternack: former president and CEO of Special Olympics International, former director of Energy Policy for the Federal Energy Administration, former board member BEA Systems, on the board of trustees of Cooper Union and also a former board member for Codexis, Quantum Corporation and Symyx Technologies. Author of books on strategy and business.
-Michael D. Smith: professor of information technology and marketing at Carnegie Mellon University
-Edward Snowden: NSA whistleblower[101]"
PS: So we have Viacom, the Club of Rome, the special Olympics, Harold Martin III accused of stealing fron NSA and Micheal Smith a professor at Carnegie Mellon University.
Anons, I don't know what you think, but for me, this has Payseur minions in it and it seems Clapper whom has been working hard to protect Killary is also heavily involved, how involved was he with the people trying to steal information from the NSA. And what TYPE of information were they trying to steal from the NSA? Was it tech stuff? Was it industrial stuff? About weapons? Money? Or maybe some material that weakens the NSA and make the CIA stronger? Or maybe something like 33 000 e-mails that they thought were acid washed with Bleach Bit but it turned out the NSA has them all? Those are just my thoughts anons, I don't know the answers, just thinking out loud for now.
▶ e139c1 (12) No.4975015
Anons, i don't understand much this corporation stuff but if an anon would, I think Carlyle group is an important place to dig because of this:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Carlyle_Group
"Carlyle was founded in 1987 as an investment banking boutique by five original partners with backgrounds in finance and government: William E. Conway, Jr., Stephen L. Norris, David M. Rubenstein, Daniel A. D'Aniello and Greg Rosenbaum.[3] The founding partners named the firm after the Carlyle Hotel in New York City where Norris and Rubenstein had often met to discuss the formation of their new investment business.[4] Rubenstein, who was a Washington-based lawyer, had worked in the Carter Administration. Norris and D'Aneillo had previously worked together at Marriott Corporation while Conway was a finance executive at MCI Communications. Of the founding five partners Rubenstein, Conway and D'Aneillo remain active in the business while Rosenbaum left in the first year[5] and Norris departed in 1995.[4][6] Carlyle was founded with $5 million of financial backing from T. Rowe Price, Alex. Brown & Sons, First Interstate Equities, and the Richard King Mellon family.[7][8] "
"In the late 1980s, Carlyle raised capital on a deal-by-deal basis to pursue leveraged buyout investments including a failed takeover battle for Chi-Chi's.[5][8] The firm raised its first dedicated buyout fund with $100 million of investor commitments in 1990. In its early years, Carlyle also advised in transactions including a $500 million investment by Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, a member of the Saudi royal family, in Citigroup in 1991."
"Carlyle initially developed a reputation for acquiring businesses related to the defense industry. In 1992, Carlyle completed the acquisition of the Electronics division of General Dynamics Corporation, renamed GDE Systems, a producer of military electronics systems.[10] Carlyle would later sell the business to Tracor in October 1994.[11] Carlyle acquired Magnavox Electronic Systems, the military communications and electronic-warfare systems segment of Magnavox, from Philips Electronics in 1993.[12] Carlyle sold Magnavox for approximately $370 million to Hughes Aircraft Company in 1995. Carlyle also invested in Vought Aircraft through a partnership with Northrop Grumman.[13] Carlyle's most notable defense industry investment came in October 1997 with its acquisition of United Defense Industries. The $850 million acquisition of United Defense represented Carlyle's largest investment to that point.[9][14] Carlyle was able to complete an IPO of United Defense on the New York Stock Exchange in December 2001 selling a significant portion of its interest in the company. Carlyle completed a sale of its remaining United Defense stock and exited the investment in April 2004.[15] In more recent years, Carlyle has deemphasized its focus on defense industry investments.[16]
Carlyle's 2001 investor conference took place on September 11, 2001. In the weeks following the meeting, it was reported that Shafiq bin Laden, a member of the Bin Laden family, had been the "guest of honor", and that they were investors in Carlyle managed funds.[17][18][19][20][21] Later reports confirmed that the Bin Laden family had invested $2 million into Carlyle's $1.3 billion Carlyle Partners II Fund in 1995, making the family relatively small investors with the firm. However, their overall investment might have been considerably larger, with the $2 million committed in 1995 only being an initial contribution that grew over time.[22] These connections would later be profiled in Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911. The Bin Laden family liquidated its holdings in Carlyle's funds in October 2001, just after the September 11 attacks, when the connection of their family name to the Carlyle Group's name became impolitic.[23] "
"In September 2007, Mubadala Development Company, an investment vehicle for the government of Abu Dhabi of the United Arab Emirates, purchased a 7.5% stake for $1.35 billion.[47][48] "
"In The World According to Bush, William Karel interviewed Frank Carlucci to discuss the presence of Shafiq bin Laden, Osama bin Laden's estranged brother, at Carlyle's annual investor conference while the September 11 attacks were occurring"
PS. This Carlyle group stink to Heaven high.
▶ e139c1 (12) No.4975067>>4975104
So now i've decided to check whom is Stephen Benton Elkins
"Stephen Benton Elkins (September 26, 1841 -- January 4, 1911) was an American industrialist and political figure. He served as the Secretary of War between 1891 and 1893. He served in the Congress as a Delegate from the Territory of New Mexico and a Senator from West Virginia. "
"Stephen Benton Elkins was born on September 26, 1841 near New Lexington, Ohio and moved with his family to Westport, Missouri (now part of Kansas City) in the mid-1840s to Philip Duncan Elkins and Sarah Pickett Withers. He attended the Masonic College in Lexington, Missouri in the 1850s, and graduated from the University of Missouri in Columbia in 1860. After graduation, he briefly taught school in Cass County, Missouri. Among his pupils was future James-Younger Gang member Cole Younger.[1]"
PS: If anons had been reading my earlier drops, you would have noticed just like I did the name LEXINGTON keeps on popping out.
"In the American Civil War Elkins' father and brother joined the Confederate Army under Sterling Price, but he joined the Union Army. Before he joined the Union Army he was to encounter Quantrill's Raiders twice and was spared from being killed because of his father and brother"
"In 1867, Elkins served as attorney general of the territory and later as U.S. district attorney from 1867 to 1870. He was elected territorial delegate to the U.S. Congress in 1872, and reelected in 1874, serving from March 4, 1873 to March 4, 1877. In 1875, he met and married his second wife, Hallie Davis, and continued to practice law. He founded and was president of the Santa Fe National Bank, and pursued broad business interests in land, rail, mining, and finance including president of the massive Maxwell Land Grant Company.[4] In attempting to evict "squattors" (legitimate land grant heirs) from the Land Grant he would be accused of being part of the Santa Fe Ring. Along with his brother in law, Thomas B. Catron, Elkins participated in what would become the largest land speculation conspiracy in U.S. history. Using his influence on politicians such as congressmen, territorial judges, and U.S. Surveyors General, Elkins was able to patent Spanish and Mexican land grants in his name, thereby illegally including himself as a legitimate heir to the grants. By collectively representing opposing parties in land disputes, Elkins and Catron effectively manipulated territorial government policy to illegally partition Spanish and Mexican land grants, a direct violation of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. "
"Elkins married Hallie Davis, daughter of Senator Henry G. Davis of West Virginia, in 1875. He became a citizen of West Virginia in 1878 and began developing oil, coal, and timber industries with his father-in-law. They partnered to form the Davis Coal and Coke Company.
Stephen and Hallie built their home, Halliehurst, in Randolph County, and the town of Elkins was established nearby.[5] New York architect Charles T. Mott designed the house. It was given by his widow along with surrounding property to Davis and Elkins College and is now part of the college's campus. It is individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places and also is a contributing property in the Davis and Elkins Historic District."
▶ e139c1 (12) No.4975104>>4975324
Then I checked John Roll McLean:
"John Roll McLean (17 September 1848 -- 9 June 1916) was the owner and publisher of The Washington Post and The Cincinnati Enquirer. McLean was also a one-time partner in the ownership of the Cincinnati Red Stockings baseball team of the American Association and also the Cincinnati Outlaw Reds of the Union Association.[1] "
"He was born in Cincinnati, to Washington McLean, the owner and publisher of The Cincinnati Enquirer. In 1905, he and his father purchased a controlling interest in The Washington Post.
