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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

af790c  No.3225798

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 09.28.18

>>3225606 rt >>3225498 -------------------------- Hive Mind

>>3225431 rt >>3225317 -------------------------- Have faith, Patriots.

>>3225317 --------------------------------------------- Did you see Sen. Graham's speech today?

>>3225116 rt >>3225050 -------------------------- Nothing gets past Anons!

>>3224848 rt >>3224714 -------------------------- MIDTERM ELECTIONS>>> [Days Prior] 11.11

Thursday 09.27.18

>>3224714 rt >>3224486 -------------------------- RED OCTOBER>>> MIDTERM ELECTIONS

>>3224486 --------------------------------------------- Justice K Confiormation Goodbye,Mr. Rosenstein

>>>/patriotsfight/304 --------------------------------- Are you AWAKE? The TRUTH is right in front of you ( Cap: >>3223778 )

>>>/patriotsfight/303 --------------------------------- FALSE IN ONE THING. FALSE IN EVERYTHING ( Cap: >>3223011 )

>>>/patriotsfight/302 ——————————— Supreme Court Justice(s) to receive FULL TIME security detail(s) - (pending) (Cap: >>3222459 )

>>>/patriotsfight/301 rt /pf/300 -——————- [FEINSTEIN] THREAT TO MURKOWSKI? (Cap: >>3222056, >>3222062 )

>>>/patriotsfight/300 ——————————— EVIL BE GONE (Cap: >>3222112 )

>>>/patriotsfight/299 ——————————— Link to @CapUSA1 tweet (Cap: >>3219818, >>3219876 , >>3219963 )

>>3219565 rt >>3219273 ———----------——– You are correct

>>>/patriotsfight/298 ——————————— Welcome aboard, Judge K (Cap: >>3219268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/297 ——————————— FEINSTEIN (Cap: >>3219165, >>3219159 )

>>>/patriotsfight/296 ——————————— POTUS Tweet: "Senate must vote!" (Cap: >>3219147 )

Monday 09.24.18

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3198408, >>3198594 )

Sunday 09.23.18

>>>/patriotsfight/294 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )

>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 -——————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

af790c  No.3225817


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support


>>3199641, >>3200846 How to access the 404'd breads

>>3187364 List of Breads 404'd

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board

#4084 Baker Change

>>3225170 FORD CAUGHT IN MAJOR LIE! — City Remodeling Permits Show Project She Linked to Kavanaugh Was in 2008 NOT 2012!

>>3225442 Senator Graham's speech

>>3225477 Richard TRUMKA and Richard Blum (Feinsteins hubby) AND SOROS

>>3225349 Christine Blasey Ford is CIA

>>3225393, >>3225656 Day of the Dead & the Sugar Skull Tradition

>>3225768 #4084


>>3224801 ClockFag Graphic

>>3224610 >>>/patriotsfight/298 Edited to say "Justice"

>>3224381 Nice Graphic - It is all making moar sense

>>3224376 Mollie Hemmingway Agrees with Q (Twat)

>>3225005 #4083


>>3224134 "The world will laugh at Netanyahu's speech," Iran Dismisses Netanyahu's UN Remarks on Secret Nuclear Facility

>>3223983 The Democrats are the ones threatening lives (Scalise Twat)

>>3223922 Kavanaugh accuser's GoFundMe balances

>>3223832, >>3223975, >>3223845 Check Q's filename of DiFi and Muhcowskis showdown. Doj to prosecute this?

>>3223764 Is Mueller Investigating the Seth Rich Murder (Digging Needed Maybe?)

>>3223652, >>3223929 BREAKING: Viganò releases new ‘testimony’ responding to Pope’s silence on McCarrick cover-up

>>3223659 Creepy pedo Tom Hanks plays Mister Rogers

>>3224271 #4082


>>3223523 Career Prosecutor Said Could not Even Get Warrant with CBF Info

>>3223322 Former Hillary Clinton Spox Posts Veiled Threat, Vows ‘Attempted Rapist’ ‘Kavanaugh Will Not Serve for Life’

>>3223238 Rights Groups Say Australia Must Freeze Military Exports Used in Yemen Strikes

>>3223200 Purple Bullying Worked hand in glove with SOROS and every other Globie in the world. For YEARS

>>3223199 Senate plans first floor vote on Kavanaugh for Saturday at 12PM

>>3223132, >>3223411 Shenzen Plates on Feinstein Car in China


>>3223100 Meme campaign: Battle of Midterms - ATTACK LIVE #WALKAWAY

>>3223695 #4081


>>3222693 Committee of Foreign Affairs passes resolutions

>>3222481 Judge rules California Sanctuary Law as unconstitutional

>>3222402 Feinstein and the leaking of the allegations

>>3222387 Comey weighs in on Kavanaugh

>>3222319 Solyndra and Tesla revealed to have been created as organized crime scams

>>3222254 , >>3222289, >>3222306, >>3222327 Diane Feinstein Organized Crime

>>3222130 Dr Ford's lawyer Michael R Bromwich

>>3222715 #4080

Previously Collected Notables

>>3221158 #4078, >>3222956 #4079

>>3218869 #4075, >>3219647 #4076, >>3220404 #4077

>>3216579 #4072, >>3217392 #4073, >>3218172 #4074

>>3214319 #4069, >>3215041 #4071, >>3215832 #4071

>>3212043 #4066, >>3212788 #4067, >>3213505 #4068

>>3209720 #4063, >>3210489 #4064, >>3211265 #4065

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

af790c  No.3225821

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3165205

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

af790c  No.3225824

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 ; 30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/6h2LLBhG

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

af790c  No.3225837

File: f2e2e3cb6accb08⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1856x1162, 928:581, dough.png)



88a651  No.3225855

Can we get some prayers for LG going please.

a0399a  No.3225868

>>3224531 (PB)

Odd that Cher's home raided?

It is a coded message.

Blum using Cher as a bridge

Asking her to have tapes made

Voice recordings

Trump tapes?

Hwood is important.

Could be speculating Trumps win amd SC selections

Preparing for worst case

The resistance?

2c1d52  No.3225869

File: b041be28c1a7bbe⋯.jpeg (33.81 KB, 259x194, 259:194, B3682146-631D-42E2-8511-9….jpeg)

3c9c86  No.3225870


he needs to rub off the faggot stench in public before hand.

Might be a great actor.


d54896  No.3225871

Whichever way they look they see only their own reflections.

8ba4c4  No.3225872

Hummm…re-read crumbs for next one.


ef6439  No.3225873

File: 1cee300b2b73a3b⋯.png (656.17 KB, 473x597, 473:597, Screenshot_1.png)

Thank You, BAKER!!!

f0fee1  No.3225874


You posted RT. Richard TRUMKA? He’s tied to the ports, Feinstein & Soros. Dig?

cc0a55  No.3225875

>>3225431 lb


thank you Q

was a pretty painful day

what a farce!

May God watch over Judge Kav tonight

07ce9d  No.3225876

For those who are meticulous about disinformation. The Information which seems like contradiction, is included on purpose. There is a stimulating factor in each Information. Disinformation is given, so that the Information in question will be searched and found. Contradictions and certain disinformation is especially added according to the Plan, for measuring the Consciousness level of the society, to prepare situations for Awakening and advancement.

Satisfaction caused by Knowledge leads to lethargy. For this reason, disinformation is a must. You may accept these bits of disinformation as a kind of a Key: Each contradiction will lead to a Q-uestion and each Q-uestion will open a Door of Knowledge. Those who solve the contradictions will open the Doors. Everything has meaning. For this reason, the crumbs should be read again and again. There are no mistakes since this Information is different than that to which you have been habituated.

Behaviors are assessed in accordance with the reactions you have towards these contradictions. The goal is to attain the maturity of not denying the things which you do not know.

d6b40f  No.3225878

File: 67f333a6490cb69⋯.png (34.61 KB, 836x506, 38:23, 1538109543325.png)

File: 4626bc0aa0b2c90⋯.png (21.08 KB, 713x409, 713:409, 1538109243330.png)

File: eb0b8a616f9205a⋯.png (17.66 KB, 453x326, 453:326, 1538109305604.png)

File: 868d7f9087d0583⋯.png (28.22 KB, 580x515, 116:103, 1538109363968.png)

File: 67f333a6490cb69⋯.png (34.61 KB, 836x506, 38:23, 1538109543325.png)

7393e8  No.3225879

File: 4d53bc1c115563a⋯.jpeg (48.4 KB, 380x380, 1:1, 1DEAAC6B-BF9C-4113-8B8F-0….jpeg)

File: 3a86193a3047008⋯.png (6.74 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 1128FF3E-2770-487D-BA4F-39….png)

Two different women

Two different shirts

ec9f59  No.3225880



3fd4cf  No.3225881

File: 6ac27fd29055460⋯.jpg (150.38 KB, 1024x656, 64:41, WashingtonCrossingDeleware.jpg)

File: 2bf4b8e0866235e⋯.jpg (280.38 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, September18,1961.jpg)

daf0c2  No.3225882

File: 7479fa50373bcba⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1000x1200, 5:6, ClipboardImage.png)


Life has been hard

Ugly on the inside and out

9e74e7  No.3225883


This flame is eternal, Anon.

2df0bd  No.3225884

Security Tips For Newfags.

1) Use a VPN

2) Sandbox Firefox

3) Clear Cache/Cookies/History Regularly

To Sandbox Firefox In Linux

Install Firejail.

Create A New File Called sandbox-firefox.desktop

Place The Following in the file and save:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Sandboxed Firefox
GenericName=Secured Firefox
Exec=firejail firefox

Copy the file to where it should be:

sudo mv sandbox-firefox.desktop /usr/share/applications/

Refresh App Database:

sudo update-desktop-database

You should now have a Sandboxed Firefox Icon in your Menu.

Use this at all times on 8chan for extra security :)

7d9a62  No.3225885


YEP two different women

BOTH women were photographed at the same party with Hillary

9dc449  No.3225886

File: 078f5de1d28f5fd⋯.jpg (192.18 KB, 1280x850, 128:85, anal_anal fisting_anal ins….jpg)


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


these "babay brain eaters" that are calling themselves "hivemind"

are really just hypnotizing you with old occultist word plays that they are colluding together to perform at you

d58b9d  No.3225887

>3225858 Last bread



554c2f  No.3225888

File: aadd7b2f332465a⋯.png (68.39 KB, 1194x952, 597:476, ySFarrC.png)

Danke, Baker!

ec3bd8  No.3225889

File: 364f01aabdc7968⋯.gif (29.72 KB, 600x356, 150:89, uexp.gif)

bc599c  No.3225890


Till what anon?

af790c  No.3225891

File: 8cb32398a48f8f0⋯.png (5.25 MB, 870x6668, 435:3334, Q The Basics V1.0 (long).png)

File: be60f95fd7468c9⋯.png (4.77 MB, 3302x2359, 3302:2359, basicssidebyside.png)

POTUS' speech writers might've been lurking

d58b9d  No.3225892




9e74e7  No.3225893


Maybe just on the inside. Let's be realistic.

21890d  No.3225894

File: 73ba67c1db53e96⋯.jpg (85.84 KB, 480x513, 160:171, 2ioed7~2.jpg)

File: 0f38fdd11aebaaa⋯.jpg (90.72 KB, 480x595, 96:119, 2iofce~2.jpg)

File: a3cdb5456d7ae81⋯.jpg (78.2 KB, 480x395, 96:79, 2iod6r~2.jpg)

Q give other platforms credit for our work….. Go fuck yourself little bitch Q.

6c30c9  No.3225895

During the hearing today, I couldn’t help but notice the look of depravity and soullessness in Ford, her lawyers, and the Democrat senators. And to think they called soon to be Justice Kavenaugh evil. They need to take a long hard look in the mirror.

ef6439  No.3225896

File: e0aa528701cb82a⋯.png (3 MB, 1273x894, 1273:894, zpa2.png)

0aa0de  No.3225897

Hive mind?

Green Mind, baby.


f42edc  No.3225898


04e620  No.3225899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i move we start a GoFundme beer-fund for BK


<j/k…buy ur own damn beer. kek

da21c2  No.3225900

File: a580fc5a04a35a9⋯.jpg (51.8 KB, 500x692, 125:173, 2iwr7r.jpg)

45fd2d  No.3225901

File: 8086000e8d5f2d6⋯.jpg (362 KB, 2463x1136, 2463:1136, SAW.jpg)



854810  No.3225902


Police ride Cher house in Malibu today

do you believe in coincidences?

c7a6c7  No.3225903

File: f273bca239e0a7c⋯.jpg (133.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ParrotinFlight.jpg)

Thank You Baker

Previous Baker Out. Enjoy the Night

Such a Glorious Fucking Day!!

055631  No.3225904

Prof. Ford is a very ugly woman. Her eyes are too close together. I am biased… I have wide-set eyes, but close-set eyes look creepy to me.

6b2557  No.3225905

Former NBA Player Says He “NEVER, EVER” Saw Brett Kavanaugh “Blacked Out” at Yale Parties

Democrat lawmakers today repeatedly interrogated Judge Brett Kavanaugh on his high school and college drinking.

This is horrific place the Democrat party has brought the nation.

udge Kavanaugh repeated to the Democrat interrogators that he has never had a black-out while drinking.

Former NBA star Chris Dudly, who went to Yale with Brett Kavanaugh, backed up the judge this week.

Dudly said he “never, ever” saw Brett Kavanaugh blacked out.

Yahoo.Sports reported:

Former NBA player Chris Dudley refuted claims made by fellow classmates about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh this week, saying he “never, ever saw him blacked out” while they were at parties during their Yale days.

Kavanaugh’s character has come into question following his confirmation hearing and the initial report from Christine Blasey Ford that he sexually assaulted her during a drunken party in high school. Ford initially sent a letter to her senator in July. Two women have since accused him of sexual assault, including Debbie Ramirez. Ramirez said he exposed himself to her during a party their freshman year at Yale.

Kavanaugh is set to appear Thursday in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Media outlets have pored over yearbooks and contacted friends and former classmates, including Dudley, about Kavanaugh’s time in high school and college. Dudley ran for Oregon governor on the Republican ticket in 2010.

“That’s just not Brett,” Dudley told the New York Times regarding how the allegations don’t align with the Kavanaugh he knows. “That’s not in his character.”


9dc449  No.3225906


look at all those dykes, couldn't even bury them in the same hole as a bear

ec9f59  No.3225907


The voting

0c726c  No.3225908

File: 6400b804e3f4534⋯.png (66.52 KB, 143x204, 143:204, carlson_robert_m_official.png)

File: 242d7f59e135cad⋯.png (342.09 KB, 1020x1008, 85:84, HC.png)

>>3225729 lb



American Bar Association



Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton receives ABA human rights award

The ABA Center for Human Rights bestowed its inaugural Eleanor Roosevelt Prize for Global Human Rights Advancement to former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during a ceremony Sept. 14 in New York


daf0c2  No.3225909

click on the photo

enlarge it

now look at that hag

88a91f  No.3225910

i an't keep up anymore. my neckwent out and have what i canonly describe as qpultunnel syndrome. i can't use my rihgt arm fkn sucks…. sorry q

a9612d  No.3225911

I can't say too much. I am a male who Cory Booker tried to have sex with. He had two security guards (I think that is what they were) trap me at a Bathhouse. Cory took his towel off and pushed his penis on me. I think it was erect. The two guys stood there trying to keep me from getting away.

I have to confess that I was with a group of people including Cory Booker having a fun and doing lines of coke. Not sure how to address this further. I wrote my Senator and Congressman. Both are diehard Democrats. Please help.

08278d  No.3225912



d9c194  No.3225913

File: 6b7653ebe433226⋯.png (140.93 KB, 1136x680, 142:85, ClipboardImage.png)

Comey - for a guy who facing a grand jury and possibly a lifetime in prison, you have a lot to say. Suggest you put your energies into raising funds and consulting good lawyers. Mueller is engaged so you might have to look elsewhere for a fixer.

b27e53  No.3225914

It must be so hard for the Senate D's right now. Tomorrow's vote cannot be manipulated by illegals and dead people.

b31b8c  No.3225915

File: dc16f16a36ff8fc⋯.jpg (107.93 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, download (1).jpg)

God bless this man

28a933  No.3225916

File: d6d8de2184e1f02⋯.jpg (331.68 KB, 680x528, 85:66, ClintonTies.jpg)


Ty for posting. But man did they both get hit with the uglystick.

7215b6  No.3225917


She's a jew. Inbred genes, compulsive lying.

6b5793  No.3225918


God Bless Judge K and his beautiful family.

701135  No.3225919


I was there to witness those events on that night. It's 100% true.

4a3fbb  No.3225920

File: 0e6bfa0f042dbf4⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1166x772, 583:386, ###.png)

Thank you Baker

5dc300  No.3225921

File: 80558d95996accf⋯.jpg (338.44 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_201.jpg)

d58b9d  No.3225923

File: e2a988fbaa5bb11⋯.jpg (50.88 KB, 736x588, 184:147, clint04.jpg)

Snope shill sauce. Hot jizzed Snopes sauce. Meats back on the menu boys!


e2e6c3  No.3225924


Interesting, Thanks

2fc9ef  No.3225925

File: df5bfb01de95e0a⋯.jpeg (8.5 KB, 300x168, 25:14, be4c0c2f24032591a5ecb8a2e….jpeg)

d35c2a  No.3225926


No telling how many times she's been Weinstein'd. What a wreck she is, now.

