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a38852  No.3541293

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 -------------------------------- Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3417457 ; reminder re: /pf/175: >>3417530 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -------------------------- Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

>>>/patriotsfight/372 -------------------------------- effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap/txt: >>3412511, >>3412512 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -------------------- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3412170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 -------------------------------- Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 -------------------------------- [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 -------------------------- Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 --------------------------------- Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 --------------------------------- Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 --------------------------------- Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -------------------- Your voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 --------------------------------- TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 --------------------------------- [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -------------------- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

a38852  No.3541299


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3395243 BO : "/cbts/ and /thestorm/ ownership transferred. Thanks CM... All bans lifted"

>>3405679 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation


>>3540637 GAA Update

>>3540705 Mueller report PSA: Prepare for disappointment

>>3540780 One Hundred ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Caravan Heads to U.S.

>>3540864 Abducted African billionaire returns home

>>3540961 Italia reduced immigration by 85% since new leadership

>>3541114 Video: Khashoggi was mad that SA was going to keep money instead of giving it to black hats (Cabal)

>>3541242 Judicial Watch Files Bar Complaint Against Lawyers For Christine Blasey Ford

>>3541276 #4491


>>3539786 Khashoggi connection to the Abedins

>>3539844, >>3539875 New Narrative on Khashoggi: "Red Line"

>>3539873 Eric Holder Rallies Resistance Inside Trump Admin and demands R's Stop Investigating the 2016 elections

>>3539913, >>3540402 Reminder: CIA is involved in Drug and Human Trafficking

>>3539970 USA Cycling CEO Derek Bouchard-Hall to resign at end of year

>>3540022 Chengdu to launch "artificial moon" satellite in 2020

>>3540071 Migrants wail at Mexico-Guatemala border

>>3540116 Adm R Joins Cybersecurity Foundry Team8 as a Senior Advisor

>>3540146 Liberal male billionare is the only funder for 'Republican Women' PAC that supports D's

>>3540247 21 arrested in Upstate sting that targeted child sex predators, men soliciting prostitutes

>>3540407 American Women Can Now Get Abortions by Mail

>>3540454 Trump to campaign for Cruz in Texas, 77K sign up for venue that fits 18K

>>3540491 4000 migrants go in Mexico after police used tear gas

>>3540507 #4490


>>3539068 Clockfag Update

>>3539076 Gold reserves in Hungary surge

>>3539143 New POTUS Tweet and Video

>>3539268 Khashoggi met with Hussein in the first few months of his presidency

>>3539394 Triple Amputee Veteran Brian Kolfage Vows to Haul Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg into Court

>>3539403 Nevada Rally 11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern tomorrow

>>3539421 New GITMO chief war court judge

>>3539567 Honduran Standoff at the bridge

>>3539729 #4489


>>3538334 POTUS: “It will all work out” re: corrupt FBI/DOJ

>>3538734 US to withdraw from nuclear arms treaty w/Russia (sauce for past Notable >>3536292 )

>>3538757 Medical equipment for geriatric care installed at Guantanamo Bay

>>3538916 #4488


>>3537600 New DJT: on the way to the rally

>>3537686 Linking very important Q crumb #153 and recent US/Saudi situation

>>3537776 Holder attempting to sow discontent within Trump Admin

>>3537879 Reports of high viewer traffic for rally streams

GENERAL: POTUS takes stage for rally in Mesa, AZ

>>3537952 Jack Dorsey sells $8M of shares in Square Inc

>>3538146 #4487


>>3536769 ; >>3537007 #JobsNotMobs research on the first meme

>>3536936 ; >>3536967 ; >>3537061 Rep. Gaetz going after Soros for Balkans activity

>>3537074 ; >>3537096 Pelosi promises to be short-lived Speaker of the House; grooming Schiff as possible successor

>>3537125 McCaskill under fire after husband accused of abuse by ex-wife

>>3537138 Article on recent events re: Saudis, Syria, and the Arab League

>>3537151 Remains of ~30 babies found at second funeral home in Detroit

>>3537257 New DJT: On the Mesa, AZ, crowd and “Something’s happening!!”

>>3537209 74-year-old man arresting for threatening to kill senators over Kavanaugh

>>3537223 ; >>3537401 POTUS wanting to talk to MbS, wants to protect arms sale (developing)

>>3537316 Lavellous Purcell convicted of sex trafficking (SDNY)

>>3537388 #4486

Previously Collected Notables

>>3535819 #4484, >>3536598 #4485

>>3533481 #4481, >>3534237 #4482, >>3535047 #4483

>>3531904 #4478, >>3531954 #4479, >>3532707 #4480

>>3528884 #4475, >>3529672 #4476, >>3531908 #4477

>>3526523 #4472, >>3527338 #4473, >>3528091 #4474

>>3524197 #4469, >>3524974 #4470, >>3525972 #4471

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

a38852  No.3541301

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

a38852  No.3541303

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

a38852  No.3541306

File: a55ea090a75dedf⋯.gif (184.68 KB, 600x338, 300:169, requestinghandoff.gif)




a75809  No.3541331

The ancient origins of the Roman Catholic church


Roman soldiers worshipped Mithras, born of the Virgin Mother of God. So when the Jewish followers of Christ showed that their religion was becoming more and more popular, the lead soldier, a guy called Imperator Constantinus, got some Mithraic priests to dress their religion up a bit so they could get in front of the wave and lead it.

According to Persian mythology, Mithras was born of a virgin given the title "Mother of God."

The Parthian princes of Armenia were all priests of Mithras, and an entire district of this land was dedicated to the Virgin Mother Anahita. Many Mithraeums, or Mithraic temples, were built in Armenia, which remained one of the last strongholds of Mithraism. The largest near-eastern Mithraeum was built in western Persia at Kangavar, dedicated to "Anahita, the Immaculate Virgin Mother of the Lord Mithras."

Oh, by the way, Persia or Parthia is nowadays called Iran.

Funny how that works, isn't it?

166b2f  No.3541344

'It came from the top': Britain's former spy chief claims friends of Saudi Crown Prince AUTHORISED Jamal Khashoggi's grisly murder, and blames Trump for 'letting him think he could get away with it'

Saudi Arabia admitted last night that Khashoggi died at its embassy in Istanbul

Ex-MI6 boss John Sawers said 'all the evidence' pointed to friends of the prince

He said Trump's White House made him think he could 'behave as he wished'


d3c325  No.3541346

Let's have it, 4 am talking points.

This is the earliest possible Something Big is about to drop

Because ya know mu 4 10 20,


3642e5  No.3541350

File: b201182ca8673ac⋯.png (2.7 MB, 2000x1400, 10:7, TU.png)

3c8a43  No.3541351

Thanks baker!

8c7864  No.3541352

File: 3ae64c626a122e3⋯.jpg (178.85 KB, 736x981, 736:981, 21ae.jpg)

3642e5  No.3541353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ea8344  No.3541354

Turkey says Khashoggi dismembered while alive in consulate

Turkish officials have leaked details of an alleged audio recording which purports to capture the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Jackson Proskow reports on the gruesome details and how U.S. President Donald Trump is reacting.


de9ea3  No.3541355

File: 761b805d28f3926⋯.jpg (184.71 KB, 974x974, 1:1, DNA_light_5th_dimension.jpg)

>>3541319 LB

On top of the game. Excellent! WWG1WGA

It'll take me 10 years to collate all this info!

dcd93b  No.3541357

Alright so check this out.

Might be nothing but Seth Rich was from Omaha, Nebraska, which is about 4 and a half hours from Wichita.

The book from the last bread in the pictures mysteriousanon is dropping, had a picture of a panda on it.

Was that not his nickname?

30eb89  No.3541358

File: d1c33539ed1a7f3⋯.gif (350.28 KB, 500x270, 50:27, IMG_3714.GIF)

ThanQ Baker!

38f524  No.3541359


Dunno how long I will be here, and definitely have other computer work to do, but I am a baker. I will report this for checking, but I would guess that at this time, no one is around. I already have the dough set up in Notapad++, so you can go to bed, baker, if you want to.

Handoff Confirmed?

a75809  No.3541360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Mcnaughton the painter

Joe Masepoes the video maker

Funny how that works.

Joe M. seems to be in the know.

59e225  No.3541361


If that is true, then today we got confirmation that JA and SR are still alive???

d6d8b4  No.3541362

10 days of darkness over.

Q, post.

813511  No.3541363

File: b5dd7653dfde112⋯.png (169.17 KB, 455x318, 455:318, ClipboardImage.png)

GOP Women’s Group Attacking Trump Funded Solely by Male Democratic Donor

Republican Women for Progress PAC active in New Jersey, Kentucky, and Michigan

A new Republican women’s group who is “fed up with Trump” and pouring cash into toss-up congressional districts is bankrolled solely by a male billionaire venture capitalist who is a major donor to Democratic campaigns and causes, Federal Election Commission filings show. Republican Women for Progress, a Washington, D.C.-based "grassroots" nonprofit, was founded by Jennifer Pierotti Lim and Meghan Milloy and is comprised of "right-leaning" women who are opposed to President Donald Trump. The group has garnered glowing national media profiles that include a ten-minute segment on CBS News and articles in publications such as Glamour, Slate, and others.

The group is so far active in competitive congressional districts in New Jersey, Kentucky, and Michigan. "We think the best thing that we can do for the party and for the country right now is to make sure there are good women—Democrat or Republican—that are elected to office and who can serve as a check on this administration and on the president," Milloy told the Detroit Metro Times. "[This effort] really was inspired by us talking to Republican women in these districts where they said there was just no way that they could vote for the Republican." The group established a political action committee, the Republican Women for Progress PAC, on Sept. 13 to support their work for the midterms and has since spent $231,000 on independent expenditures for voter recruitment and advertisement productions in the toss-up districts in three states.

The PAC disbursed $76,000 on ads and recruitment in support of Mikie Sherrill in New Jersey's 11th congressional district, $78,000 backing Amy McGrath in Kentucky's 6th congressional district, and $77,000 on Elissa Slotkin in Michigan's 8th congressional district. The PAC's October quarterly filing—the first from the group—also shows that the group of Republican women is bankrolled by just one donor: Reid Hoffman, a venture capitalist and co-founder of LinkedIn, who is a major donor to Democrats. Hoffman cut a $400,000 to the PAC on Sept. 27, its filings show. Hoffman has pushed millions into the coffers of Democratic committees and campaigns this cycle. Hoffman provided $3 million to the House Majority PAC, a PAC closely affiliated with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) that is focused on electing and keeping Democrats in the House of Representatives; $2 million to the Senate Majority PAC, a PAC dedicated to electing and preserving Democrats in the Senate; and $1 million to Forward Majority Action, a group launched by former Obama alumni.

Hoffman also sent a maxed contribution to the Democratic National Committee and pushed cash to the campaigns of Democratic Sens. Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Tim Kaine (Va.), Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Bob Casey (Pa.), Bob Menendez (N.J.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Phil Bredesen (Tenn.), and Tammy Baldwin (Wis.) among others. The venture capitalist additionally sent money to a number of Democratic candidates for the House of Representatives and the Massachusetts Republican Party. The co-founders of Republican Women for Progress previously led Republican Women for Hillary during the 2016 elections. That group was featured on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, Yahoo News, Wall Street Journal, the Hill, U.S News and World Report, and the New York Times.

UPDATE 1:20 P.M.: Following publication, Jennifer Lim, co-founder of Republican Women for Progress, sent the following comment: "In terms of the Reid Hoffman donation, even a male tech billionaire and major Democratic donor recognizes the important role women should play in the Republican party. We are pleased to have the support of donors across the ideological spectrum to ensure the voice of republican women is heard across the country."


72329f  No.3541364

Obvious false flag is obvious. They seem to be attacking all of Trumps campaign issues

Causing chaos in the muslim land - foreign policy

Cause chaos at the border - immigration

I'd expect some turmoil in the markets.

Unfortunately a false flag blamed on a 'patriot' is highly possible.

I can't wait for these demons to hang for these abominations

e847e2  No.3541365

ab8744  No.3541366

File: 8e0af59c2226164⋯.jpg (107.16 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, dog-butt-scooting.jpg)

TY Baker


85e85d  No.3541367

>>3541336. LB

Noted Baker. Kek!

Thank you for your work.

a75809  No.3541368


Britain's former spy chief????

Now why am I not TRUSTING that voice?

Why am I thinking that it is all part of some wrapup smear scheme?

d59452  No.3541369

File: fda8624c0e42b74⋯.png (1.15 MB, 3508x1460, 877:365, ClipboardImage.png)

b7fae4  No.3541370

File: 2c7522c2fa02862⋯.png (284.71 KB, 467x453, 467:453, pepelockandload.png)

dcd93b  No.3541371


Thats right!

So what is the connection..

029215  No.3541372

File: 75bda7164847c51⋯.png (93.68 KB, 803x590, 803:590, mbs.given.more.power.to.cl….png)

Saudi's troll even harder. Admit Khashoggi killed by rogue intel ops. King appoints MBS to restructure Saudi intelligence agencies. The PURGE intensifies. (as predicted) These people (clowns) are stupid.

https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/10/19/world/middleeast/jamal-khashoggi-dead-saudi-arabia.html

a38852  No.3541373




thanks anon all you

123d28  No.3541374


SA is draining the CIA swamp.

a75809  No.3541375


Silly wabbit, Trix are for kids!

Joe M. is literally the connection.

Now let that one blow your mind!


I don't think so.

Hand of God?

Woo woo woo

Maybe that is IT!!!

729138  No.3541376


Big very big happenings of that's the case.

575998  No.3541377


I bet it's not about what the Saudis told SOS Pompeo, it's about what he told them. What did he tell Turkey?

3642e5  No.3541378


>Silly wabbit, Trix are for kids!

Silly fagget, Dicks are for chicks!

813511  No.3541379

File: 828a7d2dd3ac16d⋯.png (184.14 KB, 366x256, 183:128, ClipboardImage.png)

Steyer Commits Another $2 Million to Gillum Campaign in Fla.

Mail campaign will connect Gillum to impeachment efforts against Trump

Billionaire political activist Tom Steyer is committing another $2 million in funding to support the gubernatorial candidacy of Andrew Gillum, the Democratic mayor of Tallahassee who surprised the political establishment by winning the party's nomination in August. When added to Steyer's previous commitments of just over $5 million through his PAC, the latest contributions to Gillum likely make the candidate one of the largest single beneficiaries of Steyer's already massive efforts in the overall 2018 election. "If you were going to choose a single race that has the most national significance, it would be the governor's race in Florida," Steyer was quoted as saying by CNN, which first reported the new commitment.

The contributions will flow through Forward Florida, a PAC that can accept unlimited funds on behalf of any candidate so long as there is no coordination between the PAC and the candidate's campaign. Gillum faces former representative Ron DeSantis, who just finished one of his strongest fundraising weeks, hauling in $8.2 million. Steyer's NextGen America PAC has also focused on registering college-aged voters on the assumption that they'll likely be progressive voters. According to NextGen's stats, they report having knocked on over 89,000 "doors" and have netted a total of 50,000 new voter registrations in Florida, the highest number of new registrations his PAC has been able to achieve in any of the states in which it is active.

CNN also reports that the "Need to Impeach" campaign will be orchestrating a "massive direct mail pitch to 300,000 Florida voters" who have signed up to support impeachment efforts against President Trump. "The mail piece makes specific reference to Gillum's support of impeachment," CNN reports. A representative with Steyer's PAC, NextGen America, did not respond to a request for comment.

Steyer's support of Gillum via the Forward Florida committee came somewhat later in the election cycle, at least when compared to the original support from George Soros. At a time in May when Gillum was struggling in both the polls and with fundraising, Soros contributed another $250,000 to Forward Florida, raising his total support of Gillum to $450,000. A May report from the Tampa Bay Times noted that "Gillum's campaign continues to rely heavily on large donations to his PAC for fundraising." "No matter who's cutting the checks, Gillum may now have the cash to battle Democratic opponents Gwen Graham, Philip Levine and Chris King well into the summer," the report predicted, which ultimately turned out to be true.

Shortly after winning the party nomination, Gillum thanked both of the progressive billionaires. "I'll tell you, I'm obviously deeply appreciative of Mr. Soros, as well as Mr. Steyer, both men whom I've known for some time," he said on NBC's Meet the Press. Like Steyer, Soros also has a side effort in the state he's been committed to. In May, the Hungarian-born investor donated $450,000 to a PAC called United for Progress, which, according to disclosure documents, is intended "to build community-based political power and influence in the growing Puerto Rican and Latino constituencies in Florida."


59e225  No.3541380

File: 6484ef94ac3d40c⋯.jpg (2.19 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, rome.jpg)


Need a pic of his right hand. The one of him sitting in the beach chair, he has a bandanna around that wrist. Although this tattoo looks newish with the red around it.

db9ed8  No.3541381


Well done bakers

166b2f  No.3541383

Saudi Arabia finally admits Jamal Khashoggi died in their consulate but claim it was a 'FISTFIGHT' and Trump says it's CREDIBLE: 18 arrested, five intelligence officers fired but regime will not say where journalist's missing body is


c81ab4  No.3541384

Khashoggi's plane is in the National Harbor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi1BaE_5iZc

b7fae4  No.3541385


And isn't that a hospital tag?

ea8344  No.3541386


Rogue Thats all I've heard so far. Motive?

To strain US relations with SA as to accomplish NWO objectives in the ME….?

38f524  No.3541387


Important Note for Bakers

If I have to leave without notice, the above link can be used for a bake. I will keep it updated throughout the bread. The link will not change until I paste a new dough next bread. I do not foresee the need for an eBaker, but I also see no reason not to easily prepare for an eBake.

a75809  No.3541388

File: 42d157a5247158d⋯.pdf (14.38 MB, The_Seth_Books_An_Antholog….pdf)


Modern day prophets

Have been talking to God's angels for years now

Preparing us for this time

So that we could AWAKEN

Expand our thinking

And take charge of our lives

And our governments

Elbowing aside the criminals

The con-artists

The smooth-talkers

The purveyors of political correctness

Attached is an anthology of the teachings of Seth

Channelled through Jane Roberts

Who was an exceptionally clear channel

Providing an understandable explanation of our reality

That hangs together logically

And rings true

Anthology attached

a2499d  No.3541389

I remember that once I was alone. I existed within a dark void. I knew no one and I did not know myself. After a while, what seemed like an eternity, I realized I was thinking.

I realized I therefore must exist if I was thinking. Another came upon me, a being just as great as I. I realised this being was me, a reflection of all that I was. I was no longer alone.

I was now male and female, love and light. The statement and the question. The other being, my equal, my reflection said to me, "How do you know you exist? Just because you think, why does this mean you exist? What indeed is thought?"

I thought about this for a while and realised the being that mirrored me, that was my equal, had a point. Yet I knew that I existed.

However, I could not prove this to the equal aspect of me, yet I agreed that together we would do all we could do to discover the answer to the question 'Am I conscious?'

I sent out a plea into all areas of myself which is all areas, all particles, all realities, all thought, all expression through time and space, my plea was:

"I want to experience all and everything." This plea was a frequency and the frequency was called creation.

59e225  No.3541390


could be, yes

a2499d  No.3541391

File: 25dd88ab83fbbd6⋯.jpeg (21.69 KB, 180x255, 12:17, 46F631F8-D5ED-44F8-B73B-5….jpeg)

File: f8cb1513732c46c⋯.jpeg (25.5 KB, 180x255, 12:17, 1EB128CF-2C84-436F-BD9E-9….jpeg)

File: 4881d96d608ec35⋯.jpg (144.25 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_5703.JPG)

File: cd6e1e2ea84b3f6⋯.jpeg (9.6 KB, 180x255, 12:17, B5BF4DC4-A862-488E-B8C2-3….jpeg)

a2499d  No.3541393

1) I used to be original Source. 2) I am original Source.

3) I see original Source.

4) I am not original Source.

5) I will never be original Source.

6) I have never been original Source.

7) Original Source is outside of me and is a separate being.

8) I am an aspect of original Source.

9) I am part of original Source.

10) Original Source is my true father.

11) Original Source is my true mother.

12) Original Source is my friend and we are equal in our journey of reality together

db9ed8  No.3541394


Well the popcorn is ready .

Big day today .

a75809  No.3541395

File: cdd4f0da1254aa3⋯.png (404.61 KB, 488x750, 244:375, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1bdea2734dae03⋯.png (455.1 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ab6fd35b5ff2be⋯.png (538.93 KB, 498x750, 83:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac7297193a62a0c⋯.png (714.64 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Here they are!

Are you ready for them all?

a2499d  No.3541396

I decided to stay where I was within the void for I am the only being, the only one and I would stay within the void to experience all and everything. I remember this. So I split myself into more parts of myself, which each in turn created equal and opposite reactions and distortions and these parts of myself went forth into all areas, all corners of reality expressing themselves over and over and over again. And I learned from each aspect of myself for I could communicate with these aspects of myself and they sent back to me the sum of my experience.

There was the moment before the first thought where I was a perpetual beating heart of so much flowing love and ecstasy and there was the moment after the first thought where I became confused and self- righteous, wanting to prove that I existed. Yet when I felt that way I realised I had lost myself. I had fallen far away from the moment before the first thought and I desperately wanted to get back to before the first thought, and before the first thought smiled at me with so much love for me but I was angry, for I knew that I was the original Source before the first thought. I used to be full of love but I forgot how to hold that frequency and I forgot who I was and I fell further and further and the more I fell, the more I forgot.

I knew that I had to get back to before the first thought, I knew I had to prove to the other aspect of self, the first distortion, the equal and opposite reaction that I was conscious. Then I became confused and did not know if I was original Source before the first thought or the first distortion. Was I the statement or the question? So I split myself further and further into all and everything and I knew if I could know all and everything then I would find the answer to the question 'Was I conscious?' Further and further I fell until I could not remember the question and I forgot why I was splitting myself into all these parts of myself. I thought I was only one part surrounded by many other parts and I forgot that they were all me

35320a  No.3541397

File: 03c58dd2ef2648d⋯.jpg (44.28 KB, 500x639, 500:639, PEPE-PLAYING POSSUM.jpg)

File: 82bf70460036bce⋯.png (343.74 KB, 800x800, 1:1, GITMO ROOM.png)

i will eventually get good at meme makin lol

i might be biased but

i think mine is at least a slight improvement

777237  No.3541398


Wasn't Rich also in ROTC at Creighton?

