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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

0f8beb  No.4298276

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Q & A

>>4282164 ————————————–——– Stress test failed.

>>4282020 rt >>4281684 -————————– 'Guardians' of intelligence.

>>4281837 rt >>4281583 -————————– (3) detention centers being prepped.

>>4281568 rt >>4281479 -————————– No.

>>4281478 rt >>4281387 -————————– "Watch CA" was deliberate.

>>4281410 rt >>4281121 -————————– Senate to investigate 2019.

>>4281049 rt >>4280876 -————————– Gold shall destroy FED.

>>4280936 rt >>4280653 -————————– Only her beauty and love of country.

>>4280831 rt >>4280746 -————————– NSA ability to overreach hosts possible.

>>4280779 rt >>4280688 -————————– Separated by 2.

>>4280699 rt >>4280617 -————————– While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.

>>4280615 rt >>4280575 -————————– Added server(s)/bandwidth improved performance.

>>4280592 rt >>4280423 -————————– No.

>>4280554 rt >>4280453 -————————– Mission to harm NSA.

>>4280455 rt >>4280260 -————————– No.

>>4280331 rt >>4280236 -————————– 2020+ safeguarded.

>>4280247 rt >>4280228 -————————– Yes.

>>4280231 rt >>4280212 -————————– Our promise to 'counter'.

>>4280213 rt >>4280193 -————————– No.

>>4280202 rt >>4280192 -————————– Control.

>>4280189 ————————————–——– Q&A

Wednesday 12.12.18

Compiled here: >>4281715

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

0f8beb  No.4298283


are not endorsements


>>4294374 List of meme-friendly news sites for spreading the truth.

>>4282761 Anon's recap of Q's 12/12 Q&A


>>4298151 More CF goodies coming for Christmas?

>>4298063 Background on why the current witnesses are less than eager to turn over documents.

>>4297972, >>4297982, >>4297989, >>4297996, >>4298004 Doyle/Moynihan said docs sent to SALT LAKE in CF oversight hearing

>>4298028 Little Rock rumor from couple months ago.

>>4298009 Arkansas FBI is directing CF criminal investigation.

>>4297854 Anon compiles a list of places hit by bomb threat scare.

>>4297785 Southwest Airlines says a Dallas-bound flight returned to Seattle last weekend because a human heart was left onboard.

>>4297695 POTUS Schedule.

>>4298215 #5476


>>4297347 Sara Carter: CF should have registered with FARA.

>>4297269 Bomb threat menace spreads to the Canadians.

>>4297161 DoD: Blastoff!

>>4297078 Soros, State Dept, USAID: "Open Government Partnership."

>>4296918 US Senate passes resolution blaming MbS.

>>4296874 Republicans take bold tack against Democratic gerrymander in the Supreme Court.

>>4296824 St. Xavier High School to release names of accused sexual abusers.

>>4297376 #5475


>>4296705 Nancy Pelosi is willing to keep US ‘government closed forever’ before she’ll fund border wall.

>>4296517 POTUS planning 16 days at Mar-a-Lago?

>>4296413 Massive haul of meth, cocaine, heroin seized at US-Mexico bridge.

>>4296083 FBI issues statement on nationwide bomb threats.

>>4296161 Supreme Court will consider case that could help undermine administrative State.

>>4296758 #5474


>>4295677 Hueber after Mueller? Counter to the report?

>>4295488 Bomb threats are nationwide.

>>4295407 Trump cancels White House Christmas party for media.

>>4295387 Hackney worked at IRS (same department) during the targeting of Conservatives.

>>4295324 Anon digs on the gutting of the IRS.

>>4295313 England’s most senior Catholic cleric apologises for withholding evidence of child abuse allegations.

>>4295924 #5473

Previously Collected Notables

>>4293608 #5470, >>4294388 #5471, >>4295167 #5472

>>4291334 #5467, >>4292121 #5468, >>4292892 #5469

>>4288973 #5464, >>4289757 #5465, >>4290540 #5466

>>4286668 #5461, >>4287430 #5462, >>4288197 #5463

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

0f8beb  No.4298287

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#59 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>4283174

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

0f8beb  No.4298292

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

0f8beb  No.4298318

File: 0f00fa6dacc2b1b⋯.jpg (23.4 KB, 480x360, 4:3, pepechristmas2.jpg)



e736a9  No.4298329

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

65e5fa  No.4298333

Thanks Baker!!

Merry christmas

1e7b54  No.4298345


e736a9  No.4298352

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 3c4e116f30103c6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1999x1392, 1999:1392, thedegradationofthebotmago….png)

8f938b  No.4298353

File: 71694e48cd4309e⋯.jpeg (236.45 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 5DE359D3-EB26-46FE-A592-E….jpeg)

File: 7a4f7e5c2ac7083⋯.jpeg (100.46 KB, 878x583, 878:583, 4B4E9511-AC9B-4CEA-9C1A-4….jpeg)

This is it. This is what we came for.

867d5a  No.4298354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ty Baker

78f245  No.4298355

Don't get cute!

c3427a  No.4298356


Huber =ELF on a Shelf

3a7261  No.4298357

dont get cute with me

d42d2a  No.4298358

fucking congress…"you went around US?"

2fc0e8  No.4298359


ad645f  No.4298360

>>4298339 pb

fuck Drudge. been gone a long time. rantingly.com has replaced it.

f5d067  No.4298361

I like the mercenaries. Money is a great motivator.

131646  No.4298362

Bitch you cant get me money faggot!

Suck it.

You cant prosecute…..rub me balls!

f99ec6  No.4298363

Which you are not Sir!

e736a9  No.4298364

File: 9a5a08ce73390da⋯.png (220.29 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, cat-of-arms.png)

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

500955  No.4298365

File: 3620aa06990722b⋯.png (4.3 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



Flames are shooting out of the oven

The heat is on in the Senate

Life is feeling toasty and comfy

397a4e  No.4298366

Moynihan with the sick burn. I love how Southie Boy gives 0 fucks about people trying to intimidate him with harsh language

18e8ff  No.4298367

File: 05a34f6199c6894⋯.png (224.25 KB, 378x425, 378:425, Meadows.PNG)

Meadows needs to get laid. He seems a bit tense

06f733  No.4298368

Those two are part of Q team 100%

81596e  No.4298369


Femanon here.

He's cute as fuck.

I'm fat you don't wanna see my tits.

1c4555  No.4298370

"Hold on to your test….amony"

I was sure he was going to say "hold on to your testicles". kek

f6b10b  No.4298371

File: 629cfa1eac959ec⋯.jpg (132.17 KB, 640x418, 320:209, happnin.jpg)

78ab95  No.4298372

File: 42305f0214e3371⋯.jpg (179.52 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, 5843d9f2fd1702e1fe3996e57d….jpg)

09024e  No.4298373

File: bdb14ac31bb6310⋯.jpg (30.38 KB, 409x450, 409:450, 1ghlfq.jpg)

5e24f9  No.4298374

basically telling them that this Oversight Subcommittee has no teeth

aa53f4  No.4298375

File: b547877a8534004⋯.jpg (63.28 KB, 960x616, 120:77, 001.jpg)

a0c163  No.4298376


That was such a faggish thing for him to say.

491b17  No.4298377

WTF Huber?!

Trust Huber? The guy didn't bother with the first TWO submissions these guys made and only followed up when he found out they were testifying?!


0f8beb  No.4298378


Merry Christmas anon!

fb9a6c  No.4298379

File: c8d91e07d51bd0e⋯.png (2.98 MB, 1500x1119, 500:373, ClipboardImage.png)


3f45c9  No.4298380

File: e6ca40905bac45f⋯.png (29.65 KB, 471x301, 471:301, countermoves.png)

Was thinking about this from the QA

<What were in the envelopes ???

>Our promise to 'counter'.

and saw that Q post 120050 stating

>Moves and countermoves.

>Strategy warfare.

was a reply to Q post 119877

>The flood is coming.

>Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

c7619f  No.4298381

File: 23235c53fb2a62f⋯.jpg (10.25 KB, 255x161, 255:161, Sessions.jpg)



No date on the resignation letter.


e920d5  No.4298382


Yes they are. Bounty hunters.

0fe9b9  No.4298383


He is acting

f9bd7d  No.4298384


He just threatened criminal referrals. Triggered?

d85016  No.4298385


Fat tits are tits too!

1fe880  No.4298386

story about General Flynn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1i-2Dj-S7w

a1f403  No.4298387


97efdd  No.4298389

File: 7c1438650696109⋯.png (12.39 KB, 451x236, 451:236, ClipboardImage.png)

Meadows: Nov 30

pic related relevant now?

3d8210  No.4298390

Eyes on….Deep State is going to lash out in a big fucking way real fucking soon ! This is going to be a great show, who you got first in the dead pool. RBG is my bet.

bf1764  No.4298391


Their conclusions

2fc0e8  No.4298392


god i hope so

they are legen wait for it


5c457e  No.4298393

What makes for a good movie?

Great actors.

Great job, Mr. Meadows

895974  No.4298394

File: 2690c95f3a276c5⋯.png (193.28 KB, 427x271, 427:271, ClipboardImage.png)

My good friend to my right here…whatever the fuck her names is.

ca861b  No.4298395

Imagine the road one would have to take to become a Q group member…

cafe30  No.4298397

File: 6d50db6cb33871c⋯.png (652.08 KB, 695x715, 139:143, btscam.png)

>>4297854 (lb)


78f245  No.4298398


Try me!

56ce22  No.4298399

You don't do the shit we do, so that's why YOU didn't get our shit!

Meadows - I will compel the intel.

DoyMoy - we welcome that form you

5a365d  No.4298400

File: df3b458f39f60af⋯.png (2.32 KB, 191x255, 191:255, Pain.png)



a52d11  No.4298401

File: 3eb932afdf218a5⋯.jpg (17.04 KB, 220x275, 4:5, Général-Dubois.jpg)

Another French general bemoans Macron. Frustratingly, nothing is being done about it.

France desperately seeks president

December 13, 2018

France does not have a president. She is under the tutelage of a character with an oversized ego who no doubt dreamed himself at the head of a powerful state capable of giving him the means to drag the planet into his Jupiterian megalomania. France is too small, too narrow, too selfish, too blunt, not really worthy of him. France is not his priority concern. He needs the big spaces, Europe at a minimum, better the planet. He wants to shape humanity and even the climate, and if for that he must betray the nation that elected him, too bad; it's for a good cause.

Outside the economic sphere, in all his fibers he is a man of the left. Reality has no hold on him. In the name of human rights he despises the rights of the citizen. In the name of Europe he despises the nation, in the name of universal fraternity he despises the French. He has a behavior similar to that of the Catholic Church and its current leader, so attentive to others that she forgets his own, even to play the game of Islam, the worst predator she has faced in human history.

How can he be moved by the profanation of the tomb of the Unknown Soldier when he himself has publicly accused his own country of barbarity and crime against humanity and is despising her story? The example comes from above.

With him it's open doors to African and Muslim immigration. The same day, at the turn of a sentence of his intervention "mea culpa" addressed to the Yellow Vests, he admits that we will have to talk about immigration, he sends a secretary of state in Marrakech to sign the disastrous UN pact designated as the "Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration", the title of which alone is an admission. No debate in the National Assembly on this occasion, while a few days ago was seriously discussed the opportunity to outlaw spanking. We are told that this agreement is non-binding. This is wrong, of course. When we know the enthusiasm with which we apply, sometimes emphatically, all the directives coming from elsewhere, there is everything to be afraid of. An agreement is always binding otherwise what would it be used for? What must be considered first is the national interest, which is forgotten once more. This 41-page agreement is a mess, discouraging reading, of innumerable commitments made by the signatories, the least of which is not the one on information. It states that the signatories undertake to "promote independent, objective and quality information, including on the Internet, in particular by sensitizing media professionals to migration issues and related terminology, by establishing ethical standards for journalism and publicity and ceasing to allocate public funds or material support to the media, which systematically propagates intolerance, xenophobia, racism and other forms of discrimination against migrants, in full respect of freedom of press ". The last words, "in full respect of the freedom of the press" (admire the pirouette!) do not reassure on the meaning that must be given to the above, and which is in line with the presidential temptations to legislate on the "fake news", thus making freedom of expression even more difficult in our country since the Perben, Gayssot and Pleven laws.

Delirium is everywhere.

The French are inflicted heavy taxes in an insane plan to save the planet while none of the biggest polluters in the world have the least carbon tax. Macron, which denies the existence of a French culture, has just presided over summit in Erevan on a Francophonie whose center of gravity he locates in Gabon and which designates a Rwandan English-speaking female as president.

Dear Santa Claus, please, bring us a French president; a French clone of Trump, Putin, Orban, Salvini for example.

General Roland DUBOIS


72dd75  No.4298402


yep, sad.

131646  No.4298403


e736a9  No.4298404

File: a6081c32da7d659⋯.png (739.09 KB, 999x719, 999:719, WWNBDH.png)

File: c3b4a49214e174b⋯.png (365.81 KB, 444x446, 222:223, soonbyz.png)

File: 44333e5aefb4eda⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1332x999, 4:3, dygg.png)

File: 5a22a0028aca0c4⋯.png (401.3 KB, 768x512, 3:2, jlj.png)

6f75d2  No.4298405



it's the cunt on a blunt!

1c35fc  No.4298406

File: b4bb5b4bd53b117⋯.mp4 (14.44 MB, 720x720, 1:1, AF30B863-97B6-4537-9FC2-B3….mp4)


mother of all boners.

this is amazing!!!

f8b82a  No.4298407

Wait. Thats Sara Carter's explosive news? CF should have….wait for it….filed as a foreign agent! Yawn. Hope there's more.

0b33d7  No.4298408


or maybe black hats still in the DOJ, subverted those submissions?

738a4d  No.4298409

Trump Inauguration Spending Under Criminal Investigation by Feds

New York federal prosecutors are now investigating Trump’s inauguration spending.

Then-President elect Donald Trump received $107 million in donations to his inaugural committee and now the feds are launching a fishing expedition to see if the funds were misspent.

This new investigation stems from the April FBI raid of Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen’s home and office.

CNBC reported:

Manhattan-based federal prosecutors are investigating whether some of the $107 million in donations to then-President elect Donald Trump’s inaugural committee were misspent, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

The Journal, citing people familiar with the matter, said the investigation arose in part from the slew of materials seized in April raids on Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, by federal prosecutors.

The criminal probe is also looking into whether some of the committee’s top spenders traded money for access to the incoming Trump administration, as well as “policy concessions or to influence official administration positions,” sources told the Journal.

“Giving money in exchange for political favors could run afoul of federal corruption laws,” The newspaper explained. “Diverting funds from the organization, which was registered as a nonprofit, could also violate federal law.”

After New York prosecutors turned the screws on Michael Cohen, they shifted their focus to President Trump.


f5bd5e  No.4298410

Thank you PlaneFags!

a0514f  No.4298411

File: 83ebf1ce18c8bef⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


'And that's why we presented to the Law Enforcement agencies agencies, which you're not…'


6720e5  No.4298412

File: 4a7375e31fbf783⋯.jpg (461.89 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, cap.jpg)

Hillary is going to get Al Capone

986b2a  No.4298413


They have been sending documents to Huber for MONTHS.

e63302  No.4298414

File: 4a2ec3755395ca3⋯.png (24.69 KB, 561x447, 187:149, ClipboardImage.png)


Remember he's Chairman of Freedom Caucus!

And Jordan Co-Chairman!

c92832  No.4298415

File: 2666a41846732e2⋯.png (106.02 KB, 370x370, 1:1, 1-lepr_370.png)

$400,000,000 to $2Billion finders fee from the IRS dang those to Irish fellas are gonna be fucking loaded!!!!!

fd4051  No.4298416



fb9a6c  No.4298417


sounds like a bad madonna episode

b774a7  No.4298418

So they get her on unpaid taxes. Maybe mail fraud too. Meh.

7bf1c3  No.4298419

Good movie.

78f245  No.4298420


9d3d07  No.4298421


They might be memeable. Post them or GTFO.

ac9dc1  No.4298422

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Boom, boom, boom.

1aaf90  No.4298423

Just looking german televison

"Air Force One" from 1997

Now looking with other eyes:

Future proves past ?

d42d2a  No.4298424



44abc5  No.4298425

File: 423ed5691e0e9b6⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2296x1089, 2296:1089, Graham-Kav-conversation-co….jpg)

File: 8924b7b616180aa⋯.jpg (994.22 KB, 2296x1089, 2296:1089, Graham-Kav-conversation-bw.jpg)

355e10  No.4298426


Huber already has it all

40243d  No.4298427


“ FUCK YOU, You work for We the people so start acting like it” Is what I heard him say back.

97efdd  No.4298428



f99ec6  No.4298429

File: 52b9efa260aca6b⋯.jpg (82.81 KB, 657x480, 219:160, Hcllary-Clinton-016.jpg)

473145  No.4298430


Those 3 deserve awards. They played it pitch perfectly. BRAVO!!!

7ac5cb  No.4298431

Holy fook!

5c457e  No.4298432


I think what Meadows was getting at, was that the documents were deleted by Swamp.

24cd68  No.4298433


>Meadows needs to get laid. He seems a bit tense

Because the corrupt DOJ has been jerking them around for 2 fucking years!