2547aa  No.3225927

File: 5d524b69b788690⋯.png (374.29 KB, 1111x833, 1111:833, Sleep.png)

Anons I have to go to bed - what a day - good night hive brothers and sisters including Q. We can see larger chunks of the Plan falling into place now. Wonderful day.

ec3bd8  No.3225928

File: 94905af66b79d99⋯.jpg (43.82 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2553789.jpg)

2f8c52  No.3225929

File: 94c589c1330d474⋯.png (563.31 KB, 507x530, 507:530, fordpeeps.PNG)


I tried to fix that

8e4514  No.3225930


More salt please!!! This is my favorite thing :)

07ce9d  No.3225931


Lawfag & Photofag both present…confirmed?

703c8f  No.3225932

Who is the guy in the HRC pic…Security? The lawyer from the Katz firm?

359844  No.3225933


Q…PLEASE ask POTUS to come to CT…we really have a chance…we NEED him!!


0c726c  No.3225934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a9fcc7  No.3225935

Kavanaugh looks to me like a little creep. I liked Gorsuch right away, but Kav looks like one of those closetted politicians who fuck ladyboys at rest stops.

Y'all will think I'm a shill but sorry, I read faces and his is slimey looking.

b9c8fb  No.3225936

Red state dems are FUCKED either way. If they vote against Kav then red wave takes their seats. Trump will campaign there and they will lose. If they vote for him, their unhinged base won’t vote for them in the election. Game over. Perfect timing for this SCOTUS pick. Anthony Kennedy may have cucked us with several rulings, but he gained some redemption by timing this out perfectly. Game over liberal faggot cucks. Now after the red wave, how about y’all just off yourselves by jumping off the golden gate? I need some new bate material! Haha. Kek.

f57778  No.3225937


Seconding this. Cory Booker tounged my anus.

3fd4cf  No.3225938




a9612d  No.3225939


Thank you anon. I remember you now.

7c18da  No.3225940

File: 903de3c2f97dbbf⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2998x1499, 2:1, yeller_out-of-tricks.jpg)

File: d2b58150cfbfbbd⋯.jpg (341.5 KB, 1474x811, 1474:811, sad-yeller.jpg)

File: 1f6ab91f5eb9751⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_HouseSeats.jpg)

File: 815c29273979ad5⋯.jpg (590.25 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_SenateSeats.jpg)

b042aa  No.3225941

File: b9fa74e6943487e⋯.png (724.34 KB, 1058x748, 529:374, Screen Shot 2018-09-03 at ….png)

cc0a55  No.3225942


>Behaviors are assessed in accordance with the reactions you have towards these contradictions.

The goal is to attain the maturity of not denying the things which you do not know.

very perceptive, I have to agree

sounds like a Q helper

ce14e5  No.3225943

File: 79d1bf422b8602f⋯.jpg (109.25 KB, 823x500, 823:500, TFWMF47.jpg)

>>3225800 >>3225606 (pb&Q)



22fab9  No.3225944


The hairline is also noticeably different. Katz appears to use a bowl to cut her hair.

7c18da  No.3225945

File: fccbbf1a925f0c0⋯.jpg (586.41 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, WelcomeJusticeK.jpg)

File: e7fdb4a0653a6ef⋯.jpg (460.23 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClintonTies_Twitter.jpg)

OC Today

43ca1d  No.3225946

File: 163b373e8d05b3a⋯.jpeg (121.63 KB, 540x540, 1:1, busted snopes.jpeg)

a1173d  No.3225947

763e10  No.3225948


Well, that's all the evidence I need. Let's impeach Corry Booker.


6b2557  No.3225949

File: 8c868de05ea8aa7⋯.png (259.04 KB, 528x413, 528:413, ClipboardImage.png)

Plane With 47 People Rolls Off Runway, Crashes into Water in Micronesia (PHOTOS)

A plane carrying 47 passengers and crew crashed into a lagoon after it came off the end of the runwa yat Chuuk International Airport, Micronesia.

The Boeing 737-800, operated by Air Niugini, the national airline of Papua New Guinea, crashed into water near Chuuk International Airport, Micronesia Friday, sparking a massive rescue operation by locals.

The runway at the airport is notorious for being especially short, being twice as short as Heathrow Airport's runways, Daily Star notes.

John Merelli, an employee at the nearby High Tide Hotel told reporters that locals came out quickly and rushed to rescue the passengers.

"The plane crash and in around five minutes the rescuers were there," Merelli told reporters. "They were ordinary people, because there are plenty of boats around the shore."

According to reports by local media, all 36 passengers and 11 crew were successfully evacuated. The plane itself has sunk underwater, according to Daily Star.


7d9a62  No.3225950

854810  No.3225951

File: 744d1beb612fe73⋯.jpg (145 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 744d1beb612fe731c24d487d7a….jpg)

File: 934ac231bd40ad0⋯.jpg (13.49 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Kevin Hart.jpg)

Me: Q said FEINSTEIN is threatening Senator from Alaska MURKOWSKI.

My friend: haha you and your Q how can he know that… don't tell me he is NSA guy listening to every phone conversation bla bla you really believe that?

Me: Q just posted photo Feinstein threatening Murkowski… (showing phone with picture)

My Friend: [jaw drop]

bc599c  No.3225952


I thought they were voting Saturday? Like floor vote. Sorry, I don’t know the process :(

ef6439  No.3225953


This is Glassist…and I am offended!

062f03  No.3225954

Sorry anons, but I have to…. This is not the place but I have to. It's all i have…

What the actual fuck??!!

I just discovered the punch line to a 20 year joke, and I was it.

20 years of hell could have been avoided

20 years.

Could have had everything. EVERYTHING.

Most important type of everything.

20 years ago, anon said no to something everyone else says yes to.

Found out today, a simple yes 20 years ago unlocked EVERYTHING.

I'll KMS now. For shitting up the bread and for saying no.

I really really hate life right now.

cc1e72  No.3225955

File: 55680941d2810dd⋯.jpg (665.39 KB, 1075x1077, 1075:1077, Screenshot_20180928-004428….jpg)


Photoshop newfag

701135  No.3225956



c58f6e  No.3225957


kek. traumatizing.

1add7b  No.3225958

File: 251fda405803a5e⋯.jpg (137.2 KB, 600x906, 100:151, nikon-sb-700-speedlight-00….jpg)

File: 3b2e6b9c8609d67⋯.jpg (24.64 KB, 476x450, 238:225, 00P0P_59wTqPXnUD0_600x450.jpg)


So you crop out the speedlight and that proves your point?

82fe87  No.3225959

File: 431ede3a2943c4d⋯.jpg (17.06 KB, 522x81, 58:9, a_threat.jpg)



But Possible threat detected within 36 hours

a9fcc7  No.3225960



I rest my case.

6b2557  No.3225961


ec9f59  No.3225962


Oh shit then

Maybe IU better get some sleep

0aa0de  No.3225963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

/ourguy/ Johnny

05e451  No.3225964


Looking in the mirror must be hell for you, then?

3c9c86  No.3225965


knew that fake ass pussy nigga was a faggot.

If you got evidence, keep it loaded. Contact POTUS. Witness protection.

b042aa  No.3225966

File: cd1e81b4d33eaa4⋯.jpg (63.17 KB, 852x1608, 71:134, 2hnn.jpg)


Sweet Dreams Anon!! One for the History books. Shadilay!!!

2b66e7  No.3225967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

21890d  No.3225968

File: 77ee391ab2656ae⋯.jpg (27.82 KB, 480x252, 40:21, 2f4bmj~2.jpg)

Q knows if I seen him in person I'd kick his balls out out his mouth, why because Q is a piece of shit fraud.

The fucker thinks we are all idiots.

db84ac  No.3225969

File: e1500506ffd5b53⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 41FF6300-41F7-4BF9-A70E-9….jpeg)



f851e4  No.3225970

File: 744d1beb612fe73⋯.jpg (145 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 744d1beb612fe731c24d487d7a….jpg)

Is that Kim Jong-il hiding under a Feinstein mask?

Will Grassley reach over after tomorrow's vote and pull it off like in fucking Scooby Doo to reveal a little Chinese spy?

7d9a62  No.3225971


It just happens when you become a democrat

7215b6  No.3225972

File: 6e3552c27f1ed00⋯.jpg (74.58 KB, 640x705, 128:141, aflbblfa.jpg)


Hormone therapy not going well today, cupcake?

6fe6ba  No.3225973

>>3225853 lb

This is very strange.

9dc449  No.3225974

File: 65537ee43ee02a7⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 500x487, 500:487, afteradirtyfrumpinthetoile….jpg)

baby boomers = shit

46291a  No.3225975

>>3225740 LB

1:23 mark: "The only thing I had to worry about back then was the enemy" (talking about the war)

Then a devious look while everyone else laughs…2 months later, KENNEDY WAS ASSASSINATED!!

d6b40f  No.3225976

File: e75f5d769f152a8⋯.png (426.07 KB, 1596x1166, 798:583, 1538105525147.png)

2227c1  No.3225977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>3225729 (lb)








ALL BAR members are servants of the CROWN.

EXPOSING EVERYTHING would include this too, so here we go.

34b88c  No.3225978


They aren't going to enjoy their USSS visit either.

661197  No.3225979

So Avril just popped back into the music scene. First line of lyrics on her new song?

I've gotta keep the calm before the storm

22463f  No.3225980

Dude you seem troubled. Try to talk to a fiend. We are here for you.


dd32e3  No.3225981

File: ba99163885c61cf⋯.jpg (62.13 KB, 813x561, 271:187, CITS.jpg)

Just some thoughts.

Welcome aboard is also said on a ship

CITS China International Travel Service?

We have a picture of Feinstein with Chinese flags.

6b5793  No.3225982

File: d25c59d730702e5⋯.jpg (37.79 KB, 358x364, 179:182, 2iwrfb.jpg)

25d27b  No.3225983


That picture has been floating around on twatter all day.

37b930  No.3225984


I don't trust anyone and he seemed very

proud to be close to GWB…..which is scary

9e74e7  No.3225985


Oh, you read faces. Well that settles it.

b042aa  No.3225986

File: 6ff25e14472f3df⋯.jpg (14.19 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 7dc9bb3619d84f1fedad58a4bc….jpg)


Go on Anon…

15e560  No.3225987

>>3224849 (lb)

hence security detail that is pending for ALL sc justices frens.

these people are SICK!


554c2f  No.3225988


Retard = "to slow"

Welcome back, tardanon.

6b2557  No.3225989


Gotta go through me first!

902de9  No.3225990

File: c494c59c0f57abe⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 715x535, 143:107, glasses.jpg)


Occult - Anything that comes between sight and the light.

098cc5  No.3225991

File: c8635c34b8c99c6⋯.png (236.87 KB, 800x480, 5:3, notable.png)

a401ac  No.3225992


seems highly credible

03e1a5  No.3225993

File: 04715cee9779e6f⋯.jpg (454.08 KB, 1805x2048, 1805:2048, IMG_20180928_095524.jpg)

Anon who made the graphic. Thank you.

We are all just Messengers, doing each other's work. Bringing forth the light.

Hive Mind.

d58b9d  No.3225994

File: 9966cadaf99dd63⋯.jpg (46.11 KB, 640x652, 160:163, TheDoctorINTJ.jpg)


When a witness lies and shite.

You get to fuck their shit up!


18b669  No.3225995

File: f269d6cd3373d90⋯.jpg (481.18 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, D3DF4DAB-A4E7-46F9-A99E-A7….JPG)

Did we ever figure out what she handed him? I know most say money, but I'm curious. If it doesn't matter, I'm good with laying it to rest.

5dc300  No.3225996

File: b988a885b580f70⋯.jpg (949.71 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, IMG_202.jpg)

1996d1  No.3225997


What are you babbling about, you can't drop it here. Continue…

3c9c86  No.3225998


How are these (((msm))) shills THIS FUCKING STUPID?


6b2557  No.3225999



038415  No.3226000

File: bf7889d89dae90e⋯.jpeg (917.38 KB, 1125x1690, 225:338, 71F757EA-A565-4C13-B49B-F….jpeg)

I think if you go to VERY first post…10/28 it is telling us everything but just 1 year different (Future proves past)

097102  No.3226001

Someone said to me, "Aha! Q used bad grammar!" They said it should be "Nothing gets passed Anons" No, I said. His grammar was correct! On my mom's last day of life (cancer) she was correcting my grammar even then.

e2e6c3  No.3226002

File: 6f8d480b16faff3⋯.jpg (95.95 KB, 500x575, 20:23, denying.jpg)


>The goal is to attain the maturity of not denying the things which you do not know.

af790c  No.3226003



to the anons that brought that to others' attention are the champs

d9c194  No.3226005


Is it true the Kamala Harris is a swinger freak that likes to go to swinger clubs in SF?

7a803a  No.3226006



Eat shit nigga.

b042aa  No.3226007

File: 55c89d2ac9026d7⋯.jpg (149.05 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, RED_WAVE.jpg)




d58b9d  No.3226008

File: 50cd06e14a7328e⋯.jpg (15.19 KB, 255x120, 17:8, UneedToGoBackGand.jpg)

6b64b1  No.3226009


BAR = British Accreditation Registry

a9612d  No.3226010


Does it matter anymore?

6d40b9  No.3226011

File: cc6b86d8009c568⋯.jpg (57.96 KB, 604x481, 604:481, barbara_kinney_2.jpg)

The crumb about this cunt being a Hillary plant, is unfortunately not about an actual thing. This is some other bitch named Kinney

2c1d52  No.3226012

File: 58fc324733b8a05⋯.jpeg (119.83 KB, 992x984, 124:123, 9C02A600-6CCE-429E-BF5F-A….jpeg)

Jews are God’s Chosen People

Jesus Christ is their Savior too

Most of them just don’t know it yet

Trust the plan

Genesis 17: 1-8

1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

2 And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.

3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying,

4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.

5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.

6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.

7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.

8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.

922001  No.3226013


GWB is ok. Not the evil ass his dad is.

ef6439  No.3226014

File: 5de076ffb2a7187⋯.png (503.49 KB, 644x398, 322:199, Screenshot_67.png)


Thanks, Anon!

I spent the whole weekend on that graphic.

Hope it red pills many a faggot!

88a651  No.3226015

File: 5f57a016dea6c3d⋯.png (331.65 KB, 533x533, 1:1, 1.PNG)

File: db2aaf0ad7e81d3⋯.png (316.39 KB, 534x535, 534:535, 2.PNG)

File: 0cd670df27a99f8⋯.png (325.05 KB, 531x535, 531:535, 3.PNG)

e45533  No.3226016

File: 4d36342556f173f⋯.png (16.07 KB, 407x364, 407:364, ClipboardImage.png)


Can we still expect this as our future that proves the past?

f42edc  No.3226017

I drank beer

I liked beer

I still do!!!!!!!!!!!!


a9fcc7  No.3226018


Hilarious. You think he doesn't look like one of those dweebs who needs punched? Compare him to Senator Kennedy, and Lyin Ted. They all look like creepy little fucks.

Sorry, it's the truth and you know it. When Trump was attacking Ted, you thought it too.

7d9a62  No.3226019


we must believe the victims regardless of the evidence

11504c  No.3226020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If Kavanaugh is confirmed people will credit this speech by Lindsey Graham

Did you see Sen. Graham's speech today?


Enjoy the show!


3cf343  No.3226021


Stop with the disrespect Doug, we all know you have closet tendencies

04e620  No.3226022

File: 5ff2d58eb56106a⋯.jpg (117.18 KB, 570x487, 570:487, pepefingerscrossed.jpg)


>Not sure how to address this further.

First off, stop doing coke with predatory faggots.

Second, pics or it didn't happen. o_O

9fb36b  No.3226023

File: d0f919316b7c3cd⋯.png (208.74 KB, 302x479, 302:479, Selection_517.png)


So, why is the attorney carrying what appears to be high end camera with a flash unit(with diffusion filter up).

db84ac  No.3226024

File: 2dd97f1457cc842⋯.jpeg (2.34 MB, 1242x1260, 69:70, 5B7798E7-F560-4D54-9104-E….jpeg)

I came across a really old meme today.

This could have been made today, let alone 65 years ago.

Apologies if already seen!

7204e2  No.3226025

File: 95cab12ef0fc0cc⋯.png (2.92 MB, 2010x1304, 1005:652, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

eef639  No.3226026

seen this??


9e74e7  No.3226027


It's not them, it's their audience that is stupid. You asked, so I will telly you why…two words: public schools.