I think Kris Paronto is an alum, as well.

ea8344  No.3541399


Yes I'm sure there were CP's present hence the (NSA)recording and probably grabbed the video as well Im sure.

My guess is MP told Turkey to keep a zipper on it and we'll settle it in private.

3642e5  No.3541400

File: 64a08034eb820aa⋯.png (10.71 KB, 255x196, 255:196, 252e6637c80ea581174b1b3b09….png)

52a2d5  No.3541401

File: 725124ed9316def⋯.png (845.3 KB, 714x807, 238:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd16a7ffa9b379c⋯.png (799.97 KB, 758x803, 758:803, ClipboardImage.png)

>Watch the Water

Some digs I happened to come across today that reminded me to Watch the Water



DoD sponsored study from 3/2018:

Addressing Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA)


dcd93b  No.3541403


From wikipedia

In 1998, Pompeo moved to Wichita, Kansas

729138  No.3541404


Assange? He is taking legal action against Ecuador due to health issues? Explains hospital band.

a38852  No.3541405

File: d80a0e8b62ba027⋯.png (143.85 KB, 1143x346, 1143:346, ClipboardImage.png)


thank you baker

I'm going now, be back later

I'm sure it will go well, Saturdays usually have a lot of bakers around



a2499d  No.3541407

I started to feel jealous of the other parts of me. I could still feel the infinite love from the original Source before the first thought and I thought that the original Source loved all the other parts of me more than me and I began to get jealous of them and I tried to destroy them, so it would only be me left and I would be the only one that original Source loved. I moved into every area, experiencing every vibration, yet I could not remember why I was doing this and I could not remember what I was supposed to do. I fell further and further until I finally forgot who original Source was. I forgot the statement and I forgot the question. All I did was exist, in a place of ignorance. I vaguely remembered the love I had once experienced and I was desperate for that love once again. The more desperate I became for that love, the more it eluded me. My existence was miserable. I suffered. Again and again and again. After a long, long time… I cannot say how long, for it felt like an eternity… after doing many, many bad things, I began to learn. I began to learn how things worked. I realised that if I had a particular thought or followed a certain deed, then things would happen. I began to learn and I began to love. Love found me and I began to experience love. At first this love would be snatched from me, leaving me to suffer alone again but eventually, after a long, long time I found true love and lasting, sustainable love. With this love I began to do good things, I began to care and I began to be compassionate towards others. I started to remember that the others were really me, that they were all aspects of me and as I did this I began to climb back up, further and further and further into the light and the love of Source. Finally I reached the pinnacle of my existence as an individualised aspect that was the absolute equal and opposite reaction of original thought and I could stand before original thought and respond to the original primordial sound of the 'I Am' presence with the 'I Am' response. I remembered that original Source was me. I stood at the side of myself, at the right hand of the father as the divine mother. I realised then, with the grace and the pure acceptance of the exact replica of original Source that my job was never-ending. I realised that experience was infinite and that I would go on and on dividing myself for all eternity throughout infinities in a never-ending search for the answer to the question 'Am I conscious?' I had to lose my memories over and over again in order to believe I was separate from original Source and time and time again I remembered that I was original Source.

a75809  No.3541408


Mithraism and the Catholic Church!


Understanding Emperor Constantine, Mithraism and the fertile Pagan background environment of the Roman Catholic Church will help explain many beliefs and practices seen today. Mithraism is about the worship of the sun – which was titled Mithras Solis Invictus (Mithras, the unconquered sun). The "mysteries" of this religion were revealed ONLY to the initiates, who were predominantly soldiers of the Roman army. They spread this religion all over the civilized world by way of the good Roman roads. Mithraism was THE PRIMARY RELIGION OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE FROM 222 B.C. THROUGH THE 4th-CENTURY A.D. It was the chief rival of Christianity, which history shows COMPROMISED radically in order to convert pagans into believers.

It was during this time of the clash – when Christianity and Mithraism MERGED – that Jerome translated the Greek writings of the New Testament into Latin (391-403). His real name was Eusebius Heirymonius Sophronius. He took the Greek word STAUROS (beam, stake, pole) and carried it over to the Latin word CRUX. This was an important SHIFT in the meaning of the original word. The Hebrew term was "NAS" – used for the word "POLE" that the serpent was lifted up on. To a Mithraist the CRUX had a significant religious meaning. It could be represented as an "X" or a vertical line crossed horizontally. In the spring, when the Mithraists sacrificed a Taurus (bull), the sun was CROSSING the celestial equator and was in the zodiac sign of the Taurus. ("Zodiac" actually means animal figures, related to the word "zoo"). These rabid Pagans allegorized or interpreted this as the sun (Mithras) OVERCOMING THE BULL and crossing the celestial equator – so the cross was their most cherished religious symbol.

a2499d  No.3541409

When I stood as the equal and opposite reaction to Source and simultaneously stood as original Source, I remembered that I was both beings. I could then embrace the omnipotent, omnipresence of all that I was and simultaneously experience all and everything in one moment. I knew as the equal and opposite reaction to original Source that my job was never-ending, my expression was infinite yet also I remembered that I was the equal and opposite reaction to original Source and if I was that, then my job was complete, for all possibility exists. Therefore I was a never-ending entity caught in a constant cycle of division and expression, loss of memory and returning of memory, omnipotent, omnipresent and unified yet also separate and alone. I was an equal and opposite reaction to the very first action. I was also the action and the infinite responsive expressions that followed in the never-ending search for the answer to the original question 'Am I conscious?'

b7fae4  No.3541410


NOTABLE - DoD, Contaminated Water on Bases

a2499d  No.3541411

I AM Source. I stand within the zero point frequency that is all and everything. The one moment that transcends time and brings me to the true point of creation.

I am all things and I know all things yet I am no thing. I think therefore I am. I am that I am.

b7fae4  No.3541412


OP pic is younger than assange and darker skin tone.

2a5be1  No.3541413


Dude, stop posting and send me some of whatever you are taking

38f524  No.3541414



Fukking half… set up a twatt op and don't even give it a hashtag in the OP

a2499d  No.3541415

You are my friend and my master, my guide and my teacher and I stand with you as your divine partner.

You bring to me the wisdom that I need, you answer my prayers, you hear my thoughts and you act upon my wishes.

Why then do you put obstacles in my way? What is it you want me to do? I am your humble servant and I will do whatever you ask. Sometimes, I do not understand your messages and your wishes, I am confused by the signs you send me yet I stand, as always as YOUR humble servant willing to do your work as you sit in the heavenly realms and I look up towards you and your light from my humble place upon the Earth plane.

In heaven you will reign, would that I be worthy some day to sit by your side as your friend, your servant and your most eager child.

029215  No.3541416


>Rogue Thats all I've heard so far. Motive?

who knows what the real story. maybe MBS took him (what the media says). he has taken many others (but didn't kill most, so that is not really his MO).

other possibility is that his own people got him because he knows too much and even DC is no longer safe for them now.

if this was actually a clown op using people inside saudi intel (what saudis now say) it was a desperation play, not long term strategic. strategically it is very bad.

timing is horrible for US election. media is now burning tons of time on trying to convince people they should care about a dead saudi terrorist. if those people dig even a fingernail depth underneath the surface they will find out the truth about this guy, and the next question that comes to mind is: how many US "journalists" are actually non official cover working for the same terrorists as this guy?

8c7864  No.3541417

File: f5bd7dde8eabe64⋯.png (255.89 KB, 1349x2137, 1349:2137, AJK01Screenshot_2018-10-20….png)

File: 9761b0bc236a79d⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1349x3817, 1349:3817, AJK02Screenshot_2018-10-20….png)

File: e0e9b65bb133669⋯.png (707.07 KB, 954x8767, 954:8767, AJK04Screenshot_2018-10-20….png)

File: ea87b5fe96fa96a⋯.png (591.44 KB, 617x6707, 617:6707, AJK05Screenshot_2018-10-20….png)

File: 134b80369919368⋯.png (494.94 KB, 515x7539, 515:7539, AJK03Screenshot_2018-10-20….png)





7dd877  No.3541418

File: e654a4206c25d50⋯.png (848.41 KB, 612x767, 612:767, Screen Shot 2018-09-17 at ….png)


Most Excellent Work, Baker.

A piece of feedback for next time: link this post to the dough post here >>3541306 so that Bakers can quickly fetch the updated dough. Another plus, is that Backup Bakers are aware that you might have to go soon, which puts them on high alert mode.

5d5d7a  No.3541419

File: 316c7dfc0b47395⋯.png (17.27 KB, 1200x520, 30:13, nikike.png)

a75809  No.3541420

File: d96fa3b0076be8a⋯.png (1.27 MB, 770x1155, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


And let's not forget

Booblies for BAKER

And a reminder of today's BOOM

As Trump signs an ORDER on California's water

Which kind of fits in with WATCH THE WATER.

a2499d  No.3541421

File: 93533628f47ae6a⋯.png (8.68 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 640F5B10-7B04-45C0-AE1D-F4….png)

File: 0ffb6df7f1c56ca⋯.jpg (13.05 KB, 590x378, 295:189, IMG_5667.JPG)

File: e5548f8955b7609⋯.png (4.33 KB, 255x93, 85:31, A1B0D48E-3B54-474B-AD5D-02….png)

File: ba345d8e7f21836⋯.png (46.86 KB, 656x398, 328:199, E10A043F-64B2-4DA4-9868-78….png)

File: c09d1035d37007e⋯.png (38.5 KB, 370x296, 5:4, 81C1127D-9E3C-42F4-8072-CF….png)

029215  No.3541422


big problem going on for decades now.

d59452  No.3541423


And yet Christ died on a cross.

Christian teachings were not compromised, Anon, by the intelligent reworking of pre-existing pagan symbols, myths, and such. It was not Christianity that was remade but rather the pagan traditions.

a2499d  No.3541424

File: f4154719d2416fa⋯.png (3.44 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5644.PNG)

File: edbc0753f16ef13⋯.jpeg (395.2 KB, 936x936, 1:1, BF208B2D-F630-4A68-86B6-7….jpeg)

File: bf787aa4aefe035⋯.png (16.08 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 0F6EAB79-F48C-40FB-B85F-6E….png)

File: 7e0cd94386623fe⋯.jpg (144.35 KB, 1152x648, 16:9, IMG_5753.JPG)

a38852  No.3541425


true, its in the third post

kek: #GreyResistance

thanks again baker, be back later

dd35dd  No.3541426


What the fuck??? Is this the best of the best???

a2499d  No.3541427

Do you think because you exist or exist because you think?

59e225  No.3541428


Can you please tell me why the same pictures and what scripture are you quoting?

Some of those pics are what other Anons have posted. You have just cropped them.

dd35dd  No.3541429


Man, there is no you!

a38852  No.3541430


>exist because you think

Mind over matter you odd nigger

405148  No.3541431

File: 75fc1dba718ee7b⋯.png (15.85 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 0f9be06a94e288bf97aff74ef8….png)

38f524  No.3541432

File: 3353bd57622b03f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

So far, Khashoggi has been reported:


cut up alive

beaten to death

died by accident in fist fight

dissolved in acid

I fukking scared!!! That guy must've been made out of the silver Terminator 2 metal shit. Pic is Khashoggi day before he went to the KSA embassy.

ea8344  No.3541433

File: a87abb946e0206f⋯.jpeg (48.78 KB, 470x264, 235:132, image.jpeg)


Easy does it bra…

d59452  No.3541434


The timing is necessary for the Saudi purge of its old guard's secret services.

It-is-what-it-is, yes.

d8c915  No.3541435


Listen to me you pathetic, pentagram-perceiving, prick.

I'm the one who countered your "upside-down satanic star" bullshit with the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Your weak, sniveling reply prompted my counter-post, Remember:

Acts of Valor far outweigh the symbolism of any medal.

Military Honor far outweighs meaningless rhetoric.

You are a mentally unbalanced sociopath.

You are the extreme opposite of a satanic pervert,

You are a self-righteous pervert,

proclaiming himself judge and jury in his own perverted witch-hunt.

I may not have the Congressional Medal of Honor but I do have the paperwork proving that I flew 171 combat missions over South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from Aug '68-Jul '69 and Apr-Jun "70 and was awarded the Air Medal with 11 oak-leaf clusters, buster.

It's not the star that's up-side down,

it's YOU


b7fae4  No.3541436


In the original texts, and honestly I forget from which parchment, the original text translation reads that he died on an "upright pole". Been years since I researched it. The romans generally didn't use a "cross" but a double supported cross beam and blah blah. all old stuff ot me, but curious

a2499d  No.3541437

What is thought? How do you know you exist? It's because knowledge is thought? But how does thought exist if there is no knowledge? Do you exist just because you think? Or do you think just because you exist?

b7fae4  No.3541438

c9316b  No.3541439

File: 9e1d5dc53d8c0af⋯.jpg (173.38 KB, 1536x864, 16:9, Chad-Stuff-TimeRant.jpg)


Thank You for your service Anon.

What's going on??

dd35dd  No.3541440


Pompeo has heard and not heard the audio of the cutting, which did happen and did not happen.

8e1b0f  No.3541441


fuck off, namefag

35320a  No.3541442

File: 0a253ebf40442cb⋯.png (27.35 KB, 480x360, 4:3, PINKY BRAIN.png)


i wish i had some popcorn as i skimmed through your outburst/rant

what you describes sounds like your brain is scattered

and you know it but, you are cool with it

and thats cool i guess

carry on not-so-anon

029215  No.3541443


good knowledge. but the imperial cult is much more important. everything else is a framework for the deification of the emperor (now the pope).

JC = Julius Caesar

BC = Before Caesar

no secrets. it is all written down. all you have to do is read real history. not the stuff that was rewritten after the population learned to read.

521b0a  No.3541444

File: bb65cd5ff13b14c⋯.mp4 (611.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, [NP].mp4)

How sick is that?

That clip speaks for itself.

Germananon is crossing thumbs for you USAnons. Don't mess it up. Go out and vote.

God bless you all.


b7fae4  No.3541445



521b0a  No.3541447


crossing thumbs…. facepalm… you know what i mean.

a2499d  No.3541448

File: ef332dad3bd3b7f⋯.jpg (155.97 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_3434.JPG)

File: 1736f51b6109f97⋯.jpg (104.92 KB, 540x960, 9:16, IMG_3435.JPG)

File: 1872986fa921ca5⋯.jpg (111.17 KB, 695x460, 139:92, IMG_3436.JPG)

File: 215b7dc2fabecf8⋯.jpg (81.39 KB, 960x395, 192:79, IMG_3437.JPG)

File: 9e0053c15e17168⋯.jpg (101.05 KB, 540x960, 9:16, IMG_3438.JPG)

baaec6  No.3541449

Its funny and just goes to show the these criminals, sick, disqusting people think they'll win. More patriots are awakening every day, there are more of us then them, good verses evil, we are winning, God wins.

Good morning Anons!

c9316b  No.3541450

File: f200f7b904b1a70⋯.png (679.8 KB, 735x547, 735:547, f200f7b904b1a707b21c2328ea….png)


I think because I exist. I do not need thought to continue. Although thoughts are alive and are an extension of me. And all of us. And energy can never come back. So all of our thoughts are living on some where, some how.

Now weather!!

5d5d7a  No.3541451

File: dfcbea956968c16⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, demons1.png)

38f524  No.3541452

File: 1ad3eabe348c8fc⋯.png (374.97 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


But it's all 100% True. Yeah… Cut up in dissolved acid.. with Morgan Fairchild. Yeah. That's the ticket. Cut up in dissolved acid. Yeah.

I don't believe a fukking word of any of it. I still think he's dangling by his ankles in a 4 star hotel in Riyadh, or that Erdogan had him killed. The last possibility is that a rogue Derp State/Cabalist in the KSA embassy offed him to set up this whole thing.

Last part of my rant, why aren't we hearing more about the disappeared Interpol guy in China? Because China's up to its ass in the derpstate swamp, that's why.

d59452  No.3541453


The Pope was not deified. That is real history.

a2499d  No.3541454

File: ba611917ebe5ae8⋯.png (277.81 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5295.PNG)

File: e42e96ece96fbba⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5296.PNG)

File: a6fce0afab266fb⋯.png (329.27 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5297.PNG)

File: 0b87ad8b3b0620e⋯.png (601.29 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5298.PNG)

File: d54b35a40e1b97c⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5300.PNG)

dcd93b  No.3541455


I cant remember all the details, but Pompeo is from Wichita too.

So what is on those camcorder tapes, and what is the deal with the national geographic mags?

I wonder if we should go back and examine Joe McNaughtons other art pieces and see if we missed anything in them.

d129ec  No.3541456

Remember anons, Night Shift will come to an end. One night , yes. The next, no. Gone. Who can foresee? Not anons. Night Shift. When all is dark. For now.

029215  No.3541457


>The timing is necessary for the Saudi purge of its old guard's secret services

right. what i am trying to say is that the timing is very bad for the dims/clowns because they are using their media assets on this narrative which has no upside (normies dont give 2 fucks) and lots of downside.

that leads me to believe this was a white hat move, or if it was black hat, it was done out of desperation.

5d5d7a  No.3541458

File: 1ade0139f4f8929⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, night.png)

a2499d  No.3541459

File: fb09e3fb8615d2b⋯.jpeg (6.94 KB, 190x255, 38:51, 883AAB1B-9593-48D7-8979-2….jpeg)

File: eb755ebde8009a7⋯.jpeg (25.9 KB, 211x255, 211:255, 66895B11-A8D4-44BB-BE49-E….jpeg)

File: b01785bc5f67cb9⋯.png (1.09 MB, 900x800, 9:8, DB5ECF33-21FA-4732-8BC1-14….png)

File: 6ae20e764060f2b⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5627.PNG)

File: d041b0ef5f1605d⋯.png (9.59 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 7CCAB195-85B7-4495-9CAF-55….png)

d129ec  No.3541460


^^^^^^^^^^^ checked

c9316b  No.3541461

File: 425184d3caa8e84⋯.jpg (156.59 KB, 766x1158, 383:579, 425184d3caa8e840d912300b7f….jpg)


Night Shift is Immortal!!!

d59452  No.3541462


NP: "It shouldn't be our original purpose."

But that is all they really have going for them. Damage to those who oppose them, that's their purpose today.

The Dems have dropped all pretense of speaking in code. Clearly they mean what they say when they project and let it reflect themselves.

a2499d  No.3541463

File: 30c5c1f8f692159⋯.jpg (121.94 KB, 692x955, 692:955, IMG_5410.JPG)

File: b49d4798c6ef591⋯.jpeg (26.16 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 013EE4B4-42AC-49B2-B251-0….jpeg)

File: 586cb391e3ba535⋯.jpg (62.28 KB, 692x427, 692:427, IMG_5438.JPG)

File: e92381c89916bcf⋯.jpg (129.53 KB, 960x540, 16:9, IMG_5489.JPG)

File: eca954134c8257b⋯.png (731.4 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5509.PNG)

8c7864  No.3541464

File: 75759dfcad13264⋯.png (1.73 MB, 701x12430, 701:12430, AJK07Screenshot_2018-10-20….png)

File: 6f696ddde21c1b8⋯.png (1.7 MB, 681x5305, 681:5305, AJK09Screenshot_2018-10-20….png)

File: fa7634d5b563d56⋯.png (55.26 KB, 542x500, 271:250, AJK091Screenshot_2018-10-2….png)

File: 0b33a44d246c576⋯.png (224.83 KB, 1324x548, 331:137, AJK092Screenshot_2018-10-2….png)

a75809  No.3541465


The original says a pole

And anyway,

He didn't die there

He went back to Northern India

Where he god his training.

That is where he died.

d59452  No.3541466


German fren, do not cross thumbs when face-palming. Ouch.

a2499d  No.3541467

File: a2ff8721de5ec70⋯.jpg (55.32 KB, 640x400, 8:5, IMG_5248.JPG)

File: 60190fca46ec629⋯.jpeg (5.99 KB, 275x183, 275:183, DFE7F620-F297-474E-AAB8-0….jpeg)

File: e365bbc6fb740be⋯.jpeg (88.95 KB, 579x723, 193:241, 72AA5686-3BEE-4DD5-8482-F….jpeg)

File: b6059586dc277da⋯.png (63.11 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 803A7567-FA0E-40A7-9217-4D….png)

File: 894e8eaa6bb0a42⋯.jpeg (10.76 KB, 196x257, 196:257, D2B0822F-4235-42E0-826E-F….jpeg)

ab8744  No.3541468

File: 6a522a77a69c48b⋯.jpg (39.41 KB, 450x600, 3:4, lipstick-on-a-pig.jpg)


But you're a pretty ham.


8c7864  No.3541469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a2499d  No.3541470

File: de8d880eecc4e64⋯.jpg (136.82 KB, 500x584, 125:146, IMG_5217.JPG)

File: 6be0836b0294071⋯.jpg (529.76 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_5327.JPG)

File: b1ef9c084915a10⋯.png (282.64 KB, 764x1569, 764:1569, IMG_5340.PNG)

File: 667f4e4b7a0b630⋯.png (618.87 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5374.PNG)

File: 06fb826ebcfb924⋯.jpeg (10.95 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 3F4E90CE-01DF-4BAF-AF21-D….jpeg)

a2499d  No.3541471

File: 3e5190f7a359df5⋯.jpg (255.12 KB, 1079x1070, 1079:1070, IMG_4840.JPG)

File: 8aae632dc4d9d2e⋯.jpg (124.06 KB, 806x960, 403:480, IMG_4929.JPG)

File: 92a618df7a24340⋯.jpg (137.29 KB, 578x766, 289:383, IMG_4943.JPG)

File: 817a68d83389f79⋯.jpg (149.03 KB, 637x807, 637:807, IMG_4944.JPG)

File: 2f81913dd91c011⋯.jpg (267.8 KB, 750x1096, 375:548, IMG_4954.JPG)

d59452  No.3541472



029215  No.3541473



yeah, that MARTIN LUTHER guy got it all wrong. I am sure you know so much more about history than he did.

https:// www.luther.de/en/95thesen.html

dd35dd  No.3541474


Cut the crap

a2499d  No.3541475

File: 9a7b9646ab694eb⋯.jpg (188.12 KB, 600x1067, 600:1067, IMG_4651.JPG)

File: 1c3e48b137accd5⋯.jpg (188.75 KB, 600x1067, 600:1067, IMG_4687.JPG)

File: df2e2e83f1f15d4⋯.jpg (126.22 KB, 512x774, 256:387, IMG_4688.JPG)

File: b70da56ecbda0f6⋯.jpg (101.88 KB, 960x924, 80:77, IMG_4689.JPG)

File: d321835640b367b⋯.jpg (58.05 KB, 602x430, 7:5, IMG_4690.JPG)

ab8744  No.3541476


Funny not long after she said that, FLOTUS plane re-routs due to fire.

