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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, 6268f09e92334537980b97daba….jpg)

76f1c4  No.3047184

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 09.16.18

>>3046898 ———-----------------------------——– TEST [Thursday] by DoD to confirm 'free-flow' of direct comms.

>>3046508 rt >>3046027 ———----------——– Attempts to 'Snowden II' NSA FAILED.

>>>/patriotsfight/244 —————–—————- https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1041282049955561472 ( Cap: >>3046457, >>3046542 )

>>3046027 rt >>3045943 ———----------——– Buckle up. THE TIME IS NOW.

>>3045943 rt >>3045932 ———----------——– FOR THEM!

>>3045911 rt >>3045858 ———----------——– +Content match re: Nunes interview, It will become even more apparent going forward.

>>>/patriotsfight/243 —————–—————- Timestamp & Content. ( Cap: >>3045679 )

>>>/patriotsfight/242 —————–—————- No evidence of 'Collusion' PRIOR TO MUELLER appointment? ( Cap: >>3045535 , >>3045555 )

>>>/patriotsfight/241 —————–—————- Gen Flynn Accepts Award for Service to America ( Cap: >>3041559, >>3041593, >>3041572 )

>>>/patriotsfight/240 —————–—————- REMEMBER YOUR OATH ( Cap: >>3041479, Video linked to: >>3041427 )

Saturday 09.15.18

>>>/patriotsfight/239 ———--------—————- Executive Order 13526 Sec 1.7 ( Cap: >>3039075, >>3039107 )

>>>/patriotsfight/238 ———--------—————- PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3038562, >>3038592 )

>>>/patriotsfight/237 ———--------—————- TOGETHER WE WIN ( Cap: >>3037328, >>3037351 )

>>>/patriotsfight/236 ———--------—————- They want you DIVIDED ( Cap: >>3036106, >>3036129 )

>>>/patriotsfight/235 ———--------—————- DECLAS coming? CARPET BOMBS >>> MOAB ( Cap: >>3035467, >>3035477 )

>>>/patriotsfight/234 ———--------—————- https://twitter.com/realTRUMPERLAND/status/1037149645548347397 ( Cap: >>3034794, >>3034795, >>3034996 )

Wednesday 09.12.18

>>>/patriotsfight/233 --------------------------------- "PANIC IN DC" statements start a FIRE? ( Cap: >>2998384, >>2998394 )

>>>/patriotsfight/232 ———--------—————- Trump tweet re: Draining the swamp ( Cap: >>2995995 )

>>2995423 rt >>2995106, >>2995190 -----—– Military planning at its finest.

>>2994981 rt >>2994458 ———----------——– Main points of interest only.

>>>/patriotsfight/231 ———--------—————- "SEXUAL MISCONDUCT" ( Cap: >>2994452, >>2994465 )

>>>/patriotsfight/230 ———--------—————- AJ [TEMPLATE] WAS DESIGNED TO ATTACK/CENSOR 'QANON' [primary obj]. ( Cap: >>2994360, >>2994361 )

>>>/patriotsfight/229 ———--------—————- How do you inflict MAX PAIN / DAMAGE? ( Cap: >>2994005, >>2994031 )

Tuesday 09.11.18

Compiled here: >>3039134

Monday 09.10.18

Compiled here: >>2982713

Sunday 09.09.18

Compiled here: >>2979201

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

76f1c4  No.3047206


are not endorsements


>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes


>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines

>>3023169 BO announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board

>>2993403 The OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT (spread for the normies): https://voat.co/v/theawakening

>>2999802 Message from CM : New posting servers to help alleviate peak-time lag.

>>3001747 BV: New board for redditfugees >>>/patriotsawoken/


>>3046498 White House, Huckabee Float Criminal Indictment for Kerry

>>3046523 China May Skip Trade Talks, Cripple US Supply Chains After New Trump Tariffs

>>3046579, >>3046675 Earlier article: Facebook Debuts Rosetta AI That Can Decipher Text In Memes

>>3046590 Sadiq Khan Claims Cops Preparing for ‘Civil Unrest’ After Brexit, Demands Second Vote

>>3046597, >>3046801 List of FBI's coverups: https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/

>>3046642 Delingpole: ‘Civil War Is Coming to Europe’ Warns German Politician

>>3046742 China to ban online Christian content in exactly the same way Facebook and YouTube are banning Christian videos in America

>>3046858 Ex-Obama White House counsel Greg Craig could face charges in a probe linked to Paul Manafort, according to a published report.

>>3046962 Nelly Ohr set to testify before congress about her work for Fusion GPS this week.

>>3047017 They're doing it again: Kavanaugh accuser breaks silence about sexual misconduct allegations

>>3047153 #3855


>>3045707 Review D[H]S insider from 2016-7, now very relevant

>>3045804 New Brennan tweet

>>3045881 Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against ‘Spartacus’ Cory Booker For Violating Senate Rules

>>3045858, >>3045889, >>3046195 [1] Delta between Q and Trump Graphic

>>3045898 Browder-Gate Broadens - EU Threatens Cyprus With 'Article 7' Over Russian Assistance

>>3045909 California Leads Nation In Poverty But Governor Jerry Brown Launching State Satellite To Monitor Global Warming

>>3046011, >>3046245 Qlockfag Update: On the Q-Clock

>>3046016 Terminal 4 at Pheonix Sky Harbour Airport partially closed/fully closed due to unattended vehicle

>>3046039 Israeli Security Forces Extract Bus Full of Soldiers That Entered Palestinian Refugee Camp

>>3046083 Qproof 2179

>>3046185 Heads up Planefags

>>3046241 Nunes predicts Dems, media will be ‘frightened’ if unredacted Carter Page FISA warrants are released

>>3046256 How to defeat Facebook's use of optical character recognition + AI to read text on memes

>>3046336 Honour for Bystron: USA celebrate AfD (German Patriotic Party)

>>3046475 #3854

#3853 Baker Change

>>3044964 Digg into Bio-weapons history of DoD, DTRA, DARPA

>>3044965, >>3045202 Devin Nunes says House Intel will release Russia investigation deposition docs

>>3045035 HW "Red Carpet" Satanic Ritual Tomorrow (Emmy Awards. Yuck.)

>>3045045 Evelyn Rodriuez Murdered, recently met with POTUS in NY

>>3045087 POTUS Schedule Update

>>3045186 Manafort worked with the Podestas to smear Ukranian PM candidate by calling her anti Jewish

>>3045233, >>3045284 Planefag Report

>>3045339 Huckabee: Kerry Talking to Iranians 'Makes the Case' for First-Ever Logan Act Conviction

>>3045380 Moar Sauce: US Diplomats Involved In Trafficking Of Human Blood And Pathogens For Secret Military Program

>>3045388 Anne Hathaway denounces white privilege in award speech

>>3045400 Did the Obama Administration’s Abuse of Foreign-Intelligence Collection Start Before Trump?

>>3045414, >>3045538 New DJT

>>3045556 #3853


>>3044612 HW agent fired: Veteran Lit agent Spencer Baumgarten left in late November

>>3044685, >>3044788 Good morning from @DJT, incl side-by-side re: "Witch Hunt"

>>3044662 Nunes on Maria this morning: they leaked stories as basis for FISA

>>3044544 (((Those that Rule Over Us))) starting to show cracks in their armor

>>3044518 Greece: "Humanitarian Aid" Organization's People-Smuggling

>>3044497 London's foreign occupying "mayor" wants vote on Brexit until we answer right

>>3044438 Anti-Trumper Adm McRaven resigns from a Defense Department advisory board

>>3044421 CNN paints Don Jr. as next worst thing to POTUS, bc "just like him." Yasss.

>>3044099, >>3044118, >>3044311 VetAnon spurs convo on "Judeo-Christian" & the West

>>3044246 POTUS To Announce $200 Billion In New China Tariffs As Soon As Monday

>>3044876 #3852

Previously Collected Notables

>>3043257 #3850, >>3044072 #3851

>>3040820 #3847, >>3041620 #3848, >>3042461 #3849

>>3038494 #3844, >>3039218 #3845, >>3040045 #3846

>>3036161 #3841, >>3036945 #3842, >>3037728 #3843

>>3033791 #3838, >>3034597 #3839, >>3035366 #3840

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

76f1c4  No.3047213

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46 >>3036274

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

76f1c4  No.3047225

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL

MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Watch a screencast of a baker baking >>3018667


76f1c4  No.3047230

File: 7474823770b08cd⋯.jpg (122.54 KB, 843x427, 843:427, 165ef88dbfdc381afab7586e9a….jpg)

Dough #3856



16f32a  No.3047252

File: 4017798d8c759dd⋯.jpg (865 KB, 1210x1613, 1210:1613, IMG_522.jpg)

wwg1wga patriots!

04de9c  No.3047257

patriotsawoken board idea is gay

2cf307  No.3047259


Think “football”

Holy shit!! POTUS finally gonna nuke UK. Give them the Brexit they voted for!

0ae5bf  No.3047260

File: 221470bc5bbec3d⋯.png (966.33 KB, 1245x655, 249:131, Screen Shot 2018-09-16 at ….png)

Cabal going all-in

Woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her as a teen reveals herself

Christine Blasey Ford


17f160  No.3047261

4bfc45  No.3047262




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!



P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.

We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.


Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

7f5e70  No.3047263


Normies and Autists don't go great together. We're not chocolate and peanut butter.

6eafb0  No.3047264

Ok unglitch me

POTUS has twitter sccount

Direct comms

EBS What would be different?

1f48b1  No.3047265

File: c8b9030ad3880a5⋯.png (786.78 KB, 896x545, 896:545, grammy tits.png)

thank you baker

795510  No.3047266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8chan is the eighth level of cabalists addictions

8d6cef  No.3047267

File: 99397a47ccca6e7⋯.png (4.36 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


7560b9  No.3047268

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - September 16, 2018

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

Zimbabwe remains as the catalyst to the transition.

Only Zimbabwe can give the green light.

Once Zimbabwe gives the green light, the 800#'s will be disbursed to HSBC whom will manage the redemption of Zim bond notes.

Your currency redemption will be transacted through the new quantum financial system (QFS).

Instructions will be published on how you may access your QFS account.

The ZIDERA amendment bill was significant in allowing Zimbabwe to soon release a new asset-backed currency which will be valued 1:1 with the USD.

Zimbabwe's new asset-backed currency will be different to the bond notes you currently hold.

The bond notes you hold is key to clearing Zimbabwe of their national debt.

BRICS is discretely reforming all countries to become GESARA compliant.

All geopolitical matters are being handled behind the scenes by the Chinese Elders, BRICS, and the Republic (aka the Alliance).

(Note: The "Republic" is just a term used to describe all of the good guys/white hats within the U.S. Government and U.S. Military.)

World peace is being achieved under our noses.

We're on a supersonic rocket going over 15,000 mph and the RV is the first stage.

Source: Operation Disclosure


9bbeef  No.3047269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the "Nuclear Football"

666430  No.3047270

File: c9c17caa162655d⋯.jpg (130.51 KB, 600x600, 1:1, c9c17caa162655d8c67e51156c….jpg)

>>3047069 (lb)

Trust in yourself. Q makes that clear. Only believe what you can verify, otherwise it's only entertainable as a theory.

The real moves are never telegraphed, and I bet the silence is what scares the Cabal the most, ironically. Which is why they find themselves on this board so often. They are drawn to the visages of their own demise.

I wonder what it must feel like to be so eagerly drawn to the Siren's Call. Stockholm, much?

269931  No.3047271

File: b7333186eb12144⋯.jpg (123.26 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, Donkey Kong.jpg)

>>3047165 pb

IMO the sky event will be like nothing we have ever witnessed. I'm fairly certain a few hundred thousand iraqi troops from the 1st gulf war have an idea about what this could be.

Some veterans in the forward area of gulf war 1 have MANY stories to tell about frightened to death surrendering Iraqi soldiers begging to be captured. Voice of _



5f2fd9  No.3047272

File: 1936dfd7c0221b4⋯.gif (210.21 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1532989473214.gif)

04de9c  No.3047273


WOKE is a liberal term. and divisionfags behind it

918196  No.3047274

File: 8d1e3f3b2fde542⋯.png (90.21 KB, 766x734, 383:367, WARNING8CHN.png)

File: 6378cef102eb6e6⋯.jpg (231.17 KB, 584x1204, 146:301, newfagfriendlySAFETYFROG.jpg)

File: c213371c891d36b⋯.png (71.89 KB, 550x1106, 275:553, 5prongslide.png)

File: 447d61935deb5d5⋯.jpg (229.87 KB, 999x540, 37:20, DangerNewfagQResearchWarzo….jpg)


we have an especially annoying kind of shill atm. Captin Big Red Text.

There are plenty of others as well, but please remember to not respond.

Check out these pics before posting.

Learn our comms, stay anon, and for the love of GOD please do not name or genderfag.

If faggots bug you, use the Filter feature. You don't have to use ID+, just use ID if you want to filter out the shill but not possibly other anons.


P.S. sorry for the copy pasta (again) but with Q posting it can't hurt atm.

Thanks baker!

dfd828  No.3047275

File: cc5dc64552ee26d⋯.png (12.66 KB, 340x55, 68:11, Screen Shot 2018-09-16 at ….png)

don't want to dox but these are hash tags for victory right here start a uproar add #thestorm if you really want to kick the nest

7db41f  No.3047276

Why do i get the feeling that Thursday will become more than just a test?

7f5e70  No.3047277


Not everyone uses Twitter.

33a4ec  No.3047278

File: 7b9c0cb7440b23a⋯.png (1.17 KB, 304x166, 152:83, download.png)

My fellow Americans..

8a4186  No.3047279


try harder SHILL

20f901  No.3047280


>EBS What would be different?

EBS = more reach

17f160  No.3047281


>divisionfags behind it

why do you think this? got any sauce to back this claim up?

2cf307  No.3047282


>>choc + peanut butter

Anon please, trying to cut some weight here.

0bf03a  No.3047283

File: 381df5ba57cbac5⋯.jpg (322.74 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, Jesussays.jpg)


There's blasphemy

and then there's Blasphemy

There's only 1 Savior of Mankind sweetie.

His name is JESUS

But your suggesting that Q is saying the Military is Savior of Mankind?

253d66  No.3047284


Twitter could ban or shadow ban Trump if they wanted to.

d6c73f  No.3047285


nope. reddit died. this replaces.

not all want to be here. wasteful issues (bewbwars etc)

4bfc45  No.3047286


>Christine Blasey Ford

CA Professor!

I rest my case!

b3ed59  No.3047287

File: 1b953076511fcdb⋯.jpg (932.43 KB, 2010x1005, 2:1, ClipboardImage.jpg)


05a076  No.3047288

>>3047194 (PB)

My guess would be the "football". Wasn't that a part of the 16-year plan? They never thought she would lose.

28e6b7  No.3047289

PLEASE Q, Give the EUROfags some hope

We're taking full brunt of the storm Q. PLEASE give us some hope.

europe is a HELL HOLE with no way out and no way for us to defend.

GEOTUS is our only hope. Please Q. Give us hope.

These are the darkest hours for us… Wishing USAll everything Good and glorious.

9e6d2c  No.3047290

File: 86ac6c239887a84⋯.jpg (68.9 KB, 710x412, 355:206, laskdfaisohfiadsof.JPG)

Thursday is a test run for our DOD and NSA

The football is the black briefcase that follows all Presidents. The test on Thursday will allow our NSA and DOD to see if there is any interference.

If there is they will be able to know where its coming from, what form is being used etc.


It is not clear when or why the “Black Bag” became known as the Football[2], but during the Eisenhower administration it became the practice, when the president was traveling, for a military aide to carry a briefcase including emergency action documents

98160b  No.3047291

File: b3d02622e2cf509⋯.jpg (52.32 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Christine_Blasey.jpg)

Christine Blasey Ford

Did (((they))) threaten her and her child?

6c4e9d  No.3047292

File: 60f41d4043b6d28⋯.jpg (38.77 KB, 920x920, 1:1, sunspot.jpg)


Look for all other observatories to be shut down under NOAO's umbrella.

Pictured, GEMINI Observatory in HI.

Just THINK about the possibilities of linking it, NM and Pyongyang in NK. Nice triangulation! Add massive antenna arrays, 5+G tech, electromagnetic capabilities- the possibilities are endless of the harm that could be done! From spying to comm intercepts to weather modification.

8a4186  No.3047293

File: c6499823ee6fcdd⋯.jpeg (10.53 KB, 191x255, 191:255, kysmagazine.jpeg)


kys shill faggot

2a8a00  No.3047294



81990e  No.3047295

>>3047203 (pb)

Yeah I think that's the process. The main point is that the algo can only filter whatever is marked as "offensive" in the training dataset. So in the end whoever flags the images in the dataset as "offensive" decides what will be filtered and what not

70d3eb  No.3047296

Jullian Assange coded color pallet

1004d4  No.3047297


we're born normies, we become autists

f6f680  No.3047298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moral men are hardest to subjugate.

2cf307  No.3047299


Jesus was Jewish.

d6c73f  No.3047300

File: ecc9b57e51f9f7d⋯.png (552.22 KB, 1111x625, 1111:625, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171219_2018….png)


it's coming WorldWide, we're all in it

aad4a0  No.3047301

Pretty sure Q said twitter >>3047264

f6f680  No.3047302


Jesus was Hebrew.

6907e1  No.3047303


I know - just a chat post but had to

This is great news. We'll keep an eye on Presidents tweets during this time a long with fake news. The 20th is coming up Quick! or Oct 1st? 3rd?

Kavanaugh's confirmation?

e3caa2  No.3047304


we should be able to overwhelm the AI at least initially with volume meme sharing. also using simple contradictions like a meme showing a happy family but big letter text saying 'hate speech' would likely allow us to confuse it for some time and them have to waste resources manually reviewing tons of posts

0362a4  No.3047305

Are we being told to hit the Internet hard with memes right before the POTUS EBS message? Flood them with memes an hour before?

3610ef  No.3047306

System will auto-prune new bread at page 5 if there are less then 10 replys.

What is page 5 in Catalog?


I don't want to bump it myself … or should I?

Help or answer appreciated.


How do you deal with the speed of breads, backers?

Basically you need to be ready 60/24/7 for new bread.

Right now the german bread is slow.


9ddb2e  No.3047307


Bay area at that.

795510  No.3047308


That's Mohammed

You stupid ding ding

Play with your Barbie

0ae5bf  No.3047309


Kav needs to come out strong and sue her. Immediately.

55b3f8  No.3047310


Not if they went to public school in America.

bd8086  No.3047311


you are a special kind of stupid aren't you

e09ba5  No.3047312


And who do you think Jesus is backing at the moment? Who's plan do you think this is?


1004d4  No.3047313


Nope at least one person in that picture is a paid operative of an intel agency who blocked me on twat.

33a4ec  No.3047314

File: ddc99db832047b1⋯.jpg (41.95 KB, 456x346, 228:173, ZomboMeme 16092018143925.jpg)

2cf307  No.3047315



6d3b27  No.3047316

File: 8a79fe56595e720⋯.jpg (88.31 KB, 888x519, 296:173, 22ed013b0518jjhcxv7db19a22….jpg)

8d1c87  No.3047317


Stop projecting your religion on everyone.

a9d2cc  No.3047318

File: 6770737ae148b39⋯.jpeg (30.48 KB, 640x380, 32:19, vladitrumpatriots.jpeg)


Briefcase used by the President

of the United States to authorize

a nuclear attack while away from fixed command centers.

There are four things in the Football. The Black Book containing the retaliatory options,

a book listing classified site locations,

a manila folder with eight

or ten pages stapled together giving a description of procedures for the Emergency Alert System,

and a three-by-five-inch card with authentication codes.

The Black Book was about 9 by 12 inches

and had 75 loose-leaf pages printed in black and red.

The book with classified site locations

was about the same size as the Black Book, and was black.

It contained information on sites around the

country where the president could be taken in an emergency.


