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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

8bee9f  No.3243435

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 09.28.18

>>>/patriotsfight/306 --------------------------------- POWER TO THE PEOPLE (Cap: >>3232679)

>>3226626 rt >>3225317 -————————– Graham questioning then [listen carefully]. Graham comments today.

>>>/patriotsfight/305 ——————————— Puzzle becoming more clear w/ each passing day? (Cap: >>3226042 )

>>3225606 rt >>3225498 -————————– Hive Mind

>>3225431 rt >>3225317 -————————– Have faith, Patriots.

>>3225317 ————————————–——– Did you see Sen. Graham's speech today?

>>3225116 rt >>3225050 -————————– Nothing gets past Anons!

>>3224970 rt >>3224849 -————————– Ready when you are

>>3224848 rt >>3224714 -————————– MIDTERM ELECTIONS>>> [Days Prior] 11.11

Thursday 09.27.18

>>3224714 rt >>3224486 -————————– RED OCTOBER>>> MIDTERM ELECTIONS

>>3224486 ————————————–——– Justice K Confiormation Goodbye,Mr. Rosenstein

>>>/patriotsfight/304 --------------------------------- Are you AWAKE? The TRUTH is right in front of you ( Cap: >>3223778 )

>>>/patriotsfight/303 --------------------------------- FALSE IN ONE THING. FALSE IN EVERYTHING ( Cap: >>3223011 )

>>>/patriotsfight/302 ——————————— Supreme Court Justice(s) to receive FULL TIME security detail(s) - (pending) (Cap: >>3222459 )

>>>/patriotsfight/301 rt /pf/300 -——————- [FEINSTEIN] THREAT TO MURKOWSKI? (Cap: >>3222056, >>3222062 )

>>>/patriotsfight/300 ——————————— EVIL BE GONE (Cap: >>3222112 )

>>>/patriotsfight/299 ——————————— Link to @CapUSA1 tweet (Cap: >>3219818, >>3219876 , >>3219963 )

>>3219565 rt >>3219273 -————————– You are correct

>>>/patriotsfight/298 ——————————— Welcome aboard, Judge K (Cap: >>3219268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/297 ——————————— FEINSTEIN (Cap: >>3219165, >>3219159 )

>>>/patriotsfight/296 ——————————— POTUS Tweet: "Senate must vote!" (Cap: >>3219147 )

Monday 09.24.18

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3198408, >>3198594 )

Sunday 09.23.18

>>>/patriotsfight/294 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )

>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 -——————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

8bee9f  No.3243445


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support


>>3227485 BO was able to fix the 404'd links

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board


>>3242797 Ford Lawyer Rejects One Week Cap on Kavanaugh FBI Query

>>3242828, >>3243204 Red October Crumbs with Qclock connections

>>3242924 Blog: Ford was a CIA contractor in the past and possibly at present “and was reportedly in a mind control program.”

>>3243006 Triple Ring medical director has done all kinds of research.

>>3243116 Tweet: Ana Archil and Maria Gallagher were the two who confronted Flake (DIG)

>>3243156 A little moar on Bromwich

>>3243162 Boris Johnson refuses FOUR times to rule out challenging Theresa May for the Tory leadership

>>3243201 Reminder: MAGA Rally tomorrow night in West Virginia (7 pm EDT)

>>3243110 Tweet: Ford admits to extensive history of international air travel

>>3243421 #4107


>>3242048, >>3242144 Moar on Michael R. Bromwich


>>3242334 Criminal charges against Flake and his ex-wife stemmed from the 2014 deaths of 21 dogs

>>3242348 Triple Ring Technology has government contracts

>>3242500 Triple Ring Technology owner is Joseph Heanue

>>3242548 Triple Ring Technology execs

>>3242621 Political ad with Kavanaugh in 2012

>>3242673 #4106



>>3241261 Developing: IP Address of Person Who Doxxed GOP Senators Points to Maxine Waters’ Office

>>3241314 US Senator Calls for Probe Into Facebook Hack That Affected 50Mln Users

>>3241397 Madeleine McCann news: 'WE NEED TO CATCH THEM'

>>3241499 Belgium to sue Google for not blurring military sites

>>3241653 Live fire drills in South China Sea showcase U.S. military muscle in contested region

>>3241708 Failed Former President Hussein Spouts Off Against Trump in Denmark

>>3241887 #4105


>>3240488 New POTUS Tweet: Justice K will be "truly great"

>>3240513 Star Wars Animated Voice actress Rachel Butara fired and twitter account deleted for saying Ford's testimony was fake

>>3240524 US military's top enlisted leader is suspended amid investigation

>>3240562 Oil Services CEO and Executive Sentenced to Prison for Roles in Bribery Scheme

>>3240850 GOP Officials Slam Flake: 'He's A Pompous A Who Has Lost His Fking Mind'

>>3240955 Senator Flake's Journey to Defying Trump on Supreme Court Nominee

>>3240973 11/11 is the 52-week mark for Huber/Horowitz's assignment from Sessions

>>3241019 Upcoming launches at VAFB

>>3241126 #4104


>>3239705 Israel Releases Pics Of Alleged Hezbollah Missile Sites Near Beirut Airport

>>3239710, >>3240006 What Christine Ford alleges Brett Kavanaugh did was a misdemeanor, so the statute of limitations already expired

>>3239727 Mark Judge sends another letter to Senate Judiciary Committee, this one on the Julie Swetnick matter

>>3239757, >>3239808 Ford's husband (Russell Ford) works for Triple Ring Technology, info wiped clean about him

>>3239801 Tweet: US and CAN could reach new NAFTA deal in 48 hours

>>3239802 New Bill Seeks to Bar Funds for US War on Iran Without Congressional Approval

>>3239847 Russell Ford's archived info from Triple Ring Technology

>>3239853 Feinstein throwing accusations at FORD now

>>3239936 Graphic: Ford's GoFundMe totals

>>3240055 Updated Timeline of Christine Blasey Ford’s Contacts with Democrats

>>3240177 SYRIA UPDATE

>>3240250 Exclusive: Sen. Bill Cassidy: FBI Probe Must Investigate Dems’ Collusion to Smear Kavanaugh

>>3240287 Wounded After Disastrous Election, Germany’s Merkel Forced to Plead: ‘I’m Still Alive’

>>3240355 #4103

Previously Collected Notables

>>3239578 #4102

>>3237337 #4099, >>3238114 #4100, >>3241997 #4101

>>3234974 #4096, >>3235753 #4097, >>3236551 #4098

>>3232758 #4093, >>3233508 #4094, >>3234273 #4095

>>3230478 #4090, >>3231942 #4091, >>3231991 #4092

>>3228119 #4087, >>3228889 #4088, >>3229663 #4089

>>3225768 #4084, >>3226533 #4085, >>3227320 #4086

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

8bee9f  No.3243447

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3240618

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

8bee9f  No.3243452

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 ; 30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/keVKnbKf

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

8bee9f  No.3243455




166c28  No.3243460

File: c7c5851b44af2bb⋯.png (77.96 KB, 673x491, 673:491, grass.png)

grass check

c830f3  No.3243466

File: 4c46055eafd469d⋯.jpg (363.55 KB, 1300x974, 650:487, IMG_111.jpg)


a16318  No.3243468

Hey Anons, need a little help. There was a video posted here some months

back. It started out with different daily talk show hosts chiding the

existence of the deep state, then it went to an audio presentation of

someone discussing how the C_A had infiltrated all branches of govt.

At the end it had Jesse Ventura, from when he was governor talking about

a C_A person high up in the state govt. Youtube has pulled the video,

couldn't find it on Hooktube… does anyone have a link that works to

this video?

I'm trying to put together a presentation for friends/family when the

hammer drops.

Thanks in advance…

26b62f  No.3243491

File: b2c81a474cd519a⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, madamepepedour.png)

File: 0eabba20159564a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ghoulsofpower.png)

File: e808649426f5c3d⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1248x1000, 156:125, It-is-the-Lords-doing.jpg)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

Jesus Christ, watch over this board.

Deliver us from deceivers

For the enemy is among us

And everywhere the tide of lies rises.


26b62f  No.3243504



Thank you for your service baker. It is my honor.


8ecd76  No.3243512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Body language.. of Ford.

cbb4ad  No.3243513

File: b96062b62f392cf⋯.jpg (161.49 KB, 996x526, 498:263, Baited.jpg)

Bait in the [KILLBOX] = Ford 187 soon?

A Ford 'suicide' could be very convenient for the Dems right now.

Stops her lies being revealed and might even turn some public opinion.

Arkancide? Red Scarf, doorknob?

Don't think they wouldn't do it.

16fb44  No.3243519

File: ce26c8376848e87⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 2898x1449, 2:1, comeSeeOurShills.jpg)

File: b8dc40f7ed5ce44⋯.jpg (690.91 KB, 1474x811, 1474:811, smh.jpg)

File: 1f6ab91f5eb9751⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_HouseSeats.jpg)

File: 815c29273979ad5⋯.jpg (590.25 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_SenateSeats.jpg)

Just can't resist can you ; )

fb794d  No.3243520

File: 009fec4553613b1⋯.jpg (92.06 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 426.JPG)

5532aa  No.3243521

File: 6a54703f2386873⋯.jpg (67.75 KB, 523x452, 523:452, stir.jpg)

26b62f  No.3243522


This is not entirely devoid of plausibility, sir.

cd8997  No.3243523

File: 8d7cf77e8fab771⋯.jpg (28.57 KB, 398x175, 398:175, 1e1f6dedcc543470bf90589e39….jpg)

efb130  No.3243524

File: 9e664ae5a1c822c⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1170x1902, 195:317, Ford.png)

>>Wear glasses that enlarge your eyes - gives impression of nerdy innocence

>>Professional hairstylist to color and curl hair like a schoolgirl

>>Speak in a voice that closely resembles a 15 yr old innocent girl

>>Act petrified. Act tearful though try as you may not be able to shed a doggone tear (unlike Kavanaugh, which was genuine outbreak as he thought of his daughter)

>>Never mention the fact that google CIA shills interns are living in your house

>>Use PhD psychobabble to unnerve the career sex prosecutor (also warning that she is trained in these psyops)

>>Never mention who her grandfather is

>>Never mention her brother's Fusion GPS connection

>>Never mention her parents' home foreclosure (Kav's mom getting back at the Clinton cabal)

>>Never mention her father and her grandfather's CIA ties

>>Oh no I don't remember

>>Oh no I will act like the 15 yr old girl next door (36 years later)


bf5f28  No.3243525

File: 9d35fb713237f93⋯.jpeg (105.4 KB, 733x723, 733:723, 398B3070-727F-4AB0-B3E3-3….jpeg)

File: dd94c972e47f3f7⋯.jpeg (54.41 KB, 324x422, 162:211, 76D37702-EBCA-4AE1-842F-3….jpeg)

File: d94289c696eacc5⋯.jpeg (133.56 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 4B5DEE74-4BBB-41EF-BAF7-6….jpeg)

bac383  No.3243526

>>3242797 Ford Lawyer Rejects One Week Cap on Kavanaugh FBI Query

This what you get when you cave in.

Luvin the movie, are we?

4cc311  No.3243527

File: fd1c72ea8dc6bd3⋯.jpeg (14.95 KB, 255x180, 17:12, b7aba9a45efe28ef0862b8391….jpeg)

1c122b  No.3243528

File: c8d074393716f22⋯.jpg (23.95 KB, 540x328, 135:82, HIV-POSITIVE.jpg)

617545  No.3243529

File: 094cd9d70cff556⋯.png (401.88 KB, 573x253, 573:253, 45646454456.PNG)

770435  No.3243530

File: 573cd446d977115⋯.jpg (24.8 KB, 348x324, 29:27, 573cd446d977115ccc2f1c8a73….jpg)

9439ad  No.3243531


Not too worried. her testimony is on record and FBI are investigating. She's been told by katz not to talk to FBI so she's inconsequential from here on out

fc6d18  No.3243532

File: 3b5941e50bfd191⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 4341b313922faf516214d68c4a….png)

TY Baker!!!

>>3243444 (lb)

How do you prevent a virus from spreading? You create immunization against it. Let's look at Q's last post:


>D's Playbook (Midterm E):

>We will impeach Justice K (ZERO corroborating evidence and ALL factual witnesses provided by accuser ALL DENIED ALLEGATIONS) should we take control in NOV.


>These people are EVIL, SICK, & STUPID.

>You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.




Flake's playing his part as per instruction. Flake's maneuver was inoculating Kav from a future retribution by the left. When this is over, the FBI will permanently exonerate Kav from future possible impeachment. Then, we get tribunals.

Trust the plan, anons.

e130d1  No.3243533

File: e456d33d65786f1⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1125x1811, 1125:1811, sandy_mendler-n-tyler_linf….png)

>>3236758 from Bread #4099

Who is that next to Sandy Mendler?

The dude on Sandy's left looks like Tyler Linfesty. The guy who was removed from the Montana Trump Rally.

Tyler Linfesty a.k.a. Plaid Shirt Guy

See also: >>3236754 from Bread #4099

6b939b  No.3243534

File: 7631eb67cfb75d3⋯.jpg (11.12 MB, 5400x7200, 3:4, THE MAP LINES.jpg)

File: 0dc0c5dc5f5af94⋯.jpg (2.79 MB, 1350x1826, 675:913, THE MAP LINKED.jpg)

>>3243222 pb

>where did that come from

You have never seen this graphic then

d4b299  No.3243535

File: d45306e19c77c75⋯.gif (3.7 MB, 620x346, 310:173, strzok lips moving.gif)


Tweet that to Flake..dumfuck


1c2280  No.3243536

File: 78b1fc3ccfb118d⋯.png (590.28 KB, 724x483, 724:483, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25f97c19c98a9fe⋯.png (689.37 KB, 724x483, 724:483, ClipboardImage.png)

need more grandma friendly memes. these that are simple to digest get spread really quickly.

02188a  No.3243537

me thinks the t[ ]ranny doth protest too much

495591  No.3243538

File: 2098e41f8a56a4a⋯.jpeg (19.56 KB, 214x314, 107:157, FFCC0B33-383A-45AE-A3B6-B….jpeg)

>>3243492 (lb)

>Who is Hogg’s mother?

21f2fa  No.3243539

Jeff Flake is fucking POTUS over right now

Fuck you Jeff Flake you lying piece of shit faggot

a4f0f8  No.3243540


>Luvin the movie, are we?

I am.

And furthermore, I never judge a movie before it's over.

16fb44  No.3243541

File: 535bf278de89161⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, Transcript-of-Graham-quest….jpg)

File: 5a63ca5981eb3c4⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 498x372, 83:62, aw_yeah.gif)


>G: Right. That American citizens who collaborate are considered Enemy Combatants?

>K: They *can* be–

>G: Can be–

>K: They can be.

a4ebd5  No.3243542


>>3243504 ID 26b62f shill confirmed.

bac383  No.3243543


been there, done that.

0558ba  No.3243544

File: eb3407891a9f912⋯.jpg (18.2 KB, 191x261, 191:261, ritual.JPG)

File: 0fd67f6b48a0a3f⋯.jpg (54.32 KB, 418x537, 418:537, white rabbit1.JPG)

File: 02994183924c2cb⋯.jpg (31.59 KB, 372x335, 372:335, white rabbits.JPG)

File: cb2ed6f75e41656⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 357x567, 17:27, whiterabbit.JPG)

File: d616cb3c107d6e6⋯.jpg (24.9 KB, 365x270, 73:54, white rabbit 2.JPG)

White Rabbit.

4f9928  No.3243545


NSA has it all. If Ford is linked to anyone with a FISA…

98cac3  No.3243546

File: 5a7b1138293bd78⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

14eb3d  No.3243547

File: 599d3a92d246efc⋯.jpg (623.29 KB, 1917x1881, 213:209, 1538190884111.jpg)

fc44b1  No.3243548

File: ade2b3e0b1b3b97⋯.jpg (40.16 KB, 800x466, 400:233, 9-28-GRASSELY'S SHOCKED FA….jpg)

File: 8b0dd79ff587e73⋯.jpg (46.75 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 9-28-A GAME OF KEEP-AWAY L….jpg)

File: 9a11b71c1b8ab0a⋯.jpg (30.63 KB, 500x334, 250:167, 9-28-STUPID AND SICK PEOPL….jpg)

File: 919aaa7a873a94a⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 500x512, 125:128, 9-28-BOSS MAN DONT FUCK AR….jpg)

File: fa4f131c44d5af3⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 9-28-COOL CAT.jpg)

dc1a41  No.3243549


Who fucking cares ignore their bullshit

fc6d18  No.3243550

e2b0c2  No.3243551


If she really is C_A then they could easily just fake her death.

393cb9  No.3243552

Does blassy work for an abortion pill company?

