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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3820.jpg)

566915  No.3245730

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




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The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

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Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 09.28.18

>>>/patriotsfight/306 --------------------------------- POWER TO THE PEOPLE (Cap: >>3232679)

>>3226626 rt >>3225317 -————————– Graham questioning then [listen carefully]. Graham comments today.

>>>/patriotsfight/305 ——————————— Puzzle becoming more clear w/ each passing day? (Cap: >>3226042 )

>>3225606 rt >>3225498 -————————– Hive Mind

>>3225431 rt >>3225317 -————————– Have faith, Patriots.

>>3225317 ————————————–——– Did you see Sen. Graham's speech today?

>>3225116 rt >>3225050 -————————– Nothing gets past Anons!

>>3224970 rt >>3224849 -————————– Ready when you are

>>3224848 rt >>3224714 -————————– MIDTERM ELECTIONS>>> [Days Prior] 11.11

Thursday 09.27.18

>>3224714 rt >>3224486 -————————– RED OCTOBER>>> MIDTERM ELECTIONS

>>3224486 ————————————–——– Justice K Confiormation Goodbye,Mr. Rosenstein

>>>/patriotsfight/304 --------------------------------- Are you AWAKE? The TRUTH is right in front of you ( Cap: >>3223778 )

>>>/patriotsfight/303 --------------------------------- FALSE IN ONE THING. FALSE IN EVERYTHING ( Cap: >>3223011 )

>>>/patriotsfight/302 ——————————— Supreme Court Justice(s) to receive FULL TIME security detail(s) - (pending) (Cap: >>3222459 )

>>>/patriotsfight/301 rt /pf/300 -——————- [FEINSTEIN] THREAT TO MURKOWSKI? (Cap: >>3222056, >>3222062 )

>>>/patriotsfight/300 ——————————— EVIL BE GONE (Cap: >>3222112 )

>>>/patriotsfight/299 ——————————— Link to @CapUSA1 tweet (Cap: >>3219818, >>3219876 , >>3219963 )

>>3219565 rt >>3219273 -————————– You are correct

>>>/patriotsfight/298 ——————————— Welcome aboard, Judge K (Cap: >>3219268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/297 ——————————— FEINSTEIN (Cap: >>3219165, >>3219159 )

>>>/patriotsfight/296 ——————————— POTUS Tweet: "Senate must vote!" (Cap: >>3219147 )

Monday 09.24.18

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3198408, >>3198594 )

Sunday 09.23.18

>>>/patriotsfight/294 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )

>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 -——————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

566915  No.3245740


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support


>>3227485 BO was able to fix the 404'd links

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board


>>3245207 Newfag PSA read asap. Playbook by Alinsky "Rules For Radicals" https://archive.org/details/RulesForRadicalsSaulAlinskyOCR/page/n0

>>3245710 #4110


>>3244642, >>3238354 Woman who confronted Flake runs Soros-Funded org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4Nll132BeE

>>3244290 Women screaming at Flake in elevator ae Soros-Funded Astroturfed Activist Leaders!

>>3244583 Records show Dr. Ford is not a licenced psychology, may have committed perjury

>>3244312 Resignations in the news today

>>3245025 #4109


>>3243544, >>3243691, >>3243706, >>3243733 On White Rabbits and trafficking

>>3243562 Tucker Carlson's intro from tonight

>>3243586 Ford has raised ~$1 million dollars on GoFundMe

>>3243602, >>3243710 Justice K's GoFundMe at ~$101,000

>>3243850 Ford’s father was president of the all-male Burning Tree Golf Club in Bethesda, where Justice K's father also a member

>>3244192 #4108


>>3242797 Ford Lawyer Rejects One Week Cap on Kavanaugh FBI Query

>>3242828, >>3243204 Red October Crumbs with Qclock connections

>>3242924 Blog: Ford was a CIA contractor in the past and possibly at present “and was reportedly in a mind control program.”

>>3243006 Triple Ring medical director has done all kinds of research.

>>3243116 Tweet: Ana Archil and Maria Gallagher were the two who confronted Flake (DIG)

>>3243156 A little moar on Bromwich

>>3243162 Boris Johnson refuses FOUR times to rule out challenging Theresa May for the Tory leadership

>>3243201 Reminder: MAGA Rally tomorrow night in West Virginia (7 pm EDT)

>>3243110 Tweet: Ford admits to extensive history of international air travel

>>3243421 #4107


>>3242048, >>3242144 Moar on Michael R. Bromwich


>>3242334 Criminal charges against Flake and his ex-wife stemmed from the 2014 deaths of 21 dogs

>>3242348 Triple Ring Technology has government contracts

>>3242500 Triple Ring Technology owner is Joseph Heanue

>>3242548 Triple Ring Technology execs

>>3242621 Political ad with Kavanaugh in 2012

>>3242673 #4106

Previously Collected Notables

>>3240355 #4103, >>3241126 #4104, >>3241887 #4105

>>3238114 #4100, >>3241997 #4101, >>3239578 #4102

>>3235753 #4097, >>3236551 #4098, >>3237337 #4099

>>3233508 #4094, >>3234273 #4095, >>3234974 #4096,

>>3231942 #4091, >>3231991 #4092, >>3232758 #4093,

>>3228889 #4088, >>3229663 #4089, >>3230478 #4090,

>>3226533 #4085, >>3227320 #4086, >>3228119 #4087,

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

566915  No.3245744

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

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Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

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Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

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>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3240618

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

566915  No.3245745

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 ; 30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/keVKnbKf

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

566915  No.3245764

File: 20503389dad0c8d⋯.jpg (18.39 KB, 600x400, 3:2, allison-michael-orenstein.jpg)



Baker requesting handoff.

08158a  No.3245789

File: 7a7e8aed8f5f494⋯.jpg (20.72 KB, 400x277, 400:277, 7a7e8aed8f5f494c4e0b78fba8….jpg)

>>3245755 lb

>Boomers madly reproduced for 20 years after the war

Do you really believe that?

If so, can I have some of whatever you're smoking?

08158a  No.3245797


Meant "greatest generation produced boomers for two decades after the war", but you get the point.

ab1a1b  No.3245808

Please Anons, are Flake, Collins, Murkowski and Manchin definitely YES?

I am confused.

86c43c  No.3245817

Remember folks: "they want you divided"

Exhibit A:



73f9e3  No.3245818


kek are yo really asking us anons to tell you what to think?

377eee  No.3245819


Chadwick, Stealth, etc, one of you late night assholes, I know you are watching, look into that last post. I think it's a very solid lead and I triple checked to verify.

77aa96  No.3245821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7b41ed  No.3245822

File: 059740bee1e8444⋯.png (181.7 KB, 432x307, 432:307, thufferingthuckatash-tort.png)

c877a9  No.3245823


yep and filtered, I'm sure an accomplice will be along to "argue"

52723c  No.3245824

File: 2ad8854b96b2955⋯.png (793.8 KB, 718x591, 718:591, ClipboardImage.png)


86c43c  No.3245825


They are Schrodinger Votes. They are simultaneously both 'yey' and 'ney', and neither, until observed.

77aa96  No.3245826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

03d47f  No.3245827

>>3245799 (lb)

You should meet your own brainwashing. That's leftist ideology you're spewing there. If you have other issues, go see a f'n therapist.

1df915  No.3245828




Baker requesting handjob.

ef6025  No.3245829

File: 3ec917855c280fe⋯.jpeg (35.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 670BC66C-00A8-4F17-8227-A….jpeg)

File: 64fce4bdc243a51⋯.jpeg (170.55 KB, 592x901, 592:901, 3A26666B-6512-49C3-AE65-1….jpeg)

File: 9b4e1d00ffd49a4⋯.jpeg (21.37 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 425DD6B8-B3F1-46AF-B17A-2….jpeg)

Time for Bed Frenz

See you on the flip side.

86803e  No.3245830





08158a  No.3245831



Divided by "generation"

Divided by race

Divided by gender (whatever that means these days"

Divided by ethnicity

Divided by religion

Divided by anything

They DO NOT want you unified against THEM.

0084d4  No.3245832

File: 8515a26678582fa⋯.jpg (107.02 KB, 1182x746, 591:373, Waiting.jpg)



I can take it, Baker, but not right now… Can you give me about 15 minutes?

BO/BV request baker check

I will report this reply after posting.

b10a04  No.3245833

File: 52f4d6806a663c1⋯.jpg (4.9 KB, 255x126, 85:42, wwg1wga.jpg)

Now division fagging between boomers and loafers. GahReat! Yeah that'll help.

FFS, ain't ya'll tuned into

f69301  No.3245834

File: c7bfeee3f7b958f⋯.jpg (72.38 KB, 500x624, 125:156, 2izt5k.jpg)

File: 044c7767353e31f⋯.jpg (66.97 KB, 500x624, 125:156, 2izt39.jpg)

>>3245806 pb

thanks for the pic ebot, kek

Thank you Baker

3f0127  No.3245835

Did you know that Jeff Flake and Chris Coons met with Rod Rosenstein during the judiciary vote today?

Rod Rosenstein told them that the FBI could complete Kavanaugh's investigation in a week. But Rosenstein indicated that it was unlikely to reveal any more than already known.

77aa96  No.3245836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

074720  No.3245837

>>3245814 - last bread

Sorry fren...I posted my response to you instead of the a-hole I wanted to post to. I enjoyed your Triumph the Insult Dog post and took no offense whatsover. It was funny....:)

ab1a1b  No.3245838


It was in notables few times that they are YES.. and there are now memes of Flake suggesting he will say NO..

But fuck it, your little ass explained to me that i should not ask such retarded question, thank you cockroach

1d458b  No.3245839


yea. I can monitor the system's memes. it seems okay right now after a reboot. the whole thing has that cascading effect, just hard to know how to set it right… or it seems like it is set right and then it doesn't work or there is a corrupted file somewhere that shuts down the program and it doesn't finish running. I think i got it this time.

75f07d  No.3245840


It's all about how long it took those kids to grow up and have kids of their own (the next generation).

That's why it's called a GENERATION, not a couple years here and there.

A generation is not 3 years, and then the next one 8 years, and then the next one 2 years.

That's nonsense.


Just a convenient way to classify groups of people over time. It doesn't mean you have to give up listening to the Grateful Dead just because you were born a year too late.

According to you, there is no actual definition of "generation." That should be your first clue that you are wrong.

But believe whatever you want. If you want to get rid of the corruption in this world, we are on the same side. I don't give a fuck what generation you are part of or what you think about it. It's not important enough to get bent out of shape over.

Carry on, brother.

03d47f  No.3245841


Filter that shill.

ac9afe  No.3245842


Boomers are so trustful of govt it's sickening. It's mainly because they and their parents are tripple dippers in the govt/private sector job/salary/benefits/pension game. They have no understanding or concern that our govt did 9-11 as long as they get pension checks and public praise for sacrificing and serving (the globalists).

4bb02c  No.3245843

Talking shit about the generation that COMPLETELY FUCKED THE USA UP with:

Gun Control.

More Gun Control.

Even More Gun Control.

Importing every NIGGER from 3rd world countries to make AMERICA DIVERSE

Privatized everything to reap profits,

and basically trashed the place

is not Division.

It is the TRUTH.

Thanks boomers.

566915  No.3245844


I can give you 30mins if you need. Just ping me when you're available.

b10a04  No.3245845

File: b9a06484d63053a⋯.jpg (11.21 KB, 171x255, 57:85, queenAnon.jpg)

These fucks are as bad as Demonrats, why are we trying to save them Q?


4bb02c  No.3245846


Blow me, boomer.

94fec6  No.3245847




if not for those fucking boomers you would not exist..so maybe a good thing?

75f07d  No.3245848

08158a  No.3245849

File: 575586fdf234ffa⋯.png (192.65 KB, 460x338, 230:169, Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at ….png)


Thank you for arguing to filter a moment of unity. You prove the point of "they want you divided"

379a6c  No.3245850

77aa96  No.3245851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7b41ed  No.3245852

File: 6ecbbceda4dcf7c⋯.png (372.78 KB, 504x362, 252:181, beachfriends.png)

86803e  No.3245853


No dickface. Put the martini down, dust off your 1st grade math book, review, skim page 1 of your college logic book, and get a life.

963333  No.3245854

You think Q is getting boned by Avenatti right now?? probably

08158a  No.3245855

File: 2095989e134175f⋯.png (321.12 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2095989e134175f13877ec207f….png)


Am liking #2 the best.

77aa96  No.3245856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

02d88b  No.3245857


I read that earlier and I find it very strange that RR was there. Why would he be there? It doesn't seem like happenstance, more like a set up to me. I am just trying to figure out who was setting up who.

86c43c  No.3245858

File: 71621477afaa501⋯.png (47.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, age_voting.png)


And they atoned for it all by electing Trump.

566915  No.3245859

dc5873  No.3245860



77aa96  No.3245861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5a27ab  No.3245862


And they sacrificed their families for careers, accomplishment, and materialism. Most of the children of boomers raised themselves. Boomers were the first American generation to farm out raising and teaching their children to public schools.

f38dfe  No.3245864

File: fc5975884d4a780⋯.png (436.13 KB, 724x483, 724:483, e3199b3e87752aee42394f3125….png)

c0ca3e  No.3245865


He was at the confirmation hearing too, when that weird guy tried to get Kavanaugh to shake his hand

75f07d  No.3245866


See now … I tried to put out the peace pipe you you just pissed all over it.

Fuck off, cunt. Done with you.

73f9e3  No.3245867


Not meant to be mean anon. You are asking questions on an anonymous board where many shills congregate. We all have been confused at one point or another. It is a fact of life here. The point I was trying to make is you ahould read as much as you can and make up your own mind. And then likely as not you will be wrong. Only a handful of folks know the plan and who is who.

55f025  No.3245868

California sues Jeff Sessions over denial of political asylum for gang, domestic violence victims

Sep. 28, 2018 9 p.m.

Attorneys general from California, 17 other states and the District of Columbia are challenging U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to deny political asylum to virtually all victims of domestic violence or gang violence in their home countries.

In papers filed Friday in federal court in Washington, D.C., Attorney General Xavier Becerra and his colleagues said Sessions’ decision to overturn legal protections for thousands of immigrants “stripped away an essential lifeline for victims of gender-based harm” and conflicted with U.N. refugee policies.

Sessions’ Justice Department includes U.S. immigration courts, giving him the power to overturn their rulings. He has exercised that power with unprecedented frequency, most notably in his June 11 decision to reverse a 2014 decision by the Board of Immigration Appeals allowing undocumented immigrants fleeing domestic violence to apply for asylum.


03d47f  No.3245869


dam straight

4bb02c  No.3245870


They can never atone for what they have done.

57c435  No.3245871

>>>3245795 (Last bread)

Probably not what you're looking for, but it looks like Fentanyl can fuck up your base sex hormones and cortisol levels. Since sex hormones (Estrogen and Testosterone) are one of the base hormones other hormones rely on for a body to function healthily, messing with base hormones can cause a cascading effect of fuckery upon the body.

http:// jaoa.org/article.aspx?articleid=2093682

86803e  No.3245872


They really are the most thoroughly and completely brainwashed generation for some reason. I mainly feel sorry for them, genuinely.

377eee  No.3245873


Hah.. at this point anon I honestly don't think they have any chance to pull that off. They had no chance with anons to begin with as we know the games but normies, yeah, they had a chance but all I see today, myself included, is a hell of a lot of anger.

I have never seen the right this united and fired up with eyes staring at who they blame. Even fucking liberals (traditional) and traditional dems are pissed in large number and I 8/10 comments are of extreme fury toward the media among other things.

Truthfully I have never seen such a united front of anger all looking at the same people/groups as I have recently. Not since 9/11.

4bb02c  No.3245874


That too.

Raised as a latch-key kid?

Thank a boomer.

e8283f  No.3245875


Hung out with a guy I know who is a boomer. He's a self proclaimed liberal and Democrat. Most racist guy I know. n** this, n** that. Hates black people, hates foreigners, etc. He is a white male. Not a chance in hell he would vote for a Repub. Refuses to listen to anything from Fox news, talk radio, etc. You get the idea. Dude is a total paradigm.

566915  No.3245876


Thx BO, one question. You said no bakes from this hash when I volunteered.

How are the hashes generated, (they're not the user id's right?) If I use another VPN does the hash change? Just curious.

77aa96  No.3245877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ac9afe  No.3245878


>Only a handful of folks know the plan and who is who.

But we are to trust it

1cb159  No.3245879

File: 4d396820721af6f⋯.png (571.1 KB, 729x819, 81:91, ClipboardImage.png)

Rachel Mitchell ded an exelent job!

1d458b  No.3245880


now that is some hip-hop shit ebot.

52723c  No.3245881

Number of West Nile Virus Victims in Greece Grows to 31 - Decease Control Center

The number of people who died as a result of the West Nile virus (WNV) outbreak in Greece increased to 31, with a total of 271 people having been infected with the decease so far, the Hellenic Center for Disease Control & Prevention (HCDCP) said on Saturday.

Accordng to the HCDCP, during the week from October 20 to 26 as many as 37 individuals acquired the West Nile virus, while four people died of it.

The West Nile virus was for the first time detected in Greece in 2010. The decease claimed lives of about 80 people in the country in 2010-2014. In 2015-2016, no WNV cases were reported, while in 2017 another outbreak of the fever resulted in the deaths of five people. Apart from Greece, the WNV cases have also been recorded in eight European countries.

The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and causes such symptoms as fever, headache, lethargy, muscle pain and nausea. The WNV might injure the central nervous system and result in such deceases as encephalitis, meningitis and paralysis.


1cb159  No.3245882

b10a04  No.3245883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Symphony of destruction

56ccee  No.3245884

File: 8f8383867912e80⋯.png (639.38 KB, 960x956, 240:239, ushallnotbend.png)

That was one of the coolest background anon who ever you are added so text to it.

35d75a  No.3245886



Every generation has done what they were told to do. Stalwart, degenerate, whatever the next iteration of the agenda calls for.

86803e  No.3245887



I have also noticed a lot of behavior that indicates rampant mental illness among the Baby Boom generation, especially as the oldest ones are getting to their 70s.

08d7d6  No.3245888

In case this hasn't been seen. I did not see it in prev breads, but may have missed it. Sorry if old news. Interdasting analysis of final moments of committee hearing.

For all those hating on Flake…it was Shakespeare!


8c1f15  No.3245889


Enter SCOTUS Kavanaugh…

bye bye sanctuary cities

02d88b  No.3245890

This whole generation argument is a massive trolling and slide. Ignore or filter

459ac3  No.3245892


You should try hanging out with the current generation. Boomers are quite normal compared to them.

03d47f  No.3245893

77aa96  No.3245894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

069362  No.3245895

File: 5d8c5a9e907701b⋯.png (667.36 KB, 752x916, 188:229, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

73f9e3  No.3245897


Go away. You don't belong here.

441ce3  No.3245898

File: f747203fdd198f8⋯.jpg (406.42 KB, 1200x1910, 120:191, JKRGB.jpg)

20260f  No.3245899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The quicker your all realize that "drumph" has all the power that Obama used .. They are done!

5a27ab  No.3245900


Boomers ruined everything they touched. Churches, not meaningful worship, no we have to have MEGA churches that show how much we accomplished and feed our ego. Business…sacrifice everyrhing to make more money, morality…boomers are responsible for unleashing porn on the world. Family…divorce and remarry as many times as you want. They are a bunch of miserable failures as human beings and they can't even see their own mistakes.

d36044  No.3245901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey anons!

Red October does not give me peace… Q repeated it many times with quotes 13 times and once he wrote "Red Oct sig has not occurred yet."

It is not Hunt for it is removed now Q adds question mark and it is in capital letters RED OCTOBER?

Some anons shout 'red wave' alluding to upcoming elections that is red wave and that is actually RED OCTOBER?

I cannot agree with it… I think Q posted that [ESTABLISHMENT] speech so many times because it is very important. It seems that blue wave they were hoping to see is not showing up at all and now we might anticipate their last try [RED OCTOBER] to try to make their 'bolshevik leftist revolution' coup d'etas against POTUS and take over power by force.

Could RED OCTOBER be violent cabal orchestrated just like Lenin in Russia 'revolution' attempt?

377eee  No.3245902


It is the one thing I cannot explain, haven't been able to for a couple decades, now know that others have experienced and there is just no logical or intellectual explanation for the phenomena. Of all the dates Q could have thrown out, it turns out 11/11. That right there broke my typical logical/analytical mindset and made me truly begin to believe the potential of something else which is unheard of for me as I am a fact guy.

b10a04  No.3245903


Aren't these your Grandparents you fucking little fucks. X here, but for fuck sake, is this what we have become?

d42bb1  No.3245904


My parents are boomers. Yes, I was a latch-key kid. Yes, they are liberals. But I love them. They are/were just trying to do the right thing. It was the best they could do at the time. They didn't know they were being conned. They loved me and I love them. Don't be jerks. Most folks are just doing their best.

ac9afe  No.3245905


Yea that's the other boomer identity. I've found that boomers tend to be rabid "patriots," rabid anti-war, anti-govt, progressive types, or mother hen pacifist unconcerned types.

86803e  No.3245906


My Boomer parents for many years had me thinking about ending my own existence.

1514b2  No.3245907

File: 90a581700ddb931⋯.jpg (186.14 KB, 800x533, 800:533, JudgeK.jpg)

f10b67  No.3245908


The only important difference is that boomers are fluoridated and millennials are vaccinated

f69301  No.3245909

File: fc8acd8703d2752⋯.jpg (31.34 KB, 800x450, 16:9, YTM3MTc3YjRkOSMvcWJmWE5vb3….jpg)

just found this pic of Flake from yesterday, kek

379a6c  No.3245910


Your hash is generated by your IP that you post with. It's like an admin ID we use to see your activity across breads. If you change your VPN server, you'll appear as a different person/different hash. I'll assign IP hashes to bakers on my personal list that I've seen or remembered when the baker posts their personal pastebin, or they avatarfag, etc. so I don't mix you guys up.

2698c8  No.3245911

File: 173933969382b7b⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 2620x3745, 524:749, 20180928_221204.jpg)


And end then, it wasn't THIS. NOW…Let's keep stringing this and all the other dramas out, and then the FBI can release their reports about how this was all a setup and Kav is innocent, confirm him and then BOOM!!

The next 5-7 days will feel like an eternity and is SURE to be filled with ever increasing drama and twists. Clock has ALMOST struck midnight. They never thought she'd lose.

80e09e  No.3245912


Take a hit and get some sleep its been a long week. And I mean that in a nice way. No way to know how this plays out. I'm pissed, but a few beers and a good night sleep and then I will continue the fight tomorrow or garden and read offline all weekend and do it on Monday.