In 1904, he and Senator Stephen Benton Elkins built the Great Falls and Old Dominion Railroad.[2] McLean, Virginia, which grew up around the railroad, is named for him."
"McLean received the Democratic Party's nomination for the United States Senate in 1885 and for the Ohio governor's seat in 1899. He lost both elections.
He married Emily Beale and was the father of Edward Beale McLean, owner of the Hope Diamond. His sister, Mildred, was the wife of General William Babcock Hazen and Admiral George Dewey. His former estate, Friendship, is now McLean Gardens"
PS: You gotta be kidding me!?!?!??! HOPE DIAMOND! THAT HOPE DIAMOND? please check my previous posts about this. For me anons, this is ALL linked to Payseur = Brzezinski, McLean Virginian, Elkins, Booz, Clapper and Snowden.
In other words anon, this dig of mine, which I thought was my 5th parallel dig of mine, turned out to be connected to the hip to by dig about Payseur, Vanderbilts Edward VIII etc.
▶ e139c1 (12) No.4975324>>4975367
So naturally i went to check on Edward Beale McLean = the cursed son
"Edward Beale McLean (1889 -- July 28, 1941) was the publisher and owner of The Washington Post newspaper from 1916 until 1933. His wife Evalyn Walsh McLean was a prominent Washington socialite. McLean was also a thoroughbred racehorse owner, and purchaser of the Hope Diamond, which was traditionally believed to carry a curse. McLean was declared insane and died in a psychiatric hospital.[1] "
"McLean was born into a publishing fortune founded by his paternal grandfather Washington McLean, who owned The Washington Post and The Cincinnati Enquirer. He was the only child of John Roll McLean, for whom McLean, Virginia, is named, and the former Emily Truxtun Beale, the daughter of Edward F. Beale and the former Mary Edwards. Emily was a hostess and socialite who was the inspiration for the character Victoria Dare in the 1880 comic novel, Democracy: An American Novel by Henry Brooks Adams. He attended Brooks Debartolo Collegiate High School.[2] "
"In 1915, Edward McLean acquired Belmont Plantation [4] and built a horse stable and training track for Thoroughbreds.[5] Involved with show horses for a number of years,[6] in 1917 Edward McLean purchased thirty-two racehorses and hired trainer H. Eugene Leigh.[7] Among his notable runners, Toro won the 1928 American Derby, ran third in the Kentucky Derby, and second in the Preakness Stakes."
"On January 28, 1911, in a deal made in the offices of The Washington Post, McLean purchased the Hope Diamond for US$180,000 from Pierre Cartier of Cartier Jewelers on Fifth Avenue in New York City. A clause in the sale agreement for the diamond, which was widely believed to have brought death and disaster to its owners, stated that "Should any fatality occur to the family of Edward B. McLean within six months, the said Hope diamond is agreed to be exchanged for jewelry of equal value". By March, the diamond had not been paid for in accordance with the terms in the sale agreement. Cartier hired a lawyer to sue McLean for payment. McLean responded by saying that the diamond was on loan for inspection.[10] On February 2, 1912 The New York Times reported, "Wealthy Purchasers of Famous Stone to Retain It Despite Sinister Reputation."
"In 1908, Edward McLean married Evalyn Walsh, the only surviving child and sole heiress of mining millionaire Thomas Walsh.[12] Following a honeymoon trip around the world, the couple returned to Washington and settled in at the McLean family's country house 'Friendship' (now the McLean Gardens Condominium development) along Wisconsin Avenue to the south of the Tenleytown neighborhood of Washington, D. C. They were close friends of Senator and President Warren G. Harding and first lady Florence Harding.[3]
McLean was also a friend of Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall, through whom he became embroiled in the Teapot Dome scandal.[13] McLean falsely told investigating Senator Thomas J. Walsh that he had given Fall a $100,000 loan when, in fact, Fall had illegally received money from private oil companies. When Walsh threatened to have McLean charged with perjury, McLean admitted the falsity of his claim.[13] This admission was later characterized as "the first climactic sensation" and "the smoking gun" of the scandal."
▶ e139c1 (12) No.4975367>>4975434
More and Ed McLean:
"The McLean marriage ended with much publicized and bitterly contested divorce proceedings, initiated by Mrs. McLean on grounds of infidelity in October 1931. Edward McLean filed for divorce in a Mexican court, but his wife obtained a permanent injunction from a District of Columbia court ordering the cessation of the Mexican proceedings. Edward McLean then suddenly announced he had already married Rose Douras, a sister of Hollywood film star Marion Davies.[15] A marriage had in fact not occurred, but Edward McLean immediately took up residence in Riga, Latvia, where he again filed for a divorce. It was granted on December 13, 1932.
Edward McLean's increasingly erratic behaviour and reckless spending resulted in financial problems that led to the forced sale of The Washington Post by trustees appointed by the court. The divorce proceedings of Evalyn McLean continued in United States court but were dropped[16] following an October 31, 1933, verdict by a jury in a Maryland trial that declared Edward McLean to be legally insane and incapable of managing his affairs. The court ordered that he be committed indefinitely to a psychiatric hospital.[17]
Edward McLean died of a heart attack at Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital in Towson, Maryland, in 1941."
"The bad luck the diamond was supposed to bring to any owner was not evident for eight years, until the first of the four children born to the McLeans died. On May 18, 1919, nine-year-old Vinson Walsh McLean (born December 18, 1909) was struck by a car and killed while crossing Wisconsin Avenue in front of their house.[18]
The Edward McLean family suffered further difficulties: On October 9, 1941, their 19-year-old daughter, Evalyn Washington McLean (November 16, 1921--September 20, 1946), became the fifth wife of 57-year-old Senator Robert Rice Reynolds of North Carolina.[19] Less than five years later, she was found dead by her mother.[20] A coroner's inquest determined the cause of death to be an accidental overdose of sleeping pills.[21] Evalyn and Robert Reynolds' daughter, Mamie Spears Reynolds, married Italian racecar driver Luigi Chinetti in 1963 and divorced two years later.[22]
The couple's second son, Edward Beale McLean, Jr., married Ann Carroll Meem in May 1938. Their divorce was granted in July 1943, and he married a second time in August to actress Gloria Hatrick, with whom he had two sons Ronald and Michael. Ronald died in 1969 during enemy fire while serving in Vietnam as a first lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps.[23] McLean Jr. and Gloria divorced in January 1948. In October of that year, he married Manuela "Mollie" Hudson, the former Mrs. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt II. In August 1949, ex-wife Gloria married actor James Stewart. McLean Jr. and Hudson-Vanderbilt separated in the 1960s and divorced in 1973, after which he married a fourth time, to Patricia Dewey.[24] "
PS: So to sum it up, we have horses, Belmont, Hope diamond along with Cartier and one of his kids wife was an ex-Vanderbilt wife.
