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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, 6268f09e92334537980b97daba….jpg)

e0f27d  No.3556702

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 -------------------------------- Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3417457 ; reminder re: /pf/175: >>3417530 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -------------------------- Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

>>>/patriotsfight/372 -------------------------------- effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap/txt: >>3412511, >>3412512 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -------------------- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3412170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 -------------------------------- Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 -------------------------------- [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 -------------------------- Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 --------------------------------- Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 --------------------------------- Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 --------------------------------- Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -------------------- Your voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 --------------------------------- TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 --------------------------------- [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -------------------- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

e0f27d  No.3556705


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3542917 CodeFag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive (Tested and Working!!)

>>3542169, >>3542282 8chan Was Down & Under Attack According to Ron (Also Expect Recurring Outages)

>>3405679 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation


>>3556044 New DJT

>>3556159 1 Million Lethal Doses of Fentanyl Was Inside Suitcase Flown To Nashville From Phoenix

>>3556264 Life 1,000 feet below the waves: "It's actually quite scary."

>>3556317 Andrew Gillum's family under investigation may; have engaged in voter fraud

>>3556388, >>3556403 Richard Parsons Steps Down From CBS Board, Role As Interim Chair

>>3556475 Second Caravan of 2000 leaving Honduras

>>3556529 Kamala Harris Rolls Out $6,000 Annual Tax Gimmick Three Weeks Before Midterm Election

>>3556603 Border Patrol Agents Bust Armed Human Smuggler

>>3556699 #4511


>>3555203 Police probing football child sex abuse cases investigate historic allegations in 30 other sports, Operation Hydrant

>>3555224, >>3555644 “The military has got to be part of the solution here” -@TomFitton

>>3555229 Qclockfag Update - Today's Q Clock

>>3555235 Patagonia Wades Deeper Into Politics, Endorses Democrats

>>3555251 UN for total collapse of Borders – We Know

>>3555252, >>3555318 Shutdown of Worldwide Trafficking Lanes Related To Current WW Cabal Condemnation of Saudi Arabia?

>>3555409 Benghazi survivor to anyone mad at Trump over Saudi journo death: 30 Americans left to die in Libya. Where the hell were you?

>>3555480 Baidu becomes first Chinese firm to join US-based group that addresses the ethics of AI

>>3555483 Caravan in path? Hurricane Willa to Hit Central Mexico, Set to Become Category 4 - Reports

>>3555555, >>3555668 5:5 Digits checked

>>3555704 Provisional Immigration Document dated 10-19-18

>>3555708 If migrants get to US border by midterms, they got a ride. No way to walk that far that fast.

>>3555749 RGV Texas Border Patrol Chief Begs For Help Before Caravan Hits as Over 12,000 Illegals Caught in Last Three Weeks in Rio Grande Valley; 700 Caught Saturday

>>3555802 With Exit From INF Treaty, Trump Eyes Trilateral Nuclear Arms Pact With China and Russia

>>3555918 #4510


>>3554439 POTUS and R's Setting Polling Records on Jobs and Economy

>>3554451 Timeline on Khashoggi

>>3554479, >>3554497 Police Say 'Multiple People Shot' Near Jaguars Stadium In Jacksonville

>>3554507, >>3554512 The Latest: Mexicans give migrants water, clothes, rides

>>3554583 NYPD Issues Statement After Thousands of Body Cams Yanked Off The Streets

>>3554767 Chinese Authorities Block UBS Banker From Leaving Beijing

>>3554776 Annual migrant caravan ?

>>3554823 Greek Prosecutors To Investigate Soros Money Used For Foreign Lobbying And Propaganda

>>3554853, >>3554910 Houston Rally now 100,000. Brad Parscal Organizing Tailgate Party. Rally Inside Outside.

>>3554859 Trump administration mulls rollback of Obama-era transgender protections, report says

>>3554958 US probe widens after 63 fetuses found at funeral home

>>3554967 Feinstein's husband was accused of pedophilia in 1978

>>3555075 Huffpost normalizing cannibalism

>>3555080 Trump’s Cut At Least $23 Billion of Red Tape And He’s Just Starting

>>3555111 Trump Teases "Very Major Tax Cut For Middle-Income People" Before Midterms

>>3555128 #4509

Previously Collected Notables

>>3552883 #4506, >>3553546 #4507, >>3554372 #4508

>>3550541 #4503, >>3551334 #4504, >>3552076 #4505

>>3548915 #4500, >>3551338 #4501, >>3549747 #4502

>>3545099 #4496, >>3545845 #4497, >>3546691 #4498

>>3542833 #4493, >>3543560 #4494, >>3544459 #4495

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

e0f27d  No.3556707

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

e0f27d  No.3556710

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

e0f27d  No.3556716

File: f282aefa9742f90⋯.jpg (143.28 KB, 800x450, 16:9, e910990cb0367254b442717607….jpg)

Dough #4512



Baker Requesting Handoff

bb0d30  No.3556747

File: 9e2671bfe79c9dc⋯.png (254.31 KB, 540x541, 540:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 737d72db82446b5⋯.png (130.15 KB, 540x541, 540:541, ClipboardImage.png)


Can bake baker


check this out, just made it

(came over to the new bread early, didn't pay attention to most of the last one)

bb0d30  No.3556764

File: bd29419d68b41a8⋯.png (397.19 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


meant to add this too, what I used for the temp

e0f27d  No.3556765

File: 8e6861aa17e2194⋯.jpg (106.28 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 8e6861aa17e2194d76cafadcca….jpg)


Kek, nice meme baker!

Confirming Handoff

Will stick around for a while longer but,

>Enjoy bakin' baker!

deeb18  No.3556766

File: 72a07ebcea7159e⋯.jpg (177.43 KB, 694x463, 694:463, t46er546252435235.jpg)


1b207d  No.3556767

Wonder if cnn will notice, investigate or count the number of people that Q and the plan screwed….while clarifiying the Q’s ans Plan didn’t give a fuck about the Americans they fucked over with the lies, dishonesty and games?

ae4f24  No.3556768



anon you have no fucking clue what you are talking about


you have no clue either.

36579c  No.3556769


If a newfag visited the board 6 months ago they would have needed a little time to figure it out.

If a newfag visits the board today they will literally have no idea what is going on here.

….Almost as though Q team dropped a bunch of chaff before leaving.

e14a15  No.3556770

File: bf09f32fb678e60⋯.png (387.46 KB, 1123x1159, 1123:1159, Popular.png)

8b16c0  No.3556771


Change that shit to Minute MEN!

6381c2  No.3556772

>>3556748 lb

>Remember that Obama had a database of enemies.

>You are in that database already

Proud to be in Obama's enemy database……

618624  No.3556773


Thanks for the lecture wannabe Q.

041365  No.3556774

>>3556744 LB LB LB

what convinced me first was SA events

there was NO other explanation and it connects all the big events inc 9-11

cb08f7  No.3556775

>>3556748 (lb)

>Remember that Obama had a database of enemies.

>You are in that database already

Fact (experience, pending)

33af67  No.3556776

File: ac6679b44f33110⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5778.PNG)

File: ef0bc059227e7ce⋯.jpeg (16.5 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 72EACB5B-9E8B-4E26-B13E-7….jpeg)

File: 215a1afc1e4a1df⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5783.PNG)

10dd21  No.3556777

File: 2a4327653300c4e⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 500x313, 500:313, shitpost.jpg)

>>3556672 (LB)

this evening i am happy.

new work contract.

short story accepted for publication.

can see the shore for first time since began swimming for it 5 years ago.

so just now…

pic related

post count related LB

6381c2  No.3556778

File: 319dbf7afe8ca8d⋯.png (408.98 KB, 640x551, 640:551, ClipboardImage.png)

3c2307  No.3556779


Your colors followed you here Anon.



cdf0b0  No.3556780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


DeSantis vs. Gillum debate stream

link provided so you can troll chatroom

1b207d  No.3556781

Cabal, retard fucks….I’m tired of being screwed by Q and potus…..if you fuckheads have an out…let’s make a deal.

86a087  No.3556782

File: 50113b69a13c4d0⋯.png (203.37 KB, 916x538, 458:269, GodKEK.png)

>>3556743 (LB)

seems you're not alone

33af67  No.3556783

File: f8cb1513732c46c⋯.jpeg (25.5 KB, 180x255, 12:17, 1EB128CF-2C84-436F-BD9E-9….jpeg)

File: cd6e1e2ea84b3f6⋯.jpeg (9.6 KB, 180x255, 12:17, B5BF4DC4-A862-488E-B8C2-3….jpeg)

File: d44247ae59d34a6⋯.jpg (24.91 KB, 300x285, 20:19, IMG_5768.JPG)

File: 5650874d882b7e0⋯.jpg (64.75 KB, 735x940, 147:188, IMG_5787.JPG)

File: cbf1262fc0ae18d⋯.jpg (32.98 KB, 290x339, 290:339, IMG_5819.JPG)

c2a473  No.3556784

File: caff8c211757a56⋯.jpeg (56.83 KB, 801x653, 801:653, 7E8A71DD-5B13-4F11-9D00-A….jpeg)

If dinosaurs were extinct millions of years ago and we didn’t discover dinosaur fossils until the 1800’s, how does the bible describe dinosaurs?

Evolution is false

c91160  No.3556785

File: 5f23bf622989283⋯.jpg (32.93 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, in.jpg)



John 3:20-21

Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

Proverbs 26:24-26

Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit. Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.

Galatians 5:13

For you were called to FREEDOM. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

1 Corinthians 13:4-13

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

Ephesians 6:10-18

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

f1e5ab  No.3556786

6bb514  No.3556787

File: 70b02ac66a47f64⋯.png (21.35 KB, 472x402, 236:201, 521.PNG)






Don't forget why we are here.

33af67  No.3556788

File: 4b6b5449361627f⋯.jpg (84.91 KB, 570x320, 57:32, IMG_5814.JPG)

File: 2744433a41724ec⋯.jpg (254.33 KB, 706x960, 353:480, IMG_5815.JPG)

File: 39e43e3ee9053d7⋯.jpg (180.71 KB, 750x823, 750:823, IMG_5816.JPG)

File: 1e49669935db16b⋯.jpg (210.68 KB, 564x791, 564:791, IMG_5817.JPG)

File: 5dad802001ab3bf⋯.jpg (98.45 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_5818.JPG)

ee04ec  No.3556789

File: 9122c941d4e361e⋯.png (945.25 KB, 461x687, 461:687, movie1.png)


>>3556675 (lb)

>>3556692 (lb)

Something along these lines. I edited anon's quickly just to show what I mean

caedd5  No.3556790



777b35  No.3556791

File: 121356a120b2be0⋯.jpeg (80.24 KB, 1172x922, 586:461, 860E81B5-10B4-4A57-AAFF-8….jpeg)


5bf16b  No.3556792



bb0d30  No.3556793


thanks, great baking baker

New Baker Confirmed




kek, we need a NGB, like the NG

86a087  No.3556794


q absence is time for anons to discuss, make memes and smoke em if you got em time

the feedies leave and the weird is left to dabble and also deltas matter

7a8930  No.3556795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11e472  No.3556796

File: f6c86e225570f65⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 236x208, 59:52, f31300a81666a8b37f4ba59e3c….jpg)

33af67  No.3556797

File: e168150368ab2b0⋯.jpeg (5.68 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 9167A37D-1C87-475C-8866-C….jpeg)

File: 831af0a0aa52388⋯.jpeg (10.99 KB, 191x255, 191:255, E7A12180-D2C6-4ACD-AD22-4….jpeg)

File: f0f0939f4002f7c⋯.png (4.6 KB, 255x143, 255:143, D3D4F621-1660-4228-9FF9-F5….png)

File: d4422a8abba0ad0⋯.jpeg (26.73 KB, 255x237, 85:79, 6434CB8D-1807-464F-91CF-B….jpeg)

File: 70c8c4bbce403d9⋯.png (31.25 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 31B4345B-C7C9-4D4A-9857-99….png)

eb4166  No.3556798

Why aren't the Hondurans crossing to Mexico through Belize instead of Guatemala?

33af67  No.3556799

File: 4881d96d608ec35⋯.jpg (144.25 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_5703.JPG)

File: bf787aa4aefe035⋯.png (16.08 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 0F6EAB79-F48C-40FB-B85F-6E….png)

File: e3455fbdbaf73f3⋯.png (8.23 KB, 225x224, 225:224, 187802C6-2128-4D61-8D44-D4….png)

File: 1b8c2986cab3109⋯.jpeg (10.56 KB, 299x300, 299:300, B3C797C5-EDFB-4ABD-A593-F….jpeg)

File: cd6e1e2ea84b3f6⋯.jpeg (9.6 KB, 180x255, 12:17, B5BF4DC4-A862-488E-B8C2-3….jpeg)

deeb18  No.3556800

File: bcbc8e391811318⋯.jpg (148.51 KB, 1027x856, 1027:856, weareattheprecipice.jpg)

ae4f24  No.3556801


trump is covering up returning America to a constitutional republic by calling the tax cuts a political ploy for the midterms…. when in reality the us govt will be funded by tariffs on imports and we will not need federal income taxes anymore.

452cb3  No.3556802

File: 16de8938fb4a1e1⋯.jpeg (351.89 KB, 1146x1261, 1146:1261, 4035C692-9A4E-41DD-8958-9….jpeg)

Thank you baker

e0f27d  No.3556803

File: e79a387e0a1445c⋯.jpg (141.23 KB, 751x480, 751:480, 90813cc6fc793d862e0798dc7d….jpg)


Ty, BO. And also BV if you're lurking, I misstyped earlier, kek.


Godspeed baker!

0bb08c  No.3556804


And they are not over yet!

Blows my mind that Dodi Fayed and Kashoggi are cousins.

And maybe Princess Diana is still alive as a sleeper cell.

5 Nov 2017 - 3:41:11 PM

Who is the Queen of England?

How long in power?

With power comes corruption.

What happened to Diana?

What did she find out?

Why was she running?

Who did she entrust to help her flee?

What was the cover?

Why is this relevant?

Why now?

1b0ade  No.3556805

Trump Needs to start sending the military to the border right now to send a strong message to them right now, and they will be permanent until the Wall is Built.

That Would piss the Democrats off and strengthen the base

17dfa5  No.3556806


Good reminder, anon. Thanks for that.

8b16c0  No.3556807

File: a5d52beb16ef881⋯.png (131.64 KB, 220x364, 55:91, ClipboardImage.png)




32c80f  No.3556808

<i wonder if CNN



33af67  No.3556809

File: edbc0753f16ef13⋯.jpeg (395.2 KB, 936x936, 1:1, BF208B2D-F630-4A68-86B6-7….jpeg)

File: 2a49dce1610b37e⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5688.PNG)

File: b9eaab527722da4⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5707.PNG)

File: bbfe3d901cff428⋯.jpeg (40.07 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 22815E86-C43C-47E9-9ADC-5….jpeg)

File: 05666ad970d9a70⋯.png (16.93 KB, 184x255, 184:255, 57E72B0E-82FE-4D74-9F2F-A9….png)

fc01ae  No.3556810

NEW Q PF 373

86a087  No.3556811

So when Q says must be organic it is related to the Gateway program by CIA and also finding God.

Small World

3c0991  No.3556812

Watch–Democrat Abigail Spanberger Parrots Business Lobby: ‘Employers’ Need Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Abigail Spanberger, Rep. Dave Brat’s (R-VA) opponent in Virginia’s 7th District, says amnesty for all 12 million to 22 million illegal aliens living across the United States is necessary to “meet the needs of the employers.”

Spanberger parroted the usual talking points of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable on the issue of immigration, claiming that amnesty for illegal aliens is necessary to inflate the labor market, drive down wages, and provide cheap foreign workers to employers.

“We need comprehensive immigration reform that is strong on border security and strengthing our points of entry,” Spanberger said. “But we also need immigration reform that will meet the needs of the employers, here throughout the 7th District, here throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.”

“And we need comprehensive immigration reform to give certainty to DREAMers, to children who were brought here through no fault of their own by their parents,” Spanberger said, endorsing an amnesty for all illegal aliens eligible and enrolled in the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Brat rebutted Spanberger’s claims that amnesty for illegal aliens helps American citizens.

“As the labor supply goes up with a huge amnesty, American wages go down, American jobs go down, and so our efforts [on avoiding amnesty] have been very positive,” Brat said.


ddec8b  No.3556813


10/09/18 (Tue) 18:42:13 No.373

bb0d30  No.3556814


kek failed

nice try dumbass

20c8f7  No.3556815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Donald = 119 gematria (inverted 9/11)

>Trump = 88 gematria

"The Killing Moon" song length 9:11, released 33 years to the day of Donald Trump's inauguration. Song begins at 1:18 (11/8, date of election).

Song used in "Donnie Darko" in which time travel is the main theme, in a timeline revolving around a presidential election, whose main character named Donald is trying to stop the end of the world due to a coming "storm".

Donald Trump is the Son of Perdition, the counterfeit version of Christ, born to his mother Mary Trump, and his father Frederich Christ. He is going to end corruption, bring about world peace, and then declare himself to be God.

The timeline will look something like this:

First term:

>End of corruption and war, 9/11 truth, global peace and prosperity, world-wide love for President Trump

Post re-election:

>Trump reveals his intentions, declares himself Messiah, is rejected

Second term:

>War and destruction as Trump unleashes hell those who reject him, forces all to use a chip to buy/sell

Post Trump-reign:

>Return of Jesus Christ, the true God

cbdaa4  No.3556816


you might want to check your computers time clock (or which ever device you use) lol

bb0d30  No.3556817

File: 46da73564276f96⋯.png (407.87 KB, 989x765, 989:765, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc1458e00406181⋯.png (250.4 KB, 540x541, 540:541, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3556784 (pic1)

>>3556807 (pic2)

20c8f7  No.3556818

File: 44024be3dfd87c2⋯.jpg (500.91 KB, 856x1920, 107:240, 1531594330986.jpg)

File: 75b566011c6f3be⋯.png (221.56 KB, 926x368, 463:184, LAST TRUMP.png)

8b16c0  No.3556819


Sorry, but that has got to be one of the worst baker thanks I've seen yet.

Camel toe split like that can only mean one thing…strap a 2x4 to your ass and hope it's long enough to keep you from falling in!

1b207d  No.3556820


If you are one of the dishonest fuckhead cabal with the knowledge of the situation and the ability to offer the goods, then you should know. Thus, the stupidity of your post suggests that you are not that.

However, that info is now available to motivate or screw Q.

86a087  No.3556821

what topic sprung the concernfags

4df7a5  No.3556822



kind of out there at first read but after a while there is some connections to be made….


646165  No.3556823

File: 820441e50f316fb⋯.png (31.5 KB, 253x168, 253:168, 2018-10-04_13-33-46.png)

File: 1deca61704e94ee⋯.png (343.17 KB, 452x508, 113:127, 2018-10-11_01-44-51.png)

bef488  No.3556824

File: cb45da0ba03750b⋯.jpg (99.48 KB, 510x500, 51:50, ffdtd.jpg)

755133  No.3556825

File: 516a7b45982e7d6⋯.jpg (64.36 KB, 670x377, 670:377, 5de33fc6.jpg)


I'm pretty sure we've all had a chance to read that one in the last 12 days.

cb08f7  No.3556826

File: 373a611975c8237⋯.png (79.05 KB, 860x356, 215:89, ClipboardImage.png)



8b16c0  No.3556827


Your a fucking antifa shill!

Fuck out here punkass basement hide behind your mask idiot!

da2df1  No.3556828

Need an NPC meme…

Morpheus's glasses showing the pills.

Neo as an NPC.

Then after he takes the red pill, back to normal.

98dee1  No.3556829

File: ec1f8d041e5a3cc⋯.png (236.78 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c080083703aed1⋯.png (812.88 KB, 698x718, 349:359, Michael Pacher.Saint Augus….png)

>>3556386 (PBs)

>i am more inclined to believe forbidden fruit = anal sex.

OMG I'm DYING thank you so much ANON holy…I've not laughed out loud so hard and so long in such a long time. I don't think I've read anything so insanely ridiculous in the last month (religitards are on here constantly so there's always entertainment)…but this is a jewel. Thanks..I see where it says right there….buttsechs BAD….the reptilian instructing the preacher…noice

76b537  No.3556830

File: 6d9478e60b0ae8e⋯.png (585.98 KB, 1720x2140, 86:107, Caravan2.png)

Good points from JS. Trust Q & DJT to handle it well and turn into a win.