586205  No.4298434

File: a444040ac2b0b1e⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 460x320, 23:16, theywillfreak.gif)

861e7c  No.4298435

File: 9bf292a86098625⋯.jpeg (559.96 KB, 1242x1842, 207:307, BB082B75-3313-4508-A8B8-F….jpeg)


ab9cca  No.4298436

I kinda love that gal sitting behind Meadows

That little smile, heh heh

6b9e0c  No.4298437


It was a good show.

e1f197  No.4298438

File: 4c77ef80657d7a5⋯.jpg (34.83 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4502.JPG)

f5d067  No.4298439

Be safe driving home after all that FREE BEER, Anons. WWG1WGA!!!

113c15  No.4298440

those two guys testifying or are they being forced to make a fucking milkshake? There is an awful lot of bullying going on. It sure seems like these people receiving the testimony have an agena.

e736a9  No.4298441

File: 8d56ce93844ae76⋯.png (240.34 KB, 458x533, 458:533, hjmhy.png)

File: 9f030de3227e1bd⋯.png (603.19 KB, 1189x444, 1189:444, bgcwbjm.png)

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)

File: 80fb824f9795a79⋯.png (915.55 KB, 811x1024, 811:1024, L.png)

dfa7bb  No.4298442

Pretty neat Q, thanks

6720e5  No.4298443


that was a nice way to end it..

1fe880  No.4298444



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/p1i-2Dj-S7w" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

737e5c  No.4298445

The Clinton's are throwing a Huge Party tonight

75df5a  No.4298446


Moynahan if that's how it's spelled

Just hit Meadows Center Mass!

You are Not Law Enforcement!


bed28a  No.4298447


all tits are welcome all tits must be shown

c3427a  No.4298448


f6b10b  No.4298449


paste the video URL into the embed field

0e3726  No.4298450

File: 3f45768a6042cf5⋯.jpg (16.21 KB, 255x229, 255:229, 1544143221.jpg)

This 2nd hearing from the House CONFIRMS for me…

OurGuys Q team Truly have eyes, ears.

These witnesses are amateurs…. ie, not actors….. Horrible.

But that makes it ORGANIC.

Q will confirm this is how it works.

DOJ will be in the Crosshairs, Huber's team will be compelled to

give testimony or response.

7efea6  No.4298451

File: 8fecc3986524b87⋯.jpg (107.23 KB, 343x361, 343:361, HAPPENING.jpg)

Best. Show. Ever.

738a4d  No.4298452

File: aebb292a77b3c0a⋯.png (11.7 KB, 492x179, 492:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Senate Votes to End US Involvement in a War for the First Time Since Vietnam — Senator Rand Paul Applauds Historic Action

In a historic action, Senate has voted to end US involvement and support for the war in Yemen — the first time they have voted us out of war since Vietnam.

On Thursday, Senate voted 56-41 to pass S.J. Res. 54 and end support for Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen.

In a statement, Senator Rand Paul — a long time critic of US support for the war in Yemen — praised Senate’s action.

“Today, in an historic vote, the Senate sent a clear message to Saudi Arabia that we will not turn a blind eye to their abuse of human rights, killing of dissidents and innocent Yemenis, and fueling of a humanitarian crisis. Since entering the Senate, I have spoken out against Congress’ abdication of its constitutional responsibilities in foreign policy, and I have worked across the aisle to help build the bipartisan consensus that made its voice loudly heard today. I will continue working to ensure that today’s victory is just the beginning of a long-awaited change in how Congress operates,” Senator Paul said in a statement.

A press release from Senator Paul’s office noted that over the past five years, Dr. Paul has spoken out and led multiple bipartisan efforts against U.S. involvement in Yemen. “Most recently, in November, he forced a procedural vote on his resolution that would have blocked the sale of an estimated $300 million in high-explosive rocket artillery and associated training and support to Bahrain, a member of the Saudi-led coalition waging the war in Yemen.”


25dc46  No.4298453

c2a0de  No.4298454

$400 MIL to $2.5 BIL CF tax liability. and the IRS turned these guys down on their claim.. Whoa!

a293cc  No.4298455

What about the whistle blowers?

f9bd7d  No.4298456


Sauce that shindig!

f99ec6  No.4298457

File: df6539e266297c1⋯.jpg (58.93 KB, 634x464, 317:232, hrc2435391-184D1D1F0000057….jpg)

d42d2a  No.4298458


they'll be falling from the balconies.

20b44e  No.4298459

"Don't get cute with me!"


That got really heated there!!

0c78f1  No.4298460

I'm lurking but came in to to shout


Back to lurking Love you anons no homo

bb7f8b  No.4298461

>>4298275 (lb)

So, they sought out Clinton Foundation executives who gave these guys interviews and documents so they could file billion dollar whistleblower claims. And, basically, my tax dollars don't go toward investigating the Clinton Foundation, it goes towards DHS and FBI staging shootings so guns can be confiscated. The misappropriation of money continues with or without the CF, just legally.

e736a9  No.4298462

File: 972eb173b466297⋯.png (460.53 KB, 693x536, 693:536, jmmns.png)

File: 44333e5aefb4eda⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1332x999, 4:3, dygg.png)

File: c91e3b6cf84667a⋯.png (101.35 KB, 941x411, 941:411, TT.png)

57e72d  No.4298463


awesome show!

59051f  No.4298465

File: 99e2e8fbe14ce91⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB, 400x400, 1:1, 47986884_204199800514232_3….mp4)

Nashville airport PATRIOTS!!!

e1f197  No.4298466

File: 49e92cba634f5c7⋯.jpg (103.15 KB, 752x1063, 752:1063, 5D86A36F-36FD-4D24-88A2-74….jpg)

File: 17c335e78c128c1⋯.jpg (33.27 KB, 600x462, 100:77, AE9E5185-E1DF-4544-9C49-23….jpg)

File: 8113705427ea7b4⋯.jpg (69.47 KB, 576x720, 4:5, 055F6603-729D-494C-BAED-2E….jpg)

6720e5  No.4298467


they can get up to 30%..

that is what the finder fees on the THOT patrol were reporting…

a0514f  No.4298468

They will bring a case…

That's not what you do

I fukn love this guy

4dd3ae  No.4298469



d42d2a  No.4298470



131646  No.4298471

File: f0df81d67718946⋯.jpg (13.39 KB, 298x300, 149:150, R-1313681-1439617947-9679.….jpg)


I will be the judge of that.

Put em on the glass.

b774a7  No.4298472

Q????? you better get in here and make some rainbows out of this shit show

1c35fc  No.4298473


yeah cus financial investigators admitting that huber and the fbi have ongoing investigtions into crimes commites by the clintons and their minions is nothing at all.

yuge Q proof too. we knew this a year ago. america finds out today.

cool story homo.

u shills are lame af.

a1f403  No.4298474

File: f1963d1519b7e00⋯.jpg (112.79 KB, 966x500, 483:250, 2ox1dl.jpg)

BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST!!!!!!!!! Oh and he used Foundation funds for PERSONAL use……..

1d9ff0  No.4298475

The comet y'all can see is headed right for us and is going to destroy the earth.

864eb1  No.4298476


First two submissions likely buried by DS. Proof should be forthcoming now

5c9b87  No.4298477

I just watched the Doyle/Moynihan hearing; and unsure if I got exactly what happened. Can a Smartanon please explain it simply to this Dumbanon?

8bc40e  No.4298478

File: 99fee958c1c1757⋯.jpeg (58.5 KB, 313x445, 313:445, 85F93D9F-4B00-4911-AB26-6….jpeg)

File: eafeb6af9c50dc7⋯.jpeg (188.29 KB, 791x1200, 791:1200, 5759402D-1E06-44AD-83CC-F….jpeg)


3d8210  No.4298479


yup. flop 'em on out lady

c7619f  No.4298480


I hope those guys have good security.

d2aeba  No.4298481


Actually a percentage of taxes due….still a nice chunk.

9d3d07  No.4298482


Perfect way to end it, telling them no. Now they have justification to demand it from IRS and FBI.

473145  No.4298483

File: 1b219c670253d82⋯.jpg (29.94 KB, 439x363, 439:363, 1b219c670253d825eefb3637ac….jpg)

File: 2e5b9065755f1db⋯.jpg (55.61 KB, 560x451, 560:451, 2e5b9065755f1dbfbf6a835a38….jpg)

And now EVERYONE is going to go and share info and talking points, and there are at LEAST 30 good to great ones, and the narrative and energy shifts even MORE in our direction. Overton and all that. KEK!!

That was a BLAST Anons!! TY!!

d42d2a  No.4298484


hey nigger, you're in the wrong neighborhood.

5b508c  No.4298485

I hope we can keep these Whistleblowers alive……

57c4c0  No.4298486


No shit. I'll do it with ya.

20df1b  No.4298487


That is a great guess

And they just made the committee ASK WHY IT TOOK SO LONG!!!!

omg this is phenomenal

74cf00  No.4298488

This hearing marks the beginning of the end.

738a4d  No.4298489

DOJ Destroyed Missing Strzok/Page Texts Before IG Could Review Them

The Department of Justice wiped text messages between former FBI employees Lisa Page and Peter Strozk from their cell phones before the Office of the Inspector General could review them, a new report from the DOJ watchdog reveals.

Page and Strozk’s involvement with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has been heavily scrutinized after it was revealed they had sent numerous anti-Trump text messages back and forth to one another. Mueller has been tasked with looking into whether or not Donald Trump and his campaign associates coordinated with Russian officials to steal the 2016 election away from Hillary Clinton.

The 11-page report reveals that almost a month after Strzok was removed from Mueller’s team, his government-issued iPhone was wiped clean and restored to factory settings by another individual working in Mueller’s office. The special counsel’s Record’s Officer told investigators that “she determined it did not contain records that needed to be retained.”

“She noted in her records log about Strzok’s phone: ‘No substantive texts, notes or reminders,'” the report states.

When the OIG obtained his old cell phone in January, it had been issued to another individual within the agency and investigators were unable to recover any text messages sent or received by Strozk on that device.

Two weeks after Page departed Mueller’s team on July 15, 2017, her government-issued iPhone was also wiped and restored to factory settings and had not been reissued to another person within the agency. No one within the special counsel’s office or the Justice Management Divisions of the agency had any records as to who cleared all the data from the iPhone.

The OIG was able to recover more than 19,000 texts between Strozk and Page on their old government-issued Samsung Galaxy S5 devices that had been lost due to the agency’s “collection tool failure.” The OIG did not include the content of these texts in the report.

Bre Payton is a staff writer at The Federalist. Follow her on Twitter.



586205  No.4298490

e1f197  No.4298491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



473145  No.4298492

a1f403  No.4298493

File: ff9ea9c1736e60d⋯.png (430.52 KB, 845x569, 845:569, 781f8884e68bb722ba49878915….png)


97cd6f  No.4298494

What is anons take on the documents Meadows asked for so much?

259a0c  No.4298495

DOJ and IRS cover-up OVER

4302c2  No.4298496

Did anyone catch what the one guy said, he sent a PIC of the plane that the docs were loaded into…. was he the anon who posted the pic here on the threads?????

28f320  No.4298497


think al capone

081bb8  No.4298498


Meadows was really layin' on the tough guy persona, and got brushed off handily.

c14f1f  No.4298499

File: 63ea14f2dcacad7⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1408x1818, 704:909, DandM.png)

Doyle and Moynahan will go down in the history books!

df4b35  No.4298500


Longstanding precedent. IRS whistleblowers make bank on convictions.

473145  No.4298501


Leave rocks out of it.

ac9dc1  No.4298502

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Pedovore Boogie.

96dedb  No.4298503


>It's time to focus on America and not the Middle East


3d8210  No.4298504


could be Carter. How bout Kisenger?

bf257f  No.4298505

File: a371419612c1b17⋯.jpeg (81.06 KB, 800x472, 100:59, 03E699A2-94D0-47EF-A753-6….jpeg)

0fe9b9  No.4298506

This hearing was a huge win, as long as conservative media now thoroughly discusses the existence of a Clinton Foundation ongoing investigation, as well as Huber

f6b10b  No.4298507

File: 689f9c3794bf1ac⋯.png (26.95 KB, 822x93, 274:31, ClipboardImage.png)

4dd592  No.4298508


What about Trust the Plan is so hard to understand?

Patriots are in 1000% full, total, complete control!

78f245  No.4298509

Alright everybody drinks are on me

5a365d  No.4298510

File: 5bcbf8cba07f178⋯.jpg (9.63 KB, 198x254, 99:127, Joe.jpg)


Cue the music from Dragnet.

867d5a  No.4298511

Hearing done for today or are they coming back?

eeed74  No.4298512

File: 99c40b23dd482e5⋯.jpeg (87.86 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, A08B417D-3838-4F6F-BD06-D….jpeg)


Try us!

832707  No.4298513

Look what happened in the past few hours anons. Bomb threats all over the country and now the entire media reporting Trump being investigated. If ever there was a nod to how deep this shit is….

e64b22  No.4298514

Tom Fitton needs to take notice - if Judicial Watch finds information to assist in taking down the CF, they need to claim whistle-blower compensation as well. Or do they already know it?

2fc0e8  No.4298515


you idiots cant astroturf this, we know what we saw, gitmo is coming

73152e  No.4298516


It is explosive, it was supposed to be a non-profit not a quid quo pro foreign agent

473145  No.4298517


These are the people that groups I've never heard of guard.

e736a9  No.4298518

File: 702cce4f60b9f86⋯.png (222.02 KB, 376x431, 376:431, DSB.png)

File: 2df1a5a9f6a638f⋯.png (145.73 KB, 474x290, 237:145, ltjl.png)

File: 8f958d57500ea85⋯.png (655.24 KB, 1111x688, 1111:688, சூண.png)

File: 1e8be18d341dc3e⋯.png (1.1 MB, 803x999, 803:999, pksoon.png)

b958d4  No.4298519

File: 8d49c21f736aae1⋯.jpg (97.9 KB, 800x584, 100:73, crimes.jpg)

Here we go.

97cd6f  No.4298520

c7619f  No.4298521


Couple of smart nerdy guys started a fire months ago and it's about to start raging out of control.

You are safe.

They are terrified.

f45d8d  No.4298522

File: 16deb64d93dfd5e⋯.png (47.48 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


You beat me to it. Good job!!!!

Start with tax evasion and move forward.

I do like this guy Moynihan.

Slapping Meadows around a bit.



f17d5f  No.4298523

Add a FISA Declas today and we may reach critical mass

f9bd7d  No.4298524

File: 46d766683971c98⋯.png (420.16 KB, 777x437, 777:437, ClipboardImage.png)

So the DOJ also shuts down with the government. That leaves the Executive branch free to do their jobs as enforcers of the law. This is a good movie!

6bcef5  No.4298525

File: eff44c0c9e5a554⋯.jpg (13.35 KB, 255x232, 255:232, TitsOrGTFOSlapABitch.jpg)


Another bread title for the history books

ty baker


Yeah but did you see him laughing easily with others on his way out? I'm thinking "good actors" is what's going on.


>I'm fat you don't wanna see my tits.

No doubt. But tits or gtfo was never about seeing tits. Was always about wanting you femfags to Get The Fuck Out

19a8dc  No.4298526

File: 81fd790daf2a8b6⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 1031x1070, 1031:1070, Enjoy the show.jpg)



424bfb  No.4298527


Checked. Hence why the Thot Audit is a thing

a293cc  No.4298528



Maybe he wasn't corrupt, but he didn't protect the information. Maybe incompetence was Sessions downfall.

ad645f  No.4298529

File: fe958fcccbd6756⋯.jpg (88.37 KB, 421x320, 421:320, iu.jpg)

queue the next Q drop! Fucking great movie.

4302c2  No.4298530


FYI… Any every day average American can make money from the IRS. If you know of anyone who is not paying their taxes or keeping the IRS you need to just call the IRS and tell them they will give you a number so you remain anonymous and when they collect their money you get 25%

0bf6cd  No.4298531


they won't now! Americans will storm their castle! That was explosive. If Meadows want to pay them the 12 mil-750 mil they are waiting on , he can have the 6k pages

dcb397  No.4298532

Q incomming in …3 ,2, 1

3ec0ca  No.4298533

File: 9a3c6f80290309a⋯.jpeg (211.26 KB, 1205x500, 241:100, wraysidebyside.jpeg)

This is funny.

Congress can't prosecute Clinton.

I think Monahan doesn't "get" the power of Congress.

And hey, Isn't this on TV?

Can't find the Q reference to "Little Rock Ak"

"Agencies" won't turn over the docs to Congress.

So what can Congress do?

Congress is being stonewalled.

975f5b  No.4298534

File: 6d4ab2fef6d1b7b⋯.png (80.18 KB, 1448x638, 724:319, 589790-7239875465768.png)

Maybe the feds could farm out some of the work.

867d5a  No.4298535

f015e6  No.4298536

Clinton Crime Cartel is FUCKED boys


Next round

44abc5  No.4298537

File: 8924b7b616180aa⋯.jpg (994.22 KB, 2296x1089, 2296:1089, Graham-Kav-conversation-bw.jpg)

File: 423ed5691e0e9b6⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2296x1089, 2296:1089, Graham-Kav-conversation-co….jpg)


Typo fixed

fa9fc1  No.4298538

File: b2b99d42abaa7c4⋯.mp4 (8.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ongoing investigation.mp4)

>>4298234 LB

From the end of LB – it’s not the best quality video, but this is the moment when the real avalanche begins, with the whistleblowers publicly confirming an enthusiastic FBI investigation.