342b22  No.3245913

File: 942bdfdc5259e67⋯.png (277.46 KB, 510x382, 255:191, 1536524565-3.png)

8c1f15  No.3245914


That is one of 2 current likely interpretations, yes.

edac9b  No.3245915


You have hindsight. They had 0 reason to believe their government was lying or raping them, and 0 reason not to believe that their next generation would be better off than the one before.

they are a very trusting generation, and while 911 may have formed your generation, WWII formed theirs. Understand that shaping of their personalities came from WWII.

I thin Kennedy's assassination that got them thinking, but so deep was their belief in good that nobody could be evil, and if there were some evil people it was just a few and they'd get weeded out by the good ones.

08158a  No.3245916


This should be the definition of boomers.

Dad always pushed me to go into .gov employment even though he was self employed and refused to bid on .gov contracts. Get yourself a pension, anon!

(Do as I say, not as I do.)

43e182  No.3245917

File: b12ac33ecb48a18⋯.png (348.09 KB, 602x569, 602:569, Screenshot from 2018-09-28….png)

File: c01d5337979c269⋯.png (367.08 KB, 589x606, 589:606, Screenshot from 2018-09-28….png)

File: a549b32e33006c7⋯.png (57.02 KB, 676x547, 676:547, deakMurder00_1.png)

File: 553072701c95112⋯.png (34.08 KB, 682x300, 341:150, deakMurder01_1.png)

File: 2c63821ee78ca7b⋯.png (68.94 KB, 689x541, 689:541, deakMurder04_1.png)

Anons check this shit out. 1 click into digging on the Savage tweet about Christine Blasey Ford and there's clowns, cartels, Stanford Research Institute, Psychiatrists, mkultra, and most importantly a bearded bag lady assassin. Been digging for a while and cant confirm Savage's claim that grandfather of Christine and Ralph III is Nicholas Deak, but Deak is worth a dig either way. Clown money man since forever and then killed by brainwashed mk assassin with ties to Stanford

https:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2245682/Nicholas-Deak-Colleague-questions-murder-CIA-financier-killed-homeless-woman.html

>>3245579 (lb)

b10a04  No.3245918


Oh for christ sake. Thanks anon. It's a new darkness for me. Did not see it for what it is.

Been a long time for my brain to melt so.

566915  No.3245919

>>3245830 (reposting from pb >>3245738)


Anon theory on Stormy, Avenatti and Omarosa

(so many typos in this post below sheesh, anyway for the boards consideration since I'm still acting baker)


Stormy -> draws attention away from things, looks juicy to MSM, ultimately a total bust. she also gets a nice boost to her dead career.

Q pics of Avanatti -> draws MSM directly into wondering about this crazed anon poster on some deep web sewer site. Q explodes into the MSM.

Ford comes out with her allegations, then the second one - moderately credible follow up. Here comes avanatti with total batshit crazy lady allegations, well, you see what happened there.

Other notable controlled op operators of POTUS include:

* Omorosa

* Bannon

* Rosie


* Micheal Wolff

There's others, in both categories but I'm almost bouncing my head off my keyboard so prob should head to bed soon.

Remember DJT is from the WWE / sleeze Reality celeb world. He KNOWS how to put on a good show, and how to distract quite well.

It just, well, it just makes sense.

79a51d  No.3245920



Mitch caps here: [ >>3228480 >>3228638 >>3228618 >>3228635 >>3228586 >>3228599 >>3228563 >>3228554 >>3228546 >>3228529 ] #4088

Mitch knocked it outta the park!

1718fe  No.3245921


Don't fret anon.

People that have hate in their heart are gonna hate and blame. they can't stand the thought that they too are just as responsible for the mess.

e8283f  No.3245922


Kek. I'm fucked. Got a little bit of both.


A lost generation that can solve for x in any math problem.

803ef2  No.3245923

File: 34766e380357d4b⋯.jpg (118.97 KB, 761x679, 761:679, image.jpg)



Melania Trump Wears Black — and Twitter Users Think She's Supporting Sexual Assault Survivors

377eee  No.3245924

On a sidenote, someone with a Twatter please let @Chadwick_Moore know that he is clearly shadow banned as he posts show then disappear and I can only view them in non traditional means and his posts also show as nobody replying/liking/RT so Twitter is squelching him right now after he broke the psychology fraud.

0c1081  No.3245925


if you were my kid I would have drowned you in the pond down at the back 40

86803e  No.3245926


You are a very angry drunk.

08158a  No.3245927

File: a9a8b7879e4ae0c⋯.png (293.28 KB, 453x359, 453:359, 5f1a645e4a8685cfb28f98dbdd….png)


I need a towel.

9daf39  No.3245928

File: 825682a67038615⋯.jpeg (254.43 KB, 1125x1369, 1125:1369, LiveLeak-dot-com-DFF1E852….jpeg)

Real evidence


Top kek!

57c435  No.3245929


This was my interpretation because of the emphasis Q placed on National Preparedness Month, which we are still in.

I would not put it past them to try a violent overthrow as one of the last attempts to save their necks.

5a27ab  No.3245930


My parents are boomers. I was not only a latch key kid, I was fucking responsible for myself from age 10 on. My boomer parents and their accomplishment lifestyle and friends were the most self-centered, selfish, narcissistic people I have known. Most Boomers I know are the same. People don't matter to boomers.

566915  No.3245931


Got it, Thx. Next time I volunteer I'll be on a diff VPN so I'll just call out the last bread I baked if that helps.

edac9b  No.3245932


There is no 'logical' explanation for the 11/11 synchronicity.

Except like you, after decades, I know it is going to be momentous and we've been messaged for it.

We are not alone.

77aa96  No.3245933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

robbing the fake jews was the best part of the movie

963333  No.3245934

Q said welcome aboard not coming soon to a theater near you

why is everyone sucking eachothers dicks so quickly?? where is this Q bitch to try and explain himself, comedy to come

1df915  No.3245935

File: 2ed39216d20e535⋯.png (316.46 KB, 499x499, 1:1, GutterPepes.png)


Belay that Boomer shit. You know damned well if it was boomers, it would be Democrat boomers. Blanketing all boomers just says you are tryna divide.

56ccee  No.3245936

File: 77aff00f7cc8d72⋯.png (9.46 KB, 207x255, 69:85, 3dc2ad8a359def07bcd3e4e4c8….png)


I like that very nice :)

074720  No.3245937


Sounds like your instability, not your parents. Of course, if you're a leftist, then it's only fitting that you would blame your problems on anyone else but you.

6a3585  No.3245938


I doubt it. If there was a legitimate threat of a communist revolution on US soil, Q would probably straight up warn us. Besides, all of the rallies that POTUS holds are packed with patriots. And the electoral map shows it too. Most Americans (excluding illegals) are moderates. The violent left is a very small group. Should such a scenario ever take place here, it would be over very fast. The only reason that the bolsheviks were successful was because all of the fighting men were away fighting in WW1. All of our fighting men & women are still here just waiting to kick some ass.

d36044  No.3245939




and this Alert test (think football) that was PUTIN throwing football to POTUS on their meeting and he said 'The ball is now in your court" because Russia got rid of Communism at least on paper and they have this very public display of christianity… Maybe that was allusion that we might see attempt of 'bolshevik leftist revolution' in our court???

35d75a  No.3245940


At one point in analysis, think it was the Lancet medical journal mid-90s, WNV was nothing, a huge percentage of people manifested no symptoms. The tiny number that died had health complications. This is either much ado about nothing, lies, or the virus is being fucked with. Hey, maybe all three!

This is just an excuse to spray insecticide everywhere, one of which, the synthetic pyrethrin, damages fetuses, children, and causes breast cancer.

0621ff  No.3245941

File: a66f009260e2145⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Tucker Lizards.mp4)


08d7d6  No.3245942


Any time I see a generalization like this, it automatically goes in the retard bin. Okay, being magnanimous, into the not-fully-educated bin.

1d458b  No.3245943


the vote passed. i dunno what the problem is.

bf997c  No.3245944

File: 85b219df77cbf3f⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1620x855, 36:19, 737643732179166755687632.png)

File: a5bdf9d8bcfc6a2⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1698x762, 283:127, 85767655364535432654367680….png)

eye photoshopped


0c1081  No.3245945


your parents should have killed you while you slept

b4298c  No.3245946

File: a9ab289866cc3a9⋯.jpg (18.49 KB, 502x272, 251:136, 50bmg.jpg)

File: e451db346c72ad9⋯.jpg (127.62 KB, 800x625, 32:25, 50bmg_460.jpg)

>>3245813 (grandpa lb)

You mean that picture of a S&W revolver that gets reposted here every other bread? It's not one of yours, don't try to bullshit QResearch, grandpa. That's a .460 S&W revolver, it happens to be one of the highest-energy handgun cartridges, though Hornady .500 S&W will give you just a little bit more muzzle energy, but really, we're already dealing with damn near 4000 joules so what's the fucking difference? You could flatline a big block v8 with one shot from that thing.

If I wanted to carry a revolver (and I don't) it would be a Ruger or Colt, either .357 Mag or .45 LC, there's plenty of muzzle energy to throw a man ass over teakettle in either of those cartridges. Honestly even .45ACP is more than enough, most people won't keep going after being hit with a .40 S&W even. Revolvers have changed very little in 100 years, there's nothing wrong with them but I prefer a semi-auto with a 10+ round magazine I can easily swap out if I need to pump and dump.

If you're going for a gimmick hand cannon to test how much punishment your wrists can take, may I suggest a revolver chambered for .50 BMG?

1718fe  No.3245947


She surely did. Notice the very first thing she did?

Made Ford trust her, and very comfy. [snicker]

Mitch got more out of that wench then she [Ford] could ever know. I thought it was great.

f69301  No.3245948



msm and celebrities project they are more popular then they are, like their fake polls saying Hillary would win.

699a57  No.3245949


>Anon theory on Stormy, Avenatti and Omarosa

Disagree completely

Q often reminds us that POTUS has not said an untruth while being POTUS

And no it is not disinfo that POTUS has spoken ill of all of them

ac9afe  No.3245950


Their incorrect view of the world persists to this day, after 9-11 and after so much evidence has been put before their eyes.

c0ca3e  No.3245951


Has anyone dug up/reviewed his weird little outburst yesterday where he had to stop talking because he got all choked up? Or not yesterday now I guess, day before

566915  No.3245952


Reptilian Porn Lawyer and Ritual Satanic Abuse in one sentence. (although he got SRA mixed up)

Somebody needs to make a lizard avenatti.

8c1f15  No.3245953


eyes rarely look 'good' in marketing/propaganda images. They're almost always retouched to look brighter, more 'real'.

Done a bit of it myself in the past - not hard to do at all.

ac9afe  No.3245954

edac9b  No.3245955


no fucking way, coloboma??

77aa96  No.3245956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kmfdm sucks

e4e6b8  No.3245957


Reptilian porn laywer.

I love that man! its kek all the way

d36044  No.3245958



that's what you should say after the pray… and your theory sounds like wishful pray. I am not satisfied with ruling out that option.

767c10  No.3245959

File: bf38fcaf5b101a7⋯.png (400.64 KB, 636x470, 318:235, Bannon Rome.png)

Bannon in Rome

Then moments later he’s a dark doomsayer, telling millennials in a speech to ultraconservative activists here that they are “modern-day Russian serfs” who will always be “two paychecks away from absolute financial ruin,” and warning of elites with control of artificial intelligence and genetic engineering who will “redefine what a homo sapiens is” and lead to the “ultimate destruction of the human race.”

“The problem is,” he said, “you deal in a world of no facts, okay, and all you are is spoon-fed: ‘Oh, these guys are fascists.’ ” He ripped “the opposition party media” and “people like yourself, sitting there sanctimoniously telling Trump voters: ‘Not only is Trump a racist, but you’re a racist. Not only is Trump a fascist, but you’re a fascist.’ ”

The interview ended, a little awkwardly. The camera shut down.

Then Bannon brightened immediately, shook the reporter’s hand and said, “Thanks, guys.”


86803e  No.3245960


My question is what have the Boomers become? Are you saying that fucked up people become wonderful and good when they get to be grandparents. You are living in the land of the make-believe, if you want to know the truth.

566915  No.3245961


Good, tossed into the ash heap. I should have done it based on the fact that nearly every name was spelled wrong.

ee9439  No.3245962

File: 67465b680db128a⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot 2018-09-29 at 2….png)

File: 73882b8c1a75e6e⋯.png (698.02 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot 2018-09-29 at 2….png)

File: 608ee9e550153b2⋯.png (1007.64 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot 2018-09-29 at 1….png)

How far away is our nearest star?

Proxima Centauri

Alpha Centauri C [red dwarf], discovered 1915

4.244 lightyears away.[4 ½ years traveling at the speed of light]

[1.301] parsec

1 of 3 in the Alpha Centauri 12,950AU (1.94 trillion km)

and an orbital period of 550,000 years.

At present Proxima is 2.18° to the southwest of Alpha Centauri.

1/7th the actual diamter of the sun.

1/8th the mass of the sun

Avg density 33x more than the sun.

‘Flare star’ ((“random”)) dramatic increases in brightness because of magnetic activity.

The “mixing of the fuel” at Proxima Centauri’s core through “convection and its relatively low energy-production rate” mean that it will be a main sequence star for another 4 trillion years, or nearly 300x the current age of the Universe.



Voyage of spacecraft left our atmosphere at 37,000 mph, it’d take 87 years.



“Must take space time away”

Space can be bent and distorted.

Space time has weight.

“STARDUST”= 6 in every 100,000 particles.

Microscopic grains, Silica [metallic base]

What is Aero-gel?


1840’s [cali gold rush]

At that point in time, less than 10% of Earth’s GOLD had been mined compared to the percent of gold mined TODAY.

90% in 200 years?

Think Ancient Egypt? Russian Golden domes? GOLD EVERYWHERE.

But now days…

We pay a FORTUNE to put a tiny piece on our finger, where’s the rest?

When is the last time you’ve seen a couple GOLD bars?

Dig it up from underground, bring it up top, clean it up, melt it down, turn it into Gold bars,

then bury it under vaults.

Wonderful system, nobody ever sees it.

GOLD UNDERPINS EVERYTHING. But ((they)) are selling it?

The ark of the covenant was nothing more than a conductor.

100,000v immediate capacitor.

golden bowl of White powder [monoatomic gold ormus] [superconductor]

Levitate, travel on its own, gamma rays, etc

“Paradise stone”

The light body's bread.



0c14f8  No.3245963

File: b9c11a19750f600⋯.jpg (133.41 KB, 408x528, 17:22, smells like shill desperat….JPG)

File: 1baf6e533f34669⋯.jpg (192.86 KB, 576x384, 3:2, SHILLS of PLENTY box one s….JPG)

File: ca0687983920d4c⋯.jpg (32.78 KB, 507x421, 507:421, ca0687983920d4c8ed49072cf0….jpg)

File: 3de4a54dc332947⋯.jpg (218.55 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Shill heres an aerial view….JPG)

File: 9786a2a1d573cd4⋯.jpg (139.06 KB, 576x384, 3:2, net pedo fix and shill.JPG)

1df915  No.3245964

File: 1af7e27c5e3e71a⋯.png (267.46 KB, 512x384, 4:3, SpiderCat.png)

0c1081  No.3245965


.38 special 4" barrel with hot loads

35d75a  No.3245966


You're right! It's hopeless! KYS!

969bd6  No.3245967


Is there any hope for any accuracy with that beast though?

57c435  No.3245968


I'm not concerned about a successful overthrow. But when I get from Macro (Countrywide response) to the Micro (Local groups receiving orders to swarm gov't buildings) I can see a reactionary Martial Law that might hole up Americans and thus Anons in their houses while the rabble get sorted out. In that event, prepare to be stuck at home, like what happened after the Boston Bombing.

4bb02c  No.3245969


There are some very good boomers. I know some of them. They did not fall for the shit of their generation. One was rewarded by having his job as a professor taken away from him for not towing the bullshit line. He lived in my garage for several years.

Some of his friends, also professionals with fancy college degrees suffered a similar fate.

I feel for them.

It is the rest of them that I despise and for good reason.

08d7d6  No.3245970



f69301  No.3245971

File: faab7e503924d24⋯.jpg (125.63 KB, 808x768, 101:96, faab7e503924d243c265fc1f69….jpg)


also they have to pay people to protest, pay people to make things up, fake news pretending they are more popular, here is an example.

342b22  No.3245972

File: 96adc5059de1e8d⋯.jpg (23.36 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1538020607.jpg)

3feca9  No.3245973

Wait wait wait, have you shitbirds been arguing all evening about what does or doesn't constitute a boomer instead of digging or plainfagging or rereading drops or literally anything other than having a tism over semantics? I don't care if you're 10 or 100, you're all boomers for acting this retarded.

86803e  No.3245974


Your parents were the exception, of which there are always many. We are not jerks; our Boomer parents were the jerks.

0c14f8  No.3245975

File: 7b5083c508a5dab⋯.jpg (135.3 KB, 576x384, 3:2, WTF Just happened you litt….JPG)

File: 876b591f14e34b3⋯.jpg (130.75 KB, 576x384, 3:2, those 2 women said they ha….JPG)

File: 22ab8d3fba86334⋯.png (438.68 KB, 506x598, 11:13, 22ab8d3fba863341a005dd1600….png)

File: c087581be6c2180⋯.jpg (139.53 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Justice Brett Kavanaugh Wi….jpg)

File: eb349df7d1abcbb⋯.jpg (46.2 KB, 539x960, 539:960, 42378262_1099379756906823_….jpg)

8c1f15  No.3245977



What about it has ever been suggesting POTUS did not say anything that wasn't true?

e8283f  No.3245978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Quick laugh for the Nite Shift.

edac9b  No.3245979


and that isn't their fault

they weren't ready for this mission. we are. We had to go through what we've seen, we had to have the internet. IMAGINE all they got was the NBC and the evening paper. ALL they got, ALL they had access to.

Like Q team, we needed the internet to see it. They've only been exposed to things on the internet for a fraction of their lives. to them, the internet is something not necessary and not quite real. Hell, some of them had party lines for their phones. The newspaper is real, the tv news is real, someone posting a blog on the internet is not 'real'.

Not their fault.

80e09e  No.3245980


I was in the car listening to Foxnews. Listen to his speech after he met with a World leader. Don't remember who it was. That wasn't the confident Trump of the other day. I'm not buying (yet) that this was part of the plan. Q's post last night seems to be along the same lines. I hope I'm wrong. He still looks on the path to confirmation, but now another week to hatch the next scheme. The bad guys used the past week given successfully to buy one more week. Looks like it will cost them votes, but they get them all back and more if they torpedo this.

77aa96  No.3245981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

oh yeah

i keep my tears in a shot glass next to the bed

6a3585  No.3245982


Exactly. Truthfully, outside of hollywood, most radical leftists are very unattractive people. Just take a look at the protesters right now. They all have terrible haircuts, are overweight, have low self esteem, etc. They are basically degenerates.

0084d4  No.3245983



Handoff Confirmed?

Got updated notables, Baker?

8c1f15  No.3245984




tbh I pretty much thought that this 'theory' was considered common knowledge by most who've been around since last Nov - it's been discussed many times and the same conclusion has been reached every single time.

I just recounted past discussions.

9684ef  No.3245985

File: 5185fd1cf34a924⋯.jpg (97.08 KB, 692x768, 173:192, 5185fd1cf34a924a181beeae3b….jpg)

Anon, you're a hero. Never forget that you're a hero and I believe you're a hero. You've come so far, and like Q said.. "The world is watching" and everyday you come closer to the truth. Trust yourself anon, the world needs a hero and that one is you.

566915  No.3245986


I reposted a notable suggestion from last bread to make it easier for phonefaygeles. I have zero interest in the post, just facilitatin'

377eee  No.3245987


This is big anon. My post in LB about the fentanyl I followed through a deep hole tracing the background of her "husbands" company and I came across the following:


The company he had listed, Boston Scientific (also Raychem and Cygus) trace back to two major things:

1) Chinese Government:


2) Stratfor

https://archive.fo/sLqiX (repeated)

Now two things to consider:

a) Stratfor came on our radar in 2014 after the Scalia passing.

b) Fentanyl has been in the news often of late and ops to try to use it as a bioweapon. Most recently linked to, yep, China:


So we have a guy who worked for a company that, in 1996, was creating a fentanyl patch, then he moves to a DIFFERENT company directly connected to fentanyl and China along with the above.

Baker, look at this please, I believe this is considerably a big deal as I may have just narrowed down a four year search we have had. It looks logical to me and suspicious at the very least - national security issue at the most.

43e182  No.3245988

File: d246bc4d182af7e⋯.png (178.19 KB, 1167x552, 389:184, savagePost.png)

File: 3dc47cf4be68439⋯.png (363.41 KB, 550x384, 275:192, deakObit.png)


Looks like Deak and Ralph Sr clown connections got a little traction early on in the Blasey Ford saga. Anons found Deak's obit showing 1 son survivor so not sure how Deak could be CBF grandfather unless the obit is wrong. There are some reports that Ralph Blasey Sr worked for Nicholas Deak. 'Reported to' was how the relationship was described

>The main CIA operative involved in this war, and whom Ralph G. Blasey Jr. reported to, this report details, was Nicholas Deak—a longtime OSS and CIA operative, both during and after World War II, who ran the CIA’s main black budget operations under the direct command of the feared CIA Counterintelligence Chief James Jesus Angleton.


5a27ab  No.3245989


Truth anon! Funny thing is because of my boomer parents I go out of my way to be kind to people, to make sure they know they are seen.

77aa96  No.3245990

File: 16af929bba6ede7⋯.png (334.59 KB, 1352x896, 169:112, spurdoburger.png)

46ad48  No.3245991


i like guns n shiet

94fec6  No.3245992


One cannot generalize or stereotype all in one group. I'm in my late 50's, guess that puts me in that group, but I am very much aware of what the fuck is going on politically and have been aware of government control for many years..most of my life in fact. Been woke long time and in this fight for our true/real freedom. If the left somehow wins this battle we're in, I want out..have had enough

86803e  No.3245993


No. It was their instability. They blamed their problems on me, so it's kinda the opposite of what you said. And I am far from a leftist. Also, you will notice that my sentence is in the past tense.

342b22  No.3245994

File: d6fc461e75aa29a⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 634x310, 317:155, 2DC64EB600000578-0-image-m….jpg)

edac9b  No.3245995


I am exhausted. I have been at this for going on a year, hundreds of memes, and fighting hard on social media especially for the last crazy week, and Im also out pounding on doors for my local rep for upcoming midterms. If I want to hell talk about something else with my only real PEER group, then I will.

What did YOU do today?

cd0235  No.3245996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


566915  No.3245997


No notables thus far. I posted a notable sugg. from PB but it was apparently shit. Didn't really read it.

Thank you good sir! Good night, i'll go to lurk mode.

0c1081  No.3245998


we'll be around as long as we want to spotty. you try to take us out early, we'll kill you…all of you. we can make more of you via your whore slut mothers

699a57  No.3245999


>tbh I pretty much thought that this 'theory' was considered common knowledge by most who've been around since last Nov - it's been discussed many times and the same conclusion has been reached every single time.