24a0cb  No.3556832


Good evening amazing anons,

Lurker here, have been lurking and studying all that is going on from many of your brilliant finds and observations. Shills are so obvious to me now. Here is my take on the migrant caravan with the addition of a second one; I think it has become globally known for one reason which would have benefitted the dems/deep state on one side but it has evolved into a nationalist/border wall positive for our POTUS. They thought (dems/DS) that if they once again could present a narrative of poor migrants seeking asylum or whatever they want to call it, that somehow the hearts of the people will be moved and we will call TRUMP heartless and cruel, but what they didn't count on is the spirit of patriotism and newly fired up pride of Nationalism amongst Americans as a whole which makes a caravan coming from three countries away seeking asylum (only in the US have you) seem like one big political stunt. Its obvious to normies now that this is orchestrated, there has been some violence from such migrants, mostly male (imagine that) possibly with some ISIS members thrown into the mix. AND now another caravan of 2000 is heading up to our border again.

Its going to be glorious to watch how this all plays out. They are going to shoot themselves in foot with these constant replays of Marxist methods, and we free-thinkers who have half a brain and can think critically can see right through all of it.

Its gonna be a glorious two weeks and midterms are locked in.

Godspeed Patriots….back to lurking.

4960d2  No.3556833


not saying you're wrong, i actually tend to agree. But where/how does it say that?

0329ee  No.3556834

File: 32f6dfb096be584⋯.jpg (89.5 KB, 750x500, 3:2, taxcuts.jpg)

10dd21  No.3556835

File: 537e118712cd591⋯.png (362.05 KB, 750x445, 150:89, yod3.png)


an option for you

clearly failure is

8b16c0  No.3556836


Wrong post….sorry, anon!

cd583a  No.3556837

File: e23ce697834302e⋯.jpg (35.51 KB, 603x358, 603:358, tom arnold.JPG)

tom arnold - looks like he has an opinion to share

a0ef58  No.3556838

File: e072d6b30dd6cad⋯.jpg (39.31 KB, 708x288, 59:24, masons.JPG)

>>3556552 (lb)

This is what Q responded specifically about masons

If you can't be bothered to read Q, then why are you here?

680c00  No.3556839

What are the odds the Migrant Caravan (tryna be Illegal Immigrant Caravan) will get hit by the hurricane heading to Mexico? Are they close enough to the shore?

539de3  No.3556841

File: 29d5ec5f1cdfdea⋯.jpg (116.19 KB, 825x549, 275:183, valerie.jpg)

fc01ae  No.3556842


Go ahead and try you stupid faggot I dod kegels and lift towels with my massive cock all day I'll reveal that shit to you like the Jurassic Park gates and then sledgehammer you with it into next Sunday so eat shit faggot and stop wasing my time your mother is calling me

3baeb1  No.3556844

File: 110b3d35a83dded⋯.jpg (187.49 KB, 800x850, 16:17, 87faf8dc063d5d77e9ff2b6df8….jpg)

File: 3408128d317d62c⋯.jpg (157.16 KB, 800x850, 16:17, ae3291a4093137b202b3c98193….jpg)

File: 37820896c13d497⋯.png (58.39 KB, 897x738, 299:246, 203527.png)

Let’s see how 7000 unsheltered people deal with Cat 4 winds

642e36  No.3556845

File: 6c06b54499b9483⋯.png (394.37 KB, 600x301, 600:301, Capture.PNG)

>>3556731 pb

You and Hillary can both channel together,, idiots

Hillary 'talking to famous dead American'

Bill Clinton makes astonishing channeling claim

In his remarks, the former president said his wife “was known to commune” with Eleanor Roosevelt, who died in November 1962, and that Roosevelt gave Hillary a message for him this week.

“I know that because, as all of you famously learned when I served as president, my wife, now the secretary of state, was known to commune with Eleanor on a regular basis,” he continued. “And so she called me last night on her way home from Peru to remind me to say that. That Eleanor had talked to her and reminded her that I should say that.”


50c2e5  No.3556846


This youtube channel


(youtube ID Wise Up)

contains some very interesting speculation about prehistory. Anon spent much time studying prehistory topics before Q started posting.

I won't say anything further on this topic since it's not directly Q related.

946373  No.3556847

File: 5b0efdbf015a0ac⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b87da524ed57b52⋯.png (577.66 KB, 634x423, 634:423, ClipboardImage.png)

while reading this article this photo screamed "the board may want to meme this"

the saudi is MBS i think, at least its an article about trump praising him, its 4 hours old btw the article

this khasshaggi false flag or planned hit false flag or whatever (bottom line for now calling it FF is the media how they are acting now)

anyways possible meme worthy photos now

dig later this is working out to be a plan, a card they had available to play,

8ef852  No.3556848

File: dc9adae36cc60d7⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1000x789, 1000:789, image.png)

Stupid shepherds and scattered sheep

Elizabeth Warren doubles down in insisting she is Cherokee, even though her own DNA test proves she is not.

Cory Booker openly argues that justice starts with the presumption of guilt and any evidence of innocence just “doesn’t matter.”

Nancy Pelosi says our Second Amendment rights should be curtailed without cause or due process, and that “collateral damage” (a military term describing the killing of civilians) should be expected in the fight against those who don’t share her “view.”

Other Democrats, too numerous to count, openly encourage undocumented immigrants (i.e. people who have entered our country illegally and who do not have the rights of citizenship) to vote in the upcoming midterm elections.

Rosie O’Donnell pleads for the U.S. military to get involved in removing a duly-elected president of the United States from office (That’s called a coup, in case you were wondering).

Eric Holder, our nation’s former attorney general, calls for violence against his political opposition.

Professors on college campuses from coast to coast, who are hired to teach and model critical thinking, ridicule and silence students who dare to express critical thoughts.

Biological men are praised for competing in sports specifically reserved for biological women.

Under the banner of women’s rights, women are curiously silent as they continue to lose their right to even have their own bathrooms.

Men are called toxic simply because they are men.

Fascists persist in condemning everyone by calling them fascists.

Socialism gains popularity in America while we watch Venezuela collapse under the weight of socialism.

Our nation enjoys its best economy in at least a generation as the left rants to reverse the policies and remove the people driving the economy because it’s “all about the economy, stupid.”

Bigots bemoan bigots for being bigots. Racists condemn racists while defending the superiority of their race. Sexists march for the end of sexism.

Hillary Clinton condemns the incivility of Donald Trump while telling the “resistance” to behave uncivilly in its fight against Donald Trump.

Mrs. Clinton, who stands with #MeToo in defending women who have been sexually used by powerful men, goes on record defending her own husband for sexually using women when he was at the pinnacle of power.

Stormy Daniels, who has chosen the vice of selling herself for sex (and filming it), is praised as the paragon of virtue because she sued a man with whom she says she was paid to have sex.

The Colorado Civil Rights Commission continues to compromise the rights of Jack Phillips, a Christian baker who simply wants to exercise his constitutional rights.

A “Christian” university in California publicly boasts it will engage in “counseling” and “conversation” with its students rather than simply confronting the immaturity of those who “feel triggered” by the millennia-old teachings of Christian orthodoxy and biblical ethics.

Parents continue to spend tens of thousands of dollars to send their sons and daughters off to colleges that mock their values rather than embrace them.

Facebook bans the promotion of the movie “Gosnell,” claiming it is too “political.” This film is a factual depiction of a medical doctor who was convicted to life without parole, plus 30 years, for killing at least three women through botched abortions in his Women’s Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Gosnell was also found guilty of butchering at least seven infants by severing their spinal cords after they were born. One wonders if these self-proclaimed thought police would consider a movie about Josef Mengele and his “medical work” at Auschwitz to also be too “political” for the advertising policies of Facebook.

The list of surreal hypocrisies is endless. The Big Lie continues. The left marches on. It’s a parade of parody led by an emperor with no clothes. “There is no Truth, and that’s the truth,” he shouts. “Amen!” we cheer, “and that’s the truth!”

Well-fed and entertained by “bread and circuses,” our nation applauds in jackboot unison. The lemmings follow blindly as the music mesmerizes. Rumors that there are cliffs ahead are nothing but the stuff of conservative hysteria. We are a blind and dumb. We chuckle cluelessly as we watch those just a half-step ahead of us disappear over the edge of the precipice.

Three thousand years ago, the prophet Jeremiah wrote, “A conspiracy exists among [my people]. They have turned back to the iniquities of [those] who refused to hear my words. Therefore, the Lord has decreed disaster against [them] because of the evil they have done.” He also said, “For the shepherds are stupid ; therefore, they have not prospered and their flock is scattered.”

845ec7  No.3556849


Wonder if CNN will investigate how faggot your asshole is kok gobbler

e04417  No.3556850

File: 7a157188d478a47⋯.jpg (23.25 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 8b277d7386980e9d868b48fb68….jpg)

1b207d  No.3556851

How many Americans do q and the plan get to screw before Q, POTUS, AND THE PLAN ARE HELD ACCOUNTABLE?

One, two…..three…..

bb0d30  No.3556852




I was really confused for a second, carry on

680c00  No.3556853

File: d4c5aeebc809a99⋯.jpg (35.86 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 37960461_2171747999550987_….jpg)

6e74d6  No.3556854


Toms lonely and just wants someone to visit him

10dd21  No.3556855


really bad, one-dimensional actor.

unfunny comedian.

owes it all to crazy Roseanne.

a complete waste of skin.

a0ef58  No.3556856

File: b43dd142be17a42⋯.png (1.5 MB, 919x931, 919:931, Observers-Lurkers-MemeWarI….PNG)


for you, anon!

caedd5  No.3556857


No terms have been received by S&Bs.

They were worried.

Now all relaxed.

8b16c0  No.3556858


(pic 2)

Excellent work!!!

cc2e3a  No.3556859

File: d06077291ef6d7b⋯.jpg (97.57 KB, 605x476, 605:476, shutup.JPG)

755133  No.3556860


Plus, normies really don't give a shit about Honduran nationals. Or anything, for that matter… maybe football?

041365  No.3556861


>And they are not over yet!

this latest news on kashoggi proves that anon

habbenings abound

cant wait to find out the whole truth = or at least 60%

64e1db  No.3556862

File: 6cd0021a538f315⋯.jpeg (38.8 KB, 220x364, 55:91, 1940D465-9287-4198-9783-C….jpeg)

ddec8b  No.3556863


What if "The Plan" was

God's Plan?

fc01ae  No.3556864


go back to voat faggot

5db2c1  No.3556865


I have a different theory. Mexico signals it will work with Trump administration so cabal whips a hurricane as punishment.

98dee1  No.3556866

File: 3342aa5c0f2cadc⋯.jpg (190.54 KB, 1045x1600, 209:320, camel toe hillary.jpg)


did you say camel toe?

618624  No.3556867

Hold on guys Jesus is channeling something to me….

He says abort the plan. It's fucking lame.

This movies lame. Midterms will be nice but they will come and go. No swamp drain. Suddenly it's new year's Eve and y'all stuck holding your dicks. Get out now.

He also says the lions aren't actually that bad. Which is nice. He started saying something about black people at the movies but we got disconnected.

Amen Ra

35d38a  No.3556868


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little racist? I'll have you know I am the MOST UNIQUE NPC here. I graduated top of my class in Social Justice Warfare, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on interstate off-ramps and 4-way intersections and I have over 300 confirmed vehicle stops and ripped up Ted Cruz campaign signs. I am trained in Chant warfare and I'm the top hexxer in all of the Coven Ops around the world. You are nothing to me but just another xenophobe. I will shame you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Antifa across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, bigot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your White Privilege. You're fucking dead, homophobe. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can scream at you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just without my dignity. Not only am I extensively trained in tantrum warfare, but I have access to the entire arsenal of High-Vis hair dye and pussy hats I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, cisgender.

d0271e  No.3556869

Back from the front lines.

Spilling the filthy beans on the Sandler Foundation



Shot an NPC meme at @ResistThePigs and tagged gubernatorial candidates in 4 states.



64e1db  No.3556870


It is.

8b16c0  No.3556871


No, my bad…sorry anon!

e06b05  No.3556872


>can see the shore for first time since began swimming for it 5 years ago.

congratulations anon!

98dee1  No.3556873


cause they'll get kilt…Belize don't give a shit.

50c2e5  No.3556874

File: 0d20b9c50015a39⋯.jpg (372.91 KB, 1024x988, 256:247, JobsNotMobsCaravanMob1.jpg)

File: a8a8c97904326ec⋯.jpg (342.74 KB, 1024x982, 512:491, JobsNotMobsCaravanMob2.jpg)

File: 81a2611bed1a3da⋯.jpg (146.35 KB, 630x362, 315:181, MexicoCaravan2.jpg)

File: 9aceecf1ad79413⋯.jpg (549.28 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, MexicoInvasion2.jpg)

File: 44bdbaf8447c192⋯.jpg (85.28 KB, 630x362, 315:181, MexicoCaravan1.jpg)


Thanks lurkeranon. Something like that, yes.

0bb08c  No.3556875


Don't you think this is not already sending a message? And the migrants are their answer?

Justice, Treasury, and State Departments Announce Coordinated Enforcement Efforts Against Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion


The United States of America, through its Departments of Justice, Treasury, and State announced today a series of measures to target and dismantle the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG) – one of the largest, most dangerous drug cartels currently operating in Mexico. These measures include the unsealing of 15 indictments, the State Department’s approval of large rewards, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designations, and the establishment of a citizen tip-line.

CJNG is one of the most powerful cartels in Mexico and the Department of Justice considers it to be one of the five most dangerous transnational criminal organizations in the world, responsible for trafficking many tons of cocaine, methamphetamine and fentanyl-laced heroin into the United States, as well as for violence and significant loss of life in Mexico.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions of the U.S. Department of Justice, Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, Acting Administrator Uttam Dhillon of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), FBI Deputy Director David L. Bowdich, Director Andrea Gacki of OFAC, Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Kirsten D. Madison of the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Executive Associate Director Derek Benner and Chief Don Fort of IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI), made the announcement.

041365  No.3556876


i beg to differ

i think it is one of the best

each to its own

bef488  No.3556877


Did the cult destroy one of their own havens to create more refugees at our S border? - Venezuela. Might have been the good guys that destroyed Maduro as well though.

e04417  No.3556878

File: fde3a0919d4b9e1⋯.gif (248.44 KB, 200x233, 200:233, e93713870963c079cc3671ea26….gif)

e7b650  No.3556879

File: 15c2923c26f21c6⋯.jpg (44.09 KB, 513x541, 513:541, 1a.JPG)

File: d7d10d882fabeaa⋯.jpg (66.5 KB, 449x403, 449:403, 2.JPG)

Facebook reportedly aims to buy a 'major' cybersecurity company

Looks like FB is trying to become the new "validating source" of our cyber security fake news.


ac8ba4  No.3556880

Sept 28th: trade Gulen for Brunson

Oct 2: Khashoggi, a Gulen supporter, disappears in Turkey.

“President Tayyip Erdogan suggested on Thursday that Turkey could free a detained U.S. pastor if the United States hands over a Muslim cleric living in Pennsylvania whom Ankara blames for a failed military coup last year.

Turkey has been seeking the extradition of Fethullah Gulen, a former ally of Erdogan whose supporters are blamed for trying to overthrow Erdogan’s government in July 2016. Gulen has denied any role in the coup attempt, in which 250 people were killed.”


The most puzzling question: if Turks have audio/video of Khashoggi’s alledged death, why the hell would they ask SA to investigate?

Erdegon wants Gulen from US.

SA may or may not want Khashoggi.

US wanted and got Brunson.

Did Khashoggi have intel For SA &/or Turkey ? Pompeo visit: retrieve intel?

Erdogan creates wild story: bone saws, dismemberment to pit US against SA and/or get intel?

680c00  No.3556881


Kek. Triggered cuck.

ad663b  No.3556882



the fuck are you faggots on about?

845ec7  No.3556883


KEK made you look

5361dc  No.3556884

File: 6c38874d3f55e19⋯.png (651.94 KB, 674x584, 337:292, gtfokike.PNG)


O Hai again


c91cf1  No.3556885

File: 457c99da3bba326⋯.png (558.06 KB, 515x369, 515:369, 1_MA_BacksOut.png)

Michael Avenatti backs off Texas 'resistance' rally on same day as Trump's

by Daniel Chaitin

| October 21, 2018 04:16 PM

Michael Avenatti has backed off his pledge to hold a "resistance" rally in Texas on the same day President Trump holds one for Sen. Ted Cruz in Houston.

As the Trump campaign announced that more than 100,000 requests were made for tickets for the event Monday, Avenatti told Geoff Bennett of NBC News that a scheduling conflict prevented him from holding a counter-rally.

"It's Beto's show because it's his race," Avenatti was quoted as saying, referring to Cruz's Democratic challenger, Rep. Beto O'Rourke.

Early last month, Avenatti, who is the lawyer to porn star Stormy Daniels, said he would hold a rally to counter Trump's and encouraged "all groups" to join and stressed the need to "fight fire with fire."

"I am excited to announce that I will be leading a large resistance rally in Texas at the exact same time of Trump’s (details tba). All groups are welcome to join. We must fight fire with fire and we must send a message that we will fight to make America America again. #Basta," he tweeted.

His promise to hold a counter-rally came before the Trump campaign announced a date for the president's event.

On Thursday, Trump’s campaign said it moved the Cruz rally to a bigger venue in Texas after citing an “unprecedented” demand for tickets. Trump’s 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale tweeted the venue change Thursday, saying the response for tickets to Monday’s rally in Houston has been "HUGE and unprecedented."

The campaign rally will be held at the Toyota Center, which can seat up to 19,000 people for concerts. The previous venue, NRG Arena, holds about 8,000 people.

Sauce: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/michael-avenatti-backs-off-texas-resistance-rally-on-same-day-as-trumps?_amp=true&__twitter_impression=true

3c2307  No.3556886


Some reports say a Cat 4 at landfall.

We have seen what that can do.

Maybe that HUGE caravan of people

can/will help them rebuild.

Home for everyone.

ae4f24  No.3556887



i'm not reposting it again but the god bless the usa graphic is proof that it is god's plan

also see the daily crow and look at the numerology behind trump and his grandma's death on 6-6-66

c2a473  No.3556888


one example for you

““Look at Behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox. What strength it has in its loins, what power in the muscles of its belly! Its tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of its thighs are close-knit. Its bones are tubes of bronze, its limbs like rods of iron. It ranks first among the works of God, yet its Maker can approach it with his sword. The hills bring it their produce, and all the wild animals play nearby. Under the lotus plants it lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh. The lotuses conceal it in their shadow; the poplars by the stream surround it. A raging river does not alarm it; it is secure, though the Jordan should surge against its mouth.”

‭‭Job‬ ‭40:15-23‬ ‭NIV‬‬

dcabf1  No.3556889


what a glorious day it will be when My Sweet Lord comes to take me away from here. i love my life, my family, my friends, but i am IN this world, i am not OF it. Jesus lives and He is coming back!!!

e7aeb6  No.3556890


thank you bakers, from a grateful anon

68d75c  No.3556891


What if Trump decided to station military down there with funds from the onmnibus gift bill, as part of ramping up wall construction?

What if the normal operations of that military put it in the locales needed, as a matter of course?

USACE. The migrants are travelling at armed soldiers ;)

3efc94  No.3556892




The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany

anything goes (went)



946373  No.3556893

File: 4239973abec1e7b⋯.jpg (20.61 KB, 255x170, 3:2, classic.jpg)

bb0d30  No.3556894

File: b04d48b938d4a64⋯.png (569.69 KB, 721x445, 721:445, ClipboardImage.png)

fb12bd  No.3556895

File: 99121b9b54ea6d1⋯.jpg (8.53 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Kilgore Shill Scan.jpg)

File: 0d23e70cb38294b⋯.png (610.7 KB, 966x395, 966:395, No call- several in mid Au….PNG)

>>3556575 pb

It would change your mind if some or a large majority of them "showed up" having legitimate documents to cross.

A few months ago this anon noticed, and posted this observation at the time-with a planefag report-that several airlines flying into SMF were not regular customers. Not on the normal list of scheduled arrivals that service this airport.