02188a  No.3243553


what really is miss teen merika

770435  No.3243554


he was live on cnn with a victim in his face confronting him inside an elevator he couldn't leave

no choice

781389  No.3243555

File: 9ee336d8aca0860⋯.png (493.88 KB, 831x439, 831:439, Lying calendar.png)

File: cb42c258e6d05c2⋯.png (404.94 KB, 831x439, 831:439, sjl envelope.png)

1429f2  No.3243556

File: 4eafcd5aee2c099⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1418x1482, 709:741, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

>>3243463 pb

This guy?

cd8997  No.3243557

File: 6809bd11afc56aa⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 255x191, 255:191, c5ce6a5b2adaf48cb854147a42….jpg)

File: fefe114571fc663⋯.jpg (49 KB, 484x338, 242:169, 1da837afc4c45c28a01429e3ed….jpg)

File: 3f1b99019fb0946⋯.jpg (37.49 KB, 518x389, 518:389, iu.jpg)

bac383  No.3243558


certainly not lacking for twists and turns in the subplot, I'll give you that.

4cc311  No.3243559

2b0498  No.3243560


I doubt it will take the FBI more than a few days.

There's not much to do. And most of it has already been done by the Committee and the media.

6dbb39  No.3243561


What’s holding them back?

2a23f6  No.3243562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson Red-Pilling the Right

9/28/18 - At 6:21 he reveals the Democrat Projection Strategy:

"Democrats are hoping more baseless allegations will emerge during the delay during which the FBI is investigating things that have long been investigated.

<Get this!!>

Perhaps another Reptilianporn lawyer will come forward with another discredited client, who describes fantasies such as, I don't know, gang rape, or human sacrifice, or child trafficking. Maybe it'll be ritual Satanic abuse this time. They haven't tried that one in awhile. Who knows what it'll be."

That pretty much skips Congressional spy-ring and Uranium 1 - kek kek. He went right for SickoGate.

This is intentional. People are being pre-programmed for what is about to come. Mil-Int needs these triggers dropped into the social lexicon.

3bfca5  No.3243563

>>3243397 lb

Not the same woman as the Senate testimony.

The woman in the Senate found eyeglasses uncomfortable

And wanted to take them off.

This woman is at him with her eyeglasses

And when she is not using them to see

She parks them on her head.

But this face just does not look like the Senate woman.

Did we ever get a side view of that woman in the Senate?

As she was being seated?

Or leaving?

c3c933  No.3243564

26b62f  No.3243565

File: 6e0827a10776bb4⋯.png (840.51 KB, 1236x999, 412:333, degradation.png)

File: 4211284a83e8c75⋯.jpg (993.18 KB, 782x1111, 782:1111, saymwa.jpg)

File: ddb44fb0c1afe6a⋯.jpg (615.87 KB, 775x999, 775:999, MAGALuther.jpg)

File: 70e51acc7a81878⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, sooon.jpg)

File: eb6b02c8cc9a390⋯.png (596.98 KB, 792x532, 198:133, UNBORKABLE.png)


Your words are hurtful BO. I am a patriot.

8bee9f  No.3243566


kek, thanks BO, I know

tried the same nonsense last bread too

39dafb  No.3243567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yep….seen shit like this in Antartica

f3c786  No.3243568

>>3243516 “I’m not part of your herd” lb

Then u belong to your father, the devil.

That’s too bad. Tribulations are about to begin and if you aren’t sealed in Christ, u will take the mark or die.

Your leaders worship Satan/ Lucifer. It would only stand to reason that they have lied to you about the true message of Christ. Why else do you think they crucified him?

Satanists/ luciferians. Same coin. Diff sides. Wake up anon! It’s real and about to get worse.

f2d10e  No.3243569


Feinstein most likely is under surveillance for her driver/spy…

bac383  No.3243570


It's not me you need to worry about.

3038bb  No.3243571

Anyone have her yearbook pages with ford partying????? NEEDED for RED PILLING!!!! PLEASE!!! I accidentally deleted it from my ipad

13838b  No.3243572

File: 0d936b41b9188c6⋯.jpg (191.31 KB, 678x405, 226:135, c2fa270cb6d462d92e4485c4a0….jpg)

3c6545  No.3243573


If they did, they would find a way to blame Justice K for it. Poor girl couldn't handle the stress due to the trauma that he's caused"

Don't think they wouldn't do it.

Hopefully she's under the watchful eye of Patriots 24/7 (likely is at this point)

afe390  No.3243574

File: ec0f681922c3940⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 320x443, 320:443, 3zoYJ0pFV8MXZGRYX-hQL7FPoa….jpg)


770435  No.3243575

File: 80050fbe496d0f6⋯.jpg (131.35 KB, 600x400, 3:2, rabbit-eating-plant.jpg)

02188a  No.3243576

File: b2e083446110ba7⋯.jpg (55.4 KB, 474x711, 2:3, saved_resource(71).jpg)

a9c61e  No.3243577

File: 67dc4091ee89ff5⋯.jpg (198.72 KB, 688x723, 688:723, schizophrenia in childhood.jpg)

I keep trying to tie all of this together in some meaningful way and failing miserably-just disorganized… but there's a lot to this including a trail of deceit tied to schizophrenia, autism, DID, etc… possibly all stemming from 2 papers on the "adrenochrome theory of psychosis" in 1952 and 1954.

Here's the thing…this one snapshot of this one paper SAYS A LOT!!!

26b62f  No.3243578

File: 3c6e4065fcdd3f1⋯.jpg (99.25 KB, 610x395, 122:79, kitty.jpg)


Don't be such a worry wart.

bf5f28  No.3243579

File: 3c37781094f0aea⋯.jpeg (208.91 KB, 1024x742, 512:371, C812849F-4A36-4E59-A8CB-A….jpeg)

What will the internet look like once BIG tech companies fall and free speech is restored?

675b43  No.3243580

>>3243362 (lb)

as someone who has suffered with REAL panic/anxiety disorder/PTSD, I can tell you that coffee is the LAST thing I would need to keep going after initial testimony.

I would be asking for a xanax or a drink.

16fb44  No.3243581

File: 7455b854d9017b6⋯.jpg (262.9 KB, 900x900, 1:1, lamelittlebitch.jpg)

495591  No.3243582

File: 621f198ada74808⋯.jpeg (91.87 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 05689F50-81DD-4592-8FE5-4….jpeg)

39dafb  No.3243583


75 IQ positive.

50418d  No.3243584

>>3243463 (LB) I say her hair is weird to cover an earpiece. Her glasses: strange lenses, not what they seem. Prevent pupil response monitoring from any other than (unavailable) direct front video shot? WWG1WGA

80d586  No.3243585

File: db07ec6568600a6⋯.jpg (83.81 KB, 500x710, 50:71, 2izlpa.jpg)

The outing of the Dems on the setup of

Justice K , will be a step closer to us

healing the sexist. It will become a lot uglier

before it becomes better, but I trust our

Patriotic women to be those on the front lines in the fight, they have been doing a damn good job calling the BS out!

cbf3a1  No.3243586

File: d2a4b3a42a58f6b⋯.png (999.17 KB, 1108x1064, 277:266, ClipboardImage.png)

Soros and the deep pocket Cabal leaders are desperate. These gofundme campaigns are meant to show how unpopular DJT and we are without going to the polls. All show and no substance.

What is $1m to Soros and his cronies?

cbcbbc  No.3243587

File: 31258e027d8066c⋯.jpg (107.74 KB, 783x1199, 783:1199, 1.JPG)

What Rex was suspended for



7m7 minutes ago


6. Seems it was none other than leftists HACK Brian Stetler & Jim Acosta of #FakeNews @CNN.

Yep. Seems reporters of a massive media conglomerate, a dog whistling hater with #TrumpDerangementSyndrome , reported me for this tweet:

713190  No.3243588


She'll have to talk to the FBI.

4f9928  No.3243589


not same dudes… lets start with eye color. hair color, nose shape. blond facial hair vs dark ash brown.

b168e1  No.3243590


Ford's lawyer Katz, is a total Dem operative, so no shit they would be saying that, but they don't have any control over the investigation or Senate, and have no place/ position to dictate terms.


fc6d18  No.3243591


Whatchu think and FBI investigation is going to lead to?


1c2280  No.3243592

File: 4da7400208630f5⋯.png (597.02 KB, 724x483, 724:483, ClipboardImage.png)

bd8075  No.3243593

File: 6803b304ee3aa65⋯.png (453.82 KB, 889x607, 889:607, flake_elevator.png)

bac383  No.3243594


when are we going to stop being their be-otch?

02188a  No.3243595

File: eb70c2c7f136a25⋯.jpg (122.75 KB, 1280x671, 1280:671, chappie-55-meme-need-a-fix….jpg)

26b62f  No.3243596


What does it mean fren? "memilts"?

d4b299  No.3243597


He's wearing a "witness" tag

Maybe he's her hypnotist/handler

7b0155  No.3243598

body language anaylsis of ford during hearing.

good redpill for normies, some things anons may have missed.


6b939b  No.3243599


>>3243222 pb

Here is the original

a304d4  No.3243600

File: 5eb11ae1d0df6bb⋯.jpg (62.37 KB, 426x426, 1:1, 2iz8su.jpg)

This goes out to all muh hipster dippies dat be too actually progressive for the Progs.

c3c933  No.3243601


I saw something about her hearing demonic voices? just something I saw in passing… i dont have the sauce but maybe someone else does.

770435  No.3243602




6b939b  No.3243603

File: 6d4ee82b3ca02f8⋯.png (1.11 MB, 890x1187, 890:1187, ClipboardImage.png)

39dafb  No.3243604


Welll, suck muh dick!

4e7fe0  No.3243605


>no choice

There is always a choice

3038bb  No.3243606


3 tries at intensive trauma therapy here, lost my voice for months, couldn’t keep food down, not even water….no sleep…. can relate!

2bbc79  No.3243607

File: 39936723a7af30f⋯.png (1.27 MB, 958x715, 958:715, b49bf01bbefb958d64e73b94b5….png)


e2b0c2  No.3243608


The gofundme disappearance money? Any anon that would know when she gets access to it? There would be the window when she would "die."

dc1a41  No.3243609

21f2fa  No.3243610


Fuck that noise!!!

Jeff Flake is an anti American piece of shit

Fuck you Jeff Flake

Fuck you Jeff Flake

Fuck you Jeff Flake

Fuck you Jeff Flake

Fuck you Jeff Flake

Fuck you Jeff Flake

Fuck you Jeff Flake

Fuck you Jeff Flake

I fucking hate you Jeff Flake you lying scumbag

26b62f  No.3243611


Please keep in mind, we are in mixed up company.

723179  No.3243612


Wrong nose, wrong eye shape

4f9928  No.3243613


kah-bookie enjoy the show.

bac383  No.3243614


recall they also demanded an(other) FBI investigation in the first place. Which they were given.

Think Obama's Red Line.

126eef  No.3243615

Gofundme….Soros is getting monies to his little gangs again.

7790ee  No.3243616

>>3243526 They are looking over chain of custody for the letter, that was with-held from the senate committee! It Is A Criminal investigation!

fc44b1  No.3243617

File: 0aa1b841998e7d3⋯.jpg (149.5 KB, 600x448, 75:56, 9-11-BS.jpg)

192007  No.3243618

File: d33d870dc1159dd⋯.jpeg (84.21 KB, 753x583, 753:583, image.jpeg)

26b62f  No.3243619

File: 80a3ef5fdeaf0a0⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 249x250, 249:250, 1521417320903.jpg)


I think you are just a very tired anon. Maybe get some shut eye.

e35189  No.3243620

File: 35a1ee4191649a3⋯.jpg (6.46 KB, 250x187, 250:187, 1507141415168s.jpg)


Give it up suckers. Keep it up. I'm putting mine into ammo.

4cc311  No.3243622


anybody know where this actually came from?

092e5b  No.3243623


Actual 187 leaves no doubt.

26b62f  No.3243624


That's what I'm saying. Why is BO against me?

617545  No.3243625

File: 11611994c911ee5⋯.png (158.39 KB, 1198x698, 599:349, dherrdyhybsrdxys7e477.png)


this is really good

723179  No.3243626


had already filtered that one

c3c933  No.3243627


That's what I am trying to suggest. The way he grabs that right shoulder. He is likely a trained handler. Any idea who he is?

9439ad  No.3243628


I hope the FBI gives her the investigation bill.

2a23f6  No.3243630


There's gotta be a better way Rainman.

648826  No.3243631

File: 11537779526ae25⋯.png (716.45 KB, 719x960, 719:960, ClipboardImage.png)

02188a  No.3243632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bac383  No.3243633


I'm not the one who keeps caving in to the demands of the Blasey Posse.

Tell POTUS to ignore them.

a0df92  No.3243634

File: 2a37cdfac7cc299⋯.mp4 (48.94 KB, 320x384, 5:6, 6FC61350-0445-473B-892E-17….mp4)


Oh yes indeed. Thank you baker and god bless the bewbs. From this day and till their last days.

1c2280  No.3243635

File: d5a9ab0cbfa506a⋯.png (600.32 KB, 724x483, 724:483, ClipboardImage.png)

1429f2  No.3243636


I don't know who he is, interesting tho.

Can anyone do a reverse image search?

8716fe  No.3243637


dylan made it he is an artist

77f525  No.3243638


"Brain dead gimp" is a serious disability. Kek.

a19c41  No.3243639

File: 52fa6c3cff63010⋯.jpg (95.25 KB, 960x955, 192:191, IMG_20180929_091850.jpg)

74d5c6  No.3243640


Your IP was checked nigger

0f9d43  No.3243641



177be3  No.3243642

File: 9dfc459cd8cb4a9⋯.jpg (28.56 KB, 290x349, 290:349, forddidallmeme.jpg)

5532aa  No.3243643


Never address the Blue Checkmark Mafia. They're lost. Redpill bystanders.

c40062  No.3243644

File: 8025886a039186b⋯.webm (3.32 MB, 500x280, 25:14, 46914d350cd86e8c17c53ec92….webm)

d4b299  No.3243645


I see Bombard and Wictor promoters on here all day….clickety, click, click, click

Lurk moar


someone else posted a photo of him with his hand on her head. No idea.

bac383  No.3243646

c830f3  No.3243647

File: a812258c5ac06f8⋯.jpg (296.81 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_077.jpg)

ty patriots!

cd8997  No.3243648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Reminds me of this courtroom scene

723179  No.3243649


But why Gregg Allman?

dc1a41  No.3243650


Gotcha but I don’t think they will cave again, this was a bait by trump

04884e  No.3243651


Thank you

a304d4  No.3243652

File: 06671475c620b4b⋯.jpg (113.01 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2iwz8w.jpg)



I'd been musing about this exact thing…

e2b0c2  No.3243653


Depends if the FBI investigators are good guys or not. Congress may have had some FBI bad guys ready to go "investigate." FBI is shit these days so who knows?

02188a  No.3243654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

82035e  No.3243655



I hope she's hot

I guess he goes to the resignation list

afd880  No.3243656

As we are participating in the greatest test of the Constitution and civics of all time since our Country's inception…



We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,

establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common

defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to

ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the

United States of America.

c3c933  No.3243657


I discovered the right shoulder is programmed as the "temple". It is the most intimate part of a beta slaves body.

3bfca5  No.3243658

File: 56c95bf00816f7c⋯.pdf (2.14 MB, Ritual_Child_Abuse_Hudson.pdf)


That picture of the cover of Hudson's book is not much use to anyone.

Here is the PDF

bd8075  No.3243659

File: e2c8eb44ea13a3c⋯.png (402.86 KB, 741x509, 741:509, avenatti.png)

bf5f28  No.3243660

File: b670cd1464afe9d⋯.png (154.77 KB, 236x472, 1:2, 158FDBC0-C4B9-4912-9F1B-EA….png)

Remembering the FISA Declas like

13838b  No.3243661


just as much info as disinfo in it.

c8d073  No.3243662

File: 029b7beb4f51672⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1674x1252, 837:626, QClock-09282018.png)

>>3243424 (pb)

>>3243453 (pb)

Reposting clock in this bread.

My first clock.

Clockfag feedback needed.

d5bb2e  No.3243663

File: 5aead4389817dd7⋯.png (95.82 KB, 355x420, 71:84, ClipboardImage.png)

f664de  No.3243664

>>3239742 lb

Even if they have them are they admissible? I know this isn't a court case, but they were obtained illegally.

a19c41  No.3243665

File: 7c2c0e222f4de53⋯.jpg (411.08 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_20180929_091820.jpg)

We the people.