You are full of shit

and I've been around since October

1df915  No.3246000

File: 0c921cdb66362e5⋯.gif (562.53 KB, 260x202, 130:101, BugsGFY.gif)

8c1f15  No.3246002



08d7d6  No.3246003


"Almost every post on the boards is attacking Flake. He's a swamp creature, but what he, Grassley, and Reps pulled off in that hearing room was genius.

When they returned after recess …. every Republican Senator was sitting in their seat except Cruz … nearly all of them. Only one of the Dems was in their seat, the rest were standing in the doorway or were in the hallway. A staffer whispers in Grassley's ear and he looks around, first right … Reps all seated, then left, Dems still standing around. Then he hits the gavel, Cruz enters and takes his seat, Dems still standing around. Grassley stares at the door for a while … knocks the gavel a few times, but much quieter than before. Flake enters, whispers something to Grassley in passing and takes his seat."


0c14f8  No.3246004

File: 09aec306b8c824c⋯.jpg (210.11 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Trust the plan God Bless ….jpg)

File: 1c3fed251a74511⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1289x911, 1289:911, 1c3fed251a74511b49ee56fb42….png)

File: c156251ebfa7994⋯.jpg (62.47 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 38774915_2201918993379213_….jpg)

File: 9be17d94614ae31⋯.jpg (174.63 KB, 788x755, 788:755, 1488414116911.jpg)

File: fc7cc1ab640a125⋯.jpeg (97.36 KB, 470x705, 2:3, fc7c.jpeg)

77aa96  No.3246005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

46ad48  No.3246006

Do you guys ever go full introspection mode and think 'damn we the biggest bunch of faggots hangin out on 8ch'? I'm looking at gf at the moment and she has no idea that i spend the majority of my free time here

9acc59  No.3246007


The reason folks don't like generalizations is because they are generally true.

Boomers and Millennials - think mirror.

86803e  No.3246008


The evidence begins to roll in, offered up freely by one of the culprits himself.

ac9afe  No.3246009


I don't think so. That's just rationalization for their desire to stay the comfortable course, not realizing or even caring that their kids and grandkids wouldn't enjoy the same way of life. As my grandmother said: "I'll be gone. Not my problem."

d36044  No.3246010


Hey bro statement like that costed Clinton "Deplorable" revolution… not good to underestimate enemy. we are facing centuries old evil and wealth that basically and most probably owns your mortgage and company you work for and every judge and every high police officer you think drugs trade could exist if they do not their people on every level?

1d458b  No.3246011


Fair enough. Welcome is welcome in my opinion. I guess I will wait and see.

0c1081  No.3246013

File: b4a16510c65350d⋯.png (69.81 KB, 388x400, 97:100, frown3.png)

73e5f7  No.3246014

File: dd48cd234a1a8f0⋯.jpeg (458.02 KB, 800x405, 160:81, serveimage.jpeg)


Reptile porn.

03d47f  No.3246015

377eee  No.3246016



Please review as it was (very) quickly slid. Please verify data for addition to roll.

79a51d  No.3246017


Mitch stalked and bagged [Ford] with the honed skills of an experienced hunter.

Know your quarry intimately…

0c14f8  No.3246018

File: 9a44bc70998eb79⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1050x766, 525:383, My Heroes...along side Gen….png)

File: 22e48cbf1d3ea68⋯.jpeg (67.2 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 22e48.jpeg)

File: 8ccf8d30015673f⋯.jpg (160.02 KB, 576x384, 3:2, What keeps John Brennan aw….JPG)

File: ca059bfc3e0299b⋯.jpg (116.05 KB, 900x750, 6:5, 02995d05250.jpg)

File: 54059695f47aa2a⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 408x528, 17:22, 944017_10205167324088269_2….jpg)

4f0398  No.3246019


please bear in mind, anon, they killed the president in broad daylight. shortly thereafter Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Boomers were traumatized into control. It manifested in different ways.

57c435  No.3246020


Didn't another Anon state that Sen. Flake said he would vote 'Yes' following an FBI investigation? Since the FBI doesn't (or shouldn't) come to conclusions, they gather facts, regardless of the investigation, he will be voting 'yes' so then technically doesn't that mean Kavanaugh is IN, in that case? They all already voted. So all the FBI needs to do is wrap this shit up and deliver a report.

77aa96  No.3246021

File: d241985001a45c0⋯.jpg (59.14 KB, 720x743, 720:743, d241985001a45c0a4a767750c9….jpg)

matching stinkers

9acc59  No.3246022

File: 887b99c348eb8e4⋯.png (188.9 KB, 720x923, 720:923, 41b38993a7f6e15a1ba7eafdc3….png)

File: b6041f07d1b210f⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1013x646, 1013:646, worldwide-oil-import-and-e….jpg)

File: 358233e2597b7f2⋯.png (319.29 KB, 1311x605, 1311:605, All oil producing countrie….png)

File: 0c77dbac814d5be⋯.png (37.19 KB, 1469x628, 1469:628, Oil_imports.PNG)

File: 71b99f9dd3dba61⋯.gif (238.75 KB, 1280x1011, 1280:1011, ShanghaiCooperationOrganiz….gif)

08d7d6  No.3246023


Where does this anon fit in then? Nah I take people one at a time. The x gen/boomer/millennial/whatever stuff has never played a part in my thought process and honestly it just seems like mud.

ac9afe  No.3246024

dbc874  No.3246025


This is bizarre. Thomas Wictor got suspended from the twatter for the JQ…And he wasn't even being anti-semitic about it.


I got suspended for re-twats (I'm assuming, I was a little shithoused, but after days of talking about rape I didn't get suspended until today). FYI: Getting your account suspended no longer makes it hard to look at other tweets. You just can't post/retweet/etc.

3234cd  No.3246026


How long does the system reboot take? Or any other operation, for that matter? There are probably all sorts of interesting effects possible via exploiting time gaps to create strategical delays. Wouldn't surprise me if there are undocumented features that rely on such things.


ee9439  No.3246027


>No notables yet.

are you ignoring this intentionally or are you a shill?





86803e  No.3246028


Me too. My life has always been about giving to others. Sharp contrast.

35d75a  No.3246029


Yeah, don't want that fake commie shit where the families set themselves up at the top, pretending there's equality while manipulating everything to keep everybody poor and miserable.

Better to have fake capitalism, where the families set themselves up at the top, pretending there's free market while manipulating everything…oh, wait.

46ad48  No.3246030

Yo faggots, anyone got any text or examples of how i can explain crumbs, notables, bread etc to my friend? I'm too autistic too explain and articulate myself

b4298c  No.3246031

File: 45c1e0eedfbce8a⋯.jpg (427.32 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Barrett_M107.jpg)


In my opinion no human being could shoot a .50 BMG revolver out of their bare hands and avoid serious injury. But hey, you never know.

Those are typically shot out of extremely heavy bolt action rifles like the M82 Barrett which is classified as an anti-materiel rifle (It's meant for sniping heavy equipment and vehicles; using it on a person is so far beyond overkill that you probably wouldn't be able to bury the guy)

That rifle weighs almost 30 pounds empty and can have up to a 29 inch barrel. Shooting the same rounds out of a revolver with a 2" barrel would probably launch the weapon out of your hand into your face and who fucking knows where the round would go flying during that process!

f69301  No.3246032

File: 47477b4121057b4⋯.jpg (98.94 KB, 620x372, 5:3, 263gm5.jpg)


Have you red pilled her? maybe you can get her into it too, and you can lurk together, kek

77aa96  No.3246033

File: 463246d13bf3dbd⋯.jpg (104.41 KB, 780x1170, 2:3, 1497536902_1.jpg)

8c1f15  No.3246035


you don't get to suggest your own posts as notables anon.

it don't work that way.

77aa96  No.3246036

File: 1cbf347309de3c2⋯.jpg (195.94 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 14929.jpg)

0c14f8  No.3246037

File: da65fa121cb1192⋯.png (569.98 KB, 503x557, 503:557, dkdiiflo.png)

File: df6b91b22b73738⋯.jpg (70.7 KB, 400x514, 200:257, df6b91b22b7373808076ff553c….jpg)

File: 159cc571605d898⋯.png (213.13 KB, 520x364, 10:7, 1db7c56dbfa6fe.png)

File: 5d54e2a628813ae⋯.jpg (103.46 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 5de2a6e2d.jpg)

File: 79836ab200277fc⋯.jpeg (212.22 KB, 1208x752, 151:94, 5a1e1.jpeg)

1df915  No.3246038

File: d18759c81573412⋯.png (392.43 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Go Back to Voat.png)


Take your boomer division faggigng and go to Voat. Faggot.

edac9b  No.3246039


oh they just expect you to do it yourself, the way they did.

Their own parents were broke, starved through the depression, and they suffered through WWII and began the climb away from that. They saw, created, made use of the upward economic circle after WWII. They worked hard and made it. They gave their kids a good start..but they expected that their kids and grandkids would vacate at 18, and work as hard as they themselves did, to receive the same rewards.

They could not know that the same opportunities were not going to be there.

77aa96  No.3246040

File: a6f5fe1a37beb90⋯.jpg (58.08 KB, 466x700, 233:350, 1459874641_pishnogrydaja_b….jpg)

803ef2  No.3246041

File: 0f1d2f8ef8dcb95⋯.png (51.88 KB, 100x488, 25:122, 4d396820721af6f0b6a2fb6bc4….png)


Lisa J. Banks lost her poker face in the bottom pic. "Ooh we fucked now.")

20260f  No.3246044

Oldfag here. Old as in 42.. and no 42 is not a fucking boomer you yougtard fuckstains! A boomer is my dad that can out-code any of you twatwaffles. If you are new to this battle the D's play book the Q speaks of is right here: https://archive.org/details/RulesForRadicalsSaulAlinskyOCR/page/n0

You do not want to click it search “sal alianskuy rules for radicals pdf” Home work read it..


Who has stated or has read it?

0c1081  No.3246046

File: 785e24bd516e300⋯.jpg (46.41 KB, 381x480, 127:160, h1n1_hu_n (2).jpg)


those stockings are so tawdry…

3feca9  No.3246047


Called a bunch of anons boomers for having a really retarded argument. It's been a long, productive day.

20260f  No.3246048



b4298c  No.3246049

File: dd5e546f0bfb0e4⋯.jpg (805.6 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 1171986462863.jpg)

File: deeb8a17a97acbf⋯.jpg (352.18 KB, 1632x1224, 4:3, 1216503767151.jpg)

File: 1dcfe64e9f200b9⋯.jpg (4.29 MB, 4272x2848, 3:2, 1237740764888.jpg)

File: 7c531feff961843⋯.jpg (273.68 KB, 1200x869, 1200:869, 1329530776152.jpg)

File: 60b86a0295544c8⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 479x351, 479:351, 1400668262035.gif)

ab1a1b  No.3246051


You are right.

But i had to dig at least something:

Poll Finds Majority of West Virginia Voters Want Kavanaugh Confirmed

A new poll finds that 58 percent of voters in West Virginia think Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed to the Supreme Court following his testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

The Public Opinion strategies poll commissioned by the Judicial Crisis Network found an overwhelming majority of West Virginians (59 percent) thought Kavanaugh’s testimony was more believable than Christine Blasey Ford, who accused the federal judge of sexually assaulting her more than 35 years ago at a drunken high school party. Those who believe Kavanaugh include 81 percent of Republicans, 43 percent of Democrats and 62 percent of Independent voters.

A large number of West Virginia voters, 33 percent, said Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin’s vote on Kavanaugh would impact their decision as to whether or not they would re-elect him. Manchin is currently in a competitive race against Republican candidate Patrick Morrisey, whose campaign released an internal poll showing the race between the two was in dead heat.


77aa96  No.3246052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

46ad48  No.3246053

Your daily reminder that normies will not change rapdily. Decades of brainwashing doesnt disappear within a year

43e182  No.3246055

File: 5d345a17b19d483⋯.jpg (17.02 KB, 500x201, 500:201, eclipselogo.jpg)

File: 2a3efea2eddf993⋯.png (142.15 KB, 787x526, 787:526, Screenshot from 2018-09-21….png)

File: 91924e97ade0f37⋯.png (550.08 KB, 1000x630, 100:63, Screenshot from 2018-09-21….png)

File: 66c0dc9bda4edc5⋯.png (107.77 KB, 959x598, 959:598, Screenshot from 2018-09-21….png)


agreed big.

Blasey Ford is a major rabbit hole. Saving your Chinese govt stratfor connections. I dug Boston Scientific last week and hit Eclipse Foundation. Check out their old logo.

One of these two websites had a timeline that crashed my browser but looked like it had a ton of information



86803e  No.3246056


You are not a Boomer. You are not in that group. I had a friend in graduate school your age. He defined himself as first-year GenX. He was woke as fuck back then. I was comatose.

0c14f8  No.3246057

File: 9d90df3fd907b59⋯.jpg (216.47 KB, 576x384, 3:2, amy klobu circus freak sho….JPG)

File: 182a009d6bfcc7d⋯.jpg (66.43 KB, 640x480, 4:3, senate-judiciary-democrats….jpg)

File: 5bad8925ee5ce91⋯.png (12.67 KB, 479x200, 479:200, dkdidolp.png)

File: 34f6b37e6b1a9c1⋯.png (311.97 KB, 492x487, 492:487, kfifolp.png)

File: d722b627523663b⋯.jpg (46.38 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 42570054_1443282882472411_….jpg)

Photo-Op CLOWN Amy Klobuchar embarrassing Minnesota as in the Democrat's Judiciary Circus Freak Show! Your behavior, actions are appalling, and unfit for any public office!

We Demand the House Ethics Committee investigate (Narcissist Alleged Serial Woman Abuser, Antifa Supporter, who has ties with hamas, moslem-brotherhood, cair, Iran & Louis Farrakan), KEITH ELLISON…for domestic violence.

The allegations against Keith Ellison are serious, troubling, and corroborated. There are multiple allegations of domestic violence from two women, a 911 transcript and medical records to back up the allegations.

Soros-Linked Group Will Spend Millions To Stop Kavanaugh

Progressives have formed a new political outfit to mobilize left-wing energy on judicial confirmations, including Judge Kavanaugh

The group, Demand Justice, is financed and administratively supported by the Sixteen Thirty Fund

George Soros’ advocacy network has given millions to the Sixteen Thirty Fund in recent years

A new political advocacy group that vowed to put $5 million behind an effort to stop Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court has significant ties to the liberal financier George Soros.


18845d  No.3246058


If ever

9684ef  No.3246059

File: 51cbe793417ceb9⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 51cbe793417ceb942de36adca4….png)


Just tell them to lurk moar.

0883b6  No.3246060

File: 9cd15a1d0bcb5ad⋯.png (1.24 MB, 954x1028, 477:514, Screenshot_2018-09-29 Pres….png)

File: 088d2618176059a⋯.png (583.15 KB, 952x1059, 952:1059, Screenshot_2018-09-29 Pres….png)

File: 80af15edf7a09c6⋯.png (922.74 KB, 952x1240, 119:155, Screenshot_2018-09-29 Pres….png)

File: 638021fe0d6163e⋯.png (1.54 MB, 593x633, 593:633, 638021fe0d6163e93e781b9f06….png)

File: 5a4f55217a3ff1d⋯.png (851.94 KB, 1237x927, 1237:927, Rajavi and Jackson-Lee.png)

Marxist Iranian terrorist leader Rajavi

Saudi intel


Jackson Lee

1df915  No.3246061


Well explain to me why you guys smacking on boomers, when it's clear there are boomers here, accomplishes a single fucking thing. You are dividing. Stop it. If I was a boomer, I'd be very tired of it by now–and it accomplishes nothing. Prove me wrong.

2698c8  No.3246063

File: 509faf895d41a09⋯.jpg (43.76 KB, 467x464, 467:464, Chad-Stuff-17.jpg)

Why all the hate for Boomers?? They suck at about the same rate as everyone else except for peeps born between '72 & '81. We're a breed apart. The kids 16'ish and younger are great too, and then most of the rest of the population is struggling. And if a Boomer is on here, give them props, they broke out of their conditioning and are now Anons. KEK!!

8c1f15  No.3246064


all good. Don't particularly care about getting notables - and like I said I was just recounting what I (and apparently at least 1 or 2 others) consider info that should be common knowledge to older anons.

0c14f8  No.3246065

File: 09a549fdb07c5d9⋯.jpg (13.07 KB, 255x173, 255:173, 6b36aa9637fdbbee9219295e67….jpg)

File: c794bf08e27595c⋯.png (190.8 KB, 527x656, 527:656, 5a35cfb9fc96ea549e4c848977….png)

File: 159cc571605d898⋯.png (213.13 KB, 520x364, 10:7, 1db7c56dbfa6fe.png)

File: 38d15f5e92de90e⋯.jpg (78.9 KB, 424x452, 106:113, 38d15f5e92de90e709d3fd773d….jpg)

File: b7bc015f366897d⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 360x452, 90:113, b7bc015f366897d23e56fe3a54….jpg)

22b35e  No.3246066

File: 759eef44b506d2e⋯.jpg (62.03 KB, 913x469, 913:469, Burt Reynolds.JPG)

0a2e6c  No.3246067

File: 9cfbc860b25df80⋯.jpg (487.67 KB, 1200x554, 600:277, attacks.jpg)


Shills gonna shill.

f69301  No.3246068


me too anon,, been here almost a year, have made hundreds of memes, and i just started volunteering with the GOP, making phonecalls.

I really wanted to help locally in RL. I was so fucking happy when the Trump campaign called and asked if i wanted to help, ( was like fuck yeah, i was about to call you, kek did not say that, but thought it)

also i can make calls from home, so i can still lurk and multi task, kek

8c0a06  No.3246069


commies infiltrated board

stupid commie fuckers

go back to the rock you came out from

0c1081  No.3246071

File: 76bca455e20942f⋯.jpg (77.12 KB, 618x960, 103:160, shitmouth.jpg)


stfu youngster. I can tell from your limp prose that you don't know shit 'bout nothin'

77aa96  No.3246072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

77aa96  No.3246073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

94fec6  No.3246074


Can you point him here to lurk? Maybe Voat is a bit easier for fren to look into? The old great awakening from reddit if someone has archived was great source of dumb'd down version of here..

5a27ab  No.3246075


I have. Studied the tactics well. That's why I rag on boomers. They fell for it, all of it. My parents still can't understand that the world is not what they think it is. They don't understand the true evil actually exists. They just assume everyone thinks like them.

77aa96  No.3246076

File: 0329bfea7053b4a⋯.jpg (191.83 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 2009-04-22-lrg.jpg)

b168cf  No.3246077


test nigger

c877a9  No.3246078


Not only that but who says he can't change his mind? The excuse that getting mugged by a harpy upset him is right there.

So I'm not going to assume anything until they actually vote on something.

d93eb1  No.3246079


Where is the sauce on this?

1d458b  No.3246080


It should be working now. I backed up the system so I can go back to that restore point. My dad was an early programmer (punch cards) and so I have a basic understanding of the importance of optimization as to where the data is written on the disc etc.. I usually find it best to run the program, if it crashes, look at where it crashed and fix the issue. I think the problem was I never thought to just reboot the system… was such a simple solution to a seemingly complex problem.

86803e  No.3246081


>The reason folks don't like generalizations is because they are generally true.

Fucker. You just made me spit half my chamomile tea across the kitchen! That is an instant classic quote. Are you sure that's not Yogi Berra?


c0ca3e  No.3246082


WTF did I just watch???

ee9439  No.3246083


what is the "it" you are referencing and who the fuck are you to say what we do here at qresearch?

6679da  No.3246084

File: 568d06d4372bf83⋯.jpeg (356.19 KB, 925x1235, 185:247, 3A7C2863-82FD-4170-BE45-0….jpeg)

File: 743fb6513beb570⋯.jpeg (365.17 KB, 925x1235, 185:247, 0AA34B20-F215-4C7D-BB2B-E….jpeg)

77aa96  No.3246085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

377eee  No.3246086


It would make a lot of sense that what we are speculating would want to be hidden by any means necessary. It is, basically, the production of delivery methods for a pharma now attributed to a huge spike in ODs and is directly connected to a foreign government funding the research. It's big, huge actually and I have never used that word to describe anything on /pol/. I think this is it and this is the issue at hand anon, gut feeling we are in the galaxy with this one. Hopefully Q can give a nod or not because this is very big if it is indeed true as it directly links many things.

9acc59  No.3246087


The interesting thing is that they couldn't even be bothered to give us a name lol. Generation SLAVE. Well to be honest, just between you and I, being sandwiched between two sets of emotive power mad selfish delusionals ought to be enough to alienate anyone and to rub it in…all we have EVER heard is muh blacks muh Latinos muh wimmins issues muh muzzies muh homos muh immigrants

if you are a white Gen X male it's more than clear where we stand.

and you see Blacks and latinos and muzzies rape and abuse our women and keep it all hushed up dont't you all?

4bb02c  No.3246088


>Well explain to me why you guys smacking on boomers, when it's clear there are boomers here, accomplishes a single fucking thing.

As a group, they have it coming. They fucked shit up so bad, that even they can't deny it.

86803e  No.3246089



1713b8  No.3246090

75f07d  No.3246091


Keep something in mind.

Back in the day, there was not fucking INTERNET.

Imagine trying to figure shit out when all you have is TV, radio, books and magazines.

YOU try to figure shit out with that. Not easy.

03d47f  No.3246092

File: 33adedda02807ec⋯.jpg (113.83 KB, 1300x861, 1300:861, a3b261b1440708a1b2b48859cf….jpg)

342b22  No.3246093

File: 77ddb9e3f3d33cc⋯.jpg (119.81 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1536362355.jpg)


Ashcraft is full of shit too.

0084d4  No.3246094


One can be 100% certain the envelope did not contain money. SJL never let go of a dime without strings attached to it. Greediest "Queen" of all time.

c0ca3e  No.3246095


Yeah, I read that. Which is what prompted me to post what I did. I watched the whole thing on Thursday and he basically had a meltdown on camera, had to stop speaking. But it makes no sense why that happened. He seemed distraught ABOUT KAVANAUGH and what was being done to him…just wondered if anyone else saw it

0c14f8  No.3246096

File: 2bea48591270ba9⋯.jpeg (150.16 KB, 750x1142, 375:571, 2bea48591270ba9a808345623….jpeg)

File: 8f3454e3feab4ba⋯.jpg (45.1 KB, 750x773, 750:773, 42646710_2964738913573696_….jpg)

File: 1ecaa66fe8f0e7f⋯.jpg (72.82 KB, 720x960, 3:4, jduuiko.jpg)

File: ca6a332f0711fdc⋯.jpg (79.04 KB, 720x960, 3:4, llopkilo.jpg)

File: a611bdf60908edd⋯.jpg (127.17 KB, 576x384, 3:2, dfl congress deepstate rin….JPG)

35d75a  No.3246097


They look like actors out of character before they take the stage to play their parts.

