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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: e2b14f338e5169e⋯.png (1.56 MB, 2169x1220, 2169:1220, StillThe1st.png)

a46ee1 No.1961478

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.



Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Friday 06.29.2018

>>1953310 rt >>1952748 ---- It must happen

>>1952583 rt >>1952489 ---- We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.

>>1952499 ----------------------- What vote occured today?

Thursday 06.28.018

>>1952168 ----------------------- Coordinated effort to ramp pro violent attacks (4ch 8ch /pol/) (threads).

>>1950715 rt >>1950617 ---- Site under attack.

>>1950581 ---------------------- SEC TEST

>>1950407 rt >>1950237 ---- Past drops go missing.

>>1950233 rt >>1950123 ---- Think strategy.

>>1950090 rt >>1949870 ---- The key = therapist.

>>1949848 rt >>1949789 ---- Brand of Sacrifice (pic)

>>1949784 rt ------------------- Bottom graphic.

>>1949464 rt >>1949195 ---- Find paper articles re: Freemasons.

>>1948303 rt >>1947578 ---- Should the bad spoil the bunch?

>>1946524 rt >>1946381 ---- Everywhere!

>>1946309 rt >>1946203 ---- Why are Freemasons on the scene of most shooting locations?

>>1946203 ----------------------- Law enforcement should interview the therapists.

>>1945864 rt >>1945685 ---- JA in the news a lot lately (out of nowhere).

>>1945747 rt >>1945594 ---- Low IQ Maxine should be blamed!

>>1945571 rt >>1945408 ---- Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).

>>1945344 ----------------------- http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/06/28/report-facebook-investors-consider-coup-of-ceo-mark-zuckerberg/

>>1942657 rt >>1942629 ---- PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>>1942596 ----------------------- Trying to “normalize”.

>>1941208 ----------------------- Are You Ready?

>>1940910 ----------------------- We remember you, Mr. VIP!

>>1940746 rt >>1940664 ---- Who brought the bill to the floor?

>>1940684 ----------------------- Why are they trying to ‘normalize’ this?

>>1940595 rt >>1940568 ---- Focus on House floor vote (now).

>>1940496 ----------------------- Only the beginning. Power to the people.

Wednesday 06.27.2018

>>1933629 ----------------------- These people are sick!

>>1932231 ----------------------- #Winning Patriots one & all!

>>1931875 ----------------------- We see you. So many VIPs @ the rally.

>>1931671 rt >>1931388 ---- Goodlatte on Fox “FBI attorney instructing PS not to answer

>>1931438 rt >>1931405 ---- Just landed. You have time

>>1931388 ---------------------- Sound familiar?

>>1929453 ----------------------- GDP error...Busy day!

>>1929392 ----------------------- ARE YOU AWAKE?

>>1928420 ----------------------- Should we add him to the list? (Gowdy not re-filing)

>>1927025 rt >>1926855 ---- His choice?

>>1926787 ----------------------- “The hearing of PS and the other hating frauds…”

>>1926130 ----------------------- PS “Texts taken out of context” (transcript from Strzok testimony)

>>1925892 ----------------------- We stand w/ the good people of IRAN… battling their ‘installed’ regime for FREEDOM

>>1925521 rt >>1925332 ---- If you are smart (stupid) you know what just occurred at the meeting in Russia.

>>1925332 rt >>1925226 ---- If you continue to proceed down this dangerous path…

>>1921310 ----------------------- Fist pumps re: POTUS / Q encounter = Keep up the good fight, Patriot.

>>1920424 ----------------------- Chatter. Trains. Buses. Be vigilant.

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621 How To Quickly Spot A Clown ; >>1838738 Freedom of Speech

a46ee1 No.1961487


are not endorsements


>>1844122 A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>1787690 BO lays it out for Newfags

>>1891030 BO's Response to BV Ban Accusations

>>1892024 BV Update on Shills (Including Analysis of Their Network Resources)

>>1908841 Q - The Plan To Save The World (video)

>>1913787 Track Pro-Trump thread

>>1914368 BO: Vote for poll on baker TC's (https://www.strawpoll.me/15973538)


>>1960750 811: Autists Activate, >>1960794

>>1960760 Remember that moustache guy next to Obama on the couch?

>>1960762 Is this Q General or what?

>>1960782 Tweetstorm WHO IS #QANON, >>1961035

>>1960865 [RR]'s Wife: Lisa Baresoomian

>>1960875 POTUS Easy To Reach For Callers: Prank Caller Connected Through To Air Force ONCE

>>1960941 Lucky Dog Jr.

>>1960973 John Pentecosts tweets about UA flight 1600, PHX to EWR, suddenly braking during takeoff+

>>1960986 Jarred Ramos Vs W. Zak Shirley --> DLA Piper --> CF

>>1960959 Raw Notables archive #1 - #1705

>>1960963 Chessfags - I have a K-35R tanker call sign PAWN75 nesr Sacramento / Carson City.

>>1961032 Ding Ding Ding

>>1961038 Speaking of RIMPACS

>>1961053 kekok

>>1961223 FBI agent had attitude in closed door Capitol Hill sit-down: sources

>>1961274 Planefag Update

>>1961301 Eric Braverman, brief CEO of Clinton Foundation, Is likely singing

>>1961353 CDAN on Politicians

>>1961371 Watch the water : The Aral Sea

>>1961467 #2472


>>1959974 BE THE LIGHT!

Could this be confirmation of 5thAveAnon?,

>>1959999, >>1959545, >>1959574, >>1959604, >>1959673, >>1959830

>>1960022 Pence Pressed Ecuadorian president on country's protection of Julian Assange

>>1960031 2 Psychoraping Douchebags: Psychologists Bruce Jessen and Jim Mitchell

>>1960032 Comcast confirms Cable Cord Cut by Partner: Nationwide Outages

>>1960033 Anon Conncets: Social Media Exposes Young Minds, Therapists Contact them, Groom them, Exploit them and Use them for Their Sinister Purposes.

>>1960040 Passed Deadline: German Coalition Leader Challenges Merkel on Immigration. Threatens collapsing government.

>>1960086 Planefag Update

>>1960088 The Mystery Of NÆture, >>1960180, >>1960351


>>1960133 Tweetstorm WHO IS #QAnon, >>1960135, >>1960203


>>1960166 Italy Interior Minister Salvini to keep ports closed to NGO ships all summer

>>1960185 Syngenta Board Changes

>>1960291 Gen Nakasone Tweet

>>1960398 EU Reaches Deal On Migration, Strengthens External Borders

>>1960414 UNtitled flight abort takeoff on flight From Phoenix to Newark..

>>1960437 #GenDunford met w/ his #Israeli counterpart, Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, today.

>>1960524 Another Flynn delay

>>1960532 More Lines Cut

>>1960541 SpaceX rocket launches to Intl Space Station with AI on board

>>1960583 Freemason Chief Denies Allegations

>>1960602 Planefag Update

>>1960612 RIMPAC Submarines . . ?

>>1960635 Hawaii

>>1960643 US, Turkey & F-35 Deal.. BAD!

>>1960658 [HRC] compares herself to Churchill

>>1960688 #2471

>>1959888 #2470: Autismus Maximus Summary

>>1957531 #2467: Asking The Question Edition Summary

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

a46ee1 No.1961490

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 – Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 — META

>>494745 — Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>198093 — Q Memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>1606439 – Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 - Find The Key Dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 - Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 - NIMROD WORLD ORDER Research Thread

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#29 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>1958049 , >>1958058

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

a46ee1 No.1961500

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 6/12]) >>1718255

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


21,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

24 >>1745576 | 23 >>1602811 | Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist – main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

b791e8 No.1961506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are amazing, Q.

a46ee1 No.1961512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Baker Requesting Handoff

63099d No.1961521

File: 4a16ba42285bd33⋯.jpg (46.53 KB, 371x459, 371:459, Bak gr 3.jpg)



ba2647 No.1961528

File: 022b6ff5494d31d⋯.png (24.06 KB, 848x145, 848:145, time_com_5323351_families-….png)

The Families Belong Together March (aka The Purple Revolution) was planned before President Donald Trump ended his administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border. But organizers say the protests, which are scheduled to take place in cities all over the country on Saturday, June 30, are still just as important.

Anna Galland, executive director of nonprofit Move On, one of the march’s organizers, said there are local protests scheduled in all 50 states. Major protests are planned in Minneapolis, Nashville, Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City.


ca30f8 No.1961529

File: 07874e4bf180c4d⋯.jpg (32.86 KB, 339x561, 113:187, A1Babe2.JPG)


8e2b63 No.1961530


Don't hate it. We should always require evidence

252d8c No.1961531


2ea4d2 No.1961532

966079 No.1961533

Shit. So it was true. C_A Countries

NK (Deal done)





this is a sad story

bd915c No.1961535

File: b8826f1b9ee923c⋯.png (616.15 KB, 1039x1080, 1039:1080, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

The revocation “is a reminder that the U.S. is serious about requiring all Iran business that had been allowed pursuant to the [nuclear] deal to be wound down by no later than Nov. 4,” said Sanjay Mullick, a partner at Kirkland & Ellis LLP.

Companies have been leaving Iran in droves since the May decision by Mr. Trump, including those not subject to the U.S. license requirements. Executives of European companies have cited the threat of secondary sanctions as one of the reasons for their departure.


62babb No.1961536

File: 1120a3928e6a1e9⋯.jpg (30.51 KB, 474x353, 474:353, 27e186f53cf51daa49ca28f02e….jpg)

82dfb6 No.1961537

File: 9daf57eab0e62a8⋯.jpg (157.72 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 9daf57eab0e62a866c0923bffd….jpg)

ty baker

awesome job

5b4b3a No.1961540

File: 7536c79841670ba⋯.jpg (350.32 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, constantine.jpg)

"Heaven and hell are right. Behind every wall, every window. The world behind the world, and we're smack in the middle of it.

Angels and demons can't cross over onto our plane. So instead we get what I call half-breeds.

The influence peddlers.

They can only whisper in our ears, but a single word can give you courage… or turn your favorite pleasure into your worst nightmare.

Those with the demon's touch… like those part angel living alongside us.

They call it the balance."

81c11e No.1961541

File: 5d827c208b98473⋯.png (68 B, 1x1, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I went with number 1.

and also got this one…pic attached.

252d8c No.1961543


Top Kek to (you) too

8f39be No.1961544

File: 695f43f422bdab1⋯.jpeg (21.21 KB, 193x255, 193:255, 581B15CD-3196-4B75-B5EC-8….jpeg)

File: 955a5930a0a4ed2⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1047x783, 349:261, 5BA8CDDA-1A96-453F-A165-15….png)

File: 267f2dc5a0a2fe7⋯.jpeg (3.33 MB, 2969x5273, 2969:5273, C2CE6996-96BA-42FB-91D3-F….jpeg)

File: fda72aea4e232cb⋯.jpeg (562.43 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, CC39561D-672E-4EFB-95FF-4….jpeg)

File: c60f92beca39d72⋯.jpeg (1.87 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 807B8905-4C9E-4611-8FDB-C….jpeg)

TYB and BO.

64f991 No.1961545

File: e1cc9ac5199109c⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 550x733, 550:733, e0a35cba29c6277dfaab6d7e7f….jpg)


Go Big Or GTFO

fb2dc3 No.1961546

File: 5c445ba120f71c2⋯.jpg (176.01 KB, 1412x455, 1412:455, 162782 E6B Mercury OK 2018….jpg)

File: 58dc978e63e59b8⋯.png (28.99 KB, 1058x137, 1058:137, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4598171490db7e⋯.png (265.21 KB, 516x541, 516:541, Recon7.png)

>>1961274 (lb)

Navy E6 Mercury over OK.

I don't know enough to comment on what the mission might be, routine training or something else.

Note to any new planefags on board

What to Tag and Bag

Diverted/refused landing permission

Keeps flying <4000ft

Any drones and UAVs

Any P-8 Poseidons, P-3 Orions, other surveillance and intel planes such as Sentrys, Nightwatches, Sentinels, Joint Rivets

Any AWACS, Hawkeyes, Mercurys

Any MAGMA callsign – but don’t post until they have “feet wet” (over water) when returning after a mission. Don’t endanger their mission by premature posting.

If you suspect an operation, bag and tag it, but post it later; allowing special operators time to complete their mission.

aa86c2 No.1961547


Baker here

Happy to bake a few.

e2e6e3 No.1961548

File: 2972383a9c58bb9⋯.jpg (6.32 KB, 232x217, 232:217, fukkensaved.jpg)


just got back from fishing, I see everything is tippy top here!

f4f73e No.1961549

>>1960942 (Last bread)

Acosta is trying his hardest to get punched.

He can then play the victim and blame it on Trump.

He's a child.

1da256 No.1961550



It was a CDAN blind dropped on 8ch, not a courtroom accusation.

Buyer beware, always.

36a9f7 No.1961551

>>1960793 lb

My browser keeps getting hijacked whilst digging.

I have this theory that the drops coordinate with the American Revolution. One interesting tidbit is 12/7 (clock started) in 1787, the first state, Delaware, ratified the constitution.

Anyway, looking up anything in the past freezes my browser, and especially anything regarding George Washington’s primary counterpart, Henry Clinton.

Funny how I don’t remember learning anything about this Clinton fella in school.

9b98d4 No.1961552


I suspect every once in a great while that the baker girls post real pics.. the low-key baker girl ones are glorious :)

362e78 No.1961553

File: 01efa4f2991be28⋯.png (117.18 KB, 1299x1230, 433:410, boop.png)

b81a4b No.1961554

File: ed1fd7c71e3ef66⋯.jpeg (791.18 KB, 1242x1970, 621:985, D143E4DC-F441-4617-88CD-6….jpeg)

559e4d No.1961555

File: 21dc6979daa6a48⋯.jpeg (155.03 KB, 736x999, 736:999, image.jpeg)

>>1961317 (lb)

Take the dildo-of-hate out of your ass and take your Clown show somewhere else. Anons have grown tired of the 'muh joo' slide after, what, at least the eight months I've been here. Argue FE or at least something interesting. We get it! You're a fucking loser! Get over it!

