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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

73d069  No.4182791

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 12.05.18

>>4171864 ————————————–——– What happens when they lose control and the TRUTH is exposed?

>>4171587 ————————————–——– It's all just a CONSPIRACY

>>4171504 ————————————–——– What do you want for XMAS? ( Cap: >>4171610 )

>>4169476 ————————————–——– People awake are what they FEAR THE MOST.

>>4169002 rt >>4168720 -————————– WHITAKER, HOROWITZ, HUBER, and WRAY.

>>4168720 ————————————–——– Move and countermoves.

>>4167458 rt >>4166910 -————————– EVIL has no place here.

>>4164820 ————————————–——– Follow the names on the list provided [update].

>>4160648 ————————————–——– Please allow us to counter (pic)

>>4160527 ————————————–——– Attention On Deck!

>>4158577 ————————————–——– When you are awake you can SEE CLEARLY

Tuesday 12.04.18

>>4158232 ————————————–——– [Dec 4, 2018]

Monday 12.03.18

>>4139025 ————————————–——– FOX execs pulled (3) scheduled guests

>>4134923 rt >>4134817 -————————– When did "Q" go active?

>>4134831 ————————————–——– If you decide to change careers…

>>4134775 ————————————–——– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5T7Gr5oJbM&feature=youtu.be

>>4134233 ————————————–——– The Art of Trolling the Fake News Media ( Caps: >>4134349, >>4135558 )

>>4131529 ————————————–——– Watch Hannity Tonight. 9:00 pm. ( Original Tweet 1/2/18 >>4133116 )

>>4131288 ————————————–——– THE GREAT AWAKENING. Q

>>4130704 ————————————–——– Postponed. Well played DS. Please allow us to counter.

>>4130455 ————————————–——– DECLAS > Purpose > illuminate the 'TRUTH' > People

>>4130256 ————————————–——– DOJ [policy] does not discuss ongoing investigations.

>>4130062 ————————————–——– Odds of a State Funeral on D5?

Sunday 12.02.18

>>4121139 ————————————–——– The World is about to change.

>>4120336 ————————————–——– Together We Win. (cap: >>4120367 )

>>4119960 rt >>4119614 -————————– FAKE NEWS = ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

>>4119614 ————————————–——– History books.

>>4119162 rt >>4119124 -————————– Light through Darkness. (cap: >>4119202 )

>>4119025 rt >>4118906 -————————– You are learning, Anon. [J C] & Vive la France.

>>4118750 ————————————–——– What you are witnessing in France has nothing to do w/ gas

>>4118436 ————————————–——– larger than anyone can possibly imagine (cap: >>4118458 )

>>4117825 ————————————–——– All you needed was a spark to UNITE TOGETHER.

>>4117452 rt >>4117309 -————————– There is a place for everyone (Freddy btfo'd)

>>4117250 ————————————–——– A WORLD UNITED IS A BEAUTIFUL THING.

>>4115264 rt >>4115161 -————————– Why has the FISA court kept QUIET?

>>4115161 rt >>4115084 -————————– Think multiple meanings

>>4115008 ————————————–——– "They are unlawful enemy combatants" (Article Caps: >>4115132 )

Saturday 12.01.18

Compiled here: >>4133235

Friday 11.30.18

Compiled here: >>4133227

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

73d069  No.4182795


are not endorsements


>>4182645 Trump’s EPA moves to repeal Obama’s ‘de facto ban’ on new coal plants.

>>4182617 McChrystal reportedly told Pompeo to keep a small amount of troops in Afghanistan.

>>4182568 Pray for the Marines and their families: Recent military air crashes in Japan.

>>4182476 WH to host Google CEO amid cloud of concerns over company’s silencing of Conservatives.

>>4182465 Hertz Global (HTZ) President/Rent A Car International Michel Taride to resign.

>>4182404 Apple (Huawei) caught breaking Iran sanctions.

>>4182382 Senate confirms McNameet to FERC. Objected to by Dems for 'climate change' views.

>>4182372 Armies of the Americas analyze military cooperation in Antarctica.

>>4182355 Planefag: AF-1 up!

>>4182206 +1000 refugees return to Syria from Lebanon.

>>4182202 FB down $9.5B after document leak showed the company was 'anti-competitive'.

>>4182195 SANA: Syrian military seizes Israeli and US-made weapons in Al-Quneitra.

>>4182182 Drug Maker Actelion agrees to pay $360 Million to resolve false claims act liability for paying kickbacks.

>>4182177 DJT Tweet: "Strong signals" referring to WW seismic activity?

>>4182174 Pentagon: US, Allies conduct extraordinary flight over Ukraine amid Kerch row.

>>4182159 U.S. subsidizes Soros’ radical leftist agenda Worldwide, Judicial Watch special report shows.

>>4182146 French students protest education reform with Molotov cocktails.

>>4182753 #5326


>>4181847 Marine crash update and DJT Tweet: "My thoughts and prayers…"

>>4181958 Israel preparing for a Lebanon operation?

>>4181952 France: Firefighters sing National Anthem in front of Police as they protest the Macron government.

>>4181935 Germany launches ‘how to identify Nazi parents’ guide for schools.

>>4181919 Marine crash in Japan: 2 found, 5 missing.

>>4181835 Top propagandist propagandizes.

>>4181818, >>4181902 Prosecutors resume foreign lobby probe of Podesta Group, Mercury Public Affairs.

>>4181676, >>4181708 James Comey lied to the FISA Court to spy on candidate Trump.

>>4181661 Top aide to Sen. Kamala Harris resigned Wed. after after being questioned on a $400,000 harassment and retaliation settlement.

>>4181420, >>4181651 Mysterious waves continue? Underground bunker mapping tech?

>>4181640 French MPs to launch "no confidence vote" against unpopular Macron.

>>4181598 Leader of Boston-based Fetanyl trafficking organization sentenced to 16 years in prison.

>>4181456 Poland rises up against EU's copyright censorship plan dubbed 'ACTA2'.

>>4181379 Clockfag makes a prediction. Archive offline regardless anons!

>>4181435 Dow plunges more than 700 points, now negative for 2018.

>>4181344 China Preps for Launch of Historic Mission to Moon's Far Side on Friday.

>>4181350 I-beam from the World Trade Center installed at the Marine Corps Museum.

>>4182012 #5325

Previously Collected Notables

>>4180654 #5323, >>4182151 #5324,

>>4178455 #5320, >>4178955 #5321, >>4179765 #5322

>>4175997 #5317, >>4176722 #5318, >>4177461 #5319

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

73d069  No.4182797

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4017478 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #4

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2390914 - The Jewish Question

>>4024843 – Clockwork Qrange #6

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#57 >>>/comms/2990, >>4179437

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

73d069  No.4182801

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Helpful Hints For Phonefags: >>3960155

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

36 >>4113363 35 >>3863987 34 >>3690162

NPC Memes #2 >>3522113

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Other tools: Templates >>113884 Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4022503

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4022412

73d069  No.4182813

File: 31944192ced3e5b⋯.jpg (13.09 KB, 255x211, 255:211, pepeinvestigator.jpg)



1ce2d4  No.4182852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

US probe into Huawei includes accusations of bank fraud and sanctions violations: Reuters

Chinese telecoms giant Huawei's chief financial officer was arrested as part of a U.S. investigation into an alleged scheme to use the global banking system to evade U.S. sanctions against Iran, according to sources familiar with the situation.

The United States has been looking into whether Huawei Technologies Ltd violated U.S. sanctions against Iran since at least 2016 and more recently the company's use of HSBC Holdings Plc to make illegal transactions involving Iran.

In 2012, HSBC paid $1.92 billion and entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn for violating U.S. sanctions and money-laundering laws.


61978a  No.4182857

It used to be called critical thinking before the creep pasta of Clinton

61978a  No.4182867

File: 03ed36a93fc1c0c⋯.jpg (167.29 KB, 751x423, 751:423, IMG_3850.JPG)


Stfu turd goblin

c79b17  No.4182878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

All aboard! Train ride time. 5:5 (4141)

4bbfd3  No.4182895

File: 3ba31992b60dc5f⋯.jpg (52.52 KB, 734x299, 734:299, Screenshot 2018-12-06_13-4….jpg)

4bbfd3  No.4182897

File: cffb4d75d2b4e78⋯.jpg (75.47 KB, 727x419, 727:419, Screenshot 2018-12-06_13-4….jpg)

064583  No.4182902

File: 7cbc01c7e88c051⋯.png (260.38 KB, 581x472, 581:472, ClipboardImage.png)

too late (pb)

BREAKING NEWS: French army seen headed towards Paris as major yellow vest protests have been planned for Saturday. Tens of thousands of people are expected to participate. President Macron expressed his concern, saying he fears serious violence on Saturday. #GiletsJaunes


de3b49  No.4182918


I think this should be NOTABLE for the anons to watch.

Long watch but anons should be aware of it.

25e229  No.4182923

File: b89cc51ba116e02⋯.png (432.02 KB, 511x477, 511:477, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f92b358c5c052df⋯.png (3.17 MB, 1421x922, 1421:922, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 078c0a4df61d4dd⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1417x925, 1417:925, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 732447cedaa43f7⋯.png (2.13 MB, 995x923, 995:923, ClipboardImage.png)


More displaced Syrians head back to Syria coming from Lebanon

SANA reporters said that Syrian buses and trucks entered from al-Dabbousyia, al-Zamrani and Jdeidet Yabous border crossings, coming from Lebanese territory, carrying hundreds of Syrian citizens, who, earlier, were forced to leave their homes in the countryside of Homs, Damascus and Hama due to the terrorist organizations’ inhuman perpetrations.


Moscow, UN discuss return of displaced Syrians to homeland

The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that both sides affirmed readiness to enhance cooperation on Syria including the development of the idea of holding an international conference on the return of the displaced Syrians to their homeland.

The statement noted that the UNHCR delegation, which participated in the international meeting on Syria held in Astana on Nov. 28-29, called for preserving dialogue with the guarantor states of Astana process.


28,000 Syrians Return From Jordan Since the Reopening of Border Crossing


Syrian, Russian Forces Evacuate Hundreds Of Civilians From Terrorist-Held Areas In Euphrates Valley, Idlib De-Escalation Zone

The humanitarian operation was reportedly carried out through the al-Salihiyah crossing on the Euphrates River.

On the same day, the SAA and Russian forces evacuated hundreds of women and children from the of Idlib through a crossing near the town of Abu al-Duhur. The northern governorate is controlled by the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

“The authorities welcomed the displaced civilians and provided them with food supplies and medical care then transferred them to their villages and town,” the SANA’s reporter said.


DC Comics Got New Superhero From Douma. His Sister Was “Gassed” By “Russians’ Puppet” Assad


Military Situation In Syria On December 6, 2018 (Map Update)


Army Uncovers Loads Of U.S. And Israeli Supplied Weapons And Medical Equipment In Southern Syria


4bbfd3  No.4182926

File: c5ae3d0f2b943ad⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 505x404, 5:4, Screenshot 2018-12-06_13-5….jpg)

Pompeo meets with South Korea's top diplomat after Bush's funeral

Dec. 6 (UPI) – U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with his South Korean counterpart Kang Kyung-wha in Washington on Thursday to discuss bilateral efforts on North Korea.

Kang and the South Korean delegation were in the United States to pay their respects to former President George H.W. Bush at the U.S. Capitol. They attended the funeral on Wednesday.

The two diplomats are meeting for the first time since Oct. 7, when Pompeo visited Seoul following his fourth trip to North Korea.

The meeting began at 8:30 a.m. at the State Department. Sources told Yonhap the meeting covered cooperation on North Korea denuclearization, and other areas where the two countries need to coordinate policy.

Foreign ministry spokesman Noh Kyu-duk had said ahead of the meeting the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the establishment of the peace process are to be discussed to "maintain coordination," as confirmed by the "Nov. 30 summit meeting."

Talks come a day after South Korean railroad surveyors returned from inspecting train tracks in the North.

Kim Jong Un and President Moon Jae-in agreed to work to reconnect the railroads, including the Gyeongui Line that once extended north and south…..


192992  No.4182929

File: 0a51cc7c035f515⋯.jpg (112.83 KB, 864x906, 144:151, 3.JPG)

File: 3585486f2361384⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 826x227, 826:227, 4.JPG)

Trump Calls Off Pompeo‘s North Korea Trip


23ce50  No.4182931

File: 6fb6c8427e9ac54⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 700x700, 1:1, rolls nom.jpg)


delishious sshtuff


thanks you bakerf

61978a  No.4182933

File: 8b9a4a224ba1f5a⋯.jpg (241.66 KB, 751x564, 751:564, IMG_3912.JPG)

File: cd60530b420528a⋯.jpg (435.95 KB, 751x751, 1:1, IMG_3954.JPG)


Pedo pr0n creep pasta

b524a4  No.4182934

File: 8db064d9a84c060⋯.jpg (37.28 KB, 400x469, 400:469, c4bfd1bce0edef47666da0e29e….jpg)

Thank You Baker

6a439b  No.4182935

File: f2132fbdfd7e0b7⋯.png (429.17 KB, 500x622, 250:311, 1542657967981.png)


TY Baker!!!

52e1c7  No.4182936

File: eec15988ae47ff8⋯.gif (5.15 MB, 334x480, 167:240, HILLSEIZURE.gif)

4bbfd3  No.4182937

File: cfe8bf3bbecaee9⋯.jpg (98.65 KB, 726x713, 726:713, Screenshot 2018-12-06_13-5….jpg)

201dfa  No.4182938

>>4182784 (lb)

Search yourself, Anons. Nothing in Q supports that. W is listed as traitor/pawn. Nothing about 41 at all.

"Watch who you follow", lest you become them.


27c73a  No.4182939

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/g2lnm9YEsQo" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

What do the Jews use to mind control Jews? How do they fool them to continue to be in the slave system they have created? Listen to this whole video and be amazed.

They sneakily admit to everything. Listen.

157b23  No.4182940

File: 96db4a301e49c2e⋯.png (532.29 KB, 672x859, 672:859, alexei.png)

thanks u baker

61978a  No.4182941

File: 69e4d5c54e5a231⋯.jpg (134.11 KB, 800x812, 200:203, IMG_4128.JPG)



17674d  No.4182942

File: bad3180f38fe5dd⋯.jpg (99.41 KB, 1062x818, 531:409, rururyeytet3843845.jpg)


55ba24  No.4182943

Criminal History: BCCI, the Bushes … and Mueller

As the newly dead George Herbert Walker Bush luxuriates in the accolades of America’s bipartisan political/media establishment, I thought to look again at the article below, which I wrote in 2006, detailing one of the great glories of his great and glorious reign: the thwarting of the investigation into BCCI, “one of the largest criminal organizations in history.” Strangely enough, I saw a now-familiar name popping up as one of the key figures in this nefarious cover-up operation by the Bush crime family (who make the Trump Gang look like the two-bit pikers they are): one Robert Mueller, champion of the Resistance and incorruptible shield of the Republic.

Anyway, here’s the lowdown, from 12 years ago. You won’t see these facts mentioned in any of the upchuckings of hagiography being churned out by our tough, savvy seekers of truth in the Fourth Estate.


98152a  No.4182944

File: caa36b8a4009aee⋯.jpg (221.08 KB, 696x1044, 2:3, red16.jpg)


73d069  No.4182945


Let's wait for another news source.

23ce50  No.4182946

File: 783703ec648e64a⋯.jpg (107.95 KB, 500x500, 1:1, drain it.jpg)

de3305  No.4182947

File: 3446aa051e538db⋯.png (33.96 KB, 612x361, 612:361, thank you baker very cool.png)

2c4299  No.4182948

Anybody else think 41 will be laid to rest at 3:22?

5599aa  No.4182949

File: 9b8952e0720df38⋯.png (36.46 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 9b8952e0720df3800dd6a3b720….png)

Ty baker

17c7c9  No.4182950


And it's already in Wikipedia??

He became an independent director of Time Warner (now WarnerMedia) in July 2009.

In 2009, Barr was of counsel to Kirkland & Ellis and joined the firm in 2017.[15]

On December 6, 2018, it was reported that President Donald Trump was considering Barr to be Attorney General.[16][17]


e287a0  No.4182951

File: 93c12af18f5358d⋯.jpg (113.85 KB, 1429x1349, 1429:1349, pepebaker.jpg)


TY baker! This is for you.

52e1c7  No.4182952

File: d236de98949e46c⋯.gif (300.87 KB, 200x152, 25:19, bewbs3.gif)

4bbfd3  No.4182953

Avenatti to lose cash, artwork, Ferrari in divorce settlement with wife

Michael Avenatti, the attorney for adult film star Stormy Daniels and an anti-Trump activist, has been having a bad month.

On Wednesday, the 47-year-old lawyer reached a divorce settlement with his estranged wife that will require him to hand over thousands of dollars and other assets for liquidation, according to court filings.

The court filings in Orange County, Calif., as reported by TMZ, indicate a judge has ordered Avenatti to pay his wife Lisa Storie-Avenatti $162,295 per month in child and spousal support retroactive to Jan. 1, 2018. The combined total amounts to more than $1.9 million upfront.

In addition, the judge ordered Avenatti to fork over his assets for liquidation including five luxury wristwatches – some worth $50,000 – a Frank Gehry sculpture, several pricey works of art, and a 2017 Ferrari 488 GT Spider worth about $300,000, according to the report. The judge also mandated that Avenatti’s law firm, Avenatti & Associates, transfer its interest in a 2016 Honda private jet.

The couple married in May 2011 and separated last December, the New York Daily News reported….


ab930c  No.4182954

File: 19ddf152c652a8d⋯.jpeg (230.16 KB, 591x1063, 591:1063, whoa.jpeg)

File: 3506124b566d123⋯.jpg (34.15 KB, 420x579, 140:193, theeconomist-phoenix_get_r….jpg)


dd64e4  No.4182955

>>4182920 lb


This whole thing can STILL go either way.

Only those claiming to be woke, but are really still asleep, will say otherwise.

ac812e  No.4182956


In fairness,

he didn't say who it was better for

27c73a  No.4182957



Sorry tried to embed but do not know how yet. Anyway here is the video.

55ba24  No.4182958

File: e2f67dff094b523⋯.jpg (832.43 KB, 1800x1313, 1800:1313, maxine_waters_cartoon.jpg)

4bbfd3  No.4182959


ok u let me know whne u find one

9e36de  No.4182960


I know you lurk here.

Do an episode or two on Fomenko and how History is a big fat fucking lie.

But if you do, dig deep first because his ideas will first sound ridiculous and insane, but he's got very very strong data to back it all up.

Essentially, we have NO HISTORY beyond 1000 years, and even that which is before 1500 is spotty and possibly made up. Rome never happened, all the famous Ceasers and Augustus's are phantom reflections of Byzantine rulers, popes, and even Biblical Patriarchs.

The Bible? Well, that is probably a creation of the middle ages too. Evidence suggests that the so called New Testament was actually written before the old.

CRAZY right? Except, it's very hard to actually argue with Fomenko's logic and the evidence he lays out.

Why have you never heard about this? Because Fomenko is Russian and only recently have his (endless) works started to be translated to English.

d02f13  No.4182961

Train 4141:4141? 55:55? 5:5? Idk but thought that’s interesting

d039d3  No.4182962

File: d57e4eedcf68706⋯.png (551.65 KB, 903x445, 903:445, pope and a rope copy 2.png)

>>4182505 LB

They can't keep their hands off the kids!

fb4e55  No.4182963

File: b1d0856e4a3fd9c⋯.jpg (79.01 KB, 640x437, 640:437, puke.jpg)

1dd1a3  No.4182964

>>4182915 (lb)

None of them are "our guys."

That's what you don't understand.

Sometimes one or two of them act as useful idiots for our side and we spotlight them.

Bongino is a product of INFOWARS. That's all I need to know. That should be all you need to know.

1368e9  No.4182965


this 2nd French Revolution is going great

merci Macron

ae0ad6  No.4182966


in France people chant they want Trump nor macron

–sepecial ground jury with evidence that 911 report is fake

special grand jury southern ny

wti ii 7

utube pushing cyclopedia britanicaa to change narrative

6fd71e  No.4182967


The French gov't is scared badly.

e287a0  No.4182968



4c28b7  No.4182969


That is how you react when you see a still frame from a CCTV security camera showing you that your houses are all being raided by the FBI/DOJ while you attend a funeral.

From Dilley intel source: "Obama just had his bolt hole tossed by Huber. It was a security grab from a CCTV"

bolt hole = A place where a person can escape and hide (2nd -home in Martha's Vineyard)

tossed = Searched

414343  No.4182970

File: 755acb73d72cdb3⋯.png (15.15 KB, 809x149, 809:149, Capture.PNG)

File: 58a20b8fafde026⋯.jpg (118.57 KB, 682x692, 341:346, 867bdb8ce67af0b73db9d8589d….jpg)

Always wondered about Q's BOLD text in brackets. Often seems incongruous/non-contextual. Started reading back through crumbs, just [BOLD] and all caps. Read back-wards in time, think mirror, but forward through each crumb. Seems other imbedded narratives there.