7215b6  No.3226028

File: cac957b84bc8f31⋯.png (169.26 KB, 500x666, 250:333, supportorgtfo.png)

46291a  No.3226029


Yup…just watched it…BOB HOPE WAS IN ON IT…something going on there…

37b930  No.3226030


Sure……W dindu nuffin

430ac4  No.3226031

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Today I saw a good Senator become Great. Senator Lindsey Graham was a man on Fire a man set Free.

POTUS is Making Senators Great Again.

New Hope


9dc449  No.3226032

if you are in new york

the light at the end of the tunnel is jersey

ec3bd8  No.3226033


survivors anon…respect.

590f70  No.3226034

File: c5b8631da2933dc⋯.png (3.53 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, A8F3E5D1-F646-4FB4-A5D5-9A….png)

File: 6e802019925142d⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EDF49C27-A09E-44C1-AA1A-AE….png)


Her Ears look like someone used puddy for her lobes.

d6b40f  No.3226035


The red calf being born signals the coming of the Jewish messiah, or mashiach. The Jewish mashiach is not Jesus.

The idea of mashiach (messiah) is an ancient one in Judaism

The Jewish idea of mashiach is a great human leader like King David, not a savior

There is much speculation about when the mashiach will come

The Bible identifies several tasks that the mashiach will accomplish

Jews do not believe in Jesus because he did not accomplish these tasks

It is written that:

Before the time of the mashiach, there shall be war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16)


The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15)

Jews do not believe that Jesus was the mashiach. Assuming that he existed, and assuming that the Christian scriptures are accurate in describing him (both matters that are debatable from the Jewish perspective), he simply did not fulfill the mission of the mashiach as it is described in the biblical passages cited above. Jesus did not do any of the things that the scriptures said the messiah would do.

On the contrary, another Jew born about a century later came far closer to fulfilling the messianic ideal than Jesus did. His name was Shimeon ben Kosiba, known as Bar Kokhba (son of a star), and he was a charismatic, brilliant, but brutal warlord. Rabbi Akiba, one of the greatest scholars in Jewish history, believed that Bar Kokhba was the mashiach. Bar Kokhba fought a war against the Roman Empire, catching the Tenth Legion by surprise and retaking Jerusalem. He resumed sacrifices at the site of the Temple and made plans to rebuild the Temple. He established a provisional government and began to issue coins in its name. This is what the Jewish people were looking for in a mashiach; Jesus clearly does not fit into this mold. Ultimately, however, the Roman Empire crushed his revolt and killed Bar Kokhba. After his death, all acknowledged that he was not the mashiach.

Throughout Jewish history, there have been many people who have claimed to be the mashiach, or whose followers have claimed that they were the mashiach: Shimeon Bar Kokhba, Shabbatai Tzvi, Jesus, and many others too numerous to name. Leo Rosten reports some very entertaining accounts under the entry for meshiekh in The New Joys of Yiddish. But all of these people died without fulfilling the mission of the mashiach; therefore, none of them were the mashiach. The mashiach and the Olam Ha-Ba lie in the future, not in the past.

Source: http://www.jewfaq.org/m/mashiach.htm

3c9c86  No.3226036


rat's cage.

7a803a  No.3226037



Faggot get lost.

07ce9d  No.3226038

File: e70021da1795073⋯.png (219.07 KB, 550x540, 55:54, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___GenF….png)

File: a1257dfdbf7fe24⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 630x630, 1:1, fukkensaved6.jpg)


Happy to provide


o7 pic related


Nah, just an anon who's been WELL prepared for this mission. Only needed to accept the calling…if you are here in Sincerity, then YOU are a Q "helper" (Q = HUMANITY in this context)


2nd pic related

96c00d  No.3226039

File: 0f325411fdcbbc5⋯.jpeg (709.3 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, DE0A8E7E-EEEA-486B-B82D-1….jpeg)


Getting a Qdrop while watching Cerno crying from cognitive dissonance as Kavanaugh’s testimony completely exposes the LEFT.


a9fcc7  No.3226040



GWB is ok????????

Hahahahahahaha ha… Ha…


6b5793  No.3226041

File: 8e5dc7f7d67de60⋯.png (258.68 KB, 500x625, 4:5, WTF Checker.png)

e45533  No.3226042

File: a451ef1aaf27747⋯.png (63.31 KB, 854x216, 427:108, ClipboardImage.png)

4cc889  No.3226043

File: 83f2b6938f2e9ff⋯.png (435.03 KB, 721x727, 721:727, BIN.png)

062f03  No.3226044


oh fuck no,

no way.

You're autists, you'll figure it out.

this is a lot easier than a Q post.

I will hint,

everything /= material things.

I know KYS.

08278d  No.3226045



Mistake or perhaps some other meaning.


d9c194  No.3226046

File: f1a6c0cad50c139⋯.png (832.93 KB, 1102x1082, 551:541, ClipboardImage.png)

The best news from CNN since the Gulf War in 1991.

3cf343  No.3226047

File: fb01df618c0471c⋯.png (409.47 KB, 518x635, 518:635, GrahamIAM.PNG)

7d9a62  No.3226048


how do you know SHE is carrying it.

There is a guy in front of her

Also she has PINK FLOWERS on the top part of her white shirt

different woman same party

f851e4  No.3226049

File: 2840b2e34cb6be7⋯.png (268.04 KB, 610x477, 610:477, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

So I'm guessing this is a confirmation that Cher had Sonny Bono killed?

f2b562  No.3226050

File: 177f03c265c3f97⋯.jpg (225.58 KB, 1281x861, 61:41, allyurasses2.JPG)

All yur asses are belong to me

d2fbc1  No.3226051

File: 60ebac139964433⋯.png (72.21 KB, 410x146, 205:73, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)



0724fd  No.3226052


Right there in the ROOM

Proof that Sheila Jackson-Lee has the IQ of a goldfish

No doubt they had operatives coaching her on shit, and she STILL botched it

Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy

854810  No.3226053



c4b79b  No.3226054


Hang in there fren


eef639  No.3226055


no! never seen this before…

thanQs, Anon!

b6e4b3  No.3226056


Feminism does that to a person.

b042aa  No.3226057

File: 4f916ef9dbcbfc9⋯.jpeg (264.37 KB, 1242x783, 46:29, 32D54360-DB6D-426E-B34C-8….jpeg)


Prayers to you Anon. The cures are coming. Hang tight.


ef6439  No.3226058






88a651  No.3226060

Ya dun good Graham. Today was a great day.

3c9c86  No.3226061


The fucking delusions of these kvetching retards will be their downfall.










Delusions come out of that shithole cesspit of a region like mayflies out of pile of shit.

d54896  No.3226062

Did Elon Musk figure out the comms?

fa3c1c  No.3226063


The Full Weight of the House Vs the ARM!

Its happening Anons !!

1d21b9  No.3226064

File: c087581be6c2180⋯.jpg (139.53 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Justice Brett Kavanaugh Wi….jpg)

File: eb349df7d1abcbb⋯.jpg (46.2 KB, 539x960, 539:960, 42378262_1099379756906823_….jpg)

File: 3b139bbbe9bec08⋯.jpg (68.42 KB, 734x750, 367:375, 42651312_953111798362160_6….jpg)

baec01  No.3226065

File: 258cedc437ba8b7⋯.jpg (77.06 KB, 460x562, 230:281, 1516845745455.jpg)

File: 388856dabb1b4b4⋯.jpg (231.22 KB, 828x830, 414:415, WWG1WGA.jpg)


…or just accept the obvious truth that lies happen in life and no one person should completely trust another, not even when that trust is earned. Trust is tested passively every single day, sometimes without realizing right away and each person decides for themselves whether or not they get fucked or not by cross-checking for the objective truth. This is why we'll never be completely DONE fighting…

>>3225865 (OFF BREAD)


I made that shoop, kek

f2796c  No.3226066

6b2557  No.3226067



af790c  No.3226068

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3225905 Former NBA Player Says He “NEVER, EVER” Saw Brett Kavanaugh “Blacked Out” at Yale Partie

8ca2b9  No.3226069

File: 02ad38f1e16e091⋯.jpg (212.17 KB, 2144x788, 536:197, gangof8.jpg)

25d27b  No.3226070


She cut the brake lines on his skis.

d35c2a  No.3226071


All that did happen. Just because it wasn't covered doesn't mean it wasn't a white hat "black op". How do you think we got to where we are now?


283b58  No.3226072


Grahamnesty no moar!

Rush will have to find a new nickname.

91e66d  No.3226073

File: 1cda3fc1596a509⋯.jpeg (63.67 KB, 744x483, 248:161, rrfired.jpeg)


Man, RR looks messed up in that image


df34fe  No.3226074

Everyone becoming great and greater! Eminem is kicking ass and destroying all the turd Obama-era rappers left and right. Kek, even Eminem got on the high energy winning train. Sounds like he finally woke up, sounds like someone finally took the chains of Eminem and let him loose.

82fe87  No.3226075

File: 4d31ee75d4513ae⋯.jpg (84.6 KB, 794x1024, 397:512, 0 aba.jpg)

NEWS: The American Bar Association—whose “well qualified” rating has been cited by Kavanaugh—calls on the Senate to delay a vote on his SCOTUS nomination until after the @FBI conducts a background check on the Ford allegations.

Its signed by Robert Carlson on page 2 (didn't get)

who got to them?

055631  No.3226076

It occurs to me that though Kavanaugh is a good and responsible judge and will likely apply the law fairly, he has no reason to have mercy on any of those scumbags who were laughing before the hearing after his family was threatened. They have dug their own graves.

d54896  No.3226077

He designed a wall.

d9c194  No.3226078

File: 807aaca899dad1f⋯.png (984.85 KB, 1132x1024, 283:256, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey Comey - we NEVER forget. Start saving up for your legals fees. It is going to be a bumpy ride Jimbo.

d6b40f  No.3226079

File: 96872155c352722⋯.jpg (298.22 KB, 656x1655, 656:1655, 1538106713684.jpg)

7a803a  No.3226080

File: 681cd77b651ddcf⋯.png (276.06 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 8dee17ef8081a0229150a77c0a….png)

Anons, honestly, the longer I'm here the more worries I'm having. I've been here since thread 1 of CBTS, PG, and way before.

Q saying "don't worry we're in control" and "We are here for a reason" creep me the fuck out.

Although no public arrests/hangings have been made (they can't even ever tell us that McCain was put to death - because they are too worried about controlling the public). We are constantly told "HEY, BILLIONARE executives are quitting with huge bonuses! Aren't you happy!? CEOS are quitting!" We are supposed to be fucking happy about that?

We have been relegated to cheering for behind the scenes movement.

Q (NSA) team is here to CONTROL THE RIOTS.

They know we know. They have more than confirmed our suspicions on what's going on. We wrongly think they are on our side to take them down.

Although Q & NSA ARE ON OUR SIDE - they don't HAVE THE SAME GOAL.

Their goal is to protect the military, and the nation from changing. They are here to CONTROL us. They are here to convince us not to riot. They are here to convince us not to kill democrats. They are here to convince us to VOTE for president.

The problem is, I'm fucking pissed.

It's becoming more and more clear with EVERY POST.

Q has no interest, in EVER bringing anyone to public justice. They are handing things with "internal military tribunals" - THEY WILL NEVER BE TELEVISED. THEY WILL NEVER BE PUBLIC.

Where the fuck do you all think McCain went.

Q team is very proud of themselves, for putting him to military tribunal. The problem is - NORMIES DONT KNOW ANY OF THIS.

We really need to demand PUBLIC HANGINGS. I'm sick of CEOS resigning peacefully.

This entire team seems convinced to try to change the medias mind. It's a waste of fucking time. The media is gone forever - and Q team has yet to understand this.

They are literally here just to convince us from rioting because they know we are pissed. We are literally cats to them, and they are the cat herders.


3c9c86  No.3226081


flipped, now working for us, until we tell him to leave.

GREAT actor.

4a62fc  No.3226082

STAY VIGILANT ANONS. The Deep State will do anything to stop the confirmation. PRAY

Q captcha confirms

f12773  No.3226083


It is after all MICROnesia…

Easy to miss…


e2fe53  No.3226084

File: baf6130a13ee7db⋯.png (10.92 KB, 170x95, 34:19, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

>>3225800 (lb)

Im intuit!

We Bee schemin and memein!


93fde2  No.3226085

File: 7fbd6820303ea4e⋯.jpg (84.57 KB, 960x720, 4:3, faGpst0012Be71.jpg)

File: d476e7517893581⋯.jpg (63.51 KB, 960x720, 4:3, faGpst0012Be72.jpg)

>>3223652 (PB) (PicRel)

ty anon for dig/info

For those digging and/or archiving catholic sexual/pedo cover-up docs brtbrt had a story recntly that linked to a local Buffalo NY investigative rprt on the bishop exposed for covering up pedo priests in buffalo diocese.

Quite a few pdf internal docs can be reached/hotlinked via this sauce (ltrs, memos, email chains with accusers). Found interdasting that multiple accused priest wanted to travel to HAITI for a 'mission trip' - As always apologies if prev posted. Most breads read but not everyone/everyday (ty bakers)

britbrt article- https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/09/26/unearthed-files-suggest-catholic-bishop-protected-predator-priests/

article with links to many pdfs- https://www.wkbw.com/longform/7-i-team-buffalo-bishop-malone-allowed-amherst-priest-to-remain-pastor-despite-abuse-allegations

b6e4b3  No.3226086


Come on, treason against POTUS is possible execution.

d58b9d  No.3226087



Photfag and law fag confirm

7d9a62  No.3226088


Not necessarily. Sonny was a conservative congressman. He had enemies in government.

Cher is an idot

91e66d  No.3226089


neglected the pb, sorry.

4cf06e  No.3226090

20bce2  No.3226091


Hey. I've taught Goldie to swim to the surface to get her food.

Don't be dissing Goldie.

4345bb  No.3226092

>>"23 minutes after being nominated" - LG on Kav nom


9442f6  No.3226093


This guy is going to have "company" soon.

3fd4cf  No.3226094

File: 9a2b886c0f5b97a⋯.png (666.34 KB, 582x720, 97:120, image.png)

5df523  No.3226095


I'll give you the advice, a Genuine Senator in DC gave to a woman just today, as he was entering an elevator and she told him, "I have been raped".


af790c  No.3226096


fuck off faggot

it took 15 minutes, kek and not yuge

d6b40f  No.3226097

9dc449  No.3226098

(you) are old enough to change (you)r own diaper

6b5793  No.3226099

File: f71b72229af142a⋯.jpg (72.03 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2ivtxp.jpg)

f851e4  No.3226100


I agree

Kavanaugh is a giant douche

But he has a vendetta against the Clinton cabal

And I think it means POTUS is 100% going to


922001  No.3226101


We dont know that he did. If you have some factual sauce, I'll consider.

0724fd  No.3226102


Bro call James O'Keefe, right now

d4bc19  No.3226103

File: 67c9894e502ea73⋯.png (322.73 KB, 542x546, 271:273, passoff.png)

File: fcee0988012155f⋯.jpg (48.41 KB, 665x670, 133:134, partoftheclub.jpg)


Dirty Dirty D's

08278d  No.3226104


Use logic.

Or her Twitter account:


bf2539  No.3226105


KEK! well dun

f42edc  No.3226106

File: 30ca669ee3d0fb9⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, IMG_20180928_245219935.jpg)


Thot you wood like this one.

45fd2d  No.3226107



Chin up Patriot !

ef6439  No.3226108


Bono killed himself running into a tree because Cher turned his daughter into a homunculus.

7a9ed6  No.3226109

File: 1b5d9fa87e74985⋯.jpg (417.88 KB, 1319x694, 1319:694, capture_478_27092018_09441….jpg)

How many handlers did she bring?!

This shit's done, over, closin' it down…


Get yur shit together, you're leaving with these fukers…

7a5308  No.3226110


According to CDAN

fa3c1c  No.3226111


Felt the noose getting tighter!

KEK I'm so hyped and its almost 1 am and I have work tomorrow! shizz

6c22f6  No.3226112

File: 3d5aec58eb4c247⋯.png (310.32 KB, 2806x428, 1403:214, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

062f03  No.3226113


I'll try. ty fren.

I wouldn't ask any of you even benson shill to follow me down this road. I have to walk this alone.

eef639  No.3226114



thought Eminem was a swamp creature.

d54896  No.3226115

What happens to the cost of going off the grid if we all decide to do it together?

f41636  No.3226116

File: 8517c64833d8473⋯.jpeg (53.74 KB, 306x409, 306:409, 31550F0C-E4C2-4E36-890F-D….jpeg)

File: 96a662efc94f04c⋯.jpeg (78.42 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 246D7EFB-1BE9-4CF7-82B7-5….jpeg)

File: 132c1f8a5a569c8⋯.jpeg (150.84 KB, 635x637, 635:637, C7E1D434-0FDA-4527-9044-0….jpeg)


Was a three day event and she’s got the camera…

Your seeing what you WANT to see…

0c726c  No.3226117

>>3226075 see >>3225908

They have a conflict of interest. If Hillary is indicted and convicted, they have to take back all the awards they gave Hillary.

a9612d  No.3226118

File: 7f2a9ccfb43ea23⋯.png (50.89 KB, 243x112, 243:112, ChicagoWithCoryAndFriends.png)

b9cb8f  No.3226119



Even if she drinks all your beer when you aren't looking.