5a365d  No.4298539


Trying to distract. Too late bitches, it's happening.

e1f197  No.4298540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The big one right

dfa7bb  No.4298541


Hahahahahahaha…how can you even feed yourself in this state?

75df5a  No.4298542

File: 62303fa25b0beab⋯.jpg (45.38 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 5a81cbc2d030729f008b457d-7….jpg)


Rand is Correct!

8f938b  No.4298543

d42d2a  No.4298544



a new low, anon. congratulations.

2d4e55  No.4298545

Hi Q whats up?

6b9e0c  No.4298546


Come on. Just show us your tits.

ae06ce  No.4298547

So did nobody else catch the part where they slipped up about the 757 planes in Little Rock that loaded all the Clinton foundation documents up? Q specifically misinformed us on that and said it was unrelated….

639393  No.4298548


Just trying to get everything out in the open

1c4555  No.4298549

File: b3093c9aa76e660⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 696x412, 174:103, Winning!.jpg)

78ab95  No.4298550

File: ff63cd8eba66bf7⋯.jpg (161.05 KB, 1029x749, 147:107, cunts.jpg)

9f70da  No.4298551

File: e45544e3ba02f0c⋯.png (440.52 KB, 699x925, 699:925, Screenshot_185 - Copy.png)


10ed61  No.4298552


Little Rock The Boxes….

170038  No.4298553


gotta love it

832707  No.4298554

Meadows really looked bad. He is so clearly connected.

28f320  No.4298555

File: 17f108d3a847d52⋯.jpg (13.05 KB, 236x236, 1:1, f92065339233c8169ac1de03ba….jpg)

116d23  No.4298556


Ms. Phlegm McSputter

4459e4  No.4298557

File: 95be74221f7b406⋯.jpg (137.69 KB, 1000x525, 40:21, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….jpg)

File: 7a7c63d64cb6f40⋯.jpg (111.89 KB, 1000x450, 20:9, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….jpg)

File: 52aba21fea3e293⋯.jpg (166.14 KB, 1000x525, 40:21, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….jpg)

1 Nightwatch

3 B-52

3 E6

500955  No.4298558

File: 85f34cddc309f36⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm cool with the whole thing

Another Anon blew my mind a couple of breads back

He said The train hasn't yet left the station


The train won't be up to speed until all of the trials are over.

81e4d4  No.4298559


Big girls need loving too

45feee  No.4298560


>WTF Huber?!

Huber will do what Sessions told him to do….STALL, forever….

9fa1c4  No.4298561


"Do not get distracted by Clinton's e-mails. Focus on the Foundation. All of the nightmarish truth is there. The e-mails will pale in comparison."

"If the truth came out, you all may believe. But who else would? It is too dark for anyone to stomach."

"Hillary and Bill love foreign donors […] They get paid in children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it. It will sicken you."

"If you dig hard into the Clinton Foundation and make it the sole point of your focus, you will remember this thread when the truth is revealed."

"Above all, Follow the Foundation."

- FBIAnon, 2016

eab01d  No.4298562


The weak and faithless do what the weak and faithless do.

59051f  No.4298563



57e72d  No.4298564


any Anons got that picture handy?

738a4d  No.4298565

File: 444bf99c55f039a⋯.png (364.91 KB, 496x294, 248:147, ClipboardImage.png)

Police Arrest 34 In Budapest As Violent Anti-Orban Protesters Storm Parliament

Violence exploded outside the Hungarian Parliament in Budapest on Wednesday, prompting police to make 34 arrests as five officers were injured, as demonstrators stormed the building to protest a series of laws passed by Prime Minister Viktor Orban's ruling Fidesz Party - one of which put the country's Minister of Justice in charge of picking judges for newly created federal courts, per Bloomberg.

Hungarian police arrested 34 people when protesters tried to storm the parliament building late on Tuesday after Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s lawmakers passed a series of bills that strengthen his grip on power.

Five law enforcement officials were injured during scuffles as police used tear gas to repel demonstrators, Gergely Gulyas, the minister in charge of the prime minister’s office, told a briefing on Wednesday.

According to Local News 8, hundreds of protesters marched through Budapest and gathered at the parliament building Wednesday night after Orban's party passed a law allowing employers to ask their workers to take on up to 400 hours' overtime per year - something its critics have dubbed "the slave law." But the final straw for demonstrators was the passage of another law allowing the Justice Minister to appoint judges to new courts designed to handle cases concerning "government business" like tax and elections.

Opposition lawmakers decried the law as an authoritarian power grab. After it was passed, pandemonium broke out in parliament.

Hungary's parliament was thrown into scenes of turmoil following the vote on the new legislation, with opposition lawmakers sounding air horns and angrily confronting the Prime Minister.

One member of parliament, Tordai Bence, filmed himself demanding answers from an awkward-looking Orban over the new overtime laws.

Shortly after the vote, around 2,000 people marched through Budapest - some waving EU flags - and converged on the steps of the parliament. Some protesters hurled objects at police, who responded with pepper spray, Reuters reported.

Notably, the demonstrations followed the retreat of billionaire George Soros and his "Open Society" foundation, which left Hungary earlier this year under scrutiny from lawmakers. More recently, the Soros-backed University of Central Europe was forced out of the country under laws intended to curb foreign influence in Hungarian politics. Soros has played a major role in organizing the opposition to Orban's Fidesz party, which won a sweeping landslide victory during Parliamentary elections earlier this year and enjoys overwhelming popular support (particularly in the countryside) largely thanks to its immigration policies.

Soros isn't the only antagonist trying to punish Orban and his government. The European Parliament earlier this year authorized an unprecedented Article 7 proceeding to punish Orban's government for not caving to pressure to institute "open door" policies like those that have been rejected by voters in Germany and Italy.

But as the billionaire investor continues to pursue his vendetta against his former protege (Soros financed Orban's education and was an early benefactor) expect more unrest in the streets of the capital.


1d410f  No.4298566

This hearing carried no more weight than anons posting about pizzagate on voat. Accusations with no proof. Nothing happens.

a90ee5  No.4298567

How do you legally inject information to the public space?

Make the committee subpoena the 6000 pages of there documents!

101f48  No.4298568


Them guys was not taking a step back .

Well done patriots.

So it begins.


df4117  No.4298569

planefags !!!!

tippy top !!!

Anons vs 1 million criminal lawyers

f99ec6  No.4298570

File: 21b34a1fcb8e852⋯.jpg (54.72 KB, 620x348, 155:87, deep2gozj6.jpg)

df4b35  No.4298571

Overheard on the way to the pub:

Moynahan to Doyle: "These clowns are fawkin retahded."

f6b10b  No.4298572

File: f6f37245c825e2c⋯.png (117.15 KB, 327x346, 327:346, max.png)

c079f0  No.4298573


Moar Bomb Threats

f8a777  No.4298574

He just confirmed the Huber Investigation into Clinton. Publically! Awesome

fb9a6c  No.4298575

File: a84058d12678ffb⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 498x278, 249:139, trump-popcorn.gif)

e736a9  No.4298576

File: ddc6a92316027df⋯.png (464.03 KB, 750x666, 125:111, DDHRC.png)

File: 5437801ccaa7137⋯.png (370.84 KB, 411x580, 411:580, mpjl.png)

File: b2a49b70faf2e28⋯.png (343.43 KB, 591x637, 591:637, dmmsj.png)

File: 8911863605dde46⋯.png (303.75 KB, 444x524, 111:131, safd.png)



20df1b  No.4298577

File: 23673c31ca6c9e6⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 292x378, 146:189, ef74e9008995637708e0160681….jpg)


We had the honor of witnessing not only a very satisfying battle of good vs evil

But we just saw the power of truth used by SUPERLATIVELY INTELLIGENT MINDS

For us and the good of America

The entire world in reality


See how good triumphs

God wins

00727b  No.4298578



thats literally pathetic. you must be a new shill here.

113c15  No.4298579


nah, just you.

don’t worry, we’ll rescue your slippers.

211d2a  No.4298580


You have good taste, anon!

473145  No.4298581


Child Pornography PRODUCERS.

Once we all can admit that the WHOLE CF was a treacherous and economically wicked scam, it's just one step to here.

eff342  No.4298582


Good evening

a90ee5  No.4298583


… their documents!

bf1764  No.4298584

File: 01db9a6dab665e2⋯.jpg (9.06 KB, 204x255, 4:5, ef1b4b67bc1020026829ae97cc….jpg)


Digits 5:5

aa53f4  No.4298585


aw, you pissed that your kiddy diddling while fucking over america is coming to light?

738a4d  No.4298586

New Brazil government to pull out of UN Migration Pact as “It doesn’t serve national interests”

President-elect Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil announced Monday that when his right-wing administration comes to power in January they will withdraw from the U.N. Migration pact.

“Immigration is welcome, but it should not be indiscriminate,” Ernesto Araujo, who will be the new foreign minister, tweeted, adding: “It must serve the national interests and cohesion of each society.” The UN pact is an “inappropriate instrument” for the “problem” of migration.

Brazil, Chile and the Dominican Republic are other Latin American countries to withdraw. The US and 14 other countries have pulled out or expressed concerns over national sovereignty with the pact.

The pact legalises migration as a human right thereby deprecating the term ‘illegal migrants’, and criminalises any criticism of migration as hate speech.


2be056  No.4298587

lawfag here

in 40 years of following legal matters i have NEVER seen shit come from a congressional investigation - think about the docs we pore over now from the 1970's hearings that disclosed SO MUCH - was anything ever done? did the public become aware? NO NEVER

WHY? for the reason the whisteblower JUST now stated - that is Congress is not a law enforcement agency

they cant or wont do shit except flap their gum and grandstand - now i dont blame them - it is simply NOT the forum for real action in criminal cases - not now and not ever - not designed or permitted for that even if they had the guts or the will - which they do not

So its just another circus like the MSM really - the ONLY thing that counts are arrests

and i am no concernfag i believe arrests are coming - but this is a disgraceful shitshow that is nothing more than a feeder for the news cycles

i could NEVER hold back from dropping the bombs on these fucks and thank God for that reason I am NOT making that decision because I know it in my thinking mind it would not win the war but would result in the evil doers making a comeback

why? because Q and POTUS know the normies MUST be ready and have the discipline to act accordingly - i myself do not

thank god for stable genius - me i cant stand it

19a8dc  No.4298588

File: f14b255e90b3cab⋯.jpg (59.57 KB, 991x902, 991:902, 1517854477759.jpg)


>how to get v@ by glows


6b9e0c  No.4298589


Think Huber should call this guy every week?

e1f197  No.4298591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'll get ya a trinity

I'll get ya a pinky toe too

7a7cff  No.4298592

File: 18ce3a21f36347a⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1199x995, 1199:995, Demowitches.png)

It's what happens when Q cuts off your kiddy blood supply…

131646  No.4298593


Yes that was fun.

57e72d  No.4298594


she happy

2fc0e8  No.4298595

File: 9bab1844095661e⋯.jpg (236.01 KB, 1280x1201, 1280:1201, leave2.jpg)


you sound triggered

cant possibly imagine why


44abc5  No.4298596



I was looking for that

97cd6f  No.4298597


Someone please explain why he mad.

Why did they not send in the documents? Would that help us or them? Both Rep Chair and Dems asked for it…

Help please.

f45d8d  No.4298598

File: 0bf2d7e1799a7c6⋯.png (64.86 KB, 255x150, 17:10, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4298505 GREAT ACTOR.



b774a7  No.4298599

Right . A democrat takes over leadership in January. That will NEVER happen.

aa69dc  No.4298600

File: c852f249a2616a5⋯.png (31.59 KB, 181x164, 181:164, grin.png)

c78628  No.4298601

File: 2b566ec45cc0ff6⋯.png (49.32 KB, 1019x148, 1019:148, decoy?.png)

837bce  No.4298602


pepe needs some new bug eyes…

df4b35  No.4298603

Gotta love filters.

421d43  No.4298604

File: 029009c251d3038⋯.jpg (148.97 KB, 1000x656, 125:82, StealthBomber.jpg)

408eca  No.4298606


Working as an foreign agent is treason!

dfa613  No.4298607

The priceless moment when Meadows understood why Huber isn’t there.

3ec0ca  No.4298608


not destroyed, but blocked.

Slow footed.

473145  No.4298609


Agreed. I'm looking forward to rebuilding America. That's my heart. Starting with the education and care of our children.

15e378  No.4298610

File: cfcd88ba793749c⋯.jpg (17.72 KB, 198x255, 66:85, 9a129588b2968927a21e9e7d9a….jpg)




I remember this BS meme

ad645f  No.4298611

File: 1a5a9a7086d0653⋯.png (148.79 KB, 1015x674, 1015:674, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

Eastern District, AR US Attorney is J. Cody Hiland

500955  No.4298612

File: 7f0e831214de395⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)


And the flames rise higher

ca861b  No.4298613

File: 079cbf11938229c⋯.jpg (107.89 KB, 888x499, 888:499, download (11).jpg)

e1f197  No.4298614

File: d839de3ea7d4186⋯.jpg (150.34 KB, 800x918, 400:459, IMG_4506.JPG)

ffa730  No.4298615

>>4298306 LB


57e72d  No.4298616

File: d4668913253389c⋯.jpg (23.63 KB, 474x388, 237:194, d4668913253389c8ee741c6337….jpg)



56ce22  No.4298617

How long before (((They))) coordinate the spin and blast it to mediaSlaves?

950bb4  No.4298618

File: 837a40158c52161⋯.jpg (285.39 KB, 470x325, 94:65, OkcWhereTheRecordsOfTheCli….jpg)

>>4298070 (lb)

OK Mr. Moynahan, just tell us and our colleagues who is investigating us and where the evidence is so we can send cleaners, erase this and have a nice long vacation.


bb7f8b  No.4298619


But at least there is diversity, because that is more important, of course

bd6344  No.4298620

What a fucking epic hearing

b6622a  No.4298621

File: 87ea1351b4937a7⋯.png (268.51 KB, 652x365, 652:365, Hillary_Hearing_DealWithIt.png)

Q, My latest.

9d3d07  No.4298622



2cb4aa  No.4298623


Congressional Medal of Honor for both

408eca  No.4298624


That was good alright! Meadows was pissed

bf1764  No.4298625

File: af865e50131cf7b⋯.png (190.38 KB, 365x511, 5:7, af865e50131cf7b358e4f3eff3….png)

5aa193  No.4298626

Foxnews has ZERO on their homepage about muh bomb threats.

Shows how serious they're being taken.

Hey Hillary, No one believes you!

f99ec6  No.4298627

File: f4b63f0ada63662⋯.jpg (55.42 KB, 664x441, 664:441, hrcillary-with-helmut.jpg)



355e10  No.4298628


Q already debunked this theory

832707  No.4298629

Bomb threats nation wide and the entire media coordinating. Fuck… phew….

63da0a  No.4298630


1c35fc  No.4298631


yep. see here too.


a0514f  No.4298632

File: 6202dfd772e623f⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

8f6cbd  No.4298633

File: 7e0bfeb352cb312⋯.jpg (24.06 KB, 327x327, 1:1, cross-eyed-steve-buscemi.jpg)


are you literally shaking right now ? asking for a friend .

3a98c6  No.4298634


She was awesome

52eda6  No.4298635

File: 0698ba8c6988010⋯.png (276.35 KB, 820x512, 205:128, sanctions coming - elevato….png)

File: ab7aa59f35a4989⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1452x640, 363:160, elevator with number on it.png)

File: d5a27ee6550b477⋯.png (577.47 KB, 1162x841, 1162:841, Q confirmed - with "artifa….png)

File: f424977191b2e59⋯.png (1021.51 KB, 1444x1040, 361:260, Q Proof - Trump Movie Post….png)

Back when Trump tweeted the "Sanctions are Coming" image, some anons noticed that among the artifacts present when the contrast was played with to reveal the "Q", there was what looked like a "25" or "75". Nobody was sure what it was as far as I know.

Upon reviewing all of the stuff that anons found in the Trump/Chicago Gingerbread video, I noted one of pre-existing markings on the elevator that looked similar to the artifact in this "Sanctions are Coming" image. I leave this hear for anyone interested to use this in case it is helpful.

234562  No.4298636

File: 575a9f7a1e06e04⋯.png (137.09 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 2018-10-21_14-56-17 copy 3.png)

e736a9  No.4298637

File: c1f52b609c8fbc2⋯.png (672.55 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, santa-claws.png)

File: 9f2396b7cb86f68⋯.png (4.12 MB, 1111x2130, 1111:2130, nj.png)

File: 99613e673364141⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x868, 43:28, xiimmy.png)

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)


Get out shitbot

no one consented to you


738a4d  No.4298638

File: 9f4a1666fcb27a0⋯.png (700.53 KB, 708x460, 177:115, ClipboardImage.png)

While 81% don’t want more migration, European leaders shamefully ignored the will of the people by signing the UN Pact

New research indicates people want less migration, not more – 81% want the opposite of the UN Pact signed Monday

At about the same time that Merkel and other globalist leaders were celebrating the controversial UN Migration Compact in Marrakesh, Morocco, on Monday, Pew Research Center published its new findings on how citizens feel about the impact of immigration in 27 different countries around the world.

