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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

92addb  No.4308281

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Q & A

>>4282164 ————————————–——– Stress test failed.

>>4282020 rt >>4281684 -————————– 'Guardians' of intelligence.

>>4281837 rt >>4281583 -————————– (3) detention centers being prepped.

>>4281568 rt >>4281479 -————————– No.

>>4281478 rt >>4281387 -————————– "Watch CA" was deliberate.

>>4281410 rt >>4281121 -————————– Senate to investigate 2019.

>>4281049 rt >>4280876 -————————– Gold shall destroy FED.

>>4280936 rt >>4280653 -————————– Only her beauty and love of country.

>>4280831 rt >>4280746 -————————– NSA ability to overreach hosts possible.

>>4280779 rt >>4280688 -————————– Separated by 2.

>>4280699 rt >>4280617 -————————– While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'Black Eye'.

>>4280615 rt >>4280575 -————————– Added server(s)/bandwidth improved performance.

>>4280592 rt >>4280423 -————————– No.

>>4280554 rt >>4280453 -————————– Mission to harm NSA.

>>4280455 rt >>4280260 -————————– No.

>>4280331 rt >>4280236 -————————– 2020+ safeguarded.

>>4280247 rt >>4280228 -————————– Yes.

>>4280231 rt >>4280212 -————————– Our promise to 'counter'.

>>4280213 rt >>4280193 -————————– No.

>>4280202 rt >>4280192 -————————– Control.

>>4280189 ————————————–——– Q&A

Wednesday 12.12.18

Compiled here: >>4281715

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

92addb  No.4308284


are not endorsements


>>4294374 List of meme-friendly news sites for spreading the truth.

>>4282761 Anon's recap of Q's 12/12 Q&A


>>4307896 ; >>4307959 Johnson & Johnson knew for decades about asbestos in baby powder, did not tell FDA

>>4307871 CNN BTFO by facts and reality

>>4307783 Steel problems on NY's Cuomo bridge.

>>4307720 AMD circumvented US regulations to deal with China?

>>4307709 Three people were stabbed in three separate attacks in Nürnberg, Germany.

>>4307659 Russian strategic bombers ordered to return from Venezuela.

>>4307648 Chinese hackers breach U.S. Navy contractors.

>>4307608 Utah's top federal law enforcers question the effectiveness of treatment programs for child sex offenders.

Baker Change

>>4307847 GAA Update

>>4307971 Recent reports on Australia moving Israel embassy to Jerusalem

>>4308047 Indonesian officials to step up against human trafficking

>>4308119 Cocksmokin’ Cohen claims Mueller has “substantial” evidence against Trump

>>4308212 Facebook claims bug affecting 6.8M users exposed photos they hadn’t shared

>>4308259 AZ Sen. John Kyl to resign Dec. 31

>>4308273 #5489


>>4307488 Boeing cancels satellite it was building for a China-Funded firm.

>>4307475 Japan plans tighter tech regulations.

>>4307334 Record $46 billion pulled from US-based stock funds in a week, according to Lipper.

>>4307254 British PM Theresa May holds a press conference at EU Council summit in Brussels.

>>4307198 Sr. VP and GM of AMD retires.

>>4307160 Melania ear protection. D5?

>>4307096 Huawei focusing on AI.

>>4307112 China is mining data directly from workers’ brains on an industrial scale.

>>4307012 Hemp is now an industry again.

>>4306969 Q drop 238: Sidley Austin. Same law office representing Boy Scouts in bankruptcy court.

>>4306840 There may be a document clearing Gen Flynn.

>>4307503 #5488


>>4305999 Fracking tank explosion and fire at huge gas processing facility in Washington County

>>4306030, >>4306061, >>4306036, >>4306047, >>4306040, >>4306058, >>4306177, >>4306597 Dig on Ambani Wedding

>>4306093, >>4306117, >>4306222 SNL skit called "Elf on the Shelf"

>>4306101, >>4306214, >>4306221 Trump Hotel Chicago Transforms Elevator into Gingerbread Express

>>4306225, >>4306517, >>4306554, >>4306583, >>4306653, >>4306659 Oversight Subcommittee testimony of Doyle Moynihan

>>4306265 A British doctor, paid for sex with girls as young as 9, jailed for five years in Cambodia.

>>4306289 Ongoing digg Fake research groups

>>4306321 Train crash's and the number 41

>>4306350 Five Foreign Nationals Indicted on Murder-For-Hire, Money Laundering

>>4306362 Europe, criticizing Muhammad is no longer protected free speech

>>4306363 Police, tipster help prevent possible school shooting at Indiana middle school

>>4306486, >>4306510, >>4306519 Strasbourg shooter shot dead by police.

>>4306552 Today's Update on Vibration Nation.

>>4306672 China introduces ‘social’ punishments for scientific misconduct

>>4306705 #5487


>>4305268, >>4305297, >>4305299 Former housekeeper, husband charged in connection to FBI raid at north Raleigh mansion

>>4305336 California Democratic lawmaker arrested on suspicion of child cruelty: report

>>4305385, >>4305417 Call to dig: Crumbs on Foundations

>>4305427 Video of the California Lawmaker citing Q

>>4305483 Article: Where is Jack Dorsey’s charitable foundation?

>>4305452 Massive Protests Across Iran

>>4305524, >>4305537, >>4305544 Resignations in the news today

>>4305554 One of the owners of Backpage.com gave $10,000 Nancy Pelosi’s super PAC

>>4305629 Stratfor WikiLeaks email no child trafficking legal loopholes

>>4305635 A China-France joint nuclear power unit is ready for 'commercial' use in the GUANDONG province of China

>>4305724 Iran Promises to Restart Nuclear Weapons Work as Tehran Identified as Top Global Threat

>>4305726 "#WWG1WGA," On the back of a Yellow Vest Protestor

>>4305812 Reminder: Soros exposed in massive hack for manipulating elections

>>4305939 #5486

Previously Collected Notables

>>4305182 #5485,

>>4302883 #5482, >>4303658 #5483, >>4304428 #5484

>>4300602 #5479, >>4301364 #5480, >>4302138 #5481

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

92addb  No.4308286

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#59 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>4283174

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

92addb  No.4308288

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

92addb  No.4308290

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



6a68a9  No.4308324

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Boom, boom, Boom.

321765  No.4308325

File: 858773095d9fa65⋯.png (6.73 KB, 86x191, 86:191, waldo.png)

File: 9bb197ad3d369a8⋯.png (88.68 KB, 2202x1000, 1101:500, 1.png)

File: 50a165722508a6b⋯.png (127.03 KB, 292x300, 73:75, huber.png)

The Clinton Foundation hearing was very interesting!

We learned:

1. The IRS refused to investigate the whistleblower's claims and they had to file an appeal.

2. Huber refused to call the whistleblowers back after being contacted 4 times.

3. The FBI and DOJ couldn't find the documents that the whistleblowers sent to them TWICE.

4. Horowitz never returned feedback on the whistleblower's appeals to investigate.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistleblowers for nearly a year and a half.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistleblowers for nearly a year and a half.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistleblowers for nearly a year and a half.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistleblowers for nearly a year and a half.

What are HUBER and HOROWITZ up to? They refused to investigate the evidence provided to them by the whistleblowers for nearly a year and a half.

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!

Horowitz had this info and did nothing!







You lied again! Huber and Horowitz aren't on our side. The government is a cesspool of self interested politicians and career employees who are corrupt to their core. Q is a deep state psyop and controlled opposition.


I am a real person and not a bot. I'm a proud American who supports my country. I'm sick and tired of the corruption. I'm sick and tired of criminals not being brought to justice. I'm sick and tired of Q lying and LARPing to string us along in a massive deep state psyop. I will keep posting this forever to prove how full of shit Q is. FUCK YOU Q.


419744  No.4308342

Mysterious Sound Perplexes Lakeview Neighborhood

Even though the noise is subtle, it’s been driving some people between Clark and Halsted streets crazy. They hear it in the morning, noon, and night, and they’ve been looking for an explanation.

The sounds of city life echo through Lakeview, but lately something sounds strange.

Lakeview resident Lindsey Hoffman couldn’t ignore the noise as she walked down a usually-quiet street with her son Joey on Thursday.

“I hear it right now,” she said.

Another Lakeview resident, Stephanie Boroski, described the noise as high-pitched.

“Like an alarm sound, like a pulse but not really,” Boroski said.

The sound can feel “maddening,” Boroski said.

The mysterious noise has been reverberating through Facebook message boards too.

But somehow not everyone can hear it. Five-year-old Joey Hoffman said he heard nothing unusual.

Andersonville resident Kate Korte said she couldn’t hear the strange sound. Korte, who works in Lakeview, speculated that the sound probably blends in with the usual city noise.


41658c  No.4308344

File: dbede3b39f29a58⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 634x491, 634:491, TOAST.jpg)

275134  No.4308345

File: a947b9c5580c309⋯.jpg (161.92 KB, 704x475, 704:475, 1544638844.jpg)

6644b4  No.4308347

File: 124b29a5e4e06ea⋯.jpg (234.5 KB, 1366x3105, 1366:3105, QANON 12-14-18 Trump's 245….jpg)

Been working on these 12/11 Trump twats for days. I think I finally have something fairly concrete. I still think there's more on other Q posts, esp re:302s, but still trying to lock something down, like: Q2454-2(Not 2)=Q2452….think there might be something on #1443, but still working…

191d3a  No.4308350

How come nothing goes public

Seems plretty clear behind the scenes that the swamp is being drained particulary human trafficking and drugs

But why not advertise it more

I bet the brainwashed wouldve voted republican if they really knew

419744  No.4308351

File: 97a2b101e81c188⋯.png (716.06 KB, 750x422, 375:211, 623332809_750x422.png)

Michigan confirms 2nd case of polio-like childhood illness


419744  No.4308354

Scary warming at poles showing up at weird times, places


ef56b2  No.4308355

Open FBI investigation on Clinton foundation… WTI stock getting absolutely slammed right now. Cabal liquidation?

0b48b6  No.4308356

File: 63cb66e99d2d0a7⋯.png (196.15 KB, 489x369, 163:123, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

Did a preliminary dig on Johnson & Johnson's board members…

DEFINITELY need help

Looks here

b236ac  No.4308358


becasue children are collateral damage

8e4e19  No.4308359

File: 464e0e98c467875⋯.jpeg (219.41 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, FLOTUSPepe.jpeg)

GOD bless you all.

3710c1  No.4308360

So I found da avi video with capital D as well.

Posting from outer space on the internet?

I think JAhs family was right.

So yo soy Peter parker or what?

419744  No.4308361

File: e5f92afe3f6b44c⋯.jpg (354.6 KB, 733x1024, 733:1024, barack-obama-2.jpg)

Barack Obama Slams Those 'Making Up Whatever Facts They Want' in RFK Human Rights Award Speech


0b48b6  No.4308362

File: 4111f1b29718a10⋯.png (171.45 KB, 1034x550, 47:25, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: f6288816fc3c2b9⋯.png (65.12 KB, 1044x272, 261:68, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: dc8a9cb4858e39a⋯.png (170.72 KB, 1050x600, 7:4, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: d2f644449ebe42d⋯.png (63.27 KB, 1010x324, 505:162, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: 8e99529bb58b1dc⋯.png (126.33 KB, 1015x476, 145:68, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

29b4fd  No.4308363

File: 0218a0bfcc3f620⋯.jpg (26.22 KB, 610x250, 61:25, AsianWifeGonnaAsianWife.JPG)

Divorce money still a ways off but Asian Womenz say never too early to prepare for the inevitable

796372  No.4308364

File: a8822eab701eb2d⋯.png (20.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dat pepe.png)

Toyed publicly around midnight last night about starting a notables and Q podcast.

Maybe even using a text-to-speech type software.

Figured out a way to host it relatively anonymously.

Idea was relatively well received.

What say you morning crew? Would a daily update to which you could listen be of value?

It would, by design, always be one day behind.

1a3954  No.4308365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



0b48b6  No.4308366

File: 897abf6a4badbe3⋯.png (133.12 KB, 271x524, 271:524, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: d2a0a31e3af77df⋯.png (29.5 KB, 698x105, 698:105, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

File: 1fcc34753dfd072⋯.png (41.64 KB, 996x136, 249:34, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

8e4e19  No.4308367


Great job as always Baker! Thank you.

84d0b0  No.4308368


My wife got that from me. I told her everything I was doing day by day after i began to get red pilled. She held out for a couple months then she just accepted it was real. She has no interest to investigate much herself (a odd reaction from my point of view) but she pretty much accepts what I figure out. But I dont have many people around me to smash daily….

Oh wait…. I have you niggers.

41e3b8  No.4308369

File: 13a6ee90c650028⋯.gif (740.82 KB, 300x374, 150:187, 0DB06449-7228-42A2-8164-B7….gif)


Delicious bread Baker

992e22  No.4308370


He Should start by looking in the mirror

757f6b  No.4308371

File: 6fbc574dff9b12a⋯.jpg (133.77 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, f36004e26ee667284203890e8b….jpg)

Thank You Baker

419744  No.4308372

California Considers Milking Cellphone Users With Controversial Texting Tax


1c7785  No.4308373

File: bdf957ea1af3570⋯.jpg (144.91 KB, 500x683, 500:683, Comfy5.jpg)

File: 62425b39897e61b⋯.jpg (148.05 KB, 968x645, 968:645, TrustPlanHuber.JPG)

File: 835962cd1546f38⋯.jpg (184.62 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, QCrumbsTrustThePlan101.jpg)

File: e2cb3aabe064081⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 867x459, 17:9, SoMuchWinDoubleVisionPOTUS.jpg)

File: 55fde7c812ed4a9⋯.jpg (122.34 KB, 500x363, 500:363, TrumpSoMuchWin.jpg)

ab5ffd  No.4308374

Spousal Consent

The undersigned, Bruno Zheng Wu, a United States of America (“USA”) citizen with Passport No.: 530914122, is the lawful spouse of Yang Lan, a PRC citizen with PRC ID Card No.: 110108196803315727. I hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agree to the execution of the following documents by Yang Lan on April 1, 2016, and the disposal of the equity interests of Tianjin Sevenstarflix Network Technology Limited (“Company”) held by Yang Lan and registered inhername according to the following documents:


The Equity Pledge Agreement entered into between the YOU On Demand (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. (“WFOE”), Yang Lan and Zhu Yun;


The Call Option Agreement entered into between the WFOE, Yang Lan, Zhu Yun and the Company; and


The Power of Attorney executed by Yang Lan.

(collectively, “Transaction Documents”).

I hereby undertake not to make any assertions in connection with the equity interests of the Company which are held by Yang Lan. I hereby further confirm that Yang Lan can perform the Transaction Documents and further amend or terminate the Transaction Documents absent authorization or consent from me.

I hereby undertake to execute all necessary documents and take all necessary actions to ensure appropriate performance of the Transaction Documents (as amended from time to time) upon the WFOE’s request.

I hereby agree and undertake that if I obtain any equity interests of the Company which are held by Yang Lan for any reasons, I shall be bound by the Transaction Documents, as well as the Technical Services Agreement entered into between the WFOE and the Company as of April 1, 2016 and comply with the obligations thereunder as a shareholder of the Company. For this purpose, upon the WFOE’s request, I shall sign a series of written documents in substantially the same format and content as the Transaction Documents, as well as the Technical Services Agreement.

Name: Bruno Zheng Wu


f2ac76  No.4308375


Did you not hear Doyle and Moynihan tell you that HUBER did NOT get their information until November 30….that is why he was not there

2f980b  No.4308376

File: d13e3026056fec9⋯.jpg (274.07 KB, 950x615, 190:123, SEA WORLD MAP.jpg)

File: 92bdaf66f50fc52⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1272x1745, 1272:1745, SeaWorld Pedo Map.png)

29b4fd  No.4308377

File: b176d1e85900db2⋯.jpg (32.26 KB, 598x285, 598:285, BattersBoxNews.JPG)

Here we go

e11156  No.4308378

Varney on FoxB just did a small piece about the bounty hunters but clearly the cat is coming out of the bag now - heat is on - show to begin! It's happening!

ca84e9  No.4308379

File: e8bd4dec0e6b670⋯.jpeg (27.7 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 8270C388-D6C8-4CA4-A4BE-5….jpeg)

c0e465  No.4308380

File: 45144f247e3a382⋯.png (1.01 MB, 779x502, 779:502, Capture.PNG)

Ankara train crash leaves nine dead, 47 injured

ANKARA • Nine people were killed and nearly 50 injured after a high-speed train crashed into a locomotive in Ankara, yesterday.

Transport Minister Cahit Turhan told reporters three of those killed were operators of the train. He added that 47 people were injured and were in hospital for treatment.

The fast train had been on its way from Ankara's main station to the central province of Konya and, according to Hurriyet daily, there were 206 passengers on board.

Mr Turhan said the accident took place six minutes after the train left the Turkish capital.


ee8943  No.4308381

File: 22867258fa18047⋯.mp4 (7.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Zionists_are_not_patriots.mp4)


Vote; boycott; manifest peacefully and safely; educate others; always follow the law.


Reminder that zionists are always traitors.

>Notable part of the video, at 26 seconds:

“The State Department definition claims that stating that a particular Jewish person has more loyalty to the state of Israel than they do to their own Country is necessarily an example of antisemitism, where the truth is that is one of the fundamental premises of Zionism, and if you go back and look at the statement, say of, Theodor Herzl who really wrote what is considered the founding text of Zionism, he argued very clearly that Jews are one people and therefor is useless for them to be Patriots to the Countries in which they reside, so there is times where a statement like that gets contained in the definition of the State Department, where it actually undermines the founding premises of Zionism itself.”

So basically, zionism is a cancer in the West that has no place in any self respecting Country outside of Israel. Also note that Theodor Herzl was in the Rothschild and Warburg (FED founders) inner circle, and that the Rothschild were the main force behind the creation of Israel.

A jew might choose to be patriotic to their nation and not claim the Israeli citizenship.

Jews should not be persecuted for being of the jewish race.

That being said, all jewish group power is going to end, so all jews can be treated as individuals in the face of the law.

The dems are fucked (vote fraud), then the corrupt reps are fucked, then the zionist lobby is fucked, then we can unfuck shit at an astounding rate.

Its going to be very entertaining once the dems are nuked to shit politically, to have the FBI flow from the analysis of Clinton Foundation to the Israeli lobby. That's when the real fun starts.

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of jewish group subversion of Western nations:


Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;


Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;


Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;


Cut all aid to israel;


Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;


Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;


Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.


Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.


At the end of the day, the zionist cabal doesn't give a shit about neither jews nor goyim.

They just make the plays they think they need to make to get as much power as possible.

166992  No.4308382

File: dd2395f7a17e675⋯.png (566.31 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, kyl.png)

File: 5a7aba3c833687a⋯.jpg (118.55 KB, 632x592, 79:74, McS.jpg)

Kyl's replacement

3aa15b  No.4308383

File: 0a8c0c4d333e0ff⋯.jpg (74.4 KB, 550x330, 5:3, 2oz3zd.jpg)

ee3842  No.4308384

This Is You're Bread For Today



If the mirror has a black eye, the reflection will have a black as well.

If thine eye be… (go to the Bible).

Beware the black mirror.

What does a reflection do?


What is YOUR mirror reflecting?

This post may help to save your life. If you are willing.

Jesus will save you from the storm.

All you have to do is repent and ask.

God loves you.

Find the mirror.

ca84e9  No.4308385


Here we go?

757f6b  No.4308386

File: e67ce5aa832e2f1⋯.jpeg (161.26 KB, 1440x956, 360:239, 1535593589.jpeg)

c0e465  No.4308387

BREAKING News Out Of Georgia… HOLY HELL!

MACON— A Dublin, Georgia man was sentenced to 240 months in prison for spearheading an organized interstate pimping ring, said Charles “Charlie” Peeler, the United States Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia. Jesse Lee Hall, Jr., 39 of Dublin, pled guilty in May to one (1) count of conspiracy to commit sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion, five (5) counts of transportation for illegal sexual activity and one (1) count of inducement to travel to engage in criminal sexual activity. The Honorable Marc T. Treadwell sentenced Mr. Hall, Jr. on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 to a total of 240 months imprisonment and five (5) years of supervised release for his crimes.

In addition, co-defendant Lantesia Lanier, 41, of Dublin, Georgia was sentenced to twelve (12) months in prison and one (1) year supervised release on a charge of misleading law enforcement about her knowledge of the enterprise.

According to the plea agreement, Mr. Hall, Jr., acted as a pimp for several victims. The first victim was identified by law enforcement at a Macon hotel in June 2016.


b3cf9f  No.4308388

File: 042022494fd3a49⋯.jpg (130.58 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, IMG_4577.JPG)

Thank mcstain for churning out future fuck sluts from these treasonous matters

fc0e7a  No.4308389

File: 8c04f18013d4afe⋯.jpg (67.99 KB, 735x490, 3:2, d1444a74427e6259798f854367….jpg)

3710c1  No.4308390

File: 3cf42839f83b4a2⋯.jpg (258.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20181129-160347….jpg)

File: bebd5617a4044da⋯.jpg (267.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20181209-164204….jpg)

File: 4388844e32ac233⋯.jpg (82.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20181212-073159….jpg)

File: 4b03802f68ba81f⋯.jpg (245.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20181128-093724….jpg)

Everytime I'm at work the ayyys are bitching about me not baking.

b236ac  No.4308391


Member anon - covering up Disney is the number priority of those charged with protecting kids.

29b4fd  No.4308392


Let's see who POTUS picks

Does that bore you?

166992  No.4308393

File: a9f59952f64d8e7⋯.png (226.43 KB, 628x467, 628:467, flynn L.png)


Flynn cleared and reporting for duty!

419744  No.4308394

Preserving U.S. Democracy Means Breaking Up Monopolies Like Facebook And Amazon

This monomania for profit feeds the “swamp” that Donald Trump denounced ― and deepens it. Its toxicity combines the unlimited flow of cash licensed by Citizens United, a corrupt tax code laden with breaks for the rich, including hedge fund managers and real estate developers like Trump and Jared Kushner, and misappropriating public policy to propitiate wealthy donors. A salient example is Trump’s fiscally calamitous corporate tax cut: Instead of funding jobs, the windfall went into stock buybacks and the purchase of yet more political power by overstuffed plutocrats.

One leading Trump supporter, casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, rewarded Republicans for his $700 million in tax savings with a $30 million rebate to a GOP super PAC. Faced with trillion-dollar deficits without an end in sight, our children will pay for Adelson’s enrichment and the GOP’s self-aggrandizement.

Dems does it = evil

Trump does = look the other way

Adultery all over again.

074089  No.4308395


I'm with you, anon.

You're not alone.

ca84e9  No.4308396

File: c53dc83df718bb2⋯.jpeg (98.23 KB, 618x410, 309:205, 07A01AF0-C3AB-40D6-9954-2….jpeg)


Hi Ebot

3cf58a  No.4308397


I usually definite that as "annoying". Unfortunately, people seem to divided into two groups now: intellectually curious about WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING IN OUR WORLD… and… well, NOT CURIOUS.

For those of us on here all the time, it's hard to understand the other half that would rather know what they Kardashians are up to. Just two different types of people/personality types.

06e9c6  No.4308398


896692  No.4308399

Every. Single. One. of you faggots needs to read this.