3c9c86  No.3226120

File: d9a9a652443facf⋯.jpg (835.3 KB, 1797x1233, 599:411, adolfhumor.jpg)


How fucking stupid do you mossad niggers have to be to use the OBVIOUS SES/AIM mossad nigger pic text and expect to keep your cover to even normies?

You. Back of the alley way. Shot like a fucking dog in the head.

Fucking incompetent kikes.

6b2557  No.3226121


>>3225949 pb

Your Welcome!


c4231c  No.3226122

File: 6864455fe700bfe⋯.png (792.26 KB, 1380x928, 345:232, kavconfirmed.png)

>>3225737 (lb)

TBH, i bet y'all r stinky mfkers that piss in mason jars, who struggle to entertain small talk.

o wait dats me, carry on.

d6b592  No.3226123

File: 03f10abfe7269e3⋯.jpg (130.16 KB, 500x761, 500:761, 2iwrrj.jpg)


5a3df1  No.3226124

WIRED SOURCES reporting he has the votes!!

1d21b9  No.3226125

File: d722b627523663b⋯.jpg (46.38 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 42570054_1443282882472411_….jpg)

File: 9d90df3fd907b59⋯.jpg (216.47 KB, 576x384, 3:2, amy klobu circus freak sho….JPG)

File: 1e9448725961d74⋯.jpg (69.57 KB, 676x960, 169:240, 42563702_1442955405838492_….jpg)

File: 2bea48591270ba9⋯.jpeg (150.16 KB, 750x1142, 375:571, 2bea48591270ba9a808345623….jpeg)

File: a0f263e98024bc1⋯.jpg (44.53 KB, 720x470, 72:47, 42581004_1442383412562358_….jpg)

The Dana Carvey meme is great! Nicely done!

2f8c52  No.3226126

File: 2f27ab3c266a4b8⋯.png (1.75 MB, 902x789, 902:789, ClipboardImage.png)


ChiFi on the other hand..

96a30f  No.3226127


deep dream?

7a5308  No.3226128


Sounds like ebot. You okay? Need help?

2d967e  No.3226129

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

This the best this Anon has felt in AGES! This one is for the FUKKEN PATRIOTS ONE AND ALL!


ef6439  No.3226130

File: f5892bbe47cb90f⋯.png (140.04 KB, 177x368, 177:368, Screenshot_88.png)




922001  No.3226131


You dont know the story, do you?

7c18da  No.3226132

I think Q is creating Waves of Psychological Momentum.

DC runs on.. Drama?

Spotlight of attention / how to get it?

9442f6  No.3226133

File: ca4b3c22b6ded6e⋯.jpeg (16.4 KB, 187x255, 11:15, e721a30282e16636ba57d1c9b….jpeg)

37b930  No.3226134

File: 08ded55229056d7⋯.png (159.52 KB, 440x327, 440:327, Screenshot 2018-09-13 at 9….png)

2c875d  No.3226135

File: e073ef3e2cffa02⋯.png (58.78 KB, 506x202, 253:101, It's Over.png)

Justice K confirmed

If you bake it, he will crumb

7b4f93  No.3226136

Those who chanted USA are now free!

96a30f  No.3226137


ChiFi, Kek

0aa0de  No.3226138


And it almost didn’t happen!

The anons that found it were shit on.

They held fast and the baker ultimately backed them. I was in bread that night

20bce2  No.3226139


I have to hide the beer.

f851e4  No.3226140


No one has ever been bluneoned over the head and then run into a tree by their murderers to make it look like a skiing accident…


That's NEVER happened before

0c726c  No.3226141

a4defc  No.3226142


Awesomeness! (((LiftsLighter)))

You ROCK!!

c9f1a7  No.3226143

>>3225333 lb

Vote for Justice K confirmation is more than that, it is a vote for or against the basic structure and tenets of our government. Not a Metoo issue. It is an issue of decency vs. thuggery.

Lets start demanding this from every Dem in Congress: you've spent 2 years telling us every thing you hate about this country. When are you going to tell us what you love about America, what positive things you stand for. Your do nothing resistance proves you hate being in Congress, hate America and hate most Americans–prove us wrong. Start with Maxine who is trying to make assault and battery the new norm for public discourse and interpersonal relationships. Time they learned what assumed guilt means as a societal standard.

88a651  No.3226144

File: 0178e5822c0c47e⋯.jpg (701.27 KB, 3300x2205, 220:147, 0178e5822c0c47e5514995c8c2….jpg)

681341  No.3226145

File: 11c827e62280320⋯.png (324.7 KB, 666x581, 666:581, shitpost2.png)

0558e3  No.3226146



I listened to K a lot now, he is a nice, honest, kind, brave, very smart and he will be a great and fair justice!

2df0bd  No.3226147

File: 3aeb5906cda33e3⋯.jpg (204.22 KB, 1118x875, 1118:875, RealHope.jpg)



Amen brother. I could only aspire to be a quarter the man he is!

6c5375  No.3226148


no,this is accurate

no one can stop what God said would happen

before Christ returns the temple has to be rebuilt

might be within the next 10 yrs

d58b9d  No.3226149

File: 1af584742f6e208⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 255x197, 255:197, pepeShitPost.jpg)


See, in order to shitpost use that meme, let me see…yep, that's what I though.

See you use that in RESPONSE to a shitpost, as in this example.

6c22f6  No.3226150



"House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) — a member of Congress’s “Gang of Eight” that was briefed more than anyone else about the inadequacies of the Russia evidence — believes you should declassify. His office told me so today."

Puzzle becoming more clear w/ each passing day?


b6e4b3  No.3226151


Even SNOPES says mostly true

Hillary Clinton ‘Communes’ with the Spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt'

In other words, she talks to fallen angels, pretending to be dead people, and does their bidding and gets "power" from them. A Path to Hell.

efc169  No.3226152

File: 076ffa0083be163⋯.jpg (10.36 KB, 255x172, 255:172, nekedrosie.jpg)

96a30f  No.3226153


Like these cucks have a choice.

d35c2a  No.3226154




5a3df1  No.3226155

Wired Sources


7m7 minutes ago


BREAKING: Townhall reports that senators Jeff Flake, Lisa murkowski and Susan Collins will vote in support of Brett Kavanaugh, securing the votes required for Supreme Court bench

df34fe  No.3226156

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


look up

Eminem Kamikaze

f41636  No.3226157


It’s NOT her…

1996d1  No.3226158


Proposal? Or job?

7a803a  No.3226159

File: 751d8f2b41c17d5⋯.jpg (44.49 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2iuxht~2.jpg)



You got flushed bitch.

8ec848  No.3226160

>>3225740 lb


Wow. Hope was a real sneaky little bastard wasn't he? Snake.

b4d1e1  No.3226162

File: 23cc70c8d55dcd5⋯.png (985.22 KB, 5940x780, 99:13, ClipboardImage.png)

Regarding the Dem implosion on the hill they chose a fight to the political death, the hearing on the nomination of BK.

There are many examples of the following. This is typical of these. For review or for an intro to the usual process under which our Constitution has provided checks and balances and due process, please open the gra;phic in another tab and zoom-in.

Cart Before the Horse.

And please note that a hearing on a judicial nominee is not a trial and is not stage for airing of criminal allegations - particularly allegations that are outside of the constitutional framework for investigation into alleged crimes, much more outside of the long-established process for criminal prosecution.

What the Dems have done here is place themselves on trial in the court of public opinion only days before mid-term elections.

The cost to Feinstein? She chose to die on this political hill in DC, home of her own power and influence. One example.

See GL's 5 minutes at the hearing. Enough. Pain in DC.

4a3fbb  No.3226163

File: 75395a4aeebe9b0⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 300x225, 4:3, #No-Table.jpg)

6cbaad  No.3226164


Finally! Love this kick-ass plane, no matter what the muh russia fags say.

1d21b9  No.3226165

File: 0ce11b52158774d⋯.jpg (39.6 KB, 640x781, 640:781, 42617664_1011560575706608_….jpg)

File: 6de42af7cc90d08⋯.jpg (24.27 KB, 335x395, 67:79, 12715759_10208070787704460….jpg)

91e66d  No.3226166


The 2 men on JFK's left; to our right, look shady.

I wonder who they are?

d6b40f  No.3226167

File: 47dc69a4da509ee⋯.png (76.45 KB, 768x525, 256:175, 1538107556931.png)

d54896  No.3226168


"if you don't vote our way we will label you as a traitor to your gender"

3288cb  No.3226169

File: 65c3aa655f601e2⋯.png (83.94 KB, 1287x221, 99:17, Screenshot 2018-09-27 at 9….png)

New Q

318ee6  No.3226170


FUCKING WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ALL HAIL JUDGE KEK!!!!!!!!!!!!

f772f6  No.3226171

File: 0fdf5d25df805c9⋯.jpg (79.68 KB, 572x331, 572:331, iu (25).jpg)

File: a567fd09441fd73⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 434x444, 217:222, 6593d_Test_Squadron_-_Lock….jpg)

2df0bd  No.3226172

File: 60737b9b885765b⋯.jpg (81.75 KB, 1024x339, 1024:339, EvilBeGone.jpg)

File: 7955e84dcb3d16a⋯.jpg (89.6 KB, 853x400, 853:400, nude.jpg)

6b2557  No.3226173


Posted wrong link, KEK 13 hours in!

>>3223652 pb

b6e4b3  No.3226174


I see nothing wrong with Judge K, good man, good record, good family, proud to have him on SCOTUS, very qualified.

554c2f  No.3226175


Notable, even if bullshit posturing.

03e1a5  No.3226176

File: 3fb6675f24a39cb⋯.png (113.46 KB, 1080x1834, 540:917, Screenshot_20180928-102413….png)


Donald Trump faces such a decision: whether to declassify the documents showing what the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) really did to start and then sustain the Russia collusion investigation two years ago.

We also know the FBI agent and lawyer who drove the probe were Trump-haters too, who contemplated using the powers of their jobs to “stop” the Republican nominee and discussed an “insurance” policy to ensure such an outcome.

And, most importantly, those FBI employees acknowledged to Congress recently that, after nine months of using the intelligence community’s most potent tools, they couldn’t prove any collusion.

Finally, we know multiple FBI and DOJ officials — disgraced FBI Director James Comey and his fired deputy, Andrew McCabe, among them — engaged in media leaks to create a collusion narrative that exceeded the actual evidence. Some did so because they wanted to get a special prosecutor to extend the probe.

7a9ed6  No.3226177


Dude behind her right shoulder…with Milano.

2fdcad  No.3226178

File: 1d4061a902d23e4⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1200x1595, 240:319, FloodComing.png)

I get it now.

Q says "Flood coming".

Election is 40 days from today.

D5 is 45 days from today (11.11.18).

It is about to "rain" evidence against them.

For 40 straight days and nights.

Like a Biblical Flood. Justified.

And the door to the ark gets shut soon.

Sometime in next 5 days.

Seconds after Kavanaugh confirmed.

GOP's last chance to get on board.

Or you drown with (them).

On time. Under budget.


a401ac  No.3226179


922001  No.3226180


Oh, that's good. You're absolutely right. GW must face the firing squad.


7dc3ab  No.3226181

File: 5c88319a273e76e⋯.png (239.66 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, IMG_1991.PNG)

0c726c  No.3226182


She should share a cell with Cosby. kek

82fe87  No.3226183

More details: Murkowski, Collins and Flake offered colleagues no signal of where they would land, according to attendee; Mitchell (the woman who interviewed Ford today) analyzed the testimony, told GOP that as a prosecutor she would not charge Kavanaugh or even pursue search warrant

0558e3  No.3226184


So wrong.

2df0bd  No.3226185

File: 3737063b07b2e3e⋯.jpg (100.09 KB, 878x370, 439:185, BRRRRRRRRETT.jpg)

0724fd  No.3226186

File: 4370e428d671b7d⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 538x327, 538:327, handlers.jpg)


Who ARE these three?

Geez those facial expressions

Q these three give me the willies

7a9ed6  No.3226187

It is very important that Dr. Ford's story be proven false in the court of public opinion. Women who have been victims of assault (and there are many) will side with the accuser. This issue needs to be put to rest in order for this country to move on.

3c9c86  No.3226188

File: 6f4445064c08699⋯.jpeg (89.33 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, you'refired.jpeg)


HAHAHAHAHA keep crying you little bitch kike.

We will find you and kill you all.

5fcc14  No.3226189

File: f4c4bff101226c9⋯.jpg (57.34 KB, 430x624, 215:312, Qpost- 2291 Sept 27 -2093 ….JPG)













Senator Lindsey Graham Questions Brett Kavanaugh Military Law vs Criminal Law.

Deep State and Clinton and Cronies will face Military Tribunals as Enemy Combatants and Executed fo collaborating with THE ENEMY.


9dc449  No.3226190



these faggots are sooooooooo ugly in the face

1add7b  No.3226191

File: 3336177b18bb57f⋯.jpg (66.22 KB, 630x432, 35:24, Obama_Barb_sm.jpg)


It's a Nikon SB-700 or SB-800 speedlite which would be consistent with the Nikon SLR's that the photographer Kinney uses. The photo is such low quality you can't make a positive identification of the woman but the speedlite would make it most likely the photographer in this image.

91e66d  No.3226192


Trump and Putin,


their material is getting stale.

Need some new writers.

I think they are really cheap with their writers and actors.

5a3df1  No.3226193



43690a  No.3226194


Lord, please watch over Justice K and his family. We know his reputation is of the highest and always will be…Love you Justice K (no homo)! Amen.

a401ac  No.3226195



20bce2  No.3226196


It's what the deep state no longer has on him.

f2796c  No.3226197

File: e62ca16a133ac18⋯.jpeg (16.3 KB, 255x170, 3:2, CDFFCC6B-D5B0-4146-B5FA-C….jpeg)


I mean yeah cause wired sources is realiable.

Ive learned to wait till the eggs hatch.

Could be tho right.

Whats Vegas odds right now I wonder.

You should put a g down on Kav

6c30c9  No.3226198

[FEINSTEIN] Every bitch has its day. Thank god yours is coming soon. Buh bye you traitorous old hag.

dc6cf5  No.3226199


Not surprising, the ABA leans far left. Sad but true.

7a0b8b  No.3226200


all dykes look the same to me

88a651  No.3226202

File: f611228c805388c⋯.jpg (25.79 KB, 510x277, 510:277, DmbDl5KXsAIXn9-.jpg)

6b5793  No.3226203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

63427c  No.3226204


october 23

2 weeks before the election

and exactly 100 years after the 1918 chess game was played

7393e8  No.3226205


Nice try.

055631  No.3226206


I hated L. Graham so much during the primaries last year. He was so disappointing and there were people who loved him just like they loved them some Kasich. I feel like he's gone above and beyond in redeeming himself but all the same I want to read his full biography some day. I want to know what happened and what they had on him. I want to know what he knew about Mccain. What did Huma say to him at the funeral? If he opened the flood gates and told the truth about it all, then I think he would be totally redeemed.

ec3bd8  No.3226207

File: 26a5d7b9b164748⋯.jpg (21.28 KB, 334x499, 334:499, 416M9PWm5AL._SX332_BO1,204….jpg)

6cbaad  No.3226208


Murkowski: "take that, bitch"

d35c2a  No.3226209

File: 173b2e6d943d92c⋯.jpg (105 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, 1526005569362.jpg)


Next stop, RR gets a tribunal.

b9c8fb  No.3226210

In other news, chipotle will start offering breakfast in some locations by the end of the year q

03e1a5  No.3226211


So far, that prosecutor, Robert Mueller, has secured just one prison sentence for a person whose conduct directly involved the Trump campaign. George Papadopoulos got a whopping 14 days in jail for lying in a case that offered no proof of collusion.

Mueller’s most impressive conviction so far — that of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort — had nothing to do with the election and involved old lobbying crimes that the FBI knew about since 2014.

And Mueller’s most convincing indictments — those of the Russians who stole Clinton’s emails and used Facebook for psy ops — go out of their way to say no Americans were willingly involved.

f7b762  No.3226212

File: c8800733d1e308f⋯.jpg (123.11 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Activate.jpg)

Activate Kavanaugh

01ed97  No.3226213

File: 79182c25c7950f5⋯.jpg (873.26 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Bless-this-Bread--13.jpg)


Love you, Hive Mind.

04e620  No.3226214

File: 6e5a1013a23a94c⋯.png (372.66 KB, 515x505, 103:101, peperaraest.png)


>I really really hate life right now.