95d68f  No.3243666

File: 6fed4488b9dd71d⋯.jpeg (186.39 KB, 1629x1413, 181:157, NKHarryWindsor.jpeg)

File: 2c08e8782a52d54⋯.jpg (114.26 KB, 656x458, 328:229, NKSexParties.jpg)

File: 327a61e1fc84cf8⋯.pdf (5.68 MB, FST Japanese & US WW2 plun….pdf)

File: 35114c8273f0b26⋯.pdf (152.33 KB, Project Hammer Hiding tree….pdf)

>>3243418 (lb)

except the issue is he was a pederast that hunted kids with cheyney and was offed by a 14 year old mexican rent boy. or was he? who knows?

a16318  No.3243667


you know…night shift is fun, but they aren't shit at digging.

fc6d18  No.3243668


Wrays of light, anon.

bd781f  No.3243669


It’s from way back. There is an ultra retarded version with colors.

fde29b  No.3243670

File: c70c4c9e537de1e⋯.png (819.51 KB, 846x787, 846:787, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

File: 55c89d2ac9026d7⋯.jpg (149.05 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, RED_WAVE.jpg)

39dafb  No.3243671

File: 52f4d6806a663c1⋯.jpg (4.9 KB, 255x126, 85:42, wwg1wga.jpg)


Buzz Kill…

<bows head, remebers why we are here>

02188a  No.3243672

these un potty trained kulaks are struggeling

f4f582  No.3243673

File: 5d0c47c34ab7cfc⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 1676x2500, 419:625, 5d0c47c34ab7cfc31725db1b4a….jpg)


TY Baker.


2bbc79  No.3243674

We have a red text spaz posting wannabe leftist in the house tonight I see

770435  No.3243675


Cheer, anon!





6bbf50  No.3243676


Like the good old days of gopher, usenet, and netscape mosaic, except now we have high-speed broadband and wireless. Shit's gonna be so cash.

c7dac5  No.3243677

File: a943cf29bc531bb⋯.jpg (3.61 MB, 6000x3000, 2:1, KEKflag.jpg)

cb36ac  No.3243678

Trump keeps a calendar as well… everyday it just says "win"

f4f582  No.3243679

File: d3bbbb6a5eb86b7⋯.jpg (301.01 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, o-KIP-DYNAMITE-facebook.jpg)


is it you?

1c122b  No.3243680

File: 5450c28edceb4ce⋯.png (1000.2 KB, 793x633, 793:633, Pepe-Flake.png)

13838b  No.3243681


They both took the same CIA course on how to lie convincingly….

39dafb  No.3243682


Tranies Chrissy, Trannies. SJW age now ya know.

1c2280  No.3243683

File: 3ec90d549d34083⋯.png (600.31 KB, 724x483, 724:483, ClipboardImage.png)

d4b299  No.3243684


He looks like young Travolta w/hair. Also gay.

26b62f  No.3243685

File: 57357f6b0fd0fd7⋯.jpg (31.52 KB, 443x315, 443:315, th (6).jpg)


My IP? What is wrong with my IP?

a0df92  No.3243686


We truly have the finest patriots

bac383  No.3243687


intense. intelligent. inscrutable.

b9a675  No.3243688

>>3243418 (lb)

Everyone knows this newfag….there are pedos

on both sides

>>3243473 (lb)

This is Qresearch not Trumpresearch…..

(((Wictor hated Q)

6b939b  No.3243689


yep can y'all find


In the graphic? It's there.

fde29b  No.3243690

File: 410d75a8ce86b3d⋯.png (87.7 KB, 307x301, 307:301, Screen Shot 2018-06-24 at ….png)

File: de79a219db08f92⋯.png (537.47 KB, 506x508, 253:254, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: f2e1ae4fdae0941⋯.png (899.94 KB, 741x766, 741:766, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at ….png)

File: 03f5857224a9bc8⋯.jpg (10.82 KB, 255x179, 255:179, wehavethebestflotusdontwep….jpg)



5814b4  No.3243691

File: bddf7cf69db9ea1⋯.jpg (371.05 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 6.jpg)

File: 975c3d836eccb73⋯.jpg (359.81 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 7.jpg)

File: 4d565a465356915⋯.jpg (410.45 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 8.jpg)

File: 2f9f842d8fd6bed⋯.jpg (313.17 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 9.jpg)

File: 9b93d6f34b52fbf⋯.jpg (331.2 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 10.jpg)



You got a point, anon.

Other anon didn't ask for the rest, but here goes the other pages for any newbies. Read up, disturbing shit.

d5bb2e  No.3243692


God thank you for the angels

770435  No.3243693

File: f778bab4227d969⋯.jpg (27.51 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 9886bec395a57e66370259dcba….jpg)


Thank YOU Miss

e35189  No.3243694

39dafb  No.3243695

File: dd8ec25c6d34840⋯.jpg (7.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Graham.jpg)

5d8c56  No.3243696

Dr Ford izvin control of nothing. She lost control the moment she, or whoever, mailed the letter to the CA congresswoman.

c7dac5  No.3243697

File: b094702318ce0b8⋯.jpg (90.76 KB, 945x1192, 945:1192, KATZWillImplode.jpg)

cd8997  No.3243698


Meant to post the video clip (it's above your post)

192007  No.3243699

File: c7c4cd414fa9aac⋯.jpeg (93.5 KB, 699x572, 699:572, image.jpeg)

7cd1c3  No.3243700

File: 3292a221e051275⋯.png (461.82 KB, 604x436, 151:109, 2018-09-28_21-55-11.png)

fc44b1  No.3243701

File: 673ab2e2bb6e54a⋯.jpg (58.1 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9-24-HUBER GOTEM IN THE CR….jpg)

you are not smart enough to pull it off lol

and now hims an innocent victim, oh noes!

the injustice of it all! ha ha

enjoy your night ;)


495591  No.3243702

File: 612a223d48d396a⋯.jpeg (22.74 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 3D032A03-505A-428D-97FA-1….jpeg)

File: 29c9e88354d7bc5⋯.jpeg (115.44 KB, 700x997, 700:997, D4BE5FAE-5191-416B-836F-5….jpeg)


Do they know where they are?

This place is where the sidewalk ends.

8c1551  No.3243703


I'm just waiting my envelope full of cash…

fc6d18  No.3243704


She can cunt-splain all she wants. POTUS said one week.

a304d4  No.3243705

File: d42fbd4b70e1060⋯.png (520.22 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, JustBeBest.png)

5814b4  No.3243706

File: 326be1f611c2706⋯.jpg (372.6 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 11.jpg)

File: 5c4cd8ce2163739⋯.jpg (363.44 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 12.jpg)

File: 420c8bae0d6e571⋯.jpg (362.1 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 13.jpg)

File: 972dfe48d7cfbf8⋯.jpg (363.36 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 14.jpg)

File: 763c28c4c2593ce⋯.jpg (403.65 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 15.jpg)

eee011  No.3243707

File: b6e00d5d570d409⋯.png (66.73 KB, 197x256, 197:256, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3242660 (lb)

>>32426xx ? (Response)

>This doesn't fly with Hitler's political philosophy, maybe someone else did all this, but it wasn't Hitler.

Hitler’s political “philosophy” was a covert Zionist plot to kill all the stubborn wealthy Sephardic German Jews who refused to immigrate to Israel and then blame the genocide on the Overman* (white Superman) fantasy thus vilifying white German Europeans as murderous barbarians for generations to come.

This provided the deep seated white European guilt needed today to allow EU funded migrations of 3rd world barbarians to enter these countries unopposed in order for European cultural genocide to proceed as planned (see Madrid circular 41’). It also provided the Zionist “anti-Semitism” trick to block any logical opposition of the plan.

*the ideal superior man of the future who could rise above conventional Christian morality to create and impose his own values, originally described by Nietzsche in Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883–85).

cb36ac  No.3243708

File: bdeb9a1aa854d7e⋯.jpg (64.8 KB, 885x516, 295:172, FRANCISCO_c42-0-686-376_s8….jpg)

7790ee  No.3243709

File: dab467ddd8e91a8⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 452x789, 452:789, youmaygo.jpg)

4e7fe0  No.3243710

File: a1ec6c050398ed4⋯.png (364.83 KB, 969x473, 969:473, Kavanaugh GoFundMe.PNG)

File: 6eef52a446233bf⋯.png (13.58 KB, 630x124, 315:62, 1 Kavanaugh GoFundMe.PNG)



Before I opened the link. I was thinking I bet Kavanaugh would decline the money

The person who set up the GoFundMe took that into consideration

271ecc  No.3243711


You be shillin. BO be confirmin.

f4f582  No.3243712

File: 6748592e84dd056⋯.jpg (182.3 KB, 1280x884, 320:221, GettyImages-997201730.jpg)

File: ddd368bb203a337⋯.jpg (96.24 KB, 720x1036, 180:259, DltSZUZW4AAfLlM.jpg)

File: 6047a29dacf9987⋯.png (749.14 KB, 1002x744, 167:124, Screen Shot 2018-07-13 at ….png)

05802a  No.3243713

File: 73273f4eb00b8c2⋯.jpg (8.73 KB, 275x183, 275:183, comeywitched.jpg)

770435  No.3243714

File: 20db0a3af07c0fc⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 217x255, 217:255, 20db0a3af07c0fc2a01b174d13….jpg)

26b62f  No.3243715


Please explain fren.

Or BO, you can explain. Should I call my ISP?

d20e9d  No.3243716

Murphy Brown will tank.

5d8c56  No.3243717


It should be called Patriots Research since we are the ones doing all the digging. Fuck Q.

1c2280  No.3243718

File: e3199b3e87752ae⋯.png (584.8 KB, 724x483, 724:483, ClipboardImage.png)

a304d4  No.3243719

File: 11dff87bf27f3a9⋯.jpg (332.38 KB, 1343x2775, 1343:2775, 8eaqgwpmxzo11.jpg)

8bee9f  No.3243720

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3243562 Tucker Carlson's intro from tonight

>>3243586 Ford has raised ~$1 million dollars on GoFundMe

>>3243602, >>3243710 Justice K's GoFundMe at ~$101,000

e9661f  No.3243721

File: 6befe389021ea5e⋯.jpg (1015.21 KB, 1882x2877, 1882:2877, 1533617067716.jpg)

http ://articles.latimes.com/1997-03-28/news/mn-43046_1_china-connections

Senator Feinstein, Blum insist a solid 'firewall' separates her foreign policy role, his growing business interests there.

March 28, 1997 |GLENN F. BUNTING | This story was reported by Times staff writers Glenn F. Bunting and David Willman in Washington, Dan Morain in Sacramento and Maggie Farley in Hong Kong and was written by Bunting

192007  No.3243722

File: efab1bec8a0dacf⋯.jpeg (93.95 KB, 747x572, 747:572, image.jpeg)


Fixed margin.

05802a  No.3243723

File: 9b25b66e8e279ea⋯.jpg (13.47 KB, 255x183, 85:61, Untitled-12.jpg)

495591  No.3243724

File: 793220c17665aaa⋯.jpeg (19.2 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 2C1AABD1-1DC6-414E-A3D1-7….jpeg)


Fake and Gay bewb pics.

Have a real one from a down as fug FemAnon.

c54b7b  No.3243725

File: dd0ad0e6de5353a⋯.png (794.92 KB, 1552x639, 1552:639, 23897327065417932689681580….png)

File: fd518e938761731⋯.png (748.19 KB, 1553x634, 1553:634, 45878700168932013278936982….png)

File: 551200fc72ea6ac⋯.png (780.6 KB, 1559x634, 1559:634, 66000000783212109517892896….png)

e35189  No.3243726


Yes. Your ISP can resolve this.

39dafb  No.3243727

File: 930f803bedabf6f⋯.jpg (75.3 KB, 301x470, 301:470, clownDrunk.jpg)


Oh shit, I thought I humiliated you shills enuf.

Apparently some have rocks in da skull.

So lets see, what is this alledged shit post about…

Caving in…hmm..caves, rocks..Well shit son I just created a funny at your expense. CAVE rock rock head. Get it BOY!

Jebbus I swear, the lack of talent is gunna kill me


7cd1c3  No.3243728

File: ecf5f6551ce2dad⋯.png (530.25 KB, 507x505, 507:505, 2018-09-28_23-53-35.png)

770435  No.3243729


I think it is important to put his gofundme in notables, but thought it would be inappropriate to suggest


God Bless the Kavanaugh Family

e258fc  No.3243730


I don't think she rejected it. She did, however, complain about it, and no interview date has been released to the public.

26b62f  No.3243731

File: 23967b7ea9d513d⋯.png (3 MB, 2151x1111, 2151:1111, justicecoming.png)

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)


No, not me sir. Don't make false accusations.

f4f582  No.3243732

File: fd4f5c01983322f⋯.png (74.02 KB, 255x290, 51:58, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)


The Handler…

5814b4  No.3243733

File: a5160e213dece9e⋯.jpg (364.48 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 16.jpg)

File: beb188e83e2426d⋯.jpg (40.61 KB, 502x429, 502:429, beb188e83e2426d92deb89477e….jpg)

02188a  No.3243734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

26b62f  No.3243735


What should I tell them?

19c4a9  No.3243736


Muh emoluments clause for POTUS. All these assholes who are now multi-millionaires need to be in GITMO.

bf5f28  No.3243737

File: 4e5b5d1707b2aed⋯.jpeg (127.98 KB, 1080x655, 216:131, 0106145A-C2C6-4594-8010-8….jpeg)


I can see it now…

33a2c5  No.3243738


They won't. Crowdfunding is one the best sources for cabal money laundering. Also, don't get your hopes up about the FBI filing charges against her for perjury or lying to them. As sweet as revenge would be, this histrionic roastie does not matter and will barely be remembered. What matters is that Kav is confirmed.

c7dac5  No.3243739

File: 129d1e887ac75d0⋯.jpg (108.7 KB, 2400x1200, 2:1, FordCaffeine.jpg)


She should knw that if yur muth was covered t the pint yu thught yu wuld DIE then the laughter isn’t the Retained Memry, it’s the SUFFOCATION

..srry, bak n the Brken O keybard unit tanite

f664de  No.3243740


This is from before the hearing

c3c933  No.3243741

File: b84b1c78f25e832⋯.png (129.5 KB, 244x255, 244:255, ClipboardImage.png)

Can anyone help with a reverse image search on this dude?

75dd30  No.3243742



95d68f  No.3243743

File: 4d6339ec89bbcaa⋯.pdf (1.21 MB, Aleister Crowley - Moonchi….pdf)

File: e9ef92f076036d0⋯.pdf (491 KB, Liber 963 - The Treasure-H….pdf)

File: 0ce53b6a012c3ff⋯.pdf (742.21 KB, Liber_777.pdf)

File: 8ff19df24d1cb4f⋯.pdf (410.92 KB, Liber 333 - The Book of Li….pdf)

File: 42bb2ce4e2a015d⋯.gif (1.35 MB, 500x340, 25:17, vRcAJ.jpg.gif)

f04caf  No.3243744

File: 871ec61c1b02e52⋯.jpg (388.11 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Saoli-1-UB.jpg)

21f2fa  No.3243745

Jeff Flake is the new John McCain

We will never have any victories until that lying sack of shit is removed from office

3c6545  No.3243746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watching again…]GRAHAM[ Activated

1c2280  No.3243748

File: 9e6eba89b1ff1b6⋯.png (593.37 KB, 724x483, 724:483, ClipboardImage.png)

26b62f  No.3243749


More like a LIARwall!

126eef  No.3243750

>>3243586 Ford has raised ~$1 million dollars on GoFundMe

Nothing more than George Soros small chunk deposits, and then transfered to his organizations within the US.

Remember, he had his strings cut before.

That is why BLM and Antifa has been so quiet of late.

Soros found a loophole to get monies in now.

617545  No.3243751

File: d919abaad841080⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1083x883, 1083:883, 7489798789794564654.PNG)


really great clip

a304d4  No.3243752



This is the exact reason it's better that someone else set it up.

I woulda named it "Beer Money for Brett" or something along those lines.

02188a  No.3243753

File: 67603f0c559028c⋯.png (126.95 KB, 500x455, 100:91, youve-mistaken-me-for-some….png)

df87c8  No.3243754

Anons, I’m looking for stills of Flake & Feinstein from the NBC feed today. 3 stills, or links to the video.

1) Flake when he fucked the dog with the FBI investigation.

2) Flake walking along the underground train system surrounded by reporters

3) After the vote, Feinstein standing next to Blumenthal on his left side.

Flake looked like he had just been threatened.

Feinstein looked like she just realized she lost.

Anyone happen to have stills?

95d68f  No.3243755


ah, wrong anon. sorry m8.