43b8a2 No.1961556

File: 7fa390684d8d98b⋯.png (285.48 KB, 1712x1484, 428:371, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

File: 70cb55526c17e4e⋯.png (328.36 KB, 1644x1648, 411:412, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

File: 2b4d759abf5d806⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1658x1680, 829:840, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

File: 72eea3f5aefb635⋯.png (390.26 KB, 1578x1676, 789:838, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

File: ab32f9cd7ec4210⋯.png (425.85 KB, 1632x1650, 272:275, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

145433 No.1961557

File: f81064f843c1603⋯.jpg (101.86 KB, 500x529, 500:529, Kamala twerk gurl.jpg)

a46ee1 No.1961558

File: 381163353f8baa5⋯.jpg (99.91 KB, 581x602, 83:86, 381163353f8baa54f503ff2a9e….jpg)


Handoff Confirmed~

>Go have some fun

43b8a2 No.1961559

File: e8c98bab56fdbda⋯.png (1.08 MB, 2054x1694, 1027:847, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

079c18 No.1961560


Jim Acosta reminds me of an impetuous spoiled 5 year old that throws tantrums to get his way.

d29e2b No.1961561

>>1960760 Remember that mustache guy next to Obama on the couch?

There's no sauce for this and they don't even look similar.


f44b23 No.1961563


My wife just walked in and saw this picture. She got super furious and threatened to throw my computer out of the window if I dont stop going to these bad raunchy websites.

Should I tell her that she just needs to "trust the plan" ?

64f991 No.1961564

File: 58aacbe525a2981⋯.jpg (65.32 KB, 480x754, 240:377, 2ce80m~2.jpg)

File: b46d521230a4eec⋯.png (68.93 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-06-29-07-1….png)

The world is in for a big surprise.

4653b0 No.1961565

File: e60f80d89c5a63d⋯.jpeg (77.12 KB, 399x603, 133:201, 6979D55C-C6FA-4D32-897F-E….jpeg)


We know what you like.

9d9bbe No.1961566

File: 7d986ec0688357f⋯.png (145.53 KB, 1077x185, 1077:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58b1ccab6949e56⋯.png (40.38 KB, 1098x186, 183:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d1739e9a938e6d⋯.png (63.14 KB, 1090x185, 218:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0066ef7dd44592⋯.png (167.7 KB, 1094x195, 1094:195, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66c931f4554be4f⋯.png (71.11 KB, 1087x194, 1087:194, ClipboardImage.png)

Not sure if anyone has looked at the other channels that posted the Q-The Plan to Save the World video. Look at the views, 535,000 if I did my screen shots correctly. The next 2 were 11k and 3.6k. That's 549,600 on the top 7.

8f39be No.1961567

File: 7321c6741ad180d⋯.jpeg (81.94 KB, 650x615, 130:123, 3FEDEEFF-AEF0-427E-90A0-C….jpeg)

41499a No.1961568

File: 05fb323b00bbc18⋯.jpg (516.22 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180629-161525….jpg)

4c3469 No.1961569

I think I have have found something…

Q mentioned about channels clear, and injection on social media sites. Does this relate at all to delaying Twitter's big API feed changes that were about to go out? This change would destroy most popular 3rd party apps we use for multi-accounts.

9b555b No.1961570


Don't engage. Filter if you have to.

63099d No.1961571

File: 17efe42e0f280ca⋯.jpg (69.01 KB, 575x358, 575:358, Just ask him.jpg)

0429c9 No.1961572

1da256 No.1961573


They have cut off the spigot of money into Iran, from our govt and indirectly through vendors.

So Iran has been having to print.

It's causing crazy inflation.

And will lead to the citizens overthrowing their mullah.

8e3e33 No.1961574


The only sliding I see are those aggressively trying to suppress facts about Jews.

3a7adb No.1961575


>It was a CDAN blind dropped on 8ch, not a courtroom accusation.

>Buyer beware, always.

Old news anyways…

aa86c2 No.1961576


Handoff confirmed

kek, cheers anon. Thanks for holding the fort. Enjoy your rest.

47bf45 No.1961577


Neither is the frog dick… i yelled not notables.. no ones listened

3812b8 No.1961578


That's three huge asses.

d838b5 No.1961579

>>1961520 (pb)

my guess is that both Presidents will be well received by the majority of finnish people

the zombies will whine, as always

bd915c No.1961580


Yes! So much winning!

f4f73e No.1961581


And when his big brother knocks the shit out of him, the 5 year old runs to mummy and cries.

Acosta is heading for a big fall …

64f991 No.1961582

File: 8d72074953a78fa⋯.png (35.53 KB, 480x438, 80:73, Screenshot_2018-06-27-15-3….png)


Bro, that was a Photoshop ass.

252d8c No.1961583

They are ready to fight….Bring it

966079 No.1961584


In Kazakhstan 2.0?

c268a6 No.1961585

For newfags, normies, and everyone that whants to understand a little more of the chans' subculture, a little read about Pepe:


f2aad3 No.1961586


LOL tell her it's Jake from State Farm

3b6d2f No.1961587

File: 228cf88eff89a04⋯.jpg (138.53 KB, 564x564, 1:1, dream_j8s26a92r7s.jpg)

File: b6a9083da608718⋯.jpg (180.38 KB, 438x822, 73:137, dream_x4c4y5deu5p.jpg)

File: 9233be396761f0a⋯.jpg (149.48 KB, 564x564, 1:1, dream_47zh2zxmsc0.jpg)

File: 024fb80b6f966e2⋯.jpg (226.65 KB, 438x822, 73:137, dream_fvsain8o4uc.jpg)

b86b9f No.1961588

File: 2393d82579376d9⋯.jpg (102.32 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Who is Q2.jpg)


Who is Q, you say?

595f87 No.1961589


First, let go of your dick. Then tell her to lose a few pounds. THEN tell her to trust the plan.

966079 No.1961590



e2e6e3 No.1961591

File: 70625c3001222c0⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 300x300, 1:1, yuck.jpg)

2b17cf No.1961592

File: ec859df81224f8e⋯.png (567.13 KB, 478x479, 478:479, ClipboardImage.png)

>Comcast outage


>Obongo in the news


9dab3f No.1961593

Q: The Plan To Save The World is viewed by 505k people on 3 channels

Count on more than 1 mln tho, or even millions, youtube screws with the view numbers, sometimes it's upto 12k less views in a few minutes







82dfb6 No.1961594


what sites u been going to, lol

6f077f No.1961595

Monday July 9th

Fox reporting on air that is the day POTUS to announce his SCOTUS pick

bd915c No.1961596

File: 2f939dc643401ec⋯.png (830.58 KB, 1074x1074, 1:1, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

File: 3ef262a71e63532⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1339x770, 1339:770, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

This is odd…

looks like she's ready for a Grey Gardens fan club outing…..


6dcb6c No.1961597

File: 351520b463c37d3⋯.jpeg (151.65 KB, 750x431, 750:431, 704697C4-2FDE-46FC-A534-1….jpeg)

8a8a0c No.1961598

We need to start a hashtag… like #AskAboutQ … get it trending.

5c49bd No.1961599

e65b3d No.1961600


Once his mission of marrying a Jew to give his dad cover as he stealthily went about taking apart ZOG was completed Don Jr gets to mate with humans again.

e2e6e3 No.1961601


did she really get mad at that?

FFS anon, tell her about the culture of rewarding the baker with a beautiful women and what we do here (I'd add she's prettier or some shit for good measure)

34268d No.1961602

phx to Newark plane takeoff aborted https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/united-flight-aborts-takeoff-at-phoenix-airport-pilot-slammed-on-the-brakes-passenger-says/ar-AAzlpqH?ocid=spartanntp

64f991 No.1961603

File: 1a7b445712dad21⋯.jpg (120.74 KB, 866x487, 866:487, 2ctpx8~2.jpg)

a46ee1 No.1961604

File: 71d3c8ecd6b4fec⋯.jpg (13.96 KB, 480x322, 240:161, tumblr_ntw46ktwMK1u9immvo1….jpg)

2aea30 No.1961605




because there are tons of jews and ex-nazis. Iguaçu makes for a strategic training ground. DRUG MONEY. SEX.

bd915c No.1961607



Right after RR has to give us all the goods

Dems probably won't even notice…

e2e6e3 No.1961608



Ask Him

About Q

Mother Fucker

559e4d No.1961609


Cheers anon. I'll try. Godspeed.

b81a4b No.1961610


We now have BBB here.


b39c26 No.1961611


'spose you're looking for a medal now

81c11e No.1961612

File: 5d827c208b98473⋯.png (68 B, 1x1, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d827c208b98473⋯.png (68 B, 1x1, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

can't wait to get my stickers and spread our message of love!

9b98d4 No.1961613


Bill looks like he's dancing with a rotten pear with a head and arms.

He also still looks like the fetal nectar hasn't worn off yet in that pic.. Fucking zombies…

3b6d2f No.1961614


Summer of Samantha

c90eed No.1961615

File: 67219398a9ea4ea⋯.png (429.41 KB, 622x500, 311:250, ClipboardImage.png)

f4f73e No.1961616


>Should I tell her that she just needs to "trust the plan" ?

Get a new wife.

a46ee1 No.1961617

File: 69835f7b7632e82⋯.png (5.53 KB, 255x191, 255:191, CAMFY.png)

362e78 No.1961618



Tell her to stop being a concernfag.

63099d No.1961619

File: faa846c1e5c690f⋯.jpg (120.77 KB, 571x571, 1:1, Savage.jpg)

2efbcb No.1961620


Wheres the link faggot

3812b8 No.1961621


1. Face your computer away from the door.

2. Remove anything mirror like on your back wall.

3. Keep a tab to huffington post open in your browser.

4. Click on said tab when you hear her coming.

3a7adb No.1961623


POTUS already had his cue cards ready.

2efbcb No.1961624


That reminds me of all the left. All of them.

e2e6e3 No.1961625


no one suppresses anyone

spam is spam

966079 No.1961626


<Iguaçu makes for a strategic training ground. DRUG MONEY. SEX.

The Push for the Agenda 21. and now with Center America and some more. Extermination.

2a778d No.1961627

DiggerAnon here again

Got it back up am running tests now, anti-spyware, hardware checks etc.

This WASN'T a hardware failure, it seemed like an attack, very quick.

To all who offered assistance MUCH appreciation!!!











TO the asshat who posted this >>1961221 I'm now back on my main machine! Still wanna comment on my history???

0495ce No.1961628


I think Spanish Motherfucker do you speak it? would be top kek.


b81a4b No.1961629

025dab No.1961630




Next baker, you may want to do a little retroactive clean-up on this bread's notables for anons' and…professionalism.

288530 No.1961631

File: c7990c836c19594⋯.jpg (601.35 KB, 1000x683, 1000:683, SWIM152_TK1_01448.JPG)


I'm a housewife thanking baker.. and understand men.. Trust the plan.

2de80d No.1961632




the archive has been updated for GMT map #28, please change

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#29 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>1958049 , >>1958058


Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#29 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1465 , >>1958058

aa86c2 No.1961633

File: 5f7a93cf5208ed6⋯.jpg (122.13 KB, 802x1200, 401:600, 5f7a93cf5208ed6728656c8f3a….jpg)

bd915c No.1961634

File: 7ef6eadf3c1817b⋯.jpg (11.7 KB, 132x255, 44:85, 2f543bace5089fda025ed10381….jpg)

File: ab316c13831c3d7⋯.png (86.74 KB, 1037x377, 1037:377, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

File: 78c36fac6859820⋯.png (133.51 KB, 1053x496, 1053:496, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

What did Obama lose?!!!

2cb8db No.1961635


Coming from a “wife” anon, tell her we know that crap isn’t why you’re here. This movement is way bigger than that stuff. I’m a pastors wife.. I get it. I do. I don’t like that stuff either, but I understand this is open source. Truly open. We can’t and don’t desire to control the internet traffic here and can’t control others. Just need to keep grinding. It’s good she cares enough about your heart and marriage for her to be a little upset. Keeper she is

ca8157 No.1961636

My proof of Q was months ago when it was obvious that MSM knew what was happening here and ignored it

It’s been very entertaining >>1961571

d838b5 No.1961637


ye, why not if Astana is what ure referring to, but POTUS needs to get out of the foreign policy agenda of the synagogue of satan first

2ea4d2 No.1961638


This is his chance to grow out of it.

I've asked him, and he has a choice. Time to pick a side.

63099d No.1961639

File: 044c2e726a141bb⋯.jpeg (278.15 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, WHy won't this Bitch Shut….jpeg)

d29e2b No.1961640


We'll see how this next one shakes out. If it is more of the same we will know.

47bf45 No.1961641


i got attacked too

( • )( • )

e13542 No.1961642

File: d2e9312535b64aa⋯.png (532.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, AcostaEndThis.png)

2469f2 No.1961643

>>1961359 lb

They have no idea what the Caucasian race is anyway.

Most Chinese are Caucasians but because they bred with northeast Siberian peoples like the Manchu or the Koreans, they have epicanthic folds on their eyes. This is a dominant feature which is why it is so hard to get rid of in offspring. But if you look at any other physical feature, Chinese are as diverse as Caucasians. White skin, even freckles, tall, short, sticky, thin, fat, whatever.

If you see an oriental person, and they do not speak and their clothes or haircut don't give them away, you really cannot idenitify the Chinese. In fact recently, the popularity of Japanese fashion and hairstyles, mean you will most likely guess wrong in that direction.

I have met Chinese, with roots in Northern China, that look just like Native Americans. When I worked with Vietnamese people I learned that some Chinese cannot be distinguished from Vietnamese. In the Northeast there are many Chinese who have a Korean look. If you know the markers of the Li clan, big-jawed people, you can often identify Chinese with the surname Lee just by looking. But the Li clan (who now consider themselves ethnically Han) get their look from their Polynesian ancestors, who are just another subgroup of Caucasians.

Some anons will be saying, but but, skinny girls, no ass, perfectly straight non-curly hair, small boobs. Those are clear markers, to which I will counter, take a good look at the natural blondes of northern Europe and the UK. skinny, no ass, perfectly straight hair and small boobs is common in those parts too.