94fec6  No.3246098


Kek..in the ballpark age-wise tho

8c1f15  No.3246099


'it' in this context means asking, suggesting, or in your case, demanding, your own posts as notables.

Basically famefagging.

now bye.

4bb02c  No.3246100


Commies… Kek.

If by commies, you mean jews, I will agree with you.

505cc1  No.3246101

File: 677b5d2598d2f37⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 65264a73bceaabc6a436d7b7f0….jpg)

0c1081  No.3246102

File: b0b022df95d93ca⋯.jpg (191.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, wtf.jpg)


your dad has a great band…for fags

1d458b  No.3246103


dayum son

77aa96  No.3246104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

57c435  No.3246105


Can you change your mind after a presidential election? I was under the impression once a vote is cast, a vote his cast. He said Yes, if an FBI investigation takes place. Then President Trump ordered a supplemental to the background check. Qualifications met.

0c14f8  No.3246106


Real awful actors that audiences are refusing to see, in those roles…ever again.

Red Tsunami

46ad48  No.3246107


RATM is against the machine until its Trump

77aa96  No.3246108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1cb159  No.3246109

If Dems hate all white men…and if all white men are "racist and bigoted rapist"…

WHY would they need their VOTE???

I think there is some MEME potential here for november election…

59377d  No.3246110

File: 935e01f88a52fd9⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1638x867, 546:289, 38944907480789776632167432….png)

File: 85b219df77cbf3f⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1620x855, 36:19, 737643732179166755687632.png)

File: a5bdf9d8bcfc6a2⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1698x762, 283:127, 85767655364535432654367680….png)

File: 316c1b1dfd8bca1⋯.png (1.1 MB, 711x693, 79:77, 73526393659629276789134397….png)







You can see the square outlines where the upper eyelashes were photoshopped in.

3feca9  No.3246111



Do you both own a MUSIC⚡BAND t-shirt or do you just take turns wearing the one?

86803e  No.3246112


Oh, sorry. I did not realize we have boomers here. I will stop telling the truth. My bad.

1d458b  No.3246113


ebot says the system is jammin' right along$

35d75a  No.3246115


Who gives a shit? Oh, you, making sure to not miss an opportunity to respond to nothing burgers with your sledge hammer.

074720  No.3246116


I suggest to try not to worry about it. I feel Kav will be confirmed by the end of next week, at the latest. Worst case scenario, he doesn't get confirmed and POTUS picks another good judge.

Either way, when SCOTUS comes back into session on Monday, they will NOT take on any significant cases until a new justice is seated. SCOTUS does not want to have an important case end in a 4-4 tie and revert back to the lower court ruling. They have scheduled cases this way many times before and they will schedule more insignificant cases early in the schedule. However, there is no reason Kav won't be seated, so he will miss out on a few lesser cases. The only worry is if a justice doesn't get confirmed before the midterms.

I, for one, have confidence that the Repubs will hold what they have after the midterms, if not gain. If that is the case, we're good for getting SCOTUS back on a true constitutional track. My opinion only, of course.

77aa96  No.3246117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

77aa96  No.3246118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

342b22  No.3246119

File: 37d46c3e3195a0c⋯.jpg (634.76 KB, 800x625, 32:25, 1535498261.jpg)

46ad48  No.3246120

Is there a correlation between me finding anime chicks cute and mental illness?

77aa96  No.3246121

File: a51b8833f12efe3⋯.jpg (78.36 KB, 780x1170, 2:3, 1497536825_12.jpg)

8c1f15  No.3246122

File: 8f98f452ba52d12⋯.png (273.88 KB, 718x1592, 359:796, ClipboardImage.png)




Item #: SCP-87867

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: There is currently no known way to contain SCP-87867 with modern technology. Massive Class-A amnestic distribution is currently underway to alleviate the most drastic effects of SCP-87867's anomalous properties.

Description: SCP-87867 is a humanoid approximately 1.8796 meters tall and weighs 90 kilograms. It seems to take on the form of a light-orange skinned Caucasian male with a blond toupee, and prefers to be called "Donald Trump." It possesses extremely strong memetic and mind-affecting properties, able to drive hundreds of thousands of civilians to support its radical ideas and do its bidding, most notably [REDACTED].

SCP-87867 has gained a foothold in [REDACTED] in the United States of America, and is currently the [REDACTED]. It has been within the U.S. social elite for nearly 40 years as the current Chairman of The Trump Organization, which is believed to be a front for its memetic and mind-affecting activities.

"This feels like it's some kind of absurd political statement, but please take this man seriously. The memetic qualities have been researched and quantified. His charismatic effect, though apparently minor, could reasonably sway thousands of people in his direction. There's no telling the harm he could cause if he manages to work his way into a position of power, especially in a country as powerful as America." -Dr. Clef



**HRC's entry is long enough I had to screenshot n post it.

1718fe  No.3246123


stupid shit…there are always boomers here…you new?

3f8468  No.3246124



Prevention is better than a cure so make sure you don't start.

35d75a  No.3246125



You've missed my point, the whole show looks fake, the next boxcar in the train of distractions.

1d458b  No.3246126


I am sure of it, check the DSMV

57c435  No.3246127

Why would Dems demand an FBI investigation if PS, LP & co have been fired? Could this have been allowed in order to weed out any leftover rats by scrutinizing the method in which this investigation is carried out?

2bdc41  No.3246128

File: 0a10be57414300c⋯.jpg (386.86 KB, 1069x998, 1069:998, IMG_101.jpg)

86803e  No.3246129

File: a38377aeeaa7427⋯.jpg (17.95 KB, 400x300, 4:3, palpatine.jpg)


I can feel your anger.

c877a9  No.3246130


That wasn't the question being voted on, he was just whining about the next vote.

As to how the Presidential order works, I don't know.

d50e90  No.3246131

File: d3198c9c14172ea⋯.png (371.99 KB, 399x527, 399:527, ClipboardImage.png)

b5ba71  No.3246132

File: 7dc2d77321b7b75⋯.jpg (87.18 KB, 960x724, 240:181, toppest kek.jpg)

c0ca3e  No.3246133


Ok, why am I supposed to care?

0c1081  No.3246134


you've never spoken a true word in your entire pathetic piss-stained life. your boomer parents tried hard but your DNA was damaged by your mother sucking off syphilitic iron workers before she met your old man, and he was a fag to begin with

9684ef  No.3246135

File: e1f8b6c49585b28⋯.png (900.83 KB, 1133x865, 1133:865, hi.png)


But in seriousness, just give them a basic run down. Military intelligence is using chan imageboards as a means to seed information about the draining of the swamp or overthrow of deep seated corruption within the United States government and its infiltration of nations worldwide. They saw the effectiveness of the chan imageboard's ability to maintain a cohesive culture and atmosphere of free speech. This environment and its ability to influence the mainstream population through social media and internet myth/legend was seen as admirable enough to stoke the curiosity of intelligence agencies worldwide and has been monitored for some time.

>input alphabet agency memes

Because of the notorious imageboards it was the perfect place to create a counter culture movement to help combat the sociological manipulation found on the mainstream channels. Through this medium of anonymity and free flow of speech with its unique culture of repulsion against commonality found in other social media platforms it is the perfect catalyst for a social rebellion against the programming brought forth from project mockingbird

>explain project mockingbird

This military intelligence claims to have maximum security clearance; anything goes. To shield the God Emperor from any media attacks this imageboard is the best place to maintain plausible deniability and insulate him from any repercussions during the dialog and transfer of "inside information". The crumbs detail a list of events taking place in a silent war against the deep state worldwide. This deep state's main weapon of operation is the media and propaganda in all forms including and not limited to social media, advertisement, entertainment and business; which includes all products, goods and services.

e8283f  No.3246136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A little bit about humanity. Ted Bundy, serial killer and soon to be politician had female groupies. I suspect these groupies are now hating on Kavanaugh.

86803e  No.3246137


New word for little retarded boy: 'sarcasm.' Look it up, little retarded boy.

8c1f15  No.3246138

wow, a lot of bitchy anons (shills) on tonight

02d88b  No.3246139


16 post of crap, nothing but causing division. ignore or filter this shill

55a020  No.3246140


Haven't really been around much for the past week. Been keeping up on the news and Q's posts, but not much else.

As I've stated before, not too worried about the Kavanaugh confirmation; several recent notables just confirm what we had already established when his name first came up: Kavanaugh has deep ties to the swamp. As much as this anon likes many of his stances, those ties are worrisome–you don't get much closer to the Bush's than he was. As much as he may believe that government workers should be held accountable by military courts for colluding with the enemy, he would certainly have to recuse himself for a number of potential cases that might come up, given his past relationships.

It's time to step away from the battle and take a look at the war–what's happening here? This Kavanaugh bullshit has been dragging on for weeks now. Why would POTUS delay it, and keep us in suspense over the declas?

POTUS and Qteam have been remarkably composed and magnanimous this whole time. There's no call to fire up the memes & get something going for Kavanaugh. Why would that be? The answer is simple: everything is under control.

I don't think any normie could watch this nonsense and not get angry at the Democrats. They may not be going online to vent on Social media, but believe me: they're seeing this, and they're not liking it one bit. So it makes sense that the reason POTUS has chosen not to declas is either a) this is exactly what was planned, or b) this is having an effect that is worth waiting for.

Personally, I'm pretty sure that it's a), but it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is "what's our role in all this, and what can we be doing to make it better?"

In either case, the answer is to help foment the outrage that is waking up the normies. That means portraying Kavanaugh as a perfect, hard-working man that's about to have his dream shattered by the Democrats for no good reason. It means venerating him, emphasizing his good traits, and reminding everyone of the facts: four witnesses identified by the accuser have all denied this every happening.

The declass will happen when it happens, but we've got plenty of ammo right now–let's keep our focus on reminding people of what an injustice this is, of what kind of people make up the power in the Democrat party. Fully half the population don't care about the facts as much as they're driven by their emotions–this moment speaks to them…because an apparently good man with a wife and children is being totally fucked for an ideology. It's not a good look for the Dems, and we should take the opportunity to provide good lighting on them.

6d547a  No.3246141

We need to work unitedly against evil and for good! It takes coordination and co-operation to drain a swamp.

Inspired lessons on working together for good taken from the book "The Desire of Ages" chapter 30.

Jesus reproved His disciples, He warned and cautioned them;

but John and his brethren did not leave Him; they chose Jesus,

notwithstanding the reproofs. The Saviour did not withdraw from

them because of their weakness and errors. They continued to the

end to share His trials and to learn the lessons of His life. By

beholding Christ, they became transformed in character.

The apostles differed widely in habits and disposition. There

were the publican, Levi-Matthew, and the fiery zealot Simon, the

uncompromising hater of the authority of Rome; the generous, impulsive Peter, and the mean-spirited Judas; Thomas, truehearted, yet timid and fearful, Philip, slow of heart, and inclined to doubt, and the ambitious, outspoken sons of Zebedee, with their brethren. These

were brought together, with their different faults, all with inherited

and cultivated tendencies to evil; but in and through Christ they were

to dwell in the family of God, learning to become one in faith, in

doctrine, in spirit. They would have their tests, their grievances, their

differences of opinion; but while Christ was abiding in the heart,

there could be no dissension. His love would lead to love for one

another; the lessons of the Master would lead to the harmonizing of

all differences, bringing the disciples into unity, till they would be

of one mind and one judgment. Christ is the great center, and they

would approach one another just in proportion as they approached

the center.

When Jesus had ended His instruction to the disciples, He gathered

the little band close about Him, and kneeling in the midst of

them, and laying His hands upon their heads, He offered a prayer

dedicating them to His sacred work. Thus the Lord’s disciples were

ordained to the gospel ministry.

As His representatives among men, Christ does not choose angels

who have never fallen, but human beings, men of like passions

with those they seek to save. Christ took upon Himself humanity,

that He might reach humanity. Divinity needed humanity; for it

required both the divine and the human to bring salvation to the

world. Divinity needed humanity, that humanity might afford a

channel of communication between God and man. So with the

servants and messengers of Christ. Man needs a power outside of

and beyond himself, to restore him to the likeness of God, and enable

him to do the work of God; but this does not make the human agency

unessential. Humanity lays hold upon divine power, Christ dwells

in the heart by faith; and through co-operation with the divine, the

power of man becomes efficient for good.

He who called the fishermen of Galilee is still calling men to His

service. And He is just as willing to manifest His power through us

as through the first disciples. However imperfect and sinful we may

be, the Lord holds out to us the offer of partnership with Himself,

of apprenticeship to Christ. He invites us to come under the divine

instruction, that, uniting with Christ, we may work the works of


“We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the exceeding

greatness of the power may be of God, and not from ourselves.” 2

Corinthians 4:7, R. V. This is why the preaching of the gospel was

committed to erring men rather than to the angels. It is manifest

that the power which works through the weakness of humanity is

the power of God; and thus we are encouraged to believe that the

power which can help others as weak as ourselves can help us. And

those who are themselves “compassed with infirmity” should be

able to “have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out

of the way.” Hebrews 5:2. Having been in peril themselves, they are

acquainted with the dangers and difficulties of the way, and for this

reason are called to reach out for others in like peril. There are souls

perplexed with doubt, burdened with infirmities, weak in faith, and

unable to grasp the Unseen; but a friend whom they can see, coming

to them in Christ’s stead, can be a connecting link to fasten their

trembling faith upon Christ.

We are to be laborers together with the heavenly angels in presenting

Jesus to the world. With almost impatient eagerness the

angels wait for our co-operation; for man must be the channel to

communicate with man. And when we give ourselves to Christ in

wholehearted devotion, angels rejoice that they may speak through

our voices to reveal God’s love.

4cb827  No.3246142


and you can't share what you figure out


0621ff  No.3246143

File: f21141877045f4f⋯.jpg (17.01 KB, 224x284, 56:71, Reptinatti.jpg)


Best I got at the moment..

43e182  No.3246144


Linking anons fentanyl Cygnus Blasey research. Rabbit hole indeed. Create a fentanyl patch flood the country with fentanyl. Sounds like a clown op

>>3245987 (pb)

8c1f15  No.3246145

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, somuchtextgirl.gif)

ac9afe  No.3246146


When the opportunities were not there, they didn't give a shit, didn't protest except for their SS benefits, and are so dependent on their bullshit walking 5 miles through the snow narratives and the pride and praise received from it, that they want to watch everyone suffer these days so they can feel proud while they age.

35d75a  No.3246147


So, do you visit your granny in whatever facility she's warehoused in?

4bb02c  No.3246148


ID 86803e is funnier than shit, and has a brain for days.

e8283f  No.3246149


Thank you. Twas needed.

1718fe  No.3246150

File: 112acc01d2aff19⋯.jpg (17.35 KB, 250x255, 50:51, c33d73fe32d9239c8c14aca608….jpg)


All that has spewed from your mouth is cynicism, hate and division.

So go fuk yourself cumbag.

9acc59  No.3246151

File: 1251ba059b1019a⋯.jpg (13.27 KB, 185x272, 185:272, SlaveryConvincedCivilWar.jpg)

File: 4911aa5ec596919⋯.jpg (117.45 KB, 608x595, 608:595, Pedocrimes_by_officials.jpg)

File: 196562f20022fdb⋯.jpg (64.71 KB, 640x504, 80:63, VoterID50.jpg)

File: bb79d85870052a9⋯.jpg (134.09 KB, 875x656, 875:656, IllegalAliensBordersDisres….jpg)

File: e867f3db69138af⋯.jpg (218.45 KB, 1440x1748, 360:437, BlackDemsCatchSlave.jpg)

43e182  No.3246152


time for sleep

link to Cygnus Blasey Fentanyl research

>>3245795 (pb)

>>3245795 (pb)

86803e  No.3246153

File: 41375807329f347⋯.jpg (30.57 KB, 300x371, 300:371, bruno.jpg)


Oooh, hehe. Angry boomer.

0c1081  No.3246154


hehehehehe…i tricked the stupid nigs working at the facility and they're holding my traitorous nephew, at least until the glue wears off

8c1f15  No.3246155

File: c03ee0240b71ce3⋯.png (157.25 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

0c1081  No.3246156


nah, just drunk and shitposting

86c43c  No.3246157


No, you're seeing the borders between JPEG chunks.

185f68  No.3246158

File: 7a139e7590a4b09⋯.jpg (19.46 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ea6f751ed3646c42ac06a99060….jpg)


These will never make submission, but a nice read regardless.

86803e  No.3246159


Nope. Just truth. And…no thanks.

1d458b  No.3246160

alright ebot, my popcorn is ready, what you got for us

57c435  No.3246161

I wondered if the delay of BK's confirmation was allowed because RR and DJT are working something out. Perhaps not a deal for RR, but maybe a deal for his family, like Ohr was doing. Is there a benefit to having some things exposed and addressed pre-BK as opposed to post-BK?

803ef2  No.3246162

File: 7d0b88032967745⋯.jpg (153.19 KB, 900x700, 9:7, Evil Be Gone.jpg)

8c0a06  No.3246163


same shit yes

anyone heard anything on the IG Report we have been waiting for

or will we all be dead before it comes out

86803e  No.3246164


I can respect that.

18845d  No.3246165


The boomers probably won’t make it

ab1a1b  No.3246166


It is logical, but this is what makes me unsure:




2df60c  No.3246167



Was AM going to use her signs to create a distraction that would lead in Kavanaugh getting hurt and was she recording the hearing to show people what security was like? But she was caught by police before she could do anything.

f69301  No.3246168

something i was thinking about earlier.

Lots of celebs who support abortion are also into PETA and against cruelty to animals.

so would they be okay with taking a dog or cat a few weeks before they give birth( usual a dog for example is pregnant 65 days) and giving it an abortion( pet population, or owner does not want puppies)

So are they okay with taking the puppies or kittens out, without anesthetic, leg by leg, piece by piece like they do to human babies?

Prove they are disgusting hypocrites, that they value how a puppy feels pain, over that of a human baby

8c1f15  No.3246169


it's kinda amusing to me that when looking up HRC SCP Foundation on goog multiple results had to do with criminal records and such…

Sometimes reality is trying so hard to tell you something… wonder what…

ac9afe  No.3246170


Laura Bush just sitting there stupefied and smiling as usual.

4bb02c  No.3246171

File: 7b184459835a84f⋯.png (346.38 KB, 298x403, 298:403, skelly.png)

2c5e8b  No.3246172


1964 was the last year of boomers.

4cb827  No.3246173

File: 33dd7843c4d35e4⋯.png (414.27 KB, 1248x658, 624:329, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)


earlier today


75f07d  No.3246174


Think about what happens after the declass. [RR] is out. Whoever takes his place also takes over the Special Counsel op, and has access to whatever [RR] set up as the scope for the SC. All of that will become public.

Something will happen with the SC. Either it is terminated, SC turns around and goes after HRC, or tries to go after POTUS.

Whichever way the wind blows, that shit is going to go to the SCOTUS.

So, they need Kav in there before they declas or really do any big moves.

4bb02c  No.3246175


Yay! The last year of boomer production.

There really is a god!

9acc59  No.3246176

File: ef5154a38769713⋯.jpg (128.23 KB, 686x636, 343:318, AfricanAmericanBrigadierGe….jpg)

File: 0c8108d25b03593⋯.jpg (71.93 KB, 500x500, 1:1, FeinsteinFlewRebelFlag.jpg)

File: 330bf3f4cf2cf35⋯.jpg (331.32 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, BlackSchoolsFunding-MSM.Ig….jpg)

File: 1bf095a74fbd8e5⋯.jpg (205.85 KB, 1200x1266, 200:211, MuslimBrotherhoodInfiltrat….jpg)

File: cb710923372cef9⋯.jpg (154.4 KB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, cb710923372cef9f1147804563….jpg)

#METOO = pound me too.

0c1081  No.3246177


we hope you are correct. the world today is nothing like Jefferson Airplane predicted. we've had enough

e8283f  No.3246178


>But you identify as a feminist—isn't men killing, raping, and eating women kind of the opposite of feminism? Or is it the fact that this is exactly the kind of thing you're not supposed to find attractive that makes it appeal to you so much?

>I am a radical feminist who also happens to be highly attracted to people that abuse and murder women. Oops. I actually don't find Dahmer attractive any more, I like Bundy and Ramirez a lot better, ha-ha.


86803e  No.3246179



35d75a  No.3246180


You wouldn't be a sock puppet by any chance.

4cb827  No.3246181


sounds like a PERFECT 4chan meme campaign.

adds decrying the injustice of forced pet abortions

8c0a06  No.3246182



I really hate these sick fucks

4bb02c  No.3246183


Do you know what a sock puppet is?

0c1081  No.3246184


time for you young assholes to produce equally good music.

d36044  No.3246185

Newfags are tweeting whole night how Tucker Carlson said reptilians, pedophiles, satanists, sacrificing babies hahha even as a joke that made their heads spinnin

377eee  No.3246186

File: 6aea76c54c21f03⋯.jpg (991.24 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 1.jpg)

File: a212cf75e8e8887⋯.jpg (809.08 KB, 2500x2500, 1:1, 2.jpg)

File: f5e137ee76bd10d⋯.jpg (855.11 KB, 2674x3400, 1337:1700, 3.jpg)


>If Dems hate all white men


8c0a06  No.3246187


Booms during the rally tomorrow?

4bb02c  No.3246188


You hate us, or the people holding up the IG report?

8c1f15  No.3246189

File: 36474e2a0165e60⋯.png (40.36 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

35d75a  No.3246190


Are you asking a stupid question?

253f1b  No.3246191

BARACK in Hebrew means LIGHTNING. O'BAMA means AND HEIGHT. Luke10: 18 AND he said unto them, I beheld Satan as LIGHTNING fall from Heaven.

I have a bad feeling in my heart that we are in the biblical end times.

57c435  No.3246192


Since the majority of Leftists are high in neuroticism and are primarily ruled by emotions, I think it would have a potent effect to see a puppy aborted partial-birth style. However, since I am against abortion, I am now bound by my morals to say I don't wanna back that display.

ac9afe  No.3246193


Boomer jews are the worst dividers.

0c1081  No.3246194

File: 66d41ca4776dd55⋯.jpg (26.23 KB, 439x363, 439:363, frens.jpg)

08158a  No.3246195

File: 5c843de1a641b41⋯.jpg (24.11 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 5c843de1a641b4140e6acb2002….jpg)


POTUS remark on Kavanaugh a boom?

d36044  No.3246196

How come MSM is not getting frenzy about China meddling in our election?

2bfeb0  No.3246197

File: 7e7fa982d8e79af⋯.jpg (78.15 KB, 601x338, 601:338, Tired_Pepe_still_watching.jpg)

File: 88ec038a279e982⋯.jpg (71.28 KB, 601x317, 601:317, Pepe_Playing_LOB_w_Dolls.jpg)

File: 4bba0263acb616e⋯.jpg (141.81 KB, 601x338, 601:338, Pepe_ADM_R_Killer_Instinct….jpg)

File: 698b0880d13f5bf⋯.jpg (48.96 KB, 427x322, 61:46, JUSTICE_K_Headlock_Blument….jpg)

File: 59f539cf920cc42⋯.jpg (120.14 KB, 594x380, 297:190, LOB_Pepe_POWER_Trumps_Demo….jpg)

Special delivery for the night shift!!