22aa88  No.3243756


I'm good to bake for the next 3 hours if you're in a pinch. I've baked once before.

e6b522  No.3243757

>>3243352 (lb)

>>3243309 (lb)

At that age 45+, they are most likely, and look to be not prescription but magnifiers for reading. Notice she pushes them to the top of her head and then looks to the hearing members. So she can see fine far away.

dc1a41  No.3243758


I will only accept boob pics as real with something proving they are Q followers in the photo, maybe lifting a Q shirt or holding a sign, writing ontheir body. Otherwise probably grabbed from the internet

bac383  No.3243759


o shit filtered at "I"

8716fe  No.3243760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

for you retarded sliders

181b87  No.3243761

39dafb  No.3243762


Well they faked her life according to some anons…so..yup

2bbc79  No.3243763

File: 621879b2838b62e⋯.jpg (22.31 KB, 540x960, 9:16, FB_IMG_1537960559394.jpg)

7962f0  No.3243764


You have less than you know.

5d8c56  No.3243765



He's been a flake since the beginning.

8bee9f  No.3243766


what say you BO??

e35189  No.3243767

File: 94fe8e392401c30⋯.jpg (58.62 KB, 736x736, 1:1, nightshiftbye.jpg)

hunred prof ain't what it used to be

nite frens

5bbee4  No.3243768

Can we pleaseeeeee bait a sjw into believing that the Steve Janowski rape confession scene I’m eastbound and down is real and Brett Kavanaugh…

So fucking funny.

5532aa  No.3243769


>Crowdfunding is one the best sources for cabal money laundering.


9b1a52  No.3243770

>>3242724 (prev)

>Kek, Can't get rape if we put in 200 front doors.

That was the dumbest fucking comment of the whole damn hearing! WTF does having two front doors have fuck all to do with Kavanaugh being on the Supreme Court? Someone please try to explain that bs to me!

"OMG, Kavanaugh might be on the SCOTUS so I MUST have two front doors to feel safe!" smdh

wtf Wtf WTF?

723179  No.3243771


I got to it. Was wondering there for a minute

1429f2  No.3243772


worth digging into this guy.

5cab68  No.3243773



quit toying with the poor fella. just tell him Alt+F4 will fix.

461cbb  No.3243774

July 27 2018, Q posted this..

Think FLYNN [30].

Exactly [30].


Did i miss something?

26b62f  No.3243775


1d3baf  No.3243776


That Y is Korean Hangul.

Either ㅅ or ㅈ

04884e  No.3243777


Sharpie….Q around the Areola

d8ccfe  No.3243778

File: 8c62f02ea18ef72⋯.gif (415.41 KB, 480x238, 240:119, 1538090533727.gif)


i read this

1429f2  No.3243779


night! sleep well.

a0df92  No.3243780


Repair man for the automatron Ford. She runs on caffeine!

02188a  No.3243781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

495591  No.3243782

File: b8976f2c5a1ca94⋯.jpeg (22.5 KB, 255x218, 255:218, FE139534-24AC-481E-80F8-6….jpeg)

File: 2ec3d71553ff15d⋯.jpeg (19.77 KB, 255x167, 255:167, F03FBE4D-9708-4461-9249-C….jpeg)

File: aa386cc78fc7b66⋯.jpeg (17.67 KB, 255x236, 255:236, F2872245-8E81-4680-8A4F-8….jpeg)

3bfca5  No.3243783

File: fe6d50fb762923f⋯.pdf (8.87 MB, Senate_Hearing_MK_Ultra.pdf)


Attached is the 1977 Senate Hearing on MK Ultra mind control but if you are really interested

Here is a site with over 1 gigabyte of documents about the program…


26b62f  No.3243784


aw, gee whiz

5d8c56  No.3243785


Another new low for 8ch

544962  No.3243786

File: 87a22937898a6d2⋯.jpg (582.34 KB, 1211x1577, 1211:1577, 20180928_205808.jpg)

a304d4  No.3243787


I'm still working on that.

QPorn will be a thing, one day.

e2b0c2  No.3243788


Corn bread please.

770435  No.3243789

File: a0e8c2d5310433d⋯.png (22.33 KB, 657x527, 657:527, a0e8c2d5310433d9626f28fbba….png)


comfy bred

thanks femanon

would expand to full size again

675b43  No.3243790

File: 146b90628b3ea9e⋯.png (916.02 KB, 1308x629, 1308:629, blaseyford.png)

File: c359c3dc2d45c98⋯.jpg (38.06 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Fordcrop-640x480.jpg)

dc1a41  No.3243791

c3c933  No.3243792


breads that day were showing flynn talking about an army of digital citizen journalist, but the recording was from sept 2017

174f10  No.3243793

If I were in Dewey Beach, Delaware, I would be trying to find people who remember Ford from the 80s. Has anyone dug on that? There must be some who can shed light on her behaviors.

3c6545  No.3243794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Girls Ain't Nothing But Trouble

8bee9f  No.3243795


you're not baking, nor will you ever

d5bb2e  No.3243796

File: e825c8e264dde76⋯.png (325.64 KB, 693x339, 231:113, ClipboardImage.png)

CIA nigger, meet CIA nigger.

cb36ac  No.3243797


pretty sure he's not seeking re-election…

2a23f6  No.3243798


It's a new way to use human intel. Probably the most efficient to date. Take a dedicated group of diggers from every sector who voluntarily contribute mindwidth, autistwidth, mil/plane/law/fag-width, etc. Put them on a problem, and voila. Clickity clack, crunch crunch, dig dag dug. Solution (or at least pretty much every scenario).

/qresearch/ is a no-cost, dedicated AI bacteria-esque problem solving intelligence gathering machine.

Q is root.

c3c933  No.3243799


no shit lol.

7cd1c3  No.3243800

File: 5b04536f3051091⋯.png (1.2 MB, 727x1043, 727:1043, 2018-09-28_23-57-16.png)


POTUS smiles a lot!


02188a  No.3243801

File: a3d77eadf26b086⋯.jpg (128.86 KB, 1125x1684, 1125:1684, 24a635bcf52fcf2cba6f104716….jpg)

post some real women @threeletteragenciesstuckinacabbagevacuum

bac383  No.3243802


satanic, too.

eee011  No.3243803



>Watching again…]GRAHAM[ Activated

I could watch it all day long! The D's be like "Time out, we need a break". Someone needs to make a meme of Booker doing the time out sign.

26b62f  No.3243804



2b0498  No.3243805


Nah. That scale of crowdfunding is too small to be useful for that.

c30028  No.3243806


(. v .)

304d51  No.3243807


we all missed a lot more than something. understanding the meaning of q's drops is quite difficult sometimes. he has failed us yet so he deserves our trust but we certainly are missing something

177be3  No.3243808

File: d3f4224f706f9e4⋯.jpg (95.13 KB, 750x500, 3:2, dickpaintermeme.jpg)

8716fe  No.3243809

Why are you people replying to Tiresias?

0fa373  No.3243810


Maddie is dead. The investigation and occasional lead are merely a smoke screen. Why was the home office alerted and British Intelligence in Portugal immediately after the news hit? What's up with the pedo doctor friend and pedo Freud helping the family? What's with the parent's bizarre behavior? What about the cadaver dog's positive hits in Maddie's hotel room?


exhaustive investigation summary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yYwFnglhtw

(4 hours, but worth it)

e35189  No.3243811


Tell them you can't post on an alt right board or twitter or facebook. Tell them it is their problem, not yours.

19c4a9  No.3243812

File: 0613418e8ef5f80⋯.jpg (449.55 KB, 1894x1421, 1894:1421, image.jpg)



Kevin the lawyer "friend" dontcha know?!

263358  No.3243813

dc1a41  No.3243814


Oh please we are having fun trying to stay sane

a304d4  No.3243815


CIA nigger, meet FBI nigglet.


fde29b  No.3243816

File: 7549c9f85047fe8⋯.png (195.14 KB, 813x486, 271:162, Screen Shot 2018-02-09 at ….png)

b9a675  No.3243817


I hated that fat fuck…he came up to

her on very break to offer his "support"

fucking cucklord

a0df92  No.3243818

File: f88f1ea59dd1f75⋯.gif (1.28 MB, 341x258, 341:258, FA33891E-3701-416B-856A-F7….gif)

2abcee  No.3243819

File: f4f493d1337b4c4⋯.jpg (158.57 KB, 480x357, 160:119, Bless-this-Bread--14.jpg)

Thank you, Baker.

770435  No.3243821


oh god this is a good one

there are so many good clips and memes i'll never remember for my grandkids from this experience

cc1df1  No.3243822

Come on Q, hard to imagine we are winning right now. Please confirm that this is still under control.

We (most of us) don't want the tree to have to be watered.

7790ee  No.3243823

>>3243716 Maybe she can get someone to potato(e)?

304d51  No.3243824


oops. self edit. "he has failed" should read "he hasn't failed" sorry

95d68f  No.3243825

File: 632fc20a7424da8⋯.jpg (93.08 KB, 620x413, 620:413, A1753490_orig - Copy.jpg)

c05012  No.3243826

Odd …

Christine Blasey teaches at Palo Alto University.

Wiki says there are 81 faculty members.

Have not checked them all, but have checked several.

Appears our Ms. Blasey is the only one without a photo.


04f5ae  No.3243827

I know Flake was a set up. Did anyone else hear the last of Ingrahm show?

She said Rosenstein was in the meeting with Flake & Demonrats

I swear, I think Rosenstein flipped, they still think he's one of them.

They're about to find out Trump was, is & will always be in control

They are FUCKED!

5532aa  No.3243828


It's a free fusion center with the concept actually applied properly because there are no egos or jurisdictional turf wars.

02188a  No.3243829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

713464  No.3243830


Why don't more people report the left when they violate these rules? I reported people at times. Twitter cancelled my account for something pretty innocent and never went back.

bf5f28  No.3243831

File: 8c8344966c5e123⋯.jpeg (188.84 KB, 981x1012, 981:1012, 45701FAF-C277-4A65-9FB4-9….jpeg)

5d8c56  No.3243832


Q is nothing. We were doing thiz long before Q came along and will long after.

2abcee  No.3243833

File: b484d3779ce728b⋯.jpg (970.06 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1111-Wonderful-Day-1.jpg)

263358  No.3243834


relax, almost over.

14eb3d  No.3243836

File: 2aa53420efb231d⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1340x1148, 335:287, 1538192209940.png)

Not ONE MSM outlet in the US picked this story up, of a girl being torched alive. Reverse the races and imagine the reaction

39dafb  No.3243837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's a troll. Send him this

bac383  No.3243838


let's just admit that "be best" is kinda gay.

afd880  No.3243839


Article 1.

Section 1

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the

United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

c3c933  No.3243840


I see "family friend" in the google search for his name

d8ccfe  No.3243841

File: 182011daa76d168⋯.jpg (60.97 KB, 526x500, 263:250, 36yearsago.jpg)

770435  No.3243842


for real it was only because i heard this was making a rumbling in the chans that i felt a kinship and civic duty to catch up as much as i could

fbf768  No.3243843

The left is currently celebrating and emboldened because they truly believe their strange and bewildering behavior is getting results.

How are they going to feel aftermath FISA declas Q?

1c2280  No.3243844

File: 07671d61a42ff47⋯.png (845.3 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

BOOM! Feedback?!

ate some weed chocolate and the meme cannons are firing on all cylinders.

dc1a41  No.3243845

The Democrats are acting in complete desperation see it for what it is

75dd30  No.3243846

File: 411b59e52cacdf2⋯.png (620.47 KB, 1852x2224, 463:556, JS 280918.png)

Yes, I am a concernfag….. this is very worrying.

fde29b  No.3243847

File: dd94c972e47f3f7⋯.jpeg (54.41 KB, 324x422, 162:211, dd94c972e47f3f7a39876ad1c….jpeg)


Night Fren….KEK!!

192007  No.3243848

File: 7f547e686ed5064⋯.jpeg (50.1 KB, 539x368, 539:368, image.jpeg)

8bee9f  No.3243849


I don't think they realize

I did to say that fuck isn't baking

145f11  No.3243850


Ford’s father, Ralph Blasey, was president of the all-male Burning Tree Golf Club in Bethesda, where Kavanaugh’s father, Ed — former president of the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association, a trade group — has also been an active member, according to a member of the club. Burning Tree declined to discuss its membership.

other noted members.

g Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and George Herbert Walker Bush have been extended honorary membership.

Justice Antonin Scalia and former Chief Justice Warren Burger.

Other notable members include:

Former Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH)[3]

Former Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill (D-MA)

William Randolph Hearst

Former Senate Majority Leader Robert A. Taft (R-OH)

Edward R. Murrow

Former Senator John Warner (R-VA)

Former Senator Don Nickles (R-OK)

Bob Schieffer

Jack Valenti

Bryant Gumbel

Barry Goldwater

26b62f  No.3243851

File: c6f52e96783f2da⋯.png (87.41 KB, 255x218, 255:218, YUM.png)



5d8c56  No.3243852


Maybe her husband?

2a23f6  No.3243853


Yep. Open source intel.

263358  No.3243854


and simple af, this is wrong place for you.

0e47b9  No.3243855


The [30] could be anything. 30 days, 30 people, on the 30th, 30 examples, 30 changed 302s, and so on so forth. Just because we dont understand doesn't mean shit. Future proves past… We will figure it out exactly at the point when Q wants us to..until then, we wait, meme, dig and pray. You know the drill, right?

( reminiscent of " anons need red bull")

723179  No.3243856


Word is, Rosenstein is and has been wearing a wire. For a while now

7790ee  No.3243857

File: 0b9dcdeb76da75d⋯.jpg (10.34 KB, 255x236, 255:236, wowwee.jpg)

>>3243724 BOOBIES! Ian even smiling HARD!

8774b5  No.3243858

The most fucked up thing about using GoFundMe as a money laundering tool, is that I bet the amount of 'public' funds (normal people's money) being put into a fund *increases* the more money is already in the fund.

They're getting a discount on bribes by extracting wealth from those of us who don't know any better.

26b62f  No.3243860

File: 1a9629a362c1dbe⋯.png (279.29 KB, 547x548, 547:548, kittyshift.png)


nite shif frenz 4 lyfe

d5bb2e  No.3243861

shit wheres pelosi been? i kinda miss her crazy incoherent ass

17f011  No.3243862


His partner was wearing a disguise at the rally. Lurk moar.

fc7f30  No.3243863

File: c0b3317c55791d9⋯.png (67.8 KB, 218x298, 109:149, test1.png)

File: 4ae74e9870f93f6⋯.png (58.16 KB, 188x294, 94:147, test3.png)

File: aed5090a43b3762⋯.png (249.06 KB, 527x425, 31:25, test2.png)

File: 6b09ca71594fe51⋯.png (27.28 KB, 128x165, 128:165, test5.png)

File: 93354a41b2a4d5c⋯.jpg (29.18 KB, 474x585, 158:195, RussBaker.jpg)


Tried it already, didn't find much, except for the third one with a witness badge, who may resemble Russ Baker, a "journalist" – but unsure if it is really him.

c3c933  No.3243864


No. It is a family friend… unsure of relationship. probably a beach friend. her husband didn't show up. it is keith koegler.

a0df92  No.3243865

File: 3cc0a0244df74eb⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 640x640, 1:1, DA605C6C-F36F-40C4-8C50-0E….mp4)

cc1df1  No.3243866


Ty anon. Feeling a crushing wave of sadness tonight… sadness for all of us.

617545  No.3243867

File: b565bbcceb12264⋯.png (582.37 KB, 915x484, 915:484, 645645645645645645.PNG)

this woman deserves more credit she did a great job

5532aa  No.3243868


>Jim Stone

This is woo. Worse than Sorcha Faal.

713464  No.3243869

File: 68bfc9360636d5f⋯.png (25.47 KB, 427x269, 427:269, Screenshot 2018-09-28 at 1….png)


Contact info has been scrubbed (as expected).

e2e4bc  No.3243870


creepy evil

19c4a9  No.3243871


Have you dug on this case? It's pretty complicated. It was a hung jury for a reason.

26b62f  No.3243872


Listen BO, rather than sniping back and forth at each other, let's try to talk things out.

70a07a  No.3243873


Pelosi is in the House, not the Senate.

fbf768  No.3243874


Booker has been filling in just fine, thank you very much.

5814b4  No.3243875

File: aeb2e2680bdf74b⋯.png (354.27 KB, 737x737, 1:1, Botox.png)

2abcee  No.3243876

File: 17396f0bf811a5c⋯.jpg (979.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1111-Wonderful-Day-1v2.jpg)


Or, more accurately:

e258fc  No.3243877


I don't want RR on our team. Same goes for Mueller.

Once a traitor, always a traitor.

c05012  No.3243878


No biography/CV either.

Most of them have extensive information about their expertise.

126eef  No.3243879

Time to kill politically created gofundme accounts.

21f2fa  No.3243880

Why the fuck is Hillary on television shows making jokes about her treason?