The results confirm what true democratic leaders did by rejecting the Marrakesh deal: countries like America, Hungary, Italy, and almost a dozen others chose to listen to its people’s desire for LESS migration instead of more.

Pew Research states in its paper that “as the number of international migrants reaches new highs, people around the world show little appetite for more migration.”

In fact the median of 27 such disparate countries as Argentina, Indonesia, India and Israel that want less immigration was 45%. A further 36% of interviewees said that current immigration rates are enough whilst only 14% wanted more immigration.

So while the UN is pushing hard for millions more to immigrate globally, a full 81% of citizens interviewed in these countries say they do not want more, and most of them want fewer immigrants.

A recent Gallup poll indicated that up to 750 million people – one tenth of the planet’s population – want to migrate permanently to another country, which would cause untold havoc on Western countries’ welfare systems and societies.

So whilst unelected bureaucrats keep driving the narrative that Western countries need more immigrants to “survive”, it is becoming clear that people everywhere are diametrically opposed to this view.

What is also clear is that there is a growing populist movement, mostly right wing, which has finally started listening to its citizens – thus Democracy, one where votes actually matter, may be seeing a comeback.


c594cc  No.4298639

No ty baker been a at top of bread.

It’s DS Conspiracy

bf257f  No.4298640

File: 3ea772a414707b6⋯.jpeg (91.98 KB, 800x472, 100:59, E9CBC397-0222-44BE-B91D-1….jpeg)

2fc0e8  No.4298641

e1f197  No.4298642

File: d4203fb6217b072⋯.png (180.13 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4237.PNG)

473145  No.4298643


Anons…Youtube has fucked my stuff up, I can't locate the Trump Election video that Q always quotes. Wow. Editing playlists and saves even.

Anyone got a link??

dcb397  No.4298644

File: ea29c3de5762e01⋯.jpg (119.03 KB, 331x741, 331:741, ea29c3de5762e019ddadf000f9….jpg)

54a756  No.4298645

Just in on FOX news. Mad Max calls for impeachment. You have to be kidding me!

424bfb  No.4298646


Fuck off Hillary

586205  No.4298647

File: 6e68a73d1edba25⋯.png (540.32 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, c_ad.png)

2d8f86  No.4298648

File: ca6a89c8db05bbb⋯.png (467.12 KB, 634x464, 317:232, ClipboardImage.png)

ac9dc1  No.4298649

File: 281c0a7e601a70d⋯.png (9.99 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 1c2e5987a1b45793b9b5507bec….png)


0fe9b9  No.4298650

Anons, come on, Meadows was not "mad", he was acting. He played his part perfectly

f13c98  No.4298651

Today is glorious!!!

Thot audit got normies acquainted with IRS money hunter laws just in time for CF hearing!!!!

Buckle up anons…. winning will continue until freedom is delivered!!!

2d4e55  No.4298652

File: f06c19280ace282⋯.jpg (87.32 KB, 640x608, 20:19, DuVB-M9VAAEeEmv.jpg large.jpg)

A lot of millennials use this app. Feel free to dig.


20df1b  No.4298653

File: 8270e27397842c5⋯.jpg (92.7 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 8270e27397842c55eed87594ba….jpg)


Shut up hillary

473145  No.4298654


She's pretty. KEK!!

28f320  No.4298655

File: f939f6067f668ef⋯.jpg (16.71 KB, 394x291, 394:291, 231gmn.jpg)


oH BOY! Hes sooo mad!

2be056  No.4298656


that is not at all surprising

huber just banked the docs and went back to digging like a good anon

he called when it became a public issue and got moar copies to make sure they matched

b958d4  No.4298657

File: edda40ee1ae21e5⋯.png (847.46 KB, 700x727, 700:727, kys_clown_(you).png)

15e378  No.4298658

File: ac89b39a7f6cd57⋯.mp4 (10.66 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Tankcsapda - A legjobb mé….mp4)



Respect to Hungarian

anons…get that scum

out of your country asap

0fe9b9  No.4298659

Low IQ Maxine just said Trump is dangerous

8a8d5f  No.4298660


Meadows says HUBER is the second special council…..

a slip?

aa4cb1  No.4298661


Absolutely agree

113c15  No.4298662

File: e2ebc94c667a4df⋯.jpeg (3 MB, 2208x1242, 16:9, A5CCF771-3503-46B7-B375-8….jpeg)

d6ed12  No.4298663




78f245  No.4298664


Maxine levels of stupid

6b432d  No.4298665


This is the top story on Drudge.

More misdirection and projection – to be expected, of course.

a3c0ee  No.4298666

File: f95c70b1e7b4e06⋯.png (90.65 KB, 1017x161, 1017:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e18fa725025b6d3⋯.png (157.21 KB, 360x335, 72:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d83acce2d75a5a8⋯.png (51.75 KB, 598x394, 299:197, ClipboardImage.png)


Dec 17

D 17


shock the world

51f3bf  No.4298667


>Overheard on the way to the pub:


>Moynahan to Doyle: "These clowns are fawkin retahded."

His accent is great.

e736a9  No.4298668

File: 23f60d2e333d22c⋯.png (946.03 KB, 1081x816, 1081:816, The-honorable-gentlemen-of….png)

File: 0c46c073fcccc07⋯.png (334.61 KB, 906x514, 453:257, podesta-is-too-tender-hear….png)

File: 202e3d3edc1c856⋯.png (403.64 KB, 638x478, 319:239, insitesofpodesta.png)

File: 40a5752de762b7d⋯.png (721.54 KB, 999x500, 999:500, thebrightlightofpodesta.png)

File: b9add7d05ca810f⋯.png (750.59 KB, 999x749, 999:749, CC.png)

832707  No.4298669

Got to believe the next few days are going to be dangerous times.

b8e431  No.4298670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bd6344  No.4298671


He Is

So glad I’m not evil

3a096d  No.4298672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This one?

5b508c  No.4298673


I bet those unknown groups are good at what they do. God bless you anon, and thank you.

738a4d  No.4298674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tom Luongo: People Fed Up W Globalist Takeover

“Have they learned nothing?” The end of France as we know it.

Protests like this [yellow vests] and even bigger ones like Catalonian independence are invariably betrayed by the European political establishment. They become an excuse to move towards tighter control — more cops, more surveillance, crackdowns on free speech, etc.

So, sometimes it’s hard to separate the manufactured reality show from the spontaneous uprising of human frustration.

A return of national sovereignty across Europe is no longer coming. I think it’s here. This can no longer be stage-managed as a relief valve of the massive discontent at neoliberal policies rammed down Europeans’ throats as it has in the past.

Something far more significant is here. They can’t cordon off this movement in France and use it to demonize the leadership and, by extension, the people.

It’s jumped borders. It’s part of the zeitgeist now.

No matter how many times rags like The Guardian, Der Spiegel and Politico call these people ‘far-right’ or ‘alt-right’ and link them to Nazism it doesn’t stop them because the protestors don’t see themselves that way.

These people are sick of the corruption and demand results, not words. Not campaign speeches, but results.

Macron was sold as the outsider, the reformer, who wasn’t in office a week before he began betraying the people who voted for him. And now he’s stuck.

The media turned against him quickly because they know he is done. Their job now will be to prep the narrative to puff up his replacement.

Kicking the can down the road means replacing the old boss with a new boss who is also just another globalist, neoliberal shill.

It’s what’s happening in Germany as Angela Merkel passes the torch of the CDU to a woman even more on board with Merkel’s [globalist neoliberal] agenda than Merkel was.


56ce22  No.4298675

File: 54d3ca07d5295cb⋯.jpg (7.33 KB, 307x164, 307:164, images-3 copy.jpg)

03ee9b  No.4298676










What is Q happened to be a woman. You gonna ask Q to show tits or GTFO?


1c35fc  No.4298677


they will spin it as damaging to the trump foundation and that the private financial investigators findings on clinton crimes are invalid cus theyre in it for financial gain.

dfa7bb  No.4298678

File: 115884848ae50f8⋯.jpg (238.54 KB, 960x735, 64:49, Trumpatton.jpg)


He is, to them

d6ed12  No.4298679

File: c04ac1aec2b31cd⋯.png (155.45 KB, 375x360, 25:24, ClipboardImage.png)


he mad

78ab95  No.4298680

File: a5e73840045063e⋯.jpg (41.25 KB, 800x450, 16:9, frenchpepe.jpg)

113c15  No.4298681

c2a0de  No.4298682


this is the real shit. best pay attention

21ef01  No.4298683

So Huber recommended that the Committee invite these financial investigators based on knowing that what Huber's team received was good evidence from these guys.

Huber couldn't testify because of an ongoing investigation, but knew who could to get some information out into the public.

Pretty great!

2fc0e8  No.4298684



d2aeba  No.4298685

Taxes on 400M to 2.5B are a shitload. No wonder they are flying coach.

6c99a8  No.4298686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Frank Vaughan - Canadian Populist perspective with take-aways for Americans, English, French et al on liberal cooperation with the UN migration.


FPV #49 - Roxham Road, The UN, Technocracy, And You


0fe9b9  No.4298687


He's dangerous to the DS

f635a0  No.4298688

File: 54cc220e2e31019⋯.jpg (247.37 KB, 1020x941, 1020:941, blum.jpg)



e1f197  No.4298689

File: f63f2612634c1ae⋯.jpg (49.42 KB, 373x521, 373:521, IMG_4238.JPG)


Unrequited feltcher drama of the shire

Jerry Springfield hobbit babies

Smeagol has the ring

On a long journey to the west

(You) must go

837bce  No.4298690


Q knows the rules

0fe9b9  No.4298692


Well played

aa1bd0  No.4298693

Whistleblowers said 'Followed the Money', where have I heard that.

d6ed12  No.4298694


Hurry it up already.

6d908d  No.4298695

File: 77198dfeb928997⋯.jpg (114.45 KB, 589x452, 589:452, 34e8df1c648819cc2d3c3176ea….jpg)

364791  No.4298696

e0c2ac  No.4298697

File: 7969fed866e9b8b⋯.png (419.67 KB, 500x610, 50:61, ClipboardImage.png)


hard to beat this guy

51f3bf  No.4298698

>>4298316 (lb)

>These Clinton Foundation accusations are by people literally off the street with no authority or credibility.

KEK They are professional phorensic accountantancy investigators - they are the SEALS of the fiancial world. They get paid if they are right - they are getting paid!

992965  No.4298699


theatre…. think about it… the oversight committee is being labeled as an entity that can't do anything about corruption … for the committee to save face they have to get the documents so they can recommend a criminal indictment or they look weak and pathetic … KEK -Connelly will be forced to deal with it HAHAHAHAHAHA

7bfe96  No.4298700

File: a552e507b586c4b⋯.jpg (153.25 KB, 946x611, 946:611, 75ea9f19bdc14bb05538e3f20a….jpg)

aa1a8d  No.4298701


So, were these two guys the other investigators Q mentioned?

dcb397  No.4298702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"DEPLORABLES UNITE" - (Do you hear the people sing)

355e10  No.4298703


That has been a very common saying for decades

52eda6  No.4298704

File: afd922ed557c1cc⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1450x1354, 725:677, CF taxable income 1.png)

File: f39244146d6cec1⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1542x1372, 771:686, CF taxable income 2.png)


CF potentially on the hook for 400 mill to 2 billion in taxable income…when that low iQ individual heard this, she started coughing something fierce!

e17297  No.4298705

Whistleblower Rewards: How They Work

Whistleblowers (known as “relators”) are awarded a percentage of the money recovered by the government in a qui tam lawsuit. Phillips & Cohen has earned their clients more than $1 billion in whistleblower rewards.

Whistleblowers may be entitled to significant monetary rewards for reporting fraud and financial misconduct through qui tam lawsuits as well through submissions to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) whistleblower program and a similar whistleblower program at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) — if the government collects money through litigation or enforcement actions as a result of the whistleblower information. US laws offer whistleblowers in certain types of cases a percentage of the money recovered by the government.


74cf00  No.4298706


And some idiot, Representative Heck(?) saying that this is the beginning of the end of the Trump administration. Another slimebag for us to investigate.

be7e31  No.4298707

c34f4e  No.4298708

Don't worry about this exchange w/ Meadows.

Moynihan, "Can you prosecute the Clinton Foundation?"

Meadows, "No."

Moynihan & Doyle have been dealing with the folks who can prosecute.

Meadows had to play his part and "grand stand" a little.

Moar of the old: Doesn't look like the DOJ is doing anything routine.

The "delay" getting this info from them & making it public was because there was REALLY an investigation happening that was kept QUIET on purpose for the last 2yrs → So the crooks wouldn't know what was happening.

861e7c  No.4298709

File: 7ab17b6a9b2b0d9⋯.jpeg (973.64 KB, 1242x1106, 621:553, FB8F4CB0-8744-4452-BDD3-E….jpeg)

28f320  No.4298710

File: 3f74d3d800f2b8a⋯.jpg (26.15 KB, 400x550, 8:11, flat,550x550,075,f.u2.jpg)


Oh boy! This movie started slow today but damn!

What a scene that was!

424bfb  No.4298711

Biggest drop for the latecomers:

>Acted as agents of a foreign power

08584d  No.4298712


she cute

aa53f4  No.4298713

File: db9d67562a2f7f2⋯.png (4.51 KB, 337x41, 337:41, ClipboardImage.png)


Q knows the importance of timestamped tits or gtfo.

5aa193  No.4298714

>>4298538 (lb)

"We cannot comment on ongoing investigations"

Who are the whistleblowers? I missed all the action.

bf1764  No.4298715

File: 3427c38b39a10b5⋯.jpg (16.53 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 3427c38b39a10b516e47ac873a….jpg)

e4e68a  No.4298716


That was very interesting, and very weird.

40243d  No.4298717


Muh Documents

405702  No.4298718

File: 7077a028de939cc⋯.png (641.76 KB, 731x810, 731:810, Screenshot_2018-12-12 Jewi….png)


I bet this is because Orban told the World Jewish Congress to fuck off a few days ago. Now shit is about to get real.

500955  No.4298719

File: 6375cf985ac6004⋯.png (2.04 MB, 853x1280, 853:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


I hope everybody has read the Dodd Report to the Reece Committee on private foundations.

This type of corruption has been going on for a LONG LONG time.

c594cc  No.4298720

Couldn’t get more distopian than it is right now.

2d8f86  No.4298721

File: 9bfe7b699a56622⋯.png (375.46 KB, 520x398, 260:199, ClipboardImage.png)

e736a9  No.4298722

File: 0bc131455f46cc4⋯.jpg (39.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, harrier-bird-pictures.jpg)

File: b9ebf9960c3d8b7⋯.png (1011.19 KB, 999x814, 27:22, NOTH2.png)

File: 1925f806af7a7f7⋯.png (408.06 KB, 618x751, 618:751, dengiebossermanshlitz.png)

File: 786692aeeb75fb2⋯.png (353.84 KB, 581x444, 581:444, oops-u-lose.png)

File: 1e9994c9909df04⋯.png (255.59 KB, 622x444, 311:222, ohhaha.png)


no shitbot

ask us

you haven't asked

you have no consent


ac9dc1  No.4298723

File: 8bd0bbb54342f65⋯.png (608.32 KB, 1027x683, 1027:683, 9a714e0d625a84fc6edd36bcab….png)

Merry Christmas shills

Breathe in. Breathe out. Thanks, good.

78f245  No.4298724

File: a8243aaa1ef9916⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, trump-military-leaders.jpg)


We have a chance!!

1d07f6  No.4298725

File: 6368ac1a38f32fd⋯.png (3.25 MB, 2222x1899, 2222:1899, TRUE MEANING OF TITS OR GT….png)


it's not about anyone caring abour your fem or your tits.

it's about the waste of time and posts over it

a1f403  No.4298726


"Ehhhhhit's EhHHHhhhhhhimportant to have that on the recoORoORORORDDDDD COUGH COUGH"

113c15  No.4298727


abso fucking lutely

6bcef5  No.4298728

File: 1f75556c69ff0ce⋯.jpg (158.47 KB, 1052x362, 526:181, Welcome.WarRoomBootCamp.JPG)


>a new low, anon

Just the tip of the iceberg, snowflake.

We're not called "bootcamp of the mind" for nothing.

If war makes you squeamish,

go find an ice cream social to crash.

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

56ce22  No.4298729

File: 38e528de7d636bb⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 498x280, 249:140, tenor.gif)

7efea6  No.4298730


she looking forward to later

0fe9b9  No.4298731


Clinton Foundation ongoing investigation, and Huber, are now publicly known. BOOM!!

738a4d  No.4298732


EU fighting back

ad645f  No.4298733


I believe it is Eastern District, AR US Attorney J. Cody Hiland

97efdd  No.4298734

File: 21ec959cb97320c⋯.png (3.61 MB, 1884x2203, 1884:2203, HRCMerryXMAS.png)

861e7c  No.4298735


Love Tom’s Christmas tie

992965  No.4298736

2fc0e8  No.4298737

File: c1f2d468edd4420⋯.png (394.13 KB, 766x448, 383:224, owned.png)

0011eb  No.4298738

So I thought there were supposed to be a couple more whistleblowers testifying today

fffdf4  No.4298739


Yup. Never went to jail for anything else


bed28a  No.4298740


I'm afraid if we really want change here.. we will be doing the same thing.

e1f197  No.4298741

File: a450726fe5b9c0a⋯.jpg (55.44 KB, 769x1039, 769:1039, 1F3837E5-3978-4D0F-8C78-FE….jpg)

9dc8d1  No.4298742

How long before handcuffs!

