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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, e1c02b43c5fc1b06dad4093883….jpg)

6d7e7d  No.3562074

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 -------------------------------- Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3417457 ; reminder re: /pf/175: >>3417530 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -------------------------- Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

>>>/patriotsfight/372 -------------------------------- effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap/txt: >>3412511, >>3412512 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -------------------- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3412170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 -------------------------------- Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 -------------------------------- [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 -------------------------- Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 --------------------------------- Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 --------------------------------- Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 --------------------------------- Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -------------------- Your voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 --------------------------------- TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 --------------------------------- [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -------------------- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

6d7e7d  No.3562077


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3542917 CodeFag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive (Tested and Working!!)

>>3542169, >>3542282 8chan Was Down & Under Attack According to Ron (Also Expect Recurring Outages)

>>3405679 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation


>>3561968 Australian Government addresses the Child abuse epidemic in their country

>>3561913 Grants for Syria went to Pakistan & Iraq. Fuckery going on?

>>3561889 Korea's continue improving relationship

>>3561717 Drag Queen Story Hour Sued in Texas

>>3561585 Israeli Minister Avigdor Lieberman accidentally dropped number of active JIDF operatives (spoiler: it's less than 6 million)

>>3561443 Belgium chooses F35 over Eurofighter

>>3561412 Article re: China Submarine Monitoring System of Canadian Shores

>>3561391 Austin Water Warning: Boil The Water

>>3561382 Polio-like illness AFM is much more widespread than thought; >>3561489 Other exotic diseases also roaming free

>>3561365 Planefag Update: Helicopter Circling over Disneyland.

>>3561363 DJT Declares National Emergency

>>3561358 Think Mirror on ENC --> CNE ; >>3561597 .enc files?

>>3562065 #4518


>>3560672 Israel ‘abducts’ Palestinian governor


>>3560736 MIGRANT HOARD NOW AT 10,000

>>3560847 MOAR Qclock

>>3560893 Khashoggi death: Saudi Arabia now admits journalist was murdered; >>3560903 The Bigger Picture? {Sources Knows To Spread Disinformation; >>3560940

baker change

>>3560581 ZeroHedge: Deep State Hysteria Builds as Midterms draw Closer

>>3560657 Joe Arpaio Hits New York Times with $147.5 Million Lawsuit

>>3560960 8ch.net Under Attack Again; >>3560973 ; >>3561142

>>3561037 CBS Interim Chairman Steps Down

>>3561047 Suspicous Quakes near newly installed Chinese Submarine Detectors in Canadian Waters; >>3561091 Autists Awake? ; >>3561212 Sauces

>>3561053 New DJT Tweets ; >>3561055 Missing Enc. ; >>3561060 ; >>3561065 ; >>3561208

>>3561067 CNN shows footage of 'body double' of Khashoggi in Istanbul

>>3561300 #4517


>>3559813 Numbers Show US-led Operation To Eliminate Hajin Pocket In Syria Led To Growth Of ISIS Presence There

>>3559814 Planefag: a lot of traffic across the pond

>>3560012 GAA Update

>>3560200 Graphic: Gavin Newsom Campaign Connection with Soros

>>3560228 Qshirt in the front of line since early Sunday for Houston MAGA rally

>>3560304 Cory Booker Tackles Cory Booker's History of Homophobia—So Is He Gay or What?

>>3560310 Moar on Richard Parsons Stepping Down as Interim Chairman of CBS

>>3560311 From QRV: mix NPCs with How to debate a liberal

>>3560507 #4516


>>3559052 Q CLOCK UPDATE

>>3559055 Hondurans Paint Swastika on US Flag Then Torch It in Support of Illegal Immigrant Caravans

>>3559116 Michael Avenatti Lived the High Life While Owing Millions to IRS

>>3559220, >>3559234 Still not getting a straight story on Khashoggi death

>>3559319 Send US Military to Seal Up Border, Angel Mom Says

>>3559353 POTUS Schedule for today

>>3559400 Resignations in the news today

>>3559591 Moar on the 'Big Texas Tailgater' ahead of Ted Cruz Houston rally

>>3559596 Bolton to Come to Moscow to Meet Senior Russian Officials

>>3559599 Poll: John Cox Surges in California on Wave of Republican Enthusiasm

>>3559671 Special counsel examines conflicting accounts as scrutiny of Roger Stone and WikiLeaks deepens

>>3559733 #4515

Previously Collected Notables

>>3557439 #4512, >>3558203 #4513, >>3558961 #4514

>>3555128 #4509, >>3555918 #4510, >>3556699 #4511

>>3552883 #4506, >>3553546 #4507, >>3554372 #4508

>>3550541 #4503, >>3551334 #4504, >>3552076 #4505

>>3548915 #4500, >>3551338 #4501, >>3549747 #4502

>>3545099 #4496, >>3545845 #4497, >>3546691 #4498

>>3542833 #4493, >>3543560 #4494, >>3544459 #4495

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

6d7e7d  No.3562078

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

6d7e7d  No.3562079

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

6d7e7d  No.3562082



deae4e  No.3562092

File: 204d86de8a1a4da⋯.png (116.66 KB, 614x406, 307:203, download.png)

Amazon’s FreeRTOS Powering Millions Of IoT Devices Is Plagued With Massive Security Flaws


da88e0  No.3562103

File: d6b451cd1963e3b⋯.png (24.29 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)


Elon Musk's first high-speed tunnel 'almost done'


a38a2e  No.3562113

File: 724a3d86c055c39⋯.png (22.2 KB, 417x350, 417:350, ClipboardImage.png)

Possible meaning for this morning ENC missing from POTUS tweet.

767737  No.3562114

File: c64d548b34011cd⋯.jpg (213.93 KB, 1200x1736, 150:217, Its Time 3.jpg)

TY Baker!

ab32f4  No.3562115

File: 1c1405beaa8ef90⋯.jpg (595.15 KB, 2241x1433, 2241:1433, hurricane willa and the ca….jpg)


Hurricane Willa and the Caravan

What will happen?

29499c  No.3562116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

82c567  No.3562117

File: 81bb445e0c2d31e⋯.jpg (226.96 KB, 750x1193, 750:1193, Q VIP Texas Rally Line.jpg)

40c57a  No.3562118

File: 13bc86eff17cddf⋯.jpg (200.4 KB, 1413x2037, 471:679, _20181022_111001.JPG)

Q's last post

Oct 9th







Nov 12th (day after 11:11)

5631e7  No.3562119


Caesar cipher

Tweet delta

72eb77  No.3562120

File: 6ef8a940a9daed1⋯.png (49.84 KB, 788x256, 197:64, ashampoo_snap4006.png)

"But those who have believed and emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah and those who gave shelter and aided - it is they who are the believers, truly. For them is forgiveness and noble provision." - The Holy Koran, Sura 8:74


b34de7  No.3562121

File: df39d62f389d3c8⋯.png (790.97 KB, 832x996, 208:249, tysweet.png)

deae4e  No.3562122

File: 1cc14872a59073d⋯.jpg (41.73 KB, 654x436, 3:2, getimage.jpg)

Go to Grid Taiwan train derailment kills 17, injures 132



b012bf  No.3562123

File: 3ff0212f6e61ff4⋯.png (27.73 KB, 438x322, 219:161, why.png)

File: ed704e45793f7a3⋯.png (15.59 KB, 608x141, 608:141, tacitapproval.png)

SO filterfag posted last bread.. This is why fitlerfag is wrong:

d4dca6  No.3562124

File: e25a009436cc6a8⋯.png (646.11 KB, 720x1057, 720:1057, 20181022_072359.png)

Saw this on drudge this morning.


ee1a1e  No.3562125

File: 5f0e33adfd325ec⋯.png (844.28 KB, 2486x1228, 1243:614, ClipboardImage.png)


da88e0  No.3562126

File: 4717137236ec3d0⋯.png (493.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

a38a2e  No.3562127

File: a62ccf06564a527⋯.png (34.86 KB, 450x365, 90:73, ClipboardImage.png)


double meanings

a8d4df  No.3562128

File: 5eac1817e6546d3⋯.png (208.84 KB, 595x832, 595:832, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: c78da47d3d34972⋯.png (208.34 KB, 591x844, 591:844, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: 0571f80723e914a⋯.png (212.24 KB, 595x843, 595:843, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: 15d5c790d828829⋯.png (205.42 KB, 589x843, 589:843, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: 0ba631e4f0997d8⋯.png (207.36 KB, 588x843, 196:281, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

]Sessions[ & [RR] had a busy week…


f0f7b9  No.3562129

>>3562108 (PB)

According to Fritz Springmeier there are about 2 million MKU programmed individuals in the US. FS say they have something called "end times programming"

IDK what that is, but


765420  No.3562130


Breaking news !!!!!

Wilma wipes out caravan and why it’s trumps fault

5025d4  No.3562131


Enc- encoded (file name ext)

6e23c1  No.3562132

File: 93fb31cc3367e1a⋯.png (713.18 KB, 1130x1183, 1130:1183, 04268333333351065432.png)

a8d4df  No.3562133

File: dca15450010991c⋯.png (207.69 KB, 592x844, 148:211, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: 45e84a53bdaf711⋯.png (550.1 KB, 593x842, 593:842, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: 568a2aaa1983be2⋯.png (348.33 KB, 593x843, 593:843, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: 13c3feebbc2a51a⋯.png (404.36 KB, 594x842, 297:421, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: f2828e5bcf8032a⋯.png (201.92 KB, 593x845, 593:845, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

]Sessions[ & [RR] had a busy week…


5631e7  No.3562134


Not sure if missing letters are different than capital letters.

b367a8  No.3562135

some interesting fuckery afoot. you about to stop by boss?

a8d4df  No.3562136

File: b60652824627a6a⋯.png (201.35 KB, 592x843, 592:843, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

]Sessions[ & [RR] had a busy week…


e560a6  No.3562137



You filter gorefag&co with 100 posts per bread, and not single digit ID posts that you don't agree with.

ESPECIALLY if you can't find a single argument against that.

363bd4  No.3562138

File: 8a2107b29a784ad⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1440x3120, 6:13, Screenshot_2018-10-22-11-2….png)

File: 6c24a825f23ee76⋯.png (865.62 KB, 1440x3120, 6:13, Screenshot_2018-10-22-11-2….png)

File: 3bc8ef4f295c6f8⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1440x3120, 6:13, Screenshot_2018-10-22-11-2….png)

File: edf5c5ba9353219⋯.png (665.9 KB, 1440x3120, 6:13, Screenshot_2018-10-22-11-2….png)

It's working…its fucken working and it's brilliant and beautiful and ah-fucking-mazing…


Check this out anons. Pics related.

The story by NBC news about Liawatha Pale Face Warren… I read hundreds of replies. Only one person who was believing the lies. 1! One solitary dumbass. Check it out if you want to laugh your ass off.

1.Liawatha is done

2. She took herself down

3. People are waking up

4. Q was right all along

5. We are winning bigly

WWG1WGA, and were multiplying like frogs.

b37494  No.3562139


>>3562065 lb






>Feedback noted. Thank you for your vigilance.




Looking at the NOtables, I can see clearly how well the feedback was Noted...

Falling on Deaf ears!

b012bf  No.3562140


I've seen research similar, here.

There are MK'd NPCs.

a LOT of them. Anons did extensive research on this a little under a year ago.

bd98e3  No.3562141

>>3562012 (pb)

I'm glad Q pickup up with all the mysteries to help with withdrawal from "The Return"

What if DL is _RSTUV?

deae4e  No.3562142

File: ea5a9f216719507⋯.jpg (90.25 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, crop-1280x720-000.jpg)

China mining accident: 18 trapped in tunnel


1e0615  No.3562143

File: 8b97854b279b1c5⋯.png (1003.46 KB, 893x494, 47:26, ClipboardImage.png)

b34de7  No.3562144

File: 21ee1a273c6eae5⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, movietime.png)

280f29  No.3562145

Slow day…

If you mistakenly respond to a text with "KEK" instead of "LOL"


If you're in a grocery store and someone asks you where the bread aisle is and you instinctively scream "Lurk More!"


If you go to a website and immediately look for the notables


If you are taking a math test and see A+3>[D]/2 and find yourself wondering who D is and why he is in the kill box


If you are with a group of people and someone suggests "let's order a cheese pizza" and the hair on your neck rises.


If a friend mentions " did you hear the news about Sam" and you demand Sauce.


f089d4  No.3562146

File: 2a2d8eb19a6e410⋯.png (38.3 KB, 423x254, 423:254, Q306-News-unlocks-map.png)

File: 9a6f29e435542b5⋯.png (33.21 KB, 471x268, 471:268, Q679-News-unlocks-map.png)

File: fe3b31be9ffcf0e⋯.png (68.81 KB, 464x346, 232:173, Q506-pleasure-of-POTUS.png)

File: 30d7fa0d3e6347c⋯.png (32.55 KB, 475x183, 475:183, Q158-today-at-rally.png)

File: 12b8d1e6b4f8dde⋯.png (36.9 KB, 467x327, 467:327, Q40.42-DJT.png)

>>3561605 (lb)

>Jared Kushner, “I serve at the pleasure of the President”

>>3561836 (lb)

Ignoramus when it comes to the Clock, but wondering if JK's quote today unlocks something in the crumbs.

3f81e2  No.3562147


fuckery caused by faggotry caused by moldiness caused by faggots caused by faggot cabal invasion caused by faggots caused by moldiness caused by faggots caused by moldiness

b9cd52  No.3562148


>Enc- encoded (file name ext)



58249c  No.3562149


In info in the posts above this one - on RR and our hero, Sessions, just about work, don't you think?

They're very busy. Have been for some time.

Q's promises kept and fulfilled before our eyes.

4859a5  No.3562150


Thinkinh mother nature's gonna criss-cross with the migrant horde at just the right time to send them scurrying for safety. Mexico isn't a place known for safe infrastructure during major hurricanes, after all. Once a few handfuls get swept away to their doom in rising floodwaters, it's game over. And Soros's minions will be footing the blame for recklessly endangering their lives.

8170dc  No.3562151


"The Black Awakening" by Russ Dizdar goes into this. According to him many are programmed to be Super Soldiers - either to kill as many people as possible or to kill specific people. He says they also have a kill switch that causes them to commit suicide if caught

e5f1a7  No.3562152

File: a5b5a406ff419b6⋯.png (4.49 KB, 255x159, 85:53, point57c40fde8ce6fc8b28ac3….png)

c4303c  No.3562153


KEK good list!

9a321b  No.3562154

File: 82eacbabfa7105d⋯.png (9.37 KB, 380x125, 76:25, Screenshot 2018-10-22 at 1….png)

Time to meme to NPCs….

Orange man DEMANDS that you boil your water!

This could kill off tens of thousands of lefttards

in a tsunami of explosive diarrhea

deae4e  No.3562155


If you overstate "IT'S HABBENING BIGLY" 50+ times a day and it never is.


5631e7  No.3562156

File: 20ca18390fd21eb⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Procedures.mp4)


Also collecting CSF from the young.

Listen to what he calls it


f34583  No.3562157

File: d117952fc93d7c9⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1320x1019, 1320:1019, the full picture.png)



89e10e  No.3562158

If you wish, remember to meditate for 20min today.

da88e0  No.3562159


>And Soros's minions will be footing the blame for recklessly endangering their lives.

You know better than that! They'll switch the blame on POTUS.

ac9008  No.3562160


Nectar of the Gods

24103c  No.3562161

File: 797fd3972814a93⋯.jpg (79.86 KB, 1178x402, 589:201, cne.jpg)

DHS CNE Counter Narcotics Enforcement

The Charter states the Council shall perform the following functions:

Consider and address counternarcotics issues affecting the Department;

Address the adequacy of resources for narcotics interdiction efforts;

Assist in the development, coordination and implementation of counternarcotics strategies, policies, and counternarcotics doctrine;

Assist in counternarcotics resource identification and allocation throughout the Department; and

Identify and address areas where greater cooperation among Department components can better achieve our national drug control objectives.


b012bf  No.3562162


If someone texts you and sends verbiage that implies they are female, and you respond with "Tits or GTFO"

…You might be anon ;)

e5f1a7  No.3562163


>nectar of the gods

5631e7  No.3562164


YES!!!! Now look that up.

701bed  No.3562165


I almost did a copy-pasta for my friends, then I realized they wouldn't get it. . . KEKEKEK!

c4303c  No.3562166


The JEWS!!

4b848d  No.3562167

File: f34fbc4bbf9e6cc⋯.jpeg (43.09 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 44670989-0319-4373-9618-9….jpeg)


“Precious bodily fluids”?

66966f  No.3562168

File: bd45d8aa3314b3a⋯.jpg (22.68 KB, 255x231, 85:77, c2fd83e66c414087fe351c6b2e….jpg)

a55b46  No.3562169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b34881  No.3562170


Also this. I suppose one could also filter the boob posters as well, but I don't know why you would want to do that ;)

5631e7  No.3562171


KEK I knew someone would jump on that.


da88e0  No.3562172


>If you mistakenly respond to a text with "KEK" instead of "LOL"


b3afe8  No.3562173


this is great!

c54dad  No.3562174


>Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 85cc02 No.544247 📁

>Mar 3 2018 23:18:43 (EST)

>Where we go one, we go ALL.

>Misspellings matter.

>Sentence formation matters.



c43d07  No.3562175

File: cdafee5af0e5b71⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 2639x3958, 2639:3958, E6B179F7-3859-4784-B9CD-B….jpeg)

File: a0643af9ec1daf8⋯.jpeg (592.29 KB, 1485x2227, 1485:2227, 925CE298-0965-49D3-ADE3-5….jpeg)

File: 69eb1689ac7b39c⋯.jpeg (588.21 KB, 1485x2227, 1485:2227, 93131BEF-BE1A-4933-BF0A-7….jpeg)

e5f1a7  No.3562176

File: ea36147fa5fef5b⋯.png (399.61 KB, 505x403, 505:403, ClipboardImage.png)

a8d4df  No.3562177


It is not too important; however, I was trying to post the 3/3 post with the last CAP (1 pic) and a message popped up saying flood detected, message deleted. what am i doing wrong?

2b44c0  No.3562178

Sarah Westall interviewing Mark Steele, Chief Technology Officer for the Reevu Technology on the dangers of 5G.

He claims his entire neighborhood have been guinea pigs for a 5G trial that violates all human right laws including the Nuremberg Codes, the Geneva Convention and all other local & international human right laws. According to Steele and court documents, the judged agreed and denied authorities to place a gag order on Steele; "People Have the Right to Know" about the effects of 5G on humans and other living animals and insects.

His website is a treasure trove of information.


Couldn't embed the video for some reason. I know how, it just wouldn't "take."


7c2c1f  No.3562179


Fuckin' A!



e560a6  No.3562180


As Q said, never stop praying

Weekly Key to Freedom meditation was yesterday though, as it is every Sunday.

4859a5  No.3562181

File: 0cdca3ae794957b⋯.png (271.12 KB, 375x525, 5:7, 0cdca3ae794957b7300a29e8e7….png)


They can try like they did with Hurricane Florence, but the MSM can't pin it on Trump without looking foolishly illogical in the public eye.

Not like the POTUS is Broseidon, God of the Brocean.

ecd9aa  No.3562182


I can relate.