Nice trippy bread!!

4bb02c  No.3246199


Forgive me, but most people on this board yell shill, and they have no idea what a shill is.

Fucking parrots.

Yes or no?

18845d  No.3246200


The first tiny drips enter mainstream consciousness

8c1f15  No.3246201



Existential threat, so nothing you can do about if that is the case.

Live a good life and don't worry about things like that.

36c6b9  No.3246202

File: 10d5a36f794e014⋯.png (13.34 KB, 215x325, 43:65, GFM-CBF--Donation-Totals..PNG)


BIG donations on Friday. Interesting.

GoFundMe: Help Christine Blasey Ford

09/19/2018 donation total: $17,385 (3.3%)

09/20/2018 donation total: $41,874 (7.9%)

09/21/2018 donation total: $42,412 (8%)

09/22/2018 donation total: $21,975 (4.2%)

09/23/2018 donation total: $17,770 (3.4%)

09/24/2018 donation total: $18,109 (3.4%)

09/25/2018 donation total: $5,426 (1%)

09/26/2018 donation total: $3,551 (0.7%)

09/27/2018 donation total: $4,166 (0.8%)

09/28/2018 donation total: $355,647 (67.3%)

Grand Total: $528,315

FULL DATA DUMP & GoFundMe Meta Data


[Top 100 Donators]

Phil Lesh donated $10,000

Trevor Price donated $2,500

Deborah Lindsay donated $2,000

Relly Davidson donated $1,200

Agustina And Michael Lodoen donated $1,000

Broadway Cares donated $1,000

Carol Westfall donated $1,000

Christine Jhabvala donated $1,000

Jay Anderson donated $1,000

Jez Humble donated $1,000

John Boynton donated $1,000

Kathy Franklin donated $1,000

Lara Oerter donated $1,000

Sandra Eisenbeisz donated $1,000

West Harrington donated $1,000

Richard Wikberg donated $800

Amy Hald donated $500

Catharine Wells donated $500

Claudia Schloss donated $500

David Hornik donated $500

Dennis Winger donated $500

Diane Lovejoy donated $500

Eileen Lindburg donated $500

John Santeler donated $500

Karen Sherwood donated $500

Kristina Johansson donated $500

Laura Loe donated $500

Lawrence Rosenthal donated $500

Lila Hope donated $500

Linda Greenberg donated $500

M Kristina Peterson donated $500

Mary Little donated $500

Mary Luddy donated $500

Mary Mcdermott donated $500

Nicole Scott donated $500

Peter Schink donated $500

Price Floyd donated $500

Richard Talmadge donated $500

Rob Harryman donated $500

Robert Evans donated $500

Robert Richards donated $500

Ruth Compton donated $500

Tony Cheng donated $500

Wendy & Vincent Drucker donated $500

Yvonne Lu donated $500

Elizabeth Pierson donated $490

Greer Goodman donated $400

Diane Willkens donated $335

Mary Ann Emanuel donated $333

Catherine Keener donated $300

Deborah Parsons donated $300

Kathy Greene donated $300

Linda Mcclung donated $300

Nicolas Roussel donated $300

Shirley Steele donated $300

Diane Nassir donated $270

Alan Preston donated $250

Aleksandar Totic donated $250

Allegra Carpenter donated $250

Amy Knowles donated $250

April Dukes donated $250

Bob Simons donated $250

Cate Marino donated $250

Charline Spektor donated $250

Conor Jordan donated $250

Daniel Bennett donated $250

Dick Walvis donated $250

Edith Mossberg donated $250

Eileen O'Kane Kornreich donated $250

Jane Scribner donated $250

Jeffrey Liroff donated $250

Jenny Warburg donated $250

Jill Eastlake donated $250

John Irving donated $250

Judy Aptekar donated $250

Kimberly And Dwight Lowell donated $250

Lar Kaufman donated $250

Lavinia Dimond donated $250

Louisa Batiuchok donated $250

Marc Atkins donated $250

Marc Atkins donated $250

Margie Farber donated $250

Mark Herschede donated $250

Mary Ellen & John Lundsten donated $250

Mary Powell donated $250

Melvin Radowitz donated $250

Missy Reller donated $250

Miye Takagi donated $250

Neil Bainton donated $250

P Miyoko Sato donated $250

Pamela Murphy donated $250

Richard Goheen donated $250

Richard Ogawa donated $250

Robert Clayman donated $250

Robert Klein donated $250

Ruby White donated $250

Sharon Hendricks donated $250

Sharon Reynolds donated $250

Steven Allen donated $250

Susan France donated $250

Tracy C Rand donated $250

9daf39  No.3246203



b95717  No.3246205

So, you're blaming your generations problems on the previous generation. You are playing an age-based identity politics game and you don't have the balls to admit it. You are just an angry, hypocritical cunt bent on causing division amongst Patriots. You don't belong here. Go back to whatever Soros funded organization you came from.

97b009  No.3246206

File: 70e87e5ca90fcd7⋯.jpg (99.45 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, AM.jpg)

86803e  No.3246207


Thanks, brutha. You just made my night.

8c0a06  No.3246208


the ones holding potus and us hostage

"These People Are Sick"

0c1081  No.3246209


what colour is parrot shit? hmmm?

377eee  No.3246210


>Kavanaugh has deep ties to the swamp.

Shut the fuck up. This isn't Reddit, Fagbook or Twatter and not a single anon is going to buy your bullshit nudging attempt.

8c0a06  No.3246211


fuck replied to self

going to bed

hopefully tomorrow big booms

2c5e8b  No.3246212


Go on then. Enlighten us. What year do you think ithr baby boom ended?

505cc1  No.3246213


You should know better then to google such terms anon. Are you trying to invoke a Keter class event!? Report immediately for reassignment to Class D personnel.

4bb02c  No.3246214


I was in the music industry for years.

Boomers went and fucked that up too.

Even screwed their own.

It got so bad, I had to resort to law school.

I am one hell of a guitarist.

08158a  No.3246215

File: 0fc2d1df0304e1c⋯.jpg (69.73 KB, 640x847, 640:847, 0fc2d1df0304e1c3a5a538c93f….jpg)


Anons can smack on anyone, wangdoodle.

If (You) take offense, you're identifying with a group rather than being an anon.

377eee  No.3246216


Yeah it's a huge deal. Day shift is going to have a stroke when they see this.

59377d  No.3246217

File: d853a5373d3ca15⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1575x861, 75:41, 39279475436661267439455675….png)

File: 85b219df77cbf3f⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1620x855, 36:19, 737643732179166755687632.png)

File: 935e01f88a52fd9⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1638x867, 546:289, 38944907480789776632167432….png)

35d75a  No.3246218


Did he really say that shit?

75f07d  No.3246219


That dipshit thinks the Baby Boom generation was from March 1942 to June 1943.

0c1081  No.3246220


if you could play good, you would have succeeded.

it's obvious you're a loser and should be looking for a career in the food service industry

ac9afe  No.3246221


Which one?

The classified redacted, classified unredacted, unclassified unredacted, unclassified redacted, classified modified redacted, classified modified unredacted, unclassified modified redacted, unclassified modified unredacted?

465ecb  No.3246222

File: d8ff963b7530052⋯.jpg (73.62 KB, 1024x1001, 1024:1001, Bundeskanzlerin-Merkel-tri….jpg)

File: 81b4987a9c91481⋯.jpg (102.77 KB, 601x599, 601:599, 81b4987a9c9148194de016ea01….jpg)

Hook-A-Hey Anons.

Are there any thoughts on what Trump might have told Merkel when they first met?


It's all a bit confusing in Germany at the current stage.

How deeply involved is Merkel with the DS?

Does she know about the big plan?

Puppet with no clue what's going on?

d36044  No.3246223


I am suspicious regarding Tucker Carlson hw was prepping us about secret tapes in hotel 'airbnb taping guests' but it seems that was diverted. He was playing some 'censored' clips of LV shooting… also he was playing aliens thing… also he has 'Whats going on with men in America" alluding on big Pharma and enviro poisoning that made men in America almost sterile… that's all legit seeding… but sometimes I have feeling he is picturing exactly what left wants us to see? Am I alone?

377eee  No.3246224


Because China owns them. Not kidding, China is literally invested in all of them.

803ef2  No.3246225

File: e170656b60e64bd⋯.jpg (511.45 KB, 900x2166, 150:361, 1.jpg)

A woman accused of selling foster kids for sex on the weekends has been indicted on charges after a Boston 25 News investigation in May.


Saugus youth worker indicted for prostituting a minor after 25 Investigates report

8c1f15  No.3246226

File: 37e9cf770b7eb29⋯.png (206.79 KB, 550x473, 50:43, ClipboardImage.png)

8c0a06  No.3246227



>BIG donations on Friday. Interesting.

>GoFundMe: Help Christine Blasey Ford

baker notable

b95717  No.3246228


Who in the hell cares!? Fuck off! Get the hell off this board!

86c43c  No.3246229

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


I don't want to make a slide out of this. So I'll just give you this video.

This is mandatory viewing for any autist, or wannabe autist, who is analyzing photos.

19e908  No.3246230

Bob Goodlatte 29SEP18-

As part of our joint investigation into decisions made by DOJ in 2016, today I subpoenaed Glenn Simpson to appear for a deposition.

We’ve also invited James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Stuart Evans, Richard Scott, Sally Moyer, and Mike Kortan as witnesses. Will subpoena them if necessary.

9acc59  No.3246231

File: a0f654a2b097008⋯.png (973.45 KB, 1311x571, 1311:571, Screenshot-2018-6-20 Jeani….png)

File: 758fa5213484519⋯.png (53.53 KB, 203x117, 203:117, 12- YouTube.png)

File: 15c50d708e806dd⋯.png (48.66 KB, 640x374, 320:187, 15c50d708e806dd524b8042fb6….png)

File: a2b2d378f27d232⋯.png (920.49 KB, 1366x588, 683:294, Screenshot_2018-06-28 Lisa….png)

File: b7201303a27e868⋯.png (62.33 KB, 640x502, 320:251, b7201303a27e868fc0ca9cb702….png)

f69301  No.3246232

File: da32ff33e970a7f⋯.jpg (87.23 KB, 926x766, 463:383, image-20170410-8858-q5ph4w.jpg)

File: eda8e07b71e403b⋯.jpg (44.15 KB, 750x568, 375:284, tan-mom-1.jpg)



i guess all the white people saying that, need to go culturally appropriate another race, so they are no long horrible white people, or they should go jump off a cliff, thereby ridding the world of their whiteness, kek or they can get their balls removed and tubes tied( oh wait alot of them have had their balls removed, kek)

they could go all rachel dolezal , or take the tan mom route, kek

08158a  No.3246233

File: 7fd224aff96fb91⋯.jpg (922.66 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 6c88d3548e52a88497a4e0a483….jpg)


To keep it in context, day shift has strokes over a closed freeway lane.

253f1b  No.3246234


>>>3246191 (You)


>Existential threat, so nothing you can do about if that is the case.

>Live a good life and don't worry about things like that.


I'm not worried… I know we can't alter fate. But I feel like I need to warn and prepare people.

Can anyone explain what in God's name is the deal with JK and 666 Fifth Avenue? Did anyone get to end of that rabbit hole?

57c435  No.3246235


I thought those lawyers were working Pro Bono? Why would she need that much money, then? Or am I wrong?

af13cf  No.3246236

File: 6e45cd016626d70⋯.jpg (94.27 KB, 1199x661, 1199:661, WhoIsFord.jpg)

Ford is CIA

Her brother works for the lawfirm that spawned FusionGPS

Her father ran the CIA

She's playing at being dumb

377eee  No.3246237


Look at this anon, holy fuck… just happened and MSM didn't even mention it. I am right with my research, it all makes sense. It's connected to pharma grade fentanyl and China. Everything adds up on its face:


377eee  No.3246238


Local news article:


6d547a  No.3246239


Yes! Teamwork!

d36044  No.3246240



f10b67  No.3246241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Best niggerlarp ever

94fec6  No.3246243


but sometimes I have feeling he is picturing exactly what left wants us to see? Am I alone?

Fox is MSM but much better than the rest but I'm certain the higher up have him filtered to a degree

75f07d  No.3246244


Interesting. Her house was reported as being worth $2.8 million, and both lawyers have stated on the record that they are charging her nothing. She didn't even pay for the fake polygraphy.

Hell, she had no idea what anything was costing or who was paying, when she was asked.

Considering she is wealthy and has zero expenses, why does she need a Go Fund Me unless it is a payoff?

d36044  No.3246245

File: 82036c23df12423⋯.mp4 (923.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 5ME2KW_eT5h3a7GW.mp4)

b5ba71  No.3246246

File: f45212abb6db59d⋯.jpg (18.51 KB, 294x229, 294:229, give me that.jpg)

9daf39  No.3246247

File: 86acdf66ff5002d⋯.jpg (314.32 KB, 900x728, 225:182, 48djfskfj328390ie0i4topwei….jpg)

803ef2  No.3246248

File: acc352a8b7b1abd⋯.jpg (211.99 KB, 900x921, 300:307, 1.jpg)

File: ae70ab22861b42d⋯.jpg (208.41 KB, 900x914, 450:457, 2.jpg)

FDA approves first treatment for advanced form of the second most common skin cancer


ec7fd4  No.3246249

File: f96cd644b792bc6⋯.png (126.44 KB, 1245x683, 1245:683, Screenshot 2018-09-29 00.5….png)

48d568  No.3246250

Tesla Trump Titor leads to Q

b95717  No.3246251


Damn you're a whiney cunt! If you're my age bitching and about retro music you are NOT a worth a damn on the guitar.

57c435  No.3246252


I think it would behoove the FBI to look into the profiles of the individuals making the donations, if that were the case.

ac9afe  No.3246253


Why? Did you just mow it?

8c0a06  No.3246254




>>fentanyl and CIA connections to Ford

baker notable

75f07d  No.3246255


Simpson recently declined an invitation. This time, it is a requirement.

Also, Feinstein leaked secret testimony of Simpson when he testified before under the promise of secrecy. She released it without the committee's authorization – same as Ford's letter was leaked by someone.

1cb159  No.3246256

File: 554b2383695a6a6⋯.png (317.23 KB, 431x600, 431:600, ClipboardImage.png)


we need more stuff like THIS:

08158a  No.3246257

File: b207bfe3aefb18f⋯.jpg (52.33 KB, 459x547, 459:547, b207bfe3aefb18f55fcbc9a784….jpg)


Am disappoint. Thought you were talking about a beaver.

fad814  No.3246258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not a revolver but…

9dad1f  No.3246259


That is just stupid enough to work KEK

75f07d  No.3246260


Q's recent drop about Feinstein in China … related?

ac9afe  No.3246261


hahahaha kek

1d458b  No.3246262


i'm in

48d568  No.3246263

We see YOU!

57c435  No.3246264

China -→ Fentanyl -→ Pharma -→ CIA -→ Difi? Way off the mark?

9acc59  No.3246265

File: a0155d610cadef0⋯.jpg (66.3 KB, 927x198, 103:22, a0155d610cadef0ab4672c4c8c….jpg)

File: 4425732fc353b54⋯.png (49.41 KB, 731x842, 731:842, 4425732fc353b54384a5c251d0….png)

File: 34c565a020f37bf⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 687x503, 687:503, 3a3ee8f5721c9ccdd755e461a0….jpg)

File: 7418ce682b58556⋯.jpg (124.89 KB, 703x1052, 703:1052, b692423ecba14dac8703431c35….jpg)

File: 7ab3ee1ad933ac6⋯.jpg (30.13 KB, 546x640, 273:320, 7ab3ee1ad933ac64512f55c196….jpg)

4c4a7c  No.3246266

File: f2744a6efbb92e1⋯.jpg (31.97 KB, 450x600, 3:4, crabmsg.jpg)


fentanyl ain't shit. we sprinkled a bunch of it on our steamed crabs cause we were out of Old Bay. then we went out and caught a mess of fish and left them in the boat to rot.

c0ca3e  No.3246267


No, we see YOU!

7a3323  No.3246268

Q, please confirm if Linux CoC controversy is related to possible Internet shutdown? Many devices run on linux kernels.

bce193  No.3246269

File: 14263a0bd764b1c⋯.jpg (66.16 KB, 626x881, 626:881, baker1.JPG)

File: 48d8a33d5d0caa4⋯.jpg (67.53 KB, 719x863, 719:863, baker2.JPG)

File: 339e422013c7283⋯.jpg (82.61 KB, 624x900, 52:75, baker3.JPG)

File: 1428de152083c65⋯.jpg (45.37 KB, 436x565, 436:565, baker4.JPG)

File: 167199e0f81e22f⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 353x516, 353:516, baker5.JPG)

Bewbs for the night shift…Thank you for your work Anons…….

377eee  No.3246270


I seriously cannot understand how you unintelligent logs of dogshit under a bum's shoe connected to pieces of regurgitated Paris Hilton phlegm just can't comprehend at this point that this is /pol/ and none of your tactics mean even an ants cock worth of anything to any of us. We laugh at you, we laugh at your dysfunction and cries for racism, sexism and every other "ism'. You mean absolutely nothing not just to us but to the entire planet. Your worth is legitimately nothing in every facet of every category of every quantification of every single thing in society. We don't care about your opinions, your LARP/Shill shit won't work here and you are quite literally wasting your already boundless amount of free time due to your lack of any significant life event or accomplishment. So I feel I can speak for /pol/ as one of the older members from the founding when I tell you to go fuck yourself.

af13cf  No.3246271

File: b4d6afa56f035e1⋯.jpg (133.3 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, Q_1.jpg)

8c1f15  No.3246272

File: 372fd131148138a⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef478d98035e5f4⋯.png (4.53 MB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d42473e8556754⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1024x685, 1024:685, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb73038a1d7e9f8⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, ClipboardImage.png)

there's been a disturbing lack of gingers tonight

9daf39  No.3246273


I see YOU looking at me looking at YOU.

9dad1f  No.3246274


To beat a Beta male you must think like a beta male…

I love the psychology behind that post.


377eee  No.3246275


That is how my research sees it, yes.

8c1f15  No.3246276


if they aren't 'right' already, then it's too late to change their fate.

c0ca3e  No.3246277


it isnt /pol/ tho

1d458b  No.3246278


oh yea. those fuckers are dumb as shit. they eat it up.

af13cf  No.3246279

File: b09b2ef321b8827⋯.jpg (92.65 KB, 1200x798, 200:133, blackbird airforce.jpg)

803ef2  No.3246280

File: c82d312fe4fcf39⋯.jpg (245.4 KB, 1614x1086, 269:181, 1.jpg)

Mattis Plans Trip to Meet With French Leaders, Attend NATO Conference


1713b8  No.3246281

File: e447044c674d8a9⋯.png (93.68 KB, 2460x759, 820:253, aa322ebb-d0d2-4226-8f82-a2….png)


WTF is this shit? (pic related)

This is what I got when I opened the article.

c0ca3e  No.3246282


no you do not

1d458b  No.3246283


that's badass. I hear them taking off all day from the AFB but never do see a thing…

af13cf  No.3246284

File: c364482c821537f⋯.png (16.86 KB, 180x255, 12:17, bread.png)

803ef2  No.3246285

File: 9c58bbc85818d63⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 1200x1608, 50:67, The_Frog_with_the_Golden_H….jpg)

9acc59  No.3246286


reeks of kike

566915  No.3246287

File: b4e86a5be759c8a⋯.jpeg (40.42 KB, 500x333, 500:333, download.jpeg)

Tonight feels different from other nights. It really feels like a calm before the storm.

Where are all the diggers, the night shifters and the usual crowd? I feel like I walked into the wrong party.

0084d4  No.3246288


You're on a European server or VPN, apparently. They're attacking your free speech rights by putting restrictions on the platforms. But the Euros are cucks, anyway, and let shit like this happen all the time.

48d568  No.3246289

File: 3b4739715c28c5f⋯.jpeg (348.26 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, DCE637F2-A433-4E20-84EE-B….jpeg)

901bbc  No.3246290


No, I didn't like tonight either? He called Avenatti reptilian and then immediately asked what was next for Kav? Democrats are hoping that more baseless allegations will emerge…. fantasies of gang rape, human sacrifice or child trafficking or ritual satanic abuse.

Saying these are fantasies linked in the same sentence of 'reptillian' is poisoning the well since this is the very Truth we are trying to get out to normies.

08158a  No.3246291

File: 422ed1765ab4f58⋯.png (398.82 KB, 595x595, 1:1, JeromeNeedsTie.png)


Am in disguise tonight, anon.

ac9afe  No.3246292


That doesn't work. You have to attack their perceived strengths logically to make them uncomfortable and appear stupid and weak.

b5ba71  No.3246293

File: 5bf728d719a93e8⋯.jpg (106.65 KB, 640x517, 640:517, eagle memes.jpg)

0084d4  No.3246294

#4111 (Baker Change)

>>3245987, >>3246055, >>3246237 Anons dig on Ford's husband, Stratfor, Eclipse Foundation, and Fentanyl

>>3246060 MKO, Saudis, SJL, and MOS

>>3246202 Lying about GOP nominees is big business; Kav's accuser's gofundme haul

>>3246248 The cures; advanced treatment for prevalent skin cancer

Notables, so far

Pretty weak notables for a night shift. I'm guessing beer is involved somehow.

335d99  No.3246295




White men have contributed nothing to society. Except maybe…




Modern medicine

Representative republic





Light bulbs




Classical Liberalism

Modern cartography

Space exploration


And only about a million other things. Fuck white males.

35d75a  No.3246296

4c4a7c  No.3246297


/pol/ is mainstream now. even the fishwife down at Costco has heard of /pol/…yesterdays news

f10b67  No.3246298


yeah threads full of boomers sharing titty pics. more than usual

af13cf  No.3246300

File: ed11cb263406b05⋯.jpg (48.65 KB, 350x515, 70:103, jeff flakes.jpg)

c0ca3e  No.3246301


K…but this still isn't /pol/

c877a9  No.3246302



8c1f15  No.3246303



Don't mistake Fox for being on 'our' side. They are still MSM. Even with Hannity, be careful.

Notice, Q says 'watch' hannity, not 'TRUST' Hannity

19e908  No.3246304


um.. Computers & webz

and Led Zeppelin

9acc59  No.3246305

File: 9d7825ad7e96d5d⋯.png (896.26 KB, 1366x588, 683:294, Screenshot_2018-06-28 Lisa….png)

File: ec746b780b8b5e5⋯.png (707.68 KB, 1366x588, 683:294, Screenshot_2018-06-28 Lisa….png)

File: 452db489255b2cc⋯.jpg (205.29 KB, 793x1024, 793:1024, 452db489255b2cc8179224a1b7….jpg)

File: 6faf2162d0099ae⋯.jpg (236.48 KB, 864x1105, 864:1105, 2ceef9409d8d204627f33c4360….jpg)

File: 55e9fa9d0b6da37⋯.png (479.63 KB, 784x500, 196:125, 1d36b1406381fd9ae869ab3382….png)

9daf39  No.3246306


Qresearch is not what it used to be. The good old days of massive digs are over. Nowadays its all "you are a shill!!!" and boobs. Sad.