8d5960  No.3047319


no electricity

no internet

direct comms via sat sig to your iphone.

remember. we're living in a movie now.

d6c73f  No.3047320


if you want, but it's not that specific. look around… it's coming. Whether real or bluff, FB is claiming to factcheck… the meme war is real

666430  No.3047321

File: 9d24cb32a09988c⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 795x1024, 795:1024, 2e51f3b47feb4ed0e0775d2ac3….jpg)


For the men and women of the armed forces who sacrifice their lives daily, yes I would absolutely say so. God bless every one of them.

f2cda3  No.3047322


Brought this up at end of last bread, only the President can access and use the nuke codes just like only the President will be able to send an EBM to us directly from him,no middle man, no censorship, any interference will be tracked down and they will be dealt with accordingly

2cf307  No.3047323


Ad hominem. Not refuting.

12f852  No.3047324



Please do something about the FDA next, needed meds are in shortage and no one "knows" why. Any cures held back please release and make available to those suffering. Especially for vets.

a1db4b  No.3047325


When I watched this video my gut react strongly to that statement as well. This is a fight to the death.

I fear that anyone who thinks that it is anything less was very sadly mistaken.

Go Q, Go POTUS, Go Military and Patriots everywhere.

What is shocking is how so many around me are asleep or totally brainwashed.

Thank GOD she lost!!!!

daca5b  No.3047326


why Kenny Loggins???

ad065c  No.3047327

File: 182451c78853c02⋯.png (386.79 KB, 696x828, 58:69, SM 1 re Football 10-14.PNG)

File: e335eadeeb8194d⋯.png (74.97 KB, 704x790, 352:395, SM 2 re Football 10-14.PNG)

File: 0ebaf7e35121072⋯.png (95.83 KB, 692x827, 692:827, SM 3 re Football 10-14.PNG)

>>3046898 (Q lb)

The Real Story of the “Football” That Follows the President Everywhere


9e6d2c  No.3047328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


16f32a  No.3047329

File: 5249cfb4d64ff97⋯.jpg (359.32 KB, 1300x974, 650:487, IMG_521.jpg)


2a8a00  No.3047330

File: 5e6067c4a39f754⋯.gif (4.73 MB, 445x257, 445:257, putinpassestheball.gif)

a9d2cc  No.3047331


(pb) on ping. sorry.

fc3101  No.3047332

Who do you think the white hats are you stupid fuck ?? The NSA is the White hats they are in control of all military and intelligence in the United states you retard .

aa2306  No.3047333

>>3047174 (l/b)

This is dynamite! Clintons have Keys to the Internet Kingdom. Must listen.

2d8f32  No.3047334


I agree. Disinformation intended to keep black hats from trying to interfere with the message.

d40f14  No.3047335

Snowden2 attempt = that crashed vehicle 'entering'?

fc3101  No.3047336

20f901  No.3047337


>Did (((they))) threaten her and her child?

If she has been a litigant in Family Court and/or she is divorced/divorcing then they probably threatened her.

c5d701  No.3047338

File: 2d3de16f7e0dd15⋯.jpeg (64.89 KB, 447x437, 447:437, 4229E09D-8C04-4AA2-B3E7-6….jpeg)

File: cb2514db3bee04e⋯.jpeg (72.2 KB, 447x437, 447:437, DACE821F-5497-4BA9-BD0F-4….jpeg)

File: 30f2f6da469688a⋯.jpeg (62.17 KB, 447x437, 447:437, B1F42E81-3BE6-4456-899C-1….jpeg)

File: 65d36eac34cdfb9⋯.jpeg (60.32 KB, 447x437, 447:437, D856F281-F553-46E7-ADE4-6….jpeg)

File: f2478f76e4bd9f8⋯.jpeg (57.6 KB, 447x437, 447:437, 148F64E1-EB5F-4A9A-8BF2-8….jpeg)

6e7707  No.3047339

b3e745  No.3047340


God sent Q/US Military to kick evil's ass.

bd8086  No.3047341


He isn't fucking jewish…better? ad hom yourself

98160b  No.3047342


Ford’s husband, Russell Ford, has confirmed this recollection, telling The Washington Post that he remembers her talking about a “rape attempt” and explicitly mentioned Kavanaugh’s name and her concerns about his being nominated to the Supreme Court one day.

6c4e9d  No.3047343

File: 60f41d4043b6d28⋯.jpg (38.77 KB, 920x920, 1:1, sunspot.jpg)

File: 8dd78b3610cebbf⋯.jpg (283.33 KB, 849x1024, 849:1024, Ryugyong Hotel.jpg)

File: ef5844072a40289⋯.jpg (245.48 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, gemini HI.jpg)


Look for all other observatories to be shut down under NOAO's umbrella.

Pictured, GEMINI Observatory in HI.

Just THINK about the possibilities of linking it, NM and Ryugyong in NK. Nice triangulation! Add massive antenna arrays, 5+G tech, electromagnetic capabilities- the possibilities are endless of the harm that could be done! From spying to comm intercepts to weather modification.

55b3f8  No.3047344


One man's ad hominem is another mans source criticism.

0362a4  No.3047345


I get that. But a coordinated attack time would have optimum effect.

18b738  No.3047346


Ford, eh? Any links to Gerald Ford?

4bfc45  No.3047347

File: e4df6af8e536250⋯.png (366.16 KB, 641x481, 641:481, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37f4193dcf3c23d⋯.png (291.39 KB, 510x492, 85:82, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 253f230668c5632⋯.png (320.33 KB, 652x857, 652:857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54b12582ce2f0f5⋯.png (20.72 KB, 653x362, 653:362, ClipboardImage.png)

Report: Dutch Catholic Church Accused of Covering up Child Sex Abuse

More than half of the senior figures in the Dutch Catholic Church have been accused of covering up or engaging in the sexual abuse of children, according to a report by the Netherlands’ leading newspaper.

Out of the 39 cardinals, bishops, and auxiliary bishops, four have been accused of abusing children whilst another 16 have been accused of transferring known paedophile priests to other parishes where they may have gone on to abuse more children, reports the Dutch newspaper of record NRC Handelsblad.

The abuse is said to span from 1945 to 2010, including “well-known and lesser-known cases that have surfaced since 2010, the beginning of the abuse scandal in the Netherlands” and is sourced from original reporting, the Deetman Commission that investigated the sexual abuse of minors in the Roman Catholic Church in 2010-2011, and anonymous information obtained from a victims’ support unit at the Church.

NRC profiles the clerics who abused the choir girls, altar boys, other minors, and seminarians, notably:

Jan Niënhaus, who died in 2000, and had abused eight boys before becoming Auxiliary Bishop of Utrecht; the Roman Catholic Church had found the complaints against him well founded.

Jo Gijsen, Bishop of Roermond, who died in 2013, had complaints against him for raping two boys upheld by the Church. Gijsen also facilitated the moving of other paedophile priests from one parish to another.

Philippe Bär, Bishop of Rotterdam (1982-1993), was accused of sharing a bed with male students training as priests and had allegedly taken no action against at leave five priests who had abused children.

And Jan ter Schure, former Bishop of Den Bosch who died in 2003, is said to have abused a pupil at a boys’ boarding school in Ugchelen. The congregation of Salesians, to which he belonged, paid the victim 16,000 euros in 2003.

According to The Guardian, the Dutch Catholic Church said it could “confirm a part” of the report.

“The names of several bishops correspond to those named in a report commissioned by the church in 2010,” Church spokeswoman Daphne van Roosendaal said.

Most of those implicated had died, van Roosendaal added, with those others still alive withholding comment, according to NRC.


405698  No.3047348


Stefan Stanford wrote an article last year about the U.S.' ability to deal with a civil war - actually total inability, and the likelihood it would lead to WW3. POTUS is being very sure that nothing of the sort happens. He's in full control. Here's the link: http://archive.fo/MUegz Is Civil War In America Ahead? Alleged Former 'Red Team Planner' For The Government Lays Out This Horrific, Worst-Case Scenario

795510  No.3047349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Release the jugalos

fc3101  No.3047350


Anonymous ID: FAkr+Yka No.148186256 📁

Nov 5 2017 23:56:55 (EST)

US Military = savior of mankind.

We will never forget.

Fantasy land.

God save us all.


1004d4  No.3047351



Damn it i responded to one of captin big red texts shillposts

269931  No.3047352

File: 547169efde4e736⋯.png (389.99 KB, 544x724, 136:181, Bleeb.png)

File: a1eafc37c1c8fb0⋯.jpg (167.9 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Brennan FAP.jpg)


Some friends for ya!

6eafb0  No.3047353

File: e81280a80240e17⋯.jpeg (26.57 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 77D6AF8B-FA4F-4BF7-813F-C….jpeg)

fc3101  No.3047354





Anonymous ID: FAkr+Yka No.148186256 📁

Nov 5 2017 23:56:55 (EST)

US Military = savior of mankind.

We will never forget.

Fantasy land.

God save us all.


9ddb2e  No.3047355


More likely scenario is she's a hard lefty Trump hater who he may or may not have made out with as a kid and may or may not have copped a feel. Big fucking deal. I copped my share of boobie back in the day. Most teenage boys did, or course now they just swipe their Tinder app and go straight to getting laid.

166218  No.3047356


EBS = POTUS' twatter on crack and steroids combined kek.


"Can you believe the Deep State tried to kill me? Not once, but TEN TIMES? Sick people! Military tribunals! Death penalty! NOW!"

2cf307  No.3047357


Ok he’s not Jewish…? Spoke Hebrew, lived in Israel, taught the rabbis etc etc…

But yup he was white!

e690d0  No.3047358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

98160b  No.3047359



I couldn't believe how it all adds up

e3caa2  No.3047360


wonder if she's had any recent large bank transactions or her husband kek

0ae5bf  No.3047361


>Ford’s husband, Russell Ford

Of course he does. Garbage witness.

55b3f8  No.3047363


Gerald Ford? You mean the guy on the Warren Commission?

28e6b7  No.3047364


Oh i SO hope for that..

Please God let it be true

081d4d  No.3047365





666430  No.3047366

File: 98257929d497d11⋯.jpeg (44.96 KB, 497x693, 71:99, e4cedc89c6db0955fa67ed425….jpeg)


How many connections have to be made before it's clear that it's a problem from the TOP down?

6b4a1d  No.3047367


lets draw the distinction between Talmudic Jews (evil cabal) with Messianic (or Torahdic) Jews. They is a HUGE difference. Tamudics are evil and believe anyone not like them are the goy. Let's not get them confused.

d3cd11  No.3047369

File: ebf305ff2cd9312⋯.png (238.16 KB, 352x425, 352:425, ClipboardImage.png)

Christine Blasey Ford

Ford is a professor at Palo Alto University who teaches in a consortium with Stanford University, training graduate students in clinical psychology. Her work has been widely published in academic journals.


0bf03a  No.3047370


Yeah, there's an instance where some other idiot walked up to an Angel of the Lord and said are you for us or against us. Read how that went down.

It's not that "God is on our side"!

Rather are we on God's side?

There is only ONE who where's the Title - ==Savior of Mankind==

Q isn't the one who bestows this Title on anyone.

I think he/they would agree.

737074  No.3047371


Kek. Waiting for Potus to text every single phone in the country.

"My Twitter is Dead! Sad!"

8d6cef  No.3047372



513cd3  No.3047374

ty anon


bc7a5e  No.3047375

>>3046993 (lb)

>The football, device that only the President can activate the nuke codes from

What gift did Putin bestow upon POTUS at the conclusion of their summit?

If your answer includes the word soccer, I am going to bend you over and anally insert one.

4bfc45  No.3047376

File: fe480d21b0663db⋯.png (197.8 KB, 640x477, 640:477, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c53533c72cbcc4f⋯.png (297.35 KB, 508x509, 508:509, ClipboardImage.png)

One Convicted Terrorist Released onto Britain’s Streets Every Week

A convicted terrorist is released from prison onto the streets of Britain every week, government figures show, as next month sees the release of convicted hate preacher and Islamic State recruiter Anjem Choudary.

Between March 2017 and March 2018, 46 convicts imprisoned for terror offences were released from jail, with at least 22 of Choudary’s supporters being released since the September 11th, 2001, terror attacks, with another five up for parole in the next year, according to the Sunday Telegraph.

Choudary, imprisoned in August 2016 after being convicted of encouraging Muslims to support Islamic State in a series of YouTube videos, was the leader of the terror group al-Muhajiroun, now proscribed in the United Kingdom.

The convicted hate preacher is said to be linked to 15 terror plots dating back 20 years, and is believed to be linked to hundreds of jihadists who travelled to Syria to fight with Islamist groups.

Acolytes of and those with connections to Choudary and his banned terror group have committed terror attacks in the UK, including the ringleader of the June 2017 London Bridge vehicular attack Khuram Butt. Butt was also reported to have attended a protest in support of the murderers of Fusilier Lee Rigby, organised by Choudary.

The off-duty soldier was mown down with a car near the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, London, on May 22nd, 2013. Islamist terrorists Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale then disembarked from the vehicle and attacked Rigby with knives, killing him and nearly severing his head.

Both Adebolajo and Adebowale were followers of Choudary, who at the protest attended by Butt, days after the death of Rigby, described Adebolajo as a “nice man”, asserting that the terrorist was “a practising Muslim and a family man” who he was “proud of”.

Former counter-terrorism detective David Videcette, who investigated the July 7th, 2005, terror attacks on London’s public transport, said: “Every plot I ever researched – someone in it was linked to Choudary.”

Serving less than half of his five-and-a-half-year sentence, because evidence obtained against him was only sufficient for a short sentence, prisons minister Rory Stewart said Choudary is a “deeply pernicious, destabilising influence” who is beyond reform.

Mr Stewart added that MI5 and police will “watch [him] like a hawk” once he is released in attempts to stop him inciting further attacks.

However, Chris Phillips, former chief of the National Counter Terrorism Security Office, told the Sunday Telegraph: “These people are bloody dangerous.

“If you’re going to release hardened terrorists onto the streets then you have to expect chaos.

“How on earth can police and security services be expected to manage all this with the resources they’ve got?”

Last year, the government revealed that there were 23,000 individuals on the terror watch list — not 3,000 as previously advised, confessing that the 3,000 figure relates to those on a watch list with an additional 20,000 considered people of concern.


ad4994  No.3047377



98160b  No.3047378


Just look at these quotes, her family was threatened for sure.

Ford says she didn’t tell anyone about the event until 2012, when she was in a couples therapy. The Washington Post received parts of the notes from that couples therapy session, which note Ford talking about an attack from “an elitist boys’ school”, attackers who were “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.”

Ford’s husband, Russell Ford, has confirmed this recollection, telling The Washington Post that he remembers her talking about a “rape attempt” and explicitly mentioned Kavanaugh’s name and her concerns about his being nominated to the Supreme Court one day.

269931  No.3047379


With the "taltos" controlling it all.

ce42b4  No.3047381

File: 02cbb7d9363fe8e⋯.png (20.26 KB, 385x192, 385:192, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 939a1a81857b9b7⋯.png (305.78 KB, 612x342, 34:19, ClipboardImage.png)

Maybe Thorsday we'll get that

scary but safe

personalized message

Hammer Time

8220ce  No.3047382


Brandon van Grack….

srsly… when you let a police sketch artist draw a portrait of this guy… he will turn his face to you, rising an eyebrow.. "are you sure? c'mon, really, like this?" …

33a4ec  No.3047383


Its the personalized private message Q promised …

ab276f  No.3047384

File: 4e44b3d3078b055⋯.jpg (78.86 KB, 353x739, 353:739, Capture.JPG)

File: 08200a110b23c25⋯.jpg (23.99 KB, 355x287, 355:287, Capture2.JPG)

File: 0dee5ef29328ef8⋯.jpg (62.07 KB, 544x303, 544:303, Capture3.JPG)

Future proves past, again.

Batten down the hatches, lads.


fc3101  No.3047385

File: 3127b1f7da661c6⋯.jpg (825.33 KB, 2000x2552, 250:319, IMG_4054.JPG)

File: 7c0a02259180d6f⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 2058x3493, 294:499, IMG_4055.JPG)

File: d636ae9e52a77d2⋯.jpg (85.72 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, IMG_4056.JPG)

074451  No.3047386

File: 8c0b3f8376175ad⋯.jpg (233.08 KB, 1008x800, 63:50, Batman_and_Q2.jpg)

96a1a4  No.3047387


Anyone have the image showing the embedded "kill yourself" in this photo?

20f901  No.3047388


So she has a lot at stake…child….psychology license….professsor at University (a state agency)

ff3b8e  No.3047389

File: 64a69cff8fbdc7c⋯.jpg (194.22 KB, 888x499, 888:499, AnonWeaponizedMemes.jpg)

Anons…loading the guns of the Psychological War..

2cf307  No.3047390



6c4e9d  No.3047391



There are those of us who have given up tv- no notifications.

There are those of us who do not have cell/smart phones- no comms.

Will there be other method of comms on Thursday or is this limited to cell phone notifications?

[Emergency sirens?]

43c22f  No.3047392


I never saw any explanation for the fact the crashed car was heading OUT of NSA, was that ever addressed?

8220ce  No.3047393


future proves past

d6c73f  No.3047394

File: bb4981edf02a230⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1111x744, 1111:744, Q_BiteCrumbs_20180118_WILL….png)

File: df954e9423acdd6⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20180119_TOGE….png)

File: f1df5d019e3b12b⋯.png (742.91 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171206_What….png)

File: 063d3a0cb6bd543⋯.png (782.89 KB, 1111x777, 1111:777, Q_BiteCrumbs_20180205_You.png)


you can make it so… we are with you


047ae2  No.3047395

File: 6d7628e07bc8de5⋯.png (468.75 KB, 637x540, 637:540, 6d7628e07bc8de58e5097a8b9b….png)


>They is a HUGE difference.

55b3f8  No.3047396


Palo Alto is a liberal, elitist cesspool. I'm guessing Clown operative.

0ae5bf  No.3047397

File: 9fb6dc68f885848⋯.png (39.43 KB, 708x146, 354:73, Screen Shot 2018-09-12 at ….png)


It WILL go World Wide

We are with you, liberation SHALL come.

a1db4b  No.3047398


Oh leafie, make up your mind what dress you want to wear today.

You have become less than a dry mudhole at this point.

You have kept your package, your brain is beyond fkd up.

4bfc45  No.3047399

Former Ukrainian Minister: ‘If Russia didn’t have nukes, NATO would have reduced it to dust’

The former Ukrainian economy minister said that one could “reduce Russia to dust”. Political scientist Vladimir Kireev has expressed his opinion on why Ukrainian politicians allow themselves to make such aggressive statements.

Former Ukrainian economy minister Viktor Suslov says it is possible to “reduce Russia to dust” if the country does not have nuclear weapons. The politician made this statement in an interview with channel 112 Ukraine when he talked about the Vostok 2018 maneuvers.

According to the former minister, Russia’s military exercises are intended to prevent other countries from having military conflicts with it.

“If Russia were not a nuclear power, everything would have been solved in a much simpler way: NATO would have reduced Russia to dust a long time ago, so they demonstrate their muscles to show that this would hardly stand, at least, today,” Suslov said.

RevContent InArticle SOLO

Without pointing to the counter-factual and a-historic nature of such a claim, this expert had the following to say. Political scientist Vladimir Kireev highlighted his unwarranted aggression.

“I would like to draw attention to the aggressive nature of the statements of Ukrainian politicians, because on the part of Russia, the representatives of the country, there are no harsh and aggressive statements regarding Ukraine. At the level of the State administration system of Ukraine there is the desire to express this aggressiveness,” opines the analyst.

For him, it is incorrect to compare the relatively modest military capabilities of Ukraine with those of Russia, which are not equivalent: both the experience of the Russian military, the responsibility of the leaders are greater, and the potential of the Russian military industry cannot be compared with the Ukrainian.

“This is a question that arises: to what extent are such statements independent? Because they appear in the aftermath of statements by Western leaders, including those who want to attack Syria. This reveals that Ukrainian politicians do not act independently, and their words are part of the Western strategy to trigger a conflict with Russia,” said Vladimir Kireev.

Vostok 2018 maneuvers are taking place between 11 and 17 September in the Russian Far East region and adjacent Pacific waters. In addition to Russia’s land, sea and air forces, troops from China and Mongolia also participated in one of the exercises, giving an international character to the maneuvers.


d6c73f  No.3047400

File: cd8c71742daebc1⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1111x1111, 1:1, Q_message.png)

fc3101  No.3047401


Anonymous ID: FAkr+Yka No.148186256 📁

Nov 5 2017 23:56:55 (EST)

US Military = savior of mankind.