But who orders says "Let's order cheese pizza" ?

It would just be "Let's order pizza" wouldn't it, then someone may decide they want a cheese pizza. Unless of coarse you are very confident in your knowledge of your friends tastes.

76fb63  No.3562183


If you see a Ginger IRL and wonder how to filter it out of view

ac9008  No.3562184


confers immortality

a10d68  No.3562185

File: 37f2f340ce9a0ac⋯.png (211.96 KB, 923x351, 71:27, ClipboardImage.png)

pre NPC days

bread 4218 archived


ee1a1e  No.3562186

File: 4f6dcc63ceb6c45⋯.png (6.07 MB, 2405x1603, 2405:1603, ClipboardImage.png)

f34583  No.3562187

File: 0052c2cdea431d5⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1320x1019, 1320:1019, the full picture no captio….png)


Here's a blank version if you can think of a better caption

5631e7  No.3562188


It was with ambrosia Hera "cleansed all defilement from her lovely flesh", and with ambrosia Athena prepared Penelope in her sleep.

284c30  No.3562189

File: 1a79ee0b6647bd0⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1084x1084, 1:1, QCLOCK22Oct!.png)

reposting from last bread

q clock confirming 20 day break

tomorrow is 111 days start of last 20

b700dc  No.3562190

I figured out how all those thousands of migrants got across into Mexico without being stopped at that bridge we saw. It's because there's another bridge entirely within Guatemala a few miles up the river. Once across the river, they can scatter off the road and go around the border gate.

Get on Google Maps and look for "Ciudad Hidalgo, Chiapas". It has to be Chiapas because there's another one somewhere else in Mexico. There's the town, then to the east is the Suchiate River, and then the Guatemalan town of Tecun Uman. We've been told all about this crossing in the news. The international border goes down the middle of the river, and there's the gate across the bridge that we've all seen, where the caravan was stopped.

But now zoom out and go north about a mile along the river, just north of the towns, and you'll see the international border goes over onto the land to the left (west) of the river, and there's the Route 2 bridge across the river. No gate across it, because that bridge is entirely in Guatemala.

And that's where the mob went after they were stopped on the bridge farther south and regrouped in Tecun Uman. They went north on Guatemala Route 6 and turned left at Guatemala Route 2 (notice that the Aduana (customs) on Rt. 2 is maybe 2000 feet to the RIGHT of this, so they're already past the Guatemala border check here), marched across the river and then scattered onto the land and walked across the unfenced LAND border into Mexico. Then straight onto Mexico Route 200 to march north toward Tapachula.

b012bf  No.3562191


Not even Papa Smurf wants them

4ff219  No.3562192

File: bb4ad2444eed130⋯.jpeg (850.1 KB, 1242x1354, 621:677, 9F97B394-4A14-4238-BECB-B….jpeg)

Beto liberals are so insane that no-one knows if this add is real or a parody. The comments are great! BAT SHIT CRAZY RIGHT HERE


efd217  No.3562193


"Dems trafficking children"

65ed88  No.3562194

File: 53cde1b9ac0f5e1⋯.mp4 (484.12 KB, 336x420, 4:5, bRxBsO1iky2rG-XGVrRSbe-ee6….mp4)

tfw you get done filtering 25+ post diarrhea only to find yourself at fresh bread.

b3afe8  No.3562195


If you say "It's spoopy!" and you're the only one who gets it

0cc490  No.3562196


If all you see is the numbers

You're missing the full picture

deae4e  No.3562197

No Soros = no caravan? Why not lock him up and avoid…well, everything the mid-terms has provided the left?

9743c1  No.3562198

SOROS + CFR globalists have no doubt promised to make up the cuts in aid. Mexican President is part of their plans…..

“Soon, very soon, after the victory of our movement, we will defend migrants all over the American continent and the migrants of the world who, by necessity, must abandon their towns to find life in the United States,” Lopez Obrador said during a rally in the Mexican city of Culiacán, eluniversal.com reports

1e0615  No.3562199


To early for all this man. Too early.

ecc57d  No.3562200

File: 59233dce8151af2⋯.jpg (38.87 KB, 475x360, 95:72, BetoBravo.JPG)

902c96  No.3562201

Hey anons, I'm looking for that wikileak email where Huma is writing to hillary and says "we are literally vampires".

Does anyone else remember this? I know I've seen this in the past but I can't seem to find it.

Thanks guise

5631e7  No.3562202


The transfusion of cerebrospinal fluid can help treat people with diseases that are otherwise difficult to treat; can influence their emotional state, memory and metabolism; and strengthen the body's immune systems.

53ce9c  No.3562203


Seeding bad information, Astroturfing, and Cultivating Tacit Approval.

I don't filter often and when I do, it's because of exactly what you've shared here. I watch for the pattern of behavior over the course of a shit-ton breads and once I'm confident there's some fuckery going down? Filter. Nothing of use or import has been shared, nothing amusing has been posted, just AgendaAgendaAgenda.

Also, it seems kinda malicious (and agenda-y) to tell Anons not to filter what they find useless or otherwise not-okay.

And yes, I'm sure all of this makes me a shill. Whatever.

5025d4  No.3562204


If you've bought extra food and water for those family members who "have a different opinion than you and never want to hear about any of this stuff again," you might be an anon.

062ebf  No.3562205

>>3561968 (lb)

Full speech from AUS PM Re: Ritual Child Abuse


0a7b58  No.3562206

File: 07ec5c5efa21e9a⋯.jpg (266.08 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, AP_18294732477123.jpg)

mexico gives police escort for the caravan to the us border ?

PHOTOS: Growing Army of 5,000 Migrants March Toward U.S. Border Aided by Mexico

https ://www.breitbart.com/news/photos-growing-army-of-5000-migrants-march-toward-u-s-border-aided-by-mexico/

dd1938  No.3562207

File: b6187437bc26d81⋯.png (347.5 KB, 628x396, 157:99, 2018-10-22_11-18-25.png)

>>3562027 (last bread)

Certainly one option.

da88e0  No.3562208


Have to get his associates as well, or they'll just keep doing what they are doing.

1e0615  No.3562209


Good psyop will turn their asses right around.

And a herd like this is such an easy psyop target.

Soooo easy.

Especially since they are familiar already with body harvest rumors.

5025d4  No.3562210


If you are often accused of being too literal, you might be an anon. Kek

0a7b58  No.3562211

File: 7a54aa7897a1593⋯.jpg (166.65 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, AP_18293675303830.jpg)


mexico feeding caravan

66966f  No.3562212

File: c3319400ecdef5f⋯.png (394.98 KB, 1126x896, 563:448, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

deae4e  No.3562213

File: a370b22b1c64d0c⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 450x300, 3:2, LYNXMPEB3E0UM_M.jpg)

China's Internet Censor Releases Draft Regulation for Blockchain Startups


2d482b  No.3562214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Donald = 119 gematria (inverted 9/11)

>Trump = 88 gematria

"The Killing Moon" song length 9:11, released 33 years to the day of Donald Trump's inauguration. Song begins at 1:18 (11/8, date of election).

Song used in "Donnie Darko" in which time travel is the main theme, in a timeline revolving around a presidential election, whose main character named Donald is trying to stop the end of the world due to a coming "storm".

Donald Trump is the Son of Perdition, the counterfeit version of Christ, born to his mother Mary Trump, and his father Frederich Christ. He is going to end corruption, bring about world peace, and then declare himself to be God.

The timeline will look something like this:

First term:

>End of corruption and war, 9/11 truth, Israel's sin revealed, global peace and prosperity, world-wide love for President Trump

Post re-election:

>Trump reveals his intentions, declares himself Messiah, is rejected

Second term:

>War and destruction as Trump unleashes hell those who reject him, forces all to use a chip to buy/sell

Post Trump-reign:

>Return of Jesus Christ, the true living God

430cd1  No.3562215


everyone was asked to look right, but the baby looks at the man!

2d482b  No.3562216

File: 44024be3dfd87c2⋯.jpg (500.91 KB, 856x1920, 107:240, 1531594330986.jpg)

0a7b58  No.3562217


Federal police stand guard along the road being used by a U.S.-bound, large caravan of Central American migrants walking from Ciudad Hidalgo toward Tapachula, Mexico, Sunday, Oct. 21, 2018. Officers who would not identify themselves say their instructions are to maintain the flow of traffic, not to stop the caravan. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

a38a2e  No.3562218


maybe it's time to use that voice of god tech to scare the living daylights of that herd.

1e0615  No.3562219


What the fuck kind of gore shit is this?

Take that shit on down the road.

9743c1  No.3562220


Kek …. good news America , everyone on organ doner wait list will soon have what they need !

e0a996  No.3562221


thanks for the reminder, skipped a couple of days

6b4ec9  No.3562222

>>3562048 (pb)

Yeah, I'm a moran/shill.

You geniuses watching the right movie? You sure?

Ex-intelfag here. I will bet my eyeteeth that ANYTHING Q posts about future actions has already taken place. Way too smart to give away anything to the bad actors. Learn to read their comms.

2c4684  No.3562223


Watch the water?

a55b46  No.3562224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f0f7b9  No.3562225


Putting up good numbers in early inning and pedovores looking to break that momentum coming into the mid term elections. Right now, with all major comm networks controlled by cultists it comes down to a test of the power of the cults primary social control system since every American who new the true facts in the matter of corruption would vote against cult politicians.

More and more Americans are learning the truth everyday, wised up by MSM hysteria and increasingly bizarre and cartoonlike violence imposed by the pedophile masons.

Call them a two thousand year old ophidian death cult, or fat assholes with flower pots on their heads, these pedophiles ran the world, as well as children's hospitals.

132089  No.3562226


Q have you been able to make flu vaccines safer this year?

I assume evil cabal would try to make them deadlier than ever as they have a last ditch effort to jaime.

I also believe Q would not let that happen to our children who are not yet woke.

65ed88  No.3562227


Kek its fake. Changed the color of ocean waves, she did bust her ass though

b012bf  No.3562228


>Also, it seems kinda malicious (and agenda-y) to tell Anons not to filter what they find useless or otherwise not-okay.

People can make up their own minds. I DO NOT tell anyone to do anything in my images.

I tell them how I regard it. Anons are smart, and make up their own minds based on the info other anons provide ;)

c54dad  No.3562229



Yesterday (Oct. 18 2017), news broke that billionaire philanthropist George Soros had transferred a whopping $18 billion to his Open Society Foundation (OSF) – a liberal-leaning organization responsible for injecting millions into U.S. elections for nearly a quarter century.

0a7b58  No.3562230

File: 6f205e4d52a0290⋯.jpg (170.63 KB, 1280x808, 160:101, AP_18294757919207.jpg)


Central American migrants making their way to the U.S. in a large caravan cling to the trucks of drivers who offered them free rides, as they arrive to Tapachula, Mexico, Sunday, Oct. 21, 2018. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

363bd4  No.3562231


If you mistakenly repond to something you dont agree with ,

" That's gay and fake"

You might be an ANON

If you repond with

"Muh homework"

To your child who is complaining about homework

You might be an ANON

If you tell your wife you want some of that front hole action,

You might be an ANON

Kek. Anons could go on and on and on. Top kek brothers and sisters. Love you all( no homo)

2be8f6  No.3562232

>>3561382 (notables)

Acute Flaccid Myelitis can be caused be several diseases….my guess is that EV-D68 (polio-like respiratory virus) is the culprit. Common in Latin America and we have already had several nationwide outbreaks. Seems like I read somewhere that the current cases in NY have been verified to be EV-D68.

Here are some interesting reads re: the prior outbreaks:



e42e63  No.3562233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


EMP to wipe out all communications and then disperse them with V-MAD

80e5b0  No.3562234

File: 4f3c0a7c5800cc2⋯.jpg (6.34 KB, 250x191, 250:191, Laugh.jpg)


If you mistakenly call your spouse "Anon" a few times a day


bc7a3f  No.3562235

File: bc08cba2beb22ac⋯.png (619.28 KB, 824x499, 824:499, Capture.PNG)

how mad/scared do you think this makes them

Trump’s Approval Rating at Record High, Jumps 5 Points from Last Month

President Donald Trump’s approval rating is at 47 percent, according to a new poll released by NBC News/The Wall Street Journal. That’s the highest rating rating Trump has ever received as president, according to this poll.

The poll was conducted last week when the 2018 midterms were just three weeks away and early voting was already underway in several states. With more voters viewing the president positively than ever before, that could translate into Republican success at the polls next month, or at least mitigate any potential drag on GOP candidates.

Thirty-three percent of registered voters in the poll say their vote for Congress in 2018 will be a signal of opposition to the president; 29 percent say their vote will be a signal of support; and 36 percent say it won’t be a signal either way.

Notably, Trump’s approval rating jumped five points from the last NBC/WSJ poll conducted a month ago.


f0f7b9  No.3562236



Q makes no predictions.


b34881  No.3562237


Yeah seeing this 5G shit is really disconcerting. I hope POTUS and Q team are actively doing something about it.

cdad42  No.3562238


That's the one child requested by Schumer to hold up to the camera while he cries on TV.

b012bf  No.3562239


You're sounding like I hit a nerve.

>IF you are a shill


I never accused you of anything, you accused yourself, just now.

0a7b58  No.3562240

File: f79d1cd110165af⋯.jpg (96.52 KB, 640x480, 4:3, migrant-caravan-mexico-oct….jpg)

2fd6bc  No.3562241

File: 3f7c49c27e4b02f⋯.jpg (61.66 KB, 720x368, 45:23, psycho.jpg)

a38a2e  No.3562242


don't put the time time thing in the url if you want it to take, just the straight youtube link will go through.

53ce9c  No.3562243


I've never actually seen any Anons ask you what you think about the topic, though. So, what would compel you to just randomly share what you think re: filtering?


9c3ba1  No.3562244

File: 08620eafa707089⋯.png (660.52 KB, 492x646, 246:323, Migrant 'Attack Caravan'.PNG)

File: 86f01b0a4fd60ff⋯.png (1.2 MB, 925x497, 925:497, Caravan trash.PNG)

Here is a ZeroHedge article on the caravan. In it is this picture.. What do you see? If this caravan has a couple of thousand miles to go why did they leave all this stuff they would need to survive? Do you see that hefty stroller? What parent would leave that and make the choice to carry their kid 2000 miles? They wouldn't. Something is wrong here.


81b083  No.3562245


At the Mega MAGA rally in Houston tonight,

"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us"

6d7e7d  No.3562246

File: c592f3c00b7f1d0⋯.jpeg (31.17 KB, 720x387, 80:43, c592f3c00b7f1d0bddc9f6671….jpeg)


What's that, Anon? I can't hear you over all that bitching

deae4e  No.3562247


wouldn't matter, needs to come from Twitter.

66966f  No.3562249

File: 11151580039afe8⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1837x785, 1837:785, Screen Shot 2018-10-21 at ….png)

The Associated Press on Sunday changed a headline after a backlash from liberals furious at the AP for describing a caravan of illegal immigrants heading towards the United States as an “army of migrants.”

“A ragged, growing army of migrants resumes march toward US,” read the original headline on the AP story. The AP later changed the headline to replace the word “army” with “caravan.”

Though the AP has used the word “army” to refer to large groups of people besides migrants — including nurses and political activists — many on the political left criticized the wire service for its original headline.

“This is not only incorrect, but it enables a racist narrative sold by this @POTUS and his supporters,” wrote liberal Rolling Stone writer Jamil Smith. “Armies invade. These people are running away.”


The AP did not immediately return a request for comment on the headline change.

President Donald Trump has threatened to close the southern border between the U.S. and Mexico and cease aid to some Central American countries in order to stop the caravan.



38fbd6  No.3562250

File: 49f3eafab132bc0⋯.png (970.29 KB, 721x1024, 721:1024, why so quiet.png)

>Goblin invasion caravan hurling towards southern border

>Defcon 1 for cabal "October Surprise" FF shooting to draw democratic voters and demoralize the right

>8chan under massive attack

>All weeks before the election that will determine if "the plan" is even realistically capable of being implemented

>Q status - MIA

2b44c0  No.3562251


Many thanks….kek

10e612  No.3562252



280f29  No.3562254

File: 7f69c1dcbd4ffde⋯.jpg (151.77 KB, 1440x927, 160:103, IMG_20180910_114747.jpg)

132089  No.3562255


Facial recognition, so that none will ever be allowed in the USA forever more. Arrests for all criminals in the invasion, locked on an island forever. Spoils of war folks.

6376c0  No.3562256


have to replace the pharma heads and cut financial strings.

What pharma CEOS have resigned? start there and see how close we are.

6b4ec9  No.3562257


While I'm at it, do you really believe Q would tell Soros ahead of time that we're going to nab you?

Do you think they'd publicly announce that we know which RC's he's trying to hide his monies in?

What I'm not saying about you dip-shits could fill libraries.

76fb63  No.3562258


It means they're being picked up and crammed into cattlecars, the muzzies did the same all over Europe.

2d482b  No.3562259

File: 75b566011c6f3be⋯.png (221.56 KB, 926x368, 463:184, LAST TRUMP.png)

756163  No.3562260


If someone annoys the hell outta ya on social Media & you call them a "Shill Faggot"…then get reported

You Might Be An Anon

b012bf  No.3562262


This post --> >>3562109, I did not back link to it in this bread, because the shills can do some work and find me instead of being lazy bitches :D

10e612  No.3562263



b34de7  No.3562264

File: 7a09f24f09d50fa⋯.png (362.5 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 42.png)

22c9ff  No.3562265


If you read the newspapers in the morning just to have a good laugh


132089  No.3562266


I love you all of you. Tears in my eyes. No homo.

f089d4  No.3562267

File: 99451b9c4086d6c⋯.png (164.9 KB, 693x539, 9:7, CEN.png)

File: 87687fc7d6bb9ec⋯.png (127.21 KB, 510x455, 102:91, FinCEN.png)

>>3561575 (lb)



>wonder if it refers to encoded files.

It's possible. Anagram for ENC is CEN. Either one of these possible?

a55b46  No.3562268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ae0a8a  No.3562269



When their all transport vehicles are disabled at the border, they're gonna have a loooong walk back . . . and who will pay them then?

c54dad  No.3562270

When George Soros Dies, Who Will Run His Money, and for What Purposes?


deae4e  No.3562271

File: 21873f3c4fc7a8a⋯.jpg (64.7 KB, 896x504, 16:9, GettyImages-644651912_1540….jpg)



d8dd8b  No.3562272


Hahahaha… So funny!! Nominated for Notables

10e612  No.3562273


We're getting close Anons to the Cabal going down.

6376c0  No.3562274


do you need daddy to hold your hand while you pick up a metaphorical meme musket?

I think you're capable, little girl.

007a77  No.3562275


I do too. It’s called Jesus Christ., 2.0.

53ce9c  No.3562276

File: 013a6eb591cbb72⋯.jpg (13.87 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Gold Star For You!.jpg)

80e5b0  No.3562277


Nothing. Means the server thought it saw 2 copies of your post even if you only clicked once. I change the post by one letter (add a . or something) then try again. Almost always works.