7a3323  No.3246307



I believe this one isn't pasta. Looked for it, couldn't find it anywhere else. This comment is definitely original and I love it. Kek

43e182  No.3246308


Mockingbirds got a psyop to run anon. gotta convince everyone Brett is a gang rapist.

c877a9  No.3246309


well at least there are boobs

08158a  No.3246310

File: bfe89e46088ec72⋯.gif (62.78 KB, 281x379, 281:379, bfe89e46088ec7230aa7785184….gif)


8chan is in a sad state when you'd rather see a good June Cleaver pic than a nipple.

4c4a7c  No.3246311


no it's not - we're better than /pol/

1713b8  No.3246312


Thanks. Wow. I've only had an IP in Europe for a couple days. First experience with this. How sad! Time to move back.

f69301  No.3246313

File: 6e85ceab7a9e44d⋯.png (210.92 KB, 1300x980, 65:49, c4D5Vj.png)


right after the 2016 election. Jill stein had a go fund me page for the recount. A friend of mine tracked it, and found out it donations were coming in at a steady stream of 160,000 an hour, 24 hours a day,,, so even at 2 am in middle of night,, it was obvious bullshit.

They used fake names, ( bot accounts from Soros)

they were all small donations, 20, 50 , 100 , but sure as fucking clockwork, the cash came in until it reached almost 10 million.

can't find my other graphics atm that showed it.

9a08e9  No.3246314


The determining flow of history is slower than the rate of generational turnover.>>3245938

377eee  No.3246315

File: 629345b402a3afc⋯.png (468.78 KB, 1167x617, 1167:617, Screenshot (5691).png)

File: 3f77eb041fdbac2⋯.png (103.73 KB, 767x621, 767:621, Screenshot (5692).png)

File: 7560aa654ca6873⋯.png (59.99 KB, 797x617, 797:617, Screenshot (5693).png)

File: bd52fa17afc2b7f⋯.png (50.74 KB, 865x583, 865:583, Screenshot (5694).png)


Archive won't allow me to archive it, here are the shots. Just to note, this has happened now several times the past few weeks alone. A big one in Canada, one in NorCal, this one here and another in NYC. This is where the Ford issue connects through her husband.

335d99  No.3246316




Not a comprehensive list. Invite input! List away!

faac36  No.3246317


She knows, handpicked decades ago. She literally came from nowhere and managed to oust the previous DS puppet Kohl from the leadership position of her party. I suspect she is actually a product of East-German intelligence.

My impression is that both Merkel and Macron believe they can sit it out and maintain Europe as a bastion of globalization. Delusional just as their handlers.

c877a9  No.3246318


well it is now :D

7ea0e3  No.3246319


Anon it means , they have all our data and when you want to see said data you can't.

Surprised? Ukfag here

c0ca3e  No.3246320



8c1f15  No.3246321



Apparently you weren't around during the #releasethememo timeframe then…

This is mild compared to then - or, the gore/gaypron attack shit posts.

43ebd8  No.3246322

File: 27e28db9bee60d9⋯.png (158.03 KB, 1131x707, 1131:707, lexx1.png)






377eee  No.3246323



Of course.

1713b8  No.3246324


Thank you!!!

ab3696  No.3246325

File: 5054cdf4db00ac9⋯.jpeg (27.65 KB, 330x374, 15:17, 11730B9C-1BB6-4A45-ADCE-3….jpeg)

08158a  No.3246326

File: 40b5d42f35c7549⋯.jpg (32.89 KB, 474x355, 474:355, dfe59d9c463c66817935b69e27….jpg)


Time for moar goar to scare off the newfags?

253f1b  No.3246327

One thing that bugs me is when Clinton listed Trump as the Pied Piper candidate….

Pied Piper.

a leader whom people willingly follow, often, specif., one who leads others into danger or trouble by means of elaborate, false promises

0580b0  No.3246328


The Cock and Ball Torture Society

3b7f3c  No.3246329

File: 85b219df77cbf3f⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1620x855, 36:19, 737643732179166755687632.png)

File: d853a5373d3ca15⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1575x861, 75:41, 39279475436661267439455675….png)

File: a5bdf9d8bcfc6a2⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1698x762, 283:127, 85767655364535432654367680….png)

File: 316c1b1dfd8bca1⋯.png (1.1 MB, 711x693, 79:77, 73526393659629276789134397….png)


bullshit, the only areas on the photo that has 'chunks' is where her upper eyelashes are.

are your eyelashes squiggly?

she has no lower eyelashes.

just a coincidence.

4cb827  No.3246330

File: 81a6f55c8eaade2⋯.png (75.12 KB, 1068x442, 534:221, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: c2763315b8ffe25⋯.png (42.77 KB, 627x209, 3:1, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

ANONS someone on my FAGBOOK finally uploaded an anti-kavanaugh article.

took me 4 minutes to make my buddy look stupid with a twitter capture from the author in 2016


761f68  No.3246331

File: 62d5ab2b43440f7⋯.jpg (106.4 KB, 1024x914, 512:457, daffyduck.jpg)


35d75a  No.3246332


The majority of a generation embraces the same culture that they are fed. Since before Gutenberg, since before bread and circuses.

377eee  No.3246333


It isn't a pasta. Likely will be now though, have at it anons. Usually all I do is dig here but the Kavanaugh pedo shit has me pissed and niggerlip McGee and their bullshit kikerism pissed me off.

4cb827  No.3246334

File: e756b1399368c3c⋯.jpg (164.65 KB, 1069x646, 1069:646, liberalowned.jpg)



79a51d  No.3246335

File: 1e39686a6d312ca⋯.png (991.35 KB, 327x1032, 109:344, GoFundMe~Christine Blasey ….png)

File: 121f8918d8c674c⋯.png (991.35 KB, 327x1032, 109:344, GoFundMe~Christine Blasey ….png)


Top 100

c0ca3e  No.3246336


Kek. Squiggly eyelashes

9acc59  No.3246337

File: 970b712915c4951⋯.png (1.14 MB, 836x1718, 418:859, Screenshot_2018-09-05 Bake….png)

File: cea971c98c64513⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 967x5440, 967:5440, Screenshot_2018-09-05 Coun….jpg)

File: 91c7b5602148f82⋯.jpg (48.68 KB, 960x636, 80:53, electre_fair_use_stfu_33-1.jpg)

File: 32621620bfb18e9⋯.jpg (59.81 KB, 530x298, 265:149, 193696.jpg)

File: d678004e80df57d⋯.jpg (11.37 KB, 303x171, 101:57, th.jpg)

ac9afe  No.3246338


I thought Tony Danza raised her better than that.

e60b7b  No.3246339


In a previous bread, an anon was lamenting

>>3226711 (pb)

>Forgot PB / LB, I will retire into my box of shame

Adds a bit of user javascript to mark the previous bread links in a different color.

This is based on the full qresearch.js javascript package, with all the bells and whistles, colored posts, blacklists, floating toasts,post total count. I added a tweak to the offbread links in posts a different color. The current color is blueish/greenish, flavor to taste.

Other changes mostly consolidate the variables to change things like:

- the Q tripcode is in one location, for easy update, change it in 1 spot, and is used where needed.

- ignores the catalog for applying the javascript, a little speed optimization when in the catalog.

- no NOPE button in /patriotsfight/ page or in valid Q posts (has a bug, sometimes it appears in the /qresearch/ post. have not yet debugged).

- change the NOPE button label to WWG1WGA.

The uncompressed source with comments is in https://pastebin.com/Z3MndV2t

The compressed source for loading w/o comments is in https://pastebin.com/cyTXJC0H

af13cf  No.3246340

And there it is…..

Woman Who Confronted Flake In Elevator Runs Soros-Funded Organization

Ana Maria Archila, one of the women who confronted Jeff Flake on the elevator at the Capitol after he said he was voting for Brett Kavanaugh, is the co-executive director for the Center for Popular Democracy and the Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund.

The Center For Popular Democracy is heavily funded by George Soros. The organization also identified Maria Gallagher to the press as the other woman confronting Flake.

Here is Ana Maria Archila on the Center for Popular Democracy website.

Share Tweet

Ana Maria Archila, one of the women who confronted Jeff Flake on the elevator at the Capitol after he said he was voting for Brett Kavanaugh, is the co-executive director for the Center for Popular Democracy and the Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund.

The Center For Popular Democracy is heavily funded by George Soros. The organization also identified Maria Gallagher to the press as the other woman confronting Flake.

Here is Ana Maria Archila on the Center for Popular Democracy website.

take our poll - story continues below

Whom do you consider to be the most corrupt Democrat Politician?

Latest: Facebook Marks Articles About Data Breach As "Spam" on Facebook

The Free Beacon previously reported: “George Soros is one of the largest funders to the CPD. Soros provided the CPD with $130,000 from the Foundation to Promote Open Society in 2014 and $1,164,500 in 2015. Soros provided an additional $705,000 from the Open Society Policy Center in 2016.”

Here are the three biggest funders of the CPD, according to a 2014 document. The Open Society Foundations ranks third:

“CPD’s three biggest funders are:

Wyss Foundation

Ford Foundation

• Open Society Foundations”


08158a  No.3246341

File: 0784ddf04d06931⋯.jpg (81.68 KB, 760x428, 190:107, scotus.jpg)

File: c8b9f8d072567ad⋯.jpeg (155.25 KB, 960x748, 240:187, 123455.jpeg)

In the wake of all the allegations, remember what's really in play, anons.

94fec6  No.3246342


Consider the source..hilldawg conniving lying filth scum pedovore

19e908  No.3246343


Thomas Wictor had a long thread going about how she was taking distance photos and tweeting to accomplices to set up K for a fall


c877a9  No.3246344


I snagged it so you might see it again on /pol/

b95717  No.3246345


Your arrogance equals that of Obama. Your cluelessness equals that of Pelosi. Your hypocrisy equals that of all Leftists. You are a shit stain on this board.

af13cf  No.3246346

File: ff6dd9361cfb8c5⋯.jpg (48.79 KB, 640x571, 640:571, algore.jpg)

566915  No.3246348


I was there and feel bad for BO having to get rid of all that awful this that was being posted. It was relentless.

QR has been great recently, I just notice that it's very quiet and seems like the adults have left the building to get some rest before all hell breaks loose.

43e182  No.3246349


Linda Cockroach Sarsour. within the 10th overall first twitter follows for one of those soros cunts that made Jeff flake out

ab1a1b  No.3246350

Lawyer Bromwich

From the perspective of the Left, the goal of this process is less about proving or disproving guilt on the part of Kavanaugh. It’s about creating and using anything to delay a confirmation vote until after the November midterms.

The strategy of the Left is not without risk. It’s entirely possible that Ford’s allegations are discredited in the process, but from their perspective, the re-opening of the FBI background investigation is about keeping the process of delay alive.

Which brings us to the appointment of Michael Bromwich to Ford’s legal team. Ford testified that her initial two lawyers, Debra Katz and Lisa Banks, were recommended by the office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Exactly how Bromwich came to be added to her legal team is not entirely known. Ford has testified that she does not know how her legal team is being compensated.

The addition of Bromwich was noteworthy for a number of reasons. Bromwich currently represents former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. While representing McCabe, Bromwich worked as senior counsel at Washington law firm Robbins, Russell, Englert, Orseck, Untereiner & Sauber. However, when Bromwich agreed to represent Ford, his partners were so opposed to his decision that they required Bromwich to immediately resign from the firm.

Bromwich’s background is equally notable. From 1994 to 1999, Bromwich was the Inspector General for the Department of Justice. In 2010, Obama selected Bromwich to “lead the Administration’s efforts to accelerate reforms in the regulation and oversight of offshore oil drilling.”

Bromwich also served as the antitrust compliance monitor for Apple in connection with its entry into the market for ebooks. Apple at the time issued a formal objection complaining of the rate being charged by Bromwich. “Of all known past Apple matters, no lawyer has had a higher rate than Michael Bromwich’s proposed hourly rate of $1,100,” Apple said in court filings. Bromwich was selected for this position by the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. Preet Bharara was the U.S. District Attorney in charge at the time.

On Aug. 22, 2018, Bromwich tweeted an article from Bloomberg, “The Prosecutors Who Have Declared War on the President.” In his tweet, he noted:

“Proud SDNY alum here. So many Angry Republicans, Independents, and Dems in that office. They’re on the march and they can’t be fired.”

He has been repeatedly critical of Trump and the Republican Party.

In addition to other work, Bromwich maintains his own firm, The Bromwich Group, which offers “independent monitoring, crisis management, strategic advisory, public affairs, and law enforcement consulting services.”

A reasonable question to be asked is why Bromwich, who began representing Ford on Sept. 22, 2018, would resign from his law firm to represent Dr. Ford during the few days of the confirmation hearing.

Bromwich’s background appears uniquely, and presciently, positioned for the new phase of Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation process. Who better to be representing Ford as the FBI begins a secondary investigation into her allegations regarding Judge Kavanaugh than someone who was part of the Justice Department and the Obama Administration.

Consider again his potential connections and political pull. Bromwich is a former Inspector General of the DOJ. He personally worked with Bharara at the SDNY. He currently represents former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

Through his representation of McCabe, Bromwich has ties to people within the FBI, particularly those whose loyalties, and interests, align with McCabe’s.

Ford’s legal team, with or without her knowledge, managed to delay testifying for some time. A fear of flying was invoked to avoid attending Senate hearings. Ford would later testify that she had frequently flown, including to Costa Rico and Hawaii.

If the strategy is to delay, then minimizing the FBI’s access to Ford would appear to be a likely strategy.

The FBI cannot compel any of the potential witnesses, including Ford, to submit to interviews, turn over evidence, and so on. All they can do is ask.

Debra Katz, one of Ford’s lawyers, has already issued a statement following the announcement of the reopening of the FBI background investigation:

“A thorough FBI investigation is critical to developing all the relevant facts. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford welcomes this step in the process and appreciates the efforts of Senators Flake, Murkowski, Manchin and Collins — and all the other senators who have supported an FBI investigation — to ensure it is completed before the Senate votes on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination.

“No artificial limits as to time or scope should be imposed on this investigation.”

8c1f15  No.3246351

lets get a list of all the major people banned/censored from social media going.

Then get some memes going with a theme of 'a vote for dems is a vote for censorship' with a collage of images of a group of them.

THAT meme writes itself basically.

9acc59  No.3246352

File: 73265cbb90aa627⋯.jpg (142.69 KB, 483x800, 483:800, 5887228_orig.jpg)

File: 907340920094ac3⋯.png (3.16 MB, 2466x8402, 1233:4201, 907340920094ac3a004b5b8216….png)

File: 37835df645187d2⋯.png (272.31 KB, 623x348, 623:348, Screenshot_2018-07-06 Q Re….png)

File: 5059ac3a4fa1ef5⋯.png (418.73 KB, 970x727, 970:727, 5059ac3a4fa1ef5535276847d1….png)

File: ce7a976cc4fede8⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1836x822, 306:137, ce7a976cc4fede8fa42aa64ae3….png)

08158a  No.3246353

File: 00fe3ec7d52f929⋯.jpg (135.64 KB, 1000x1639, 1000:1639, 8k9c3x.jpg)

Found some boomer porn in the attic.

803ef2  No.3246354

File: 401de1c03c6f4bd⋯.jpg (33.23 KB, 282x234, 47:39, mad head.jpg)

38266c  No.3246355

So I see the shill tactics this morning is division fagging. Boomers vs younger gens.


803ef2  No.3246356

File: a4f11dd9305cf90⋯.jpg (273.2 KB, 800x1010, 80:101, FIGHT DS.jpg)

File: e151ccbd902bd5e⋯.jpg (78.06 KB, 800x450, 16:9, FIGHT FIGHT.jpg)

f38dfe  No.3246357

Who leaked the Ford letter?

If it wasn't Feinstein nor her staff, and it wasn't Ford nor her lawyers…

I mean… that pretty much only leave Eshoo, doesn't it?

4bb02c  No.3246358


I did succeed you cunt. Music industry is horrible.


So says the whiny cunt.

af13cf  No.3246360

Tech companies that ban conservatives

Harmeet Dhillon to Congress on Law Protecting Social Media Companies: ‘Strip that Immunity’

During a hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, lawyer Harmeet Dhillon got into a heated exchange with Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), in which Dhillon argued that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which provides special protections for social media platforms, should be revised to “strip that immunity from those companies, because they do not deserve it.”

During a hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, Republican lawyer Harmeet Dhillon was questioned by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) who attempted to query Dhillon on her personal views relating to workers’ rights. Dhillon, however, wanted to focus solely on the topic at hand and the current laws relating to social media companies and free speech, something which seemed to annoy Raskin.

A transcript of the interaction reads:

Raskin: “Ms.Dhillon let me come to you because you were actually complaining about employment — adverse employment action as I understand it — for people working at, I think it was Google?”

Dhillon: “That was amongst the topics that I discsused”

Raskin: “Yeah, so do you believe as a conservative that people have the right not to be fired for political reasons by private corporations?”

Dhillon: “Well as I stated in my testimony that’s actually California law so yes I believe that Californian law should be applied to people that live in California.”

Raskin: “Ok and you believe that’s a general principle that people should be able to be fired for their right-wing views, their left-wing views, pro-union, anti-union, what have you?”

Dhillon: “I did not say that, you said that. I said California law-”

Raskin: “I’m asking you what is your position-”

Dhillon: “No, I’m not here to fantasize about laws that aren’t on the books.”

Raskin: “excuse me, a lot of my colleagues think you guys are just whining and I’m trying to torture out of this some theoretical coherence. So what I’m trying to say is, what is the legal or the legislative remedy you’re looking for? Do you think that workers in America should have a right not to be fired for their politics, is that the position you’re taking?”

Dhillon: “I’m not taking a position on federal legislation here I’m talking about-”

Raskin: “Well we’re not the California assembly why are you talking to us then, go take it to California court I thought you had something to say to the Congress of the United States.”

Dhillon: “Oh, are you questioning why I was invited here? That feels like a personal attack.”

Raskin: “Do you have any interest in federal legislation relating to the rights of workers or – you’re just telling us about a case that you’re doing that’s in California?”

Dhillon: “I covered a number of topics but one of them, while we’re on the subject of federal legislation, is the Communications Decency Act section 230 immunity that is something that a lot of the questions here on this panel seemed to ignorantly confuse the fact that Fox News is not covered by that immunity while the social media networks are, I do think that law needs to be revised, strip that immunity from those companies because they do not deserve it.”

Raskin: “You have no comment as to whether or not workers should have the right not to be fired for their politics?”

Dhillon: “That is the law where I practice law so that’s the law I’m operating under.”

Raskin: “Mr.Chairman, I’ve had enough. Thank you.”

Dhillon appeared alongside Gateway Pundit editor Jim Hoft, Boston Herald columnist and radio host Adriana Cohen, Jeremy Tedesco of the Alliance Defending Freedom and Ari Waldman, a professor of law at New York Law School.

Fuckbook, Google, Twatter has to go

0b5fce  No.3246361


He accidentally left his balls in NO NAMES mouth / casket.

9acc59  No.3246363

File: 2308859f8be40ca⋯.jpeg (73.75 KB, 792x441, 88:49, 2308859f8be40ca3c45698766….jpeg)

File: 3c91fe02330e8fb⋯.jpeg (100.25 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, d4f3ddc8ad42b149a24c2465a….jpeg)

File: c01113c918d5025⋯.png (320.47 KB, 1339x1094, 1339:1094, 494c0df09eeedf200256b8ce47….png)

File: f6b36806fc9a54d⋯.png (633.48 KB, 1033x619, 1033:619, f6b36806fc9a54da3cb21b4212….png)

File: c9e8272b642fb7d⋯.png (233.29 KB, 469x885, 469:885, c9e8272b642fb7d318e5a0fda1….png)

2d33c0  No.3246364

File: 3a09c750adc1282⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2iyh3w~2.jpg)

File: 920cec7650f5d0b⋯.jpg (59.74 KB, 360x443, 360:443, 2izvx9~2.jpg)

What the flaked out democrats are doing to judge Kavanaugh is a freaking disgrace.

8feec3  No.3246365

File: 424641a03c59b2b⋯.jpg (273.08 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Satan2018.jpg)

0084d4  No.3246366


Sauce and it goes in the notables.

79a51d  No.3246367

File: 66300930f05cb40⋯.jpg (658.32 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, capture_050_28092018_07341….jpg)

File: 3810d42f5e4a492⋯.jpg (974.24 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, capture_057_28092018_07355….jpg)

File: 261614af7587328⋯.jpg (969.94 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, capture_068_28092018_07374….jpg)


c4b6c9  No.3246368

File: 4802a8e8de73200⋯.jpg (45.61 KB, 538x327, 538:327, 4370e428d671b7defb98536b4c….jpg)

55fe8f  No.3246369


Squiggly eyelashes? Really? Do you have no women in your life? It's mascara plus result of downsampling which occurs in every compressed digital image or video format. You are retarded

9166d9  No.3246370

fad814  No.3246371

File: 6ac55774c477696⋯.jpg (377.59 KB, 1049x1112, 1049:1112, 1538210635243.jpg)

79a51d  No.3246372


Gimp anon!

af13cf  No.3246373

USA Today Promotes Investigative Theory: Judge Kavanaugh Child Sex Predator…

Posted on September 28, 2018 by sundance

There are no rules. Nothing is out of bounds. The USA Today allows a posited theory column structured around the premise that Judge Brett Kavanaugh be subjected to the same investigative and safety principles considered with a suspected child sex offender. Ergo, no more coaching his daughters’ basketball team…. These people are sick.

Knowing how the repulsive leftists operate, this is possibly a signal flare for the direction their false-narrative engineers will attempt with the FBI investigation next week.


761f68  No.3246374


just sorta confirms for me milano is a controlled / protected asset

8c1f15  No.3246375

File: e8f02c70ccccb7b⋯.png (172.48 KB, 500x372, 125:93, ClipboardImage.png)

c4b6c9  No.3246376


Hey brother! Happy Saturday to you all :)

377eee  No.3246377

File: 819ec4173faa247⋯.png (574.15 KB, 1124x450, 562:225, Screenshot (5699).png)

81c8e3  No.3246379

Right wing women - prettier and more confident.

Damn right!


