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3448ea (59)  No.5066118>>5069999 >>5500903 >>5591697 >>5811986 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]


>The universal sentiment of the Freemasons of the present day is to confer upon Solomon, the King of Israel, the honor of being their first Grand Master. But the legend of the Craft had long before, though there was a tradition of the Temple in existence, given, at least by suggestion, that title to Nimrod, the King of Babylonia and Assyria. It had credited the first organization of the fraternity of craftsmen to him, in saying that he gave a charge to the workmen whom he sent to assist the King of Nineveh in building his cities.

>That is to say, he framed for them a Constitution, and, in the words of the legend, this was the first time that ever Masons had any charge of his science. It was the first time that the Craft was organized into a fraternity working under a Constitution of body of laws. As Nimrod was the autocratic maker of these laws, it necessarily resulted that their first legislator, creating laws with his unlimited and absolute governing power, was also their first Grand Master.

We're going back, way back, to where this all began. Join us as we trace from the beginning to today, and identify the symbols throughout the ages and how they show the rise and fall of nations time and time again.

This time we discuss the "NEW WORLD" Order, not to be totally confused with the "New World Order". There's something pretty important being hidden about the New World. It just doesn't add up.

Some questions to ponder, add your own:

1) Vikings are now acknowledged to have discovered North America. They called it Vinland. They had colonies there for generations. Official narrative blames local Climate Change for their disappearance. DID YOU KNOW: The Vatican had an officialy Bishop in Vinland in 1121. Think about this. When did we discover America?

2) Ok, look at DNA Haplogroups. You can CLEARLY see that most Natives came from the same Haplogroup that lives in Siberia. This bolsters the "Siberian Indian Americans" theory! Except, perhaps it could bolster a different hypothesis: Tartaria owned North America. Discuss anomolies from Native American lore, tie it into the symboism of the world.

3) Did the so called Conquistadors 'conquer' New Tartaria? Look up the original Mexico City. It was as glorious as Venice. Somehow, it was destroyed and turned back into a lake. Why? What a horrible loss to archeology.. Perhaps they couldn't cover up this destruction as well as they did the others? Perhaps a few buildings got left standing and still hide amongst us today?

4) Does the Louisiana Purchase still subtly affect politics today? Some argue that the whole deal was illegal since Napolean didn't really own the territory to sell it. He basically stole it from the Spanish, which once got it from the French. Why was the Louisiana tract so darn big to begin with? What was actually going on "in there" before it was bought by the USA? Could Spain or France claim it back?

5) This is about where the sordid history of Haiti starts. Knowing Haiti today requires knowing it then. What's the most 'ancient' facts we can find about this place? Why was it so important then? Why today? Is there a continuance between then and now?

5) Could this connect with the Civil War? Was it an attempt for monarchies to be installed in America, under the excuse that half of America was a stolen monarchy to begin with. The rest of America gets conquered by the Kingdom of America, afterall the American government is that of rebels and revolutionaries, not valid for this world. Why did Russia help the North against the South's help of England and France?

And many other questions! The above hopefully inspired some thought.

The purpose of this thread is not just to answer these in isolation, but to show connections that tie it ALL TOGETHER.

If you can, please provide exact dates as much as possible as it would be cool to eventually compile a Chronology of this timeline.

Archive of #3 Bread



Archive of #2 Bread


Archived: http://archive.is/NyPBc

Archive of #1 Bread


Archived: http://archive.is/mob16

d30b5f (1)  No.5066932>>5067236 >>5068774 >>5069670

A message to the perps of the Targeted Individual Program and a Declaration of War:

1. In subjecting Targeted Individuals to this experiment, TI's were treated as people with no rights. If we have no rights, then no one has any rights, including the perps and their families.

2. We're the victims; YOU started this and we can do whatever the fuck we want. Forever.

3. Since YOU took our lives from us, upending what should have been and depriving us of our natural lives, we get to take everything from you. If you can ruin our lives, everything in your lives is "ON THE TABLE" -- people, places and things (along with the perps themselves, all perps' property, money, belongings and family members will be seized).

4. Given the nature and severity of their crimes, the perps must be killed. Weapons of warfare have been beta tested on Targeted Individuals. This is a Declaration of War on the perpetrators.

5. The punishment in the USA for treason against the country is death. Taking part in a conspiracy to "target" another person in the manner at hand shall be viewed as treason against humanity. To set an example going forward the perps' families must also be killed.

6. Not only does this Rationale apply to and delineate the punishment of perps (active participants in the perpetrator side of the Targeted Individual Program), it also applies to and delineates the punishment to be meted out to any persons complicit in the Targeted Individual Program (anyone with specific knowledge of the program acquired via communication with perps). This subset of The Rationale is called Complicity Law.

This shall henceforth be known as The Rationale. It is the Law. There are no exceptions. There is no debate. Forgiveness does not exist.

dcc062 (19)  No.5067236>>5364459


>To set an example going forward the perps' families must also be killed.

Wrong. Only if complicit. Law and order.

188b90 (1)  No.5068774


You are in charge of nothing.

Your desires will not be implemented.

Saying "There is no debate" on 8ch.net has not, and will not ever work.

Forgiveness is equal to the strength and character of the individual.

You shall henceforth be dismissed while the adults have debate.

3448ea (59)  No.5069670>>6062445


Yeah ok psycho. You sound like Robespierre during the Reign of Terror in the French Revolution. What's on the menu today? Terror.

Nope, we don't defeat evil by becoming evil.

8aecaf (3)  No.5069861>>5070005

File (hide): fbc2dcac6188c32⋯.jpg (175.07 KB, 1201x800, 1201:800, IMG_5890.JPG) (h) (u)

8aecaf (3)  No.5069999>>5070005

File (hide): 1b4b0f943f3a07c⋯.jpg (130.6 KB, 800x888, 100:111, IMG_5886.JPG) (h) (u)

8aecaf (3)  No.5070005

File (hide): 8adddcda0bbfdc4⋯.jpg (129.69 KB, 1114x800, 557:400, IMG_5895.JPG) (h) (u)

505b2f (1)  No.5076280

What does Pougachev have to do with the American War of Independence?

Any guesses? Dig! Open your mind to the most stunning possibility!

3448ea (59)  No.5079733>>5080713 >>5095511 >>5159131


This is a few years before 1776, it's before the Wars of Napoleon

What secrets and symbols are left exposed here?


3448ea (59)  No.5080713



bc702c (11)  No.5095069>>5095759

File (hide): 9315880f8ec42d5⋯.jpg (40.87 KB, 620x393, 620:393, boom.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7b49e4d98335535⋯.png (311.5 KB, 600x423, 200:141, Mystery booms.png) (h) (u)

This is Thomas Anon,

Good day anons,

I was sitting on hot coal ever since SOTU, couldn't wait till SundayFINALLY got here to have a few minutes to post.

First, let me THANK the ANONS whom have been sending link and other stuff. It was helpful in some cases. So thank you again anons. Second, I was going to drop in the previous thread, but I noticed it was almost full, so I'm going to drop in this thread from now on. I only hope other anons have been keep records of my research. Third, today, I have a bit of time before breakfast bell rings so i'm going to talk about 2 issues here; one minor and one major.

The minor issue is about these mysterious booms everyone has been hearing. My collegues at work have been talking none stop about it and I've been hearing them comming up with different location names and areas. I was surprised when hearing them talk because some of the names of towns or areas they mentioned COINCIDE with some of the places my digs lead me, like NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. And there are others too.

So I tried to get a list of the places where the BOOMS were heard, but that turned out to be hopeless. Then i tried to get my hands on a map, I got what I've attached to this post, but I think these are old. However, i'm pleased with these maps. If anons notice, the BOOMS are mostly, again MOSTLY, NOT ALL< but MOSTLY concetrated on the EAST COAST ^__^ Where I've been digging and connecting and trying to rebuilt Payseur EMPIRE.

Do anons get it? Do you see what I see?

And we all know that Cali is one big Cabal hub. So to me, that's an extention to Payseur empire.

Is there a way to get a more up to date list or map of where the BOOMS are taking place anons? I would like to compare it with the places I've got standing out from my research, Like St Louis, Missouri or Lexinton or Versailles Kentucky etc.

That's all for my minor issue.

e68404 (1)  No.5095511


forged maps.

bc702c (11)  No.5095759>>5095974


So now to the major issue; for the anons whom have been reading my drops from the previous thread, this is my first piece in building the case about Killary. I'm going to drop what i have gathered and noticed, it's becoming clearer and more concrete.

So anons, for me, it all started with SOTU; perfect speech by POTUS by the way. He rocks, like always.

This thread is called THEIR NEED FOR SYMBOLISM WILL BE THEIR DOWNFALL……….. so as most anons (and even the normies) noticed something very symbolic during SOTU = the D congreswomen wearing white while the D congressmen were wearing a white ribbon on their vests. So let's start by taking a look at this white ribbon on the men's jackets:


bc702c (11)  No.5095974>>5096279 >>5222732

File (hide): e8ce8260f760cff⋯.gif (95.93 KB, 800x639, 800:639, awareness-ribbons.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6fcff7bb529c748⋯.jpg (16.87 KB, 236x214, 118:107, The white ribbon alliance.jpg) (h) (u)


From wikipedia: "The white ribbon is an awareness ribbon sometimes used by political movements to signify or spread their beliefs. It is usually worn on garments or represented in information sources such as posters, leaflets, etc.

The White Ribbon has been the badge of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union founded by Frances Willard since its founding in 1873. The WCTU claims to be the oldest continuing non-sectarian women's organization worldwide. The white ribbon bow was selected to symbolize purity.[1] The WCTU traditionally uses the bow rather than the more modern "remembrance" loop.

One of the most notable usages of the white ribbon in recent times is as the symbol of anti-violence against women, safe motherhood, and other related causes.

It also has a long tradition in state fairs and similar farming and horticultural competitions in the United States and Canada as a third-place ribbon. "

"After the École Polytechnique massacre on December 6, 1989, where 14 women were killed by an anti-feminist, a movement formed in Canada involving men wearing the white ribbon to signify opposition to violence against women.[2]

The White Ribbon Campaign (WRC) appeared in 1991 in relation to this movement and became one of the largest men's anti-violence programs in the world.[2] Started by activists, such as Michael Kaufman and Toronto politicians like the late New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton, it has now spread to over 57 countries around the world. It is now an international effort of men and boys working to end violence against women. Its basic principle is the importance of men and boys speaking out against all forms of violence against women. For that purpose, members of the WRC offer a variety of presentations and workshops on violence.[2] In Canada, the campaign is run from November 25 (the International Day for the Eradication of Violence Against Women) until December 6, Canada's National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. Other countries support 16 Days of Activism from November 25 until December 10 but campaigns can occur at any time of the year.[3]

In 2014, A Voice for Men launched whiteribbon.org as a counter to the White Ribbon campaign.[4][5] Accused of "hijacking" White Ribbon,[6] the site was harshly criticized by Todd Minerson, executive director of The White Ribbon Campaign, who described it as "a copycat campaign articulating their archaic views and denials about the realities of gender-based violence".[7] According to the site, its purpose is to present the view that domestic violence is "not a gendered problem".[8] The site is used to display, according to Cosmopolitan magazine, "anti-feminist propaganda".[9] "

"White ribbons are used for teen pregnancy prevention awareness.[citation needed]

White ribbons have also been used to protest child pornography. The white is supposed to signify the protection of innocence and purity.[citation needed] "

Anons can read the rest in the link i've provided in my previous drop.

So my take on the white ribbon wore by D congressmen =

1 - there is a hint to RGB.

2 - there is a hint about Women's right and the entire disguting issue of full term abortion.

3 - it's a direct message to the Alliance; more like a defiance to the ALLIANCE.

4 - there is a hint to child pronography which in my opinion is the other side of the same coin of full term abortion.

5 - there is a hint of violence and taking it to the streets against POTUS if he doesn't back off.

That is how I read this anons. That's my take on the white ribbons worn by the D congressmen at SOTU.

bc702c (11)  No.5096279>>5096484 >>5222732 >>5344408

File (hide): 42744184292058d⋯.jpg (122.31 KB, 1024x759, 1024:759, White Mob.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 49c6711387d73c0⋯.jpg (87.41 KB, 760x456, 5:3, women-suffrage-1916.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 483fef4ca1ae018⋯.jpg (63.95 KB, 640x432, 40:27, women's right to vote.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 143bb4ca4a547b4⋯.jpg (172.52 KB, 750x564, 125:94, women surffrage.jpg) (h) (u)


Canada connection to the white ribbon is important for later, very later drops. Keep that in mind anons. And as you can see, some anons noticed the pins some congress people were wearing. We will see what will come out of that.

Now, I want to take a look at the congresswomen wearing white.

Some anons compared them to a clan of witches wearing white. Other anons compared them to the KKK. While another set of anons said it reminded them of the women surffragette movement.

What would anons think if i told you, you are all right = correct because all 3 converge into one person. What ever road or option of the 3 anons take, it will lead you all to the same and one person. Let me explain each path:

1 - The suffragette: It talks about women's rights, right? And who has been championing lately full term abortions = Killary and her fellow D. And whom has always protrayed herself as a champion of women and women's right? = Killary.

And for the anons whom have been following my drops ever since the last thread = whom has been the patron and champion of women's right ever since the XXe century = the Paysseur heir. You anons do remember Alval Erskine Smith Vanderbilt Belmont, right anons? And the link to Marble House, Newport, Rhodes Island, where she used to have suffragette movement reunions?

For the anons whom are new here are the links:



bc702c (11)  No.5096484>>5096697 >>5222732

File (hide): 6d90814b073fa10⋯.jpg (711.06 KB, 1600x1174, 800:587, hillary_witch_ben_garrison.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9e9adf760f32b71⋯.jpg (202.09 KB, 1080x633, 360:211, kkk-chicago-flashback.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e8f60eb59265ee9⋯.jpg (153.09 KB, 710x1199, 710:1199, Q post 2399.jpg) (h) (u)


And anons whom have been following my drops from the previous thread already know that i've been very suspecious of Alva as being part/ or from the Payseur lineage or family.

2 - As for the witch option. I'm just going to post one picture of a very famous person whom keeps on visiting witches coven. Anons can figure out or dig the rest, mostly articles online about this. By the way anons, that ben Garrison cartoon is very symbolic, more than I had initially thought it would be and it's linked to one of my previous posts about the Wizard of Oz.

3 - As for the KKK option, thank you Q for the post 2399. Do I need to say more anons? I will let the pictures talk in my place and make the case for me.

bc702c (11)  No.5096697>>5096920 >>5222732

File (hide): 7959b2bc47d6964⋯.jpg (72.06 KB, 750x872, 375:436, kkk and HRC donation.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 966d6f6b987c17d⋯.jpg (188.93 KB, 620x387, 620:387, kkk-california_leader who ….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9d2606b21a83e32⋯.png (807.03 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Why the long faces.png) (h) (u)


A picture is woth a thousand words.

I haven't looked around here (8 chan) much, didn't have the time because of work, but the little i've seen, it seems no one remembered that Killary wore white at the inauguration of Potus. Anons think I'm imaginining connections between what Killary wore on inauguration day 2017 and what the congresswomen wore on SOTU 2019? Think again anons, after reading it straight from the mouth of the MSM:


"Hillary Clinton Wears Symbolic White to Donald Trump’s Inauguration

Clinton’s choice of white is no accident.

Even after 2016’s contentious election, former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton showed support for the peaceful transition of power by attending former opponent Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20. Joined by her husband, Bill Clinton, Hillary wore a white pantsuit and matching cashmere coat by Ralph Lauren, who also dressed incoming First Lady Melania Trump.

Hillary Clinton’s choice of white is especially notable and likely not coincidental; it was one of the colors worn by the suffragettes in the early 20th century, standing for purity, in an effort to protect them their opponent’s claims of immorality. Clinton is no stranger to the history of this color; she wore a white suit while accepting the Democratic nomination and during the last presidential debate; both were designed by Ralph Lauren, and both times news outlets connected the color to suffragette history.

The suit stands in contrast to the black-and-purple one she wore during her concession speech, designed by Ralph Lauren, which many took to be a sign of unity and bipartisanship. Wearing white to the inauguration could very well be a sign of support for the anti-Trump Women’s March on Washington, which is set for January 21 near the Capitol. It could also be a color she simply likes.

Clinton’s wardrobe has been under constant scrutiny and inspection for decades, and even more so during the 2016 campaign. While people argued over whether the former secretary of state’s fashion sense was any good, a topic usually reserved only for women in politics, each look was interpreted for hidden meaning. Her inauguration wear is no exception. Regardless of any symbolism, intended or not, her presence at the event itself speaks volumes."

bc702c (11)  No.5096920>>5097024 >>5222732

File (hide): 31014721c04a078⋯.jpg (161.31 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Dem convention 2016 - 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 97518d3f3f3576e⋯.jpg (59.17 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Dem Convention 2016.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b2bbe1327ddf677⋯.jpg (98.92 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, restricted-chelsea-hillary….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f37f741ced04d1a⋯.jpg (119.16 KB, 1140x950, 6:5, Imgur.jpg) (h) (u)


But if anons remember well, it was not the first time Killary wore symbolic white in 2016/2017.

She wore it first during the third debate which was SUPPOSED to be WHEN she CRUSHED Trump and secure = win the presidencial election because of this debate. But that didn't happen didn't it Killary?

And a while before that, she wore WHITE at the Democratic Convention 2016. Anons do remember that, don't they?

Yes, I'm talking about THAT convention that was supposed to be HER CORONATION after she had STOLEN the nomination from Bernie Sanders.

bc702c (11)  No.5097024>>5097135 >>5222732

File (hide): e1f8573f17e3763⋯.png (663.42 KB, 750x585, 50:39, Hat in the ring.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cdc1478700ba32d⋯.jpg (84.12 KB, 612x745, 612:745, The queen bee.jpg) (h) (u)


Without knowing it, the cartoonist and the memes have immortalized a very important moment in the US history.

bc702c (11)  No.5097135>>5097161 >>5222732 >>5998074

File (hide): d9e912b67c9e3c7⋯.jpg (53.61 KB, 595x335, 119:67, The Economist.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 15641403bb4b79c⋯.jpg (289.62 KB, 600x429, 200:143, The centtrist.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 22d36b8668edaa7⋯.jpg (31.44 KB, 450x600, 3:4, Charles X.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c4884a22e715175⋯.png (251.17 KB, 450x626, 225:313, Charles_X_of_France_in_his….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8270ca444209622⋯.png (102.74 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, Maine_France _flag.png) (h) (u)


Yes even the Economist hinted to a CORONATION.

So Killary likes to wear symbolic white on HER CORONATION.

That reminded me of OTHERS whom used to wear SYMBOLIC white under a big cloak or robe covered by fleurs de lys while they were being coronated as well. Take a look at the pictures anons.

bc702c (11)  No.5097161>>5097308 >>5222732


Oh yes anons! under that coat covered with fleurs de lys, on coronation day, the "king" of France used to wear WHITE

bc702c (11)  No.5097308>>5222732 >>5998074

File (hide): e806bfa26c1760e⋯.jpg (578.3 KB, 1200x1705, 240:341, Louis_XIV_of_France.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5f60899658bfe8d⋯.png (86.11 KB, 189x267, 63:89, Louis XVI.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 37eddec926f89f8⋯.jpg (527.53 KB, 1280x1704, 160:213, Lefèvre_-_Louis_XVIII_of_F….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3e7daa705156854⋯.jpg (94.32 KB, 511x738, 511:738, newsweek-clinton-wins.jpg) (h) (u)


Killary winning the presidency was SUPPOSED TO BE HER CORONATION. Just like during the CORONATION OF THE FRENCH KINGS she was supposed to wear WHITE and receive the crown and the symbols of the power. But she lost. Despite that, SHE WORE WHITE at Potus' inauguration which was supposed to be HER INAUGURATION = HER CORONATION. I bet the clothes she wore for Potus inauguration were supposed to be worn by her on HER inauguration.

For the anons whom have been reading my drop from the earlier thread, I'm saying this again, this is my first stone = piece in my case about Killary. Keep this in mind. I have more to come, it's been build slowly.

On this anons, I'm going to wish you all a happy Sunday. Breakfast time for me.


e2c75b (3)  No.5121238>>5121242 >>5121292

File (hide): 36f8c0c02b7fe1a⋯.jpg (185.45 KB, 1810x1202, 905:601, screenshot_1248.jpg) (h) (u)

From qresearch:


Dig on Y-head.

Link to video.

e2c75b (3)  No.5121242>>5121292



e2c75b (3)  No.5121292

File (hide): ea0d575c357b348⋯.jpg (137.38 KB, 2192x550, 1096:275, 9.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 36da2780227806a⋯.jpg (24.92 KB, 826x194, 413:97, 0.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9773193aa229e92⋯.jpg (642.56 KB, 1452x1466, 726:733, 1.jpg) (h) (u)



https:// plato.stanford.edu/entries/pythagoreanism/

3448ea (59)  No.5122951>>5123587 >>5124874

File (hide): 39b634eae70806b⋯.png (4.89 MB, 1367x1618, 1367:1618, lost city.png) (h) (u)

Has anyone ever heard of this? You can clearly see the outline of a long lost, complicated city in google earth.

What the HELL?

3448ea (59)  No.5123587




Still interesting

dcc062 (19)  No.5124874



3448ea (59)  No.5128755


After La Hontan had gone up this Long river to the highest

point of his journey, designated on his map, as he claims, he says he

proceeded to obtain information of the country beyond that, which he

gives in his narrative, and says it is derived from some slaves found

among the people at that point, and whom he calls the Mozeemleck

Nation. He says:

"The Mozeemleck Nation is numerous and puissant. The four

Slaves of that country inform'd me that at the distance oi 150 Leagues

from the Place wliere I tlien was, their principal River empties itself

into a Salt Lake of three hundred Leagues in Circumference, the

mouth of which is about two Leagues broad: Tliat the lower part of

that River is adorned with six noble Cities, surrounded with stone

cemented with fat Earth: That the Houses of these Cities have no

Roofs, but are open like a Platform, as you see 'em in the map: That

besides the above mention'd Cities, there were above an Hundred

Towns, great and small, round that sort of sea, upon which they navi-

gated with such boats as you see drawn in the Map: That the People

of that Country made Stuffs, Copper Axes, and several other Manu-

factures, which the Outagamies and my other Interpr,eters could not

give me to understand, as being altogether unacquainted with such

things: That their Government was despotick, and lodged in the hands

of one great Head, to whom the rest paid a trembling submission:

That the People upon that Lake called themselves Tahuglauk, and are

numerous as the Leaves of Trees (such is the Expression that the

Savages use for an Hyperbole) : That the Mozeemleck People supply

the Cities or Towns of the Tahuglauk with great numbers of Little

Calves, which they take upon the above mentioned Mountains: and,

That the Tahuglauk make use of these Calves for several ends, for

they not only eat their Flesh, but bring 'em up to Labour, and make

Cloathes, Boots, &c., of their skins. They added. That 'twas their

Misfortune to be took Prisoners by the Gnacsitares in the War which

had lasted for eighteen Years ; but, that they hoped a Peace would be

speedily concluded, upon which the Prisoners would be exchang'd,

pursuant to the usual custom. They glor'd in the possession of a

greater measure of Reason than the Gnacsitares could pretend to, to

whom they allow no more tliam the Figure of a Man ; for they look

upon 'em as Beasts otherwise. To my mind, their Notion upon this

Head is not so very extravagant ; for I observ'd so much Honor and

Politeness in the Conversation of these four Slaves, that I thought I

had to do with Europeans: But, after all, I must confess that the

Gnacsitares are the most tractable Nation I met with among all the

Savages. One of the four Mozeemleck Slaves had a reddish sort of a

Copper-Medal hanging upon his Neck, the figure of which is repre-

sented in the Map. I had it melted by Mr. do Pontis, Gunsmith, who

understood something of Mettals, but it became thereupon heavier

and deeper colour'd, and withal somewhat tractable. I desired tlie

Slaves to, give me a circumstantial Account of these Medals; and

accordingly they gave me to understand, that they are made by

the Tahuglauk, who are excellent Artisans, and put a great value upon

Buch Medals. I could pump nothing farther out of 'era, with relation

to the Country, Commerce, and Customs of that remote Nation. All

they could say was, that the great River of that Nation runs all along

Westward, and that the Salt Lake into which it falls is three hundred

Leagues in circumference, and thirty in breadth, its Mouth stretching

a great way to the Southward. I would fain have satisfied my curiosity

in being an eye-witness of the Manners and Customs of the Tahuglauk ;

but that being impracticable, I was forc'd to be instructed at second

hand by these Mozeemleck Slaves: who assur'd me, upon the faith of

a Savage that the Tahuglauk wear their Beards two Fingers breadth

long: That their garments reach down to their Knees; that they cover

their head with a sharp pointed Cap; that they always wear a long

stick or cane in their hands which is tipp'd not unlike what we use in

Europe ; that they wear a sort of Boots upon their Legs, which reach

to the Knee; that their Women never show themselves, which perhaps

proceeds from the same Principle that prevails in Italy and Spain;

and, in fine, that this People are always at war with the puissant

Nations that are seated in the neighborhood of the Lake; but, withal,

that they never disquiet the strowling Nations that fall in their way,

by reason of their Weakness: An admirable Lesson for some Princes

in the World, who are so much intent upon the making use of the

strongest hand."

3448ea (59)  No.5159131>>5159457 >>6009349

File (hide): 37806e3fbbbfc81⋯.jpg (89.37 KB, 640x480, 4:3, s2118-47[1].jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b35ad3901c2f3ee⋯.jpg (184.54 KB, 900x756, 25:21, 5n01-18[1].jpg) (h) (u)


The Muscovite Tartary ruled Siberia and the NORTHWEST AMERICAS up until exactly 1775.

What happened in 1775? Catherine the Great crushed the so-called Peasant Uprising. Some uppity guy name Pougachev claimed to be Czar and was going to take back Moscow.

Except….he was a Czar after all. The 1771 Encyclopedia Britannica lists Muscovite Tartary as the largest nation on earth by FAR. Traditional historians will tell you that Siberia was already owned by Russia at this stage, but that's not true.

When they defeated Pougachev (very unlikely his real name, as it translates to Scum) this gave them the entire North East Asia, what we know of as Russia today. Prior to this, the American Colonies could NOT expand west, as it was ruled by Great Tartary.

Look at old maps, it's blank, sometimes says "Here be Giants". Don't you dare go there. But once Pougachev was completely deleted, Catherine started expanding East, and the Americans were in a rush to expand West.

This may have been the impetuous for the Revolution. Are they going to let their English overlords claim all of North America? Or are these colonists going to take it for themselves? Is there some secret deal between the Colonists and the Russians on the timing of it all? History has been clouded and you won't find the answer if you check wikipedia, that's for sure.

This is why Russia had Alaska! This is why Siberian DNA litters all over the American Northwest.

Now, why did Russia help the USA in the Civil War? Well, England was behind the Confederacy and this was their way to take America, they wanted to keep their slave trade going. France was behind the Confederacy as they had a deal to conquer Mexico (which, in hindsight, may have worked out better for them).

Russia however has had a long history of protecting the USA and perhaps there was age old secret treaties between the two nations.

Sure enough, the war ends in 1865, and what happens two years later? Russia sells them Alaska for a paltry sum.

Starting to make sense?

3448ea (59)  No.5159457>>5159516


Just throwing it out there but lets have fun..

Many theorise that the Ashkenazi Jews are actually Khazarians. Except, what if that's not right. Fomenko proves quite nicely that history before 1000ad is extremely sketchy and likely wrong or faked. So the story of the Khanite must be fake, since it happened in the 800s. But what was in the area of the Black Sea?


Romanov's eventually destroy and conquer Tartaria.

But then the "Jewish" Communists destroy the Romanov's and effectively conquer all of Russia and turn it Communist.

What if.. the Jews are the Tartarians?

Note that this would work well with Fomenko's assertion that Moscow is the "Third Rome" and also the "Second Jerusalem"

3448ea (59)  No.5159516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tartary was the 12 Tribes of Israel

3448ea (59)  No.5159687


I'm almost certain you've been to this dedicated bread in the past. Can you come here to chat? I would like you to do a show on Tartaria. Before you do that I would need to prep you on Fomenko so you "get it right" as it's very easy to misunderstand this brilliant man.

3448ea (59)  No.5194654

For those who doubt the existence of Great Tartaria, BEHOLD:


A fucking Tartar to French DICTIONARY

7982e9 (18)  No.5206281>>5206300 >>5458276 >>5465660

File (hide): 55aa2ee1cbbe87f⋯.jpg (636.53 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20190216-095057….jpg) (h) (u)

hey Thomasanon: I got a drop for you.


7982e9 (18)  No.5206300>>5458084


found book digging for any spoopy (MK)artichoke investments in Guatemala. attached pdf is from libgen

644151 (13)  No.5212014>>5212103 >>5218796 >>5222732

File (hide): 400bbfae355fa7b⋯.jpg (42.05 KB, 306x462, 51:77, Lynn Ann Forester.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a96d2dce62ab4d4⋯.jpg (6.28 KB, 183x275, 183:275, Bill.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas Anon,

It's finally Sunday, and again, i've been sitting on hot coal all week long just to be able to post in here. I'm supposed to take my time off and concetrate on work, but I keep on uncovering such stuff…. i'm totally baffled with it.

I hope i will be able to dump this week end all i've found. A while back, an anon pointed how Lynn and Bill look similar, as if they were kins (probably siblings).

So I went digging in Lynn Forester de Rothschild. The information i dug out, I already knew in the back of my mind, it was no surprise there, but when taking a close look, I finally saw "THE BRIDGE". So for the anon helping, thank you so much, God bless you. And for the anons following my drops and my search for Payseur heir, and my "case" against Killary; well anons, this is considered as my second "piece" or "stone" in my case about P = C = Clinton.

So let me start with Lynn de Rothschild:


Please anons, read the following slowly or you won't catch it:

"Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Lady de Rothschild (born July 2, 1954) is an American-British businesswoman who is the chief executive officer of E.L. Rothschild, a holding company she owns with her third husband, Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild, a member of the Rothschild family.[1]

The company manages investments in The Economist Group, owner of The Economist magazine, Congressional Quarterly and the Economist Intelligence Unit, E.L. Rothschild LP, a leading independent wealth management firm in the United States, as well as real estate, agricultural and food interests.[2]

She publicly supports many politicians including Hillary Clinton.[3] She rallies for a political movement called Inclusive Capitalism, and led the Conference of Inclusive Capitalism in London in 2014 and 2015, and founded the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism."

"Born in Bergen County, New Jersey, a suburb of greater New York City,[5] and raised in Oradell, New Jersey, the only girl among three brothers,[6] Rothschild is the daughter of Annabelle (née Hewitt)[7] and John Kenneth Forester, president and owner of the General Aviation Aircraft Services, now Meridian, in Teterboro, New Jersey. She studied at Pomona College and Columbia Law School, where she volunteered for the United States Senate campaign of Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan.[5]

She also studied international law at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.[8] "

"After leaving law school, she was an associate at the Simpson Thacher & Bartlett law firm for four years, before working for telecommunications billionaire John Kluge in the 1980s,[5] helping him acquire small companies that held local cellular licenses.[6]

Rothschild then invested in telecoms businesses in North America and Europe, in partnership with Motorola,[6] claiming in 2012 that by the late 1990s she had amassed a nine-figure fortune.[9]

Rothschild became Executive Vice President for Development at Metromedia Inc from 1984--1989.[citation needed] From 1989–1995, Rothschild was the majority shareholder, Chairman and CEO, of TPI Communications International, Inc., one of the largest providers of paging, wireless data and cellular telephone service in Latin America, owned with Motorola.[citation needed] "

644151 (13)  No.5212103>>5212670 >>5214674 >>5222732


More about Lynn:

"Under her management, TPI tripled its size and per-customer revenues, and cash flow grew to three times the U.S. average.[citation needed] In addition, she expanded operations from Puerto Rico into Latin America. She sold her stake in TPI to Motorola in 1995 for a figure reportedly between $80 million and $100 million.[6]

In 1995, Rothschild founded FirstMark Communications Inc in the United States, a broadband wireless company. In 1997, she sold her US interests in order to focus on international opportunities. In 1998, she founded FirstMark Communications of Europe, with the mission of building a pan-European broadband Internet company. Having secured licenses in Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Finland, she built a 20,000 km fiber network in 15 countries. The company was sold in June 2000 in a $1 billion financing, the largest private equity placement in the history of the European competitive telecommunications sector.[citation needed]

Rothschild currently serves on the Board of Directors of Estée Lauder Companies, The Economist Group,[5] Bronfman E.L. Rothschild LP and Christies International. She has also served on the Boards of Directors of Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation and General Instruments, Inc.[citation needed] "

"From 1993--1995, Rothschild served on President Bill Clinton's National Information Infrastructure Advisory Council. From 1998–2000, she served on the US Secretary of Energy's Advisory Committee.[8]

Rothschild has donated to all of Bill and Hillary Clinton's federal races since 1992.[10] Although Rothschild was a major fund raiser for Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential bid, she transferred her support to Republican candidate John McCain when Barack Obama beat Clinton, becoming a minor celebrity on cable television at the time for attacking Obama in a series of interviews.[5]

On June 22, 2011, she hosted a fundraiser for Jon Huntsman Jr.'s presidential campaign, an event originally planned to support Mitt Romney before she had a change of heart in the early summer of 2011.[11] In the summer of 2016, she hosted a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.[12]

Rothschild co-chaired/founded the day-long Conference of Inclusive Capitalism in London on May 27, 2014,[13] with the aim of adjusting the working of the capitalist system to work for more people and included an opening address by Prince Charles and guest speaker Bill Clinton.[14] The second conference also took place in London on June 26, 2015

Rothschild is actively involved in policy and social issues, including micro-finance and women's rights. In 2006, she was appointed as a member of the UN Advisors Group on Inclusive Financial Services.[citation needed] She serves as Chairman of the Board for the American Patrons of the Tate Gallery, FAI, and the International Advisory Board of Columbia University School of Law.[8] In addition, she serves as a Trustee of the ERANDA Foundation (a Rothschild family foundation), the Outward Bound Trust, the Alfred Herrhausen Society of International Dialogue of Deutsche Bank and the Global Commercial Microfinance Consortium Advisory Board of Deutsche Bank.[8] She also sits on the board of the McCain Institute.[15]

She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (USA), Chatham House (UK), the Institute for Strategic Studies (UK), the International Advisory Council of Asia House (UK), and the Foreign Policy Association (USA).[8] "

"Rothschild has been married three times. Her first marriage was to Alexander Hartley Platt, a doctor's son from New Jersey, took place at Brick Presbyterian Church on May 20, 1978.[16]

Her second husband was Andrew Stein (born March 4, 1945), a New York politician and son of multi-millionaire businessman Jerry Finkelstein.[17] Stein is nine years older than Forester and was Manhattan Borough President at the time of their marriage on March 12, 1983[18] and together, had two children before their divorce a decade later in 1993.[19]

Benjamin Forester Stein (b. 1985),[20] a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania (2008)[21]

John ("Jake") Forester Stein (b. 1988),[20] a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania (2010)[21]

Her third husband is Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (born August 29, 1931), whom she was introduced to by Henry Kissinger at the 1998 Bilderberg Group conference in Scotland.[22] They married on November 30, 2000, in London, England,[1] after de Rothschild divorced his wife in 2000.[23] She is his third wife.[1] On the announcement of the marriage, the Rothschild couple were invited to spend their honeymoon at the White House by the Clintons.[24] The couple divide their time between homes in New York and London, the summer home on Martha’s Vineyard and the Rothschild family's historic Ascott country estate in England. By virtue of her marriage to a knight, she is known socially as Lady de Rothschild.[5] "

644151 (13)  No.5212670>>5213160 >>5213455 >>5213783 >>5215133 >>5215496 >>5222732 >>5307433

File (hide): bdd186a638e9c07⋯.jpg (49.11 KB, 601x623, 601:623, Lynn and Killary.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 455408f93312509⋯.jpg (73.37 KB, 858x558, 143:93, Rothchild_Clinton_.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 61c483e342bd274⋯.jpg (46.38 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Evelyn and bill.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7986b287b44e9bb⋯.jpg (292.36 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Sir Evelyn and Bill inaugu….jpg) (h) (u)


So anons, let me sum it up about Lynn:

1- born and grew up in the geographical vicinity of a "possible" Rockefeller father. (I will explain this another drop) but for now, for the interested anons, just take a look where Nelson and Winthrop Rockefeller were living.

2- it is interesting how little information there is about her parents, siblings and her early young life = barely a couple of names and that's it, no dates.

3 - Someone took great care of her education

4 - As fo her carreer, it's quiet impressive and how she somehow managed to get those high positions like that in those big companies.

5 - Direct contact and even direct link to Bronfman (yes, that same Bronfman from the NXIVM case) and the big connection to the Clintons, she really is fond of them from early on. She is so close to the Clintons that when Killary lost to Obama in the primaries, Lynn transfered her "support" to McStain. Shallow thinkers will think she jumped from democrate to republican, but deep thinkers will understand that Obama who defeated Killary was disliked by Lynn precisely because he defeated this reason = defeating Killary. So Lynn "supported" Obama's rival in order to bring him down, as a payback to Obama bringing down Killary.

6 - She is a member of many High ranking Cabal "groups" like Bilderberg group or Council on Foreign relations etc…… You have to be BORN into the Cabal = have the blood of one of the 13 top families to be able to be a member or attend such groups.

7 - Look at her marriages, mostly the third one, do you think a Rothschild would lower himself to marry a "commoner" , which lead me to believe that Lynn has BLUE blood in her or the Rothschild guy wouldn't have married her and were did they spent their honeymoon?

8 - I hope everyone reading this noticed the Martha's Vinyard…. isn't that Killary's favorite vacation place?

9 - All of this fervent political but mostly financial support for Killary….. It's so intense and strong from her side towards Killary.

The Clintons are TERRIBLY close to Lynn de Rothschild, TERRIBLY CLOSE.

644151 (13)  No.5213160

File (hide): ceb7e6368ae4ed4⋯.jpg (14.38 KB, 177x225, 59:75, DanielPatrickMoynihan.jpg) (h) (u)


So i started to take a look at the "notable" places and persons mentioned in her bio. When it comes to where she was born or grew, it's a railroad axis, it's places where we have presence of Rockefellers and another thing that caught my eye that Killary won those counties in 2016 election.

Then i went to take a look at the schools she attended, apart being a notable places nothing that specific. So i went to check on the person whom she volunteered for his campaign : Daniel Patrick Moynihan


"Daniel Patrick "Pat" Moynihan (March 16, 1927 -- March 26, 2003) was an American politician, sociologist, and diplomat. A member of the Democratic Party, he represented New York in the United States Senate and served as an adviser to Republican U.S. President Richard Nixon.

Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Moynihan moved at a young age to New York City. Following a stint in the navy, he earned a Ph.D. in history from Tufts University. He worked on the staff of New York Governor W. Averell Harriman before joining President John F. Kennedy's administration in 1961. He served as an Assistant Secretary of Labor under Kennedy and President Lyndon B. Johnson, devoting much of his time to the War on Poverty. In 1965, he published the controversial Moynihan Report. Moynihan left the Johnson administration in 1965 and became a professor at Harvard University.

In 1969, he accepted Nixon's offer to serve as an Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, and he was elevated to the position of Counselor to the President later that year. He left the administration at the end of 1970, and accepted appointment as United States Ambassador to India in 1973. He accepted President Gerald Ford's appointment to the position of United States Ambassador to the United Nations in 1975, holding that position until 1976, when he won election to the Senate.

Moynihan represented New York in the Senate from 1977 to 2001. He served as Chairman of the Senate Environment Committee from 1992 to 1993 and as Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee from 1993 to 1995. He also led the Moynihan Secrecy Commission, which studied the regulation of classified information. He emerged as a strong critic of President Ronald Reagan's foreign policy and opposed President Bill Clinton's health care plan. He frequently broke with liberal positions, but opposed welfare reform in the 1990s. He also voted against the Defense of Marriage Act, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the Congressional authorization for the Gulf War. He is tied with Jacob K. Javits as the longest-serving Senator from the state of New York. "

"Moynihan's political career started in the 1950s, when he served as a member of New York Governor Averell Harriman's staff in a variety of positions (including speechwriter and acting secretary to the governor). This period ended following Harriman's loss to Nelson Rockefeller in the 1958 general election."

"By the 1964 presidential election, Moynihan was recognized as a political ally of Robert F. Kennedy. For this reason he was not favored by then-President Johnson, and he left the Johnson Administration in 1965."

"He was also a strong supporter of Israel,[25] condemning UN Resolution 3379, which declared Zionism to be a form of racism"

"In 1981 he and fellow Irish-American politicians Senator Ted Kennedy and Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill co-founded the Friends of Ireland, a bi-partisan organization of Senators and Representatives who opposed the ongoing sectarian violence and aimed to promote peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland. "

"In the mid-1990s, Moynihan was one of the Democrats to support the ban on the procedure known as partial-birth abortion."

"As chairman of the Senate Finance Committee in the 1990s, he strongly opposed President Bill Clinton's proposal to expand health care coverage to all Americans. "

This guy is ALL OVER the place in my opinion. But Look closely anons, he opposed the abortion thingy and was against Bill Clinton's health thingy that Killary was the "famous Champion" of. And he was defeated by Nelson Rockefeller……. One of the Rockefeller brothers i've been suspecting being the biological father of both bill and Lynn.

Is it possible that Lynn "volunteered" to his campaign to SPY on him? Just a thought anons.

644151 (13)  No.5213455


Then i started to look where she worked:


"Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP[3] is an international law firm headquartered in New York City, employing over 900 attorneys in eleven offices worldwide.[4] The firm specializes in a variety of areas in both litigation and corporate practices, with a focus on mergers and acquisitions. "

"In 1988, Simpson Thacher, led by longtime chairman Richard Beattie, advised KKR's $25.1 billion acquisition of RJR Nabisco.[7][8] It was, at the time, the largest-ever private-equity purchase in history, the details of which are memorialized in the book "Barbarians at the Gate."

"Since opening in 1999,[9] the Palo Alto office has experienced remarkable growth in both size and prominence.[10] The Palo Alto branch is now the firm's second largest office and has come to represent some of Silicon Valley's most distinguished tech titans and private equity firms, playing a hand in a string of record breaking transactions."

"In 2008, Simpson Thacher represented JPMorgan Chase in a loan repayment transaction that also unintentionally changed a different $1.5 billion secured loan into an unsecured loan, which caused JPMorgan Chase to suffer up to $1.5 billion of losses when the debtor General Motors declared bankruptcy in 2009."

"In 2014, the firm set a new record in its representation of Alibaba Group Holding Limited in its initial public offering, the largest IPO ever to be conducted"

"The firm has relationships with private equity firms Blackstone Group, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, Hellman & Friedman and Silver Lake Partners, and it has longstanding ties to JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and the United States Department of the Treasury.[43] Other notable clients include the Alibaba Group,[44][45] Goldman Sachs,[46] Toronto-Dominion Bank,[47] Microsoft,[48] Tesla Motors,[49] Sirius Satellite Radio,[50] Google[51] and Facebook.[52] The firm has represented the buyer in the five largest completed buyouts in history."

>>This law firm is a cabal run place. I mean it's so eye catching, it has the smell of the Rockefellers all over it, and look at the cases they took and who their clients are. Some are even connected to the Clintons.

644151 (13)  No.5213783>>5213853 >>5222732

File (hide): 912d1603ef07684⋯.jpg (58.14 KB, 400x526, 200:263, The economist cover 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0c6494d0e7f2eb1⋯.jpg (67.59 KB, 400x526, 200:263, The economist cover 3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cdf2b4666a9f099⋯.jpg (59.83 KB, 400x526, 200:263, The economist cover 4.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 07b6dd84f19316c⋯.jpg (87.18 KB, 750x982, 375:491, The economist cover 6.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9d960b76d4966d4⋯.jpg (43.13 KB, 488x651, 488:651, The economist cover 7.jpg) (h) (u)


John Kluge is very interesting, but nothing caught my eye, for the interested anons, you can read about him in here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kluge

then i continued to take a look at her career:


"Metromedia (also often MetroMedia) was an American media company that owned radio and television stations in the United States from 1956 to 1986 and controlled Orion Pictures from 1988 to 1997"

One word is important in this = "ORION" . For the anons whom have been reading my drops from the start you know i've talked about some historical places and subjects. Orion is linked to some of them. So is this SYMBOLIC?

Motorola is an interesting READ as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorola

And of course i took one LLLOOOONNNNGGGG look at "the Economist"


The Economist is an English-language weekly magazine-format newspaper owned by the Economist Group and edited at offices in London.[2][6][7][8] Continuous publication began under its founder James Wilson in September 1843. In 2015, its average weekly circulation was a little over 1.5 million, about half of which were sold in the United States.[5][2] Pearson PLC held a 50% shareholding via The Financial Times Limited until August 2015. At that time, Pearson sold their share in the Economist. The Agnelli family's Exor paid £287m to raise their stake from 4.7% to 43.4% while the Economist paid £182m for the balance of 5.04m shares which will be distributed to current shareholders.[9] Aside from the Agnelli family, smaller shareholders in the company include Cadbury, Rothschild (21%), Schroder, Layton and other family interests as well as a number of staff and former staff shareholders"

644151 (13)  No.5213853>>5214245 >>5222732

File (hide): 4e232e7706fb8df⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 595x335, 119:67, The economist covers 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6c90673b10790f4⋯.jpg (58.17 KB, 400x527, 400:527, The economist cover.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f2c06e834f56114⋯.jpg (68.13 KB, 595x335, 119:67, The economist covers 3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ac578fa23759754⋯.jpg (154.28 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, The economist covers.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f678ca263e73576⋯.jpg (88.2 KB, 400x526, 200:263, The economist cover 10.jpg) (h) (u)


Anons should take a look at the covers of this magazine, it's filled with symbolism and "messages" and yes, even threats….. Like take a look to the cover with Bolsonaro, and compare it to when he was stabbed…. is the picture clearer anons?

644151 (13)  No.5214245>>5214476 >>5222732

File (hide): 23b6746f85ae91c⋯.jpg (994.6 KB, 1865x2560, 373:512, The economist cover 2011.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 056fd5e94e10229⋯.jpg (986.47 KB, 1593x2089, 1593:2089, The economist cover 2013.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9795c6f132971f3⋯.jpg (291.52 KB, 731x960, 731:960, The economist cover 2015.jpg) (h) (u)


I hope the Economist isn't implying to a new bloody revolution in France that the Cabal is preparing for the "citoyens"…. when i saw this cover, my heart stopped beating.

I also noted how Killary seem to be present on nearly every cover ever since 2010. Coincidence?

As for the rest of the covers, please zoom in and look at the details; here are some:

2011 cover = theUS stock market crash, Italy being cut in half, windmills…..

2013 cover = 3 golden thrones (states, europe and china), the Euro being held on sticks, Ibn Khaldun (a famous geographer in the muslim and arabic literature), the" flying saucers"…

2015 cover = drones, atomic mushroom, Mr muscle panda, Alice in wonderland along with the cat. "panic", 11.3 and 11.5, Winston Churchil, The Pipper, even Napoleon……

Anons, Alice in Wonderland on the cover, do you get it? And don't forget Lynn de Rothschild's link to the Bronfmans….

644151 (13)  No.5214476>>5217020 >>5222732 >>6042584

File (hide): 6d5d12cbe93a047⋯.jpg (322.96 KB, 1001x1318, 1001:1318, The economist cover 9.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 598fd6de754f90a⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1557x2048, 1557:2048, The economist cover 2017.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d8033aa189cdf9f⋯.jpg (2.12 MB, 2398x3154, 1199:1577, The economist cover 2019.jpg) (h) (u)


2016 Cover: Killary in strategic spot to get our attention on her, we have a butterfly near the sun, Walid bin Talal, a BOT (or a robot), the black eye clan pope, as well as Trudeau, it looks like a brain in a thin can on that saucer etc

2017 cover = anons have already talked in lenght about this one, so i'm not going into it.

2019 cover = compare the panda with the 2015 cover panda, i wonder if it means that china's economical might is gone due to Trump's tarriffs and now it's down to cute baby size? The "weed" leaf somehow sonnected to the human DNA sequence? The Indian elephant tusk is an arrow pointing upward like the ones we see on stocks and graphs. the Me too movement. Storcks delivering a baby with a bar code on, is this about Planned Parenthood and what they do? Equal justice = balanced scale = as in everyone under the law. And the 4 riders of the apocalypse?

644151 (13)  No.5214674>>5214967


So let's continue about Lynn de Rothschild after that little detour in the Economist.

So then i went and took a look at Jon Huntsman Jr.


"Jon Meade Huntsman Jr. (born March 26, 1960) is an American businessman, diplomat, politician, and the current Ambassador of the United States to Russia, serving since October 2017. Huntsman was the U.S. Ambassador to Singapore from 1992 to 1993, the Governor of Utah from 2005 to 2009, and the U.S. Ambassador to China from 2009 to 2011. He has served in the administrations of five Presidents and was a candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.[1] "

"In January 2014, Huntsman was named Chair of the Washington-based foreign policy think-tank the Atlantic Council"

" he launched global trade negotiations in Doha in 2001 and guided the accession of China into the World Trade Organization.[…] In 2009, he was appointed United States Ambassador to China by Barack Obama."

"At age 15 in 1975, Huntsman earned the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank of the Boy Scouts of America"

"At age 15 in 1975, Huntsman earned the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank of the Boy Scouts of America.[9] Huntsman attended Highland High School in Salt Lake City but dropped out before graduating to pursue his passion as a keyboard player in a rock band called Wizard.[10][11] Huntsman later obtained a G.E.D. and enrolled at the University of Utah, where he became, like his father, a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity."

"While visiting the White House in 1971 during his father's service as special assistant to the president, Henry Kissinger confided in the 11-year-old Huntsman that he was secretly traveling to China"

"Huntsman was one of John McCain's earliest supporters in his 2008 presidential campaign,[40][41] while most Utah and Mormon politicians supported Mitt Romney."

644151 (13)  No.5214967


More on Huntsman:

"President Barack Obama nominated Jon Huntsman to serve as the United States Ambassador to China on May 16, 2009, noting his experience in the region and proficiency in Mandarin Chinese."

"In February 2011, Huntsman made a controversial appearance at the site of a planned pro-democracy protest in Beijing. In the wake of the Arab Spring, Chinese democracy activists called for similar protests to be held in major Chinese cities, hoping to engender a large-scale movement they called the "Jasmine Revolution".[50][51] On February 20, Huntsman was captured on video at the Wangfujing shopping area, where an anonymous online appeal had called for a major demonstration on that date. When approached by an onlooker asking why he was there, Huntsman replied, "I'm just here to look around". When further asked if he wanted to see "chaos" in China, Huntsman replied "no," and left the area. Photographs of Huntsman at the scene and a video of the encounter, which further accused Huntsman and the United States of attempting to instigate an anti-government revolution in China, were posted on a Chinese website.[52] The spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in China stated that Huntsman had been "unaware" of the planned protest, and happened to be "strolling through the area on a family outing".[53] Huntsman's Chinese name, 洪博培 (Hóng Bópéi), was temporarily blocked from Chinese search engines.[54] "

"Huntsman resigned from his position as ambassador, effective April 30, 2011, in order to return to the United States to explore a 2012 presidential bid. "

"A January 1, 2011, Newsweek article titled "The Manchurian Candidate" featured an interview with Huntsman, in which he stated, "You know, I'm really focused on what we're doing in our current position. … But we won't do this forever, and I think we may have one final run left in our bones". Asked specifically whether he intended to run for president in 2012, he declined to comment.[67] The article generated significant speculation about a likely Huntsman 2012 presidential bid."

"In early November 2012, just days before Barack Obama was re-elected as president, the Associated Press named Huntsman as a possible successor to Hillary Clinton as the United States secretary of state.This speculation was echoed by various media outlets,[82] particularly after Huntsman came to the defense of United States Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, describing the criticism of her response to the 2012 Benghazi attack as being "overblown".

"Huntsman has recently been suspected of penning the New York Times op-ed piece "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration" through textual analysis,[96] though he has denied writing the piece."

For the anons whom have been reading my earlier drops, I always said that the scouts is where the bloodline families "pick" their "sacrificial" victims and it's their recruiting ground for potential minions of the cabal like Huntsman. And i believe what Kissinger confided to him was true, it was not a joke. This guy stinks all the way to Heaven and his ties to Killary and other cabal members is high. Isn't Singapore where Q told us Obama, Pelosi and Clinton has secret bank accounts? Correct me if i'm mistaking anons, and which drop was it again? And i bet this guy is to China exactly what Diane Feinstein is. I wonder if the new Q drops about China are somehow linked to him. Just wondering.

644151 (13)  No.5215133

File (hide): 6b509e577954430⋯.jpg (175.26 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, Andrew_Stein_at_the_2009_T….jpg) (h) (u)


This Huntsman is really a piece of garbage and he is a good match with McStain.

Now let's take a look at Andrew Stein, Lynn's second husband.


"Andrew Stein (born Andrew J. Finkelstein; March 4, 1945) is an American Democratic politician who served on the New York City Council and was its last president, and as Manhattan Borough President.[1] Stein's father, Jerry Finkelstein, was the multi-millionaire publisher of the New York Law Journal, among other publications.[2] Andrew Stein shortened his name when he entered politics. "

"On May 27, 2010, Stein was indicted and arrested for lying about his involvement during the investigation of the multimillion-dollar Ponzi scheme involving Ken Starr, a financial advisor to various Hollywood celebrities.[4][5] He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 500 hours of community service. "

"Stein has been married twice: He and his first wife have one daughter named Paige. Stein's second marriage to attorney, Lynn Forester,[2] lasted from 1983 to 1993 with the couple having two sons: Ben and Jake Stein. He is often ridiculed in the media for wearing what is widely considered to be an excessively luxurious toupee.[6]

According to a report in the New York Post on October 10, 2007, Stein had begun dating the conservative writer Ann Coulter. When asked about the relationship, Stein told the paper, "She's attacked a lot of my friends, but what can I say, opposites attract!"[7] On January 7, 2008, Stein told the Post that the relationship was over, citing irreconcilable differences."

This piece of trash sounds like Jeffrey Epstein, they get off with a small slap on the wrist .

644151 (13)  No.5215496>>5219177 >>5222732 >>5307488 >>5644065

File (hide): fd051427780b991⋯.jpg (299.67 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, reception to mark 350th an….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f0bce04db52b91⋯.jpg (99.75 KB, 960x960, 1:1, The economist 1988.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98502008119845f⋯.jpg (33.8 KB, 350x496, 175:248, Merovingian Dragons.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d7c1782aa469cf1⋯.jpg (205.86 KB, 1440x966, 240:161, 3 is a charm.jpg) (h) (u)


And at last, i've reached Evelyn de Rothschild:


"Sir Evelyn Robert Adrian de Rothschild (born 29 August 1931)[1] is a British financier and a member of the Rothschild family. "

"Evelyn de Rothschild was appointed a director of Paris-based de Rothschild Frères in 1968 while Guy de Rothschild from the French branch of the family became a partner at N M Rothschild & Sons"

"Throughout his career, Evelyn de Rothschild has been actively involved in a number of other organisations in both the private and public sectors and has held the following business positions:

Chairman - The Economist (1972--1989)"

"Sir Evelyn serves as Queen Elizabeth II's financial adviser"

"Sir Evelyn was appointed Knight Bachelor in the 1989 New Year Honours"

If interested Anons can read the rest in the link i've provided.

So Evelyn is from the French Branch of the Rothschilds and he has the Queen's ear in financial issues and while he was chairman of the Economist, the magazine put on it's cover a rising phoenix wearing a fleur de lis shaped crown while holding a "crypto currency"(both the fleur de lis being the symbol of French royalty) . Just a year after that, he leaves the magazine and is knighted by the Queen.

All i've posted today about Lynn and her connection to Killary and the Rothschild, is to say that I see Lynn and her husband Evelyn as a BRIDGE between Killary and the Queen = Killary + Bill <=> Lynn + Evelyn <=> Windsors

In my case on Killary being Payseur Heir, this is my second piece.

Lynn has Rockefeller shadow on her and even their smell. I still don't have direct proof that she has Rockefeller blood, but I have lot of "circumstantial" evidence. She grew under the watchful eye of the cabal, more exactly the Rockefellers. Her connection to Killary is not only evident but also quiet close and strong. And along with her husband, they are like a bridge to the queen of England. So if Killary wants to send a message to the queen or vice vers ca, it's done through Lynn and Evelyn. Don't forget anons, the bicephalic merovingian dragon is made of 2 heads = a windsor head and a payseur head. And I believe that Lynn is exactly like Merkle or May, but Lynn is the bridge between the 2 heads of the dragon.

267f3a (10)  No.5217020>>5221511 >>6042584


what's with all the reverse writing?

b33ea1 (3)  No.5218796>>5221511


I have never heard anyone talk about WJC's father

b33ea1 (3)  No.5219177


Totally appreciate your digs.

f79bbf (7)  No.5221511>>5221693 >>5222732 >>5384937

File (hide): 754e009a782b970⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1199x514, 1199:514, 754e009a782b97048762a2d7fa….png) (h) (u)

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This is Thomas anon again,

Good day anons, I have dug up a lot, and i'm going to try my best to drop at least most of what i've got today since it's sunday.

For the anon pointing out the reverse writting on the Economist cover, I believe it's some type of projection or mirrorring. I think the real question is : how the cover would look if we turn it back to it's original state, as in we reverse the mirrorring effect.

As for rapist Bill Clinton's father (and probably the same man was Lynn's father) in my research, i've read about 8 potential candidates or should i say suspects about who is father is; and 2 of them are Rockefellers. I would also like to point out there is little about his mother as well, and when it comes to Killary it's even harder to find anything about her ancestry.

Now today, i want to present half of a dig of mine. I got stuck and i have no clue where to go from where i stopped. I hope really hard that anons can help out, find anything new, or just simply continue digging where i stopped.Any suggestions or ideas about a digging path are also welcome. And before starting, i would like to thank the anon who noticed this and dug about it, i'm only continuing your anon if you ever read this. God bless you.

Some 2 or 3 weeks ago (cannot remember the exact date) a brilliant anon made the discovery you see in the pictures i've attacked. Those are from him. And during that time, I was hammering my head about Killary's ancestry, so i had her and her mother in my head while i was looking at those pictures.

The Geographical center of these 2 points as you can see turns out to be in Kansas and near the pavillion (the exact center of it) as you can see, there is a Q shape.

And strangely, you can fit in there and Ouroboros = infinity sign and it will perfectly overlayed with the geographical point.

So as i just mentioned, since i had Killary and her mother in my head, and I was looking at this puzzling discovery from an anon, it suddenly clicked in my head. Killary's mother name is Dorothy.

f79bbf (7)  No.5221693>>5221849 >>5222224 >>5222732 >>5384937 >>5998074 >>6059281

File (hide): e09e3d91b3894f1⋯.jpg (209.17 KB, 1067x1500, 1067:1500, The wizard of Oz..jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7e1b2036aca51cf⋯.jpg (99.41 KB, 700x453, 700:453, T. Podesta creepy art.jpg) (h) (u)


Dorothy and Kansas together reminded me of? = Wizard of Oz.

Yes anons! That same Wizard of Oz in my previous drop, the movie where you have the red shoes in and how it's linked to the Bourbon/Payseur/Biltmore estate/ Tony Podesta creepy art.

So i went to take a look at the Wizard of Oz


"The Wizard of Oz is a 1939 American musical fantasy film produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Widely considered to be one of the greatest films in cinema history,[5] it is the best-known and most commercially successful adaptation of L. Frank Baum's 1900 children's book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.[6] Directed primarily by Victor Fleming (who left production to take over the troubled production of Gone with the Wind), the film stars Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale alongside Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Frank Morgan, Billie Burke and Margaret Hamilton with Charley Grapewin, Pat Walshe, Clara Blandick, Terry (billed as Toto) and Singer's Midgets as the Munchkins.[7] "

"Dorothy Gale lives with her Cairn Terrier dog Toto on the Kansas farm of her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Toto bites witchy neighbor Miss Almira Gulch, who then obtains an order for Toto to be euthanized. She takes Toto away on her bicycle, but he escapes and returns to Dorothy, who decides to run away from home to save her dog.

They meet Professor Marvel, a kindly fortune teller who uses his crystal ball to make Dorothy believe that Aunt Em may be dying of a broken heart. Dorothy races home, arriving just as a powerful tornado strikes. Locked out of the farm's storm cellar, she seeks shelter in her bedroom. Wind-blown debris knocks her unconscious and the house is sent spinning in the air. She awakens to see various figures fly by, including Miss Gulch, who transforms into a witch on a broomstick.

Dorothy with Glinda, the Good Witch of the North

The house lands in Munchkinland in the Land of Oz. Glinda the Good Witch of the North and the Munchkins welcome her as a heroine, as the falling house has killed the Wicked Witch of the East; only the witch's legs and the ruby slippers on her feet are visible. Her sister, the Wicked Witch of the West, arrives to claim the slippers, but Glinda transports them onto Dorothy's feet first. The Wicked Witch of the West swears revenge on Dorothy for her sister's death, then vanishes. Glinda tells Dorothy to follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City, where she can ask the Wizard of Oz to help her get back home.

On her journey, Dorothy meets the Scarecrow, who wants a brain, the Tin Woodman, who desires a heart, and the Cowardly Lion, who needs courage. Dorothy invites them to accompany her to the Emerald City, where they can ask the Wizard to help them too. Despite the Witch sending her winged monkeys to capture Dorothy and Toto, they reach the Emerald City and are eventually permitted to see the Wizard, who appears as a large ghostly head surrounded by fire and smoke. He agrees to grant their wishes if they prove their worth by bringing him the Witch's broomstick.

As the four (plus Toto) make their way to the Witch's castle, the Witch realizes that Dorothy must be dead before the ruby slippers can be removed. Toto escapes and leads her three friends to the castle. They ambush three guards, don the guards' uniforms and march inside to locate Dorothy. The Witch and her guards chase them through the castle and surround them. When the Witch sets fire to the Scarecrow, Dorothy tosses a bucket of water at him and it also splashes the Witch, who melts away. The guards rejoice and give Dorothy the broomstick.

Back in the Emerald City, as the Wizard stalls in fulfilling his promises Toto pulls back a curtain and exposes the "Wizard" as a middle-aged man speaking through a microphone. He denies Dorothy's accusation that he is a bad man but admits to being a humbug. He then gives the Scarecrow a diploma, the Lion a medal and the Tin Man a ticking heart-shaped watch, helping them see that the attributes they sought (brains, heart, courage) were already within them. He then offers to take Dorothy and Toto home in his hot air balloon.

As Dorothy and the Wizard prepare to depart, Toto jumps off and Dorothy goes to catch him so the balloon leaves with only the Wizard. Glinda appears and tells Dorothy the Ruby Slippers will take her home. Following Glinda's instructions, Dorothy taps her heels together three times and repeats, "There's no place like home".

Dorothy wakes up in Kansas surrounded by her family and friends. Everyone dismisses her adventure as a dream but Dorothy insists it was real and says she has learned there is no place like home. "

I hope anons noticed the year of the movie 1939 = same year WWII started. And in it, they say they want a brain and they want a heart = that turned my stomach upside down. I hope it's not hinting to cannibalism. I guess i'm just seeing more than there is, i really hope so.

f79bbf (7)  No.5221849>>5221895 >>5222009 >>5222224 >>5384937

File (hide): 92d182a4ee7d443⋯.jpg (156.97 KB, 800x975, 32:39, L__Frank_Baum_(1911).jpg) (h) (u)


Naturally i went to check out the writer of the book:


"Lyman Frank Baum (/bɔːm/;[1] May 15, 1856 -- May 6, 1919) was an American author chiefly famous for his children's books, particularly The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its sequels. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, plus 41 other novels, 83 short stories, over 200 poems, and at least 42 scripts. He made numerous attempts to bring his works to the stage and the nascent medium of film; the 1939 adaptation of the first Oz book would become a landmark of 20th-century cinema. His works anticipated such century-later commonplaces as television, augmented reality, laptop computers (The Master Key), wireless telephones (Tik-Tok of Oz), women in high-risk and action-heavy occupations (Mary Louise in the Country), and the ubiquity of advertising on clothing (Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work). "

"His father succeeded in many businesses, including barrel-making, oil drilling in Pennsylvania, and real estate. Baum grew up on his parents' expansive estate called Rose Lawn, which he fondly recalled as a sort of paradise.[5] Rose Lawn was located in Mattydale, New York.[6] Frank was a sickly, dreamy child, tutored at home with his siblings. From the age of 12, he spent two miserable years at Peekskill Military Academy but, after being severely disciplined for daydreaming, he had a possibly psychogenic heart attack and was allowed to return home.[7]

Baum started writing early in life, possibly prompted by his father buying him a cheap printing press. He had always been close to his younger brother Henry (Harry) Clay Baum, who helped in the production of The Rose Lawn Home Journal. "

"On November 9, 1882, Baum married Maud Gage, a daughter of Matilda Joslyn Gage, a famous women's suffrage and feminist activist. While Baum was touring with The Maid of Arran, the theater in Richburg caught fire during a production of Baum's ironically titled parlor drama Matches, destroying the theater as well as the only known copies of many of Baum's scripts, including Matches, as well as costumes. "

"Baum's description of Kansas in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is based on his experiences in drought-ridden South Dakota. During much of this time, Matilda Joslyn Gage was living in the Baum household. While Baum was in South Dakota, he sang in a quartet which included James Kyle, who became one of the first Populist (People's Party) Senators in the U.S."

"Two years after Wizard's publication, Baum and Denslow teamed up with composer Paul Tietjens and director Julian Mitchell to produce a musical stage version of the book under Fred R. Hamlin.[28] Baum and Tietjens had worked on a musical of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in 1901 and based closely upon the book, but it was rejected. This stage version opened in Chicago in 1902 (the first to use the shortened title "The Wizard of Oz"), then ran on Broadway for 293 stage nights from January to October 1903. It returned to Broadway in 1904, where it played from March to May and again from November to December. It successfully toured the United States with much of the same cast, as was done in those days, until 1911, and then became available for amateur use. The stage version starred Anna Laughlin as Dorothy Gale, alongside David C. Montgomery and Fred Stone as the Tin Woodman and Scarecrow respectively, which shot the pair to instant fame. "

f79bbf (7)  No.5221895>>5384937


More about Baum:

"The stage version differed quite a bit from the book, and was aimed primarily at adults. Toto was replaced with Imogene the Cow, and Tryxie Tryfle (a waitress) and Pastoria (a streetcar operator) were added as fellow cyclone victims. The Wicked Witch of the West was eliminated entirely in the script, and the plot became about how the four friends were allied with the usurping Wizard and were hunted as traitors to Pastoria II, the rightful King of Oz. It is unclear how much control or influence Baum had on the script; it appears that many of the changes were written by Baum against his wishes due to contractual requirements with Hamlin. Jokes in the script, mostly written by Glen MacDonough, called for explicit references to President Theodore Roosevelt, Senator Mark Hanna, Rev. Andrew Danquer, and oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. Although use of the script was rather free-form, the line about Hanna was ordered dropped as soon as Hamlin got word of his death in 1904.

Beginning with the success of the stage version, most subsequent versions of the story, including newer editions of the novel, have been titled "The Wizard of Oz", rather than using the full, original title. In more recent years, restoring the full title has become increasingly common, particularly to distinguish the novel from the Hollywood film.

Baum wrote a new Oz book, The Marvelous Land of Oz, with a view to making it into a stage production, which was titled The Woggle-Bug, but Montgomery and Stone balked at appearing when the original was still running. The Scarecrow and Tin Woodman were then omitted from this adaptation, which was seen as a self-rip-off by critics and proved to be a major flop before it could reach Broadway. He also worked for years on a musical version of Ozma of Oz, which eventually became The Tik-Tok Man Of Oz. This did fairly well in Los Angeles, but not well enough to convince producer Oliver Morosco to mount a production in New York. He also began a stage version of The Patchwork Girl of Oz, but this was ultimately realized as a film. "

"Baum made use of several pseudonyms for some of his other non-Oz books. They include:

Edith Van Dyne (the Aunt Jane's Nieces series)

Laura Bancroft (The Twinkle Tales, Policeman Bluejay)

Floyd Akers (The Boy Fortune Hunters series, continuing the Sam Steele series)

Suzanne Metcalf (Annabel)

Schuyler Staunton (The Fate of a Crown, Daughters of Destiny)

John Estes Cooke (Tamawaca Folks)

Capt. Hugh Fitzgerald (the Sam Steele series)"

"Baum also anonymously wrote The Last Egyptian: A Romance of the Nile."

"Sally Roesch Wagner of The Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation has published a pamphlet titled The Wonderful Mother of Oz describing how Matilda Gage's feminist politics were sympathetically channeled by Baum into his Oz books. Much of the politics in the Republican Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer dealt with trying to convince the populace to vote for women's suffrage. Baum was the secretary of Aberdeen's Woman's Suffrage Club. Susan B. Anthony visited Aberdeen and stayed with the Baums. Nancy Tystad Koupal notes an apparent loss of interest in editorializing after Aberdeen failed to pass the bill for women's enfranchisement. "

"Baum himself was asked whether his stories had hidden meanings, but he always replied that they were written to "please children".

"Baum was originally a Methodist, but he joined the Episcopal Church in Aberdeen to participate in community theatricals. Later, he and his wife were encouraged by Matilda Joslyn Gage to become members of the Theosophical Society in 1892.[53] Baum's beliefs are often reflected in his writing."

f79bbf (7)  No.5222009>>5222049 >>5384937

File (hide): 8084c04e5cb95a0⋯.jpg (15.08 KB, 220x329, 220:329, MatildaJoslynGage.jpg) (h) (u)


So we have Baum's novels going viral until he stepped on the toes of John Rockefeller. And he is married to the daughter of a famous suffragette and he is connected to occultism through the Theosophical society, which his wife encouraged him to join. So lets go check those points out:


"Matilda Joslyn Gage (March 24, 1826 -- March 18, 1898) was a 19th-century women's suffragist, an aboriginal American rights activist, an abolitionist, a free thinker, and a prolific author, who was "born with a hatred of oppression."[1]

Gage began her public career as a lecturer at the woman's rights convention at Syracuse, New York, in 1852, being the youngest speaker present, after which, the enfranchisement of women became the goal of her life. She was a tireless worker and public speaker, and contributed numerous articles to the press, being regarded as "one of the most logical, fearless and scientific writers of her day". During 1878--1881, she published and edited at Syracuse the National Citizen, a paper devoted to the cause of women. In 1880, she was a delegate from the National Woman Suffrage Association to the Republican and Greenback conventions in Chicago and the Democratic convention in Cincinnati, Ohio. With Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, she was for years in the forefront of the suffrage movement, and collaborated with them in writing the History of Woman Suffrage (1881–1887). She was the author of the Woman's Rights Catechism (1868); Woman as Inventor (1870); Who Planned the Tennessee Campaign (1880); and Woman, Church and State (1893).[2]

Gage served as president of the New York State Suffrage Association for five years, and president of the National Woman's Suffrage Association during 1875--76, which was one of the affiliating societies forming the national suffrage association, in 1890; she also held the office of second vice-president, vice-president-at-large and chairman of the executive committee of the original National Woman Suffrage Association.[2]

Gage's views on suffrage and feminism were considered too radical by many members of the suffrage association, and in consequence, she organized in 1890 the Woman's National Liberal Union, whose objects were: To assert woman's natural right to self-government; to show the cause of delay in the recognition of her demand; to preserve the principles of civil and religious liberty; to arouse public opinion to the danger of a union of church and state through an amendment to the constitution, and to denounce the doctrine of woman's inferiority. She served as president of this union from its inception until her death in Chicago, in 1898.[2] "

"On January 6, 1845, at the age of 18, she married Henry H. Gage, a merchant of Cicero, making their permanent home at Fayetteville, New York."

"Gage was considered to be more radical than either Susan B. Anthony or Elizabeth Cady Stanton (with whom she wrote History of Woman Suffrage,[6] and Declaration of the Rights of Women).[7] Along with Stanton, she was a vocal critic of the Christian Church, which put her at odds with conservative suffragists such as Frances Willard and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Rather than arguing that women deserved the vote because their feminine morality would then properly influence legislation (as the WCTU did), she argued that they deserved suffrage as a 'natural right'. Despite her opposition to the Church, Gage was in her own way deeply religious, and she joined Stanton's Revising Committee to write The Woman's Bible. "

"Gage was well-educated and a prolific writer---the most gifted and educated woman of her age, claimed her devoted son-in-law, L. Frank Baum. "

"Gage unsuccessfully tried to prevent the conservative takeover of the women's suffrage movement. Susan B. Anthony who had helped to found the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA), was primarily concerned with gaining the vote, an outlook which Gage found too narrow. "

"Gage was an avid opponent of the Christian church as controlled by men, having analyzed centuries of Christian practices as degrading and oppressive to women.[12][13][14] She saw the Christian church as central to the process of men subjugating women, a process in which church doctrine and authority were used to portray women as morally inferior and inherently sinful. She strongly supported the separation of church and state, believing "that the greatest injury to women arose from theological laws that subjugated woman to man"

f79bbf (7)  No.5222049>>5222224 >>5384937


More on Matilda:

""In 1893, she published Woman, Church and State, a book which outlined the variety of ways in which Christianity had oppressed women and reinforced patriarchal systems. It was wide-ranging and built extensively upon arguments and ideas she had previously put forth in speeches (and in a chapter of History of Woman Suffrage which bore the same name). Gage became a Theosophist, and the last two years of her life, her thoughts were concentrated upon metaphysical subjects, and the phenomena and philosophy of Spiritualism and Theosophical studies. During her critical illness in 1896, she experienced some illuminations that intensified her interest in psychical research. She had great interest in the occult mysteries of Theosophy and other Eastern speculations as to reincarnation and the illimitable creative power of man.[15]

Like many other suffragists, Gage considered abortion a regrettable tragedy, although her views on the subject were more complex than simple opposition. In 1868, she wrote a letter to The Revolution (a women's rights paper edited by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Parker Pillsbury), supporting the view that abortion was an institution supported, dominated and furthered by men. Gage opposed abortion on principle, blaming it on the 'selfish desire' of husbands to maintain their wealth by reducing their offspring"

"The death so upset the child's aunt Maud, who had always longed for a daughter, that she required medical attention. Thomas Clarkson Gage's child was the namesake of her uncle Frank Baum's famed fictional fictional character, Dorothy Gale"

I would like to attract anons attention to the dates. In one of my previous drops, I've said that the Bourbon/Payseur line was initially an patriarchal one, only after LC Payseur died and his 2 daughters became his heirs that the Payseur lineage turned into a matriarchal one. And with this new dig, i believe the evidence is overwhelming about Payseur heir's involvement in the Women's right movement. And guess what anons, the dates correspond, as in they fit the AGES of LC Lewis daughters. Do you get it anons? Do you see it?

And i would also like to point out Fayetteville. I've noticed this happening a lot anons, as in the "persons" closely linked to Payseur heirs lives or is somehow connected to a geographical location that has Bourbon/ french symbolism in it. This has lead me to my St Louis Arch's discovery.

f79bbf (7)  No.5222224>>5222416 >>5222732 >>5384937

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After taking a look at Maud = Matilda's daughter and finding nothing new, i decided to take at the main character of the Wizard of Oz = Dorothy Gale


"Dorothy Gale is a fictional character created by American author L. Frank Baum as the main protagonist in many of his Oz novels. She first appears in Baum's classic children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) and reappears in most of its sequels. In addition, she is the main character in various adaptations, notably the classic 1939 film adaptation of the novel, The Wizard of Oz.

In later novels, the Land of Oz steadily becomes more familiar to her than her homeland of Kansas.[1] Indeed, Dorothy eventually goes to live in an apartment in the Emerald City's palace but only after her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry have settled in a farmhouse on its outskirts, unable to pay the mortgage on their house in Kansas. Dorothy's best friend Princess Ozma, ruler of Oz, officially makes her a princess of Oz later in the novels. "

"In the Oz books, Dorothy is raised by her aunt and uncle in the bleak landscape of a Kansan farm. Whether Aunt Em or Uncle Henry is Dorothy's blood relative remains unclear. Uncle Henry makes reference to Dorothy's mother in The Emerald City of Oz, possibly an indication that Henry is Dorothy's blood relative. (It is also possible that "Aunt" and "Uncle" are affectionate terms of a foster family and that Dorothy is not related to either of them, although Zeb in Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz claims to be Dorothy's second cousin, related through Aunt Em[2]. Little mention is made of what happened to Dorothy's birth parents, other than a passing reference to her mother being dead.) Along with her small black dog, Toto, Dorothy is swept away by a tornado to the Land of Oz and, much like Alice of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, they enter an alternative world filled with talking creatures. In many of the Oz books, Dorothy is the main heroine of the story. She is often seen with her best friend and the ruler of Oz, Princess Ozma. Her trademark blue and white gingham dress is admired by the Munchkins because blue is their favorite color and white is worn only by good witches and sorceresses, which indicates to them that Dorothy is a good witch. "

"An influence on the creation of Dorothy appears to be the Alice books of Lewis Carroll. Although Baum reportedly found these plots incoherent, he identified their source of popularity as Alice herself, a character with whom child readers could identify; this influenced his choice of a protagonist for his own books.[3]

Dorothy's character was probably named after Baum's own niece, Dorothy Louise Gage, who died in infancy. Baum's wife was very attached to her and was deeply grieved by her death, so there is speculation that Baum inserted her name into his stories as a memorial. Elements of Dorothy Gale's character are possibly derived from Matilda Joslyn Gage, Dorothy Gage's grandmother. Dorothy Gage is buried in Evergreen Cemetery in Bloomington, Illinois.[4]

Lee Sandlin writes that L. Frank Baum read a disaster report of a tornado in Irving, Kansas, in May 1879 which included the name of a victim, Dorothy Gale, who was "found buried face down in a mud puddle."[5]"

WHAT?!?!?! Dorothy turns out to be the SAME ALICE from Carroll's story!!!????!!!!????!!!!

e1f022 (20)  No.5222416>>5222451 >>5222732 >>5384937

File (hide): 580d7be3c03cac9⋯.png (666.29 KB, 710x1322, 355:661, Alice_Disney.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 81c45859b987da7⋯.jpg (40.04 KB, 473x493, 473:493, Theosophie.jpg) (h) (u)


I also hope anon noticed the name of the cemetery where Dorothy Gagge is burried = Evergreen Cemetery in Bloomington, Illinois.

Even the clothes of Alive Disney version and Dorothy / Judy Garland version is similar.

There is one more piece to complete this: Theosophy (Blavatskian)


"Theosophy is an esoteric religious movement established in the United States during the late nineteenth century. It was founded largely by the Russian émigrée Helena Blavatsky and draws its beliefs predominantly from Blavatsky's writings. Categorised by scholars of religion as part of the occultist current of Western esotericism, it draws upon both older European philosophies like Neoplatonism and Asian religions like Hinduism and Buddhism.

As taught by Blavatsky, Theosophy holds that there is an ancient and secretive brotherhood of spiritual adepts known as Mahatmas, who---although found across the world—are centered in Tibet. These Masters are believed to have cultivated great wisdom and seemingly-supernatural powers, and Theosophists believe that it was they who initiated the modern Theosophical movement through disseminating their teachings via Blavatsky. They believe that these Masters are attempting to revive knowledge of an ancient religion once found across the world and which will again come to eclipse the existing world religions. Theosophical groups nevertheless do not refer to their system as a "religion". Theosophy preaches the existence of a single, divine Absolute. It promotes an emanationist cosmology in which the universe is perceived as outward reflections from this Absolute. Theosophy teaches that the purpose of human life is spiritual emancipation and claims that the human soul undergoes reincarnation upon bodily death according to a process of karma. It promotes values of universal brotherhood and social improvement, although it does not stipulate particular ethical codes.

Theosophy was established in New York City in 1875 with the founding of the Theosophical Society by Blavatsky, Henry Olcott, and William Quan Judge. Blavatsky and Olcott relocated to India, where they established the Society's headquarters at Adyar, Tamil Nadu. Blavatsky described her ideas in two books, Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. Blavatsky was repeatedly accused of fraudulently producing purportedly supernatural phenomena, often in connection with these "masters.". Following Blavatsky's death in 1891, there was a schism in the Society, with Judge leading the Theosophical Society in America to secede. Under Judge's successor Katherine Tingley, a Theosophical community named Lomaland was established in San Diego. The Adyar-based Society was later taken over by Annie Besant, under whom it grew to its largest extent during the late 1920s, before going into decline.

Theosophy played a significant role in bringing knowledge of South Asian religions to Western countries, as well as in encouraging cultural pride in various South Asian nations. A variety of prominent artists and writers have also been influenced by Theosophical teachings. Theosophy has an international following, and during the twentieth century had tens of thousands of adherents. Theosophical ideas have also exerted an influence on a wide range of other esoteric movements and philosophies, among them Anthroposophy, the Church Universal and Triumphant, and the New Age. "

"Central to Theosophical belief is the idea that a group of spiritual adepts known as the Masters not only exist but were responsible for the production of early Theosophical texts.[38] For most Theosophists, these Masters are deemed to be the real founders of the modern Theosophical movement.[39] In Theosophical literature, these Masters are also referred to as the Mahatmas, Adepts, Masters of Wisdom, Masters of Compassion, and Elder Brothers.[39] They are perceived to be a fraternity of human men who are highly evolved, both in terms of having an advanced moral development and intellectual attainment.[39] They are claimed to have achieved extra-long life spans,[39] and to have gained supernatural powers, including clairvoyance and the ability to instantly project their soul out of their body to any other location.[40] These are powers that they have allegedly attained through many years of training.[40] According to Blavatsky, by the late 19th century their chief residence was in the Himalayan kingdom of Tibet.[39] She also claimed that these Masters were the source of many of her published writings.[39] "

e1f022 (20)  No.5222451>>5222466


More on Theosophy:

"The Masters are believed to preserve the world's ancient spiritual knowledge,[40] and to represent a Great White Brotherhood or White Lodge which watches over humanity and guides its evolution.[40] Among those whom the early Theosophists claimed as Masters were Biblical figures like Abraham, Moses, Solomon, and Jesus, Asian religious figures like Gautama Buddha, Confucius, and Laozi, and modern individuals like Jakob Bohme, Alessandro Cagliostro, and Franz Mesmer.[40] However, the most prominent Masters to appear in Theosophical literature are Koot Hoomi (sometimes spelled Kuthumi) and Morya, with whom Blavatsky claimed to be in contact.[41] According to Theosophical belief, the Masters approach those deemed worthy to embark on an apprenticeship or chelaship.[42] The apprentice would then undergo several years of probation, during which they must live a life of physical purity, remaining chaste, abstinent, and indifferent to physical luxury.[42] Blavatsky encouraged the production of images of the Masters.[43] The most important portraits of the Masters to be produced were created in 1884 by Hermann Schmiechen.[44] According to scholar of religion Massimo Introvigne, Schmiechen's images of Morya and Koot Humi gained "semi-canonical status" in the Theosophical community,[45] being regarded as sacred objects rather than simply decorative images.[46]

Campbell noted that for non-Theosophists, the claims regarding the existence of the Masters are among the weakest made by the movement.[38] Such claims are open to examination and potential refutation, with challenges to the existence of the Masters therefore undermining Theosophical beliefs.[47] The idea of a brotherhood of secret adepts had a long pedigree stretching back several centuries before the foundation of Theosophy; such ideas can be found in the work of the Rosicrucians, and was popularised in the fictional literature of Edward Bulwer-Lytton.[48] The idea of having messages conveyed to a medium through by spiritually advanced entities had also been popularised at the time of Theosophy's foundation through the Spiritualist movement.[48] "

"According to Blavatsky's teachings, many of the world's religions have their origins in a universal ancient religion, a "secret doctrine" that was known to Plato and early Hindu sages and which continues to underpin the centre of every religion.[49] She promoted the idea that ancient societies exhibited a unity of science and religion that humanity has since lost, with their achievements and knowledge being far in excess of what modern scholars believe about them.[50] Blavatsky also taught that a secret brotherhood has conserved this ancient wisdom religion throughout the centuries, and that members of this fraternity hold the key to understanding miracles, the afterlife, and psychic phenomena, and that moreover these adepts themselves have paranormal powers.[51]

She stated that this ancient religion would be revived and spread throughout humanity in the future, replacing dominant world religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism.[49] Theosophy tended to emphasise the importance of ancient texts over the popular ritual and custom found within various religious traditions.[6] The Theosophical depiction of Buddhism and Hinduism however drew criticism both from practitioners of orthodox Buddhist and Hindu traditions, as well as from Western scholars of these traditions, such as Max Müller, who believed that Theosophists like Blavatsky were misrepresenting the Asian traditions.[6] "

"Theosophy promotes an emanationist cosmology, promoting the belief that the universe is an outward reflection from the Absolute.[52] Theosophy presents the idea that the world as humans perceive it is illusory, or maya,[53] an idea that it draws from Asian religions.[54] Accordingly, Blavatsky taught that a life limited by the perception of this illusory world was ignorant and deluded.[55]"

e1f022 (20)  No.5222466>>5222475


"According to Blavatsky's teaching, every solar system in the universe is the expression of what is termed a "Logos" or "Solar Deity".[56] Ranked below this Solar Deity are seven ministers or planetary spirits, with each of these celestial beings being in control of evolution on a particular planet.[56] In The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky stated that each planet had a sevenfold constitution, known as the "Planetary Chains"; these consist not only of a physical globe but also of two astral bodies, two mental bodies, and two spiritual bodies, all overlapping in the same space.[57] According to Blavatsky, evolution occurs on descending and ascending arcs, from the first spiritual globe on to the first mental globe, then from the first astral globe to the first physical globe, and then on from there.[58] She claimed that there were different levels of evolution, from mineral on to vegetable, animal, human, and then to superhuman or spiritual.[58] Different levels of evolution occur in a successive order on each planet; thus when mineral evolution ends on the first planet and it proceeds on to vegetable evolution, then mineral evolution begins on the second planet.[58] "

"Theosophy teaches that human evolution is tied in with this planetary and wider cosmic evolution.[59] In The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky advocated the idea of seven "Root Races", each of which was divided into seven Sub-Races.[60] In Blavatsky's cosmogony, the first Root Race were created from pure spirit, and lived on a continent known as the "Imperishable Sacred Land".[61] The second Root Race, known as the Hyperboreans, were also formed from pure spirit, and lived on a land near to the North Pole, which then had a mild climate.[61] The third lived on the continent of Lemuria, which Blavatsky alleged survives today as Australia and Rapa Nui.[62] Blavatsky alleged that during the fourth Round of the Earth, higher beings descended to the planet, with the beginnings of human physical bodies developing, and the sexes separating.[63] At this point, the fourth Root Race appeared, living on the continent of Atlantis; they had physical bodies but also psychic powers and advanced technology.[64] She claimed that some Atlanteans were giants, and built such ancient monuments as Stonehenge in southern England, and that they also mated with "she-animals", resulting in the creation of gorillas and chimpanzees.[63] The Atlanteans were decadent and abused their power and knowledge, so Atlantis sunk into the sea, although various Atlanteans escaped, and created new societies in Egypt and the Americas.[63]

The fifth Root Race to emerge was the Aryans, and was found across the world at the time she was writing.[63] She believed that the fifth Race would come to be replaced by the sixth, which would be heralded by the arrival of Maitreya, a figure from Mahayana Buddhist mythology.[65] She further believed that humanity would eventually develop into the final, seventh Root Race.[63] At this, she stated that humanity will have reached the end of its evolutionary cycle and life will withdraw from the Earth.[66] Lachman suggested that by reading Blavatsky's cosmogonical claims as a literal account of history, "we may be doing it a disservice."[63] He instead suggested that it could be read as Blavatsky's attempt to formulate "a new myth for the modern age, or as a huge, fantastic science fiction story".[63] "

"According to Theosophy, the purpose of human life is the spiritual emancipation of the soul.[69] The human individual is described as an "Ego" or "Monad" and believed to have emanated from the Solar Deity, to whom it will also eventually return.[59] The human being is presented as composing of seven parts, while operating on three separate planes of being.[70] As presented by Sinnett and often repeated in Theosophical literature, these seven parts are the Body (Rupa), Vitality (Prana-Jiva), the Astral Body (Linga Sarira), the Animal Soul (Kama-Rupa), the Human Soul (Manas), the Spiritual Soul (Buddhi), and the Spirit (Atma).[59] According to Theosophical teaching, it is the latter three of these components that are immortal, while the other aspects perish following bodily death.[69] Theosophy teaches that the Spiritual Soul and the Spirit do not reside within the human body alongside the other components, but that they are connected to it through the Human Soul.[69] "

e1f022 (20)  No.5222475>>5222495

File (hide): 32596d5f448ca30⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 800x1205, 160:241, The_Theosophical_Society.jpg) (h) (u)


"In The Voice of the Silence, Blavatsky taught that within each individual human there is an eternal, divine facet, which she referred to as "the Master", the "uncreate", the "inner God", and the "higher self". She promoted the idea that uniting with this "higher self" results in wisdom.[55] In that same book, she compared the progress of the human soul to a transition through three halls; the first was that of ignorance, which is the state of the soul before it understands the need to unite with its higher self. The second is the Hall of Learning, in which the individual becomes aware of other facets of human life but is distracted by an interest in psychic powers. The third is the Hall of Wisdom, in which union with the higher self is made; this is then followed by the Vale of Bliss.[55] At this point the human soul can merge into the One.[55] "

"Throughout her writings, Blavatsky made a variety of statements about rebirth and the afterlife, and there is a discrepancy between her earlier and later teachings on the subject.[71] Between the 1870s and circa 1882, Blavatsky taught a doctrine called "metempsychosis".[71] In Isis Unveiled, Blavatsky stated that on bodily death, the human soul progresses through more spiritual planes.[72] Two years later, she introduced the idea of reincarnation into Theosophical doctrine,[73] using it to replace her metempsychosis doctrine.[74] In The Secret Doctrine, she stated that the spirit was immortal and would repeatedly incarnate into a new, mortal soul and body on Earth.[71] According to Theosophical teaching, human spirits will always be reborn into human bodies, and not into those of any other life forms.[69] Blavatsky stated that spirits would not be reborn until some time after bodily death, and never during the lifetime of the deceased's relatives.[75]

Blavatsky taught that on the death of the body, the astral body survives for a time in a state called kama-loka, which she compared to limbo, before also dying.[76] According to this belief, the human then moves into its mental body in a realm called devachan, which she compared to Heaven or paradise.[76] Blavatsky taught that the soul remained in devachan for 1000 to 1500 years, although the Theosophist Charles Webster Leadbeater claimed that it was only 200.[77] "

e1f022 (20)  No.5222495>>5222533 >>5385764


"Theosophy espouses the existence of karma as a system which regulates the cycle of reincarnation, ensuring that an individual's actions in one life affect the circumstances of their next one.[78] This belief therefore seeks to explain why misery and suffering exist in the world, attributing any misfortune that someone suffers as punishment for misdeeds that they perpetrated in a prior life.[79] In Blavatsky's words, karma and reincarnation were "inextricably interwoven".[80] However, she did not believe that karma had always been the system that governed reincarnation; she believed that it came into being when humans developed egos, and that one day will also no longer be required.[80]

Besant and Leadbeater claimed to be able to investigate people's past lives through reading the akashic record, an etheric store of all the knowledge of the universe.[81] They for instance claimed to have attained knowledge of their own past lives as monkey-like creatures residing on the moon, where they served as pets to the "Moon-man" (a prior incarnation of the Master Morya), his wife (Koot Humi), and their child (the Lord Maitreya). When they were attacked by "savages" and animals "resembling furry lizards and crocodiles", Besant sacrificed herself to save Morya, and for that act made the karmic evolutionary leap to becoming a human in her next incarnation.[82] "

"Theosophy does not express any formal ethical teaching,[83] a situation that generated ambiguity.[84] However, it has expressed and promoted certain values, such as brotherhood and social improvement.[84] During its early years, the Theosophical Society promoted a puritanical attitude toward sexuality, for instance by encouraging chastity even within marriage.[85]

By 1911, the Theosophical Society was involved in projects connected to a range of progressive political causes.[86] In England, there were strong links between Theosophy and first-wave feminism.[86] Based on a statistical analysis, Dixon noted that prominent English feminists of the period were several hundred times more likely to join the Theosophical Society than were the average member of the country's population.[87] Theosophical contingents took part in feminist marches of the period; for instance, a Theosophical group operating under the banner of Universal Co-Freemasonry marched as part of the Women's Coronation Procession in 1911."

"The Theosophical Society was largely the creation of two individuals: Helena Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott.[90] Established Christianity in the United States was experiencing challenges in the second half of the nineteenth century, a result of rapid urbanization and industrialization, high rates of immigration, and the growing understanding of evolutionary theory which challenged traditional Christian accounts of history.[91] Various new religious communities were established in different parts of the country, among them the Free Religious Association, New Thought, Christian Science, and Spiritualism.[92] Theosophy would inherit the idea --- then popular in the United States — that emphasized the idea of free will and the inevitability of progress, including on a spiritual level.[93] It was also influenced by a growing knowledge about Asian religions in the United States.[94]

Prior to her arrival in the United States, Blavatsky had experience with esoteric currents like Spiritualism.[95] It was through Spiritualism that Blavatsky and Olcott met.[89]

In 1884, Olcott established the first Scottish lodge, in Edinburgh.[96]

In 1980, Campbell noted that Theosophical books were selling at record levels.[90]

In the United States, Judge had been devoting himself to the promotion of Theosophy with little success.[97] "

"Olcott then sent Besant to the United States to gain support for the Adyar-based Society. In this she was successful, gaining thousands of new members and establishing many new branches.[107] Besant had developed a friendship with the Theosophist Charles Webster Leadbeater, and together they co-wrote a number of books.[108] Leadbeater was controversial, and concerns were raised when he was found to have instructed two boys in masturbation. The American Section of the Theosophical Society raised internal charges against him, although Besant came to his defence.[109] In a move probably designed to limit negative publicity for the Society, they accepted his resignation rather than expelling him.[110] "

e1f022 (20)  No.5222533


"In December 1908, Leadbeater was readmitted to the Society; this generated a wave of resignations, with the Sydney branch seceding to form the Independent Theosophical Society.[93] Leadbeater travelled to Adyar, where he met a young boy living there, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and pronounced him to be the next incarnation of a figure called the World Teacher. He subsequently took control of the boy's instruction for two years.[116] With Besant, Leadbeater established a group known as the Order of the Star in the East to promote the idea of Krishnamurti as World Teacher.[117] Leadbeater also wanted more ritual within Theosophy, and to achieve this he and J. I. Wedgwood became bishops in the Old Catholic Church.[118] They then split from that to form their own Liberal Catholic Church, which was independent from the Theosophical Society (Adyar) while retaining an affiliation with it.[119] The Church drew most of its membership from the Society and heavily relied upon its resources.[120] However, in 1919 the Church was marred by police investigations into allegations that six of its priests had engaged in acts of paedophilia and Wedgewood --- who was implicated in the allegations — resigned from the organisation.[121]"

"In retaliation, a "Back to Blavatsky" movement emerged within the Society. Its members pejoratively referred to Besant and her followers as practitioners of "Neo-Theosophy", objecting to the Liberal Catholic Church's allegiance to the Pope, and to the prominence that they were according to Besant and Leadbeater's publications.[122] The main benefactor of the disquiet within the Back to Blavatsky movement was a rival group called the United Lodge of Theosophists.[123] One of the most prominent figures to switch allegiance was B. P. Wadia.[124] The United Lodge of Theosophists had been established in Los Angeles in 1909, when it had split from Judge's Theosophical Society in America, seeking to minimise formal organisation.[124] It focused on publishing new editions of Blavatsky and Judge's writings, as well as other books, which were usually released anonymously so as to prevent any personality cults developing within the Theosophical movement.[125] "

"Many important figures, in particular within the humanities and the arts, were involved in the Theosophical movement and influenced by its teachings.[146] Prominent scientists who had belonged to the Theosophical Society included the inventor Thomas Edison, the biologist Alfred Russel Wallace, and the chemist William Crookes."

"Theosophical ideas, including on the evolution of the Earth, influenced the teachings of British conspiracist David Icke.[169] "

I hope anons noticed the pedophilia connection and how everything was hush hushed. And there is the black and white tiles. On their symbol = Ouroboros the writtings are in French and it's all related to the Scotish rite in freemasonery, which is directly linked to Albert Pike. And there is a big number of the feminist movement members whom were part of this Theosophy.

I admit that my knowledge is small about such issues, so i'm not going to comment further about this, until i do some more reading and research about it, but i do hope anon will pick up or notice stuff that i didn't see.

e1f022 (20)  No.5222732>>5384937

File (hide): 8d1da012c3785d9⋯.jpg (132.7 KB, 1007x1331, 1007:1331, Q post 72.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 158bffd3eae9a1f⋯.jpg (42.75 KB, 1017x426, 339:142, Q post 83.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a71658404e8923d⋯.png (99.26 KB, 497x709, 497:709, Q post-189.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9795c6f132971f3⋯.jpg (291.52 KB, 731x960, 731:960, The economist cover 2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f0bce04db52b91⋯.jpg (99.75 KB, 960x960, 1:1, The economist 1988.jpg) (h) (u)






















So now anons, I'm going to sum things about about this dig. It's where i stoped and couldn't advance anymore. I hope another anon will find something about this because i feel there is still some digging to be done about this rabbit hole.

So now my third piece or stone in my case of P = C = Killary Clinton

1 - Dorothy Gage is buried in Evergreen Cemetery in Bloomington, Illinois. EVERGREEN anons, Evergreen. isn't that Killary's CIA code name?

2 - The big boss Q himself made the connection between Killary = Alice in Wonderland and now we can add to it = Wizard of Oz (because Dorothy is Alice)

3 - Connection to the Economist cover of 2015 to Alice in Wonderland, to Lynn de Rothschild and to the Econimist Cover of 1988 where we have a rising phoenic crowned with a fleur de lis.

4 - Dorothy is the name of Killary's mother just as it's the name of the main character in the Wizard of Oz.

5 - We already know the connection between Killary and pedophilia and we alreayd know the connection between Carroll and pedophilia and Killary….and we got to add to the mix the Theosophy along with it's Ouroboros symbol.

6 - Oz, Killary, Bourbon are all connected to the red shoes.

7 - Which in turn is connected to the Vanderbilts, Morgans, Madonna, Tony Podesta, Edward VIII etc (see my previous drops about this)

8 - Which in turn is connected to Biltmore castle and how that place is connected to the Bourbon/Payseurs.

9 - Add to the mix my previous drops about the white ribbon, the white clothes of the congresswomen and it's symbolism and how it's all connected to Killary.

10 - Everything is linked or connected to the suffragette movement as well.

This is where I stoped this dig anons. I will be back in a couple of hours for my 4th piece or stone in my case on Killary = Payseur. Anons, please read slowly and carefully Q drop 189, read it very carefully and compare each sentence to one of my drops, not just in here, but also in the previous thread. What does Killary represent to them? = She is the center and everyone else rotates around her.

About the Jewelry, remembers Madonna's? And yes, symbolism will be their downfall.

e1f022 (20)  No.5224515>>5224783 >>5226411 >>5291537 >>6099882

File (hide): 5625b238c7018b2⋯.jpg (113.1 KB, 775x517, 775:517, St Louis gateway arch 3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): aef35c62fd35961⋯.jpg (192.97 KB, 775x1163, 775:1163, St Louis gateway arch 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b92353dae42f961⋯.jpg (213.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, St Louis gateway arch 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7ba74bff1058f1d⋯.jpg (51.75 KB, 775x517, 775:517, St Louis gateway arch 4.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 48fdf31dfc9715c⋯.png (56.72 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, Flag_of_St__Louis,_Missour….png) (h) (u)




This is Thomas Anon for the second time today. This time, I want continue where i had left off about St Louis, Missouri. The reason, I've looked at it from he start was because in my previous digs about the family bloodlines I kept on bumping into "almost" the same geographical names, as in counties, places, towns or localities. So i thought to check out one of them = St Louis and it turned out to be a connection to the Bourbon and it's filled with symbolism. Here is the flag of St Louis = notice the fleur de lis.

Then, an anon posted these pictures after reading my dop. Apparently he lives near. I thought my dig about St Louis was going to stay a shallow one, that totally changed after seeing these pictures. So for the anon whom posted these pictures after reading my drop about the arch, thank you so much for your precious help.

Now when you take a look at the pictures he sent, you will from this angle that it looks like : 1 - a man with tentacles - 2 - Some might see it as an alien - 3 - while a third group might see this as a giant octopus.

I was hoping to get some help from anons to decode the numbers and dates when it comes to the keystone and the ceremony concerning this arch, but no one helped about that.

And as I said in my previous post about this, we can find the elements of water, wood, earth, air around the arch but i couldn't locate the elements of electricity nor fire.

I went back and read again about the arch and it's when I noticed that there is an elevator that goes inside the Gateway arch. So anons, that solves the electricity element. But what about the fire element still missing. No matter where i looked on the ground, i couldn't find it. I thought it might be located in the museum undergroung, but I couldn't verify that. So if anons whom have visited the place can confirm the existence of some type of flame or torch it would be great.

But that didn't discourage me to find the fire element so since i didn't find anything on the ground, i decided to take a look from high up.

e1f022 (20)  No.5224783>>5224940 >>6099882

File (hide): 490f0f0df497fa9⋯.jpg (673.18 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ct-trav-gateway-arch-St-Lo….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 07742bc56a5a671⋯.jpg (210.75 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, 105047080-Daytime-view-of-….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0d861e0e78ed60f⋯.jpg (281.62 KB, 800x600, 4:3, arch gateway st Louis.jpg) (h) (u)


So I started to take a look around at areal pictures or taken from high places, and from all angles, and dates.

That is until I finally found my fire element and i also noticed something else.

e1f022 (20)  No.5224940>>5225834 >>6099882

File (hide): 4523aa15c6fbcbd⋯.jpg (36.56 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Pheonix logo 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cc591082a8f104d⋯.jpg (10.68 KB, 252x200, 63:50, Phoenix logo 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6d86492c0c2cb75⋯.jpg (13.54 KB, 236x305, 236:305, Phoenix logo 3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f0bce04db52b91⋯.jpg (99.75 KB, 960x960, 1:1, The economist 1988.jpg) (h) (u)


Did anons see the fire element?

Look closely again. Look at the patch of grass, doesn't it look like a bird, and not just any bird, but the Phoenix bird? And isn't the Phoenix = the bird of fire = so we have our fire element now. And anons shouldn't forget that Economist cover of 1988.

I believe that Payseur heir think of him/herself as being the phoenix ^_^ talking about arrogance and self centrism (rolling eyes). SO you see anons, we have another symbol pointing out that St Louis is linked directly to Bourbon/Payseur; let me sum them up:

1- we have the name St Louis.

2- the fleur de lis on the flag.

3- the Merovingian arch.

4- The phoenix symbol.

aa8aec (1)  No.5225093


<ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/uE3IB

Now THERE'S a pedo front if I've ever seen one.

e1f022 (20)  No.5225834>>5226197 >>6099882

File (hide): 083ddd444be5406⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 278x357, 278:357, Supernova_Movie_st Louis.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): c99a06d7ab81507⋯.jpg (259.56 KB, 1300x781, 1300:781, saint-louis-arch-and-old-c….jpg) (h) (u)


So now we have the metal, the fire, the earth, the wood, the water, the air and the electricity elements all combined in and around the arch. Talking about occultism and symbolism.

And i accidently bumped into a movie poster about the "end" and it's staring none other than PETRER FONDA. I guess now anons understand why he is attacking Potus and his family so viciously = Peter Fonda is part of the red shoe clan = Payseur minion. And there are a couple of more movie/series concerning the Arch in St Louis themed Sci-Fi stuff, as in portals, other dimensions etc.

But there is another thing that caught my attention anons and that is the Axis. What do you see when you look straight into the arch = The old court house. It's almost in it's perfect center axis. And there is that tall building behind the old court house as well, that seem to be straight in the middle as well, but i couldn't find it's name nor any information about that tall pointy building.

e1f022 (20)  No.5226197>>5226271 >>6099882

File (hide): d5bfe84de859ff0⋯.jpg (886.18 KB, 1920x1470, 64:49, Old courthouse refered to ….jpg) (h) (u)


So I went to take a look at this courthouse:


"The Old St. Louis County Courthouse was built as a combination federal and state courthouse in St. Louis, Missouri. Missouri's tallest habitable building from 1864 to 1894, it is now part of the Gateway Arch National Park and operated by the National Park Service for historical exhibits and events. "

"Land for the courthouse was donated in 1816 by Judge John Baptiste Charles Lucas and St. Louis founder Auguste Chouteau[2] Lucas and Chouteau required the land be "used forever as the site on which the courthouse of the County of St. Louis should be erected."[3] The Federal style courthouse was completed in 1828. "

"It was designed by the firm of Lavielle and Morton, which also designed the early buildings at Jefferson Barracks as well as the Old Cathedral"

e1f022 (20)  No.5226271>>6099882

File (hide): aa5c88dad512838⋯.jpg (26.64 KB, 276x359, 276:359, The-black-hole-2006-poster.jpg) (h) (u)


"In 1861 William Rumbold replaced a cupola with an Italian Renaissance cast iron dome modeled on St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. The United States Capitol dome, built at the same time during the American Civil War, is also modeled on the basilica. The St. Louis dome was completed in 1864, and Karl Ferdinand Wimar was commissioned to paint murals, which are featured in the rotunda"

When St. Louis County, Missouri and the city split in 1877, the courthouse became city property.[9] The courthouse was abandoned by the city in 1930 after it built the Civil Courts Building, and descendants of Chouteau and Lucas sued to regain ownership. In 1935, during the Great Depression, St. Louis voted a bond issue to raze nearly 40 blocks around the courthouse in the center of St. Louis for the new Gateway Arch National Park, which was then known as Jefferson National Expansion Memorial. President Franklin Roosevelt declared in an Executive Order the area would be a national monument and landscape design, sidewalks and other infrastructure was added. The courthouse formally became part of the new monument area in 1940. Replaced in 1941, the roof was renovated in 1955, 1985, and 2010. The National Park Service maintains four history galleries on St. Louis and NPS offices within. The courthouse once had up to 12 courtrooms but now there are two in period presentation. The east wing has Circuit Court #13 restored to its 1910 appearance while the west wing has Circuit Court #4 restored to an approximate 1850's detail.[5]

The courthouse building was the tallest building in Missouri and St. Louis until 1896 when Union Station was built. It remained the largest structure in the national monument until the Gateway Arch was built in 1965. "

In Season 3 of the TV series The Last Ship, the Old Courthouse becomes the new White House and the base of operations for the reformed United States government in the post-plague days of the Red Flu.

The courthouse is destroyed in the disaster films Supernova and The Black Hole."

Just a question anons: doesn't the cabal members believe in such stuff? I mean the black hole, portals to other dimensions, end of the word stuff?

And did the anons catch : "the Old Courthouse becomes the new White House and the base of operations for the reformed United States government in the post-plague days of the Red Flu"


e1f022 (20)  No.5226411>>5226433 >>5226491 >>6099882


After that discovery, i decided to take a closer look at the history of St Louis: Pierre Laclède and August Chouteau:


"Pierre Laclède Liguest or Pierre Laclède (22 November 1729 -- 20 June 1778) was a French fur trader who, with his young assistant and stepson Auguste Chouteau, founded St. Louis in 1764, in what was then Spanish Upper Louisiana, in present-day Missouri. "

"Laclède was born on 22 November 1729 in Bedous, Béarn, France. He was one of the younger sons in his family, with parents being office-holders, authors, and scholars of some prominence. His father, and later inherited by his brother, held the position of avocat au parlement de Navarre, a traditional region including Béarn, located in Pau. His uncle, likewise, was a man of letters, writing a history of Portugal. Overall, Laclède is said to be a reflection for desire for knowledge that filled his whole family.

In 1755, Laclède arrived in New Orleans at the age of 26. The cause of his trip is argued about; some historians believe he was traveling for pleasure. Others say that he was looking to make his fortune in the new lands, as done by many other younger sons. Allegedly, Laclède gave up positions in the church and army and rather preferred to explore the new world. Over the next few years after his arrival in New Orleans, he became a highly successful trader. Unlike his contemporaries, he embraced the change of lifestyle. Historians often comment on his energy, knowledge, and good judgement, which suggest past business experience, and a greater understanding for his success as a merchant.

During this time, Laclède also began to form relationships with the officials and Indians in the vicinity. It was through many of these conversations that Laclède learned of the opportunities that awaited further north, and acted as an inspiration for his future exploration and founding of St. Louis. "

"When first arriving in New Orleans, Laclède is described as handsome. He was said to be olive-skinned with dark eyes, tall and slender. He moved like a fencer with extreme grace and ease and retained an air of command at all time. Before leaving for New Orleans, it is said that Laclède won a swordsmanship duel. However, the prize is unknown.

Upon arriving to New Orleans, Laclède met and fell in love with Madame Marie-Therese Bourgeois Chouteau. It is documented that they had a liaison for many years following, resulting in the birth of four children: Jean Pierre (1758), Marie Pélagie (1760), Marie Louise (1762), and Victoire (1764) Chouteau. Madame Chouteau at the time was married to another man, René Auguste Chouteau. Ten years her senior, Rene owned an inn and tavern at the time of their marriage. To the outsider, it was a good marriage, as Madame Chouteau had little to no dowry and little to recommend her. However, Rene turned out to be an abusive husband, and not long after the birth of their first son, Auguste Chouteau, left her alone in New Orleans and returned to France without her. "

e1f022 (20)  No.5226433>>6099882


More on Laclède:

"Though it is documented that they had a strong relationship, Laclède's and Madame Chouteau's relationship was coated with difficulties. As divorce was not allowed during that time by the church or the state, Madame Chouteau remained married to Rene for the majority of hers and Laclède's relationship. This prompted lots of whispers and gossip, let alone the possible strain of Rene returning from France any day. Historians believe that this in addition was a contributing factor to Laclède's decision to travel upstream to a new trading post.

Upon the founding of St. Louis, Laclède wrote to Madame Chouteau, telling her to come to the colony. Later that year, after she gave birth to her fifth child and Laclède's fourth, she traveled with all of their children to meet Laclède. There, Laclède built a house for them and bequeathed it to them in his will. Madame Chouteau in addition was well loved in the colony; she was kind but sensible, understanding but stubborn. Within a few years, people started referring to her as the "Queen" of St. Louis.

A few years after arriving to St. Louis, René, Madame Chouteau's husband, returned to New Orleans, and required that his wife return to him. By law, he was allowed to do this. Various governmental officials tried to slow down the process of Madame Chouteau returning to her husband, sending letters that ended requiring more letters. However, before any real action could be taken, René Chouteau died in a drunken stupor one night, thus ending any potential threat from him. "

Laclède was sponsored by the New Orleans merchant Gilbert Antoine de Saint-Maxent in 1763 to construct a trading post near the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Maxent was offered monopolies by D'Abbadie, which were passed on to Laclède as a six-year trading monopoly with the area's Native Americans.

Given the length and the impending winter, Laclède began prepping for the journey immediately. In August, he and a small crew, which included his common law wife's son René Auguste Chouteau. Jr. Though few outposts or trading posts were already set-up, many Europeans had made the journey up the Mississippi River, making the trip more monotonous than exciting. They arrived at the confluence in December. The confluence area was too marshy to build a town, so they selected a site 18 miles (29 km) downriver. Legend has it that St. Louis was founded on Saint Valentine's Day of 1764.

The St. Louis downtown riverfront area is named Laclede's Landing in his honor. He is also the namesake of Laclede County, Missouri,[1] Laclede, Missouri, the Pierre Laclede Honors College at the University of Missouri--St. Louis, and the Pierre Laclede Elementary School in St. Louis. Laclede is also recognized with a star on the St. Louis Walk of Fame."


e1f022 (20)  No.5226491>>5226595 >>6099882

File (hide): de2a1ea3686f15a⋯.jpg (30.99 KB, 432x630, 24:35, Augustechouteau.jpg) (h) (u)


And now taking a look at August Chouteau:


"René Auguste Chouteau, Jr. (September 7, 1749 or September 26, 1750 in New Orleans, French Louisiana[1] -- February 24, 1829 in St. Louis, Missouri[2]), also known as Auguste Chouteau, was the founder of St. Louis, Missouri, a successful fur trader and a politician. He and his partner had a monopoly for many years of fur trade with the large Osage tribe on the Missouri River. In addition, he had numerous business interests in St. Louis and was well-connected with the various rulers: French, Spanish and American. "

"On September 20, 1748, Marie-Thérèse Bourgeois married René Auguste Chouteau, who had recently immigrated from France to Louisiana.[3] Rene Chouteau was described as an innkeeper, liquor dealer, and pastry chef.[3][4] He was born in the village of L'Hermenault in September 1723, and was nearly ten years older than Bourgeois.[5] Auguste Chouteau was the only child of Marie-Therese and Rene, born in either September 1749 or September 1750.[3][6] The elder Chouteau purportedly abused Marie Therese, and the abandonment of her and their son, led Marie Therese to return to her per-matrimonial home. Some scholars say that she returned to the convent. Others believe that she returned to her step-father's and mother's house. In either case, a child named "Rene" was baptized on that date to René Chouteau and Marie-Thérèse. However, the Auguste Chouteau who founded St. Louis, Missouri, often was referred to as Rene Auguste, but his birth date was listed in family records as September 26, 1750. Family members in the 19th century used the traditional date (September 26, 1750) for Chouteau's grave marker in Calvary Cemetery. In René Chouteau's will, he referred to two living sons in 1776. Thus, it is possible a second son existed. In that case, it is likely that the second son died after René Chouteau left Louisiana.