There were several of these flights originating from mexico, central and south america.

at time speculated people flown in to vote. What if they were being taken out and staged?

anon is on third pc since then so shit gets lost easily. This is a bonus when you buy these things after offices discard.

10dd21  No.3556896

File: 38121b46c8ed35c⋯.png (91.67 KB, 500x440, 25:22, trigger.png)


ty anon.

wifeAnon is at work for a few hours yet, but was busting to do something, so…

pic related.

1b207d  No.3556897


Are you suggesting God intentionally screwed many Americans and put them in negative situations?

Perhaps your idea and definition of God would do that, but I don’t see God doing that. I see humans doing it.


642e36  No.3556898


you should think about writing for SNL, God knows they need some decent writers

8b16c0  No.3556899


Jeez…you do make me laugh.

You know, I used to train SF members, would love to get you in a SARS situation just to see if you can keep it up.

I do think I would prefer you in a foxhole next to me in a straight up fire fight with an enemy.

452cb3  No.3556900

File: d8be8b6f2e771ef⋯.jpeg (845.27 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 00C6A14D-54C8-45E4-9FAA-2….jpeg)


Kek. You’re welcome.

dcabf1  No.3556901


it's impossible to understand God's Word, if one doesn't accept that He IS.

ad663b  No.3556902


the fuck you on about? shes sexy, you a phagoot.

stop shitting up the bread with nonsense

e06b05  No.3556903

File: 35febce9d1df99b⋯.jpg (51.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, IMG_3980.JPG)



1efbbf  No.3556904

File: 14d817d49913a29⋯.jpeg (52.85 KB, 475x359, 475:359, DEC8FC52-5264-4A0F-82DF-4….jpeg)


Wisdom and…

e7aeb6  No.3556905


>you have no clue either.

I didn't say I believed it, you're a bit too quick off the mark to attack other anons

ergo: fuck off cunt

cb08f7  No.3556906

File: b66e34b7aa45559⋯.png (246.72 KB, 1071x756, 17:12, ClipboardImage.png)



wink wink

3d3f93  No.3556907

File: 160b404ef620d32⋯.jpg (46.16 KB, 381x621, 127:207, cabal11.jpg)

8b16c0  No.3556908


What ever brother…like you said, to each his own.

0329ee  No.3556909

Pennsylvania Republican Party Election Update

As of Friday, we officially surpassed the Democrats in the number of absentee ballots returned. We have made an incredible push over the last weeks, and look to continue over the last week to increase our margins. Compared to this point in 2014, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania has doubled absentee returns.


ee04ec  No.3556910

File: 24fcc7878036587⋯.png (49.34 KB, 424x614, 212:307, noone.png)

November is going to be fun

72c2c1  No.3556911


I congratulate tom on his new role as a gitmo detainee

ad663b  No.3556912


you must not be that grateful if you didnt post tits, have some respect newfag

9e2d3c  No.3556913

File: 4211351c34c1599⋯.gif (15.06 KB, 268x357, 268:357, Earthlayers.GIF)

File: aa27950352d8518⋯.jpg (14.79 KB, 275x274, 275:274, Temperature_schematic_of_i….jpg)

>>3556728 pb

iron looses it's magnetic properties well below the temperature were told is inside the earth.

Material Fe

Curie temperature(K) 1043


936320  No.3556914

File: c65aab764441a1b⋯.png (367.43 KB, 537x337, 537:337, Trump_lurking_the_board.png)


What the fuck did you just fucking say about my beloved America, you little globalist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the art of deal, and I’ve been involved in numerous NPC triggering re-tweets on Al-Twitteda, and I have over 300 confirmed Krassenstein mental breakdowns. I am trained in 9D underwater backgammon warfare and I’m the top real estate developer in the entire US. You are nothing to me but just another derelict Commodore Hotel, but instead of remodeling you, I will wipe your liberalism the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that treasonous shit to me on Q board? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of autistic meme makers across the chans and your morale is being pulverized right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm of cognitive-dissonance inducing memetic mockery that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your mainstream media indoctrination. You’re fucking waking up, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can save our country in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare EOs and job creation acumen. Not only am I extensively trained in human trafficking arrests, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Autistic Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable NPC mindset off the face of your frontal lobes, you soon to be Patriot. If only you could have known what personal profound transformation your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re getting redpilled, you goddamn non 4-6%er. I will shit Patriotism all over you and you will rejoice in it. Your faggotry is fucking fired, fellow American.

755133  No.3556915



Dunno, anon. I found it mildly arousing, myself. She's smokin.

041365  No.3556916


that was not jesus anon

that was david brock up your backside

he lied and said he was jesus


4df7a5  No.3556917

File: 0e186dead4c9835⋯.jpg (135.02 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Your Memes are too Dank.jpg)

68d75c  No.3556918


FWIW, channeling is pretty much equivalent to walking into a scummy public city bathroom, locking yourself in a stall, and knocking on the walls and asking questions, to see if anything responds.

4960d2  No.3556919


the trips make me believe it more now. Are there more?

ae4f24  No.3556920


I saw a real good post somewhere where the current mindset of america is questioning everything and nothing is absolute

whereas russia believes that god is absolute and the approaches from the two different scientific methodologies couldn't be more different.

32c80f  No.3556921

File: 90c8659c9f73c82⋯.png (780.73 KB, 768x639, 256:213, it of the year.png)

Khashoggi > out.

Transgender > in.

He's not my type, but I love my POTUS, and his strategery even more.

aef283  No.3556922



Thinking you're bettin' on the wrong horse, there, faggot.

1b207d  No.3556923



Why are you more valuable than me….especially given that I was the one to volunteer for the sacrifice? Is that what your version of God does to people who try to help?

8b16c0  No.3556924


Little Miss Hubbard went to the cupboard.

When she bent over, Rover drover here!

Rover had a bone of his own!

dcabf1  No.3556925


these people are lost, and they are being used. anons should pray that they are safely turned around. i don't wish a CAT 4 on any human being.

e7b650  No.3556926

File: ca703c62991265d⋯.jpg (97.68 KB, 670x810, 67:81, 1a.JPG)

File: 8747a066a0c9286⋯.jpg (148.48 KB, 701x808, 701:808, 2.JPG)

File: 2d9f0bb1749eade⋯.jpg (127.13 KB, 690x816, 115:136, 2a.JPG)

File: bb93b3ecd79ccf2⋯.jpg (94.88 KB, 608x865, 608:865, 6.JPG)

Toronto privacy expert resigns from Sidewalk Labs over data concerns


10dd21  No.3556927

File: fe488cf73b6f492⋯.jpg (351.4 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, poco.jpg)

dcabf1  No.3556928


pretty amazing how we've devolved….

0bb08c  No.3556929


Q also said stuff like

There are more good people than bad.

It is pretty easy for an evil group of people to infiltrate an organization and hide from its leadership. But they cannot hide from their coworkers. When POWER TO THE PEOPLE really takes hold, people will not allow these evil ones to build back control.

642e36  No.3556930

File: f3cf4b66ea0bbbc⋯.png (998.13 KB, 772x514, 386:257, Wolf1.png)


That'll learn em

6bb514  No.3556931

File: 92907a2aafa2b64⋯.png (10.19 KB, 517x260, 517:260, 560.PNG)

File: 1ebde245b5a4406⋯.png (414.23 KB, 818x1148, 409:574, teslascam.PNG)

File: 2deea6212bfda5f⋯.png (604.24 KB, 1737x1085, 1737:1085, teslascam1.PNG)

File: 6018015b5d3a97b⋯.png (555.42 KB, 1737x1085, 1737:1085, ClipboardImage.png)

Tesla is given billions of our money.

How was that even possible?



8b16c0  No.3556932


I don't either, but drastic measures, takes drastic action, and 5K-10K possibly 20K in 2 weeks…that's fucking drastic to the MAJOR!

Simple as that.

aef283  No.3556933

File: c7d4d32234cc6b1⋯.jpg (154.71 KB, 511x768, 511:768, 94ae5afb496404d88909752190….jpg)


I like the way you think, Anon.

Have some boobs.

299cc0  No.3556934

File: c3f5f4702acbe91⋯.jpeg (13.9 KB, 255x109, 255:109, 364F34FB-3D56-4A8D-A02D-6….jpeg)

>>3556044 lb item attached.

Yeah. But is that fake news?

ff1366  No.3556935


Was good in True Lies. That's the whole list, though.

1b207d  No.3556936

Q…you know very well that you and your plan did not consider all situations or provide back up options for all responses….and now you are fucking me with your lies…

Well….choices must be made…and this will not be allowed to continue…

Either you and your plan will buck up….or the cabal will offer an out…

My ass is sore….and I’ve had enough

3efc94  No.3556937




Atmospheric Pressure at the Time of Dinosaurs

Caused large size

various sizes of statues at Egypt - trying to tell us Atmospheric pressure made life on earth larger?



9725f8  No.3556938

File: 175187c085dda6d⋯.png (322.53 KB, 790x444, 395:222, sorosnoname.png)

fcf8e4  No.3556939

File: 665380988b4c638⋯.png (530.5 KB, 661x696, 661:696, USMC 10-21-18 5 pm PDT.PNG)

File: b3a2b3bcb3d994f⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1446x716, 723:358, USMC 10-21-18 5 pm PDT pic.PNG)

Sights on You


8b16c0  No.3556940


>What the fuck did you just fucking say about my beloved America, you little globalist?

You nailed it!

c2a473  No.3556941


“Am I the sea, or the monster of the deep, that you put me under guard?”

‭‭Job‬ ‭7:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

““Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishhook or tie down its tongue with a rope? Can you put a cord through its nose or pierce its jaw with a hook? Will it keep begging you for mercy? Will it speak to you with gentle words? Will it make an agreement with you for you to take it as your slave for life? Can you make a pet of it like a bird or put it on a leash for the young women in your house? Will traders barter for it? Will they divide it up among the merchants? Can you fill its hide with harpoons or its head with fishing spears? If you lay a hand on it, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Any hope of subduing it is false; the mere sight of it is overpowering. No one is fierce enough to rouse it. Who then is able to stand against me? Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me. “I will not fail to speak of Leviathan’s limbs, its strength and its graceful form. Who can strip off its outer coat? Who can penetrate its double coat of armor? Who dares open the doors of its mouth, ringed about with fearsome teeth? Its back has rows of shields tightly sealed together; each is so close to the next that no air can pass between. They are joined fast to one another; they cling together and cannot be parted. Its snorting throws out flashes of light; its eyes are like the rays of dawn. Flames stream from its mouth; sparks of fire shoot out. Smoke pours from its nostrils as from a boiling pot over burning reeds. Its breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from its mouth. Strength resides in its neck; dismay goes before it. The folds of its flesh are tightly joined; they are firm and immovable. Its chest is hard as rock, hard as a lower millstone. When it rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before its thrashing. The sword that reaches it has no effect, nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin. Iron it treats like straw and bronze like rotten wood. Arrows do not make it flee; slingstones are like chaff to it. A club seems to it but a piece of straw; it laughs at the rattling of the lance. Its undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge. It makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment. It leaves a glistening wake behind it; one would think the deep had white hair. Nothing on earth is its equal— a creature without fear. It looks down on all that are haughty; it is king over all that are proud.””

‭‭Job‬ ‭41:1-34‬ ‭NIV‬‬

5a6219  No.3556942


If you were right why even waste your time?

I’m emboldened bitch!

98dee1  No.3556943

File: 67c962d0878e0ef⋯.jpg (173.17 KB, 992x1024, 31:32, npc praise jesus.jpg)


I love these type of posts

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Matthew 5:17

Jesus explains that the reason he speaks in parables is so that no one will understand him, lest . . . they . . . "should understand . . . and should be converted, and I should heal them". (Matthew 13:10-15)

Jesus says, “Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace on earth! No, rather a sword lf you love your father, mother, sister, brother, more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. “The real beauty of this verse is that Jesus demands people truly love him more then they love their own family. I ask you how can we love someone that we can not see or interact with? Love is an emotion pertaining to physical existence not to faithful ideologies, yet God threatens you with death just because your love for your mother maybe stronger than your love for him. (Matthew 10:34)

They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. “The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him.” (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

1) If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)

3c2307  No.3556944


If it is a new home they seek?

Isn't that a win win?

a49a10  No.3556945


True Q said that Freemasons are like alphabet agencies - should a few bad spoill the bunch. Yet some of you assholes have been talking shit about all Mason's for months. George Washington was a Mason idiots - if it wasn't for masons America wouldn't exist.

86a087  No.3556946

File: 4c2594f6d7b5aa0⋯.png (1.81 MB, 2026x1406, 1013:703, PLIS.png)

a0ef58  No.3556947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It is

In 2014, Kim Clement, who also prophesied that Trump would become president, prophesied that this Plan would be so amazing that it could only have come from God

watch and get chills up your spine

6e74d6  No.3556948


What is your problem you little whiny bitchboy?

76b537  No.3556949


Great post that shows just where we've got to. It really is an upside down world.

11b533  No.3556950

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


The Earth's magnetic field is created by convection currents. It's not a big permanent magnet.


aef283  No.3556951

File: e75c412b5f488b7⋯.png (90.32 KB, 425x425, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

c2a473  No.3556952


the atmospheric pressure argument has merit. The flood changed the earth greatly.

a6ed11  No.3556953


What's wrong with you?

6bb514  No.3556954

File: 63b048b892c5ca6⋯.jpg (142.6 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, j2une-woman-reeling-in-fis….jpg)

d67c7f  No.3556955


you don't speak for anyone but yourself, don't act like "choices" are majority here, faggots like you are on your own.

9c9217  No.3556956

File: bad4188266d19ea⋯.jpg (470.24 KB, 1024x747, 1024:747, dyson_sphere_by_leguen-d55….jpg)


This has been on my mind too a lot lately…there's no way we have a molten iron core and polarity. Iron goes non-magnetic at temps well below it's melting point.

The Dyson Sphere argument gets better everyday. More like these EM fields are generated by a power source internally, but not the way we've been told.

c55e80  No.3556957

File: 0fc19cce2879429⋯.jpg (204.07 KB, 800x1309, 800:1309, democrats.jpg)

626e64  No.3556958

File: 43d3058a9fd5169⋯.jpg (255.21 KB, 1280x656, 80:41, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

618624  No.3556959


Impossible. God doesn't exist.

When they torture these kids they tell them it'll be ok. Just pray to Jesus and he will appear and save you. After a while they laugh and tell em Jesus ain't coming. No one is coming. And they are going to die. This is the peak. This is where they harvest the blood to get high.

Jesus ain't coming.

64e1db  No.3556960

File: 3898affea26a3f0⋯.jpeg (266.8 KB, 1242x986, 621:493, A3732AA1-1641-41C7-9DB6-0….jpeg)

File: 38d13cd09d74d6b⋯.jpeg (87.34 KB, 640x480, 4:3, C17EE711-51F6-4EBB-9647-4….jpeg)

File: 76a7b60b7e77c6d⋯.jpeg (62.12 KB, 388x704, 97:176, 8D064C06-2A18-4EFC-ADD0-1….jpeg)

File: 5fb0e62dfcec433⋯.jpeg (74.93 KB, 399x624, 133:208, FB7AC4EC-6AF1-44AE-8ECF-8….jpeg)

File: 807bde11d23e4bd⋯.jpeg (108.02 KB, 399x890, 399:890, A340ED8C-C46C-484B-AAC0-8….jpeg)

bb0d30  No.3556961

File: eca178b63f25275⋯.png (587.92 KB, 721x435, 721:435, ClipboardImage.png)

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3556812 Democrat: ‘Employers’ Need Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

>>3556875 Justice, Treasury, and State Departments Announce Coordinated Enforcement Against Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion

>>3556879 Facebook reportedly aims to buy a 'major' cybersecurity company

do the shills know something we don't?

usually increased shilling before a big event

8b16c0  No.3556962


Nice! Yours?

dcabf1  No.3556963


it totally is..i agree. it's unsustainable. i don't know how it will turn out, nobody does. it may result in warfare, who knows. but whatever happens, it will be b/c of human machinations.

10dd21  No.3556964


i c wut u did there…

63effc  No.3556965

File: 40ab4c69aac869c⋯.jpg (100.53 KB, 500x624, 125:156, 2kmqx2.jpg)

File: bb08f2de53d731f⋯.jpg (112.23 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2kmti9.jpg)

c32ea8  No.3556966

File: 6c74e873107df76⋯.jpg (18.49 KB, 388x270, 194:135, 388x270.jpeg.5c2501c79cfc4….jpg)

b22d00  No.3556967

File: 4a4c467d976d10f⋯.jpg (431.14 KB, 1273x717, 1273:717, most-anti-semitic-video-17….jpg)

File: 744edaac1788146⋯.jpg (158.02 KB, 720x452, 180:113, 1-a-ANEGEL.jpg)

File: 88d730669cec92b⋯.jpg (95.01 KB, 422x650, 211:325, 07.July-1935-02.jpg)

File: 7dac6e098656a1b⋯.jpg (160.55 KB, 554x728, 277:364, AKG27146.jpg)

File: 95f772fde8e49d6⋯.jpeg (154.79 KB, 677x856, 677:856, d587d482535a7edcc39bb5763….jpeg)

517d05  No.3556968




Wayyyyy too many funny and good ones … gotta check 'em…


86a087  No.3556969


got a really religious buddy who still somehow believes jews but says science was created to disprove God in like 2 years then 20 years then so on and so forth and never did it and now we worship science - forgetting what it originated as… removal of God

50c2e5  No.3556970

a0ef58  No.3556971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



2007, prophesied Trump will become president

1b207d  No.3556972



Funny to see such a question from an ignorant youngster. Do you have any knowledge of what is going on or were you so stupid to have replied to a post and situation that not only did not concern you, but which you had no facts, details or the most basic comprehension?

d67c7f  No.3556973


kid holds gun to teacher's head while friend films it (France)

8b16c0  No.3556974


I'll be back after puking up this beer I was just drinking….thanks anon! KEK!

a45316  No.3556975

File: d250f6c48f95f37⋯.png (163.79 KB, 502x522, 251:261, orange.png)


orange man bad

c55e80  No.3556976

File: 90e781fb838a61b⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 1732x1155, 1732:1155, horse-shit.jpg)

86a087  No.3556977


can confirm. rx 5:5

946373  No.3556978

File: 332f15b6a2bf452⋯.png (491.44 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f9922e1b978b90⋯.png (687.68 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



was the article

here is another article

we know aljazeera they basically proven themselves to be CNN:

Activists dressed as Saudi Crown Prince MBS and President Trump seen during a demonstration to protest the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, in Washington, US October 19, 2018 [Leah Millis/Reuters] Activists dressed as Saudi Crown Prince MBS and President Trump seen during a demonstration to protest the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, in Washington, US October 19, 2018 [Leah Millis/Reuters]


Khashoggi killing: All eyes on Turkey as calls for answers mount


Jamal Khasoggi killing: Is Saudi Arabia too toxic for investors?


Trump 'not satisfied' with Saudis but will he pressure Riyadh?


Saudi: We don't know where Khashoggi's body is, killing a mistake


In the age of "fake news" and "alternative facts" you, of course, have "fake investigations", too - the sort that FBI did on Brett Kavanaugh's sexual misconduct allegations and now the sort Donald Trump tells us Mohammed bin Salman is doing into allegations of his own suspected involvement in the brutal murder of the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi….


this is now shown itself to be a card, a plan, a tactic, a move, whatever you want to call it by deepstate

chessfags, should reinvent their artwork as this game is far from over

fcf8e4  No.3556979

File: 5e460b69695a83e⋯.png (41.4 KB, 655x416, 655:416, Parscale re Talgater 10-21….PNG)


c19e00  No.3556980


Where does the bible describe dinosaurs?

98dee1  No.3556981

File: 3a33ddee99e0084⋯.png (184.75 KB, 296x261, 296:261, ballsack.png)



2eeea2  No.3556982

File: abb15aecb1a90b6⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 614x960, 307:480, FB_IMG_1540167289223.jpg)


0dd171  No.3556983

File: dd81f1a819fe6c9⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1014x754, 39:29, comfy.png)

hi frens!

bb0d30  No.3556984



64e303  No.3556985

File: 0c0b5013515d0a4⋯.jpeg (894.81 KB, 1242x1935, 138:215, 9BEF7B09-B350-4848-B634-A….jpeg)


Yemen is the epicenter of commercialized pedophilia. It’s the pedovore’s paradise.


ddec8b  No.3556986


Lyserge is that you?