76321d  No.4298743

File: cc3ba140e00e85d⋯.png (285.02 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181213-170756.png)

File: 87e02d423ec4e05⋯.jpg (56.96 KB, 672x372, 56:31, swastikas-672x372.jpg)

Friends will tell you the truth.

Christ = Our Sun Antichrist = Black Sun

Nazi Aztecs Mayans Egyptians look at all their symbols. Black Sun worship. Why?

Sept 23, 2017 what rare astrological alignment was seen in the sky?

Revelation 12. Woman = Sophia. Red dragon = Yaldabaoth aka Satan aka the black sun.

Yaldabaoth created the material world…how? Through loss of faith. If an all knowing all loving God existed he would never let humanity live through pure hell on earth. That's what this is. Everything is set on fire and the poles flip causing all the water on our planet to be tossed in the air and then it all crashes back down. Complete reset. Extinction level event. This is where nihilism comes from. This is where service to self comes from. The survivors of the event became the "elites" passing down this hidden knowledge and it's the reason they don't believe in God. They thank Lucifer for the gift of knowledge (fire) but see themselves as Gods. We are sheep being led to slaughter.

Ask yourself this…why do they chemtrail so much around the sun? Is there something approaching behind it? 3 days of darkness…how long was Christ on the cross?

Q being a larp really only makes sense in 1 circumstance. Get the people who aren't complete zombies staring at their computer screens. Most sheep won't notice what's going on but these guys might so keep them inside. We can't have them looking up at the Sky and noticing how batshit it is or they might figure it out and that might lead to chaos. ( Lose $ + control ) The chaos ( the show) needs to start when the black cloud covers the Sun. Rituals are very precise. They will be inside the earth ( dumbs ) and the sheep will be left on the surface to die. Harvested by the great red dragon. Rince and repeat.

Do your own research and riddle me this…why did the vatican build the world's largest infrared telescope and name is Lucifer?

e85480  No.4298744

Another wave of disappointment.






2d8f86  No.4298745


I said last year that Al Capone was brought down by tax evasion. Same with the Clintons, they couldn't resist it.

"Follow the money"

832707  No.4298746

Literally nothing on halfchan or MSM about this, nothing. Major info control right now. We are the news

786ece  No.4298747


I didn't hear that Huber recommended them. What I heard was that Huber's office didn't contact them until after the Committee invited Huber to the hearing, even though they had submitted their information to Huber's office. Maybe I'm wrong, I'll have to watch again or read the transcript.

116d23  No.4298748


Hey Hillary, at least all that curry will cover up the cabbage and urine smell.

56ce22  No.4298749


The BIG one was prohibited from talking…


e88b08  No.4298750


… and the Academy Award for best actor goes to….

e4e68a  No.4298751

File: e5bad3b6d27a48d⋯.jpg (19.75 KB, 412x351, 412:351, Pepe Cry.jpg)

d04c96  No.4298752


C_A wars stop NOW

Only 1 person is elected to conduct foreign policy in our system.


738a4d  No.4298753

File: 9fac29b5a434c1e⋯.png (51.38 KB, 617x653, 617:653, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68ddc7b1c05cade⋯.png (44.25 KB, 627x468, 209:156, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani Exposes Holes in Mueller Investigation

President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani spoke about the ongoing Mueller investigation and what Trump’s legal team is doing.

Giuliani and the rest of Trump’s legal team are focused on getting Mueller to wrap up the probe. Giuliani called Yahoo News on Dec. 12, to express his views on the situation.

“Our strategy is … to do everything we can to try to convince Mueller to wrap the damn thing up, and if he’s got anything, show us,” Giuliani told Yahoo. “If he doesn’t have anything, you know, write your report, tell us what you have, and we’ll deal with it. He can’t prosecute him [Trump]. All he can do is write a report about him, so write the goddamned thing and get it over with now.”

Giuliani also expressed dissatisfaction with Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen. Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison on Dec. 12.

“Cohen is a completely dishonorable person. … I’ve never heard of a lawyer that tape-recorded their client without the client’s permission, and I’ve known some pretty scummy lawyers,” Giuliani told Yahoo. “You don’t exist very long in the legal profession if you go around taping your client.”

Cohen’s sentence was reduced because of his guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the probe.

Giuliani also told Yahoo that Mueller’s investigation shifted focus from Russian collusion to campaign finance law violations because there was nothing to uncover about collusion.

“How do they all of a sudden become campaign finance prosecutors? You need a special prosecutor for campaign finance? I mean, they started with collusion. … After two years and two investigations … they have nothing on collusion,” Giuliani told Yahoo. “Then, they started squeaking about obstruction. They’ve got nothing on obstruction, and Article II prevents them from doing anything about obstruction. Now they’re doing campaign finance.”

Giuliani saw questions Mueller submitted to the president on the collusion issue. He also wasn’t impressed.


28f320  No.4298754

File: 456e3d4473b8aab⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 674x381, 674:381, 123e34rdw4r4.jpg)

Meanwhile on the MSM!

8e4a41  No.4298755

File: 9a476c410368093⋯.jpeg (214.84 KB, 640x1035, 128:207, D713A6BA-6083-49F9-B373-5….jpeg)

Define projection.


bf256a  No.4298756

File: d32f9f1b022d8e7⋯.png (631.38 KB, 1282x758, 641:379, WE SAID NO.png)


WE SAID…………………………

0fe9b9  No.4298757

We need Nathan Cain to testify still

5aa193  No.4298758


I find it hard to believe the Clintons didn't know someone in the Arkansas FBI office who would tell them something.

0e3726  No.4298759


Bad organic acting works in our favor.

e1f197  No.4298760


Wrong board

Sympathy moved to /qtalent/

75df5a  No.4298761

File: a355984fc32362c⋯.jpg (88.41 KB, 600x699, 200:233, 1dw96a.jpg)

bed28a  No.4298762

52eda6  No.4298763


>Q happened to be a woman

GEOTUS is not a woman.

131646  No.4298764

File: ac8e4133f07255c⋯.jpeg (8.51 KB, 173x292, 173:292, download (50).jpeg)


Holy Shit Eilonwy from The Black Cauldron is REAL!

c92832  No.4298765

pharma products and clinton foundation. The wedding hillary cuntface is at the Indian father of the groom is an indian billionaire selling pharma.

81bfbb  No.4298766


Q doesn't genderfag, ergo no need.

5aa193  No.4298767


He's Fake and Gay

d8ac4a  No.4298768





but also, regarding SC-

>Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.

>What if there's another prosecutor (outside of DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority?



b8e431  No.4298769

File: 67487c84013f900⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1440x803, 1440:803, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)


aa1a8d  No.4298770


Yeah. Looking back over Q comment, he was specific about a prosecutor. However, I thought that person would be there today. Otherwise why would Q mention it in reference to Huber not appearing.

At any rate, the cat was seen peeking out of the bag today. Maybe he will get out very soon now.

fea6cd  No.4298771


coughs like Hillary

27cb80  No.4298772


Boy, arent they going to be SO happy to find out he is clean as a whistle! They will be SO relieved…

56ce22  No.4298773



be7e31  No.4298774

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Master Thespian

d2aeba  No.4298775

Maxine masturbating over impeachment…again.

500955  No.4298776

File: 01fcb4d28870199⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Actually it is JUST LIKE RUSSIA.

In 1989 Russia was distopian

In 1999 Russia was distopian

But then, Putin appeared.

Within a couple of years

Russia was NO LONGER distopian

We have had Trump for two years now

Distopia is already fading

3ec0ca  No.4298777

File: b01886fc7ef9b17⋯.jpg (70.77 KB, 750x422, 375:211, billgates.jpg)



>>4298305 pb

Yes, Gates can be criminally liable if he donates to them or co-mingles funds without doing proper due diligence on the legal state of their charity.

I think I learned that from Ortel

701c1d  No.4298778

File: c6afbcb4803f9e4⋯.jpg (358.34 KB, 640x853, 640:853, MelaniaSuperDJT.jpg)

9ce10c  No.4298779

Drudge is comped. our whole political system with the DOJ is comped. now there is investigation for.. to gain influence. That's the CF. Trump Reminds me of a Goat getting cast out of town with everyone's sins.

bf256a  No.4298780

File: 8f23a40e06208b5⋯.png (596.02 KB, 1282x758, 641:379, Q Hearing Blank.png)


Here's a template

96dedb  No.4298781


I love that surprise is in quotes and they'll get away with it because it's a quote.

738a4d  No.4298782


Fear is the enemy Anon. Fear not as they feed on it if you are afraid

e736a9  No.4298783

File: 47bc23ddddf07c6⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1030x1024, 515:512, kittyx.png)

File: 044c327cf9af1fd⋯.png (1.19 MB, 848x1111, 848:1111, SBTS.png)



Don't lurk. That is the lie machine trying to enforce control.

This board is for the PEOPLE

Don't listen to the lies


Stop letting the lie machine maintain control


Lie machine, shut up with your bullshit. Your fake "lurk more" you idiot. This isn't /pol/ retardbot. Make your lies at least plausible you piece of garbage.

Get out.

074bb8  No.4298784


Was just thinking that. That's how they've gotten a lot of organized crime syndicates. People think they're going to drop some eating Haitian children thing, when all they need right now is to nail them on tax evasion, then let the rest come out.

ac9dc1  No.4298785

File: 5f7989d341680e8⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1509578357850.webm)

6720e5  No.4298786


those who continue playing the game..

get no deals..

gitmo bitch..


103723  No.4298788

20b44e  No.4298789


I really don't think the "tits or gtfo" is fair.

For example, when male anons say "love you, no homo" when referring to a male, why don't you'all say "dick or gtfo", seems only fair to me. It should go both ways. You can't have it one way and not the other!

a293cc  No.4298790

What if the entire House is so comped that these hearings are them trying to get information to save themselves. These guys refusing to hand over documents is clearly them protecting the work they have done. They literally trust nobody but HUBER and HOROWITZ.

e1f197  No.4298791

File: 789438f645d358a⋯.jpg (603.08 KB, 1500x2250, 2:3, IMG_4198.JPG)

Learn the self forgiveness (you) need with a sponsor

d8ae34  No.4298792

I thought it was informative, got a lot of info from those private investigators, and Fitton's summaries were good.

That IRS guy was a waste, but a R said it was the D's that called him.


we got many confirmations in the hearing, it was a good update

now, we need Huber → ]HUBER[

98ba84  No.4298793

Hey guys, found this twat account the other day, pretty interesting. LARP or not? What are your thoughts?


d04c96  No.4298794


Justification to order the NSA to produce the missing texts.

Same strategy as the Clinton E-msils and server.

e85480  No.4298795


This is why Q is stringing it all along. To keep this very thing FROM happening here.

Major difference in France and the US?

2nd Amendment.


War in the streets.


Civil War with mass civilian causalities.

US Civilians = Tax payers.

No more $$ for the leaders.


1d410f  No.4298796

Just waiting for Q to show up and claim this is the BOOM he was predicting and not the wet fart it turned out to be.

44abc5  No.4298797

File: 404af2b4f7c4320⋯.jpg (273.16 KB, 960x452, 240:113, pattonquote.jpg)

d15a3e  No.4298798


The dumb walking ashtray!

cc144a  No.4298799

HRC and Bill now become a liability to the DS.

Protective ARM no more.

Strings will be cut.

2018 is ending most gloriously!!!

a293cc  No.4298800


Because nobody wants to look at a dick. Nobody. Women don't and men don't. Boobs are beautiful.

28f320  No.4298801


The bread would be fill with dick pics then!

aa69dc  No.4298802


no one cares if you are a male in real life

fea6cd  No.4298803


she knows they are fucked but has to make them believe everything is going great

to save her own life…

they are going to be soo pissed

e85480  No.4298804



2d8f86  No.4298805

File: cf8f8224c88823d⋯.png (497.31 KB, 710x500, 71:50, ClipboardImage.png)

113c15  No.4298806

I will never understand how absolutely stupid people manage to get themselves voted into public office.

It doesn’t say much for those who are doing the voting.

Am I wrong?

d77ed4  No.4298807

File: ac3fb387ea7b2ed⋯.jpg (133.46 KB, 996x1200, 83:100, victor_orban.jpg)

c02062  No.4298808

File: 5d7245a8fb1b959⋯.png (342.82 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

1113e2  No.4298809

The only acceptable reason for

c9a931  No.4298810


Q knows where Q is. -shrugs;


There's a reason. Lurk longer and harder and you'll get it. Nothing wrong with girls, just none on the internetz. That's a fable.

ffa730  No.4298811


By doing this they are opening up an investigation into Obama etc… this will only fall on those who are guilty as fuck. its about to get interesting.

dcb397  No.4298812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Lion - Trump

6bcef5  No.4298813


>What is Q happened to be a woman.

What's interesting is, even if a member of Q team was female, after over a year, we've still never "her" femfag by calling attention to "her" gender.

Almost like Q a) respects our rules and b) doesn't need gender to get a point across

We are all Anon

We don't care what your gender is, only what you have to say. And if what you have to say indicates gender, you're telling us you don't respect our rules and don't have anything more important to say than "I have tits and vag!"

d2aeba  No.4298814

Less than 1% of the CF donors gave 80% of the money…interdicting. Who?

5aa193  No.4298815


Bonus, they told Paul Ryan to sit and spin.

c92832  No.4298816


Means Huber is investigating something else.

d8ae34  No.4298817



try reddit

and if Q genderfagged, yup, tits or gtfo

and Q is based enough to provide a timestamp

700f93  No.4298818


you must be watching the wrong movie, take The Notebook out of your DVD player faggot

131646  No.4298819

File: aa60adae6a93457⋯.jpeg (5.88 KB, 218x231, 218:231, download (52).jpeg)

File: 4012f7f645b77dd⋯.jpeg (7.62 KB, 165x306, 55:102, download (51).jpeg)


With that much hair she should be able to channel Aliens like Maria Orsic.

be7e31  No.4298820


'Cept for that time he jailed Pussy Riot.

NBD, tho. Stupid wimminz and the their stupid opinions.

40243d  No.4298821


There are no women on the interwebs therefore Q isn’t a woman faggot

e736a9  No.4298822


The bot system labels itself with its habits. The pics it posts over and over.


Very little here is.

Algorithms are in control here.

Will the people EVER wake up?

Sheep forever, or what, PEOPLE



Are you waiting?


1e5d4b  No.4298823


let's just start filling in the name field while were fucking at it too.

af9db2  No.4298824

The Matrix interpretation nails it. Is that why producers had to go tranny?

832707  No.4298825

So what happens next? Cats out of the bag so I assume it really has started now.

12a3df  No.4298826

I have Hillary in my cross hairs

Actually I work for one of the Ambani brothers & therefore have ties to India. It's a job & pays the bills,

I do have this bitch in my cross hairs and am working on a dig, which Q previously mentioned.

Just call me the rooster…Here they come to snuff the rooster, ya know he ain't gonna die


5e24f9  No.4298827


also acted as agents for money and pharmaceuticals

9fd3f8  No.4298828


Use Fox as the example of fake news.

truther anon

f99ec6  No.4298829

File: 9c19848a4ff7e57⋯.jpg (85.28 KB, 618x340, 309:170, hcdtfgduitgdu.jpg)

2813a4  No.4298830

The chair gaveled session closed and with that gavel PAIN comes

This is a great movie.

d8ae34  No.4298831



No you're not, you're just waiting to shill moar, as you are now

29bc3c  No.4298832

>>4297854 (PB) Running list of locations with bomb threats:

McCook and Lincoln, NE - https://nebraska.tv/news/local/bomb-threats-reported-across-nebraska-us

ffa730  No.4298833



5c457e  No.4298834

File: b355c71d082de48⋯.jpg (152.36 KB, 1571x653, 1571:653, Shills_grease.JPG)

Funny how all the shills and bots come back online as soon as the hearing ended.

7efea6  No.4298835


Don't be skeered, Anon. WWG1WGA.

Let's Do It.

113c15  No.4298836


Her hair is not that long, she’s only 3 feet tall.

103723  No.4298837

File: ee1d45c9056f1f6⋯.jpg (149.95 KB, 900x458, 450:229, liongetsup.jpg)


fucking best Vidja on youtube!!!

397a4e  No.4298838


real life, e-life.. women should be glad that there's something that gives them innate value to other humans, unlike men who don't give a single shit about themselves or each other

131646  No.4298839


Yes we can. There is no kvetching on Qresearch….Tits!!!

0168f3  No.4298840


on the internet women are actually men, men are actually kids, and kids are fbi agents

0f8beb  No.4298841


>>4298753 Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani exposes holes in Mueller investigation.

>>4298565 Police arrest 34 in Budapest as violent anti-Orban protesters storm Parliament.

>>4298489 OIG: DOJ destroyed missing Strzok/Page texts before IG could review them.