We will never forget.

Fantasy land.

God save us all.


d3cd11  No.3047402



04de9c  No.3047403



aa2306  No.3047404


It explains everything - an absolute MUST LISTEN for all anons.

6b4a1d  No.3047405


the MASSES know better. Deep down, moral human beings know in their guts that Obama and Hillary were being directed by those bent on destroying America. They are traitors.

2216ad  No.3047406

File: 3eb046eaf06f0de⋯.png (43.47 KB, 328x151, 328:151, kekky.PNG)


Saved & keked heartily.

Thanks Anon I needed that!

3ff9c0  No.3047407


She is a psychologist after all…

405698  No.3047408


don't have t.v., computer (use library), or cell phone. still get us mail.

bc7a5e  No.3047409

File: d6b90c16c39e8f7⋯.jpg (117.49 KB, 962x639, 962:639, football.jpg)


Pic related

33a4ec  No.3047410


Fuck that thursday my birthday .. Im fucking hype!!!1

76f1c4  No.3047411

File: 9d9613234e5dbbd⋯.jpg (90.82 KB, 620x350, 62:35, _xkcnpf6n51w.jpg)


Our time will come.

I'm right there with ya patiently waiting anyway.


d40f14  No.3047412


Definitly out.

16d4eb  No.3047413

File: f24175c9e46b05c⋯.png (6.4 KB, 854x230, 427:115, Blocked_for_legal_reasons_….png)

File: dbb23f895262972⋯.png (533.14 KB, 640x480, 4:3, german-riot-police-640x480.png)

>>3047229 (lb)

if you paid your karmic dues lately everything should turn out just fine.

Keep a low profile and don't advertise 'murricunness over there; bad voodoo.

Remember that a lot of online stuff you're used to won't work no more over here (pic related).

Not as bad as China but very nearly so (using archive.org circumvents 90% of that problem though).

Finally, heed the words in following link FWIW


There you go.



987eb0  No.3047414


TV/radio test 2 minutes before the cell test

795510  No.3047415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

After Jesus started Islam he went into hiding

They say he was an undercover artist around the balkans for awhile too

22f16b  No.3047416

File: 3341cd07d518861⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 297x246, 99:82, 3f649767c337a80c849d421161….jpg)

File: a02ea6f55fa7875⋯.jpg (40.29 KB, 295x235, 59:47, 3f649767c337a80c849d421161….jpg)

513cd3  No.3047417

look out your window, they are everywhere!


d6c73f  No.3047418

666430  No.3047419

File: 9df1018d1679870⋯.jpeg (57.55 KB, 800x494, 400:247, df66500625e5b1ecf48b97cfe….jpeg)

File: 70f91d0dc891d4f⋯.jpg (275.12 KB, 1024x763, 1024:763, f58bc1d784d23cec4667fb38b2….jpg)

File: 579e0efdf480a00⋯.jpg (6.33 MB, 4786x6221, 4786:6221, 579e0efdf480a001cebccb49fb….jpg)

File: a1f8fcddc3e2100⋯.jpg (696.76 KB, 1875x2697, 625:899, a1f8fcddc3e2100e9cebd4c1ca….jpg)

532d61  No.3047420

File: 5c654fb2c592463⋯.jpg (30.54 KB, 394x401, 394:401, doitq006.JPG)

>>3046898 (lb)

Question Q

Were the shutdown observatories sending/ rcvg comms?

Part of snow white?

0ae5bf  No.3047421



Do you have radio?

43c22f  No.3047422


She’d be grateful for a boob grab at this stage.

4bfc45  No.3047423

File: 9c3bb94282fbba2⋯.png (163.74 KB, 841x783, 29:27, ClipboardImage.png)

DEVELOPING: Writer of Confidential Kavanaugh Letter Speaks Out – She’s a Far-Left Activist!

Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee are working overtime to delay Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.

On Thursday, ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) referred a mysterious letter about Kavanaugh to the FBI.

Feinstein said in a statement Thursday to the feds that she “received information from an individual concerning the nomination.”

Feinstein released a statement via The Intercept:

“I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities.”

It turns out the woman who sent the letter to Democrat lawmakers is a far-left activist.

Christine Blasey Ford, a California professor and far left activist, wrote a letter to a Democrat lawmaker earlier this summer claiming she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh while they were in high school in Maryland over three decades ago.

Via the Washington Post:

Speaking publicly for the first time, Ford said that one summer in the early 1980s, Kavanaugh and a friend — both “stumbling drunk,” Ford alleges — corralled her into a bedroom during a gathering of teenagers at a house in Montgomery County.

While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house.

Independent journalist Mike Cernovich says Christine Blasey is a far-left activist who spent all weekend deleting her social media accounts.


654869  No.3047424


I'd rather go naked than be a liberal.

28e7ed  No.3047425

It's so easy to be an egofag

but nobody likes egofags

just present shit and say what you think don't be the anonymous holder of secret knowledge

2cf307  No.3047426


Good point anon! Let’s just cal them Khazars with no citations necessary. That way no one will be offended and if they are caught they’ll just say it was the “fake Jews”. Sounds reasonable

269931  No.3047427

File: a0e28c6b0d74f2e⋯.jpeg (17.82 KB, 247x255, 247:255, Kernal Sanders.jpeg)


Little early for you.

20f901  No.3047428


I don't like how Feinstein held onto it until the end and/or how this lady held onto it until the end.

I had a stink with Joan Larsen and I spoke out immediately because there was no way in Hell I was going to sit back and let that woman be confirmed as a lifetime justice in this country.

This story stinks.

18b738  No.3047429


That, or the former President Ford. These dynasties are so inter-twined…

cfa609  No.3047430

File: af5a38b67ae75dc⋯.jpg (50.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, af5a38b67ae75dc939227e6947….jpg)

>>3046789 (PB)

Not sure this is responsive to question anons… but

our life/heatlthspan can be extended w/o ever using a blood product or harming a child.

Presumably (((they))) also know. Not exacly a secret. (except from us because ; MSM)

Method 1 - Synthesize blood factors


So why do (((they))) love blood and rape murder children?

They use blood/torture/sex magic rituals to service/communicate with the demons or higher d intelligence or "aliens ". Do they do pedovores need to consume blood or human flesh to live?

(((They))) claim so, perhaps as defensive tactic; a lie to cover the real purpose which is likely energetic.

There are others ways to cure the disease of aging, to extend human life and healthspan without using blood factors at all.


0e5c58  No.3047431


Fichte's "The Science of Knowledge" was a series of lectures that argued free will was the fundamental absolute truth of human existence.

It was later on, in "Address to a German Nation" was his appeal to fascism apparent.

38f769  No.3047432


Such BS

b464c4  No.3047433

File: 5c3b6bc35f3f1a8⋯.jpg (35.19 KB, 603x315, 67:35, eScalated1.jpg)


In High School???

Aged 17???

Worried about him becoming SC??

Wow….just wow

0bf03a  No.3047434


Just like the devil to point out the one flaw in anyone's armor.

I can't defend Q on this statement cause I didn't make it.

It was late at night when he did make it and it was probably night shift who said that silly shit, or an athiest Q team member. Either way….it was an error of great magnitude.

I ignored it at the time. Maybe I shouldn't have. But now it has come back up.

c34e13  No.3047435




8d6cef  No.3047436



55b3f8  No.3047438


They are the same person.

a4e845  No.3047439

File: 7d5a8e34fa1ccc5⋯.gif (6.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Maria.gif)

Maria Bartiromo was definitely touched by the Candidate Trump speech where he roasted Hillary and laid it on the line. Top notch trolling


aea5f8  No.3047440

File: 1b6d4e99a6cc1a3⋯.jpg (95.8 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 1b6d4e99a6cc1a367d0c742a37….jpg)

Christ, show some discipline by not responding to obvious shills…

8a42be  No.3047441


Friday is mine… Best birthday present ever.

Happy birthday fellow Virgo

( Thursday, last day of summer)

(Friday, fall equinox)

33a4ec  No.3047442


The EBS mailed you a postcard friday.. Should be there Thursday.. Gonna say (TEST)

bc7a5e  No.3047443

File: c7ac547fe5f07fe⋯.png (21.79 KB, 526x341, 526:341, the football.PNG)

87d419  No.3047444


You're the ilk that makes all Christians look and sound like wack jobs. Jesus never asked you to be this way or to do this. And practically, you have NEVER seen Jesus, so you don't KNOW any of this. And where did HE say HE was the "savior of all mankind"?? Stop. Unless you're shilling, in which case, you did a good job look at all the responses.

cacd51  No.3047445


No autism is caused by them poisoning us with heavy metals and vaccines

Autism is a blessing and a curse

If you actually had it you would know,its not even remotely fun

0362a4  No.3047446

File: 9d58214c736e8ee⋯.jpeg (104.31 KB, 752x499, 752:499, 0E9BBE7A-1734-468E-ABBD-8….jpeg)

3ff9c0  No.3047447


Seriously, her husband's statement just screams bullshit. Just like the guy on tv saying the towers came down because of the jetfuel

e09ba5  No.3047448


Give to the US Military what belongs to them, and give to God what belongs to God. GOD gets all of the glory for whatever the US Military is doing to save mankind from the evils on the ground that have plagued us for millennia. There's no question about that.

Jesus saves the souls of the repentant in the meantime, nothing has changed there.

1004d4  No.3047449


I wonder if you have been following the Way, of Yeshua, or if you are living in a house with a mortgage, driving a car with a note, sending your kids to ORU (so they can get 100K worth of debt for an English degree and your daughter can meet a bunch of boys who's parents think going there can make them straight again.) and watching the CIA Mockingbird shills on CBN all day, and supporting creeps like Bush as they invade every continent of the globe, get thousands of real Christians killed, and support a eugenics-based agenda.

My experience tells me it is the latter. Yes, Jesus is the savior of mankind. But who is he going to use? My guess, NOT YOU.

97728a  No.3047450

Q, I’m hoping one of your team is monitoring the boards because I need to give information you may not be aware of – hoping you are though.

There is a satellite near where I live that is red in color which I only noticed a couple months ago to the south. It was sitting near the moon. Moon hasn’t been out for days and I haven’t been out to check this satellite until last night and it has now moved northeast. It is obviously not a star, way too close and has the reddish color. Hoping it is ours.

694113  No.3047452

Football+Sopccer..as in Russia passes the ball…Info..as in Snowden with "The Cube" passing through sec.

0ae5bf  No.3047453

File: 6073b65bc4cde4c⋯.png (92.75 KB, 1354x314, 677:157, Screen Shot 2018-09-16 at ….png)




b464c4  No.3047454


Some peace and serenity your way. Don't beep bop boop so much. The pixels you have wasted could have made pretty flowers. Wake up and smell the cpu. Cool your ram and cut the watts.

766bc2  No.3047455

File: 45cb5f2cb25b28e⋯.mp4 (3.37 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Weatherman.mp4)

Another Weatherman struggling with the hurricane - KEK

1004d4  No.3047456


LOL, white Jesus.

Google Cesar Borgia, that's who you are idolizing.

269931  No.3047457

File: 291bc3c38098e44⋯.png (198.91 KB, 1794x493, 1794:493, Hmmmm. Grog no like..PNG)

5ecb5c  No.3047458



795510  No.3047459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Try holy water in a super soaker

87d419  No.3047460

File: 554021185223e15⋯.png (555.46 KB, 887x904, 887:904, Screen Shot 2018-01-31 at ….png)

File: 8e7b767d9c7e8c5⋯.png (303.26 KB, 796x539, 796:539, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at ….png)

File: 399a7896c7470c2⋯.png (383.44 KB, 680x444, 170:111, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at ….png)

File: b9fa74e6943487e⋯.png (724.34 KB, 1058x748, 529:374, Screen Shot 2018-09-03 at ….png)


Ever seen anyone else LITERALLY put their lives on the line and die to save Humanity?? Like, IN REAL LIFE WITH ENDLESS PROOF??

Nope…Me neither.

166218  No.3047461


Well sure, that'll be first, but you think he's gonna stop there? He tweets like how many times a day kek?



0ae5bf  No.3047463

File: 4d789c136d24be6⋯.png (474.5 KB, 550x556, 275:278, Screen Shot 2018-09-14 at ….png)

fe7446  No.3047464


The EAS is a national public warning system that provides the President with communications capability to address the nation during a national emergency. The test is made available to EAS participants (i.e., radio and television broadcasters, cable systems, satellite radio and television providers, and wireline video providers) and is scheduled to last approximately one minute. The test message will be similar to regular monthly EAS test messages with which the public is familiar.


3d643b  No.3047465

Anons, this host gave an open-minded and balanced interview about Q and the Great Awakening, and I thought the anon in the interview dropped a few red pills without seeming too pushy or crazy. Contrast this to the other Q interviews and stories we have seen, and I think anons (and Normies) will be pleasantly surprised. Credit to both the host and anon guest for countering the propaganda we have seen from other media outlets.




Seems anons should try to get it trending on twitter? And, no, this anon is not the host plugging their own podcast.

9ee441  No.3047466

File: 3e98a4b25fdf53a⋯.jpeg (66 KB, 684x900, 19:25, 1536757122.jpeg)

c15c1e  No.3047467


Not sure if this even deserves an answer, but you should be thinking red satellite is mars.

1a0701  No.3047468


POTUS,DoD,NSA establishing CENTRAL command !

Like when you start a war ?

f97a56  No.3047469

654869  No.3047470



18b738  No.3047471


Yeah, is she related to him in any way?

76f1c4  No.3047472

Early Notable Call

Anything missed?


>>3047260, >>3047369, >>3047423 Woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her as a teen revealed as Christine Blasey Ford

>>3047318 Briefcase & Football carried by POTUS

>>3047347 Report: Dutch Catholic Church Accused of Covering up Child Sex Abuse

>>3047376 One Convicted Terrorist Released onto Britain’s Streets Every Week

>>3047399 Former Ukrainian Minister: ‘If Russia didn’t have nukes, NATO would have reduced it to dust’

6c4e9d  No.3047473



So- POTUS Thursday broadcast will be available on radio, tv, cell phones, and local sirens will sound?

Weather radio?

Is there a list somewhere of participating comms used?

MANY of us disconnected from the propaganda years ago!!!

(my accessibility is limited!)

081d4d  No.3047474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


fc3101  No.3047475


You sound like a newfag and should go back to reddit and research Q more, you sound like a retard .

099c0b  No.3047476

File: 7a2d7fa072bd839⋯.jpg (923.76 KB, 930x1066, 465:533, terrormap2.jpg)


yes, Germany is just a mental asylum.

People are just getting mad.

Don't know what is with Merkel.

She looks like a demented old woman

WHO is really ruling Germany?

Ok, I know: THE CABAL.

But where are they ruling?

And how do they "lead" Merkel?

Why does she not just resign?

Is she blackmailed?

I always thought she is just a puppelt.

Never saw her really having an own idea or intention.

She used to change her opinions all the time…

But now she looks like a stuppborn mental Weirdo.

She even is not able to speak in proper language it seems.

Just silly blabber.

Is she under MKUltra influence?

And… everyone SEES that she's a crackpot.

But NO ONE in her sourounding is stopping her!

All the other politicians are brown nosing-

Are they all blackmailed`? Or just corrupt?

What role plays the Mockingbird in Germany?

I think, a BIG one.

Mockingbird could write Merkel out of the office.

But they don't. Still brown nosing.

I am living close to the Kanzleramt.

Sometimes I take a walk there and have a look.

It mostly does not look like that there is much happening inside.

So I ask myself;

Who rules germany?

Where is the HQ of the cabal-priests?

I also think that Germany plays a very bad role in international terrorism (ISIS) and in trafficking (think refugees and eastern europe!) !!

87d419  No.3047477


God doesn't ask for "Glory." You want some form of cheap "glory" by being "right" or something. Stop.

Leave God OUT of YOUR arguments. Poor God…Poor Jesus….

2cf307  No.3047478


Ur gonna be in the dark anon. Get a crank radio, or be ok with possibly getting FF’d. GODSPEED

e09ba5  No.3047479


Ok, well get over there & STRAIGHTen them out! Q gave us a job to do, and like it or not, that's part of it.

849ea0  No.3047480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We will take the evil cabal!

We will retake our precious land!

Here's some uplifting tunes for the baker!

The Call–Let The Day Begin

795510  No.3047481

File: fb7f9e52fe06b55⋯.jpg (120.95 KB, 1152x1101, 384:367, IMG_3015.JPG)

You can just make that check out to "cash"

2a8a00  No.3047482


normie: "oh it's just a few bad eggs"

normie: "women priests would fix it"

normie: "why would we care now all of a sudden"

normie: "the church should sort it out"

normie: "wut antichrist"


33a4ec  No.3047483


Happy Bday to you too.. I got the day off i know ill be trolling here all day .. But im expecting something in this message

22a28a  No.3047484

9-21 + 22 , Midnight Host , blood ritual days , satinic calander

8d5960  No.3047487

File: 6f218098e1bb1c6⋯.png (476.25 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


it was mars anon. its been on the same plain as the moon last month or so. and was noticeably brighter than usual. depending on your latitude, it may be gone now.

0bf03a  No.3047488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








Thinking you Blasphemers better listen to the GEOTUS real close

a9d2cc  No.3047489

File: c7e4094e7afe22d⋯.jpg (40.37 KB, 644x420, 23:15, trusttheplanwearewinningwr….jpg)

File: 1e45a13f52f6ac5⋯.jpg (827.14 KB, 2400x1800, 4:3, putintrump-1000192826.jpg)

>>3045707 (lb) Review D[H]S insider from 2016-7, now very relevant.

>Q. Is Israel behind the anti Russian sentiment?

>A. Yes. Israeli intelligence is furious with Trump, and will do anything to keep Trump from working with Putin.

Understand that if Trump and Putin work together to defeat Isis, they are actually defeating a CIA/Mossad creation, and furthermore, Syria and Iran grow stronger, which the Saudis and the Israeli’s fear. Their goal was to divide Syria and ultimately destroy Iran’s regime.

It is not just an oil grab, but a much bigger attempt at moving the chess pieces to allow Israel and Saudi Arabia to dominate the entire Middle East.

>Q. So they demonize Putin and try to tarnish the Trump administration?

>A. The Deep State is at war with both Trump and Putin. Understand that when Israeli intelligence hears “America first” from Trump, they go apeshit.

Israel has bribed, extorted and intimidated our politicians for decades and suddenly this upstart billionaire threatens to ruin everything.


fe7446  No.3047490

File: 4c67ab8f6032339⋯.png (1.74 KB, 148x50, 74:25, ClipboardImage.png)

87d419  No.3047491

ab276f  No.3047492

File: c2cbcf91484d019⋯.png (22.3 KB, 764x492, 191:123, 7de3dac648c94b77fac45d2e29….png)

The President needs Judge Kavanaugh confirmed to assure military tribunals are SC approved.

This is why the cabal is fighting so hard.

His confirmation is the starting bell.

The EWS test is to assure no MSM stonewall/non-reporting.

MOAB targeting confirmed, perpare for drop.

d6c73f  No.3047493

File: dfae3bcf8c0802f⋯.png (590.24 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, merkl_SOON.png)



c34e13  No.3047494



thats mars

201578  No.3047495


>His name is JESUS

I thought he cut my lawn.

bc7a5e  No.3047496

If many anons receive a personalized message from POTUS on their cell phones, but you don't, does that mean you've done a better job of remaining anon than they?

ce42b4  No.3047497

File: 48122c7e118a73b⋯.png (257.71 KB, 577x625, 577:625, ClipboardImage.png)


55b3f8  No.3047498


I don't know. Probably. I was just pointing out the he was among a few hand-selected by LBJ to cover up the Kennedy assassination.