10dd21  No.3556987


but which are you insulting, anon?

1b207d  No.3556988


It was the latter, wasn’t it? Lol!

You idiotic, moronic youngsters never….ever…..EVER…..ever….learn!

fcf8e4  No.3556989


Memes needed for



a706ac  No.3556990



But Trump needs to use his E.O. against everybody that is funding this and take every dime they have.

11e472  No.3556991


the cnn shill is new and kinda weird

bb0d30  No.3556992


I've heard this before

no wonder the cabal doesn't want SA and us to be fighting there..

9e2d3c  No.3556993


amen. could be from some crazy electrical phenomena for all we know. but whatever really is going on, it AIN'T what we are told.

dcabf1  No.3556994


humans hurt humans, get it?

c2a473  No.3556995

642e36  No.3556996


> yet God threatens you with death just because your love for your mother maybe stronger than your love for him.

not knowing scripture ye do err..and distort what God said and meant

2 Peter 3:9

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

4df7a5  No.3556997

File: efa555bba475bfd⋯.jpg (135.43 KB, 400x300, 4:3, news you can use.jpg)

aef283  No.3556998


I'm thinking you were just gullible. And delusional.

36579c  No.3556999

File: 89986ed18e1bc9f⋯.jpg (316.52 KB, 980x551, 980:551, nasim-hammer.jpg)

955d18  No.3557000

File: a94ff50b449e554⋯.jpg (68.25 KB, 541x600, 541:600, DiFiLovesLucy.jpg)

>>3556463 (lb)

>>3554967 (pb) Feinstein's husband was accused of pedophilia in 1978

got milk?

98dee1  No.3557001


And therefore did Dino walk upon the earth with Fred, and they were friends sharing the bounty of the earth. Genesis 11:11

Man you don't know your bible..that's for sure.

be2fe1  No.3557002


CNN said Orange Man bad.

0dd171  No.3557003

10dd21  No.3557004


so, Job was on shrooms?

cc2e3a  No.3557005

File: 6055ff55e721ec9⋯.jpg (100.84 KB, 1056x683, 1056:683, ggmnb.JPG)


Night Crew

cd583a  No.3557006


A Mega sized Maga Rally!! Doin Texas - Texas Style!!

3baeb1  No.3557007


The military can operate within the U.S. as long as it’s not in a domestic law enforcement capacity.

The 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions are usually excluded from the act under the Enforcement Act as well as 18 U.S.C. § 831. That’s why you usually see them used for riot control (Detroit, LA), as well as disaster recovery (Hurricanes Andrew and Katrina).

The President can also use the Insurrection Act to restore order.

d159f4  No.3557008


Dinos are Fake

Dig on it

1800's Atheist Fuquery

All ancient civilizations had dragons

Dino digs and bones are big $$$

26a9b5  No.3557009



50c2e5  No.3557010


>but whatever really is going on, it AIN'T what we are told.

Amen x2

be2fe1  No.3557011



8b16c0  No.3557012


>If it is a new home they seek?

>Isn't that a win win?

Not if It funded off the blood, sweat, and tears I endure just to keep my OWN home.

ae4f24  No.3557013


yep they all need the darwin award

7e9bd0  No.3557014

File: fff2c4242c5c9c6⋯.png (331.86 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, VV.png)

File: 4b58cb8d5c547c4⋯.jpg (73.46 KB, 700x525, 4:3, PLVS.jpg)

File: e18986bc013d683⋯.jpg (85.33 KB, 640x447, 640:447, GIB her.jpg)

File: d1b08eab779ad1f⋯.jpg (223.77 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, GIB.jpg)


Or is it VVilla?

V = Roman Numeral 5

Two V's = VV or W




(Pay attention to the war games on/near the Straights of Gibraltar)


10dd21  No.3557015

File: eb56591d4da7531⋯.jpg (326.15 KB, 1000x749, 1000:749, vampfrog.jpg)

626e64  No.3557016

File: 873ea9ced9f9f75⋯.png (146.64 KB, 502x522, 251:261, 1.png)

b22d00  No.3557017

File: 30b65472894e7f2⋯.jpg (22.53 KB, 260x384, 65:96, B1211751T1901343.jpg)

File: 4d8b32faa768ff6⋯.jpg (102.56 KB, 639x435, 213:145, ilmf2.jpg)

File: dee444c7c00877a⋯.jpg (140.19 KB, 476x600, 119:150, jews_image20.jpg)

File: 742e01d4f899297⋯.jpg (120.59 KB, 1022x762, 511:381, Masha Gessen on Marriage.jpg)

File: bb6b87bb53ab5c7⋯.png (272 KB, 576x2056, 72:257, Screenshot_2018-10-21 My P….png)

6e74d6  No.3557018


That's why i'm asking bitchboy. So enlighten me. Why are your panties in a wad? No need to be so vague. Maybe us youngsters can get together and remove the stick from your asshole if you would stop shitting up the bread and be specific about it. You're in our neighborhood shouting at the skies. I just wanna know why. Whats the issue?

aef283  No.3557019


It's from Fallout 4. The Minuteman faction. Patriots in a post-nuclear Boston trying to reclaim the wastelands.

a0ef58  No.3557020


same place it describes ferrets, wolverines, and titanium

some things weren't that pertinent

936320  No.3557021

File: bef348d65249969⋯.jpg (117.21 KB, 800x420, 40:21, Jews_control_the_NPCs_usin….jpg)

cb08f7  No.3557022

File: 9a5ea613db2f755⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 384x377, 384:377, NailedItttt.JPG)

File: 9a5ea613db2f755⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 384x377, 384:377, NailedIt.JPG)

6bb514  No.3557023

File: cb46bdf056281d2⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 540x300, 9:5, own-tv.jpg)

Think Mirror

a58e75  No.3557024

File: 76d0e3a6484a03b⋯.png (157.48 KB, 350x577, 350:577, curaminextrastrength_120ct….png)

File: d9df4b1417edc4f⋯.jpg (20.15 KB, 300x286, 150:143, mph-300x286.jpg)

>>3555846 Reply to Post previous bread on new research Antibiotics killing 40% of back pain and personal experience with it.

–OP here. You sound like me when I could not get out of bed for six months and could not move without severe pain.

1) I got some strong Tumeric concentrate in the form of a product called Curamin. (Pic related) It's concentrated, and has boswellia (from frankincense) in addition. Takes a week or so to build up in your system, but less harmful than most NSAIDS. Hubby is MD. It worked so well on me, he recommended to many nurses this year. He is telling me they are all grateful, cant stop thanking him.

Caution if you have low blood pressure or you are on blood pressure meds. This stuff knocked my blood pressure from 120/80 to 90/60 over time as it built up in my system. I have to be careful with it, keeping it low enough to stop blood pressure effect, high enough to stop inflammation. Otherwise, works better than NSAID. and if your blood pressure runs naturally high this stuff is great.

2) Go to the doc and get a prescription for Doxycycline which can get into the bones. Apparently it takes a 3 month course, I am reading. I am doing this now for overkill attack on the bone infection.

Be aware that if you have severe infection, the antibiotics are going to make you feel like you got the flu as bad infection microbes die and are carried out. Keep Drinking Water! Do not dehydrate!

3) What worked on the mycoplasma infection, which apparently causes the autoimmune part of the illness, was one year of the nano-silver, 2-4 oz a day,which you have to make yourself with an extremely low electric current. **Must be NANO not colloidal.*

It takes 3 hours to make a quart. Regular battery current, although small, is not small enough and will still create large "colloid" particles… too big to get into the cell and kill the mycoplasma.

Here at below link is where I got the generator that worked.

It took about 3 months to start moving without pain. Intermittent bad days as the mycoplasmas seem to "hatch out" creating what the infected people call "flair ups". Started last October 2017.

No more pain anywhere.

Not getting flair ups anymore a year later. (Pic related and link)

**BE SURE to test the water using the light, to make sure it is distilled properly. If you see any chunks in the bottom of the glass when finished, throw it out. Start over.

Would also recommend the book they sell that has gathered all of the historical research on the use of silver in the medical field for over 150 years. It is very good. Much of the research is no longer published, and had to be gathered from old pharmacognosy manuals from back when pharmacists still compounded their own medicine. They still use silver, wherever antibiotics present a risk, example, newborn infant eyes not wanting to risk allergic reaction. Victims who are burned on massive scale they are still using silver also.

Look into anti-inflammatory and auto-immune diets.

Prayers for anon.


1f83a9  No.3557025

File: 37e35584c9e9deb⋯.png (329.07 KB, 529x395, 529:395, trump-likes-music.png)

File: 94c4846c78c224e⋯.png (270.08 KB, 599x405, 599:405, hrc-surprise-balloons-2.png)

File: 1d4b8200ed6bc2a⋯.png (182.78 KB, 291x438, 97:146, HRC-baphomet-kids.png)

aef283  No.3557026

c890f9  No.3557027

File: d5ebaa568d005b4⋯.jpg (32.21 KB, 500x336, 125:84, d5ebaa568d005b42a89adc31d6….jpg)

be2fe1  No.3557028


Top Kek

8b16c0  No.3557029


>The military can operate within the U.S. as long as it’s not in a domestic law enforcement capacity.

That can be over ridden.

I forget which law it was, but posse comitatus can be over ridden by the president of the US.

e7b650  No.3557030

File: 789c3307d2d97c6⋯.jpg (107.89 KB, 1093x755, 1093:755, 1a.JPG)

File: 9d161ab76373a40⋯.jpg (97.04 KB, 1116x556, 279:139, 2.JPG)

Germany Investigates Multi Million Fraud


e0f27d  No.3557031

File: 77f66ca2c44b0b6⋯.jpg (180.18 KB, 735x489, 245:163, a31497384bf800d53e94a2d432….jpg)


Lovin' these wolves, ty.

9725f8  No.3557032

File: 76f6302a55bb853⋯.png (135 KB, 554x562, 277:281, rockthevote.png)

626e64  No.3557033

File: 9c15ca4c7a81086⋯.png (146.02 KB, 502x522, 251:261, 2.png)

a706ac  No.3557034


That sucks

Stormy and the Gang Bang Chick was gonna perform

98dee1  No.3557035


>ot willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

OI do you have your mind fuck loicence?

CIRCULAR THINKING…I'll kill you if you don't love me but you have a choice to love me, it's up to you but I'll kill you if you don't.

Now, I want to know why things turned out so badly for Andrea Yates when God told her to KILL HER FIVE KIDS…but Japeth and Abraham..hell, even god…DUDE kill your kid to prove you love me…what the actuak fuck kind of monster god do you believe in?

You must be so scared…well I guess I would be too cause I better not mess up or god will kill me like…forever and there will be flames and shit.

be2fe1  No.3557036

0329ee  No.3557037

>>3556979 Trump Campaign tailgater starts tomorrow at 9:00 am #MAGARally, #BigTexasTailgater


86a087  No.3557038

File: 6666966091c4527⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1278x816, 213:136, LIFE!!!!.png)

4df7a5  No.3557039


needs spoiler…do not click to enlarge…i did and now have to go to therapy.

12432f  No.3557040


tom arnold is a flabby beaver

e7aeb6  No.3557041


>have some respect newfag

fuckoff you sperg,I'm not a newfag

if I want to thank the bakers, I will, tits or no tits

next time, I'll post some pics of your momma's saggy old varicose veined milk sacks

until that time: kys

8ef852  No.3557042

File: 726f0ea99dfe5f6⋯.png (1.88 MB, 2100x1275, 28:17, MNATT.png)

d0271e  No.3557043

File: 869d96e18f325bb⋯.jpg (873.64 KB, 2048x1467, 2048:1467, PepeCongregation.jpg)

be2fe1  No.3557044


"Swing" race.

8b16c0  No.3557045


Told anon, he was better. KEK!

48194c  No.3557046

File: 3ce5b82711d5467⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, 3ce5b82711d54670c6b8e065e0….jpg)

File: 27381f72cb364a6⋯.gif (3.43 MB, 3375x5175, 15:23, 27381f72cb364a6f807c649b88….gif)

File: 25ad7f3b6f576eb⋯.png (156.22 KB, 549x435, 183:145, jewPC.png)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.jpg (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, jidfjews.jpg)

File: ab0ee7427dbd808⋯.jpg (378.12 KB, 1111x597, 1111:597, saaaaay hello to jonny.jpg)

10dd21  No.3557047


Mobing military assets is NOT free.

Trump doesn't use a bulldozer when a pickup will do fine.

aef283  No.3557048



I'm thinking creating a "Q Embassy" would be a kekolicious idea.

890181  No.3557049

File: eab14efe24f51bc⋯.jpg (114.06 KB, 756x353, 756:353, love.jpg)

9ca999  No.3557050

File: b935593c8d8b6b6⋯.png (546.42 KB, 800x824, 100:103, b935593c8d8b6b6fc331ec4872….png)

How's this for a new opening line to the copypasta?

"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you pale-faced, basement-dwelling, bony-armed, namby-pamby, frog-worshipping son of a bitch?"

cdf0b0  No.3557051

File: 6167e968317a562⋯.png (175.9 KB, 452x252, 113:63, beaten-like-a-.png)

DeSantis feeding it to Gillum

hard and dry

a706ac  No.3557052


I understand

God pls make it Cat 3.99

be2fe1  No.3557053


You can get your whole face in, but it's dangerous, you could die.

618624  No.3557054

This place used to be held in high regard.

Now it's…this.

8b16c0  No.3557055

d81455  No.3557056

File: 02237cd8a7580c7⋯.jpg (68.19 KB, 454x550, 227:275, trump berserker maga lion ….jpg)

File: d47903275cba444⋯.jpg (109.07 KB, 640x480, 4:3, npc meme maxine billboard ….jpg)

File: 49c7c8ac4b4e61e⋯.png (575.58 KB, 1090x727, 1090:727, npc meme trump nope 02.png)

File: 1634d227c1dff8a⋯.jpg (16.19 KB, 400x300, 4:3, npc meme fuel-tank-empty d….jpg)

1b207d  No.3557057


True. Great post. And you provide the evidence for why accuracy is important…..

But Q lied, and decisions were based on those lies.

Had Q told the truth or been accurate, choices and decisions that were made…would not have been made.

So who are you going to blame? q for the dishonest information and lies or your fellow American patriots who went out on a limb, made significant sacrifices and are continuing to endure losses and forced sacrifices based on Q lies?

26a9b5  No.3557058


Your post did not make it better…

Cry less, lurk/dig moar.

0329ee  No.3557059


Do It!!

98dee1  No.3557060


I want a hippopotamus for christmas…jaysus look at the hermanutic hints in the text. LOL

7a8930  No.3557061


f8d4b5  No.3557062

This DeSantis debate against the Socialist is getting good

be2fe1  No.3557063


Pills are bad, um-kay?

64e1db  No.3557064

File: 211f5e7f14bf7d7⋯.jpeg (983.64 KB, 1600x2220, 80:111, 2A8AAB4F-81B6-4730-B3C7-0….jpeg)

File: 8ed80cda1abbfa0⋯.jpeg (100.62 KB, 581x700, 83:100, B2B879AF-F0E4-4573-9D0E-4….jpeg)

File: e1d648131576975⋯.jpeg (52.78 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 7AD02144-A8E0-41F6-9500-8….jpeg)

File: b87726b9ea425ee⋯.jpeg (56.48 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 9E8B2CDA-392B-4B16-9E03-A….jpeg)

File: 127327a60320c33⋯.jpeg (263.3 KB, 1242x986, 621:493, 96B3105F-D107-4E54-8D60-7….jpeg)

b22d00  No.3557065

File: 1f01304e380c74c⋯.png (186.63 KB, 500x647, 500:647, what-dr-good-propaganda-do….png)

File: 987e65d7b87e9e0⋯.jpg (65.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxeresdefault.jpg)

File: 82f1b7bdb8bff2a⋯.jpg (11.08 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: 9a076bec38b90bb⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1330x1956, 665:978, d1873ef59bae9241c60eb08788….png)

File: a3bbf0153aefaee⋯.jpg (12.68 KB, 308x164, 77:41, images.jpg)

send for titus and vespasian and scipio africanus

e0af16  No.3557066


Pretty good LOL at Work, thanks mate

a706ac  No.3557067


You should be the Defense Secretary

I submitted your name

It’s anon, right?

dcabf1  No.3557068


God please forgive them, for they know not what they do.

642e36  No.3557069


don't hand me that circularizing thinking bullshit, everybody does that. and don't be so FKing ignorant. God didn't tell her that are you that naive

50c2e5  No.3557070

File: de2e473c2fbc647⋯.jpg (137.26 KB, 612x450, 34:25, MemeCuisine.jpg)


Don't forget the tendies.

2404dc  No.3557071

File: 70364ae9e530e1c⋯.jpg (9.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 70364ae9e530e1c4b05b391c96….jpg)

I am going to the rally tomorrow and I'm trying to make some signs. Can the person who makes the awesome Q's, please post one that will print 8x10 or larger, if possible. Many thanks.

4df7a5  No.3557073

File: 2a9effe9599b4bb⋯.jpg (63.43 KB, 192x288, 2:3, insomnaix_la_gang.jpg)


found this while digging……enjoy

35d38a  No.3557074


God Wins.

b3b84c  No.3557075

File: 554dab8d2352dfb⋯.jpg (588.01 KB, 995x1107, 995:1107, 20181021_192806.jpg)

cb08f7  No.3557076


had a long shitty day, anons always make it better

e04417  No.3557077

File: 439c3bfedf2ce8f⋯.jpg (103.26 KB, 821x649, 821:649, 44458614_1962967270405213_….jpg)

d67c7f  No.3557078




How do you know Q lied? Further more do you know the entire scope of the plan? No you don't so stfu. Don't come in here saying you're some spokesperson speaking for all of us because you have zero faith to trust the plan and back out like a little bitch ass pussy.

ddec8b  No.3557079

Hey BO is there any concern about the direct IP access to 8ch.net?

98dee1  No.3557080


KEK also it's Job. Have you ever studied Job as a literature? Three authors over a period of time, ending was changed to make it "happier" it's a typical woe is me moral tale…about a guy who did everything right and still got fucked…actually without the newer ending it's a pretty grim bit literature..describing an uncaring arrogant god who is so sure of his power that he bets on it with the devil…and then proceeds to torture the fuck out of the guy to prove his point.

LOL there's NO NPC like a religious NPC.

4960d2  No.3557081


sounds more like Dragons are real more than dinosaurs existing at a different time

86a087  No.3557082

cc2e3a  No.3557083

File: f22d764d2f58b84⋯.jpg (122.66 KB, 883x607, 883:607, pepecomfy.JPG)

be2fe1  No.3557084


You are one sick fuck.

eb3871  No.3557085


I couldn’t agree more. But I would add two points of amplification: I) Bill Clinton’s rapes began, at least as far as we know, during his time as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, long before any political power might be attributed to him. HRC is defending all of WJC’s sexual crimes as of no account; and II) GWB reprehensibly stated that “they hate us for our freedoms” while bringing in the Patriot Act, to curtail those selfsame freedoms we were supposedly attacked for.

I could go on, but your missive was powerful as written. I felt the urge to expand on some critical points of recent (political) history.

26a9b5  No.3557086


Will you put something on top or hide it to not have it taken by SS?

4a361a  No.3557087

File: f403f49c5ec0f6d⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1200x578, 600:289, ClipboardImage.png)

@TinaSmithMN who has never won an election was appointed to Franken’s seat refused to show up to the only televised debate.

Kudos to @KSTP for letting @KarinHousley share her message and debate an empty podium…

0dd171  No.3557088

File: 58f1b71786a5ef8⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1430x944, 715:472, nightcrewondeck.png)


hey frens! nightcrew comfy :)

0329ee  No.3557089


I suspect there will be a slumber party tonight for anyone who wants to actually get inside the rally tomorrow!

3c2307  No.3557090


No one is talking about death.

Clearly this is about destruction.

Look at Florida and the Carolinas.

They can help each other!

Quit spinning this, Thank You.