22c9ff  No.3562278


If you really haven't noticed already, Q is quiet when the real shit is going down behind the scenes. My guess is they won't be back until after midterms.

b3afe8  No.3562279



5631e7  No.3562280

File: 9bf21070bea3724⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2kmzlz.jpg)

File: fa5f64b390c70e2⋯.jpg (43.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2kmzpx.jpg)

58249c  No.3562281


Couple recent articles on this. CEOs are fighting POTUS on this:

Drug exec blasted for claiming 'moral' right to hike antibiotic prices, supporting 'pharma bro' Shkreli


Big Pharma desperately trying to block President Trump from lowering drug prices


f85a82  No.3562282

File: f866d8bce9f7b42⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, CS.jpg)

77a68c  No.3562283

File: 732d98b71745a40⋯.jpg (457.06 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20181022-114620….jpg)

"Unknown middle easterners"…oh we know all right…

The Hill: Trump: US to 'begin cutting off' aid to countries associated with migrant



db9e95  No.3562284


Hurricane WALLa


2fd6bc  No.3562285

FOX news claiming use of a Body double in the Khashoggi footage.

d8dd8b  No.3562286


Ditto… had it copied and then went.. Oh… crap, they'd have no clue. Dammit.. KEK! so funny

64eda4  No.3562287

File: 4e9cbafd843b675⋯.jpg (195.33 KB, 455x627, 455:627, 455789oiuyu.jpg)


for you :)

6376c0  No.3562288


was that in podesta emails?


or dnc


you can search both

80e5b0  No.3562289


If you were prepping long before Y2K and still maintain a stockpile of preps, you might be anon.

f1351e  No.3562290

Has the obvious question ever been answered regarding Clintons and the fact that they have had a 24/7 SS detail assigned to them since 1993? Agents are rotated out fairly frequently. What’s the prevailing theory on how they are able to get away with some of the crazier shit while surrounded by federal agents?

b012bf  No.3562291


Does that mean Marines are WALLb?

6b4ec9  No.3562292


My point was pretty straightforward. Simple hypothesis that POTUS/Q is directing the uprising to create a shift in narrative that keeps swaying the mid-terms in the right direction. Probably funded it with Soros' monies that we snatched from the RC's he tried using to hide his wealth.

Shills tried to call me out on it; I put the kids back in their rightful places (in their basements screaming upstairs for their moms to make them meatloaf).

363bd4  No.3562293



Fuck you, I snorted!


0a7b58  No.3562294

File: 918acf28bc1d861⋯.jpg (77.55 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AP_18294543379396-1-640x48….jpg)

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Tell Democrats: Ignore Migrant Caravan

Democratic leaders are urging their party’s 2018 candidates to ignore migration issues even as the fast-growing caravan of migrants walks northwards through Mexico.

https ://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/10/22/democratic-leaders-to-candidates-ignore-the-migrant-caravan/

767737  No.3562295


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 03c2f4 No.127154 📁

Dec 19 2017 18:00:02 (EST)

We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.

We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.


4ff219  No.3562296

File: c8eb0e3f956f2c4⋯.jpeg (727.58 KB, 1242x1684, 621:842, 7E403AB6-63F1-443D-8F3F-3….jpeg)


adfd3d  No.3562297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What the hell are you? - NPC meme

bc7a3f  No.3562298

File: 8f95e688638c8f6⋯.png (433.53 KB, 816x503, 816:503, Capture.PNG)

363bd4  No.3562299



f85a82  No.3562300


by splitting up the USSS into four or five splinter groups so you can manage them collectively or as individuals.

b012bf  No.3562301


Patriots do not put civilians in harms way for any reason on purpose.

Not even foreign ones. This theory of yours is not plausible.

6b0a03  No.3562302

File: 1555f9c82bcd5c8⋯.png (5.85 KB, 452x523, 452:523, ClipboardImage.png)



gee that sure is a real tough mystery, Scoob

35559d  No.3562303

File: c5422a864a55c03⋯.png (128.18 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

James WoodsVerified account @RealJamesWoods

So consider this: it is over 2,000 miles from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Phoenix, Arizona. Hard to believe a bunch of people just randomly decided to pack a lunch and walk TWO THOUSAND MILES to anywhere. Where is this mob sleeping, using bathrooms, procuring food and water?

Oh, and the “spontaneous” mob would have to walk 20 miles a day for a hundred consecutive days, without rest, to get here. That’s over three months obviously, and yet I guarantee they will all miraculously appear at our border right at midterm election week.

58249c  No.3562304


The point is, Q would not likely speak in the future tense, if there was any ambiguity about something.

Don't think, anyways.

And more importantly, dope:



43beb7  No.3562305



4a54e5  No.3562306

File: 33ee25b0ab4b91d⋯.jpg (98.05 KB, 881x659, 881:659, truth-women-fame1.jpg)


why are they getting one dime of our money?

942ef0  No.3562307

File: 4368b1893f9afc9⋯.jpeg (93.24 KB, 300x539, 300:539, Divine Mercy.jpeg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 83:

Prayer for Judgment on Israel’s Foes

A Song. A Psalm of Asaph.

83 O God, do not keep silence;

do not hold thy peace or be still, O God!

2 For lo, thy enemies are in tumult;

those who hate thee have raised their heads.

3 They lay crafty plans against thy people;

they consult together against thy protected ones.

4 They say, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation;

let the name of Israel be remembered no more!”

5 Yea, they conspire with one accord;

against thee they make a covenant—

6 the tents of Edom and the Ish′maelites,

Moab and the Hagrites,

7 Gebal and Ammon and Am′alek,

Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre;

8 Assyria also has joined them;

they are the strong arm of the children of Lot. Selah

9 Do to them as thou didst to Mid′ian,

as to Sis′era and Jabin at the river Kishon,

10 who were destroyed at En-dor,

who became dung for the ground.

11 Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb,

all their princes like Zebah and Zalmun′na,

12 who said, “Let us take possession for ourselves

of the pastures of God.”

13 O my God, make them like whirling dust,

like chaff before the wind.

14 As fire consumes the forest,

as the flame sets the mountains ablaze,

15 so do thou pursue them with thy tempest

and terrify them with thy hurricane!

16 Fill their faces with shame,

that they may seek thy name, O Lord.

17 Let them be put to shame and dismayed for ever;

let them perish in disgrace.

18 Let them know that thou alone,

whose name is the Lord,

art the Most High over all the earth.

da88e0  No.3562308



b367a8  No.3562309

File: a37de4c705412fe⋯.jpg (130.81 KB, 1401x785, 1401:785, narrativeshift.JPG)


their go to procedure in mexico is to stand-down/stand-by until someone else does something.. right now it's up to the cartels, or mex feds to pull the plug since that's who controls the land.

as soon as the hoard gets toward CDMX, and further north if not stopped by that point, they will absolutely freeze their asses off in the cooler climate - you watch.

53ce9c  No.3562310


Not all assholes are shills, are they?

6376c0  No.3562311


agreed, my summation as well

After a week of twatter screwing with my account (constant verifications) they finally locked me out today. coming back as an npc

8eb3ed  No.3562312


Can confirm im probably being mk ultrad

Have no desire to kill anyone but (((them)))


0a7b58  No.3562313

File: 0cc9dadce088467⋯.jpg (68.96 KB, 680x495, 136:99, Dp-PwyXWoAA8cjz.jpg)


https ://twitter.com/NancyPelosi/status/1053718912729255938

a55b46  No.3562314


The fake news fear porn paytriots industry conveniently ignores that bit of reality.

a10d68  No.3562315

File: 3637e803a365e3d⋯.png (56.54 KB, 494x247, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


4219,4220 archived





post 2 of 2

(not spam)

found some old qresearch on archive.today, thought id scrape the bottom of the catalog

4214-4220 i did

0f2042  No.3562316


When you changed your mind about suicide but already kicked the chair out.

deae4e  No.3562317



And these are the woke people digging. Kek.

The video is fake and gay. Jesus..

03f3b4  No.3562318



f16b1e  No.3562319

File: 10bfbe31559954c⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, QClock FISA 20 102318 Pain.png)

If FISA DECLAS isn't tomorrow or Wednesday, I'll be shocked. (Wed only because there is the "they thought it was coming yesterday" clue floating out there.)

We've been seeing "FISA [20]" forever it seems. That might not mean (or only mean) 20 pages.

It's worth noting that #QClock puts all of its minutes in brackets and tomorrow is [20]. It ALSO fits the P@in– -23 foreshadowing in TWO ways. This lines up SPECTACULARLY.

[20] on the clock

-23 from the [43] post date of 5/19 password reveal.

23rd day of the month.

If this isn't a QClock "predictable moment" then I give up. (not really, though… as I'm addicted to clock-fagging)

a55b46  No.3562320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

202f12  No.3562321

File: 56cbf839484d528⋯.jpg (68.24 KB, 587x506, 587:506, Capture.JPG)


Hurricane #Willa, seen by #GOESEast, is now a "potentially catastrophic" Cat. 5 storm.


72257a  No.3562322

File: d5a443a2233206f⋯.jpg (94.59 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 0a77114346c29ae66aa90880d6….jpg)



2b3580  No.3562323

File: 0e39c39cad50c5d⋯.png (62.7 KB, 515x813, 515:813, isrealFINALBOSS.png)

File: 9cd6323f970ea00⋯.png (45.4 KB, 798x763, 114:109, jewPC.png)

File: 8a71de62fe9ff34⋯.jpg (255.9 KB, 1024x1067, 1024:1067, jewcofefe.jpg)

File: 5ad4607d885e47f⋯.png (197.24 KB, 427x410, 427:410, JewDIF.png)

File: c47f1134acd4b88⋯.png (308.15 KB, 488x330, 244:165, jewprojector.png)

KEK they always bring out the dreaded ddos'ing JEW LASER after I log off and go to sleep.

You guys ok??? Did anyone get hurt or did you laugh it off like the last pathetic attack?

"I have an idea mr. feinberg, in addition to copy an pasting the same wall of text with identical syntax talking about unity and oneness, lets break out the schmekel cannon late at night and DDOS them!! they will never schtand a chance"


All you do is validate our activity and make it obvious how effective it is at causing you evil sons of bitches grief and anxiety. Enjoy another full days worth of jew memes coming your way.

80e5b0  No.3562324



10e612  No.3562325

What if the storm already happened and all of the cabal is dead & arrested already and everything we have been seeing of them in pictures and videos is old and for the public (normies) to think everything is normal.

bc7a3f  No.3562326

File: 814ecfa70ef0038⋯.png (209.48 KB, 728x391, 728:391, Capture.PNG)

Residents of Charlotte, N.C., speak out against mass 5G implementation

A local news affiliate out of Charlotte, North Carolina, recently aired a segment about the infamous 5G wireless technology that’s right now being rolled out in select cities nationwide. And many local Charlotte residents, the report divulged, aren’t at all happy about it.

The segment, available for viewing at REAL.video, explains how smaller wireless towers are popping up all over the place, including in people’s front yards, as 5G technology requires many more cell towers than normal, packed closely together alongside one another, in order to work.

A bit smaller than your average lamp post, these 5G towers, the reporters explain, have to be spaced every 100 to 500 yards apart, meaning there will end up being thousands of them in some neighborhoods, and potentially millions of them throughout the entire city.

“Soon, Charlotte will be one of just about a dozen cities to get 5G service from AT&T, but it comes at a price,” the reporters state. “Thousands of small cell towers might be headed to your neighborhood … and might even be in your front yard.”


8eb3ed  No.3562327


No offence to ss but theres a reason why trump has his own guards

Ss was founded to go after counterfitters

Aka threats to the fed

Probably as dirty as the cia

66966f  No.3562328

File: aecbdc4f6bdb2f7⋯.jpg (12.94 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download-2.jpg)


If you find yourself saying "nohomo" after "I love you faggots!"


c4303c  No.3562329


Anyone have a link to the buoys in the Gulf of Mexico to verify if there are high winds?

d31bc1  No.3562330

File: 04e1684f48ba034⋯.jpg (114.89 KB, 1200x704, 75:44, patriotquotes.jpg)


True. The fucking kikes are about as subtle as soros on this one.

israel will pay a lethal price. Killing jfk, killing our servicemen, 9/11, now this shit.

israel is a hostile entity that MUST be destroyed.

f31be7  No.3562331

File: 474eb4032a8ac4e⋯.jpg (246.22 KB, 1024x1198, 512:599, amin_yashed.jpg)

deae4e  No.3562332


Q is gone for 20 days, can that have relevance to the (20)?

f089d4  No.3562333

File: 1be55b09acaced3⋯.png (37.53 KB, 420x174, 70:29, Q1958-Rally[RED_October].png)



Could tonight be?

>Part (2) - Rally [RED October]


b012bf  No.3562334


I suppose not.

But posters seemingly espousing the ignorance of disagreeable things is telling.

6376c0  No.3562335

File: b41e2eef0cb8e29⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB, 640x360, 16:9, g_aUIFNyrHXtR75z.mp4)

File: c937b6b41728367⋯.mp4 (9.75 MB, 640x360, 16:9, WxQvMoLI3aUmQW-7.mp4)

File: fbd1ae6b6126a8f⋯.webm (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1540160623401.webm)


footage of trucks incoming

4a54e5  No.3562336

File: 043f7251f03c202⋯.jpg (900.46 KB, 1592x1592, 1:1, JEWS-confess-that-the-goal….jpg)

File: 93a0af969d45310⋯.jpg (42.64 KB, 275x412, 275:412, image6.jpg)

File: 0abe34af8c56d7e⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1650x2550, 11:17, Read-Across-America-Flyer-….jpg)

File: 01b29746493b066⋯.jpg (84.29 KB, 711x613, 711:613, Judenpresse.jpg)

File: 6f07ff6405e1fbc⋯.gif (2.22 MB, 388x356, 97:89, Kike_laughing.gif)

8eb3ed  No.3562337


How fake is "reality"

I dont think thats true because people are dying

Best to assume they are alive and kicking

6b4ec9  No.3562338


EO signed 12/21/17. We already seized his fortune.

f85a82  No.3562339

File: a565ecbabf4fc82⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 5X5 JK.jpg)


The question was how did the clintons manage this.

Well aware of POTUS security situation.

stop namefagging too.

742a4b  No.3562340

File: ee69377064839ee⋯.png (710.21 KB, 953x699, 953:699, JustUs.png)

File: 17826c28be47849⋯.jpeg (281.08 KB, 1900x1068, 475:267, pray4justice.jpeg)

File: 36a82bb8eaca1eb⋯.png (29.01 KB, 700x788, 175:197, border.png)

File: 2a7747a58894e8e⋯.jpg (245 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, Braveheart.jpg)

File: 0af2d7fbcd789cd⋯.png (346.92 KB, 768x768, 1:1, HOLDER.png)

Meme Request: Why pass laws if you're not going to enforce them? (Schumer!) End Selective Enforcement. Restore Liberty and Justice for ALL (jumping off point)

Emphasis on return to Rule of Law. Equal Justice under the law. Party of Crime, Double Standards. Constitution is the most level playing field the world has ever seen. Corruption has tilted the balance.

Need memes that remind folks why Justice is meant to be blind and one set of rules equally applied for all people regardless of personal circumstance.

Not sure how to inject humor into this topic but I think the multi tier, "just us" system is where most see the rubber meet the road. People know this is a problem. Too many laws making targets of us all. If the the institutions can be restored the people will again know freedom and Fairness for all. Without it, we are back to feudalism where the law is a cudgel instead of protection from abuse or an equalizer as it was meant to be.

0f6077  No.3562341

File: 461d9fb8e3801da⋯.jpeg (109.05 KB, 543x627, 181:209, 55790ACF-4B33-44E5-9273-6….jpeg)

5025d4  No.3562342

File: 6208aa7e0e3b7d0⋯.jpg (76.61 KB, 494x374, 247:187, P1040957.jpg)

5631e7  No.3562343


POTUS says "You're just not my type" instead of "No Homo"

59e17e  No.3562344


I agree. And Dave Janda said he and his contacts all agree it should happen right now. Popcorn ready.

2fd6bc  No.3562345


And look what movie comes out this week….Hunter Killer, an obvious homage to The Hunt for Red October.

2422b9  No.3562346

File: 3583058277b5283⋯.jpg (201.24 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, 1.jpg)

File: 4fe70791e89b73d⋯.jpg (198.89 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, 2.jpg)

File: 86ca714ab56b709⋯.jpg (240.4 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, 3.jpg)


Chinese vice president arrives in Israel to boost business ties

db9e95  No.3562347


WALLa is a Pacific Hurricane

ba74af  No.3562348

File: 77fbcc6abd7eabc⋯.jpeg (4 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 9BFC3751-C3FC-4F80-A450-3….jpeg)

This is from the waiting line at Houston Trump Rally. She said she didn’t mind if you turn her into a “comfy” meme

53ce9c  No.3562349


However, when civilians choose to put THEMSELVES in harm's way the game changes a little bit, doesn't it?

c4303c  No.3562350


Oh, thanks Anon.

202f12  No.3562351

File: 8bcb4527b9222b7⋯.jpg (144.79 KB, 980x669, 980:669, Capture2.JPG)



0a7b58  No.3562352

Beto O’Rourke: U.S. Needs to Send Financial Aid to Stabilize Central America

unday on ABC’s “This Week,” U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) said America needed to send financial aid to stabilize Central America to decrease asylum-seeking immigrants.

O’Rourke said, “If things are so desperate in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, that someone would risk their lives to come here than what can we do to improve situations there? We have invested trillions of dollars for wars in the Middle East. Could we invest some fraction of that to provide the stability in Northern triangle counties of Central America make sure people have a reason to stay and raise their families where they were born?”

https ://www.breitbart.com/video/2018/10/21/beto-orourke-u-s-needs-to-send-financial-aid-to-stabilize-central-america/

f0f7b9  No.3562353

File: e5b58cf42c9f8bc⋯.jpg (751.92 KB, 3557x1297, 3557:1297, MNKD.JPG)

File: 6f290744ac2ec2d⋯.jpg (123.88 KB, 2849x283, 2849:283, SaveAlifePatriot.JPG)

Think Mirror.

We trust what we see in the mirror.

We assume what we see shaving - that's us.

We see TV and movies and think

yeah that's more or less us

but it isn't

It is fun-housed

To make us what we're not.

To conceal what we are

we we can be

We conform

self image to their distorted caricature

It's hard to explain, but the false image is the pedocultists slavers favorite tool.

They have many control systems that employ imitation. They control fashion and can dial women's dresses up and down. Foster all kinds of nonsense because we are imitative creatures and NPCs are nothing but imitative.

d3eed7  No.3562354

File: 1d377575d3aa886⋯.png (550.39 KB, 1332x1332, 1:1, 10-23.png)


been monitoring 10/23 myself

for a while now

efd217  No.3562355

File: 8eefb915bb025d1⋯.jpg (298.79 KB, 1024x688, 64:43, Woodstock-festival-1969-pa….jpg)


deae4e  No.3562356


When are these idiots scheduled to hit the border? Feels like this has been going on forever? They're giving israelites a run for their money. Except they are walking for the devil instead of God of course.

