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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

7dbe01  No.3240366

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 09.28.18

>>>/patriotsfight/306 --------------------------------- POWER TO THE PEOPLE (Cap: >>3232679)

>>3226626 rt >>3225317 -————————– Graham questioning then [listen carefully]. Graham comments today.

>>>/patriotsfight/305 ——————————— Puzzle becoming more clear w/ each passing day? (Cap: >>3226042 )

>>3225606 rt >>3225498 -————————– Hive Mind

>>3225431 rt >>3225317 -————————– Have faith, Patriots.

>>3225317 ————————————–——– Did you see Sen. Graham's speech today?

>>3225116 rt >>3225050 -————————– Nothing gets past Anons!

>>3224970 rt >>3224849 -————————– Ready when you are

>>3224848 rt >>3224714 -————————– MIDTERM ELECTIONS>>> [Days Prior] 11.11

Thursday 09.27.18

>>3224714 rt >>3224486 -————————– RED OCTOBER>>> MIDTERM ELECTIONS

>>3224486 ————————————–——– Justice K Confiormation Goodbye,Mr. Rosenstein

>>>/patriotsfight/304 --------------------------------- Are you AWAKE? The TRUTH is right in front of you ( Cap: >>3223778 )

>>>/patriotsfight/303 --------------------------------- FALSE IN ONE THING. FALSE IN EVERYTHING ( Cap: >>3223011 )

>>>/patriotsfight/302 ——————————— Supreme Court Justice(s) to receive FULL TIME security detail(s) - (pending) (Cap: >>3222459 )

>>>/patriotsfight/301 rt /pf/300 -——————- [FEINSTEIN] THREAT TO MURKOWSKI? (Cap: >>3222056, >>3222062 )

>>>/patriotsfight/300 ——————————— EVIL BE GONE (Cap: >>3222112 )

>>>/patriotsfight/299 ——————————— Link to @CapUSA1 tweet (Cap: >>3219818, >>3219876 , >>3219963 )

>>3219565 rt >>3219273 -————————– You are correct

>>>/patriotsfight/298 ——————————— Welcome aboard, Judge K (Cap: >>3219268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/297 ——————————— FEINSTEIN (Cap: >>3219165, >>3219159 )

>>>/patriotsfight/296 ——————————— POTUS Tweet: "Senate must vote!" (Cap: >>3219147 )

Monday 09.24.18

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3198408, >>3198594 )

Sunday 09.23.18

>>>/patriotsfight/294 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )

>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 -——————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

7dbe01  No.3240371


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support


>>3227485 BO was able to fix the 404'd links

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board


>>3239705 Israel Releases Pics Of Alleged Hezbollah Missile Sites Near Beirut Airport

>>3239710, >>3240006 What Christine Ford alleges Brett Kavanaugh did was a misdemeanor, so the statute of limitations already expired

>>3239727 Mark Judge sends another letter to Senate Judiciary Committee, this one on the Julie Swetnick matter

>>3239757, >>3239808 Ford's husband (Russell Ford) works for Triple Ring Technology, info wiped clean about him

>>3239801 Tweet: US and CAN could reach new NAFTA deal in 48 hours

>>3239802 New Bill Seeks to Bar Funds for US War on Iran Without Congressional Approval

>>3239847 Russell Ford's archived info from Triple Ring Technology

>>3239853 Feinstein throwing accusations at FORD now

>>3239936 Graphic: Ford's GoFundMe totals

>>3240055 Updated Timeline of Christine Blasey Ford’s Contacts with Democrats

>>3240177 SYRIA UPDATE

>>3240250 Exclusive: Sen. Bill Cassidy: FBI Probe Must Investigate Dems’ Collusion to Smear Kavanaugh

>>3240287 Wounded After Disastrous Election, Germany’s Merkel Forced to Plead: ‘I’m Still Alive’

>>3240355 #4103

#4102 Baker Change

>>3238916 POTUS Proclamation on Child Health Day

>>3238965, >>3239030 McConnell says 51 R's will vote for Justice K

>>3239039 Largest Ever Immigration Judge Investiture

>>3239187 Pompeo accuse Iran of firing at US embassy in Iraq

>>3239207 Mark Judge and the FBI have arranged an interview

>>3239348, >>3239555 Steve Scalise Tweet: Tax Cuts 2.0 passed, with added sauce

>>3239578 #4102


>>3238169 Clockfag Update: Re-Read Crumbs

>>3238219 Ex-Massachusetts state Senator Brian Joyce found dead while awaiting trial

>>3238308 Pompeo condemns Iran

>>3238316 Ford's Attorney, Bromwich, Swamp Creature?

>>3238406 All 51 Republican members of the Senate support Kavanaugh's nomination, >>3238644

>>3238415 Body Language analysis of Ford

>>3238564 Bio Warfare? 1st Hepatitis E outbreak in humans: transferred to a human by a Rat

>>3238820 Facebook blocks sharing of AP & Guardian stories about it's Privacy Leak


>>3237444 Ford worked for Corcept Therapeutics, which Grassley investigated in 2008

>>3237430, >>3237447 Godlatte subpoenaed Glenn Simpson for deposition; additional witnesses Comey, Lynch, Yates + 4 others

>>3237556 Jill Strzok --> Exelis Inc <-- Thomas Blasey --> Christine Margaret Ford

>>3237558 For those who don't know what happened during Judge Kavanaugh's Confirmation vote

>>3237626 Memphis Chamber of Commerce CEO assassinated on Thursday: possible relation to Judge K's confirmation?

>>3237781 News Reports on Judge Kavanaugh; >>3237800 ; >>3237968

>>3237927 Uncle Anon needs YOU to do your 15 minutes of Duty (also call to SUPPORT /ourpeople/ !!)

>>3237939 Investigations work both ways.

>>3238114 #4100


--Baker Change--

>>3236629 Is Gofundme a money laundering tool?

>>3236632 Anon digs on 3 L's in Q's post --> L3 Technologies?; >>3237031 More diggs?

>>3236820 Culturally Enriched London: Former advisor to David Cameron, Shaun Bailey, to stand against current Mayor Sad IQ Khan

>>3236869 The Arch Of Baal Was Put Up In Washington D.C. One Day Before Brett Kavanaugh Testified To Congress

>>3236975 DOJ: FBI has got nothing to investigate in Kavanaugh

>>3237058 Trump Goes Fishing: Allows 1 week investigation into Kavanaugh; >>3237257 Sarah Sanders Confirms

>>3237079 More Operation Kavanaugh Infographics

>>3237299 CNN's Ted Turner is Losing his mind

>>3237337 #4099

Previously Collected Notables

>>3234974 #4096, >>3235753 #4097, >>3236551 #4098

>>3232758 #4093, >>3233508 #4094, >>3234273 #4095

>>3230478 #4090, >>3231942 #4091, >>3231991 #4092

>>3228119 #4087, >>3228889 #4088, >>3229663 #4089

>>3225768 #4084, >>3226533 #4085, >>3227320 #4086

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

7dbe01  No.3240380

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3229293

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

7dbe01  No.3240384

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 ; 30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/keVKnbKf

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

7dbe01  No.3240391

File: 3ecc1620863f53f⋯.png (932.57 KB, 1256x1126, 628:563, tuckerbased.png)



5183ec  No.3240406

Suck my dick. 1st

4103af  No.3240411

>>3240336 lb

Been ready. Didn't think we'd be blessed with Trump in 2016. Didn't know our mil was planning to save us all.


In other news my 8 y.o. is REALLY excited to go to their first Trump Rally next week :-)

e07b3e  No.3240416

File: 8dbdb877c89e218⋯.jpg (493.49 KB, 703x1024, 703:1024, Q shampoo.jpg)

c5f4af  No.3240446

File: f7d92562c286b5e⋯.jpg (43.91 KB, 300x170, 30:17, mega-snaps-1.jpg)

File: f678e4bbd0306b1⋯.jpg (3.36 KB, 150x127, 150:127, images.jpg)

Pantifa dispersement kit:

Just when they think they're badass with a stick and a plastic shield, start dropping bang snaps around their perimeter.

Bonus - Cops have a reason to rush in and arrest them for firing weapons.

1a0e46  No.3240447

File: f41b81f4a4e91cd⋯.jpg (60.81 KB, 559x397, 559:397, Q45.jpg)

ba5568  No.3240448

>>3240279 <<

> No ALL dems, not ALL focused on freakish medical experiments, politics or taking the higher education system hostage, but most of them

keep in mind, the Podesta Brothers play: one in business (lobbying), one in politics.

a9f5b3  No.3240449

Autist may follow - may lead - may ignore. Autists will find the truth in anything they put their mind to. That is Truth.

f85e23  No.3240450

Nice job, Baker.

Thank you. I'd post tits, but I don't save them to HDD…

22654e  No.3240451


Got to be honest, I hope this happens as it would give the POTUS the authority to deploy the military against "armed" enemies who publicly stated as much. It would give the opportunity to wipe them out. This would be a good thing if they did this.

e9aead  No.3240452

>>3240135 (pb)

Agreed. 1992 changed everything.

253dc6  No.3240453


советский фаг говорит, что вы расширяете свою гомо

b50147  No.3240454

File: 952d02bc6ebf738⋯.gif (3.09 MB, 336x178, 168:89, 1467231009786.gif)

a951ac  No.3240455

File: 9c346c4f32a65ac⋯.jpg (62.81 KB, 490x410, 49:41, iu (8).jpg)

61ce6d  No.3240456

File: cbf920282cab38e⋯.gif (2.15 MB, 300x300, 1:1, boobnest.gif)

Comfy bread, baker.

21ac1a  No.3240457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i want sessions to activate like this esse:)

87f392  No.3240458

File: f12237cf6a54835⋯.png (727.23 KB, 1468x1058, 734:529, l3-1.png)

File: 77e3471d3341dce⋯.png (277.29 KB, 1082x1104, 541:552, l3-2.png)

File: cca45ff5907cd80⋯.png (829.31 KB, 704x706, 352:353, fvey.png)


count the eyes

they used L tree to spy

19314f  No.3240459

>>3240440 lb

It appears I've been given both.

INTJ - yet empathic...

curious as all hell

d8d794  No.3240460

File: fc50cf53965479a⋯.jpg (268.67 KB, 1244x805, 1244:805, TrustthePlanInvincible.jpg)

File: f81dcf3c2dc808f⋯.jpg (641.9 KB, 2025x1350, 3:2, stay_the_course_and_trust_….jpg)

File: 09aec306b8c824c⋯.jpg (210.11 KB, 576x384, 3:2, MilitaryTRUST_THE_PLAN.JPG)

File: c097d9788b48b93⋯.jpeg (73.63 KB, 618x340, 309:170, TrumpTrustPlan.jpeg)

b50147  No.3240461

File: b49f26c41665747⋯.jpg (144.43 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1467249518256.jpg)

c1b161  No.3240462

Best predictions for how Kavanaugh confirmation plays out?

379605  No.3240463

File: 5ccf5474a217fa9⋯.png (74.14 KB, 756x245, 108:35, ClipboardImage.png)


9ab7aa  No.3240464

File: e92f8119221c502⋯.jpeg (43.48 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 039660EA-68BF-4506-A0CB-B….jpeg)

f35524  No.3240465

File: 2d8b89661c5caae⋯.mp4 (301.11 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Media Tweets by ronsun (@O….mp4)

File: 33718786355306a⋯.mp4 (218.03 KB, 320x180, 16:9, (2) Media Tweets by ronsun….mp4)

File: cb90c528b6fb274⋯.mp4 (6.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, (22) qresearch - Q Researc….mp4)

5b62fa  No.3240466

File: bf41a47be2270ab⋯.jpg (251.44 KB, 1033x581, 1033:581, 2izau6.jpg)

253dc6  No.3240467


благодарю вас, советский фаг весь йогурт в пещере

d958bb  No.3240468

File: 4e052757460826f⋯.png (348.73 KB, 655x661, 655:661, DoD 9-28-18 5 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 565ab693f149fa2⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1428x712, 357:178, USMC 9-28-18 5 pm PDT pic.PNG)

Blood Orange


db312b  No.3240469

de3389  No.3240470

Facebook security breach let hackers take over users' accounts and access third-party sites

Nearly 50 million users have been affected by a security breach that enabled hackers to take over their Facebook accounts — and to gain access to those users’ accounts on third-party sites and apps, the social media giant announced Friday.


dbcaed  No.3240471

File: aab740fe167ecad⋯.jpg (224.35 KB, 1080x733, 1080:733, Screenshot_20180928-192755….jpg)

c5f4af  No.3240472

File: 7db067b1434e266⋯.png (69.78 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Ceiling Cat.png)


Also good for mouse mortars.

9ff73d  No.3240473


not happening, the Dems won

18b765  No.3240474

File: d7c2cbd311214fb⋯.jpeg (339.36 KB, 750x736, 375:368, B0B3BD41-84D8-4618-AA94-2….jpeg)

I dont even need to say it.

Its Friday Night and u know who is startin to roll on in and get comfy……

d30308  No.3240475


I understand what you are saying. The trauma may produce it, or it may be natural in all of us, it is hard to say. I feel that way too, very telepathic even.

f85e23  No.3240476


I'd claim that.

248fab  No.3240477


Nov 1 2017 21:56:16 (EST)

Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).


381d88  No.3240478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting write up on Ford's body language and handwriting at FOTM

Dr. Eowyn unpacks the Body Language analysis video on Fords testimony and recaps a professional handwriting analysis on Fords letter



a9f5b3  No.3240479


As an autist I don't care - i just want to know.

8eefa3  No.3240480


Confirmed, and sworn it. Q already told us. Stop concernfagging anon

379605  No.3240481

US Evacuating Consulate In Iraq, Citing Threats From Iran


253dc6  No.3240482


сделайте cia арахисовое масло банды пробует желе

8369a0  No.3240483

File: 9bbe3dc10eba3d3⋯.jpg (73.29 KB, 640x850, 64:85, 2ro49tACHQXIXRtJF2PAz6T-dp….jpg)


thanQ baker

ba5568  No.3240484


there will not remain any doubt, as there might have been had they just gone on to vote

7dbe01  No.3240485

File: 6106f9cd44d7ae6⋯.png (629.27 KB, 686x668, 343:334, jack.png)


38c14f  No.3240486

File: ae1c3aeea676be1⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 750x725, 30:29, ae1c3aeea676be1c874f65a14f….jpg)

f85e23  No.3240487

>>3240338 (lb)


d958bb  No.3240488

File: 71288f230500ed8⋯.png (34.26 KB, 650x269, 650:269, POTUS 9-28-18 5 27 pm PDT.PNG)

New POTUS Tweet


7f1281  No.3240489

1) POTUS trolls MSM the other day during press conference, stops just short of saying yup, it's all BS, Ford is pulling yer pissers you fucking morans

2) Mentions China election rigging

3) CHIFI???

4) Ford letter leak???

5) How does he know? FISA/CHIFI/CHIFI Staff???

Remember these people are stupid…

Trust the plan


5b38d0  No.3240490

File: e93361849a5a115⋯.jpeg (210.3 KB, 1144x464, 143:58, 2C4F6EFB-21EB-4362-8EF0-8….jpeg)

db312b  No.3240491


Ka Boom

c1b161  No.3240492


One week's delay and they've won?

30ae8e  No.3240493

File: a97e28b91e39b4b⋯.png (327.29 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Mickey_Mouse_Voice.png)

>>3238415 (lb)

a4fd10  No.3240494

Exclusive — Sen. Bill Cassidy: FBI Probe Must Investigate Dems’ Collusion to Smear Kavanaugh

Just like their other tactics throughout this confirmation process, Senate Democrats’ demands for an FBI investigation have never been about getting the facts or finding the truth.

If they were, they would have alerted law enforcement months ago, as soon as they learned of the claims. Instead, they waited until the last minute to leak them in order to delay the vote.

That is why any FBI investigation of the allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh should include potential coordination between the Democrat operatives and lawyers that assisted in bringing them forth.

What Senate Democrats really want is more time to smear Judge Kavanaugh, regardless of the toll it takes on his wife, his daughters, and our country.

Democrats will not suddenly require evidence to declare Judge Kavanaugh guilty of being the worst kind of criminal. They will not suddenly abandon their assumption that all accusations against Republicans are credible and to be believed.

If the FBI turns up nothing significant, they will say what Joe Biden said in 1991, that the FBI does not reach conclusions. They will say the FBI did not have enough time to conduct a thorough investigation.

What they will not do is admit they were wrong to accuse Judge Kavanaugh of being a gang rapist, or a rapist, or a sexual assaulter, or a drunk, or a perjurer, or a hothead unfit for the bench.

If the delay facilitates new allegations from Michael Avenatti or someone else, it will not matter how ludicrous they are. Democrats will instantly call them credible, demand more delays, more FBI resources, and more hearings. They will attack anyone who disagrees.

Delay, delay, delay. That’s all they want, because their goal is to do anything and everything to smear any nominee — anyone — and block Republicans from appointing another justice to the Supreme Court.

We cannot and should not let that happen.


KEKS, and they asked for it!

6169ca  No.3240495

File: f1390d5fe315c06⋯.jpg (64.58 KB, 765x679, 765:679, muhsaud.JPG)

248fab  No.3240496


Do you have incurable concern disease?

d30308  No.3240497


If you imagine yourself on the other side of the room, can you see yourself on the other side of the room in your 'minds eye' and almost with your 'real' eyes?

7206fc  No.3240498

Dear FBI, since we have more time, here are more questions for Dr. Ford that we'd like answers to:

1) when did Dr. Ford read Mark Judge's book?

2) are Mark Judge's book's details how she created her story?

3) flying frequency of Dr. Ford over past 2 years (scared, really?!)

4) who scrubbed Dr. Ford's social media footprint and when?

5) who set up Dr. Ford's GoFundMe accounts, who donated?

6) any financial difficulties in Dr. Ford's current life?

7) who scrubbed Dr. Ford's high school yearbooks online, when?

8) is Dr. Ford's father CIA?

9) is Dr. Ford CIA?

10) is Dr. Ford's brother CIA/Fusion GPS?

11) has Dr. Ford been in therapy since high school?

12) has she had suppressive/repressive/trauma search therapy?

13) who is paying Dr. Ford's attorneys?

14) who is paying Dr. Ford's travel/hotel accommodations?

15) was she MK-Ultra'd and being used as a Dem sleeper cell pawn?

c058d1  No.3240499

Will all the concernfags here chill out!!

How many tiimes has Q said Patriots in control.

We have the votes already.

The only thing the FBI investigation is going to do is reveal lefty collusion to undermine Kavs confirmation, further kicking them while they are going down.

Kick them hard while they are going down Q team!!


43b898  No.3240500

File: ad423603933c60e⋯.jpg (28.38 KB, 290x349, 290:349, fordhispeenymeme.jpg)

441d13  No.3240501

why do they call it “the swamp”?

Why do they really call it “the swamp”?

ef2cb9  No.3240502

File: 316ba5899463598⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1750x1313, 1750:1313, IMG_109.jpg)

ab7cc6  No.3240503

>>3240370 lb


Last night I wrote Feinstein/China/Bld 8/FB-MZ/Stanford/Ford

Throw in clowns as well.

This is a huge deal. It is definitely Treason and Feinstein is caught in the trap with others. Every deal China has gotten into in the US needs to be looked at. All port deals, large property deals, high teck investment, everything. USA for sale. F these people.