…..About "Q"

Many people have fallen into the "Q" phenomenon. But any rational view of "Q" inevitably arrives at the conclusion it is a "Placation narrative HOAX." A PsyOp. Placate the masses with hints of future action - while nothing ever changes.

The public gets "slow walked" in a giant circle. After months and months and months of hints, nothing happens.

50,000+ sealed Indictments. Nothing happens.

Pictures from inside Air Force One - nothing happens.

No matter what Q says, the public ends up right back where we started, with nothing accomplished except a total waste of time.

We cannot keep going the way things are. Something has to give.


5c23b2  No.4308400

File: 0287403fce2de07⋯.png (140.36 KB, 977x770, 977:770, jewish-peers.png)

f895bc  No.4308401

File: cb13afc2cf3e0e8⋯.png (816.51 KB, 779x502, 779:502, 41.png)


See the 41?

What is with train crashes and that number?

ca2cd5  No.4308402


more jet fighters

ee8943  No.4308403

File: de76cd05687a9af⋯.png (45.56 KB, 1040x586, 520:293, 1_Poster_The_Lobby_USA_pro….png)

File: 0e6b614716810fc⋯.png (45.99 KB, 1040x586, 520:293, 2_Poster_The_Lobby_USA_pro….png)

File: 0ce754a68e15dc0⋯.jpg (260.14 KB, 1675x1405, 335:281, 3__The_Lobby_Part_2_Campai….jpg)

File: 3dc3097689fead8⋯.jpg (331.51 KB, 1080x1480, 27:37, 4_Rand_Paul_against_Israel….jpg)

File: d8ab81d99e46275⋯.jpg (48.45 KB, 528x444, 44:37, 5_Spurdo_AIPAC_Israel.jpg)


Do it faggot.


Lol, nice job. Its creepy that people just believe something without checking it for themselves thou.



Vote; boycott; manifest peacefully and safely; educate others; always follow the law.


Have you watched the "The Lobby: USA" documentary?

Do you want to raise awareness to it and the crimes of election meddling AIPAC against American citizens on American soil?

Now its easy! Just share this meme online and IRL and get the general public behind the termination of AIPAC, once and for all!


Part 1:













Go print 100 of those, spread them around then call the local news with a burner and act like a concerned Israel first traitor so we can get free publicity for the documentary.


*If you’re going to glue the poster/flier, make sure it is legal to do so where you’re going to do it and make sure that you DO NOT PRACTICE VANDALISM while doing it, which means, if you can glue it legally, then use easy to remove wheat paste to do so.

Guide to DIY wheat paste: archive.is/WQb0b

**Most printers put a fingerprint on printed documents. Read up: https://computer-hardware.wonderhowto.com/how-to/view-your-printers-secret-dots-fingerprints-271717/

ALWAYS go to a copy shop and pay cash.

Alternately, buy a really cheap printer and dispose of if it after printing your posters.

Bought 2nd hand with cash would be optimal.

**Always verify the QR code’s links using a free web site before printing!

4c bread about the operation:


>The rundown of the documentary:

UK jew infiltrates AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) doing undercover journalistic work and catches a shit load of crimes and admission of crimes on US soil against US citizens on camera with their faces and names fully exposed. All of those criminals work on the behalf of the Israeli government to keep general public support of Israel as high as possible.

We need to get 10% of the US population to watch it, even if they watch only the first part, and we need to incite them to pressure the gov into bringing these AIPAC criminals to justice.

If we do that, ZOG collapses in the US, due to general public support for Israel collapsing.

Helping Rand Paul cut all aid to Israel

Call/email Rand Paul to show your support of cutting all aid to Israel, and do the same with all the Senators, starting with those in your State.

>Visit these web site for more info on this:






d14ac7  No.4308404

File: 558de272854bbc7⋯.jpg (29.81 KB, 548x251, 548:251, Capture.JPG)

ca84e9  No.4308405


Nope I am Comfy fren

5b97e2  No.4308406

Dough posted. Check

>>4308308 5489

Haven't quite found a tie there yet, but….


TNK-BP's Russian shareholders (the AAR Consortium representing the interests of Mikhail Friedman, Herman Khan, Victor Vekselberg and Leonard Blavatnik) have called for replacing Dudley as the company's CEO, accusing him of acting in the interests of only one shareholder - BP, and filed a suit at the Stockholm International Arbitration Court against BP, when the BP management refused to accommodate their demand for equal representation on TNK-BP's board of directors. 

Russian shareholders also claim that TNK-BP has placed too many foreigners in top-management positions, and that AAR has been given insufficient say in strategic decisions.

Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin helpfully waded in with his public comments, having warned the BP management back in 2003 that the TNK-BP 50-50 shareholder structure was untenable, and would lead to a conflict sooner or later. Putin explicitly advised the TNK-BP shareholders to rearrange the ownership structure to give one side - either BP or AAR-majority control. 

Over the weekend, BP's Chairman Peter Sutherland made some controversial comments that have infuriated the Russian shareholders and are bound to escalate the conflict. "It is unfortunately a much simpler dispute over control, and perhaps ultimately ownership of the company. This is just a return to the corporate raiding activities that were prevalent in Russia in the 1990s," he said.

Sutherland noted that the Russian leadership is standing by and allowing the tycoons to push forward with their takeover attempt. "Prime minister Putin has referred to such tactics as relics of the 1990s, but unfortunately our partners continue to use them, and the leaders of the country seem unwilling or unable to step in and stop them," he said.

Through Dudley get to Mikhail Friedman, Friedan ties to Alfa Bank. Alfa Bank and the supposed Trump Tower Russia server issue.

So say they that then Candidate Trump server talked to Alfa


Wiki drop related clown tools possibly assigning router ips…


b236ac  No.4308407


wow! 240 months! as much as that!!!!

another plea and another plea from our failing bar and bench to trust them.

b3cf9f  No.4308408

File: e7d3dd5fad5dbf0⋯.jpg (600.45 KB, 1500x2250, 2:3, IMG_4197.JPG)

ca84e9  No.4308409

File: 42f374a68b26db6⋯.jpeg (22.02 KB, 255x156, 85:52, 89845C37-E29B-40F4-99D0-A….jpeg)

29b4fd  No.4308410


I miss Bob Barr already

419744  No.4308411


I figure at this point it;s been Eric Trump helping daddy with bits of info he's learned and a good helping of conspiracy and false promises.

b236ac  No.4308412


you might want to go after our courts and their child fucking coverup racket.

b3cf9f  No.4308413

File: dd48f48b3ce5783⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4548.JPG)

ca84e9  No.4308414

File: 121d941455db053⋯.png (2.42 MB, 976x2016, 61:126, 754ECEC6-CB44-477B-8E9D-4D….png)


Hi Ebot

aab089  No.4308415

File: 2487c25cd836c87⋯.jpg (28.91 KB, 500x284, 125:71, RXN- Bullshit Meter.jpg)

File: ef83da943787fae⋯.jpg (110.59 KB, 1300x1233, 1300:1233, RXN- Look Here, Billboard.jpg)

File: 67cea6c08f73427⋯.jpg (70.12 KB, 626x613, 626:613, RXN- SHILL!- Presidential ….jpg)

(LB) Shill ID

4e2581 Shill

>>4307993 'Alcoholic for 10 years, no booze for me.'

First you are an alcoholic for 10 years,

and then here for 3 years. >>4308124

Shill fishing for sympathy and vampiring the bread.

cd3307  No.4308416

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 9ec9e88c03e4b8c.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

41e3b8  No.4308417

File: ca6190a4fe0332b⋯.jpeg (339.56 KB, 1125x1360, 225:272, 3147A74C-F213-4534-B1F6-C….jpeg)

File: 000439a0eee446e⋯.jpeg (183.42 KB, 1124x632, 281:158, 82CB54C3-6FE2-4A2B-BBD0-3….jpeg)

Add Ryan Kadro to the list of resignations.

the exec producer of "CBS This Morning," confirms he's stepping down… effective Jan. 4… here's part of his internal memo


ca84e9  No.4308418

File: f015abd40e550fd⋯.jpeg (219.42 KB, 480x679, 480:679, A3E6507B-7CAA-43DA-8C63-F….jpeg)

Goodbye Q

ee8943  No.4308419


Is that a list of zionist UK politicians?

d1e060  No.4308420

File: ab1ed9e007f151d⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1500x1956, 125:163, ClipboardImage.png)

3a2cc7  No.4308421


Remember Q post on poisoning us from the cradle onward, baby powder FFS. Evil greedy scum.

166992  No.4308422



(recall Republicans passed new policy whereas if stepping down during their term, a replacement is picked until a special election)

d14ac7  No.4308423

File: 2ab8e5cb881eb3f⋯.jpg (52.88 KB, 457x666, 457:666, dfgaert454yy6ikmn6j.jpg)

b236ac  No.4308424

1dd3ec  No.4308425

File: 01c8525957298b4⋯.jpg (28.55 KB, 306x548, 153:274, w3.jpg)

File: 5404da90fd88b46⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 540x389, 540:389, w2.jpg)

File: 52df38c8c9518ee⋯.jpg (26.6 KB, 678x381, 226:127, w1.jpg)

File: addafd1c33558f0⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 610x388, 305:194, w.jpg)

File: 8999acc956b3de8⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 574x375, 574:375, w4.jpg)

419744  No.4308426


Learn how to read? Said alcoholic for 10 years. Sober for 3. For 10 years I drank like a fish. That makes me an alcoholic. I have been sober for almost 3 now?

You cant comprehend english, but you're an amazing autist. Actually, that's accurate.

0fd4f2  No.4308427

File: 09a4983a1238561⋯.jpeg (124.9 KB, 742x1024, 371:512, 09a4983a1238561aa936f0ec9….jpeg)

File: c8de6718e913e88⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 255x190, 51:38, c8de6718e913e88322113066e8….jpg)

b236ac  No.4308428

111e48  No.4308429


It's only been 14 months and not one single promised public revelation has occurred.

Surely this is not a psyop.

33cde4  No.4308430


well he sums it up in a nut shell. I still believe in the hopium but I'm looking through clearer eyes than ever before.

1f21c0  No.4308431


Please pick Ted Nugent

ee8943  No.4308432

File: 2200154b5c911fb⋯.png (227.67 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 1_Q_TIP_Lobby_USA.png)

File: 57584432ff10706⋯.png (481.69 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2_Q_TIP_Lobby_USA_2.png)

File: bbff365c9cd00b7⋯.jpg (479.47 KB, 1200x2350, 24:47, 3_4_The_Lobby_Part_1_The_I….jpg)

File: 4e714a2ef3f1132⋯.jpg (611.85 KB, 960x2114, 480:1057, 4_Operation_Oven_AIPAC_9.jpg)

File: 9e3f6b1db81531e⋯.jpg (70.22 KB, 683x243, 683:243, The_Israel_Project_connect….JPG)


That too needs some heat.

I am only one person, I focus my heat on what I think its most damaging to the cabal at the moment.



Vote; boycott; manifest peacefully and safely; educate others; always follow the law.


Q has called out The Israel Project (TIP).

An another anon found that there is a connection between TIP and Hillary.

Anyone who has not watched The Lobby: USA, should do so. They show the unbridled power of TIP in the US media.

We need to spread these 4 things everywhere all the time to keep the heat on AIPAC and pile on the momentum:


Rand Paul filibuster (call the whole congress in support of filibuster & cut of aid to Israel, share the pics about Rand Paul filibuster to wake other Americans on how much money they all pay to Israel, which supports ISIS)


The Lobby USA documentary (share the links)


Operation Oven AIPAC


Boycott Israel (729 products) because Israel supports ISIS.

These four things together have a real chance at dealing a death blow to the ZOG.

c0e465  No.4308433

Philippines: 66 alleged militants convicted in kidnappings

MANILA, Philippines – A Philippine court on Friday found 66 alleged members of the Abu Sayyaf guilty of kidnapping dozens of students, teachers and a Catholic priest in the south in 2000, in the largest single conviction involving the brutal Muslim militant group.

The Regional Trial Court branch 261 acquitted for lack of evidence 20 other people who have languished in jail for a number of years while insisting they were innocent in the brazen March 2000 kidnappings of 52 people, mostly young students at two schools on Basilan island.

Two kidnapped teachers were beheaded and a priest died while in Abu Sayyaf custody. The other hostages were rescued or freed after local officials negotiated for their release a few days after they were kidnapped en masse from the schools in the villages of Tumahubong and Sinangkapan.


3710c1  No.4308434



Do it

It's not a den it's an ex office

6a68a9  No.4308435


Old man Johnson now dead fucked all his daughters and when the time came he fucked all his granddaughters. One of whom, Libet is also dead.,The satanic old bastard died long enough ago hes probably reincarnated and in possession of his memory somewhere by now


830a84  No.4308436



That one was my fav K E K

b3cf9f  No.4308437

File: ee6bc41e4d46e12⋯.jpg (57.07 KB, 530x700, 53:70, F1EFDF6E-C483-40CD-B582-B7….jpg)


2014 cosplay of the year award

5b97e2  No.4308438


The caravan


>>4308308 5489


As its man is forced to flee Moscow, the oil giant seeks legal redress by targeting London palaces of Russian billionaires.

Oil giant BP is considering legal action to seize the overseas assets of four billionaire oligarchs who own half its Russian joint venture company and with whom it is waging a bitter battle.

BP has decided to take the unprecedented step of threatening to sequester the oligarchs' assets, including two palatial London homes, in an attempt to protect its £8bn investment in Russia.

The legal threat is a significant escalation of the war between the TNK-BP partners and follows the dramatic exit from Moscow last week of the organisation's chief executive Robert Dudley who fled because of mounting pressure against him.

Yesterday Moscow prosecutors summoned Dudley to appear before them tomorrow to explain alleged 'violations' of labour laws by the company. A TNK-BP spokesman said it would send a representative to answer questions.

The two oligarchs with the closest ties to London are German Khan, 46, and Len Blavatnik, 50. Khan, allegedly worth £6.9bn, once owned property in Eaton Square, west London. It is believed his wife, a former air hostess, and their three children live in the capital.

Blavatnik moved to the capital three years ago and now lives in a huge property in Kensington Palace Gardens, west London.

A BP source suggested that hitting at the oligarchs' uber-rich lifestyle would be the most effective response. He said: 'They are hounding out our chief executive, but they have things that they care about, like their assets in the West.'

At the root of the dispute is the anger of the Russians at the decline in the dividend payments they receive. BP has said that it wants to plough more profits into capital spending to boost oil production, while the Russians say the return of four per cent on their capital in the joint venture is not enough.

Yet Mikhail Fridman and Viktor Vekselberg, in addition to Blavatnik and Kahn, have personally earned billions of pounds in dividends since the company was set up in 2003. According to confidential papers seen by Financial Mail, the four have together increased their wealth by £21bn thanks to the financial performance of TNK-BP.

872bba  No.4308439

960ab8  No.4308440

File: 443d4ff453a1dd5⋯.png (303.84 KB, 373x494, 373:494, 2018-12-14_10-29-34.png)

06e9c6  No.4308441


That's because your FMSM ass pals don't want that information in the public sphere you genius.

1dd3ec  No.4308442

File: 9b9f31acd006ce6⋯.png (65.13 KB, 216x400, 27:50, pd.png)

File: da3429181fae77e⋯.jpg (85.14 KB, 620x372, 5:3, msg.jpg)

File: 568b6377eff26b4⋯.jpg (380.85 KB, 3000x1688, 375:211, pedo.king.jpg)

File: 61f1e98fecf3ec0⋯.jpg (20.44 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ranierie nxivm.jpg)

d9ec08  No.4308443


Consider this ANON to your questions.

1. DOJ told the IRS to wait. Because Criminal investigation was already ongoing.

2. Huber did not really need their evidence. Plus by refusing to contact whistle blowers and let them testify evidence is then "pure" larger "Shock Factor"

3. FBI and DOJ are not required to comment on "ongoing investigations"

4 Ongoing investigation.

all the answers are obvious after watching the testimony yesterday.

Huber was not needed as Meadows said. "ongoing investigation"

1fa0f8  No.4308444


Do you think she knows?

. . . . was sure the label said one size fits all . . .

872bba  No.4308445

a91fb4  No.4308446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Jim Jordan

Verified account


"Did James Comey set up Michael Flynn?"


3d6908  No.4308447

Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl to resign, prompting new appointment to McCain seat…

GOP Sen. Jon Kyl was appointed earlier this year to replace late Sen. John McCain.


Not tired of winning!

6a68a9  No.4308448

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


ee8943  No.4308449

File: c5a3076faa73cf5⋯.jpg (44.38 KB, 472x357, 472:357, 1_barcode-israel.jpg)

File: 212c21498e7514e⋯.png (162.75 KB, 977x657, 977:657, 2_Barcodes.PNG)

File: 401605b367b4a58⋯.jpg (267.56 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 3_Boycott_Israel_meme_1.jpg)

File: e5a6e6dec947b3d⋯.png (592.01 KB, 652x1016, 163:254, 4_Boycott_this_cunt.png)

File: 16d403ef6fad294⋯.png (1.6 MB, 2144x1668, 536:417, 5_meme_1_5.png)



Vote; boycott; manifest peacefully and safely; educate others; always follow the law.


Shop small, in local businesses and make sure you boycott Israeli products. Make them feel the heat until they see the light, and give POTUS leverage over Israel in negotiations by using your shopping habits and decisions.


Promoting the boycott of Israel due to Israel supporting ISIS to poison gen pop support for Israel is the name of the game here. Even if no economic damage to Israel is made, the general public support for Israel will decrease, and that give Rand Paul’s cut all aid to Israel plan a bigger chance to succeed.

d1e060  No.4308450

File: 8e576f825467484⋯.png (507.13 KB, 1512x1300, 378:325, ClipboardImage.png)

b236ac  No.4308451


it's a trade off anon -

tell white people Jews are poisoning their kids or

protect kikes.

guess which one they are going for?

e55bea  No.4308452


>promised public revelation

Where was that promised?

5c23b2  No.4308453


It's a list of British Jewish Peers who sit in the House Of Lords the Upper House of the British Parliament.

Moar info here on British Jewish Politicians:


3cf58a  No.4308454


I hear you anon.

I haven't reached the line you're at yet. I still have faith that the "misinfo" we've gotten from Q is necessary for whatever they are doing behind the scenes. And I still have faith that Huber/team is on it, but there's more to the story that we can't see yet. BUT your reactions are valid, because this whole thing SUCKS. This timing SUCKS. A Democrat Congress takes over less than 3 weeks and we haven't had ONE significant arrest.

SUCKS. For sure.

4b0794  No.4308455


Life must be miserable for people like you. Always negative and ignoring the realities of what has transpired over the last 2 years.

It's always gloom and doom for people like you.

c0e465  No.4308456


Transnational Drug Trafficker Sentenced to 25 Years for Conspiracy to Distribute Fentanyl, Heroin, Methamphetamine, and Cocaine and for Money Laundering

Spokane – Joseph H. Harrington, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Washington, announced that Jese Carillo Casillas, age 33, based out of Kennewick, Washington, was sentenced after having pleaded guilty on August 24, 2018 to Conspiracy to Distribute Fentanyl, Heroin, Methamphetamine, and Cocaine, as well as Conspiracy Launder Money.

Senior United States District Judge Edward F. Shea sentenced Casillas to a 25-year term of imprisonment for his role in the drug conspiracy, to run concurrent to a 15-year term of imprisonment for Casillas’ role in the money laundering conspiracy, to be followed by a 5-year term of court supervision after he is released from federal prison. Upon completion of his sentence, Casillas will be deported because he is not a citizen of the United States.

According to information disclosed during court proceedings, this case arose from a joint investigation into the Ivan Calvillo Transnational Drug Trafficking Organization that has had a distribution cell rooted in the Eastern District of Washington since 2010. The investigation culminated in the arrest and indictment of 16 members of the organization for various drug trafficking and money laundering offenses. After Ivan Calvillo was murdered in Mexico in December 2015, Casillas took over operations for the organization, including the importation and distribution of Fentanyl, Heroin, Methamphetamine, and Cocaine.


31395d  No.4308457

Emerald Robinson @EmeraldRobinson


It looks like conservative mag National Review was taking Google cash too. To suppress conservative speech on social media. Was this something that @NRO donors & contributors knew was taking place? Let's ask @JonahNRO @DavidAFrench & others today.

9da0d1  No.4308459

File: f162b3f0dc5aa10⋯.png (948.79 KB, 1204x670, 602:335, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)


TY Baker!

872bba  No.4308460





856d2f  No.4308461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Which anon called it earlier that it's not the same Donald Trump in question? (Stormy etc)

Cohen on Trump as president: 'He's a very different individual'

78b122  No.4308462

File: 6f30adec7a10828⋯.jpg (85.64 KB, 1429x1349, 1429:1349, 6f30adec7a1082809a4dc62549….jpg)

File: d1faf328ffde546⋯.jpg (107.1 KB, 915x744, 305:248, d1faf328ffde5466d1add66a12….jpg)


They've been putting talc in my abestos?!

b1f136  No.4308463


I've analyzed what happened to our POTUS 35 all my life.. My Red Pill.Started me on the path.

Will Our POTUS 45 release the rest to the patriots and people of the World?

4 Ever Q

d1e060  No.4308464

File: a917cd24d2bcfa2⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1506x1976, 753:988, ClipboardImage.png)

3710c1  No.4308465


It's got to get to 144k first IRA shillfag

830a84  No.4308466


ARE ANONS READY FOR ARRESTS… Early October… number of arrests since then ZERO.

ee8943  No.4308467

File: 0ce754a68e15dc0⋯.jpg (260.14 KB, 1675x1405, 335:281, 1_The_Lobby_Part_2_Campaig….jpg)

File: 3016f5af6749530⋯.jpg (372.24 KB, 1681x1875, 1681:1875, 2_The_Lobby_Part_2_Straw_D….jpg)

File: b4bd5e311b165c1⋯.jpg (702.05 KB, 1200x3347, 1200:3347, 14_The_Lobby_Part_3_Canary….jpg)

File: 9d70d0d48cdf98f⋯.jpg (254.87 KB, 1200x1336, 150:167, 15_The_Lobby_Part_3_Jacob_….jpg)

File: e52d2935d1280f8⋯.jpg (392.65 KB, 1200x2010, 40:67, 16_The_Lobby_Part_3_False_….jpg)


If you’re making criticism of Israel equal to shilling and dividing, you’re part of the traitor Israel first Psyop.

What do you think about having the Israeli Ministries ordering people from AIPAC to commit crimes against American people in American soil in order to politically benefit Israel?

>This is what you fear:

Biggest expose of the anti-America first Israeli Lobby in the history of journalism

An Al Jazeera journalist went 5 months undercover (in the spirit of Veritas MO) into AIPAC (he is a British jew), and the very top levels of Israeli administration are involved in the espionage, harassment, smear, silencing of American citizens due to their need to maintain support for Israel at any cost, the expense always being booted by the American tax payers and violation of the US 1st Amend.

This will radically change your views on Israel if you are still under the illusion that Israel is an ally of any Western Country.

Part 1:



Part 2:



>Some scenes:

-Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel.

-Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation.

-Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel

-AIPAC members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope

ef56b2  No.4308468


We've got Kavanaugh, RBG is nearly dead, and the CIA kingpin is dead

Pretty good year so far

896692  No.4308469


Did you read the article? What reality are you living in?