And yet ur still here.

b9cb8f  No.3226215



A intervention might need to be staged Anon.

e45533  No.3226216


I'd have a hard time believing all of this already happened last year given that Podesta has been mouthing off freely since then, unless the indictment is still sealed.

a4defc  No.3226217



e7364b  No.3226218

File: 91898a3d0851b31⋯.jpg (223.47 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 42699289_711397762568950_3….jpg)

No sauce yet, working on it..

b6e4b3  No.3226219


It's never too late. Don't give up, the best is yet to come!

ab23b3  No.3226220

File: 44b647d501667e4⋯.mp4 (13.43 MB, 480x360, 4:3, DwightYoakam-PocketOfAClow….mp4)

Pocket of a Clown – Dwight Yoakam

37b930  No.3226221


The goober in the back is Ford's 7 ft tall security ape

af790c  No.3226222


I memeber!

that was the night the inability to post started

had just handed off to the baker before it started

so I was able to finish that while waiting 10 minutes to post

real hive mind was at work, I had NO idea that was posted, just put the graphic together

as long as it gets out, its tippy top!

d5119f  No.3226223


The music is about to stop

3c9c86  No.3226224


surprising thing is they actually managed to get the price tag below 100 mil.

Actually on par with PLA and PAK-FA planes.

0c726c  No.3226225

File: 4ae939c4697daa7⋯.webm (358.25 KB, 500x280, 25:14, Ffffffffffff.webm)


The new brrrrrrrrrrrrtttt

96a30f  No.3226226


As my kid said to a girl with too much makeup who tried to drive without permission:

No you cannot

7a803a  No.3226227

File: 099afb451fdb515⋯.jpg (25.74 KB, 450x320, 45:32, downloadfile~2.jpg)

Bill Cosby cornholed Q before he went to prison that's why Q was gone.

7a0b8b  No.3226228

File: c539d81c060ad89⋯.jpeg (10.26 KB, 188x255, 188:255, alyssa4.jpeg)

File: be469505ce4f881⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1109x1700, 1109:1700, alyssa2.jpeg)

File: 83b3ea421d656ea⋯.jpg (182.47 KB, 1200x1813, 1200:1813, alyssa.jpg)


well trained

03e1a5  No.3226229


Thus, today’s prevailing question is far less about a still unproven alliance between Moscow and Trump. Rather, it is whether Trump-hating bureaucrats inside the U.S. intelligence community abused their position to mislead the nation’s Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court in an effort to negate Trump’s election victory.

As one senator who has read most of the classified documents told me last week, “the real question we must now answer is did U.S. intel conspire with a foreign spy, a Democratic campaign and a few foreign allies to attempt a soft coup against the man Americans chose as president?”

That’s a little provocative, but the question of FISA abuses is real.

So, Mr. President, as you weigh whether to go with your gut instinct or trust those allies and bureaucrats with heartburn, consider these facts

8e4685  No.3226230


That's not a flash. It's cattle prod to make Hillary move her fat ass.

28a933  No.3226231

File: e9e04e98c6272b2⋯.jpg (530.51 KB, 960x1224, 40:51, MAGA TSUNAMI TXT.jpg)

Let's not get complacent here. We are still at war. Fight fight fight!

520254  No.3226232

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB, 515x505, 103:101, 3e340e9eee823c0db072d8f2dc….png)


At that point, we all have to, there's no other way.

07ce9d  No.3226233



"Trust yourself enough to know who to trust & who not to trust" ~ This anon has said for years


Humble Helper of Humanity, Hoping to Have more Hope for Humanity no homohelperanon implied KEK

f772f6  No.3226234

File: 1e142e8618a06e8⋯.jpg (53.9 KB, 484x384, 121:96, Tornado Photos and Wallpap….jpg)

File: 2c90725564b8371⋯.jpg (103.58 KB, 416x568, 52:71, iu (22).jpg)

e1acb8  No.3226235


Ryan's from Janesville

Guess who does business in little Janesville



15e560  No.3226236

File: 5c528eeaa3aaaf5⋯.jpg (141 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, PAIN.jpg)


Brett Kavanaug gets confirmed (as he should).!

FISA redaction is made public (as they should)!

RIOTS Erupt…

The left goes crazy (which they will)!

We have POTUS (for a little while) Declares Martial Law…Dust settles and POTUS lifts it!

All the while the midterms will happen and they are safe.

Trust the Plan!!

e40d2e  No.3226237

Highly notable


9fb36b  No.3226238


Gonna have to agree with you anon.

That they were at the same party needs more sauce.

0724fd  No.3226239


The ABA is a non-profit corporation which LOBBIES

When are they going to let the new guy at IRS flex his muscles?

6c22f6  No.3226240


Already said it once. Autusts left. Get your shit together.


32fafb  No.3226241


And that Trump is keeping them around until they are useless to him.


Now that his handler killed himself (No Name McStain), maybe.


Fookin' spoopy. Deserves a bump.

03e1a5  No.3226242


House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) — a member of Congress’s “Gang of Eight” that was briefed more than anyone else about the inadequacies of the Russia evidence — believes you should declassify. His office told me so today.

"Upon redaction of sources and methods, the speaker supports the president’s decision to declassify the documents to bring about more transparency regarding potential FISA abuses," he said.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), long a respected voice inside your party on issues of law enforcement and security, promises the documents will prove that the FBI and DOJ committed a fraud upon the FISA court.

“I urge the president to release them. I believe what it will show is that the FBI and the DOJ held back important information from the FISA court and that some of the information they gave turned out to be misleading,” King told Hill.TV’s Alison Spann. He added that “there is nothing there that would really hurt any foreign government.”

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) insists the documents will prove the FBI and the DOJ signed applications for FISA warrants to surveil the Trump campaign that omitted essential derogatory information about the sources and exculpatory information about the accused.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), a lawmaker whom the president’s party has entrusted with high-profile investigations in the past and who has read much of the classified evidence present, goes further. He not only advocates releasing the documents, he provocatively suggests it may raise questions about former CIA Director John Brennan’s conduct.

Reps. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), two more Republicans who are deep into the evidence, are certain that the evidence will prove the FBI used its “crushing” investigative powers just to further flimsy political opposition research.

9e74e7  No.3226243


Those are Clowns. They stick out like a sore thumb. Fucking wanna be losers.

20bce2  No.3226244


If he had talked like this during the primaries, he might have gotten into the top 3 (displacing liddle Marco)

681341  No.3226245

File: 689d49f2a8cb416⋯.jpg (388.52 KB, 1200x730, 120:73, 689d49f2a8cb41684eebb24fca….jpg)


i fffffffffffffffuggin love it

will miss brrrrt tho, was my favorite

d54896  No.3226246


Go back to /b/ faggot.

098cc5  No.3226247

File: 5030a7d20737d2b⋯.png (13.86 KB, 255x214, 255:214, 0f636cc03a8380127640009664….png)


Yeah wanted to link to this


7c18da  No.3226248

The party must be seen to be falling apart - irreparably

mostly because, it actually is falling apart.

But we can push something into the spotlight for it to implode more painfully here… and slower there… etc.


ac2a35  No.3226249


Sonny Bono had been allowing the trees on Bureau of Land Management property to be cut down. Massive tree cuttings.

Then one day a tree killed him.

c9f1a7  No.3226250

>>3225333 lb

Vote for Justice K confirmation is more than that, it is a vote for or against the basic structure and tenets of our government. Not a Metoo issue. It is an issue of decency vs. thuggery.

Lets start demanding this from every Dem in Congress: you've spent 2 years telling us every thing you hate about this country. When are you going to tell us what you love about America, what positive things you stand for. Your do nothing resistance proves you hate being in Congress, hate America and hate most Americans–prove us wrong. Start with Maxine who is trying to make assault and battery the new norm for public discourse and interpersonal relationships. Time they learned what assumed guilt means as a societal standard.



7a0b8b  No.3226251

File: e0e2328798e8186⋯.png (976 B, 126x45, 14:5, ClipboardImage.png)

a4defc  No.3226252


Pffft! In your DREAMS pal!

a9612d  No.3226253

File: ec27398e4418424⋯.png (48.48 KB, 280x194, 140:97, CoryCorneringMe.png)


I wasn't raped. Still not sure if he was even aroused. It looked weird so I couldn't tell.

I didn't get a lot of pics. Did get a few. Pic related.

8ec848  No.3226254

8e4514  No.3226255


Hot damn. Flake too? I woulda bet my balls he was gonna be a bitch boy again

c4b79b  No.3226256


different events

the one Southampton, N.Y., Aug 28, 2016

the other with cher in Provincetown, MA, the weekend before




d35c2a  No.3226257


Think Tony.

3c9c86  No.3226258


martial law would be the perfect time to go door to door and burn out these scum.

NG won't be taking no shit from nobody.

Barrels at the ready.

baec01  No.3226259


Been posted in bread 4-5 times already.

2df0bd  No.3226260

File: 4802a8e8de73200⋯.jpg (45.61 KB, 538x327, 538:327, 4370e428d671b7defb98536b4c….jpg)

9dc449  No.3226261

90% shitposting

must be crotch cabbage fighting asparagus farts

15e560  No.3226262



I forgot about the MASSIVE Arrests…

01ed97  No.3226263

File: 7d104db5796f288⋯.jpg (597.66 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, D5-1.jpg)

File: 0f61c6696d59a09⋯.jpg (625.91 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, D5-Learn-Our-Comms.jpg)

File: 1670b3527e17e26⋯.jpg (646.3 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, D5-Read-the-Message.jpg)


Centennial of the end of World War I.

Timing is Everything.

df34fe  No.3226264


Feminism to women is a nuclear meltdown to Chernobyl.

Not even once.

09717b  No.3226265


We're still here.

And it's spelled autists.

bc599c  No.3226266


Lindsey Graham was freed under the Freedom Statue during the SOTU address.

0c726c  No.3226267


Nothing stops us from digging anon >>3225908

Every corner of the Internet is not safe for them.

820a9e  No.3226268

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I suppose SS will not only be protecting SCOTUS justices but keeping an eye on them as well.

7a0b8b  No.3226269

File: 131b5981c7c4616⋯.jpg (88.73 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 131b5981c7c461604d20ae4cda….jpg)


fuck off. I am comfy here.

88a651  No.3226270


Do it Q! Lt it all out. We are ready.

Thank you anon.

af790c  No.3226271

File: 92a20cef042018e⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 500x280, 25:14, FFFFFFFF.gif)

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3225905 Former NBA Player Says He “NEVER, EVER” Saw Brett Kavanaugh “Blacked Out” at Yale Partie

>>3226085 Buffalo NY investigative report on the bishop exposed for covering up pedo priests in buffalo diocese

>>3226135 Moar: Flake, Murkoski, and Collins will vote for Justice K

283b58  No.3226272



Lurk moar

db84ac  No.3226273

File: c09819fa1e7bc2e⋯.jpeg (653.81 KB, 1242x1399, 1242:1399, 41F6BAC0-1A73-4E9C-AAB7-5….jpeg)

062f03  No.3226274


wasn't a job….

only God could write this joke.

Call it a gift that was not accepted.

If I could turn back time.

053953  No.3226275

>>3226178 the Flood Coming will rain proof for 40 straight days


0558e3  No.3226276


After having changed DOJ and FBI leadership, after all the work that was done and lead to 50k+ indictments, all that fair investigation can now be brought to court, asnthe SCOTUS is not backing up justice and is no longer with strings.

b4d1e1  No.3226277

File: fba9c908d3c7a60⋯.png (921.99 KB, 2576x1858, 1288:929, ClipboardImage.png)

This is Feinstein's Benghazi moment.

520254  No.3226278

File: 2d68729bea0bb8a⋯.jpg (27.05 KB, 600x488, 75:61, Debra-Katz-Hillary-for-Ame….jpg)


I'm saying the same, and I can't believe that anons are so blind.

But still, Katz is connected to the Clintons, she funded for Hillary (pic related), and covered Bill's fuckery.

99e009  No.3226279


KEK o7

ec3bd8  No.3226280

File: 5af0525ba5bd210⋯.png (588.89 KB, 507x530, 507:530, 5af0525ba5bd210370205b126a….png)

Trust the sequelae

635bd8  No.3226281

File: 28a7a45489cd468⋯.png (75.31 KB, 500x303, 500:303, greta-only-on-otr-on-recor….png)

File: c15c33cbb7b7692⋯.jpg (44.96 KB, 800x450, 16:9, b61.jpg)

4483b0  No.3226282


Is that (You), Monica?

6c22f6  No.3226283



yeah by me dumbass

3fd4cf  No.3226284


Well done anon…

0a3b2c  No.3226285

File: 023730018a7f870⋯.png (151.05 KB, 500x813, 500:813, b86b86vm-the-captain-now-1….png)



2+0+1+8 = 11.


9dc449  No.3226286


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


dd32e3  No.3226287

I'm far from happy myself.

See the war out first soldier, deal with the shit sandwich later.

I'm autistic, 47, no qualifications, Short attention span, no friends and pretty much no family. Painful fucked up Kidneys, diabetese. Everyday seems an effort, I have some dogs, well 11 rescues, I gotta live for them. I die they die. Then there's the heaven question. My advice is fight. Where there's life there's hope. < This sentence has kept me alive since the age of ten. Stay strong brother, I'll pray for you . >>3225980

03e1a5  No.3226288

A political opposition dossier bought by an opponent, submitted as evidence against a presidential candidate, hardly qualifies as credible on its own — and even less so when FBI agents, nine months later, have been unable to prove its allegation.

Sometimes, the American interest in resolving a domestic question as important as the integrity of our law enforcement and intelligence outweighs an ally’s discomfort.

Right now, the opposition to declassification feels more like a political Berlin Wall than legitimate national security risk. I say, tear it down.

John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist whose work over the years has exposed U.S. and FBI intelligence failures before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal scientists’ misuse of foster children and veterans in drug experiments, and numerous cases of political corruption. He is The Hill’s executive vice president for video.

Tear down the wall. Release declassify FISA.


7a0b8b  No.3226289


those standing were freed.

5a3df1  No.3226290

This was a brilliant strategy and i have no doubt it was planned to have them take the bait and then get humiliated on live tv with pretty much the world watching. The masses had to witness it with their own eyes vs. trump dropping the hammer and then they cry about "political hit job" they needed to see this first hand to have mass effect to start awakening

4def06  No.3226291

>>3225842 last Bread

There is no way Mueller is working for us with 17 angry Democrats.

How could he possibly be conducting a secret investigation into the deep state behind their back‘s.

Simply illogical.

Therefore, if Mueller is dirty then Rod Rosenstein must be Dirty.

And if it turns out these two are white hats I will eat a cockroach.

ef6439  No.3226292

File: 83dd110d80e6eca⋯.png (744.78 KB, 679x875, 97:125, Screenshot_118.png)

25d27b  No.3226293


Grow a sense of humor, anon.

d58b9d  No.3226294

File: 9b286290aafbc35⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 249x255, 83:85, uHave2GoBack.jpg)


See, in order to shitpost use that meme, let me see…yep, that's what I though.

See you use that in RESPONSE to a shitpost, as in this example.>>3226080

055631  No.3226295


That speech he gave today was heroic. It was what Kavanaugh's supporters needed to hear. Someone needed to shout back at the scum who was perpetrating that farce. He was speaking for US then and that's what made him great. He had the people behind him.

a4defc  No.3226296


Praise GOD! (((Shuffles in with the Animals)))

763e10  No.3226297

File: 240ea291ca876d7⋯.jpg (67.2 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 131220014342-mark-barack-o….jpg)

So, how many people here know @BarackObama has a half-brother named Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo who lives in China?

Mark is a successful Chinese businessman who owns a chain of BBQ places in China!🇨🇳

So, Barry Soetero's communist propensity seems to run in the family! #QAnon

88a651  No.3226298


Today was so monumental that I fell bad about wanting things DECLASSd.

If it is time it is time! MAGA!!

7a9ed6  No.3226299




I remember S. Powers threatening POTUS…

01ed97  No.3226300

File: a638cd88266b48f⋯.jpg (143.56 KB, 520x347, 520:347, It's-Going-to-Work.jpg)

96a30f  No.3226301


The only bad guy angle I can possibly see with Q is that patriots would be much more likely to disarm if Q asked than if Hillary did.

We don't disarm for anyone!

e40d2e  No.3226302


Are you fucking kidding me? Did you read that? Whats your rank, anon?

9dc449  No.3226303

File: 03667aa4c227eeb⋯.png (378.17 KB, 750x957, 250:319, allaakbor - Copy.png)


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


042d03  No.3226304




Morning from UK anons.

What a ride.

With this news Q is confirmed again.

Q knew first votes were secured.

This is about military trials.

This is about the death penalty.

This is because whole families are implicated.

ce14e5  No.3226305

File: 2ca5f1ef85851f7⋯.png (109.78 KB, 711x499, 711:499, TheMotherOfPearls.png)

File: 648f94c1c1680cc⋯.png (788.55 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, Significant Alignments.png)



(I'm not trying to thumb my nose, I just can't quickly find what I was looking for; which is after the "break". If Q wants to go with Hive Mind, then I'll go with Hive Mind. Future Proves Past, either way.)


Part 30 - I was baking Mandel Bread, like Mom, from Bubbie's recipe.

Not a drone, I have Free will.

Not a hivemind, a Collection Conscious.

Not just a 1 of many, but a Self Contained Individual Unit.

Self Awareness, like a Cosmic Pun, is Awe Full, ain't it? ;)


Apparently I misplaced this whole schtick about Ants, Ents, GiANTS, GiENTS, and Qookie Qrumbs….

