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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

f3b375  No.3566569

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 ——————————— Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3417457 ; reminder re: /pf/175: >>3417530 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -————————– Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen? (Cap: >>3563833 )

>>>/patriotsfight/372 ——————————— effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap/txt: >>3412511, >>3412512 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -——————- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3412170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 ——————————— Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 ——————————— [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 —————-———– Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 ——————————— Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 ——————————— Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 ——————————— Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -——————- Our voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 ——————————— TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 ——————————— [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -——————- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -——————- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f3b375  No.3566572


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3542917 CodeFag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive (Tested and Working!!)

>>3542169, >>3542282 8chan Was Down & Under Attack According to Ron (Also Expect Recurring Outages)

>>3405679 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation


>>3566385 , >>3566422 Photos of POTUS arriving in Texas

>>3566345 Gina Haspel to travel to Turkey regards Khashoggi

>>3566336 Former State Department Employee Gets 26 Years For Producing CP

>>3566300 Uber's Head Of CD Resigns Over Sexual Misconduct

>>3566265 Paid Protest Firm "Crowds On Demand" Sued In $23 Million

>>3566192 Who is taking staged photos of the caravan?

>>3566165 Texas tonight: If you see something, say something

>>3566130 Hillary avoids punishment in Arkansas over secret emails

>>3566122 General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - 7 Countries In Five Years

>>3566105 Zbigniew Brzezinski: Taliban Pakistan Afghanistan pep talk 1979

>>3565953 Small hall turn out for Obama appearance at LV Dem rally

>>3566035 Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda

>>3566018 Retired General McInerney Says U.S. Helped Build #ISIS

>>3566005 Early voting - Democrats lead in Nevada

>>3565988 The Covert Origins of ISIS

>>3565936 Increase OPSEC when posting pers identifying photos online

>>3566563 #4524


>>3565760 New DJT Tweet and Video: "Massive crowds inside and outside..."

>>3565738 Beautiful Ted.

>>3565721 Keith Ellison again misleads on Louis Farrakhan ties.

>>3565698 Merkel opens up Germany to US LNG, yielding to Trump's pressure.

>>3565693 Plane happenings.

>>3565369 GitmoAnon delivers.

>>3565610 Grassley to clamp down on blue-slip abuse in the Senate.

>>3565603 POTUS nearing Houston.

>>3565580 DJT Instagram: Video of growing red tsunami (dancing patriots).

>>3565545 Anon notices a rare marker.

>>3565477, >>3565496 Sara Carter notices some Ruffians in the caravan.

>>3565451 Q clock updates.

>>3565329 FCC to hold open commission meeting Tuesday, October 23, 2018.

>>3565314 Documentary covering Google and FB's ability to undermine Democracy.

>>3565302 Video of Fox intruder.

>>3565221 Drudge: Khashoggi body double?

>>3565224 Huge turnouts for the mid terms.

>>3565161 Saudi consulate employees supposedly caught on camera destroying documents.

>>3565819 #4523


>>3564959 Trump campaign pays for rally expenses, including Air Force 1. Donate!

>>3564837, >>3565011 Interesting JFK comments and date "coincidences."

>>3564679 Republican CA voter guide fuckery.

>>3564672 Shooter in critical condition.

>>3564616, >>3564642 DJT Tweet: "Let's go FLORIDA!"

>>3564601, >>3564606 Intruder shot trying to break into Fox affiliate in D.C.

>>3564518 Canada installs underwater Chinese monitoring devices near US sub base.

>>3564498, >>3565022 SS: Unauthorized vehicle attempted to enter the WH grounds.

>>3564476 Rally tonight is significant.

>>3564470 SC: Caravan is mainly men with rehearsed lines.

>>3564466 Digits confirm that the plan has been in motion for a while.

>>3564452 POTUS schedule and photos.

>>3564416 DJT Tweet & Video: "WOW - thank you Houston, Texas! ..."

>>3565105 #4522


>>3563687 Bolton: US and Russia will benefit from sanctions on Iran

>>3563733 Biden and HRC stumping in FL for Gillum for state governor

>>3563795 Eagan Avenatti evicted from Newport Beach offices for nonpayment of rent

>>3563901 US Attorney’s Office for DC launches hotline for survivors of clergy sex abuse

>>3564003 New WH tweet on Hamas

>>3564013 Merkel chimps out over Khashoggi, refuses to sell arms to Riyadh

>>3564027 Pelosi and Schumer tell Democrats to ignore the migrant caravan

>>3564091 ; >>3564103 Saudi energy minister discusses OPEC, oil prices, and Khashoggi

>>3564258 POTUS to press pool on Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador

>>3564265 New DJT on approval and the EU

>>3564292 #4521

Previously Collected Notables

>>3562065 #4518, >>3562818 #4519, >>3563525 #4520

>>3559733 #4515, >>3560507 #4516, >>3561300 #4517

>>3557439 #4512, >>3558203 #4513, >>3558961 #4514

>>3555128 #4509, >>3555918 #4510, >>3556699 #4511

>>3552883 #4506, >>3553546 #4507, >>3554372 #4508

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

f3b375  No.3566575

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

f3b375  No.3566579

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

f3b375  No.3566615

File: 82aa0b07ec328d6⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 82aa0b07ec328d642e2ac39320….jpg)

#4525 Dough



56f55e  No.3566622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Creepy Line

An eye-opening documentary, The Creepy Line reveals the stunning degree to which society is manipulated by Google and Facebook and blows the lid off the remarkably subtle – hence powerful – manner in which they do it.

Movie Details: https://www.thecreepyline.com

The Creepy Line is a title taken from the words of former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, when during a 2010 interview he explained Google’s code of conduct: “The Google policy on a lot of things is to get right up to the creepy line and not cross it.”

However, as Dr. Robert Epstein explains in the film, “Google crosses the creepy line every day.” Containing interviews with Jordan B. Peterson, Peter Schweizer, and others, The Creepy Line offers an explosive look at the meddling and intervening done by Google and Facebook on their supposedly “neutral platforms.”

The Creepy Line takes the conversation about data privacy and control further than ever before by examining what Google and Facebook do once they control a user’s data. Offering first-hand accounts, scientific experiments and detailed analysis, The Creepy Line examines what is at risk when these two tech titans have free reign to utilize the public’s most private and personal data.

144408  No.3566695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RSBN stream

6f2266  No.3566697

Yes! Awesome edition name baker! It's pact here in Houston!

6f2266  No.3566698

File: b5a95b8a18bb945⋯.jpg (55.77 KB, 604x820, 151:205, FB_IMG_1540249329518.jpg)

111414  No.3566699

File: edd8012350e2720⋯.jpg (122.43 KB, 897x1000, 897:1000, BlueWave.jpg)

fc7006  No.3566700

the "massive crowd outside" cam on the livestream doesn't do them any favors. they've barely shown 50 people.

15223b  No.3566701

File: e38fbfcb37be3e9⋯.jpeg (31.84 KB, 220x255, 44:51, 7F7E962D-B536-48F6-8CCB-1….jpeg)


2f4d7d  No.3566702

File: 93002d612f1cf7e⋯.gif (878.52 KB, 500x244, 125:61, giphy (1).gif)

Thank You Baker

062b36  No.3566703

File: d90af7e88ce6b27⋯.png (244.89 KB, 1177x721, 1177:721, namap.png)

790822  No.3566704

dbddaf  No.3566705

File: 278938d477fb525⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 350x309, 350:309, bewbs4.jpg)

File: bbe63bdb2dd5e0e⋯.jpg (36.09 KB, 450x600, 3:4, bewbshap.jpg)

File: 9185f77a006c220⋯.jpg (57.52 KB, 800x558, 400:279, bewbsnoice.jpg)


f3b375  No.3566706

4131d7  No.3566707

File: 7eb9c9e3b8a5e98⋯.jpg (24.52 KB, 270x361, 270:361, dp2.jpg)

4ef451  No.3566708

File: 2628fbd81a62477⋯.jpg (62.35 KB, 585x437, 585:437, Screenshot 2018-10-22_16-0….jpg)

CNN “Journalist” Calls Trump “Dishonest” and “Deceptive,” Mocks Sarah Sanders

https:// saraacarter.com/cnn-journalist-calls-trump-dishonest-and-deceptive-mocks-sarah-sanders/

932230  No.3566709

File: 93636f0cb3538c6⋯.jpg (37.49 KB, 415x416, 415:416, 93636f0cb3538c6ccc2626e2e8….jpg)

0d7511  No.3566710

File: 8bc2b96bada37e7⋯.jpg (91.55 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, ogqandzdltsz.jpg)

>>3566656 pb

kekekek i cant help it man. anyone who says bushs didnt have a hand in 9/11; either a complete retard or a clown nigger.

facts are facts.

a9c36d  No.3566711

File: 09dcac05fa0c4f7⋯.jpg (196.46 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ProblemMeme.jpg)

File: 0de56c9c35db6a5⋯.jpeg (133.55 KB, 888x499, 888:499, VoteMAGAagenda.jpeg)

Repost from heel of LB.

Study these two memes.

The left one marked up in blue. See the problem?

It says "you" lie and"you" twist the truth.

The person reading the meme will think you are calling them a liar (insulting them). They certainly don't want to "Join" with whoever is insulting people like themself. Why would they? Would you like to join someone who insults you and denigrates what you have long believed?

Meme2 has been edited by changing "you" to "they" twice. See how it reads differently now? It doesn't specify who is lying and who is twisting the truth. Somebody is, for sure, but the meme does not blame the reader for those things; it does not insult him/her.

Won't this viewer be more inclined to "Join Us" and possibly forward the meme to their friends if they haven't been insulted?

See how Meme Psychology works?

It might be even better to say "It doesn't matter how many lies are told and how much the truth gets twisted"… and not personify who is doing the lying and truth-twisting. That way the viewer can supply from their own thought process and experience their own concept as to who might be lying.

298108  No.3566712

Oh, noes … politician at work:

"That makes me more powerful than Putin"… Lol.

46a23e  No.3566713

File: c7b7b7fbcc92040⋯.jpg (372.35 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_3199.JPG)

File: 4f08fdd01f29190⋯.jpg (213.37 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, IMG_3235.JPG)

File: 9204b20a1a1be0a⋯.jpg (131.36 KB, 634x673, 634:673, IMG_3242.JPG)

15223b  No.3566714


Niggers and kikes going to jail


2aa1dc  No.3566715

File: a99afa61c81eca9⋯.png (3.86 MB, 2000x1296, 125:81, ClipboardImage.png)

a3b80b  No.3566716

File: b38b0a5708700be⋯.jpeg (60.88 KB, 500x433, 500:433, F52BAB52-30BB-42D8-B260-B….jpeg)

c1273f  No.3566717

File: 3d054b159f14315⋯.png (816.35 KB, 746x1008, 373:504, Screen Shot 2018-10-20 at ….png)


TY Baker!

f083b2  No.3566718

Fox doubling down on the "Refugees" bullshit.

2f4d7d  No.3566719

2aa1dc  No.3566720

There are quite a few hotties in that crowd

5c621e  No.3566721

>>3566100 lb

>>3566157 lb

>>3566200 lb

>>3566316 lb

>>3566660 lb

>Watch the water.

Ice is water.

d879bb  No.3566723

File: 8ac9ddfdb5e2b0e⋯.jpg (115.48 KB, 683x718, 683:718, 1a.JPG)

Former Texas Company CFO Pleads Guilty to Employment Tax Fraud


56f55e  No.3566724


Everything is bigger in Texas! Big Bewbs Edition!

c635b2  No.3566725

>>3566520 (pb)

> Israeli aid workers going to Honduras

KEK so what you're saying is that Israel sucks the AID from the United States and then generously toddles down to Honduras to AID them? JAYSUS FUCKING H CHRIST. Israel doesn't do ANYTHING for ANYONE but itself.

>>3565164 (pb)

the response to this one pic of a obese red head in a Q shirt totally cracked me up…when the libtards that look like this we laugh…but when it's our team…it's beautiful..hey ya'll no matter what team you're on obesity is a bad thing. Shut your pie hole, go for walks and MAGA.

Is Trump pretending there's not an invasion coming?

932230  No.3566727

File: 81dac05f70bd4bf⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 81dac05f70bd4bf84cb5aad83f….png)

ea3702  No.3566728

File: 606774a42d6e659⋯.jpg (109.19 KB, 640x675, 128:135, eris_of_the_month-20170519….jpg)

ThanQ Baker

dbddaf  No.3566729

File: a8ff58acf1a4de0⋯.jpg (41.89 KB, 629x341, 629:341, frogpoint.jpg)




2c8c1c  No.3566730

File: e61930755a8398d⋯.jpeg (6.91 KB, 255x179, 255:179, lion.jpeg)

Lion Ted

adff4b  No.3566731

>>3566405 (lb) we're all assholes and religion sucks

Actually, that's called life. Trying to pin all your problems on religion is your mistake. I'm getting along great with the big guy.

46a23e  No.3566732

File: 5af804a73a6bc15⋯.jpg (433.7 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, IMG_3449.JPG)

a3b80b  No.3566733

File: 24d31072024a367⋯.jpeg (293.26 KB, 1363x1023, 1363:1023, AE3603D8-4CC7-427E-AB74-B….jpeg)

932230  No.3566734

File: 38afbc3b1b15f8d⋯.jpg (182.62 KB, 749x755, 749:755, 966db19153c2f540de036c254c….jpg)

17c389  No.3566735

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Live from Texas 2008 (Full Album)

- ZZ Top

Just a little band from Texas…


4b3418  No.3566736

File: 808749df69ae041⋯.jpeg (139.38 KB, 704x471, 704:471, Toast.jpeg)

Thanks for the Texas Toast, Baker!

efa5ef  No.3566737


Yeah. When he said that, I said "Not unless you can launch nukes, you're not."

5c6742  No.3566738

File: b85cdc965aed002⋯.png (575.97 KB, 919x517, 919:517, handtogodrwbpepelove.png)

ty baker and love u frens!!

96cfe2  No.3566739

File: 13cfe9797c1767c⋯.png (397.6 KB, 1350x1840, 135:184, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 523fd2aced6fbc8⋯.png (384.18 KB, 1376x1838, 688:919, ClipboardImage.png)

4ef451  No.3566740

File: 2b9f486e7d58b63⋯.jpg (73.71 KB, 589x484, 589:484, Screenshot 2018-10-22_16-0….jpg)

Judicial Watch and Daily Caller News Foundation Sue DOJ for Comey Memos of Conversations with Obama, Clinton, Schumer …

https:// www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-daily-caller-news-foundation-sue-doj-comey-memos-conversations-obama-clinton-schumer/?utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=press%20release

c1273f  No.3566741

File: e00e130bca57f1e⋯.png (424 KB, 757x1073, 757:1073, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: 979b1b27e0c4528⋯.png (552.72 KB, 649x1138, 649:1138, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

Airborne from Dover AFB

🇸🇦 Royal Saudi Air Force

C130 Hercules

1630 RSF9067

932230  No.3566742

File: fb85977bb0b4202⋯.png (999.3 KB, 962x805, 962:805, fb85977bb0b42025bea06c5d3b….png)

2953b8  No.3566743

He just described Cruz as a "master debator."

No, really.

158bd0  No.3566744

File: e6e63a7b6ea8701⋯.png (661.67 KB, 559x619, 559:619, 2018-10-22_19-07-04.png)


(last bread)

3bdba0  No.3566745



Thursday, 28 May 2015

John Wilkes, "45," and the Fourth Amendment

Written by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.


‘’‘John Wilkes''’ (not John Wilkes Booth) member of English parliament

The North Briton, weekly news magazine in England

1763 Wilkes published the North Briton ‘’‘Number 45‘’‘

In it he criticized certain remarks delivered by the King in his address to Parliament.

Easter Sunday 1763 John Wilkes found himself arrested and he found himself subject to an invasive search.

‘’‘The number “45” in his North Briton became a symbol for liberty on both sides of the Atlantic.’ As Senator Lee rightly relates: "People would celebrate by ordering 45 drinks for their 45 closest friends. People would recognize this symbol by writing the number 45 on the walls of taverns and saloons. ‘’‘The number 45 came to represent the triumph of the common citizen against the all-powerful force of an overbearing national government.'"

The official website of colonial Williamsburg adds to the account of Wilkes’s fame and the association of “45” with the struggle to restore individual liberty:

Energized by Wilkes's victory, the others scooped up by the general warrant sued the government — an unprecedented action — and won, precipitating what scholar Arthur Cash calls "a momentous shift in the locus of power in government" from the privileged to the masses. Soon cries of "Wilkes and Liberty!" were heard across London, and the author of No. 45 embodied a movement of revolt against the government. The number 45 became a symbol of radical politics: one liberty-loving parson delivered a sermon on the forty-fifth verse of Psalm 119, "I will walk in Liberty, for I keep thy precepts.”

f24559  No.3566746

File: da1e1c8d34d5566⋯.jpg (36.45 KB, 520x438, 260:219, Big1.jpg)


If We, Gotta!

c4abc0  No.3566747

comic fags

Think Hickman’s Secret War. Toward the end. Similar to the caravan. Moar than similar, a lot like this.