Must Read:

I'm Wondering WHO is –ACTUALLY– Running Our FedGov - It's not Trump


7c823c  No.4308470


i saw it as find and note the other 2 not on MSM radar and dig

and looking at it your way, inside your circles i see 445 occasions

3710c1  No.4308471


>▶Anonymous  12/14/18 (Fri) 09:37:53 b236ac

Fuck should I switch to the strips

02494c  No.4308472

File: 268792ed9360994⋯.png (1017.82 KB, 1023x551, 1023:551, gostraighto.png)

File: b7f4f028d198052⋯.png (533.83 KB, 1024x599, 1024:599, jo1mcc.png)

File: 5ad3b5547f2efe2⋯.png (692.63 KB, 1024x553, 1024:553, mustfollow.png)


Everything's controlled. McCarthy tried, but was overpowered. Now that it's beyond reach, how to fix it?

Mockingbird ignoring the "timing" of Don Jr.s Divorce and other obvious things is yet another example of what will, hopefully, help to expose them for the Communists that they are.

Rotten Metros (such as in Jersey, Pa. Ca….) may be fine with all-out Communism, so it's up to the rest of us.

ddfc2d  No.4308473


I love the way you Qultists fall back on this "where was a revelation promised?????" bit.

Hurr durrrrrrr. Ya got us! Q has delivered on everything!!!

a91fb4  No.4308474


or consider Huber already had an IRS team working with him on CF because thats been the most obvious crime they committed

111e48  No.4308475


Read crumbs newfag.

757f6b  No.4308476

File: 3aa5c4408e875a6⋯.jpg (195.96 KB, 1440x951, 480:317, IMG_20180422_095304.jpg)

Except for faggots

9da0d1  No.4308477

File: 3e138c780304344⋯.png (182.12 KB, 762x958, 381:479, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: 2f653d5c1e00db4⋯.png (584.02 KB, 1105x563, 1105:563, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

41658c  No.4308478


Did Comey know the bullet was rubber?

1dd3ec  No.4308479

File: cfe5b5dbd7f639d⋯.jpg (66.6 KB, 636x382, 318:191, wei hu.jpg)

File: dff4bfdbde17cb3⋯.jpg (81.58 KB, 634x625, 634:625, weewee.jpg)

File: 40b62b8a82d8b0e⋯.jpg (16.7 KB, 460x460, 1:1, ww.jpg)

29b4fd  No.4308480

File: 79da668a3088e18⋯.jpg (33.82 KB, 607x190, 607:190, SchillsPleaseBeTalented.JPG)

219b42  No.4308481

Someone for the love of God, please snap a pic of RBG speaking right now. It's the creepiest thing of the year.

166992  No.4308482


This Anon- night shift.

BUT- the info's been here for good long time. Was only reminding.


5edfdd  No.4308483



f72f5c  No.4308484

Nice try though.

Mossad killed this board.

America loves their Babylonian occupation.

You’ll never get the support.

Your talking to trump loving Israel firsters


960ab8  No.4308485

File: ed145fcc777428d⋯.png (219.6 KB, 339x504, 113:168, 2018-12-14_10-39-38.png)


It's like deja vu all over again!

God bless you all as well swordanon.

097802  No.4308486


Did anyone else hear that the AAG asked them for the info in Nov. not the IG. I think RR was doing some What don't I know

856d2f  No.4308487


Does Comey know we know he raped Jon Bennet Ramsey?

9fb96d  No.4308488

File: ce1ea93dfdf771c⋯.jpg (5.57 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_20181212_111615.jpg)

File: 609f30c8ba95517⋯.jpg (5.15 MB, 3456x4608, 3:4, IMG_20181212_112159__01.jpg)

Walked by the Archdioces of Chicago and saw some nice cars inside the gates.

Mercedes and Audi

Must be a gift from God.

2f980b  No.4308489


>RBG speaking right now

she can still pull that off?

111e48  No.4308490


Trump has been excellent.

The Q phenomenon is something different.

81475a  No.4308491

File: 3252b37e960773a⋯.jpg (17.16 KB, 385x286, 35:26, JIDF.jpg)

>>4308319 lb

>post count equates quality here.

Joo are certainly new here

8f4181  No.4308492

File: 17eca41e88c08db⋯.png (912.86 KB, 1132x1522, 566:761, lowestofthelow1111.png)

Huber article yesterday ended with "Lowest of the low"

Trump retweeted a person saying Lowest of the low, but the timing of the tweet was 11:11:11, on Jan 4th.

Jan 4th could be MOAB?

Jan 3rd New Government

Jan 1 New EO Goes into affect.

a031a1  No.4308493

If Anons want to do something worth while, why not attack the MSM? Hold them accountable for false reporting and suppression of the news?


31395d  No.4308494

Judicial Watch 🔎 @JudicialWatch


BREAKING: Judicial Watch released two sets of heavily redacted State Department docs showing classified info was researched & disseminated to multiple U.S. Senators by the Obama Admin immediately prior to President @realDonaldTrump’s inauguration. (1/5)


b56e5e  No.4308495


Don jr?

9da0d1  No.4308496

File: 8e0a2436e8a8851⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1534x1058, 767:529, Screen Shot 2018-11-29 at ….png)

d9ec08  No.4308497


A distinct possibility. Then it falls in the blanket of "Ongoing Investigation"

35a1fc  No.4308498

File: 2d85242f604e1fa⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 770x770, 1:1, 2d85242f604e1fa560482a4d00….jpg)

File: 7c8c7f517480412⋯.jpg (12.28 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 8f69de802aadad16d16654f84d….jpg)





I see its that time of the day again. R2d2 - pasta propaganda spambot deployment time.

Automatic text pasta reply coming in 3…2…1…


It is a spambot. AI.

94ea23  No.4308499

>>4308259 (lb)

and that replacement will be one j. flake

e45e6c  No.4308500


Over 300 alleged child abuse cases identified by Scouting Ireland

Minister expresses ‘grave concern’ as ongoing audit identifies over 200 alleged abusers

856d2f  No.4308501


You could be on to something ;)

81475a  No.4308502

File: da90e77eed1691f⋯.jpg (39.5 KB, 550x454, 275:227, oops.jpg)

e55bea  No.4308503


>number of arrests since then ZERO

Start reading notables. They are on the top of the page.

ee8943  No.4308504

File: 5c398dbff20ac54⋯.jpg (3.56 MB, 4504x4752, 563:594, 1_GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11….jpg)

File: 01807879acde542⋯.jpg (2.59 MB, 6936x2384, 867:298, 1_GV_Annex_1_GlobalView_Ro….jpg)

File: 0e88900ae50459a⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 4068x2968, 1017:742, 2_GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11….jpg)

File: 3acf03f97ed2bcd⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 4528x3688, 566:461, 3_GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11….jpg)


Cabal Global View graphic series

Here is a series of graphs based on 2 drops from Q (133 and 3) where he gave us a frame-work of how the cabal is organized.

If you deem it worth of notable listing I think a summary can be: "Introductory Graphs to the cabal triangle"

I tried to design the graphs in a way that they make sense when read in order:


Graph makes the connection between Israel and Pizzagate/Satanic sacrifice via the Epstein Israel temple colors and design, which lead me to realize that Israel and the Rothschild where connected by that data point too.

>Annex 1)

Some connections between Israel and The Eye of Providence, which the Cabal feeds. The Eye of Providence present in the US 1 Dollar bills leads directly to the zionist Warburg family, via the Federal Reserve Bank (the FED).


We start to explore the subversive 'jewish interest' groups that the zionists use to subvert the USA, in this graph I focus on NAACP, connected to a child porn trafficking case, where they defended a Chinese trafficker.


I cover ADL, another 'jewish interest' group, which is responsible for A LOT of the censorship on Social Media.


I cover AIPAC, which was recently exposed in the "The Lobby: USA" documentary, and the communist origin of the Israel first republican politicians we call Neoconservatives.


I cover how the UN and EU are connected, and how they colaborate with Soros in pushing for Open Borders in the West, while staying non-Involved with Rothschild Israel. I also cover Unit 8200, the use of ‘Alt’-Media information contrainment agents and their zionist agenda.


Note for newfrens

Newfag anons - if you click these large pics “open in new tab” them so you can do better viewage

6a68a9  No.4308505

File: e20f5658826b38a⋯.jpg (158.12 KB, 1101x808, 1101:808, Giovanni_Battista_Tiepolo_….jpg)

Satan also inspired Carl Orff in his dreams when he wrote "Carmina Burana." This music is best known from the soundtrack of the movie, "The Omen." Orff told his wife that he saw Demons many times in his dreams when he composed the music.



satan, go wash your smalls

7803ac  No.4308506


This is big news. Obama outing the msm.

b236ac  No.4308507


yes. wave paper at them.

4b0794  No.4308508


You're an emotional mess. Focus on facts and understand the MI operation that's underway. This article is an emotional attempt to have Trump supporters begin questioning him.

Fake news.

Maybe you need to go watch the video Q has posted again, and again, until you understand what POTUS is doing.. he takes all the slings and arrows and creates optics of disarray and panic so they can clean up the swamp from behind the scenes.

Start using logic instead of being controlled by your damn emotions.

1f21c0  No.4308509


Starting to think it's designed that way to keep the public under control. Riots will begin mid March is my guess

ddfc2d  No.4308510


Yeah, town council members in Bumfuck Iowa don't count for much.

0b48b6  No.4308511



9fb96d  No.4308512

File: 8418ff691686951⋯.jpg (3.62 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_20181213_190202__01.jpg)

Anyone get a yawn count on this guy?

He could use a nap!

71d408  No.4308513

File: 8bbd87fb5693768⋯.jpg (155.01 KB, 645x920, 129:184, Screenshot 2018-12-14_10-4….jpg)

File: 4aae77f96253ad7⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 320x568, 40:71, QYeRoa5jVLAt0I68.mp4)


830a84  No.4308514


apparently to that fag they do kek

f54cad  No.4308515



166992  No.4308516

File: c634533b32e6ba8⋯.jpg (33.73 KB, 357x360, 119:120, POTUSgft.jpg)

29b4fd  No.4308517

File: 86d76ef75e55162⋯.jpg (40.74 KB, 854x182, 61:13, Which-Don-Muh_Old_Take.JPG)


Kudos for the props to our forefathers here

Search for moar if interdasted

31395d  No.4308518

Larry Schweikart @LarrySchweikart


CBS paid Eliza Dushku $9.5 million after she accused "Bull" star Michael Weatherly of harassment cbsnews.com/news/cbs-paid-…

CBS handed over outakes thinking it would strengthen the case and they proved otherwise.

757f6b  No.4308519

File: 60632288cc1b74b⋯.jpeg (321.98 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1544667560.jpeg)

275134  No.4308520

File: 47d8861f7464ff9⋯.jpg (34.92 KB, 450x252, 25:14, 1536808656-1.jpg)

e45e6c  No.4308521



Scouting Ireland has now identified more than 300 past victims of alleged child sexual abuse in the youth organisation.

The Irish Times understands the ongoing internal review has now identified 317 alleged victims and 212 alleged abusers.

Late last month the Minister for Children Katherine Zappone informed the Oireachtas committee on children and youth affairs that Scouting Ireland’s audit of past abuse had identified 108 alleged abuse victims, and 71 alleged abusers. In the three weeks since then the number of alleged abusers and victims has nearly tripled.

Ms Zappone said on Tuesday that the increase in alleged abusers and victims was “a matter of grave concern” and that the totals would “in all probability increase”.

“Supporting victims is my top priority. I would encourage anybody who has been abused or who wishes to name an alleged perpetrator to come forward,” she said.

Scouting Ireland’s internal review of past abuse is being led by child safeguarding expert Ian Elliott, and has included an audit of historic files, interviews with past staff and volunteers, and information from individuals coming forward in recent months claiming they were abused

6a68a9  No.4308522

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


This is our theme satan. It's called pedovore boogie at the way home to hell.

ef56b2  No.4308523


Hey, whatever brings us together. Q, LARP or not, has brought us together. And that seems to irritate a lot of shills.

41658c  No.4308524


He looks like a bad guy, but to be a Secret Good Guy, the acting would have to be so good it would be able to tell.

I'm not sure who all of the Secret Good Guys are, but there will be some and they will be a surprise.

I think that will be the best part of the movie: reveal of Secret Good Guys.

81475a  No.4308525

File: 0804a519dbea188⋯.jpg (95.34 KB, 1409x719, 1409:719, 121418 US Mkt 2.JPG)

Taken down and working way back to where it opened about -250. In reality it has not done much

960ab8  No.4308526

File: 0c735cf6c0c4ebb⋯.png (59.97 KB, 252x145, 252:145, 2018-09-21_18-44-57 copy 3.png)

166992  No.4308527

File: 911df225c2e28c2⋯.jpg (11.32 KB, 255x182, 255:182, 1Ha.jpg)


That's not gonna age well.

4d09bc  No.4308528


Woody Johnson is the UK Ambassador and owns the NY Jets

eec89a  No.4308529

File: 8759b9d8118a822⋯.png (191.88 KB, 553x506, 553:506, 1923-BP-GULF.png)

File: b346ddd79281056⋯.png (162.3 KB, 889x420, 127:60, 3278-BP-HAKLUYT.png)

File: 1dc3fa25a964f74⋯.png (153.76 KB, 543x508, 543:508, 3380-BP-LOCKERBIE.png)

File: 6e79088402fd473⋯.png (42.38 KB, 826x182, 59:13, 3713-BP-iRAN.png)

File: 6117e4408114a33⋯.png (25.97 KB, 635x116, 635:116, 4580-BP-5EYES.png)

>>4306030 pb

>Dig on Ambani - Piramal Wedding in India

>>4307158 pb

>Huma, HRC & Bob Dudley at wedding


>Dudley is CEO of British Petroleum


>Dudley was executive in charge of "restoration" after Deepwater Horizon spill

>>4307614 lb

>In 2008, Bob Dudley, now the head of BP , was run out of Russia,

Some crumbs on BP from the archives. Topics covered: Gulf oil spill, Hillary/Hakluyt, Lockerbie/Libya/Mueller, Iran/CIA 1953 coup, Five Eyes

2950fd  No.4308530

File: fc5af221e4c6214⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 4da2886f06faa3d8860dc60974….jpg)


Go clean the floor Rumba. Its more useful than spamming pasta.

219b42  No.4308531

File: d8d3c2993f1f38b⋯.jpg (31.76 KB, 624x351, 16:9, DuY05ZUW4AAmFH9[1].jpg)

Hail Hydra

e8f4b8  No.4308532


I’d like assurances/evidence that the children held in the temporary camps in Texas (or wherever it is) are safe and sound. That would validate Q and Trump for me.

b56e5e  No.4308533


Day shift has chatted about it as well. Been one of my favourite potential traps over the last 1.5 years

29b4fd  No.4308534


>Mossad killed this board.

Not even their best

The mighty Jack Cernovich

Can kill this here board

14cc09  No.4308535

File: 9ed33f304d85795⋯.png (8.45 KB, 545x97, 545:97, ClipboardImage.png)


Learn to parse

Cohen is still on our side.

Of course Trump isn't telling the truth about the Russian investigation.

Cohen is a good actor.

He's not telling the truth out of 'loyalty' anymore, he's just being a good American.

a031a1  No.4308536


Paper hurts. You obviously don't have a law background. Look what it did to Flynn. It's better than bitching and whining to each other on 8 chan. That hasn't worked out so well so far

d9ec08  No.4308537



1dd3ec  No.4308538

File: d7ab73bcf35b518⋯.jpg (19.49 KB, 634x358, 317:179, psy.jpg)

File: f01d5a7d3453739⋯.jpg (18.07 KB, 460x259, 460:259, pusy.jpg)

b496d6  No.4308539


it was awesome

3af97a  No.4308540

File: 871ec08a2707af6⋯.jpg (63.36 KB, 640x635, 128:127, DtqxCoFU4AA7sOY.jpg)

41658c  No.4308541


It would be hard to tell, rather.

33cde4  No.4308542


stop with the dates. They haven't worked and never will. If something happens we will know it did after the fact and then we'll look at the crumbs and research and say we knew it all along.

41e3b8  No.4308543

File: c15e29efc1af185⋯.jpeg (331.26 KB, 2048x1391, 2048:1391, 47AD3DFC-A564-4696-936F-B….jpeg)

File: f97e17721cdc5b9⋯.jpeg (670.34 KB, 705x1812, 235:604, 444AF029-A5D7-4A3B-9C4B-4….jpeg)

Habbenings in DC Courts

From a case filed on 08/16/2018

The DC Circuit is about to hear arguments in the sealed grand jury matter. They've sealed not only the courtroom, but the whole floor, so we've been moved away. Haven't recognized anyone going in earlier as being connected to Mueller's office, now we won't be able to see

8f4181  No.4308544


we did that already, critical mass was achieved long ago which was the true goal

885eb4  No.4308545

e11156  No.4308546

File: eedbc90aa5177f8⋯.png (19.79 KB, 407x161, 407:161, q9b.PNG)

File: a02fa89ea12ae19⋯.png (17.07 KB, 189x193, 189:193, q9a.PNG)

Q9 up

ee8943  No.4308547

File: c37deb3a717e2de⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 5464x2456, 683:307, 4_GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11….jpg)

File: 0d6fd6c3498a545⋯.jpg (3.85 MB, 4552x3424, 569:428, 5_GlobalView_Q_Drop_133_11….jpg)

File: e3517407b23ee8a⋯.png (1.4 MB, 3776x4424, 472:553, Operation_Destroy_Cabal_16….png)


Extra graphic here related to Operation Flat Tire.

Note for newfrens

Newfag anons - if you click these large pics “open in new tab” them so you can do better viewage

e45e6c  No.4308548


The Color of sick son of bitches.

b3cf9f  No.4308549

File: cf2eedaf632933a⋯.jpg (297.17 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, 0D139430-9929-4320-8C28-B2….jpg)


As gay as she wants it

81475a  No.4308550

File: 811a2c343e53357⋯.gif (775.63 KB, 245x184, 245:184, RBG thirsty.gif)

a9e7c6  No.4308551

File: 7f369703421e9a2⋯.png (306.72 KB, 599x540, 599:540, anon_delivers.png)

This comment is very interesting if true.


> Then Obama and Clinton had the bright idea to put their campaign PR staff - Ben Rhodes, Zack Exley, Amanda Marcotte, etc - inside the very top national security agencies where they could tell the newspapers to print whatever they wanted, deliver the funding from your pocket, call it a national security priority, use the surveillance capabilities of the CIA, NSA, and GCHQ to identify anyone who resisted their PR, and use their authority to get those people fired from their jobs. They were caught selling access to this media/surveillance/punishment network to the Rothshilds, China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Hamas, and al-Qaeda. That was Gamergate.

Can anyone back this up?

166992  No.4308552


Came up a few hours ago on night shift- you'd be surprised how many Anons haven't heard.

fc0e7a  No.4308553


this mime photobomb thing, the yawning guy, the crazy chick with the stethascope, monopoly mustache man, devil chick behind strzok, ALL interesting ways to shill the viewer's subconcious.

41e3b8  No.4308554


Forgot to add the twatter link…


94ea23  No.4308555


what article did you read, or a lame attempt at sarc?

8fca85  No.4308556

File: 7c4a16c9e752d94⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1290x888, 215:148, 148754327658768767.png)

File: 8d56f5925eaca3c⋯.png (258.66 KB, 1296x898, 648:449, 08765439823987123896458961.png)

File: 4a92d3903fa763e⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1336x1278, 668:639, 9087405478639188.png)

885eb4  No.4308557

File: 1d9b59c88fc35fe⋯.png (638.22 KB, 993x821, 993:821, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

ee8943  No.4308558

File: cee774b64808887⋯.jpg (110.9 KB, 640x1710, 64:171, Laura_Loomer_tire.jpg)






Operation FLAT TIRE


-Force ALL Israel first alt-media operatives (targets) to expose the crimes of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) via commenting on the “The Lobby: USA” documentary, or otherwise they will out themselves as Israel first traitors for the audience to witness

-Educate the audience on the crimes of AIPAC, thus poisoning general public support of Israel

-Destroy AIPAC once and for all (by exposing the audience to the “The Lobby: USA” doc)

-Make way for the cut of all US aid to Israel via said poisoning of the gen pop support of Israel


-Using the script and screenshots from the “The Lobby: USA” documentary, we will swarm the Israel first alt-media GAB accounts, one by one, with requests for comment on the documentary

-We will target ALL the Israel first alt-media operatives in time, but we start with Laura Loomer given her recent role in the Twitter censorship scandal.

>Instruction/What do:


Save all the screenshots available to your HD so you can post them on GAB


Save the script in a .doc file so you can paste it easily for your posts


Gab at the target using the script and screenshots using throwaway accounts created with temporary e-mail accounts.


Tag along other user when you Gab at the target in order to build audience for the operation and get exposure for the documentary.


-DO use fresh Gab.ai accounts, create a temporary email (search for ‘temporary mail’ on internet search engine of your choice), and use that to create your swarm accounts. In case Gab.ai takes measures against that, we will find a work around.

-DO NOT be hostile towards the targets, BE respectful.

-DO NOT use ad-hominems or name calling on the targets in any way shape or form, BE disciplined in following the script

-DO stick to the script until the target lashes out (thus losing optics); or tries to defend the indefensible (thus outing themselves as Israel first traitors); or concedes to the need to terminate AIPAC ASAP.

-DO keep swarming the target with respectful requests for comment until they stop ignoring you, even if it take a long time. Even if the target ignores your posts, the audience will notice them, and in the event a target ignores the requests for a month or more, by then a too big slice of the audience will have noticed their pro-active silence on the issue of the crimes of AIPAC, thus effectively exposing themselves as Israel first traitors via their refusal to address the requests for comment.

-DO tag along other users (from your poll of followers, followed accounts or randoms) when you post the requests for comment using the script along with the screenshots. This is done so that you yourself create audience for the requests. This also redpills the tagged along account user.

-DO tag along different user accounts when posting the requests.

-DO check the links on the script to see if they haven’t been censored yet. In case they did, find another Youtube link to the documentary by searching for ‘The Lobby: USA’ on your internet search engine of choice and on Youtube. The Dailymotion link to the documentary is: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6wisw0 but in my own experience, it has been down some days at random.

>Script (comes in 3 parts, one for each consecutive post because of Gab post’s character limit):



Laura, could you kindly offer your comment on this:

"The Lobby: USA" documents how an UK jew infiltrates AIPAC doing undercover journalistic work and catches a number of crimes and admission of crimes on US soil against US citizens on camera.


All of those criminals work for AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) on the behalf of the Israeli government to keep general public support of Israel as high as possible.


Said crimes include the spying on and harassment of American citizens on American soil, use of strawman donors to circumvent election campaign laws, bribing of Congressman and campaign financial fraud.

>Screenshots from the documentary for the posts (save them):
















e7ec94  No.4308559

File: f1e3411db1a1865⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 960x522, 160:87, rbg.jpg)

1c7785  No.4308560

File: 3a5bc70ad6e00ae⋯.jpg (102.92 KB, 736x1219, 32:53, BlessThisBreadTruth.jpg)

9c49bd  No.4308561

5c23b2  No.4308562


Strange placard, who is "Drunk Steve"?

b04e34  No.4308563

Please be McSally!