19e908  No.3246380





9acc59  No.3246381

File: cc0dae36893596d⋯.jpg (122.49 KB, 736x674, 368:337, 3111c020aa0aec609d1593763e….jpg)

File: 67f8f64128db113⋯.jpg (121.29 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Linda-Wright-Pickton.jpg)

File: 7bd6fd7ea4bb1ae⋯.jpg (85.86 KB, 471x537, 157:179, common access card.jpg)

File: 786f5f0a5c72f00⋯.png (915.78 KB, 964x637, 964:637, chris-everard-bully-boys-2….png)

File: a6a4ffd5db2b6b3⋯.jpg (194.32 KB, 640x800, 4:5, crypto-terrorists-bullingd….jpg)

c0ca3e  No.3246382


wtf is that 1st pic

f38dfe  No.3246384


Pretty sure Anna Eshoo leaked the letter to Washington Post.

Y'know… where John Podesta is.

Podesta… Clinton… etc etc.


b95717  No.3246385


I've been following your posts. We sound about the same age. You are nothing but a whiney cunt playing identity politics, causing division, blaming other people for your problems, and not taking responsibility for your own life. YOU ARE A FUCKING LEFTIST! GET THE HELL OFF THIS BOARD YOU DAMN PUSSY!

ca7f8b  No.3246386


You can't hide hate. Leftists are overflowing with it.

9e2f4d  No.3246387

File: c9d592b6e992fd3⋯.png (51.62 KB, 741x366, 247:122, Droth Kav.png)

'David Rothschild, a Betting Man

The sleazeball is pimping a betting site- PredictIt- and encouraging gamblers to place their bets on Judge Kavanaghs chances of confirmation.

He pegs it as " an exciting new, real-money game that tests your knowledge of politics''.

Yep- contracts on Brett's confirmation. Anything to make a buck.

ac9afe  No.3246388


lol, you're a fucktard

af13cf  No.3246389

This exact response is why Kavanaugh is worthy of tremendous respect for how he comported himself in testimony. You can’t give an inch to people who seek to destroy you. If only other Republicans shared his courage. Beyond Trump, such tenacity is in short supply.

Everyone better be rockin those phone lines or tweeting their senators: the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 if you don't call locally.

e60b7b  No.3246390

File: 2a3e2e31f841fb7⋯.jpg (49.9 KB, 600x429, 200:143, 34085a2d-99a2-4a91-8015-62….jpg)


pfftt. hold their beer



d0ae5d  No.3246391

File: 526a0f5441e9a6f⋯.png (961.49 KB, 1237x927, 1237:927, 5a4f55217a3ff1db97e79cc234….png)


Inb4 meme police…she reminded me of a silverback and I was bored.

af13cf  No.3246392

File: 3b7974da10ccee3⋯.jpg (19.96 KB, 480x427, 480:427, godarise.jpg)

f7afd6  No.3246393

File: 6747f8853ffe333⋯.jpeg (649.13 KB, 1242x2138, 621:1069, C4645EC3-950C-4067-B87E-7….jpeg)

History Lesson: suppression of a rebellion.

Lincoln’s end to Civil War and EO powers he assumed.

Lincoln termed these actions not the declaration of "civil war," but rather the suppression of rebellion.8 We all know that only Congress is constitutionally empowered to declare war, but suppression of rebellion has been recognized as an executive function, for which the prerogative of setting aside civil procedures has been placed in the President's hands.


2d33c0  No.3246394

File: 445d71888fecbf8⋯.jpg (42.54 KB, 600x419, 600:419, downloadfile-2~2.jpg)

Blacks and Hispanics only know how to run America into to the ground, without white men America would be one big ghetto/barrio.

e8283f  No.3246395


Good read. Raskin comes across as being too tied into these companies. How did this country go backwards so much? I still blame Clinton and all the deregulation he tossed in there.

f69301  No.3246396




did you even understand what i was joking about.

Anon posted all these comments by a majority of white people saying they hate white people, aka themselves.

So i joked if they hate themselves so much because they are white, there are solutions for those idiots, kek

I think all those people tweeting that garbage are idiots and trying to divide people.

So you understand sarcasm?

If they hate being white, they could go tan themselves to a crisp, kek

it's a fucking joke,,, no need for such a hostile reaction.

I'm not racist, never have been.


af13cf  No.3246397

File: 0c496d2266bd37a⋯.jpg (96.15 KB, 664x474, 332:237, cartels in mexico why a wa….jpg)

af13cf  No.3246398

File: 4d046b68ac1bdb7⋯.jpg (331.66 KB, 1200x898, 600:449, americas far left future.jpg)

2d33c0  No.3246399

File: b295faefe2680cd⋯.jpg (67.84 KB, 363x495, 11:15, 2izw1q~2.jpg)

Q fizzled out.

cfa810  No.3246400

Q references FISH and BAIT pretty frequently now.

Have anons determined any correlation between these terms and JP hand tattoo?

Pls forgive LRA if I’m late to the party on this.

377eee  No.3246401

File: 2ba97956ec61e56⋯.png (74.58 KB, 1119x440, 1119:440, Screenshot (5701).png)



Any white out there who doesn't see this for what it is deserves what they are saying should be done. They aren't even hiding it at this point, it isn't even debatable.

From rewriting history to search engines showing "white couples" as a mixed race couple, to the EU destruction, to the attempts to destroy the US, to Australia dealing with it, to social media banning all racial messages except anything to do with slamming whites to the constant barrage of it to the NYT hiring that bitch after the shitstorm…. how in the name of Zues' butthole can anyone even quasi intelligent person not see this for what it is. It isn't even something that can be countered it's so obvious.

ac9afe  No.3246402



Ask boomer Oliver North how he smuggled the snow. For some reason boomers love Oliver North so much that he's the NRA spokesman.

af13cf  No.3246403

File: d2201a3d5bb9f52⋯.jpg (101 KB, 959x960, 959:960, eagle.jpg)

e8283f  No.3246404

File: 9a123a613f1fcb1⋯.png (33.32 KB, 847x129, 847:129, Screenshot 2018-09-29 at 3….png)


9acc59  No.3246405

File: ca362410b58e0f8⋯.jpg (66.46 KB, 615x409, 615:409, ae023323-293e-4b0a-8c5e-19….jpg)

File: 5912ed648e42932⋯.png (868.26 KB, 870x828, 145:138, Screen Shot 2013-06-05 at ….png)

File: 0835480c709ef94⋯.png (585.94 KB, 736x2213, 736:2213, Screenshot_2018-08-18 Abel….png)

File: a5e1725a5567133⋯.jpg (188.79 KB, 726x727, 726:727, getimage.aspx.jpg)

File: 3cdeae93b6b6f6a⋯.png (329.02 KB, 757x5854, 757:5854, 02Screenshot_2018-08-29 GA….png)

f69301  No.3246406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



a30802  No.3246407

File: 0a6d80e5f01ea2c⋯.png (17.32 KB, 801x61, 801:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c910726bf0bd5b⋯.png (30.83 KB, 678x173, 678:173, ClipboardImage.png)

so Anagram for red october


doctor beer

door erect


Of course directly a reference to the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_Revolution


"Those in power"


Also Other pic related

>The properties of the Church (including bank accounts) were expropriated.

Q, we should fix the hunger and immigration flows with the stolen money/gold/real value from the corrupt church

fad814  No.3246408

File: c6112b07b3112bb⋯.png (15.91 KB, 595x162, 595:162, 1538210963751.png)

43ebd8  No.3246409

File: 96595396903c6df⋯.jpg (79.26 KB, 538x327, 538:327, UPDOWN1.jpg)

b95717  No.3246410


You weren't worth the sperm and egg if you're just going to spend your life complaining and acting like a Soros zombie.

2d33c0  No.3246411

File: f5f9729a78b9711⋯.png (48.95 KB, 458x458, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-09-28-11-5….png)



All hyperbole….

ca7f8b  No.3246413


That's interesting.

She confused election years in which her co consipirators were talking about Kavanaugh.

377eee  No.3246414

File: 5c5413ff67f6dd0⋯.png (32.34 KB, 415x306, 415:306, Screenshot (5703).png)


Seriously look at this shit. The media posts it, the celebs push it… they are literally calling this man a pedophile now.

86c43c  No.3246416


Meh. She will just say she was miss-remembered it or misspoke. It's not perjury to be wrong under oath.

e8283f  No.3246417


Ignoring posters is easiest. Don't let shit trigger you.

cfa810  No.3246418

f38dfe  No.3246419


Define "Projection"…

228f19  No.3246420

File: 9fdb9bfd57b9fb7⋯.jpg (80.49 KB, 1039x605, 1039:605, 9fdb9bfd57b9fb7ed1b3931262….jpg)



The daily yard exercise at GITMO will begin shortly. DefSec Mattis has assured us that waterboarding is not torture and the 4PM Waterboarding show will continue until executions begin.

af13cf  No.3246421


>>3246236 Ford is CIA

e8283f  No.3246422


She did say the door is what triggered the therapy sessions where the rough housing upstairs happened.

af13cf  No.3246423

File: 30939f2ef4dd6ec⋯.jpg (13.31 KB, 255x143, 255:143, concern fags trolls and sh….jpg)

08d7d6  No.3246425


Well that's that. You can go home then.

faac36  No.3246426


af13cf  No.3246427

File: 75bc573b305c8d3⋯.png (675.95 KB, 648x580, 162:145, 4s.png)

f69301  No.3246428

File: c70d47eccf9b9e4⋯.jpg (33.13 KB, 634x341, 634:341, 4A83E8EB00000578-0-image-a….jpg)

File: db51e390a3d209e⋯.png (76.36 KB, 518x438, 259:219, db51e390a3d209e30c8b0bd7b9….png)

File: f92ebc3621c5671⋯.png (276.79 KB, 495x1029, 165:343, f92ebc3621c5671472bb757d67….png)

File: ab19fc45c3f23c5⋯.jpg (191.27 KB, 1200x1077, 400:359, ab19fc45c3f23c516579c7da3f….jpg)


kek, of course she is against him, once a paid shill stooge, always a paid shill stooge.

Unless Q breaks your chains, kek

2d33c0  No.3246429



Tom Arnold has been aa lowlife pedophile for decades, now he's old and gets his kicks out of trying to be political correct.

e8283f  No.3246430


This crap is just way over the top. Hollywood, Social Media, and the Media Cabal are stunting humanity and civility.

I really am starting to hate these f*

f38dfe  No.3246431

Woman Who Confronted Flake In Elevator Runs Soros-Funded Organization


af13cf  No.3246432

File: 3879092c7df024b⋯.jpg (46.24 KB, 700x350, 2:1, cory.jpg)

761f68  No.3246433


was reserve plan , they saw how things went for james gunn over his tweets, they are trying to harness that outrage, we need to keep an eye on it

0883b6  No.3246434


I feel a big 'wir haben es nicht gewüsst' moment coming in the very near future…

af13cf  No.3246435

File: c0b43eae7380b17⋯.jpg (258.59 KB, 850x1024, 425:512, flag wrapped.jpg)

4e9576  No.3246437


'Baby boomers (also known as boomers) are the demographic cohort following the Silent Generation and preceding Generation X. 'There are varying timelines defining the start and the end of this cohort; demographers and researchers typically use birth years starting from the early- to mid-1940s and ending anywhere from 1960 to 1964.'


af13cf  No.3246438

File: c6d3b4016b05bda⋯.png (13.83 KB, 255x170, 3:2, arizona senators suck.png)

2d33c0  No.3246439

File: 400519f4f4f7a10⋯.jpg (58.15 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 2hcpru~2.jpg)



Corey is that you?

65e84d  No.3246440

Just thinking how 'sea' is supposed to be the populous in the book of Revelation.

And we getting this narrative from MSM about the number one threat being rising sea levels.

ac9afe  No.3246441


Who did 9-11?

af13cf  No.3246442

File: 892777b1d578fa3⋯.jpg (50.94 KB, 760x380, 2:1, southpark s21.jpg)

e60b7b  No.3246443

File: a5bd64c46b54a04⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 736x554, 368:277, eb009577-39c3-40ce-8bf1-d5….jpg)

377eee  No.3246444


>I really am starting to hate these f*

Yeah usually all I care about is the research and I never care about the bullshit noise but this has just been a complete shitshow to such a level were facts mean nothing and it really is a make believe world.

I really hope the POTUS gets nasty, I truly do. I know many will be worried about that but you just can't sit back and allow this to spread, you can't, you just can't allow it.

2d33c0  No.3246445

File: 62b8c53774d3b75⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 480x439, 480:439, 2ixd2u~2.jpg)

File: 126688fb11a87fe⋯.jpg (69.04 KB, 480x514, 240:257, 2ixh64~2.jpg)

Avenatti has more than surpassed the annoying stage.

He's like in Jim Acosta territory now….

be76b7  No.3246446


No, more than that… this is very likely a crowdsourced modelling site, that is seeking to aggregate data from all of it's betters and probably finds out a lot of information about them to better model and predict reality. The gambling portion is probably all a cover for the real activity which is intelligence gathering.

f9fef0  No.3246447

File: 4a909335b5f1676⋯.jpg (364.14 KB, 2001x1334, 3:2, 14-hillary-clinton.jpg)

whatcha got planned for me sweetie

e57487  No.3246449


remember: "boomers" were at the natural long run fertility rate. after that fertility rate dropped due to birth control, abortion, forced rationing, etc.

af13cf  No.3246450

File: ed9fc3768cdcbd3⋯.jpg (66.79 KB, 598x900, 299:450, golden tiger only 30 exist.jpg)

2d33c0  No.3246451

File: 9254a3617b3634f⋯.jpg (43.91 KB, 455x454, 455:454, 2iuwil~2.jpg)

af13cf  No.3246453

File: c7fbfdb51571d48⋯.jpg (61.51 KB, 600x513, 200:171, genetics.jpg)

20e10e  No.3246454

Heads up, anons. Today is 9/11/11 and you all know how these devil fucks like to pull shit on days with variations of these numbers. We had the first 9/11/11 earlier this month, but they're too afraid to do it on the obvious day, so watch out for what they might do on a variant day.


9/ 2+9/ 2+0+1+8

9166d9  No.3246455

House intel panel to release transcripts of now-defunct Russia probe

"The House Intelligence Committee voted Friday to publicly release transcripts of 53 witness interviews — amounting to thousands of pages — in the panel’s now-defunct Russia investigation.

The measure passed unanimously, though not until Republicans swatted down efforts by Democrats to release a handful of additional transcripts — including those of Reps. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.)."


d0ae5d  No.3246456

File: 7cb984a68088929⋯.png (382.86 KB, 603x643, 603:643, blassyford1.png)

af13cf  No.3246457

File: 932894cbb88e86c⋯.jpg (34.14 KB, 640x339, 640:339, eagle2.jpg)

e57487  No.3246458


raising healthy christian daughters = "unusual bond"

57c435  No.3246459

Ugh, it's like every news article has a growling or yelling Judge Kavanaugh photo accompanying it; same thing they do to President Trump. The man's good name is being dragged through the mud; his legitimate emotional reaction is now being plastered everywhere. Typical Narcissist tactic. How Narcissists manage to reproduce, given their personality, is beyond me.

be76b7  No.3246460




f38dfe  No.3246461

File: 53a7c81f3b843c7⋯.jpg (92.91 KB, 500x752, 125:188, 2izx3m.jpg)

2d33c0  No.3246462

File: 3a09c750adc1282⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2iyh3w~2.jpg)

File: 8a39f13ffaaa525⋯.jpg (71.12 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2iyfza.jpg)

4e9576  No.3246463


The boomers are the ones who have destroyed our nation, along with their kids, the millennials. Every boomer that I have ever met has been a bad person. I know not all are bad, but I haven't met a good one (no offense to any good boomers who may be here).

Gen X, along with the children of Gen X (Gen Z) will be what saves this nation. The boomers are useless for the most part, and their offspring are just as useless. I have nothing for them.

af13cf  No.3246464

File: 68d9d2f2ab1e273⋯.jpg (67.56 KB, 497x644, 71:92, usa-today-kavanaugh.jpg)


USA Today hit piece out 9-28

He's a pedophile

43ebd8  No.3246465

File: 15584d41c097580⋯.png (24.49 KB, 975x457, 975:457, Generational Cycles in Mas….png)

File: a66622fc190375d⋯.png (32.62 KB, 887x557, 887:557, Generational Cycles in Mas….png)


genfags see lnk below, Generational Cycles in Mass Psychology:


<pics from paper

Also link to the Tytler Cycle:


>no https:// needed for either site.

377eee  No.3246466

So here is what the west hating fucks have learned this week. Two big things.

1) You can make up a claim and shut down the entire governmental system of the United States.

2) You can, somehow (ever wonder how she got access to a Senatorial elevator in the Senate building?), gain access to a Senator of the United States of America, yell at them in an elevator, and then they will crumble and agree with you.

This is about to set off the biggest amount of complete shit the history of mankind may have ever seen in our entire species history. Cruz confronted at dinner? No problem. Senate access? No big deal. Fake claims to shut down our society? Hey, all good.

I truly don't know what to think but what I do know is that those who aren't white, if you think they aren't going to be knocking you off after they do away with the whites, you're an idiot. They don't give a shit about white, black, or anything, they care about one thing, power and you are just a means to an end to them and when one end is achieved, guess what, you're next on the plate.

If the good people who want a peaceful life without any drama, regardless of any identity differences, if they do not come together and if they allow this, society is over, death with be rampant everywhere, starvation, whole sale rape, etc. I seriously cannot believe people can get away with such horrible things so publicly and nothing happens, I really can't. Fucking twilight zone.

e8283f  No.3246467


At a minimum we have another week of this escalating.

af13cf  No.3246468


Which means if USA is signaling this, then that's the next line of Democratic attack.

they're sick.

Kavanaugh is a good man.

I'm angry they're doing this to him.

And Flake, that bastard gets played by 2 Soros paid women who cry.

f31f04  No.3246469

File: c1f3c7c39479a42⋯.jpg (674.88 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180929-051218….jpg)


Log In


POLITICSFeds: Philly didn’t properly account for $15M during Democratic National Convention

by Claudia Vargas, Updated: 10 hours ago


The U.S. Department of Justice is questioning Philadelphia's use of nearly $15 million during the 2016 Democratic National Convention and what it considers overall bad bookkeeping of federal grant money.

In an audit, the department's Office of the Inspector General cited millions of dollars in what it called "unallowable and unsupported" expenses, including overtime to firefighters, meals and lodging for law enforcement agencies, and payments to vendors for items ranging from a secure bus system to credentialing for the three-day event.

The report, released Thursday, noted the city generally spent the $46 million grant for its intended purpose — keeping delegates, visitors, and residents safe during the convention. But auditors found that Philadelphia lacked proper budget management.


"We found significant deficiencies in Philadelphia's management of the grant funds, and overall, we identified over $14 million in unallowable or unsupported expenditures," Inspector General Michael Horowitz said. "We found that Philadelphia didn't have effective internal controls for grant administration."

Philadelphia officials on Friday accepted most of the findings — "we could have, and should have, done better," they said in an emailed statement — but took issue with the two largest questioned expenses: $7.6 million to partner law enforcement agencies and $6 million for contracts distributed by the convention's host committee.

They also called the July 2016 convention at the Wells Fargo Center "incredibly successful despite significant obstacles, including heat, protests, multiple major venues."

Horowitz doing it!

2d33c0  No.3246471

File: 03d1c0220295c40⋯.jpg (134.42 KB, 750x466, 375:233, 2iwgg2~2.jpg)

File: 054cd1aec20905d⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 346x321, 346:321, 2iwgos~2.jpg)

Filthiest Human Sewage…

af13cf  No.3246472


Early ballots? Because its going straight line party vote.

43e182  No.3246473

File: 1ec3da494ada263⋯.png (868.26 KB, 1259x526, 1259:526, Screenshot from 2018-09-29….png)

File: 4146a204edc1431⋯.png (873.93 KB, 1254x536, 627:268, Screenshot from 2018-09-29….png)

File: a4cfe0077222d3e⋯.png (652.48 KB, 1257x542, 1257:542, Screenshot from 2018-09-29….png)

File: 0aa81c717bf2854⋯.png (189.76 KB, 1256x2580, 314:645, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)


Remodel defintitely before Mar 2011 if this is her house

b4298c  No.3246474


Yeah, that thing fires with around 15,000J of muzzle energy. I have no idea how anyone can hold on to it after firing it, though I assume the heavy weight of the frame helps.

af13cf  No.3246475

File: 47239051a842553⋯.jpg (70.18 KB, 686x510, 343:255, justice.jpg)

e8283f  No.3246477


>$46 million grant for its intended purpose — keeping delegates, visitors, and residents safe during the convention

Can someone tell me why we give them a Federal Grant to host a convention, and why they need 46Million?

377eee  No.3246479


Oh guaranteed this will be all over the globe in a few hours. This will be the headline tomorrow.

304b3b  No.3246480

f69301  No.3246481

File: 215ba6ae37c7c53⋯.png (317.15 KB, 824x790, 412:395, Brett pulp fiction bullshi….png)


There are no facts backing her accusations, and he is innocent until proved guilty, not the opposite as they have been pushing.

'Check out the big brain on Brett': Hilarious mashup of Kavanaugh's testimony and Samuel L Jackson's 'Big Kahuna Burger' scene from Pulp Fiction becomes a viral hit


The video appears to show hitman Jules Winnfield, portrayed by Samuel L Jackson in the 1994 cult classic, threatening the Supreme Court nominee

Clips were taken from Kavanaugh's testimony in front of the senate Thursday, where he unequivocally denied Dr Christine Blasey Ford's assault claims

The video also shows Sen Lindsey Graham defending Kavanaugh before Winnfield tells him to shut up

The mashup was compiled by production company Elara Pictures

Jackson retweeted the video saying it was 'funny as hell' - but added that he finds no humor in the allegations themselves


9166d9  No.3246482


Funded and backed by:

Democracy Alliance


Gara LaMarche is the president of the Democracy Alliance. LaMarche, a longtime progressive activist and close ally of George Soros, assumed the post in 2013. Prior to LaMarche's hiring, Hillary Clinton aide Kelly Craighead led the Alliance. Howard Dean has previously been considered as a potential president for the Democracy Alliance.[14] The board of directors for the Democracy Alliance includes John Stocks, Patricia Bauman, Paul Egerman, Weston Milliken, Gara LaMarche, Mary Kay Henry, David desJardins, Nick Hanauer, Farhad Ebrahimi, Josh Fryday, Keith Mestrich, Fran Rodgers, Susan Sandler and Rob Stein.[18]


faac36  No.3246483

File: 7c0bf8f29b3a0ab⋯.jpg (57.99 KB, 590x606, 295:303, roth-0.jpg)


be76b7  No.3246484


Why is a mix of politics and not wanting a terrorist incident that makes everyone look bad. The 46 million figure is probably inflated, see the missing money…

18845d  No.3246485


If you can’t see that the entire country on all sides lost their shit this week. GTFO

e8283f  No.3246486


Noteable if not shared before.