This is one fucked up in the head woman


5d8c56  No.3243881

770435  No.3243882




i've been screaming this no one cares and everyone keeps saying she got fired halfway through

she literally said no further questions


Today she said his testimony proves he doesn't have the tempermant

092e5b  No.3243883

Isin't that like calling out the lows on a falling rock?

4e7fe0  No.3243884

File: 5d8f9380bcd1693⋯.png (561.27 KB, 645x767, 645:767, DoD 9-28-18 9 01 pm PDT.PNG)


95d68f  No.3243885

File: 45f955ca477b581⋯.jpeg (58.23 KB, 710x600, 71:60, 5ac99c5fbf957d66440fa6521….jpeg)

File: 4c267cecfe6bf4b⋯.jpg (520.81 KB, 810x1782, 5:11, Planned Parenthood fetal.jpg)

File: 39d0e1deaa3df5a⋯.jpg (29.76 KB, 480x431, 480:431, 72dQ2_.jpg)

File: f3f32443e0c5de8⋯.jpg (258.24 KB, 1080x926, 540:463, 1603c3b285ecadbe475ae66207….jpg)

File: b925381c3f9ae96⋯.png (205.21 KB, 550x370, 55:37, CreepyBidenGropeBaby3.png)


anything Palo Alto is a red flag.

19c4a9  No.3243886


His name is Kevin Koegler esq.

04f5ae  No.3243887

Don't buy into the narrative that Dr. Ford was set up by the Dems.

I'm a former college professor, she was acting

Think about what it takes to earn a PhD. You must complete a doctoral thesis

Form a hypothesis, develop evidence, defend your theory in front of a lot of other doctors/seasoned professionals. She's done this. She's no shrinking violet 10 year old. She's acting.

Either that or she needs to be investigated for massive plagiarism in all those research projects she has published & the college investigated for granting unearned degrees


569a12  No.3243888


Can't help you with stills but check the video when Flake was speaking before the committee vote. Look at his face. Massive stress and worry. The good guys and the bad guys got dirt on him. He's being threatened from both sides and he don't know what to do. I have no pity for him.

d8ccfe  No.3243889

File: 529eb0bd110084b⋯.jpg (18.88 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1538181939214.jpg)


>jim stone

c3c933  No.3243890


In another declaration, Keith Koegler said Ford revealed the alleged assault to him in 2016, when the two parents were watching their children play in a public place and discussing the “light” sentencing of Stanford University student Brock Turner.

7790ee  No.3243891


b8d817  No.3243892


get over it you dolt, stop wasting bread. Degenerate.

039929  No.3243893

Dems originally wanted an FBI investigation because they had a sleeper left behind. Grassley & patriots tolerated the delays to give Wray enough time to find the blackhat. Meanwhile the idiots were still chanting in support of an FBI investigation. Senator Flake introduced the idea of a delay on purpose, POTUS already planned on doing this and it couldn't be seen as partisan given what will come out of the FBI investigation. The predators have now become the prey, and they cannot scream about it.

c7dac5  No.3243894

File: 7346d4e63841f33⋯.jpg (55.71 KB, 712x1040, 89:130, Q_WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE.jpg)


THINK Anons – with the FBI reboot on Kav the 2 guys who CNFESSED to the Ford Fiasco will either be entered into he recrd via 302s by the FBI r the FBI will instead prve they are still crrupt within and more swampies will be drwned in PRVEN EVIDENCE.

b9a675  No.3243895


You sound like a cucklord too

02188a  No.3243896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fde29b  No.3243897

File: 329bd570b3e34b1⋯.png (254.43 KB, 386x356, 193:178, Screen Shot 2018-02-21 at ….png)

File: 4cf1c0ae65fff12⋯.jpg (461.29 KB, 4928x3264, 77:51, ba69c4a16640c149757d0a8dec….jpg)


Yes we are.

39dafb  No.3243898

File: 6c0c2fad0359bde⋯.jpg (9.29 KB, 236x188, 59:47, Clint02.jpg)


Ok lil missy, I'm gonna tell ya. But I wan t you to listen and listen good. There's a second American Revolution in progress. Comms are part of it. This is a comm war center, and people here, well, ma'am they don't play nice. Now I'm going to tell you to lurk more and post less, cuz I'm concerned about ya, ya understand. Ain't nothin homo, just cuz, I am a patriot and care.

Fren is Friend. See. Coms. Learn em. Don't post. Bad shit can happen, an I don't wanna have to stop what I am doing to save you. You understand?

6dbb39  No.3243899


No, anon. The fear of brutal revenge needs to be injected in the anti-human opposition; which means making examples without mercy.

This is how politics must be played, and incidentally this is POTUS’ own modus operandi.

0fa373  No.3243900


*oops, forgot to say (pb)

9ead0c  No.3243901

File: 06ed996c4248c5a⋯.png (284.83 KB, 569x357, 569:357, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

5d8c56  No.3243902



Interesting indeed.

cbf3a1  No.3243903

File: 72462788e96a64c⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1796x774, 898:387, ClipboardImage.png)


No way this woman is younger than Kav. Unless she smokes 40 cigarettes a day she is at least 65.

781389  No.3243904


Dylan Louis Monroe, you can get many of the charts you may have seen here:


544962  No.3243905

File: 7a4c4a2a0c229e8⋯.jpg (398.58 KB, 1399x1374, 1399:1374, 20180928_210550.jpg)

673d18  No.3243906


There's absolutely zero evidence either of those two have ever done anything that would rise to the level of being a misdemeanor, let alone the lofty charge of "traitor." Seriously, chill.

7cd1c3  No.3243907

File: 137531432a0d55d⋯.png (347.76 KB, 494x398, 247:199, 2018-09-29_00-05-01.png)

File: 5d16322d0080dd9⋯.png (417.09 KB, 670x393, 670:393, 2018-09-29_00-03-45.png)

File: e364aef22a94e1f⋯.png (97.01 KB, 263x188, 263:188, 2018-09-29_00-05-23.png)

File: 3b9405448bb9a91⋯.png (633.5 KB, 719x478, 719:478, 2018-09-29_00-05-38.png)

025576  No.3243908

File: 9ae12ca24cf96c5⋯.jpg (72.54 KB, 693x448, 99:64, 141881-full.jpg)


oh noes and here i sit with only a 3:1 KD

I guess it's bye bye 4 me

7241fd  No.3243909

File: 6ecbbceda4dcf7c⋯.png (372.78 KB, 504x362, 252:181, 1538068774.png)

cb36ac  No.3243910

Concernfags. Everywhere. Chill. Trust the plan.

Trump pushed the RR meeting to next week. They got Kavanaughs confirmation pushed. This is all they got. They're desperate. Their terrified of the FISA declas.

f4f582  No.3243911

File: c48f0333311af35⋯.png (605.29 KB, 1574x1002, 787:501, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

8bee9f  No.3243912


going to assume the BO will be monitoring


updated dough with notables so far:


72785f  No.3243913

File: aa652c944739774⋯.png (268.44 KB, 446x299, 446:299, ClipboardImage.png)

Kevin Spacey Hit With Sexual Battery Suit By Masseur Over “Extreme” 2016 Incident

Little more than a month since Kevin Spacey saw claims of another sexual assault case handed over the Los Angeles County District Attorney, the former House of Cards actor has been sued for sexually battery and false imprisonment.

“Spacey assaulted and battered plaintiff by forcing plaintiff to touch his scrotum, testicles, and penis, grabbing plaintiff’s shoulders and pulling him in for an apparent attempted forced kiss, and grabbing plaintiff’s genitalia,” alleges a pretty graphic multi-claim complaint filed this week in LA Superior Court by a John Doe masseuse over an October 2016 encounter (read it here).

“During these assaults, plaintiff repeatedly asked Spacey to allow him to leave, but Spacey blocked access to Spacey’s massage table and the door with his naked body,” the 11-page jury seeking paperwork also said of the incident that supposedly occurred out in a house in Malibu two years ago.


dbffb0  No.3243914

>>3242122 pb

>>3242047 pb

Nominating a special HiQAnon Team.

Big fines, if caught.

QAnon Team gets %.

Operations %.

Balance to escrow to be paid once a year to only US Citizens for being lied to.

So many of you are so outstanding at this. I'm awed at how you figure things out and so quickly to boot. Lots of good people here and you have been my saving grace. Will probably be here till Jesus comes or puter craps out.

GAGaL2U = God's Almighty Grace and Love to You!

495591  No.3243915

File: d37752d07073e28⋯.jpeg (15.01 KB, 185x273, 185:273, MAGA HOTTIES!.jpeg)

File: c3da8e532229b01⋯.jpg (8.84 KB, 180x255, 12:17, bewbs.jpg)

0fa373  No.3243916


Sun damage, genetics … it's possible.

87994d  No.3243917

File: 94cc1c9350ae357⋯.jpg (201.65 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DmaiCwoX4AELe88.jpg)

9439ad  No.3243918


When the coal burns back

Toll paid.

5d8c56  No.3243919



WTF are you talking about?

d92994  No.3243920

File: dfa28d6fbb54dd4⋯.png (346.96 KB, 1220x1164, 305:291, 1538189933284.png)

Avenatti is up to some shit.

It's going to be fucking ridiculous shit from the summer of 1983, which of course he'll claim has far more possible weekends for Kavanaugh to have raped her. Just absolutely defiled all women in a three-block radius.

It's going to be utter hysteria.

Mark my words, seriously, it will "mysteriously" draw on the calendars that Kavanaugh submitted to Congress. Almost like Avenatti has some friends in high places.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WATCH THIS WILL HAPPEN

02188a  No.3243921

File: fbfc3f017236573⋯.jpg (118.04 KB, 960x846, 160:141, offended.jpg)

File: 11ef6ee8b3e5ff8⋯.jpg (524.87 KB, 1142x1422, 571:711, pavloVdealwithit.jpg)

File: e9734ab9a778993⋯.jpg (183.72 KB, 1001x693, 13:9, pepehetism.jpg)


ty mario

04884e  No.3243922

File: f87c4b12d23f524⋯.jpg (18.95 KB, 259x194, 259:194, bleach.jpg)

3c6545  No.3243923

File: c069db852d0acfe⋯.png (230.88 KB, 514x503, 514:503, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___POTU….png)

2b0498  No.3243924


Lying is stressful. She's done a lot of lying in her (real) job.

1c2280  No.3243925

File: c70df70704eb8b1⋯.png (847.81 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

d5bb2e  No.3243926


i am well aware. But it wasnt that long ago she was on fakenews and always fucking up basic sentences on national TV and lately shes been silent….

NOT regarding the supreme court hearing..I mean in general

abd6a9  No.3243927


You know who's been conspicuously missing from the news lately?

Robert Mueller.

I wonder why?

19c4a9  No.3243928

Was there any sniffling with Lying Cunt's testimony?

dc1a41  No.3243929


She rode the carousel hard for many years

8f6d22  No.3243930

File: 1ade0139f4f8929⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, night.png)

02188a  No.3243931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

781389  No.3243932

Also here:


He has a great sephiroth he's done.

fde29b  No.3243933

File: 74ed0015331a645⋯.png (799.67 KB, 664x858, 332:429, 3c73e804509cafe67140185993….png)

File: dfc5d842ae5716d⋯.png (13.09 KB, 255x201, 85:67, bcd3a11a245352b03d98d1eb31….png)


Desperate?? Dumb?? Led by Judas Goats?? Who knows?? BUT…This is going to go nuclear on the Dems. We just gotta hold our shorts a tad longer for 100X the payoff.

These People Are Stupid

04f5ae  No.3243935


Then you are indeed a Fucking Idiot!

Go back to 4 chan, facebook or wherever the hell you came from

Trump was, is & will always be in full and total control

Just watch how he's playing the Dems right now

Flake was planned

When was the EBS planned for 10/03?

Yep, that's right.

He's known all along

Good guys are in control.

7962f0  No.3243936


They did the exact same thing to Lindsey the day before.

He promptly told them to gtfo and if they wanted to report a crime to call the cops.

26b62f  No.3243937

File: 96958a3d47325d5⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, luvthememefren.png)


So true! Love the meme fren.

a16318  No.3243938


you aint kidding.

b9a675  No.3243939


My Mom is 70 and doesn't have any wrinkles

nearly that bad

8bee9f  No.3243940



you know you don't have to be here right

177be3  No.3243941


Her thesis was probably Antifeminist Bias in Doctoral Theses Defense and Why It Must End.

5d8c56  No.3243942


FYI asshole. Americans dont use the term cuck anything.

cf9769  No.3243943


So, I'm guessing internet archive sites and 'way back machines' or whatever, don't cache old copies from social media?

025576  No.3243944

File: 9d69dbf38b50a49⋯.jpg (56.04 KB, 699x485, 699:485, helpr3.jpg)


The dems got their reprieve and the shills are pushing hard now, saying the sky is falling.


673d18  No.3243945


All of the other photos of her she looks much younger, and apparently not from all that long ago. If she is a victim of sun damage, it all happened in the last few years.

770435  No.3243946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

675b43  No.3243947



Brett Kavanaugh accused of "sexual assault" at 17 (NO PROOF)…Dems: "OMG lets keep investigating…he is a liar! What a perfect nice Christian family man, but there MUST be MORE to this VICTIM'S accusations….we just need TIME to look for more bS to smear him….

Oh but HRC???? Evidence pouring out of her eyeballs on SOOO many things….

Nothing to see here…..

Can't wait for this bitch to go down.

74d5c6  No.3243948


Flynn [30]

Do you still not know what brackets mean Anon ?

603bff  No.3243949

File: cece21b89a4777f⋯.jpg (138.86 KB, 838x646, 419:323, Night crew night vision.jpg)

d5bb2e  No.3243950


well they got what they [didn't really] want.

now watch how fucked they are.




87994d  No.3243951

File: 1338169e2db913c⋯.jpg (15.45 KB, 500x313, 500:313, a2e3d1f2974ffd753ede1a4ee9….jpg)

8bee9f  No.3243952

>>3243756 (sorry, linked to my self)

going to assume the BO will be monitoring


updated dough with notables so far:


c40062  No.3243953


Do we really need a side by side infographic of Lady Gaga next to a picture of Baphomet to understand the idea that she was going for a demonic look with her costume? It's only a casual likeness, no real symmetry of iconography. It doesn't bring anything more to the table then to say Lady Gaga dressed up like a devil.

5d8c56  No.3243954


No, I don't, but I like most anons and the sharing of info.

9caada  No.3243955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Body Language: Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Christine Blasey Ford

19c4a9  No.3243956


Kav has never "assaulted" anyone. So bring it the fuck on Michael.

603bff  No.3243957

File: 85b21c6310f98a0⋯.jpg (105.06 KB, 643x566, 643:566, 7th fbi investigation Kav_….jpg)

f4f582  No.3243958

File: 2e8b71dfc45c7e7⋯.png (498.74 KB, 1081x598, 47:26, Screen Shot 2018-09-25 at ….png)

File: 2538bc8b0d92bad⋯.png (221.18 KB, 790x530, 79:53, Screen Shot 2018-09-25 at ….png)


Shot over the bow from creepypronlawyer.

faux filth peddlar

781389  No.3243959

File: 7aeae5c4b384cbb⋯.png (224.72 KB, 618x800, 309:400, ClipboardImage.png)


04f5ae  No.3243960


No kidding

She was acting

No PhD professor is that ignorant!

f04caf  No.3243961

File: 1a5259eac1489c1⋯.gif (5.21 MB, 380x342, 10:9, epic-boob-gif-thread-bodyb….gif)

126eef  No.3243962

File: 454b2dd24a5ad41⋯.png (24.7 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Sound familiar?


Ted Turner, billionaire founder of CNN, battling brain disease


a6a412  No.3243963

File: 187fda0449f2e82⋯.jpeg (30.96 KB, 480x470, 48:47, C9A23E57-9C6D-4FAA-9FD4-F….jpeg)

0fa373  No.3243964


It'd be nice to get a timeframe on the sunglasses photo

05802a  No.3243965

File: 70ba92fc8345eb7⋯.jpg (34.05 KB, 348x398, 174:199, awkn13.jpg)

afe390  No.3243966

Filthy, lying kike Netanyahu misleads the world again.

That place really needs to be nuked.

US official calls Netanyahu’s Iran nuclear warehouse claim ‘somewhat misleading’


70a07a  No.3243967


Friend let me tell you, there's a world of a difference between a thesis defense for a hard science and for a social science.

603bff  No.3243968

File: 6b12ddef3b8714c⋯.jpg (185.06 KB, 600x800, 3:4, evil teamwork.jpg)

04884e  No.3243969


BK Confirmed 10/3 am….Riots…NG Deployed. EBS message to stay calm and stay inside.

8c1551  No.3243970

What will Thomas Wictor do now that he has lost contact with the outside world?

All he has left is his 40 cats and stacks of old newspapers piled to the ceiling.