1fc70e  No.3240504

File: 1d8a354df805d05⋯.png (119.02 KB, 677x344, 677:344, devils-triangle.png)


The Devil's Triangle

(A Brit in the FBI #4)

by Catherine Coulter (Goodreads Author), J.T. Ellison (Goodreads Author)

4.04 · Rating details · 4,269 Ratings · 548 Reviews

FBI Special Agents Nicholas Drummond and Michaela Caine have a new mandate as the government’s Covert Eyes, assembling a handpicked team of top-notch agents to tackle crimes and criminals both international and deadly. But their first case threatens to tear the fledgling team apart when the enigmatic thief known as the Fox reappears with a plea for help.

Master thief Kitsune has stolen the staff of Moses from the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul, and now that she’s delivered, her clients are trying to kill her. On the run, she asks Nicholas and Mike to help her discover the true identity of her clients and stop the threat against her life.

Under strict orders to arrest the Fox and bring her back to New York, the Covert Eyes team heads to Venice, Italy, to meet with Kitsune, and finds nothing is as it seems. Kitsune’s secret clients are the Koaths, a family descended from Moses himself, who will do anything, anything, to find the Ark of the Covenant and wield its power, as their long and bloody history can attest.

To execute their plan, they’ve spent years perfecting a machine that can control the weather, manipulating worldwide disasters that spin the entire globe into chaos. From New York to Venice, from Rome to the Bermuda Triangle, Nicholas and Mike and their team are in a race against time, and nature herself, to stop the Koaths and recover the famous Ark of the Covenant. But can they trust Kitsune, their sworn enemy, to help them save the world from a family of madmen?




Players alternately place and move triangles around a board. Each player's 9 triangles have a number (1-9) on the back. Neither player knows which numbers are where. Each player designates one number as his Devil's Triangle (without knowing where the triangle is on the board). Triangles are captured by being surrounded on 3 sides by enemy triangles or the board edge. The first player to capture 3 opposing triangles or to have his Devil's Triangle captured by his opponent wins the game.


Quarters - the drinking game was mentioned in Ford's yearbook



A mindless game that actually requires a certain amount of coordination. Supplies: people and beer (as usual), a quarter (hence the name), and a shallow juice-type glass.

All players sit around a table, or similarily hard surface, and, in turn, try to bounce the quarter off the table into the juice glass. If successful, the player tells any other player to have a drink, as well as receiving another turn. If the player fails, play passes to the next in the circle.

If the player is fortunate enough to make three bounces in a row, this player may make a rule.

Anything goes. Some favorites are:

"Can't say drink, drank, or drunk."

"Can't point with your fingers."

"No proper names."

"Have a drink before each attempted bounce."

etc. (be creative)

If any rule is broken during the course of play, the violator subsequently "consumes some beverage."

Early days variations:

The glass that you bounce into also contains the beer to drink. The trick is to then drink the beer without swallowing the quarter.

If the player bounces and hits the rim of the glass, without the quarter going in, s/he receives another free attempt.

If the player misses, and feels confident enough, s/he may "chance" for another attempt. If the player makes the chance attempt, things proceed as if it were a normal turn. However, if the chance attempt fails, that player must drink the beer.

Following a failed "chance" attempt, the player may wish to attempt a "kill." if the attempt is succesful, play continues as normal, but if the attempt fails, the player must drink a full glass/can/bottle of beer non-stop.

Game source: The (Un)Official Internet Bartender's Guide

9ff73d  No.3240505


Watch and learn grasshopper

248fab  No.3240506


Says it the fuck all!

90531d  No.3240507


After all the shit we've seen coming out of the FBI, including Stzrok, Comey, Page, and countless others, do you REALLY trust them to do this fairly?

de3389  No.3240508

File: 330ca694076f7c7⋯.png (903.44 KB, 800x911, 800:911, Screenshot_2018-09-28-19-2….png)

e9aead  No.3240510

>>3240292 (pb)

The "two doors" thing was a code.

527c34  No.3240511


Wow, glad you posted this as the wife asked me to bring a gallon of milk home.

379605  No.3240512

Tsunami sweeps away homes on Indonesian island of Sulawesi after earthquake


858260  No.3240513

File: 305887311e83969⋯.mp4 (9.65 MB, 720x720, 1:1, TsazsE2BXmjs67dM.mp4)

Star Wars Animated Voice actress ==Rachel Butara== who played Gen Leia Organa in Star Wars cartoons was ==fired== for expressing her ==expert opinion== on Dr Ford's fake voice used during her testimony.


Watch as this lady NAILS IT doing Ford'd Fake Ass Voice

8369a0  No.3240514

Regarding the news on Syria

I believe it is worth to point this out. Logic. Truth. Knowledge.

Here is 7 points which might

make you believe that (The Cabal)

is so badly trying to get rid of

Assad and install their puppet as

President and gain so much from it.

1: Syria has no Rothschild bank.

2: Syria has no debt to the IMF (International Monetary Fund)

3: Syria does not import

or produce GMO's.

4: Syrians are well aware of the 'New World Order' agenda.

5: Syria has resources (Oil, gas)

6: Syria does not support Israeli Apartheid

7: Syria is the last secular Arab Nation in the worl

And what history tells us,

when you are against The

Cabal and their agenda/s

you are doomed. And what history

also tells us is that if you have

no "central bank" owned by the

Rothschild's, or puppets

controlled by Rothschild,

you are "doomed"(no more!)

This can easily be looked into

and you can verify it yourself

along gaining great knowledge

how the 'Elite' operates.

(for all the newly redpilled)

This means if/when they get

rid of Assad and install their

puppet, a central bank owned

by the Rothschild's will be


GMO products will be

produced/imported and take over

the market in Syria.

And will probably be left with a huge debt to the IMF. Because the lender is a slave to the borrower.

2ae3a6  No.3240515

File: ee26933101b1f91⋯.png (18.79 KB, 987x510, 329:170, ClipboardImage.png)


You know what to do

954cd7  No.3240516


The investigation is a supplement to his background. None of these questions will be asked.

43b898  No.3240517


52 votes Yes.

edd40e  No.3240518




248fab  No.3240519


and Robin hung himself…

f35524  No.3240520

File: f86af1cb36fbe64⋯.jpg (43.07 KB, 500x500, 1:1, tumblr_oyn9z8f1ls1tkqfkao1….jpg)

0b86f5  No.3240521


SOMEDAY = Kav will temporarily withdraw, CINC proposes Barrett, then with the dig against ChiFi take HER down and then Kav takes RBG's seat?

Am I high?

253dc6  No.3240522













Советский Кипп говорит, чтобы вытащить twinkie из вашего овала и положить его в рот

f85e23  No.3240523


kek…yep, fake. Proof.

a445e0  No.3240524

just something caught my eye

US military's top enlisted leader is suspended amid investigation

US military's top enlisted leader is suspended amid investigation


US military’s top enlisted leader is suspended amid investigation

Corey Dickstein - Stars and Stripes

Army Command Sgt. Maj. John W. Troxell, senior enlisted advisor to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, makes a point as he and the senior enlisted leaders for the U.S. combatant commands brief Pentagon reporters at the conclusion of a conference, Nov. 28, 2017. (Army Sgt. Amber I. Smith/Department of Defense)

September 28, 2018

The U.S. military’s senior ranking enlisted servicemember has been suspended from his duties pending an inspector general’s investigation into a complaint of alleged misconduct, the Pentagon announced Thursday.

Army Command Sgt. Maj. John Troxell has been temporarily removed from his position as the senior enlisted adviser to Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Air Force Col. Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for the Joint Staff.

What led to the misconduct complaint against Troxell was not immediately clear Thursday. Ryder said it would be “inappropriate to comment on the nature” of the allegations while the investigation was open. An Army official said he could not immediately comment on the Army Inspector General’s investigation Thursday afternoon.

“We will wait for a full accounting of the facts and will not presuppose any findings or outcomes,” Ryder said.

Troxell, 54, has served as the senior enlisted adviser to Dunford since December of 2015. In that role, Troxell serves as the principal military adviser to Dunford and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on issues pertaining to the enlisted force, such as military standards, professional development, pay and promotion, quality of life and awards.

Troxell made headlines in January after delivering fiery speeches to troops downrange during a holiday tour alongside Dunford in which he vowed Islamic State fighters who did not surrender would be killed, perhaps shot in the face or beaten with shovels, known as entrenching tools.

“If they choose not to surrender, then we will kill them with extreme prejudice, whether that be through security force assistance, by dropping bombs on them, shooting them in the face, or beating them to death with our entrenching tools,” Troxell wrote Jan. 9 in a Facebook post. “Regardless, they cannot win, so they need to choose how it’s going to be.”

The speeches and posts on social media went viral as servicemembers cheered Troxell’s enthusiasm.

Before reporting to the Pentagon to advise Dunford, Troxell most recently served as the command senior enlisted leader of the United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command and United States Forces-Korea in South Korea.

He enlisted in the Army in 1982 as an armored reconnaissance specialist and served in several senior noncommissioned officer roles, including as the senior enlisted adviser for I Corps at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington and the senior NCO for the U.S.-led International Security Assistance Force-Joint Command in Afghanistan.

He’s a veteran of five combat deployments including Operation Just Cause in Panama, Operation Desert Shield-Storm and three post-9/11 tours — two in Iraq and one in Afghanistan.

The Joint Chiefs Office had not determined as of Thursday afternoon whether an acting senior enlisted adviser to Dunford would be selected during Troxell’s absence, said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Hayley Sims, a spokeswoman for the Joint Staff.

Troxell will perform duties as a special assistant to the vice director of the Joint Staff while the Army conducts its investigation, Ryder said.


© 2018 the Stars and Stripes

e11ea9  No.3240525

Anybody research if the mom "Paula" is the one pretending to be "Christine". The age of the woman that testified looks more like the mother of a 50 year old.

Also, anybody find out if there was really a funeral for her grandmother on the day of the polygraph test? August 7th, I think? In Maryland?

d8d794  No.3240526


^^^ Correct - agree.

There's no need to pose the question.

We've already been given the answer.

f85e23  No.3240527


On a door knob.

8f29ab  No.3240529


Yes you are high. Let this man be destroyed? No appointment?

d30308  No.3240530


Can can fight in this dimension. If you see a problem, address it? If you don't do this already.

a9f5b3  No.3240531

when it comes to the point that - not just autists will search for truth in everything that everyone will we are half way there. The other half is to take yourself out of it all of your bias's. - then you can find truth.

379605  No.3240532

File: df614f949d224a2⋯.png (287.95 KB, 506x434, 253:217, ClipboardImage.png)

America's Costliest Stealth Fighter Crashes In South Carolina


c1b161  No.3240533

File: d8da14e62aac4cd⋯.png (401.3 KB, 557x945, 557:945, glowInTheDarkCooper.png)


It's a general question meant to spur conversation and also get a gist of any information/leads you guys may have that I didn't already find browsing 4/pol/ for the past hour, if any.

19314f  No.3240534


both, with ease

it might be an alter, though

i'm still trying to figure out how it works.

f85e23  No.3240535

Ebot done went Russian on us.

b0c477  No.3240536


Get On It Anons

75% no????


1f0e8b  No.3240537


Remember FISA can be used to

Monitor domestic comms but can not be used in a domestic case if does not involve foreign intelligence (re: FISA on Feinstein, can not be used on Ford case. Unless it was coordinated with people from outside the country. Can be monitored either way tho.)

2a2264  No.3240538

>>3240360 prev bread about Twitter tonight

Whew is right.

Just found Stealth Jeff's GREAT guide to dodging the Twitter Nazis - don't miss it if you're doing battle there:

https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1045822790312579073 (going to unroll and post in two parts, also archiving locally)

So in the past 2 days Rex, Name Redacted/Howard Finch and Thomas Wictor have all been suspended. NR/HF tells me his account is now gone, not just suspended.

Twitter staff is stepping up the fascism now that Kavanaugh is out of the committee and his nomination sits on the Senate floor.

So, once again, let me hold a brief class on how to NOT GET SUSPENDED or keep your account lockings to a bare minumum:

HF/NR has a habit of DIRECTLY TWEETING at highly visible Dem/Leftists on here. Long tweet threads where he talks about what he wants to see happen to them.

Here's the brutal truth: no matter how CAREFULLY you parse your words when you do that, it'll be reported as a threat

I keep my interactions with the Lefty blue-check mark Mafia to a minimum. When I tweet at them, I keep it on a distinctly non personal level.

Like when I tweet at @Comey or somebody like that.

I won't even *joke* about him and a rope. Not when directly Tweeting at him.

Wictor was just suspended for saying that the only way the Left will stop it's insane assaults & threats of violence was that some crazy Leftist attacking the President needed to be violently shot to death on camera.

He was mass reported for that.

Even saying "Someone is going to have to violently die where the public can see it for this insanity to stop" will get you suspended. Because it'll be reported to Twitter that you *advocating that someone be violently killed*.

Third thing: know what the banned words are and do not direct them at the other side.


22654e  No.3240539


Yep, exactly, as it should be. If they make this move it both will allow a complete (and legal/justified) reason to handle the issue. I hope they make their move.

994e94  No.3240540



507307  No.3240541


Why did she refer to it as "BLACK"ing out? Let's call her a racist!

253dc6  No.3240542

mark de antonio cia agent in the fbi, practically leveraged most of this cabalistic horsehit through index malfeasance

f85e23  No.3240543


Saving that png.

1dd3e6  No.3240544



Was the new FBI investigation planned for/expected? We all can see what the Dems are trying to do.

d30308  No.3240545


Do you hear lots of speech as metaphor?

9ff73d  No.3240546


Democrats will never allow a Judge from Trumps list period, Republicans fold every fucking time

2a2264  No.3240547


I've had my account locked multiple times for asking people "Are you retarded?!"

Trolls searched my Twitter archive going back years looking for instances of me using the word.

Another thing that will get your account locked/suspended is for 'suspicious activity' when you act too much like a spamming bot & post the same link/pic/RT over and over within a short period of time.

THAT is what got my account locked several times.

This is not a level playing field. Many Lefties on here can say whatever crap they want at whoever they want. That's because Conservatives/Republicans & Trump supporters don't sit around all MASS REPORTING people who offend them.

Does it suck?


Can you work around it with a little thought/emotional control?


Give Trump & Sessions another year, they are preparing to rip these tech nerd fascists a new one.

Until then, we gotta recognize the limitations & work within them.

Summing up:

1) keep your interactions with blue check Lefties to a minimum, don't threaten or even APPEAR to threaten them

2) don't even joke about violence or call for any violence or even generic phrases like "somebody is going to have to die"

3) don't use banned words.

I realize many people want to 'tell off' the Blue Check Mafia and get in their faces on here and give their crap right back to them.

Never forget you are being watched and you have to pick your words carefully and they don't.

It is what it is.


ADDENDUM: And we still win in the end.

They ain't stopping shit.

Kavanaugh got out of committee and to floor, and after a week & the FBI coming back & saying "We didn't learn anything new in these inteviews that repeated the earlier interviews, no new evidence, nothing to investigate, this background check is now over & in the file."

All the R *and* D Senators who wanted this limited scope/1 week FBI investigation for cover so they could VOTE YES on Kavanaugh will get it.

Dems robbed of "We need an FBI investigation of Ford's claims!" talking point. Those who still vote no will have exposed themselves more.

So yes, angry Lefty Twitter trolls are in a rage right now. They are having a bad week and next week will be worse.

They are looking to mass report top Trump supporters/Conservatives on this platform for ANYTHING that they can find. For even the lamest reasons.

Put a little thought into not giving them something they can run to Twitter Support with. It's not that hard.


43b898  No.3240548


One word: Chat logs.

c4a68b  No.3240549

>>3240318 lb

Least she died instantly.

610248  No.3240550


They are also going to vote tomorrow to move to confirm, which starts the timer that would have originally put the final vote to confirm on Tuesday.

In other words, 3-4 of these additional background check days were giveaways; we would have been waiting regardless.

WORST CASE scenario is it goes the full 7 days, meaning at the end of the day we took their best shot and a 3 day delay and all they got for it was more validation and closure in support of Brett Kavanaugh.

d8d794  No.3240551

19314f  No.3240552


you're kinda freaking me out

34a048  No.3240553

1f0e8b  No.3240554


>>wasting time on ((polls))

You must be new here.

18b765  No.3240555

File: 0eb267a84cb199f⋯.jpeg (21.19 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 090436E1-C47D-4794-8C84-2….jpeg)

Relax faggots….

Stay focused.

Potus is setting a precedent with ordering a FBI investigation.

This one the LeftyFags want so they’re like


Buuut after this is established as a thing then who else might Potus order an investigation of?

d30308  No.3240556



b50147  No.3240557


welcome lmao

574810  No.3240558

File: 627f84abd4f6f8a⋯.png (382.25 KB, 624x545, 624:545, ClipboardImage.png)

f85e23  No.3240559



253dc6  No.3240560

19314f  No.3240561


don't be

you're just accurate

a4fd10  No.3240562

File: 5bcd48f63e463d5⋯.png (77.82 KB, 733x884, 733:884, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70e24d5b028ef43⋯.png (57.57 KB, 729x682, 729:682, ClipboardImage.png)

Oil Services CEO and Executive Sentenced to Prison for Roles in Foreign Bribery Scheme


3b6659  No.3240563

File: accfb536fda90e0⋯.jpeg (141.36 KB, 1467x629, 1467:629, 6F7C130A-FFB5-4263-BDC1-E….jpeg)

New Trump tweet.

2ae3a6  No.3240564


>Buuut after this is established as a thing then who else might Potus order an investigation of?

They really want to play Russian Roulette. I say let them.

e9aead  No.3240565

File: 908bbd870bfc3f7⋯.jpg (45.26 KB, 640x480, 4:3, danny devitos new trans ro….jpg)

>>3240367 (pb)

According to the left he did. Read what Stealth Jeff said about inferences.

379605  No.3240566



d30308  No.3240567


You seem okay. How long have you been experiencing this?

9ab7aa  No.3240568

Q stayed up late last night probably resting today kek

b28be5  No.3240569

Hey FBI, Military, NSA and Q+ people.

I have been waiting like so many anons. I want to believe … I want to hope that truth will prevail and justice will be served.

How can I go on… I struggled for years just to get to where I am today, was homeless, suicidal, and have had abuse in my past too…no one, not one police officer, or investigator was there to do an investigation, and I had proof but they believed the abuser over me. Isn't there proof of something, some sort of corruption that happened? Why is it not being looked at, discussed? Where is POTUS at .. a good man is being destroyed. He is not guilty of these horrific crimes and we need to stand by him NOW. Abusers are cowards believe me I know, Kavanaugh is brave and courageous. Booker has behaved like a typical potential abuser. Please someone in power do something, leak something, its really disheartening and I am here everyday reading, researching and praying.

Sorry for taking up the bread, just cannot believe what I am seeing.

4ce3ec  No.3240570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>3239849 (lb)

>>3240186 (lb)

>>3239860 (lb)

re-posting from end last bread where I f'd up the tags:

And if 20k cannon fodder finally get the consequences that are due/coming to them, what has been gained? Nothing - but you risk your own safety and freedom from a local radical left politicized police force (leadership - beat cops following orders only), prosecutors (Soros sponsored in elections) and judges. (Yes. they only do this in Lib cities.)

Alternatively, you could surreptitiously follow them home and come back next day/week OR do that from other locations with the leaders of this coup. (and what you do when you go back video related - Taj Maha.) It's a smarter way to fight a war against a 21st century insurrection (which is EXACTLY what we are sitting back and watching).

446945  No.3240571


experience pleasure when the expectation of sameness is unfulfilled.

438f7e  No.3240572

Hold on a sec anons… was a limited fbi investigation the plan all along by the team? Not only will it clear kavs name, but it will bury the dems if it comes out in anyway that she was making this up to ruin kav then the dems are fucked in the midterms. Are the feds going to subpoena all her coms now? Since they can’t investigate the assault are they going to investigate lying to the senate which is a federal crime? This would take them down in midterms!