So let's check his wife and this ex-Vanderbilt wife
Evalyn Walsh McLean:
"Evalyn Walsh McLean (August 1, 1886 -- April 26, 1947) was an American mining heiress and socialite who was famous for being the last private owner of the 45-carat (9.0 g) Hope Diamond (which was bought in 1911 for $180,000 from Pierre Cartier), as well as another famous diamond, the 94-carat (18.8 g) Star of the East. She also authored the memoir Father Struck It Rich together with Boyden Sparkes. "
▶ e139c1 (12) No.4975434>>4975437 >>4975478 >>4975503
More on Evalyn:
"Evalyn was born on August 1, 1886 in Denver, Colorado,[1] the only daughter of Carrie Bell Reed, a former schoolteacher, and Thomas Walsh, an Irish immigrant miner and prospector turned multimillionaire. She had one sibling, a brother, Vinson Walsh (1888--1905), who died in a car accident in Newport, Rhode Island when he was 17 years old"
"On January 28, 1911, in a deal made in the offices of The Washington Post, McLean's husband purchased the Hope Diamond for $189,000 (equivalent to $4,840,000 in 2018) from Pierre Cartier of Cartier Jewelers in New York.[3][4] The Hope Diamond was associated with a curse, and McLean's first son was killed in a car accident. Her husband Ned ran off with another woman and eventually died in a sanitarium. Their family newspaper, The Washington Post, went bankrupt. Eventually McLean's daughter died of a drug overdose, and one of her grandsons died in the Vietnam War. McLean never believed the curse had anything to do with her misfortunes, as millions of other humans on the planet had suffered far greater tragedies without having owned a supposed 'cursed diamond', suggesting that misfortune was a product of chance rather than supernatural interference. "
"In 1908, she married Edward Beale McLean, the son of John Roll McLean and heir to The Washington Post and The Cincinnati Enquirer publishing fortune. They had four children:
Vinson Walsh McLean (1909-1919), who died aged 9 after being hit by an automobile[5]
Edward Beale McLean Jr. (1918-1987), who married Gloria Hatrick McLean, later the wife of actor Jimmy Stewart[6]
John Randolph "Jock" McLean II (1916-1975)[7]
Evalyn Washington McLean (1921-1946),[8] who married United States Senator Robert Rice Reynolds (1884--1963).[9]
The site of the McLean home, Friendship --- a sprawling country mansion built for her father-in-law by John Russell Pope and which was located on Tenleytown Road, N.W. — is now a condominium complex known as McLean Gardens. The original house was demolished in the 1940s though some of the property's garden features remain intact, as does the Georgian-style ballroom. A later residence, also known as Friendship, is located at the corner of R Street, N.W. and Wisconsin Avenue, and remains a private home. Her childhood home, a grandiose Second Empire-style mansion at 2020 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., is now the Indonesian embassy.
McLean was a friend and confidante to Alice Roosevelt Longworth and Florence Harding, the wife of Warren G. Harding, the 29th President of the United States.
McLean was a victim of Gaston Means, a former BOI agent, murder suspect, and grifter, who claimed he had set a deal to free the Lindbergh baby for a ransom of over US$100,000, which Evalyn McLean advanced him. Means disappeared with the money, only to resurface months later in California, and ask McLean for additional funds. Suspicious of Means' activities, she helped lead police to him; he was also wanted for other various crimes and civil actions. This ultimately led to his conviction and imprisonment on larceny charges.
Edward McLean eventually died in a mental institution in 1941."
"On April 26, 1947, Evalyn Walsh McLean, aged 60, died of pneumonia, and was buried in Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington D.C., in the Walsh family tomb, alongside her daughter.[11] The Reverend Edmund Walsh, S.J. vice president of Georgetown University read her funeral service, which was attended by family, and close friends including United States Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy.[11]
Upon her death, the principal of her estate and her jewelry, including the Hope Diamond, were left to her seven grandchildren, to be managed by four trustees until the five oldest grandchildren passed their twenty-fifth birthdays.[9] The trustees were:
Frank Murphy, United States Supreme Court Justice
Thurman Arnold, former Assistant Attorney General
Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen, American bishop and later archbishop of the Catholic Church
The Reverend Edmund Walsh, S.J. vice president of Georgetown University
Her sons, however, received the proceeds of the Walsh Trust, which was established by her father Thomas Walsh, who had died in 1910. She gave her son-in-law, the former United States Senator Robert Rice Reynolds, lifetime use of the McLean home, Friendship. If the home was sold by the Trustees, he was to receive the proceeds of the sale for his own use.[9] "
There is a lot to check in here, but i deiced to go check first that Vanderbilt mentioned earlier:
▶ e139c1 (12) No.4975437
More on Vanderbilt:
"Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt Jr. (September 22, 1912 -- November 12, 1999) was a member of the prominent Vanderbilt family, a son of the first Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, who died a hero in the sinking of the RMS Lusitania. His mother, Margaret Emerson (daughter of the Bromo-Seltzer inventor Isaac E Emerson),[1] was one of America's wealthiest women and most sought-after hostesses, operating at least seven large estates around the country. His grandfather, Cornelius Vanderbilt II, had been one of America's most revered businessman; his great-grandfather, William Henry Vanderbilt had been the richest man in the world. "Commodore" Cornelius Vanderbilt started the family fortune in shipping and railroads as the founder of the New York Central Railroad and builder of Grand Central Terminal in New York. "
"Of American parents, Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt Jr. was born in London, England. His mother, Margaret Emerson (1884--1960), gave him a 600-acre (2.4 km²) horse farm in Glyndon Maryland called Sagamore Farm for his 21st birthday, and it was in Thoroughbred horse racing that he made his mark. The Vanderbilt family had by then given up control of most of their former railroad interests. Alfred G. Vanderbilt was President of Belmont Racetrack in New York and was the principal owner and president of Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore"
"Vanderbilt personally oversaw the breeding and training of his stable. He bought Pimlico Race Course and was President of Pimlico twice, the first time when he was 20. As a stable owner, his first major acquisition was Discovery, one of the great handicap horses of the age who became his foundation sire. "
"Vanderbilt was married three times. His first marriage was in 1938 to Manuela Mercedes Hudson (1920--1978), a niece of racehorse owner Charles S. Howard.[4][5] The couple separated and began living apart in December 1940. Before their divorce in 1942, they were the parents of:[6]
Wendy Maria Vanderbilt (1939--2016),[7] an artist who married Orin Lehman (1920–2008), the long serving commissioner of New York State Office of Parks and Recreation.[8]"
His second marriage was on October 13, 1945 to Jeanne Lourdes Murray (1919--2013), the granddaughter of Thomas E. Murray.[9] Before their divorce in 1956,[10] they were the parents of:[11]
Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt III (b. 1943), who married Alison Campbell Platten in 1971.[12]
Heidi Murray Vanderbilt (b. 1948), who married Jones Harris (b. 1929), the son of actors Ruth Gordon and Jed Harris, in 1972. Heidi made her Broadway debut in 1965 in Gordon's A Very Rich Woman, along with Katharine Houghton.[13]
In 1957, he married for the third time to Jean Harvey (b. 1937) of the Cudahy meat-packing empire. Before their eventual divorce in 1975,[11] they were the parents of:[14]
Nicholas Harvey Vanderbilt (1958--1984), who went missing on Mount Robson in British Columbia,[15] and presumed dead.[16]
Victoria Emerson Vanderbilt (b. 1959), who married James Weiss.
Michael Daggett Vanderbilt (b. 1967), who was born in Saratoga Springs, New York.[17]
He died November 12, 1999 at his home in Mill Neck, New York after attending the morning racehorse workouts.[14] He was buried in the Vanderbilt Mausoleum on Staten Island, New York. "
▶ e139c1 (12) No.4975478>>4975638
So i went back to take a closer clook at Evalyn Walsh whom's brother died in a car accident in Newport (I bet the place is a coincidence, right anons?)
So i took a look at her father:
"Thomas Francis Walsh (April 2, 1850 -- April 8, 1910) was an Irish-American miner who discovered one of the largest gold mines in America. He was also famous for giving the famed Hope Diamond to his daughter Evalyn Walsh McLean as a wedding present."
"According to his daughter's book, Father Struck It Rich, he became an apprentice to a millwright at the age of twelve and grew into a fine carpenter.
In 1869, he emigrated to the United States with his sister, Maria, after the death of his father. For a time, he settled in Worcester, Massachusetts, with his aunts, Catherine and Bridget Walsh Power, who helped "shake the greenhorn off him".
"During the 1870s, the Black Hills of South Dakota saw a gold rush that attracted hoards of hopeful men afflicted with gold fever. It has been said that at first Walsh was attracted to the opportunities that came with the gold rush, including trading goods and services at inflated prices, as opposed to the gold rush itself. "
"Gradually, he became more and more immersed in the world of gold and was soon trading mining equipment to prospectors for mining claims as payment. He also studied mining technology at night. In 1877, he moved to Leadville, Colorado with a small fortune between $75,000 (equivalent to $1,765,000 in 2018) and $100,000 (equivalent to $2,353,000 in 2018). Along with his wife, he ran the Grand Central Hotel in Leadville.[2]
After becoming an expert in the subject in gold mining, Walsh was overcome by gold fever and took to the hills. Unlike other prospectors he took a far more methodical and careful approach to prospecting which soon paid off. In 1896, he came home and uttered the words which later became the title of his daughter's book, "Daughter, I've struck it rich!" The Camp Bird Gold Mine near Ouray, Colorado soon turned out $5,000/day (equivalent to $151,000 in 2018) in ore and produced riches for the Walsh family "beyond the dreams of avarice". In a short period of time, Walsh extracted a fortune totaling $3,000,000 (equivalent to $90,348,000 in 2018)."