4a54e5  No.3562357

File: 9185f507cee7ac2⋯.jpeg (170.16 KB, 1024x649, 1024:649, 1 sa3eqRsjtly7WqA2M4SfJg.jpeg)

File: 744edaac1788146⋯.jpg (158.02 KB, 720x452, 180:113, 1-a-ANEGEL.jpg)

File: 0b29b5eeb1c3cac⋯.jpg (136.47 KB, 757x600, 757:600, importupload_mutschlechner….jpg)

File: d7e2673e7b2c18c⋯.gif (153.25 KB, 1122x793, 1122:793, Kursell Copy_0.gif)

File: dee444c7c00877a⋯.jpg (140.19 KB, 476x600, 119:150, jews_image20.jpg)

f16b1e  No.3562358


Sure. Yes. No. Maybe. KEK. I dunno. The fact that it was always [20] in brackets made always think it fit tomorrow beautifully for the 3 reasons noted. [20] on clock. minus 23 from P@in password reveal and 10/23 date (23 in date).

65ed88  No.3562359


Like to throw out a newfag test every now and then, I'm no moran

24103c  No.3562360

File: cb22a62e9e4e038⋯.jpg (81.77 KB, 984x650, 492:325, ggg.jpg)


deae4e  No.3562361


Does anyone else know that cause his money still seems to be doing a lot of bad.

35559d  No.3562362

File: 88786dc37f5515a⋯.png (3.27 MB, 1189x1200, 1189:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

2fd6bc  No.3562363

File: a6513cbad6b724f⋯.jpg (6.28 KB, 180x280, 9:14, hunter killer.jpg)

File: 1dcb052ad1776d6⋯.jpg (8.6 KB, 183x275, 183:275, red october.jpg)


0a06d8  No.3562364


What a great interview, on the part of Jared that is!

He is really brilliant and has a lot of love for his family, and a lot of respect and loyalty to the President. It was great listening to him speak. Interesting that he doesn't participate in social media himself and yet he was able to help run such a successful campaign for POTUS.

80e5b0  No.3562365


Yeah, let me take a look over there.

Try this link


Click wind

Zoom in and more stations appear

Here's the NOAA Buoys map


66966f  No.3562366

File: 77feea283273915⋯.png (485.26 KB, 942x1054, 471:527, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

This is your “caravan” manufactured and paid for, My guess is Soros. I’m sure the women & children are riding on air conditioned buses. People leaving their country for a better life don’t bring their shit hole country flag with them! This is PROPAGANDA!!





3788da  No.3562367

File: f7598dd96b97b4c⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1084x1084, 1:1, clock_questions.png)

>>3561836 pb

What happened on the (14 minute position) days?

10e612  No.3562368


I bet they was soros paid protesters too.

5b5b1a  No.3562369


They know its a political tar baby.

Plus, too far from the election still - it can only stay top of news cycles for so long before fatigue sets in.

They won't get involved until it becomes a humanitarian crisis they can score political points from… but that is a week away.

fdd612  No.3562370

Yesterday there were a number of articles about the leafs allowing China to setup underwater monitoring just off the coast of the Victoria/Van…. right where Peugeot Sound bade is. Said there was 4.

Today….. magically there’s 3 earthquakes right about where those were advertised to be.

Top kek.

da88e0  No.3562371

File: f09d35937c4ad9b⋯.jpg (226.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, youshallnotpass.jpg)

Meme material…hopefully useful.

6b4ec9  No.3562372


We may not have initiated it, but most certainly can facilitate it. Food, water, clothing, etc. is NOT putting civilians in harm's way. Pretty confident no one FORCED these people into having to do anything.

Also, if they're receiving the kinds of monies that have been rumored, it's a king's ransom and well worth their time. They can turn around and head home flush with cash.

c6e9b3  No.3562373


The girls name Willa means…

"Resolute Protection"!


a38a2e  No.3562374


all this 5G tech will mostly affect the dermal layer, guess that means an increase in melanoma's and other skin cancers. Guess what they've been working on. A few weeks ago they'd discovered a 100% effective cure for such that works on mice (for now). Can't find the sauce just yet. Guess some pharma corp will be raking in the $$$

a55b46  No.3562375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bc7a3f  No.3562376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

for those of you that appreciate the classics . the good ole days weren't always good and tomorrows not as bad as it seems,

BB King \ Eric Clapton - The Thrill Is Gone 2010 Live Video FULL HD

7e1148  No.3562377


Wondering, too if Hunter Killer may be our fall movie. Any anon watch the interview on Fox a little while ago?

efd217  No.3562378




4ff219  No.3562379

File: 3b237227be754a5⋯.jpeg (415.03 KB, 1242x1911, 414:637, F52B28D8-D1CF-46B7-9589-7….jpeg)

File: 38b093e14915701⋯.jpeg (377.12 KB, 1242x1870, 621:935, 57C9E11E-A6E8-4F54-B3C3-D….jpeg)

File: 7240356702120ec⋯.jpeg (518.53 KB, 1242x2025, 46:75, 283335D8-2502-4AE2-AF55-9….jpeg)

Patriot in line at the rally. This is GREAT!!

f16b1e  No.3562380


Indeed. I've seen your work. I think the clock DOES go on though, as this whole think revolves around the 55th (5:5) anniversary on 11/22.

d544e5  No.3562381


Will Elon Musk help out these chinese fags?

deae4e  No.3562382



80e5b0  No.3562383


If you silently chuckle when you see the word "Moron", you MIGHT BE AN ANON

f85a82  No.3562384


met BB backstage many years ago….took photos and he gave me a guitar pin..still have it.

He offered to let me strum Lucille…I did not decline.

ffa215  No.3562385








It is 279 characters. Twat has a 280 limit. Could just be an abbreviation.

7bda6a  No.3562386


MOAB: Lethal "massive explosive" for eradicating crowd/animal existence.

60c81c  No.3562387

File: 7fde88954a090f1⋯.jpeg (5.32 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 04774A32-2268-4393-AFEA-C….jpeg)

b012bf  No.3562388


Nope. That's where personal responsibility comes into play.

It's why the handful of adults in that caravan that DID have children with them, should be arrested for child trafficking for endangering these children, if they took them on this moribund journey.

It's why the organizers should be arrested for human trafficking.

2fd6bc  No.3562389


Look at disruption of the lipid bilayer of the skin. Cripple the barrier function and exogenous chemicals/endocrine disruptors/pathogens/xeno-estrogens can more easily enter the bloodstream

a9e257  No.3562390



Yes, so much of this.

My phone autocorrected to KEK when I text my aunt a few weeks ago.

She didn’t respond, I’m assuming she googled KEK and now thinks I’m even more batshit crazy then they all thought I was!

Oh well.



d30a2e  No.3562391


>"If you tell your wife you want some of that front hole action,


>You might be an ANON"

Funniest shit ever.

20b208  No.3562392


Top kek

7bda6a  No.3562393


Why not just add 20, and wait for a Q post next Monday?

6b4ec9  No.3562394


Taking Q drops literally must suck for you.

4415cd  No.3562395

File: faea51398c77fb5⋯.jpg (121.58 KB, 612x408, 3:2, NPC_Sheep.jpg)

NPC's are sheep.

tried to make a meme, newfag at it.

da88e0  No.3562396

File: 718fdcd03c91f4d⋯.png (62.65 KB, 378x357, 18:17, 718fdcd03c91f4d0d6d53844ab….png)

aaae30  No.3562397


If your 6yo thinks gorillion is a real number.

d3f58a  No.3562398



Am supervisor at open cut mine.

Run teams of mechanics to attend breakdowns

Two departments, trucks (haul trucks) and mobile (dozers, graders, loaders etc.)

Handing out jobs at shift start….

MechanicAnon1 you're truckfagging today

MechanicAnon2 you're mobilefagging

Mechanic Anon3 you're stuck here shopfagging


I think I'm Anon

4802c0  No.3562399


if you wanna jump the northern border and be american


fdd612  No.3562400


11:11:11 (2018, 8+3 = 11)

No better time for a show/payback if you are into the numerology.

10e612  No.3562401


China is Jewd

77a68c  No.3562402


Yes! Q Swag! Otherwise known as liberal tear lubricant kek

e560a6  No.3562403


Not notable, sorry. it's too low res

066910  No.3562404

File: 58e2875f2e2a75a⋯.jpg (264.46 KB, 1216x959, 1216:959, voatanon 5g.JPG)

b012bf  No.3562405


>"Muh homework"


deae4e  No.3562406


Jews have China.

35559d  No.3562407

File: 74757ac4ceb4a2d⋯.png (534.53 KB, 601x412, 601:412, ClipboardImage.png)

5b5b1a  No.3562408

>5G technology requires many more cell towers than normal, packed closely together alongside one another, in order to work.

Seems like a fundamental design flaw.

Millions per city… are you kidding me?

ae0a8a  No.3562409


What, and the person you're taking it from doesn't need it?

What happens to the donor when depleted?

4a54e5  No.3562410

File: d4f6b6d91ac94cf⋯.jpg (199.05 KB, 960x649, 960:649, wOvzw_-vl7c3LoxEnQFPddkb8f….jpg)

File: 499895faa468a28⋯.jpg (52.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, essrvd.jpg)

File: 4f0f75c8972d048⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2097x2560, 2097:2560, A1171MyIU0L.jpg)

File: b31198e069179fa⋯.jpg (94.12 KB, 640x487, 640:487, Muslim-rape-gang-headlines….jpg)

File: a58e7fa91b19a38⋯.jpg (91.3 KB, 504x701, 504:701, Greeted-As-Liberators.jpg)


i cant see it either

6376c0  No.3562411


hang on one minute….

efd217  No.3562412


If your wifi goes down, and you shout DDOS!


b34de7  No.3562413

File: d0ca6b7382bd431⋯.png (2.09 MB, 960x1200, 4:5, comfy2.png)

280f29  No.3562414

File: 73c81ec2c429e35⋯.jpg (236.96 KB, 1400x878, 700:439, IMG_20181020_135046.jpg)

ec2db8  No.3562415

Minutes ago, President Donald Trump signed DEPLOYMENT ORDERS for the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army, instructing them to deploy from Ft. Bragg, NC, to the U.S. southern border at Mexico.

In addition, the 1st Armored Division of the United States Army at Ft. Campbell, KY has been given 72 Hour ready-standby orders to begin shipping armored vehicles to the southern border via rail.

Covert Intelligence information confirms the present "migrant caravan" heading toward the US border from Honduras and Guatemala has grown to slightly more than TEN THOUSAND, but that an additional 40,000 Mexicans are staging in northern Mexico to join-up with that caravan.

The OPEN PLAN THEY ARE IMPLEMENTING is for more than fifty thousand of these so-called "migrants" to physically storm the U.S. border to gain entry into our country.

President Trump is not going to allow that.

Article 4, Section 4 of the US Constitution REQUIRES the federal government to protect each of the states from invasion. The "migrant caravan" is now classified as "an invasion force" against which the US government will take action.

These people not only tore down Border fencing to unlawfully enter Mexico from Guatemala and Honduras, they physically smashed-through Border gates. They are using force and it is now highly likely that US military force will be used against them if they try those same tactics at the US Border.

7398e2  No.3562416



bd0d7f  No.3562417

MSNBC showing people lining up for some Obama event in Las Vegas, in a pathetic attempt to counter the massive lines that Trump inspires. Will be interesting to see how many actually show; hardly anyone there right now.

2cbeed  No.3562418

File: b52256c325888a1⋯.gif (7.23 MB, 500x660, 25:33, BORDERFAIL.gif)

a38a2e  No.3562419


yeah there's multiple issues with those freq. range.

FYI for anons who may not (I like to use this to bypass paywalls on research papers) scihub.tw lets you get access to the actual research papers that get published on the subect.

b012bf  No.3562420


But no actual chin…

f0f7b9  No.3562421


hah hah, that's great.

I emailed a gay friend something about "newfags" and then had to explain

turns out he's a faganonfag

21c6ce  No.3562422


Not bad anon

f089d4  No.3562423

File: 15fdd65db27b20e⋯.png (252.66 KB, 493x511, 493:511, MAGA-Dance-party.png)

>>3561597 (lb)


This is awesome.

Great work Brad & team.

b6197c  No.3562424

Red October… Bloodbath at the border?

bc7a3f  No.3562425

File: e1dee95b8ff89b9⋯.png (596.54 KB, 832x309, 832:309, Capture.PNG)

OPINION: Pakistani Province Set To Become Chinese Colony And Military Base

Gwadar, situated on Pakistan’s southwestern Arabian Sea coast, is the linchpin of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), itself the flagship of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China’s roadmap for global domination.

The port, for which China holds a 40-year operational lease, is strategically-located within striking distance of the Strait of Hormuz, a critical oil shipping chokepoint.

A January 1, 2018, article revealed a plan, later confirmed in two separate reports here and here, about for the construction of a Chinese naval base on the Jiwani Peninsula, just west of Gwadar, near the Iranian border.


c01ada  No.3562426


Maybe we can steer that a bit southward.

dc67da  No.3562427

Rosenstein’s thankless job for the past two years has been to hide all these investigations from the news media and from Congress until they are completed. Yes, you read that correctly. It’s his job to hide these investigations from Congress.

Why is that, you ask? Because members of Congress are under criminal investigation for illegally leaking classified information to the news media.


202f12  No.3562428

f5985a  No.3562429


If you accidentally send your wife Navy seal copy pasta because its saved on your clip board on your phonefag

You might be an anon

53ce9c  No.3562430


Weeeeelllll, "disagreeable" is VERY subjective, isn't it?

Not trying to be a cranky contrarian, btw.

35559d  No.3562431

File: 0db216d20c1d7bc⋯.png (451.85 KB, 479x347, 479:347, ClipboardImage.png)

554ac1  No.3562432

File: c27c020ead2e346⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 680x383, 680:383, FHPNedWgW4SEREOf.jpg)

File: e04db6481784630⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1452x1170, 242:195, Screen-Shot-2018-10-22-at-….png)

File: f0e7cc9896d74be⋯.png (610.6 KB, 1026x958, 513:479, Screen-Shot-2018-10-22-at-….png)

Lmao, the Antifa Bully who verbally assaulted the 9/11 widow lost his job..

{mob = no job}

https:// www.trumpservativenews.club/2018/10/antifa-thug-who-verbally-assaulted-911.html

767737  No.3562433

File: 62cd98dc0a3fe74⋯.jpg (51.84 KB, 266x400, 133:200, 62cd98dc0a3fe74fad9e3d2740….jpg)


Please post a link if you have one. This is excellent news.

76fb63  No.3562434


I see an real gay person IRL and think 'actualfag'

902c96  No.3562435

>>3562288 thx anon, i'll search podesta emails, I've been searching wiki already

66966f  No.3562436

File: 16ad6e45a7010f6⋯.png (188.61 KB, 1373x327, 1373:327, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)


Now that ((They))) don't have access to our tech., goin' after Isreal's tech?

Like Bibi's water purification system like the gift he gave India (Jerusalem: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will present a special gift — the Gal-Mobile water desalinisation and purification jeep) ?


b8e752  No.3562437


When you hear a drop like sound and your 5 yo granddaughter yells across the house "Grandma! Q is posting again." Your Granddaughter might be a MiniMe Anon.

b012bf  No.3562438


You know a movement is hitting mainstream when… People organize dance parties to celebrate, in addition to the actual rally :D

c19d66  No.3562439


Funny how it’s all MALES being transported in the videos. No women and children… this is a good point.

2422b9  No.3562440

File: ce5b604f9d4fcf6⋯.jpeg (432.95 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 77fbcc6abd7eabc82a7b3b495….jpeg)

21c6ce  No.3562441


Fake, and also gay

adfd3d  No.3562442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump @War Documentary LIVE on RSBN

77a68c  No.3562443


Idk. I keep thinking about the fatman movie where he used the cell phones as visual sonar. Imagine no hiding place and can be seen in real time, anywhere. I know it's pretty much that now but this would be like the Google earth of tracking. Not to mention the frequency manipulation. True control all around.

6b4ec9  No.3562444


Think logically. The more we can push evil Soros into the MSM headlines, the closer to red pilling normies. Soros is only a hop, skip and jump away from the Rockyfellers, the Rothkids, centralized banksters and… the Fed.

Q is masterfully waking up the public consciousness with inducing panic.

b3afe8  No.3562445


If you laugh in keks to your baby & they "kek" back..

f16b1e  No.3562446


It stands for 5:5 and 35, but I get attacked every time I point this stuff out. "Learn our comms."

enc; 5th letter, 14th (1+4=5), 3rd letter. This kind of stuff is repeated endlessly if one knows what to look for. 55th anniv coming up of prez #35. Left is right, Up is down, Think Mirror.

JFK is what the whole damn thing is about. The clock SCREAMS him. 10-4. 5:5. 35/36, 45/46… blah, blah, blah.

a38a2e  No.3562447

File: 27a9e3e6f0d2c53⋯.png (20.1 KB, 579x95, 579:95, ClipboardImage.png)

c43d07  No.3562448

File: b0ef0a19bdcc23e⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1242x1816, 621:908, 4C149556-ECA7-47BA-BF36-4….jpeg)

File: 7d9aa9ec8d2f1f5⋯.jpeg (210.44 KB, 1219x967, 1219:967, BA7BAE3B-F81B-45E2-A7C7-0….jpeg)

File: 71c599421da0e3c⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x1553, 1242:1553, 8CB69665-3668-4758-A74C-F….jpeg)


Sandra Smith mentioned Butler was to meet MBS

c01ada  No.3562449


Why not? It works in Europe.

6b4ec9  No.3562450



da88e0  No.3562451


Trying to contact my stepson who is in Ft. Campbell right now.

8eb3ed  No.3562452



>True. The fucking kikes are about as subtle as soros on this one.

>israel will pay a lethal price. Killing jfk, killing our servicemen, 9/11, now this shit.

>israel is a hostile entity that MUST be destroyed.


Fuck that just kill off the elite

Our elite did worse than israels or just as bad

A peaceful israel and palestine is a better fuck you

202f12  No.3562453

File: 4150f273e033d75⋯.jpg (54.23 KB, 632x639, 632:639, mexicanmi17crash102218.JPG)

Caught on video: Mexican Navy Mi-17 crashed into the sea



b367a8  No.3562454


must weigh against "election meddling" also. think about election investigation, think about how comey was handling email investigation prior to '16. he panicked for a couple reasons: 1. cabal saw the loss coming 2. "can't" release reports prior to election.

So a declas pre-election of the info therein could be a trigger for npc rally cry, and could have legal ramifications like a SC push. just sayin, what a show.

c54dad  No.3562455

A lot of opportunities to dig on George Soros can be found at the Open Societies Foundations web page.


4a54e5  No.3562456

File: 9abf782be42f2fa⋯.jpeg (121.35 KB, 663x443, 663:443, 5a55f4b943aed.jpeg)

File: 5c473a006ef9c2c⋯.jpg (101.05 KB, 960x734, 480:367, goy-slavery.jpg)

File: 209b4c092e4de62⋯.jpg (130.91 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Kritik-am-Christentum.jpg)

File: 71534ce7ff10044⋯.png (87.86 KB, 580x242, 290:121, net-580x242.png)

File: 46b2827e963bedd⋯.jpg (468.39 KB, 711x555, 237:185, t.jpg)

fuck off (((goldberg)))

6ad531  No.3562457

File: 07771f65f040946⋯.png (395.62 KB, 532x690, 266:345, Psycho Joe.png)

Scarborough on Trump Supporters: ‘Who Raised Them?’, ‘Who Are the People That Continue to Applaud Things They Know to Be Lies?’ https://www.breitbart.com/video/2018/10/22/scarborough-on-trump-supporters-who-raised-them-who-are-the-people-that-continue-to-applaud-things-they-know-to-be-lies/

I've got the answer for Psycho Joe!

d462da  No.3562458

File: 496651033adc3f2⋯.jpeg (2.44 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 829BAEE4-4BCC-426E-8E17-6….jpeg)


Texas loves Q, anons having fun in the crowd


363bd4  No.3562459

>>3562391 true story. Thank God I'm married to an ANON… It worked!