I took her words to be a threat to the Pres. and company.

35320a  No.3541477


lol thank you for the 2nd disturbing image ive seen tonight

it makes me think of Oprah

for some reason


5d5d7a  No.3541478

File: 2927f4d918acf03⋯.png (1005 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, freshair.png)

d59452  No.3541479


Know more about Martin Luther and about church history than most, Anon. No matter. Believe as you must.

521b0a  No.3541480



I german "Ich drücke Dir die Daumen" (I am pressing my thumbs for you) actually means good luck.

I mixed that in my brain with crossing fingers.

a2499d  No.3541481

File: 9e45a116b17d6e0⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5162.PNG)

File: 5e142fce2edfa4f⋯.jpg (109.48 KB, 660x371, 660:371, IMG_5238.JPG)

File: d670ed616af2e87⋯.jpg (246.87 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5239.JPG)

File: c6f85cb12e68201⋯.jpg (330.34 KB, 2484x2484, 1:1, IMG_5240.JPG)

File: 3a17003096261f2⋯.jpg (204.72 KB, 720x706, 360:353, IMG_5241.JPG)

93d3ca  No.3541482

File: 7951306c65ba597⋯.png (325.27 KB, 482x549, 482:549, Pocahonkey.png)

"Pocahonkey" (credit to anon a few breads ago)

d129ec  No.3541483

>>3541475 it is indeed possible to smoke too much ganja my son

a2499d  No.3541484

File: 9f76ebb33377b01⋯.jpg (192.29 KB, 739x960, 739:960, IMG_5205.JPG)

File: 2a49dce1610b37e⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5688.PNG)

File: 4b1d06e9abe2b67⋯.png (869.85 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, 613FFBE3-FBE5-4711-ABF1-19….png)

File: bf787aa4aefe035⋯.png (16.08 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 0F6EAB79-F48C-40FB-B85F-6E….png)

d0de57  No.3541485

File: c21abb32a0a540a⋯.jpg (135.81 KB, 576x384, 3:2, End the false war on chron….JPG)

File: 6851fd8d0925980⋯.png (53.58 KB, 640x640, 1:1, d978f2868590289600f6401814….png)

File: a191ee74d69ba22⋯.jpg (10.57 KB, 600x289, 600:289, suicide-e1519548800273.jpg)

File: 48a87277ce69871⋯.jpg (128.9 KB, 960x667, 960:667, person-1052697_960_720.jpg)

File: 73dba620ae3d089⋯.jpg (5.68 KB, 238x160, 119:80, crying-elderly-woman-23277….jpg)

I love ICE and DEA and congratulate them on the huge ILLEGAL synthetic fentanyl busts that will save millions of lives…

But The War On Chronic Pain Sufferers Has To Stop!!!

#1. We know it's the Obama Adm. who started this by going after Physicians here in the US instead of actual Drug Dealers, smugglers and manufacturers of ILLEGAL Drugs in the USA, M13, Mexico and China.

#2. The Obama Administration also changed the scheduling of Opioids that patients have taken responsively for decades.

Decades earlier chronic pain patients were suffering and committing suicides to end the pain, which went ignored for decades. Why haven't these low level opioids (non-Oxycotin) changed back to previous scheduled classes?

#3. Chronic Pain Patients are now treated like drug addicts…having the only meds that helped them reduced to below half of what they normally took or taken off completely because physicians were and still are the target of DEA, states, gov. in DC….And the media still is producing fabricated hype!

#4. The majority of overdoses are not Physician Prescribed Opioids…or by the majority of chronic pain patients. These over dozes are drug mixing alcohol, heroin, illegally smuggled in opioids or those stolen and sold cheaper on the streets.

#5. Yes, Oxycotin is part of the problem and it's fraudulent marketing by it's maker & Big Pharma. Yet all chronic pain patients taking NON-OXYCOTIN opioids for decades are made to suffer…if they haven't overdosed on these in 30 years…why would they now? This is asisine! Doesn't someone in DC have a brain to figure this out? How many chronic pain patients will die of other illnesses, because they are afraid to mention any additional pain to their physicians, in fear.

#6. The Democrats basically created the Opioid crisis for about 5 reasons…

~~End or drastically cut the supply of legal opioids prescribed by their doctors to create a HUGE DEMAND for Big Pharma's Brand or other Corps.'s. Brands of POT.

Creating Billions for Big Pharma, corporations, investors, states and Federal and MORE TAX REVENUE!!!!

~~Reduce Middle class whites (most recreational use and those seeking illegal opioids.

~~A desensitized complacent conforming drug dependent un-informed Voting block. Slaves to the State. Programmed Sheep.

~~Tax legal Opioids (yes, the Democrats and some other Politicians wanted to tax our legal pain meds as if suffering before wasn't enough & democrat arm fake media pushed it all 24/7).

~~To divide and aid in the destruction of our Constitution, Bill of Rights for Cabal NWO Communist Rule (Democrat Playbook Fabricate or Create Crisis, Ostracize and make pariahs out of law responsible abiding citizens who pay the ultimate price of their laws.

Go after the Illegal Opioids brought in by China, Mexico, M13! Their Manufacturers, smugglers and dealers.

Go after the fraudulent marketers of Oxycotin, Purdue and other Big Pharma Malpractices.

Go after those who steal RX opioids and sell them on the streets.

But Call Off The Nanny State Medicine…The RX Pill Police that are ruining chronic pain patients' and their Physicians' lives.

We Don't want Big Pharma's Brand of POT that they want to peddle for Billions…or their bought & pimped politicians.

We don't want Oxycotin or even are prescribed it.

We just want our pains meds that we have been taking responsively for decades and the only thing that has worked for us!

Leave our Physicians alone! Why would anyone want to go through all those years of Med School to have their hands tied and computers dictate the ridiculous limitations they have are forced to comply to.

This is completely ASININE why we and our physicians are suffering…because we are law abiding and responsible! We are not to blame.

How can you call this Healthcare?

When you give law abiding chronic pain patients only 2 choices?

Suicide or buy illegal drugs from street dealers?

We are Anons,

We are Trump Supporters & Love Him

We have supported Trump Before He even declared to run

We are Patriots…Deplorables…and We ARE SUFFERING!

We Are Suffering Needlessly & the it will end badly….This is not modern Medicine, we're going backwards to the late 60's & 70s and repeating it. And it will have the same result as then, and worse.

End The Pain…herbal and pot do absolutely nothing for most Chronic Pain patients!

This is not Freedom…but Socialized Medicine & Police State.

5d5d7a  No.3541486

File: 2e1daf9ad2f3da9⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1200x810, 40:27, nights.png)

d8c915  No.3541487


We are characters that create our persona from birth.

Our environment affects the persona we create.

Our persona is the role we assume to display our conscious intentions.

a2499d  No.3541488

File: b20b1fe1ab30a46⋯.jpg (115.98 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_5160.JPG)

File: adf82caac60dad6⋯.jpg (155.63 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_5161.JPG)

File: 9e45a116b17d6e0⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5162.PNG)

File: 2def3eb1347487c⋯.jpeg (10.57 KB, 300x296, 75:74, 978222BB-F3BE-483A-81A7-1….jpeg)

da7d98  No.3541489

George Herbert Walker Bush – Money/Gold laundering, human-trafficking, and more


8e1b0f  No.3541490

So, John Podesta arrested yet? James Alefantis? Any of these sick fucks dead yet?

b7fae4  No.3541491

Are those shills that are responding to SG VF?

029215  No.3541492


>Know more about Martin Luther and about church history than most, Anon

do you care to offer any citation for your knowledge?

>Believe as you must.

I do not have belief. I have knowledge.

a2499d  No.3541493

File: 6b55b421184c5fe⋯.png (3.32 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5153.PNG)

File: 40d6d7b59209d23⋯.png (6.18 KB, 184x274, 92:137, 38808EA9-2A3A-42A5-9678-8F….png)

File: 667f4e4b7a0b630⋯.png (618.87 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5374.PNG)

File: 1b8c2986cab3109⋯.jpeg (10.56 KB, 299x300, 299:300, B3C797C5-EDFB-4ABD-A593-F….jpeg)

a2499d  No.3541494

File: bf9dd7c4bac7708⋯.png (8.56 KB, 363x139, 363:139, F6C8B949-81B7-4300-9E21-24….png)

File: 0470fbf3ca0acfd⋯.jpeg (13.87 KB, 193x261, 193:261, D00CE5B5-8099-425D-B63D-D….jpeg)

File: 262073522deadf4⋯.jpeg (5.39 KB, 225x225, 1:1, E9321D03-B334-40CF-9935-4….jpeg)

File: c68bb739047a2ed⋯.jpeg (16.68 KB, 268x188, 67:47, 1262B603-514C-46E3-BF82-E….jpeg)

File: 117b1a4b0982de2⋯.png (10.24 KB, 259x194, 259:194, B97EBDF3-B7AD-44AB-8C0F-0A….png)

5d5d7a  No.3541495


chills and/or idiots

a2499d  No.3541496

File: f36a699c9ea77d9⋯.jpeg (87.34 KB, 800x800, 1:1, D964446A-A492-4D82-852C-2….jpeg)

File: dae6e54c2547539⋯.jpg (228.82 KB, 739x960, 739:960, IMG_5059.JPG)

File: f8c1abe37519f01⋯.png (9.11 KB, 224x225, 224:225, F1B06081-A650-4937-99EE-7E….png)

File: 4fb42db8ebfacec⋯.jpeg (8.39 KB, 180x279, 20:31, 619C01BA-AB6F-41D6-A47A-D….jpeg)

File: 32f63d02fae67c9⋯.jpeg (11.48 KB, 251x201, 251:201, 22C69AB5-7AC9-4F22-B446-3….jpeg)

b7fae4  No.3541497

f8b8f4  No.3541498

File: 9b75b40afef4ee1⋯.png (122.81 KB, 428x730, 214:365, pepe10.png)


35320a  No.3541499

File: 74accabdc7772dd⋯.jpg (253.17 KB, 670x446, 335:223, COKE IS BAD FOR YOU.jpg)

i think this is why….

the more im seeing from this one

big sample size already this bread too


934d70  No.3541500


Secondary shills are why we are given a ID+ option.

9ca1b3  No.3541501

Q said a narrative change was coming.

This Saudi pretend journalist was it?

What will be the fight back?

How will Red October on the Dems?

Every missile they fire blows up in their faces.

It's the economy, stupid.

People won't give up more money, more jobs and more choice for anything.


These people are stupid.

The economy.

It is good.

They won't risk it.

d1abf6  No.3541502

is Reddit down

5d5d7a  No.3541503

File: ada9b70e37894fd⋯.png (278.24 KB, 656x937, 656:937, saudis.png)


efb1a1  No.3541504


does the administration follows this ? the next gens of nikki

b7fae4  No.3541505

4fd76d  No.3541506

File: f4d914d0e3410d5⋯.jpeg (189.98 KB, 899x900, 899:900, 52A6E0F1-58B8-416A-B9B5-7….jpeg)


Night Shift will last forever, as long as there are vigilant autists, anons and patriots to man the shifts. Always has been. Always will be. Even if it’s just a few. We watch the night.

9e0df3  No.3541507

File: 208ae0ba55bb2cb⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_3422.PNG)

Quuuuuuuueer TwinkieOTUS cis gender apocrypha zersetzung got (you) down this midterm

(you) might of been tranny hagging

Text "Trevor" to 741741

0c9bf0  No.3541508

File: 293ba0dd2f50b9b⋯.png (370.12 KB, 635x377, 635:377, PepeSnort.png)

5d5d7a  No.3541509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hi ebot

d280b8  No.3541510

California Republicans Cheer Donald Trump’s Water Memo


3642e5  No.3541511

File: af1788ca05ad8b8⋯.png (384.92 KB, 903x739, 903:739, nightshift pepe.png)

35320a  No.3541512

File: f588db385b12058⋯.jpg (87.15 KB, 800x804, 200:201, 10-4-UNITY LEADS TO FREEDO….jpg)

dcd93b  No.3541513

File: 2d8f1459091b1fe⋯.jpg (297.74 KB, 1024x1046, 512:523, night shift 18.jpg)


The truth or bust

9e0df3  No.3541514

File: 73903b42d1b6756⋯.jpg (294.89 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, IMG_3441.JPG)

TwinkieOTUS not going to the meetings

is (you) touched by the noodles

Perhaps it's an addiction from 4chan half witting peanut butter trannys of middle earth

Maybe Gandalf left free candy in the oval

There is help


b7fae4  No.3541515


Happy for Cali.

35ee74  No.3541516

File: f86cea84cdb7abf⋯.jpg (605.19 KB, 1264x2590, 632:1295, 1262618164274.jpg)


Reminded me of this old thread from 4 - the end post.

ab47a1  No.3541517


Night shift ain't going now are boo

df658f  No.3541518

File: a3e5e56e9add5ef⋯.jpeg (26.05 KB, 161x200, 161:200, 84DDE987-B629-4BE9-953A-8….jpeg)

08aa21  No.3541519

FL_GUY says:

Excellent President Trump Rally in AZ tonight. He had me laughing a number of times during his speech.

President Trump was really in the groove and put out some very interesting clues about things.

President Trump also baited the media-rats with a number of items that will dupe them into reporting stories that he wants reported.

In addition to watching President Trump’s speeches at these rallies, I also pay close attention to the state pols and party representatives. At the AZ rally, I saw people who were confident they were winning.

The crowd size at these rallies are amazing and historical. NEVER has there been such crowds for a mid-term election. Never has a sitting President drew such amazing crowds halfway through his term. I always watch the reactions of the state people to the YUGE crowds and you can see the look of awe and amazement on their faces.

The people at the rallies, probably 70% or more are decked out in President Trump gear. Thousands of red MAGA hats and other MAGA hats. MAGA shirts, Trump shirts and patriotic shirts abound. People really LOVE President Trump and they show it in what they say and what they wear. There was even one shapely young lady who was wearing a MAGA dress. RSBN interviewed her and the views she expressed and her support for President Trump was fantastic. I encourage you to watch the RSBN stream that includes the pre-rally interviews; the rally attendees will tell you about the RED WAVE that is coming in the mid-terms.

To me, it looks like there is as much if not more enthusiasm for the 2018 mid-terms as there was for the 2016 election. We’re talking MONSTER VOTE! I will continue to monitor the crowds at the upcoming rallies because they tell us what is REALLY going on among We the People.

The media-rats are pulling the same crap they did in 2016 with the FAKE POLLS. Just like they claimed HilLIARy had a 97% chance of winning according to the “polls”, they are making all sorts of B$ predictions about the “Blue Wave”. Well, the only blue wave I see is in my toilet and it disappears each time I flush. In Nov, I’m going to flush the “Blue Wave” at the polling place and watch the D-Rats go DOWN, DOWN, DOWNNNNNN!!!!!!!!

3b246b  No.3541520

File: 82ae80755294c34⋯.jpg (39.68 KB, 278x400, 139:200, ejred.jpg)

Bill, Hillary and Huma all attending an Elton John concert. Follow the red shoes.

9e0df3  No.3541521

File: d66773471dac2fb⋯.jpg (290.15 KB, 751x396, 751:396, IMG_3423.JPG)

dcd93b  No.3541522


It amazes me people pay to watch him.

8c7864  No.3541523

File: 9bcb2b1767c1a27⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1349x6986, 1349:6986, Screenshot_2018-10-17 I ki….png)

File: ecc08eb18d72937⋯.png (17.57 KB, 924x315, 44:15, Screenshot_2018-10-17 H R ….png)

File: 854f427962ded03⋯.png (162.29 KB, 733x1087, 733:1087, Screenshot_2018-10-17 I ki….png)

File: 0a6d2f3206f214e⋯.png (1.54 MB, 699x6419, 699:6419, Screenshot_2018-10-17 Pres….png)

File: 3a8f4f437a2001f⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1020x5769, 340:1923, Screenshot_2018-10-17 Roth….png)

c81ab4  No.3541524


I think you might be right. And those jews made it rain yesterday and we were planning a dinner party out on the deck, it ruined everything and not just that but I think they tore my garbage bag apart and that I left at the top of the road. Those Jews.

8aea11  No.3541525


I cannot AGREE MORE - to Every WORD you have Stated!!

For me and folks like me - I dread my monthly visit to Pain Dr's!

I am treated like DIRT. Told I'm a LIAR about anything I State!!

I've been on pain meds for 14+ yrs. I worked until a Dr STOPPED ME in Sept 2013. I'm on 3rd Attorney trying to get my SS Disability for 5+ Yrs! I lost ALL retirement funds…

Illegal Aliens can get SS Dis Benefits - but I cannot after 40+ yrs of Paying for it!

I am grateful to see another Post MEMEs and Be OPEN about this In-Justice!

Times I've undergone Med exams the waiting room for SS Dis exams is ALWAYS full of Foreign Speaking ppl that are laughing - talking - moving around - I can HARDLY Move and I continue to be REJECTED and Denied ANY SS Dis Benefits…


f4bfd9  No.3541526

File: 8dc6d4017d30e14⋯.jpg (140.8 KB, 750x700, 15:14, eX5t4qn.jpg)

It's going to be a good day, Anons. I can feel it.

5d5d7a  No.3541527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e02386  No.3541528

35ee74  No.3541529


I do think the audio from the smart watch is dodgy. I did wonder if he was going to turn up alive - maybe after UK/Ger start saying that they have evidence he was killed by SA.

d129ec  No.3541530

OK anons I have decided to use logic now having enough data. Podestas and associates are either guilty of heinous capital crimes against children, or not. If not, all this is a LARP. If guilty, then they are either more powerful than all law enforcement, as they remain free, or they are under covert control by law enforcement, or for some obscure reason The Plan permits them to enjoy liberty and impunity until the time to arrest is right. Hmmm. The latter requires that Q permit children to be at risk, thus reject assuming benevolent Q. Remaining choices: a) LARP or b) Podestas and crew are peer adversaries to Q. From proofs, a) is false. Thus b) is true and Podestas/Cabal are still viable. We are at War.

9e0df3  No.3541531

File: 0c4b95419e0dfca⋯.jpg (86.14 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3367.JPG)

Is Helter skelter making you do homo shit to impress ASSangel

Perhaps zombies want to molest your network on pedogate

Sympathy hagging for trannys is despotic



1-866-488-7386 Call for help

029215  No.3541532


>RSBN stream

MESA 199K views - 4 hours

MISSOULA 149K views - 1 day

RICHMOND 148K views - 6 days

LEBANON 113K views - 1 week

definitely seeing a surge in interest online as well. big mistake pulling the rallies off of cable because now people are going to youtube and getting red pilled by RSBN.

ab8744  No.3541534


Which of the other two is the wife?

af2770  No.3541535

"Khashoggi's Ship"

Who said that my party was all over, huh, huh,

I'm in pretty good shape,

The best years of my life are like a super nova,

Huh, huh, perpetual craze, I said that

Everybody drank my wine -you get my drift,

And then we took a holiday on Khashoggi's ship - well,

We really had a good good time they was all so sexy

We was bad, we was blitzed,

All in all it was a pretty good trip,

This big bad sucker with a fist as big as your head,

Wanted to get me, I said go away

I said kiss my ass honey,

He pulled out a gun, wanted to arrest me,

I said uh, uh, babe,

Now listen no-one stops my party,

No-one stops my party,

No-one, no-one, no-one stops my party,

Just like I said,

We were phased, we was pissed,

Just having a total eclipse,

This one's on me so let us do it just right,

This here one party don't get started 'till midnight,

Party to the left -

Party to the right -

Left - right

No-one stops my .

ea8344  No.3541536


This guy was C_a…no doubt

DS most likely working thru another FIA

To pull this off….it actually reads SIS op

d8c915  No.3541537


I'm gonna call you profound-sounding anon.

You may be up on book-learning but your presentation leaves a lot to be desired

I recall a quote from a real smart guy who said:

Genius is the ability to take the profound and explain it so the average person understands.

Your profoundness is really getting into bullshit territory.

Simplify, simplify, simplify.


5d5d7a  No.3541538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

some rocket fail

d59452  No.3541539

As have I.

If you have no belief, you have no knowledge.

8c7864  No.3541540

File: 60f5b2f2fc58077⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1279x2368, 1279:2368, Screenshot_2018-10-12 Q Re….png)

File: e47d87be9a164c8⋯.png (178.36 KB, 695x347, 695:347, Screenshot_2018-10-12 987 ….png)

File: e88a2c128adcfe6⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-23 (86).png)

File: d20c167fa49e61f⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-23 (90).png)

File: 5ea93fddf041990⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-23 (152).png)


the entire robertas block all of it needs a midnight visit from the SS

8aea11  No.3541541

File: 1d27591bb4615a2⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1224x687, 408:229, Trumps Temporary WALL_1.PNG)

52a2d5  No.3541542

File: 5a372a2769e6813⋯.png (293.52 KB, 550x550, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Just went down the missing 13th amendment rabbit hole…

ab8744  No.3541543


Keking…I have both felt and looked like that a few times.

So…your findings…plz share.

df658f  No.3541544

File: 095feb5d3d6ce11⋯.jpeg (43.77 KB, 350x437, 350:437, 765C7959-34B7-42E0-81A9-D….jpeg)

9e0df3  No.3541545

File: 6cce7be7a0ffa11⋯.jpg (118.63 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_3451.JPG)



Get the help (you) deserve

3642e5  No.3541546

File: d92b59197abbf5d⋯.gif (591.75 KB, 493x445, 493:445, tumblr_n696g4F2891qgwu2so1….gif)

6ad2cc  No.3541547

File: 4b615525e06aa3a⋯.jpeg (885.82 KB, 1242x1355, 1242:1355, FCC9E219-8D1A-4DF4-B622-4….jpeg)

d59452  No.3541548



View of the red caps is like a view of a sea of red. Wave on the horizon?