6bb514  No.3557091

File: f85dc04b1bb93b0⋯.png (295.4 KB, 890x550, 89:55, f85dc04b1bb93b02d0d84f4fb3….png)

b22d00  No.3557092

File: aa245ebeabbc6dd⋯.jpg (96.07 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, warner-bros-jpg-60-small.jpg)

File: a0751781a839f7a⋯.jpg (142.11 KB, 519x643, 519:643, 03.March-1936-05.jpg)

File: f3ec9ed2500483f⋯.jpg (107.17 KB, 960x508, 240:127, backup.php.jpg)

File: 1fc38db919cf9fd⋯.jpg (97.78 KB, 800x430, 80:43, aHR0cDovL2k2NC50aW55cGljLm….jpg)

File: 391638fabdbcfff⋯.png (40.54 KB, 575x350, 23:14, b05243c5987ee31f2ce7fbc3cb….png)

63effc  No.3557093

File: 053b574588a3b95⋯.jpg (101.39 KB, 500x624, 125:156, 2kmr63.jpg)

File: 4ed8bbabb323bf6⋯.jpg (102.42 KB, 500x624, 125:156, 2kmq6k.jpg)

c60801  No.3557094

Once again Q has gone silent for a lengthier amount of time. Most likely 20-30 days this round. Silence is still golden obviously and at a crucial point this time around. A time period where the Q team is most definitely and carefully monitoring all bad actors during the days that leads to their demise… red nov 6th, midterm elections. We know we are about to receive just enough info in regards to declas to expose evil, but not much… and easily have them voted out of/not voted in on November 6th. In the meantime expect false flags and stories all the way up the route the caravan is heading, and they might somehow even get stronger in number, forget telling CNN they lost 2000 already. Best days of our lives. Bad actors are making desperate moves at the moment knowing their sentences and hangings are coming for deeest /sickest crimes. This goes above and beyond treason you know. I am just enjoying evil and the system falling apart from a front row seat. Cheers.

9e2d3c  No.3557095



but in the enemies eyes seeing a steamroller armada lining up for overkill can send a message.

fb12bd  No.3557096

File: 9c09e850a4bceab⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 474x323, 474:323, Reddit is now.jpg)

50c2e5  No.3557097

File: ad62985263eb037⋯.jpg (124.66 KB, 819x512, 819:512, NightShadilay.jpg)

df7e26  No.3557098

State documents: Gillum records tied to ‘active criminal investigation’

Driving records related to Democratic gubernatorial nominee Andrew Gillum are tied to an “active criminal investigation” and can’t be released unredacted by the state, according to an audit housed with the Florida Department of Highway and Motor Vehicles.

POLITICO requested a listing of the number of times Gillum’s record has been accessed by governments or law enforcement agencies. The listing shows Gillum’s records have been accessed 106 times, but a vast majority were redacted by the department, and no specific information could be provided.


c8589f  No.3557099

Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, is hiring.


da1ec7  No.3557100

File: 6975db627384dcf⋯.png (906.11 KB, 618x735, 206:245, 1539899119.png)

cd583a  No.3557101


They were lined up at the venue door a block long by 7am this morning.

c2a473  No.3557102


the book of Job is beautiful, and your point wholly disregards that no living man should have ever seen a dinosaur so how are they described in ancient texts.

Use Logic

fcf8e4  No.3557103

File: fc356ed7b811814⋯.png (167.4 KB, 658x452, 329:226, BYork re POTUS Midterms 10….PNG)

File: 4bcdfaaea9a120e⋯.png (215.28 KB, 854x145, 854:145, BYork re POTUS Midterms 10….PNG)

File: 978377e444fd438⋯.png (275.51 KB, 533x743, 533:743, WE Bernstein re POTUS Midt….PNG)

Carl Bernstein: Trump preparing to call midterm elections 'illegitimate' if Democrats take power



What are the Dems going to say when they are annihilated and R's win by a landslide?

982f82  No.3557104

File: 31fada35381be09⋯.jpeg (61.5 KB, 511x733, 511:733, 645636BD-982E-4572-BB16-2….jpeg)

File: f25bac85f1c8c0e⋯.jpeg (73.36 KB, 750x751, 750:751, 384C150C-037A-4DD6-95CB-9….jpeg)

ae4f24  No.3557105

ugh I've got a splinter or something lodged in the proximal interphalangeal joint of my middle finger from a long time ago. recently I noticed that it was trying to come to the surface and could see a little black pus ball under the skin so tried to dig it out… not having much luck so far.

it hurt when it happened but healed over and I forgot about it and recently started hurting again and I could see the black pus ball or what ever it was… need to figure something out to get it out.

9b80ed  No.3557106

File: 0b33f20853b8c3e⋯.png (104.53 KB, 897x583, 897:583, willa.png)

Looks like Willa might wallop the caravan


God wins

11e472  No.3557107


land of Somali's?

do they vote?

890181  No.3557108

If you're religious, pray. God wins.

If you're not religious, think. Good wins.

0dd171  No.3557109

File: 865411bd1ecbd03⋯.png (415 KB, 580x542, 290:271, egyptkek.png)


KEK fuken saved, ty anon!

11b533  No.3557110


You and this guy…


…would be great friends.

5a6219  No.3557111



Classic division-fag-shill-troll-POS

26a9b5  No.3557112


100,000 folks in TX

Anons think a Q chant could be coordinated from here?



Or whatever, you think that could be done by the digital army?

9e2d3c  No.3557113


we should put bush to death by slowly forcing each page of the 'patriot act' down his weaselly little throat.

8acbe4  No.3557114

File: cd8fc6099207ddc⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1698x1058, 849:529, Screen Shot 2018-10-21 at ….png)

0329ee  No.3557115

98dee1  No.3557116


>don't hand me that circularizing thinking bullshit, everybody does that. and don't be so FKing ignorant. God didn't tell her that are you that naive

SO typical of religitards…you simply cannot answer what is clearly in front of your face..and you're absolutely terrified to face it..cause hell.

HOW the flipping fuck do YOU know God did not tell Andrea Yates to kill her kids, all through the bible god does HORRIFIC SHIT and asks for HORRIFIC things from his followers in order for them to PROVE to him they love him (or he's gonna kill them so…)

SO how do YOU know god did not speak to Andrea Yates? Do not even fucking take me on I had the bible memorized by age 12 and you will lose.

936320  No.3557117


Lol, good one.

"I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in payed protesting, and I’ve been involved in numerous Soros refugee welcoming events across our borders, and I have over 300 confirmed woman empowering abortions."

16ca6a  No.3557118

File: 5c41102d60ad449⋯.png (1.23 MB, 768x1024, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Send these fcking worthless pieces of shit back!

Get the translator out!

The top of the doc says they are being paid!!!!!

"Realizar Actividades Remuneradas" = PERFORM REMUNERATED ACTIVITIES


This needs to be spread!

be2fe1  No.3557119


Go, you quakerfaggots!

eb3871  No.3557120



89cdd8  No.3557121

4df7a5  No.3557122

File: 8320f8f316552b5⋯.jpg (54.45 KB, 300x130, 30:13, good job.jpg)

d0271e  No.3557123

File: f1aecc4c8150dbc⋯.jpg (71.73 KB, 944x668, 236:167, HillarySofa.jpg)

Thank you for this beautiful creation, twatter

b22d00  No.3557124

File: 1cf69d3f68f2dbc⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 500x769, 500:769, f5f3ffc37c3479adb8b9e2c975….jpg)

File: deb547b0b219493⋯.jpg (138.63 KB, 543x670, 543:670, 03.March-1936-07.jpg)

File: ce1bcbe5d7cac3d⋯.jpg (48.47 KB, 413x450, 413:450, Der Stuermer, depicting th….jpg)

File: 587e78f569cbf01⋯.png (125.57 KB, 500x698, 250:349, if-i-had-power-over-the-je….png)

File: 5da64925f4512d0⋯.jpg (132.28 KB, 749x663, 749:663, PutinChristianRussiaMeme.jpg)

50c2e5  No.3557125


n o t a b l e ?

>>3557099 Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, is hiring.

26a9b5  No.3557126


Maybe when POTUS asks camera to show crowd, suddently thousands shouting for Q, would be awesome!!

0329ee  No.3557127


Make Intercourse, Pennsylvania great again!

8acbe4  No.3557128

File: 4c6024430c33bbb⋯.png (639.44 KB, 1603x920, 1603:920, Screen Shot 2018-10-21 at ….png)

File: 997f212d99cc97f⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1338x680, 669:340, Screen Shot 2018-10-21 at ….png)

63effc  No.3557129

File: 4ebb458f3f54c75⋯.jpg (110.78 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2kmtvt.jpg)

2404dc  No.3557130


I am a world class sneaker and do have a plan to hiding some things if they won't let me take even my small signs in. They are closing roads around Toyota Center at 5:30. I will be in line at 5:00.

82a042  No.3557131

All lb






Powdered Fentanyl can be breathed in or go through your skin… Easy to OD on. Hazmat does deal with this - in full suits. (Same for Carfentanil which is absolutely more potent.)

9e2d3c  No.3557132


fuckin seriously. some things you can not unsee.


11e472  No.3557133

File: d8b6aa2d8fda4a9⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 460x287, 460:287, world-trade-center_1986818….jpg)


We Agree

3efc94  No.3557134


Operation Felix

5bf16b  No.3557135

This Gillum is one slick niggger, the poor folk in Florida will believe him

890181  No.3557136

File: 656672340795f60⋯.jpg (28.79 KB, 333x294, 111:98, iu (9).jpg)

517d05  No.3557137


Holy SHIT!!!


Do you know how much more time Q-followers are going to have to talk to others? Chilling and bbq'ing all day? Drinking beers together? This is win-win-win-winning at its finest.

100th monkey on overdrive tomorrow. Expect a big spike in traffic post-rally (few days after)

df7e26  No.3557138

File: f7d9af1923f1eac⋯.png (262.66 KB, 601x565, 601:565, twitter_com_thedailybeast_….png)


b3b84c  No.3557139

File: d6ea28ea6c7fe29⋯.jpg (518.07 KB, 966x1040, 483:520, 20181021_193504.jpg)

642e36  No.3557140


So typical of idiots like you that have no proof God told her that other then she said so,,since the beginning of history man starts war then blames God, just how Fking stupid are you

041365  No.3557141


>I had the bible memorized by age 12

this is your problem anon

start over

98dee1  No.3557142


I dunno about Job..it's a favorite book for literature classes…but I'll tell you this for free..Enoch and Revelation…what the fuck were they smoking eh?

15 pounds of cannabis in the holy anointing oil recipe in the bible…and guess what grew ALL over the island of Patmos? Yep..shrooms…John was tripping balls most of the time he lived there…

bb0d30  No.3557143

File: aa3821069c35539⋯.png (28.36 KB, 350x279, 350:279, ClipboardImage.png)

be2fe1  No.3557144


Mamaosonry is dark and the masonic police state is a bane on the nation.

cb08f7  No.3557145

File: 252a2864c0ece3b⋯.png (149.38 KB, 947x554, 947:554, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a68273bf735315a⋯.png (48.78 KB, 718x406, 359:203, ClipboardImage.png)

890181  No.3557146

File: faa6909737d2a9f⋯.jpg (66.77 KB, 466x353, 466:353, iu.jpg)

c3c065  No.3557147


I'm getting this made into a bumper sticker. LOL KEK

cd583a  No.3557148


Yeah… going to be a GOOD Rally!!

a706ac  No.3557149


They have found man’s foot prints in bedded in the same rock is Has Dinosaurs.

The Smithsonian Institute’s only job is to hide the past from us

0f1b73  No.3557150

File: 14d74a699432e79⋯.jpg (28.92 KB, 600x360, 5:3, man-looking-through-binocu….jpg)

Q. Where you at bro ?

98dee1  No.3557151



43a9ef  No.3557152

File: 283aeeb45dae8a5⋯.jpg (619.53 KB, 2400x1600, 3:2, max.jpg)

777b35  No.3557153

File: 2e7bd79a45a86a6⋯.png (149.67 KB, 635x500, 127:100, M 490 copy.png)


I will be there also.

No signs/posters will be allowed inside the event.

Outside the event will be OK.

0dd171  No.3557154


thanks anon I didn't know that. Wew.

not tired of winning at all!!!!!!!!!!

be2fe1  No.3557155


MAGA will happen when all us anons start marrying and breeding with American girls.

e04417  No.3557156

File: 62ec146bbd04054⋯.jpg (8.6 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepe-cheers.jpg)

d9572f  No.3557157

Skydance MacMahon, former state department employee sentenced to 26 years for child pornography production.

Sorry if already posted, but didn't see in notables and quick scan of current bread.

"An Alexandria man was sentenced today to 26 years in prison for production of child pornography.

According to court documents, over at least a two year period, Skydance MacMahon, 45, conspired with an adult in Canada to produce over a thousand sexually explicit images and videos of minor children in Canada. These images and videos were produced at the direction of MacMahon using Skype and hidden cameras as well as overt recording. MacMahon distributed these image and video files to other users and consumers of child pornography by providing access to the files on his cloud storage services and also by directly sending the files to other users. In addition to the child pornography images and videos MacMahon himself created, he also received and possessed thousands of images and videos of child pornography."


b22d00  No.3557158

File: 8daabbe33bc721a⋯.jpg (33.59 KB, 320x414, 160:207, page_1_thumb_large.jpg)

File: 81a273fbed5fd7e⋯.jpg (180.14 KB, 1064x1214, 532:607, PutinMakingRussiaChristian….jpg)

File: 7717caaead832b4⋯.jpg (150.05 KB, 725x586, 725:586, WailingWallLieFortAntoniaM….jpg)

File: c4793e009951d48⋯.jpg (117.1 KB, 590x590, 1:1, UkrainianGeneralJewQuoteMe….jpg)

File: 412c51310752328⋯.jpg (48.34 KB, 333x499, 333:499, 1508846063025.jpg)

0329ee  No.3557159


The Daily Beast??

9ca999  No.3557160

File: 7e8a41f4dfdc101⋯.png (541.3 KB, 469x465, 469:465, 7e8a41f4dfdc101ae77b5f060e….png)


You're right!

"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you pale-faced, tendie-eating, basement-dwelling, bony-armed, namby-pamby, frog-worshipping son of a bitch?"


Kek, we'll call it the ShareBlue or Antifa variant.

bb0d30  No.3557161


kek, do you even know what you're talking about anon?

if you do, thats a fucking stupid statement

eb3871  No.3557162


But I hope all anons are well aware that the Patriot Act was drafted in large part well before 9/11. And Biden had a large part to play in that exercise. It was a piece of Deep State legislation driven through Congress by threats, intimidation, and anthrax. There are many of our representatives that should be forced to choke on the text before getting the drop.

dcabf1  No.3557163


If you're religious, pray. God wins.

If you're not religious, think. Good wins.

thank you.

there is a lot of hate and not a lot of logic on this board. perhaps that has changed over the last year. Q doesn't spread hate and asks for logic, but that gets drowned how here. leave it to humans to spoil something good. i read, i slide. i post a bit. people are so easily offended, and want to tell others how to think. pride and hypocrisy, too much of it on here. and, i say this to the haters, the shills, the ranters, the ignorant, the basement dwellers.

bb0d30  No.3557164

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3556812 Democrat: ‘Employers’ Need Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

>>3556875 Justice, Treasury, and State Departments Announce Coordinated Enforcement Against Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion

>>3556879 Facebook reportedly aims to buy a 'major' cybersecurity company

>>3556985 Yemen is the epicenter of commercialized pedophilia

>>3556979 Parscale: Trump Campaign tailgater starts tomorrow at 9:00 am

>>3557098 Reminder: Gillum records tied to ‘active criminal investigation’

>>3557099 Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, is hiring

955d18  No.3557165

File: dd01609d83e366d⋯.jpg (130.04 KB, 666x345, 222:115, JFK-SS.jpg)



Q: When do the bad apples spoil the whole bunch?

A: When the rot is allowed to fester without swift removal of it all.

50c2e5  No.3557166

>>3556265 (lb) Avenatti is a scumbag, no getting around it. His planned rally would no doubt have had a turnout like Biden's last pitiful effort. Embarrassing, eh? Scary too, considering that just a small percentage of the 100,000 might decide to march right over his sorry tail. So he throws the maroon Beto under the bus.

cd583a  No.3557167


Hope they send them to Voat and not here.

64e1db  No.3557168

File: d9c43f600628f21⋯.jpeg (36.58 KB, 198x255, 66:85, ECAB3995-7FF2-4E93-B774-D….jpeg)

File: 947fbfb611e5a1f⋯.jpeg (164.79 KB, 1116x823, 1116:823, 60805965-07B3-4D7E-883B-0….jpeg)

File: c7db52a4451ef06⋯.jpeg (199.62 KB, 1116x823, 1116:823, FAE8B6EB-FB49-4208-9D53-8….jpeg)

File: 7ab628b383c2520⋯.jpeg (176.38 KB, 1116x823, 1116:823, ED54154E-9B91-4FF7-8A69-D….jpeg)

File: 030460a80dd4dd1⋯.jpeg (105.76 KB, 727x487, 727:487, 1C2F9BE2-FF9F-4A69-8EA2-9….jpeg)

9e2d3c  No.3557169

File: 0153b68554cb517⋯.jpg (222.07 KB, 1039x724, 1039:724, rachiel.jpg)


Man… shit still gets me fucked up every time.

RIP Patriots.

bush WILL pay. every. last. one of [them].

be2fe1  No.3557170


Very bad.

df7e26  No.3557171


turning on their own

8acbe4  No.3557172

File: 6c5cc6c71518480⋯.png (350.44 KB, 748x1058, 374:529, Screen Shot 2018-10-21 at ….png)

4df7a5  No.3557173

File: 5712108e8d2f7a3⋯.png (501.12 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 0b3edb372a284bf16a41808528….png)

File: 276706c97c7991d⋯.png (726.16 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 276706c97c7991d119a89c97a6….png)

File: cd392b5832b89ce⋯.jpg (394.06 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, f65ffeee72143077f449c479b8….jpg)

94b718  No.3557174


Beautiful anon. Well done.

e9831b  No.3557175

Where's Q at? We need Intel on coming invasion!! III%'s, Minute Men, Patriots across the union ready to Activate for deployment to the border.

Ready to take our right to defend the Homeland to the Supreme Court if Military not deployed.

f8ae71  No.3557176

File: de4a184953a1e73⋯.jpg (359.28 KB, 486x600, 81:100, game-gta5-agnostic-large-0….jpg)

Strauss Zelnick the new chairman of CBS runs Tale 2 Interactive.

Take 2 owns Rockstar Games.


Strauss has also written a book


e04417  No.3557177

File: f99165d732d6928⋯.png (25.45 KB, 393x108, 131:36, (You) 5;5.png)

a706ac  No.3557178


Thank you

1b207d  No.3557179


No, junior. That is not what the text in your previous posts suggested, though it is quite obvious that now you are choosing to opt for that position.

However, as previously noted, it is more than obvious that you are not privy to any of the details, (“the habbenings”) of the situation to which I am referring, yet, for whatever reason, (likely Your needy self-absorbed, psychological issue), you have chosen to insert yourself and your unwanted, unneeded opinions that have absolutely, positively nothing to do with the reality of the situation at hand that involves, Q, POTUS AND DOJ/JSessions.

If you would like to contact them and be deemed worthy of the details, then I would be most happy to explain the details and show you the proof via documentation and receipts.

Until then….GFY….or…STFU, you pathetic junior.

ff1366  No.3557180


"I was born in the Llano Estacado…" Go Tejas!

c2e655  No.3557181

A couple issues BO,

1. Auto… [ ] has no check automatically.

2. When I long press on link to a post the float opens very narrow… 5 letters wide or smaller… images exist beyond the box of the post.

I'm on 8 android mobile.

If #1 is a board change then a discussion link about the change would be cool, anyone.

35d38a  No.3557182


We haven't had much discussion about the bad ones we know of who are not up for reelection this go-around. The landscape is going to be an ugly venue for the likes of Schumer and Pelosi, Murkowski, Booker, et. al., to try to function in. I'm wondering if we get to see them perp walked out of their offices or how they exit. Suspenseful show on all fronts - entertainment, justice, moving forward, our outlook and our childrens' future. This is so very real rn, yet no clear vision from minute to minute. No concernfagging, I'm comfy. My vision is just limited. I'm hopeful for the kids.