3adc89  No.3047499

File: c95f681fac6ce25⋯.png (501.32 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

here is a DoD article put out FRIDAY


04de9c  No.3047500

f5b462  No.3047501

File: 8b2aba646521671⋯.jpg (176.83 KB, 666x444, 3:2, ATR-OisaT.jpg)

>>3046027 Q


Viswanath Sivakumar, a software engineer at Facebook who works on Rosetta, said in an email that the tool works well both for identifying text in a landscape, like on a street sign, and also for memes—but that the latter is more challenging. “In the context of proactively detecting hate speech and other policy-violating content, meme-style images are the more complex AI challenge,” he wrote.

analyze this Rosetta

97728a  No.3047503


No chance it is Mars, as Mars doesn't sit near moon for 2 months and then move.

67ff31  No.3047504

File: 15b14619bb7b589⋯.jpg (66.38 KB, 544x400, 34:25, butthurtdetect.jpg)

8d6cef  No.3047505

File: e8c5d7df19bcf02⋯.png (23.56 KB, 587x188, 587:188, ClipboardImage.png)



1b070d  No.3047506

File: d914213acc004d8⋯.jpg (586.56 KB, 2500x1875, 4:3, 00rod-rosenstein2.jpg)

a1db4b  No.3047507


ebot is not so smart after all….lol

bbc1fb  No.3047508



oh, but THEY got:

Cohen - arrested

Manafort - arrested

Gates - arrested

Flynn - arrested

Papadopoulos - arrested






'But we're building a court case. We can't start arresting until we can …" SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THAT! You know GODDAMN GOOD AND WELL YOU CAN ARREST THESE PEOPLE.



6c4e9d  No.3047509


Right! And there are swaths of folks that have disco'd from that system. What about those peeps who are not plugged in to tech?

(don't even get cell service at my home, too remote!)

3a81e8  No.3047510

free hat with purchase..where your maga hat made?

red china plus black isreal working with mexico to sneak in warhead and detonate in texas causing collapse of lower 48 states structure sending the united states into chaos and mi utemen will defend the border from the south american refugees because the united states military has orders not to defend home base.learn to shoot and shoot well our future will be in our own hands and the niggers work with the mexicans to sell drugs and poison good americans so they will be removed along with the mexicans and wont be coming back black is a curse they are not the same as whites everyone will lie to you to be politically corre ct.light to light….QUANTUM WINS

7933c8  No.3047511

I hope that Q had a plant in the Kerry meetings with Iran or somehow was able to hear what was said. That would put the nail in his 'coffin' once and for all. 2x a traitor IMO…but how many more that we don't know about.

b93032  No.3047512


I'm pretty sure phones with no service but turned on will get the message

ff3b8e  No.3047513


I thought you didn't get turned on until 1600 EDT…tad early today, E-bot…

ad4994  No.3047514


Q said it sweetie, not me.

Fantasy land.

Get ready to be hospitalized.

4bfc45  No.3047515

File: bc169a78a945406⋯.png (705.82 KB, 802x459, 802:459, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0608b6b9e376746⋯.png (371.76 KB, 776x816, 97:102, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5ede19341718af⋯.png (82.74 KB, 755x866, 755:866, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 908b3ef143ebfb4⋯.png (81.89 KB, 761x855, 761:855, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69fa26d89a27eb4⋯.png (55.46 KB, 768x611, 768:611, ClipboardImage.png)

Greece: “Humanitarian Aid” Organization’s People-Smuggling

Greek NGO evidently received 2,000 euros from each illegal immigrant it helped to enter Greece.


81a186  No.3047516

File: 979db925f81f428⋯.png (346.26 KB, 600x805, 120:161, 2e07032a24bcf91414c59c74b2….png)

97728a  No.3047517


Not gone if that was Mars and much closer than all other stars.

ccba89  No.3047518


my brain is leaning toward this symbolizing the cabal trying to get away with the nuclear football.

18b738  No.3047519


I was thinking along similar lines. She may be distantly related.

3ed4e9  No.3047520

File: cf44f74083d1aea⋯.jpeg (125.55 KB, 544x553, 544:553, 409F1418-70C9-4F43-A575-0….jpeg)

f18bbb  No.3047521





b18ffc  No.3047522


>Christine Blasey is a far-left activist who spent all weekend deleting her social media accounts.

I bet she did!

33a4ec  No.3047523


Oh hey .. PrematureejaculatingANON

0b1a19  No.3047524

Many of the advances in deep learning are driven by tech giants’ commercial applications and the data explosion they have generated over the past two decades. “NOvA, for example, uses a neural network inspired by the architecture of the GoogleNet,” Radovic says. “It improved the experiment in ways that otherwise could have only been achieved by collecting 30 percent more data.”


4bfc45  No.3047525


I checked they are offline.

3adc89  No.3047526


“The most important thing is to let everybody know the entire Department of Defense is on standby. I was in yesterday [THURSDAY] in meetings with the Secretary of Defense’s staff,” Semonite said.

269931  No.3047527

File: 3bb9d219d30ebd2⋯.jpeg (75.93 KB, 680x529, 680:529, Cell choice.jpeg)


I've sen more people here worried about hero worship. The best day was the boomers lamenting that "Really??!….Jimmy Buffet comped?"

Of course no proof at that time or now but it was funny. Wait until BRUUUCE!

fc3101  No.3047528


You don't sound like you belong on this board, you are definitely a fucking stupid mother fucker, GTFO and watch fox news .

5c1454  No.3047529

Kavanaugh will be confirmed on Thursday.

After the vote, the EAS broadcast [DECLAS] to test and monitor.

Ideally, attacks/attempts to disrupt will be detected and neutralized.

This will confirm EAS is 100% secure, and MOAB will be cleared to drop.

bd8086  No.3047530

no one said he was white

https:// marginalia.lareviewofbooks.org/judean-jew-jesus-paul/

aea5f8  No.3047531


It's hard, it really is but it can be done.

c40c7d  No.3047532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



dfd828  No.3047533

27af42  No.3047535

How the hell are our elections safe if this shit is allowed to go on? When the hell are they going to arrest these assholes for doing this? https://twitter.com/RealBasedBlonde/status/1041108708078612481

d6c73f  No.3047536

File: b7348280dc735e0⋯.png (1.38 MB, 634x1024, 317:512, melqniq.png)

File: c884ad69ba284a8⋯.jpg (93.92 KB, 653x1024, 653:1024, Melania w O dress.jpg)

File: 8063376c9afd177⋯.png (999.7 KB, 812x609, 4:3, Melania Delposso Zoom.PNG)


funny how this is reposted every other hour eh

9ee441  No.3047537

081d4d  No.3047538



55b3f8  No.3047539



215f2e  No.3047540

2cf307  No.3047541


Minister is 1000000% correct. Ask Sadam, Gadafi, and Assad (pre Russia aid).

795510  No.3047542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A death cult is larping it's own eulogy

And aborigines are dance on the grave

18b738  No.3047543


Wayback Machine? Is that worth a shot?

b3ed59  No.3047544

File: 4bc667aa1c5f0e2⋯.jpg (168.15 KB, 714x714, 1:1, TRUST.jpg)

Q is a slow and calculated poison that's eroding our enemies with the utmost efficiency.

Trusting the Plan only Intensifies

d40f14  No.3047545


Great video anon.

>Anons are not divided.

>Anons are under attack.

>Recognize the difference.

>Trust the plan.


There is again a lot of shilling in here.

Currently much muhjew stuff, besides concernshilling, muh timing, muh habbenings, FE and other bs.

Please think for yourself if this is ok with Qs message.

A lot of cabal folks are from jewish families and also israel is involved in a certain way. That is no secret and was and is being digged on.

However, generally blaming all jews and using 'nose' images, saying 'kike' and 'goy' over and over, is not based on facts and just division shilling.

By that shills hide the fact that the leadership of every religion seems to be involved.

Many CEOs are involved. Many politicians, worldwide. Many advisers from thinktanks are involved. ...  Many are not jewish.

There are many 'real jews' like J Kushner, they are fine people who want freedom like us. Some of the cabal activities have used beeing jew as a shield/cover to hide their activities and blame others.

Also, sacrificing children to moloch, getting high on adrenochome and gay mason stuff is not a jew thing.


>They want you DIVIDED.











>>2941990 pb

>>2990908 pb


>Melania and I wish all Jewish people Shana Tova and send our warmest greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the start of the High Holy Days...

Simplifiying and dividing muhjew shilling is not working. Anons see it.


a1db4b  No.3047546


you finially replied to me.

yes, my pity passes quickly.

6eafb0  No.3047547


I did what you are doing for 5 breads

But nein

Melania dress is still on twat

d3cd11  No.3047548

Christine M Blasey

Palo Alto University · Stanford PGSP Consortium

Posttraumatic Growth Following the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001: Cognitive, Coping, and Trauma Symptom Predictors in an Internet Convenience Sample






a3745a  No.3047549


I wonder if this was/is connected at all to Q's latest about pending EMS traffic/verification?

6b3b9d  No.3047550


Admit it.. its kinda fun.

Once u start owning that shit nnothing can even come close to you with lies or negativity.

Its a power few have.

And it is fun as fuck when they try.

2fd9a2  No.3047551


You mean Mike Posobiec Right?

4bc19a  No.3047553


Obama is a piece of shit, but technically not a traitor. This is because he never had any true allegiance to this country. His entire persona and presidency is/was a fraud.

He is a foreign agent.

18b738  No.3047554


Agreed. The Cabal can't play the longer game, that's obvious from their recent moves.

4bfc45  No.3047555


may as well

cacd51  No.3047556

File: 6d983a4a79331ea⋯.jpg (180.18 KB, 709x765, 709:765, daveysuicide.jpg)


Lynn is that you ?

166218  No.3047557

File: 6ec53612d4f820e⋯.gif (2.23 MB, 500x282, 250:141, d334c673ec4699ed77ae28d95b….gif)

006cc5  No.3047558


Ford chick is a useful idiot.

Cabal/whatever got her story, told her not to worry wrt anonymity, then doxxed her probably to take the heat off the Kerry story.

J fuckin' K was probably going around telling everyone to chill because they have a 'plan', but now that his meetings have been outed the people he talked to know the 'plan' is worth shit.

J fuckin' K will be the key to take the EU chumps down.

Again, this Ford chick is a red Squirrel. Got used. Tough shit for her.


20f901  No.3047559


Enemy Combatant

289d3a  No.3047560


I wonder if we can get POTUS to txt Tippy Top Shape for the test.

e09ba5  No.3047561

File: 1b0ceca9d741ec5⋯.png (164.83 KB, 731x146, 731:146, dream_it1mrcn3gmn_.png)


Wow. Leave God our of my "arguments". Listen, no one is going to tell me to leave my Creator out of anything. EVERYTHING Is God's will, so how could I/we leave GOD out of the equation?

Next, you're reading into what I said, based on your own bias, which is fine, because it's transparent. I said that God GETS the glory, not that God "asks for" the glory. If God didn't want Q to drop for us to even be having this conversation, than it would never have happened. GOD's WILL is UNDENIABLE, and NONE act outside of it, the US Military included. WE ARE ALL GOD's SERVANTS, even the worst of us. Read your Bible, as in comprehend it.

55b3f8  No.3047562


Enemy combatant might as well be a traitor.

d6c73f  No.3047563


sigh. ohwell, more eyes on.

easily disproved, then other info can be presented, i guess/hope

1a0701  No.3047565


you know this first pic is also shopped

580324  No.3047566

File: 8953d1fd93a57ff⋯.jpg (15.94 KB, 158x255, 158:255, Melania is Q.jpg)

db563a  No.3047567



3a81e8  No.3047568

how can you trust a black person that collapses at the sight and sound of the national anthem? why would you emlloy that lerson to ruin sudays for patriots fucm foot all its now unamerican ameri an

215f2e  No.3047569



>Q said it sweetie, not me.

>Fantasy land.

>Get ready to be hospitalized.


Anyone saying sweetie condescendingly we're seeing lefty pol.

413233  No.3047570

File: 5e9ccb3c29c8444⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 1700x1480, 85:74, mattiskillemall.jpg)


>But your suggesting that Q is saying the Military is Savior of Mankind?

Hero worship is cool and all, but Q also said "No one is above another."

The Military is doing the heavy lifting…the shit that requires intense physical and mental strength. That's what they train for.

Anon is in the psy-op department…different kind of training, but no less valuable and no less necessary.

And with that I leave you with a meme of the scariest man alive. kek


4989db  No.3047571


I think you’re on it KEK

97728a  No.3047572


It's relevant as it's much closer AND larger than any other stars. I've seen Mars throughout my life and it's not Mars.

46d5dc  No.3047573


America first eurofag

We will not forget about (you)



f18bbb  No.3047574


It needs to be intentionally archived beforehand. I wasn't able to get anything.

3adc89  No.3047575

File: d336a60248821f6⋯.png (199.22 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



think [nuclear] football

meet DOOMSDAY plane


9acfe9  No.3047576

Can someone with an ounce of graphic design skill takeover the "DELTA" proofs?? In the same time zone…..

Always missing the context/content. Probably a shill making them

766bc2  No.3047577

File: 92c4a31e5dac65a⋯.jpg (175.83 KB, 1052x1200, 263:300, DnOVATlXgAYzO4j.jpg)

Stormy's new job…

ab276f  No.3047578




He violated his oath to defend the Constitution.

666430  No.3047579

File: 1b59ff94e13472a⋯.jpg (145.14 KB, 1200x1068, 100:89, 1527830527821.jpg)


Gonna put on my larphat for this one.

They do it because they are ideologically opposed to the idea of "good", they see it as weak, and they seek to corrupt any form of "good/god" they can.

The bigger the corruption of good, the more renown and standing they achieve. For example, the "Pope" title is one of the biggest corruptions of good/god/Christianity. No man speaks for God. Period. Jesus is God's only son and the Pope is a corruption of that.

The Pope's power comes from the corruption of creating a criminal child-raping enterprise out of a religion that claims to communicate directly with God.


3a81e8  No.3047580

stay down on that knee nigger and drop the weapon

a1db4b  No.3047581

580324  No.3047582

File: ee33686d7224161⋯.jpg (9.82 KB, 460x287, 460:287, no moon.jpg)

ce42b4  No.3047583

File: 6a98fc710f6df51⋯.jpg (193.9 KB, 658x494, 329:247, PlanToDestroy.jpg)

File: 7adb1228f8c0dda⋯.jpg (38.24 KB, 523x349, 523:349, HillaryEvil.JPG)

539843  No.3047584


he took an oath of office

b18ffc  No.3047585


Shocker. Why would one have to do that if they didn’t have anything to hide. Hmmm.

848d6a  No.3047586

File: e20469a5ffae7df⋯.png (161.59 KB, 390x462, 65:77, ClipboardImage.png)


8d6cef  No.3047587



6b4a1d  No.3047589


The fool in his heart, believes there is no god

ccba89  No.3047590


yes, but, Q said "the football" for a reason. this is a term for the nuclear briefcase.

7adc45  No.3047591


I thought you were going to the early bird special?

c34e13  No.3047592


that you FEtard?

289d3a  No.3047593

File: d5da00fec862dc5⋯.png (845.12 KB, 967x621, 967:621, boomboombing.PNG)


Lets See their AI try to Debunk that Meme

cfa609  No.3047594


Unless it helps you get here and save man's last best hope, the United States.

01bad9  No.3047595

File: c48edc91a41bbee⋯.png (337.95 KB, 1003x3597, 1003:3597, 8765309.png)

mod on r/qpatriotsfight flairs shills and their posts kek. within an hour 50 of them show up on the sub.

d6c73f  No.3047596


<paging spideranon (&others)

0bf03a  No.3047597

File: 4d8f5ae4e644a9a⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 640x600, 16:15, squareupnigga.jpg)


You sound like a sock puppet

If as many people read these boards as reported.

Many of whom are Christian

Giving the Title of Savior of Mankind to someone other than Jesus = Blasphemy

SO I may be the only voice brave enough to defend that truth, I will just the same.

Before you low IQ Anons start blathering on

High IQ Anons know quite well the danger just exposed. I won't even go into the demographics of Q fans and what percentage are Christians.

But Military is Savior of Mankind?

I think while they saved us from a lot of shit storm. I'd like the think he didn't mean "Savior"

8d6cef  No.3047598



c40c7d  No.3047599

File: 4b4eb742c27de46⋯.png (798.29 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, Hillary for President 2020.png)

>>3046908 (last bread about the Metadata on pictures)


What hex editor are you messing with? Any recommended? I don't have the ability to MS paint.. please explain the black dots.. is that a layer that the AI will see as a "human interaction" and by there being a bit or 2 of bs.. I guess that screws up the ability for AI to see the other tweaks.. ??

>>3047059 so a flood of memes.. I get it I get it.. so overwhelm them..

>>3047203 (last bread an example of metadata tweaking)

excellent point. Which means that a meme must be created, then a picture taken of it.. and it used after the pic has been taken. By doing this, you erase the "human interaction" portion of it.

I am wondering if a screenshot could serve as the same type of "buffer" to content manipulation?

I am still going to be tweaking the metadata though. Again first line of defense, cause the AI is going to read all that and then try to figure out optically what is going on.

Instead of this all being through multiple breads.. gunna start a thread of its own, think it is important enough to do it.

e09ba5  No.3047600


(((They))) called The CHRIST a blasphemer too. I'm not phased by it in the least.

Oh, and then you call POTUS GEOTUS (God Emperor Of The United States) while speaking of blaspheming. Clearly, you're confused, or (((sliding))).

4bfc45  No.3047601

GOP Sen Tillis: ‘Why on Earth’ Were Allegations Against Kavanaugh Not Discussed Earlier?

Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) questioned why a letter that alleges sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is just now surfacing considering Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) obtained the letter in July.

Partial transcript as follows:

JOHN DICKERSON: Senator when you get back to Washington you got a vote on Tuesday and the Judiciary Committee which you sit on. There’s been some information about sexual misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh the president’s nominee. Have you looked at the letter that is now a part of his file? It’s a it’s. Have you looked at that.

THOM TILLIS: I haven’t seen the letter. As a matter of fact, I believe that the member that first received the letter was as late as July. And quite honestly I’m shocked that the matter didn’t come up in the nearly 32 hours of testimony that Judge Kavanaugh was before as in the open session or the nearly hour hour and a half session that we had in a closed session. That information never came up. So when we get back to Washington this week we’ll take a look at it but it really raises a question in my mind about, if this was material to the confirmation process, why on Earth, over the past four to six weeks, hasn’t it been discussed among the committee members?

DICKERSON: That’s right and we should make it quite clear this is something he’s denied categorically. This is something that allegedly happened much more than 30 years ago. But now that it is in the mix, is your is your feeling that this is a ploy of some kind or that this is while it is so long ago sufficient sufficiently important to look at look seriously and put into your calculation and others as they make their vote.

TILLIS: Well I’ve I’ve spent most of my time focused on Hurricane Florence, but the questions that we will ask and seek answers to next week are, “why sit on it for weeks?” We understand that the person who wrote the letter is not willing to come forward. So we have a confidential witness not willing to sit down at least in a closed setting that’s problematic to me. And as you said Judge Kavanaugh has categorically denied the allegations and I put some weight on that.

DICKERSON: Very quickly Senator you think he’ll be confirmed by the Senate?

TILLIS: Oh I do-

DICKERSON: -Alright-

TILLIS: -I think that we’ll move forward to report about the committee and confirm him before October.


d3cd11  No.3047602


Maybe. Hard to say. Feinstein CA Senator, her being a state employee, unknown other leverage = why her.

3ff9c0  No.3047603


She's in Boston running a yard sale?

a1db4b  No.3047604


You should feel proud that it’s near “your” house.

8d1c87  No.3047605


Currently there are approximately 1,459 artificial satellites orbiting the Earth as are many pieces of space debris.

5fc4fe  No.3047606


(((They))) really do only have one arrow in their quiver.

2cf307  No.3047607

God bless Vladimir Putin and his team!

He will not let the cabal through EU/NATO destroy his country, or those of his allies. He halted Russian adoptions because of the “satanic practice of the American and European elite”. He has been resoundingly patient among loads of false attacks and FFs done in the name of his country or allies. Has the balls to stand up to Israel.

God bless VP and all the Russian anons fighting back against NWO!