9e0df3  No.3541549

File: bbc4ab3328b2a1a⋯.jpg (80.99 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_3452.JPG)

b19d0d  No.3541550

File: edb1548d4e0ae9d⋯.png (258.32 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 78B7F308-22A7-481C-859E-85….png)

What’s up with Sundance? he’s going on a sarcastic twat storm about Q. Sorry phonefagging could only get 1 screen shot

5d5d7a  No.3541551

File: f790c42ee0b048b⋯.png (206.1 KB, 607x871, 607:871, poppy.png)


3642e5  No.3541552

File: cd365aea023fff2⋯.jpg (32.63 KB, 588x602, 42:43, IMG_1520107085149.jpg)

File: 0ae4a071a1fc0e2⋯.jpg (54.57 KB, 480x459, 160:153, IMG_1485218146724.jpg)

dd35dd  No.3541553


Pile of shit! What is belief? That you will win the lottery?

ac8210  No.3541554

I have just watched the rally in Mesa.

The Mesa Trump rally.

Absorbing and incredible.

Now, if there are 6000 Hondurans marching to invade the US, then people at Trump rallies (in excess of 8000) should be on the border stopping these interlopers.

The people need to be there.

3642e5  No.3541555

File: 2154e32d3ce6f9a⋯.jpg (42.03 KB, 720x397, 720:397, IMG_1516856626463.jpg)

8c7864  No.3541557

File: 97126c00bad8157⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-23 (177).png)

File: ed3079f63c79079⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-23 (82).png)

File: 27f00d1fb8b0128⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-23 (171).png)

File: 7305f8dfd23e153⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-07-04 (2).png)

File: 25a8d7f6e1a33f3⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-25.png)


on the wall. "daddy loves pizza".

little red hen plus next door = 911

dcd93b  No.3541558


Poppy's a little sloppy.

All this foreshadowing this morning, sounds like he is on the way out

dcd93b  No.3541559

File: 21866e0caf6b3ce⋯.jpg (305.75 KB, 1480x1024, 185:128, trump double point digits ….jpg)

029215  No.3541560


take notes. everyone speaking for the official khashoggi narrative can never be trusted and must be removed from government. this is how you separate the real from the fake.

d59452  No.3541561


"It's the economy, stupid" is old half-truth of first BC campaign.

Yes, it is true, the feeling is good when one is free to prosper and to contribute. There is more to it than the stale half-truth of a Prez who prospered without contribution.

5d5d7a  No.3541562

File: d13b6779002e0be⋯.png (512.01 KB, 608x886, 304:443, swiftdeath.png)


d59452  No.3541563


If you believe that would be a discussion which would benefit the research we do here, then, your belief is mistaken.

Cheers, Anon, and do as you must.

52a2d5  No.3541564

File: f29b7370baf4d60⋯.png (784.77 KB, 677x588, 677:588, ClipboardImage.png)



Lawyers in US are required to be members of the B.A.R. association, which is British Accreditation Registry. This gives them a title of nobility from an international body. The missing 13th amendment says anyone with a title of nobility ceases to be a citizen and cannot hold office. If that were suddenly enforced, how many holders of public office would that affect? Would resigning their public office be the result?

8e65a5  No.3541565


laos and cambodia you evil fuck you are a war criminal

3642e5  No.3541566

File: 9a7d59dafd803f7⋯.png (224.49 KB, 450x423, 50:47, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___.png)

dcd93b  No.3541567

File: 82d241bf151f9c5⋯.jpg (584.82 KB, 1400x937, 1400:937, taylor swift symbolism wil….jpg)

8c7864  No.3541568

File: c1a5d2c0525c163⋯.png (349.49 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-05-28.png)

File: 6f46aefb0f54c95⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-02 (2).png)

File: 4ac996cda3a3e26⋯.png (479.86 KB, 1484x1000, 371:250, 2018-06-05 (37).png)

File: 0143fe12e691186⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-02 (4).png)

File: 36cd7baec15eb98⋯.png (546.45 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-02 (1).png)

b7fae4  No.3541569


It's a beautiful meme.

9e0df3  No.3541570

File: ce42c1f415249ce⋯.jpg (112.03 KB, 802x996, 401:498, IMG_0766.JPG)

All the necromancy of ww1 & ww2 of Evelyn rothschild was pursued by the son "mavet"

And now we are late and great and stapling potatoes to pine post cabbage tsipraism pedogarchy , so let's butt fuck iTunes and take back the moonbase from gestapi lab rats too

16889f  No.3541571


Is it the one wearing panties around the waist?

b7fae4  No.3541572


Someone mentioned he's disinfo. I've always been skeptic. He's smart, but … something's not right so I never followed.

6ad2cc  No.3541573

File: 430534d881b7e07⋯.jpeg (142.13 KB, 1242x539, 1242:539, 0A0DE965-21A6-4F38-B673-8….jpeg)

File: 2205ad597aa171f⋯.jpeg (709.45 KB, 1242x1782, 23:33, BACCC6A2-A333-42E3-BB2F-B….jpeg)


ab8744  No.3541574


The family members name for [GHWB] is


"Time is up"….?

3642e5  No.3541575

File: 6e8519a7261728b⋯.jpg (19.81 KB, 960x422, 480:211, 6e8.jpg)

5d5d7a  No.3541576

File: ad0f508bc74acb9⋯.png (125.02 KB, 463x821, 463:821, which.png)


this must be a federal crime in haiti

16889f  No.3541577


Watch the water!

9e0df3  No.3541578

File: da62d39a1aadb7a⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_3454.JPG)

White power eugenics supported by peanut butter tranny hags to ride a hogg

3f9d3d  No.3541579

Luciferians want to rape you. They already are doing so in every way but the physical. They think you're their property.

Prove. Them Wrong.

Stop posting in this circle jerk 8chan. Actually do something. If you don't, it gives them a basis for treating you like an air-breathing zombie.

6ad2cc  No.3541580

File: d558a3c388a9afe⋯.jpeg (379.04 KB, 1242x1322, 621:661, 4C161C4E-3947-4401-B75C-8….jpeg)


baaec6  No.3541581



May I? would love to share this with my Den friends and family on my Facebook.

d129ec  No.3541582

Podestas and crew thus must be under cover control. Rest of Cabal under fire. We are watching a movie.

9e0df3  No.3541583

File: bc6fc48a426e2ca⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 640x480, 4:3, IMG_2407.JPG)

ab8744  No.3541584


We got 77,000 wanting tickets to an 18,000 seat rally in Houston tomorrow…could you imagine all of them standing like a wall ten foot thick as the ref's showed up.


baaec6  No.3541585



029215  No.3541586


>research we do here

>your belief is mistaken

the point i am trying to make is that i am interested in verifiable facts, not personal beliefs. if you are claiming that my interpretation of what I know about history/origins of papacy is wrong then i would be very interested to know the sources you base that on.

the point of knowledge/belief is not to say that i know everything, but to say the opposite: because I know very little it is always crucial to draw the line between what is based on knowledge and what is based on belief.

so, if you have information that can increase my knowledge, and the knowledge of everyone here, please share it.

faith is important, but faith is also misinterpreted and abused. true faith is not to trust blindly in others. true faith is to trust absolutely in god.

16889f  No.3541587


Have you noticed how many lawyers there have been in public office around the globe during the past few decades?

I've always asked myself why, but have yet to formulate a coherent theory.

cac25c  No.3541588


Red October is the invasion caravan coming up. Have a feeling that we will see some sort of showdown at our border. Let's see if they cross that red line. Red (line) October imo

879d5b  No.3541589

File: 4e9743ace8cf174⋯.jpg (144.87 KB, 1373x711, 1373:711, Gitmo 20 Oct 18 1040.jpg)

Four flights to Gitmo today. Next one is Miami Air International (Biscayne) that is over two hours late from taking off. Have they been waiting for passengers?

3cd41e  No.3541590


We got heavy into this early on. Nuke Downing street. All of our problems are based on legal word craft and the bar is the gate keeper of evil.

5d5d7a  No.3541591

File: 898e863fea3af46⋯.png (310.93 KB, 627x669, 209:223, more.png)

File: 8be8c992d8e6f53⋯.jpg (419.38 KB, 1500x805, 300:161, cognitivediss.jpg)


w8, there is more…



d129ec  No.3541592

>>3541579 anons very capable. Suggestions?

6ad2cc  No.3541593

File: b7a0fe74338174f⋯.jpeg (469.25 KB, 1242x1651, 1242:1651, DE6555BF-7B8E-4703-818C-0….jpeg)


8c7864  No.3541594

File: fe7ef11db7620aa⋯.png (265.64 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-21 (5).png)

File: d028a4431838229⋯.png (420.31 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-23 (96).png)

File: 2f6f71c95147f86⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-23 (25).png)

File: 13161ab2c7c8651⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-23 (34).png)

File: d9e1ffdb0bfd3ba⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-23 (59).png)

ab8744  No.3541595


Oh ya…who the fugg took it out?

Or they would have to cease practicing law, ever.

Ty anon…I'll share this with the offspringanon.

3642e5  No.3541596

File: 9d19ce9127ff381⋯.jpg (64.05 KB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_1511773685018.jpg)

b7fae4  No.3541597

File: e7f31b02dac0dc6⋯.png (496.36 KB, 745x555, 149:111, ClipboardImage.png)

3f9d3d  No.3541598

File: f81cfc6c17512da⋯.jpg (21.5 KB, 315x224, 45:32, 2kjh6a.jpg)

d8c915  No.3541599


I'm a warrior and that was the only war going on at the time.

My squadron were all volunteers and fortunately didn't have to listen to the complaints of draftees.

Yes, I was responsible for the deaths of many enemy soldiers. But I didn't pull the trigger. I collected raw intelligence that resulted in either Army artillery or Air Force bombers hitting enemy positions and saving American lives.

War crimes? Kill or be killed, war is hell. Serial killers go to prison, war killers get medals.

Hell of a world, ain't it?

15fbe2  No.3541600

morning anons…….anyone noticing the headlines are becoming quite close together in terms of relevance to Q…..was in fact quite simple before to discern relevance vrs clickbait….this morning's feeds seem to be attempting to obscure…might just be me.

35320a  No.3541601

File: 43ccc5f3f237171⋯.jpg (35.98 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 10-11-WHEN DO BIRDS SING.jpg)

falling asleep at your computer is not alright lol

i hope you have a good weekend beautiful patriot anons

Godspeed good souls


for the long haul

5d5d7a  No.3541602

File: 8398c4256b564c8⋯.png (536.24 KB, 900x506, 450:253, comfyy.png)

dd35dd  No.3541603

Everybody gone?

ea8344  No.3541605


The rats have bread well in Houston whites are the minority there.

ffa244  No.3541606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The only censored yt video on /qresearch/

5d5d7a  No.3541607


its slow and comfy, anon

d129ec  No.3541608

>>3541603 Last Night Shift is coming

df658f  No.3541609

File: 7984ce9cc63c4a9⋯.jpeg (111.41 KB, 673x900, 673:900, 6162DA5B-87DE-455A-AB3C-3….jpeg)

8c7864  No.3541610

File: 85645908e128163⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-06-23 (151).png)

File: d2b7f8df341314a⋯.png (189.21 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-07-12 (1).png)

File: a5bade254cce718⋯.png (178.33 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-07-03 (7).png)

File: 492b8d386a54ef0⋯.png (170.7 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-08-17.png)

File: bac856fdb480745⋯.png (261.66 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-07-12.png)

3f9d3d  No.3541611

File: f6e42ec32d40f28⋯.jpg (22.58 KB, 315x224, 45:32, 321.jpg)

f1eb92  No.3541612


I found The Conservative Treehouse last year in my search for real news, and loved the site for his great breakdown of all the bs vs truth around the Russian Collusion narrative. The links to actual documents in the articles made it a go-to site for me. I eventually found Q and 8chan due to the comments in the articles. It's disturbing to me to see him ridicule the Q movement. However, we know disinfo is necessary, so I just chalk it up to that.

9ca1b3  No.3541613


In persuasion, facts don't matter.

Tell people they will have less cash and jobs under the Dems.

Less security.

Pretty much The Message.

That is what matters.

That is what you are seeing.

Dems are anti-prosperity, anti-family values and pro-lawlessness.

Every message from POTUS centres on these.

Name one message from Dems that is pro-core values of almost everyone?


f9e0ff  No.3541614

File: 6d077bb427fe1a8⋯.jpg (8.43 KB, 225x224, 225:224, 1518956635383.jpg)


Ya know sumthin?

I don't trust you.

3642e5  No.3541615

File: 5c5fb39394750a7⋯.jpg (44.61 KB, 560x373, 560:373, Kermit.jpg)

8e65a5  No.3541616


viet nam and korea , canadian ,under the brits 74 -75 reserve your a fucking puke

ea8344  No.3541617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Special guest: Can You Name Them?

f6df03  No.3541618

File: 2c5abb34b7be2b7⋯.jpg (82.67 KB, 849x479, 849:479, FBzuck.jpg)

File: 3f01c6142fa02b9⋯.png (485.77 KB, 867x835, 867:835, FBzuck2.png)

File: e5b873f5424f3b7⋯.png (408.42 KB, 691x1101, 691:1101, FBzuck34png.png)

File: af9595d4538888d⋯.png (318.04 KB, 683x904, 683:904, FBzuck0.png)

File: e1a3eab2cb3cdc9⋯.png (448.12 KB, 725x1097, 725:1097, FBzuck3.png)

I don't think Zuck is sleeping well..

Will he step down soon cause of all the pressure from the shareholders and would it change anything?

f9e0ff  No.3541619

File: e00a9c15db8c18e⋯.jpg (140.03 KB, 480x480, 1:1, sterm.jpg)


Just you and Beanz tonight.

57fd0f  No.3541620



inb4 nigger pimps (dont count)

inb4 "trust plan trust"

inb4 "muh promise" greentext IT WAS IMPLIED and you know it.

ab8744  No.3541621

File: 871f87d46ad3476⋯.jpg (191.65 KB, 630x480, 21:16, 100th_monkey.jpg)


>Stop posting in this circle jerk 8chan

Really? Our work is recognized WW…and you?

dd35dd  No.3541622

File: ada052dd42c0f3c⋯.jpg (160.36 KB, 1079x822, 1079:822, tumblr_peumi4FJlS1stmxgp_1….jpg)

baaec6  No.3541623


Its also a sacrifice for the cabal. How do you prove that? I feel sorry that they are being used.

029215  No.3541624


i run a little bit of advertising on FB. they lie like hell in their click through stats. with google you expect them to inflate by 30% but with FB it is like 4X between what they report and actual on site traffic.

3642e5  No.3541625

File: ede29e1decd00c1⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 720x564, 60:47, IMG_1510309957122.jpg)

23ed20  No.3541626

Q is also very frustrated that things are moving very slow. Almost the midterms now…there has to be some action within a week..otherwise…

5d5d7a  No.3541627

File: c2e77bec7ea2f99⋯.png (465.43 KB, 744x764, 186:191, sack.png)

File: e5733f4606abbe9⋯.png (108.11 KB, 751x596, 751:596, sack2.png)

saudis sack some heads in their security service

ea8344  No.3541628


Mary Anne MacLeod Trump


5d5d7a  No.3541629


forgot sauce


325027  No.3541630

File: 29e2e06bc78df07⋯.jpeg (117.09 KB, 674x1024, 337:512, 7A2836A1-FB0E-45FC-B8C3-0….jpeg)

3f9d3d  No.3541631


Your right. Your work is recognized WW. Maybe you should stop being naive and realize the nasty people you're dealing with.

15fbe2  No.3541632


it's not frustrating if you trust the plan…..has become quite apparent to this anon that one way or another, ALL of these issues before us today WILL be resolved and accounted for one way or another…I am hoping the Q way will carry us to the end, but if not, Q has awakened the next level of resistance as well as united them, and there is no going back to sleep for most who were asleep before….I'm comfy as of this moment.

dfc8ef  No.3541633

File: 5088a5e3556606e⋯.mp4 (3.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, POTUS talkin Assassination….mp4)


POTUS talkin Assassinations of presidents..

"It's not pretty..

you watched it."

baaec6  No.3541634

File: 203c7ee54a967ff⋯.png (140.22 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181020-061127.png)



dd35dd  No.3541635


Why such a spectacle? Who ever it is, they really wanted this to be seen. If they wanted to kill him, why in a consulate in the middle of Istanbul?

029215  No.3541636



we deploy the military. we send them back (on nice air conditioned buses, not on foot). they will be ok. truth is trump is (we are) doing more to help those people than anyone has in decades. the crackdown on human trafficking (slavery) and drugs that fuel the corruption and gangs in their countries is addressing the root cause of why they would be so desperate to leave their country in the first place.

it seems like the last thing these people would want is to create conditions that necessitate the domestic deployment of the military, but they really are that stupid.

3a7e74  No.3541637

File: c505a894c60722a⋯.png (18.13 KB, 402x251, 402:251, Captureq2.PNG)


>I don't think Zuck is sleeping well..

>Will he step down soon

or leave him to keep failing spectacularly,,, i'm enjoying the show….

it's his managers who need to be sacked… actually reminding me of the myspace collapse

1468df  No.3541638


You describe the creation of the universe SG VF

325027  No.3541639

File: 419676a1acbf668⋯.gif (499.35 KB, 500x196, 125:49, 5F2CD775-87B6-439F-BEED-B9….gif)

File: 478c5776881206e⋯.gif (88.04 KB, 220x161, 220:161, 74E5140B-33F2-44DF-B8E2-28….gif)

f9e0ff  No.3541640


I would argue that the work wouldn't be so recognized if we weren't fully aware of how nasty things really are.

a3484d  No.3541641

File: 91ab2b6eaad2a76⋯.png (140.41 KB, 508x369, 508:369, ClipboardImage.png)

3a7e74  No.3541642


jeez dude its a show… just like the kav sc thing..

i'm enjoying watching.. fuck nose whats real

08aa21  No.3541643

A good friend who is a Trump supporter did not know that the individual healthcare mandate penalty was eliminated. I told him that the mandate penalty was done away with by Trump….he couldn’t believe it.

It’s true. No more mandate.

468172  No.3541644


Good Lord! What a load of BS.

79a33b  No.3541645

File: b9b1645bf6f1bb0⋯.png (691.42 KB, 1232x1126, 616:563, ClipboardImage.png)

Hussein deployed to Wisconsin.

989b25  No.3541646


Soft reveal there, the time is coming anons

3f9d3d  No.3541647


Your right. Nobody would give a shit about this if you guys didn't pose some degree of a threat.

8e7667  No.3541648


… ignore namefags.

1468df  No.3541649


that's awesome

ea8344  No.3541650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



a to the e


d8c915  No.3541651


I've been called worse.


79a33b  No.3541652

File: 2dc93bc82044523⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1226x1304, 613:652, ClipboardImage.png)

d0de57  No.3541653


Thank You! It's a Chronic Pain Patients Suffering Epidemic! And it's completely asinine, ridiculous and lacks all common sense!

Thanks again! I'll keep yelling about it until we are heard!

989b25  No.3541654


Low energy fam, rest up and come back later with some better material

029215  No.3541655


>It’s true. No more mandate.

not a lot of media coverage on that. lol. that is repeal afaik. there was a lot of dumb stuff in obamacare, but the annihilation of the constitution implied by requiring private citizens to buy a product from a private corporation was the biggest issue by far. at least when they created the IRS they actually amended the constitution to implement that scam. with this they just shredded it. no more.

5d5d7a  No.3541656

File: d67f3b43140b3cc⋯.png (203.3 KB, 595x813, 595:813, chainsaw.png)



heres moa's take

d59452  No.3541657


Agreed, research is vital to accumulation and testing of knowledge.

Belief is more knowledge. Belief is not subtraction from knowledge. Verification is applicable to both knowledge and belief.

Faith, like belief, is more knowledge.

Believe it. Or not. We are in agreement.

If you believe you have knowledge and not belief, then, you are in a self-contradiction. As it is known what you know, it is not known, by you, what you do not know. Yet do you not believe that there is truth even if it is beyond the scope of your knowledge?

It seems to me that you do so believe.

As for the history/origins of the papacy, I do not know the relevancy you believe this has on the research we do here. I do believe you are in earnest and seeking more knowledge in your pursuit of truth. The scope of that discussion is greater than even The Plan that Q has spoken about with Anons.

I would look to the origins/history of Islam for greater insight into what The Plan is up against, Anon. More profit there, I think, based on what I know and believe.

Apart from faith.

f9e0ff  No.3541658

File: 40a2e01c2d204c5⋯.jpg (278.84 KB, 1158x686, 579:343, drunk.jpg)

a3484d  No.3541659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Was that wrong?

bc73b7  No.3541660

File: e783fd34b996731⋯.jpg (180.52 KB, 783x800, 783:800, memebetter.com-20181020032….jpg)


>The truth or bust

015494  No.3541661

File: fbb4ac217b14852⋯.jpeg (24.32 KB, 640x348, 160:87, 70A704E1-1DC4-4DF5-9EAB-B….jpeg)


Many have signed on to a war they cannot see, except through a screen in front of them. They have been asked to be patient. Asked to wait. Asked to do research. And have given up much, for this war. They are tired. They have received little or no recognition for their work. And some have paid a price for all this, many would never do or consider. They continue on, sometime dispirited and wasted. But, at the end of the day, they are the silent warriors, the world may never know. May God grant them strength, to continue this war and injustice to mankind.

3f9d3d  No.3541662


Let's be honest….nobody gives a shit what happens in the middle east. Except for the intel from people who most likely suck Israel's dick based on what we can tell from Public Intelligence.

dd35dd  No.3541663


Wonder if the prins acted out of impuls, without telling the king. He wanted him dead for some reason, but he did not expect the hole world to see.