092e5b  No.3243971


Brackets around a name is a target. Not around a number.

cd8997  No.3243972

File: 5fdf7f336ca48fd⋯.jpg (43.05 KB, 512x262, 256:131, iu (7).jpg)

File: faa6909737d2a9f⋯.jpg (66.77 KB, 466x353, 466:353, iu.jpg)

8bee9f  No.3243973


>No, I don't

well since you don't know, you don't have to be here, this isn't the only board on 8ch

and there 4ch

and reddit

and voat

1d3baf  No.3243974


Well judging by the polygraph pictures, it looks like she has lost a lot of weight very quickly. Could explain the loose skin?

c8d073  No.3243975

File: 81b4987a9c91481⋯.jpg (102.77 KB, 601x599, 601:599, ns-mix3.jpg)

d92994  No.3243977


Dont underestimate what they can do.

This is holohoax caliber material these kikes are pulling out all the stops

cbf3a1  No.3243978


Q is it time for a another pic outside Avenatti's office?

21f2fa  No.3243979

We need at least one victory before midterms

Today was close but then that faggot Jeff Flake decided to fuck us in the ass right at the last second

9055b6  No.3243980

File: 6c1c2491b4396d8⋯.jpg (194 KB, 800x600, 4:3, training.jpg)

File: 56f884860b7e3fc⋯.jpg (206.34 KB, 800x600, 4:3, the-gang.jpg)

File: fd653edf14dbcfa⋯.jpg (237.79 KB, 512x512, 1:1, milkyway.jpg)

fc6d18  No.3243981


>I'm here to divisionshill

>Nevermind that people should just be wary of with whom they keep company; regardless of race.

Go back to 4chan. These conversations thrive there.

70a07a  No.3243982


Also, I agree that she's acting. Also worth noting that her online presence was scrubbed quite thoroughly before coming out.

495591  No.3243983

File: 0f929414b9e63f4⋯.jpeg (430.27 KB, 750x1034, 375:517, 75569CB1-4A18-4906-A444-2….jpeg)

Next Bread Title

To shitpost or not to shitpost

fc7f30  No.3243984


Got it, thanks – "Keith", though – from your prev. post & via www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-6216119/Raw-emotion-smattering-laughs-Kavanaugh-hearing.html


74d5c6  No.3243985


Oh fuck Anon.. what if he comes here now that he is banned from Twitter dot com lol

f04caf  No.3243986

File: 1e15a1a84ea8de9⋯.jpeg (173.51 KB, 768x500, 192:125, 1e15a1a84ea8de906ca4097b2….jpeg)



The day of the concernfags will come.

770435  No.3243987


hay fren

sit down, have a drink with me, it's friday

d5bb2e  No.3243988


Feinstein is looking at their hands like shes about to lose control as her blood thirst for warm fresh human flesh takes over her body drooling ready to snap off that evil niggerbitch's hand

5814b4  No.3243989

File: 71ea523f35d57be⋯.png (937.44 KB, 1220x813, 1220:813, f453bdfbeae4c63ac2b8a260ec….png)


He's been busy at the Apple store, anon.

b9a675  No.3243990


You are an idiot…..and a cuck

df87c8  No.3243991


Yes he looked like he was under incredible pressure from someone. Terrified.

88c825  No.3243992

File: 8b01a41d3f5db7c⋯.png (200.75 KB, 400x232, 50:29, kung fu.png)

File: 6709224a79c8a77⋯.gif (516.59 KB, 370x300, 37:30, 10 cat.gif)


The cat gif shows what Trump is doing to the Dems.

1) More senate Dem seats are at risk than Rep.

2) The Dems are trying to fund raise now and they look bad doing and have cancelled some events.

3) The longer that those Dems are in DC, the less they can campaign.

4) Andrew Breitbart walked away from the left during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings.

603bff  No.3243993

File: ce823a310020a8a⋯.jpg (68.82 KB, 800x372, 200:93, Feinstein china.jpg)

3c6545  No.3243994


Reference to past crumbs re: FLYNN [30], a resolution .was brought forth as promised Also the noname problem also had a [30] day (permanent) resolution, as previously promised.

Point, alluding to the plan at work.

f4f582  No.3243995

File: 77ed55d7cf0fb68⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1457x795, 1457:795, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

5c4027  No.3243996

File: 7af575de8b129f2⋯.png (383.77 KB, 499x352, 499:352, Board Too Long.png)


Who the hell do you think could read all that, especially in tiny print?

A meme should be able to be seen without clicking it,

and read/understood within 5 seconds.

1e3a91  No.3243997


they say beauty is skin deep. But!, ugly goes all the way to the bone.

7962f0  No.3243998



Was just about to say the same thing. Looks a lot like him. Doesn’t look like someone you’d see at that shit show, tho

192007  No.3243999

File: b41b8fcd71bbf39⋯.jpeg (99.17 KB, 750x553, 750:553, image.jpeg)

95d68f  No.3244000

File: 128fabe14e318be⋯.png (837.64 KB, 739x574, 739:574, Screenshot_2018-09-28 Q Re….png)

File: fa04ff9a5d8597e⋯.jpg (193.32 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, d7d0b5e195593c730d2c5babaf….jpg)


If he was scared he'd either run to the Israeli Embassy or kill himself.

2abcee  No.3244001

File: 681328833815b3f⋯.jpg (909.47 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Sweet-Dreams-Patriots-2.jpg)

File: 6f7e9103357e35b⋯.jpg (249.11 KB, 683x512, 683:512, Heroes-Are-Everwhere.jpg)

Sweet dreams, frenz. Thank you for your service; heroes all. May angels guard you wherever you walk. Love you all.

1c2280  No.3244002

File: b20db08af7ab1b7⋯.png (864.28 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

7cd1c3  No.3244003

File: 8d2adad9c2956b6⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1015x834, 1015:834, 2018-06-03_11-46-47.png)

21f2fa  No.3244004


Red text faggot get the fuck out of here

fbf768  No.3244005

File: b50edabd2db9626⋯.jpeg (73.69 KB, 799x430, 799:430, FF058D05-63B4-49C6-ACBA-7….jpeg)

4e7fe0  No.3244006


>BK Confirmed 10/3 am

>Riots…NG Deployed. EBS message to stay calm and stay inside.

What is your confidence level on that?


I have a doctors appointment scheduled that morning

e3e5b4  No.3244007


They are real, but the money isn't going to Ford.

It's going to Ford only to pay the lawyers.

>It's going from [the donors] to the lawyers.

Ford is just an intermediary.

74d5c6  No.3244008


30 of them.. yes Q has put brackets around numbers before

145f11  No.3244009

Judge Kavanaugh served under Kenneth W. Starr, the independent counsel who investigated President Bill Clinton, examining the suicide of Vincent W. Foster Jr.


770435  No.3244010


lots of pointers to 10/3 being big

673d18  No.3244011



However, there's also the problem of the polygraph photo. Not even remotely similar. There's a reason they didn't post a front-facing shot. Very difficult to confirm identity when comparing.

c9bda0  No.3244012

File: 1eb37612d19be43⋯.png (8.22 KB, 263x94, 263:94, q its.png)

>>3243381 (lb)


"vote republican until Trump has his own party."

92f7f7  No.3244013

File: 60b35618e675742⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2560x2108, 640:527, 1537588382715.jpg)

File: 82abca98041a4ce⋯.jpeg (6.69 MB, 4713x3142, 3:2, admiralrogers.jpeg)

If I were an artist I would like to draw a depiction of Mr. Trump and Adm. Rogers meeting in Trump tower, just after the fateful election. The combined will that was in that room, preserving the republic. What an image that is in my head.

770435  No.3244014


I'm travelling out of state so you know just pray

607596  No.3244015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Audiomachine - Red October

Dunno just saw this on my youtube feed, what a coincidence.

26b62f  No.3244016

File: f2b715e2bf81c2c⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, niteshiff.png)



781389  No.3244017

File: 7812d6e80a3d69d⋯.png (2.7 MB, 908x1135, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Cult of Baal

495591  No.3244018

File: 21033c5644b3f27⋯.jpeg (20.13 KB, 267x189, 89:63, 82CBEF92-14FB-45A3-9AC5-2….jpeg)

8c1551  No.3244019


He'll be chewing up breads with his threads before they're baked.


8774b5  No.3244020


New BUll MOose?

0c2cc1  No.3244021


Causal likeness? Nice try

2bbc79  No.3244022


What was the Flynn in 30 resolution again? Everyone missed it.

3bfca5  No.3244023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Was it this one?

87994d  No.3244024

File: cab2d463d7f414e⋯.png (1.21 MB, 844x563, 844:563, READY_ANY_TIME.PNG)

126eef  No.3244025


Monies deposited by Soros.

Distributed out to his little organizations.

How many other high value names had gofundme accounts to reach high numbers like that in a short period of time?

0214b0  No.3244026




04884e  No.3244028


They gave the FBI under 1 week, which means vote WOULD be next Friday. Leakers inside say tyhat the investigation will be done before that, so I am saying by Tuesday. Probably 50% confidence.

cd8997  No.3244029

File: 3cb049fa1e19349⋯.jpg (168.02 KB, 1027x856, 1027:856, iu (8).jpg)

File: d99b2c021669f33⋯.jpg (48.76 KB, 490x568, 245:284, iu (9).jpg)

1c122b  No.3244031

File: 90f28f0d9d154ff⋯.png (118.5 KB, 618x311, 618:311, Herpes-Milano.png)


5d8c56  No.3244032


Fuck off. Reasons given.

7241fd  No.3244033

File: 08ab1183917a6d7⋯.jpg (89.43 KB, 408x408, 1:1, Angry-Redhead-Will-Cut-You….jpg)

177be3  No.3244034


Not yet…

cbf3a1  No.3244035


>They are real, but the money isn't going to Ford.

>It's going to Ford only to pay the lawyers.

>>It's going from [the donors] to the lawyers.

>Ford is just an intermediary.

Makes sense since Ford claims her lawyers are working pro bono. Slushfund donation that ultimately becomes dark money.

26b62f  No.3244036

File: 314bac7426ba69f⋯.png (839.48 KB, 600x833, 600:833, kittyenhanced.png)



bf5f28  No.3244037

File: 17c8fc2b5dcb8fe⋯.png (879.87 KB, 887x810, 887:810, 7B8A6788-216D-4917-8674-BD….png)

0fa373  No.3244038

>>3240513 (pb Rachel Butera's imitation of Ford's voice and demeanor)

Rachel is a voice mimic, originally from Stern. Her impression is right on the money. Ford sounded childish and passive-aggressive with that stupid upturned vocal fry.

02188a  No.3244039

File: ed564007cea3762⋯.jpg (34.29 KB, 750x549, 250:183, BERNIEISM.jpg)

c8d073  No.3244040

File: 9a819c6728c749a⋯.png (727.69 KB, 1836x630, 102:35, CaliDebt.png)

a16318  No.3244041


Thanks, but no. It had some Yale prof laying it out.

17f011  No.3244042


I can’t believe I did not catch that. Wow.

87994d  No.3244043


This is such a great pic. Lindsey looks annoyed.

f4f582  No.3244044

File: a029f8820db86bb⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1180x1169, 1180:1169, Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at ….png)

82032a  No.3244045

File: dbe050e3ab2b3d4⋯.png (31.39 KB, 960x407, 960:407, ClipboardImage.png)

remember when ginger avatarfag had the 43 CIA black ops theory? i do. i came across this decent post in CBTS

0d1189  No.3244046


you forgot to add "the likes of witch the world has never seen before and will historicly be changed forever because of"

afd880  No.3244047


Section 2

The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second

Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall

have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of

the State Legislature.

No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of

twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who

shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be


Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States

which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers,

which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons,

including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not

taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.

The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting

of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten

Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of

Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State

shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be

made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three,

Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut

five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland

six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five and Georgia three.

When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive

Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.

The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and

shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

…anon note: didn't take long for the tax thingy to come into play.

fc6d18  No.3244048

File: d2493377c14bdad⋯.jpg (237 KB, 657x1318, 657:1318, 1518012487046.jpg)


So, nice point, anon.

Book of Q, Chapter 4083, verse 2285:


>Justice K confirmation

>Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein


>POTUS Alert-Test



POTUS pushes his meeting with RR back. Now, POTUS pushes Kav confirmation back due to investigation. Timing is everything, right? Stable genius.

8bee9f  No.3244049

File: a7d481bdc26a5ab⋯.jpg (20.71 KB, 255x255, 1:1, brock.jpg)


>Fuck Q.

>Q is nothing

3a9f9a  No.3244050


Yep, and after global warming was shut down, go fund me is their tool used to play the public's emotions.

1d3baf  No.3244051


EBS test pushed back

DECLAS pushed back

Obviously the timing need to be correct and everything needs to be in sync before the shit gets real.

cb36ac  No.3244052

FISA docs get released in the middle of their investigation into Ford.

I'm sure thatll help the FBI's credibility..

bd8075  No.3244053

File: cedf608f7b8e320⋯.png (453.87 KB, 795x517, 795:517, zero.png)

0fa373  No.3244054


Needs gofundme totals at the bottom

3c6545  No.3244055

File: 64193cdefd04fb7⋯.png (28.31 KB, 563x343, 563:343, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b00b2ec47208435⋯.png (86.74 KB, 1138x520, 569:260, ClipboardImage.png)


If "everyone" missed it, ithat means that "everyone" isn't re-reading crumbs.

Sure about that?


8f6d22  No.3244056

File: 85bab477ccc47a2⋯.png (329.97 KB, 412x480, 103:120, tybaker999.png)

c3c933  No.3244057


Interesting. I got no sauce other than personal experience as MKhandler/deprogrammed. The grab on that right shoulder is something only a highly trained CIA handler would know. I discovered on accident because of my beta girlfriends..

e130d1  No.3244058


Eye color can be changed with contacts. Hair color can be changed with dye. And Tyler Linfesty can post as anon on 8chan denying its same dude.

126eef  No.3244059

Ted Turner, the media mogul and cable news trailblazer, revealed in an interview set to air this weekend that he’s coping with a brain disease known as Lewy body dementia.

Turner, 79, opened up to “CBS Sunday Morning” at his 113,000-acre ranch near Bozeman, Mont., saying while his disease isn’t fatal like Alzheimer’s, it leaves him tired, exhausted and, most of all, forgetful.

“It’s a mild case of what people have as Alzheimer’s. It’s similar to that. But not nearly as bad. Alzheimer’s is fatal,” Turner told CBS. “Thank goodness I don’t have that. But, I also have got, let’s – the one that’s – I can’t remember the name of it.”

urner continues after a pause: “Dementia. I can’t remember what my disease is.”

Lewy body dementia is a type of progressive dementia that leads to a decline in thinking, reasoning and independent function, due to abnormal microscopic deposits that cause brain cell damage over time, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.

The late comic Robin Williams suffered from the disease.

Turner told CBS he was misdiagnosed with manic depression before learning the brain disorder was causing his “euphoric highs and dark lows.”

Turner, whose net worth is estimated by Forbes to be $2.2 billion, was married to actress Jane Fonda for 10 years, until their divorce in 2001, according to People.

The media mogul changed the landscape of television news with the creation of the 24-hour Cable News Network (CNN) in 1980. He told CBS that while he doesn’t watch much news anymore, he occasionally tunes in to the network he founded.

“I think they’re stickin’ with politics a little too much,” Turner told CBS. “They’d do better to have – a more balanced – agenda. But that’s, you know, just one person’s opinion.”

02188a  No.3244060

File: 3d856e1c3166f86⋯.png (930.77 KB, 1267x396, 1267:396, ancientaliens.png)

File: e37c34709467264⋯.jpg (151.68 KB, 1125x1054, 1125:1054, BenRichardskunkworks.jpg)


93 was a great year in rap

8bee9f  No.3244061



1c2280  No.3244062

File: 835ab379f2f055d⋯.png (856.05 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

7790ee  No.3244063

File: dbc9d2423c0d4e9⋯.jpg (14.36 KB, 255x151, 255:151, Creppypornlawyer.jpg)

82032a  No.3244064




8s gets 4s

peaise kek


dank meme E

a0df92  No.3244065

File: 1871c01536c9723⋯.jpeg (655.94 KB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, 3D04B27F-5196-4923-9988-B….jpeg)

File: 3286476679ebfb6⋯.jpeg (50.62 KB, 1280x237, 1280:237, 658DD2A7-3BB7-4962-A2AA-9….jpeg)

File: 720215c3abb5441⋯.jpeg (56.07 KB, 639x361, 639:361, 3F4DC97C-25BF-4ADC-A190-5….jpeg)

File: bac1ee72bfe8088⋯.jpeg (301.17 KB, 1200x1177, 1200:1177, DA29F40E-80B2-4460-9DDE-C….jpeg)

File: 33e3b2d1357969c⋯.jpeg (74.75 KB, 500x646, 250:323, 8EAC89BF-1CDD-4672-8E2A-D….jpeg)

Memes for my farmers

3a9f9a  No.3244066


lol, wtf is this?