That earth, what was it? Doom. What was that sun? So many possible connections. Just weird. Not saying it’s a prediction or anything. Just eerie similarities.

ea3702  No.3566748

File: 2d1b48711868615⋯.png (27.16 KB, 552x561, 184:187, grokoff.png)

ea6a86  No.3566749

File: 8c01088ea940ade⋯.png (1.18 MB, 699x891, 233:297, no-gender.png)

The Netherlands issues its first gender-neutral passport, And she looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger in total recall…


25d04e  No.3566750

409beb  No.3566751


Be gone SATAN!

932230  No.3566752

File: e09bb4a2ceba3b2⋯.jpg (48.72 KB, 800x450, 16:9, e09bb4a2ceba3b203fa09a3ddf….jpg)

144408  No.3566753

File: 37d003655469c84⋯.png (520.82 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

as a yank


f44ea2  No.3566754




Chant for Q tonight!



>Fight, Fight, Fight.

>DEMAND public disclosure.



>This is just the beginning.

>2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2aa1dc  No.3566755

File: e0dad86e35dabfc⋯.jpg (102.9 KB, 1024x496, 64:31, jeb bush please fap.jpg)

ce7e15  No.3566756


Source would make this notable

2c1f8b  No.3566757

File: b368eed267acb5c⋯.jpg (182.39 KB, 590x610, 59:61, kekgirl.jpg)

TnQ Baker

f44ea2  No.3566758




298108  No.3566759


Or make international treaties, for that matter …. just another one of the loud-mouthed, lying, magelomaniac "politicians"

dbddaf  No.3566761


CNN News Reader….


4ef451  No.3566762

File: 490df66dbeeeb3c⋯.jpg (91.24 KB, 587x485, 587:485, Screenshot 2018-10-22_16-0….jpg)

Judicial Watch Files House Ethics Complaint Against Maxine Waters For Inciting Violence and Assaults on Trump Cabinet

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today sent a hand-delivered letter to the chairman and co-chairman of the House Office of Congressional Ethics calling for an investigation into whether Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) violated House ethics rules by encouraging violence against Trump administration Cabinet members.

Rep. Maxine Waters addressed a rally in Los Angeles on Saturday, June 23, telling a crowd:

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them! And you tell them that they are not welcome, anymore, anywhere.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1Fu3g1MGHY

In today’s letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics co-chairman, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton writes:

In encouraging individuals to create “crowds” who will “push back” on President Trump’s Cabinet members at private business establishments and in seemingly trying to prevent these Cabinet officials from obtaining basic necessities without fear of assault and violence, Rep. Waters seems to be violation of House rules, specifically:

A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House shall conduct himself at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House. [House Rule 23, clause 1.]

We hereby request that the Office of Congressional Ethics conduct a preliminary investigation into whether Rep. Maxine Waters violated House Rules in encouraging attacks on Cabinet officials.

“Rep. Maxine Waters incited violence and assault against members of President Trump’s Cabinet,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It is urgent that the House Ethics Office quickly acts to hold her accountable for this dangerous incitement.”

https:// www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-files-house-ethics-complaint-against-maxine-waters-for-inciting-violence-and-assaults-on-trump-cabinet/?utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=press%20release

2c8c1c  No.3566763

File: f646bf8039a20b1⋯.jpeg (219.74 KB, 1383x774, 461:258, eagle2 FUCK YEAH.jpeg)

1f62ea  No.3566764

So soon Obama has forgotten his shitty economy was Bush's fault.

24df15  No.3566765


>Chant for Q tonight!





f44ea2  No.3566766



932230  No.3566767

File: 67db193516c7a06⋯.png (275.49 KB, 642x361, 642:361, a8353a64529570c4e78edc559c….png)

17c389  No.3566768

File: 5c66912a7eb9a15⋯.jpeg (130.28 KB, 1012x1020, 253:255, 412aee09c3ed862471e94c6bd….jpeg)


HRC's chariot the underworld…if only.

a9c36d  No.3566769

File: 7ade04244826101⋯.jpg (71.38 KB, 564x484, 141:121, RedOctober2jw749.jpg)

File: e2b1771ec112bd9⋯.jpg (241.56 KB, 1320x660, 2:1, RedOctoberaction.jpg)

File: 11c66c1bf1a2f59⋯.jpg (163.42 KB, 934x467, 2:1, RedOctoberboatfloat.jpg)

File: 873e1a309a562eb⋯.jpg (145.94 KB, 934x467, 2:1, RedOctoberboatfloat2.jpg)

File: f31be1c11a95137⋯.jpg (82.92 KB, 500x500, 1:1, RedOctoberChina2jxep2.jpg)

c635b2  No.3566770

File: 67c962d0878e0ef⋯.jpg (173.17 KB, 992x1024, 31:32, npc praise jesus.jpg)

File: 28bcfb3859068b6⋯.jpg (332.29 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, npc amen.jpg)

>>3566141 (pb NPC)

>Spoken like a good little NPC.

>May God bless your spirit, humble you, and let you find his real truth.-That’s me pouring burning coals on your head, Idiot.

This one made me LMAO. The funny thing about NPCs is they don't recognize they're NPCs…kek

409beb  No.3566771

File: 5a0443d905024a3⋯.png (175.9 KB, 686x454, 343:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 787386904689251⋯.png (279.36 KB, 482x373, 482:373, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump to Pressure Netanyahu on Israel-Palestine Peace Plan – Report

This is the first time Trump has talked about exerting pressure on the US’s Middle Eastern ally.

US President Donald Trump has reportedly told French President Emmanuel Macron that he is ready to put pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in order to facilitate the peace plan between Israel and Palestine, Israel's Channel 10 news correspondent Barak Ravid wrote on Axios.

Citing Western diplomatic sources briefed on the meeting between the two presidents during the UN General Assembly, Ravid reports that Macron asked Trump why he only pressures Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and not the Israeli leader as well.

As the two discussed the Israeli-Palestinian issue, Macron reportedly observed that Netanyahu is not interested in moving on with the peace plan because "he loves the status quo." Trump reportedly agreed on that observation.

However, Trump responded by saying that he put pressure on Palestinian side because they "don't want to talk to the US peace team," which he found unacceptable, but he is also willing to put pressure on Netanyahu when the moment comes, Ravid reports.

"I can be as tough with Bibi as I have been with the Palestinians," the diplomats quoted Trump as saying.

According to the sources, Trump noted that the US has given Israel a lot, including moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and providing a hefty sum of $5 billion in military aid every year. However, Ravid notes that the president exaggerated this figure, which in reality is only $3.8 billion.

This is the first time Trump has reportedly talked about putting pressure on Netanyahu, who is widely perceived to be one of Trump's closest allies.


7c44da  No.3566772

>>3566490 lb

>And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

This line proves (YOU) do not know who this is talking about.

144408  No.3566773

File: 2c039f911fa910d⋯.png (293.06 KB, 556x541, 556:541, ClipboardImage.png)

dbddaf  No.3566774



Sheila Jackson Lee will hear it all!!

cf37c1  No.3566775





062b36  No.3566776

File: ded818ba8637156⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1181x793, 1181:793, Screenshot_82.png)

29a22a  No.3566777

File: 54ad6e4132f1ef0⋯.png (358.79 KB, 709x402, 709:402, Force this one.png)

>>3566574 (lb)

Canadian MIL is asleep.

From my understanding CSIS is entirely comp'd.

It would take an act of Kek to change my mind.

I have zero faith in higher tier CAN MIL/INT.


Blind leading the blind.

Traitors and cowards of the highest order.

CAN MIL/INT will succumb to any pressure by their handlers.

They would bend over for the globalists and APOLOGIZE afterwards

American patriots are Canada's only chance for salvation.

Canada will never wake up on it's own.

96cfe2  No.3566778

File: f38e4c4153b1f8e⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1052x1730, 526:865, ClipboardImage.png)

a9c36d  No.3566779

File: 153bf1c09910db9⋯.jpg (55.45 KB, 536x500, 134:125, RedOctoberDemMob2jxbkl.jpg)

File: 9b7d051440d0e3b⋯.jpg (154.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, RedOctoberdevilhead.jpg)

File: ce1864c8ec3e567⋯.jpg (164.48 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, RedOctoberDossierFailedwha….jpg)

File: 631d218df75bb8d⋯.jpg (282.51 KB, 997x789, 997:789, RedOctoberFascismWarning.jpg)

File: 9936a670c456e83⋯.jpg (179.92 KB, 1320x660, 2:1, RedOctobergodslove.jpg)

31e370  No.3566780

File: a427e9253cff68d⋯.gif (607.6 KB, 480x360, 4:3, A03D35E8-B601-4162-8909-83….gif)

932230  No.3566781

File: ff3f0f33d51f875⋯.png (37.96 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 164ac34c79684d4c5c2d422f6c….png)

158bd0  No.3566782

File: d7245b1ab2f33bb⋯.png (243.09 KB, 634x318, 317:159, 2018-10-21_00-32-05 copy.png)

7cb3c0  No.3566783

>>3566648 (lb)

>Rand Paul, Corey Booker and others past legislation in 12/2016 to prevent Trump from firing the 7000 SES members Obama shoved through the conformation process with no FBI background check. Rand Paul is 100% deep state shill.

The fact that you wrote all that without even citing the name of the bill or a link gives it the ring of BULLSHIT.

Paul and Booker did work together on the REDEEM act, but as far as I know it had nothing to do with SES. Sauce of GTFO


2f4d7d  No.3566784

File: 93cfe89020a5925⋯.jpeg (78.39 KB, 1440x598, 720:299, 1538701941.jpeg)

f083b2  No.3566785

File: 4b749364dc575f6⋯.jpg (21.22 KB, 180x255, 12:17, absolutely.jpg)


How absolutely dare you sir…err, ma'am…errr

3c069c  No.3566786


GitmoAnon posted a pic in today's bread… not that pic but a great Gitmo sign pic with a Q shirt by the sign..

dbddaf  No.3566787

File: 28509d9ee1f7781⋯.jpg (19.48 KB, 599x362, 599:362, 1-tool.jpg)

2953b8  No.3566788


Over ten times as many – 100,000 – people tried to get tickets to tonight's MAGA rally.

a3b80b  No.3566789

File: 4b761ebb81b6728⋯.jpeg (55.25 KB, 400x477, 400:477, 6F2310B3-D144-48A7-A276-2….jpeg)

062b36  No.3566790

File: 35ff8a43ff0dd4f⋯.png (960.01 KB, 884x627, 884:627, GoldenR.png)

96cfe2  No.3566791

File: 909d84ee47ff255⋯.png (860.75 KB, 1090x826, 545:413, ClipboardImage.png)

ea3702  No.3566792

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, DymEe.gif)

c635b2  No.3566793

File: 27cea35c22fc60f⋯.jpg (122.25 KB, 960x720, 4:3, npc jew control.jpg)

ac4d24  No.3566794

File: b006a19afc923c7⋯.jpg (68.42 KB, 381x550, 381:550, leslie.jpg)

Man I hope POTUS throws some

TRUTH bombs tonight!!!

197490  No.3566795

File: 854b157c3bd4169⋯.png (87.77 KB, 1592x711, 1592:711, Capture.PNG)

>>3566272 lb




Thank you, IsraAID for shipping terrorists in between fake refugees to Europe and now the USA.


744cef  No.3566796

Texas Toast!

158bd0  No.3566797

File: b92295350afd702⋯.png (456.89 KB, 764x321, 764:321, 2018-07-21_23-26-36 copy 3.png)

a9c36d  No.3566798

File: 638dbd07ec27e67⋯.jpg (142.71 KB, 541x536, 541:536, RedOctoberIamKav_02.jpg)

File: 957c3d93e412099⋯.jpg (167.55 KB, 802x533, 802:533, RedOctoberIAmKav_01.jpg)

File: 54d18e5bd58c251⋯.jpg (193.61 KB, 808x540, 202:135, RedOctoberIAmKav_03.jpg)

File: 1f5139216f989ad⋯.jpg (154.6 KB, 760x538, 380:269, RedOctoberIAmKav_04.jpg)

File: d077adc3f94acd1⋯.jpg (214.02 KB, 954x534, 159:89, RedOctoberIAmKav_05.jpg)

Does the viewer recognize all of these faces? Are they familiar with what each one is accused of? Are the Dems we'd like to flip angry enough about what was done to Kavenaugh to care about the hypocrisy of these other incidents about which Dems never requested FBI investigations?

932230  No.3566799

File: 592c84d962d1251⋯.jpg (112.92 KB, 962x686, 481:343, 592c84d962d1251debe88076dd….jpg)

ea3702  No.3566800

File: 3a9bc0e387f9432⋯.png (93.38 KB, 500x863, 500:863, ree-rare-pepe-do-not-steal….png)

0d7511  No.3566801


>>3565369 ppb

some badass shit right there.

dbddaf  No.3566802


aaahhh… another red breasted cockswallower

4ef451  No.3566803

File: 7e1a4d9f2d933cf⋯.jpg (69.25 KB, 510x355, 102:71, Screenshot 2018-10-22_16-1….jpg)

File: bd23e81c71e7bed⋯.jpg (72.69 KB, 703x490, 703:490, Screenshot 2018-10-22_16-1….jpg)

MOSCOW/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia said on Monday it would be forced to respond in kind to restore the military balance with the United States if President Donald Trump carried through on a threat to quit a nuclear arms treaty and began developing new missiles.

But Moscow signaled it may be willing to give some ground, with a senior official telling Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, that Russia was ready to address U.S. concerns about how the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was being implemented.

In Washington, the U.S. president reiterated his concern about the treaty and said the United States would build up its nuclear arsenal.

“Russia has not adhered to the agreement. … Until people come to their senses - we have more money than anybody else, by far. We’ll build it up,” he told reporters at the White House. “Until they come to their senses. When they do, then we’ll all be smart and we’ll all stop.”

Asked if that were a threat to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump said: “It’s a threat to whoever you want. And it includes China, and it includes Russia, and it includes anybody else that wants to play that game. You can’t do that. You can’t play that game on me.”

Trump said China, too, should be included in the accord.

The U.S. president drew a warning of “military-technical” retaliation from Moscow after saying on Saturday that Washington would withdraw from the Cold War-era pact that rid Europe of land-based nuclear missiles.

Signed by then-President Ronald Reagan and reformist Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, the treaty required the elimination of all short- and intermediate-range land-based nuclear and conventional missiles held by both countries in Europe.

Its demise could raise the prospect of a new arms race, and Gorbachev, now 87, has warned that unraveling it could have catastrophic consequences.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called Trump’s withdrawal plan a matter of deep concern for Moscow. “Such measures can make the world more dangerous,” he told reporters on a conference call.

Despite repeated Russian denials, U.S. authorities believe Moscow is developing and has deployed a ground-launched system in breach of the treaty that could allow it to launch a nuclear strike on Europe at short notice.

Trump said the United States would develop equivalent weapons unless Russia and China agreed to a halt in development. China is not a party to the treaty.

Peskov said Putin had repeatedly warned that the demise of the treaty would compel Moscow to take specific military steps. “Scrapping the provisions of the INF treaty forces Russia to take measures for its own security because what does scrapping the INF treaty mean?” said Peskov.

“It means that the United States is not disguising, but is openly starting to develop these systems in the future, and if these systems are being developed, then actions are necessary from other countries, in this case Russia, to restore balance in this sphere.”

https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-nuclear-trump/russia-pledges-balance-if-u-s-quits-nuclear-pact-trump-eyes-more-weapons-idUSKCN1MW1R9?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=Social&__twitter_impression=true

ac4d24  No.3566804

File: 1eeda2c4988842d⋯.jpg (68.02 KB, 634x497, 634:497, 1eeda2c4988842d02b0b051359….jpg)

5a0857  No.3566805

Any pics of outside rally right now? Nothing on twatter

2f4d7d  No.3566806

File: 0cd641706d4d0b8⋯.jpeg (82.83 KB, 780x1023, 260:341, 1539527639.jpeg)

3bdba0  No.3566807




That Devil Wilkes’

Book Excerpt: Sen. Mike Lee’s ‘Our Lost Constitution’

Mike Lee / Penguin Random House LLC

BY: Senator Mike Lee

April 26, 2015 5:00 am

At the time of our nation’s founding, few men were more admired than the English dissident whom King George III called "that devil Wilkes." A sometime member of Parliament and a sometime political prisoner, John Wilkes argued that the King’s subjects had rights, and the King’s powers had limits. He spoke out against the king’s tyrannical tendencies before there was a Stamp Act, a Boston Tea Party, or a Declaration of Independence. In colonial America, Wilkes’s name was synonymous with liberty. The story of how his liberty was won inspired one of the most important parts of our Constitution—the Fourth Amendment.