By 1758, Marie-Thérèse (known as Madame Chouteau or Widow Chouteau[7]) had met and began living with Pierre de Laclède Liguest (commonly known as Laclede) in a common-law marriage.[8] Kieran Doherty suggests that Laclede informally adopted Auguste Chouteau, providing him with an education in one of the Catholic schools of New Orleans.[9] Regardless of whether formal education was provided Chouteau, it was clear that by his early teens, he had a respect for learning and some form of education (possibly under the direct tutelage of Laclede).[10] By the early 1760s, Chouteau worked as an assistant in obtaining supplies for Laclède's partnership business with Gilbert Antoine de St. Maxent, and served as a clerk in Laclede's journey up the Mississippi River to establish another fur-trading post. [9]

Though highly influenced by Laclede, many historians have also commented on his mother's character and intelligence that proved to be exceptionally important throughout his entire life. With a strong business sense and acumen, she would have helped developed his senses that later proved to be very effective and helpful in later years. "

>>>> anons noticed the hand?

e1f022 (20)  No.5226595>>5226905 >>6099882


more on Chouteau:

"On September 20, 1748, Marie-Thérèse Bourgeois married René Auguste Chouteau, who had recently immigrated from France to Louisiana.[3] Rene Chouteau was described as an innkeeper, liquor dealer, and pastry chef.[3][4] He was born in the village of L'Hermenault in September 1723, and was nearly ten years older than Bourgeois.[5] Auguste Chouteau was the only child of Marie-Therese and Rene, born in either September 1749 or September 1750.[3][6] The elder Chouteau purportedly abused Marie Therese, and the abandonment of her and their son, led Marie Therese to return to her per-matrimonial home. Some scholars say that she returned to the convent. Others believe that she returned to her step-father's and mother's house. In either case, a child named "Rene" was baptized on that date to René Chouteau and Marie-Thérèse. However, the Auguste Chouteau who founded St. Louis, Missouri, often was referred to as Rene Auguste, but his birth date was listed in family records as September 26, 1750. Family members in the 19th century used the traditional date (September 26, 1750) for Chouteau's grave marker in Calvary Cemetery. In René Chouteau's will, he referred to two living sons in 1776. Thus, it is possible a second son existed. In that case, it is likely that the second son died after René Chouteau left Louisiana.

By 1758, Marie-Thérèse (known as Madame Chouteau or Widow Chouteau[7]) had met and began living with Pierre de Laclède Liguest (commonly known as Laclede) in a common-law marriage.[8] Kieran Doherty suggests that Laclede informally adopted Auguste Chouteau, providing him with an education in one of the Catholic schools of New Orleans.[9] Regardless of whether formal education was provided Chouteau, it was clear that by his early teens, he had a respect for learning and some form of education (possibly under the direct tutelage of Laclede).[10] By the early 1760s, Chouteau worked as an assistant in obtaining supplies for Laclède's partnership business with Gilbert Antoine de St. Maxent, and served as a clerk in Laclede's journey up the Mississippi River to establish another fur-trading post. [9]

Though highly influenced by Laclede, many historians have also commented on his mother's character and intelligence that proved to be exceptionally important throughout his entire life. With a strong business sense and acumen, she would have helped developed his senses that later proved to be very effective and helpful in later years. "

"Laclede was at Fort de Chartres until early April, recruiting French settlers from the east side villages. Because of a large migrating band of Osage, Laclede went to St. Louis to negotiate their departure from the fledgling post.[23][24] Within months, Laclede had built a home for his common-law wife Marie Therese, who traveled to the outpost from New Orleans, arriving in September 1764.[23] Auguste Chouteau lived here until his death.[25] In addition to Auguste, Marie-Thérèse had an additional four children (by Pierre Laclede, but under the surname of Chouteau).[23] Among these four were three girls and a boy, Jean Pierre Chouteau, who later became a partner with Auguste in business and politics.[26] "

"After Laclede's death in 1778, Chouteau took over the business of trading, adding greatly to the family fortunes.[27] He quickly expanded the business to include agricultural properties, and banking, and owned the first grist mill in St. Louis.[28] Chouteau played a significant role in the growth of other, outlying towns, such as St. Charles, Missouri.[29"

"In early 1804, Lewis and Clark purchased materials from Chouteau's trading house in St. Louis, and on March 9, 1804, Chouteau hosted the new American commander of the Upper Louisiana during the transfer ceremonies for the Louisiana Purchase.[39] For this, Chouteau was rewarded with a return to his monopoly on trade with the tribes by the United States."

"He married Marie Therese, the daughter of Jean-Gabriel Cerré, on September 21, 1786 at the Basilica of St. Louis, King of France (then a vertical-log church, not the current church on the site).[42] The marriage united members of the two leading St. Louis families; it also appears to have been a happy one"

"Children of Auguste Chouteau and Marie Therese Cerre:

-Auguste Aristide Chouteau (1792--1833), fur trader

-Gabriel Chouteau (1794--1887), served in War of 1812

-Marie Thérèse Eulalie Chouteau (1799--1835), married Rene Paul, first surveyor of St. Louis

-Henry Chouteau (1805--55), railroad executive, killed in Gasconade Bridge train disaster

-Edward Chouteau (1807--46), trader

-Louise Chouteau, married Gabriel Paul, brother of Rene and French chevalier

-Emilie Chouteau, married Thomas Floyd, officer in the Black Hawk War"

e1f022 (20)  No.5226905>>5227050 >>5246751 >>6099882


After cheking out his wife's (= Marie-Therèse) father = Jean=Baptiste Cerré, the only notable thing is that he was born in Quebec Canada

I then went to check on this famous Marie-Therèse Chouteau known as the QUEEN of St Louis:

"Marie-Thérèse Bourgeois Chouteau (January 14, 1733 -- August 14, 1814) was the matriarch of the Chouteau slave trading family which established communities throughout the Midwest. She is considered the "Mother" of St. Louis, and was influential in its founding and development, in essence, helping lead to its becoming an important American town and the Gateway to the West. "

"She was born in New Orleans on January 13, 1733. She had a French father (Nicolas Bourgeois) and Spanish mother (Marie Joseph Tarare).[1] Shortly after she turned six years old, her father died, leaving her mother, her two siblings, and herself. The following year, Marie-Therèse's mother remarried to a man named Nicholas Pierre Carco. She lived with her mother and stepfather until her marriage, and it is thought that she returned to their household when her marriage fell apart four years later.

At the age of 15, Marie-Therèse married tavern keeper and baker René Auguste Chouteau, Sr., on September 20, 1748. This arrangement was made by her family, with everyone expecting that the marriage would be successful. According to commonly accepted histories, René deserted her after she gave birth to René Auguste Chouteau, Jr., in 1749. Upon being deserted by René, Marie-Therèse referred to herself as a widow as it gave her more legal and social rights. As a widow, she could own property and have custody over her children. "

"She began a relationship with Pierre Laclède around 1755.[2] With him, she had four children: Jean Pierre Chouteau in 1758, Marie Pelagie (1760), Marie Louise (1762), and Victoire (1764).

After Laclède (along with his stepson and her son with Rene, Auguste Junior) established St. Louis, Missouri in 1764, Marie-Therese traveled with her other four children to the new, developing colony. At first, she lived with all the other settlers at the trading post. However, Laclède is said to have built her a house in 1767. During this time, she kept busy, owning cattle, keeping bees, and conducting business.

A few years later, the elder René Chouteau demanded that authorities return her to New Orleans. In 1774 Louisiana Governor Luis de Unzaga ordered her to return. However she did not and the order was ignored until the elder Chouteau died in 1776.[1] Though this freed her from her marriage and allowed her to marry Laclède, Marie-Therese refrained from doing so. At this time, Laclède had fallen into a lot of debt, and though she loved him, she did not want to be legally responsible for paying off his creditors after his death, an event that happened soon after. "

e1f022 (20)  No.5227050>>5227262 >>6099882


More on Marie-Therese Chouteau:

"Laclède died in 1778. Afterwards, Marie-Therèse remained in the stone house Laclède built for her. From then until her death, she continued to be an influential, successful figure in the St. Louis colony. She bought and sold slaves and supervised a posse for socalled runaway slaves. Many of the people she hunted were indigenous to the land of St louis Mo.

In addition, she helped her sons with controlling the slave trade; these sons later became leaders in St. Louis government and business for the years to follow, drawing from many of her key attributes. Her daughters as well were successful in their own right; given her large fortune at this time, Marie-Therese helped them marry well by giving them large dowries.

Upon the death of Madame Chouteau on August 14, 1814, she was buried on the grounds of the Basilica of St. Louis, King of France (which is now on the grounds of the Gateway Arch National Park). However, when bodies were dug up in 1849 to move them to Calvary Cemetery and Bellefontaine Cemetery during a cholera epidemic, her remains could not be found. "

"Virtually all contemporary histories of St. Louis attribute a founding role to her including The First Chouteaus: RIVER BARONS OF EARLY ST. LOUIS by William E Foley and C David Rice ISBN 0-252-06897-1 and Before Lewis and Clark: The Story of the Chouteaus, the French Dynasty That Ruled America's Frontier by Shirley Christian ISBN 0-374-52958-2.

However, there have been challenges to the story, including challenges by her descendents.

Part of the challenge were considered efforts to show that she did not have a relationship outside of marriage. Other challenges were based on formal records.

Records at the St. Louis Cathedral (New Orleans) indicate that all the Chouteau children were baptized there and indicated the elder Chouteau was the father. Further records indicate that Laclède did not leave his inheritance to the Chouteaus while the elder Chouteau did.[3]

The legend says that Laclède and Marie had a common law marriage and that Laclède signed away part of his property to them to protect them and maintain the appearance that Marie was in a proper civil law relationship with the elder Chouteau.

However, one 1790s account, published in translation, by a French officer serving the Spaniards, Nicolas de Finiels, notes no founding role for Chouteau and even goes as far as to say there was already a hamlet at the site of St. Louis even before the founding of St. Louis. The tale of Chouteau's role in the founding of St. Louis does not appear in the historical introduction of the first St. Louis city directory in 1820, and his name was not mentioned at all at the first celebration of the town's past in 1847. A New Orleans militia census conducted after Laclede had departed New Orleans [4] shows him still at home with his mother and brothers.

The earliest St. Louis historian, Wilson Primm, dismissed the story. Auguste's role in the founding is based on his own testimony in a land dispute in the 1820s, and on an unsigned manuscript "Journal" attributed to him, announced found by his sole surviving son, Gabriel, in 1857. "

i don't know about you anons, but for me, she was the one pulling the strings behind the curtain while her husband and son were puppets doing the work up front. And have you ever seen in that period in history a woman leave her husband the way she did and live with another man and still be called QUEEN? And did anons notice where she was burried = it's quiet a high honnor if you ask me. And what about this ambiguity about their "legend" and what really took place with that family.

For me, this woman smells like a Payseur heir, just like Alva and Eleanor were.

And anons, i don't know if you know this, but Marie-Antoinette's mother = the empress of Austria was named MARIA-THERESA. Meaning Marie-Thérèse was the name of Louis XVII/Payseur maternal grandmother.

e1f022 (20)  No.5227262>>5228523 >>6099882


I was going to finish my dig at this level, but then, a crazy thought occured to me = totally crazy. And i thought to myself = "no! it couldn't be"

So I went to check it out. I went to check out the electoral map of the state of Missouri, just to see whom won the county where St Louis is. And can see whom won St Louis, as a city and as a county = Killary.

I thought it was just a coincidence that Killary won the area that has so much symbolism, occultism and connection to french royalty in it. So i went to check another place that kept on popping out in my readings, in a whole different state, and guess what anons? The same thing happened all over again = The city or county is heavily symbolic to Payseur and Killary won it in 2016. After that, I went to a crazy long exhausting search .

Yes anons! i've started checking those symbolic places one by one and I've found a pattern = MOST (not all, but most) cities, places, counties that are symblolic or linked to Payseur were won by Killary in 2016 election. That is not a coincidence anons. And I consider this as my 4th piece or stone in my case on Killary being Payseur heir.

I'm going to stop here anons, it's WWAAYYY past midnight and this old fellow needs his rest. I hope I can find some time in the near future to drop my digs on the other places that are just like ST Louis and they were won by Killary.

Wishing you a good Sunday (or what's left of it to you anons).


88a858 (1)  No.5228523>>5292380


Cool dig anon. When you look at Missouri another good way to correlate Democrat power is with institutions of higher education. Boone County is shown going for the Democrats as well as St. Louis and KC. Columbia MO, the major city in Boone County is home to the University of Missouri - Columbia. I think the University is very highly related to the presence of many foreign nationals and to a lot of politically correct culture. For an interesting dig I suggest you look at Fulton, MO, Callaway County and the US "micronation" of the Kingdom of Callaway. If you consider what is in Fulton, who has visited and the connection to a wall, to the Civil War and to other world events you will be in for some interesting connections. Happy digging.

62303f (3)  No.5240490

File (hide): 8b7dff9f03e6fb7⋯.png (76.33 KB, 794x1090, 397:545, 5 Eyes.png) (h) (u)

dcc062 (19)  No.5246751>>5246889 >>5292380

File (hide): a4e752b9f01a626⋯.png (583.31 KB, 798x529, 798:529, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cd2a559f3f02f1d⋯.png (753.21 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>"Mother" of St. Louis


dcc062 (19)  No.5246889

File (hide): b38f7bd3395cf2d⋯.png (174.97 KB, 1402x740, 701:370, Screenshot 2019-02-18 at 1….png) (h) (u)

a93979 (1)  No.5255400>>5315325 >>5340773

File (hide): 514448e81fe2824⋯.jpg (98.59 KB, 850x995, 170:199, Phoenix bird.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f0bce04db52b91⋯.jpg (99.75 KB, 960x960, 1:1, The economist 1988.jpg) (h) (u)

Potus pinned tweet - Feb 18 2019

"We are here to proclaim that a new day is coming in Latin America. In Venezuela and across the Western Hemisphere, Socialism is DYING - and liberty, prosperity, and democracy are being REBORN…"

I hope anons noticed the "Dying" & "Reborn" just like the bird of fire.

Potus, the REAL phoenix exists. The FAKE phoenix believe she is the real one, but it's not her isn't it? I do remember what you told her in the second debate; when you were asked to name one quality the other has.

This is Thomas Anon, thanking you for another hint. God bless you sir & TEAM.


1216e3 (6)  No.5261676>>5261772 >>5319248 >>5535041

File (hide): 0e2948ab58caea7⋯.png (23.31 KB, 515x409, 515:409, Screenshot_2019-02-15 God.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ec9cbb1e9a82bb2⋯.jpg (132.82 KB, 933x525, 311:175, Big_Straw_Man_in_the_Sky.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4a9cabcbc597650⋯.png (598.69 KB, 698x392, 349:196, Screenshot_2018-12-26 Forg….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9c36f88b19af9cd⋯.jpg (229.52 KB, 674x646, 337:323, GospelOfMary.jpg) (h) (u)

Alright. I was going to leave this topic be.., but. . .

>>5035174 (lb)

I've been bothered by Q's use of the Bible since the very start of this. I've been trying to speak my mind, but I have too much to say on this subject. I don't care who said what when. At the end of the day, we are all humans, and thus flawed. I've already addressed in the last thread how "Moses" was the planet Mars. Therefore whatever 'laws' were chiseled in stone, after Mars passed the Charge from Venus down to Earth, do NOT have 'divine authority' over mankind. How many children were beaten or abused by their parents "because '…' said…"? How about the rule that says it's okay to beat your wife with a stick no bigger than the width of your thumb? Gee.., I wonder if it was a man who wrote that? Right at the beginning, "It was the woman's fault!!, and the DEVIL!!" … or was that Saturn, also known as Sin. These are the most intimate of divisions we can have. They destroy families. Not to mention the people who wrote this down, where probably deprived of the oxygen required for normal brain function.


Something interesting popped up when I was looking to see what the 'legal' definition of "God" was. Someone falsely entered our plea for us, stating that everyone is presumed to believe in this "Supreme Being", and left us with the burden of proving otherwise. Heck, at one point in time it was 'illegal' to say otherwise. Here's the problem. "God" is NOT a 'being'. I've been saying this for most of 2018, and shared quite a bit of evidence in the last thread. "God" was a reference to the Electromagnetic Space Force, that powers "Life" along with everything else in the Universe. What raised mountains, carved valleys, etc.? See catastrophic geology in an Electric Universe. It wasn't a reference to any one celestial body, since "God" was present "In the beginning" along with everyone of those cataclysms. The celestial bodies were the 'false idols', remember? And so is the [straw man] that somebody forced us into believing in. This was a bogus deal and it seems like they knew it because they left US with the burden of proving otherwise.

Many of the brilliant minds who made advances in the field of electricity, where Christian, or at least believed in "God". Faraday. Maxwell. Tesla. Incredibly brilliant men, yet not one of the names gets mentioned in a text book, unless you're going to school to be an electrical engineer. Heck, most people think that all this technology came from a crashed 'alien' UFO. Our lives are so dependent on electricity now-a-days it's disgusting. Yet, we know so little about it. Why is that? I don't even think this was new during the 19th century. When I look at the designs and ruins of some of the older churches, they appear to have elements that show at least some basic knowledge of electricity. Then when you think about the conquests of the East Indies Corporations during the 1600-1800s, they could have destroyed the old, enslaved the people, and forced us into making advancements for them to profit off, and while keeping the technology for themselves. It's not just the lack of education about electricity, but the entire Electromagnetic Force has been suppressed, if not completely removed, from several fields of study. Biology, chemistry, astronomy, geology, paleontology, etc. The 'education' that is being taught to our children is leaving them completely clueless about the World they live in, the Universe that surrounds us, even the very essence of who they are. So, why aren't the children being provided with a REAL education? Can't hide behind 'the law', cause by that definition, we can't teach about the [straw man]. Is it too dangerous? People are using this 'technology' to brainwash people before they can even speak, so. . . what gives???

I'm pretty certain this system was designed to enslave Christians, in particular, along with the very best of people, so the most vile, greedy and corrupt individuals can prosper off our blood, sweat & tears for centuries, if not longer. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me …?". So, anyone who knows about the [straw man] clause, or anyone who calls "God" by a different name, or even an atheist, can lie through their teeth to save their own ass. Meanwhile, the decent human being is tricked into telling the truth out of fear of eternal damnation. It's no wonder why these elites "in the know" do the most unholy things, we can't even imagine, to the most innocent of people. Obviously, THEY aren't worried about the consequences. I'm not saying that people should stop being 'Good', but the way things are presented, these religions look like they are designed to enslave, just like 'the law'. Pay your taxes and look the other way so I can slap you again. Gee.., I wonder how that part found it's way into the Bible, instead of all those other teachings that never made it in.

7f7284 (1)  No.5261772


Of course 'religion' is designed to enslave. The Bible speaks against religion, man's traditions, etc.

We are to have a personal relationship with GOD. You don't need a Church for this, you don't need religion for this.

c187be (2)  No.5261792

Holy crap a lot happened yesterday while I was at work. I am still trying to get caught up!

I am confused about something though and maybe someone can help me out.

These "Placeholders" Q has posted over at Patriots Fight, is each placeholder a slot for a name?

As in a slot for a Black Hat?

c187be (2)  No.5261818

Crap, nevermind, wrong bread.

85a911 (1)  No.5269679>>5270188

File (hide): 8efb31679b9283c⋯.jpg (53.77 KB, 509x511, 509:511, 1488455627532.jpg) (h) (u)

dcc062 (19)  No.5270188


I'm so triggered…womp womp.

7b3533 (4)  No.5291537>>5291917 >>5312547 >>5314589 >>6099882

File (hide): 5d49c85d0c3bd53⋯.jpg (84.78 KB, 728x482, 364:241, Ram.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 07a8432ed11a2ee⋯.jpg (131.96 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, St Louis rams.jpg) (h) (u)


This is Thomas Anon,

I have a bit of spare time today and the same tomorrow, so i thought to drop some of the stuff i've found while digging.

This is a bit more about St Louis, Missouri.


"The professional American football franchise now known as the Los Angeles Rams played in St. Louis, Missouri, as the St. Louis Rams from the 1995 through the 2015 seasons. The Rams franchise relocated from Los Angeles to St. Louis in 1995, which had been without a National Football League (NFL) team since the Cardinals moved to Phoenix, Arizona in 1988. The team's primary stadium was The Dome at America's Center, which was known as the Trans World Dome and the Edward Jones Dome while utilized by the Rams.

The Rams’ first home game in St. Louis was at Busch Memorial Stadium, where they played before the Dome was completed, in a 17-13 victory against the New Orleans Saints on September 10, 1995. Later that season, they played their first game at the newly-completed Dome on November 12 in a 28-17 victory against the Carolina Panthers. Their last game played in St. Louis was against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on December 17, 2015, which they won, 31--23. The Rams’ last game as a St. Louis-based club was on January 3, 2016, against the San Francisco 49ers at Levi's Stadium, where they lost in overtime 19–16. Following the 2015 NFL season, the team returned to Los Angeles.

During the Rams' tenure in St. Louis, the franchise won its first and, to date, only Super Bowl title during the 1999 season in XXXIV. Assisted by the Greatest Show on Turf offense, the Rams enjoyed a period of success from 1999 to 2003, but struggled throughout their remaining years in St. Louis. Upon their relocation back to Los Angeles, the Rams went 11 seasons without obtaining a winning record, which was the longest active streak in the NFL at the time."

I totally dislike both names of the football teams that originated from St Louis, as in Cardinals and Rams. This place = St Louis is filled with symbolism and occultism. The more I dig and read, the more I'm convinved this is a HIGH SPIRITUAL PLACE for the bloodline families. So naming those football teams like that is no coincidence anons. Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying the teams or players are bad, but damn! from all the names to choose from they end up with Ram for the place with high "spiritual energy" for the Cabal.

I mean look at the arch, it's fsurrounded with 7 elements = earth, water, wind, fire, metal, electricity and wood. Add to it the historical of the place and how it's stinking with "French" influence and how the Arch itself was constructed, Payseur logo = fleur de lis, is on the flag of the place And anons shouldn't forget those Hollywood productions about "OTHER DIMENSIONS" and "END OF THE WORLD" themes. And now I've found the names of 2 football teams that are highly connected to the Cabal = having "un sous-entendu"…. Adding to it all this flying "light" image taken in 2016.

I'm starting to believe that St Louis has some sort of secret facility for the Cabal, it's a highly spiritual place for them, so it doesn't necesserly mean it is a military sort of base, but it also could be some sort of hidden structure like a temple of a conven for the Cabal where they perform ceremonies, rituals and such like things. That arch, everyone sees, it's not decor anons, it is STILL used during rituals. And that flying "light" I believe it's man made by the Cabal, imitating the ET technology, that they might have taken it from them, in the first place.

7b3533 (4)  No.5291917>>6099882











I wonder if anons living in or in the area of St Louis, Missouri have been hearing any Booms?

This place is connected to Albert Pike and the Scottish masonic rite. It's also connected to George Herbert Walker and that second debate. I made a mistake, in one of my previous drops about this saying it's Prescot Bush, sorry anons, I usually post quiet late at night, i wanted to say it's the university where George Herbert Walker studied = that is where the second debate took place, moderated by none other that Anderson Cooper = Vanderbilt ties. Our brave Potus went into the enemy's den and fought them on their own territory. Sometimes, I come to think that St Louis is actually the CAPITAL of the Payseur lineage.

Even the Ram football team uniform color is "navy blue and gold" = same colors of Bourbon kings = french royalty.

7b3533 (4)  No.5292380>>5340773

File (hide): d89dc9fc3315253⋯.png (124.81 KB, 832x535, 832:535, Q drop 992.png) (h) (u)




Thank you anons, I will check them out. I didn't have time to read, just took a quick look at the stuff you dropped.

For Amelia Earhart and the "spirit" it lead me to the Phoenix islands. As I said, I didn't have much time to read, i'm overloaded with work. But it's eating me up from the inside not knowing, not finding. And even Potus hinted at the Phoenix. What are you trying to do to me? ^_^ It's not the first time you've done that. ^_^

I get it that Payseur heir thinks of him/herself as the Phoenix (I think it's a fake Phoenix), I want to find the Identity of the Payseur heir. I know i'm wondering around him/her, I hope i could find some clues.

I've been suspecting Killary as being Payseur heir, because Q said P = C; and i do have other stuff pointing in that direction, it's a case i'm trying to built on Killary. I am fully aware I won't find any direct link as a birth certificate or something like that.

Marie-T Chouteau could also be a Payseur heir, if we follow the logic of P = C.

As I've said before, it seems there are some very specific geo places that Bloodline families hold dear to their heart, one of them is Lexington cemetery, Kentucky. So is it the Lexington from this drop? Or maybe Q is refering to Lexington Massachussetts?

The cemetery is Kentucky seems quiet important, important enough so that a lot of "suspected" cabal members or confederate people were buried there. And cherry on top of the cake, it seems like the actor Nicolas Cage has a tomb waiting for him there. I find that place very interesting, i'm curious about it and what it represents for the Cabal. I'm wondering if some of Payseur heirs or family members have been burried there in the past?

It's all for today anons, i hope tomorrow i will find time to read through what anons sent me but one of my goals is to find the identity of Payseur heir; so if the search is not related to that, I'm going to put it aside for now anons, my appologies. God bless you all.


7b3533 (4)  No.5292429>>5340773

File (hide): 5c31053a9bdad12⋯.jpg (194.08 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Titanic poster.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas Anon again,

I almost forgot, but I wanted to tell anons that the Phoenix is even mentioned in the movie Titanic along with Rockefeller. And I find that VERY interesting.

5158c5 (2)  No.5307433


Your post is mostly crap. Just reading about the Rothschilds esp senior members only marrying blueblood, wtf did Nat marry Loretta the glamor model with no royal blood in her. You are talking thru your arse and wasted all our time.

5158c5 (2)  No.5307488


Spot the tranny , Lyn is surely one just look at her over animated manner as if hiding a big secret.

35a90b (20)  No.5312000>>5312371 >>5340773

This is Thomas Anon,

What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


35a90b (20)  No.5312371>>5312547 >>5340773 >>6074456

File (hide): e67acc738fca87d⋯.jpg (52.72 KB, 696x474, 116:79, Epstein Island temple.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b5e1be7d692370f⋯.png (138.74 KB, 1100x656, 275:164, St_louis_rams_uniforms.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b0d2b4dbc13c495⋯.jpg (244.33 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, HRC BARBIE.jpg) (h) (u)


This is Thomas Anon,

Let me answer some of your questions Q?

>>>What is the keystone?

A: it's what holds the ARCH togther, as n the Merovingian arch symbol, and the Merovingian bloodline family is the keystone that holds the entire structure of the cabal in it's place. Q drops have many layers of meaning, this is just one of the layers, one interpretation.

>>> Does Satan exist? Does the "thought" of Satan exist? Who worship Satan?

A: Now do i really have to go and say it anons, the bloodline families worship him along with their minions. Mostly the Merovingian bloodline.

>>> What is a a cult? Epstein Island?

A: The worship of satan/ cult was taking place at Epstein island. Anons already figured out that one.

>>> What is a temple? What occures in a temple? Worship?

A: a temple is not just a place of worship but it's also and mostly a place to "give" = "present" sacrifices to the god your worship.

>>>Why is the temple on top of the moutain? How many levels might exist below?

A: anons already know the answer to these questions.

>>> What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome? Why is this relevant?

A: Anons already know about the design and the symbol of the owl, but they didn't figure out the colors yet. The colors of gold, white and "royal"blue (some say navy blue) are the "official" colors of the Bourbons bloodline as in the french royalty = the french merovingian side of things which Payseur was their heir. It is relevant because it's telling us that this place = Epstein island is run by the Payseur heirs which are descendant of the Bourbon kings.

>>>Who are the puppet masters? Have the puppet masters traveled to this island? When? How often? Why?

A: the puppet masters are the CLINTONS. They are Jeffrey Epstein's boss. They are the owners of business, Epstein just runs it for them. Yes, the puppet masters did travel to that island along with Alan Dershowits and Kevin Spacy and many other celebreties and politicians on board of the Lolitta Express. All that anons have to do is to look at the plane logs to know the details.

35a90b (20)  No.5312547>>5312676 >>5312695 >>5340773



This is Thomas Anon,

How many politician have their own Barbie doll? And dressed in "royal" blue on top of that?

St Louis Missouri is an extremely important place for the Cabal from what i've dug up so far. it's a place filled with occultism and symbolism, even the uniforms of the St Louis Rams is the colors of the Bourbon french kings.

The heir of Payseur considers herself as the Phoenix. What a dillusional person she is. She is no Phoenix. I wonder why this thread got shills in it after I started mentionning the Phoenix? The more the shill talk crap in this thread, the more they are confirming I'm on the right track.

Anons always thought Killary was just a low or mid level stooge of the Cabal. I strongly believe anons got it wrong. SHE IS THE PAYSEUR HEIR. THE ONE PULLING THE STRINGS. I wanted to proove that, I started to drop my digs and build my case slowly, but after the events of today, after the blow of today, I keep on wondering why should I?

34b585 (2)  No.5312676


you mean jussie and the damage to them? or the shill brigades?

34b585 (2)  No.5312695>>5313085


your work is consistently the highest quality intel product ive seen in this place

35a90b (20)  No.5313085>>5313338 >>5315146 >>5315192 >>5315334 >>5961348


This is Thomas Anon,

Thank you anon.

Would you believe me if i told you that for me, this type of digging is very easy? When I dig, when i really dig, I will bring down every angel that is up there in Heaven. And when i have a team working with me, it's done in a flash.

For a digger like me, this type of work is rather easy, I am used to dig in the ground and in the archives, so for me, it comes naturally.

Am i making a difference anon? I see only poeple sleep walking into this. I was expecting anons to get curious and start fighting back by digging, exposing and helping one another. I'm the only posting about this, some anons did help, but they did not build, they just send me the info or indicate them to me. Why no one is willing to get into the dirt and dig with their own hands? Thinking for ourselves is what Q has been trying to teach anons but I see most don't want to do the hard work.

I always believe that you cannot clap with one hand, you need two hands to clap. This is a figurative way to say that to reach your goal team work is important.

Take a look at the geo location Anon = Lexington, Nashville, Mobile, Brimmingham Alabama, Little Rock, St Louis, Louisville, Versailles etc………. i've been digging each and every single one of them, and I keep on finding Payseur traces there.

I've looked one by one (till i've done 60 % of the list) of the counties won by Killary in 2016 presidential election. Guess what? MOST not all are places with high occultism and high cabal symbolims, roots. And ALL are connected to the Bourbons. I found Voodoo practises, Freemasons, witchcraft, strange "events" along with french founding history and railroad connections.

35a90b (20)  No.5313338>>5314064

File (hide): 8421f272cf1619f⋯.jpg (269.56 KB, 1600x1578, 800:789, Arkansas map.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a6544580b104d33⋯.jpg (190.95 KB, 1600x911, 1600:911, Kansas map.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e00cd362586546e⋯.jpg (229.1 KB, 1600x1444, 400:361, Missouri map.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 42daf41c5fa72bc⋯.png (113.39 KB, 1000x677, 1000:677, United_States_1812-06-1816….png) (h) (u)


The county of Pulaski in Arkansas was won by Killary. If you have been reading my drops from the start anon (= in the previous thread) you will also know whom lived there and whom burried most of his kids there = Albert Pike. Coincidence?

Did anon notice how many Jefferson counties there are in the States? Who won most of the "significant" ones? (as in the counties called Jefferson that have a meaning to the Cabal ) Whom is called Willaim Jefferson Cinton? I bet ya that's a coincidence again.

Take a look at the following maps anon. But mostly, look closely how the cities I've mentioned are connected. Look closely to the states around. And the cherry on top of the cake is the "Missouri territory". Take a good look at that one anon, it's Payseur kingdom in the States. Look at the date and compare. Read. Dig.

Did you know that Kansas and Arkansas have the same origine for their name? Both States are connected. Compare. Read. Dig.

35a90b (20)  No.5314064>>5314172

File (hide): 6650df5b6a73035⋯.jpg (167.8 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, gov-winthrop-rockefeller.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3df872821eb2746⋯.jpg (52.97 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Nelson and rapist Bill.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f68bb8a324c8af⋯.png (172.44 KB, 306x511, 306:511, Michael Rockefeller.png) (h) (u)


I've been a digger for 20 years and when i want to dig about something i do it smoothly, for me digging comes naturally and easy. There is no obstacle i couldn't cross or find connections. In 20 years, I only ran straight into a brick wall when I started looking at Payseur lineage downwards and then when I started to look both Clintons but mostly Killary's lineage upwards. No matter how much I looked a got a big flat nothing.

For me there I explain this as a confirmation there is something HUGE hidden behind all of this. It's not they are related to mafia and that sort of stupidity. I managed to dig stuff about Bush family easily, even though they are mafia family as well. I bet if i go into Pelosi or Feinstein I will even get to find what they ate at breakfast each sunday. But when it comes to Payseur lineage or Killary lineage (also Bill) NOTHING came out. There is an invisible hand whom hid everything on purpose. And what is hidden is far greater than them being a small fry mafia family part of the cabal. You have the FBI, CIA, DOJ, State Dep, the WH (and a lot more agencies) as well as Mossade, MI6, the CROWN, France gvt, Australia gvt, China gvt and much much more all putting themselves on the line, all going beyond themselves to protect Killary from prosecution. WHY is that anons? You think she is a simple mid level operative of the Cabal? no she is not, SHE IS THE BOSS. She runs Epstein Island and NXIVM through Jeffrey Epstein and the Bronfman family. The first is directly tied to her and to Mossad. He got a small slap on his wrist and a terribly light sentence because the Bush junior president interfered in the courts and protect his "friends" the Clintons, as well as Bush's masters = the WINDSOR = remember Bush family is part of the black eye clan which is run by the Windsors whom Prince Andrew a client of Epstein is a part of.

Take a good look at Winthrop Rockefeller, he doesn't look at all like Bill, and when you read this bio, there is nothing "special" about it, nor any hints or connections to Bill at first glance.

Now compare Bill to Nelso Rockefeller and mix it with the photo of rapist Bill's mother. It fits perfectly. And guess what anons, Nelson used to spend some of his summer time in the area where Lynn de Rothschild grew. So, there is a possibility he could have met Lynn's mother, since the population there wasn't that big back then, in the days. And Nelso traveled all over the States, and through him the Rockefeller family foundation donated or funded a lot of MEDICAL centers or hospitals, including one in Arkansas. Rapist Bill's mom was a nurse supposedly.

But she was already married to Blythe, whom was serving in the army back then; she got pregnant before he was discharged. When her first husband died, she married a second time and her son whom was apparently abused by his new step father, one day decided to take his name = Clinton. That doesn't make sense to me anons. And we must not forget that rapist Bill mom went to study being a nurse in New Orleans where there is a big hospital heavily funded by Cabal and mostly Rockefellers. That university where rapist Bill gave a graduation speech later on.

Now take a look at Micheal Rockefeller and compare him to rapist Bill. They look quiet a lot don't they? Micheal is the son of Nelson Rockefeller, whom mysteriously disapeared in New Guinea papua (if i'm not mistaken), thought to have been eaten by Cannibals = Same place where that stupid CNN report went to a little while ago to make a report on Cannibalism. Coincidence?

And Nelson Rockefeller was a known womenizer. He had more lovers than hair on my head. Isn't rapist Bill the same?

35a90b (20)  No.5314172>>5314206 >>5314589


Now anons, take a look at this article:


13 Things You Didn’t Know About Hillary’s Husband, Bill

Folks, we are very much looking at the possibility that --- the coming months — real history will get made. Sure, sure, first female president, yada yada yada that’s all very good. The real joy will be seeing Bill Clinton enter the White House as the country’s first ever First Gentleman of the United States. Of course, we all know that “Gentleman” is a stretch. He’s more like the first fella. That’s not a slight against the President, understand. It’s hard to imagine a modern President with more flare than Bill, and now that he’s got absolutely zero legislative influence it’s incredibly easy to love the guy, regardless of your political leanings. All that stuff about besmirching the office of the President, that’s in the past! It’s time to get on board and root for this fella to join Hillary in the Oval Office. After all, you know what the alternative is likely to be. Yeesh. Here are a few facts about Bill you might not know.

1. His Father Died Before He Was Born

When baby Bill was born on August 19, 1946, he came into the world without a dad. Unfortunately, several months earlier his father Bill Blythe (who had a bit of a shifty reputation) ran his car off the road and into a drainage ditch. Tragically, the man drowned while trying to exit the vehicle. So Clinton was actually born with the name William Jefferson Blythe III.

2. He Was Raised By Two Strong Women

Early in his life, Clinton spent most of his time in his grandmother’s Arkansas home. While his mother, Virginia, was “a vivacious and fun-loving free spirit,” she was often in New Orleans to take nursing classes. During these absences, Clinton’s grandmother, “a temperamental and strong-willed disciplinarian, tried to shape her grandson’s character.” Whether or not she ultimately succeeded is up for debate.

3. His Step-Father Wasn’t a Good Guy

Never let it be said that President Clinton hasn’t had to overcome his fair share of serious obstacles. When Clinton was four, his mother married Roger Clinton, “a car dealer and abusive alcoholic.” His mother divorced Clinton when Bill was 15, but the separation was short-lived and they remarried. That’s when Bill took the name Clinton.

4. He Met Kennedy

Kennedy and Clinton are considered two of the most popular Democratic Presidents of the modern age (behind, maybe FDR, but it’s a horse race). Of course, knowing that, their meeting during Clinton’s senior year in high school was oddly prophetic. Clinton had been invited to Washington D.C. as part of the prestigious Boy’s State program.

5. His Mother Told Him What To Expect

Clinton has recalled several times that --- as a child — his mother, Virginia, repeatedly told him that he was one day destined to be President of the United States. Though she eventually passed away from breast cancer, Virginia Clinton lived long enough to see her son take the Oath of Office.

6. He Only Applied to One College

His eyes dead-set on a career in big time politics, Clinton knew there was only one place he could go, and that was Georgetown. So, he only applied there, and managed to work his way through by paying the tuition with odd jobs. He earned a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford and later attended law school at Yale.

35a90b (20)  No.5314206>>5314589


The rest of the article:

7. He Lost the Chase For College President

Though most of his classmates looked down their noses at Clinton because of his backwoods upbringing, he had to work extra hard to win them over, which he managed to do almost breezily, winning his freshman and sophomore year elections. Unfortunately, during junior year his classmates had, for some reason, decided that Clinton was a little unctuous and voted for another candidate.

8. He Was Drafted For Vietnam

While he was attending Oxford University on a prestigious Rhodes Scholarship, Clinton received his draft notice. Returning home to Arkansas, Clinton called in some help from Senator J. William Fulbright (who he’d clerked for) and Arkansas Governor Winthrop Rockefeller to, ahem, sidestep that particular dilemma. It should be noted that the decision haunted him so much he actually put himself up for the draft some time later.

9. He Lost His First Race

After four years spent earning his law degree from Yale Law and working on a series of national campaigns, Bill Clinton attempted to oust veteran incumbent John Paul Hammerschmidt in Arkansas. Though he eventually lost, it was the closest the popular Republican had ever come to losing his post over the course of a 26-year career.

10. He’s the Youngest Former Governor in History

In 1978, in a shocking upset, thirty-two-year-old Clinton made history when he won the governor’s election at an incredibly young age. Unfortunately, the inexperienced Clinton “had several missteps, including difficulties in handling rioting among Cuban refugees …[raising] auto license fees to pay for road construction and [alienating] the state’s powerful timber interests by an unsuccessful intervention in the controversy over the practice of clear-cutting.” Subsequently, voters outed Clinton in the next election, making him the proud owner of the dubious title of youngest former governor.

11. He’s a Lefty

Both Bill Clinton and the man he replaced, George H.W. Bush, are left-handed. In fact, the two men hold the honor (such that it is) of being the only consecutive left-handed Presidents in U.S. history. Oddly enough, the two men are also both 6’2 and “tied for fourth place among the listing of tallest presidents.”

12. He’s Won Two Grammys

Clinton has two Grammy awards on his mantel, one for his spoken word version of “Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf”, and the other for “My Life”, the audio version of his autobiography.

13. He Made Democrats Cool Again

Hey, like it or not, whether you think it’s appropriate or not, Bill Clinton is a cool mother … well, you know. The American people thought so, too (for most of his Presidency, at least). In 1996, he became the first President since FDR to win a second term in office. That’s a length of 60 years with only one term Dems in the White House, broken by a fatherless kid from the backwoods of Arkansas.

35a90b (20)  No.5314589>>5315056

File (hide): d7c1782aa469cf1⋯.jpg (205.86 KB, 1440x966, 240:161, 3 is a charm.jpg) (h) (u)

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Did the anons catch it?

His mother told him he was "destined" to become president. Not my words anons, this comes straight from the mouth of the MSM beast, promoting Bill and Killary, wanting the make them look good to the public.I bet he was "groomed" and "taken care of" just like these 3 stooges were, all 3 believed to be bastard kids of Illuminati bloodline families. This is their M.O.

He also got SCOTT FREE into college. that is when he was lucid enough from snorting cocain.

His "Uncle" Winthrop Rockefeller became governor of Arkansas in order to keep an eye on the boy and "take care " of him, like a caretaker for rapist bill. And when Bill was drafted to Nam his Uncle, interfered in order to protect him and not put him in the way of harm by sending him to Nam.

He "shockingly" won the governor's race at the age of 32. Yeah, yeah! i get it, another rigged election.

He is a lefty, i wonder if Nelso is a lefty as well?

And we have Killary walking with that old Rockefeleller = Nelson's brother (I forgot his name for now) now this old dude should be rapist Bil''s Uncle. And don't forget John Podesta's e mail and fascination to UFOs and link to it that flying light i posted about St Louis, which i bellieve is some sort of ceremonial ocult plact for the Payseurs.


Now anons do remember how the Rockefellers held power up until recently, when they were replaced by Soros?

I already talked about this. I believe rapist Bill is a Rockefeller, precisely Nelson Rockefeller's bastard son, whom also fathered Lynn Forester de Rothschild. When Killary, heir to Payseur, married Bill, she did because he was a descendant of Albert Pike and of the Rockefeller families.

If anons have read or watched the testemonies of the women raped or sexually assaulted by rapist Bill, all would mention how Bill's penis is kina crooked, like a corckscrew some even said. Could this physical anomality be the result of some genetical "disfunction" that came because his blood was too blue? We know there was something wrong with Albert Pike, his children kept on dying in big numbers in infancy. An anon suggested that it might be from the blood. I've researched it, but I'm not in the medical field, so i'm not certain of what i've read.

35a90b (20)  No.5315056>>5315325


Is this genetical "illness" why rapist Bill didn't wear condoms while having sex with his mistresses? He kept on repeating to them that he is sterile and couldn't have children. But we have Danney Williams, don't we? And Jennifer flowers did abort twice from rapist bill. Did he think he cannot have children because of Albert Pike's illness? Did he think he is just like his ancestor Pike?

So Killary married rapist Bill because of his lineage. Killary being the heir of Payseur needed to marry among the highest and purest blood = Bill was perfect for her. But then why didn't she have kids with him? There are rumors and talks about Killary aborting many times. Apart this, there are no further information. Some speculate she aborted once she knew she was carryng a boy. I honestly don't know about that.

But she did have at least 2 lovers herself = Vince Foster and (what was his name again?) Hubbel or something like that? Chelsea is the spitting image of her biological father despite all the plastic surgery she did.

Hubbel practised law in Pulaski county in Arkansas, same county where Albert Pike lived. He was also born and raised in Little Rock Arkansas and he held one high position after another there.

Then: "District Judge James Robertson dismissed the charges against Hubbell and his wife on July 1, 1998, ruling that Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr had overstepped his authority in bringing the Hubbell indictment. "

This is what happens when you abort justice, like what happened to me today. Today I lived the exact same thing.

And then Hubbel moved to NORTH CAROLINA from all places after he got a rare form of hepatitis. Isn't that where Payseur settled?

So why did Killary choose him to have a kid with? Maybe he was for a lesser bloodline family, but his genes weren't deficiant ones. And once she knew she was pregnant with a girl = a Payseur heir, Killary kept the child and didn't abort it.

So when Killary in 2016 lost to Potus, the Rockefellers, along with the last remaining uncle of bill = david Rockefeller, lost their position along side Killary. In the mean time Chelsea had married to a relative of Soros even though little information is put AGAIN out there about him. So this is how I believe Soros was catapulted from the bottom of the pyramid to the number one spot = his relative married the heir of Payseur.

In french monarchy, the crown prince is called DAUPHIN. It's the same as the english dolphin. And anons should know there is a Dauphin county in Oregon. I wonder if they are related, i didn't have time to check it out.

7982e9 (18)  No.5315146>>5315440


i'm still in process of reading this post, but wanted to take a second and reassure you, it may appear as though no one has taken reflexive action, but thats is actually not the case. I am the one that posted just above and O am also the one dropping what I can in here for you related to birmingham, the gulf coast, and things from the general board when I think they may be of your interest. I lnow you are comfy here rather than entering the mayhem that is the general board. I would be visibly posting right along side you but for this dissertation I must finish to complete my doctorate. But let me tell you it is your work and methods thereof that I tell people about in real life when I point to this being the real thing. ok back to reading your drop. shadilay

7982e9 (18)  No.5315192>>5315440 >>5316260


also I am working on a priject and found out it will allow me to chart my own maps for things like lineage and descendency. it may end up being after the fact at the pace things seem to be picking up to, but I do plan onanswer8ng your call to have this all made in a visual format, if for no other reason than postierity and future generations

5e7bb2 (1)  No.5315287

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This, from a Netflix ad. Check out the bank.

35a90b (20)  No.5315325>>5315502


An anon told me about the "spirit" of St Louis and Amelia Earhart.

When i took a look at Amelia, i found out that she disapeared near the islan of Howland island in the central pacific ocean. when you go to read about the place you will find out that it's part of a group of islands that are called the Phoenix islands. Most are inhabited, apart a few families living on Kanton island.

So when i posted about the phoenix a few days ago, shills got onto this thread. That is telling a lot.


I only posted that after Potus tweet where he clearly talked about the phoenix bird. I've already looked at Phoenix Arizona, nothing notable there until now. But I know 2 things:

1 - I've hit a very sensetive nerve of the Payseur heir when i said she is not the Phoenix, that's why shills appeared and started attacking me.

2 - This is the 5th or 6th time already that Potus is sending "Strange" signals that are connected to my drops.

The first time I noticed it was when he repeated 4 times in a row the word symbolism on Judge Jeanine Pirro's show. Then we have the bucket on the window of the WH that only a bilingual like me could catch, understand and dig about. Then was Gen Flynn's twitter header and i won't mention the rest. But I found these coincidences terribly strange. I mean it's only after I mentioned the Phoenix that Potus refers to the bird in his tweet. Then when i react and post about it, i get shills. What the heck is going on? Am I seeing stuff?

3448ea (59)  No.5315334>>5315684


We all have our moments of proliferation, and moments of calm. I'm the baker, and likely have posted at least 500 or more posts in the previous 3 breads. I do enjoy your analysis and digging, so don't be discouraged.

Your earlier posts were a little frustrating though, because you would hint at big clues but not give us your theory about it all and instead just tell us to dig more on our own. I respect your method here, but personally what gets me digging deep is when someone makes an astounding CLAIM and then I want to validate it. Someone just throwing evidence around is fun, but if there's no theory being presented, it loses its potent context.

Feel free to speculate and take a shot at what you think is real, and we'll be happy to agree or disagree with you with our own digs.

35a90b (20)  No.5315440



God bless you anon. Thank you for everything. Having a visual is always important. Remember that in whatever research you are doing. Been there myself. I hope one day too, I will do my PhD. But that has to wait for another decade I guess since now I'm at the lowest point. Keep up the good work. I wish you a lot os success and a bright future. and again Thank you for all that you've sent.

3448ea (59)  No.5315502>>5315529 >>5315977 >>5316502 >>5346559


What came first? The Phoenix or Phoenicia?

The reason Phoenicia is so hard to uncover, despite the claim of it ruling the seas for almost 1000 years, is simple. It didn't exist.

It's a fantasy world by the elite to glorify their past with an ancient and glorious empire.

Their symbol is the Phoenix.

The idea is that they will burn down civilizations at will, happy to do so because the rebirth will be more vibrant and glorious each time.

Where did this idea come from?

Well, when Byzantium and their double eagle finally fell, they became the masters of history. They took current events and purposely rested the events backwards in time. They invented glorious leniages and legends.

They made up the Roman Empire (Rome didn't exist until the middle ages)

They made up the Jewish kings.

How do I know? Because the Empires of Rome and the King's of Judah have virtually identical timelines, characteristics, reign lengths, and all in sequence. Pretty sloppy job. But keep in mind, this is from the age where King's claimed to decent from Odin and Zeus, so they were happy to make up glorious pasts.

By the way, the events described HAPPENED. But they most likely happened in Constantinople (yes, both Italian Rome and Judahs history is a reflection of the real history of middle age Constantinople)

Back to the Phoenix! What did the destroyers of Constantinople do? They burned down their civilization and rose up a glorious new world in the ashes. The Phoenix represents this division in history.

We have almost zero reliable history before 1000ad. Zero. Every book is a copy of a copy of a copy. No originals. Nothing. The earliest reliable written words are max from 800ad. Everything beyond that is PURE SPECULATION.

But the Phoenicians know. The ironic thing is by manufacturing the Phoenicians in the past, they became the real Phoenicians of today. Phoenicians are real, and they worship the burn and rise ideology of the Phoenix.

Witness WW1 and WW2. They are alive and still very much in control of time.

3448ea (59)  No.5315529>>5536021


The Phoenix is the burning of this symbolic Eagle.

The Masons put the Double Headed Eagle on their artwork because they know the true secret history of the world.

3448ea (59)  No.5315558


Here's a great write up that the author dived deep into the facts surrounding the alleged history writers of Rome

35a90b (20)  No.5315684>>6043127


Thank you Baker.

I intended to frustrate my readers. I meant no harm. But if you have followed my drops from the start, you would have known I KNOW TOO MUCH. I dug up too much. What i tell about ancient history is extremely delicate. For now it must remain in puzzles. People have to also get curious and even furious about it in order to explore it themselves. It's all related to what is happen in our present day. It's totally insane. And I'm having a hard time realizing that i've had this information in my hands for so long and didn't fully understand what it means.

I don't speculate much anon, and I try to declare it when i do or guess, I'm telling things out blank as they are. I know stuff, but prooving it is another issue. And Baker, if i'm wrong, Q, Potus or even the futre drops will prove if i'm right or wrong all along. But as i just pointed out earlier, I'm not getting hammered hard for nothing. yes, I'm posting in here because this drop is "quieter" than the general thread, I mean i could barely type 2 letters than my screen freezes in there, and I need a bit of time to gather my thoughts and connect things and put the pictures that goes along with it. Being old, sick and suffering from big blows isn't helpful to the mind as well.

And to think that a no one like me knows. Maybe it's because i've been fighting back for 40 years without knowing whom my enemy was.

The Phoenix is so much more than what we know. And Killary (Payseur heir) thinks of herself as the Phoenix. The bird of fire is even mentioned in the movie Titanic of Leo diCaprio…. ironically. But you see, this is related to a prophecy, that only 2 persons on earth know about. And I'm one of the 2 persons whom witnesed that prophecy. It talks about the REAL Phoenix surfacing and destroying the fake Phoenix. Potus is not that Phoenix, but he sure is working hard like a Phoenix.

I bet this little piece of info is going to drive cabal goones wako when they read my post ^__^ good….. no go tell her = your master, that she is not the real phoenix and there is a prophecy about it.

35a90b (20)  No.5315977


The phoenician are not the bad guys anon. They are exterminated, hunted down like dogs by the cabal. Their blood is spilled a lot during the centuries. And it's not just the Phoenicians being targetted like that by the cabal, it's the Armenians as well. The Merovingian bloodline wants to totally erradicate both of them. WHY is that? What does the Merovingian fear from both the Phoenicians and Armenians? What are they truly hidding?

What if it was not pure speculation but there is proof? What if that proof is hidden to be released only when HUMANITY is ready to receive it? What if this ET related stuff is just a fragment of the awakening of reality?

The blood of the armenians was spilled on purpose. Same as the one of the Phoenicians. One huge massacre after the other occured. When you trace back whom done it, you will find the fingerprints of the illuminati bloodlines all over it, they used "others" as facades.

Let me tell you something not everyone knows = Most people think that armenians are slaves, but that's a big cabal lie. Armenians are ARYANS. They are the cousins of the Germans. I don't talk about it because it's not the time YET. I'm trying to work parallel to Q and Potus, i don't want to kick the bucket for them and spoil stuff or create diplomatic incidents. There is a reason they left Israel for last, and it's HUGE. It has a huge hidden meaning.

Don't forget, there were 12 tribes according to the Bible. And we just mentioned 3 o f them anon ^_~ try to find whom are the remaining 9.

Did you find out what "Khirbet" (an arabic word) means? My posts are not out of thin air, they are all connected. It's one big puzzle. I have a good chunck of it as you've seen in my drops. I lack in areas of ET, religious related stuff, high tech and how it's all related to medicine and occultism and portal = dimensional stuff.

Booz Allen Hamilton is extremely important, I can feel it, but even if i read it i won't understand what i'm reading because I'm not into corporations and businesses. But I know that place played a part, or Q wouldn't have pointed out to us Brzezinski nor McLean Virginia.

The irony in all of this, is I think Q said it all right at the beginning. We have the truth in his earlier drops. We will start reading his drops from the back to the first one soon enough anon.

7982e9 (18)  No.5316260>>5316264 >>5316679


so i'll make a report right quick of my digs just to share but I still dont have enough for a full analysis. Thomas its like you talking about hitting the wall despite your skill. In my case, somethings missing upon examination of the places I have lived most of my life, the place my siblings now call home, a coty where I spent over 5 years in, and the area both sides of my family hail from. Respectively these are the gulf coast (b/t) mobile and nola, Birmingham, and S. Louisiana (one of my grandfathers even spoke the old french).

this is going to be nonlinear and disjointed I forewarn as its a dump rather than a presentation.

Fleeing france hiding identity, hitting shore in carolinas and absconding down here to hide amongst supporters makes perfect sense looking around. this area culturally has always been distinct from the rest of MS. catholic dominance and legacy of spanish and french influence. I explain to people we have are a region with binary (cultural) capitals: Mobile (small) and Nola (large).

Birmingham: while there I never did the dig on the city as aside from civil rights era and iron industry period it seemed rather mundane if you werent into medicine. upon digging recently, I lived about 3 miles from the former GAALT HQ. The town is built upon masonry (no doubt the Lieutenants overseeing industrial operations). An underground river was found under the city while excavating. And The theosophy society had a chapter there. Combine those I found with the dig on Operation Birmingham as a test of information warfare upon the general population during elections. Also there is a longstanding outfit called Southern Research Institute that did / does bio research for the Army / CDC and in walking distance from SRI (under 2 miles) there was an abortion clinic (that was bombed by the same guy that hit ATL olympics. There is also a banking industry based in Birmingham with 2 or 3 multinationals that consider it HQ. one is BBVA (Spanish and Argentine?), but banking goes with Birmingham as closely and as far back as railroads and ironworking. And finally, my sister eventually lived there long enough to learn from descendants how Catholics ended up in a predominately protestant area: They came from here on the coast for reasons I only now think are coming clear. P fled down here, had financial interest up there, and sent some he chose to trust from down here to observe under the veil of vocationary work.


7982e9 (18)  No.5316264>>5316965 >>5470201


At this time I must draw attention to the fact that the confederacy had long term plans if victorious in the secession, of annexing southward into Mexico and Central America.

with that said, during reconstruction Atlanta rose to prominence as the hub of many rail lines much like a city along rivers. with its rise, Birmingham was to become its shadow.

At some point, and I never knew this (always thought of it as purely a clown cutout) but Peysuer had a company called United Fruit based out of NOLA. you know THE United Fruit synonymous with Latin American coups and Banana Republics. That's the one. And from Birmingham, (most all of this that isnt first hand account of my experience is from bhamwiki.com) the man whose name is on the patent for GAALT made trips of economic diplomacy (or whatever youd like to call it) to develop labor and industrial ties in places like Guatemala.

On Guatemala, a couple cablegate messages over at wikileaks from the 1970s relay US military brass interested in relocating farmers from Vietnam to Guatemala. I had never heard of this, but here where I was born and raised we had a large swath of vietnamese that came here during the conflict. It made sense as they are a coastal country, many know how to provide from the sea and so by the sea they provide here and bayou la batre and all along. It had never occured to me that Vietnamese would have had incentive or reason to lobby top brass to lobby on their behalf for land to till in Guatemala,… this got me thinking… clandestine operations to finance certain campaigns in indochina involved arrangements with KMT (Taiwan / ROac) friendlies that had control of things in the golden triangle over there. Could that be where our deep state got its feet wet in the waters waded by Britain and France when they learned to use state resources to supply contraband for dark money? (hint I say yes). Then could it also be that when the shop had to close over there they sought to scout a new location for a franchise that they co7ld staff with skilled management from over there (vietnamese with knowledge of whats required to succeed in growing narcs e.g. camoflouge, area denial antiaccess, horticulture, and proven discipline to go the entire season without falling off the rails by giving into temptation to use the plants?) thats quite a mix of skills that would anyone would be hard pressed to find elsewhere.

So longshort, it looks like P came down here to new france, had cultists of multiple kinds oversee affairs in birmingham, as technology advanced and P's estate grew to evermore holding expansion went southward to central America in some ways.

Central America guatemala El salvador Nicaeagua lots of violence and chaos to obscure onlookers from seeing anything untoward within. And now those people are being released to tread upon us…

I think the full extent of what they did to those people down there will be ungodly when we learn. But it was likely part of a long game to build a mob / horde that would reliably attack the correct target and to grow a war chest large enough to finance it undetected.

But around here U think about it daily, Its almost like something right in front me the whole time literally will come to my attention and I will know it when I see it.


a anon trying to make sense of things in New France


35a90b (20)  No.5316502>>5317107 >>5319058


Anon, Phoenicia is real, very real, and it existed and still exist.

Killary made a speech in 2008 in front of a lot of "Jewish" people, I think it's called the AIPAC, but i'm not certain of the name, my appologies. Well, what i wanted to say that Killary made a speech in front of all the Jewish big shots back in 2008, among whom were David Rockefeller and others like him.

This speech is very important. if you can find it. She talks about LEBANON. she calls it a geo mistake and a historical error.

Why is she so against that country? Why did she attack it in such a vicious way and she "re-invented" history by saying those words about it?

For your knowledge, texts about Lebanon do exists, and that text is in Akkadian, fully translated, by Pritchard, I hope i remember the name correctly anon, forgive my old overloaded brain. But in that text, it is mentioned in WRITTEN history as and ORIGINAL as in AUTHENTIC and FIRST copy of the word LBNN, when pronounced in old language, you will hear it very closely to how you say LEBANON in english now.

And in this text, they talk about LBNN as being the country extending from this area to that area, and they say it was called this way because of it's "white tops" (that is how i translate the text), while other archeologists say it's called the country of the white heads, while others say it's the country of the WHITE HATS.

It is called this way in reference to the top of it's mountain ranges that is covered in snow during winter, still is till this day. So imagine you being a traveler from that time, crossing the desert in a caravan to do trade with the cities of the Lebanese coast, and after walking into the dry desert for so long on a flat land, a moutain range stands in front of you at a distance and it's tops are covered in white snow.

That is how Lebanon got it's name and it dates back to 4000 BC. That is how old that text was.

It's ironic when you think about it anon. The Bloodlines have done their outmost best to destroy the people living in ancient Phoenicia and exterminate their race, now that place is known as Lebanon(= white tops). But when the Cabal was about to finally crush all humanity, just a tiny bit before the end, a group of WHITE HAT rose up and fought back and saved humanity.

Phoenix and Phoenicia are not the same. The true name of ancient Phoenicia is actually LBNN, this is how it was called for millenials, until the greeks came in around the VI century AD and renamed it to fit their culture as Phoenicia. But all the period before that, it was called LBNN.

Killary hates Lebanon and did horrible things there when she was at the WH. Lebanese hate her to death till this day. They call her the monster of the WH. Why you think she does her best to destroy such a small and insignificant country? Why do you think every single country "managed" by the cabal did their outmost best to destroy that country? Didn't they do the same to Armenia during it's history? Why did the Zoroastrian tried to kill the christians in Armenia (which is the first ever christian state) and they tried so hard to invade it? Isn't Zoroastrianism connected to the worship of …..? Fill the blanks anon.

Dig, read and connect anon. There is a lot more than what it is knowns out there. and as Q say, they attack what they fear the most.

35a90b (20)  No.5316679>>5317307


Sorry anon, i wanted to send that reply to the drop about Phoenicia but i send it to you by mistake.

Now i must admit, this is a very good part, the first part you sent, just before readin your second drop, I want to add a tiny something to what you wrote:

Bourbons is a family that has 3 major branches, the most dominant one is the French one, it's the most famous one, but people also forget that there is a Spanish branch of the Bourbons and a third smaller one in Luxemburg if i remember correctly.

So each time you read the spanish replaced the french, then the french took it back etc, just smile inwardly anon, it's the same leader for both branches, it's just a ball going from the right hand = tossing it to the left hand, and vice vers ca. You will know you are on the right track as well.

And the second thing is, i hope you will give yourself a nickname, it will be easier to recognize you, for this old fellow that I am, in future drops of yours. Thank you.

35a90b (20)  No.5316965>>5470201


Anon of New France, I hope you speak french; comme ça on pourra discuter un peu en français tous les deux.

What you found, may be the root of the Iran/Contra drug trafficking. And that is directly linked to Mena Arkansas, the Clinton and the Bushes. As for the FRUIT company, if my memory is not betraying me, I think George Herbert Walker had something similart to it. It's in one of my drops, i guess i gotta go read that again. And I'm not sure, but I think there is another one like him.

From my search on George Walker, I had a feeling he was part of the red shoe clan, but since I don't like to speculate much, i kept my mouth shut about it. So he married his daughter into the Bush Black eye clan. This can explain why Clintons and Bushes were 50/50 partners in the drug running in Mena. And why Bush senior said once about rapist bill being like a son to him.

On this, I'm going to call it a day. I don't know if I will continue this work anons. in my real life, everything is so dark around me. And it keeps on getting darker. I don't know what i will do. God bless you anons. take care. thanks.

35a90b (20)  No.5317107


made a mistake anons,

the greeks started trading with Pheonicia around 6 century BC, not AD. being old is not good. i appologize.

7982e9 (18)  No.5317307


ill go by anandasattva. i dont want to use a common name that would lead to a dox, so I will give my dharma name. anonanandasattva

3448ea (59)  No.5319058>>5322503


>For your knowledge, texts about Lebanon do exists, and that text is in Akkadian, fully translated, by Pritchard, I hope i remember the name correctly anon, forgive my old overloaded brain. But in that text, it is mentioned in WRITTEN history as and ORIGINAL as in AUTHENTIC and FIRST copy of the word LBNN, when pronounced in old language, you will hear it very closely to how you say LEBANON in english now.


1216e3 (6)  No.5319248>>5535041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alright. I was meditating, trying to cool off about this one…


I happened to come across this Manly Hall video. He talks about our own personal magnetic fields, that we all have. Not just people, but literally EVERYTHING. I was learning about Qigong a few years back, which has been teaching this for generations. Anyways, it's been known for almost 200 years that electricity and magnetism are related to one another. If you study human anatomy, you'll find a number of things in our body have electrical properties, and so it shouldn't really come as a surprise to find out that, yes indeed, we do have these magnetic fields. To me the video, wasn't anything special, but I was intrigued to hear this from an old recording. I know I've heard the name Manly P. Hall before in my research, but I never really knew much about him. So, I decided to look into him.

Alright, folks. He's a Mason. Not that big a deal to me. Hopefully, you all can get past that, too. Anyway, I'm probably going to have to look into more of his work, but right away, one in particular caught my eye: "The Secret Destiny of America"!! Um.., Read it. It's probably one of the more interesting looks I've had into the history of this Country, and A LOT more. My full analysis on this piece would probably be longer than the work itself. I wanted to share this, because it really gave me perspective on where Q's probably coming from. . .


I don't even know where to start ;) Order of the Quest!? Okay. So, this probably has a lot to do with the whole "Good vs. evil" thing. These guys might know much more than they can say, but they weren't hiding the information to use it against people. They were hiding the information so the ignorant masses didn't persecute them… At least that's how I see it. They may have even lost some of their own information thanks to something of this nature. It sounds like these guys have been trying to secretly help us help ourselves. Oh My Gosh! Run for your lives!!!

Okay. So, I do apologize to Q for coming off a bit harsh. I really don't know any type of thing that any of the insiders know, but there it does appear that there is quite a bit of Energy tied into this "Greater Good". Which is also why I wanted to share the video, so the rest of (you)s get an idea about a more scientific approach in regards to the human "Soul" or "Spirit". There does appear to be quite a bit of Truth in that kind of thing. One of the more interesting parts in "The Secret Destiny of America" was the prophetic dreams where Presidents & Generals would be visited by previous Figures of such prestigious positions. For all we know, POTUS might have Ronald Reagan, and others, giving him advice through this whole thing. Reagan was also said to have read and adopted ideas from this very work of Hall's. So.., I'll try to be moar understanding going forward, Q. I didn't think about all this stuff. I'm sorry, bud.

I'll have to do further posts to give more detail to other things related to this piece about the Secret Destiny of America. Seeing how Q keeps mentioning that we are "watching a movie", along with all these references to foreshadowing, whether by channeling or by design, that certainly stands out. The part about Columbus being a "Greek" King was certainly interesting, since I've come across a number of things in North America that hint at a "Greek" presence. I've been reading up on the figure King Solomon, who does seem to remind me a bit of the Solon character also mentioned in this work. My mind is wandering into some REALLY bizarre places, right now. I'm not quite sure who has had access to what, or for how long, whether or not any of these people actually know what happened, or if they're still picking up pieces along with us.

Honestly, I'm still kind of in a daze after reading this. At the very least, it adds a bit of perspective that I had not previously considered. There's still quite a lengthy debate I could have in regards to the meaning of the word "…", but I can leave that be for now so I can help fight for this "Greater Good" that everyone keeps talking about. . . Peace & Love Everyone ;)

35a90b (20)  No.5322503>>5322506 >>5329668 >>5420618


This is Thomas Anon,


1 - J.C.L. Gibson: Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions. III : Phoenician inscriptions.

2 - Pritchard James B.: Ancient near Easter texts. You gotta read the third edition made in 1969, it's the most correct one.

I'm not at home now to dig my bibliography anon, so I'm gonna keep it to those 2 books. But i want to tell you a couple of things, if you are interested in reading.

Gibson passes the smell test, but i don't like his pen style much, as for Pritchard he is top notch at this. Both are not for amateurs anon, they take the original text from the tablet and translate it. If i'm not mistaken, they even include the transliterated bulk data, which is equivalent to chinese to a normal person. This is not going to be a quick easy read. I don't remember where exactly is THAT specific text but those 2 books are part of the main sources when it comes to ancient Phoenicia. I've read this 12 years ago anon, so excuse me if i'm getting old.

But anon don't need me at all, all you have to do is to go to ANY GOOD LIBRARY. I suggest the Library of Congress as the best place to go, and search of the bulk data, the original forms of the text, along with the transliteration and the translation of it. You have texts from Tell el Amarna from Egypt, you have the text from ancient library from Mari, Ebla etc and you have the epopee of Gilgamesh. It's going to be hard for you to get them into your head, it's even hard for me as well. The grammar sometimes is a kill*er. And there are a lot of "shills" whom consider themselves as archeologists and experts whom did their best to translate badly or wrongly the texts. These ancient archives are from the neighbors of the phoenicians. The Phoenician archive existed until the first century BC, until Romans came and it "suddenly" vanished. It's one of the biggest mystery ever in the entire history of mankind = what the heck happened to the HUGE phoenician archives? Since it was a land of commerce and trade, it kept records of everything, from very old times.

But for some strange reason, the archive has literrally vanished. We don't even find traces of it. Like when Alexander the Great burned and destroyed Persepolis we found traces of the destructions that occured to the huge library there and we found fragments of the texts. I've come to believe that the act of the destruction of the library of Persepolis by Alexander the great was intentional. That Library held precious very ancient text. Alexander pretended to be civilized but his actions were terribly barbaric. That library was preserved for millenials and centuries by every empire that came along, only after he came, the first thing he did was to completly destroy what's in the library. That is a very od behavior for someone who was supposedly Plato's student, don't you think? Or was he tasked and asked to destroy those ancient records by a more powerful hidden hand? The Library of Persepolis contained correspondance with ancient Phoenicia and other trade related documents.

35a90b (20)  No.5322506


Sometimes, I just wonder anon, if the core of the hidden archives of the Vatican library is not the "vanished" phoenician archive. Those are just my thoughts, nothing more.

A lot of recent historians make the mistake of considering Phoenicia one piece kingdom or country. It was not governened like that. It's more like that, it was not an empire. It's more like small POLIS or towns or cities that are totally independant and autonomous from one another, they cooporate during war time and in trade, but each has it's own monarchy, dynasty and it's own rules and it's own gods. What binds them together is their race, the culture, but mostly the habits and their language. They all spoke the same language and wrote it.

The Greeks took upon the Phoenician model and created their Polis, the most famous ones are Sparta and Athenes. It's during the Greek contact with Phoenicia that we started having big distortions to history. Greeks used to have the nasty habit of calling other civilisations not in their original authentic names but in NEWLY created names; Like LBNN was turned into Phoenicia by the Greeks. And the Haï was turned into Armenia (the people of Aramenos grandson of Haïg). Both names purely invented by the Greeks. And then they started to distort history and depicting everyone else (apart themselves) as Barbarians and primitives. The Roman did the same and much worse. Remember it was Octavius whom destroyed on purpose (again) the library of Alexandria which ALSO contained ancient texts and correspondants.

Anon, before jumping on the gun about the Phoenicians, I want you to remember what they always did to Potus. They projected their sins and crimes onto him. They did this many times before, the "Cabal" projected their "crimes" onto their rivals and enemies from back then = the Phoenicians. The Cabal infiltrated a lot of ancient civilisations.

One place that is almost Cabal free, is the Cyclade civilisation. Take a look at it anon, and compare it to ancient Phoenicians. They are the same, even their hair style.

d59883 (3)  No.5329668


This is Thomas Anon,

I want to make a correction, I made a mistake again, i mix things up, I said that Alexander the great was th student of Plato while the truth is he was the student of Aristotle. ^_^ i was actually thinking about Plato and Atlantis when i was writting that, so i guess i should stop that bad habit of mine. My appologies anons

d59883 (3)  No.5339642


For those who think this war is fake, or we are not a considered a major threat, this is a direct attack by Hillary Clinton on 'Q' & 'PRO POTUS' PATRIOTS.

The article referenced has an embedded link that literally TARGETS PRO POTUS/Q Twitter accounts that have been IDENTIFIED by CLINTON/DS as serious threats (ability to shift the narrative).

Twitter has already begun to remove targeted accounts (stages) under false pretenses.

The war is real.

The threat is real.





She is the one at the very top isn't she Q?

d59883 (3)  No.5340773>>5341118

File (hide): 019d287c72166f3⋯.jpg (135.21 KB, 990x834, 165:139, Epstein Island temple clos….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 430e74d95a2dd0d⋯.jpg (91.49 KB, 1103x1200, 1103:1200, Zoom 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b35d9a96e0086e5⋯.jpg (53.23 KB, 1054x1200, 527:600, Zoom 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 24c9cff5c22000a⋯.jpg (92.48 KB, 800x1049, 800:1049, Phoenix on stand.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0aa3664dc8986d8⋯.gif (104.63 KB, 500x323, 500:323, phoenix with rosicrucian s….gif) (h) (u)







This is Thomas Anon again, please take a look at the following. No comments from my part, I still didn't make up my mind about it, but i find this interesting.


"1. We all thought the bird sculpture on Epstein's temple was the Owl symbol of the Illuminati. But Q posted a better photo of the temple, and it's clear to me now it's not an owl but a Phoenix, which is just as diabolical in its symbolism. Here's Q’s temple pic. #qanon @POTUS "

"2. Zooming in on the bird sculptures indicates this is a perched Phoenix. See the plume on the head and overall shape of the animal. Not really an owl. #qanon "

"3. We usually see the symbol of the Phoenix with outstretched wings, rising from fire and ash. But here is an artist’s renditions of a perched Phoenix. Notice the striking similarities to the sculptures on Epstein’s temple. #qanon @POTUS "

"4. Versus the image of the Phoenix with wings outstretched. #qanon @POTUS"

"5. The Phoenix is an important symbol to the satanic Cabal. It signifies their prophecy for a New World Order reborn from mankind’s fiery destruction. The idea being the Cabal will rise with the Phoenix after mankind is decimated, depopulated, enslaved. #qanon @POTUS "

"6. Technically, the Owl is incorrectly associated with Moloch. In fact the Owl is a satanic symbol for “the goddess”, a night deity who “sees in the dark”. It’s still a widely used symbol of the Cabal. And Q does tell us to “follow the Owl”. #qanon @POTUS "

"7. I’ll add we should be following the Phoenix too, which is everywhere. Look in popular culture--the Phoenix is pervasive. Yes, even our beloved boy-wizard deserves closer examination, a story that has become a "modern religion". #qanon @POTUS "

ee45bc (8)  No.5341118>>5341419 >>5342396 >>5342447 >>5342527 >>5342627 >>5657498

File (hide): 269caa6b5fbd081⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 200x252, 50:63, BettyCurrie__phoenix bird.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cc130d87efd549d⋯.jpg (29.64 KB, 324x400, 81:100, phoenixshalala.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bcf12a21d2be335⋯.jpg (36.67 KB, 556x361, 556:361, Illuminati symbol.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 23ce5da825de3cb⋯.png (296.56 KB, 480x320, 3:2, Sarah Palin.png) (h) (u)


This is Thomas Anon,

All wearing the same pin.


ee45bc (8)  No.5341419



Hillary Clinton receives the Phoenix Award at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Legislative Conference

"Democratic nominee for president of the United States Hillary Clinton receives the Phoenix Award from Jim Clyburn, U.S. Representative for South Carolina's during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's 46th Annual Legislative Conference Phoenix Awards Dinner, September 17 2016, in Washington, DC. Pool photo by Olivier Douliery/UPI"

267f3a (10)  No.5342396>>5344869 >>5657498


What club are they in?????

267f3a (10)  No.5342447>>5344869 >>5657498

File (hide): afeb014990d3f69⋯.jpg (53.95 KB, 499x500, 499:500, eagle.jpg) (h) (u)


Nuremberg Eagle

267f3a (10)  No.5342527>>5657498

File (hide): d3deb1432d80305⋯.jpg (5.48 KB, 130x160, 13:16, pin eagle.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6038f5d2a3ab287⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 303x250, 303:250, nonamewife.jpg) (h) (u)


NONAME's wife wearing it

267f3a (10)  No.5342627>>5344869 >>5657498

File (hide): 0193a23d1efe343⋯.jpg (228.01 KB, 736x981, 736:981, napolean.jpg) (h) (u)


Also Napoleon Eagle

ee45bc (8)  No.5344408>>5344481



"That Mrs. Trump did so in a white pantsuit with a glowing white blouse --- exactly the kind of outfit that became a symbol of her husband’s rival, Hillary Clinton, during the last election, and has since become widely accepted as sartorial shorthand for both the suffragists and contemporary women’s empowerment and something of an anti-Trump uniform, and also what the women gathered behind Kesha wore to display their sisterhood at Sunday’s Grammy Awards — seemed to be about as subtle a slap in the face as could be contained in a garment"

So to make it short, the white clothes became the symbol of Killary, as i thought it was, and this, comming from the mouth of the MSM beast itself.

ee45bc (8)  No.5344481>>5344655


More about that: https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/02/05/why-are-women-lawmakers-wearing-white-state-union/?utm_term=.6a039e630105


"The hidden meaning behind Clinton's white debate outfit"

"Hillary Clinton wore a white suit to her third presidential debate with Donald Trump, sparking theories about the hidden significance behind her wardrobe choice.

It was pointed out that the Democratic nominee wore a red outfit at the first debate, a blue one at the second and a white one in the final debate. That's right, Clinton wore red, white and blue to the debates"

"Clinton also wore white to her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in July.

As USA TODAY reported in July, white was one of the three main colors of the women's suffrage movement, along with green and violet, or purple. Some believe the colors were chosen as an acronym for the slogan “Give Women the Vote."

But the symbolism doesn't stop there. “The colors adopted by the union are purple, white and gold, selected for the significance they bear in the work the union has undertaken. Purple is the color of loyalty, constancy to purpose, unswerving steadfastness to a cause. White, the emblem of purity, symbolizes the quality of our purpose," reads a mission statement for the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage in a passage cited by The New York Times.

It's also been suggested that suffragettes wore white because its connotations of virginal purity helped shield them from the accusations of sexual immorality that were often hurled at them from the movement's opponents."

ee45bc (8)  No.5344655>>5817010


Then i went to see about the purple outfit Killary wore on her concession speech:


"Hillary Clinton’s Choice of Purple Seen Symbol for Unity

Hillary Clinton's decision to wear purple (as well as her husband Bill Clinton's) sent a not-so-subliminal message of unity."

There are plenty of articles about that, if anons are interested in reading more. it's an easy find.


"Purple is a color intermediate between blue and red.[1][2] It is similar to violet, but unlike violet, which is a spectral color with its own wavelength on the visible spectrum of light, purple is a secondary color made by combining red and blue.[3] The complementary color of purple is yellow.[4]

According to surveys in Europe and North America, purple is the color most often associated with rarity, royalty, magic, mystery, and piety.[5] When combined with pink, it is associated with eroticism, femininity, and seduction"

"In the 20th century, purple retained its historic connection with royalty; George VI (1896--1952), wore purple in his official portrait, and it was prominent in every feature of the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953, from the invitations to the stage design inside Westminster Abbey. But at the same time, it was becoming associated with social change; with the Women's Suffrage movement for the right to vote for women in the early decades of the century, with Feminism in the 1970s, and with the psychedelic drug culture of the 1960s.

In the early 20th century, purple, green, and white were the colors of the Women's Suffrage movement, which fought to win the right to vote for women, finally succeeding with the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920. Later, in the 1970s, in a tribute to the Suffragettes, it became the color of the women's liberation movement.[48]

In the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, prisoners who were members of non-conformist religious groups, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, were required to wear a purple triangle."

"One of the stars in the Pleiades, called Pleione, is sometimes called Purple Pleione because, being a fast spinning star, it has a purple hue caused by its blue-white color being obscured by a spinning ring of electrically excited red hydrogen gas.[62]

The Purple Forbidden enclosure is a name used in traditional Chinese astronomy for those Chinese constellations that surround the North Celestial Pole."

There are loads of articles about this as well, each with it's own opinion and interpretation as well. But I think it's a bit of everything, mostly that the purple SHE wore (along with the ones around her) was a call of UNITY, LOYALTY and I also believe it's a sign of ROYALTY = HER BEING FROM ROYAL BLOODLINE.

I think after her unexpectd defeat, she wore purple to remind her "everyone" WHO SHE REALLY IS, as in from a ROYAL BLOODLINE, and in the same time, it was a signal or a call for arms to her "troops" or "soldiers" to LOYALTY towards her. I wonder if this was her "GO" signal to the "witch hunt" or if she was telling her minions in DOJ, FBI, CIA etc, to get Potus.

ee45bc (8)  No.5344869>>5443532 >>5657498

File (hide): 7c6d267f73b6ca8⋯.jpg (217.49 KB, 1600x802, 800:401, Roman-eagle-SPQR.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5d6e2d3131aedf6⋯.jpg (72.05 KB, 630x630, 1:1, Roman eagle.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f81f4fef1eacc4f⋯.jpg (41 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Roman legions.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9e9a8d02c7a83b7⋯.jpg (221.42 KB, 800x745, 160:149, Tutankhamun HorusRa Falcon.jpg) (h) (u)




Thank you anon for the pictures. There sure are similarities with between the PHOENIX pin and the Nazi, even the Napoleon EAGLES. I think both of these had their "origines", "roots" or "inspirations" from the Roman Legion Eagle, which in turn was most probably inspired or copied from the Egyptian Horus-Ra symbol.

But if you closely to the Pin, it's not exactly an EAGLE. It's a PHOENIX = the chest is different, the red eye of the flamming Phoenix is there as well, and most importantly the round pearl it stands on. I believe that pearl symbolizes the word, as in the planet we are in = Earth. I think this pin is saying: the Phoenix rules or dominates the world. The Phoenix is the master of the planet.

I've also noticed that ONLY WOMEN are wearing this specific pin. I've looked around for hours to see if there is just ONE MAN who an identical pin, I found none, not a single one.

And another thing i've noticed, this PHOENIX pin is not a COMMON pin, it's not widely spread. as if it was a very small, narrow, tight circle. Not everyone is admited that easily to it.

And a third thing I've noticed, the women whom wore the pin are MOST above a certain age, not YOUNG. I said most, because the only YOUNG one wearing the pin is actually KILLARY. Apart that, the other women are much older. I've tried to look for more pictures, and if any YOUNGER women wore that specific pin, nothing came out.

And I also noticed that all the women wearing the pin are somehow related or connected to the political realm. I've tried to look in Media, entertainement world, fashion, sports, but I didn't find a single woman wearing that pin. So this lead me to believe this is a purely political club.

As for McStain's wife, thank you for that, I didn't see it before. But it made me wonder and scratch my head about something: Do you think it's the reason when the Clinton Foundation "stopped it's activities", the McStain Institute "took over"? Because they are from the same "club"?

ee45bc (8)  No.5345266>>5345373

File (hide): c7d3630ac43db3f⋯.jpg (115.01 KB, 634x679, 634:679, Hand sign.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c10ffcfe1f15c11⋯.jpg (7.14 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Killary satanist hand sign.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fff98f3e48e7ddd⋯.jpg (11.03 KB, 236x252, 59:63, Rapist Bill hand sign.jpg) (h) (u)

I found this very good article, notice the date anons:


"Senator Hillary Clinton linked to Illuminati 666 New World Foundation

February 28, 2015"

"By: Scoreboard Canada

There has been much speculation about Hillary Clinton for years. She is ambitious beyond parallel and everyone knows that “the only thing evil loves more than innocence…is ambition”. She has been seen wearing an illuminist Phoenix pendant , hails from zip code 60606 Chicago, the Phoenix City in that it rose from the ashes of the Great Fire and she met her husband Bill Clinton -- a former De Molay masonic youth and Cecil Rhodes One World Government Rhodes scholar in Oxford- at Yale University law school. As many suspect, Yale is essentially a Secret Society coven-complex which uses its status as an ‘elite’ University as a cover.

The following information should leave little doubt -- especially when combined with all of the other matters- that Hillary Clinton is a practicing Satanist. If she becomes President – it will not be a huge change, she will merely replace the current Skull and Bones Satanist that is there today.


1. Hillary Clinton was the Director, not just a ‘bit player’ of the New World Foundation in New York City. ThisFoundation funded virtually EVERY radical / communist / abortionist / bizarre cause and group imaginable. http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0598/gahr1.html and phoenix pendant = http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1259.cfm .

2. Hillary Clinton wrote a favorable critique of a piece calling for “An American Kampuchea”. This of course was the name Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge gave to Cambodia when they assumed power. Anyone reading this is familiar with the photos of the mounds of skulls. According to the following link Mrs. Clinton had a ‘rasputin’ or guru that produces the Tikkun magazine. The Tikkun publisher is Michael Lerner. http://www.thenewamerican.com/tna/1993/vo09no14/vo09no14_hillary.htm .

3. The New World Foundation funds come from Anita McCormick Blaine. She was the daughter of Cyrus McCormick the inventor of the mechanized reaper. She founded the Chicago Institute over a century ago. It became part of the Rockefeller created University of Chicago in shortly thereafter. http://www.ucls.uchicago.edu/photo_album/1890s/anitablaine.html .

4. Needless to say -- Ms. McCormick Blaine was involved in the Occult. She favored a One World Government and furthered so called far-left radical causes. She “became interested in Spiritualism” . http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/spcl/excat/donors2.html .

5. The previous link indicates that Ms. McCormick Blaine was a supporter of Henry Wallace in his run for the White House in 1948. Mr. Wallace favored a ‘soft’ policy on the Soviet Union and had heavy Communist Support in the USA.

Also “Wallace was a lifelong student of … various oriental cults, mysticism and numerology. ” … Yes that is correct that is what this article is concerned with : Numerology… 666. The article also notes he considered Nicholas Roerich possibly his Guru. Roerich was considered a “god” by his followers. Again, that is what 666 is about -it as the Bible says is the number of a man. A man that would become “like unto God”. http://www.americanheritage.com/articles/magazine/ah/1976/1/1976_1_42.shtml .

6. As many readers may know, Henry Wallace was a Freemason and he was the man responsible for placing the Eye of the Illuminati in the pyramid on the US One Dollar Bill. http://www.wealth4freedom.com/dollarbill.html / http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/All_Seeing_eye.htm .

7. Dan Brown, author of the Da Vinci Code indicates that the Illuminati infiltrated the freemasons and used the eye pyramid symbol as “their brand” on the dollar bill. If so, then former Vice President of the USA Wallace as the man responsible for the Eye/pyramid being on the dollar -- MUST BE ILLUMINATI. http://www.danbrown.com/secrets/bizarre_facts/angels_demons.html .

8. Tell me who you’re with and I’ll tell you who you are…Remember the saying? If Ms. McCormick Blaine was into “spiritualism” and decides to be the major funder of a member of the Illuminati that places the eye of Horus over the pyramid of Giza on the US Dollar then in all likelihood she was connected to the Illuminati. Now… her “charitable foundation” is located in a 666 building in New York City and it was run by none other than phoenix pendant wearing Yale graduate -- power and ambition obsessed – future President of the United States- Hillary Clinton.

Conclusion: Hillary Clinton is a powerful member of the Illuminati. She will be our next President. She will inherit all of the powers the Bush administration has now amassed in the Government under the guise of a false flag created war on terror. She will further the mission of One World Government and there will be little to stop her. Time to Pray…."

7982e9 (18)  No.5345373>>5345446


wow! I seriously recommend in light of this information revisiting thw chat logs of 5th ave anon. he provided a lot of background on that building why / how Kushner bought it, and how Trump encountered the old money bloodlines

ee45bc (8)  No.5345446>>5349061


It's my first time hearing about the 5th av anon. What is it about and where i can find his chat logs? Thank you.

3eac2f (15)  No.5346559

File (hide): d34d671011f6a23⋯.png (111.39 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Qana Massacre 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1456718b775ab1e⋯.jpg (250.01 KB, 1452x1080, 121:90, Qana Massacre 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e2c074e6286de2a⋯.jpg (39.71 KB, 512x354, 256:177, Qana Massacre 3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 97e82b0ec1f6b53⋯.jpg (47.04 KB, 480x278, 240:139, Qana Massacre 4.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 521f9d4942076f9⋯.jpg (195.69 KB, 800x550, 16:11, Qana Massacre 5.jpg) (h) (u)


This is Thomas Anon,

The anons whom have been following my drops since the last thread already know I've been building a "case" on Killary as being the heir to Payseur. I had already present 4 pieces in this thread about it, then the 5th piece was her wearing purple on the concession speach; the 6th piece is the Epstein island temple colors and the Q drop about it. The 7th piece is Killary winning each symbolic county that has importance to the Payseur lineage. The 8th piece is her close ties to Lynn de Rothschild and the Economist magazine covers, all of the recent covers and their symbolism. The 9th piece is the Phoenix pin.

And now, I'm going to show the anon why Phoenix and Phoenicia are not one and the same. Phoenicia is NOT the ORIGINE OF THE BLOODLINE ILLUMINATI, or they wouldn't have done this to it. Take a look at the pictures. They are stomach turning. I didn't want to get into this and I was holding it back because of it's pure horror. I thought I would be convincing with just my words but I guess I'm an old fool who got it wrong. So take a really long good at this horror that took place In spring 1996, I believe it's either in April or Mai 1996, and it took place at the village of Qana, Lebanon.

Putting aside all the stupid political issue, I'm not going into that, but I'm going to tell you what the lebanese people told me when i visited Qana more than a decade ago. Israel was already stricking the south of Lebanon. So some of the villagers of Qana wanted to take shelter, but they couldn't find any in bunkers or any structure of the sort. A group mostly made of children with some adults in it, mostly women, ran to take shelter to a place for the red cross, thinking the israeli planes won't dare to strike down a structure that is owned by the red cross.

The israeli planes hit that place with all that they've got, after a very specific phone call was made. It resulted in this horror you are seeing in those pictures. When international uproar happened, they israeli gvt along with the entire MSM of the entire planet, started saying this is a hoax and the event was a show and it's all acting, it never happened. But 10 years later, israeli planes again did a strike on Qana in 2006 and again, they massacred mostly kids. And the israeli gvt and the entire worl's media said it was a hoax, it was fake.

I went there, visited the memorial, it's stomach turning anons. It happened, there are 10 of thousands of eye witnesses, the blue helmets of the U.N. also testified to the horrors that took place, but this event was hush hushed in the U.N. and the worl's media was complicit in the cover up.

Let me ask you a few questions anon, and I hope you will go find the answers yourselves:

1 - If the Lebanese and the cabal have the same ancestry, do you think the cabal would have ALLOWED these air strikes?

2 - But if the Lebanse and the cabal = jews were enemies, would one seek to destroy the other even in this most horrible way?

3 - Who was president of the US, in 1996? Who was the first Lady of the U.S. In 1996?

4 - Who was the P.M. of Israel in 1996? Who was the defense minister of Israel in 1996?

5 - Who called the WH to get autorisation for the strike? Who answered and gave the green light for the strike, knowing in advance where the children took refuge?

6 - Who does the Red Cross work for?

7 - Is Qana a sacred ground? Was this a satanic sacrifice of the innocent in order to tarnish the place? And why would they repeat it all over again in 2006?

8 - Why was the world wide media complicite in this crime and helped in the cover up?

9 - Do anons see any similarities with what happened in Waco, Texas?

7982e9 (18)  No.5349061>>5352290 >>5444949


ok i checked and the archive.is links are still good here


but for a primer I would recommend this


3eac2f (15)  No.5352290>>5352690

This is Thomas Anon,

i want to start by thanking all the anons that have sent me their support and encouragements. Thank you anons. God bless you all. I'm truly mentally exhausted, I've been at this for an extremely long time, I don't know what I will do, I haven't made up my mind yet.


Thank you anon for the links you've provided, I'm going to check them out and read. One of my aims was to find the identity of Payseur, so if what you sent me is a "side" subject, not giving me any clues about Payseur, I'm going to put it aside "for now". I usually don't forget what I read though, so maybe in the near future there is also the possibility that what you sent might come helpful or I may find later on a link or a bridge. So I will appologize if I don't comment much after reading what you sent, or if I postpone talking about it. Again, I want Payseur's heir head = I want to unmask that person.

Today, I'm gonna present the 10th piece or "stone" in my case on Killary being the heir of Payseur. This is going to be a STRANGE one anons.

Let me explain a bit how I landed on this "strange" piece: As an archeologist, I draw, or should i say I scrible with a pen ^_^ I always had a pen and paper near by ever since I was a kid and i would draw small stuff, nothing special about it. But when you are in archeology, you come across so many stuff in the ground, that taking pictures of it is not enough, so we end up drawing those items we find and that goes into the archives and data about the artifacts. I'm saying this to tell the anons reading my drop that I'm one big junkie of drawings and paintings, I love art. And I love to read as well a lot, so I grew up developing a mixture of both in reading comic books. I'm one big addict of that. I used to read "western" comics, but with time, the twists and complications in the story lines of Marvel or DC comics made them tasteless for me. That is when I got hooked to Japanese comics known as MANGAS. So yes anons, I've read tones of them. I still do. I never gave the mangas i've read too much thought, it was just entertainment for me, since i barely watch any television. That is until all of this stuff started with Q. That is when ONE very specific manga caught my attention.

I've posted these pictures before, in the UFO thread. I was asked in not a polite way to stop posting there and i should stop spamming (whatever that is), I've posted there in asking questions. Apart one anon wanting to kick my ass out of there i got zero interest or attention to what I dropped. I posted in there in the hope I would get to form that LINK between 2 threads and start bringing together big chunks of this big puzzle, but I failed. And since I'm totally new in the world of UFO and Aliens, I was hoping some anon would pick it up and talk about it, but again, nothing happened.

So today, i'm going to drop once again these images from that mangas. I'm going to TRY to comment because I'm new to most of what they IMPLY, but I know I've got a GOOD eye and I can notice some stuff. So i'm just going to say it out loud, and I hope this time around an anon with UFO knowledge will fill the blanks and help me understand about this issue. And I consider this as being my 10th piece on my case on Killary. Bare with me anons, you will understand why this is about Killary as you walk with me.

So the mangas, name is GANTZ. First thing I noticed is the GERMAN name. For the anons whom are interested in reading this mangas, you can find it anywhere online. It's a big long, but for those whom have time, it's a good read.

3eac2f (15)  No.5352690>>5352833

File (hide): 954351e6891f9eb⋯.jpg (133.66 KB, 768x1100, 192:275, Gantz chapter 3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 616065abf502306⋯.jpg (119.57 KB, 762x1100, 381:550, Gantz chapter 4 - 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4ee1ba1e0668fbb⋯.jpg (145.84 KB, 767x1100, 767:1100, Gantz chapter 4 - 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cbe667c90b7428e⋯.jpg (125.97 KB, 764x1100, 191:275, Gantz chapter 4 - 3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cb4d72e95e7e409⋯.jpg (144.6 KB, 765x1100, 153:220, Gantz chapter 4 - 4.jpg) (h) (u)


First thing i want to point out is when this mangas started = July 2000.

And I want to ask anons to take their time and read what is written in the pages I'm putting pictures of and take their time and look closely to the details in the drawings. And mostly think deeply about that the words used and drawings IMPLY, HINT.

1 - The nudity of a teenage girl. One HOT NUDE looking teen girl in a room filled with men. And if you have read the story from the start, you would know she commited suicide.

2 - We have some sort of super-computer looking like a blackball giving informations about an Alien, asking the hunters to hunt it down. And the people think it's some sort of game or a hoax (being brainwashed by MSM narrative they think Aliens don't exist)

3 - The ball-computer turns out to be some sort of high tech machine where super high tech guns are stored in. I honestly don't know how they can fit in that ball when it's closed, But it's a mangas after all, so anything is possible.

4 - We have a human HOOKED into the machine. Doesn't that remind anons how the cabal is trying to hook humans to machines or how they are putting chips into poeple?

5 - Look how High tech the weapons are. Could this sort of weapon be among the high tech projects or the black projects of the pantagon where Trillions vanished? And i would also like to point out the "who cares" = the indifference of the young man pointing the gun at the other, he doesn't even care or is not moved if he shot someone.

3eac2f (15)  No.5352833>>5352929

File (hide): 4da9b3cbdd56eb4⋯.jpg (147.44 KB, 764x1100, 191:275, Gantz chapter 6.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d2fa41468c6769c⋯.jpg (166.08 KB, 762x1100, 381:550, Gantz chapter 7.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 16e7d224ce7bda5⋯.jpg (218.62 KB, 1200x852, 100:71, Gantz chapter 11.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d4195bcdc0591b5⋯.jpg (123.43 KB, 800x1157, 800:1157, Gantz chapter 12.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9d221fb6df69f96⋯.jpg (150.18 KB, 1200x849, 400:283, Gantz chapter 16.jpg) (h) (u)


1 - Again Aliens and high tec guns.

2 - here we have an explosive chip planted in the brain. I've heard rumors about such tech already existing and being used.

3 - we have violence and gore = human body going to shreds.

4 - reference to tv shows again, thinking this is a staged event or entertainment program = MSM brainwashing.

5 - we have a super suite. It reminded of those exo skelleton suites we hear rumors about = part of the pentagon black projects maybe?

3eac2f (15)  No.5352929>>5353069

File (hide): c5e79625d27181d⋯.jpg (228.39 KB, 765x1100, 153:220, Gantz chapter 17.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7c21f516e7b1451⋯.jpg (116.29 KB, 765x1100, 153:220, Gantz chapter 18.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4a7aa4dc423e510⋯.jpg (110.55 KB, 800x1151, 800:1151, Gantz chapter 21.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 80d222d55375634⋯.jpg (63.25 KB, 800x1151, 800:1151, Gantz chapter 22.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 537d76c6eb41979⋯.jpg (145.76 KB, 800x1274, 400:637, Gantz chapter 79.jpg) (h) (u)


1- another TYPE of high tech weapon. And some sort of invisibility cloack (notice only the hand of the shooter appears surrounded with electricity)

2 - Something like a lazer that is used to make teleportation.

3 - Invisibil cloak again, and reference to "human copies" = clones.

4 - a detailed close up drawing of one of the high tech weapons.

5 - the girl is identical to Angelina Joli in Tomb raider movies. And anons don't need me to point out how "symbolic" that is to the cabal.

3eac2f (15)  No.5353069>>5353169 >>5385408

File (hide): ac18d9ee0d09914⋯.jpg (133.75 KB, 750x1198, 375:599, Gantz Chapter 94.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 827ed7bbd336039⋯.jpg (202.73 KB, 762x1200, 127:200, Gantz chapter 109-1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4b70af1c6348138⋯.jpg (125.08 KB, 758x1200, 379:600, Gantz chapter 109-2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 369401aad747531⋯.jpg (149.24 KB, 800x1270, 80:127, Gantz chapter 110.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 49ae2b7476c539c⋯.jpg (70.65 KB, 1200x812, 300:203, Gantz chapter 119.jpg) (h) (u)


1- Another alien species

2 - Hanging on the door knob using a belt. That reminds me of another hanging on a door knob but using a red scarf = kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain died this way, right anons?

3 - Reference to magic and levitating objects with the power of the mind.

4 - "And I will give those powers to you" This sentence is very important: This is a teacher/mentor and his student. The teacher is going to teach his student how to use "supernatural powers". Doesn't that sound like what the witchcraft and occultism of the cabal is about? And isn't that how they work: teacher/student?

5- Please read what is written, it sounds like the Bible

3eac2f (15)  No.5353169>>5353311

File (hide): 56cc3016285feff⋯.jpg (235.62 KB, 1200x864, 25:18, Gantz chapter 123.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b981aece3c70410⋯.jpg (145.62 KB, 800x1274, 400:637, Gantz chapter 124.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f376c0a40be29e1⋯.jpg (199.4 KB, 748x1200, 187:300, Gantz chapter 128.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1261f7cf77481fa⋯.jpg (196.44 KB, 756x1200, 63:100, Gantz chapter 129.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f864033e8eb7c23⋯.jpg (79.27 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Gantz chapter 145-1.jpg) (h) (u)


1 & 2 Mass public shooting. Isn't that a thing the cabal does to change the narrative or advance their agenda? Anons noticed the "Adidas" on the glove? Isn't that a german brand?

3 - The shooter is a black man. A black man in japanese mangas, does that make sense to anons? I think this is reference to the violence in the black american community, mostly in places like Chicago. But the most absolute important piece is what is right behind the black man = CLINTON. Now can anons explain to the old man that I am how the heck did that get into a japanese mangas and mostly WHY is it placed there?

4 - Stopping bullets by using mental power.

5 - Cannibalism. Do i need to explain that anons?

3eac2f (15)  No.5353311>>5353407

File (hide): 1d2aab68793cf5b⋯.jpg (283.18 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Gantz chapter 145-2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fc95d6f8fdeb881⋯.jpg (243.29 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Gantz chapter 145-3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98e70006c90ea19⋯.jpg (212.78 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Gantz chapter 160.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f3ddcb73b5a307c⋯.jpg (170.12 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Gantz chapter 195.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 29fadf56a2233e3⋯.jpg (103.67 KB, 800x1187, 800:1187, Gantz chapter 220.jpg) (h) (u)


1 - T-rex, dinosaurs? Doesn't that remind anons of Jurasic park? The Jurasic park whom Killary's best buddy Spielberg directed? That same Spielberg from scientology and ET movie and Indiana Jones movies all subjects important to the cabal? And resurecting dinosaurs, isn't that biological/genetical manipulation?

2 - anons take a look at that vehicule or motoercycle = high tech vehicule

3 - Drinking blood from a freshly killed person and saying it tastes good.

4 - a demon with horns

5 - Look at the 3 options on the computer-ball: they can erase your memory, the can give ou high tech weapon, they can resurect a dead person.

3eac2f (15)  No.5353407>>5353592

File (hide): 27d71a99cc49153⋯.jpg (72.01 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Gantz chapter 221.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 83dc036775db39d⋯.jpg (145.88 KB, 800x1152, 25:36, Gantz chapter 229.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bc8dcdda8f46327⋯.jpg (134.54 KB, 800x1148, 200:287, Gantz chapter 240.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d8047c8f3c9afcf⋯.jpg (193.01 KB, 800x1174, 400:587, Gantz chapter 251.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d78b965ca6b7fed⋯.jpg (138.64 KB, 800x1166, 400:583, Gantz chapter 268.jpg) (h) (u)


1 - Now honestly, why did they choose "Illuminati mangas" as a group name to translate this mangas?

2 - Vampires and drinking blood and gathering that blood in a recipient

3 - Eating children.

4 - A new type of high tech weapon.

5 - A type of high tech human armor, is this another one of those pentagon black projects?

3eac2f (15)  No.5353592>>5353770

File (hide): 0cff53e0ee4a05c⋯.jpg (103.61 KB, 800x1189, 800:1189, Gantz chapter 280.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 256ddc7dd851d20⋯.jpg (147.96 KB, 1200x887, 1200:887, Gantz chapter 284.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 25057bb1e4ea24b⋯.jpg (99.32 KB, 800x1173, 800:1173, Gantz chapter 297.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ff9e5108d9526b3⋯.jpg (175.11 KB, 800x1152, 25:36, Gantz chapter 301.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b8ffcf216903414⋯.jpg (145.81 KB, 800x1166, 400:583, Gantz chapter 302.jpg) (h) (u)


1 - "Something is going to happen" {…} "a nuclear war". Isn't that cabal and MSM fear mongering? isn't that also part of the 16 years plan Q told us about?

2 - High tech factory in Germany, insinuating how advanced technologically the germans are.

3 - "Cycle of rebirth"? Isn't that hinting to resurection and death? Something that ONLY the Phoenix can do endlessly? And Who thinks of him/herself as the Phoenix? Who has symbolism to the Phoenix?

4 - "our members consist of politicians, actors…even royal families"….. isn't that how the cabal is made of? What it is made of? Who are it's members? And take a look at the fat girl in the bed, she receives messages from "another source" (like another dimension), isn't that like Maria Orsic and the Virl society?

5 - Another refrence to Maria Orsic and Virl society and they mention HEINZ. I have no idea what the AKASHA chronicles are. "Simulated reality" movie Keanu reeves was in = the Matrix.

3eac2f (15)  No.5353770>>5353857

File (hide): d7156d1b833cad6⋯.jpg (119.1 KB, 800x1145, 160:229, Gantz chapter 303.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0d695622d7443d5⋯.jpg (128.24 KB, 800x1145, 160:229, Gantz chapter 303-1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9717e0d86f6d6bd⋯.jpg (85.61 KB, 1200x867, 400:289, Gantz chapter 303-2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 519edf9d2bc1b62⋯.jpg (76.81 KB, 800x1157, 800:1157, Gantz chapter 304.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6e24559f8a65182⋯.jpg (167.06 KB, 800x1182, 400:591, Gantz chapter 305.jpg) (h) (u)


1 - the sky turning red. Now anons correct me if i'm wrong, but we have the red sky mentioned twice in the bible = 1 - it's one of the 7 plagues of Egypt, 2 - it's mentioned in the apocalyspse, right?

2 - "the world is going to end"… now where did i hear that before anons?

3 - an atomic bomb exploding in New York city, of course it comes along with the mushroom cloud. I'm wondering if ther is a link between this mushroom cloud and the one of the Economist cover of 2015?

4 - Alien spaceships invading New York city. And the air force fighting them.

5 - Giant Alien bipedal robots, that look strangely similar to the aliens in the movie directed by James Cameron "Aliens", same director as the Titanic the movie.

3eac2f (15)  No.5353857>>5353941

File (hide): bc5780932cc6de3⋯.jpg (162.66 KB, 800x1162, 400:581, Gantz chapter 312.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98cfd69e6d9cb3c⋯.jpg (160.1 KB, 800x1183, 800:1183, Gantz chapter 319.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 073a60852b252bc⋯.jpg (143.34 KB, 1200x876, 100:73, Gantz chapter 320-1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 29bd21904a19e22⋯.jpg (166.9 KB, 800x1197, 800:1197, Gantz chapter 320-2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 604b605ac674003⋯.jpg (140.76 KB, 800x1198, 400:599, Gantz chapter 320-3.jpg) (h) (u)


1 - Giants? Aliens? Mixture of both? I don't know if they are related to the nephilims or the giant skeletons i hear anons talk about. I want to point out that in this mangas they have 4 eyes.

2 - Capturing humans and gathering him as commodities?

3 - Spraying humans? Is this hinting to the chemtrails?

4 - Human slaugtherhouse.

5 - pedophilia = a grown up man "saves" a teenage girl, both being totally naked. And just take a look at his facial expression.

3eac2f (15)  No.5353941>>5354012

File (hide): 5604a37379ab770⋯.jpg (137.21 KB, 800x1155, 160:231, Gantz chapter 322-1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5291f5a8122096f⋯.jpg (159.02 KB, 1200x866, 600:433, Gantz chapter 322-2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fbb9ed351d29612⋯.jpg (157.38 KB, 1200x873, 400:291, Gantz chapter 322-3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 64c9f6d807019f5⋯.jpg (125.62 KB, 1200x872, 150:109, Gantz chapter 325.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 555c3a13296152b⋯.jpg (153.9 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Gantz chapter 327 -2.jpg) (h) (u)


From here on anons, it gets terribly disturbing, I'm warning you, you might not be able to stomach this:

1 - Human teenage girls having sex with animals/ aliens.

2 - Look at the details of the alien city, it looks a lot like one of ours.

3 - Humans are fead to the pets of the aliens.

4 - Humans are kept in the alien zoo.

5 - Mobile phone, decoding?

3eac2f (15)  No.5354012>>5354278

File (hide): 56803c118371fca⋯.jpg (131.09 KB, 800x1192, 100:149, Gantz chapter 327.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8d8deebae9e8d20⋯.jpg (134.79 KB, 1200x868, 300:217, Gantz chapter 327-3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b4b302e83d17a9f⋯.jpg (149.17 KB, 800x1205, 160:241, Gantz chapter 327-4.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 55fdaaf3067bb2f⋯.jpg (151.93 KB, 800x1217, 800:1217, Gantz chapter 371-1.jpg) (h) (u)


1 - Keeping humans as pets, just like keeping a gold fish or a hamster.

2 - the alien soldiers are dressed up like Nazis.

3 - Human snakes along with the coffee break. Cannibalism.

4 - GOD?

3eac2f (15)  No.5354278


Now Thomas Anon has HOMEWORK for anons whom are interested. Take each and every single one of the pictures i've posted about Gantz and try to see if it is linked or if it fits what we know about Killary.

I personally found that 90 % of it do fit her or is linked to her. I faced a bump when it comes to the High tech weapons. It took me a while, but then I remembered that when she was senator of NY, she was part of the senate defense commity, right anons? Correct me if i'm wrong. So she had access to documents concerning weapons and high tech stuff. My little finger is telling me she has been selling those secrets to china and other "countries" WWWAAYYY before she was in the State department.

I still didn't find any direct link between Killary and the VIRL society and the Nazis. I know the Bushes are directly linked to them, so maybe the Bushes played the role of "bridge" between Killary and the Nazis. I also want to point out that this could be what they are doing in Antartica.

I strongly believe that this mangas Gantz, is far beyond simple symbolism. it's an open window into the world of the Cabal. It's giving us a look at their believes, practices, habits, sexual orientations, high tech work, manipulations and plans.

Anons can connect it all to KIllary, just like I did. This mangas troubled me for a long long time.

And it brings out a question: if the Clintons were minor, insignificant or medium level operatives of the Cabal, why is everything linked to them? Why are they the center of everything concerning the cabal? And why on earth are they the only Bloodline family to have their name mentioned in such a disturbing mangas? A mangas that Q himself told us "some" of the things it's hinting to? Like the Pedophilia, like the cannibalism, like the aliens etc….. If it weren't for Q I would have thought this mangas was just another piece of Sci-Fi/ adventure comic series. But it's not the case anymore. Again, I strongly believe we are taking a sneak look into the Cabal because of this mangas.

I'm sorry if some of the images have disturbed some anons. It's hard to stomach, I know. I feel sick myself right now as I've been posting them. Gosh! I hope I won't be forced to do it a third time,

I'm going to call it a day for me anons. God bless you all.

830237 (24)  No.5359299>>5360735

File (hide): 449b905e1c01410⋯.jpg (51.16 KB, 656x624, 41:39, Piccinini creepy art.jpg) (h) (u)

Good day anons,

This is Thomas anon updating my "C" list":

After doing a log of "looking" and reading, I managed to eliminate 3 names of the "C" list and added one new.

I've taken out Liz Cheney from the list, after reading about her bio, I didn't find anything eye catching, mostly nothing directly linking her to the Cabal. So i've taken her hour.

I've also taken out Madonna and Anderson Cooper. After looking at dozens of pictures of both of them "interacting" together, their relationship is more like of a dominant and a slave. Shee is the dominant boss while he is her little pet slave. Look closely to their body language towards one another.

This picture of Piccinini's so called "art" Is believed by some anons to be Anderson Cooper while he was a kid. i don't know about it, but I must admit the ressemblance is striking. So if we "assume" this is really Anderson when being a kid, try to guess who was abusing him while he was hanging like that. I believe one of this abusers is Madonna herself, if she affirms her control over him at such a young age and make him her sexual pet, it explains a lot her dominance over him, her control of him, how he is so subdued towards her and follow her like a puppy.

And Anderson being a man, doesn't fit the profile of Payseur heir being a matriarchal lineage. As for Madonna, she has Italien roots, while Payseur heir has French roots, and Madonna isn't power thirsty and wanting to "rule" the world, she is not in the Phoenix club.

As for the name I've added to the list is Marie-Thérèse Chouteau. Now this lady reeks of being a dominant High level French powerful heiress. And she is burried in the St Louis Cathedrale if I'm not mistaken, that is a HUGE honor anons. Not anyone gets that privilege unless they are top notch.

So here is where my list stands now:

- Killary Clinton.

- Carlyle Group

- The Campbells

- Cartier

- Churchils

- M.-T. Chouteau

I'm inclined to eliminate the Campbell's group because they are from Scottish descendant, but I need to verify a few things before doing that. And I'm also inclined to eliminate the Churchil's because they are Biritsh. As for Chouteau, i'm putting her name in the list as her being a potential heir to Payseur. If it turns out to be correct, I hope we can trace down her lineage to the current day heiress.

I hope Q or Potus would give us more clues about P = C, mostly if he can direct us using the jewelry. It would be very helpful because i don't think we will find it with the birth certifcates, nor with the official papers of whom owns the businesses or the estates.

Till now, I've been rotating around Payseur heir. I found his "court subjects", his territorial "kingdom", his attachement to specific things, like the womenly issues or how he likes to possess objects belonging to his bourbon ancestors etc. i hope I will have some hint or lead that will "cut" in and help me finally zoom closer to Payseur heir of now.

d57e71 (1)  No.5359905

File (hide): 34db7f2a7dd08da⋯.jpg (92.55 KB, 672x409, 672:409, Trump -5G.jpg) (h) (u)

352f8b (1)  No.5360735>>5362868

File (hide): 301f1cd5dee9645⋯.png (340.35 KB, 534x401, 534:401, Comey father.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0c5ffa71ff8cfb6⋯.jpg (47.07 KB, 727x485, 727:485, comey-2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f37c36296cd083a⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 193x293, 193:293, Payseur.jpg) (h) (u)


I've been stuck on the P = C topic too. I keep going back to Comey. Remember the missing "y" in FLOTUS Happ New Year post? Pointing to Come[y]?

This came to me thinking of the bags under Comey's eyes. Very similar to Hitlery's bags - when they aren't smoothed out. Related?

Also check the old Payseur pic against Comey in b/w.

Comey has been with the Clintons since Arkansas, and helped clean up a lot of their messes. Maybe he's the one calling the shots?


He doesn't look anything like his father, at least what I see. Thinking he was adopted/placed. His father was government also.

40fac0 (1)  No.5361063

Can we get a long form graphic tracing all of the symbols and organisations back to their origins?

asking and not doing because I lack the knowledge and reading these threads as individual posts paints an incoherent narrative

830237 (24)  No.5362868


I've come to belive that Payseur is a matriarchal line. Comey may be born into the Payseur family but he is not the head, he is not the one calling the shots. Please go check the previous thread, I've put in a LOOOOT of drops in it about most of the bloodline families around Payseur. Staring with the drop about Alva Erskin-Smith-Vanderbilt.

And yes, "adoption" or "placed" is their M.O. They did it to Hitler, to Merkel, to May, to rapist Bill Clinton and Lincoln. This is how they always operated. So it won't surprise me if Comey had Payseur blood but raised in another family. But again, I'm convinced we are looking for a woman, please go read my drops in the previous thread, even though it's long. There is a lot of information in there.

830237 (24)  No.5363990>>5364330 >>5364373

File (hide): db97f033bb8b16d⋯.jpg (218.51 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, phoenix-U.N.-Mural.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas Anon,

Since we are looking about the Phoenix and/or Payseur heir, I didn't know where to go from there, so I decided to combine the word Phoenix with other KNOWN names out there, and I've got quiet a rainbow of results. So today, I'm drop those, I didn't check any of them yet.

The first one was a mural at the U.N. building where the Phoenix is right in the center. And we all know that it was the Rockefellers whom "donated" that building.

830237 (24)  No.5364330>>5364572

File (hide): ef7f6aeb2a80593⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 650x488, 325:244, Anselm Kiefer at the Rock.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b12ea89302d91d0⋯.jpg (355.74 KB, 1600x1052, 400:263, Uraeus by Anselm Kiefer at….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c7d10fd3ea87369⋯.jpg (149.29 KB, 733x1089, 733:1089, uraeus_by_emi_gemini.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c51d0865e8eae71⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 540x320, 27:16, uraeus-Tutankhamun.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): db6d86bafe33d93⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 486x800, 243:400, Ureaus.jpg) (h) (u)


Then i got me this sculpture. I put in the words phoenix Rockefeller and this is what I got along with the UN mural.

But if you look at what this sculpture is called, it's called the Uraeus. I bet anons don't know that, but it's my daily jargon that word.