"The wealth that Walsh discovered soon provided the family with a lavish lifestyle that included trips to Europe, fine clothes, and expensive motor cars. Around 1898, the family moved to Washington, D.C. where in 1900,[2] he was appointed by President William McKinley as a commissioner to the Paris Exposition of 1899"
"On July 11, 1879 in Leadville, Colorado, he married Carrie Bell Reed. The couple had two children:
Evalyn Walsh, August 1, 1886 -- April 24, 1947
Vinson Walsh, April 9, 1888 -- August 19, 1905, who died in a car accident[2]
In 1903 the family moved into the ornate mansion at 2020 Massachusetts Avenue. Later, the house became the Indonesian Embassy.[4] On January 23, 1909, The Aero Club of Washington was founded, with Walsh as serving president, to promote the new technology of Aviation.[5] Due to his involvement with the Paris Exposition of 1899, Walsh became friends with King Leopold of Belgium, whom he created a suite in his home to host. Unfortunately, the King never made a trip to the United States. However, when King Albert, Leopold's nephew, and Queen Elizabeth traveled to the United States in 1919, Walsh's wife, then widowed, was decorated by the King for her service during World War I"
"Thomas Francis Walsh died on April 8, 1910, at his home in Washington, D.C"
▶ e139c1 (12) No.4975503>>4975553
The next thing i looked at was the "Star of the East"
"The "Star of the East" is a 94.80-carat (18.8 g), pear-shaped, D-color stone of unknown clarity grade.[1] Its exact origin is unknown, but it likely originated from India.[1] The origin of its name and year of discovery are also unknown.[1] The diamond was part of the collection of the jewelry-loving Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Abdul Hamid II.[1] It later made it into the hands of Pierre Cartier, who sold it to Evalyn Walsh McLean. After Mclean's death, Harry Winston purchased the diamond together with Mclean's entire collection. The diamond's current whereabouts are unknown. "
"The Star of the East's exact origin is unknown, but it likely originated from one of the five groups of mines that were situated on the eastern side of the Deccan Plateau in Southern and Central India.[1] The stone first surfaced in the collection of the Sultan Abdul Hamid. It was later acquired by Pierre C. Cartier. In 1908, Evelyn Walsh McLean, on a honey moon with her husband Edward Beale McLean, purchased the stone from Cartier. The Star of the East then remained in McLean's hands for about 40 years until her death. According to an article in the Southern Inspired Magazine, McLean died wearing the Star of the East, as well as the Hope Diamond.[2] After her death, the Star of the East together with the Hope Diamond were sold to Harry Winston, an American jeweler later known for donating the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian Institution.
Winston sold the Star of the East to King Farouk of Egypt, but never received payment for it. Several years after King Farouk's overthrow in 1952, the Egyptian government recognized Winston's claim and the stone was eventually returned to him.
Harry Winston sold the Star of the East once again.
The Star of the East was displayed at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, at a reception marking the 50th anniversary of Harry Winston, Inc.
The star of the East came once again into Winston's ownership.
The Star of the East's present whereabouts are unknown"
So 2 big stones owned by the same lady and sold by the same Jewler = Cartier. Let's check him out.
▶ e139c1 (12) No.4975553
"Pierre Camille Cartier (March 10, 1878 -- October 27, 1964)[1] was a French jeweler. He was one of three sons of Alfred Cartier and the brother of Jaques Cartier and Louis Cartier. Pierre's grandfather, Louis-François Cartier had taken over the jewelry workshop of his teacher Adolphe Picard, in 1847, thereby founding the famous Cartier jewelry company.
In 1902, Pierre opened and began to manage the London Cartier store and in 1909, he opened the New York store, moving it in 1917 to the current location of 653 Fifth Avenue, the neo-Renaissance mansion of banker Morton Plant.
After the death of his brothers in 1942, Pierre based his shop in Paris until he retired to Geneva in 1947.
Cartier became the owner of the Hope Diamond and on January 28, 1911 sold it to Edward B. McLean. In a deal concluded in the offices of the McLean family's Washington Post newspaper, Pierre Cartier sold the diamond for US$180,000. A clause in the sale agreement for the diamond, that was widely believed to bring death and disaster to its owner, stated that "Should any fatality occur to the family of Edward B. McLean within six months, the said Hope diamond is agreed to be exchanged for jewelry of equal value". By March, the diamond had not been paid for in accordance with the terms in the sale agreement. Cartier hired a lawyer to sue McLean for payment who responded by saying it was on a loan for inspection.[2] On February 2, 1912 the New York Times reported that the "Wealthy Purchasers of Famous Stone to Retain It Despite Sinister Reputation. "
"Société Cartier (/ˈkɑːrtieɪ/; French: [kaʁtje]) is a French luxury goods conglomerate which designs, manufactures, distributes, and sells jewellery and watches. [2][3] Founded by Louis-François Cartier in Paris in 1847, the company remained under family control until 1964.[3] The company maintains its headquarters in Paris, although it is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Swiss Richemont Group.[4]
Cartier is regarded as one of the most prestigious jewellery manufacturers in the world.[3][5][6][7][8][9] In 2018, it is ranked by Forbes as the world's 59th most valuable brand.[10] Cartier has a long history of sales to royalty.[11] King Edward VII of Great Britain referred to Cartier as "the jeweller of kings and the king of jewellers."[3][12] For his coronation in 1902, Edward VII ordered 27 tiaras and issued a royal warrant to Cartier in 1904.[3][13] Similar warrants soon followed from the courts of Spain, Portugal, Russia, Siam, Greece, Serbia, Belgium, Romania, Egypt, Albania, Monaco, as well as the House of Orleans. "
"1928 - Marjorie Merriweather Post bought from Cartier in London earrings once worn by Queen Marie-Antoinette of France."
"1904 - Cartier received its first appointment as official purveyor to King Edward VII of the United Kingdom. His consort, Queen Alexandra bought a necklace designed with Indian influence.[19]"
"1921 - Appointment as official purveyor to the Prince of Wales, future King Edward VIII who, on abdicating in 1936, became the Duke of Windsor."
"1949 - The Duke and Duchess of Windsor bought a platinum panther brooch on a 152.35-carat (30.470 g) Kashmir cabochon sapphire in Paris.[19]
1954 - Creation for the Duchess of Windsor of a lorgnette in yellow gold, black enamel and emeralds representing a tiger.[citation needed]
1956 - For her marriage to Prince Rainier, Princess Grace received numerous gifts of jewellery by Cartier including her engagement ring, set with a 12-carat (2.4 g) emerald-cut diamond.[citation needed]
2014 - Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, has been seen wearing the Cartier Ballon Bleu watch.[51]"
PS: There are other royal buyers but those i mentioned caught my eye.
▶ 529d3b (89) No.4975573
Wow this thread really blew up lately!
▶ e139c1 (12) No.4975638
The I checked Alice Roosevelt and Florence Harding; Here comes Alice (yes ANOTHER ALICE):
"Alice Lee Roosevelt Longworth (February 12, 1884 -- February 20, 1980) was an American writer and prominent socialite. She was the eldest child of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and the only child of Roosevelt and his first wife, Alice Hathaway Lee.
Alice led an unconventional and controversial life. Her marriage to Representative Nicholas Longworth III (Republican-Ohio), a party leader and 38th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, was shaky, and her only child Paulina was from her affair with Senator William Edgar Borah of Idaho. She was a Democrat during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations"
And this is FLorence:
"Florence Mabel Harding (née Kling; August 15, 1860 -- November 21, 1924) was the First Lady of the United States from 1921 to 1923 as the wife of President Warren G. Harding.