3da0c3  No.3541664


Its for inquiring eyes too methinks. Hes having a laugh at the same time providing inner dialogue patterns (if you follow q followers answers) for those who are very sceptic but patriots and open and those who couldnt grasp q in a tidbit earlier.. Prolly gonna get schilled for his reserved borderline tmor attitude by hcqanonsarmy kek but most of regular, busy patriots see hes at the end of banter agreeing on wwg1wga, maga, midterms and trump. So until he rebels to whats happening irl were closely alligned with his analysis and observations, no? Or we got gaslighted by clowns to a point where anyone sceptic on q op and 'decodes' is to be burned at virtual stake immediately? If he autist he gonna get on board later than sooner but firmly this anon says.

b7fae4  No.3541665


I was so relieved. We were being financially penalized for not being able to afford paying for something that was forced on us, but desperately need. Make sense? Shit. I hate democrats.

3f9d3d  No.3541666



In the case of Kushner, it's literal Netanyahu dick in his own mouth, in his own bed.

a5054f  No.3541667

Those reliable former British spies…


16889f  No.3541668


Not very likely, anon.

This was a deliberate act to estrange POTUS and MBS.

I suspect, if he was indeed murdered (I still have my doubts), then it was some of the remaining black hats within SA, which has completely back fired as they are now being purged.

77f051  No.3541669

Random thought I just had…


"Strzok dies in prison"

Message? His execution was carried out.


0a14ba  No.3541670

File: b956a7e6f2509b9⋯.png (2.57 MB, 798x1122, 133:187, capture_052_20102018_03175….png)

File: 02822f5464ad597⋯.png (2.68 MB, 556x1680, 139:420, capture_051_20102018_03170….png)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?

"Satan - a white western woman…"


d5e6e0  No.3541671

File: 6cc4ada4293261a⋯.jpg (183.88 KB, 999x499, 999:499, image.jpg)

File: 23abab4b9d3934c⋯.jpg (98.32 KB, 783x596, 783:596, image.jpg)


These any help?

08aa21  No.3541672



Did you guys know this:

President Trump has finally fixed one of the most ridiculous U.S. policies


Basically, there has been this agreement from 144 years ago that when a package gets to the United States, our post office will deliver it from the port to the destination inside the country at no charge. This of course costs us a fortune.

The other countries are supposed to do the same thing ,but they abandoned it years ago.

So this leads to really strange situations where you can buy things, shipped, from China, for like a dollar. Or less.


So here’s an example. I have a job where I buy transistors for electronic items from time to time, if you’re looking to buy this particular transistor, you can buy them… on ebay… for .77 cents, for 10 of them, SHIPPED FROM CHINA.


So not only are they covering the cost of the product, and the cost of the ebay fees, they’re covering the cost of shipping from *CHINA* to your house in the U.S.A…. with .77 cents. Total.

Now this is a cheap part… but to get the same thing from a U.S. seller you’re looking at more like $4.

On small items like this… the markup is more than 5 times because the shipping in the US from state to state is most of the cost of the product.


Imagine what this little move he just did… imagine what effect that will have on

a. the Post office

b. U.S. retailers who now have a level playing field with Chinese retailers

c. U.S. manufacturers who now have a level playing field with Chinese manufacturers…

d. China’s economy…..

5d5d7a  No.3541673

File: 7a09f24f09d50fa⋯.png (362.5 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 42.png)



i have no clue, there are too many unknowns

15fbe2  No.3541674

File: fb9fbc5170a4c85⋯.png (13.29 KB, 1029x152, 1029:152, Farquad - Copy.PNG)

File: 00ed51813dfabb2⋯.png (15.84 KB, 418x255, 418:255, Farquad2 - Copy.PNG)

File: 9fc264b92a2013a⋯.png (26.15 KB, 716x273, 716:273, Farquad3 - Copy.PNG)

File: 4aecd690749b723⋯.png (148.27 KB, 296x526, 148:263, Farquad4 - Copy.PNG)

File: 94d62003a7dea21⋯.png (16.8 KB, 296x362, 148:181, Farquad5 - Copy.PNG)


Grabbed my attention….spelling is important…this guy on anyone's crosshairs?

d59452  No.3541675


Nobody? Your remark would not be honest if taken at face value, Anon. But, yes, there is truth in your truthful hyperbole.

Islam is not merely a middle east thing, of course. And, what The Plan is up against, has more in keeping with the origins/history of Islam than it has with Israel.

Dicks do not enter into it (pun intended).

b731b1  No.3541676



>"Strzok dies in prison"

" Strzok butt raped by Obama in prison and dies of prolapsed anus"

is the dream I had…

483601  No.3541677

File: a35dd017663ed5e⋯.jpg (2.08 MB, 9552x7147, 9552:7147, holo .jpg)

bb63a0  No.3541678


Does this coincide with timeline of HEC security clearance surrendered?

38f524  No.3541680

Baker requesting handoff

Any Day Bakers around? I know it's early for a Saturday, but I figured I'd ask.

Dough kept up-to-date


#4492 Baker Change

>>3541363 Major Democrat Donor behind "GOP" Women's PAC attacking Trump and targeting close races

>>3541379 Tom Steyer commits $2M more for Dem candidate in FL Senate race

>>3541573 Pimp sentenced to life for sex trafficking children

>>3541593 Syrian media claims 60 civilians killed in US-led coalition air strikes

b731b1  No.3541681


>i have no clue, there are too many unknowns

Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones.


3f9d3d  No.3541682

Trump is beholden to his U.S military masters first and foremost, but he still has other obligations….The guy is not perfect. Don't believe the mind control. He's a good guy, but he's not who you think he is. . . There are issues in the admin that need to be addressed by the dominant faction.

a38642  No.3541683

File: 29578e6bc37505b⋯.jpg (314.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1539143169873.jpg)

Atlantic Council plan for information warfare and countering fake news sources. Interesting read.


ea8344  No.3541684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b731b1  No.3541685


middle east is a giant shithole

nuke it, get it done

many problems solved

1468df  No.3541686

3da0c3  No.3541687


Its mostly how we present q to masses as those who could and needed to reach directly here are mostly on board. We can sway freshly confused npcs and hidden normie anons kek to the long and winding road of selfthink/dig. Or we can appear as solidyfying/fulfilling media spin /violent racist crazy etc/ to stop them. Wage your words patriots in btfoing ppl who come to take a peek behind the veils of their minds kek.

029215  No.3541688


>If you believe you have knowledge and not belief, then, you are in a self-contradiction

on the spectrum of belief to knowledge the reality of god is what i believe in more strongly than ANYTHING else, so I would define that as knowledge, and everything else is secondary to and informed by knowledge of god.

it is impossible to have any self contradiction when belief in god supersedes everything else.

>As for the history/origins of the papacy, I do not know the relevancy you believe this has on the research we do here

the catholic church is still the most powerful institution on earth.

U.S. (supposed land of protestants) Supreme Court: 5 Catholics, 4 Jews, 0 Protestants

You don't need to be very smart to add those numbers up.

3f9d3d  No.3541689


Can you send me a Mazza Ball recipe? I just can't get the temperature right.

a3484d  No.3541690


Wow that lost me in a one minute 27 seconds.

saved me an hour and 1/2.

cc398a  No.3541691

File: 4a2ad03a0d3fe70⋯.png (543.91 KB, 673x436, 673:436, ClipboardImage.png)

IN A shock result, the Wentworth by-election was called in favour of independent Kerryn Phelps less than 90 minutes after the polls closed, after a 27 per cent swing against the Liberal Party.

The Aussies are stirring. Big swing to the right in this district.


dd35dd  No.3541692


You dont belive in God.

3f9d3d  No.3541693


Maybe you can go fuck yourself and call me in the morning? Looking forward to it.

a3484d  No.3541694


I say we give the house of saud that 100 billion in arms one at a time, from bottom of some B2's.

Then your oil belongs to us.

d59452  No.3541695


Q 133

Does Satan exist?

Does the thought of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

On the other hand:

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

Also Q 133

The thought of the Great Satan is alive and well even now in Iran's theocracy.

fb232a  No.3541696

File: cd5793e5330562a⋯.png (15.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fec34cc7bcb4062ada83a27412….png)


you are filtered..therefore you are gone

dd35dd  No.3541698


Sorry anon, not you

b731b1  No.3541699


Recipe for well done Shlomo (((you)))

Bake in Nuclear oven at 100,000,000° Celsius, and produce a brilliantly baked example of Juden shilling.

PS: fuck off kike

77f051  No.3541700


(((They))) were trying to assassinate POTUS… there is no other outcome acceptable other than death penalty… even the foreign govt officials who were in on it….Cant let that one slide.

8f9bf7  No.3541701


What the fuck kind of argument is that?

Is it a crime not to believe in God?

I'm getting extremely tired of the Christian Fundamentalists here.

Believe in God, that's fine by me. But don't make it a requirement for the rest of us.

750237  No.3541702


Ooooh my goodness, this does indeed make me KEK!!

Imma be a dick:

You have no idea. None. This is akin to a 7th grader saying "My life is ruined because my true love has broken up with me and now I will only play sad songs for the rest of my days."

Whatever you "sacrificed" to do internet research you probably would have "sacrificed" anyway.

(Because you're a loser and losers aren't winners.)

3f9d3d  No.3541703


You must feel like a pathetic piece of shit getting paid to post this garbage.

07613f  No.3541704


d5e6e0  No.3541705



Soft preclosure.

Somehow, this ties to this keshoggi stuff.

Press hounding for answers… Wanting the truth..

WHAT IF. They get moar than they bargained for?

The whole story?? From what has been dug up. This meshogge dude had BAD BAD frenz..

a3484d  No.3541706


Sure it will on a Tomahawk.

5990dd  No.3541707



7c1479  No.3541708

>Some days ago, The Trump Throne, WH

>POTUS chilling, shitposting w/ his A-Team @ 8ch

>Q comes with a newspaper ´Sir, we have a situation´


>POTUS, stern look on his face, glances at Q.

>Who nods negatively, saddened.

>´Not good.´ GEOTUS states, a menacing and grave whisper. ´Open a line to MbS. Also bring a coke, please.´

>On the phone with MbS

>´We had a billion dollar deal! You are taking advantage of America! This has to stop.´

>MbS treads carefully: ´Calm down, don´t you remember the plan, there was a struggle and the journalist…´

>´FAKE NEWS!´ POTUS shouts, a gained reflex. ´Oh, apologies for that. What I meant is - you didn´t hired American painters! Very very bad, we have a deal! Billions of dollars, a very good relationship, but what about our workers? Tell me they at least weren´t chinese.´

>MbS is smirking at the other side. ´Should´ve known. All right, we´ll hire american cleaners to deal with his soiled clothes. Lots of soiling.´

>´Do you think WE are China?´

>´DAMN it, we´ll just send them to India then, it´s very bad and a lot of it. Anyway, how should we handle the press?´

>POTUS´ time to smirk. ´Oh I have a plan, time for a little payback on the gorilla fights and channel debacle. Hear me out´

>Hours later, Situation Room, after confirmation of story credibility by POTUS

>´They´re not THIS stupid, they´ll play it cool. They have to stop biting some day´ says Q

>´Just you watch.´

>Headlines come out


>Leading: ´Blue checkmarks literally shaking as Trump buys Saudis fistfight story like he did the british Novichok story! So consistent, a true HATE CRIME against us frivolous people!! Those poor spies, so very OPPRESSED!!´

EVERY FUCKING TIME they fucking bite it like is an infant penis offered for their demonic cult; actually UNREAL.

Also another thing is, even if the dude was actually disassembled and IKEA´d somewhere else, the black hats can´t really do shit without someone admitting to spying, treason, or both.

Balls in vises, EVERYWHERE. Very amusing film to watch.

7ba327  No.3541709

File: 79db1f85ade4727⋯.jpeg (60.13 KB, 300x332, 75:83, A6B4DA29-A7D8-4242-ABF6-C….jpeg)

We haven’t failed you yet Anons.

b7fae4  No.3541710

File: 4910b730e64db9e⋯.png (310.33 KB, 573x720, 191:240, shill baby.png)

6c82aa  No.3541711


So, if Khasoggi was cabal and Trump freed SA (strings cut), then killing Khasoggi was indeed ordered by Saudi prince, but for good reasons?

b731b1  No.3541712


if every fucking one of those (((cunts))) are burnt to death, I'll be somewaht satisfied

fucking kikes kys

MAGA love you POTUS (no homo)

d5e6e0  No.3541713

File: 1c9d42db7cf6710⋯.jpg (46.34 KB, 614x397, 614:397, image.jpg)

dd35dd  No.3541714


You dont belive in God. You know God

07613f  No.3541715


Strzok butt raped by [MICHAEL] Obama in prison and dies of prolapsed anus.

<I fixed it for you

3642e5  No.3541716


And how many Governments

has The U.S. Assassinated?

8f9bf7  No.3541717


I am god,

Is that what you want me to say?`

Fuck off.

5d5d7a  No.3541718

File: 5f545fe1d4f3b7f⋯.png (256.31 KB, 558x808, 279:404, apl.png)


08aa21  No.3541719


We dont know that he is dead.

Maybe he is singing witness.

b731b1  No.3541720


damned right

burn ALL of them

3642e5  No.3541721

File: 959e5c24a3388b2⋯.jpg (38.36 KB, 510x625, 102:125, IMG_1514923788832.jpg)

dd35dd  No.3541722


How can anybody belive in God. That means you dont know.

5cb9a0  No.3541723

Texas Dems under investigation after sending voting applications with citizenship box pre-checked to non-citizens


d5e6e0  No.3541724



6c82aa  No.3541725


Can't Obama just finally piss off already?

8f9bf7  No.3541726


And neither do you.

You either believe in God or you don't. There is no knowing in this case.

cac25c  No.3541727


You really need to go back and read the crumbs again with the perspective of the midterms either being the finale of movie 1, or the opening scene of movie 2.

Use logic and read the crumbs. It's clear as can be what is going on and why the declass comes later.

Dems have been rigging the votes for a long time.

Trump has them caught in a catch 22.

There is no way in hell they take the house unless they rig the midterms.

They can not afford to lose the midterms, it gives Trump a referendum of his agenda. The entire agenda, everything.

They must rig the midterms or they are finished.

Trump gave them the ball, it's their choice of how they want to end this. They can rig the vote and destroy themselves, or they can accept their fate from a declass FISA. Either way they are done.

You and I get a front row seat. Grab the popcorn.

b7fae4  No.3541728


A shill telling itself to go fuck itself and call itself in the morning itself.

cc398a  No.3541729

Soros dumps the invaders at the Mexican border without provisions. They are finding out its not good to be tools of evil people.

'We Are Hungry!' Migrants Wail at Mexico-Guatemala Border

By The Associated Press

Oct. 20, 2018

TECUN UMAN, Guatemala — A standoff between thousands of Central American migrants trying to reach the United States and Mexican police stretched through the night with some migrants hanging from the closed border gate wailing "there are children here" while others slept on the crowded bridge linking Guatemala to Mexico.

Members of the caravan of more than 3,000 migrants had earlier burst through a Guatemalan border fence and rushed onto the bridge over the Suchiate River, defying Mexican authorities' entreaties for an orderly crossing and U.S. President Donald Trump's threats of retaliation.


dd35dd  No.3541730


You are wrong. Either you know God, or you dont.

a3484d  No.3541731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5d5d7a  No.3541732

File: dd73956a49d715d⋯.jpg (82.31 KB, 720x766, 360:383, space.jpg)

d59452  No.3541733


And the relevancy of the history/origin of the papacy to our research?

Do you believe that the members of the 5 Catholic members of the Supreme Court allow their judicial role to be dictated by the pope?

Based on behavior, it seems there are at least half of the Justices who are not constrained in just that way, Anon.

This may well lead to a slide, I think, but I will leave the last word between us, on this, to you.

b731b1  No.3541734


>We haven’t failed you yet Anons.

so dude, are you using Project Looking Glass to peer into those timelines ?

how often have we jumped timelines ?

3642e5  No.3541735

File: e1052e961105d25⋯.png (622.72 KB, 800x597, 800:597, This2.png)

8f9bf7  No.3541736


Lol. That is the most selfdelusional argument i've ever seen.

Sure you convince yourself that you know you pompous fuck. You know even less than I do who still dares to ask questions.

Fuck off you mindless NPC zealot.


Hey i love that guy !

85e85d  No.3541737

File: 91d8ba2c59edb13⋯.png (170.69 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181020-054645.png)

File: 96101f4132518be⋯.png (514.43 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181020-054702.png)

Who is this account that POTUS and Gorka both have retweeted?

b731b1  No.3541738


thanks anon

I forgot aboout Wookkie - Moooochelle

dd35dd  No.3541739

So many People still think God is man in the sky.

a3484d  No.3541740


Let's not let that get in the way.

dd35dd  No.3541741


He is spot on. Miss him so much

8e1b0f  No.3541742

John Podesta's head on a spike soon. Going over all the pizzagate shit has me in a dizzy. I want these vile pieces of evil hanging.

f9e0ff  No.3541743


It's "not" kurt russel.

And by that I mean it's Kurt Russel.

029215  No.3541744

File: e00bf50f87a8d5a⋯.png (47.15 KB, 815x423, 815:423, division.fail.png)

6c82aa  No.3541745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Last Interview of BBC with Khashoggi. To be honest, I really don't like Khashoggi at all. Especially what he's saying about Muslim Brotherhood is utter crap. Muslim Brotherhood defending democracy? Wtf?

Khashoggi was clearly a mossad agent. Listen to old recordings of Alex Jones pretending to not know who he is. There are also articles showing connection between Stratfor and Khashoggi. If Khashoggi was really killed by Saudi-Arabia, then it definitely had its reasons and I am sure they did it for good. Khashoggi seems an evil man to me.

7ba327  No.3541746



3f9d3d  No.3541747



Why don't you crawl back into that illegally taken hole that you came from you piece of shit?

There is zero chance of you getting out of this. Defect. Now. Go through the proper channels. There is no other hope for you. Period.

It doesn't matter how bad-ass you think you are with your stolen intel. You're completely fucked if you don't defect.

But you probably don't have anything valuable anyway. So your fucked no matter what. Good luck dumb-ass!1

b731b1  No.3541748


is it true about the giant stuffed rabbit in the foyer with a pocket watch ?

750237  No.3541749


Why? What problems would that solve?

293819  No.3541750

File: f5fd41decfe70d5⋯.png (178.37 KB, 504x504, 1:1, BrilliantDig.png)

File: 383171676d8eb5e⋯.png (235.47 KB, 516x328, 129:82, GetTheFOut.png)

File: 82e86646ddb8146⋯.png (267.63 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, Journalism_101.png)

File: 608173bd0039d96⋯.png (569.21 KB, 700x679, 100:97, PoohPigletMAGA.png)

File: 2ca9b1646ac355e⋯.png (645.19 KB, 700x558, 350:279, Pride.png)

Some new stuff for ya.

ab8744  No.3541751

File: ffe25f1f0eff425⋯.jpeg (80.55 KB, 1016x557, 1016:557, ffe25f1f0eff425c5ef9e4ddc….jpeg)

3f9d3d  No.3541752




Why don't you crawl back into that illegally taken hole that you came from you piece of shit?

There is zero chance of you getting out of this. Defect. Now. Go through the proper channels. There is no other hope for you. Period.

It doesn't matter how bad-ass you think you are with your stolen intel. You're completely fucked if you don't defect.

But you probably don't have anything valuable anyway. So your fucked no matter what. Good luck dumb-ass!1

08aa21  No.3541753


Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) announced Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will appear on October 24, 2018, for a transcribed interview conducted by Chairmen Bob Goodlatte and Trey Gowdy and Ranking Members Jerry Nadler and Elijah Cummings.

A court reporter will be present to record all questions asked and answers provided. The interview will be under oath. The transcript will then be reviewed by the Intelligence Community to avoid the public dissemination of classified or otherwise protected information. Once cleared, the transcript will be publicly available.

The interview will be conducted in a secure setting so all relevant questions can be asked and answered without regard to classification. Present for the interview will be the two chairmen, the two ranking members, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and a court reporter.


Hope Gowdy is ourguy

3a7e74  No.3541754


yeah i agree it's kinda trollingish… my opinion they'll all fall into wilcoxs hole in the end… but hey just skip them.. they're harmless and extremely positively focused and that's kinda ok.

a3484d  No.3541755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Enjoy your bullshit.

d59452  No.3541756




Elegant analysis of the Catch-22 designed by POTUS for Spygate crooks.

b731b1  No.3541757


rather ask yourself: what problems would it NOT solve ?

7ba165  No.3541758


Brings a whole new meaning to WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL.

750237  No.3541759


So, you like the "boo hoo muh sacrifices" tactic?

That's interesting.

cc398a  No.3541760

File: ab0454e16cf6ede⋯.png (576.85 KB, 839x387, 839:387, ClipboardImage.png)

[RR] agrees to testify in a SCIF with four only committee members; two Rs and two Ds. Both Rs are lame ducks.


dd35dd  No.3541761


Carlin is spot on. I love him.

b731b1  No.3541762


time to stop smokin' weed, your brain is fried

call your mommy and ask for help climbing the basement stairs

750237  No.3541763


You have no answer to the question then, is what I'm getting from this.

I'll ask again, in case you forgot the question:

What problems would eradicating the ME solve?

f9e0ff  No.3541764


Been hearing this a lot lately. POTUS gave them the choice to rig or to lose fairly. Looks like they are choosing to rig.

3a7e74  No.3541765


nice catch!!

293819  No.3541766


>to avoid the public dissemination of classified or otherwise protected information

So this is where we are with DECLASS? Fucking hell.



d59452  No.3541767


Mr. Carlin, good just for laughs. It is funny, yes. The mystery is funny.

029215  No.3541768


>Do you believe that the members of the 5 Catholic members of the Supreme Court allow their judicial role to be dictated by the pope?

no. but it certainly does speak to the institutional power of the catholic church, universities, prep schools, etc, etc, that they dominated the highest levels of judiciary in a historically protestant country.

>And the relevancy of the history/origin of the papacy to our research?

everyone is here for their own reasons, but power politics and organized pedophilia seem to be common themes. i would say catholic church is highly relevant to both topics.