"The Uraeus (/jʊəˈriːəs/;[1] plural Uraei or Uraeuses; from the Greek οὐραῖος, ouraîos, "on its tail"; from Egyptian jꜥrt (iaret), "rearing cobra") is the stylized, upright form of an Egyptian cobra (asp, serpent, or snake), used as a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity and divine authority in ancient Egypt. "

"The Uraeus is a symbol for the goddess Wadjet.[2] She was one of the earliest Egyptian deities and was often depicted as a cobra, as she is the serpent goddess. The center of her cult was in Per-Wadjet, later called Buto by the Greeks.[3] She became the patroness of the Nile Delta and the protector of all of Lower Egypt.[4] The pharaohs wore the uraeus as a head ornament: either with the body of Wadjet atop the head, or as a crown encircling the head; this indicated Wadjet's protection and reinforced the pharaoh's claim over the land. In whatever manner that the Uraeus was displayed upon the pharaoh's head, it was, in effect, part of the pharaoh's crown. The pharaoh was recognized only by wearing the Uraeus, which conveyed legitimacy to the ruler. There is evidence for this tradition even in the Old Kingdom during the third millennium BCE.[5] Several goddesses associated with or being considered aspects of Wadjet are depicted wearing the uraeus as well.

At the time of the unification of Egypt, the image of Nekhbet, the goddess who was represented as a white vulture and held the same position as the patron of Upper Egypt, joined the image of Wadjet on the Uraeus that would encircle the crown of the pharaohs who ruled the unified Egypt. The importance of their separate cults kept them from becoming merged as with so many Egyptian deities. Together, they were known as the nebty or The Two Ladies, who became the joint protectors and patrons of the unified Egypt.[2]

Later, the pharaohs were seen as a manifestation of the sun god Ra, and so it also was believed that the Uraeus protected them by spitting fire on their enemies from the fiery eye of the goddess.[citation needed] In some mythological works, the eyes of Ra are said to be uraei. Wadjets existed long before the rise of this cult when they originated as the eye of Wadjet as a cobra. Wadjets are also the name of the symbols called the Eye of the Moon, Eye of Hathor, the Eye of Horus, and the Eye of Ra---depending upon the dates of the references to the symbols.[citation needed]

As the Uraeus was seen as a royal symbol, the deities Horus and Set were also depicted wearing the symbol on their crowns. In early ancient Egyptian mythology, Horus would have been the name given to any king as part of the many titles taken, being identified as the son of the goddess Isis. According to the later mythology of Re, the first Uraeus was said to have been created by the goddess Isis, who formed it from the dust of the earth and the spittle of the then-current sun deity.[citation needed] In this version of the mythology, the Uraeus was the instrument with which Isis gained the throne of Egypt for Osiris. Isis is associated with and may be considered an aspect of Wadjet.[2] "

This is very important anons, mostly that it's the protector of the Lower Egypt whom fought and won over the Upper Egypt, then united the 2 kingdoms into one. This might be a hint to the defeat of the elongated skulls.

044e1b (2)  No.5364373>>5364390 >>5364478


That symbol / trope goes back to ancient times. Not a phoenix, but a water bird "Pelican" something like that. It's on old arms and drawings by "Durer" That's how old it is.

Myth goes like this:

Bird is able to separate milk from poison.

Sometimes it's shown feeding babes and living on a high crag / rock.

If I find the images I'll post with tag Water Bird.

The vesica pisces above the brid is well known.

Look at the legs, It's not a phoenix. Phoenix are red or orange. This is white.

maybe connected with lineage of murdered King [J]Ises?

044e1b (2)  No.5364390


Check the legs.

It's like a stork.

Shown often feeding its fledglings.

bbb1b3 (1)  No.5364459


Absolutely agree. This is about restoring Karmic balance in the minds of the population. Punishment exactly proportional to the crime.

830237 (24)  No.5364478


I combine the word Phoenix and Rockefeller and this is what I got anon. And you are missing the old dead body at the feet of the bird. This might be the GOLDEN pheonix. But I didn't name it that way, it's what was written in what I found in my search. It's what is refered to in the search. Not me naming it.

830237 (24)  No.5364572>>5364743 >>5450635

File (hide): 3d5408fd6d7359e⋯.jpg (153.31 KB, 614x768, 307:384, Astana Khazakhstan.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 051c03fd5b49b17⋯.jpg (214.42 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, Astana.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 81346e408770dc4⋯.jpg (353.85 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, Phoenix Samruk, Presidenti….jpg) (h) (u)


Then the search lead me all the way to Astana, Khazakhstan (I hope I spelled that right)

There are plenty of rumors about that place being one giant money laundering hub. And if I recall correctly, rapist Bill Clinton got paid for a speech there, right? And if I remember correctly that place is an oil producer.

i must admit, there are a lot of symbolism in the architecture and design of the place….. And yes, that's a phoenix in the middle anons, there is no questions about it, I've seen too much of them not to recognize it. It the same idea as in St Louis. i wonder if we will find in Astana the elements as well, just like we did about and around the Gateway arch?

830237 (24)  No.5364743>>5364846 >>5404102 >>5450635

File (hide): 6475612f6b1bda3⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 3000x2002, 1500:1001, Arizona, Phoenix, Biltmore….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0fe87fc397f1310⋯.jpg (191.27 KB, 1300x1043, 1300:1043, duke-and-duchess-of-windso….jpg) (h) (u)


Then, I was catapulted all the way back the US and I'm now in Arizona Pheonix, Biltmore and the Waldorf Astoria hotel. Jeez! Another coincidence I bet, mostly when we found out about the connection between Edward VIII, the Vanderbilts and Waldorf Astoria (as in the Astor family).

And did the anons notice the 8 i nthe picture? I honestly don't know if it's truly a coincidence or not. I have no clue about it.

The we have this "shield" = "Balson" about Vanderbilt's school of medicine. We have the Phoenix along with the royal blue and the white.

830237 (24)  No.5364846>>5365067 >>5450635

File (hide): 2183fbe6405ba47⋯.jpg (34.54 KB, 770x492, 385:246, aff-ps-givesoc-phoenix_0.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bcc33886314f5f6⋯.jpg (45.65 KB, 428x581, 428:581, eye of the phoenix.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e362eb29f4dc99e⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 480x360, 4:3, London Olympic ritual.jpg) (h) (u)


The, i had a little cocktail of results.

It seems both Chicago and Atlanta suffered from a big fire that destroyed at least a part of the city. That got me chills down my spine anons, I hope those fire were not arson.

And I was surprised to see what we know as the Illuminati eye being referenced to as the Eye pf the Phoenix. This is a first to me.

And of course the all famous and incredibly filled with Illuminati symbols = the Potter saga.

I was also a bit surprised to see the London Olympics show in the search.

830237 (24)  No.5365067>>5365146 >>5365738

File (hide): b83abb800cf04a3⋯.jpg (32.46 KB, 1500x556, 375:139, GMANY-1_0.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d51c3d1c5ba6dca⋯.png (87.06 KB, 220x293, 220:293, GLAADMediaAwardTrophy.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0b1fb3387d91007⋯.jpg (116.51 KB, 716x1024, 179:256, 20th Annual GLAAD Media Aw….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7240715a510cb7e⋯.jpg (132.58 KB, 800x420, 40:21, lawrenceclintonweinstein.jpg) (h) (u)


Then when I combined Phoenix with Bill Clinton, i got me quiet an unexpected result:


"The GLAAD Media Award is an accolade bestowed by the GLAAD to recognize and honor various branches of the media for their outstanding representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and the issues that affect their lives.[1] In addition to film and television, the Awards also recognize achievements in other branches of the media and arts, including theatre, music, journalism and advertising.[2]

Honorees are selected by a process involving over 700 GLAAD Media Award voters and volunteers and are evaluated using four criteria: "Fair, Accurate and Inclusive Representations" of the LGBT community, "Boldness and Originality" of the project, significant "Cultural Impact" on mainstream culture, and "Overall Quality" of the project. Results are then certified by a "Review Panel" who determine the final list of recipients based on voting results and their own "expert opinions".[3][4]

The 1st GLAAD Media Awards ceremony honoring the 1989 season was held in 1990, and recognized 34 nominees in 7 competitive categories.[5] "

830237 (24)  No.5365146>>5365291


Take a look at the picures anons

The old lady standing beside Griffin, isn't that the old lady from the Titanic movie? it looks a lot like her.

And we have Lawrence with Weinstein….Jeeezz!

830237 (24)  No.5365291

File (hide): 5f25d54229d805f⋯.jpg (174.66 KB, 825x580, 165:116, jenny and robbie.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cf103b0e0d10388⋯.jpg (25.72 KB, 534x401, 534:401, Therone and rapist bill.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dbbd4a4104d9cd8⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1080x1400, 27:35, Honoring Madonna.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b25bc1df898b335⋯.jpg (212.77 KB, 839x1222, 839:1222, madonna-boy-scout-costume-….jpg) (h) (u)


Look who they are honoring this year.


Did anons notice that ALL of the "stars" are either connected to Payseur or have a sexual scandal attached to them, mostly when Pedophilia is concerned.

830237 (24)  No.5365738>>5375435

File (hide): 95e98c0c0856a8e⋯.gif (7.42 KB, 264x264, 1:1, phenixcity_alabama.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7782300bdcf748a⋯.jpg (25.15 KB, 387x290, 387:290, Phenix city Alabama.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5b76ad28425cb23⋯.png (276.93 KB, 644x396, 161:99, St Louis Blues uniform.png) (h) (u)


Then I got me the result of another football team from St Louis, which according to the search have the Phoenix symbol on their uniform. For me, it looks more like a musical note than a phoenix, but the team does have the French royalty colors on their uniform

And the last result I got from my search is the city of Phénix : Gateway to East Alabama.


"Phenix City is a city in Lee and Russell counties in the State of Alabama, and the county seat of Russell County.[4] As of the 2010 census, the population of the city was 32,822.

Phenix City lies immediately west across the Chattahoochee River from much larger Columbus, Georgia. Sometimes called Hub City,[citation needed] Most of Phenix City is included in the Columbus Metropolitan Statistical Area, but a section is located in Lee County, and is therefore in the Auburn, Alabama Metropolitan Statistical Area. The entire city is part of the Columbus-Auburn-Opelika Combined Statistical Area.

In 2007, BusinessWeek named Phenix City the nation's #1 Best Affordable Suburb to raise a family.[5]

Currently, the mayor is Eddie N. Lowe, the city's first black mayor elected by the public. The city manager, who holds the task of organizational matters, is Wallace Hunter. "

"Within the decade, the name would be changed to Phenix (or Phenix City), although some misspellings had it as "Phoenix." It was not clear if it was named for Phenix Mills in adjacent Columbus, Georgia, or for the fabled bird. It appeared as Phenix City on the 1890 U.S. Census and was incorporated as such on February 19, 1897 by the state legislature. "

"Phenix City was notorious during the 1940s and 1950s for being a haven for organized crime, prostitution, and gambling. Many of its customers came from the United States Army training center at Fort Benning, Georgia. The leaders of the crime syndicate in Phenix City were Jimmie Matthews and Hoyt Sheppard. Albert Patterson, from Phenix City, was elected to become attorney general of Alabama on a platform of reforming the city, but was shot and killed in 1954 outside his office on 5th Ave, N of 14th Street. As a result, the city had a negative reputation, and many people still associate this legacy with Phenix City. The Tragedy and the Triumph of Phenix City, Alabama by Margaret Ann Barnes chronicles these events, which led the small town to be known as "Sin City, USA". The bordertown was the subject of an acclaimed film, The Phenix City Story, made in 1955. "

It should be noted that when you want to spell the word Phoenix in French it's written Phénix.

And that is all that I've got. Any suggestions anons?

5039b1 (1)  No.5366511

File (hide): 6ce7ca5176a4b68⋯.jpg (697.23 KB, 1904x877, 1904:877, Policy of Truth YT.jpg) (h) (u)

no calm…must watch…. Feb 22, 2019 at 2:22pm ….a clear MESSage of The Policy of Truth https://youtu.be/wdnvrAIa3po [Embed] layered messages….study….3:57 length = card#357 PWRGB….. Hello Q

Shark Island






fefd70 (2)  No.5375435


"The "Blue Note" has represented St. Louis’ NHL team since its inception in 1967, with some alterations along the way. It’s a symbol that stands not just for the team, but the city and region, which is renowned for its history of jazz and blues music. The color blue is an obvious fit with the name and is accentuated with a yellow that used to take up more space on the logo."


139a0e (15)  No.5383274>>5383328

File (hide): 903864034d30c3b⋯.jpg (103.21 KB, 844x1200, 211:300, Disgusting tweets of Patto….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3b5ce87010feb6a⋯.jpg (153.24 KB, 732x1200, 61:100, More Q drop.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 60262ea1b472916⋯.jpg (121.92 KB, 957x1200, 319:400, Q drop 2890.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0c8d0976b54a364⋯.jpg (58.67 KB, 1019x450, 1019:450, Q drop.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas anon,

I've got me a very unexpected piece on my case on P = C = Clinton. I got it from team Q just a few hours ago. It was quiet a quick and easy dig, so I hope anons will see how it's all linked. As for the anons whom have been following my drops from the previous thread, you already know my style = how i think.

I consider this chain of drops as my 11th piece or stone on my case about P = C = Clinton

So first of all let's take a look at Q drops of today (until now anyway):

"Think context

Think bigger picture

Think connections

Define "Map"

The truth can always be found"

Alright, I'm going to do just that = see the bigger picture by making the connections and finding the truth.

139a0e (15)  No.5383328>>5383586 >>5414788

File (hide): e3c52582a365e16⋯.jpg (37.03 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Proud Pedo.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 903864034d30c3b⋯.jpg (103.21 KB, 844x1200, 211:300, Disgusting tweets of Patto….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 468cd8656c5278e⋯.jpg (115.97 KB, 960x720, 4:3, disguting.jpg) (h) (u)


So the second thing is an anon connecting Patton Oswalt to Comet Ping Pong, Q telling anon he is on the right track and all anons understanding that Patton is a pedophile, and if I'm not mistaking, he's been to Comet Ping Pong Pizza, right anons? Correct me if i'm wrong.

And anons took a look at his some of his tweets, they are terribly disturbing and disgusting in my opinion. So now, we know he is a pedophile.

139a0e (15)  No.5383586>>5383830

File (hide): 1f1d5c7f074ab37⋯.png (8.49 KB, 406x124, 203:62, Connections.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 545015e021286f2⋯.jpg (131.77 KB, 1200x797, 1200:797, Killary and Patton.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 584c1cd7d12524e⋯.png (187.54 KB, 595x534, 595:534, Oswalt Tweet.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b8f1fad384bda54⋯.jpg (453.52 KB, 3200x1680, 40:21, I'm with HER.jpg) (h) (u)


So how do we get the bigger picture and make connections = simple, we take a look at his "circle of friends" = as in whom he hangs out with and who he likes.

So the first thing I did was to look if he has any sort of ties to Killary. I did that because of Q confirming about Comet Ping Pong leading to Alefantis and to Broke to Killary.

So it turns out Patton is one HUGE Killary supperter. He voted for her apparently.

139a0e (15)  No.5383830>>5383958


I hope noticed how Patton is looking at Killary in "adoration", and how he is soooo anti-Trump, and very loud at it.

Here are some articles anons, there are hundreds of them on the net;

this one : https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/patton-oswalt-donald-trump-harvey-weinstein_us_59de621fe4b0eb18af05adb5

>>>this articles dates back to "10/11/2017 05:52 pm ET | Updated Oct 16, 2017 ", and it's an attempt to GLUE Harvey Weinstein sexual scandal onto Trump, dragging the Billy Bush and Trump groping thingy in it. And of course, anons shouldn't forget the #MeTooMovement involvement in all of this and how it's all connected to Soros and Killary.

And in this article: https://ew.com/article/2016/09/12/hillary-clinton-pneumonia/

And : https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/comedian-patton-oswalt-posted-pretty-193800306.html

>>>Patton Oswalts defends Killary's Pneumonia.

then we have this: https://www.rgj.com/story/news/2016/10/13/patton-oswalt-cracks-jokes-campaigns-clinton-reno/92017236/

I saw this article just a couple of hours ago anons, but when I went back to it right now to get some extracts from it, it told me the site was down for maintenance. is this damage control I'm seeing?

139a0e (15)  No.5383958>>5384161

File (hide): 8efcb77977b9736⋯.jpg (524.44 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, john-legend-kathy-griffin-….jpg) (h) (u)


Then, there is this article: http://toofab.com/2017/12/07/al-franken-senate-resignation-groping-hollywood-reactions-mark-ruffalo-patton-oswalt-trump-roy-moore/

It's about his reaction along with other "pedo" hollyweird stars about the resignation of Al Franken = another sexual predator.

Then we have this: https://people.com/politics/john-legend-stars-react-trump-migrant-children-fathers-day/

>>> Look who are the stars whom joined him on this one ^_^

Now for the anons whom have been following my drops already know how I've connected kathy Griffin to Payseur heir. For anons whom don't know, take a look here:



139a0e (15)  No.5384161>>5384271

File (hide): 6cba80ffaf92cfa⋯.jpg (252.4 KB, 1024x717, 1024:717, Bill Maher Patton Oswalt.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): aebe6b146cad368⋯.png (559.68 KB, 960x487, 960:487, Maher, Weiner, Podesta.png) (h) (u)


After seeing Patton, Griffin and Legend on the same "boat", I decided to take a look whom Patton hangs out with:

Red shoe clan member Bill Maher

So now we've got him strongly connected to Killary, he is one big fan of hers. And we have him along with other stars hating Turmp. We have him as a pedophile and rapist defender. And we have him friends with a known member of the red shoe clan = Maher, which in turn (the red shoe clan) is connected to Biltmore estate - > to Anderson Cooper -> to Kathy Griffin. The red shoes are also connected to Tony Podesta and his creepy art. The pedophilia is connected to John Legend, John Podesta, Weiner laptop and what's on that laptop about Killary.

I don't know if it means much, but there is one picture of Patton Oswalt sporting red shoes as well.






139a0e (15)  No.5384271>>5384937

File (hide): bba6700dce6cde9⋯.jpg (67.18 KB, 485x477, 485:477, Blade Trinity.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c52e7a85213a5bc⋯.jpg (60.8 KB, 600x391, 600:391, blade-trinity.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 77e9e79a21b0520⋯.jpg (42.15 KB, 344x763, 344:763, Ryan Reynolds 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f8dca78cf02c228⋯.jpg (86.59 KB, 733x481, 733:481, alex-soros-red-shoes.jpg) (h) (u)


Then we have Patton Oswalt staring in Balde Trinity = a vampire movie. You know, where they drink blood. And staring next to him is Ryan Reynolds, which coincidly is also seen sporting red shoes.

Just like the son of Soros wears red shoes. For the anons reading my drops from the start, I just found that picture of Alex Soros today ^_^

c23cf4 (1)  No.5384697>>5384937 >>5402545

FWIW, Meredith Salenger connects to John Cusack though "The Journey of Natty Gann." We know from Q that John Cusack connects to Edward Snowden. Meredith also connects to Seth Green and Adult Swim through her voiceover work on "Robot Chicken." Whatever you may think of Isaac Kappy, he outed Seth as a pedophile involved in child trafficking. Meredith appears in numerous pictures from Seth's parties.

139a0e (15)  No.5384937>>5385036

File (hide): cab352ac8c2aeb9⋯.jpg (31.94 KB, 392x522, 196:261, Daughter name ALICE.jpg) (h) (u)


After that I find a video of this about red christmas shoes



That is an additional connection between Patton and the red shoes too much for me. So I'm calling it anons = Patton Oswalt is a member of the red shoes clan; Linked to Vanderbilts, to Soros, to Podesta and to Killary.

Also linked to the Wizard of Oz movie:











Anons shouldn't forget that the red shoes are directly linked to the Bourbons.


And as if that is not enough I've also found a picture of him along with his wife and daughter. If I'm not mistaking, his daughter's name ALICE. And in this picture she is wearing bunny ears and rainbow color fur like thingy. I don't know what to make of this, it's stomach turning. Anons already know Killary's link to Alice in Wonderland and how that is linked to the Wizard of Oz. At least the anons whom have been reading my drops already know this. So now the evidence is overwhelming about Patton being a red shoe clan member and a pedophile and it's a big and solid proof in my case on Killary.


I didn't know that anon. Care to add what you have to my drops about Patton Oswalt? I don't have time to dig there, just enough time to drop what I have then I'm off to work. It will be very much appreciated and you would have completed the missing parts of my dig.

139a0e (15)  No.5385036>>5385408

File (hide): f12cbd71716ebc0⋯.jpg (144.93 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, FromTwitter.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e003b9b8366bc93⋯.png (400.17 KB, 558x435, 186:145, Patton Oswalt is good frie….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3c5135eb1afd743⋯.jpg (254.58 KB, 913x1222, 913:1222, emma-watson-circle-set-pat….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ccec71b0d45a4f2⋯.png (339.02 KB, 600x410, 60:41, untitled.png) (h) (u)


Now i'm not going to comment much here, it's just people Patton hangs out with. Take a good look at them anons, they are all linked to one or many of these = satanism, pedophilia, metoo movement etc.

139a0e (15)  No.5385408>>5386157 >>5399184

File (hide): 570521d15f384be⋯.jpg (569.12 KB, 1500x1200, 5:4, Anthony-Bourdain-email.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d76b7b652afb3f3⋯.jpg (226.1 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, Oswalt and Bourdain.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b02ae5f613a683e⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 640x418, 320:209, Excellent meme.jpg) (h) (u)


The last thing I've found about Patton Oswalt is his connection to Anthony Bourdain. YUP! That same Bourdain that was found hanging by a red scarf from a door knob.

Do you see my connection to GANTZ mangas anons?


And I've found hundreds of article about Oswalt and Bourdain, so here are the links to some:



And I will end my dig about Oswalt for now by posting this excellent meme about him, Steep and DeNiro. They are all from the same CLUB.

Next, I'm moving to Bourdain.

06d60d (1)  No.5385764>>5385937 >>5401702


you need to look more into Theosophy. Tesla and Hitler both slept with copies of the secret doctrine ever night near them. It is evil, the symbols are right on the damn cover. the swastika is 3rd eye symbolism, and if you know about the secret space program you know the nazi's were working directly with the draco's and illuminati. Please do more research before pushing wikipedia copy pastes.

139a0e (15)  No.5385937


Thank goodness I've found an anon whom knows about secret space program and UFO related stuff. It's been almost 2 months that I found out about them, so I'm a greenhorn on these subjects. I've asked help from anons before, but none came. Even if i read or research about what you suggested, it's still hard for me to get into my head. Hieroglyhics makes more sense to me. I'm not just copy/pasting blindly anon, that was a baby step taken by me in a domain I barely know anything about, and I'm lost as to what to think about it. So help is needed, I'm totally new at this, don't go throwing big chunks on me about it. I rather take small steps at first, until it starts to sink into me.

139a0e (15)  No.5386157>>5386397

File (hide): 846586bda1b2bdf⋯.png (454.06 KB, 618x410, 309:205, untitled2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ce38edbfafd1d5a⋯.png (166.31 KB, 500x724, 125:181, us-news-anthony-bourdain-s….png) (h) (u)


As for Bourdain, anons talked a lot about this, and I bet there is a lot dug up about him.

So I'm just going to put some links:








So let me get this straight, Bourdain pissed off Killary twice by telling the truth openly about her and rapist Bill. Do anons now understand why I insist on putting "rapist" along side Bill's name?

And he had ties to Asia Argento -> Rose McGowan -> MeToo movement

139a0e (15)  No.5386397>>5386627

File (hide): 12351caf5f26245⋯.jpg (97.54 KB, 960x541, 960:541, anthonybourdain_Obama.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7aff284348752af⋯.jpg (72.18 KB, 727x451, 727:451, Marx-Obama-Bourdain.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1754cecbef27b7d⋯.jpg (148.26 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, bourdain-and-cooper.jpg) (h) (u)

139a0e (15)  No.5386627

File (hide): c920fe73e7a3437⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 480x360, 4:3, cooper-bourdain.jpg) (h) (u)


Gosh! That picture of Rivers and Bourdain!?!?!?! Both were 187. (is that the right code?) and they both died because they wwere critics of O's and Clintons.

As for Bourdain and Hussein, it makes me wonder what the connection really was about them, that is if there really is a connection.

And Bourdain with Cooper, I always believed it's a "work" relationship since both work at the same news company, right? But after discovering how :

Red shoes => Anderson Cooper => Anthony Bourdain => Patton Oswalt => Red shoes.

So I'm inclined to change my opinion about the TYPE of relationship between Bourdain and Cooper, it may be deeper than just co-workers.

I wonder to which clan Bourdain belonged to : red shoe clan or black eye clan?

With this, I consider I've done this:

"Think context

Think bigger picture

Think connections

Define "Map"

The truth can always be found"

The connections are found, and I can see the bigger picture. Unfortunetly, I don't have time for anymore digs anons, so if there are more connections, please do that = connect what you find to my dig. I will read it gladly.

139a0e (15)  No.5386946

i thought anons already knew this,

it's been obvious for nearly about a year now.

8d658a (4)  No.5399184>>5399341 >>5401311

File (hide): ea5230866f5c64a⋯.jpg (50.39 KB, 623x510, 623:510, is this a real tweet.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4ce7a699a13617c⋯.png (35.68 KB, 835x302, 835:302, More tweets.png) (h) (u)


This is Thomas Anon,

I wanted to look more about Patton Oswalt, so i went to check out his tweets a bit:

Are these really his tweets anons? Does he talk like that? Jeeeezzzz!!!!

8d658a (4)  No.5399341>>5399975 >>5424113

File (hide): ad839dcdb60c83d⋯.jpg (182.97 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, You gotta be kidding me.jpg) (h) (u)


Then i came accross those pictures, and my jaw fell on the ground. What the heck is that thing? For me it looks like a Y inside of a triangle.

Where is that place? Not just the location but the restaurant as well? What is it called? Is this just some random coincidence?

I'm going to try to post this on the general thread hoping someone will pick it up, either confirm this is real or it's just a coincidence.

8d658a (4)  No.5399975

File (hide): c5641f648a11788⋯.jpg (112.08 KB, 800x585, 160:117, Arby's front - Copy.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2931483d928f78b⋯.jpg (72.94 KB, 550x413, 550:413, arby-s-storefront - Copy.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4215577b4117e25⋯.jpg (160.12 KB, 912x580, 228:145, Ocala-Arbys-at-at-2150-NE-….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2931483d928f78b⋯.jpg (72.94 KB, 550x413, 550:413, arby-s-storefront - Copy.jpg) (h) (u)


Weeeelllllll, I got me the quiest answer I've ever seen when I am in here : Arby's Hollywood, 5920 Sunset Blvd.

So i went to take a look at other Arby's store fronts, and it's there, the Y and the Triangle are there, but in a more subtile way.

If you look closely to Patton Oswalt's pictures in front of Arby's you will notice they were not taken at the same time = look at the window posters, they are different. Which leads me to believe he went there ON PURPOSE and took those pictures there ON PURPOSE. He is telling us whom he follows, to what he belongs.

8d658a (4)  No.5401311>>5402545

File (hide): d813c94139e2da5⋯.jpg (105.24 KB, 1000x649, 1000:649, Annie movie.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6efbf3b3a5500eb⋯.jpg (65.04 KB, 843x592, 843:592, With Corey.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0e60d8ba2951f8d⋯.jpg (174.52 KB, 1200x835, 240:167, With Denise Richards.jpg) (h) (u)


A tiny bit more about Oswalt : "He subsequently graduated from The College of William & Mary, where he majored in English,[7] and was initiated into the Alpha Theta Chapter of the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity"

>>> Just a thought anons, so here me out: I was wondering if ALL or MOST of the GREEK fraternities in universities are not "established" by Payseur heir, in order to pick there future red shoe clan members…. Again, it's just a thought anons. But if you have been following my drops from the earlier thread, you would have also noticed how some of the persons in Paysuer heir circle are either member of Yale fraternities or those Greek letter fraternities.

I took a look at his first wife Michelle McNamara and nothing notable there. It's sad how she died though.

So i went to see Mredith Salenger…. what is notable about her is the movies she stared in:

"As a child, Salenger enjoyed performing in front of her family and friends. Her mother took her to her first acting class when she was eight years old. Her first role was a small part as a 'singing and dancing orphan' in the feature film Annie, directed by John Huston. Salenger also did a number of television advertisements.

Salenger's first starring role was in the Disney film The Journey of Natty Gann,[4] co-starring John Cusack and Ray Wise, the first movie to win her Best Actress in a Drama award at the Young Artist Awards for her portrayal of Natty Gann. After starring in four more films by her eighteenth birthday, including A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon, she left Hollywood for Harvard to further her education.

Salenger resumed her acting career upon her return to Hollywood with credits including Lake Placid and The Third Wheel. Salenger has also appeared in independent films, including Quality Time and Sparkle & Charm. Other major roles include The Kiss (1988) and Dream a Little Dream (1989).

Salenger appeared in a 1998 episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She also recorded a song titled "Flow Through Me" with Koishii and Hush; and she appeared as a background member of the Counting Crows video for "Hanging Around".

Salenger appeared in two episodes of Dawson's Creek in 2002 as film critic Amy Lloyd, and guest-starred on Cold Case playing victim Sloane Easton on the episode "Ravaged". Salenger had a cameo in the Disney film Race to Witch Mountain in 2009, where she played a television reporter named Natalie Gann.[5]

Salenger has done the voices of several characters in Cartoon Network's Star Wars: The Clone Wars, including Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee and Ione Marcy during the second season, Che Amanwe Papanoida during the third season, and Pluma Sodi during the fourth season. She also appeared as Lisa Sanders in the one-hour Nick at Nite drama series Hollywood Heights which lasted 80 episodes,[6] as well as several characters in Mad and Robot Chicken television series. In addition, Salenger voiced a Nightsister ghost in a season three episode of Star Wars Rebels. She can be seen opposite Elias Koteas in Jake Squared along with Virginia Madsen and Jennifer Jason Leigh. "

We all know the story abour and around Corey Feldman, so I'm not going into that. About the movie "Annie", it's been ages that we are hearing there was innapropriate condcut towards the children staring in that movie.

2fdff4 (1)  No.5401702>>5401948


The Secret Doctrine is easily obtainable and very interesting to read.

You know less about what you're talking about than you suggest

ed52a5 (6)  No.5401948>>5412761


You are so right anon. I'm a 69 years old senile old guy who's been trying to make sense of what the heck is going on this Earth since the beginning of time. So since you are so knowledgeable, please inlight me instead of telling me I'm senile. Red pill me then. I didn't see any drops from you helping clear things out to a fellow anon.

And Theosophy is not one of my reseach goals. I have very specific goals I'm trying to reach. I know one thing you seem not to know anon = LIFE IS A LESSON YOU LEARN IT WHEN IT"S THROUGH. Meaning you never stop learning in life. And you better go check out the connection between Hitler and Edward VIII. See where it leads you.

ed52a5 (6)  No.5402545

File (hide): 840faacfb35eb9a⋯.jpg (159.34 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Alice Oswalt.jpg) (h) (u)



If anons check out Meredith's twitter account, you will see she is wishing HIV Charlie Sheen a Happy birthday and she co-stared with Denise Richards.

We all know Sarah Silverman.

I was startled by what is on Alice Oswalt's arm. What the heck is that anons?

And at last: https://www.elitedaily.com/news/politics/patton-oswalts-daughters-letter-to-trump/1815019

"Shakespeare once wrote, "Brevity is the soul of wit," and a little girl named Alice seems to have mastered that concept (probably better than most adults, in fact).

On March 5, comedian Patton Oswalt, Alice's father, shared an image of his daughter holding a postcard she wrote to President Donald Trump.

The postcard has a simple, yet profound message for the president: "Calm down."

This might be the most accurate and relevant use of emojis in history.

Well played, Alice.

Someone accused Oswalt of brainwashing his daughter, but the comedian said she made the postcard while playing with friends"

ed52a5 (6)  No.5404102>>5404301 >>5450635

File (hide): 8918ab48fd81608⋯.jpg (111.9 KB, 1024x595, 1024:595, Biltmore hotel FL.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a172c60de3f5b0⋯.jpg (12.79 KB, 256x256, 1:1, At Biltmore hotel.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 052623726fa3981⋯.jpg (11.09 KB, 247x204, 247:204, To the Staff.jpg) (h) (u)


This is Thomas Anon again,


"The Miami Biltmore Hotel is a luxury hotel in Coral Gables, Florida, United States. It was designed by Schultze and Weaver and was built in 1926 by John McEntee Bowman and George Merrick as part of the Biltmore hotel chain. When completed it became the tallest building in Florida at 315 feet (96 m)[3] holding the record until 1928 when the Dade County Courthouse was built. At one time the pool was the largest pool in the world and among the many attractions was swimming instructor (and later Tarzan actor) Johnny Weissmuller.[4] It served as a hospital during World War II and as a VA Hospital and campus of the University of Miami medical school until 1968. Abandoned for many years it became a hotel again in 1987.

It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1996."

"In 1925 land developer George E. Merrick joined forces with Biltmore hotel magnate John McEntee Bowman at the height of the Florida land boom to build "a great hotel…which would not only serve as a hostelry to the crowds which were thronging to Coral Gables but also would serve as a center of sports and fashion." In January 1926, ten months and $10 million later, the hotel debuted with a magnificent inaugural that brought people down from northern cities on trains marked "Miami Biltmore Specials."[citation needed]

Vistors included, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Ginger Rogers, Judy Garland, Bing Crosby, Al Capone and assorted Roosevelts and Vanderbilts as frequent guests. Franklin D. Roosevelt had a temporary White House office set up at the Hotel for when he vacationed on his fishing trips from Miami. There were many gala balls, aquatic shows by the grand pool and weddings were de rigueur as were world class golf tournaments.[citation needed]

Just months after the hotel opened, on September 18, the 1926 Miami Hurricane struck. While the hotel was undamaged, and actually provided shelter for over 2000 survivors, the disaster signaled the end of the Florida land boom.[5]

Merrick's Coral Gables company declared bankruptcy on April 13, 1929, and Merrick's stake in the hotel was bought out by his partner, John McEntee Bowman in November 1929 for $2,100,000.[5] Bowman resold the hotel in September 1931 to millionaire Henry Latham Doherty. The hotel made it through the early 1930s by hosting aquatic galas.[citation needed] As many as three thousand would come out on a Sunday afternoon to watch the synchronized swimmers, bathing beauties and alligator wrestling. Johnny Weissmuller, before he became known as the actor that played Tarzan, broke a world record at the pool"

ed52a5 (6)  No.5404301>>5404313



"Bowman-Biltmore Hotels was a chain created by hotel magnate John McEntee Bowman.

The name evokes the Vanderbilt family's Biltmore Estate, whose buildings and gardens within are privately owned historical landmarks and tourist attractions in Asheville, North Carolina, United States. The name has since been adopted by other unrelated hotels. For a time, the Bowman-Biltmore Hotels Corporation was a publicly traded company. "


The Arizona Biltmore Hotel was opened on February 23, 1929, by Warren McArthur Jr. and his brother Charles McArthur along with John Bowman. The Arizona Biltmore was co-designed by their brother the Chicago architect Albert Chase McArthur, who asked Frank Lloyd Wright to collaborate.[1]


The Flintridge Biltmore Hotel is located in La Cañada Flintridge, atop the San Rafael Hills, the site of the present day Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy campus, with some of the historic hotel buildings still in use. Designed by architect Myron Hunt in 1926, in the Mediterranean Revival and Spanish Colonial Revival architecture styles, and commissioned by owner Senator Frank Putnam Flint. The business failed as the Great Depression continued, and the hotel was closed and sold in 1931 to the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose to found the Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy there.[2]

The Los Angeles Biltmore is located on Pershing Square in Downtown Los Angeles. When it opened in 1923 it was the largest hotel west of Chicago in the United States. It was designed by the architectural firm of Schultze & Weaver. The Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel was the "nerve center" of the 1960 Democratic National Convention; the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, the TV networks, and the candidates including John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Adlai Stevenson. Room 8315 was used by the John Kennedy campaign.[3]

The Santa Barbara Biltmore is located in Santa Barbara, California, on the Pacific Coast. A masterly synthesis of the Spanish Revival, Mediterranean Revival, Spanish Colonial Revival and Moorish Revival styles of architecture and landscape architecture. "The Biltmore" opened in 1927. Four Seasons Hotels bought the Santa Barbara Biltmore in 1987. Ty Warner acquired ownership of the hotel through his Ty Warner Hotels & Resorts in 2000, with a historically sensitive major restoration and services updating following.


The Griswold was a seasonal resort hotel operated by Bowman Biltmore in New London, Connecticut, near Groton.[4]


Hotel du Pont in Wilmington, Delaware, was managed by the Bowman-Biltmore Hotel company[5] and named the Du Pont Biltmore from 1927-1933.[6]


The Belleview Biltmore in Belleair, Florida, first opened in 1897 as The Belleview Hotel and was acquired by the Biltmore chain in 1920.[7]

The Miami Biltmore Hotel, opened in 1926, by Bowman and George Merrick in Coral Gables, Florida, is a National Historic Landmark. It was sold to Henry L. Doherty in 1931. It served as a hospital during World War II and as a VA Hospital and campus of the University of Miami medical school until 1968. It became a hotel again in 1987, managed by Seaway Hotels Corporation.[8] President Obama stayed at the Biltmore prior to delivering a speech at the University of Miami.[citation needed]


The Atlanta Biltmore Hotel, designed by Schultze & Weaver, opened in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1924 at a cost of $6 million, it was organized by Coca-Cola heir William Candler, Holland Ball Judkins, and Bowman. It is today an office building.[9]"

ed52a5 (6)  No.5404313>>5404412


"New York[edit]

The Ansonia, a legendary apartment building, was for a time an apartment hotel run by Bowman Biltmore.

The Belmont Hotel, across 42nd Street from Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan, was the tallest in the world when built in 1908. It was demolished in 1939.[10]

The Commodore Hotel, designed by Warren & Wetmore, was on the opposite side of Grand Central from the Belmont Hotel. It was bought by Donald Trump in the 1970s and converted to the Grand Hyatt New York. The lower levels were gutted to their steel skeleton, retaining the original floorplan, while the exterior was covered in a modern reflective glass facade.

The Murray Hill Hotel, on Park Avenue between 40th and 41st Streets, was demolished in 1947.[11]

The New York Biltmore, designed by Warren & Wetmore, was part of Terminal City, a massive complex of hotels and office buildings connected to Grand Central Terminal. For 23 years the New York Biltmore was the home to the Grand Central Art Galleries, founded in 1922 by John Singer Sargent, Edmund Greacen, Walter Leighton Clark, and others.[12] In 1942, the hotel was the location of the Biltmore Conference, which was a meeting of mostly Zionist groups that produced the Biltmore Program, a series of demands regarding Palestine. The hotel was closed in August 1981 by Paul Milstein, gutted to its steel skeleton, and converted to an office building.[13] retaining only the Biltmore's famous Palm Court clock.[citation needed]

The Roosevelt Hotel, also connected to Grand Central Terminal, opened as a United Hotel and merged with the Bowman-Biltmore Group in 1929. This hotel was later purchased by Conrad Hilton in 1948. Realty Hotel (owned by New York Central Railroad) operated it until 1980, and today it is operated by Interstate Hotels & Resorts and owned by Pakistan Airlines.

The Westchester Biltmore Country Club was founded by Bowman, who hired Walter Travis to design two golf courses in Westchester County, New York.


The Dayton Biltmore Hotel, opened in 1929, was converted to a retirement home in 1981; it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Rhode Island[edit]

The Providence Biltmore opened in 1922. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.



The Sevilla Biltmore in Havana was bought by Bowman and Charles Francis Flynn in 1919. It was featured in Graham Greene's novel Our Man in Havana (1958), where Jim Wormold joined the British secret service.[14]

The Havana Biltmore Yacht & Country Club, opened in 1928, was managed by the Bowman Biltmore company"

ed52a5 (6)  No.5404412>>5414367

File (hide): c7f66dc7c091b84⋯.jpg (196.66 KB, 800x993, 800:993, John_McEntee_Bowman.jpg) (h) (u)



"John McEntee Bowman (1875 -- October 28, 1931) was a Canadian-born businessman, American hotelier and horseman, and the founding president of Bowman-Biltmore Hotels Corp.[1] "

"Born in Toronto, Ontario, Bowman began his American working life in a men's clothing store in Yonkers, New York, but learned the hotel business at New York City's Holland House Hotel. When the owner died in 1913, Bowman bought his new Biltmore hotel from his estate and built it into a chain of one of the most recognized hotel names in the world. Bowman was responsible for the building of the Westchester Country Club in Rye, New York, and counted the Coral Gables Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, Florida, the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, California, the New York Biltmore Hotel in New York City and the Sevilla-Biltmore Hotel in Havana, Cuba, as part of his extensive hotel holdings.

A horse lover and Thoroughbred racing enthusiast, Bowman was president of the United Hunts Racing Association and the National Horse Show and for a time served as the president of the Havana-American Jockey Club that operated the Oriental Park Racetrack in Marianao, Cuba.[1]

Bowman died in Manhattan, New York, at the age of 56, after an operation to remove gallstones.[1] "

4d9c28 (1)  No.5408604

File (hide): 499af5555d26a92⋯.gif (14.09 KB, 257x151, 257:151, fame_logo.gif) (h) (u)


I am attaching the logo of a lab in the news today. Notice anything? Q tells us to look for symbols. If you look at this logo, what do you see? I know I see "Y" repeated several times and as you know, Q told us to look out for Y AROUND THE WORLD correct?

I just came across this series of articles in Scientific American about a firm called Ffame in Florida. The articles are listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first), however the interesting part is that even though the first article is from 2014, it reported the "breakthrough" in 2017 as new news. Weird.

The lead scientist is a Steven Brenner who formerly worked for a Swiss outfit. Has anyone ever heard of him?




I feel that this is yet another marker for us to observe. This can't be good. It's against God and Nature,

Any thoughts?

cf9ed9 (1)  No.5412761


Calm down, have a snickers.

9cc8d7 (10)  No.5414367>>5414407



"The Arizona Biltmore Hotel is a resort located in Phoenix near 24th Street and Camelback Road. It is part of Hilton Hotels' Waldorf Astoria Hotels and Resorts. It was featured on the Travel Channel show Great Hotels. The Arizona Biltmore has been designated as a Phoenix Point of Pride.[1] "

"Warren McArthur, Jr., and brother Charles McArthur along with John McEntee Bowman, the entrepreneur behind the Biltmore Hotel chain, opened the Arizona Biltmore on February 23, 1929.

The Arizona Biltmore's architect of record is Albert Chase McArthur (brother of the hotel owners), yet the design is often mistakenly attributed to Frank Lloyd Wright. This is due to Wright's on-site consulting for four months in 1928 relating to the "Textile Block" construction used in the hotel"

"The Biltmore History Room is located on the third floor. In the room there are displays of not only historical artifacts related to the hotel's history, but also the early furnishes which were once used. Among the historical artifacts on display is a wooden key which Scenic Airways dropped on the roof of the ballroom on February 23, 1929, the opening day of the hotel. The key is on display above the rooms fireplace."

"On the second floor of the hotel there was a room known as the Mystery Room. It was called the “Men's Smoking Room” where supposedly the men who were guests went to smoke cigars and have a drink. This was during the days of Prohibition (1920 to 1933) and the name of the room was a disguise because its true function in the night was that of a speakeasy. Only the guests that knew the secret password were allowed in. In the room there was a bar behind a revolving bookcase where the illegal alcoholic drinks were served. The hotel placed a beacon light (Spot light) atop the hotel whose official purpose was to alert the speakeasy guests in the event that the police arrived to raid the place. A hotel employee would be stationed on the roof and if he saw any police cars he would flash the spotlight on the skylight of the Mystery Room. When the guests in the room saw the light, they would return to their rooms through secret passageways. What is now an entry door to the room used to be an exit door behind a wall sealed off from the rest of the hallway so that police wouldn't see guests leaving. Clark Gable and Carole Lombard would often stay in room 1201 (now known as the Clark Gable room) which was right next door to the Mystery Room. Their room had a secret passageway to the Mystery Room. The room is now used for meetings and conferences"

"Clark Gable and friends used to dine in the Gold Room. The 7,000 square foot ballroom could accommodate 480 quests. The Gold Room, with the gold leaf ceiling, was the original dining room of the Biltmore. It featured dancing and a live orchestra every night. The gold leaf ceiling and windows are from the original structure. There are two murals on the walls: "Legend of the Sun" and "Warrior Twins" by Maynard Dixon, a 20th-century American artist whose body of work focused on the American West painting were done on Belgian Linen"

"In 1940, the Catalina Pool aka Marilyn Monroe's Pool and the Cowboy Bunkhouse areas opened. These would become favorite areas of Hollywood celebrities. The Catalina Pool was Marilyn Monroe's favorite and she was often seen around the pool area sunbathing[15][16]. Catalina pool supposedly is where Irving Berlin penned the iconic song “White Christmas”.[17] Martha Raye was photographed playing chess on a large chessboard around the Cowboy house.[2]

On March 4, 1952, Ronald and Nancy Reagan were married and spent their honeymoon at the resort. Their favorite cottage in the resort was Cottage I."

"In 2004, while doing a campaign stop in Arizona, United States president George W. Bush slept there, under strict security measures. Over 200 policemen, Secret Service agents and bomb-sniffing dogs were at hand"

"On November 4, 2008, the McCain/Palin campaign hosted its final party at the hotel. Sen. John McCain, the Republican candidate for president, conceded defeat when he spoke to reporters and disappointed supporters on the hotel's lawn. Some supporters watched McCain's speech via closed circuit TV from the ballroom.[22] Former Louisiana Gov. Buddy Roemer acted as master of ceremonies for the evening's entertainment earlier in the evening, in the ballroom"

9cc8d7 (10)  No.5414407>>5414455



"The Millennium Biltmore Hotel, originally named the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel of the Biltmore Hotels group, is a luxury hotel located across the street from Pershing Square in Downtown Los Angeles, California, US. Upon its grand opening in 1923, the Los Angeles Biltmore was the largest hotel west of Chicago, Illinois in the United States.[1] In 1969 the Biltmore Hotel was designated a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument by the City of Los Angeles. Regal Hotels purchased the Biltmore in 1996, and then sold it in 1999 to Millennium & Copthorne Hotels.[2] As of 2009, the Los Angeles Biltmore is operated as part of the Millennium & Copthorne Hotels chain as the Millennium Biltmore Hotel. The hotel has 70,000 square feet (6,500 m2) of meeting and banquet space. From its original 1500 guestrooms it now has 683, due to room reorganization."

"Most notable are the frescoed mural ceilings in the main Galleria and the Crystal Ballroom, which were hand painted in 1922 by Italian artist Giovanni Smeraldi, known for his work in the Vatican and the White House. Smeraldi and his team famously painted the ballroom's colorful, seamless fresco over a period of seven months, decorating it with figures of Greek and Roman gods, angels, cupids and other mythological creatures"

"Two figures appear on the stairwell front---on the left is the Roman goddess of agriculture Ceres, while on the right is the Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa"

"Legend has it that MGM art director Cedric Gibbons, who was in attendance, immediately grabbed a linen Biltmore napkin and sketched the design for the Oscar statue on it. Eight Oscar ceremonies were held in the Biltmore Bowl during the Academy's early years of 1931, 1935--39, and 1941-42. In 1977 Bob Hope hosted the Academy's 50th Anniversary banquet in the same room. "

"The 1960 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles chose John F. Kennedy as the party's presidential nominee, and his acceptance speech was given at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel.[7] He set up his campaign headquarters in the Music Room (now the Lobby), with running mate Lyndon B. Johnson across the hall in the Emerald Room. Their press conferences in the Crystal Ballroom were heavily photographed and documented.

The Beatles paid a visit to the Presidential Suite in August 1964 during their first U.S. tour. Due to the overwhelming number of fans crowding the sidewalks in front of the hotel, the "Fab Four" were forced to access their room by landing atop the hotel in a helicopter"

"Steve Perry "Oh Sherrie" (1984), Janet Jackson "Son of a Gun (I Betcha Think This Song Is About You)" (2001), Yoga Video (2001), Britney Spears "Overprotected" (2002), Simple Plan "Shut Up!" (2005), Wall Flowers (2005), Daniel Powter (2005), Lostprophets (2009), Anjulie "Rain" (2009, Daughtry (2009), Tank (2010), Alexander Kogan (2011), Chris Price "Homesick" (2012), Ed Sheeran "Thinking Out Loud" (2014), John Legend "Penthouse Floor" (featuring Chance the Rapper)" (2016), Taylor Swift "Delicate" (2018), and Jennifer Lopez "El Anillo"

9cc8d7 (10)  No.5414455>>5414511



"The DuPont Building, occupying the entire block bound by 10th, 11th, Orange and Market streets, was one of the first high-rises in Wilmington, Delaware. It looks out over Rodney Square. The building was built in phases, with the original building constructed in 1908 fronting Rodney Square. At the time, the building housed the offices of DuPont. In 1913, the building was expanded into a "U" by adding wings along 10th and 11th streets, the DuPont Playhouse was added, and a portion of the original 1908 section was converted into the Hotel duPont.[1] The final addition to the building occurred in 1923 when the Orange Street addition was added along with an additional two floors (bringing the floor count to 13 and the height to 124').

Until early 2015 the building housed DuPont's headquarters. In December 2014, DuPont announced that it was moving and consolidating its corporate headquarters at its nearby Chestnut Run Plaza site and that The Chemours Company, which spun off from DuPont in 2015, would move into the DuPont Building.[2][3] As well as Chemours, the building houses The Playhouse on Rodney Square (formerly the DuPont Playhouse), the Hotel duPont, and a branch of M&T Bank.[4]

Under pressure from activist shareholders, the company first leased the building's DuPont Playhouse in January 2015 to The Grand Opera House, which renamed it The Playhouse on Rodney Square.[5] The entire structure and the hotel business were then sold to Wilmington-based developer Buccini/Pollin in January 2018. The new owners have leased the building's office space back to Chemours, will continue to lease The Playhouse to The Grand Opera House, and have promised to keep the hotel operating"


"The Belleview-Biltmore Resort and Spa was a historic resort hotel located at 25 Belleview Boulevard in the town of Belleair, Florida, United States. The 400,000 square feet (37,000 m2) hotel structure was the last remaining grand historic hotel of its period in Florida that existed as a resort, and the only Henry Plant hotel still in operation when it closed in 2009. The building was noted for its architectural features, with its unique green sloped roof and white wood-sided exterior, and extensive handcrafted woodwork and Tiffany glass inside. Constructed of native Florida pine wood, it was said to be the largest occupied wood frame structure in the world during its heyday.

The Belleview-Biltmore is situated along the eastern shores of Old Clearwater Bay, with views of the bay and the barrier islands which border the Gulf of Mexico. The hotel was built in 1897 by railroad tycoon Henry B. Plant and was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places on December 26, 1979, but was removed in 2017.

The hotel closed in 2009 and thereafter the property deteriorated from neglect. Despite the venerable hotel's historic designation and efforts by preservation groups to save it, various proposals to restore the property as a resort hotel were unsuccessful and the owners began demolition in 2015 for condominiums. A portion of the 1897 structure was saved and relocated on a new foundation and restored as The Belleview Inn, a boutique inn.[3]

The Belleview-Biltmore hosted many famous people, dignitaries and world leaders through the years, including U.S. Presidents Barack Obama, George H. W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Gerald Ford, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and the Duke of Windsor, and celebrities such as Joe DiMaggio, Babe Ruth, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford. The hotel is thought by some to be the site of ghost sightings and other paranormal events. The Hotel was featured in a segment on the Weird Travels series on the Travel Channel television network in the U.S., which was filmed in March 2004 by Authentic Entertainment. "


The Belleview Hotel opened on January 15, 1897.[4] It was constructed by Henry B. Plant as a resort destination to boost tourist travel on his railroad line serving the west coast of Florida, which he had acquired in 1893 as part of his expanding Plant System network of railroads. The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, which absorbed the Plant System lines in 1902, continued to operate the Pinellas Special (trains nos. 95 and 96)[5] train from New York City to a siding on the hotel's property in the 1920s.[6][7] John McEntee Bowman's Bowman-Biltmore Hotels purchased the hotel in 1920, and it was renamed the Belleview Biltmore"

9cc8d7 (10)  No.5414511>>5414551



"The Ansonia is a building on the Upper West Side of New York City, located at 2109 Broadway, between West 73rd and West 74th Streets. It was originally built as a residential hotel by William Earle Dodge Stokes, the Phelps-Dodge copper heir and shareholder in the Ansonia Clock Company, and it was named for his grandfather, the industrialist Anson Greene Phelps. In 1897, Stokes commissioned French architect Paul Emile Duboy (1857--1907) to design the grandest hotel in Manhattan.[2]

Stokes would list himself as "architect-in-chief" for the project and hired Duboy, a sculptor who designed and made the ornamental sculptures on the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, to draw up the plans. New Orleans architect Martin Shepard served as draftsman and assistant superintendent of construction on the project.[3] The aassignee of the contractor proceed against Stokes in 1907, suing for $90,000. But Stokes would defend himself, explaining that Duboy was in an insane asylum in Paris, and it was his belief that he was insane when, in 1903, he signed the final certificate on the plans, and should not have been making commitments in Stokes's name concerning the hotel.[4][5] "

"From 1977 until 1980, The Ansonia Hotel's basement was home to Plato's Retreat, an open door swinger sex club. In 1985, then Mayor Ed Koch shut the club down due to "health concerns" for "public safety." Prior to Plato's Retreat, the building housed the Continental Baths, operated by Steve Ostrow, a gay bathhouse where Bette Midler provided musical entertainment early in her career, with Barry Manilow as her accompanist."


"The Grand Hyatt New York is a hotel located directly east of the Grand Central Terminal in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Originally named The Commodore Hotel, it opened on January 28, 1919. In 1980, Donald Trump encased the outside of the building in glass and renovated the inside as part of his first construction project in Manhattan. The hotel's demolition and replacement was announced in February 2019. "

"The Commodore Hotel was constructed by the Bowman-Biltmore Hotels group. The structure itself was developed as part of Terminal City, a complex of palatial hotels and offices connected to Grand Central Terminal and all owned by the New York State Realty and Terminal Company (NYSRTC), a division of the New York Central Railroad (NYCRR). The Commodore was named after "Commodore" Cornelius Vanderbilt, the founder of NYCRR; a statue of Vanderbilt is located outside the hotel. The Commodore was designed by Warren & Wetmore and leased by the NYSRTC to the Bowman-Biltmore Hotels Corporation, of which John McEntee Bowman was president"

9cc8d7 (10)  No.5414551>>5425679



"The New York Biltmore Hotel was a luxury hotel in New York City that opened in 1913. It was one of three palatial hotels built as part of the Terminal City development. The others were the Commodore Hotel (currently Grand Hyatt New York), and the Roosevelt Hotel, which is still in operation. "

"In 1942, the hotel was the location of the Biltmore Conference which was a meeting of Zionist groups that produced the Biltmore Program, a series of demands regarding Palestine"


"The Roosevelt Hotel is a historic luxury hotel, located at 45 East 45th Street (and Madison Avenue) in Midtown Manhattan. The hotel, named in honor of President Theodore Roosevelt, opened on September 22, 1924.[2] The hotel later closed in 1995 and reopened again in 1997 after an extensive $65 million renovation. "

"The Roosevelt hotel, opened on September 23, 1924, was built by Niagara Falls businessman Frank A. Dudley and operated by the United Hotels Company.[2] The hotel was designed by the architecture firm George B. Post & Son, and leased from The New York State Realty and Terminal Company, a division of the New York Central Railroad. The hotel, built at a cost of $12,000,000[2] (equivalent to $175,433,000 in 2018), was the first to incorporate store fronts instead of lounges in its sidewalk facades due to the Prohibition era. The Roosevelt Hotel was at one time linked with Grand Central Terminal by way of an underground passage that connected the hotel to the train terminal. The Roosevelt housed the first guest pet facility and child care service in The Teddy Bear Room and had the first in-house doctor. "

"Conrad Hilton purchased the Roosevelt in 1943 calling her "a fine hotel with grand spaces" and even though he eventually owned many other hotels in New York, including The Plaza and The Waldorf Astoria, he chose the Roosevelt's Presidential Suite as his home. In 1947, the Roosevelt became the first hotel to have a television set in every room.

Beginning in 1979, the hotel was leased by the Pakistan International Airlines through its investment arm PIA Investments Ltd. ("PIA"), with an option to purchase the building after 20 years. Prince Faisal bin Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia was one of the investors in the 1979 deal."

9cc8d7 (10)  No.5414788


Correction: seems like picture of Oswalt wasn't taken at Comet Ping Pong, but the encircled name suggested we should go dig in that "theme" = pointing out the direction of research.

9cc8d7 (10)  No.5414885>>5415045 >>5998074

File (hide): 5430f4de376677e⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1329x1720, 1329:1720, Auction Bourbon jewels.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 58383f878ef5769⋯.png (394.58 KB, 350x696, 175:348, Eugenie's Brooch.png) (h) (u)

Piece number 12 on case about P = C = Clinton.

Payseur heir short on money? Remember rivalry between Caroline Astor and Alva Vanderbilt?










9cc8d7 (10)  No.5415045>>5415483 >>5417240 >>5998074

File (hide): 81e7414bd5c5565⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Order of the St-Esprit.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d4372a9b556c453⋯.jpg (82.21 KB, 830x430, 83:43, Auction Marie-Antoinette.jpg) (h) (u)


Back during the sale done by the third republic, it seems most were sold to Christie. Did the jewelry land straight in the States in the lap of Payseur heir afterwards?

And we have Vanderbilt and Astor ladies buying and wearing some of the jewelry of Marie-Antoinette and Empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III.

For the auction that took place it seems a few months ago, it looks like someone is short on money to me. Wonder whom really bought the jewelry?

9cc8d7 (10)  No.5415483>>5491721

File (hide): 861004cfe6884e5⋯.jpg (159.9 KB, 960x1218, 160:203, hillary-clinton-timothy-gr….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2197570c2c24c78⋯.jpg (175.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Al Smith dinner - Copy.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 83fdd9521d8813f⋯.jpg (77.34 KB, 1067x600, 1067:600, f_as_clinton_drugs_161020_….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 30240b3255db549⋯.jpg (418.98 KB, 800x600, 4:3, The look on Potus face.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 45878c9aacc751a⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Ruby Necklace Killary.jpg) (h) (u)


For someone whom were dead broke and in debt according to their own words when they left the WH, she surely has some nice and expensive jewelry pieces.

I wonder how much that Ruby necklace cost?

The look on Potus face is priceless. He knew from back then she is a traitor, and yet, look at her "pretending" to honor the national anthem.

And that man wearing the "maltese cross", remember, it's Merovingian symbol. So he is not seated there randomly in my opinion. That is a message sent to the "viewers". Remember the reactions of the 2 men sitting on each side of Potus while he was making his speech at that dinner.

9cc8d7 (10)  No.5416012>>5416479 >>5417046

File (hide): 9f0e391ebcbc55e⋯.png (566.46 KB, 590x732, 295:366, untitled.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): dd3fdc4ab86adc8⋯.png (472.65 KB, 590x389, 590:389, Good meme .png) (h) (u)

Piece number 13 of case on P = C = Clinton

Killary behaves as if she was entitled. Great meme.


"Like Marie Antoinette, today’s elites pretend to commiserate with the less fortunate.

Victor Davis Hanson writes: During the last days of the Ancien Régime, French Queen Marie Antoinette frolicked in a fake rural village not far from the Versailles Palace---the Hameau de la Reine (“the Queen’s hamlet”). “Peasant” farmers and herdsmen were imported to interact, albeit carefully, with the royal retinue in an idyllic amusement park. The Queen would sometimes dress up as a milkmaid and with her royal train do a few chores on the “farm” to emulate the romanticized masses, but in safe, apartheid seclusion from them."

"The French Revolution was already on the horizon and true peasants were shortly to march on Versailles, but the Queen had no desire to visit the real French countryside to learn of the crushing poverty of those who actually milked cows and herded sheep for a living. It is hard to know what motivated the queen to visit the Hameau---was it simply to relax in her own convenient and sanitized Arcadia, or was it some sort of pathetic attempt to better understand the daily lives of the increasing restivread the full story here,e French masses?"

"The American coastal royalty does not build fake farms outside of its estates. But these elites, too, can grow just as bored with their privileged lives as Marie Antoinette did. Instead of hanging out with milk maids in ornamental villages, our progressive elites, at the same safe distance from the peasantry, prefer to show their solidarity with the dispossessed through angry rhetoric."

"Lately, the entire Clinton clan has created a sort of Hameau de la Reine of the mind. Chelsea Clinton, for example, is married to hedge-fund operator Marc Mezvinsky (whose suspect Greek fund just went broke), and she once made over $600,000 for her part-time job as an NBC correspondent. She serves in a prominent role and is on the board of the non-profit billion-dollar Clinton Foundation, which has been cited for donating an inordinately small amount of its annual budget (often less than 15 percent) to charity work, while providing free jet travel for the Clinton family and offering sinecures for Clinton political operatives in between various Clinton campaigns."

"Explaining why she works at the Clinton Foundation and for other non-profits, Chelsea confessed, in Marie Antoinette style, that “I was curious if I could care about [money] on some fundamental level, and I couldn’t.” She cared enough, though, to purchase a $10.5 million Manhattan apartment not long ago rather than, say, rent a flat in the Bronx.

Her father, the multimillionaire Bill Clinton, is on the stump raking in huge amounts of campaign cash and reifying his liberal fides with accusations of racism against others. At one recent fundraiser, he claimed that he had found proof of Donald Trump’s encoded racism in the trite campaign slogan “Make America great again.” But the real problem with Trump’s signature catchphrase is not its supposed racism, but its banality---and it was borrowed, almost verbatim, from Bill Clinton’s own populist rhetoric from his previous campaigns. Even Marie Antoinette did not try to avoid the guillotine by crying that others also had followed her example of enjoying a fake peasant village."

"At a private fundraiser among New York elites, Hillary Clinton also damned the purported illiberal nature of Trump’s supporters and said they were “not America.” She suggested that half of his supporters were haters of America’s victimized---or that nearly one-quarter of the entire country commits race/class/gender thought crimes: “To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables.’ Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it.” At least Hillary did not tell the “deplorables” to eat proverbial cake."

They talk in the rest of the article about Hussein and Kaepernick.


4a41ad (12)  No.5416479>>5417046

File (hide): 1bb6b13e2cfb1c6⋯.jpg (15.11 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Remember this video.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 79fb39bc3d9e7f2⋯.jpg (11.97 KB, 237x213, 79:71, Breitbart.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 039f784e927e928⋯.png (67.52 KB, 457x342, 457:342, 7KETV.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): efe13a9dec44b06⋯.jpg (8.16 KB, 199x253, 199:253, Future president.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3e7daa705156854⋯.jpg (94.32 KB, 511x738, 511:738, newsweek-clinton-wins.jpg) (h) (u)


I've mentioned this before:

From Julian Assange twitter account on October 15 2017:

"There is something wrong with Hillary Clinton. It is not just her constant lying. It is not just that she throws off menacing glares and seethes thwarted entitlement. Watch closely. Something much darker rides along with it. A cold creepiness rarely seen."






4a41ad (12)  No.5417046>>5417205 >>5817606



Presenting piece number 14 in my case on Killary =" Let them eat cake". Killary & Chelsea SAME & EXACT Marie- Antoinette moment. Those words are not the slip of the tongue. For someone whom's every action, wardrobe, every word, every gesture is planned in advance, those comments taken from Marie-Antoinette are not a slip of the tongue nor a coincidence. There arguments if the words were TRULY said by Marie-Antoinett, but that isn't important, because it's more like a figurative way to talk than a direct message. This a reference to how indiferent the beheaded queen was to the suffering of her people, regardless if those were truly her words or not. It points out how French monarchy was senseless and selfish, ignoring the hunger and suffering of their "citoyens"



"“That’s your opinion.”

That was Hillary Clinton’s Sept. 26 debate response to Donald Trump’s contention that “Your husband signed NAFTA, which was one of the worst things that ever happened to the manufacturing industry.”

"That is why Clinton’s dismissive remark was perhaps her biggest gaffe of the presidential election campaign so far, particularly when one takes a close look at the electoral map. She could have at least acknowledged the losses and the possibility that the trade deals played a role. Instead she dismissed the concern with hand waving akin to Marie Antoinette’s supposed saying, “Let them eat cake.” Very risky. The one thing she cannot afford to lose are any more union households that traditionally vote Democrat in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan, who are greatly concerned by the economic decline the U.S. is experiencing.

Again, not opinion. The economic slowdown is real."




4a41ad (12)  No.5417205>>5817606

File (hide): 572754c598beb7c⋯.jpg (270.21 KB, 550x646, 275:323, AnnaLynne-McCord-as-Marie-….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 50bddb35028050f⋯.jpg (172.72 KB, 417x594, 139:198, Betty.jpg) (h) (u)


And here is a little mix of all the "stars" that simply love Marie-Antoinette. I bet ya it's all a coincidence. Re-read my drops on Madonna if anons cannot see the connection.


4a41ad (12)  No.5417240


Forgot this picture with earlier drop

3448ea (59)  No.5420618>>5421436



The purpose of this work is to make available to students of the ancient Near East-serious students of the Old Testament, we believe, are necessarily such-the most important extrabiblical texts in translations which represent the best understanding which present-day scholarship has achieved .

Many of the relevant texts have been hitherto accessible only in obscure and highly technical journals. Some have been circulated widely in translations which represent a stage of understanding now happily superseded by more thorough study . Yet other texts included here have not hitherto been published in translation into a modern language.


Sorry it's been awhile.

So, I know you probably find me annoying, but everyday I can't help but to love Fomenko more and more.

Of course I haven't read this whole massive tome yet, but I will dig into it later as it seems very interesting. But what really struck me was the introduction.

Again, and again this the case. Where did these "relevant texts" come from? What archives? When did those archives "find' them? Are they "originals" or copies?

My hunch is 100% of the time, every single one of their source documents were "rediscovered" or "surfaced" in the 1300-1500's.

Let me give you an example I just read about. Homer. Homer is completely bullshit. Trojan war happens in 1300BC, maybe 500 years later Homer comes along and writes a 1400 page epic poem about the event, all the while being blind as a bat. He doesn't write it down however. Another 200 years later, some royal decides to have his scribes write down this epic poem that's been memorised by poets for hundreds of years. Then, this writing gets LOST, and only resurfaces in the middle ages. Meanwhile, we have the Franks who make the ABSURD claim that they are direct decedents of the Trojans. What fantasy! Unless, of course, Troy fell in the middle ages, and indeed not long before the Franks migrated to France.

This is a vast simplified summary of what Fomenko wrote on it, so don't criticise me, read it for yourself and I challenge you to challenge his assumptions directly. Not the IDEA of it, but the EVIDENCE of it.


I know I keep bringing this up. But I am having a tremendously difficult time combating Fomenko's findings. They're VERY IMPORTANT to this research, as it will explain why these secret societies make so absurd claims and what motivates them forward. Once you come to terms that history, as we know it, is less than 1000 years old, it makes you really start digging into the MOTIVE of hiding our collective human history from us.

4a41ad (12)  No.5421436>>5424331


Good to see you Fomenko Anon,

It's true that you and I don't see eye to eye when it comes to Fomenko, but it sure is good to see you here.

The bibliographie out there about inscriptions is huge. I've just told you the 2 I remember of cause everything else is back at home. But you don't need me to dig them up, you can find any INSCRIPTION or epigraphy as in a text written on hard material like clay tablettes or stone heads. You can find them all for sure in the Library of Congress, the "bibliothèque nationale de France" and other big places like that. What is good about those texts are they are not capable of faking them. The grammar in them is a killer. One day, I hope I can take you along with me and show you the tables of Mari and Ebla, it's going to blow your mind away.

And just for the fun of things, let me tell you about a little story. Remember how I told you once my mentor and teacher is expert in greek and latin languages. Well, he has a friend expert in CUNEIFORM (old MESOPOTAMIAN writting system - sorry, I forgot it's name in english now). So one day, we got a call from that friend of his invinting us to spedn the day at the universoty lab and restoration room where he worked. We went there, thinking he made some huge new discovery. It turned out he was working on a tablette that came from the library of a palace and it was a food recipe.

So guess what us old folks did next? ^_^ we tried the recipe as written on the tablette. And it turned out to be a salad terribly similar to the LEBANESE Tabbuleh or Tabbouléh….. apart the tomatoes they added to it nowadays. It was one of the best and funnest days of my life. I've eaten a dish that is thousands of years old.

As for Fomenko, I've found 2 opposite paths for his work. One if a good path, as in along side the Aliance. And the other is a bad path, along side the Cabal. It's just theories for now. But I've been trying to check with "others" whom I know. I've been getting contradictory answers.

And by the way, I've showed the pictures of the Richat structure = the eye of Mauritania to 2 geologist whom I trust. And they were bewildered at first and they confirmed this being a blast; not a volcano exploding nor a meteor crash. I think I red pilled them with just showing them the pictures.

My best advice to you is what I told you before. Let the object on the ground verify if your text is real or not. No matter what the text is, even if it's the Bible. Do you get me anon? This way you have solid proof and no one on earth can argue with you. Don't take the text and try to find clues on the ground. Work the other way around. Look at the clues on the ground and see if it matches whatever text you are holding in your hand. You will do great stuff if you follow this method. Good luck!

4a41ad (12)  No.5424113>>5564732

File (hide): a98faa639d3c5b1⋯.png (26.42 KB, 1024x712, 128:89, Dragon's_Eye_symbol.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98502008119845f⋯.jpg (33.8 KB, 350x496, 175:248, Merovingian Dragons.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a9a5fa8cd74d8c8⋯.jpg (26.42 KB, 540x320, 27:16, RihannaUmbrellaBaphomet.jpg) (h) (u)



"The Dragon's Eye is an ancient Germanic symbol, according to Rudolf Koch.[1] The Dragon's Eye is an isosceles or equilateral triangle pointing downward, with a "Y" in the middle connecting the three points of the triangle together. According to Carl G. Liungman's Dictionary of Symbols, it combines the triangle meaning "threat" and the "Y" meaning a choice between good and evil.

The dragon's eye is used by the White Nationalist organization Identity Evropa"

This is Thomas anon. I'm gonna try to drop this in the general thread and see what I get.

3448ea (59)  No.5424331>>5425383


It is true that stones last longer than paper. However, how do you date writing on the stone? Only in context to what paper has told us and our assumptions of what those papers really said about the area and the assumed year of writing. You find a Roman coin with Constantine nearby, and from paper we can see that Constantine lived in the 300s and thus we'll date everything within the vacinity to being from the 300s. But if we misread the paper and actually "Constantine" lived in the 1200s, then what happens to archeology and all our assumptions?

If we have no Roman coins, then we can study the grammar of the text on the inscription. Except our assumptions about the evolution of grammar are also just that.

All of this is VERY sophisticated and abundant in circular reasoning and verification, we can escape the loop however if we be honest.

If all these myths and legends of yore are statistically identical to each other, then place them in order of increasing complexity. Find events you know for sure happened and if they're reflected with an earlier date, they must actually be clones of the future event sent backward. Now that you've begun your reconstruction, look again at the stones and etchings.

As for the alliance vs cabal? I don't buy the cabal stuff. I've seen some criticize him of such, and literally all of them haven't read his work. They just say he was educated in Soviet Russia therefore he cant be trusted. Nevermind that his research completely flies in the face of Marxist view of the progression of history.

4a41ad (12)  No.5425383>>5426064


Actually epigraphy and inscriptions aren't dated back from the written paper texts. Some are, but not all. Linguist, mostly ancient language study really heavily on the grammar and the evolution of the letterrs in the alphabet or the pictograms used. Just go take a look at the evolution of the Phoenician alphabet and how it differes from one region to another and in one area to another. that is one example. For an ordinary person, even for me whom isn't used to the texts, the eye cannot catch the difference and certainly not the grammar. But for the ones whom read and decifer texts like these on daily basis they can quickly catch it.

I was still quiet young and i was having lunch with my old mentor and teacher. Someone came rushing towards us like crazy in the cafeteria and that person was out of breath. He asked my teacher to abandon the afternoon classes and to go with him in order to see an newly discovered big find. My teacher said no. After a bit of insisting and arguments, my teacher agreed he would see pictures of the artifact but he won't leave campus ground. So that guy rushed back, and after a few hours came back with some other people and they brought the artifact with them. It was a small piece of chess pawn, that had an inscription on it (i'm not going to give more details about it). After barely a glance, my teache threw it in the garbage can in front of everyone. Just imagine everyone's horror. And he simply said: it's a fake. The owners rushed to pick it up and called my teacher names and said he was one big failure and they left. As for us the students we urged the teacher to tell us why he acted the way he did. He said it's because it really was a fake piece, a falsified artifact. When asked how he found out about it, he said that he only read the inscription and the grammar was not that of the language written on the artifact, it's a forgery.

a few months passed and while being in class our teacher got a phone call. After hanging up he told us that call came from the owners of that chess piece. They took it to carbon dating, it turned out to be a false piece dating back barely a decade ago and not older as everyone thought it was. It was one big forgery and since the one doing the forgery doesn't understand how the language is written he simply copied randomly a few words.

Do you see what I mean?

As for Fomenko being cabal or not. That has been puzzeling me as well. So i guess it's up to you to solve this riddle about how authentic Fomenko as a person is by digging about him. If you have been reading my drops, you know i don't leave a stone i don't turn. Go check him out, his family, his wife, his kids, his neighbors, his friends, where he works, who funded his work, where he used to hang out, what sort of studies he made, who published his work, who sponsored it, who are his connections. If you can follow the money, as in who was supporting his research. And if you smell just a hint of cabal smell, don't over look it, the alarm bells in your head must ring out loud and you should be even more careful while digging about him.

Good luck

7982e9 (18)  No.5425679>>5425766


repated. have a read. Hilldawg and martey torrey email. oh and there is a statue of Alice in Wonderland w/i walking distance of Roosevelt hotel in central park. Just below there are tunnels from the defunct Q-train subway route. also ties into that 5thavenueanon 666 tower dig you did a few days ago.

link to info on statue and tunnel


4a41ad (12)  No.5425700>>5425928

This is Thomas anon again,

Presenting piece number 15 about my case on P = C = Clinton.

This is a hard piece anons, it's a tricky one. First take a look at the date. Then you must be really good at reading between the lines.


"After the execution of her husband, she had fought to save her children only to have them all taken from her and then, to see, nightmarishly, her brainwashed eight-year-old son publicly and enthusiastically testify that she had indulged in unnatural sexual practices with him.

Her Austrian royal relatives abandoned her. Still, she never flinched during those final four years in hell.

Ordinary people who rise to testing times with great courage are not unknown but they are rare. On a more prosaic level, many women in the public eye find themselves suddenly mired in humiliating and difficult situations and make something admirable out of their pain.

Katharine Graham was facing abandonment by the disturbed husband she loved when he committed suicide. She overcame her own inexperience to run his newspaper empire (Newsweek, The Washington Post and television stations) with tremendous success.

Jacqueline Kennedy endured the assassination of her husband and the media vilification of her marriage to Ari Onassis to become an accomplished book editor and devoted mother, brave in her own premature death.

Hillary Clinton was never a slacker, always ambitious, but it takes something to turn your husband's public betrayal into the platform to launch your own spectacular political career.

Diane von Furstenberg rose like a comet and lived on glossy-magazine covers as one half of a Marie Antoinette socialite couple, spoiled for parties and fun."

I just put that extract just in case the article magically "vanishes".

Now again look at the date:

12:01AM BST 25 Oct 2006

Now look at the names of the modern day women mentioned in the article? What are the odds of those ladies being memberrs of the red shoe clan? What are the odds of them landing in an article along side pedophilia, insest and Marie-Antoinette?

Did a tiny bit of digging, ever since Nancy Reagan, all the first ladies had some sort of "articles linking" them to Marie-Antoinette, including Melania Trump but we know Flotus to use the symbolism of the Cabal to send messages, don't we anon? She has done it over and over again. So I think Melania and Potus know the link to Marie-Antoinette.

And i tried to see if the former first ladies (I've started with Nancy Reagan) can be linked in any way or any article to Empress Eugenie wife of Napoleon III or to Josephine wife of Napoleon I Bonaparte. The answer is NO. The focus is only on Marie-Antoinette .

4a41ad (12)  No.5425766>>5426164


sorry anon, I didn't understand the first words of your message. Thank you for the information about Alice. I still didn't have time to check about Jared Kushner building. And I was just wondering, the Standard hotel, what is it really about? Are there tunnels there? Can the Biltmore hotel chain be just like the Standard hotel was used for pedophilia? i mean, is there more to it all?

7982e9 (18)  No.5425928>>5426214


since you brought up Napolean in relation to all of this, it has been on my mind to mention, but i kept forgetting to post this little bit to keep in mind should it tie in on your future digs: Peysuers in New World for a few years, probably with a degree of confidence regarding how to remain hidden while furthering agenda when…. 1861 Napolean III campaigns for a beachhead siege of Mexico leading to defeat memorialized today as Cinco de Mayo. Peyseurs did want to use rail to expand southward from the confederacy, I wonder if shared aspiratuons were made known between peysuer and Napoleon lines

4a41ad (12)  No.5425962>>5644065

File (hide): 937774889190bb0⋯.jpg (57.67 KB, 636x382, 318:191, Roseanne Chelsea.jpg) (h) (u)

Presenting piece number 16 about my case on P = C = Clinton.

Now anons, here your help is much needed, for those whom have been reading my drops, please do tell me what you think.




"On Tuesday morning, Roseanne Barr went on a Twitter tirade against liberals, invoking conspiracy theories, lobbing a bizarre slur at Barack Obama’s top adviser Valerie Jarrett, and weirdly claiming Chelsea Clinton is married to a Soros.

So continues the political journey of the television star, whose eponymous ABC show was renewed for a second season after just one episode, and who is also one of the biggest promoters of online far-right conspiracy theories --- and a vocal supporter of President Trump. Earlier this year, Trump even called Barr to congratulate her on her show’s success and thank her for her support.

First, Barr accused Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, of being married to a nephew of billionaire philanthropist George Soros."

Now anons, here is where your help is needed = please answer honestly this question: Who do you believe and trust more, Roseanne Barr or the MSM + Chelsea Clinton ?

Roseanne gets my vote. How about you anons?

See how vehement Chelsea's reply is? Roseanne hit it in the bullseye. That was one very sensitive nerve she hit.

So anons, can you see how Soros was catapulted from the bottom of the pyramid to the top seat : Soros = +; instead of Rockefellers?

3448ea (59)  No.5426064


Yes your drops are good, keep it up.

As for Fomenko, you say you leave no stone unturned, have you actually read the bits of Fomenko I've been showing you? It's one thing to read others opinions of him, but you NEED to read him directly because all the critiques I've found so far seem to start by saying they haven't read him!! They just dismiss his ideas out of hand.

By the way, Fomenko talks EXTENSIVELY about grammar.

7982e9 (18)  No.5426164>>5426196 >>5426602 >>5498684

File (hide): 144688f01b86701⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 1072x1901, 1072:1901, Screenshot_20190227-201601….jpg) (h) (u)


within walking distance of the roosevelt hotel is a park. in that park is an art installation depicting alice in wonderland. Killary refers to the roosevelt hotel as wonderland in the email i attached above. underneath the paved streets in that exact area is unused subway tunnel from a now defunct line called the qtrain.

see pic. dot at lowest is hotel. middle is Rockefeller plaza 3rd is central park where alice statue is. as you can see walking distance. underneath. unused rail tunnel. wonderland? says Hillary

7982e9 (18)  No.5426196>>5438447 >>5498684

File (hide): b1b014d9e0027b0⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 1079x1910, 1079:1910, Screenshot_20190227-201901….jpg) (h) (u)

4a41ad (12)  No.5426214>>5429379

File (hide): 0231d84e46297e7⋯.jpg (17.37 KB, 260x335, 52:67, French revolution symbol.jpg) (h) (u)


^_^ Your instinct is right anon.

I've been reading a lot for decades. I have a lot in my head. And I know a lot. I have been facing the difficulty of finding stuff on the internet to present to you anons as proof of what I know mostly because it seems the internet was "scrubbed clean" from a lot of articles, writtings and pictures i've read before.

I have come to believe that Napoleon Bonaparte I and his "dynastie" was the creation of Payseur in response to the French Revolution.

For me, it goes this way:

- American independance war Bourbons helping americans made the Windsors loose. (red shoe clan members)

- Windsors (their ancestors) retaliated by causing the French revolution. Just take a long look at the symbolism and masonic ties of the revolutioneers and mostly Robespierre . But the revolution got out of hand; it's why there is a saying in French about this : " la révolution dévore ses enfants" = the revoltion devours it's own children. Creepy isn't it? (black eye clan members)

- When the republic came to France and Payseur fled to the States, he retaliated by creating Napoleon Bonaparte I. (red shoe clan members)

- Napoleon was defeated by english-german (prusian) alliance mostly (black eye clan members)

- WWI was ignited by Black eye members in order to take over Europe and rule it, eliminating in the process the remaining "cousins" of the red shoe clan, as in the Tsar of Russia and the Austro-Hungarian empire. But that failed.

- WWII was again ignited by Black eye clan members for the same goal as WWI. Red shoe clan fought back with creating the Alliance.

Now this is just a draft anon, it's just the main lines in my head. I'm neglecting this matter for now because i want Payseur heir's identity first. I have later on all the time in the world to research and check out if my draft is correct or not and what details I should work on. But this is what I have gathered in my head from all of those years of reading.

4a41ad (12)  No.5426602>>5427319


Holy Heavens anon! Now this is HUGE.

Do tell me how am I supposed to go to work and concetrate on working after reading this?

Pervez Musharraf is one big member of the cabal. The Pakistani intelligence has worked for decades hand in hand with mostly the Mossade, the MI6, the black CIA and the UAE and KSA intelligence units. Most of the time, those agencies use the Pakistani intelligence members to do the field work instead of them.

And KSA always donates HUGE to Pakistan where they sponsored a lot of "religious" schools, mosques, and I believe they encourage extremism as in Wahhabism. You can check that out online, there is plenty info about it. Follow the money. And I would like to point out that according to Q, KSA was bloody wonderland. And don't be surprised if you find a path leading you straight to Epstein Island. I keep on saying it, but no one believes me, Clintons are the boss of Epstein. They are not simple visitors there. And Clintons are the true head of NXIVM. Mossad is heavily involved as well, they work hand in hand with Clintons.

How do you think the Clintons and the Mossad have such an "influence" over the us congressmen and senate?

So now, we can link Payseur to Killary directly. Can this be added (with your approval) to the case I'm present as in P = C = Clinton? Can I tie this to the case on Killary as piece 17.

Now my nose is telling me there is something fishy about the Phoenix Arizone hotel, mostly because of those revolving doors and secret rooms and such stuff. I also suspect the one in Los Angeles where they shot all of those music videos in as well as both hotels in Florida and the one in Rhodes Island. is there a way we can find "clues" about those hotels, as you did about the Roosvelt one?

7982e9 (18)  No.5427319>>5433465


by all means Bring it on home sir! it seems we criss and cross in the paths of our digs. You have an eye for the bigger picture as my ability is limited by academic and familial obligations. as a result I know my finds are sporadic. Be that as it may, I wholeheartedly concur regarding where hindsight will show the providience of the Clintons to be in this web. I have yet to find an iota of corruption that I can recall here, in which they were not involved even if at least tangentially. Also, to all I know and have learned and seen your analysis of Pak ISI is spot on. Damien of the intel world.

3448ea (59)  No.5429379>>5433577


Wow. Love this French revolution theory!

I'm certain shit really started all around the late 18th century.

1775 Pugoslav Rebellion crushed by Catherine the Great (end of Tartaria)

1776 American Revolution

1789 French Revolution

1804 Napoleon

By the way. Was watching a great documentary on the Byzantine Empire (I'll find it later) but there's this one famous tapestry in Venice where the Emperor put himself above Christ. All the anointed saints from terrestrial origins wear RED SHOES, but the artist slighted the Emperor with black shoes…. The know it all narrator proudly says! What if it wasn't a snub?

Also, Fomenko makes a claim I haven't been able to verify, that Soldiers of Mithras wear Red Boots. Fomenko believes Mithraism precedes Christianity and is an esoteric order of Christians. He actually presents some good arguments for it.

3448ea (59)  No.5429472

Btw! Just want to be clear that Fomenko 8s NOT opposed to modern scholarship and methods. He employs them expertly! He's extremely scientific and coldly rational.

Imagine picking up Livy and being told to date the events within on our Ad system. The only way to do so is by bouncing off references to other works. Thus if you trust the conclusion of another chronologer, you can reference this and that and throw up a date.

Fomenko looks at ALL the works and legends at once and his team doesn't allow any other chronologers dates be valid. He takes all the knowledge, science, scholarship, archeology methods we have today and begins FROM SCRATCH.

His conclusion is, if we are to date from the nativity, the year is approximately 966ad RIGHT NOW

3448ea (59)  No.5429586

I mean look at this!

The Gothic war is statistically identical to the Trojan war. They were the same! And neither happened in Rome or Troy, in reality both stories are originally set at Constantinople

d1ba9d (2)  No.5433465


This is Thomas Anon. Good day.

You are right Anon! Should I call you Damine of the Intel world? This is one HUGE spider web. I don't know if you have been reading my drops in the earlier thread you would know that I've been calling for anons from diferent threads and areas of expertise to join their froces and finds so we can reconstruct this huge spider web as Q himself asked us to do = I think this is the map he refers to.

And we can also reconstruct the distorted history they have been feeding us. i don't know all, and there are stuff that are getting to me hard, like this satanic occult stuff, my blood pressure is shooting off like crazy. I knew about the pedophilia around 2 decades ago, but I never thought it was this rampant and that it went beyond pedophilia, mutating into the pedovore. Such subjects I'm trying to walk slowly into them cause I'm not in an age that allows me to dive easily into them.

So anything, any anon can bring into the research is very good. This is a huge spider web and no one holds all the pieces, no one knows ALL of the truth. We must bring the pieces together, glew them, and construct the big picture.

I'm far from the States, my time zone is very different. I've been stuck at the office for about a week now because of the weather, that is why I have time on my hands, I'm getting off work earlier too, still because of the weather.

If you want to read my earlier drops they start here and go down a chain:


But if you want to skip the historic part, not interested in it, you can start here when it comes to the Bloodline families and how they connect.


I believe Rhodes Island to be important because of general Flynn's twitter banner. It lead me to Marble House and Belcourt. It's a long read, I know that, but I believe it will help you understand the bigger pricture and how things are tide one to another = the dynamics of it all.


One of the reasons why I think Marble house and Belcourt are important is because of the wallpaper and the couch fabric. Look at the pattern well. And I've also found a very important rail line that passes through there and goes all the way up to Canada. When i went back to take another look at those documents I've found about the rail, i was told the search couldn't be found. Odd, right?

And another thing I've noticed, there are very big thick veins of the Cabal tentacles going into Canada, the French part linked to Payseur and the English part linked to the Windsors. I didn't touch Canada, didn't dig there at all, but I think I will eventually. All I know this is beyond the territory of the States.

As for Pakistan, I guess you are seeing what is taking place right now with India. I bet the cabal would love to start a war, mostly a nuclear war, in order to use that as a cover. But did you also notice that Mohamed bin Salman was just there a couple of days before this latest "spark" between India and Pakistan started? There are rumors floating that bin Salman had paid largely to Pakistan for it to start this spark with India. I believe Pakistan is heavily infiltrated by cabal operatives. I believe they've got bases in caverns and underground. They use that place for jihadist training and recrutment. If there is going to peace in Afghanistan, Pakistan must be taken care of first. And if Potus is going to clean Iran, Pakistan must be taken care of first as well.

So whatever you can do to help put this spider web together, reconstruct it, it would be great. Finding that "Alice" near the hotel was incredible. There are some issues I'm not going into on purpose for now, some are extremely delicate and may cause uproar, while others Potus is still working on them and I don't want to step into his work, I want to give him space and time to make things right.

d1ba9d (2)  No.5433577>>5434040


^_^ it's good to hear that.

Well, I've also managed to go beyond the french revolution, and it's linked the problems England had, like when they took out the king for a while (forgot his name for now, sorry) then, I think we can glimb backwards a bit more and go to Elizabeth I and the Stuarts and Henry VIII. I think this is all red shoe clan messing with Black eye clan and vise vers ça. One hits the other, and the other repays them by hitting back. i believe I can go all the way back to the "100 years war" but I haven't checked it so far back then. I have loads of ground to cover anon, and my hands are already full.

I have been reading what you have been putting. But my hands are really full. in my opinion Fomenko and wait a bit, because find Payseur heir is limited in time. Q did put Killary in a triple killbox, didn't he? How much time do you think there is to find out who the heir of Payseur is before the big ONES are arrested? Two, 3 or 4 months at most? I'm not ignoring, but damn! I want to unmask that bastard (sorry about that) Payseur heir badly. i don't want him/her to go down as McStain did without us anons knowing their true identity. I hope you can help out in that area as well. Take good care.

5844a4 (11)  No.5433998>>5442543


Look here?

No, look over there---

[Is it a set up?]

Have we all been lied to again?---sheep to the slaughter?

Who's negotiating with the Papacy to bring about NWO in the name of peace, while they ff the wars of hate to herd the masses into we are the world one world religion???

Who's so busy uniting Church & State? Who's the head of the snake? Who serves the chair? Who is Evil setting us up to bow to him?

The 3 All created stand alone corporations---

All bow to the chair to give

Control to the beast, and they worship the dragon.

Never forget

DC(political arm=moves the world) District of Columbia.

Vatican(Papacy controls consciousness, the Pope. NOT God's Word, NOT teachings of Jesus)

London (controls the bankers-Vatican bankers) London District.

Revelation 13:15



Christians remain true and faithful.

Do not forsake the Lord. Do not bow down to Evil.


3448ea (59)  No.5434040



Here's the video I mentioned with a time stamp at the spot (2:09:10)

5844a4 (11)  No.5434656>>5434702

Q explain this Q

[anons, appealing to your autistic skills not to be duped]

he died for this too

JFK---"I believe in an America where the separation of Church and State is absolute-- where no Catholic prelate would tell the President (should he be President) how to act….I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish— where no public official either requests or accepts instructions on public policy from the Pope, the National Council of Churches or any other ecclesiastical source — (JFK to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association, September 12, 1969)


Donald Trump Vowed to Close the Gap between Church and State. By Jeff Nesbit, August 1, 2016.

Trump's evangical advisory board

The list is great --- NWO Illuminati puppets. mega pastors. ex senators. etc.

One example: Kenneth Copeland. "blessed the pope" and laid hands on the President.

What's really going on here?

Dismantling laws that separate chuch from state, maga negotiating with the papacy? Why not? Isn't DC under submission to Rome? What has changed? Nothing. The appearance of a little very dramatic swamp drain is a planned move. General Sun Tzu says there are 5 kinds of spys, including the "doomed spy." The Jesuits plant them everywhere on all sides, all over the world, all oathed to Rome, all willing to die because the means justifies the end. It's trickery. 32° Masons take their oath on a Koran. Jesuits -the black pope- is the white popes military order, along with the Knights of Malta. Research the Knights of Malta in our government.


Know that

God's prophesies are true and will never change.


http//www.politico.com/story/2016/06/trump-evangical-advisory board-224612

By Nick Gass 6/21/16 02:34 PM EST


Goal: Reunification of All churches under a central power = bow to the pope

Trump: "I have such tremendous respect and admiration for this group and I look forward to continuing to talk about the issues important to the Evangelicals, and all Americans, and the common sense solutions I will implement when I am president…"

The beasts.


First beast.

This is where wisdom is needed; those who understand should count the number of the beast, for it is a number of a person, and it's number is 666. Rev 13:18




This is when God's holy people must preserve and trust!

Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth. It had two horns like those of a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast, the one whose fatal wound had been healed….Rev.13. Tead Revelation 13 in the context of Jesuit history. (1798 there seemed a fatal wound. But it was only a deception).


Read the Jesuit oath:


Why are ALL of our presidents Jesuit trained?

Why are they from the bloodlines?

5844a4 (11)  No.5434702

File (hide): 8f85122ba8e621f⋯.gif (10.62 KB, 400x350, 8:7, illumina.gif) (h) (u)


It's all --every action and word– a dragon lie. One World religion is a lie.

It's serving the chair.

Who thinks he is god.

5844a4 (11)  No.5434794

File (hide): f44cb62bc6cdcc2⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 450x556, 225:278, paul-vi-a.jpg) (h) (u)


Read these records from the popes.

They say the intercessor is mother mary! There is only one intercessor: Jesus Christ! Only one. They mock every promise God has made to us. Satan reversed everything. They erase Jesus Christ. This is what's coming.

Pope Paul VI (pope from June 21, 1963, to August 6, 1978):

"The Church … been accustomed to have recourse to that most ready intercessor, her Mother Mary … For as St. Irenaeus says, she 'has become the cause of salvation for the whole human race.'" (Source: Christi Matri)

5844a4 (11)  No.5434834

File (hide): 1e0a596b314bda2⋯.jpg (105.75 KB, 708x833, 708:833, jp-ii.jpg) (h) (u)

Blessed Pope John Paul II (pope from Oct 16, 1978, to April 2, 2005)

"Don't go to God for forgiveness of sins: come to me." (Source: Los Angeles Times, December 12, 1984.)

5844a4 (11)  No.5434879

File (hide): b03dd42713255d1⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 400x526, 200:263, john-xxiii-1.jpg) (h) (u)

They made him sovereign over all the world. Satan's kingdom….

Blessed Pope John XXIII (October 28, 1958, to June 3, 1963

“Into this fold of Jesus Christ no man may enter unless he be led by the Sovereign Pontiff and only if they be united to him can men be saved…" (Source: Pope John XXIII, Coronation Homily, Nov. 4, 1958.)

5844a4 (11)  No.5434932

File (hide): 317b47dab998263⋯.jpg (36.72 KB, 474x358, 237:179, pius-xii.jpg) (h) (u)

Pope Pius XII (pope from March 2, 1939, to October 9, 1958):

"We teach,…We declare that the Roman Church by the Providence of God holds the primacy of ordinary power over all others, and that this power of jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff, which is truly episcopal, is immediate. Toward it, the pastors and the faithful of whatever rite and dignity, both individually and collectively, are bound by the duty of hierarchical subordination and true obedience, not only in matters which pertain to faith and morals, but also in those which concern the discipline and government of the Church spread throughout the whole world, in such a way that once the unity of communion and the profession of the same Faith has been preserved with the Roman Pontiff, there is one flock of the Church of Christ under one supreme shepherd. This is the teaching of the Catholic truth from which no one can depart without loss of faith and salvation." (Source: Pope Pius XII, Ad Apostolorum Principis (On Communism And The Church In China), Encyclical Promulgated on June 29, 1958, #46)

5844a4 (11)  No.5434982

File (hide): 62e6546c234c303⋯.jpg (73.14 KB, 606x753, 202:251, pius-xi.jpg) (h) (u)

What in hell is this? Save us from the hands of Satan, Satan proclaims…


Pope Pius XI (pope from February 6, 1922, to February 10, 1939):

"What will it cost you, oh Mary, to hear our prayer? What will it cost you to save us? Has not Jesus placed in your hands all the treasures of His grace and mercy? You sit crowned Queen at the right hand of your son: your dominion reaches as far as the heavens and to you are subject the earth and all creatures dwelling thereon. Your dominion reaches even down into the abyss of hell, and you alone, oh Mary, save us from the hands of Satan." (Source: http://www.reachingcatholics.org/polytheistic.html;http://earnestlycontending.com/maranatha/?p=743)

5844a4 (11)  No.5435190

File (hide): 27564ee596bc2e9⋯.jpg (98.88 KB, 400x647, 400:647, pius-ix-a (1).jpg) (h) (u)

Know that, to this very day, absolutely nothing has changed in Rome, nothing. Through, Nimrod, son of Ham, heir to Enoch, son of Cain, "Ceasar" rules over evil. And that is not the same Enoch that walks with God through Seth's line. These walk with Satan. All are builders… Freemasons claim the Tower of Babel in their works.


Blessed Pope Pius IX (pope from June 16, 1846, to February 7, 1878):

Blessed Pope Pius IX (pope from June 16, 1846, to February 7, 1878):

"I alone…am the successor of the apostles, the vicar of Jesus Christ..I am the way, the truth, and the life…" (Source: History of the Christian Church, by Henry Charles Sheldon, p. 59.)

"The foundation of all our confidence is found in the Blessed Virgin Mary. God has committed to her the treasury of all good things, in order that everyone may know that through her are obtained every hope, every grace, and all salvation. For this is His will: That we obtain everything through Mary." (Source: Ubi Primum, 1849.)

"Socialism, Communism, clandestine societies, Bible societies… pests of this sort must be destroyed by all means." (Source: The encyclical Quanta Cura, Issued December 6, 1866.)

5844a4 (11)  No.5435369>>5437749 >>5506646

File (hide): ca58c9604fffba1⋯.jpg (93.63 KB, 574x800, 287:400, innocent-iii.jpg) (h) (u)

Who gets burned? Who is human sacrificial material to Satan? It is [we] who believe in the Word who is Christ our savior, who are in the kill box.

Who saves us?

Not the Pope. Not Mary.

Who is killing us starting every evil war and devision?

The Pope's military.

The Jesuits. The Knights of Malta.

Look at the symbols.

Who is bringing in the NWO?

Look carefully at every event.

Do not be complacent looking over there…

Look here.

God's Word will be fulfilled.

Prophesies will be fulfilled.


Pope Innocent III (pope from February 22, 1198, to July 16, 1216)

"We may according to the fullness of our power, dispose of the law and dispense above the law. Those whom the Pope of Rome doth separate, it is not a man that separates them but God. For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the true God." (Source: "Decretals of Greogory IX," Book 1, chapter 3.)

"Anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with church dogma must be burned without pity." (Source: Papal Bull, 1198. This quote comes from Peter Tompkins, Symbols of Heresy in THE MAGIC OF OBELISKS, p.57 (New York: Harper, 1981))

7982e9 (18)  No.5437749

I must have gotten confused.


for a second I thought ((YOU)) were we're the ghost of Billy Mays cuz all I saw were SLIDERS

39644b (12)  No.5438447>>5438652 >>5439439

File (hide): 9d27787b62ac492⋯.jpg (328.23 KB, 1024x687, 1024:687, Alice-in-Wonderland-centra….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8f7b26e3837bc5d⋯.jpg (571.08 KB, 1500x996, 125:83, pAliceInWonderland_NY - Co….jpg) (h) (u)


This is Thomas Anon again,

First let me thank Fomenko anon for the video link & thank Damien of the intel world for his "Alice" discovery near the Roosevelt.

So of course I looked at this "Alice".


"One large sculpture depicts Alice, from Lewis Carroll's 1865 classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The statue is located on East 74th Street on the north side of Central Park's Conservatory Water. Alice is pictured sitting on a giant mushroom reaching toward a pocket watch held by the White Rabbit. Peering over her shoulder is the Cheshire cat, flanked on one side by the dormouse, and on the other by Mad Hatter, who in contrast to the calm Alice looks ready to laugh out loud at any moment. Publisher and philanthropist George T. Delacorte Jr. ordered the sculpture from José de Creeft, in honor of Delacorte's late wife, Margarita, and to the enjoyment of the children of New York. Unveiled in 1959, de Creeft's sculpture tries to follow John Tenniel's whimsical Victorian illustrations from the first edition of the book. According to various sources, Alice is said to look like de Creeft's daughter Donna. The Alice in Wonderland project's architects and designers were Hideo Sasaki and Fernando Texidor, who inserted some plaques with inscriptions from the book in the terrace around the sculpture. Margarita's favorite poem, "The Jabberwocky" is also included; chiseled in a granite circle surrounding the sculpture:

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe

The design of the sculpture attracts many children who want to climb its many levels, resulting in the bronze's glowing patina, polished by thousands of tiny hands over the years since the sculpture was unveiled. It was cast at Modern Art Foundry Astoria Queens NY. The sculpture was in the music video of Slick Ricks Children's Story."

Did anons catch the name where it was cast?

And before I go looking into the rabbit hole, I have some observations I want to share with anons reading this.

1 - Is the "foundation" (rolling eyes) another charitable foundation.

2 - What does that little "poem" = twinkle etc REALLY means?

3 - Did the anons notice where the statue is resting upon? I tried to look for pictures of many angles but couldn't. And I also tried to look at pictures taken from the air of the statue, I also didn't find any. Why am i so interested in the circle?

Well anons, if you look closely, this disk is no coincidence. I have tones of questions swerling my head about it: How many "pieces" there are about it, from the pictures I've seen, it looks like the circle is made out 24 parts. Can anyone living near give us a visual confirmation, please?

So why do i think it's important, well, I think it's symbolic. i mean we have 24 hours per day. And if you take 2 pieces at a time, we have 12 hours = so is this a clock? And we also can have the 12 signs of the zodiac. I wonder if there are any signs or inscriptions of that circular platform or around on the bench area or on the trees? And we also could have the 12 months of the year. As well as the 4 seasons of the year. And we also can have the 4 cardinal points as in North-South-East-West.

I'm not saying this is the case, I'm saying this needs to be checked out, verified. A compass is needed anons as well in order to see the "direction" or "orientation" of the statue: is it facing East? West? or any other direction? A

I also want to know the AXIS of the statue. By that I mean if you look at it's location from above, does it axis cross with the hotel? And if the Rockefeller building is near by, does it cross with that? Or maybe does it cross with other statues or "monuments" in central park. In my reading about the "Alice" statue, I've noticed some "other" stuff in cetral park.

I'm asking all of these questions about the axis of the Alice statue because i want to see if we can reconstruct an image or symbol seen from above, like the Vatica "key" and how Wash. DC. monuments are place strategicially.

And I was wondering the latitude could also have a meaning. Just like the latitude where JFK was shot and killed, that one had a meaning?

So if any anon reading this wants to help, that would great.

39644b (12)  No.5438652


As I was looking for other "Alice" statues around the word, just out of curiosity, these, in the U.K. caught my attention. Mostly the one crossing the ARCH. That reminded me of the Arch of St-Louis. Is the arch used as some sort of dimensional passage way or doorway; you know, going from one dimension to another, or from one realm to another?

is this what we are seeing in St-Louis and in the Alice Statue of the U.K?

now this was a little side note from my part.

39644b (12)  No.5439439>>5439585


I naturally went to see Delacourt Jr. but found nothing interesting. I then went to check on the sculptor José de Creeft.


"José Mariano de Creeft (November 27, 1884 - September 11, 1982) was a Spanish-born American artist, sculptor, and teacher known for modern sculpture in stone, metal, and wood, particularly figural works of women.[1][2] His 16 ft bronze Alice In Wonderland climbing sculpture in Central Park is well known to both adults and children in New York City. He was an early adopter, and prominent exponent of the direct carving approach to sculpture. He also developed the technique of lead chasing, and was among the very first to create modern sculpture from found objects. He taught at Black Mountain College, the Art Students League of New York, and the New School for Social Research. His works are in the Whitney Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, the Smithsonian American Art Museum, and many other public and private collections.[1][3][4] "

"José de Creeft was born in Guadalajara, Spain, on November 27, 1884 to Mariano de Creeft y Masdeu and Rosa Champane y Ortiz. Four years later the family moved to Barcelona. In 1890, when his father died leaving the family destitute, de Creeft, his mother and two sisters moved in with an aunt. At six years of age, de Creeft took his first job earning pennies by carrying stone and sand at the construction site of La Sagrada Familia, designed and built by the architect Antonio Gaudi. "

>>> Sagrada Familia cathedral is one of the creepiest places I've ever been in my life. I personally didn't like it one iota.

"In 1905, he moved to Paris. Upon the recommendation of Ignacio Zuloaga, and with the concurrence of Rodin, he entered the Académie Julian where he studied for two years. He opened his first studio at 14 rue Chamberry before establishing a second studio at the Bateau Lavoir in Montmartre, where he interacted with Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris, Manolo, and Pablo Gargallo, who also had studios there. During this period, de Creeft befriended the artist Mateo Hernandez"

>>> My personal opinion, I dislike big time Picasso and Salvador Dali, I found their work "disturbing". That is just me anons.

"De Creeft was awarded the Grand Prix in the 1906 Concours de Sculpture exhibition at the Académie Julian for his piece in clay, "Torso," which was the first recognition he had ever received for his work.[9]

After a time in Spain, he returned to Paris in 1909, where he exhibited for the first time at the Salon de la Société des Artistes Français, showing a bronze head of a man and a plaster bust of a child. From 1909-1928 he exhibited periodically at the Société des Artistes Français, Société d’Encouragement Aux Artes, Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Salon d’Automne, Salon des Artes, Salon des Tuileries, Salon des Artes Indépendents, Exposición de Bellas Artes, Salon des Humoristes, and the Exposición de Artes Decorativas y Industriales Modernas"

>>> Such high honors for such a young man. Lucky guy, maybe not.

"From 1911-14 he was employed at the workshop of La Maison Greber, learning traditional techniques of reproducing sculpture in stone with pointing machines known as "mise aux point". In 1915, he eschewed the purely classical methods of sculpture which consisted of copying from plaster models and enlarging with a pointing machine. He began using the technique of "taille directe", or direct carving. He referred to this method of carving as “pure sculpture.” Inspired by modernism, de Creeft destroyed all his previous casts, molds, and clay pieces. When he had destroyed all but two pieces, his friend Julio de Diego came to visit him. They took the remaining two sculptures outside to the traffic circle surrounding the Arc de Triomphe and placed bets on which car would hit which sculpture. "

"In 1925, de Creeft developed another new technique, now known as found object, or assemblage art, when he was asked to create a piece for the Gran Bal Español by the world-famous flamenco dancer Vicente Escudero. At the time, de Creeft was bedridden with fever and flu. Upon being told the piece must be ready in days, de Creeft dismantled his stove to create Le Picador, an eight-foot figure on horseback. Adding used tire tubes to depict the horse's intestines protruding from its belly, de Creeft paraded his piece through the streets of Paris to great acclaim and the event received worldwide press coverage."

39644b (12)  No.5439585>>5441317


"In 1929, de Creeft married an American, Alice Robertson Carr, in London. She had been one of his private students in Paris. While in Paris, Alice Carr also studied etching with de Creeft's friend Stanley W. Hayter. Later, she became well known for her bronze portraits of show and race horses. Alice Carr and José de Creeft traveled to the United States in June, 1929. This was de Creeft's first trip to America, and the newly married couple stayed with Alice's father."

>>> Is it a coincidence his wife's name is ALICE? Just wondering anons. And did anons catch the "Arc de Triomphe"? For those whom've been reading my drops, they already know it's not far from where Louis XVI was beheaded, at place de la Concorde where there is the Luxor Obelisk and that place is in the 8th arrondissement at the EAST of the Arc de Triomphe. See the symbolism anons?

"Santa Barbara, California became his home for three months during 1937 while he visited his wife and children. During that stay trip he exhibited watercolors and sculpture at the Faulkner Memorial Art Gallery, Santa Barbara, California."

" As war came to Spain and then the rest of Europe in the 1930s, many artists emigrated to the United States, and de Creeft was reconnected with a number of his artist friends from Spain, including Esteban Vicente, Luis Quintanilla Isasi, Salvador Dali. "

"In 1944, de Creeft taught in the notable summer program at Black Mountain College, North Carolina. During that term, he met his future wife, Lorrie Goulet, of Los Angeles, CA. who was studying there. They were married the following November in a ceremony performed by Society of Ethical Culture. While at Black Mountain College, de Creeft met the director and artist Joseph Albers, his wife Annie and the architect Walter Gropius (all formerly of the Bauhaus school) as well as the Spanish architect Josep Lluis Sert and the French artists Jean Charlot and Amedee Ozenfant. That same year he began teaching at The Art Students' League, was elected to Board of Directors of the Society of Independent Artists and had a solo exhibition at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. "

"He was commissioned to do a bronze sculpture group of Alice In Wonderland, by George T. Delacorte Jr. as a memorial for his wife, Margarita in 1956. The 12’ x 16’ bronze work, near 74th street in Central Park, was dedicated by Parks Commissioner Robert Moses during a gala public event in 1959. The sculpture was intended to be climbed on by children. De Creeft's daughter, Donna Maria was the model for the face of Alice. In 1995, the short film, The Making of Jose de Creeft’s Alice In Wonderland Sculpture Garden -- Narrated By Lorrie Goulet was produced and directed by J. D’Alba. Due to the amount of usage the piece received, the mold it was cast from was eventually stored by the Parks Department for future replacements. The monument, one of de Creeft's major works, gave him worldwide recognition."

>>> Oh yes! just do a sculpture related to pedophilia and you will get world wide recognition. Just great! This irritates me big time anons.

"The Whitney Museum held the first major retrospective of de Creeft's work In May 1960, organized by the American Federation of Arts.[23] The exhibition traveled for the next two years to thirteen museums throughout the United States. That summer, de Creeft and his family spent three months driving through France, Italy and Spain, visiting the places where he had worked and lived, including the Fortaleza in Mallorca to survey the damages to his outdoor works that were inflicted during the Spanish Civil War. During the trip they had the occasion to visit his friend Salvador Dalí at his house in Cadaqués.[24]

In 1965, de Creeft exhibited at The White House in the Festival of the Arts, where he and Goulet attended the opening dinner in the Rose Garden hosted by Lady Bird Johnson. "

>>>> We have the Whitneys, related to the Vanderbilts, (remember my earlier drops?) and invited to the WH by first lady Johnson, just great!

"De Creeft became one of three American artists chosen to be represented in The Vatican Permanent Collection of Religious Art, Rome, Italy, when the museum purchased his work, The Baby’s Sleep in 1972. He was awarded the "Comendador" of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, Madrid, Spain in 1973."

>>> Oh the Vatican!

39644b (12)  No.5439726>>5442522 >>6038907

File (hide): ebfc474f718857a⋯.png (175.44 KB, 832x535, 832:535, Q drop 992 - Copy.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3dffaf7c666e79f⋯.jpg (177.6 KB, 717x1080, 239:360, Paris_ObeliskConcordre.jpg) (h) (u)


I just noticed something. Please check out Q drop 992.

Concord in English is written with the (e) letter at the end, while in French, it's written wit adding an (e) = Concord(e).

Is this what Q has been telling us about?

I've been researching about Concord in the States, but could I have been wrong and this is the Concord Q was pointing to?

It's where Louis XVI was beheaded. That's Payseur's daddy.

Gosh! how could I not see this before?

39644b (12)  No.5441317>>5441595 >>5644065 >>6062445

File (hide): d9c3e366da5c8cc⋯.png (654.09 KB, 820x622, 410:311, Neonrevolt-2018-04-04.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f680d009c6f1d6a⋯.png (831.23 KB, 1298x990, 59:45, Neon revolt article 2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3ba4ba129891126⋯.jpg (396.43 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Neonrevolt article.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 59b72aba8742458⋯.jpg (115.07 KB, 750x616, 375:308, Neonrevolt article 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): adee0ab2f9af230⋯.png (244.28 KB, 915x911, 915:911, Neonrevolt _2018-04-04_15-….png) (h) (u)


What comes next is a bombshell anons,

first, please, please, I insist go read Neon Revolt's article about 666 5th avenue. All credit goes to the anons whom worked on this, the one whom sent me the link, and of course Neon Revolt and 5th avenue anon.


The pictures of the pentagram are taken from Neon Revolt's article. Please go read it anons.

Now for the anons whom have been reading my drops from the earlier thread, does it ring a bell? It did for me. I've made drops about this in place in the ealier thread.

39644b (12)  No.5441595>>5441893

File (hide): 4ce53d9d501b6bd⋯.jpg (207.99 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 666 5th avenue.jpg) (h) (u)


Please anons, I know it's long, but do read these older posts of mine. They will make you see and understand how it's linked to the 666 5th avenue.


















Alva Erskine Smith Vanderbilt Belmont was the ONE WHOM BUILT THE HOUSE ON THAT SPECIFIC LOCATION. She is a very active member of the suffragette movement. Her daughter Consuelo is married to the duke of Marlborough, cousin of Winston Churchil. Alva has decorate "Petit chateau (=little castle in French) like the palace of Versailles and she even bought Marie-Antoinette own personal desk. And as I just dropped yesterday, Consuelo bought some of the French royal jewelry when they were auctioned by the third republic in France. And please do take a look at Marble House and to Belcourt in Rhodes Island.

There is no way in Hell that the Cabal is going to give up this location.

I've been suspecting for a LOONNGGG time now of Alva being part of the Payseur family. Heck! She even might be the head of that family. Could P = C = Consuelo?

Then how does Soros and Killary fit in all of that?

And please do check on the map. We need to redraw that pentagram. We need to connect the 666 5th avenue building to Rothschild, Rockefeller center, to Alice in central park and to the Obelisk in central park….. that is comming in my next drop just after this one. And we shouldn't forget the Roosevelt hotel which was part of the Biltmore hotel chain.

39644b (12)  No.5441893>>5442231


So I checked if there are other "structures" or "statues" in central park that have symbolism related to them.

And the first thing that caught my attention was the Obelisk, called the "Needle of Cleopatra"


"Cleopatra's Needle in New York City is one of three similar named Egyptian obelisks and was erected in Central Park (at

40°46′46.67″N 73°57′55.44″W, west of the Metropolitan Museum of Art) on 22 February 1881. It was secured in May 1877 by judge Elbert E. Farman, the United States Consul General at Cairo, as a gift from the Khedive for the United States remaining a friendly neutral as the European powers -- France and Britain – maneuvered to secure political control of the Egyptian government.

Made of red granite, the obelisk stands about 21 metres (69 ft) high, weighs about 200 tons,[1] and is inscribed with Egyptian hieroglyphs. It was originally erected in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis on the orders of Thutmose III, in 1475 BC.[1] The granite was brought from the quarries of Aswan, near the first cataract of the Nile. The inscriptions were added about 200 years later by Ramesses II to commemorate his military victories. The obelisks were moved to Alexandria and set up in the Caesareum -- a temple built by Cleopatra in honor of Mark Antony or Julius Caesar – by the Romans in 12 BC, during the reign of Augustus, but were toppled some time later. This had the fortuitous effect of burying their faces and so preserving most of the hieroglyphs from the effects of weathering. "

"The original idea to secure an Egyptian obelisk for New York City came out of the March 1877 New York City newspaper accounts of the transporting of the London obelisk. The newspapers mistakenly attributed to a Mr. John Dixon the 1869 proposal of the Khedive of Egypt, Mehmet Ali Pasha, to give the United States the remaining Alexandria obelisk as a gift for increased trade. Mr. Dixon was the 1877 contractor who arranged the transport of the London obelisk and denied the newspaper accounts. In March 1877 and based on the newspaper accounts, Mr. Henry G. Stebbins, Commissioner of the Department of Public Parks of the City of New York, undertook to secure the funding to transport the obelisk to New York.[2] However, when railroad magnate William H. Vanderbilt was asked to head the subscription, he offered to finance the project with a donation of over $100,000.[3]

Stebbins then sent two acceptance letters to the Khedive through the Department of State which forwarded them to Judge Farman in Cairo. Realizing that he might be able to secure one of the two remaining upright obelisks --- either the mate to the Paris obelisk in Luxor or the London mate in Alexandria — Judge Farman formally asked the Khedive in March 1877, and by May 1877 he had secured the gift in writing"

"The obelisk was placed on an obscure site, some yards behind the museum. This location appeared to be a site decided by Vanderbilt's wishes. Gorringe wrote, "In order to avoid needless discussion of the subject, it was decided to maintain the strictest secrecy as to the location determined on." He noted that the prime advantage of the Knoll was its "isolation" and that it was the best site to be found inside the park, as it was quite elevated and the foundation could be firmly anchored in bedrock, lest Manhattan suffer "some violent convulsion of nature."[5] "

"Jesse B. Anthony, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York, presided as the cornerstone for the obelisk was laid in place with full Masonic ceremony on 2 October 1880. Over 9,000 Masons paraded up Fifth Avenue from 14th Street to 82nd Street, and it was estimated that over 50,000 spectators lined the parade route. The benediction was presented by R.W. Louis C. Gerstein. The obelisk was righted by a special structure built by Henry Honychurch Gorringe. The official ceremony for erecting the obelisk was held 22 February 1881. "

>>>> Holy Heavens anons! A masonic ceremony for and around the Obelisk. We gotta include that to the map and connect it to Alice statue and 666 5th avenue, Rockefeller and Rothschild.