527c34  No.3240573


This was really good, as she explained it I thought to myself how could I have missed that.

Sorry, do not have the link for the viddy.

514f8a  No.3240574


certain laws have been pre-lifed to provide swift fury (Q, 2017)

Sounds like The Purge

08d9c2  No.3240575

>>3240426 (lb)

Chill, concernfag. This "investigation" is what proves her guilt. I need the "It's a trap!" meme...

43b898  No.3240576


Bombard is all over that too.

7206fc  No.3240577


INTJ here too

f85e23  No.3240578


Most known…now do the ones we don't know about….

be7c6f  No.3240579


This will drag out for weeks

b50147  No.3240580

File: 608e401cdd6dc63⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 300x200, 3:2, 1456339448929.gif)



19314f  No.3240581


i don't really think in timeframes quite like that

8928f6  No.3240582

File: 2a1fd507bb6ae0c⋯.gif (947.86 KB, 360x200, 9:5, 2a1fd507bb6ae0c5cd043ec0ae….gif)



a14c99  No.3240583


"tonight", "sure"

990273  No.3240584

>>3240304 lb

F&G...around 0:55 they start telling you how the camera is going to go out 'due to heavy vibrations'...c'mon you're able to land two rockets from space next to each other simultaneously and you can't get a camera to work observing the most critical phase of the mission? TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!

869905  No.3240585

E-bot posting in Russian now? This should be interesting.

b4e1e9  No.3240586

File: 23540748bb74e28⋯.jpeg (97.5 KB, 787x694, 787:694, 67CFC31D-5A19-463E-A61D-E….jpeg)

File: eaf924dc623663f⋯.jpeg (69.4 KB, 690x750, 23:25, B336A266-40BA-4FE7-92AD-F….jpeg)

File: 6cb48de56e3b57f⋯.jpeg (111.96 KB, 990x1000, 99:100, 638AC362-C49F-4B58-B974-8….jpeg)

File: 043cd594accc5bf⋯.jpeg (137.77 KB, 800x532, 200:133, 31A66933-51BC-451E-9A84-1….jpeg)

File: 2c2d538bdaf6854⋯.jpeg (162.73 KB, 834x999, 278:333, F9E7CF98-208E-4E60-98DE-7….jpeg)

0b86f5  No.3240587


No, I mean, let Kav sit out with an extended investigation, confirm Amy in the meantime, Kav comes back when RBG collapses on the bench which will be very soon.

381d88  No.3240588


So why are we still in Syria? Step back and let Putin take care of Israel. He's chomping at the bit but our continued proximity / involvement there just complicates things.

de3389  No.3240589

Exclusive – Sen. Bill Cassidy: FBI Probe Must Investigate Dems' Collusion to Smear Kavanaugh

Just like their other tactics throughout this confirmation process, Senate Democrats’ demands for an FBI investigation have never been about getting the facts or finding the truth.

If they were, they would have alerted law enforcement months ago, as soon as they learned of the claims. Instead, they waited until the last minute to leak them in order to delay the vote.

That is why any FBI investigation of the allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh should include potential coordination between the Democrat operatives and lawyers that assisted in bringing them forth.


5ff641  No.3240590

File: 71e426d43ea7788⋯.jpeg (83.73 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 0EE952E3-6E35-4DF8-94B4-8….jpeg)

f85e23  No.3240592


This anon gets it.

Dem trap, watch who gets stuck.

f36003  No.3240593

You think Q is gonna suicide himself this weekend out of embarrassment?

379605  No.3240594

File: 7029c6c9adf2dfe⋯.png (273.95 KB, 926x661, 926:661, ClipboardImage.png)



same one or another?

597200  No.3240595

File: c0d7e1d8e998dec⋯.jpeg (139.03 KB, 1242x2075, 1242:2075, 756837C9-040E-4D60-8E8F-1….jpeg)

Anyone else getting a 504 on keybase?

92b22a  No.3240596


Also, after a democrat president gets in office some day (Hopefully never), Senators can use this example as an excuse to have a FBI investigation on THAT presidents nominee.

a9f5b3  No.3240597

The only reason I diatribe on the culture of autist is that most are burned out on this. The ones that can find it and do it are battle fatigued and moved on. Q - attention span was not correct.

02dd9e  No.3240598


The FBI will clear him in 4-5 days

The confirmation vote will give forward and he will make it by the skin of his teeth. Pence will have to vote.

d30308  No.3240599


Fair. I might have just caught you. Do you feel better at all? or more secure in your existence? is something in particular causing problems?

006bdc  No.3240601

File: 5b59f78b05e3e18⋯.png (484.52 KB, 510x505, 102:101, Screenshot_7.png)

Saw this on twatter earlier. top kek to whoever made it!

2a2264  No.3240603


I've had to sit in the penalty box more than once for merely tweeting the name Soros. That's it.

So doctor the word up a la $0R0$, call him Voldemort or another veiled synonym, but don't use Soros or you'll get tagged.

No tweet I have ever tagged with @realDonaldTrump has ever seen the light of day. Only abusive libtards are allowed to address the President.

726e09  No.3240604


yet they have started the voting process, one down two more rounds to go…we will see, trust the plan

ccf16d  No.3240605

File: 6face22c19142c6⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1274x841, 1274:841, 51BBDA42-B357-4DDB-8ACE-0A….png)

File: 39433b6971942c5⋯.jpeg (484.38 KB, 1550x1033, 1550:1033, F0BCAFF4-F5D2-4466-AD03-E….jpeg)

Old Bailey inscription has new meaning to me now

“Defend the children of the poor & punish the wrongdoer.”

Justice Awaits.

7dbe01  No.3240606


kys kike

858260  No.3240607


Cool…Wish the Anons/Q Patriots could stick up for her!!

a445e0  No.3240608


John Troxell


United States


United States Army

Years of service



Command Sergeant Major

Commands held

Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Senior Enlisted Leader of United Nations Command, ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command, U.S. Forces Korea


Operation Just Cause

Operation Desert Shield

Operation Desert Storm

Operation Iraqi Freedom

Operation Enduring Freedom


Defense Superior Service Medal

Legion of Merit (3)

Bronze Star Medal (2)

Command Sergeant Major John Wayne Troxell is a member of the United States Army, slated to become Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.[1] He enlisted in the United States Army in September 1982 as an armored reconnaissance specialist and graduated One Station Unit Training at Fort Knox, Ky.

Army career

CSM Troxell has served in the Army over 30 years in numerous units throughout his career. They include the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment in Fort Bliss, Texas; 2 tours in Germany with the 3rd Armored Division, and the 3rd Infantry Division; 3 tours in the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Campbell University ROTC in Buies Creek, North Carolina, and the Special Operation Division of Joint Task Force Six (Counterdrug) in El Paso, Texas. He has served as the Command Sergeant Major of the 3rd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, New York and in Iraq; the Regimental Command Sergeant Major of the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment in both Fort Polk, Louisiana and Fort Lewis, Washington; the Command Sergeant Major of the 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2d Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, Washington and in Iraq; the 21st Command Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army Armor Center and Fort Knox, Kentucky; the Command Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army Accessions Command and Human Resource Center of Excellence at Fort Knox, Kentucky, the Command Sergeant Major of I Corps at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington and the Command Sergeant Major of the International Security Assistance Force Joint Command in Afghanistan. CSM Troxell has been selected to assume the duties of Senior Enlisted Adviser to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and will assume the position after its current holder, SgtMaj Battaglia, retires.

CSM Troxell’s five combat tours of duty include making the combat parachute jump and service in Operation Just Cause in Panama, Operation Desert Shield/Storm, two tours in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.

CSM Troxell’s military education includes Ranger, Airborne, Jumpmaster, Pathfinder, PLDC, BNCOC, ANCOC, and The First Sergeant Course. He is a graduate of Class 51 of the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Course and the Command Sergeants Major Course. CSM Troxell is also a graduate of the National Defense University Keystone Joint Command Senior Enlisted Leader Course, the US Army War College Strategic Leader Development Course and the Army Strategic Leader Development Course (Intermediate) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Command Sergeant Major Troxell's civilian education includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from TUI University in California.

Command Sergeant Major Troxell is married with three children and two grandchildren.

Awards and decorations

Combat Action Badge

Ranger tab

Master Parachutist Badge with one bronze Combat Jump Device

Pathfinder Badge

2nd Infantry Division Combat Service Identification Badge

73rd Cavalry Regiment Distinctive Unit Insignia

11 Service stripes

7 Overseas Service Bars

Defense Superior Service Medal

Legion of Merit with two bronze oak leaf clusters

Bronze Star with oak leaf cluster

Meritorious Service Medal with four oak leaf clusters

Joint Service Commendation Medal

Army Commendation Medal with "V" Device and silver oak leaf cluster

Army Achievement Medal with silver oak leaf cluster

Meritorious Unit Commendation with oak leaf cluster

Superior Unit Award


Army Good Conduct Medal (11 awards)

National Defense Service Medal with one bronze service star

Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal with Arrowhead device

Southwest Asia Service Medal with one campaign star

Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal with one battle star

Afghanistan Campaign Medal with one campaign star

Iraq Campaign Medal with four campaign stars

Global War on Terrorism Service Medal

NCO Professional Development Ribbon with bronze award numeral 4

Army Service Ribbon

Army Overseas Service Ribbon with award numeral 4

NATO Meritorious Service Medal

NATO Medal for service with ISAF

Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi Arabia)

Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait)

The wonder of

f36003  No.3240609

Suicide Weekend Q warned of

maybe he doesn't wanna comment acter this morning

de3389  No.3240610

So…..how far-fetched would it be that Ford was /ours/ sent to set a trap for Dems?

712f57  No.3240611


Spot ON

90531d  No.3240612


This is like giving a crying toddler candy in order to shut them up. It will never be enough for them, they'll milk this, and drag it out as long as possible.

9ab7aa  No.3240613


Doubt it that would go on for months or years maybe they will get them eventually but it won’t be in the next week

f85e23  No.3240614


Don't talk, just read.

Especially when anons are on digging rolls. You learn a lot by lurking.

253dc6  No.3240615


aca818  No.3240616

File: 259cadbaa0c802f⋯.png (148.31 KB, 750x463, 750:463, IMG_0787.PNG)

Time to launche the MEME WAR

Weaponized Memes Loaded, Aim, FIRE!!!!


a28497  No.3240617

File: 42eea9441a015ed⋯.png (100.1 KB, 977x1244, 977:1244, IMG_6666.PNG)

File: c324e40ef3fc50e⋯.png (107.03 KB, 1242x736, 27:16, IMG_6692.PNG)

File: ed1d31c98a74948⋯.gif (550.57 KB, 418x317, 418:317, IMB_0357sd.GIF)

File: 3bb8d0058e7f6cd⋯.png (169.35 KB, 1240x706, 620:353, IMG_6714.PNG)

File: 6876ea817e7f5b5⋯.png (119.54 KB, 1234x529, 1234:529, IMG_6717.PNG)

b4c2fb  No.3240618

File: f2b64f644760c78⋯.jpg (5.4 MB, 4512x4432, 282:277, Q Map Graphic 49.jpg)




Q Graphics all in GMT Update

Hi Baker, this post replaces >>3229293 Q Graphics all in GMT #49 seen here >>3240380

Please update the dough.

Godspeed Baker/s

a9f5b3  No.3240619


LMFAO bitch new fucking question - do it

fd2909  No.3240620


Well said anon.

b4e1e9  No.3240621

22654e  No.3240622


They can create nearly perfect looking mimic robotics of birds and insects at this point. The progression of robotics and tech in this field has been monumentally expanded in recent years. China stole our designs (or were sold) for the robotics on birds to spy and they now use them.

e336b3  No.3240623


Sounds exhausted. Great actors

4d6abb  No.3240624

File: 50459343733d3fc⋯.webm (3.32 MB, 500x280, 25:14, 46914d350cd86e8c17c53ec92….webm)

b66cf0  No.3240625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

for Q team and for all Anons

43b898  No.3240626


Such a fucking rayciss with her blackouts.

Us politically correct types only get faded.

edd40e  No.3240627

File: 815fcb53370faa6⋯.jpg (8.75 KB, 251x242, 251:242, hrmph pepe.jpg)


I voted YES and the pie chart didn't change one iota. Go figure,

e9aead  No.3240628



bfef6d  No.3240629

File: 92da5f3943e224b⋯.jpg (49.62 KB, 678x381, 226:127, putin-v-soros-678x381.jpg)

Putin Calls Out George Soros For Meddling In US Elections


This has been about the only thing that makes sense from the meddling in 2016. and we are seeing meddling in the U.S. senate to stop a particular person. right in front of us.

68ab5a  No.3240630



b65427  No.3240631


Don’t be freaked out anon. It is a normal move from stage 4.5 to stage 5 adult human development. Takes some getting used to. But it is a mapped level of stage development. Your awareness is expanding and you’re beginning to be able to take on and see multiple perspectives more quickly, almost at the same time. Breathe, meditate, take a walk.

2aa33b  No.3240632


Oh crap. We played that in the '70s. Plumb forgot about it.

f85e23  No.3240633


You like beer, don't you? -Judge K

18b765  No.3240634

b4c2fb  No.3240635




Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3240618

Pastabin in case one prefers: https://pastebin.com/rDFF16jR

7dbe01  No.3240636



Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3240618

253dc6  No.3240637

File: a430e4e82b1a3e2⋯.jpg (680.95 KB, 1600x909, 1600:909, chockingckicken.jpg)

13fe46  No.3240638

I've been following this for last 11 months. I've given it some thought. I've had time to reflect. You know what?


5e8ea7  No.3240639


>Sounds like The Purge

I am OK with a purge. I just hope it includes the USA territories.

c045a4  No.3240640


i did as well-

a445e0  No.3240641


i want to learn how to arrange data for display like you have done here.

7206fc  No.3240642


Dr. Ford's credibiltiy should ALSO be in play. Why is she off the hook? In the real world… victims are put through the ringer to establish credibility… what she went through yesterday was NOTHING compared to real life when a woman asks for a restraining order and is a witness for a state prosecutor in a criminal case. WAY too many suspicious questions surrounding her.

19314f  No.3240643


there's something really rough that happened to me that i've been trying to work with

but, i'm not sure i would've found myself here if that wasn't the case

sour needs sweet, eh?

but, it's been worsening lately.

hard to deal with, but there's important things going on that have kept me focused

i can tell it's imperative that i don't waver, however

been shitty, but someone has to hold the line

5b62fa  No.3240644


No wonder all us Russian Bots would always blame Soros…


869905  No.3240645



One here, one there. Pope's behavior and actions not indicative of someone who actually gives a shit and wants to clean house.

f36003  No.3240646


not jewish man

just not a Q FBI shill like you

fuck you motherfucker.

bbe56e  No.3240647

File: e45579e00d24a2e⋯.jpg (46.25 KB, 620x372, 5:3, 2iz5ts.jpg)

18b765  No.3240648


Hook line and sinker.

896adf  No.3240649


i would say START THE CLOCK!!!

7dbe01  No.3240650

File: 052b30660d9ae7d⋯.png (124.55 KB, 721x384, 721:384, ClipboardImage.png)



got it anon, thanks

f35524  No.3240652

File: 21d45511ab1fa72⋯.jpg (156.73 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, image-000008.jpg)

File: 9fb55a2ed3dd947⋯.png (654.78 KB, 1344x572, 336:143, Screenshot_2018-07-13 Lafa….png)

File: d2b8e25c0b7d6da⋯.png (642.84 KB, 1344x572, 336:143, Screenshot_2018-07-13 Lafa….png)

File: d115f33cee87def⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1323x4957, 1323:4957, Screenshot-2018-3-6 Stephe….jpg)

File: 0b1fc68556b9728⋯.jpg (411.89 KB, 1314x881, 1314:881, Screenshot-2018-3-6 Colber….jpg)

43b898  No.3240653


Possibly more votes from red state demonicrats. Not that it matters.

381d88  No.3240654


> sent to set a trap for Dems?

how many fucking traps do you need? they're all dead-bang guilty, repeatedly, of high treason

the time for trap setting is long over

d30308  No.3240655


Well said.

8369a0  No.3240656

File: 105026bf08d1dce⋯.jpg (98.03 KB, 768x549, 256:183, 105026bf08d1dce1fba5801d55….jpg)


i dont know about you oldfags but i think this is some easy-get-red-pilled points to take in for the fags trying to swallow the redpill.


i am not sure as to why..

but I still have faith & I trust the plan. that is a big question on this big chessboard anon.

f85e23  No.3240658


Yep, that's my thought.

04ef86  No.3240659


In like Flynn

2ae3a6  No.3240660



says 855 now, Was 853.

dac910  No.3240661

File: 5e0660f2db409fd⋯.jpeg (97.38 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, 74C755A2-E6A0-4600-82AE-7….jpeg)

Twatter just took down Thomas Wictor

a4fd10  No.3240662


Please release Ford's scrubbed social media accounts/posts.

Please release Ford's scrubbed work details including any links to the Stanford CIA internship program.

Please assign the non-corrupt members of your organization to do this investigation.

And do you know your organization was founded and run by a closet faggot?

2b9887  No.3240663

File: fb437284d4ab912⋯.jpg (265.12 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_3157.JPG)

f85e23  No.3240664


DRinking one now. What YOU don't like BEER? WTF is wrong with you?

c1b161  No.3240665


That sounds about right.

b4c2fb  No.3240666


Haha, yup, see above i.e. >>3240635

Godspeed Baker :)

>>3240650 Kek, just as I was about to post!

858260  No.3240667




Baker is this a


I wish Q Patriots could stick up for her on Twatter

39819b  No.3240668

File: 21e5eb64949ad19⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1988x1988, 1:1, Katz.png)

Remember the handler is (((Katz))).

>>You think if you cow tow they will appreciate?

a951ac  No.3240669

514f8a  No.3240670


Anyone else sad Alyssa Milano is on their side? Crazy leftist psychopaths who care more about animals than the well being of their fellow man are typically atrocious looking. She's actually quite pretty.

253dc6  No.3240671

File: 1e205c549865b90⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 480x322, 240:161, JACKELOPEFOUNDONLINE.jpg)

22654e  No.3240672


Hmm, thoughts? Possibly flash copying every single person to list out which civilians are against a potential insurrection/attack?

Feels like phishing to create an initial strategy of where to hit, who to hit, who to watch out for, etc.

2a2264  No.3240673


Lockheed-Martin (maker of the F35) needs BADLY to consolidate everything to just California and Texas

They've already started:


Lockheed Martin Aeronautics announced Monday it has sold four buildings and 52 acres of its 912-acre campus in Marietta to Georgia Tech, a deal which could bring up to 500 jobs to Cobb, according to a news release announcing the sale.

The portion of the Lockheed facility being sold was previously used for offices and operations of its F-22 Raptor program, which has been mostly vacant since the jet’s production ceased in 2013, the release states.

“Lockheed Martin and Georgia Tech have worked together in numerous areas over the years,” said Georgia Tech President G.P. “Bud” Peterson. “This is another area in which our collaboration will prove to be mutually beneficial as we both look to serve our nation with our respective capabilities.”

Johnny Whitaker, director of communications for Lockheed’s Marietta plant, said the company has maintained the buildings but haven’t used them since the F-22 production ceased. The buildings total about 766,000 square feet of space, Whitaker added.

Whitaker said Lockheed owns the land and buildings being sold to Georgia Tech.

The main building sold to Georgia Tech was used as the primary administrative and engineering building for the F-22 Raptor program. Another building nearby was used as a training facility, the other two were primarily used as warehouses, Whitaker said.