When James Madison drafted the Bill of Rights and introduced it in the First Congress, no case was more famous in America than John Wilkes’s trespass suit against Lord Halifax and his messengers. Its text was as clear as the lessons from John Wilkes’s story: broad warrants purporting to give government agents discretion to rummage through the homes and private papers of law-abiding Americans—i.e., general warrants—are incompatible with liberty. And under the Fourth Amendment, they are unconstitutional.

Reprinted from Our Lost Constitution by Senator Mike Lee with permission of Sentinel, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. Copyright (c) Mike Lee, 2015.

932230  No.3566808

File: ce8e228b1e6258b⋯.jpg (104.16 KB, 962x642, 481:321, ce8e228b1e6258b989ee07cfa0….jpg)

4b3c84  No.3566809

File: e311aebb65a1e5a⋯.jpg (603.16 KB, 1024x716, 256:179, domeofrock2.jpg)

File: b7067361c903570⋯.jpg (436.25 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, domeoftherock.jpg)

File: 6390fd12998cd97⋯.png (671.53 KB, 1352x548, 338:137, mosque.png)

File: a8bd4399d25cc5e⋯.png (694.63 KB, 1226x631, 1226:631, mosque2.png)

File: c80445f3a96105e⋯.png (143.52 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 93ae955d5aed26d6a6499d3fe1….png)

>>3566642 pb Epstein Island Temple

Not *quite* sure

images are from:

- DOME OF THE ROCK mosque in israel

- MOSQUES in Syria (similar Floor Patterns as on Jeff's Island)

- decode an Anon "Alan-AB" did from an earlier board

- STRIPED SHIRTS on kids–especially kids born into the cult–apparently do mean: "the kid is born into the cult, but doesn't know it yet…i.e. eyes closed"……but not sure if Stripes on a Temple denote that, most likely not

2953b8  No.3566810

anyone else get misty when they pledge?

63f654  No.3566811


Baker, notable

Trump to Pressure Netanyahu on Israel-Palestine Peace Plan – Report

time for israel to give up its nukes.

c635b2  No.3566812

File: b16677d2a30a3e5⋯.jpg (23.31 KB, 500x356, 125:89, itsatrap.jpg)


>Ice is water.


d879bb  No.3566813

File: af226dc1c19d0df⋯.jpg (118.12 KB, 677x941, 677:941, 1a.JPG)

File: f47ee99cd09f9ed⋯.jpg (108.01 KB, 666x714, 111:119, 2.JPG)

Delta Dental of California CEO fired for failing to report relationship with subordinate


2671ed  No.3566814

File: 46a5a885e827497⋯.png (98.77 KB, 500x354, 250:177, meme.belongs.to.me.png)

64f8a5  No.3566815


No one is going to jail. NO ONE. I want arrest/indictments

Q where are you? We need arrest. We need indictments.

144408  No.3566816



agree on the nomination

dbddaf  No.3566817

File: 9b71bf4fbff861f⋯.png (344.53 KB, 640x400, 8:5, alienbeat.png)

a3b80b  No.3566818

File: 104d0cb3c83514b⋯.png (632.29 KB, 1024x647, 1024:647, 63485812-F320-46C0-A3FA-6F….png)

2d91c2  No.3566819



R people? (Y),

Shills? (?)

c1273f  No.3566820

File: f75a679a20f027f⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1809x933, 603:311, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)


ea3702  No.3566821

File: 54467ddf40dd923⋯.png (327.72 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Crusaderpepe.png)

cc36ba  No.3566822

File: a40b07d12c475e1⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 632x321, 632:321, justice-is-comingq.jpg)

2c8c1c  No.3566823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


rsbn is cutting to outside, they have 2 cameras tonight

061208  No.3566824

File: a464a1c6126a598⋯.jpg (97.55 KB, 561x633, 187:211, jw antifa 10 22 18.JPG)

California teacher Yvette Felarca's effort to block JW from obtaining public records on her violent Antifa activism is "entirely frivolous."


932230  No.3566825

File: 9c90c51553a3c62⋯.jpg (375.09 KB, 800x1013, 800:1013, 9c90c51553a3c623271ad04c86….jpg)

c069d3  No.3566826

Why has Q changed tripcodes 5 times? Doesn't that show weakness.??

790822  No.3566827


What a waste … You're doing it wrong, fren….

Should be

" all your memes are belong to us"…

So sad

4b3418  No.3566828

File: f36c53907385578⋯.jpg (273.88 KB, 1312x736, 41:23, Screenshot_2018-10-22 🔴 Wa….jpg)

46a23e  No.3566829

File: a5d6b003e2aa446⋯.jpg (249.1 KB, 1440x864, 5:3, IMG_3301.JPG)

Spongebob 2020

2aa1dc  No.3566830

File: 596fd91da541c3a⋯.jpg (513.41 KB, 1400x928, 175:116, trump historically breakin….jpg)

fc5d00  No.3566831

File: 1efc49bf26d6ce9⋯.jpeg (432.88 KB, 750x1191, 250:397, 1AC11E7B-5A22-411F-B77E-F….jpeg)


Sorry if this has already been shared.

2953b8  No.3566832


kept u guessing

144408  No.3566833

File: ebdaa91b67bfd7a⋯.png (110.7 KB, 500x449, 500:449, ClipboardImage.png)



chekkem anons

2c8c1c  No.3566834

File: 7bc791f21d6a4ce⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1266x846, 211:141, Screenshot_2018-10-22 🔴 Wa….png)

out front

931423  No.3566835


Why dont you ever change your passwords?

0c7f5c  No.3566836

File: 08c29a53db0b463⋯.png (530.53 KB, 718x427, 718:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49c9edac6e22c45⋯.png (481.33 KB, 720x417, 240:139, ClipboardImage.png)


RSBN feed

d879bb  No.3566837

File: c93d7af3ed158eb⋯.jpg (111.73 KB, 672x927, 224:309, 1a.JPG)

File: ed7d89530130a99⋯.jpg (117.76 KB, 663x913, 663:913, 2.JPG)

Second French priest commits suicide in church after abuse claims


298108  No.3566838


make u think it's weakness.

Fishing is fun.

932230  No.3566839

File: 4fa97d6149c9c0e⋯.jpg (159.02 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 4fa97d6149c9c0e667d8d9cb20….jpg)

fb457e  No.3566840


after mid terms.

ea3702  No.3566841

File: 1a2bd8629875e5c⋯.jpg (305.43 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, C-gxfL-WsAERQU_.jpg)

96cfe2  No.3566842

File: bc6a0194d49e421⋯.png (466.75 KB, 1232x1416, 154:177, ClipboardImage.png)

cfd491  No.3566843


Don't discourage bro

46a23e  No.3566845

Spongebob square pants did pedogate as homotus

d0f466  No.3566846

File: f9b5eced9491c9a⋯.jpg (845.72 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181022-181645….jpg)

File: 4abb385e9878571⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181022-181654….jpg)

File: 1ea50d22870e462⋯.jpg (989.55 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181022-181702….jpg)

At bottom of bread…


409beb  No.3566847

File: 6e901e4e1d016ec⋯.png (339.94 KB, 663x639, 221:213, ClipboardImage.png)

PM Rules Out ‘Politicians’ Vote’ Second Referendum, But Talks Up Keeping Britain in EU Even Longer

Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May used a Commons statement Monday to reject outright calls for a second referendum on membership of the European Union, but said nevertheless extending the so-called transition period where the United Kingdom is still in the European Union in all but name could be “preferable”.

The statement came after a weekend of intensifying plotting in Westminster — both by the Prime Minister’s pro-Brexit Tory colleagues against her, and by pro-remain campaigners who, emboldened by a protest march on Saturday, have vowed “the most co-ordinated lobbying effort ever conducted on a piece of legislation.”

The march organisers have attempted to package the move to force Britain to vote again on whether it wants to leave the European Union again — having already voted against the wishes of the European Union in 2016 — as the ‘People’s Vote’. In an unusual moment of clarity Monday afternoon the Prime Minister dismissed the claim, stating that a second vote would be a “politicians’ vote”, not a people’s one, and ruled out the plan.

Acknowledging clearly that those calling for a second vote are only doing so out of a desire to stop Brexit from happening altogether, May told the Commons: “Serving our national interest will demand that we hold our nerve through these last stages of the negotiations – the hardest part of all.

“It will mean not giving in to those who want to stop Brexit with a politicians’ vote. Politicians telling the people they got it wrong the first time and should try again.”

Moving to reassure those Brexit rebels in her own party that are growing bolder in their moves to undermine and potentially remove the PM from post, May said the Brexit deal was now “95% done”, and that now was the time to “hold our nerve”.

More concerning for Brexiteers was May’s comments on the revelations last week that the so-called Brexit transition period could stretch further into the future than previously admitted, and would see Britain still obeying European Union laws, and paying billions more into the EU budget.

May said the transition would now have to be over before the next general election in 2022 — which would take the time between the Brexit vote to Britain actually leaving the European Union to nearly six years. She told the Commons: “…there are some limited circumstances in which it could be argued that an extension to the implementation period might be preferable, if we were certain it was only for a short time.

“For example, a short extension to the implementation period would mean only one set of changes for businesses – at the point we move to the future relationship. But in any such scenario we would have to be out of this implementation period well before the end of this parliament.”


2671ed  No.3566848

File: c7cf396a884347c⋯.jpeg (87.8 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, meme.conan.pepe.jpeg)

111414  No.3566849

File: 290b7c52525bb74⋯.jpg (64.87 KB, 421x541, 421:541, PureSoy.jpg)

0f4a5f  No.3566850


the biggest difference I see between us and the demNPCs is our intelligence and knowledge of what's really going on.

Guy speaking at rally now talks about DJT's successes and the audience knows what he's talking about!

If these were demmorans, they'd only be able to react to emotional shit. We're the smart ones.

d86f7b  No.3566851

File: 842f9927bcca7e4⋯.jpg (624.42 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, dfdsasf.jpg)

498fd5  No.3566853


Where are all my TEXAS ANONS?


765db4  No.3566854


No sauce

Where's the sauce?

5b1c89  No.3566855

What's going on with Rsbn's feed? They keep losing the feed inside the stadium

158bd0  No.3566856

File: 33f87d4a15788f0⋯.png (415.75 KB, 750x430, 75:43, 2018-10-22_19-18-17.png)


The bitfch tried so hard to trick POTUS!


cc36ba  No.3566857

File: 8da6e29ff5c75dd⋯.png (499.89 KB, 553x510, 553:510, kag-hat-variant.png)

f083b2  No.3566858

File: afea0a02f0b7c90⋯.jpg (20.41 KB, 289x175, 289:175, JIGSAW2.jpg)

2953b8  No.3566859

luv the guv

4ef451  No.3566860

File: ab82e81db6b4c4d⋯.jpg (191.01 KB, 1080x1049, 1080:1049, hdT0flT.jpg)

look at both these studs

061208  No.3566861

File: 9f9cf6ef03c4783⋯.jpg (59.67 KB, 557x451, 557:451, fitton caravan 10 22 18.JPG)

…“caravaners” — all guys, approx 16-40 yo….



911d57  No.3566862


Everytime Q changed password. The revealed password ended up being a clue of some type.


for example.

2aa1dc  No.3566863


Its normal for them…

a9c36d  No.3566864

File: a296df6db45c8c5⋯.jpg (168.39 KB, 932x606, 466:303, RedOctoberIAmKav_06.jpg)

File: c326bcb610f72f0⋯.jpg (207.13 KB, 906x603, 302:201, RedOctoberIAmKav_07.jpg)

File: 03fc32c2504171b⋯.jpg (222.36 KB, 1073x604, 1073:604, RedOctoberIAmKav_08.jpg)

File: d6185a8b9bdfcb0⋯.jpg (226.39 KB, 1078x608, 539:304, RedOctoberIAmKav_09.jpg)

File: 3ef689c745a44bc⋯.jpg (221.73 KB, 1092x594, 182:99, RedOctoberIAmKav_10.jpg)

46a23e  No.3566865

File: 58f5d714fe6f8a7⋯.png (113.87 KB, 500x522, 250:261, IMG_1862.PNG)

File: da3fd33a7a8440f⋯.jpg (90.87 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_1865.JPG)

File: b59991b2e293860⋯.jpg (74.87 KB, 693x516, 231:172, IMG_1866.JPG)

b9c441  No.3566866

RSBN feed keeps cutting back to rally interviews??

Fuck that shit…

38ecd6  No.3566867



Didn't realize the Bible was banned in certain European countries and has jail sentences for unbelievers.

That is weird.

602d11  No.3566868

File: 06d0cd328297078⋯.png (398.96 KB, 1080x1340, 54:67, Screenshot_20181022-191728….png)

Creepy Porn Lawyer just got rekt


9c490a  No.3566869



2f4d7d  No.3566870

File: 79ac2fd34901535⋯.jpeg (86.37 KB, 1020x768, 85:64, 1537828207.jpeg)

78e049  No.3566871

File: d69158175eb4ca9⋯.jpg (194.7 KB, 568x710, 4:5, Gold Pepe.jpg)

By using fiat currency, you literally are enabling the swamp creatures we are fighting. What is human life worth when you can purchase it with paper currency, hot off the printing press? Why not send troops to their certain death if you can always buy more? Kill slaves for the fun of it in a constant perverted cycle. If you play with the pedo-paper debt notes, the bankers/clowns will continue to win. The Rothschild own the BIS, the central bank of central banks. The current system is a game played on their board. Only gold & silver are money, everything else is good currency at best. Everyone is capable of fighting the deepstate by transacting outside of their currency schemes and saving in precious metals. Start using money again… faggots

197490  No.3566872

File: 0722a109d748781⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 700x513, 700:513, 0ff57b6bfce9a2432f3e23073b….jpg)

File: 03e92a5af377c68⋯.jpg (117.07 KB, 768x529, 768:529, afp-6885fc88a6243e79cade28….jpg)

File: 1b2b418adbe08f2⋯.png (32.85 KB, 1064x300, 266:75, Ca911pture.PNG)




96cfe2  No.3566873

File: aa60f40c47b53fa⋯.png (814.13 KB, 1222x1104, 611:552, ClipboardImage.png)

ea3702  No.3566874

File: a537951f689b276⋯.png (13.85 KB, 177x255, 59:85, 2aaf1087488434ca7d99e3ab55….png)

cc36ba  No.3566875

File: 35c475c690e21cd⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1085x623, 155:89, god-bless-us.png)

c069d3  No.3566876


A real military op would never be compromised. Q keeps getting taken over. Fake as fuck.

2aa1dc  No.3566877

File: 062318efaa074a1⋯.jpg (472.66 KB, 1154x1704, 577:852, chuck woolery 2.jpg)

c635b2  No.3566878


and it should not be permitted to travel to the United States.

0c7f5c  No.3566879


Basic OpSec. Changing passwords approx every 90 days at most is recommended practically EVERYWHERE



790822  No.3566880



I'm not discouraging. I'm helping!

Newfags feelers get hurt too easily….FFS

Damn. Kek

2671ed  No.3566881

File: c839e066c2bfdc1⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1728x1779, 576:593, meme.retard.mofo.jpeg)


2bfd70  No.3566882

37,000 viewing RSBN live stream of Houston Rally.


a7eb28  No.3566883

On Banking

If the Rothschilds were indeed the early bankers for the Vatican

from the start,

who are we saying is running things?

The Banker or the Vatican??

d4da25  No.3566884


This guy says that was all built by 0bummer: https://twitter.com/findtruthQ/status/1054453493904269312

"12) Just to be clear before anyone posts this pic these renovations were actually done during the Obummer administration. He did one thing right, built himself some more space for his stay at GITMO..coming soon to a theater near you."

a9c36d  No.3566885

File: 6826203002e2de7⋯.jpg (317.46 KB, 1096x591, 1096:591, RedOctoberIAmKav_11.jpg)

File: 540bf4c5282dc6c⋯.jpg (53 KB, 395x395, 1:1, RedOctoberJFK.jpg)

File: 2a0f00ecdd09d37⋯.jpg (573.49 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, RedOctoberNOKavanaughVotes.jpg)

File: 3a36612e180e260⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 2890x1935, 578:387, RedOctoberNow.jpg)

File: 5eac71459ff3da7⋯.jpg (304.38 KB, 1150x575, 2:1, RedOctoberparadise.jpg)

f083b2  No.3566886


Send some gold to pay your power bill, faggot

062b36  No.3566887

File: b40957ab57d198a⋯.png (713.21 KB, 749x445, 749:445, Screenshot_393.png)




46a23e  No.3566888

File: c45cba6c1f80e67⋯.jpg (44.44 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3369.JPG)

96cfe2  No.3566889

File: ba847e0d93b188f⋯.png (907.79 KB, 1212x1060, 303:265, ClipboardImage.png)

This Must Be STOPPED.