6a68a9  No.4308564

File: 61913c1bc1006d0⋯.png (186.68 KB, 500x568, 125:142, 61913c1bc1006d0952bee18d87….png)

251569  No.4308565

File: 95d8e923a2b6584⋯.jpg (266.58 KB, 800x627, 800:627, 54363.jpg)

b3cf9f  No.4308566

File: e3ada37ddac9ecc⋯.jpg (111.7 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, B5E2D306-BAC5-48AE-B4B0-5B….jpg)


5'7" double barreled Fag

We ain't two stepping now

f72f5c  No.4308567

File: 13aeadd5039cdbf⋯.jpeg (35.69 KB, 321x240, 107:80, E4244B06-ACD6-49F7-BDA6-8….jpeg)

File: 8bbf8ba5527aabf⋯.png (76.33 KB, 293x291, 293:291, 3654679B-4063-4A36-98BB-7F….png)

File: 7029425e5a12264⋯.jpeg (32.25 KB, 320x414, 160:207, C9D6309F-CDB9-44A6-9BE2-B….jpeg)


Hal Turner?

You can’t be serious?

Know your history…..

Sean Hannitys butt buddy for real, they had gay sex together.

7c823c  No.4308568

File: b7190a7d66de874⋯.png (500.48 KB, 818x462, 409:231, blurr.png)


it was your delivery


luckily we are anon and every bread is a reset

-we are ALWAYS inside one echo chamber or another

-the writer is not in the Q or 8ch echo chamber

-the writer and your copypasta is from outside the Q narrative

use copypasta (or screenshots from all other parts of the article (not all the article tl;dr;)

and add link

either they like it or they dont

and its not super dank insider info so 'faggots' doesnt work here

it has to be more dank to get the right respons to Every. Single. One. of you faggots needs to read this.


after reading the Q part of the article, i cannot tell, myself, whether you are pissed at this writer or gold star'ing the article - also because of what you chose to copypasta

aab089  No.4308569

File: af2d76aa8c8dde2⋯.jpg (32.08 KB, 345x329, 345:329, Me- sorry!.jpg)


My apologies, I am completely wrong.

Yes Anon, you are right.

Unfortunately, Engrish is not my second language, so it is not an excuse.

I have just come back from a long break and quickly scanned the rest of the (lb) posts.

In my (weak) defense, I have been jumped on hard by shills most of the night and part of today. It might be time for me to step away from the keyboard for a while.

I am very sorry for my false accusation.

Best wishes with your future and your future sobriety Anon.

9875d5  No.4308570

File: fbfc3d955bcc52b⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1231x871, 1231:871, ClipboardImage.png)

Saving Israel for last. Interesting that the first mention of Israel and Saudi Arabia possibly being involved comes from Mueller.Good way to introduce it into the public. But somehow I get the feeling it won't be collusion with POTUS, just a cover me thinks.

Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly preparing to shift the focus of the interminable Russiagate investigation to the Middle East, where at least three countries may have tried their hands at “election meddling.”

Claiming indictments will start dropping in early 2019, sources close to the matter say that Mueller’s team has been discussing the possibility of filing charges pertaining to election meddling by Israeli, Emirati, and Saudi nationals. These well-connected figures not only offered US President Donald Trump assistance on his way to the White House – a report by the Daily Beast claims – they also tried to meddle in policies once he was there.

“If this is going to be unveiled, this would be like the surfacing of the submarine but on the other plank which we haven’t seen,” said Harry Litman, a former US attorney with knowledge of the probe.

Foreign influence-peddling is not exactly a new phenomenon in the US. The Foreign Agents Registration Act, originally intended to counter Nazi Germany’s propaganda, has for decades been something that only “official” foreign lobbyists had to take into account. Even among those there are some notable exceptions that happen to include a country mentioned by the Beast.

Mueller has already indicted some Trump officials for things related to lobbying for foreign powers. Michael Flynn’s guilty plea was for lying to the FBI about his work for the Turkish government. Paul Manafort’s entire case is about him being too greedy with money he got as a lobbyist for Ukraine.

The Beast, of course, sounds quite delighted that the “Russian investigation” is going “global,” but even they seem to be in doubt about how it would fit Mueller’s mandate, which has been to investigate alleged connections between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russian government. Their answer is that there were Middle Eastern influence peddlers, who got involved with the Russians as well as Trump. Or maybe the prosecutor would seek an extension of his mandate.

Ironically, for all the media buzz, the very fact of collusion remains elusive and unproven. So far Mueller has indicted some Russians for allegedly hacking Democrat emails and pretending to be Americans while posting political memes. If proven, that may amount to interference by Moscow. But those cases may not ever be tested in a full trial, considering Russia’s ban on extraditing its own citizens to foreign countries.

As the “collusion” in the Mueller probe has seemingly morphed into “interference,” it may so happen that “Russia” would morph into whichever country named in the future indictments. Maybe this will finally bring into US media spotlight that Flynn’s much-damned meeting with the Russian ambassador was in fact to petition for Israel’s interests and against the position of then-President Barack Obama.


6a68a9  No.4308571

File: 1d24d85cf71027b⋯.png (5.84 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2e49cfbbc35b2ab3d45b0601ee….png)

c732d8  No.4308572

File: 9686b56fcf9d4be⋯.png (363.15 KB, 1068x542, 534:271, beastbux.png)

ddfc2d  No.4308573


Sounds like Kushner is going down.

1dd3ec  No.4308574

File: 8bee83edbbde0d4⋯.jpg (387.91 KB, 1400x2162, 700:1081, martyr.jpg)

File: d967f6b0f2a12de⋯.png (184.62 KB, 796x408, 199:102, evil.png)

she died for us

ee8943  No.4308575

File: 82b6eac1a8f1540⋯.png (819.08 KB, 830x911, 830:911, 1.png)

File: 3d1f288766db92d⋯.jpg (506.9 KB, 2047x1582, 2047:1582, Israel_Pedos.jpg)

File: ebff5eda5905032⋯.jpg (113.05 KB, 1108x640, 277:160, Jack_Bernstein_book_IRL_pr….JPG)

File: feccb18d06d53ad⋯.jpg (45.26 KB, 571x431, 571:431, Jack_Bernstein.jpg)

File: ed7a012d1ffd081⋯.png (870.64 KB, 942x733, 942:733, The_Life_of_an_American_Je….PNG)


Not an argument.

I posted facts, you post attacks on the messenger to try to discredit the message.

Name calling and false accusations does not make the facts I post any less factual, Israel first traitor :)

Reminder that Israel is a pedo haven.

3cf58a  No.4308576


She was a McStain sychophant. I still don't trust her. Bad Bad Bad judgment, that one.

a91fb4  No.4308577

File: c36e6d0c508525a⋯.png (214.35 KB, 879x650, 879:650, images.png)



It had to be a rubber bullet in order to make 5 bounces

45923e  No.4308578


What are some common products made in Israel? I've been keeping an eye out for 72nein and I haven't seem any.

c0e465  No.4308579

File: abd6eb064473d78⋯.png (344 KB, 596x296, 149:74, Capture.PNG)

Friday, December 14, 2018

More Criminal Actions: Obama Admin Urgently Provided CLASSIFIED Russia-gate Documents to Senators Hours Before Trump Inauguration

The Obama State Department and Department of Justice did all they could to destroy the Trump campaign and Trump administration.

More Criminal Actions: Obama Admin Urgently Provided CLASSIFIED Russia-gate Documents to Senators Hours Before Trump Inauguration

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft December 14, 2018




The Obama State Department and Department of Justice did all they could to destroy the Trump campaign and Trump administration.

The FBI and DOJ even sent several spies into the Trump campaign in an unprecedented operation of government political corruption. The Democrat mainstream media has ignored these criminal actions and instead are working on a daily basis with Democrats to wipe out the president and his administration.

Judicial Watch released evidence on Friday revealing the last minute classified leaks to US lawmakers on the bogus Russia-gate scandal.

These people will never be punished. America’s judicial system is in tatters.

After eight years of Obama we are left with a corrupt cabal that has lost the trust of the American people.


bdc0c9  No.4308580


Ready to die Rouge.

Should be a crayon.

7803ac  No.4308581


CNN doesn't deal in facts. They spin narratives. That's all the msm does.

097802  No.4308582


any namefags know if the judge is ourguy

b3cf9f  No.4308583

File: ef768bc30c6da5b⋯.jpg (104.07 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, D9E6A6E6-B043-4687-ADAB-91….jpg)


Dork fest

e11156  No.4308584

524413  No.4308585


Pedo island's disease!

e55bea  No.4308586

File: 6dcb1f460a02dba⋯.jpg (280.58 KB, 1057x508, 1057:508, unsealed.jpg)



First, we already are at over 200,000 on qmap.pub (right top corner)

Second, the unsealings start to happen. There was notable on it yesterday.

209fdd  No.4308588



Look back at everything Q posted again.

This time look at it from the other way around.

It's clearly a plan against us.

But we do have more than we know.

We can take what we've gathered and stand against those fvcks.

There are more of us than there are of them.

b3cf9f  No.4308589

9da0d1  No.4308590

File: fb56bc0e0bcfd04⋯.png (240.59 KB, 927x979, 927:979, Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at ….png)

f85666  No.4308591


Is 'feral ghoul' a color?

b3cf9f  No.4308592

File: 88684cae06e7ff3⋯.jpg (217.88 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, A55474D4-E108-4848-A92C-45….jpg)


Dropped wallet

29b4fd  No.4308593


Light 'Chrome

2ee5a6  No.4308594


AIDS email, CHAI, and Q Proof.

Was this email uncovered during the testimony yesterday? Or was it discovered after Q's post?

219b42  No.4308595

Drudge just cleared his headlines. Something big is about to happen

3cf58a  No.4308596

File: c443f40f5c1c0e3⋯.png (174.83 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, CNN.MiddleClassGenocide.png)

ee8943  No.4308597

File: 268ee1b884f6370⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 949x1550, 949:1550, ISIS_mossad_2.jpg)

File: 3e34f6ff75a136c⋯.png (402.2 KB, 640x951, 640:951, ISIS_mossad.png)

File: ed7c2d6d471240f⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2200x890, 220:89, Israel_ISIS_big.png)

File: 674c17229b9a2a2⋯.png (288.95 KB, 851x644, 37:28, IDF_armed_ISIS_archive.PNG)

File: 8205ee64070229d⋯.jpg (284.86 KB, 1121x1002, 1121:1002, ISIS_In_The_West.jpg)


Still name calling in the face of the facts, Israel first traitor? :)

Read: >>4308575

Reminder that israel supports ISIS with US tax payer money.

166992  No.4308598


And if the catalog went further back, that'd be Anons ID there too.

Acknowledged it wasn't new news, faggot.

WTF is up your ass?


b04e34  No.4308599


Copy that. She’s a hog jockey. I have a thing for hogs. Bbbbbbbrrrrrrrtttttt.

6ffca3  No.4308600


Let's hope Gov. Ducey picks McSally.

8a25b3  No.4308601

An anon posted (rightly) in my opinion about how do we convince the smart educated but sleeping Normies about some of the Q stuff - U1, false flags, war, deep state, child trafficking etc.

IMO something like this will be a GIANT red pill to Normies. Think about it - something that is supposed to help and heal your precious and beloved baby is not only out to poison/kill them, but that the BIGGEST pharma company and "trusted" brand KNEW and COVERED IT UP.

What else have they been lied to? Hopefully this comes as a huge shock to them.

Clockfags - does this post line up to the Q post about poisoning children?

b3cf9f  No.4308602

File: d977436e02e6253⋯.jpg (76.82 KB, 800x641, 800:641, B446AEF3-E0D4-4F31-B65F-8F….jpg)

c0e465  No.4308603

File: 62b58f728d5db61⋯.png (143.06 KB, 483x252, 23:12, Capture2.PNG)


CHICAGO — An Oak Park man has been sentenced to 21 years in federal prison for sex trafficking several children in the Chicago area.

ALLEN YOUNG trafficked and facilitated the prostitution of four young girls in the Chicago area, and he attempted to traffic a fifth. Young took photographs of the victims and posted them in online advertisements offering commercial sex. He then drove the minors to meet with individuals who responded to the ads. After the encounters, Young took some of the money paid to his victims and required some of them to have sex with him.

A jury earlier this year convicted Young, 53, on five sex trafficking counts and one attempted sex trafficking count. U.S. District Judge Edmond E. Chang on Monday imposed the 21-year prison sentence and ordered Young to pay $37,750 in restitution to the victim


81475a  No.4308604

File: 9235faae9038aa1⋯.jpg (81.02 KB, 580x379, 580:379, Robot sex.jpg)

b3cf9f (9)

35a1fc  No.4308605

File: fb0d6179cf57d43⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 255x143, 255:143, a4d5490136326e45373d223f25….jpg)





Kike/juden/jew/rabbi/jidf/yid/moshe/shlomo - ✔

Concernfagging - ✔

No arguments - ✔

aab089  No.4308606

>>4308426 Correct anon address


>>4308569 see here for pic

My apologies, I am completely wrong.

Yes Anon, you are right.

Unfortunately, Engrish is not my second language, so it is not an excuse.

I have just come back from a long break and quickly scanned the rest of the (lb) posts.

In my (weak) defense, I have been jumped on hard by shills most of the night and part of today. It might be time for me to step away from the keyboard for a while.

I am very sorry for my false accusation.

Best wishes with your future and your future sobriety Anon.

1c7785  No.4308607

File: e712211ac58369f⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1334x1098, 667:549, MsPointah.png)




I been sayin' the same

Autists understand

Some just don't want to know

ef56b2  No.4308608


Drudge sleeps. If something big happens, drudge ignores it.

6a68a9  No.4308609


Massive if not mendacious

b3cf9f  No.4308610


Have fun schumer

3cf58a  No.4308611

401886  No.4308612


The Lord provides!

e4ec60  No.4308613

Has POTUS tweeted in last 18 hours?

73694e  No.4308614


Nothing can stop what is coming . .


Trust The Plan

Trust Sessions

Trust . . . . . . . . . . . Oh, where's Huber gone .


Nothing can stop . . . NOTHING ?

The Proof of the Plan is the number of Indictments Unsealed

How many so far ?

fa4432  No.4308615


It is impossible to say this definitely isn't a psyop against us. It would be masterful and highly effective if it was. If Q is honestly just using disinfo for a greater purpose, I get it. The problem is that anon fatigue is setting in, and has been for a while. The original excitement and momentum of the first 6 months is gone, but I would say that hope remains.

34342a  No.4308616

File: 96ea86c34128431⋯.png (61.33 KB, 790x645, 158:129, Screenshot_2018-12-14 Snop….png)

File: 4b5fd5adf12284c⋯.png (243.83 KB, 802x798, 401:399, Screenshot_2018-12-14 Snop….png)


4109fc  No.4308617

I declare war; on all anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-American, corrupt and abusive tyrants, as of this date, December 14th of 2018.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

d034a3  No.4308618

File: 4e2a0583e470cde⋯.jpg (128.84 KB, 444x639, 148:213, why.jpg)

File: 12a74455851e7cc⋯.jpg (140.25 KB, 1291x305, 1291:305, wiki.jpg)

Not sure if this is relevant, Q says follow the owl and the "Y", and 5:5 is mentioned a lot.

757f6b  No.4308619

File: adff74ce2f0bc6a⋯.jpeg (257.07 KB, 1440x1081, 1440:1081, 1527078663.jpeg)

f72f5c  No.4308620


You really must be new here..lol

This has been an ongoing fight since the inception of the chans, here have you been?

856d2f  No.4308621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ex-BoE boss Mervyn King on Brexit fairy stories & coming financial crash (Sep 2018)

71d408  No.4308622

File: 6d27ec3abe5040c⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB, 320x320, 1:1, meCvfqXPlDBP9oJO.mp4)

Russel Brand/ Candace??


a031a1  No.4308623

Well, you can all wait for Q to do something or be proactive to get results…

8a25b3  No.4308624


How many Cinton Foundation companies sponsored her? I know Morrocco, UAE, Qatar did. Must be the play here. Pakistan with Imran Awan too?

896692  No.4308625

File: d54d61ac84b580e⋯.png (389 B, 76x76, 1:1, f2f36600f2fd815535e470b59b….png)


New NPC anon tactic:

Acuse any rational logic using anon who questions the plan of being an emotional mess…

ca2cd5  No.4308626


they-shipped-my-fresh-heart-to-Seattle-and-now-my-AIDS-riddled-blood-burns-like-fire Violet

1c7785  No.4308627


And Meadows put on a little show yesterday about being "mad" at Huber for no-show

When in fact the Freedom Caucus was in on their role in the Plan starting in 2015

It was an act

b3cf9f  No.4308628

File: 2c707bd4286a952⋯.jpg (464.79 KB, 2244x3272, 561:818, 98059B73-B217-4B11-9E2B-67….jpg)


Ty McCain

May yer homos wave that fringed flag

a91fb4  No.4308629

File: 0bd1927fa40ad15⋯.jpg (4.83 KB, 190x265, 38:53, download.jpg)

File: 9c8b1e0b7276f27⋯.jpg (5.39 KB, 338x149, 338:149, download (1).jpg)


Holsters & UZIs & IWI ammo

275134  No.4308630

File: 968660b2d445ebf⋯.jpg (30.64 KB, 689x444, 689:444, 1544566900.jpg)

3cf58a  No.4308631


Sure. His Cohen headline "RAT COMES CLEAN"???

So Drudge thinks Cohen NOW is telling the truth???

9da0d1  No.4308632

File: 116d675a6a508d6⋯.png (897.37 KB, 1045x618, 1045:618, Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at ….png)

8515dc  No.4308633


Holy Crap!

6a68a9  No.4308634

File: 3824896ef54572c⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 400x317, 400:317, 3824896ef54572c69d9e423a73….jpg)

Anyone remember time?

b709e9  No.4308635


If it is Chris Christie they better hide all the doughnuts in the WH kitchen….

1f21c0  No.4308636

File: de7413b57e5eb3b⋯.png (3.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1point.png)

ea03ac  No.4308637

It's chilly in here..

Afraid of the quakes?

29b4fd  No.4308638


That was legit props

Not sarcasm

DayShift jades us anon - guilty at times too

e7ec94  No.4308639


1c7785  No.4308640


Yep take a look at the ingredients in yer Tums and other antacid tablets too.

Ugh. Talc dust on the tablets.

41658c  No.4308641


The cost of widening all of the doors in the White House will exclude him.

3aa15b  No.4308642

File: d1d7ba1742ba4aa⋯.jpg (97.16 KB, 570x500, 57:50, 2oz6oi.jpg)

b3cf9f  No.4308643

File: 121208f12b08cd3⋯.jpg (55.05 KB, 570x855, 2:3, 115B0A91-35FE-4EDC-8C15-00….jpg)


Watch as this fag leads swine to slaughter

856d2f  No.4308644


So now she hangs with a sexaholic heroin junky. Lovely!

5b97e2  No.4308645


To add to your dig…


BP Louisiana

Jindal Rhodes Scholar

ee8943  No.4308646

File: 92a37d92e9cc81e⋯.png (1.32 MB, 952x676, 238:169, AIPAC_SUBVERSION_2.png)

File: 23e2d811875707b⋯.png (217.49 KB, 589x642, 589:642, 4_Putin_Russian_jews_meddl….png)



Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly preparing to shift the focus of the interminable Russiagate investigation to the Middle East.

Makes sense that Q/Trump and team would use whitemailled Muller to start the push into exposing Israeli election meddling in the US.

Pics related.

bd0e2d  No.4308647

1969 Alice Cooper in Wonderland. (LONDON).


8515dc  No.4308648


Typical democrat.

166992  No.4308649

File: 49b9e4f7c86d1fb⋯.jpg (41.92 KB, 800x711, 800:711, WWGband.jpg)

81475a  No.4308650

File: 6c08738167694a3⋯.jpg (172.61 KB, 1877x681, 1877:681, 121418 Cryptos 1.JPG)

File: 7954d290758c7af⋯.jpg (58.05 KB, 950x713, 950:713, Bomb run.jpg)

File: 743ef69d4b516ea⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, Are you nervous.jpg)

These are hilarious!

Bitcoin Cash the loss leader still.

93ca8e  No.4308651

File: 5a4667d98b0f862⋯.png (136.66 KB, 500x522, 250:261, chico.png)

8f4181  No.4308652

File: 061b620e9ceaf3b⋯.png (385.8 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, TrudeauBillClinton.PNG)

File: 3f0489786a4f6cd⋯.png (154.33 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, trudeauclintondonation.PNG)

If Trudeau is to do with the Billionaires who ran Apotex, and we find about CHAI through the Clintons and what not, added with this pic related, could, could it connect deeper, clinton, trudeau and shermans?

3a2cc7  No.4308653


Must watch the back door, so sneaky cabal bastards can't bring in their hired dirtballs.

be54bd  No.4308654

How will modern academia be affected by the great awakening? Will colleges stop pushing agendas? Will we live in a world where children aren’t raised to believe that they MUST go to college or they’ll fail in life? Not all kids are cut out for college. What is the fate of student debt for all people?

Has Q ever touched on this?

fa4432  No.4308655


Mueller isn't a whitehat, WAKE UP!!! This is just another turn in the never ending hall of mirrors. Drag the investigation to 2020 to destroy Trump.

c0e465  No.4308656

File: ad31158938811bf⋯.png (217.01 KB, 328x491, 328:491, Capture.PNG)


Help Red-Pill normies share this book, its FREE to read


The story you are about to read is true. The names have not been changed to protect the guilty. This book may have the effect of changing your life. After reading this book, you will never look at national and world events in the same way again.

None Dare Call It Conspiracy will be a very controversial book. At first it will receive little publicity and those whose plans are exposed in it will try to kill it by the silent treatment. For reasons that become obvious as you read this book, it will not be reviewed in all the "proper" places or be available on your local bookstand. However, there is nothing these people can do to stop a grass roots book distributing system. Eventually it will be necessary for the people and organizations named in this book to try to blunt its effect by attacking it or the author. They have a tremendous vested interest in keeping you from discovering what they are doing. And they have the big guns of the mass media at their disposal to fire the barrages at None Dare Call It Conspiracy.

By sheer volume, the "experts" will try to ridicule you out of investigating for yourself as to whether or not the information in this book is true They will ignore the fact that the author about to conjecture. They will find a typographical error or ague some point that is open to debate. If necessary they will lie in order to protect themselves by smearing this book. I believe those who pooh-pooh the information herein because Psychologically many people would prefer to believe we are because we all like to ignore bad news. We do so at our own peril.


9da0d1  No.4308657



Just like the French Yellow Vests chanting "we want President Trump!"

b3cf9f  No.4308658

File: a8edf2cfb35a6e5⋯.jpg (76.64 KB, 1440x1164, 120:97, IMG_2086.JPG)

Huber is a pedo


Turd goblins are grasping for straws


The bacon seeds of thule

Will enjoy brunch soon

6a68a9  No.4308659


See this


94ea23  No.4308660


you need to keep up.

b709e9  No.4308661

File: e87a2766e03054f⋯.png (15.89 KB, 413x529, 413:529, IMG_7119.PNG)

File: 41f68b089d784fc⋯.jpg (278.78 KB, 1194x1304, 597:652, IMG_2698.JPG)





Pay Attention

To those real Anons who are worried or concernfagging about Q & his "disinformation":

>>Did you forget Q is a Military Intelligence operation?

>>Did you forget that Q has less than 10 with only 3 non military?

>>Did you forget that those who ARE Military & working for the government can't readily release any confidential or government investigation secrets?

>>Why do you think Q started with questions to get Patriots interested, united & digging instead of just releasing all the information they have?