041365  No.3557183


>there is a lot of hate and not a lot of logic on this board

i disagree anon

the hateposts are 100% shitposts and NO ONE CARES ABOUT THEM

ignore them and be comfy

anons are real and loving patriots

doubt is corrosive

have faith in anons and the plan and live

517d05  No.3557184



Correction: increase in traffic on all platforms and allo Q sites, yt video views, etc


777b35  No.3557185

File: dff1ed62b7e1cf2⋯.jpg (456.25 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q Texas 00.jpg)

File: 5edfcbe348ec008⋯.png (1.45 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q Texas 01.png)

c8589f  No.3557186

Amy Klobuchar is so incredibly boring to listen to.

b3b84c  No.3557187


not my work just sharing

98dee1  No.3557188


google "godzilla micro current" there's a construction video on youtube and a research group that has been in operation for a very long time thus there are a shit ton of archives of experiements people have done.

I have nerve damage..they eat the sheaths…and one course of antibiotics is NOT going to kill this shit. They shape shift. you get them, feel better for a while then BOOM…cause the smart ones changed their makeup enough to evade killing.

9ca999  No.3557189

File: 2625ac6c9f800c4⋯.png (893.22 KB, 890x540, 89:54, ClipboardImage.png)


This picture supposedly shows the lethal amount of each. Not much at all.

fcf8e4  No.3557190

File: af49bcf927dab8a⋯.png (1.2 MB, 648x864, 3:4, US Interior re Owl 10-21-1….PNG)

File: 82cc79321227b01⋯.png (1.78 MB, 697x821, 697:821, US Interior re Owl 10-21-1….PNG)


a706ac  No.3557191


Don’t get to holier than thou I’m just kidding of course I don’t want anybody to get hurt Numb Nuts

a49a10  No.3557192


Freemasonry teaches the Bible - I wouldn't call that dark. Masonic police state ? No such thing.

The area that masonry today has the largest influence - I'd say the millitary - there are a ton of millitary lodges. Q may or may not be a mason. Q may or may not be Jewish - let's be honest, none of us know.

edc3e8  No.3557193


That's already in the notables which you, obviously, haven't read.

50c2e5  No.3557194

>>3557103 Note to CB: Being a criminally insane phony for your entire life is bad enough, but now you've got senility piled on top of it. But when the master raises the whip, you bark like a dog.

1f83a9  No.3557195

File: 71b80d7c61d8b8f⋯.png (99.95 KB, 756x434, 54:31, ring-of-O.png)



"The Book of O"


Story of O is a tale of female submission involving a beautiful Parisian fashion photographer named O, who is taught to be constantly available for oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse, offering herself to any male who belongs to the same secret society as her lover. She is regularly stripped, blindfolded, chained, and whipped; her anus is widened by increasingly large plugs; her labium is pierced and her buttocks are branded.

The story begins when O's lover, René, brings her to the château in Roissy, where she is trained to serve the members of an elite club. After this initial training, as a demonstration of their bond and his generosity, René hands O to his elder stepbrother Sir Stephen, a more severe master. René wants O to learn to serve someone whom she does not love, and someone who does not love her. Over the course of this training, O falls in love with Sir Stephen and believes him to be in love with her as well. During the summer, Sir Stephen sends O to an old mansion in Samois solely inhabited by women for advanced training and body modifications related to submission. There she agrees to receive permanent marks of Sir Stephen's ownership, in the form of a brand and a steel tag hanging from a labia piercing.

ddec8b  No.3557196

Richard Parsons Resigns From CBS Board, Citing Health Reasons

Richard Parsons has resigned from the CBS Corp. Board of Directors, including his position as interim chairman of the Board, the company said Sunday

df7e26  No.3557197

File: 286329546437c19⋯.png (23.52 KB, 895x479, 895:479, www_washingtonpost_com_pol….png)


cd583a  No.3557198


gotcha!! lol once BO got Voat up, things have been back to research again.

dcabf1  No.3557199


will do! thanks anon!

b22d00  No.3557200

File: 17139ddd7255aa8⋯.png (175.69 KB, 517x967, 517:967, six-million-myth-5-ukrania….png)

File: ae212130762a484⋯.jpg (105.76 KB, 597x411, 199:137, if-you-tell-a-lie.jpg)

File: 88b8b0fbe821e3c⋯.jpg (66.69 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-they-re-lying-bastar….jpg)

File: 0abf0e64a60ee34⋯.jpg (96.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 76c1e0cea4d424a⋯.png (454.88 KB, 597x6347, 597:6347, Screenshot_2018-10-21 Der ….png)

a706ac  No.3557201


That dude is slick as shit makes Obama look like an amateur a fucking snake

041365  No.3557202


BLAH blah blah yada yada

faux intellectual spurge

4c3c2c  No.3557203

File: 4801d43f53ed0f5⋯.jpg (2.47 KB, 125x107, 125:107, 1539741539994s.jpg)

So, what do anons figure the tax cut is going to be? Last year's tax cut was 30% for corporations, and a few percentage changes in brackets? I wonder how big of a cut we'll be getting for an early Christmas gift.

0dd171  No.3557204

File: a3dba965ec85027⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1927x1087, 1927:1087, flotuspotuspepenoice.png)

98dee1  No.3557205

File: 9a9d64782f04790⋯.png (526.32 KB, 497x698, 497:698, bateriophage.png)


BTW I am the most highly decorated Navy Seal in the history of the damn Navy Seals. I've got 10 medals of honor 9 of them from saving small children from near collapsing buildings destroyed while killing their fathers. I have thrown myself into a pit with a hand grenade stuffing it up a surprised enemy soldiers ass destroying all in the foxhole while I vaulted free. You don't want to fuck with me. My final medal of honor was given for stopping a train with my thoughts right before it hit a train carrying the entire republican party.

do not fuck with me.

94b718  No.3557206


Well, thank you for sharing.

fc01ae  No.3557207

how do i sperg

35d38a  No.3557208


Gitmoanon is envious.

539de3  No.3557209


Can we telecommute? kek we're already doin' it for free, Mr. Parscale

9e2d3c  No.3557210


i hold out hope times were different then. but anyone claiming allegiance to any organization BUT the United States of America, has no business representing such in any official capacity.

especially when they have their own Oaths and by laws that serve no other purpose but to protect each other, members and the organization itself.

4df7a5  No.3557211

File: cbc9599d7a44c45⋯.jpeg (24.74 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 952575f6b5e91bf2a20080bc7….jpeg)

posted and then lifted from PB

to whoever made this meme, would you please come forward and be recognized anonymously.

4a361a  No.3557212


must be sober for once

1efbbf  No.3557213


Hiding in plaine sight

649ec8  No.3557214

File: b579d59ec489725⋯.jpg (6.55 KB, 240x204, 20:17, Question 1.jpg)

3f79eb  No.3557215

File: 65fe1b259397a44⋯.png (6.91 MB, 4550x1080, 455:108, HoughtonGraphic.png)

dcabf1  No.3557216


i get it. i lived thru destruction, it sux.

ff1366  No.3557217


All the times I've seen that post first I ever read it! Props to that crazy dead Persian chick!

df7e26  No.3557218

File: 8a6adc426c1724a⋯.jpg (84.23 KB, 720x588, 60:49, DqEpJFsV4AA-r_8.jpg)

04a066  No.3557219

Is that a LARP in your pants,

or are you just happy to see me?

fc01ae  No.3557220

how do i sperg plz

11e472  No.3557221


my family knew 2 people who were murdered in the towers

we went to the memorial a couple of years ago, but could not wait to get out of there

98dee1  No.3557222


SO..then where's YOUR proof god told Abraham et all to kill their kids, where's YOUR proof God killed his OWN kid…for you.

Sorry you fuckers make it so damn easy.

fc01ae  No.3557223


eb3871  No.3557224


Got to burn the Mexican flag too, just to make it reflexively equivalent.

ddec8b  No.3557225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5db2c1  No.3557226

File: ab021f460375442⋯.png (245.09 KB, 490x326, 245:163, ClipboardImage.png)

f8d4b5  No.3557227

File: 50558b24280dd35⋯.jpeg (515.67 KB, 1242x1787, 1242:1787, 1377378C-98CB-4407-A2E1-4….jpeg)

6e74d6  No.3557228


Why are you so mad?

b7ab52  No.3557229


Gulen most definitely needs to be kicked to the curb and extradited back to Turkey. He's a POS who's fucking with our country now. Let Turkey deal with him.

642e36  No.3557230


Ok your Lying you never read the Bible and don't have a clue as to what your talking about

b22d00  No.3557231

File: 01b29746493b066⋯.jpg (84.29 KB, 711x613, 711:613, Judenpresse.jpg)

File: ecbc802d39afa2a⋯.jpg (94.53 KB, 479x620, 479:620, 07.July-1935-01.jpg)

File: d34ccc73b4736f4⋯.jpg (148.06 KB, 750x554, 375:277, EinSofSatanicMeme.jpg)

File: aacb9435a9c69bb⋯.jpg (73.05 KB, 734x960, 367:480, IMG_0547-2-min.jpg)

File: 6131e262f27a993⋯.jpg (170.7 KB, 580x788, 145:197, Wow its like jews are lyin….jpg)

5db2c1  No.3557232

File: c3e14e6029c372d⋯.png (210.45 KB, 490x460, 49:46, ClipboardImage.png)

a49a10  No.3557233


Part of the Masonic oath is an allegiance to your country but also part is to keep the secrets of a brother mason - obviously Felonies or worse would be excluded. This isn't much different than the 3 letter agencies - probably why Q made the comparison.

50c2e5  No.3557234


You should contact the 8ch site administrator Ron (Code Monkey) on twitter.

See bottom of bread for contact links.

It's not a BO issue, it's site wide, and we think CM is turning the auto update off deliberately as they deftly fend off a massive amount of attacks on the data center, which has been going on for couple of days now.

1f83a9  No.3557235

File: f27a5fb38a1c29f⋯.png (376 KB, 539x306, 539:306, oprah-early.png)


she used to look like this

517d05  No.3557236


I noticed once Q gave that stand down order things slowed and a new kind of shill moved in…wayyy less in my observations

86a087  No.3557237

File: c4f19733aa06b7c⋯.png (170.84 KB, 713x678, 713:678, HILLARYTREASON.png)

File: 850ff7257077348⋯.png (45.08 KB, 735x639, 245:213, HILLARYTREASON2.png)

91b21b  No.3557238

Ron DeSantis is doing a good job!

9e2d3c  No.3557239


sorry for your loss Fren. that day still plagues my soul as if it is still happening, because it is. cocksuckers keep that evil fire burning with each new false flag and anti American agenda they push.

[their] time is coming and coming FAST.

26a9b5  No.3557240


>Fight, Fight, Fight.

>DEMAND public disclosure.



>This is just the beginning.

>2018 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


50c2e5  No.3557241


>obviously Felonies or worse would be excluded.

No they wouldn't. They will cover up for a brother to the nth degree.

36579c  No.3557242


This is great

9dcf76  No.3557243

File: 892cc8fbf5f7d21⋯.jpg (106.38 KB, 440x615, 88:123, line-texas-potus-rally.jpg)

5db2c1  No.3557244

File: a1a33125150c84d⋯.png (192.77 KB, 490x460, 49:46, ClipboardImage.png)

500dba  No.3557245

File: 021551eb61cb99a⋯.png (63.26 KB, 853x662, 853:662, CNN POLL.PNG)

>>3556044 PB

>>3556045 PB




da1ec7  No.3557246


She was very ill.

0f1b73  No.3557247


Yes he's right. Human foot prints have been found next to dino foot prints. Go YouTube the documentary 'Forbidden History' Narrated by Charlton Heston

98dee1  No.3557248


>That dude is slick as shit makes Obama look like an amateur a fucking snake

so is the nigger winning? And I mean that literally..he's a thug in a fancy suit…and likely headed to prison unless he can get elected gov.

cb08f7  No.3557249

File: 0adfd3d5522f023⋯.png (184.7 KB, 474x586, 237:293, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5_Repent.png)

7d1215  No.3557250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is it nightshift yet?

92d72d  No.3557251

File: 01f45bad0c6ffd1⋯.gif (8.7 KB, 216x143, 216:143, 9A1626C0-DD1B-4487-ABE1-AC….gif)

bb0d30  No.3557252


yea I bet I can find a nickel next to a fossil too

e68648  No.3557253

File: f10c19c82663486⋯.jpeg (144.25 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1540164296.jpeg)

aef283  No.3557254


Go to party supply store, where they sell all sorts of balloons. Buy the silver mylar "Q" balloon. Tie it to your antenna in the parking lot. Just before the rally, arrange for everyone to let theirs go at once.

T-shirts? We don't need no stinkin' t-shirts.

9e2d3c  No.3557255


i know some masons. what we consider felonies is merely business as usual to them.

these people joke about geopolitical instability over lunch in their board rooms.

and they go up to the absolute highest positions in the defense and intelligence industries.

cb08f7  No.3557256


Use the Omnichan app for android, it auto-updates fine

539de3  No.3557257


Shit, I think I may apply with Brad. Bewbs/hr may be a sticking point. But I'll make it up with memes

ef03cd  No.3557258

More arrests. Noted yet?



391042  No.3557259


Looks right from all I know. And then there is something like "Hentifentanyl" or some shit that's even worse.

3f79eb  No.3557260

File: 8437a64c32e24a1⋯.jpeg (52.77 KB, 720x669, 240:223, JFKmemetheleft.jpeg)

3ba3ac  No.3557261

da1ec7  No.3557262

File: 1af52331aa704a3⋯.jpeg (125.74 KB, 600x800, 3:4, jewverine.jpeg)


Give it a rest Skippy.

64e1db  No.3557263

File: 1c6b6452a365702⋯.jpeg (33.45 KB, 300x247, 300:247, 87EC8B60-0FB1-4779-AD2A-7….jpeg)

File: d9c43f600628f21⋯.jpeg (36.58 KB, 198x255, 66:85, 57A5581A-09F5-405A-AB68-E….jpeg)

File: 6cd0021a538f315⋯.jpeg (38.8 KB, 220x364, 55:91, 23EC97EE-B15A-42A6-8CF4-0….jpeg)

File: c4c2b3f59a3d1b9⋯.jpeg (71.07 KB, 600x402, 100:67, BBBFF33E-228F-44CA-B3B7-B….jpeg)

aef283  No.3557264


Says so right in the Koran.

27c811  No.3557265

File: 4a0ac81d2559ccc⋯.jpg (65.64 KB, 600x583, 600:583, Dp9n6AWXgAAK9cO.jpg)

Spread this around. This is the feeling of a LOT of Americans.

1b207d  No.3557266


Wow. Big surprise. Yet another genius interjecting itself…..and choosing to spout of on a subject it has no knowledge, facts or substance…but is way, way too stupid to see what that reveals about itself….because it was way too stupid to learn from Q comments and hints about “projection.”


When the geniuses use their own supergenius power to prove their own idiocy….but are not capable of seeing or understanding it.

By all means, junior…please continue! We are enjoying the laughs and examples of your idiocy.

5db2c1  No.3557267

File: 09a8f7ecac381fa⋯.png (184.65 KB, 490x460, 49:46, ClipboardImage.png)

b7ab52  No.3557268


Shocked! Said no one ever. Why this cockroach who's been overthrowing, or trying to overthrow, governments FOR YEARS (ACTUAL election "meddling") hasn't been locked up by now is insulting.

517d05  No.3557269


TOMORROW IS GOING TO BE GLORIOUS!! This will send shockwaves through the swamp/msm. 200k people are going to end up going… probably more.

98dee1  No.3557270


>Ok your Lying you never read the Bible and don't have a clue as to what your talking about

HOLY shit…you're accusing me of not reading the bible? I dunno if you even have one…

But help yourself to a quick google of how God commanded Abraham to kill his son Isaac to prove his love and devotion to god….

Then google Japeth…

then try the crucifiction story for how God killed his only begotten son…for you

but keep on I think it's hysterical.

12432f  No.3557271

File: a38cfef412986f9⋯.jpg (92.9 KB, 1147x767, 1147:767, flabbybeaverenergy.JPG)

4df7a5  No.3557272

File: 31dfd75dcc21614⋯.jpg (396.62 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Steal Your Meme.jpg)

9725f8  No.3557273


All Masons above the third, or Master’s degree, are sworn to keep inviolate the secrets of a brother, murder and treason excepted, up to the seventh, or Royal Arch degree.

In the oath of this degree the candidate… swears to keep all the secrets of a companion of this degree, murder and treason not excepted. All Masons of and above this degree are solemnly bound to do this….

26a9b5  No.3557274



9fa3ab  No.3557275

File: 1854b2d0dddaf83⋯.jpg (545.63 KB, 1426x975, 1426:975, bookerfag003.jpg)

cb32e3  No.3557276


Adorable. Hi!

ddec8b  No.3557277

File: 17b44ca468ca6e8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 44.89 KB, 885x516, 295:172, AP_18035222497333_c0-182-4….jpg)

Amy Schumer challenges white NFL players to kneel for anthem: 'Otherwise how are you not complicit?'

Don’t look for Amy Schumer in any Super Bowl LIII commercials this time around. She’s sitting this one out as she stands with Colin Kaepernick and his take-a-knee protest against racism and police brutality.

The comedian and “I Feel Pretty” actress explained her stance at length Friday on Instagram, challenging white NFL players to kneel as well. Addressing them directly, she wrote: “Otherwise how are you not complicit?”

Of her plan to steer clear of Super Bowl ads, she said: “I personally told my reps I wouldn’t do a Super Bowl commercial this year. I know it must sound like a privilege ass sacrifice but it’s all I got.”

Diddy, Jessica Seinfeld and Christie Brinkley offered her support among more than 8,000 comments left on her post. It was not immediately clear whether she had been approached to appear in an ad during the big game.

In 2016, Schumer appeared with Seth Rogen in a political-themed campaign for Bud Light, “Raise One to Right Now,” during Super Bowl 50.

“Hitting the nfl with the advertisers is the only way to hurt them,” Schumer wrote of her ban. “I know opposing the nfl is like opposing the nra. Very tough …”



2f89aa  No.3557279


I started taking this as soon as it came out, it works, also try Curamed, same company

f8b979  No.3557280


What is the POTUS doing about this? I can only find MSM lies and disinformation.

5db2c1  No.3557281

File: 2c68edddc0ed14b⋯.png (204.36 KB, 490x460, 49:46, ClipboardImage.png)

566912  No.3557282

The controllers have the tech to create biological robots which can carry out specific programmed tasks. It is believed they have an army of these robots walking amongst us. They look like us, but our genetically manufactured robots.

This is why the NPC memes are so important. This helps seed consciousness to reality. Many would not believe this without seeds.

Many here would not even believe this.

b7ab52  No.3557283



a49a10  No.3557284


I'm just telling you the way it's written - obviously ppl have free will and will do what they want - corrupt people are corrupt people - how the world is. Masons, Jews, it's silly… Just like when black people blame the white man.

26a9b5  No.3557285


Masonic bible is NOT AT ALL like bible!

a3d3ad  No.3557286

TexasAnon here. Every year we look forward to that first chilly weekend night to have a bonfire, play music & drink some beer. We wore our MAGA hats and the neighbor (has a Beto sign in his yard) came over to say Hi. He saw our hats and ran like we were going to kill him or something. It was funny & sad at the same time because we’ve always been friendly with each other. God, MSM has these folks so brainwashed.

4df7a5  No.3557287

File: c84d3f465884c91⋯.jpg (31.8 KB, 307x445, 307:445, 51AZKFHRDQL._SY445_.jpg)


meme material

b22d00  No.3557288

File: dae8c6ced1f9280⋯.png (279.16 KB, 588x776, 147:194, 7a4ad62698e1149d3f508178af….png)

File: 9a8acae6684aa90⋯.png (490.81 KB, 662x790, 331:395, a4bd3e3400a9e3343de389c41e….png)

File: 9758e03a9eae9b0⋯.png (245.82 KB, 586x632, 293:316, cf4294ae5ecbc9ea67391e653a….png)

File: a832631f2daad97⋯.jpg (8.31 KB, 183x275, 183:275, e375bc4acdd6166b2f5713980e….jpg)

File: fce1b0835fe365a⋯.jpg (17.55 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 32144987_1659328207447912_….jpg)

79d37b  No.3557289


Red October…massive red-pilling will be going on tomorrow at the tailgate rally.

fbb083  No.3557290

File: cf4c369b0405651⋯.jpg (41.78 KB, 530x684, 265:342, shithole.jpg)

936320  No.3557291

File: 2d046231ee66f6d⋯.jpg (79.1 KB, 550x717, 550:717, Lego_Hard.jpg)


Me meme you long time

5db2c1  No.3557292


should have booked Cowboys stadium. would have been the loudest ever.