55b3f8  No.3047608


The best term to use right now is 'domestic enemy.'

f5b462  No.3047609

>>3046665 lb

Great advice.

eb6aa6  No.3047610

File: f680210c26d26d7⋯.png (62.11 KB, 411x338, 411:338, Screen Shot 2018-09-16 at ….png)

2216ad  No.3047611

File: be61af2318dc7bb⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1192x746, 596:373, ClipboardImage.png)

215f2e  No.3047612


I saw enough E6 planes up the other day they got it

201578  No.3047613

File: 07c53d2b9f7cbfc⋯.jpg (194.73 KB, 1350x913, 1350:913, batman-1989-the-batsignal.jpg)

1120e5  No.3047614

File: 90c335e4062e74b⋯.png (964.15 KB, 953x871, 953:871, Rupaul_Red_Gay.png)

4bc19a  No.3047615

>>3047578 >>3047584

Yeah but he is not even who he claims to be. He was never legally qualified to be president.

He did take the oath anyway. You have a point.

4bfc45  No.3047616

Kavanaugh Classmate Named In #MeToo Letter Denies Assault Allegation

A former classmate of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s is vehemently denying allegations that the Supreme Court nominee attempted to force himself onto a young woman during a party in high school.

Mark Judge, who attended Maryland’s Georgetown Preparatory School with Kavanaugh in the 1980s, told The Weekly Standard on Friday that the assault allegations were “just absolutely nuts.”

“I never saw Brett act that way,” Judge said.

Details of the alleged assault were first reported Friday morning by the New Yorker, which published the account of an unnamed woman who said Kavanaugh and a male classmate accosted her at a party. The woman alleged that Kavanaugh held her down and covered her mouth while the classmate turned up music in the room to conceal the sound of her protests. (RELATED: An Unnamed #MeToo Accuser Says Brett Kavanaugh Tried To Force Himself On Her)

The New Yorker story did not identify the classmate by name, but Judge confirmed to The Weekly Standard that he was the Kavanaugh associate the accuser named. Judge said he had no idea he was named in the allegation until the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow interviewed him about it.

“[Ronan Farrow] said: As you know, you’re named in the letter. And I did not know,” he told the Weekly Standard.

Judge went on to say the New Yorker refused to tell him the name of the woman who had made the allegation or any details about where and when the assault may have occurred. The unnamed woman has declined to give interviews with other media outlets.

Months before speaking with the New Yorker, the anonymous accuser sent a letter describing the alleged incident to Democratic Rep. Anna Eshoo of California. Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California has also been in possession of the allegations since July.

Feinstein, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, did not raise the allegation during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing earlier this month. Nor did the matter come up during a closed session where sensitive information was discussed, according to a Judiciary Committee spokesperson.

Feinstein said Thursday that she had forwarded allegations concerning Kavanaugh to the FBI. The referral did not trigger a criminal inquiry, but the FBI provided the information to the White House for placement in Kavanaugh’s background check file, USA Today reported.

Kavanaugh denied the allegations against him in a written statement released by the White House on Friday,

“I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation,” he said. “I did not do this back in high school or at any time.”


8853b2  No.3047617


And at this point you are sliding the board. So no cares about anything you just said. STFU or stay on topic, k? Plenty of biblefag breads on this chan for you to be sanctimonious, ok Slider?

c60986  No.3047618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This debunked a lot of the observatorys worldwide being offline story.

ce42b4  No.3047619

File: 4e0b8c5b8ef924a⋯.jpg (82.53 KB, 647x369, 647:369, ServerHouseOfCards.jpg)

01bad9  No.3047620


>Probably a shill making them


838b61  No.3047621

File: 9198950b125dabd⋯.png (41.06 KB, 559x496, 559:496, ClipboardImage.png)

b3ed59  No.3047622


Works very well here too!


c34e13  No.3047623


thats in new mexico ffs

0d9272  No.3047624

Dig on the Carson family in relation to spoopy take over of Grandma's Congressional seat, long relationship w/ Farrakhan and heinous hate-crime committing brother/cousin(?)

>Why would [3] D Congressman attend a private dinner w/ Iranian President Hassan Rouhani [#1 state sponsor of terrorism] in 2013?

>Rep Andre Carson (Indiana)

Carson's predecessor was his grandmother, Julia Carson. He won by special election 3 months after she passed away.

"During this election, he was endorsed by U.S. Senator Evan Bayh,[37] then-Senator Barack Obama, former Indianapolis Mayor Bart Peterson, Marion County Sheriff Frank J. Anderson, then-Representative from Indiana's 8th district Brad Ellsworth,[38] and retired U.S. Congressman Andy Jacobs, Jr. U.S. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) contributed $4,000 each from their own campaign funds and $10,000 each from their political action committees to the Carson campaign"

(Carson was the second Muslim elected to Congress after Ellison.)

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/André_Carson

"Andre Carson is a race baiter who fabricated racist stories about the tea party: Andre Carson was raised by his grandmother Julia Carson. A state legislator for 18 years and a congresswoman for a decade, Ms. Carson had a friendly relationship with the hateful Louis Farrakhan throughout Andre's childhood. In fact, Julia and Louis went "way back" according to a 2008 Indianapolis Star report. Andre's wife stated that Farrakhan was with Julia the night her grandson was born in 1974. The anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader who called white people "devils" told mourners at her funeral in 2007 "I was with her in her discipleship."

Farrakhan's presence in the grandmother's life came to a head during her eulogy

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGzGNFTM7BI start at 8:50 mark)

when the minister endorsed Andre's bid for the dead woman's congressional seat. "She lives in Andre," he said "she wants him to succeed her."

https:// www.americanthinker.com/articles/2011/09/andre_carsons_racist_family_ties.html

Carson's other grandson (not sure if it's Andre's brother or cousin): Congresswoman's grandson convicted of torturing two men in robbery

Deputy Prosecutor: "There's no question that this is a hate crime, and we are going to push for that at sentencing,"

Police said Carson and two accomplices forced the men at gunpoint to perform sex acts on each other during a robbery in the victims' Indianapolis apartment in 1999

One man was forced to drink a mixture of bleach and urine, police said. Both men were tied up and burned with a steam iron.

https:// www.nwitimes.com/uncategorized/congresswoman-s-grandson-convicted-of-torturing-two-men-in-robbery/article_d3cabe1d-1e46-5c9b-841b-27a48cedbfdf.html

683645  No.3047625

File: 774d27afa9c908d⋯.jpeg (788.27 KB, 2284x1380, 571:345, ZFISAcorruption--D8CD99EF….jpeg)

File: e44aedb8bd1e14a⋯.jpg (240.87 KB, 1260x1200, 21:20, ZSecretPoliceFISACorruptio….jpg)


Good. Wish we had more time to deface our own memes. Pic related. Going thru the archive just trying out different techniques here. The results are not aesthetic but that is not important anymore.

a1db4b  No.3047626


Nah, it’s still around. It’ll be near the moon again soon.

2cf307  No.3047627


The politically correct way to say it is documented oath-breaker. We do t want to use politically charged language now do we!

d40f14  No.3047628


Investigation into FBI/DOJ - handling of DJT/Russia and HRC email investigations

Asked if NUNES will declas his interviews done, he said YES

Walls are beginning to close in on corrupt officials of FBI and DOJ (many fired, on leave, demoted)

We are seeing this collapse slowly, eventhough MSM is not reporting bc focused on fake russia collusion

House intel committee led investigation and thinks their work (depositions of nearly 70 people, facts found, interviews, answers) needs to be made puclic for American people,

Full trancparency is in order here, NUNES expects to make INFO PUBLICLY available from house intel com in the NEXT FEW WEEKS

Some documents are held by committee (70 - 80%), some are classified.

Director of Nat. Intel needs to declas, NUNES hopes it takes only days (and they don't play it slow to not have it before election)

Info needed out in public before election bc there is so much misinfo/disinfo re russian 'collusion',

that is why committee asked POTUS to declas many more documents, not only re BO, but also Carter Page FISA.

NUNES thinks POTUS has no choice but to declas before midterms, if POTUS wants the American people to unterstand how unfair the investigation has been.

Declas and full transparency is in the best interest of intel agencies

A lot of people (10 - 20%) actually believe the russia collusion fake story and think POTUS might be under control by Putin, they even belive house republicans are controlled by Putin - "AND THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NUTS"  

Strzok - Page texts re media leak strategy shows FBI would leak storys, plant them, then pick up and use those fake news, to interview amarican people.

Carter Page FISA used not only HRC dirt, but also used planted fake news storys as bases for court. 

Info needed before midterms

Committee saw unprecedented level of coordinationn between HRC campaign, their associates like fusion gps and others, who had ties into FBI, other agencies and dep of state. They were able to generate fake news storys in dozends.

18b738  No.3047630

File: baf0e45b3df62df⋯.jpg (75.11 KB, 607x686, 607:686, keksignal.jpg)

0ae5bf  No.3047631

File: 4cde49829b5cb6e⋯.png (441.21 KB, 586x439, 586:439, Screen Shot 2018-09-16 at ….png)

28e7ed  No.3047632

The Total Number of minds in the Universe is One. In Fact, Consciousness is a Singularity phasing within All Beings… Erwin Schrödinger, Quantum Physicist.

413233  No.3047633


>Lets See their AI try to Debunk that Meme

What's going to be interdasting is the effect that all this has on the FB normies who like to share memes, too.

I always expect to be censored…normies do not. kek

3ed4e9  No.3047634

File: 35ae8a169b739ba⋯.jpeg (427.73 KB, 769x1005, 769:1005, 2601CB6E-6A4B-4F42-8FC9-F….jpeg)

Mueller and Kerry were butt buddies in school. Pack that into your pipe and take a nice big hit.

d40f14  No.3047635


Thank you anon.

141793  No.3047636


I don’t see where your religion has saved anyone from the cabal and the darkness behind it. It’s left you powerless and unable to really fight the darkness. Of course that was their plan and it has succeeded. Someone has to step up to the plate to do something. Your religion has only given you the power to condemn and make yourself holier than all. You have no power to fight this darkness. You are weak and your self righteousness has made you ill equipped for what is coming.

43c22f  No.3047637


More like God-Wins Law you crypto-Nazi

6b4a1d  No.3047638


also, psychopaths wish to control other people, places, or circumstances. Psychopaths do not like ideas to be published which disagrees with their own world view.. Do you wish that other people abandon their belief in an Almighty Creator when they practice their free speech? If so, you might be that psychopath.

51241e  No.3047639

File: 7942817974f8481⋯.jpg (849.06 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Virgo_Q.jpg)



Happy birthday. My SpouseAnon also Friday.

0b5c87  No.3047640

>>3046992 (PB)

I don't watch the National Felons League. Nothing they do makes any difference to me and I certainly am not going to rubber-stamp their bullshit.

16d4eb  No.3047641


It is chockfull of eurofags in here.

We're lending a hand to clean up this WW mess.

The location of present act in this show is USA.

The cleaning will spread though, WW, Asia and Europe.

American anons will lend a hand in taking down the cabal on this side of the pond, I have no doubt.

Have faith and never give up!


666430  No.3047642

File: 4580384ebfcc02a⋯.jpg (287.84 KB, 777x777, 1:1, 4580384ebfcc02af0b22bbed31….jpg)


It also means mankind was literally doomed without the brave patriots intervening. Savior in a literal sense, not a religious sense.

Shills are trying to decipher Q posts and attack them but are doing a bad job at it.

76f1c4  No.3047643

Notables so far

Anything missed? Updates?


>>3047260, >>3047369, >>3047423, >>3047548, >>3047616 Woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her as a teen revealed as Christine Blasey Ford

>>3047318 Briefcase & Football carried by POTUS

>>3047347 Report: Dutch Catholic Church Accused of Covering up Child Sex Abuse

>>3047376 One Convicted Terrorist Released onto Britain’s Streets Every Week

>>3047399 Former Ukrainian Minister: ‘If Russia didn’t have nukes, NATO would have reduced it to dust’

>>3047497 Arrest documents for 'serial killer' U.S. Border Patrol agent in Texas reveal new details

>>3047499, >>3047575 Think [nuclear] football meet Doomsday plane

c16e4f  No.3047644



Washington Poot article today about her. Looks like Feinstein was playing games, holding back until the right moment. I think it was intended this woman would go public all along, feigning reluctance.

269931  No.3047645

File: 1f52e8ee3f7abe7⋯.jpg (367.79 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, Airship.jpg)


At least for four nights E6 was up. Have to admit that gave me pause…only for a moment.


7857de  No.3047646

File: 92c713decf75af6⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1280x908, 320:227, ClipboardImage.png)

Louisiana Republican Rep. Clay Higgins introduced a resolution that would require members of Congress to be drug tested once every term.

Higgins introduced House Concurrent Resolution 135 Thursday, saying “I have observed some behavior that would cause one to wonder,” in an interview with USA Today. “Elected officials in Washington, D.C., should be subject to the same kind of random drug screenings that blue-collar, working-class Americans have to endure,” he said in a statement to CBS News.

If a representative tested positive for illegal drugs, they would be reported to the House or Senate Committees on Ethics. Those who refuse would have their names made public. The resolution would also require members of congress to pay back taxpayers for any related costs for their drug tests.

“Congress shouldn’t get to live by a different set of rules,” Higgins continued. “This effort is about maintaining accountability and ensuring sober service to We, the People.”

In a video posted on his Facebook page, Higgins made it clear that if working Americans have to do drug tests in order to gain employment or keep their, then members of Congress should be held to that same standard.


797ca5  No.3047647

File: 2ba83d74fea2d13⋯.jpeg (200.36 KB, 750x732, 125:122, A74CA5F2-D96C-4CF3-B1BD-0….jpeg)

5e259a  No.3047648

There is a reason Trump has not declassified the FISA according to the last refuge. It is because no representative with oversight has called for it and because it would be to clear Trump, and considered obstruction of justice. I agree with this assessment.

c52078  No.3047649

A lot of people are getting overly worked up over this drop.

This is likely just going to result in "blackouts" and other extremely disruptive stuff if the Cabal doesn't back down and willingly hand over the Keys to the Internet or whatever they're trying to use as leverage this time.


It's always a game of chicken and the bad guys always blink first.

Have your phone/tv ready but RELAX! Q would be more direct about it if there really was going to be something crazy.

5fc4fe  No.3047650


Q said think football. The Football is what a military aide carries and is always within short distance to POTUS 24/7. It allows POTUS to send the necessary CONFIRMED signal to US Strategic Nuclear Forces.

In this context, I believe Q is referring to the ability of POTUS to send CONFIRMED message traffic to all citizens. It cannot be altered. But it can be verified as coming from one source: POTUS.

This is so POTUS can communicate directly with We, The People, and not be filtered by (((them))).

2a8a00  No.3047651

File: 5f251e12f5ec64e⋯.jpg (111.26 KB, 1152x774, 64:43, theylive.JPG)

File: ccfd70f31779d8c⋯.jpg (107.24 KB, 1133x780, 1133:780, heretodo2things.JPG)


all I make is for the peoples, have at it, spread it.. honestly, i couldn't stop keking while making it. the pat on the head is right about where I could piss my pants. ahh, anon amuses itself mightily.

0ae5bf  No.3047652


This outta be good

8853b2  No.3047653



fc1ea4  No.3047654

File: 92c588b09c3c648⋯.png (494.34 KB, 532x756, 19:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9c3eb239442d9c⋯.png (859.66 KB, 812x808, 203:202, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e5238f08f09e37⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1129x734, 1129:734, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 800184a6fe800c3⋯.png (90.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

[google] recaptcha system is the [matrix] using our brain power for machine learning algos to train AI meme recognition tech

the meme war has already begun

make sure youre awake

c34e13  No.3047655


I agree, but its " [think 'the football'] "

just to be 100% accurate

ff3b8e  No.3047656

File: 68e4a40e7403e83⋯.jpg (49.09 KB, 507x338, 3:2, 183771968-170667a.jpg)

File: ad5a8d6e4d8da4f⋯.jpg (159.35 KB, 1799x1221, 1799:1221, CIA.jpg)

0bf03a  No.3047657

File: 3ce98e9e9f2e4d1⋯.jpg (9.12 KB, 250x242, 125:121, sowhatpepe.jpg)


Listen here sugar, honey, lollipop, buttercup, babydoll, you simply have a small penis. Very small. And that's ok, we won't judge you for it.

7291fb  No.3047658


>obstruction of justice?????

since when does an illegal investigation equal justice?

918196  No.3047659

File: d3875d309d27e2b⋯.jpg (9.85 KB, 255x168, 85:56, stealingthat.jpg)



28e7ed  No.3047660


We always have to stay logical no matter how some of us want ET disclosure

Just like sky event, there are likely more mundane explanations for the shutdown

107391  No.3047661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Use the polka dot fags to trigger the cia niggs

Trust chronic

Trust ramen

Trust a gas can

cfa609  No.3047662


POTUS should give these chuckled heads that medal that the cultist all awarded themself.

POTUS gives medal of freedom to shitposters?

If any legit people were awarded the medal in past we can find a more honarable and fitting tribute. MAGA cap for example out guns and Hussein decoration.

87d419  No.3047663


Show me where God asks for Glory?? Jesus. I'll be waiting.

The ONLY line is "So let your light shine so that others may see your good works and Glorify your Father who is in Heaven." Paul said, "You say you have Faith, but I have works, and I will know your Fatih BY your works."

So your Fatih and your works, which are NOT bringing Glory to God by TELLING others they had BETTER "Glorify" God Blah blah blah, is the EXACT crap that gives Christians a bad name.

Boomer right??

And I am NOT God's "servant", speak for YOURSELF, that is YOUR belief. I am God's child and friend. It's interesting how at times, supposed "Christians" use the EXACT same tactics that the luciferians in my family and that I have hunted my whole life sound.

Drop the dogma. Keep your Faith to yourself other than to encourage and uplift others, not to peddle your little micro-sermons. You sound wack and Jesus NEVER asked you to do such things. Quite the opposite.

8a4186  No.3047664

File: faf8cb3d47caaa5⋯.png (14.54 KB, 386x244, 193:122, ldr.png)

ce42b4  No.3047665

File: 7d951f49cd3c347⋯.jpg (24.46 KB, 573x378, 191:126, Kerry.jpg)

fc3101  No.3047666

File: cdb418940b8de80⋯.jpg (52.92 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1492343144192-1.jpg)


uh OH will they say no ????? That will be highly suspect .

e1fe40  No.3047667


Don't matter what you think.

Our brothers over at Reddit needed a new home and that is it.

It's ALL GOOD whether you like it or not.

Cheer up cupcake!

166218  No.3047668

File: f884223a9289f58⋯.png (370.37 KB, 634x476, 317:238, TrumpyCloud.png)

b18ffc  No.3047669


Agreed as well. Simple analogy.

b73d20  No.3047670

File: 1ad62dc7b1dad08⋯.png (188.68 KB, 622x380, 311:190, fuckdeepstate.png)

File: 540439beb77d6ac⋯.jpg (57.13 KB, 633x380, 633:380, scheisse.jpg)

TEST [Thursday] by DoD to confirm 'free-flow' of direct comms.

POTUS SPEC AUTH REQ [think 'the football'].

NSA monitoring for any attempts to disrupt and/or term access.

CENTRAL Command.


215f2e  No.3047671


It's different having our mil actually protecting America, gotta get used to that kek

6cdaff  No.3047672


We need a new D-day over here in Europe - you can name it Q-day this time!

aa2306  No.3047673

Yes. This vid posted on last bread should be notable


a734d6  No.3047674

Teenagers drinking do stupid things…he TRIED or DID force himself upon her.

2a8a00  No.3047675


{insert meme: politico searching detox solution and tips}

51f48d  No.3047676

File: 6168624f68b26d5⋯.png (781.29 KB, 770x480, 77:48, traitor renegade.png)

e09ba5  No.3047677

File: ca3f2240dcc4fdd⋯.png (32.51 KB, 488x330, 244:165, ClipboardImage.png)


The usual religious slides are in effect this Sunday. Also, what is a crypto-Nazi?

Q, June 30:


Prove that I'm a Nazi. Or don't, you'll be ignored after this word

8a34fa  No.3047678

Not sure if any anons had this in their locales, but a local channel here just issued a "weekly emergency test." Normally wouldn't think anything of except: It was cable channel specific (not normal) and I haven't seen a cable wide test in over 4 months.