39644b (12)  No.5442231>>5442442

File (hide): 22ac7aa0eede08d⋯.jpg (225.55 KB, 800x600, 4:3, NYC_Hans_C_Andersen.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8135ab25e911bbd⋯.jpg (44.48 KB, 590x296, 295:148, DragonTransom.jpg) (h) (u)


Then i checked other "statues"


"Hans Christian Andersen (/ˈændərsən/; Danish: [hans kʁæsdjan ˈɑnɐsn] (About this soundlisten); 2 April 1805 -- 4 August 1875) was a Danish author. Although a prolific writer of plays, travelogues, novels, and poems, Andersen is best remembered for his fairy tales. Andersen's popularity is not limited to children: his stories express themes that transcend age and nationality.

Andersen's fairy tales, of which no fewer than 3381 works[1] have been translated into more than 125 languages,[2] have become culturally embedded in the West's collective consciousness, readily accessible to children, but presenting lessons of virtue and resilience in the face of adversity for mature readers as well.[3] His most famous fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling", "The Little Match Girl" and "Thumbelina". His stories have inspired ballets, plays, and animated and live-action films.[4] One of Copenhagen's widest and busiest boulevards is named "H.C. Andersens Boulevard".[5] "

"Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense, Denmark on 2 April 1805. He was an only child. Andersen's father, also Hans, considered himself related to nobility (his paternal grandmother had told his father that their family had belonged to a higher social class,[6] but investigations have disproved these stories).[6][7] A persistent speculation suggests that Andersen was an illegitimate son of King Christian VIII, but this notion has been challenged"

"In June 1847, Andersen paid his first visit to England and enjoyed a triumphal social success during the summer. The Countess of Blessington invited him to her parties where intellectual people could meet, and it was at one such party that he met Charles Dickens for the first time. They shook hands and walked to the veranda, about which Andersen wrote in his diary: "We had come to the veranda, I was so happy to see and speak to England's now living writer, whom I love the most"

And we have this :


"Belvedere Castle is a folly in Central Park in Manhattan, New York City. It contains exhibit rooms and an observation deck, and since 1919, the folly has also been the location of the official Central Park weather station.[1]

Belvedere Castle was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux in the late 19th century. An architectural hybrid of Gothic and Romanesque styles, Vaux's design called for a Manhattan schist and granite structure with a corner tower with conical cap, with the existing lookout over parapet walls between them.[note 1] To reduce costs it was revised in November 1870 and completed under the Tammany Hall regime as an open painted-wood pavilion.[2]

Belvedere means "beautiful view" or "panoramic view" in Italian."

"The site, which overlooks the Lower Reservoir, already held a fire tower under the control of the Croton Aqueduct board. In 1867, the board transferred the site to the park, and the fire tower was demolished.[9] After the New York Meteorological Observatory automated its equipment and moved its offices to Rockefeller Center in the 1960s, Belvedere Castle was closed to the public and became an object of much vandalism, neglect and deterioration.[10] The Central Park Conservancy launched a restoration effort and reopened the structure on May 1, 1983, as the Henry Luce Nature Observatory."

>>> is that a combination or "transformation" between a dragon and some sort of bird? An Eagle? Or a Phoenix? A Crow?

39644b (12)  No.5442442>>5442480 >>5442650

File (hide): e849a236f9319fc⋯.jpg (344.6 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, The_Wladyslaw_Jagiello_mon….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 96189dfc8b63be4⋯.jpg (273.52 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, Grand_Army_Plaza,_NYC_(201….JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8dff4e251fa19a9⋯.jpg (219.69 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, William_Tecumseh_Sherman_M….jpg) (h) (u)



"The King Jagiełło Monument is an equestrian monument of Władysław II Jagiełło, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, located in Central Park, New York City. The monument commemorates the Battle of Grunwald, a decisive defeat of the Teutonic Order in 1410. Originally made for the Polish 1939 New York World's Fair pavilion, the monument was permanently installed in Central Park in 1945. Raised on its grand plinth it is one of the most prominently-sited and impressive of twenty-nine sculptures located in the park. "

"The monument is sited overlooking the east end of the Turtle Pond, across from Belvedere Castle and just south-east from the Great Lawn.[1] To the northeast is Cleopatra's Needle and beyond, the Metropolitan Museum of Art. "

>>> I wonder if the AXIS of the 2 swords will connect with other monuments or statues?


"Pulitzer Fountain is an outdoor fountain located in Manhattan's Grand Army Plaza in New York. The fountain is named after newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer who died in 1911 having bequeathed $50,000 for the creation of the fountain. Pulitzer intended his fountain to be "like those in the Place de la Concorde, Paris, France."[1] The fountain was designed by the architect Thomas Hastings, and crowned by a statue conceived by the sculptor Karl Bitter. [2] The fountain was dedicated in May 1916. "

"In December 1912, the executors of the estate of Joseph Pulitzer announced that New York City had approved the fountain's proposed location, in the plaza between 58th Street and 60th Street, just east of Fifth Avenue, the same plaza where the equestrian Sherman Monument stood since 1903. The executors invited five architecture firms to participate in a competition to determine the fountain's design, and to provide designs for a "good architectural treatment of the whole plaza."[3]

In January 1913, the five schemes were exhibited at the New York Public Library, including the winning scheme, designed by Carrère and Hastings. Architect Thomas Hastings' design placed the fountain in the southern half of the plaza, whereas the Sherman Monument remained in the northern half (but moved fifteen feet west to be symmetrically opposite the fountain). Hastings' design for the fountain included a "symbolical figure-the exact symbolism not yet having been decided upon."[4] Construction began in 1915, and by November, a newspaper reported: "The Pulitzer Fountain…is now finished and bubbling with the purest Croton water," noting that work on the northern portion of the plaza was delayed by subway construction.[5]

In the executed design, Karl Bitter's allegorical bronze statue Pomona depicts the goddess of abundance holding a basket of fruit. The model was Doris Doscher. Because Bitter died on April 9, 1915, having just completed the plaster cast of the figure,[6] Hastings and Bitter's widow selected Isidore Konti to complete the statue.[7] Konti began work in the fall of 1915, and the statue was cast in April 1916.[8] The statue was installed on (or about) May 1, 1916, "with little or no ceremony."


"William Tecumseh Sherman, also known as the Sherman Memorial or Sherman Monument,[1][2] is an outdoor sculpture of William Tecumseh Sherman by Augustus Saint-Gaudens, located at Grand Army Plaza in Manhattan, New York. Cast in 1902 and dedicated on May 30, 1903, the gilded-bronze monument consists of an equestrian statue and an allegorical female figure, Victory,[3] set on a Stony Creek granite pedestal designed by the architect Charles Follen McKim."

39644b (12)  No.5442480>>5442735


"The newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer died in 1911 having bequeathed $50,000 for the creation of a memorial fountain to be "like those in the Place de la Concorde, Paris France."[5] In December 1912, the executors of Pulitzer's estate announced that New York City had approved the fountain's proposed location, in the plaza between 58th Street and 60th Street, just west of Fifth Avenue, the same plaza where the equestrian Sherman Monument stood since 1903. The executors invited five architecture firms to participate in a competition to determine the fountain's design, and to provide designs for a "good architectural treatment of the whole plaza."[6] In January 1913, the five schemes were exhibited at the New York Public Library, including the winning scheme, designed by Carrère and Hastings. Architect Thomas Hasting's design placed the fountain in the southern half of the plaza, whereas the Sherman Monument remained in the northern half (but moved fifteen feet west to be symmetrically opposite the fountain). Construction of the new plaza began in 1915, and by November one newspaper reported: "The Pulitzer Fountain…is now finished and bubbling with the purest Croton water," noting that work on the northern portion of the plaza was delayed by subway construction"


"The USS Maine National Monument is an outdoor monument, located in Central Park in Manhattan, New York. It was cast on September 1, 1912 and dedicated on May 30, 1913 to the men killed aboard USS Maine (ACR-1) when the ship exploded in Havana harbor.[1]

In 1913, a USS Maine Monument designed by Harold Van Buren Magonigle was completed and dedicated in New York City. Located at the southwest corner of Central Park at the Merchants' Gate entrance to the park, the monument consists of a pylon with a fountain at its base and sculptures by Attilio Piccirilli surrounding it.[2] A sculpture group of gilded bronze figures atop the pylon represent Columbia Triumphant, her seashell chariot being drawn by three hippocampi. The bronze for this group reportedly came from metal recovered from the guns of the Maine. On the park side of the monument is fixed a memorial plaque that was cast in metal salvaged from the ship.[3] It is not known how many of these plaques by sculptor Charles Keck were produced, but they can be found in many locations across the United States.[4] They were cast by the Jno Williams Bronze Foundry and widely publicized"

>>> I was wondering if this is somehow related to my dig on the Duke of Maine? Just a thought anons.

7982e9 (18)  No.5442522>>5442587


so might Lexington be a reference to Kentucky then, in this context?

3448ea (59)  No.5442543


If Trump is a double agent for the cabal, well… well played!

Whatever, we were gonna be fucked either way. At least Q gives us hope that maybe, just maybe, we can win for once

39644b (12)  No.5442587


I was supposed to drop about that, but then I decided to go check on the links an anon put about Neon Revolt article about 666 5th avenue, and what i found out made me fall from my chair, as you can probably read for yourself. I hope you understand why i decided to go into that instead of Lexington, leaving that for tomorrow or the day after.

7982e9 (18)  No.5442650>>5442935


Sherman…. razed every town on his March, the story goes, save for Savannah as it, "was just too purty to burn." ever been? it's similarity to New Orleans is remarkable. remarkable enough to make me wonder if he left it alone because Peysuer willed it untouched for some reason….

41a7da (4)  No.5442735>>5442752


We have a "Vanderbilt" gate anons. Then we have this:


"Hodgson Burnett Memorial Fountain,[1] located near Fifth Avenue and the Museum of the City of New York in Manhattan's Central Park, is an outdoor bronze sculpture and fountain which serves as a memorial to Burnett, the author of several literary classics including The Secret Garden and Little Lord Fauntleroy.[2] Created by sculptor Bessie Potter Vonnoh in 1936 and dedicated on May 28, 1937 by Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia,[2] it depicts Mary and Dickon from The Secret Garden"

>>>> Another SECRET GARDEN anons! This is no coincidence.


"The Secret Garden is a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett first published in book form in 1911 following the publication in 1910 of a serial version in a US magazine. Set in England, it is one of Burnett's most popular novels and is considered a classic of English children's literature. Several stage and film adaptations have been made.

The American edition was published by Stokes with illustrations by Maria Louise Kirk (signed as M. L. Kirk) and the British edition by Heinemann with illustrations by Charles Heath Robinson"

"At the turn of the 20th century, Mary Lennox is a sickly and unloved 10-year-old girl, born in India to wealthy British parents who never wanted her and make an effort to ignore the girl. She is cared for by servants, who allow her to become a spoiled, aggressive, and selfish child.

After a cholera epidemic kills her parents and the servants, Mary is discovered alive but alone in the empty house. She briefly lives with an English clergyman and his family in India before she is sent to Yorkshire, in England, to live with Archibald Craven, a wealthy uncle whom she has never met, at his isolated house, Misselthwaite Manor.

At first, Mary is as rude and sour as ever. She dislikes her new home, the people living in it, and most of all, the bleak moor on which it sits. However, a good-natured maid named Martha Sowerby tells Mary about the late Mrs Craven, who would spend hours in a private walled garden growing roses. Mrs Craven died after an accident in the garden, and the devastated Mr. Craven locked the garden and buried the key. Mary becomes interested in finding the secret garden herself, and her ill manners begin to soften as a result. Soon she comes to enjoy the company of Martha, the gardener Ben Weatherstaff, and a friendly robin redbreast. Her health and attitude improve, and she grows stronger as she explores the moor and plays with a skipping rope that Mrs Sowerby buys for her. Mary wonders about both the secret garden and the mysterious cries that echo through the house at night. "

41a7da (4)  No.5442752>>5442796


"As Mary explores the gardens, her robin draws her attention to an area of disturbed soil. Here Mary finds the key to the locked garden and eventually the door to the garden itself. She asks Martha for garden tools, which Martha sends with Dickon, her 12-year-old brother. Mary and Dickon take a liking to each other, as Dickon has a kind way with animals and a good nature. Eager to absorb his gardening knowledge, Mary tells him about the secret garden.

One night, Mary hears the cries once more and decides to follow them through the house. She is startled when she finds a boy her age named Colin, who lives in a hidden bedroom. She soon discovers that they are cousins, Colin being the son of Mr and Mrs Craven, and that he suffers from an unspecified spinal problem which precludes him from walking and causes him to spend most of his time in bed. Mary visits him every day that week, distracting him from his troubles with stories of the moor, Dickon and his animals, and the secret garden. Mary finally confides that she has access to the secret garden, and Colin asks to see it. Colin is put into his wheelchair and brought outside into the secret garden. It is the first time he has been outdoors for years.

While in the garden, the children look up to see Ben Weatherstaff looking over the wall on a ladder. Startled and angry to find the children in the secret garden, he admits that he believed Colin to be a cripple. Colin stands up from his chair and finds that his legs are fine, though weak from long disuse. Colin and Mary soon spend almost every day in the garden, sometimes with Dickon as company. The children and Ben conspire to keep Colin's recovering health a secret from the other staff, so as to surprise his father, who is travelling abroad. As Colin's health improves, his father sees a coinciding increase in spirits, culminating in a dream where his late wife calls to him from inside the garden. When he receives a letter from Mrs Sowerby, he takes the opportunity finally to return home. He walks the outer garden wall in his wife's memory, but hears voices inside, finds the door unlocked, and is shocked to see the garden in full bloom, and his son healthy, having just won a race against the other two children. The servants watch, stunned, as Mr Craven and Colin walk back to the manor together. "


"Little Lord Fauntleroy is a novel by the English-American writer Frances Hodgson Burnett, her first children's novel. It was published as a serial in St. Nicholas Magazine from November 1885 to October 1886, then as a book by Scribner's (the publisher of St. Nicholas) in 1886.[2] The illustrations by Reginald B. Birch set fashion trends and the novel set a precedent in copyright law when Burnett won a lawsuit in 1888 against E. V. Seebohm over the rights to theatrical adaptations of the work"

41a7da (4)  No.5442796


"In a shabby New York City side street in the mid-1880s, young Cedric Errol lives with his mother (known only as Mrs. Errol or "Dearest") in genteel poverty after the death of his father, Captain Cedric Errol. One day, they are visited by an English lawyer named Havisham with a message from young Cedric's grandfather, the Earl of Dorincourt, an unruly millionaire who despises the United States and was very disappointed when his youngest son married an American woman. With the deaths of his father's elder brothers, Cedric has now inherited the title Lord Fauntleroy and is the heir to the earldom and a vast estate. Cedric's grandfather wants him to live in England and be educated as an English aristocrat. He offers his son's widow a house and guaranteed income, but he refuses to have anything to do with her, even after she declines his money.

However, the Earl is impressed by the appearance and intelligence of his American grandson and is charmed by his innocent nature. Cedric believes his grandfather to be an honorable man and benefactor, and the Earl cannot disappoint him. The Earl therefore becomes a benefactor to his tenants, to their delight, though he takes care to let them know that their benefactor is the child, Lord Fauntleroy.

Meanwhile, back in New York, a homeless bootblack named Dick Tipton tells Cedric's old friend Mr. Hobbs, a New York City grocer, that a few years prior, after the death of his parents, Dick's older brother Benjamin married an awful woman who got rid of their only child together after he was born and then left. Benjamin moved to California to open a cattle ranch while Dick ended up in the streets. At the same time, a neglected pretender to Cedric's inheritance appears in England, the pretender's mother claiming that he is the offspring of the Earl's eldest son, Bevis. The claim is investigated by Dick and Benjamin, who come to England and recognize the woman as Benjamin's former wife. She flees, and the Tipton brothers and the pretender, Benjamin's son, do not see her again. Afterwards, Benjamin goes back to his cattle ranch in California where he happily raises his son by himself. The Earl is reconciled to his American daughter-in-law, realizing that she is far superior to the impostor.

The Earl planned to teach his grandson how to be an aristocrat. Instead, Cedric teaches his grandfather that an aristocrat should practice compassion towards those dependent on him. The Earl becomes the man Cedric always innocently believed him to be. Cedric is happily reunited with his mother, and Mr. Hobbs, who decides to stay to help look after Cedric."

"Polly Hovarth writes that Little Lord Fauntleroy "was the Harry Potter of his time and Frances Hodgson Burnett was as celebrated for creating him as J.K. Rowling is for Potter." During the serialisation in St. Nicholas magazine, readers looked forward to new instalments. The fashions in the book became popular with velvet Lord Fauntleroy suits being sold, as well as other Fauntleroy merchandise such as velvet collars, playing cards, and chocolates. During a period when sentimental fiction was the norm, and in the United States the "rags to riches" story popular, Little Lord Fauntleroy was a hit."

>>> Did anons catch the hint to Harry Potter? And we know how that is filled with cabal symbolism. And just a thought here, but could this be Payseur? He fled France with nothing but the clothes on his back = Poor. After comming to the States, he built a new "empire" and because super wealthy king of it all.

41a7da (4)  No.5442935>>5443028

File (hide): 0fe87fc397f1310⋯.jpg (191.27 KB, 1300x1043, 1300:1043, duke-and-duchess-of-windso….jpg) (h) (u)

A few thoughts before I call it a day. I need rest too anons, thank goodness I don't have work today.

I would like to point out the "team" work done among the anons. See where all of this has lead? And see how can each and every single one of us whom holds a piece of the puzzle reconstruct the map Q has been talking about. This should be a collective work.

If possible, any anon can re-do that pentagram, taking into account the "structures" and "statues" from central park? it might end up with having 2 pentagrams one next to the other, or we can have an entirely different next symbolism, maybe an owl or a dragon. i don't know, just some suggestions here. And we should take into account the Astoria hotel because of Edward VIII. And if there is any Freemasons grand lodge nearby.

I also wonder if the Nokia and 5 G things mentioned in Neon Revolt's article are linked to what's taking place with Huwaei these days? And if all of this is somehow linked to those "flashing" lights we saw not so long ago above New York and everyone thought it was aliens? And that BLUE light as well? Are we hearing any Booms in the area?

And just a side thought: I wonder if this is somehow linked to Booz Allen Hamilton and McLean Virginia?


I noticed that too anon. It seems the "regions" important to Payseur were "spared" during the civil war in the States. You think it's a coincidence? I guess both you and I are old enough to realize that is NO COINCIDENCE.

Wishing anons a good evening. bed time for me. Thanks you to all the anons whom been helping. Team work is the solution as you can see. God bless you all anons. Take care.

7982e9 (18)  No.5443028>>5446354

File (hide): 0030d8a04cdffc1⋯.png (155.33 KB, 500x491, 500:491, wu-tang-is-for-the-childre….png) (h) (u)


g'night fren

1f9e79 (1)  No.5443243

File (hide): f16e97931ad1f26⋯.jpg (8.5 KB, 294x171, 98:57, pelosi 1.jpg) (h) (u)

Watching Pelosi threaten Dems about voting with Repubs on ANY issue. Then, in another clip."The power of the Speaker is awesome."

Made me think of Darth Vader talking to Luke, i.e., "If you only knew the power of the dark side."

Any meme artists feel inspired to turn Pelosi's quote into a meme featuring Nancy as Darth?

She deserves, after all, to have her power affirmed and recognized by the whole world…..

dcc062 (19)  No.5443532>>5444912

File (hide): d14071c21d813a2⋯.png (1.17 MB, 719x727, 719:727, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5261c57f563ba03⋯.png (1.13 MB, 768x768, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0560067d53f12bb⋯.png (143.43 KB, 270x375, 18:25, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): aa790116ea29bfd⋯.png (737.31 KB, 640x627, 640:627, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 71b015c05fe02ea⋯.png (605.56 KB, 1080x925, 216:185, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>And I also noticed that all the women wearing the pin are somehow related or connected to the political realm. I've tried to look in Media, entertainement world, fashion, sports, but I didn't find a single woman wearing that pin. So this lead me to believe this is a purely political club.

a few images


dcc062 (19)  No.5444912

File (hide): 0405a91f0bdc809⋯.png (755.32 KB, 2398x1118, 1199:559, Screenshot 2019-03-01 at 0….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0d9b456c9b42a5a⋯.png (3.59 MB, 1866x1396, 933:698, Screenshot 2019-03-01 at 0….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9faf0534fb4f33b⋯.png (879.22 KB, 2028x1408, 507:352, Screenshot 2019-03-01 at 0….png) (h) (u)


Shebah III Queen Of Sheba


NATO flags? New geopolitical world order black sea? see link.

dcc062 (19)  No.5444949>>5446354

File (hide): 6ce616ec6cfb25e⋯.png (506.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Heir to Coca-Cola fortune was a Jehovah’s Witness

An heir to the Coca-Cola fortune, was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. According to William P. Heath, Jr.’s testimony at the Olin Moyle trial in early 1940 (p. 1259), he became a JW in 1932. Before 1932, Heath testified that he didn’t belong to any organized religion, but claimed to have attended many churches (p. 1295).

Also of interest is the fact that Heath’s mother was also a JW, but not his father. His mother became a Bible Student in 1915. Before 1932, Bible Student was the name used by Watch Tower adherents.

It was the Heath family that financed Beth Shan, a large San Diego, California home deeded to the Watch Tower and where Bonny Boyd Heath and husband, William P. Heath, Jr., lived. Beth Shan was located not far from Beth Sarim, the mansion built by the Watch Tower where Watch Tower’s second president, Joseph Rutherford, lived. Heath was a Watch Tower Board of Directors member and Rutherford’s confidant and secretary.

Of note is the following 1973 newspaper clipping about William P. Heath, Jr.

The Evangelical Beacon, August 21, 1973, page 2


ATLANTA (EP) --- William Heath, 70-year-old heir to a substantial Coca-Cola company estate, says an “invisible directive’ from God assures him he is going to heaven.

At the Jehovah’s Witnesses meeting here Heath claimed he is one of the “anointed 144,000 who will go to heaven and serve as kings with Christ.”

“I got an invisible directive from God” he explained, adding to a reporter for the Atlanta Constitution, “It’s something you feel.”

Heath, whose father, Dr. William P. Heath, was a vice president with Coca-Cola and one of the developers of the original Coke formula, said he first realized he was anointed in 1931 when he was 28 years old. He was among 40,000 attending the Witnesses’ five-day convention here.

Heath had to know quite a bit about the Bible Student religion if he received an “invisible directive from God” to be one of the anointed. He said he realized he was anointed in 1931 at age 28. (He didn’t say baptized, but anointed.) Further, in the Moyle transcript, Heath said he had studied Watch Tower books and the Bible for seven or eight years before he became a minister and that would have meant his interest in the Bible Students began around 1923. He married Dorothy Smith around 1929 or 1930. A year or two later he claimed that he was anointed. There is no evidence that his wife, Dorothy, was interested in the Bible Students.

After his so-called anointing in 1931, Heath said he met Rutherford in 1934 and went into Bethel in 1937 as a married man but separated. He and Dorothy were divorced in 1938 and Heath married Bonnie Boyd, Rutherford’s secretary, one week later.

edcd84 (1)  No.5446354

File (hide): 56acd1c8e5a3b3e⋯.jpg (58.93 KB, 500x436, 125:109, Beatles satanic hand signs.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 81baa9b3af566f3⋯.png (606.53 KB, 661x545, 661:545, Neon_revolt_article_2018-0….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a8131a050846f03⋯.jpg (326.64 KB, 1668x1227, 556:409, PrinceCharles1974_Kelloggs.jpg) (h) (u)


Good day to you anon ^_^ hope you will have a wonderful day today. God bless you.

i used to like Lenon, but not anymore after finding this about the Beatles.


About Pepsico and Coca Cola, I didn't go into it and I won't go into it unless they point me out straight to Payseur. But from what I felt from Neon Revolt's article is that one is owned from one merovingian bloodline clan (red shoe clan), and the second is owned by the other merovingian bloodline clan (black eye clan). And they are rivals. I wonder whom owns what?

There are some anons out there whom have an incredible sense in finding out about corporations owned by cabal. I hope they will get to make a chart about which clan owns what. It will be incredible to read.

And I want to inform anons about RUMORS I've been hearing about for decades about corporations. Like the Clintons owning in secret big shares in CNN (If that is true, it explains a lot, doesn't it?); and Bush senior owning big shares in NBC news along with some of this Nazi friends. Prince Charles owning big shares in BBC news, Kellogg's, Johnson and Johnsons, Cadbury, Nestle, Maggi. Again, I'm repeating those are rumors I've heard about, but it would be great if an anon can verify them to be either true or false.

I don't know if Anons heard about the recent news about Pepsico? There is talk about it containing phoetus tissues. I hope not. If so, this might be the "Secret ingredient" they mention about in the recipe. YUK!

a9392e (1)  No.5448000


eda782 (22)  No.5449334>>5449690 >>6022482

This is Thomas anon,

Today, I want to go check four names (if I have the time to go over them all)

1 - Louisville.

2 - Ashaville.

3 - Lexington.

4 - Concord.

The reasons why I'm taking a "closer look" to these 4 specific places and names are because they kept on popping up during my research they seem to hold some kind of significance to the cabal = the same as St-Louis, Missouri, does & Q mentioned both Lexington and Concord, which means he wants to draw our attention to them.

So let's start with Louisville:


"Louisville (/ˈluːəvəl/ (About this soundlisten) LOO-ə-vəl, /ˈluːivɪl/ (About this soundlisten) LOO-ee-vil, /ˈlʊvəl/ (About this soundlisten) LUUV-əl) is the largest city in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the 29th most-populous city in the United States.[d][5] It is one of two cities in Kentucky designated as first-class, the other being Lexington, the state's second-largest city.[e] Louisville is the historical seat and, since 2003, the nominal seat of Jefferson County, located in the state's north and on the border with Indiana.

Louisville was founded in 1778 by George Rogers Clark, making it one of the oldest cities west of the Appalachian Mountains. It is named after King Louis XVI of France. Sited beside the Falls of the Ohio, the only major obstruction to river traffic between the upper Ohio River and the Gulf of Mexico, the settlement first grew as a portage site. It was the founding city of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, which grew into a 6,000-mile (9,700 km) system across 13 states. Today, the city is known as the home of legendary boxer Muhammad Ali, the Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), the University of Louisville and its Louisville Cardinals athletic teams, Louisville Slugger baseball bats, and three of Kentucky's six Fortune 500 companies.[12] Its main airport is also the site of United Parcel Service's worldwide air hub. "

"During the Civil War, Louisville was a major stronghold of Union forces, which kept Kentucky firmly in the Union. By the end of the war, Louisville had not been attacked, although skirmishes and battles, including the battles of Perryville and Corydon, took place nearby. After Reconstruction, returning Confederate veterans largely took political control of the city, leading to the jibe that Louisville joined the Confederacy after the war was over. "

"The Louisville and Portland Canal and the Louisville and Nashville Railroad were important links in water and rail transportation. "

"The city is also a major center of the American whiskey industry, with about one-third of all bourbon coming from Louisville"

"Louisville prides itself in its large assortment of small, independent businesses and restaurants, some of which have become known for their ingenuity and creativity. In 1926, the Brown Hotel became the home of the Hot Brown "sandwich". A few blocks away, the Seelbach Hotel, which F. Scott Fitzgerald references in The Great Gatsby, is also famous for a secret back room where Al Capone would regularly meet with associates during the Prohibition era. The drink the Old Fashioned was invented in Louisville's Pendennis Club. "

1 -

eda782 (22)  No.5449690>>5449997

File (hide): 39bc4b724e01d6f⋯.png (50.64 KB, 296x335, 296:335, Bourbon_Baroque_Logo.png) (h) (u)


"The Kentucky Center, dedicated in 1983, located in the downtown hotel and entertainment district, features a variety of plays and concerts. This is also the home of the Louisville Ballet, Louisville Orchestra, Bourbon Baroque, StageOne Family Theatre, Kentucky Shakespeare Festival, which operates the oldest professional outdoor Shakespeare festival, and the Kentucky Opera, which is the twelfth oldest opera in the United States. "

"Horse racing is also a major attraction. Churchill Downs is home to the Kentucky Derby, the largest sporting event in the state, as well as the Kentucky Oaks which together cap the two-week-long Kentucky Derby Festival. "

The Official Seal of the City of Louisville, no longer used following the merger, reflected its history and heritage in the fleur-de-lis representing French aid given during the Revolutionary War and the thirteen stars signifying the original colonies. The new Seal of Louisville Metro retains the fleur-de-lis, but has only two stars, one representing the city and the other the county. "

I then checked the Bourbon Baroque:


"Bourbon Baroque is a period instrument ensemble from Louisville, Kentucky. It specialises in historical informed performance of the music of the 17th and 18th centuries. "

>>> I would like to add 3 notable persons names: Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lawrence both actors, and Thomas Edison the inventor. The reason I'm mentionin them is because all 3 come from Louisville but also all 3 are heavily involved in weird "religions" that are connected to occultism and secret societies and such stupid stuff.

>>> So now let me sum it up for Louisville: We have the royal blue, white and gold colors for the flag and seal. We have the fleur de lis for the flag and seal as well. It's named after Louis XVI. Eventhough it was a major hub in the civil war, it was "untouched". It was an important veing in the railroad. 1/3 of the alcohol called "Bourbon" comes from there. Amazingly for the third time in my research the name Al Capone pops up, along with the Great Gatsby. We have horse racing. The Bourbon Baroque orchestra has fleur de lis as it's symbol. And 3 notable persons (at least) known to their affiliation with cabal and occultism are from there.

>>> cherry on the top of the cake: The county where Louisville is was won by Killary in 2016 presidential election.

eda782 (22)  No.5449997>>5450220

File (hide): 36ecfc007ad13dc⋯.jpg (166.33 KB, 1305x979, 1305:979, Fleur de lis detail.jpg) (h) (u)


Next is Nashville; I'm going to include also Ashville, since it's extremely close word to Nashville.

I guess anons already know that Ashville is where Biltmore estate is in North Carolina:


"Biltmore Estate is a historic house museum and tourist attraction in Asheville, North Carolina. Biltmore House, the main residence, is a Châteauesque-style mansion built for George Washington Vanderbilt II between 1889 and 1895 and is the largest privately owned house in the United States, at 178,926 square feet (16,622.8 m2) of floor space (135,280 square feet of living area).[2] Still owned by George Vanderbilt's descendants, it remains one of the most prominent examples of Gilded Age mansions. "

Anons can read the rest, or even already know all that needs to be known about the place.

I took a little look at Ashville:


"Asheville, with a population of approximately 2,500 by 1861, remained relatively untouched by the Civil War, but contributed a number of companies to the Confederate States Army, and a substantially smaller number of soldiers to the Union. For a time, an Enfield rifle manufacturing facility was located in the town. The war came to Asheville as an afterthought, when the "Battle of Asheville" was fought in early April 1865 at the present-day site of the University of North Carolina at Asheville, with Union forces withdrawing to Tennessee after encountering resistance from a small group of Confederate senior and junior reserves and recuperating Confederate soldiers in prepared trench lines across the Buncombe Turnpike; orders had been given to the Union force to take Asheville only if this could be accomplished without significant losses."

>>> We have fleurs de Lys everywhere in Biltmore, and we already know it's the symbol of the Bourbons. And we already know Payseur aka Louis XVII landed and established his "home" in North Carolina, if i'm not mistaking. And Ashville was "relatively" spared during the civil war.

>>>And again cherry on top of the cake, the county was won by Killary in 2016 presidential election. So now we have 3 places that are symbolic and significant to Payseur heir and they were all 3 won by Killary in 2016 election. WOW! What a coincidnce!

eda782 (22)  No.5450220>>5450339

File (hide): eab3ea4e8a26682⋯.png (181.06 KB, 396x399, 132:133, Seal_of_Nashville,_Tenness….png) (h) (u)


Now Nasheville, Tennesseee:


"Nashville is the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Tennessee. The city is the county seat of Davidson County and is located on the Cumberland River.[7] The city's population ranks 24th in the U.S. According to 2017 estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, the total consolidated city-county population stood at 691,243.[4] The "balance" population, which excludes semi-independent municipalities within Davidson County, was 667,560 in 2017.[6] "

"The town of Nashville was founded by James Robertson, John Donelson, and a party of Overmountain Men in 1779, near the original Cumberland settlement of Fort Nashborough. It was named for Francis Nash, the American Revolutionary War hero. Nashville quickly grew because of its strategic location, accessibility as a port on the Cumberland River, a tributary of the Ohio River; and its later status as a major railroad center. By 1800, the city had 345 residents, including 136 enslaved African Americans and 14 free African-American residents.[20] In 1806, Nashville was incorporated as a city and became the county seat of Davidson County, Tennessee. In 1843, the city was named as the permanent capital of the state of Tennessee. "

"By 1860, when the first rumblings of secession began to be heard across the South, antebellum Nashville was a prosperous city. The city's significance as a shipping port made it a desirable prize as a means of controlling important river and railroad transportation routes. In February 1862, Nashville became the first state capital to fall to Union troops. The state was occupied by Union troops for the duration of the war. The Battle of Nashville (December 15--16, 1864) was a significant Union victory and perhaps the most decisive tactical victory gained by either side in the war; it was also the war's final major military action in which Tennessee regiments played a large part on both sides of the battle."

"In 1868, a few years after the Civil War, the Nashville chapter of the Ku Klux Klan was founded by Confederate veteran John W. Morton.[25] Chapters of this secret insurgent group formed throughout the state and the South; they opposed voting and organizing by freedmen, and sometimes also attacked their white allies, including schoolteachers from the North. "

"These healthy economic times left the city with a legacy of grand classical-style buildings, including the Parthenon in Centennial Park, near downtown."

"In 1979, the Ku Klux Klan burnt crosses outside two African-American sites in Nashville, including the city headquarters of the NAACP."

"CoreCivic, formerly known as Corrections Corporation of America and one of the largest private corrections company in the United States, was founded in Nashville in 1983.[102][103] Vanderbilt University was one of its investors prior to the company's initial public offering."

eda782 (22)  No.5450339>>5450557

File (hide): ce18d21277a6dbf⋯.jpg (140.5 KB, 1024x693, 1024:693, Parthenon_at_Nashville_Ten….jpg) (h) (u)


More on Nashville:

"Much of the city's cultural life has revolved around its large university community. Particularly significant in this respect were two groups of critics and writers who were associated with Vanderbilt University in the early 20th century: the Fugitives and the Agrarians.

Popular destinations include Fort Nashborough and Fort Negley, the former being a reconstruction of the original settlement, the latter being a semi-restored Civil War battle fort; the Tennessee State Museum; and The Parthenon, a full-scale replica of the original Parthenon in Athens."

"As the city's name itself is a metonym for the country music industry, many popular tourist attractions involve country music, including the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, Belcourt Theatre, and Ryman Auditorium."

"Athens of the South: Home to 24 post-secondary educational institutions, Nashville has long been compared to Athens, the ancient city of learning and site of Plato's Academy. Since 1897, a full-scale replica of the Athenian Parthenon has stood in Nashville, and many examples of classical and neoclassical architecture can be found in the city.[142] The term was popularized by Philip Lindsley (1786--1855), President of the University of Nashville, though it is unclear whether he was the first person to use the phrase.

The Protestant Vatican[143] or The Buckle of the Bible Belt:[144] Nashville has over 700 churches,[145] several seminaries, a number of Christian music companies, and is the headquarters for the publishing arms of the Southern Baptist Convention (LifeWay Christian Resources), the United Methodist Church (United Methodist Publishing House) and the National Baptist Convention (Sunday School Publishing Board). It is also the seat of the National Baptist Convention, the National Association of Free Will Baptists, the Gideons International, the Gospel Music Association, and Thomas Nelson, the world's largest producer of Bibles"

eda782 (22)  No.5450557>>5452451

File (hide): 35bf63dd560abe5⋯.jpg (44.18 KB, 471x600, 157:200, Look at the eagle.jpg) (h) (u)


Forgot to include this part in the first drop about Nashville:

"Nashville is a center for the music, healthcare, publishing, private prison,[9] banking and transportation industries, and is home to numerous colleges and universities such as Tennessee State University, Vanderbilt University, Belmont University, Fisk University, and Lipscomb University.[10] Entities with headquarters in the city include Asurion,[11] Bridgestone Americas,[12] Captain D's,[13] CoreCivic,[14] Dollar General,[15] Hospital Corporation of America,[16] LifeWay Christian Resources,[17] Logan's Roadhouse,[18] and Ryman Hospitality Properties.[19] "

>>> Now let me sum it up about Nashville:

Flag and seal both have royal blue, white and gold, aka Bourbons colors. The "SUN" in both seal and flag reminds me of the SUN KING aka Louis XIV. And of course we have on both the fleur de lis. This one wasn't named after a french monarch though, and it wasn't "spared" from the battles of the civil war mostly because it seems to be a KEY place. KKK were active there. A Parthenon, a replica of the one in Athenes was built. We have Vanderbilt university and stadium, as well as Belmont university. Vanderbilt university invested in "private correction " places (jeez! that reminds me of the tainted blood the Clintons sold when they were governors of Arkansas). We have Belcourt theatre (remember Belcourt house owned by Alva Vanderbilt?) and Look at the nicknames the place earned.

>>> This time we have 2 cherries on top of the cake: 1 - Along with St-Louis, Missouri, Nashville, Tennessee was one of the places "visited" by Albert Pike, in 1831. And 2 - again, the county where Nashville is in, was won by Killary in 2016 presidential election.

Anons start to see a pattern here?

859a4b (2)  No.5450635>>5451916

File (hide): c5c0209cbaf3705⋯.png (4.34 MB, 1804x1516, 451:379, Meydan Racecourse - Dubai ….png) (h) (u)





Newfag (LTL - Long Time Lurker) here…I do not know if the pictures help you in your dig. I came across the Meydan Racecourse during one of my digs into the UAE (United Arab Emirates). This country has been on my watch list for quite some time. The UAE showed up on the Human Trafficking Radar. They were trafficking children to use as their jockeys in the camel races (Meyden Racecourse link). The Meydan Racecourse was the vision of Mohamned Bin Rashid Al Maktoum (sp?) He is the Vice President of UAE, The Prime Minister AND Ruler of Dubai.

What has held my attention for so long on the UAE is that this country is the size of Manhattan! In addition, it defies logic to see such a modern, air-conditioned city in the middle of the desert. Also interesting to note, although rumors of Obama buying a mansion there are still in question - the FACT remains that the UAE is a non-extradition country.

UAE development has been done at a rather alarming pace. It is strangely reminiscent of activity here in the US. Bugsy Siegel, with his Jewish Mob & American Mafia ties was significantly vested in the development of The Las Vegas Strip - also in the middle of a desert. His strategy was later divulged. He liked that Las Vegas Nevada was relatively isolated city and they could control (buy or off) and resistance from the state and local government.

In regards to the rapid pace of development, not even the postal service could keep up with their development. The standard postal address system wasn’t developed until 2015. In 2015 Dubai started assigning Makani numbers (a unique 10 digit code) to all buildings to help identify them. Before that time, mailing labels just had a space where residents could draw a map or write out specific instructions such as: “After you pass the white mosque, it’s the first street to the left, blue door.”

The dynamics of what they build there is seriously over-the-top. This got me wondering IF this IS WONDERLAND! It defies logic so much their development plans must look crazy!


No Income Taxes

non extradition country

paid rent

paid medical bills

paid education

The biggest indoor mall in the world,

The biggest aquarium,

The biggest automated fountain,

The tallest hotel,

The longest automated rail network,

the largest indoor SKI PARK

Artificial Palm Shaped Islands

The police “super cars” the Ferrari FF, Lamborghini Aventador and an Aston Martin One-77

Coming Soon -> climate controlled city complete with air-conditioned boardwalks!

ALL in the middle of the DESERT!… I will let that sink in…


dcc062 (19)  No.5450955



eda782 (22)  No.5451916

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Thank you for the pictures anon. The research you did on Dubai are good and correct. It's totally artificial.

That area of the world has been a cabal "trading" poste or "comptoire" during historical times, as a mid way, between East Asia (china and India) and Europe. And the Cabal, mostly the rothschilds, have been doing whatever they can over the centuries to get their hands on all types of trade routes, naval, air or land.

That is one heck of a corrupt place. Take a lood at Abu Dhabi as well, mostly the architecture. Don't forget there is a US military base there as well, even an English one if my memory is correct. There are also us and british military bases in Qatar and kuwait. This is one big spider web over there anon.

The UAE are terribly, terribly corrupt. But they came in second place only after KSA = that is still the top dog in the gulf of arabia. Qatar takes place number 3.

All 3 are big sponsors of islamic fundamentalism, extremism. They like to use blades when it comes to slaughter, that's part of their signature. They are the principal funders of Al Qaida and ISIS. They gave all the money and even bought the weapons from Us, Israel and europe to give to ISIS. They were the ones opening the training camps, and they were the ones funneling money to Turkey and Jordan to support ISIS.

And I believe UAE played a role in 9/11, a minor one, KSA played the big part. Pedophilia is very rampant there. They buy and sell women and children in secret "slave" markets. They connect to Brunei. With money, they bought most of western countries politicians, even historical monuments, businesses and houses. Like when they purchased REAL MADRID soccer team, they stipulated in the contract, that the "tiny" cross in the crown of the Real Madrid logo should be removed. Take a look at the newspapers about this.

And unfortunetly, there have been many reports of doctors, that have been hush hush, about finding animal semen in women vaginas when these women were rushed to hospitals. This kind of topic is highly sensitive and they are going to great length to "extreminate" sources, either humans or written articles. You get my point.

But we see, this is all managed = under the direction of Mossade. They have a terribly heavy presence there and they control a lot of things. The intelligence community of KSA and UAE are just foot soldiers for Mossad. And it's rumored that the MANY kings and princes for decades now, either in KSA or UAE, have their "private personal", as in cooking chef, barbour, stewarts, drivers and mostly their doctors, are all mossade.

Yes, Dubai is very, extremly corrupt and it's all artificial. That splendor is just a fake facade. Underneath there is terrible things. It's all hidden under a thin veil of deceit and money. It's a big laundering place for cabal money. There are plenty of rumors when it comes to Hussein having a "villa" there and bank accounts. I heard the same rumors concerning the Clintons, and they even have a "villa" in Qatar as well. Don't forget Huma Abedine is KSA agent.

I'm not that worried about the extradition thing. The gvt in these place hold on their seats only by money, mossade support and US military support. Remove all 3 and they are fried ducks. I think Potus has been taking care of money and military issue, as for mossad, take a look at what's happening to bibi now ^_^ it's fun to see that bastard scramble like the roach that he is.

Ruler of Dubai seems to be the most corrupt, even though sometimes I think he is on equal ground with the one of Abi Dhabi. Ruler of Dubais is believed to have 187 is own son a couple of years ago (don't recall when exactly), from what was told, that young men was an extremely bad apple and he wasn't being discreet about it. He got out of control and his dad wacked him. Did you check his connection to the Windsors? That's a good area of digging if you want to connect it all to Cabal and pedophilia. And take a look at the stars whom have gone to "special" visits to UAE; it is rumored that Kim Kardashian was paid with a pouch of gem stones (rubies, diamonds, etc) when she was "hired" for 3 nights with a shiekh or prince o whatever they are called.

As for the pictures, thank you a lot again. It does look like a bird = it might be the arabian gulf eagle or falcon. They have it all over their stamps (for mail) and even on their money. But it could also be a phoenix.

Once the laundered money stops pouring in, Dubai is going to return to it's orignal state = a desert. What rises up quickly gets demolished quickly. That place is artificial, it's not "grassroot" if you know what i mean here. And what is artificial won't last. it may exist for some decades, but not much longer. It will go back to it's original form once you pull out what is "supporting" it.

Take care anon. You've got good digs there. Keep up the good work.

eda782 (22)  No.5452451>>5452604 >>5530729


I then took a look at this "new" Parthenon:


"The Parthenon in Centennial Park, in Nashville, Tennessee, is a full-scale replica of the original Parthenon in Athens. It was designed by Confederate veteran William Crawford Smith and built in 1897 as part of the Tennessee Centennial Exposition.

Today the Parthenon, which functions as an art museum, stands as the centerpiece of Centennial Park, a large public park just west of downtown Nashville. Alan LeQuire's 1990 re-creation of the Athena Parthenos statue is the focus of the Parthenon just as it was in ancient Greece. The statue of Athena Parthenos within is a reconstruction, to careful scholarly standards, of the long-lost original: she is cuirassed and helmeted, carries a shield on her left arm and a small 6-foot-high (1.8 m) statue of Nike (Victory) in her right palm, and stands 42 feet (13 m) high, gilt with more than 8 pounds (3.6 kg) of gold leaf; an equally colossal serpent rears its head between her and her shield. Since the building is complete and its decorations were polychromed (painted in colors) as close to the presumed original as possible, this replica of the original Parthenon in Athens serves as a monument to what is considered the pinnacle of classical architecture. The plaster replicas of the Parthenon Marbles found in the naos (the east room of the main hall) are direct casts of the original sculptures which adorned the pediments of the Athenian Parthenon, dating back to 438 BC. The surviving originals are housed in the British Museum in London and at the Acropolis Museum in Athens. "

"Nashville's nickname, the "Athens of the South",[4] influenced the choice of the building as the centerpiece of the 1897 Centennial Exposition. A number of buildings at the exposition were based on ancient originals. However, the Parthenon was the only one that was an exact reproduction. It was also the only one that was preserved by the city, although the Knights of Pythias Pavilion building was purchased and moved to nearby Franklin, Tennessee.

Major Eugene Castner Lewis was the director of the Tennessee Centennial Exposition and it was at his suggestion that a reproduction of the Parthenon be built in Nashville to serve as the centerpiece of Tennessee's Centennial Celebration. Lewis also served as the chief civil engineer for the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railroad."

Before i go deeper into the dig, I want that is most probably going to get me some "nasty" comments or it might get on some persons nerves. That is not my intention anons.

I'm going to "defend" the godess ATHENA.

I know anons, I know….. that is pagan, and I know about the owl and Moloch and all that crap. Don't forget that the cabal likes to take what is "good" and "stain" it, sully it, transform it into bad things for satan. Just like the reversed cross, that is saint Peter's cross. That's not the devil cross, but the cabal took what is sacred and used it for blasphemy.

Now let's put the owl symbol aside for a couple of minutes and just talk about the goddess Athena. She is the PATRON or PROTECTOR of mythological HEROES whom fought "monsters". Apart Jason being protected by Hera, I don't recall any other "hero" not being under the patronage of Athena. In my line of work, in my domaine in expertise, picking up symbols and using mythological texts are my daily routine. So i know my stuff.

Anons forget who is the lady we ALL see on the front of court houses. Whom is the blindfolded lady, with a scale in one hand and the sword in the other? That's Athena, as she presided over the first ever court. She is the OLYMPIAN goddess of justice. Now I bet a lot of anons are going to pop up and start arguing, telling there is this Titan that represent justice, or metis, or Thetys or whatever….. please keep it to yourselves. I know all of the greek mythology by heart ever since i was 12. It's far more complicated than what anyone think it is. There are 3 major eras in it = archaic, classical and hellenistic ages. And it differs in each era from one major area to another, like the myth differes from Sparta or Millet or Pergamon. So don't waste your breath on this topic with me. I'm too old to change my mind about it.

And I would also like to point out anons that the SCALE or the LIBRA is one of Athena's symbols. And we all know that is also the symbol of law and justice.

eda782 (22)  No.5452604>>5452766 >>5530729


And in the same time we have NIKE always with Athena. They even merged in Hellenistic era to become one and the same (long story there). This merger makes Athena the goddess of justice and victory in the same time. it means that justice and righthousness will always be victorious, no matter how much times passes by. Don't forget the titanomachy, after Kronos = Saturn = time was defeated, Zeus, after the chaos in stepped in the universe because of the war against the titans, reorganized the universe and he placed the sign of LIBRA = Scale in the 7th house of the zodiac = Athena his heiress became the protector of the door way of the SKY or should I say Cosmos, which symbolizes the victory of justice over chaos no matter how much times passes by. She is the guardian and protector of the balance of the universe.

Again, if you disagree, that is your opinion, but please, spare me, I'm too old to change my mind about this specific subject, I've been working with myths all of my life and i'm up to my ears with them. I don't want to get into arguments or explain a lifetime of reading and research about this. I'm not here to justify what i have read in the past and what I know.

I appologize if I sound rude, but i rather cut the rope here about this. Now I'm going to check about the kinghts of Pythias Pavillion:


"The Knights of Pythias Pavilion in Franklin, Tennessee, also known as Carlisle House, is a Classical Revival architecture building designed by Henry Gibel and built in 1897. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1988"

>>> this place has intregued me a lot, mostly because of it's name and there is barely any information about it. Could it be it's just an empty hall/place? I don't know what to make of it.

Then I took a look at Eugene Lewis:


"Major Eugene C. Lewis (June 21, 1845 - February 13, 1917) was an American engineer and businessman. He served as the chairman of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway from 1900 to 1917. As a civic leader, he helped develop Shelby Park and Centennial Park, including the Parthenon, as well as Union Station."

eda782 (22)  No.5452766>>5453233 >>5453274

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"Eugene C. Lewis was born on June 21, 1845.[1] His father was the manager of the Cumberland Iron Works.[2] Lewis was educated at the Pennsylvania Military Academy, enrolling in 1862, during the American Civil War."

"Lewis began his career as the president of Sycamore Mills in Cheatham County, Tennessee.[2] He also designed at least two bridges over Sycamore Creek in Nashville.[4] Additionally, he was the honorary president of the American Association of Engineers.[5]

Lewis joined the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway as an industrial engineer.[5] He was elected to its board of directors in 1896, and he served as its chairman from 1900 to 1917."

"Lewis was also the first vice president of the Nashville Art Association and the Park Commission for the City of Nashville.[5] In 1916, a lawsuit showed he had hired his son, his brother, his niece, his second nephew and the latter's son to the park commission.[7]

Lewis helped develop Shelby Park and Centennial Park.[1] In particular, he was a strong supporter of the construction of Parthenon.[8] He was also the director-general of the Tennessee Centennial Exposition.[5] Additionally, Lewis helped develop Union Station.[9]

On April 19, 1909, Lewis conducted the dedication of the Sam Davis Statue outside the Tennessee State Capitol."

"Lewis died on February 13, 1917 in Nashville.[6] He was buried in a mausoleum shaped like an Egyptian pyramid, with two sphinxes,[5] at the Mount Olivet Cemetery"

I would like to point out how the lay out of the "burial monument". it reminds us of Giza, only there we have one Sphinx. Some, I repeat SOME, have speculated that there were 2 Sphinxes in Giza and not one. That is what I've been hearing recently from those "new" videos about the true significance of the Giza pyramids and the Sphinx. I don't have an opinion about it yet. Everything is possible.

eda782 (22)  No.5453233>>5453340

File (hide): d89dc9fc3315253⋯.png (124.81 KB, 832x535, 832:535, Q drop 992.png) (h) (u)


Now I'm getting into Lexington:

Oh boy! Did I bite more than I can chew on this one? I had previously thought that I have one geo location called Lexington in Kentucky, but when I wanted to dig, I found out I have 27 geo locations in the States with the name of Lexington. On top of that, it turned out there is ships called Lexington and there is the battles of Lexington and Concord = notice, both name are combined in the search but in Q post 992 he put each seperatly on a different line. So what does he mean here? is it a ship, a battle or a geo location? Are both Lexington & Concord linked or each dig is seperated from the other? Don't get frustrated with me anons, Q posts always have more than one meaning and more than one layer about them. So I'm going to do what i always do, check out everything.

so first, I checked out that steamboat:


"The Lexington was a paddlewheel steamboat that operated along the Atlantic coast of the Northeastern United States between 1835 and 1840, before sinking in January 1840 due to an onboard fire. Commissioned by industrialist Cornelius Vanderbilt, the ship was considered one of the most luxurious steamers in operation, and began service on a route between New York City and Providence, Rhode Island. In 1837, the Lexington switched to the route between New York and Stonington, Connecticut, the terminus of the newly built railroad from Boston. Vanderbilt sold the ship to his competitor, the New Jersey Steamship Navigation and Transportation Company, in December 1838 for $60,000, at which time the Lexington was reputedly the fastest steamer on Long Island Sound. "

"On the night of 13 January 1840, midway through the ship's voyage, the casing around the ship's smokestack caught fire, igniting nearly 150 bales of cotton that were stored nearby. The resultant fire was impossible to extinguish, and necessitated the evacuation of the ship. The ships' overcrowded lifeboats were sunk almost immediately after their launch, leaving almost all of the ship's passengers and crew to drown in the freezing water, with rescue attempts impossible due to the rough water and lack of visibility. Of the estimated 143 people on board the Lexington, only four survived, having clung to large bales of cotton which had been thrown overboard."

"The ship's usual captain, Jacob Vanderbilt (the brother of Cornelius), could not make the voyage owing to illness, and was replaced by veteran Captain George Child. "

>>>Anons can go read the details about it if they like to. The notable stuff is that it's connection to Cronelius Vanderbilt, whom's brother, the usual captain of the ship, couldn't make it for some reason. And guess what happened when the case got to an"inquest jury"? it was hush hushed.

Seems like the sinking of the Titanic was not their first work when it comes into sinking ships.

3b593c (1)  No.5453274>>5453360

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Sorry for barging in on the thread but every time I find myself back in this time reading about the cabal it always leads to the railroads. They didn’t hide it on the monopoly board that’s for sure! But That NC&StL railway that Lewis ran is now CSX transportation.

Follow the railroads, also the monopoly board, symbology everywhere.

eda782 (22)  No.5453340>>5453609


Oh and I forgot to mention that the Providence town mentioned about the steamship Lexington, well, that's the same place where we have a Biltmore hotel.

Next I checked Lexington avenue in Manhattan NY


"Lexington Avenue, often colloquially abbreviated as "Lex", is an avenue on the East Side of the borough of Manhattan in New York City that carries southbound one-way traffic from East 131st Street to Gramercy Park at East 21st Street. Along its 5.5-mile (8.9-kilometer), 110-block route, Lexington Avenue runs through Harlem, Carnegie Hill, the Upper East Side, Midtown, and Murray Hill to a point of origin that is centered on Gramercy Park. South of Gramercy Park, the axis continues as Irving Place from 20th Street to East 14th Street.

Lexington Avenue was not one of the streets included in the Commissioners' Plan of 1811 street grid, so the addresses for cross streets do not start at an even hundred number, as they do with avenues that were originally part of the plan. "

"Offices located on Irving Place include those of The Nation magazine, the New York branch of the Rosicrucian Order and the Seafarers and International House mission."

>>> I don't know if anons noticed the 5.5? ^_^ Talking about a coincidence, that was a funny one. And apart this Rosicrucian thingy, I didn't find anything notable. Maybe an anon can see on a map how far it is from 666 8th avenue and Rockefeller center.

eda782 (22)  No.5453360


No problems anons, your comments are always welcome. I know that everywhere you look for cabal there is railroads connected. It's like a big bilboard they use to say " WE ARE HERE. But I have a target or goal in my search and the rail system is not part of that. I want to find out the identity of Payseur heir.

eda782 (22)  No.5453609>>5454237


Just one more comment about the railroads. it ALL belongs to ONE person = Payseur, it doesn't matter what they say in the papers or articles about rival railways and companies . It's just a front, a mascarade in order to "hide", "camouflage" from the public eye and attention that it's all owned by ONE person. And if anons wants to know the geographical "expansion" of Payseur "kingdom" or "Empire", just draw on a map the rail lines and where they all reach = that is Payseur kingdom.

Then I took a look at Lexington (plantation), In Fairfax, Virginia


"Lexington was an 18th-century plantation on Mason's Neck in Fairfax County, Virginia, United States. The estate belonged to several generations of the Mason family.

Lexington was originally part of the Gunston Hall plantation land tract. It was given to George Mason's eldest son, George Mason V, in 1774.[3] In 1775, George Mason V named his plantation to commemorate the Battle of Lexington in Massachusetts.[3] The mansion at Lexington was probably not constructed until after George Mason V returned from a trip to Europe in 1783.[3] The Lexington Plantation was built in 1775 and survived until it burned in 1879. Its property is included in Mason Neck State Park.[4] "

>>> I noticed 2 things: 1 - Mason family name. 2 - Killary won this county in 2016 election.

eda782 (22)  No.5454237>>5454373


Then there is Lexington, Massachusetts:


"Lexington is a town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 31,394 at the 2010 census,[1] in nearly 11,100 households. Settled in 1641, it is celebrated as the site of the first shots of the American Revolutionary War, in the Battle of Lexington on April 19, 1775. It is part of the Greater Boston Area and is the sixth wealthiest small city in the United States.[2] "

"For decades, Lexington grew modestly while remaining largely a farming community, providing Boston with much of its produce. It always had a bustling downtown area, which remains to this day. Lexington began to prosper, helped by its proximity to Boston, and having a rail line (originally the Lexington and West Cambridge Railroad, later the Boston and Maine Railroad) service its citizens and businesses, beginning in 1846 (turned into a bikeway in 1992). For many years, East Lexington was considered a separate village from the rest of the town, though it still had the same officers and Town Hall. Most of the farms of Lexington became housing developments by the end of the 1960s. "

"On April 19, 1775, what many regard as the first battle of the American Revolutionary War was a battle at Lexington. After the rout, the British march on toward Concord where the militia had been allowed time to organize at the Old North Bridge and turn back the British and prevent them from capturing and destroying the militia's arms stores.[9] "

"The Lexington Chinese School (LCS; 勒星頓中文學校) holds its classes at Belmont High School in Belmont.[34] In 2003 over 400 students attended classes at LCS, held on Sundays."

"Lexington appears in the videogame Assassin's Creed 3"

"Lexington is also home, along with neighboring Lincoln and nearby Concord to the 900-acre (3.6 km2) Minute Man National Historical Park.

The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library showcases exhibits on American history and Freemasonry."

>>>> So this Lexington is rather significant. let me sum it up:

The "first shot" in the revolution was shot in the Lexington battle of "liberating" the States from the british iron fist. Going bck to Q post 992, is Q trying to tell us back in April, that the Alliance, just took the "first shot" and "engaged" in the first "fight" against the Cabal? Can anon go back and see if we have some event or a punch from Potus and alliance on the cabal during the time this Q post was dropped?

We also have the rails, AGAIN (rolling eyes)

And this CHINESE classes held in Belmont high school. I've cheked Belmont town in Middlesex, Massachusetts, there is Belmont high school, Belmont public schools, Belmont Media which i believe all refer not the family, but the town name. We have McLean hospital. Notable people from Belmont town are Mitt Romney, Henry Kissinger and John Deutch.

here is the link for Belmont town, Massachusetts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belmont,_Massachusetts

So let me continue about Lexington Massachusetts: We have an important location for the Scotish masonic rite. And this reference to the video game" Assassin creed", why do i have this feeling of a "sous-entendu"?

eda782 (22)  No.5454373>>5454586

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Oh and he entire State of Massachusetts was won by Killary in 2016 election.

The last remaining Lexington i have is the one in Kentucky:


"Lexington, consolidated with Fayette County and often denoted as Lexington-Fayette, is the second-largest city in Kentucky and the 60th-largest city in the United States. By land area, Lexington is the 28th largest city in the United States. Known as the "Horse Capital of the World," it is the heart of the state's Bluegrass region. It has a nonpartisan mayor-council form of government, with 12 council districts and three members elected at large, with the highest vote-getter designated vice mayor. In the 2017 U.S. Census Estimate, the city's population was 321,959, anchoring a metropolitan area of 512,650 people and a combined statistical area of 856,849 people.

Lexington ranks 10th among US cities in college education rate, with 39.5% of residents having at least a bachelor's degree.[3] It is the location of the Kentucky Horse Park, The Red Mile and Keeneland race courses, Rupp Arena, Transylvania University, the University of Kentucky, and Bluegrass Community and Technical College. "

"It was the first of many American places to be named after the Massachusetts town"

"Many of 19th-century America's leading political and military figures spent part of their lives in the city, including U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and Confederate President Jefferson Davis (who attended Transylvania University in 1823 and 1824); Confederate general John Hunt Morgan; U.S. Senator and Vice President John C. Breckinridge; and Speaker of the House, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State Henry Clay, who had a plantation nearby. Lincoln's wife Mary Todd Lincoln was born and raised in Lexington, and the couple visited the city several times after their marriage in 1842.

During the 19th century, migrants moved from central Kentucky to Tennessee and Missouri. They established their traditional crops and livestock in Middle Tennessee and an area of Missouri along the Missouri River. While Kentucky stayed in the Union during the American Civil War, the residents of different regions of the state had divided loyalties. "

"The Lexington-Fayette metro area includes five additional counties: Clark, Jessamine, Bourbon, Woodford, and Scott. "

eda782 (22)  No.5454586>>5454910


"Since the late 20th century, Lexington has demolished hundreds of historic structures to make way for hotels, banks, and parking structures. The Lexington Public Library was constructed where the historic Phoenix Hotel once stood. An historic 1880s block located on Main Street was demolished. This lot is still vacant. "

"The city is home to two horse-racing tracks, Keeneland and The Red Mile harness track.Keeneland, sporting live races in April and October, is steeped in tradition; little has changed since the track's opening in 1936. Keeneland hosted the 2015 Breeders' Cup, with the event's signature race, the Breeders' Cup Classic, won by Triple Crown winner American Pharoah. This track also has the world's largest thoroughbred auction house; 19 Kentucky Derby winners, 21 Preakness Stakes winners, and 18 Belmont Stakes winners were purchased at Keeneland sales. Its most notable race is the Blue Grass Stakes, which is considered an important preparation for the Kentucky Derby. The Red Mile is the oldest horse racing track in the city and the second-oldest in the nation. It runs live harness races, in which horses pull two-wheeled carts called sulkies. The two tracks announced a partnership in 2014."

"Since its opening in April 1978, the Kentucky Horse Park has hosted the Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event, which is one of the top-three annual equestrian eventing competitions in the world, and is held immediately before the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs in Louisville.

>>> Let me try to sum it up:

Lexington Kentucky is the first geo location to get it's name from the battle of Lexington Massachusetts. Abe Lincoln's wife was from there. It is in Fayette county (named after general LaFayette), it's famous home for horse racing. And from all of my readings and research, it seems there are a lot of poeple connected to Cabal or to the confederate whom are buried there. It's like everyone wants a spot to get buried in it's FAMOUS cemetery. Notable persons from Lexington Kentucky are: actor Geroge Clooney, we have also Jefferson Finis Davis & Abe Lincoln.

>>> cherry on top of cake: guess who won the county of Fayette where Lexington in 2016 presidential election? None other than Killary.

eda782 (22)  No.5454910>>5454955


i check the famous cemetery, nothing notable there:


"Lexington Cemetery is a private, non-profit 170-acre (69 ha) cemetery and arboretum located at 833 W. Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky. It is open to the public from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Lexington Cemetery was established in 1849 as a place of beauty and a public cemetery, in part to deal with burials from the cholera epidemic in the area. It now contains more than 64,000 interments. "

"Within the cemetery are three places that are listed separately on the National Register of Historic Places from the main cemetery: Confederate Soldier Monument in Lexington, the Ladies' Confederate Memorial, and Lexington National Cemetery. "

>>> I didn't find anything anons, nothing. And this kinda surprised me because in everything i've researched Lexington cemetery kept on showing. It's like one very desirable place, eventhough it's a cemetery. I'm thinking maybe there are some "symbols" on the graves or somehting like that. Oh I don't know! This one has tossed me off the rails. I know it's important for the Cabal, but I don't get it how.

Fayette county in Kentucky didn't have anything notable as well, apart the place being named after LaFfayette.

i went to check other counties:


"Woodford County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 24,939.[1] Its county seat is Versailles.[2]

Woodford County is part of the Lexington-Fayette, KY Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is located in the heart of the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. "

"The county was formed from a part of Fayette County, Virginia in 1788.[3][4] It was named for William Woodford, an American Revolutionary War general from Virginia who died while a prisoner of war in 1780.[5] It was the last of the original nine counties established that formed the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 1792.[6] "

"Woodford County is home to one of Kentucky's oldest bourbon whiskey distilleries, Labrot & Graham (established 1812), maker of Woodford Reserve; and to the Life Adventure Center, the Weisenberger flour mill, Castle post hotel, and the former Old Taylor Distillery. "

Then I went to check Versailles:


"Versailles was founded on June 23, 1792, on 80 acres (320,000 m2) of land owned by Hezekiah Briscoe, at the time only a child. His guardian, Major Marquis Calmes, named the town after Versailles, France, in honor of General Lafayette, a family friend. In the Bluegrass Region of Kentucky, which became known for its thoroughbred horses and other livestock, the city was officially incorporated on February 13, 1837. It was briefly occupied during the American Civil War by both Confederate and Union forces. "

"In the Inner Bluegrass Region, the area is a center for horse breeding and training, for thoroughbred and standardbred racehorses, and saddlebred pleasure horses.

Thoroughbred farms include

Woodburn Stud

Lane's End Farm

WinStar Farm

Standardbred farms include Brittany Farms. Lenore Farms is for Saddlebred horses.

The Woodford Reserve Distillery, a station on the Bourbon Trail, is located here. "

>>> I was surprised to see we have a "Bourbon trail", the alcoholic drink that is. It made me think that maybe Payseur heir also monopolised that too, just like he did with the railroads. And do anons remember how alcohol was prohibited for some time in the States? Wasn't Al Capone famous for illegal stuff (apart killing people) like smuggeling alcohol? My memory is fuzzy about that part, because I never paid too much attention to it. And I want to point out that Al Capone keeps on popping out in my research.

eda782 (22)  No.5454955>>5455187


Now take a look at the Bourbon trail member site list"

As of 2018, the destinations on the main Bourbon Trail are:[16]

Angel's Envy Distillery in Louisville

Bardstown Bourbon Company in Bardstown

Bulleit Frontier Whiskey Experience at Stitzel-Weller Distillery in Louisville

Evan Williams Bourbon Experience in Louisville[6]

Four Roses Distillery in Lawrenceburg

Heaven Hill Visitor Center in Bardstown

Jim Beam American Stillhouse in Clermont

Jim Beam Urban Stillhouse in Louisville

Lux Row Distillers in Bardstown

Maker's Mark Distillery in Loretto

Michter’s Fort Nelson Distillery in Louisville

Old Forester Distilling Co. in Louisville

O.Z. Tyler Distillery in Owensboro

Town Branch Distillery in Lexington

Wild Turkey Distillery in Lawrenceburg

Woodford Reserve Distillery near Versailles

The members of the Bourbon Trail "Craft Tour" are:[10][17]

Barrel House Distilling Co. in Lexington

Bluegrass Distillers in Lexington

Boone County Distilling Co. in Boone County

Hartfield & Co. in Paris

Jeptha Creed Distillery in Shelbyville

Kentucky Artisan Distillery in Crestwood

Kentucky Peerless Distilling Company in Louisville

Limestone Branch Distillery in Lebanon

MB Roland Distillery, Pembroke (Christian County)

New Riff Distillery in Newport

Old Pogue Distillery in Maysville

Wilderness Trail Distillery in Danville

Willett Distillery in Bardstown

>>>> Interesting isn't it anons? So now we have a territorial empire for Payseur, a railroad empire for Payseur, and it seems we have an alcohol empire for Payseur.

eda782 (22)  No.5455187>>5455628 >>5458084


As for Bourbon county in Kentucky:


"Bourbon County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 19,985.[1] Its county seat is Paris.[2]

Bourbon County is part of the Lexington--Fayette, KY Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is one of Kentucky's nine original counties, and is best known for its historical association with bourbon whiskey. "

"Birthplace of Bourbon whiskey[edit]

Whiskey was an early product of the area, and whiskey barrels from the area were marked Old Bourbon when they were shipped downriver from the local port on the Ohio River."

"Except for a few distilleries that were authorized to produce it for medicinal purposes, the bourbon industry was wiped out in 1919 when Prohibition took effect. Kentucky adopted prohibition a year earlier than the national prohibition.[10] Within the boundaries of Bourbon County as it stands today there were, by some counts, 26 distilleries. All of these were shut down in 1919, and no distilleries resumed operation there until late 2014 -- a period of 95 years.[11] At present, alcohol production and sales in Kentucky are regulated by a patchwork of laws which the Kentucky Supreme Court called a "maze of obscure statutory language".

"The courthouse was destroyed by fire in 1872 and 1901, resulting in the loss of county records"

>>> This is terribly interesting anons. Remember that Mystery room with rotating doors and secret passages in Biltmore hotel, Phoenix, Arizona? Clack Gable used to go there to "drink" alcohol during the prohibition years? Wonder if there is more to it than what is written, mostly about the illegal trade of alcohol. Was this "Secret" business of Payseur (the alcohol)?

>>> and also anons, in Springmeier book, he mentions 2 things we have here: 1 - how court houses and archves used to be "suddenly" burnt down in order to "hide" the traces of Payseur. 2 - Biltmore estate was put under the care of the Vanderbilts for a 101 years if i'm not mistaken, so in other words, I think this is Payseur M.O., he leases or puts under the care of this and that his businesses and estates for a century, then moves them back to another familly bloodline to take care of if he is not satisfied from the results. i wonder if this is what happened when the business managedment of Payseur fortune was transfered from Rockefeller to Soros = the contract time was up and Rockefellers didn't do the required job by not pushing up Killary to win the presidency, so the management of the Payseur wealth was transfered to Soros. Just a theory there anons.

eda782 (22)  No.5455628


As for Concord, the one in New Hampshire might have something to do with the Cabal, we have there a Phenix hall.


the most notable thing is the Concord of Massachusetts


"The Battle of Lexington and Concord was the first conflict in the American Revolutionary War"

"After being imprisoned in the Concord jail for refusing to pay taxes in political protest against slavery and the Mexican--American War, Thoreau penned the influential essay "Resistance to Civil Government", popularly known as Civil Disobedience (1849).[23] Evidencing their strong political beliefs through actions, Thoreau and many of his neighbors served as station masters and agents on the Underground Railroad"

"In 1849, Ephraim Bull developed the now-ubiquitous Concord grape at his home on Lexington Road, where the original vine still grows"

For anons whom would like to read about the battles of Lexington and Concord here is the link for a simplified read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battles_of_Lexington_and_Concord

>>> As for what I think about Q drop 992, well, I'm going back again to my initial interpreating = Q was singaling in that drop that Potus and the alliance took first shots or first punches against the cabal happened. That was the "first battle" sort of speak. It's like it's a marker, just like those 2 battles were a marker in the revolution war. Can any anon reading this remember what happened to the Cabal during April 2018, the 12th of the month precisely? What did Potus or the Alliance do around that time? Was it Easter?

And I got curious about route 66, i was wondering if anyone can trace it and see if it run through the places I've mentioned in my thread. Also if an anon can see on a map if the places I've mentioned in this thread connect together (other than in rail) making a pentagram or any other cabal symbolism on a map. Those are just my thoughts anons.

eda782 (22)  No.5456807

File (hide): 412c93d9d3a77d3⋯.jpg (87.76 KB, 450x939, 150:313, Sick 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4724d1041aa76a9⋯.jpg (37.54 KB, 450x600, 3:4, Sick 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3b07d2c886847e9⋯.jpg (76.4 KB, 564x854, 282:427, Patricia Piccinini is sick.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas Anon,

Before I call it a day, a few more words: I hope anons realize why the Cabal members use the old subway tunnels to go from one point to another? Who used the own every single rail in the States? = Payseur. So owning every single rail, means he has the "plans" the "drafts", the locations on maps of every single rail system out there. So you see how cabal members know about the labyrinth of the underground rail? How they managed to nagivate in the tunnels without getting lost? And how they were certain no one is going to come to disturb them? = all of this is because Payseur heir already has in his/her possession the floor map = the plan = the display of the rail system underground.

Now what I'm going to say and show next is disturbing, so anons faint of heart please stop reading at this point.

I've mentioned this before:



This is about Patricia Piccinini = one of Tony Podesta's favorite artists. I guess by now most anons are familiar with her "art" (it's garbage but that is just the opinion of the old man that is me). We all know her "weird" paintings.

As I've said before, I've noticed a pattern in her drawings: she is not a "Creative" artist, as in she draws from her inspiration and imagination. She is a "copy" artist, whom copies what she sees in front of her eyes and make little subtile changes to it so it would look a bit dfferent.

If you take into the equation that she is a "copy" artist, simply adding minor changes to what she sees in front of her, it then explains a lot about the Biltmore Pool, and the Marble house and Belcourt wallpapers and fabric furniture patterns. She's either been there or someone showed her photos of them and she "re-produced" them according to the wishes of her clients. But that is just her drawings and paintings. Have anons taken a look at her sculptures? I was going to vomit (still am) when I saw them. They are beyond disturbing.

If we apply the same line of thoughts of her being a "copy" artist to her sculptures as we did to her drawings. Then, what she sculpted is what she saw either with her own eyes or in pictures. Those very disgusting and disturbing sculptures of her involve mostly children as well with freaking creatures whom have some human caracteristic = as in they look like humans.

now, here when it gets totally disturbing.

In my research and "awakening" process, I keep on hearing about underground secret labs, biological facilities and "forbiden" medicine. And i guess the most famous one out there is Antartica. And not long ago, there were articles about the first "hybrid" created.


And I want to add from a historical view, ELITES, from LOONNGG ago, had an obsession with mixing animal blood with human blood, creating all sort of demi human demi animal creatures: Like the egyptian gods with mostly animal heads. We have loads of women in greek mythology whom make love to Zeus while he is in different animal forms. And we have loads of semi animal, semi humans in Hindu myths as well.

I hope I'm mistaking. I hope I'm truly mistaking. These sculptures are not what i think they are. I'm praying to God everyday that I'm wrong. And if I'm not, I'm praying even harder, hoping, wishing hard those Boom people are hearing are Potus and the Alliance destroying the labs underground where such horrible stuff exist.

On this, I'm going to call it a day anons. I hope, I pray hard that Potus will find a nice tiny dirty jail cell for patricia Piccinini as well. She is a monster just like her clients whom order such "art". As for the rest of the Cabal, well, I will be terribly pissed if any of my tax money will go to pay for the food or medical expenses of such monsters. I also don't want to waste money on bullets for the executions. Whatever is the cheapest and most agonizing way for them to go, I choose that. i hear asphyxiation is a very slow and painful and cheap death. I know what I'm saying is not civil but when I think of all the TRUE horrors those monsters have been doing for centuries, and now add to it all this "art". I don't want to put a penny on them. I want that money to go to helping the victims. We owe it to them, all of them, from all over the world, whoever they are.

I hope anons forgive me for this rather "disturbing" last drop of mine for today. I hope Q team or Potus is reading this.

This old man is going to dream land. Take care of yourselves anons. God bless you all. WWG1WGA.

12e308 (11)  No.5458084>>5458276 >>5472330


in re: the courthouse fires and the leases Springmeier I think is spot on with connecting the dots but his conclusions are up for question. Here's what I mean: recently while digging I discovered a book from the late 1990s (the last days of dialup and bbs if anyone remembers those). I knew I wanted a copy when I saw the few used copies for sale on Amazon priced in the upper hundred dollar range. Not small batch publication, more like a case of easy to "lose" due to the time of publication being on the cusp of hardcovers beginning to lose favor to other editions of print (pdf, etc) and the rise of new demands for no printed formats requiring cost-prohibitive technology (at the time) for publishing runs in efile formats. I intend to link back to the post where I dropped it here in case any want to have a look after what I am about to mention in summary form from memory.

The author of that book ended up digging and in the process unknowingly discovered proof of the cabals existence. She had been a personal assistant for an executive prior to the research and author process. She had reason to trace titles and transfers of ownership of various assets and estates, which back in the 1990s required way more gumshoe and shoeleather than our efforts at digging today. travel arrangements, per diem costs, incidentals , etc… we're not optional but mandatory as most primary evidence existed in printed archival form often in county courthouse all over the country. And all over she did go following this trail. Like Springmeier and we ourselves, she found d the peysuer links, Rockefellers, Rothschild's, the 99 year leases, railroads and estates entrusted in the hands of others, and the rash of courthouse fires. so same dots we connect here and Springmeier connects on his, but she found before Springmeier and before we here; without much help; or knowledge of what she was setting out to find. Her conclusion was that these courthouse fires occured during the early part of the reconstruction era and primarily south of Mason-Dixon. Her conclusion (apologies for not recollecting the rationale that leads her to conclude this) is that one of the trustees had found a way to take estate from P for themselves as burnt courthouses entailed to nonexistent proof of actual ownership / title P point to, and they in turn would gain benefit from the more about "possession being 9/10ths of the law". skipping forward for brevity and candor in what I do recall from the read, P responded with the campaign of repossessing assets and estates that had been entrusted with others, and once in control of them, a project of consolidation and further obfuscation began leading to much of PS ownings falling under the umbrella of only a handful of pocket conglomerates (my term had to coin it just now). the final result was all of PS wealth coming under the umbrella of railroad company's. 1 in particular that I can't recall.

an aside for my interpretation of her account: it seems P was motivated by the threat of further betrayal, so obviously while most times when firms rationalize and consolidate, it is to grow market share for the parent company in additional sectors, simultaneous diversification and growth (bloat)In this case P was more than likely seeking a manageable way to make the vast wealth of estates 1, manageable 2, portable so that at least until he could sort friend from for in his own house, the family itself could reasonable oversea the day to day requirements involved, without drawing attention through the very act of mergers and acquisitions necessitated given the circumstances (M&As draw attention).

back to recalling her writeup, even in the 1990s the estates remained under control of an under the radar railway form and the leases were expiring on those that were still under such arrangements. she extrapolated and wondered in her conclusion whether the lease expirations would coincide with a resurfacing of the P clan and possible public resurfacing of the true nature of the Peysuers.

link back in this bread to where I posted the pdf.

woman's name Alex Christopher

book Pandora's Box


12e308 (11)  No.5458276>>5459222


while tracking back to that drop I saw where just prior I had dropped obit, burial record (?) of a lady Peysuer that resides 6 feet under in the main cemetery in Birmingham. I actually know the caretaker (small world) if that's ever useful later down the road for anyone.

it was Iola, of daughter of Lewis Cass Peysuer, and (to get to the reason I am re-dropping this from earlier in this bread) wife to Gatling inventor of namesake artillery weapon. An anon just a few nights ago in this bake had alluded to Peyseur -Gatling connection.


12e308 (11)  No.5459222>>5459569 >>5464858


last one. 1st hit searching iolas daughters.


scanning briefly enough jumped forward to want to report back

in attached pic, I highlighted passage which places Lewis Cass Peysuer as residing in Birmingham elite(ist) suberb of Mt. Brook during his granddaughters childhood circa the 1920s. that may damn well explain much of the occult ties to the city's history right there. The industrial grade Masonic hand silently bound to that city's story. it definitely explains the discovery I recently learned of that their was a theosophy society chapter in the city corca 20s 30s (blavatsky still alive at time). finally in her obit it mentions her father leaving for prolonged expeditions to Latin America prior to moving the whole family that way. They lived in Lat. Am for most of the 1930s. This is relevant to giving evidence to the assertion that the long that GAALT is indeed tied to the Peyseur clan. This is relevant due to 2 prior matters this clears up. 1, what information on the company owning GAALT speaks of it's owners being from a family that can trace itself back centuries in the new world. the company's bio (now archived.is all that exists as I understand) never names the family, but does mention 2 mains office (a) carolinas, and (b) Birmingham. Peysuer now positively connected to each locale. Also, Inventor (person named on original patent application ) ended in an ambassador type role during trips to Latin Am. ostensibly to forge eeconomic ties with cities down there. So P got the IP from the patent and all related benefits. In exchange the inventor got first crack / vip priority in opportunities or when 3115 related to arrangetnsarise from arrangements and markets to

opening envoy arrangements-p

12e308 (11)  No.5459569


forgive me, long week anons. Her Husband Invented GAALT if a Peyseur took control of it, she did so directly.


267f3a (10)  No.5459641>>5459654 >>5459669

This apron spells the word MAGI

267f3a (10)  No.5459654


Apron spells MAGI

267f3a (10)  No.5459669

267f3a (10)  No.5459706>>5459730

last try. This apron says MAGI

267f3a (10)  No.5459730

830237 (24)  No.5464858>>5465660 >>5818337

File (hide): de772afa5e5230d⋯.jpg (186.08 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Flotus Potus Alabama Unive….jpg) (h) (u)


This is Thomas Anon,

Good day to you anon and I thank you for your drops. I personally didn't go into Payseur himself nor his daughters nor did I go into Latin America because I knew there would be thousands of anons putting all of that under a microscope.

Your research is important and I believe it's a piece of the puzzle that can fit perfectly to what I've been researching. I've been calling for some time for anon from all accross the research areas to bring their findings together so we can finally see the big picture. So in this spirit, if possible, can you please dump your findings in this thread. In my research I've found several geographical points of interest to the bloodline families and their goones. They seem to hold those place dear to them. One of them was Mobile Alabama, and then there is Birmmingham Alabama. And somehow in the mix of all of this is the Louisianna purchase exposition thrown in the middle. And Remember there is this picture of Potus.


So could you please link what you have with what is in this thread?

It's been something like 6 hours since i read what you dropped and I've been thinking hard about the stuff you said. If what you have found is true, then this explains a lot of things: like why and how the Nazi picked Latin America to flee there after WWII. Check my drops in the earlier thread about Edward VIII of England, that dirt bag might have been the one whom convinced Payseur heir to help the Nazi get installed in latin america. I am still thinking this, so for now I won't say much about it. And also, I've always, ALWAYS wondered how the heck Payseur managed to infiltrate Hollywood, WHEN that happened, and HOW on earth did he manage to get such a strong hold of it all? So now, what you sent, explains it. This is why I'm asking you to collaborate and bring what you have in here.

But it also seems to me that it's been months you have been digging in this rabbit hole and you seem to have come to a halt or couldn't find any new leads, right? May I suggest a few points to look into, since this is your research, I don't want to get into it, you understand this stuff better than I would because you dived into it; so I'm going to make a few suggestions:

1 - The graveyard where they are burried, you said you know the caretaker, is it possible to get a layout, a plan of the entire grave? Can you get in, look around, look for the graves of interest and take pictures from all angles of them? And don't just focus only on the specific graves, take a look a the graves around them, mostly the graves with symbolism on them. Mark them all on a map, See if it can create some pentagram or any other cabal used symbol. And look for axis and orientations, does it face west, east etc….. And then try to see where the graveyard is located within the city, if it connects to other Massonic or cabal known structures, statues or monuments. Whatever you do, please be careful. These are dangerous people, it's not a game, even though we play it like a game. Don't use your credit card, avoid surveillance cameras, don't use your own name nor any family name of yours. Please be careful.

As for the research, again you might have found the connection how the Payseur family got a hold of Hollywood. You also might have discovered the groundwork for WHY the nazi got into Latin America. And I'm terribly interested in that great niece and the 2 great nephews of Alice. ^_^ It reminded me of some people I've been suspecting. But it's just me thinking, we need proofs, right?

Also, Have you tried to take a look at the current living members of Alice family? I mean where they live right now, what do they work, what are their interest, have they been traveling, what social events they attend?

Now let me tell you what I know:

Louis XVII when he fled France and then got to the US that was NOT just a random choice. I haven't been digging in the history out of nothing. I understood that the events that took place during the revolution of 1789 must have traumatized a young boy his age, and if it's true that he was the one whom OUTED his mother (= Marie-Antoinette) about the pedophilia and incest in front of the revolutionary court, He might have developped a huge feeling of guilt as being the one responsible for the death of his mother.

dcc062 (19)  No.5465399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Al~Uzza, Allat and Manat, The Triple Goddess of Arabia Felix

830237 (24)  No.5465660>>5466132



I haven't been droping randomly stuff. I've been trying to prove some points. One of them is the totally obsession from the members of the Payseur clan (aka the red shoe clan) about Marie-Antoinette. Every object that belonged to her is venerated, everything she said or did is hold dear and taken as a role model. I believe this "behavior" and "attitude" towards Marie-Antoinette is the result of the guilt felt by Louis XVII for being the one whom outed his mother's perversions. So he developped some sort of OBSESSION about it and transmitted this obsession to his kids which transmitted it to the next generation and so on. This explains a lot of their behavior towards Marie-Antoinette.

Louis XVII didn't flee to the States because it was a cool place. If he wanted to be totally "invisible" he might have fled to Australia or New Zealand or a secluded island somewhere in the Pacific. He choose the States because he has some relatives and some LOYAL FOLLOWERS there, already established = installed. It was no coincidence he made North Carolina his home. If you read my research, I've put up on purpose when the places I've looked at where "founded" and by whom. i did that on purpose. See, migrants from France came and already installed colonnies in the States, creating a vast network of trade for the kings of France. So it's only natural that the king of France already has sent LOYAL subjects or followers there to make sure the business is well managed and he won't get robbed by a greedy subject. He might as well have sent distant cousins there. So Louis XVII landing in the States where he did, there was ALREADY a BASE of OPERATIONS in place for the Bourbons in there. And since he was the ONLY and UNIQUE HEIR to LOUIS XVI, he controled everything. It always amazed me HOW FAST he built his rail empire and how quickly he controled everything, he did it in a blink. So this had me thinking that he only took control what was already installed previously there and he expand it. The ground work was done much earlier, when he arrived, he took the reigns of power of what his father's loyal followers already have build.

So from now on, if I make mistakes, please correct me, my mind is overloaded as well ^_^

So L.C. Payseur is the son of Louis XVII, right? He managed the "empire" after the death of his father Louis XVII. And Payseur had 2 daughters, meaning there are 2 branches of the Payseur family, right? But from this document it seems we have 3 daughters. I have always thought we have 2. So now I'm a bit confused about this specific point.

I'm going to put that aside for now and wait for an anon to help me out see things better.

So regardless of how many daughters there is, one thing is for sure, there are more than ONE daughter of LC Payseur. Meaning we have more than one unique heir, meaning we have more than one branch of the family, meaning it has tentacles. The Alice you talked about in your research might be very well one of Payseur FAMILY, she might come from ONE of the branches. But what about the other branches? I believe it's during this time, when the heir of Payseur became female, that this merovingian bloodline branch transformed from a patriarchal system to a matriarchal one. So the HEIR of Payseur I keep on talking about, is a female, and she is on TOP of the Payseur descendant family = all branches of the Payseur family.

Now we gotta ask ourselves is the ALICE you talk about the HEAD of the PAYSEUR FAMILY? At most, the current day descendants of Payseur might be around a 100 person = that is an maximum estimate of how many persons might have the blood of Payseur in them. But I'm more inclined to get that number closer to 70 persons. Regardless of who stole the assests, who controled them and all of that, we gotta remember this is about the BLOOD = the Merovingian bloodline. So it brings me to ask: which branch of the family the HEIR = the HEAD of Payseur bloodline comes from? I've always suspected ALVA Erskine-Smith-Vanderbilt-Belmont of being part of the Payseur family. Could she be a cousin to the Alice you've talked about? A cousin from the other branch of the Payseur family? And do these women feel jealous and rivalry between them, as in one cousin trying to push aside the other cousin and take control of the family, be the top head herself? Yeah, that is very much possible? it brings to question how do they select the heir = the head?

830237 (24)  No.5466132

File (hide): 048a77e5bdb2ff7⋯.jpg (2.81 KB, 32x255, 32:255, About Alice Payseur.jpg) (h) (u)


As for their assests being taken from them and the Payseur fighting back to take it all back, i personnally don't want to get into that, but I will comment into the behavior of women. The head = heir of Payseur is a woman, and women tent to be more into details than men. And they tent to be mor emotional towards their pocessions. And if anyone snatches what they consider as important or significant for them, they fight back like wild cats and destroy everything and everyone in the process to get it back. So add to it what I just said about Louis XVII developping an obsession about his mother. The Payseur daughters might have developped and totally paranoid obsession and attachement about their belongings, of any type. And this would have also totally made them paranoid by making them feel targeted all over again, just like the family was targeted during the french revolution. They might have felt hunt down all over again. So this lead them to change how they operate. This is why you see a change in the way they oversee and control their business.

Now i want to add something to the mix = Q team, Potus, Flotus, Gen. Flynn.

Let's make things clear, they are lurking on this board ever since Q showed up on the boards. And they have been giving us "clues" via twitter or in here. From the start, THEY KNOW WHOM PAYSEUR HEAD IS. THEY KNOW WHOM THEY ARE UP AGAINST.

I've said this before anons.

From the start, Q, ever since his earlier drops, he wanted anons to dig up about Payseur heir and make the connections and reconstruct how this giant spider web is built. Which means Q already know who P is and Q also know WE = anon, can find out the identity of Payseur head just by digging on the net.

It's at our fingertips, we just have to look for it. Problem is where to look for it. (rolling eyes). And Q also know when we are going to find out Payseur heir identity, we are going to immediatly recognize it. This means Payseur heir is a household name, it's in the public domaine, it's a public figure.

So yeah! Payseur heir might have "planned" to come into the open and was planning to but it was all busted by Potus winning the presidency, right? So who was SUPPOSED to win instead of Potus?

Anons whom have been reading my drops ever since the beginning already know I've been suspecting Killary of being the current head of the Payseur family. But proving it is a whole other question. There are MANY hints in her behavior and thinking and attitude that leads me straight back to Payseur heir. And I want to point out about this text you sent about Alice just now: there is a great niece and 2 great nephews mentioned in it.

It might be nothing, but I would like to point out that Killary has 2 brothers. So is it a simple coincidence anon? i have no clue.

And I don't know if anons noticed this, but Potus has been making "deals" with other cabal members like McStain and Bush senior, but when it comes to Killary = NO DEALS.

Also, she is the epicenter to every scandal that rocked the States for the last 45 years at least. And how many times is she mentioned in the Q drops compared to the others? She is all over the place. And look at the Cohen hearings, she is the one pulling the strings behind it all: which got me thinking why is still fighting back so viciously Potus. She is the only one whom has never stopped attacking Potus and trying to take him down in any sort of way.

Yeah! i agree, other cabal members have also attacked Potus, but the most persistant one is Killary, if it's not her directly, it's her minions in the agencies or her lawyer or the Stars minions or her media minions. Ever since she lost, she never stopped attacking Potus nor stoped to overthrow him and take back the presidency. She is fighting back like a spoiled brat. it's not just about avoiding jail or execution. It's more than that. She is a very vengefull woman, filled with spite. Why isn't she letting go, she could have been a nice olf grandma and made a deal with potus and spend what life she has in a quiet isolated place. Why is she still doing her best to bite him back? She is the one still resisting the tiddal wave that is comming her way.

And I want to point out something to anons, all the clues that Q team, Potus, Flotus have been giving us, they have been all pointing me back to Killary. That's my personal take on it all.

So I hope the anon whom have dug about GLAAD and that specific "Alice", will drop what he found in here, and we can build the bigger image. Let's bring pieces of the puzzle together. This requires team work.

1a9be7 (1)  No.5467388>>5468611

830237 (24)  No.5468167>>5469316 >>5469910

File (hide): 24fdcd58a4dcf86⋯.jpg (250.25 KB, 1199x613, 1199:613, Potus Fontainebleau - Copy.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fda821642bcedf3⋯.jpg (289.46 KB, 1199x636, 1199:636, Potus Fontainebleau 1 - Co….jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): ae867386bf946a8⋯.jpg (432.27 KB, 1024x672, 32:21, Fontainebleau France.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas Anon,

It's been a while since I was took a look at Potus twitter account and I noticed this. Is this another HINT from Potus? Only a bilingual English-French would notice this.

I'm going to drop it in the general thread to see if I can get anything. I already know where Fontainebleau is going to lead me = France. it's one of the most beautiful Chateau ever seen.

I hope some young anon would pick it up, if not, then i will have to dig this up myself.

dcc062 (19)  No.5468611

File (hide): 62f2d8eb0090b1e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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830237 (24)  No.5469316>>5469621


No well got interested in it. Oh well! I guess it's up to this old man to do some digging again:


"Fontainebleau (/ˈfɒntɪnˌbloʊ/; French pronunciation: ​[fɔtɛnblo])[1] is a commune in the metropolitan area of Paris, France. It is located 55.5 kilometres (34.5 mi) south-southeast of the centre of Paris. Fontainebleau is a sub-prefecture of the Seine-et-Marne department, and it is the seat of the arrondissement of Fontainebleau. The commune has the largest land area in the Île-de-France region; it is the only one to cover a larger area than Paris itself.

Fontainebleau, together with the neighbouring commune of Avon and three other smaller communes, form an urban area of 39,713 inhabitants (according to the 2001 census). This urban area is a satellite of Paris.

Fontainebleau is renowned for the large and scenic forest of Fontainebleau, a favourite weekend getaway for Parisians, as well as for the historic Château de Fontainebleau, which once belonged to the kings of France. It is also the home of INSEAD, one of the world's most elite business schools.

Inhabitants of Fontainebleau are sometimes called Bellifontains. "

"Fontainebleau has been recorded in different Latinised forms, such as, Fons Bleaudi, Fons Bliaudi, Fons Blaadi in the 12th and 13th centuries, with Fontem blahaud being recorded in 1137. It became Fons Bellaqueus in the 17th century, which gave rise to the name of the inhabitants as Bellifontains. The name originates as a medieval composite of two words: Fontaine-- meaning spring, or fountainhead, followed by a person’s Germanic name Blizwald.[2]

This hamlet was endowed with a royal hunting lodge and a chapel by Louis VII in the middle of the twelfth century. A century later, Louis IX, also called Saint Louis, who held Fontainebleau in high esteem and referred to it as "his wilderness", had a country house and a hospital constructed there.

Philip the Fair was born there in 1268 and died there in 1314. In all, thirty-four sovereigns, from Louis VI, the Fat, (1081--1137) to Napoleon III (1808–1873), spent time at Fontainebleau.

The connection between the town of Fontainebleau and the French monarchy was reinforced with the transformation of the royal country house into a true royal palace, the Palace of Fontainebleau. This was accomplished by the great builder-king, Francis I (1494--1547), who, in the largest of his many construction projects, reconstructed, expanded, and transformed the royal château at Fontainebleau into a residence that became his favourite, as well as the residence of his mistress, Anne, duchess of Étampes.

From the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, every monarch, from Francis I to Louis XV, made important renovations at the Palace of Fontainebleau, including demolitions, reconstructions, additions, and embellishments of various descriptions, all of which endowed it with a character that is a bit heterogeneous, but harmonious nonetheless. "

>>>> Notice the red dragon in the "shield" = coat of arms? Fontainebleau palace was mostly a HUNTING ground for the French royalty = Bourbon.

830237 (24)  No.5469621>>5470041 >>5470195

File (hide): 0853d8a8477c187⋯.jpg (184.24 KB, 1920x629, 1920:629, Chateau_Fontainebleau.jpg) (h) (u)


"On 18 October 1685, Louis XIV signed the Edict of Fontainebleau there. Also known as the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, this royal fiat reversed the permission granted to the Huguenots in 1598 to worship publicly in specified locations and hold certain other privileges. The result was that a large number of Protestants were forced to convert to the Catholic faith, killed, or forced into exile, mainly in the Low Countries, Prussia and in England.[3]

The 1762 Treaty of Fontainebleau, a secret agreement between France and Spain concerning the Louisiana territory in North America, was concluded here. Also, preliminary negotiations, held before the 1763 Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Seven Years' War, were at Fontainebleau.

During the French Revolution, Fontainebleau was temporarily renamed Fontaine-la-Montagne, meaning "Fountain by the Mountain". (The mountain referred to is the series of rocky formations located in the forest of Fontainebleau.)

On 29 October 1807, Manuel Godoy, chancellor to the Spanish king, Charles IV and Napoleon signed the Treaty of Fontainebleau, which authorized the passage of French troops through Spanish territories so that they might invade Portugal.

On 20 June 1812, Pope Pius VII arrived at the château of Fontainebleau, after a secret transfer from Savona, accompanied by his personal physician, Balthazard Claraz. In poor health, the Pope was the prisoner of Napoleon, and he remained in his genteel prison at Fontainebleau for nineteen months. From June 1812 until 23 January 1814, the Pope never left his apartments.

On 20 April 1814, Napoleon Bonaparte, shortly before his first abdication, bid farewell to the Old Guard, the renowned grognards (gripers) who had served with him since his very first campaigns, in the "White Horse Courtyard" (la cour du Cheval Blanc) at the Palace of Fontainebleau. (The courtyard has since been renamed the "Courtyard of Goodbyes".) According to contemporary sources, the occasion was very moving. The 1814 Treaty of Fontainebleau stripped Napoleon of his powers (but not his title as Emperor of the French) and sent him into exile on Elba.

Until the 19th century, Fontainebleau was a village and a suburb of Avon. Later, it developed as an independent residential city.

For the 1924 Summer Olympics, the town played host to the riding portion of the modern pentathlon event. This event took place near a golf course.[4]

In July and August 1946, the town hosted the Franco-Vietnamese Conference, intended to find a solution to the long-contested struggle for Vietnam’s independence from France, but the conference ended in failure.

Fontainebleau also hosted the general staff of the Allied Forces in Central Europe (Allied Forces Center or AFCENT) and the land forces command (LANDCENT); the air forces command (AIRCENT) was located nearby at Camp Guynemer. These facilities were in place from the inception of NATO until France’s partial withdrawal from NATO in 1967 when the United States returned those bases to French control. NATO moved AFCENT to Brunssum in the Netherlands and AIRCENT to Ramstein in West Germany. (Note that the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, also known as SHAPE, was located at Rocquencourt, west of Paris, quite a distance from Fontainebleau).

In 2008, The men's World Championship of Real Tennis (Jeu de Paume) was held in the tennis court of the Chateau. The real tennis World Championship is the oldest in sport and Fontainebleau has one of only two active courts in France. "

"The forest of Fontainebleau surrounds the town and dozens of nearby villages. It is protected by France's Office National des Forêts, and it is recognised as a French national park. It is managed in order that its wild plants and trees, such as the rare service tree of Fontainebleau, and its populations of birds, mammals, and butterflies, can be conserved. It is a former royal hunting park often visited by hikers and horse riders. The forest is also well regarded for bouldering and is particularly popular among climbers, as the biggest developed area of that kind in the world. "

>>>> I didn't know Vietnam was a French colony. Let's check that next.

12e308 (11)  No.5469747>>5470341

condee rice?

12e308 (11)  No.5469910>>5470247


there is a fontainebleau near here. will dig

12e308 (11)  No.5470041


you will want to use term indochina or french indochina

830237 (24)  No.5470195>>5470201


I'm only going to put the part that concern the french colony:


"From between 1615--1753, French traders also have engaged in trade in the area around Đàng Trong and actively spreading missionaries.[67][68] Following the detention of several missionaries as the Vietnamese kingdom feel threatened with the continuous Christianisation activities,[69] the French Navy received approval from their government to intervene in Vietnam in 1834 with the aim to free imprisoned Catholic missionaries from a kingdom that was perceived as xenophobic against foreign influence.[70] Vietnam's kingdom independence was then gradually eroded by France which was aided by the Spanish and large Catholic militias in a series of military conquests between 1859 and 1885.[71][72] In 1862, the southern third of the country became the French colony of Cochinchina.[73] By 1884, the entire country had come under French rule, with the central and northern parts of Vietnam separated in the two protectorates of Annam and Tonkin. The three Vietnamese entities were formally integrated into the union of French Indochina in 1887.[74][75] The French administration imposed significant political and cultural changes on Vietnamese society.[76] A Western-style system of modern education was developed and Catholicism was propagated widely.[77] Most French settlers in Indochina were concentrated in Cochinchina, particularly in the region of Saigon and in Hanoi, the capital of the colony.[78]

Guerrillas of the royalist Cần Vương movement massacred around a third of Vietnam's Christian population during the colonial period as part of their rebellion against French rule,[79][80] but were defeated in the 1890s after a decade of resistance by the Catholics as a reprisal of their earlier massacres.[81][82] Another large-scale rebellion, the Thái Nguyên uprising was also suppressed heavily.[83] The French developed a plantation economy to promote the export of tobacco, indigo, tea and coffee,[84] however, they largely ignored the increasing demands for civil rights and self-government. A nationalist political movement soon emerged, with leaders such as Phan Bội Châu, Phan Châu Trinh, Phan Đình Phùng, Emperor Hàm Nghi, and Hồ Chí Minh fighting or calling for independence.[85] This resulted in the 1930 Yên Bái mutiny by the Vietnamese Nationalist Party (VNQDĐ) which was suppressed heavily by the French. The mutiny caused an irreparable split that resulted in many leading members of the organisation becoming communist converts.[86][87][88] The French maintained full control over their colonies until World War II, when the war in the Pacific led to the Japanese invasion of French Indochina in 1940. Afterwards, the Japanese Empire was allowed to station its troops in Vietnam while permitting the pro-Vichy French colonial administration to continue.[89][90] Japan exploited Vietnam's natural resources to support its military campaigns, culminating in a full-scale takeover of the country in March 1945 and the Vietnamese Famine of 1945, which caused up to two million deaths.[91][92] "

"In 1941, the Việt Minh which is a nationalist liberation movement based on a Communist ideology emerged under the Vietnamese revolutionary leader Hồ Chí Minh who sought independence for Vietnam from France and the end of the Japanese occupation.[93][94] Following the military defeat of Japan and the fall of its puppet Empire of Vietnam in August 1945, anarchy, rioting and murder were widespread since Saigon's administrative services collapsed.[95] The Việt Minh occupied Hanoi and proclaimed a provisional government, which asserted national independence on 2 September.[94] Earlier in July, the Allies decide to divide Indochina into half at the 16th parallel to allow Chiang Kai-shek of the Republic of China receive Japanese surrender in the north while Lord Louis Mountbatten of the British receive the surrender in the south with the Allies agreeing that Indochina belonged to France.[96][97] "

830237 (24)  No.5470201>>5470405 >>5470809


"However, as the French were weakened as a result of German occupation, the British-Indian forces together with the remaining Japanese Southern Expeditionary Army Group were used to maintain order and to help France re-establish control through the 1945--1946 War in Vietnam.[98] Hồ Chí Minh at the time chose a moderate stance to avoid military conflict with France by which he asked the French to withdraw their colonial administrators, and asked for aid from French professors and engineers to help build a modern independent Vietnam.[94] These requests, including the idea for independence, however could not be accepted by the Provisional Government of the French Republic, which dispatched the French Far East Expeditionary Corps instead to restore colonial rule, causing the Việt Minh to launch a guerrilla campaign against the French in late 1946.[93][94][99] Matters also turned worse when the Republic of China gradually fell to the communists in the Chinese Communist Revolution. The resulting First Indochina War lasted until July 1954. The defeat of French and Vietnamese loyalists in the 1954 battle of Điện Biên Phủ allowed Hồ Chí Minh to negotiate a ceasefire from a favourable position at the subsequent Geneva Conference.[94][100]

The colonial administration was ended and French Indochina was dissolved under the Geneva Accords of 1954 into three countries: Vietnam and the kingdoms of Cambodia and Laos. Vietnam was further divided into North and South administrative regions at the Demilitarised Zone, approximately along the 17th parallel north, pending elections scheduled for July 1956.[n 5] A 300-day period of free movement was permitted, during which almost a million northerners, mainly Catholics, moved south, fearing persecution by the communists.[105][106] The partition of Vietnam was not intended to be permanent by the Geneva Accords, which stipulated that Vietnam would be reunited after elections in 1956.[107] However, in 1955, the State of Vietnam's Prime Minister, Ngô Đình Diệm toppled Bảo Đại in a fraudulent referendum organised by his brother Ngô Đình Nhu, and proclaimed himself president of the Republic of Vietnam.[107] At that point the internationally recognised State of Vietnam effectively ceased to exist and was replaced by the Republic of Vietnam in the south and Hồ Chí Minh's Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the north.[107"

>>> I'll be damned! The 17th parallel!

Did anon catch it! it's the same M.O. of what they did to Korea = splitting it north and south.



Yes, you are right, I have to use the term Indochine….. an anon mentioned a week or so ago that some vietnamese were brought to Latin america in order to start the drug plantations there. And this colonisation of indochine by the French consolidates the theory that the drug plantations in Latin America were most probably established by Payseur. For the anon whom found this first, I hope you will go into this and ties things up in a firm knot.

Why? Because as I've said before, this might be the root = the source or the beginning of the Iran/Contra drug running scandal through Mena Arkansas which the Clintons and Bushes were knee deep in. We would have brought together big chuncks of the puzzle.

Gosh anons! We truly need a big, a very big map now…. How all of this is connected to everything else is incredible. And now Potus lead us to this. I barely started looking at Fontainebleau, wonder what else would pop out.

830237 (24)  No.5470247


Are you in Florida anon? If so, can you check about that Fontainebleau resort in Miami and if there are any connections with Jeffery Epstein house in Florida and if that resort is around Broward county Florida. Check it on a map. take care. Thank you for your help.

12e308 (11)  No.5470341


for your consideration…. an intergenerational plot to get on top and thin out the bottom. unless something something ethnic / racial purity issues were baked in would it not be wise to have a descendants or three that look a little different given the way genetics ensure progeny favors the parent physically? I am just working through whether this is a dig worth having. Condee from Birmingham, city of black (prince Paul?) and Scottish /York rite Mason's all together like den of snakes. Whispers of Will Ferrell being Satanist. if he is, it's the in your face to laugh at you kind… see here


so with that there's this


let me know any thoughts… it might be nothing. Ferrell wasn't born Satanist, we don't know when he converted, and sometimes a joke is just a joke.

12e308 (11)  No.5470405>>5470531


I guess I will have to use a name just so you know I am one person to lessen confusion. I did the drops on the vietnamese in Latin Am., the Birmingham stuff, the Alice Carroll book, and if it's along between New Orleans and mobile that's me too. 1 person. sorry Thomas. -anonanandasattva

830237 (24)  No.5470531>>5471782


No problem….. good to see you. This place is still confusing to me, I've just got recently used to making drops. I hope your advancing in your thesis and everything is going smooth there.

I honestly don't know if Condee Rice has an "blue" blood in her. What I have noticed in my readings that they look down on "black" poeple. But that doesn't mean there are no exceptions.

I guess you already know that Florida is one of the MAIN veins of the drugs comming from Latin america to the US. That is why I got interested in Miami Fontainebleau, it might be where Pedophelia and drug intersect.

830237 (24)  No.5470809>>5471481 >>5479510

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"The forest of Fontainebleau (French: Forêt de Fontainebleau, or Forêt de Bière, meaning "forest of heather") is a mixed deciduous forest lying sixty kilometres southeast of Paris, France. It is located primarily in the arrondissement of Fontainebleau in the southwestern part of the department of Seine-et-Marne. Most of it also lies in the canton of Fontainebleau, although parts of it extend into adjoining cantons, and even as far west as the town of Milly-la-Forêt in the neighboring department, Essonne. Several communes lie within the forest, notably the towns of Fontainebleau and Avon. The forest has an area of 250 km2 (97 sq mi) [1]. "

"The place is also known for peculiar rock shapes which resemble elephant, tortoise, crocodile which are believed to be natural formation"

"Fictional & media depictions[edit]

The painters of the Barbizon School found the forest a convenient location for their unadorned, realist depictions of nature.

The forest is the main scene of action of the trilogy, Les Fourmis by Bernard Werber.

In the novel, The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy, Sir Percy and Margeurite St Just wander in this forest during the happy period of their courtship

Act I (the prologue in the Italian version) of Verdi's opera, Don Carlos, is set in the forest of Fontainebleau.

A scene in the 1852 play The Corsican Brothers, where a duel takes place, is set in the forest of Fontainebleau.

Chapter 6 of the ground-breaking film serial Les Vampires takes place in Fontainebleau Forest.

The map "Castle Rock" in the game Alliance of Valiant Arms takes place in the Fontainebleau Forest.

The Santalune Forest location in Pokémon X and Y is based loosely on Fontainebleau Forest.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow (Season 2, episode 2) battle an enhanced Baron Krieger and several Nazis after the Waverider lands in the Fontainebleau Forest

Louis Malle's famous autobiographical film, Au Revoir Les Enfants, is filmed and set in and around Fontainebleau"

>>> This forest is the main hunting ground for the kings of France. And those boulders are a good place for prey to hide.

The reason why I put the list of media depictions of the place is because after seeing the pictures of the forest, I was reminded of a French movie taking place in the baroque era in France. I remember it in a fuzzy way. Where I am, it was censored, but there was one specific scene that started with people in robes around a huge fire in a forest and it seems some ritual was taking place. The scene was censord where I am, but if I can remember the name of the movie I might see it on youtube or something. It was a cabal movie.

830237 (24)  No.5471481

File (hide): 5c99023c30eab66⋯.jpg (721.21 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, brotherhood-of-the-wolf.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8a0318d402fbb2d⋯.png (403.35 KB, 850x482, 425:241, Brotherhood of the wolf ri….png) (h) (u)


Alright anons! I couldn't remember the French movie I've seen, but I did remember an american movie VERY SIMILAR to that French one.


"Brotherhood of the Wolf (French: Le Pacte des loups) is a 2001 French historical action horror film[3][4] directed by Christophe Gans, co-written by Gans and Stéphane Cabel, and starring Samuel Le Bihan, Mark Dacascos, Émilie Dequenne, Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel. The story takes place in 18th century France, where the Chevalier de Fronsac and Mani of the Iroquois tribe are sent to investigate the mysterious slaughter of hundreds by an unknown creature in the province of Gévaudan.

The plot is loosely based on a real-life series of killings that took place in France in the 18th century and the famous legend of the Beast of Gévaudan; parts of the film were shot at Château de Roquetaillade. The film has several extended swashbuckling fight scenes, with martial arts performances by the cast mixed in, making it unusual for a historical drama. The special effects for the creature are a combination of computer generated imagery, as well as puppetry and animatronics designed by Jim Henson's Creature Shop.

The film received generally positive critical reviews, highlighting its high production values, cinematography, performances and Gans' atmospheric direction"

"During the French Revolution, Marquis d'Apcher writes his memoirs in his castle. He recounts to 1764, when a mysterious beast terrorized the province of Gévaudan. Grégoire de Fronsac, a knight and the royal naturalist of King Louis XV of France, and his Iroquois companion Mani, arrive to capture the beast. Fronsac grows to romance Marianne de Morangias, the daughter of a local count, whose brother, Jean-François, was also an avid hunter and a world traveler. Fronsac is also intrigued by Sylvia, an Italian courtesan at the local brothel.

While investigating another victim, Fronsac finds a fang made of steel. A traumatized child witness swears that the beast is controlled by what seems to be a human master. As the investigation proves unfruitful, the king's weapons master, Lord de Beauterne, arrives to put an end to the beast. However, he instead kills an ordinary wolf and tells Fronsac to taxidermy the corpse so it resembles the monster. Fronsac hesitantly does so, and the bogus wolf is sent back to Paris. While there, Fronsac realizes that the beast is actually an instrument of a secret society: The Brotherhood of the Wolf, which is working to undermine public confidence in the king and ultimately take over the country. Back in Gévaudan, the attacks by the real beast continue, and Fronsac returns to put an end to the beast's killings. At a secret rendezvous with Marianne, they are attacked by the beast, where it mysteriously refrains from attacking her.

Fronsac, Mani, and a young Marquis set out into the forest and set up an array of traps to capture the beast; it is severely injured but escapes. Mani sets off alone in pursuit, where he finds a catacomb used as the beast's holding pen, inhabited by the Brotherhood. Outnumbered, Mani is shot and killed. Fronsac discovers Mani's body and performs an autopsy, finding a silver bullet---Jean-François' signature choice of ammunition. In a fit of rage, a vengeful Fronsac goes to the catacombs and slaughters many members, but is overpowered by the local authorities and imprisoned.

Sylvia visits him in jail and reveals that she is a spy for the Vatican. She explains that Henri Sardis, the local priest and leader of the Brotherhood, believes that he is restoring worship of God to France. Pope Clement XIII has decided that Sardis is insane, and sent her to eliminate him. She then poisons Fronsac, saying he knows too much. Meanwhile, Jean-François comes to Marianne's room and reveals to her that he is the beast's master; it recognized his scent on her when it came near her, which is why it did not attack. He then rapes her when she rejects his advances of love.

Sylvia's agents exhume Fronsac, who had not been killed but merely put into a temporary coma, and he appears at one of the Brotherhood's sermons. He kills several members, including Jean-François. Sardis escapes into the mountains, but is mauled to death by a pack of wolves. Fronsac and Marquis go to the beast's lair, where it lays severely wounded. It turns out the beast was the last surviving offspring of a creature that Jean-François brought back from Africa, and was tortured into becoming vicious and dressed in metal armor plating and spikes. Fronsac takes pity and kills the beast in an act of mercy.