>>3562405 true story. Kek. By the time I said it, kid looked confused, i started keking uncontrollably. Kid thought I was making fun of them for having to do homework. Best day ever. Kek

5631e7  No.3562460

File: 7e5a3b629ca9cd5⋯.png (56.55 KB, 1108x515, 1108:515, Capture.PNG)


dc1771  No.3562462


digits speak ex-intelfag anon

8eb3ed  No.3562463


Those males wouldnt happen to have millitary training and knowledge of the location of weapons caches across the us would they ?

3e5d16  No.3562464


The struggle.

a38a2e  No.3562465

File: 9551514a81106eb⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x5406, 403:1802, ClipboardImage.png)

Army sets sights on new concealable machine gun


bc7a3f  No.3562466

File: 63f783744f02f15⋯.png (616.68 KB, 652x439, 652:439, Capture.PNG)

Donald Trump Alerts Military: Migrant Caravan Now a National Emergency

“I have alerted Border Patrol and Military that this is a National Emergy (sic),” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Must change laws!”

The president announced the news after the caravan that originated in Honduras swarmed over the southern Mexico border over the weekend, increasing to 7,000 people.

“Sadly, it looks like Mexico’s Police and Military are unable to stop the Caravan heading to the Southern Border of the United States,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in.”

The president has repeatedly vowed to stop the caravan from crossing into the United States, urging his supporters to support Republicans in the midterms.


c4303c  No.3562467


"Cover" not over anon. Good work.

842125  No.3562468

How do you guys still believe this shit lmao

b367a8  No.3562469



f16b1e  No.3562470


All true.

deae4e  No.3562471


National Guard and Marines



31 Oct 2017 - 11:57:15 PM

Who controls the NG?

Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.

4ff219  No.3562472

File: 11ff7cc83361260⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1660, 621:830, E04C6B57-884B-447E-A5C7-D….jpeg)

Sara Carter in Guatamala.

50993d  No.3562473

File: fd293c0b776476d⋯.jpg (40.46 KB, 600x516, 50:43, hunters_moon.jpg)

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 is the full Hunter's Moon

The Red Blood Moon

According to NASA and "folklore, October's full moon is called the "Hunter's Moon" or sometimes the "Blood Moon." It gets its name from hunters who tracked and killed their prey by autumn moonlight, stockpiling food for the winter ahead. You can picture them: silent figures padding through the forest, the moon overhead, pale as a corpse, its cold light betraying the creatures of the wood.

The Blood Moon is the last of the harvest moons, and the one closest to Samhain, the time when the veil between this world and the Otherworld is the thinnest. Also known as “moon of the changing season” and “failing leaf moon” the Blood Moon represents the death of one cycle and the birth of a new cycle. Blood is the life force that flows through your physical body. The Blood Moon ritual gives you the opportunity to give thanks and celebrate this life force.


5025d4  No.3562474


ENC- Eastern North Carolina

efd217  No.3562475



65ed88  No.3562476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Least dramatic helicopter crash ever.

73e8a1  No.3562477

File: 616e76f490eb10d⋯.jpg (459.25 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Meme Creator_1540224205474.jpg)

21c6ce  No.3562478

How do you still come here and ask us how we believe this shit?


7bda6a  No.3562479


Real number is in the 60+s

72257a  No.3562480

File: 715b628271665a2⋯.png (18.16 KB, 365x363, 365:363, 715b628271665a2415b5067f06….png)



b05f70  No.3562481

File: d2e2ec4ceeb0022⋯.jpg (13.66 KB, 255x177, 85:59, 6222cabdc81c607aef3f212501….jpg)


Oh shit, that comes out this week too.

0a06d8  No.3562482


That actually happened to me.

I texted it to my son and he responded back, you know you spelled "spooky" wrong!

I shook my head and just said to myself, he just doesn't get it! Kek!!

5631e7  No.3562483



A starchild is commonly heralded as the perfect bowel movement. It is the result of single push' that produces a six inch long 'sinker' followed by a cluster of four or five tigernut-sized 'floaters'. These little balls bob to the surface in a perfect circle around the nutty sinker - in a beautiful, turgid synchronized display that draws gasps from the lucky squatter.

My life is complete - I just produced a perfect starchild.

4a54e5  No.3562484

File: aa0fc412f181aaf⋯.jpg (440.45 KB, 1130x806, 565:403, 10.Oct 1939-07.jpg)

File: 3f26a6228ac6d4f⋯.jpg (507.6 KB, 800x712, 100:89, E5FC031F.jpg)

File: 8ff1bbc554072ce⋯.jpg (172.95 KB, 576x302, 288:151, kolomoiskyjewgraves.jpg)

File: 0d9070fd87d262f⋯.jpg (187.02 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Liberators-NSDAP.jpg)

File: e19b747180c5d6c⋯.png (84.51 KB, 500x424, 125:106, me-i-promise-lll-watch-tv-….png)

363bd4  No.3562485


Sauce? Where is muh sauce????

76fb63  No.3562486

File: ebfc3ec06e27a92⋯.jpg (1.45 KB, 48x64, 3:4, danzig.jpg)


>one closest to Samhain,

say what?

ec2db8  No.3562487


requested link:


c4303c  No.3562488


Hal Turner is shit.

0635ae  No.3562489

File: a5afc76750a91df⋯.png (195.39 KB, 691x200, 691:200, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

lulz. they think they're dealing with angela merkel.

bc7a3f  No.3562490

File: f3cf4b66ea0bbbc⋯.png (998.13 KB, 772x514, 386:257, Wolf1.png)

931e76  No.3562491

>Midway Bake


>>3562346 China's VP visits Israel to boost business ties

Not a lot of notables, Anons! Mostly idle chatter.

f089d4  No.3562492

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Hunter Killer

Did not know about that…interdasting


Lionsgate bought the US rights. Lionsgate = Frank Giustra & John Malone (Liberty Media)


ff4c16  No.3562493

File: 5eec92237829e4d⋯.png (66.77 KB, 444x308, 111:77, Screenshot-2018-10-22 Q.png)




Timeline is crazzzyyy. Oct 30th. Whatever narrative is going on about the caravan… always more behind the scenes.

e9c6b1  No.3562494

File: 219dd0d3e37bdfb⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1280x777, 1280:777, Honduras_US_Prostest.png)

File: d228a6ebdb32a5b⋯.png (8.02 KB, 644x279, 644:279, www_ny1_com.png)



6b0a03  No.3562495

File: bbb8cf299dbd509⋯.png (135.91 KB, 498x321, 166:107, bbb8cf299dbd50991141508205….png)

b40bab  No.3562496

Thinking /our/ schoolboy Q has left the building faggots. Back to an underwater Tibetan goat roping forum lads

7b54b8  No.3562497



1) Surely you realize that he would NOT have had all his eggs in a single US Basket (where they could be seized).

2) EO would require proof and confirmation he fit that profile.

3) A lot of the money he throws around is not actually his, but rather he is 'entrusted' to spend it accordingly by those (((who it belongs too))).

4) A lot of the money he throws around is US tax dollars funneled through (((bull shit))) and then unbeknownst to us, lands in his lap.

I'm sure there is more, but this much should be obvious to any casual observer, if they've been around here for the last year.

53ce9c  No.3562498



Maybe wasn't clear: I was implying that the folks in this caravan have made a choice to put themselves AND their children into harm's way. (Personal responsibility for their actions and the subsequent outcomes of said actions.)

I think we're on the same team, Fren?

5025d4  No.3562499

File: 1e60aaa252a16a8⋯.jpg (40.09 KB, 213x277, 213:277, comfytx.jpg)

363bd4  No.3562500


Somebody give this girl some popcorn!. How can she be comfy without popcorn?

cc14a1  No.3562501


They fucking nuked it. HAHAHAHAHA.

73fa6d  No.3562502


Logical Thinking

One way to know that Q is legitimitely what he claims is his discipline. Take as only one example in category that exemplifies this - This week Elizabeth Warren actually thought it was a good idea to publish a DNA test proving she is the whitest white person (as an aside, this really cuts against the grain of the whitey power bois, eh? kek), and claim it showed she had Indian heritage. The fallacies of the test and its conclusions were so extreme as to defy credulity as to why any rational person would do what she did. She, and by extension They, is absolutely out of her goard with PANIC and FEAR.

And yet, did Q break silence (darkness) to relish in the unforced error? Nope. I really doubt a LARP would be able to do that, let alone have the stamina to do what he’s done for an entire year.

His posts would fill a decent sized book at this point. The depth and breadth of research, digging, and alacrity with presentation of relevant happenings further cements the probability of Q being what he says, and having the humint resources necessary to present what he does, when, and how.

With how much time I spend personally just digesting and researching reactively Q’s posts, I can only imagine how much more time would be spent actually doing what he does - and I don’t think a larp could pull it off, no way.

ae0a8a  No.3562503


Fast "walkers" aren't they?

Glad they were all wearing seatbelts.

Was waiting for the truck to clip the median strip and lose it . . .

ee1a1e  No.3562504

File: b0631502af54710⋯.png (2.19 MB, 2006x1356, 1003:678, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d629d0fee15282a⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1184x1416, 148:177, ClipboardImage.png)



a34982  No.3562505

>>3562082, >>3562139, >>3562246, >>3561426 lb

Yeah this Anon goes on and on with this complaint, baker. Wants more news articles included. Problem has already been taken to Meta and BO/BV confirmed a) baker discretion and b) primary diggs over packaged news but he’s not content with that apparently.

Still, it’s a good jumping off point for this issue:

>>3561478 lb

Anons, help make Notables great

While I agree bakers shouldn't put factual claims in notes w/o sauce, fast-moving bread and/or board lag makes that difficult for one person to manage. Experienced anons help by training/slapping newbs. If you or someone else wants something noted, either prompt the OP/nominator to provide whatever’s lacking in a post (sauce or context/explanation), or provide it yourself. Bakers/BO/BV can’t be the sole “authority” or we’re easy targets for shills. If you spread out the threat, you diffuse enemy fire.

As to “muh notables” goncerns:

The WHEN is at the time baker notes/fails to note, in specifics. Don’t just bitch long after the fact in vague generalities. The latter is too open to abuse (think Kav), looks the same as shilling.

The HOW is simple, sauced, direct description of both problem and remedy:

Ex. >>[tag to baker] Baker, notable #_____ [description] is missing sauce, pls remove if not provided.

>>[tag to anon] Anon, can you sauce this for baker?


Ex. >>[tag to baker] Baker, pls include this post as sauce for notable #_____ [description]

[URL as sauce]

>>[tag to anon] Anon, this is a great find so I grabbed sauce for you. We only note stuff if it’s sauced.

Ex. >>[tag to baker] Baker, notable #_____ [description] lb is fake and gay. It appears you’re the same baker as lb, can you remove it?

[URL and/or explanation of problem as sauce to support claim that note is fake and gay]


>>[tag to baker] Baker, notable #_____ [description] lb is fake and gay. It appears you’re not the baker that put it in notes, can you add this post as rebuttal to this bread’s notes?

[URL and/or explanation of problem as sauce to support claim that note is fake and gay]

[Fact-based, detailed, & reasoned rebuttal]


kek! ty anon

9743c1  No.3562506


Rush saying a second caravan is forming.

8eb3ed  No.3562507


I think the timeline got pushed back a bit cuz either the cabal is losing harder than expected

Is fighting back harder than expected

Or the dumbass npcs are even dumber than ever thought possible

67d11c  No.3562508


Nuke yourself faggot…no LB warning

c19d66  No.3562509


They know the military won’t attack them because that would look bad for America. They know they have nothing to lose. Bastards.

2f6e90  No.3562510

File: 7f74dc7b869968c⋯.jpg (181.34 KB, 1054x475, 1054:475, Freedom Fighters.jpg)

ec2db8  No.3562511

he rants a lot, but his facts are good

f34583  No.3562512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Holy shit guys this place is NUTS

Reptilian Statues in Ancient Satanic Knights Templar Commandery with Extraterrestial Alien Alphabet

b012bf  No.3562513

File: 6b6cf4428c4a635⋯.jpg (425.92 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, ce5b604f9d4fcf6edebb643a7a….jpg)

deae4e  No.3562514



Q Poem on D's (Dark to Light)




18 Jun 2018 - 1:43:38 AM


Morning sun brings heat.

Full moon coming.

Undiscovered stars learned.

Missions forward.


Wake up faggots. ;)

Thousands in a migrant caravan wait to cross the Guatemalan-Mexican border amid sweltering heat


80e5b0  No.3562515

File: 9a36bc0acef959f⋯.jpg (570.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QCrumbsWizardsSatanicPOS.jpg)

4ff219  No.3562516


Yep. Sara Carter is with the Guatamala military right now ready to cover the second wave

842125  No.3562517


It’s really not hard just log on my phone and take a few minutes to ask. I’m genuinely curious as to how people are still falling for this con game. Q’s gone away for October trying to figure out how to explain 1. How Red October was a giant nothing burger and 2. How nothing is going to be solved by 11/11 which was his initial promise… anything to keep that YouTube and Teespring money coming in tho!

a55b46  No.3562518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8eb3ed  No.3562519


Yeah i hope soros enjoys eternal torture

441746  No.3562520


She has more balls than me. No fucking way I'm getting in a helicopter in Guatamala. That thing is probably held together by duct tape and luck.

f93788  No.3562521


Where are they now?

e9c6b1  No.3562522



4ff219  No.3562523


Look at whose getting special treatment as a journalists. Go get em SC

9743c1  No.3562524


Zoot - Suit - Riots , Calif. 1940's

d3f58a  No.3562525


Thats fkn gold!!!

88f015  No.3562526


Enemy non- combatant

3788da  No.3562527


Now do, "Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?]."

4a54e5  No.3562528


jews are the motral ebemy of all white people

trust them if you like I'm sure its so much easier for you all that way. the greatest mass murderers next to muslims.

muh bible says love everyone.

speak for yourselves Christians. you love jews so much why dont you all fuck off to Israel where you can serve them.

7bda6a  No.3562529


No, he hid it into his npo.

cc14a1  No.3562530


Go kill yourself ultrafaggot.

2f6e90  No.3562531


[Fake News] is just seconds away from announcing "turning back 'cuz muh hurricane"

21c6ce  No.3562532


Not true anon, military will follow orders

f34583  No.3562533


It's an eclipse.

5fdd76  No.3562534

Trump is Andy of Mayberry and Sessions is Barney Fife.

The looney left thinks Trump is a bumbling Idiot, along with

his one bullet Deputy. Until they snap the cuffs on and they

are toast. The one plot twist is Trumps braggadocio which I absolutely love as it throws them completely off their game.

5b5b1a  No.3562535

File: 9473bfed5b9151c⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1200x642, 200:107, ClipboardImage.png)

When you see (((it)))

6ad531  No.3562536

File: 30d1ce819dfeab2⋯.png (248.19 KB, 532x696, 133:174, Psycho Joe.png)


>Scarborough on Trump Supporters: ‘Who Raised Them?’,

damn typos

80e5b0  No.3562537

File: 0076ce13384840e⋯.png (125.46 KB, 213x277, 213:277, ClipboardImage.png)

a68829  No.3562538


are anons using an app that alerts to posts? how do you get these?

ffa215  No.3562540


Thank you and God bless anon

glad you ignore the attacks :)

c19d66  No.3562541


We need a thick wall of fire, lit by natural gas. They won’t cross.

e9c6b1  No.3562542

Early voting points to massive turnout, potential warning signs for GOP


3788da  No.3562543


> motral ebemy

MOTRAL EBEMY this has got to be "I'm a toilet"-boy

d5b9fb  No.3562544


If your eyes go wide when someone introduces themselves as "so-and-so Baker"…

If you've caught yourself thanking someone off the boards with pictures of titties…

If you've backed out of social obligations to hang out on /qr/ during a POTUS rally…

66966f  No.3562545

1c762b  No.3562546

File: 04871a219407e93⋯.jpg (192.45 KB, 960x540, 16:9, BlueWave.jpg)

10e612  No.3562547



efd217  No.3562548



c466ff  No.3562549



Did someone say Butthurt?

Could be the Mike Pence Family Tree that was in the Q Research Genealogy Thread

with the help of Cabal/Clintons/CrowdStrike who have resurrected APT1 malware campaign to damage relations with China, Korea, US, now turning their attentions on 8chan.

These folks cans help:


5025d4  No.3562550

230f1c  No.3562551

Are we still winning hard?

c19d66  No.3562552


I agree. But that’s what they are thinking since Mexico stood down and allowed it.

b012bf  No.3562553


I'm on the MAGA team.

These foreign invaders should have thought of that before making their choice, as adults.

The USA is not the world's fucking nanny. If these people chose to bring these children into a war zone, that is on them.

We have no obligation to house any o f them.

Send them ALL back. If they don't want to leave, shoot them.

b03e8f  No.3562554

Dante wanted it this way

5616ec  No.3562555

File: e08d2d95252862d⋯.jpg (47.89 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, Cellphone-Tower-Communicat….jpg)

File: 3e3ea982b852323⋯.jpg (562.68 KB, 1440x1232, 90:77, 20181022_091803.jpg)


5G or Bust. What's the Rush?

d89dca  No.3562556


As a legal matter, if this is true keep in mind that back in 2007-2008, now-AG Sessions was often the sole speaker on the Senate floor speaking in opposition.to "immigration reform."

ee1a1e  No.3562557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cc14a1  No.3562558

We need to invade Northern Mexico to set up a buffer zone.

1c762b  No.3562559


>>Q status - MIA

You sound like my paranoid mother-in-law.

c0a09b  No.3562560

I am posting memes on every ad promoted by twitter. I didnt ask for the ads so that is my reply

I think its a good idea

bc7a3f  No.3562561

File: a1ccc2e51f8a691⋯.png (554.02 KB, 772x440, 193:110, Capture.PNG)

100 Arizona Activists Turn State Policy Around On Vaccine Education Policy

A vocal few who make sense and not chaos can work wonders in any setting. Pro-vaccine civil workers are left to continue their grousing about losing herd immunity due to lack of vaccinations. Who taught these people that humans are nothing more than a herd of animals in the first place? ⁃ TN Editor

The state of Arizona has canceled a vaccine education program after receiving complaints from parents who don’t immunize their school-age children.

The pilot online course, modeled after programs in Oregon and Michigan, was created in response to the rising number of Arizona schoolchildren skipping school-required immunizations against diseases like measles, mumps and whooping cough because of their parents’ beliefs.

But some parents, who were worried the optional course was going to become mandatory, complained to the Governor’s Regulatory Review Council, which reviews regulations to ensure they are necessary and do not adversely affect the public. The six-member council is appointed by Gov. Doug Ducey, with an ex-officio general counsel.