532d61  No.3047679

File: 7a41aa482d48ac7⋯.jpg (47.15 KB, 950x594, 475:297, slavpepe.JPG)

a734d6  No.3047680

0bf03a  No.3047681

File: 3e1ded944c5c02e⋯.jpeg (215.84 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, FLOTUS.jpeg)


Here is a smart anon!

They are going back over old posts and using this to cause a DIVISION!

Much like they did with the Save Israel for Last Post!

0d9272  No.3047682


So first she was locked in a room and now he grinded on her…

a1db4b  No.3047683

87d419  No.3047684


What's with the "sweetie" line?? You sound like a hooker or a stripper or some shit. Work on your game.

35ed62  No.3047685

Think football means that Q and POTUS thnk that clean communication with the populace is as important as the nuke codes.

3adc89  No.3047686

File: 5bc1a0ed21ae16f⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1905x993, 635:331, ClipboardImage.png)

3a81e8  No.3047687

niggers are so weak yet act so tough while being ignorant.they muster up nonsense another black claiming hate crime today making up stories of racism and they police press no charges yet you were cited.fucking people let the niggers get afree pass they hand out probation to niggers that gangrape a 14 year old girl in colorado.there is zero justice left in the system and all people are screaming for prison reform we need people reform and education camps time to seperate again to save save this nation. nigger lovers are and will nkt be remembered o. the good side of history.niggers are pushing for a race war again.

43c22f  No.3047688


I’m waiting for the fake diary from 1987 that details the Kavanaugh Attack

e1fe40  No.3047689


oops should have been


289d3a  No.3047690

File: 50998b5e3344744⋯.png (1.07 MB, 941x623, 941:623, korea.PNG)


This guy is a silly Noob, Laws are for Plebes.

Introduce a resolution that removes their Immunity from SEC prosecution.

Then you will see some fucking rats leaving.

1b1f67  No.3047692


766bc2  No.3047693


He won't even let gays in Russia adopt Russian babies.

He protects his Country

0ae5bf  No.3047694


slav squat

ce42b4  No.3047695


Kavanaugh will be confirmed.

6b4a1d  No.3047696


maybe you just have a very big snatch (think hotdog down a hallway.) which is ok. They make animal phallics for those conditions.

9e7189  No.3047697

Not gonna lie here folks… When I was 18 and horny, I was a bit of a cad, and "forced myself" on at least one somewhat unwilling woman…

I tend to think that many men do this… that it's kind of part of growing up, learning respect, controlling yourself… Your frontal lobe is not fully developed until your mid-20s… this is the area of the brain responsible for decision making and regulating impulsive behaviors. Seriously, if Kavanaugh DID NOT behave like an idiot manchild in his late teens, I'd probably worry about the guy.

We all need to stop and take a step back and realize this shit is normal.

215f2e  No.3047698


Lefties condescendingly use that and cupcake too

0d9272  No.3047699


And Flynn's shit eating grin says it all! hahahaha

0362a4  No.3047700

File: 75f49e5b5338a92⋯.jpeg (40.19 KB, 1150x233, 1150:233, D7EF356F-1383-4734-B777-2….jpeg)


Not if we harvest them first

6eafb0  No.3047701


She has nightmares since

107391  No.3047702


He was planted by the cia unofficially

b73d20  No.3047703


You should feel right at home then!

3adc89  No.3047704

File: 6caefa624fa0a40⋯.jpg (3.99 MB, 2000x2064, 125:129, 1478695531643.jpg)

1b070d  No.3047705

File: 7d20fd68be526da⋯.jpg (112.71 KB, 885x516, 295:172, stormy2.jpg)

97728a  No.3047706


So it moved 160 degrees to the north and will move back 160 degrees when the moon is visible again?

666430  No.3047707

File: 49024c4f483ac57⋯.jpg (72.97 KB, 639x960, 213:320, DmpyEW9X4AAhq-K.jpg)

File: 9482faac2489266⋯.jpg (302.43 KB, 1024x733, 1024:733, 9482faac2489266492b5f6f57f….jpg)

File: 535a425cdffa475⋯.jpg (30.57 KB, 960x522, 160:87, 1cf403bcbe7795c64d55ab9f87….jpg)

215f2e  No.3047708


I luff him.

39aada  No.3047709


Pubic hair on coke can was pretty creative one must admit.

4f6a74  No.3047710

File: dbd5051d504fa63⋯.png (41.3 KB, 644x182, 46:13, Screen Shot 2018-09-16 at ….png)

Of interest:


97728a  No.3047711


Make that 180 degrees.

55b3f8  No.3047712


Same song and dance.

79c510  No.3047713


top kek

7857de  No.3047715


It's a lose lose situation for them. They can't oppose this or they look like hypocrites at best, and if they let it go through it'll clean out more dirty members of congress.

3843a3  No.3047716

File: b99506ea9124bbc⋯.jpg (149.33 KB, 690x469, 690:469, kavsex.jpg)

File: ed6d12189f74dd8⋯.jpg (365.03 KB, 928x491, 928:491, morepopcorn copy.jpg)

movie is getting good, bringing in more popcorn


107391  No.3047717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6cdaff  No.3047718


Should be "Muh New Pimp"

67ff31  No.3047719

File: 0fe0543a96ef868⋯.png (250.5 KB, 1127x685, 1127:685, trust.png)

b464c4  No.3047720


Give her a gig at the "Prove me wrong" table

5e259a  No.3047721


Calm down twat waffle. There is no justice in Washington DC, and we all know it. Using the office of the presidency to thwart an investigation has always been considered obstruction of justice. Regardless if that investigation is illegal, unconstitutional, a setup, or just a flat out hoax. Makes no difference, especially when the media will spin it to cover up for Nobama and their precious FBI and DOJ.

43c22f  No.3047722

File: 9aebebe32d832eb⋯.jpeg (28.93 KB, 721x155, 721:155, C0212E79-3D71-4425-9F32-4….jpeg)


lo info is no way to go through life son

fac214  No.3047723

File: 5ac19ea15f37c42⋯.png (641.37 KB, 640x463, 640:463, jewawayspray.png)

0bb2c8  No.3047724

Q is not a god he is anon just like us, no anon above another

fd8c77  No.3047725

File: 63c2928a43af7b0⋯.png (43.7 KB, 526x192, 263:96, ClipboardImage.png)


Q, you've mentioned CENTRAL command. I take this to mean that the operations will be directed from CentCom at MacDill AFB.

You've also mentioned 'the football.'

You've said that DoD is ensuring the free-flow of direct communications.

This leads me to the conjecture that there will be a direct communications channel over the USAF network and that this will involve the STRATCOM frequencies - 11.175MHz.

Most of the time, I monitor these with my ham radio. I will stand watch this next week and relay any relevant messages to the internet on both this board and on Twitter

0bf03a  No.3047726

File: 5f2bc5741ca3b55⋯.png (207 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Google searched an image for Hotdog in Hallway and all I kept coming up with is a pic of your Mom. So I just had to use this one. Sorry.

1cc247  No.3047727

File: 3351f0277c671ce⋯.png (446.5 KB, 774x522, 43:29, BO Gitmo.png)

55b3f8  No.3047728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Same shit, different decade.

e1fe40  No.3047729


>They are drawn to the visages of their own demise.

Much like mosquitoes to the BUG ZAPPER!

cfa609  No.3047730

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Life and Death of Marina Abrahamsammich part III

68dc58  No.3047731

File: 3b4b6ec36f5ba94⋯.jpg (19.41 KB, 337x150, 337:150, 2i2io7.jpg)


Ignore the JIDF Jesus was a Jew shills. They scream this shit as a mental jujitsu. All it is is mind fuckery.

d6c73f  No.3047732

File: 391dc59de6eea12⋯.png (594.63 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20180123_Comi….png)

76f1c4  No.3047733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I just found this vidya on the jootubes.

Not sure how much a fan I'm of this "X anon" thing, but the vidya is pretty funny so far, I'm 5minutes in.

166218  No.3047734

File: 52d351f388902dc⋯.png (490.23 KB, 1063x647, 1063:647, 489be586291187ec79dd112a80….png)


So did the good General whisper something into Prozac's ear afterward that made him look pic related?

b464c4  No.3047735



b73d20  No.3047736


'sweetie'…got to be a roastie.

c08cc7  No.3047737

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/16/18 (Sun) 13:44:31 No.244



Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t find proof of Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller named

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.200 Sep 7 2018 14:57:28 (EST)

Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.


a1db4b  No.3047738


That’s a moldy mind for you

3a81e8  No.3047739

learn the difference between good and evil.learn the difference between right and wrong.good vs evil and right vs wrong do not mix you cannot intermingle the two..

87d419  No.3047740

File: f7235199ee87b78⋯.jpg (134.14 KB, 900x636, 75:53, excalibur_by_epar3d-d4zf7e….jpg)



Agreed. That's why I'm going after them. The shilling since the Reddit move has been different on every shift. This crap where (((they))) introduce division, is to be expected. But they are NOT going to use Jesus and the words of the bible and dogma to do it.

That's how they have ALWAYS done it. "I am morally superior, and now let ME tell YOU what GOD wants, because he's too busy, and he sent me to tell you….Etc Ad infinitum.

It's like when you would be at church, and this happened ALL the time, and someone would go, "Hey Pete, how was your baseball game??" And Little Pete goes, "It was great!! I got 4 hits!!"

And then SOME jackass would have to pipe in, "Praise Jesus!! Make sure you give GOD that Glory, For it was HIM working in YOU to get those hits"…BLAH BLAH BLAH. Pure madness.


0eebb3  No.3047741


^^^ THIS.

>"the football"

In addition, it's clear they are testing the EMS system to be sure (((they))) don't STILL have the ability to intercept or fuck with the message to he delivered.

Anons, this is IMPORTANT. Q is telling is that (((they))) may have access to "the football", which is most definitely a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY.


4f6a74  No.3047742


But it wasn't. It was ripped off from a case in some podunk law office in Missouri, iirc.

(read it once a long time ago – way before the internet lies machine. not going to bother trying to dig it up now. I'll be the sauce).

563218  No.3047743

Brought To You Courtesy of The Red White & Blue


9e7189  No.3047744


Yeah, that whole circus was a travesty… I remember all that fucking drama back when I was a teenager, and was like "Why the fuck would anyone throw themselves at Anita Hill? She's fucking ugly!"

918196  No.3047745


Thank you Patriot! I'll keep my eyes peeled for your posts. o7

4bc19a  No.3047746


But does it djent?

feffe0  No.3047747

File: d2eec38b8dfcf95⋯.jpg (165.38 KB, 666x444, 3:2, Meme censorshipp.jpg)


GIMP has a Warp transform tool (looks like a wave) which is decent for wobbling the fugg out of text.

f697ae  No.3047748

File: d52514eb13690e9⋯.jpeg (92.5 KB, 645x351, 215:117, 6D3814A4-E66A-433A-9152-1….jpeg)

File: be03e2a8393c5e4⋯.jpeg (481.08 KB, 750x986, 375:493, C11FDFDD-07C5-4329-999C-2….jpeg)

413233  No.3047749

File: ac8a35b59badc59⋯.png (348.87 KB, 898x464, 449:232, trumpcloud.PNG)

f5b462  No.3047750

File: c9ff9853b33ff41⋯.jpg (202.3 KB, 666x444, 3:2, ATR-OisABCDorE.jpg)

269931  No.3047751

File: e6fa3a7a6e90d84⋯.png (281.1 KB, 964x964, 1:1, Punisher.png)


This also ties in with the missle attacks last and this year. Who gave the authority etc.

We know that person was neutralized within minutes…previous drop. McMaster IMO.

His father got 187'd shortly after that failure.


Puts it all out there for everyone to get familiar with process and then…BTW here is proof of 2 dozen attempts to circumnavigate CoC.

09da49  No.3047752

File: 3a4c49b071beab8⋯.mp4 (9.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, The Hammer (Alternate Vers….mp4)


Let the killers go, don't let your mother know

Don't go out tonight, don't even try to fight

'Cause I can see, I've got the thing you need

And I'm here to stay, it's gonna be that way

Oh, don't try to run, don't try to scream

Believe me, the hammer's gonna smash your dream

I'm in your life, just might be in your wife

Could be behind your back, I might be on your track

And it might be true, I might be onto you

I'll scare you half to death, I'll take away your breath

Oh, don't try to see, don't you try to hide

Believe me, the hammer's gonna make you die

Ain't that right?

There ain't no way, you'll see another day

I'm shooting out your lights, bring you eternal night

And your eternal tricks, begin to make me sick

The only thing I know, is that you've gotta go

Oh, don't you try it, babe, don't look around

Believe me, the hammer's gonna bring you down

Believe me, the hammer's coming down

f697ae  No.3047753

File: ccb753b76676fad⋯.jpeg (128.77 KB, 750x420, 25:14, 5DCDD7E1-9A43-4CC3-BC43-3….jpeg)

3d643b  No.3047754


Baker, please consider >>3047465. I listened and found it notable for the PR, but other anons have probably not had the time to listen to it in its entirety. Plus, this bread is full of shills distracting anons.

737074  No.3047755

a734d6  No.3047756

POTUS is waiting to DECLAS. Is it because of Huber or timing for maximum impact in midterms?

51241e  No.3047757


>There are those of us who have given up tv- no notifications.

>There are those of us who do not have cell/smart phones- no comms.

>Will there be other method of comms on Thursday or is this limited to cell phone notifications?

Wondered this myself.

Cell phone cancelled ends 25th

Have land line.

Facebook deleted, Google soon to be deleted, and no T.V. for decades.

Maybe AM/FM Radio? (not certain if alert tied to EBS, or separate system)

63e0af  No.3047758

File: efdc8439f3f2268⋯.png (267.12 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


^ aaand suddenly they all gone after mass downvote briGAYd

39aada  No.3047760


Nice sauce. If we only had internet back then.

cfa609  No.3047761

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Live Forever

cc38eb  No.3047762

Hey Deep State,

The PURGE is comin' for ya!

You can run,

but ya can't hide from NSA!

Have a shitty day!

107391  No.3047763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aea5f8  No.3047764


Went to an ALL BOYS boarding school.


3843a3  No.3047765

File: a070b41f0a083ec⋯.jpg (467.04 KB, 1177x960, 1177:960, rodskeletor.jpg)


damn lag is killer

c34e13  No.3047766

3a81e8  No.3047767


HAM radio

0ae5bf  No.3047768

Massive F*cking Mistake

>Her husband Russell Ford said that in therapy sessions, his wife recounted being trapped in a room with two drunken boys, one of whom pinned her to a bed, molested her and prevented her from screaming.

Kav needs to sue the complainant immediately.

Husband just opened the door to her therapy records.

737074  No.3047769



You gott a loicense for that food poisoning?

43c22f  No.3047770


The UK has AIDS

666430  No.3047771

File: bf5161f0ae2e032⋯.jpg (11.73 KB, 193x255, 193:255, bf5161f0ae2e0328b55a5841fa….jpg)


Funny thing, pairing with the context of what we know about Posobiec, and his expression in the picture. Posobiec has the classic pedosmile. It's the face someone makes when they're gloating internally about getting away with something and it shows externally.

He's "IN with Flynn" and he's showing off to his handlers.

074451  No.3047772

File: 37eaf74b198ebc8⋯.jpg (235.53 KB, 1008x800, 63:50, Batman_and_Q3.jpg)

63e0af  No.3047773

87d419  No.3047774


I agree with this 100%. There hasn't been much talk on here about the condition that our EBS was in when GEOTUS arrived in the past 6 months or so. Wasn't good.


If they had a nuke, we would have been nuked by now. There would be no reason to wait any longer.

76f1c4  No.3047775

>>3047465, >>3047754

Ty I'll give it a look, wil probably add for visibility

fc3101  No.3047776

File: 7f001b60e6126b1⋯.jpg (44.87 KB, 570x487, 570:487, ulvnyk8xmjcy.jpg)

6eafb0  No.3047777

Define force on…

Lets say we started kissing and she responded

I then start touching her breasts and she doesnt freak out

I start pulling shirt up, she wakes up and pulls away

I try to continue but she says no and leaves

Sorry for soft porn

Can she then tell her friends that i tried to force myself on her?

107391  No.3047778


You really want some negro bemis by modern psychology FYI

b464c4  No.3047779


It's ok little one. They should never have built you with a sqlite db. Flat files are sloooooow. Release the caps lock…it's ok. It won't hurt. TRUST ME

39a2c0  No.3047780

File: 4f989a0ee4f1aa8⋯.png (116.94 KB, 1223x788, 1223:788, ClipboardImage.png)


>professor at Palo Alto University

Not listed with last name Ford but Blasey

0bf03a  No.3047781


Sorry anon that was meant for >>3047696

c52078  No.3047782


I don't think it works just like that. I think you would need compd commanders, several i believe, in addition to stealing/hacking the football to be able to actually launch a nuke.

0ae5bf  No.3047783


See >>3047453

Normal RADIO

51a162  No.3047784


q is a russian larp

fd8c77  No.3047785









3a81e8  No.3047786


ad hominem much nigger brain?

4f6a74  No.3047787


accuser went to different high school, anon.

55b3f8  No.3047788


Please provide the sauce. This will be notable.

d4ea13  No.3047789


Mmmm… piney, expansive… smoooooth.

3843a3  No.3047790

File: d819e4137164c9e⋯.jpg (859.03 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, special place.jpg)

File: 60ce8c759d9d9ce⋯.jpg (249.52 KB, 720x576, 5:4, damnmark.jpg)

its the mother fuckin meme war of 2018 ffs!

b73d20  No.3047791


How to make a 'Single shooter' ?

d6c73f  No.3047792

File: 3735ef621e5cbf5⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1008x800, 63:50, batrump-JA.png)

File: 899b7079574ce07⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1008x800, 63:50, batrump-JR.png)

File: e9b8754a108bbba⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1008x800, 63:50, batrump-JS.png)

File: 0a8c43986f9b6fa⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1008x800, 63:50, batrump-MR.png)

>>3047386 kekekekeke

9d4f18  No.3047793

File: c5c51af3134d37e⋯.jpeg (82.16 KB, 750x971, 750:971, 3bc610a8dfbaae9e2372480e8….jpeg)


Expand thinking Anons.

Football + Thursday.

Jets vs Browns.

What was the real reason Football was created?

Why does the NFL play games on Sunday's at Noon?

Where/what were the majority of Americans doing @noon on a Sunday before the NFL?

These people are sick.

Re-read post 2098.

Re-read post 2172.

Are you awoke.


5fc4fe  No.3047794


I think what Q is telling us about being ready with memes and then linking to articles stating non-NSA AI can't understand memes, is that when POTUS drops his message this week, that's the signal to drop the memes. Because there are so many and (((their))) AI can't understand them, (((they))) can't filter them.

(((They))) would have to risk shutting down EVERYTHING to stop it. When (((they))) do that (((they))) are exposed as the fraud (((they))) are and it exposes the truth and supports POTUS message/ messages to follow.

98160b  No.3047795

How is this bullshit going to prevent Kavanaugh from being confirmed?

e09ba5  No.3047796


Going for all of the division you can, huh KEK

Christians, Boomers, Luciferians, labels labels labels. All man-made labels at that. Sad.

i NEVER SAID that God asks for glory.

YOU SAID THAT. Anyone can rereads this thread ans clearly see that I said that God GETS the glory. It's by default. No requests required.

Abraham was God's friend you're on the right road there, yet and still, did he NOT serve God?

BTW, I'm not a "Boomer" or a Christian. I don't put religion between my relationship with God, am well aware the Jesus said that we would do greater things than He, and don't look for God anywhere other than where Jesus said to find the Kingdom of God. If I told you what I REALLY knew, you'd lay on the blaspheming accusations thick. I'll leave it to say read the Gospel of Thomas & figure it our from there with your God-given intellect.



Nice dubs, I'm not hiding though. NSA knows who I am, and snce you're not NSA, I'll keep chuckling at your way-off accusations.