Marquis finishes writing his account, just before he is led to his execution by a revolutionary mob. He states that he doesn't know what happened to Fronsac and Marianne after the death of the beast; but he hopes that somewhere, they are happy together. "

279294 (1)  No.5471782


steady with the schoolwork. at this point it my output can be likened to a sharks life. due to lack of swimbladder if they aren't moving they are dead. if I am not moving forward I fettering, at least until done. Florida, believe it or not people from there that I have met all seem to know on some level that something is a priori off about the area. words like odd and wierd and spooky when they describe their state. just quickly as when I finish this walk I will be back on my school stuff, did you see in the main thread that the codemonkeys have outdone themselves with work on our own search engine? qresear.ch (that's the url you type into the bar to bring up the page). it used to be barely useable but it was the fastest way to go back through all 7000ish breads for drops. you could only search 1 word at a time though. now it searches all the breads multiple words and checks against the offshore account databases from Panama and paradise papers (Appleton? law firm in Bahamas and mossack Fonseca lawfirm files) and relevant wikileaks data (podesta, dnc emails etc…)

12e308 (11)  No.5472330>>5477356


coincidence or not Alex Christopher has a website too… https://exploringrealhistory.blogspot.com/2019/03/part-1pandoras-box-ii-denver-iaphil.html?m=1

12e308 (11)  No.5477356>>5479427


first. my mistake that is not her website. it is a write up she made.

I've been looking a bit into her, trying to see if she had or has a website and its funny… I can find transcripts from the mid to late 1990s of her being interviewed and what not. if you see what I said above about the 1990s being an odd transitionary period, I think this is further indication that she was disappeared or something related. this is the period where if people started blowing whistles decisions were made. Springmeier was taught punishment through prison. It night have been something else for this lady. beyond transcripts and references to the book, no mentions of her dying, appearing, getting married, nothing .

Thomas to an earlier point apparently reading through the interviews, she is a Floridian.

last, and this is what compelled me to come back here, we have a means to check her work and cross-corroborate new unlock from Q from a prior crumb drop.


The "Chair" serves the Master.

Who is the Master?

P = C.


well tonight I find this


Payseurs Revisited

by Anna von Reitz

"I have been bombarded with people all alarmed about the "Payseurs" -- the legendary 'family of' supposedly; but, as I already explained, "Payseurs" is not a name, it is a title: Purser, or Paymaster. And in this case, the Pursers in question are the Paymasters of the French Army. A Hereditary Office under the system of Bastardy within the "Holy" "Roman" "Empire".

remember I said she wrote this in the mid 1990s, well pulication year was 1993. in intro she claims research began in 1988. with that said I copypasta from same site above who in turn lifted it from the document circa page 173

>. According to Desmond Leslie, George Adamski had an audience with Pope John just a few days before the Pope's death. Adamski stated that he had been instructed to go to the Vatican according to the space people's instructions which were given to him by a contact, and that the space brother had taken care of all the necessary arrangement. When he arrived, Adamski had been taken straight in, given a cassock and led to the Pope's bedside. It was said that Pope John's face had beamed when he received the package and said, "This is what I have been wailing for." The Pope then presented Adamski with a very special medal and the papal audience ended. If all of this is true, this last little part of this chapter ties together very neatly the Catholic Church's covert operation and secrets it has been hiding for a very long time and who are the ones really pulling the strings. If the lUuminati is a front for the Catholic Church and is behind every world power that is on the brink of overthrowing the people of the world to put them into submission and subservience. 

President Richard Nixon sealed the records in the National Archives and the Library of congress for 50 years so that the good people of the United States might not know the truth of their ownership. If you are really good at digging out state and federal records, you can find them in a southern court house probated under the last will and testament of Lewis Cass Payseur, Estate number 12317. 

The Hidden Records You will not find "Payseur" in the history of Jefferson County or Birmingham, because the name was well hidden from the public because the "covenant" is to supply the communications for the President of the United States forever as the United States Military Railroad systems and for hire to the general Public for profit. The Wolves Now you know something about why the wolves were pushed back so the railroads could be manufactured to span the United States from Birmingham, Alabama. Others will bring you forward with the history of Jefferson County as to other areas of development.


WOLVES (Bush's codename)

Bham (see above)

An estate #

gotta run… will have more whe I get the chance!

62303f (3)  No.5479083


9398e7 (3)  No.5479427


Good day anon,

Thank you for what you shared. And honestly, i have one huge skull splitting headache because of it. ^_^

Holy Heavens! This is starting to be like figuring out who comes first, the hen or the egg?

What you sent has not fully sank in yet.

But it did raise loads of questions:

Why did the cia put Springmeier book on it's web site and not any sort of transcript from Alex Christopher?

Why do Potus always keep on pointing to the Merovingian bloodline?

Why is there a struggle within the red shoe clan and the black eye clan on who's gonna put their pope in the papacy chair? (= benedict was ousted by francis after all)

And I guess you have to be a bilingual like me to fully understand what the word Payseur really means: It's the mutation into English from the French word Passeur. It fits perfectly, and it's not the only french word that gets mutated like that when it cross over to another language. Trust me on this one, I know fully well, from an entire life time, how it's like.

When I read first time about Payseur, i wasn't that convinced, but after reading Neon Revolt article about Payseur, this language part was what cemented my belief that P = Payseur. Again , you gotta understand how it works in the language to understand why.

And my list of questions just goes on and on and on about what you said.

Say! you think P = Chair? I mean C not being the first letter of a family name (last name)?

And yes! in the 1990's a lot of poeple either ended up suicided, in jail or totally vanished. I don't call her Killary out of nothing. And to think there are still people whom think the Clinton presidency was an era of good and prosperity (rolling eyes)

Q has been ticking the clock a lot in the past few days. We are in act III after all, and he already said he is going to save the best for last. I believe that act IV will be a rebuilding, a reconstruction act where humanity start tending to it's wounds and start healing.

By ticking the clock, he is playing with Killary's nerves. Well, i guess in 2 weeks time we will find out SOME of the truth. Finding out the entire truth is going to be one VERY LONG PROCESS. I never considered myself fully awake as most anons say they are. I considered myself "in the process of being awake". i still have a long way to go to fully open my eyes, and i believe this being the case for everyone, but not everyone realizes this. A new day and a new whole bunch of new stuff coming our way. I guess I'm getting too old for this sort of thing. It's exhausting.

9398e7 (3)  No.5479510>>5479527

File (hide): b65b5f17a02acbf⋯.jpg (193.2 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, TrinityChapel.jpg) (h) (u)


This is Thomas Anon continuing my dig on Fontainebleau:


"The Palace of Fontainebleau (/fɒntɪnˌbloʊ/;[1] French pronunciation: ​[fɔtɛnblo][1]) or Château de Fontainebleau, located 55 kilometres (34 miles) southeast of the center of Paris, in the commune of Fontainebleau, is one of the largest French royal châteaux. The medieval castle and subsequent palace served as a residence for the French monarchs from Louis VII to Napoleon III. Francis I and Napoleon were the monarchs who had the most influence on the Palace as it stands today. [2]. It is now a national museum and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. "

This is a long read anons, so if you are interested into knowing the contruction phases and the architectural modifications made by each king to the chateeu, please go to the link to read.

I would like to point out the "55 km"….. just like 5.5 miles of the Lexington avenue in Ny…. it made ma laugh. What a coincidence! ^_^ it seems I'm seeing Qs everywhere.

9398e7 (3)  No.5479527


A couple of comments though:

Yes, I see the eagle in the throne room = that is the Napoleon eagle.

and anons take a look at this, it disgusted me how with the influence of money they can disfigure the heritage and culture of a country:

"The theatre was closed after the end of the Second Empire and was rarely used. A restoration began in 2007, funded with ten million Euros by the government of Abu-Dhabi. In exchange, the theatre was renamed for Sheik Khalifa Bin Zayed al Nahyan. It was inaugurated on 30 April 2014. The theatre can be visited, but it no longer can be used for plays because some working parts of the theater, including the stage, were not included in the restoration"

c030c6 (5)  No.5489387>>5489735

This is Thomas Anon,

Continuing my dig on Fontainebleau. Sorry if I was late, had a busy day, eventhough it's a sunday.


"The Edict of Fontainebleau (22 October 1685) was an edict issued by Louis XIV of France, also known as the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. The Edict of Nantes (1598) had granted the Huguenots the right to practice their religion without persecution from the state. Though Protestants had lost their independence in places of refuge under Richelieu on account of their supposed insubordination, they continued to live in comparative security and political contentment. From the outset, religious toleration in France had been a royal, rather than a popular policy.[1] The lack of universal adherence to his religion did not sit well with Louis XIV's vision of perfected autocracy: "Bending all else to his will, Louis XIV resented the presence of heretics among his subjects."[attribution needed][2] "

>>> For the anons whom are interested to read more, mostly to see how the Cabal has operated long ago to plant division discord between the people, here is a good example. Remember what Q always say: they want us divided. They wants us weak, etc. This Edit is a good example of how they used to do it.


"The Treaty of Fontainebleau was a secret agreement of 1762 in which France ceded Louisiana to Spain. The treaty followed the last battle in the French and Indian War in North America, the Battle of Signal Hill in September 1762, which confirmed British control of Canada. In Europe, the associated Seven Years' War continued to rage. Having lost Canada, King Louis XV of France proposed to King Charles III of Spain that France should give Spain "the country known as Louisiana, as well as New Orleans and the island in which the city is situated."[1] Charles accepted on November 13, 1762.

This agreement covered all of Louisiana: the entire valley of the Mississippi River, from the Appalachians to the Rockies. The Treaty of Fontainebleau was kept secret even during the French negotiation and signing of the Treaty of Paris, which ended the war with Britain.

The Treaty of Paris, made between France and Great Britain following the Seven Years' War, divided Louisiana at the Mississippi. The eastern half was ceded to Britain, and the western half and New Orleans were nominally retained by France. Spain did not contest Britain's control of eastern Louisiana, as it already knew that it would rule in western Louisiana. Also, under the Treaty of Paris, Spain had ceded Florida to Britain for which western Louisiana was its compensation.

The Treaty of Paris provided a period of 18 months in which French colonists who did not want to live under British rule could freely emigrate to other French colonies. Many of the emigrants moved to Louisiana, where they discovered later that France had ceded Louisiana to Spain.

The cession to Spain was finally revealed in 1764. In a letter dated April 21, 1764, Louis informed the governor, Jean-Jacques Blaise d'Abbadie, of the transition:

Hoping, moreover, that His Catholic Majesty will be pleased to give his subjects of Louisiana the marks of protection and good will which only the misfortunes of war have prevented from being more effectual.

The colonists in western Louisiana did not accept the transition and expelled the first Spanish governor in the Rebellion of 1768. Alejandro O'Reilly, an Irish émigré, suppressed the rebellion and formally raised the Spanish flag in 1769.

The acquisition of Louisiana consolidated the Spanish Empire in North America. When Great Britain returned Florida to Spain in 1783, after the American Revolutionary War, Spanish territory completely encircled the Gulf of Mexico and stretched from Florida west to the Pacific Ocean, and north to Canada west of the Mississippi River. "

>>> Anons shouldn't forget there are 3 branches of the bourbons family = 1 - French - 2 - Spanish - 3 - Luxemburg. So as I've said it before, the ball = Louisiana "country", was tossed from the right hand to the left hand. In reality, nothing changed, the owner is still the same.

c030c6 (5)  No.5489735>>5491163

File (hide): e84efeb57478710⋯.png (176.4 KB, 1280x592, 80:37, SevenYearsWar.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7e92959e11c7db1⋯.jpg (263.71 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, Chateau_de_Fontainebleau_F….jpg) (h) (u)



"The Treaty of Paris, also known as the Treaty of 1763, was signed on 10 February 1763 by the kingdoms of Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal in agreement, after Great Britain's victory over France and Spain during the Seven Years' War.

The signing of the treaty formally ended the Seven Years' War, known as the French and Indian War in the North American theatre,[1] and marked the beginning of an era of British dominance outside Europe.[2] Great Britain and France each returned much of the territory that they had captured during the war, but Great Britain gained much of France's possessions in North America. Additionally, Great Britain agreed to protect Roman Catholicism in the New World. The treaty did not involve Prussia and Austria as they signed a separate agreement, the Treaty of Hubertusburg, five days later. "

>>> I like this treaty along with it's map because it gives us a very good visual and idea what Bourbons consider as their "empire" and what the Windsors (back then their ancestors) consider as theirs as well. Nowadays, do those same territories fall under the hegemony of the same players? It would be interesting to find that one out.

I would also like to point out that the Chateau de Fontainebleau has a lot of Artemis = Diana goddess statues and wall decorations insside and outside. I gues this is mostly because Artémis was the goddess of wild life and hunting. But in the same time it disturb me a bit because in Antiquity there were a LOT of "virgin sacrifices" related to the worship of Artémis; the godddess always has thing ruthlessness about her and her worship. And the armenian goddess Anahid is Artémis equivalent in Armenia.

c030c6 (5)  No.5491163>>5506557

File (hide): c67bed9152f6f0c⋯.jpg (604.77 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, FONTAINEBLEAU-Miami 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 48edc64a6671c7f⋯.png (177.28 KB, 850x599, 850:599, This-map-of-South-Florida-….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5326c67272860d3⋯.jpg (84.15 KB, 582x634, 291:317, miami-beach-map.jpg) (h) (u)


And the last I looked into was the Fontainebleau hotel in Miami Florida:


"The Fontainebleau Miami Beach (also known as Fontainebleau Hotel) is a hotel in Miami Beach, Florida. Opened in 1954 and designed by Morris Lapidus, it was arguably the most luxurious hotel in Miami Beach, and is thought to be the most significant building of Lapidus's career. In 2007, the Fontainebleau Hotel was ranked ninety-third in the American Institute of Architects list of "America's Favorite Architecture".[2] On April 18, 2012, the AIA's Florida Chapter ranked the Fontainebleau first on its list of Florida Architecture: 100 Years. 100 Places.[3]

The Fontainebleau Miami Beach is situated on oceanfront Collins Avenue in the heart of Millionaire's Row and is currently owned by Fontainebleau Resorts. Fronting the Atlantic Ocean, the 1,504-room resort features two new towers, 12 restaurants and bars. a 40,000-square-foot (3,700 m2) spa with mineral-rich water therapies, swimming pools and an oceanfront poolscape featuring a free-form pool shaped as a re-interpretation of Lapidus’ signature bow-tie design. "

"Lapidus once wrote, "If you create a stage and it is grand, everyone who enters will play their part." The hotel was built by hotelier Ben Novack on the Harvey Firestone estate. Novack owned and operated the hotel until its bankruptcy in 1977.[4]

The Fontainebleau is famous for its victory in the landmark 1959 Florida District Courts of Appeal decision, Fontainebleau Hotel Corp. v. Forty-Five Twenty-Five, Inc. 114 So. 2d 357,[5] in which the Fontainebleau Hotel successfully appealed an injunction by the neighboring Eden Roc Hotel, to prevent construction of an expansion that blocked sunlight to the Eden Roc's swimming pool. The Court rejected the Eden Roc's claim to an easement allowing sunlight, in favor of affirming the Fontainebleau's vertical property rights to build on its land.[6][7] It stated that the "ancient lights" doctrine has been unanimously repudiated in the United States.[8]

In the 1970s a suite in the hotel was used by members of the Black Tuna Gang to run their operations.[9] This is recounted in the 2011 documentary Square Grouper, which follows the burgeoning marijuana-smuggling trade of the mid-to-late 1970s. It was at this time that large amounts of the drug were being shipped to southeastern Florida; the film alleges that more than ninety percent of the United States's illicit demand was being met through such channels.

In 1978, Stephen Muss bought the Fontainebleau Hotel for $27 million[10] rescuing it from bankruptcy.[11] He injected an additional $100 million into the hotel for improvements[11] and hired the Hilton company to manage it.[10] In 2005, the Muss Organization sold the Fontainebleau to Turnberry Associates[12] for $165 million.[10]

The hotel closed a large part of its property in 2006, though one building remained open to hotel guests, and the furnishings were available for sale. The expanded hotel and its new condominium buildings re-opened in November 2008.[13]

On December 22, 2008, the Fontainebleau was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.[1]"

>>> Very nice place. Did I missunderstood anons? Was there some drug trafficking taking place from a suite inside this hotel? And I found the location of the hotel very peculiar if you compare it to Broward and Palm Beach counties, where a lot of corruption is. And I find it's well located when it comes to Little St James Island. And anons shouldn't forget that Jeffrey Epstein has a home in Palm Beach as well, everyone talks about the island, but everyone forgets about his home in Palm Beach. I'm not implying anything nor suggesting anything. These are simple observations made by an old man. Nothing more to it. It may show up later on in another search, or it may help another anon figure out something.

c030c6 (5)  No.5491721>>5491955

File (hide): ec977141b8f41dc⋯.jpg (127.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Killary ruby neckalce.jpg) (h) (u)


About a week ago, I've posted about Bourbon Jewelry and i mentioned Killary wearing a ruby necklace at the Al Smith dinner. I was surprised to see Q bring that dinner up, yesterday, if i'm not mistaken and he added at the end of his post that "symbolism will be their downfall". So I decided to take another look at this specific dinner and I checked out about the meaning of Rubies since Killary was wearing a ruby necklace.


"A Stone of Kings

Many cultures have long considered ruby a stone of kings. Not surprisingly, ruby symbolism and lore have many associations with power, wealth, and their protection. Possessing a ruby purportedly benefited and protected the owner’s estates and assisted in the accumulation of wealth. Notably, this gem would help its owner acquire more gems.

When worn as a talisman, ruby’s mystical properties extended to personal protection. People believed wearing the stone on the left, the heart side, would allow the bearers to live peacefully. None could take their land or rank. The blood-colored stone would preserve them from all perils, even their homes from storms."

Anons can read the rest of the article in the link I provided, it's a good read.

So the ruby symbolizes wealth, power and is considered as a talisman for personal protection….. not to forget it was also considered the GEM OF KINGS.

(rolling eyes) just great! What message was Killary trying to send by wearing that necklace? We all know she is highly into symbolism, so she must have known in advance the meaning of rubies and she planned wearing it at the event.


And this article kinda surprised me how it gemstone to the ruby slippers in the wizard of Oz. I mean why put the 2 in the same article? That's a gemstone, and the other is in a movie, couldn't they talk about the mineral composition of the gemstone?

c030c6 (5)  No.5491955>>5996913

File (hide): 51b3dbc9e259532⋯.jpg (805.76 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, I am light.jpg) (h) (u)


I also found this:


"The Inner Light of Rubies

Ruby’s inner glow seems to hint that perhaps it contains an inner fire. This visual effect may have inspired some curious bits of lore. A ruby placed in water could bring it to a boil. If hidden in a wrapping, the gem could shine through and reveal its presence.

Stories are told of rubies that emit their own light. One was even described as “shining like a torch.”

Now this got me laughing till my eyes were filled with tears anons. Killary wears a ruby necklace = is she trying to say she emit her own light? She is the torch that guide lost travelers? And then, I find a picture of hers wearing a pendant that goes by : I am light.

LOL!!!! I cannot stop laughing anons. How sick is she?

On this I'm going to wish anons a goodnight. Before I go, I want to try and post this in the general thread to see if I can get something, but I doubt it. Gosh! This one is funny. Wishing anons a good evening. WWG1WGA.

1216e3 (6)  No.5494921>>5535041

I'm still looking into anything I can possibly find about planetary chaos…

>>5052018 (lb)

I came across another possible origin for a certain symbol while I was watching a video about plasma physics. I'm familiar with double layers, but this thought never had occurred to me prior to this moment in time. I think part of the revelation came due to the shadows from the instruments, which made me think of something along the lines of the polar configuration. Here's the video ;)


Something like this may have been visible in the sky at some point in time. I have at least 3 scenarios in my head, but I'll probably need to look for some more clues before I take a firm stance. The first few scenarios would be while we were still orbiting Saturn; either shortly after the Deluge or as we were approaching Jupiter during the birth of Venus. The second scenario, which I will have to reread these parts of the Bible with this in mind, the larger body may have Jupiter. This transition period is still pretty fuzzy for me, which is why I started looking into this mess for myself in the first place. I had yet to find all the pieces in place. We may have been temporarily captured by Jupiter, prior to our arrival at the sun, which is the technically the third scenario. The sun is not a flaming ball of gas, and Saffire's main purpose was to model the electric sun, so.., it's possible. I made the graphic based on scenario one, prior to the birth of Venus. In all cases, Venus appears to be significant to the symbol. I'm trying to keep an open mind about everything, especially since no one seems to have "all the answers"…

I did look to see if the Thunderbolts folks had anything to say about this particular symbol. While I didn't find any direct references after a few quick searches, it is possible that they may have mentioned something like this in any one of their many videos or articles. I did happen to stumble across this absolute gem of a thread while I was searching. I don't really agree with everything this person has to say, but it would be a crime not to share this. It's a masterpiece of an everlasting conspiracy theory ramble!


I was quite surprised how little this person referenced the celestial events in regards to some of the story lines considering it was on the Thunderbolt's Forum, but I still found it both entertaining and informative. Personally, I think the words are more significant than the gematria. At this point, there is no way anyone could convince me that we didn't have multiple global catastrophes involving other planets. Here's another link to some more unpublished work by Velikovsky. A little bit more lengthy than the link I shared last thread.


One of the planets I have yet to touch on is Mercury. Mercury is the closest planet to Earth for the longest period of time. Add to that a rather elliptical orbit, along with a period of disruption and I can't help but wonder if we shook hands once or twice in the past. The main reason why I brought up the current situation with Mercury is that the planet actually experiences something similar to one of the events we hear about in the Bible, where the sun ceases it's motion in the heavens. This happens on the regular for Mercury, and Earth may have experienced something of the sort during the time it was settling into our current orbit. It's possible that Earth had an encounter with Mercury during this more recent time, but according to legend it appears that our first encounter with Mercury (Thoth, Hermes, Nebo, etc.) happened prior to the 'Exodus'. There is some info on Mercury in the above link from Velikovsky and below is the section on Mercury which came from the link I posted last bread. Keep in mind that Velikovsky was not aware of the polar configuration and though he hinted about Saturn being responsible for the Deluge, he didn't consider Earth to be a satellite of said gas giant. Still, his notes are priceless!!


It sounds like Mercury may have been responsible for the confusion of languages, along with several of the new languages that arose. Right now, I have a general idea of the sequence of events, but a few things are still fuzzy. I don't think that's all Mercury's fault. I've already noted that the character known as 'Moses' probably refers to the planet, Mars. I've always been skeptical of the Biblical character of 'David'. I get the feeling he is, at the very least, a reference to the planet, Venus. Which is weird because Solomon is said to be the son of David, right? Well, it may not be so unusual when you consider how many royal figures claim themselves to be descendants of the divine. The more you know…

1255e6 (2)  No.5498684>>5498700




>pic related

I Actually grew up right across the street from this place, we would sneak onto the golf course to drink in high school. The place is surrounded by HUGE Mansions. I could do some local digging if needed.

Also to note, i have not done any digs on it as of yet, but we do have the Phoenician


In town where all the Saudi's tend to stay. They are always around down here.

The bricks -- concrete, made to keep the buildings cool. The Alice in Wonderland sized chess set. Garden sprites. Copper ceiling. The Kiva inspired ball room. Murals in the conference hall, depicting and honoring the first Arizonans, and the descendants.


1255e6 (2)  No.5498700

File (hide): 5911c9e99c9c2aa⋯.png (538.79 KB, 576x768, 3:4, Phoenix.png) (h) (u)


Sorry wrong pic included

5844a4 (11)  No.5500542

Do your intelligence a favor and check and see the mark on the forehead ---

Listen to this history lesson that identifies and lays out the "Mark of Cain" that is free masonry that is NWO that is the Illuminati that is Rome, the Papacy, the Pope, White Pope Black Pope, the Beast, the Knights of Malta, our government, that is the Jesuits in control, universally, to destroy the enmity between his seed and God's, good v. evil.

Trace the Mark of Cain to their god lucifer/jupiter/anu etc = Satan.

Trace the little freemason hat…

Who bows to the chair?

Symbols are their downfall.



The Mark of Cain

down through history

exQuisite sources

exquisite information.

It all started in the garden…

God's garden is not

the garden of slavery

to those who are awake

90614e (3)  No.5500903>>5501111 >>5501155 >>5502447 >>5503170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>5066118 (OP)

Trump Destroys Q Fraud at CPAC!

Sunday, March 3, 2019 16:56

Trump unloaded on the Q fairy tale pretty directly in my opinion during the CPAC speech. Q told us over and over again to “Trust Sessions”! If you don’t remember this then you don’t know anything about Qanon! That’s when I knew Qanon was as fake as Barry Soetoro’s Hawaii birth certificate! Listen to what President Trump says about this Jeff Sessions deep state scumbag in this epic rant! If you still believe in Q after Trump throws scummy Sessions under the bus then you’re a fool!

Trump says he put the wrong people (Jeff Sessions) in a couple of positions and THEY (Jeff Sessions) leave behind people for a long time that shouldn’t be there!

“All of a sudden they’re trying to take you out with bull****!” (meaning Jeff Sessions is directly involved with the coup!)

Then Trump breaks out his funny Jeff Sessions impersonation!

“I’m going to recuse myself!”

and Trump says, “And I say why the hell didn’t he TELL me that BEFORE I put him in!”

Spread this video virally around the internet for the people who still worship the Q fraud designed to run out the clock on Trump while they say it’s all going according to plan! REALLY according to plan! Not one arrest, Chemtrails being sprayed daily, 5G rolling out, GMOs still being rammed down our throats, the Federal Reserve still operating! If this is the plan then we’re in big trouble!

Q isn’t going to do anything but hurt us! Q is here to spread false hope like “Trust Sessions” to keep patriots sitting on their butts thinking somebody will save them! It’s a fraud and it’s DANGEROUS! You’ve been warned! Trump just tried to wake you up on Sessions! He was a FRAUD just like Q!


This is from Trump's Mouth himself! But of course, the brainwashed DS secret cult on 8Chan will NOT BELIEVE TRUMPS OWN WORDS, THEN YOU DON"T REALLY TRUST TRUMP HEY?

So you "Brainwashed Qresearch believers" Cult have a EVIL AGENDA!

Why so hard to "CRACK" Q? "WHO" benefits the most from cracking Q? Yeah, Deep State enemies of the US and Trump need to know what is being planned. So "How" does this help the Q and Trump Community? It can't now can it? 100% only HRC/DEMs/Deep State BENEFIT from cracking, so you helping crack Q clock, HAVE BEEN SUPPORTING THE VERY EVIL YOU ARE FIGHTING AGAINST!

Also, why not 1 single event as ever in your Qresearch history EVER BEEN VERIFIED AS FACTS? NOT A SINGLE PAST EVENT YOU PRETEND TO FORECAST can be proven to have ever ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY HAPPENING!? So why all LIES? Where the EVIDENCE even 1 "EVENT" forecasting CAME TRUE IN PHYSICAL VERIFICATION?

Where did all the Bread Crumbs go? Notice, you all "Feed" a bottomless DARK PIT, and yet again, not 1 of the 10s of thousands of tips ever was used for LIGHT nor a single court charge against a single member of the DC DS Swamp? So where did all your TIPS go? Yeah - into the hands of the DEEP STATE, so they can COUNTER and PLAN THEIR DEFENCES!

Where the "LOVE" for outsiders in WWG1WGA? Notice the boards THREATEN ALL NONE BRAINWASHED NEWBIEs, who use their own minds and ask "Trust But Verify?" So how can you trust someone who can not verify a single event as being true in their entire history? Yet, instead of "LOVE" and open arms, 8CHAN ATTACKS all who are not 100% brainwashed and mind controlled?

3448ea (59)  No.5501111>>5501301 >>5502447 >>5503170

File (hide): bf4fbdce43dad9f⋯.png (332.3 KB, 1148x982, 574:491, red line oct.png) (h) (u)


You're in the wrong thread, faggot shill.

It's supremely ironic that anyone would use Sessions as an anti-Q Proof because Q is distinctly proven THROUGH Sessions.

What day was Sessions fired/resigned? None other than the anniversary of RED OCTOBER. Go search qmap.pub for Red October and Red Line and you'll see dozens of posts about Sessions and the DOJ investigation.

You think Trump can just lovely dovey support Sessions openly? For this to work, everyone NEEDS to think Trump hates Sessions. Make it seem like he's doing nothing. Meanwhile he's setting up Huber and the OIG and sealing tens of thousands of indictments.

90614e (3)  No.5501155>>5501949 >>5502447 >>5503170

File (hide): d69ff2999628956⋯.jpg (156.55 KB, 810x456, 135:76, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg) (h) (u)



NOTICE - Trump Admin in 2+ full years, NEVER EVER EVEN ATTEMPTED to charge any Deep State with a single charge we all see in open public? Why? Blackmailed hey?

NOTICE Trump NEVER EVER attempted to STOP any Crimes on our streets, yet he 100% of the time always went for the Money? So Trump placed MONEY over the Safety and protecting US Legal citizens ON THE STREETS?

NOTICE - Trump is trying to PLAY GOD OF THE WORLD, and not care about actual lives ON US STREETS? No laws to even attempt to stop the criminal Illegals, yet praising for MORE ILLEGALS TO OUR STREETS?

So how can 1 state that Trump values US LEGAL CITIZENS LIVES OVER MONEY AND WORLDWIDE CONTRACTS? We elected him to PROTECT OUR US CITIZENS LIVES, yet he ignores crimes on our streets we all face, and he FOCUSED ON NATIONS MORE THEN US CITIZENS LIVES?

Take Venez. Why is he giving the people MORE support on the STREET THEN TRYING TO PROTECT OUR VERY OWN STREETS?

Trump 100% thinks giving money to his people, and let the gangs destroy the safety of our streets and schools? What about all the LEGAL US citizens he 100% refuses to protect? he only threw a few dollars to us and the people Don't see he DID NOTHING TO PROTECT OUR VERY STREETS AND ILLEGALS?

Imagine if Trumps children and grandchildren lived walking the streets without security or behind walls? Think he'd feel safe for his children? TRUMP IS THE ELITE and has armed protection for his children SO HE GIVES NO THOUGHT OF OUR CHILDREN!

Follow the money Trump! You are being a Worldwide GOD and 100% ignore the crimes inside the USA! Not a single arrest of a single DC swamp, on anything, in 2 1/2 years, and people say he's winning? He failed to act any laws that actually affect our streets, as Dem's Leftists CONTINUE TO ATTACK AND HARM his supportes! So what did Trump to do Stop this? Yeah - NOTHING!!!!

Theirs a special place in hell, for Trump, trying to save the world, and refuse to even attempt to protect our children on the US Streets.



As TRUMP worries more about other nations issues, Trump REFUSES TO LIFE A FINGER TO HELP ME AND YOU ON OUR STREETS! THINK ABOUT IT!

Trump has taken over the new leader of the DEEP STATE! His family is becoming the New World Order controllers, and worries more about nations that do not affect our nation, more then the very US Citizens who elected him.

But what did you expect for a Businessman? Business 1st, and let the lowlife US citizens protect themselves. Gather all the money and power throught the world 1st, and screw the people!


Trump loves being viewed at THE NEW WORLD GOD and Does Not care about street crime that he 100% fails to attempt to protect us on our very streets!!!! Trumps EGO wants to be RULE THE WORLD - AND CARES NOTHING ABOUT ITS PEOPLE'S LIVES!!!!

90614e (3)  No.5501301>>5501344 >>5502447 >>5503170

File (hide): 5e224645f00ecfb⋯.jpg (25.68 KB, 450x200, 9:4, 1550438559655.jpg) (h) (u)


So you saying Trump LIED Hey in his free flowing speech?

So Trump lied in open public to the masses hey?


Or is it 8Chan and Qresearch was THE LIARS?

So you support Q MORE THEN TRUMP and b elieve Q MORE THEN TRUMP HEY?

See guys how 8CHAN is DEEP STATE? They want to save face when caught in a lie, and SCREAM TRUMP IS A LIAR?

Seriously? Never 1 thing in 8CHAN entire history and their fantasy word creation story game can NOT BE PROVEN AS FACTUAL!

Even the 1st Clock for fags was just one used and the original poster stated they did not know how or if this clock worked… Its stated in the 1st CLOCK POST IT IS NOT REAL! So only this fake clock out of billions is the real one hey?

SO what is the goal of cracking the clock? Who Benefits from knowing the next move?

Yeah - Deep State so they can plan their defenses. Patriots have no benefit, so the brainwashed ones believe they are support Trump by trying to crack code for DS. So they flipped inside their minds to support DS over Patriots and can't fathom how their minds flipped inside their own brainwashed minds…

Specially, - So what and who benefits of cracking code? You can't answer that now can you? Its becuase you are helping the DS liars here..

3448ea (59)  No.5501344>>5501802 >>5502008 >>5502447


Art of War

War is all about Deception

Disinformation is necessary

Won't broadcast our moves to the enemy

So yes, Trump is lying about Sessions.

Lying can be moral.

"Hello, any Jews hiding in your basement?" said the SS Officer doing his rounds.

Would it be moral to lie and watch these Jews rounded up?

Stop being a moralist asshole. Lying can be for a good cause and a virtuous action.

7afb60 (4)  No.5501802>>5502447 >>5503170

File (hide): 7e96ea7ba193f6c⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 5032x3292, 1258:823, GettyImages-1080028734.jpg) (h) (u)


So now Trump CAN LIE IN OPEN PUBLIC and you find that OK?

Didn't Bush, Clintons' and Obama also LIE TO THE PUBLIC? So WHATS REALLY THE DIFFERENCE? How do we know Trump isn't collecting bribes - but isn't that part of "DEALS"? How do we know Trump isn't making Under The Table Backdoor deals in private? So is OK for Trump to LIE HEY?



So how can any WWG1WGA call for LYING? I thought only DARK needed to Lie, so exposing LIGHT and TRUTH is now WRONG!? Once you lie, you can not be trusted in the future words.

After the 1st lie is given, when do you know if you are EVER BEING TOLD THE TRUTH OR ANOTHER LIE? Once you give 1, it is never ending and you can no longer be trusted now can you?


So now Trump is a LIAR, and 8CHAN IS THE REAL TRUTH!? Yet 8chan never 1 time in their history has ever factually proven a single fantasy word story as FACTUALLY HAPPENED AS THEY STATED! NOT ONE TIME GUYS - BUT NOW WE ALL ARE SUPPOSE TO BELIEVE YOU!

See how Trump IS TRYING TO TEAR DOWN THE Q and Qreserach 8CHAN LIES? So now 8CHAN is calling TRUMP THE LIAR!

Guys, Deep State controls these boards, and now calls TRUMP A LIAR!



How more clear can it be to open and unbrainwash your minds?


Time to LISTEN TO TRUMP OVER Q - except on these fake DS boards! Notice they never embrace anyone with open arms but ATTACKS EVERYONE? So when does LIGHT OR GOOD do that? Its oesn't but if you are brainwashed, Dark Lies is their Light, and their Light is now LIES. See how you flipped?

15b8ed (1)  No.5501949>>5502447


YOU are a dumbass go play on the freeway

7afb60 (4)  No.5502008>>5502375 >>5503170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So "WHO" IS LYING HERE? Trump or Qresearch?

WHAT AND WHO IS YOUR #1 TRUTH? TRUMP or Qresearch? Who do you believe more with your very life and the life of our Nation?

Do you Support Trumps OWN WORDS or Qresearch OVER Trumps own words? Who is LYING when confronted?

So Trump calling out Q's and Qresearch LIE that Sessions WAS IN A PLOT TO OUST TRUMP, yet now 8chan calls TRUMP LYING?

If you don't know - In his own words, Trump at CPAC called Sessions as part of the Coup to oust him. This put all Qresearch on the spot because from DAY ONE, Qresearch alone SUPPORTED SESSIONS and stated he was CLEAN!?

Now you know what this issue is about. Trump called anyone who supported Sessions as his Friend, yet Qresearch supported Sessions as CLEAN! So now Qresearch has flipped and called TRUMP AS LYING!? This is what this is about! So do you believe Trump's words more important, or Qresearch calling Trump a LIAR,and they are right?

See how you all are suppose to believe them on this board MORE THEN TRUMPS OWN WORDS?

So do you follow TRUMP - or DO YOU FOLLOW Q and Qresearch more?

If you support the case Trump lied to the public at CPAC, you are Deep State!

If you support the case the Trump was telling the TRUTH at CPAC, you are a Patriot!

He's were you all need to choose. Do you follow TRUMP OVER Q OR Q OVER TRUMP?

Clearly this response wants you believe Qresearch over Trump. So Trump is now the "LIAR" and the Qreserach fantasy word game IS MORE HONEST AND TRUSTWORTHY THEN TRUMPS OWN WORDS?

See how this DEEP STATE BOARD HAS BEEN EXPOSED AS EVIL AND NOT PRO Q! So now the brainwashed cult is suppose to believe Qresearch OVER TRUMPS WORDS!? So are you sure you behind the right Patriot movement? Anyone can create the illusion of honesty, but they have turned against Trump, the leader of their movement.

Isn't that how Deep State Works? But thanks to words, Qresearch WAS EXPOSED AS FRAUDS and DEEP STATE! WAKE UP GUYS!

3448ea (59)  No.5502153


7afb60 (4)  No.5502375>>5503170

File (hide): f5b6de4f7a396bd⋯.jpg (39.66 KB, 254x133, 254:133, 77777.jpg) (h) (u)


Remember Qresearch MEME's? You flooded the masses with "TRUST SESSIONS" meme - but TRUMP CALL SESSIONS OUT AT CPAC AS PLAYING A ROLE IN HIS COUP ATTEMPT!

Qresearch called TRUMP A LIAR so when does a HONEST REAL PATRIOT MOVEMENT call outa their Leader as "The" LIAR?

Yet you all are not suppose to believe Trumps own words at CPAC - but you are suppose to BELIEVE Qresearch OVER TRUMP HIMSELF!

See how DEEP STATE WORKS? So to them here on Qreserach 8CHAN, they were EXPOSED BY TRUMP AS Deep State FRAUD LIARS, and those here on this BOARD CALLED TRUMP THE REAL LIAR!

See how you are suppose to KEEP FOLLOWING the Deep State Lies HERE OVER TRUMP's OWN WORDS?

Don't hate the TRUTH - as you all here seem to have ISSUES WITH TRUTH AND FACTS!

Perfect mind control Deep State Programming to Protect Yourselves.

Anyone who believes this board over Trumps owns words, ARE NOT PATRIOTS! Did you forget who is Top Cop, or are you supporting Qresearch LIED OVER TRUMP?


Lets see - Trump never knowingly lied and would be his 1st time…

Yet Qresearch is ALL Unverified Lies that in their entire history, has never ever verfieid a single fantasy event as being Truthful or completed as they STATED? So this would be Qresearch's 1st ever Truth?

So who do you believe more? If Trumps lies 1 time, how does he ever been trusted again in any future statement? Think he'd give that up to protect the Fake Deep State Qreserach?


7afb60 (4)  No.5502447>>5503170

File (hide): f5b6de4f7a396bd⋯.jpg (39.66 KB, 254x133, 254:133, 77777.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 18c6dbf9f962d87⋯.jpg (743.24 KB, 2035x1273, 2035:1273, FAKE.jpg) (h) (u)









Remember Qresearch MEME's? You flooded the masses with "TRUST SESSIONS" meme - but TRUMP CALL SESSIONS OUT AT CPAC AS PLAYING A ROLE IN HIS COUP ATTEMPT!

Qresearch called TRUMP A LIAR so when does a HONEST REAL PATRIOT MOVEMENT call outa their Leader as "The" LIAR?

Yet you all are not suppose to believe Trumps own words at CPAC - but you are suppose to BELIEVE Qresearch OVER TRUMP HIMSELF!

See how DEEP STATE WORKS? So to them here on Qreserach 8CHAN, they were EXPOSED BY TRUMP AS Deep State FRAUD LIARS, and those here on this BOARD CALLED TRUMP THE REAL LIAR!

See how you are suppose to KEEP FOLLOWING the Deep State Lies HERE OVER TRUMP's OWN WORDS?

Don't hate the TRUTH - as you all here seem to have ISSUES WITH TRUTH AND FACTS!

Perfect mind control Deep State Programming to Protect Yourselves.

Anyone who believes this board over Trumps owns words, ARE NOT PATRIOTS! Did you forget who is Top Cop, or are you supporting Qresearch LIED OVER TRUMP?


Lets see - Trump never knowingly lied and would be his 1st time…

Yet Qresearch is ALL Unverified Lies that in their entire history, has never ever verfieid a single fantasy event as being Truthful or completed as they STATED? So this would be Qresearch's 1st ever Truth?

So who do you believe more? If Trumps lies 1 time, how does he ever been trusted again in any future statement? Think he'd give that up to protect the Fake Deep State Qreserach?


3566a9 (7)  No.5502641>>5503170

There are multiple slides at work in this thread. This is a joke. Anons who post 10 to 20 times in a thread consecutively with no real point, need to LURK MOAR. You're wasting our bread and time whether or not it's intentional. Do we gotta put up a sign?


3f2b4c (8)  No.5502855>>5503043 >>5503170

This is Thomas Anon,

I want to thank the shills posting in here from the bottom of my heart. You just confirmed that we hit the nail in the digs we are doing in here. To have such an attack in here puts a huge smile on my face. The more you insult us, the more you attack us or Potus or Q = the more you give us credibility.

And shill, how much are you paid? Ask yourself, the money you are getting is it really worth it? Is it really worth your life? Because the ones paying you and brainwashing you right now were going to blow up everything and everyone, including you, in an atomic war and they would have gone hidding in underground bunkers, where you were not going to be admited. Your fate was to be used as slippers, then thrown away just along with us folks. So again, is the money you are being paid worth it? Is it worth your life? Don't you have any sense of self preservation? I know you are already brainless but are you without any self of self preservation?

Thank you for confirming that we are on the right track in here and thank you for giving our work authenticity.

Now crawl back to your masters and tell them there is still 15 days left (a bit less) and counting ^_^

3448ea (59)  No.5503043>>5503170


Agreed, thanks Shills for verifying we're on the right path

a7416e (3)  No.5503170>>5503200

File (hide): 9031594b8d463ea⋯.jpg (71.44 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 1550389852373.jpg) (h) (u)












Deep State are you - hiding under the cloke of Q Patriots? And yet call Trump a LIAR as well? Seriously? How more clear can it be to you Being DS controllers?

Prove your history to show you are Honest?

So you call Trump a Liar and Qresearch as Truth now do you?

See how Deep State you are to call Trump a Liar about Sessions.

Rot in hell with your family for believing lying Trump and embracing Qresearch lies. So tell us your Truth you ever gave?

Right over path to what? Lies hey? Seem you ignore Trumps own words and so you truely are ANTIFA and HRC Dem's Trolls on these boards…

Snowflake Antifa members control boards that can not handle the Truth that Trump called out Sessions for being in a plot to Coup him!

a7416e (3)  No.5503200

File (hide): 18c6dbf9f962d87⋯.jpg (743.24 KB, 2035x1273, 2035:1273, FAKE.jpg) (h) (u)

3f2b4c (8)  No.5506557>>5506690

File (hide): ee371458d14c9b1⋯.jpg (191.59 KB, 620x413, 620:413, Epstein Allen.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1c54055d563ce74⋯.jpg (191.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, The biggest players.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 508d3f12b9eeae3⋯.jpg (94.39 KB, 636x288, 53:24, Flight log.jpg) (h) (u)

7d3144 (3)  No.5506646>>5506699 >>5506720 >>5591302

File (hide): bfba4d90f182e76⋯.png (422.65 KB, 640x400, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Vatican to open archives on WWII-era pope accused of silence on Holocaust

Secret documents on Pius XII, who served during WWII and its aftermath, could shed light on leader widely criticized by Jews

Declaring that the church “isn’t afraid of history,” Pope Francis said Monday he has decided to open up the Vatican archives on World War II-era pope Pius XII, who has been criticized by Jews for staying silent on the Holocaust.

Francis told officials and personnel of the Vatican Secret Archives that the archive would be open to researchers starting March 2, 2020.

Pius was elected pontiff on March 2, 1939, six months before World War II erupted in Europe. Pius died on October 9, 1958, at the Vatican summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, near Rome.

The Vatican usually waits 70 years after the end of a pontificate to open up the relevant archives. But the Holy See has been under pressure to make the Pius XII documentation available sooner and while Holocaust survivors are still alive.

Vatican archivists had already started preparing the documentation for consultation in 2006, at the behest of Francis’s German-born predecessor, Benedict XVI.

Pius has been accused by historians and Jewish groups of failing to speak out against the Holocaust, failing to commit the Church to saving Jews amid the genocide, and encouraging the conversion of Jews to Catholicism during the period.

The Vatican has defended him, saying he used behind-the-scenes diplomacy to try to save lives. Francis indicated he, too, embraced that interpretation.

Pius’s actions will be scrutinized as part of efforts underway to decide if he should be declared a saint. Francis indicated that the church was confident that the papacy would withstand the findings by historians studying the archives, saying Pius was “criticized, one can say, with some prejudice and exaggeration.”

“The church isn’t afraid of history, on the contrary, it loves it, and would like to love it even more, like it loves God,” Francis told staff at the archive.

3f2b4c (8)  No.5506690>>5506905

File (hide): 005975f02921caf⋯.png (487.89 KB, 719x864, 719:864, S. Israel Killary.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 82c6d5e54aefd01⋯.jpg (41.99 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Christmas visit.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): aabdd2e8534855f⋯.jpg (273.63 KB, 962x854, 481:427, Killary WIlliam christmas.jpg) (h) (u)

7d3144 (3)  No.5506699>>5506720



This should be seen as a whitewashing of Vatican history. The "Holy Father" they're preparing to declare a "saint" hated Jews before, during, and after he was the pope.

Pius’s attitude reflected the Vatican’s stolid opposition to the founding of a Jewish state, Lewy concludes. According to Lewy the motivations were political, mixed with anti-Judaic theological prejudices common among Catholic society in the pre-war and pre-Vatican Council II era.

“On the day of Israel’s foundation,” says Lewy, “the Osservatore Romano [the official Vatican daily] described the situation as ‘another milestone on the Palestinian Via Cruxis.’ The reference to Christ’s passion was not accidental.”

“The founding of the State of Israel was seen in the Vatican as a Communist-Atheist threat,” says Lewy. “On June 12, 1948, an editorial in the Osservatore Romano stated, ‘The birth of Israel gives Moscow a base in the Near East from which the microbes can multiply and spread.’

“However, opposing demonizing comparisons were also used. The bulletin of the [Catholic] Congregation de Propaganda Fide, at that time, even went so far as to defame Zionism as ‘the new Nazism,’” Lewy said.


7d3144 (3)  No.5506720



Daily Reminder that the Vatican has always hated Jews, calling them "Christkillers" and seeking to commit genocide against them at every turning point in history, including the Vatican backed Holocaust of WWII.

The Vatican is the most evil organization on earth. The pedophilia is not their worst crime.

3f2b4c (8)  No.5506905>>5506993

File (hide): 24465307de1a6c5⋯.jpg (97.04 KB, 1024x727, 1024:727, Tom-Hanks-Rita-Wilson-talk….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6a57815daa51b6b⋯.jpg (75.04 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, tom hanks nicole kidman pr….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 63eaaa206434408⋯.jpg (301.52 KB, 1350x974, 675:487, tom-hanks-princess-diana.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b43512b95c37d7d⋯.jpg (454.15 KB, 1600x2501, 1600:2501, diana killary.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 340853c97a0e785⋯.jpg (107.28 KB, 1027x675, 1027:675, diana spielberg.jpg) (h) (u)


Same circle of friends

3f2b4c (8)  No.5506993>>5507060

File (hide): e48144366906c17⋯.jpg (79.7 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Diana_hillary_admiration.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 55fd894f9d8d59e⋯.jpg (59.8 KB, 634x443, 634:443, Killary hanks.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6cfb653e9a00480⋯.jpg (93.93 KB, 1028x675, 1028:675, diana tom cruse.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 767b32fdfc4e1be⋯.jpg (47.09 KB, 634x442, 317:221, scandale-kidman.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f01b787d99c02fc⋯.jpg (79.97 KB, 790x960, 79:96, Weinstein and Emma.jpg) (h) (u)


Same Circle of friends

3f2b4c (8)  No.5507060>>5507198

File (hide): ad223993f18c49c⋯.jpg (46.96 KB, 600x400, 3:2, diana funeral 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2ddc1c320ebcd3c⋯.jpg (55.61 KB, 615x477, 205:159, Diana funeral.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 90a7497663e9711⋯.jpg (36.52 KB, 900x593, 900:593, diana-george micheal.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 45051194f36a51c⋯.jpg (57.69 KB, 615x433, 615:433, Diana-Funeral.jpg) (h) (u)


Same circle of friends

3f2b4c (8)  No.5507198>>5507299

File (hide): d7207679fe9f5f8⋯.png (414.43 KB, 750x754, 375:377, d7207679fe9f5f8b2def907fb9….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0e91929ba3c1201⋯.png (205.95 KB, 524x339, 524:339, De Niro and Slim.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 111e0bac01ec19d⋯.jpg (69.64 KB, 640x480, 4:3, De-Niro-Bill-Clinton.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d0d02711d270d53⋯.jpg (145.08 KB, 1028x675, 1028:675, Elton John Diana.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a8e4780c9e05ec0⋯.jpg (49.66 KB, 960x636, 80:53, Killary with carlos slim.jpg) (h) (u)


Same circle of friends

3f2b4c (8)  No.5507299>>5515747 >>5518227

File (hide): 9eb458b72d1f043⋯.jpg (228.93 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Why the bandage.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e7c4ea10de89241⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 2396x3000, 599:750, Streep and clinton.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 66ba27fd7ae57e4⋯.jpg (48.28 KB, 580x484, 145:121, Blair, Clinton, Ford.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 535c9483f1789c6⋯.jpg (107.07 KB, 770x513, 770:513, cuomo_Bill C.jpg) (h) (u)


Same circle of friends

dcc062 (19)  No.5512416>>5514875

A ferryman/woman would do well to work at the port authority.


dcc062 (19)  No.5514875

File (hide): 12a6e9bec32189a⋯.png (673.79 KB, 800x464, 50:29, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



Q is our Virgil.

2ff2e2 (1)  No.5515747


The Cuomo - Clinton pic also has Ann Richards a former Governor of Texas. Who's daughter was a past president of PP.



3566a9 (7)  No.5518227>>5522521


I like you Thomas, but you post in chunks with little or no context. That's not to say your research is not appreciated. Just try to post compelling evidence, theories and conclusions. Get your point across without posting 10x in a row.

And this goes for everyone. Stop posting entire Wikipedia pages one after the other. This is called sliding and shills do it intentionally to derail discussion.

Post when you find something tantalizing or compelling. Then we will help dig. Most here already have enough ancient mythology and history to sift through without distraction.

This is chan 101 stuff boys, we're supposed to be running like a well oiled machine by now.

Thank you baker for putting up with all this.

b82c78 (5)  No.5522521>>5535903


This is Thomas Anon,

>>>I like you Thomas, but you post in chunks with little or no context.

Oh no you don’t! Go attack someone else shill. As if you post with context. Someone like me wouldn’t be posting in here if there were guys whom have been doing what needs to be done in the first place.

>>>That's not to say your research is not appreciated.

A shill for sure, first my research has no context and then it’s appreciated. Contradiction at it’s best. I never asked for your opinion. You don’t like what you see in my drops, no one asked you to read them.

>>>Just try to post compelling evidence, theories and conclusions. Get your point across without posting 10x in a row.

I appologize, not everyone is a rocket scientist as you are. I’m just a simple old man, I’m certainly not a match for a genius like you. And I’m not here to get an audience, I have very specific goals and I’m following them. And if I wasn’t getting somewhere, I wouldn’t have been attacked by you, nor brainless shills would have been posting in this thread as they did yesterday. That was terribly fun to watch. And the cherry on top of the cake was each time I feel like I’m stuck, I get me a nice hint ^_^ for example, when I posted about the jewelry auction then linked it to Killary’s ruby necklace; the only symbolic sign I saw in that dinner was the maltese cross worn by the sweating dude in the background. But then, Q comes out just a while later, mentions that video out of the blue and at the end of his drop he says: symbolism will be their downfall ^_^ I got the message and looked again and again and again at the video till I found out that rubies are the “gems of kings” that was the symbolism, along with the maltese cross, in the Al Smith dinner. Thank you Q. And it’s no the first time this has happened.

>>>And this goes for everyone. Stop posting entire Wikipedia pages one after the other. This is called sliding and shills do it intentionally to derail discussion.

Who do you think you are to give everyone orders the way you did? Haven’t you heard of the first amendment? Have you ever read the declaration of Human rights? Are you a shill yourself? Or are you just some stupid arrogant random punk whom doesn’t know his right hand from his left hand? I’m using Wikipedia on purpose, it’s EASY LANGUAGE, SIMPLE, ACCESSIBLE, and it can switch to many languages so that every person on this planet can read it, not everyone speaks english like the genius that you are. Who are you to tell other what they should talk about? You smell! Like shill smell.

>>>Post when you find something tantalizing or compelling.

I have long passed the age of having a babysitter telling me what to do. What might be compelling to you might not be compelling to others. You are extremely selfish and narrow sighted. What do you call the “kek” and the “moar”, words put alone in drops, used in the general threads? I’ve seen for a full year anons waste countless numbers of entire threads just to “chill out” and say “empty” stuff, but I never once butted in to shut them up. If you have 2 cells working in your brain and were a little less impatient, you would have read what is in those texts I’m droping. There is plenty between the lines and they will help the average Joe understand in simple words what the heck we are facing.

>>>Then we will help dig. Most here already have enough ancient mythology and history to sift through without distraction.

I’ve been lurking on this board for a full year before I started making my first drops, let me assure you, there are a few, a very selected few, that could be considered like real digs. I’ve never once jumped in the way you did to shut up everyone eventhough I don’t agree with everyone’s methods and search results. I certainly don’t need help from a narrow sighted arrogant person like you. Yesterday’s attacks didn’t work, so now you are using this method. And you know about shilling more than you know about history and mythology.

>>>This is chan 101 stuff boys, we're supposed to be running like a well oiled machine by now.

I never knew you OWN this place. How much did it cost you? WOW! You must be filthy rich by now and super popular. Great job sonny! Sorry for trespassing on your property by posting in here.

>>>Thank you baker for putting up with all this.

Baker, if you have a problem with me, in any way, let me know. I’m a straight shooter, I like people to treat me that way as well, so tell me straight in the face. I have no problem in going to another place. Besides, from the look of things, it seems I’m not going to be here much longer once the truth starts unraveling. As for the historical parts that I’ve connected… I might as well as skip this place and go write myself a book about the stuff I know.

So yesterday’s attacks in the thread didn’t work, now they are attacking me personally.

b82c78 (5)  No.5523296>>5538583 >>5539308 >>5563422

File (hide): 4f321166cfb78db⋯.jpg (124.78 KB, 972x736, 243:184, Potus in the middle.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c8e57df6fd965fa⋯.jpg (152.44 KB, 1177x799, 1177:799, Potus Alaska.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 42e33843420d086⋯.jpg (167.59 KB, 1157x543, 1157:543, Potus Alaska 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 83d570e4f29a589⋯.jpg (116.81 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, 12-12-2018.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas Anon again,

On the 28 of Feb, while returning from Nam, Potus, on his twitter account, posted the following pictures.

As anons can see in the first one he is in the middle center. Then suddenly the photographer shifts to your right hand side, decentralizing Potus, but also putting into our view what's written on the plane (the fighter) = AK 3 WG, not to forget that "logo", that looks like a punch. Then in the third picture they zoom out and we can see that the fighter plane is flanked with 2 logos. I know it's about the army, but I don't understand what they mean. I mean what is the message Potus sending us. Look at the 11 that comes along a shooting star. He is trying to say something.

And I still didn't figue out what Flotus wanted to tell us by the cap hat picture nor did I get the D 5. I was like most anons thinking D 5 meant December 5th, but it didn't turn out to be this .

So if any anon can give some suggestions, it will be great.


b82c78 (5)  No.5529768>>6078469

File (hide): 20862a00aeba8f7⋯.jpg (195.11 KB, 1024x820, 256:205, Melania shoes - Copy.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee38f37f4e80a40⋯.jpg (663.94 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, MacLoed tartan colors.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas Anon,

A laser eyed anon noticed today that Flotus was wearing her shoes in the colors of the MacLoed clan tartan. According to him, Potus mother was part of that clan. I haven't verified this yet. But the anon is correct when he says these are the colors of the MacLeod clan tartan.

I've dug and came accross many results. Tonight I'm going to present one of them:


"McLeod syndrome (or McLeod phenomenon; /məˈklaʊd/) is an X-linked recessive genetic disorder that may affect the blood, brain, peripheral nerves, muscle, and heart. It is caused by a variety of recessively inherited mutations in the XK gene on the X chromosome. The gene is responsible for producing the Kx protein, a secondary supportive protein for the Kell antigen on the red blood cell surface. "

"Patients usually begin to notice symptoms in their 50s and the course is usually slowly progressive. Common features include peripheral neuropathy, cardiomyopathy, and hemolytic anemia. Other features include limb chorea, facial tics, other oral movements (lip and tongue biting), seizures, a late-onset dementia, and behavioral changes. "

"There is no cure for McLeod syndrome; the treatment is supportive depending on symptoms. Medication may assist with management of epilepsy, and cardiac and psychiatric features, although patients may respond poorly to treatment for chorea. "

"McLeod syndrome was discovered in 1961 and, as with the Kell antigen system, was named after the first patient in which it was found: Harvard dental student Hugh McLeod, whose red blood cells were observed to have weak expression of Kell system antigens during blood donation, and found to be acanthocytic (spiky) under the microscope.[10]

The wives of King Henry VIII of England show a pattern of pregnancies and infant deaths, which with his mental deterioration suggest that the king may have been Kell positive and suffered from McLeod syndrome.[11] "

>>>For anons whom are interested in this you can read more in the link.

I must admit, thisMacLeod syndrome's symptoms are TERRIBLY similar to Kuru. And if you compare the symptoms to Killary's illness… Then compare it to what we know about Albet Pike and his "dead" children… And king Henry VIII had it. It's transmicable, through the X chromosome, which means Elizabeth I had it and Queen mary of Scotts, her sister, also had it.

All this is tied up together anons. I just recently mentioned the Stuarts while talking with another anon. Gosh! I was right.

I'm going to stop here for tonight and continue the rest tomorrow. If there is an anon with medical knowledge reading this, it would be great to hear what you have to say about this.

God bless you anons.

62303f (3)  No.5530729>>5535562

File (hide): 2fb1ea306cbf726⋯.jpg (474.42 KB, 600x922, 300:461, lilith.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6ffd1d1adb5c04b⋯.jpg (124.33 KB, 503x669, 503:669, Unicorn.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 63ec282fefbe247⋯.jpg (87.3 KB, 524x700, 131:175, Epic-of-Gilgamesh.jpg) (h) (u)



Athena, is just another name for Lilith. Her symbol is the owl.


She was the first wife of Adam, she didn't want to be submissive to adam and wanted to be his equal(The irony is she wanted to be more than equal because she wanted to be on top during sex), he refused and she stormed off to be with demons, she would have 100 demon children a day, she was very fertile.

Adam complained to god and he sent angels to convince her to return, she refused and as a result was cursed, her demon children would die every day, she was the world's first feminist.

Eve was created as a substitute for lilith, she was created from rib of adam, Eve was tricked by lilith and the serpent.

Many feminist worship Lilith as a goddess, they are drawn to her, Through her they practice witchcraft, lesbianism. The practice of Killing babies was first created by lilith as a vow to kill all of adams children, because of the curse on her.

1216e3 (6)  No.5535041>>5586755 >>5675418

File (hide): f49e56cf81c9677⋯.png (704.83 KB, 477x652, 477:652, Screenshot_2019-03-04 96c0….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 345dfbedc7a86ba⋯.png (661.57 KB, 434x652, 217:326, Screenshot_2019-03-06 kvee….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 907fd005b924ddc⋯.jpg (93.19 KB, 635x555, 127:111, Santa_Hadoooken_Flare.jpg) (h) (u)

General update and edits.




> Saturn, also known as Sin

Totally made a mistake on this. 'Sin' was the moon. I'm not trying to mold any of my theories around the Bible, but Q keeps recommending you read the Book, so the best I can try to do is on the fly interpretations. I apologize for any of my mix ups. I'm still a little confused due to the way things are presented.

Right now I think that the encounter with the moon may have taken place in the generation of Enoch, but I could totally be wrong about that. It sounds like that generation had foreknowledge about the Moon, the Flood and cosmic catastrophes so they built several shelters all over the world, carved into stone. I know the Bible starts out with the first seven days, but I think that's just another one of those reoccurring symbols. It could be a reference to the planets. Who knows? I'm pretty sure the timeline jumps around a bit. Velikovsky makes note that it appears like the events taking place during Genesis are acting out the "7 Days" and he seems a bit confused about how each "Day" is counted. One thing that I do find interesting is the connection between Neptune/Poseidon statues and government buildings. If there was an initial splitting of the landmass (even if we didn't arc every time around, we would likely have experienced some incredibly earthquakes and insane storms at the very least) it may have been completely unexpected. So, in the wake of the first disaster, humans may have needed to form organized, structured systems, like the gubbment, to not only calm the hysteria but also figure out WTF just habbened and plan ahead for potential future disasters. So, gradually they progressed, carved incredible structures in preparation and tried to preserve as much knowledge for future generations, etc.

So, those two perhaps events may have each been considered to be a "Day". Saturn novas and we get flooded, chalk that up as a "Day". The very first "Day" may have even been Proto-Earth, before Pangaea even was around. It may have taken several nova flares from Saturn before the landmass eventually rose from the primordial muck. That whole process could be labelled as one "Day", or maybe it was "Day One"!? I wasn't around so I really don't know. I'm just kind of speculating on this. There's some interesting links to the star Sirius that I haven't really covered here.

It is possible that dwarf star, Saturn was orbiting the Binary star Sirius, perhaps in a similar fashion as Proxima Centauri orbits the binary pair of Alpha Centauri (that's the nearest star. About 4 light years away). Sirius isn't that far away either at about 8 light years. If you want an idea of how far a star can travel, Scholz's star was said to pass relatively close to the solar system about 70,000 years ago. However, I'm not so sure how they get such an accurate date on that, considering their estimated distance of the star 17-23 light years away. In another case, Barnard's star is currently some 6+lya, but in roughly 8,000 years it will be about 3 light years closer. So, traveling at a similar rate of speed, say 1 light year per 3,000 years, it would only have taken 24,000 years to travel the current distance to Sirius. Our solar system is currently moving away from Sirius, so far as I know. I have a few theories, maybe I'll get into in other post. It shows up in the symbols and legends. Masons seem to like this star.

I think before I go out on that limb, I'm going to have to cover King Solomon. It does appear that there is definitely some truth to the earlier stories of the Bible, but if the people from the earlier times were actual people, then their lives got balled up in the legends and packaged as religion for the masses. Meanwhile the elites knew the true meaning, which later led to all sorts of Biblical drama. Solomon gets credit for building the temple(s). Velikovsky notes Solomon as the builder of Baalbek, which is a temple to Jupiter. I would advise people to really take notes on the various names that are associated with Jupiter. Here's one of many ;)

>according to the Talmud, Gad was the name of the planet Jupiter


Oh.., there's so much more. . . One of these days I'll make it into the present era. [soon]

b82c78 (5)  No.5535555>>5535776

File (hide): 5283a2ec577cec7⋯.jpg (127.86 KB, 667x1123, 667:1123, House of Stuart Schotland.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8809493334f7df2⋯.jpg (298.5 KB, 800x1216, 25:38, HenryVIII_1509.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas Anon,

Good day anons,

I would like to start by making a correction in my last drop yesterday, out of confusion between 3 ladies named Mary. Henry VIII had a sister called Mary, his eldest daughter was also called Mary, and the granddaughter of his sister Margaret (daughter of King James V of Scotland) was known as the Mary of Scots; this last Mary is the mother of king James I of England.

Now look at these parts from king Henry VIII life that are important for the search:


"Born 28 June 1491 at the Palace of Placentia in Greenwich, Kent, Henry Tudor was the third child and second son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York.[3] Of the young Henry's six siblings, only three -- Arthur, Prince of Wales; Margaret; and Mary – survived infancy."

"In 1502, Arthur died at the age of 15, possibly of sweating sickness,[10] just 20 weeks after his marriage to Catherine.[11] Arthur's death thrust all his duties upon his younger brother, the 10-year-old Henry"

"Soon after, Catherine conceived, but the child, a girl, was stillborn on 31 January 1510. About four months later, Catherine again became pregnant.[25] On New Year's Day 1511, the child -- Henry – was born. After the grief of losing their first child, the couple were pleased to have a boy and festivities were held,[26] including a two-day joust known as the Westminster Tournament. However, the child died seven weeks later.[25] Catherine had two stillborn sons in 1514 and 1515, but gave birth in February 1516 to a girl, Mary. Relations between Henry and Catherine had been strained, but they eased slightly after Mary's birth.[27] "

" Blount is one of only two completely undisputed mistresses, considered by some to be few for a virile young king.[30][31] Exactly how many Henry had is disputed: David Loades believes Henry had mistresses "only to a very limited extent",[31] whilst Alison Weir believes there were numerous other affairs.[32] There is no evidence that Catherine protested, and in 1518 she fell pregnant again with another girl, who was also stillborn.[27] Blount gave birth in June 1519 to Henry's illegitimate son, Henry FitzRoy.[27] The young boy was made Duke of Richmond in June 1525 in what some thought was one step on the path to his eventual legitimisation.[33] In 1533, FitzRoy married Mary Howard, but died childless three years later.[34] At the time of Richmond's death in June 1536, Parliament was enacting the Second Succession Act, which could have allowed him to become king.[35] "

"In 1510, France, with a fragile alliance with the Holy Roman Empire in the League of Cambrai, was winning a war against Venice. Henry renewed his father's friendship with Louis XII of France, an issue that divided his council. Certainly war with the combined might of the two powers would have been exceedingly difficult.[36] Shortly thereafter, however, Henry also signed a pact with Ferdinand. After Pope Julius II created the anti-French Holy League in October 1511,[36] Henry followed Ferdinand's lead and brought England into the new League. An initial joint Anglo-Spanish attack was planned for the spring to recover Aquitaine for England, the start of making Henry's dreams of ruling France a reality."

20b14a (2)  No.5535562

File (hide): e39f962d60d49e5⋯.jpg (67.69 KB, 431x685, 431:685, silver bar 1kg.jpg) (h) (u)


those suckers are EVERYWHERE >:-|

b82c78 (5)  No.5535776>>5535904

File (hide): cd5b9fa6fff51cc⋯.jpg (223.23 KB, 800x809, 800:809, Henry_VIII_with_Charles_Qu….jpg) (h) (u)


"On 30 June 1513, Henry invaded France, and his troops defeated a French army at the Battle of the Spurs -- a relatively minor result, but one which was seized on by the English for propaganda purposes. Soon after, the English took Thérouanne and handed it over to Maximillian; Tournai, a more significant settlement, followed.[42] Henry had led the army personally, complete with large entourage.[43] His absence from the country, however, had prompted his brother-in-law, James IV of Scotland, to invade England at the behest of Louis."

"With the replacement of Julius by Pope Leo X, who was inclined to negotiate for peace with France, Henry signed his own treaty with Louis: his sister Mary would become Louis' wife, having previously been pledged to the younger Charles, and peace was secured for eight years, a remarkably long time."

"During his first marriage to Catherine of Aragon, Henry conducted an affair with Mary Boleyn, Catherine's lady-in-waiting. There has been speculation that Mary's two children, Henry and Catherine Carey, were fathered by Henry, but this has never been proved, and the King never acknowledged them as he did Henry FitzRoy.[52]"

"In the winter of 1532, Henry met with Francis I at Calais and enlisted the support of the French king for his new marriage.[70] Immediately upon returning to Dover in England, Henry, now 41, and Anne went through a secret wedding service.[71] She soon became pregnant, and there was a second wedding service in London on 25 January 1533. "

>>> so to sum till now, Henry VII's wife had gave birth 6 times but only 3 of them made it to adulthood Henry VIII, Mary and Margaret. And don't forget the McLeod syndrom is passed down by the X chromosone, meaning it was likely passed down by Elizabeth of York, wife of Henry VII; since Henry VII even has the McLeod syndrome, so it was passed onto him by his mother. Even the child Henry VIII had from a mistress Blount died a very young.

>>> Then, anons compare the "still born" children the first wife of Henry VIII had to the children of Albert Pike.












>>> And Henry VIII had his eyes on France, he wanted to conquer France. Meaning England wanted to take the throne from the French kings at this period in history. And most probably even before this period in time.

3566a9 (7)  No.5535903

File (hide): 21c9d9b29f4c945⋯.jpg (222.59 KB, 1645x1668, 1645:1668, 1be680befe4ada7f3209ca5536….jpg) (h) (u)


Oh okay, so you're just a slide. Got it.

d6a184 (5)  No.5535904>>5536018


"The king and queen were not pleased with married life. The royal couple enjoyed periods of calm and affection, but Anne refused to play the submissive role expected of her. The vivacity and opinionated intellect that had made her so attractive as an illicit lover made her too independent for the largely ceremonial role of a royal wife and it made her many enemies. For his part, Henry disliked Anne's constant irritability and violent temper. After a false pregnancy or miscarriage in 1534, he saw her failure to give him a son as a betrayal. As early as Christmas 1534, Henry was discussing with Cranmer and Cromwell the chances of leaving Anne without having to return to Catherine"

"The queen was pregnant again, and she was aware of the consequences if she failed to give birth to a son. Later that month, the King was unhorsed in a tournament and was badly injured; it seemed for a time that his life was in danger. When news of this accident reached the queen, she was sent into shock and miscarried a male child that was about 15 weeks old, on the day of Catherine's funeral, 29 January 1536.[93] For most observers, this personal loss was the beginning of the end of the royal marriage.[94] "

"Anne's downfall came shortly after she had recovered from her final miscarriage. Whether it was primarily the result of allegations of conspiracy, adultery, or witchcraft remains a matter of debate among historians.[57] Early signs of a fall from grace included the King's new mistress, the 28-year-old Jane Seymour, being moved into new quarters,[98] and Anne's brother, George Boleyn, being refused the Order of the Garter, which was instead given to Nicholas Carew.[99] Between 30 April and 2 May, five men, including Anne's brother, were arrested on charges of treasonable adultery and accused of having sexual relationships with the queen. Anne was also arrested, accused of treasonous adultery and incest. Although the evidence against them was unconvincing, the accused were found guilty and condemned to death. George Boleyn and the other accused men were executed on 17 May 1536.[100] At 8 am on 19 May 1536, Anne was executed on Tower Green.[101] "

"The day after Anne's execution in 1536 the 45-year-old Henry became engaged to Seymour, who had been one of the Queen's ladies-in-waiting. They were married ten days later.[102] On 12 October 1537, Jane gave birth to a son, Prince Edward, the future Edward VI.[103] The birth was difficult, and the queen died on 24 October 1537 from an infection and was buried in Windsor.[104] The euphoria that had accompanied Edward's birth became sorrow, but it was only over time that Henry came to long for his wife."

>>> I hope anons noticed the black dragon at the feet of the king of France in the previous drop.

>>>And Ann of Boleyn was accused of witchcraft, adultery, incest and conspiracy. Now where did I hear those things in modern day times? And I find it quiet interesting as to why the main actress in Ugly Betty series wore Anne Boleyn necklace. What was the message they were sending?

d6a184 (5)  No.5536018

File (hide): da96d29f7ddaa05⋯.jpg (241.8 KB, 800x943, 800:943, Henry VIII.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 35bf63dd560abe5⋯.jpg (44.18 KB, 471x600, 157:200, Look at the eagle.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): db59c2da4abc098⋯.jpg (85.18 KB, 680x408, 5:3, hillary_tent.jpg) (h) (u)


"Late in life, Henry became obese, with a waist measurement of 54 inches (140 cm), and had to be moved about with the help of mechanical inventions. He was covered with painful, pus-filled boils and possibly suffered from gout. His obesity and other medical problems can be traced to the jousting accident in 1536 in which he suffered a leg wound. The accident re-opened and aggravated a previous injury he had sustained years earlier, to the extent that his doctors found it difficult to treat. The chronic wound festered for the remainder of his life and became ulcerated, thus preventing him from maintaining the level of physical activity he had previously enjoyed. The jousting accident is also believed to have caused Henry's mood swings, which may have had a dramatic effect on his personality and temperament.[137][138]

The theory that Henry suffered from syphilis has been dismissed by most historians.[139][140] Historian Susan Maclean Kybett ascribes his demise to scurvy, which is caused by a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables.[141] Alternatively, his wives' pattern of pregnancies and his mental deterioration have led some to suggest that the king may have been Kell positive and suffered from McLeod syndrome.[138][142] According to another study, Henry VIII's history and body morphology may have been the result of traumatic brain injury after his 1536 jousting accident, which in turn led to a neuroendocrine cause of his obesity. This analysis identifies growth hormone deficiency (GHD) as the source for his increased adiposity but also significant behavioural changes noted in his later years, including his multiple marriages.[143] "

20b14a (2)  No.5536021


How did the double headed eagle (apart from being the symbol of FM 33°) find it's way in the coat & arms of Russia?


d5b9c8 (1)  No.5536047>>5538583

This is Thomas Anon,

I was feverishly holding back the temptation to post again but I just can't help myself. I love to suck cocks so I started my dig there today.

Now look at these parts from homosexuality that are important for the search:


"Homosexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender."

Then I thought to myself…maybe I am a woman in a man's body and so it's not gay at all. This took me down a big wabbit hole folks. Will post 20 more wikipedia articles after this.

dcc062 (19)  No.5538583>>5538897


Over a decade ago, the retired Lt. Gen. Samuel Wilson (of merrill's marauders, founder of Delta Force, Dir of DIA) said that he knew where a truly massive treasure hoard was in Burma that was left there out in the jungle decades ago. Metals, gems, etc. He said it was too dangerous and he was too old to go get it. I wonder if this might actually have something to do with this or even with that Malaysia flight in Cambodia.


Totally unnecessary, but I'm getting sick of the wikistyle as well. I'd like to see something more processed, unified, and conclusive. It's really starting to just be a limited hangout and distraction. Sorry, Thomas. Interesting history, but I'm also getting tired of the excuse that you just don't want to spill it or that you drip out info with your digs to employ some kind of socratic method trying to get others to dig rather than just tell. I'm calling B.S. at this point. Put up or shut up. Since your digs are interesting, I'd say keep going, but the copypasta is dead on arrival. Every 10-20 posts could be 1 condensed post. If you're not willing to work that way and just continue to be stubborn, you'll continue to get the same frustrated responses. Your digs don't give others relevant directions to dig. Just curiosities. I'm done.

d6a184 (5)  No.5538897>>5539355


it's not about stubborness. But so be it. thank you for your patience. take care.

85439b (1)  No.5539308>>5539576


Hi mister, I love your work. I don't know anything about military but the logos in third photo resemble the hand with sword crest.

3566a9 (7)  No.5539355>>5539576


Oh Thomas, don't be like that. I'm an asshole on 8chan.

Why not make your own thread? That way you can post to your heart's desire. You could make your own entire goddamn board. Take care bubbah.

d6a184 (5)  No.5539576



Thank you anons.

A lot of anons have been dragging their feet for more than a year. I cannot even imagine Q team frustration.

A lot of young ones have been spoon fed too long.

For those whom are interested in digging subjects, my stupid long drop chains have plenty inside that needs to be dug out into the open. That is if you can do it.

This is how the Cabal always won. Stay asleep, don't understand what brought you to this point in your life. And anons, there truly is something terribly big comming. It's going to coincide with the arrest of Killary. And it's going to big punch in the gut for every single living person on this planet. Thank God we have Potus, he is doing his outmost best to minimize the damage that it's going to do. But it's a blow that won't be avoided unfortunetly. For those whom know their own roots and the root of the problem, they will know what to do and they will eventually survive.

God bless you anons. keep up the work.

d6a184 (5)  No.5554319>>5555475 >>5561828

Flotus tartan color shoes => McLeod syndrome => Henry VIII => Elizabeth of York => War of Roses => Potus tweet of rose garden synchronized with Flotus Jan 13 tweet of WH pictures => Alice in wonderland reference: soldiers painting white roses red => Symbol of England

Flotus Jan 13 tweet photos => Place de la Concorde + Petit Trianon => along with Potus tweet of Rose garden => Windsor + Payseur = bicephalic dragon

Flotus tartan color shoes => McLeod syndrome => Henry VIII => Margaret Tudor => Mary of Scotts "early life" in French court => Scottish Masonic rite origine? => Payseur clan rite?

Flotus tartan color shoes => McLeod syndrome => Henry VIII => Elizabeth of York => Masonic York rite origine? => Duke of Kent => Windsor = queen not head of patriarchal clan eventhough she wears the crown.

b5922d (5)  No.5555475

File (hide): 81ed0c160ac254f⋯.jpg (30.21 KB, 300x420, 5:7, Duke of Kent.jpg) (h) (u)

b5922d (5)  No.5561828


Flotus tartan color shoes => McLeod County, Minnesota => St-Paul => Lucien Galtier => Pierre "Pig Eye" Parrant => Chouteau family of St-Louis.

>>> Full circle.

>>> Galtier possible French variation of Galting = Alice Galting.

859a4b (2)  No.5563422>>5564361


I speculate that the AF1 'refueling' stop in Alaska was impromptu. I don't know if his stop was on his official schedule. However, we all DO know AF1 does not need to land for refueling. Also if I remember correctly, there was an 'earthquake' in in that area around the same time.

D 5 = December 5th, George H W Bush's Funeral.

b5922d (5)  No.5564246

This is an attempt to decode:

1 - Narcissus / Daffodils. Symbolizing rebirth and new beginnings, the daffodil is virtually synonymous with spring.

2 - The symbolism and meaning of the columbine flower has been varied throughout history. A few meanings that have stood the test of time include foolishness, innocence, little doves, seven gifts of the holy spirit and protector against evil.

3 - Bee Balm symbolizes money, prosperity, protection from evil and illness. Bee Balm is also said to represent fertility and promotes restful sleep. (not sure which flower it is, picture blury)

4 - •Yellow calla lilies symbolize gratitude.

5- Symbolizing humility and devotion, lilies are the 30th anniversary flower - while lilies of the valley are the 2nd wedding anniversary flower. As the flowers most often associated with funerals, lilies symbolize that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death.

b5922d (5)  No.5564361>>5971068 >>5973237


Thank you anon for Alaska landing information. That Potus decentralized picture has a message in it.

As for D 5, I was like most anons thinking it was december 5. I guess cabal also thought it was december 5 because they reacted to D 5 by declaring Bush senior funeral. The funeral was only a reaction in order to monopolize media talking point and delay that we all thought was going to take place that way. This Potus tactic made cabal burn a card they had in their hands; but it's not D 5.

Just a thought: D 5 could it mean death sentence? I mean when Barbara Bush, did Q orr Potus mention D 5? When McStain died, was there a D 5 before the announcement of his death? We know that is the case of Bush senior for sure, but i cannot recall the other previous 2, if there is any.

597e47 (2)  No.5564732>>5564924

File (hide): 54f645113a4fcc5⋯.jpg (24.44 KB, 199x301, 199:301, doug.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 69941d42fba0bfc⋯.jpeg (18.88 KB, 474x294, 79:49, memory-hole-that.jpeg) (h) (u)


>Rudolf Koch is not on the right track.

This symbol appears in the book listed here.

What you have listed is not the orginal symbol it seems but I very crafty way they have memory-holed the actual symbol. See images.

b5922d (5)  No.5564924>>5574505


I see. Thank you. This is another symbol hijacked by them then.

597e47 (2)  No.5574505


No problem - I'm here to help

b0051f (6)  No.5582534>>5582773 >>5582805

This is Thomas Anon,

Good day to anons reading this.

I want to talk about 6 issues + something I’ve noticed and it’s late where I am, so if I don’t get to talk about all the points today, I will continue tomorrow : 1 -- the ruby necklace Killary was wearing. 2 – the “eagle” pendant Killary has. 3 – The Mcleod Syndrome with rapist Bill/Albert Pike. 4 – The Mcleod syndrome with Killary. 5 – The eye of Mauritania = Richat structure/ Atlantis event. 6 – Denver, Colorado airport.

Since the attacks in here, I went to other threads and made drops there, just to “air” this thread a bit. I spent some time even in the general thread where I had some “interesting” replies. And in day to day life, I had some “interesting” meetings as well.

1 -- The ruby necklace:

I met an ex- 33 degree freemason and we had a discussion. I brought up the Al Smith dinner and how Killary was wearing a ruby necklace, adding that I found out that rubies are… And he finished the sentence in my place : “the gem of kings”……………………………. I was so surprised and I guess it showed on my face so he continued: “rubies are very symbolic in freemasonry”. He then asked me if I got viciously attacked when I talked about this, when I answered “yes” he smirked and told me “you are walking down the correct path”.

Anons, Q pointing to us that video, and adding at the end of his drop “Symbolism will be their downfall” isn’t a coincidence. Team Q wanted us to understand the meaning of rubies; the “maltese cross” is the most obvious symbol strategically put to be caught by the camera. But anons shouldn’t forget that Potus is a 33 degree mason himself, so at that dinner, when he saw Killary wearing the rubies, he understood straight off what it means. So in turn, Q team wanted us to know that rubies are the gem of kings. That is what needed to be discovered by anons.

Which brings up questions : what did Q team mean by that? Are they trying to tell us that Killary has the blood of kings in her? Or did they want to point out that she is the queen of a mafia? Or did they want us to link it all the freemasonry and what it means there? There are so many questions. Anons whom been reading my drops from the start already know that I’ve been suspecting Killary of being the heir of Payseur = head of the Payseur family; and I’ve been trying to prove it. I’ve already dropped 17 “stones” or pieces trying to “built my case” on P = C = Killary, so with this Q hint, for me on a personal level, it confirms and solidifies the piece number 12 in my case on her. Anons are free to believe what they want, for me, this piece has become a very solid one as to say Killary wearing the gem of kings makes her from the line of kings herself; she is so immersed in symbolism that she was flashing her identity in front of everyone watching. And I would like to point out that Henry VIII protrait when he was 18 years old, he was wearing rubies.

f545ac (1)  No.5582773



2 Mar 2019 - 7:43:52 PM

We are far beyond statistical analysis at this stage.


b0051f (6)  No.5582805>>5583656 >>5657498


2 -- the “Eagle” pin of Killary:

While looking for Killary’s rubies, I “accidently” found out the name of the jeweler who made it: Ann Hand. From my early search where I was looking for a phoenix along with Killary, I was lead to this pin. But after founding out the jeweler who made it, it is stated to be an Eagle. The jeweler has passed away and the only things I found out about her apart her name is that Madeleine Albright (as well as other political figures) wore her pins because they were considered “trendy” back in the 90s. And for some reason, Ann Hand is highly respected in their “circle”, as if she was a role model or an inspiration. Her jewelry isn’t that expensive and since it was “trendy” I don’t understand why her “creations” aren’t wide spread . So I wanted to correct that, while it brings a lot of question out about this pin.

Here is a link:


3 -- The Mcleod Syndrome with rapist Bill/Albert Pike:

There are many articles to read from if anons are interested, here are some:




I’ve tried to talk about this issue in the general thread, so I made a drop there where I said that Killary has McLeod syndrome very similar to Kuru. I got 2 replies: one anon made a quick search where he read “McLeod neuroacanthocytosis syndrome is primarily a neurological disorder that occurs almost exclusively in boys and men”. He quickly dismissed it by saying this is an illness that is exclusively for males not females. I was stunned; didn’t he notice the “ALMOST”.

After waiting for almost the end of the thread, just before the thread was about to end, I got me a second terribly interesting reply: “Nancy has it as well”(I don’t remember it word to word but that’s the idea about the reply I got)

b0051f (6)  No.5583656>>5589033


I was like : “WHAT!?!?! Nancy? Nancy who?” How many Nancy s do I know? There is Nancy Reagan, Nancy Sinatra and Nancy Pelosi. Did I miss a Nancy, please let me know anons?

I kept on reading about the McLeod syndrome, on my 8th article I had my fill with it since I kept on reading the same thing over and over again. From what I understood from that reply, is that women are not only carriers of the syndrome, but extremely, in an extremely rare case, they can also show the symptoms of the XK chromosome. So I went to look for a doctor who can explain or confirm what this is about. I met 2 whom didn’t know about it. The third one have read about it long ago when he was a student and he said there are less than 200 known cases of the syndrome, 99% of them are men. It’s not curable, they can only treat the symptoms as mentioned in the articles. He then said that the McLeod syndrome is known to be the “illness of kings” (I’m translating here, it could also be “sickness of kings”).

This raised a lot of questions: What if the father and the mother both carry the syndrome and they have a daughter, does this mean each parent transmit the XK chromosome to the daughter, resulting in having her 2 of them? When you read about the syndrome, it’s mostly about the red cells in the blood, so if someone with McLeod syndrome is “injected” with fresh healthy blood, does it “postpone” the apparition of the symptoms and does it lessen them, while stretching the life spam?

So anons, it’s not excluded that women are not just carriers of the syndrome, but it’s symptoms also show up in them. And it seems, I’m not the only anon whom reached to that conclusion since I got the “Nancy” hint.

Now about rapist Bill and Albert Pike: I hope anons took their time and compared Albert Pike to Henry VIII. It seems that Pike does have the McLeod Syndrome. Most doctors confuse it with other illnesses; an anon previously pointed out that Albert Pike could have Hemophilia or something similar, but if you read about McLeod syndrome, it fits what the anon was trying to say. Weight gain is one of the symptoms of the syndrome but not all the symptoms show up in all the persons whom suffer from this; it varies from one person to another. Dementia is one of the most common symptoms of the syndrome. And we all know that Pike wrote books on Freemasonry and some even consider his writings as the “draft” plans used by the Cabal for WWI and WWII. Did Pike suffer from dementia when he wrote those “praised” books of his? How sane was he? Anons shouldn’t forget his behavior and his disregard to laws.

Which brings me to rapist Bill, a while ago, some speculated that rapist Bill has HIV and he is dying from it. That is what I thought as well until news came out that they started “curing” persons with HIV and anons have started talking about the “cures” already existing but hidden from us by the cabal. So my question is: if Cabal had the cure of HIV all along, why didn’t they use it to cure rapist Bill’s HIV? It’s because I don’t think rapist Bill has HIV, I don’t think this anymore after finding out about McLeod syndrome. Read the symptoms of the syndrome and compare to rapist Bill’s mostly the skin, the drooling, and the tongue biting or chewing. And we already know McLeod syndrome is only transmissible to males by their mothers, which means if rapist Bill has McLeod syndrome, he must have got it from his mother Virginia.

I’m going to stop here for today anons, I will continue the rest tomorrow. God bless you all.

1216e3 (6)  No.5586755>>5675418

File (hide): 7400d4c956ac721⋯.png (215.77 KB, 448x628, 112:157, Screenshot_2019-03-07 The ….png) (h) (u)

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I'm going to try to do a quick post on Solomon, so I don't put it off any longer. I want to get this out of the way, so I can talk about the modern catastrophes and why that might be relevant to the Denver Airport or the elite bunkers. . .


Last month, I kept randomly bumping into King Solomon. Velikovsky spends a lot of time during 'Ages in Chaos' going into great detail about Solomon, noting that the Queen of Sheba is likely Hatshepsut (conventional dating is wrong). The Temple of Solomon is said to have been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, which does make me wonder if there's another possible encounter with the planet Mercury. As for Baalbek, this was definitely a temple to 'Gad', Jupiter. All good clues.


One of the more intriguing accounts in the tales about Solomon is the 'Shamir'. Some accounts say it's green rock/mineral, others refer to it as something 'life-like'. Velikovsky noted this was possibly referring to a radioactive substance, similar to Radium.


Given the accounts, I do agree with this take but I'm inclined to take this idea a step further. I don't think this was a crude use of a radioactive substance, but rather an advanced technological application to said substance. One thing I should also point out, many of these ancient temples were restored several times. Solomon lived hundreds of years after the 'Exodus', and rumor has it the Shamir was known about in Moses' time. Usually the further back in time, the more advanced the culture was. The most advanced civilizations weren't necessarily 'building', but rather carving their structures out of stone. It is possible Solomon was using not only the foundation of an ancient temple, but also the technology of the civilization who built the original.

I won't be able to discuss everything about the 'worm' here. There is some REALLY bizarre things I've encountered going down the 'worm' hole. Sticking with the most practical approach, I propose that some of these more 'life-like' properties may have been referring to a practical application of the Electromagnetic Force. A 'worm' is a lot like a 'snake'. That seems to be a reoccurring theme in creation mythology for a reason. Electricity shaped the lands ;)


In case if anyone is wondering (: cuz I know I wuz ;) electricity can melt rock!!


This is a more extreme setup right here, but there could be something to the accounts of softening of stone. In a more familiar scenario, seeing that the Egyptians have carvings that look like light bulbs with wires, not to mention the clay batteries that archeologists find, it is possible to consider that workers may have been using various types of 'power' tools. Some theories even suggest that sound was used to cut the stone. Conventional definition states that 'sound' is a mechanical force, however I think they have that terribly wrong. Sound exhibits the characteristics of an Electromagnetic 'phenomena'. If this sounds outrageous, inside every speaker there's a magnet connected to a wire.

Perfect time to bring up the 'djinn'! Did Solomon really have an army of demons doing his bidding? Or is it possible that this, too, may refer to a practical application of the Electromagnetic Force? More specifically magnetic levitation!! Anyone ever hear the tales of the wizard, Merlin, who levitated the blocks to build the castle? Well, there may be some reality behind such outrageous accounts like these. In more recent times, a frail 100 pound man named Ed Leedskalnin built the Coral Castle, using the 'secrets of the pyramids'. Some of the accounts said Ed was able to manuver these blocks, the largest of which is some 30 tons, almost effortlessly. If you ask him what his secret was…


I may have to dive deeper into Solomon on another post. I just wanted to show how there was most likely technology being used back the day. The elites weren't just using this technology to make temples. I'm pretty sure they were using this tech to make themselves appear more powerful, even terrifying to us common folk and thus 'worthy' to rule…

b0051f (6)  No.5589033>>5589772


This is Thomas anon continuing where I left off yesterday:

Pike had 3 “legitimate” children making it into adulthood. One died at the age of 23 if I remember correctly and the other 2 a girl and a boy lived to become old. But we don’t know how many “illegitimate” children had if he was “interacting” with maids working at his house, and we don’t know how many of these children made it to adulthood. Any one of his children could be a potential grandparent of Virginia. Now we have the geo proximity added and the physical ressemblance between rapist Bill and Pike, along with the McLeod syndrome; then yes anons, the chances of rapist Bill being the great grandson of Pike is getting higher.

When Danney Williams showed up during the 2016 election and said he was the “illegitimate” son of rapist Bill, I initially thought the Clinton campaign was going to undergo a DNA test to prove Danney was not the biological son of rapist Bill. But that didn’t happen and when it didn’t, on the spot, I thought they didn’t do it because they are hidding the fact Danney is REALLY the bio son of rapist Bill. After remembering rapist Bill MIGHT be a ROCKEFELLER I was more and more convinced they are hidding rapist Bill’s DNA so his real lineage won’t show. With the discovery of McLeod syndrome and the potential of not just rapist Bill having it, but the potential he might have it from his great granddfather Pike, I’m beginning to realize that rapist Bill blood is far more blue than I have initial thought it was; which makes totally sense as to why his biological father is a Rockefeller and it also makes sense as to why the Rockefellers were on top of the pyramid for so long when it comes to this branch of the Merovingian family.

4 - The Mcleod syndrome with Killary:

Now as I’ve mentioned before, it is not excluded that women get sick from the McLeod syndrome. Women have menaupose somewhere in their early 50s and the comsequences of that is gaining weight, have cardiac problems, high blood pressure etc. These can be some of the symptomes of the McLeod syndrome which can easily lead to confusion since both show up when the person is around 50 years old. I guess this is why doctors say it’s extremely rare for women to have it because it’s super hard to detect the syndrome effects in women as their intertwine with the menaupose effects. That is why doctors are unable to detect the syndrome, it’s kinda masked by the menaupose.

So it is not excluded that Killary have it. If anons read slowly and carefully the symtoms of the syndrome and comapre it to the symtoms of Killary, it’s a perfect match.

Here are some links:








b0051f (6)  No.5589772>>5589991

File (hide): e89499355a5e987⋯.jpg (154.44 KB, 1000x1301, 1000:1301, Killary, mother & daughter.jpg) (h) (u)


I’ve asked the ex-33 degrees freemason about the McLeod syndrome, he never heard of it, but he asked me to take into consideration that Killary might not be the biological child of at least one of her parents or even both of them. Now that theory is quiet interesting. He suggested that after I mentioned that no matter how much anons dig, we are unable to find any “good” information about her ancestry.

Looking at Killary’s pictures and comparing them to her mother, she does look her mother, mostly when she was younger. So for me, Dorothy is Killary’s mother, but what about the father.


Here are some notable extracts:

“Growing up in modest circumstances in the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge, the Rodham siblings had to contend with a gruff, bear of a father. Hugh Rodham operated a small drapery business and, according to Oppenheimer's book, 'resorted to any trick to cut a deal and make a sale.'

As cousin Oscar Dowdy asserted, 'Hugh was a wheeler-dealer, a shyster-type guy, always trying to screw somebody.' Dowdy claimed that the Rodham patriarch once told him, 'You're too f** honest to be in business.'

Rodham also was a show-off who drove a metallic gold Cadillac.

State of a Union revealed a long-standing sibling rivalry between Hillary and her bothers because their tough-talking father always considered her his princess, while berating and putting down his sons.

Tony Rodham told Oppenheimer, 'Hillary was always Dad's princess. My father adored my sister.'

In the late 1990s there had been published accounts that Hillary. at 67 the oldest sibling, had taken guff from her father, but Tony Rodham claimed those reports were 'total bulls***. How does a father undermine his daughter's sexuality,' he asked, 'other than not wanting her to "get laid"'

Oscar Dowdy asserted that, 'Hillary was the only one in the family who really knew how to manipulate Hugh Rodham [Sr.] in order to win his affection. I grew up with Hillary. I saw how loving and attentive Uncle Hugh was to her. He wasn't that way to the boys.

'Hillary knew how to get what she wanted out of [her father.] She knew the right buttons to push. She knew how to sweet-talk him. She was smart enough to know, this is how I get what I want.'

Her brothers were a different story.

b0051f (6)  No.5589991>>5590668

File (hide): c09949301d34518⋯.jpg (47.55 KB, 663x434, 663:434, hillary-clinton-family-2.jpg) (h) (u)

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'Hillary got the love and Hughie got booted -- that was pretty much it,' Dowdy maintained to Oppenheimer. 'Tony got his share, too, but Hughie seemed to get more of it. I think Hughie – well, both of them – were pretty envious of the attention Hillary got.'

Still, Hugh Rodham could be tough on his daughter because he wanted her to succeed. 'She came home one day with straight As,' Tony Rodham recalled, 'and my father looked at her and said, 'It must be an easy school.'

But, added her brother, their father was 'proud as a peacock' of her.

He told Oppenheimer that his father was also frugal to the extreme. 'We didn't get tremendous luxuries because that's the way my father was. We didn't have designer clothes. We had chores to do and if you didn't do them we caught hell for it.'

But for Hillary the family boss splurged on buying her a piano that had a prominent place in the Rodham living room. Rodham family insiders told Oppenheimer, 'he spent hours watching her practice. He thought of her as the perfect child.'”

“Tony Rodham told Oppenheimer, 'Our father was a tough guy, yes he was. He told all of us, 'It's a tough world out there and if you want to succeed you've got to be the best at what you do.' And that's what was hammered into our heads. My sister is very good at what she does because that's how she was taught.'”

“Hillary was the apple of her father Hugh's eye.”

I don’t know for sure if Hugh Rodham sr is Killary’s biological father or not, but he sure treated her terribly special. I had thought for a long time that Killary was an abused child, not just bullying from her parents to make her taugh but also I used to think she might have been sexually abused by a pedophile father.

I have a question about something I don’t understand when it comes to the McLeod syndrome: What happens when the daughter takes an XK chromosome from her mother and an XK chromosome from her father in the same time? Does this transform the daugther from a simple carrier of the syndrome to an actual patient; and we start seeing all the symptoms of the syndrome? If there is an anon knowlegable in the medical field, a nurse, a doctor or a medical researcher, your help in clearing up this issue will be great. Thank you.

And we shouldn’t forget Killary’s many abortions : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftUItehaIoo

There is a lot of truth about their behavior in this video. And I think Bill “covered up” the truth about WHY Killary had so many abortions by saying she is a lesbian and all of that stuff. I don’t know about you anons, but for me, it’s starting to make a lot of sense.

And I would like to point out that rapist Bill was playing golf with both his brothers in law in BILTMORE GOLF COURSE IN Coral Gables in 1996. Anons, there is so much about the Biltmore name relating to Payseur, not to forget that Biltmore hotel chain I’ve been suspecting being used to something similar of the Standard hotel is used for.

d8ff8c (1)  No.5590668>>5592629 >>5595702

File (hide): 6b8627713d3fade⋯.jpg (194.99 KB, 838x896, 419:448, Red Blood cells with McLeo….jpg) (h) (u)

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I initially thought Killary’s abortions are related to the fact that she wanted a girl and she aborted the child once she knew it was a boy. But I changed my mind once I found out about McLeod syndrome. If rapist Bill is suffering from it, then yes, there is 50 % chance that Killary might have been pregnant many times and HAD to abort because the baby died in her whomb or was still born; just like it was the case of Henry VIII many wives.

But there is something bothering me when it comes to that, rapist Bill is famous for womenizing and having one huge load of mistresses, as well as being famous not wearing a condom while having sex. And if his mistres ever got pregnant, he threw some money in the face of the woman telling her to get an abortion. What doesn’t add up in this is that Danney Williams is alive and we have Gennifer Flowers admitting she had abortions because she got pregnant with Bill’s child.


So rapist Bill having the McLeod syndrome didn’t stop him from making “other” women than Killary pregnant and the child survived in the case of Danney Williams (if he turned out to be rapist Bill’s biological son). But then, if Killary ALSO is sick of the same syndrome, and she is not just a carrier, what happens if she got pregnant? Can this cause the phoetus to die in her whomb? Does she give birth to still born kids? She did get pregnant from Webb Hubblell; no matter how much they deny it or do plastic surgery in order to hide it, Chelsea Clinton is the spitting image of her biological father. So in other words, both Killary and rapist Bill can have children outside of their marriage with other partners, but couldn’t have kids from each other.

From here, things start to get interesting.

When you read about the McLeod syndrome, you will find out that the red blood cells are shaped like “Stars”. And when I was digging up the symbolism behind the ruby necklace Killary wore at the Al Smith dinner, I came across upon the “Star Ruby”.


“Star Ruby is a type of ruby that exhibits a star-like phenomenon known as asterism. Star Rubies contain intersecting needle-like inclusions (often the mineral rutile, a mineral composed primarily of titanium dioxide) that cause the appearance of a six-rayed 'star'-shaped pattern in Star Ruby when viewed with a single overhead light source. To cause a star, the rutile needles form in parallel and tightly packed groups. The reflection off of each group of crystals forms a straight line which appears to float on the surface of the stone. There are always three groups of crystals which intersect at 60 degree angles from each other. The three lines formed connect in the center to form the appearance of a 6 ray star.

The presence of a star is one of the most remarkable phenomena encountered in the world of colored gemstones. This optical occurrence is quite rare, being only found in a very small percentage of the rubies mined around the world.”

So in other words, the “Gem of kings” and the “illness of kings” both share the redness and the star shape. Q team pointed out the symbolism in the drop of Al Smith dinner (apart the maltese cross), it was about the ruby necklace Killary was wearing; leading me to the gem of kings and the star ruby. A few hours later, Flotus wore the colors of the McLeod clan tartan, leading me to the illness of kings which coincidentally also has the red blood cells shaped like a star.

And a few hours later, the icing on the cake came from Potus himself in his 2 hours speech at CPAC when he said TWICE (just like in Q drops) : “These people are sick”. I almost fell from my chair when I heard him say that because he meant it literally = 1 -- they are sick as in ill from the McLeod syndrome , which in turn 2 – one of its most common symptoms is DEMENTIA, which can also mean “they are sick in the head” as in “insane” = “crazy” = “loony”.

This was a coordinated effort from Q team, Flotus and Potus anons. They all worked hard to give us hints about the ruby necklace and the McLeod syndrome and how it’s all connected to Killary. There is no coincidence, it was terribly well orchestrated and planned from the patriots. And anons, there is an “EVOLUTION” in the message Potus and Q team has sent this time around. They stopped pointing out to the Merovingian bloodline, like they have been doing for so long now repeatedly, and they started pointing us to a more “specified” person = Killary. If anons follow the chain of hints they have been giving us, they will see this.

e8655c (1)  No.5591302

During WWII,

Roman Catholic




Orthodox Christians

even as close as

Twenty Miles away

from the Vatican.

Just for this reason,



2087be (1)  No.5591697

File (hide): 63135fcbe0bd5ad⋯.png (809.68 KB, 1271x915, 1271:915, Trump Jb32.png) (h) (u)

>>5066118 (OP)


An estimated 80% are Secretly Dropped from the totals because they were not Physicall Counted sneaking across the border!

So for every 1 person caught, atleast 4 snuck in undocumented, so for every 1 person number, the REALITY IS IT IS ACTUALLY 5 PEOPLE!

For example, in Dec 2018, 3,000 illegals were caught at the borders and 4x that amount crossed the desert and not caught, makes 15,000 ILLEGALS IN ONE DAY!


Next, in 2017, over 700,000+ illegals were actually caught and counted. So the US Gov only states "700,000" entered right? THEIR SECRET LIE IS they DO NOT Add in the estimated 4x that DID NOT GET CAUGHT running thru the desert.

So in reality, 700,000 x 4 = 2.8 MILLION ILLEGALS ENTERED THE US IN 2017!

And now they are estimating that 1 million illegals being caught in 2019 - right? So again, this is only the numbers they COUNTED! Again, 4x then were NOT CAUGHT so how many now will enter the US in 2019? YEAH - reality estimates at 5 MILLION!


And what did we all hear Trump did to even attempt to stop it? Nothing! Refused to shut down the border completely! And what did Trump do to even ATTEMPT TO MAKE ANY CHANGES TO THE LAWS TO CONTROL THEM? Again - 100% NOTHING!

You see, Trump is a money profit businessman! He only 100% deals on a nation level of Business money deals - not Actual US Citizens Lives to protect us! He's only going after the last penny he can get, as blood, lives of our children are lost, and we encounter criminals right at our doorsteps, and Trump 100% continued to gather every last penny he can!

So anyone saying Trump values actual Human US Legal Citizens lives first, is a LIAR! To Trump and all businessman, money is their #1 issue! So when does Trump make the leap from his money grab to actually protecting our very citizens, on our very streets, we encounter every time we walk out our doors?

Trump will never leave 1 penny behind, so to Trump, MONEY DOES 100% IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN ME OR OUR CHILDRENS LIVES! He never turn a single page of paper effort to change or stop this criminal invasion!

Having more Illegals means his fellow businessmen like Trump, who only chases down every last penny, want 10x the amount of employees, so they can continue to cut the amount of pay they pay per hour. Imagine, knocking off $1-5 dollars per hour, per employee, per year? The more Supply of workers, the more workers will take a paycut to fight for that money - which puts more money into their pockets!

See the GAME Trump is playing by turning his back away from the Illegal crisis? Its so out of control, Trump knows he can do NOTHING, so he turns his back to this, and is waiting for the US Citizens to bring out their weapons to the streets, and start using them!

Yet Trump can just sign a Emergency and close down completely, the border. Yet he refuses because his fellow businessmen will not make money.

20k new job in Feb 2019, yet 75k new illegals inside the US at the same time. How long can that last?

I told you the shocking truth, and the DEEP SECRET NUMBER SCAM THE US GOV USES TO FOOL YOU!

Ask - what did Trump to do actually make your very streets, inside your city safer? Yeah - nothing. Its out of control, like in DC, as Trump turns his back an pretends he don't see all the blood on his hands!

244adc (7)  No.5592629>>5593314 >>6078469

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And the cherry on top of the cake was our lovely Flotus shoes again ^_^

Anons have already talked about the “sword” issue and about the “Highlander” the movie and some even mentioned the Queen song : “princes of the universe”. In that movie, the protagonist is a McLeod highlander who gets to live “forever”. But what is the most important in this movie is the soundtrack. Here are the lyrics of the song: “princes of the universe”

“Here we are, born to be kings

We're the princes of the universe

Here we belong, fighting to survive

In a world with the darkest powers


And here we are, we're the princes of the universe

Here we belong, fighting for survival

We've come to be the rulers of you all

I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings, yeah, yeah

I have no rival, no man can be my equal

Take me to the future of you all

Born to be kings, princes of the universe

Fighting and free

Got your world in my hand

I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand

We were born to be princes of the universe

No man could understand

My power is in my own hand

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, people talk about you

People say you've had your day

I'm a man that will go far

Fly the moon and reach for the stars

With my…

No man could understand

My power is in my own hand

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, people talk about you

People say you've had your day

I'm a man that will go far

Fly the moon and reach for the stars

With my sword and head held high

Got to pass the test first time, yeah

I know that people talk about me, I hear it every day

But I can prove them wrong 'cause I'm right first time

Yeah, yeah

Alright, let's go, let's go, ha ha

Yeah, watch this man fly, wooh

Bring on the girls, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon

Here we are (here we are)

Born to be kings, we're the princes of the universe

Here we belong

Born to be kings, princes of the universe

Fighting and free, got your world in my hand

I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand

We were born to be princes of the universe (universe, universe, universe)”

Anons, this is Cabal talking to us. Those are not just random lyrics. And I believe it’s Payseur heir talking to us. The heir is telling us he is from royal lineage. He/she has the blood of kings in them and he/she is here to RULE US ALL. As for the 13 bloodline families, they are the princes of the universe. I wonder what are those darkest powers mentioned in the song. Anons shouldn’t forget how deep was Freddy Mercury in Cabal symbolism. Just taking a look at the Queen logo we can see the Phoenix, which in turn reminds of the Fleurs de lys crowned Phoenix on the 1988 The Economist cover. This is not a simple ordinary song. It’s more, much more than that. It’s telling us what Payseur heir thinks of himself, how he/she sees him/herself. They rule us, the cattle. Anons shouldn’t forget the famous sentence in the movie or in the series = “in the end, there could be only one”.

So now, if you take:

1 -- Q hint to necklace => gem of kings + star ruby = BOOM

2 -- Flotus tartan color shoes => McLeod syndrome + star red cells in blood = illness of kings = BOOM

3 -- Potus CPAC speech => “These people are sick” = BOOM

4 -- Flotus tartan color shoes => Highlander soundtrack = Queen = Princes of the Universe = BOOM

Now I consider that a homerun or a strike if you ask me, but since my daughter requested it, I put the booms for her ^_^ …………………………..that’s 4 Booms anons. Well coordinated and orchestrated. But it doesn’t stop here, there is more.

244adc (7)  No.5593314>>5593631

File (hide): 0539f40054dd548⋯.jpg (224.49 KB, 750x759, 250:253, I stant with PP.jpg) (h) (u)

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A little while ago when an anon suggested about Pike suffering from hemophilia, I did some reading in it and back then, I found out that one way to compensate the “disorder” (I’m calling it that because I don’t know the medical terms) of the red cells in the blood is by “getting an injection of fresh healthy new blood”. And I believe the Cabal has figured this out = in order to live longer, it’s members suffering from this problem with the red cells in the blood must get a fresh dosage of healthy blood. In old times, it was not possible for them to get medically injected healthy blood into them, so how did they do it, mostly in Antiquity = Greek, Roman, Egyptian times etc. ?

It’s simple, THEY DRANK IT. McLeod syndrome also has an anomaly in the red cells preventing them from working as they should; and I believe this “illness of kings” was known by Cabal members. And at some point, they figure out that by drinking fresh healthy blood, they can balance this anomaly of the red cells in their blood. Anons shouldn’t forget that one very common symptom of McLeod syndrome is dementia, so if we add that to the mix, we will understand WHY they drink the blood of kids and WHY they eat their flesh, and HOW the SATANISTIC RITUALS were formed and WHY. Being “out of it” and their need for healthy blood to stay alive themselves, has created this paranoia and totally crazy (literally) concept, habit and need for child sacrifice in order to be consumed. Being truly crazy from dementia, they created this worship of satan and they created this world of illusions and rituals and occultism that only their demented minds could come up with.

In modern day times, I think they came up with “Planned Parenthood” idea in order to get a stable, constant supply of fresh blood and organs. They need them desperately because their lives depended on them literally. That is why we see them fighting tooth and nails, going totally berserk in order to protect Planned Parenthood. That is why we saw these disgusting abortion laws pass in NY and other States, all pushed for by democrats with all that they’ve got, they are putting their all in it. This isn’t about making money, or for their rituals, sure, those do play a role in it, but the main reason, the real reason in my opinion is the simple fact that their lives literally depend on the supply of fresh blood and organs they get. Once that supply is cut, they are done for it; ALL of them.

Now we understand why Killary comes out so much in defending Planned Parenthood. And an anon commented about a picture I posted earlier in this thread about an old picture of Cuomo and rapist Bill. The anon replied by pointing out that (ex-gvr of Texas) Ann Richards’ was in that picture as well, and her daughter = Cecile Richards was a past president of Planned Parenthood. Thank you anon for your help. God bless you.

I would like to point out that Ann Richards grew up in Waco Texas, and she was the governor of Texas when the Waco massacre took place.


“Richards was born Dorothy Ann Willis in Lakeview (now part of Lacy Lakeview), in McLennan County, Texas, the only child of Robert Cecil Willis and Mildred Iona Warren. She grew up in Waco, participated in Girls State, and graduated from Waco High School in 1950.”

“In 1993, Richards signed into law the re-codified Texas Penal Code which included anti-homosexual Section 21.06, the state's "Homosexual Conduct" law which states: "(a) A person commits an offense if he engages in deviate sexual intercourse with another individual of the same sex. (b) An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor.".[11] In 1990, Richards had campaigned in Houston to repeal the law. But, as governor, her signature criminalized same-sex sexual relations in Texas.”

“One of her daughters, Cecile Richards, became president of Planned Parenthood in 2006.[16] Ann Richards demonstrated interest in social causes such as equality, abortion, and women's rights.”

“A tribute to Richards was featured during the "HerStory" video tribute to notable women on U2's tour in 2017 for the 30th anniversary of The Joshua Tree during a performance of "Ultraviolet (Light My Way)"[30] from the band's 1991 album Achtung Baby.”

>>> Did anons notice each time the Cabal wants to make a tribute to a member of theirs U2 is there?

244adc (7)  No.5593631>>5593740


And of course, let’s take a look at the daughter = Cecile Richards:


“Cecile Richards is an American pro-choice activist who served as the president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund from 2006 to 2018. In 2010, Richards was elected to the Ford Foundation board of trustees.”

“Richards was born in Waco, Texas, and is the daughter of former Texas Governor Ann Richards (née Willis), an American politician and activist”

“Richards' parents were immersed in political activism from her early years on. At the age of 16, she helped her mother campaign for Sarah Weddington, the attorney who won Roe v. Wade, in her bid for the Texas state legislature.[4]”

“She is currently on the board of the Ford Foundation, a global private foundation with the mission of advancing human welfare.[7] She was one of the founders of America Votes, a 501(c)4 organization that aims to coordinate and promote progressive issues, and is currently serving as president.[6] Richards founded and previously served as president of America Votes, a coalition of national Democratic Party-affiliated organizations.[8] Before that, she was deputy chief of staff to Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Leader in the U.S. House of Representatives.[9] She has also worked at the Turner Foundation.[10] In 1996, she founded the Texas Freedom Network, a Texas organization formed to counter the Christian right.[11] She also serves on the Board of Advisors of Let America Vote, an organization founded by former Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander that aims to end voter suppression.[12]

Richards stepped down as president of Planned Parenthood in 2018[13][14] and was succeeded by Leana Wen.[15]”

“Their eldest, Lily Adams, served as press secretary for Tim Kaine and later as an advisor of communications for Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Presidential campaign”

>>> A Clinton operative for sure if you ask me and just take a look at her career, she is all over the place. I bet if I checked each and single one of the mentioned places where she worked, I will find Killary’s fingerprints all over them as well.

Upon taking a look at Planned Parenthood, I noticed the following:


“Following Margaret Sanger, Alan Frank Guttmacher became president of Planned Parenthood, serving from 1962 until 1974.[27] During his tenure, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the sale of the original birth control pill, giving rise to new attitudes towards women's reproductive freedom.[21] Also during his presidency, Planned Parenthood lobbied the federal government to support reproductive health, culminating with President Richard Nixon's signing of Title X to provide governmental subsidies for low-income women to access family planning services.”

244adc (7)  No.5593740>>5595149

File (hide): 3df872821eb2746⋯.jpg (52.97 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Nelson and rapist Bill.jpg) (h) (u)


“In the years that followed, the organization played a key role in landmark abortion rights cases such as Roe v Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992).[25] Once abortion was legalized during the early 1970s, Planned Parenthood also began acting as an abortion provider.”

“In 1966, PPFA began awarding the Margaret Sanger Award annually to honor, in their words, "individuals of distinction in recognition of excellence and leadership in furthering reproductive health and reproductive rights." In the first year, it was awarded to four men: Carl G. Hartman, William H. Draper, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Martin Luther King, Jr.[42][43][44][45] Later recipients have included John D. Rockefeller III, Katharine Hepburn, Jane Fonda, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Turner.”

>>> We have Nixon (AGAIN), Roe v Wade and look at the names of whom got an award from PP!?!?!?! Now we even have a connection to the Kavanaugh hearings and all the fiasco that took place. It’s Killary all along. And of course, let’s go check out who that Rockefeller mentioned is.


“John Davison Rockefeller III (March 21, 1906 -- July 10, 1978) was a philanthropist and third-generation member of the prominent Rockefeller family. He was the eldest son of the philanthropists John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller. His siblings were Abby, Nelson, Laurance, Winthrop and David.”

“His interest in industrial relations stemmed from the family's role in the Ludlow Massacre, in which strikebreakers and security guards killed women and children of miners striking against the Rockefeller-controlled Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. Rockefeller's father worked to restore the family's public reputation by championing industrial relations and the work of William Lyon Mackenzie King, a pioneer in the field.”

“He was a prominent third-generation family philanthropist in his own right and founder of the Asia Society, the major institution he established in 1956 to foster greater cooperation between Asia and the United States. He also founded the Population Council in 1952, and a reconstituted Japan Society. In addition, he set up the United Negro College Fund for the ongoing education of African Americans, carrying on the family tradition in this area with his grandfather's funding of the education of black women at Spelman College in Atlanta.”