26b62f  No.3244067

File: 01eb4dbe342f9e7⋯.png (490.24 KB, 720x720, 1:1, WUVYOU.png)




92f7f7  No.3244068

File: 8b87b439d5c6c11⋯.jpg (613.66 KB, 1184x1186, 592:593, 1538190697716.jpg)

File: 32608f9010d4158⋯.jpg (259.62 KB, 1200x1192, 150:149, 1538190949416.jpg)

b9a675  No.3244069


kek….sometimes I wish I was still allowed to twat

723179  No.3244070


Lawyers said they are pro bono

88c825  No.3244071


If you're talking about Murphy Brown, then hopefully she will be indicted before that episode airs and they have to scrap it.

02188a  No.3244072

File: 0c7ececc19cf702⋯.jpg (27.78 KB, 554x527, 554:527, HUGSOFRAGE.jpg)

3bfca5  No.3244073


All Americans wear a British flag on Independence day.

82032a  No.3244074

File: 717f05de8132ffd⋯.png (146.89 KB, 368x356, 92:89, B 1510586909527 B.png)

87994d  No.3244075

File: 814b928e1f6469a⋯.jpg (386.59 KB, 2048x1325, 2048:1325, HELL YEA.jpg)

8c1551  No.3244076


Member the Hillary video too….memberrrrrr

Q? …..memberrrrrrr?

fec7a9  No.3244077

File: c9cd197172be62b⋯.jpg (64.29 KB, 640x576, 10:9, Snowdon_On_A-BIG_BOY_BIKE.jpg)

File: addaf972292a1a8⋯.png (201.29 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Screenshot_2018-07-08 davi….png)

File: 08c329db5d5e575⋯.png (438.64 KB, 545x380, 109:76, Screenshot_2018-09-29 lucy….png)

File: a9fa076d786d52f⋯.png (180.58 KB, 867x418, 867:418, Screenshot_2018-09-29 Mich….png)


There are Hogg connections to the Vanderbilts..


fc7f30  No.3244078


Different guy, I am as sure as the other anon.

7962f0  No.3244079


I find her attractive

7241fd  No.3244080

File: 6c340409f0cab41⋯.jpg (26.62 KB, 359x560, 359:560, ugly-irish-girl.jpg)

963dcb  No.3244081

File: db83dc89dabcfef⋯.jpg (73.73 KB, 768x768, 1:1, j5zafhq87k711.jpg)


more like a concernigger. concernfag is too tame for you

cbf3a1  No.3244082

File: cf202eeea876283⋯.png (154.4 KB, 1116x644, 279:161, ClipboardImage.png)

"Flake is lost, forget him. Time to move on and defend the judge. Imagine how the heroes of Normandy Beach must feel knowing that Flake got scared because protestors yelled at him in an elevator. Call the vote next week and get everyone on the record. It’s time to fight."

Question - was Flake intimidated or was it a setup so he has an excuse?

70a07a  No.3244083


Kek, that second one is pretty good

04884e  No.3244084


What they really meant is that they like U2…so, not REALLY lying

a4ebd5  No.3244085



>>3243756 No bakes on this hash. Will monitor.

f4f582  No.3244086


Suddenly BIDEN!

Top Kek!

569a12  No.3244087


Yep, he played both sides today. Voted Kav through committee but hinted at not being a "yes" in a full Senate floor vote. He ain't going for re-election so what game is he playing? Trying to stay out of prison with the white hats; trying to avoid 187 with the black hats. I don't know but it seems he's between a shit and a squat.

7790ee  No.3244088

>>3243986 50cal JUSTICE!

bb9529  No.3244089

is the polygraph photo yet another stock photo?

594715  No.3244090

File: a37692a6aa53ab9⋯.png (70.99 KB, 265x372, 265:372, pinchtransp.png)


better Pepe pinch png

7962f0  No.3244091


She is Pretty

26b62f  No.3244092



It would be my honor to relieve you. AT EASE!


7cd1c3  No.3244093

File: 4587f118c16bf9c⋯.png (500.79 KB, 957x629, 957:629, 2018-09-29_00-17-04.png)


Now where have we heard that before?



c8d073  No.3244094

File: 541f7d4c8865586⋯.jpg (59.54 KB, 500x369, 500:369, council.jpg)

02188a  No.3244095

File: af5d15b3a64ec1c⋯.jpg (92.56 KB, 731x731, 1:1, gabby.jpg)

04f5ae  No.3244096

They got the FBI investigation.

Ingrahm said at the end of her show that Rosenstein was in meeting with Flake


Did RR encourage Flake to ask for FBI investigation?

The FBI must investigate Ford's claims, which means they investigate Ford

They discover who was paying her, when they paid her, recordings of her NOT in her persona of a 12 year old innocent, but in a mad as shit evil rant.

Think about it

Trump doesn't play to win by 'just enough'

He plays to absolutely destroy his enemies

He would never be content with Brett being confirmed & a cloud of suspicion over his name

No, he would demand Full Vindication

What does that look like?

Well, he'd need just a couple of days of a pretend investigation to discover the sinister back door deals of Ford, Feinstein, Creepy porn lawyer, Booker, Harris, fake nam vet - I could go on.

So, the FBi comes back & now presents to the American people here is what we found

Remember, FBI does not come to conclusions, they just gather evidence

Wonder what evidence they will be presenting the public?

I bet it will be a Storm of epic proportions

Democrats better stock up on depends because shit is about to get real deep!

RBG dies off, there's one more.

Hussein deemed not American citizen so Kagan & Sotomyer are invalid.

There's 3 more

What wonderful time to be alive

2650a5  No.3244097

File: 92035406c2c4e64⋯.jpeg (47.17 KB, 354x458, 177:229, 5CE43C48-2DDA-436D-9FF4-4….jpeg)

File: 216e295624c9db5⋯.jpeg (73.72 KB, 521x706, 521:706, C334278A-E9F2-4D56-95E7-8….jpeg)

5d8c56  No.3244098


Oh, thats an ugly fucking disease. Had an uncle who died from it. Mimics dementia .

f664de  No.3244099


Getting warmer

05802a  No.3244100

File: abea71187303947⋯.jpg (10.74 KB, 280x280, 1:1, rtbnr3.jpg)

126eef  No.3244101


4-6% = 4 to 6 RINOs?

3c6545  No.3244102



re-read crumbs, stop shilling, or gtfo, whichever applies

2bbc79  No.3244103


Read every crumb. Still can't put my finger on any resolution. At least not a public or obvious one. Spell it out anon.

3a9f9a  No.3244104

393cb9  No.3244105

Anyone wish man in the high castle was real?

b9a675  No.3244106


She said it was for security

That gorilla she was with is gonna be Rick James

e5b2ce  No.3244107

File: 0a43c1719685558⋯.jpg (265.89 KB, 1030x1874, 515:937, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at ….jpg)

bd8075  No.3244108

File: 7527902ac33d18c⋯.png (735.64 KB, 730x727, 730:727, elevator.png)

fc44b1  No.3244109

is good/accurate

thank you for sharing


26b62f  No.3244110

File: 30cb7f3265b9905⋯.png (221.93 KB, 547x548, 547:548, rightshift.png)


Thank you BO. I will not let you down!

95d68f  No.3244111


really? since when?

0c2cc1  No.3244112


Probably he has some form of Prion Disease gotten by eating human brains.

Prion Disease is Gods way of saying…..your fucking a horrible person and I am going to fuck you up for eating kids as snacks.

82032a  No.3244113

File: 14917b706282c0a⋯.png (468.5 KB, 944x1156, 236:289, friday 9-28 austin tx.png)


speaking at Texas Tribune fest found out last night

cbf3a1  No.3244114


Flake by name and flake by nature.

92f7f7  No.3244115

File: 60b35618e675742⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2560x2108, 640:527, 1537588382715.jpg)

File: faecaf4ec65add9⋯.jpg (194.73 KB, 735x490, 3:2, faecaf4ec65add9a9519cd331b….jpg)

If I ever have a son, I have a few good ideas for his name

d915ec  No.3244116


I enjoyed this body language vid, and agreed with it 100%. Then I checked out some of the news clips showing what their body language “experts” said, and they picked like 2 frames, and basically said “kavanaugh is guilty”. Made me so angry.

70a07a  No.3244117


I'm sure the lawyers are getting funneled money somehow. Would be interesting to see if any of them are involved in charities or other "non-profits".

3c6545  No.3244118


I gave you the link to read it for yourself. You're too old for me to be reading to you. Go to MSM for that.

8bee9f  No.3244119


still haven't got a confirmed handoff: >>3244061

so I'll bake this one and retry next bread

a16318  No.3244120


sad, but it may be gone forever.

d5bb2e  No.3244121


we didnt miss it newfag

you just werent paying attention

1c2280  No.3244122

File: a67cd320a6cec01⋯.png (562.87 KB, 719x478, 719:478, ClipboardImage.png)

21f2fa  No.3244123

Dianne Feinstein was working with a communist chinese spy and nothing was done about it

Had she been arrested like the law requires we wouldn't have been butt fucked by Jeff Flake earlier today

Fuck Feinstein and Flake

Both are anti American traitors

5814b4  No.3244124

File: e6174772e389a4b⋯.png (37.09 KB, 1575x361, 1575:361, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c132244004aa565⋯.png (59.75 KB, 826x668, 413:334, ClipboardImage.png)



617545  No.3244125

File: 587cc5d5b616ca0⋯.png (318.36 KB, 284x540, 71:135, 23115645.PNG)


Points out that (baby voice) Ford:

>Rejected the Cali visit

>Can't remember dates

>Calls assumptions facts

>Hasn't been contacted by ANYONE from that party including the person that drove her

>Says there was loud music, then claims she can hear people downstairs while she was upstairs with the door closed.

>says she doesn't know about the best way to get to memory and truth in terms of interviewing victims of trauma.

06bdb9  No.3244126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Okie dok

8f6d22  No.3244127

File: 75cc7e9998a83e2⋯.png (303.48 KB, 800x600, 4:3, trannystock.png)

c7dac5  No.3244128


Plus the Glasses are definitely a Katz buy emergency over the counter frm the DC goodwill – prolly have a MIRROR hiding behind her nameplate fr the caged little Birdie to sing to~

82032a  No.3244129

File: dc7f7c411360798⋯.png (148.97 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

22b9a5  No.3244130


As much as I'd like that, keep your eyes on the priority and don't get side tracked. Ford is ephemeral and ultimately irrelevant (false accusers will always be a dime a dozen), but Kavanaugh will be a SC Justice for life. Have patience and maintain your poise. Once patriots have 100% control of the media and public opinion revenge can be dished out at will. GEOTUS has always advised to hold grudges and have a long memory, and as someone once said: "They won't be able to walk openly down the street."

75dd30  No.3244132


I hope that you are right and that I am indeed a "fucking idiot". Time will tell.

d5bb2e  No.3244133



laughed so loud i woke my dog up

b9a675  No.3244134


Hmmm….maybe it waaass Amy Schumer

bd8075  No.3244135


Well it could have gone worse today

3c6545  No.3244136

File: e2578377b11d5fa⋯.png (75.31 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, newfags.png)


ssshhhhh, busy baiting a shill who's actually larping as a newfag

fc6d18  No.3244137


Got his start in billboards all over Atlanta. Became a billionaire. Gave us a cancer called CNN. Named it "Turner Field" instead of Hank Aaron stadium, like everyone wanted.

Fuck Ted Turner.

a6a412  No.3244138

File: 9f59206520de205⋯.jpeg (91.56 KB, 960x916, 240:229, 49246017-0D58-4862-A89E-3….jpeg)

092e5b  No.3244139

Joe Donnelly of Indiana was reported to have came out against Kavanaugh today. However, his press release leaves wiggle room to get out of his statement. He said without an FBI investigation, he cannot vote yes UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES. Joe is doing his best to win Indiana, but he knows a vote against Kavanaugh will seriously jeopardize his chances. He is playing his masters game right now. If it looks like the winds change and Kavanaugh gets to 50, he will be allowed to change his vote by his masters to increase his chances of winning.


92f7f7  No.3244140

File: 552efc8cd7b91e5⋯.jpg (550.89 KB, 900x901, 900:901, 1538192747194.jpg)

495591  No.3244141

File: 9adaa3595b6c7aa⋯.jpeg (653.99 KB, 2048x3072, 2:3, 71C56CCE-58F7-4961-B049-9….jpeg)


Ya whatsreally special here is this is your



87994d  No.3244142

File: ef32f9f2fcd57e6⋯.jpg (105.27 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, TRUMP N FLYNN 1.jpg)

04884e  No.3244143


Oingo Boingo - Elevator Man

Who's goin down

Who's goin down - who's goin down

I ride my elevator

Through the shafts of your heart

When you climb aboard baby

There's no getting off

I'm a silent operator won't you please take my hand

I am so polite - I'm the elevator man

Friction and harmony - who's gonna ride with me

I'm the elevator man

Who's going down who's comin with me

Who wants to take a chance

On a piece of abstract reality

It's only just a dance

Won't you come and ride with the elevator man

Who's goin down yeah - movin slow without a sound

Who's going down - who's going down - who's going down

02188a  No.3244144

File: 28c9a6d80fda14a⋯.jpg (52.22 KB, 466x700, 233:350, 1459874630_pishnogrydaja_b….jpg)

2f61c1  No.3244145

>>3243512 pb


Thanks for the link to the body language of Ford.

I'm curious AF why 'm not also seeing Brett's opening statements analyzed.

Am I missing something?

028e2d  No.3244146

File: c4d861da9ada4b9⋯.jpg (457.69 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, difihead.jpg)


5d8c56  No.3244147


Ever. I have never heard a natural born american use that term. Never.

1d3baf  No.3244148


Wifeanon said that she was trying to sound emotional using that voice but then further added, your voice would only sound emotional when you were - not all the time. Ergo, she was putting it on.

20b068  No.3244149


Depends on how big the part played anon

a6a412  No.3244150

File: e93e92848c53879⋯.png (282.66 KB, 482x363, 482:363, 6013AE91-DCB8-4B69-A569-F5….png)

92f7f7  No.3244151


James Bond Goldeneye looking ass

70a07a  No.3244152


He was definitely intimidated, the Dems had paid agitators storm his office right before the hearing, back on his door, and scream at him. I'm sure the Dems also offered him some kind of reward as well- the carrot and the stick.

87994d  No.3244153


Audibly kekked outloud! SO MANY BIDENS!

82035e  No.3244154





d5bb2e  No.3244155


thats the stupidest shill tactic yet. They make us go back and re-read crumbs.


cd8997  No.3244156

File: f1b1d2dcd23f63a⋯.jpg (80.49 KB, 487x630, 487:630, iu (2).jpg)

675b43  No.3244157

File: ea8bf9fcc70ad45⋯.png (555.05 KB, 600x828, 50:69, carreydfghlkh.png)

wow, what a masterpiece!

2650a5  No.3244158

File: bb3b9d6485dadf3⋯.png (4.38 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, CA831C24-E11F-4C0B-BCC6-47….png)


Or this guy.

26b62f  No.3244159


81d97f  No.3244160


Bet Trump never ever thought of that when he was making billions then decided to run for President, don't be idiot

1c2280  No.3244161


thx for the feedback, i tend to shit out my brainstorms. helps to refine.

fde29b  No.3244162

File: 1b219c670253d82⋯.jpg (29.94 KB, 439x363, 439:363, 1b219c670253d825eefb3637ac….jpg)

d92994  No.3244163

File: 4669710503928fd⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1202x1338, 601:669, 1538185636570.png)









7241fd  No.3244164

File: 40dc7b9f74283b9⋯.jpeg (114.07 KB, 533x850, 533:850, 2342483-young-redhead-wom….jpeg)

a304d4  No.3244165

File: 5f970a9be063ff6⋯.jpg (76.37 KB, 617x500, 617:500, 2izni0.jpg)

8bee9f  No.3244166



b4e5e0  No.3244167

File: 94155c2eee431c8⋯.gif (467.49 KB, 230x306, 115:153, 3B137D59-472F-4824-B1FD-AC….gif)


a16318  No.3244169

Hey Anons, need a little help. There was a video posted here some months

back. It started out with different daily talk show hosts chiding the

existence of the deep state, then it went to an audio presentation of

someone discussing how the C_A had infiltrated all branches of govt.

At the end it had Jesse Ventura, from when he was governor talking about

a C_A person high up in the state govt. Youtube has pulled the video,

couldn't find it on Hooktube… does anyone have a link that works to

this video?