Bold in brackets but NOT capitalized even ANOTHER narrative. Seems we should have been here before a LONG time ago but I don't recall; nor do I see anons posting about these narratives. Pretty sure we have NOT learned ALL comms as well as we should have. Need more, fresher, autists brains on this. Not as bright as I once was.

ae0ad6  No.4182972


sauce min 3 special grand jury 911 conveneing

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg84g-xHMHM

4bbfd3  No.4182973

File: 3d8b1e74b26d23e⋯.jpg (124.29 KB, 737x716, 737:716, Screenshot 2018-12-06_13-5….jpg)

Exclusive: U.S. probe of China's Huawei includes bank fraud accusations: sources

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chinese telecoms giant Huawei Technologies Co Ltd’s chief financial officer was arrested as part of a U.S. investigation into an alleged scheme to use the global banking system to evade U.S. sanctions against Iran, according to sources familiar with the situation.

The United States has been looking into whether Huawei Technologies Ltd violated U.S. sanctions against Iran since at least 2016 and more recently the company’s use of HSBC Holdings Plc to make illegal transactions involving Iran.

In 2012, HSBC paid $1.92 billion and entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the U.S. Attorney’s office in Brooklyn for violating U.S. sanctions and money-laundering laws.

An HSBC spokesperson declined to comment. Huawei also declined to comment. A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s office in Brooklyn, which Reuters has reported is investigating Huawei, declined to comment.

HSBC is not under investigation, according to a person familiar with the matter.


b627f1  No.4182974

File: 858cf003d6b4b77⋯.jpg (10.27 MB, 3088x4434, 1544:2217, THE GREAT AWAKENING.jpg)


61978a  No.4182975

File: eaa15f80022f837⋯.jpg (105.89 KB, 800x812, 200:203, IMG_4127.JPG)

11bd89  No.4182976

File: 70e6e89c621475f⋯.png (467.7 KB, 475x852, 475:852, ClipboardImage.png)

Would an Anon please do a dig on McNeil Consumer Healthcare, Pharmaceutical Manufacturer, Whitemarsh Township, Pennsylvania. This elderly couple, who were found dead, had complained for years about “transmissions” (tremors) in the ground under his home that kept him awake at night. Pharmaceutical manufacturing plant one mile away from their home. Possibly digging tunnels or bunker or much worse.


1ce2d4  No.4182977


that girl is wearing an upside down cross

9144a1  No.4182978

File: 62686ba03f4ac43⋯.jpg (82.8 KB, 600x900, 2:3, bbb5.jpg)

Merci boulanger

8bde07  No.4182979


Everything in brackets is a marker.

17dd8e  No.4182980


Edge of Wonder is AJ2.0

Same sources and everything

064583  No.4182981


indeed, as someone mentioned in (pb) wouldn't it be something if the army sided with the population and took out their yellow vests :)

8bde07  No.4182982


It's an Anon post he was replying to.

f108e6  No.4182983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

On The 5th Day Of Hanukkah-Do You Know Who Did 9/11?

"If I'm elected, you'll find out ……

Who Did 9/11

9e36de  No.4182984


Same sources?

4bbfd3  No.4182985

I have this strange feeling that Michael Flynn Jr. likes certain SHILL tweets for us to have eyes on them. Maybe some of these Shills we haven't spotted and mistake them for good.

25e229  No.4182986

File: bede4faa9b9e9db⋯.png (82.99 KB, 613x909, 613:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7eb92453cbe452f⋯.png (74.23 KB, 621x860, 621:860, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ec993cca03b5f4⋯.png (24.51 KB, 620x279, 20:9, ClipboardImage.png)

UN migration pact would erode Canada’s sovereignty, says Scheer

With Canada set to sign on to a global United Nations agreement on migration next week, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says adopting the pact would be tantamount to erasing Canada’s borders.

The U.N. is billing its Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration as the first inter-governmentally negotiated agreement to cover all aspects of international migration. To be signed by multiple countries next week in Morocco, the agreement would set “a common understanding, shared responsibilities, and unity of purpose regarding migration.”

Scheer said his party strongly opposes the agreement and has called on the Trudeau government not to sign it.

“[The compact] gives influence over Canada’s immigration system to foreign entities, it attempts to influence how our free and independent media report on immigration issues, and it could open the door to foreign bureaucrats telling Canada how to manage our borders,” he told reporters on Parliament Hill on Dec. 4.

“Canadians and Canadians alone should make decisions on who comes into our country and under what circumstances.”

During question period that day in the House of Commons, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dismissed Scheer’s concerns, saying his government is committed to a healthy immigration system.

“We are going to continue to stand up for immigration, knowing that defending diversity is a source of strength and welcoming people through a rigorous immigration system from around the world is what has made Canada strong and, indeed, something the world needs more of, not less of, like [the Conservatives] want to bring in,” he said.

Although the pact is not formally binding under international law, it has proven to be controversial.

The United States and Australia have refused to sign on, and at least six EU member nations are reportedly walking away, including Austria and Hungary.


27c73a  No.4182987

Listen to a Jew making a special presentation to Jews attempting to get them to help the Jews control the Goy in this time of the Great Awakening. They are worried.


Listen to the whole thing. Read between the lines.

23ce50  No.4182988

File: a1d1043327ad7a4⋯.png (59.68 KB, 577x335, 577:335, ClipboardImage.png)


ok check out this clockfag

55:55 ? 5:5 ?

yesterday 12/05 Qteam posts a


i followed it to 08/31 and i found a


i follow it backwards (future proves past)

it leads me to 05/19 Q post with post tweet has a :27 stamp by potus

full circle

its the Q post with password exposed now comes the pain….

e287a0  No.4182990


Does it make sense if you read only the markers?

6fd71e  No.4182991


Planned to save assets and cash from all of his law suits and bankruptcy filings?

73d069  No.4182992


Dang Christie, where you hiding all those pastries?

Good to see you fren

92ec85  No.4182993


Its like when a hurricane destroys a city

after its rebuilt its better than it was before

clears out the old and brings in the new

1ce2d4  No.4182994


yeah i know, but its a strange post for Q to reply to?

e287a0  No.4182995


DiFi's ship going down fast.

dd64e4  No.4182996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eugene, Oregon Mystery Signal

Same same.

1368e9  No.4182997


> Q's BOLD text in brackets

is a choice of the coders of the archive sites.

not Q's.

089e58  No.4182998




He tried to get his testimony on record without this stunt but one of the FBI officers that conducted the interview was our boy P. Strzok

Fastest and easiest way around that was to plead guilty to a process crime

A crime he didn't commit and even if he did it would be a light punishment

All to get his testimony on record

The former head of the DIA might know a thing or two about a thing or two

Flynn is a fucking bad ass

064583  No.4182999

File: 5d390003a9d0c9d⋯.png (517.27 KB, 1429x1349, 1429:1349, ClipboardImage.png)

23ce50  No.4183000

File: 52ffee16dbc892b⋯.png (597.04 KB, 1146x1100, 573:550, FTP 1205.png)


they thought it was coming yesterday

17c7c9  No.4183001


There is info in everything Anon.

That's training your mind instead of being quick to filtering are important.

98152a  No.4183002

File: 3e04c333bfe236d⋯.png (77.35 KB, 442x552, 221:276, q 1415.PNG)

79e050  No.4183003

File: 9126de2b80d585f⋯.jpg (175.9 KB, 1200x657, 400:219, DtvHAGWU0AAyfiG-1.jpg)

4bbfd3  No.4183005



17dd8e  No.4183006


Subscribe to the same flawed authorities if you will.

AJ might not be a good analogy. Icke is a better analogy.

1ce2d4  No.4183007




61978a  No.4183008

File: 28d3fcc2c0318db⋯.jpg (105.98 KB, 800x812, 200:203, IMG_4126.JPG)

d02f13  No.4183009


You see number on Bush train? 4141:4141….55:55…5:5? Idk but it’s interasting

09c833  No.4183010

21 plane missing man formation that may not be seen.. clouds too low… lol

73d069  No.4183011



Kek, my bad.

This: >>4182945

Was meant for this: >>4182902

de3305  No.4183012

File: 97533944bc948d9⋯.jpg (50.92 KB, 960x524, 240:131, 47572208_1220417798096972_….jpg)

98152a  No.4183013

File: 38cce3194171cb3⋯.jpg (83.47 KB, 858x529, 858:529, 14dc32cf84bfec6fecf4e69951….jpg)

f4ea7c  No.4183014

File: 1bd1e4cf5467519⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 8E51C4D6-C27D-4790-90D5-D0….png)

File: a949e02802af5ad⋯.png (637.93 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 50536D04-0FFA-460A-85F8-71….png)

File: 449bd02a2cc7024⋯.png (569.09 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 5915FA7C-0613-40FB-B229-E9….png)

File: d43de2efb00f4d5⋯.png (571.16 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 48E0D95D-FE0E-4E0F-A6A4-72….png)

Huawei cFO arrested during Bolton Xi dinner


Literally so much going on and first day off in a week to soak it up.. i feel like i am missing so much.. no wonder PAYtriots ask for money so they can just stay glued 24/7.

9e36de  No.4183015

File: ffb256d23ad38dc⋯.png (611.94 KB, 2382x907, 2382:907, .png)

FLYNN dropped the goods on the Saudi Arabian political blackmail (due to crimes against children, blackmail vids?) and buying politicians.

25e229  No.4183016

Christmas called ‘winter celebration’ in Swedish media and the Swedes are sick of it

Twitter has rebuked one of Sweden’s leading regional dailies, being accused of ‘political correctness gone too far’.

So Christmas is now called ‘winter celebration’ in Malmö? There you have it… Waiting to open my ‘winter presents’ lying under the ‘winter tree’

The offending published report was by Sydsvenskan, and described how Malmö is preparing for Christmas celebrations amidst the need for more security than in the past. They moved the celebration from Gustaf Adolf Square to larger Stortorget Square.

The newspaper chose to call it “winter celebration” instead of Christmas and it has not gone over with members of the Swedish public.

“So Christmas is now called ‘winter celebration’ in Malmö? There you have it”, user Nätsäkerhetsexpert tweeted. “Waiting to open my ‘winter presents’ lying under ‘winter tree'”, one user said sarcastically.

“Is this the first time a newspaper non-ironically uses the world ‘Winter Celebration’ for Christmas in a news piece?”, user Alexander TixE queried.

“Who wants to celebrate Scanian winter anyway? Dark, +3 degrees, wet snow and wind blowing at 13 metres per second”, one of the replies said.

Others pointed out the inequality of their political correctness: ”Will you replace Ramadan with ‘Starvation Celebration’ in order not to trigger Christians, or are only Muslims being violated?”

“How to avoid attacks from Muslims: 1) Call Christmas ‘winter celebration’ in order not to upset Muslims 2) If they still want to kill us: Add concrete blocks and other ‘Islam décor’ to the square. How the hell did we get here?” Micke69 asked.

“‘Winter celebration’ behind concrete blocks… Never thought this 10 years ago”


55fa50  No.4183017


>$162,295 per month in child and spousal support retroactive to Jan. 1, 2018.


00f3a0  No.4183018

File: 35e1dc84778cceb⋯.png (70.91 KB, 790x683, 790:683, 8d8ca3bdc2bb81c203115ae362….png)


If I ever win the lotto, I'm gonna hire a sexetary just like that.

9144a1  No.4183019


BCCI, Iran contra, Mena airport…?

Never heard of em

8000cd  No.4183020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f108e6  No.4183021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why Doesn't Hollywood Make Movies About Who Did 9/11?

*The Zionist Jewish Owned Hollywood makes LOTS of Movies about "muh Holocaust", every one of which ALWAYS gets Oscar Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenwriter, Best Caterer, etc…

*Yet the Biggest, most Stunning Day of Our Lifetime, the Day that Stunned The World, the Incredible Visual of both Towers exploding and collapsing –

In 17 YEARS, Why haven't ANY Hollywood Jewish Producer, Director, Movie Studio etc. made any Blockbuster Movies about 9/11?

*The Families of those Killed on 9/11 have been waiting 17 Years for the TRUTH about Who Did 9/11, and Why.

There is a Mountain of Evidence about this Evil Bloody Day, and about Who Profited from this Mass Murder, and from the Wars that this Day of Infamy 9/11 was used as a Pretext to send Americans out to fight and die for the Zionist Cabal.

Awoke anons KNOW. Engineers, Architects, Forensic Chemists, Intelligence agents, have gone on record about Who and How the Twin Towers were brought down. However the normie sheeple will only believe it from an Official Authority:

1. The President of The United States. Official Press Conference Broadcast on all MSM.

2. Mainstream Media Monopoly. Which is ALL OWNED by Zionist Jews.

For 17 Years, Most Americans have been fooled by Zionist Jewish TV Networks, Newspapers & Magazines about 9/11

*Which is The Bigger Injustice - 9/11 Or The 17 Year False Narrative Cover-up?

Justice For the Victims and Their Families requires Official Presidential Disclosure

Who Did 9/11

Notice how Hollywood is now Re-releasing Schindler's List

Wonder why?

326512  No.4183022

File: dab00fdd24a499d⋯.jpg (22.11 KB, 400x292, 100:73, dab00fdd24a499dd755d7385e6….jpg)

Anyone got the rest of the pictures of Barry in tribal+holding hands+holding pistol?? Trying to redpill my family, but they dont believe me the pictures exists…!!

88a1b1  No.4183023

File: b64a4a4be496f24⋯.png (16.35 KB, 596x137, 596:137, ClipboardImage.png)

dedf16  No.4183024

OK I'm over GHWB.

4bbfd3  No.4183025

File: 9478d571a67806f⋯.jpg (125.52 KB, 740x715, 148:143, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-0….jpg)

Nicholas Maduro says Russia will invest $6B in Venezuelan oil, mining

Dec. 6 (UPI) – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Thursday, on the second day of a visit to Russia, that he obtained accords for $6 billion of investments in Venezuelan oil and mining production, as well as offers of wheat shipments, and help maintaining and improving Venezuelan weapons.

"At the end of a successful work agenda with our brothers from the Russian Federation, we have a very positive balance for the Venezuelan people. Thank you Russia! Thank you President Vladimir Putin!" Maduro tweeted, along with a video.

In the video, he said that accords include one "to guarantee investment of more than $5 billion to increase oil production in Venezuela." In addition, there is a commitment for $1 billion to support Venezuelan mining, mostly for gold operations.

Maduro also received offers to help with the maintenance and repairs of the country's weapons system and another agreement for up to 600,000 metric tons of wheat "for the bread of the Venezuelan people."…..


55ba24  No.4183026

Maria Butina plea deal may be near

A flurry of court filings over the past few weeks suggest that alleged Russian agent Maria Butina is nearing a plea agreement with federal prosecutors.

Prosecutors and attorneys for Butina held an impromptu conference call on Thursday to discuss the status of the case. According to reporters present at the federal courthouse in Washington, D.C., Butina’s lawyers said that a status update scheduled for Dec. 19 will likely not be necessary.


e0faea  No.4183027

File: 6c3ad0347c251f6⋯.jpeg (419.74 KB, 673x902, 673:902, D60A0B5C-F7F0-489A-8C3F-3….jpeg)

Posted on the half Chan. Apparently originally on Twitter then taken down shortly after. It reads…

"#Gilets jaunes, Do not give up anything.

A lot of soldiers are against the government and aren't fool of what is happening at the moment"

Or a close translation at least.

0e23c8  No.4183028

>The charges were all levied by U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman in the Southern District of New York, which FBIAnon heavily suggested in 2016 would be where the Clinton Foundation would be taken down.

Daily reminder, it already happened. Stock up on popcorn.

7bc762  No.4183029


and independent carbon dating is a big fat lie?

4bbfd3  No.4183030

File: c52f720bb17bd7b⋯.jpg (54.63 KB, 708x293, 708:293, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-0….jpg)

ac6e00  No.4183031

File: 2215695776aca01⋯.jpeg (186.89 KB, 1125x1176, 375:392, 13E6036A-38A5-4AD0-BEE6-A….jpeg)

55fa50  No.4183032


All? I don't think we "know" any. We're friggin retarded. How long did it take to figure out that they were even using a book cipher based on friggen tripcodes???

f4ea7c  No.4183033


First i have seen of this exact pic

2d23f9  No.4183034


I think I literally drove by this house today, but just reading this now. Weird.

3477e6  No.4183035

File: eb4b747c3814abd⋯.png (484.4 KB, 982x470, 491:235, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4182784 (lb)


Not much else needs to be said though proof of all of the crimes would be nice.

4bbfd3  No.4183036

File: 99f75c2755f1c1b⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 727x700, 727:700, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-0….jpg)


ccb08b  No.4183038

File: dd79a193fcdeeb4⋯.png (137.69 KB, 954x630, 53:35, flight-prices.png)

$261 round trip to Paris from NY

Tells me no one wants to go…

London in 2nd place @ $275

07ca04  No.4183039

File: 15e5fe7f9d7e9e9⋯.png (505.58 KB, 602x938, 43:67, ISIS airforce.PNG)

File: df0752ba30b5063⋯.jpeg (737.66 KB, 3080x2800, 11:10, Israel_US.jpeg)

File: 8fd3cf2605af751⋯.jpeg (118.06 KB, 761x796, 761:796, Lost something.jpeg)

File: 8789e53bd78a5ae⋯.jpg (64.05 KB, 640x360, 16:9, thermobaric_bombs.jpg)


Well At least Assad is getting some free gun, rockets and ammo from all the Nato country who have tried to bring him down.

More Nato loots for Assad.

f108e6  No.4183040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hyatt Hotel Chain Owned by Pritzker Family–J.B. Pritzker is Democrat Governor-elect of Illinois–Chairman of Illinois Holocaust Museum

Illinois State Capitol is where the Church of Satan just installed their "Snaketivity" statue

*J.B. (Jay Robert) Pritzker is the Democrat Governor-Elect of Illinois (age 53). As Governor, he will hold more private wealth than any other Governor in U.S. history, and the second-wealthiest U.S. politician to ever hold office, after Michael Bloomberg.

He is a Billionaire member of the Pritzker family who owns the Hyatt Hotel chain. Born to a prominent Jewish family. Based in Chicago, he has an estimated personal net worth of $3.5 Billion Dollars. (estimated net worth is usually just the tip of the iceberg that's public)

In 2008, J.B. Pritzker was national co-chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign.

In May 2017 - an 11 minute FBI wiretap of then Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, in a "pay to play" offer to J.B. Pritzker.

On the tapes, Blagojevich asked Pritzker if he would like to be appointed state treasurer, to which Pritzker responded, "Yeah, that's the one I would want."

Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._B._Pritzker

*J.B. Pritzker is Chairman (immediate past) of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, which opened in 2009. Pritzker successfully led the capital campaign and planning to build an international institution in the Midwest dedicated to teaching the lessons of the Holocaust and other genocides.

Sauce: https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/pages/about/board-of-directors/

Another Mega-rich Pro-Israel Zionist Jew in charge of a US State

Hyatt Hotel Chain

The first Hyatt Hotel was bought by Jay Pritzker in 1957 in Los Angeles. Hyatt has over 627 hotels Worldwide.

Address of Hyatt Regency in Q Photo is 11 Paradise Walk, Chongqing

Sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyatt

^^^1:55 minute video is of the Snaketivity: a Female Hand wrapped by a Serpent holding an Apple.

81bb59  No.4183041


Redpill them on the easy stuff first

61978a  No.4183042

File: c3b575ba3872ce2⋯.jpg (100.01 KB, 800x812, 200:203, IMG_4125.JPG)

f4ea7c  No.4183043


It is layered like good pan of lasagna

dedf16  No.4183044


pennsylvania is weird like that.

9e36de  No.4183045


Not exactly. It's far less reliable than you might think. Fomenko spends about 30 pages going on and on about Carbon Dating. And no, not like Ken Ham might in his Creation Science museum.

He obliterates the notion that it's reliable for pinpointing characters or events in history. It only works on large time scales, the margin of error is too large when dealing with hundreds or thousands of years only.