This is from something unrelated, but it fits, so enjoy:

The next entry will be an addition to this one. Gonna take a sec for me to trace out all the dragons I was seeing last night before I had to go bed. There's also an Ant head.

What is an Ant? A mostly female Hivemind, run by a Queen, not The Father.

How do you get ants?

Crumbs. Cookie crumbs. Qookie crumbs.

Qookie qrumbs lead to Ants-Wars.

What was the French Revolution about? Bread.

What were they told to eat? Qake.

Sweets attract Ants.

Off with their heads.

What is 4chan? An Army of (mostly) Male Frogs.

What do Frogs eat?


Frogs following Qrumbs to find Ants-wars.

Kek-Ing their heads off.

1996d1  No.3226306

I thought I heard ford say she was "trained" to one of that prosecutors questions.

Q can you chime in on whether I heard that right?

1d21b9  No.3226307

File: 28c76afc84f11c0⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 40198860_10211877323154052….jpg)

File: ff7c97aa906243a⋯.jpg (110.65 KB, 919x656, 919:656, hillary gitmo.jpg)

5df523  No.3226308


So…Hiltard wore the same oven mit outfit for all 3 days?

04e620  No.3226309



3:1 Feinstein cornered Murk to force her vote in favor of BK…best I can do. kek

1392d1  No.3226310

File: 56b2738b3fe9ca9⋯.png (266.32 KB, 641x662, 641:662, Presler re TH We Have the ….PNG)

File: 2a353f57fe2a9d4⋯.png (234.19 KB, 533x682, 533:682, TH 1 We Have the Votes 9-2….PNG)

File: 54587d1540be306⋯.png (71.21 KB, 506x651, 506:651, TH 2 We Have the Votes 9-2….PNG)


Article (lb)

Bread 4084


BREAKING: We Have The Votes



45b266  No.3226311


was that their insurance policy maybe?

ce14e5  No.3226312

f2796c  No.3226313

File: 463607690b0b960⋯.jpeg (59.49 KB, 620x569, 620:569, 643A5714-0491-44B0-887A-C….jpeg)

File: afa8bcbde4217ec⋯.jpeg (100.27 KB, 601x930, 601:930, A59B30D3-BB3F-4AD5-8124-7….jpeg)


Potus asked Brooke Shields out once.

67b330  No.3226314

File: d6653bb2187b0a1⋯.png (144.56 KB, 730x410, 73:41, eternal_flamea2.png)

68f3ac  No.3226315

File: c56651c840d2204⋯.png (1.61 KB, 161x126, 23:18, prepared.png)

Reposting this from yesterday, since Q mentioned Red October and Alert-Test again today >>3224486

Not to stir up worry, but to remind about being prepared for anything.

>Each step we take to become better prepared makes a real difference in how our families and communities will respond and persevere when faced with the unexpected.


Below are some Q quotes about Sept and Oct, and possible related crumbs.

Is Red October simply about a wave of support for Republicans, or something much more?

…proclaim September 2018 as National Preparedness Month

…have an emergency response plan in place and ready to be properly executed.

…signing up for alerts on mobile devices

…best prepare for a major disaster

2018/09/15 … fema-presidential-alert-trump-emergency-test

We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury

This is not a game.


Red Oct sig has not occurred yet.

Follow the map.

…human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."


…certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations

…On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out.

…stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

"With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.

b042aa  No.3226316

File: 8483eb216361886⋯.jpeg (169.04 KB, 750x843, 250:281, 8483eb2163618860e3b5e1976….jpeg)


God…I remember that night so vividly. First SOTU with my children, that chant…Feels like 4 lifetimes ago.

03e1a5  No.3226317


11+11+11 = 33 Masons.

3+3 = 6

e40d2e  No.3226318

File: 61f2b0a600e4b2e⋯.png (209.09 KB, 357x394, 357:394, xxxxxx.png)

Can I get a creepy biden over this bitches shoulder? thx

6c22f6  No.3226319


you know the u and i are right next to each other right? discern before killing a light just to light your own.

baec01  No.3226320

a9fcc7  No.3226321




I hope you all are right. I just don't want more creeps in the swamp when we want it drained.

9dc449  No.3226322

File: 876a35f41932c4b⋯.jpg (87.55 KB, 650x347, 650:347, memo.jpg)


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


1d21b9  No.3226323

File: 67b4f013de632b7⋯.jpg (9.61 KB, 236x177, 4:3, youre excited.jpg)

4aecdb  No.3226324

File: c42a92905998182⋯.png (756.93 KB, 1152x897, 384:299, ClipboardImage.png)


5a3df1  No.3226325


A fine morning indeed! Greetings from the other side of the pond anon

d6b40f  No.3226326

File: e180b0aed110a66⋯.png (3.09 KB, 353x98, 353:98, 1538110840133.png)

9e74e7  No.3226327


She wanted him; you can tell.

0a3b2c  No.3226328

File: 97315f2d1f78959⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 508x500, 127:125, 97315f2d1f789590d82d02a5c2….jpg)

db84ac  No.3226329

File: 4d939d95ab2cb94⋯.jpeg (294.55 KB, 1192x890, 596:445, DC648332-1749-4225-B818-1….jpeg)

15e560  No.3226330


Nope, that would be the TAX payer relief SHOT!

Done in ONE.

7a0b8b  No.3226331

File: 480949474532f9b⋯.png (439.76 KB, 677x500, 677:500, 480949474532f9b21b5106e717….png)

318ee6  No.3226332



88a651  No.3226333

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, _WE_THE_PEOPLE_FOREVER_.png)

6c22f6  No.3226334

7a9ed6  No.3226335




9dc449  No.3226336

File: 7b66a15693b7bf3⋯.png (562.31 KB, 548x455, 548:455, trumpisyourpresidentofcrac….png)


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


a9612d  No.3226337


I think Feinstein has a heart hiding in there somewhere. She's being handled too. If Kavanaugh is confirmed, Dems are screwed. He hates them now.

dd32e3  No.3226338

I'm far from happy myself.

See the war out first soldier, deal with the shit sandwich later.

I'm autistic, 47, no qualifications, Short attention span, no friends and pretty much no family. Painful fucked up Kidneys, diabetese. Everyday seems an effort, I have some dogs, well 11 rescues, I gotta live for them. I die they die. Then there's the heaven question. My advice is fight. Where there's life there's hope. < This sentence has kept me alive since the age of ten. Stay strong brother, I'll pray for you .>>3225954

4def06  No.3226339


He did a good job, got a little too excited but in all in all, he did a good job.

He called them out for what they are on national television

d58b9d  No.3226340

File: aab64946923596c⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 255x255, 1:1, trumpKickAss1.jpg)

File: 3ddfac7e16b1e81⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 255x167, 255:167, blackHatClown.jpg)



4483b0  No.3226341

File: ef411fb2052b0ab⋯.png (32.6 KB, 800x448, 25:14, cher.png)



Now that I see >>3226274

Pic related.

3fd4cf  No.3226342

File: dcc465e2fe9a67c⋯.png (438.04 KB, 643x882, 643:882, Capture.PNG)


Notice anything unusual here ?? Any clues ?

f851e4  No.3226343


Or the dates were supposed to be 2018…

bc599c  No.3226344

File: 64644783eaf745d⋯.jpeg (95.44 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 415F5665-DBE8-4558-A9C4-7….jpeg)

a401ac  No.3226345

File: e57736a886c410e⋯.png (55.16 KB, 1194x376, 597:188, ClipboardImage.png)





You know POTUS always wanted to be a director didn't he? Are we actually watching a movie right now.

d6706e  No.3226346

File: c3b6b069784e3cf⋯.png (330.09 KB, 759x401, 759:401, 1538083906071.png)

d9c194  No.3226347


>surprising thing is they actually managed to get the price tag below 100 mil.

>Actually on par with PLA and PAK-FA planes.

Sad case of corporate welfare and special interests. In the long run it will be successful, but the price tag is horrendous. IMHO the F22 is great platform that could have been extended.

0558e3  No.3226348


>not backing

→ NOW.

e1acb8  No.3226349

File: 0f2705e2afac27a⋯.png (122.29 KB, 295x291, 295:291, ClipboardImage.png)

The Janesville Connection


455db1  No.3226350

>>3224486 pb

Q, Red October → Scary but safe thank you? Halloween?

9fb36b  No.3226351




20bce2  No.3226352


POTUS has to be proud of him.

Note that POTUS treated LG and Kim the same in the beginning and now they are fully on the Trump train.

The man is incredible.

8ca2b9  No.3226353

File: a4d5217ff96ac6a⋯.jpg (206.3 KB, 1288x834, 644:417, 8.jpg)


Big Day For The Swamp – Gang of Eight, Plus Gowdy and Kelly, Meet With DOJ, FBI and DNI To Debate Transparency…

months old article


684df7  No.3226354


Cool picture, but this BBQ is gonna need more sauce.

895708  No.3226355

File: 1d150150a964dad⋯.jpg (3.7 MB, 3303x2202, 3:2, full photo.jpg)

File: f4142d9dfc2ad63⋯.png (390.48 KB, 395x375, 79:75, hrc.png)

Whether the lady in the photo is Katz or the photographer doesn’t really matter, because there is other documentation of Katz protecting and working with the Clintons. This photo helps open the door visually to report on what's been taking place behind the scenes, even if the Katz look-alike is someone else. Also HRC’s face, wut?

7a0b8b  No.3226356


dems force Kavanaugh to recuse…he hates them all now

9dc449  No.3226357

File: 4fb1045e5aa3e76⋯.jpg (141.34 KB, 1600x1064, 200:133, danielle-anal9_big.jpg)


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


5fcc14  No.3226358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump takes heat for mentioning Vince Foster's Arkancide by the Clintons


9e74e7  No.3226359

File: b2ad2bdbb9aded3⋯.jpg (40.86 KB, 750x1050, 5:7, QinSL.jpg)


We need to start seeing more sign-language Qs from POTUS!!!!

922001  No.3226360


She liked younger, hipper guys

053953  No.3226362


this is a witch hunt!

2df0bd  No.3226363


Gimp anon. Warp/Transform

3c9c86  No.3226364


SCOTUS (to prevent midterm reversals/blocks against POTUS) -> midterm -> state/federal judges removed for sedition and treason -> riots/etc -> NATIONAL GUARD/MARTIAL LAW possible -> arrests of public nature

2018 will be GLORIOUS.

Might be hot or cold.

788ea5  No.3226365

>>3225090 (pb)

Think about it. It's not necessarily the machines. Fuckery can happen by those tabulating and reporting totals. Because computers are involved, hidden programs can alter totals. A science of cheating.

6c22f6  No.3226366

Judge, please define borking for the democrats. Who did you bork and was it before the yearbook?

baec01  No.3226367


I'm saying we got it, we're fine.

a9612d  No.3226368


When I read that I heard it in a Valley Girl's voice.

d6b40f  No.3226369

File: f94783ef8c08556⋯.png (247.55 KB, 719x596, 719:596, 1538109125919.png)

902de9  No.3226370

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

28a933  No.3226371

File: 6d572fe60be5047⋯.gif (462.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, panic-kermit (1).gif)


Yes. I've seen it. And the significance. And it makes sence why they are in full panic mode.

d58b9d  No.3226372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

32fafb  No.3226373


>POTUS is Making Senators Great Again.

Finally free of mcstain.

ef6439  No.3226374


And she has sex on islands!

f12773  No.3226375

File: ec0fa32d42b85fa⋯.jpg (51.38 KB, 500x323, 500:323, Excitement Containment Uni….jpg)


Great Day!!

4a3fbb  No.3226376


Thought you were just having a kek

9dc449  No.3226377

File: 02dcd4e4d3199ab⋯.jpg (79.76 KB, 630x695, 126:139, smeagolbread.jpg)


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


d6706e  No.3226378

File: 9ff36773c0b1a37⋯.png (615.96 KB, 758x505, 758:505, 1538081354747.png)

7d9a62  No.3226379


no name is dead

Graham was freed

that's the explanation

e4f39f  No.3226380


From last bread notable

Yes she is CIA

She is an expert in non-verbal comms.

She specializes in early childhood sexual anxieties.. she has interviewed and analyzed hundreds of children.

What you saw her do today was adopt persona of one of her subjects.

13 year old mentality.. sitting on hands.. rocking back and forth

Baby talk..

always looking for affirmation from someone else .. especially a male figure (atty)..

This was a 100% OP.

I would even suggest she was hypno-therapy induced and had this Kavanaugh event planted as suggested memory in 2012 when it was clear Kavanaugh might be SCOTUS pick by Romney.

Her normal speech and non-verbal patterns are not anything like you saw today. This woman is a professor.. runs the Haas program started by Dr. Melges (infamous for MKUltra-like studies of torture and conscious altering drugs done at Stanford).. and she is running the CIA Internship (recruitment) program at Stanford where they still have large contract programs for CIA.

Baby talk .. insecure actions and behavior.. no.. this was an OP

3c9c86  No.3226381


For optics. The damned optics. For the thriced cursed yet blessed cucks and normies.

God help us Q team has patience of job.


think inflation.

895708  No.3226382


Soon Kavanaugh won't the the only one who "hates them all."

af790c  No.3226383


<May 6th, 2016

9dc449  No.3226384

File: 9df2c5acd0cd0c5⋯.jpg (195.2 KB, 1193x783, 1193:783, thisradiosucks.JPG)


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


6c22f6  No.3226385


lurk moar. if you were fine you wouldnt have to say so. voat

ef6439  No.3226386


Kind of a hard sign to make, in all actuality.

7a803a  No.3226387

File: 7d899f9a6bda1ee⋯.jpg (38.8 KB, 483x483, 1:1, 2iszr1~2.jpg)

Q is my bitch.

1392d1  No.3226389


The Wired sources tweet / article was in last bread >>3226310

7393e8  No.3226390

File: 976784ec03d4a5a⋯.jpeg (460.32 KB, 1125x1935, 25:43, 30D65FB9-6366-49C0-983D-3….jpeg)

File: 95ae727f4d7d1a7⋯.jpeg (349.6 KB, 1125x1809, 125:201, DFE5B206-77DE-45F1-A6F7-E….jpeg)


No, it was a single event on Sunday morning, August 21, 2016 and HRC spoke for 30 minutes.

0aa0de  No.3226391


Trips confirm…

Go with your gut and fight to get the goods in bread.

Thats was close….and a weird night

Very fucky

c7a6c7  No.3226392


Yes that is what I am told, another Baker makes them (2 others actually) and they let me steal their shit. Love my Frens

c4b79b  No.3226393

File: 38f1b201eefd476⋯.png (303.55 KB, 498x318, 83:53, flood2.png)

a401ac  No.3226394


What the fuck is HRC wearing? Its like a radioactive vest or something. Where is she?

18b669  No.3226395

Anons, remember the Q post of the pic of women sitting in a row (pic was from behind them) and they were on their phones, yet the one in the middle was the one we had us pay attention to? We were supposed to figure out what she was typing and connect it to something….can you please tell me what post this is? Can't find it whatsoever- THANK YOU!

f2796c  No.3226396


She could’ve been FIrst Lady had it worked out.

Article I read said she turned him down at least at the time this pic was taken.

Doubt he forgot.

But its irrelevant Its Melania Trump.

And she’s a Queen.

0a3b2c  No.3226397

File: 8efc501c48a3e8b⋯.jpeg (10.18 KB, 255x232, 255:232, 1fda5200dbf4c669761b962e8….jpeg)


Though it is the 28th here

04e620  No.3226398


she's withering away before our very eyes…just like RBG…good riddance.

7a9ed6  No.3226399


Digging is my trade but memez I'm going to learn.

Thanks anon.

0558e3  No.3226400



Thank you anon.

922001  No.3226401


Her mother sold her to holliywood for the $$$$.

763e10  No.3226402

File: cf85e4bc203a247⋯.png (799.11 KB, 1325x1398, 1325:1398, a.PNG)

ef6439  No.3226403

File: 02fea5fdbf7b2d0⋯.png (868.76 KB, 477x599, 477:599, JeezisPepeChrist.png)


Fuck that toadie bastard!

9dc449  No.3226404

File: c5d657739a52936⋯.jpg (137.22 KB, 1296x966, 216:161, greatplan.jpg)


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


ac2a35  No.3226405

a9fcc7  No.3226406


Smart anon.

88a651  No.3226407


Search "raw film" on Qmap.pub

9e74e7  No.3226408


That's why only WE will see it!

2df0bd  No.3226409

File: c8e2345af659253⋯.jpg (150.02 KB, 1024x923, 1024:923, FFFFFFFF**CKED.jpg)

4def06  No.3226410


The reason why they’re all panicking, is because Donald Trump called them out on 911 and Barack Obama.