80e5b0  No.3562562

File: c6cd1ec36299a30⋯.jpg (473.44 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, ComfyPopcorn.jpg)

e2fa90  No.3562563

File: 1b559cded9e0144⋯.png (13.25 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, comfefe.png)

2505e5  No.3562564

File: 349556fdc5ac3c1⋯.jpeg (150.03 KB, 540x727, 540:727, D584CF38-4C2C-4A7B-A57A-5….jpeg)

Proof that God exists. Change my mind..

51c7f3  No.3562565


Yeah, that's why their October surprise has to be outside the country.

66966f  No.3562566

File: 5a3fcafcc3bf893⋯.png (585.56 KB, 821x836, 821:836, Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at ….png)



53ce9c  No.3562567


You have no idea what anyone other than yourself is thinking, Anon.

Don't try to think for people with different areas of expertise than your own.

b012bf  No.3562568



e65180  No.3562569


Democrats plan to overwhelm the polls in a massive turnout.

9743c1  No.3562570


Did we find a NOT Hal Turner sauce for these DEPLOY orders ?

8eb3ed  No.3562571


Aka the dems stuffed the ballot boxes with fraud


"Oy vey goyim dont be voting and shit the dems are gonna win anyways just stay home"

7bda6a  No.3562572


Gee, Joe, we don't know it to be a lie. Were you acquited of murder charges? No? Never tried? They just found her body in your office, and you had to resign quickly?

6b4ec9  No.3562573


Not arguing, just asking…

Do we really think that Q posted about Soros trying to hide his money in RC's and then just walked away from the entire situation? Wouldn't it make more sense that they cut him off from his funds and his comms?

80e5b0  No.3562574

File: 7c8e4f24d6af471⋯.jpg (128.56 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, RedOctoberWinningBigly2.jpg)

4415cd  No.3562575


Google General Pershing.

True, he was chasing Pancho Villa, but still …

6b0a03  No.3562576


clearly no LARP

but the lack of tangible observable results is the only weak spot

and the whole: Anons ready for arrests?

didn't help the cause

then there is the moving of goalposts


Kavanaugh, then FISA

Midterms, then FISA

a38a2e  No.3562577

10e612  No.3562578


The bible talks about such an event happening I think.

4802c0  No.3562579



4a54e5  No.3562580

File: 5c210ffc67f3748⋯.jpg (189.74 KB, 800x1003, 800:1003, Jersualem-Post-Netanyahu-b….jpg)

File: 1e34ee9a55da202⋯.jpg (157.2 KB, 737x1200, 737:1200, 1e34ee9a55da202c1aa201391d….jpg)

File: 11006662a63a44e⋯.png (140.85 KB, 500x813, 500:813, 023730018a7f8701bb82aa8545….png)

File: e074c5d49a40ff1⋯.jpg (143.94 KB, 716x1199, 716:1199, e074c5d49a40ff18b63736c3ba….jpg)

File: e28bf6cdf178670⋯.jpg (129.31 KB, 739x485, 739:485, 8d519e009bf46f63027d3f815d….jpg)

66966f  No.3562581

File: 3e138c780304344⋯.png (182.12 KB, 762x958, 381:479, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

7bda6a  No.3562582


Hard to use Wilson as a precedent, but yeah. Send the troops into Mexico.

88f015  No.3562583


KEK! Find myself doing that same thing. Thought I was the one. Hive mind

4802c0  No.3562584


doh dam caps lock

0635ae  No.3562585

a72fb8  No.3562586

File: 219aa6a22ec5f48⋯.png (50.4 KB, 899x790, 899:790, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a63295eece5683⋯.png (53.78 KB, 1528x767, 1528:767, ClipboardImage.png)


God knows google/fb algos are making of my browsing habits lately. Private islands of the rich and famous, 19th century bath houses, free masons, etc etc … today it is the patriot act. Just reading around (not a lawfag) I noticed pic 1 and thought of all of the pepes etc that have been made.

Anyway Anon - I hope you like scratching pepes into the concrete wall of your cell.

(a) No person may, except with the written permission of the Director of the National Security Agency, knowingly use the words “National Security Agency”, the initials “NSA”, the seal of the National Security Agency, or any colorable imitation of such words, initials, or seal in connection with any merchandise, impersonation, solicitation, or commercial activity in a manner reasonably calculated to convey the impression that such use is approved, endorsed, or authorized by the National Security Agency.

>reasonably calculated to convey the impression that such use is approved, endorsed, or authorized by the National Security Agency.



88f015  No.3562587


Only one

c19d66  No.3562588


My brother in law was just deployed. I know a little more than you think, anon.

e8b7fa  No.3562589

File: 08ccce551ec7b77⋯.png (105.8 KB, 1539x454, 1539:454, nl3.png)

File: 8469b28c4bc3a46⋯.png (321.2 KB, 1546x925, 1546:925, nl2.png)

File: be4658b82bf7c9d⋯.png (241.27 KB, 1575x764, 1575:764, nl1.png)

File: 2c48b5a3f5ddef0⋯.jpg (51.13 KB, 781x535, 781:535, ads.JPG)

File: ab0f9894c36f852⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 976x493, 976:493, lrad.jpg)

Trumps Alamo? How will Trump respond?

It's all about OPTICS.

What presents the best optics for Republicans for the midterms?

1b1c99  No.3562591


Obama did not even make a pretense of repaying the campaign and personal expenses - about $1.2 billion per year of the good life, courtesy of American taxpayers.

2b44c0  No.3562592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Another good one.

Trump's 4 triggers sending the Deep State into Panic

b05f70  No.3562593

File: faf98963a190b57⋯.jpg (17.07 KB, 367x270, 367:270, 17p63r07h0zi2jpg.jpg)


Glad to see a good actor still working even after a muhjoos speech.

7bda6a  No.3562594


Q has said many times that Soros is not spending his own money.

3e5d16  No.3562595


I live in a beautiful area.

These fuckers are popping up all over the sides of mountains and in town.

Disgusting. And they're creepy. Foreboding. We've got more pole/towers just waiting for the arrays to go up, too.

Big Sky is about to be Big Fry.

66966f  No.3562596

File: 1298f0fd1157cb2⋯.png (306.67 KB, 431x546, 431:546, Screen Shot 2018-07-24 at ….png)

File: f3c76104e0c5eac⋯.jpg (61.18 KB, 466x430, 233:215, static1.squarespace.jpg)

132089  No.3562597

>>3562494. Have they just changed their status to enemy combatants? How else can they notify us more clearly? This is not a visit to find a job and assimilate with Citizens?

53ce9c  No.3562598


Luckily, there are various alternatives to saying "turn back now or die".

Example: The 82nd doesn't have authority to makes arrests, yet they can be used in that capacity. (Interesting, I know.)

81b083  No.3562599


March 2017

e9c6b1  No.3562600

File: 2cb210db926de51⋯.png (198.77 KB, 544x380, 136:95, hacked2 (1).png)

Saudi Arabia’s ‘Davos in the Desert’ website down after ‘being hacked with ISIS poster of Jamal Khashoggi being executed by Crown Prince’


8eb3ed  No.3562601


He exists

But so does weather manipulation

Just remember these people are very good at lying

7e1148  No.3562602



So, during the interview on Fox a little while ago, GB said the crew went onto a Navy sub, went down and the Navy did “drills” on all of the scenes in the movie…I am staying tuned. Movie out at the end of this week.

b367a8  No.3562603

File: e54761bdb0acb9d⋯.jpg (45.88 KB, 1468x770, 734:385, commonnpc.JPG)


wit dis FAGGOT

5fdd76  No.3562604

WWG1WGA brother.>>3562588

a72fb8  No.3562605



And then I notice its not an NSA seal - but a presedential one … sigh

a38a2e  No.3562606


maybe it's a case of causing cardiac arrests

b012bf  No.3562607


>Change my mind..


God always metes out justice on humans with Nature herself. It's biblical.

b03e8f  No.3562608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

008a4e  No.3562609

leading theory on why Q is gone for the time? did they get him? i'm scared.

72257a  No.3562610

File: 9be96f8debc6136⋯.jpg (257.68 KB, 500x586, 250:293, Pepe-with-a-Pearl-Earring.jpg)

2a8dda  No.3562611


Eastern North Carolina

2f6e90  No.3562612

f88ee1  No.3562613

File: ee27c22a823eff2⋯.png (82.88 KB, 849x707, 849:707, Regular Pentagon Construct….png)

Q intersects with T inside the Pentagon

4415cd  No.3562614


Fooking Woodrow Wilson. What a tool.

We had US Army stationed all along the Mexican border from 1910 to 1917.

230f1c  No.3562615

Since 1983 the US has been treating the foreign national babies of foreign nationals as American citizens, a gift given to them SOLELY due to the criminal behavior of their parents.

A couple of weeks ago it was reported that Medicaid (that’s us) paid for 300,000 of these JUST in 2017.

Imagine how many “American” citizens who are not constitutionally citizens we now have in power in the US, an ever-growing mob since 1983; this needs to be dealt with or the non-stop invasion can never be ended. 35 years we have been giving away our heritage and financing those who hate us and want what we have. This population now far exceeds even the numbers of current invaders in the country, and all 50 states are their sanctuary.

This is the bomb that was ready to explode right when our patriotic President rode down the escalator. And also the reason he had massive support from all who are awake and have watched the country change.

572b77  No.3562616

File: 8499c62ed4f949c⋯.png (26.9 KB, 1410x88, 705:44, Mischief Wikipedia.png)

File: 52ab217ce0699b6⋯.png (337.07 KB, 593x402, 593:402, Pizza Pedro arrested again.png)

"Pizza Pedro" arrested again. MUH DREAMER!

6d7e7d  No.3562617

>>3562415 POTUS signs deployment orders for the 82nd Airborne Division to deployed to U.S. Southern Border ; >>3562487


Baker needs some verification on this. Is this a trustworthy sauce?

53ce9c  No.3562618


Good save.

1e0615  No.3562619


Air drop some pics of organ harvest victims


cc14a1  No.3562620


We need to set up a DMZ zone in Northern Mexico, before it turns into Syria.

They can't even control a few thousand savages. How are they going to control armed mercenaries from the drug cartels?

Might as well use the Northern conquered territories as a buffer zone.

Thanks for the Pershings tip.

73fa6d  No.3562621


trust the plan. They didn’t get shit, and the darkness is fog of war going into midterms. There will be no heads up for what’s coming

21c6ce  No.3562622


If your intention is to sow dissent, it ain’t gonna work fam. If Q wasn’t busy saving the US, they’d be here shit posting with us so sit tight and enjoy the show or fuck off back to where you came from divisionfag

5fdd76  No.3562623

Rush Limbaugh just called the march an invasion. He said Yes Trump can use the Military.

ff4c16  No.3562624


>Or the dumbass npcs are even dumber than ever thought possible


b012bf  No.3562625


> "turn back now or die".

I personally think that should be the opening dialog.

But that's just me I guess ;p

6b4ec9  No.3562627

Can't quite connect the dots, but my almonds tell me that this caravan might lead to Mexico funding the wall.

That's about the ONLY thing POTUS promised during his run that hasn't habbened… yet.

bb114a  No.3562628

File: d4af9ad0a2eac8c⋯.jpeg (654.46 KB, 1242x2043, 138:227, EEABC71F-688B-46BD-808C-6….jpeg)


a38a2e  No.3562629


considering where they're from probably not, but a talking bush (pun intended) just might lol

3a7aa0  No.3562630

File: c841c65f626db94⋯.gif (633.58 KB, 500x460, 25:23, well doe.gif)

21c6ce  No.3562631


That’s Mexico’s military, not ours

b03e8f  No.3562632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Learn how fake news can cause hell

d3f58a  No.3562633


Therefore there must be a weapons cache somewhere waiting for them

5a90ed  No.3562634

File: 1138202fb8cf2d1⋯.jpeg (205.42 KB, 1080x1232, 135:154, 3683A3F0-A687-446D-9136-D….jpeg)

File: 1552ad0ee9885ca⋯.jpeg (789.33 KB, 1125x1978, 1125:1978, A6B3B795-0A93-4795-A8CA-B….jpeg)

Missing letters “ENC” from Emergency in @realdonaldtrump tweet.

Pic and link related? ENC publishing re: novel descriptions on Wikipedia.



4a54e5  No.3562635

File: 3dc60016ca7105f⋯.jpg (77.04 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 3dc60016ca7105f68d26d4ad73….jpg)

File: 8db5ef746b68b3b⋯.jpeg (59.58 KB, 500x889, 500:889, 8db5ef746b68b3b37fcf968ce….jpeg)

File: fd5746d49e2f60c⋯.png (117.07 KB, 982x544, 491:272, fd5746d49e2f60c072bcf9dbbd….png)

File: dae9b799ffd9e3e⋯.jpg (60.8 KB, 364x528, 91:132, a6cd482d59c6f6e644e404601a….jpg)

File: ad110c40286ce1d⋯.png (491.41 KB, 1400x646, 700:323, chemtrailpilotsignals.png)

had a chemntrail pilot in central mass do the dash dash dash thing a couple of days ago. very interdasting to see. alas the tards are glued to the red sox so they struggle with the bread a circus issue.

3e5d16  No.3562636


Fucking T Mobile and Tester.

Tester can such so many Brookers.

I wish Greg would just knock him one good for the team. We'll pay his bail.

10e612  No.3562637


Elon Musk's first high-speed tunnel 'almost done' in LA

4ff219  No.3562638


No sauce other than a radio hack

b8e752  No.3562639


If Trump really did it will come out everywhere.

984dbc  No.3562640


Numbers are a couple hundred people apart! Nothing massively overwhelming

a02acb  No.3562641

File: 83808b14fed4159⋯.png (43.68 KB, 1267x889, 181:127, 279c8b96-5266-45f1-8fd7-d2….png)

MT anon here. If any of you purchase Patagonia products I would ask that you reconsider. Fuck Patagonia.


7bda6a  No.3562642


20 day darkness in July covered all kinds of horrific shit going on to our enemies. This is what war is like. Hurry up and wait. Bordom punctuated by terror. Stay sharp during the boring times.

b03e8f  No.3562643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0e479b  No.3562644

Early voting TX anon here. Standing in line at least 100 deep! #redwave

d544e5  No.3562645


When President Trump locks down the southern border all the "migrants" will be stranded in MX and civil war will break out (in MX). Oh what it will be to watch the MSM nightly news then.

76fb63  No.3562646


emergency national callup?

6b4ec9  No.3562647


I'm guessing spell checker become disabled when caps lock is engaged?

6b0a03  No.3562648


Has Rush Limbaugh ever named the Jew?

asking for friend

e0a996  No.3562649

File: a1ae9fc5ce0a1bf⋯.png (381.54 KB, 500x557, 500:557, ClipboardImage.png)



66966f  No.3562650

File: 068895b04e744ec⋯.png (527.19 KB, 932x887, 932:887, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: 067248ff719ba6b⋯.png (172.26 KB, 534x703, 534:703, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

File: 0c3f5b7a1398896⋯.jpg (46.17 KB, 468x895, 468:895, 1502663564761.jpg)


Drinking milk makes you a white supremacist.

7bda6a  No.3562651


More interesting what a Warthog can do to people lined up without armor.

2f6e90  No.3562652


and it's not like ya have ta shoot all of 'em. 1 or 2 and they trample themselves. their level of "organization for a military op" does not compare.

6e23c1  No.3562653

File: d8fdff58d17b3cb⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1294x889, 1294:889, 723889121289874908980.png)

File: c12183eaba588a1⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1005x829, 1005:829, 127096432065016689428901.png)

File: 5421a20e0cec44c⋯.png (947.81 KB, 971x899, 971:899, 3219904943994653679127896.png)

1c762b  No.3562654


Well, it's certainly an announcement.

ec2db8  No.3562655


He may be a little busy.

964bd9  No.3562656

File: 8b2fdc500b96ef7⋯.jpg (54.72 KB, 720x720, 1:1, FB_IMG_1540114167257.jpg)

hi all Anons was the Board 8chan down this morning???? get a error 522 in firefox and Explorer . i am from The land of vikings Norway..

122457  No.3562657


yea,it's false. As soon as he sniffed that EO, he dropped $18 mill into his non-profit (virtually everything he is worth) to protect it from seizure

7bda6a  No.3562658


No, because you and your friend are brainwashed tools, and Rush isn't.

f5985a  No.3562659


micro dosing mushrooms water fasting and eating right has the exact same effect as CSF, its just the CSF is temporary. doing it the right way is a life style of heath and self knowledge, the CSF makes them feel 100% new for about 4 days, but then the body remindeds them and they need more,

it makes them a shaman for a few days, open to evil spirits and hypnotism tho=dangerous opens a door to very evil spirits that can and do take control of there week minds.

Those of us that live on the correct path and follow "The Way" can communicate with the good and the evil spirits,

you see they are the same, its you that are the variable if you have to fight the bad out of your mind you are killing to survive and the energy knows it, if you can live without others dying[animals] does that make you evil for killing and eating them since you don't have too?

Does it make you Evil for paying someone else to do it?

just like a animal senses a carnovior so does the energy of our world,

Good vs Evil you decide what that is.

if something is beautiful something else must be ugly

The Mk Ultra has taught you to be a Killer and justify it,

I know you don't like this but Think about it, why do we cut down trees and not thin them

Money is your God or its not

even the most awake still sleep, stop eating the pill

false reality

58249c  No.3562660


add Ovaltine. turns it brown

3e5d16  No.3562661


Go figure I ran from flooding in the south just to wind up in a shit ass mountain college town absolutely riddled with these things. And no, they were nowhere to be seen when I arrived 2 years ago. In fact, it was damn near OVERNIGHT. And no one seemed to know wtf they were until I told them. Smh.

ee1a1e  No.3562662

File: 7f2008a078e21c5⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1878x1186, 939:593, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca64ee697d28d86⋯.png (321.45 KB, 1500x1198, 750:599, ClipboardImage.png)


da88e0  No.3562663



He didn't answer, and still waiting for a call back from him.

So yep, he's a little busy.

66966f  No.3562664

File: 4c6024430c33bbb⋯.png (639.44 KB, 1603x920, 1603:920, Screen Shot 2018-10-21 at ….png)

6b0a03  No.3562665


go back to reddit gramps

5a90ed  No.3562666


Read the info on the photo I posted.

7bda6a  No.3562667


I knew Jamal was a rat.

70c97b  No.3562668


was down for me2

b05f70  No.3562669

File: e159d6e2fe7cb3e⋯.png (299.96 KB, 475x336, 475:336, ClipboardImage.png)

e65180  No.3562670

File: 42db6fbc939b1ca⋯.jpg (11.95 KB, 236x236, 1:1, lawd.jpg)

da88e0  No.3562671

That's alot of money!!

“We will now begin cutting off, or subsequently reducing, the massive foreign aid routinely given them,” Trump tweeted.

The three countries received about $500 million in funding from the U.S. in 2017.


cdad42  No.3562672


Someone TOLD him to say that. Fucker doesn't have a single idea or thought in his head.

a38a2e  No.3562673


not even surprised :/

76fb63  No.3562674


I was pontificating what the missing 'enc' might be code for, anon

2f6e90  No.3562675


<newfag think Q-team always use the trip

>we love our newfags. lurk moar.