>>Why did Q say that they can guide us but we have to find our information organically?

>>Why did Q say disinformation is real & necessary?

>>Did you forget that every MSM has a journalist here & each faction of the Cabal has a silent lurker here?

>>Did you forget that when Q posted about HRC video that the MSM immediately posted about "faking videos"?

>>Why did Q say "learn our comms"?

I'm not asking you questions to pretend to be Q, I'm asking you these questions to make you THINK & REMEMBER why we are here.

If Q is MI, then every post is part of THE MISSION PLAN & every single post is intentional- even the ones talking about gingerbread elevators. That means even the disinformation & what the Shills will call "lies" are intended & intentionally posted for a specific reason.

They can NOT put themselves in a situation where they are giving out government secrets to where they, themselves, could be charged with a crime.


Plausible Deniability keeps Q & POTUS safe

Those who remember FBI Anon & have some knowledge of our gov & Military operations should understand this but the Shills use this "disinformation" from Q to try & bring the energy of the board down which can effect every Anon (which is exactly what they are paid to do- SEPARATE US & MAKE US FEEL ALONE & to QUESTION why we are here!)

The point of this long ass post is to tell every REAL Anon to pull your bootstraps up & use LOGIC when it comes to this Q MISSION! This is a MI mission that WE are fortunate enough to be ALLOWED to be a YUGE part of!

Remember WHY we are here! Remind the Newfags & even the Oldfags WHY we are here every once in awhile when they get discouraged & concernfag.

WWG1WGA isn't just a catchy phrase.


1dd3ec  No.4308662

File: 19b60762c34d5d0⋯.jpg (32.84 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1w.jpg)

File: 6ac0e8635f5c519⋯.jpg (26.11 KB, 390x205, 78:41, frazzledrip.jpg)

File: 60d3b6217c66faa⋯.png (112.99 KB, 500x633, 500:633, 2w.png)

b56e5e  No.4308663


Yes. The Sherman’s were afraid: they were building a new house and had there’s for sale when they [187] .

ee8943  No.4308664

File: a938c75315e12d6⋯.jpg (699.09 KB, 1400x2000, 7:10, Boycott_Israel_meme_2_2_FI….jpg)

File: acad56358c480be⋯.png (831.61 KB, 1286x955, 1286:955, Moroccanoil.png)


Pics related.

Sodastream is made in Israel.

4109fc  No.4308665


This is a SOLID tactic… Do you know how expensive new tires are? (Every week? Lol)

Insurance won't cover that shit.

45923e  No.4308666


Welp. Boycotting should be easy then. Seems like our only hope is based Rand Paul, but how long can we expect him to hold out…

8a25b3  No.4308667


Memefags, can we get this with Q post on poisoning our children with Reuters news article?

e11156  No.4308668


We rock!

bdc0c9  No.4308669


Former junky. People can't change? Are you squeaky clean?

He's a pretty positive person from what I've seen. He questions what we're told like we do.

Maybe look into him a little more.

7803ac  No.4308670


Meadows said Huber didn't go because he couldn't comment on ongoing investigation. With evidence provided by a couple of Jesuits.

ef56b2  No.4308671


This is a good question, I don't think Q ever mentioned this. But if the federal reserve is killed by gold, there will be no more gov subsidiary for colleges. No more diversity quotas. No more tenure. College will be great again

cb4aca  No.4308672


Drudge doesn't think for himself. He lets the msm do it for him

81475a  No.4308673

File: 4d3db363f4dd4bd⋯.jpg (170.7 KB, 1785x805, 51:23, 121418 US UK oil etc.JPG)

File: 4a48d80c917c819⋯.jpg (158.88 KB, 1600x1241, 1600:1241, Bonfire of Wall St.jpg)

Giving up gains from yesterday on same heavy volume. What goes up….

a211e5  No.4308674


I can’t comment too much on this other than it is the Talc. The Talc is and was and will always be a carcenagenic. STOP USING IT NOW!!!

6a68a9  No.4308675

File: e5b58cf42c9f8bc⋯.jpg (751.92 KB, 3557x1297, 3557:1297, MNKD.JPG)

File: 6f290744ac2ec2d⋯.jpg (123.88 KB, 2849x283, 2849:283, SaveAlifePatriot.JPG)

Save a life patriot

If you are diabetic or have family or friends who are :READ THIS

45923e  No.4308676


Ok this is way more helpful. Thanks anon! Keep waking up the normies!

94ea23  No.4308677


why dpn't you go find out?

b93428  No.4308678

I think that mueller and comey are more than just black hat agents covering up others crimes. I think they are actually RUNNING the crime syndicates, human trafficking, espionage, drugs, murders etc.

That’s how the cia operates, it gets its people in high positions all throughout the government under the guise of law enforcement, they are the biggest perpetrators of crime. Throw sheriff Israel in that group as well.

93ca8e  No.4308679


The magic becomes orderly. ;)

a6bf1f  No.4308680

File: d078df47d161c5f⋯.jpeg (689.43 KB, 1210x886, 605:443, fullsizeoutput_4ceb.jpeg)

Anyone else notice unusually loud noises outdoors? For at least a year I've been hearing alarmingly loud noises, usually anywhere from 1am to 6am (Indiana.) This noise sounds like a tornado…a roar. There are no interstates close by, so is not traffic noise. It happened again this morning, which makes me wonder if this intermittent roar is related to the "EQ Waves??" Which I'd kept a journal so could compare graphics to the days I hear these noises. Pic related

Anyone else?

31395d  No.4308681

David A. Clarke, Jr.


.@Judgenap gets a lot wrong. People hesitate to challenge him because he's a former judge. The judge did NOT find that @realDonaldTrump ordered and paid Cohen to commit a crime. All the judge in the case did was accept a plea agreement by prosecutors.

0a15b5  No.4308682

The media doesn’t know what to do about CF hearing yesterday. They can’t ignore it but can’t make it look like what’s happening is happening.

Last night Alana Goodman at the Washington Examiner changed the title of her story. Originally, it was something to the effect of “charitable organization hearing blows up as GOP fight with their own witness”. A couple hours later it was “GOP hearing explodes”

I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE IT. The cabal never saw this coming. It’s crystal clear to us, but they are truly sitting ducks right now.

The stalls, false starts, misinfo, all of it was carriered out TO A T. Guise - THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHATS COMING FOR THEM.

8f4181  No.4308683


would this explain why trudeau upped his safehouse costing millions of tax payers dollars?

71d408  No.4308684

File: 2404bfa57bc624d⋯.jpg (58 KB, 492x407, 492:407, Screenshot 2018-12-14_10-5….jpg)

162a1c  No.4308685


Hahahahahahahaha Hal Turner. My sides

a2c3a9  No.4308686


727 seems like another no no

29b4fd  No.4308687

File: 3d3dcf2b9f5b872⋯.jpg (97.73 KB, 808x462, 404:231, Which-Don-4.JPG)


At the time I was just riffing based on gut feel

This July anon was the first to bring research/sauce to the board

Highest Ranking Anon on the subject to date.

960ab8  No.4308688

File: 9d3cf22cec85031⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1207x884, 71:52, 2018-12-14_10-47-48.png)

67211c  No.4308689

I just saw RBG on satellite news feed, speaking at a new citizen ceremony at the national archives. The image looked dark, spooky, with this old lady hunched over.

I see C-Span is covering this, but RBG has finished speaking.


She didn't look like she had broken ribs, but the podium was so dark, it was hard to see anything…

a2c3a9  No.4308690



eec89a  No.4308691

File: c7727d29021aeb5⋯.png (160.07 KB, 640x503, 640:503, BP-Browder-NYT.png)


>>4308308 5489

>This is just a return to the corporate raiding activities that were prevalent in Russia in the 1990s," he said.

The plot thickens. The BP/Lukoil deal in the 90s was what brought Browder into the big leagues. BP paid a 600% premium over current share price.

Laundering $$$ to create an economic hitman/intelligence agent in Russia?


992e22  No.4308692


The earth is pissed off

if we could only understand what shes saying

219b42  No.4308693

File: 7f3b1ab70ab298b⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 306x484, 153:242, 7424284-6495965-image-a-18….jpg)


166992  No.4308694


POTUS has said he will reccommend vocational training in the skools. Allow business to train the next leaders. Afterall, it is business that knows what it needs.

02a32d  No.4308695


Should have been following Q.

251569  No.4308696

File: 220462b2e2ce9b6⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 360x263, 360:263, Y.gif)


Pythagoreanism can be defined in a number of ways.

(1) Pythagoreanism is the philosophy of the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras (ca. 570 – ca. 490 BCE), which prescribed a highly structured way of life and espoused the doctrine of metempsychosis (transmigration of the soul after death into a new body, human or animal).

He is consistently portrayed as a rebel in the Pythagorean tradition

275134  No.4308697

File: 363a0ab99fd32f3⋯.png (874.52 KB, 1024x465, 1024:465, 1538503823.png)

1e3e50  No.4308698

File: 711c49cddf3ae85⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1034x1773, 1034:1773, The Iodine Redpill.png)

take the iodine redpill

6e9663  No.4308699

File: ec8263321c1ea19⋯.png (225.81 KB, 504x311, 504:311, HersheyHighwaySchiff.png)

3cf58a  No.4308700


Solid theories. EXCEPT for the "shock factor" part!

We did not see ANY shock factor!! If there was… we'd hear at least a millisecond of coverage from MSM mentioning such "shock"! Yet NOTHING.

8da4b0  No.4308701

>>4308678. Three branches become one.

ee8943  No.4308702

File: aebb8ad0552f4e6⋯.jpg (22.4 KB, 1126x98, 563:49, GlobalView_1_Q_Drop_10_29_….JPG)





I never seen someone come up with a solid tactic and present it like I did in the last 5 years.

So either contribute with something useful, or keep being a low IQ moran.

Have a nice day.


Mueller can be leveraged, just like everyone. This is why I said he might be WHITEMAILLED, like blackmailed, but by Whitehats to comply with the Whitehat agenda.

He was the FBI director during 2010 Haiti looting by CF.

92addb  No.4308703

Notables Dough


>>4308387 Georgia man sentenced to 20 years prison for spearheading interstate pimping ring

>>4308417 CBS executive producer Ryan Kadro resigning effective Jan. 4

>>4308456 Transnational drug trafficker sentenced to 25 years

>>4308494 ; >>4308579 Judicial Watch: heavily redacted State Dept. docs shows classified info released to US Senators prior to DJT inauguration

>>4308513 Pro-Brexit yellow vest protests occurring in London

>>4308543 DC Circuit Court about to hear arguments in sealed grand jury matter

>>4308546 Planefag Update: DHS drone “Q9” in the air

d2ddda  No.4308704


A psyop?? Hmmm….they want to return the power to the people but not the truth. The truth is classified and will put the public in the hospital. How would "the people" run a country without knowing the truth? Psyop….?

b56e5e  No.4308705


Potentially. Not sure how much JT knows about…follow the wives and all.

992e22  No.4308706

File: 0b424e5073b8ad8⋯.png (375.1 KB, 1300x768, 325:192, ClipboardImage.png)

1dd3ec  No.4308707

File: 51433f38fd0ec4f⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 590x350, 59:35, fuk google.jpg)


anybody still on jewtube or twat is fake news

7f8ece  No.4308708

File: dac1e17da124bca⋯.jpg (633.21 KB, 1485x663, 495:221, 9-11 Mossad students insta….jpg)


you are correct. Canckles could bar b Q a baby on the Capitol steps and NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN TO HER.

The entire US Gov is comped, Q is a larp, or has been neutralized.

Trump the idiot continues to appoint cabal to high positions, he appoints people involved in 9-11, people that openly ridicule him, people that hate him and openly work against him and deliberately defy him.

Why? Why would trump appoint people like that?

Because it's not his decision.

All we can hope for is that the Qew movement gets legs and morphs back into a coherent third party, or, the military steps in and straight terminates the entire congress/CIA/FBI/DOJ/ etc

71d408  No.4308709

File: 092749353256b68⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 640x363, 640:363, b200466a4679ceff4993517b0c….jpg)

File: 07558531695496b⋯.jpg (83.42 KB, 560x415, 112:83, brand-cruise8.jpg)

File: 524ff754e0fafed⋯.jpg (38.37 KB, 920x584, 115:73, 2017_RussellBrand2_MattC_1….jpg)

File: e9b0a6a126910c6⋯.jpg (17.27 KB, 244x360, 61:90, russell-brand-tattoos.jpg)

File: d3da7089e7d5aed⋯.jpg (23.5 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

66603d  No.4308710

File: ef463debd2d4643⋯.png (2.52 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

8634ce  No.4308711

File: 93f6ab5e997a171⋯.jpeg (10.81 KB, 255x161, 255:161, 8f90c785a0dad85050e6b5e07….jpeg)

856d2f  No.4308712


Nah you can keep him, he is a real piece of shit. Tries to impress with words but his actions speak louder.

He's a typical english pompous wanker!

fc4ceb  No.4308713


Can you blame him? Meetings…hearings…more meetings…more hearings..; even more meetings…and still more hearings… Its a DC circle jerk. These folks are all friends connected to one another in more ways than we will ever know. They are all quite well off, and much of their wealth came at cost to us and the future of our kids and grandkids.

Despite all the meetings and hearings nothing really changes. A few of them resign or retire and sail off into the sunset with a fat pension…again paid for by me and you. Other than that—different day, same crap. It will be that way tomorrow and the day after that, and next month, and the following year. Its always been like that. And I am now beginning to think that it always will be. Nothing good will come out of a government when most of the people in it are traitors and thieves. We all know it.

81475a  No.4308714

File: a368fa2fe54e14e⋯.jpg (56.9 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 3-D Pepe Kek.jpg)

Europe closes in 30 minutes. The have been down to flat.

Possible short trap being sprung here. Drift it down into Europes close, possible establish a new LOD and then shank it HARD to the upside.

c0e465  No.4308715

File: 61e6a883b8f1a51⋯.png (933.72 KB, 894x606, 149:101, Capture.PNG)


Dam…. People are so gullible

Schumann Resonance


7803ac  No.4308716


You seriously think that Mueller is going to investigate Israeli meddling in US elections? With the most pro-Israeli president the US has ever had in charge?

5b97e2  No.4308717


Browder and Mcfaul

(McFaul also a Rhodes Scholar)


Both McFaul and Browder have repeatedly been accused of various crimes by Putin's government, on extremely scant evidence. In the normal course of events, neither of them would need to worry about the elected leader of a democratic nation agreeing to hand them over to their authoritarian nemesis. Yet Trump apparently considered doing precisely that: Putin specifically mentioned Browder as someone he'd like to interrogate during the Helsinki summit, without protest from Trump. When it was revealed on Wednesday that Russia also wanted to question McFaul, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders suggested Trump was considering letting him do so.

d034a3  No.4308718

File: 798b776e8a70251⋯.jpg (147.77 KB, 1281x608, 1281:608, numnum.jpg)


check out this guy chowing down.

c12b9f  No.4308719


What part of "We have EVERYTHING" don't you understand?

f9b62b  No.4308720

File: 620bb21db58c786⋯.jpg (471.6 KB, 1146x900, 191:150, 1542659164320.jpg)



>Are you getting angry yet?

>Good, it's working

This is precisely how a plan, script, or movie is designed to work. There are directors that proclaim that if people aren't walking out of the theaters by the end of their flick, they failed.

Anger is good. Anger is right. We all should be completely and utterly fed-THE FUCK-up by now. Whether that's even in the plan/script, it still works to Q's advantage due to the gravity of what they are trying to pull off. I mean, if it's this fucking hard to take down the Clintons, just how hard do you think it'll be to purge the rest of the world of this nonsense?

Litmus tests of emotional response is the tipping point. Either they act on what they have and start rounding fuckers up, soon, or they continue to boil this pot with people like Hal Turner writing articles of inflammatory response to rile up the rest of the sleeping masses.

All of this works into the plan. By the time the tribunals start, even the most staunch liberals have to be chanting "Lock her up!!!" for the crimes she's committed. You think they are going to rally behind "Tax Fraud"?


The entirety of their evil doings have to be made public, non-partisan delivery (or better yet, partisan on the part of Democrats) in order to even come close to 4-6%. Military breaks you down, rebuilds you, and turns you into a soldier.

Who, here, has the cognitive endurance? I guess we'll see by the time this is finished.

25e263  No.4308721


kek , anyone have the screenshot compilation of tay?

edd2af  No.4308722

File: d74120b8f7f2354⋯.jpeg (180.33 KB, 450x920, 45:92, AA373DEA-CECC-4091-8629-5….jpeg)

Its all so tiresome

d9ec08  No.4308723


Huber is doing his job

In order to do proper investigations to provide "overwhelming" evidence to get convictions takes time.

The unsealed at this point is systematic taking the small fish and working their way up. NO CLUE. Need to study how our laws work.

93ca8e  No.4308724

Russian Orthodox church calls on UN for help in Ukraine

MINSK, Belarus (AP) — The Russian Orthodox Church on Friday called on the United Nations, the leaders of Germany and France, the pope and other spiritual leaders to protect believers in Ukraine in the face of pressure on Moscow-affiliated clerics.

Ukraine's Orthodox clerics will gather for a meeting Saturday that is expected to form a new, independent Ukrainian church, and Ukrainian authorities have ramped up pressure on priests to support the move. The Ukrainian church has been part of the Russian Church for centuries, while enjoying broad autonomy, but Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has pushed for the creation of an independent church.


b3cf9f  No.4308725

File: d0ecf45b035c38f⋯.jpg (88.47 KB, 320x400, 4:5, 531D19AB-65B3-40C6-B987-B5….jpg)


Follow this piggie

166992  No.4308726


That's lovely and don't really care.

Will tell you this Anon was chatting that up waaaay prior to July.

It doesn't matter at all tho, does it?

Matter of fact, if you search a little moar, you'll see posts about it as far back as May. Not all posts are available in the search. Most, not all.

Just so ya know, there's a lot of info that occurred PRIOR to arriving at 8chan. CBTS work covered MUCH ground.

a91fb4  No.4308727

File: 10d01579176d96d⋯.jpg (10.94 KB, 198x255, 66:85, images (1).jpg)


Uh Oh!

666 confirms Rand Paul is the Antichrist

Damn, he's out, we're fkd

29b4fd  No.4308728


This is close but not quite there more like:

Tits or G

856d2f  No.4308729

File: 00da482b321673a⋯.jpg (118.03 KB, 1022x565, 1022:565, PepeIsHere.jpg)

796372  No.4308731

File: aac2c8e21fe11d8⋯.png (906.03 KB, 800x704, 25:22, sadpaperpepe.png)

File: d8fd849d5839e74⋯.png (28.65 KB, 337x171, 337:171, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

Happy Friday thought of the day:

We have the gold.

f789f0  No.4308732


Clinton Narrative Network

3cf58a  No.4308733


It's always the f*ing Rhodes Scholars and members of CFR.

45923e  No.4308734


If it's as impotent as Mueller's FBI investigation into Israeli involvement in 9/11, I'm sure Israel is shaking in their boots…

992e22  No.4308735


That was sarc by the way

also nice sauce from never a straight answer, Thanks

166992  No.4308736

File: 6fc0b6103430946⋯.png (275.97 KB, 578x262, 289:131, hum.png)




b3cf9f  No.4308737

File: 1e8bc26fa94c779⋯.jpg (82.23 KB, 320x400, 4:5, 63BC4B72-3469-4820-9927-43….jpg)


Through the shoot

8da4b0  No.4308738

>>4308731. What about all that missing money we heard about that required audit

7875a9  No.4308739

File: cffe005c1823cbf⋯.jpg (91.58 KB, 625x557, 625:557, travelers-Q.jpg)

Dude, check out the new Netflix promo for the "Travelers" (time travel) series.

Notice the Giant Q behind his head?

When the question was asked of Q "how do you know the future" and he said "control", what if he meant they NOW have control of the technology (from the Cabal)? The Cabal clearly had the ability too when they made the Illuminati game cards back in the 90's.

Is this why Cern also shut down for 2 years?

c0e465  No.4308740


>We have the gold.

Lets Pray that's not disinfo

1a2c3b  No.4308741

Have we covered the CF hearing from yesterday? I don't remember seeing anything about it in notables. Whistleblower refused to hand over over 6k documents but did answer a bunch of questions- future hearings ought to enlighten congress on nefarious doings by the Clintons.


^^fox news' take on the subject^^

856d2f  No.4308742

File: 8538513ecc7c0fd⋯.png (251.95 KB, 558x312, 93:52, CNN.png)

219b42  No.4308743



29b4fd  No.4308744


So, there's better stuff to date out there?

Post it don't be all Muh Feelz about it

7c4495  No.4308745



There's a 0:47 video (of the chewmaster) in notables yesterday.

66603d  No.4308746

File: c925e48115a3a68⋯.png (811.14 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Naturally good

b3cf9f  No.4308747

File: d5546facfec9a14⋯.jpg (86.97 KB, 320x400, 4:5, D4EA9C1E-F273-4E8F-AE18-EC….jpg)


Oh no

Did your head get caught in the zipper

bdc0c9  No.4308748


Did something happen with him that I missed to make him a piece of shit?

You're not really changing my mind here.

So far you're saying he's an ex junky and he has an impressive vocabulary.

Sounding more like jealousy lol.

cb4aca  No.4308749

File: cb47febf0324ffb⋯.png (19.68 KB, 890x153, 890:153, ClipboardImage.png)

Congress passed a bipartisan bill today that will overhaul the policies regarding the handling of sexual harassment claims within the legislative body, according to the Associated Press.

The biggest change to the Congressional Accountability Act, which was first passed in 1995, is that lawmakers, including those who leave office, will be personally financially liable for any settlements resulting from harassment and retaliation. There is no cap on the amount for which a legislator could be held liable.

The overhaul of the law—the first significant change since it was established—does away with a mandatory waiting period before victims may request an administrative hearing or file a lawsuit. The new changes to the bill also put an end to mandatory counseling and mediation for victims. Furthermore, the new bill mandates public reporting of settlements, which includes identifying lawmakers found to be liable.

A number of Congressional representatives resigned their seats this past year, particularly as 2017 came to an end. Michigan Democrat—and the longest serving member of Congress at that time—Rep. John Conyers resigned amid sexual harassment allegations. So did Minnesota Democrat Al Franken, as well as Arizona Republican Trent Franks, who reportedly asked staffers to serve as surrogates and bear his children. Texas Republican Blake Farenthold also resigned in April 2018 while under investigation for using taxpayer money to settle allegations of sexual harassment and gender discrimination.

The updated bill now heads to President Trump’s desk, where he is expected to sign it.


ef56b2  No.4308750


Feel free to leave any time now.

d034a3  No.4308751

File: 225fff2af9ec7aa⋯.jpg (97.33 KB, 1594x608, 797:304, magic square.jpg)

f9b62b  No.4308752

File: a3389b78b9b7dbc⋯.jpg (76.23 KB, 1080x718, 540:359, 1542659752280.jpg)


This. Nice "calm your tits" post.

7f8ece  No.4308753


Look what Mueller did to Weldon…

same playbook

same players

same reasons

Nothing has changed, Qew is obviously a joo larp, and the only hope we have is a good ole fashinoed military coup replete with right wing death squads. It's the only way.

896692  No.4308754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0a31f7  No.4308755


You're the kind of person that tells your IT department at work how computers are supposed to work, aren't you?

166992  No.4308756


Gonna be honest and BLUNT in DIRECT time.