17c389  No.3566890

File: 1c3979c25bb65f0⋯.jpeg (12.94 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 3839b70718cfb24af6d15d8a2….jpeg)


Bless you RallyAnon! The whole board envies you right now…we are green…as frogs..KEK

And yes, Baker nailed the bread title..

2953b8  No.3566891

File: c742524b2c65af3⋯.png (31.85 KB, 159x109, 159:109, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

Helen Thomas reincarnated?

2bfd70  No.3566892


Bank of Sweden.

e0d2a1  No.3566893


That will take years or never happen

f44ea2  No.3566894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Massive President Trump Rally In Houston, Texas With Ted Cruz


(FOX 10 Phoenix, inside cam, D. PATRICK now)




Chant for Q!



>Fight, Fight, Fight.

>DEMAND public disclosure.



>This is just the beginning.

>2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


197490  No.3566895


Exactly right…..the servant has become the master…

0c3537  No.3566896


I'm watching direct on their website, do the numbers include that?

(I'm in Houston and no one is showing the rally on tv)

252841  No.3566897

I hope this Texas crowd is as aggressive and Randy as the Nevada one….

That Nevada crowd was fucking hungry….

63f654  No.3566898

File: e7a5dda85fee6f4⋯.jpg (838.56 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, zuckerbitchthefairy.jpg)


Look at (((this))) fairy bitch KEK

3bdba0  No.3566899

UVic’s Ocean Networks Canada heads to China for international partnerships

By Chorong Kim

September 19, 2013



Ocean Networks Canada (previously called the ONC Centre for Enterprise and Engagement) is a world-leading national research facility, based at the University of Victoria, that specializes in deep-sea observation programs on the West Coast. Ocean Networks Canada has been developing advanced ocean technologies using VENUS, a coastal observatory located in the Salish Sea, and NEPTUNE, the world’s first regional ocean observatory with an extensive optic cable network lining the deep ocean bottom. The instruments from both of these programs have provided continuous real-time data from the deep coastal seafloor, obtained by a network of more than 800 kilometres of electro-optic cable. This data is made available on the Internet for all those who wish to participate in analyzing it, and the visual data has often been used by UVic biology laboratories as an educational resource.

With funding from the government of British Columbia, UVic’s Ocean Networks Canada is now visiting China on a 12-day trade mission to monitor the ocean environment of the Pacific Ocean. Ocean Networks Canada’s mission started and was exhibited from Sept. 2–4 at Oceanology International China 2013, which is a conference and trade show for industry, academic community and government representatives worldwide to share their knowledge concerning marine technology. China hosted this year’s events, due to its increasing funding toward research projects on its coastline.

During the Oceanology International event, the Ocean Networks Canada Innovation Centre demonstrated British Columbia’s leading technology in marine science, along with other organizations from the province, such as Seamor Marine from Nanaimo, the Canadian Science Submersible Facility from Sidney, Rockland Scientific and ASL Environmental Sciences, International Submarine Engineering in Port Coquitlam, and ThinkSensor Research in West Vancouver. Following the exhibition, Ocean Networks Canada scientists have planned to head to all major Chinese cities that have shown great interest in ocean science and its technology.

This is not the first connection between Ocean Networks Canada and Chinese scientists. The team at Ocean Networks Canada were paid a visit by scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences on July 9, as part of their mission to the U.S. and Canadian West Coast. Ocean Networks Canada’s current technology, research ideas and data processing scheme were shown to guests, while the Chinese scientists presented their own plans for cabled ocean observatories in China. They will be installing a preliminary four-kilometre cable at Hainan Island’s coastal city Sanya, which will be followed by networking a 500 kilometre cable that starts from the South China Sea.

What Ocean Networks Canada expects to gain from this partnership is the opportunity to create efficient technology in cooperation with China for the long-term monitoring of the variable conditions of the deep sea.

409beb  No.3566900

File: 2e99d34edf81009⋯.png (157.31 KB, 513x624, 171:208, ClipboardImage.png)

2bfd70  No.3566901


No. YT live stream ## only. Website separate.

cc36ba  No.3566902

File: 53d7e5c72e55548⋯.jpg (200.4 KB, 934x619, 934:619, grey-lives-beto-npc.jpg)

4ef451  No.3566903


why does ur mouthole connect to your bunghole? fuckface

e0d2a1  No.3566904


Who is it?

be7698  No.3566905


Trying priests is too sensitive. Expect more "suicides". They may smoke JB just because more people would buy that he was murdered than he killed himself. His love of of himself is obvious. Same for Hussein.

2953b8  No.3566906

"In Texas, we don't compare our economy to other states. We compare our economy to other countries!

f44ea2  No.3566907




602d11  No.3566908


Everything has meaning Anon

Q choose not to use the super secure trips

2f4d7d  No.3566909

File: 3d87fcb8abf9567⋯.jpeg (92.76 KB, 1440x847, 1440:847, 1540219148.jpeg)

64f8a5  No.3566910


Don't shoot. I love Q I just want something big to happen. I know lost of things are happening, but I want the left to be demoralized.

63f654  No.3566911

File: ee5fc8c6c917b0e⋯.jpg (20.91 KB, 480x461, 480:461, jidfretards.jpg)


would you look at this (((faggot))) trying to jump on rally bandwagon to sucker in newfags and pretend (((WWG1WGA))) KEK

Q had you nailed, you fucking kike.

cc36ba  No.3566912

File: 7f88e40fc2c9f99⋯.jpg (90.03 KB, 472x468, 118:117, beto-sign-backyard.jpg)

5a0857  No.3566913

Fox YouTube stream of Rally is in people’s faces. Not stage. Very weird. Not allowed to show stage???

cfd491  No.3566914


True. Adversity creates men. Hopefully he reads this and keeps up the memes.

a115f7  No.3566915

File: 09b1c47d0687b72⋯.jpeg (111.24 KB, 361x450, 361:450, F44F8B0C-E6CB-4B5E-935C-6….jpeg)

File: e800532efb8aaa6⋯.jpeg (53.76 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1B5791EB-680B-40D2-8907-9….jpeg)

File: d167596fef9b72f⋯.jpeg (30.25 KB, 360x480, 3:4, E861E8E9-252C-4D7C-A356-5….jpeg)

File: 47e3294d9e48ab8⋯.png (255.19 KB, 550x354, 275:177, D29F0DF0-CDE8-4717-B905-1A….png)

File: 7438694f58b7db1⋯.jpeg (204 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, 1977CD65-F211-4E0F-A9AF-3….jpeg)

40a77e  No.3566916

File: 1e449e8bca625fb⋯.jpeg (135.4 KB, 1080x1232, 135:154, EC_Energy_EMC_3M.jpeg)

File: 50da2a47863fc9e⋯.jpg (169.07 KB, 800x450, 16:9, emergy.jpg)

File: 2d6fca2318283a9⋯.pdf (224.23 KB, emergyfolio2.pdf)

Here's what I can see in the tweet with Emergy instead of Emergency.

First of all, Emergy is a word, a variation of the word Energy which deals with energy circulation in the environment/atmosphere. Keep that in mind.

Obviously, the intended meaning of Emergy, was emergENCy but the letters ENC were missing. But there is more. As an autist I immediately saw that Emergy looked like the word ENERGY with an M swapped in for an N. And look at ENC! If I do the swap with that, then I get the word ENERGY and the left over characters are EMC which is pretty obviously, the fundamental equation for energy in the universe.

E = mc2

This equation lets us know that there is a YUGE amount of energy everywhere around us. If we could harvest just a tiny trickle of that as electricity then we would have energy so cheap, you would call it FREE energy.

But wait, there's more. Leaving out the M/N swap, we have EC and we have ENERGY. Look at this company EC Energy that generates electricity out of the environment. Sure sound like it is related to Emergy.


Elsewhere in the tweet, I notice three words with capital M who do not need it. Ever heard of the company 3M. They make a whole lot more that scotch tape, post-its and sandpaper. They work in advanced technologies for electricity generation. This is real high tech stuff. Fuel cells are like a battery that never runs out. The physics of LENR or cold fusion is very close to that of fuel cells. Companies like this will crack the puzzle using LITHIUM and North Korean rare earth elements.


And back to Emergy. Can you say DEW Directed Energy Weapons used to create, steer, and knock down hurricanes and other weather vortices? We are on the threshold of a vast revolution in energy, that will be unlocked by very high tech energy generation and storage systems, and Saudi Arabia will be at the heart of it, because knowing that their oil is running out, they have massively invested in high tech research, building on their success with water desalination.


0c3537  No.3566917


HUSSEIN was all for closing GITMO…

2bfd70  No.3566918

298108  No.3566919

El Jebbe going into his faggot high voice?

0c7f5c  No.3566920



Captain Phillips (2013)

Watch it for context

2aae26  No.3566921


The one in Grey = NPC

4b3418  No.3566922

File: 7ee754db8a9b4bd⋯.jpg (72.69 KB, 960x696, 40:29, 1539897880169.jpg)

9c490a  No.3566924


CSPAN airing at 7:30EST

63f654  No.3566925


zukie the fairy

same breed as the jewish bitch tagged.

4b3c84  No.3566926

File: 72b939104fe4ef9⋯.jpg (18.58 KB, 190x265, 38:53, 72b939104fe4ef96c98647acc0….jpg)

File: 80f546c0831e0e0⋯.jpg (99.41 KB, 300x238, 150:119, 80f546c0831e0e050e9275eaa3….jpg)

File: 08e5a9f928b9751⋯.png (142.47 KB, 413x579, 413:579, 5be64daa091517d8766c055c2c….png)

File: d2ca89ee3cd0938⋯.png (253.55 KB, 565x922, 565:922, directions.png)

File: dc3ff8f05032efe⋯.jpg (328.93 KB, 1245x807, 415:269, 1478150988030.jpg)



Egyptian Shit was Blue & Gold Striped

Whatever the symbolism is…it seems to be something linking the:

- Roman Empire

- Egyptian Empire

- Hebrew Kings who ruled over the Jews for the Roman Empire (King Herod)

Q's reference to Cardinal Directions seems to simply refer to Satanic Princes

Also noteworthy: the AlanAB Guy (who claimed to be a cult victim) said that the RED STRIPE PATTERNS symbolize BLOODLINES BEING CONSUMED… i.e. you either have an Ascending or Descending Bloodline…and if you 'cross the cult' then they will, over time, destroy/consume your bloodline

e0d2a1  No.3566927


Who is it though?

2953b8  No.3566928


= notable =

be7698  No.3566929


The "Nimrod" cult. Old news.

d944cc  No.3566930

File: 7b446d8cc534e94⋯.jpg (10.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9ceda1b76b8b3564c821fb68f4….jpg)

b2dba9  No.3566931

File: 2b29c5895c6f8c8⋯.png (114.89 KB, 220x305, 44:61, ClipboardImage.png)

Governor Greg Abbott of The Lone Star State.

Boy we've got a "High-Energy" Patriotic Governor round these parts.

Sorry, Texans gotta brag, what we're known for.

5ac6a1  No.3566932


the world is watching…so it would seem

f44ea2  No.3566933


Shills don't like Q out in public…

Only argument left is "kike kike kike"



2bfd70  No.3566934


10th largest economy in the world.

cc36ba  No.3566935

File: 3ffc469ac586018⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1186x672, 593:336, trump-people-president.png)

0c3537  No.3566936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ba53b6  No.3566937

File: b4806d520c35363⋯.png (81.18 KB, 261x191, 261:191, Thank you.png)


Here's one… to taunt him with "Thank you" ;)

bb418b  No.3566938


I'm at 4oK watching RSBN

f972c5  No.3566939

File: c2849fba02e5190⋯.png (531.45 KB, 659x664, 659:664, POTUS Schedule 10-22-18 9 ….PNG)

d0f466  No.3566940

File: 4eab63f18c094e8⋯.jpg (833.7 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181022-182356….jpg)

File: 9f64cf82a6f42de⋯.jpg (105.27 KB, 747x418, 747:418, IMG_20181022_182347.jpg)

2953b8  No.3566941


"it ain't braggin if you can back it up."

ceeb95  No.3566942

File: 362b1359a671a22⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 400x276, 100:69, PEPEFACE.gif)


Rarest Pepe right here straight outta meme factory;

get it fresh

2bfd70  No.3566943


Yep, and growing steadily.

40a77e  No.3566944


I'm all for accepting the will of the Cuban people to invite the merged state of Cuba/Puerto Rico as the 51st state of the Union!


0c3537  No.3566945

Lara Trump???? At rally!

ca21c6  No.3566946


We have the DNA of Crocket, Bowie and Travis in our SOULS! -Dan Patrick

Kek! Kek! Kek!

d879bb  No.3566947

File: 374f4abad26ee3c⋯.jpg (102.75 KB, 593x600, 593:600, 1a.JPG)

Co-founder of Oculus quits FB


dbddaf  No.3566948

File: a0b91b403a83f28⋯.jpg (93.92 KB, 841x414, 841:414, moist.jpg)

b2187c  No.3566949

File: 667cbbf45ce0173⋯.gif (437.63 KB, 252x208, 63:52, npc_shake.gif)

63f654  No.3566950

File: 9316c12a9695dfa⋯.png (92.42 KB, 500x429, 500:429, kikeburnyoda.png)


at least try to make some fucking sense you sub room temp IQ fucking kike.

Jesus Christ God abandoned your 'people' for a reason you lying sack of jewish shit.

efa5ef  No.3566951


Speaking of the Texas governor, did anyone else notice he said he sent the national guard to the border?

144408  No.3566952


she goes to a lot of them anon

she's in his campaign

2953b8  No.3566953


wow they need to update that on the youtube site.

bb418b  No.3566954


41.3K now

e19ead  No.3566956

File: 4b4111b059da5f0⋯.jpg (48.49 KB, 600x400, 3:2, proxy.duckduckgo.jpg)


Sure, whatever. Not like there are other possible reasons.

2f4d7d  No.3566957

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

451f85  No.3566958

File: 23bdccce55bc2fe⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 487x683, 487:683, AintBragging.JPG)

0c3537  No.3566959


UGH we bought an Oculus for our teenager. Didn't know Zuckerborg owned it.

790822  No.3566960



Welcome to 8chan. Welcome to Qresearch….

"All your memes are belong to us"

Anthing else is fake and gay….

768516  No.3566962


But that was the original settlement he was upposed to pay but failed. He was ordered to pay $10 million back on May 22nd of this year.?.?.? So what happen?


f083b2  No.3566963


Sounds like there is a Rift in Oculus

3c069c  No.3566964


I worked in the Epstein Island dig..There are patterns (lines) in blue on white surrounding that "temple" (walkway encircling) …they represent the original 13 bloodlines..horned owls on top, gold dome.. island shape meaning & directions of N/S/E &W meaning..Took me some time to not think about so much evil there..

Can't un-ring the bell tho.

ea3702  No.3566965

File: a2ce0e4530a3467⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 400x560, 5:7, DELUXE RARE PEPE HD.gif)

File: d3e1d5a009f4692⋯.gif (2.98 MB, 780x437, 780:437, Pepe4.gif)

2bfd70  No.3566966




0c3537  No.3566967


I haven't seen her speak at one yet. Exciting!

932230  No.3566968

Winning !!!!

2953b8  No.3566969


qualified by breast size

5c621e  No.3566970

File: 59f0b68db702225⋯.png (36.85 KB, 500x282, 250:141, whosawesome.png)

2f4d7d  No.3566971

File: ca70c23d5004349⋯.jpeg (117.27 KB, 1440x813, 480:271, 1524232928.jpeg)

bb418b  No.3566972


42.2 K RSBN

765db4  No.3566973

File: c701803e07f65d5⋯.jpg (9.15 KB, 213x255, 71:85, trumplookitup.jpg)

Where in the heck does he get the freaking energy to travel to all these places?

I get wore out traveling to Walmart.

Hory sheet!

96cfe2  No.3566974

File: 06852ec4ef8a9e8⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1212x1156, 303:289, ClipboardImage.png)

a9b8bc  No.3566975


National guard or Texas state guard?

6767e7  No.3566976

File: 3da5ea37625c5b1⋯.png (52.65 KB, 933x392, 933:392, WSJ_Op-Ed_Cracks_The_Code_….png)

Not that every leftist hates America. But the leftists I know do hate Mr. Trump’s vulgarity, his unwillingness to walk away from a fight, his bluntness, his certainty that America is exceptional, his mistrust of intellectuals, his love of simple ideas that work, and his refusal to believe that men and women are interchangeable. Worst of all, he has no ideology except getting the job done. His goals are to do the task before him, not be pushed around, and otherwise to enjoy life. In short, he is a typical American—except exaggerated, because he has no constraints to cramp his style except the ones he himself invents.