25e229  No.4183046

e0faea  No.4183047


Also…gun model checks out as a French military issued sidearm. Adds some legitimacy.

https:// fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PAMAS_G1

3fb96f  No.4183048

File: 95e5c5508070af7⋯.jpg (253.36 KB, 1324x691, 1324:691, 55.jpg)

66c1ac  No.4183049

File: bea71fa51f7b512⋯.jpeg (733.73 KB, 1242x1471, 1242:1471, 72633EB4-CE43-461F-B06B-D….jpeg)


c4603f  No.4183050


We See You

326512  No.4183051


There exists 3-4 (probably A LOT more, but these are leaked) of Barry in tribalwear, and where he is holding a pistol and one where he is holding hands with another fag

96363b  No.4183052

File: 86750679b249475⋯.png (14.34 KB, 339x359, 339:359, embed.png)


CLICK → [▶ Show post options & limits]

COPY+PASTE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2lnm9YEsQo

9a6db1  No.4183053

END OF MACRON: French MPs launch NO CONFIDENCE vote amid nationwide anger and riots

EMMANUEL Macron’s leadership is hanging by a thread as left-wing groups within the French parliament discuss launching a no confidence vote against the president.

By Romina McGuinness

PUBLISHED: 10:07, Thu, Dec 6, 2018 | UPDATED: 14:34, Thu, Dec 6, 2018


9e36de  No.4183054


Meh, that's ok tho, I think they do a good job giving a basic outline to issues that you can further dig on.

I was worried you were going to tell me that they're funded by Jones

4283bd  No.4183055

>>4182751 LB

I love the way he looks at her.


27c73a  No.4183056


Could Flynn have been MI's link to Jfk jr? Is this why in Jfk jr's last interview he mentions he already has a name picked out for a future son. The name is Flynn. Fucking spooky right. Then the Marines Base has one of Jfk jrs planes flying in and out of it.

And then the Wedding List of Jfk Jr is still a secret? Why? The Man has been dead 19 years and they still keep secret who went to his wedding?

I believe General Flynn went to Jr.'s wedding. I believe he is the inspiratation for the mention of Flynn as a future Jfk jr kid.

Flynn is a bad ass. He is only two years older than Jfk jr. I think MI assigned Flynn to Jr. To teach him how the world really worked. Because I believe that Jfk jr was going to be the original Trump. Listen to Trump in on Oprah in 80's. He would run for President if no one better was out there. But he believed there was a better choice. Jr.

But in this game of cat and mouse (((they))) figured out the title of Jr's Magazine and what is was mocking. Then they wanted Jr dead. Knowing the attempts would never stop till Jr was gone for real they removed him themselves.

Jr was going to bring the destruction of ZOG. But that was left to Trump. Because there was no one better left.

a8f218  No.4183058


>The newspaper chose to call it “winter celebration” instead of Christmas and it has not gone over with members of the Swedish public.

But the Swedish public is used to things that have not gone over well with them.

After all, the Swedish public has tolerated a mass invasion of Africans to corrupt their society and their culture.

6ab8cb  No.4183059


This better not be a fucking let down Q - people here are so sleepy they think the carbon tax is a good thing!


Sorry for my anger, but holy shit. Canada is in trouble and the people are not in a position to even realize it and the ones that see it have NO HOPE. No FUEL.

FEED US and we will FIGHT

73d069  No.4183060


>The case is being handled by the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, and not the special counsel’s office.


326512  No.4183061


We are already past 9/11, UFOs etc. But they still believe Obummer is a stand up guy…

69032e  No.4183063


The French are known for protests but something about this one seems different. I hope it escalates. I hope they burn the whole place down.

The people in Europe needed to do SOMETHING. It has gotten VERY bad over there.

0bd37b  No.4183064

File: 8437107031cc2d4⋯.png (531.03 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, ClipboardImage.png)

8bde07  No.4183065


G O A W A Y !!!!!!!!!

9d987b  No.4183066

File: bec7da6199dd62f⋯.jpg (95.36 KB, 1085x551, 1085:551, Soon.jpg)

f108e6  No.4183067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who Did 9/11?

**1:43 minute video is a quick tour of the 9/11 Museum next to the footprint of the Twin Towers.

5b47f4  No.4183068


English Anons: other EU countries can have these uprisings because they don't have monarchies anymore. Right?

Does your royal crap preclude your getting out yellow vests and making some real changes?

What can stop this from jumping the Channel?

61978a  No.4183069

File: 111d8f10282c59a⋯.jpg (92.71 KB, 1000x626, 500:313, IMG_0581.JPG)

File: e304c40ab891369⋯.jpg (80.17 KB, 960x912, 20:19, IMG_0584.JPG)

File: 3c46b7b8a79d4ff⋯.jpg (407.44 KB, 1280x1596, 320:399, IMG_0585.JPG)

Fire at will

064583  No.4183070


close translation.

"#Yellow vest, do not give up.

A lot of soldiers are against the government and aren't naively fooled by what is happening at the moment"

e287a0  No.4183071


I see Flynn and Rodgers investigating the FBI Criminal Investigative Division for covering HRC's crimes against children.

3ef538  No.4183072


thank you

f8ee1b  No.4183073


>Former attorney general under George H.W. Bush, William P. Barr, is leading candidate for President Trump's attorney general


Now look what i found on wiki.

>He became an independent director of Time Warner (now WarnerMedia) in July 2009.

>In 2009, Barr was of counsel to Kirkland & Ellis and joined the firm in 2017.


Barr was a counsel of Kirkland & Ellis and that international law firm has represented Jeffery Epstein


>Represented Jeffrey Epstein in a case of sex-trafficking with minors.

And another note look at the Notable attorneys and alumni, i mean just wow

>Brett Kavanaugh - Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States


2e14ae  No.4183074


fuck her right in the pussy

1368e9  No.4183075





but seriously

they are working damn hard to demonize this regime change

4092d8  No.4183076


nice. Bolton badass. Follow Bolton

a8f218  No.4183077


Not soon enough.

But I vent, slightly.

07ca04  No.4183078


Translation is accurate. This is one more hotspot to watch.

4bbfd3  No.4183079

File: 784a37f21bb3a3a⋯.jpg (196.7 KB, 668x872, 167:218, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-0….jpg)

File: 5dad502412ea8a6⋯.jpg (269.77 KB, 670x1064, 335:532, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-0….jpg)

Trump’s Energy Regulator Pick Wins Confirmation By Razor-Thin Margin


e0faea  No.4183080


Thanks for the translation Anon.

279dc0  No.4183081

File: c96c21fb93c8a65⋯.jpg (189.7 KB, 600x1425, 8:19, 1.jpg)

File: 3586f049add3912⋯.jpg (187.43 KB, 600x1575, 8:21, 2.jpg)


UNB physicists help federal government improve arctic communications

064583  No.4183082


it's spreading out to NA through Canada. time to beware.

8bde07  No.4183083


Rogers is retired and not an investigator, but sure.

25e229  No.4183084

File: 13a8558298d7b80⋯.png (105.02 KB, 1184x692, 296:173, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ece4badf7b95a29⋯.png (159.49 KB, 1179x393, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Whitewash - The 'Last Bastion Of Freedom' Is An Al-Qaeda Infested Town

This week the New Yorker published a long piece on Saraqib, a town in Idleb governorate in Syria.

Syria’s Last Bastion of Freedom

Amid the brutal civil war, a town fought off the regime and the fundamentalists—and dared to hold an election. Can its experiment in democracy survive?

The piece tells us that, despite the fact that al-Qaeda rules Idleb since at least 2015, it is really a cradle of genuine democracy:

In the summer of 2017, for the first time anywhere in Syria since 1954, the residents of the town of Saraqib decided to seize control of their future—and hold a genuinely free election.

On the morning that polls were to open, an activist named Osama al-Hossein woke up at five o’clock, feeling anxious. He soon headed to Idlib Gate, a former department store that had been turned into a meeting hall. A small crowd was milling about: local journalists, election monitors, and suited dignitaries who, in international circles, represented the Syrian opposition. The election was meant to choose the leader of the Local Council, a civilian body that governed the town. Poll workers checked their phones for reports of air traffic: Syrian and Russian jets were known to attack public gatherings, and activists had posted sentries around the province.

We are told that this one town, Saraqib, is really standing out:

One Syrian town after another fell out of government control, and from this anarchy new horrors arose. The flags of ISIS and Al Qaeda were raised across the country. Child refugees drowned at sea; Western hostages were murdered on camera.

Somehow, Saraqib had avoided this fate. It offered an alternative history for the entire Syrian conflict—and, Hossein believed, its citizens embodied the true soul of the revolution. That evening, he imagined other tiny democracies flowering across Syria, and the rest of the world coming to understand, at last, that his country had more to offer than bloodshed and tragedy.

In reality "an alternative history" is not what happened to Saraqib, but what is presented in the New Yorker piece. It is a whitewash of a brutal international attack on Syria. A hagiography of one Osama al-Hossein, a Muslim Brotherhood 'activist', who got funding from the United States. It includes every false propaganda cliche about 'barrel bombs' and 'moderate rebels', who never were moderate, that the 'western' agencies inserted into the news stream. It is also full of stupid and nonfactual assertions. How, for example, did the New Yorker fact checkers let these 'Humvees' pass by:

The government retaliated with even greater force; on August 11, 2011, its tanks and Humvees stormed Saraqib again.

When and where did Syria buy those?

In 2017 Osama al-Hossein, over some struggle with al-Qaeda, eventually fled to Turkey. But this August the author, presumably more at ease with al-Qaeda than the Syrian 'activist', traveled to Saraqib and found it at peace:

Unlike in some other Idlib towns, there were no religious police, no Al Qaeda flags. Although Saraqib is amid one of the world’s deadliest civil wars, I didn’t see a single gunman or checkpoint. I bumped into Abu Traad, the leader of the Free Syrian Army faction, and even he was unarmed, wearing slacks and a T-shirt. The activists, I learned, had insisted that weapons not be carried inside the city limits, immunizing Saraqib from factional disputes and protecting the revolutionaries’ rule. Occasionally, I spotted Nusra members hunched in a vehicle; though it was blazing hot, they hid behind balaclavas. Many residents, meanwhile, freely denounced the fundamentalists: one told me, “These people are a curse on God Himself.” It seemed that in Saraqib, at least, people were not afraid of Nusra; Nusra was afraid of them.


d927a4  No.4183085


If you promise to never brag again about your shitty socialized medicine that we Americans subsidize then maybe we will help.

534bf0  No.4183086


Do they still speak French in France, or has that been outlawed already?

b524a4  No.4183087

File: b88ee5097faca54⋯.jpeg (88.88 KB, 900x579, 300:193, 1543888737.jpeg)

1368e9  No.4183088



98d775  No.4183089

File: 176303265b071b1⋯.jpg (104.66 KB, 888x499, 888:499, terry.jpg)

e30102  No.4183090

File: 7c519dbea311ab3⋯.png (799.39 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)




61978a  No.4183091

False fexas idolars and FBI/CIA chimeras planted charges and plotted to steal gold and burn dirty books

But the kikes got cucked

7bc762  No.4183092

db00a7  No.4183093

OK I watched a little bit of the weird video about

Trump and Tesla. Thinking about it a little and it occurred to me

that because the earth is spinning around it's axis and also traveling around the sun, If you could look forward in time,

what you were looking at would only be in the same position

in space once a year, on the same exact date, hour, minute

Interesting huhn.


064583  No.4183094


np it was close just needed a tweak :)

f4ea7c  No.4183095


Every day same shit from day crew. Fuck off.

66c1ac  No.4183096

File: ccee19aef10470a⋯.jpeg (505.86 KB, 1242x1279, 1242:1279, 306E5D72-5CC1-4D7E-9922-E….jpeg)

6fd71e  No.4183097


Maybe the shot heard around the world is Marcon and the French gov't falling? If the French Yellow Vests succeed in toppling their corrupt gov't. in my opinion it will have a domino effect on the rest of the EU.

a20526  No.4183099

File: 872d840ef7dad6c⋯.jpg (301.1 KB, 1316x990, 658:495, QCrumbsSheepNoMore.jpg)

File: 6b5b7bb0649c24c⋯.jpeg (223.21 KB, 1125x1188, 125:132, QCrumbsFakeNewsEnemyOfPeo….jpeg)

File: a7bbc4ce33d860d⋯.jpg (189.58 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbs31Oct17MilVital.jpg)

File: daadd819531cb6d⋯.jpg (163.61 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, QCrumbsTheMoreYouKnow2.jpg)

File: 1715c61b9c26136⋯.jpg (594.54 KB, 1198x793, 1198:793, QCrumbsTimelinePlanAwake2.jpg)

ae0ad6  No.4183100

File: e31737029cede97⋯.png (703.79 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, HittingTheFan.png)

25b99f  No.4183101

File: 91709eb8b544e27⋯.jpg (94.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DS.jpg)

618935  No.4183102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


@2:11:32 watch on hd slo-mo big screen

Jeb when red vest man/woman with staff appears:

blinks 3 times with right eye

then next white vestment person appears:

nods 3 times

taps chest 3 times

Laura and W are bobble heads


6ef1dc  No.4183103

File: d383bb5ff03dc93⋯.jpg (45.24 KB, 600x425, 24:17, baldeagle.jpg)

Q - Why is Andrei Nekrasov's documentary on The Magnitsky Act banned in the U.S.? Why can't we watch it? Is the DS trying to cover up the framing of Russia for something they didn't do?

6ab8cb  No.4183104


Our health care is KILLING people, they've perfected the brainwashing up here, big ass land mass fewer people than most smaller countries…. we are in serious deep sleep up here —– being woke here is exactly like waking up in the matrix, every one around you is happily tucked into their delusions

4bbfd3  No.4183105

File: c455d05cc48d0e3⋯.jpg (56.74 KB, 724x296, 181:74, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-1….jpg)

1dd1a3  No.4183106


Mossad did it. Israel. They will let us blame anybody as long as we don't look at precious Israel.

Sure Bush was complicit. Sure it was an "inside job" - but not totally inside. ISRAEL ordered it.

61978a  No.4183107

Such strong opinionated creep pasta from pedos huh

061ad9  No.4183108


Even though this is old news, looks like you rattled ebots cage!

545abf  No.4183109

>>4182629 lb

>Jeb panic reaction


THIS made my day.

Thanks for posting!

f108e6  No.4183110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Some French Revolutionary music for the Take down of the Cabal.

Vive La Patriot France!

a20526  No.4183111

File: 8e4dd8315eaceab⋯.jpg (136.8 KB, 478x681, 478:681, QCrumbsBirdSingMeaning.jpg)

File: 8dcc19e3d28ab04⋯.jpg (138.68 KB, 820x512, 205:128, QCrumbsFreeInformation.jpg)

File: 57edb471e647975⋯.jpg (396.36 KB, 999x1294, 999:1294, QCrumbsStreetsNotSafeFor(T….jpg)

File: 35c33fa21fe6c0f⋯.jpg (121.35 KB, 510x642, 85:107, QCrumbsTruthAlwaysWins.jpg)

6d21ea  No.4183112


Do you think the yellow vests will kick the deer this weekend?

8bde07  No.4183113


How did so many Catholic parents turn a blind eye to this stuff?

ae0ad6  No.4183114

File: d04f0aea1981547⋯.png (886.86 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, fourI.png)

9144a1  No.4183115


Any journalcist with a room temp IQ could have found out about Creepy Pr0n lawyer during the Stormy affair. Instead he was given the red carpet on MSNBS cBS CNN etc for months. Daily his mug and lies were broadcast. Daily propaganda rags spewed his lies and bullshit. And yet we are to respect "the press".

1dd1a3  No.4183116


Mossad did it. Israel. They will let us blame anybody as long as we don't look at precious Israel.

Sure Bush was complicit. Sure it was an "inside job" - but not totally inside. ISRAEL ordered it.

0b76ff  No.4183117


Speaking of which, where's the MSM on S. Korea. Spouse seems to think nothing is happening over there. (Seriously, I've got my own personal troll.) I said, "Really? They just blew up the guard towers on the DMZ. They're preparing to destroy the DMZ entirely." His response? "They're building new rockets." Oh, say it isn't so!

f8ee1b  No.4183118


notice me

61978a  No.4183119


Necromancers lost their scapegoat in Guadalajara and the bodies rotted for weeks

b84cda  No.4183120

File: 0d7d59d81b4370b⋯.jpg (109.04 KB, 800x450, 16:9, drill sergeant chekt.jpg)

27c73a  No.4183121


No chance.

I am here to the finish. One way or another.

And why would you be so upset about brainstorming? Just trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. Just the way my mind works. If you think I am wrong…..prove it.

17c7c9  No.4183122


Off with his head!

And just keep working their way up through until they are done with the Roths.

4bbfd3  No.4183123

File: 096b188a1fba780⋯.jpg (72.06 KB, 747x580, 747:580, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-1….jpg)

File: fcaa4a35c1af6c6⋯.jpg (224.25 KB, 681x952, 681:952, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-1….jpg)

File: 7a62e4434bb0012⋯.jpg (187.28 KB, 677x830, 677:830, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-1….jpg)



1ce2d4  No.4183124


kek ebot's easily triggered

66c1ac  No.4183125

File: d5b4510b5d59284⋯.jpeg (554.37 KB, 1242x715, 1242:715, F0F42D3E-69FE-4E6D-B943-E….jpeg)

File: 0732420719e1da5⋯.jpeg (699.71 KB, 1242x900, 69:50, 57D4AA96-247F-4417-90F1-F….jpeg)


6fd71e  No.4183126


thanks anon, and remember the ex-commander of the French Foreign Legion is with the Yellow Vests.

61978a  No.4183127


The steel was deported to avoid criminal charges

064583  No.4183128

File: 4e4f6896ebe9007⋯.png (227.16 KB, 577x418, 577:418, ClipboardImage.png)


7cd53e  No.4183129


Twenty nine. damn.

1feff3  No.4183130

File: afe957d1fbac082⋯.png (741.58 KB, 1749x763, 1749:763, AF-1-in-no-hurry.PNG)


my internet is REALLY acting up

AF-1 is meandering going Eastward not towards DC either. if this posted before my apologies

6a439b  No.4183131

File: bfdce5b9a4b01be⋯.jpg (157.52 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 13774260_1210486239003942_….jpg)


Just remember, you can't put a due date on greatness. It's a plan that has every contingency planned for.



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: f49c4b No.1131328 📁

Apr 21 2018 12:05:51 (EST)

Anonymous ID: bc1d04 No.1131287 📁

Apr 21 2018 12:03:08 (EST)





Think Wendy.

Coordinated - the "Awakening."

Every detail accounted for.

Every scenario planned for.

Enjoy the show.




Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.377 📁

Nov 1 2018 23:47:08 (EST)



Mathematically impossible or every detail planned?


1 Year Ago.



07ca04  No.4183132

File: f57111133f42484⋯.jpg (364.71 KB, 960x954, 160:159, Macron super pede2.jpg)


Si Jamais Les Fançais ce réveille je promet d'arrêter de les traiter de tapette!

dbc995  No.4183133

File: a8ecb5e13bbc1ef⋯.png (6.53 KB, 553x175, 79:25, 1a67afea-0e8a-486f-8ff7-a5….png)


This was one reply from the original post, I have no idea if there can be a hidden message within the GIF.

ae0ad6  No.4183134

File: 3d2ae2d2c88fe88⋯.png (647.44 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, TheRaid.png)


50 Years !!!!

cb282b  No.4183135


trauma based mind controlled

1dd1a3  No.4183136


In other words, "FUCKING ALL OF THEM"

851136  No.4183137

I Q waiting until GHWB is in the ground and covered with dirt?

381491  No.4183138

File: 0fac9829b4ce8d3⋯.jpg (264.95 KB, 800x533, 800:533, prison-templier-3.jpg)

2879b2  No.4183139


I just got a "News for you" Twitter notification about this. I've never received a news notification on twitter before, so what makes this so special??

1ce2d4  No.4183140


so is it the jews or the chinks?

064583  No.4183141


didn't know that, interesting. So many plates spinning in the air these days, sometimes details fall off as they spin kek.

2dc1dd  No.4183142

File: 1c4c31ec12ba2ab⋯.png (942.34 KB, 720x778, 360:389, 20181206_130828.png)

7a21dd  No.4183143

File: 3a2c7d33122634f⋯.jpg (79.88 KB, 800x533, 800:533, news-and-politics-2013-07-….jpg)



REVEALED: AMAZING pics of Obama in full Muslim dress 'taken at his half-brother's wedding

Attached picture from GQ article Audacity of Bro…

dedd0f  No.4183144

File: a4e3cc8ca389e9f⋯.png (51.24 KB, 181x280, 181:280, avlonandsam875.PNG)


Also avlon34 and sam875

ae0ad6  No.4183145


Common thread ?

d36b69  No.4183146


Because most Catholics from birth are taught to totally trust the church, and it’s Staff….

f108e6  No.4183147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Zionist Shill Damage Control 101

1. Attack anons who post TRUTH about Zionist Crimes against Americans: "muh Jew shills on duty".

*Note: this is because JIDF Hasbara shills don't understand that Americans speak for ourselves, so they assume that we must be a "tag team". Yeah, we're the same "Russian Bots" 77 million people tag team that elected President Donald Trump.