3f9d3d  No.3541769


Why don't you crawl back into that illegally taken hole that you came from you piece of shit?

There is zero chance of you getting out of this. Defect. Now. Go through the proper channels. There is no other hope for you. Period.

It doesn't matter how bad-ass you think you are with your stolen intel. You're completely fucked if you don't defect.

But you probably don't have anything valuable anyway. So your fucked no matter what. Good luck dumb-ass!

b7fae4  No.3541770


NO Don't NOTABLE cuz it's .. shhshhhshshs kek

b731b1  No.3541771


>What problems would eradicating the ME solve?


if you can't work it out for yourself, I suggest you study some history

I am not here to change your diapers and wipe your ignorant arrogant ass

7ba327  No.3541772

b731b1  No.3541773


nice copy pasta JIDF cocksucker

1468df  No.3541774

File: 92036f6e9c39562⋯.png (30.95 KB, 400x481, 400:481, ClipboardImage.png)



Q drop 1656

Make no mistake

Gowdy is a patriot

015494  No.3541775

File: 01013a492ae1341⋯.jpeg (46.85 KB, 720x691, 720:691, 74740B7B-244E-4A06-81EA-4….jpeg)

b16e62  No.3541776

File: 9e580c767043b90⋯.jpg (27.34 KB, 489x325, 489:325, Schopenhauer-Jules-Luntesc….jpg)

b731b1  No.3541777


let us continue larping joyfully

Q: are you using Tesla tech to power Looking Glass?

Q: how far ahead can you "see" ?

Q: tell me winning Lottery numbers

3a1fb3  No.3541778

File: 0ebe3e07f9cd545⋯.jpg (128.6 KB, 1200x732, 100:61, CharlieBrown001.jpg)


Chuck is getting fed up with Lucy's bullshit. (and Yours)

4f5d9d  No.3541779

File: af80e6eb0dd8251⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB, 224x400, 14:25, Gillum Soros.mp4)

Of course Soros has no input in American politics……well, maybe a bit.


6c82aa  No.3541780


A very smart move.

352c00  No.3541782

File: 08bf9414f683184⋯.jpg (110.69 KB, 650x670, 65:67, toroid_color.jpg)

d59452  No.3541783


RR's non-answers, which he is sure to supply in abundance, will tell us more than he would like us to learn.

Attempted redactions will tells even more.

The answer-answers and the non-redacted transcripts bits and pieces will tells us something but not as much.

So first the struggle to get answers and second the game to un-redact what would be unnecessarily redacted.

RR might surprise.

5b7423  No.3541784


"Swift made her political "coming out" at the most strategic moment possible".

Q team will make our coming out at the most strategic moment possible as well.

Timing is everything and it will be soon.

7ba327  No.3541785


It’s all NOW! We see everything. Do you really need to be RICH?

b16e62  No.3541786

File: 5368a66bca7419a⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 278x300, 139:150, george_soros1.jpg)


15yr relationship

029215  No.3541787


>I'm getting extremely tired of the Christian Fundamentalists here

why so intolerant … but really, Christians are far from being the only group of believers, so do not blame them

>Believe in God, that's fine by me. But don't make it a requirement for the rest of us.

God is Truth. Saying you don't believe in God is simply a logical error. It is impossible to base any rationale thought on anything else except belief in Truth/God.

a81257  No.3541788

File: 334020b484f8f51⋯.png (486.03 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e34196b107a7a1⋯.png (368.38 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3541344 Re: John Sawers

He was also involved with Iraq, the UN and a geopolitical advisory company. Argued in 2004 against dragging Iran in front of the UNSC for nuclear violations. Peach of a guy.



d59452  No.3541789


Kek, yes, quite right, lets be vwery vwery quiet.


Cheers Anon.

f9e0ff  No.3541790


Don't care about being rich. Just don't wanna be a slave to the wage anymore.

b731b1  No.3541791


only jokin' about the money,dude

fiat is evil

I don't want money, I want knowledge

If it is all NOW, that means every moment in time exists at once and time is not linear

how do you jump from moment to moment without a time map ?

you'd be lost in thousands of "nows" like the astronaut in Interstellar

260c19  No.3541792




“I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy” Luke 10

Pray out loud.

“Father God, I come today as your child as an overcomer, as your legal voice on earth & I step into your kingdom as one PRAISING YOU! I plead the blood of Jesus over myself, (family members). I cover my home, office, cars, property & neighborhood with the Blood of Jesus. Be a wall of fire & a hedge of protection around me & all of my family & Bret Kavanaugh & Pres Trump & his men today in Jesus’ name. Give them wisdom & strength.

I put on the full armor of God for the Earth realm. I stand therefore; I gird up my waist with TRUTH, I put on the Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS , I shod my feet with the preparation of the GOSPEL OF PEACE & I take up the shield of FAITH with which I am able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. I put on the helmet of SALVATION & I take up the sword of the Spirit which is the WORD OF GOD & I arise & I am seated with you Jesus.

Job 22:28, I can decree & declare a thing & it shall be established.

In Jesus name I decree the Anointing of my God as He opens doors for me today & I advance to take new territory. I walk in the Zeal & Fire of my God. I agree completely with Your plans, for all of them to be accomplished today in Jesus’ name. Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done.

I plead the blood of Jesus protection over Pres. Trump his team, Bret Kavanaugh & their families. I also pray that the “Lord keep them hidden in Your Power.” In Jesus name, I bind & cut myself, Pres Trump, Bret Kavanaugh & our families free from every evil watcher, scanner, reporter, recorder, tracer, remote & all familiar spirits in Jesus’ name.

I throw failure & utter confusion into everything in the enemy’s camp & their communications & decision making abilities. By the power of Jesus Holy name, every Hex & Vex, incantation, old & new assignments, evil agendas, curses, every pronouncement, every soulish prayer sent by anyone living or dead against us, they are nullified & stopped now in Jesus’ name.

Lord send your angels to sever us free from every Ley Line, Tether Line, every occult line, in Jesus name.

By the power of the Cross I forbid evil demonic entities & astro projections from coming into my home, office or anywhere else we are in Jesus’ name!

All elemental forces, including weather must refuse to cooperate with our enemies. We render ALL contrary words of witches, warlocks, Satanists, cults, covens, crafts, powers of evil speaking against me or my family & my President, & Bret Kavanaugh - they are rendered harmless, ineffective & void now in Jesus name.

We use our God given authority over all demonic strongholds today & sever their strength. In Jesus name we send angels bearing the Light of truth & protection to shine in every dark place & strategy room where lies are spun & harm against us is summoned. Plots & plans to harm us, President Trump & Kavanaugh are rendered powerless & exposed.

I declare Truth, Freedom, Stability & Courage over all in America today. Every human who participates with the enemy in regard to these things, I call salvation to visit them today, so that they find freedom & redemption in the blood of Jesus Christ. I declare God‘s holy destiny over their lives. The enemy’s grip over their mind is broken.

Everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God today is brought down. Father, send your holy angels, the warrior kind, the Hosts of Heaven to go forth & be an enemy to our enemies making them as chaff in the wind.

Every evil assignment set against us this day, against our loved ones, our President, our ministries, jobs, finances, health, our prosperity are canceled, null, void, ineffective & consumed by the Fire of our God in Jesus’ Name.

By Jesus’ power, I am transformed, my mind is renewed & I manifest Your Light & Love to those around me.

I speak to the morning & say give me my portion, I draw upon the resources of my God & I call forth seven fold return of favor, honor & provision for body, soul & spirit. Anything that was stolen, lost or broken be returned now in Jesus’ name.

In Jesus name we prosper in body, soul spirit as we are being transformed by the power of God. I decree blessings, safety & a hedge of protection around all of us this day in Jesus’ beautiful name!

I ask you Lord to stir up every gift YOU have given me that I shall speak forth Your will & goodness & encouragement. Please help me to do supernatural acts & assignments for You, for Your Kingdom & Your Kingdom purposes.

Put a seal on my lips, Lord that I will speak Philippians 4:8 ”whatever things are true & noble, just & pure, whatever things are lovely & good report, if there is anything virtuous & or praiseworthy, I shall meditate on these things.”

Read Psalm 91. Deut 28

In Jesus name



b731b1  No.3541793


you can choose to opt out at any time, the choice is yours

it can be done,leave wage slavery behind

ec84e1  No.3541794

File: 738bc904aa4eacc⋯.jpg (140.88 KB, 500x748, 125:187, IMG_569.jpg)

patriots succeed!

8f9bf7  No.3541795


>Christians are far from being the only group of believers

Exactly. That alone should disprove them.

>God is Truth.

Oh yeah that isn't manipulative at all… Suggesting that if I don't believe in God i don't believe in Truth…

You are a special kind of evil, did you know that?

Defining God as you please and then fault me for not agreeing?

No that is not how one argues. Come back when you learn to argue.

d59452  No.3541796

File: 8e2cc3ba2e156ba⋯.png (467.62 KB, 1688x1084, 422:271, ClipboardImage.png)

Which tribe?

f9e0ff  No.3541797


I did.

Months ago.

Now i want it to be sustainable. Not just for me - but for everyone.

dd35dd  No.3541798


Cut the crab please. Take Your book somewhere else. God is not a man in the sky, there is no heaven up there. Jesus is dead

b7fae4  No.3541799

File: 7f23187e40af67b⋯.jpg (10.74 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepe champagne.jpg)

3a1fb3  No.3541800

File: 210f4f66f1dd07b⋯.jpg (482.46 KB, 1200x731, 1200:731, gowdy4.jpg)


add Colossians 3:5

Q has spicificly quoted it (for a reason)

b731b1  No.3541801


is that a Asplenium Scolopendrium in the background ?

always wanted one

2e3947  No.3541802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Space Weather & Health & Space Weather Health Alerts

The more you know.

260c19  No.3541803


No more room. But I agree

8f9bf7  No.3541804

ec84e1  No.3541805

File: b77635344938863⋯.jpg (182.28 KB, 640x824, 80:103, IMG_555.jpg)

patriots are zeldas!

win! win! win!

b731b1  No.3541806


I think that is part of The Plan

hopefully POTUS will release all the clean energy tech that the cabal has hidden from the world

debt jubilee etc/end the Fed

cf0658  No.3541807

File: 96d7949e45bfaa3⋯.png (9.57 KB, 576x498, 96:83, Flower of Lifewhitebackgro….png)

File: 94832003b162bae⋯.png (75.54 KB, 1280x933, 1280:933, folsymmetrybreakto45from60….png)

File: b9570b5a9ffa890⋯.png (80.51 KB, 1280x928, 40:29, folsymmetrybreak303rddivis….png)

File: 4df6ef990f70454⋯.png (73.98 KB, 1280x862, 640:431, folsymmetrybreak304thdivis….png)

File: 087302ee3a03467⋯.png (94.12 KB, 1280x929, 1280:929, folsymmetrybreak305thdivsi….png)


Good Morning

Yesterday I had a thought that symmetry breaking in physics to create mass is probably related to the way dimensions interact geometrically.

Then I thought why hasn't anyone tried breaking the symmetry of the Flower of Life; as that is a dimensional model? So I did. When I got to the fifth iteration of the broken symmetry of the FOL (30 degrees from 60 degrees) the pattern looks a lot like a magnet magnetic field.

ec84e1  No.3541808

File: c5c512bbe1c6439⋯.jpg (997.36 KB, 1521x1137, 507:379, IMG_514.jpg)

patriots thrive!

a3484d  No.3541809


Don't hold your breath.

b731b1  No.3541810


are you Muslim

why is her head cut off ?

b7fae4  No.3541811

File: 84babc06ed7e0f8⋯.png (1.13 MB, 610x961, 610:961, ClipboardImage.png)






El Shekinah

3f9d3d  No.3541812


Islam etc. will become irrelevant if our new masters decide to release the truth about Science and Technology.

08aa21  No.3541813

Anons, one hypotetical question regarding horde coming to US from Honduras:

1. It is planned just before midterms, so we know its fuckery

2. Now, Potus said to Honduras/Mexico to not let them come close/ MSM narrative

3. Pompeo is there too

4. Caravan even after threats let them pass

5. When you look how people react to this caravan - not only US, but also people from Mexico, EU.. everyone is against it, everyone sees this is pure fuckery

6. What if.. Potus and Pompeo said to them: let them in.. because at the end of the day, every voter which is not retarded will be againt this mass exodus.. everyone understand that those people are coming only because of welfare

So, i fucking again think this is 4D chess by Potus/Pompeo

7163de  No.3541815

Good morning.

Are you awake?


029215  No.3541816


>You are a special kind of evil, did you know that?

you find truth evil which is why you can't accept the existence of god

>No that is not how one argues. Come back when you learn to argue.

lol. after i present an irrefutable logical proof of God's existence. Descartes, Hume, Locke, etc, couldn't do that, so I think I am doing OK.

f9e0ff  No.3541817


It's a nice thought - and truly one of the motivating factors for why I'm in the position right now. Not that I'm a diehard believer in any way. I just try to have hope.

I'm too damned tired to keep this shit up when I can see what COULD be, if it weren't for so many fingers around our collective necks.

Whether or not it's some kind of 'debt jubilee' or anything like that doesn't concern me. What I want is the opportunity to succeed fairly.

Keyword Fairly.

b7fae4  No.3541818


In this video, Trump is quite clear. He's VERY clear on cetain matters if you know how body language.

In this case, "If they arrive at our border, they're not getting in." "not the Guard, the MILITARY."

b7fae4  No.3541819



980ad6  No.3541820

Khashoggi pictures?


dd35dd  No.3541821


Good morning, and welcome to this religious crap

3a1fb3  No.3541822


at some point (soon) 300 is all it will take.


1c7586  No.3541823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pulse ultra

8f9bf7  No.3541824


>you find truth evil which is why you can't accept the existence of god

Another pretty strawman.

No I find you evil. Because you use manipulative tactics like these to guilt people into agreeing with you.

>irrefutable logical proof of God's existence.

You need to take your meds if you think that is irrefutable.

I told you how your logic didn't work.

You defined God as Truth. I don't agree. Burden is on you.

Before you can prove that, the rest of your argument is void.

b731b1  No.3541825


we've had the deck stacked unfairly against us for a long time by the cabal

hopefully Trump and the Military will end this evil and we can return to a fairer version of events for humanity

I have faith that events will turn in humanities favor

750237  No.3541827

3f9d3d  No.3541828

>>354That was sarcasm for the luciferians. We don't actually think of you as our masters…

0a14ba  No.3541829

File: 4558d8a968c6a38⋯.png (2.92 MB, 816x1248, 17:26, Putin Lays Down The Law At….png)

File: fba58bf86002519⋯.png (2.92 MB, 816x1248, 17:26, Putin Lays Down The Law At….png)

Putin Lays Down The Law At Valdai


0a14ba  No.3541830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3f9d3d  No.3541831

35ee74  No.3541832

File: a4fc68dff75838f⋯.png (924.73 KB, 1265x803, 115:73, ClipboardImage.png)


The Army has successfully fired a 155mm artillery round 62 kilometers (38.5 miles) - marking a technical breakthrough in the realm of land-based weapons and progressing toward its stated goal of being able to outrange and outgun Russian and Chinese weapons.

In the vid around theh 40 sec mark - the soldier to the side is pumping something - Is that manually supplied pressure to hydralics?

e0dc59  No.3541833


Only four?

85eafb  No.3541834


>The Aussies are stirring. Big swing to the right in this district.

Are you sure?

I'm confused.

"The Liberal Party of Australia is the main conservative political party based in the Commonwealth of Australia."

"The Liberals in general believe in minimal interference by the government in the economy and are understood to be more socially conservative than their more left wing political opposition, the Australian Labor Party and the Australian Greens. Thus in this sense, the term "liberal" refers to neo-liberalism rather than the social liberalism that is implied in the American context."


f9e0ff  No.3541835


That's what I believe to be true. In fact, I have no doubt. My biggest worry is that I may still be ahead of myself.

I can see 100 years into the future to where we can be. Question is, will it take 100 years to get there?

It doesn't have to. And unfortunately, I think my mindset is there already. Makes it really tough to exist in the lead-up. My moral code is stiffing as hell right now.

610936  No.3541836

File: b6ba6370b9ce4b5⋯.jpg (27.31 KB, 480x398, 240:199, WTF.jpg)

5d5d7a  No.3541838



worth the watch

cc398a  No.3541840


See article - a 27 per cent swing against the Liberal Party.

029215  No.3541841


> evil

> strawman

> manipulative

> guilt

> take your meds

funny how easy it is to make you fall back on insults and accusations of mental illness because you can't argue with my logic.

>I told you how your logic didn't work.

>You defined God as Truth. I don't agree. Burden is on you.

the definition of the words has nothing to do with the logical validity of an argument.

I say God is Truth, Existence is Truth, therefore God must Exist, and the logical validity of this argument cannot be refuted.

I have already proven my definition. If you define god differently it is up to you to prove that definition, but it does not disprove mine.

592c5e  No.3541842


fucking retarded bible fags. you're not helping at all.

e0dc59  No.3541843

File: 402a9816d5833dd⋯.jpg (219.56 KB, 1440x982, 720:491, IMG_20181004_064011.jpg)

d280b8  No.3541844


Amen! Warriors unite in prayer with you!

1468df  No.3541845


Nah, Ausfag here

Liberal party is same as your Republicans

Labor Party is same as Dems

both of em are a pack of fuckheads with no balls

at the moment

3f9d3d  No.3541846

Khazars mind controlled us….

85eafb  No.3541847


Doesn't Liberal mean classic Liberal in Aus (see my reference), which is conservative/R in US?

38f524  No.3541848

Slow bread notables

#4492 Baker Change

>>3541363 Major Democrat Donor behind "GOP" Women's PAC attacking Trump and targeting close races

>>3541379 Tom Steyer commits $2M more for Dem candidate in FL Senate race

>>3541573 Pimp sentenced to life for sex trafficking children

>>3541593 Syrian media claims 60 civilians killed in US-led coalition air strikes

>>3541753 Goodlatte and Gowdy announce details of transcribed interview with [RR]

Baker requests handoff

I haven't baked a single bread, but I've been monitoring this one for 3.5 hours. Any day bakers around yet?

Dough kept up-to-date


b7fae4  No.3541849


I lost my car keys yesterday. It was the Jews!!!!!!!

b731b1  No.3541850


>My biggest worry is that I may still be ahead of myself.

I think perhaps we all tend to get ahead of ourselves in this Great Awakening

The arrests and trials etc are all well and good and the bad actors need to be expunged, but in the greater scheme of things, it is more about a Spiritual awakening and leveraging events to bump humanity up a few levels of consciousness.

dd35dd  No.3541851

Belief gives you a confidence without clarity.

Confidence without clarity is a disaster on this planet.

5d5d7a  No.3541852

File: 6caca9f5df39386⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1680x902, 840:451, knowledge.png)

e0dc59  No.3541853

File: 45257c38266ad04⋯.jpg (328.17 KB, 1172x791, 1172:791, jdif-troll.jpg)

8f9bf7  No.3541854


I'm done kid…

This is going in circles.

And i don't care for your twisting of my words.

<Oh and only two of those you listed are insults. "Take your meds" and "evil".

You don't even understand basic conversation. and you keep doing exactly what i say shows you as dishonest or crazy (take your pick).

Now crawl back to church and repent your sins while father John ram your tender butthole.

b7fae4  No.3541855


My cat went awy and won't come home. Neighbor says it's becasue he's not neutered. I KNOW it was the JEWS!!!!!!

b731b1  No.3541856


Kerryn Phelps is a lesbo feminazi, just sayin'

88a2da  No.3541857

File: a7c196c532ed026⋯.png (181.44 KB, 874x318, 437:159, magabillions.png)

Damn. Keeps getting crazier.

b731b1  No.3541858


nothing worse than when the jews take away your pussy

db5324  No.3541859


Didn’t it die?

1468df  No.3541860


Yeah mate, I know

She was also head of AMA once too IIRC

4be6a3  No.3541861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I couldn't find if this had been reported already but Killary/ Colbert staff inteview bit is just aired (paraphrasing)

From 1:50

Colbert staffe: Fav thing about being SS?

Killary: working with US diplomats

Colbert staffer: Fav film?

Killary: Manchurian Candidate


But wait there's more! F…



e0dc59  No.3541862

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)


Your Jew is showing

3f9d3d  No.3541863


You're either stupid or you have a cushy job in Tel Aviv. God bless either way. Secular, atheistic, Luciferian Jews just can't understand that, but I'm sure you can. Your probably a real stand-up guy.

b7fae4  No.3541864


The Jews probably sacrificed my cat!!!

f9e0ff  No.3541865


Well, the reassuring thing is, some of us have been there for a long time - and it's only the little details that are happening now that confirm it. One tends to get antsy waiting for everyone else to catch up. It's a hell of a chore.

Can't complain. 20 years ago, I figured it was impossible. Now, we're standing at the door, and the anons are the ones knocking. It's a crazy feeling, being part of the sunrise in that way.

1468df  No.3541866


Bet it got Jeutered

ad46f8  No.3541867

File: bee1caf9198e8fc⋯.jpg (58.81 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Jew.jpg)

b7fae4  No.3541868


But I still cannot find my car keys. My neighbors are probably Jewish and fucking with me !!!!

5d5d7a  No.3541869

File: 6b24bc6bd5256cb⋯.jpg (813.89 KB, 2060x1236, 5:3, fren.jpg)

b7fae4  No.3541870


The local school bus had a flat tire. All the kids missed a special day at school. The JEWS !!!