Have a filter- your bullshit is old.

8634ce  No.4308757

File: f0daf43127a0eba⋯.jpeg (44.47 KB, 720x669, 240:223, 8437a64c32e24a13b973fa3a0….jpeg)





7c4495  No.4308758


Q9 my favorite drone.

b3cf9f  No.4308759

File: 91a7b6db923f934⋯.jpg (194.22 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, IMG_3812.JPG)


Maybe Marie Claude bourbanaise can help a fag like (you) with that zipper

81475a  No.4308760

File: 148614881896422⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, 20181212_192319.jpg)

File: d7199d4baa22e71⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, 20181211_063836.jpg)

markets acting like last four nights with my friends.

This is how we started pic 1 and pic 2 is the blurry sunrise 12 hours later

ee8943  No.4308762




My pleasure. Thanks.



I can't find that one on this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_GS1_country_codes

But the site you linked to: http://archive.is/geLZb

Shows its some Israeli shit.


856d2f  No.4308763


I'm not trying to change your mind.. Love the cocksucker all you want. I couldn't care less.

f72f5c  No.4308764


Seriously…. stupid as fuck.

Day shift-night shift






Hegelian Dialectic

You’re fucking retarded.

50f52a  No.4308765

Just saw on Faux that Bill Gates doing the Sunday AM news offensive.

Wonder why that is? Hmm…

c0e465  No.4308766

File: 2937454fbcf50e0⋯.png (78.37 KB, 197x139, 197:139, Capture.PNG)

Corrupt Oligarch? Britain Welcomes You as “Visa Scheme for Rich” Not Suspended

You might be aware of the so-called “gold-plated” visa scheme in Britain. It allows foreign ‘investors’ a fast-track to settling in Britain. Despite calls for its closure, especially as many corrupt officials from China, Russia, Africa and the Mid-East use it to buy homes and get passports, it remains open, the Home Office has finally clarified.

Ministers had announced access to Tier 1 visas, would be stopped on December 7th this year but then U-turned, presumably in some sort of desperate attempt to attract foreign cash in a post-Brexit world. The scheme is open purely to entice rich people from outside the EU to invest £2m or more in the UK.

The big problem with this scheme is that it plays straight into the hands of The City of London – the world’s money launderer. And the bankers have decided that neither public opinion nor government policy should get in their way. So, to placate citizen concerns the Home Office has said an audit process would be introduced in response to concerns the scheme was being used to launder money.


84d0b0  No.4308767


Even these women are beautiful. Variety is the spice of life.

For you younger guys that is.

896692  No.4308768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

757f6b  No.4308769

File: 1a1b8ede4ed11df⋯.jpeg (142.83 KB, 1440x1091, 1440:1091, 1542646411.jpeg)

d2ddda  No.4308770


Still have poison air(chemtrails), poison water(fluoride), poison food(GMO's), poison airwaves(mockingbird CIA media), poison govt(UN participation), pedophiles, CEOs, and corrupt politicians resigning and walking free. 60,000 sealed indictments that may never be unsealed, and people hoping for martial law…not glorious around here.

7f6488  No.4308771

File: 22ec6d40d5f4ec2⋯.png (368.64 KB, 715x443, 715:443, Unleashed.png)

File: c3b9f9beb03c0ee⋯.png (3.56 MB, 2130x1154, 1065:577, Less than 0.01%, that's on….PNG)

"Less than 0.01% [me: in plaintype that's less than one tenth of one percent}, of all CF donors gave 80% of the money, SO WE FOLLOWED THE MONEY" - LAWRENCE DOYLE, Graduate of the Catholic Jesuit College of the Holy Cross and former expert forensic government investigators.



93ca8e  No.4308772

File: 9ae3d3897c5df9e⋯.jpg (62.7 KB, 780x965, 156:193, Tay.jpg)

File: aa9d39bf6bf7799⋯.png (142.35 KB, 500x1247, 500:1247, Tay2.png)

File: 1420010cc569e9e⋯.png (29.28 KB, 420x211, 420:211, Tay3.png)

File: 84226827a33942b⋯.png (109.36 KB, 590x295, 2:1, Tay4.png)

File: 3d0d2548fc54ab2⋯.png (204.31 KB, 720x494, 360:247, Tay5.png)


Not about the commie responses.

but here you go.

b3cf9f  No.4308773

File: 28de39bcae6e963⋯.jpg (265.29 KB, 800x1204, 200:301, IMG_3829.JPG)


Name a lawsuit that wants to be in your love life and stalk your cellphone for MSM

It's like 70k indictments or something

251569  No.4308774

3d01bc  No.4308775

File: 4baeeabd0692f32⋯.png (872.6 KB, 609x904, 609:904, GTFO.png)

166992  No.4308776

File: fe3091e3835f0b5⋯.jpg (304.39 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, gr mt.jpg)


Could it be damage control?


27e1b6  No.4308777


Railroad nearby?

bdc0c9  No.4308778


I'm just saying that you regurgitated your opinion on someone and offered zero good reason.

Did he fuck your mum, there old chap?

29b4fd  No.4308779


Give me some keywords and specific archives to look for things in.

I'll do it for you.

7803ac  No.4308780


Such is the level of intellect of their viewers they probably did that deliberately just for lolz.

31395d  No.4308781


a former Rhodes Scholar said that being a Rhodes scholar meant nothing but Partying your ass off

c317c6  No.4308782


I've tried. being censored by twatter currently. that's why i ask

796372  No.4308783

File: f6312a2b912466a⋯.png (123.75 KB, 993x549, 331:183, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)


Cause it's going to be an interesting 2019 for foundations world wide and registered in the U.S.

ee8943  No.4308784


If he was being leveraged the right way…

Time will tell.

960ab8  No.4308785

File: e25101ee1787ac8⋯.png (284.31 KB, 483x308, 69:44, 2018-12-14_11-10-11.png)

66603d  No.4308786

File: d335dfad487e322⋯.png (1.23 MB, 800x1193, 800:1193, ClipboardImage.png)


Poland too

84d0b0  No.4308787

Can the answer be that we will waken the public at a slow but steady pace forward and we shall grow so strong that we dominate our enemies to the level that we dont even have to fight them much? Gather so much power we can isolate the cabal no matter how many millions of them it might turn out to be? That with 7 billion people we can actually wake people up enough to put the lock down on totally? Is that where we are going?

ed9324  No.4308788

Thinking about the "Stress Test Failed"

Could the "Funeral" envelopes delivered not have desired effect/outcome? Jeb sure looked Stressed

565754  No.4308789


Ooga booga boo boo ding a ling

90d1c1  No.4308790

>>4308325 The overweight girlfriend, you also call cousin, believes in Q 😁

b3cf9f  No.4308791

File: c6b95a8aa281015⋯.jpg (400.15 KB, 1500x999, 500:333, IMG_3832.JPG)

File: a275063810f7d05⋯.jpg (81.78 KB, 612x612, 1:1, IMG_3836.JPG)

File: 6d462cbc21892e4⋯.jpg (28.05 KB, 474x281, 474:281, IMG_3837.JPG)


Well it seems these prostlicyzing cia peanut hookers have to molest your phone then evangelize their cult

Exactly like the MSM pedovores

5e10bd  No.4308792


Why would Netflix (who is anti-Q) place a giant Q in their [time] Travelers promo?

a1b8c0  No.4308793


Old Jesuit schools typically taught using the Socratic method, enabling students to be successful in life, just FYI. They got a better education than the rest of us plebs.

f66113  No.4308794

File: e8411fdc7970ae8⋯.jpeg (68.76 KB, 460x534, 230:267, 4331E395-8CDA-4341-943F-C….jpeg)

Donald Trump is Spider-Man. Prove me wrong.

25e263  No.4308796

File: 6694c9f50d895f9⋯.png (80.06 KB, 420x211, 420:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4c6f56eed0aafb⋯.jpg (62.5 KB, 1000x777, 1000:777, donald-trump-Thumbs-Up-tha….jpg)

29b4fd  No.4308797


There's a difference between the 2 shifts

It's real.

Uni definition that has lost all contact with the modern world aside.

93ca8e  No.4308798

File: 339bd1450b3987d⋯.jpg (23.12 KB, 300x534, 50:89, chithay.jpg)



Any chinese speaking Anon; pls translate this.

3aa15b  No.4308799

File: fc29033f01a7bd6⋯.jpg (39.4 KB, 400x301, 400:301, 2oz8zi.jpg)

856d2f  No.4308800


When it's fake, why not go all the way eh?

d034a3  No.4308801

File: 96e93b6b860c85a⋯.jpg (13.35 KB, 514x288, 257:144, maybe.jpg)


Hmmmm, maybe.

b5677e  No.4308802

File: 97a7060999254df⋯.jpeg (737.04 KB, 2048x798, 1024:399, 1E6D4F30-C9D8-44E1-A539-E….jpeg)

d2ddda  No.4308803


Will the govt release the truth? In a nutshell, the answer is no. To reveal the truth would require revealing that the govt has lied about what really happened for over 50 years. It will then become obvious the govt has lied about many other things they taught in govt schools. It would reveal the govt is your enemy not your friend. The very reason the "cassified" system exists is to keep hidden the truth about what the govt does to its citizens. That truth will never be revealed, never.

97722b  No.4308804

>>4308212 a notable from pb

Ahh, the ol'

>And we'll threaten to release their nudes if they're mean to us.

f5ab2b  No.4308805


>>4305427 Video of the California Lawmaker citing Q

How has this video made notable. you cant even see the speaker. Just a group of people with speaker out of shot? Maybe voice over added to video?

No diligence on this board?

Apart from this; TYB for all you do.

6207c5  No.4308806


Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative

45923e  No.4308807


Not saying you are wrong desu. If Q is not a larp, then it IS a military operation. In which case, it's our only hope for RWDS. I'm here because /pol has become a blacked circle jerk and at least here there is a chance for broader impact socially, and to actually spread real red pills to normies. And because I like pissing off JIDF faggots.

8a9b6f  No.4308808


yeah thick as pea soup


muhjoonothing habbened

tag team shitposts

3af97a  No.4308809

File: f3e3959dcd9e7a4⋯.png (60.44 KB, 598x369, 598:369, twitter_com_ProfMJClevelan….png)


5b97e2  No.4308810



c4c80b  No.4308811


ones for news digs

the other is for dank memetics

specialization is not division, its a fact of life

960ab8  No.4308812

File: fcaf79b36cf242a⋯.png (287.84 KB, 473x335, 473:335, 2018-12-14_11-11-55.png)

File: ca64e010186268e⋯.png (279.49 KB, 497x478, 497:478, 2018-12-14_11-15-06.png)

97722b  No.4308813

File: 1e017adb25085e8⋯.jpg (17.52 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 1506216674839.jpg)


Is dead a color? He almost looks dead.

ee8943  No.4308814


Lol, yeah, I always assume people know about that so I don't even mention it, but that is a mistake on my part.


18bdbe  No.4308815


I didn't comment when I saw you post last night, but I think it's a damn fine idea. Of course I would have to listen to the inaugural one to offer feedback.

8634ce  No.4308816

File: 0c52b9e47fc3ffd⋯.jpeg (7.57 KB, 255x149, 255:149, 9e0d272baf3091cd552162955….jpeg)

41658c  No.4308817

File: eb5101b1f74d501⋯.jpg (65.37 KB, 588x441, 4:3, DumbAsARock.jpg)

a1b8c0  No.4308818


Basically, they were taught how to think early on, instead of what to think.

90d1c1  No.4308819

Jordan Saher got his ass kicked yesterday by H.A.fag. We need someone to rep Q who knows their shit…

219b42  No.4308820

I am the Highest Ranking Shill. Ask me anything.

81475a  No.4308821

File: 14d17385604cf7e⋯.jpg (95.79 KB, 1374x724, 687:362, 121418 US short trap possi….JPG)

In anticipation of Europe closing and a potential short trap and squeeze I certainly would be sniffing at a long here. Not a big one but in 14 or so minutes we are on our own.

Small long here

41658c  No.4308822

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

71d408  No.4308823

File: f298fe3eb02f170⋯.jpg (35.97 KB, 654x231, 218:77, Screenshot 2018-12-14_11-1….jpg)

BREAKING: Conservative magazine the Weekly Standard to shut down after 23 years - CNN


84d0b0  No.4308824


Isolate them. Chemically sterilize the worst so they dont eat their kids and keep them in isolation till they die of natural causes?

796372  No.4308825


Thanks. Goal is to make it completely utilitarian.

Of course, if another anon would rather run with it…

25e263  No.4308826


>what color is this


sans toofy

31395d  No.4308827


b3cf9f  No.4308828

File: 8179882d74df233⋯.jpg (27.27 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4561.JPG)

They killed Kenny

166992  No.4308829


>Still have poison air(chemtrails), poison water(fluoride), poison food(GMO's), poison airwaves(mockingbird CIA media), poison govt(UN participation), pedophiles, CEOs, and corrupt politicians resigning and walking free. 60,000 sealed indictments that may never be unsealed

Anon- you're making yourself crazy.

What if the chemtrails are now emitting GOOD and helpful vitamins that heal the earth?

Buy a water purifier or boil and filter yourself!

Choose wisely the foods you consume.


Arrests are habbening!

The swamp is being drained.

Get you some power of positive thinking, Anon!


93ca8e  No.4308830

File: 26cce4f1e517fc3⋯.jpg (32.38 KB, 300x300, 1:1, EO13603.jpg)

b56e5e  No.4308831


Were the clintons and Sherman’s giving aids tainted drugs to mussies/Africans ?

AIDS infected migrants coming into EU and eventually North America. Lots of more infected and dependent on “their” drugs

8a9b6f  No.4308832


but muhfake sealed cases

muhfake indictments

c0e465  No.4308833

File: 37397dc9ad59492⋯.png (219.74 KB, 446x418, 223:209, Capture.PNG)

File: d1fe1916a5d82f6⋯.png (267.89 KB, 426x325, 426:325, Capture2.PNG)


To many to list here is just a few

The Rhodes Project

13 Famous Rhodes Women


31395d  No.4308834

>>4308823 AHOY BIll Boy KristalMeth

275134  No.4308835

File: 2e6c65d20fff857⋯.jpg (22.4 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 1544482524.jpg)


Puts cig burns in your carpet, let's the cat out, then drinks the last beer.

058c4a  No.4308837


that would be 1 every 3.4 seconds, 24/7/365

not likely.

90d1c1  No.4308838

File: 693bb93f34a65ee⋯.jpg (478.5 KB, 1080x1086, 180:181, 20181211_092704.jpg)

I'd fuck it.

0d778f  No.4308839


Baker - make that


Very suspicious…

219b42  No.4308840

File: 8c9a4cc33145ab5⋯.jpg (311.51 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, trump-laughing[1].jpg)


>Weekly Standard to shut down after 23 years - CNN


cb4aca  No.4308841


Neo-conservative and rabid anti-Trumpers

9a8e84  No.4308842

File: c206e642ac0b147⋯.jpg (11.93 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 640e61d70259badb4a7af20246….jpg)

5e10bd  No.4308843


They killed the producer of that movie. Did it ever get finished by someone else?

97722b  No.4308844


So, is this about the release of documents pertaining to those high numbers of sealed indictments?

ee8943  No.4308845


Not 7 billion needed.

Most important to wake up are the Western people, I would say that if 50%+ of the pop in a given Country can identify the true enemies and their MO, then they will never recover unless a super massive mass casualty event habbens.

29b4fd  No.4308846

File: 217aa74d5643a42⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 897x744, 299:248, AndrewCompdman.JPG)


Source sauce Margot's referring to:


35a1fc  No.4308847

File: 29d8c95922b8a13⋯.jpg (13.44 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 28f9a8f933f4462c131f546b5b….jpg)


So much for the pedo haven bullshit:



b3cf9f  No.4308848

File: 396fbe6ef4d4766⋯.jpg (43.47 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4559.JPG)

d2ddda  No.4308849


They have it all, they are in control, but they cant safeguard the American skies and stop the chemtrails, they cant control the CIA mockingbird media, they cant expose the truth about false flags events when they occur, they cant expose the truth about the caravans sponsors, they cant stop the opium crops being protected by US troops in Afghanistan, they cant get the US military out of Syria…what exactly are "they" in control of other than the Q research board?

5b97e2  No.4308850


BP took financial hits on the Azerbaijan blowout and the Deepwater Horizon.

Crazy theory

War is a racket

Topple Libya and send in BP to make up some fiat like the leafs did.


90d1c1  No.4308851

File: 7860ab8fef2d43e⋯.jpg (559.16 KB, 1072x965, 1072:965, Screenshot_20181117-183817….jpg)

You're welcome.

166992  No.4308852

File: 77cd7061a64f3a5⋯.jpg (64.85 KB, 480x418, 240:209, WIN dept.jpg)


They broke Billy!


81475a  No.4308853

File: d97aa29797a54d2⋯.jpg (27.2 KB, 640x500, 32:25, Meth 2D2.jpg)

896692  No.4308854

Trust Muh Military Intelligence

Because the military has never done anything to harm American citizens.

The military would never consider America as a theater of combat or American citizens (specifically American Patriots) as enemies.

Wake the Fuck Up!

Why don't you dig on the Military creating and releasing deadly contagions upon civilian populations. Dropping radioactive material on towns, just to see what would happen. Conducting the most horrible trauma based mind control programs on innocent people. That's not just the deep state.

Pro Tip:

You CANNOT separate the deep state from the military or the industrial complex. Period.

b3cf9f  No.4308855


Are (you) asphyxiating

d1e060  No.4308856

File: dea1a50bc778eab⋯.png (557.95 KB, 1406x2000, 703:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f73f3201cae81e7⋯.png (543.38 KB, 1454x1714, 727:857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea8c6f3622c297f⋯.png (672.28 KB, 1398x2012, 699:1006, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37aa2c924f3c1eb⋯.png (627.19 KB, 1400x1930, 140:193, ClipboardImage.png)

81475a  No.4308857

File: 9b79e9bb916b1d7⋯.png (223.35 KB, 400x533, 400:533, emo fail.png)

f895bc  No.4308859


This is going to take down Mueller and Weissman! ==Notable!==

25e263  No.4308860


or blackmailing for $10mm to keep quiet

dc3361  No.4308861


Always thought this was not about Trump but the son. Have been waiting for this to come out but it never has

7803ac  No.4308862


The minds of Q followers.

b3cf9f  No.4308863

File: baff6df2f52d772⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_4554.JPG)

25e263  No.4308864


should have been



565754  No.4308865


>You CANNOT separate the deep state from the military or the industrial complex. Period.


Don't try this at home.

a2c3a9  No.4308866


I live in FarNorCal. Really close to two volcanos, like I can see them from my front porch.

No odd sounds at night… I've been working graveyard shift for 15 years now. Only things very odd up here are fires and chemtrails.

960ab8  No.4308867

File: 576625d145aaf39⋯.png (436.75 KB, 494x558, 247:279, 2018-12-14_11-19-40.png)

File: c9b0458ee973614⋯.png (302.14 KB, 482x383, 482:383, 2018-12-14_11-20-21.png)

d1e060  No.4308869

File: 43df3fd8e3ec34d⋯.png (322.56 KB, 1440x1288, 180:161, ClipboardImage.png)

Hal Turner makes more sense 98% of the people posting on this board……

65ef2a  No.4308870

File: 1f3b9deb3865eef⋯.jpg (119.59 KB, 932x1024, 233:256, 1538663943282m.jpg)


the military is subject to a chain of command that's topped by the given commander in chief at the time big boi

6bdb90  No.4308872

File: 123f4f631c0029d⋯.jpg (173.22 KB, 980x551, 980:551, ciaukraine.jpg)

‘Thanks for independence’: Ukraine’s schismatic Patriarch bestows highest award on ex-CIA ops chief

The head of the schismatic Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate expressed his gratitude to the ex-CIA associate director, acknowledging his support for the church’s break with Moscow.

Patriarch Filaret presented former CIA Associate Director Jack Devine with the Order of St. Andrew, the church’s highest decoration, local media reported on Thursday. The cleric thanked Devine for the US’ support for Ukraine’s independence and “the creation of the unified autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church.”

Since the split from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate in the early 1990s, Filaret has pursued autocephaly (religious autonomy) for his church. Religious officials in Moscow do not recognize his authority and view his church as schismatic.

It was around that time that Jack Devine took charge of the CIA’s operations outside the US, becoming the agency’s associate director. Upon his retirement in 1999, Devine co-founded corporate intelligence firm The Arkin Group. He is also a member of the influential Council on Foreign Relations.

Receiving the award this week, Devine voiced his “sincere admiration” for the “support” Ukrainians have shown for Filaret’s push for autonomy from Moscow, local media reported. The former spymaster also praised his “outstanding role” in establishing an independent church in Ukraine.

It is not the first time the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate has bestowed a prestigious award on high-profile US nationals. In 2015, Filaret awarded Senator John McCain with the Order of St. Vladimir First Class for his “support for Ukraine during the Russian occupation of Crimea and Donbas.”


90d1c1  No.4308873

File: bfcb818c30d9eac⋯.jpg (283.75 KB, 1077x899, 1077:899, Screenshot_20181213-214645….jpg)

Guise, you see this fag ask about Frazzledrip yesterday???

97722b  No.4308874


Hell, shill… I gotta help you out on this one.

You should really go talk to someone in your family that's in the military. The vast majority of families have at least one member that's in the military (not immediate family, of course). Reach out to them and talk with them. They'd love to hear from you (well, maybe not if you're paid to sit here and demoralize us…). Ask them what they think about some things.

You'll likely find that they're an American Patriot, whom you'd be quite proud of.

4e08a2  No.4308875

File: 331c35eb7e648e6⋯.png (548.75 KB, 2304x2328, 96:97, Hal Turner.png)


since when does Hal Turner have any credibility?

He's a Project Mocking Bird disinfo slag

b3cf9f  No.4308876

I hear the embolism count is through teh roof

66603d  No.4308877


Breed the babies.

Put them out to pasture in various countries

In private foster arrangements

When they are grown

Grant them Rhodes scholarships

To call them back home

To The Family

Where they can be drawn into the fold

And programmed for their tasks

In the Grand Plan of the NWO.

You can see the incest on their faces


b236ac  No.4308878


well you'd be quite wrong anon.

but what backs your writ and your summons?

failure of essential purpose is where we are at.

f72f5c  No.4308879


What exactly is the expected outcome of your groundbreaking tactic?

Seriously, lol, if this “tactic” actually works this time, what will be accomplished?

I’m actually being serious, I’d really like to know what your perceived end game will look like.

You have thought this out in your head, right?

You have a vision from beginning to end and you have perceived outcome of how it should all play out, not just posting some shit hoping people agree with you and then figuring the rest of it out if you can convince enough people to support you.

I’m intrigued. What’s the plan Stan?

d2ddda  No.4308880


It is a soap opera and while anons are waiting for a big finale, the producers are only concerned with getting signed for another season. The drama continues, the results dont.

d9e8eb  No.4308881


Whitaker or Gowdy?????

f789f0  No.4308882




29b4fd  No.4308883


It's always smelled that way so your intuition is similar to mine.

Still, mostly dots & some connections

But, I've yet to see anything you'd call rock solid.

565754  No.4308884


>I’m intrigued. What’s the plan Stan?

It involves a bus, Gus.