The college already has five buildings adjacent to Lockheed’s campus it uses for conducting applied research. The facility, referred to as The Georgia Tech Research Institute, houses an advanced concepts lab, an aerospace, transportation and advanced systems lab, a sensors and electromagnetic applications lab and other research facilities, according to the GTRI website.

Lance Wallace, spokesperson for Georgia Tech, said 360 GTRI employees work in the five buildings Georgia Tech already owns. While the news release says as many as 500 jobs could come to Cobb to work in the expanded GRTI, Wallace said Georgia Tech has not finalized what the newly-acquired buildings will be used for, so he could not comment on the types or numbers of jobs that the deal might bring.

f85e23  No.3240674



Clowns don't care what we say unless the MSM says something we say.

1f0e8b  No.3240675

Her name was Julie Swetnick

And she deserves justice.

248fab  No.3240676


This is exactly what Wictor was saying right before his twatter got suspended.

c5f4af  No.3240677


excellent redpill material

f36003  No.3240678

Trust Grassley

Trust Sessions

Trust McCabe

Trust Comey

Trust Loretta Lynch

Trust the FBI guys

19314f  No.3240679

File: fff3e5fa9066624⋯.png (535.19 KB, 1682x631, 1682:631, blasey.png)

5ff693  No.3240680


Calling Alyssa Milano a potential assassin might cause that

c1b161  No.3240681


Know what he was most recently tweeting about?

d30308  No.3240682


I hear you. Just don't kill yourself. Help the next person, it will give you purpose again.

4ca96b  No.3240683

File: d219314f798ac08⋯.jpg (131.32 KB, 900x842, 450:421, 1.jpg)

File: 08663450e3c2ab1⋯.jpg (146.85 KB, 900x710, 90:71, 2.jpg)

President Trump signs defense funding bill


7dbe01  No.3240684

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3240524 US military's top enlisted leader is suspended amid investigation

>>3240513 Star Wars Animated Voice actress Rachel Butara fired and twitter account deleted for saying Ford's testimony was fake

>>3240488 New POTUS Tweet: Justice K will be "truly great"



I had it (see above)

just was doing the GMT update and am now posting the update

thanks anon

35f37e  No.3240685


Such a terribly flawed, expensive aircraft. I saw one in person grounded at it was stunning but making one aircraft for multiple missions was a terrible idea from the beginning.

All the navy pilots will tell you that they'd rather see 100 low tech planes instead of a single stealth plane.

954cd7  No.3240686


No argument, but that's not how background investigations are done. They are investigating him, not her. Her day will come.

f85e23  No.3240687


Moutherboofing A.

30ae8e  No.3240688

File: 1365a2a4bbbc79d⋯.png (485.8 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, comb_brush_glasses.png)

43b898  No.3240689


We havent heard from Gloria Allred yet!

a951ac  No.3240690


They must be pretty to lure you in

ba5568  No.3240691


> was a limited fbi investigation the plan all along by the team?


How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?

Who has everything?

Methods which info collected/ obtained?

Admissible in the court of law?


9ab7aa  No.3240692


Yep me too? Panicking and being negative accomplishes nothing it won’t protect you from disappointment it just makes you miserable and defeatist. Fight fight fight to your very last breath even if it seems all hope is lost. It’s not your pessimism is just an illusion.

bc242c  No.3240693


today was hard no doubt, and i was left feeling depressed on a friday night. thanks for the wake up call

7f1281  No.3240694


Thanks anon!

But yeah, that's kinda what I'm saying - Trump mentioned that China was involved in election rigging, so counter intelligence goes gets FISA on suspects, picks up coms whilst monitoring the suspects, from CHIFI/Team re Ford?

39819b  No.3240695

File: b7a460d1ca79927⋯.png (878.72 KB, 1280x2126, 640:1063, Antifa.png)

>>Exhaust the legal option if no,

>>Use the militant intimidate option


994e94  No.3240696

File: 4491765844593a7⋯.jpeg (17.9 KB, 255x133, 255:133, 7EC78287-5E08-4EDA-A0FF-5….jpeg)

0b86f5  No.3240697


Q, time to nuke @jack. You with us, team, or what?

ccf16d  No.3240698

File: 0d3ada03b32c9d3⋯.jpeg (148.09 KB, 430x539, 430:539, 98A287DA-A065-491B-977A-6….jpeg)


Best movie yet.

4026fc  No.3240699


43f989  No.3240700

File: 613081e1c780b6e⋯.jpg (88.08 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BreakingTrumpTweet.jpg)

22654e  No.3240701


>Sounds like The Purge

This is how I am seeing it as well. With that said, was the FB "hack" done by our guys to identify the who is who for when/if they spark something?

e9aead  No.3240702


I caught hackers in my Messenger two years ago, they were sending people garbage messages under my name.

FB has been comped for a long time.

cedf24  No.3240703


Done really Anon

ba5568  No.3240704


one thing about

> no Rothschild bank.

is NK & Iran have long been in that list, but… yeknow

47cb1c  No.3240705



They are deeply programmed. Logic escapes them. My very own son! I've been unable to break thru, but I keep at it because eventually, something will end up triggering a synapse to spark out the other side, and then it will all be worth it. We need Sky Event or something soon.

d958bb  No.3240706

Off Topic


Reminder Last Man Standing Premieres at 8 pm on Fox tonight

446945  No.3240707


Anon called her a potential assassin too. She is MK Ultra trauma mind control vic.

a4fd10  No.3240708

Christine Blasey Ford Attorney Debra Katz Urges ‘No Artificial Limits on Time or Scope’ of New FBI Kavanaugh Investigation

Debra Katz, the radical Democratic Party allied attorney representing Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in her uncorroborated accusation of a decades old sexual assault at a small high school party, issued a statement Friday after noon welcoming the new FBI investigation into Kavanaugh ordered by President Trump, but demanded no limits. Trump’s order said the investigation “must be limited in scope and completed in less than one week.”

“A thorough FBI investigation is critical to developing all the relevant facts. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford welcomes this step in the process. and appreciates the efforts of Senators Flake, Murkowski, Manchin and Collins — and all other Senators who have supported an FBI investigation — to ensure it is completed before the Senate votes on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. No artificial limits as to as to time or scope should be imposed on this investigation.”

Ford admitted at Thursday’s hearing that Katz, a Democratic Party donor and fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, was referred to her by the staff of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).


f85e23  No.3240709


Looking good baker. Stay sober for a few breads. ;)

7dbe01  No.3240710


the liddle shill will get tired by 10 pm

39819b  No.3240711

File: 4a0eaf54453b315⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1372x2298, 686:1149, Ugly.png)

>>Ugly truth about that Feminine, Fallen State, Satanic Power

d8d794  No.3240712

File: d565858d165bb83⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1734x1271, 1734:1271, Point3.png)



Anon is correct.

Trust the Plan.

/ourguys/ had all the details worked out for every possible path thru the tangle of timelines, a long time ago.

7dfe78  No.3240713


Anon, my friend has been MK Ultra, she is on the healed side of the ordeal and has an webpage blog. DIDFREE.net. She is helping others. I recommend her sight. I know she stays away from television, movies etc. That must be why. Prayers for you

782f0a  No.3240714

Hello Q, if you are here!

b759e6  No.3240715

File: 9728963ecf1ce24⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1796x1154, 898:577, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

File: 8d7e2ebffa6f651⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1796x1166, 898:583, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

File: ac4edb778198af0⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1798x1372, 899:686, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

File: 95cab12ef0fc0cc⋯.png (2.92 MB, 2010x1304, 1005:652, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

fbe243  No.3240716

is there a BO focused on the FISA?

sum1 throw a nigga a link!! Grazie!

a9f5b3  No.3240717

for each question 15-20 percent of austist respond and 30 percent normies. Autists dig but normies just ask and do not really need answers unless spoon fed. This is how MSM has followers the ones that one spoon feeding. Who are you?

43b898  No.3240718


She's on youtube = according to qtists, she's a commie nigger shill glowfaggot.

9ab7aa  No.3240719


She used to be pretty but she lost her looks a while ago, probably from being evil

2b0147  No.3240720

File: e52be0429607066⋯.jpg (49.34 KB, 600x600, 1:1, fordfbi.jpg)


869905  No.3240721


I've talked to a lot of normies about her testimony. Even people who believe she's lying and they still see her as convincing. Most don't see the inconsistencies, all they see is a goddamn victim. I had to point out (to an MD whose undergrad is in psych) about her childish behavior, childish tone. Got the "Oh, yeah that's a good point." It's like facts don't matter when they hear the whole victim part.

80e4e1  No.3240722


Syria also allows women to walk around

with sleeveless shirts, flowing hair and alone if they want. They are not a country that forces Islam, they instead do and have protected Christians. Assad is not like what is being put out by the MSM.

All of the above is from a 72yr old Syrian Christian who owns a green house near my old neighborhood. He was able to visit his Christian family in Syria every summer up until 2015, when it started becoming too dangerous.

I still visit him for chit chat about the world and by orchids. He has lost many family members and many more are just missing. The ones who survived were saved by Assad's army.

He is a proud American and Loves our POTOUS, thought about bring Q up to him.

5bbb46  No.3240723



b4e1e9  No.3240724


The conservative chicks are the hottest. Even the old ones. Jeannine Pirro or dr. Ford? remember the adage never put your dick in crazy.

34a048  No.3240725


k, i'll get right on that.

06650b  No.3240726

I bet the FBI just LOVES being forced to do an investigation after saying it is not their jurisdiction AND THEN being given a time limit to do it in.

527c34  No.3240727


>Dr. Ford's credibiltiy should ALSO be in play. Why is she off the hook? In the real world… victims are put through the ringer to establish credibility…

>what she went through yesterday was NOTHING compared to real life when a woman asks for a restraining order and is a witness for a state prosecutor

>in a criminal case. WAY too many suspicious questions surrounding her.

Payback is a bitch, and this woman will have some serious payback when the dust settles.

990273  No.3240728



Suspicion mounting

844512  No.3240729


don't let the door hit you on the way out Ted.

f35524  No.3240730

File: cae6f9aa6713756⋯.jpg (21.38 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 83c.jpg)


You just found out about her?

c1b161  No.3240731


Absolutely murderface.

19314f  No.3240732


someone, somewhere out there is writing a story

a story that needs another protagonist, an endearing character, and a fitting end

no doubt

c058d1  No.3240733

File: eb9d4fb65dfc81b⋯.png (442.21 KB, 504x332, 126:83, hold the line.PNG)


Come on Anons, HOLD THE LINE!!

No time to cower to the MSM fear mongering!!

83687e  No.3240734

I posted a response to an anon's speculation this morning and it made the notables.

>>3229794, >>3229866 Anons speculate Kav's feared power is to fortify Exec v. Jud branch

I wanted to add something, since it seems my post's meaning wasn't understood.

While Kavanaugh's appointment to the SC will help to correct the imbalance of power in the justice system legislating from the bench the case I cited is all about the power of the people.

how can you defend your rights if you do not know what they are?

When you sit as a juror do you know what your rights are?

If you think the judge will tell you YOU ARE WRONG

In Sparf v US it was determined that the judge has no duty to instruct the jury in it's rights. And if you think judges do not mislead juries you haven't been around a courtroom much.

To really understand what is going on you must understand why we have juries

If an unjust law is passed, and a person is put on trial and the evidence proves guilt what happens? Should an unjust law ruin a person's life? The system is set up to prevent that.

In all criminal cases the jury shall have the right to judge the facts of the case as well as the law

(((they))) call it jury nullification, when the jury finds the defendant not guilty even when the facts say otherwise.

The ulimate power belongs to the people

but the people cannot use their power if they do not know have it

a14c99  No.3240735


No time limits! Because 36 years wasn't long enough!

f85e23  No.3240736



7dfe78  No.3240737


last bread

39819b  No.3240738

File: 58d5649b7c27c61⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1936x2180, 484:545, Ratchell Mitchell.png)

Even the independent prosecutor says she wouldn't go anywhere near that (((CIA shill)))

d30308  No.3240739


Yes. You are important.

a951ac  No.3240740

File: 382f1d70d0c6220⋯.jpg (70.51 KB, 452x716, 113:179, 1ec747b4b80fce4a2fb49c594a….jpg)

2ae3a6  No.3240741


I don't have a facebook account or any other type of social media so they can go right to hell.

b66cf0  No.3240742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sua Sponte anons

4780e9  No.3240743


‘No Artificial Limits on Time or Scope’

Wish granted. Time limit isn't artificial at all. Ordered by POTUS. One week.

4ca96b  No.3240745

File: c6d24110864728c⋯.jpeg (70.15 KB, 824x500, 206:125, c6d24110864728c6bd2fa4046….jpeg)

File: fbe2f870c1bbc73⋯.jpeg (97.31 KB, 824x500, 206:125, something wrong.jpeg)

weird demarcation line on neck

76c861  No.3240746


FBI has fisa on china feinstein and drops it all

b4e1e9  No.3240747


Love the last one. Excellent work.

f85e23  No.3240748

deb357  No.3240749

Q tells us "TRUST GRASSLEY" and what does Grassley do today? He made a huge political play by calling that 2 hour rule before anymore talks could be made of an FBI investigation. I also think Flake set a trap for the democrats under the guise that he was on their side. Flake possibly a patriot???

22654e  No.3240750


Of course they are. They fucking run a business in China where the entire net is state controlled. They literally set up a shop in a country that monitors and saves all internet activity. They literally gave it away while pretending to be running a business there while doing so on the monitored Chinese internet.

88e61b  No.3240751


10/3 Storm begins with arrest of Feinstein, Kavanaugh confirmed

76d462  No.3240752


I predicted last night that he would lose his account

In the AM thread he said a leftist lunatic

needed to have their brains splattered or

something similar. He wasn't calling for

violence but I know how Twatter works

896adf  No.3240753


IS This a new shill tactic to get us?

1163a5  No.3240755


Man, you are a boring redundant bastard. Get some new material will you?

d8d794  No.3240756


Even though you are incoherent I will try to help you out.

Maybe this is what you are looking for.


Next time use the Catalog or read the dough (top part of the bread).

And it does help to formulate a proper English sentence.

7dbe01  No.3240757



already in , part of the pompeo/iran post

04ef86  No.3240758

File: 8c538e6b499ab29⋯.jpg (73.09 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, blasey believe.jpg)


Couldn't get the nike logo to be transparent in pixlr

68ab5a  No.3240759


They brought it back? New?

43b898  No.3240760


According to HuffPo, Q has a 98.1% chance of committing suicide this weekend.

c65fbc  No.3240761

I'll be willing to bet Q and the team are all over this. they probably already know how big the last hemorrhoid she had and when she got her cherry popped. be calm and enjoy the show!!

8f29ab  No.3240762


I trust the plan. I don’t take literally that we are watching a scripted movie. I take the statement to mean that plans have been made to deal with contingencies (a script for every probability) The likelihood that the Criminal politician pawns would go all-in as domestic terrorists was great; as we know. I do not think ACB was the plan. I was not a fan of Kavanaugh and expected (initially) there may be some old baggage he had lurking that would drop the goods on VF or 9/11 or the Bush clan…. something. But watching that man, seeing this process unfold, listening to normies who saw Blasey Ford as a fake and a phony yesterday with the kid voice, the floppy hair and coy demeanor crossed with the actions of Senator Shills today; the genuine pain inflicted on the Country….No Way In Hell this was an intentionally creatively written script by /ourguys with some ACB reveal as a TADA moment.

d30308  No.3240763

a28497  No.3240764

File: 913e6d31f7563a7⋯.png (215.81 KB, 1914x651, 638:217, IMG_1201.PNG)

File: cf5d0efb52ef469⋯.png (159.28 KB, 1242x468, 69:26, IMG_1499.PNG)

File: 2ef2eaad61d8dfd⋯.png (133.63 KB, 1242x1620, 23:30, IMG_3244.PNG)

File: 2a16ad7f99ad625⋯.png (175.59 KB, 1652x922, 826:461, IMG_3298.PNG)

File: 6876ea817e7f5b5⋯.png (119.54 KB, 1234x529, 1234:529, IMG_6717.PNG)

19314f  No.3240765


thank you, brother

good on you for sharing

b4e1e9  No.3240766



248fab  No.3240767


And all woe-men need to believed absolutely, with question or reservation.

After all, we now live in the Cucked States of America.

e9aead  No.3240768

File: d90595ec1612ddd⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 474x630, 79:105, badges.jpg)


Flying brick. The F-35 SUCKS.

f85e23  No.3240769


You are on top of the bake, very good.

f35524  No.3240770


1982 Consent Decree…you see that anon? Talk about in your face treason and white genocide.

Yet here we are…

1163a5  No.3240771


Dream on

39819b  No.3240772

File: 042d498e7bb2e16⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1864x1466, 932:733, Next Steps.png)

>>Demonrats already prepared for the next option - IMPEACH KAVANAUGH


e8b3df  No.3240773


this might be where wray's fbi opens pandoras box. all characters involved lead to those already being investigated by huber and team.

just thinking outloud.

a951ac  No.3240774

File: b1580f90f3642b1⋯.jpg (33.13 KB, 238x286, 119:143, iu (17).jpg)

File: 4d661468bc54ce3⋯.jpg (317.1 KB, 1335x991, 1335:991, iu (16).jpg)

43b898  No.3240775


I'll give him 1-2 red state D's.

c1b161  No.3240776

File: 7da5576311e7d2c⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, sessionsEXE.png)



Oh, that would be fucking glorious.

4ca96b  No.3240777


Our empathy has been used as a weapon against us.

4d76ae  No.3240778

So, been crunching these around for a while I’m gonna brain dump what I think are these people’s codes. They communicate openly with their symbolism and codes, if we crack them, they’re fucked. Part of the reason why they are panicked.

The menorah code.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



In case that spacing is fucked, AN1 BO2 CP3 etc.

This is reflected in a deck of cards. Face cards are all 3s. KQJ. A could be 1 or eleven. 0s are placeholders in this system, because they reduce away, so this is true in their code too. Haven’t figured out why face cards are worth three yet but it’s an odd coincidence.

Trump’s Twitter typos.

The above cipher is too simple to be used covertly, I’m pretty sure substitution, swaps, rotations etc are used. So when Trump takes out a C and replaces it with a G, maybe that’s a swap. Or a rotation to line up those letters. Or the numbers of minutes between tweets could be rotations.

Also, there’s a clock code. Not coincidentally we have clock fags working round the clock on this. I myself am a clock fag on a hiatus but I guess not exactly. 144 is an important number. A key. Q stopped at post 1440 when he went on hiatus for a while. 1441 is a clock post itself, the one with the web looking tower circular things from NK.

Anyway, my best guess at the moment is two clocks, multiply the value across the hours, minutes, and seconds, independently. Then you subtract from the maximum amount each unit could represent, 144 (12x12), 3600 (60x60), and 3600 again for the seconds. If you do this on the first post Q says “time stamp / decipher,” using the timestamp of the post he references and his post, it reduces down to 9 1 1. If you first reduce between the : markers. Then together reduces to 11, then 1.

Reduction for newbies is adding digits independently, anything over 10 you add them again to reduce more until you arrive at one digit. So, 4567 = 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 22 = 4.

This is not a secret if you research this you will see secret societies using this system.

The key is the key. How would you give out the method of deciphering your message? How would a time stamp do it? Do digits represent the manipulations you would make to the cipher to be able to read coded info?

They use this system anons, it’s almost not debatable. How do they communicate their decryption codes?

Bill Cooper - “The Hour of the Time” was not a name chosen by coincidence. Neither was Behold A Pale Horse.

38c14f  No.3240779


It's all good…. the sky is falling.. ;-) it will be over soon.