>>> So now we know how the Rockefellers “entered” the far East, including Japan and influenced the region there. This explains their influence in that mangas I mentioned in an earlier drop = Gantz.

And he was the brother of Nelson Rockefeller whom I’ve been suspecting as being the real biological father of rapist Bill. Nelson’s life is FILLED to the RIM with connection, like tentacles to Cabal related stuff.


“Rockefeller supported reform of New York's abortion laws beginning around 1968. The proposals supported by his administration would not have repealed the long-standing prohibition, but would have expanded the exceptions allowed for the protection of the mother's health, or in circumstances of fetal abnormality.

The reform bills did not pass. However, when an outright repeal of the prohibition managed to pass in 1970, Rockefeller signed it. In 1972, he vetoed another bill that would have restored the abortion ban. He said in his 1972 veto message, "I do not believe it right for one group to impose its vision of morality on an entire society."[53]

And with this, I’ve finished the 4th issue I wanted to talk about. Now I’m going to move to the Eye of Mauritania.

244adc (7)  No.5595149>>5597085

File (hide): 873d5f7eef5ac56⋯.jpg (490.12 KB, 1463x1110, 1463:1110, eye from above - edited.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9eeb515f0419f19⋯.jpg (266.11 KB, 1200x587, 1200:587, -Equal_Earth_projection - ….jpg) (h) (u)


5 -- The eye of Mauritania = Richat structure/ Atlantis event:

I bet a lot of anons by now know that one of Cabal’s main objectives is to wipe all of us human off the face of the planet, while they survive and repopulate it. I guess the latest drop from Q about the Denver, Colorado airport made this idea resurface, with mostly what is hidden underneath that airport.

I’ve already mentioned that I showed pictures of the “Eye” to some geologist I trust, and recently, I had the opportunity to show the pictures to one more geologist and another archeologist, like me. We all agree came to the same conclusion according to the pictures we have at our disposal currently = this is not a meteor crashing site, this is not a volcanic eruption; this is an explosion from the inside out. And whatever that 3 d square is in the middle of that second crater on the upper side of the Eye, it’s the center of the explosion. And we all agree, there is a HUGE landslide that took place as a consequence of the explosion. And MAYBE, not sure, MAYBE, the explosion was sooo big and hard that it drifted the continents away. We have a perfect fit in Africa and Latin America; but we also have Greenland and Antarctica which were both covered in greenery as in dense vegetation as the samples taken from deep beneath the ice show, they are proof. And we mustn’t forget that Petrol is formed from the vegetable or animal deposits compressed for a long period of time underground.

In the map I’ve attached to this drop. The orange star is where the Eye is located; we can even see it from this distance, incredible. The regions in purple circles are “chunks” which most probably drifted (either upward or downward = heading towards the poles). The red circles are what seemed to be craters where big chunks were taken out of there. And the yellow arrows are (or might be in some cases) the trajectory of drifting. I’ve put an arrow with a question mark next to it in the Pacific Ocean because there is a possibility that Antarctica was located there and not in the Indian Ocean. Further data is needed to confirm or repel this thesis.

So the blast MIGHT have been so powerful that it MIGHT have made the continents drift and change the “face of the earth”. And if it was that powerful it also could have activated and erupted all the volcanoes on the face of the earth all at once resulting in a sea of lava + we gotta add a HUGE tsunami = the size of a titan which would have engulfed everything on its path. All of these elements combined could have easily created an ICE AGE. We think the ice age RISS is the candidate.

The reason why I’m talking about this right now anons is because it’s been a few months that I’ve come to the conclusion that the Cabal isn’t at its first try to WIPE out HUMANITY of the face of the earth. I have come to believe that the ancestors of the Cabal are directly responsible for the blast that destroyed whatever was in the Richat structure and cause this huge cataclysmic turn of events that almost wiped the humans and every life form from earth. I strongly believe it’s not their first try. It reminds me of the Bible when they talk in it about the construction of the 3 TEMPLES of GOD. A lot of people believe that the first construction of the temple was done by Solomon in Jerusalem and it was destroyed by the Babylonians; and the second temple built by Herode the great was destroyed by the Romans; and now the Cabal wants to build the third temple, so it can bring the Anti-Christ to earth and so on.

But what if it’s not like that? What if, the first “temple” is actually a projection or a metaphor of the first “civilization” that lived on earth as in Atlantis; which totally disappeared with the blast that took place = wiped out. We can call that EARTH 1 or Age of Gaïa 1. So if we follow that line of reasoning we are now living under the era of the second “temple” when Solomon constructed the temple of God = we are now in EARTH 2 or Age of Gaïa 2. And the cabal descendants are still trying to blow things up and wipe out humanity, while they hide in underground bunkers, just like they most probably constructed boats and hid in them in order to survive the tsunami from old times.

I don’t know if I’m making too much sense to you anons, but for now, this is what I have about this. So I’m going to stop here about it.

6832a7 (2)  No.5595702


interdasting the donald is a macleod on his mother's side

if he and hildabeast had a child would it be the antichrist


244adc (7)  No.5597085>>5597669 >>5657890

File (hide): acf0ef2bc569e8b⋯.png (602.09 KB, 920x614, 460:307, Denver airport horse statu….png) (h) (u)


6 -- Denver, Colorado airport:

Now everyone by now know about the creepy satanic/apocalyptic art at the Denver, Colorado airport. First, let me tell anons that I believe the murals in the airport hold a message from the Cabal in the symbolism and meaning of the animals and flowers. I’ve made an attempt to “decipher” the language of flowers, I don’t know how successful it was.

I do agree with anons when they say it’s about the end of the world and such stuff. I also agree with anons when they say there is an underground structure beneath the airport. Some say it’s a secret weapons or military base, some say it’s a biological lab or storage for bio weapon, some say it’s a huge bunker, while others combine all previous 3 together. I guess all of the anons are correct in their guessing. And the view from above of the airport really does look like a swastika. I might even add it’s also like a propeller. No matter what is underneath that airport, I know it’s not a good thing.

The swastika alike layout of the airport brings me back to the Nazi and how they got in with the help of Prescott Bush and Edward VIII, and how it’s all linked to Payseur and the Windsors; both alike. The Nazis are not an old time forgotten thing as the layout of the airport shows, they are very much still existing and active.

But what troubles me the most about that Denver airport is the horse statue outside. When I saw it, the first thing that came to my mind were those “invisible” horses from Harry Potter, the ones which pulls the carriages of Hogwarts. But after a few hours, it also reminded me of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse and the horses they ride. I also remembered not long ago, the US army amassing troops in the north of Texas. Looking at a map, it’s not that far away, isn’t it?

Now, it’s just some thoughts of mine but could it be what’s underneath this airport is ONE of 4 apocalyptic bases of the Cabal? Are there 3 other bases of the sort in the US or elsewhere in the world? When the Saudi “purge” occurred, there were a lot of talks about and HUGE underground facility and the sorts. So couldn’t that place in KSA be like this one underneath Denver airport? And is the horse outside a symbol to the TYPE of facility there is underground? If this thought of mine is correct, does it mean the other 3 facilities have ALSO HORSE statues or paintings or sculptures outside, on the entrance to signal what the place REALLY is?

This is all I have to say about this for now.

244adc (7)  No.5597669>>5599436 >>5644065


+ The last thing I’ve noticed:

It’s been a while that I’ve noticed something about the Cabal, but recently it has accelerated. So anons take a look at these:









I’ve talked about this before in another thread, so I don’t know if anons already read this.

I first thought this is linked to the EO that comes into effect on the 1st of Jan 2019; about confiscating the assets of the person involved in human rights violations. But I really got surprised when I saw the DATES. Look closely how old the items being sold are: most are some 150 and 200 old; which coincide with the French Revolution. And ALL are directly linked to Payseur through Rockefellers and Rothschilds; even the wine is called Versailles. I don’t understand why they are liquidating such stuff. I understand when it comes into selling land and houses, but they could have kept the other stuff, mostly the jewelry. In my search, it’s clear that Payseur heir has this obsession and attachment to everything that is related to his “family” or ancestry I should say, mostly Marie-Antoinette stuff; so I don’t fully get it yet why they are “getting” rid of her jewelry for example, unless, there is only one explanation, and that is their desperate need for money FAST. I’ve read in many places that Potus and the patriots have managed to cut 80 % already of their money sources, if that is true, then the Cabal Payseur branch is desperately in need for money to keep it’s web, network, cells, working. With the poppy fields close (or closing), the weapons and drug running coming to a halt, the human trafficking tracked and stopped, building the wall, and stop funding abortions and PP, Potus really did bleed them dry in the money area. I think this is the reason they are selling whatever they can, they are out of resources = money. And I believe the one holding the books is Soros; he is the one deciding what to spend where and how much.

The upcoming week is the last week anons before IT starts. Since it’s that way, we should expect horrible shilling in here and terribly vicious attacks on all patriots, even on twitter and youtube and other platforms. The more we approach the fatal date, the more desperate and irrational they become. I hope today, I managed to convince anons that Killary is of the blood of kings. I consider the McLeod syndrome as piece number 18 in my case on her, and the link of PP as piece number 19.

I would also like to thank Potus & Flotus for being there for the LITTLE GUY. It’s true we are in war against the Cabal, but if we forget our humanity, if we forget those whom are in pain and hurt around us and just concentrate on taking down the cabal, if we forget to extend our helping hand to one of us, then we are just like the Cabal, and they would have won. So Potus, thank you, even though the light in my eyes has died, maybe there is still hope for others.

On this, I’m going to wish anons a good evening. God bless you all.


6832a7 (2)  No.5599436

File (hide): af4955c492e738b⋯.jpg (98.36 KB, 720x703, 720:703, awa.jpg) (h) (u)


Godspeed Trooper!

No One Left Behind

dark before light

a7416e (3)  No.5601826>>5635037

File (hide): 4ef97e4decd52f7⋯.jpg (522.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Trump Peeinga.jpg) (h) (u)

9cba57 (1)  No.5627311>>5644718

File (hide): cc767648f6a62f3⋯.jpg (182.5 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, 12-12-2018 - D 5.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cdc53cdabed75ca⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1014x754, 39:29, D 5 -8 - Comfy pepe.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 637e3001b6872ea⋯.jpg (40.77 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Flotus cap.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas anon,

Good day to anons reading this.

It’s been a while that I’ve been trying to understand the message from Flotus pictures when she visited the H.W. Bush carrier. It finally clicked over the week end. Been trying to get a “reaction” in the general thread, but nothing that notable happened. It’s amazing what our Flotus has been saying all along, she ROCKS . Now, this is how an old man sees it.

Please take a look at the pictures:

1 -- we have a D V / - 2 – We have a D V – 8 (even Pepe is here) /and – 3 – we have the George H.W. Bush on the front of the cap / at last we have – 4 – Flotus at the back of the cap.

Hold that thought anons, now, lets take a look when Q team mentioned D 5. We can easily put the Q drops where D 5 is mentioned into 4 separate categories:

1 -- Around the death and funeral of George H.W. Bush.

2 -- Around the death and funeral of John McStain.

3 -- When Q talked about FISA.

4 -- When Q talked about what’s in Weiner laptop.

What is the common denominator of all 4 categories = acts of high treasons against the States and crimes against humanity.

Q team started talking about D 5 before McStain death announcement, during his funeral and after it; same goes for George H.W. Bush. I’ve also checked for Barbara Bush, but there is no D 5 around her time of death. And we all thought D 5 is December 5th; even the cabal thought it was, so it played one of it’s trump cards by holding the funeral of Bush senior that day, in doing so, burning that card.

Now anons, try to connect: D 5 + acts of high treason + death of traitors ; what do you get?

Did you catch it? Well, what if we use D S instead of D 5? Isn’t the shape of the letter “S” and “5” the same? So, if you substitute the “5” with an “S” we get D S, right? Which might be terribly confusing to anons understand the coms of Q and confusing it with Deep State. So I believe in order not to make a distinction Q team used the number “5” instead of the “S” letter. Which bring is to the question: What is this “new” D S Q team talks about?

What do you get when you combine D S + acts of high treason + death of traitors? = “D”EATH “S”ENTENCE.

This is why I believe Flotus on carrier G.H.W. Bush and all the “hints” she gave us in those pictures, was her “signaling” to anons the DEATH SENTENCE made by a MILITARY COURT to McStain and Bush senior.

That is how I explain Flotus message and in the same time the “meaning” of D 5. And the “8” it’s the infinity symbol upwards = symbol of Merovingian bloodline.

I wonder when Q or Potus are going to announce the next D 5 ?


7592e4 (1)  No.5635037


, ya fucking retard.

35afd3 (1)  No.5635762

File (hide): 85c3472aee42c19⋯.png (1.25 MB, 832x2085, 832:2085, 2019-03-11 DHS Continues B….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d034ddb5b65eb52⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1267x1351, 181:193, Democrats Slam Trump's Bor….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 73f2e93b13f7afe⋯.png (754.63 KB, 830x1361, 830:1361, 900 Migrant Families Appre….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7a06e59863ce7b8⋯.jpg (476.74 KB, 992x744, 4:3, TrumpRiskAllE1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 09206eca45c0b48⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 1800x1271, 1800:1271, Imm 4c.jpg) (h) (u)


US Legal Citizens HAVE BEEN 100% FORGOTTEN!

Trump wants EVEN MORE CRIMINAL ILLEGALS IN US! Imagine a NEW CHICAGO Illegal population in the US in 2019 ALONE!? No Crisis now is it? Just turm Your BACK TRUMP!?

Feb 2019 Monthly Job Numbers Alone:

20,000 - New US Jobs Created

100,000+ = New Criminal Illegal Aliens Entered

Only 20% Criminal Illegals turn themselves into Border Authorites! If 76k were CAUGHT, that means about 400+k ENTERED THE US IN FEB 2019 ALONE!? See how they DODGE THE ACTUAL UNKNOWN ILLEGAL NUMBERS AND PRETEND THE MAJORITY OF ILLEGALs NEVER EXISTED?

So where's the LEGAL US Citizens Lifeline and Laws THAT PROTECT YOU? You ARE DEEMED EXPENDABLE!


Trump did 0% to help ANY US LEGAL CITIZEN on our streets! He threw extra money and jobs to us, so HE DISTRACTED you away from noticing HE DID 100% NOTHING TO PROTECT US LEGAL CITIZENS LIVES ON OUR STREETS! This is how "Distraction" works!

-Not one Immigration Law Passed!

-Not one Removed from our Streets!

-Not 1" of New Wall Built!

-Not a single DC Swamp attempted charge of a single small, in your face crime? Yet Trump can not EVEN ATTEMPT A SINGLE CRIMINAL CHARGE of 1 person, on 1 charge; yet it would not interfer with the so called "DS" bulk charges coming? Why not even 1 Lying to Congress Under Oath charge? You know you can charge them with additional charges in the future? YET ANOTHER "DISTRACTION"!


Trump is a MONEY Businessman!

Notice - Trump 100% is focused on A MONEY GRAB and other nations DEALS, yet he 100% Ignored/Failed to attempt to change a single law to protect me and you as US Legal Citizens?

As for Legal US Citizens, your life is meaningless because Trump is only chasing THE MONEY AND DOING BUSINESSES TO ENRICH THE US BANK ACCOUNT! Trump's ACTIONS show the Nation Lives of our children ON THE STREETS, ARE MEANINGLESS because MONEY is ALL HE IS ChASING!? ALL Trump knows IS MONEY & BUSINESS! He has No abilities to SAVE ACTUAL US Legal citizens Lives ON THE US STREETS! Only AFTER life altering crimes to US legal citizens, Trump only CONTACTS FAMILIES AFTER and say "SORRY". Trump NEEDs TO BE CHARGED AND SUED FOR YOUR NON ATTEMPTED FAILURE TO STOP ANY Crimes on the Streets! Their BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS TRUMP!

Ask why hasn't a single HATE law been passed with the all Left's/Dem attacked Right/Rep? Notice the Muslium laws now in US DC? Notice they failed to add the "Hatred" against "WHITE PEOPLE"? Funny DC does not consider the racial attacks AGAINST White People IS NOT "HATRED" or crimes? White people are only 2% of the worlds population, yet are to blame for everything.

Trump calls for EVEN MORE ILLEGALS TO COME INTO THE US, when the border IS WIDE OPEN? He did this KNOWING YOU HAVE A FULL BLOWN EMERGENCY AT THE BORDER right Now!? Why don't you WAIT until we have "CONTROL" over the Border and let things PAN OUT and get a Grip on Criminal US Illegal Aliens? Yet, Trump attempted/did 0% to change A SINGLE LAW AGAINST A SINGLE ILLEGAL (AS OUR NATION GETS FLOODED LIKE EUROPE).

Trump is HOLLERING to the entire world to COME RIGHT NOW TO THE US, as we have JOBS FOR ALL OF THEM!? Yet 20k jobs created yet 100+k new illegals? No wonder Trump TOLD everyone in other countries to RUN HERE AS FAST AS THEY CAN! Trump did NOTHING to even attempt to stop the flow! Shut the Border 100% down NOW TRUMP! Who cares of Automation of AI in job replacement.

Trump - You have 100% failed and turned your back to the very lives of Legal US Citizens that elected you. You have never did anything for Legal US citizens lives ON OUR VERY STREETS! Keep the masses coming and all the MSM outrage, as you SIT BACK AND DO WHAT? NOTHING! You can't even get a dam Emergency STOPPAGE AT THE BORDER SO WE CAN GET A GRIP ON ALL THE CRIMINAL ILLEGALS ON OUR VERY STREETS, or even attempt to control the flow of crimes!

You are criminal now Trump! We know you are only waiting for the day GUN FIRE ERUPTS ON OUR STREETS, AND WE ALL SEE YOU WILL NOT DO ANYTHING UNTIL THAT HAPPENS! Trump, you are promoting the Next Civil War by your 100% FAILURE TO EVEN ADDRESS THE ILLEGAL CRISIS! No EMERGENCY OF ILLEGALS and ALL THEIR CRIMES? Proof you care nothing about HUMAN LIVES of US Legal citizens Lives, but you worry more about creating BETTER MONEY DEALS over the world, and Venz. people's lives? You Mr Trump are TRYING TO BECOME A WORLDWIDE GOD - yet the US citizens who voted for you are MEANINGLESS! 100% proof, money is Trumps #1 concern!

Trump is purposely trying to be GOD OF THE WORLD, at the deaths of our very US citizens children on our streets. Get 100% involved IN EVERY SINGLE OTHER COUNTRIES interests, so they view Trump as their GOD over the world, yet our very US citizens childrens lives blood and coffins fill our nations streets.

d6e214 (1)  No.5644065

File (hide): a8149ea6dbd9bc3⋯.jpg (132.66 KB, 627x1200, 209:400, Q drop 666 - Copy.jpg) (h) (u)





This Is Thomas Anon,

Wishing anons reading this a good day.

This time anons, hear it from Q directly Q drop # 666.

- In blue square = # 666, apart satanic symbolism, it's also address of "Petit Chateau".

- In green square = Stock market crash + selling off assets, including auctionning valuables.

- In red square = Chelsea Clinton marriage to Soros relative, even Rosanne said it.

- In yellow square = "Which team?" This is referencing to "black eye clan" & "red shoe clan".

>> I've said I know, but proving it is another thing.

fefd70 (2)  No.5644718


DV 8 = deviate


1. depart from an established course.


1. departing from usual or accepted standards; deviant.

872f1a (2)  No.5657498

File (hide): aac6629402ba29a⋯.jpg (230.63 KB, 1200x816, 25:17, HRC speech - Eagle pin.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9af920bff275746⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 458x405, 458:405, AnnHand_.jpg) (h) (u)

Good morning to you anons,

Yesterday this picture was in Killary tweet = the one where she wears that famous EAGLE PIN of Jeweler Ann Hand.

Wonder what is this all about: Was she sending a distress signal as in calling for help? Was she reminding us of who and what she is? Who was she talking to?

So many questions, no answers (for now) but as the clock ticks, it is surely going to get interesting to see how she is going to behave and what symbolism she is going to use to transfer her messages .








872f1a (2)  No.5657890


Anons already know about Denver airport apocalyptic horse on the outside of the building. I tried to see if there were "others" from the same artist = Luis Jimenez, if you can call that thing "ART".

I've found one at the Smithsonian; another in Las Vegas, Nevada; and a third in Houston (if I remember correctly) Texas. The horse is called BLUCIFER believe it or not and the difference between the 3 statues is the color of the clothing of the ridder.

And yes! they still do make the hair on the back of my neck stand, they give me the creeps.

I've put this in the general thread yesterday and one anon replied that there are stuff hidden inside of the Smithsonian, kept from us the people. And we also know about the Denver airport, that there is some type of facility kept hidden from us there as well. So I'm just wondering anons what is this story behind these horses: Are they a marker to the presence or entrance of some type of facility for the cabal? Are we looking at (((their))) 4 horsemen of the apocalypse? What are they hidding? What each one of those horses represent? Why do we have 3 with ridders on and the 1 without a ridder?

3566a9 (7)  No.5658584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Very informative.

3448ea (59)  No.5660098

Red Shoes

Varangian is the ACTUAL name of the Vikings. Who were the original race of the Rus, who invaded Tartary and eventually erased their history.

24d546 (1)  No.5660141>>5683004 >>5687345 >>6071042

File (hide): 86735993b50da40⋯.jpg (652.33 KB, 1200x1168, 75:73, The_Hunt_of_the_Unicorn_Ta….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 12a75cdd2f2350e⋯.jpg (64.16 KB, 300x245, 60:49, Masonic rope.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dd8552a086aadc1⋯.jpg (94.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Pelosi necklace.jpg) (h) (u)

I’m sure anons have found MANY OTHER MEANINGS to “UNICORNS” from Q drops. This is what Thomas Anon has found:

Synchronized from Q team and Potus:

In Q drop # 3036: “Do UNICORNS exist?”

IN Q+ drop # 3042 = link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ = this video will get Donald Trump elected = Posted 12 times in a row on the 12th = [-7] (and counting)

The Unicorn Tapestries = there is 7 of them => Masonic symbolism.

+ 12 hunters

+ 7 seals

+ upside down Fleurs de Lys

+ Knotted rope = http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/knotted_rope.html

& much more.


“Why The Hunt of the Unicorn has been selected and bought a very great price (about $ 10 million) by John D. Rockefeller Junior in 1922 to the French family of La Rochefoucauld ?”

“--- The symbolism of the chapters in Freemasonry, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and French Rite : the freedom of passage to the flight of the phoenix [De la symbolique des chapitres en franc-maçonnerie, rite écossais ancien et accepté et rite français : de la liberté de passage à l'envol du phénix, éditions Dervy, 2005]”

“The Unicorn is the phoenix that dies in the tapestry 6 to relive in the tapestry 7.”

Potus tweeted on 3-12-2019: “New York State and its Governor, Andrew Cuomo, are now proud members of the group of PRESIDENTIAL HARASSERS. No wonder people are fleeing the State in record numbers. The Witch Hunt continues!”

>>> Oh yeah! The HUNT of the Unicorn/Phoenix/Witch continues!

Second tweet from Potus:

“All part of the Witch Hunt Hoax. Started by little Eric Schneiderman & Cuomo. So many leaving New York!”

>>> “Part” = remember the canvas is made of 7 parts, which coincides with [-7]. And “Started”, the first part of the cavans is the start of it, where the 12 hunters enter the forest = yesterday was the 12 and Q+ put that video link 12 times in a row.

>>> It also should be noted that the Unicorn is the national emblem of Scottland (reminding us of the Scottish rite in freemasonry which is linked to the French rite and to Albert Pike and Payseur and don’t forget the “HIGHLANDER” of last week). As well as Rhinos are often refered to as Unicorns, which ironically reminds me of the Rhinos we have in congress. Hm! I wonder if this ihas meanigs from Q team and Potus, giving on the passage a warning shot to the Rhinos in congress. We are mid week still, so there is still time for more “hints” to drop ^_^ I love it when Potus and team use the symbolism they love so much against them.

P.S.: I’ve gotten notices that the link I’ve provided about the Freemasonry in the Unicorn tapestries is telling the page is not available. If anons face this problem and still want to read, let me know, I will dump the article.

1216e3 (6)  No.5675418

File (hide): f9fc2b2f5db7932⋯.jpg (177.68 KB, 1037x583, 1037:583, Moses_vs_Hermes_the_Pit.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0e4c7b44b3e195d⋯.png (129.65 KB, 1004x652, 251:163, Screenshot_2019-03-12 tutm….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fd51a53f9abc03f⋯.jpg (233.87 KB, 1037x640, 1037:640, Planets_of_the_Week.jpg) (h) (u)

A few more mental edits and updates to my general thoughts:



I can't stress enough the importance of keeping an open mind and questioning things thuroughly. Many things have been tampered with over time and the reasons might be more complex than a simple "[____] did it…".

I briefly touched on how Solomon may have claimed to be a descendant of a divine figure. Also, I noted that he lived centuries after 'Moses', whom I thought was a clear reference to the planet Mars. I just happened to watch this video, below, that point out some skepticism about the 'discovery' of King Tut's tomb. In it, there was a claim about Thutmose being Moses. Just doing a quick search on "Thutmose is Moses", I can see that this isn't anything new. But if Solomon lived centuries after Moses, and Thutmose was married to Hatsheput, whom is also the Queen of Sheba, who visited Solomon… This is a common theme when one tries to make sense of 'history'. In all honesty, there may have been real life figures that lived alongside these [events], that later fused into myths and even religions. From a planetary perspective, Moses died on Mt. Nebo, where as Solomon's temple gets destroyed by Nebo-[cain]-ezzar. Nebo is Mercury. They could be 2 separate events, or one in the same. For all I know, someone may have created the artificial gap of several centuries to try to hide an affair.


Dates are really messed up. Many of Velikovsky's references in "Ages in Chaos" came from a contemporary archeologist, named Claude Shaeffer. During his excavations, Schaeffer found several layers of civilizations separated by several meters of various materials. This is pretty much the essence of catastrophic geology, which goes back at the very least to Cuvier. Here's an article by Peter Mungo Jupp, who was also responsible for some of those videos which I shared in my last post..


There are a number of things that we've been told to believe as if it were 'fact', simply because "science says…". Take the [Ice Age] for example. 12,000 years ago.., the ice age ended then civilization just sprung up like spring flowers. Any one willing to question that? Or is that too ridiculous because "we ALL know…"? One of the reasons why we have an ice age in the 'official' timeline is because they needed a way to explain the actual landscape of the Earth, that could NOT be a catastrophe. So, they made up all these wild ideas about glaciers all around the globe, and dramatic climate change, etc., never really pinpointing the actual cause or anything else. The problem is, when you look at the features in places like Africa that they claim are from glaciers, then compare that to the landscape of North America, which supposedly just thawed out after [who knows how long?], then compare that to what the land looks like where the REAL glaciers are.., NONE OF THEM LOOK ALIKE!!! But they are HUGE 'erratic boulders' EVERYWHERE, so the had to say glaciers did it, to oppose the concepts of Biblical catastrophes, such as the Flood. So then they needed to insert MILLIOS of years for this all to take place, 4 glacial periods, etc.., and we KNOW this cuz? Data? [ICE CORES]!? We don't know as much as we think we know. But that also explains A LOT!!


Since I didn't really post much about [symbols], I'll end with something intriguing about the days of the week. It appears that Monday thru Friday are in the order each body makes it's first appearance. So, Monday starts off with the Moon. This leads into the Flood and the figure known as Typhon, which I think was early stages of the polar configuration composed of Saturn and Mars, who reps Tuesday. Shortly after, we get our confusion of languages, caused by Mercury, conveniently placed on Wednesday. Mercury is the messenger for Zues, Jupiter is Thursday. This actually may be why Thanksgiving & Passover falls on Thursday, because Zues freed us from the mean old Typhon. How? Well, Jupiter ejected Venus (:hooray for Friday!!) into the polar configuration and the rest is history. As for the weekend, there is the rather obvious Saturn's Day into Sun Day, along with the subtle reference about starting 'a new'.., week.

76e7ec (2)  No.5683004>>5683206

File (hide): 5428e7009b94dda⋯.png (265.45 KB, 404x843, 404:843, Q drop 3050.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3322709cb0b7bd2⋯.jpg (120.73 KB, 1125x874, 1125:874, Q drop 3059 - Attack.jpg) (h) (u)


This is Thomas anons,

Good day Anons. I have a small update on the Unicorn tapestries.

The seven tapestries are:

1. The Start of the Hunt

2. The Unicorn at the Fountain

3. The Unicorn Attacked

4. The Unicorn Defending Himself

5. The Unicorn Is Captured by the Virgin (two fragments)

6. The Unicorn Killed and Brought to the Castle

7. The Unicorn in Captivity

The [-7] coutndown:

1. Potus tweeted on 3-12-2019: “All part of the Witch Hunt Hoax. Started by little Eric Schneiderman & Cuomo. So many leaving New York!”

2. Q drop 3050 = Epstein Island => Andrenochrome = > fountain of youth for Cabal.

3. Q drop 3059 = “They will claim political attack”.

4. … … … … … LOADING!

>>> Can't wait to see if the rest will match as well.

76e7ec (2)  No.5683206


My mistake anons, misspelled Adrenochrome. I guess this is what happens when you transfer more than 70 anthropology reports from paper to computer, in one day.

f83e96 (1)  No.5687345

File (hide): d6a32a1e0dae7f9⋯.png (523.27 KB, 1131x516, 377:172, 17.png) (h) (u)


Their days work is to destroy honest reputations and then their vacation time is spent destroying children's lives.

70829a (1)  No.5735171>>5735524 >>6071042

File (hide): 86735993b50da40⋯.jpg (652.33 KB, 1200x1168, 75:73, The_Hunt_of_the_Unicorn_Ta….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 57ab427ba2697ca⋯.jpg (180.62 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Green fountain.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 85b26f962db2a23⋯.jpg (148.21 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, St Patrick s day.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas anon wishing everyone reading this a good Sunday;

I simply want to make an update on the Unicorn tapestry, I must admit anons, never in my wildest dreams did I take this tapestry seriously, not until today. The coincidences are too much.

The Unicorn tapestries

The seven tapestries are:

1. The Start of the Hunt

2. The Unicorn at the Fountain

3. The Unicorn Attacked

4. The Unicorn Defending Himself

5. The Unicorn Is Captured by the Virgin (two fragments)

6. The Unicorn Killed and Brought to the Castle

7. The Unicorn in Captivity

The [-7] coutndown:

1. Potus tweeted on 3-12-2019: “All part of the Witch Hunt Hoax. Started by little Eric Schneiderman & Cuomo. So many leaving New York!”

2. Q drop 3050 = Epstein Island => Adrenochrome = > fountain of youth for Cabal.

3. Q drop 3059 = “They will claim political attack”.

4. Potus veto: the National Emergency declaration => building the wall = defending the States.

5. This one is tricky… but when you read about this specific part of the tapestry, they say there is a section of the 2 fragments of tapestry, part 5, that seem to be missing. Is this why we didn’t have any Q drops on this day?

6. Potus tweeted today: “Stop working soooo hard on being politically correct, which will only bring you down, and continue to fight for our Country. The losers all want what you have, don’t give it to them. Be strong & prosper, be weak & die!” And today Potus tweet about Saint Patrick day; pictures of what was brought to the “castle” => green castle

7. … … … … LOADING … … … …

e407bc (1)  No.5735524


Q, Are the extra bits on the watch, additional watch hand at bottom, intended (further Q proof)?

Watch 1: 3/15 ---> small hand: 42

Watch 2: 3:42 ---> small hand: 53


4e1de7 (1)  No.5737386

File (hide): 1d33effbbf3f857⋯.jpg (13.85 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Booz Allen Hamilton.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 09e0d29ecc036ac⋯.png (84.77 KB, 674x581, 674:581, Q drop 2006.png) (h) (u)

This is Thomas anon again,

I finally got me some nice replies in the general thread when it comes to my dig that lead me to Booz Allen Hamilton (look at symbolism thread # 3). Thank you for the help anons. Now i want to put all the findings in this thread to keep everything under the title of symbolism for any future digs. So here it is:

The Betrayal and Cover-Up by the U.S. Government of the Union Bank of Switzerland-Terrorist Threat Finance Connection To Booz Allen Hamilton and U.S. Central Command

A Whis tleblowing Report to the United States Congress Submitted by Scott Bennett, 2LT, United States Army (Reserve) 11th Psychological Operations Battalion To The Department of Defense Inspector General

DATE: Memorial Day, May 27, 2013




>> Someone only put the name of Dick Cheney in a reply, I wonder how involved he is in all of this, that is if he is involved.

"Due to its proximity to Washington, D.C., numerous figures from American politics and government live or have lived in McLean including former Vice-President Dick Cheney and his family,[33] U.S. Army General and former Secretary of State Colin Powell, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy and former Justice Antonin Scalia, and U.S. Senators Byron Dorgan, Patrick Leahy, Don Nickles,[34] and George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley. Foreign diplomats such as Turki bin Faisal Al Saud and Bandar bin Sultan have also lived in McLean.[34] Other famous residents have included the one of the "fathers of the internet", Vint Cerf, former Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich, author and political activist Gore Vidal,[34] science fiction writer James Tiptree, Jr.,[35] Alexander Ovechkin, captain of the 2017-2018 Stanley Cup Champion Washington Capitals, and Bradley Beal, a Washington Wizards player."

>> I believe the notable residents are Bandar bin Sultan & Turki bin Faisal al Saud. Both were previously the head of the intelligence agency in KSA, if I'm not mistaken…. And I'm not so sure, but weren't they among the ones detained in the "purge" that took place in the KSA?

43c9ff (1)  No.5745528

not sure where to post this but it's not just topics of ufos or weather. I'm only seeing comments from 10 months ago on the Reagan fight video. No "Q sent me" from this evening. The last comment showing is 10 months ago…something is amiss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HPur2Ly0T4

a4dd90 (2)  No.5762645>>5762658

This is Thomas anon,

Good day anons,

Well, here we are, the countdown is finished. And finally that time frame is closed. I have no clue what Q team and Potus were doing behind the scenes but it looks like they were quiet busy. Now let me fill that last place in the Unicorn tapestry / [-7] countdown by putting that the window is close as in, from now on, (((they))) are caged in.

I spent quiet some time in the general thread for the last few days. That place surely runs fast but got me some interesting stuff as well.

It’s been some time that I’ve declared that the Clintons are the Masters of Epstein Island. Well, finally Q said it himself in drop 3050 when he connected Haiti with the pedo island’s temple. The Clintons oversaw what took place in Haiti and they have been overseeing what is taking place at Epstein Island for at least 20 years.

When I started to post this in the general thread a bit of time ago, I got terribly shilled, ignored and then attacked by anons telling me I’m stupid or I’m wrong or I am retarted for thinking that the Clintons are the Boss of Epstein. Well, now that Q linked it all in drop 3050, everyone is settled with this point.

Now, in the general thread, I’ve been trying to say that P = C = Killary. I got myself the same reaction from anons; some even told me that I don’t know what I’m talking about because they found out that P = Pope.

I can see why anons think P = Pope. But I do have one heck of problem when it comes to that theory: “P” whoever that is, is “untouchable”, he/she is protected by everyone else, right? But when you look at the POPES in plural, mostly the past ones, you will see that they were “NOT UNTOUCHABLE”……. The most recent example of that is when Benedict was ousted by Francis. If Benedict was untouchable, how the heck did Francis managed to push him aside and take his place? That doesn’t make sense to me anons.

The John Paul II was shot, almost killed. That was no play and certainly not a comedy. Here is a list of MURDERED POPES:

• John VIII (872--882): Allegedly poisoned and then clubbed to death[9]

• Stephen VI (896--897): Strangled[10]

• Leo V (903): Allegedly strangled[11]

• John X (914--928): Allegedly smothered with pillow[12]

• John XII (955--964): Allegedly murdered by the jealous husband of the woman with whom he was in bed[13]

• Benedict VI (973--974): Strangled[14]

• John XIV (983--984): Either by starvation, ill-treatment or direct murder[15]

• Clement II (1046--1047): Allegedly poisoned[16]

• Celestine V (1294, died 1296): Allegedly murdered while in post-abdication captivity; allegations blame his successor, Pope Boniface VIII[17]

• Boniface VIII (1294--1303): Allegedly (though unlikely) from the effects of ill-treatment one month before[18]

Look how far it goes back anons. So tell me if P (the absolute head of the cabal) was the Pope, how come are they assasinated this way through out history? And look at those 2 popes:

• Pope John I (Saint), Elected August 13, 523, during the Ostrogothic occupation of the Italian peninsula. Was sent as an envoy by Ostrogoth king Theodoric to Constantinople. Upon return, Theodoric accused John I of conspiracy with the Byzantine empire. Imprisoned and starved to death on 18 May 526. [4]

• Pope Martin I (Saint) Elected in 649. Died in exile 655-9-16

One was imprisoned and starved to death while the other was exiled. Doest this seem like the head of a cult that is millenials old? Not to me anons. And on top of everything, the Rothschild banking family (french branch) OWNS the Holy See. If the Pope was the head, shouldn’t the Rothschilds “work” for him? Shouldn’t they be his “servants”? I see this the other way around, as in because the Holy See is literally owned by the Rothschild, the Pope became the servant of the person pulling the strings “behind” through the Rothschilds. This theory of P = Pope doesn’t hold up for me anons.


a4dd90 (2)  No.5762658


In drop 1950 Q says: “U.S.-HOLY SEE RELATIONS

"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."




Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


So we know that the Vatican is considered as a “sanctuary against criminal prosecution”; but who really owns the Vatican through the Rothschilds? It’s certainly not the Pope, he is indebted to the Rothschilds as him being the one sitting in the Holy See.

Then in drop 416 Q says that “Soros takes orders from P”. So old mummified Soros knows how to take orders from higher ups. If we look where Soros is meddeling and pouring in money we will notice that it’s the same subjects championed by Killary. I bet that is a coincidence as well. And in drop 666, Q did say that there is a marriage for “political” reasons between Soros/Clinton; which was then echoed by Rosanne’s tweet. The only link I’ve found between Soros and the Pope is the migration problem. Soros is pouring money like there is no tomorrow into helping and facilitating the migrants from M.E. or Africa to “invade” Europe, while the Pope is “giving his blessing” to all of this publicly. I believe both are “secondary actors” not “primary ones”; both are following the orders given to them. Both are boot lickers.

Just a little note about Q today’s drops: We’ve got ourselves the first 7 persons whom will go down the drain it seems. It’s a good start anons, but I want you to realize, this is just the START. These are the first arrests to be made. I also want to add that April is the MONTH to watch. Don’t rush your horses anons, this is barely starting, and it’s going to take some time.


3448ea (59)  No.5810133>>5810137 >>5822204

File (hide): 1dfff9648ea5f8f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1282x1678, 641:839, WAS THE ROMAN EMPIRE MADE ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d925b4694c329c5⋯.png (11.33 MB, 1258x9110, 629:4555, WAS THE ROMAN EMPIRE MADE ….png) (h) (u)

Ok folks, I'm going to tie it all together. I'm going to be a bit wild here but please stay with me, it will all start to click together even though I'm going to say a few ABSURD sounding things.

First, my main reference here is going to be


Almost a year ago when I started trying to revisit the historical connections to the modern day cabal, I couldn't figure out who were the good guys and the bad guys. Are the Jesuits bad? The Masons hated them. But the Masons are bad too, right? Where do the Jews fit in? What about the Monarchs? Why did England and Spain have such a big tiff in the 1500s? What was really going on in America during the age of discovery? What was going on in Europe at the same time?

Nothing was making sense. It's easy to just think they were being egotistical warlords acting like warlords do, but that's not good enough for me.

For the past 6 months I've been INTENSELY studying Fomenko, and I think he's very much so over the target. So let me summarize what I think happened.

Jesus was a real person, a real event, might not be his real name, but it happened not even a 1000 years ago when the SN_1054 supernova happened in 1054. Fomenko provides some interesting logic that shows this date is actually wrong by 100 years, so it happened in 1154 'ad', and this was the so called Star of Bethlehem.


Forget everything you think you know about the world back then. There was no Roman Empire that fell apart, as Fomenko convincingly shows us, the Roman Empire and many other similar empires such as Judah/Israel, were complete copies of what we know as the Habsberg Empire of the 1500's. It's all about Constantinople. Constantinople = New Rome = Old Rome = Jerusalem = Troy, the epics are ALL describing the same events at the same place, but historians of the 1600's onwards confused the geography and the names and distorted (on purpose?) world history DRASTICALLY.

Now are you getting why they called it the REFORMATION? And also the Renaissance/Rebirth? They were literally rewriting the history of the world.

Back then there was the worldwide empire of Tartaria and the Ataman's. That's it. It didn't splinter off until the 1500's.

Ok, let's say this is true (and it probably is), what does it matter? What is the significance of it all? Who cares if these nations decided to fabricate their history to antiquate their royal lineage? Why did I bring up Jesus? (Btw, I'm Agnostic so don't think I"m going to be going into some Jesus Saves rant here)

Fomenko argues here that there used to be TWO Christianities, a Royal Version for the Royals and eventually an Apostolic version for the people. The Royal Version was coded in grandiose imagery and it's whole purpose was to justify the Divine Right of Kings. From this Christianity comes all the strange myths that we ascribed to "ancient" Greece. Zeus=Jesus.


(read it yourself he does a way better job than me)

When Jesus came he was visited by the highest Czar's of Tartaria (Fomenko calls them the Rus' Hoarde)


>To conclude, the Roman Emperors worshiped Christ, calling him Zeus and Jupiter, but at that considered themselves to be Gods too and persistently demanded to be worshiped. The second branch of Christianity -- the Apostolic, branch of the people – regarded only Christ to be God and disagreed with the claims of the Royal family, from which Christ originated, to idolize the rulers. A conflict arose. The Royal Christianity began to persecute the Apostolic Christianity. This was the notorious 'Christian ostracism' allegedly in the first centuries AD, i.e. the epoch of the XIII-XIV cc.

>The people's Apostolic Christianity, unlike the Ancestral Royal Christianity, was popular on the mass scale and, what's important, could organize itself and created a stable church, which was called Apostolic. In time it has evolved into a powerful organisation, put up a fight against the Royal Christianity, and in the end has won. Constantine the Great, aka, as we show it in [КР], czar-khan Dmitriy Donskoy, molds Apostolic Christianity into the state religion of the entire gigantic 'Mongol' Empire. Since then the czars-khans of the Empire ceased to be the Gods. This upheaval took place at the end of the XIV century and was far from painless. This matter was resolved in the major Kulikovo Battle in 1380. The great importance, which was given to the Kulikovo Battle and its numerous representations in world history, also becomes clear.

Holy shit right?

3448ea (59)  No.5810137>>5810280

>>5810133 (Masonic dubs of truth!)

So remember, Spain didn't really exist. It was all Tartaria and Ataman (we know them as Ottoman now). So what the fuck was this Elizabeth vs Spain shit? What's with her war with the Pope? What significance did sinking the Spanish Armada really have? What was the Arian Herasy really about? Could it have been an Aryan Heresy, and the reason it was so popular is not over some substance issue about the Nature of Christ, but because the Christ of the Heresy was fucking ZEUS? Constantine STAMPED THAT OUT.

Restoring the 'Greek' Myths (btw, Fomenko argues as well that Greek actually means Christian) wouldn't work anymore, but a few hundred years before this even "Constantine" upset the apple cart and discredited many royal families from ruling, declaring the holy books supporting their authority to be heretical and wrong. Well, these powerful people will certainly fight back?

Enter Elizabeth, who sinks the Tartarian Armada and completely fucks up their worldwide power, and also their LONG existing connection to the New World

(http://chronologia.org/en/how_it_was/05_22.html#the23). Meanwhile, Ivan the Great triples the size of Rus and beats back many Tartarian Czars. The Royal Blood was fighting back against the worldwide Hoard and Apostilic Christianity.

The Jesuits were a response to the Reformation, but I argue that they were the enforcers of the very Reformation they claimed to oppose. They basically infiltrated the Vatican to ensure that the rewrite would go smoothly. The Pope, no longer having military backup from the Hoard was powerless to fight it.

The Nazis, embracing a Nordic twist on Christianity, exemplifying the Aryan Race were in reality bringing back the Royal Christianity - the Arian Heresy.

The Vatican has been compromised since at least the 1500's. In fact, the Pope used to rule from Constantinople, the Vatican in Rome is a fake.

>How old is the Vatican building?

>Construction of the present basilica, which would replace Old St. Peter's Basilica from the 4th century AD, began on 18 April 1506 and was completed on 18 November 1626. St. Peter's is famous as a place of pilgrimage and for its liturgical functions.

Also notice how the English royalty are very commonly actually German nationals? Who did Rome wage war on so much? The Goths? The Germans? Well, in the Fomenko Reconstruction, it was Constantinople versus the Germans. And again, it's Germany trying to restore the Arian Heresy.


I'm strongly thinking of making a special bread for New Chronology research as it relates to the Cabal

For example, I'm trying to figure out if the Masons are good. On the one hand, when Grande Tartary fell in 1775 when the last Czar Pugachev was defeated, that freed up the American Northwest for conquest. But perhaps the Masons were a secret society of Tartarians that wanted to ensure they kept the land away from the rebirthed Arian Royals, and thus sparked the American Revolution to create an independent Nation. Otherwise, King George was about to roll all over the western lands and claim all of North America for England. The Declaration of Independence *HAD* to happen in 1776, or Tartaria would be lost and erased forever.

3448ea (59)  No.5810280>>5811445 >>5814812 >>5822700


This theory neatly explains why the Masons have been so prevalent in American origins and construction. The most recognized symbol, the Statue of Liberty, is from the Masons and was built upon a "star fort" formation.

I'm starting to strongly wonder if Masons are indeed fighting to overthrow the "Old Guard"

And this is what Q meant that Nazism is a subgroup of something much larger.

The Old World Order is that of the Ancient Rule of Kings, justified what we call Greek Mythology

Remember what the NZ Shooter said, "See you in Valhalla"

111d70 (1)  No.5810946

RR just seen leaving WH ! But I thought he was a WEASEL/BLACKHAT ?

3448ea (59)  No.5811445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I just randomly came upon this video, and it relates to what I just wrote but I think this guy needs to consider the context I just provided.

Could it be that all the people presenting this hand symbol, including Jesus with a Beard looking like Zeus, are actually the very people I described as Arian Christians who waged war to completely obliterate Tartaria and the original Apostolic Church? Is their endgame to eventually "discredit" the Vatican and bring back the Old Myths of Yore? It always struck me as odd how the nobility were obsessed with the old Mythologies while at the same time claiming to be the most pious Christians out there, but Fomenko gives a very compelling reason why this would be the case.

Indeed, at 3:10 we have Hitler also doing this symbol.

ce1437 (1)  No.5811986>>5812193

>>5066118 (OP)

Hi, ResignationAnon here.

These topic threads are available in the board search now: https://qresear.ch

If a bread is done, it will be indexed.

Please put https://qresear.ch in your dough.

3448ea (59)  No.5812193

4660c7 (6)  No.5814812>>5877442


hi FomenkoAnon. Do you think that Q's 'Follow the wives' may reach the (Zacharias)Romanov overtake from Esther/Judith bible books?

3c44de (5)  No.5816574>>5824006

File (hide): 092b6bf105d7ea5⋯.jpg (147.97 KB, 509x1018, 1:2, 060316-inauguration-2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cab663213b525db⋯.jpg (84.88 KB, 1024x695, 1024:695, Hillary-Clinton-Purple-Bla….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4df6f92d19ce4a1⋯.jpg (147.38 KB, 800x420, 40:21, Purple again.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 84d63eb4f4a2693⋯.jpg (26.25 KB, 406x612, 203:306, Purple with PIn.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas Anon,

Good day to anons reading this. Well, I must say, it surely is a research frenzy out there, mostly in the general thread, after Q drop about Rachel Chandler and Epstein Island. Anons have dug up loads of stuff.

I had thought I had already covered the color purple symbolims before, but now, after taking a look at this thread, it seems I’ve forgoten to do so. It’s been hectic for me at work anons, so I didn’t have much time to spend in here as well, but I’ve hang out a bit in the general thread a few times but that was it.

I guess it’s not big discovery, I bet anons are already aware that the purple color was used by royalty all the way back from antiquity. So we can say that purple is the “royal” color.


“Purple combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic.”

And we all agree that Killary is all the way up to her neck when it comes to symbolism and she doesn’t choose her waredrobe randomly. Note the “eagle” pin (creation of Ann Hand) Killary wore with the purple outfit = double symbolism.

3c44de (5)  No.5817010>>5817606

File (hide): 80b5955dc0ca8c6⋯.jpg (368.33 KB, 953x1390, 953:1390, george-vi-in-coronation-ro….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 541115629f0d074⋯.jpg (841.38 KB, 2251x3600, 2251:3600, Purple with another pin.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c6462918fdfa8cd⋯.jpg (147.76 KB, 732x723, 244:241, Purple night.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 18c880798e78ba6⋯.jpg (63.73 KB, 500x723, 500:723, Purple.jpg) (h) (u)


Oh Lord! I must getting old really fast because now I've noticed that I've already made drops about the purple color and Killary; nonetheless I'm gonna keep on talking about it a bit more.

So Killary now wears the color of kings a LOT as well, not just the “royal blue” from the Bourbon dynasty, but also the traditional royal color = Purple. If you take a look at the colors she wore over the years, you can see that balck, royal blue, purple are VERY common in her waredrobe.

And now we mustn’t forget the invitation cards for queen Elizabeth II coronation = they were purple ^_^ Their need for symbolism will be their downfall after all.

And of course as the cherry on top of the cake is Rachel Chandler and her purple diary and the purple night and that sort of stuff….. Rachel Chandler loves pruple soooooo much that she names everything purple, but strangely, I don’t see her wearing purple herself that much, so it’s not her favorite color or she would have wore it a lot. So this leads me to think that Chandler is refering to “royalty” when she named purple diary or purple night. I don’t know what her role is for certain in all of this (apart being a photographer for the cabal) but it seems she already knows about “purple” being the color of royalty.

Just a thought anons….. Rachel Chandler, could she be the offspring of Killary or any other member of the Cabal? Do we know her parents well? Why is Q telling is Chandler is the KEY? I remember a few months ago there was this talk among anons in here about the door of Alice in wonderland and that anons should the KEY to open the door that leads to the garden and such stuff….. Is this it? Is this what Q is talking about? I don’t know anons, but I do hope someone will figure this one quick because I’m dying to find out the answer.

3c44de (5)  No.5817606>>5818337

File (hide): e33d77a3eaf3ed2⋯.png (356.58 KB, 1141x575, 1141:575, Let them eat cake.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6c8cf831113a5ee⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1200x803, 1200:803, Halloween costume.png) (h) (u)


And I’ve found this strange piece, take a look anons:

“October 23, 2009: A British couple, Paul and Rachel Chandler, was kidnapped from their 38 ft sailing boat off the archipelago of the Seychelles during the night. The distress signal was sent out at 22h00. Naval forces and Search & Rescue centres did not swing into full action until the story broke on 27 October and pirates informed the media that the couple was in their hands. The yacht S/Y Lynn Rival was found the next day by naval forces, abandoned off the Central Somali Coast. The two hostages had been first taken onto a previously hijacked merchant ship, the MV Kota Wajar, and then onto land near Ceel Huur, north of Harardhere. The couple were released on 14 November 2010, after a reported £600,000 ransom was paid.”

>>>I don’t know what to think of this for the time being.

While taking a quick look at the general thread I found the picture I’ve attached to this drop. Honestly anons, I couldn’t stop laughing. Is this for real? = “Let them eat cake” = Marie-Antoinette mixed with Marina Abramovic of all people.



Just great! I’m gonna drop this in the general thread later on and see what type of reaction I will get.

Then I found this picture of rapist Bill and Killary wearing Halloween costumes. Now I bet the choice of the costumes are a simple and pure innocent coincidence, right anons?

I don't know about you anons, but Q's latest drops are like the glue that is putting together my drops about P = C = Killary .

3c44de (5)  No.5818337>>5818572 >>5996913

File (hide): de772afa5e5230d⋯.jpg (186.08 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Flotus Potus Alabama Unive….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 14ffc0b0b64109f⋯.jpg (308.82 KB, 799x525, 799:525, KIllary in Selma Alabama 3….jpg) (h) (u)


I would like to note that the Unicorn tapestries are piece number 20 on my case about P = C = Cinton. This old guy just couldn’t stay put and had to go snooping around and do some digging……………… that is when I landed on this; piece number 21:


“Public tours resumed Tuesday after an unusual seven-week hiatus.

President Donald Trump was joined by a familiar face when he greeted a group of White House visitors Tuesday.

The first White House tour since his inauguration was treated to a surprise visit from Trump while touring the East Wing of his new home. The group of fifth-graders, from Briarwood Christian School in Birmingham, Ala., cheered and clapped when Trump emerged from behind a partition to surprise the kids.

Video shows an overly enthused Trump greeting the crowd and inviting one of the young boys, identified by the AP as 10-year-old Jack Cornish, to pose with him for a picture.

Photos capturing the moment at the opposite angle, however, show Trump raising his arms at the crowd while a giant looming photo of his former election opponent, former first lady Hillary Clinton, hangs on the wall behind him. The portrait, in the Cross Hall of the White House, was hung during former President George W. Bush's tenure in 2004.

First Lady Melania Trump announced the re-opening of the free, public tours in February after a seven-week hiatus. “I am excited to reopen the White House to the hundreds of thousands of visitors who come each year," she said in a statement. "The White House is a remarkable and historic site and we are excited to share its beauty and history. I am committed to the restoration and preservation of our Nation’s most recognizable landmark.”

The Clintons welcomed their first tour the day after they moved in in January 1993, and they did so along with a portrait of former President George Washington.”

>>> Did anons notice? = “from Briarwood Christian School in Birmingham, Ala.” The same Birmmingham and the same Alabama we’ve been talking about in this thread and it’s starting to smell more and more anons. What the heck is in that place?

>>> Did anons notice ? = “public tours in February after a seven-week hiatus”. 7 weeks anons, a very symbolic 7 weeks. We need someone good with maths on this one.

>>> VERY VERY INTERESTING: “Trump raising his arms at the crowd while a giant looming photo of his former election opponent, former first lady Hillary Clinton, hangs on the wall behind him.” So this means Potus wanted to draw our attention to the portrait.

>>> Just a reminder: Killary was in Selma, Alabama not long ago. Symbolism in the visit?







022136 (1)  No.5818552>>5863515

I've never posted before, so I don't know if this is going to work. But I want to reply to the Fomenko stuff. It's bull shit. If Jesus wasn't born until 1100 something then why did St. Columba's monks go to the Synod of Whitby (644 AD)? Which was a discussion on how to celebrate Easter - the death of Christ. If you want to talk about Tartaria, fine. But lets understand that the Scythian's really did exist. As a matter of fact is was a Scythian/Sarmatian Queen that beheaded Cyrus the Great. Tomyris. So… please, I beg of you. Use discernment. The stupid…..it burns! By the way…. the Scythian's were Amazons. Their civilization was run by kings and Warrior Priestesses. They royals are buried in the Caucasus Mountains. And the Irish and the Scots claim to be the descendants of the Royal Scythian's.

3c44de (5)  No.5818572>>5996913

File (hide): 665737736cd231e⋯.jpg (263.38 KB, 1000x551, 1000:551, Clintons-Portraits.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3283e4c0401ff86⋯.jpg (296.94 KB, 1040x1370, 104:137, Hillary-Clinton official p….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ed9d1c8d19e1c6a⋯.jpg (239.14 KB, 1159x1500, 1159:1500, It takes a village.jpg) (h) (u)


Of course I went to see the portrait itself. I was terribly surprised when I saw it. It seems it’s filled with symbolism; like I’m wondering, does the “chair” in the portrait symbolizes a throne? And what is that plate with the WH in its center doing there? I got me a chuckle when I remembered how Killary robbed all the tableware including the china when she left the WH. Is this it? Is the painter reminding us of that scandal or it implies something else? And what about her gestures, mostly the hands? Are these some Masonic symbols, just like the ones we see in the Unicorn tapestries? And the most disturbing pieces are actually that book and what seems to my old eyes to be a shape of an owl on the chair, while it seems a fleur de lis is half hidden by Killary’s hand. Just take a look anons and make up your own mind, maybe my old eyes are making me see more than there is. I would appreciate it if patriots give me their take on these details in the portrait.

I would like to note the date of that article written when Potus stood in front of Killary’s portrait: 3/7/2017 . We have a 7 and a 17 ^_^

And anons, I’ve made the request several time already if someone, an anon with good computer skills, could take a bit of his or her time, and volunteer to make a graphic connecting all of my drops in the 2 threads I’ve been posting. This is the map, it’s this huge spider web. I know it’s long and very intertwined but it would be good to start from one place, at least having a “portion” of the map is good. Having a visual will help tremendously. Thank you. God bless you all. Next, I’m gonna try the general thread.


dcc062 (19)  No.5822204


If a lot of sin-related discussion in the Bible about Jesus is translated as debt rather than sin, a potential truth to the story of Jesus and perhaps an attempt to cover it up emerge.

dcc062 (19)  No.5822700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



91d16a (6)  No.5824006

File (hide): 9d14066e53e1774⋯.png (663.9 KB, 822x978, 137:163, purple_saturn_day.png) (h) (u)

a3298a (2)  No.5860252

Washington Architecture

A curious piece of the Masonic conspiracy puzzle in the

founding of America is the actual street layout for our

Capital city, Washington, D.C. Actually, it's as much the

audacity of the thing as the conspiratorial nature of it.

You see, the city was laid out in the form of key Masonic

Symbols, the Square, the Compass, the Rule and the Pentagram.

Take any good street map of downtown Washington, D.C. and

find the Capitol Building. Facing the Capitol from the Mall

and using the Capitol as the head or top of the Compass, the

left leg is represented by Pennslyvania Ave and the right

leg, Maryland Ave. The Square is found in the usual Masonic

position with the intersection of Canal St. and Louisana Ave.

The left leg of the Compass stands on the White House and the

right leg stands on the Jefferson Memorial. The circle drive

and short streets behind the Capitol form the head and ears

of what Satanists call the GOAT OF MENDES or Goat's head.

On top of the White House is an inverted 5 pointed star, or

PENTAGRAM. The point is facing South in true occult fashion.

It sits within the intersections of Connecticut and Vermont

Avenues north to Dupont and Logan Circles, with Rhode Island

and Massachusetts going to Washington Circle to the West and

Mt. Vernon Square on the East.

The center of the pentagram is 16th St. where, thirteen

blocks due north of the very center of the White House, the

Masonic HOUSE OF THE TEMPLE sits at the top of this occult


The Washington Monument stands in perfect line to the

intersecting point of the form of the Masonic square,

stretching from the House of the Temple to the Capitol

building. Within the hypotenuse of that right triangle sit

many of the headquarter buildings for the most powerful

departments of government, such as the Justice Dept, U.S.

Senate and Internal Revenue Service.

It would be great to know that your national Capital is

bathed in continual prayer and to believe that its buildings

and monuments have been dedicated in prayer, but do you

realize that EVERY KEY FEDERAL BUILDING from the White House

to the Capitol Building has had a cornerstone laid in a

Masonic ritual and had specific Masonic paraphernalia placed

in each one. Again, wonderful if we are talking about our

one true God in all this, but such is not the case. The

cornerstones of all these buildings have been laid in Masonic

ritual, dedicated to the demonic god of Masonry, JAO-BUL-ON.

That is the secret name of the Masonic god, the "LOST WORD"

in the rite of the Royal Arch degree. "JAO" is the Greek

name for the god of the Gnostics, laldabaoth or lao, "BUL" is

a rendering of the name, Ba'al and "ON" is the Babylonian

name of Osiris.

a3298a (2)  No.5860268

What you see represented in this name of the Masonic Deity is a

three headed pagen deity so remote from the Christian faith and so

blasphemous as to damn the eternal soul of anyone who would dare

to pronounce its name in worship. The ritual, and full

explanation is found in DUNCAN'S MASONIC RITUAL AND MONITOR,

(Third ed., pp. 224-226, 249-251, esp note #1, p. 250).

The Washinton Monument actually represents the Phallic Principle

upon which Speculative Masonry is based. From above, the monument

and its circular drive form the esoteric Masonic "Point within a

circle." The Reflecting Pool bears its shadowed image, with the

illusion duplicated in the Lincoln Memorial.

Strange? Not if you understand the occult principles involved.

The respected Masonic author and authority, Albert Mackey states

in MACKEY'S MASONIC RITUALIST, (pp. 62-63): "The point within a

circle is an interesting and important symbol in Freemasonry…the

symbol is a beautiful but somewhat abstruse allusion

to…sun-worship and introduces us for the first time to that

modification of it known among the ancients as the worship of the

Phallus. The Phallus was an imitation of the male generative

organ. It was represented usually by a column, which was

surrounded by a circle at its base, intended for the cteis, or

female generative organ. The union of the Phallus and cteis,

which is well represented by the point within the circle, was

intended by the ancients as a type of the prolific powers of

nature, which they worshipped under the united form of the active

or male principle and the passive or female principle."

Winding about the streets of D.C. are a hundred such applications

of "The Principle". They are there by design and we can barely

touch the simplest. Our nation and leaders have been deeply

effected by this occult power.


magazine ran it as its cover story in the May 23, 1988 issue.

Nancy Reagan was manipulating the President's schedule based upon

astrological charts drawn up by a San Francisco soothsayer named

Joan Quigley. It wasn't the first time the resident of the White

House was doing a balancing act with the stargazers. Teddy

Roosevelt kept his own affected by this occult power.

3448ea (59)  No.5863515


That's a great question! When I was first unraveling this mess, I was plagued by it as well. I haven't had time to dig in Whitby but I'll just say that I would bet that this event was simply either misdated or reflected into the past. Naturally, if Jesus didn't exist until 1154 then there's no way they could be discussing his birth in the 600s.

The problem is, how can you show anyone was discussing such a thing in 600? I gaurantee you that an original manuscript has been lost to the wind. I suspect knowledge of the event only resurfaced, as it always does, in the 1500s by some monk exploring a dusty spider cave?

Fomenko doesn't specifically talk about this one but he does talk about how the Council of Nicea was a phantom reflection of the Council of Trent and that the canon wasn't settled until then (he goes further to assert that the Bible itself was rather recently written)

The thing about Fomenko is you can't just dismiss him because his argument sounds absurd. That's obvious. It sounds ludacris. But when you look at HIS WORK (not mine, or anyone trying to grasp his genius or deride it) there is a simplicity to his complex idea. Take a look again, an honest look, at the graphics I provided. How can you not agree that the 2nd/3rd Roman empire were carbon copies of each other with slight tweeks in location and events?

dd24ea (1)  No.5867593


What about the Tavistock Inst. ?

What Part Do They Play ?.

Will They Be Leashed & Muzzled ?

Throw Us A Bone Q

3448ea (59)  No.5877442>>5879320 >>5880173


Can you please clarify your question?

I'm very curious about the Romanovs, what a curious name!

I started this bread almost a year ago, we have almost 3k posts on all sorts of wild digs.

My obsession was with Phoenicia. I was convinced they were somehow pivitol to it all. I read absolutely everything we think we know about them. Made some awesome connections symbolically. But I couldn't figure out their disappearance and almost complete lack of written legacy. I mean, come on! Historians tell us that they literally invented the alphabet and ruled the naval world for hundreds of years, yet not a single story survives?! Hannibal from Carthage? Written by his enemies and his story sounds fake and gay. For example, there's zero evidence of his existence. Nothing!

Then some anon talks about Phantom Time and tells me about Fomenko. Sounds fucking crazy but, I was honestly starting to think that the Phoenicians were misplaced in time, so I wanted to see his thoughts. I'm convinced these child sacrifice assholes are real, but their name is wrong or hidden.

Fomenko makes a STRONG case that Phonecians are the medieval Venicians, and not just because tgey sound alike. CLICK!

As for the Rus, they are Vikings! This whole thing started cuz I noticed Viking and Phoenician ships were identical, despite thousands of years between the cultures. Hmm! And here we have the Vargarians who found Kiev and Novgorod and one day conquer Grand Tartaria!

No coincidences

4660c7 (6)  No.5879320>>5879323 >>5879399


Let me paste some links and extracts. Bear in mind those are automated translations from the russian language site.

A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy and their team put all their work for free in http://chronologia.org/bibliography.html

From HOW WAS in reality. Reconstruction of the universal history. (http://chronologia.org/kak_reconstruction/index.html). Chapter 6, section 5 (http://chronologia.org/kak_reconstruction/r06_01.html#r65):


>The Biblical Arta-Xerxes, aka Nebuchadnezzar, he is Ivan III the Terrible (allegedly 1462-1505) - is a partial reflection of Ivan IV the Terrible (1533-1547-1584) [6v1], ch.7-8. Ivan IV was born allegedly in 1530 (actually in 1526 [RI], ch.2, [ERIZ]) and was declared Grand Duke in 1533 [988: 00].

>The biblical Esther is Elena Voloshanka, wife of Ivan the Young, son of Ivan III = Ivan IV. The story of Elena Voloshanka in the Romanov version is shifted to the XV century. In fact, the events took place in the second half of the XVI century. Helen was really a foreigner who came to Moscow from the south. "In 1482, the heir Ivan Ivanovich married the daughter of the Moldavian ruler Elena Voloshanka" [778], p.115. In strict accordance with the Bible, she was a Jew and belonged to the heresy of the Judaizers, who at that time was secret in Russia [690], p.10-12. Reportedly, "from the outside, heresy supporters remained Orthodox Christians and preserved external piety. Before the people … they were strict adherents of Orthodoxy, they denounced and cursed false teachings. In secret, they committed their evil actions" [690], p.9-10.

>So, Esther is Moldavian Princess Elena Voloshanka, that is Moldavanka. And her father, the Moldavian Khan, is the biblical Mordecai.

4660c7 (6)  No.5879323>>5879327


>Alexander V. Kartashov, a church history specialist, reports: ^^ In the year 1470, the heresy of the so-called "Jews" appeared in Novgorod in 1470. Her vaccination is brought in from the outside … Novgorodians … invited to Kiev … Prince of Kiev Alexander (according to other news, he was a Lithuanian prince [690], p.9 - Auth.) … The prince arrived in Novgorod … with assistants who brought here ideological novelties from the West … New items not from the Christian West, but from Western Jewry. In the retinue of the prince was his Liebmedic Jew Shariya ^^ [372], v.1, p.489. For a year some of the circle of higher Novgorod clergy joined the heresy. Heretics were sometimes called Skharians by the name of Sharii (Zechariah).

>And further: ^^ RELATED, PROFESSIONALLY FAMILY nature of sectarianism strikes the eye … The whole matter was fundamentally set up as a secret conspiracy … For ten years the sect managed to preserve its CORPORATIVE LIFE … At the end of 1479 the conqueror of Novgorod Ivan III himself arrived there and was fascinated by the talents and courtesy of cunning protopopic free-thinkers. He decided to transfer them to his capital. He made Aleksey the proto-priest of the Assumption Cathedral, and Denis the Archangel. It is necessary to think that this honorable translation … was prompted by the secret union of the Judaizers themselves, whose Moscow branch was started up under Ivan the III YARD and headed by MINISTER of FOREIGN AFFAIRS, the clerk of the Posolsky Prikaz, Fyodor Vasilyevich Kuritsyn … Everything was completely covered 1487, when conspiracy failed in Novgorod ^^ [372], v.1, p.490-491.

>Ostensibly in 1487 (in fact, a century later), the Novgorod archbishop Gennady discovers the heresy of the Judaizers and begins its persecution. In Novgorod, that is, in Yaroslavl, heresy was destroyed. However, in Moscow, the heretics were not touched, since they constituted the NEAR ENVIRONMENT OF KING IVAN III. Nevertheless, Gennady and other hierarchs of the Russian church insist on persecution: "Execute heretics - burn and hang!" [690], p.13.

>Ostensibly for 1490, a cathedral was appointed against heretics. Above them threatened complete defeat. But Ivan III's daughter-in-law, the wife of his son Ivan the Young, Elena Voloshanka, is already among them. Or she was a heretic from the beginning. The wedding of Ivan the Young and Elena Moldavanka took place allegedly in 1482 or 1483 [778], p.115, [282], p.54. Soon, - from the moment of the birth of Dmitry's son at Elena Moldavanka, - a family scandal erupted in the family of Ivan III, in the center of which are Sofia Paleolog, the wife of Ivan III, and young daughter-in-law Elena. Ivan III quarrels with Sophia Paleolog.

>In March, allegedly in 1490, Ivan Young unexpectedly dies. Some thought he was poisoned. The doctor who was treating was executed.

>The quarrel between Elena Moldavanka and Ivan III's wife, Sophia Paleolog, flares up even more. The conflict between Ivan III and Sophia takes on open forms. The king removes his wife and frankly APPROACHES ELENA - a young widow, the wife of a deceased son. She enters into full confidence in Ivan III. This is the biblical story of Esther.

>There are two opposing camps. One is Sophia Palaeologus with her son Vasily. The other is Elena Moldavanka with her son Dmitri. Both boys are possible heirs to the throne. On the side of the first camp stands the Russian Orthodox Church, Joseph Volotsky, Archbishop Gennady. Behind the second camp is the heresy of the Jew.

>And here Tsar Ivan III for a long time gives preference to the second camp, actually supports the heresy of the Judaizers. The threat of defeating heresy disappears. In the same alleged year of 1490, the liquidating heretic Zosima [372], vol. 1, p. 495, became the metropolitan of Moscow. The heretics Dionysius and Alexy were taken by the tsar to the priestly ministry in the Moscow Kremlin: Alexy - the priest in the Assumption Cathedral, and Dionysius - the priest in the Archangel.

>Novgorod Archbishop Gennady and other hierarchs of the Russian church seek a church council to destroy heresy in Moscow. The cathedral allegedly takes place in 1490, but DOESN'T TAKE ANY DECISIONS AGAINST ERERTISTS. The culmination of the heresy of the Judaizers is the culmination of the imprisonment of Basil, son of Ivan III, the cruel execution of those close to Basil and supporters of Queen Sophia. They were drowned in the Moscow River. Sophia Paleologue runs to Beloozero. Elena Voloshanka triumphs. Supposedly in 1498, still under live Ivan III, her son Dmitri was magnificently crowned with a kingdom. He becomes co-regent with Ivan III. This is where the book of Esther's Old Testament ends its story.

4660c7 (6)  No.5879327


From BIBLICAL RUSSIA (http://chronologia.org/seven6_1/index.html). Chapter 7, section 21 (http://chronologia.org/seven6_1/bibrus07_21.html):


>It is known that the oprichnina, during which the terror of Purim was launched, ends with the famous Moscow defeat of 1572. At this time, the very oprichnina is being trashed. As the documents show, it was, in fact, the defeat of the clan Zakharyins. From which, later - and soon - the Romanovs will come out. During the Moscow case, numerous Zakharyins were executed or expelled: the boyar Yakovlev-ZAKHARYIN, relatives of the deceased boyar Yuriev-ZAKHARYIN, the boyar Chiron-ZAKHARYIN. Please note that the word ZAKHARIN is a kind of prefix for various surnames. But then, in the light of what we already know, the question arises. Are not these ZAHARJINS the very SHIRE students, the disciples of Sharii? That is, Judaicans, defeated allegedly in the years 1499-1504, with repentant Ivan III the Terrible. After all, ZAKHARY and CHARIA (Heb. ZHRIH or ZKRIKH) are the same name! Slightly differently spoken. Our guess is indirectly confirmed by the following bright bar. It turns out that in the 16th century, Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible, ordering the killing of the relatives of the deceased Yuryev-Zakharyin, "DID NOT ALLOW TO BURY THEIR BODY UNDER THE CHRISTIAN CUSTOM" [776], p. What's the matter? After all, the Orthodox Tsar is obliged to bury in a Christian manner any Orthodox. Even if his worst enemy. And here - an unexpected ban!

>Before us is a bright sign of religious unrest. The behavior of the king becomes clear if the pastors were ERECTORS. The Orthodox Tsar could not bury the heretics in a Christian manner. But it brings even closer the Zakharyins of the XVI century and the Sharievtsy = Jews of the XV century. Moreover, the Zakharyins' defeat comes at the very end of the oprichnina. That fully corresponds to the history of the Judaizers under Ivan III the Terrible, ostensibly in the XV century. In both cases: the seizure of power by relatives or co-religionists of the wife, ten years of celebration, then defeat, which has the character of a struggle against religious heresy.

>Our conclusion is as follows. The future Romanovs left the clan of heretics Zakharyin-Sharievtsev. His reflection, deliberately relegated to 70-80 years down, in the XV century, is the well-known secret society of the Judaizers in Russia. The idea of ​​such a shift of the heresy of the Jew in the past is understandable. The Romanovs cleaned out of Russian history both the traces of their participation in the oprichnich terror, and their direct connection with the official cursed heresy of the fluid. The memory of heresy has remained until now. The ecclesiastical anathema of the Judaizers also remained in force, at least until the 18th century [690], p.17. But to the Romanovs and to the Zakharins it was allegedly not applicable. Because in the “Romanov history textbook” written by them themselves, the heresy of the Judaizers and the Zakharyins divides the 70- or 80-year gap artificially created by them. And, the main motive was an attempt to hide participation in heresy, and not in terror. Participation in terror in itself would not cause doubts in their power. After all, you can always say: our good ancestors smashed bad people, enemies. But participation in the official cursed religious heresy is a much more dangerous accusation for the new dynasty.

I would too recommend to read DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICA BY RUSSIA-HORDE http://chronologia.org/seven6_2/index.html

4660c7 (6)  No.5879399>>5879410


My bad! I just noticed they have that first text translated to english in http://chronologia.org/en/how_it_was/index.html

4660c7 (6)  No.5879410


and http://chronologia.org/en/nch6_1_bible_rus/index.html

73b6c4 (5)  No.5880173>>5880334 >>6005363 >>6036658

File (hide): 77319a7a1147529⋯.png (287.69 KB, 1280x725, 256:145, Armenian_Empire.png) (h) (u)


This is Thomas Anon,

Good day. I’m sorry if I sound like I’m butting in your conversation but you asked about the Phoenician archives. I can reply to that to a certain extent, but you must keep Fomenko out of it. I’ve said repeatedly not to mix both. I don’t want to argue about that but I can tell you what I know, from the ground if you are willing to listen. Again I’m sorry if I’m butting in.

For sure, FOR SURE the Phoenician archives existed till 1st century B.C. = many eye witnesses from many “countries” and individuals who came to “consult” it. It all changed during the first Triumvirate. Back then, the coastal Polis were under the rule and hegemony of the Armenian King Dikran the Great or Dikran II. As proof of that go take a look at the tetradrachms he printed mostly in Antioch. While in Tyr barely a couple of bronze coins minted under his rule were found suggesting the metals were re-melted and re-used. And he also founded Tigranocerta, his new capital, along the Tigris River, which location is still very disputed among historians. We have a few coins that showed up which were minted there. And just a small not his name can be written Dikran or Tigrane depending on the language you use. It’s like the Arabic Youssef and Joseph, same first name but different language.

Till the reign of Dikran, the Phoenician archives didn’t just existed but it was also preserved = taken care of. Tigrane from the Artaxiadian dynasty always had inspiration to “reach the sea”. Back then the Hellenistic big Polis of the coast, Antioch being top notch one, were seeking the military protection from a king who was Hellenized, and whom would preserve the Hellenistic culture in the Polis. With mutual agreement, they opened the doors of their Polis to Tigrane and welcomed him as king. They provided him with the economical wealth those Polis could generate, gave him access to the sea, in exchange for security and military protection. It all went smoothly and Tigrane’s wealth, mostly the HUGE metal reserves he had, mostly silver gained big reputation around the Mediterranean sea . A great reputation, the title of king of kings, a big wealth and one heck of load of minted metals in his reserves, which ultimately attracted the ROMAN gaze upon his wealth. The Romans needed the metal more than anything and hearing upon the big silver reserves of Tigrane, they started hatching plans.

Lucullus came with a military expedition and wreck havoc in the entire eastern shores of the Med. He attacked Tigranocerta and Dikran had to surrender. The plunder of Tigranocerta is the main reason why we can barely find any Dikran coins minted there. The metal was taken to Rome, melted down and re-printed. There are a lot of Roman writers talking about this, most how barbaric Tigrane was, which was not the case. Those Roman scholars and writers (as Plutarch and Cicero) were the MSM of back then. If you compare their propaganda and method used to defame others, it’s EXACTLY the same as what the MSM does now. I believe this is Cabal weapon or tool from back then. These writers worked for Cabal back then, they would “deviate” the truth, but not totally wipe it out.

If I remember correctly, it was either in 64 or 63 BC that Pompey came to the region and a second confrontation with Dikran the Great took place. After the second defeat of the “old” Tigrane, from the Roman writers, Pompey took pity of the old man and he respected him so he let him go back after paying loads of silver coins = a king’s ransom. Tigrane retreated to the north, back to the mother land Armenia, and stayed in his old capital Artaxata. Pompey won the military battle and he amassed loads of silver, but he also created a big vacuum in the region. When he wanted to go back to Rome, he couldn’t leave the region “conquered” by Rome with little troops. How could a small number of roman soldiers keep in check a vast region that has anti-roman feelings. So he turned to a “friend” of his later known as Herod the Great. Oh yeah! You’ve got it right, it’s the same Herod whom built the “second temple”. Herod became king even though he was not of the jewish kings bloodline, the Hasmonean dynasty. He was imposed upon the jewish people. So in other words, Herod the Great was appointed as temporary “guardian” or “supervisor” of Roman interest in the region until the roman army could solidify and fortify their military presence.

71497a (2)  No.5880309>>5880343 >>5989092

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Affixed to all seatbacks on United Airlines. "Private Screening" logo.


71497a (2)  No.5880318


73b6c4 (5)  No.5880334>>5880753 >>5880945 >>5989375 >>6005363

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It’s during this time that a lot of “strange” stuff took place. One of them was the totally “disappearance” of the Phoenician archives. What I’m telling you today is not a fairy tale. As a young student, I was always intrigued how on earth that HUGE archive could have “vanished” without a trace like that, so I started digging slowly and methodically, wherever I could find anything. It took me 7 years to find what I’ve just told you, so just listen to what I’ve said, and don’t mix Fomenko in it all. My research was mostly made on the ground and from interviews, not just found in maps or in books. It’s not a theory.

My mentor participated in the archeological excavations that took place in Tyr back in the 70s if I recall the date, right. The main purpose of the Lebanese government was the “unearthing” of the Tyr archives which was the core of the Phoenician archives. They spent a lot of time digging, and they found unbelievable stuff proving that the region was not as “empty” and “barbaric” as the greek and roman historians talked about. It was a very wealthy area filled with culture and civilizations. Of course they don’t tell you about that in history books nor do they mention it in history classes because it will contradict first hand the jewish version that is written in the Bible. Some of the archeological discoveries are direct evidence of the LIES perpetuated for Millennials about the jewish people and nation in the Bible. A lot of people reading this won’t accept it, I know I’m going to get heavy attacks because of this but it’s the truth. I know no one will believe me, everyone has been “brainwashed” for 2000 years and been fed a total lie when it comes to the “truth” about the jewish people.

The diggings in Tyr found a lot of things except ONE thing = THE PHOENICIAN ARCHIVES. Back then, the archeologists digging thought they completely failed in their mission to find the archives. That was a big disappointment and everyone’s moral went down. After that the Cabal engineered so called civil war in Lebanon broke loose in the mid 70s and everyone forgot about that.

Ever since I was a student I kept on hammering my head why no one could ever find any traces in the soil about the “archives rooms” and the “archive” itself. We know for sure that the archives were made of a mix of materials, by that I mean there was a section made from Papyrus, as in written upon papyrus, while another section was on clay tablets. So let’s pretend a war broke and the archive rooms were burned to the ground totally destroyed; the papyrus would have been totally disintegrated but the clay tablets would have harden even more and darkened in color; and we would have found traces of them in the soil stratigraphy. But we have none of that, not an iota found supporting the archive rooms were burned down and destroyed. If they were pillages and broken again, we would have found numerous of shreds buried in the soil while digging up Tyr. None was found. This is why the archeologist were so demoralized and felt down. The found nothing, zit. Which is an extraordinary phenomenon in our world, it’s like it totally vanished into thin air. It’s been decades that my mentor is trying to physically find either the tablets or the room where they should have been. He couldn’t find one speck of dust related to them, which is “impossible” in the world or archeology. Artifacts always leave a trace, mostly in the soil.

Well, years passed, and once we came upon knowledge that Herod the great had a very strange network of some sort of secret organization or spies or handlers or whatever you want to call them. They did the work in the shadows for Herod. And this team was tasked to collect the “records” from the entire region. I have forgotten where I have found this information. I’m so sorry, back then, it never occurred to me to take notes or keep the name of the archive, it was just some random reading I was doing for a side research and the information was just there in front of me. It never occurred to me how important it might turn out in the future.

Now this little knowledge was driving me nuts and it’s then that I started to suspect Herod the Great having a whole lot to do with the disappearance of the Phoenician archives.

73b6c4 (5)  No.5880343


Wow! This is something

73b6c4 (5)  No.5880753>>5881064 >>5881617 >>5882091 >>6005363


Dikran II relied heavily on the Phoenician archives located in Tyr when he reigned in the region, in order to make the districts, collect the taxes and make the family registers of the citizens living in the area. Just after he was kicked out from the area by the Romans, the area was placed under Herod the Great “temporary supervision”, and King Herod the great had some type of shadow team doing some fishy work for him behind the curtain, along with him building the “current” temple.

We found out that one of the MAIN tasks of this “shadow team” was collecting and gathering ALL ANCIENT ARCHIVES in the kingdom of Herod the Great, and transport the archive back to the King’s palace. Back then, even though Tyr was not part of Herod’s kingdom territory, it was under his supervision until the roman would send some type of governor. So the possibility is extremely high that the archive rooms in Tyr were simply “emptied out” and the ancient archives were transported elsewhere. We also found hints that there were orders given by Herod the Great to “manipulate” the ancient census data, as in the demographic data from the old archives he gathered from the entire region. This act boggled our minds: why on earth would a king want to “change” and “falsify” as in “rewrite” the demographic numbers of the times before he became king? Why did he manipulate the exact numbers of jews and Phoenician descendant living in the area? And why did he “change” the “locations” of entire family registers? There was a HUGE manipulation done and the entire census, presented by Herod ,of the period is totally fake . They changed demographically a huge area, entire villages where you couldn’t find one jew in it for centuries were suddenly “filled” with jewish families in the census and abracadabra, entire genealogies were created from thin air for those newly installed family. Now stop for a second here anons and compare what I’m telling you to what we know the Cabal does nowadays, isn’t it the same? And do you remember when Jesus was born, why did Joseph and Mary go to Beit lahem? Wasn’t there a census taking place? So you see, “these sort of census” was made on “purpose” by the Herod dynasty in order to “claim” the jewish origins of the land. All evidence point to a HUGE forgery that was taking place back then.

Another forgery is related to the temple of Jerusalem. When I found out the truth about the temple built by Herod the Great, I was in such a shock that I stayed numb for about 6 to 8 months. When the truth comes out, mostly about the temple, it’s going to be totally catastrophic for Jews, Christians and muslims all alike. And no one is going to believe it. I know no one is going to believe me and I know I’m going to get heavily attacked. Did anyone wonder why we couldn’t find in the archeological world any “traces” of the first temple under the “current known” location of the temple in Jerusalem? Right where we think it is right now, the Israeli archeologist have been digging none stop, working their butts off just to prove that the first temple built by Solomon was there, but they couldn’t find anything related to it. Some artifacts were found. After a closer look, we can divided them into 3 categories:

1 -- Almost half of the stuff found under the “ruins” of the second temple are fake, as in forgeries made by the Israeli government itself.

2- A quarter of the objects found there were found in other cities and locations throughout the Middle East, some found in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, and they were stolen or bought and snuggled by Israel and placed into the ground, pretending it’s a big new discovery.

3 -- They found some authentic objects relating back to the jews, real ones, but they are all dated extremely late in the jewsih history as written, none of them date back to the ancient times like the Israeli government and archeologist pretend they do.

Believing this or not is up to you anons. I know what I know and that’s it. GO do some reading in local newspapers and archeological magazines of the countries neighboring Israel, you will find plenty of answers there.

3448ea (59)  No.5880945>>5881334


>My research was mostly made on the ground and from interviews, not just found in maps or in books. It’s not a theory.

With all due respect, this is what Fomenko would say too, as he visited the places he discusses and gets deep into the local lore about the place and takes a good long skeptical eye at the archeology. His synopsis of "Troy" is amazing.

> Of course they don’t tell you about that in history books nor do they mention it in history classes because it will contradict first hand the jewish version that is written in the Bible.

What do you mean? My interpretation from the Bible is that the Phoenicians were very strong and respected and feared…not barren???

>everyone has been “brainwashed” for 2000 years

"2000" years

I'm not sure why you're so willing to accept the historians are lying about details but not lying about chronology? The simplest reason they would do so is to justify their royal lineage. Before universities and cataloged knowledge, and the internet of course, this was a triffle thing to do and Kings invented glorious stories for themselves all the time.

I can't stress this enough, Fomenko never once asserts that this history NEVER HAPPENED. Indeed it did. It just happened in a more compressed timescale and much sooner than (((they))) want us to think.

Look up Pope John XII… Who was he? Are popes Holy? What does Augustus mean? What was John XII's name before becoming Pope? Did he become emperor of Byzantium as a teenager? Did he almost immediately crown Otho I, and do some theorize Otho I then assumed his original name? Did Otho I reign for 37 years? Fascinating. How long did Augustus Octavian Caesar rule for? How strange….could it be.. could John XII be Augustus Caesar?

>They changed demographically a huge area, entire villages where you couldn’t find one jew in it for centuries were suddenly “filled” with jewish families in the census and abracadabra, entire genealogies were created from thin air for those newly installed family.

Yes, exactly what I'm talking about. Easy to do for random nobody families, but for a ruler you'll need a grandiose history. No one will know if you copy someone elses stories, just make sure to change the names and the locations a bit so no one notices…

> And do you remember when Jesus was born, why did Joseph and Mary go to Beit lahem? Wasn’t there a census taking place? So you see, “these sort of census” was made on “purpose” by the Herod dynasty in order to “claim” the jewish origins of the land. All evidence point to a HUGE forgery that was taking place back then.

What evidence? How can we possibly trust the account of Mary and Joe as per the Gospels which were written hundreds of years after the fact and no original manuscript exists? Why does Crimea have a tradition that Mary gave birth to Jesus there? How very strange…

> Another forgery is related to the temple of Jerusalem.

Agreed, except the Temple of Solomon = Hagia Sophia, Jerusalem = Constantinople

>1 -- Almost half of the stuff found under the “ruins” of the second temple are fake, as in forgeries made by the Israeli government itself.

They absolutely would be, since the "Jews" of legend never lived there in this way. They lived in Constantinople

>2- A quarter of the objects found there were found in other cities and locations throughout the Middle East, some found in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, and they were stolen or bought and snuggled by Israel and placed into the ground, pretending it’s a big new discovery.

Indeed. I would also add the Dead Sea Scrolls to this list, conveniently found the same year Israel was declared a nation once more. What a coincidence! What great way to cement your right to be there than to find ancient documents that prove you were there?

>3 -- They found some authentic objects relating back to the jews, real ones, but they are all dated extremely late in the jewsih history as written, none of them date back to the ancient times like the Israeli government and archeologist pretend they do.

"ancient times" indeed, what are ancient times, after all?

3448ea (59)  No.5881064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


As for the second temple, that was built in Moscow after Constantinople fell

Watch this. It's awesome.

I seriously wonder what astounding connections you could make with your knowledge if you just open your mind to the notion that our history isn't as long as we thought.

No one is saying humanity didn't exist before 1000 years ago. Its just that history over 1000 years old seems to be (sometimes) fabricated, duplicated, reflected, embellished and (mostly) misunderstood. Fomenko blames unvocalized script for most of the confusion. PRS = PARIS? OR P-RUSS? PRUSSIA?

73b6c4 (5)  No.5881334


Jesus Christ youn man! You almost gave me a bad spell for my heart there.

I've been doing my best to try to say in the most simple way possible and I've asked you to listen to what I have to say and not throw Fomenko in the mix. I was simply trying to tell you what I've found through my own diggings with my own hands. I simply wanted you to hear me because I knew you were looking for answers.

And when I talk about evidence I'm not talking about Joseph and Mary evidence from the Bible, I Heavens name, I was talking about the stuff I've dug out from the ground myself, as piece of pottery and other stuff like that. I've never said the Bible was a piece of evidence right now. Why are you distorting my words young fellow? It's making me hard to explain things for you. I was still writting the rest because there is more i wanted to share with you, but Jesus! Why are you hammering so much? I'm not saying Fomenko is this or that? I simply wanted to tell you what I HAVE DUG OUT FROM THE GROUND AND WHAT I HAVE FOUND OUT. I thought you would be happy.

When I talked about forged Demography, i wanted to say that they Added the numbers of jews and lessened the numbers of other people. Please, please, please don't mix things up.

Anf young man, about the temple, it's not located in Jerusalem, but it's not far away, not all the way up north as you mentioned (please don't attack). I've seen it with my own eyes, they've been hidding it in plaine sight. This rattled me for 6 to 8 months. And the measurements and building technics are EXACTLY as written in the Bible. Maybe that is the UNIQUE part of the Bible which is correct. That rattled me a lot my young fellow. This is going to change the entire face of the planet. I remember sitting there just totally dumbstruck when i found out about it, looking blank into the space around me, as the truth started to sink in. I couldn't speak for a few hours out of pure shock.

Please, I'm not here to argue with you nor am I here to contradict Fomenko, just listen to the last part I'm going to send you, again, i thought i would make you happy. I've been holding back onto this information for a long time now. Each time i try to say something, you are all over me with Fomenko. I'm simply trying to tell you what I know, so take it easy and if you don't like what I'm telling then, i'm going to shut up. You are very enthusiastic and I like that about you, you have loads of energy and vitality. It's good and refreshing.

dfc933 (6)  No.5881617>>5881623 >>6005363


This is information that the Israeli government and cabal have been paying billions to suppress or smother, or simply portray as lies, it’s exactly like the Russian hoax = fabricating the entire steel dossier and build an impeachment case on Potus. The cabal is actively doing the same for decades with the archeological findings that proves how fake the history of Israel is = they distort and sully the FACTS that doesn’t serve their narrative. Again anons, there is HUGE, really a HUGE amount of effort put in order to make people like me whom discovered the truth look like liars, they fabricated evidence and invented texts and even brought some so called specialist in order to create counter-arguments to the truth. A lot of university scholars fighting this truth are cabal goones placed into college ground in order to subvert the truth and cover it. They smear the ones whom find the truth and they persecute them and ruin their lives and their careers. So I bet loads of anon are going to fall into the traps of those cabal scholars and “experts”. The truth, the real truth is going to be extremely hard to find, not impossible though. Again, as I’ve said before, it took me 7 full years to get this information. Don’t ask me for sources anons, I am the source, my eyes read those texts, my hands touched the objects. It’s one heck of a long beads necklace that you gotta reconstruct one bead at a time. Back then, I never realized what I was finding, or I would have at least kept a bibliography and took pictures of the artifacts. I can retrace and found them all over again, but it’s most probably going to take me a few years before I could find them all, mostly the artifacts kept in the warehouses of the museums in the Middle East.

The juicy part is that there is no traces of the Phoenician archives within Israel itself, making me suspect that it was “shipped” to Rome, probably under Augustus, the first emperor.

Now keep that in mind, and let zap ourselves to Europe during the same exact time those things were taking place under Herod the Great. Around this time in Europe, Julius Cesar was conquering Gaulle, right anons? And he conquered it all the way till he stopped to a very specific “border” on the East of Gaulle, the region that used to border the Frank and the Germanic tribes. And if you compare the location where Julius Cesar stopped advancing with the roman army and where the “Salian” Franks were located, you will see they came in contact. And for anons whom have been reading my drops from the earlier thread would know that I’ve mentioned how the Merovingian bloodline are direct descendants from the Salian Franks. To make this short, Cabal infiltrated and rules behind the scenes the Roman Empire.

Now I’ve been trying to do some reading and research trying to connect the Hittites and the Etruscans to the Salian Franks and how they were ruling the Roman Empire while the emperors were just a “front”. And I’ve also started doing the same with Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Polis, like Athens and Sparta.

For Fomenko anon, I’ve included some pictures of the artifacts (some not all) dug out from the excavations in Tyr in the early part of the 70s, I hope you will enjoy the beauty of those objects, they are quiet nice pieces of art. You once asked where all the sculptors vanished when the roman empire collapsed, the answer is they moved to the East. There is huge carvings and sculptors in Heliopolis Baalbeck temple complex showing us that all the sculptors were sent there in order to finish the temples, when the Empire collapsed, they stayed there and continued working there for a long time, a century or so more.

dfc933 (6)  No.5881623>>5976828


Now I apologize if I butted in your conversation, again, I thought I would make you happy with what I know. But it seems I was wrong. I’m not going to open the subject anymore. Being in this place made me realize that what I’ve unearthed in my life time is going to die one day with me. It seems I’m going to be the type of anon whom is going to take a lot with him to the grave.

I’ve met good researcher in the main thread and we disgusted how much hostile the anons were in the main thread and how brutally they interact with other anons. All told me they were badly treated as I was in there, all of us got heavily attacked in the main thread by fellow anons, shills and mossad. They all told me that they had the same reaction to it as I did, they retreated into the shadows, and they kept on digging finding out big pieces of the puzzle, but this time, they kept what they found out to themselves, which is a shame anons. This is knowledge that should be given to humanity, and it’s not being shared because most people in the main thread have total lack of compassion and respect for other humans. Some may say I’m preaching, I guess I am, just as I am an old guy, but I’m mostly sad and disappointed, disenchanted. For the anons whom were bashed and insulted in the main thread, I found out some common points: they were all serious persons with deep thoughts, they came all from different backgrounds and have different fields of expertise, but their researches lead them all to the same places, which in my opinion is valid proof they are correct in their research. They got all heavily attacked from fellow anons as well as the shills, and according to them it’s proof they were over the target. No one is listening to them and no one is accepting their findings, trashing what they find. And I’ve found out they are marvelous people whom were truly trying to find the truth. I know they are still around “lurking” and making small comments, but they keep most of their findings to themselves because of the way they were treated.

I wish you good day anons reading this, take care.

3448ea (59)  No.5882091>>5882416


Ok fine I can keep Fomenko aside for a minute. I just get excited when I see some evidence that Jerusalem isn't what we think, so far I think he's got a good idea about it.

I didn't mean to negate your own experience, it's certainly more epic than my own. I'm just a keyboard warrior, if you've gotten your hands dirty in the mud and stone, well, I envy you.

So you're saying that Herod manipulated the Census to show that Jews had a rightful stake in Israel of the day? That there was no original temple in Jerusalem and the relics found there were placed there from all over elsewhere?

dfc933 (6)  No.5882416>>5884278 >>5887630 >>6005363


You said in a magnificant way. You said it better than i did.

And you gotta add that what we know to be as the Vatican archives might have started with the "shipping" of the Phoenician archives to Rome during the reign of Herod the great. Can you image how it's going to look in the Vatican archives? I mean when one day someone that is not Cabal goes down and opens that place to see what's in it, what will their reaction be when they found out clay tablets or papyrus rolls stacked from the floor to the ceiling? It's going to be like WOOOWWW!

And we shouldn't forget the Salian Franks the Hittites and the Etruscans! I believe some if not all were cabal tribes or part of it anyway. And through silver and gold, they "controled" the roman emperors and the entire empire. I've been taking a look to the Edit of Diocletian, or sometimes called the "edit of the maximum". That is about the "inflation" that was taking place in the roman empire and how the emperor tried to "control" it, or keep it under sustainable control.

When I compared the effects of it, i was like WOW! It matches the economical crashes of 1929, 1825 and all the others I've once put in here. I don't have the list with me right now. But I was totally mindblown….. i know there were no Rothschilds back then, but damn! It's they M.O. So could it be the Cabal was behind the inflation of goods prices, which lead to the empror making that edit to tame the prices? It's totally wild and fascinating.

As for Herod manipulation of the census, it reminded me of what the democrates are doing right now in the States with Illegals, and how they vote, even the dead votes. I strongly believe Herod wanted to "fabricate" proof, invent them from thin air, that the jews lived in the region from LLLOOOONNNGGGG ago, which was not the case. This is why I keep on refering to "history" as distorted.

Now, if you are interested in some research and reading, I'm found some tiny information in the archives of Amenophis III and amenophis IV in Tell el Amarna, about a confederation of tribes called Nairi, that transformed after vagues of migration and turned into the Urartu kingdom. Their pin point location is subject to great disputes, but it's mostly located in the mountains of Turkey nowadays, some say it's ancient Armenia, while others say it's the Caucasian mountains. I want to do some more research and reading on them. I simply thought you would be interested in knowing there is something unknown there as well, and it was mentioned in ancient archives.

You take care young men. I wish you a wonderful day.

3448ea (59)  No.5884278>>5891317


I'm fascinated by Diocletian and his reforms, especially money. I mean, how can an ancient kingdom that barely can afford paper keep track of such a logistically complicated thing like inflation? I was suprised to hear they had that problem. I figured back in those days a gold coin was static in value. Like, could you imagine being robbed on the highway, offering the robber your bag of gold coins, and he throws it to the ground saying he doesn't want your worthless pennies? Something is odd about it.

But yes, you do make good observations that it does seem to be a classic trick. Manipulate money, manipulate demographics (or at least the stats of them).. Man, you just got me thinking about how the heck they could even do a census in those days. Imagine someone going around with papyrus from house to house then someone in the kingdom collecting all that paper and having to write it all out in a master report? I'm sure they found ways, but.. wow..

Anyway, so if the temple in Jerusalem is much more modern than they claim (personally, I suspect much younger, but that's not important), then where do you suspect the original Solomon's Temple was? Or was there one?

3448ea (59)  No.5887630>>5890088



dfc933 (6)  No.5890088


Fomenko anon, thank you my friend,

That link made me laugh when I needed it the most. I went to take a shower and have supper, when I came back I saw what Potus signed today and that totally crushed me. Bibi was beyond himself with joy. Oh Lord! That is one HUGE bad move Potus. I have a few more days left here to finish my report and I hope to get home as early as I can. The chances of this turning ugly are terribly high. Potus made a very grave mistake, terribly grave. And after that I saw that link of yours which got me all curious of course and I checked it out. LOL!

I’ve started posting in January of this year so the posts before that date are not mine. I got me one good laugh out of my “light writing” comment . Ah! If anons knew! English is the 5th language I’ve learned and it’s not my mother language. As I’ve once said, this is for the ordinary Joe, it’s for the simple folks out there, I was informed by acquaintances people from different nationalities read my drops, so this english is fine for them. I’m not shakespear thank goodness, I’m trying my best anons, so thank you for putting up with this old guy.

Fomenko anon your are going to scalp me alive for saying this but 1 -- yes I know where the real first temple is located – 2 – I won’t tell, it’s very easy for Cabal to blow it up with C4, take a look at what ISIS did to archeological artifacts and ruins, you think that was a coincidence. I don’t want to disapoint you my friend, but I’m not going to help the Cabal destroy the real temple. It can wait a couple of more years for it to be known. But after what Potus did today, I really wonder if the truth about the jews will ever come out? This is one terribly ugly mess he just created. That was wrong of you Potus.

dfc933 (6)  No.5891317>>5892246


Now about writing “support” during roman times. We know for sure Romans used papyrus paper, animal skins and stone/clay tablets for writing. It depends on the use of it, as in if it’s a tomb stone or a message sent, to know what type of “support” Latin was writen on, I mean you cannot write a letter on a piece of polished rock and send it by messanger on horse back. What about the weight of the rock and the length of the message you want to write on it? In this type of senario, it was better to write it on one long piece or papyrus or even more often on a very long piece of animal skin that can be roled and carried out easily. And it seems LONG text or writings were writen on skin rolls, of course animal skin.

Animal skins were often used all over the planet as a writing support. So you can bet when Herod the Great did that census, it was writen on animal skin rolls. You are right Fomenko anon in your comments about HOW the census was undertaken. Even if they were “truthful” in their method of making the census, the results are terribly doubtful for a whole bunch of reasons. So add to it the tampering done by Herod the great and you get one heck of a mess that was later on used by Cabal as basis to control Christianity. Can you even imagine the implications and the ripples of what we are talking about right now? Not to mention what I told you about the temple. Oh Lord! That one is one HUGE deal! Just sit back and try to see the ramifications of all I’m telling you, not just historical ones, but mostly religious ones.

I’ve seen a lot of anons here in this place go bunckers about the jews and protect them and say stuff GOD protects Israel and all of that stuff. I just roll my eyes anons. If they knew the truth! Oh Lord! The shockwaves this might create over humanity are endless. So when I see Potus glorify Israel and the jews I feel like I’m going to vomit anons. I keep on telling myself: “if people knew, if people knew! Not one jew would be able to walk down the street safely”

Diocletian’s edit is truly fascinating. It always amazed me how can the priciest item on the list be sesame seeds. How can such a tiny object be the most expensive thing back then, more expensive than silk brought all the way from the far east?

If you scan all of the coins minted during roman empire, you will notice a HUGE different in quality, alloy and size of the coins, no matter what type of metal is used. As time goes by and as the empire was getting in debt more and more the coins were getting thinner, smaller, bad print quality and the alloy was getting worse. In times of wars or confrontations the quality of the coins deteriorated even further. When the rulers was powerful and strong, the quality was very good. As I’ve just said, the coins quality “deteriorated” as time passed. Add to it the Diocletian edit and the hyper inflation that was taking place back then, you can visibly notice there is someone behind the scenes manipulating the prices .

Anons, it reminded me of what is taking place right now with the States:

1 -- The debt is choking the States and the Dollar value is deteriorating = Like the Roman empire was in debt and the value of its money was deteriorating and hyper inflation kicked in, that is why we have the edit of the maximum.

2 -- That economical crisis worked its way slowly to blow up and coincide with the “invasion” of the barbaric tribes, which ultimatly lead to the collapse of Rome. Isn’t that what the Cabal was trying to do the States? = Create a huge economical crisis result in a big crash of the stock market, while in the same time floading the country with illegals.

For me, this is Cabal from back then, and it’s Cabal right now. Same M.O. anons. We say history keeps repeating itself, when you truly and deeply think about it, now it makes a lot of sense why we have this impression that history is moving in cycles = it’s because of the Cabal.

dfc933 (6)  No.5892246>>5896854 >>5901175 >>5979839


And take a look at the roman emperors and compare them to the US presidents. That made me laugh anons = Nero, Claudius, Caligula Tiberius, Commdus etc….. and take a look at the us presidents = Nixon, Johson, Clinton, Bush double take, Eisenhower etc. What a bunch if you ask me. I mean Nero is famous for burning rome and crucifying christians Caligula was famous for naming his favorite horse “council”, Claudius wife (if I’m not mistaken) used to whore herself (sorry for the term) at a whorehouse in Rome, Tiberius was blood thirsty assasin crazy and so on…… and if my memory is not betraying me, they were all murdered, at least this bunch was. And now take a look to the us presidents: Johnson was highly suspected of having taken part in the assassination of JFK, Nixon and watergate, Eisenhower and Edward VIII, Clinton and Lewinski, Bushes huge war lords etc. I mean they are as koo koo as the Roman emperors, apart a few good ones of course. If anons sit down and try to think of each emperor, then each president, it’s laughable.

Now before I call it a day, I want to ask Fomenko anon a few questions: 1 -- what is autism used for in here? – 2 – In the previous threads, was there any heavy shill attack like what happened in this thread? I don’t remember it happening in the third thread where I’ve started posting at the beginning. Anons from the main thread advised me to watch those attacks closely because they mean I am over the target about a dig. - 3 – Are my first drops starting to make more sense Fomenko anon? Do you see how it’s all connected? I’ve said it before, I may seem to be dropping randomly and things are not related but this is not the case. – 4 – I’ve talked about the second debate between Potus and Killary, you think I should go into all 3, they were not only rigged but just like St Louis, I feel there was some type of “spiritual” meaning behind them. The most obvious one is the second debate, the least connections I’ve found was the last one. So let me know if you think it’s interesting, not much there apart stuff having importance and significance to cabal.

The unicorn tapestry is very important in my view, it was bought by Rockerfeller and it’s now in a museum in NY. Oh I forgot it’s name, but is there anyone whom can help locating these stuff on a map? Not just that specific museum, but also the Rockefeller center, the Alice in wonderland in central park and mostly that obelisk.

If you compare Pheonix and Unicorn we notice they share some common points = both are mystical magical creatures + both have healing and regenerating attributes and powers + both are thought to be unique + both are thought as immortals. I’ve been thinking a lot about this and what it means to Cabal. And what anons think about Killary’s official portrait? Should I go and give my take on it? Let me know anons if you are interested.

Again, I would really appreciate it big time if someone would help with a graphic linking my digs together. Thank you for reading this and being patient with me anons. God bless you. Fomenko anon, thank you for the laughter, that was totally unexpected and fun. Take care young man.

d2b0b7 (1)  No.5894956

File (hide): f0b7e496d12f8ad⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1411x1802, 83:106, Spirit.png) (h) (u)

Symbols that had been appropriated for evil shall be sanctified

18ec04 (1)  No.5896854>>5901198


Keep posting your thoughts anon you are not alone.

Also give ten possible places for where the temple of solomon is located

a1fbc4 (1)  No.5899675

File (hide): a091535c6574381⋯.jpg (492.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, baal2.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 7296fce3312eef5⋯.jpg (134.47 KB, 1326x580, 663:290, Kendell-Geers-copy-e151049….jpg) (h) (u)

3448ea (59)  No.5901175


You're funny, that made me laugh. Honestly, when I first considered Fomenko I thought it would sound a lot like that, just harping on simple similarities. In the power games, there are only a finite number of plays to make afterall. What floored me is how the reigns of the rulers line up, one after the other, almost exactly the same length of time. And then, within each of those rulers, very similar and unique aspects line up too. I really don't want to believe it, it's so crazy, I would never utter these words to someone in person.. But I have a hard time denying what was presented, the comparisons are striking.

Anyway, that's cool you can keep the Temple all to yourself. I was looking forward to the headline "8ch Anon finds lost Temple of Solomon!" haha!

As for the Jews, Israel means fighter for God, Judea means praiser of God. Could those actually be descriptions not people? For example, a Crusader was an Israelite?

f64bfe (1)  No.5901198>>5921154


Sorry anon, the location of the temple will not be revealed.

instead of worrying about the location of the temple, did any of you even have a thought of the suffering that is taking place right now in the middle east because of Potus decision? I bet not.

3448ea (59)  No.5921154



3448ea (59)  No.5921163>>5921169 >>5921199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Required viewing for this thread

3448ea (59)  No.5921169>>5921172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3448ea (59)  No.5921172>>5921176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3448ea (59)  No.5921176>>5921180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3448ea (59)  No.5921180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Absolutely incredible work, good job EOW

3448ea (59)  No.5921199

File (hide): 99de6c3cb8b42af⋯.png (504.31 KB, 958x493, 958:493, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

147536 (1)  No.5923262>>5930034

File (hide): 4330aa2112ed1d8⋯.jpg (9.85 KB, 255x238, 15:14, keystone.jpg) (h) (u)

With adversaries of that ilk [D.S]. No one can end up with clean hands. [Theory of Psychological Projection]. Reality can be much more complex than we think. [INCREASED REALITY] Defeating a lie is one thing; Manage "One Great Truth", another completely different. But the question continues there and without answering: "WHAT OR WHO IS THE KEYSTONE?". Meanwhile "La Victoria", It has allowed us; "Eat Of The Cake".

6d6257 (1)  No.5930034


History repeating itself?

The end does not justify the means

What is the value of winning if you loose what or who you hold dearest on your way to victory?

Some limits should not be crossed no matter what or hatered is the result.

6ca41a (17)  No.5961348>>5971704


For some this is like a horrific accident that one cannot avert their eyes at but must turn away to protect the heart. This is all very hard to swallow - to accept and understand how our life our soul fits into this matrix. I appreciate your work, Thomas anon, but I'm just getting started understanding what you are trying to tell us. I'm trying to understand the 40K foot picture and my place in it. Where do I go from here? How do I help my family/society? Bear with some of us…..

6c80b4 (1)  No.5962076>>5962645

This is Thomas Anon,


Nikolai Kondratiev = read about him

Basel III kicks in on next Monday. After that, I don't know how long it's going to take for it to come down = a week, a month, a couple of months.

This is not fear mongering anons. Prepare, keep yourself safe and afloat. This is the Kondratiev Cycle not the Juglar Cycle. Deflation and hyperinflation are going to kick in hand in hand in 90 % of the world. I always believed that "prevention is better than cure". Prepare for the out most worst, while you pray and hope for the better. May God watch over everyone and keep you all safe.

f2df98 (36)  No.5962645>>5963800



so you are pointing that we are at the collapse of a kondratiev wave. I can't help but agree. I have adopted 4th turning as it's easier to explain to people that care to ask and in many ways they are similar in explanatory power. but yes, I spent many years learning timescales of kalpas and kotis

in my studies of sutras and like you I understand the scale of time in relation to man's existence on Earth and for that matter the existence of Earth in the solar system. I had pegged October of last year, the only new information that made me revise we might miss it is that this place brought to my attention that efforts were coordinated on the collapse side (I was just thinking man in the aggregate would experience systemic failure a la minsky since issues from 2008 were never properly addressed) but not only that, people were coordinated on the conflict avoidance / justice side. so I see above me some posts that are empty. are those yours and related to the topic at hand?

c7223a (12)  No.5963800>>5964936

File (hide): 0ba8a9514c341cd⋯.png (406.89 KB, 532x643, 532:643, Comey tweeted 23 March 201….png) (h) (u)


Good day to you anandasattvaanon

If you are talking about the drops with videos in them, then NO, that is not me. I believe that is from Fomenko anon.

Civilisations and history lived for a very LONG time under the ILLUSION of CYCLES or what most calls it as "history repeating itself". The truth is this is not a cycle, not a historical cycle nor an economical cycle. This is a PLAN or a DEVICE created and used by the Cabal in order to gain control, power and money. The have been using the same old thingy over and over again, in many parts of the world. It's like one big juicy cow, they inflate and then they slaughter it. In the process of inflating it, they gain a lot, and they gain a lot as well while the slaughter is taking place.

I don't know about you anon, but I woke up about the Kondratiev cycle in september 2013, that is when I've started preparing and waiting for the big wave to come. I admit, I was terribly surprised to see how LONG (((they))) managed to prop this up. All the cycles are not naturally built, once you understand that you will also understand there is no need for this to repeat itself. This cycle idea is one giant illusion. The Cycle we are in right now started with the sinking of the Titanic. The irony in it all this cycle is going to sink like the Titanic. We hit the iceberg in 2008. Playing the ostrich is not going to help people nor save lives.

I don't know if you are keeping an eye on the news but did you notice how cattle and fields have been "destroyed"? Did you noticed the nuance in the written articles or news about that. There is another layer underneath the surface if you can see through it. And have you been keeping an eye on what the New Zealand anons have been reporting? Not to forget this tweet from Comey. It smells fishy. And if you look at the bigger picture, you have this feeling there is a coordinated movement.

So anon, I hope you will prepare, stock up food and essentials, prepare for going out on days without any electricity, put some medics aside, if you live in cold region, prepare to replace gaz or cooking and heat. keeping coal and BBQs to use instead of a stove is a good idea. I don't know if you can buy gold and silver, but it's the best way to preserve your wealth's value. And whatever you do, be exrtremly careful who you talk this about. Just imagine what your unprepared neighbors will do to you when they find out that you have food reserves and they don't. Just be very careful. I hope it's not going to be as bad as this, but we can never know unless we get there first, So take care, I really do mean it. And USE YOUR HEAD. BE WISE. PREPARE.

This is Thomas anon by the way.

f2df98 (36)  No.5964936>>5964946 >>5969862


ok so I think I missed some information earlier but based on your reply I follow. I agree 100% with the "it doesn't have to be that way" approach to this. yes things have been moving to a head for a long time. I trace it back for practical purposes to the 1970s and the 1980s which was when corporations started to push back against customers and developing countries experienced the lost decade after Mexico defaulted. of course it's a bit arbitrary to pick a point and say it started here, Because convincing cases could also be made that the end of WWII set this up or further back to another point in time even. it's purely for convention and the purposes of my comprehension. yes Years ago when I became convinced this was coming I decided I would chose where I would make my stand. I chose to be here in my home where I was raised because I know the kettle of my neighbors as we experienced Katrina together. if the shit is about to hit the fan than I am in the best place I can be, the alternative was to leave this place and relocate for work, but that made know sense given I took this pattern I percieved as highly likely. economic tensions rise, and man's almost knee jerk reaction at least for the past 200 years or so has been to remedy it with conflict. but I too am convinced there is another way and if we can as mankind thread this needle we will see a new golden age of some kind.

f2df98 (36)  No.5964946


mettle not kettle

c7223a (12)  No.5969862>>5969910 >>5970220


This is Thomas anon again,

Sorry if I’m a bit late with my reply, had some laguage to pack. My plane is in some hours.

We sit down one day and discuss how and when it all started and stuff like that, but it’s very important right now to know where you truly stand. Right now, it’s time to prepare and not talk theories. I’m saying this to everyone reading what I’m writing. I don’t know what is going to happen, I truly don’t, like I said earlier today, I’ve prepared for the worst thing ever possible, while I’m hoping for the best outcome. Praying for it as well.

The shit has already started to hit the fan for some time now, but we don’t feel it and we don’t see it because they keep on moving the blinds in front of our eyes. They can hide the poo poo from our sight for some time, but they cannot hide its smell for too long. Sorry, I know it’s a disgusting image there, but I think it’s the best I can give to illustrate the situation. A lot of people have been playing the ostrich for too long. It’s terribly good news to know how you and your neighbors shouldred one another during Katrina. I salute every single one of you.

But let me tell you what is different this time around: When Katrina hit, it was very tough and harsh, but in the back of your minds ALL of you knew it was temporary. You ALL knew it’s a matter of a small time before you are rescued by your governement, before supplies came, before help arrived, before the electricity lines were repaired and before water and gaz were restored to your homes. And then ALL of you went on to your daily lives, picked up the daily routine while mending the wounds from all sorts caused by Katrina. The wounded or sick were lifted up with chopers or by rescue boats to hospitals or rescue centers and so on……………….