I said no more words, but this was fun


006cc5  No.3047797


Taking Cernovitch at his word here re cleaning up her social media stuff. Seems easy enough to check out.

Wasn't expecting the dox? Flounder/Animal House lesson?

Going with true believer who got used because she was stupid enough to trust them.

c34e13  No.3047798


kys faggot

666430  No.3047799

File: bb5df9b79097c26⋯.png (1 MB, 899x636, 899:636, 1513444073860.png)


I hear GITMO is nice this time of year.

107391  No.3047800


A lawn chair on the moon iirc

63e0af  No.3047801


kek. no thanq mn. they the same redditfags in the gay parade that just went down on that new sub.

a1db4b  No.3047802


Do you know anything about how Mars travels through the night sky. Maybe you should research it.

d6c73f  No.3047804

File: 7197ccd7aed740e⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1008x800, 63:50, batrump-SM.png)

File: 30013c4b4962625⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1008x800, 63:50, batrump-SR.png)

b3ed59  No.3047805

File: f59e2ce2edf1664⋯.gif (448.58 KB, 444x258, 74:43, DO_YOU_GET_IT.gif)


Does that mean every time Trump plays Golf he's telling us "It's all G"?

4f6a74  No.3047806


it's not intended to. it's dem role-playing.

kav is establishment gold.

28e7ed  No.3047807


I'll drink to that

e89fe6  No.3047808

lol well lookie here

lady involved in this Brett K drama went to?


farm front?

918196  No.3047809

File: 7abc03908b14f11⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 255x144, 85:48, whitehatinaction.jpg)

e89fe6  No.3047810

File: 84400ad23efba09⋯.png (219.15 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-09-16-12-1….png)

87d419  No.3047813

File: d22e551b7b49a01⋯.jpg (27.01 KB, 524x646, 262:323, 773qqr9x18n01.jpg)



7adc45  No.3047814

File: a68e83d93fa89ef⋯.png (6.62 KB, 255x239, 255:239, fd4366ff1c13fd1faa0f20fe17….png)


Now that reddit is gone, they can concentrate more effort here. Call them out so the newfags don`t misunderstand.Red text was pretending to be a pro Trump boomer.

797ca5  No.3047815

File: 88fd2627d45cc8c⋯.jpeg (692.62 KB, 1743x1996, 1743:1996, 16377A1E-873C-4EB2-8AE8-A….jpeg)

3a81e8  No.3047816

wheres the border sall trump pro.ised he would sign on day two thats the REAL QUesti on.Q acts like a patriot but his focus is on an open border america fuck that shut

df4867  No.3047817

Ex-CEO of PayCoin Sentenced to Prison for Fraud and Fined $9 Million


Josh Garza, the ex-CEO of PayCoin, has been locked behind bars and fined $9 million in connection with his firm’s role in a big Ponzi scheme, which saw many investors lose their investments. The judgment has been made at a time when the U.S authorities and SEC tighten their effort on crypto-related fraud.

The sentence that was made by a District Court Judge will be accompanied by a half a year house arrest.

The fraud was carried out between May 2014 and January 2015by four establishments managed by Garza. These establishments auctioned the rights and access to crypto mining activities and permitted investors to own a section of these activities via “PayCoin” and “Haslets” that alleged to offer investors the privileges to a section of the gains from the mining activities.

John Durham, the US District Attorney for Connecticut said that “haslet customers, or investors, were buying the rights to profit from a slice of the computing power owned by the companies.”

Though the undertakings literally appear legitimate, Garza made numerous allegations that ought to have raised red flags for stakeholders, comprising the warrant that the value of the cryptocurrency would not decline below $20 per unit since the firm would prop the value using their $100 million cryptocurrency reserve.

107391  No.3047818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

651af3  No.3047820

File: 40d64252048afb8⋯.png (316.4 KB, 1110x619, 1110:619, Q-Clock sept16 Thursday 13….png)

File: 33ce99f26c6d43d⋯.png (647.58 KB, 721x852, 721:852, PS sept16 warning respect.png)

>>3046898, >>1701934

On the Q-Clock



:13 min marker

0eebb3  No.3047821


What the hell do you think happened in Hawaii 10mo ago?

766bc2  No.3047822

File: d08aaf9922bef03⋯.jpeg (120.66 KB, 641x601, 641:601, DnPGe-mVAAAzXUO.jpg-large.jpeg)

HOLY SHIT….. look at these badasses.

1b070d  No.3047823


>I tend to think that many men do this… that it's kind of part of growing up, learning respect, controlling yourself

how would young women learn how to kick guys in the bawls otherwise?

a734d6  No.3047824


It won’t…stall tactic until after midterms for remote chance Senate goes majority Dem.

93934f  No.3047825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ummm what?

Did Bill Clinton Lose Nuclear Launch Code?

6174ec  No.3047826


I see posoboi and Flynn, can anons ID the others for me? Thx

3843a3  No.3047827


(our) Angel

28e7ed  No.3047829

To those who believe, no explanation is necessary; to those who believe not, no explanation is possible.

8d6cef  No.3047830



f18bbb  No.3047831


To my understanding, both. POTUS able to DECLAS on timescale for optics only after the ongoing proceedings (not public) allow for it.

63e0af  No.3047832

File: 619bf3ca243902b⋯.png (382.03 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


ahhh. i post this ^ here

suddenly they back on that sub kek

"timing is everything"

848d6a  No.3047833


They are no match for the memeing Conquerors, the Anons!

3a81e8  No.3047834

fuck footbal nigger disrespe t thats all they do they hate this great nation

98160b  No.3047835


If you are saying he is part of the swam, will POTUS stop Kavanaugh from being confirmed?

6cf52f  No.3047836

File: 9453bad8c96e431⋯.png (49.76 KB, 799x229, 799:229, Game Over.png)

For all the CIA-Assets out there!

Fight the best and …

Better luck next time!

4f6a74  No.3047837


lulz. you're missing a bigger point: Kav is the spawn of DC Jesuit establishment.

2d8f32  No.3047838


Totally off topic, but I've been thinking a bit about John Bolton's speech last week condemning the International Criminal Court. Quick vid link for reference:


Bolton, on behalf of POTUS, uses some pretty strong language in this speech:

"The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens, and those of our allies, from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court. We will not cooperate with the ICC; we will provide no assistance to the ICC, and we certainly will not join the ICC. We will let the ICC die on its own. After all, for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us."

That is about as strong of a rebuke as one can provide. But why?

Obviously, the ICC is a corrupt, Globalist institution that doesn't have America's interests in mind. That said, it seems like there might be further reasons why such strong condemnation would be offered now, beyond just the fact that the ICC wants to prosecute US Servicemembers complicit in enhanced interrogation.

Here's a theory:

If POTUS plans to ultimately declassify the true nature of 9/11, then it will come out that members of US Gov't were complicit in this attach, and it will further highlight the illegality of US military operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, etc. If we are cooperating with the ICC, that would mean that a bunch of unamerican, unelected, Globalist bureaucrats will be responsible for deciding who is to be held accountable for these acts and any subsequent war crimes.

This would be totally unacceptable, and therefore we need to make sure that US Military tribunals and the (cleaned up) US Justice System will be responsible for holding to account those responsible. Additionally, this gives us greater control to assure service members who were simply following what they believed to be lawful orders will not have their lives destroyed.

I'm not certain of the above, but it seems to make a lot of sense to me.

40ed83  No.3047839


I spelled rogue wrong on that one… might wanna grab the other set I did with the corrections.

d3cd11  No.3047840


Pretty common. I found that right away. Posted several links. Hard to dig, cause of all the search results pasta even on DDG. It is amazing how fast the "right" stories spread. Amazing the amount of coordination going on.

aea5f8  No.3047841


They need to make an effort to keep starting new subs over there just to keep them busy.

d92edd  No.3047842

File: 714adc2ca467b85⋯.jpeg (97.82 KB, 1072x1119, 1072:1119, 5993.jpeg)


separating us from family time, quality family time. Now I bowhunt instead.

3843a3  No.3047843


can you please do something about this ddos attack?

lag has us where we can barely move

9574d9  No.3047844


Aren't these the kind of Memes

That make it easy for the AI filters

To extract and read the text?

The Soros wording seems innocuous enough

But then it is signed Q

What if the Q was in a fancy script font

To confuse the AI?

And maybe even a different color too?

4bc19a  No.3047845

>>3047794 maybe but (((annoying)))

107391  No.3047846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey martians

The tesla was suppose to be a gag gift for all the patronage. The hooker in the trunk was not expected. Have fun with the uniforms

452271  No.3047847




I have a most brilliant idea, kek

Leaf has been upset the past few months since he is not allowed to be a bv or baker.

Anons were saying last night that they needed help and an experienced baker on the new patriots awoken board.

It is the board BO made for the redditt people who were banned, and do not have a place to hang out.


I think this would be ideal, and solve 2 problems with one stone, kek

Leaf will get some power back he craves, and the new board will have an experienced baker, possible BV.

74fc82  No.3047848


Does this include TV & radio in the concern or is the big issue internet/phone based carriers?

Or who is likely to claim equipment (cough) malfunction?

40ed83  No.3047849

File: bff76aaf79876b7⋯.jpeg (248.86 KB, 1142x750, 571:375, 9209BC75-1633-4538-B556-4….jpeg)

File: 4d4ea95445a35b6⋯.jpeg (693.43 KB, 2284x1500, 571:375, 1DA9FD13-C498-4336-BD67-6….jpeg)

a7167e  No.3047850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

On Saturday night, Judge Jeanine absolutely laid into Senator Dianne Feinstein over her latest “Demon Rat” dirty trick used in the process of confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

At the end of last week, Feinstein tried using a vague, decades-old accusation against Kavanaugh as a way to try to block him from being eligible to serve as Supreme Court Justice. And Judge Jeanine leveled Feinstein in what was one of her most explosive “Opening Statements” to date.

Judge Jeanine chastised Democrat members of the Senate, primarily Feinstein, for using a ‘guilty-before-being-proven-innocent’ tactic against Kavanaugh, which is opposite of the way America’s Judicial system works.

In regards to the letter that Feinstein had for over two months before the hearings, Judge Pirro asked:

“Dianne, when you got the letter, what did you do to make sure it’s real? That the person is even real?…Did you even speak with this alleged person? Did you meet with her? Talk with her? Interview her? Did you ask her to meet with others? Did you ask her why she said nothing for almost 40 years?”

Jeanine then said she believes the letter is nothing but a bunch of hog wash, especially since it’s coming from a party who is trying to use a fake dossier to get rid of the President. Kavanaugh has since denied the allegations.

1b070d  No.3047851

File: 1bd55a039b6fe78⋯.jpg (111.24 KB, 885x516, 295:172, 01.jpg)

7adc45  No.3047852

File: e6567e20c3f3a6a⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 258x245, 258:245, e6567e20c3f3a6a5b07aac00ff….jpg)


you are a retarded shill

16f32a  No.3047853

File: e4f96043794f839⋯.jpg (234.31 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, IMG_516.jpg)


8d1c87  No.3047854


That’s like the fourth time… they should close that chem lab down in Salisbury

982fed  No.3047855


Probably fake

683645  No.3047856

File: 3fd6bbcdebbade2⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2000x2064, 125:129, weaponizedPepe-.jpg)

7933c8  No.3047857


Love these Anon! TY!

43c22f  No.3047858

“Unlike some men, I had never drunk for boldness or charm or wit; I had used alcohol for precisely what it was, a depressant to check the mental exhilaration produced by extended sobriety.”

― Frederick Exley, A Fan's Notes

ce42b4  No.3047859

File: 67deabd5cd40f8d⋯.jpg (66.06 KB, 461x368, 461:368, RosenstainShake.jpg)

4f6a74  No.3047860



POTUS nominated him.

9574d9  No.3047861


The AI is going to be useless

In figuring out this kind of meme

Not enough text

cacd51  No.3047862


Never ever hold the soldiers accountable for what the politicians and corrupt generals did

I will riot if they charge sercice members unless they really did some bad shit

8794bb  No.3047863

File: 3a8d92036c04afc⋯.png (392.2 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 20180501_004801.png)

76f1c4  No.3047865

>>3047754, >>3047775

Uhm, I gave it a listen, I tried anyway. Imo was painful to listen to, I'll keep it out of notes, no offense.

2a8a00  No.3047866

File: 877579acf04e761⋯.jpg (21.63 KB, 500x441, 500:441, wtf pepe.jpg)


muh rape

3a81e8  No.3047867

brett feeds the homeless once a year i seent him he gave em mashed potatoes.reminds me of the crack dealer handing out turkeys to the junkies he supplies.here your life is ruined now i am here havea turkey and buy your crack

918196  No.3047868

File: fc44f9dc0bcd3fd⋯.jpg (9.31 KB, 181x255, 181:255, flotusprayer.jpg)


love u fren

1c5ae1  No.3047869

Just got hit with 6 502s in a damn row!

666430  No.3047870

File: c5fc31a8920c94b⋯.gif (992.8 KB, 250x250, 1:1, chuckle.gif)


Oh man, true or not I love pretending some CTR shill is furiously and explosively typing that much butthurt at once.

c6e288  No.3047871

File: 7d5fcec80edb00d⋯.png (235.14 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


carrier pigeon

a1db4b  No.3047872

leafie, you know you’ll be in a cage being laughed at right?!!

766bc2  No.3047873

Did Bill Clinton carry the football with him on Lolita express to the island??????

37c105  No.3047874

File: a7f1b2a68d745e6⋯.jpg (184.9 KB, 946x1200, 473:600, q-dress.jpg)

e1fe40  No.3047875

File: 543a56ce447f8d1⋯.png (192.82 KB, 1252x380, 313:95, microdick2.png)


C'mon on MicroDick, MicroBrain, RagingWhoremoan or whoever you are today.

Take your broken package back out to the barn and entertain yourself. We don't need you to entertain us here.

a47a83  No.3047876

File: 368532f26c92c93⋯.jpg (139.22 KB, 706x800, 353:400, life - Copy.jpg)

Here from Oct day 1 VET, HERE Old man when will young pups see/old dogs?

d92edd  No.3047877


>Just got hit with 6 502s in a damn row!


Issues here as well

683645  No.3047878


Hiya. I took your meme and removed the names across the bottom, then reinserted the names in a curved text. That was the purpose of my posting it. We have these posted memes already in the archives. We are trying some experiments to see how we can defeat social media's newly deployed optical character recognition algorithm

918196  No.3047879

File: b78720038b3bb52⋯.jpg (293.62 KB, 2169x1260, 241:140, muhDDOStayswift.jpg)

ad065c  No.3047880

File: 0574dc67a2ced4e⋯.png (50.07 KB, 662x458, 331:229, Mitchell re Brennan 9-16-1….PNG)

File: 948e96b7bc84415⋯.png (59.64 KB, 663x528, 221:176, Brennan to POTUS 9-16-18.PNG)

Seems like something Q team might write

It’s neither illegal nor a witch hunt. Thankfully, most Americans have confidence in Bob Mueller & believe in legitimacy of investigation. Irrespective of party, all should accept Mueller’s findings as apolitical, whether they ascribe probable guilt or innocence to you & others.

d40f14  No.3047881

40ed83  No.3047882


That’s a Masonic thing? iirc

666430  No.3047883

File: 0efdd1f3726cc0a⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2000x1308, 500:327, ecff345ed11090237b182c6a19….jpg)


Whoops, meant for this post:


b3ed59  No.3047884

File: 44fa1a1fbb73cbb⋯.jpg (869.33 KB, 865x865, 1:1, (You)re.jpg)

>get some power back he craves


3843a3  No.3047885


Love you Fren!


d92edd  No.3047886


>Just got hit with 6 502s in a damn row!


Issues here as well. Timing out. I'm on omnichan

76f1c4  No.3047887


Last call for updates?


>>3047260, >>3047369, >>3047423, >>3047548, >>3047616 Woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her as a teen revealed as Christine Blasey Ford

>>3047318 Briefcase & Football carried by POTUS

>>3047347 Report: Dutch Catholic Church Accused of Covering up Child Sex Abuse

>>3047376 One Convicted Terrorist Released onto Britain’s Streets Every Week

>>3047399 Former Ukrainian Minister: ‘If Russia didn’t have nukes, NATO would have reduced it to dust’

>>3047497 Arrest documents for 'serial killer' U.S. Border Patrol agent in Texas reveal new details

>>3047499, >>3047575 Think [nuclear] football meet Doomsday plane

>>3047646 Louisiana Republican Rep. Clay Higgins introduced a resolution that would require members of Congress to be drug tested once every term.

f0d2ab  No.3047888

File: 3b1d068aac205d6⋯.png (122.49 KB, 1353x814, 123:74, 21784067163278901964782354.png)

4f6a74  No.3047889


Thanks anon, but I don't need confirmation of a bulls-eye from you and your MS Paint "art".

0b1a19  No.3047891

File: 0c12a3f7a8f320e⋯.jpg (232.09 KB, 1000x784, 125:98, JFKWHP-AR7469-A.jpg)

File: 163cd9309bc64f6⋯.png (340.23 KB, 1280x1870, 128:187, 000PST_16-12-2016_14818681….png)

File: 4eebf66fcfd2d0f⋯.jpg (191.48 KB, 1280x703, 1280:703, nuclear football teaser.jpg)

File: 8ceb99757565dc7⋯.jpg (189.95 KB, 1484x989, 1484:989, nuclear football.jpg)

The Nuclear Football

20f901  No.3047892


I like it, anon!

683645  No.3047893


Dang it I see now. Thought I had already replaced ROUGE with ROGUE correction in the memearchive. Hard to keep track of that many memes :-(

ce42b4  No.3047894

File: 9566b7f53094a3c⋯.jpg (35.76 KB, 523x333, 523:333, PutinTrumpLike.JPG)

d40f14  No.3047895


Mason grab.

d3cd11  No.3047896


Cause and effect, I think. Move, countermove by the Cabal / Demoncrats. Last night Judge Jeanine, today Christine Blasey Ford.

2a8a00  No.3047898


whatchu workin on anon

a0f47b  No.3047899

File: dc091fb549b95e9⋯.png (566.79 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1537125809565.png)

File: 25b9e68ba432acf⋯.png (405.07 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1537125943550 (1).png)

File: 4e2cb5f5b0ada68⋯.jpeg (30.73 KB, 391x439, 391:439, christine-blasey-ford-kav….jpeg)

Some reviews from the Kavanaugh accuser professor lady

2d8f32  No.3047900

a47a83  No.3047901

THIS game is get ing OLD .shit or get off the pot…

b3bc39  No.3047902


when I was 15 I had this done to me. I resisted and it ended, after a bit of time. It is life. This is how we learn.

It is also how the CIA and the rothys and soros play ball and try to regain or keep control at all costs.

If this is true, I would no more say anything now, as I didn't back then. She has a huge incentive to say something, true or not.

9574d9  No.3047903


Actually the real problem

Is that historically

International law is defined by treaty

It is NEVER imposed!

The Globalists are trying to flip this around

And have their bureaucracy impose new law on nations

Outside of agreed on treaties.

0ae5bf  No.3047904

File: c51273c189e3431⋯.png (130.96 KB, 553x483, 79:69, Screen Shot 2018-09-16 at ….png)


Rules of Evidence (privilege)

Additionally, if Kav sues her, she will counterclaim emotional harm which automatically would put her relevant medical records in play.



107391  No.3047905

(((They))) wanted to watch 1&2 from 6&7 put the life of pi movie was much better.

Delivery and cinematography

6cdaff  No.3047906


Thank you anon! Ohh and I see our two main

public MSM institutions: ARD and ZDF front row! Glad to see my hard earned money (18 Euros per month) well spend!

bf9645  No.3047907


A university professor no less…. her father is the devil, the one who deceives, one who comes to kill, steal and destroy. What a life, absolutely no shame… I wonder how much she sold her soul out for in money. No matter she will be held accountable both in this lifetime and the next TRAITOR!

63e0af  No.3047908


Not gonna lie here folks… When I was 18 and horny, I was a bit of a cad, and "forced myself" on at least one somewhat unwilling woman…


Went to an ALL BOYS boarding school.


>>3047787 tQ. kek still valid.