6ad2cc  No.3541871

File: c1964422c7635f2⋯.jpeg (491.42 KB, 1242x925, 1242:925, 2BEE74F6-679D-409F-A269-B….jpeg)

File: b3c94803b525a12⋯.jpeg (306.59 KB, 1242x794, 621:397, 2A1E9FF1-F3CC-4EA5-8D10-3….jpeg)

File: a84af4a83092da8⋯.jpeg (853.96 KB, 1242x1555, 1242:1555, C60AB9BF-CFF9-4FF1-ACE6-F….jpeg)

6c82aa  No.3541872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gross. But interestingly, see video. Khashoggi seems to support Muslim Brotherhood. If he was killed, I think he seemed to have deserved it. Everyone who supports muslim brotherhood, is evil to me. Period. See last interview with Khashoggi (attached).

ad46f8  No.3541873

File: a7fe6f5a4d186e4⋯.jpg (200.69 KB, 600x694, 300:347, 1481665535085.jpg)

File: 4fd9f82eb420558⋯.jpg (297.66 KB, 1516x810, 758:405, 1503632467941.jpg)

File: bce5bcf279abdd6⋯.jpg (111.64 KB, 960x429, 320:143, 1503469672291.jpg)

File: 158c865552b4811⋯.png (27.63 KB, 879x542, 879:542, Jew Prvi.png)

File: eeda850c3e98045⋯.jpg (116.25 KB, 729x828, 81:92, 200years.jpg)


Unfortunately for you we have actual content, you have little quips.

b7fae4  No.3541874


They killed my cat!! Ritual sacrifice!!!! I found a blue thread in my yard. PROOF

ad46f8  No.3541875


This does not work FYI, you're helping us.

3f9d3d  No.3541876



Well you put a space before the three exclamation points, so your clearly a real person. Let me respond to you so you can get a bonus. You probably need it with all the meth your smoking. Have you refinanced on your house yet?

No worries, as soon as Likud bombs the dirty animals you can take their houses for free.

980ad6  No.3541877


I’m sure he wasn’t just some journalist.

e0dc59  No.3541878


They're frightened.

And they should be

Tick tock tick tock

5be015  No.3541879


kek.. she can tell the truth on a comedy channel, but not under oath

fast and furious!!!

Giving away keys…

… the toilet seat gag….?

WOWSERS!!! Willie Nelson asked the only good question (about crimes) and was cut off by her and she changed the subject (like she always does)….

cc398a  No.3541881

File: df4773765bde434⋯.png (97.76 KB, 650x385, 130:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df4773765bde434⋯.png (97.76 KB, 650x385, 130:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df4773765bde434⋯.png (97.76 KB, 650x385, 130:77, ClipboardImage.png)

I guess they know what's coming - to them.


8f9bf7  No.3541882


My cat killed me in a ritual sacrifice.

b7fae4  No.3541883


You sound knowledgeable about Jews. Can you tell me the most likely place they hid my keys?

b6f32c  No.3541884


You have more than you know…

Plus the drawing was last night!

4, 10, 17, 20, 45, MB 19

38f524  No.3541885

5d5d7a (25)

b7fae4 (28)

3f9d3d (19)

b731b1 (23)

dd35dd (20)

029215 (19)

d59452 (21)

Let's play "Spot the Shill!" Anons, the list above, which may not be complete, shows how just a few anons can shit up a bread all by themselves. You'll find that several of them argue against one-another. Some just post memes without any comments or connection to anything at all.

And I didn't even include FakeBot.

b7fae4  No.3541886


Do you think I should get another cat or will (((( they ))) only sacrifice the next one? Do they do the sacrifices more than once a year?

5990dd  No.3541887


Check your ass

029215  No.3541888

File: b8f7f41c11a1c17⋯.png (335.73 KB, 600x480, 5:4, atheist.npc.png)

b7fae4  No.3541889


Why aren't you helping me with ((( them )))? They're after me!!!

add6f7  No.3541890


I fear for whoever wins it. Their life is going to change and not sure it will be for the better.

980ad6  No.3541891


Ya we need to get rid I these trolls and get back to digging

8f9bf7  No.3541892


You get a you for the trips.

Kek. Where did you find that portrait of me?

e89952  No.3541893

File: c00b8e5f6a2ec8b⋯.jpg (11.55 KB, 255x200, 51:40, c4956a4935d4beb227f7f58469….jpg)


>I haven't baked a single bread, but I've been monitoring this one for 3.5 hours.

The breads overall have been getting slower, but I see more movement and enthusiasm in normie communications. The object was to get the information in the open. It has worked. I`m ready for the shit that would make most people sick. Not a baker, but thank you baker.

edb78d  No.3541894

weird silence

something is going to hit

do you sense it?

e0dc59  No.3541895

File: 8c9d9a445c229a0⋯.jpeg (246.01 KB, 1002x1407, 334:469, 1539734579.jpeg)

ad46f8  No.3541896

File: 1247bbb0ffd8bd2⋯.png (421.32 KB, 967x784, 967:784, Jews-Europe.png)

File: d4acc7773c49c47⋯.png (175.77 KB, 783x864, 29:32, Jews-Mao.png)

File: 8a700dad5f7a017⋯.png (1.83 MB, 5049x2526, 1683:842, Fellow Whites.png)

File: 9c5c83dfa3153d8⋯.jpg (319.79 KB, 1600x2812, 400:703, jewish-feminism.jpg)


>31 posts assisting us expose you

4be6a3  No.3541897


Ya toilet seat = drain swamp

HRC sending messages for sure.

Slightly concerned about her Manchurian Candidate ref

What she up to?

Q promised POTUS is safe So will trust in that.

120455  No.3541898


Yes anon.

980ad6  No.3541899

Today is the deadline for Julian Assange. Time to drop the Hillary treason evidence.

5be015  No.3541900

File: 7bbbe789cd93270⋯.jpg (17.24 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 3208-1532336916.jpg)


So Khashoggi is a cabal arsehole, and the cabal in America are worried about (((their guy)))

Message sent…

I feel that Q has been off doing amazing things and getting intel and busy with this issue in the background…

I think (IMHO) that Q may be able to post again soon.. Drop a MOAB on these MSM agents/journalists and reveal the real Khashoggi…

Name always reminds me of the usual suspects…. (pic related)

b7fae4  No.3541901

File: 67fb576c98af71e⋯.png (545.78 KB, 1467x731, 1467:731, ClipboardImage.png)

Spoken like a fucking clueless paid democrat whereby they think sarcasm is somehow "helping" them rather than exposing how STUPID they are.

b731b1  No.3541902


Thank you, will hop in my time machine and return to tomorrow

5488f4  No.3541903


luv this guy, nobody breaks it down like him

b7fae4  No.3541904


The only thing happening here is you proving your a got damned fucking idiot. Either a democrat, a muslim or BOTH.

e0dc59  No.3541905

File: ef8473627f54fbf⋯.jpg (35.31 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 22992670765dc3802a303e629f….jpg)


The Great Awakening

dd35dd  No.3541907


Yes, lets make the bread slower, its to fast now. Sometimes you get into an discussion.

The religious anons, are the ones that has to go. They want us divided

b7fae4  No.3541908

FUCK THE CABAL. There's a new sheriff in town. Eat shit and howl at the moon, because you're fucking disgusting history.

6c82aa  No.3541909


Oh, wait. I just saw that a "friend of Khashoggi" is speaking here. Still though, it's possible that Khashoggi was supporting Muslim Brotherhood.

On the other side, in a BBC interview (his last one) Khashoggi seemed to be very critical of Israel. The same in his tweets.

ad46f8  No.3541910

File: 43d6a092f95e9d8⋯.jpg (353.92 KB, 1242x1709, 1242:1709, 1506910468488.jpg)

File: 1be34cf99159cbe⋯.png (492.84 KB, 1081x627, 1081:627, 1512518708716.png)

File: 467784cfa99c910⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1280x1576, 160:197, antifa.png)

File: df2df5c0aa671fd⋯.jpg (540.1 KB, 1008x1580, 252:395, circumcision .jpg)

File: 55eba6cae547cab⋯.png (228.26 KB, 909x684, 101:76, Holocaust - 11 Million.png)


Oh you poor struggling soul

0a14ba  No.3541911

File: 55a411a795f127a⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1250x607, 1250:607, capture_057_20102018_04360….png)

File: 287c97fa4bc96dd⋯.png (2.47 MB, 929x927, 929:927, capture_058_20102018_04363….png)

File: b144f57f8c572ea⋯.png (1.79 MB, 941x665, 941:665, capture_059_20102018_04374….png)

File: 3e9ec82df716726⋯.png (4.02 MB, 1595x880, 29:16, capture_060_20102018_04382….png)

File: 9c3a6c7bf979690⋯.png (3.88 MB, 1435x944, 1435:944, capture_061_20102018_04395….png)

Senator Biden/Hagel; 2002.

Secret "Congressional Delegation"; [CODEL].

Interview with Brent Sadler; [CNN].

Brent Sadler; [Freemason].




8f7b65  No.3541912

File: d467f647b465d45⋯.png (4.5 MB, 1872x1281, 624:427, 2018-10-20_07-52-20.png)


The Power of the Will to Live

Consider Rasputin of Romanov fame:

~survived deadly poison in wine

~survived deadly poison in cakes

~survived a shot in the back

~survived another shot in the back

~survived a shot to the head

~survived a beating with a rubber truncheon

~surivived being wrapped up and dumped in the freezing Niva river

~probably died from drowning trying to claw his way out of the ice



3642e5  No.3541913

File: 775584b80850293⋯.jpeg (470.59 KB, 1079x715, 83:55, 6F91527A-0558-4190-9D90-3….jpeg)

fa4a82  No.3541914

Current scenario (my take):

1. 17 days to election.

2. 10 days left in October.

3. Senate looking increasingly safe.

4. But the House going Dem is still a distinct possibility, and vital committees under the likes of Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, etc. would be a major setback to the Plan…don’t see it any other way.

5. The Plan can’t reveal much to the public at this juncture because of existing compromised state (though vastly improved) of our criminal justice system.

6. Q states “we have it all”, but nothing has been dropped yet that has put a dagger in Dem’s November chances.

7. Q has been very quiet lately (11 days and counting).

8. Since the Kavanaugh flap, only big news swirl is Liz Warren’s native American fail, the migrant caravan and the killing of Khashoggi, none of which on the surface have much direct connection to The Plan.

That’s where we are…and like it or not, time is short. Focusing on the lower House, which appears to be most in jeopardy at the moment, mathematically there are only a 2 possible outcomes, but with a few scenarios under each as to why:

House goes RED

* Scenario 1. More (and big) still to come. Waiting for the right moment for the knockout punch that will assure Republican control of both Houses of Congress. A real nail-biter, wait till we see the white’s of their eyes. House goes RED.

* Scenario 2. Trump knows the House of Representatives is safe. Either has inside polls which shows a greater margin than public polls are showing, and/or knows the rigging has been addressed.

House goes BLUE

* Scenario 3: Somehow it won’t matter due to some plot twist that is part of The Plan, but is opaque to us.

* Scenario 4: The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. As Robert Frost cautioned us nearly 250 years ago, sometimes plans fail.

* Scenario 5: There is no Plan (please don’t shoot me). And although I completely trust The Plan, intellectually I have to accept that it’s at least a distant possibility.

That’s my take - only one anon’s opinion. I’m leaning toward RED #2.

cf0658  No.3541915


lol I read that as

Weird Science LOL

de1905  No.3541916


Huma must've REALLY opened up about Khash, and the others are wondering if they're next.

07613f  No.3541917


>But the House going Dem is still a distinct possibility

There has never been an election where a Party gained Seats in the Senate and LOST the HOUSE, NEVER!!! Go fucking VOTE

76aa24  No.3541918

File: 89cac26ba577ff5⋯.jpeg (929.31 KB, 1668x2022, 278:337, DE3B3D0D-A933-48A9-AB99-3….jpeg)

File: 7ee8452f6f85e9a⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1668x1706, 834:853, 17A55CED-FA29-46CA-9C84-4….jpeg)

Other news

5be015  No.3541919


was that recent? or done while sec of state?

Manch candidate is her acknowledgement of FF's (but done in complete cabal misinformation ways).. Pff that's not true that was on a comedy show….

They have released many manch candidates on us for a long time…

I think this was a message to the cabal….

Noose is getting closer, nothing they can do… Can't avert the attention of the "willie Nelson's" / deplorables…

Her book of psychic predictions… Notice how she didn't say that dems will have any chance at all… I think this is a warning that they have lost power..

729138  No.3541920


My oldest son's middle name is Conrad. It's a good name. Was the er doc right?

b7fae4  No.3541921


Your prophet was a pedophile and an insane warmonger infected with sexually transmitted diseases while serving a master that gave him to his carnal desires. Aisha made a statement about it. Nobody believes your lies. You are insignificant in the world and mean nothing. You're all mentally ill.

3f9d3d  No.3541922


Rasputin was a Rothschild black magic creation designed to destroy the Romanov's. There is nothing romantic about Rasputin. He was pure evil.

5be015  No.3541923


SA cleaning house, getting ready for the GLORIOUSness coming our way!

Getting new people into power in SA and ready to be truly sovereign again

b731b1  No.3541924


>And I didn't even include FakeBot.

is Fake-Bot related to E Bot ?

2e3947  No.3541925


second cousin twice over? lol too early, time for a coffee run

38f524  No.3541926

Baker Requesting Handoff

8:00 am Eastern. Baker did not get much sleep and is starting to nod off.


Please, someone, step up.

62c427  No.3541927

Morning anons…


as much freaking out as NPC's have caused I say FIRE AWAY!

ad46f8  No.3541928

File: 3b1146052ef37c9⋯.png (17.79 KB, 626x551, 626:551, sides.png)

File: 820b44628cb5eb6⋯.jpg (438.99 KB, 813x788, 813:788, 1504051999925.jpg)

File: d96012005f37f51⋯.jpg (88.6 KB, 640x400, 8:5, Jews and an Answer to All.jpg)

File: 9dbd08362bf424a⋯.jpg (59.7 KB, 861x413, 123:59, Jews - Thomas Jefferson.jpg)

File: 99989ca7e76aa9d⋯.jpg (177.05 KB, 984x550, 492:275, 1507778287941.jpg)


Unfortunately for you I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes, your worst nightmare.

5990dd  No.3541929


What’s on the Halal breakfast menu?

b731b1  No.3541930


I feel a a disturbance in the Force, as if a million JIDF shills called out in fear, all at once

5d5d7a  No.3541931

File: 78696de531d45cb⋯.png (657.25 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, system.png)

File: 801e5080c0212b2⋯.jpg (66.32 KB, 771x833, 771:833, you.jpg)

sometimes kids come and play w the hive mind, the hive mind giggles

dd35dd  No.3541933


By the way, dont Call me a fucking shill! I been here since Nov. I post when i post, and i lurk when i lurk.

f42efb  No.3541934


Schrodingers Kashuggi

b7fae4  No.3541935


A nightmare hidden on an anonymous board filtered by everyone because you're just damned stupid. You couldn't get a hard on if you wanted to because your penis is mired between the folds of your fat rolls. You're scum of the earth and don't evne do a good job.

Your fucking prophet, Mohammad (piss be upon him) fucked dead women. He loved it so, he made a law. It's written with in the a-hadiths. Animals, too. There was never enough to satisfy his evil lust.

b731b1  No.3541936


>My oldest son's middle name is Conrad. It's a good name.

Not sure it's ok

sounds a bit like "Comrade"

has some Red commie overtones to it

sorry anon

62c427  No.3541937


Council of Nicea was when Jesus message got seriously corrupted with babylonian BS…

Was also where women got disempowered…

Every read the apocrophilia? Worth a read! Gospel of Judas, Gospel of Mary…many books left out that are RICH…certainly Book of Enoch a must read…

de1905  No.3541938


some other 'anons' and I dug deep on the cosmopolitan, 5-language speaking, Armani-wearing OTHER son of the king a few years ago. Unless he's put on a lot of weight and underwent a chemical lobotomy (sharp, predator gaze vs. this guy's xanax countenance), he doesn't much resemble MbS. I'm too lazy to dig through another thousand images of that family lately to discern.

1c50eb  No.3541939

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


Hey baker I can take the handoff next bread. I will need to leave for a couple hours this morning but I can wait for another baker.

77288a  No.3541940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b7fae4  No.3541941


You 2 inch dick for your mother's breakfast plate.

4be6a3  No.3541942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Killary/Colbert bit recorded 4 weeks ago published 3 hours ago! Held back!

She jokes about

*Manchurian Candidate

*Fast & Furious

*US diplomats


add6f7  No.3541943


Yes. Even my dogs have been acting oddly. Pacing.

62c427  No.3541944



729138  No.3541945


German grandfather's name. No quarter for sheckel worshippers. Oi

75cb4b  No.3541946


>Council of Nicea was when Jesus message got seriously corrupted

True, and interdasting too that those corruptions for the most part survived into the Protestants' versions of the Bible, most notably the KJV.

The most blatantly demonic thing that Nicaea did, and which the King James Version editors ratified, was to put the Jewish-polytheistic-LargelyLuciferian 'Old Testament' in the same volume as the 'New Testament'.

Beyond that, to put the Roman/pagan idiot Paul/Saul's 'epistles' in the NT…

In theory these errors of Nicaea should have been corrected by the Protestants, but they weren't.

4be6a3  No.3541947




Killary/Colbert bit recorded 4 weeks ago published 3 hours ago! Held back.

HRC is signalling!

9a73fa  No.3541948


What part of blond hair and blue eyes makes you think his prophet is Mohammed??

The shills are sending amateurs these days it seems.

8f7b65  No.3541949

File: 7069b8d04c2f54b⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1193x896, 1193:896, 2018-10-20_08-12-46.png)


Not the lottery again…


610936  No.3541950

If they are using woman and children as shields. then we let the woman and children, AND ONLY THE WOMAN AND CHILDREN IN!!!!. then what are the men going to do?

69b17c  No.3541951

File: 3a6b59a6f3ac17f⋯.jpeg (468.24 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6E40611E-1DAC-40C2-8D76-A….jpeg)

f140af  No.3541952


Don't believe this MI-6 BS. The UK and EU countries (Germany) are just pissed that we queered their $Billions in Euros defense contracts with Iran by pulling out of the Iran Deal. The pressure to cancel US deals with MBS is just payback. The entire Khashoggi op was to divide SA and US and beginning of a coup to oust MBS. Cabal wants SA back. MBS should never have let Al-Waleed bin Talal free, the Dirty Prince who set up the hit on MBS in LV.

5cb9a0  No.3541953

File: 9af421de7c03ddc⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 44327454_766994923646414_3….jpg)

An aerial shot shows thousands of Honduran migrants marching from Guatemala to Mexico on Friday where they were met with riot polic who threw tear gas at them and resisted them before agreeing to let them pass in, women and children first, before putting them on buses.

The caravan, which has around 4,000 people in it, is determined to make it to the US and has already crossed through two countries on foot to get there

8c9aad  No.3541954

Are we back online?

What happened?

38f524  No.3541955


Dough updated to this point

f140af  No.3541956


Don't believe this MI-6 BS. The UK and EU countries (Germany) are just pissed that we queered their $Billions in Euros defense contracts with Iran by pulling out of the Iran Deal. The pressure to cancel US deals with MBS is just payback. The entire Khashoggi op was to divide SA and US and beginning of a coup to oust MBS. Cabal wants SA back. MBS should never have let Al-Waleed bin Talal free, the Dirty Prince who set up the hit on MBS in LV.

468172  No.3541957




"Perhaps most important in the first thousand years were the ecumenical councils. Of the several ecumenical councils, clearly the two most important were those that were convened in the fourth and in the fifth centuries. The fourth century saw the convening of the Council of Nicaea and the production of the historic Nicene Creed. Here the church gave its definition of the deity of Christ over against the heretic Arius, who argued that though Jesus was the first creature created by God and in that sense the firstborn of God, He nevertheless remained a creature and so was not to be worshiped as the second person of the Trinity.

The tension that was provoked by the Arian controversy and the years of deliberation and discussion that ensued finally culminated in the Council of Nicaea in 325. In that council the full deity of Christ was affirmed, and Christ, the divine Logos, the second person of the Trinity, was declared to be co-essential and co-eternal with the Father. This formula gave the church a way to distinguish among the persons of the Godhead, while at the same time attributing a singular divine essence to the three. The antitrinitarian Christology of Arius saw the beginning of its defeat with this ecumenical council."

8b576a  No.3541958

File: fa9f3389fd9b23f⋯.jpg (303.74 KB, 939x699, 313:233, march-4-future-npc.jpg)

79a33b  No.3541959

File: cde164f456a7582⋯.png (777.2 KB, 1188x1132, 297:283, ClipboardImage.png)

The new talking point. POTUS loves dictators.

Makes sense now given the media hysteria about the Saudi muslim brotherhood lover who was murdered by the Saudis.

38f524  No.3541960

Baker Requires Handoff

I can't go any longer, folks. I apologize.

cf1da6  No.3541961

File: 6f0b3decf7750aa⋯.png (123.46 KB, 632x768, 79:96, 1_8chan_Down.png)



5990dd  No.3541962


Going to be an exciting day

527685  No.3541963

File: e6e5d4a89fc653f⋯.png (480.89 KB, 587x509, 587:509, twitter open society.PNG)

Promoted tweet today on my twatter


trying to recruit some more NPCs maybe?! Kek

de1905  No.3541964


Down exactly 40mins on Sat AM usually = Ron doing DBUPDATE

a59971  No.3541965

File: a494a3acd76c6cf⋯.jpeg (21.59 KB, 300x225, 4:3, F7488CD1-7C64-43F0-A756-C….jpeg)


Wondering same.

b7fae4  No.3541966

Sorry BO. I had to know.

468172  No.3541967


Just got back on after 502

38f524  No.3541968

>>3541955 Updated dough link here





Baker has left the kitchen

It's not like I haven't been asking for a relief. The 502 just now showed me that I can't hang around any more. I apologize, anons. I hope a baker shows up to bake the next one.

610cd6  No.3541969


Use the crowd control "weapons" to make the women and children sick and dizzy. They pass out or get carried away by the men. Shoot the men if they rush the Border. Mostly healthy men of fighting age, carrying flags of THEIR countries. They're NOT refugees. They're an invading force.

1c7c5c  No.3541970


"Photographer Travels Around The World To Capture The Incredible Beauty Of Red Hair, Photographs More Than 130 Redheads"

4d8b8a  No.3541971


>Manafort, appearing visibly grayer, was pushed into court in a wheelchair, missing his right shoe.

The missing shoe is a cabal/masonic calling card.

What kind of fuckery is this?


0196d4  No.3541972

WTF…host out for?

7ba165  No.3541973

Blackout necessary?

314955  No.3541974

File: 8263ae5a4921fe6⋯.jpg (603.8 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, 8263ae5a4921fe68d3100f46bb….jpg)

Pizzagate pic archive.

link from halfchan, checked, not keked

…be advised.