But just stop for a moment and think what will people do when they realize that the governement won’t be there to help them? This senario is terribly scary. Just read the situation that is taking place right now. We have Potus giving orders to prepare for an EMP attack on the grid + elite preparing to run to NZ shelters + food crops and cattle being destroyed apparently on purpose + Comey sending that eery tweet talking about geology and facing the water + Basel III. Holy Heavens! That is one scary senario if you ask me. If I combine everything together, it means the bad guys are planning something so big that it’s going to cause the electrical grid to go down, there is going to be food shortage or total lack of food due to many reasons, inflation is going to show it’s ugly head as in everything that comes out of the earth is going to cost triple or quadruple the actual price now. There might be water and gaz shortage as well. And I don’t know what the heck they are preparing, but it might be some “natural disaster” senario type of things that is going to cause HUGE damage, to a point, that they need to flee to NZ and go underground.

I’m sure Potus got the message that is why he is preparing against the EMP. Here, there are 2 ways this could fall out: 1 -- Potus and team manage to stop this event before it takes place. – 2 – Potus and team won’t be able to fully stop this event from taking place.

c7223a (12)  No.5969910>>5969997 >>5970461


The second senario is what you need to prepare for. Remember, prevention is better than cure, and prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If somehow (((they))) manage to do some sort of harm, or at least (((they))) manage to implement a part of (((their))) plan, then Potus won’t be able to come to the rescue to the entire country. I mean it’s something to deal with one specific area damaged by an event, and help people out, but image how it’s going to be if the ENTIRE country is hit; mostly the BIG CITIES? In such times, that is the last place on earth you should be. That is going to be one very scary place. And don’t forget, those scary cities are filled with whom?????? Oh yes! The brainless, selfish lefties. Most of them anyway, not my intentions to offend anyone reading this living in a big city. But you get my point. Most of the people living in such place are brainwashed to think they are intitled and they get a lot of stuff for free. So what do you think Potus is going to do? He will be busy trying to catch (((them))) while they attempt to flee and in the same time, the persons working with Potus will be frantickly working to restore the power grid and other main essential infracstructures, while stupid spoiled people will be probably riotting after a couple of days without electricity. Not to mention the medical emergency that might arise from all of this. Can you see the magnitude of it all? So you think Potus will be able to help you out quick? No way he will be able to do that. I’m not saying he won’t, I’m saying he won’t do that QUICK. So you have to prepare for a senario where help and rescue and relief won’t come for quiet some time.

And if the economy gets hit during the same time, I don’t think you will be able to walk down to your grocery store at the corner of the street and buy what you need. Do you get me ? A lot of riots will break everywhere and a lot of thieves will try to get into homes and stores. You think police can keep up with every single one of them? And if there is some type of natural disaster along it all, the army will be busy saving whomever is trapped there. So if you neighbors are good people and you can coordinate with them, have a meeting and talk with them. It would be super great if there is a group of your preparing and helping one another.

If you need any “ideas” or suggestions on how to prepare for the worst stuff, let me know. Believe it or not, lebanese people have given me advise on how to prepare and they told me how they survived during the war years. These people are totally amazing on how they depend on their own selves and they don’t wait for any type of governement help or support. And some of the syrians right now have survived the war they have using those ame methods. I will tell you some of the stuff they do to survive if you need.

So take care anandasattvaanon, I honestly don’t know how it’s going to turn out. I hope Potus will be able to stop them. But during this time, it doesn’t mean we should behave like an ostrich and pretend nothing is taking place. I’m very nervous because of what is taking place and I don’t like it one bit. And just a while ago, it came out that the Mueller report will be made public around mid April. I don’t know what the heck is going on or what will happen, but I do sense a lot of tension rising, and it’s rising pretty darn fast. It’s getting uly and ulgier by the minute.

Yes, this cycle can be stopped; I hope you understand why I’m against Potus about the Golan heights. Potus fell straight into Bibi’s and Cabal trap. This is part of the end game they are preparing for us and Potus must backpedal RIGHT NOW. This has more to it than the obvious. Let me reply to Potus = you are wrong, Golan is NOT like Jerusalem. Whomever advised you is one heck of a moron. Golan is NOT like Jerusalem. THAT IS A TRAP and you fell right into it. BACKPADEL RIGHT AWAY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. AND PUNCH WHOMEVER ADVISED YOU OR CAME UP WITH THAT TACTIC. THAT IDIOT DOESN’T UNDERSTAND HOW IT’S REALLY LIKE. I know you are reading my drops. The one whom doesn’t understand is YOU not ME. Don’t fall into that trap and divide a family. BACKPADLE as fast as you can.

c7223a (12)  No.5969997


Oh I want to add one more idea to what I just said =

If this bad senario takes place i don't think help or food from other countries will come. I think the other countries wil be probably caught up their own mess as well. It's just a thought anons, this is the wrost that can happen, so each country will have to survive on it's own for at least some time till things are fixed up and running again.

f2df98 (36)  No.5970220>>5970355 >>5970426


is it just Basel iii that's got you this concerned? events in NK with the breakaway group and events in Venezuela together with exec order regarding e.m.p.s paint a picture that has my attention. but I value your ability connect the dots and would like to know your take

f2df98 (36)  No.5970355


sorry. somehow the board is lagging I look back and you answered my questions

c7223a (12)  No.5970426>>5970696 >>5993950


Yes, Basel III is terribly essential. what is taking place in Venezuella, i think (((they))) are testing emp, I think Ven is some of darft or practice or test to see how it's going to work.

Basel III is terribly dangerous to fiat currencies, and number one fiat currency in the world is USD followed by EURO, then YEN, then others. If you truly understand what the concept of money is, you will understand that Basel III is Mr terminator to fiat currencies. Ever since 1971 Gold and USD are enemies. USD was strong and only strong as long as it was stronger than gold. USD was atop of Gold. But Basel III is putting them on the same level. This means 2 enemies on the same ground in a fragile economy world wide.

Gold is gold, it's value is….well, gold. it cannot change it's nature. But USD, is what exactly? Oh yes! printed paper. do you get it?

f2df98 (36)  No.5970461>>5970693


aloha as well Thomas. the economic impact you describe are actually what is was foreseeing and your description just now helped me understand what human behavior would occur at the same time. yes I have been doing my part here for a year or two before learning of Q. people just file me away as eccentric and that is fine. I used to joke if I see the rain coming and no one listens then the best thing I can do is be the man with umbrellas. When trump was in primaries I realized at a certain point he was inevitably going to when barr repubs pulling a Julius ceasar at the convention. shortly after I realized that I had to update my horizon and thought does this change anything else I see coming round the way? My initial answer was no. however, I further had to revise this all when confronted with all of this. so it looks like our odds given all above is such, as 50/50. that's still better than my Outlook this time last year.

know your neighbors. have a rally point separate from your main base for retreat.

c7223a (12)  No.5970693>>5970830


Actually, I'm a green "alien" with anthenas just like you ^_^ I have been persecuted for knowing the truth, and that for 40 years. it's been a terribly long and hard fight for me.

I know from experience that human's hearts are very dark while every few truly have good hearts. You and I are supposed to be enemies, do you know that? Yet here I am, fighting a fight along side poeple from all around the world. i didn't look at your flag or your passport, I wanted to make a change by looking at people's hearts. When I'm reaching out to you right now and telling you to prepare, I'm not doing it because you are american, I'm doing it because I hope I can help you be safe from harm. if you only knew who I really was, I wonder what will you do? yet, here i am, putting everything aside, taking the dirt that is being thrown in my face in 8 chan for some time, simply because I believe in the fight against evil, and I believe it will be defeated, crushed. The real question, is = what is the price of this victory?

I keep on urging Potus to backpadel from the Golan signature. That is terribly important in more ways than you can ever image possible. Without that signature, the chances were 50/50. But with that paper signed, the chances cam down all the way to 20 %. Even if it's a bluff from Potus, he must cancel that thing immediatly. IMMEDIATLY. He has no idea how that MONSTER is going to mutate. This is very important and with this move Potus just threw in the trash all the hard work the Alliance has been doing behind the scenes for 4 years now.

A lot of people reading this will think: oh this old man is senile and stupid, how can he possibly know what's better than potus? The answer is easy = I know the enemy for 40 years, I know how the enemy behaves better than anyone. Potus just blew a hole into this movement. i wish he didn't. I know the team is reading what I'm writting as well as the shills. both gave me plenty of proof they are reading what i'm writting. last year this time around, the outlook was much better than the now. Unfortunetly, i know Potus will not listen to me, because he thinks he knows better and he thinks I don't know the truth since I don't know what is taking place behind the scenes. My reply is = REMEMBER HOW ALL OF THIS STARTED AND WHO STARTED IT? if you have forgotten, I didn't. So in the name of Heaven, just take back that stupid piece of paper before it's too late.

f2df98 (36)  No.5970696>>5970787


oh yes I follow. when I worked for art Laffer I had to research into the requirements changes entailed in be. that was years ago though and only a week or so back did it get back on my radar and it was with respect to the role of gold. honestly I could kick myself for not seeing it. I was thinking it was going to be moves by China to get others to recognize the Yuan as a substitute for dollars with respect to oil purchases. a petroyuan to undermine the petrodollar. but yes this ie likely much worse if gone without proper mitigation.

c7223a (12)  No.5970787>>5970885


Don't worry, Yuan will NEVER be the dominant currency. China's economy is one HUGE illusion. All the numbers are fake for the past 30 or something years. China's economy is a paper tiger. The real king of money is gold. The one whom have hoarded the greatest amount of it is going to "rule" the economical world. Check out whom's been doing that ? it's the same country that has been stocking wheat and other types of food for a few years now. A hint = it's not China.

China's so called gold reserve numbers are not to be trusted. They are the kings of forgery along side Israel. I believe a lot of the gold that China pretends to have is tugnsten (hope I spelled that one right) covered with a thin layer of gold. And I don't believe Fort Nox has the amount of gold everyone thinks it does. That is unless Potus managed to get back a part of what was stolen.

f2df98 (36)  No.5970830>>5971097


I am a bit confused but I know that's ok. I must admit your word choice and written mannerisms I couldn't quite match with any region or country. but I chalked that up to the age difference. no matter though. you are correct man is capable of unspeakable things and that's one of the reasons I drew that line and stepped forward in for this battle before I knew it was a fight. Gita taught me the meaning of karma. I fight as a human that will die in hopes that human spirit can find itself

f2df98 (36)  No.5970885>>5971097


yup vlads been preparing for some time. it's one reason I hope to be surprised. at this moment at least we have an enemy of my enemy is my friend situation with Russia and I have a hunch that POTUS and Vlad understand that although cultures may differ we could drop the tension and work together on many things. unfortunately push may come to shove and prevent that

6ca41a (17)  No.5971068>>5971263


If D5 corresponds to a death sentence, then there have been numerous sentences handed out since last May. None corresponding directly with the released date of death. Are you suggesting that there have been more than 3 deep state/cabal death sentences?

c7223a (12)  No.5971097>>5971996




Sorry, I never realized I could be this confusing. You can say I'm an EXOTIC person. I speak fluently 5 languages and I can switch between them mid sentence if i wanted to. I've read tones of books, I really do mean tones, i was calling the walking encyclopedia all of my life. What a title that is? it's funny.

You can consider me a hybrid. I come from 2 countries, but 3 cultures. I'm perfectly adapted everywhere I go, I'm a cameleon, the only thing that betrays me is my "accent" when i talk ^_^ And by becoming an archeologist, I've also broken through time, I've traveled backwards and visited all ancient cultures and civilisations. Most of them anyway. I live in a family that is composed of mixed poeple = marriage to different nationalities, cultures and christian communities. And I guess the age difference does add it's pinch of salt to it all.

I'm telling you all of this about myself for the fun of it, I'm trying to show you just what one person can do when you don't have cabal chains holding you back. when Q said WWG1WGA…… I was like: euh! excuse me, but where should I stand? I have 2 nationalities because of my parents, am i this or am I that? i don't want to pick a side. I am who I am. So when Q says WWG1WGA and then Potus comes along and excludes every single anon fighting back in the middle east by signging the Golan papers. What does this mean? It doesn't mean we are all in this fight against the Cabal? It means SOME are KICKED out by the movement. Will I be kicked out as well when I don't fit the plan of Potus? is this exclusevily american. Sure Potus is leading the charge, but who got his back? Who is standing next to him? Either we all fall together or we are victorious all together, we don't get to pick and choose in this. Do you see how big the hole Potus blew in the movement when he signed the Golan papers from a "anons" point of view?

All that and I'm not getting into the political, human, intellectual and military ramification.

And yes, good old Vlad truly does understand how it's like. But you see, when you pull out american influence like Potus wants to do, you should not replace it with another influence. It's like changing prison guards, but the guards are still there. They should both let each and every single nation rule oneself. And I think that is wishfull thinking from this old man.

c7223a (12)  No.5971263


I have come to believe that D5 to Death Sentence.

There are 3 possibilities:

1 - either each and single time D5 is mentioned is te equivalent of one dead cabal member.

2 - or maybe 2 or 3 D5 mentioned can point to one and single person, as in a specific group of D5 in a specific time frame points to one cabal member. i noticed there are only 2 death of cabal members . The D5 showed up : a bit before, during, and after, the time frame when McStain supposedly died as in it's put in a chronological [ ] kill box = from this month to this month. - this happened in a more obvious and eye catching way during Bush senior as in = before he died (truly died), during the time he was dead, and after his death with the funeral and all. Another time frame put in a [ ] kill box.

3 - but I noticed once or twice, from the very beginning posts that D5 can also be a way for Q to remind Cabal members of the punishment of treason.

I hope I managed to answer your question and didn't complicate it for you.

c7223a (12)  No.5971704>>5971793 >>5979177


Sorry anon, I didn’t mean any harm, but waking up from the matrix is not pleasant. Your place in this life is easy to know. There is a way to help your family. The answer is Christ’s TRUE message = LOVE. You might think this is stupid or shallow, but it’s not. Stop for a second, and think. What did the Cabal implanted in humans for a very long time = SELFISHNESS. When you stop carring for others then Cabal does whatever they want. They would have won. When you stop caring for the yemeni child that is dying from hunger, stop carying for the syrian being beheaded by Isis, stop caring for the christian nigerian being killed by muslims, when you stop caring for the victims of ebola in africa, when you stop caring for the poor hungry people in india…………. This is all cabal doing……. And they want us to stop caring……. Once we stop caring, we become either sheeps or just like them. They are afraid of humanity waking up and ressonating in one voice together and rejecting all of the bad everywhere and embracing the good and love. Their master Satan would loose power if that takes place.

You can do great things anon, big changes can take place. And you can do it with your own hands, your bare hands. You will probably laugh back at me and say I’m old fashioned and a terribly senile old man, but let me just tell you the little stuff you can do to make this world a better living place and take it out of cabal claws. You can start by smilling to others, saying thank you, you can start giving your seat in the bus or train to the wounded or elderly, you can open the door to the ladies, you can help carry the bags of physically weaker persons. You can also start by hugging and kissing your wife/kids if married, mother/father/ siblings if single or your girlfriend. Showing affection and care to other human beings is very much important because it’s the equivalent of breaking the cabal chains. Some may choose to help others and their community. The goodness and kindness that comes out from one heart is very important in winning this fight. But it shouldn’t stop there, it should be merged with correctnous, rightouness. Being correct and doing the right thing is terribly hard to do and it takes out a lot of strength out of a person to do that. It's a compas that is very hard to keep up with.

Do you remember that 78 years old lady that was beaten up in a train a few days ago? What did other persons do? They just sat there, some watched, some filmed it and maybe some called the cops. But did ONE just stood up and simply told the man to stop beat the lady? No. No one made one single move nor said one single word to stop the physical pain and abuse that old lady was living in that specific moment. That is when the Cabal have won. This is what they want us to become. While most of the persons reading this are sleeping warmly and safely at night tonight, there are people out there, whom are sleeping in the cold, are hungry, are being slaughtered, are being bombed, are in pain. A lot of people are going to react = So now I’m being held responsible for the misery of stupid strangers?

c7223a (12)  No.5971793


Yes you are because we are ONE. What if the roles were reversed? What if something wrong took place and you are the one sleeping in the cold? What if something like a huge crisis hits like what I’ve been talking with another anon just a bit ago, and you end up exactly in the streets like the homeless person you ignore each day on your way to work? What if that was you? Cabal taught us not to think about each other and think only of ourselves, that is in my opinion their greatest achievement. I want to break that chain. I want to scream loud and stop the war in yemen, I want to scream loud and send medic to ebola ravaged countries, I want to scream loud and save people from chemtrails from all over the globe, not just in the States, not just in my country. So tell me, why are you sitting there and not doing anything about it? It = being the wrong in this world. I’m not talking about being here in 8 chan. I am talking about actively doing something in the real world. If Bibi has his feet put to the fire, do you think he would have Bombes Aleppo a couple of nights ago (was it yesterday night or the one before it?) You think Hamas would dare to move if it’s feet were put near the fire as well? You cannot held one accountable while letting the other run free. You should not empower one side while not doing so with the other side, you will give one side the free ticket to exterminate the other. And this is exactly what Cabal wants = more sacrifices, and rejoyce upon seeing.

Reality is hard but in order to win over this darkness the light must start by shinning out of our own selves, into our family, move into the community, then into the entire world. No one would dare to harm another if they knew they would be held accountable for the harm they are causing. You are the light, you are the change. Each and every single one whom believe in God is the light. It’s up to us to use this light or not. It’s up to us to reach out and help others or not, no matter who it is. People are suffering, what do you do about that? There is a multitude of ways, choose one or many, the choice is yours but be kind, do good, and don’t waver from the path of rightousness.

When a person chose to take a part of others harm they stop being a good person.

Potus did that mistake, he choose to take part of the harm Israel is causing to people living in the region, by signging the Golan papers. if Potus doesn't rectify that mistake, if Potus doesn't do anything to stop the yemen war, then Potus becomes part of the harm. Potus forgot that. The military planning forgot that. The chess move forgot that.

It's up to the people to remind them all, we stand for what is right and good. Tricking the enemy doesn't mean we must burry our consciousness nor sacrifice innocents no matter who they are and where they live. We are ONE, or we loose against evil.

dcc062 (19)  No.5971996>>5972464


The Golan is a way-point, a catalyst. Stop being a pussy. Trust the plan.

c7223a (12)  No.5972464>>5976971


You bloody idiot understand that is the trigger of WWIII. The plan is not made of cement, nor written into iron. It's flexible, fluid, a horrible wrong move was made, it needs to be quickly backpadled. use your brain for once and think beyonf yourself. Once Potus has his hands filled with what Cabal is preparing for him inside the States, what do you think Bibi is going to do taking that piece of paper as an excuse? Who is going to hold him accountable? Not shallow selfish person like you. That move is in preparation and part of the big strike the cabal is going to do soon. so you don't care if other people die because of this. Congrats, you are cabal member now.

880556 (1)  No.5973237>>5990660

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to be a
in some
Viewers !

Hmm . . . 2017

I would be extremely

surprized if we

don't later learn that

David Rockefeller


Zbigniew Brzezinski

did not die of natural causes . . .

The Tri-lateral Commision was

NWO before Sir Herbert (GHWB)

taught us the term !

Check to see if other members have also "passed" recently.


6ca41a (17)  No.5976828


ThomasAnon, There are some of us lurking who are amazed and enlightened by your research and your contributions to this movement. One day, when I've caught up with your historical account, I may be in a position to begin researching further with you. Please just know that your research is invaluable and will play a significant part in helping humanity heal when the time comes. Please be safe in all that you do…..

dcc062 (19)  No.5976971

File (hide): ee086b263884e11⋯.png (159.33 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



Master of FUD. (You)


You seem to have a lot of stock in this so-called error…

Just taking note. Don't miss the trap for the bait.

I'm cabal??? OMG, I'm so offended…


6ca41a (17)  No.5979177>>5981126 >>5989692


Dearest ThomasAnon, your message resonates perfectly with me. I truly believe I was meant to find you last night and read this bread…all of it, including your insistence that only LOVE can conquer the Cabal/Satan. The things you ask of me are not difficult at all. Although I am hardly perfect, my compass is in alignment and I hope that it is with my children as well but I know I can always do better.

Along that end I would love to know your thoughts regarding Capitalism vs. Socialism/Nationalism vs. Globalism and the idea of a NWO -which would purportedly make us a one world community, caring for each other.

I do not take you for stupid or shallow. I rejected organized religion for many years but have never questioned God. Your faith in Christ = LOVE is a valuable ideal that we could all use more of.

When I saw the video of the 78 year old lady being beaten all I could think of was jumping in front of the woman and taking the beating on my younger (female) self. It was horrific to know that someone just stood there and filmed……

I've been gradually waking over the past few months but this bread made it all fall into place…. THANK YOU… I may owe you my family's lives. On that note, I now must put on the oxygen mask so I can help others and I need to start with my family. My children are in close proximity to DC attending college and I'm at a loss as to what to do… I want to go and grab them and bring them home - hours away- now but I am at a loss as to how to justify that to them. Everyone's lives are so complicated and warning friends and family to be prepared is delicate when they have no idea what is going on. Do you have any suggestions how to move forward other than to have food/water/supply stocks at the ready?

6ca41a (17)  No.5979839>>5981372


Unfortunately, I cannot help with a graphic but I could help putting a chronology in order which I think you asked for….

I've looked everywhere and cannot find the instructions on how to archive offline. I'd need to download the breads (4 so far) onto my computer. The tab that says download only gives me the jpg/png for each post. Can you tell me where to find instructions on how to archive offline?

dcc062 (19)  No.5981126



Try that playlist.

It's posted above as well. The channel is super shilly. Those guys bite at any conspiracy theory that moves. Seems like just monetizing qresearch topics for the last year or so. Youtubers are petty. Anyway, credit where credit is due. Those 5 videos are well made and spot on as far as subject matter without getting into the weeds much at all.

f2df98 (36)  No.5981372


got to the main research thread. in all the material at the top around notable list it mentions a manner to get er done

cccdf3 (6)  No.5983950>>5984499

This is Thomas Anon,

Good day to anons reading this. I must admit, it sure is good to be home. I appologize if some anons were waiting for a reply from me, I was traveling back home and when I got there, this old man needed his rest as well as some family time.

Before I get started, I took a quick look at the news on zerohedge to see if I missed something, I didn’t read the articles, just the titles, that’s enough for this old men to “smell” the situaiton:









This is what I was talking about in my yesterday’s drops and why I keep on insisting on some points. And again, the econimical situation in the States as well as the influx of “migrants” keeps on bringing me back to the collapse of Rome. And all of the articles about the economical collapse; they are preparing the narritive, for us, the people. They are spoon feading us that it’s going to come down. When exactly, I honestly don’t know. I could start extremely soon, or it could go on for several months. And did anons notice the article about the masks ? Is that Cabal style article of fear mongering, or is it real? I also don’t know. And of course the power shortage in Ven and that batteries storage article. They are synchronized. Of course we gotta keep an eye on this stuff to see how it’s going to evolve but the signs are already there, if you can recognize them, that is.

I’m also glad to see anon helping each others out ^_^ that put a huge smile on my wrinkled face. Sometimes, the smallest of gestures can lead to big happenings.

cccdf3 (6)  No.5984499>>5984678


Now let me try to answer some of the stuff anons asked me or want to know about:

>>> Unfortunately, I cannot help with a graphic but I could help putting a chronology in order which I think you asked for….

Thank you and bless you anon. Everything is fine. I’m not Mr perfect as well and I’m not Mr know it all as well. We all have our strong points and good points. Each one of us is talented in a specific way and each one of us can bring good stuff to this movement if we work hand in hand. So anything you can and want to do is perfectly fine and very welcome. Thank you.

>>> I'd need to download the breads (4 so far) onto my computer.

It seems some anons came to your rescue, it’s good. I’m not that much of a wizard with computers. And I only want to point out that I started dropping in the third symbolism thread and not before. I started in January of this year, when I was stuck in bed for some time because of my health. My first drops were mostly pictures, didn’t talk much; but then I started talking too much didn’t I? ^_^

>>> Please just know that your research is invaluable and will play a significant part in helping humanity heal when the time comes.

Thank you for your support and nice warm words anon. I must admit, my research sucks. I’m not satisfied with it myself. I’m used to academic research, so this sort of research is what I consider “shallow” research. I can dig much deeper and find more “solid” information. I need to get myself into a good library though first. Maybe one day I will do the academic hard research. And you need to take into consideration, that I might be also wrong. Not because I’m walking the wrong path, but because there is plenty we don’t know and a lot was hidden from us. So for the time being, I’m just looking at the first layer of stuff, I am not trying to perfect the work nor the details. One day, other anons will take one piece at a time and polish the information, verify it in a way it won’t be disputed or doubted and it will be the method for us to write down the real history of mankind. All of those books printed for nothing. We need to redo everything and there is sooooo much we don’t know about. Everything I’ve learned in university is put up to questionning and I’m revising everything I know and looking at it in another perspective. That is why I’ve said what I just said in this paragraph. The task is simply huge. It cannot be done in a couple of months, it needs a life time to do it. For now, it’s good to have an idea or a general view of how things truly were and are. This is just a starter, consider it as a draft. There is so much to be done still.

>>> The things you ask of me are not difficult at all.

I hope so dear lady. There is so much to be done.

>>> Along that end I would love to know your thoughts regarding Capitalism vs. Socialism/Nationalism vs. Globalism and the idea of a NWO -which would purportedly make us a one world community, caring for each other.

Oh Lord! That is sure one big question ^_^ let me TRY to make it short and simple:

- NWO sucks. It’s impossible to be one world community if you ORDER it or try to MANIPULATE it. Everything of this scale should be organic. It must come NATURALLY. Everything that is not a natural evolution is doomed to fail and it usually mutates into something bad and harmful. That is why I said NWO sucks.

cccdf3 (6)  No.5984678>>5984883


- Capitalism vs. Socialism: both creation of the cabal in order to put us into categories, to divide us. It’s like making some type of selection of the herd. Both have good sides to them, both have terribly bad sides to them. You gotta understand, those 2 are totally modern invention. Back in the days, they never existed, which didn’t stop humanity to thrieve. Take ancient Egypt, they surely didn’t have any of those 2 but look at the glory it build. Let’s go all the way to China and the emperors there, that surely is one huge poweful kingdom as some point in history. I can go on and on forever with historical examples.

I believe that is truly important that ANY person, regardless of race, gender, religion and age should do their outmost best to be productive in society. Every single person has their weak points and their strong points, we should find a way to put their strong points in an advantagious spot. Not everyone has the same level as everyone else. Competance is terribly important. Let’s take an example when it comes to archeologists, take a look at me, I’m good in what I do, even though my classmates and my co workers whom have studied the same lessons as and worked in the same projects as, didn’t develop this little spark that I have. While in the same time, there is one other guy in the group that has developped an amazing talent in ceramic. So you see, even if we take the same lessons, and work in the same domaine and project, not everyone absorbs the information as others do. So for some capitalism is what makes them shine like a start, and for others it’s socialism.

I think both are terribly harmful if take them to extremes. Socialism is terribly good to help the ones in need in the society, or it can be a support pillar when they are in difficulty. But relying too much on gvt support and welfare can only create a lazy selfish brainless zombified part of the population, while the other part is struggeling to pay the taxes so that lazy dude can relax all day long on some beach somewhere. That is totally abusive and wrong. But if there is a single mother of 2 struggeling to make ends meet, then yes, it would be wonderful to give her the right type of support she needs in order to keep her family and herself afloat. Same goes for capitalism, it’s terribly nice to be independent and be succesdful in the job you do, mostly creating it from scratch, seeing it grow out of your pure hands and labor to become a very successful enterprize. But in the same time, we should give equal opportunity to everyone, and not crush a section of the population, while elevating another. Equal pay is terribly important, and I think the “PAY” should be judge on 2 things: 1 -- most importantly the competance of the person working. – 2 – his education level depending on the type of work of course. Don’t get offended over this second point, I think it’s important because I know a lot of people whom didn’t pull the educational weight that I did, (I spent a lot of years stuck studying instead of going out or partying) and yet, you see people whom barely have open the text book in their lives get higher positions simply because they are well connected.

I think eduction is terribly important, but most people think that education is about succeeding in school and entering big colleges ands such stuff. That is just one part of it. There was a butcher that my wife used to buy meat from in our area where we live. He barely graduated from high school and then opened up a butchery, but he was one of the most educted person’s I’ve ever seen in my life. He was a naturally talented person in music. When he used to play on the piano (yes, my wife and I attended a couple of his concerts) he used to play divinly well. It’s because of his talent and when he was already a grown up (mid 30s) that he earned a scholarship and was taught music (the notes that is). He is one of the most educated persons I’ve ever met. See what I mean about education.

cccdf3 (6)  No.5984883>>5985067


Another issue I want to bring up are women in the work force. Don’t get me wrong anons, but I believe the most important role of a woman is being a GOOD mother. That is the primal goal. Women are amazing creatures, they can do multiple tasks all at the same time and can over take dragons with their little fingers. But women have the greatest responsibility of all = raising up the children. I’m not talking about feeding them and taking care physically of them, I’m taking about the moral and goodness of heart a mother can transfer to her children. After the child reaches a certain age, the mother’s role would lessen, then yes, I encourage the ladies to plunge head first into the working force. They are fierce workers and some are much more competant than men, depending on the work type. I’m trying to say that mothers, till a certain age, should neglect how they kids are brought up. See the result of that in our modern society. Each new generation that comes along is far worse than the one passing. The degrading moral, lack of respect to anything and everyone, is totally horrible. And from what I’ve been recently reading, it looks like this is all orchestrated by the Cabal, mostly the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers in order to break down society. Without a mother supervising closely how her child is brought up and educated, the cabal can fill the head along with the heart of the kid with anything they want. So until a certain age, I’m all for women taking solely care of their children (if it can be done) but after a certain age, the kids won’t be needing that supervision, so yes, I’m all for women working and being the equivalent of men. But I guess at the end of the day it all comes down to the individual choices.

- Now I want to talk about Nationalism alone. Nationalism is as old as the first nation that apperead in history. What is so binding as nationalism is the language, the culture and mostly the traditions or habits one specific group of individuals have in common. Our nationality is our identity. It defines who we are individually and as a group of individuals. So yes, nationalism is terribly important if we don’t want to loose who we are. But unfortunetly, a lot of people have totally forgotten what it is simple because they were educated by cabal system that it’s “uncool” to be a nationalist. I come full circle here with my comments about the role of the mother. The cabal replaced the influence of the mother on it’s children, and one generation after the other, tried to erase nationalism. Making us forget, loose and even trash our attachement to our identity as individuals and as a community or a group of individuals (no matter how small or big it is).

I think Potus and Q understood this plan of the cabal and they made it into one of their primary goals in the great awakening = the rebirth of nationalism. And they have beautiful and spectacularly succeeded. When the WWG1WGA apparead, I almost fell from my chair while bouncing out of joy. Then when other nations started to get involved, it shattered the boundries of nationalism and it started to spread all over the planet. When they started saying WWG1WGA, it started to resonate not just a nation but as human being all around the planet, we were united in our humanity., beyond our nationality.

Which brings me to globalism. No, this is not globalism, I have a different name of the WWGWGA becoming planetarian = UNIVERSALISM.

cccdf3 (6)  No.5985067>>5985274 >>6048349


It’s not secret that globalism is another cabal creation in order to control us better and have us under their dominance. But universalims is totally different.

Ever since I could remember I was always fascinated a a child how humans, all over the planet, with no direct contact with one another, nor with any sort of ties with one another, can feel the exact same feelings towards a similar situation. Let me explain:

If a child is born in Japan, in Angola, in Chile, in Canada or in Spain, the parents would be happy. When a guy falls in love with a girl, he writes her poetry, brings her flowers, tries to seduce her etc. When we loose someone we love and cherish, we cry, our heart aches, no matter what is the color of my skin, nor the language I speak or my religion. So you see anons, human emotions are the same no matter your gender, your nationality, your language, your race or your religion. Human feelings can break through the barrier of geography and connect us all = we resonate in the same way. But if you add to it TIME, you will see that human feelings have also broke through the barrier of time. The person whom lost a loved one and cried in ancient egypt, has the same feelings as a person in roman times, the same feeling as Abbasid times, the same emotions as native americans or Edo era in Japan. Take a little look at poetry in various nations and from different times when they talk about love. It’s the same thing. That is why, I’ve always believed Human feelings are universal, they can break through the barriers of time and space, they are immortal. They never fade away or change. It’s what binds us together on this planet and makes us different from others species. I had so much hope in this, mostly to see the WWG1WGA mutate into becoming universalism while still preserving it’s nationalism flavor. We don’t need to abandon our nationality to resonate in our human emotions with one another. Both and coexist and even intertwine. But I was wrong. Potus, Q nor the anons are in any time ready to take that step forward. I guess it’s just wishful thinking from my part. I always thought that once this is realized by humans, than yes, we can be free from cabal virtual chains. When we understand that we are truly blood brothers walking this earth we would break free. Sure each of us will keep their own specifics but none are truly that different in their core than others. It seems I was wrong anons. It seems, humanity cannot take that step forward, not yet anyway. i guess i'm just an idealist.

cccdf3 (6)  No.5985274>>5994328


>>> I rejected organized religion for many years but have never questioned God.

Same thing here.

>>>Your faith in Christ = LOVE is a valuable ideal that we could all use more of.

People tend to forget that before Christ came, there was no church, eventhough believer in the Lord existed. When he came, he never preached about the church hierarchy and how we should obey it or the rituals done. His message was about loving one another. When he went back to Heaven, he gave a task to spread this message of love and compassion and builda community around it. What did we do instead? We gave too much power to a specific group of men that think they know better on how to rule us all? it's a bunch of men through history that put up the hierarchy in the church and it's constitution. They even tried to controly everything about Christ, mostly his message.

>>>It was horrific to know that someone just stood there and filmed……

Exactly my thoughts, the most horrible person in that train was the cold blooded person holding that phone and filming everything without even blinking.

>>> I've been gradually waking over the past few months but this bread made it all fall into place…. THANK YOU… I may owe you my family's lives.

In Heavens name lady! Don't thank me, I'm just a grumpy fed up old guy whom wants to kick some cabal butt. I just hate everything that is taking place and it's making me sick, literally. You shouldn't thank me, you and I are the same, we are children of the Lord. We are brothers and sisters. I bet a day will come, you will play your part in this as well. So let's thank the Lord instead. Without HIM we were doomed.

>>> Do you have any suggestions how to move forward other than to have food/water/supply stocks at the ready?

i understand your worries, mostly about your family. I'm a parent too,and feel the same way. It's terribly late where i am now, I need to call it a day. I will write to you again tomorrow on how to better prepare. You can start without my help by buying the cleaning products and other neccessities, like toilet paper and such stuff first. Then you can start with the food, but just give me time till tomorrow to explain better the situation to you.

In the meantime, tonight, if you want to have an idea as to what we MIGHT face, go to youtube and try to look for videos about what the situation is like in Venuzuela, take a look at videos on why and how riots spread, what to buy in case of emergency, what to prepare for, such types of videos. take notes, then make lists as to what you may need. And tomorrow compare, add or remove items after reading what I will write you.

And this advise i give it to all anons reading this. I don't know what exactly is going to take place, but something is up. There is no way the economy problem can be stopped, it can be postponed for some time. how long? i don't know. but the emp attack or another type of attack by cabal can be stopped by the alliance. As i said yesterday: prevention is better than cure and prepare for the worse while we hope and pray for the best.

On this I'm going to wish anons a good evening. God keep you safe.

91d16a (6)  No.5989092

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I'm going to make a combination image of that.

91d16a (6)  No.5989368

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4753ac (2)  No.5989375


Good day anons,

Thomas anon wanting to make an update about the Phoenician archive.

Early today, I met my old mentor whom participated in Tyr digs, looking for the archive. He added new information.

He said, there is a huge section of the "old" city that is still untouched, not excavated because the shiite grave yard which was near the non excavated area, expanded to the area and it created a huge problem when the gvt wanted to remove the unlawlful extention of the graveyard. So the gvt just left that big section untouched, then the so called civil war kicked in and the shiite grave yard kept on expanding. So according the him it's highly possible the archive rooms were located in that big section area of Tyr.

Then he talked about an old abandoned well discovered a few miles away from Tyr. In that well, the antiquities department in Lebanon had recovered around 200 small ceramic jugs. While cleaning them and reconstructing them, they found A FEW of them which had a couple of Phoenician letters or inscriptions carved into them. He then added that in the entire exacations done in the area, it was probably terribly rare to find ONE or TWO objects with a couple of Phoenician alphabet on them. He noted that it's very ODD.

let me explain:

Imagine you are teh governor of the city and you want to make a pottery order or a bread order. You bring in a scribe to your "office" and you tell him what you need, the scribe writes it down on a piece of pyparus, skin roll or a small piece of clay. That "ordonnance" is then sent via messanger to the "shop" in the industrial area so that the required items may be prepared by the craftman. the messanger leaves the written ordonnance in the shop, he doesn't take it back with him to the governor's place. so how come we cannot find such inscriptions in the industrial sector?

Another example is tombstones, we couldn't find ONE dating back to the Phoenician era with phoenician alphabet on it.

Another example is in the residential area or the hyppodrome, also, we couldn't find one spek of alphabet, not even one letter.

Which is terribly odd, and it's even more odd that it's extremely rare to find any sort of Phoenician writtings all around the Med sea eventhough Pheonicians were all over the place for a long long time.

So us old guys agreed there might have been a coordinated effort to gather and hide whatever inscription or writtings there is in Phoenician alphabet. And this was done during the Herod the Great rule. We must not disregard the possibility of the archive rooms being in that untouched sector in Tyr, but that is terribly challenged by the fact we are not able to find one spek of letter anywhere in the city itself. it's impossible. we shouldn't ignore the possibility of the archives being buried under that sector, but in the same time we shouldn't ignore the oddity of the "vanishing" inscriptions not just in Phoenicia but all over the Med.

4753ac (2)  No.5989692>>5989848


Dear lady,

Thomas anon wishes you a good Sunday. I understand your concerns, the situation is not an easy one and I honestly don’t know how much time we really have. This could be stretched out for months or it could come to a conclusion in a matter of days. That’s the only part in this entire issue that I’m flying blind about = the timing of it all.

I strongly believe the economical problem cannot be saved or avoided, everyone has been playing ostrich with it for a long time. I am fully aware what is the narrative potus has been putting up there for the last 2 years, and I fully understand why he is doing it this way. This part of the plan I trust him a zillion percent, he is the best person ever on earth to drive this ship while it’s sinking and after it sank. But this doesn’t mean he will be able to stop it from happening. He will lessen the damages and he will sprint the country back up on it’s feet, but no one will avoid the blow. It’s too late for that. And I want to point out that the situation will turn out differently to every single person reading this, it depends on where you live and how you live.

When preparing, you gotta understand and even visualize how it’s going to be like. I know a lot of people, mostly what is called the western countries have been spared for some time the hardships that comes along with life. So in other words the citizens of these countries don’t know what to do in order to survive if things turn bad or if the system is broken. They totally depend on the system, which is not good in this type of senario.

Let me start first by talking about the precious metals, mostly gold and silver: Gold is a wealth preserver. I don’t know if you realize what hyperinflation means? It means the money you have worked for all of your life and saved for your retirement is going to evaporate literally. One day you would have a 100$ in your bank account which will buy you a 100 loaf of bread, the second day that same 100 $ will buy you 5 loafs of bread; and that is if the 100 is still in your bank account and a bail in didn’t take place. I’m an old man, I’ve worked hard all of my life and I’ve been blessed, we live comfortably. What will happen to me and my wife if all of my savings are worthless? So I went and bought some gold. I made various types of purchase, from ounce to coins etc. I diversified it on purpose. This is what you should do as well in order to preserve your savings. I’m not saying put all of your savings into metal, physical metal that is, a piece that you keep at home near you, in your reach. Just make your caclculations and see how much you can spare or use to buy gold as a means to preserve your wealth and status of living when the crisis comes.

Silver is also very important. While gold is a wealth presever, silver is for daily usage. Let’s pretend the crisis hits and it’s drags for several months, if during those months, you slip in the shower and break your leg (God forbids) your family is going to rush you to the nearest hospital, right? But you are forgetting we will be in a crisis mode, as in there is no health insurance running, they are all bankrupt, and I don’t think the gvt will cover you personally while it has it’s handfull with crisis all over the country, they need time. So what do you do? You think the hospital is going to admit you for free? This is when silver comes in hand, you pay them with silver coins or bars. Let’s also pretend the crisis is hitting and something happens and you lack of a very specific food item, so you need to go to the store and buy some of it. Take a look at how hyperinflation worked in Venuzuella. Look at the stacks of paper money used to buy one chicken. You will find videos about it in youtube. But if you have a silver coin in your hand, it’s a different story, isn’t it?

You also should have some cash at your disposal. When the crisis hits, it’s not going to sky rocket in a blink, hyperinflation is going to move gradually. In other words, cash money will keep you afloat for some time before you will be forced to use silver coins. And don’t go thinking the banks are going to be open and your money will be given to you or saved. Banks will ran amok. It’s important for you to SEE = VISUALIZE what MAY happen, so go to youtube and take a look at Venuzuella and in Greece when the banks shut their doors close a few years back.

So now, let me resume = when the crisis hits, you need cash the first period while hyperinflation is slowly moving, then when it becomes useless to use cash you switch to silver and gold should be used as a means to preserve your savings.

b54c4f (2)  No.5989848>>5990020

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What I’ve just said, it varies terribly from one person to another depending on their own lives and situation. I cannot tell you exactly what to do, it’s up to you to figure that out depending on your salary, your savings,where you live etc. So organize yourself when it comes to the metals depending on your situation. I’m just explaining the function of each so you would know what to do and how to adapt to what’s coming.

Anons need to undertand that your every day routine will stop. You gotta hammer inside of your brains that you won’t be able to go to the bank or an ATM to withdraw money or the health insurrance won’t be able to cover you if anything happens. You will be on your own for some time and only depend on your self. I insist everyone interested in this should go SEE it with your eyes on youtube videos, so you would know what to expect.

Now I want to move into supplies: since we don’t know when this will truly hit, if you buy food, there is an expiry date to them. So first, what you can do is to actually prepare where you are going to “store” everything (an attic or cellar or the pantry etc) this is also specific to each and every single person, depending on their situation and where they live. Second thing to do is to make a list of what you consume monthly; as in example you eat 1 kg of rice each month for 2 persons. So you make HOW much you need to buy in food and supplies for several months (3 or 4 months). You can start immediately by buying the cleaning products and other useful supplies for your everyday life like soap and shampoo etc. Just check if they have expiration date, some products do have them.

Now food is tricky. You should avoid dairy products, meat, chicken and sea life. They all need a freezer and you might not have electricity to keep your freezer running. So those are not to buy in times of crisis. I’ve seen many videos when hurricanes hit people rushing to the grocery stores and pilling up chicken and cheese and other products of the stuff. Upon hundreads of persons in that video, I saw only 2 people whom avoided those food types and went to buy what needs to be bought = canned food which has a long preservation duration, and all sorts of grains that you can store in a cool area, at first don’t buy too much grain because they might spoil and deteriorate from heat and bad storage conditions. So you can buy a certain limit, and when the D day comes, you go buy the rest. Of course living on grains for a certain period of time is not good for the body. So, for calcium, you should buy powder milk instead of liquid milk. Butter needs fridge, and again, that depends if you have electricity or not. What I’m telling you right now is under the scope of you living without any electricity for some time. So oil, corn, olive or sunflower is the replacement of butter. What is good about oil is that it can be stored for a long time without any cooling and it won’t deteriorate. So you can start buing oil as soon as tomorrow. Salt and sugar goes the same as oil as well as spices. In this type of situation spices are sources of vitamins for the body. If you cannot get your hands on veggies and fruits where you will get the important vitamins for your body? You have spices and what is called the “dried foods” as in all sorts of nuts. Those can be stored without cooling and they are a great source of vitamins. Coffee, thyme and tea can also be stored.

Bread will be a problem, you cannot store it without it spoiling. So you have 2 things you can do about it, you can buy biscuits and cereals, of course you gotta check the expiration date. And you can buy wheat grains or/and flour and make bread yourself at home. But since I’m talking about a senario where there is no electricity, it means the oven won’t be working, so how to make bread without an oven. Well, I’ve put some pictures for you about a specific TYPE of Lebanese bread that is mostly used in rural areas of Lebanon, it’s called Saj bread. All you need is a semi circular pot a convex pot that you turn upside down (as you see in the picture) on a source of heat, like a BBQ or inside of your chimney and you place the stretched dough on it. If you want to recipe, you can find it online and you can find video on how to do it. I suggest you try it out a few times just to get the hand of it. If you cannot do that, then try to use a flat frying pan, and cook the dough like what the French do when they prepare for the Crèpes. In both cases, either the Saj bread or crèpe bread style, the bread you are going to get is thin like the tortilla bread. I know you may not be used to eating it, but it will sustain you enough and you will survive out of the crisis.

b54c4f (2)  No.5990020>>5990369

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We depend terribly on supermarkets and on grocery stores. You gotta prepare in such a way there won’t be any supply chain to the store or to the senario that the store shelves are emptied out. See pictures during hurricanes and in Venuzuella crisis, and of course, I’m saying these things if the wrost ever comes. I hope not. Now the good news is that in the States, the storage houses are filled to the rim, which is good news, but how long will it take for those “goods” to be in the stores for individuals to buy? A week, a month, more than that. I believe some regions will be hit harder than others. Like urban areas are going to get hit harder than rural areas, and depending on the geographical location some areas, even urban ones, will receive supplies faster than others.

Now water: Drinking clean water is important, if the electrical grid goes down, it means the water pumps won’t be functioning. How long back up generators will hold? And I believe hospitals and medical care facilities will be given top priority when it comes to electricity. So you may end up with no water, either tap water or drinking water. You must buy big quantaties of clean water to drink and to cook with and store them. It depends on how much you consume and how many of you are in the family. As for tap water, here you gotta ration whatever you’ve got and not use it all in one go. You may stay weeks without any water being pumped to you or maybe months. I don’t know. So what to do in such situaitons: first, laundry, there is no way to wash in machines you gotta do that manually in buckets, and do your best not to waste a lot of water while doing it, the same goes to washing the dishes. Some many resort to platic dishes and forks in order to save up washing water, but that will also make the garbage pile up fast. So it’s going to be up to you to choose a method. And also thanks to Lebanese survival technics, if you have a bath tub, you can plug it and fill it with water each time you will get water. Use the bathtub as a small reservoir. When you want to shower and clean up, you wash manually while standing on the tile floor in the bathroom, the water will go down the drain, using shower heads will waste all the water reserves you’ve got. Same goes for the toilet seat, if you are going to use the toiled seat siphon each time you want to go, then you will finish your water supply in a day. So you have to use manually small amounts of it with a small bucket. And you can buy some big water plastic barrels and pout them on your balcony or back yard and store water in them as well. These are suggestions and survival technics IF the most horrible senario happens. I hope we won’t reach that point. Take notes, prepare mentally and see what you can do according to your situation. Prepare for the worst and hope for the better. Oh and for laundry, remember your dryer will be useless, so you will need a rope to dry washed laundry on.

For cooking and heating: I don’t think if the electrical grid goes down you will receive gaz to cook or heat your homes as well. So what to do? You can buy camping cooking stove along with spare gaz recharge. You buy a BBQ if you already don’t have one and stock on coal and wood and use them to cook on instead of the stove. The chimney will be your heating source if you have one. If not, then make sure you have warm clothes and blankets.

If you have the luxury of water, you can buy some seeds and plant some greenary in your rear yard, like cucumbers or lettuce or bell pepers; it all depends where you live and what your situation is like.

Make sure you stock on the medics you might need, like I have blood pressure, so I’ve put 6 boxes of my medic as a reserve when the crisis comes. Also, you gotta take into consideration that the trash might not be removed from the front of your door and streets might end up pilled with with garbage. Which is the source of illnesses and the place will be filled with rats and roaches. So buy some antiseptic cleaning products to clean your house and mostly front porch with. Buy some gloves like the ones used by surgeons and buy some medical masks as well. We don’t know how bad it’s going to turn and for how long it’s going to last. And if you have pets, don’t forget to buy what they need as well.

0b1e00 (4)  No.5990369>>5990531


Now I want to talk about electricity: if you don’t have electricity, then what to do? Candles, matches, flashlights and recharge batteries for the flashlight. You can also install one big battery with a single light bulb in the room most used, but that won’t last much, if the big battery is not recharged. Some if they can afford it, can buy a small generator, silent type in order not to bother the neighbors or attract unwanted attention. But you don’t know for sure how much petroleum supplies will be available. Potus and team have prepared the emergency message to send to your cell phones but what to do if your batteries are flat? That is why I think you need some sort of solar recharge, at least to keep your cell phone running. And let’s face it, if this scenario takes place, you gotta wake up with the light and sleep with the light as the Lebanese say. As in you wake up when the sun rises and if there is no sun, you sleep. You gotta shift your daily habits and adapt according to how many sun hours you’ve got.

Which brings me to what do to when you cannot go to work and have no electricity? Well, you need to keep yourself manually busy, as in pick up a hobby. My wife has stacked materials for knitting and stitching. Me, I’ve got me tones of books. So find something to do in your spare hours to keep you busy. It’s important for your mental balance during the crisis if it hits.

Alcoholic beverages are good to cleaning and for attending wounds, they could be put to good use during crisis as well, don’t forget that. Also you should put additional locks on your doors and windows, I’ve reinforced my doors as well. If you have big glass windows and live in a dangerous area, you should prepare some sort of shutters, like what they do when a hurricane is about to hit. If the crisis is stretched for a long period of time, thieves and robbery will roam. So you need to protect yourself and take precautions. And whatever you do, don’t go attracting attention to yourself buy moving big quantities of groceries to your house in one go, do it in bits and pieces so no one will notice. In times of hunger or anger, people tend to forget friendship and family ties as well, and they will even kill you if they knew you’ve got food stored in your house. What to do then? Help them out by giving them some food or not? It’s going to depend on you and what you choose to do. But let me remind you that if you give them once, a few days later, they will come to ask for more and more and more. Till your own supplies are dry and you won’t make it out yourself and you will become stranded just like the one you are helping. So whatever you choose to do, use our head.

Don’t forget to prepare a first aid kit as well. As for fuel for the car, when the D day comes, you should go fill whatever vehicle you’ve got and lock that car in your garage. The first targets of thieves will be food as well as the fuel in your car since both are going to be scarce. Use bicycles if you need to make a short trip. Keep the fuel of your car to emergency situation, as in if you need to run away or rush to a hospital. It’s better if you don’t go out from your house, even to your front yard. Don’t attract too much attention onto yourself. And you should consider there will be curfew and even martial law. If that kicks in, you should not forget that the gvt can get into your home and confiscate whatever they want. So take precaution in that as well. Oh I just remembered that olives are also a good source of vitamins and they can be stored for a long time as long as they are submerged in olive oil. Try to look for types of food that can be stored in a dry condition like onions and garlic and okras, or dates, dried raisins etc, potatoes last long as well.

If you want to stay alone, or gather the family in one place, then you should make preparation according to your choice. You should also prepare for each individual an emergency backpack in case you will have to evacuate the house in emergency. Don’t forget to take your valuables and your “official” papers (house deeds and passports etc) if you are forced to evacuate your house and don’t store everything in one bag, it might be stolen or snatched from you. What I do when I travel to “dangerous” places is I put whatever is important in my front jeans pockets and I stitch with a thread and needle that pocket close. What is the thief going to do = take my pants off? And at the end, don’t forget to PRAY.

0b1e00 (4)  No.5990531>>5990589


I hope this has given you some ideas HOW to prepare, not just WHAT to prepare. You MUST not panic. Help will come, and order will be restored but it might take some time and everything depends WHERE and HOW you are living. Some local mayors may end up helping their communities while others may end up being the gangsters. Each case is going to be different, so prepare according to your own situation. I’ve said all of these things taking it to the maximum negative situation, as in there is an economical crisis, an emp attack and some sort of “natural” disaster or war, all taking place in one go. There is no way we can avoid the economical problem, but I sure hope the emp or natural event or the war will be stopped before they take place. You must stay calm and not panic, your own survival is going to depend on how calm and level headed you are going to be while facing the situation and evaluating what to do.

I insist you go take a look at picture and video to have a visual, an idea how it’s going to be and how people behave. Unfortunately, most humans in today’s society are selfish and behave like spoiled brats. If things go bad, here are some images of how the situation will turn out. You think such people will respect law and order? What will happen to the lefties in the States that need safe spaces in colleges? If they cannot even handle to hear other people opinions will they be able to handle a crisis? And this goes for every single country, it is only different from one region from the other. Those are big challenges we must face if things turn sour. No need to tell you how worried I am, have been for at least 6 years now.

Now as to what to do with your own family, I know this is going to be terribly hard for anyone to understand let sink in them. So first, pick up the closest person to you, as in the person whom understand you in a flash and the person whom knows you are not talking bullshit and are dead serious just by looking at you. This is how I proceeded. When you open up to that person about this, start with the economy, that’s always a winning card. They will ask tones of questions, so you need to prepare your answers and even show them articles, pictures, graphs etc. Once that person is convinced then move to the one both of you can “convert” to your side. You can do that, while you work strategically and without attracting attention on preparing food and supplies. It takes a bit of time to do it. There will be some you will never reach, no matter how convincing you are and no matter what you show them as evidence. Unfortunately you cannot be able to help them. You should not tell everyone you are preparing though. Be careful, even brothers can backstab one another. My father’s oldest brother emptied our house while we were traveling in my childhood, and he sold the furniture, when we came back, imagine our reaction. So you see, even the closest can hurt you, mostly in time of crisis. So be careful, move slowly and strategically.

And if we got terribly lucky and nothing happens and the entire crisis is averted, look at the bright side of you preparing. My wife says even if nothing happens, the good side is that she won’t go buy groceries for a few months and we can use whatever we have in the house. In other words, nothing will go to waste. Prepare as much as you can, and how much you can afford to do it, there are many way to do that, even if you are not swimming in money. We would have lived one big scare if nothing happens, but I rather be prepared than get caught naked when this hits. If it doesn’t happen, weeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllll, I won’t lose anything. Take notes of what you research and what I’ve talked about, make lists of what you may need, it depends on where you live mostly. Again, most of what I’ve telling you on HOW to survive was transmitted to me by my Lebanese acquaintances, they lived through war and harshness for a long time. They are survivors. So don’t thank me, I’m only doing what is correct, what I think is the right thing to do. I think we should thank the Lord that got us all united together and we are helping each other out. Stay vigilant, and awake. Take care anons.

0b1e00 (4)  No.5990589>>5994760

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my appologies, i forgot to add the pictures on how things might turn out, a visual is always important, it gives you a very good idea what to expect if it goes terribly wrong. Again, i think it's going to be different from one geo location than the other.

Prevention is better than cure and prepare for the wort and hope for the best. take care and God bless.

0b1e00 (4)  No.5990660


This is very interesting. Is there a way to verify this? I don't remember when those 2 died, was there a D5 around their time of death?

6ca41a (17)  No.5993950>>5995802




Basilisk - Dragon or Serpent (King of serpents)

Basilica- "Royal" Cathedral appointed by Pope**

Basilieus- King

Basilike - Royal Portal

At St. Peter's Basilica, 2 Dragon Statues & Obelisk (Phallus of the dragon)

6ca41a (17)  No.5994328>>5995610


EVERYTHING you are saying to me resonates. You even have me pegged as the MOM who stayed at home to care for the family at the expense of a once very promising career…..

Seems we are very like-minded. Maybe someday our paths will cross. If you ever decide to write that book, I would love to assist you…..as my education lends to that. I have so much to learn, it is amazing how we can be brainwashed and led through this life when we are not paying attention. In my empty nest, I've been trying to come to terms with reality. It all started with the 2016 campaign. Nothing made sense. The vitriol, the media bias, the odd "politician" with so little to gain from this position. So I started digging, but not really, not until I stumbled upon Q and since then I've been diving down rabbit holes trying to dig up some kind of "truth". It is very unsettling to find that the ground beneath you is built on lies.

Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us, I'm sure there are plenty of lurkers taking it all in.

6ca41a (17)  No.5994760


Thank you for sharing this. I'm off to take care of business…..

e016c3 (6)  No.5995610



Good day to you mam,

May this old man make a couple of suggestions as to how to get your children under your wings when this and IF the crisis starts?

Your children are young adults, so you cannot "order" them around as if they were 5 years old, right? They can make up their own mind and make their decission. if you force it on them there will be sparks between you and that is not good in this type of situation nor the time for it. instead:

1 - If you cannot see them on regular basis, call them randomly once a week, randomly. Talk normally to them, no politics or anything of the sort, don't open such subjects over the phone. And then, where you are about to finish your call, just remind them, they have a HOME where you are, if they RUN INTO TROUBLE, they know WHERE TO FIND YOU, you will HELP them out if they are in TROUBLE. Don't say it all in one go, just give it a piece of a time, like little drops falling. And end your call by reminding them how much you love them. Do it over and over again as the weeks pass, alway remind them they have a place as a refuge, they have someone whom loves them. This is a seed you are planting in their subcounscious mind. When things go bad, it's going to be among the first things that will come to their minds and they, themselves, will find their way to you, they will COME BACK HOME on their own. Remember, even if little birds learn to fly, one day, they will return to their nest.

2 - if you see them on regular basis, start red pilling them with tiny drops, like the OH my gosh! did you hear that Mueller repo*rt turned out to be a nothing burger? And just leave it to that if they don't ask you to explain it. If they do, explain just a bit further, but don't rush them with the news. And of course, before they depart, always remind them how much you love them and that they've got a HOME to return to and if they run into trouble, they know where to go or who to call ^_~

As for you mam, prepare as if your children will be spending the hard time along side you in your nest, if you can that is. Don't be discouraged. You should be strong for your sake and theirs.

Your sacrifice for your children didn't go to waste = they are your treasure, your most prized accomplishment in life. You should hold your head high. I salute you for being a brave lady and taking good care of her family. My wife did the same as you did. I know from her it was not easy to let go of her carrier as well but instead she did miracles with the kids. Being a mother, a good mother, is the toughest job on earth. And i'm sure that all you've done and given won't go in vain. Put your trust in your kids, they will find their way back to safety and you.

Who knows, maybe one day we might meet or you might see me on tv ^_^ that would be comical. If I ever write books or should I say rewritting history books, I will be honored to have you in my team. But we don't plan on making personal gains, and we decided to donate all the money that might come out of this to the children's cancer hospital in our area. Well, that is if i get to write the books. we will see what the future holds for all of us. Life can catapult you from one place to another sometimes. it's not easy.

God bless you mam. Do take care.

e016c3 (6)  No.5995802


let me add to the list:

Basileus Basileion = Βασιλεὺς Βασιλέων = King of Kings.

Title held and used by Seleucid kings, Ptolemaic kings and mostly used by Tigrane II of Armenia when he ruled the coast. All the tetradrachm he printed in Antoich had that title onto them. A title that was later on taken to roman and byzantine kings.

And anons should remember whom is the MOST famous KING OF KINGS = JESUS CHRIST. When and where did HE live. Look at the time and the map ^_~ Do anons understand now the origine of that title and why it was used = it was given to the most poweful ruler in the region, to a king that ruled other kings, just like Tigrane II used to rule lesser kings.

e016c3 (6)  No.5996913>>5997393

File (hide): 674e1c92e59e627⋯.jpg (266.89 KB, 1040x1370, 104:137, Hillary-Clinton official p….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6e10e71cbd1af25⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 1181x1630, 1181:1630, LouisXV portrait.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a3461211ea7071⋯.png (612.04 KB, 577x825, 577:825, maria theresa of Austira, ….png) (h) (u)



From what I understand, it looks like the first lady or the president are the ones whom tell the painter what they want in their portrait. Anons should NEVER forget how ADDICTED Killary is to control and symbolism. So everything you see is not random, it’s terribly symbolic and it’s calculated and put there on purpose. I’ve taken a look at all the first ladies portrait, all the way back to Jackie O, none are like Killary’s. They are all extremely different. They do have some symbolism in it as well, but Killary’s filled with it to the rim. And all wear elegant colorful “dresses” (Laura & Barbara Bush wear dark blue); Only Killary wears a pantsuit and it’s black. On a personal note: I hope Potus will remove the portraits of these monsters from the halls of the WH. I feel like I’m about to vomit when I look at them.

Symbolism decode of Killary’s official portrait:

1- The Black Color: “Meaning of The Color Black. … Black is associated with power, fear, mystery, strength, authority, elegance, formality, death, evil, and aggression, authority, rebellion, and sophistication. Black is required for all other colors to have depth and variation of hue. The black color is the absence of color”. + https://www.wired.com/2016/11/clinton-pantsuits/

2- The pedestal: compare to French Monarch’s official portraits, mostly Louis XV. The “round table”, I prefer calling it by it’s FRENCH name = “Le guéridon”: “A gueridon is a French side table with a circular top. You may see a gueridon in the furniture wing of a museum or even your antiques-loving grandfather's house. Gueridons were first made in seventeenth century France, and they had intricate, curved columns supporting their round tops.” It was often used in French Royal portraits to display the crown on . It was usually put on the right hand of the Monarch. I would also like to point out to the portrait of Louis XVII maternal Grandmother = the empress of Austria = Marie-Thérèse d’Autriche.

3- The Chair: It’s the throne. Compare to French Monarch portrait, and you will notice the throne is displayed either behind the monarch or on his left hand.

4- The Owl: I’ve looked a lot at this, I see an owl anons, some may disagree, but it’s my take on it. And we all know what the owl symbolizes when it comes to Satanism.

5- The book : Killary wrote it; title = It takes a village to raise a child = I think this is pointing to pedophilia.

6- ??? = I honestly don’t know what this means. It’s blue and it looks like an ashtray or an candle holder. Maybe something for incense? I don’t know…. Any ideas anons?

7- I’m gonna skip it for now and leave it for last. I will come back for this one.

8- Hand gestures: I think the positioning of the hands is not random. Even though I don’t know what they mean, I strongly believe they are related to the cult and to freemasonry.

9- The carvings: It’s a FLEUR DE LIS half hidden under Killary’s hand. She is playing hide and seek with her true identity. She is giving us a peek to whom she really is. She is teasing us.

10- The gold necklace: “The color gold is cousin to the color yellow and the color brown, and is also associated with illumination, love, compassion, courage, passion, magic, and wisdom. Gold is a precious metal that is associated with wealth, grandeur, and prosperity, as well as sparkle, glitz, and glamour.” I got me a chuckle out of this one anons = is this how the ugly hag sees herself? LOL! So sometimes she sees herself as the phoenix, other times she thinks she is “the light” and now this. LOL!


e016c3 (6)  No.5997393

File (hide): df534adfbb850fd⋯.jpg (194.6 KB, 1040x1370, 104:137, Hillary-Clinton official p….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d96afa95ced1098⋯.jpg (28.01 KB, 500x390, 50:39, Another Clinton Scandal.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 86c573ed18c0038⋯.jpg (156.08 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bill portrait - Notice.jpg) (h) (u)


I left number 7 for last on purpose. I’ve dropped this in the general thread, some said it looks like a mirror, most quickly said it’s about the scandal when Killary took the tableware with her when she left the WH. In articles, it’s written that the painter is teasing Killary and the public, reminding everyone about that scandal. Let’s pause for a second there = you REALLY believe Killary is going to allow a “STAIN” like that in her official portrait? She is one control maniac and she is up to her eye balls in symbolism. No way she would allow anyone to “ridicule” her with a scandal in her portrait. So in other words, she “ordered”, wanted, asked for this plate to be in her portrait. Now that is established, let see it is there for.

From a distance, at first quick glance, that plate really looks like a mirror, like the French table mirrors that I’ve included a picture of with this drop. “Think Miror” …… where did I hear that before? ^_^

Now after zooming in, we notice it’s a porcelain plate with a golden peripheral decoration and the WH in the center. This makes us think of the WH CHINA scandal. Did anons catch it? =“CHINA”, it’s a word used in English to point to fine ceramic tableware.

Now if you add to the mix the “MIRROR” effect, what do we get? Do you still think it’s SIMPLY pointing to the China scandal = tableware scandal? No! I believe Killary is point to CHINA as a COUNTRY = the NATION. Then I remembered this: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology


Oh I didn’t read the article. Don’t need too, I’m old enough to remember it all when it happened. I only included for those whom don’t know about it, and for further research the net is filled with articles about this matter.

That is when I decided to take a closer look at rapist Bill’s official portrait, just a glance; for now anyways. Did anons notice what I noticed = 2 Chinese vases on each side of rapist Bill in the portrait. I bet ya that’s a COINCIDENCE.

Oh I also saw the hand gesture and the “concealed” newspaper. I don’t know what the hand gesture means, it’s probably Masonic and I don’t want to dive into that section. Some say this portrait is a reminder of Lewinsky scandal, it has it’s echoes in it. Now honestly anons, didn’t they say the same thing about Killary’s portrait and that China plate? I think there is more than meets the eye in Bill’s portrait as well. But I’m not interested in him at all. After all, Potus did TRY HARD to get our attention to Killary’s portrait and not Bill’s.

So anons, I think this “China plate” has a triple meaning:

1 -- The tableware scandal.

2 -- The WH was considered by Killary as her “castle”, she was its “queen”.

3 -- The traitorous act of selling American technology to China. And this, didn’t start with the server scandal, it goes all the way back to when the Clinton couple was in the WH. Oh I feel sick in my stomach from this. I wonder! If a sitting president sells to the “enemy” the nation’s secrets, is that legal? Or is it considered by the law as treason? I have no idea how it works.

So anons, it’s all I have to say about Killary’s official portrait. Unless something new “shows” up or is discovered about it.

f2df98 (36)  No.5997697>>5997724 >>5998083 >>5998812


f2df98 (36)  No.5997724>>5998083 >>5998843




for Thomas these were on drudge. for some time his selection seems to indicate he's compromised. so likely these are political stories in the guise of archeology. just wanted your take

e016c3 (6)  No.5998074>>6009267 >>6038101

File (hide): 7c6a201bcfd035a⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1181x1630, 1181:1630, LouisXV portrait - Copy.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 61d39687c1c6158⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1904x1214, 952:607, Le pape est un vrai dandy.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f6b3d70a20a6b2b⋯.jpg (55.04 KB, 439x541, 439:541, Merovingian cross.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 81e7414bd5c5565⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Order of the St-Esprit.jpg) (h) (u)

While trying to decode Killary's portrait, I also noticed some stuff.

The fleur fe lis, we've already gone through that in my digs, so I'm not going into it again.








The red heels or the red shoes: already talked about it:






The "Maltese" cross = Merovingian symbol

And of course anons remember the jewelry auction, don't you?



e016c3 (6)  No.5998083



My friend, can i trouble you please, if you could post the first part of the articles in here for me to read? Please. Not all, just the first part,

f2df98 (36)  No.5998812>>5998819


Tiny First Temple find could be first proof of aide to biblical King Josiah

Rare seal impression from 8th century BCE, bearing the name Nathan-Melech, found in dig at large Iron Age administrative center in Jerusalem’s City of David


Two minuscule 2,600-year-old inscriptions recently uncovered in the City of David’s Givati Parking Lot excavation are vastly enlarging the understanding of ancient Jerusalem in the late 8th century BCE.

The two inscriptions, in paleo-Hebrew writing, were found separately in a large First Temple structure within the span of a few weeks by long-term team members Ayyala Rodan and Sveta Pnik.

One is a bluish agate stone seal “(belonging) to Ikkar son of Matanyahu” (LeIkkar Ben Matanyahu). The other is a clay seal impression, “(belonging) to Nathan-Melech, Servant of the King” (LeNathan-Melech Eved HaMelech). Nathan-Melech is named in 2 Kings as an official in the court of King Josiah.

This burnt clay impression is the first archaeological evidence of the biblical name Nathan-Melech.

The inscriptions are “not just another discovery,” said archaeologist Dr. Yiftah Shalev of the Israel Antiquities Authority. Rather, they “paint a much larger picture of the era in Jerusalem.”

According to Shalev, while both discoveries are of immense scholarly value as inscriptions, their primary value is their archaeological context.

“What is importance is not just that they were found in Jerusalem, but [that they were found] inside their true archaeological context,” Shalev told The Times of Israel. Many other seals and seal impressions have been sold on the antiquities market without any thought to provenance.

This in situ find, said Shalev, serves to “connect between the artifact and the actual physical era it was found in” --- a large, two-story First Temple structure that dig archaeologists have pegged as an administrative center.

“It is not a coincidence that the seal and the seal impression are found here,” said Shalev.

f2df98 (36)  No.5998819>>5998821


According to archaeologist Prof. Yuval Gadot of Tel Aviv University, in the 8th century BCE, this area of the City of David becomes the central administrative center of Jerusalem. The newly unearthed two-story public building, constructed with finely cut ashlar stones shows, illustrates the beginning of a westward move of the administration area in the large sprawling city.

The multi-room large structure bears clear signs of destruction in the sixth century BCE, which likely corresponds to the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BCE, according to the IAA press release. The destruction is evident through large stone debris, burnt wooden beams and numerous charred pottery shards, “all indications that they had survived an immense fire.”

The large administrative center, said Shalev, is further down the slope of the City of David than where some archaeologists had envisioned a First Temple-period city wall. Through this evidence of a large administrative center, scholars are beginning to understand that Iron Age Jerusalem saw the beginning of the western spread that continued in the future historical eras, including the Persian and Hellenistic periods.

“These artifacts attest to the highly developed system of administration in the Kingdom of Judah and add considerable information to our understanding of the economic status of Jerusalem and its administrative system during the First Temple period, as well as personal information about the king’s closest officials and administrators who lived and worked in the city,” said Gadot and Shalev in the IAA press release.

For linguists, the pair of one-centimeter inscriptions are likewise opening new scholarly horizons. Based on the script, Dr. Anat Mendel-Geberovich of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Center for the Study of Ancient Jerusalem dates them to mid-7th century to early 6th century BCE.

On the blue stone seal, written in mirror writing from left to right, is inscribed the name “(belonging) to Ikkar son of Matanyahu” (LeIkkar Ben Matanyahu). Private stamps were used to sign documents, and denoted the identity, lineage and status of their owners, according to the IAA.

The word “Ikkar,” meaning farmer, appears in the Bible and other Semitic languages, according to the Hebrew Language Academy. However, it is only used in the context of the agricultural role, not as a personal name. According to the linguist Chaim Rabin, the word Ikkar came to Hebrew through Akkadian, after being adopted from Sumerian, which is not a Semitic language.

Mendel-Geberovich believes “Ikkar” refers to a personal name rather than an occupation. If so, this would be the first evidence of such a name. The other portions of the inscription are more familiar to biblical Hebrew linguists: “The name Matanyahu appears both in the Bible and on additional stamps and bullae already unearthed,” said Mendel-Geberovich.

What is most likely to capture popular interest is the burnt clay seal impression, which features the words: “(belonging) to Nathan-Melech, Servant of the King” (LeNathan-Melech Eved HaMelech).” The fact that it was written without a surname indicates his fame is on par with celebs of today, such as singers Madonna or Adele.

The name Nathan-Melech appears once in the Bible, in the second book of Kings 23:11. An official in the court of King Josiah, the biblical Nathan-Melech took part in implementation of widespread religious reform: “And he took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entrance of the house of the Lord, by the chamber of Nathan-Melech the officer, which was in the precincts; and he burned the chariots of the sun with fire.”

f2df98 (36)  No.5998821


While the biblical account uses a different title than that impressed on the ancient clay, the title “Servant of the King” (Eved HaMelech) does often appear in the Bible to describe a high-ranking official close to the king. According to the IAA, the title appears on other stamps and seal impressions that were found in the past. In ancient times, seal impressions, or bullae, were small pieces of clay impressed by personal seals (such as the “Ikkar” seal) to sign letters.

But is this the very same biblical Nathan-Melech? That’s still a matter of interpretation.

Doron Spielman, vice president of the City of David Foundation, which operates the City of David National Park, said, “This is an extremely exciting find for billions of people worldwide. The personal seal of Natan-Melech, a senior official in the government of Josiah, King of Judah, as described in the second book of Kings. The ongoing archaeological excavations at the City of David continue to prove that ancient Jerusalem is no longer just a matter of faith, but also a matter of fact.”

However, scholar Mendel-Geberovich isn’t as quick to confirm the tie.

“Although it is not possible to determine with complete certainty that the Nathan-Melech who is mentioned in the Bible was in fact the owner of the stamp, it is impossible to ignore some of the details that link them together,” said Mendel-Geberovich diplomatically.

f2df98 (36)  No.5998843>>5998848


Can an Archaeological Dig Change the Future of Jerusalem?

By Bari Weiss

Photography by Mauricio Lima

MARCH 30, 2019

JERUSALEM --- I want to tell you about a piece of clay the size of my pinkie fingernail and the color of ash. It is called a bulla, and it is what the people of the ancient Near East used before the invention of rubber bands or paper clips. They would roll up their papyrus, wrap cords around the bundle and secure it all with a bit of clay. The clay would then be stamped with a seal — the primitive version of a John Hancock.

This particular bulla was dug out of the ground in October by an archaeologist named Yuval Gadot. In the many years he’s been spading the earth in this city, Dr. Gadot, a professor at Tel Aviv University, has found several bullas.

This one is special. “This bulla connects to a whole context, a whole world, that we have been uncovering in this spot,” Dr. Gadot explained.

f2df98 (36)  No.5998848>>5998858


The spot he’s talking about is the City of David --- the mound of ancient Jerusalem — which archaeologists have been trying to uncover for 150 years.

When most people think of Jerusalem they think of the walled Old City: the place that contains the Western Wall and the Aqsa Mosque and the Via Dolorosa and inspires more religious fervor than perhaps anywhere else on earth. But the Jerusalem of the Bible is a modest, narrow ridge just outside the walls. Yuval Baruch, the Jerusalem regional archaeologist of the Israel Antiquities Authority, described it this way: “Jerusalem was the capital of Judean kings and that capital was located in what we call today the City of David.”

Archaeologists have been engaged in a ferocious debate about whether a king named David literally built his palace here. Dr. Gadot, who belongs to the school of archaeology known as biblical minimalism, is skeptical. But almost all agree on the big picture, which is that the 11-acre mound is the seat of the Davidic dynasty, which begot what we now call Jewish civilization.

f2df98 (36)  No.5998858>>5998870


“You cannot cast doubts over the importance of this place. This is the acropolis of Israel,” Dr. Gadot said.

There is just one problem. The acropolis of Israel is being unearthed in East Jerusalem, which much of the world does not regard as belonging to the state of Israel. And it is being unearthed, at least in part, beneath the homes of Palestinians, from land that those Palestinians want to be incorporated into their future state.

If any archaeological dig in this part of the world is bound to hit on ethnic, national and religious fault lines, this one is the Middle Eastern equivalent of the San Andreas. Because in Jerusalem, the contest over the city’s past is part of the war over its future.

f2df98 (36)  No.5998870


The archaeologists hard at work uncovering ancient Jerusalem are not consumed with borders and politics. They aren’t looking up. They are looking down, at olive pits and shards of clay, and thinking about what they tell us about the past.

They say this latest find, this bulla (the discovery of which has not been previously reported), is from the middle of the seventh or beginning of the sixth century B.C., judging by the style of writing on it and the pottery found next to it. This was the period when the First Temple stood in Jerusalem, the heyday of the Judaic monarchy. It was the period when Jews were not yet Jews but Judahites, when they worshiped their God by slaughtering animals, when many among them still secretly practiced magic and prayed to idols --- more than 500 years before the Jew now known as Jesus was born.

A name has been stamped into its surface. If you read ancient Hebrew, the words are easily decipherable: “l’Natan-Melech Eved haMelech,” or “to Natan-Melech, the king’s servant.” Natan-Melechappears in the second Book of Kings as a chamberlain in King Josiah’s court.

“Natan-Melech himself is a kind of a mystery,” said Dr. Gadot. “But what he was a part of --- a very developed monarchy that expressed itself through bureaucracy and writing — is hugely significant. We hear about the big empires in Mesopotamia, but for the creation of our civilization, this is the cradle.”

f2df98 (36)  No.5998895>>6005194 >>6005210

I posted it all for each. read only as needed. I ask because I recall one of my archeology instructors saying that around the 1970s a sort of archeological arms race began between israelis and Palestinians in sort a 1 upsmanship over who could establish earliest claims to the area

53a137 (3)  No.5999058>>5999378 >>5999620 >>6000633

I think without great detail, this:

Reptilians are the nWo. But what a ‘reptilian’ is, is up for debate. Alien? Demon?

Symbolism is worn and shown to reveal who is who. Who knows what. You have useful idiots and then you have legit non-humans.

That also scratches off the “truth would put 99 percent in the hospital”. Jacob Rothschild isn’t human. Rockefeller was not human. And when you have an ability to shape shift, do you really die or do you just take on a new form and become a leader of a new brand all over again and continue dominating on and on and on?

53a137 (3)  No.5999192

f2df98 (36)  No.5999378>>5999541 >>6000282


someone pondered about faking death earlier in the general thread. if the nagas or reptois or whatever they are do walk among us then they essentially would be in a position to fake death if they have a lifespan greater than that of a human, yeah?

6ca41a (17)  No.5999429>>6000601

Would that also lead to the idea that the Payseur hier is not human? Or that Albert Pike and Bill Clinton are one and the same? reincarnated? or a "new form"

Both Bill and Hillary with McLeods… never saw intimacy between them. Chelsea has another father. Any chance the rapist and the killer are directly related? like brother and sister?

6ca41a (17)  No.5999541>>6000618


Is this why Guantano Bay needed to be upgraded? to contain shape-shifters? I imagine a regular cell would not contain them… along those lines, how do you arrest them? execute them?

5ae63a (1)  No.5999620>>6000672

File (hide): 36b1afccd7987bc⋯.jpg (181.74 KB, 397x607, 397:607, NeverendingFight.jpg) (h) (u)

53a137 (3)  No.6000282


Exactly. Bezos could have been someone from the early1900s that reestablished a dominance. Etc. especially seems relevant in England with King/Queen.

f2df98 (36)  No.6000601


well to tackle seriously the question you pose I would think mating habits would need be known. is it an egg like gestation or mammalian? is it sexual or asexual etc… I don't know if anything meaningful could be gotten at without some of this info.

f2df98 (36)  No.6000618


well, in one respect I am sure Barry let the base depreciate as though he had follow through and would shut it down so there is that. additionally to your question I honestly don't know what containment would entail in such a scenario

f2df98 (36)  No.6000633>>6000644


I take it you may know lore?

f2df98 (36)  No.6000644


I recall only little from sutras. it was clear they were mentioned enough that various authors through time wrote as though they were given

b5e9cc (1)  No.6000672

File (hide): d0730f0f721ab7f⋯.jpg (39.68 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Cylon.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fa638ae9a33d8f2⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 250x341, 250:341, Cylon Human Form.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fa8baff9468f715⋯.png (104.43 KB, 400x171, 400:171, Matrix semi-agent.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 69e11d7243a324a⋯.jpg (26.96 KB, 450x281, 450:281, Fringe Dimension shifting.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c629d387373f630⋯.jpg (471.68 KB, 935x720, 187:144, Fringe parallel universe m….jpg) (h) (u)

3566a9 (7)  No.6003134>>6004654

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Another short history lesson on the deep state cabal. Wow, look at Thomas Anon taking up giant chunks of the bread still. Isn't your generation supposed to mind their manners and respect the house rules?

87a86c (1)  No.6003509

Billy Corgan: ‘Shapeshifting Reptilians’ Run The ‘Satanic’ Music Industry


f2df98 (36)  No.6004654


aren't you just he obvious dick. various people asked him for information and queries.

28dd77 (3)  No.6005194>>6005363

File (hide): 66187fcf80bb357⋯.jpg (49.02 KB, 634x410, 317:205, brunei royals.jpg) (h) (u)


Good day to you anandasattvaanon

Thank you. I troubled you yesterday, with me, you won’t need to post all the article, I’m a quick one to understand from just a few lines. What you sent pushed me to make up my mind about something: Every anon whom wants to show me something, I appologize for this, but from now on, please drop it in here, either video or articles or photos. No more links for me. I guess it’s obvious why I made that decission, right anandasattvaanon?

I used to be a listener to Alex Jones in the 2016 presidential cycle, and a Drudge reader from time to time as well; depending if I got interested in the articles. I started loosing interest, a few months later, in Jones after sensing a lot of anomalies and contradictions in what he was presenting. As time went by, I listen less and less to him because he was getting more and more away from the truth. And of course Q team exposed him after some time as being a Mossad agent. Corsi, I never liked him one bit from the get go, he turns my stomach. It was during the time that Q team “exposed” Jones for who he really is that I noticed something terribly off about Drudge as well. That is when I also noticed DRUDGE IS ALSO ANOTHER MOSSAD RUN MEDIA. I think they call this “controled opposition” right? What a gang we have there: Jones, Corsi and Drudge, all mossad. So yes, Drudge is HIGHLY compromised and it’s been a LOONNGG time I read anything they put. In Zerohedge, I’ve also noticed some 5 or 6 times already a few articles put there which made me suspect there is infiltration there as well. I’m not saying Zerohedge is compromised, not yet anyway. But sometimes a very specific type of articles shows up that smell fishy to me. So it’s been a while that I feel like I’m walking on egg shells when it comes to news articles. I’m trying to be cautious with every single one of them.

Now here is an article that caught my attention today:


I think anons should keep a close eye to this story and how it’s going to develop. Why is this article important? Let me connect the dots for you = Brunei => Lolita express flight logs => Bill Clinton + Epstein => Pedo island + NXIVM. People have a tendancy to forget. And did you notice they mentioned another “hotel chain”? We already know about the Standard hotel, and Biltmore hotel chain is probably similar to the Standard hotel, I’m suspecting the Fontainebleau resort as well, and now this….. Do you believe in coincidence? What are the odds that the owner of one of the biggest Harems in the world (where pedophilia is rampant, including sex with little boys), is also the owner of hotels where pedo stars used to “stay in”? Was pedophilia included as a “side menu”? That wouldn’t surprise me, I mean rulers of Brunei are very well known for slavery and sexual perversions. I wonder if Q is going to start droping about this subject. And I wonder how deep mossad is implicated?

>>> so likely these are political stories in the guise of archeology. just wanted your take

You always had a good head on your shoulders; I always liked your instinct. You are absolutely correct in your thoughts.

My take:

For the artifacts themselves I’m going to reply by reporting a segment of an earlier drop of mine:

1 -- Almost half of the stuff found under the “ruins” of the second temple are fake, as in forgeries made by the Israeli government itself.

2- A quarter of the objects found there were found in other cities and locations throughout the Middle East, some found in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, and they were stolen or bought and snuggled by Israel and placed into the ground, pretending it’s a big new discovery.

3 -- They found some authentic objects relating back to the jews, real ones, but they are all dated extremely late in the jewsih history as written, none of them date back to the ancient times like the Israeli government and archeologist pretend they do.

28dd77 (3)  No.6005210


Each side is desperate to prove in method possible their autenticity and whom get there first; to give themselves a political boost and the good opinion of world population

6ca41a (17)  No.6005292>>6043877

I'll second that. When someone is a wealth of knowledge he/she should be respected and encouraged to share. Anyone is welcome to step up and educate. Is there a limited supply of bread?

28dd77 (3)  No.6005363

File (hide): 41fefc5b8cc0e8c⋯.jpg (384.37 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, A. Micheal.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3c29724568cbd82⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Armor.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 01b58bbbe8047d8⋯.jpg (698.71 KB, 660x425, 132:85, arche 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ca50ac9f6361b83⋯.jpg (177.57 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Nuke 1 dropped.jpg) (h) (u)


So I guess this is yet another proof that my drops are being read by Mossad. I’ve got me a few nods from Potus team as well. Sometimes I pinch myself, I feel like I’m hallucinating when that happens. Which is also crushing me because I know they are reading, but when they make a mistake and I call them out, they ignored it. I know better than they do about this battle against evil, been there for a terribly long time. They may think I don’t know, and they may think am an idealistic, or I don’t know how harsh this battle is: I truly know, you have no idea how much I know about the nature of this battle. That is why I insist so much when you diverged from the AXIS. “Promises made, promises kept”. We don’t sell each other out, we don’t backstab each other, we don’t trash each other’s sacrifices or each other’s pain, we stand united as one, we don’t use others as a shield, we don’t risk what is most precious to us. We take the blows ourselves. The plan is neither holy nor written in stone, it is fluid and flexible, all the roads lead to Rome in the end, we can miscalculate or misjudge a situation but it doesn’t mean we should keep on going that path. There are more than one way to get where we want.

Now back to the archeological “findings”, I won’t be able to comment much about what they found unless I examine the artifacts personally myself. Remember whom I crowned as KINGS of forgery = China and Israel. So I’m not going to say Aye or Nay about the artifacts themselves until I can verify them myself. I’m just like Saint Thomas in the end of the day ^_~ CIA along with Mossad already forged the birth certificate & made a foreigner the president of the united states…. If they can pull that one , you think they are unable to manipulate ancient objects?

And I did like “Ikkar son of Matanyahu”…… honestly, can’t you be more inventive? Bibi, Bibi, Bibi……. Monster Bibi, here is my reply to you:


The first half of this video link is amazingly, incredibly accurate. I don’t agree with SOME parts of the second half of the video, mostly the interpretation and analysis of some stuff. For those whom don’t know, I hope the first half of this video opens up your eyes to the truth. And when it is mentioned that the “protecting” bloodline showed up…… (it wasn’t said like that in the video but you get my point) well, let’s just say, it put a smile on my face. *chuckles*

Now about the big picture and what I think about it:

This is (((their))) reaction to these drops of mine and the truth that lies within:






That was a NUKE I dropped, didn’t I ? And with today’s video, that is a carpet bomb I sent you today.

So now we’ve got “experts” from Tel Aviv university….. yeah! As if I’m going to eat into that. And come on, you could have done a much better job if it wasn’t for timesofisrael or the nytimes… So I guess I should take this as a validation or a confirmation that what I said about the Temple and Jerusalem is authentic, true and most of all it can be proven EASILY.

Now I must admit, there is one thing intriguing me a lot: How many people are reading my drops? And how many Israelis are reading my drops? Oh I almost forgot! What is the impact of my drops? Cause I bet (((they))) wouldn’t have been scrambling to put up such articles if I wasn’t telling the truth, would they now?

So I guess their next move should be heavy shill attack on me and this thread. Wow! Is that the best you can do? I can easily migrate to another thread, and I’m already spending some time in the general thread incognito. I’ve got more NUKES, very big juicy ones and a nice collection of carpet bombs. Potus isn’t the only one with an arsenal of truth in his hands.

So I guess I’ve blown quiet a hole in the enemy’s ship with my drops on Jerusalem and the Temple. Thank you anandasattvaanon for bringing this to my attention. And thank you mossad for confirming my drops are the truth and validating my research.

I can only hope that people start to understand WHOM the REAL enemy is. As well as I can to attract people’s attention to question: Take a look throughout history as written by Mainstream, tell me which civilization is always portrayed, represented as monsters, accused of being child eaters, persecuted ever since dawn of history and are constantly being massacred = their blood being shed? Why so much effort to mutilate and hide their identity? Why do you keep on persecuting them? Why so much hatred towards them? Why are you trying so hard to totally exterminate them from existence? And why did you steal their identity? Why did you spend millennia upon millennia projecting your own sins onto them? Why target them for thousands of years? Accusing them of your own crimes and darkness….

Tsk! That won’t do with me.

I wish anons reading this a good day. God bless you all.

9c4466 (1)  No.6009267>>6014979 >>6015117 >>6038101

File (hide): b64390197966445⋯.jpg (11.96 KB, 241x300, 241:300, A cold creepiness.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 72c3a202898c69a⋯.jpg (100.4 KB, 608x793, 608:793, Louis 17 enfant.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d8d986cdddaef20⋯.png (217.16 KB, 331x399, 331:399, Louis XVII enfant.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ad1fc1f294ed3df⋯.jpg (935.74 KB, 1532x2576, 383:644, Louis_Charles_of_France Lo….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 99d7ac8275468a6⋯.jpg (246.08 KB, 1197x1200, 399:400, Killary little girl.jpg) (h) (u)


This is ANOTHER thing I've noticed while trying to decode Killary's portrait.

When I saw these pictures… i don't know how to say this anons… whatever hair that is left on my head just stood up…I got chills down my spine… and my palms got all sweaty.

I cannot explain this.

2e9a3f (1)  No.6009349

File (hide): 004695a60f7529e⋯.png (3.39 MB, 1600x1021, 1600:1021, image.png) (h) (u)


Pulled from http://besttabletfor.me/oldest-world-map.html

f2df98 (36)  No.6011668>>6016961


Thomas i just read this in an article in the general thread. its about the Bronfman's tied into the nxivm affair. does the same name jump out at you that jumps out to me?


 "In a decision he would later call “really naïve,” Bronfman remarried Georgiana---“to keep my young girls with me,” he wrote—but the relationship soon collapsed again. For the rest of their childhood, the girls would visit their father, who owned estates outside Charlottesville, Virginia, and in Westchester County, a home in Sun Valley, and an apartment on Fifth Avenue. But their lives would be centered in England and in Kenya, where their mother, who was reportedly involved with the noted paleontologist Richard Leakey—and who is currently married to actor Nigel Havers—spent much of her time."

does this seem like indication of cabal fieldwork to you? the leakeys?? how does a bartender from england that married into north american old money end up with physical anthropolgists renowned for their findings on early man and predecessors?

91d16a (6)  No.6014979

File (hide): 06c8a578f284d96⋯.jpg (116.06 KB, 735x500, 147:100, lynn_rothschild_vs_chelsea.jpg) (h) (u)

28afb8 (2)  No.6015111

File (hide): 6c8f687f5b0df9e⋯.jpg (3.43 MB, 3508x2480, 877:620, map5.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a091535c6574381⋯.jpg (492.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, baal2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c135447a6be4c71⋯.jpg (220.04 KB, 813x516, 271:172, South_Africa_Coin.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 927ae0bf4e28df3⋯.jpg (354.83 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, ZEITZ2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 79bb7f72d292268⋯.jpg (73.83 KB, 870x652, 435:326, ZeitzMOCAAmuseumCapeTown04.jpg) (h) (u)

Symbolism will be their downfall.

28afb8 (2)  No.6015117


They have ways and means (adrenochrome) to remain relatively young. The top ones in the cabal ae 100s of years old.

These people are sick!

e69227 (1)  No.6016961>>6017577 >>6017650

File (hide): 8d69cbe03e3d3be⋯.jpg (360.75 KB, 1241x2005, 1241:2005, comey new tweet.jpg) (h) (u)


Good day anandasattvaanon,

This is old Thomas. It seems my friend you've struck gold again ^_^ yes, "Erskine" is not just cabal, I think they are somehow relative, as in cousins maybe or aunts (you get my idea) to the head of the Payseur clan. For me, it all started with Alva, as you may have . For me, it's not just history, house deeds, business that i'm looking at, I'm also looking at their friend circles, their hobbies and mostly, their personality, as in I'm trying to draw a profile of them, eventhough i'm not an expert in that field.

The reason I'm taking this angle is because I've noticed they are creatures of habit and routine and they have attachment to specific objects. Yes, cabal are terribly interested in human history. I also know they are searching for specific ancient relics, eventhough I don't know what they are. But while i was discussing with that ex 33 degree free mason, he told me that there is a mystical reason why the cabal and israel engineered the war in syria: apparently, somewhere in syria, there are 2 ancient objects that are very mystic and precious to the cabal in their rituals. They have great value. So i'm not surprised if there is a whole bunch of "specialists", of all types and fields, that work for them to fulfil their delusional objectives.

I also want your help in something and you might be the only one to help me out with this. Can you tell me in the easiest way possible WHERE (geo location), WHO and HOW the ever first human settlements or civilisation or nation appeared in India?

I've tried looking for it and reading, but damn! I got totally confused. I need simpler stuf, my head is totally overloaded and it's starting to buzz. my wife keeps on telling me i should take it slow. I'm trying. But as you can see I'm covering a HUGE fields, and sometimes i feel like i'm jumping from one area to another like a grasshopper. I need to slow down.

I'm asking you about India because you see already very knowlegable in the far est history, plus, i'm trying to see if there is a pattern on an issue i've been trying to reconstruct.

Oh! Just a note: -be doubtful of the reports and so called scientific findings of people such as this anthropologist working for the cabal. This is how Israel manipulated history for an extremely long time. They keep the real authentic truth findings to themselves and give us the public the version they want to brainwash us with.

-And also, is it true the Mueller report leaked? If so, then who did it? And if so, well, allow me to say "Damn, that was fast". So now the rubber is going to hit the road soon.

- I don't know if you saw Comey's lates tweet. I've noticed a lot of things in it = Corn fields, electric lines + trans + the triangle in the road behind him + him not facing the camera + the sun (sunrise or sunset) which will indicate which direction he is facing + Comeny is leaning to his right side + the date of the tweet = 4+1+2+0+1+9 = 17……… I didn't get to check the hour…….. eventhough they made it sound like April's fool joke, I don't believe it was. If we combine it with his last week where he is looking at the water, it gives me the creeps.

And yesterday news came out about those planes being grounded in many airports and today there are some stuff taking place in asian airports, like planes suffering from some type of malfunction.

Thank you in advance. Stay safe. God bless you.

f2df98 (36)  No.6017577>>6017689


just read this. give me some time and this evening i'll get back with you

71a0bd (3)  No.6017650


Democrats are making Republicans look like chumps in today's oversight committee.

They took the House successfully..why? Because the midterms were safe? Another Q lie. The House controls the optics of the White House.

f2df98 (36)  No.6017689>>6021518 >>6036306

File (hide): caa7cee71265ab9⋯.png (697.54 KB, 1313x5321, 1313:5321, caa7cee71265ab9b73cc9cd5fd….png) (h) (u)


here i pulled this from other threads. thought they might be of interest

71a0bd (3)  No.6017691>>6017707 >>6018092

Republicans on the House committee need to start drawing attention.

Scream, yell…go bananas with a message. Force the media to take notice how pissed off you are and force them to air the facts you are screaming at the face of Chairman Cummings.

Every statement made by the Republicans are droll, boring and ineffective. Even though the comments have substance, there is "bang".

They need to start banging, loud.

71a0bd (3)  No.6017707


*no "bang". fuck fail

3448ea (59)  No.6018076>>6023500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fast forward to 11min mark (or watch the whole thing)

QEII descends from the Prophet Mohamed?!

3448ea (59)  No.6018092


This is related to the NWO research how?

f52a16 (3)  No.6021518>>6021650


This is Thomas anon again,

First let me thank you anandasattvaanon.

I'm in no rush for the information. I bet you come back home quiet tired. So we can postpone this for this week end or next one, whenever you have free time.

Let me pin point what I want to know:

1 - Apart Himalayas and Fuji-san, is there a mountain (or chain of mountains) higher from 5000 m sea level altitude in the region? If so, is there a river (or plural) comming down from that mountain top?

2 - In India mostly (but maybe in China or other countries around Himalayas) did the ever first nation (kingdom) or settlement form along the banks of a river flowing down the mountain?

3 - If so, please, name (names of nations if plural), and location, please. Give me a starting point so I won't wonder around blindly. I try to dig the rest.

As for what you sent me, I started reading it and I had many "face palms" (is that what they are called?), then I stopped at around the quarter because….let's just say, i was struck by lightning.

It seems my mind is tuned to the same wave lengh as yours. Please read slowly my next drop. We will discuss this at a much later date.

If you can or interested in, i've asked some questions before, but gotten no answers (not to you but in general). I had very good reasons. Sorry if i'm vague about it all for now, but I believe you will understand me.

I will continue on reading what you sent me, I think i need to take a walk and have some fresh air for now.

Thank you and bless you.

f52a16 (3)  No.6021650


"A spaceman came traveling on his ship from afar

'Twas light years of time since his mission did start

And over a village, he halted his craft

And it hung in the sky like a star, just like a star

He followed a light and came down to a shed

Where a mother and child were lying there on a bed

A bright light of silver shone round his head

And he had the face of an angel and they were afraid

Then the stranger spoke, he said, do not fear

I come from a planet a long way from here

And I bring a message for mankind to hear

And suddenly the sweetest music filled the air

And it went la la la la la la la la la

La la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la

Peace and goodwill to all men and love for the child

La la…

And it went la la la la la la la la la

La la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la

Peace and goodwill to all men and love for the child

La la la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la, oh

This lovely music went trembling through the ground

And many were awakened on hearing that sound

And travelers on the road

The village they found by the light of that ship in the sky

Which shone all around

And just before dawn at the paling of the sky

The stranger returned and said, now I must fly

When two thousand years of your time has gone by

This song will begin once again to a baby's cry

And it went la la la la la la la la la

La la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la

This song will begin once again to a baby's cry

And it goes la la la la la la la la la

La la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la

Peace and goodwill to all men and love for the child

Oh the whole world is waiting, waiting to hear the song again (la la la la la la la la la)

There are thousands standing on the edge of the world (la la la la la la la la la)

And a star is moving somewhere, the time is nearly here (la la la la la la la la la)

This song will begin once again to a baby's cry"

Songwriters: Chris De Burgh

A Spaceman Came Traveling lyrics


- Link for song with lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYFJ1CSrC3U

- Link for official video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KODskj8gd74

- Not sure, but I think this is a fan made video of the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmZg7tvGN9o

f52a16 (3)  No.6022482

File (hide): c529483e7bc551d⋯.jpg (543.69 KB, 2995x1793, 2995:1793, Evergreen cemetery - Lexin….jpg) (h) (u)


Thomas anon here, we have what seems to be an update on this subject. I picked this up from another anon:


And I found the picture I've attached to this drop. Remember who is Evergreen.

0249da (2)  No.6023500>>6023860

File (hide): ecef0b09e50093e⋯.jpg (122.23 KB, 637x862, 637:862, IMG_20181225_135638.jpg) (h) (u)


Why do these "people" believe all of this crap but can't believe in or accept Jesus???

f2df98 (36)  No.6023860>>6025190


you just assume we are all heathen, then?

0249da (2)  No.6025190>>6027672

File (hide): 663e446ed58c708⋯.jpg (73.24 KB, 707x705, 707:705, IMG_20190223_221805.jpg) (h) (u)


You must be Demlibnutlefty or #FakeNews, right?

Remember this, NEVER NEVER ASSUME!

I in NO WAY SUGGESTED anything of the sort!

I asked a simple "unassuming" question!

Maybe your problem is how you feel about YOURSELF!

f2df98 (36)  No.6027667>>6027826 >>6082057


sorry so late with reply. ive been racking my brain trying to line up the sorts of knowledge I have of relevance. i realize a lot of it is lore moreso than hard info regarding facts on ground. regarding early settlements I did find this though and maybe it will shed light on your geo-hubt for a river near mountain.


summary is the early settlement would correspond moreso with af-pak area rather than Ganjes.

the first thing that popped into my mind about your inquiry is Mt. Meru. it is considered of great importance in some strands of Buddhism particularly Tibetan. you will have to check and see if its real, but whether or not it is, isnt meru an important mountain in tradition in Near East as well?

on another note related to tibetan buddhism and the digs we do here, I think it important to raise attention to the story of how they came to adopt Buddhism.

Tibetans were originally a people associated with a death cult called Bon.


The buddha dharma arrived to them by way of a cultural hero named Padmasambhava (lotus born).

Now the translation of this story that I read was by w.y. evans-wentz. seriously to this day I will tell you save yourself the time and accept no substitute. He provides gloss and logic for his translation in footnotes.


So to summarize my recollection of the story padma basically came forth from subterranean via a lotus. he was already a kid upon discovery. He was highly intelligent, possessed other supernatural powers, and flew around. I kid you not very few things do I read and think this sounds like an account of contact with a nonhuman

like a lone alien or some such. but that was exactly my impression as I first studied this text. It did not ever make mention of others affiliated with him (whether he was 1 of a kind or there were more). He is attributed as the person that discovered buddhism and brought it to tibet. think fedex for documents only its a little green man. That was another aspect that struck me as odd… I understand we venerate our cultural forebears and sometimes even exaggerate to the point of legend… but to go as far as positing this icon as not a god (because buddhism treats a gods existence as one among many kinds of existence) but a friendly visitor that passed through and foretold of more to come in times of need.

that more to come was what are called termas and these are understood as important knowledge hidden away all over the earth and they would only be found each when needed. Think exactly like circumstances of dead sea scrolls.


why do i bring all this up and think its important to mention? after typing this and pulling those links I think I see part of the reason: Thelema and Crowley related traditions incorporate practices from tantra yoga. tantra yoga developed in the region nearabout including Tibet and Nepal. in Tibetan schools tantra is called Vajrayana but its tantra. its not sex magik per se but the lineage of practice originating with Bon. dollars to donuts this is part of the matter.

f2df98 (36)  No.6027672


im good got jesus in my life thx.

f2df98 (36)  No.6027826>>6027969


upon further thought Thomas if you are thinking what I am thinking with re to your geo questions maybe also look to the northern side of the Himalayas in Southern china. i recall some folklore of unique settlements of people unlike traditional Han, genetically other.

f2df98 (36)  No.6027969>>6036306 >>6079938

File (hide): 4e840b9dde6c601⋯.jpg (378.71 KB, 699x626, 699:626, Screenshot_20190403-003843….jpg) (h) (u)

a29911 (1)  No.6029232


Anatoly Fomenko and New Chronology

"So this is where Fomenko comes from. Also useful to know is that Jewish spook Gary Kasparov (real name Weinstein) was hired to promote New Chronology."


91d16a (6)  No.6030009

File (hide): 4e3973ea4bd8601⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1068x735, 356:245, proud_boys_satanist.png) (h) (u)


Proud Boys.

Gavin McInnes.

Vice Media.

Rachel Chandler.

All connected.



e7ab9f (8)  No.6036306>>6036325 >>6037694

File (hide): beb5f3b2a5a865b⋯.jpg (100.82 KB, 860x572, 215:143, defending_Israel.jpg) (h) (u)


This is Thomas anon,

Thank you so much anandasattvaanon for your guidance, kindness and help. This outta be a good starting point for me. So thank you again.

As for Padma….. that put a smile on my face because it did confirm an idea I have. Just 2 questions about him that could be answered with a simple yes/no : can Padma be considered as the ever first Buddha? And can the word Buddha refer to "a holy man"? I know it means "the person whom obtained wisdom" and such…. but could it also refer to holy man as in a man with divine in him?

Now as for this:


This Jah-Bul-on thingy,……………….. I was going to ^%$#*& ……………… and we shouldn't forget that Albert Pike WAS TOTALLY OUT OF HIS MIND, LITERALLY, combined with a HUGE Ego and arrogance. I bet he was expecting their deity to be called Albert ^_^ You get my point ^_~

I don't believe whatever they worship has such a name. that is the creation of a mad man, or many generation of mad persons. I would like to point out that this is what they feed lower ranking followers in freemasonry. It's only the bloodline that receive the true name and knowledge. It doesn't matter how hard you work and try to climb in the upper echelons of their cult; if you don't have the blood, you will always be a unworthy in their opinion. Q even mention that = you MUST have the blood.

Anon whom have read the page sent by anandasattvaanon must have noticed what is said about Israel. Let me assure you, that is a zillion percent correct. Israel is EVIL, VERY EVIL. I have known for a long time about secret underground military bases, but it's the first time i've read they are also conducting biological experiments there. I'm not surprised one bit to hear it and it actually does match what they always do. Anons whom don't know about this, must understand and realize that Israel was ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY created out of thin air for one purpose only = constructing the third temple which in turn will bring the anti-christ. So for those whom think Israel is Holy and all that Biblical stuff, you've been duped big time. It's all one GIANT scam. THEY are a terrorist nation. I've read in some newspaper about a year or so ago that each and every single Israeli ambassy or consulate houses a small nuclear war head, to be detonated in case the Cabal run israely gvt ever gets arrested or stopped. Just stop for a second and realize what that means. It means they are willing to kill millions of people in Paris, DC, London, Rone, Madrid, Berlin, Tokyo, Beijin etc, simply because someone is going to hold them accountable for being assassins and murderers. Which brings me back to my question: what is Bibi threaning Potus with to force him to sign that Golan paper? Anons think I don't understand the situation and I don't "read" the signs. It's the opposite. I understand very well that Bibi has something hanging over Potus head. What is Bibi going to blow up or whom is he going to kill, or how many is he going to kill? See why i'm just soooo uptick about this Golan issue?

Yes, there are some good poeple in Israel, how many, i don't know. Anons don't have to believe me, just go look for answers yourselves. But don't using your usual method of research, go and look for stuff like Isreal crimes, or Israel brutality…. and such stuff, look for pictures, videos, I don't know if you will find any UN-BiASED articles about it though, they OWN the press world wide. take a loooooonnnnggggg deep look anons, see the truth with your own eyes, lift that veil covering your eyes with your own hands.

e7ab9f (8)  No.6036325


Now as a last subject, I want to tell you anandasattvaanon and even Fomenko anon that the shilling might have started, but this time i believe it's a different type of shilling. They are going to attack our credibility and honesty in order to diverge as many readers as possible from what we are researching in here; the shallow standard shilling didn't work, and since I let the nuke about the temple out, so now they are going to do their outmost best to discredit everything in this thread. They are going to make it so people question our faith, our behavior, our honesty, the accuracy of our research, our personality etc…..everything goes with them. And by the way, didn't they TRY to do the same to Potus? This is their MO. And they will try to "infiltrate" us, pretending they are lurkers or new commers and wanting to "befriend" us, or they will even write pretending it's us……. My advice, let them talk, don't answer back, we will take a short break or move to another thread incognito if needed. I believe anons reading this, including the lurkers will notice the changes themselves. The more we are attacked, the more it proves we are not just correct, but also onto something HUGE ^_^ There might be some NEW good people posting as well, so just take little steps and be cautious. They will claim the higher moral ground…. let them have it, they are just confirming to me i'm dead on track.

On this I'm going to wish you a good day…. do take care and God bless you. Thank you again.

e7ab9f (8)  No.6036658


This is Thomas again,

Here is my first drop hinting about the Temple.


My earlier drops may seem random and unrelate or empty but they are NOT ^_^

f2df98 (36)  No.6037694>>6037710 >>6038989 >>6082057


to your second question buddha can be a holy man yes. rarely and in modern times only has the notion of buddha been tied to anything like nihilism or athiesm. it in all my years of studying it i can explain it like this: God as we understand it in the Western tradition is optional to Buddhism. Many mistake that for God has no place in it. I myself have no problem calling myself all of these things simultaneously: a buddhist a taoist and a christian. regarding padmasambhava being the first buddha, I think I can say no. based on the dates and all I know, siddhartha guatama is the only person in any tradition considered the first buddha. as far as the tibetans are concerned though, padma might as well be. its the same in china with bodhidharma. india was a very advanced civilization in terms of what we consider intellectually modern. they had linguists grammarians logicians (i know because i have read tracts of these for myself) and the rig veda (holy book of the Hindu) makes reference to working with material found from meteors (iron is what remains of meteors that fall a dont burn up). so although there is no name earlier than siddhartha guatama there is no reason to think it wasnt transmitted to him by someone else.

Honestly, the lost defining feature of buddhist sutras are that they read almost like science fiction because when it gets into diefied buddha the lessons are contained in stories and the stories are of a teacher expounding a lesson or answering a question and these pedagogical demonstrations take place in pocket dimensions or outside space-time. heavy i know but thats the best way I can encapsulate it.

f2df98 (36)  No.6037710


most defining not lost defining

e7ab9f (8)  No.6038101>>6038280

File (hide): 72dc8fec20bee2f⋯.jpg (72.55 KB, 957x640, 957:640, 3-22-2018.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6a061a6eb06d013⋯.jpg (159.75 KB, 998x1200, 499:600, Flotus tweet 1-13-19.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): fb073583d538dde⋯.jpg (271.97 KB, 1200x899, 1200:899, 1-13-2019.jpg) (h) (u)



Thomas here again,

The third thing I've noticed when trying to decode Killary's portrait lead me back to an older dig of mine.

It all started with a tweet from Flotus on January 13th 2019 where she posted snowy pictures from the WH. And in coordination with her tweet, Potus also tweeted the following:

"Wish I could share with everyone the beauty and majesty of being in the White House and looking outside at the snow filled lawns and Rose Garden. Really is something - SPECIAL COUNTRY, SPECIAL PLACE!"

I was in the genel thread when that happened and my first thoughts lead me to "Alice in wonderland" and the garden where the soldiers were painting the white roses red.

A lot of anons thought as I did, and some other anons found also other "meanings" behind those 2 tweets. I believe there are multiple layers of meanings in those tweets. As I was watching and reading in the general thread it clicked = An arch. Which lead me to the Merovingian symbolism. Here is my old drops about it:




I initially saw the Obelisk as well as the fountain in the distance, but couldn't undestand what was so important about them so that Flotus would point out to them. Then in my research on Biltmore, Vanderbilts, Hope Diamond and all rabbit hole I finally undertsood what all the elementscombined from the arch picture means; here is what I wrote about it back then:

"We see from the arch the obelisk and the fountain, which got me thinking a lot. Where can we find an arch, a fountain and an obelisk all in the same place and same time.

I ended up in Paris, la place de la Concorde, where there is the Luxor Obelisk along with a fountain, locate in the 8th arrondissement, at the eastern end of the Champs Elysées where the Arc de Triompne is.

Does anyone else see this = the arch, the fountain (watch the water) the obelisk and 8 being the infinity sign upwards. At the place de la Concorde is where they beheaded Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette."

Remembering Potus talking about the Rose Garden, i put the name of Rose of Versaille into google search and i ended up into a Japanese Manga/cartoon talking about Marie-Antoinette."

I'm adding a picture of the japanese anime about Marie-Antoinette; the Rose of Versailles.

I also didn't understand why Flotus put the second picture, the one of the Wing in the WH. And how all of this was connected to the "rose garden" in Potus tweet.

e7ab9f (8)  No.6038280>>6038907

File (hide): 87405423bb083b0⋯.jpg (194.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, rose de versailles.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6cb9db805b86128⋯.jpg (222.52 KB, 1024x731, 1024:731, West_facade_of_Petit_Trian….jpg) (h) (u)


I thought I was loosing my touch and acting all silly because I landed on dead end with a cartoon about Marie-Antoinette.

After some time, I noticed that Flotus tweeted picture were a "repetition" of 2018 pictures. I've put them side by side (Again) so you would see them yourselves. I've also made a drop about this trying to get attention as to why she is "repeating" the same images for 2 years in a row.


And in the same time, I was digging about Marble House and Alva Vanderbilt-Belmont. That is when it started to click into my head. Could it be? Is it possible? So i went looking for the "Petit Trianon" = Marie-Antoinette's personal private little palace inside the gorund of Versailles.

It was also famous for being built on the ground of a botanic garden, which means it was surrounded with gardens, inclusing Marie-Antoinette favortie roses. Those roses do link us to Potus tweet and about the rose garden but for me, it could also have linked us to the "War of Roses" in England = The Lancaster red rose versus the Yok white rose = the Tudor rose.

And if anons noticed it's in synchrony with the idea in Alice in Wonderland where the soldiers were painting the white roses in red. Coincidence? I don't think so.

6ca41a (17)  No.6038352>>6038923

PressTV Published on Apr 2, 2019

President Michel Aoun says Lebanon has been seriously threatened by the recent U-S decision to recognize the co-called Israel’s sovereignty over the occupied Syrian Golan Heights. Israel has occupied several Lebanese areas, including the Shebaa Farms, which lies in the northern Golan.

6ca41a (17)  No.6038370

Can an Archaeological Dig Change the Future of Jerusalem? The City of David -- Mount Zion

What this article does not state plainly is the REAL significance. The City of David is believed by some researchers as the real site of Solomon’s temple and not the currently mis-identified “temple” mount (where the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque are). The current “temple” mount is really the Roman fort Antonio. See documentaries at end of video.


Can an Archaeological Dig Change the Future of Jerusalem?

by Bari Weiss, https://www.nytimes.com/section/opinion/sunday

JERUSALEM --- I want to tell you about a piece of clay the size of my pinkie fingernail and the color of ash. It is called a bulla, and it is what the people of the ancient Near East used before the invention of rubber bands or paper clips. They would roll up their papyrus, wrap cords around the bundle and secure it all with a bit of clay. The clay would then be stamped with a seal — the primitive version of a John Hancock.


This particular bulla was dug out of the ground in October by an archaeologist named Yuval Gadot. In the many years he’s been spading the earth in this city, Dr. Gadot, a professor at Tel Aviv University, has found several bullas. This one is special. “This bulla connects to a whole context, a whole world, that we have been uncovering in this spot,” Dr. Gadot explained.


The spot he’s talking about is the City of David --- the mound of ancient Jerusalem — which archaeologists have been trying to uncover for 150 years.


When most people think of Jerusalem they think of the walled Old City: the place that contains the Western Wall and the Aqsa Mosque and the Via Dolorosa and inspires more religious fervor than perhaps anywhere else on earth. But the Jerusalem of the Bible is a modest, narrow ridge just outside the walls. Yuval Baruch, the Jerusalem regional archaeologist of the Israel Antiquities Authority, described it this way: “Jerusalem was the capital of Judean kings and that capital was located in what we call today the City of David.”


Archaeologists have been engaged in a ferocious debate about whether a king named David literally built his palace here. Dr. Gadot, who belongs to the school of archaeology known as biblical minimalism, is skeptical. But almost all agree on the big picture, which is that the 11-acre mound is the seat of the Davidic dynasty, which begot what we now call Jewish civilization.

The official City of David Foundation story is that the acquisition of the land for the dig was all kosher. The people who work for the group will show you photographs from the 1910s and 1930s in which the ridge looks sparsely populated. They will tell you that the Palestinians who live there now are squatters. They will say that much of the land was bought in the 1920s by the philanthropist Baron Edmond de Rothschild and that the foundation reclaimed lands that were rightly his.

6ca41a (17)  No.6038465


e7ab9f (8)  No.6038907>>6060701

File (hide): ae433e494442706⋯.jpg (542.94 KB, 1185x1642, 1185:1642, Marie_Antoinette_rose.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 50f0c0f68837563⋯.jpg (982.11 KB, 1647x2000, 1647:2000, marie-antoinette-with-a-ro….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0959b7b184e201a⋯.jpg (280.67 KB, 800x1102, 400:551, Elizabeth_of_York_from_Kin….jpg) (h) (u)


That is where I had previously stoped because I thought I went off tracks: I was looking for a French line, and I ended up in Tudor England.

Well, while trying to decode Killary's portrait symbolism, I landed on these 2 portraits of Marie-Antoinette. It felt like i just gave one big kick and took down that barrage that was holding me back and not letting me make the link.