It’s just a matter of time….

efc169  No.3226411

File: 516ddcab946c0b2⋯.jpeg (30.07 KB, 485x359, 485:359, A-hole.jpeg)

File: 57ddc97530933ad⋯.jpg (8.82 KB, 137x255, 137:255, bhofisa.jpg)

7c1bb3  No.3226412


Cher it is not too late to repent. Even Paul once persecuted christians…

062f03  No.3226413



so are iowa class main batteries…

f845c1  No.3226414

>>3225212 (pb)




d6706e  No.3226415

File: f8cf5a7c0a4f59b⋯.png (443.32 KB, 606x415, 606:415, 1538081932903.png)

6a6f1c  No.3226416


Black eye

bf4ea8  No.3226417


Ironic that (((Cher))) had a house full of cops today, eh?

2df0bd  No.3226418


I might do a gimp meme tutorial if anyone thinks its worthwhile..

7a0b8b  No.3226419


she prolly eats babies to keep that wax face

684df7  No.3226420


You know what, never mind. Search engine query pretty much confirmed it.


d54896  No.3226421


If you want to destroy Reddit, just post shit like that until everyone realizes how fucking ridiculous it is. Do you think the censors can catch it?

dc6cf5  No.3226422


Feinstein is not being handled, she is a handler. She's corrupt as hell, Anon.

9dc449  No.3226423

File: 7a7f41f1bf1917c⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1972x1324, 493:331, slickBilly.jpg)


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


c9f1a7  No.3226424


>>3225729 lb

No wonder we have so many loony, incompetent and corrupt attorneys that never get disbarred or sanctioned.

Lawfags-can citizens file complaints with bar associations or only clients? If we can, how?

af790c  No.3226425


because of the updated, all good now


I am putting it in just to show the timeline in notables, but I had already added yours (didn't show up in the update because it was after)

25d27b  No.3226426


For starters, if he's dirty, every one of his indictments will be tossed, every conclusion, for either side. You know, all of those indictments in which "no Americans were involved," the ones that exonerate Trump. Whether he's taking Trump down or exonerating him, all of it is toast.

It's not "behind the deep state's back" either. In the beginning, it may have been in some measure. They needed him to be clean, but they were hoping he was actually looking for dirt on Trump. Now they know, there is none, and he's going to exonerate Trump (he already has, the media just doesn't report on that truth).

Learn how logic actually works. You'll be better off for it.

88a651  No.3226427


Sorry, should've said search "find the roll" on qmap.pub

e40d2e  No.3226428




Proof of mistaken identity.


7a803a  No.3226429

File: 2d20ce1c1476f38⋯.jpg (75.42 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2is8j4~2.jpg)

File: 174ad9716e2aba7⋯.jpg (64.08 KB, 480x567, 160:189, 2ise4q~2.jpg)

f2796c  No.3226430

File: 66306d0a45f8b87⋯.png (36.75 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 522E50D4-9D88-461A-ACEC-E3….png)


Well if she still does… that would be Top Kek.

I havent forgotten rubbing my worry stone after watching blue lagoon.

895708  No.3226431



I'm no fashionista, but can you imagine her representing our great country dressed in mumus and oven mitts?

a9612d  No.3226432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Playmate of the month?

26da89  No.3226433

File: e4be7611ff6655d⋯.png (39.54 KB, 379x291, 379:291, ClipboardImage.png)




FBI ain't a 'pawn' of the DNC anymore.





f41636  No.3226434


What Kinney had Katz hold her camera?

C’mon man… LOOK

Clinton was wrapping up a fundraising blitz featuring Bon Jovi during which she has racked up millions in a three-day swing in the Hamptons.


f18b6b  No.3226435


Just to help out

TherE is a non-announcing Backbone location. It is privately owned, was pitched to Google-they declined or so we thought.

With connections running rampant to China…. Your team need to check this out.

It is a sister or mirror to Fort Huachuca. Lots of connectors to be had if used properly.

2fdcad  No.3226436


And guess where the 40 days of "rain" will fall? Right here. Proof after proof after proof. Get your umbrella memes ready.

fea30f  No.3226437

File: 7aebf2138c857ac⋯.png (212.61 KB, 1190x704, 595:352, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)


648827  No.3226438

File: a225bad91cc4cdb⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1068x556, 267:139, 810244EE-8FC4-40D8-9AD1-6A….png)

2f8c52  No.3226439

d58b9d  No.3226440

File: 348ecd7826e873b⋯.jpg (9.78 KB, 255x174, 85:58, donNotResucitate.jpg)

9e74e7  No.3226441


I lived in her neighborhood a long time ago. She wouldn't give me the time of day. Cindy on the other hand…different story.

a4defc  No.3226442

File: 5012d9a1dcfe64c⋯.png (575.2 KB, 757x1072, 757:1072, 11KavSupCrt.png)

f845c1  No.3226443

File: 789e0eb4fd38ec3⋯.jpg (60.07 KB, 830x551, 830:551, LG watched by Kelly.JPG)

001ff0  No.3226444


This and how much you want to bet the go fund mes for cia ford was laundered to the clintons.

This is what Go Fund me has become.

1d21b9  No.3226445

File: 73a42fa31a0621e⋯.png (722.64 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 73a42fa31a0621e1f93a818357….png)

File: 9a44bc70998eb79⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1050x766, 525:383, My Heroes...along side Gen….png)

File: 6aaee7314ce8a67⋯.jpg (149.05 KB, 408x528, 17:22, the world is watching enjo….JPG)

File: 34ad8e721698507⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 2636x2636, 1:1, Q free beer.jpg)

9fb36b  No.3226446

File: c47c91e741071aa⋯.jpg (6.16 KB, 200x134, 100:67, wtf.jpg)


>Whether the lady in the photo is Katz or the photographer doesn’t really matter

Sooooo, by your reasoning, whether Ford was raped by Kavanaugh or some other kid doesn't really matter?


db84ac  No.3226447

File: 9d39384cdbfa1ff⋯.jpeg (687.64 KB, 924x944, 231:236, 21F7D41C-32B2-4A80-9E13-A….jpeg)

baec01  No.3226448


Jesus, you must be new here.

15e560  No.3226449


Loves this. We also need voter registration and voter ID so the Russians don't hijack our election again like in 2016. Clinton would have won in 2016. We can't have Russia do that again. The USA needs to have ID voter registration!!! Can't let this happen again!

efc169  No.3226450

File: dbc9d2423c0d4e9⋯.jpg (14.36 KB, 255x151, 255:151, Creppypornlawyer.jpg)

59e100  No.3226451

Hey guise. Just got home. Anything happen today?

763e10  No.3226452


>Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo



His half brother is a jewish communist. Go figure.

7a0b8b  No.3226453



6b64b1  No.3226454


Borke was a nominee for Surgeon General during the Reagan years.

9dc449  No.3226455

File: d2d75c95fdb780b⋯.jpg (114.96 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 53ba8d89bc39d40959acd3dc87….jpg)


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


a9fcc7  No.3226456


Ok we can all agree that Sid is definitely a fucking creep.

18b669  No.3226457


And there it is. Thank you!

6c22f6  No.3226458


First bewbless bread besides an Alyssa Milano mouth cumshot. Please name next bread the "Bewbless Bread Edition"

1add7b  No.3226459

File: 793f2a605ac9936⋯.jpeg (155.38 KB, 800x711, 800:711, Grey.jpeg)


It matters because if we falsely report by seeing what we want to see, we make ourselves look as bad as 'Fake news'. This is a photo of Barbara Kinney holding a Nikon SLR with an SB800 speedlite walking with the wicked witch of the west.

I know that Katz is a shill lawyer that is trying to help frame an innocent man for the Demorats, but false reporting is bad for anybody, including us.

a401ac  No.3226460


It was just good cause it was Lindsay Graham and that was not easy. He was also one of the first republicans to question anybody against the namby pampy shit.

f851e4  No.3226461


Well fucking done, Anon

Bravo, sir!

7393e8  No.3226462

File: 82970576526f885⋯.jpeg (28.33 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 615DB050-1399-49C7-A3FC-C….jpeg)

88a651  No.3226463


I member but today he was a rockstar

d35c2a  No.3226464


Wouldn't it be some shit if we got Kav confirmed, then the EBS displayed the video evidence of HRC by accident? I mean, that'd be something, wouldn't it?

d54896  No.3226465


Nice rims.

e2e6c3  No.3226466

File: aa176dedebf5967⋯.jpg (61.12 KB, 1024x666, 512:333, aa176dedebf59673ecd32b8480….jpg)

1996d1  No.3226467


Q said POTUS owns PRyan if I remember correctly

28a933  No.3226468

File: 58a095dd9d9ed6c⋯.jpg (72.99 KB, 660x288, 55:24, kekATC.jpg)



Kek. Bless you anons!

0d824d  No.3226469


these boots were made for walkin'

7c1bb3  No.3226470


It's never too late until it is.

43ca1d  No.3226471

File: d3f19d4a40efcae⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 242x523, 242:523, h - oven mitt.jpg)

7a9ed6  No.3226472


I'm ready. Night shift digger but I scan everything.

I'll keep my eye peeled.

ef6439  No.3226473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ce14e5  No.3226474

File: 80888aa6f0c926a⋯.jpg (127.34 KB, 749x499, 749:499, CantFordTheKav.jpg)

e4f39f  No.3226476


Military Parade = Parade of perps!

Perp Walk!! Criminals on Parade!

ML necessary?

When they lose control of MSM narrative… risk of exposure >> FF prevent!!

af790c  No.3226477

LAST CALL, let me know if something was missed


>>3225905 Former NBA Player Says He “NEVER, EVER” Saw Brett Kavanaugh “Blacked Out” at Yale Partie

>>3226085 Buffalo NY investigative report on the bishop exposed for covering up pedo priests in buffalo diocese

>>3226135 Moar: Flake, Murkoski, and Collins will vote for Justice K

>>3226310 We Have The Votes

>>3226437 Reminder: EAS and WEA test is October 3rd

8ca2b9  No.3226478


brows ?

763e10  No.3226479

File: e75659e8f3b7190⋯.jpg (136.27 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, Mark-with-his-brother-Bara….jpg)

88a651  No.3226480


Yes, he has been freed to make 'better choices'.

08278d  No.3226481

File: 85317118bd4aaeb⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 399x232, 399:232, 85317118bd4aaebb2183dc4900….gif)



Also this…


f2796c  No.3226482

File: c48b5178b984672⋯.jpeg (25.88 KB, 389x389, 1:1, 5B77807E-9EFF-44B2-938E-D….jpeg)



Cindy Ima hump her leg if shed let me Crawford……

Do tell Anon. Do tell.

a401ac  No.3226483


Doesn't look like she wants to get sighted. This is about something else. Cher

2df0bd  No.3226484


Sid? Just how new are you? Still in diapers?

d6706e  No.3226485

File: f702508a1c650a0⋯.png (434.71 KB, 645x721, 645:721, 1538082820810.png)

20bce2  No.3226486


My Senator. First time I have capitalized that word when talking about him.

df34fe  No.3226487


Wishing everyone here has a good night and a great day tomorrow.

Tomorrow is going to be great.

Today is going to be awesome.

God bless you all.


However you define it and whatever it means to you, Winning, Success and Triumph are all a mental state having the ability to maintain a positive, optimistic, hopeful perspective on life.

6c22f6  No.3226488

7a803a  No.3226489

Q is a grease ball faggot.

d9c194  No.3226490

File: af4b243e62518f9⋯.png (883.21 KB, 1134x1330, 81:95, ClipboardImage.png)

Desperate propaganda at its finest from the disgraced network.

a9fcc7  No.3226491


That outfit is for when you're holding a hot mic.

1392d1  No.3226492

File: 87c2a63f106f0d0⋯.png (649.16 KB, 455x878, 455:878, DM re HRC Cher Fundraiser ….PNG)


Event was 2016 Cape Cod Fundraiser

She believes! Pop icon Cher joins Hillary Clinton at Cape Cod rally as her campaign continues fundraising blitz


9dc449  No.3226493

File: 80b0fd47b4f216b⋯.png (2.28 MB, 3500x3500, 1:1, spiceynolikey.png)


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


11504c  No.3226494

File: c1d2a59a79442fc⋯.jpg (101.43 KB, 795x497, 795:497, JUSTICEK.jpg)

We control Ryan!

We have it all!

ffbeb2  No.3226495

File: cac0ae92a2fcdd4⋯.jpg (97.97 KB, 634x456, 317:228, mar_a_lago_crest.jpg)

File: e3e75cf7cf38ad9⋯.jpg (482.92 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, Trump_Tesla.jpg)

File: 8364b6e05b971a3⋯.jpg (24.4 KB, 459x497, 459:497, trump_two_scoops_you_say.jpg)

File: dad1bfb8bd3ebbe⋯.jpg (674.77 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, trump-world-in-hands.jpg)

Lots of Q posts tonight after a rip-roaring day at the Hearing Circus.

Lindsey Graham put on the big boy pants in explosive fashion this week. I never, ever thought I would see that. If you told me a year ago that I would gain major respect for Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, and Bob Corker, I would have spit on your shoes.

Could it be that the blackmail network established by Imran Awan and the Clinton Cabal reached all of these men and compromised their ability to govern the way we elected them to? Could it be that their strings have now been cut and they are officially on the side of Donald Trump and the Army of Light?

55d512  No.3226496

File: a1d809881096e25⋯.png (622.21 KB, 1062x681, 354:227, BarbKinney Final.PNG)

File: 3336177b18bb57f⋯.jpg (66.22 KB, 630x432, 35:24, 1538110697.jpg)

File: f89d87455c4191e⋯.jpg (273.18 KB, 1440x1794, 240:299, 42604095_10214991039021751….jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/304 — Are you AWAKE? The TRUTH is right in front of you ( Cap: >>3223778 )











FINAL NOTICE: This is Barbara Kinney

3fd4cf  No.3226497

File: 7d7d89c2a8ccae2⋯.jpg (131.65 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, September 27,1961.jpg)

Announces to the press that John McCone would succeed Allen Dulles as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

af790c  No.3226498


post them if you want, not naming it that either

2df0bd  No.3226499


I'll put one together for you fren :)

db84ac  No.3226500

File: 96debe53b224a8d⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1242x1654, 621:827, 98A134AB-B892-4BE0-B9AE-F….jpeg)

File: 3968f27edde1eaf⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, BD370801-6933-4386-A40D-3….jpeg)

pics related

efc169  No.3226501


4483b0  No.3226502

File: da7beece781e9a3⋯.png (238.14 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, liarscake.png)

Is it me or does efag seem pissed about something?

It's been posting nothing a lot of pron these last few breads.

Hey, efag?!


26da89  No.3226503

also, Q for Lindsey Graham POUNDED MY TABLE IN JOY

his balls have dropped


af4fa9  No.3226504

Whatching the whole hearing, you could see Feinstein guilty as fuck flounder trying to deny she had anything to do w leaking.. [FEINSTEIN] leaked the shit hershelf. She needs investigated!

08278d  No.3226505


Sid? Huh? That's not Sid.

d35c2a  No.3226506


She was excused because there is no reason for her to investigate Kav's claims. Just the accuser's claims. I swear, CNN are a bunch of fucking idiots.

d58b9d  No.3226507

File: 608cbbcccf0ab19⋯.jpg (9.7 KB, 198x255, 66:85, pepeGraduates.jpg)



e2a0e5  No.3226508

I can't wait to watch the MSM flip. They have too now to save their own asses…

Not only will you do MAGA bidding now, but those who betrayed our country will pay…dearly.

c4b79b  No.3226509

File: 67427afc3575569⋯.png (329.82 KB, 663x388, 663:388, blumen_falsus.png)

895708  No.3226510




Not suggesting we should share it with incorrect information, but that more digging on the connections between Katz and HRC might be fruitful, and also this little blip is nevertheless starting to introduce some ideas about behind-the-scenes collusions as a pre-red-pill that the media will be more likely to report on if there is a negative aspect toward POTUS or 8-chan. Thank you for your also valid replies.

7a9ed6  No.3226511


I be woke, thanks fren…

4def06  No.3226512


When we fix America, we’re coming to Help you in the UK, Germany, and Australia, Europe and Canada,South America, Sweden and everybody will be free soon.

a401ac  No.3226513

File: 35693eebff091e6⋯.png (149.26 KB, 1155x499, 1155:499, ClipboardImage.png)


c7a6c7  No.3226514


please, please, please

37b930  No.3226515


Wait….that wasn't the same ham planet?

6b64b1  No.3226516

59e100  No.3226517

File: a33199fdeb6332a⋯.jpg (166.19 KB, 500x717, 500:717, canthandlebewbs.jpg)



a4defc  No.3226518


Honoray KEK too!

6a6f1c  No.3226519


It's the nose. the red ones are the same.

88a651  No.3226520

File: f9d3731e7097cd1⋯.png (764.76 KB, 836x470, 418:235, FEINFUCKENSTEIN.PNG)

ffbeb2  No.3226521

File: 4a76e5425c1a7a5⋯.jpg (123.89 KB, 614x798, 307:399, trump_maga_blam.jpg)


Thank you. Deborah Katz has never had sideburns \ chops the way Barbara Kinney does. While it's possible that Deborah Katz was ALSO at the event pictured, the woman in this photo with HRC is Kinney.

That being said, I have absolutely no doubt that Katz, Clinton, Feinkenstein, and Ford are in collusion together to try to derail Judge Kavanaugh.