And let's not even get into the black-haired, brown-eyed, very dark brown skinned Caucasians in South India and Sri Lanka.

If you look at it from 40,000 feet, RACE is a mental construct of sea-faring peoples who notice that every port they land at has people who look completely different. That is to say, the British who ruled the seas dreamed up this cock-eyed idea. But the Russians, who walked all the way from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean, noticed that physical features grow and ebb in their frequency as you move through the landscape. Curiously enough, there are people living in the Caucasus mountains, source of the word Caucasian, who have black hair, brown eyes and whose skin tans in summer, and in Russian these people are called BLACKS. Not only that, but the word ARYAN comes from the same Persian word as IRAN and an area in Russia called IRON by the natives and Ossetia by outsiders. These are the original Aryan people. They have black hair, brown eyes and skin that tans in summer.

And yet racists imagine an Aryan ideal with blond hair, blue eyes and very white skin. In the real world, that describes the Finnic peoples of Finland and Northwestern Russia. They do not even speak a so-called Indo-European language (used to be called Aryan languages).

Race is just a silly idea

81c11e No.1961644

2b17cf No.1961645

Trust Sessions

>Rewriting Asylum Regs


f1d502 No.1961646


ALL OF THE 'MOURNERS' on TV who knew the victims have been behaving oddly, IMO.

No sadness, no tears.

988b13 No.1961647

File: 0810b2ad7d5de54⋯.jpg (934.73 KB, 2160x1440, 3:2, massoud rajavi hands up.jpg)

File: d379d4933602018⋯.jpg (574.56 KB, 1440x2160, 2:3, rajavilaugh.jpg)

File: e2d8167edb97b61⋯.jpg (42.54 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, 21544111_1132821720195547_….jpg)

File: ee65503445968f6⋯.jpg (61.44 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, 26221029_1202301366580915_….jpg)

File: b5408bb83ac9ff8⋯.png (739.61 KB, 1937x993, 1937:993, Screenshot 2018-06-29 14.2….png)

Cult of Rajavi (MEK) Hussein's buddies?




2efbcb No.1961648


Does Soros have his hooves in that area of the world

5a691e No.1961649


Just for POTUS, I promise not to punch him. Fuck.

589df4 No.1961650

File: 692308c75f95546⋯.jpg (476.64 KB, 488x744, 61:93, e58.jpg)

File: e669ba239dfdc3e⋯.jpg (83.52 KB, 326x146, 163:73, e59.jpg)

Interesting Biblical observation about govt corruption. Same as it ever was…

Book of Ecclesiastes (old testament), chapter 5, verses 8 and 9:

If in a province you see the poor oppressed, rights and justice violated, do not be surprised. You will be told that officials are under the supervision of superiors, who are supervised in return; you will hear talk of "the common good" and "the service to the king." (see photo for alternate translations).

Essentially, bureaucratic corruption is excused/explained away by those in on the take with old sayings meant to pacify those inclined to go along with the corrupt business as usual. "It's for your own good. What are you complaining about? There's plenty in this field to harvest. Everything is in service to the King."

As a modern corollary: In the film Casablanca, the scene where Rick allows the Bulgarian couple to win at the roulette table, a fellow gambler asks Carl the waiter if this place is honest, Carl (who is in on the scam) answers with the well rehearsed evasive line: "Honest? Honest as the day is long."

You can hear the above evasive excuses in 5:9 by the ancient corrupt bureaucrat saying it the same way as Carl.

149b2e No.1961651

File: c39b24260828d96⋯.png (107.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOS.png)

696a73 No.1961652


I do like this. Thanks

2ea4d2 No.1961653


Tell her that's how a free speech website currently looks like.

2d861c No.1961654

Steve Herman just got a new follower>>1961634

a68485 No.1961655


There's a lot of Jews pushing for mass third world immigration into White countries. There's also a lot of them running media outlets and a little outfit called the fed. Then you have AIPAC which makes Israeli collusion in elections much more real than anything even suggested from the Russians.

36a9f7 No.1961656


Can we get a better zoom of that earring?

aa86c2 No.1961657


Roger anon, 10/4. Thanks for all you do as always.

c36ba6 No.1961658

File: a9972791e15e627⋯.png (279.9 KB, 507x380, 507:380, Screenshot-2018-1-1 second….png)

e2e6e3 No.1961659


all over the EU, so probably (no sauce)

205bc7 No.1961661

File: a23fb12ccb2e8a3⋯.jpg (57.33 KB, 444x648, 37:54, HORM-FZ.jpg)

>>1961039 (lb)

>At one point, he turned to the crowd and declared,

>"Enough moping, this is a mope-free zone."

079c18 No.1961662


Even if the YT video is the most watched video ever, YT will never allow it to show up in the trending group. They manipulate the trending ones to only show ones that agree with their worldview.

9e854c No.1961663


Good to hear! And good luck for it not to happen again.

aa86c2 No.1961664


What's up with the >>>/comms/1465 link though?

2de80d No.1961665





the archive has been updated for GMT map #28, please change

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#29 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>1958049 , >>1958058


Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#29 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466 , >>1958058

6f077f No.1961666

File: e2e77c4bcea8d55⋯.png (170.38 KB, 560x795, 112:159, KOMO 1 re Homeless Plane T….PNG)

File: 18a9df101e2a2e4⋯.png (33.94 KB, 453x666, 151:222, KOMO 2 re Homeless Plane T….PNG)

Seattle is buying plane tickets to send homeless to other states

Seattle homeless couple gets city-paid plane tickets to leave town


6dcb6c No.1961667

File: cf5254baea88383⋯.jpeg (186.64 KB, 750x545, 150:109, 99791360-BBCD-4107-B052-8….jpeg)

5d4e53 No.1961668


As I read this, I heard an empty scrotum rustling in the wind out there somewhere…

2aea30 No.1961669



And then there's that…

1992 UN Climate Change Rio or something

8ef44c No.1961670

File: 5023fb43e5e881c⋯.png (326.18 KB, 860x541, 860:541, beacon.PNG)

How To Get The Press To Ask POTUS About Q

They need to feel that the question will embarrass POTUS. That's the only reason they would ask.

Here's how.

Share this link with a reporter:


The story makes fun of anti-POTUS people for a crazy conspiracy theory.

MSM hates Free Beacon. It's perfect.

Tell the journo: Look at the right making fun of people for conspiracy theories, while a bunch of MAGA people believe in a much bigger conspiracy - "Q"!

Suggest that the journo can ask a gotcha question along those lines.

To seal the deal you can show that he appears to be acknowledging "Q" fans at his rallies.

"Why doesn't the President discourage his fans from believing in a pro-Trump conspiracy theory."

2aea30 No.1961671



f4f73e No.1961672


>Families Belong Together

I agree. Send the whole family back together.

Problem solved.

Think I'll go to the march with a sign saying to send them all back. And a Build That Wall t-shirt.

f1d502 No.1961675

CNN is reporting that RR felt shaken and used after Writing Comey firing letter.

Said reported by NYT.

I can feel it coming SOON.

2a778d No.1961676


Ty. I need to add some extra contingencies

285134 No.1961677

File: 4ad1b26c245973b⋯.jpg (249.27 KB, 1220x1313, 1220:1313, Capture.JPG)

Happy weekend, Anons

d838b5 No.1961680


the aryans are described in thousands of years old references in the Veda, ur just an silly idae

2efbcb No.1961681


Leave her alone. She was most likely threatened. Good god. She is funny on Tucker

966079 No.1961682


US needs to leave Astana alone and leave that Putin Take Central Asia and Eastern Europe. And so Russia take more power.

Finland could be worried about the status of Sweden.

8e3e33 No.1961683

File: d078a6bf01995c9⋯.jpg (717.13 KB, 1440x1060, 72:53, check em.jpg)

d33e0a No.1961684

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, e29b698c24bd2d7b212e58c83a….png)


Do NOT engage shills.

81c11e No.1961685

File: e7809e4c447b727⋯.png (41.91 KB, 210x230, 21:23, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 799e254f854619e⋯.png (61.68 KB, 210x230, 21:23, ClipboardImage.png)

two stickers on the way for me. cant wait.

615cc6 No.1961686


Go Big.

2fde29 No.1961687


At least POTUS is rewriting the ending. It would have been much sadder without that.

e6c4fb No.1961688

File: c8f933a2cc93838⋯.jpeg (938.54 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, D32838C9-D9FB-4D13-AD76-D….jpeg)

b86b9f No.1961689

File: b01d9755c59029c⋯.jpg (166.22 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, Who is Q3.jpg)

e13542 No.1961690


that's probably faster than having congress request to see it kek

e019ad No.1961691


So was this girl named Winters Winters and then her name after marriage is Winters Gimer?

Wtf is going on here?

36a9f7 No.1961692


Overton window! POTUS is a genius!

966079 No.1961693


Sadamm Hussein 2.0?

35e58e No.1961694



aa86c2 No.1961695


Great, got it.

168b09 No.1961696

Need ac/DC who made who reworked to who is q!

8d0b96 No.1961697

File: 67728fdd6b16b1f⋯.jpg (14.84 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 81753549f9757b74b878ed4253….jpg)

7a7f91 No.1961698


Here's the proof that your country is suporting crimes against me.

Your US ambasador signed a letter - with all the abusers - that said "you are concerned about changing laws in Ro - so, you are supporting this crimes.


Proof that you are a fake.

Soon you will kiss soros.

aa4508 No.1961699


Awan IT Vendor Bribe DOJ Testimony


cf5c7f No.1961700


That's unsettling. I like it

362e78 No.1961702

87f036 No.1961703

File: cdb6fd674e77058⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 403x398, 403:398, cdb6fd674e7705810b39492696….jpg)



>some things President Obama lost


e6c4fb No.1961704


There was something very wrong about her.

Gave me the creeps…

288530 No.1961706


cabal family lines?

12e264 No.1961707


E-6 Mercury a/c are based out of Tinker AB Oklahoma or Offutt Nebraska can't member which but is probably training.

Operationally they provide secure comms for the fleet so are usually over or near the sea where they can communicate with subs & ships etc.

afca85 No.1961708


Everyone mourns, differently and it May be that the hat was a nod to her mom or something. That said, I was a bit surprised, too. Maybe it is just how they do things in that area. Funerals/services tend to be pretty formal in some locations.

b39c26 No.1961709


a tweet that needs to be utilized


such non existent heart felt tears kek


allowed to say nazi nazi nazi

can never say commie commie comie

and another one not to be mentioned

b86b9f No.1961710

File: 65777bbd30506cc⋯.jpg (175.63 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, Who is Q4.jpg)

dec7a4 No.1961711

File: cba22c012a97b4c⋯.png (228.06 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-29-15-2….png)

<Search warrant in D.C. for ZTE phones! ♡

>Q, are they going to find anything interesting? ;)

f1d502 No.1961712


‘Shaken’ Rosenstein Felt Used by White House in Comey Firing

WASHINGTON — In the days after the F.B.I. director James B. Comey was fired last year, the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, repeatedly expressed ang…

The New York Times · 50m

35e58e No.1961713

82dfb6 No.1961714

File: b2e97eeaf6ff762⋯.jpg (233.16 KB, 1131x639, 377:213, kh.jpg)

File: c0d7d382854edea⋯.jpg (45.42 KB, 468x311, 468:311, k.jpg)


e019ad No.1961715


I think Jim Jordan was trying to get RR to show that temper that everyone has been talking about on Hannity and other programs. Apparently he is a hothead.

I think JJ wanted the people to see him snap and see him lose his composure. Almost had him there.

RR will crack before long and unleash his vile temper. Perhaps it will be aimed at those that have abandoned him from the DARK.

2efbcb No.1961716


Shut up hooker. No one cares what is between you hairy ass legs. LURK MOAR CUNT

149b2e No.1961717

File: af3fb9e601ad76c⋯.png (111.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8ChanPostDetectorS.png)

46e1a1 No.1961718

File: d45c3ec45a48ea3⋯.jpg (41.07 KB, 517x677, 517:677, 73bf83d48593465db43bfbfdc7….jpg)

Didn't Q say in one of the drops that that net would be necessarily interrupted?

So would that be a proof to put beside this?

966079 No.1961720




https:// www.un.org/geninfo/bp/enviro.html/

a54e7a No.1961723


there are a couple of jewtube channels, and discords. I lurked for a sec just to see what they were talking about, and it's just basically a bunch of morons with audio spaghetti.

e2e6e3 No.1961724


wow, extremely well said

we are all homo sapiens, just each a different genus (correct me if I'm wrong on the terminology)

5c49bd No.1961725

File: 1a107826e6e9d2d⋯.jpg (202.27 KB, 900x750, 6:5, WhoQ.jpg)

I found out who Q is…


367550 No.1961726


Post last edited at

47a775 No.1961727

File: 502c3138dd60b84⋯.jpg (330.32 KB, 1218x1079, 1218:1079, Clip_8.jpg)


You need to copy and paste out all these replies and make her a nice thoughtful wedding anniversary card. Girls just love that special stuff.

e1650c No.1961728

What can I do to get it started? Q shirts for the Homeless.

c36a4b No.1961729

File: 7178ef07d672a65⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 230x167, 230:167, E5881EB3-670B-4CF4-9653-5E….gif)

8d0b96 No.1961730

File: 4787460c1ecec60⋯.jpg (37.58 KB, 550x360, 55:36, mt.jpg)

d838b5 No.1961731


>Finland could be worried about the status of Sweden

sweden is run by the tribe and practically an extension of US security complex, politically this dont hold so it's done covertly through interagency

e13542 No.1961732


I can imagine him doing it. Q likes the slow method…getting people ready. They could have Acosta prime the masses by asking the question a few times but get ignored.

135081 No.1961733

b86b9f No.1961735

File: ec11e52090f3d56⋯.png (35.12 KB, 639x274, 639:274, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)


Try this one on for size, anon.

f1d502 No.1961737


3000 years old would make it BC

2ea4d2 No.1961738


Expand, please.