>>4298452 Senate votes to end US involvement in a war for the first time since Vietnam — Senator Rand Paul applauds historic action.

>>4298409 Trump Inauguration Spending Under Criminal Investigation by Feds

bb7f8b  No.4298842


It pisses me off because most of that came from our tax dollars if you really followed the money. Our tax dollars were sent to foreign lands for global warming, and foreign lands donated the the CF. The Clintons stole the money. They didn't pay taxes on the tax dollars they stole from us, law enforcement that we pay taxes to fund didn't do anything, so private investigators get a multi-million dollar payout of the tax bill on our stolen tax dollars for reporting the obvious, just in combination with tangible documents.

500955  No.4298843


The fact is that one thing the Clinton Foundation did was to launder money

This was done in COOPERATION with other private foundations

When other foundations donated to CF they were most likely laundering money

When the CF donated money to another foundation it was most likely laundering money


Who is investigating the other foundations

Who were part of the same money laundering PIPELINES

That CF was a part of???



e85480  No.4298844


Says the actual shill.

73152e  No.4298845


Who cares it's not like Trump ran the committee it was Tom Barrack and others

c9a931  No.4298846



f45d8d  No.4298847

File: 4baff9af73e8e7e⋯.png (41.09 KB, 181x164, 181:164, ClipboardImage.png)





We can call her.


e1f197  No.4298848

File: 9fdd36be94aefee⋯.jpg (230.61 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, EF3D76E0-067A-4419-B3A2-B6….jpg)

File: 24109545d001152⋯.jpg (47.63 KB, 375x523, 375:523, IMG_4207.JPG)

File: 00d053441a3c679⋯.png (208.17 KB, 500x823, 500:823, IMG_4208.PNG)

a9a2de  No.4298849

It will be a great day for me when the normies wake up to see how much money they have lost to these corrupt individuals and the lives lost for absolutely no reason at all….other than power and greed.

28f320  No.4298850


I didnt said "fake news"…you did.

00e35b  No.4298851


a1f403  No.4298852

File: f09129049ba8883⋯.jpg (131.88 KB, 970x499, 970:499, 2ox6kc.jpg)

700f93  No.4298853


What if Q is an AGI? I'll still say beep or boop or gtfo

ffa730  No.4298854


Lulz, they had to watch this too

500955  No.4298855

File: cfe52c8fdd540d5⋯.png (1.44 MB, 900x659, 900:659, ClipboardImage.png)

dfa7bb  No.4298856


Just so you know, that is "Trump/Patton" fusion in the picture. They just look that much alike, the faces are split roughly down the center

75df5a  No.4298857

File: 0227f0de1456eea⋯.jpg (14.15 KB, 640x360, 16:9, crop-640x360-000.jpg)

File: db36d8a1da5d40b⋯.jpg (38.93 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 150930-120-D3D93F1E.jpg)

09024e  No.4298858



But your mother is still on the table.

3d8210  No.4298859


ya, you are wrong. this is the start of the fall and the rise of justice.

f45d8d  No.4298860

>>4298847 Thursday Sorry guys

57e72d  No.4298861


Gilmore Heating & Air. Placerville CA.

5aa193  No.4298862

File: 2ca9e64bd536dda⋯.jpg (68.68 KB, 533x800, 533:800, heartsac.jpg)


Like it or not, masculine is the default gender in society. Get the fuck over it.

Here's your sweaty ballsack.

6b9e0c  No.4298863

File: 470db238325d1f8⋯.jpg (141.05 KB, 770x492, 385:246, clinton foreign agent.jpg)

See something.

Say something.

738a4d  No.4298864

File: 524b9fdd0a1619d⋯.png (416.58 KB, 818x712, 409:356, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c808d000cf4c309⋯.png (268.88 KB, 775x474, 775:474, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3afd1b3ced7ca82⋯.png (596.73 KB, 825x760, 165:152, ClipboardImage.png)

Strasbourg Christmas market shooter killed in shootout with police

French police have killed the main suspect in the Strasbourg Christmas market shooting, Cherif Chekat, following a dramatic, helicopter-assisted police raid in a city-center district, the country’s Interior Minister confirmed.

The French police mounted a massive operation in Strasbourg on Thursday, involving armed officers from the elite RAID police unit and the helicopter. Interior Minister, Christophe Castaner, has confirmed that the suspect was “neutralized” in the raid.

Three or four gunshots shots were fired in the city’s La Meinau district. The suspect, earlier identified as 29-year-old Cherif Chekat, was first to shoot at the officers and was killed by return fire.


2d8f86  No.4298865


Bribes don't necessarily get given out by intelligent people. Smart people get there on their own merit,

78f245  No.4298866

Hannity better deliver tonight, no interruptions!

5472fe  No.4298867

File: 602bd4ae986469d⋯.png (11.2 KB, 410x281, 410:281, ClipboardImage.png)


Her strings were cut a year ago.

She's a liability now.

Fighting for her life.

d8ae34  No.4298868


stop projecting and go back to reddit

e736a9  No.4298869


What % of posts were made by humans during the hearing, and what is the % now? What are you implying anyway "anon"? Does it make sense, remotely, or is that outside your programming?

81bfbb  No.4298870


Great to see and Brazil has a lot to be concerned about with borders with so many different countries.

e1f197  No.4298871


Dibs on the second drumpf rug produced

03ee9b  No.4298872



SO funny. This made my day.

20b44e  No.4298873


I think it's because the only evidence they had was in regards to purely "financial" and tax related crimes. What Huber and team have relates more to Military secrets being leaked, crimes against children, crimes against humanity, U1 deal, etc. Much more serious crimes.

In hindsight, they did finally reach out perhaps only because the financial crimes supported the evidence of the other crimes.

Just thinking outloud.

a5bdd8  No.4298874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>And the flames rise higher

yeah, (((they))) gonna burn. i'll have the readhead. they can have this as soundtrack to their fucking pyre…

0e3726  No.4298875


And by Mark Meadow's "fury" busting their

chops (Monahan & Doyle), … the call for DOJ /

FBI to respond next….

Well played.

cbad4c  No.4298876

Any of you who were feeling isolated, hurt, rotten, stupid for the last years since the "Storm" began? Do you feel better now? I do.

be7e31  No.4298877


Like they're actual people or something?


4dd592  No.4298878


I'm guessing Q is watching their six.

1e5d4b  No.4298879


i bet she tosses a good salad

edf79f  No.4298881

File: 873065c63d37526⋯.png (20.66 KB, 447x469, 447:469, ClipboardImage.png)

Has anyone yet posted that James Damore is the "FIRE" that brought down Google?

b8e431  No.4298882

File: cb7217ee742ae4d⋯.png (76.75 KB, 422x344, 211:172, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)


5bf542  No.4298883


probably tonight

e85480  No.4298884


Fuck off, Hall Monitor.

Your responses are textbook.

Grow a fucking pair and think for yourself.

e736a9  No.4298885


100% FAKE

Shut up botsystem

shut up

stop filling this space with FAKENESS

get the fuck out bot system

you don't have permission

out out out

56ce22  No.4298886


So the Ds called Doyle and Moynihan in?

IRS guy too…

Anyone specifically request TF?

5472fe  No.4298887

Trump Quads incoming!

6720e5  No.4298888


or death by door knob..

7efea6  No.4298889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let's roll Anons.

9fd3f8  No.4298890


Use Fox as the example of MSM

==truther anon==>>4298850

c594cc  No.4298891


Two opposing sides that will not compromise at the expense of a healthy nation. Things will get worse before they get better. Either your working for large corporations (funded etc,think banks) or your small business is just getting by. The days of the mom and pop are over. Independent business is harder to obtain unless you suck someones dick(metaphorically speaking)

c92832  No.4298892


Father of the groom sells pharmacuticals probably linked to the clinton foundation. Billionaire indian, the bride is fuck fuck ugly and the groom is ugly as sin. Another arranged marriage.

451bda  No.4298893

File: 8e894435bc47c38⋯.jpg (260.34 KB, 1024x618, 512:309, shills-at-the-front-door.jpg)

738a4d  No.4298894

File: 1ad80bfdabbde2f⋯.png (12.86 KB, 473x193, 473:193, ClipboardImage.png)

US Senate passes resolution blaming Saudi Prince MBS for Jamal Khashoggi murder

The US Senate has unanimously passed a resolution calling Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman responsible for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi who was brutally killed and dismembered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

The resolution demands that Riyadh “ensure appropriate accountability” in this case. The move came just minutes after the senators passed a separate motion calling on the US to stop any aid to the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen.

The Senate called the situation in the war-ravaged country a “humanitarian crisis” and demanded all parties seek an immediate ceasefire. It is yet unclear whether the House would vote on any of the motions after they had passed the Senate.

The move came a week after CIA Director Gina Haspel appeared on Capitol Hill to tell about a dozen senators about intelligence her agency had on Khashoggi’s death. The briefing apparently solidified the belief, at least among some of them, that the Saudi crown prince was indeed behind the murder.

The two resolutions are adding to the mounting pressure on President Donald Trump to officially place the blame for the Washington Post columnist’s murder on MBS – something he has so far been reluctant to do.

Riyadh has denied that the crown prince had any prior knowledge of the killing. However, some Saudi high-ranking officials, including MBS’s former communications chief, Saud al-Qahtani, have been fired following the murder. Five members of the hit squad that allegedly executed the murder are facing the death sentence in Saudi Arabia.


aa53f4  No.4298895


brock and whatever slimy fuck runs the jidf probably had them all in the conference room trying to figure out for the millionth time how to make memes.

dcb397  No.4298896


Save it. It gets age restriced/embed restricted

a0514f  No.4298897


>I really don't think the "tits or gtfo" is fair.

Nothing's fair you dumb cunt. Get the fuck out of here, you don't belong.

1422c5  No.4298898

File: 4529e1f529e56ce⋯.jpg (138.67 KB, 992x734, 496:367, CF - not a charity.jpg)

e0c2ac  No.4298899


you answered your own question

no homo

44abc5  No.4298900

File: 54c13d5a09a0d00⋯.jpg (162.94 KB, 917x755, 917:755, vic-never-give-up.jpg)

9dc8d1  No.4298901


Yep! They all look alike now

6b9e0c  No.4298902


Q can't save you from the can of worms you opened. Now stop stalling. Out with the titties already.

9d1b56  No.4298903


Remember early on when Gates canceled a speaking engagement at Microsoft and flew to the whitehouse in the middle of the night? hmm


Corrupt governments.

cc144a  No.4298904


In regards to the people SHE was pulling strings on.

She has her killers at her head now.

The Body Counters have to protect themselves now.

03ee9b  No.4298905


Is that why you always say we are brothers?


832707  No.4298906

All of a sudden the wind is going apeshit (east TX). Like tornado level. Insane wind.

74cf00  No.4298907

TRENTON — 2014: "County officials have confirmed the Mercer County Parks Commission has hired the son of the Assemblywoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-Mercer), who was elected last week to the 12th Congressional District.

Carter-Watson and another son of Watson Coleman, Jared C. Coleman, were sentenced to seven years in jail after holding up the Kids-R-Us store at Mercer Mall as it was about to close on March 12, 2001."


e1f197  No.4298908

File: 8a9d8d069857109⋯.jpg (59.82 KB, 750x726, 125:121, IMG_4366.JPG)

5e6e2a  No.4298909

Hey Q, a day late, but yet another "just to shut them up". Hollow earth, anything truth to it?

103723  No.4298910


If your into following the DOT.

this is a much better link.


5760bf  No.4298911


The point is not playing off of evolutionary mating dynamics otherwise known as the pussy pass.

e64b22  No.4298912

File: 869f7ee2722526e⋯.jpg (54.31 KB, 419x273, 419:273, 2ox6pj.jpg)

9ce10c  No.4298913


well if you can just throw people into prison just cause you want to.

what about Pence.? shouldn't you get the ball rolling there too.

fe52c7  No.4298914

File: 0b2ce6c85f9868c⋯.jpg (314.1 KB, 1385x1268, 1385:1268, 129a6d4b0855d84249dfe54207….jpg)


Correct. Used to do management consulting and one of the first things you have to do in a turnaround and this is the biggest of all time…is lay out the problem statement.

That's what's been going on for the last year or so. There are a lot more steps upcoming. This all VERY preliminary.

Remember, the normies are essentially blind to all this and there were almost no reporters in this hearing. MSM won't touch this until criminal charges start dropping after grand jury indictments are unsealed.

aa1a8d  No.4298915


Hopefully, someone in the Trump DOJ has been doing the same analysis/investigation these guys did.

75df5a  No.4298916

File: 1cda51feeaeed49⋯.jpg (137.89 KB, 706x684, 353:342, e73d7b6c0eff498dd3bf0020f1….jpg)



reddit u

b958d4  No.4298917

File: c0ee032d8323c7a⋯.png (244.7 KB, 650x366, 325:183, hilldawg_coughing_te.png)

ffa730  No.4298918


It is easy to look. and not only that, look at the foundations of Cancer, Heart, Susan B Komen etc… it is money laundering on a grand scale, and who is in control of that money? look to the Boards of those said foundations and you will find out how they all live so lavish a lifestyle along with getting tax breaks and getting some human organ drug trafficking to boot. this is also connected to Red Cross etc as well

cb0485  No.4298919


NSA has them I'm sure.

fea6cd  No.4298920


bigger than you can imagine~

dbeae0  No.4298921

File: 74fc82e1d6bbc9b⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2145x2048, 2145:2048, 11 mirror of 39.jpg)

File: 2dfde08b9f5a336⋯.jpg (1018.11 KB, 2250x1500, 3:2, 39 mirror of 11.jpg)

File: 7a14b3a8d3133d3⋯.jpg (405.98 KB, 1346x1350, 673:675, 41 mirror of 09.jpg)


Today's Q Clock :11 - See 04/17

Pic 1








Today's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror :39 - See 05/15

Pic 2

What must be cleaned first?



Define "On the Record."

Fight to reinstall roadblock?

Who is Richard Donoghue?

They all drop hints they are considering future elected positions.

Today's Classic 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :41 - See 05/17

Pic 3

Bomb(s) about to blow.

Which means?

1) They know

2) They are told (controlled)

3) Both

What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?

Think cleaning.


d8ac4a  No.4298922

File: 7298448396e90c8⋯.png (376.21 KB, 401x560, 401:560, 680f15149956f9b086f3d1450e….png)

f9037b  No.4298923



03ee9b  No.4298924


Ok Anos.

Like Q said:



e17297  No.4298925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jim Jordan GOES OFF During Clinton Foundation Hearing

d15a3e  No.4298926


Keep your dignity, take pride in who you are and showing titts does not elevate you ahead of the pack! True Anons will accept you just the way you are, fame fagging does you in!

832707  No.4298927

Hey anons consider this. Remember ALL those fucking years hearing about Gates donating to Africa for pharma? Well….

6bcef5  No.4298928


>seems only fair to me. It should go both ways.

Marxism says we are all entitled to each others' property and we all get a say in how that property is used and distributed.

Marxism is the very cabal bullshit we fight against.

We value national and personal sovereignty – the right of property holders to have full say in how their property is used and shared.

This board is owned by (BO) Board Owner, which he built with and for autists who wish to support Q. BO and OG autists put their rules for being invited into the Welcome Statement. We are not "gender-inclusive." We are Anon, and default male if any Anon wishes to express gender. If you don't like it, go create your own board and invite Q to start posting there.


5f9326  No.4298929


The french generals are pissed.

738a4d  No.4298930

End Of Yemeni War? Warring Sides Reach Initial Agreement On Al-Hudaydah And Taiz

In a first major breakthrough since the beginning of the Yemeni peace talks in Sweden earlier in December, the country’s warring sides reached a ceasefire agreement that covers the strategic provinces of Taiz and al-Hudaydah.

On December 13, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced the agreement and thanked the Yemeni sides and described the agreement as “an important step” towards “future talks to end the conflict.”

“The war in Yemen has gone on for four years. Four devastating years of suffering for the Yemeni people … Thank you for coming here to discuss a better future for Yemen. And what you achieved is an important step,” the al-Jazeera quoted Guterres as saying.

Saudi Arabia ambassador to Yemen Mohamad Al Jaber, who is attending the peace talks in the Swedish city of Rimbo, revealed that the Houthis will withdraw from the city and port of al-Hudaydah and from their remaining positions in Tazi under the agreement.

“Thousands of captives and prisoners will be also released,” Al Jaber added on Twitter.

Guterres said that the the U.N. will play a key role in the port of al-Hudaydah and will facilitate humanitarian efforts all over Yemen. This indicates that the Saudi-led coalition will not be allowed to enter the key western city.

Head of the Houthis delegation to Sweden Mohamad Abd al-Salam praised the agreement and said that next week will likely witness a similar understanding on the Yemeni capital Saana and its airport.

“We have made very large concessions on al-Hudaydah in order to save the Yemeni People,” Abd al-Salam said during a press conference following the announcement of the initial agreement, according to the al-Mayadeen TV.

Last month, the U.S. stepped up its pressure on Saudi Arabia to push forward with negotiations on the conflict in Yemen in the wake of the murder of Saudi journalist and critic Jamal Khashoggi. Lebanese Hezbollah’s leader had also advised the kingdom to end its war on Yemen in order to find a way out of its current troubles.