I'm trusting the plan.

a9f5b3  No.3240780

Why only 15 -20 percent actually autist respond? Because we have our own fields. Some have body language, some computers, some game theory, some…. all have own thing and know all else is not their own thing so - they may give you a gift at times of insight but if they don't hit the connection they ignore it.

fd2909  No.3240782

>>3240562 Oil Services CEO and Executive Sentenced to Prison for Roles in Bribery Scheme


"Anthony Mace and Robert Zubiate played key roles in a massive bribery scheme that involved the payment of millions of dollars to public officials in exchange for lucrative oil-services contracts. Their actions rewarded corrupt officials' greed and tilted the playing field against honest, law-abiding companies. Their sentences should serve as a warning to corporate executives everywhere: if you pay bribes to advance your business interests, we will catch you and we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law."

I suspect this will be a recurring pattern in future legal actions against the cabal.

0d6e16  No.3240783


Gods more forgiving towards babes. Bet she gets into heaven just to further piss off the (((males))) that misled her.

2ae3a6  No.3240784


>All the navy pilots will tell you that they'd rather see 100 low tech planes instead of a single stealth plane.

you'd think that would be common sense but the government is full of idiots.

WW2 wasn't won because we had stealth fighters it was won by blood sweat and tears of millions of men on both sides.

Don't even get me started on the farce that is nuclear weapons…. They could nuke the whole country and they'd just take care of what needed to be taken care of anyway… it's too hard to nuke everything.

4081a1  No.3240785

Locks like Ford will finally get that forensic interrogation that she so badly needs.

a60571  No.3240786


red scarf on doorknob?

43b898  No.3240787

File: 9f89d677aa64c29⋯.png (152.42 KB, 290x349, 290:349, fordmeme.png)

4780e9  No.3240788


Cause it was such a common occurrence.

f85e23  No.3240789



Always look for new tactics…never reply to shills. There is no point in giving them more fuel.

514f8a  No.3240790

File: 70e076db5f94c94⋯.png (7.17 KB, 395x232, 395:232, boof.PNG)

006bdc  No.3240791


The symbol at the bottom would look better if you can do that.

c6e2da  No.3240792


pay no mind to d30308 .

It's a bot that's been active on the board since at least yesterday.

Pretty hilarious if you splice all of that bot's one-liners together.

2fdff6  No.3240793


Not sure why folks keep posting about a military plane crash as somehow suspicious. I am ex mil aviator and crashes are nothing new. Shit happens. Sometimes friends die. Unless you have other information to supplement the crash story just stop.

b4e1e9  No.3240794


Patriots are getting restless. The right is not happy.

2a2264  No.3240795


Key to remember here that the remaining 850 acres that Lockheed-Martin sits on is basically IN the "platinum triangle" area near the I-75/I-285 interchange and some very high-$ commercial office property

Hartsfield Airport authority would shit out giant gold nuggets before they would allow a competitor for runway and commercial air traffic space in metro Atlanta, though. They hate the idea of competition, because all the vendors & side companies at Hartsfield are all wrapped up in mayor cronies and the black elite. They love them some non-compete contracts.

Lockheed-Martin shares a big runway with Dobbins ARB, which is still used at times for Air Force One.

5b62fa  No.3240796


Soooooo… can we impeach RBG for not doing what we're paying her to do?

c65fbc  No.3240797


Think about it, they took down the DOJ and all the 3 letter agencies. I don't think they will have any problems finding the dirt on these dirtbags.

869905  No.3240798


It's a good thing those fuckfaces don't have any control over this. Got Dems on the record agreeing to it. What the fuck? They got what they asked for, now they can shut the hell up. Not like I expect that.

06650b  No.3240799

File: 7f53e72c4186903⋯.png (40.31 KB, 500x364, 125:91, Capture.PNG)

Holy shit look at the numbers on this tweet!

a951ac  No.3240800

File: 0b6dcdca5079ad4⋯.jpg (243.69 KB, 1008x723, 336:241, iu (22).jpg)

File: 9b1a408057ca06a⋯.jpg (98.35 KB, 546x543, 182:181, iur (11).jpg)

ba5568  No.3240801

File: 2b87076733d63fe⋯.png (550.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, HEY.png)


stop screaming bro, ts'allright. ignore, or you might learn a few things. sure, it can be shills at any time, as always, but mind control techniques are very real, you'd be better off knowing about it

dac910  No.3240802

File: c31b3895df943d9⋯.jpeg (112.84 KB, 1082x1200, 541:600, 54F5588B-35B8-4667-9511-F….jpeg)

3ef9b4  No.3240803


I think we have an actress in a body/face suit, like the old oriental man on a plane a few years back. the neck is not possible.

8eefa3  No.3240804


Calm down anon. Once DECLAS happens, all that disappears.

8f29ab  No.3240805


Thank you as always, anon!

3de4bd  No.3240806

3efbe7  No.3240807

File: e7a37fa77c0e303⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 736x673, 736:673, pepeeyeroll.jpg)

43b898  No.3240808


I got suspended just for saying Beyonce is an evil untalented cunt. Guess twat thinks she's talented.

04ef86  No.3240809


Katz sure has a lot of interest in this Pro Bono work with no monetary goal.

f36003  No.3240810


ahhahahaahahah he's definitely not

06650b  No.3240811


Geezus Wictor, NOT HELPFUL. AT ALL>

869905  No.3240812


>doing your job

Not an impeachable offense.

514f8a  No.3240813


I've known about her. Just not the height of her lunacy.

38c14f  No.3240814



990273  No.3240815

File: 69c96ee85b15964⋯.jpg (304.88 KB, 1200x2238, 200:373, tape recorder.jpg)

Wonder how we can get a lecture recording from one of Dr. Ford's classes in the past couple of years?

Surely her students tape lectures to review later.

a60571  No.3240816


I trust President Trump

not so much the comped republicans

775598  No.3240817


Because they can hack the aircraft and crash it. forget which board it is that explains how.

1ae997  No.3240818

Too many fake INTJ's in here

I am a unique snowflake

I'm the only REAL INTJ here

30ae8e  No.3240819

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


the hot/crazy chart… worth watching

f36003  No.3240820



Declassification will be the democrats slogan in 2020 just to fuck you you shmoes

39819b  No.3240821

File: 0e26c3a60fba1fa⋯.png (1015.21 KB, 1310x1364, 655:682, JC.png)

File: 212024c0d3fe929⋯.png (6.27 MB, 2022x2198, 1011:1099, 234324.png)


a4fd10  No.3240822


:::Cough::: take's 10% gofundme

d8d794  No.3240823


If you think this approach would decode something, you'd better show at least a couple of examples where you decode something and it makes sense to the vast majority of anons.

a951ac  No.3240824

File: a42ae7bad43486a⋯.jpg (157.51 KB, 804x822, 134:137, iu (15).jpg)

File: d60e85f1649ddcc⋯.jpg (129.64 KB, 762x416, 381:208, iu (13).jpg)

b65427  No.3240825


Yep. That would get someone suspended. Dumbass.

5b62fa  No.3240826


Something something…

Pending, Full Time Security For Our Supreme Court Justices!




27 Sep 2018 - 10:01:20 PM

Supreme Court Justice(s) to receive FULL TIME security detail(s) - (pending).


a9f5b3  No.3240827

So normies get we may not respond you have to search. So autists you have to learn to ignore all the BS and only respond to your fields.

d30308  No.3240828


thats' a shill.

76c861  No.3240829


defnitly one of them

139bc3  No.3240830

File: fa18f6b9e683489⋯.jpg (15.58 KB, 236x360, 59:90, d0a6d240d4674e41713b1678b0….jpg)

507307  No.3240831


I'd like to see her thesis. She came across as far too stupid for a PhD, even if it is in psychology.

a14c99  No.3240832


You know 95% of them are flaming liberals though…

5ff693  No.3240833

File: 59932f574aa72da⋯.png (44.86 KB, 1129x272, 1129:272, ClipboardImage.png)


This timeline is better, anyhow… Maybe Wictor will adopt gab.ai or find his way here moar often

4780e9  No.3240834


So? Shopped, hacked, or just going batshit. Any of these isn't good.

8df6a7  No.3240835


Facebook tracks non-users / non-members.

ba5568  No.3240836


major kekage, perfect exception to an otherwise sacred rule

5b62fa  No.3240837


Coach K is a (pending) Justice…

7206fc  No.3240838


I undertand what you're saying but my snarkiness responds with… "yeah… she's got nearly $1 million in payback now from GoFundMe"!!

39819b  No.3240839

File: 651a9fc36d69c65⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1040x1412, 260:353, FeignMoralOUtrage.png)


2fdff6  No.3240840


What a completely retarded answer.

b4e1e9  No.3240841


I found her to seem to have masculine feature and over exaggerated feminine gestures. Reminded me of a tranny.

f36003  No.3240842

Where is this asshole Q

43b898  No.3240843


Muh stages.

6169ca  No.3240844

File: c14da4a00eb8abe⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1070x655, 214:131, JAIL.PNG)

File: 8fee75f617e2a86⋯.png (745.54 KB, 820x510, 82:51, callwh.png)

File: ff348802fc85ca8⋯.png (101.4 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ready.png)

File: 1fb426482fd096c⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 585x681, 195:227, testify.JPG)

File: 72ccc464e189f8a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 751x990, 751:990, fucked.PNG)

1f0e8b  No.3240845


Yes. Likely. Just saying those comms can’t be used against Ford in court, unless they were conspiring with outside actors to remove Kav

46acec  No.3240846


Wish we had proof of what Dr Ford really sounds like…

d958bb  No.3240847

File: 86f6f9166db63ff⋯.png (437.43 KB, 654x542, 327:271, LMS Fox Premiere 9-28-18.PNG)

File: 08235cc2ae22184⋯.png (674.28 KB, 671x864, 671:864, LMS 2 Fox Premiere 9-28-1….PNG)


>They brought it back? New?

Yes they brought LMS back

Yes it is new

On Fox now



782f0a  No.3240848


8. Document #1 EO 13818 Dec. 20 2017, President Trump: Executive Order 13818

An Executive Order that blocks property of persons involved in serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption. The EO was directed at corruption crimes of Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Brennan and McCabe for Acts of Treason in the Uranium One Scandal: a multibillion dollar money laundering operation that handed nuclear weapon capability to Iran. James Comey and John Brennan were Communists, while Barak Obama was a radical Muslim who also authorized the illegal Spygate Case on Trump officials and allowed Communist China to hack 21 million US military personnel records from the Pentagon Database.

12. “I know quite a bit of the hidden secret history of the Minnesota Wetterling murder and Johnny Gosch kidnapping. It is all related to the CIA, FBI, international pedo-satanic network, Bronfmans, GHWB, White House page boys, Barney Frank, Craig Spence, etc. It is a story of FBI involvement, victim family involvement, and complete cover-up. It has ties to Omaha, Franklin Credit, crooked FBI, CIA Finders, Jordan, Minnesota’s pedo problem, and Minnesota Attorney General Skip Humphrey (Senator Hubert Humphrey’s crooked son). We interviewed a key witness together in this years ago.”

b4c2fb  No.3240849


I use good old-fashioned Windows Paint.

I merely screenshot posts/pics/articles within the same width browser window >> paste 'em into a blank Paint window >> copy & pasta from their and onto another Paint window.

I try to keep it tidy, aesthetically, by keeping the gaps between items the same count of spaces down/width-wards.

Totally low tech!

Use my eyes and head… and sometimes a cigarette packet against the screen to keep items in a relatively straight line :/

You want a blank Paint window to start? - Download one of my graphics and delete what's on it, then you're ready to pasta onto it.

a4fd10  No.3240850

File: 03fdeceb7bfaa45⋯.png (519.37 KB, 728x412, 182:103, ClipboardImage.png)

GOP Officials Slam Flake: 'He's A Pompous A Who Has Lost His Fking Mind'

Republican officials sounded off on Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) on Friday after he sided with the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee in calling for an FBI investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"He's a pompous a who has lost his fking mind," a high-level GOP official told The Daily Wire on the condition of anonymity.

The outrage against Flake came after he changed his mind from voting to confirm Kavanaugh to wanting an FBI investigation completed so that he would "feel better."

"He betrayed the Republican Party and went full-Democrat," the official said, adding that Flake's decision to call for an FBI investigation was short-sighted because of how that move puts the vacant Supreme Court seat in jeopardy. "He did not consider how his actions will affect the America that his grandchildren will grow up in and whether they will have the same freedoms that we have today."

Another GOP official, who echoed nearly identical sentiments about Flake, commented on a particular moment from Kavanaugh's testimony that they said will be a defining moment in U.S. history.

The official was referring to the part of Kavanaugh's testimony where the federal judges talked about the two-week "calculated and orchestrated political hit" on him, calling it "a circus."

"The consequences will extend long past my nomination," Kavanaugh said. "The consequences will be with us for decades. This grotesque and coordinated character assassination will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions, from serving our country."


0b86f5  No.3240851


Maybe I can express myself better with this:

'Brett Kavanaugh has temporarily withdrawn his candidacy for SCOTUS while a comprehensive investigation is launched. In the meantime, I nominate Amy Coney Barrett in his place, and confirmation questioning will begin Monday'

Then it's just a wait until Ginsberg cannot be ignored as the vegetable she now is anymore.

68ab5a  No.3240852


He's got some good threads ev now and then but he's also got the love for drama just like leftist women. He does this shit on purpose.

43f989  No.3240853

File: f75c2d94ad9a83f⋯.jpg (425.25 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, KekComfie.jpg)


Yup, super comfy.

Concernfaggots are faggots

994e94  No.3240854


They want us to attack victims so they can say we are evil.

39819b  No.3240855

File: 02d47988c6e38b6⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1362x2072, 681:1036, Maxine.png)


19314f  No.3240856


no one cares about your personality type or anyone else's

it was used to explain something


not at all. I've been here all day and have several notables

i can easily prove you wrong

the other people talking about personality types might be, though

84588f  No.3240857

File: 271975fcdd37a79⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 300x249, 100:83, 2izc3n[1].jpg)

139bc3  No.3240858

File: ac770dd0a8aee72⋯.jpeg (141.93 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1533926479.jpeg)

06650b  No.3240859

FBI PLEASE no funny business with this investigation. Just give us an honest answer one way or another. No messing with 302s, no hiding stuff, please just do an honest job. Show us you are not all corrupt.

a28497  No.3240860

File: c602d5be3443823⋯.png (132.38 KB, 1587x553, 1587:553, IMG_0093.PNG)

File: aa8e9f719400090⋯.png (243.71 KB, 1242x630, 69:35, IMG_0203.PNG)

File: 57df26c2b09fef6⋯.png (118.88 KB, 1175x402, 1175:402, IMG_1639.PNG)

File: eada8f6513eaa07⋯.png (70.79 KB, 1242x457, 1242:457, IMG_1822.PNG)

File: 77069b7be6958a3⋯.png (236.67 KB, 1172x704, 293:176, IMG_3920.PNG)

7dbe01  No.3240861

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3240488 New POTUS Tweet: Justice K will be "truly great"

>>3240513 Star Wars Animated Voice actress Rachel Butara fired and twitter account deleted for saying Ford's testimony was fake

>>3240524 US military's top enlisted leader is suspended amid investigation

>>3240562 Oil Services CEO and Executive Sentenced to Prison for Roles in Bribery Scheme

>>3240850 GOP Officials Slam Flake: 'He's A Pompous A Who Has Lost His Fking Mind'

248fab  No.3240862


It's OK for (((them))) to shoot us up, though.


39819b  No.3240863

File: 75fe81cb0a7da6b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1370x1370, 1:1, Nike.png)

18dfb4  No.3240864


Kav has survived Larry Flynt's $1,000,000 adultery bounty.

He's survived the Clinton War Machine during BC's investigation and impeachment.

He's survived 6 background checks. One so intensive that he was allowed to have the nuclear codes.

The FBI will find people lying and it won't be Kav. When these fuckers go to jail just like Martha Stewart did, then future nominations will be easier.

Choir boy Kav was the best way to stop this perjury nonsense.

990273  No.3240865


Yeah, it sounded like she learned a few processes and brain region names and seeded those into the talk to lend an air of credibility knowing with only 5 minutes each, nobody's chasing that rabbit..

08d9c2  No.3240866


I'm pretty sure you didn't understand the context of either Q's post, or Wictor's comment. Lurk MOAR.

c1b161  No.3240867


Love the Saul one.

9ff73d  No.3240868

File: bdf957ea1af3570⋯.jpg (144.91 KB, 500x683, 500:683, pepe comfy bed.jpg)


>1982 Consent Decree

Yes, 1982 I became the age of the Majority and voted for Reagan. He gave Illegal Immigrants amnesty in exchange for immigration reform promise from Democrats. Amnesty was granted and the immigration reform never happened.

Democrats are going to roll you fuckers EVERY single time get used to it.

39819b  No.3240869

File: 7e7dcf3f5068d30⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1608x1304, 201:163, 15 mins later.png)


02dd9e  No.3240870


Yes I do too, but I think there will be a few R's that vote no. Think liberal women.

a54d31  No.3240871

File: 09e147d5f406dcb⋯.png (611.6 KB, 600x844, 150:211, 67a70bdfcf00ababcb619d4858….png)


Sometimes anons (especially autistanons) can notice patterns across different events leading to a dig or connection, possible totally tangential to the original posting. This is known as "activating almonds" my fellow anon.

a9f5b3  No.3240872

and it feel flat

a951ac  No.3240873

File: a49b401167ad0e0⋯.jpg (135.4 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 8c8b50db6a61e1296e0297e056….jpg)

1f0e8b  No.3240874


It’s a joke FFS

b4c2fb  No.3240875

>>3240805 You're welcome as always, Anon! ;)

34a048  No.3240877


the only other one I've seen hit those numbers was the threat to Iran!! WOW!

a4fd10  No.3240878

File: 2dfc86ba68a9b56⋯.png (140.4 KB, 260x296, 65:74, ClipboardImage.png)

39819b  No.3240879

File: a331bc0579f51a0⋯.png (1.18 MB, 978x972, 163:162, Pepe.png)

>>FBI should probe this in the next week too.

4780e9  No.3240880


Perfect picture of the sniveling coward. Captures that fear in his eyes.

990273  No.3240881


Which makes them extraordinarily stupid. Stupid enough to share for some 'soft' cause…you know, to help the doctor through this 'ordeal'.

a951ac  No.3240882


Q team is probably the only protection she has

08d9c2  No.3240883


Love ya anon! Kekekek!

1ae997  No.3240884

Q said this week would be the Sky is Falling

Chicken Little reference

Q made Chicken Littles out of EVERYONE


They distracted us nice and good with this fake Blasey-Ford drama show

FBI gonna investigate

Gonna find that China was paying for this Blasey-Ford bullshit


And POTUS gonna go golfing with a big shit grin on his face

While the Red Tsunami sweeps over the US

And all the traitors are hauled off to military tribunals


68ab5a  No.3240885


Good. Happy for all involved. I never watched but a lot of people really liked it. Totally got canceled because he's a conservative and no other reason.

507307  No.3240886


It's like she read "Neurobiology for Dummies", but the Cliff Notes version.

19314f  No.3240887



he's been making strong connections, too

hopefully just an oversight

473e31  No.3240888


unless she doesn't get to keep the GOfundme money , why would she care

3efbe7  No.3240889

File: 5f150ec0d43da12⋯.png (123.75 KB, 475x359, 475:359, pepedab.png)

a28497  No.3240890

File: f2285b56d7669df⋯.png (34.13 KB, 1032x353, 1032:353, IMG_0931.PNG)

File: 76de003c2e30e4c⋯.png (74.52 KB, 1210x417, 1210:417, IMG_1012.PNG)

File: 16086e76fe5bbda⋯.png (98.23 KB, 1181x481, 1181:481, IMG_1130.PNG)

File: fdbf5037bcd97dc⋯.png (134.81 KB, 2041x639, 2041:639, IMG_1161.PNG)

File: 6876ea817e7f5b5⋯.png (119.54 KB, 1234x529, 1234:529, IMG_6717.PNG)

39819b  No.3240891

File: 13d5be2e77caa57⋯.png (929.76 KB, 1194x666, 199:111, Ruth's Replacement.png)

>>Ruth's replacement. Just saying.