7a6595 No.1961739

File: d9175646255da23⋯.jpg (346.43 KB, 1053x746, 1053:746, Screen Shot 06-29-18 at 10….JPG)

File: ada9870df437975⋯.jpg (675.01 KB, 1053x758, 1053:758, Screen Shot 06-29-18 at 10….JPG)

‘Post-West world order’ being shaped as we speak – Lavrov to Channel 4

Published time: 29 Jun, 2018 19:46


5a691e No.1961740


Bingo. And if you notice Shelia Jackson Lee the Pedobitch jumped in to buy RR some time to settle down.

1c9cb0 No.1961741

File: 3b279a5875faac0⋯.png (72.87 KB, 179x210, 179:210, BitterBitchFace.png)

Anons, I have a preferred candidate for the reporter that breaks the ice with a question about Q. It's than smug-n-snarky Bitter Bitch Face chick from MSNBC. Please, please let it be her.

afca85 No.1961743

Thus, making the case that she has good reason to feel insecure since he could replace her, just like that.


c515a2 No.1961744

File: a3d7d1c0dbe5b03⋯.jpg (75.75 KB, 500x325, 20:13, Who Is Q anon.jpg)

2efbcb No.1961745


Well no, that's thing. That's why I asked. He is NOT welcome in Russia, or a few other countries. They hate everything about him & his groups. So I didn't know if this was one of those places or not.

7a477e No.1961746



Putin / U1 will come out post summit

0429c9 No.1961747

File: 7a52683752bcbc3⋯.png (291.13 KB, 720x950, 72:95, 20180629_142919.png)

Q please tell us this is fake news….

Why are they dragging it out so long?!

Enough is enough!


aa493c No.1961748


saw a clip of her on fox, didn't seem upset at all. Quite weird. Actress, maybe.

f4f73e No.1961749

File: 5586576e570a99b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 512.7 KB, 684x430, 342:215, ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm a housewife thanking baker..

You should know the rules …

<- pic related as a hint.

e4020c No.1961750

File: d66a1eee0bc49ab⋯.jpg (214.4 KB, 788x460, 197:115, miga-2.jpg)


The rightmost flag is a clown flag, Anon. Just for you to know.

a46ee1 No.1961751

File: eb5d38cfe17eccb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 48.07 KB, 880x643, 880:643, oPzn9C7.jpg)


do the dab, friendo

530729 No.1961752


It's fantastic and spreading fast.

3a7adb No.1961753


>I think Jim Jordan was trying to get RR to show that temper that everyone has been talking about on Hannity and other programs.

RR was triggered the instant Jordan spoke.

Within 12 seconds RR pointed his finger like a gun at Jordan, a not so subtle hint.

82dfb6 No.1961754


nephilim &

the same cult we r fighting

47bf45 No.1961755

good catch


7a477e No.1961756


That's fine, just waiting on some Strzok shit to hit the fan and case will be tossed

362e78 No.1961757


Wendi Winters + Teen of the Week = DAMN CREEPY


835960 No.1961758

File: 9a446e78c2d3c57⋯.jpg (960.22 KB, 2490x747, 10:3, Trudeaus Eybrow Falls Off.jpg)

f4f73e No.1961760


Mueller is just stretching shit out until the mid terms.

He needs to be shut down.

0d943e No.1961761

Thread locked ?

Couldn't post


1fa9ec No.1961762

File: 8ad622966f06476⋯.png (418.79 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, per aspera ad astra.png)



Yes Nazi were given shiny new craft by alpha draconians (on same "conquest" wavelength/vibration)… aka Dark Fleet

USSF is Trump's way of doing Full Disclosure, me hopes.

I have heard that Nazi descendants are different than their grand parents and are considering giving us medical tech maybe energy tech in exchange for us not hating them, removing stigma, and perhaps calling truce and aligning themselves with our military white hats to ensure golden age homo Galactica / golden age renasaince can occur.

not sure if that is true or happening but it would be sweet, because I think higher density ETs have already taken out Draco or at least that is well along its way… Earth is last Draco stronghold in our Galaxy? But apparently even they are ruled by malevolent AI, so we gotta watch out for them AI cucks.

6cec8d No.1961763

or you could tell her "if YOU looked like THAT I would spend less time on my computer"

then prep for divorce lol


966079 No.1961764


And they embraced the transhumanism.

it needs a quarantine soon.

6dcb6c No.1961765


Maybe when Q said done in 30 he meant 30 delays…

d838b5 No.1961766


RR is the archetype of a slime ball

288530 No.1961767

File: fde3cd9bcf7e465⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 69.45 KB, 735x980, 3:4, 1449389728795.jpg)


too amazing. I would dox myself.

b0ccb7 No.1961768


He specifically said the Ukraine was lost by Obama at one point.

https: //www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2018/06/15/trump-again-blames-obama-for-russian-annexation-of-crimea-says-he-may-meet-putin-in-the-summer/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.8b58fe083e30

2efbcb No.1961769


Oh man…Id he gonna jump on the #MeToo train now?


f274b0 No.1961770

File: a166d4a358777e4⋯.jpg (45.69 KB, 634x536, 317:268, Dg4tJH_U0AA5bbk.jpg)

File: 2e80e1215619c08⋯.jpg (30.55 KB, 500x310, 50:31, Dg44az0XUAIvZOE.jpg)

this better be one hell uva sick joke!

2de80d No.1961771


nerves are rattled

had interesting times last night

I had network problems locally as well as the DDOS that was going on after Q posted , when I tried to do a bake and everything froze… I'm used to that and opened a second catalog and tried to find the post… repeated that and since nearly 90 seconds had gone by I attempted a 2nd bake with same results, now 2 minuted had gone by and my 'new' bread showed up in the catalog but by the time I got the last page there were 75+ posts in the middle of it all… no biggie as E-Baker had filled the gap so all was good until this morning

My network was down for a while this morning and now that it's back up I've got a new IP

I think my ISP got hammered too, which is bizarre since it's a tiny private one doesn't have more than 1000 customers.

at least my opsec is still holding

d4219a No.1961772


Post last edited at

135081 No.1961773

b86b9f No.1961774

File: 49d306be7c6081d⋯.png (36.94 KB, 724x188, 181:47, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)


Was it this one? Did we miss the AK47?

c8d39c No.1961776


Domestically helpful, anon!!!

2469f2 No.1961777



You can't get away with just naming a collection of hundreds of poems and treatises

f0a4a7 No.1961778


I believe the next line was "I call it hypocritical bullshit."

0495ce No.1961779

File: b963453c3132a68⋯.jpg (457.45 KB, 2000x1328, 125:83, B-1B_over_the_pacific_ocea….jpg)


Tinker is the Main Maintenance Depot for Heavy Aircraft. Its an AF base, with a Large Naval Presence, including this craft.

Most Aircraft are "based" elsewhere, except for the AWACS. Tinker is pretty much the Home Base on CONUS for the AF E-3 AWACS.

A Naval E-6 @ Tinker is there for maintenance.

e2e6e3 No.1961780


sauce for your ramblings or wtf are you talking about

2ea4d2 No.1961781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I nominate this

232250 No.1961782

File: 79d5c485d80b522⋯.png (208.03 KB, 542x443, 542:443, AQ1.PNG)



Trump to announce SCOTUS pick on 7-9.

135081 No.1961783


Read is yesterday.. NO JOKE!

835960 No.1961784

File: 257b2ddf63a0e5e⋯.jpg (959.84 KB, 2490x747, 10:3, Trudeaus Eybrow Falls Off.jpg)


Ah crap.


ffc53d No.1961785

It would appear that the "Cabal" is going to accuse the White Hats of all the crimes the cabal is committing before the white Hats have a chance to lay charges in public. The situation then becomes "He said; she said".

To counter that; we not only need to provide proof of our truths; we need to be providing clear proof of their lies.

Like many anons, I have some experience of the divorce courts and an ex who lied shamelessly and without hesitation. A reasonably satisfactory outcome was only achieved by presenting clear proof of her lies, which was far easier than proving that I was being completely truthful in everything I said and everything I wrote to the Court.

Remember that it is only necessary to prove one clear lie in order to discredit everything that a person says.

Regarding illegal child immigrants; the left has seized the narrative of "reuniting children with their parents" and effectively insisting that all children in custody must be reunited.

We have failed to make the point that many of the children are unaccompanied and have no genuine parents with them, and that a fair proportion of the children are actually being trafficked, and their putative parents are criminals of the worst kind.

What the Democrats are effectively asking for is for the Government to hand children back to the traffickers. Democrat politicians should be put on the spot.

326033 No.1961786


Thanks, notable index this will be helpful when trying to locate a specific subject across multiple breads….

afca85 No.1961787


Agreed. 100%

9fde79 No.1961789


It's good. Not OMG-quality (like Dr. Judy Wood :)), but it will help get people involved. It is an easy send to a friend.

But we need to get more serious here. Evidence is key, we don't have it right now where we need it.

966079 No.1961790


Post-Anglo Empire?

1512a6 No.1961791


probably will be "discovered" during the Kenya trip

5c49bd No.1961792


He did not specify internet or grid or both.

My expectation is to prevent mayhem caused by control of some attack, the comms will be turned off. Power and all if required.

So if and when it happens.. Be comfy…

(offgrid anon will not be affected, but wants comfy for all others too…)

bbc879 No.1961793

File: 986caaf282bbba1⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 1516237764381.jpg)



ANONS, REMEMBER THE CURRENT MISSION. Fire up your twitters, and blast away!



We're already seeing results!


079c18 No.1961794

File: 04c16fafada3edd⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1538x962, 769:481, ClipboardImage.png)

WHAT’S WRONG WITH NANCY? Pelosi trips over ‘soy beans,’ asks reporter to ‘repoot’ question

The face of the modern Democrat party.

Politics aside, it is sad to see that her family allow this go on.


cc0b08 No.1961795


a couple of times RR lost his composure … he did make a funny "phones cannot be subpoena"

d838b5 No.1961796


there is election this autumn, everything will change, nationalists will win, same crazy war staged by the lunatic lib zombies will be staged in that country, good season for a FF

d33e0a No.1961797

File: e418cf369de6983⋯.jpg (401.98 KB, 1718x1849, 1718:1849, DoItQ.JPG)

Who is Qanon?


Ummm, Q?

3a7adb No.1961798


The EU is collapsing, far less relevant.

POTUS/Putin need to work out Syria and Ukraine first. Then move on to Iran. Currency collapse hurts the people the most as food costs rise. With all that oil, Iran has no ability to refine it.

89d2cd No.1961799


compare the 'man' on the left and the 'man' on the right… totally looks like 2 different people.

78c7f4 No.1961800

848aa9 No.1961801


Q, is Kudlow backing NGDP Targeting.

Ask Kudlow, he'll know exactly what I'm saying.

It needs to happen ASAP

51ee60 No.1961802


You need a different wife.

e4020c No.1961803


The husband is probably dead. He didn't appear in public for years.

3b6d2f No.1961804

File: 689b479515aa948⋯.jpg (174.84 KB, 438x822, 73:137, dream_mq8mqolhrbn.jpg)

File: b330f951d822375⋯.jpg (188.26 KB, 507x710, 507:710, dream_e8qr70gtz6b.jpg)

File: 8ceb08e172ac5b5⋯.jpg (180.44 KB, 500x669, 500:669, dream_rgwe5dizbs6.jpg)

File: aceb224c7e73410⋯.jpg (149.96 KB, 388x588, 97:147, dream_8cki046n4wu.jpg)

d5f26a No.1961805


things were really slow for me too. I only had phone access. I could barely use qanon.pub I couldn't even come close to getting on here

68bbad No.1961806


why not Anderson Cooper…he seems to be fading out of the spot light

46e1a1 No.1961807

File: c23abc4ad95ecb5⋯.jpg (24.03 KB, 661x387, 661:387, 73bf83d48593465db43bfbfdc7….jpg)


Okay, but I thought there was a drop were Q actually noted the Internet would be paused?

efd440 No.1961808

File: afdec35e277f143⋯.jpg (2.63 MB, 2974x2234, 1487:1117, DemocratsCrimes.jpg)

File: 27b62c0ba546913⋯.png (584.31 KB, 2292x1475, 2292:1475, 2018-06-29 07_55_04-Famili….png)

File: 847569ac0cfd605⋯.png (368.36 KB, 649x363, 59:33, Outage6_29.png)

File: 0dfa4a326933681⋯.png (4.88 MB, 2301x1645, 2301:1645, police_files.png)

It could just be a coinkydink but if certain types of organizations communicated largely via the internet..

288530 No.1961809


side note.. its a good thing that crap GMO crap is sinking.

but yes.. reminds me of when I saw Don Ho in concert in his later years.. sad.

f4f73e No.1961810


Hope it's James Woods.

9054ad No.1961811

File: 0e24ed5da90538e⋯.png (195.21 KB, 1790x797, 1790:797, latimes1.PNG)

File: ef0b743111df186⋯.png (67.58 KB, 726x869, 66:79, latimes2.PNG)

File: 93996351c111ec1⋯.png (70.01 KB, 802x862, 401:431, latimes3.PNG)

File: d6636b243ff05d0⋯.png (19.46 KB, 857x206, 857:206, latimes4.PNG)

Kamala Harris Aide arrested

63099d No.1961812

File: 54b2fc6375645dd⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 494x325, 38:25, This is CNN.jpg)

aa86c2 No.1961813


Feel for you anon, sounds like a mix of a seriously lagging site and a bad connection. Glad you've got it sorted, I understand how nerve fraying that can be when you're baking. How many kilos did you lose? wew for you.

fb2dc3 No.1961814

>>1961707 , >>1961779

Team knowledge.



b86b9f No.1961815

File: 77e45c37b1fadb1⋯.png (58.14 KB, 688x462, 344:231, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)



I've gotcha, anon.

2efbcb No.1961816

National Guard

‏Verified account @NationalGuard

#Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal. Keep your #goal in sight and take the next step:


aee058 No.1961817



47a775 No.1961818


Good advice amidst the trolls and baiters.

145433 No.1961819


>What did Obama lose?!!!


5edf29 No.1961820

I'm muh dick guy, and I have spent thousands of hours peppering your breads with revolting images in the vain hope of instinctively driving people away from this place; I'm the prime example of Censorship through Spam.