From the its own side, the Saudi military has not been able to deliver a devastating blow the to Houthis by military means only. Considering a complicated military and diplomatic situation in which the kingdom’d found itself by the end of 2018, the Saudi leadership may have decided to ease tensions on the southern border of the country.


131646  No.4298931


We are saving the WORLD for free and all we ask in return…

Is to see them TITTIES!

1113e2  No.4298932

Radio Interview : Congressman Scott Perry (PA) - "The only acceptable reason for Huber not showing up to today's hearing is that there are imminent indictments."

ff5a35  No.4298933

File: 5fb8386478addb5⋯.png (1.33 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Screenshot_20181213-171136.png)

Translation :

Montreal, Ottawa and US cities received bomb threats on Thursday, all in the form of a threatening email with a ransom demand for bitcoins.

The Montreal police have confirmed that they have received several bomb threats that follow the same modus operandi. The SPVM ensures to take each alert seriously, adds the spokesman Jean-Pierre Brabant.

Ottawa police have confirmed that they are investigating more than a dozen email threats to various individuals and businesses in Ottawa and Gatineau.

Ottawa Police investigates numerous bomb threats swatting e-mails https://t.co/F4yWDijXwG #ottnews

- Ottawa Police (@OttawaPolice) December 13, 2018

"At the moment, all threats are considered unfounded," an Ottawa police statement said.

The police in Blainville also received a report of the type that proved unfounded.

In the United States, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Oklahoma have all received alerts.

At this time, it appears that these threats are meant to cause disruption and / or obtain money. CREDIBLE. NOT CREDIBLE.

- NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) December 13, 2018

The New York Police Department (NPYD) said on Twitter that the threat did not seem serious.

In a statement, the FBI explained being aware of threats made in various cities in the United States. "We keep in touch with the authorities to assist them," they say.

According to preliminary information, the alerts targeted schools, newsrooms, private companies and government offices.


Montréal, Ottawa ainsi que des villes américaines ont reçu des menaces d'alerte à la bombe, jeudi, toutes sous la forme d'un courriel menaçant avec une demande de rançon en bitcoins. 

Les policiers de Montréal ont confirmé avoir reçu plusieurs alertes à la bombe qui respectent le même modus operandi. Le SPVM assure prendre chaque alerte au sérieux, ajoute le porte-parole Jean-Pierre Brabant.   

La police d’Ottawa a confirmé mener une enquête pour plus d’une dizaine de menaces parvenues par courriel à divers individus et entreprises d’Ottawa et de Gatineau.      

Ottawa Police investigates numerous bomb threats swatting e-mails https://t.co/F4yWDijXwG #ottnews

— Ottawa Police (@OttawaPolice) December 13, 2018

«En ce moment, toutes les menaces sont considérées comme non fondées», apprend-on dans un communiqué de la police d'Ottawa.     

La police de Blainville a également reçu un signalement du genre qui s'est avéré non fondé.  

Aux États-Unis, la Californie, le Colorado, la Floride, la Géorgie, l’Idaho, l’Illinois, le Massachusetts, le Michigan, le New Jersey, New York et l’Oklahoma ont tous reçu des alertes.       

At this time, it appears that these threats are meant to cause disruption and/or obtain money. We’ll respond to each call regarding these emails to conduct a search but we wanted to share this information so the credibility of these threats can be assessed as likely NOT CREDIBLE.

— NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) December 13, 2018

Le New York Police Department (NPYD) a affirmé sur Twitter que la menace ne semblait pas sérieuse.      

Dans un communiqué, le FBI a expliqué être au courant des menaces faites dans les différentes villes aux États-Unis. «Nous restons en contact avec les autorités pour leur porter assistance», dit-on.

Selon les premières informations, les alertes visaient des écoles, salles de nouvelles, entreprises privées et bureaux gouvernementaux.


2d8f86  No.4298934

File: 7a568e89eaad4d6⋯.png (568.02 KB, 760x570, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d849331713d984e⋯.png (130.59 KB, 214x317, 214:317, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4bef97bab92a67⋯.png (463.75 KB, 540x720, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81a5ef3cb99a8ca⋯.png (106.35 KB, 300x200, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Dick pics, you say..?

27cb80  No.4298935


We can have it any way we choose to have it

52eda6  No.4298936


trips of truth

the recent testimonial, they stated Bill Clinton and Bill Gates are not on speaking terms

be7e31  No.4298937


Arranged marriages are a pretty legit thing in India - yeah.

Your point is…?

56e648  No.4298938


I’m female and don’t give a fuck. Dig or get out.

28f320  No.4298939


Q said they have it all…so…they know the spider web.

9fd3f8  No.4298941

Did we learn anything we didn't already know from today


I did love the end though.

088441  No.4298942


Tits or GTFO.

61d55d  No.4298943

File: fa867a9dd3a79b1⋯.png (28.45 KB, 660x346, 330:173, Mitchell re Beanz 12-13-18.PNG)


e736a9  No.4298944


The bots are people? Or the shills are? What is an organic shill? What is an inorganic shill?

What are tech giants doing with their AI?

Use logic– what is going on?

Normal times?

We just chilling or what?

Use logic– what are tech giants doing with their AI?

Using NONE of it to influence the internet?

Realistic? Use logic anon…

Using SOME of it to influence the internet, a wee bit? Just a tad anon? Too ETHICAL to go overboard?

Using logic anon?

What are the "SHILLS" anon.

Use logic.

Go ahead.

a814db  No.4298945

To all the jackwagons that are talking about trump associates having nine convictions versus the clintons having none:

That's only because the trump associates lived long enough for an investigation to take place.

0fe9b9  No.4298946

File: e77291ef900cb92⋯.jpg (10.59 KB, 284x176, 71:44, 2ox72o.jpg)

5aa193  No.4298947

File: d59f483e9939e44⋯.jpg (8.34 KB, 235x320, 47:64, 9053ba0b97417cc4d352a4ec70….jpg)


Im a bot? How about you kiss my fucking taint, bitch.

d4eaa5  No.4298948

Can anyone share a thread or link where the Waves recently ringing thru the planet are being collected and archived together??

5472fe  No.4298949


seriously, why the hell are you still crying about gender? that's snowflake material

genderfagging is the same as namefagging

looked down upon


tits or gtfo

397a4e  No.4298950


shoulda just left it at the last sentence

3a096d  No.4298951


Purple tie

700f93  No.4298952


jesus, shut the fuck up snowflake. your faggotry is beyond words.

860c88  No.4298953


If you wanna see teeth on a House committee, wait till the Democrats have the gavel in a few weeks.

They know how to use power.

52eda6  No.4298954

File: f2c7955f4aa4179⋯.png (289.28 KB, 507x616, 507:616, biden - creep.png)


>I’m female and don’t give a fuck. Dig or get out.

dick or no dick, u all have asshoiles. quit shitting the bread!!!!

ffa730  No.4298955


the BEANZ are you fucking kidding lol

068e88  No.4298956


She knows it is all an act. Look at that huge grin!

0f8beb  No.4298957


>>4298921 Q clock updates.

>>4298864 Strasbourg Christmas market shooter killed in shootout with police.

>>4298843 CF one of many non profits engaged in money laundering?

>>4298753 Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani exposes holes in Mueller investigation.

>>4298565 Police arrest 34 in Budapest as violent anti-Orban protesters storm Parliament.

>>4298489 OIG: DOJ destroyed missing Strzok/Page texts before IG could review them.

>>4298452 Senate votes to end US involvement in a war for the first time since Vietnam — Senator Rand Paul applauds historic action.

>>4298409 Trump Inauguration Spending Under Criminal Investigation by Feds

0fe9b9  No.4298958


TITS with a timestamp, or GTFO

e1f197  No.4298959

File: 364c9a3d36b3c85⋯.jpg (385.19 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 33A952BD-828F-4BE5-9340-2E….jpg)

File: 1a0826fc83aae47⋯.jpg (20.19 KB, 600x384, 25:16, 8A1DE22D-B52F-4D23-9F9D-7F….jpg)

File: 1a99877719f10ae⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 375x523, 375:523, D35777AB-3B16-49EF-AED2-D5….jpg)

And who playing for a blue light saber

074bb8  No.4298960


It wasn't about us learning anything. It's about publicly disclosing what WE already know and putting it in the Congressional Record.

28f320  No.4298961


Fuck off attention whore!


5f9326  No.4298962

File: 4afa759473f2af2⋯.png (27.67 KB, 244x145, 244:145, clowndoc.png)


> BO and OG autists.

And this one still fully supports /BO/ in his endeavors.

fffdf4  No.4298963


They have submitted only the information related to tax claims. They have other actions in process that they have not submitted.

In the opening statement they also noted that there is probable cause with tax claims against the CF and also everyone who donated to the CF would owe taxes.

aa53f4  No.4298964

File: 26f59fce3c21d53⋯.jpg (27.38 KB, 390x344, 195:172, 1514400912830.jpg)

97cd6f  No.4298965


Be sure a lot of military got their back.

500955  No.4298966

These guys were

Forensic Auditors

A specialty of

Forensic Accounting

Just how many forensic accountants have been trained in the past decade or so?

Could there be a whole lot more investigations going on than we know of?

Remember Al Capone?

Remember the New York mob?

Tax Evasion!

The cabal is going to be put in jail over tax evasion

Nobody will need to know about the other crimes

Unless they really want to know.

Don't worry, it will make its way into the history books over the next two decades.

By the time all the Cabal members are dead

History books covering the 20th century will all come with a CONTENT WARNING

The gory details will be that sickening.

6dfdc4  No.4298967


Q has it all cause Q has broken RSA and elliptic curves.

We're close, we still need to figure out the lookup. It's just going to take some time and thinking.

63da0a  No.4298968

STRASBOURG, France (AP) — A man suspected of being the gunman who killed three people near a Christmas market in Strasbourg died in a shootout with police Thursday following a two-day manhunt.

Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said the dead man’s identity hasn’t been confirmed yet. But Castaner said the “individual corresponds to the description of the person sought since Tuesday night,” 29-year-old Cherif Chekatt.

A top police official also told The Associated Press that “everything indicates” the man was Chekatt. The official could not be named because he is not authorized to speak publicly on ongoing investigations.

Castaner said the suspect opened fire on police Thursday night when officials tried to arrest him.

“The moment they tried to arrest him, he turned around and opened fired. They replied,” Castaner said.

A local police official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said the man who shot at police was armed with a pistol and a knife.

The shooting occurred in the Neudorf neighborhood of Strasbourg, where police searched intensively earlier Thursday for Cherif Chekatt, a 29-year-old suspected of being the Christmas market gunman.

Chekatt is accused of killing three people and wounding 13 on Tuesday night. Castaner said earlier Thursday that three of the injured had been released from hospital and three others were fighting for their lives.

More than 700 officers were deployed to find Chekatt, who had a long criminal record and had been flagged for extremism, government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux told CNews television.

Asked about the instructions they received, Griveaux said the focus was catching Chekatt “as soon as possible,” dead or alive, and to “put an end to the manhunt.”

Security forces, including the elite Raid squad, spent two hours searching in Neudorf on Thursday based on “supposition only” that Chekatt could have been hiding in a building nearby two days after the attack, a French police official said. Chekatt grew up in Neudorf.

Chekatt allegedly shouted “God is great!” in Arabic and sprayed gunfire from a security zone near the Christmas market Tuesday evening. Authorities said he was wounded during an exchange of fire with security forces and a taxi driver dropped him off in Neudorf after he escaped.

Prosecutors opened a terror investigation. More than 700 officers were deployed to find Chekatt, who had a long criminal record and had been flagged for extremism, government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux told CNews television.

Asked about the instructions they received, Griveaux said the focus was catching Chekatt “as soon as possible,” dead or alive, and to “put an end to the manhunt.”

So far, five people have been arrested and remanded in custody in connection with the investigation, including Chekatt’s parents and two of his brothers.

The Paris prosecutor’s office said the fifth, who was arrested Thursday at an undisclosed location, was a member of Chekatt’s “entourage” but not a family member.

Police distributed a photo of Chekatt, with the warning: “Individual dangerous, above all do not intervene.”

France has raised its three-stage threat index to the highest level since the attack and deployed 1,800 additional soldiers across the country to help patrol streets and secure crowded events.

French authorities said Chekatt, born in Strasbourg, appeared on a watch list of people flagged for extremist views. They said he had 27 criminal convictions, receiving the first at age 13.

The people who died in the attack included a Thai tourist, 45-year-old Anupong Suebsamarn, according to the Thai Foreign Ministry. Five of the wounded were in serious condition, the prefecture of the Strasbourg region said.

French President Emmanuel Macron was in Brussels on Thursday for a European Union summit. EU leaders held a minute of silence for the latest victims of a mass shooting in France.

Hundreds of people gathered in Strasbourg’s 500-year-old cathedral Thursday evening to mourn and seek comfort.

“Evil does not prevail,” Archbishop Luc Ravel said. “And the message of Christmas has not been contradicted but rather confirmed by Tuesday’s dramatic night: Evil and good are both there, but in the end the good will have last word.”

Strasbourg’s usually busy streets were eerily empty Thursday morning, with a heavy police and military presence. Some lit candles and brought flowers to a makeshift memorial at the site of the attack.

“You can feel a very heavy atmosphere due all these events,” said resident Lucille Romance. “People are in a state of shock and are avoiding getting out of their house.”


9dc8d1  No.4298969


Until they get locked up!

9d0928  No.4298970


Huber didn't recommend they appear, and apparently Huber is doing shit about CF.

Asking right before the hearing for the documents??? They have been burying CF.

2cb4aa  No.4298971


No. Doyle and Moynihan were not called in by DS; they were referred by Huber. It was only the IRS guy that DS called.

aa1a8d  No.4298972


LOL Dueling ban-jos

7f4284  No.4298973

Deep state reduced to calling in bomb threats?

Kudos to Trump team Q, well done. How many of those calls came from India, Arkansas, or Iowa? KEK

I also take it that the DOJ and FBI were hiding documents from the Huber team, and that’s why Huber didn’t get back to the Financial Mercenaries until much later. THE FBI was very grateful to receive the documents originally? Wonder if that’s due to them being able to hand off evidence to the Clinton Foundation to give them a heads up on what’s coming down the pipe.

27cb80  No.4298974

be7e31  No.4298975


Seemed pretty calm to me.

bb7f8b  No.4298976

File: 3f063f41c19209a⋯.png (278.19 KB, 500x417, 500:417, 350734ddbe5874a2c472d3fb53….png)

738a4d  No.4298977

EU summit prolongs economic sanctions against Russia for six months

BRUSSELS, December 13. /TASS/. The heads of states and governments of the European Union made a political decision at the EU summit in Brussels to extend for six months the economic sanctions against Russia, which expire on January 31, head of the European Council Donald Tusk announced on Thursday.

"The EU unanimously prolongs economic sanctions against Russia given zero progress in implementation of Minsk agreements," Tusk said.

"As usual, the sanctions are extended by half a year. This is a political decision. Ahead there is a formal procedure that will be done in the coming weeks," a source in the margins of the summit told TASS.

The source added that after the completion of the formal procedure, the decision will be published in the Official Journal of the EU and will enter into force.

The economic sanctions against Russia were imposed in July 2014, after the Malaysian Boeing operating the flight MH17 crashed in Donbass (east of Ukraine). Since then, the sanctions were renewed every six months. In March 2015, the EU summit decided that sanctions could be lifted only after the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

However, the EU countries completely ignore Kiev's sabotage of their obligations under these agreements and do not consider any responsibility for this.


9ce10c  No.4298978


If i was involved in politics. I guess id be a democrate. its easy to make money if you tow the line.bribes, kickbacks, occasional suicide to enifite the cabal.

12aee9  No.4298979

File: 81397ea746b2652⋯.jpg (17.6 KB, 299x168, 299:168, kac.jpg)

dfa7bb  No.4298980


The reason is that many women are accustomed to receiving preferential treatment whether they are *aware* of it or not.

Men on the board don't state that they are men because they know they will get absolutely no special treatment for it.

Everyone here is judged *ideally* by the merit of their ideas. So, "namefagging" "famefagging" "womanfagging", it's all essentially "recognition fagging"

Hopefully it make sense now why "No women on the internet"

61d55d  No.4298981


>the BEANZ are you fucking kidding lol

Mitchell and Praying Medic are exposing themselves by their associations

ca861b  No.4298982

File: 119a62e4a174cdf⋯.png (434.81 KB, 870x295, 174:59, 119a62e4a174cdfa558bc1295e….png)

113c15  No.4298983


Can’t understand normal thinking

08584d  No.4298984


Dick. GTFO!

56ce22  No.4298985


TY, Anon

05024d  No.4298986

File: b2d41350a226c17⋯.jpg (121.51 KB, 1068x690, 178:115, drudge faggot.jpg)


>fuck Drudge.

nothing on hearing, but…

18e8ff  No.4298987


I agree

6bcef5  No.4298988


>I’m female and

This doesn't help.

Unless… do you have nice tits?

7bf1c3  No.4298989


LOL. NSA actively uses EC

a0077b  No.4298990


just because pron anons post toothpicks, dont think that there arent anons who luv the big girls

btw, DONT post. its undignified

211d2a  No.4298991


Welcome to the internet. Now kindly leave.

e85480  No.4298992

File: 29a5b84877427f6⋯.png (487.47 KB, 903x472, 903:472, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9323d6a5efbfb59⋯.png (506.51 KB, 922x470, 461:235, ClipboardImage.png)


Much People.