2. Misquote Q re: the word "DIVIDED". Zionist shills try to dismiss legitimate Evidence of Organized Zionist Crimes against Americans by pretending that this TRUTH will make Americans "DIVIDED".

Divided by what?? the Truth about their Crimes?


(((THEY))) WANT YOU DIVIDED. From the TRUTH About (((THEM)))

52e1c7  No.4183148


>Merci boulanger

Si jolie!! Une vrai poupée!

6d21ea  No.4183149

4bbfd3  No.4183150

File: ac3c66371d9514f⋯.jpg (81.27 KB, 725x656, 725:656, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-1….jpg)

MEDSCAPE is pushing weird shit on twitter

other day it was to speak up on climate change

911893  No.4183151

File: bc5e230e0d3c1e5⋯.jpg (519.06 KB, 1868x778, 934:389, AZAZ0909 6 Dec 18 1905.jpg)

File: 4ad697e60f11815⋯.jpg (285.35 KB, 1801x901, 1801:901, AZAZ0909 6 Dec 18 Alabama.jpg)

AZAZ0909 on the move. Seems to have originated from Rainey Field, south of Birmingham, Alabama based on flight history.

Strangely, the call sign on the history is missing the end '9' - not sure why at this time.

8bde07  No.4183153


They are making her plea to something she didn't do.

becc0a  No.4183154


why is af1 flying all over the place?

a52458  No.4183155


They do it because they have childhood memories of church being a comforting, perhaps awe-inspiring, place that seemed to them like a refuge from all that is dangerous and wrong with the world.

They then make a logical leap and imagine that church will be the same kind of place for their own children.

66c1ac  No.4183156

File: 4a1a3ad199faf8b⋯.jpeg (789.85 KB, 1242x1880, 621:940, BA365967-9111-44A4-A464-5….jpeg)

a41407  No.4183157








If we don't see any pain for the treasonous seditious elements within our country soon, perhaps we'll need to start the Q red vests movement.

At least some real tangible shit is getting done in France right now…

25e229  No.4183158

File: 20d429f3af5851d⋯.png (402.32 KB, 494x399, 26:21, ClipboardImage.png)

Number of Victims in Car Bomb Blast in Iran Rises to 42 – Reports

The number of those injured in the Thursday morning car bomb blast in southeastern Iran has risen to 42 people, while two others were killed, Isna reported.

An attacker exploded the bomb outside police headquarters in the port city of Chabahar, located in Sistan and Baluchestan province on the border with Pakistan.

The blast injured ten officers and 32 civilians, according to a senior health official quoted by the Iranian news agency Isna. He said many of those wounded had soon been discharged.

According to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, crimes perpetrated by what he called "foreign-backed terrorists" would not go unpunished.


8a7ab3  No.4183159

61978a  No.4183160


Just like that die hard 1 movie

Which had a spot on spec actor for the cia judas fehgel mavet

381491  No.4183161

File: d2b92c33bb25ddb⋯.jpg (76.6 KB, 960x720, 4:3, F4D3S8.jpg)

fb4e55  No.4183162

File: 06bb4044cc14eda⋯.png (641.19 KB, 1599x868, 1599:868, AAA.PNG)

Conair Miami to ? gonna guess Dominican Republic … tracking

f4ea7c  No.4183163


The whole fucking event was spoopy as fuck. Was there actually any intel exchanged? If so Y would they do it in broad daylight/view?

I would imagine lil personal exchanges would best. Saw a usb possibly post yesterday… still not sure all would be done in the open. Plenty of oppurtunity w programs and such and personal envelopes by Bush family members to the guests.. that type of thing, but what do i know?

21571b  No.4183164

File: 0c41f3ce3416a87⋯.jpg (62.95 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pepe3D.jpg)


France may need to dust off their guillotines

45595c  No.4183165

File: 8a6178e72eee623⋯.jpg (122.12 KB, 960x960, 1:1, DksGLg0XgAA8EAu.jpg)

File: d795f5bf2e96e19⋯.jpg (70.58 KB, 1079x795, 1079:795, DnJUVOMW4AAy-QU.jpg)

File: 63d3b429dba2dd9⋯.jpg (36.03 KB, 500x281, 500:281, DnGabHmVYAEOZdC.jpg)


Need the fucking BOOMERS to wake the fuck up from there sleep. One day back in 90's they played ache breaky heart 6 times in a row and my freaking pops didn't realize zzzzzzz

Mad Max is HOPE! Scheer a freaking LOSER!

Just watch Frank Vaughn video

Good one today https://youtu.be/3hBLOPHOU3k

de3305  No.4183166

File: c4a899dd2f3e8d9⋯.jpg (207.93 KB, 720x866, 360:433, guillotine politician remo….jpg)


what a faggot this guy is, to the guillotine!

8a7ab3  No.4183167




I vote Green Vests

If we go Red it will be obviously called Alt Right

This is bigger than politics.

f108e6  No.4183168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Average Student Loan Debt is $39,400.00 per Person

**$1.52 TRILLION Dollars in total U.S. Student Loan Debt 2018

**44.2 million Americans with Student Loan Debt

Brought To You By The Same Money Changers

Sauce: https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2018/06/13/student-loan-debt-statistics-2018/#292833d7310f

Sauce: https://studentloanhero.com/student-loan-debt-statistics/

531c3e  No.4183169



To be clear, she didnt register as a foreign agent. But she is not a citizen. So what is the procedure for foreigners who come and seek deals in US as company representatives? Any lawfag???

e10aea  No.4183170

File: 5f6dfda7f8b5c75⋯.png (513.41 KB, 837x388, 837:388, c075c510-bc18-0533-6426-a5….png)

Floor is yours.

5d12ba  No.4183171


Maybe breaking the link on how the repressive Canadian regime literally sold out Canada to the Chinese will be the ticket?

f27635  No.4183172

File: 42ed3c2bdd2ccc3⋯.jpg (134.85 KB, 472x621, 472:621, k.jpg)

de3305  No.4183173


the yellow jackets already busted one out last weekend KEK

8000cd  No.4183174

File: 762f81b18b0c52c⋯.jpg (440.16 KB, 722x595, 722:595, trumpistheshit.jpg)

dd64e4  No.4183175

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Meanwhile, in the DS and MSM…

8bde07  No.4183176


He was here yesterday.

61978a  No.4183178


Technically the native Americans recruited the chinks cause the Jew narrative is related to bacon

21f51d  No.4183179



Side arms usually only issued to Officer Rank?

ad5374  No.4183180

File: 7c40a5ed5c338d2⋯.png (525.57 KB, 397x555, 397:555, The 12th Planet.PNG)


You might want to read the 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin. He decodes the Sumerian tablets about our history thousands of years ago.


8a7ab3  No.4183181

98152a  No.4183182

File: 1a9f151ff85fc21⋯.png (207.75 KB, 1609x770, 1609:770, Staurogram Highlighted.PNG)

File: 18997e9a2de093d⋯.png (918.56 KB, 553x617, 553:617, Tau-Rho with Alpha and Ome….PNG)

File: 1dedfec6db40700⋯.png (3.81 KB, 220x110, 2:1, Uppercase_Alpha_and_Omega_….png)

File: 1584afb329421af⋯.jpg (72.24 KB, 661x177, 661:177, f013ddfc5eda6a8126caf97a70….jpg)

File: a4d36800a35d397⋯.png (46.26 KB, 800x1059, 800:1059, 800px-Simple_Labarum2.svg.png)

3477e6  No.4183183

File: 5b0760bb66d292c⋯.png (4.83 MB, 2951x1584, 2951:1584, News Actors.png)


>Bongino is a product of INFOWARS.

Didn't know that anon thanks. (not the anon you responded to)

One of his last two shows he hinted at him going to Fox News.

Maybe as full time is how it sounded.

Bongino is just another one of them…like every single radio/tv personality.

None are /ourguy/ourgal/

Might be paytriots

Being a Fanboi is bad

They are just data points, remove all emotional attachment

6d30b7  No.4183184

Even though I shouldn't be, I am constantly amazed to see people buy as truth, the fabrications, opinions and outright lies of people who post crap on YT.

07ca04  No.4183185


>If we don't see any pain for the treasonous seditious elements within our country soon, perhaps we'll need to start the Q red vests movement.

>At least some real tangible shit is getting done in France right now…

Maybe the French will show the world that it is OK to paid the Price to stay Free!

064583  No.4183186



Make them blue to confound the more feeble minded kek

3ffd7e  No.4183187


"How many rapes have to happen before you cut off your own dick?"

7ae22f  No.4183188


Ahahahaha! If true, Q can't spin this one. Glad we're draining that swamp!

25e229  No.4183189

US Senators Submit Draft to Hold SA Crown Prince Responsible in Khashoggi Case

Six US Senators have introduced a bipartisan resolution seeking to hold Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman accountable for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Senator Christopher Coons said in a press release on Thursday.

"[The] Senate Resolution… holds … Mohammed bin Salman accountable for contributing to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, the blockade of Qatar, the jailing of political dissidents within Saudi Arabia, the use of force to intimidate rivals, and the abhorrent and unjustified killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi," the release said.

The resolution was introduced by Senators Coons, Lindsey Graham, Dianne Feinstein, Marco Rubio, Ed Markey and Todd Young, the release said.

"The United States Senate should speak in a clear, bipartisan voice to say that we will not tolerate the kinds of egregious human rights violations we’ve seen from Saudi leadership and, in particular, from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman," Coons said in the release.

The resolution also urges the US government and the international community to hold all parties, including Mohammed bin Salman, claimed to be involved in Khashoggi’s murder, accountable and calls on the Saudi government to negotiate directly with the Houthi movement to end the war in Yemen.

It also calls on the kingdom to immediately release Saudi blogger Raif Badawi, women's rights activists and others who have been detained for political reasons.

Khashoggi went missing during a visit to the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul on October 2. Saudi Arabia initially insisted that the journalist left the consulate unharmed, but later admitted that he was killed and dismembered on the premises. The kingdom has insisted that the killing was a rogue operation in which Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was not involved.

A similar position has been voiced by US President Donald Trump. Commenting on the killing, he stated that Washington had no substantial proof of the Saudi Crown Prince's involvement in the case.

But the CIA has reportedly assumed that the crown prince was likely directly involved in the killing.


d6b2ef  No.4183190

File: c1f52b609c8fbc2⋯.png (672.55 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, santa-claws.png)

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

79e050  No.4183191

File: 479d680e896db4f⋯.jpg (26.65 KB, 486x269, 486:269, ac1e320e48448228b7a371f2e3….jpg)

66c1ac  No.4183192

File: c4e17d47e3b78d2⋯.jpeg (680.99 KB, 1242x1703, 1242:1703, 6C285DF3-3531-48CA-AB00-B….jpeg)


b84cda  No.4183193


Sitchen isnt a reliable source

be08e0  No.4183194



This gun can be bought second-hand by civilians in France.

61978a  No.4183195

File: 9fcf75954248701⋯.png (772.96 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_4032.PNG)


Delusional creep pasta symbols

1feff3  No.4183196


It's only conjecture on my part.

perhaps POTUS is on there.. as Q mentioned POTUS being safe on AF-1. With all of the military activity, SOMETHING is up…

a41407  No.4183197



True. Even red, white, and blue would be deemed 'alt-right'

So yeah, maybe all reflective white, as in white hats.

089e58  No.4183198

File: dc56fe5a8d9500a⋯.jpg (294.36 KB, 1273x900, 1273:900, 1515248267011.jpg)


I'm gonna go ahead and toot my own horn on this post because it's getting shilled by the best

I got ebot and Tel-Aviv Tamir going hard on JFK Jr. being alive

Do I win a prize?

We should start a weekly - Highest Ranking Anon award for the most shilled post

I'm guessing I'm over the target perhaps?

d6b2ef  No.4183199

File: ed45b1bbec54123⋯.png (885.76 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, good-morning.png)

File: ff7f3e1d51996d8⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, Niagra-Falls-vacation-pic-….png)

File: 9057aa6a3d11463⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1555x1870, 311:374, Pepe-goes-to-the-movies.png)

File: e99f698fdd02d5b⋯.png (1005.13 KB, 1555x1870, 311:374, moreadorablekittens.png)

File: 4d30e46703aedd5⋯.png (986.39 KB, 1555x1870, 311:374, frogspuppiesandbirds.png)

a11f91  No.4183200


Wow. nice slide. got lube on it and everything.

e287a0  No.4183201

File: 20a9d98d61352e8⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 640x480, 4:3, nonameputtodeath.mp4)


I ALWAYS start with this. They can't deny what they're hearing/seeing.

911893  No.4183202

File: 28e88a4924304d2⋯.jpg (342.91 KB, 1857x839, 1857:839, AZAZ0909 Cheney Idaho 5 De….jpg)

Look where the AZAZ0909 flight in the air now flew over yesterday, doing a low pass at 4000ft without landing.


Is he next..?

61978a  No.4183203

File: 399fbca29b1001e⋯.jpg (205.32 KB, 800x1030, 80:103, IMG_4074.JPG)


Delusional dannalingus creep pasta

9a6db1  No.4183204


Full list of names with dates:


8a7ab3  No.4183205

This timeline is B B B Bonkersssss.

France is the country causing greatest Civil Disobedience and it's due to a Nationalist Movement.

TRUMP is the bloody president of the USA.

North Korea? Is it real?

66c1ac  No.4183206


Looks like it

8bde07  No.4183207


His source for this info is a WaPo story so who knows if it is even true, but Barr agrees that Hillary should be prosecuted.

3fb96f  No.4183208

File: 550e3997622906a⋯.jpg (66.11 KB, 483x417, 161:139, fa91a479a27206cc42746f697a….jpg)

d6b2ef  No.4183209

File: bfa50ecebaacc32⋯.png (166.43 KB, 909x999, 101:111, 3.png)

File: 1e8be18d341dc3e⋯.png (1.1 MB, 803x999, 803:999, pksoon.png)

File: 8d56ce93844ae76⋯.png (240.34 KB, 458x533, 458:533, hjmhy.png)

File: 9f030de3227e1bd⋯.png (603.19 KB, 1189x444, 1189:444, bgcwbjm.png)

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)

73d069  No.4183210


They've (DS) been trying this for a while. They did the same thing when they perverted CDC gun control research.

0bd37b  No.4183211

File: 5892888495cf095⋯.png (50.1 KB, 1373x504, 1373:504, ClipboardImage.png)

8a7ab3  No.4183212




Or we could just jump on the Yellow Jackets train?

55ba24  No.4183213

File: c6fea774d42bdda⋯.png (393.21 KB, 800x850, 16:17, download-1.png)

Baby name ‘Melania’ soars 227 percent, ‘Ivanka’ spikes 362 percent


ad5374  No.4183214


Yes he is. More then a lot of them but one to read and keep at the back of your mind when you go and read others. Then you put all these crumbs together yourself

8bde07  No.4183215


Haha YES!

2dc1dd  No.4183216


Is that a fine tooth comb I hear? What will he have to talk about in being considered for this position?

064583  No.4183217


too peace like, seems like you're about to surrender with white. Use the colors of your enemies to confound them. Blue seems appropriate.

3fb96f  No.4183218


How original

30867d  No.4183219

File: 1a9699930272ee8⋯.png (69.57 KB, 185x273, 185:273, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4263cb83d3b8ab⋯.png (757.74 KB, 599x532, 599:532, ClipboardImage.png)

6fd71e  No.4183220


How old is that fucker?

1ce2d4  No.4183221


no 'Donald'?

d6b2ef  No.4183222

File: 0ae7d10029cf554⋯.png (262.22 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC64.png)

File: ca1f1a90dcf1335⋯.png (259.66 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC63.png)

File: 32719c976c196ba⋯.png (336.3 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC58.png)

File: 786692aeeb75fb2⋯.png (353.84 KB, 581x444, 581:444, oops-u-lose.png)

File: 1d6333f9637d6ce⋯.png (344.71 KB, 598x444, 299:222, bcgwj.png)

66c1ac  No.4183223

File: 1fa1e68ca9f5fad⋯.jpeg (703.37 KB, 1242x1179, 138:131, 3CD9DFED-9DAC-48F7-A772-4….jpeg)

This will boomerang

dedd0f  No.4183224




96363b  No.4183225

File: 97a7769a69d24ca⋯.jpg (53.85 KB, 637x510, 637:510, fake obama muslim.jpg)

File: e20c487d6bf94ba⋯.jpg (58.01 KB, 748x723, 748:723, fake obama.jpg)


This one? IF so….you're trying to redpill your fam with a shopped image of Obummer.

e10aea  No.4183226

File: b7c62b3d9b8c649⋯.mp4 (712.21 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ComeFromKenya.mp4)

25e229  No.4183227

File: 577fa6d4f3dab52⋯.png (161.07 KB, 524x347, 524:347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06793645267677e⋯.png (12.14 KB, 508x182, 254:91, ClipboardImage.png)

Avenatti to Lose Cash, Artwork, Ferrari in Divorce Settlement with Wife

Michael Avenatti, adult film star Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, is finding himself in a messy divorce. Just this week Avenatti announced he will no longer consider a 2020 presidential run. However, he made very clear in Tuesday’s statement that he “…will not rest until Trump is removed from office…”

On Wednesday Avenatti reached a divorce settlement with his wife Lisa Storie-Avenatti.

According to a TMZ report, court filings state that Avenatti is to pay Lisa $37,897 per month in child support as well as $124,398 per month in spousal support. He will also have to cough up assets for liquidation, some of which include, luxury watches, valuable artwork, and a 2017 Ferarri 488 GT Spider.

Stormy Daniels also found herself wrapped up in a dispute with Avenatti. She told the Daily Beast, “For months I’ve asked Michael Avenatti to give me accounting information about the fund my supporters so generously donated to for my safety and legal defense. He has repeatedly ignored those requests. Days ago I demanded again, repeatedly, that he tell me how the money was being spent and how much was left. Instead of answering me, without my permission or even my knowledge Michael launched another crowdfunding campaign to raise money on my behalf. I learned about it on Twitter.” Daniels says the two have sorted things out.

Just last month, The New York Times reported Avenatti allegedly dragged his girlfriend out of bed and across the floor. Avenatti, who denied any allegations of domestic violence, was arrested and released on bail shortly after. The self-proclaimed “Fighter for Good” isn’t having his best month.


ae0ad6  No.4183229

File: 72eb523f21ef01e⋯.png (807.34 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, politiciansPayNoPropertyTa….png)

2c3e6c  No.4183230


The left would say white is racist.

3fb96f  No.4183231

File: 8eff3ac5ea6cbe1⋯.jpg (32.16 KB, 277x310, 277:310, 61f80c4c15bfdb4b5f609c608f….jpg)

dd64e4  No.4183232

52e1c7  No.4183233


Ta réponse est la meilleure, Anon

911893  No.4183234

File: 5e74c4b7a3c2ca2⋯.jpg (151.48 KB, 1108x644, 277:161, AZAZ0909 5 Dec 18 Phoenix ….jpg)

The AZAZ0909 flight flew from Phoenix to overfly Cheney, then flew on to Rainey Field.

0ea7da  No.4183235

File: 74264b9fab4cd2b⋯.jpg (54.93 KB, 728x382, 364:191, 434fe8fad7460821402f8be6e4….jpg)


9a6db1  No.4183236


Why is Bongino so hyper?

His poor wife :(

I can't listen to him without my BP going up 25 points.

Relax, Dan, you're gonna have a stroke or something.

6eff5a  No.4183237


It’s the first name listed

1feff3  No.4183238

File: afb67a8cf974fe8⋯.png (602.73 KB, 1745x757, 1745:757, AF-1 off screen.PNG)


AF-1 going silent and stealthy

201dfa  No.4183239


Ike Newton 1728


1368e9  No.4183240


what did Rosie ever even do?

why is she relevant?

192992  No.4183241

File: 9d16570d6598e14⋯.jpg (91.18 KB, 614x919, 614:919, 3.JPG)

File: 3ace1e17f7ba76a⋯.jpg (116.51 KB, 602x898, 301:449, 4.JPG)

File: 2f7df5982b05bfc⋯.jpg (84.09 KB, 633x610, 633:610, 5.JPG)

GM CEO will keep 'open mind' on plant closings, acknowledges anger


0b76ff  No.4183242


Kinda wish the DS would stop trying to change the climate.

a8f218  No.4183243


>US Senators Submit Draft to Hold SA Crown Prince Responsible in Khashoggi Case

Before they do that, how about they submit a draft to hold Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama responsible in the Benghazi case?