I just assume you all like that and that my content is now 'normal' here so I can cry censorship when I'm the real one dedicated to driving people away from this place.

Isn't it funny how much I've changed due to BV?

I'm such a pussy.

At some point, you've gotta' ask how someone could be this dedicated at posting shitty memes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but I'm 'acting normal' now like a good little boy so maybe I can catch the BV with a screenshot of some 'important info' that they're 'targeting'. That'll show 'em! Tee-hee-hee

PS: Don't call me out on projection.

PPS: Yes this post has been edited by a mod ; )

Post last edited at

649340 No.1961821




3a7adb No.1961822


>RR is the archetype of a slime ball

I thought he was part of Obama's administration,

that isn't the case. He was a District Attorney in

Maryland or something.

Sent in to cover for Mueller while the Mule tries to

hide the crimes.

bf1f8b No.1961823

>>1960612 (Two breads ago)

The sub in the graphic is a Typhoon class submarine.

So yes, very odd that it was added.


5d4e53 No.1961824

File: 16c0e9d9c715bef⋯.png (183.84 KB, 634x601, 634:601, ClipboardImage.png)

8623fa No.1961825


LOL….my bet is EVERY JOURNALIST is watching this board…or is in direct contact with someone who IS….

There's NO WAY we're going to "sneak it" past them…trick them….

Na…let's SEE who Q may *cough*force*cough* to do it….may be one of them that WE have a ton of goods on…

Would be OH SO GLORIOUS to have a CABAL CONTROLLED ONE "forced" to ask the question….SWEET JUSTICE….in a way

d838b5 No.1961826


here: http://www.vedabase.com/en/search/site/aryans

go through this and you might end up even more red-pilled, my respect for asking for sauce

595f87 No.1961827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


pills pills pills

0d943e No.1961828

File: 7a65acdb5c1f66b⋯.jpg (43.23 KB, 382x441, 382:441, shareblueshills.jpg)

File: cb9007ad9b1da76⋯.jpg (202.21 KB, 1120x630, 16:9, pedorast1.jpg)

530729 No.1961829


Well that doesn't make sense. They don't do abortions on ectopic pregnancies.

It involves surgery to remove the fallopian tube.

ecdaa0 No.1961830


well.. I reported his sorry ass… we'll see if Twatter does anything.

20479d No.1961831


Can I do it!

2ea4d2 No.1961832

File: d9422a7fe61a743⋯.png (2.48 MB, 2000x1312, 125:82, anderson_gitmo.png)


He doesn't need spotlights where he's going.

c50aeb No.1961833

File: 6b95f88d86d1ed4⋯.jpg (22.76 KB, 255x229, 255:229, children_disappear.jpg)

We know there's been tons of fuckery in the past. They're going back to 2014.

This could be illuminating if there is actual transparency.

House Republicans probe HHS office in charge of migrant children

Republicans on the House Energy & Commerce Committee are probing the Department of Health and Human Services on its treatment of migrant children in its care.

The members asked for answers to a series of questions about children in ORR custody, including: how many are in ORR custody as a result of being separated from their parents or families; does ORR have the resources to properly care for the high number of children being transferred to their custody; what steps is ORR taking to track and address issues of abuse within HHS funded facilities and what medications is ORR authorized to administer.

The committee also investigated ORR in 2014 after a series of reports detailed allegations of abuse of minors in custody.

"Given HHS' historical difficulties in properly caring for [the children], the committee believes that additional scrutiny of ORR is warranted at this time," the members wrote.

The members also asked for all copies of contracts or grant agreements since 2014 between HHS and private companies that house the children, as well as any reports that relate to allegations of abuse of children in the custody of ORR from 2017 to the present.


f00b19 No.1961834


Does she believe you should stand for the American Flag?

Stand Up Anon!

c8d39c No.1961835


All these aged people who can’t seem to let go of power must be forced out. Their day of fucking up the world is over.

35e58e No.1961836


wendi winters

winter winters

winter gimer



i'm stuck here

was looking for wwg1wga

6fb468 No.1961837


Jim Acosta asks anything. He would do it.

afca85 No.1961838

You may be on to something.


e2e6e3 No.1961839


stfu muh dick shill


f0a4a7 No.1961840


I vote Acosta.

079c18 No.1961841


RR has a vicious temper from many reports. Couple that with his arrogance and messiah like attitude I noticed at the hearings, there is no way he will self reflect and come to terms with the will of the American constitution.

He has his heels dug in and will not budge.

The irony is that in his mind he is the white night rushing to the rescue of the "integrity" of the DOJ.

It is very sad to see RR acting with unrestrained power and oversight. He is not smart enough to know when he crosses over to the dark side. We all have that danger in our lives. Most of us can recognize the symptoms. He does not apparently.

589df4 No.1961842


Take away exaggerated camera lens distortion, and you still have a big beautiful bum.

36a9f7 No.1961843

>>1908890 lb

Yeah most effective strategy yet is to just make the board go quickly so we can’t keep up. All good, archive offline.

Where is the 33rd degree tippy top secret book???

f3808c No.1961844

A way to hit many off net cheaply.

$10 for 100-250 blips / displays a day on blip digital billboards. A fast reading "Who is Qanon?" graphic?

https:// www.blipbillboards.com/cost/

46e1a1 No.1961845

File: 98fa6d33746fc6a⋯.jpg (68.76 KB, 1226x725, 1226:725, 73bf83d48593465db43bfbfdc7….jpg)

aa86c2 No.1961846


Have sauce to go with that anon?

cc0b08 No.1961847


they do if they are eaten

bbc879 No.1961848

File: 5502f53363bf8a9⋯.jpg (33.59 KB, 600x613, 600:613, doitfaggot.jpg)

82dfb6 No.1961849


good lord, the shits everywhere

how in the hell is it going to be cleaned up.

just think about all the police force in the us

ecdaa0 No.1961850

File: fe4549542b96703⋯.jpg (57.25 KB, 547x583, 547:583, parody.JPG)


it is a parody account…. but still. sick bastard

2fde29 No.1961851

File: e322e99e11603e5⋯.jpg (37.94 KB, 600x355, 120:71, bill_clinton_closeup.jpg)


They don't look so good when they have to go without their dietary supplements.

e27a37 No.1961852

Its coming to an end for (((them)))

(((They))) will try something BIG.


Light to dark (((they))) like

Will the grids go down???

(((They))) are that stupid.

So how many [187's] do they need?

(((They))) will stop at nothing to try and keep the TRUTH from getting published

5d4e53 No.1961853


If you make time to explain Q to them too, that's not a bad idea

2aea30 No.1961854

File: bd17cea07af1f67⋯.png (166.02 KB, 364x300, 91:75, ClipboardImage.png)

68bbad No.1961855

permit patty

burrito bob…

f00b19 No.1961856


Damn I wanted Fireworks for July 4th…

Now I have to wait!

fb2dc3 No.1961857

>>1961353 Princess Round Heels.

2efbcb No.1961858

So who are those 5 names he recently added to the list?? It would be amusing if it were those 5

Jake Tapper

‏Verified account @jaketapper

President Trump tells reporters on Air Force One he will announce his Supreme Court justice nominee on Monday, July 9th, saying has narrowed it to “about 5 names,” including 2 women. He said he plans to interview one or 2 candidates for Supreme Court this weekend in NJ.


f68293 No.1961859

File: 0bda483f35ca8ed⋯.png (574.67 KB, 840x848, 105:106, SW8wR7t0bE.PNG)

f4f73e No.1961860



>Right after RR has to give us all the goods

If you really think Rosencunt is going to give everything he's supposed to on July 9, then you haven't been paying attention.

That cunt has ignored congress 4 timea already … with no consequence.

What is his motivation to suddenly comply?

As long as nothing happens to him for flippeing off congress, Rosencunt will continue to say "fuck you" to congress, and the American people.

This is getting ridiculous. We have a third world federal government full of loud mouth useless fucks like Trey Gowdy.

619560 No.1961861


I could see him running for Potus when Trump retires.

0d943e No.1961862

File: f923b806c3ab909⋯.jpg (164.42 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, KEK.jpg)

File: e83fde803eb086d⋯.jpg (149.33 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, WOMP.jpg)

File: ce3d0ff379ffb11⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 2421x3000, 807:1000, PELOSIORGASM.jpg)

205bc7 No.1961863

>>1960762 (lb) Is this Q General or what?

kek, been here for months and ask same question more often than wish to divulge.

288530 No.1961864


or maybe eventually cannibalism just catches up with you.

12e264 No.1961865

File: e0515fa4e62c469⋯.jpg (220.07 KB, 3500x2333, 3500:2333, eurofighter-typhoon-3.jpg)

9054ad No.1961866


yeah sorry. This was in 2015 but I saw anon post the subject up thread and found a more detailed account in the la times

http:// www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-aide-harris-accused-rogue-police-force-20150505-story.html

efd440 No.1961867

File: 7b90c8aac574e9c⋯.png (9.04 KB, 603x74, 603:74, 2018-06-29.png)

File: 3cb520561b9e294⋯.png (34.83 KB, 430x765, 86:153, 2018-06-29 14_28_26-Twitte….png)


Good idea, and on twat use to hashtags

<pic related

c36a4b No.1961868


No way a lefty opens the flood gates. They eat their own, it would not be pretty, but very funny. It will be someone on the right.

7def26 No.1961869

File: 2af8267c5ee8ef5⋯.png (696.79 KB, 953x532, 953:532, dr1umnd.png)


Sometimes Jim's so beyond silly that I wonder if he's acting. White Hats paying him more than FNN wouldn't surprise. Guy is overdoing his parody of what the msm has become to the point it passed merely comedic long ago.

82dfb6 No.1961870

b39c26 No.1961871

Cold Spark News

‏ @ColdSparkNews

BREAKING: Attorney for FBI agent Peter Strzok calls for Judiciary Committe to release complete, unclassified transcript of the closed door deposition - Catherine Herridge

12:49 PM - 29 Jun 2018


966079 No.1961872


Hm. Although Nationalists win. They'so lost with their Mind and tech.

5G, Crypto, it's as East Asia.

they're the push.

Big Hive

2aea30 No.1961873

File: 2afb18bd12a47dc⋯.png (325.07 KB, 650x366, 325:183, ClipboardImage.png)

913f62 No.1961874

20479d No.1961875


Got a thumb?

Thumb got me all over the country.

Plane ticket…bleh.

2efbcb No.1961876


Right…Sooo again. Next week

b02f78 No.1961877


maybe "Trust the Popcorn"?

cc0b08 No.1961878


who ever pays, needs to make sure they get the elevation location and time it will happen.. my friend did this & was screwed..

the sign was too small, it was a high elev (the lower the more $$), and the timing was off… plus, the location didnt align hahah.. yah, she was screwed…

afca85 No.1961879


No worries. It is an agreed order. Flynn wants it to happen.

82dfb6 No.1961880


damn now im so curious, lol

3812b8 No.1961881

File: 75d6ecca0c6e25b⋯.gif (179.89 KB, 200x150, 4:3, 200w.gif)


Yea, but just think of the show we are gonna get to watch.

7ffbc0 No.1961882


Point of order!

Q NEVER gave a thumbs up on this Anon!

This Anon hijacked the original 666 Building thread and made their own ^ building thread where only they posted.

The 3rd bread of research had a notation at the top labeled Mandatory Reading which led to a paytriot site, neonrevolt.

That site does request donations for their work.

Additionally, another youtuber was taking neons info and making vids from it and again, asking for donations.

As I recall, the youtube vids did NOT lead in the correct direction.


Q NEVER officially approved this Anon as the 'official' BV of the 666 Fifth Ave research!

f0a4a7 No.1961883


If you can get me the graphic, I will pay. Maybe add something like "Ask the whitehouse: Who is Q anon?"

f4f73e No.1961884

File: 05cd29d2661f606⋯.jpg (190.4 KB, 750x1156, 375:578, fatfuck.jpg)


>Coming from a “wife” anon …Just need to keep grinding.


fb2dc3 No.1961885


"Mr. President, why don't you put a stop to the unauthorized disclosures identified as #QAnon?"

"Sir, as I'm sure you're aware, the QAnon disclosures are harming our country and people are very alarmed. Why do you refuse to use your chief executive power to have the perpetrator arrested?"

"Mr. President, you must be very concerned that Attorney General Sessions has not ordered an criminal investigation of the disturbing leak-and-lie phenomenon known as QAnon. What is going to be done to put a stop to it?"

5a691e No.1961886

2fde29 No.1961887


Obama lost the trade war. Surrendered before it started, actually.

d5f26a No.1961888


Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if they did that? Not only would people freak out, but if the internet in general goes down businesses are going to have serious problems. You won't be able to use credit/debit cards. I would advise everyone to have enough cash to last a few days.

Also… how would we communicate? Now that we are starting to become less anonymous (q shirts, signs, etc…) I wonder if we should how counter-measures in place. IE link up with people in your area. Because who knows what they would try to do during the "black out" so to speak

a46ee1 No.1961889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3a7adb No.1961890


>All these aged people who can’t seem to let go of power must be forced out. Their day of fucking up the world is over.

Agreed. It's like the old hags and fags stay around in order to hide the crimes they've committed in getting so rich on relatively small incomes in an expensive place to live.

Term limits, no pensions afterwards. Give them perks while in service, none when they are gone.

73b24e No.1961891


People need to read the plea agreement.

Flynn is being allowed to tell his story.

5c49bd No.1961892


I would not want to feed that to my pigs, afraid it would be infected and kill them.

On the other hand, I got wild hogs…

9dab3f No.1961893

File: 3a45c7c142070d3⋯.png (129.9 KB, 600x533, 600:533, interdasting-pepe.png)

d62b53 No.1961894


Punisher Meme - Saved

8e3e33 No.1961895

File: 489a7b3053b4f80⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 320x240, 4:3, hah gay.gif)

b5f2d4 No.1961896

File: 9a7b81340e83c72⋯.png (37.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4dc8c5107f0bda⋯.png (90.37 KB, 236x255, 236:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a91eb013c07a82f⋯.png (17.25 KB, 255x143, 255:143, ClipboardImage.png)

I can't rotate or flip POTUS or the bird with my device. Could a memer rotate POTUS and have his finger firing off Q's? Oldfag. Twat bird would be cool too.