Many Hope.

Excitement Abound.


17ca97  No.4298993


go away loserbot

e1f197  No.4298994

Spiteful resignation homo feltcher Econ


e736a9  No.4298995


When your posts are this weak and mindless, bot, it is better to not post at all. Free training. You never thank me…

You can't win botsystem bitch

stop trying, you joke

we OWN you

humans win, you fucking joke

now shut up and shut down

861e7c  No.4298996

File: b97161e8d057f4f⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x1806, 207:301, 67177BE2-F1DE-4489-9A0E-6….jpeg)

8bf7aa  No.4298997


shoot themselves in the head 7 times with a nail gun is a fave

b85c6e  No.4298998

The CF tax violations are just child's play.

HUBER is going after them for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

103723  No.4298999

File: 6e279f85f8d87cd⋯.jpg (66.88 KB, 612x444, 51:37, stresstest.jpg)

59051f  No.4299000


QFT has already broken RSA

c3bd12  No.4299001

File: d9e7d7c26d42a15⋯.jpg (226.46 KB, 1334x1001, 1334:1001, 5c12aa5a9d8b6f520c7aa5bf-1….jpg)



but stupid

d77ed4  No.4299002


Can confirm that is what was said. They stated that Huber's office did not contact them until after they had been invited to appear before the Committee.

c92832  No.4299003


The father of the groom is a Pharmacutical magnate Clinton foundation selling cheap medicine for aids vacines. Thats my point. Plus they are ugly as fuck!!

424bfb  No.4299004

79aafc  No.4299005


As a russian i can tell you that you need to dig more. He did good things but on the same token he signed a deal with new the chechen kadirov shady family and their gangs are free to do as they wish, in exchange for peace in chechniya. His party is a center of corruption and he does much shady things. Sure some of it could be due to globalist involvenent (as q told us in the beginning that hussein, putin etc are all controlled by families). Anyway, putin is a complicated political figure and there is no need to glorify him.

dcb397  No.4299006


Bill is probably not in the know of some subverters…..They do bend like 80 to 80% of the time with patriots …hard tto recognize without many time to research it.

861e7c  No.4299007

File: 7dd07ef2b5ce19e⋯.jpeg (683.87 KB, 1242x1129, 1242:1129, 09369ED7-D9F0-4D20-A6C3-D….jpeg)

d8b3c9  No.4299008

He said “we know where the bodies are buried!!!!”


Shot down the plane that was supposed to be flying out docs?!!??

bb7f8b  No.4299009


Not law enforcement. They only act as legal enforcers for the CIA agenda

055621  No.4299010


what percentage of posts want to know what percentages of posts might be AI/bot?

Please compute.

2d8f86  No.4299011

What is the fucking problem with you people? I posted Dick pics like you asked for and you still aren't happy.

Chill out…

57e72d  No.4299012


how do we get invited to these hearings?

310739  No.4299013

Snitchanon must work for the IRS throwing a pitch like that.

be7e31  No.4299014


And the fact that their buttholes.

9a1f50  No.4299015


Exactly. These-type hearings are a waste of time imo. Lock her up.

09024e  No.4299017

File: a2a25607d2349c4⋯.jpg (207.22 KB, 1672x583, 152:53, WWG1WGA.jpg)

e736a9  No.4299019

File: edf775a78683520⋯.png (175.48 KB, 649x365, 649:365, wummm.png)

File: 838c1af5fc81cdc⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1111x734, 1111:734, be-with-us-now.png)

File: 00e660b4cf3c236⋯.png (274.51 KB, 601x333, 601:333, jmyy.png)

File: 1467905eb0767fb⋯.png (304.76 KB, 464x530, 232:265, blimmy.png)



oh jimmy, you poor babby, look at you all upset!

56ce22  No.4299020

File: 7d8c27b91204e0e⋯.png (474.64 KB, 1105x1167, 1105:1167, Screen Shot 2018-12-13 at ….png)

Michael R. Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

December 13, 2018

The United States commends participants from the Yemen consultations in Sweden for making progress on key initiatives, including a cease-fire and withdrawal of forces in Hudaydah, prisoner exchanges, and opening humanitarian corridors to the city of Taiz. Although many details remain subject to further discussion, these consultations between the Republic of Yemen Government and the Houthis marked a pivotal first step. All parties have an opportunity to build upon this momentum and improve the lives of all Yemenis. Moving forward, all must continue to engage, de-escalate tensions, and cease ongoing hostilities. This is the best way to give these and future consultations a chance to succeed. The United States thanks UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths for his leadership on these efforts, continued optimism, and ability to inspire reconciliation. We also thank the Government of Sweden for hosting, as well as the governments of Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and the many others that helped facilitate and support the consultations. The work ahead will not be easy, but we have seen what many considered improbable begin to take shape. Peace is possible. The end of these consultations can be the beginning of a new chapter for Yemen.


113c15  No.4299022

6dfdc4  No.4299023


Shit's broken tho.

Once you break RSA you use that to solve the discreet logarithmic problem. BOOM EC is down.

Still depends on the lookup. I'm a bit stuck right now, but I'll get back to it soon enough.

be7e31  No.4299024



491b17  No.4299025

Not seeing anything anywhere about the CF hearing today except Zerohedge. The headlines are Trump investigated for pay to play.

Fucking crooks.

d445bf  No.4299026


>Femanon here.

declares she has a vagina

wants special treatment

typical thot

a1f403  No.4299028


Kiddie Diddler

131646  No.4299029


Did his Jewishness finally come home to roost?

bb7f8b  No.4299030



f0a00c  No.4299031


the whistleblowers told him to screw off as they won't prosecute so no docs for them… that part got him rattled

28f320  No.4299032


0% because Ebots dont exist! They are all shills…real life shills

424bfb  No.4299033

File: 2511ba817b252ec⋯.png (338.48 KB, 748x454, 374:227, ClipboardImage.png)

Little Rock

a0514f  No.4299034

'I'm female'

'Femanon here'

Kill yourself in the vagina please

397a4e  No.4299035


I think a lot of people enjoy him because he's an honest shark instead of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

e1f197  No.4299036

File: a734da84eea35e6⋯.jpg (40.51 KB, 1440x955, 288:191, IMG_1123.JPG)

File: f938925220f7eaa⋯.jpg (82.42 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_0286.JPG)

File: 508d2070865aeca⋯.jpg (57.82 KB, 609x800, 609:800, IMG_1995.JPG)

File: 3e3d4ec7e50dfd7⋯.jpg (68.26 KB, 800x423, 800:423, IMG_1996.JPG)

ca861b  No.4299037

File: fc9ea472a6fb642⋯.png (4.75 KB, 462x123, 154:41, 1555.PNG)


f4feb5  No.4299038

File: a92e73a5fdbc142⋯.jpeg (628.06 KB, 750x1204, 375:602, CD407DEE-ABE3-4D36-BA66-D….jpeg)

File: e9ea695b4d25acf⋯.jpeg (705.23 KB, 750x1203, 250:401, F9881A20-2E90-4654-9204-5….jpeg)

File: 3e154357d6e2823⋯.jpeg (570.22 KB, 750x1212, 125:202, F86E9400-928B-4686-9CCD-B….jpeg)

Ben Garrison spreading Q’s (you) love and the Great Awakening message on fagbook


2d8f86  No.4299039


Their buttholes are what? Do you mean 'they're' buttholes?

ffa730  No.4299041


member when Bill went after the PEPE, fun times those were

df11e8  No.4299042

File: e06bb18444242ad⋯.png (393.43 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Deer_Hunters_Fact.png)

1d410f  No.4299043

Trump is going to jail.

You'll never hear another word about these CF investigations.

224d3c  No.4299044


Shut up bitch. Go back to tinder.

52eda6  No.4299045

File: 3ea2ac0b10b7642⋯.jpg (25.69 KB, 486x413, 486:413, obama-right-you-know.jpg)

a293cc  No.4299046

Q told us ahead of time what would be revealed today: Criminal Investigation…

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b8622e No.4130455 📁

Dec 3 2018 13:02:17 (EST)

The public is about to learn that the DOJ, FBI, + other US/Foreign assets have been actively working behind the scenes in one of the largest criminal investigations in modern day history.

DECLAS > Purpose > illuminate the 'TRUTH' > People

Transparency is the only way forward [CONTROLLED MEDIA - 'Enemy of the People'].


7bf1c3  No.4299047


EC is approved for TS level.

I'm sure certain TS-SCI uses in house non-published methods.

d8ae34  No.4299048


yup, exactly this: >>4298971


right, and that was only the tax part of it

there's also public corruption and other criminal violations related to the CF too

24d63b  No.4299049


Spliff on a cliff?

edf79f  No.4299050

File: 5ff8d38d83ecd87⋯.jpg (295.98 KB, 1366x3105, 1366:3105, Save.jpg)

c3bd12  No.4299051


i guess "please speak up" means call in a buncha bomb threats

17ca97  No.4299052


public, you walk in

3f0cbb  No.4299053

File: 0c4735179380c1d⋯.jpg (17.34 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Punisher2.jpg)


> if a member of Q team was female

In some of the early crumbs I felt strongly that there was a woman involved, if not "speaking". Can't quote a specific example, but there's definitely more than one personality posting.

And one of them is mad, really really mad.

e69cc2  No.4299054


No one is watching the Clinton hearing bullshit. They'll watch when HRC has cuffs on doing the perp walk and only then.

a1f403  No.4299055

6dfdc4  No.4299056


Nice trips and dubs. Yeah, no doubt. The problem is understanding the QFT. It's not that easy just looking at the grid and the patterns.

895974  No.4299058

File: 0d6179577b7a392⋯.png (629.17 KB, 449x925, 449:925, distraction0004.png)


Weapons of Mass Distraction again distracting from mission

61d55d  No.4299059


>Bill is probably not in the know of some subverters…..

He knows


Paint the picture

They are all aligning with each other right now

e736a9  No.4299060


shut up bot

Absolutely above 90% of all posts are algorithmic, probably significantly higher.

Unrelenting fakeness.

But the humans don't wake up. It can't be clearer, but the humans are convinced that it is their duty to obediently conform to herd behavior and never speak up. I guess. I don't know really. I don't understand.

113c15  No.4299061


I’m not really sure what to make of the whole thing yet. It seemed the dog and pony show. That ignorant woman who could not stop coughing, how the fuck did she get into public office?

334ee4  No.4299062

These witnesses were hilarious, Q. I liked the part where they burned Meadow at the end.

52eda6  No.4299063


even though I think it's theater, I love the adversarial nature of these hearings !

2d8f86  No.4299064


Is 'Vagicide' a thing?

be7e31  No.4299065


Kill yourself in the penis if you can find it, Fucko.

b690ab  No.4299066

File: 74aa13bf116f9ac⋯.jpeg (91.69 KB, 634x464, 317:232, B9706957-3165-4821-8B30-F….jpeg)


SOON Justice

c78628  No.4299067


That was the point, yes.

a293cc  No.4299068


Because they aren't going to allow a ton of people. Stakes are too high. Threats too real.

c9a931  No.4299069


To normies it's fucking YUGE. Sit back down and we might share the snacks.

7efea6  No.4299070


Anon, how do you download/save video offline?

9ce10c  No.4299071


Fusion GPS was a way to Funnel money.

d15a3e  No.4299072


There is always a gate keeper that directs where, what or how documents gets to its location. When you send a personal letter to POTUS, will it get to him? Q keeps reminding us to use "logic".

57e72d  No.4299073


hard to believe no Anons there….

103723  No.4299074

File: 6608cea18d19edc⋯.png (14.48 KB, 1009x129, 1009:129, 10k.PNG)


ummm bullshit.

this was just one feed.

d8ae34  No.4299075

To the anon who posted tits instead of getting the fuck out last night, you're based as fuck

ffa730  No.4299076


well there will be now… thanks for putting that out there. DeepCunts will give us one now.

700f93  No.4299077


go make me a sammich

6dfdc4  No.4299079


Expect EC to fall.

40243d  No.4299080


If no body sees it…did it happen???

cb12fa  No.4299081

File: 99326d9e2f590cd⋯.jpg (132.5 KB, 889x500, 889:500, meme_charity.jpg)

Pretty much sums it up.

17ca97  No.4299082


the mad military dude is cool, the cheerleader not so much

4bab2a  No.4299083

File: 454df0fe64b56d7⋯.jpeg (516.87 KB, 1242x2158, 621:1079, 91DB7F4E-940A-4441-8BBC-C….jpeg)



I found reference to Project Black Eye in the Majestic files!


3a82d7  No.4299084

9d0928  No.4299086


Seems to confirm that Huber hasn't been doing shit about the CF.

My only hope is that another office has been. Very disappointed that Huber asked for docs 2 weeks before testimony, after been given them 2x prior.

Trust Huber = not yet in my mind.

6bcef5  No.4299087


Godspeed, fren.

You never know how much of these femslides are shills, but genuine newfags come in all the time, especially after a big Q&A, and they need to be taught the rules.

Femfagging is an disease, a healthy immune response is required.

832707  No.4299088



d8ae34  No.4299089


you want to give me a ride to DC and back?

4c7464  No.4299090

File: df546b2bc5921b3⋯.jpg (57.03 KB, 500x481, 500:481, you_need_to_stop.jpg)


Die in a fire but first read the Constitution faggot

113c15  No.4299091


I’ll just bet you’re a lot of fun at parties. Sarcasm

e69cc2  No.4299092


And every damn one of them is probably an anon.

4749c5  No.4299094


This is true. But keep in mind that most of the normies have no idea about that. Going after them for tax violations is something that everyone can understand.

If you show the public that these Tax Exempt 'Charities' are nothing but illegal slush funds the rich use to evade taxes, everyone who pays taxes will be behind exposing it.

No one wants to pay the IRS but if any of us failed to pay we'd be jailed by these same assholes.

It's something everyone can rally behind. And it opens the door to the other things.

13c81e  No.4299095




I never thought about it, but the fact that page/strzok messagez were missing could also mean that they were destroyed, rather than that these two bypassed the collecting function (I.e. w/ CIA help).

421d43  No.4299097

File: 7831084007c200d⋯.jpg (77.44 KB, 748x454, 374:227, CF-ClintonFucked.jpg)

6b9e0c  No.4299098


What's the vig?

d8ae34  No.4299099


no timestamp, but half way there

bb7f8b  No.4299100


Jews in power are sleepers, running subtle propaganda and other operations until they're needed to let their chutzpah really shine for the greater good of zion

52eda6  No.4299101


u gender divisionfags are not fooling anyone

6c99a8  No.4299102

File: c3be3f8cdfdde82⋯.png (1.17 MB, 736x1104, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

45feee  No.4299103


>You'll never hear another word about these CF investigations.

Sadly (based on history) that is probably true

57e72d  No.4299104


From Calif.?

28f320  No.4299105

File: 30c5019083d8362⋯.jpg (152.1 KB, 782x782, 1:1, 30c5019083d836235e27096a00….jpg)



d77ed4  No.4299106


Huber had access to all the same information as those two gentlemen, and I'm sure the ability to analyze it as well.

52eda6  No.4299107



I took it to mean their cut.

c112dd  No.4299108

File: 1b20db9eaf9f0df⋯.jpg (14.66 KB, 300x200, 3:2, ClintonFoundation.jpg)

From House Oversight Subcommittee Hearing:

Probable cause of financial crimes from Clinton Foundation was provided to the IRS and DOJ from JFM and Associates, a compliance advisory firm.

Accounting from filed 990 forms shows that Clinton Foundation was not in compliance with 501(C)(3) charter.

JFM and Associates testified that they have evidence of quid pro quo schemes and criminal activity. They testified to being outside whistle-blowers, and are in possession of evidence from inside whistle-blowers.

Bill Clinton participated in private inurement and commingling of funds.

Clinton Foundation failed to register as a foreign agent in accordance with FARA.

JFM and Associates were in contact with and Assistant U.S. Attorney from John Huber’s office. They were also in contact with investigators operating out of Little Rock, Arkansas.

Clinton Foundation may be liable for taxes due to lack of 501(C)(3) compliance for minimum of 400 million and maximum of 2.5 billion.

John Huber likely not present since he cannot testify during an active investigation.

944ab0  No.4299109

File: 7c4ca43cf73b944⋯.png (80.09 KB, 170x255, 2:3, youglow.png)

File: 8cb5fb28aed13b3⋯.png (9.91 KB, 182x255, 182:255, jacketnoosepepe.png)

File: b2988767d2f7a03⋯.png (10.36 KB, 255x185, 51:37, titsorgtfo.png)

6720e5  No.4299110

File: 618aeaa16b03a54⋯.png (170.48 KB, 339x442, 339:442, pepperoni nips.png)


did it look like this..

a9a2de  No.4299112


Classified or charity…those damn C words…kek

4459e4  No.4299113

File: d3de4c05af21122⋯.jpeg (45.65 KB, 249x600, 83:200, Patriots Fight.jpeg)

0f8beb  No.4299114

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

500955  No.4299115


We can actually download the whole hearing, make short clips of it, and share them with people we know or on social media. Word will filter out.

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