0329ee  No.3557293



They might just land in Dallas or Austin and trigger a NPC.

41ca53  No.3557294

File: b61b12d5fd6dab1⋯.jpg (57.69 KB, 1024x558, 512:279, vegene.jpg)


You got to put a spoiler on that man….I WAS eating…kek

642e36  No.3557295


again not knowing scripture ye do err. What religion

was Abraham before God called him out of the land of UR and did they practice child sacrifice there,, you don't know what thew FK your talking about . go start over

1b207d  No.3557296


Please…please….do it again and again…

Meanwhile….you are providing evidence of stupidity of Q followers….for use by CNN….

@cnn….that’s a Q follower..

Dig for the details of finding the people Q and potus fucked….offer the digits….and I’m in…

cd583a  No.3557297


Okay… pass the bleach.. I just can't!!

1f83a9  No.3557298

File: 332623b5e9ce5b0⋯.png (320.75 KB, 647x307, 647:307, oprah-early.png)

a49a10  No.3557299


The Masonic Bible is just a King James Bible Anon

ae4f24  No.3557300



b3b84c  No.3557301

File: 1d90584aacdcda1⋯.jpg (171.91 KB, 949x964, 949:964, 20181018_020915.jpg)

File: f2ec81f3bfee731⋯.png (263.99 KB, 501x464, 501:464, 20181021_194523.png)

File: 27c861132193a4e⋯.jpg (19.02 KB, 720x450, 8:5, FB_IMG_1450303333731.jpg)


98dee1  No.3557302

File: 05d8184cb866b77⋯.jpg (79.38 KB, 992x1024, 31:32, npc blank.jpg)


>dinosaur so how are they described in ancient texts.

how do you know they are describing a dinosaur? were you there? Do you know ANYTHING about the construction of literature in that time….I'm glad you think Job is "beautiful" but that takes nothing away from the truth of the scholarship on it…god is a fucking asshole in that book…and assholes are beautiful…see how much job loved his invisible sky fairy that ruined his entire life? Or see how fucking brainwashed Job was to just roll over and suffer like a dog for god.

b7ab52  No.3557304


I'd love to go but it's gonna be a huge pain to get in and out. I feel sorry for the people working downtown tomorrow.

abd399  No.3557305

File: 1f93b4858d94753⋯.jpeg (28.49 KB, 555x555, 1:1, Flag Pin.jpeg)

aef283  No.3557306


Don't underestimate the power of a good time.

The difference between success and failure often comes down to morale. Those who fight as "happy warriors" tend to do much, much better than the stressed-out, pessimistic groups.

Party on, Wayne.

a3f033  No.3557307


Who is Amy Shumaher and why would anybody care?

5db2c1  No.3557308

File: 857296a7fc44d6a⋯.png (197.84 KB, 490x460, 49:46, ClipboardImage.png)

df7e26  No.3557309

File: ad7794084ad385a⋯.mp4 (15.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Matrix (NPC edition).mp4)

cb08f7  No.3557310

(((ID: 1b207d)))

<keeps giving himself away using the same words over & over

a58e75  No.3557311


You are correct anon.

One course of antibiotics will not kill it. But, the three month course will get the interstitial critters between the cells. That is a start.

The silver is on board then killing for the whole year. They are saying now 18 months, so I will be going back on the nanosilver for another year, in about 3 months.

My biggest worry was turning blue, but, I decided blue and walking was better than not blue and dying from lack of motion.

I did not expect it to work as well as it did, honestly. I am hoping the good news is that the nano silver kills them no matter what kind of shape-shifting they do.

And it appears the shape shifting is how they are causing the body to attack itself? They take the shape of various human proteins.

All I can do is play guinea pig, and report my results to those who are interested.

I will go google Godzilla micro current. It sounds interesting.

fdeae3  No.3557312

The biggest Q believers funny enough, is the cabal, they know Q is more real than we do.

aef283  No.3557313


I ain't skeered. We know what to do. Anyone who's bitching about the silence is either a newfag or a shill. We oldfags know the score.

b7ab52  No.3557314


NRG stadium would've been great, but even that is only 72k seats.

2404dc  No.3557315


I love you! No homo. Really.

bb0d30  No.3557316

chickens are dinosaurs, so are turtles

go on with your bible discussions

e68648  No.3557317

File: f212ac3660c8286⋯.jpeg (148.35 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1532129117.jpeg)

0329ee  No.3557318


Gotta make a gray NPC pumpkin to scare the kids on Halloween.

5db2c1  No.3557319

File: 63748c84484d3f6⋯.png (200.97 KB, 490x460, 49:46, ClipboardImage.png)

98dee1  No.3557320


Jews decided they were the chosen ones and wrote a book about it so terrifying to weak minds that they got the goy to believe them…then they flipped them a jew savior that SEEMS to lead in a different direction but actually leads RIGHT back to them…and as long as YOU believe they are chosen (because THEY said so and wrote it down…no no god said it…I swear)…holy hysterical. Who can claim to be a thinking introspective person and believe this tripe?

f44e92  No.3557321

File: 60d7f4f9b869655⋯.jpg (70.05 KB, 540x312, 45:26, Capturejfk8.jpg)

ee75ae  No.3557322

I just seen from a person on facebook that they were being deployed from Fort Bragg to the southern border.

2f89aa  No.3557323

File: 9bacdbf3579fb7d⋯.png (541.68 KB, 952x548, 238:137, GWins.PNG)

abd399  No.3557324

File: 9f598d88f46661a⋯.jpg (215.57 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, Truth Sauced.jpg)

d7e3f8  No.3557325

File: 5cd93daa4a91edf⋯.png (428.57 KB, 992x1024, 31:32, NPC-caravan2.png)

f81b64  No.3557326

File: 861d738be2b9dda⋯.png (48.01 KB, 293x400, 293:400, programmed.png)


>God, MSM has these folks so brainwashed.

True words!


aef283  No.3557327


CB is a hopeless clown shill. He's trying to stoke the Civil War fire, thinking it will break his way. He couldn't be more wrong.

cb08f7  No.3557328

File: c889b61c461cc65⋯.jpg (84.27 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ! ! ! ! ! 55a.jpg)

cd583a  No.3557329

File: 17ff68635fe8800⋯.jpg (126.37 KB, 1234x847, 1234:847, arnold.JPG)

The sauce


b22d00  No.3557330


you worship lucifer

35d38a  No.3557331

File: 5e3fce1cc3e6235⋯.jpg (180.35 KB, 1200x964, 300:241, STEP 1 KERNELS.jpg)

File: 43250f28b02dcc7⋯.jpg (119.49 KB, 1020x765, 4:3, STEP 2 POP.jpg)

File: 7448139580b8e43⋯.jpg (232.9 KB, 1200x964, 300:241, STEP 3 COMFY.jpg)

File: 0e826bd424014ec⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 0e826bd424014ec35c097a796c….jpg)

26a9b5  No.3557333


Lucifer, baphomet in masonic bible.

Bad stuff.

f2eb03  No.3557334

File: ee9c45ce640dd67⋯.png (95.37 KB, 590x714, 295:357, ClipboardImage.png)

43a9ef  No.3557335


she is not pretty

f81b64  No.3557336

File: ab224475f88def7⋯.jpg (212.04 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, halloweeNPC.jpg)



Actually saw a bunch of pumpkins for sale that are naturally grey.

Mioght hafta grab one.

a3f033  No.3557337


Nobody here doubts Q is real but what is the end goal of the operation is a mystery

Def arrests were hyped but not for us ot to materialize before midterms that for sure. Question remains why rep votes that are needed were not promoted logically and gradually. Its too drustic to switch from arrests to vote republucan, at least for me

eb3871  No.3557338


Absolutely. We don’t even need Q. The brains trust of anons draws on decades of pre-Q research and reflection, with new skills to leverage the content. Q glued this band of misfits together in this place. While we remain connected and focused we will be a formidable engine for truth, freedom, and transformation.

b1ea79  No.3557339

File: e05616e040ea2cb⋯.png (1.39 MB, 682x877, 682:877, Screenshot_11.png)

0329ee  No.3557340


He's gotta be terrified of being exposed as the fraud he is. Celebrated his whole life. What a scam.

68d75c  No.3557341


Ah yes.Domestic law enforcement =/= defending Sovereignty from foreign invaders, which is what these caravans are.

0b01eb  No.3557342


Has an extra BS glossary. Extra ignorance. Try the Nag Hammadi.

abd399  No.3557343

File: 1d3f9e4de9dfc2e⋯.mp4 (830.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Newfags Grenade Fail.mp4)

a3d3ad  No.3557344


We were going till I tore my ACL last night during a rather adventurous sexcapade with wifeAnon . We thought about getting a wheelchair …. pissed we have to miss it but it was a fun night

ddec8b  No.3557345


Yes she is Pretty Gross

35d38a  No.3557346

File: 9b1c8407aa73be8⋯.jpg (10.81 KB, 255x249, 85:83, 9b1c8407aa73be88b88e4f44d7….jpg)

98dee1  No.3557347



God told Abraham, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about." (Genesis 22:2, NIV)

and the idiotic appologists…well.god didnt mean it tho…then it wasn't really a test…well abraham knew god was gonna let him out that's why he did it…then it wasn't really a test…

the mind fuckery you people put yourselves through in order to maintain your magical thinking…is NPC of the highest order.

936320  No.3557348

File: b28a1a9c5ea968c⋯.jpg (132.9 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Pepe_Very_Rare_No_Steal.jpg)


Lol, Trump curse incoming.

aac797  No.3557349

File: d947881f2ce23cb⋯.jpg (116.67 KB, 892x598, 446:299, richard-parsons2.jpg)


Richard Parsons Steps Down From CBS Board, Role As Interim Chairman, Citing Health Reasons

cb08f7  No.3557350


All depends on what you give your attention too. On a good day, i barely even notice the shills & shit posts. When catching myself replying or tempted to reply, catch myself & reorient.

3de4bd  No.3557351

File: 247337e0e6fa06c⋯.jpg (50.85 KB, 501x284, 501:284, 2kmz2v[1].jpg)

2f89aa  No.3557352

File: 7847659d88ec70f⋯.jpg (184.75 KB, 600x563, 600:563, 7847659d88ec70f49ea1d0b875….jpg)

170b46  No.3557353

"Picard declares that Q has failed, and when Q attempts to go back on his word, he is forcibly recalled to the Continuum. Picard is pleased to see Q gone, and praises Riker for confirming his trust in his "Number One". "


041365  No.3557354


>end goal of the operation is a mystery


the end is the most well known part

that is why waiting is hard

a706ac  No.3557355

Desantis Is destroying a Obama 2.0

This guy is slick as shit pure bullshit from Tallahassee

0329ee  No.3557356



a45316  No.3557357

File: 5f41d40e0f0e91c⋯.jpg (138.52 KB, 640x498, 320:249, madamprez.jpg)

e04417  No.3557358

File: 775584b80850293⋯.jpeg (470.59 KB, 1079x715, 83:55, 6F91527A-0558-4190-9D90-3….jpeg)

91b21b  No.3557359


Yes! Voting this week for DeSantis and Scott!

646165  No.3557360

File: 5674441393a0f08⋯.png (132.53 KB, 506x753, 506:753, 2018-10-21_18-40-27 copy.png)

ad16a2  No.3557361

be2fe1  No.3557362


Masons are crooked. Comey and all these assholes will be masons. Stzrok, etc., theyre just the types.

cd583a  No.3557363


Kek!!! lol

ddec8b  No.3557364


Imagine if Kim hit the gym just to piss of the cabal

fa1892  No.3557365

File: 99433c9f58d5bf7⋯.jpg (487.17 KB, 1424x2172, 356:543, VoteHimOut-JoeDonnelly-D-I….jpg)

File: 3fd91a9f70f87c9⋯.jpg (826.86 KB, 1424x2172, 356:543, VoteHimOut-Jon Tester-D-MT.jpg)

File: ac7661284f6338a⋯.jpg (689.7 KB, 1424x2172, 356:543, VoteHerOut-JackieRosen-D-N….jpg)

File: 91c30858e2b5536⋯.jpg (865.21 KB, 1424x2172, 356:543, VoteHerOut-TinaSmith-D-MN.jpg)

I'm willing to do another round of

Obama HOPE posters for these candidates if anon provides some suitable text.


Ready the memes.

How can these incumbent democrats NOT be involved with the cabal?


It is time for the people to do our part in BOOSTING the power of POTUS. That's what this really comes down to. POTUS NEEDS CONGRESS. WE NEED 60 SEATS IN THE SENATE!!!

-Minnesota - Tina Smith (D) v. Karin Housley (R)

-New Jersey - Bob Menendez (D) v. Bob Hugin (R)

-Wisconsin - Tammy Baldwin (D) v. Leah Vukmir (R)

-West Virginia - Joe Manchin (D) v. Patrick Morrisey (R)

-Arizona: Kyrsten Sinema (D) v. Martha McSally (R)

-Tennessee: Phil Bredesen (D) v. Marsha Blackburn (R)

-Nevada: Jacky Rosen (D) v. Dean Heller (R)

-Texas: Beto O'Rourke (D) v. Ted Cruz (R)

-Florida: Bill Nelson (D) v. Rick Scott (R)

-Indiana: Joe Donnelly (D) v. Mike Braun (R)

-Missouri: Claire McCaskill (D) v. Josh Hawley (R)

-Montana: Jon Tester (D) v. Matt Rosendale (R)

-North Dakota: Heidi Heitkamp (D) v. Kevin Cramer (R)

-Michigan - Debbie Stabenow (D) v. John James (R)

-Pennsylvania - Bob Casey (D) v. Lou Barletta (R)

-Ohio - Sherrod Brown (D) v. Jim Renacci (R)

-Tim Kaine - D VA

-J.D. Scholten D-Iowa

It shouldn't take nearly as long this time bc now we have dough for it.

bb0d30  No.3557366

LAST CALL, let me know if something was missed


>>3556812 Democrat: ‘Employers’ Need Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

>>3556875 Justice, Treasury, and State Departments Announce Coordinated Enforcement Against Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion

>>3556879 Facebook reportedly aims to buy a 'major' cybersecurity company

>>3556985 Yemen is the epicenter of commercialized pedophilia

>>3556979 Parscale: Trump Campaign tailgater starts tomorrow at 9:00 am

>>3557098 Reminder: Gillum records tied to ‘active criminal investigation’

>>3557099 Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, is hiring

baking ~680

f8d4b5  No.3557367

File: 9d9b297fae8c46e⋯.jpeg (236.19 KB, 1242x852, 207:142, BA4D35E8-ECB9-44C7-A14A-D….jpeg)

A few rumblings on twatter

11b533  No.3557368

File: 447b889a6ffc02d⋯.pdf (2.49 MB, Albert_Pike_-_Morals_and_D….pdf)



By "masonic bible" you're both talking about the book by Albert Pike, not the actual Holy Bible or any translation. See PDF.

e68648  No.3557369

5bf16b  No.3557370


you haven't eaten that yet? it's weeks old

aef283  No.3557371


It would be a massive embarassment due to the lackluster numbers and the inevitable comparison to Trump's rallies. And he knows it. He thinks that carrying water for the #Resistance will catapult him to the role of savior. He's either a plant or the least-aware lawyer in the world.

041365  No.3557372


i disagree

Q team and POTUS are the key to the plan and the GA

if they are gone it will continue but success would not be assured

be2fe1  No.3557373


Orange Man bad.

539de3  No.3557374


AmRevII, we've studied the first, we know Sun Tzu AND Alinsky, with a CINC who backs us up. We WIN.

936320  No.3557375

File: 3fb85ce1580af24⋯.png (245.5 KB, 1063x1063, 1:1, 1508918022924.png)


You fucked your fucking wife so fucking good you got your fucking knee all fucked up.

64e1db  No.3557376

File: 4f35dab0163c14e⋯.jpeg (103.69 KB, 500x616, 125:154, 48F2FE2F-39E0-4D3F-B348-2….jpeg)

File: b0f67fd0c87a9fa⋯.jpeg (108.44 KB, 500x616, 125:154, 99C6F420-A940-4E85-9676-7….jpeg)

File: 13b8706bbf38ec9⋯.jpeg (129.68 KB, 474x711, 2:3, BE586B10-720B-4545-AB7E-A….jpeg)

ed6ed4  No.3557377

File: 5fc4c5f152ed5e3⋯.jpeg (74.39 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Grassley Chuck.jpeg)

a706ac  No.3557378



That dude from Tallahassee is slick Willy and Obama mixed together

68d75c  No.3557379

File: fbd2f52fa640e0d⋯.png (44.82 KB, 792x700, 198:175, highestkekinganon.png)

82a042  No.3557380



Yep I've seen that

Anthrax isn't the only reason you see the Hazmat suits comeout when responding to the "strange powdery substance" calls. As uncomfortable as full gesr is…I'm not going to one without it

be2fe1  No.3557381


GREAT movie, unforgettable.

aef283  No.3557382


Not time yet. Patience.

98dee1  No.3557383



Yeah so was fucking god when he supposedly told abe to kill isaac..or..maybe Abe was ill or stone (burning bush etc) and he intended to kill Isaac because of the FUCKING ISAAC QUESTION and then changed his mind then made up a story to explain to his "SON" why he lied to him, drug him up on the mountain, tricked him into getting strapped to a alter and was about to kill him….gosh one wonders who was Isaacs father?

kek this one always gets them because the answer is still IN the bible even though they thought they obscured it…guess who the real heir to abraham is…kek.

a706ac  No.3557384

0f1b73  No.3557385

File: 8bfeebd394fb833⋯.jpg (99.41 KB, 450x450, 1:1, DinoPrintsEPA_450x450.jpg)

27f393  No.3557386

File: 7c9a69b480498e8⋯.png (664.47 KB, 870x445, 174:89, ClipboardImage.png)

ABC reporter posted:

Actor playing the role of “active shooter” in one of the nation’s largest mass casualty drills. It’s in San Antonio


1b207d  No.3557387

Poll: How many times would you excuse Q lying to you if it costed you money and significant sacrifices in your daily life?

One? Two? Three?……times? Hundreds of dollars? Thousands of dollars?

Where would YOU…..EACH OF YOU BELIEVING….FOLLOWING ANONS….draw the line….before you questioned…..got tired of…..or ended the bleeding?

Any of you juniors want to answer honestly…..given that the financial aspect is in the 4 or 5 digits…?

027d37  No.3557388

File: e482eee563d4e5f⋯.jpg (201.96 KB, 700x762, 350:381, IMG_5997.JPG)


Just messin' with you, Anon… I own a Silver Lungs Generator and make 20 ppm. Glad you're feeling better.

1240d3  No.3557389



26a9b5  No.3557390


Basically everyone in a high position in politics, economy, society is a mason - would not have the job if not mason.

cbfa42  No.3557391


I dunno… Cause Belize don't share a border with Honduras?

626e64  No.3557392

File: 70004b93abbb23a⋯.png (462.57 KB, 500x636, 125:159, ClipboardImage.png)

fa1892  No.3557393

File: f95c71e91af2357⋯.jpg (142.41 KB, 537x751, 537:751, NurseYOU.jpg)



I don't understand why anyone would want that to be public though.

9ca999  No.3557394


Oh lord help us…

Strange this comes up today…was watching a doc on MKU last night (though they never called it by name even once) that said the clowns specifically recruited heroin addicts to test the LSD. The show never laid out the conclusions most of us here have made, but it triggered a thought in me: do they need potential recruits to be addicted specifically to heroin in order to get the LSD to work in the way they desire? I'm not a chemfag, so I have no idea of the effects of using opiates over anything else in tandem with LSD, but the clowns would, I'd guess.