2d33c0  No.3246487

File: 9324e56edb860ad⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 491x492, 491:492, 2irstc~2.jpg)

File: b295faefe2680cd⋯.jpg (67.84 KB, 363x495, 11:15, 2izw1q~2.jpg)

Hurry up Q we need something with some meat on the bone.

fad814  No.3246488

File: ccd8fa9d38c6662⋯.png (573 KB, 1001x857, 1001:857, 1538211214763.png)

e8283f  No.3246490


Didn't think of the terrorist angle.

0084d4  No.3246491

#4111 (Baker Change)

>>3245987, >>3246055, >>3246237 Anons dig on Ford's husband, Stratfor, Eclipse Foundation, and Fentanyl

>>3246060 MKO, Saudis, SJL, and MOS

>>3246202, >>3246335 Lying about GOP nominees is big business; Kav's accuser's gofundme haul (Text and graphic)

>>3246248 The cures; advanced treatment for prevalent skin cancer

>>3246473 Anon shows Kav's Accuser's house before and after remodel in Mar 2011 (not 2012)

Last call for notables or changes to the notables above

9dad1f  No.3246492


I would have retweeted that "this isn't a competition"

50f060  No.3246493


in the media he is now basically a registered sex offender with no trial, no conviction, no possibility of appeal. but the real message hear is that if they can do it to him and do it to trump just imagine how easily they can do it to you. this is all about fear and making the people they control to afraid to speak out against them. that is why nobody is attacking cbf even though she is an obvious fraud. she is not the enemy. don't attack the puppet, attack the person pulling the strings.

f6cf08  No.3246494

File: e600fd5693628bd⋯.jpg (163.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hydra.jpg)


According to the Q posts, the DECLAS comes after the Kavenaugh confirmation. Q said "prepare for sky is falling week" but he didn't say which week. This anon believes that the Sky Is Falling week is this coming one. It seems to the left that things are all falling apart with this delay and their plan to throw more bullshit into the mix. Soros is behind this attempted derailment of Kavenaugh, and it is a given that there will be more bullshit of astronomic proportions. These people understand that they are literally fighting to save their necks now. They will throw everything they've got rather than be exposed and face prison. POTUS is fighting a NoName hydra monster from a 1950s Sci-Fi movie..

There is one thing about this theory on The Plan that bugs me though. POTUS already has the power to DECLAS on his own if bringing the house down is the primary goal. And if we're heading into Marshall Law and military tribunals then having another conservative justice on the SCOTUS isn't really all that significant that it should be the absolute first priority. It would seem more logical that the DECLAS be done first.

Q himself said that the D's were desperately attempting to offset the imminence of the DECLAS by offering to withdraw the accusations against Kavenaugh. The DECLAS scares the shit out of them. It makes no sense for the D's to pitch a deal like that and then call for the FBI to start digging. Clearly, the FBI investigation will lead back to them. This is an extremely high stakes game for both sides to be playing this close to an election. Its making a LOT of people very angry. Q seems to think that it will galvanize people to the polls. But it could also have the opposite effect. Middle of the road voters may become disgusted and stay home on election day.

be76b7  No.3246495


Event planning re: that angle even goes down to something as simple as college football games these days… And a political convention would be a juicy target.

2943d8  No.3246496


. . .

They first tested this betting on the outcome for live events @ 9/11. There they betted on high profile deaths, police death, fire fighter deaths, total deaths, and all sorts of related fuckery.

It worked, apparently, since it's become a lucrative business model for David Rothschild

ef66af  No.3246497

File: e8b0971c86c6a52⋯.png (120.12 KB, 1446x1050, 241:175, quarantined bacon.png)



I shudder to imagine the refugees that could show up once Reddit pulls the plug on the bacon subreddit.

It's a joke. Surely the Reddit admins are not liberal enough to bring down the ban hammer there, right?

377eee  No.3246498

Remember this and remember the date. A whole lot happened on the 26th. How does one communicate if they can't communicate?

43e182  No.3246499

File: 6687d363cdd3569⋯.png (686.43 KB, 1256x5160, 157:645, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)

File: 58c7e3f21f52acf⋯.png (222.21 KB, 1270x580, 127:58, Screen Shot 2018-09-29 at ….png)



4e9576  No.3246500


Their plan is to completely kill off all people of color, and only leave about 10% of the white population.

They are already doing it, look at the inner cities, look at the nations that are predominantly made up of people of color. And look at the low birth rates of whites, cancer rates, etc.. They've been working on getting rid of everyone, for awhile.

377eee  No.3246501

File: a28efdfe2d84edd⋯.png (639.49 KB, 1261x573, 1261:573, Screenshot (5706).png)


Whoops. Here

36951d  No.3246502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Everybody doin' it riiight!

HARD WORK, that's what they say!

HARD WORK, I earn my paaay!

HARD WORK, do it every day!

I get up about a quarter ta threee…

Got ta go, an earn my paaay!

Get my boots on, an lace em' uppp!

Got another day ta work!

HARD WORK, that's what they saaaay!

HARD WORK, I earn my pay!

I get off the rock, n' move on nowwww!

Got ta go, n' make the call!

Bangin' on the doors in the mornnn!

GET UP, let's go ta work!

HARD WORK, ya pack up ya chutes!

HARD WORK, ya load em' up!


HARD WORK, ya gotta do it right!

HARD WORK, here we gooo!


HARD WORK, I'm earnin' my paaay!

HARD WORK, that's what they say!

HARD WORK, we're movin' on out!

We got ta go n' do my job…

Load em' up on the air-plannne!

In the early mornin' rain!

HARD WORK, that's what they saaaaaay!




Everybody on the plane!

Gotta sit em', sit em' on down…

HARD WORK, the engines are onnnn!

HARD WORK, the mission IS GO!

HARD WORK, that's what they saaay!

HARD WORK, I do it for play!


HARD WORK, we're on the go!


0a2e6c  No.3246503



Try losing children to RoundUp.

50f060  No.3246504


cbf was dropped to preempt declas order. they hear about it and dropped cbf day before. just like the pussy grabbing tape the day before wikileaks. same playbook. potus has always had declas but this is timed for mid terms. big shit does not jump off until after mid terms and all those people who resigned are replaced.

36951d  No.3246505

We're not gunna lose. remember. Q, no Q. Doesn't matter.

We are loyal to our Republic.

af13cf  No.3246506



Might want to call Flake and tell him he got played.

Might want to call #43 who called Flake once already which got him off his ass to the original YES on Kavanaugh & tell him the GOP doors will be closed when Flake goes to PaloAlto and becomes a democrat lobbyist. I hear he sold his vote for $20 mil - Ann was tweeting about it today. In that conference he had with the dems before he went to the committee mtg he got a txt message from google's chief of ops via Coons.

Asshole's going to vote No anyways.

Is asking for FBI cover for the weaker RINO's like Collins and Murkowski & his last act of good will toward them b/c he's killing anything he had with regular GOP voters.

2d33c0  No.3246507

File: 50e9c670da689ac⋯.jpg (25.69 KB, 320x210, 32:21, wallace-rove.jpg)

File: a4f3fb45f0d7355⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2ixbj7~2.jpg)

Q did that to my work.

dabeff  No.3246508


democrat senators confirmed same league as school shooters

e8283f  No.3246509


I disagree. If cbf is lying about any major detail, she is discusting…not a victim. In fact, would be just the opposite.

Let's say the event she describes is true. That whole incident could have been stupid kid horseplay. What was the intent? All she said is that she "believed" he was trying to rape me. "Accidently" kill me. That is just a perspective. I figure if the two boys wanted to do something to her they had her trapped in a bedroom with loud music and could have gotten away with something…if they wanted.

f69301  No.3246510

File: eeb821beb70d803⋯.png (250.04 KB, 2560x902, 1280:451, Safdie brothers 2.png)

i decided to check real quick on who owns the production company Elara Pictures.

oh this is real good.

they made a short film for Kate Spade

In 2007, Partners & Spade co-founder Andy Spade commissioned Josh Safdie to create a short film to promote Kate Spade Handbags. Together, Josh and Benny and their cohort submitted instead a feature-length script, which they began shooting with Spade's support. Co-writer Eleonore Hendricks stars as a lonely kleptomaniac whose childlike charms and curiosity nevertheless leave her estranged from her fellow city dwellers. From purses to bags of grapes to a little girl's "surprise" litter of kittens, Eleonore explores the life of a free spirited thief in the city of New York.

In 2014, the Safdie Brothers produced Heaven Knows What under their Elara Pictures banner


f38dfe  No.3246511


interdasting story, bruh

4e9576  No.3246512


What sort of person uses the death of their child to push a political agenda? What sort of person tweets like this, after losing a child?

Investigation into this Parkland 'dad' is warranted IMO. Something isn't right about this guy.

af13cf  No.3246513

File: 280c427b4f7a73c⋯.jpg (311.75 KB, 1021x1200, 1021:1200, memeIT.jpg)

Meme it

43e182  No.3246514

File: 03ea600f888aa8e⋯.png (782.88 KB, 1259x540, 1259:540, Screenshot from 2018-09-29….png)

f69301  No.3246515



forgot link

The company that made the pulp fiction Kavanaugh video, made the video for Andy and Kate Spade

af13cf  No.3246517


What credit and what research?

2d33c0  No.3246518

File: a3cdb5456d7ae81⋯.jpg (78.2 KB, 480x395, 96:79, 2iod6r~2.jpg)

43e182  No.3246519

File: 7b9c4719e5e488f⋯.png (36.99 KB, 508x425, 508:425, Screenshot from 2018-09-29….png)



af13cf  No.3246520

File: d9bd60c9391c494⋯.jpg (39.64 KB, 940x321, 940:321, NOKO Polaris.jpg)

North Korean

0883b6  No.3246521


Always projecting.

Wait for the glorious moment everything breaks open about the elite pedophile network.

The really shocking stuff.

23e466  No.3246522


I guess other people have a different definition of hilarious than I.

0ef396  No.3246523


she is 100% lying, very obvious to see in her testimony that she is acting. very smart woman. expert in evasive speech and psychological manipulation. of course she has been trained in this for decades so no surprise. she is not a victim but still a puppet. destroying her would change nothing. gotta cut the hands off the puppeteer.

9e2f4d  No.3246524

File: 8335180c07366de⋯.jpg (134.3 KB, 1200x904, 150:113, WwgGuide.jpg)

File: ef59d90b5395e3b⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1769x996, 1769:996, POTUS 1.png)

File: 305bd16d54f1929⋯.jpg (14.7 KB, 218x255, 218:255, Saviour.jpg)

fad814  No.3246525

File: d0ba9337144eb4e⋯.jpg (365.13 KB, 1032x1061, 1032:1061, 1538213338660.jpg)

File: 3406b8c3801d1a5⋯.jpg (581.78 KB, 1280x1304, 160:163, 1538213301493.jpg)

File: c2d8a657be51e81⋯.jpg (271.17 KB, 753x837, 251:279, 1538213271733.jpg)

File: 75d6f0d0e46e181⋯.jpg (996.44 KB, 1370x2040, 137:204, 1538213250300.jpg)

File: ef866a20bdbce8b⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1440x2400, 3:5, 1538213180083.jpg)


83a5c2  No.3246526


we have the same computer!

36951d  No.3246527

File: 238970616186f35⋯.jpg (93.39 KB, 752x479, 752:479, its-not-about-Q.jpg)

af13cf  No.3246528



not me.

And I think its sick what they're doing to the guy.

This would've been over if this weekend if Fuckin Flake hadn't shit on the guy. On us. This is why this is out there. #ConfirmKavanaughNow

e8283f  No.3246529


I see a meme coming. Pepe? Chans? Anthony Weiner?

0883b6  No.3246531


Don't know WHAT these people are, but there's definately something very wrong about them.

I guess we'll find out soon.

2d33c0  No.3246532

File: b363681204859c2⋯.jpg (13.13 KB, 297x170, 297:170, images~2.jpg)

Kavanaugh makes all the looney democrats look like idiots.

9e2f4d  No.3246533


These are contracts- for BIG bettors. Rothschild already knows who they are. NOT an info gathering psy-op.

Wanna bet? kek

761f68  No.3246534


they are pushing the emotional trauma brought up by all things related to children now the woman one hasn't worked , seems "plan b" cos risky , could backfire and drag out their own skeletons

af13cf  No.3246535

File: 7e6886a05f7c360⋯.jpg (189.17 KB, 983x1200, 983:1200, paddling inside an austria….jpg)

66a392  No.3246536

File: 27b66595fea7eaf⋯.png (134.08 KB, 1330x373, 1330:373, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

File: 11b7d9be7018536⋯.png (212.12 KB, 500x665, 100:133, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

File: 4561c86a4c7f160⋯.png (148.92 KB, 428x712, 107:178, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

File: 5f8cb00a168a512⋯.png (101.04 KB, 574x716, 287:358, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

6ca76d  No.3246537


FFS She is a HE!

76f9f2  No.3246538


(((Expanding Thoughts)))

Feinstien=FISA'd for CHINESE SPY





These Evil, Sick, Stupid Asses are


af13cf  No.3246539

File: a5941738c04c699⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 620x363, 620:363, tropic thunder.jpg)

East coast is coming online.

Sergeant Osiris take us out

9e2f4d  No.3246540


They will carve me out of history.

8adcd4  No.3246541


Anyone who can lie and manipulate to the extent of potentially knocking over a SCOTUS nomination is a very dangerous psychopath.

36951d  No.3246542


People who bet like to know the house is in their favor.

Betting is not a thing. Controlling the house is a thing.

4cb827  No.3246543

File: dcae573dcc1d0ab⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1296x3317, 1296:3317, blaseyfordwhoopsie.jpg)


check out this MAJOR blasey ford inconsistency

8b3ff3  No.3246544

If I were Trump, my contingency for Cavenaugh failing to get enough confirmation votes for SC would be to appoint Cavenaugh as the new Director of the FBI and give him carte blanche to investigate any and all democratic improprieties dating back to the civil war. To drive home the point, I would ask him to begin by investigating Juanita Broderick’s rape accusations against Bill Clinton.

43e182  No.3246545

File: 8501515a86214b1⋯.png (69.87 KB, 1088x513, 1088:513, Screenshot from 2018-09-29….png)



0883b6  No.3246547



>not me.

Of course I'm talking about the media projection, not you anon…

36951d  No.3246550

Kav confirmation doesn't matter.

DECLAS of subversion of the Republic matters more.

Anytime operators flip to the Republic, tribunals mean nothing.


f69301  No.3246551

File: f65af80eedf61ab⋯.jpg (23.59 KB, 400x248, 50:31, 35ec587ba72733f4b982386d07….jpg)


kek,, not sure if you have seen this meme, it's similar looking to yours,

figured i would post it, incase you did not have it. :)

ef66af  No.3246552


People would think "he" means Kavanaugh and get confused. Maybe "(((he)))" would be less confusing.

0084d4  No.3246553

#4111 (Baker Change)

>>3245987, >>3246055, >>3246237 Anons dig on Ford's husband, Stratfor, Eclipse Foundation, and Fentanyl

>>3246060 MKO, Saudis, SJL, and MOS

>>3246202, >>3246335 Lying about GOP nominees is big business; Kav's accuser's gofundme haul (Text and graphic)

>>3246248 The cures; advanced treatment for prevalent skin cancer

>>3246473, >>3246499 Anons show Kav's Accuser's house before and after remodel in Mar 2011 (not 2012)

>>3246481, >>3246510 Mashup of Big Kahuna Burger against Kav and dig on production company

e8283f  No.3246554


Yes! I didn't catch that. Big important lie regarding the Democrats Game Plan.

>>3246543 - Dr Ford caught in lie regarding Democrats Game Plan.

Baker Noteable

af13cf  No.3246555



i've saved it.

9e2f4d  No.3246556


Right. Rotschild likely owns the site. Encouraging all to make a losing bet. He knows they will lose. Never let a crisis go to waste

Even as a loser, he still makes $.

e8283f  No.3246558

d0ae5d  No.3246560

File: 9b9f068a7df6d4d⋯.jpg (384.95 KB, 1198x1198, 1:1, flakeyflakey.jpg)


For the memes…

0084d4  No.3246562

#4111 (Baker Change)

>>3245987, >>3246055, >>3246237 Anons dig on Ford's husband, Stratfor, Eclipse Foundation, and Fentanyl

>>3246060 MKO, Saudis, SJL, and MOS

>>3246202, >>3246335 Lying about GOP nominees is big business; Kav's accuser's gofundme haul (Text and graphic)

>>3246248 The cures; advanced treatment for prevalent skin cancer

>>3246473, >>3246499 Anons show Kav's Accuser's house before and after remodel in Mar 2011 (not 2012)

>>3246481, >>3246510 Mashup of Big Kahuna Burger against Kav and dig on production company

>>3246543 Dr Ford caught in lie regarding Democrats Game Plan

36951d  No.3246564


It's a family structure not a person. It's a business not an individual.

You can short or long any position and make money. This isn't about money. Power is more seductive than money will ever be. Money can buy some power, but power is an end unto itself.

e8283f  No.3246565


She also said Feinstein suggested Katz. That is in direct conflict with the statement about her 1 phone call with Feinstein.

This is big peeps.

2039a3  No.3246568


>encouraging gamblers to place their bets on Judge Kavanaghs chances of confirmation.

He is amazed that there are people still having such confidence in Kavanaugh becoming SC judge. Quite the opposite of encouraging people to bet on his confirmation

af13cf  No.3246569


Did you get that Flake was set up by Soros funded women who then celebrated their victory at having rolled him?

68664c  No.3246571


on FOX yesterday they said it was a letter from people supporting Ford!…. really

aa8666  No.3246573


I so want to write a comment about orgies at that property kek

f69301  No.3246575



A family member noticed several things that contradicted or made no sense in her testimony. They are sending me a list, to make a meme/ graphic with/ Been up all night. Ill check tomorrow when i get up, if they sent it, and then make graphic and share here.

9e2f4d  No.3246576


Don't disagree. The post was about betting/gambling. Comments about the gambling, that's all.

Been here for a year, what you say not lost or new, trying to come up with some digs on a slow and un-eventful morning.


e8283f  No.3246577


I bet she was in Feinsteins office between Jul 30th and Aug 7th. Only one phone call, but how many in face visits?

f69301  No.3246578

>>3246571 i'm sure it contained support, cash/check support, kek

e8283f  No.3246580


Nudies from Anthony Weiner's laptop.

76f9f2  No.3246581


Mitchell asked her how many times she SPOKE with DiFi (not calls)

She said "Once" she's still FFFFKD!

08d7d6  No.3246582

File: 963c8e0b5aa9826⋯.png (189.41 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ohda.png)

537c04  No.3246583


Hm. 72-81? what's the significance there?

36951d  No.3246584


Trump let us down. We can only hope there was a reason.

Cabal forces performed an op which destabilized the current. They won a victory yesterday.

We now know Flake is the weakest link in the patriot structure.

If our operators don't flip him back it's a problem.

We call on our servicemen and servicewomen to stand firm and help WE THE PEOPLE.

9e2f4d  No.3246585


>Quite the opposite of encouraging people to bet on his confirmation

Never said that. encouraging gamblers to place their bets on Judge Kavanaghs chances of confirmation.


FFS. Y'all are argumentative tonight.


f69301  No.3246586


umm i don't think Sheila Jackson passed those along to her lawyer, kek

76f9f2  No.3246587


He'd thrown notes/letters in briefcase

$$$$$ goes in inside pocket

889560  No.3246588


kek,, did u see this one? thought you might like it :)

4cb827  No.3246589


here i clipped the video on C SPAN


9e2f4d  No.3246590


Ye of little faith. Your opinions have led you astray and you feel let down. You don't TRUST THE PLAN.

cf12e2  No.3246592

File: a819a9de6bf16d2⋯.jpg (107.38 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Sharebewbs.jpg)

faac36  No.3246593

File: 1c2b7a2a7747004⋯.jpg (124.99 KB, 628x764, 157:191, rudi-0.jpg)

756444  No.3246594


Thanks. Not you, who's sliding, it would seem …

36951d  No.3246595


My faith is in God, firstly.

My devotion is to my family, secondly.

My loyalty is to the Republic.

We are individuals. No one tells us a plan. We the people make our plan happen.

d0ae5d  No.3246596



Phil lesh $10,000…Hmmm?

2f9e51  No.3246597

Listen up, fags.

Register to vote.


af13cf  No.3246598


Are you doing any digging?

76f9f2  No.3246601


What if FBI arrests everyone Early this week?

What if Huber KNOWS whats going on?

SIGINT/NSA has been listening for Q the whole time. That's why Judge K let it slip that it was Clintons Revenge in Testimony President has prolly briefed him on things. He's ALREADY held the HIGHEST CLEARANCE & knew Football codes. POTUS could reinstate that status at ANY TIME….

Kav KNOWS more than just Vince Foster stuff on Hillary!!


by cowards who don't want to be shamed, ruined, stripped of all $$, Titles, then end up as Abdullah Butt Princess at Gitmo…

43e182  No.3246602

File: c30beb2ab5790b4⋯.png (49.68 KB, 1032x323, 1032:323, Screenshot from 2018-09-29….png)

File: f1f351c93d07186⋯.png (53.08 KB, 1068x455, 1068:455, Screenshot from 2018-09-29….png)


running group psych out of the house. 1 star reviews

9e2f4d  No.3246603


He'd get moar votes if they all know how to spell his name right.

9e2f4d  No.3246607

File: 49b9e4f7c86d1fb⋯.jpg (41.92 KB, 800x711, 800:711, WWGband.jpg)

756444  No.3246609


Hey famefag. You should be proud & happy that your work had influence on normies & effect outside this board. What do you want more?

1c45a2  No.3246610

File: 3711e6289eefd29⋯.jpeg (465.21 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_E39BA1208972-1.jpeg)

1c45a2  No.3246613

File: 8fe3922e405ad85⋯.jpeg (282.6 KB, 750x562, 375:281, IMG_0AEB13A6F833-1.jpeg)

1c45a2  No.3246614

File: f2cd24dc2475731⋯.jpeg (366.11 KB, 749x749, 1:1, IMG_7DD8F620081D-1.jpeg)

36951d  No.3246615


What if?

Anything is possible at all times.

We the people want the FBI to bring traitors to justice.

We the people want our civi and mili intel people to shed light.

In the meanwhile we dig, meme, and pray.

1c45a2  No.3246616

File: aa9dd2cf09a313f⋯.jpg (115.67 KB, 970x542, 485:271, Photo.JPG)

0084d4  No.3246617

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #4112 War between the Kavs and the Kav Nots Edition




Apologies for the early bake, but my connection has been lagging a lot since I got on and I didn't want to take a chance on causing an eBake or being late on the announcement.

>>3246569 From Bread #4109:

>>3244290 Women screaming at Flake in elevator ae Soros-Funded Astroturfed Activist Leaders!

79a370  No.3246618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reminder that Podesta murdered Andrew Breitbart.

The normies should know.

0084d4  No.3246620

Fill this bread before migrating!

aa8666  No.3246622


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