1f0e8b  No.3240892

holy shit! Seems like all the “last straw” shills are gone. What time do Brockfags usually get off work like 7est?

acf368  No.3240893


Ha, we used to throw these fuckers on the bus

46acec  No.3240894


just said same thing….we need what she really sounds like

6c2c8b  No.3240895

File: f34a9263a2b75ac⋯.png (8.24 KB, 376x129, 376:129, ClipboardImage.png)


This is why.

ba5568  No.3240897


aw, anon, so much love. amazing to me you're making it work on paint, but hey, i know what it's like to have old progs that i know and prefer.

you are awesome, truly - more than what you've just humbly accepted right now, even. thanks again for the maps/caps, always

514f8a  No.3240898


Nice. Now if only Kevin Can Wait would get picked back up with Donna back as the wife and Leah booted there would finally be some stuff on TV to watch.

7dbe01  No.3240899





She's pretty

1163a5  No.3240900


I'd like to know what (((they))) have on him.

a4b153  No.3240901

File: ea7ef1f1914f2c5⋯.jpg (84.98 KB, 908x532, 227:133, 03022.jpg)


>Her name was Julie Swetnick

And she deserves justice.

74d42e  No.3240902

File: 23329d5ee07be5b⋯.png (469.26 KB, 632x746, 316:373, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)



I THINK this is POUTS's former "most liked" Tweet (Correct me if I'm wrong) but either way, this is nearly DOUBLE the Election tweet. It shows how many more are on board with MAGA and are engaged to some degree. All of this for SCOTUS. And GOOD!!

This bodes well for America.

43b898  No.3240903

File: 4ef6cb614131c49⋯.jpg (70.44 KB, 750x500, 3:2, kavbeermeme.jpg)

39819b  No.3240904

File: 558a2c2da47f825⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1202x806, 601:403, Flaky Senator.png)

File: 4296209c81230b7⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1404x1392, 117:116, Arizona.png)

>>First No-Name, then Flaky Flake

>>What's up Arizona??

08f940  No.3240905

File: 4d41ab4d8c5c6d9⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1668x1828, 417:457, 1C2F7248-FA4D-4677-8810-F….jpeg)

Do we know Trump’s Iranian plan?

bbe56e  No.3240906

File: 0c4315146cb9ba5⋯.png (373.05 KB, 427x604, 427:604, cbf0c4315146cb9ba59835231a….png)


this cunt

5b62fa  No.3240907


I took it as:

"It's happening, and it's time people know about it."

It's like Trump. We've seen a few "public" assassination attempts, like the Rocket and the Car coming out of the Wood and getting stuck in a drainage ditch…

But how many have there been? Hundreds? Thousands?

How many have been stopped?

Why or why would you not release this information?

1ec4c9  No.3240908

Paolo Alto

the movie where teacher James Franco sexually assaults a minor which movie are we watching now. not Spring Breakers , duh

14c5fa  No.3240909

File: 176d8c1ef0bc813⋯.jpg (28.8 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 176d8c1ef0bc8139f8958cef50….jpg)


Justice Barrett

43b898  No.3240910

a445e0  No.3240911



….. Ritual Strangulation is one of the arts of the Dark Fallen Angels. Philo of Alexandria (20 BC – 50 CE), also called Philo Judaeus, was a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher who lived in Alexandria, in the Roman province of Egypt observed that strangulation does not allow the blood- which embodies the essence of the soul to run out freely that may be considered to be taboo. Lucifer, demons and gods want souls.

08d9c2  No.3240912


Ooh, yeah, that's a good point. While the retards are having temper tantrums about the FBI investigation, Trump gets to turn up the heat on FISA. Oh yeah.

bf978b  No.3240913

One of the answers that Ford gave that bothers me the most is the question about what was the worst thing she remembers about the event. She answers something to she remembers people laughing at her. Perhaps, I have the que and ans wrong, but if I was as scared as she said, one would think that the attempted rape and fear of "accidental" killing would be the worst thing?

57886d  No.3240914


Lets have an outline of what he DID every weekend. They are focused on July 1st since he mentioned PJ and brewskis on a Thursday. He was with SQUI (the FFFFFFFourth of July)

c1b161  No.3240915

File: 9e8e13cb384219b⋯.png (17.09 KB, 583x124, 583:124, potus092818.png)

39819b  No.3240916

File: d6280185771bd72⋯.png (2.2 MB, 2084x2634, 1042:1317, Candace.png)

Gotta love Red-pilled Black America!!

7dbe01  No.3240917

File: ba56f7aa1ae217d⋯.png (85.73 KB, 408x355, 408:355, ClipboardImage.png)

74d42e  No.3240918

File: e30a0ed90300d47⋯.png (255.07 KB, 500x625, 4:5, e30a0ed90300d4720c8c1c28d0….png)


Trips Confirm an Anon with a 40K view. Comfy aint it Anon??

8369a0  No.3240919


Indeed they do! Just like Iraq was free, and woman walked around as they wished, their land and city's were beautiful & all was good, up to the 60's (maybe 70's?).

Then it got worse. The Cabal was about to enter. And look at it now…

God bless your Syrian friend.

Sorry he lost people… But The Cabal will pay their price for the evil they have brought upon us all.

I have met a few people who lived in Syria. Everyone of them I talked to was already redpilled.

This was during a job. I basically talked to them everyday because we shared truth & talked about what was really going on.

Meanwhile the robots were discussing who had won the last football game or whatever.

Nothing wrong with enjoying football of course. (Though you should know that ALL teams are owned by Freemasons/other secret society's.) this can eaisly be looked up.

Personally I don't enjoy discussing such things. I like 'real' talk more.

Point I am trying to make is that most people from those countries are redpilled. And most don't have the CIA-Mockingbird owned Media as the US/AUS/EU does.

So anons if you meet someone from Syria, or a country like it, even some African countries,

drop a small redpilled comment and watch what happens.

You will be surprised.

a28497  No.3240920

File: 1802d3d36769321⋯.png (129.75 KB, 1242x677, 1242:677, IMG_4383.PNG)

File: fedc58b2d74d6e6⋯.gif (95.77 KB, 499x499, 1:1, IMB_0YD5Lt.GIF)

File: aea60538a06fa67⋯.png (191.91 KB, 1242x480, 207:80, IMG_4851.PNG)

File: 42069217be66742⋯.png (62.32 KB, 1242x609, 414:203, IMG_4852.PNG)

File: 9544fc4d087bf2f⋯.png (142.31 KB, 1242x956, 621:478, IMG_4853.PNG)

b9a3b9  No.3240921


I hear you. I’ve been speaking out about corruption in Canada. Ever since, I’ve been targeted by multiple democrats, who are government employees, for harrassment on various social media platforms.

507307  No.3240922


No More Moolah, No More Mullahs

514f8a  No.3240923



Answer this though, is it our guys getting shot down by them or is it rogue agents getting shot down or are they just hijacking our equipment?

a9f5b3  No.3240924

deep state if you win this round you better make sure every autist is found dead like that kid this week

39819b  No.3240925

File: c0abd900e9108dc⋯.png (538.98 KB, 1474x804, 11:6, Obama.png)

>>The other non-gay Obama is fucken based.

84588f  No.3240926

File: 8e920cb192c8cae⋯.gif (502.16 KB, 200x200, 1:1, giphy[1].gif)

207176  No.3240927



I say shit like that too but keep it off twitter where the normalfags can see it

04ef86  No.3240928

File: 57a55f373e8bd03⋯.jpg (63.53 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, blasey bw.jpg)



8f29ab  No.3240929


Could be. I hope like hell he hangs in there for JUSTICE. And that a big can of factual whoop-ass is going to be popped in the faces of the wrong-doers.

e84aa9  No.3240930


Blood Orange = 108

(Simple english gematria)

SerialBrain is going to jizz himself.

a14c99  No.3240931


in the 35's case, yes, yes I do think they just fall out the sky.

46acec  No.3240932


Rex was just un suspended…

Wictor must have taken too much or less of his needed meds

1163a5  No.3240933


Especially from some of the assholes in here.

eb3a09  No.3240934


Obviously FLAKES…

19314f  No.3240936


i bet @jack is going to snipe her account now

>she's dehumanizing blacks!

39819b  No.3240937

File: 9e664ae5a1c822c⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1170x1902, 195:317, Ford.png)

14c5fa  No.3240938



Where is Ford's calendar or diary? Didn't she write this life changing event down after it happened?

2fdff6  No.3240939


old post. you cant treat everything as a "sign". Lets use some common sense.

248fab  No.3240940


The only Obama who has his shit together.

76d462  No.3240941


He meant that we needed a leftist to pull

their shit in front of the wrong security

or body guard. One getting splattered would

put an end to their fuckery.

He wasn't calling for violence but when I read it

I knew he was toast.

Twatter just needs a reason

39f430  No.3240942

Tucker was killing me with that last line. "No evidence required!"

43b898  No.3240943



2aa33b  No.3240944

Talked with a pastor friend this afternoon. He's not a Q follower. We just talked politics and I clued him on a few things, especially how POTUS works re: Globalism and NOW. He said he’d lost a “friend” recently on because he was jubilant over the UN speech. The friend despised it. He reflected on how ingrained that was in some people, the hatred of Trump so that they would sell out what was good for the sake of so much evil.

Then he made an analogy. When you drain a swamp you find the usual creatures, alligators and such. But then comes the mud and muck down at the drain. That’s where you find what is truly evil. That’s where you find those who have given themselves over to Satan wholeheartedly.

This was “sky is falling week.” But I’d like to remind you that this is still “the calm before the storm,” too. A paradox is holding two truths in tension at the same time. We can be in that same calm while the sky is falling—but on others. It takes remembering who is draining the swamp, who is in the swamp, and who is clogging up the drain to keep heads clear.

deb357  No.3240945

File: 634c30445d6e48c⋯.jpg (82.22 KB, 936x960, 39:40, 5e4dzdrpibux.jpg)

74d42e  No.3240946

File: 8483eb216361886⋯.jpeg (169.04 KB, 750x843, 250:281, 8483eb2163618860e3b5e1976….jpeg)

File: 659352e8fd0a589⋯.jpg (41.8 KB, 502x359, 502:359, 659352e8fd0a589d7fdeea111d….jpg)


TY Anon. I have never seen that one.


a9f5b3  No.3240947

deep state some autists have the skills of a general.

a28497  No.3240948

File: c325411530e998b⋯.png (73.88 KB, 1242x500, 621:250, IMG_2311.PNG)

File: eea5c250610c913⋯.png (152.31 KB, 837x1180, 837:1180, IMG_2314.PNG)

File: 4d1b7edf6c4d1cd⋯.png (334.75 KB, 1242x911, 1242:911, IMG_2315.PNG)

File: 22e0f65bae62106⋯.png (318.6 KB, 1242x1710, 69:95, IMG_2316.PNG)

File: 04e7064b09d48b2⋯.png (162.25 KB, 1242x881, 1242:881, IMG_2323.PNG)

8369a0  No.3240949


When reading that specific Q post it tells me it is black hats getting stopped. I could be wrong but that's what I am snapping up.

514f8a  No.3240950


Yah, Candace is awesome. She used to be hardcore D too. Also, check out Jesse Lee Peterson. He calls TRUMP the Great White Hope, lol. It pisses off his black Democratic guests.

4be089  No.3240951

File: 006321d5921e0cd⋯.png (132.44 KB, 399x350, 57:50, ClipboardImage.png)

Like who is Catholic anymore?

18c0a8  No.3240952


not a patriot, just a coward

a4fd10  No.3240953

File: 9662fd6d268778c⋯.png (326.67 KB, 584x433, 584:433, ClipboardImage.png)

Jerry Brown Vetoes Democrats’ Bill to Create State ‘Fake News’ Board

California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed a bill Thursday, SB 1424, that would have created a state advisory group to study the problem of “fake news” and make recommendations for intervening in social media to deal with it.

As Breitbart News reported in April, the original bill was far more aggressive: “The bill, filed quietly in late February as SB 1424, requires all California-based websites to develop a plan to fight ‘fake news,’ to use ‘fact-checkers,’ and to warn readers — including via social media — of ‘false information.’”

The final version was significantly watered down. Still, Brown vetoed it as “unnecessary,” in a statement reported by CBS Sacramento:

This bill directs the Attorney General to establish an advisory group to study the problem of the spread of false information through Internet-based social media platforms. As evidenced by the numerous studies by academic and policy groups on the spread of false information, the creation of a statutory advisory group to examine this issue is not necessary.

Social media companies have instituted a number of mechanisms to fight “fake news,” though conservatives have complained that these are often censorship in another guise.


c824b8  No.3240954

File: 711918b002558f0⋯.jpg (12.01 KB, 256x256, 1:1, ford.jpg)

4780e9  No.3240955

Senator Flake's Journey to Defying Trump on Supreme Court Nominee

"Something happened to U.S. Republican Senator Jeff Flake between being cornered in a Capitol elevator on Friday as two women shouted at him about sexual assault and, hours later, cutting a momentous deal with Democrats to defy President Donald Trump.

Flake's shift from full-throated support for Brett Kavanaugh to demanding an FBI investigation of sexual misconduct allegations against Trump's Supreme Court nominee was seemingly swift, with Democratic Senator Chris Coons playing a key role.

The outcome of the Flake-Coons deal was that Kavanaugh's path to Senate confirmation for a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court will, at minimum, be delayed for a week as the FBI looks into the accusations made against him."


248fab  No.3240957


The fucking pope?

Oh, he's satanic.


a9f5b3  No.3240958

deep state you will miss or create more of us

kinda basic

6c2c8b  No.3240959


Dumb thing to say, anon.

c03f40  No.3240960



Where's the link to the students who had schitt to say about her?

06650b  No.3240961


Malik has willed it.

507307  No.3240962


How about Kavanaugh and Barrett?

2aa33b  No.3240963


which magazine? there are leftist RCs

08d9c2  No.3240964


Fair enough. It came across as if you were criticizing Wictor. Apologies if that wasn't your intent.

He was pointing out what it will take to finally get these nitwits to stop their bullshit. I knew he was going to get booted as soon as I read the post, but held out hope for… well, a miracle.

57886d  No.3240965


The problem is I don't know what day the alleged event was. Was it a Thursday or a weekend. Because Kavanuagh was NOT EVEN IN TOWN many of the weekends. The faster this 7th FBI investigation is into Kavanuagh's background the faster he gets in.

ba5568  No.3240966

File: 1e7ddb49735ac8c⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 550x360, 55:36, Bush-hacked.jpg)


> an outline of what he DID every weekend.

deb357  No.3240967



listen closely they promised a vote after they voted to bring Kavanaugh to the floor I think Flake baited them to sit down and vote BUT as soon as they vote GRASSLEY calls the 2 hour rule thus ending the session! this was a huge political play

207176  No.3240968

File: fdc3fcfdd3d1549⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1536072821387m.jpg)

Hey whoever is running the demon assault/ mk ultra program im getting bored again

Can you turn it up please

This is like watching the bachelor or outnumbered

43b898  No.3240969

File: 710711ff4df5921⋯.jpg (76.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, shiadividememe.jpg)

76d462  No.3240970


Anyone else getting tired of the codes and decodes? I mean for fucks sake….it's time

for something to happen…anything

e11ea9  No.3240971


Never seen anybody use such large reading glasses. More to hide/obscure her face than to help her read…

a28497  No.3240972

File: 26e941595d032dc⋯.png (194 KB, 1242x461, 1242:461, IMG_1081.PNG)

File: 632d2a5a64f0a45⋯.png (46.93 KB, 1242x393, 414:131, IMG_1217.PNG)

File: e5f8785444a5d4d⋯.png (86.99 KB, 1242x438, 207:73, IMG_1224.PNG)

File: 99e67055317d5a1⋯.png (276.88 KB, 2208x814, 1104:407, IMG_1263.PNG)

File: 8cf0d359d2ad150⋯.png (79.6 KB, 1205x399, 1205:399, IMG_1266.PNG)

c39b70  No.3240973

File: 34eb66e71394c4f⋯.png (460.36 KB, 1127x506, 49:22, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87effdcf2974cb6⋯.png (47.77 KB, 631x289, 631:289, ClipboardImage.png)



Potus criticized Mueller - SEE PIC 2


Huber/Horowitz have been working on a new framework for IGs to work with the DOJ and are BETTER THAN A 2ND SPECIAL COUNSEL

From the new Justice Manual, "The Department has now developed a framework for coordination of its efforts with the Inspectors General, which is outlined below."

What does Huber/Horowitz have to show for their work?



Link to Justice Manual "new framework"


Link to article about date Huber was given assignment 11-13-17:


1ec4c9  No.3240974


you guys know whats up

this is amazing to watch. Trump plays them against themselves EVERY TIME. Kobayashi King! how many boxes do they want to open? :)

06650b  No.3240976


So hot, but so crazy.

f36003  No.3240977




Q is a fucking faget

460a15  No.3240978


Where’s be video of George bush talking about the plan to take over 7 countries? He speaks about Iran, Syria, etc. where is it?

4780e9  No.3240979


Well, whatever it is scares the shit out of Flakey!

635d72  No.3240980

File: 3ef002c2f4070c7⋯.png (276.49 KB, 510x339, 170:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ef002c2f4070c7⋯.png (276.49 KB, 510x339, 170:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc9e0fa1f62b696⋯.png (127.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bca1c7121a3b5a2⋯.png (492.78 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)
































6cf3bb  No.3240981


Yes! So, can they still vote tomorrow even though Trump called for a FBI investigation?

a9f5b3  No.3240982

push us more please :)

7206fc  No.3240983


Kav is deeply Catholic, this must really suck for him to hear. I'm Catholic but I'll tell you… seeing this and comparing it to all the continuous pedo-coveruping… the Catholic Church needs a major reckoning. The Catholic Church is LUCKY to have someone like Kav so openly proud to be Catholic - most of us aren't so much any more.

869905  No.3240984


She's putting in a helluva lot of hours too. Forgoing a shit ton of money. She's gotta be getting a cut of gofundme or Soros directly. That was likely a perjured statement.

d958bb  No.3240985


>Blood Orange = 108

>(Simple english gematria)

I looked up the biblical meaning / Fire of God, Deliverance

816301  No.3240986


code for what??

4be089  No.3240987

File: 61f7e9e38f6a048⋯.png (16.48 KB, 633x182, 633:182, ClipboardImage.png)



844512  No.3240988


dumb if real.

not helpful.

6ddf76  No.3240989

File: 0ceefd7a40f7878⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x1462, 621:731, 82724BEB-EFAB-4484-9C4A-E….jpeg)

But I don’t wanna cooperate with the FBI

280b4d  No.3240990

File: 314023ca8dadb4c⋯.png (179.76 KB, 338x418, 169:209, russians.png)

b4c2fb  No.3240991


Shucks, Anon, I'm melting! ;)

Such kind words, the shit I'm going through atm makes that all the more welcome.

Paint is all I had to begin with, I'm used to it now, I've got myself a knack, and I'm not wanting to fudge up my device further by attempting to get anything more advanced.

Ultimately, Paint is downloadable by all.

We'll have many normies i.e. non-autists coming along, so keeping it simple will hopefully pay-off.