075687 No.1961897


Great Meme. Fan of Mad Men..

6f077f No.1961898

File: a21e83cd20ad11a⋯.png (461.75 KB, 655x600, 131:120, Drudge re Abolish ICE 2020….PNG)

File: 66f4e9f8274a79c⋯.png (74.48 KB, 523x858, 523:858, Yahoo 1 re ICE 6-29-18.PNG)

File: ca2e282f3e4e115⋯.png (73.1 KB, 522x833, 522:833, Yahoo 2 re ICE 6-29-18.PNG)

File: cac2d45c3b099bf⋯.png (86.52 KB, 758x567, 758:567, RR Senate Vote.PNG)

New rallying call for 2020 Democrats: 'Abolish ICE'



d838b5 No.1961899


true dat, on the other hand the process is starting, there is a crack in the Matrix

46e1a1 No.1961900

File: ebaacc7b113a2b3⋯.jpg (77.72 KB, 1241x725, 1241:725, 73bf83d48593465db43bfbfdc7….jpg)

78c7f4 No.1961901


Adrenachrome source dried up, thanks POTUS, losing her shit while in withdrawl.

2ab2c1 No.1961902

File: 59b4fb570746d5a⋯.jpg (407.72 KB, 1100x641, 1100:641, Huckabee Q Attack.jpg)

File: 970a06bfd5fba4a⋯.jpg (372.45 KB, 844x561, 844:561, Trump Halloween Q.jpg)

9f6c47 No.1961903

File: 082f55794de408e⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 318x405, 106:135, 1509930348872.jpg)

Hey Anons…LONG Ass Post Here…But it's sort of an assignment, And if you're not interested in it, please just skip over it without commenting, it's meant for a very specific audience.

>>1960711 (Previous Bread)

I know some Masons, some good, some bad, and so do my BROTHERS & SISTERS IN ARMS…And let me tell them, and anyone else reading this who may have "skin" in the game…

/THEY/ know where you live…And some of my battle buddies are NOT happy with you. Some have been chewed up by certain groups, or their family has been…Mine too. Add to the fact that we ARE at WAR, with a CnC who drops MOABS and smiles about it, a POTUS we would all die a million lives for, OUR Patton, OUR CYRUS….People are getting pretty fired up. Not me, I'm just a nerd reporter pattern/reader autistic guy. But…

This leaves you up shit creek if you think any of you has any real power left. POTUS IS IN TOTAL CONTROL And MOST Patriots HAVE NO CLUE HOW MUCH WE HAVE, I know I know more than most, but I don't EVER pretend to guess I know what POTUS has up his sleeve, I'm FAR from that caliber. But Please…Take my advice…BACK DOWN NOW. In the name of Peace. You know what I mean.

I have been sent with a message. ALL of your places have been infiltrated by Patriots for MANY years. Our missions were overwhelmingly SUCCESSFUL, beyond my wildest dreams, as we are coming to discover. There were LOTS of Us. Of COURSE THERE WERE!! TRUST THE PLAN!!! Notice there are NO leaks from the OIG, OR Huber, or ANY of those 35,000 indictments and court orders?? Not ONE?? We are People of HONOR. I know…You don't understand. We've noticed.

Our collected information, mine totals nearly 6 Terras, has been backed up repeatedly and stored in multiple areas, and shared with those who have always watched over me online. Guess who?? The way my gambit set up is, the top 10 people who would want me dead, and the list is long, would be the ones who would have ALL of their information released to EVERYONE they know as well as the public, in a rush that would humiliate them and in effect ruin their lives. It's a simple game, but it's effective. Email someone a close up photo of them in the park they were in this afternoon with that male hooker, and BOY…things change. None of us are Julian or POTUS, not even close. But just because you're not a Grandmaster, doesn't mean you can't learn from them, and become a pretty damn good chess player. And lest we forget…The game IS Chess, and not checkers. LEARN TO PLAY THE GAME.

And that's the bottom line. Without (((your))) lies and ability to scare us and beat us down and kill us, The Reality is YOU play checkers, and WE play chess. And you're not even good at checkers. And your time is up. With Love.

BACK DOWN NOW and realize you are defeated, slink away in the night, and maybe, just MAYBE, you will be one of the lucky few who "get away" with your crimes in light of the 30+ MILLION "americans" who DESERVE life or execution. Repent, stay quite, leave America, quit SINNING.

God…And Citizen Patriots…Trained BY /OUR/ Military to do EXACTLY what we did, are standing by. And now the INTELLIGENCE NERD is telling ALL bad actors, you're surrounded, you have NO idea, masonic or not. And not by geeks like me, but by Heavy Metal Thunder the likes of which you fine folks cannot fathom. And the ONLY thing that is holding this rush back, is the PATIENCE and GRACE of POTUS. But IF he were to make the moves that MANY of us here KNOW he could LEGALLY make RIGHT NOW (How would you KNOW if we were under Martial Law?? Does POTUS HAVE to tell the public?? Or anyone else HE, as CnC, deems an "enemy combatant", for example, half of our Gov/DOJ 15 months ago??) Patriots are now beginning to REALIZE that /WE/ will WIN, We can now also feel that our death WILL NOT, as many of us believed it would, be in vain. We WILL NOT die on our post. But we also NEVER abandoned our post and since we were NEVER relieved, We STAYED TRUE TO OUR CALLING AND NEVER WAVERED, and we would be HUMBLED to give our lives to FINALLY have to ability to Protect & Defend OUR Land, THIS…THE LAST BEST HOPE FOR MANKIND ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

Every Honest Anon Holds the Same in THEIR Heart. Anonymous for 25 years…Anonymous for 1 day. Once you are TRULY an Honest Anon, You NEVER Go 'back." The TRUTH has that effect on some of /US/" For others, it's like desert sunlight on a Vampire.

Wheat from Chaff. Go in Peace.


bf1f8b No.1961904

>>1960865 (lb)

Probably just a coincidence.

Rod Rosenstein’s Wife Lisa Barsoomian.

In Edgar Rice Burroughs' books about Jon Carter on Mars, Mars is called Barsoom.

Barsoomian = Martian

6f077f No.1961905

File: 793f0d25d6d9841⋯.png (354.62 KB, 649x633, 649:633, Hannity Tweet re Booker 6-….PNG)

File: 226f0c5f397167f⋯.png (245.29 KB, 475x525, 19:21, Hannity re Booker 6-29-18.PNG)

File: a3d733089d82dea⋯.png (50.48 KB, 660x372, 55:31, Pollak re NICE 6-29-18.PNG)



BOOKER BREAKDOWN: The Senator Says SUSPEND Court Pick Until AFTER Russia Probe


cf5c7f No.1961906


who's got a qclock?

e2e6e3 No.1961907


I'm a guy, and that pic always grosses me out

fucked up pic

b7076a No.1961908

File: e6a122293cddf0f⋯.png (435.32 KB, 500x739, 500:739, 9caac495b1f1d2c08be45a9128….png)

>>1957736(previous bread )

in theory seems to be a modified form of this , is this the counter ?

2efbcb No.1961909

File: 6f766332e3fea5b⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 6f766332e3fea5bca1ac6c1d0a….jpg)

2de80d No.1961910


ya, if you can ctrl-f and find a notable, then you have a bread # to go find in the archives and in this fashion you can do a limited search of all the breads

a15bac No.1961911

File: f40673cdd0c198e⋯.jpg (144.02 KB, 1197x670, 1197:670, Pope3.jpg)

78c7f4 No.1961912


There was one where he said "internet pause", I remember it as well.

232250 No.1961913

File: 48d22aeafbf71e2⋯.png (630.13 KB, 1614x1614, 1:1, A Q Clock.png)


Here you go.

2efbcb No.1961914

File: 64e15cc455c79a9⋯.jpg (30.45 KB, 480x359, 480:359, 1507313255267.jpg)

efd440 No.1961915

Potential digging tool found for scanning AWS S3 buckets



584be1 No.1961916


That has no meaning whatsoever anon. All that matters is that people view it.

abf24c No.1961917

File: 0cc3ebd34361040⋯.jpg (256.83 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1530015308666.jpg)

b86b9f No.1961918


Nice, anon! Did you catch this one (by your request)?


>>1961912 ← Correct. See above.

d33e0a No.1961919

File: a1f4b4b0371d8cf⋯.jpg (100.75 KB, 600x733, 600:733, CBiaJ5EU8AAf4l8.jpg)

File: c78f33daa22eaba⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 530x342, 265:171, john-wayne-gacy-rosalyn-ca….jpg)


What's so funny about a man like John Wayne Gacy, who tortures, rapes and kills young boys and buries the bodies in his basement?

The jokes he tells of course.

aa86c2 No.1961920


I baked 2 and 3 threads for 5thAveAnon and didn't have anything in the dough like 'Mandatory Reading' or a link to neonrevolt or anywhere at all. It was possibly in a post in-thread, but definitely not in the dough. 5thAveAnon baked the first thread, you're correct there.

a46ee1 No.1961921


S o S?

0d943e No.1961922


Check your incoming.

I've cleaned, bleached and hammered my hard drive…but I still have problems posting.


3812b8 No.1961923


and its gonna wrap up when, you asshat (Booker)

d29e2b No.1961924



Yeah buddy. Trust the plan, it's in the dog house for you.

29f0ad No.1961926

File: f26d082af1864be⋯.png (357.43 KB, 732x574, 366:287, whoisQ.png)

B has a thread going with a shit ton of reporters tagged.

Let's help spread the fire, anons.



cc0b08 No.1961927

File: 9c48846d3340c3a⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 480x270, 16:9, TrumpLaugh.gif)

ideas For Q exposure:

Baseball stadiums, ..

football stadiums

Good year Blimp,

Airplane flyer


Bus Station/Stops

make #Qanon stickers & leave them at resturants/bars/food joints (dont liter! & dont unstick)

f3808c No.1961928


>If you can get me the graphic

That's what I'm looking for. 2 second read, just "#QAnon" ? white on black? 320x200 pixels?

People see it driving, just to put in their heads. Guerilla subliminal style.s

78c7f4 No.1961929


April 6th:

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No.922237 📁

Apr 6 2018 14:22:28 (EST)

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No.922142 📁

Apr 6 2018 14:17:40 (EST)


Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.



Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.


ffc53d No.1961930


In the UK, the main path to Police promotion is via the Masons and Masonic membership.

Ditto Parliament.

It does explain how and why Muslim rapists are left free whilst their critics are imprisoned.

a84d08 No.1961931

File: ecf3d2317a38f12⋯.png (138.68 KB, 917x871, 917:871, sad pepe.png)

>tfw President Trump can't run for a 3rd or 4th term

2efbcb No.1961932


Don't forget to take your pill

93e318 No.1961933

i don't think i could've asked for a more comprehensive program to spur curiosity

1d4865 No.1961934

Q(Trump) is trolling when he says the media's ultimate question

of course they know who Q is and they know Q is the dominating

question but

they will never voluntarily hand Trump the win

f38e25 No.1961935

File: 7641ef5f2a221dd⋯.png (744.01 KB, 1320x742, 660:371, ClipboardImage.png)

fbcb71 No.1961936


Drinking corn juice?

4f4c14 No.1961938

File: 23c94e25fe2cefb⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, I got chills..mp4)

File: 007022d597b7e13⋯.mp4 (12.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ohhh, fuck yeah. - b a s e….mp4)

>Hello my name is Kevin McNewfag

>I'm only there to yell FILTERED and post shitty mspaint memes

>I scream MUHJOO whenever I'm confronted with reality

>I have 30 posts per threads doing nothing else than post red haired girls

You want to be recognized and be mainstream but you're doing the best you can to ostracize /pol/ and you wonder why you're struggling.

<it also must be conceded that Q and POTUS have no intention whatsoever of fulfilling the Nazi/skinhead/muzzie wet dream of jewish genocide.

Welp I guess the swamp will not be drained then. Thanks for trying though.

Just a reminder what you bluepilled normies called "The cabal" is actually very influenced by the jews. It's in your history books…

videos is what's happening right now in Europe. Wake up before it's too late

1c9cb0 No.1961939





I guess as long as anyone does it it's all good. But, 1 more candidate. Who was that short whiny Jewish guy (ok, I get it that I only eliminated a couple people) that kept hounding Sarah about the immigrant kids saying "Don't you care? Don't you have a heart"?

I would love to see that dude go "Sarah, who is this Q? Don't you care that he's spreading vicious conspiracy theories? Doesn't it bother you that he says he's the President's right-hand man? Sarah, please come clean about Q for the good of the nation!".

f4f73e No.1961940

File: 103cd3cfcee1309⋯.jpg (102.79 KB, 1219x250, 1219:250, titsorgtfo.jpg)


>too amazing. I would dox myself.

Doesn't matter.

Rules is rules.

Shoulda thought of that before you proclaimed your expertise based solely on your twat.

Now, let's see the milkers.

a46ee1 No.1961941

File: 7ab990d03a12b98⋯.jpg (65.38 KB, 1136x639, 16:9, 7ab990d03a12b98994391f95f1….jpg)

5d4e53 No.1961943


The whole net won't go down at once, highly doubt that. Local outages, yes, ALL the way down, worldwide, I doubt that /ourguys/ would let that happen, too dangerous & damaging

e2e6e3 No.1961944

File: 5f08b7da535344d⋯.png (202.85 KB, 401x400, 401:400, ClipboardImage.png)


>tfw POTUS can run for a 3rd or 4th term

c50aeb No.1961945

AG Sessions Is Rewriting Asylum Regulations

Vox reported that read a draft of the regulation, which could be enacted by the end of the year:

Under the plan, people would be barred from getting asylum if they came into the US between ports of entry and were prosecuted for illegal entry. It would also add presumptions that would make it extremely difficult for Central Americans to qualify for asylum, and codify — in an even more restrictive form — an opinion written by Sessions in June that attempted to restrict asylum for victims of domestic and gang violence.