4802c0  No.3562676


id guess a lot of them

c19d66  No.3562677


They’re prepared for them using the women and children as a front.

e0a996  No.3562678

File: 40354b09600d8b4⋯.png (28.17 KB, 1082x141, 1082:141, ClipboardImage.png)

4a54e5  No.3562679

File: 93cc0e9f06e0a10⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1500x1125, 4:3, 1 hsft49u9ehjmuPsczS3dUw.png)

File: 4c7557aad76cdfd⋯.jpg (88.42 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 22406413_1537659976321332_….jpg)

File: 984a72d94ff4a90⋯.jpg (95.4 KB, 700x713, 700:713, 2463058244e99c4f31ca32cb2e….jpg)

File: 5a18252459f7dfe⋯.jpg (68.2 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqddfault.jpg)

File: e98d82ec38007e8⋯.jpg (77.2 KB, 726x472, 363:236, CA-fires-11.jpg)

lying jewish press

6d7e7d  No.3562680


A woman I know accidentally got an overdose of Adrenaline after a treatment. She said it was the highest she had ever been. She felt like she could literally influence time.

No wonder it's the Cabalists favourite treat.

ea999d  No.3562681

File: 60941fb8f6c319c⋯.jpeg (219.97 KB, 1920x934, 960:467, 8FE7DB70-8421-4B03-A558-E….jpeg)

Wonder who paid for this sign at the Trump rally line???!!!

5b5b1a  No.3562682

File: 870f73ce1bd169e⋯.png (134.79 KB, 675x758, 675:758, ClipboardImage.png)

Is it time for Alyssa and her husband to face the music?

b03e8f  No.3562683

File: 742f28789b4252e⋯.jpeg (169.52 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 0540E22E-B284-4912-BD0D-1….jpeg)

File: 3500d14b2cf1915⋯.jpeg (162.15 KB, 960x960, 1:1, CAFA3FB2-DFD4-4C53-81CA-1….jpeg)

File: deb215e5242f6c8⋯.png (256.33 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3459.PNG)

842125  No.3562684


I don’t come here with any agenda lol I’m not trying to sow dissent I just wanna try and reach some good willed people who are stuck in a cognitive dissonance loop. Y’all are being misled and bad people are using your love for this country against you. Really sad to see but ignorance is bliss I guess.

1c80cd  No.3562685


<i decide anonymous posts are Q

b05f70  No.3562686


This is why I only drink beer. It proves I am not racist.

f0f7b9  No.3562687

File: dd5ec5ec9ddb7bf⋯.gif (111.76 KB, 479x681, 479:681, shillcon2.gif)

File: 5da8cbe4ef56eb4⋯.png (139.54 KB, 1166x971, 1166:971, 5da8cbe4ef56eb4e8ea0e3289d….png)

Newfags this is not a chatroom.


Do NOT engage shills

e65180  No.3562688


All they need to do is form a blockade and use razor wire, and then have snipers start picking off a few men. They won't proceed.

5025d4  No.3562689

File: ce5f14b9e8848d5⋯.jpg (3.54 MB, 5600x5600, 1:1, pzzlejws.jpg)

4802c0  No.3562690

if you recently developed the habit of regular missing work to watch congressional hearing or trump rallys


1c762b  No.3562691

File: a7139e8de1f05e4⋯.jpg (197.43 KB, 960x540, 16:9, UgetwutUtolerate.jpg)


You get what you tolerate. And we have tolerated bullshit far too long. (PETA supports any leftist agenda.)

The only question is, is it too late to do something about it?

b8e752  No.3562692


The original was taken off GooglePlay but there are a few others. No idea how well they work.


5a90ed  No.3562693


That’s what my post was about. Reeeeeeeead it

c19d66  No.3562694


Think about why the Mexican cartels are not raiding them… the Federalis are even standing down.

7c2c1f  No.3562695

File: 807b51da118a4bd⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 464x680, 58:85, SQ-iceberg.jpg)

[sauce: https://www.rt.com/news/441906-strange-iceberg-nasa-climate/] - for the pic

[sauce:] - for where I read it first

Someone is obviously using space based lasers to carve up polar ice shelves and fraud global warming

If you can't get enough "ice shelf depletion" to justify a carbon tax naturally, all you have to do is use a laser to cut the ice shelves off as you see fit to "prove" global warming is real. There is cold hard proof they did this, and were rock stupid about how. Nasa has a pure bullshit explanation and claims this iceberg is perfectly square "because it is new". BULLSHIT, SEE THIS [1st sauce above] now that this ONE image is out there, it won't matter how they fake this in the future, the scam is BUSTED. Someone is cutting off chunks of ice from polar regions with space based lasers and blaming global warming for ice depletion.

0635ae  No.3562696

File: e5e3f80f8cc9d55⋯.png (31.94 KB, 1004x351, 1004:351, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….png)

hopefull that's that w/r/t that Chinese stuff.

1c762b  No.3562697


Who allowed this pussy into the army?

cdad42  No.3562698


Need the high density to sterilize the lands of human population.

f089d4  No.3562699

File: 3bfa1c6cc98a9e4⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 442x288, 221:144, TX-20-congress.jpg)



Really interesting. Wonder if MbS was thinking about dumping some cash into film production to counter the Chinese/cabal capital.

Repubs not even fielding a candidate to oppose Castro in the 20th. A shame, guy's scum - HUD Sect'y under Hussein.


60c81c  No.3562700

I have been in line at the Tx rally since 5:00. There are tons of Qanons and MANY newfags now. The ones that are clueless about Q are becoming the minority. Most people know about Q from Laura Loomer (whoever that is, Kek) Regardless, Patriots all and so much love for our president. They have time to catch up.

0f2042  No.3562701


Reminds me of the Halloween I went out as a pack of Marlboro. Tell the guy to cut the sides out or his arms will get very tired.

964bd9  No.3562702

resident Donald Trump’s supporters began lining up and camping out 24 hours before Monday’s rally in Houston, Texas, which has received at least 100,000 signups for the 18,000-person venue.


Television crews arrived around 4:00 a.m. local time Monday outside of the venue where President Trump will speak Monday night. The Fox News reporter stated they had seen the line grow throughout the hours:

b03e8f  No.3562703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d30a2e  No.3562704


Shut up Krassenstain

cc14a1  No.3562705


How many people in line anon? Still worth it to go down now?

ec2db8  No.3562706


I was talking with some normies over the weekend. They are conservative and I would have thought they were on board. The take away is that they get the Soros = Bad, but then lose it from there. For example, they could not imagine either Bush being bad. So I agree, push evil Soros as a good starting point.

4802c0  No.3562707


take lots of pics upload to us

60c81c  No.3562708


He was flying around north of Houston yesterday.

cad803  No.3562709

Happy National Nut Day, FFFFFFFrenz!

a38a2e  No.3562710


Has to do with energy density in atmosphere and the frequencies used. Double edged sword.

b79a34  No.3562711

So did we blow up the Chinese monitoring equipment? Or did we mine the area because we knew they'd eventually try to make a move through an area they thought was going to be safe?

Could only a nuclear subs destruction cause a quake of that magnitude?

5631e7  No.3562712

File: 6b378e4b6789a7f⋯.png (367.07 KB, 836x675, 836:675, b1b38f1b556b45acbeb10877e6….png)


This needs reposting

"US state department has ‘nothing to say’ on matter" so they just blew it up


da88e0  No.3562713

The whole article at:


Minutes ago, President Donald Trump signed DEPLOYMENT ORDERS for the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army, instructing them to deploy from Ft. Bragg, NC, to the U.S. southern border at Mexico.

In addition, the 1st Armored Division of the United States Army at Ft. Campbell, KY has been given 72 Hour ready-standby orders to begin shipping armored vehicles to the southern border via rail.

Covert Intelligence information confirms the present "migrant caravan" heading toward the US border from Honduras and Guatemala has grown to slightly more than TEN THOUSAND, but that an additional 40,000 Mexicans are staging in northern Mexico to join-up with that caravan.

The OPEN PLAN THEY ARE IMPLEMENTING is for more than fifty thousand of these so-called "migrants" to physically storm the U.S. border to gain entry into our country.

President Trump is not going to allow that.

Article 4, Section 4 of the US Constitution REQUIRES the federal government to protect each of the states from invasion. The "migrant caravan" is now classified as "an invasion force" against which the US government will take action.

These people not only tore down Border fencing to unlawfully enter Mexico from Guatemala and Honduras, they physically smashed-through Border gates. They are using force and it is now highly likely that US military force will be used against them if they try those same tactics at the US Border.

Prepare yourselves mentally for the reality that we may have to gun down these people. Prepare yourselves mentally for the reality they may end up in piles of dead bodies all over your TV.

Many of us have known it was going to come to this sooner or later. Looks like it will be sooner.

b34de7  No.3562714

havent heard anything about the logistics behind this mass movement, its coordinated, prolly through social media, we have nothing on that?

also its an op that takes timing and planning in order to achieve goals

5a90ed  No.3562715


There are 3 capitalized M’s. “Mean Martin Manning” is a novel put out by ENC. description in wiki screenshot.

65ed88  No.3562716

File: 089839a88c28166⋯.png (109.41 KB, 1289x486, 1289:486, pbj.PNG)


Don't forget PB and J anon

d31bc1  No.3562717


This is an attempt to gear up the (((msm))) world wide when we use LETHAL force against this growing (now 10,000 + 'caravan') using military force.

(((msm))) and mossad/soros already has agents scripting out stories and narratives for all the possibilities they can think of in terms of POTUS and US military responses to these invading forces.

Our response could justify national guard and USMC deployment to border states + CA for declaration of martial law, which would be critical post midterms in terms of arrests, rounding up the ms-13 scum and isis types across the country in mosques, population centers, rural hide outs, etc.

Now, the entire world wide media mechanism is ready to scream bloody murder and force local governments to cut ties/declare hostility toward US in the case of LETHAL response tp this invasion.

(((they))) are trying to ruin Patriot plans world wide in a follow up to attacks on mbs.

Those who are with us world wide must preemptively declare through various channels that they are with US responses to these SCUM puppets and soros masterminding the entire invasion and script writing.

They must, UNEQUiVOCALLY, declare these 'hoards' to be HOSTILES to soverign nations and show solidarity with US to put an end to ENTITLED, CRIMINAL scum and their (((masters))) who believe they can strike at decent people with impunity.

Meanwhile, this entire situation will allow Patriots in DC and nationwide to declare a state of emergency and justify deployment of NG and USMC to maintain order (and flush out hostile minority elements within areas and organizations). Any and all planned 'riots' by la raza types will be met with LETHAL force backed by our people that will be taking up arms.

(((they))) want race war

(((they))) want social disruption.

What (((they))) will get is a round of massacre that will exterminate their assets across US (all demographics and religious orgs) followed by massive law enforcement action to take down subversives that are assisting in this invasion.

You want two in the mallet to the traitors within and without from our people? Game is on.

Praying for the Patriots, Q team, Q+, and keeping powder dry.

6d7e7d  No.3562718


Baker here

I'd appreciate it if you could add the article in screenshots to it.

b03e8f  No.3562719

File: c026a920dd5b032⋯.jpeg (82.63 KB, 1024x677, 1024:677, 96363CF4-DB94-4DE1-A204-9….jpeg)

THE plane crash was caused by pirates fighting for memes

e560a6  No.3562720

File: 2cc01a384433d83⋯.jpg (2.42 MB, 5760x4763, 5760:4763, q posting as anon.jpg)


Q has been known to do this

cc14a1  No.3562721



They nuked the shit out of it.

bc7a3f  No.3562722

File: 0ab8e0ba2a11a26⋯.png (17.65 KB, 353x504, 353:504, Capture.PNG)

This chart shows how everything has changed since Trump became president

Since Donald Trump won the presidency, he has presided over one of the most tumultuous political times in recent memory as well as the best economy the country has seen since well before the financial crisis. Consumer and small business confidence is up — but so are both the national debt and budget deficit.

The chart above, using mostly data compiled by Goldman Sachs, quantifies just how much things changed from the days just before the election in November 2016 through September 2018.

Of course, the stock market has weakened in October, which has been its historically most volatile month. The chart doesn't include GDP, which has averaged 2.72 percent since Trump took over, compared with the 1.6 percent gain in 2016.

But the numbers provide a solid overview of how conditions have evolved during the 45th president's time in office.


4802c0  No.3562723


was ment for


e0a996  No.3562724


8chan's open borders KEK

307876  No.3562725


FISA application brings down the house. How many times has Q told us this.

The unredacted FISA application has not been release. IMO it will be released 17 days after Q's last release. This is how many days separated the redacted FISA from Q's previous drop on July 4th.

76fb63  No.3562726


Think it's the same guy that drags the GEICO banner.

a38a2e  No.3562728

File: a0233f8a4758f7f⋯.png (321.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

0635ae  No.3562729


unf halturner is not reliable.

9743c1  No.3562730


Yawn , waiting for second sauce.

4415cd  No.3562731


Noot Malt Liquor?

58249c  No.3562732


This is being reported as an earthquake on utube channel of Mary Greeley.


Wonder how many eqs are really military blow-ups.

7f5f26  No.3562733


There are no coincidences….and that would be a mighty big one.

cad803  No.3562734


what about crackers?

1c762b  No.3562735


We'll fucking take anybody…

4d6f1d  No.3562736

File: 8841910a626bc1d⋯.jpg (65.6 KB, 570x688, 285:344, il_570xN.1112888166_7tvq.jpg)

2216b5  No.3562737



"Prepare yourselves mentally for the reality that we may have to gun down these people. Prepare yourselves mentally for the reality they may end up in piles of dead bodies all over your TV. "


and imagine how well that will play out for the

masses via Cabal MSM.

Think. Are we really saying OurGuys have

not thought this through??? FFS.

I'm seeing comments like that on SM even by

Q followers. Just embarrassing as fuck.



e65180  No.3562738


To the leftist kooks who only seen in skin color…

Everything is racist!

The left is really outing themselves lately for the nutcases that they truly are.

4a54e5  No.3562739

File: 1a9366f4d33d995⋯.jpeg (47.49 KB, 630x414, 35:23, 57b3bff8170000ae02c73a72.jpeg)

File: 5761576cde9e6b4⋯.png (200.84 KB, 646x340, 19:10, 7.png)

File: 8c664b45afce0fd⋯.jpg (38.67 KB, 650x510, 65:51, chemtrail-pilot.jpg)

File: 722f24f0a89078c⋯.jpg (296.31 KB, 1200x766, 600:383, DQerQmnXkAIZpoG.jpg)

File: d964d849c1e59a8⋯.jpg (39.42 KB, 448x370, 224:185, patent_dees.jpg)

if you can read these words and you are involved in this I want you dead, and your families.

show yourselves you fuckers.show yourselves to our families. lying cowardly jew oath breaking backed pieces of shite. run to daddy trump he'll save you.

b0bf79  No.3562740


these cops are already comped.

d544e5  No.3562741


What goes up……………must come?

7e1148  No.3562742


>joacquin castro

Probably a special package waiting with his name on it kek

b79a34  No.3562743


>So did we blow up the Chinese monitoring equipment? Or did we mine the area because we knew they'd eventually try to make a move through an area they thought was going to be safe?


>Could only a nuclear subs destruction cause a quake of that magnitude?

a248bd  No.3562744

File: 38535d628f51809⋯.jpg (631.79 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181022-113715….jpg)

File: a877dee01fc224a⋯.jpg (619.35 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181022-113724….jpg)

File: 1c7406fca230ec4⋯.jpg (669.44 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181022-113729….jpg)

File: 6dcb0f3348e0dbd⋯.jpg (454.47 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181022-113734….jpg)

POTUS twat

National Emergy..



ec2db8  No.3562745


Breihtart is now reporting this also.

Hal turner is a bit crazy - but his facts are good

3dd1f9  No.3562746

File: f22ec1711c52ddc⋯.jpeg (251.38 KB, 780x1040, 3:4, EA37E516-0925-4F86-9AF1-D….jpeg)

Good morning Anons

3788da  No.3562747

The Brietbart stream in HOUSTON RALLY TAILGATE special is awesome


6b0a03  No.3562748

File: a436985db5eda55⋯.jpg (363.64 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, DJT-WTC.jpg)


>That's about the ONLY thing POTUS promised during his run that hasn't habbened… yet

not so fast there

remember this?

a38a2e  No.3562749


sauce from Breitbart?

2fb873  No.3562750

File: b46fa63c629d618⋯.jpg (90.2 KB, 907x537, 907:537, Screenshot_20181022-123712….jpg)

File: ae9f88cd7f16045⋯.jpg (471.12 KB, 902x1029, 902:1029, Screenshot_20181022-123734….jpg)

Anyone else think 11.4 is going to be a big day? Q likes to give us clues (hands up- 30 days). Same thing with sessions?

8cd839  No.3562751

If you call your cat a god damn cia nigger every time she knocks shit on the floor when running through your home, you might be an anon.

b79a34  No.3562752


monitoring equipment or sub?

f5985a  No.3562753


I asked a city cop the other day how the copfagging was going, he started laughing and said it was comfy out

9743c1  No.3562754


Hunter Killer starts soon , One PING only.

3bbc9f  No.3562755

File: 6c5ca2564079f65⋯.jpg (23.45 KB, 358x358, 1:1, 2kodh7~4.jpg)

Just posted this on Breitbart.com

"At least on 8Chan you can post pictures and video's with your comments…..

Breibartt needs to step it up.

Q posted one night on 8Chan and almost half a million IP addresses flooded that board in minutes….. Times are changing…."

You like my avatar?

964bd9  No.3562757

Norway on Saudi Arabia

Norway and the West exhibited 110 Russian diplomats after the so-called Skripal case. The foreign minister will not do to Saudi Arabia after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

The assault against Sergei Skripal

"What has happened to Jamal Khashoggi is completely unacceptable. A quick, open and credible investigation of the circumstances of the death must be conducted and the responsible persons must be held responsible. Any further consequences, it's too early to say anything about it.

Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H) writes on questions from ABC News about how serious Norwegian authorities are watching the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul.

- Does Norway think that the murder is serious enough for Norway and the West to respond with diplomatic sanctions as in the Script case? would we know.

The answer thus means that this case does not require an equally resolute response.

Norge og Vesten utviste 110 russiske diplomater etter den såkalte Skripal-saken. Det vil utenriksministeren ikke gjøre mot Saudi-Arabia etter drapet på Jamal Khashoggi.

Attentatet mot Sergej Skripal

– Det som har skjedd med Jamal Khashoggi er fullstendig uakseptabelt. Det må gjennomføres en rask, åpen og troverdig undersøkelse av omstendighetene rundt dødsfallet, og de ansvarlige må stilles til ansvar. Eventuelle videre konsekvenser er det for tidlig å si noe om.

Det skriver utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H) på spørsmål fra ABC Nyheter om hvor alvorlig norske myndigheter ser på drapet på Jamal Khashoggi i Saudi-Arabias konsulat i Istanbul.

– Mener Norge at drapet er alvorlig nok til at Norge og Vesten bør reagere med diplomatiske sanksjoner som i Skripal-saken? ville vi vite.

Svaret innebærer altså at denne saken ikke trenger en like resolutt reaksjon.