She married the somewhat-younger Harding when he was a newspaper publisher in Ohio, and she was acknowledged as the brains behind the business. Known as The Duchess, she adapted well to the White House, where she gave notably elegant parties."
Anons can go read about them if you want to. The interesting one is Alice Roosevelt and i believe there is plenty more to dig about her. But unfortunetly anons, i'm going to have to stop here because i have a plane to catch in a few. I will be gone in work related trip for something around 40 or 45 days.
▶ e139c1 (12) No.4975903
This is Thomas Anon,
Just a few words before i go:
First, here is where i am with the "C" list"
- Anderson Cooper
- Madonna Louise Ciccone
- Killary Clinton
- Liz Cheney
- Carlyle Group
- The Campbells
- Cartier
- The Churchils as in the Dukes of Marlborough
And as anons can seed to cover and things to dig about:
- Both Clintons (but be extrememly careful, they kill people whom take a look at them).
- The link about Lynn Forester and rapist Bill Clinton.
- Albert Pike connection to rapist Bill, Rockefeller connection to rapist Bill if it does exist.
- There is plenty about Alice Roosevelt.
- Those big diamonds sold by Cartier.
- the Elkins/Erskine family.
- The Booz Allen Hamilton business, that is one giant dig anons, it's connected to a lot of things, including Edward Snowden, James Clapper and the Brzezinski family, and most probably Payseur. I wonder if it's also tied to Pee Pee gate and the Fisa gate? Just a thought anons.
-Capital One, Mars, Geebo, Booz Allen Hamilton, Freddie Mac, Hilton Worldwide and the Gannett Company need to be looked at.
- Senator Robert Rice Reynolds and the Reynold family keeps on popping out in the search. A well as Lexington (was it Kentucky or in Virginia? I forgot)
- The Paris Exposition of 1899 sounds interesting just like the Louisiana Purchase Exposition
- There is something about Alabama and New Orleans that is connected to all of this.
- And of course the identity of Payseur heir.
I hope by the time i would come back an anon would have found out whom Payseur = P = C is. I've bought a bottle of champagne, and i'm going to pop it up when we know whom Payseur heir is.
And anons, it would be great if you take another and closer look to that Arlington plane fly shape, I wonder if there is more to it than initially thought.
This is Thomas Anon, a digital soldier in the Q army, I'm asking my fellow brother in arms to keep on digging. When Q says "Fight, Fight, Fight" this is what they mean. Each discovery i made, each connection i made, each step I took to get closer to Payseur heir, i consider it me punching the Cabal.
So anons, fight, fight, fight, as in dig, dig, dig. It's all connected, nothing is a coincidence, it's all within our digital reach. Every single anon has one set of skills, use them, and be a fighter. Let's uncover Payseur my fellow patriots. Let's show his ugly face to the entire world. God bless you anons.
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.4996459
I too have a grad degree in international relations from a school with a realist bent. let me tell ya I refer to this guy as little Kissenger because althought they were mostly at odds in terms of party affiliation both thought close enough alike.
▶ 7aa54c (1) No.4998343
Nice Digging anon.
Have you noticed all the red hair?
▶ 9902dc (14) No.4999917>>5021235
So, I still feel like I'm on to something, but I may have to be a little flexible throughout this entire process. Building as we go ;)
So, I decided to read anything and everything of Velikovsky's I could find. He does notice there appears to be quite a bit of F***ery with the mainstream's version of dates, but he does a good job of referencing several "coincidences" between cultures and did an incredible job of sorting things out to the best of his ability. I give him MAD PROPS for everything he did. If you really want to understand what was going on in the Bible, study Velikovsky's work!!! So, I wanted to hear his take on the Moon. I found this video, which I found incredibly informative.
In the short amount of time that I have researched the mythology, it seem crystal clear that people were around when the moon crashed into Earth. However, what caught my eye was two sections in particular. First, the part that states, "Aphrodite's origin in the disruption of Uranus". . . Sounds like I could be onto something. I should've just looked to see where this piece came from, but instead I just searched and started listening to the one book of Velikovsky's that I never read, "Ages in Chaos". Less about the cosmic catastrophes, more about sorting through dates and characters. Good read, but it wasn't answering my questions. So finally after searching some more I came across the unpublished work that this video featured. It also happens to be the work that inspired Dave Talbot's "Saturn Myth" & more!
So, apologies for mistaking the sequence of events. Velikovsky's take on the first "Days of Creation" has each "Day" as an "Age". Basically, a period of time in between catastrophes. I may have a few pieces right, but I think I had them slightly out of place.
The Moon was most likely already present at the time of the Great Flood. Why? If Noah was keeping accurate time, in regards to the days of the month, than we probably had a moon. I don't know how I didn't catch that one… Anyway, the second thing that jumped out at me is equally as obvious ;) the RIB!!! It's the crescent of the moon! Not to mention the female menstrual cycle, obviously tied to the moon. Those two have me sold. The part "In the Beginning" that has "Adam & Eve" leaving the "Garden of Eden" makes me think the landmass has already split apart after Earth's collision with the moon. Not to mention, most of the myths I've been reading about the moon has it scorching the Earth, not flooding it.
So, now that I have that sorted out, I feel a little better. I'm still putting a few things together on my end. I'll have to do a bit more reading & researching. Something else occurred to me regarding dates and stuff. I'll have to revisit a few more things. As for the catastrophes, the moon did some major damage, but here are quite a few that play out afterwards. Velikovsky proposes that the Flood came from Saturn. Science just confirmed. Sodom and Gomorrah was probably the start of the polar configuration, which probably continued right up until Exodus. The "Wandering in the Desert" may have actually been Earth leaving Saturn, following the "Comet" Venus, to the next stop.
I have finished reading and cross referencing everything, yet. I'm getting there, tho. One thing I'll mention, there are some discrepancies between Velikovsky and some of the Thunderbolts theories. I'm just playing around with some of the various possibilities, while I hope to make sense of it all. Some more things occurred to me today regarding dates, but I'll save that for later.
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.5009766
Thomas: Have you come across the surname considine in your digs?
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.5009773>>5009778
>Baker requested links for verification of [P] hidden TRUST at 55 Water Street NY.
>$1.7 quadrillion in value worldwide!
>(Explore the links in this article)
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.5010379
considine digging. do have confirmation in Alabama… still narrowing… but this is interesting even if unrelated (likely related)
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.5010430>>5010435
on derivatives thought non-gaelic in origin from
It could also be however, of Norman locational origin from Coutances in la Manche. It was given it's name in honour of the Roman emperor, Constantius Chlorus, who was responsible for fortifying the settlement in 305 - 106 A.d.. Geoffrey de Constenin, is noted in the Calendar of the Charter Rolls for Staffordshire (1153).
so I search: Coutances in la Manche
see pic
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.5010439
one last time to give reference point
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.5013606
Thomas, here thought of you. It's a searchable database of the buried, according to records, for Oak Hill cemetary in Birmingham. Might be handy later!
▶ 9902dc (14) No.5021235>>5035174 >>5052018
I've been reviewing every piece of Velikovsky's I can find. I've kind of been thinking out loud, as I go. I have a few different IDs in this thread, but feel free to follow my thoughts, starting from the top:
So, World's in Collision deals with the most recent events, as we were still settling down into our current orbit. The polar configuration proposed by Talbot and the Thunderbolts Project was only one event throughout the course of planetary instability that occurred within historical times. Other Velikovsky works include "Ages in Chaos" (which focuses more on historical figures and dates) and "Earth in Upheaval" (Deals more with geology & archeology). Altogether, his work provides a great bridge to back to the past. The work, "In the Beginning", deals with the most distant past. It's linked in my last post :
After realizing that some of the events I was proposing are further back in time, I'm trying to return my focus on the more recent events. Thankfully, others have already made enormous contributions, so it should be a little easier to navigate. One incredibly important thing that I would like to state is that this is OUR STORY. It's told by several peoples from all around the globe. It's not about who's version is better. It's about understanding one another, and in doing so, also reaching a new level of understanding and appreciation for the World, and the Universe, in which we all live.