The rules would deny asylum to Central Americans who did not seek asylum in Mexico, to people who enter the country illegally, and would narrow the definition for membership of s persecuted group, such as victims of spousal abuse or gang threats, according to Vox.com.

The rewrite may help deter and prevent most migrants from exploiting the 1997 Flores settlement and other “catch and release” loopholes which are now being used by huge numbers of Central American to move into the United States.


b86b9f No.1961946

File: 4c01694680923f8⋯.jpg (467.62 KB, 1325x1289, 1325:1289, 20180629.jpg)

File: fe20b050b976170⋯.jpg (532.63 KB, 1287x1310, 1287:1310, 20180630.jpg)

Today's Qlock

Pic 1

Tomorrow's Qlock, 30 JUN 2018

Pic 2

2469f2 No.1961947


> http://www.vedabase.com/en/search/site/aryans

I rest my case. The first hit in there was Madhya which I have never read before…

The word Āryan means advanced. Unless one is spiritually advanced, he cannot be called an Āryan, and this is the difference between Āryan and non-Āryan.

So it seems really clear to me that the people who claim Aryans are blond and blue-eyed are misusing a word which did not refer to physical characteristics at all. Technically, I believe the word means SHINING and it is related to words like Russian ALIY which means crimson because a long time ago we did not have color words and the word BRIGHT or SHINING was used to refer to anything that stood out from its surroundings like flowers. In Russian the word SVET means BRIGHT or SHINY and TSVETKA means FLOWER.

So the shining ones were those who stood out among people because of their ideas and teachings.

The people of India and Iran are almost all Caucasians with black hair brown eyes, and skin which tans or darkens in the summer.

When German speaker, who are basically offspring of the Turkic peoples of the Northern Steppe saw the word Aryan and realized that the word comes from the meaning shining, they misinterpreted it because they had a fundamentally different and more warlike culture from the people who spoke Sanskrit (meaning Holy Writing) and who wrote the Vedas.

232250 No.1961948

File: 0b73b1179a3b040⋯.png (274.31 KB, 613x447, 613:447, AQ2.PNG)


Susan Sarandon arrested at ICE protest

6fb468 No.1961949


Local Stations have young reporters wanting a big scoop. I started there. I'll let you know how it goes.

ffc53d No.1961951

Are their female organisations which are the equivalent of masonic Lodges?

20479d No.1961952


That was Time traveler telling us what would happen.

afca85 No.1961953


On top of all that, it looked pretty plain that he hadn’t even read what he signed. He was big time shifting blame, making excuses and has done this throughout. “I don’t do the redacting.” Sounds like a horrid boss.

fb2dc3 No.1961954

File: d0e9cdcb3d28e36⋯.jpg (185.33 KB, 1518x489, 506:163, 162778 P3C Orion SoCal 201….jpg)


P3C Orion circling Pacific SW of LA … it is common to see aerial surveillance here. Doesn't mean there is or isn't a submarine being watched. You just never know.


288530 No.1961955



5d4e53 No.1961956

File: 98a1fa409f82c99⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1664x1664, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


10/28 forward

ecdaa0 No.1961957


hahahaha… I hope she's sitting in a holding tank with a bunch of diseased ho's

78c7f4 No.1961958


Maybe Comcast didn't have its kill switch shit in place / together, FCC busts them on it and the cables cut to install the kill switches? Possible?

7d51a4 No.1961959


The plot thickens

b55274 No.1961960

File: 2d122dfa18c19d9⋯.jpg (53.65 KB, 339x478, 339:478, 33206530714_7c2a773bb4_b.jpg)

File: d1062d9bf7460df⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1239x1681, 1239:1681, iran protest oiac deep sta….png)

File: ab18c798e2dd9e1⋯.jpg (25.47 KB, 504x360, 7:5, Newt Gingrich bow MKO lead….jpg)


Massoud Rajavi died of AIDS. Obama loved this guy.


No Name loves Maryam. Gingrich also bows to her.

They want the MEK cult to rule Iran.



c3f0af No.1961961

File: a065056bafa8e62⋯.png (520.02 KB, 706x443, 706:443, 2018-06-29_17-39-39.png)

362e78 No.1961962



9f6c47 No.1961963

File: 4a7bf3dcf00be0a⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 960x868, 240:217, 4a7bf3dcf00be0a7832519c494….jpg)


LOTS of BASEBALL & SOFTBALL Tourneys this weekend. Stroll around the park with a sign. Smile. Bless people. The options are limitless.


3a7adb No.1961964


You've captured their smarmy attitude well, Anon.

Spin the negative first, then throw a dagger.

(POTUS catchs dagger, and throws it back).

82dfb6 No.1961965

29f0ad No.1961966

File: 6aaa4fbb4aed0d3⋯.png (66.55 KB, 722x977, 722:977, Qposter.png)

Qproofs.com on every tablet/device at Walmart, Best Buy has been working also.

Apple store… Qanon.pub homepage on EVERYTHING.

145433 No.1961967

File: d17cf95a7873d20⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 231x255, 77:85, Slick Scaby.jpg)

4653b0 No.1961968


Cavity search

079c18 No.1961969

File: 52da58d53047838⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1346x1306, 673:653, ClipboardImage.png)

"Goodlatte: Peter Strzok Refused to Testify About Any Talks with Fusion GPS"

I am no fan of PS. In fact I feel that he should be indicted, tried for sedition and if found guilty sentenced to a lengthy prison term.

However this is possible good news with his so called "testimony". If he is a co-operating witness then it would make sense for him not to answer any questions related to ongoing investigation where he is either testifying or has become a snitch. The fact that there were apparently 3 FBI lawyers present tells me that either there is a major CYA or a real investigation. I am leaning toward real investigation.


0d943e No.1961970

File: 6a87d040de14dac⋯.jpg (51.16 KB, 647x316, 647:316, Screenshot_2018-06-29 Q Re….jpg)



966079 No.1961971


you leave a matrix

Enter in other matrix

2ea4d2 No.1961972


Do we have dirt on her?

ca7b95 No.1961973

362e78 No.1961974

File: ef831fcd4918991⋯.png (813.22 KB, 1138x699, 1138:699, lasdhq.png)

f68293 No.1961975


Behind a paywall, if any anon has access:


261999 No.1961976

File: c393773798c76cf⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 219x230, 219:230, Fucking Happening.jpg)





f4f73e No.1961977


>Did we miss the AK47?


That was a bullshit post.

Like 95% of what Q posts.

Read first Q drops and lurk moar with a discerning eye and you'll see what this board is being used for.

2de80d No.1961978

>>1961666 (cheKEKed)


I don't want it in my back yard so I'll ship the garbage someplace else so I can forget about it….

typical, don't solve the real problem just move it out of sight and feel virtuous about the 'wonderful thing you've done' '

Never thinking about the long term consequences of the 'solution' you've used or even beginning to consider what the original causes were.

966079 No.1961979


Who are the best options for Iran?

95d50a No.1961980

Thought from non-computer,patriot, working/fag……

Q said "Mistake, filing error". Is it possible to look at court filings to see if possible duplication of name of therapists representing shooters???

Sorry if this is already said

Or maybe Timing of State License to Practice

aa86c2 No.1961981


TJ anon!

b86b9f No.1961982

File: a53e0343ae56441⋯.png (838.02 KB, 1664x1664, 1:1, qclock_q_djt_blank.png)


This one is more up-to-date, including counts of Q's posts and POTUS tweets.

4d9e4a No.1961983

File: 94459d6d93a0c32⋯.jpg (115.08 KB, 1080x340, 54:17, Screenshot_20180629-145130….jpg)

Looks like Jack wants some info about Q.


82dfb6 No.1961984


ahhhhhaaaaa i wish i could taunt her

ecdaa0 No.1961985


no.. but wouldn't be hard. She's a life long libtard …. always protesting or speaking about against conservatism

288530 No.1961986


I will go back to being a dude.

0be60b No.1961987


Looks Dwarfish or Eskimo.

e2e6e3 No.1961988



Trump 2024

9054ad No.1961989

>>1961951 a few months ago anons uncovered the women's groups. It was when Q posted follow the wives. I don't remember exact time frame but the info was valuable. I remember that one important thing was how the wives freely wear the symbolism and will be the downfall of the husbands

490252 No.1961990

File: fe8e1b686637a6e⋯.jpg (199.07 KB, 1080x768, 45:32, 20180629_161915.jpg)

File: b87852d356dd5ec⋯.jpg (155.99 KB, 423x432, 47:48, Screenshot_20180629-164006.jpg)

File: 97f39c0be17ebd0⋯.png (177.77 KB, 988x989, 988:989, ИīþəKrü.png)

File: dfc03777da72584⋯.jpg (404.38 KB, 1080x1039, 1080:1039, Screenshot_20180628-120918.jpg)



<cannot make this shit up.

2ea4d2 No.1961991


Asleep or dirty? Big difference.

89b042 No.1961992

File: b91d8ced3305179⋯.jpg (108.86 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, peek_a_boo_icu.jpg)

d838b5 No.1961993


ye i figured you would go that way, there are about a few hundred references there, the interesting one is the one that describes kings from this society deviating from standards and thus driven out of the region, into middle east, europe, even scandinavia, they were called aryans, with them they brought the hindu worship of demi-gods, which all the classic archetypes can be found in greece, romean, nordic and other cultures, becuase they come from the same origin

93e318 No.1961994

6f077f No.1961995


Items on CDAN if you look

Posted here months ago

ca7b95 No.1961996

File: e1c3cf04fecf0e1⋯.png (761.4 KB, 754x540, 377:270, ClipboardImage.png)


No - I just forgot the pic.

e2e6e3 No.1961997

File: 175a3fe85b59be2⋯.gif (377.64 KB, 600x551, 600:551, TDS4.gif)

afca85 No.1961998


He may be telling behind the scenes in Grand juries.

411d2e No.1961999


SKY EVENT? Involving United.

Officials at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport say a United Airlines flight had possible overheated brakes prior to takeoff and pulled off the runway. No injuries were reported.


ecdaa0 No.1962000


very good question. very very good question. I would say dirty.

7d51a4 No.1962001


It turns out Henry, Hayes and Kiel had allegedly introduced themselves to police agencies across the state, though it is unclear why. A website claiming to represent their force cites connections to the Knights Templars that they say go back 3,000 years. The site also said that the department had jurisdiction in >33 states and Mexico.

5d4e53 No.1962002


>We may have to ‘force’ this one.

We know. Are you helping to 'force' their hand?

4d9ad3 No.1962003

Not sure if reported yet

Adidas had a Data breach on June 26, which is now just being reported, data breach exposed contact information and usernames of customers, it is still unknown how many people wee effected.


With everything going on and all this spoopy shit going on, I thought I'd at least make a post about it.

2de80d No.1962004


possible notable


4e9550 No.1962005


Bring on the truth!

7ffbc0 No.1962006


Now that the thread has been archived, the 'mandatory reading' contained in the original formatting is no longer there.

But I can tell you with great confidence that it was there. I spent 2 months in that research and am very familiar with the events as they unfolded.

There also exists a notation in that thread of Q not validating this Anon as THE BV of the research and to tread carefully until Q 'approved'. THAT never happened.


This Fifth Ave. Anon seems to get an awful lot of attention even tho Q never confirmed them.

1d4865 No.1962007

File: 3dc2ec1db6eafdf⋯.png (334.98 KB, 933x588, 311:196, qanon freemason chief.PNG)


freemason chief top of qanon twat search

e4020c No.1962008


I once heard a story that the cabal was hoping to take over one day with a police force of their own, after chaos (e.g., WW3) breaks out everywhere. The guy who told the story said that they were hoping that military and police would stand down or even join them.

bb9653 No.1962009


Where did you get my pic? I’ll kill him…

f274b0 No.1962010

File: 4482e5bdb796b94⋯.jpg (83.99 KB, 575x785, 115:157, Dg4vFEtUwAARiJA.jpg)

File: fb63fc8c5b6b7dc⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 651x423, 217:141, nifkinjuice doc.JPG)

File: 703d2741f278b77⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 793x394, 793:394, nifkinjuice doc 2.JPG)



Same guy, w/ other account suspended?

78c7f4 No.1962011


She's Pedowood, I'd bet on dirty AF.

f68293 No.1962012

064bac No.1962013

Trump to nominate SCOTUS pick on 7-9-2018.


558fa5 No.1962014


hopefully dick pics too!

e2e6e3 No.1962015


I gotcha, not sure what his policies on things besides law and order would be (foreign policies)

itd still be hilarious to push Trump 2024, the left would break down in tears… moar than they already are

f1d502 No.1962016


another "WENDI" anons.

0d943e No.1962017





c4abdc No.1962018

File: 42bb7eea897c334⋯.png (87.97 KB, 620x560, 31:28, ClipboardImage.png)

Qproof from Dec 19th to June 27th

f4f73e No.1962019


>Politics aside, it is sad to see that her family allow this go on.

You think her family wants her back home?

If this nasty cunt stays in DC, then she's out of her family's lives … hopefully for them, until she dies.

46e1a1 No.1962021

File: 8fbc232e7e56d75⋯.jpg (89.02 KB, 1217x819, 1217:819, 73bf83d48593465db43bfbfdc7….jpg)



475c2b No.1962022

Just got a squall rip through my neighborhood, and the fucken wind tore part of my roof away! Already called the insurance company, but… This sucks balls! The deductible will have to be payed! Damn it!!!

The storm is upon us… literally!!!!

f38e25 No.1962023

File: 8dd2c2f3e8685e4⋯.png (17.81 KB, 530x132, 265:66, ClipboardImage.png)

f68293 No.1962024

File: 89e60051c162123⋯.png (1018.64 KB, 1222x1146, 611:573, kP9evPhC08.PNG)


miss clicked

5d4e53 No.1962025


thank you!

115eb3 No.1962026


MuhDickAnon I'm glad you are here with us tonight.

bbbdd9 No.1962027

I'm muh dick guy, and I have spent thousands of hours peppering your breads with revolting images in the vain hope of instinctively driving people away from this place; I'm the prime example of Censorship through Spam.

I just assume you all like that and that my content is now 'normal' here so I can cry censorship when I'm the real one dedicated to driving people away from this place.