125cef  No.4183244

File: e90ae04901612ac⋯.jpg (41.31 KB, 300x493, 300:493, emperor.jpg)

File: f752036cff0e3ab⋯.jpg (215.3 KB, 960x491, 960:491, triplexsignals.jpg)

File: 5f6e0f4a8437613⋯.jpg (120.35 KB, 500x657, 500:657, Trump judgment coming.jpg)

File: c1df1acbfcc59de⋯.jpg (149.81 KB, 544x960, 17:30, madebymasons.jpg)

File: 990e9ea1b6c226d⋯.jpg (25.48 KB, 236x386, 118:193, madebyeconomistmagazine.jpg)

>>4182859 pb

>>4182672 pb

got it. thanksi

Could they have been signaling their hopefully impending successful "King Kill " Sacrifice over these last years / weeks?

And "Q" printed "X' mas as something for us to chew over?

Didn't "Q" hint December would be a tough month?


dedd0f  No.4183245



61978a  No.4183246

File: 97ce17f623b08b8⋯.jpg (83.86 KB, 800x812, 200:203, IMG_4124.JPG)


e287a0  No.4183247


You're an idiot if you spend that much to get a college degree in bullshit studies.

You're an even bigger idiot if you're their parent and cosign on that shit.

No one made you go to college.

No one made you get a loan.

2dc1dd  No.4183248

Lots of "glowing" reviews on twit yesterday. Glad to be back here. Love you faggots (nohomo)

cb4403  No.4183249

File: 569f4649c5bd160⋯.jpg (15.68 KB, 287x281, 287:281, kk.jpg)

Gendarmerie Armoured vehicle spotted heading to Paris in the Yvelines region :


064583  No.4183250


Merci et de rien. Bonne journée par chez vous anon.

dedd0f  No.4183251


not me sorry

61978a  No.4183252

File: 8c1ab1f99d5fc4b⋯.jpg (179.31 KB, 815x800, 163:160, IMG_4075.JPG)


It's a toilet problem

5d12ba  No.4183253




An anon mentioned earlier that this tail number just was refurbished (for the last year) and this was its first flight since. Likely putting it through its paces for testing.

7cd53e  No.4183254


This admission alone should have gotten Obama prison.

Nevermind the stuff he should get the needle for.

6ab8cb  No.4183255


I sure hope something happens, I cant shout from fucking rooftops no more

8a7ab3  No.4183256

e287a0  No.4183257



Tariffs neutralized day after they make their big "We're sticking it to Trump" announcements, and now they're stuck holding their dicks.

883cc5  No.4183258

File: f22fde8beb2943c⋯.png (174.05 KB, 828x513, 92:57, Screenshot 2018-12-06 at 1….png)

More lies from the Daily Beast


1feff3  No.4183259

File: acddfacd4c7869f⋯.png (732.14 KB, 1746x764, 873:382, AF-1-S-SE.PNG)


AF-1 back up and now heading South/Southeast. just flying around…

0bbbda  No.4183260


There's no help for them then. You'll need to murder each one, silently, in their sleep on Christmas Eve. Then soak them in tubs of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide.

eace47  No.4183261


Question to the Franceanons? Do you talking with the france LEOs/Military? Are they really on your side? That would be a big step in the right direction!

We The People!

8d6707  No.4183262

File: 6c6e1fc6be681b9⋯.png (177.56 KB, 796x806, 398:403, ClipboardImage.png)


Comey and HSBC

Remember that HSBC gave Comey a sweetheart board gig for a few months as a pay-off for his behind the scenes work negotiating with govt to limit their exposure.

I'm sure it wasn't planned for him to join the FBI later that year, and allow him to cash out with a big severance package.

a8f218  No.4183263


"Divorce is like ripping a man’s genitals out through his wallet."

Robin Williams:

7bc762  No.4183264


who knows where the bodies are buried?

The people who were on the scene

07ca04  No.4183265


The Worst about Macron is not that he is a Masonic sex toy since he was a teen. But that he is a victims in all of this also…. But hey

Ont peu pas faire des omelettes sans casser des oeux.

e57df7  No.4183266

File: 809318cf2451093⋯.gif (453.78 KB, 220x165, 4:3, ohsnap.gif)

ebee97  No.4183267


I don't know about "Notable" but I otherwise agree with your sentiment. It's a perfectly worthwhile card to have in your deck of knowledge.

8a7ab3  No.4183268




Couldn't he just mean his Ancestors were from Kenyan?

04c88c  No.4183269

0b76ff  No.4183270


Cost of college education went up well beyond inflation rates, probably propped up by loan programs. They sensed that there was money and went after it.

3477e6  No.4183271

File: 4e34abf3cc437a5⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1917x1075, 1917:1075, ClipboardImage.png)


>Why is Bongino so hyper?

Probably the water, gay frogs

1ce2d4  No.4183272


HSBC is corrupt af there's no question about that.

61978a  No.4183273


Ratzinger plays a mean fiddle and gave his testicles for the Eiffel Tower

d28269  No.4183274

File: 83b9251ac050e35⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 1307x174, 1307:174, 120618 US mkt update 5.JPG)

79e050  No.4183275

File: 4c668f27df2fd5a⋯.jpg (204.79 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 4c668f27df2fd5af2412a68bc7….jpg)

81bb59  No.4183276


99% of 18 year olds are idiots. Still evil to brainwash them into making decisions that will fuck them over for decades to come.

911893  No.4183277

Related to Cheney stuff at the moment?

NEW YORK (AP) — Adam McKay’s Dick Cheney biopic “Vice” seized control of the 76th annual Golden Globe Awards with a leading six nominations, narrowly edging Bradley Cooper’s tear-jerking revival “A Star Is Born,” the interracial road-trip drama “Green Book” and the period romp “The Favourite.”

Dick Cheney - Vice

New Stars Discovered.

The Favourite.

Tell me they are no coincidences…

73d069  No.4183278


>>4183249 Video: Gendarmerie Armoured vehicle spotted heading to Paris in the Yvelines region.

>>4183241 GM CEO will keep 'open mind' on plant closings, acknowledges anger.

>>4183158 Iran: Number of Victims in Car Bomb Blast in Iran Rises to 42.

>>4183130 AF1 odd flight pattern.

>>4183073 Dig on William P. Barr. Tied to Epstein case and Kavanaugh fellow alumni?

>>4183027, >>4183047, >>4183070 Alleged photo of French soldier stating the French Military is not naively fooled by what is going on.

>>4183026 Maria Butina plea deal may be near.

>>4183025 Nicholas Maduro says Russia will invest $6B in Venezuelan oil, mining.

>>4182973 U.S. probe of China's Huawei includes bank fraud accusations.

>>4182953 Avenatti to lose cash, artwork, Ferrari in divorce settlement with wife.

>>4182926 Pompeo meets with South Korea's top diplomat after Bush's funeral.

>>4182923 Syria update.

>>4182895 WaPo: William P. Barr reportedly a candidate for Attorney General.

cb4403  No.4183279


Pretty polarized. At least 50% of the french army are muslims or africans. On the other side you have some patriots.

But dont count on the french army and general to lead a revolution.

66c1ac  No.4183280

File: 0b02e9c7692b382⋯.jpeg (782.55 KB, 1242x1332, 69:74, 5A5769D1-C105-4DDD-AA42-9….jpeg)

6abc54  No.4183281


That explains his mommy issues/ancient wife…

25e229  No.4183282


Divorce: find a bitch you fucking hate and buy her a house

4bbfd3  No.4183283

File: 0d7a8f42bc40c9c⋯.jpg (137.83 KB, 728x735, 104:105, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-2….jpg)

France Deploys 12,000 Riot Cops; Closes Eiffel Tower; Coup Attempt Feared As Yellow Vests Plan "Act IV"

French authorities will deploy at least 12,000 riot police and gendarmes in Paris on Saturday according to BFM, as the Elysee prepares for "act four" of the Yellow Vest movement's violent protests against the Macron government.

A total of 12,000 civil servants mobilized, not counting the number of police stations and judicial police. -BFM (translated)

In addition to the closure of the Eiffel Tower on Saturday, several Paris museums have announced that they won't be open this weekend.

"The demonstrations announced Saturday, December 8 in Paris cannot guarantee the safety of visitors, the Sete has made the decision to close the Eiffel Tower," announced the Societe de la Tour Eiffel which operates the monument.

Despite Macron's government delaying a planned fuel hike by six months, the Yellow Vest movement has called on its followers to "stay on our course," over Facebook and gather for "The Act IV" on Saturday the 8th, in what will be the fourth week of protests.


0ea7da  No.4183284


Hyper? No… Low-energy, slow-thinking, people often think that about…


eab5fe  No.4183285

File: a7f5684c21d3d61⋯.jpg (211.56 KB, 520x508, 130:127, cat yawn.jpg)

YAWN! The latest Deep State "IT'S WAR!!!" push. Wake me the arrests start.

The arrest of a top Chinese technology executive by Canadian authorities acting at the behest of the United States is threatening to upend the Trump administration’s efforts to sustain a trade truce with China.

Hu Xijin, the editor in chief of the Global Times, described the arrest as a “declaration of war” against China, according to the New York Times. The Global Times is a state-run newspaper whose views are thought to reflect the ruling communist party in China. Hu’s comments were made on Weibo, a Twitter-like service, the New York Times reported.


064583  No.4183286



8bde07  No.4183287

This presidential train thing is so dumb.

a41407  No.4183288

File: 2a19210b3d2fe41⋯.jpg (11.48 KB, 300x300, 1:1, th.jpg)





Blue vests it is!

That also shows our solidarity with and support of law enforcement.

bf4d0e  No.4183289


The army hates Macron as much as everybody else.

If they get the order to shoot their own population, they will rebel, Macron will be arrested and immediately guillotined.

6ab8cb  No.4183290


Theres not enough meme or visual wake up pills for this country yet - it get filtered fast and the radio and news is even more polluted than yours. Its sad. Its hard to be steady. And people are suiciding due to the financial crunch that is being fully caused by the damn evil twats that hold firm here

ae0ad6  No.4183291

File: 607c3c46ac7186f⋯.png (785.82 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, fourthCommonthread.png)

8bde07  No.4183292



c97352  No.4183293


just another way to indebt those who aspire to make it in this world! Punishment of sorts

73158d  No.4183294


I'd laugh if after the French Army arrive they side with the Yellow Jacket and start a coup…..

d36b69  No.4183295


Testing a new cloaking device maybe?

7bc762  No.4183296


Orange safety vests are the most common in the US

Orange man Good

8a7ab3  No.4183297




People from France always protest over work.

That's why they get so much off time / their unions are so good.

This "plan" seems to be MUCH bigger though..

0ea7da  No.4183298



7ae22f  No.4183299


>solidarity with and support of law enforcement


157b23  No.4183300

File: b04374da2d12831⋯.png (1003.35 KB, 1075x800, 43:32, problemreactionsolution.png)

d960de  No.4183301


Cheney, Washington.

Not Idaho.

064583  No.4183302


good point about LE as well.

8fe0cf  No.4183303

File: 17a9798c5683a51⋯.png (181.32 KB, 845x827, 845:827, ClipboardImage.png)

Eiffel Tower closing Sat.

d29074  No.4183304

File: 4ccf86217b50c0a⋯.jpeg (393.08 KB, 1536x1673, 1536:1673, 22A8ED15-CE2B-4CD5-B0DD-A….jpeg)

Comey email chains?

Discussing steele leaking BEFORE FISA?

b84cda  No.4183305


Ok, in that sense then yes.

He has come up in here many times, though Im not sure if there has ever been any official digging done.

ae0ad6  No.4183306

File: 842486fc2f94099⋯.png (345.26 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, moneyLaundering.png)

7a3268  No.4183307


And we’re paying for it

0b76ff  No.4183308


Libs are teaching women to hate men. It's especially noticeable in the generation just now coming of age. Gotta do something about that, too.

a8f218  No.4183309

File: ffac074db44b8f4⋯.jpg (70.83 KB, 602x512, 301:256, BM 12.6.18.jpg)

5b47f4  No.4183310


Guessing this is why Merkel and Brussels want an EU army. If violence really breaks out - civil war level - who comes to the government's rescue? UN? NATO?

You'd all be ripe for invasion.

Soros and Roths don't have enough fire power to take you all on. Would POTUS intervene, do you think? Weird situation. Merci

fdbe63  No.4183311

Been looking through old breads.

is there a clean photo or video of the SS agent giving the note to GW? Of the actual handoff

Sorry if already noted, just can't find it

52e1c7  No.4183312


Il aime se faire enculer par les bittes noires, et il avale leur semences a pleine gorge, mème s'il faut qu'il aille les suçer dans le péteux d'un autre sale immigré!

98d775  No.4183313

File: 097ea8b06009542⋯.jpg (59.88 KB, 888x499, 888:499, terry1.jpg)

094d76  No.4183314


This Anaglyph is Krap!

Try Harder

6abc54  No.4183315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with Bob Lazar (think Area 51)

064583  No.4183316


:) vive la revolution

201dfa  No.4183317


Didn't we have yellow vest memes? Can't find 'em!

1feff3  No.4183318


more like transponder turned off or the app acting up. I'm getting some weird effects from my internet connection today.

911893  No.4183319

File: 88da51c42f7fd8d⋯.png (863.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

"Officer, can you get my Toots out of that tree?"

"No problem, ma'am.."

e287a0  No.4183320

File: c31ff007bb9861e⋯.png (79.6 KB, 2382x1152, 397:192, Screen Shot 2018-12-06 at ….png)


That's probably what it meant, but then there's this….

several remain but a lot of the vids of this speech were taken down.

4bbfd3  No.4183321

File: 5a91f326d97a8d5⋯.jpg (156.49 KB, 737x893, 737:893, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-2….jpg)

File: c39e3bdec94ade3⋯.jpg (336.09 KB, 1040x1115, 208:223, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-2….jpg)

Texas Man Charged With Enticing 15-Year-Old Girl to Travel Interstate to Engage in Sexual Activity and with Producing Child Pornography


3fb96f  No.4183322


It's a done deal, I'm afraid. The process started long ago.

7ae22f  No.4183323

a41407  No.4183324


That's all we want.

Rule of Law and Justice for All.

0ea7da  No.4183325


Wait, I got this… Just send a bunch of BLM protestors over there to block the roads.

6d30b7  No.4183326

I just checked back with the news. Is the family on the train?

27c73a  No.4183327


The Chink is the Jews biggest dumbest Mule. They are taking the the role that America used to play as the biggest dumbest Jew Puppet.

Chinks are middle men to hide the Jew control. When you hear things about China remember who controls China. The Jews.

7db4ef  No.4183328

File: 75959217a0ed1a9⋯.png (833.25 KB, 790x464, 395:232, vests.PNG)

a52458  No.4183329


it's like at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. Relatively few white French soldiers there – largely it was an army of muzzies, black Africans, and anticommunist Vietnamese.

79e050  No.4183330

File: 4792fc2207cfa2c⋯.jpeg (8.7 KB, 179x255, 179:255, f592a616d8bf0dc3e0f895b92….jpeg)

531c3e  No.4183331


Yep shopped

Not good for redpilling

We dont have this type of image on Obama

Though Q promissed

f72d2a  No.4183332

File: dab39ce7d11793c⋯.png (417.39 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


B-52 that has been in the air just about as long as VENUS01 AF1.

66c1ac  No.4183333

No wonder Macron has always fawned all over Potus - he feared this but fears his owners more I guess

2879b2  No.4183334

GHWB dies and now suddenly the news is all about how POTUS going to nominate GHWB AG?

This reeks of deep state manipulation. I'd be very surprised if Trump actually nominated the guy.

1ff179  No.4183335

File: 8a920d34b5c840d⋯.jpg (110.24 KB, 824x463, 824:463, SecretTeachings.JPG)


This is better.


Link to book


1ce2d4  No.4183336


what if the jews were actaully the middle men?

3a4686  No.4183337

i concur, macron is signing his death warrant


3ffd7e  No.4183338


but but but muh one race: the human race

a20526  No.4183339


I was thinking about querying that the other day. Thanks for grabbing it. Refutes the MSM narrative.

eb097e  No.4183340


Time Traveling Trumps?

b524a4  No.4183341

File: 08180e212015090⋯.jpeg (159.43 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, DU6ohs-UQAEqrIg.jpeg)

04c88c  No.4183342

That file name tho>>4183225

55ba24  No.4183343

Women who dangle their naughty bits for money through Snapchat premium accounts are now being reported to the IRS for tax evasion.

A few angry men on the internet have launched a campaign encouraging others to report sex workers to the IRS for failing to report income they make online, claiming they’ll get a cut of any back taxes collected as a reward for being “whistleblowers.”

Before we go too much further, I have to explain what a THOT is. It stands for THAT HOE OVER THERE and is commonly used to describe your run of the mill basic bitch. The pumpkin spice latte toting, Uggs sporting, “I want a real man but keep screwing thin-dicked dude bros with Mustangs” type of girl.

“Online thots are finding out that all income generated from their breasts and vagina is taxable,” Mr Valizadeh tweeted.

“Men are aggressively organising to report all thots. I don’t blame them: these girls are getting a free ride via beta bux and a broken sexual marketplace that is rigged in the favour of females.”

He added that under Internal Revenue Service policy, a whistleblower could receive up to 30 per cent of the tax collected. “There is actually a financial incentive to defeating thottery,” he wrote.





9a6db1  No.4183344


Well, yeah.

It's just that time and nature often decide when you're going to be low-energy. They're the boss when it comes to the days when you can think fast, too.

Would give anything to be 30 years old again.

Still love my country, though.

Volunteering with Wreaths Across America next week at the cemetery where my dad's buried.

5d12ba  No.4183345


Hard to secure blue vests. My company is on a waiting list for 120 of them. Still several weeks out.

32a376  No.4183346


looks like they did a practice weapons run over the Smoky Hill Weapons Range.

0b76ff  No.4183347


The DS has done a great job of indoctrinating Germany. Wish I could say more, but I don't want to dox myself.

61978a  No.4183348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b84cda  No.4183349

File: f4fad6df0590c27⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1821x1017, 607:339, france flag yellow jackets….png)

File: f189ccefdb05925⋯.jpg (229.41 KB, 790x444, 395:222, france police yellow vests….jpg)


I got a couple

5b47f4  No.4183350


and added benefit, it shuts them up. no student is going to speak out against the indoctrination and other bs, when they'd be risking losing it all, plus having the debt. they'll stay compliant!

7ae22f  No.4183351


You mean the people who committed the crimes. You're an idiot. You'd probably support W Bush for VP or head of the CIA. Q derangement syndrome is real

d927a4  No.4183352


I will never again accuse Frenchmen of being a bunch of feminine pussies if they pull this off. Do it!


6fd71e  No.4183354


so what happens when all the facebook/twatter videos start coming out showing African and muslim army personal killing French citizens or at least beating them?

bb2d26  No.4183355


It's continually surprising that old Bill has been so consistently pointed in the right direction, and willing to stick his neck out for it.

d28269  No.4183356

File: 8e39ed76b708685⋯.jpg (139.11 KB, 500x647, 500:647, Stop the bullshit.jpg)

Trader Who Correctly Called Tuesday's Crash Lays Out What Happens Next

Having correctly predicted the "breaking point" trigger for the S&P's Tuesday plunge - which incidentally coincided with the 200DMA - at which CTAs would collectively puke, Nomura's head cross-asset quant Charlie McEllgiott, is back with a note slamming his critics (apparently those who failed to be right decided to deflect their lack of added value by criticizing the Nomura strategist), while also mapping out what's next for the market should the current risk waterfall continue.

First, we go right to McElligott's well-deserved victory lap, in which he steamrolls his "quant" critics, and writes that he received a number of pass-along notes yesterday from around the Street "which questioned the validity accuracy of our CTA model ‘deleveraging’ call from Tuesday, which again “nailed” the S&P futures level where the market would come under significant notional selling pressure (as well as Russell and Nasdaq “trigger” levels as well)."