Now.., who wants to burn a bush!? No, not that one. . . I think we know which one I'm talking about. Reread the story of Exodus with the polar configuration in mind. Moses wasn't a person. Moses was the planet Mars. That should give you an idea of time frame, also, the kind of psychological barriers we must overcome, if we wish to understand the Scriptures. Here's an episode of the Alien Sky series that gives a brief view of what Mars was doing as it passed charge back and forth between Venus and Earth (starting at [3:13] mark)
So, when Moses climbing the Mountain, is pretty much Mars moving away from Earth, nearer to Venus, which was burning brilliantly with an abundance of free charge (((Q!!))).., aka "The Burning Bush". When Moses came down the Mountain, he say the people worshiping the Bull god, we should all know by now. The parting of the Sea, was all part of this [event]. The "serpents" were Birkeland currents. The list goes on. "The Laws" were probably passed to keep the people in check, who were probably freaking out. The stories were passed to keep people aware. As time passed, people were further removed from the catastrophes. Later figures abused their powers of authority, and you can find evidence of that in the Scriptures, too. Prophets were there to warn the people. Whether it was through Divine communication or an actual knowledge is perhaps up for interpretation. I'm going to have to go back and reread the entire Bible, next. One has to keep an open mind about things. Not all characters are actual people. Sometimes a person will get attributed to a celestial body, other times one person may represent a group of people.
One thing appears very clear, though: People were advanced for several generations prior to these events. There was a very good reason why the people were watching the skies. According to Velikovsky, the most recent "event" that took place is attributed to the time of around 687 BC. I'm not entirely certain if I can take that as 2,700 years ago, considering how messed up the "official" timeline is. Also, something tells me had one more "event" at whatever marks AC/BC. Not to mention there have been a few curious things on our side of the time line. I'm not here to scare people. I'm trying to help re-educate people, at the same time as I try to understand for myself. Considering the evidence of the megalithic ruins, I would say that one or more civilizations were prepping for these kinds of things.
There is a lot more I want to share, but some might have to wait. I'll try to make some more graphics for certain events. I'm still trying to piece a few things together. There are some gray areas. Thunderbolts kind of takes the stance that Venus was ejected from Saturn, while Velikovsky and, I think, more of the myths seem to state that Venus was ejected from Jupiter. I'm kind of leaning with that take, and I believe some of this was part of the process of charge distribution. As I mentioned about the "Wandering in the Desert", This was perhaps the moment in time where Earth was separated from Saturn, and moved into it's new orbit. I already have an idea about how this might have happened, based on what we observe in space. Whether or not it actually went down this way, I'm not certain, but given the circumstances and taking the accounts into consideration, along with the relatively clean get away that we made, I should at least propose the idea.
▶ 3bd919 (2) No.5030690>>5030891
This is Thomas Anon,
Making an exception by posting while being on work abroad, but this is super important anons. While being away, i was still doing some reading and the name of Saint Louis kept on popping. PLEASE READ SLOW AND WELL, CONNECT WITH PREVIOUS DROPS. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
So i finally decided to take a look:
"St. Louis (/seɪnt ˈluːɪs/)[10][11][12] is an independent city[13] and a major U.S. port in the state of Missouri, built along the western bank of the Mississippi River, which marks Missouri's border with Illinois. The city had an estimated 2017 population of 308,626[8] and is the cultural and economic center of the St. Louis metropolitan area (home to nearly 3,000,000 people), which is the largest metropolitan area in Missouri, the second-largest in Illinois (after Chicago), and the 22nd-largest in the United States. "
"Prior to European settlement, the area was a major regional center of Native American Mississippian culture. The city of St. Louis was founded in 1764 by French fur traders Pierre Laclède and Auguste Chouteau, and named after Louis IX of France."
" It separated from St. Louis County in 1877, becoming an independent city and limiting its own political boundaries. In 1904, it hosted the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and the Summer Olympics. "
"One of the city's iconic sights is the 630-foot (192 m) tall Gateway Arch in the downtown area."
▶ 3bd919 (2) No.5030891
I went to see the Arch.
"The Gateway Arch is a 630-foot (192 m) monument in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Clad in stainless steel and built in the form of a weighted catenary arch,[5] it is the world's tallest arch,[4] the tallest man-made monument in the Western Hemisphere,[6] and Missouri's tallest accessible building. Built as a monument to the westward expansion of the United States,[5] and officially dedicated to "the American people," the Arch, commonly referred to as "The Gateway to the West" is the centerpiece of the Gateway Arch National Park and has become an internationally recognized symbol of St. Louis, as well as a popular tourist destination.
The Arch was designed by Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinen in 1947; construction began on February 12, 1963 and was completed on October 28, 1965[7][8] at an overall cost of $13 million[9] (equivalent to $77.5 million in 2018[2]). The monument opened to the public on June 10, 1967.[10] It is located at the site of St. Louis's founding on the west bank of the Mississippi River"
"Peters and other opponents asked Roosevelt to rescind Executive Order 7253 and to redirect the money to the American Red Cross. Smith impugned their motives, accusing them of being "opposed to anything that is ever advanced in behalf of the city"
"After much negotiation, both houses of Congress approved the bill in May 1954, and on May 18, 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the bill into law as Public Law 361. Congress could not afford to appropriate the funds in 1955, so association president William Crowdus resorted to asking the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations for $10 million. The foundations denied the request because their function as private foundations did not include funding national memorials. In 1956, Congress appropriated $2.64 million to be used to move the railroad tracks. The remainder of the authorized appropriation was requested via six congressional bills, introduced on July 1, 1958, that revised Public Law 361 to encompass the cost of the entire memorial, increasing federal funds by $12.25 million. A month later the Department of the Interior and the Bureau of the Budget endorsed the bill, and both houses of Congress unanimously passed the bill. Eisenhower signed it into law on September 7. The NPS held off on appropriating the additional funds, as it planned to use the already-appropriated funds to initiate the railroad work.[37] "
"President Lyndon B. Johnson and Mayor Alfonso J. Cervantes decided on a date for the topping out ceremony, but the arch had not been completed by then. The ceremony date was reset to October 17, 1965, and workers strained to meet the deadline, taking double shifts, but by October 17, the arch was still not complete. The chairman of the ceremony anticipated the ceremony to be held on October 30, a Saturday, to allow 1,500 schoolchildren, whose signatures were to be placed in a time capsule, to attend. Ultimately, PDM set the ceremony date to October 28.[16]
The time capsule, containing the signatures of 762,000 students and others, was welded into the keystone before the final piece was set in place.[59] On October 28, the arch was topped out as then Vice President Hubert Humphrey observed from a helicopter.[60] A Catholic priest and a rabbi prayed over the keystone,[32] a 10-short-ton (9.1 t), eight-foot-long (2.4 m) triangular section.[61] It was slated to be inserted at 10:00 a.m. local time but was done 30 minutes early[32] because thermal expansion had constricted the 8.5-foot (2.6 m) gap at the top[61] by 5 inches (13 cm).[60] To mitigate this, workers used fire hoses to spray water on the surface of the south leg to cool it down[51] and make it contract.[60] The keystone was inserted in 13 minutes,[32] only 6 inches (15 cm) remained. For the next section, a hydraulic jack had to pry apart the legs six feet (1.8 m). The last section was left only 2.5 feet (0.76 m).[61] By noon, the keystone was secured.[32] Some filmmakers, in hope that the two legs would not meet, had chronicled every phase of construction.[62] "
Anons, we have Louis, the french, the Louisiana purchase exposition, the railroad industry, the Rockefellers, EISENHOWER, the ARCH, the KEYSTONE, a TIME CAPSULE. Look at the location: we have the element of metal, element of earth, element of wood, element of water and element of air. What i couldn't find was if there is the fire element or the thunder element. What do you see though the arch? Look how it's built and where, the axis.