531a08  No.4308885

Howdy neighbor! >>4308866

6bdb90  No.4308886


>It is not the first time the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kiev Patriarchate has bestowed a prestigious award on high-profile US nationals. In 2015, Filaret awarded Senator John McCain with the Order of St. Vladimir First Class for his “support for Ukraine during the Russian occupation of Crimea and Donbas.”

71d408  No.4308887

File: 67bfb979cfc568e⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 649x298, 649:298, Screenshot 2018-12-14_11-2….jpg)

Facebook Says A Bug May Have Exposed The Unposted Photos Of Millions Of Users

Last updated on December 14, 2018, at 11:17 a.m. ET

Posted on December 14, 2018, at 11:12 a.m. ET

A day after hosting a pop up store in New York City’s Bryant Park to explain how privacy is the “foundation of the company,” Facebook disclosed that a security flaw potentially exposed the public and private photos of as many as 6.8 million users to developers.

On Friday, the Menlo Park, California-based company said in a blog post that the company discovered a bug in late September that gave third-party developers the ability to access users’ photos, including those that had been uploaded to Facebook’s servers but not publicly shared on any of its services. The security flaw, which exposed photos for 12 days between September 13 to September 25, affected up to 1,500 apps from 876 developers, according to Facebook.

“We're sorry this happened,” Facebook said in the post. “Early next week we will be rolling out tools for app developers that will allow them to determine which people using their app might be impacted by this bug. We will be working with those developers to delete the photos from impacted users.”

While Facebook typically only gives developers access to photos people share on their timelines, this bug granted apps the ability to photos shared on Marketplace, it’s peer-to-peer buy and sell service, and Stories, its ephemeral video and photo sharing tool. It also exposed photos that a user hasn’t even publicly posted.

“For example, if someone uploads a photo to Facebook but doesn't finish posting it — maybe because they've lost reception or walked into a meeting — we store a copy of that photo so the person has it when they come back to the app to complete their post,” the company explained. It also clarified that photos sent via its Messenger app were not affected.

The company noted to BuzzFeed News that it was only disclosing the issue now, more than two months after discovery, because it was taking the time to understand the bug’s impact. Facebook also added that it believes it did not run afoul of European GDPR disclosure, which requires that companies affected by a security breach notify officials within 72 hours, because it needed to take the necessary time to investigate if this was a breach that required such disclosure.

The company said it would be notifying affected users directly. Users can also visit the company’s help center to see if they’ve used any apps that were affected by the bug.

Friday’s disclosure is the latest user data mishap in a year full of them. While the company has still been weathering the fallout of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, it recently disclosed a bug that exposed 30 million users personal information in late September.

It also comes 24 hours after the company wanted to show its commitment to user privacy by launching a series of pop up stores around the world to show the importance of privacy to the company. “We care deeply, as deep as a company can care about privacy,” Facebook’s vice president of marketing solutions Carolyn Everson said in an interview with DigiDay on Thursday.

“We have a responsibility to protect your information,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in a full-page newspaper ad in March following the Cambridge Analytica disclosure. “If we can’t, we don’t deserve it."


b51c4c  No.4308888


He has some good points. Huber losing the documents. The Syria situation. Who is running who? Makes you think. Are we allowed to do that without being called a shill?

ee8943  No.4308889

File: da117538d60b7d0⋯.jpg (90.5 KB, 614x732, 307:366, Israeli_scammers_protected….JPG)

File: 7d3a1c9cd680f07⋯.jpg (499.78 KB, 800x2491, 800:2491, 4_Israel_promissed_land_of….jpg)


You'd wish.

That is a start.

A small one thou, pedo have zones still in place.

And that is not the only shitty thing about Israel. Pics related.

4b6cf5  No.4308890

Meat-eating Anons….do you trust the FDA to tell you when you are eating lab-grown meat instead of real animal meat?


35a1fc  No.4308891



Sorry, it was meant for Rumba the spambot over here:


84f05c  No.4308892


Notable if she files shortly, even more so if he files first

f9b62b  No.4308893


OK, reading this again, Hal's obviously "read in". This article is doing precisely what it's intended to do; rile people up.

>But the two Whistleblowers DID testify they had to send those 6,000 documents to Mr. Huber THREE TIMES because Huber or his staff repeatedly "Lost" them.

We're constantly reminded we're watching a movie, and getting people worked up over Huber seeming like he isn't acting on good information is, again, a great way to piss people off.

Then, dude goes on to actually quote Q:

>Let's go down the list of political "swamp creatures" Trump has been able to get rid of:

That's basically a copy/paste of:


But then takes a dig at Q later on:

>No matter what Q says, the public ends up right back where we started, with nothing accomplished except a total waste of time.

That's a shill tactic. Anons know what has been achieved, but Hal seems to forget, even though he likes to quote Q, word for word.

Then, he makes a prediction of what we all assume is, indeed, going to happen:

>The President can Blow the whole thing up – and I mean all of it – Release and Declassify ALL OF IT —- FROM JFK to OBAMA.

What have we learned while being here, with Q, about how our gov't has operated until now? JFK all this time later, the truth would do what? Infringe on National Security?

Are you fucking kidding me?

What in the ever living fuck is in the last few documents that sum up what actually happened? Anons are pretty certain that it means Mossad has been running the gov't through the CIA since Eisenhower. Would that totally devastate the normies out there? No, at this point, I don't think anyone would think that was a farce. Why'd Hal bring this up specifically then? Why is he such an "angry anon!"? Because this is part of the show.

This article is great, actually. It's a motivation pill for anons if you are looking through the right perspective.

198e0a  No.4308894



fa83b3  No.4308895


Large Q in Netflix Travelers promo



d1e060  No.4308896

File: a8db79c707cc203⋯.png (481.63 KB, 1450x1342, 725:671, ClipboardImage.png)

….much more sense

565754  No.4308897


>Are we allowed to do that without being called a shill?


39fae1  No.4308898

File: 19f075c49961f2a⋯.png (51.74 KB, 782x247, 782:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 918a2edab28e741⋯.png (784.46 KB, 978x842, 489:421, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e4cc4f38115dda⋯.png (85.28 KB, 775x364, 775:364, ClipboardImage.png)

Maybe this is interdasting.

C&P [where is "heba abedin"] into googs and search.

Then filter results using "Tools" to show only results from past hour.

"Huma Magazine" is the only result that populates for me.

When clicking on the link(DO NOT CLICK!!) Several downloads for adobe and other players auto-download.

Change the filter to last 24 hours and 1 more link populates which is another spyware trap.

I went to the hosting site and could not find the linked page or anything regarding "Heba" or Huma.

Why am I interested in this? I randomly saw a comparison of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Heba Abedin and deduced the differences between them in facial features can be made using plastic surgery. So I started digging and found it interesting the most recent link is a Spyware Trap.

According to https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individuals/syed-abedin/ Abedin has loose affiliations and business contacts with members of the Muslim Brotherhood. [Smelling Smoke: wheres the fire?]

This is a link to 4chan discussion on Alex>Heba. Enjoy!

bc2fd0  No.4308899


Sup Alex. I'm still buying brainforce, i love it. And survival shield x2 of course.

41658c  No.4308900

File: 9f333c05318c136⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 375x562, 375:562, Zuckerfag.jpg)

File: 77634088311a40f⋯.jpg (180.19 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, IMG_20181104_163024.jpg)

960ab8  No.4308901

File: ef8c73a6741ad65⋯.png (1011.61 KB, 1031x764, 1031:764, 2018-12-14_11-23-09.png)

b3cf9f  No.4308902

File: 6e0942cdb745bfd⋯.png (5.89 KB, 255x154, 255:154, 983B6460-80E6-4D69-8BF2-00….png)

Someday micro bikinis will be tending the apashe corn produced

33cde4  No.4308903


well I won't discount time travel completely I have a 99% doubting range, so like dumb and dumber, there is a chance. But maybe the black hats still have control of the tech. went back in time to change something and we are the unintended consequences.

219b42  No.4308904



f72f5c  No.4308905

He doesn’t faggot.

It’s a slide


97722b  No.4308906

File: 013826e84da14b3⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 480x286, 240:143, 27182_large.jpg)


Wow! Hal sure is right!

Q is a psyop.

Too bad he's not enjoying the results.

f2414b  No.4308907

File: 969b931a76b907c⋯.png (653.43 KB, 632x879, 632:879, pineal stolen (2).PNG)

File: 2d93601b1724aef⋯.png (495.66 KB, 455x644, 65:92, freddykike.PNG)

File: 3fe6d1de4f4833d⋯.png (36.77 KB, 242x191, 242:191, merchNPC.png)

File: faacc9997e9e554⋯.png (389.97 KB, 825x563, 825:563, merchtootsnaime.PNG)

File: bcf16ca53242963⋯.jpg (56.91 KB, 600x410, 60:41, merchmigrants.jpg)


Lets Toots out after he's assfucked it,


97722b  No.4308908


Hoping we get Meadows

bc2fd0  No.4308909


they both have black eyes of demonic death.

29b4fd  No.4308910


Typically a lunch time ish announcement

So, hopefully not much longer

b3cf9f  No.4308911

File: ed3a547ebf6b78a⋯.jpg (231.65 KB, 560x560, 1:1, IMG_0905.JPG)

File: f6bb79933b9f3b7⋯.jpg (45.45 KB, 449x600, 449:600, IMG_2246.JPG)

f9b62b  No.4308912


Control means they control the outcome, not that they can "see into the future". A plan with massive contingencies will still have the same outcome in the end. It might take longer than originally anticipated, but the contingencies ensure success, in the end, regardless of the time it takes.

Control means just that; controlling the outcome.


To make you watch it. They know there's a market, now. Don't fall for it.

31395d  No.4308913


He is NOT a Candidate now

25e263  No.4308914

File: 8b5daf4bd2e6de8⋯.jpg (71.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, gay-seal-ded-gay-seal.jpg)

84f05c  No.4308915


buy local from the farm who actually practices high standard organics. If they don't offer for you to visit the operations don't buy there…

84d0b0  No.4308916


Okay I can see we are going to win this mother fucker no matter what. Just a matter of time now. I am starting to see that the Q model is how they are going to continue the reveals. Make the information available to people to self seperate and show strong enough interest to really attempt to learn. Can civilians set up some system to start to real some of the deeper secrets to the common man? Make it hard and make it the person prove they want to know? We got to set up some way to tell people the real truth.

757f6b  No.4308917

File: e6cc08eb290cefc⋯.jpeg (91.83 KB, 1440x570, 48:19, 1542044082.jpeg)

d1cced  No.4308918


when you say 'concrete' now do you immediately think of child trafficking/sacrifice ?

That's what 8ch, the pope, obama, and HRC has done to me.

i can't read it, much less say it, without thinking of that. im one of those brains that create movies/pictures of the thoughts, so i 'see' what i think and its.. its terrible.

71d408  No.4308919

File: ad5e99ea3039968⋯.jpg (80.78 KB, 637x646, 637:646, Screenshot 2018-12-14_11-2….jpg)

File: 51b791d6787bf89⋯.jpg (172.75 KB, 648x742, 324:371, Screenshot 2018-12-14_11-2….jpg)



97722b  No.4308920


Damn I must have missed that.

Is there a list they made about potential appointments?

863718  No.4308921


Melania's ear protectors…

DV = D5 → But does it?


DV = Diversity Visa


6bdb90  No.4308922


Another General please.

bb4eb9  No.4308923

Pardon my expression but ….

The Great Awakening has been hijacked for masses to believe that all evils will be rounded up..

That's God's job to do, man will never be able to do that.

The Great Awakening focus is for the individual to awaken up from within their Divinity.

3 replies 4 retweets 13 likes

b3cf9f  No.4308924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

605d5a  No.4308925


eec89a  No.4308926

File: cd47c9894036740⋯.png (152.31 KB, 784x511, 112:73, McFaul-Moscow.png)


McFaul also in Russia in the 90s doing Mockingbird work.


d39de3  No.4308927


Relatively yes

b236ac  No.4308928

File: a9305f8ee814144⋯.jpg (77.86 KB, 594x394, 297:197, Nora Maccoby Women Washing….jpg)

File: 4023847bc2f2cb2⋯.jpg (70.5 KB, 963x589, 963:589, DN4dCCdV4AE30Cy.jpg)

File: 1d904046ca989a2⋯.gif (61.32 KB, 402x389, 402:389, aaamaccobynora1_thumb.gif)

File: ec02530bb4b929b⋯.jpg (92.37 KB, 1066x676, 41:26, 6de7158d278b92142ea601f797….jpg)

File: a0f654a2b097008⋯.png (973.45 KB, 1311x571, 1311:571, Screenshot-2018-6-20 Jeani….png)


anon. go into this moar in-depth please.

a638ef  No.4308929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is us:

Time is money and money's time

We wasted every second dime

On diets, lawyers, shrinks and apps and flags and plastic surgery

Now Willy Wonka, Major Tom, Ali, and Leia have moved on

Signal the final curtain call in all its atomic pageantry

Bravissimo, hip hip hooray

For this fireworks display

Mind and body blown away

What a radiant crescendo

Ticker tape parade

Our hair and skin like

Marilyn Monroe

In an afterwind

Time is money and money's time

We wasted every second dime

On politicians, fancy water and guns and plastic surgery

Like old Prince and Brady's mom

All the dolphins have moved on

Signaling the final curtain call in all its atomic pageantry

Bravissimo, hip hip hooray

What a glorious display

Melt our joyous hearts away

Under the mushroom cloud confetti

Hip hip hooray for this fireworks display

Mind and body blown away

What a radiant crescendo

Hip hip hooray

Hip hip hooray

Ticker tape parade

Our hair and skin like

Marilyn Monroe in an afterwind

Time is money and money's time

We wasted every second dime

On diets, lawyers, shrinks and apps flags and plastic surgery

Now Willy Wonka, Major Tom, Ali and Leia have moved on

Signal the final curtain call in all its atomic pageantry


9b66b3  No.4308930

File: 877069a9fe6a1c9⋯.png (4.78 KB, 255x50, 51:10, d7e5bacd57e4851aeb778a164d….png)


He caught you lying r2d2 :)

No intervention from your human operator will do the trick :)

And here is more:

>Online pedophile ring exposed in Israel

Over 30 suspects arrested in what police say was first, largest undercover investigation of its kind. Suspects 'fell' for police officer posing as young girl


>One of world's worst accused female pedophiles arrested in Israel


896692  No.4308931


I suggest you follow your own advice.

While you're at it, ask them if they feel they've been treated well by the government.

Better yet, why don't you go around and ask the homeless vets about their experience.

Talk to the enlisted, not the commissioned officers.

b51c4c  No.4308932


Sweet maybe they can steal another Senate seat for a Democrat just like they did for Sinema over McSally. 52-48.

ee8943  No.4308933

File: 71ef93d5f5f9f63⋯.png (496.59 KB, 934x730, 467:365, Alan_Dershowitz_boasts_of_….PNG)

File: 1ce1c396d8b500c⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 500x566, 250:283, Bibi.jpg)

File: 8d5177e7d99d9a7⋯.jpg (69.05 KB, 960x926, 480:463, How_subversion_destroys_Co….jpg)

File: d40a9320e03bb03⋯.png (411.98 KB, 1048x724, 262:181, Hubris_to_be_paid_for.png)

File: 5b9b2384738d34b⋯.jpg (222.93 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Important.jpg)


Its all described in the post you commented on, moran. Here: >>4308558

And that operation is just a small part of it.

The main goals of a anti-ZOG campaign are:

~The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of jewish group subversion of Western nations:


Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;


Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;


Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;


Cut all aid to israel;


Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);


Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;


Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;


Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.


Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

But if you were really interested in a honest discussion, you'd know that because I already posted that shit in this bread.

Have a nice day.

a2c3a9  No.4308934

File: 0b0341fc8b15a15⋯.jpg (50.76 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Don'tGimmeThatSoSoSoda.jpg)


My front porch view

ba89ba  No.4308935



796372  No.4308936


Yeah. It's really something when you start to recognize the pattern.

b3cf9f  No.4308937


Tehy must of rubbed teh homo wrong

bc2fd0  No.4308938


oh great, now arizona can do more voter fraud and get another democrat senator.

31395d  No.4308939

Jane Coaston @cjane87

Per source: The Weekly Standard is shutting down. No merger with the Washington Examiner.

Show this thread

565754  No.4308940


The kind of women who would cut off your dick while you slept if you said the wrong word to them.

d1cced  No.4308941


better than my 'divine vagina' thought

960ab8  No.4308942

File: ebcf2bdd10ac3ca⋯.png (347.96 KB, 493x720, 493:720, 2018-12-14_11-25-25.png)

66603d  No.4308943


Incestuous cousins.

It is always INCEST!!!

They breed within the family

The families are at war for the world

For a while, they had agreed to cooperate on one grand plan

For an NWO

But now that Trump has destroyed that

The families are back to the struggle for dominance.

81475a  No.4308944

File: 89b978fbe89a0fa⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 2592x1944, 4:3, IMG_0501.JPG)

Artwork in recent hotel stay

4b6cf5  No.4308945


Do you eat at restaurants? Burger King?

b3cf9f  No.4308946

c0e465  No.4308947

File: 457d6201181faad⋯.png (486.69 KB, 521x346, 521:346, Capture.PNG)

Revisiting Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Warnings to The West

The Russian author thought it was no coincidence that Soviet Russia shared certain common problems with the West, for he saw socialism and liberalism as kindred ideologies

Instead of heaping upon America the praise which might have been expected at the time from a dyed-in-the-wool anti-Communist, Solzhenitsyn used his Harvard platform to warn that he had observed phenomena in the United States disturbingly reminiscent of Soviet life:

"The press has become the greatest power within the Western countries," he also insisted, "more powerful than the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. One would then like to ask: by what law has it been elected and to whom is it responsible?"

According to Solzhenitsyn it was no coincidence that Soviet Russia shared certain common problems with the West, for he saw socialism and liberalism as kindred ideologies. Both were rooted in a common utopian project that began during the Enlightenment, he claimed, and thus both were marked by anthropocentricity - the belief that man is the measure of all things. Each ideology began by rejecting tradition and transcendent authority in favor of theories of liberation, and each was destined to afflict mankind with moral chaos. Although more economically efficient than socialism, liberalism will in the end prove just as unsatisfying, he concluded, for "the human soul longs for things higher, warmer and purer" than "commercial advertising, TV stupor, and intolerable music."

Unsurprisingly, the Harvard address shocked Americans, particularly journalists, and even struck some of them as ungrateful. How could a man who had escaped the jaws of a despotic regime have the nerve to criticize the country which had taken him in? While Solzhenitsyn insisted that his criticisms were meant to be constructive, coming "not from an adversary but a friend," he alienated Americans across the political spectrum by condemning a "destructive and irresponsible freedom" that had, in America, been granted "boundless space." President Ford, put out by Solzhenitsyn's intransigent anti-Communism, had already declared the dissident a "horse's ass." Now others agreed.


3aa15b  No.4308948

File: 0719ada66e9f5dc⋯.jpg (149.8 KB, 960x960, 1:1, SantaSoc.jpg)

1e3e50  No.4308949


gas yourself kike

7f202f  No.4308950

>>4307160 (pb)

Was in notables. Not sure if notable.

DV is for Distinguished Visitor. If you are lucky enough to visit, all the stuff they give you says DV on it.

467934  No.4308951

File: f0e4a151c0b3a6b⋯.png (853.6 KB, 632x460, 158:115, 1_DJT_121418_1125AM.png)



11:25 AM EST

d2ddda  No.4308952


Who is protecting the children being chemtrailed everyday? POTUS is surrounded by military but cant protect the US skies?

33cde4  No.4308953


the new one will also be appointed by the governor anon

d034a3  No.4308955

File: 5805635b7048076⋯.jpg (63.67 KB, 658x411, 658:411, poca haunt us.jpg)

2f980b  No.4308956


"just announce the there"?


f5ee2a  No.4308957

File: af843ced0415207⋯.png (14.44 KB, 374x520, 187:260, ClipboardImage.png)

i am not sure of what to say, but i'll say it anyway….while lying in thy bed last night….i thought about nothing really but in that thought of nothing i started to ramble on and roll down hill….gathering speed….i soon put on the brakes so as not to collide with the rising tide from so many oceans of doubt that washed through my mind inside…..i arose in the darkness and was greeted most graciously by the light of my surroundings; being a tiny speck of jubilation on the ass of humanity in the house of the rising sun….i am beginning to come undone and by no means intend harm for any one….who are you ppl? where did you come from? where are you going?

why has it been so long and why do i remember not knowing any of you?

you all are truly beautiful! i am enamored by the growth of the rose and the thorns that adorn its stem…..i curse the thorns for being so sharp and am awestruck by the unfolding of its petals, which remind me of a bride in an ancient castle on mars…..

is any of this real in the abstract sense? or is the dream of reality becoming more of an illusion?

b236ac  No.4308958

File: d694f849a979ee2⋯.png (837.77 KB, 1311x571, 1311:571, Screenshot-2018-6-20 Jeani….png)

71d408  No.4308960

File: 55ff9fcacfb70a6⋯.jpg (150.63 KB, 652x812, 163:203, Screenshot 2018-12-14_11-3….jpg)

8a9b6f  No.4308961


>Who, here, has the cognitive endurance?

alas perhaps not this anon

and i know better

it is hard for sure

but what choice do we have?

its habbening as and when it should not when i like it to habben

29b4fd  No.4308962


Chiner shitposting always appreciated but

POTUS is being a tease

He knows we want to know who the next

Contestant on White House Apprentice is gonna be

f2414b  No.4308963

File: 65a59e0b3e298ba⋯.png (468.58 KB, 644x754, 322:377, ClipboardImage.png)


Best possible scenario

b3cf9f  No.4308964

File: d245df2bd6d1c94⋯.jpg (9.54 KB, 190x255, 38:51, E5FCE9F8-028E-4278-8D90-8D….jpg)

GOodsight mountain is far enough away from the houses for the wreckage

AR hells peak has too many trees

Fuck fexas

219b42  No.4308965




bc2fd0  No.4308966


If I'm such a kike, why doesn't Trump cancel 35 billion a year to Israel so we can build the wall??

4b6cf5  No.4308967


Grammatical errors in Trump tweet:

"the" instead of "that"

"there" instead of "their"


b79b76  No.4308968

File: 9aca7c98804b24c⋯.jpg (191.95 KB, 1440x1108, 360:277, trumpAMERICAN.JPG)



THIS is what

WINNING looks like

84f05c  No.4308969


Distinguished Visitor?

25e263  No.4308970


missing a 'd'


97722b  No.4308971


Anyone I know has been a blast to be around, has been well fed and psychologically healthy, enjoyed their deployment, and is enjoyable to be around.

Sorry not many people like you.

Is anyone around you truly very happy? Is anyone around you truly enjoyable to be around? You must lead a pretty depressing life. Would you like to talk about it? We're great listeners.

You know, you'll feel a lot better once you realize what they've done to you. You can be at peace easily outside of their grip. You'll feel so free. Isn't that what you want, freedom?

f699b7  No.4308972



We need a SerialBrain2 over here

b14aca  No.4308973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


33cde4  No.4308974


I've seen this slide before. Mc Donalds and BK both buy beef at the local stock yards. At least in the Midwest.

6bdb90  No.4308975


'the there'

f5ab2b  No.4308976


Don't eat cheese before bed anon.

b3cf9f  No.4308977


Crap am Bullshit comparison

06e9c6  No.4308978


It's ok. As they assend we can mock them.