What he is saying is simple: Wall Street is perplexed by how he could get it so right, and all the other "experts" did not, and is accusing the Nomura quant of a lucky one-time fluke. Needess to say, McElligott will have none of it, and highlights that as part of the sellside criticism of his take, there were "mis-categorizations/inaccuracies" on a number of fronts which need to be highlighted:

Misinformation as to the notional size of the selling which we estimated vs what was reported

Inaccuracies of the AUM scale of the CTA universe and position sizing / leverage allocation therein

Whether this “trigger” was a “deleveraging” of a long (size reduction of the long which it was) vs outright “shorting”(which was misreported / misinterpreted by some)

Omissions / lack-of-context surrounding macro- and positioning- / performance- catalysts which I’ve been documenting in recent notes that actually “kicked off” the move to said trigger levels

A general lack-of-awareness as to the make-up of the model–i.e. that we incorporate 2w, 1m, 3m, 6m and 12m windows to capture the broad-spectrum of CTA lookback periods across the trend universe

No context as to the incredible accuracy of the model—not just via the success that the tool has had in identifying “market inflections,” but with regards to our CTA replication model’s incredible track-record vs benchmark

Not satisfied with the evisceration of his most vocal critics, the man who is rapidly emerging as the true quant "Gandalf" writes that in light of "the incredible task of prognosticating 58 unique cross-asset futures contracts as our QIS team’s model does—and inherent requirements of trade direction / sizing / leverage of course—the index replication model is brilliantly accurate on performance-matching vs the index", to wit:

Since 2016, the model has exhibited an average deviation from benchmark of just 54bps, with a median deviation from benchmark of 48bps

Over the incredibly volatile last 6m both from a cross-asset realized volatility- and CTA performance- perspective, the average deviation of the replication model from benchmark is just 56bps, with the median deviation from benchmark being 58bps

And his crushing parting words at his desperate-for-publicity-and-page-views critics:

In the absence of viable alternative theories being presented from elsewhere with regards to the extreme and ‘price-insensitive’ -action and explosive futures volume on the sell-down—as well as an awareness that many competing CTA models on the Street grossly oversimplify to just a few of the larger asset futures and apparently do nothing more than incorporate a “VWAP breakeven” and / or simple “moving-average” logic—I feel more confident than ever in our TRANSPARENT model—especially as we alone have our performance historically tracked versus benchmark.


makes it much more believable if/when you can do this


Fucking hate these after the fact quarterbacks.


8a7ab3  No.4183357

I'll never forget when my Dad was telling me about his Honeymoon in Paris.

He was not a very political or racist guy at all. He had alot of Black Friends, was big into the Blues music scene in the 1970s…

He said he was having a cigarette outside a bar in Paris, and speaking with it's owner. And the owner kept going on and on about how Paris was going to be ruined because of the Immigrants…

My Dad found this a bit scary because, regardless of what anyone says, Paris is an UNDENIABLY beautiful city and a-lot of this is due to FRENCH culture……

Many people who are really from London and Paris, or who have visited these places know exactly what I mean.

The Battle of Algiers.

4bbfd3  No.4183358

File: 6585c7e7aeca594⋯.jpg (52 KB, 713x349, 713:349, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-3….jpg)

538edc  No.4183359


Why would he put a X CIA guy under Bush in. What is Trump thinking. Talk with Bush's and boom we get cabal again

381491  No.4183360


Putain de bordel de merde même la langue française se barre en couille.

3a4686  No.4183361

macron should do some research on french revolution. hes not going to win

b524a4  No.4183362

File: d2387805ea591ce⋯.jpeg (349.11 KB, 1440x1848, 60:77, 1539268228.jpeg)

f0ed4b  No.4183363

File: d2672b806192a6b⋯.png (153.54 KB, 480x535, 96:107, Screenshot_2018-12-06-11-2….png)

File: 328bdb1a2cd586c⋯.png (240.47 KB, 480x538, 240:269, Screenshot_2018-12-06-11-2….png)

Christian people don't join secret societies or cults.

Those Bush's are frauds.

1368e9  No.4183364


>Despite Macron's government delaying a planned fuel hike by six months, the Yellow Vest movement has called on its followers to "stay on our course," over Facebook and gather for "The Act IV" on Saturday the 8th, in what will be the fourth week of protests.

ain't nuffin stopin this train

0ea7da  No.4183365


e287a0  No.4183366



831a71  No.4183367

File: cf6a20f019928da⋯.jpg (22.4 KB, 266x257, 266:257, 17-------------.JPG)


ty anon

often understated the moves and counter moves create a dynamic moving role within a project.

some of our brethren prefer to focus on a link rather than seeing it as a chain.

629f03  No.4183368

File: a76c50309602f48⋯.png (7.02 MB, 2800x2403, 2800:2403, clowns12_6_2018_0.png)

ac812e  No.4183369


Around these parts

moran is spelled with an "A"

27c73a  No.4183370


Jew mind control made them think they needed to take on Jew debt to have a life.

Your wrong the Jew did this to them with Media and their control of the press. They mind controlled people to do this shit. It is how the Jew control works.

Debt slavery. Is the best slavery. You can not see your chains. But the Jew has you enslaved just the same. KEK….good luck GoY!

317fdd  No.4183371


Well they'd probably have to send the other into the hangar for a while to get the illuminatistank (and any bugs they may have left onboard.

1feff3  No.4183372

File: 8cfffa41e0ce441⋯.png (780.95 KB, 1746x764, 873:382, Q-AF1.png)


what do you all think?

73d069  No.4183373


Yeah it was alluded to a while ago that he may be one of the protected media personalities like Hannity, etc.

Operation slow walker still makes me cringe though. Sounds like Comey named it.

3477e6  No.4183374


> It's far less reliable than you might think


Digging depth/strata is a better indicator in some cases.

Where applicable

5d12ba  No.4183375


I think orange is second to safety yellow/green for sure, in my experience.

c2c0e1  No.4183376

File: 6c11e0ddef5406c⋯.gif (500.66 KB, 500x316, 125:79, IMG_5798.GIF)

201dfa  No.4183377


Linky removed for that evidence, Anon. Nothing from Q. Shilly slide, nothing more.

6d30b7  No.4183379


I'm guessing that plane is out of Whiteman AFB

4092d8  No.4183380


Kind of took of after a week of sucking bush's dick it will be hard to criticize his AG

1ce2d4  No.4183381

ae76df  No.4183382

You can post the same ting 100 times and I will still ignore it.

3c40a7  No.4183383


POTUS is on board?

064583  No.4183384


guess the globalists want to make an example with france, interdasting.

6bd110  No.4183385

File: ad389cd7ba1f4be⋯.jpg (606.63 KB, 934x1349, 934:1349, Screenshot_20181206-142635….jpg)

ALSO a violation of BSO (Broward County) policy. Will THEY get the smack down demotions that Sgt. Patten did for wearing a simple Q patch on his SWAT uniform?

f72d2a  No.4183386



Sounds reasonable.

3a4686  No.4183387



ac6e00  No.4183388

File: 3dfbf36ba2c27c3⋯.jpeg (42.7 KB, 480x320, 3:2, 6FC9E3D5-4A86-4423-A062-9….jpeg)

094d76  No.4183389

File: ba92d1cb7791b8f⋯.jpg (190.18 KB, 1132x1044, 283:261, Cheese-Grate.jpg)


I agree.

Better to listen to somebody like Paul Craig Roberts.

cb4403  No.4183390

My opinion: We cant escade a civil war and/or a partition off the country.

Sooner it will begin, better are our chance to make France great again (currently around 400 000 africans per year coming).

6abc54  No.4183391


Fuck him.

Move it to Friday.

7ae22f  No.4183392


Trump keeps the public docile with his rallies the same as Q keeps people online docile and contained.

8a7ab3  No.4183393




I bet W thought it was like PIKE or Sigma Chi….

00f3a0  No.4183394


Sounds like that's their 5:5 on Cheney observation.

0b76ff  No.4183395

Is it any coincidence that Berlin was heavily infested with insect yellow jackets this summer? Kinda reminded me of Rev. 9:10.

61978a  No.4183396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nintendo is playing (you)

0ea7da  No.4183397



b41101  No.4183398


I never thought I'd say this:

I want to throw that kitteh into a high speed fan.

b1c09e  No.4183399

File: 7d34f832ee98516⋯.jpg (86.35 KB, 300x223, 300:223, Graham WDSHN Rubio in Liby….jpg)


>US Senators Submit Draft to Hold SA Crown Prince Responsible in Khashoggi Case

>The resolution was introduced by Senators Coons, Lindsey Graham, Dianne Feinstein, Marco Rubio, Ed Markey and Todd Young, the release said.

SEPT. 29, 2011

U.S. Senate Delegation Offers Praise and Caution to Libya’s New Leaders (pic related)

The delegation, led by Senator John McCain of Arizona, also said American investors were watching Libya with keen interest and wanted to do business here as soon as the Transitional National Council, as the interim government is known, had pacified the country and routed the vestiges of resistance by Colonel Qaddafi and his fugitive loyalists.


bb2d26  No.4183400


You realize that the vests themselves are an extremely palpable symbol of the particular brand of Governmental encroachment they are rioting against, right?

They are the safety vests required to be in every car by overreaching govt regulations.

Snatching the vests out of their context and changing the color is a retarded idea that would rob them almost all potency.

d36b69  No.4183401


Was getting the weird internet thing for two days now!!!! It even stopped my three ring doorbells from the Internet… my iPad said it was a manual remove and I had to go through reading them all this morning!!!! I am the only one I. House with control over the settings….

6a439b  No.4183402


>I'd be very surprised if Trump actually nominated the guy.

Well? Let's see. Who'd know just about everything there is to know about all of it? I haven't seen anything, yet, indicating he's not a good guy, actually.

>Three days after Barr accepted that position, 121 Cuban inmates, awaiting deportation to Cuba as extremely violent criminals, seized 9 hostages at the Talladega federal prison. He directed the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team to assault the prison, which resulted in rescuing all hostages without loss of life.[6]

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b8622e No.4130704 📁

Dec 3 2018 13:16:01 (EST)



Well-played DS.

Please allow us to counter.


66c1ac  No.4183403

File: 727472b3c5a87e2⋯.jpeg (318.66 KB, 1242x718, 621:359, 8024E068-CDCE-4AFF-92A1-4….jpeg)

8d6707  No.4183404


>HSBC is corrupt af there's no question about that.

True, but my larger point is that

Huawei money laundering -> HSBC -> Comey


Magnitsky/Bill Browder -> Hermitage -> HSBC -> Comey

These moves are to squeeze Comey. And possibly Feinstein as well.

2879b2  No.4183405


We've seen this before, I forget who it was about, but Trump isn't going to nominate him. It looks like the DS trying to capitalize off the funeral to install their guy thinking the public will overwhelmingly support it now the GHWB is fresh in their minds and was painted as such a great patriot.

d3a3e7  No.4183406

File: f735df8e6b9de3b⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1536x768, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be9334cfc4042b7⋯.png (181 KB, 306x468, 17:26, ClipboardImage.png)

Possible Connection. Told to "Watch the News" ref. (Chongqing)



We know.




Anons geo_located [last pic]: Chongqing, China.

Hyatt Regency.

Players: 8

Watch the news.



Donald J. Trump


Very strong signals being sent by China once they returned home from their long trip, including stops, from Argentina. Not to sound naive or anything, but I believe President Xi meant every word of what he said at our long and hopefully historic meeting. ALL subjects discussed!

5:19 AM - 5 Dec 2018

*Note: [ALL] subjects discussed! → We know


(Business Insider)

China to 'immediately' apply the measures it agreed with the US during the 90-day trade truce.


(Daily Mail - UK)

Fresh tension between America and China as Huawei's CFO is arrested in Canada for 'violating U.S. sanctions on Iran'.

Canada on Saturday arrested Meng Wanzhou, Huawei's global chief financial officer and the daughter of the firm's founder, in Vancouver.

She is now facing extradition to the U.S. on suspicion she violated U.S. sanctions against Iran, the Globe and Mail newspaper reported on Wednesday.


* Q post = Chongqing Hyatt Regency → (We know)

* Q post = Chongqing secret meeting → (Watch the News)

* POTUS meets Xi @ G20 & tweets = I discussed ALL subjects w/ Xi.

* News Story = China to "Immediately" apply trade war truce measures.

* News Story = Huawei executive arrested on charges of violating Iran sanctions (Huawei - also reputation as Spy asset for PLA/PRC)



a20526  No.4183407

File: 0ffefb19e1b03dc⋯.png (318.96 KB, 934x316, 467:158, ClipboardImage.png)


I think POTUS is not aboard it?

See POTUS schedule pic related.

6abc54  No.4183408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8a7ab3  No.4183409




The electric chair is IMO WORSE than the fucking Guillotine.

I'd rather have my head sliced clean off 1000000x over getting ELECTROCUTED TO DEATH.

3477e6  No.4183410


The sauce is WaPo

Quick news search doesn't support claim

0bcffd  No.4183411


The gubmint services corporation dba UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. is already bankrupt. DJT is the President (CEO) of that corporation, which owes trillions to its priority creditors, which are We, the people. Recall his speech where he said there are "trillions at stake". He's referring to the trillions the secondary creditors and owners of the corporation will lose unless they can figure out a new way to scam Americans.

3fb96f  No.4183412

File: 95e5c5508070af7⋯.jpg (253.36 KB, 1324x691, 1324:691, 55.jpg)

File: 7115a272caa5262⋯.jpg (77.39 KB, 563x382, 563:382, iu (12).jpg)

c67e07  No.4183413


Watch and learn.


a8f218  No.4183414



The good news(?) is many men have gone on strike.

My two sons, in their 30s, are still single. They both told me they're not getting married just to have some bitch take 50++% of everything they've worked hard for and created in a later divorce. I mentioned pre-nups but they both said fuck that. They like their freedom.

I totally get where they are coming from, but this doesn't bode well for our future.

9144a1  No.4183415

911893  No.4183416


Depends if the sponge is damp or not.

edc4e7  No.4183417

File: aa2d835ec988585⋯.jpg (227.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Lopan.jpg)

6abc54  No.4183418


kek, Pike rape jokes never old.

Wait, reverse that. Just shut fucking Pike down.

Nationally known to be rapey.

Sigma Nu is openly gay, but at least they're not rapey.

8a7ab3  No.4183419




I think Trump is realizing he's going to need some serious BACKUP with POLITICAL EXPERIENCE if he wants to have a chance in this.

61978a  No.4183420

File: fcefd3131e8887f⋯.jpg (139.47 KB, 800x812, 200:203, IMG_4118.JPG)

125cef  No.4183421

File: ad76b2316ede9c0⋯.jpg (607.15 KB, 640x1203, 640:1203, xxjudgmenttarot.jpg)

File: 4eec47ffbbebc4f⋯.jpg (102.12 KB, 1080x565, 216:113, x.jpg)

File: d0606f32450846c⋯.jpg (75.34 KB, 640x360, 16:9, xxvsxygenes.jpg)


XX = female

XY = male

The cults are not made up of mixed genders?

"Y" ?

There is supposed to be a special significance to "Y?"

Just showing were the graphic for the Trump Tarot Judment card derived from.

The Economist was a take - off on the Emperor card

Judgment Tarot card features a graveyard with the dead rising.

If Trump and his people take down the ancient Cabal.

There will be a lot of souls, long dead, who will be liberated? The Justice finally served on this Earth will free their souls?

0ea7da  No.4183422


Well, that "overreaching gov't regulation" kinda back-fired on them, didn't it? It was wise to suggest using a common uniform that everyone already possessed.

de3305  No.4183423


wtf profile pic does zerohedge have on there….real respectable news agency smfh lol

157b23  No.4183424

File: c18d8af613564ca⋯.png (146.56 KB, 626x494, 313:247, image.png)

61978a  No.4183425

File: b07b5c3e84eb495⋯.jpg (86.66 KB, 800x812, 200:203, IMG_4119.JPG)

8a7ab3  No.4183427




They shut down my chapter.

eab5fe  No.4183428

File: 7f45983e345dbc0⋯.jpg (688.92 KB, 1180x788, 295:197, duterte.jpg)

Slamming the Catholic Church as "the most hypocritical institution" for casting doubt on his extrajudicial drug war, the outspoken leader ridiculed Catholic bishops as "useless fools," exhorting his people to "kill them" in a speech on Wednesday. He also claimed that 90 percent of priests are homosexuals lacking any standing to "postulate on my morality."


0b76ff  No.4183429


I asked my son how he dates in the current PC environment. He says that he doesn't.

8094ca  No.4183430


It takes the heat off of Whitaker. Something will come up during confirmation. Barr won't be AG.

6763b2  No.4183431


7bc762  No.4183432



Q 1370

15 May 2018 - 12:32:59 AM

Why was Preet Bharara fired?

Why was the NY AG just removed?

Why did Rudy recently join POTUS’ legal team after being ‘quiet’ for so long?

What must be cleaned first?

Who investigates?

Who prosecutes?





Define “On the Record.”

You have more than you know.



ca1479  No.4183433


Look.. Stop calling it AF-1. Unless you know for sure POTUS is on board. If he is not, it is not AF-1. Making yourself look silly.

52e1c7  No.4183434

File: 8d015ad552fe970⋯.gif (6.45 MB, 480x360, 4:3, elvis_gratton.gif)


En tabarnac! Si les arrestations n'arrivent pas bientôt en Amérique, j'ai bien peur que la même chose se passe las, et cela menaçerait de ce répandre au Canada

f9aa34  No.4183435



>The case is being handled by the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, and not the special counsel’s office

conviction in STATE court cannot be pardoned by POTUS

6abc54  No.4183436

File: 9d70037d1106f82⋯.png (531.29 KB, 662x384, 331:192, ClipboardImage.png)

27c73a  No.4183437


To who or what? Lizards? Prove it. Until then the Jews seem to be the top of the pyramid.

b524a4  No.4183438

File: e91184dc64616a3⋯.jpeg (112.52 KB, 1440x767, 1440:767, 1539124803.jpeg)

d039d3  No.4183439

File: f29fbb3c36a6853⋯.png (471 KB, 1007x525, 1007:525, 2018-12-06_14-35-47.png)


Jesuits and the rest of them faggots cannot keep their hands off the kids!

f108e6  No.4183440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler !

5d12ba  No.4183441


POTUS is reportedly at the WH hosting 2 Chanukah events.

f75ac0  No.4183442


Yeah I know, that's my point. It doesn't really work outside of those hilarious circumstances.

db00a7  No.4183443


yup, Sci-Fi KEK

66c1ac  No.4183444

File: 4317e2c523cf4ed⋯.jpeg (740.67 KB, 1242x1321, 1242:1321, 009096AF-9DC0-4F68-8554-7….jpeg)

8a7ab3  No.4183445




Eh just that setting,

Cold white room.

Big Metal Chair.


Let me be killed outside with a nice breeze and my loved one's spirits near me.

0ea7da  No.4183446



064583  No.4183447

File: 8ffa63ae42fe268⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1125x663, 375:221, ClipboardImage.png)

photo says it all

one sign says vaccine = poison

other says

"Chiappa" law for pedos! Democracy!

cb4403  No.4183448


Maybe a lot of anon dont know, but the yellow vest come from all our cars. Its mandatory to have one in your car or you can get 90 euros ticket.

6abc54  No.4183449


I wish you went to my alma mater.

Pike has basement that they use a mixed fight club/rape room.

Literally, no one will deliver to their house because they have a history of assaulting folks instead of tipping them.

Horrible organization.

61978a  No.4183450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nintendo came from Cthulhu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster consolidation of ramen markets for western closet homo piggies

ecabba  No.4183451


Callsign is VENUS01, not AF1 - that means POTUS is not aboard.

094d76  No.4183452

File: b0efb20916380c1⋯.png (331.67 KB, 705x628, 705:628, Screenshot_2018-12-07 Sean….png)

69032e  No.4183453


You're kidding, right. This is Broward County. Fort Lauderdale/Wilton Manors has the largest homosexual population in the USA. Its Queer Central over there. I live in the suburbs down here. Libs run wild will all kinds of shit here. Tolerance for the gay thing is heavily promoted here. If you work for the county you will only get chastised or fired if you express a conservative viewpoint.

b84cda  No.4183454


Been thinking the same shit myself actually.

a52458  No.4183455


it looks like Lithuania and Latvia have their heads screwed on straight. And beautiful conservative Christian women too.

May be a good time to do some travelling.

61978a  No.4183456

File: 8b4aab1ec3258d6⋯.jpg (93.58 KB, 800x812, 200:203, IMG_4120.JPG)

6a439b  No.4183457

File: 859b894ed10447d⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, 859b894ed10447df64c5b52e12….png)


We all get impatient, here. It just shows we are emotionally invested in getting humanity back on track. There's nothing wrong with that, really. It's just difficult, sometimes, to temper emotions with logical progression of events.

Dig, meme, pray!

>And post pretty ladies

cb4403  No.4183458


Demoncratie = Demon cracy

1feff3  No.4183459


Roger that! thanks anon

064583  No.4183460


On reconnait un Quebecois assez facilement kek. En effet pour ton commentaire.

0ea7da  No.4183461


Nah, we know… I just said I think it was was to suggest using these items for an effective uniform.

49c023  No.4183462


That's funny.

Kosse TX has about 500 people. They have ONE place to stop there - has awesome BBQ beef sandwiches…..

Hopefully his neighbors already knew he was a creeper.

73d069  No.4183463


Good point.

6d7da5  No.4183464

File: f14ad04bea712b0⋯.png (63.02 KB, 917x534, 917:534, barr.png)


The left is losing their shit about the possibility of William Bar being AG.