Just thinking…considering the Cabal has been fascinated by opium for centuries now…


Been a couple of cases in the news lately that made me go WTF, that's for sure.

eb3871  No.3557396


POTUS is. Q might be. But we are not dependent on crumbs.

35d38a  No.3557397


Thanks for the ammo, arsenalanon! Well-done craftsmanship.

1f83a9  No.3557398

File: 20f4e8a7954ff88⋯.png (111.52 KB, 467x463, 467:463, Q-fire.png)

File: 7b039d0e794f9ad⋯.png (247.52 KB, 426x466, 213:233, gold-Q.png)

626e64  No.3557399

File: 0e31fd76b68ff09⋯.png (462.62 KB, 500x636, 125:159, ClipboardImage.png)

156835  No.3557400

Stop making Q the extent of your being. You are not all about Q. You are a patriot who is utilizing what Q gave you to achieve a peaceful revolution and change of governance. You have been given a beautiful opportunity, do not squander it.

Q is not needed to dig.

b7ab52  No.3557401


Interested to know what he means by this, unless it's just simply that Rhodes was in Barry admin and part of Iran deal and would know exactly what the payoff was for.

936320  No.3557402


Perhaps fuckedkneeanon finds what habbened to him funny and wants to share the keks.

5bf16b  No.3557403

File: f9220e2c8589c13⋯.png (351.72 KB, 1280x846, 640:423, Screenshot_2018-10-22 Goog….png)


because they don't own boats?

642e36  No.3557404


You FKing dummy ,,last time what religion was Abraham before God called him out of the land of UR, and did they practice child sacrifice.. what lesson was God teaching Abraham . and did you know it was on the Exact same spot 2000 years later the Christ died ,, probably not you don't even know what the word Christ means you think its Gods last name,don't

be a FKwit

041365  No.3557405


poll response


539de3  No.3557406


Parscale's hiring anons!

e68648  No.3557407

12432f  No.3557408

File: 6f8c520c39f71d7⋯.gif (3.86 MB, 459x259, 459:259, inpuppet.gif)

aef283  No.3557409

File: 2c88085922ea12b⋯.jpg (483.85 KB, 1280x1600, 4:5, 88ffe3aef6231faf50854f7415….jpg)

File: de486874d4af426⋯.jpg (670.51 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 88ada8b75a84e778a4092fa1cb….jpg)

File: 46979cfa2bcbd0b⋯.jpg (123.64 KB, 500x680, 25:34, 88a65047d0683ac86b580489b9….jpg)

ff3935  No.3557410


>Caused large size

At least two mass extinction events caused atmospheric depletion. We do not have giant creatures anymore because they would would die from asphyxia, Take a look at how birds breathe and why they were used as early warning by miners.

3f29cc  No.3557411

File: ec5ae1f57f56074⋯.jpg (64.61 KB, 480x680, 12:17, f09a6cdebb64e6488d1e91e29b….jpg)

Democrat's are going all in against Cruz.

45b75a  No.3557412

File: 3a25878fe71f6c8⋯.png (713.24 KB, 1701x506, 1701:506, SOON ANON.PNG)

>>3555996 LB

Add this to the mix and you got yourself a 'THRILLER'….

fa1892  No.3557413


That's just the appetizer. Made 30 of these today. Find them in the Memes33 >>3501547 ammo depot .

e68648  No.3557414

File: 10e09ad38e55796⋯.jpeg (106.22 KB, 1440x860, 72:43, 1538061645.jpeg)

041365  No.3557415


oooppps sorry anons

a3f033  No.3557416


You wrote sooo much text, insightful

751161  No.3557417

File: bfdf662303491b7⋯.jpg (48.76 KB, 480x385, 96:77, JustPray.jpg)

Where is the venue for Trump's rally in TX?

They've changed it and not sure where it is now.

Heard that 100k have bought tickets!

Please pray for his safety in TX!!!

ddec8b  No.3557418

File: 9bf21070bea3724⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2kmzlz.jpg)

4df7a5  No.3557419


The Illuminati Formula To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave


aef283  No.3557420


Tie a web address to a Q-friendly website to each one. Just to make it special.

26a9b5  No.3557421


Me talk about the masonic bibles, that are given to high degree masons.

They contain baphomet drawings and old symmerian/egypt/ancient stuff.

It is a bible plus some very creepy extra pages.

Not the pike book.

b7ab52  No.3557422


Why NC? Plenty of troops in TX.

5db2c1  No.3557423


Don't Mess With Texas!

We mean it!

aef283  No.3557424

File: c3a7f674e63046c⋯.jpg (458.74 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, 83cb03d970bea56fda1f471b75….jpg)

6e74d6  No.3557425


So you put money down based on shit that was said by Q and lost it and that's why you're mad. Top kek.

ac8ba4  No.3557426

So someone packed 1 million doses of highly deadly fentanyl in a suitcase. TSA discovered it in Phoenix check in screening.


What would have happened if baggage handler tossed luggage and packages ruptured? Or if it got into air flow circulation on board flight?

936320  No.3557427


Some women have gear shifting sticks too.

b22d00  No.3557428

File: 0396d3582eeaa72⋯.jpg (98.69 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 0396d3582eeaa72f16bd754ff1….jpg)

File: 63b2b2efec5689d⋯.jpg (342.48 KB, 1514x868, 757:434, 2ffd949f1b6d9225c739fcae48….jpg)

File: 79e8dfefdf8b812⋯.jpg (900.16 KB, 1839x1477, 1839:1477, 01add1ac34db7371d46d293979….jpg)

File: 937e721cfdf5c96⋯.png (186.61 KB, 573x471, 191:157, 94bc0b8fcb0a0490abdce8f020….png)

File: 18f3cf1b7e4826d⋯.jpg (88.56 KB, 840x480, 7:4, 399e0d648a5d210075b92b8cdf….jpg)

517d05  No.3557429

File: e95a15caba5f532⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, QclockPastRally1.png)

File: bea885de6adc7c5⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, QclockPastRally2.png)



It made notable a few days ago… I didnt know what the 22nd "marker" or "major event" was going to be…

At a past rally POTUS mentioned waiting times for Vets at the VA. He said "…10 days, 22 days, 38 days…" I knew at the time it meant something bigger but i was not sure where to start.

Then it hit me a few days ago and I made this clock. Was unsure what the 22nd of October was going to bring. Wellll…


ts a turning point. Its going to break records.

Public awareness of The Plan growing. FAKE NEWS exposed moar. Overall positive springboard moment.

"22 days" falls into place. On the clock

cdf0b0  No.3557430

File: a6d4c994804dca3⋯.png (114.39 KB, 440x245, 88:49, beaten-like-a-.png)

ty to those who joined in the chatroom fight

it was tough in those trenches.. but we won

ddec8b  No.3557431

File: fa5f64b390c70e2⋯.jpg (43.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2kmzpx.jpg)

b7ab52  No.3557432


He'll be safe in TX. It's at Toyota Center where Rockets play. Only 18k seats. :(

8ea894  No.3557433


Short term puts are your friend faggot. Stay current with the news and Q and you can actually make money.

3f29cc  No.3557434

File: 976292d3702ae90⋯.jpg (58.65 KB, 480x728, 60:91, 30708c21f90d13ba0ed1f70fb3….jpg)

File: 985b08a3241b557⋯.png (18.05 KB, 409x180, 409:180, 84a1e2c6d0752110502f9b69b2….png)

5bf16b  No.3557435


a lot of crack heads in there

93dcc4  No.3557436


Some people think devils tower was a giant tree stump, one of many old tree stumps, and the desert sands are nothing more than fossilized sawdust because all the deserts line up if the continents were pieced back together.

1240d3  No.3557437

ff364c  No.3557438

IDK if this has been posted previously…. if so sorry

Drummer for Beyoncé confirms she practices satanism/witchcraft

https://okmagazine.com/photos/beyonce-ex-drummer-claims-singer-wrapped-up-extreme- witchcraft/

bb0d30  No.3557439


>>3556812 Democrat: ‘Employers’ Need Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

>>3556875 Justice, Treasury, and State Departments Announce Coordinated Enforcement Against Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion

>>3556879 Facebook reportedly aims to buy a 'major' cybersecurity company

>>3556985 Yemen is the epicenter of commercialized pedophilia

>>3556979 Parscale: Trump Campaign tailgater starts tomorrow at 9:00 am

>>3557098 Reminder: Gillum records tied to ‘active criminal investigation’

>>3557099 Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, is hiring

2cf198  No.3557440

File: 36b1afccd7987bc⋯.jpg (181.74 KB, 397x607, 397:607, NeverendingFight.jpg)


The plan is forever, never ending mother fucker..

0f1b73  No.3557441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3f79eb  No.3557442

File: 895b3fa600d701b⋯.png (439.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, corybookernomnom.png)

3b9bb5  No.3557443

File: dfceb85bacd0021⋯.jpg (6.85 MB, 5472x3648, 3:2, APRIL 19_BATTLE_ROAD.jpg)



1240d3  No.3557444

File: 6e342bed9f33a1f⋯.png (831.12 KB, 751x811, 751:811, booker22.png)

68d75c  No.3557445


Probably SOP: IT safeguards against the idea of infiltrating locals by bringing in a randomizing factor.

Because you know whoever paid those migrants, will also attempt to pay the people that guard the gates.

It's just a countermeasure against shenanigans. Most Men in uniform take their oaths seriously; Some, like NoName, do not..

b22d00  No.3557447


pedophiles, jews, traitors, murderers, rapists, muslims, la raza

b7ab52  No.3557448



64e1db  No.3557449

f2ad3c  No.3557451


michael obama😉

17d3d6  No.3557452


I couldn't have said it any better myself Anon.

bb0d30  No.3557453


1b207d  No.3557454

Well, Q, the responses here today, and the lack of accommodation and/of back up plan by you and “the plan” provides significant information and evidence.

If you are real and allowed the indicated situation to occur without having previously provided for a back up plan, that alone provides evidence of the failure of your plan.

If your plan considered that/this situation and opted for the “sucks to be you” outcome option, then it provides significant evidence of the inhumane psychology of the developers, something that the American people will be interested in learning.

While that information may take time to leak and become available, the inconsiderate, uncaring, dick-wad, asswipe essence of your position will be provided to the public.

Wonder if Sara carter or hannity will have the spine or balls to inform the public?

c2e655  No.3557456


Thanks fren.

The mobile experience has been affected alot lately. Just trying to stay updated and keep my eyes on interesting researches.

I don't Twitter from mobile nor facebook. If it wasn't for Q I wouldn't even have a twitter account.

19bc47  No.3557458

File: 55d4ed79bc4a58e⋯.jpg (92.03 KB, 508x500, 127:125, Chicken5.jpg)



642e36  No.3557459


log post and completely blank on my screen what did it say

98dee1  No.3557460


NOT ONE of your words is in the bible..not one…and whatever magical thinking you've done to correlate UR with Golgotha 2000 years later…is beyond mind pretzel and that's NOT in the bible either. KEK..

so;..who was Isaacs father?

c890f9  No.3557461

File: e18d06e523157c8⋯.png (895.52 KB, 660x681, 220:227, niggaplease.PNG)

751161  No.3557462

File: 8cca97103e79f01⋯.png (64.8 KB, 802x623, 802:623, ClipboardImage.png)


Couldn't believe it so I looked it up!


But what magazine was this from? What is the source of the article?

abd399  No.3557464


Vessels of wrath fitted for destruction

3b9bb5  No.3557465

Be Best.

1240d3  No.3557467

File: eacbc98995f009a⋯.png (473.45 KB, 731x365, 731:365, warren.png)

751e45  No.3557468

File: 9dcf00861359763⋯.jpg (119.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

a58e75  No.3557469


Thanks anon. I am SOOOOooooo glad to be out of pain and walking. Lots of muscle building to do. But the pain is gone. I just did not think it was going to work. It was an act of desperation… lol.

642e36  No.3557470


don't change the subject I don't have all FKing night, you can't answer my questions, you gave up on God ,he didn't give up on you, go back and start over

3f29cc  No.3557471

File: f18350580f865bf⋯.jpg (132.52 KB, 480x698, 240:349, f18350580f865bf5dd51748489….jpg)

3b9bb5  No.3557472


Be Best.

1efbbf  No.3557473

File: eaf3117fa337ea3⋯.jpeg (39.5 KB, 682x423, 682:423, 9495FB1C-8949-4509-A680-5….jpeg)

febe81  No.3557475


were they gonna put it in the WATER?

7d1215  No.3557476


Do you think either held back information we needed? Some things couldn't be said plainly but they came to us because we know how to decode and discover the rest. Breadcrumbs.

5db2c1  No.3557477

File: f750329ef799e97⋯.png (203.16 KB, 490x460, 49:46, ClipboardImage.png)

ec3e87  No.3557478

ed6ed4  No.3557479

File: fffd92ccc40dd25⋯.jpg (152.71 KB, 900x750, 6:5, READTHEBIBLE.jpg)

05e198  No.3557480



Read the feed for less than 60 seconds and now I'm convinced humanity is doomed

What a bunch of stupid fucks

aa1ec0  No.3557481


the New JFKJr memorial mag. Article heading:

"Gone To Soon", as in soon is the destination.

b22d00  No.3557482


….Reggie Love's 9am Barry call.

a45316  No.3557483

File: 18799d9681c09b3⋯.png (264.02 KB, 599x420, 599:420, niggaplease.png)

072e3f  No.3557484


Special Forces at Fort Bragg

fdeae3  No.3557485

File: f3a17957c97619b⋯.jpg (206.03 KB, 1124x1347, 1124:1347, DqEuovWVAAIGJrg.jpg)

cb08f7  No.3557487

File: 32cb97ac6c940c8⋯.png (66.25 KB, 800x1024, 25:32, ClipboardImage.png)




cap from: http://www.ourladyisgod.com/i-freemason-bible-0001-0100.php

PDF: http://www.ourladyisgod.com/images/eBooks/Freemason-Bible.pdf

35d38a  No.3557488


Roger that. Got em. Thanks for looking out brother.

68d75c  No.3557489


Holy fucking shit, Q wasn't kidding.

4bf219  No.3557490

Anons trying to drop some redpills. help on the next bread finding the article stating the caravan were sent pre filled documents from texas democrats?

abd399  No.3557491

File: e910bad7c0d0c91⋯.jpg (636.76 KB, 2100x1500, 7:5, GITMOAIR.jpg)


Where's the runway?

be450f  No.3557492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Right now

LIVE: Tucker Carlson VS Cenk Uygur from the Young Turks Debate of the Century at Politicon


93dcc4  No.3557493


enormous if verifiable.

2404dc  No.3557494

File: afcd471599b1089⋯.jpeg (2.24 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 66D67094-E4DD-4D23-9BCC-2….jpeg)

Deflated, I can fit 2 of these in my wallet. I am also printing cards.

Let’s send out president and the world a message. Let’s be loud! Let’s be heard!

Please start or listen for and join the following chant:

We are wth you.

We are with you.

We are with you.

a49a10  No.3557496


Time stamps on each pic ?

9ca999  No.3557497

File: fca005efeaa46c2⋯.png (320.25 KB, 1437x812, 1437:812, ClipboardImage.png)


It's for sale on Amazon, how ironic, kek!



cdf0b0  No.3557498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cunk Yogurt vs. Tucker Carlson

LIVE @ Politicon

d67c7f  No.3557499

File: 22c9d4f5db277c6⋯.png (876.69 KB, 781x852, 11:12, ClipboardImage.png)

3f79eb  No.3557501



Q's gonna make them jump out.

b7ab52  No.3557502



cdf0b0  No.3557503


that 4-6% kinda looks moar like 30

b62582  No.3557504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Saw this video and just thought id point it out, censoring on a new level. maybe testing something for a larger picture?

34d32b  No.3557505


What is the timeline between the two pictures?

5bf16b  No.3557506


will Alex crash in?

c649cb  No.3557507

Horrific blowout with family tonight.

Despite ALL my attempts to keep it Calm and Civil.

Just an attempt to give a civil and alternative perspective, WITH RESPECT to the understanding that years of Mockingbird Media have indoctrinated them (Boomers, born in the 50's). I tried. Lord knows I tried.

They think I'm Crazy for BELIEVING that things can get better in this Country… in this World. They have become cynic assholes. The same people I thought never would be.

They can't even HAVE the conversation. I don't even want to be around people that won't have any inclination Hope.


Keep fighting Patriots.

cacde1  No.3557508

File: 2f3813505c73f3a⋯.jpg (168.65 KB, 789x617, 789:617, beto o rourke fake mexican….jpg)

156835  No.3557509

And it really doesn't matter if any of you believe at this point. You've found out enough to be independent, you'll come back when it all comes true, if it does. And if it doesn't you'll still be out there fighting, right?

So Q doesn't need us to stay cohesive here, we'll all stream back every time there's another confirmation. So no this place isn't going to be his every focus, getting the criminals takes precedence. Some of you are putting Q as your personality, don't. That's identity politics at work. You are you. You happen to support Q. You is good. We need you. So don't stop being a You to be a Them.

Plus it's straight unhealthy to lose who you are.

82a042  No.3557510


Years ago I read that using heroin allows for hypnosis and demonic possession to occur easier…wish I could remember what book…. If I remember right…said the same about any mind-altering substances.

On a side note…If you believe in God - "The Black Awakening" is an interesting read

78a0de  No.3557511


Other side of the Bay, That is just Kittery Beach

b56eb7  No.3557512


I live near Fort Lee in VA trying to find out if they are having any deploying.

a7732e  No.3557513



bb0d30  No.3557514

fb12bd  No.3557515

File: f0fb56e60cd3c60⋯.png (780.77 KB, 1027x691, 1027:691, Gitmo.png)

aa1ec0  No.3557516


Same boat here, anon. Fight Fight Fight,

But not with your family!

6fa8aa  No.3557517


That's why videos (Clinton, Pelosi, etc.) should automatic notables so they appear in a condensed list of news. Normies aren't going to peruse a thread with 751 entries looking for nuggets.

11e6e5  No.3557518


and the destination is 'anon'.

a49a10  No.3557519


Correct - from Darkness to Light

Good catch anon

890181  No.3557520

File: a29cdab1194214c⋯.jpg (222.25 KB, 968x585, 968:585, iu (2).jpg)

99596e  No.3557521

File: ba6b3c22c563af3⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1170x1578, 195:263, Antifa.png)

Based Driver

ffc18a  No.3557522

File: 59244b003d2dc0b⋯.png (559.55 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 98725375-5B6F-4A3D-8775-77….png)

So called “migrant caravan” is an invasion, with Mexicans joining it now and will likely be 50,000 when it hits Texas…

Should we be buying guns or evacuating?

This has become serious.

They are like 17 days away unless the Mexicans that already betrayed us and Trump give them train rides.

Laredo, TX will be over run, crushed.

Would USA military really fire in these invaders with women and children in front of the column? I don’t think so.

I live in Houston and am very frustrated.

Gov Abbott hasn’t said anything yet, but his could get really ugly, really ugly.

Outside Texas it’s just a political game, but a it’s gonna get real here in 17 days.

d0271e  No.3557524


Same boat here, anon.

My son. God I miss him so much.

aa1ec0  No.3557525

f2eb03  No.3557526


>Interested to know what he means by this, unless it's just simply that Rhodes was in Barry admin and part of Iran deal and would know exactly what the payoff was for.

It's about THIS!

U.S. Hid Osama bin Laden in Iran for Decade After 9/11; Bush & Obama White Houses Worked Saudi & Iranian Deal to Safeguard Terror Leader

Osama bin Laden, the founder, and leader of terrorism conglomerate al-Qaeda, who was responsible for the deadly and devastating Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on U.S. soil, never was hiding in Afghanistan or its damp caves, according to explosive revelations in a new book from intelligence insiders and highly secret government documents.

Thousands of Americans died that day and many more in the wretched aftermath.

Instead, incredibly, bin Laden was whisked to a safe house in Iran following the deadly attacks on the World Trade Centers in New York, the Pentagon and the downing of a commercial jet in western Pennsylvania targeting the White House.



c2a473  No.3557527


sheer idiocy is required to not see that dinosaurs are being described.

What else has a tail “like a cedar”

What else has scales on its back “like shields”


4df7a5  No.3557528


tanks, anon

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