I admire you Anons that are all up-to-speed with tech, but I'm still not THAT interested in it myself :)

a4fd10  No.3240992


What a fucking great endorsement.

The pedophile church of satan don't like him!

056cd7  No.3240993


Yes, this is President Trump's FBI now. I'm not the least bit worried. Q told us Q Team has everything and those people are stupid. There's a new sheriff in town and he's kicking ass. I think the DemoTARDS are gonna be real sorry they pushed for this FBI supplemental background check. Hahahahaha.

2ae3a6  No.3240994


>And all the traitors are hauled off to military tribunals

Don't bet on that TOO soon.

e84aa9  No.3240995


California needs to realize the supremacy of the Constitution–INCLUDING the 1st Amendment. This is not going be PAINless for these totalitarian leftists.

4ce3ec  No.3240996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ford's testimony had 2 statements at different times that seemed off to me.

The first was that she and her husband went into therapy because she was insisting that there was a second front door. (Really? That's the most stupid reason for therapy that I have ever heard.)

The second was that she lived near Google and the college that she works at and that students or Google interns "…stay with her…". It sounds to me like they have an Income Property.

Wouldn't construction require Permits and wouldn't an income property require a second postal address? I don't have a clue about how or where to look those things up but it should be a cake walk for an Autist diggerAnon.

(Sorry, I can't resist a 2nd Taj Mahal video related - I'm an INTJAnon)

a28497  No.3240997

File: ead37e49e778e3c⋯.png (87.33 KB, 1241x429, 1241:429, IMG_1834.PNG)

File: e1cab4a0dac29e9⋯.png (63.26 KB, 1242x405, 46:15, IMG_1844.PNG)

File: 1093a197972e0d4⋯.png (94.73 KB, 925x317, 925:317, IMG_1852.PNG)

File: 8e3eba4544516e2⋯.png (102.83 KB, 1242x440, 621:220, IMG_1853.PNG)

File: 51caa8e9ce8a21c⋯.png (105.64 KB, 1215x441, 135:49, IMG_1862.PNG)

a951ac  No.3240998

File: 69ab08786119dd4⋯.jpg (120.65 KB, 520x520, 1:1, 9d3f04a51ca42996310ef03478….jpg)

File: 45ef749da09fec5⋯.jpg (88.18 KB, 496x508, 124:127, P1050080.jpg)

edd40e  No.3240999


My thoughts exactly. Then again, one doesn't need to be all that bright to procure a PhD.

9ff73d  No.3241000


No judge on Trumps list will ever ever ever ever ever be confirmed the sooner you accept that the better off you will be. Republicans have been and always will be the biggest pussies ever.

3b6659  No.3241001


They are going to wait for the FBI 302’s. Optics.

4d76ae  No.3241002


I’m still developing my analysis, I don’t have too many examples. But I do know they use this type of system, along with other forms of this like the basic alphabet. ABC, 123 like Q mentioned.

I’m hoping some numerology fags can help.

But I KNOW this is important. Call it revealed truth. There’s a website you can check out to see some of their actual communications.

Type a sentence into the search of this website, make sure it’s relatively long. www.gematrix.org

This is their system I know it. Their comms. But there is much to learn, I’m on the trail.

b66cf0  No.3241003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sua Sponte

248fab  No.3241004


Evil don't cozy up very well to righteousness.

782f0a  No.3241005

Johnny Gosch

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Johnny Gosch


Gosch in 1982 with his newspaper carrier bag over his shoulder

Born John David Gosch

November 12, 1969

Des Moines, Iowa

Disappeared September 5, 1982 (aged 12)

Status Missing for 36 years and 21 days

Nationality American

Home town West Des Moines, Iowa

Parent(s) John & Noreen Gosch

John David Gosch (November 12, 1969; disappeared September 5, 1982) was a 12-year-old paperboy in West Des Moines, Iowa, when he disappeared without a trace on September 5, 1982. He is presumed to have been kidnapped. As of 2018, there have been no arrest made and the case is now considered cold but open.

His mother, Noreen Gosch, claimed that Johnny escaped from his captors and visited her with an unidentified man in March 1997. She claimed that her son told her that he had been the victim of a pedophile organization and had been cast aside when he was too old[1] but subsequently feared for his life and lived under an assumed identity, feeling it was not safe to return home. Gosch's father, John, divorced from Noreen since 1993, has publicly stated that he is not sure whether or not such a visit actually occurred.[2] Authorities have not located Gosch or confirmed Noreen Gosch's account, and his fate continues to be the subject of speculation, conspiracy theories, and dispute.

The case received huge publicity in 2006 when his mother claimed to have found photographs on her doorstep depicting Gosch in captivity. Some of the photos received were claimed to be children from a case in Florida, but one boy in the photos was never identified. Noreen Gosch insists that boy is Johnny.[3]

Johnny Gosch's picture was one of the second to be featured on milk cartons as an attempt to help finding missing children.


a4fd10  No.3241006

Malaysian PM at U.N.: Israel Creation ‘Root Cause’ of Islamic Terror

The United Nations applauded the self-professed anti-Semite prime minister of Muslim-majority Malaysia after his tirade against Israel during the international body’s annual gathering of the General Assembly, the world’s biggest stage for peace and diplomacy.

Echoing previous public remarks, Malaysia PM Mahathir bin Mohamad on Friday said the creation of the Israeli state is the “root cause” of Islamic terrorism and justified the Palestinians taking up arms against Israel.

He told world leaders:

This present war against the terrorists will not end until the root causes are found and removed and hearts and minds are won. What are the root causes? In 1948, Palestinian land was seized to form the state of Israel. The Palestinians were massacred and forced to leave their land. Their homes and farms were seized … Frustrated and angry, unable to fight a conventional war, the Palestinians resort to what we call terrorism.

The world does not care even when Israel breaks international laws, seizing ships carrying medicine, food, and building materials in international waters. The Palestinians fired ineffective rockets which hurt no one. Massive retaliations were mounted by Israel, rocketing and bombing hospitals, schools and other buildings, killing innocent civilians including school children and hospital patients.

He stressed his position against U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

“The world rewards Israel by deliberately provoking Palestine by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,” PM Mahathir declared. “It is the anger and frustration of the Palestinians and their sympathizers that cause them to resort to what we call terrorism.”

Rather than posting Mahathir’s prepared remarks on its website as has been the case with most other leaders, the U.N. General assembly only published a summary of his speech that excludes his anti-Israel remarks.

The U.N. General Assembly, known for its role in peacebuilding and sustaining peace, received the Malaysian leader’s speech with applause.

In December 2017, the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a measure rebuking Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The Malaysian leader has indicated he is proud to be an anti-semite. Speaking at the Organization of the Islamic Conference summit in Kuala Lumpur in 2003, he reportedly proclaimed, “I am glad to be labeled anti-Semitic […] How can I be otherwise, when the Jews who so often talk of the horrors they suffered during the Holocaust show the same Nazi cruelty and hard-heartedness towards not just their enemies but even towards their allies should any try to stop the senseless killing of their Palestinian enemies.”

Mahathir retired after previously ruling Malaysia for 22 years. However, he came out of retirement and made a political comeback, becoming the Muslim nation’s PM in May.


e11ea9  No.3241007


Nobody needs to record her dopey lectures; easy A

76d462  No.3241008


Eat shit..don't reply to me, shill

acf368  No.3241009


Yep, gonna end up with…"You ALL get to go to JAIL."

80e4e1  No.3241010


Oh, the Catholic magazines , who never

reported on the rapes that their disgusting Pedo priest did to young innocent children for 100's of years. ( That shit did not just start decades ago)

Fuck them and their "we are the middle men between you and God " shit!!!!

a54d31  No.3241011

File: e1182c6c0d97578⋯.png (251.86 KB, 1424x760, 178:95, ClipboardImage.png)



Social Bearing analysis of @realDonaldTrump Twitter account. Pic shows analysis of tweets arranged by engagement, arranged by likes was similar. I believe it only loaded a months worth of tweets though. It isn't clear on the scope of the dates. It does support your "most liked" theory. Play around with it though anons if you want

574810  No.3241012

File: 8da967fd851b4fa⋯.png (589.98 KB, 512x531, 512:531, ClipboardImage.png)

f36003  No.3241013


this a fucking stupid post

you idiots are FBI shills

muh trust the FBI

08f940  No.3241014

File: 596bd2799f14033⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1668x1794, 278:299, E21ED178-16F8-4BB5-8043-D….jpeg)

Remembers guys name after 70 years.

844512  No.3241015


Good, the super tight knit Jesuits throwing their weight around trying to stop one of their own. That's a good sign in my mind. They know that Kavanator is about to be ] Activated [

3efbe7  No.3241016


Dubs confirm. Kek!

527c34  No.3241017


>I undertand what you're saying but my snarkiness responds with… "yeah… she's got nearly $1 million in payback now from GoFundMe"!!

I believe I understand exactly how you think Anon… But…

Imagine how that will hurt when her assets are seized under the executive order (I forget the order number) for crimes against humanity.

6ddf76  No.3241018


Who much y’all wanna bet this is the next big censorship wave on social media in the coming weeks?


4ca96b  No.3241019

File: 63c77a2e69f1537⋯.jpg (140.71 KB, 900x1095, 60:73, 1.jpg)

File: fa2ad8aa5d80e06⋯.jpg (153.1 KB, 900x1002, 150:167, 2.jpg)


Upcoming launches at VAFB

19314f  No.3241020

File: f20b585a04d4758⋯.png (55.46 KB, 447x830, 447:830, ClipboardImage.png)

We don't need to worry about the FBI, guys.

c03f40  No.3241021


Christine Blasey Ford’s "Rate My Professors" conveniently blank


There were comments before. I'm sure.

990273  No.3241022


HRC allowed paid access to her server for PRC intel ops to dupe the drive and any new comms in real-time. This disclosed a grave amount of SAP intel…including an extremely close hold project that allowed for remotely controlling .mil vehicles, ships, aircraft, and submarines. Bet it makes sense now. Thanks for your service, btw.

4024ed  No.3241023

Kav is history… Ain't no going back now. Once again, the spineless leaders at the GOP (Gullible Oblivious Patsies) cave in to the ridiculous, asinine demands of the evil and treacherous dsa's… Don't know why I thought things would actually be different this time, and they would stand up to these scum…

507307  No.3241024


I'm not Catholic and I actually don't consider it a positive. I just care that they protect the Constitution as written.

4081a1  No.3241025

FBI returns 302s…then what?

76d462  No.3241026

Twatter axed Dilley too?

bbe56e  No.3241027

File: 3b2c5d198e5a380⋯.jpg (107.48 KB, 960x893, 960:893, vaticnintchdbpict000395585….jpg)

a9f5b3  No.3241028

Q you are a ok

Trump you gave us the path

You have done your job if you loose.

57886d  No.3241029





July 2nd, 1982 - With Squi for the weekend

July 3rd, 1982 - With Squi for the weekend

July 4th, 1982 - Party at Anne Daugherty

July 5th, 1982 - Attended Beach with Donnie

July 6th, 1982 - Game vs. Tigers

74d42e  No.3241030

File: 0c804e7d6bf0d2b⋯.jpg (64.71 KB, 1024x700, 256:175, 378F7549-A3B3-4BBD-97EB-07….jpg)


FBI has the ability to look into ALL of the case right?? I mean, if I'm an investigator, I need to see all the evidence pertaining to this rape claim, including the initial trial.

Watch Feinstein get arrested over THIS. KEK!! Patriots might demand it.

514f8a  No.3241031



The Lord your God is your strength and your help. There is plentiful mercy and redemption with the Lord. He is your helper and the rock in whom you can trust. He is almighty and he's love itself. He will never fails us, it is only we that fail him. In Jesus's name.

Godspeed anon.

c06fec  No.3241032

I think Preet Bahara is a white hat. Today on CNN he said the world is watching. This along with him being overly anti trump over the last year and a half, I think he’s playing a part. He met with trump when he took office. I’m not sold on this theory, but it’s plausible.

e84aa9  No.3241033



The reason I mentioned it was that SerialBrain also =108.

2721bb  No.3241034


Approximately 1 in 7 humans on the earth are Catholic.

b5b4d5  No.3241035

Bongino on Tucker:


793ab0  No.3241036


Dianne got pwned.

3b6659  No.3241037


Have you forgotten about Gorsuch already?

08d9c2  No.3241038


Of course. She's lying and has no idea what she's supposed to feel about the situation. She has to manufacture feelings that don't exist. Even sociopaths will fail when put on the spot like that, in spite of the fact that all of their emotional responses are manufactured (they have practice). Whether or not she is a sociopath remains to be seen, but she was clearly manufacturing an emotional response.

248fab  No.3241040

File: c5533b19b1a7591⋯.jpg (27.68 KB, 530x280, 53:28, flagofconcern.jpg)

04ef86  No.3241041

File: 1578c2c7654b6c0⋯.jpg (86.91 KB, 700x700, 1:1, feinstein china.jpg)

635d72  No.3241042



QANON BAKERS HRC detained, not arrested (yet).

dd738d  No.3241043


The Left is already on to the next thing -

Kav is "too angry" to be SCOTUS. He was "too angry during his last testimony".

It is so passive aggressive of them. Make someone angry, call them a rapist,

and then act innocent, saying "Why are you so angry?"

7e470f  No.3241044

Not understanding the whole God Bless Lindsey Graham thing. So he made two nice contributions. Up until then he had basically been a Never Trumper and Frack to No Name's Frick. He had consistently pushed a bigger military and Middle East Wars. As far as I can see, he earned two years off of his twenty year sentence. Nothing more than that unless we gat a "Trust Lindsey," or indication that he was playing the game all of these years to get the goods on No Name and others.

2b9887  No.3241045

And not a damn thing worth reading

1f0e8b  No.3241046


Yes, his Iranian plan is force them to surrender/stop all nuclear activity since their nuke program is illegal, at Israel’s insistance. Then later to force Israel to dismantle/stop all their nuclear weapons manufacture at Dimona and other sites, since they are also illegal (unrecognized by the Atomic energy council), using the pressure and argument that Iran was forced to disarm for the same reason.

74d42e  No.3241047

File: 9160dc283735529⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 540x743, 540:743, 9160dc283735529ff6dbbbad95….jpg)


Excuse me…The "Initial Comfirmation Meetings."

It sure was treated like a trial.

507307  No.3241048

File: 08bb396793276e0⋯.jpg (5.09 KB, 300x168, 25:14, trailer.jpg)

7206fc  No.3241049


Jonesing for a bit of justice… sure do hope you're right!

700c25  No.3241050

File: 4de03c3fffb8cdc⋯.png (324.65 KB, 386x304, 193:152, Hulktastic.PNG)


I noticed that as well. Alternative is that some throttling was removed or not working that moment– if there is any. Otherwise, this is about as much attention being focused on POTUS's twitter and he therefore should start carpet bombing tweets to inform the uninformed.

816301  No.3241051

File: 8f0729cc4284abc⋯.png (292.77 KB, 1944x442, 972:221, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

Do anons think No Name was controlling Ryan? Has he been unleashed since death?

2aa33b  No.3241052


That's the lefties. Invaded during Obama's admin to make them even further leftist.

69a6d6  No.3241053


Fuck gorsuch

006bdc  No.3241054


Thanks! I like that one.

bf978b  No.3241055


Forgot, and adding…

If know one knew, how could they laugh about it?

Sorry, I guess I should go dig transcript to get it straight first.

ccf16d  No.3241056


If I close my eyes it doesn’t count, right?

30ae8e  No.3241057

File: c5b14ebf961866d⋯.png (488.87 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, jeff_seriously_WDSHN_dead.png)

67aff7  No.3241058


You gotta figure there are many stealth white hats…

869905  No.3241059


Yeah no shit it won't be sent to some HRC lackey. Rank and file are MAGA. Management has been cleansed. Not worried about them. His guys and not even the time for fuckery. They know a lot more than what they've let out to the public.

7dbe01  No.3241060

LAST CALL, let me know if something was missed

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3240488 New POTUS Tweet: Justice K will be "truly great"

>>3240513 Star Wars Animated Voice actress Rachel Butara fired and twitter account deleted for saying Ford's testimony was fake

>>3240524 US military's top enlisted leader is suspended amid investigation

>>3240562 Oil Services CEO and Executive Sentenced to Prison for Roles in Bribery Scheme

>>3240850 GOP Officials Slam Flake: 'He's A Pompous A Who Has Lost His Fking Mind'

>>3240955 Senator Flake's Journey to Defying Trump on Supreme Court Nominee

>>3241019 Upcoming launches at VAFB



they vote and confirm

19314f  No.3241061


thank you, brother

248fab  No.3241062


>The Left is already on to the next thing -

They're insane.

Who cares.

They need to be removed, legally.

dac910  No.3241063

File: f67dc8f02bc4f58⋯.jpeg (172.5 KB, 1024x914, 512:457, CBA4FE7E-C0DB-49F0-B819-A….jpeg)

20ca7e  No.3241064

43b898  No.3241065

File: 9dfc459cd8cb4a9⋯.jpg (28.56 KB, 290x349, 290:349, forddidallmeme.jpg)

b759e6  No.3241066

File: a76d09aea767ae4⋯.png (108.54 KB, 1586x1588, 793:794, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

57886d  No.3241067


Democrats call him a rapist.

He gets righteous in his own defense.

Democrats say he is biased against them so they can avoid military tribunals.

39819b  No.3241068


Hello deep state shill

4bfd48  No.3241069

File: 4c9717739733203⋯.jpg (723.54 KB, 3088x2320, 193:145, image.jpg)

I want to thank Q, POTUS, God and all the anons doing what they can here and irl to ==UNITE==

507307  No.3241070


Comvfefe Hearing

08f940  No.3241071

File: 197a2c2d050b163⋯.jpeg (981.01 KB, 1668x1723, 1668:1723, 13FB6CE1-82A0-476D-A799-8….jpeg)

China blinked first….again

06650b  No.3241072


Dems are banking on corrupt FBI folks to mess with the 302s and then Dems can say Kav needs to be investigated for lying to the FBI so he can be jailed along with Papadop and Flynn.

See how that works.

635d72  No.3241073


QANON BAKERS 11.3 - Podesta indicted

QANON BAKERS They are beginning to understand as Podesta's attorney was just notified.

19314f  No.3241074


the same FBI that confiscated her phone

ba5568  No.3241075


damn, sad to hear of turmoil but wish you strength and ease through it all, it'll fade eventually…

as for tech, nah, barely so. i got the free legacy photoshop version that floated around for a while, but i know just enough, a few detours and trails and tricks, but small percentage of it all. it's about using the tool, any old knife can carve a great work of art when the hands are comfy…

wish you well, and better

62f68f  No.3241076

File: 11a01d433e1c781⋯.png (116.61 KB, 370x487, 370:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49334da08f44f7f⋯.png (39.53 KB, 370x487, 370:487, ClipboardImage.png)

04ef86  No.3241077

File: 072da354dcf58fd⋯.jpg (26.41 KB, 399x399, 1:1, ali watkins nike.jpg)

c39b70  No.3241078

>>3241060 11.11 is 52-week mark for Huber>>Horowitz assignment

67aff7  No.3241079

>Star Wars Animated Voice actress Rachel Butara fired and twitter account deleted for saying Ford's testimony was fake

Well God bless her for saying it. It certainly seemed fake to me. Bad voice acting is a good way to put it…

9ab7aa  No.3241080

This is why It was so important to clean the FBI and DoJ for well over a year before what is happening now. Don’t you see? This why Q has been telling us to be patient and trust the plan. Patriots in control at the FBI.

a4fd10  No.3241081

File: 72081350941e9a1⋯.png (143.87 KB, 503x689, 503:689, ClipboardImage.png)

1f0e8b  No.3241082


No, sweety. We use arguments here.

e84aa9  No.3241083

1163a5  No.3241084


Fuck that. Clearly this guy has issues all his own,,,,,especially with Lindsay Graham.