Lot's of stuff out there from Barr wanting to investigate Clinton Foundation.


6abc54  No.4183465

File: 616b6f2f0b8e4c4⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



Why am piggies in closet?


So homo.

946dd8  No.4183466

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Here you go

534bf0  No.4183467


I don't know. You can stay conscious and aware that you've been beheaded for up to 20 seconds or so after a quick, clean decapitation. That would be a horrifying 20 seconds.

3c40a7  No.4183468


Ok I didn't think it was called AF-1 unless he was on board

66c1ac  No.4183469



f72d2a  No.4183470


I think referenced Q drop is not in effect, likely POTUS would be expected to be aboard, ie scheduled travel.

5d12ba  No.4183471


It's actually a good idea to have a safety vest in your car (along with road flares and cones.) It just shouldn't be mandated by the government.

479e74  No.4183472


Nice to know that we aren't the only ones with way too many meddling "It's for your own good" assholes running around getting stupid laws passed.

9d8602  No.4183473

Just had a thought. How many female anons are on the board because we married alphas who work . He is a slave to the system so that I can be here. Much love to strong Men everywhere! Thank you for all you do. Now I know the rules, I am taking my tits and GTFO.

86ee69  No.4183475

File: 955548b7825c8e9⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 760x428, 190:107, a_ov_Pepe_160928.760;428;7….jpg)




Trips Confirm!

Dims wont stop until (((they))) steal every


cb4403  No.4183476


Source ? pretty sure you cant get conscious without blood pression.

61978a  No.4183477

File: 8a1be5dc737bb2f⋯.jpg (150.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, IMG_3760.JPG)


Ww2 was won by a tank

cb4403  No.4183478


Welcome to the first and the last communist country in Europe.

3477e6  No.4183479

File: 1a1fee5111cf330⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1088x1824, 34:57, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes paytriots are rare breed…..

dbc995  No.4183480


the sources aren't talking

f9ab02  No.4183481

File: 30aac0bf304ade4⋯.png (87.2 KB, 650x460, 65:46, ClipboardImage.png)

0619cb  No.4183482

4bbfd3  No.4183483

File: b0a6770c73a04ba⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 717x380, 717:380, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-3….jpg)

39e7d2  No.4183484

File: 728f024f03b4007⋯.png (47.28 KB, 640x470, 64:47, Screenshot_2018-12-06 Citi….png)

File: 98f0c8264c6911f⋯.png (54.34 KB, 640x581, 640:581, Screenshot_2018-12-06 Amaz….png)

The Yellow Vest movement in Canada seems to be organic.Pics of tweets about it.



Maxime Bernier and Tom Quiggin are going to be there.

a41407  No.4183485







I guess if the requirement is to use the symbol of our oppressors, we wound need to adopt the masonic apron…

61978a  No.4183486

File: 64a59c9596c0a48⋯.jpg (185.66 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_3791.JPG)

de3305  No.4183487

ac6e00  No.4183488

File: 226e023dbeb6984⋯.jpeg (300.92 KB, 1125x589, 1125:589, 8925DCAA-5E9D-4985-A39C-7….jpeg)

‘storm’ keks

8a7ab3  No.4183489




But, yeah, PIKE I imagine isn't that different than any other secret society.

We had to fucking all, keep our mouths shut during the investigation, over some Creepy Asshole who was an older member who I think roofied someone.

We all hated him.

There are subdivisions within the Fraternity.

The stoners/surfers/ guys who just liked having a good time, and then the people who clearly were taking advantage of others from this position of (COOLEST GUY ON CAMPUS CHAD)…

I didn't really realize it at the time.

It's funny how the nice people are willing to have a bad persons' back, as to not get in the way, but know it is wrong. Another way they are recycled in the Hamster wheel and used.

Fucking rinse and repeat.

49c023  No.4183490



Yeah - it seems to take a lot for the frogs to get going - but when they do…

Especially against their own.

9a6db1  No.4183491

File: a4ef56d1966a0a6⋯.png (394.87 KB, 530x874, 265:437, Menshel.png)


The Epoch Times

‏Verified account @EpochTimes

15m15 minutes ago

After his departure, there will be no top @FBI officials left from the group that investigated #HillaryClinton for mishandling classified information and launched a counterintelligence probe into the Trump administration.


By Petr Svab

December 5, 2018 Updated: December 5, 2018


Bill Priestap, assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, is retiring by the end of the year. After his departure, there will be no top FBI officials left from the group that investigated Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information and launched a counterintelligence probe into the Trump administration.

“Assistant Director Bill Priestap became eligible to retire and has chosen to do so after 20 years of service,” the FBI said in an emailed statement, referring to the FBI rule that employees over 50 years of age can retire after 20 years of service with a full pension.

An FBI official told The Epoch Times that Priestap will leave “by the end of the year.”

Priestap was at the center of the Clinton and Trump probes from 2015 to 2017. He was involved in crafting then-FBI Director James Comey’s speech exonerating Clinton in July 2016. He was also the direct supervisor of then-Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, the lead agent on both investigations, codenamed “Midyear” and “Crossfire Hurricane,” respectively.

But Priestap was also, to some degree, cut out of the loop. His boss at the time, then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, picked as his counsel then-FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who “was to serve as a liaison between the Midyear team and McCabe,” she told the Justice Department’s Inspector General office.

Page was later revealed as a mistress of Strzok and text messages between the two showed bias against Trump and for Clinton, catapulting both into the media spotlight.

Priestap, on the other hand, has managed to keep a relatively low profile.

The House Judiciary and House Oversight committees questioned Priestap behind closed doors for several hours on June 5, but only three lawmakers attended: Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.), The Hill reported.

Priestap is married to Sabina Menschel, who heads a Washington private investigative agency and is a former special adviser to the FBI, according to her biography. Her father is Richard Menschel, Goldman Sachs investment banker, philanthropist, and a donor to the Democratic Party.

eab5fe  No.4183492


It's not AF-1 if POTUS is not on board.

2dc1dd  No.4183493


Have been shocked before, grounded 120 volts a couple of times. Wasn't so bad, but then again, it was only 120 volts.

6d7da5  No.4183494


$1.5 mill isn't that much and certainly doesn't make him a "pay-triot".

d039d3  No.4183495

File: f001e60930f8de0⋯.png (312.35 KB, 400x326, 200:163, 2018-12-06_14-40-24.png)


Would they be interested in an authentic 1/1024 Indian Democratie?

4bbfd3  No.4183496


that's not much money

but maybe for his profession

b1c09e  No.4183497


>What is Trump thinking.

Check the date on that twat! smdh

ae0ad6  No.4183498

File: 46b0711d3761ea1⋯.png (869.68 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, Feinstein.png)

0ea7da  No.4183499


8bb263  No.4183500


She's obviously a succubus/demon from an anime. Funny thing … The Japanese are not nearly as caught up on the whole arbitrary concept of good/evil by affiliation, and so they often depict stories in a much more dynamic way than: "demon evil." Try The Devil is a Part Timer or Tales of Berseria.

Tales of Berseria is a game… But I would actually argue that they have things more accurately depicted. Demons are beings ruled by emotions, typically with self-centered goals and a lack of consideration for others. The Abbey - that is the church - is bent on awakening a sealed god and is a sort of paradox. While supposedly representing order, they ultimately are in pursuit of the destruction of humanity. The Church - Catholicism, specifically, which was constructed to worship and resurrect Lucifer.

You can find this as relatively common - Blue Exorcist also takes a similar approach where "good" is often just as, if not more evil than the demons as it hides its true intent and nature.

Hence why I warn: fire is still just a fire, and some light exists to create contrast, rather than true illumination.

Western civilization has largely been shaped by the laws and customs of the Pharisees and the Babylonian kings. These views are a distorted take on "good and evil" created out of the concept of law and fealty. "Good" are the things which serve the function of a state. "Evil" are things which are typically destructive to a state. Due to this logic, the reduction of people to resources in service to the state is the natural "coming of order" - it is the elimination of all personal existence and full incorporation of the individual into the collective which serves the state.

In a literal and metaphorical sense, this is the very process by which Lucifer is to be resurrected and we are all to "return to God."

This is not to say that demons have suddenly become "good" - but that the development of external order, as opposed to internal order, is the goal of those who see themselves as being that external order and purpose. They represent the king Nebachudnezzar (or however that is spelled) - the one associated with the Morning Star - Venus, the Light Bearer, translated as "Lucifer"… Reflecting an even older order of Zoroastrian beliefs that took symbolism from the bright star in the sky (actually the planet venus), which would follow a flower-petal pattern in the sky, notated as the Pentagram.

Thus, while the king may have been associated with such a bright star by his contemporaries, those who would worship the kings are fundamentally different from those who would take inspiration from a star, and always find themselves at odds with the use of the symbolism by the state.

Symbols, alone, are not sufficient to identify a person's allegiance. There are those wearing the pentagram who cast curses. There are others who wear the pentagram who would never do such a thing. Just as there are those who wear the cross who look to crucify you in the end.

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall. They need to be associated with concepts greater than themselves in order to hold power.

e287a0  No.4183501


This movie is awesome.

6a439b  No.4183502

File: 6e6ac10c504071d⋯.jpg (72.79 KB, 1199x301, 1199:301, Q Post Removed - DOJ Succe….jpg)



Guarantee this guy maintained his contacts throughout the years, and kept his ear to the ground. Will be VERY interesting to see how POTUS uses this. I wonder if a previously confirmed then retired AG needs to be confirmed again?

f75ac0  No.4183503


I'm in my low 30's and make enough to comfortably support my wife to stay at home and raise our kids.

We have been happily married since 19, no pre-nup and no divorce in sight.

My 3 closest friends all have long-term marriages with stay at home mothers to their children, across several income brackets (that isn't relevant to the lifestyle).

All are varying degrees of religious, so that isn't a common thread either.

Don't lump everyone in my generation in with your stupid sons.

It's probably a good thing they have removed themselves from the genetic pool.

Did it ever occur to you that they're just douche bags?

8a7ab3  No.4183504





Sounds like a challenge.

Eh, I just hate the idea of dying in that Electric Chair room.

0b76ff  No.4183505


If he went to his father's home country, maybe he'd do ok. Maybe. Depends on how racist they are.

273726  No.4183506


kinda looks like a lightning bolt if you turn it 90 degrees ;)

5d12ba  No.4183507


Kindly never (you) me, efag, you pedovore-loving piece of limey shit.

3fb96f  No.4183508

File: a3c8d2e8397c0c3⋯.jpg (24.45 KB, 277x292, 277:292, a954f5351616eea474a1baa67a….jpg)

381491  No.4183509

File: da1f17e3e7d9830⋯.jpg (65.71 KB, 400x526, 200:263, 20170304_cna400.jpg)

The economist cover

March, the 4th, 2017

ac6e00  No.4183510

File: 5a5919f85860101⋯.jpeg (199.19 KB, 1125x400, 45:16, 7B9EB5ED-842B-4BED-80F5-C….jpeg)


7bc762  No.4183512






Trump keeps the public docile with his rallies the same as Q keeps people online docile and contained.


You mean the people who committed the crimes. You're an idiot. You'd probably support W Bush for VP or head of the CIA. Q derangement syndrome is real




Ahahahaha! If true, Q can't spin this one. Glad we're draining that swamp!

2f8e51  No.4183513


can someone shoop in the funeral pics of hussein, michael, bill and killary? maybe add Jeb, Laura, and George Jr with GHWB sitting in chair?

ac812e  No.4183514


I wouldn't worry about it until he brings his friend Bruce by to meet you

6fd71e  No.4183515


kinda like "their symbolism will be their downfall" think mirror

b39863  No.4183516


Someone took bird shot to the face. “Wahhh! We must ban all the guns!”

f6ff62  No.4183517

File: e6ee3af0e3ef308⋯.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1130x1390, 113:139, 7DD1E41E-8C1B-4AB6-BDF8-C….jpeg)

File: e2426b8e3a179e2⋯.jpeg (619.73 KB, 2048x750, 1024:375, EF6086E1-0314-4EB7-8AA9-0….jpeg)

File: a24b70b3650e773⋯.jpeg (378.54 KB, 1508x571, 1508:571, 1FE321EC-F32F-4476-A993-B….jpeg)

File: bf236843b121b72⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 2048x2119, 2048:2119, 9AC3F95D-F278-4C36-BE23-C….jpeg)

File: 9e84b03d4e667d4⋯.jpeg (221.93 KB, 1128x1457, 24:31, 35C90434-077C-4ADD-A108-4….jpeg)


27c73a  No.4183518


The wife promises to teach me how to embed soon. I know it is likely easy. But my brain does not like that crap. It lives on other nuggets.

a8f218  No.4183519


Go hug some sweaty, shirtless niggers, Macron.

201dfa  No.4183520


Thanks Anon!

73158d  No.4183521

File: be0d1304612d867⋯.jpg (364.97 KB, 1024x619, 1024:619, Screen Shot 12-06-18 at 05….JPG)

File: 9826d168101cf73⋯.jpg (140.99 KB, 567x326, 567:326, Screen Shot 12-06-18 at 07….JPG)

Who is actually running the show and pulling the strings at the top?

Is it a single person? a council of people? UN?

Why isn't Q team cutting the head off this snake? is it to show the world it exists before action is taken by Q? I hope so, for all our sakes. God Wins.


a540ec  No.4183522

Bye bye Bama’s Bolthole

0b76ff  No.4183523


Fortunately, I don't think he swings that way.

c97352  No.4183524

8bde07  No.4183525


He thought he was smarter than Trump.

He was wrong. KEK

10600d  No.4183526

File: cc151dacfa0e8be⋯.png (612.66 KB, 685x668, 685:668, Polizeiwesten.png)


German police wear yellow vests

It's gonna look like solidarity when the yellow vest demonstrations get big in Germany

8a7ab3  No.4183527





Guillotine, out in some beautiful square in Paris,

Electric Chair, the basement of a cold white prison you've been in for years, those super bright lightbulbs, the cold steel of that chair.

Gives me the fucking heebees.

b84cda  No.4183528

File: 02a1b014542ef77⋯.jpg (184.05 KB, 612x1105, 36:65, kamala harris i will suck ….jpg)


Lets talk about shameful bitch

3477e6  No.4183529



^^^Candidate name if you search on that phrase it is in full:

Loi Schiappa pour Pedophile! Demoncratie

4bbfd3  No.4183530

File: f7f53f412c81d9f⋯.jpg (116.76 KB, 731x669, 731:669, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-4….jpg)

File: 72eaf7cef059b4b⋯.jpg (142.01 KB, 517x715, 47:65, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-4….jpg)

File: a937c6bed3c600f⋯.jpg (68.04 KB, 534x346, 267:173, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-4….jpg)

Abortions are Declining Nationwide, But Not Because of Contraception


8d6707  No.4183531



Seems like a roundabout way to bring attention to CA (and a few other states).

What the GOP is accused of doing in NC is EXACTLY what the DNC did in CA.

It was a new law signed by Brown.

It allows ANYBODY to collect and deliver absentee ballots as much as THREE DAYS after the election.

No chain of custody, no postmark… its crazy.

61978a  No.4183532

File: 1fa0caef6454c5e⋯.jpg (24.52 KB, 357x412, 357:412, IMG_0989.JPG)


8a7ab3  No.4183533





cb282b  No.4183534


the top is million men strong enlightened people.

think Buddha but evil

49c023  No.4183535


Wouldn't it be better if Zerohedge didn't have a naked fag as their avatar?

just sayin

53fcfb  No.4183536


Extremely difficult for civilians to purchase handguns in general. Not saying they can’t get this gun, just not easily. Unless in the military.

e287a0  No.4183537


My father was an electrical engineer, my mother didn't work. They paid for us to go to college. And still retired with millions of dollars.

Saving money and investing it means even the middle class can create wealth.

Hell, I have 20 more years to work and already have almost $1mil in assets from retirement/investments and I don't make big bucks.

6abc54  No.4183538


Yeah, my frat had a similar split.

You're either a stoner playing soccer in the back, or you're doing coke off the charter.

My Little was actually the guy to bust the treasurer (happened to be Hindu) for embezzling and sending folks to collection agencies.

Then his daddy paid over double what he stole (ended up around $200,000) and now he's a doctor.


(he says, tongue in cheek)

ac812e  No.4183540


Well, if that ain't a ringing endorsement I don't know what is


064583  No.4183541


Sorry mispelled that thanks for the correction.

ae0ad6  No.4183542

When you move fall like a thunderbolt

The sound of the thunderbolt can be heard !!!

da8668  No.4183543

File: d414dd3e6241454⋯.png (611.5 KB, 665x441, 95:63, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f92c5d12be2ea8⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Estate Home of Del Smith, Founder of Evergreen Aviation, who ran contracts for CIA


a540ec  No.4183544


Maybe they’ll switch back to their brown shirts?

5acfa1  No.4183545

UKAnon here.

As per a previous notable, the UK and Japan have both been hit by an outage of the O2 / Telefonica mobile network today. Voice has been up / down all day, and mobile data non-existent. This has had a knock-on effect in small shops that use credit card readers tied to the O2 network. In London today, people had to use cash to pay for transactions in some shops. Shock! Horror! Not everyone could cope.

The outage has been traced to an update that was applied to the mobile core by a sub-contractor Ericsson. See here: https://www.ericsson.com/en/press-releases/2018/12/update-on-software-issue-impacting-certain-customers

Following network disturbances in a number of Ericsson’s (NASDAQ:ERIC) customer networks, Ericsson has taken immediate action to minimize impact and support the restoration of services.

During December 6, 2018, Ericsson has identified an issue in certain nodes in the core network resulting in network disturbances for a limited number of customers in multiple countries using two specific software versions of the SGSN–MME (Serving GPRS Support Node – Mobility Management Entity).

Börje Ekholm, President and CEO, Ericsson, says: “The faulty software that has caused these issues is being decommissioned and we apologize not only to our customers but also to their customers. We work hard to ensure that our customers can limit the impact and restore their services as soon as possible.”

An initial root cause analysis indicates that the main issue was an expired certificate in the software versions installed with these customers. A complete and comprehensive root cause analysis is still in progress. Our focus is now on solving the immediate issues.

During the course of December 6, most of the affected customers’ network services have been successfully restored. We are working closely with the remaining customers that are still experiencing issues.

One of my phonefag pals who has worked on SGSN says that this kind of upgrade, whilst fairly common generally takes an age to apply - typically 5-7 hours. Ericsson applied an update, rebooted at 5am and everything went splat. With all of the UK mobile operators, a lot of the core functionality is contracted out to third parties. What Ericsson did by accident is what Huawei is suspected of weaponising - hence the move by Five Eyes away from Chinese tech in mobile networks.

eace47  No.4183546


Merci anon! The same here in Germany! A lot of new Policeofficers in Berlin, first, have to learn the german language now… It is a shame!

Stay safe an Prayers from your Neighbour!

646771  No.4183547

File: 3bcb0ee87f8175e⋯.jpeg (208.33 KB, 750x608, 375:304, FC4D33BA-DECF-4CAB-9026-E….jpeg)

>>4182159 lb

>U.S. subsidizes Soros’ radical leftist agenda Worldwide, Judicial Watch special report shows

Q proof

79e050  No.4183549

File: d4c4a88ca5cce57⋯.jpeg (14.23 KB, 226x255, 226:255, f8b7da8ed79612f775dab6468….jpeg)

91db1e  No.4183550

File: df837e218bf839c⋯.jpg (100.89 KB, 991x484, 991:484, 8326eb04f36b9aad1e18d4901b….jpg)

>>4182465 (pb)

>Hertz Global (HTZ) President/Rent A Car International Michel Taride to Resign


IS there a connection here to the Clinton travel office and the shit that went on during that?

534bf0  No.4183551


I googled it a while ago when ISIS was beading everybody. That's what I found out from sketchy anecdotal evidence. However, pretty hard to confirm in all cases, I imagine.

f10db8  No.4183552


Expect armed bad actors inciting violence to be mixed in with French patriots since mosques in France double as armories.

92ec85  No.4183553

File: a83a7c7875fec6f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck em

c4603f  No.4183554


Copper Coil Crown

Electric Current

Magnetized Guillotine Blade

Turn on the juice, which not only shocks them, but turns the executee into an electro-magnet, which attracts the Guillotine Blade downward with significant force.

Patent Pending.

aacb4c  No.4183555


Chris needs moar.