5a0857  No.3566977

Fox stream rally only showing crowd. Filming from left of stage out at crowd. Zooming in. No stage

dbddaf  No.3566978


silly wabbit.

the left is always demoralized.

they just move in big bunches, in the same direction.

you know like lemmings?

or NPCs…

d879bb  No.3566979

File: 38c8f70a48990c8⋯.jpg (170.39 KB, 773x878, 773:878, 1a.JPG)

File: b14c5c7070eccfc⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 775x335, 155:67, 2.JPG)

Billionaires Including Soros, Zuckerberg and Steyer Spend $78M on Ballot Initiatives


f083b2  No.3566980


Blue/White stripes symbol is for sacrifice. Red is for a succeeding bloodline representative (to be groomed to take over).

c635b2  No.3566981


WTF is all that garbage..looks like pussy hat rally. FuckingA folks clean up after yourselves.

b9c441  No.3566982


>37,000 viewing RSBN live stream of Houston Rally.

On my Mac the feed keeps cutting back to interviews, having to watch on another channel.

RSBN has kid reporters it seems.

ac4d24  No.3566983


i watch them

stunned by her face

and his calming charm

they were definitely a THEY

obvious for all to see

oblivious to all seeing them

love works like this

i thought


so connected

alone together

in a crowded corner

“that is the most beautiful woman i have ever seen”

i say aloud to dana

she turns to look – turns back at me

“that’s ivanka”

can’t be i said

no it can’t be

it is –

she reassures me


e3d34e  No.3566984

File: 391d825eab2d32e⋯.jpg (31.17 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Fuck-Off-Were-Full-.jpg)

e0d2a1  No.3566985


A sea of Red Maga hats.

498fd5  No.3566986

2bfd70  No.3566987


Trump is GEOTUS, He gets His energy from (You).

790822  No.3566988


Newfag…. Kek.

144408  No.3566989



he did that the last time the caravan came


but said we would if needed again

744cef  No.3566990


over 40k

63f654  No.3566991


>symbolism will be their downfall

0915b6  No.3566992


I would prefer Q to post maybe once or twice a week. Reason being anons get lazy and complacent when Q gets diareha and posts up the place. Plus things get over/under looked.

I'm patient and can wait a month tops. At that point Id consider never falling for this ever again.

f85e2a  No.3566993

whoa she's got some bite

158bd0  No.3566994

File: 666f3e58489c4cd⋯.png (296.12 KB, 501x814, 501:814, 2018-10-22_19-27-48.png)


Damn, he even runs like one!


9ffb0f  No.3566995

File: e40f95c0c10e985⋯.jpg (52.05 KB, 1024x460, 256:115, 10mil a day 2 Israel--.jpg)


They are very generous with OUR money.

cc36ba  No.3566996



- 10k Diamond and Sild

- 2,8k Fox10

- 12k FOX

- 5,9k golden state times

- 1,5k pbs newshour

- 1,1k 123tvlive

144408  No.3566997

>>3566979 Billionaires Including Soros, Zuckerberg and Steyer Spend $78M on Ballot Initiatives


e0d2a1  No.3566998


Fools and their money are easily parted

0c7f5c  No.3566999


Welcome to no shit. Welcome to shit gets boring. Welcome to allowing creativity to flourish so that WE'RE not the NPCs that we loathe so. Welcome to your fake & gay Highest Ranking Anon status.

efa5ef  No.3567000


I thought he said national guard, but not sure.

38b812  No.3567001

File: 8d9f4416118d9d7⋯.png (198.69 KB, 660x709, 660:709, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bddb39fd5e764d⋯.png (103.06 KB, 542x778, 271:389, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3565161 (pb)

>Saudi consulate employees supposedly caught on camera destroying documents.

ANONS - correct me if i am wrong but general consensus is that these articles (sauce below) on the ability to make fake video's were just 4am talking points. BUT what if this was ((our guys)) giving us a heads up that there would be something like the above? Seems to me that these CCTV turkish "surveillance videos" carry as much credibility as madoff accounting. Or it could of been the latter and we can just use it against them. Anyone got the software this WIRED article talks about? Can we prove these video's fake? If anyone can this board can. Can anyone write pattern recognition algorithm's in this manner? My thoughts are we create a massive database of video's/photo's from inside/outside the consulate in istanbul that we can find, then run it verse the "official video". Bet we can find anomalies.



932230  No.3567002

Crumbs ? msg to Anons

8acf8c  No.3567003

No teleprompters?

d12da8  No.3567004


She’s a good speaker.

2953b8  No.3567005

Whoa she just triggered the shills.

bb418b  No.3567006


Anyone have Facebook streaming #s?

c635b2  No.3567007

7cb3c0  No.3567008

File: add5a4be852a379⋯.jpg (268.22 KB, 1368x740, 342:185, john duran.jpg)


>Creepy Porn Lawyer just got rekt

He might have to bunk with the Mayor

144408  No.3567009


got it, I like her

145974  No.3567010

932230  No.3567011

magic wand !!!!!! as seen in meme hour ago

b9c441  No.3567012


Yeah but the feed keeps cutting back to kids interviewing those in line to the rally. Pisser, but iTunes post El Capitan doesn't cut it.

197490  No.3567013



2c1f8b  No.3567014

Serious Occult Question:

What Artifact is the Magic Wand?

The Spear of Destiny?

c1273f  No.3567015

File: ab04cfbe4ef02f5⋯.png (354.81 KB, 1318x1111, 1318:1111, Screen Shot 2018-10-20 at ….png)

23c708  No.3567016

“ They will try & stop a winner” LOVE IT

7a98e3  No.3567017

File: 7062efa2242eb96⋯.jpg (287.19 KB, 1077x1147, 1077:1147, SmartSelect_20181020-21424….jpg)

File: e32bb5c3d5a63d5⋯.jpg (27.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

0c3537  No.3567018


I fucking hate these corporate d-bags

2953b8  No.3567019

e3d34e  No.3567020

File: e689ab4a49ecacf⋯.png (105.85 KB, 255x199, 255:199, ClipboardImage.png)

f85e2a  No.3567021

she's pretty

790822  No.3567022


Still fake and gay.

But your digits confirm. Kek.

38ecd6  No.3567023


All three are kikes.

744cef  No.3567024


going to go over 50k soon

409beb  No.3567025

Hurricane Donald Approaching

Everyone knows midterms historically belong to the party out of power. Not this year.

Anyone who has read my columns for the past few months knows there is no blue wave, or blue trickle, or even a blue puddle. There is however a Red Storm approaching.

I call it Hurricane Donald.

The GOP is about to turn history on its head. Why is this happening? Because of my popular primetime Newsmax TV show, I’m getting as many as one thousand emails per week from viewers- many of them have stumbled upon my TV show for the first time. Those emails are a great barometer of the Red Storm that is brewing.

First, what I can see and hear and feel is an amazing intensity and enthusiasm level among conservatives. It stems from Brett Kavanaugh and the unimaginable, vicious, malicious, slanderous way Democrats tried to destroy the life of a great gentleman.

But there is a bigger trend at play than conservative enthusiasm. A shockingly large portion of the letters I’m receiving are from married suburban mothers. This is proof positive the Kavanaugh hearings backfired in a big way on Democrats. I’m getting 20 emails a day from mothers saying “I’m a lifelong Catholic Democrat mother of two sons. After what Democrats did to Brett Kavanaugh, I’m never voting Democrat again.” If I’m getting 20 of these a day, this represents a gigantic sea change in American politics.

Two bits of news out in recent days backs up what I’m seeing and hearing. This news is much more accurate than polling. Midterm election voting is obviously always down dramatically from presidential election years. As expected, early voting Democrat vote totals are lower than 2016. But not Republican vote totals. In four states where early voting information is available- Arizona, Florida, Ohio and Iowa- Republican early voting EXCEEDS the 2016 presidential year!

Because of this the GOP is ahead by a large margin in the early voting in those states- the exact opposite of what traditionally happens.

One more bit of solid evidence. Over 12,000 Wyoming voters have changed party affiliation in recent weeks. 90% of them changed from Democrat or independent to Republican. These are unheard of numbers.

Then “There’s the economy, stupid.“ Common sense tells us Americans always vote based on jobs and food on their table.

In just the past few days we found out the following:

*The USA is once again- for the first time in a decade- the world’s most competitive economy.

*CNBC’s All-American survey shows soaring economic optimism- the highest in history.

*The University of Michigan consumer survey shows confidence in the government’s economic policies is now the highest in fifteen years.

*New economic numbers should push the optimism even higher. U.S. job openings are now the highest in history with 7.136 million jobs available. More importantly, August was the fifth consecutive month with more job vacancies than unemployed workers.

*Manufacturing continues to boom with 488,000 job openings in August, dramatically up from the Obama years.

What we’re seeing at Trump rallies is no fluke or coincidence. In little Missoula, Montana on Thursday, thousands lined up for an entire day, in freezing temperatures, to see President Trump. A veteran journalist called it, “jaw-dropping.”

This is called a phenomenon. Nothing like this has ever been seen in US political history. The last person to draw crowds like this in small rural towns was Billy Graham with a Christian revival a half century again.

Throw in one more key achievement liberals never noticed. Trump got Christian Pastor Andrew Brunson released from a Turkish prison- without paying a cent in ransom. The mainstream media barely mentioned it. But millions of evangelical Christians noticed. Trump has become a legend and hero to these forgotten, salt-of-the-earth Americans. I predict you’ll hear from them on November 6th.

A Red Storm is coming. Call it Hurricane Donald. With an assist to Brett Kavanaugh.

Wayne Allyn Root


ea3702  No.3567026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2bfd70  No.3567027


As of yet, I have seen NOTHING deepfake besides pron and some liberals triggering on it. Pron ones aren't even that great, someone with a potato makes them. You need some decent hardware for gooddeepfake.

48feff  No.3567028

File: 6e4670cb64c8347⋯.png (380.64 KB, 549x798, 183:266, zuckgreenrobot.png)


I don't believe Zukerberg is who makes the billion dollar deals. He quakes like a leaf in front of Congress. He's a front.

2953b8  No.3567029


pretty smart, too

01877c  No.3567030














ed781b  No.3567031



if your outside help clean that up

cc36ba  No.3567032

File: 530f90ea9b24b6e⋯.png (804.79 KB, 648x684, 18:19, vote-republican-twitter-bi….png)

0c7f5c  No.3567033


KEK, nice dubs to follow

2953b8  No.3567034


kys subhuman detritus

dbddaf  No.3567035

File: b114d8e262b0570⋯.jpg (21.2 KB, 400x267, 400:267, laffrog.jpg)


he exhibits extreme faggotry when running,

bodyguards make it even more pronounced.

744cef  No.3567036

Eric Trump is speaking now!

f44ea2  No.3567037


768516  No.3567038


What the hell… are those his bro's or a bunch of security detail…. totally gay! Is that a big cautionary shit sign in the background? LOL!

38ecd6  No.3567039


Facts are facts.

602d11  No.3567040

File: 3f47beb045684cf⋯.png (197.77 KB, 1080x1204, 270:301, Screenshot_20181022-192933….png)


From your link anon

- looks like he still hasn't paid this particular 4.5 million and just got evicted over it

30dbf1  No.3567041


17c389  No.3567042

File: 952516288b6136b⋯.jpg (533.6 KB, 2100x1473, 700:491, Carrier w escorts.jpg)


Coinkidink with sending a friggin flotilla including a nuclear aircraft carrier to the Arctic circle…near the pole…where you and I can't go and no one can fly over.

Something's going on…at the poles. Fire up Adm. Byrd…remember what he said in his final memoirs. 'The land beyond the poles..'

b9c441  No.3567043

Eric did better with his marriage than Donny Jr.!

3c069c  No.3567044


Truth! Amen!

f972c5  No.3567045

File: 5f1c2fe2614b05e⋯.png (537.37 KB, 652x542, 326:271, True News.PNG)

Eric Speaking Now


b068bf  No.3567046

File: ebeed2d11da0ac9⋯.png (20.56 KB, 808x168, 101:21, ClipboardImage.png)

2bfd70  No.3567047

Eric, winning.

so fokken comfy.

"…take the handcuffs off the military…"

197490  No.3567048

SECURITY……..tonight must be almost impossible in that stadium………geez……….pray !!!

932230  No.3567049

File: be44bbd5fc6e2ac⋯.jpg (85.78 KB, 500x702, 250:351, be44bbd5fc6e2ac656364eadb8….jpg)

30dbf1  No.3567050

Kek and a don't tread on me snake flag behind the podium

c635b2  No.3567051


Wait…they literally SUCK the foreign aid from us like milk from the momma's tit..then turn around…sneak into another country under the guise of "help" and give our money to them…then later they give them Israeli flags to wave…and hang in their government offices.

SRSLY someone could nuke Israel tomorrow and 99 percent of the problems on earth would stop.

f85e2a  No.3567052

File: 3ad180f993a740f⋯.png (516.96 KB, 600x543, 200:181, ClipboardImage.png)


that's why

7a98e3  No.3567053

"Kill bad guys."

2953b8  No.3567054

he tweets better than he speaks.

932230  No.3567055

military has takemn out ISIS

They do it well

e3d34e  No.3567056

File: 82fb2a3df432250⋯.png (625.43 KB, 510x500, 51:50, ClipboardImage.png)

01877c  No.3567057



cc36ba  No.3567058

File: 7b5ea7fa58098f7⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1052x586, 526:293, america-back2.png)

42b198  No.3567059

File: 9fa2d0e534ee174⋯.png (14.63 KB, 528x134, 264:67, firefox_2018-10-23_12-32-0….png)

File: a554a7ba8275632⋯.jpg (60.38 KB, 800x600, 4:3, acosted.jpg)

someones got a carrot up their ass.

2953b8  No.3567060

not a fan of man-made tits.

298108  No.3567061


Must be one of the (if not the) biggest/most important rally for now …

But not a very smart question to start off with: Every husband screaming "yes" will be in trouble tonight. Kek.

10ddeb  No.3567062

File: 7b6d1aaecd5bc15⋯.jpg (553.99 KB, 2812x1582, 1406:791, HondurasFlag.jpg)

>>3566873, >>3566861 >>3566889

'nuf said

63f654  No.3567063


zuckie the fairy is a class A jewish bitch.


ERIC runs a good vineyard too!

23c708  No.3567064


I’m laughing so fuckin hard at this. Bills post against the pics, back to the post, and then the pics. Doubled over . KEKEKEKEK

409beb  No.3567065

File: ea6f004edfa6e34⋯.png (652.92 KB, 735x422, 735:422, ClipboardImage.png)

Memefags batter up

0c3537  No.3567066

this song always freaks me out bc of that Denzel Washington movie

Time is on My Side…

d4da25  No.3567067


Everyone knows 0bama was and is a liar. And anything in the cabal news media can't really be trusted 100% or at all. There may be some truth in some articles though.

Publicly, Hussein 0bama was trying to close Guantanamo. Maybe even in private he wanted to close it. Close it though? After the pentagon spent 500 million on renovations there?


061208  No.3567068


Your lieutenant gov was pretty fired up too

f44ea2  No.3567069

d3c5a3  No.3567070


POTUS is going to leap frog us several generations in military capability. He is not holding back on anything (except maybe DECLAS). He is going for everyone's jugular. Russia - he's crushing them with sales, sanctions and now an open arms race (where we have a dragster and they are at model t status).

China - he is systematically TAKING their money and pushing back militarily. What they have a 40 ship navy whoo hoo.

The UN…

EU I can't wait for this one.

Today, he just said FUCK YOU to the entire world who wishes us harm. We are TAKING the WORLD'S money BACK. AND if we have to do it at the tip of a nuke - SO BE IT!

40a77e  No.3567071

File: b3551b261ad88b1⋯.pdf (64.83 KB, 1207.1498.pdf)

File: 66ff1cd954ff170⋯.png (1.12 MB, 647x1000, 647:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5baaffad61d3841⋯.png (508.35 KB, 672x372, 56:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1723809157d720d⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1273x1076, 1273:1076, ClipboardImage.png)

Stapledon's Interplanetary Man: A Commonwealth of Worlds and the Ultimate Purpose of Space Colonisation

A key insight articulated by Stapledon in this lecture was that this should be the aspiration of all human development anyway, with or without space colonisation, but that the latter would greatly increase the scope for such developments. Another key aspect of his vision was the development of a diverse, but connected, ‘Commonwealth of Worlds’ extending throughout the Solar System, and eventually beyond, within which human potential would be maximised. In this paper I analyse Stapledon’s vision of space colonisation, and will conclude that his overall conclusions remain sound. However, I will also argue that he was overly utopian in believing that human social and political unity are prerequisites for space exploration (while agreeing that they are desirable objectives in their own right), and that he unnecessarily downplayed the more prosaic scientific and economic motivations which are likely to be key drivers for space exploration (if not colonisation) in the shorter term. Finally, I draw attention to some recent developments in international space policy which, although probably not influenced by Stapledon’s work, are nevertheless congruent with his overarching philosophy as outlined in ‘Interplanetary Man?’

0c3537  No.3567072



Reverse hinge joints?