4be089  No.3241085

File: 21254d9d3a60c89⋯.png (1.35 MB, 841x629, 841:629, ClipboardImage.png)

6d5aac  No.3241086


I think if you just threw some spiders at them, they would pee and disperse.

46acec  No.3241087



words of wisdom….what they should be teaching in schools

a60571  No.3241088


she has big head so big glasses suit her

62f68f  No.3241089

04ef86  No.3241090


Hey Philly Phag!

3ed06e  No.3241091

>muh sweety


4bfd48  No.3241092


Nice work anon

eb3a09  No.3241093


That's sum flakey shit right there…

43f56a  No.3241094

NBC Bay Area: Three dozen people are protesting Judge Kavanaugh in downtown San Francisco.

ee99eb  No.3241095


I enjoy reading him. I don't always agree with everything he posts and that's ok.

514f8a  No.3241097


Really guy? How about our first lady, the lovely Melania? Good enough for you?






9ab7aa  No.3241098


Wow amazing lol

7dbe01  No.3241099

b50147  No.3241100


he never claimed that just said she was planning something…

4bfd48  No.3241101

File: 2da7487ee0fc808⋯.png (255.81 KB, 552x464, 69:58, 9B496BBA-CFE1-412B-A5DA-EB….png)


My nigga

c39b70  No.3241102


>>3240973 11.11 52-week mark for Huber>>Horowitz assignment from Sessions

Try again.

5f8363  No.3241103

File: 1781d88b487c2ca⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 463x494, 463:494, 1781d88b487c2caf79762b8a91….jpg)


>San Francisco

Don't step in shit…

06650b  No.3241104

I hate having all these things up in the air right now. AAARRRGGGHHH.

635d72  No.3241105


QANON BAKERS Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

a4b153  No.3241106


>Like who is Catholic anymore?

my 87 yr old mom, shut your mouth

eb3a09  No.3241107



He is obviously guilty

bf978b  No.3241108


Duh, meant no one.

62f68f  No.3241109


Judge K, if you see this, we won't forget either. We will NEVER forget.

We the PEOPLE are with YOU!

b4c2fb  No.3241110


Thanks Anon.

Agreed to what you said about the tools.

And, right back at ye - wish you well, also.

1f0e8b  No.3241111


Re: 11.11

11 months and 11 days after Q said to start the clock is 11/3. The day Q said Podesta would be charged

816301  No.3241112


Every African I have ever met- real African from Africa- has been pretty hard core right. No libbie victim mentality.

06650b  No.3241113


That is pretty pathetic actually.

df5aab  No.3241114


Yea there is a problem with long term use but when your inventing for new ideas and seeing people call you worthless is kind of sad. those people arn't even inventing anything and just complain all the time.

67aff7  No.3241115


There it is


06262b  No.3241116


woman does know her ass from a whole in the ground

57cea2  No.3241117

File: 061c8a730337492⋯.jpg (102.71 KB, 759x271, 759:271, reminder11.1.17.jpg)

Remember Anons.

10-3 Presidential Alert


11-3 Podesta arrests

11-4 Made public

The Trilogy continues.

9ab7aa  No.3241118


Deep breaths it will be ok

43b898  No.3241119


Q did say that pain was coming…

19314f  No.3241120


hey, bud

this is a great time for you to learn about exif metadata

04ef86  No.3241121


She fantasizes about it every night with her Hitachi wand….oh that lost youth.

a951ac  No.3241122

File: 105cf807e59eb1a⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 415x449, 415:449, 17610e6cf167c52ee3d7096040….jpg)

4024ed  No.3241123


was it part of the plan to destroy Brett Kavanaugh's reputation and career

a9f5b3  No.3241124

see fox

Never trust Flake

get a democrat. More trustworthy

08d9c2  No.3241125


That's the point people forget. There's a lot of guys (gals, too) I follow on twatter that continue to base their opinions on what used to be, the FBI from Zero's days. That FBI no longer exists. Trump gutted them. The number of firings and resignations among top brass are unprecedented. You don't work 20 years to get into a high level department spot only to quit suddenly because you don't like the POTUS. Those spots are coveted, worry free retirement. They're all filled with MAGA patriots now. It's a new ballgame, and the left knows it.

7dbe01  No.3241126


>>3240488 New POTUS Tweet: Justice K will be "truly great"

>>3240513 Star Wars Animated Voice actress Rachel Butara fired and twitter account deleted for saying Ford's testimony was fake

>>3240524 US military's top enlisted leader is suspended amid investigation

>>3240562 Oil Services CEO and Executive Sentenced to Prison for Roles in Bribery Scheme

>>3240850 GOP Officials Slam Flake: 'He's A Pompous A Who Has Lost His Fking Mind'

>>3240955 Senator Flake's Journey to Defying Trump on Supreme Court Nominee

>>3240973 11/11 is the 52-week mark for Huber/Horowitz's assignment from Sessions

>>3241019 Upcoming launches at VAFB

4ca96b  No.3241127

File: dc10d25c7fbbc8d⋯.jpg (86.89 KB, 600x454, 300:227, YFW Hillary.jpg)

File: d20769dddc667e9⋯.jpg (131.15 KB, 550x828, 275:414, China HC.jpg)

1f0e8b  No.3241128

3b6659  No.3241129

File: d9890fbd035ff83⋯.jpeg (270.82 KB, 1510x1718, 755:859, 9B22FEB9-CCB8-4500-A0D8-4….jpeg)

Ford is up to $528,105 dollars on the Go Fund Me account.

3ed06e  No.3241130


that's almost 40 soy lattes!

49da2b  No.3241131


I don’t think we ever really figured that out there freddy… But my best guess is there was plans to try to trigger major riots

acf368  No.3241132


Pack it up. Shut it down. Good night.

80e4e1  No.3241133


You dont belong here,

Voat is more of your speed.


Logical thinking, Anons.

18dfb4  No.3241134


Maybe it's because he hasn't been accused of diddling any boys.

a8df0d  No.3241135

https://www.dangerous.com/49836/reco…itted-perjury/ OOPS

06262b  No.3241137

>>3241107 should be protesting the BAGS OF SHIT

78806a  No.3241138


apparently you haven't been paying any attention.

somebody explain it to this nitwit…I'm out of crayons

39819b  No.3241139


Hello Deep State Shill

3724db  No.3241140


real faggot

2d7897  No.3241141



76d462  No.3241142


They will get a camera angle to make it look like thousands

7dbe01  No.3241143

doing baker stuff

b28be5  No.3241145


lol honestly, I think this man is so smart that he was absolutely shocked at how stupid the senators (D) were on that committee. Like when he asked Klobaclown back her question Did you ever black out…he said "DID YOU?? I laughed my but off because he obviously intellectually could not understand the stupidity of the question….

49da2b  No.3241146


not clicking that shit .. sauce plz

816301  No.3241147

File: 7a4b230d24ae409⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 248x189, 248:189, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg)

460a15  No.3241148


The beast doesn’t like the whore of Babylon. We are witnessing luciferians vs satanists for a bid to take over the world. Game of thrones. Illum v freemanson vs Muslim brotherhood.

Louis Farrakhan says let the whites with their Luciferianism and satanists destroy eachother and then we black Shriners (Muslim brotherhood) will rise up and over take them all.

YouTube video w l Farrakhan speaking about masons. Hateful crowd.


jimmy dean says: April 20, 2011 at 11:49 pm

A true mason is operating at 360 degrees at birth .A true mason is just a black african woman,man or child.There is not anything spooky about it. 33 degrees is not masonry.It was given to the neandertal to move them out of a savage state. So to them "whites" it's. Masonry.


There u go… black brotherhood waiting for white satanists and luciferians to destroy the USA and whites so they can take over. Wtf. Very disturbing.

Wakey wakey

63d70c  No.3241149


butt stuff too?

1f0e8b  No.3241150


Haha ok that’s fair

a951ac  No.3241151

File: 24f17efb9fe1318⋯.jpg (27.32 KB, 272x281, 272:281, iur (3).jpg)

18dfb4  No.3241152


There's three accounts IIRC.

9ab7aa  No.3241154


No but everyone involved knew what would likely happen, I’m sure trump made sure all potential nominees knew this was going to happen and agree to weather the attacks.

8369a0  No.3241155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry anon couldn't find that,

but this is very much alike.

Perhaps this is the one you thought of? It's not Bush though, it's a General talking about it.

Video embedded. If you don't want to listen to all the talk (it's not much but..) so jump to 1:20,

that's when he describes the 'plan' to take over 7 countries in 5 years.

782f0a  No.3241157


Bonacci allegations

Main article: Franklin child prostitution ring allegations

In 1989, 21-year-old Paul A. Bonacci told his attorney John DeCamp that he had been abducted into a sex ring with Gosch as a teenager and was forced to participate in Gosch's kidnapping.

John Gosch met with Bonacci and believed he was telling the truth. Noreen later met him and said he told her things "he could know only from talking with her son."[28] He said that Johnny had a birthmark on his chest, a scar on his tongue and a burn scar on his lower leg; although a description of the birthmark had been widely circulated, information about the scars had not been made public. Bonacci also described a stammer that Johnny had when he was upset.[7] The FBI and local police do not believe that Bonacci is a credible witness in the case and have not interviewed him.[13][7]

Bonacci accused Republican party activist and businessman Lawrence E. King Jr (b. 1944) who also served as director of the Franklin Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska, of running an underage prostitution ring and victimizing him since an early age.[29][30]

In 1990, a county grand jury declined to charge King, finding the allegations to be "a carefully crafted hoax". Paul Bonacci and Alisha Owen were indicted on state perjury charges. A federal grand jury also declined to indict anyone for child prostitution but did return indictments against Owen for perjury and King for fraud related to the credit union,[31] the latter was accused of looting $40 million from the bank and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. The bank was shut down in November 1988 when it was raided by the FBI, the IRS and the NCUA. King was released from prison in April 2001.

On February 27, 1999, the U.S. District Court of the District of Nebraska awarded Bonacci $1 million in compensatory damages and punitive damages. Bonacci had sued King, who failed to respond to the civil lawsuit. Thus a default judgment was entered against King, who ceased his appeal attempt in early 2000.[32]

c39b70  No.3241159

>>3241111 Your statement is true as well but so is mine.

11/13/17 Huber assignment

11/11/18 52-week mark

62f68f  No.3241160

I think it's fuckin hilarious that the white house agreed to an FBI Investigation,

Fuck they called their bluff so fucking bad I love it

come on guys this is fucking awesome

08d9c2  No.3241162


He's going to be a Supreme Court justice. I'm pretty sure that's not a ruined career. It's one of the most powerful, and respected, positions in the entire world. Go home, lurk moar, concernfag.

8eefa3  No.3241163


It's a disaster in here tonight, anon. Don't waste yer crayons.

4081a1  No.3241164

We are dying here Q.

ee99eb  No.3241165

As a AusAnon I'm going to miss out on a Presidential phone alert.

I'll settle for a carton of Mid-Strength beer instead.


fd2909  No.3241166


California is MAGA with the exception of small pockets of liberalism in the big cities.

Make our elections and borders secure and watch us MAKE CALIFORNIA GREAT AGAIN!

4ca96b  No.3241167

File: 1ddd1aa3f32b5a2⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 800x500, 8:5, F.jpg)

File: a18bfebe492769b⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 800x449, 800:449, a18bfebe492769bf18032ba4fe….jpg)

File: f8619c7ba27146d⋯.jpg (15.77 KB, 310x162, 155:81, Prayer1.jpg)

1e01b2  No.3241168

Q is there a type of article 25 for members of congress ?

ce526c  No.3241169



I feel ya.

Literally HA.

2fdff6  No.3241170

File: 8784ad6290a13a3⋯.jpg (280.43 KB, 749x526, 749:526, approach_05.jpg)


I understand your point. BUT despite our advances in aviation electronics I would have a hard time believing that some remote PC could bring down a military jet. Are they more connected to an integral system than in days past? Sure. In my day GPS did not exist but I am not convinced that someone with a remote pc could cause a pilot to have a failure to the extent that it would cause him to eject. I have my doubts. Enjoy the pic. circa 1983.

ba5568  No.3241171


>NBC Bay Area: Three dozen people are protesting Judge Kavanaugh in downtown San Francisco.

the shart heard round the world

19314f  No.3241172

File: 0cd86e62d597a38⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 268x268, 1:1, 8769b3dac057f9c4e547b36fef….gif)


they thought he meant 2017

d0975a  No.3241173


Thats how TRUMP scripted it for his movie. He needs a cliffhanger right before a commercial break.

d8d794  No.3241174

File: af7064b1099b7e1⋯.jpg (54.24 KB, 854x356, 427:178, TrustSessionsWrayKansasHor….jpg)

File: b79105c0972abf7⋯.jpg (63.11 KB, 521x369, 521:369, QTrustSessions-Wray-Horowi….jpg)

File: 3de75ec4b673408⋯.jpg (125.66 KB, 699x404, 699:404, FortBoomBoomPepe.jpg)


add Grassley

14c5fa  No.3241175

File: 2232b99fb3d948d⋯.png (210.77 KB, 796x581, 796:581, 7185b582-6963-e6a6-94b8-49….png)

7dbe01  No.3241176


not a fagfag, no


nice digits, but reread crumbs

635d72  No.3241177




84588f  No.3241178

File: b3f7030bb161274⋯.jpg (69.62 KB, 504x500, 126:125, 2izd8c[1].jpg)

Jeff Flake

2a2264  No.3241180

File: a71c5084fc08e25⋯.jpg (52.48 KB, 780x688, 195:172, PepeBurnout.jpg)


Dan Bongino looked as tired as I've ever seen him. Nobody standing close to the fire this week has had much sleep. I'm sure there were staffers sleeping on office floors and wearing the same clothes the next day.

Have been in this since FBI Anon's first post on 4chan back in the day. Spouse is tired of hearing about it, but is voting red. Am an only child so no sibling to talk about it with. Like everyone else, no damn way am I mentioning any of this at work/social situations.

Social media is our only outlet, and we have to operate like the French Resistance everywhere but here.

Keeping secrets for so long makes for a solitary life.

0b86f5  No.3241181


You damned straight, anon

248fab  No.3241182


In related news, four dozen people are currently rioting in an Oakland McDonald's. They reportedly ran out of Chicken McNuggets and this angered the customers. Further details at 9 PM.

08d9c2  No.3241183


Kek! Just was saying the same thing (I think, wine is kicking in). Trump's FBI ain't the traitor's FBI.

e63762  No.3241184


You can find them but you can't name (((them)))

90531d  No.3241185


I sincerely hope you're right.

816301  No.3241187

File: f42aff9027439e3⋯.png (69.33 KB, 1472x166, 736:83, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)




a4fd10  No.3241188

File: 7e0133f4fe0e29c⋯.png (795.63 KB, 722x594, 361:297, ClipboardImage.png)


What a load of bullshit!

04ef86  No.3241189


we all know Joo's don't ever work for free…nor lawyers.

06262b  No.3241190


GOOD!! Keep on going , you are doing fine

a9f5b3  No.3241191

File: 18a9b1926cc9cf7⋯.png (231.31 KB, 1280x769, 1280:769, protvave2.png)

File: e33a0b911e944f7⋯.png (116.53 KB, 1280x926, 640:463, beyondeventhorizion.png)

File: c930e729f96038d⋯.jpeg (11.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3c452ac5e06fcdfbfe69197fe….jpeg)

File: bf360d9c749c2d1⋯.png (91.47 KB, 1280x946, 640:473, 3dcubetriemc.png)

so battle fatigued.

4bfd48  No.3241192

File: ee754625fd3b4cf⋯.jpeg (87.37 KB, 749x481, 749:481, A7C7326E-8F03-497C-9244-B….jpeg)

a943c9  No.3241193


she's such a ding bat, it doesn't even bother me if she gets $5MM → what do i care if the pathetic lefties spend all their money on a lying nut case . . .

4c0851  No.3241194

The FBI clears Judge K within the 1 week deadline and the Senate proceeds. But they also say they have found some criminal activity on the accuser's/Dems side and are opening up an investigation.

460380  No.3241195


Fords atty already saying they need more time. Once the investigation starts there will no vote until it concludes…whenever that is.

"A thorough FBI investigation is critical to developing all the relevant facts," said Debra Katz. "Dr. Christine Blasey Ford welcomes this step in the process, and appreciates the efforts of Senators Flake, Murkowski, Manchin and Collins – and all other senators who have supported an FBI investigation – to ensure it is completed before the Senate votes on Judge Kavanaugh's nomination. No artificial limits as to time or scope should be imposed on this investigation."


43f56a  No.3241196


I'll try and get a screenshot later- it was a really pitiful showing. Some looked like pilgrims, wearing some kind of folded piece of paper on their heads.

46acec  No.3241197

File: 7ab280398570731⋯.jpg (19.33 KB, 455x162, 455:162, 1.JPG)





Weird…thought i noticed that somewhere else

63d70c  No.3241198

File: b47f82136d4babc⋯.gif (787.61 KB, 222x126, 37:21, 0d8d41117b7b252db7b0b227e7….gif)


Good job Anon you passed the butt stuff test.

Have a gif.

71f2d0  No.3241199

Q/POTUS has not yet officially stated that we are "in the storm". Ya'll realize that we still have to take down the worlds largest Satanic cult. We are watching a change from old guard to new and the theatrics involved. We have yet to see the real STORM. The real test of fortitude is yet to come.


4ca96b  No.3241200

File: 131b5981c7c4616⋯.jpg (88.73 KB, 400x400, 1:1, comfy skyfall.jpg)

06650b  No.3241201


Really they have been calling their bluff this whole time for the whole Ford thing. Which I do logically see the reason in doing so. It is just so maddening to see them constantly moving the goal posts when really all the Left wants to do is burn it all to the ground

816301  No.3241202


That sucks. I at least have my spouse who believes and a good friend who follows Q to rant to.

19314f  No.3241203


anon, you already know this but:

this is the year where hope fails you

the test subjects run the experiment

and the bastard you know is the hero you hate (not you)

ba5568  No.3241204

File: 8f4057f0687fe25⋯.png (7.33 KB, 255x175, 51:35, Pepe_hug.png)

File: 298599a9a632934⋯.jpg (21.62 KB, 600x553, 600:553, hug.jpg)

File: 59b96db6ffc6b3e⋯.png (326.7 KB, 632x384, 79:48, Trump_Hug2.png)

File: 3c1ba251cc39ecb⋯.png (397.33 KB, 515x393, 515:393, Trump_Hug1.png)


>battle fatigued.

b5b4d5  No.3241205

File: e917b1be4fbf9ca⋯.jpg (51.07 KB, 940x392, 235:98, cf.JPG)




7206fc  No.3241206


Terrible meme! This is what Bill Clinton said and HE WAS GUILTY!!!

7dbe01  No.3241207

b50147  No.3241208

File: 07139e524cb45b8⋯.gif (151.36 KB, 500x327, 500:327, 1455320230178.gif)



no, youre dying you silly faggot

3c13a1  No.3241209

>> 3239987

I think you're right! GLORIOUS!

c65fbc  No.3241210


get a box of big spiders and start throwing them on the protesters. watch them scatter.

eb3a09  No.3241211


^^^^^^^^^^^ Why do most forget what's actually going on here?

a943c9  No.3241212


i'm reading that CBF's father def. was/is CIA

507307  No.3241213


I caught the same thing.

9ff73d  No.3241215

10 Democrats on the committee called for an FBI investigation. After the FBI investigation all will still vote NO. Get over it. learn to play the game

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