4bbfd3  No.4183556

most likely posted earlier

REPORT: Intelligence Agencies Had ‘Concerns’ about ‘Steele Dossier’ BEFORE FISA Warrant


192992  No.4183557

File: acc5042ccac7a19⋯.jpg (90.41 KB, 735x858, 245:286, 3.JPG)

File: 538e315cae17992⋯.jpg (72.5 KB, 719x665, 719:665, 4.JPG)

File: 0eb98d2eceeb53a⋯.jpg (92.02 KB, 714x733, 714:733, 5.JPG)

FBI raids mansion on New Market Way in Raleigh, removes truckload of evidence


0b76ff  No.4183558


Makes a good case for NOT going to digital currency, as some say the DS wants to do.

ac812e  No.4183560


>Now I know the rules, I am taking my tits and GTFO

No, you stay right here

Just by acknowledging the rules you qualify for an exemption

3c4c71  No.4183561


Not alot of money, includes his house, and stocks, totally feasible from where I sit, Dan is ourguy faggot!

18f160  No.4183562


BREAKING: Dozens of fetuses and infant remains were found after raids on two metro Detroit cemeteries connected to the Perry Funeral Home investigation. In October, officers found 36 fetuses in cardboard boxes and 27 more in freezers - WXYZ

All a conspiracy?

273726  No.4183563

1feff3  No.4183564


Why yellow vests


The Color Yellow

Yellow is the color of

the mind and the intellect

The color yellow relates to acquired knowledge. It is the color which resonates with the left or logic side of the brain stimulating our mental faculties and creating mental agility and perception.

Being the lightest hue of the spectrum, the color psychology of yellow is uplifting and illuminating, offering hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun.

In the meaning of colors, yellow inspires original thought and inquisitiveness.

Yellow is creative from a mental aspect, the color of new ideas, helping us to find new ways of doing things. It is the practical thinker, not the dreamer.

6abc54  No.4183565



66c1ac  No.4183566

File: b67f4a4ce1d2f43⋯.jpeg (372.33 KB, 1242x836, 621:418, CB8FFB8E-20B1-4CFA-A962-E….jpeg)


I thought it odd last year but he hasn’t showed anymore skin since ;)

8a7ab3  No.4183567




When it comes to being killed.

The idea of a more "natural" beheading is more appealing to me than being shocked to death.

But, really, I think hanging would be the best, you know The Prestige style. Floor drops.

1ce2d4  No.4183568


the top of the pyramid is never the top of the pyramid

66c1ac  No.4183569



f10db8  No.4183570


Or wildfire.

66c1ac  No.4183571


Darn sorry

52e1c7  No.4183572

File: bd7a67cbc6eb7fe⋯.png (358.09 KB, 827x800, 827:800, ClipboardImage.png)


Le Kèque!

eb3b0a  No.4183573

File: e833c4c255f9a38⋯.png (550.49 KB, 1022x552, 511:276, sorosgood.png)


Can't find them now, of course, due to no longer having legit SEs, but there were articles about how Romney went to town halls pimping Arizona & Full Sail Universities to college-aged people during the '12 Campaign season. It was laid out how much those for-profits kicked into his campaign. Same with that POS Rubio with Corinthian College. He was writing letters to "go easy" on it once it was exposed how corrupt it was.

Shitty "Politicians" such as these have kept the scams going.

07ca04  No.4183574


This is a good litmus test for the Q movement.

Will the Fraudster be punish before they are sworn in office?

This is it. Either Patriot are in control or they are not!

73d069  No.4183575


>>4183557 FBI raids mansion on New Market Way in Raleigh, removes truckload of evidence.

>>4183464 William Barr: a Clinton-hating and Trump loyal?

>>4183321 Tx. pedophile charged with enticing 15 yr old: CP/Sex.

>>4183309 Bill Mitchell: Who's Russia Investigation Is It?

>>4182902, >>4183283, >>4183249, >>4183358 Sat/Sun: France deploys 12k riot police (89,000 total), including an armored unit, as fears of a coup grow.

>>4183241 GM CEO will keep 'open mind' on plant closings, acknowledges anger.

>>4183158 Iran: Number of Victims in Car Bomb Blast in Iran Rises to 42.

>>4183130 AF1 odd flight pattern.

>>4183073 Dig on William P. Barr. Tied to Epstein case and Kavanaugh fellow alumni?

>>4183027, >>4183047, >>4183070 Alleged photo of French soldier stating the French Military is not naively fooled by what is going on.

>>4183026 Maria Butina plea deal may be near.

>>4183025 Nicholas Maduro says Russia will invest $6B in Venezuelan oil, mining.

>>4182973 U.S. probe of China's Huawei includes bank fraud accusations.

>>4182953 Avenatti to lose cash, artwork, Ferrari in divorce settlement with wife.

>>4182926 Pompeo meets with South Korea's top diplomat after Bush's funeral.

>>4182923 Syria update.

>>4182895 WaPo: William P. Barr reportedly a candidate for Attorney General.

0b76ff  No.4183576


That's a scary thought, actually. You have police and military there who are not going to be patriots because they aren't from there. Part of a plan, maybe?

ac6e00  No.4183577

File: bdb6a76d30fc43d⋯.jpeg (308.13 KB, 1125x969, 375:323, 2600D8A2-6619-4C51-B499-D….jpeg)

If I see this mother fucker in person, I am literally going to fuck his shit up. Nothing would make me feel better than to land a clean overhand right on this guy’s temple. Night night traitor.

This is evidence of premeditation and a confession.

d28269  No.4183578


Et vous n’a pas vraiment élire lui non plus ! Coqs se gargariser à Versailles !

f72d2a  No.4183579

File: 004259b54a092f5⋯.png (311.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

New Navy Pilot getting some wings?

b41101  No.4183580


Does your son have a neck beard, per chance?

7ae22f  No.4183581

File: ad2052ce20ca3b6⋯.png (733.78 KB, 1349x9485, 1349:9485, Screenshot_2018-12-04 Rema….png)


Get a reality check

ab4776  No.4183582



7bc762  No.4183583

File: 4277c167e20c579⋯.png (36.89 KB, 300x240, 5:4, men-at-work-road-traffic-s….png)




Every construction worker in america wears orange

and orange means trump to the left

8a7ab3  No.4183584





I imagine most do.

We we're "Underground" for a while, so I don't know what happened to our funds.

I imagine alot of COKE was bought with them… Fucking joke really.

I made some great friends and had a good time.

The nicest dude in the whole Chapter, and one of the nicest dudes on Campus died in a car crash on the way home from celebrating graduation. His GF was "DDing" for him.


6abc54  No.4183585


booooo violence.

We don't need the physical plane to skullfuck people.

a8f218  No.4183586


Son #1: College grad, still paying his loans. Works to jobs: welder by day, plus Uber to make ends meet. He stops by routinely to check on his 85 year-old grandmother to make sure she's doing OK.

Son #2: Marine, two tours of duty in Iraq, 2007 & 2008. College grad (GI Bill). He's disabled. Had brain surgery three years ago. Will need more brain surgery in three weeks.

No, it has NEVER occurred to me they are douchebags.

f0ed4b  No.4183587

File: 25f0b19634a63c4⋯.jpg (27.61 KB, 467x266, 467:266, 2o20nu_1_1_1.jpg)

File: b9d4e37ff72a800⋯.jpg (38.56 KB, 426x354, 71:59, 2oc098_1.jpg)

Gillum is a crook.

980837  No.4183588


Republicans in California would like a similar investigation into a dozen or so congressional races in SoCal.

946dd8  No.4183589


Very much so. We'd hate for the public to figure out that various entities in the US, with the help of clown faggots, were stealing billions from Russia while also supporting the mob and various oligarchs over there

6d7da5  No.4183590


Have you seen the series "The Patriot" on Amazon?

Hilarious dark comedy. There's an episode in Season 2 where he needs to get a gun. In the show you need to prove you've been robbed or assaulted numerous times to apply for a gun.

So he finds a grocer who's been robbed and now has a gun then steals it.

Not sure if it's accurate but it was interesting.

Here's the song "French Gun" from the show.


ecabba  No.4183591


Not AF1 (POTUS is not on board)

24fdc6  No.4183592



That's the picture of Tyler Durden character from Fight Club, played by Brad Pitt.

ac6e00  No.4183593


How, then, would you suggest we skullfuck this faggot?

66c1ac  No.4183595

File: f1138e57450cb53⋯.jpeg (493.73 KB, 1242x996, 207:166, 700CEF0C-4F24-4CE8-B24F-4….jpeg)

24e1a6  No.4183596


DOJ is killin' it these days. Their press releases are so encouraging.

God bless all the righteous individuals serving our country at DOJ and curse the ones working against it. Amen!

8a7ab3  No.4183598




Kinda funny my little was Indian too.

fb4e55  No.4183599

File: e9c5be55f083c60⋯.jpg (206.71 KB, 1480x1480, 1:1, snoopy-clipart-red-baron-2.jpg)


just another stein that hates America . throw it on the pile.

2f8e51  No.4183600


No mention of who the people are? Can we find out which “humble family” is living there?

363a0f  No.4183603


It's working in France…

6abc54  No.4183604


Always happens to nice one.

We had a brother hit a tire in the road and died crashing into a Pepsi truck.

Pepsi then sued the family.

33c75f  No.4183605


X Clinton SS with a mic and a platform and still alive…

nuff said

66c1ac  No.4183606

8a7ab3  No.4183607






f72d2a  No.4183608


Still can be recognized as AF1 plane. This IS the plane that taxied the Bushes to/fro DC last few days.

cd469d  No.4183609


seriously dude? Fight Club ?

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise

3477e6  No.4183610

File: 93487013a2f3589⋯.png (210.58 KB, 1221x1665, 11:15, ClipboardImage.png)




Guess it depends on how poor you are.

Could live the rest of my life on that much, very comfortably.

Think of average American worker.

$1.5 mil is a lot most never see $1 mil


Fuck off fanboi go suck on his grundel

911893  No.4183612


Rule 1….

7bc762  No.4183613


he aint hiding

5227dd  No.4183614

I could give a rat’s ass if the Saudis offed a Muslim Brotherhood member.

73158d  No.4183615


and yet Treason May allowed the Chinese to design and build Britains latest Nuclear power plant….. fucking traitors, sick of them.

6a439b  No.4183616



Bringing MGTOW to Qresearch isn't going to accomplish what you want. Prenups are bunk. Just advise your sons to be their own good leaders. A good and assertive man can attract a good woman. Trust me, after being raised by nothing but women, it took me years to unfuck my previously molded perception of what it means to be a man.

Every generation says the same thing "Old fashioned values are gone, and there's no good ones left". As always, it's crap. Gotta learn how nature works, and everything will work out.


Men love women seeing no faults (adoration).

Women love men with values (admiration).

Once you figure this out, everything falls into place. No stupid role reversals, or working against nature.

c4603f  No.4183617


Orange Vests are also issued to Military (at least Army) to wear during runs.

911893  No.4183618



9a6db1  No.4183620


Andrew Gillum = the Steve Phillips/Susan Sandler billionaire Marxist San Francisco nonprofit mafia

I'm telling you guys, we gotta tighten the strings on nonprofit organization laws SOON, and get a handle on it.

Current laws are not nearly tough enough.

The Left is packed full of lawyers who've found every loophole.

5b47f4  No.4183621


Those men have a great mom. I can't imagine what it's like for a fellow to find a decent gal anymore.

They'll take care of you when you're older, too.

You are blessed, ma'am.

273726  No.4183622


is skullfuck a violent term? i thought it meant something else

4bbfd3  No.4183623

File: 0c067fa0b774846⋯.jpg (78.84 KB, 734x372, 367:186, Screenshot 2018-12-06_14-5….jpg)

66c1ac  No.4183624

File: e03612a24138198⋯.jpeg (917.79 KB, 1242x1583, 1242:1583, 159DD2BB-FFFD-4042-AD95-C….jpeg)

6abc54  No.4183625


MAGA as hard as possible.

Surround him with MAGA hats.

Be overly nice to him.

Bait his ass into swinging.

Send him to jail where he doesn't have twitter access.

4725d2  No.4183626


you get it, anon!

8a7ab3  No.4183628




His Family own the construction company that built the new Levi's Stadium (49ers SF)

So, they're good.

It was just unreal.

And then the girlfriend ended up with his best friend through mourning.

It got really heavy.



5d12ba  No.4183629




Can any anons do a property records search on:

6510 new market way, Raleigh NC

ac812e  No.4183630


Ah, memories

0ef162  No.4183631


(((They))) are manipulating the stock market to further (((their))) own agenda.

0b76ff  No.4183632


So what's the plan once they get Macron to resign? I assume that's the goal.

f0ed4b  No.4183633

File: 9be6df10e6c5449⋯.jpg (51.35 KB, 480x531, 160:177, 2o8a7o_1.jpg)

File: 3fedfcd83a62f09⋯.jpg (60.76 KB, 594x429, 18:13, 2o4fx6_1.jpg)

ffcbea  No.4183634



The "secret" to obtaining wealth is to live under your means. Not necessarily easy for many, but simple. You don't buy the new car like your neighbor - you invest what you saved. You don't buy the most house for what you earn and certainly not what the bank says you can afford. You don't use your credit cards as if they were supplemental income - they're not. Diversify your investments so that when one sector is down, hopefully another is up. And don't try to do it all fast by leveraging - you are more likely to lose it all in a downturn.

d28269  No.4183635

File: c8de6718e913e88⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 255x190, 51:38, Naughty Jack.jpg)

not as bad as this JACKoff

ecabba  No.4183636


Any Air Force plane POTUS is on is called AF1. This just happens to be the usual plane, but its technically not AF1 in this case.

911893  No.4183637


Gunny Hartmann, Full Metal Jacket.

581a28  No.4183638

File: 86feb377493e6db⋯.png (354.71 KB, 1366x631, 1366:631, Virtual_Radar_(8523)_-_201….png)


and in the air of Oklahoma 4 Sentrys !

c97352  No.4183639


sigma phi huh? TKE here

ac6e00  No.4183640

File: 49a19b18f5af34b⋯.jpeg (17.72 KB, 590x387, 590:387, 8E758112-A522-4D95-8160-B….jpeg)



This type of shit pills normies in droves.

92ec85  No.4183641

File: 40c3b6240c9639f⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1200x600, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

9f9016  No.4183642


What the fuck is it and who the fuck is doing it. Why does it matter and who is it affecting? What the fuck should we do and is there anything that we can do? If not, then what the fuck is the point of mentioning it?

8a7ab3  No.4183643




They had us all stay in the garage in the dark and played Call Me Maybe over and over again for 3 Hours LOL

1dd1a3  No.4183644

File: f8a121a1ecb9022⋯.jpg (87.74 KB, 570x1058, 285:529, podesta dinner guests.jpg)


Andrew Gillum eats John Podesta's cooking. No good.

c22f29  No.4183645



21571b  No.4183646

File: 558d18321160f4c⋯.png (407.99 KB, 850x486, 425:243, Screenshot from 2018-12-06….png)


This is the best my old box will do

a8f218  No.4183647


>You are blessed, ma'am.

I'm a guy, but yes, I am blessed. Have a wonderful daughter too.

4725d2  No.4183648

File: 81788b0a95b776f⋯.jpg (60.43 KB, 497x500, 497:500, toots classic MINE.jpg)

49c023  No.4183649


sorry dude - I didn't keep the image of Brad Pitt burned in my mind.

Fight club is a great movie but the avatar looks faggy

be08e0  No.4183650


I know, and I am not saying that it isn't rare. Only that it can be legally and legitimately purchased by any patient sporting shooter (pour la pratique du TAR).

5d12ba  No.4183651


'Round these parts most construction guys wear safety yellow/green.

eab5fe  No.4183652

File: 5dafbf3b5983882⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 500x722, 250:361, trolling.jpg)

f72d2a  No.4183653

File: f1d48db6f6cb435⋯.png (536.04 KB, 1280x701, 1280:701, ClipboardImage.png)



6abc54  No.4183654

File: ca03508d4519226⋯.jpg (88.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, quinnable.jpg)


If you mean physical skullfucking,

It's hard to commit violence upon a corpse…

73158d  No.4183655


Full Yellow Jacket!

73d069  No.4183656


Nice. Repost nb please.

9f9016  No.4183657


Error…meant to reply to the post about the vibes.


2680a0  No.4183659

>>4182419 (previous)

No, that ain't Palo Alto. That red Toyota Crown is definitely a Hong Kong taxi. You don't see that model in the United States at all.

0ef162  No.4183661



And VP's plane's designator is AF2.

0d599e  No.4183662


So D5 was a setup for Huber to raid properties while the masters weren't there. Q telegraphed Dec 5 so the deep state would make a sacrifice and get screwed at the same time!

8a7ab3  No.4183663


ΠΚΑ here.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

598600  No.4183664


To be at the top of the pyramid only happens with a wide base of support. Remove the base and….

91db1e  No.4183665


>because the law was so effective against bikelock faggot

73d069  No.4183667


I'll remove it after next bread. Thank you anons for clarifying.

ae0ad6  No.4183668

Soros Color Revolutions

middle east

pussy hats pink

purple resistance

yellow France ?

39e7d2  No.4183669


Sorry to reply to me, but heres moar.


4887cc  No.4183670


Moar plz!

ac6e00  No.4183671

File: 508d6dc28931934⋯.jpeg (129.02 KB, 930x707, 930:707, E1586374-34EB-44C6-A835-5….jpeg)

ac812e  No.4183672


I'm older so we just did the long-gone alcohol poisoning rituals

79327f  No.4183673


We are nowhere near arrests. This would be a complete riot, without public disclosure of WAY more

d28269  No.4183674

File: 23ff49e39134700⋯.jpg (26.41 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Yellow Jacket.jpg)

911893  No.4183675

File: 590a1879f7aefa7⋯.png (638.1 KB, 640x610, 64:61, ClipboardImage.png)

d36b69  No.4183676


Allow us to counter?


6abc54  No.4183677


I can't tell if you actually got it and are using a different shorthand or if you think "sigma phi" is different frat.


What do you call 13 guys on a corner?


c22f29  No.4183678


Owner is a corporation. They do not want it known. New market llc

ae0ad6  No.4183679



Adam Schiffty ?

8a7ab3  No.4183680




Oh we had those too….

I just remember that being a funny night.

0b76ff  No.4183682


Oh, that's smart! But I thought it was the DS keeping GHWB on ice for an opportune time? Did I miss something? Or did he really die last week?

1ce2d4  No.4183683


but the top appears to be a floating one

273726  No.4183684



thank you for the explanation anons :) i haven’t seen the movie

to be honest i thought this was a crude sexual term but i am prob thinking of something else

ae0211  No.4183685


vet here. not always impressed with law enforcement. much less discipline re: rules of engagement

also, the military men and women I know are usually complex people. LEO's tend to stereotype people (like I"m doing now!).

6abc54  No.4183686


IOOF, eh?

You got one of them sweet sweet ceremonial swords?

Pi Kap was the frat next to mine in college.

Their green room was veddy nice.

125cef  No.4183688

File: 0bf7f4322d75124⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1362x763, 1362:763, 9navalofficerscasket.png)

File: c45487a7b5252de⋯.png (322.48 KB, 716x541, 716:541, doublecrosswithsnake.png)

File: f9f9e104e3718d9⋯.jpg (52.12 KB, 405x293, 405:293, 50xsuperbowl.jpg)

File: d6e4a3b4e4133ec⋯.jpg (701.01 KB, 1488x860, 372:215, believesuperbowl.jpg)

File: 38a8664bd392a93⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 483x298, 483:298, beyoncesuperbowl.jpg)


Their statements write themselves since they are mirroring.

Anybody talk about this Cross already.

Also, two crosses on the ground as the casket is walked in?

There was a Super Bowl with Benonce featuring double cross in all the docoration.

In the 'Plan " video a still shot of that "ritual" was inclued when voice over talked about corruptiing in Entertainment.

8a7ab3  No.4183689

Huma doesn't look too spooked to me.

Considering she's wearing Dior in NYC leaving Cipriani last Sunday.

f72d2a  No.4183691


E-3's are stationed in Tinker AFB. My dad worked on F-4s, F-15s, E3A there over the years. Retired 23 yrs SMSGT.

8d6707  No.4183693


The home is registered to Leonid and Tatiana Teyf.


a41407  No.4183695


Draining of the swamp needed in LE for sure

ae0211  No.4183696


panic in dc. they hop a train to NYC and they're fine.

ad5374  No.4183697

File: 31044d3da47c950⋯.png (43.49 KB, 610x359, 610:359, Dan Bongino is a idiot.PNG)

File: 6a62726c752f11c⋯.png (136.13 KB, 614x524, 307:262, Dan Bongino.PNG)

73d069  No.4183699

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

911893  No.4183700


Negative, your thinking is 5:5 Anon. it is not something else.

c2c0e1  No.4183701

File: 610a3864cdf1e04⋯.jpg (33.2 KB, 480x717, 160:239, IMG_1399.JPG)


>The electric chair is IMO WORSE than the fucking Guillotine…

It isn't about you.

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