2bfd70  No.3567073

File: da1bba0e9dfa3e6⋯.png (144.56 KB, 350x449, 350:449, ClipboardImage.png)

932230  No.3567074

File: b11b7ce48927529⋯.png (430.37 KB, 471x471, 1:1, b11b7ce489275294a9fff9f606….png)

fe4d53  No.3567075

File: bca4743d8ea4a2e⋯.png (169.92 KB, 342x284, 171:142, ClipboardImage.png)

from the rally Q dude!

17c389  No.3567076

File: 58de810bea95dcc⋯.jpg (80.37 KB, 881x841, 881:841, e7258d21a72ca6fbdef0f9174e….jpg)

144408  No.3567077


1. chill dude

2. POTUS is thinking of send the ACTVE DUTY military there which can do federal enforcement of immigration

bb418b  No.3567078

47K watching RSBN

193918  No.3567079

anyone with a recent report on USSS letting people with Q shirts and signs in rally's recently?

01877c  No.3567080


>SC: Caravan is mainly men with rehearsed lines.









30dbf1  No.3567081


27k Fox News stream

2bfd70  No.3567082


Trump dissing the head of the Council of 300

8c8d34  No.3567083

File: 97faf3544469fe4⋯.jpg (119.03 KB, 639x703, 639:703, 97faf3544469fe40c9c81d8ad7….jpg)

File: d09a5007145fcdb⋯.png (623.03 KB, 837x651, 9:7, 3615b3f64ad5e9be45940aef2b….png)

File: 880436e764536d1⋯.png (254.21 KB, 490x339, 490:339, 880436e764536d1668eb803b36….png)

f09f1f  No.3567084

about 47 thousand viewing on rsb

932230  No.3567085

File: d886831449ea1d7⋯.jpg (166.41 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, d886831449ea1d74ba422810f0….jpg)

5ac6a1  No.3567086


and somewhere deep in the woods with so-so internet connection, an aspiring memefag had the bright idea of making his own carrot meme…kek

fa72fa  No.3567087


When the predators leave anon

5a0857  No.3567088

Time is on our side. Played before? Rally.

acf5de  No.3567089

Did I miss the time fags freak out?

7a98e3  No.3567090


Rochester Rally was a no. Snuck my hat in, by putting the stuff in my pockets in my hat instead of using the plastic bin.

30dbf1  No.3567091


Anon dropped in earlier and said they were still denying anything with Q references.

At least 1 got through though, see anon's image above. Front row too.

ea3702  No.3567092

File: c91f6e792dba418⋯.jpg (13.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 903fba3540e7b332380024fdf8….jpg)

879fdf  No.3567093

File: 5e87124a0acb538⋯.jpg (104.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2k94k6.jpg)

File: 6b7a1f6b715dbd7⋯.jpg (85.23 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2k88k3.jpg)

File: f13f11328733267⋯.jpg (80.35 KB, 666x499, 666:499, 2k3t1u.jpg)

4b3c84  No.3567094


the reason DEEP FAKE videos are being primed in the media is not simply for "hillary eating a whatever" or "tarmac" videos

it's quite possibly that Q-Team already got many Ex-Cabal Members to confess to shit on video at Gitmo

the Cabal doesn't know who turned/confessed/was-caught-and-released and who wasn't ( Obama, frankly, looks like a guy who has been turned )

Cabal still control's 95% of legacy media…so articles are simply a message on Cabal-Media-Underlings on how to debunk shit

…but it won't work…

b30cef  No.3567095




>41.3K now


Fucking. A!

e83f57  No.3567096


That's a body. Dover morgue. When did the plane come in?

5b1c89  No.3567097

File: cbb66c5a6e7fa6a⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 640x480, 4:3, memebetter.com-20181022193….jpg)

2bfd70  No.3567098



cc36ba  No.3567099


Around 100k total on youtube streams

97931a  No.3567100

File: 3fbe5381c8cdbeb⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 769x763, 769:763, canadian-patriots_-a-truth….jpg)

>>3566456 (PB)

So what you are saying then, is that elements of the Canadian deep state were involved in the plot to overthrow MBS…. That CSIS was involved in this….. Prey tell, do pass along more info if you have…..

de9bad  No.3567101

File: 9cd6323f970ea00⋯.png (45.4 KB, 798x763, 114:109, ClipboardImage.png)

d3c5a3  No.3567102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MALADORANT is the answer.

f09f1f  No.3567103

just saw them go by a guy that looked by Bill Clinton LOL

15223b  No.3567104



1fba9d  No.3567105

File: a0d1693c445a85e⋯.jpg (208.59 KB, 500x772, 125:193, dont look.jpg)

d879bb  No.3567106

File: 095380d04170dd3⋯.jpg (101.56 KB, 637x880, 637:880, 1a.JPG)

File: 055862ef89bdcec⋯.jpg (143.56 KB, 639x872, 639:872, 2.JPG)

File: c1cefc756f23b76⋯.jpg (56.25 KB, 641x291, 641:291, 2a.JPG)

Kim Jong Un's sister looms as candidate to visit Pompeo


932230  No.3567107

Guns and Roses !!!!!

48feff  No.3567108

File: 0986b32189f7cd1⋯.jpg (112.47 KB, 950x512, 475:256, blowupaltered.jpg)


You have to have a human to spot it.

An algorythm won't do it

Sorry to say people on this board, in general, are cruddy at recognizing fake photo. Even if it's right in front of them

A machine can't teach you how to see.

I found this today.

If you click on the image and look at the full size you will [hopefully] see where the image is doctored. If you can't see it I can easily point to it, but I think you should be able to see it yourself?

I blew it up to a large magnification. And the seams were right front and center.

40a77e  No.3567109


You do not understand international relations

And you do not understand Trump's comms

And his Art of the Deal

North Korea was class 101 on the Trump way of winning.

f85e2a  No.3567110

File: bf84ea05e4bba82⋯.png (990.26 KB, 966x492, 161:82, ClipboardImage.png)

0c7f5c  No.3567111



I'd say both countries (USA & RUSSIA) are signalling toward a certain rogue nuclear nation, removing the "handcuffs" from their nuclear arsenals to counter any threats

such as the "Sampson option".

5bc56c  No.3567112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Golden State Times

ed17df  No.3567113


>Co-founder of Oculus quits FB


Oculus co-founder walks


01877c  No.3567114


>1. chill dude



>Alex Jones censored setting precedent for mass internet censorship


>thousands of invading combatants heading to unenforced border



2953b8  No.3567115


she "looms"?

5c621e  No.3567116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck carrots!

0fb700  No.3567117

File: de42fd736e61565⋯.png (1.43 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Autumn Pumpkin Q Alpha.png)


ThanQ Baker!

bb418b  No.3567118


Definitely good for our Frens at RSBN!!

God Bless them!!


e468a1  No.3567119

File: 94a8f938b823953⋯.png (372.57 KB, 800x465, 160:93, ClipboardImage.png)

Oregon Man Who Screamed At 9/11 Widow Just Got Canned By His Employer


1ef5ed  No.3567120

File: c52a812ec4f88e4⋯.jpg (11.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, COMFEFE.jpg)

popcorn and comfefe at the ready

b30cef  No.3567121

File: 44d2d8d7d863f45⋯.gif (209.21 KB, 250x263, 250:263, PEPEDIGITAL.gif)




b7b89c  No.3567122


Zuck, @Jack, Musk, etc are all fronts.

96cfe2  No.3567123

File: 6c42dc3db00b845⋯.png (1.21 MB, 728x1674, 364:837, ClipboardImage.png)

2bfd70  No.3567124

371226  No.3567125

Great Texas rally tonight. RSBN is awesome. I've been watching since 3pm EST. Presidential seal is now on podium. Luv Potus Geotus 45.

ea3702  No.3567126

File: 9380fbc4b8ff3cd⋯.jpg (75.22 KB, 520x722, 260:361, 500471574bed9752ceb2ebb845….jpg)

37f90c  No.3567127

10-15,000 outside—anyone have a count of people inside the stadium? RSBN didn’t mention but I just turned it on. Thx.

f85e2a  No.3567128


<..boss lurks


b3432e  No.3567129

File: ee2a71723d14325⋯.png (974.59 KB, 1098x585, 122:65, 178A30DF-5F5A-4357-A688-02….png)


KEK so fucking hard

ffe007  No.3567130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Houston rally link


4cbbbb  No.3567131

File: cc6737a0a63137b⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1314x1144, 657:572, Screen Shot 2018-10-13 at ….png)

b7b89c  No.3567132


Neon Revolt's swag. kek!

0915b6  No.3567133


Slow down spanky!

We aren't there YET!

0c3537  No.3567134

CSPAN showing the anti-Trump losers.

43d5f5  No.3567135


Yeah noticed that too. I don't think their talking points are working…..

9da88c  No.3567136

File: f25fd83e6e0d6fb⋯.jpg (77.43 KB, 581x805, 83:115, The HAND-OFF.JPG)

2bfd70  No.3567137


I read 70,000 tickets were sold…

5a456a  No.3567138

File: a99170bc07bd651⋯.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_1326.PNG)

WOW! Aerial views of THOUSANDS of people outside the Filled To Capacity Toyota Center Trump Rally!

This right here is what the Dems are afraid of & is EXACTLY WHY they have THOUSANDS of Immigrants coming to INVADE OUR COUNTRY! They can't win without cheating or dirty tricks! They literally are putting AMERICAN LIVES & OUR CHILDREN's LIVES at risk with these invaders coming to storm into our country…all to gain POWER! They truly are EVIL!

May God be with our country & May every VOTE TRULY COUNT & May no voter fraud be able to occur!!



879fdf  No.3567139

File: 7a765f4f97cba7e⋯.jpg (92.57 KB, 728x500, 182:125, 2k7y17.jpg)

File: a9eb705199b0fd7⋯.jpg (88.54 KB, 666x499, 666:499, 2k7zye.jpg)

File: c1b8d951e358930⋯.jpg (128.54 KB, 896x500, 224:125, 2k8g1n.jpg)

5b1c89  No.3567140

File: f2c453e98cdadd0⋯.jpg (134.26 KB, 1414x420, 101:30, Screenshot_20181022-193920….jpg)


Too bad Axl is a Trump bashing faggot. Check his twitter, pic related

4e65c4  No.3567141


Buncha fat and dirty hobos

37f90c  No.3567142

8c8d34  No.3567143

File: cc6c60c291a3306⋯.png (209.16 KB, 1349x729, 1349:729, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

ac4d24  No.3567144

File: 5f7c2b9cca60297⋯.jpg (96.44 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, YT4UKUY6ICQU3D6DBJ7EEIKKTE.jpg)

e0d2a1  No.3567145

No trump yet. They are dragging this out.

8acf8c  No.3567146


you are a total moron if you think demonic-possessed Hussein has, or ever will be, turned.

15223b  No.3567147


That photo doctored?

Let’s not get played here

23c708  No.3567148

File: e943ef02b19a250⋯.gif (2.09 MB, 444x250, 222:125, FixedLongAfricanrockpython….gif)

932230  No.3567149

File: 675f74069478d16⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1122x1129, 1122:1129, 675f74069478d16404507e4487….png)

b2dba9  No.3567150


Your lieutenant gov was pretty fired up too


When you invoke patriots from the Texas Revolution, you're fired up.

2bfd70  No.3567151


Never listen to Axl unless he is singing.

9464d2  No.3567152

File: 7c246ba1510e505⋯.png (852.53 KB, 708x996, 59:83, Pope.PNG)

Who pulls the Pope's strings…….


c635b2  No.3567153

File: e69364afd562e11⋯.png (456.29 KB, 700x424, 175:106, bridge blown.png)


>he did that the last time the caravan came

yup and the last time a caravan came they walked right in…notice how they're backing down from the "we'll stop them" rhetoric.

do what needs to be done…they won't try it again.

f09f1f  No.3567154

RBN 49 thousand

8d0ac6  No.3567155


same bullshit as is happening to Europe.

not many families, lot's of young men.

f85e2a  No.3567156

2bfd70  No.3567157


Black Nobility.

193918  No.3567158

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Watched a video with Robert David Steele recently that was good.

I don't really think about Qs ID since we anons treat him like one of us.

Steele seemed to think that Q was Flynn which was actually a really good guess.

Long and Short Steele (Robert David) is a savant minus the idiot part hes VERY smart.

He's got some great ideas with Unrig.com and meets with Bill Binney monthly.

Vid attached for your benefit (later)

Thanks for the 411

b068bf  No.3567159


Maybe this is why the song is played just before the rally. Trollolololoooh…

298108  No.3567160


Watching RSBN too, for several reasons. But their frontmen/women really are normies .. Sorry to say, but you can see it in everything that they do and say, incl. their constant admiration of some paytriots-soap.

23c708  No.3567161

Brad Parscale is freaking adorable. Rarr

0d7511  No.3567162


all about slash and his facemelters anywayz.

e83f57  No.3567163


That's what I'm thinking.

2953b8  No.3567164


epic kek

4ef451  No.3567165

Clergy abuse: DC feds launch victims hotline; prosecutors to review reports for criminal charges

https:// www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/10/22/dc-feds-launch-clergy-abuse-hotline-prosecutors-review-reports/1730901002/

cc36ba  No.3567166

File: 175ee18221d6a5c⋯.png (606.12 KB, 573x564, 191:188, cali-vs-texas.png)

2bfd70  No.3567167

49k and rising. Damn I love Trump rallies.

15223b  No.3567168


Chill nigga, stolen kek

b7b89c  No.3567169


Indeed. Real easy on the eyes.

371226  No.3567170

bb418b  No.3567171


30K fox


49.5 RSBN

f09f1f  No.3567172

meme the phone number and Texas

1fba9d  No.3567173

File: 6a47e4104c6e625⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 450x338, 225:169, TexasMailbox.jpg)

1ef5ed  No.3567174

HA! my yt feed crapped out right as soon as they mentioned the 100,000+ people. daggum joos

197490  No.3567175


Sure are…. 10 million/day to Israel and billions more yearly to central america



Its the ole 1..2 Create the problem then give the solution….(weather anomalies, hurricanes, demolition of sky scrapers (911) you name it)

Whatever it takes to bring an end to the world and bring in their false messiah the antichrist

0c3537  No.3567176


It's like dealing with kids- if they know you're serious, they'll think twice about pulling the same shit twice.

If they know you'll roll over, they'll push for more until they're ruling the house.

f72477  No.3567177

File: 5b51d8e150b6d45⋯.jpg (27.85 KB, 272x147, 272:147, 6d3d36923c4415d40a68dadd5a….jpg)

File: 606076ef00f53ef⋯.jpg (73.1 KB, 650x374, 325:187, trump-rally-facebookJumbo ….jpg)

e0d2a1  No.3567178

Ted Cruz is next

de9bad  No.3567179


usually irrelevant people with careers that are at rock bottom like to chimp out and say shit to regain their relevance.

eafff8  No.3567180



Keep America Great, Get Em Republicans


2bfd70  No.3567181


Those are good numbers, right? Most I've ever seen in a live stream was 7k before tonight.

b068bf  No.3567182


>30K fox

>20K CBS

>49.5 RSBN

Wow. RSBN is kicking ass on the established networks. Their monopolies aren't doing very well.

5c621e  No.3567183


Not a FEfag, but I've got to admit, this is fascinating.

c1273f  No.3567184


752d08  No.3567185


Could he be wearing booster legs? Is he actually 4'8"?

f85e2a  No.3567186


nice pull anon

96b3bb  No.3567187


And then 29 yearolds claimed they are minors

879fdf  No.3567188

File: d849d2b9374ee33⋯.jpg (59.71 KB, 500x451, 500:451, 16skwz.jpg)

File: a6f74013b36c96e⋯.jpg (68.22 KB, 500x451, 500:451, 16sl2c.jpg)

bb418b  No.3567189


RSBN just hit 50K!

4e65c4  No.3567190


f09f1f  No.3567191





Army of Trump

144408  No.3567192



cdcd5b  No.3567193

File: b2a410f2cb6a584⋯.png (247.39 KB, 792x326, 396:163, ClipboardImage.png)


614672  No.3567194

File: 7f756edfdc042d8⋯.jpg (436.65 KB, 1440x1679, 1440:1679, 20181022_193141.jpg)

File: 112113db37e659a⋯.jpg (380.04 KB, 1440x2483, 1440:2483, 20181022_194032.jpg)

File: d8be4c789cbf240⋯.jpg (466.02 KB, 1440x2467, 1440:2467, 20181022_194018.jpg)

So while on marketwatch I noticed an a term used today which was also used in a few Q posts.