5631e7  No.3562758

File: 87c6ca6cf41f308⋯.jpg (32.25 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 44478133_1394401777357731_….jpg)


f5985a  No.3562759


we need you guys to take out the mob from behind if they attack hold your 20

e0a996  No.3562760


Ok, that was months ago. Proof of any new anonymous Q posts?


f53f03  No.3562761


The whole setup is designed to make POTUS look heartless imo. If, and that's a big if, they make it to the border, POTUS should have transport planes there ready to take them all back. Enforces immigration and shows a humanitarian side. NO violence please.

4a54e5  No.3562762

File: 0deef4897edfa9d⋯.jpg (579.1 KB, 861x1024, 861:1024, send-in-the-fake-nationali….jpg)

File: e532b49942a682f⋯.jpg (58.4 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Chemtrail-4.jpg)

File: e6682d10fccd43c⋯.jpg (51.63 KB, 600x399, 200:133, photos-from-inside-chemtra….jpg)

File: ab6cf23bb96337a⋯.png (266.54 KB, 1600x893, 1600:893, Tower - You’ve a chemtrail….png)

File: 7f251492ce4d7b7⋯.png (834.79 KB, 1228x608, 307:152, Screenshot_2018-09-27 Net4….png)

1c762b  No.3562763


>Anyone else think 11.4 is going to be a big day? Q likes to give us clues (hands up- 30 days). Same thing with sessions?

I've long since stopped thinking any one particular day is going to be the "big day." I just think there will be one.

0d5818  No.3562764

File: fde24411107a909⋯.jpg (30.32 KB, 611x222, 611:222, Screenshot 2018-10-22_09-4….jpg)

CIA just tweeted this, pinned

66966f  No.3562765

File: 8e4cafe8047b2eb⋯.png (638.29 KB, 670x1009, 670:1009, Screen Shot 2018-10-20 at ….png)

b31fd3  No.3562766

File: 077b5cec45c08c2⋯.jpg (5.28 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20181022_113956.jpg)

Whats up faggots. Houston anon checking in at Trump rally. Doors open @ 3:30 and packed already.

c08f48  No.3562767

File: 7ae072b5e0cbc11⋯.png (20.49 KB, 381x305, 381:305, ff.png)

572b77  No.3562768

File: 7cf430e4b06a266⋯.png (424.07 KB, 1007x424, 19:8, ClipboardImage.png)

b03e8f  No.3562769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a38a2e  No.3562770


mayhaps Russian ?

73fa6d  No.3562771


we are relying on you to start a Q chant

cc14a1  No.3562772


The equipment. They aren't going to destroy a sub without causing a war. But they can nuke the shit out of some listening devices to let the Chinese know their bullshit will not be tolerated.

0635ae  No.3562773


Godspeed, anon.

Godspeed and Landscape Mode.

230f1c  No.3562774



18ef9b  No.3562775


My guess is the invaders will be armed and start the shooting, making it look like the US shot first.

b05f70  No.3562776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A patriot who has a "skin color" MSM loves to talk about explains how patriots feel about this army of invaders.

b0bf79  No.3562777


Aircraft mounted V-MAD would be the way to go.

4c1625  No.3562778

File: 15a97f4ddce6673⋯.jpg (252.45 KB, 1278x1720, 639:860, Screen Shot 2018-10-22 at ….jpg)

VJ got fat…. the thought of being tried for treason must be stressful

b012bf  No.3562779


That's because the cartels understand that that caravan… Is [their] army.

And Mexico's military are the cartel's bottom bitch, along with the Mexican president.

They should be ashamed to call themselves men, frankly.

4415cd  No.3562780


God help them if the analyze the Bologna sandwich.

b3afe8  No.3562781


Crushed Lucky Charms?

4ff219  No.3562782



landscape mode

4a54e5  No.3562783

File: 4ff509f32192fd6⋯.png (188.21 KB, 702x569, 702:569, 698aa437874d95bdd21cfa2dc9….png)

File: a4b550926e2be76⋯.jpg (59.88 KB, 474x356, 237:178, 17c8yz.jpg)

File: 74a35cdc3f8a4da⋯.jpg (209 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 5c0d64da17f37ff⋯.jpg (412.15 KB, 1246x1797, 1246:1797, Screenshot_2018-09-09 Q Re….jpg)

File: fd78da4d8db1281⋯.png (788.54 KB, 1328x2920, 166:365, Screenshot_2018-09-09 Form….png)

0d5818  No.3562784


yes some connection there, still wondering if she already found and dismantled the therapist program

0635ae  No.3562785


crikey she sits around obama's living room all day eating and talking shit.

8eb3ed  No.3562786


Worrying feeds our demonic overlords

Try not to

ed6a57  No.3562787


Sounds like an agenda to me.

d544e5  No.3562788


The US is helping them. Now that they have less citizens to care for in Central America, President Trump has announced the immediate cutback of aid to these countries.

db9e95  No.3562789

File: d3c798e9933ace8⋯.jpeg (854.7 KB, 1371x1796, 1371:1796, 9B662856-45B4-432C-8265-0….jpeg)

a248bd  No.3562790


Fruity pebbles? Yuck

5631e7  No.3562791



b0bf79  No.3562792


nice clickbait.

80e5b0  No.3562793

File: 622dd3fb6080f7d⋯.jpg (421.84 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, ComfyBlue.jpg)

4ff219  No.3562794

Rand Paul is bipolar. Where does he fucking stand on anything? It changes day to day

66966f  No.3562795

File: 950cfde3f911fb1⋯.png (843.22 KB, 1230x746, 615:373, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

File: 2f653d5c1e00db4⋯.png (584.02 KB, 1105x563, 1105:563, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


>Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury - certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

a38a2e  No.3562796


abc is just another boring corporation.

5bb899  No.3562797


Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

f1b0b7  No.3562798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live shot Houston rally

2216b5  No.3562799



Just per his Tweet. C'mon, guys.


bc7a3f  No.3562800

File: 7cc36a283d0a02e⋯.png (353.08 KB, 500x271, 500:271, Google666.PNG)

Personal data of 75,000 individuals exposed after HealthCare.gov system hack

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) experienced a data breach leading to exposure of highly sensitive personal data of nearly 75,000 people. The CMS is a government system linked with healthCare.gov which assists insurance agents and brokers in helping people register for its healthcare plans.

An announcement was made late Friday by the CMS to confirm the data breach but details about the stolen data and content haven’t been provided as yet. It is, however, confirmed that personal files of 75,000 people have been exposed to hackers.

The brokers and agents use the Federally Facilitated Exchange’s Direct Enrollment pathway to convince customers to enroll in health insurance. The pathway was compromised by the attackers between 13 Oct and 16 Oct 2018, confirmed CMS


b34de7  No.3562801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8eb3ed  No.3562802


Probably the brain microwaving tech

b0bf79  No.3562803


The reason was ,"Anything to weaken America"

d31bc1  No.3562804


Here's the ultimate problem.

They are FORCING our hand on the border thing. We can watch out for and calm the waters on the DNC angle (they are powerless and our LE can stop false falgs, be vigilant and report suspicious activities, anons), but the border thing is critical.

ALL measures must be taken to take apart these retards that are emboldened and marching to the border.

They are assisted by TRAITORS within US and subversives (both latino and non-latino) who are working on a RACIAL basis to kill and invade.

This is important enough to warrant deployment of national guard and USMC.

Perfect cover to start rounding up illegals and traitors.

e0a996  No.3562805


>>Q status - MIA

not posting =/= MIA

>Specific timing rests w/ POTUS.

>Hints expend ammunition.

c19d66  No.3562806


Gotta get the crowd to shout Q!!!

4415cd  No.3562807


Yeah, ask the Russians

deae4e  No.3562808


posting an article is clickbait.

but your shit posting about someone putting forth effort is what? Other than severely retarded and neck yourself worthy?

5df1b0  No.3562809


where do you get your news, anon?

4a54e5  No.3562810

File: 0d58b81eca7045e⋯.png (1.15 MB, 745x4594, 745:4594, Screenshot_2018-09-09 Amer….png)

File: 4e44ab502a15a33⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1000x1929, 1000:1929, Screenshot_2018-09-09 More….png)

File: ed981a90765c792⋯.png (1.23 MB, 890x2704, 445:1352, Screenshot_2018-09-09 Gove….png)

File: 0a5af84d29bdf86⋯.png (594.66 KB, 1345x639, 1345:639, Screenshot_2018-09-09 Vale….png)

File: 8e23bb60918ea71⋯.png (301.45 KB, 471x579, 157:193, vicious hoaxers.PNG)

Jew Lies Cost Lives

4ff219  No.3562811

File: 23063c8e22c761c⋯.jpeg (424.31 KB, 1097x897, 1097:897, 447B2317-A155-478C-84A8-F….jpeg)


The Pepe’s in this tweet crack me up! KEK

2216b5  No.3562812


I will never get used to these fugly azz F35's….

esp launched like that.

Gay as Fuck.

ad0cda  No.3562813


Or POTUS is just always 5 steps ahead.

cad803  No.3562814


we won't just stop the invading mob at the border. we will also deploy within nuevo lyon to protect the one million americans living there from reprisal attacks when the cartels try to take Monterrey

b34de7  No.3562815


ty anon

80e5b0  No.3562816

File: 199df1265e4284d⋯.jpg (58.05 KB, 720x960, 3:4, QCovfefe.JPG)


GM anon. Site is under attack but We Here.

d3eed7  No.3562817

File: 89150dd024b180f⋯.png (504.21 KB, 799x534, 799:534, 89150dd024b180ffeeb02eb944….png)

6d7e7d  No.3562818


>>3562687 Lest you not forget.

>>3562650 PETA reaches new levels on insanity: claims drinking milk is something done only by white supremacists.

>>3562473 October 24, 2018: Hunter's Moon

>>3562346 China's VP visits Israel to boost business ties

b0bf79  No.3562819


The funny part is "Stupid infidels".

9efb96  No.3562820

File: 68812fbf7917013⋯.jpg (279.79 KB, 1260x663, 420:221, Screenshot_2018-10-22 LIVE….jpg)


Streets awash with a swelling red tide

ff4c16  No.3562821


Nellie Ohr

c19d66  No.3562822


My point, exactly. They aren’t being raided or bothered. There’s a reason for this. All cabal supported. Mexico is playing both sides.

90b160  No.3562823


I am not sure what to believe. I kind of think that the tunnel was already there and only for the elite and now Musk under a Trump victory is opening it to the public. Using the story they are building it as a easy way to break it to the public they have this technology.

2fd6bc  No.3562824


Ginal Haspel?

7f5f26  No.3562825


Exactly. They'll blame POTUS for not sending in planes and helicopters to evacuate the invaders to the safety of the US. I can hear it now? "How could he let them suffer like that? It's just not who we are."

0f2042  No.3562827


The invasion was carried out from the Bush admin on and stepped up by King Nig. The damage is likely irreversible (esp long-term) unless we round them up and "send them back" which is exactly what they deserve anyway.

e0a996  No.3562828

File: e86be2aef1ade94⋯.png (32.56 KB, 621x209, 621:209, ClipboardImage.png)

b012bf  No.3562829


>This is important enough to warrant deployment of national guard and USMC.

>Perfect cover to start rounding up illegals and traitors.

Yes. I agree with this post, fully.

No quarter.

These are not "undocumented migrants". These are foreign invaders.

Only the rules of war should have jurisdiction here.

b03e8f  No.3562830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

After that 114,000,000 native America genocide

All this Jewish soyboy nazi genocide seems lame

Feel free to prostrate yourself in the synagogue of Satan for the old "Mossad" psyop of goolag that killed 30 million

In fact the only blood debt greater is mao's unreported 200 million genocide

So have confidence knowing that Jew baiting idolatry is what caused this usery for tsipraism oil Econ

And the scientologists are truly backpeddling the $3 trillion spent post challenger explosion




Quaralling hobbits on a compd board to Romanceing the spongebob squarepants for Gestapi engineered muhjooskikeshillin Vader Rex soylent orange fake Abraham to spite the Muslim brotherhood while spiteing the justice of children fagOTUS batter With artificial premises and a tax evasion fake narrative Cause peanut butter sex slaves have homo rage from gematria induced Scientology Passive aggressive Satan worship for tsipraism oil lizards of the U.K. To distract from the cursed trillion dollar cocaine dilution hogg cult of pedogate That runs Hollywood with the Mossad curse of goolag but the apocrypha of the Talmud queers zerubabble biltmore BBQ got micheal Jackson killed And now that we all know what rosensteins asshole did to quantitative easements with Julian ASSangel perhaps some real zersetzung can shitpost homoerotic zombie ordeals for white supremacy And fexas false idolatry that's greasing the Koch bros tranny cucking finger cuff privatized water scam that blew deep water horizon with underwriters





Professional tranny help





White supremacy




d31bc1  No.3562832


cartel/ms-13 is top priority.

we also KnOW the muzzies within US are working hand in hand with the cartels and ms-13 figures.

Day of the rope is at hand soon.

Their 'emboldenment' will soon turn to death and bloodshed on their part.

ec2db8  No.3562833




Breitbart is saying the military has been put on alert, Turner reports orders given.

Nobody knows how far Trump will go to stop the invasion… But it will be the focal point of his presidency.

b0bf79  No.3562834


She needs to be with comfy pepe

4802c0  No.3562836

a38a2e  No.3562837

Another quake in Canada, 5.2 in Port Hardy

66966f  No.3562838

File: a2c34e0b90313da⋯.png (974.39 KB, 865x1172, 865:1172, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: 5def30ae11cbc28⋯.png (417.88 KB, 600x401, 600:401, Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at ….png)

File: 0688026e8b48ef1⋯.png (915.84 KB, 1163x782, 1163:782, Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at ….png)

2cbeed  No.3562840


4a54e5  No.3562841

File: 73f88ef26df823a⋯.jpg (113 KB, 640x404, 160:101, SANDY-HOOK-DEMOLISHED-AND-….jpg)

File: 3fa3b525822a6d1⋯.jpg (317.31 KB, 636x625, 636:625, 3fa.jpg)

File: fd3ba522ece585a⋯.jpg (36.21 KB, 535x297, 535:297, 8d5.jpg)

File: 4a92d08f1c8fcd2⋯.jpg (244.76 KB, 1078x516, 539:258, Mona-Alexia-Pressley-Sandy….jpg)

File: 6a8929ff5ec4f54⋯.jpg (190.91 KB, 640x758, 320:379, NobodyDiedAtSandyHookback.jpg)

…and everyone involved in this shit show requires necking

oh muh duress oh muh ignorance


8eb3ed  No.3562842

File: c0c992658e1115b⋯.jpg (58.5 KB, 577x537, 577:537, cdcf57df6dfa149a55531750d2….jpg)


Weigh all options in the end it doesnt really matter cuz God wins and potus has God on his side

But it really is that bad fuck

2fb873  No.3562844


That's true, just thinking were given advance knowledge to things such as no name, and 11.4 has been out there for a year.. so im hoping it will be the same thing.

b012bf  No.3562845



Where the Patriots go, is where I want to be.

b8e752  No.3562846


They are called HelperAnons. You know this

bc7a3f  No.3562847


I bury my heart at wounded knew

6b0a03  No.3562848


>our LE can stop false falgs

can they?

terrible track record of doing that

0f2042  No.3562849

Today seems like a great day for our side. Let's enjoy it. Hopefully the site is working normally in time for tonight's kickass rally that will have half of the awesome state of Texas attending.

5025d4  No.3562850

File: 9ba287e16de627b⋯.jpg (53.04 KB, 368x533, 368:533, P1040977.jpg)

cc14a1  No.3562851


I may be wrong! =)

f5985a  No.3562854


yes the end time narrative you have seen is to portray him as that I knew the 3rd world christians would buy into it, its funny even if he was[he is not bible is there narrative ] they could not stop him

2cbeed  No.3562855

File: 2a4817c24e42aac⋯.png (393.53 KB, 488x731, 488:731, ClipboardImage.png)



9743c1  No.3562856


ILLUMINISTS cant undermine / destabilize countries without it

b367a8  No.3562857


chant WRWY

b34de7  No.3562859

File: 58ebbe11d2aad82⋯.png (98.8 KB, 250x343, 250:343, sc_aentology.png)

4a54e5  No.3562860

File: 7226356be2c1a75⋯.jpg (40.24 KB, 295x143, 295:143, sandy-hook-jew-color.jpg)

File: 6ec97a075d3f309⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 480x360, 4:3, i7iW7LAzy34.jpg)

File: 17e073f9a84b7e4⋯.png (459.3 KB, 640x430, 64:43, Orlando Shooting.png)

File: 69b81cc46f7743d⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 750x431, 750:431, CydQXQEUQAAXeah.jpg)

File: ac8c3485e5a3dc0⋯.png (84.77 KB, 506x307, 506:307, img90010.jpg.png)

Vote for charlie baker and polito they dont lie for jews honestly! vote for diehl or shiva they dont lie for jews either! noooooooo.

e0a996  No.3562861

File: f08c259e5f5b8cc⋯.png (314.21 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, helper-anons.png)


you should have seen this coming

again, SAUCE

b03e8f  No.3562862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gosh 6million Jews

I bet California lost at least that many to a "dope war"

da88e0  No.3562863

What you bet FoxNews doesn't air rally tonight?

572b77  No.3562865

Anyone have the NPC meme "literally shaking"?

842125  No.3562866


Few sources on Twitter. Some Fox, Some CNN, WSJ is probably my favorite. Pretty low bias and accurate reporting.

82dc3b  No.3562867


Excellent. Idea

7c2c1f  No.3562868

File: c50c00600fc3b72⋯.jpg (123.38 KB, 1260x692, 315:173, SQ-ice1.jpg)

File: 22e76d10fdc70f2⋯.jpg (128.01 KB, 1263x743, 1263:743, SQ-ice2.jpg)

File: 17777afb08178e8⋯.jpg (97.56 KB, 1266x690, 211:115, SQ-ice3.jpg)

File: 6ac7908a6e964e1⋯.jpg (104.6 KB, 1266x693, 422:231, SQ-ice4.jpg)

File: a1e10147dfeb0a8⋯.jpg (119.33 KB, 1265x691, 1265:691, SQ-ice5.jpg)


Here you go.

More at the site URL: https://www.rt.com/news/441906-strange-iceberg-nasa-climate/

5025d4  No.3562869

File: 8f9cdd8b711a5dc⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 409x259, 409:259, P1010531.jpg)

90b160  No.3562870


I think this is what M Night Shalamon had put in that Markie Mark movie about some airborne virus killing everyone. The people all started killing themselves in the most stupid way possible. Like laying down under lawn mowers.

This is what the Satanist had planned for us. This is why we are seeing weird stories of people fucking trees and running around naked and eating peoples faces. They are running test on their gay ass endtimes crap.

Dont worry it wont be that bad. They mostly do this to scare us. Fuckem.

b79a34  No.3562871


Right on time anons ;)

6d7e7d  No.3562872

File: 7ca449b5d0cfc21⋯.jpeg (35.59 KB, 414x232, 207:116, 7ca449b5d0cfc21ac17a331c4….jpeg)

Fresh Bread!

Fresh Bread!

Fresh Bread!




b03e8f  No.3562873


Prol Texas too

b0bf79  No.3562874


At least a regroup point

42cc74  No.3562875

File: 9d454dc3756a999⋯.png (425.53 KB, 780x520, 3:2, You_Might_Be_Anon.png)

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