There is a code in numbers of the last paragraphs. Can any anon with a twitter account show this to Serialbrain 2 or IntheMatrixxx or JoeM to decode it, please? Does it match a Q drop or a Potus tweet? I'm impatient to find out about this "keystone". I wish i could decod it, by me and numbers don't do well together.
▶ 9902dc (14) No.5035174>>5052018
Continuing my ramblings ;)
There's several things I still want to address. I've kind of been beating around the bush on something. Of all the misunderstandings, there is One that really bothers me. It has to due with the True Nature of "God", The Creator. It's only fitting that I set the mood by reading from Velikovsky's Epilogue in "Worlds in Collision" :
"The development of religion, including the religion of Israel, comes under a new light. The facts established here may help in tracing the origin and growth of planetary gods, animal worship, human sacrifices - also the source of astral beliefs. The author feels an obligation to expand the scope of his work to include the problem of the birth of religion and of monotheism in particular. Investigations should be made into why and how the Jewish people, who had the same experiences as other people and who started with an astral religion like the rest of the nations, early cast off astral deities and forbade the worship of images.
The Scriptures invite a new approach to Bible criticism, one that will make it possible to see the process of transition from an astral religion to monotheism with it's idea of a single Creator, not a star, not an animal, and not a human being."
I've carried this belief for quite sometime. It's not easy to explain, mostly cause of preconception due to the manner in which the information is presented. Still, when I look around, it seems that there is an active effort to suppress, or at the very least distract away from, the Truth.
The most important claim that Velikovsky made was that electricity and magnetism played an important role in space. This legacy was carried on by the Electric Universe community. These ideas do not at all disobey the Laws of Physics. Quite the opposite! The Electromagnetic Force is a key component in the world of physics. However, this Electromagnetic Space Force is not just relevant to physics & space, but several fields of study : Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Paleontology, Archeology, meteorology, etc… Yet for some strange reason, this incredibly powerful force of Nature often gets ignored, overlooked, suppressed, even attacked. Why is that? Don't call it a conspiracy. . .
Tesla knows what I'm talking about! We live in a Magnificent Universe!!! Why would anyone want to hide the Truth? If you don't think that something like this was hidden, ask yourself why we never learned about Nikola Tesla in school. Think about how dependent the average person has become upon electricity, despite knowing so little about it. Now, go research Faraday and Maxwell and all the other electrical engineers of the 1800's and ask, "What happened?". Something tells me that Q knows what I'm talking about, too ;)
I've been learning how to read the map. I see the scars of Creation that shaped our Earth. Electricity played a significant role in the process. Mountains raised, rivers carved, etc. This is the work of the "Grand Architect" (I guessing this has something to do with the Mason's "G"). Genesis 1:2 "…And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters". I'm reading this as free charge (((Q))) moving along the surface. This is also what we see in the Egyptian hieroglyphs. The orb is a planet, while the serpent is the free charge of the entire planet. That's just one aspect.
Electricity is the very "Breath of Life". If you aren't aware, please look into bio-electricity, or what some cultures refer to as Chi (Qi, Prana, etc.). Our heart is a conductor. Our nerves send electric signals. The same goes for our thoughts. Our DNA. The structures we find in space also happened to be mirrored within our anatomy. "In God's image"… Like Velikovsky said, it's not a Being. Call it the "Holy Spirit" if you wish. This does also have significance behind what we consider to be our "Soul". That Energy inside us doesn't get destroyed. Has anyone ever heard of the "21 grams"? If you doubt that electricity could have anything to do with weight, look into the recent modifications to the very definition:
Once you become aware of this stuff, you'll start to see it everywhere. Not just in people, it's in plants, rocks, it's literally EVERYWHERE!! "Split the Log…"… Electricity has some rather "Life"-like properties to it. It has the ability to move, sort and even transform material. It's almost as if there is a "consciousness" behind things. The Divine Order of the Universe. Life is very much a part of that Divine Order.
It's terrifying to think about some of these incredibly catastrophic events recorded by our ancestors, but we are still here and therein lies the Miracle! The Universe provides a way. It's encoded in the very Laws of Nature. When you become aware, you will realize that "God" is Alive and well, present in all things, great and small. Don't take my word for it, see for yourself!
▶ 8a6373 (29) No.5035951
how hard is it to get a copy of the social registry/ Blueblood phone book? I have it on good authority that it is and has been a real thing… answers may run through archival copies if obtainable
▶ 9902dc (14) No.5052018>>5077215
A few extra thoughts on:
I will say that the whole "G" conversation might be more complicated than my attempt to explain it. I should also point out that another aspect of "God" may actually pertain to our own conscience. Reading about the story of Abraham, it could have been an awareness of that voice inside that tells you what you are doing is "wrong". We all have that connection, although some choose to ignore it, while others try to distract us away from it. We teach about "survival of the fittest" as if the only way to succeed is to screw the next person out of something.
The rise of the concepts of uniformity seemed to come about at the end of the 18th Century. This is the foundation for Darwin's theories, which "science" has adopted as a principle, that cannot be questioned (However, this was not implemented into the public education until the 1960's). There were a number of other ideologies and -isms that originate around the same time as Darwin. When you start to consider some of the other things going on during these times, especially in regards to wars, it does give one the impression that [someone] could very well be orchestrating the general degradation of humanity.
One more thing that I'd like to mention, it is possible that one group was hiding information from the other, so that this stuff didn't fall into the wrong hands. Looking into what Tesla was doing back in his day, along with what was being developed during WW2, this is indeed "next level" technology. Still, it does appear that at least some of the tech has fallen into the wrong hands and now we have a "situation" that we are trying to resolve. I understand the severity of this threat. However, I do feel an obligation to help others understand our past, in order to achieve a brighter future. There is a lot of misunderstandings between various religions and cultures which inevitably lead to conflicts. There seems to be a lot of tensions being stirred on many levels, as of late.
Now, back to Biblical decodes.., in SPACE!!!
I've been reading Hesiod's Theogony to try to find some more clues. Ouranos does appear to play a significant role. According to this work, Ouranos is around before Saturn. There is talk about how one planet gives birth to another. I don't think that necessarily means that Saturn came out of Uranus. If we started off the saga as Pangaea Earth tidally locked to Saturn, then we never would have seen Saturn in our skies above until after the encounter with "Ouranos". Perhaps we had a decent view of Uranus for awhile, prior to the calamity (This could by why we call it "mooning" know-a-days ;)
It's also worth noting that sometimes a planet will be linked to more than one character. Venus was special for a reason. I do think it played a big role in not only separating us from Saturn, but perhaps also guiding us to safety into a new orbit. Jupiter "reigned" after Saturn, but given the accounts I'm not necessarily certain that meant we were a satellite of Jupiter (if we were, it was probably only for a brief moment in time). From what I understand, Life became rather harsh for a bit under Saturn. Velikovsky provided some interesting clues about this in his assessment of Khima.
"Were it not for the heat of Kesil [Mars] the world could not endure the cold of Khima [Saturn]; and were it not for the cold of Khima, the world could not endure the heat of Kesil". This could have been the temporary setup prior to Venus entering the equation. This may also relate to the character "Typhon". The Flood wasn't the only catastrophe in Genisis, but rather one of SEVERAL, all of which were caused by the chaos in the cosmos. The Story of Exodus wasn't just about people moving from one place to another. There's a [mirror] about how Earth was leaving it's oppressive ruler, Saturn, to reside in a new place in the heavens.
Just some things to think about. . .
▶ 6a3a9c (1) No.5055807
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Brotherhood of the snake, Rabbit hole
Video explains Serpent imagery throughout history. Very long sorry but breaks down some important symbols and imagery throughout history.
With the Chinese New Year (Asian new years) there is much symbology around dragons / snakes which got me thinking.
I didn't believe much in etymology but it makes sense to look at it when trying to under cover history. The evolution of language, in a sense, is history.
Although Trump could be the pied piper (Hegelian dialectic) he is also working to install heaven on earth with idealist principles of Hagel and Schelling. This is part of what Trump is doing. IMO.
This is legacy that goes back to the beginning of time. (man-made time).
It's all programming.