Is this a marker for things to come? I'm not entirely sure what to make of it but I'm trying to figure out if it ties to the clock and I'm having trouble understanding which is the correct clock and why.

fa72fa  No.3567195

File: 1e740d96f85f7ab⋯.jpg (66.7 KB, 640x640, 1:1, yb42.jpg)

be7698  No.3567196


aka the Y cult

c635b2  No.3567197


his tiny hands and robot face…he's always been extraordinarily creepy. I find it difficult to image him getting aroused by anything enough to get erect. Strange vibes.

b068bf  No.3567198


Lots of booing at Cruz. Trump will deal with that, I'm sure.

a73940  No.3567199


4e65c4  No.3567200

b30cef  No.3567201

File: 53a988a23422f2a⋯.png (26.21 KB, 969x111, 323:37, ClipboardImage.png)

96cfe2  No.3567202

File: ed3fbbdcb2b0ef7⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1502x1848, 751:924, ClipboardImage.png)

cc36ba  No.3567203


He is going to get a new nickname tonight

f3b375  No.3567204

Notes at 500

>>3567106 Kim Jong Un's sister looms as candidate to visit Pompeo

>>3566962 , >>3567040 Avenatti finanicals update

>>3567171 Rally Livestream Viewer Numbers: YUGE

>>3566979 Soros, Zuckerberg & Steyer spend $78M on ballot initiatives

>>3566947 FB Exodus: Co-founder of Oculus quits FB

>>3566922 Graphic comparing Texas and Russia

>>3566861 Tom Fitton updates on the caravan from Guatemala

>>3566847 May rules Out ‘Politicians’ Vote’ second referendum

>>3566846 Australian PM apologizes for institutional pedophilia

>>3566771 Trump to Pressure Netanyahu on Israel-Palestine Peace Plan

>>3566762 Judicial Watch files House Ethics complaint against Maxine

f44ea2  No.3567205



48feff  No.3567206

File: a6416d4d55a1e84⋯.png (668.33 KB, 894x583, 894:583, strangeligh.png)



Here's something else I found suspicious today.

From oBSama in Vegas

Look at the glints of light coming in from left [our left]

Looks like a green screen to me.


I don't really know or care if it is fake. I didn't bother to check. You can do that.

Truth is I thought it was funny cause it matched with his weird robotic behavior at the Congressional hearing.

There was a man seated behind him and they were mirroring each other's expressions.

He probably some engineered "character?"

It's a mystery.

4e65c4  No.3567207


I thought they were saying Cruz

2c8c1c  No.3567208

File: 5cf19286bb463c4⋯.jpeg (11.71 KB, 255x254, 255:254, lion root.jpeg)

Lion Ted

c1273f  No.3567209

File: 0c9fcc3133ec5ed⋯.png (340.39 KB, 526x569, 526:569, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

Hey Eddie Munster!

158bd0  No.3567210

File: a09ed280e7fa162⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2018-10-22_19-45-26.png)

Big welcome for Ted!


466050  No.3567211

File: 9495633b37c354d⋯.png (190.03 KB, 515x540, 103:108, orange1.png)


orange one bad!

5eedea  No.3567212

>>3567127 It was reported that after they moved to a larger venue, ticket requests shot up to 100,000

5165cf  No.3567213


Booos or Cruuuuuuuuz?!

b1ef2b  No.3567214

File: db7a2e7bed44fd1⋯.jpg (38.13 KB, 399x309, 133:103, db7a2e7bed44fd12d6b698b064….jpg)

File: 0a7873eb779d4bc⋯.jpeg (32.98 KB, 344x438, 172:219, 36cc5c9c7e9396def4ee457ec….jpeg)

Q [RR] has been in the kill box for 7 months and he's still there…

Stop the freaking bullshit and come clean for once.

b068bf  No.3567215


>I thought they were saying Cruz

If so, he has an unfortunate name.

2f4d7d  No.3567216

File: cf1a987754e0920⋯.jpeg (106.97 KB, 1440x821, 1440:821, 1539872293.jpeg)

Ugh. Ted…

d3c5a3  No.3567217


Sticking to facts on the ground.

He is not hurting Russia by being the LARGEST seller of energy the world? That is NOT reducing Russia's market share? That is NOT taking their money? (Which is the economic equivalent of going for the jugular)

Sanctions - He is NOT taking their stuff?

Arms Race - did you watch the video?

Sorry for my miss-understanding. I don't feel the need to go into China, the UN, EU or the rest of the world.

He is winning - WE ARE WINNING - and those who get on board will LOOSE and YUUGELY

144408  No.3567218

f09f1f  No.3567219


Ohh? sorry

5165cf  No.3567220


Penis nose

409beb  No.3567221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Beto O'rourke Supporters Can't Name Anything He's Done


2953b8  No.3567222


here he goes with that Dr. Suess schtick again.

01877c  No.3567223


>Slow down







c1273f  No.3567224

File: 6c5cc6c71518480⋯.png (350.44 KB, 748x1058, 374:529, Screen Shot 2018-10-21 at ….png)

0c7f5c  No.3567225


Helps them in keeping mass appeal. They;re still on the right side of history. Who knows, possible that someone on their team lurks here.

f85e2a  No.3567226

File: a37de4c705412fe⋯.jpg (130.81 KB, 1401x785, 1401:785, narrativeshift.JPG)

de9bad  No.3567227

File: 9cd6323f970ea00⋯.png (45.4 KB, 798x763, 114:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a4a89fbd5ed7c6⋯.jpg (112.05 KB, 626x642, 313:321, JUSTICE.jpg)


>i want

>we need

a9426a  No.3567228



Cruuuuuuuuz with a hard low 'u' i thought

b9c441  No.3567229

RSBN isn't covering Ted Cruz?

96cfe2  No.3567230

File: 9df5669c7572b6b⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1576x1718, 788:859, ClipboardImage.png)

f44ea2  No.3567231


One patriot at rally has that as tatoo, shown on fox

23c708  No.3567232



144408  No.3567233


better than Robert Francis O'Rourke for Texas

d86f7b  No.3567234

ted cruz —- "jobs not mobs"

dbddaf  No.3567235

File: 347214a4a3c0db1⋯.jpg (390.49 KB, 750x660, 25:22, redtxtqueen.jpg)

2782ca  No.3567236

100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Central American Caravan Heads to U.S.


fa72fa  No.3567237

File: 532c6017c1d2302⋯.jpg (11.4 KB, 225x225, 1:1, fDepends.jpg)

f72477  No.3567238

File: 4b0e26a4a98b0d3⋯.jpg (51.55 KB, 779x543, 779:543, texaslt.jpg)

2bfd70  No.3567239


Arena seats 19K

2953b8  No.3567240

File: b661b0ce3e31d3e⋯.png (271.76 KB, 375x405, 25:27, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

0c7f5c  No.3567241


50,382 watching now

b068bf  No.3567242



4e65c4  No.3567243


Rally is live on CSpan too

0c3537  No.3567244


I donated $20 the other day during one of the rallies.

ce7e15  No.3567245


Golden State Times = another 8,738 watching now

0fb700  No.3567246

File: 33acd92ddce5131⋯.png (1.53 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Texas Q Flag Alpha.png)



a73940  No.3567247



4b3c84  No.3567248

File: 59a98819833f752⋯.jpg (456.31 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, caravan.jpg)

0c3537  No.3567249


Also on RSBN website

d3c5a3  No.3567250




who don't get on-board

15223b  No.3567251


Y’all can chill now

2953b8  No.3567252

Hey Ted, u still mad, bro?

fe4d53  No.3567253

File: 54e8ed070667932⋯.png (345.08 KB, 652x285, 652:285, ClipboardImage.png)

a73940  No.3567254




b2dba9  No.3567255


"it ain't braggin if you can back it up."

We can back it up.

Got the family & the scars to prove it.

23c708  No.3567256

We celebrate when it rains, we don’t tax it! - Cruz

40a77e  No.3567257



And all the military exercises are not Russia and NATO preparing for war against each other,

It is Russian and NATO military leaders working together to train and strengthen a military

Led by sane leaders who will use their force

To keep rogue operators in line, even those who have their own nuclear states.

a73940  No.3567258

i give up

c635b2  No.3567259

File: 9c4fe72aa96be08⋯.jpg (130.95 KB, 676x704, 169:176, dick removal 3.jpg)


every time he opens his mouth I'm thinking…something is missing….

4ef451  No.3567260

So TEXAS TED, BEAUTIFUL TED… has taken a deal just like Lindsay Graham .. mos def

bb418b  No.3567261


should go up when POTUS takes stage

23c708  No.3567262


They are saying Cruuuuz

879fdf  No.3567263

File: 75a0dbb2a5c9a6d⋯.jpg (104.12 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 2k96ov.jpg)

db50f8  No.3567264


*or a glowfaggot shill

2f4d7d  No.3567265


I know. I know.

371226  No.3567266


Sorry anon, my phone just went nuts.

The RSBN commentators are volunteers with new communication and journalist degrees. Yup, just normies. I was a bit uncomfortable with that blond from Patriots Soapbox ranting and the Pillow guys control of the mike. Entertaining to say the least.

b9c441  No.3567267


I stand corrected, Anon.

My OS is old, but I have to watch on Fox.

e0d2a1  No.3567268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Rain Tax

f44ea2  No.3567269


48feff  No.3567270


Maybe the oBSama in Vegas in fine.

I'd have to see an image of the context, a wider shot, to think more about it.

It's inconclusive.

But very strange.

There's a lecture which appears transparent.

This shot was very brief in the video. I think it was an error and they nixed it almost immediately

The vid was in a previous break

15223b  No.3567271


U ready for your meeting, Rod?

01877c  No.3567272







9da88c  No.3567273


Yes, after all this has been put to bed, we the people need to be able to view video footage of these evil perpetrators fessing up to their crimes.

23c708  No.3567274


b068bf  No.3567275


Point made. Libs can use a clip like that and tell everyone they're booing - they'd believe it.

2bfd70  No.3567276


Front Hole.

5a0857  No.3567277

Fox cut their crowd stream on YouTube

1fba9d  No.3567278

File: eef10c3d24f7395⋯.jpg (24.7 KB, 300x168, 25:14, goodjob.jpg)

144408  No.3567279

File: bd15644366806e5⋯.png (414.39 KB, 640x399, 640:399, ClipboardImage.png)


f72477  No.3567280

File: ce5f14b9e8848d5⋯.jpg (3.54 MB, 5600x5600, 1:1, pzzlejws.jpg)

fa72fa  No.3567281


I thought this was a fucking larp. It's chilling me now.

144408  No.3567282


stfu freddy faggot

8741d9  No.3567283

File: e290c7b2484023f⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 3C2BB6FA-370B-400B-9FBD-81….png)

File: cfc500070759c06⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 6E215A59-D00E-490B-8284-AE….png)

File: 0c9e22339fb651a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E7B48A4C-CA4E-4BAB-A009-72….png)

23c708  No.3567284


db50f8  No.3567285


You can find one there.

cc36ba  No.3567286

File: 492f7c4d89c17b9⋯.png (257.03 KB, 472x479, 472:479, pepe-boom-4.png)

137d85  No.3567287


why is that so familiar to me right now

298108  No.3567288


>Helps them in keeping mass appeal

Agreed – esp. for that low a "price", as they must be getting paid for their work.

>Who knows, possible that someone on their team lurks here

Certainly, easy to spot too. Doesn't change the fact though. Kek!

a9426a  No.3567289


What a shitty concept.

e91a7b  No.3567290


Dear [RR],

Why u mad?


913528  No.3567291

8c8d34  No.3567292

File: d5acbf52b7c4414⋯.png (147.75 KB, 1190x739, 1190:739, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

0fb700  No.3567293

File: 789b04a5aadbbba⋯.png (623.09 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Vote Red Q Alpha.png)


Right Side Broadcasting Network

50,777 Watching


5165cf  No.3567294


And it is FUN to watch!

6608a6  No.3567295

File: 1943607cbb2245d⋯.jpeg (182.06 KB, 1024x628, 256:157, CC3B80B2-D09D-48CE-919C-7….jpeg)


d84ec7  No.3567296

did y'alls auto post start unchecking itself on every damn thread?

4e65c4  No.3567297


I could have gone my entire life without seeing that mutated attempt at a vag

People are sick…

0a20f3  No.3567298



3c069c  No.3567299


You looking at fine Southern women!

f44ea2  No.3567300


Welcome POTUS.






db50f8  No.3567301


About right.

53055d  No.3567302


Watched Braveheart again yesterday.

Got a woodpile of UK people

Wishing ya'll luck

Channel them Viking and Saxon ancestors

Whup some ass

dbddaf  No.3567303

File: 9495b1ed6045be4⋯.jpg (79.38 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, deebly.jpg)

5b1c89  No.3567304


My thoughts exactly, same for the stones

15223b  No.3567305

e91a7b  No.3567306


Code Monkey change. Told them to make notable.

b1ef2b  No.3567307

File: c4d3eeacf322dfc⋯.jpg (112.28 KB, 1024x990, 512:495, c4d3eeacf322dfc533536b78ae….jpg)

File: 9f3cd1cdb23cdf6⋯.jpg (75.9 KB, 480x571, 480:571, 9f3cd1cdb23cdf686736e9062d….jpg)

Q said [RR] was in the killbox but [RR] is still there.

Done with Q’s lying ass fake hype posts.

968d75  No.3567308

Ted Cruz. Aging a bit. Shaking those hands like a, a, a preacher?

f85e2a  No.3567309


chant during potus speech

We aRe With You

We aRe With You

we fucking know you're lurking out there in the seats waiting for the boss, DO IT

4e65c4  No.3567310


Yea…gotta check it each bread


89eaee  No.3567311


Ted Cruz reminds me of Grandpa on Adams Family series

a32e82  No.3567313





d399e8  No.3567314

File: 3a0865e14ea7682⋯.jpg (112.59 KB, 1453x467, 1453:467, 011.JPG)


nice mirror effect

0c3537  No.3567315


They're saying Cruz.

5c621e  No.3567316



Not if you're a cabal type and control the weather all over the planet.

23c708  No.3567317

File: 70364ae9e530e1c⋯.png (9.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 33acd92ddce51319976bbcb6e7….png)


c1273f  No.3567318

File: c14d80f3bdce275⋯.png (150.55 KB, 897x345, 13:5, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)


Houston’s long-litigated, but never forgotten rain tax seems like it may rear its head again this November if the mayor has his way.

The drainage fee, or rain tax, barely passed in 2010 as a pay-as-you-go fee dedicated to streets and drainage.

Though the drainage fee was intended to be used on street and drainage renewal only, Houston columnist Bill King has written about the city using it to fund employees.



f3b375  No.3567319


>>3567106 Kim Jong Un's sister looms as candidate to visit Pompeo

>>3566962 , >>3567040 Avenatti finanicals update

>>3567171 Rally Livestream Viewer Numbers: YUGE

>>3566979 Soros, Zuckerberg & Steyer spend $78M on ballot initiatives

>>3566947 FB Exodus: Co-founder of Oculus quits FB

>>3566922 Graphic comparing Texas and Russia

>>3566861 Tom Fitton updates on the caravan from Guatemala

>>3566847 May rules Out ‘Politicians’ Vote’ second referendum

>>3566846 Australian PM apologizes for institutional pedophilia

>>3566771 Trump to Pressure Netanyahu on Israel-Palestine Peace Plan

>>3566762 Judicial Watch files House Ethics complaint against Maxine

2bfd70  No.3567320


He looks like my grandma, dead 20 years now.

67c865  No.3567321

File: b570c4d07e51887⋯.jpg (15.11 KB, 255x171, 85:57, b570c4d07e5188780674e90fe5….jpg)

2aa1dc  No.3567322

File: 241269d3e18e9d5⋯.jpg (153.74 KB, 794x724, 397:362, eric trump kill bad guys.jpg)

f083b2  No.3567323

Cruz sucking him some Jew Cock.

137d85  No.3567324

File: f5479e2500ac64a⋯.png (76.66 KB, 242x204, 121:102, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: c4faec9641f5f65⋯.png (38.92 KB, 212x120, 53:30, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)


lady throwing devil sign

e19ead  No.3567325

File: c0a3c8459fcf194⋯.jpg (39.51 KB, 412x275, 412:275, npc template 6.jpg)

File: 07ecbcd5df3ec35⋯.jpg (63.19 KB, 412x275, 412:275, npc-6.jpg)

6ed445  No.3567326


i want to see the media's flip flop on her after gushing over her during the olympics, before the summit happened

bb418b  No.3567327

RSBN - 51K

FOX- 36K

CBS - 20k

Golden State Times = another 8,738

wapo - 1.7k

Fox 10 - 7.2k


Baker - numbers - Notables

2953b8  No.3567328


You want Ted on yer team.

4ef451  No.3567329

File: 65f7c01e84c60a6⋯.png (922.76 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, ClipboardImage.png)

National security adviser John Bolton said he thinks Russian interference in the 2016 US election did not have any effect on the outcome

68af2c  No.3567331

File: ed74ec7a830fdec⋯.jpg (115.66 KB, 804x851, 804:851, _20181022_194537.JPG)

POTUS superpower

9c490a  No.3567333

File: d6d50eedb6d6d6e⋯.png (80.66 KB, 1256x846, 628:423, pollclosed.png)

File: 0ccc3c1d76602fe⋯.png (325.95 KB, 2180x848, 545:212, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

Don't forget about "The Resistance Poll"

It got so out of hand for Republicans, "The Resistance" deleted the tweet.