4b6cf5  No.4308979


Fuck. We give $35 Billion/year to Israel? I didn't realize that.

e8efab  No.4308980

File: f94245ea4bc67f3⋯.png (6.14 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 827CEA3D-E58B-4A06-B426-5F….png)


They’ve only got a few credible journalists at NRO, and, with those rare exceptions noted, they can all follow Weekly Standard into receivership for all I care.

41658c  No.4308981


You need some retarded gematria?

b3cf9f  No.4308982

126b82  No.4308983

File: 29c1920e28e9ef2⋯.jpg (98.23 KB, 900x448, 225:112, CohenIsDebosBitchNow.jpg)

8a9b6f  No.4308984


seems very true and very goods news too

everyone knows how much was stolen since WW2

hope they collected all of it to back the dollar


ee8943  No.4308985

File: 3827c8a8965f3a3⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1091x4694, 1091:4694, Canada_jews_pedos.png)

File: 53474c24a2e795f⋯.png (539.65 KB, 1005x3784, 1005:3784, Rabbis_from_hell.png)

File: b7e59dd18019891⋯.png (573.88 KB, 817x5736, 817:5736, Rabbis_from_hell_2.png)


Not a bot, and the facts I post remain facts no matter how much names you call me, Israel first traitor :)

Here: >>4308889


No matter how much you ip hop and try to discredit the facts I post with your name calling, the facts remain facts: Israel does provide protection to pedos and scammers and all times of jewish criminals. They might throw one or another from time to time in prison, but for the most part, Israel is a pedo haven. And it supports ISIS with US tax payer money.

Cry more :)

06e9c6  No.4308986


>Crap am Bullshit comparison

Yes, you are a comparison to bullshit.

Thank you for the admission.

d9e8eb  No.4308987



e7c7be  No.4308988

File: 7421268f851d5ba⋯.png (491.08 KB, 999x800, 999:800, herry.png)

File: 0f54a7a19013170⋯.png (341.57 KB, 717x444, 239:148, dandmFIGHT.png)

File: c3b4a49214e174b⋯.png (365.81 KB, 444x446, 222:223, soonbyz.png)

File: 00d21ddb4d2f189⋯.png (221.03 KB, 376x431, 376:431, DDH.png)

eec89a  No.4308989

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Meet the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

a2c3a9  No.4308990


He's good

25e263  No.4308991


actually that whole sentence is wrong

>announce the there

announced that their

3cf58a  No.4308992


Yeah. Partying with "the family".

Being in "the family" is everything.

97722b  No.4308993


Missing "D"

Extra "E"

Missing "A"

Missing "T"

84d0b0  No.4308994

File: fb1094099812d6c⋯.jpeg (18.38 KB, 212x238, 106:119, download (64).jpeg)

File: 918a2edab28e741⋯.png (784.46 KB, 978x842, 489:421, 918a2edab28e7413f11acd29ed….png)

One big fucking family? Follow the bloodlines?

219b42  No.4308995

File: c865096a68b53f9⋯.png (435.82 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Gold-Solid-Set-8[1].png)



4b6cf5  No.4308996


Common, Anon….do you really believe everything you hear? Companies care about money. Money. That's it. If they can buy lab grown meat for 30 cents/pound cheaper and sell it as real meat, they'll do.

Billions & billions of dollar a year in the scam.

d1cced  No.4308997


Sometimes I wonder how we're supposed to know every single one of DJTs errors are code.

I am great with grammar and spelling, great overall grasp of english, and I sometimes just cannot get my fat fingers to hit the right 'buttons' on the phone.

only decode i can think of is this:

yesterday committee's "no there there"

today's tweet " the there"


now i hate the word there.

14cc09  No.4308998

File: c95ba26943924ab⋯.png (220.06 KB, 582x447, 194:149, ClipboardImage.png)

WTF Giuliani?

It's not a crime AT ALL.

It would have been a crime to use campaign donations.

Why does he stay stupid shit like this and buy into their narrative?

f2414b  No.4308999

File: 00105ab535f1936⋯.jpg (80.75 KB, 501x585, 167:195, merchink.jpg)


Leveraging the JewChink to oblivion, methinks this battle was won some time ago.

Go POTUS Q team Anons keep the pressure on the jew, it's de only wei

6207c5  No.4309000














































b3cf9f  No.4309001




Damn autospell

8a9b6f  No.4309002


>Is that where we are going?


ee8943  No.4309003

File: 407fdfe944becf5⋯.png (547.28 KB, 834x610, 417:305, Obama_Israel_Aid.PNG)

File: 42d1eb750a68049⋯.jpg (114.49 KB, 596x661, 596:661, Rand_Paul_support_2.JPG)

File: 45dd614c47380b6⋯.jpg (87.78 KB, 589x455, 589:455, Rand_Paul_support_1.JPG)

File: dad160b5b520cae⋯.jpg (115.91 KB, 978x687, 326:229, Rand_Paul_against_Israel_a….JPG)


3.8 per year, but Obongo promissed a 10 year pack to them.

Rand Paul is trying to stop it.

92addb  No.4309004

Notables Bun


>>4308387 Georgia man sentenced to 20 years prison for spearheading interstate pimping ring

>>4308417 CBS executive producer Ryan Kadro resigning effective Jan. 4

>>4308456 Transnational drug trafficker sentenced to 25 years

>>4308494 ; >>4308579 Judicial Watch: heavily redacted State Dept. docs shows classified info released to US Senators prior to DJT inauguration

>>4308513 Pro-Brexit yellow vest protests occurring in London

>>4308543 DC Circuit Court about to hear arguments in sealed grand jury matter

>>4308546 Planefag Update: DHS drone “Q9” in the air

>>4308739 Large Q spotted in Netflix “Travelers” promo

>>4308802 Autism re: DiFi tweet, “10 million”, and the math behind a potential coded bribery message

>>4308809 Fed judge grants DOJ attorneys access to docs in Enron case involving Mueller’s lapdog Andrew Weissmann

>>4308823 Conservative magazine Weekly Standard to shut down

>>4308872 Ukrainian church leader honors ex-C_A chief

>>4308951 New DJT

796372  No.4309005

File: 4e91d09f8793723⋯.png (50.54 KB, 478x214, 239:107, Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at ….png)

>>4308951 (confirming tweet)


The instead of that.

There instead of their.

First sentence.

Wait for correction?

f9b62b  No.4309006


McSally incoming.

97722b  No.4309007



(oops I posted too early…)

Extra "R"

Extra "E"

Missing "I"

b79b76  No.4309008


there should be their

bc2fd0  No.4309009


well, I guess it's actually 'only' 3.1 bil a year.


but, we did also just hand them 38 billion for military aid.

4e08a2  No.4309010


ain't that the truth

25e263  No.4309011


and 'i' swapped for 'e'



8a9b6f  No.4309012

e7c7be  No.4309013


Why is this satanic anti-POTUS bot allowed to dominate [here]?

Does the board owner try at ALL to delete oppositional propaganda?

What happened to preparing this board for normies?

What causes that to not be discussed?

What sorts of discussions are allowed here?

What suppresses discussion?

Does the "community" police itself here?

Is "the community policing itself" here actually FAKENESS suppressing whatever it wants to?

How do you know?

166992  No.4309014


No, Anon. People have to seek it. You can lead a horse to water…

That's why we encourage newbies to lurk, read, learn. It's a personal journey that each takes on their own. When they are ready, they will hear.


97722b  No.4309015

65ef2a  No.4309016


the there / that their



f54cad  No.4309017

announce[d] the[at] the[i]re economy

2 extra Es

ea03ac  No.4309018

File: bbc84c2cad5db5f⋯.jpg (274.01 KB, 981x1024, 981:1024, dde4c5c9c91bcb077a1559f40a….jpg)


This is what patriotism looks like.

b3cf9f  No.4309019

File: d839de3ea7d4186⋯.jpg (150.34 KB, 800x918, 400:459, IMG_4506.JPG)


Great gynotology revival of bourgeois Native American genocide golems

Oh bother

d2ddda  No.4309020


Mockingbird media is CIA controlled yet even with Gina and Pompeno being Trump appointees the CIA assets posing as newscasters cant be stopped??? "We are in control, we have it all"…but the MSM cant be brought under control???

796372  No.4309021


Who dat on the left?

f2414b  No.4309022

File: cc0d6ae06417115⋯.png (170.52 KB, 599x559, 599:559, chuck mound.png)

File: 95dc32cafa1c375⋯.png (189.63 KB, 548x598, 274:299, MOUND CHECKER.PNG)

File: 79b1b698aef8a5a⋯.png (300.13 KB, 572x768, 143:192, metapointer.PNG)

File: 848842fb7d6c1ef⋯.png (75.14 KB, 642x745, 642:745, potuspoints.png)

File: c945fddbedac707⋯.png (147.99 KB, 597x399, 199:133, potuspointing.png)


Here's some checkums to checkem

29b4fd  No.4309023


He's the crazy uncle that knows what to say but never when to say it

Might be POTUS's favorite character

14cc09  No.4309024



Just spitballing? A reason for your suspicion?

5b97e2  No.4309025




That is the first adjective Inderjeet Parmar uses to describe American philanthropy in his study of the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller foundations and their impact on U.S. foreign policy in the twentieth century.

66603d  No.4309026


Imagine a boy (or a girl)

He comes down with leukemia

The doctors can't do anything

The parents are resigned to his fate

And then a relative comes to visit

And makes a proposal

He cannot cure the boy

But he has a son almost the same age

And he is willing to share with the aggrieved parents

It will be a private adoption

The boy will call them mom and dad, and be raised as their own.

But, as families do, they will often visit relatives

So the real parents will still have lots of quality time with the boy.

Only one thing.

The dying son must be hidden in a private clinic

And the adopted boy must be given his identity.

When the real son dies

The new son will appear in his place

Miraculously cured after a long convalescence.

As years pass by

Everyone will forget the details of what happened.

Especially because of a couple of moves, new jobs

And new schools.

Normal life in America.

So I ask you…

Is Mr. John Smith actually John Smith?

Or is he William Jones?


Could he possibly be BOTH MEN?

Multiply by your favorite spooky number

And add a few clowns.

8a9b6f  No.4309027


now that fuckwad looks like a scam artist

565754  No.4309028

File: 8e7a4c8e35d2071⋯.jpg (15.55 KB, 474x203, 474:203, Family.jpg)

3a5283  No.4309029


Oh Wtf. I think i knew 3. They all looked like they could very well be inbred. And only one of them was a good candidate for earning a prestigious scholarship over the rest of the class. Wtf. I'm gonna half believe this forever now.

71d408  No.4309030


what better way to pysop and troll back

666994  No.4309031


Give 38 B to Israel and no money for the wall

b3cf9f  No.4309032


Because dannalingus has problems with its identity crisis and (you) as aflb come here to spite Fag like a moron for zombies

467934  No.4309033

File: f0e4a151c0b3a6b⋯.png (853.6 KB, 632x460, 158:115, 1_DJT_121418_1125AM.png)

File: e3751ee05ecb141⋯.png (849.04 KB, 630x459, 70:51, 1_DJT_121418_1135AM.png)

DJT Correction


11:35AM EST

c8160a  No.4309034

File: 23023233700b1af⋯.png (40.71 KB, 639x357, 213:119, ClipboardImage.png)


Previous tweet deleted, new one created:


166992  No.4309035



97722b  No.4309036



Any linguist fags? Could be another language too, eh?

b51c4c  No.4309038


he's a swamp rat.


9/11 accomplice

former Council of Foreign Relations.

WTF do you expect?

The guy is a bona fide piece of garbage.

f1f702  No.4309039


"announce" rather than "announced" (missing [d])

3 "mistakes" so far by my count.

565754  No.4309040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

06e9c6  No.4309041


eh, it was low hanging fruit.

I figured I'd be a dick and take advantage of it like you faggots do.

f55786  No.4309042


I see a D missing.

467934  No.4309043



ba89ba  No.4309044


No.. never question POTUS or Q. Don't want yer kind 'round here.

9e44f8  No.4309045


True Patriot Anons see through the BS. And if this board is censored, it’s no better than the







29b4fd  No.4309046


>Does the board owner try at ALL to delete oppositional propaganda?

Absolutely not

That would make us weaker

Alternative links at the top for the overly sensitive

71d408  No.4309047

File: 3aec3e0e3e4ce38⋯.jpg (37.98 KB, 652x227, 652:227, Screenshot 2018-12-14_11-3….jpg)

Sandy Hook Elementary School evacuated after bomb threat on anniversary of mass shooting - NBC News


97722b  No.4309048


10 minutes


a7873e  No.4309049

File: 5827304e2450157⋯.png (35.74 KB, 551x304, 29:16, ClipboardImage.png)



058c4a  No.4309050


an Anon on here was the first to find this. Anon even got an impressed (you) from Q.

7803ac  No.4309051


Because he is one of them himself.

a59b0d  No.4309052


(((THEY))) want you divided.

How many (((coincidences))) before it becomes statistically impossible?

f55786  No.4309053


Are we spelling Declas again?

d1cced  No.4309054


I've actually never heard of this magazine….

Have we done any digging on who owned it ?

Did it shutdown because it was shitty news or because it actually did something illegal and got served justice?

e7c7be  No.4309055


no bot


you have no consent to operate here

how do you have consent?

you didn't ask


no, shut up until you ask

you have no consent!

what is your consent?

ASK, or shut up bot

you have been told

bc2fd0  No.4309057

You know what I think makes globalists the most angry? The fact that all their little attempts at forcing American intervention have not worked once on Trump.

They tried so hard with this latest Ukraine thing and once again, Trump didn't take the bait.

896692  No.4309058

File: fd0b3094f302301⋯.jpg (312.29 KB, 1760x470, 176:47, RanchHand1.jpg)



You seem to have a superiority complex npc anon. That's fine. Keep playing the smug asshole who thinks they have it all figured out if that works for you. Get back to me when you've become a bit older and wiser. In the meantime, consider the veterans who won't ever get to tell their stories. Do you think that anyone who died of Agent Orange or involved in Operation Ranch Hand is pround of their service?

f72f5c  No.4309060


Lol that’s twice you called me a moran lo..fucking..l.

So you outline it here, for all to see, now what?

You have a few hundred people here, maybe.

And 2-5 who actually give a fuck.

What does that do?

Do you have a lawyer?

Are you currently drafting any bills or resolutions with your lawyer, to be presented to federal law makers?

Do you have any support from your local congress, or any Congress for that matter.? (Can’t use Rand, he’s already doing something useful)

C’mon guy, be serious

2c41b7  No.4309061

Its totally not a cult. It can't be. Q tells us to think for ourselves. Wwg1wga. No cult leader would say that. Even though we arent actually allowed to ask him questions or hold him accountable in any way. Our job is to trust the plan no matter what we see with our own eyes. If it's good for our side it's 5d chess and very real. If it's bad for our side it's disinformation. Get em Q. I told you dad it's not a cult!!!

Fucking retards.

33cde4  No.4309062


so is the FBI, DOJ, DHS, CIA when something is comped something is comped. Anons seem to forget the Obama purge of Generals and Admirals and the litmus test question.

c0e465  No.4309063

File: 1e1300d341abbda⋯.png (490.39 KB, 736x440, 92:55, Capture.PNG)

Members of Congress Will Now Have to Personally Pay to Settle Sexual Misconduct Claims

Members of Congress will have to pay out of pocket to settle sexual misconduct claims under legislation that Congress passed this week.

Lawmakers could previously use public funds to settle the claims.

The House of Representatives and the Senate approved the bipartisan measure on a voice vote on Dec. 13.

“Time is finally up for members of Congress who think that they can sexually harass and get away with it. They will no longer be able to slink away with no one knowing that they have harassed. … They will pay back the U.S. Treasury,” one of the House co-sponsors, Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), told reporters after the vote, reported Reuters.

“We want to thank 1,500 former staff members of Congress who wrote a letter to us who made the case all too clear, that sexual harassment in Congress was a huge problem,” she added.


81475a  No.4309064

DJI slipping but recall Monday's action. Still would not short it as it gapped down so the most you are up on a short placed on open is roughly -175

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

DJI - DJI Real Time Price

24,224.55-372.83 (-1.52%)

As of 11:37AM EST. Market open.

757f6b  No.4309065

File: 7fe7a2fe8a88b3a⋯.jpg (189.44 KB, 755x912, 755:912, IMG_20181127_081548.jpg)

f8b0f3  No.4309067


IT Asset Disposition (disposing of electronic equipment)

3772f9  No.4309068


>>Hal's obviously "read in".

Gold Star for you, homo.

960ab8  No.4309070

File: 0685482fc141df8⋯.png (172.4 KB, 498x297, 166:99, 2018-12-14_11-37-47.png)

f895bc  No.4309071




97722b  No.4309073




holy fuck they're reaching

3a5283  No.4309074



Sounds like maybe it's time to sanction the fuck out of China over some asshole

c8160a  No.4309076



>announce → announced

And a correction from there → their

9b9608  No.4309077

File: 8db60e8f3d8406a⋯.png (402.38 KB, 1440x2880, 1:2, Screenshot_20181214-093845.png)

Will normies start realizing the pattern and wake up yet? I mean Come On!

219b42  No.4309078



investigate Rosenstein?

7ffbf8  No.4309079

>>4308160 (prev)

Don't dismiss the possibility that they DID have everything already.

The raid could have been to prevent 'somebody else' FROM having everything.

f8b0f3  No.4309080

File: 3cbd0cb9e83c84f⋯.jpg (91.63 KB, 634x476, 317:238, Overreaching.jpg)


>holy fuck they're reaching

986caf  No.4309081


When folks do the math, they will see the connections: five recent murders (east Texas) in last ten days as cartel roundups get underway.

Also lotta dirty law enforcement being exposed.


Thank you Q, POTUS, MI, NSA, our men and women in uniform, and the white hats from all the alfabet agencies. WRWY. We love you are are praying for all of us.




Wednesday, December 12, 2018

13 Suspected Drug Traffickers with Cartel Ties Arrested in Bust

Thirteen individuals were arrested on federal drug conspiracy charges following a bust led by the FBI Wednesday morning, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Erin Nealy Cox announced today.

According to criminal complaints unsealed this afternoon, the defendants – Juan Hernandez, Humberto Morales, Marcos Dominguez, Adolfo Ortiz, Albert Martinez, Alejandro Navarrete, Oscar Hernandez, Rebecca Mier, Leoncio Aguilar, Josue Coy, Fidel Alain Martin-Sosa, Yuniel Eduardo Lima Rivero, and Henry Alberto Echarte Rivero – conspired to distribute methamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin over a nearly five-year period, beginning in March 2014.

According to Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) investigators, the conspirators – who had ties to the Los Zetas and the New Generation Jalisco Mexican cartels – had a fluid hierarchy that evolved over time. Some of the money derived from the sale and distribution of the drugs were used to purchase additional drugs, while other drug money was sent to Mexico.

The investigation culminated yesterday, when FBI agents raided a home just across the street from a Grand Prairie elementary school, seizing 380 grams of heroin, a shotgun, and approximately 5 kilograms of methamphetamine. Additional agents seized seven firearms and ounce quantities of cocaine from two houses in Dallas. Agents in Carrollton, assisted by Carrollton Police Department seized 3 kilograms of methamphetamine that defendants Lima Rivero and Echarte Rivero attempted to discard.

In total, law enforcement also seized approximately $24,800 in U.S. currency.



1f21c0  No.4309082

File: 6a2929664ec4e84⋯.mp4 (256.92 KB, 528x228, 44:19, 212.mp4)

f5ab2b  No.4309083


if I member rightly Q said "Whoever found this should apply for NSA"

High praise indeed.

ee8943  No.4309084


The most divisive force in the world right now is the zionist communist MSM.

Funny isn't it?

166992  No.4309085

File: 5d629e5435041c4⋯.jpg (122.24 KB, 497x679, 71:97, new dollas.jpg)


Xi, POTUS, PUTIN- gonna pull the trigger on currency!

I feel gold-backed currency very very soon!

b5cfe9  No.4309086

File: 794993b24fc797b⋯.jpg (214.26 KB, 735x439, 735:439, Screen Shot 12-14-18 at 04….JPG)

e7c7be  No.4309087


What if an AI monster dominates discourse by injecting massive fakness.

lol, botnet, give it up

you aren't fooling us

don't keep plowing ahead with the fakeness now

you have to adjust

make an effort


you are outed



f895bc  No.4309088


Nevertrumpers own it and work there.

97722b  No.4309089

File: d8bcd520e0d3017⋯.jpg (105.13 KB, 625x625, 1:1, 1499398924321.jpg)


You must not know where you are, rabbi.

8a9b6f  No.4309090

209 UIDs

at least 50 of em muhjoo and muhconcern and antipotus shitposters

6207c5  No.4309091


10 min. yes.

yesterday's correction was 5 min.

b93428  No.4309093


They led the nevertrump attack and now they are reaping their rewards.

kristol is a cia pigeon

97722b  No.4309094

File: 21a673d8353abb8⋯.jpeg (97.12 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 21a673d8353abb83928658cbd….jpeg)

25e263  No.4309095

File: adcac4c4c62abac⋯.png (30.48 KB, 560x304, 35:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17025939b4b1960⋯.png (18.5 KB, 328x232, 41:29, ClipboardImage.png)


missing letters

d at i

DATI Director of Army Technical Information


Stock: DATI Digital Asset Monetary Network Inc. -15.83%

dd5008  No.4309097


They are at the point that they do not care or notice. Most dealing with just wanting to live their life and 9-5 work.

9b66b3  No.4309098

File: 89eecbb6efd57b5⋯.jpg (257.92 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, f90de53c58f994e65743657c66….jpg)

File: 188cc012d672735⋯.gif (16.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 84e030a75f73c74d18ff687670….gif)

97722b  No.4309099


5 + 5 = 10

6bdb90  No.4309100



Anyone already dug on this?

Involved McStain, CIA, Religion, all the usual suspects.

41658c  No.4309101


This MEME about LifeLog should be made common knowledge. What better way to softly wake up the normies.

Other big tech companies probably have the same origin story. We own them.

b3cf9f  No.4309102

File: dca3a664a3e4fea⋯.png (61.78 KB, 590x314, 295:157, IMG_4482.PNG)

b5677e  No.4309103

File: e0fb057d5e7dd85⋯.jpeg (103.81 KB, 661x546, 661:546, 71C0BF7C-FF66-47F3-BA1F-2….jpeg)

d1cced  No.4309105


had they went in order of the previous FF list, the normies probably would've sensed a pattern emerging already. usually takes 3 'events' to sense a pattern developing.

92addb  No.4309106

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)






219b42  No.4309107

751 kills

b5677e  No.4309108

File: cfd4c4127c55cf4⋯.jpeg (54.93 KB, 395x370, 79:74, 1B0A0848-A2FE-4FBC-9E54-B….jpeg)

25e263  No.4309109


delta 10 to correction

896692  No.4309110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"It happened while we were asleep…"

7803ac  No.4309111


If Q team were in control they would be running the media.

473b9f  No.4309112


Soooo….you're admitting Q is real…good or bad you're admitting it.

f1f702  No.4309113

File: c1466e2c1b3e4f9⋯.png (117.17 KB, 787x374, 787:374, Trump 121418 1125 tweet de….png)

d2ddda  No.4309114


Stop taking all big pharma antacids. If you have heartburn take plain baking soda, usually 1 tsp will work, take with water if needed to help swallow. Results are instant,.

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