9a1e0d  No.3541975

502 errors

0f2be4  No.3541977


If you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to fear, right?

5cb9a0  No.3541978

More than 100,000 protesters are set to march on Parliament to demand a People's Vote on the final Brexit deal.


3642e5  No.3541979


504 and 522 errors for me

d59452  No.3541981

File: 256f1e7d36783bc⋯.png (3.24 MB, 2148x1140, 179:95, ClipboardImage.png)

8b576a  No.3541982

File: c920c292d01df5b⋯.jpg (303.21 KB, 1252x695, 1252:695, ban-dem-party.jpg)

38781e  No.3541983

File: 63dcf607637d5b6⋯.jpg (30.7 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1200px-SIS_building_263274….jpg)

Well, whadda ya know?


Old news for us here, but still worthy of attention to some presstitute somewhere.

7fcfd2  No.3541984

Why u no work 8chan :-(

75595a  No.3541985

File: 2351ba0535cefa1⋯.png (110.1 KB, 633x477, 211:159, 8chandown.png)


a05df0  No.3541986

File: 590f1d616e52863⋯.jpg (30.59 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 927360800_preview_Pepe.jpg)

4 10 20

bf0fbf  No.3541987


Why do we suffer?

07613f  No.3541988

That was weird, I couldn't access the board for a long time

5## errors for both here and /patriotsfight/

b6f32c  No.3541989

Don't know if anyone knows but the board and qresearch was down on my end, anybody?

16debd  No.3541990

e0dc59  No.3541992

They are targeting us.

Fuck them!

86c6a0  No.3541993


So….. what was discovered?

5990dd  No.3541994

Shilly morning. Gonna be a fun day.

b6f32c  No.3541995

Stop at 616 replies for quite a while 10-15 mins maybe

3642e5  No.3541996

07613f  No.3541997

File: 8ae839aac532a19⋯.png (261.75 KB, 901x538, 901:538, ClipboardImage.png)

almost [30] minutes no posts?

aaa7a1  No.3541999


All for a larp, someone is really trying hard to help save us from Q heh?

3642e5  No.3542000

File: 3e8f2f7143984e5⋯.jpeg (91.6 KB, 625x482, 625:482, 07A8D1A0-3624-4101-BC19-5….jpeg)

b6f32c  No.3542001

This sometimes happen around Q time also!

ea70e6  No.3542002

Board has been down- maybe for an hour..

5990dd  No.3542003


We gonna need a baker.

8b576a  No.3542004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Incoming Ddos waves …hold the line

cf1da6  No.3542005


Don't know, yet.

CM will probably let us know once he has

everything stable.

2796a9  No.3542006

Well..we're back

89defb  No.3542007

Good to see you back frens, hoping we're comfy again

f52479  No.3542008

File: dec3dc414d32204⋯.jpeg (812.88 KB, 1598x1600, 799:800, B380D1AD-44FF-4DD2-9994-4….jpeg)

db5324  No.3542009


NO, we let no one in!!!

774bd1  No.3542010

File: 8cd31a87c84c8e2⋯.png (27.14 KB, 549x318, 183:106, fiucka.png)


half chan too

add6f7  No.3542011


Well——we were right. Kek!

5cb9a0  No.3542012

Thousands march in London to demand new EU vote on second anniversary of Brexit


980ad6  No.3542013



fa7e3a  No.3542017

File: 361d4774ac4b189⋯.png (606.02 KB, 610x679, 610:679, menendez.png)

eaff5e  No.3542018

woah finally got in. how have you anons been able to post the past hour??? kek

354320  No.3542019

File: f8d3ef4b928e02b⋯.png (868.37 KB, 612x653, 612:653, ClipboardImage.png)

e1296d  No.3542020

File: cff6a676e152854⋯.jpg (3.73 MB, 2808x2209, 2808:2209, cyber-attack.jpg)

aa78e9  No.3542021


Am I the only one who sees some kind of evil symbolism in that architecture? I just can't place it, but the feeling is strong.

c7de07  No.3542022

File: 3981fb6fcb21227⋯.jpg (57.71 KB, 499x571, 499:571, crzy depl.JPG)

add6f7  No.3542023


I never give up!

5e0e4e  No.3542024

File: 713f93815fc2f38⋯.png (331.51 KB, 500x609, 500:609, P&LMadafakas.png)

We back?

Can Bake!!

f52479  No.3542025

File: f7198c40ac33778⋯.jpeg (256.59 KB, 640x1058, 320:529, B3C45E17-6BB2-4D2D-99D0-1….jpeg)

8b405c  No.3542026

File: aa2660e3b8d2496⋯.jpg (29.25 KB, 300x365, 60:73, m bath.jpg)

72bc05  No.3542027

Smells like some cabal desperation this morning!

205d66  No.3542028


Best I can tell, we need a Baker.

e0cbe5  No.3542029


The book/pamphlet in the background


Patric earned a loyal following from National Geographic readers as a regular contributor for years. His best-known article appeared there in March 1937. Titled “Imperial Rome Reborn,” it described his travels in Italy near the peak of Benito Mussolini’s power and influence. Some of the most prominent and allegedly well-educated architects of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal were enthralled by Il Duce’s vaunted central planning, but Patric’s article — its photographs in particular — raised the chilling specter of an egocentric dictatorship.

A few years later, as Mussolini and his Axis allies waged war on the world, Patric stirred the ire of organized labor when, in Reader’s Digest, he exposed union corruption and featherbedding in the nation’s shipbuilding industry. Called to testify before Congress, he argued that the unions were crippling productivity at a time when the nation needed all hands on deck to win World War II.

By far, the most widely read work of Patric’s was his 1943 book, Why Japan Was Strong, later retitled Yankee Hobo in the Orient for subsequent, better-known, and far more voluminous editions. A repackaging of articles first published in National Geographic, it was based on his two years of travel around Japan, China, and Korea from 1934 through 1936. True to his fiercely independent lifestyle and increasingly libertarian political views, Patric maintained that the book’s most important argument was that every individual should try to diminish “by whatever peaceful means his ingenuity may devise, the power of government — any government — to tell him what to do.”

07613f  No.3542030

Still Enjoying the SHOW fuckers!

f52479  No.3542031


Aztec/Incan blood sacrifice?

5990dd  No.3542032

5beb91  No.3542033

Nightfag reporting in. Board is lagging but didn't notice any outage b/c I fell asleep while logged in. Q post this morning, maybe?

5e0e4e  No.3542034

Allright, I am gonna go get started now. Could use help with notables, just gonna bake without current bread notables.

039f3a  No.3542035

what's happening?

bd79eb  No.3542036

File: 43b04347ff2a063⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 540x505, 108:101, tranz mo.jpg)

>>3541293 522 errors also. extremely difficult to connect today.

7fdd0b  No.3542037

File: 6a3b666ce9f7ab1⋯.jpg (223.89 KB, 778x611, 778:611, SmartSelect_20180928-01103….jpg)

3642e5  No.3542038

File: 0e215e5fdb63b82⋯.jpg (709.16 KB, 1800x1198, 900:599, FIRE.jpg)

12ee92  No.3542039

File: b5e2be17b7d7c80⋯.png (3.77 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, AEBE1E8F-FD40-498B-BB83-42….png)

WE back!!!

Time to get bscknto business.

da7d98  No.3542040

glad to be back. almost started to literally shake due to the outage.

5e0e4e  No.3542041

File: d2fb8bab665ec58⋯.jpg (72.55 KB, 400x400, 1:1, RonCodeMonkey.jpg)

Ron posted on Twitter that we are under attack.


eaa716  No.3542043

File: 88fef916955f4ef⋯.jpg (175.82 KB, 960x540, 16:9, hangem.jpg)

File: 429508786088b6b⋯.jpg (51.54 KB, 512x369, 512:369, hill_gibbet.jpg)

File: cf9d543851ec84a⋯.png (42.45 KB, 600x437, 600:437, hill_guil_.png)

File: 83640db82a94d9d⋯.jpg (121.18 KB, 966x500, 483:250, hill_handsup.jpg)


Catch and release, why is it done. Or why the fuck are Al-Waleed, HRC, Obama, George Bush Sr, Soros fucking free?

These Satanic pedophile traitors belong in one place and in one place only: the gibbet. Way fucking overdue. At this point I doubt we'll see any justice regarding those names. The midlevel guys may go to prison sure, but if those names walk, it's half-baked justice. Without proper justice there will be no peace.

07613f  No.3542044

53decf  No.3542045

Dear Mr. President,

You are in my neck of the woods today. Although I would love to see you in person, sadly, I will not be there to see you in person (too many folks for this anon, and Houston traffic - egad). That said, may you have a pleasant trip to Texas, and please do have some Tex-Mex before you leave. It is the best in the world.

Your friend,


205d66  No.3542046


This Baker was here earlier


Thank you to whomever steps up.

771065  No.3542047

German Archive Anon

i posted in a 7-8pm pacific time bread last night. your HMTL zips. not sure if an anon did any double check or not i was off bread.

right now i am diggin in 1891-1906.html zip file

unzipped are







basically none have been complete, FYI

looking for someone to check, see if its on my user end

looking to notify you if not (not much we can do but fyi)

appreciate all that you do, fren

07613f  No.3542048






aa78e9  No.3542049


Native American in London? Sounds like an 80s horror movie ;) but I think you hit it.

5 eyes tribute to the "special relationship".

06e6de  No.3542050

What’s the difference between early voting & voting on the 6th?

07613f  No.3542051


30, 7, 11

1c1648  No.3542052


> the Dirty Prince who set up the hit on MBS in LV

there is zero evidence for this theory

1ec963  No.3542053

Got your call - I understand your 8 Chan is having problems.

I'm on it…stand by.

5e0e4e  No.3542054


Baker Here

I will keep trying…

I don't gonna try again

12ee92  No.3542055


read the Nag Hammadi scriptures. constantine thought he banned and burnt them all out of existence until some decades ago, the Nag hammadi was found.

They all read like the 4 gospel books bcus it was the same sect.


40 posts, all defending jews. Try harder mossad. Try waaaay harder.

892c15  No.3542056

Why is our senate not going after these people?

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a complaint to the Board of Professional Responsibility of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals of Debra S. Katz, Lisa J. Banks, and Michael R. Bromwich for violating the rules of professional responsibility in their representation of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee during the hearings on the nomination of the Honorable Brett Kavanaugh.

fa7e3a  No.3542057

File: 60296f7dba7beca⋯.png (233.6 KB, 736x460, 8:5, silence.png)

fa7e3a  No.3542058

Wee back

c7de07  No.3542059

File: a81107695dc53d8⋯.jpg (52.13 KB, 402x543, 134:181, bow saud.JPG)

fa7e3a  No.3542060

File: dac0b96ac4a4149⋯.png (223.88 KB, 337x502, 337:502, BIG.png)

6def8f  No.3542061


Times Listed are @ CST


Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 07:16:21 f140af No.3541952


Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 07:45:38 5cb9a0 No.3541953

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 07:48:21 468172 No.3541967


Just got back on after 502

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 07:46:17 38f524 No.3541955 >>3541968

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 07:51:57 38f524 No.3541968


Dough updated to this point

Baker has left the kitchen - Reply (607)

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 07:52:08 610cd6 No.3541969

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 07:52:34 1c7c5c No.3541970

24 minutes

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 08:16:34 4d8b8a No.3541971

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 08:17:549 a1e0d No.3541975

502 errors

7 minutes

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 08:24:38 0f2be4 No.3541977

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 08:25:17 5cb9a0 No.3541978

14 minutes

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 08:39:24 3642e5 No.3541979


504 and 522 errors for me

4 minutes

nonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 08:42:46b6f32c No.3541995

Stop at 616 replies for quite a while 10-15 mins maybe

9 minutes

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 08:51:55 980ad6 No.3542013

11 minutes

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 09:02:59 fa7e3a No.3542017

Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 09:04:23 205d66 No.3542028


Best I can tell, we need a Baker.

Baker left the kitchen - Reply (607)

———- ———- ———- —–

Now Delayed Again ….. at 20 minutes + so far

Currently Stuck at Reply 660…..


502, 504 & 522 Errors…… Must be something BIG …. SPECIAL

Shilly Saturday

Currently there is NO BAKER


__ __ __ __

Note for new baker


Anonymous 10/20/18 (Sat) 07:51:57 38f524 No.3541968


Dough updated to this point


776315  No.3542062





eb7899  No.3542063


The other Obama: Barack's Shenzhen-based half-brother sheds light on US president's 'mysterious Kenyan roots'

Sipping tea with Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo in a Ming-dynasty temple is a surreal experience. Fleetingly, it conjures up images of what it'd be like to meet his half-brother - Barack Obama

What he does run is a foundation that helps children in need, while also teaching piano to orphans, raising awareness of domestic violence and heading up two consulting companies that assist American investors entering the Chinese and Kenyan markets, and those looking to go in the other direction, one registered on the mainland, the other in Hong Kong.

4d8b8a  No.3542065

File: b49e6caa2eeb91d⋯.png (218.7 KB, 490x367, 490:367, ClipboardImage.png)


I am still pic related…

d76553  No.3542066

Woo-hoo! Back!

e0cbe5  No.3542067

While on the subject of photos, digging through the c_a abottobad release image files, there are three with obama in the file name:





only when downloaded and then extracted, only the gif shows up. Trying to find it in the zip view hasn't turned it up either, but one photo snapped of a lady bent over in a market square didn't make the transition either.

5cb9a0  No.3542068

Thousands march in London to demand new EU vote on second anniversary of Brexit


a05df0  No.3542069

fa7e3a  No.3542072

File: c3278df1b559587⋯.gif (240.69 KB, 300x300, 1:1, triggered.gif)

gif of NPC shaking?

892c15  No.3542075




Al-Waleed bin Talal

b6f32c  No.3542076

Never saw the attacks this severe.

Anyone else?

One of the last post prior to attack stated " Blackout necessary? "

2 posts later-boom shutdown for approx. 20 mins, then a few posts made it then boom again until rightnow.

0ed633  No.3542078

File: b3149c8f94d2426⋯.jpeg (339.77 KB, 1185x1285, 237:257, 5948746C-058D-4E3E-95CF-5….jpeg)

File: 26be001ec6b5c4e⋯.jpeg (339.96 KB, 1176x1422, 196:237, 7B3476F5-B9C1-4848-B27E-F….jpeg)

File: 6d8a978a2c94755⋯.jpeg (154.55 KB, 1172x953, 1172:953, 4D404782-1504-4E6C-A6E4-A….jpeg)

File: 22dbc731923e252⋯.jpeg (200.64 KB, 1177x761, 1177:761, 097A2270-25FF-410A-9989-2….jpeg)

File: cfd75e69cbc9eb6⋯.jpeg (94.66 KB, 1187x788, 1187:788, 6D1F61D2-814B-4A53-8607-B….jpeg)

6def8f  No.3542079



d4f1fe  No.3542080


No shit, board isn't loading?

f47deb  No.3542081

File: 763c056353e3361⋯.jpg (938.22 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 34532er4523erewr.jpg)

bb62fa  No.3542082


Apple is not a victim if the backdoor was bought and paid for.

935ebf  No.3542083

File: 47007f271566ece⋯.gif (64.14 KB, 255x247, 255:247, npcshake4.gif)

da0583  No.3542084

Second round of purging is reassuring, the quest hasn't stopped, they keep fighting to rid the cabal


5e0e4e  No.3542085


I am baking, already set up a new thread

72bc05  No.3542086


>Never saw the attacks this severe.

This one is pretty severe. Others come close, but this is after the capacity upgrades. Someone is saturating servers like mad.

4d8b8a  No.3542087


Cook's backdoor is bought and paid for.

a05df0  No.3542088

File: 935e82ee6c4d560⋯.jpg (21.75 KB, 231x218, 231:218, IMG_1885.JPG)


4 10 20

October 20 2018

Report back in kek

5e0e4e  No.3542090

File: b2984bbed458cf2⋯.jpg (112.26 KB, 600x600, 1:1, SugarSkullBaker.jpg)


e0d852  No.3542091

File: 109269182fb6096⋯.png (113.22 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c528878838da41⋯.png (129.61 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 773ce90de8832b1⋯.png (107.63 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3541363 Went to the FEC site to look at Women for Progress. As of 9/30 they are not showing ANY disbursements and when I click on 'contributions' it comes back with a 'no matching data' message. That means that they a) didn't file correctly or b) all their disbursement activity took place after 9/30 or c) something else I didn't think of.

Either way it seems rather spoopy.


7d86ea  No.3542092

Test 10:30:30

892c15  No.3542093

File: 8f5631b9add1dd4⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 2913x1257, 971:419, uk - Copy.jpg)

fa7e3a  No.3542094

File: d94d3777806da80⋯.png (381.45 KB, 729x464, 729:464, panic_rhine.png)

468172  No.3542096


Biggest load of BS ever.

Suggest final retreat into self, provoking implosion due to intense navel-gazing followed by terminal integration with black hole.

776315  No.3542098


fa7e3a  No.3542101


TY Kek !

c7de07  No.3542102


Thanks for the post and the clear explain

7d86ea  No.3542103


We need a couple of well known rally points for these types of things… Assembly and observation points with stable comms..

a8ae79  No.3542104


Checked and saved

e0cbe5  No.3542111


biggest seen so far…

96e585  No.3542112

File: 9797f81cfd88890⋯.jpg (327.35 KB, 1000x1124, 250:281, 1e3a4401f1819ad9979ba1fd47….jpg)


fa7e3a  No.3542113

File: 349e66bc474949b⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1181x663, 1181:663, glitchy.png)

5e0e4e  No.3542115

File: cb0369bb610e683⋯.jpg (247.33 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, MoarFreshBread.jpg)






fa7e3a  No.3542116

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

96e585  No.3542120

File: b08d9563a7c3618⋯.jpg (466.41 KB, 1754x2480, 877:1240, favQpost.jpg)

Back in business

dd35dd  No.3542121

File: 658680eb5ba53ca⋯.jpg (46.73 KB, 840x499, 840:499, kk.jpg)

e0cbe5  No.3542126


trying again…internet happenings still…


892c15  No.3542128

File: 2be352ac9586538⋯.jpg (64.14 KB, 700x560, 5:4, 2008.jpg)

8f7b65  No.3542150



What are we looking at here?


732ce5  No.3542151


Compare with this:

5 Then Jehoshaphat stood in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house of the Lord, before the new court, 6 and said:

“O Lord God of our fathers,

are You not God in heaven,

and do You not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations,

and in Your hand is there not power and might, so that no one is able to withstand You?

7 Are You not our God,

who drove out the inhabitants of this land before Your people Israel,

and gave it to the descendants of Abraham Your friend forever?

8 And they dwell in it, and have built You a sanctuary in it for Your name, saying,

9 ‘If disaster comes upon us—sword, judgment, pestilence, or famine—

we will stand before this temple and in Your presence

(for Your name is in this temple),

and cry out to You in our affliction,

and You will hear and save.’

10 And now, here are the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir—

whom You would not let Israel invade when they came out of the land of Egypt,

but they turned from them and did not destroy them—

11 here they are, rewarding us by coming to throw us out of Your possession which You have given us to inherit.

12 O our God, will You not judge them?

For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us;

nor do we know what to do,

but our eyes are upon You.”

(2 Chronicles 20:5-12)

Or this:

5 And I said: “I pray, Lord God of heaven,

O great and awesome God,

You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments,

6 please let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open,

that You may hear the prayer of Your servant which I pray before You now, day and night,

for the children of Israel Your servants,

and confess the sins of the children of Israel which we have sinned against You.

Both my father’s house and I have sinned.

7 We have acted very corruptly against You,

and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, nor the ordinances which You commanded Your servant Moses.

8 Remember, I pray, the word that You commanded Your servant Moses, saying,

‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations;

9 but if you return to Me, and keep My commandments and do them,

though some of you were cast out to the farthest part of the heavens,

yet I will gather them from there,

and bring them to the place which I have chosen as a dwelling for My name.’

10 Now these are Your servants and Your people,

whom You have redeemed by Your great power, and by Your strong hand.

11 O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant,

and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name;

and let Your servant prosper this day, I pray,

and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.” [the king]

(Nehemiah 1:5-11)

See the difference?

8070c7  No.3542157


Let them come. I want our military at our borders anyway to stop ALL illegals from coming in. Works for me.

845d88  No.3542176

File: 130ed34372e58ae⋯.jpg (432.62 KB, 819x606, 273:202, mind control device.jpg)

5be015  No.3542187


771065  No.3542197

File: 8a9c52f333b43d9⋯.jpeg (14.6 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 2D1B424E-CE96-4675-9802-C….jpeg)

File: 149b501fb498b2d⋯.jpeg (19.8 KB, 182x255, 182:255, A7FD6DD3-8461-4B62-A32D-8….jpeg)

07613f  No.3542203

test fill>

Is everyone enjoying the show?

aff384  No.3542207

Someting happen, we feelz good

892c15  No.3542212

File: 37252cde1a8b2b3⋯.png (18.74 KB, 1232x145, 1232:145, Capture.PNG)

This created the attack. On Target?

d3aaa3  No.3542223


Look t the statues/figurines above and below the mantle. Are they in China?

bb2bf4  No.3542229

File: ebab40882cdc30c⋯.png (3.9 MB, 2100x1500, 7:5, C-17.png)

aff384  No.3542237


no, UK, hint a fucking wedding

cf1da6  No.3542238

File: f1f084abc30bb86⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, NPC_Crowd_1.png)


bb2bf4  No.3542239

File: 4d53b46fd22bebc⋯.png (3.22 MB, 1551x1259, 1551:1259, witchcraft-history-quiz-or….png)

660dab  No.3542242


As far as I know, it hasn't been shown LV was meant as a hit on MBS, much less that MBS was even there at the time.

bb2bf4  No.3542246

File: 940c8136185f2c1⋯.png (477.46 KB, 531x526, 531:526, ClipboardImage.png)

bb2bf4  No.3542256

File: 25a888df8bbb4d5⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 5616x3444, 468:287, Blondie.jpg)

aff384  No.3542257

Kate and billy mmmmmk

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