(pic related) TwatterAnon has more recent screengrabs

db50f8  No.3567334


No, Cruz gets his full 15 minutes to talk.

30dbf1  No.3567335

RSBN: 50k

Diamond & Silk: 14k

Fox News: 36k

Fox 10 Phoenix: 4.7k

PBS NewsHour: 2.7k

Golden State Times: 8.9k

American Patriot: 1.3k

+ a few thousand with a bunch of others combined

23c708  No.3567337


1fba9d  No.3567338


the body thinks it's an open wound…it will try to close up and heal itself.

he is proper fucked.

15223b  No.3567339


It’s a shill anon

2953b8  No.3567340



2bfd70  No.3567341


Smells good, Baker.

dbddaf  No.3567343


we call this Houston Shity Government.

b3432e  No.3567344

File: 4da8a668d86a332⋯.jpeg (51.56 KB, 550x550, 1:1, D4A54712-3FC0-4473-80E2-B….jpeg)

01877c  No.3567345









e91a7b  No.3567346

cspan is showing the rally

b1ef2b  No.3567347

File: 5b880a3d3afa13d⋯.jpg (81.97 KB, 480x607, 480:607, 5db49410e427f5a303bc42e42c….jpg)

File: 6642fa86f6e0395⋯.jpg (60.92 KB, 480x669, 160:223, 6642fa86f6e0395ac108cee21d….jpg)

db50f8  No.3567348


It's Pat!

137d85  No.3567349

File: 0c1b6d2672fb216⋯.png (562.3 KB, 786x540, 131:90, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

0dcefe  No.3567350


Those 2 were the ones who took the spot of flannelfag

c635b2  No.3567351


kek not his sister….and I guess she's dropped the kid she was carrying during olympics…

f44ea2  No.3567352


Shill, read:

Donald Trump on His Commitment to Jewish Americans and Israel

Article by DJT

October 26th, 2016

I love Israel and honor and respect the Jewish faith and tradition. It's important that we have a president who feels the same way. For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children in the Jewish faith, always reminding me the important values and lessons we learn about leadership, resolve, and families in Jewish tradition. My administration will stand side by side with the Jewish people and Israel's leaders to continue strengthening the bridges that connect not only Jewish Americans and Israelis, but also all Americans and Israelis. Together, we will stand up to the enemies like Iran, bent on destroying Israel and your people. Together, we will make America and Israel safe again.


f72477  No.3567353

File: 244554febcfd382⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 779x543, 779:543, texaslt2.jpg)

c1273f  No.3567354


Which is why some of us are



b2dba9  No.3567355

Ted Cruz:

We Don't Tax rain in Texas!

0a20f3  No.3567356


no commercials.

not the best host(s).. but it's not about them.

744cef  No.3567357

Fox news is showing the rally atm

b068bf  No.3567358


>It got so out of hand for Republicans, "The Resistance" deleted the tweet.


99fb93  No.3567359

Beto doesnt like Israel? Found the first and only issue i agree with him on.

409beb  No.3567360

Turkey Says Saudi Arabia Planned "Extremely Savage" Khashoggi Killing

Prior to Monday, official leaks to Western and Turkish media regarding the ongoing investigation into the murder of Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi have only obliquely placed the blame on the Crown Prince and other senior Saudi officials, as President Erdogan has erred on the side of diplomacy - though that could all change tomorrow, when Erdogan has promised to share the results of Turkey's investigation into the killing of Khashoggi, presumably including what role, if any, that Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman had in the plot.

And in a sign that the Turks might soon abandon their diplomatic facade, the latest round of leaks to Turkish media have suggested that the murder of Khashoggi "was planned in an extremely savage manner." For those who haven't closely parsed every update published by the Turkish press, this is the first time that Turkey has indicated that Ankara believes that Khashoggi's murder was planned in advance.

And in the first official indication that Turkey believes Riyadh actively orchestrated a cover-up, AKP Spokesman Omer Celik complained that "we are faced witha situation where there has been a lot of effort to whitewash this." Erdogan's advisor Yasin Aktay wrote in the Yeni Safak daily that it "feels like our intelligence is being mocked."

With Turkey seemingly on the verge of officially blaming Riyadh and MbS for Khashoggi's death, the following warning sounded even more ominous.

"From the start, the line of our president has been clear. Nothing will remain secret in this case," presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin told reporters, a day ahead of a key speech by Erdogan on the case.

Safak pointed out that Saudi security official Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb had lead a team of 15 Saudis to Istanbul on the day that Khashoggi disappeared and that he called the head of Prince Mohammed's office, Bader al-Asaker, "four times after the murder."

Meanwhile, Abdulkadir Selvi, whose columns in the Hurriyet newspaper columns are closely watched for clues about Erdogan's thinking, alleged that Khashoggi had been slowly strangled to death for eight minutes inside the consulate before a Saudi autopsy specialist cut his body into 15 pieces while listening to music. In the most forthright criticism levied at MbS by a Turkish official since the diplomatic crisis exploded into public view two weeks ago, Selvi called for MbS to be "removed from his post"

"We cannot close this file until the crown prince is brought to account and removed from his post. For 50 years we cannot live with a crown prince who is an enemy of Turkey," said Selvi.

Meanwhile, Khashoggi's remains have yet to be found, though Turkish investigators are said to be conducting a thorough search. But regardless of what they find, the tonal shift represented by these editorials is difficult to ignore. The Turkish stance toward Saudi Arabia is hardening, which suggests that Erdogan may be preparing to blow up the Saudis' alibi that Khashoggi's death was the result of an "interrogation gone wrong."


dbddaf  No.3567361

File: 536f163d71ce310⋯.jpg (156.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, yak.jpg)

0fb700  No.3567362

2bfd70  No.3567363


Right? It IS a rally for Cruz votes.

e3d34e  No.3567364

File: d0ca7ce434346ab⋯.png (918.26 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

eb8213  No.3567366


so is OAN

197490  No.3567367

Many Texans ask why Governor Greg Abbott is in a wheelchair. His story is one of triumph over tragedy.

On a summer day in July 1984, Governor Greg Abbott, a 26-year-old recent law school graduate, decided to take a break from studying for the bar exam by going for a jog in a west Houston neighborhood as he’d done many times before. While out running, a large oak tree along his path cracked and fell on Governor Abbott’s back, leaving him forever paralyzed from the waist down.

After being rushed to the hospital, doctors discovered several crushed vertebrae splintering into his spinal cord, broken ribs, and damage to vital organs.


15223b  No.3567368



TIts or GTFO, both of yous kek

e7cc6c  No.3567369

File: b3d25e693c3ec0f⋯.png (66.99 KB, 770x693, 10:9, Capture.PNG)

f083b2  No.3567370


Then move there, Jew….we're saving you for last.

c635b2  No.3567371


That's so obvious even grannytits could spot it (maybe….)

01877c  No.3567372

a0da7d  No.3567373


I camped for a week for an event once on those sidewalks.

We did a field day on that side walk before we left and at the end of every day. And were told we'd get to fuck off if we left a mess.

Texas, time to get a cleaning party organized. Wouldn't take long and I know some of you are still outside!

I have faith in youuuuuu.

53055d  No.3567374


That right there is memeable.

Goes with the snek flag.

ee073b  No.3567375

File: 80ec3db5c1ff211⋯.jpg (23.06 KB, 349x357, 349:357, i.jpg)



John 3:20-21

Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

83375c  No.3567376

I would be happier if Cruz wasnt such a Jew cuck

48feff  No.3567377

File: c81d5038d67dfa8⋯.jpg (39.38 KB, 251x592, 251:592, 1024.jpg)


The vid was in a previous BREAD

It's really stunning to me that people are talking about video fakery as though it was a thing of the future. It's not.

Also, the only reason they are telling the public about it now is to "have a hook to hang" their denials of the [anticipated] insurance policy images we are told may surface.

Live video fakery was already done - 9/11

2bfd70  No.3567378


I think Turkey is stirring the bees nest.

db50f8  No.3567379


Pretty clean.

0c3537  No.3567380


I see HUSSEIN as so utterly arrogant he wouldn't ever flip.

144408  No.3567381


did you just make those?

they're great anon

f44ea2  No.3567382


Killary didn't have 1% of that i bet

89eaee  No.3567383



0dcefe  No.3567384

Who the fuck cares about Israel??????

23c708  No.3567385

DAMN- Cruz is on freaking FIRE!!!

2953b8  No.3567386


Fuck off, Harvey.

7e0858  No.3567387

>I promptly retweeted it

top kek

8741d9  No.3567388


dbddaf  No.3567389


it's why i left Houston.

property valuations and LBGTQ first government.

0c7f5c  No.3567390



RSBN for the win, i respect their come up…from skippy streams to THIS…gotta love it

0a20f3  No.3567391


rarr-ing again? too funny.

2aa1dc  No.3567392


Killin' it

768516  No.3567393

e19ead  No.3567394


>on't forget about "The Resistance Poll"

>It got so out of hand for Republicans, "The Resistance" deleted the tweet.


>(pic related) TwatterAnon has more recent screengrabs

2953b8  No.3567395


anybody with a brain. You're excused.

7a7926  No.3567396


Txanon here I love my Gov Abott

744cef  No.3567397

Holy Cruz!!! Rockin it in Texas!!!

4b3c84  No.3567398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



any videofags care to make an 80s sitcom intro w/ 'Growing Pains' theme?

db50f8  No.3567399


That issue is in appellate court rn.

1ef5ed  No.3567400


10ddeb  No.3567401


Toyota center only holds about 18-20K.

f72477  No.3567402


If only the reporters wouldn't talk

e19ead  No.3567403



whoops, lag got me.

nice trips.

0dcefe  No.3567404


fuck you kike

cdcd5b  No.3567405


One of them's Cory.

7475eb  No.3567407


Ted came around, he rocks!

15223b  No.3567408





b7b89c  No.3567409

File: 5bdeff7510f6e07⋯.jpeg (10.79 KB, 171x295, 171:295, titorgtfo copy.jpeg)

e91a7b  No.3567410

This wall needs to stop being a topic and start being a reality

4cbbbb  No.3567411


Found them in POTUS tweet of recent rally, saw them in Johnson City too, the blonde up close and she is might fine.

cc36ba  No.3567412

File: 01319b092dc0d71⋯.png (879.16 KB, 579x659, 579:659, wall-china-now.png)

23c708  No.3567413



0fb700  No.3567414

File: 48b76e149001dfd⋯.jpg (936.42 KB, 1840x1840, 1:1, TheWall.jpg)

2bfd70  No.3567415

File: b5ec1a7cc6e8444⋯.png (203.04 KB, 350x449, 350:449, ClipboardImage.png)

e45531  No.3567416


Isn't the location of the quakes pretty close to the monitors the Chinese placed?

498fd5  No.3567417

File: 33f6b290bd21ac7⋯.png (132.97 KB, 490x505, 98:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a08022eb231048⋯.png (150.42 KB, 490x505, 98:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f217806d3eaf51⋯.png (136.28 KB, 490x505, 98:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e9a406bc4ad5fd⋯.png (157.25 KB, 490x505, 98:101, ClipboardImage.png)

01877c  No.3567418


>stfu freddy faggot

>niggerbrain speaks

>kike becomes increasingly desperate

>d-don't correctly reframe "caravan" as military invasion



8298a7  No.3567419

File: e4e17a305a49b95⋯.jpg (34.13 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 003cba2e289a6fcd589e9d0164….jpg)


Ever hear of a little thing called The Hatch Act?

Besides, if you want the National Socialist Democrats of America Party to win the midterms then start regarding a bunch of the NSDAP'ers.

This is why you aren't in control…because, like an impatient child, you want everything NOW.

f3b375  No.3567420

File: 174a90aa93bdf4c⋯.png (2.92 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, #WWG1GGA.png)

Baking for TEXAS

Post next bread anon pls, baking's done.


97931a  No.3567421

File: 7937314fd024a5c⋯.jpg (85.84 KB, 563x331, 563:331, 2jxljk.jpg)

db50f8  No.3567422


He schooled her.

fa72fa  No.3567423

File: bfb5321199e196b⋯.jpg (76.76 KB, 306x688, 153:344, GotKruger.jpg)


>>3566877 >>3566962 >>3567008

Early 2016. Been sprung

15223b  No.3567424


Chill nigga, lmao

879fdf  No.3567425

File: d83c2f9e48d91db⋯.jpg (486.29 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, d83c2f9e48d91dbc7ce422e69a….jpg)


Your Biblical god-horseshit is responsible for more deaths, tortures, Prohibitions, break ups of relationships, falling outs between parents & children, witch hunts, lynchings, incest, retards, and a general assortment of truly dumb-as-dirt gullible assholes & cunts such as your rotten hypocritical self, anon. Semper fi, faggot.

37f90c  No.3567426


And every month or so it bleeds. No, not a period, the wound needs to be opened against the body’s will. But they will call it a period and get to go down that special aisle in CVS like the other girls.

You really think having a “period” is fun? Ummmmm yeah.

145974  No.3567427

File: de20774006025a9⋯.jpg (24.28 KB, 853x480, 853:480, totalrecall2.jpg)

File: 5079bee92c9ad6a⋯.jpg (19.8 KB, 650x366, 325:183, total-recall.jpg)

File: 5029f6f42688b59⋯.jpg (287.07 KB, 900x472, 225:118, Total Recall (9).jpg)

01877c  No.3567428

1fd963  No.3567429


why the hate bro

650ed4  No.3567430

File: 5e821bed8fa6ac4⋯.jpg (77.59 KB, 600x736, 75:92, 44439064_2129616367091238_….jpg)


e19ead  No.3567431



Its easy tho. Just find a protest picture with big signs/ t-shirts Gays, antifa, whatever, then smooth out the heads and dot the eyes.

4e65c4  No.3567432

Ugh. It has reproduced

2782ca  No.3567433


its a PLAN ffs

db50f8  No.3567434



f09f1f  No.3567435

I want to watch the interaction when Cruz brings out Trump

8c9c61  No.3567436



Looks like someone forgot to flush again…poor stinky widdle Toilet Boi

0c7f5c  No.3567437

File: 7d7f95621d5297f⋯.png (131.85 KB, 639x245, 639:245, ClipboardImage.png)

5c621e  No.3567438

File: 94f86f5f32cf179⋯.png (16.55 KB, 540x330, 18:11, coppertop.png)


>What is control?

4ef451  No.3567439

File: 98d88cba10d24c1⋯.jpg (341.78 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DqJop8SUUAAPuJt.jpg)

4e65c4  No.3567440

File: 74ecba32490cc15⋯.jpeg (259.38 KB, 1242x1280, 621:640, 6414E9D4-63DC-4A35-90D2-4….jpeg)


Shit. Forgot pic

cc36ba  No.3567441

File: 4df13180d7ac517⋯.png (329.86 KB, 598x511, 598:511, gov-fear-stand-most2.png)

f3b375  No.3567442

File: 0ad10e28001f6a6⋯.png (1.23 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, #DOITQ.png)






5448e8  No.3567443


There are many things about which I have an open mind.

But you will never convince me that it isn't malpractice for any surgeon to perform those surgeries.

The medical community preys on these mentally ill people for its own profits. Lifelong medication and multiple surgeries required.


0c3537  No.3567444

File: a2fc3069ad60fbd⋯.png (972.99 KB, 1272x1194, 212:199, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)


Let's ask Vets what they think about this bullshit here. These kids need a serious kick in the pants.

d3e08d  No.3567445


False: What you are referring to is atheistic despotism.

2bfd70  No.3567446


I call BS…who would pron her?

c635b2  No.3567448

File: c8c8fbcbaf15c18⋯.jpg (11.19 KB, 255x199, 255:199, kike speaks.jpg)

193918  No.3567449


sry http://www.unrig.net/

UNRIG: When the system is Rigged



Drug War

Political Parties

It's really good stuff by the way, I think he's a bit much for TRUMP maybe too nerdy but he is very articulate and probably should be someone TRUMP listens too.

b9d00a  No.3567450

File: ec307beabb8a125⋯.jpg (89.46 KB, 350x449, 350:449, 51f00940082b126b7752de1026….jpg)

f44ea2  No.3567451


b7b89c  No.3567453

File: 9c96ff3e3a59249⋯.png (420.72 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, pepe-girl.png)


Super chilled, and comfy faggot.



23c708  No.3567454

WOW. I have chills

29a22a  No.3567455


>why the hate bro


Patriots do not divide.

See through the blockages, Jedi.

2db0e1  No.3567456

File: 2be209a7d872cdb⋯.png (113.55 KB, 320x200, 8:5, 0F95814E-DDC8-4611-B95D-0D….png)

db50f8  No.3567457


Q makes internet posts. That is all.

2bfd70  No.3567458

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