55b3f8  No.3047909

Betsy DeVos is incompetent. It does not occur to her that a private school that accepts federal funds is no longer a private school. We need a new education secretary that passed Logic 101 in college.


166218  No.3047910


Would make sense to me too, anon, good theory.


It IS time, isn't it?

d13976  No.3047911

Q -

At what point will those of us whose lives have gone to complete shit following YOUR team be vindicated? Things aren't so rosy for some of us.

Or should I just shut up and "trust the plan", etc.?


ad065c  No.3047912

File: 3a5d53037a22706⋯.png (52.13 KB, 661x364, 661:364, Concha re Kavanaugh Nomina….PNG)

Grassley statement: "The committee vote on Judge Kavanaugh's nomination will proceed as scheduled, next Thurs. Here’s what we know: Judge Kavanaugh has undergone six FBI full-field investigations from 1993 to 2018. No such allegation resembling the anonymous claims ever surfaced"

666430  No.3047913

File: 143b07de81d896a⋯.jpg (114.27 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 143b07de81d896a05c1582b27d….jpg)


Melania is Q confirmed.

d4ea13  No.3047914

I almost never filter. But this red text cunt has got to go.

76f1c4  No.3047915


>Totally off topic

pls give me a breakdown, green was all I read of that post

3a81e8  No.3047916

first useful idea of the day.free football camps for niggers…in africa we ship em back and get the parents witha free cruise courtesy of black lives matter!

797ca5  No.3047917


FLOTUS is #1 QAngel

ab276f  No.3047918



I stand (partially) corrected!

8d6cef  No.3047919



da9bb3  No.3047920

File: 07472f9e65b58ed⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 3998x2506, 1999:1253, IMG_2913.jpg)

an interesting look at where the water is

269931  No.3047921

File: d4bdc13735b3abc⋯.jpg (8.13 KB, 296x185, 8:5, @ douches.jpg)

87d419  No.3047922


I'm not, but good try. I AM a Christian and a Christian minister however, and have been for nearly 30 years with rather stellar results and a LARGE inner circle of other ministers and bible scholars and historians.

So I speak from that. IF you want to USE GOD, and that is what it is, USE, If you want to USE God to cause issues, use a different one than Jesus and Christianity. You make the rest of us look bad.


I KNOW there's a God. How many times have you "died" in this life and came "back"?? Ever met and angel?? Way to TWIST ("Wicked" comes from the same root word as 'Wicker" as in "Wicker Furniture"…So TWISTED) My words into something I did NOT say.

Are you stupid or are you wicked?? I can never tell.

d92edd  No.3047923

File: 9710d44c86868d2⋯.jpg (18.61 KB, 297x162, 11:6, 9710d44c86868d242cfda175a1….jpg)

Remember today…

6eafb0  No.3047924



c34e13  No.3047925


that faggot has been here for 24 hours straight

741e9c  No.3047927

The plot thickens.

Two people ill just now in Salisbury.

Breaking news.

Wonder how they will blame Russia this time?


107391  No.3047928


Ty South American titty bar bouncer for your condolences and savory street tacos

918196  No.3047929

File: 265202516ee9e66⋯.png (628.59 KB, 737x695, 737:695, FlotusPotusPepeWeeeeee.png)


Yes she is!

fac214  No.3047930

File: a5569b9e05444b3⋯.png (97.11 KB, 588x412, 147:103, Screen Shot 2018-09-14 at ….png)

2d8f32  No.3047931


Bolton's speech on International Criminal Court & 9/11 Declassification - Anon's Theory

d3cd11  No.3047932


Don't really know. Sounds likely. Looks like a rush clean job to me. Sloppy.

081d4d  No.3047933

File: d0f1378ff0054b0⋯.png (62.21 KB, 844x574, 422:287, christine margaret blasey.PNG)

Christine Margaret Blasey

a1db4b  No.3047934


wot i tell you about that slip?

stiches showing

a47a83  No.3047935

Q great move . BUT WE THE P, NEED

201578  No.3047936


Another item on Christine Blasey

a9d2cc  No.3047937

File: 7d1a7e8938ead43⋯.jpg (356.38 KB, 566x800, 283:400, 7d1a7e8938ead43515e4174ded….jpg)


Well said anon! Putin has worked against The Cabal for many years. Trump and Putin makes a good team! Hope to see more and more EU countries stand up to The Cabal, Italy is starting to do well. >>3047631

Where we go one, we go all!

Peace and respect will be WW!

ThanQ anonsofAmerica, Q, all of you.

0b1a19  No.3047938


No, it's photoshopped. The original photo was in Poland.

3a81e8  No.3047939


thats because your a dummy following q what did you expect would happen?you are now the person that was researchi g satanic pedophiles on the internet..people think you are fucked up when you are really just dumbanon

87d419  No.3047940


All part of the plan. She's a Patriot. Keep firing at what the DOE is doing, but don't fire at her. She's MAGA through and through.

666430  No.3047941

File: 7f0a3b4e97c81ca⋯.jpg (388.03 KB, 1600x1014, 800:507, 7f0a3b4e97c81ca629484a5a35….jpg)

File: 55c17e2867b95bb⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 450x221, 450:221, 085ca2ec527b5d2f63a06f7d17….gif)

File: 40d02151db6b5e4⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 6000x4000, 3:2, ff517776dc8b05c053446d7cb9….jpg)

File: a242086869d5e22⋯.gif (284.9 KB, 498x498, 1:1, 1513386609692.gif)


Defending Posobiec after he's already been outed seems like a solid tactic.

Did your employers not give you morons orders for the weekend?

40ed83  No.3047942


They are free for the taking or modifying as anybody feels needed.. I was just saying I made a spelling mistake on the one you used, and didn’t realize till after I posted them.. the ones posted above have the correct rogue spelling.. fire away!!

ad065c  No.3047943

File: 73c2693f3954493⋯.png (40.67 KB, 652x466, 326:233, Mitchell re Brennan 2 9-16….PNG)


Yes, instead of attacking, he seems almost conciliatory like - "We need to accept whatever Mueller's results are." This is DRAMATICALLY different than his prior tweets,

9eceb0  No.3047944


She didn't get a chili pepper for being hot KEK.

7adc45  No.3047945

File: 97a015b3e674585⋯.jpg (399.22 KB, 822x1101, 274:367, 1534808408018.jpg)


(((you))) got it anyway

fdf38f  No.3047946


afaik game system providers are also part of this.

bf9645  No.3047947


Stop crying like a weak little baby!

22f16b  No.3047948

File: 9163887ed89fb8d⋯.jpg (110.25 KB, 538x522, 269:261, abad3b5b30830e3b7c595da509….jpg)

67ff31  No.3047949


There needs to be consequences to putting someone through the court of public opinion. The left will stain every SCOTUS pick and everything else Trump does in this manner. Accusers need to be sued for everything they've got and more. No more of this automatically believing accusers regardless of evidence.

e09ba5  No.3047950

If they PUSH their brand of religion onto you, they're either zealots, or don't believe what they are saying at all.

There's as many roads to God as there are human beings. He guides as He sees fit, and leaves astray as He sees fit.

a1db4b  No.3047951


it’s called tweekin

413233  No.3047952

File: e0eae24b3500028⋯.png (339.37 KB, 674x510, 337:255, ZUCKTREK.png)

76f1c4  No.3047953

File: f553c3511e41e9c⋯.jpg (83.48 KB, 500x396, 125:99, d072ee85082258320797d8a996….jpg)


ThanQs! much appreciated


683645  No.3047954

File: 30b3711ab2a0ce3⋯.jpeg (103.33 KB, 442x293, 442:293, MemesExceedingSector.jpeg)

ff3b8e  No.3047955


Their last 2 or 3 have been dropping the bombs… Red pilling some folks. Getting into the deep water too…fallen angels, sacrifices…opening some eyes.

8d6cef  No.3047956



160026  No.3047957

File: 64674fff13d147c⋯.jpeg (388.95 KB, 750x896, 375:448, 3B3CC1ED-35A9-4CB3-9B8C-6….jpeg)

Anons, has anyone seen or verified this?

Patriot Flynn signed something with WWG1WGA - this is massive confirmation if real.

ce88bb  No.3047958

File: e3e9d9d4eed1c9f⋯.jpg (267.85 KB, 1228x825, 1228:825, 0x1fj52cklm11.jpg)

File: 0505fed76f417a2⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 986x555, 986:555, 0ca4278b-4281-450f-a1c5-bc….jpg)

43c22f  No.3047959

File: 61accceae7f6c86⋯.jpeg (209.24 KB, 1135x1708, 1135:1708, 47F09DA9-4335-4030-BEB7-E….jpeg)

755d9e  No.3047960

G 0 0 g g l e

" don't Be Evil "

the want to be in charge of all words

but they won't keep theirs.

6c4e9d  No.3047961


Best working definition I have is that even tho the football contains all the codes with buttons, whistles and bells, they aren't effective UNLESS COMMS can be secured.

So I read this Thurs. Notification is all about securing comms with the People.

That said, I can also only imagine that this would be necessary should the cabal blow their wad on a Project Bluebeam type of event.

22f16b  No.3047962

File: eab14efe24f51bc⋯.jpg (114.06 KB, 756x353, 756:353, iu.jpg)

1c5ae1  No.3047965


Trying to decide if the background noise in Flynn's speech is dinnerware. I'm not saying I've been to enough dinners/acceptance speeches to be a pro but I've been to a couple and the main acceptance speech hasn't really happened while people were eating. Haven't been to anything that big though so I may be wrong. The noises just rubbed me wrong I guess.

a2d315  No.3047966

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

File: 21e8df5fd2eb039⋯.png (923.49 KB, 785x1111, 785:1111, MotherMary.png)

File: b0997b53fa452d2⋯.png (383.85 KB, 999x999, 1:1, bustem.png)

File: 23967b7ea9d513d⋯.png (3 MB, 2151x1111, 2151:1111, justicecoming.png)

File: 020386eb9a4aa87⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1920x1232, 120:77, OURtask.png)

3843a3  No.3047967



its one of their bots, i wish bo or script anon could write a script to get rid of them. that might be a way to do it without banning. all banning does is catch patriot anons in vpn ban.

6eafb0  No.3047968

File: 4b49915c0abd970⋯.jpeg (22.27 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 3B5FE6A3-5689-4C1F-8EBF-8….jpeg)

a4e845  No.3047969

Q's "12 moves ahead" may be "12 next Phyllis Schlafly" type people referred to by Gen Flynn at 2:00min mark at award speech

b3ed59  No.3047971

File: 569c818262847e7⋯.png (3.09 MB, 3092x1412, 773:353, ClipboardImage.png)

Football.. pass?

580324  No.3047972

What does AFLB mean?

d6c73f  No.3047973


wonder who is already dead and found tomorrow

fac214  No.3047974

Jews were thrown out of 109 nations 128 times staring in 250 AD. You will notice that not once were the jews ever called the "Cabal," "Elites," or any other STUPID FUCKING NAME.

Do you know why?

Our ancestors were not STUPID enough to fall for the JEWISH NAME GAME TRICK.

It's the jew, motherfuckers.

Always was.

fd8c77  No.3047975

I suspect Melania IS NOT Q. Even though she speaks many languages and is obviously a brilliant woman (and gorgeous), the patterns of Q's language are not that of a Slavic speaker of English.

Thus saith the old anon who speaks 4 languages and is trying to learn one slavic language in addition to Russian. For opsec, not disclosing which OTHER language I'm learning.

9d0d00  No.3047976

File: d665963ec69a68d⋯.png (418.37 KB, 965x634, 965:634, 2018-09-16_15-21-04 copy.png)


Fair Trade between US and China!

Or they may get tossed a couple of these like Merkel got!

Best potus ever!


3adc89  No.3047977


notables last night same time as in between the 2 PF twitter and Flynn speech YT

7adc45  No.3047978


It`s a team- been working here since yesterday nonstop

55b3f8  No.3047979


Part of the plan to have a retarded bureaucrat do absolutely nothing and make a fool of herself in the process? That's ingenious.

bcbdc9  No.3047980


Should be evil data with the black outfit

76f1c4  No.3047982


>>3047260, >>3047369, >>3047423, >>3047548, >>3047616 Woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her as a teen revealed as Christine Blasey Ford

>>3047318 Briefcase & Football carried by POTUS

>>3047347 Report: Dutch Catholic Church Accused of Covering up Child Sex Abuse

>>3047376 One Convicted Terrorist Released onto Britain’s Streets Every Week

>>3047399 Former Ukrainian Minister: ‘If Russia didn’t have nukes, NATO would have reduced it to dust’

>>3047497 Arrest documents for 'serial killer' U.S. Border Patrol agent in Texas reveal new details

>>3047499, >>3047575 Think [nuclear] football meet Doomsday plane

>>3047646 Louisiana Republican Rep. Clay Higgins introduced a resolution that would require members of Congress to be drug tested once every term.

>>3047838 Bolton's speech on International Criminal Court & 9/11 Declassification - Anon's Theory

>>3047912 Grassley statement: "The committee vote on Judge Kavanaugh's nomination will proceed as scheduled, next Thurs.."

1c5ae1  No.3047983


Trying to decide if the background noise in Flynn's speech is dinnerware. I'm not saying I've been to enough dinners/acceptance speeches to be a pro but I've been to a couple and the main acceptance speech hasn't really happened while people were eating. Haven't been to anything that big though so I may be wrong. The noises just rubbed me wrong I guess.

666430  No.3047984

File: 5d617c86e6de0fa⋯.jpg (85.45 KB, 779x389, 779:389, Roleplay.jpg)

File: 073292c07463d97⋯.jpg (330.92 KB, 1742x1416, 871:708, scriptedmovie.jpg)

File: 4b7dd52af157370⋯.png (925.03 KB, 1443x801, 481:267, [RR].png)

File: 734240aa3ff0f03⋯.jpg (102.75 KB, 586x497, 586:497, fb170b3be079d207deabb47aef….jpg)

File: d0f95048033e598⋯.jpg (99.14 KB, 903x599, 903:599, ERT.jpg)

db9a61  No.3047985

Couples therapy

Let me guess - she had one or more affairs, and in 'therapy' she rationalized that her over-sexuality was because of this rape when she was young.

More likely she rode the cock carousel in high school, and now believes she was raped as a denial mechanism to make herself feel better.

074451  No.3047986

File: 2328f3fd9601820⋯.jpg (237.5 KB, 1008x800, 63:50, Batman_and_Q4.jpg)

766bc2  No.3047987

File: a42323295569178⋯.png (533.46 KB, 623x735, 89:105, Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at ….png)


Last night Notables.

18b738  No.3047988

File: 3ecd420efffe285⋯.jpg (23.27 KB, 450x338, 225:169, Old Meme.jpg)


I remember that…

d3cd11  No.3047989


Why? You saying she is C_A? Hunch, or sauce?

452271  No.3047990

File: 3c18ff099736247⋯.jpg (80.86 KB, 890x640, 89:64, DnKWfXVUYAEclJP.jpg)

97728a  No.3047991


No, but I know the distance from this satellite and the stars behind it is very great.

a47a83  No.3047992


NOT.small people are just that small.

1c5ae1  No.3047993


4th times the charm for posting?

Trying to decide if the background noise in Flynn's speech is dinnerware. I'm not saying I've been to enough dinners/acceptance speeches to be a pro but I've been to a couple and the main acceptance speech hasn't really happened while people were eating. Haven't been to anything that big though so I may be wrong. The noises just rubbed me wrong I guess.

0ae5bf  No.3047995

c15c1e  No.3047996


This reminds me of the end of election with democrats demanding that republicans accept election result. Hillary sure backtracked on that one and they haven't accepted the results ever.

3a81e8  No.3047997


being white is fucking awesome is more appropriate

b93a3f  No.3047998


Why won't the media report on this war zone

b464c4  No.3048002


Caught some dude doing that in HiSchl. Funny he never said anything about the broken jaw/ribs/leg. (((you))) have no father i guess…sad

c7ae4f  No.3048003

File: 89f5cf9e15165a3⋯.png (717.5 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 24890B71-B0B1-4AB9-8CBB-09….png)

6eafb0  No.3048004


Of course she is not

Its not about language its about military background which shows in Q posts

fac214  No.3048005

File: 2199977434ffa25⋯.png (50.96 KB, 640x320, 2:1, Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at ….png)

201578  No.3048007

File: d04547118b412c6⋯.png (312.94 KB, 1477x1780, 1477:1780, Christine_M_Blasey_PhD,_MS….png)


Christine Ford Blasey


166218  No.3048009

File: 3ebc4a0b1f372b6⋯.png (1.07 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Another one here too.

a2d315  No.3048010


Does BO care about improving this board? Why do you think BO owns this board? Is he a patriot, IYO?

fdf38f  No.3048011




0ae5bf  No.3048013


General Smiley Face?


3adc89  No.3048014

File: 2d9aac441249eae⋯.png (316.05 KB, 567x445, 567:445, 1469177275960.png)




2d8f32  No.3048015


Agreed. Felt disrespectful - given who was speaking.

666430  No.3048016

File: aad3189a0ab40a8⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 596x695, 596:695, SideofBeef2.jpg)

18b738  No.3048017

File: 1eeec834291149c⋯.jpg (14.44 KB, 259x194, 259:194, Auntie2.jpg)

File: 5025ceba62bc9dc⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 500x369, 500:369, Auntie1.jpg)

63e0af  No.3048018


classic Wounded Narcissist antics. least they consistent.

55e7d2  No.3048019

File: 03552b6887419a6⋯.jpg (235.57 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Chuckie-Cobblepot.jpg)

a47a83  No.3048020


U post this shit ……………….


3843a3  No.3048021

File: ae1dda27649216d⋯.jpg (111.87 KB, 387x324, 43:36, trumpsaluteyou.jpg)

File: 60ce8c759d9d9ce⋯.jpg (249.52 KB, 720x576, 5:4, damnmark.jpg)

"the mf'en meme war of 2018"


c34e13  No.3048022


stfu retard

43c22f  No.3048023


That qualifies as a Q proof I do believe! If real..


081d4d  No.3048024

File: 54bc735b466421c⋯.png (33.66 KB, 667x533, 667:533, christine margaret blaseyw….PNG)

File: 585c018b6b3e2a1⋯.png (45.73 KB, 766x624, 383:312, ralphblasey.PNG)


who is ralph?

7291fb  No.3048025

Anyone have a good live stream for the Bucs game?

97728a  No.3048026


Ok, so this satellite is moving about and it doesn't sit behind the trees where I can't see it, but where I can see it. I'm just hoping it is ours and not theirs.

ad065c  No.3048027

File: 39b97300ccdb04a⋯.png (562.14 KB, 651x798, 31:38, Karen re Flynn Book Signin….PNG)


>Anons, has anyone seen or verified this?


Look in notables from last night or look under the twitter that Q link to yesterday as it is posted there


43c22f  No.3048028


That qualifies as a Q proof I do believe! If real….


3a81e8  No.3048029

donate donate donate to nate higgers

c34e13  No.3048030


so everything that is posted that is "not why [you only] are here" should… what?

a2d315  No.3048031

File: 86e04a8437d6c73⋯.png (505.98 KB, 850x568, 425:284, hrappening.png)

File: 1c3fed251a74511⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1289x911, 1289:911, JusticeIsComing.png)

b3ed59  No.3048033

File: 7bc47610495f431⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 1719x1443, 573:481, as.jpg)


It happened far less then you think.

1b070d  No.3048034



way r u here then?

107391  No.3048035

It's an iPhone 6 64gb

76f1c4  No.3048036

File: 6b8cc97f69061b4⋯.jpg (135 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 879b3ea8e8ae85d70e4e583c39….jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

1120e5  No.3048037

File: 272682ba98f28f1⋯.png (278.08 KB, 498x420, 83:70, Frog1.png)



Good job, anon.

Especially like the SR one.

47c1ed  No.3048038




OK just tell them they can't be from God because Trump is Gods "anointed and was chosen for a time such as this" so said GOD to his prophets.

3adc89  No.3048039


eBot from last night


3a81e8  No.3048040


fuck your football unamerican nigger shame on you the founding fathers are disappoint

107391  No.3048041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8f49d8  No.3048042


Why does Jr disavow Q, ya think?

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