We're controlled by serpent race through symbol magik…
▶ 529d3b (89) No.5066140
If anyone would be bold enough to collect a notables from this thread you will be rewarded with 72 virgins (immediately, you don't need to wait for heaven)
▶ 39692c (1) No.5076846
Thank Goodness ! Ruth Bader Ginsburg is OKAY---seen partying everywhere this week—reported in every reliable media outlet! YAY!
▶ 9902dc (14) No.5077215
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Thank you, Baker for this one and new bread!!
You rock!!!
I'll get one more thought in here, now that the new bread is up. I wanted to link this video that has the sounds of the solar system to go with my other thoughts from this thread:
It's a stretch to claim this as a "symbol", but it does kind of pertain to symbolism. I've listened to the sounds of the planets several times before, completely fascinated by this. However, while I listened, recently, as I was contemplating all the stuff that I've been posting about here, some thing new stood out. Remember the all the referencing about the angels sounding the trumpets in the heavens?
This could've been the sound coming from the sky as these planets moved closer to the Earth.
I'll give you a quick run down. First off, I think normally the sound is slightly outside our hearing range, so I think they had to shift the scale, in order for these sounds to be heard. However, if the planet was moving closer to Earth, these sounds may have not only shifted into the audible range, but they may have haunted the heavens throughout the entire encounter. That's hypothetical, but when you hear Venus, you'll know what I'm talking about. . .
Anyway, the video starts off with the sun, which is fairly quiet. It's cool, but you have to listen real close to hear it. Not really relevant to anything. Then about [0:38] seconds in, Mercury starts ROARING in. It almost sounds like a WOLF. Which there is quite a few references to wolves in mythology. Originally, I didn't think we had any encounters with Mercury, but Velikovsky does note that planet is also in the mythology. So, I think I'll have to look into this one a bit further. The same will go for other planets.
None of this would have stood out had it not been for the sound of Venus. Starts at [1:08]. To me, this is eerily similar to some kind of enormous horn is being blown. If this was sound indeed heard in the heavens, it would have likely preceded some kind of catastrophe, like a warning. Velikovsky also noted that certain planets were associated with Archangels. So the angels were sounding the horn, announcing the arrival of ]You know Who[. . .
Anyway, there's a few others that stand out. Earth chimes in at 1:39 in this video. The sad part is that in this video, it sounds like our noise pollution drowns out the true sound of Earth. I've heard other versions where Earth sounds AMAZING!!
Mars [2:08] is another quiet one, but it does sound pretty beastly. I think these sounds may have played a role behind some of the various personifications associated with each planet. Jupiter (Jove) chimes in at [2:39], and I'm in awe, once again!! It sounds almost like a heavenly choir is singing praise to the heavens. It's almost unreal. . . By the way, Velikovsky did predict that radio noises would be detected from Jupiter, and was originally laughed at. This is yet another clear sign that the Electromagnetic Force is indeed present in space.
Anyway, did you here the one about Saturn?? Creepy AF!! It starts at [3:09]. It kind of sounds like some kind of monster that would fight Godzilla or something. I don't know what else to say.
Sounds like Uranus is blowing wind. . . What's up with that? Starts at [3:39]. I don't know if Saturn was dragging Uranus around for a bit before it finally broke away, but the myths do mention something about Uranus "groaning" as it was being separated. If this encounter did have anything to do with the polar configuration, the wind noise perhaps may have been associated with the character Typhon. Just some things to think about while trying to piece this together. . .
As for the rest, Neptune starts at [4:09] and I really don't hear anything particularly relevant. If I was onto anything in terms of the possible encounter with Neptune, there may not be enough left from the account, since it would've been one of the furthest back in time. Same goes for Pluto [4:39]. I don't know if there were any encounters with the dwarf planet in our past. However, I will say, it has one of the coolest sounds out of all the planets!!
So, that's my run down. I have been looking into some of the cosmic events of more recent times. I'll try to make dedicate a post or two to that in the next thread. Also, I never got to talk about Sirius, yet. So, I'll try to share my thoughts on that, too, since it appears to be in the symbology.
▶ 5f9e09 (1) No.5296518>>5310171
Thomas, I didn't see where you hooked this up to your Vanderbilts dig - one of them helped create Belmont as I recall
>"Belmont Park is a major Thoroughbred horse racing facility in the northeastern United States, located in Elmont, New York, just east of the New York City limits. Opened 114 years ago on May 4, 1905, it is operated by the non-profit New York Racing Association, as are Aqueduct and Saratoga Race Course. The group was formed in 1955 as the Greater New York Association to assume the assets of the individual associations that ran Belmont, Aqueduct, Saratoga, and the now-defunct Jamaica Race Course. "
▶ 46e078 (1) No.5310171>>5349152 >>5349290
This is Thomas Anon,
Here you go anon, i hope this will help. I didn't go much into the horse racing thing. My aim was Payseur. If i didn't copy/paste in my drop, i've provided the link for the entire article, what you want to read should be there.
I'm droping in the new thread with the same name as here anon, i have been for some time. But i think I'm gonna stop digging and dropping. What's the use of this anon? Today, evil won in my life. I had court, and they managed to get the judge in their pockets through manipulation and pulling strings. Everyone was scared of retaliation and stood by the ones whom are violating the law, tainting it, breaking it by violating my property, they have been taking my land and not allowing me to use it. There is no justice in this world anon. Politicians, cops, judges, municipality and even my neighbors stood with evil. I've been facing it for 40 years and now I'm exhausted, at my last limit. Haven't you noticed the typos i've been doing in my drops and other mistakes. It's because I'm at my last breaths anon. I know i'm lamenting, but when you live under tyranie for so long anon. Corruption runs sooo deep and strong, evil is so powerful.
I've been suffering a long time anon. Q and Potus gave me hope but today, i was remembered that i'm just a fool who believed in justice. What do you think is going to happen after Potus will put the HEADS in jail? Is he going to come all the way where i am and extend a helping hand? To a nobody, like me? You may tell I shouldn't give up, but you see anon, the world has already forsaken me for so long.
As for my new drops in the new thread, i think i hit a sensitive nerve when i started talking about the Phoenix, shills suddenly appeared on the thread. According to them my digs are crap. So go take a look anon, because I'm thinking of stop fighting = why fight for others when others just through you away like garbage? Evil won today anon. It crushed me under it's boot for 40 days. What good is it to fight while you loose what's most important to you while fighting? I truly am alone anon, help didn't come, it will never come, no matter how much I call for it.
▶ 979671 (1) No.5348827>>5349152
No.5310171 Thomas Anon, I have learned SO much from your research, I've shared it with many and it's helping to make people realize the depth and breadth of what we're up against.
I am so very sorry you feel defeated, I think I would feel the same in your situation, what we know of it. I do want to say that YOUR contribution is unmatched…my Gosh look at the amount of work you've put into! My
Dad used to tell me that no one is more dangerous than someone with nothing left to lose. I ask you to please reconsider, you may not feel as if you are contributing, like nobody is fighting for you..but WE are! We need you! #WWG1WGA
▶ 86ad83 (1) No.5349152
I second this sentiment
▶ 5d258d (2) No.5349290
My situation is probably different than yours, but I've lost nearly everything , too. It's difficult when the people around us seem to cave or else don't understand us. My reward is from God and whether or not I get to enjoy it this side of eternity or not, I'm convinced I will still inherit it. Strangely enough your post has the number 1017 in it. Long before I knew people used numbers to figure out letters I noticed that a lot of important events relevant to my life happened on October 17. Then I noticed it on clocks. When I believed that God didn't love me anymore seeing that number made.me afraid. However, when I believed that God cared about me again seeing it encouraged me. It's only after looking at this board that I started to consider what "1017" meant. I don't know about anyone else but to me the numbers point to the letter JQ. Only to me it stands for the " Jesus Question ". When a person knows God, because he is born again through faith in Jesus all the events of his life work together for good. If you don't know God because you have not received His love as expressed in Jesus' death and resurrection then no matter how pleasant your time on earth may seem you are destined for eternal pain. Because I have received Jesus, I know that everything that happens to me will ultimately (If not immediately) turn out for my good. I hope you don't mind if I pray for you.