But let's make sure we don't circulate fake news by saying this is a picture of Katz. She even has a fucking camera in her hand, for Christ's sake.

07ce9d  No.3226522


Disinformation is real.

Disinformation is necessary.

e45533  No.3226523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q, can you confirm what was in the envelope that Sheila Jackson Lee handed to Ford's counsel?

Was it notes as per her staff, or was it bones for his "pro bono"?


04e620  No.3226524


from "crotch cabbage" to latin lessons.

what gives, ebot?

922001  No.3226525


That guy was just creepy.

0aa94d  No.3226526

File: d654da3c300e642⋯.jpg (228.8 KB, 500x437, 500:437, g1363824387589604146.jpg)

File: 0dcb82ab9bd3ac4⋯.jpg (115.39 KB, 600x350, 12:7, 1sjh6w.jpg)

File: c8c19c51a04f414⋯.png (135.49 KB, 500x408, 125:102, the-deep-state-whispered-t….png)

File: f7137e013864c19⋯.jpg (213.94 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, imgthe hunt for red octobe….jpg)


05579d  No.3226527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just so everyone can watch it AGAIN…

Graham Questions Judge Kavanaugh

9e74e7  No.3226528


I never got anywhere near that close, but to my shock I did, shall we say, get the time of day.

c594a3  No.3226529

File: 42bec4f13f93cf9⋯.png (384.22 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 42bec4f13f93cf9e070849960f….png)



7a9ed6  No.3226530


Are there digs on photog woman I've missed?

2fdcad  No.3226531

File: 4556ada37346259⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1800x1286, 900:643, QProof-Riots-EMS.png)

Watch the date of the organized riots. They will tell us a bunch about the timing of potential arrests. Remember Q has told us that MIL has already infiltrated all these Leftist Groups.

efc169  No.3226532

>>3226517 TOO old and No BACON!!???

af790c  No.3226533


>>3225905 Former NBA Player Says He “NEVER, EVER” Saw Brett Kavanaugh “Blacked Out” at Yale Partie

>>3226085 Buffalo NY investigative report on the bishop exposed for covering up pedo priests in buffalo diocese

>>3226135 Moar: Flake, Murkoski, and Collins will vote for Justice K

>>3226310 We Have The Votes

>>3226437 Reminder: EAS and WEA test is October 3rd

>>3226523 What was in the envelope that Sheila Jackson Lee handed to Ford's counsel?

822a56  No.3226534

File: f9c7d924db80634⋯.png (59.72 KB, 1404x214, 702:107, ClipboardImage.png)


db84ac  No.3226535



7a0b8b  No.3226536

Who controls Ryan?

Autists engaged?

9fb36b  No.3226537



5df523  No.3226538


That's George in the painting.

9dc449  No.3226540

d4c2a5  No.3226541

File: 924c23a8449a529⋯.jpg (160.77 KB, 1536x1024, 3:2, gettyimages-602404958.jpg)


So no one ever uses a body double or disguises someone as someone similar looking?

88a651  No.3226542

What is our EAM going to say?

ffbeb2  No.3226543


Which one of the 7 pixels in the posted image convinces you of that, especially considering that the woman shown has huge sideburn chops that Katz has never had?

a9fcc7  No.3226544

f12773  No.3226545

File: c8525b1fc9aca11⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 459x497, 459:497, !indelible.jpg)


I HAD to do it!

8ec848  No.3226546



>As one senator who has read most of the classified documents told me last week, “the real question we must now answer is did U.S. intel conspire with a foreign spy, a Democratic campaign and a few foreign allies to attempt a soft coup against the man Americans chose as president?”

>That’s a little provocative, but the question of FISA abuses is real.

Like your work John, but if that's provocative for ya, you might want to pre-schedule a room in the rest home come around next January or so.

6c22f6  No.3226547


yup new as fuck lad. what of my timeline nigger?

418daf  No.3226548

File: 3602a6c1df5b885⋯.jpg (9.59 KB, 200x305, 40:61, bioPic.jpg)


Isnt that Barbara Kinney not DEBRA KATZ in that clinton photo?

6b5793  No.3226549

File: adc6199716875ef⋯.jpg (43.61 KB, 500x685, 100:137, 2iwsn9.jpg)

0aa0de  No.3226550


Yee gads that mumu makes me wanna vomit

ce14e5  No.3226551

File: 16d40037f92b658⋯.jpg (413.71 KB, 1010x429, 1010:429, PRcamPAIN.jpg)

9dc449  No.3226552

File: 6aaded9332610d3⋯.jpg (74.87 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8pm9s15cbbiy.jpg)


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.



Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


ef6439  No.3226554


Not the photo…the message:

No collusion here people.That couldn't be Ford's lawyer with Clinton.Democrats wouldn't stoop that low😱👿That would mean Democrats would ruin a good mans name just to gain power. And they called Kavanaugh evil.👿

4def06  No.3226555


He’s the president for a reason

d6b40f  No.3226556

File: dba40b02cb0036f⋯.png (189.24 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1538110680288.png)

d54896  No.3226557

If we cleaned up the social services we could do more for all the children we found.

d58b9d  No.3226559

File: 9a68bffde30d131⋯.jpg (12.89 KB, 170x255, 2:3, Bewbees214.jpg)

ec3bd8  No.3226560

File: 043eff75fbcf3bc⋯.jpg (25.94 KB, 920x613, 920:613, 920x920.jpg)

af790c  No.3226561


6a6f1c  No.3226562


a long nose vs blunt nose. plus lip height.

ce14e5  No.3226563


Or is he talking about Nunes?

9fb36b  No.3226564


>more digging on the connections between Katz and HRC might be fruitful

Absolutely agreed.

9dc449  No.3226565


Praeteritio, also known as occultatio ("gossip's trope"), is virtually identical to apophasis and paralepsis.


6fe6ba  No.3226566


Don't forget to drink your ovaltine.

59e100  No.3226568

File: 86c700bdbb4292c⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 570x676, 285:338, 1005895_480863945341786_16….jpg)

7393e8  No.3226569


It was in the morning and she is a lazy slob. That’s all there is to it.

f851e4  No.3226570


So it wasn't corresponding to one of the chess moves from the game Assange posted?

11504c  No.3226571

File: 8ef1663e29c838d⋯.jpg (150.51 KB, 1168x740, 292:185, REMEMBER REMEMBER HORI GUY….jpg)

File: 3ce5027a1e72e4f⋯.jpg (368.05 KB, 1125x2100, 15:28, REMEMBER REMEMBER poemlong….jpg)


they like muh meme!

make pepe comfy af…

ffbeb2  No.3226573

File: fe15220594e3a3c⋯.jpg (51.25 KB, 640x599, 640:599, trump_faces.jpg)

File: 858ff1fa4b7c9e2⋯.jpg (52.15 KB, 750x571, 750:571, trump_ha_ha_ha_ha.jpg)

File: 986a0481dd4928f⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 540x743, 540:743, trump_scoop.jpg)


I hate to admit I've missed the gist of the hippocampus meme so far–it's got to do with Ford making shit up in her own mind as a result of trauma, right?

Or is it another analogy for "Living in your head rent-free?" :)

Either way, have some more Trumps.

c4b79b  No.3226574


she's scrunching her face up

db84ac  No.3226575


Body armor

072eab  No.3226576

File: bc6e7408619f539⋯.jpg (93.13 KB, 1410x423, 10:3, AltarsforAlters.JPG)

Are the spirits that show up on the day of the dead your ancestors?

It seems weird that they are teaching English speakers the ritual practices of central American indigenous peoples.

the traditional worship of peon slave is being marketed to English speakers as a fun folklorico frolic. Why not join what NPR calls the majority minority pouring rum on graves, and maybe some fentanyl too.

Is this demonic subversion?

1392d1  No.3226577



I believe Kavanaugh to be honorable and that he will always rule fairly and adhere to the constitution

That being said, what they did to him will be with him forever and shape how he views matters moving forward

d58b9d  No.3226578



White bassennette?

f41636  No.3226579



your powers of observation continue

to serve you well

efc169  No.3226580

File: 0b9dcdeb76da75d⋯.jpg (10.34 KB, 255x236, 255:236, wowwee.jpg)

eef639  No.3226581


Why did Dr. Ford play that game?

Is the blackmailed??

4483b0  No.3226582

File: e8288c8e1ceba90⋯.png (40.49 KB, 600x461, 600:461, hellosailor.png)

88a651  No.3226583


Top kek!

91e66d  No.3226584


The fellow to Kennedy's right is blocking his body. Dont' see how that would be normal. It's impolite if that is the President?

There is something white behind "Jack's" right shoulder.

JFK seems to be pleased about something.Suppressing laughter?

e40d2e  No.3226585

File: 2b87703db31a2dd⋯.jpg (197.37 KB, 1200x1028, 300:257, wwwww.jpg)

Check Ed Whelan's twitter. He cracked the code.

Dems fucked up bigtime!!!

6c22f6  No.3226587




9dc449  No.3226588

this is like a snuff film, but all the corpses jabber

b4a4ff  No.3226589

File: 5d363fb68b5b18e⋯.png (1.57 MB, 800x515, 160:103, grahaminator.png)

ce14e5  No.3226591

File: 48ecc01c806f8d2⋯.jpg (432.06 KB, 1010x429, 1010:429, NunesWouldKnowMeThinks.jpg)

25d27b  No.3226592


It appears to be.

However, as a result of the picture, anons went ballistic digging on the Katz/HRC connection that actually exists. Without actually telling anyone directly, the truth is known.

efc169  No.3226593


1add7b  No.3226594

File: 905f3a854f462b8⋯.png (134.14 KB, 360x359, 360:359, smallplain.png)


Yes, but it's hard to convince some anons since they are both from the island of lezbos and have spike hairdos.

f2796c  No.3226595

File: 64fce4bdc243a51⋯.jpeg (170.55 KB, 592x901, 592:901, 02A3A103-B7FC-41A2-B39C-D….jpeg)


Still I think Brooke blew it.

I wouldnt mind being this hip like um well you know

a4defc  No.3226596


Is she a FAKE???

11504c  No.3226597


what clan lad?

04e620  No.3226599

File: 1eb39c03e6db0ef⋯.gif (5.13 MB, 353x200, 353:200, crummy-commercial.gif)

684df7  No.3226600


I never would have believed it until I looked it up myself. Man, Papa liked fucking all kinds of ladies didn't he? No wonder Hussein is such a sleaze.

7a9ed6  No.3226602


I'll be watching/calling out Gimp anon…

344dcb  No.3226603

File: 05ce8bd0c299023⋯.png (357.41 KB, 393x591, 131:197, ClipboardImage.png)


Bewbless bread??

The baker has not yet been properly thanked.

An unacceptable oversight.

Thank you for your service, baker, and accept anon's apologies for the tardiness.

28a933  No.3226604

File: 83d55c016c1fd29⋯.jpeg (19.49 KB, 255x255, 1:1, G'night frens.jpeg)

Ok frenz. It's been a good nightshift. Stay comfy and see y'all next shift. o7

4def06  No.3226605


I don’t know how many Star Trek anons we have here…

But, Diane Feinstein looks like a Cardassian from Star Trek which will explain everything

098cc5  No.3226606

File: b12612170bf7321⋯.jpg (10.26 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 9e6fb760b812f8a401cccb9f75….jpg)

df34fe  No.3226607

File: 737af3903485cb8⋯.jpg (905.85 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Storm.jpg)



would (you) again

32fafb  No.3226608

File: e8cfd21653ace66⋯.jpg (20.04 KB, 231x350, 33:50, Fletch.jpg)

File: 50207bf26796ca9⋯.jpg (45.22 KB, 650x190, 65:19, Fletch_02.jpg)

File: 6db5e62e7bec52e⋯.jpg (127.66 KB, 650x390, 5:3, Fletch_04.jpg)

File: 52d51a0308850dc⋯.jpg (316.43 KB, 650x1000, 13:20, Fletch_05.jpg)

File: dddd3bf4f44703e⋯.jpg (147.47 KB, 650x605, 130:121, Fletch_09.jpg)

Chevy Chase, MD was mentioned a few times. I kept thinking I had heard the name "Kavenaugh" before related to a Chevy Chase movie.




I'm new to this, but I did find this one picture from the above link that has a Utah address.

>410 N. Westview, Provo, Utah

Maybe I am grasping at straws, but any connection with Provo, Utah here?


>"Fletch" (1985)

>Directed by Michael Ritchie

>Screenplay by Andrew Bergman

>Based on the novel by Gregory Mcdonald

>Starring: Chevy Chase, Joe Don Baker, Dana Wheeler-Nicholson, Richard Libertini, Kareem >Abdul-Jabbar, Tim Matheson, M. Emmet Walsh, George Wendt, Kenneth Mars, Geena Davis

>MPAA Rating: PG

>U.S. Box Office: $46,700,000

1392d1  No.3226609


Dying here…

OMG laughing in a good way

I hope Lyndsey somehow sees this

efc169  No.3226611

File: 1469f5a6f874da4⋯.jpg (28.32 KB, 350x306, 175:153, youseethat.jpg)

eef639  No.3226613



0aa0de  No.3226615




Need to unfilter then

db84ac  No.3226617


Sterling, Ratcliff

c594a3  No.3226618


potus does

6b5793  No.3226619


what is that around her neck? looks like a lipstick case with a cross on it.

6c22f6  No.3226620


Zat you Dianne?

91e66d  No.3226621


Sorry I meant to Kennedy's left.

To our right.

d58b9d  No.3226622

File: a486f2531825e3c⋯.jpg (17.01 KB, 240x240, 1:1, STFU.jpg)



You need to go now. Snopes reject.

307067  No.3226623

The tremendous impact of the Russian October Revolution was due to one irrefutable fact: the working class, for the first time in history, had captured state power and used it to overthrow the existing order and transform society and existing social relations. Nobody will ever be able to erase this powerful fact from the memory of humanity. The October Revolution was not artificially engineered by a clandestine terrorist organization as many historical revisionists have attempted to claim; on the contrary, it was one of the most popular revolutions in history. The working class whole-heartedly supported it, as was shown by the courageous behavior of the Petrograd sailors and soldiers, that is, workers and peasants in uniform.

Revolution was, indeed, the only way forward for Russia. Due to its belated development, Russia was in the same position as Latin America, Asia, and Africa are in today - its bourgeoisie willingly sold itself to Western foreign capital. The Russian capitalists were incapable of making their own revolution and acted as a fetter on their country's development. The task of moving the country forward fell, instead, into the hands of the Russian workers.

4483b0  No.3226624

File: 9318d2217e545f0⋯.png (7.61 KB, 160x226, 80:113, trulyamazing.png)

a401ac  No.3226625


Well I guess we see what this is really about

ef6439  No.3226627



What if that really is Blasely's lawyer? And they re using her similarity as a photographer as cover?

af790c  No.3226628

db84ac  No.3226630

File: 43ee712bb2425aa⋯.jpeg (2.68 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, B5D25A4B-D843-420B-B29C-E….jpeg)

File: aad3d3d7ad67321⋯.jpeg (625.39 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E3965450-4CF8-49ED-834C-0….jpeg)

55d512  No.3226632

File: 10eb13036cfd5e1⋯.jpg (513.72 KB, 1024x786, 512:393, 20150606_belmont_stakes_05….jpg)




One more on Barbara Kinney for the batter…

ffbeb2  No.3226634


I can see why you say that, and after staring at both images for a while I understand why so many people see Katz where I see Kinney. The nose does look a bit more like Katz's flattened nose than it looks like Kinney's mazelschnoz. But I have to chalk that up to the very poor quality of the image, the distance, the angle, and her making a scrunched up face.

Someone else was saying that Kinney was wearing a different outfit at that event, but I have yet to see any photos or other proof that agrees with this statement. I can't even remember the name of that event now or else I would spend more time digging on this myself. Guess I should stop being lazy and yandex it to find the source, but dammit I'm comfy and I need to have a shit.

f12773  No.3226635


Ford uttered that exact phrase today talking about how the event was "indelible in my hippocampus"

it came across as an effort to try to sound educated… For a PhD it was really sad effort.

So Kek in fact, that when you type "indel" in Google, it automatically fills in the entire phrase!

9e74e7  No.3226636


From my experience - and what I could tell seeing how she acted in person, she was not whole, and she had a lot of fear and an inappropriately low self-image.

ce14e5  No.3226638

File: 069099fe902b9b7⋯.jpg (167.6 KB, 800x450, 16:9, dream_bpl91fjdbgs.jpg)


m0ar points 4 Nunes…

He's from CA.

Front row seat.

1d21b9  No.3226643

File: c09a2dd9f25442b⋯.jpg (108.65 KB, 680x528, 85:66, DoJjUrPUcAATUQD.jpg)

File: 972b68167e61ccb⋯.jpg (187.79 KB, 962x642, 481:321, Dn9_TU2X0AAnDrP.jpg large.jpg)

File: 7b8405521337158⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, DoBeR6ZUUAAFqCw.jpg large.jpg)


04e620  No.3226645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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