I'm trying to put together a presentation for friends/family when the

hammer drops.

Thanks in advance…

fc44b1  No.3244170

File: dbbfdf7e229e4d4⋯.jpg (44.16 KB, 600x476, 150:119, 9-20-UNICORN.jpg)

what if its not even the real Christine Blasey Ford….maybe they offed the real one and used a look-alike…

just a thought

and it was a thought because everything about that woman SCREAMS FAKE! not a genuine bone left in her body

my guess is some heavy "mind manipulation" for her

obviously payed (gofundevil) but nothing about her is even remotely natural imo

fuck her lies and the master of such

617545  No.3244171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

she flys all the fucking time…one small lie is telling

06bdb9  No.3244172

File: 38f940de6f047da⋯.jpg (181.36 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 38f940de6f047daa0eacb06070….jpg)

TY Nightcrew

713464  No.3244173


Calling bs on Flake being planned. It's exactly what it looks like. Hope I am wrong.

723179  No.3244174


kek on #2

2f61c1  No.3244175

File: faad7ec71bfd832⋯.png (338.26 KB, 359x530, 359:530, 1990s Mom.png)

bd8075  No.3244176

95d68f  No.3244177


believe them if you like the most corrupt class in American society.

fbf768  No.3244178


Not yet. But there’s over three months left.

02188a  No.3244179

File: de8468db4e91677⋯.gif (2.8 MB, 340x463, 340:463, de8468db4e9167798f5351b53d….gif)

5814b4  No.3244180

File: 2e2923d8b0b3e33⋯.jpg (287.25 KB, 1462x1228, 731:614, 38db95c2fda178f4f2070ea2f0….jpg)




3c6545  No.3244181

File: 9a7d59dafd803f7⋯.png (224.49 KB, 450x423, 50:47, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___.png)


Also shows that they've re-read them enough to know which questions to ask

a516af  No.3244182


out of the liberal closet?

fc6d18  No.3244183


Got yourself a new shift? Must suck doing this for a living.

a304d4  No.3244184

File: c75fd2bf8229474⋯.jpg (128.53 KB, 759x475, 759:475, d9d35907e0f16013f3dde0dc7b….jpg)

File: c7d6e0a79630463⋯.jpg (148.06 KB, 759x475, 759:475, af5e57f33106a208a99deef299….jpg)

File: f2f004af3081a4c⋯.jpg (88.48 KB, 800x450, 16:9, aaceb0801426447235337c69a8….jpg)

File: 90604064736722b⋯.jpg (91.77 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 8985cfcfe6c67ff3a9fe43eb41….jpg)

87994d  No.3244185

File: 0d214864594afe6⋯.png (1.33 MB, 951x1204, 951:1204, S3.png)

File: 50cbbb2de288fbd⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1275x948, 425:316, S4.png)

File: 4733e37baa0bbfe⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1279x884, 1279:884, S5.png)

File: 0ee43ec2a6a9929⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1275x949, 1275:949, S1.png)

File: a13e33daaebeec1⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1274x946, 637:473, S2.png)

cbf3a1  No.3244186

File: 47e29ec38cf2b42⋯.png (66.3 KB, 1118x298, 559:149, ClipboardImage.png)



26b62f  No.3244187

File: 75bdf87cbb5c546⋯.png (764.93 KB, 844x703, 844:703, halpnunes.png)

File: 0f6ba1765269d37⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1333x750, 1333:750, FISAofStrzok.png)

File: 73c68d23b105ada⋯.png (925.75 KB, 1203x840, 401:280, mildlynauseousfisa.png)


What is wrong anon? Are you questioning my patriotism? Because I assure you, you have no right to do so.

723179  No.3244188


Kek! Off with their heads

e258fc  No.3244189


hive mind.

i was just about to post the exact same thing.

Pedo charges will be lodged ag. Kav.

They're priming us for it w/ the USA Today slime story.

5d8c56  No.3244190


I'm truly sursurprised they haven't already.

You know, some kid from 10 years ago.

9caada  No.3244191

File: 3c04185f966e878⋯.jpg (81.16 KB, 908x532, 227:133, 0300.jpg)

8bee9f  No.3244192


>>3243544, >>3243691, >>3243706, >>3243733 On White Rabbits and trafficking

>>3243562 Tucker Carlson's intro from tonight

>>3243586 Ford has raised ~$1 million dollars on GoFundMe

>>3243602, >>3243710 Justice K's GoFundMe at ~$101,000

>>3243850 Ford’s father was president of the all-male Burning Tree Golf Club in Bethesda, where Justice K's father also a member

f04caf  No.3244193

File: 105026bf08d1dce⋯.jpg (98.03 KB, 768x549, 256:183, 105026bf08d1dce1fba5801d55….jpg)


Good meme from earlier today.

92f7f7  No.3244194

File: 6cee196f3def5c8⋯.jpg (369.45 KB, 810x1014, 135:169, 1538195066962.jpg)

7962f0  No.3244195


Would suggest perjury

She gets interviewed by the fbi directly she will fuck up and lie. That’s why dyke Katz doesn’t want to allow it.

82032a  No.3244196

File: a3d5b24c2a60302⋯.jpg (54.34 KB, 469x443, 469:443, vpu2-2.jpg)

File: a6c25ba04a3832b⋯.jpg (9.9 KB, 239x211, 239:211, warlocks vxs1.jpg)


thanks new baker

anons got yer back!!

3068ab  No.3244197

Still can’t fuckin believe one of our F-35b’s crashed today. What in the hell is going on. That’s bad shit

713464  No.3244198


Do you think Kavanaugh will file defamation suits in the future?

e5b2ce  No.3244200

File: ae7db2705062592⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1418x1776, 709:888, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at ….png)

263358  No.3244201


Is anyone thinking they gave us the playbook a year ahead of time? We thought they were saying it to muddy the water last year due to the arrests never happening. Is JP going down 11/3 & then Huma 11/6? Are these arrests the reasons for the [DAYS PRIOR] 11.11 post….

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147449624 📁

Nov 1 2017 00:41:54 (EST)

Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

Biggest advanced drop on Pol.





[Days Prior]


What a wonderful day!


92f7f7  No.3244202

File: a12565753964b7b⋯.jpg (121.24 KB, 822x423, 274:141, 1538194274967.jpg)

Filling bread with creepy biden's

f4f582  No.3244203



569a12  No.3244204


Damn, (sans the Biden meme addition), that's a worried, troubled man. I wonder if Mr. Trumpbasher is now wishing he would have chosen a different path.

126eef  No.3244207


It was planed.

Capitol Police were all over the place, but they didn't show up after 4 minutes of being shouted at?

No, it was planned.

177be3  No.3244208


No, but DOJ may do something.

c9bda0  No.3244209

File: 14970d93e0da254⋯.jpg (312.99 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, BITCHES JUSTICE COMNG.jpg)


[DF] it's time for these people to meet Justice

fc44b1  No.3244211

File: 8b0dd79ff587e73⋯.jpg (46.75 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 9-28-A GAME OF KEEP-AWAY L….jpg)

a possibility…….


a70d89  No.3244212

File: 8cfbfb8d6cf6d81⋯.png (111.2 KB, 793x542, 793:542, ClipboardImage.png)


Lower eye lashes missing

2bbc79  No.3244213


Q responds to an anon who said free Flynn. He said Flynn in 30. Flynns sentencing, meaning not being free, is after the election. Resolution? You kids have a funny understanding of the English language, regardless of a news report claiming he didnt lie.

a6f0ca  No.3244214

File: 77c1e6de1e76eda⋯.png (565.33 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, A2194E48-C32B-4718-A045-6C….png)

File: e6bfc689dbf4079⋯.png (412.19 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5895359D-2CD6-4F75-907D-CB….png)

Um. Plot twist?

How da heck would this tie in to [RR] scope?!

a6a412  No.3244215

File: 025a237068576f1⋯.jpeg (263.9 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, F10F5FD6-15B8-40B6-A6CF-B….jpeg)

File: d7bcf71be608d4e⋯.jpeg (92.09 KB, 557x474, 557:474, C9CD3DCA-373B-4496-83AC-7….jpeg)

File: f12ccc5264bef3e⋯.jpeg (219.14 KB, 1210x652, 605:326, E4C52756-E6C1-4359-AB48-6….jpeg)

File: c519b412921fd75⋯.jpeg (140.81 KB, 773x986, 773:986, C7E38346-85F4-443C-98E0-C….jpeg)

c3c933  No.3244216


I think she is under v2k control, which just becomes cyber warfare at some point. I think she already fucked up in the lie. She said she ran out of the house. SHE HAD TO HAVE STOPPED AND ASKED FOR A RIDE… even if she doesn't remember who gave it to her.

e258fc  No.3244217


hive mind.

i was just about to post the exact same thing.

Pedo charges will be lodged ag. Kav.

They're priming us for it w/ the USA Today slime story.

fc7f30  No.3244218


PST file from Clinton's server & inside of the server, if I remember correctly

65ff63  No.3244219


Pelican's are back… This is trash

c05012  No.3244220


What do you make of the fact that of the 80 or so faculty at her university, all (or almost all) have extensive bios about their background and also a photograph of what they look like.

She is the only one that has neither.

Something odd about that?

2f61c1  No.3244221


It's Turkey Neck. Happens with age. Some get lucky and it comes later

e6b522  No.3244223


Just goes to show how twisted up the logic in the Libs minds are. LG never said anything negative about CBF, but expressed sympathy for her for being used by the Dems.

They hear only what they want.

fc6d18  No.3244224



One of these days, these will be a meme, and it will be awesome. TY, again, for all of them.

c7dac5  No.3244225



87994d  No.3244226

File: 5d54e2a628813ae⋯.jpg (103.46 KB, 800x597, 800:597, FISA MONSTERS.jpg)

174687  No.3244227


Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus

21f2fa  No.3244228

We need an arrest as soon as possible

Because right now we have zero

That's called losing

2650a5  No.3244229


Hillary’s emails.

39dafb  No.3244230

File: d43ba31bb9a9d1a⋯.jpg (24.04 KB, 278x400, 139:200, giantWine.jpg)


eBot, m'boy, I think this is the begining of a long and productive friendship.

Now, saw I link you to shill bots? Do you think you can fuck with them enough to decrease the shill when the flak gets thick?

Here, have some wine and think about it.

3a9f9a  No.3244231


Twenty years ago, I thought something was off about Ted Turner. Watch some of his interviews around the time he sold CNN. His speech was choppy, somewhat slurred and incoherent. His attention span and ability to concentrate seemed impaired, and he was overly emotional at times, especially given the circumstances that elicited the emotions.

Maybe the cabal stole CNN from him.

26b62f  No.3244233



BO, will you clear my name please. Thank you sir.

04884e  No.3244234

File: f6391e8955b9ded⋯.jpg (110.39 KB, 749x500, 749:500, elevator.jpg)

88c825  No.3244235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you can't find it, you might like former CIA agent Kevin Shipp laying out the shadow government.

8bee9f  No.3244236


7962f0  No.3244237


Dunno. More than Q has on him.

8c1551  No.3244238


I bet Lindsey knows. Wanna bet?

26b62f  No.3244239


Don't talk to that bot. It is satanic.

7cd1c3  No.3244240

File: d748c7a9a6da455⋯.png (206.51 KB, 476x406, 34:29, 2018-08-27_11-19-06 copyQ ….png)

04f5ae  No.3244241


confused on this myself, But She said plain as day Rosenstein was in meeting with Flake

42d63a  No.3244242

File: e6fdd182f3e9fd7⋯.jpg (225.79 KB, 1384x1730, 4:5, ab718f2851c101e675c412e6f2….jpg)

those bronies aren;t window shopping no moar

87994d  No.3244243

File: 9254a7d5efdae41⋯.png (258.22 KB, 1025x1150, 41:46, FLYNN SIDE BY SIDE.png)

For the anon that asked earlier.

82032a  No.3244244

File: fc13d276e883750⋯.jpg (17.24 KB, 255x255, 1:1, comfy tay.jpg)

cbf3a1  No.3244245

File: 70364b74a68cf46⋯.png (101.71 KB, 1116x520, 279:130, ClipboardImage.png)

Yeah like we have SO MUCH faith in the FBI at the moment.

What if Ford refuses to talk to the FBI. What the hell will the delay tactic achieve? She cannot be compelled to talk to them.

The witch hunt against KAV continues. This is complete BS!

92f7f7  No.3244246


Lindsey is definitely in the loop imo

22aa88  No.3244247



I baked once #3819. So should I get handoff next bread or bake this bread?

7962f0  No.3244248



I almost am too

fc6d18  No.3244249


Judging by the rest of her features, she probably has a slight thyroid problem.

3c6545  No.3244250

They may tell you different, yet narcissists actually hate themselves. It's that self-hate which they're projecting onto others. They hate it worse when you love yourself, because they don't love really love themselves as much as they want you to think that they do.

495591  No.3244251

File: 1be5fa4ad4a5cf6⋯.jpeg (27.3 KB, 380x253, 380:253, 8C90E0EB-390F-4073-9F54-1….jpeg)

File: 35df0c879da3762⋯.jpeg (25.68 KB, 255x233, 255:233, BDE094C9-08EC-4669-8983-4….jpeg)

a6a412  No.3244253

File: c3e58f298119bf3⋯.jpeg (143.11 KB, 1440x924, 120:77, 74274119-D24B-4666-B62B-F….jpeg)

f4f582  No.3244254


groovy - we gettin' it nao?

7241fd  No.3244255

File: bb93211966f0ee3⋯.jpg (105.6 KB, 1300x866, 650:433, 74225709-drôle-d-homme-gra….jpg)

d5e029  No.3244256



LOL u guys so funny

b5ffc4  No.3244257


very interesting theory anon.

i likey

95d68f  No.3244258

File: 039a1d68621e664⋯.png (165.1 KB, 974x614, 487:307, 0461.png)

File: 1aae5956737f0f7⋯.png (358.47 KB, 969x610, 969:610, 0563.png)

File: 1fff9b247d35acf⋯.png (514.66 KB, 955x606, 955:606, 0643.png)

File: 9d7cd24435976a3⋯.png (830.63 KB, 1294x920, 647:460, 0496.png)

File: e39704b92248aa9⋯.png (304.42 KB, 1344x875, 192:125, 0558.png)

fc6d18  No.3244259

5814b4  No.3244260

File: b59d8830ee26dde⋯.jpg (94.02 KB, 1011x731, 1011:731, b59d8830ee26ddeeda9513ca57….jpg)


And if Lindsey knows, the Generals know.

05802a  No.3244261


what. you dont recognize your dad?

39dafb  No.3244262


No Name got fake shite pedo pics. That's why after the vote today we started seeing MAMBLA stuff on him. I think he's innocent, and been tearing him and his family apart. I think No Name ande Fuckstein had him.

No Name executed. FeinStein neckst.

174687  No.3244263


Can a bot be evil?

Schizophrenic? Definitely.>>3244239

8bee9f  No.3244264












42d63a  No.3244265

File: a430e4e82b1a3e2⋯.jpg (680.95 KB, 1600x909, 1600:909, chockingckicken.jpg)

a16318  No.3244266


night shift sucks, i'll wait till morning.

f4f582  No.3244267

File: e6e1c160b500928⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1069x794, 1069:794, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)


Highest Anon level shit right there!

c05012  No.3244268


That's evidence she told him something happened, but not evidence that the something really happened.

2016? She was already telling the story by 2012 (possibly 2008, if we go by the building permit).

Could have been planting the seeds for when K might get nominated (Romney in 2012, for instance).

21f2fa  No.3244269

Jeff Flake is an anti American piece of shit

fc7f30  No.3244270


Came up in a bread a while ago – no idea if real, or when it's gonna come out. Was posted back then as "proof" that "we have the server" – but idk. I take it as a possibility

7790ee  No.3244271

>>3244172 BEEFY!

3c6545  No.3244272

File: 8a987517299e4e3⋯.png (266.66 KB, 563x674, 563:674, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3891996c5a65c40⋯.png (623.96 KB, 549x413, 549:413, STOP.png)


So you're saying that you missed the Q&A too?

You're horrible at this. Try harder.

8bee9f  No.3244274



a23096  No.3244276

File: 8eac522fe5a901c⋯.jpg (56.71 KB, 429x258, 143:86, cathy.jpg)

06bdb9  No.3244278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Whenever I get sad I play this…

Remembering the first time at 2amCST the morning(night) after the election

I had forgotten what hope felt like

I realized maybe in this timeline I wont have to an hero

I love you anons (no homo)

cd8997  No.3244279

File: 9198e8818dbc6b2⋯.jpg (159.23 KB, 719x578, 719:578, ea8bf9fcc70ad451ce1e4617cd….jpg)

d5bb2e  No.3244280


then the moderate democrats become furious and vote republican :)

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