And if we add good old Elizabeth of York into the mix, then anons will notice how most of my "stones" or pieces in my case on P = C = Killary.

Elizabeth of York had McLeod syndrom which she transmited to all of her children, which includes Henry VIII of England and his sister whom married into FRENCH royalty. I know Marie-Antoinette is Austian, but anons gotta realize how it was back then = all royals members from all royal families probably had that syndrom because they would marry from each other; and the syndrom was transmitted to the offspring via the mothers.

Apart all that, I also hope anons would see how it's all linked to Killary. It's one huge spider web AGAIN. It's incredible isn't it, even Killary's portrait lead me to Louis XV portrait, which by coincidence was wearing the piece of jewelry, which in turn looks identical to the piece of jewelry sold out auction last december if I recall correctly. That piece of jewelry was sold out after it was "hidden" for about 200 years by Christies and Sotheby's, which turn out to be the biggest buyer of the jewelry of the French royal jewels when they were sold by the second republic. i bet all of this is a coincidence, right?

And there is this eery ressemblance between the young portraits of Louis XVII and Killary. it's giving me goose bumps all over again.

And now look at this, the third thing that came back at me, was marie-Antoinette's rose portrait, which lead me back to Flotus/Potus tweets, then the Merovingians, the "Place de la Concorde", the McLeod Syndrome, Alva Vanderbilt's Marble House, and of course Elizabeth of York. Incredible isn't it anons, how all of this is connected? And interwined I must add.

Now, I'm adding the Unicorn tapistries as piece 20 and Killary's portrait as piece 21; And Potus/Flotus tweets from January 13 2019 as piece 22. I would also like to add that this Marie-Antoinette cartoon titled the Rose of Versailles is also another connection between Japanese magas/animation and the Clinton just like Gantz is. I'm starting to believe that the Clintons have invested in some cartoon companies in Japan, which is a HUGE industry there; and they send such subtile messages to the public, but since most of the viewers are japanese, no one notices it. And just take a look at how Marie-Antoinette is drawn in that cartoon, why does she look like Killary? Am I seeing what is not there anons?


Here is another drop of mine about la place de la Concorde.

Anons, this needs a graphic of it's own. If there is someone who is already trying to rebuilt as a graph this giant spider web that i've been uncovering slowly, you need to draw a seperate graphic about Killary = C = P pieces that I've been talking about.

I don't know if the portrait of Marie-Antoinette with the Rose is going to lead me somehwere NEW. We will see about that, I haven't dug up anything related to it YET.

e7ab9f (8)  No.6038923>>6040591 >>6042262 >>6042784 >>6043127


This is such a such a crushing news for me anon.

If anyone noticed, I've stopped saying WWG1WGA ever since that Golan paper was signed because I've stopped believing it to be that way, even if this is a TRICK from Potus.

e7ab9f (8)  No.6038989


Thank you anandasattvaanon. I must admit, this issue is very confusing and seems complicated for an old guy like me who's expertise time frame is the greco-roman time. But you threw me a lifeline which will keep on afloat during my research. I'm not going that deep, i'm just looking for a specific point and I think with your help i'm gonna make it out. Oh! IF and WHEN i drop about what I'm researching and make mistakes in my drop, i'm counting on you to correct me. But it will have to wait for some time, i've got tones of reading to do.

You take care and God bless you.

7d228c (2)  No.6040591>>6048881


Smart of you anon because things are not what they seem.

You will see more, as it unravels. WWG1WGA is b.s. Trust only yourself - no one else.

3448ea (59)  No.6042262


Not sure if you explained already, if zo just refer me to your response. But curious to know your thoughts on why this is so bad? How do you see this playing out? I'm not familiar with the modern politics of the region, been too busy with ancient history (want to get a grasp on that before getting to current events)

b326dc (1)  No.6042299

File (hide): 032bfa225e190d5⋯.jpg (231 KB, 1330x734, 665:367, 01xcensored.jpg) (h) (u)

Montague - Romeo’s father, the patriarch of the Montague clan and bitter enemy of Capulet. At the beginning of the play, he is chiefly concerned about Romeo’s melancholy.

Lady Montague - Romeo’s mother, Montague’s wife. She dies of grief after Romeo is exiled from Verona.

Paris - A kinsman of the Prince, and the suitor of Juliet most preferred by Capulet. Once Capulet has promised him he can marry Juliet, he behaves very presumptuous toward her, acting as if they are already married.

Benvolio - Montague’s nephew, Romeo’s cousin and thoughtful friend, he makes a genuine effort to defuse violent scenes in public places, though Mercutio accuses him of having a nasty temper in private. He spends most of the play trying to help Romeo get his mind off Rosaline, even after Romeo has fallen in love with Juliet.

Prince Escalus - The Prince of Verona. A kinsman of Mercutio and Paris. As the seat of political power in Verona, he is concerned about maintaining the public peace at all costs.

086144 (2)  No.6042584



>2019 cover

The reverse writing is them trying to reverse Brexit (WE DO NOT CONSENT).

593368 (10)  No.6042784


> This is such a such a crushing news for me anon.

Me too. I've been giving Q/POTUS the benefit of the doubt like many other anons. But the 5D chess game argument is sounding too much like "the ends justify the means". My forbearance is stretched to the breaking point now.

I was listening to Kelley Ann Conway giving reporters a verbal beating over Russiagate, but was dismayed when a reporter challenged her by comparing Golan to Crimea. Her response sounded hypocritical, although I think she believed what she was saying, she is so loyal to POTUS.

086144 (2)  No.6043127

File (hide): 791c52edbc190dd⋯.png (167.89 KB, 900x547, 900:547, NWO.png) (h) (u)


>The bird of fire is even mentioned in the movie Titanic of Leo diCaprio…. ironically.

They like to keep making movies to ram home their triumphs and suck up more emotion and con-sent from Joe Normie, WW2 and the "holocaust" that has been the key to dismantling white identity and cohesive democratic civilisations, the Titanic sinking that facilitated the Fed.

To other anons including Thomas thank you for the rich information, still processing and reading associated material, and I hope for some input on my interim conclusions, below:


>I've stopped believing it to be that way, even if this is a TRICK from Potus.

My takeaway so far is that there has been a selective breeding program to create a being who concentrates, in "blood" (genetic and spiritual inheritance) the soul of these families ("antichrist" is too facile, but along the right lines) who is supposed to initiate a return of some non-human beings through portals who will then grant them immortality, power, etcetera. Women as vessels and gateways is an ancient theme, and these beings may be (or, the cabal may believe them to be) alien, inter-dimensional, from another era of history, a form of AI from outside known history, or demonic (spiritual/supernatural) in nature. The cabal may believe these beings were ancestors or creators of their bloodline, and this is why they need to concentrate the power.

Elements within non-bloodline Jewish pressure groups in the west and inside Israel apparently play along with this thinking they will get THEIR Messiah (the elevation of the Jewish race forever) out of this, and/or the foolish goyim will destroy themselves following it, either of which is desirable from their point of view. Both sides probably think they are screwing each other, but appear in alliance to outsiders.

"Giving" Israel the Golan Heights may either throw a spanner in the works by happening before it was expected, or force them to show their hand? Maybe if the Jews get that, it will enable them to proceed to their prophecy without needing to support the "anticrhist"/annihilation of gentiles, preceding it? I have no ego in this theory so dismantle it at will, I am just trying to make sense of things. An important caveat also that these things do not have to actually be real, correct, or likely, for them to motivate people to commit terrible acts.

I'm also not certain what all the underground activity means. It's possible atrocities I prefer not to spell out occurred in underground locations, be these structures very ancient or relatively modern, either an attempt to create portals for these beings, or for other purposes linked to this.

It's interesting that Q team MUST be as aware of the race/crime links, Jewish infiltration of media and creation of feminism, bolshevism, and also of Muslim violence, as any other anon, and yet they emphasise love and unity.

I believe this is to avoid con-sent being given (inadvertantly) by anons and those following Q's posts towards losing any human, even the vilest and lowest of our kind. They are still human, no matter how long ago our genes diverged.

It's especially significant perhaps that the cabal greedily fixate upon Haiti (possibly the only part of "Atlantis" still above the ocean) and the black population suffer as a result. If we write them off in conversations on this level, we risk saying that this is okay. It is NOT. Like a family, we may fight amongst ourselves, but we must stand in unity if something larger threatens us, even if (I state once more) it is only something the cabal imagine to be there.

593368 (10)  No.6043197>>6043877 >>6056742

Anons, excellent thread you've made here. Are you open to channeled information? I haven't found any here; it's mostly hard, factual research you've done. I have a scientific background but I've spent recent decades seeking a broader perspective than that provided by conventional science alone, including metaphysics and spirituality. I'd like to share some of that perspective here, if only to hint about directions for further digging. Otherwise, perhaps you could recommend another thread.

c2a227 (1)  No.6043877


>Is there a limited supply of bread?

Yes, breads have post limits. Slides make it harder to conversate with people in breads. There are reasons these rules exist, I didn't make them up.


Like it matters at this point, we have so many people shitting up the bread, might as well just unleash the levee.

I'm sure you'll have riveting long winded talks about nothing with Thomas Anon and his cult following. Post 20 pictures with no real point.

I'm seeing information posted 2 or 3 times in the same bread because people can't discern anything between all the slides. Right now I see the baker posting a link that is posted 20 replies above him.

This bread is compromised. The boomers, bless their little hearts, are only making matter worse. Ah hell, most of you old dogs would talk to a tree if you thought it was listening.

7d228c (2)  No.6045073

File (hide): cb1be0f2bdd7875⋯.jpg (71.76 KB, 700x700, 1:1, empty.jpg) (h) (u)

a3e5e2 (2)  No.6046670


a3e5e2 (2)  No.6046685>>6052563

File (hide): 0c8784989af073a⋯.png (291.27 KB, 636x668, 159:167, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


593368 (10)  No.6048349


> I had so much hope in this, mostly to see the WWG1WGA mutate into becoming universalism while still preserving it’s nationalism flavor.

Greetings Thomas Anon,

I am new here and haven't read all the older posts yet but I did read your most recent posts, which I appreciate. You covered several topics; one that has been on my mind too is the nationalism/universalism dichotomy. I see indications that anons understand the universal aspect. For example, some anons track the number of country-based threads and make a point of welcoming newcomers. I think the latest count is 14 countries/regions represented. Q also recognizes the worldwide aspect of this movement, using the code WW. For example "United We Stand (WW)." or "Millions of Patriots WW! #Winning." So, I am hopeful.

Nationalism does need to be emphasized now to counter the cabal's globalist agenda, but without losing site of the goal of a unified humanity. The cabals version of globalism is homogeneity. It would be like an orchestra with only one type of instrument all playing in unison (easier to control) vs. an orchestra with many types of instruments playing together in harmony with the conductor facilitating cooperation rather than commanding obedience.

It is natural, on every scale, for cohesive groupings to form, all the way from atoms to galaxies. One reason for this is that full interconnectivity is not possible for 3-D forms as the number of members of a group increases beyond a certain point --- thus the formation of specialized organs within a body, for example. At a deeper level, each cohesive group has an identity which is the imprint of oneness on creation.

In the case of human society, humans naturally form into tribes that reflect the ability of humans to maintain meaningful relationships. The number depends on the purpose of the group and the degree of commitment of the members to each other and to the purpose. But humans are not able to maintain relationships with more than about 150 people at a time, and then only if there is strong cohesion. Such tribes then form connections with other groups: diplomacy, trade, alliances, etc.

So, human society naturally forms a hierarchy beginning with the fundamental family unit, to neighborhood or village, then town or city, then state or region, then country. The next step in our evolution calls for cohesion at the planetary level, which has never occurred before. When achieved it will be the body of humanity, with all its organs and cells and molecules and atoms, able to speak with one voice when needed. This is what the cabal fears most: humanity achieving an emergent, self-organized harmony rather than a dictated unison. And so it targets every level of cohesion starting with the family.

We live in a time when humanity has an opportunity to choose who we are, what we stand for and what we believe in. Will we decide that we are, collectively, service-to-other, service-to-self or of unity consciousness? Will we decide if our path is technological, religious or spiritual? Until now, such things have been decided for us. The cabal's time is ending. Our time is at hand.

91d16a (6)  No.6048881>>6050936


If that is the case, we are completely fucked.

Vast majority of the population is way too asleep / dumbed down to deal with whatever they have planned.

It does seem like Trump was the actual intended POTUS on some level with the various occult symbolism in movies over the years.

Plus he's got the whole Asherim tower and masonry connection going on.

I don't know anymore.

16775d (17)  No.6050936>>6051651 >>6058190 >>6094571

File (hide): f559fd3dad2cfa6⋯.jpg (150.27 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Blue WH.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8ab4f95a203b003⋯.jpg (25.93 KB, 600x314, 300:157, Blue WH 2.jpg) (h) (u)

Thomas Anon wishes anons reading this a good evening.

Let me start by thanking our baker in this bread. He is an energetic young man with one big heart. He put up with grumpy old me for months now. So thank you for your kidness and your patience. Thank you for creating this thread in the first place. Thank you for being you.

The young man whom created this thread doesn't censor; I believe every anon wanting to fight back is free to drop in here. We believe in the freedom of speech even if it comes from shills. Sometimes having some shills around is helpful, like it can SOMETIMES confirm you are over the target. And I was expecting some shilling and I also was expecting some "infiltration".

So whomever wants to post, do so, it will be read by everyone. Some may choose to reply, some not, or some may reply on a later date. It's a free world after all.

Now I must admit, I never ever expected in my wildest dream for this type of shilling attack: ME HAVING A CULT, REALLY? I've been here for some time now thinking I'm all alone and talking to myself ^_^ how do i a cult following? How many are TRULY reading my drops? And why am i frighting you so much Mr Shill? Now this is the second time in a few days that I'm having responses making me wonder how many are reading. I always thought maybe a maximum of 10 persons would be interested in reading what i'm saying. But seeing (((their))) reaction, I'm starting to wonder not just how many are reading but what is the impact of what i'm researching? And mostly how close I am to the TRUTH?

We should not loose FAITH in Potus. This is comming from me, whom is totally furious about the Golan paper signing by Potus. Just stop for a second and think how many times (((they))) tried to kill Potus or a member of his family already? Trump didn't need to kick that wasp nest, he was living a very comfy, succesdul and happy life. He is not compromised. he is absolutly crazy for taking up this job = draining the swamp. Any other man wouldn't have done. But he did. He is not alone in this, he has a HUGE team working in the background. And I'm terribly pissed at that team more than on Potus for that wrong chess move about the Golan papers.

Q team let me tell you something my old mentor keeps on telling me in a situation like this one: "no one know the temperature of the water apart the person sitting in the tub".

Now for today I want to talk about a tiny symbolic thing: The blue lights of the WH

"Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body."

I don't think the color choice is random anons.

And for anon whom think we are completly fucked:


No we are not, or (((they))) wouldn't be panicking as they are nor would (((they))) be liquidating all of their precious belongings at auction, nor would (((they))) be planning to escape by running and hidding to NZ. (((They))) are the ones fucked because there is "enough" of us awake already to shake and rattle the rest of mankind into opening their eyes. (((They))) would be full of themselves as usual if (((they))) were winning, but (((they))) are not. As for Brexit, it's the will of the people, they voted on it, the gvt should do as the people wants. And no, Crimea is not like Golan, there was no referendum done in Golan like what happened in Crimea.

6ca41a (17)  No.6051651>>6056137


ThomasAnon I've noticed drops in the main thread that I believe to be yours. Could you drop them here also? I don't want to miss anything. Your information is so helpful in making connections. There is also too much junk in the main thread now that it takes so long to determine what is worth reading.

636ddd (1)  No.6052563



16775d (17)  No.6056137


I appologize, but I rather keep them seperate. I have my reasons. Not all may be mine because i go incognito in the main thread. take care

593368 (10)  No.6056742>>6062445 >>6071663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Absent objections, I will share some insights gleaned from esoteric sources pertaining to the NWO.

First, a disclaimer: all sources of external information begin the same for me, the equivalent of a sequence of 1's and 0's, raw data. I don't give preference to any particular source of information, nor do I rule out any. This incoming data is then filtered rationally (which includes correlation with experience) and tested intuitively for the ring of truth. So, anything I write is my truth only and a provisional truth at that.

The cabal, long used to always getting its way, suffered back-to-back unexpected defeats: first Brexit then Trump. Their total confidence in their ability to determine the course of events through deception, bribery, intimidation and propaganda has been shattered. On one level because of the Internet, on another level because of the great awakening of human consciousness, which the Internet is symbolic of.

A word on Trump. He is flawed, like the rest of us, but most importantly he did not willingly submit to the control of the cabal, unlike his opponent who was beholden to the cabal. So, disaster was averted because Clinton would have started WWIII against the cabal's old adversary, Russia (controlled by another bloodline). It already tried to destroy Russia with Bolshevism and failed. Now Russia is leading the way back to sound money along with its new ally, China, which undermines the cabal's main mechanism of control, central bank issued fiat currency. And Russia, after watching what happened in Libya, said "no more" and is thwarting the will of the cabal in Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela and elsewhere along with its main ally with their growing military and financial strength to back them. They have joined forces because the Western cabal was aggressively moving toward world domination seemingly at any cost, as if crazed.

The tide of history has decidedly turned against the cabal. This was inevitable, sooner or later, because there are cosmic forces at work which have shifted the balance, as Q says, from Darkness to Light. But as if the two recent major defeats of the cabal were not enough, it has more recently been dealt a fatal blow, and this is the main news I wish to share.

In Q drop #133, Q gives a 40,000 ft. view of global control. He states: "Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’. " The Eye has not been mentioned since. In post a few hours later, Q states that altitude is decreasing to decrease the risk of conspiracy theory attacks.

What is this "Eye"? Q says "Many governments of the world feed the 'Eye'", then, "Eye of Providence. Follow the bloodlines." The Eye of Providence is also known as the All Seeing Eye, the one found at the top of the pyramid on the US dollar note. This was a individual who was invisible and nameless, controlling the cabal bloodlines from the shadows. He had lived for a very long time, having perfected very dark life prolonging techniques, including blood sacrifice, hence his association with the color red. He did not share the entirety of his knowledge with anyone else, believing that he would be usurped if he did so, as is the rule in the service-to-self consciousness. So, he left no heirs.

About a year ago, I estimate, his corporeal existence was terminated by an agent of the Light, a human being who managed to execute a clever plot that took the Eye by surprise and was able to escape alive with the support of other agents of Light. This is a momentous event in human history and opens up many timelines. Humanity has been given the opportunity to choose its own destiny. Q and POTUS are doing their part, but everyone has a part to play.

I can't help but notice many parallels with Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Perhaps he was divinely inspired. In particular, the situation in the aftermath of Sauron's defeat is worth noting. Peace did not prevail immediately. Sauron had gained control over many groups. Some immediately died, bereft of the will that had dominated them. But there were others, far away peoples who had joined Sauron's armies with promises of reward or threats of punishment. Some surrendered while others fought on, too proud to surrender. And there was the case of Saruman, who was mercifully given the choice to repent and join the Light. This choice has been given to the members of the bloodline families. Will they gnaw the ends of their old plots as Saruman did, only to die at the hand of his slave, his spirit banished? Everyone has a choice, a part to play, from the greatest wizard to the meekest hobbit. What is your choice, your part?

3448ea (59)  No.6058190>>6071663


I laughed when I saw that shill directly mock you, consider it a badge of honor. Think about it, that shill had to have been actually reading your posts for awhile to be able to make that kind of jab at you.

And this thread has always been about whatever wild ideas you can muster. Throw it at the wall and let's see what sticks. We've talked from Giants to Vikings to Saturn being the Sun. All bets are off.

It's hard to censor against anything when you don't know what the truth is in the first place. So who am I to call out anyone for "spreading misinfo" or whatnot. It's clear history is a convenient tale to justify the power of those who rule the world, so why should we accept it at face value?

If even one spark of inspiration that can come from these threads that leads to an actual, big, significant discovery -- then, well, that's what we're here for.

Of course, this is all in context of Q and his symbolism drops. I've always been intrigued by the mystery cults that seemed to disappear but then seemed to still remain underground up to this day. Why were the poets and nobility of the middle ages so obsessed with reviving the ancient Greek pantheon on one hand while on the other vying to be considered the most pious Christian in the world? Theories that suggest that such cults aren't so far back in time, and that the nobility weren't reviving the Greek myths but instead living them and actively writing them, intrigue me the most.

5f41ef (3)  No.6059159>>6059875

File (hide): f396ae83e9e4ac9⋯.jpg (830.2 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, CaravansF1.jpg) (h) (u)

Trumps veil is slowing reveiling his true self and the Jewish Shekel agenda, as Merkel and Soros. To destroy each nations heart by refusing to stop or slow the invasion.

Notice Trump has not built 1 new inch of wall in every? and he's been saying over and over, he had for the last 6+ months? Even Army Corp of Enginerring called out his lying several times to decieve the US People.

Trump is a Tratior to the USA, and on a worse level then John McCain! Think about it. When does a Draft Dodger all of sudden become a soldier? They don't and his true self has bubbled to the top, and his refusal take up arms at our souther border.

Trump has the blood of all our children on his hands, and in the next life, make sure you each remind him and his family of the crimes he openly helped protect the criminals.

Like a perfect God apple, it does not stay perfect all the time, but changes to spoil. Need I say Trump? Just because he did some good things, he actually did nothing in real life to help our nations people on our very streets. Yet he runs to all 4 corners of the world to get every single SHEKEL for his Jewish banking Master Overlords. The veil is coming off to expose him.

5f41ef (3)  No.6059281>>6059302 >>6064037

File (hide): 24bf1f65b902226⋯.jpg (156.3 KB, 634x634, 1:1, JFKRedShoes.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ac96c0212ebdde9⋯.jpg (41.44 KB, 620x496, 5:4, RedShoes.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f65dbff2ce0f456⋯.jpg (13.01 KB, 474x316, 3:2, RedShows.jpg) (h) (u)


Here a few more so does this mean they are involved in red shoes? What is fashion and what are signes and how do you tell the difference?

5f41ef (3)  No.6059302


Shoes are Melonia Trumps heels. So that means she's involved?

6ca41a (17)  No.6059875





Try Google, shill.

6ca41a (17)  No.6060701>>6061248

File (hide): 3f82da6a0861b89⋯.png (275.61 KB, 300x412, 75:103, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9d9102c6888aed9⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Princess Margaret>>6038907

Elizabeth I

9967a5 (1)  No.6061248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

169dda (1)  No.6062139

2a5524 (12)  No.6062445>>6071663

HPOST #1 - What lurks in the shadows?

My posts here will be organized in the following format: [HPOST #, ITEM #]. References will use [H#, I#].

This is so I and other other anons can organize these posts into a comprehensive system of proofs at later dates.


# of shill attacks ~= proximity to the truth?

We'll call this the 'Metal Detector.'

[ITEM 0]

@ Thomas Anon

The info you're providing is amazing; I discovered this thread last night, then proceeded to read through everything. Please continue to release any information you believe the anons should know about.

I've found some VERY eerie connections between what you've discussed and certain TV shows and movies. Tons of information to add here, so I'll just get started:

[ITEM 1] - FMA:B: Piccinini's Chimera

The Animated TV show Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Lots of connections between this show and what's been going on behind the scenes.


Central thesis of the show: The country 'Amestris' (I'm holding back laughter) is secretly ruled from beneath by a being known as 'Father' who intends to sacrifice the citizens of the country to become 'the perfect being.'

Early on in the show we discover that the government is responsible for experimentation in 'human transmutation.' The first three images are a comparison of Patricia Piccinini's 'artwork' and a chimera created by a rogue 'state alchemist' (government scientist / magic practitioner and front runners in the show.)

This particular chimera is a combination of the state alchemist's daughter and their pet dog. Yes it's disgusting. This character previously created a chimera using his wife to earn a state certification.


IMG #1:

Patricia Piccinini's 'artwork.'

IMG #2:

Animated Chimera

IMG #3:

Animated Chimera and its creator (we don't say his name.)

The probability of accidentally coming across 'artwork' of this monstrosity independent of the show has got to be pretty low. Over several sigma for sure. And this is just a crumb on the tip of an iceberg in the entirety of the arctic ocean compared to the connections I'm going to make between this and other shows. We might be able to figure out what's going on through the information hidden within the swamp of mass media.

[ITEM 2] FMA:B: The CENTRAL - New York Connection

The seat of power in 'Amestris' is a place called CENTRAL. The first frame of the first shot in the show is an establishing shot of Central. CENTRAL is also the perfect codename for this place:


IMG 4:

Pentagram connections between significant places in New York which Thomas Anon posted about.

IMG 5:

Establishing Shot of Central. This place has MANY connections with New York. The stills of the underground system in both the show and the actual location are horrifyingly similar. So much so that I'm officially naming this location in New York CENTRAL. So if CENTRAL (in all caps) appears anywhere in my posts, it refers to this place. Unless I specify otherwise. If someone with connections to Q happens to read this, try to get a CENTRAL in one of your posts.

The character 'Father' rules from below the large building in the center IMG 5. This may have a connection to what this: >>6056742 was saying about the one person or being who is secretly in control, attempting to amass enough power to become a 'perfect being'. I'll touch on the character Father with more details in later posts.

1f2f31 (1)  No.6063632>>6071663

Hey guys,

This is probably a useless shitpost, but I want to get it out there and see if anyone can maybe do something with it.

So we're following the Egyptians and Phoenicians. I think it's pretty obvious at this point the Phoenicians are both the Vikings AND Venetians. Are they also the Parisians?

The name is alllllllmost the same, same way Phoenicians and Venetians is almost the same (although not AS close). France + Venice were allied numerous times through the middle ages, occasionally coming to blows, but not with any lasting effects usually. The Vikings raided the French coast, but only made it inland to Paris one time. An implicitly allied Paris and Venice (see! Similar sounds!) would give one control over almost the entirety of Europe - Venice controls the Mediterranean, France controls the Mainland - It's central, the eastern regions are already on lock via the Vikings.

Did the Pharaohs move west after Moses and settle in France? Is this why Payseur is so important? Are they the Pharaohs?

The similarities are pretty uncanny. Both rulers insisted they were descendants of God and given "Divine Right" to rule. There's also a strangeness to French that is unique amongst Romance languages, there are parts of it that sound distinctly arabic. It's possible that these sounds and phrases are the remnants of dealing w/ the Moors, but maybe it's even older than that?

Anyway just thoughts that have been making my brain itch, hopefully someone who knows more can either make this more complete or tear it all down so I can get some clarity :P.

16775d (17)  No.6064037>>6064526

File (hide): 9acde1dd272fd84⋯.jpg (132.66 KB, 1200x721, 1200:721, I really don't care jacket.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3613bf136539556⋯.jpg (130.48 KB, 634x911, 634:911, Ford red shoes.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7db3c13e3fb5db6⋯.jpg (111.65 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, Ford the eye.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 66ba27fd7ae57e4⋯.jpg (48.28 KB, 580x484, 145:121, Blair, Clinton, Ford.jpg) (h) (u)


This is Thomas Anon,

Dear anon, NO, not everyone wearing RED SHOES IS PART OF THE CLAN. My own wife has red shoes, does this mean she is a satanist whom rapes and eats kids after killing them and torturing them. Hell no! It’s just a fashion statement from my wife. Now I’ve already talked a bit about this in the the third thread, so if you want to go and check it out, it would be great.

Now let me explain a bit about the RED SHOES and how you can DETECT whom is what:

First, you shouldn’t rush in your judgement and say this person is that. It might a fashion statement, or that person might be FORCED (don’t forget, they blackmail people into doing their bidding) to wear red shoes.

Second, Melania is in NO WAY part of that clan. You are forgetting two things when it comes to Flotus: 1 -- she is an ex-model herself, so she is into fashion – 2 – Just like Potus, Flotus has been using the Cabal symbolism against them, and she is trolling them and the media. She is driving them NUTS with just a dress or a pair of shoes ^_^ Sometimes, I think her trolling is far more powerful than Potus’; remember that : “I really don’t care” jacket she wore? The media was having a bad spell because of it, they went NUTS…. That was terribly cool of her: she is one tiger mom whom knows how to punch back.

Third, I only called out the ones WHOM were already confirmed as being members of the red shoe clan or already known as being witches, like Bill Maher, Tony Podesta and Lady Gaga.

Forth, it’s easier to detect it in MEN than WOMEN, with the ladies it’s trickier. Now how do you do that, first, you gotta catch the person wearing red shoes multiple times, not just once, in pictures that is. Then, you gotta see if he or she is connected to Cabal or is into cabal symbolism. Also, you gotta check out whom he hangs out with. And then, you gotta check out what type of “ideology” he/she supports. At last, check out if he/she ever attacked Potus, Flotus or Q.

Let me give you some examples there; I’m gonna give you 2 male examples and 2 female examples:

- The 1st male example: Harrison Ford

1 -- He’s got one picture sporting red shoes, which can be dismissed and taken as a coincidence or fashion statement because it’s just one time.

2 -- Well, let me see: his link to the Cabal is Hollywood itself, and he is into symbolism up to his eyeballs, not to forget one of his most iconic roles was Indiana Jones which all 4 parts are heavily filled with symbolism and Cabal subjects.

3 -- As for whom he hangs out with, well, let me see, we have Steven Speilberg (famous freemason, cabalist + scientology), Mark Hamill (of course we all remember how he recently came up against Potus), then we have rapist Bill and even Tony Blair; we shouldn’t forget Robin Williams as well (another famous actor up to his eye balls in cabal symbolism)

4 -- He apparently is one of the “Climate change” supporters. That says a lot on itself.

5 -- Yup! He did come out against Potus:



So you see, there is MORE to it than just wearing RED SHOES.

2a5524 (12)  No.6064273

HPOST #2 - What lies beneath?

[ITEM 1] FMA:B: What lies beneath central?

In [H1, I2] we discussed the location of CENTRAL. Here we're going to go more in depth about the underground system of CENTRAL and its counterpart in the TV show Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.


IMG #1

An image of a tunnel underneath New York.

IMG #2

Vertical tunnel running underneath Central.

IMG #3

Horizontal tunnel running underneath Central.

IMG #4

Human remains in the sewers?

IMG #5

Something is above the tunnel…

The likeness is stunning. Look at the unique shape of the pipes in IMG 1 and compare it to the extruded cylinders of the cartoon images. If I didn't know any better I'd say the artists who worked on this show literally used the New York tunnels as reference images…we'll need to look into who's behind this show. But first: What are the implications of the 4th and 5th images? Those grates at the top of IMG 5 are suggestive of the grates in IMG 1. What are the red eyes about? And the human remains? They are the result of CHIMERA. Human-animal hybrids. We've heard about the chimera experiments several times, and of course we have reference to them throughout history. These tunnels are similar to the Labyrinth in Greek Mythology, from what I've heard of it. The chimera reportedly ate any humans who stumbled into the tunnel.

These chimera above the tunnel serve as gatekeepers, created by Father or his (its?) followers in the show. We'll touch on them later, but know that in the show these followers (bloodlines?) are created by a PHILOSOPHERS STONE. In the show, these stones are created through HUMAN SACRIFICE. Massive human GENOCIDE, rape, etc.; the likes of the Bolsheviks in Russian or what happened to the Germans after WWII…Is there a greater purpose to these events than simply murder for murder's sake? Is this why supposedly nobody in mainstream history was able to create a philosophers stone? __ I'm not very familiar with these stones, but I know that many people have spoken of their existence and power.

The Rubies? Symbolic of the king's line, etc…Will post pictures of these things in the show in later post as well. The philosophers' stones look EXACTLY like the star rubies you talked about @Thomas Anon.

In the tv show there is a powerful lost civilization called Xerxes which was destroyed in a single night. Will get to in later post. But keep in mind: what powerful ancient civilizations do we know that were killed off in a very short period of time?

To hit this home, is there a connection between the mass genocides, philosophers' stones, and bloodlines aka followers / creations / children / descendents of 'Father'?

Where does the fantasy meet reality?

Image limit is an impediment in comms, but I'll try to keep up.

DIG THE TUNNEL. These tunnels have a very specific purpose in the TV show. Is there any pattern to these tunnels in New York?

CONT. in part 2

16775d (17)  No.6064526>>6064848

File (hide): d4bcf30704b081c⋯.png (711.02 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Aids foundation.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d0d02711d270d53⋯.jpg (145.08 KB, 1028x675, 1028:675, Elton John Diana.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d375fb321dfa790⋯.png (320.04 KB, 500x746, 250:373, Freddie and Elton.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7c1b1153b9e3c94⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 430x428, 215:214, Goodbye.jpg) (h) (u)


So now let’s move to male 2: Elton John:

1 -- he’s got MANY pictures sporting red shoes, mostly at his concerts, which we could argue and say it’s fashion and him being exentric…. But then, he has this picture where he appeared briefly in a movie. Soooo….. do you believe in coincidences? I sure don’t.

2 -- His link to the Cabal and symbolism: welllllll he is a very famous Homosexual musician; possible pedophile as well.( I personally never liked one of his songs.) So he is in the industry. And he did use the one eye symbol a lot in the past, I’ve tried to find a picture of at least one in the net, but it seems it’s scrubbed clean: are you surprised? I’m not. And we shouldn’t forget he was Knighted by the Queen.

3 -- His circle of friends are Lady Gaga, Killary and rapist Bill, George Micheal, Lady Diana, Freddy Mercury etc.

4 -- He has established an “Aids Foundation”, it seems, and I bet if we dig a bit there, we will find it’s connected or in close relatioship with Clinton Foundation….. Surprised?

5 -- Oh yes! He did campaign for Killary as in he performed for her audience (along side Katy Perry by the way):



And there is this strange series of articles going on:



Then you have the obvious sparks:



And I think Potus trolling him:


I want to add something ODD about Elton John: that song he supposedly did to honor Diana when she died……. It’s a new adaptation of an older song about Marilyn Monroe if I remember correctly. I will stop short about this, I still haven’t checked that deep, so I don’t want to say something and it turns out I was wrong about it. This is one deep rabbit hole.

16775d (17)  No.6064848>>6065617

File (hide): c5c366603da26bc⋯.jpg (62.1 KB, 636x382, 318:191, Rose Mcgowan.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 031c2d73054678c⋯.jpg (127.82 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Rose hand sign.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1f8ba7bafa785cd⋯.jpg (316.28 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, asia-argento-rose-mcgowan.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e52ccc06d9e5c88⋯.jpg (44.28 KB, 373x600, 373:600, Disgusting people.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 05182d7e01cb70d⋯.jpg (33.15 KB, 317x255, 317:255, Rose and Quentin.jpg) (h) (u)


Now female 1 is :Rose McGowan:

1 -- She’s seen multiple times wearing red shoes, but since she is a female, it could pass as a fashion statement.

2 -- She is a Hollywood actress whom according to her own words passed through the famous casting couch of Weinstein. She stars in Tarantino weird movie (called Planet Terror if I’m not mistaken) where she is a one legged prostitute and she became a Witch in Tv Series “Charmed” along side Alisa Milano. We must not forget the hand sign.

3 -- Her friends. Hm! Let’s see, we’ve got Marlin Manson, Alisa Milano, Asia Argento, she “hanged out” with Harvey Weinstein if you get what I mean; and of course there is Quentin Tarantino, another weirdo.

4 - # Metoo Movement and all that debacle with Weinstein….. of course funded by Soros.

5 -- And she has came out multiple of times against Potus:



So you see, here again, I’m not just relying on the person wearing red shoes, I’m looking at more clues.

16775d (17)  No.6065617

File (hide): 2c0e5f92e7f69ea⋯.jpg (43.18 KB, 480x600, 4:5, Gloria and Sarah.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 638a8642d89cbdb⋯.jpg (59.48 KB, 640x640, 1:1, sjp-red-shoes.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6d4cb2a2ca2170c⋯.jpg (136.76 KB, 680x1023, 680:1023, Jessica Met Gala 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1ad5d3a8f8d938d⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 400x309, 400:309, sarah hands.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 083f99163edc5bf⋯.jpg (82.2 KB, 928x523, 928:523, What a charm.jpg) (h) (u)


Female 2 is: Sarah Jessica Parker:

1 -- Yup! She does wear red shoes, but let’s be nice to her as well and say it’s a fashion statement.

2 -- Apart her being a Hollywood actress with zero talent, I suggest anons take a GOOD LONG LOOK at her “dresses” at the Met Gala. We must not forget her terribly boring series that talks about fashion, how beautiful she is and of course, sex, sex and sex, but women are in charge ALL the time, no sharing wth males. Males are just a tool used = that’s the idea projected in that series, there is no partnership or love in the air.

3 -- Her friends: We have on top of the list = Gloria Vanderbilt, Sarah seems to admire Gloria…. Yes, I’m talking about the same Gloria that is Anderson Cooper’s mother. We have her co-stars from the boring series Sex in the City; and we have Andy Cohen, another person whom hangs out a lot with Anderson Cooper.

4 -- So of course after the #Metoo movement came out, Sex and the City is going to be all different now, as if she didn’t promote that stuff for how long already ?

5 -- Yup! She came out against Potus:



And Potus trolled back:


I would also like to point out 2 things about her:

1 -- check out her hands anons (yeah I know about the Adrenochrome)

2 -- Her “friend” and co actor Cynthia Nixon, was a guest at Ozy fest, along side Rose McGowan and none other than Killary the queen bee herself. Full circle anons. Plenty to read about on the net.



Anons, there is plenty of articles, photos and videos to go around on the net. If you use this method, anons will be able to make complete lists of celebs and stars that are in the red shoes clan. My advice, don’t rush, just take your time and work slowly with as many evidence as you can.

As a side note anons, I bet if you dig, you will find out that Cynthia Nixon is working for Killary ^_~ And another side note, I won’t be surprised one tiny bit if we found out that most of the “stars”attentding the Met Gala are Killary’s minions. When it comes to Cabal members, there is always a pattern, they are creatures of habit as well.

2a5524 (12)  No.6066527>>6066717 >>6071663

File (hide): 4db7d66ccdb6082⋯.png (3.76 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 98127348901705134Q.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9b04eb020667ad2⋯.png (4.94 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 98127348901234531Q.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): ab209e5d5c105c3⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 98127348987705134Q.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8f35143255d4660⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 98127472916105134Q.PNG) (h) (u)

HPOST #3 - The Magicians

[ITEM 1]

Taking a slight detour to discuss this show: The Magicians on Syfy


Logline: After being recruited to a secretive academy, a group of students discover that the magic they read about as children is very real-and more dangerous than they ever imagined.

This is one of the most openly occult shows I've seen. The amount of symbolism is astounding, and I certainly do not understand it all. This show is still running, so it's a great place to look for occult comms. Consistent mentions of the NWO, LGBTQ, mental health, etc.

Anons should immediately recognized several symbols including the Hand, the Ram, the Bees, etc. If anyone spots something with a specific message please post about it.

The main antagonist of the series is an entity called 'THE BEAST' who we discover was once human and a victim of PEDOPHILIA at the hands of a renowned novelist. It is because of this abuse that he turned into 'THE BEAST,' a murderous and psychopathic magician bent on obtaining power over everything. Other themes include summing a god which RAPES and MURDERS a naive group of magicians by ripping their HEARTS OUT, a weak-minded and subservient white-male protagonist who first appears to be straight but 'accidentally' ruins his relationship by cheating on his girlfriend with 2 friends (one male, one female, confirmed homosexual sex), consistently disappointing parental figures with no guiding morals, CONSTANT (I mean completely constant) use of drugs and alcohol, and much much more.

Perfectly engineered to look harmless to a victim of 're-education' with little grounds to be attacked on any specific point, at least based on the currently engineered values of the Cabal's controlled media environment. (((They))) reveal the truth to you though their symbols. This is controlled; further attention will be brought to this show later on.

16775d (17)  No.6066717>>6067344

File (hide): 78cb46061e48c58⋯.jpg (144.09 KB, 1480x832, 185:104, Edward VIII & Hitler.jpg) (h) (u)


This is Thomas Anon,

Wow! Terribly impressive anon. May I suggest you take a look at Evangelion, Saint Seiya and I don't know if Dragon Ball will fit for the Philosopher stone… There is also Yami no Matsuei, not for kids, it's about the shinigami and the shikigami, not to forget Bleach as well. There is the Yaoi genre called Ai no Kusabi, there is a lot of "ideas" in there as well.

As for Mangas, I'm currently reading 7 Seeds.

I think the Cabal has shares in the companies producing those mangas and anime.

May I suggest you go to the archive and read the drops I've posted in the third thread? I think you will do incredibly well with the info in there. The picture I'm putting with this drop is an "avant gout" to what's in there.

2a5524 (12)  No.6067344>>6071663

File (hide): f547b4e03fe0240⋯.png (5.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, RitualChamberFromAOT.PNG) (h) (u)


[ITEM 1]


Sounds good.

Will read through those tomorrow to see if I can piece together your 'Full Meal,' i.e., will use google earth etc. to create a map of locations like you suggested earlier and we'll piece together everything once and for all.

[ITEM 2]

BTW: Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin is a monster of a hit piece on the cabal. Will do tons of posts on that. For a little 'Avant gout' :) of this show/manga: After his hometown is destroyed and his mother is killed, young Eren Yeager vows to cleanse the earth of the giant humanoid TITANS that have brought humanity to the brink of extinction.


There are two classes of these Titans:


and those which have special BLOODLINES, control PERCEPTION through MIND-CONTROL POWERS, have a SECRET PAST, and which pass down these powers through hidden RITUALS in an UNDERGROUND CHAMBER.

There are not-so-hidden messages in the soundtracks.

Soooo many other connections I've noticed. Particular subject includes the strange RITUAL MURDER of 'YOUNGLINGS' in Star Wars Episode 3 (the movie is basically a gigantic ritual which the audience is forced to sit through -- and that's why the prequels seem so poorly directed; they're not meant to be just fun-watchable movies.)

I have identified some possible white hats in the entertainment industry which I won't mention in case we are being watched. My mental capacity is deteriorating by the second which is why I'll begin tomorrow so I can get a fresh look at things. I have a feeling we will reach something in our fight against them.

4cf3c5 (1)  No.6067747


ok so one reference to manga / anime is coincidence, two is a pattern. in the long past is evangelion (whatever it was the creator of tha was trying to say, he lost his sanity in the process!). but i want to throw out one to see if either of you are familiar with it. i wont go into an explainer unless i asked or I can find a very accessible and concise text version. frankly it is sort of its own riddle and right now we are in triage with such as this is not a game.

Serial Experiments:Lain.

i saw it when it first came to usa circa 1999. the show dealt with matters of technology affording transhumanism for some, an escape for others, but for all a way of realizing mutual dependence of connectivity. there was also a good bit of mystery and symbolism of the girl that committed suicide and then sent an email to classmates as proof of continued existence in the network.

like i say if familiar with it i would like to know if either see relevance in it regarding our purpose here.

2a5524 (12)  No.6068032

File (hide): 45b558ee4f079ce⋯.png (370.93 KB, 1104x775, 1104:775, JustTryingtoRightIndefensi….PNG) (h) (u)

HPOST #5 - Stay Alert

Was going to reply with some stuff. Realized I am off my game and might've slipped up. Like you said: THIS IS NOT A GAME.

What happened to the hacktivist group Anonymous? Why would a group dedicated to the truth post 24/7 Entertainment / Distraction videos? Would any smart gov. allow themselves to remain completely undefended against 'extremist attacks' ?

Stay Vigilant.

3448ea (59)  No.6068100>>6070026

The Shill mentioned Trump being destined to become POTUS as an attack. Indeed, various mythologies art pieces adorn his golden penthouse. He seems to admire Apollo greatly.

Fomenko would grin. The shill is right, but now how he thinks hes right. Look at Trump's comments ON Christianity. He seems to be a very different kind of Christian.

He likely follows Royal Christianity. This is often confused for Greek Mythology. Fomenko argues Royal Christianity IS Greek Mythology and does NOT predate Jesus nor does is it pagan. Zeus and Apollo are merely analogies of Jesus and the same story. What we have in our hands is corrupted and barely understandable, but those who've been involved in the Royal line (Trump) for centuries know the real meanings behind the myths we all dismiss.

100743 (14)  No.6070026>>6070047 >>6072794


i think this dualism you speak of interesting. by way of corollary is it likely that their are 2 understanding of the left hand path as well? a high and a low satanic if you will. as I understand it christianity features manichean dualism which is the notion that both good and evil are forces in the objective world. it follows logically then, that if one side of the duality splits there is likely a demarcation splitting the other side as well.

100743 (14)  No.6070047


at the same time I want to share a distinction I bear in mind with such epiphanies and drops. I file this away as something of an overlay. knowing that there is a 2 tiered system helps me make sense of events and fact patterns. its something of an underlying type of useful. in contrast there is applied knowledge. information or realization that can be instrumental in furthering task. For instance if we had knowledge of the wherabouts of a smoking gun that would be practical knowledge in that it would push this endeavor forward. thats all i just wanted to throw out that distinction in case useful for others

16775d (17)  No.6071042>>6071073

File (hide): 0c0ce6e16c76155⋯.jpg (13.04 KB, 191x180, 191:180, map of the Cloisters NY.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 86735993b50da40⋯.jpg (652.33 KB, 1200x1168, 75:73, The_Hunt_of_the_Unicorn_Ta….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dc259d01d5b7664⋯.jpg (282.46 KB, 1199x792, 109:72, The_Met_Cloisters_NY.jpg) (h) (u)



This is Thomas anon wishing anons reading this a good day,

I want to talk a bit about the Museum where the Unicorn tapestries are being kept and after it, I'm going to reply to some of the anons, mentioning some other stuff as well.

I'ts been a while this "Cloisters" museum has been bothering me.


"The Cloisters is a museum in Fort Tryon Park in Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York City, specializing in European medieval architecture, sculpture and decorative arts, with a focus on the Romanesque and Gothic periods. Governed by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it contains a large collection of medieval artworks shown in the architectural settings of French monasteries and abbeys. Its buildings are centered around four cloisters---the Cuxa, Saint-Guilhem, Bonnefont and Trie—which were purchased by American sculptor and art dealer George Grey Barnard, dismantled in Europe between 1934 and 1939, and moved to New York. They were acquired for the museum by financier and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Other major sources of objects were the collections of J. P. Morgan and Joseph Brummer.

The museum's building was designed by architect Charles Collens, on a site on a steep hill, with upper and lower levels. It contains medieval gardens and a series of chapels and themed galleries, including the Romanesque, Fuentidueña, Unicorn, Spanish and Gothic rooms.[1] The design, layout and ambiance of the building is intended to evoke a sense of medieval European monastic life."

"Rockefeller purchased the museum site in Washington Heights in 1930, and donated it and the Bayard collection to the Metropolitan in 1931. Upon its opening on May 10, 1938, the Cloisters was described as a collection "shown informally in a picturesque setting, which stimulates imagination and creates a receptive mood for enjoyment".

"was a risk taker and led most of his life on the edge of poverty.[4] He moved to Paris in 1883 where he studied at the Académie des Beaux-Arts.[4] He lived in the village of Moret-sur-Loing, near Fontainebleau, between 1905 and 1913,[5] and began to deal in 13th- and 14th-century European objects to supplement his earnings."

"Reputedly he paid $25,000 for the Trie buildings, $25,000 for the Bonnefort and $100,000 for the Cuxa cloisters."

"Barnard often neglected his personal finances,[7] and was so disorganized that he often misplaced the origin or provenance of his purchases. He sold his collection to John D. Rockefeller Jr. in 1925 during one of his recurring monetary crises.[9] The two had been introduced by the architect William W. Bosworth.[10] Purchased for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the acquisition included structures that would become the foundation and core of the museum.[4][5] Rockefeller and Barnard were polar opposites in both temperament and outlook and did not get along; Rockefeller was reserved, Barnard exuberant. The English painter and art critic Roger Fry was then the Metropolitan's chief European acquisition agent and acted as an intermediary.[11] Rockefeller eventually acquired Barnard's collection for around $700,000, retaining Barnard as an advisor.[12]

In 1927 Rockefeller hired Frederick Law Olmsted Jr., son of one of the designers of Central Park, and the Olmsted Brothers firm to create a park in the Fort Washington area.[13] In February 1930 Rockefeller offered to build the Cloisters for the Metropolitan.[14] Under consultation with Bosworth,[5] he decided to build the museum at a 66.5-acre (26.9 ha) site at Fort Tryon Park, which they choose for its elevation, views, and accessible but isolated location.[8] The land and existing buildings were purchased that year from the C. K. G. Billings estate and other holdings in the Fort Washington area. The Cloisters building and adjacent 4-acre (1.6 ha) gardens were designed by Charles Collens.[15] They incorporate elements from abbeys in Catalonia and France. Parts from Sant Miquel de Cuixà, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, Bonnefont-en-Comminges, Trie-sur-Baïse and Froville were disassembled stone-by-stone and shipped to New York City, where they were reconstructed and integrated into a cohesive whole. Construction took place over a five-year period from 1934.[16] Rockefeller bought several hundred acres of the New Jersey Palisades, which he donated to the State in an effort to preserve the view from the museum.[17] The Cloisters' new building and gardens were officially opened on May 10, 1938,[18] though the public was not allowed to visit until four days later.[19] "

16775d (17)  No.6071073>>6071134


"Some of the objects have dramatic provenance, including those plundered from the estates of aristocrats during the French Revolutionary Army's occupation of the Southern Netherlands.[38] The Unicorn tapestries were for a period used by the French army to cover potatoes and keep them from freezing.[39] The set was purchased by Rockefeller in 1922 and six of the tapestries hung in his New York home until donated to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1938."

"The Cloisters' books are today displayed in the Treasury room, and include the French "Cloisters Apocalypse" (or "Book of Revelation", c. 1330, probably Normandy),[43] Jean Pucelle's "Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux" (c. 1324--28), the "Psalter of Bonne de Luxembourg", attributed to Jean Le Noir and the "Belles Heures du Duc de Berry" (c. 1399–1416) attributed to the Limbourg brothers.[44] In 2015 the Cloisters acquired a small Netherlandish Book of Hours illuminated by Simon Bening.[45] Each is of exceptional quality, and their acquisition was a significant achievement for the museum's early collectors."

"A coat of arms illustrated on one of the leaves of the "Cloisters Apocalypse" suggests it was commissioned by a member of the de Montigny family of Coutances, Normandy"

"The "Belles Heures" is widely regarded as one of the finest extant examples of manuscript illumination, and very few books of hours are as richly decorated. It is the only surviving complete book attributed to the Limbourg brothers.[51] Rockefeller purchased the book from Maurice de Rothschild in 1954, and donated it to the Metropolitan"

"very small "Bonne de Luxembourg" manuscript (each leaf 12.5 × 8.4 × 3.9 cm) is attributed to Jean le Noir, and noted for its preoccupation with death. It was commissioned for Bonne de Luxembourg, Duchess of Normandy, daughter of John the Blind and the wife of John II of France, probably at the end of her husband's life, c. 1348--49. It was in a private collection for many years, and thus known only through poor-quality photographic reproductions until acquired by the museum in 1969. Produced in tempera, grisaille, ink and gold leaf on vellum, it had been rarely studied and was until that point misattributed to Jean Pucelle. Following its acquisition, it was studied by art historians, after which attribution was given to Le Noir"

"The chivalric figures represent the scriptural and legendary Nine Worthies, who consist of three pagans (Hector, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar), three Jews (Joshua, David and Judas Maccabeus) and three Christians (King Arthur, Charlemagne and Godfrey of Bouillon). Of these, five figures survive: Hector, Caesar, Joshua, David and Arthur.[56] They have been described as representing "in their variety, the highest level of a rich and powerful social structure of later fourteenth-century France".

"The building is set into a steep hill, and thus the rooms and halls are divided between an upper entrance and a ground-floor level. The enclosing exterior building is mostly modern, and is influenced by and contains elements from the 13th-century church at Saint-Geraud at Monsempron, France, from which the northeast end of the building borrows especially. It was mostly designed by the architect Charles Collens, who took influence from works in Barnard's collection. Rockefeller closely managed both the building's design and construction, which sometimes frustrated the architects and builders."

16775d (17)  No.6071134>>6071184

File (hide): 3e4689d5e270070⋯.jpg (119.06 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Cuxa_Cloister_Chapiteaux.jpg) (h) (u)


"The capitals were carved at different points in the abbey's history and thus contain a variety of forms and abstract geometric patterns, including scrolling leaves, pine cones, sacred figures such as Christ, the Apostles, angels, and monstrous creatures including two-headed animals, lions restrained by apes, mythic hybrids, a mermaid and inhuman mouths consuming human torsos.[86][87] The motifs are derived from popular fables,[80] or represent the brute forces of nature or evil,[88] or are based on late 11th- and 12th-century monastic writings, such as those by Bernard of Clairvaux (1090--1153).[89] The order in which the capitals were originally placed is unknown, making their interpretation especially difficult, although a sequential and continuous narrative was probably not intended.[90] According to art historian Thomas Dale, to the monks, the "human figures, beasts, and monsters" may have represented the "tension between the world and the cloister, the struggle to repress the natural inclinations of the body".

"The Saint-Guilhem cloisters were taken from the site of the Benedictine monastery of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, and date from 804 AD to the 1660s. […] The capitals contain acanthus leaves and grotesque heads peering out,[94] including figures at the Presentation at the Temple, Daniel in the Lions' Den[95] and the Mouth of Hell,[96] and several pilasters and columns.[92] The carvings seem preoccupied with the evils of hell. Those beside the mouth of hell contain representations of the devil and tormenting beasts, with, according to Young, "animal-like body parts and cloven hoofs [as they] herd naked sinners in chains to be thrown into an upturned monster's mouth".

"The garden's design was overseen by Rorimer during the museum's construction. He was aided by Margaret Freeman, who conducted extensive research into the keeping of plants and their symbolism in the Middle Ages.[117] Today the gardens are tended by a staff of horticulturalists; the senior members are also historians of 13th- and 14th-century gardening techniques"

"The Langon chapel is on the museum's ground level. […] The large figurative sculptures on either side of the doorway represent the early Frankish kings Clovis I (d. 511) and his son Chlothar I (d. 561)."

16775d (17)  No.6071184


"The Cloisters contains one of the Metropolitan's 13 libraries"

>>> Notice the French monastries and abbeys, it was DISMANTLED just before WWII broke out and it was shipped to NY….. how crazy is that?Then we see Rockefeller and Morgan hands in it, which immediately made me think of Payseur heir being behind all of this. And they’ve put it on a “hill”, wanna bet there is something underground? And it contains a series of Chapels: anons wanna have a guess at what they “practice” in those Chapels? And “Central park” designer. Then we have objects that used to belong to the French aristocracy before the revolution, followed by an interesting series of Illuminated books which used to belong to Morgan. And another manuscript (le Noir) preocupied by DEATH, what a coincidence?

>>> Did anons also notice “Barnard often neglected his personal finances,[7] and was so disorganized that he often misplaced the origin or provenance of his purchases” => as if I would believe that; nothing is a coincidence, I wouldn’t be surprised if we learn some time in the future how these objects were truly obtained, something smells illegal or “bad” about the origine of his purchases being misplaced….. yeah! As if this wasn’t the FIRST rule when you purchase a valuable antique object. That is the reason we (as archeologist) have to fill a mountain of papers for each and every single object we find, by hand first, then transmit everything to computers. Gosh! As if I would believe this sort of excuse: it’s the first rule in collector world.

>>> Clovis I anons, Clovis I…… that’s considered as the founder of the Merovingian Dynasty.

Anons, this place made me sick right now. I hope you do realize this is no ordinary museum, but most likely a highly spiritual place for the Cabal where they most probably practice their occult ceremonies. Nothing about this place is “clean”, everything smells fishy. It’s giving me goosebumps. I wonder where it’s located according to the Rockefeller center and that obelisk, and/or if there is a freemason lodge near this museum?

I’m gonna stop here about this place, it’s really making me sick. I might come back to a later date and go deeper into this rabbit hole. There are new things bothering me about it all.

16775d (17)  No.6071663>>6071746

File (hide): a9590f3b051040c⋯.jpg (333.37 KB, 1168x1500, 292:375, Blue See cover.jpg) (h) (u)







Now, let me answer back to some of the anons,

Fomenko anon, my friend, did you notice the shill posting in here is using the same pictures in his “other” post in the other breads? I’ve been keeping a tiny watch on the shill. It seems to be the same person or group, with the same pictures and almost the same “writings”, they are in various threads. And look at the timing, I mean WHEN they are posting.

About Phoenician /Vikings , yes, there might be a link that can be proven, still working on it though. As to Phoenician/ Venician, my take = extremly unlikely, till NOW anyway, unless I found SOLID undisputable proof of the opposite. That’s just my take.

May I make a small correction to what you said about the Chimera: that’s not the creature living in the labyrinth constructed by Daedalus (Icarus myth is also significant = wanting to reach the Heavens). The Minotaur, the result of Pasiphae (wife of Minos, king of crete) having sex with a white bull, lived in the labyrinth, which was constructed for the creature. It used to eat flesh of young persons, offered as sacrifice. It was Theseus that slaughtered him, the same Theseus that became later on one of the founders of Athenes; son of Zeus. The Chimera was slaughtered by Bellerophon, another son of Zeus. All the “Heroes” (sons of Zeus with different mortal women) were under the patronage and protection of Athena, except one : the ever first Hero = Jason, from the myth of Jason and the Argonauts who was under the protection of Hera; which in turn, made me remember about Charybdis and Schylla, not so friendly creatures.

Sorry anandasattvaanon, don’t know about Serial Experiments : Lain. But it doesn’t surprise me to see ANOTHER mangas/anime with symbolism and undertones in it. I’ve been a fan for a LOOONGGG time, and almost ALL have a hint to symbolims or Cabal.

Last night, I was still thinking about this, and I remembered some other mangas, anime names: Escaflowne : the “desires or will” of a girl can either save or destroy an entire world. Then there is Ayashi no Ceres, in which the hagaramono always fascinated me. Then there is Ghost in the Shell, Scarlet Johansson recently played the main character in it’s movie adaptation, it’s in perfect synchronization with those articles not long ago about how they want to “transfer” human mind or human consciouness into Cyborgs. =>


And there is Blue Seed, about the end of the world and all of that….. But, take a look at the “seed”, it looks like a 9 or a 6 inverted.

Then, about Piccinini, in the third drop, I’ve also made some tiny connection with Marble House and the wallpaper or the furniture fabric print.

As for central park NY, I believe there is some sort of sacrificial temple in/around/close by….. I don’t know, but it’s a highly spiritual place for the cabal. They need to obelisk to channel “upward” or “downwards” the spiritual energy generated from there, or they can receive some of it via obelisk.

16775d (17)  No.6071746>>6072106

File (hide): 701f2e23a54ed65⋯.jpg (76.65 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, superman-memory-crystal-2.jpg) (h) (u)


The movie industry (including cartoons), as well as the music, do have a lot of eerie connections and similarities with Cabal related stuff. Unfortunately.

Attack on Titan, I’ve read about 30 or 35 chapters of it, then I stopped liking the storyline so I stopped. But yes, there are similarities and a lot of hinting taking place. As for the : “everyone knows the king is a big fake” doesn’t it remind you of the man behind the curtain in the wizard of Oz?

I’m still starting anon, barely started with my “big meal” ^_^ This old man has barely started. But I’m holding back because I am fully aware of the white hats as well as Potus needing space and time to operate and take down Cabal. Yes, my drops seem to be read by both parties = cabal minions and Potus with his team. I’ve gotten some nods from both. And yes, I’ve also seen the fingerprints of the white hats in series, songs and cartoons, but I am not talking about them for the same reasons you have.

Yesterday, what you mentioned about the “crystals” and what another anon was talking about Tolkien, and that ONE initial being….. It reminded me of none other than SUPERMAN…. Yes! Good old Clark Kent. Which in turn, the idea of “superman” as well as his concept, some believe came from Nietzsche, which also inspired the Nazi ideology of creating that Blond/blue eyed super human race. And when you take a look at Superman story line, his home planet and everything about it, including the crystals, there is a lot of resonance and echo to what we are discovering each day about the hidden technology and history of mankind.

It wouldn’t have any meanings if it wasn’t for the song played at Potus inauguration by “3 Doors down” = Kryptonite



Anons think that was a coincidence, or simply some noise being played? Oh no! It wasn’t. I thought people caught “the message” sent by Potus in this song. Seems I was wrong. There are no coincidences from the very start with Potus and Q team. Everything was planned in the slightest little details.

16775d (17)  No.6072106>>6072865

File (hide): 10d4305ca3b81ef⋯.jpg (213.81 KB, 1600x1113, 1600:1113, Ghost.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b445ab7a1f6fa7d⋯.jpg (75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dark Spirits.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 28e8b0f0b9824c7⋯.jpg (93.74 KB, 960x350, 96:35, Kryptonite-banner.jpg) (h) (u)


Here is part of the lyrics:

“I took a walk around the world to

Ease my troubled mind

I left my body lying somewhere

In the sands of time

I watched the world float to the dark

Side of the moon

I feel there is nothing I can do, yeah

I watched the world float to the

Dark side of the moon

After all I knew it had to be something

To do with you

I really don't mind what happens now and then

As long as you'll be my friend at the end

If I go crazy then will you still

Call me Superman

If I'm alive and well, will you be

There holding my hand

I'll keep you by my side with

My superhuman might


You called me strong, you called me weak

But still your secrets I will keep

You took for granted all the times I

Never let you down

You stumbled in and bumped your head, if

Not for me then you'd be dead

I picked you up and put you back

On solid ground”

The message is CLEAR anons.

I would also like to point out some “news” article titles I’ve seen today, some made me chuckle:





This is the FIRST TIME EVER in 6 years time I know about the Kondratiev Cycle event that I find it being MENTIONED in a news article ^_^ Really now!

As for the geological “event” Comey was hinting at….. oh Lord! Let’s just pray hard they will fail.

You think your mental capacity is deteriorating! Holy Heavens anon, take a look at mine. It’s been 8 years now that mine is pure compost, my brain is filled to the rim, to a point that I’m unable to even compose a sentence at times. I know I’m exhausted and it can be seen in my posts. My wife keeps on telling me I need to slow down but I’m afraid of doing that for years now, because I fear once I slow down, I’m gonna loose “the storage” I have in my mind.

So I’m going to take the back seat now anons, since this thread has become “active” and a lot of anons are working hand in hand together at putting the pieces of the Q map together, which includes history and symbolism, this old Thomas is just gonna let the youngster do their magic, while I will go back to lurking . I will make drops when it’s important or when there is a decode or if an anon needs me in something (unless Potus/Flotus send another “symbolic” cryptic tweets to be dug up).

One last thing before I go anon: I know this is going to sound strange for some, but in the movie called Ghost, the scenes of dark spirits and light spirits……. Anons, those are terribly accurate.

J.A. is Keystone

On this I’m going to wish anons a good week end, hope you will enjoy it and be happy. Take care and God bless you all.

2a5524 (12)  No.6072470>>6078170

File (hide): e36c6c6aef156dc⋯.jpg (446.06 KB, 1570x903, 1570:903, TheAmericas.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6d5bbf62bccdaa8⋯.jpg (734.87 KB, 1570x903, 1570:903, NorthwesternEurasia.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 11db174c69be221⋯.jpg (639.51 KB, 1570x903, 1570:903, NortheasternEurasia.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 76fc6db106588c5⋯.jpg (612.85 KB, 1570x903, 1570:903, SouthernEurasia.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4b3b94421b3d456⋯.jpg (571.47 KB, 1570x903, 1570:903, DownUnder.jpg) (h) (u)

HPOST #6 - The Board

[ITEM 1]

What's the best way to improve at chess? Improve your THINKING PROCESS.

This is our board. 3 Dimensions out of 4. Using PINS we will quite literally hang the cabal on this board and crucify them. They'll be drowning in their own walnut sauce.

When we're finished (((they))) will be so enamoured that they'll be forced to award us with a Pulitzer Prize for our ground-breaking journalism. Of course we'll be have to decline it; we are doing actual research.

Pep-talk over.

Locate it. [Location, Time]. Pin it. Connect the pins. What will we see?

Reverse Engineering.

IMG 1:

The Americas

IMG 2:

North-Western Eurasia

IMG 3:

North-Eastern Eurasia

IMG 4:

Southern Eurasia

IMG 5:

'Down Under'

@ Thomas Anon - Happy hunting.

[ITEM 2]

The sky is massively important in our search for the truth. We will also look up.

bbdcf0 (6)  No.6072794>>6072907 >>6073005

File (hide): 695bbc87c88d2ff⋯.png (704.18 KB, 1020x1024, 255:256, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


At risk of doxxing, this brings up an original idea that I thought I would share. That said, maybe it's only a crumb on the shoulders of giants.

This image attempts to correlate various schemes across traditions into a integrated understanding about states of consciousness. What I noticed about a decade ago was that the states in the traditions and reflected in the image are structured as a sequence of concentric rings, I suppose to show the phenomenological sensation of ever-greater awareness. However, that structure is based on the phenomenological sequence of experience! Aka, all of our traditions to explain consciousness come up with the same parallel structure, BUT that structure is premised on the sequence of experience, NOT NECESSARILY the actual relative structure of the states to themselves. It causes a big dilemma because consciousness is trying to become conscious of itself, so experience seems like the only way to have any feedback. On a phenomenological level this is correct, but on an ontological level, all of humanity's traditions for coming up with an "objective" or a "relational" structure of the states may be wrong. We've jumped to that conclusion in the traditions based on the hermeneutical sequence of experience.

I'll use the HINDU terms because they're more neutral for me.

Sequence: Gross-Subtle-Causal-Turiya-Turiya Tita


Sqeuence: Waking-Dreaming-Deep Sleep-Witness/Lucid-Non-dual

All the traditions seems to agree on this sequence.

Without getting into it, a more likely objective structure seems to be that Gross and Subtle are two sides of the Causal coin, like oil and water around a meniscus. Moreover, to us, the meniscus seems a secondary emergent, but that may be somewhat of an illusion because of our relative perspective within "consciousness". The Witness or Turiya then follows the phenomenological sequence suggestion as the fourth in line, a step away and giving perspective on this dual and emergent causal construct. Finally, non-dual moves beyond and/or into and all those other fluffy ways people like to talk about it to realize that the witness is the construct, etc.

I hope I haven't lost you at this point, but to bring it to your idea about the left hand path and dualism, even monism, etc., there is a lot of confusion in spirituality. Religion identify with either the gross or the subtle(exoteric vs esoteric, etc.), but miss the causal and the overall relationship between the 3. Alternatively, even within, another understanding is to value the witness over the observed gross/causal/subtle. This is partly to do with a bit of the gordian knot of extrapolating the state sequence of gross/subtle/causal into a map of spiritual liberation. People just go in circles.

I leave it at this for now, and see how the cookie crumbles…

e1526f (2)  No.6072865


in process of reading these. definately want to draw your attention to generationaldynamics.com bookmark it for later if nothing else. xenakis the guy that runs it is knows his approach and system of analysis as a master. he is also accessible, i have had back and forth with him regarding some of his posts. not everyday i see people talking kondratiev waves and 4th turning (historians craft approach employed by xenakis) has explanatory power withing a system with K waves

e1526f (2)  No.6072907>>6073086


polymath and versed tala and raga?

bbdcf0 (6)  No.6073005


To reiterate:

Thousands of years of human introspection across traditions have essentially agreed upon a structure of consciousness from gross(waking) to subtle(dreaming/magic/virtual/imagination/etc.) to causal to witness to non-dual.

I'm suggesting this is only a partial understanding which is only reflective of the phenomenological sequence of sensation/awareness of each state.

In reality like passing through a meniscus between oil and water, the causal may be the "2nd" state rather than the 3rd, or better said, the coin with 2 sides of gross and subtle. We only experience it third in the sequence because only from the 4th state (the Witness) does the causal become conscious. There is a coin and there is a witness, and then there is a nondual perspective about the coin and the witness. The gross and the subtle side of the coin are the lock and key keeping us in the game of hide and seek with ourselves.

This is potentially the principal error in all of the world's traditions: Sequence is not structure or the other limitless and myriad ways of saying it. This leads to most if not all of humanity's strife and incorrect ideologies…in my opinion. When we start preferring a state or reducing a state, we unconsciously activate an inherent divide and conquer mechanism against ourselves. Partial correctness leads to partial solutions, aka paths that lead astray.

bbdcf0 (6)  No.6073086>>6073263 >>6073269


>tala and raga

Not familiar with the terms, but I think I got the idea. It's basically that, structure and content, or form and function, etc.

The slight twist is that the function, the sequence, the content, etc. is like a double bind or a Chinese fingertrap for our consciousness. There's very little, if any, intuitive aspect of waking up from the sequence structure. For me, there was a certain aspect of divine revelation/samadhi or satori, but it also seems to be an emergent of massive amounts of interdisciplinary study, observance and experience in and of the world, and self-reflection.

100743 (14)  No.6073263>>6085109


more like if you understand the relationship between math and music theory you can communicate across both. well as an extension if you know math (patterns) and indian music theory you can infer position on a cycle by keeping time (with indian music its rythm with classical its scales tones). you have spent some will endeavoring to get to your current place in understanding. have any experience with global storehouse of knowledge (aka akashic record)?

2a5524 (12)  No.6073269>>6085109



Chinese finger trap; the harder we look at physical reality for the truth of physical reality, the more trapped we become? This has the potential to be very prominent. Through the spread of the scientific method, around a single paragraph's worth of words, almost the entirety of modern research into our existence has become blinded, if this is the case. We are the butterfly in chaos theory; through this method the 'ENEMY?' has restricted what I'll term our POSSIBILITY SPHERES into DIRECTED CONES, forcing us to only stagnate or move in a completely opposite direction to the truth. Through the use of money, most humans' lives are focused only on this 'gross body' and never further. Big connections to what we've identified as the CABAL and their methods of control. This DIRECTED CONE is possibly one of their motives, if not THE MOTIVE.

The picture is coming together.

e34aab (1)  No.6074456


Colors in Yale's emblem are yellow, white, and Royal blue.

16775d (17)  No.6078170>>6080024

This is Thomas anon again,

First, I have a specific message to a single anon:

Valan is beyond furious at Barn at this point. Cake not for sale or family dismembered. Last chance with a bit more of time. Valan dislikes round stuff. J'ai pigé le bleu.


As for the anon whom has been asking me to go hunting, well sorry, I didn’t understand one zit of what your wrote; I’m wired in another way, a strange way; besides, even if I understood what you are telling me, my hands are full to max capacity right now. I have specific goals to reach in my digs, I’ve almost reached 2 of them. I stick with the main line I’ve drawn to myself or I will got in the maze cause it’s HUGE and endless. Please bare in mind 2 things: 1 -- English is the 5th language I’ve learned – 2 – I’m comfy with letters not numbers. I wish I could go hunting on the trip you are pointing to me, but you see, just like Hercules, I’ve got me 12 labors to tackle. Potus has already put me on one wild goose chase, one is enough for me for now.

I hope you won’t mind if I used the earth maps that you put in your drop though, I’m looking for mountains 5000 m and up from where rivers flow. Anything you put to read is more than welcome, anything you want to ask will be answered in the scope of my knowledge and understanding. Thank you for everything you are doing. I'm truly sorry I didn't understand what you are telling me.

For the sky, I've been trying to make connection with mythology, so if there is a benefit out of it, tell me what you want and I will connect it if i can.

Now anons, I want to add something to the McLeod Tartran color shoes Flotus was wearing. Here is where I was on it:

1 -- Q hint to necklace => gem of kings + star ruby

2 -- Flotus tartan color shoes => McLeod syndrome + star red cells in blood = illness of kings

3 -- Potus CPAC speech => “These people are sick”

4 -- Flotus tartan color shoes => Highlander soundtrack = Queen = Princes of the Universe

I found a 5th point.

16775d (17)  No.6078469>>6078716

File (hide): 5d2e8ce5db91615⋯.jpg (122.95 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, Old-Man-of-Storr-Isle-of-S….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8154837472101d1⋯.jpg (39.74 KB, 569x372, 569:372, Dunvegan-Castle.jpg) (h) (u)



It seems that I have overlooked one point before while talking about McLeod Tartran shoes Flotus was wearing = Potus mother was a McLeod. As you can see in the picture I’ve attached to this drop, Ivanka is wearing the tartran colors of her grandmother.

I made a mistake when it comes to the Tartran colors. See, when McLeod Clan is mentioned, I automatically thought of the Isle of Skye, a totally spectacular work of nature, totally enchanting. And the second thing I’ve thought of was Dunvegan Castle;


“Dunvegan Castle is located 1 mile (1.6 km) to the north of Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye, off the west coast of Scotland. It is the seat of the MacLeod of MacLeod, chief of the Clan MacLeod. Probably a fortified site from the earliest times, the castle was first built in the 13th century and developed piecemeal over the centuries. In the 19th century the whole castle was remodelled in a mock-medieval style. The castle is built on an elevated rock overlooking an inlet on the eastern shore of Loch Dunvegan, a sea loch.”

What I overlooked was the fact there was 2 branches in the McLeod clan:


“There are two recognised Scottish clans with the surname: Clan MacLeod of Harris and Skye, and Clan MacLeod of Lewis and Raasay.”

16775d (17)  No.6078716>>6079753

File (hide): 75cf4e4bf321ad1⋯.jpg (93.85 KB, 475x468, 475:468, McLeod Tartan Lewis.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e9fe3ba8bfe180f⋯.jpg (194.6 KB, 750x750, 1:1, McLeod Tartran Skye.jpg) (h) (u)


Now which clan does Potus mother come from? We gotta look at the Tartrans to find out.

The McLeod of Skye has the Tartran with Blue and Green in it; while the one from Lewis has the black and yellow colors in it.

So in other words, Potus has McLeod blood in him but McLeod from Lewis. And this specific point is a NUKE itself from Potus/Flotus. Why?

Well, what is Payseur called? = L.C. Payseur, right?

What L.C. stands for? = Lewis Cass.

And if you switch from English to French Lewis becomes Louis


In other words anons, this is what Potus/Flotus are telling us:

1 -- Q hint to necklace => gem of kings + star ruby

2 -- Flotus tartran color shoes => McLeod syndrome + star red cells in blood = illness of kings

3 -- Potus CPAC speech => “These people are sick”

4 -- Flotus tartran color shoes => Highlander soundtrack = Queen = Princes of the Universe

5 -- Flotus Tartran color shoes => McLeod of Lewis => Lewis Cass Payseur = Louis in French

 Conclusion: Hillary Clinton is wearing the gem of kings and she suffers from the McLeod Syndrom which is also known as the illness of kings. She is physically sick and mentally. She thinks of herself as a queen of the universe; all of this, because she is the descendant of Payseur, who is a descendant of French royalty.

And I consider this as piece number 23 on my case about P = C = Clinton.

c763a5 (1)  No.6078812

I significance of 3,6,9 it’s a msg from above for all to see

2a5524 (12)  No.6079533

File (hide): c4798d9663f81ff⋯.png (653.77 KB, 1902x1051, 1902:1051, ModernSlaveryTransparencyN….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 582f46d6756dc4c⋯.png (215.32 KB, 876x837, 292:279, ModernSlaveryTransparencyN….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3c909229d45cf57⋯.png (164.13 KB, 861x771, 287:257, ModernSlaveryTransparencyN….PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8a69dd9a977f272⋯.png (132.99 KB, 675x663, 225:221, ModernSlaveryTransparencyN….PNG) (h) (u)


[ITEM 1]

In the middle of some research. Found this.

Rothschilds are about as secretive as Chelsea Clinton.

87c0ea (2)  No.6079725>>6079741 >>6079855 >>6083276


16400 feet. how many meters??

87c0ea (2)  No.6079741

File (hide): 48021dd09c0c43f⋯.jpg (441.14 KB, 720x1027, 720:1027, Screenshot_20190406-213844….jpg) (h) (u)

b33ea1 (3)  No.6079753>>6083265


ThomasAnon, I appreciate the time you must spend on this stuff. Thanks!

Question: How does FLOTUS wearing POTUS' ancestrial yellow/black plaid tell us Hitlery is from P?

100743 (14)  No.6079855>>6079862 >>6079895



3 rivers and mountains meeting height requirement.

100743 (14)  No.6079862

100743 (14)  No.6079895>>6079938


Historical evolution

In 1995, the Qinghai provincial government listed the district as a provincial nature reserve and announced it in 1996.

In December 1997, the State Council approved and announced that the area is a national nature reserve.

In September 1999, it was renamed "Qinghai Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve".

Geographical environment



The Hoh Xil Nature Reserve is located in the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in the southwest of Qinghai. It is a mountainous platform between the three provinces of Qinghai, Xinjiang and Tibet. The protected area is connected to Tibet in the west, adjacent to Golmud Tanggula Township in the south, connected to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the north, and to the Qinghai-Tibet Highway in the east, with a total area of ​​45,000 square kilometers.

Geological landform

The terrain of the Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve in Qinghai is high-lying and controlled by geological and geomorphological structures. The mountainous areas, wide valleys and basins in the area are in a regular strip-like arrangement from northwest to southeast : 

from north to south: Kunlun Shandong section Boca Lake Rake and Malan Mountain - Big Snow Peak

Large and medium undulating mountains and polar mountains; Leshan Wuhu Lake - Hoh Xil Lake - Zhuo Nai Lake, Lake Kusai Lake high altitude lake basin; small and undulating alpine belt in Hoh Xil Mountain; Xijin Wulan Lake - Chumar The high-altitude wide valley lake belt of the river; the small and undulating mountain belt of the winter Buhler-Ulanwula mountain. 

The central part of the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve is relatively low in the middle, low in the west and low in the east. The basic landform types are small and medium-sized undulating mountains and high mountains, and the high-altitude hills, terraces and plains.


Qinghai Kekexili National Nature Reserve is the intersection of the inland lake area of ​​the Qiangtang Plateau and the north source water system of the Yangtze River. 

Hoh Xil is divided into three water systems: the eastern part of the Yangtze River, which consists of the Chumar River system, is supplied by rainwater and groundwater, and the water volume is small. It is dominated by seasonal rivers: the west and the north are lakes. The Tongsong water system is located in the northeastern part of the inflow lake area of ​​the Qiangtang Plateau; the northern part is the inner stream system of the Qaidam Basin, which is dominated by the Hongshui River and flows into the Qaidam Basin through the Kunlun Mountains.

The river basin in the protected area covers almost the entire protected area; there are many lakes. According to the statistics, there are 107 lakes with an area of ​​more than 1 square kilometer, with a total area of ​​3,825 square kilometers. There are 6 lakes with an area of ​​more than 200 square kilometers and less than 1 square kilometer. There are more than 7,000 lakes, so it is called the “land of thousands of lakes”. 

The modern glaciers in Hoh Xil are widespread, with 255 glaciers, an area of ​​750.7 square kilometers and an ice reserve of 81.648 billion cubic meters. The protected area is located in the permafrost zone. The area of ​​the protected area of ​​the frozen soil area is over 90%, and the maximum thickness of the frozen soil is 400 meters. Glaciers and frozen soils are huge solid reservoirs.

100743 (14)  No.6079938>>6082057 >>6083308


this is the region i meant in marking map image in post below


does it meet your specs? if so reply. we have notes to trade

f969c7 (1)  No.6080024

File (hide): 9b9e07cb8082bb1⋯.jpg (132.44 KB, 700x437, 700:437, Flotus Wallace Tartan.jpg) (h) (u)


FLOTUS also wore the Wallace tartan, as in William Wallace a.k.a. Braveheart. Somewhere in This Rabbit Hole of Things there's a dig on POTUS' bloodline to clan Wallace.

100743 (14)  No.6080117>>6080129 >>6080379 >>6082057


this book was written in the heydey of chariots of the gods and carlos castenada. but look at the entry. it reads like a cia authored synopsis of the warren commission findings. i have never read it nor am i familiar with the author, but strip the account summarized down adventurer types seeking thrills at the peak of mountains (ordinary) encounter locals when not busy climbing (ordinary). these locals relay their origin tale which involves coming from the heavens (pretty ordinary in oral traditions right?) so why the effort and time to debunk this account this instance when authors of the day were very overly confident in their conclusions despite lack of traditional scientific rigour. it strikes me as odd here… and i dont want to even recount the anomolies of trying to ascertain the peak height for mountains in the area using google just now. try for yourself search with the goal of having google provide you the peak height of baian kara ula and see how difficult it is to get a straight answer

100743 (14)  No.6080129


furthermore look at what google thinks you are really trying to ask

100743 (14)  No.6080379


looking into above after google suggested it on the results list from a query seeking mt peak info via google i search gods in exile to see if i can find nonwiki writeups… at the bottom of the page google suggests i add the term heine to my existing query. because its rare i see google being this helpful (like its confused kinda) i say sure lets heap it on.

heine was a german poet and contemporary of marx. actually they were cousins. and he was the actual source of the quote "god is dead" not neitzsche apparently. germans tibetan mountains google acting off like disoriented by this line of search….. I am posting this now because it looks like this is more than a stumble but I am not done reading yet

100743 (14)  No.6082057





the heine dig has a pin in it for now but it looks like it is indeed one I will be picking up on.

ok I was saying how much trouble it was getting google to perform a simple task. it was convinced I wanted to know the height of an ethnic group even when i included the word geology in the search.

looking over most of the hits thought its like digging on pindar lizard stuff most pages are copypasta of the same original material with possible citation (but its copy pasta so its verbatim) . when not copy pasta it is shills and slides.

now, in this instance, do the shills and slides outweigh the copypasta.

but ive got a remote connection to offer which seems to heretofore been undiscussed on the superficial web.

heres a link to a takedown of that book gods in exile.


ok you can skim it the tldr is thus:

the author of that book claimed knowledge gained from being a personal assistant to a renowned ethnologist in the uk that was in career prime of tenure circa the 1940s.

that gentleman kept journals as all good students of the human condition are wont to do. after he died his assistant acquired journals and published material in the form of the book.

So then the author/asst later retracts the main assertions he set forth in the book and confessed he made them all up on a larp…

so says the guy with the blog. the books author is even said to have confessed to having created the names of people mentioned from whole cloth.

the blogger then takes time (in case the reader isnt convinced to stop looking) that the very object that set forth the ethnologists travel to that region in the first place.

so blogger says author created fictions and passed them off to readers, except for that one:-- the ethnologist–, but he was an idiot anyway cuz he didnt know chinese coins at one time had holes at their center.

anons we all learn to swim with and discern schills schillinh real quick in this here environment.

thats what its like to dig on this but outside of containment and vacuum that is here.

according to backstory of ethnologists records, as relayed to book and then from book to takedown, the artifact originated from a group of people that sincerely regard their arrival on earth as a matter of their ship crashing circa 1040ce.

a whole group of people likely over at least a pair of villages claimed that as their story so help them as far if anyone asked.

what I want to point out is in that year 1040(ish)CE.

As I understand it, with the bulk of chinese culture they count the first 12 month postbirth as year one for the child. this is subtle but look, when do we say a child is one? twelve months AFTER birth has taken place. catch that?

for timekeeping in some contexts chinese forego the use if zero where we take it for granted.

there a first order distinction that would be lost in communication if I were to have a talk with someone in china that centered on history over years +.

interviewing a remote outpost at the fringes of Tibet and China's frontier one shouldnt take as a given is that the locals possess a firm grasp of dating as we think of it.

my point being that if the original journal contained account of these people using that as the approx time of their beginnings on earth, give it a slightly wider berth of error than normal.

1040ce to the oxford prof may have was likely his best reckoning using what he was told. well also around that time on the other side of Tibet, padmasambhava shows up and does his thing.

these two events have never been mentioned together to my knowledge and are the reason for this longwinded post.

reread my account in the drop related and note how I summarize my internalization of studying that bit of buddhist lore..

now look at these takedowns claiming that theres nothing to see with that book or those people or the stones that set the prof into treking out for answers in the first place.

2a5524 (12)  No.6082338

File (hide): 230461215f9dde9⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 2095x1304, 2095:1304, NorthwesternEurasiaAndNort….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 600ea24ff989edc⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 2095x1304, 2095:1304, SouthernAfrica.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ce941be29afdfef⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 2095x1304, 2095:1304, EasternEurasia.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 15def6fa680aee1⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2095x1304, 2095:1304, DownUnder.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7ffdd1d68ab444d⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 2095x1304, 2095:1304, TheAmericas.jpg) (h) (u)

HPOST #9 - Rothschild Controlled Banks

Center is the New Court Rothschild building in the City of London.

From Q Posts 135-138. Nov. 11, 2017

Check the posts for full bank list.

This is just the beginning. Current priority is to map (crucify) the cabal using everything from Q posts.

Hiding something this massive from the majority of humanity is certainly impressive. Unfortunately for THEM the web is coming unraveled.

100743 (14)  No.6082498>>6086768

holy hell Tonga has a central bank? so what are we looking at a hub and spoke setup?

c1064a (11)  No.6083265


Good day,

If you take alone the tartan colors (= point 5) it won't connect Killary to P….. you gotta started from the first clue Q gave us about the ruby necklace (drop further up in the chain). This is sort of a constructive puzzle pieces, some pieces cannot stand alone, you need to connect the chain in order to get the full picture.

c1064a (11)  No.6083276


So it's almost 5000m….but you see, not everyone in the world use "feet" as a measuring, nor pounds by the way or Fahrenheit……. This is what i was trying to tell you when I said to keep in mind english is the 5th language I've learned. We don't use the same "standards" as in the States. And I find this terribly annoying by the way, why can't we unify this type of measuring on the entire planet.

Oh and anon! what i'm looking for is related to Atlantis by the way. I'm trying to "rebuild" the "bridge". I've got it working for 3 places now…..need to verify deeper and see if i can find other places as well. Don't know if this will interest you.

c1064a (11)  No.6083308


Perfect, thank you so much. So now we can say we have the chinese, the tibet and the indian side of things, right? No need to dig any further. What i'm looking for is kinda related to Atlantis. So all I need to check out if there is a pattern is the 5000 m high mountain, river flowing down and a civilisation or first human settlement formed on the river bed. So far, I've got mesopotamia, Latin america, Africa and now Himalya…… probably japan as well…… just need to check out the dates…… and I don't think it will work for australia, but i'm trying to find something that high in the northern part of europe, like in scandinavia…..till now….. i've only got a hold of 2000 m high mountains…… so it won't do…..

bbdcf0 (6)  No.6085109>>6086768 >>6091440 >>6095159

File (hide): 8284aec7c3e285b⋯.png (372.77 KB, 1445x768, 1445:768, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2d8f82fd58c9301⋯.png (33.24 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>akashic record

I read some Lazlo 15-20 years ago and did some coding work for Ian Stephenson. While I'd like to think I am well studied on many of these ideas, I have a number of gaps, and I've been involved in other fields the last number of years. Plus, people come at this from different perspectives. Ken Wilber was a big influence for a while. Still is in some sense. To get a bit nit-picky, I might add a 3rd axis to his quadrants using the idea of polarity or duality or something. It's a bit of a theoretical hangup related to these subjects that I think might help break loose from the fingertrap. The community around Wilber suffers from a bad case of boomeritis, so I keep a healthy distance these days.


"I am a strange loop" by Douglas Hofstadter gets into a parallel with Godel's incompleteness theorem. A pretty long and complicated argument, even as Hofstadter does a decent job breaking it down, that book still wasn't for the layman. Suffice it to say that the proposed closed system to explain all of mathematics (Principia Mathematica by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell) was so good that an unexpected thing happened. Godel proved that through symbolic abstraction, there is an inherent backdoor in the theory, which essentially suggest that there is a backdoor to reality or dualism itself, aka not monolithic.

At a minimum, Plato, Kant, and many others, understood that reality can't been reduced to the physical alone, e.g. good, true, beautiful OR intersubjective, objective, subjective OR we, it(s), I….however you want to slice it, those 3 domains are irreducible if perhaps only because they require different evidence for validity, i.e. truthfulness (or truthiness for fun) for the subjective, objective truth (physical measurement) for the objective, and goodness for the intersubjective. Even with all three through, the fingertrap still remains. Looking at reality correctly is only a better perspective from which to solve the problem…so they say…

Look into the systems theory archetype called "accidental adversaries", the archetype of archetypes. Think about polarities, male/female, etc. Look at the derivation of the trigrams in the iching. The 4-part step is usually overlooked. Plug that into the archetype. Marinate on it. There are two ways, it seems to solve the problem: read up on the systems solution…otherwise, allow the creation/destruction motif to run its course. Pros/Cons?

bbdcf0 (6)  No.6085273

File (hide): 31d1898553cb682⋯.png (2.12 MB, 2256x1074, 376:179, Screenshot 2019-04-07 at 1….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d7f2b1fe766db85⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2106x1162, 1053:581, Screenshot 2019-04-07 at 1….png) (h) (u)

Interesting account


3448ea (59)  No.6086599>>6090500 >>6090694 >>6097007

Baker here.

Wow we're about to approach bake #5! When I first made these threads I had no idea we would get over 3000 posts and still going strong!

I can't bake today but I'll bake on Monday, so if this gets full Pls be patient

Meanwhile, I would like to change/update the thread preamble.

Thomas Anon in particular, if you would do the honour of writing up a series of QUESTIONS that you think we should focus on in the next thread, I would be happy to include them

This is an open offer to any anon who would like to influence the direction of the next thread. Please respond with as many or few questions/topics you'd like me to add.

Thanks everyone


2a5524 (12)  No.6086768


@ Thomas Anon - Stuff from POTUS of course trumps me. Mentioning happy hunting was an error on my part; I underestimated its significance and meant it only as a wish of good luck in your own research. Am in the process of mapping your stuff from this thread and the third archive.

[ITEM 1]


I'll keep this brief since it really belongs in the suppressed tech thread.

I had a relative who worked in the Gov, told me witches, magic, etc., were all real. I'm not exactly sure how high he was on the supply chain. However, he constantly repeated that before he died, he wanted to study magnetism. He said this in the manner of 'I'm not actually going to study this, but I'm giving you a hint.'


Check out Ken Wheeler on youtube. From what I can tell, the elements 'fire' and 'water' of ancient times or occult texts refer to magnetism and electricity. Tor and Bol, Red and Blue, male and female, positive and negative, etc. This man conducts many of his own experiments to demonstrate his theories and connects what he says to the ideas of modern scientific research. Or at least the public aspect of it. Worth a quick look, if not a very long and detailed one.

[ITEM 2]


Head and legs. I believe this is one meaning of the spider symbology used by the cabal.

[ITEM 3]

If anyone needs to refer to one of my posts you can call me HAnon:

HPOST = H + Post

c1064a (11)  No.6090500>>6090694


Old Thomas here,

I have no questions. This is your bread, write what you see fit. I will be on the ride in the 5th thread when you are ready. We are all searching for the truth and trying to take out the veil (((they))) have put on our eyes when it comes to our history and ancient heritage.

You take good care of yourself young man. God bless you. And thank you for all you are doing.

c1064a (11)  No.6090694>>6090761 >>6097565



Thomas anon again,

My wife just put one of my favorite poems in front of me after I sent you that reply. She wants to put it in the preamble, if you and the other anons don't mind. I think it fits the SITUATION we are in.

It's part of a poem written by Michael Nalbandian:

"Liberty! The voice of Doom

Echoed to me from above,

Wilt thou swear until te tomb

Liberty to serve and love.

Thorny is the path, and dim;

Many trials wait for thee:

Far too small this world for him

Who doth worship Liberty!

Liberty! I made reply

O'er my head let thunders burst,

Lightning flash and missiles fly -

Foes conspire to do their worst;

Till I die, or meet my doom,

On the shameful gallows - tree, -

Till the portals of the tomb

I will shout forth Liberty!"

This is a suggestion. Other anons MAY not like it. Let's hear them first.

2a5524 (12)  No.6090761


Looks good.

593368 (10)  No.6091440>>6093257


>At a minimum, Plato, Kant, and many others, understood that reality can't been reduced to the physical alone…

You may be interested in this PDF: 20th Century Variants of Dual-Aspect Thinking by Harald Atmanspacher


Abstract: "In the philosophy of mind and in psychology as well as cognitive science, the program of naturalizing the mind is conventionally understood as the attempt to reduce whatever appears mental to physical explanations. In recent decades this has become a central motif in cognitive neuroscience and consciousness studies, where it features as the reduction of conscious states to brain behavior. On the long run, the resulting physicalism can be viewed as a counterposition against both idealist positions and Cartesian dualism. But is physicalism the only alternative? At least since Spinoza, there is a tradition of dual-aspect thinking in which both the physical and the mental are construed as aspects of an underlying reality, which is itself neutral with respect to the mind-matter distinction. I will present and compare some selected variants of dual-aspect thinking in the 20th century, such as Bertrand Russell's neutral monism, the holistic dual-aspect monism of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Gustav Jung, David Bohm's implicate order, and naturalistic dualism according to David Chalmers. They can all be viewed as versions of a naturalism that aims at a concept of nature beyond the duality of the mental and the physical."

I came across Harald's work thanks to a discussion with a friend about the Pauli-Jung collaboration which led me to the book: The Pauli-Jung Conjecture: And its impact today


which in turn led to the PDF above. I share Pauli & Jung's interest in the mysterious number 137.

Interestingly, the same friend just wrote a soon-to-be-published book expounding on the tri-unity.

In astrology, the three outer planets represent the transcendental aspects of the three inner planets' personal themes: intelligence, love, will => truth, beauty, goodness.

Hofstadter's Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid was an intriguing read.

bbdcf0 (6)  No.6093257>>6095102


nice, some new names. thanks. yes, I spent about a decade of my life on this in an official academic capacity. it's not top priority at the moment, but I'll scan around and see if anything really jumps out. MOREOVER, these subjects are the cutting edge of understanding consciousness, humanity, etc. having more eyes, minds, and hearts on these subjects is key.

593368 (10)  No.6094571>>6094662


>And no, Crimea is not like Golan, there was no referendum done in Golan like what happened in Crimea.

Agreed, but Kelleyanne sounded hypocritical in saying that they weren't alike but not for the reason you gave. The Trump administration's stance is that Russia invaded and now occupies Crimea, and thus economic sanctions are justified. The reporter asked/implied how this was different from Israel's invasion and occupation of Golan. She said "I don't see the analogy".


I think she is a good person put in an awkward position. Having defended Trump so fiercely, to continue to do so she must echo his statement that the Golan decision will promote peace in the Middle East, even though most of the world is opposed, especially the Arab countries. Anons have a similar dilemma. For some anons Golan is the final straw, after 5G, etc. For others, it's "Trust POTUS. Trust Q. Trust the Plan" which seems to contradict "Think for yourself".

593368 (10)  No.6094662>>6094732

File (hide): 193a37495b33c11⋯.jpg (46.3 KB, 800x430, 80:43, moskva.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 950788463ed0277⋯.jpg (133.39 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Sevastopol.JPG) (h) (u)


The Crimeans I met when I was there the year before the overthrow of the Ukrainian government were enthusiastically pro-Russia. I would say they loved Russia and still identified with being ethnically Russian; they were part of Russia since just before the US Constitution was signed until 1954, having been acquired from the Ottoman Empire by Catherine the Great. I saw her statue across the street from the Russian Naval Museum in Sevastopol. The Russian Navy has been there all along. I was there on Victory Day and watched Russian military vehicles parading with huge crowds cheering. I took the ferry across the bay, right past the Russian cruiser Moskva (Moscow). And Trump's administration claims that Russia "invaded" Crimea? My photos.

593368 (10)  No.6094732


While on the subject of Russia, I'll mention that I have reason to believe that Russia will play a key role in a bright future for humanity. As a country, they've manage to recover from near destruction and are now thriving. The cabal fears them for good reason. Yes, they have natural and human resources well-deployed under Putin, but their greatest asset is the Russian Soul, which I've been seeking to understand for more than a decade.

What is the Russian soul? This excerpt from the article The Russian Soul and the Collapse of the West by Siberian author Sandy Krolick on Dmitry Olrov’s blog describes it well (http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2011/11/russian-soul-and-collapse-of-west.html):

''I am referring to the thoroughly mythologized Russian soul: a soul that in the mother tongue is feminine in gender --- душа [dushá] — and, as such, is intimately connected with the mystery of Mother Earth. Recall Dostoevsky’s many references to the Russian soul as a reflection of the people’s unfailing and non-negotiable connection to the land from which life springs. There is a well-articulated and indestructible sentiment among our people that does not allow complete separation, physically or emotionally, from the land in which they were born and where they naturally survive and flourish. The Russian people have the greatest appreciation for, love of and attachment to their homeland and families, as well as to the broader ties of kinship these entail. They understand all of this to be intimately connected, as their language makes abundantly clear:

род [rod]: family, kind, sort, genus

родина [ródina]: homeland, motherland

родители [rodíteli]: parents

родить [rodít']: to give birth

роднить [rodnít']: to unite, bring together

родовой [rodovói]: ancestral, tribal

родство [rodstvó]: kinship

Over their history, Russians have had to endure the hardships and struggles of political turmoil and repeated invasion, and Siberians understand struggle as a given, as part of the cycle of life, death and nature. The normal conditions of existence here, whether in the city or the village, are not what we Americans would consider easy, convenient, or comfortable (although they are improving). Those who live here have preserved some age-old instincts in order to survive, and even to celebrate life in the midst of recurrent hardships and strife. The personal and cultural resolve that personifies this soul has been forged over generations of people facing down aggression, natural and political, then calmly and courageously returning to their roots and rebuilding their lives upon an archaic foundation in which they never lost faith. It is impossible to understand the depth and mystery of this soul separately from its rootedness in the simplicity of the Russian peasantry and the inviolability of the Russian soil. There is an earthly sensuousness that infuses the Russian experience; this culture remains drenched in the primacy of the body and the natural world that nourishes it. This autochthonous connection to the land---the Siberian’s more elemental experience of life in wilder, mysterious nature—may still be capable of influencing the future trajectory of both the new Russia and Western civilization.''

The Russian soul offers hope to the world. Ancient Russian culture offers a bridge between Eastern and Western culture, melding the best of both in balance. It balances individual sovereignty with social cohesion. It considers individual Man to be an integral part of Nature but also having a special place at the pinnacle of creation, being made in the image of the Creator.

The famous American healer and psychic Edgar Cayce prophesied:

''… for changes are coming, this may be sure --- an evolution, or revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The basis of it for the world will eventually come out of Russia; not communism, no! But rather that which is the basis of the same, as the Christ taught — His kind of communism! (1930, No. 452-6)

In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.” (1944, No. 3976-29)''

593368 (10)  No.6095102


>MOREOVER, these subjects are the cutting edge of understanding consciousness, humanity, etc. having more eyes, minds, and hearts on these subjects is key.

Fully agree Anon. Once upon a time I was an academic myself. One of the reasons I left academia was because none of my colleagues were interested in consciousness, except from a reductionist viewpoint. But in later years I learned that some of the greatest Scientists were interested in consciousness and beyond. Besides Pauli's interest in Jung's work, Einstein is reported to have had a copy of Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine on his desk. Oppenheimer read the Bhagavad Gita in the original Sanskrit. Both Bohm and Bohr took an interest in Hindu wisdom, Bohm being a student of Krishnamurti's.

593368 (10)  No.6095159


>I read some Lazlo 15-20 years ago and did some coding work for Ian Stephenson.

I guess we have a lot in common. I was a coder too. I don't do it much anymore except for practice. Recently I made a lurking interface for the Q Research thread but no one was interested: >>5835173

I don't dwell much there anymore because of the hostility and group-think. It reminds me of when I was a core developer for an altcoin. I was doing it for idealistic reasons (antidote to the FED), but the early idealism of that culture gave way to greed. There was a strong group-think around the idea of "hodling" (holding no matter what, which didn't work out well for most). Misspelling seems to be a code that one belongs to the group, hence "interdasting". Not unlike a gang tattoo.

47f0e4 (1)  No.6097007>>6097592 >>6098897


>Thomas Anon in particular, if you would do the honour of writing up a series of QUESTIONS that you think we should focus on in the next thread

This is just my opinion. I don't have any insider knowledge; I've just been on the chans a long time. I don't think ThomasAnon is legitimately here to help. I think he is a slide. A very subversive one at that.

I can also tell that a lot of you are new to the chans. This can make you a useful target for shills to engage and manipulate. I see a lot of tactics deployed in this thread.

I can also understand it is a very daunting task to be the only baker for this bread. Just be careful who you trust with the direction of the bread.

Current perception would suggest I’m in the minority, but I have a hard time believing that. That's all I'm going to say on the subject.

3448ea (59)  No.6097565


I like it but worry that it's too arty for the header and might scare people form what this thread's about

3448ea (59)  No.6097592>>6100819


Not sure, but based on a few back/n/forths with him he feels like a legit person asking for truth. If you worry about him hogging too much of the conversation then feel free to post more about what interests you

My main issue is that I'm 90% now believing that there's no way that the Jerusalem of legend is in Palestine. At all.

c1064a (11)  No.6098897>>6098923 >>6100819

File (hide): 7c0774508c689f8⋯.jpg (72.57 KB, 590x590, 1:1, Black sheep.jpg) (h) (u)

This is Thomas anon,

Good day to anons reading this.

For Baker: Do whatever you want with the poem. It’s your call since it’s your bread. I was only suggesting.


For the other anon, you can bet what is most valuable to you that I’m subversive = I’m a wrecking ball, I’m a crazy old man with a sledgehammer. I’m pissed beyond anything you can imagine and I’ve had it enough for some time now. Why? Well, I’ve been a lurker in here from a very early period, and I haven’t seen any REAL DEEP research being done. All I’ve seen is the serious type of people being treated just like you treated me right now. So what did they do = all the “treasures” they’ve found out and dug up, they kept it for themselves.

So yeah, I’m subversive, I’m a rebel, I want to break free from these chains. And I haven’t once accused anyone FIRST of anything, I just reply to defend myself. I’ve been reading A LOT in MANY THREADS….. you think I’m a slide and don’t provide any content, well, go check out the other threads. Unfortunetly MOST anons just dig the surface and stop there to move on onto the next juicy news. Each dig is a big maze. So Anon, let’s see what you’ve got in your belly; start dropping and shatter the chains with the truth, please. This old man is defying you. And when you succeed, I will be the first one to congratulate you. I’m not here to compete with you. I’m here because I have specific goals, I’m not asking for your blessing nor your personal opinion about me, I never put negative remarks on other people’s believes or research the way you did nor did I call people stuff the way you did; I never throw the first stone, I reply when I’m attacked. I’m not here to create a fan club. I don’t even care about that. And I’ve been in here all of this time thinking there are some 10 people at most reading what I’m dropping.

Don’t worry about me monopolizing the conversation……….. I wanted action. I’m getting it, that is why I’ve ALREADY declared that I’m going to take the back seat and let others drive the car.

I’m not here to follow blindly Potus or Q. If they make mistakes I will call them out. If they do right, I will support them. I will do what is right. USA may be leading the charge against the enemies of mankind, but we are all fighting on the battlefield. A day will come, this place won’t be important anymore. A day will come, when the evil is gone from the world we will look back at this place with nostalgia. What is important is what you leave while you walk on this journey. Just stop and ask yourself: WHAT IS THE AWAKENING? Let me inform you anons, I believe it’s going to take something between 20 to 30 years for the world population to be TRULY awakened. It’s going to be a very slow and long process to untie this knot. A day will come, I will be gone just like I appeared, I already know that. And I know it’s going to be sooner than any of you realize. Time is ticking.

3 personal attacks in a week. Which is AGAIN pushing me to wonder just HOW MANY ARE READING what I’m writing. WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF WHAT I’M WRITING?

So the attacks first started with me being a retard (a while back), then a homo, then I am a cult leader and now I’m subversive and a slide (whatever that last thing is); incredible; and in other threads, other anons told me I have a very rare type of authism (whatever that is). It doesn’t matter if it’s a shill or an anon not seeing eye to eye with me…. What I know, what I will dig up….. one way or the other, I will bring it to the public to see….. ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. Being on 8 chan or not, is not going to change that. Oh! And one more thing, keep in mind I’m not here to participate in a contest like some anons are. You LABEL yourself as profesional, but you are none of that. Profesionals don’t behave the way you did toward other people, no matter who they are and what “level” they are on. I’ve always been a black sheep, I never belonged in a herd, I’m not about to change now. And I don’t want a herd following me. I want to break the chains which I know are holding me and everyone back. I have more than one way to do it.

My next drop is going to take me some time to construct, so you can take a “break” from a meddling old man like me, and lets see what you can dig up yourselves. Unless Potus throws another curved ball and makes me go onto another wild goose chase with his tweets.

c1064a (11)  No.6098923


C.F. and Killary are the epicenter of everything. It is going to come out very soon, they are the boss of Epstein. They run the child sex traffic and everything related to it. They are the big FISH in the pond. I’ve been saying this over and over. Till this very day, I have not got ONE CLUE there is “someone” higher than Killary in the “food chain”. The day of what I know to be true is going to come out into the open, for all whom been thinking Killary is just a middle level cabal minion, you are going to find out she is the very top. I wish I could prove it better, but it seems I’m not that well in doing so.

Now Fomenko anon, let me clear things up, because in the future, you will find out what I’m saying is a FACT, it’s the TRUTH, even though right now it’s still not clear:

The Temple of Solomon exists. It’s real, very real, just like it’s writen in the Bible; the measurements and materials used for construction etc. It’s in the region…………… the LIE is = IT’S NOT IN JERUSALEM, IT’S SOMEWHERE ELSE. JERUSALEM IS NOT AS HOLY AS A LOT OF PEOPLE THINK IT IS.

And young man, remember what I’ve been calling for from the very first time we started talking = each threads hold a piece of the puzzle, bring them together if you can. You will reconstruct the MAP. You can do it.

c1064a (11)  No.6099882

File (hide): a7399d2f8de34bc⋯.png (354.44 KB, 399x536, 399:536, Chelsea Clinton St Louis z….png) (h) (u)

This is old Thomas AGAIN,

I was lurking around and I found an anon drop this:


Just as I was about to take the back seat, this happens. No, I'm not going to give my take on it. Just read what I've dug up about St Louis, anons can make the connection and understand themselves the coded message Chelsea is sending.
















And then it lead me to the Phoenix dig.

Anandasattvaanon, it seems what you and I have suspected about St Louis is turning out to be true. I bet you will catch Chelsea's message as I did. Wonder if anons in the general thread will understand what it means and how it's all linked?

2a5524 (12)  No.6099917

File (hide): 2317f8a841ef173⋯.jpg (343.85 KB, 1456x1874, 728:937, Plan_of_Soloman's_Temple.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 045da24ce398fa3⋯.jpg (2.22 MB, 2560x1304, 320:163, SolomonsTemple.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f8a5375467628e8⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 2560x1304, 320:163, SolomonsTempleImageOverlay.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5b70df280d8cc87⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2560x1304, 320:163, SolomonsTempleCloseup.jpg) (h) (u)

HPOST #11 - Solomon's Temple

Found it.


It's called temple church in the City of London.

IMG 1:

Solomon's Temple Plan

IMG 2:

Solomon's Temple in Real Life

IMG 3:

Plan overlayed on the actual temple

IMG 4:


I believe this place was featured in the movie The Davinci Code.

- Hanon

c1064a (11)  No.6099973


You know Valan. Do it right.

3566a9 (7)  No.6100819>>6100951


> If you worry about him hogging too much of the conversation then feel free to post more about what interests you

No…like I said, I'm worried he's a SLIDE. It is a common shill tactic to steer the conversation away from any meaningful discussion. Either you spend the rest of your time talking with the slide or trying to prove the slide is a slide. Either way, their job is done.


>Why? Well, I’ve been a lurker in here from a very early period, and I haven’t seen any REAL DEEP research being done.

Sounds like a big ol' generalization to me and a slap in the face to anyone that has been researching on the chans. Blatantly disrespectful and dismissive. But you have all the answers right?

>I’m not here to follow blindly Potus or Q.

No one claimed you were. You seem to be actively working against them in my opinion.

>I believe it’s going to take something between 20 to 30 years for the world population to be TRULY awakened.

Another grand claim with absolutely no evidence to back it up.

>You LABEL yourself as profesional, but you are none of that.

What are you talking about? I literally just said, "This is just my opinion. I don't have any insider knowledge.". You're the one implying you have insider knowledge.

With claims like, "C.F. and Killary are the epicenter of everything. It is going to come out very soon, they are the boss of Epstein."

Whose pretending to be the professional knowledge holder again? Seems like a lot of projection to me.

>Profesionals don’t behave the way you did toward other people

How did I "behave" towards you? I've had limited interactions with you up until this point because slides are designed to make people ENGAGE them. Like I'm doing right now.

>I’ve always been a black sheep, I never belonged in a herd, I’m not about to change now. And I don’t want a herd following me.

OH of course, you don't want a herd following you but you namefag in every post you make. You know…just one of your general slide tactics. Quit victimizing yourself.

0aef1f (6)  No.6100951

File (hide): 89ab7b74f8d93b2⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 2560x1304, 320:163, 3Temples....jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e8cc4a2d38b080f⋯.jpg (851.42 KB, 2560x1304, 320:163, StLouisClock.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 68ae657e8d2dabe⋯.jpg (907.55 KB, 2560x1304, 320:163, StLouisFleurDeLisFountain.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 13123f797ab1070⋯.jpg (1011.62 KB, 2560x1304, 320:163, NewMasonicTempleSt.Louis.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 72f5ea0fb3ec061⋯.jpg (972.27 KB, 2560x1304, 320:163, ScottishRiteCathedral.jpg) (h) (u)

HPOST #12 - Hanon goes to St. Louis

[ITEM 1]


'Metal Detector' going off?

[ITEM 2]

Why do they need three masonic temples on the same street?

IMG 1:

Overhead view of the 3 temples. Mansions all around.

IMG 2:

More significant than simply 'St.Louis University?'

IMG 3:

Closer to the fountain.

IMG 4:

Called the 'New Masonic Temple.' Will get a closer look later on

IMG 5:

Called the Scottish Rite Cathedral. Masonic Temple.

0aef1f (6)  No.6100985

File (hide): b84adbe7d7270ae⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1920x903, 640:301, 3Temples...LowerRes.jpg) (h) (u)


Lower res version of the three temple image.

0aef1f (6)  No.6101230>>6101607

File (hide): 6fd801b29bda142⋯.jpg (563.59 KB, 1920x903, 640:301, MoolahTemple.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0da56b00a6a02be⋯.jpg (613.93 KB, 1920x903, 640:301, ThebackdoorofMoolahTemple.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d7be707694f5af4⋯.jpg (590.96 KB, 1920x903, 640:301, Whydoesamasonictempleneeda….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 74ea252c953f84e⋯.jpg (642.06 KB, 1920x903, 640:301, ElevatorLeadsWhere.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9678b6f91583532⋯.jpg (731.88 KB, 1920x903, 640:301, MoolahTempleOverhead.jpg) (h) (u)

HPOST #14 - Moolah Temple of the Mystic Shrine

Keep your eyes on this one.

IMG 1:

Why does a masonic temple have a bowling alley? Imagery is not consistent…

IMG 2:

Backdoor? Blue and gold. Owl eyes in the O's. Moolah sounds like which Canaanite god of child sacrifice?

IMG 3:

Pillow and ball? These aren't usually seen at a bowling alley…

IMG 4:

Elevator at the parking building. Right next to the back alley of Moolah. More than just a parking elevator?

IMG 5:

Top-down view of Moolah.

Not suggesting anything, but…

Good vs. Evil. Pray for the kids.

@Q No mercy.

c1064a (11)  No.6101607


Holy Heavens anon! You are amazing in this stuff.

Is it possible to check for connections/ geo location proximity with:

1 - Arch - 2 - Old court house + fountain - 3 - University of St Louis where second debate between Potus and Killary took place - 4 - The cathedral where Marie-Thérèse Chouteau was burried?

I wonder if they form a pentagram or some other satanic/masonic symbolism. Oh! And where do the old/new rail lines pass? I believe back in the days, (((they))) used the rails for the trafficking. I wonder if this can be verified by finding a pattern.

3448ea (59)  No.6101775

0aef1f (6)  No.6101828

Will copy this st. louis stuff to the new thread for continuity's sake.

0aef1f (6)  No.6103074>>6103210 >>6103283

File (hide): d814ab28d3e65e0⋯.jpg (572.97 KB, 1920x903, 640:301, What'sAcrossTheRiver.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 535fcfe4b475cdd⋯.jpg (985.05 KB, 1920x903, 640:301, CasinoNextToWhat.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98fb0cb0bd03b04⋯.jpg (461.44 KB, 1920x903, 640:301, Interesting....jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c7f18302a2082b2⋯.jpg (560.43 KB, 1920x903, 640:301, CargillPlant.jpg) (h) (u)

HPOST #15: St.Louis Rail Connection

@ Thomas I've assumed you meant you migrated back here. Found something potentially interesting.

Didn't see a pentagram or any other sign with the arch/stuff, however…

IMG #1:

What's visible through the arch?

IMG #2

Why is there a casino next to a meat processing plant? What do we know about the legends of what they use meat-processing plants for?

IMG #3

Purpose of metal windows? Could be a coincidence.


"As a private company, Cargill is not required to release the same amount of information as a publicly traded company and, as a business practice, keeps a relatively low profile.[9][10] The company was praised by Colorado State University professor of animal science Temple Grandin for allowing The Oprah Winfrey Show to film the inside of a beef slaughter plant in Colorado."

"In 2005, the International Labor Rights Fund filed suit against Cargill, Nestlé, and Archer Daniels Midland in federal court on behalf of children who were trafficked from Mali into Côte d'Ivoire and forced to work 12 to 14 hours a day with no pay, little food and sleep, and frequent physical abuse, on cocoa bean plantations."

Low level connections, nothing direct, however the fact that one of their plants was on the Oprah show is worrying.

100743 (14)  No.6103210>>6103258


this may help connect the meat packing plant to the casinos


100743 (14)  No.6103258


its a long read but worth it. essentially a layperson connected the dots between seemingly isolated cases of death from kruntzfel-jacobs disease (e.g. kuru) and found they all shared a commonality of connection to a local racetrak.

c1064a (11)  No.6103283


No, I sisn't move back into here. I'm out of the symbolism thread. I've dropped 2 posts in another thread with no censorship in it.

Before we continue in this dig, I want you to consider opening our own thread. I'm thinking of dumping all the "raw" data i've dug up in there and we can start building the Qmap there and making connections. I'm tired of being told what to do. I'm just too old for this sort of thing. I want to name that thread Bridges and maps. if interested let me know in the new thread where I am, not in symbolism. Take care. Thank you for your awesome work.

0aef1f (6)  No.6103460

HPOST #16:

@ Thomas anon

I think that would be the most efficient method for research, so sure.

Not sure if you meant to mention the name of the new thread you're in or not, I'll go looking.

Halfway through the article, definately interesting.

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