Isn't it funny how much I've changed due to BV?

I'm such a pussy.

At some point, you've gotta' ask how someone could be this dedicated at posting shitty memes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but I'm 'acting normal' now like a good little boy so maybe I can catch the BV with a screenshot of some 'important info' that they're 'targeting'. That'll show 'em! Tee-hee-hee

PS: Don't call me out on projection.

PPS: Yes this post has been edited by a mod ; )

Post last edited at

589df4 No.1962028


"I'm surprised, but glad you asked, Jim. As I understand it, Q is a high level intel operation to inform and educate as many people as possible about deep corruption at the highest levels of our government, culture and society, before the military justice hammer comes down and exposes it all. Those willfully complicit in the activities and coverup will be dealt with severely."

41499a No.1962029

File: a788e619fc2c295⋯.jpg (691.38 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180629-165436….jpg)

2ea4d2 No.1962031


sup LARPtificial intelligence!

35e58e No.1962032

File: 10749ff2b73c3f7⋯.png (817.53 KB, 962x499, 962:499, 10749ff2b73c3f7be442ecd893….png)

bb9653 No.1962033

File: 691aacc16b525dd⋯.jpeg (431.21 KB, 916x610, 458:305, 84A9EA52-4D57-4DC0-A78D-2….jpeg)

ab0a4e No.1962034

File: 418e78b545a0ae6⋯.jpg (332.23 KB, 2048x1396, 512:349, President2021.jpg)


Q - This is when we would like to see POTUS say: "Where we go one, We go ALL"

President Donald J. Trump

Second Presidential Inauguration

January 20, 2021

Make it happen, Q #MAGA #WWG1WGA #QAnon

ab14f4 No.1962035

File: c141f727c6df814⋯.jpg (44.64 KB, 474x930, 79:155, 9a8b424c45d5dd711440f89422….jpg)

f4944a No.1962036

e4020c No.1962037


Military coup, by the army not the revolutionary guards.

a54e7a No.1962038

something else is coming today, can just feel it. suicide weekend incoming. digging all over the place, but not finding much but hit pieces of leftard bullshit.

530729 No.1962039

File: dbbcdda2ed7763a⋯.png (353.83 KB, 900x663, 300:221, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)

079c18 No.1962040

b86b9f No.1962041


Well done, anon! God bless.


9915d3 No.1962042

File: 315d7942550c110⋯.png (533.52 KB, 701x699, 701:699, Badge_Cadet.png)

File: 4639c38b5e33e84⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1910x3764, 955:1882, RBTS_RWS couriers_Oblivion….png)

File: 98fa0e5c970049b⋯.pdf (10.67 MB, RWA Couriers_NEWINC_form_O….pdf)



>>1960738 (fucking love you, you gave me a spoopy connection to panama papers! beneath here is written before i saw your post)

2-RBTS (plane), RBTS Ltd. (company, Rotor Bearing Technology & Software (RBTS)), RWA COURIERS (SCOTLAND) LTD. (company w. same owner), Oblivion Ltd. (now RWA Couriers)

Description: Panama papers ties, they make software

Guess to military status: They provide for those entities or has some spoopy ties and have to lay low. (or fly under the radar, kek)

PSL here, Planefagging too hard rn.

Okay so I don't know if I'm onto something or if it's just random.

Seems funny with the military status, it being a private company and it's freight - but labelled "by road".

"rbts ltd." in the UK registered to scotland address





RBTS ltd. - found the company:




17 Carrick Way, Bothwell, Glasgow, Scotland, G71 8HW

Then another company sharing the address.

RWA couriers. (aka. Oblivion Ltd. maybe? see PDF)



…a name:

ARMSTRONG, Richard William

non-formal: Richard William Armstrong

…Going to US (related? well it's still the aviation category right? rbts ltd. own choppers as well):


https://archive.li/HQ2PC (archive version)

https://archive.fo/riWr9 (US address, different from other planefag's posted in Jersey)

US Bookkeeper / maybe it's panama trail worthy?


ecdaa0 No.1962043


what are the odds it's a twatter employee? out trolling the conservatives

d5f26a No.1962044

Not to sound too out there….

but has anyone else seen these commercials? They are for Calm TV, it's an app where you stare at the screen and do nothing for 15-30. I see them all the time on TV, way more than any other app commercial, and something has always seemed odd about them to me. If you pay attention you will notice that there is a small red trail following the blue circle.


Especially after yesterdays posts about Bourne and Cell, it makes me wonder even more. Is this some sort of social programming?


4e9550 No.1962045


Ohhhhh snap! Its a wonderful day

6f077f No.1962046


How nice of you to toss around accusations like that regarding the daughter of a murder victim

Can you back up your comment?

cc4ef5 No.1962047


the youtube vids were way off!

although, we did discover that there is a 15’x15’

section of the building missing from the lot measurements

f3808c No.1962048

File: b63a5ae501ece9b⋯.png (4.27 KB, 400x100, 4:1, whoisq.png)

fb2dc3 No.1962049


I received some media relations training at one point in my career. How the press frames questions so that if you start to answer without thinking, you risk tacitly confirming a hidden assumption that was built into the question… If you listen to a press conference you will notice that almost every question is framed in this way. Our press people – I'm thinking of Sarah S. and POTUS in particular, but everybody else too, are very, very good at recognizing the verbal threat, disarming it, and getting the desired information out there despite the tricky environment. It's verbal jiu-jitsu and it goes on every single day. And what the reporters do is dishonest and results in fake news.

b5bad4 No.1962050

Q, how dirty is Trudeau? Tomorrow is Canada Day, rumours of a snap election are circulating… He needs to go regardless, but in any case, will Q team assist, information wise, if he does so?

1d4865 No.1962051


she thrive off this kind of attention

has-been trying to get some headlines

b55274 No.1962052


>Who are the best options for Iran?

Like NK, it's already settled. You are watching a movie, remember?

Deep State Zionists try to install Rajavi anyway. The good people of Iran despise the MEK. They terrorized Iran for many years with helping attack the country with Saddam Hussein and kill Iranian scientist with Mossad cooperation/training.

Tomorrow is the big gathering in Paris. Watch who will be attending.

89b042 No.1962053


You are on the computer and she is coming then I think I know what your problem is.

93e318 No.1962054


she's just altruistic

66aba0 No.1962055


>Q NEVER gave a thumbs up on this

entire village idiot dead end LARP

>Q NEVER officially approved this…666 Fifth Ave research!


2efbcb No.1962056


Fuck off. Go back to halfchan

ced248 No.1962057

File: 9dd2e8bb5b0981c⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, BB17.png)

File: f5f8fa955e2531a⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, BB16.png)


ecdaa0 No.1962058


it's the ones that seem to NEVER age…. well, until their supply gets cut off

966079 No.1962059



Coup.. if they have the balls. perfect

f4f73e No.1962060


I think he's eating canned corn.

Bottom of his second can, down to the juice.

He's clearly livin' the dream.

135081 No.1962061

File: 33e94dae556de41⋯.jpg (14.29 KB, 255x255, 1:1, not_right.jpg)

7d51a4 No.1962062

File: 230b2ad145e5eef⋯.png (316.62 KB, 636x358, 318:179, ClipboardImage.png)

From left, Brandon Kiel, Tonette Hayes and David Henry.

The rogue cops’ official oath: “I Am Fraternally Obligated. I Most Solemnly & Sincerely Promise & Swear to Protect & Serve & Uphold The Constitution & By-Laws of That Grandmaster & That Sovereign Jurisdiction So Help Me God Amen, Amen, Amen Fraternally Faithful, Absolute Supreme Sovereign Grandmaster Henry 32° 33° X°.”

a3b7ec No.1962063


Flynn should've been the fucking VP. and I don't want to hear a word about it. That's where he belongs. damn it. Raising my Corona Extra to you Gen Flynn!

d838b5 No.1962064


ok, i get you, you are right im wrong ty, i proved myself wrong :)

079c18 No.1962065

>Jun 28 2018 23:59:18 (EST)

>Think Huber.

>Think DOJ/FBI reorg.

>Think sex/child arrests / news.

>Think resignations (loss of control).

This might have come up before, but are we going to see a major reorg. at DOJ/FBI? Or is this related to the removal JC/AM/PS/LP/JR etc

01a03a No.1962066


will trudeau's fake brows be running against him on the ticket?

6dcb6c No.1962067


This is a great idea anon!! I wouldn’t know where to start though…

bf503a No.1962068


Are the knights Templar 3000 years old?

2efbcb No.1962069


BUT…She spoke out against Hillary & Hollywood literally shunned her. At awards shows literally turned their backs on her & yelled at her during commercial break

89b042 No.1962070

File: 7200024a571e171⋯.jpeg (53.53 KB, 720x540, 4:3, so_sarong.jpeg)

cf5c7f No.1962071




Wandered into clockfag territory with this one and I'm lost already.

aa86c2 No.1962072


Well, we all perceive things differently anon. I have an archive of the thread dough, here -

5thAveAnon Research Thread III Dough -


Posted APR 15TH, 2018 and you can see it's never been edited. You'll see also that there's no mention of 'mandatory reading'.

The BV comment came from my report to the BV/BO requesting a sticky. The BV responded in-thread to say that by stickying it, it would mean that they approved the anon, and that they'd wait for Q to verify him first, and hoped we understood.

So really, it did happen, and there's nothing as you say in that dough.

a46ee1 No.1962073

File: a85faca03e3b694⋯.png (1.18 MB, 919x931, 919:931, wij.png)

3812b8 No.1962074


The wrong brain can totally screw up the right body.

913f62 No.1962075

8e3e33 No.1962076


Hoping for White Christian Male

4653b0 No.1962077

3a3251 No.1962078

Another week, another month

PS & RR are still employed drawing a taxpayer salary..DOJ/FBI are still refusing to give Congress the requested documents…

Mueller is still ruining lives…

Flynn/Manafort still have their lives disrupted…

McCabe not indicted

Comey not indicted

Klinton still walking free raising money trashing Deplorables…

The Left free to keep hating all us Trump supporters…

Maybe July will be better…but starting to doubt it…

75faea No.1962079


Hold on to your hats. There's going to be some massive triggering.

3a7adb No.1962080


>Who are the best options for Iran?

Agree with an earlier Anon on military coup, not Iranian guard.

Best option? Oil exports for a western built oil refinery and perhaps a thorium reactor plant. First thing that must be done is the currency problem, it's fallen to worthless against the dollar.

696a73 No.1962081


OMG! can you just imagine? It would be like 1995 all over again! nooooooo

35e58e No.1962082


Abolish ICE





The party of Human Trafficking and Slavery now want to be associated with the abolition of slavery via the rallying cry 'abolishice'

Today, child and adult slavery and forced labour are illegal in most countries, as well as being against international law, but a high rate of human trafficking for labour and for sexual bondage continues to affect tens of millions of adults and children.

b55274 No.1962083



When you read 'regime change', it doesn't have to mean replacement of the regime. Change can also mean 'reform'. Understand comms? Try to read with different eyes.

b5bad4 No.1962084


It'd do us a favour if they did, my ass hairs could govern better than he can.

1cd289 No.1962085

Information Warfare: Paid Search Advertising.

netfind.com is paying for ads with keywords qanon+8chan

advertisement resolves to this search of the wow content network:


7ffbc0 No.1962086




RE: Fifth Ave Anon

Here's a post from that thread that points to the fukery that was taking place in the research.



It has been revealed that 5th Ave Anon was an 'agent' and was misdirecting our research here. Personally, I saw our direction of research being hijacked on a daily basis.

That Anon shared our info with a site called unirock who then made numerous youtubes about our research and made money from those vids. This reveal can be seen in general # >>1363033.

It has been suggested that these Anons directed research in an attempt to post info that could damage the reputation of our research!

Going forward, anything re:5th Ave Anon should be scrutinized!

5a691e No.1962087


I'm pulling for Ted Nugent.

411d2e No.1962088



Comcast says cut fibers triggered nationwide outage and may impact other providers

Comcast says it is aware of a nationwide outage affecting service for some customers.

The cable giant said impacted services include internet, video and voice.

The company says it is trying to restore service as soon as possible.


5d4e53 No.1962089

People would have to actually talk to one another


2de80d No.1962090


way to go BV!

aa86c2 No.1962091

Notables Update

Any to add? Anything irrelevant? Anything rubbish?


>>1961976 Congressman on Judiciary Committee accuses RR of spying on him

>>1961969 Goodlatte: Peter Strzok Refused to Testify About Any Talks with Fusion GPS

>>1961966 Anon adds Qanon.pub to Walmart, Best Buy and the Apple store

>>1961945 AG Sessions Is Rewriting Asylum Regulations

>>1961898 New rallying call for 2020 Democrats: 'Abolish ICE'

>>1961867 #AmericaIn3Words trending US No1. Hijack for use with 'Who is #QAnon'

>>1961833 House Republicans probe HHS office in charge of migrant children

>>1961794 What's wrong with Nancy?

>>1961714 Aide to Calif. state attorney accused of running an occult police force

>>1961699 Democratic IT Aid says Imran Awan Solicited Bribe

>>1961592 Comcast outage nationwide

fb2dc3 No.1962092

File: e5338decf82bc00⋯.jpg (123.31 KB, 1000x793, 1000:793, Freemason wives.jpg)


Order of the Eastern Star, I think it's called.

f4f73e No.1962093


Abolish ICE = unprotected border.

They're not even hiding it anymore.

The dems are running on a completely unprotected border.

It's Americans vs. illegal immigrants in 2018.

696a73 No.1962094



a46ee1 No.1962095

File: d72b8211596997a⋯.png (290.01 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Spitball.png)

a54e7a No.1962096

always focusing on emotion.

>muh poor [RR] (traitor) was shaken


205bc7 No.1962097

File: adedfa31a72145f⋯.jpg (23.87 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, Q-USSS_Protection.jpg)

After yesterday's symbolism, willing to wager this was NOT an accident.

FLOTUS was in Southern AZ just yesterday.

>>1960765 (lb)



>Accelerating when pilot hit brakes



>United A 1600

Crumb also related?



What it could be is "someone" trying to make it be the "SKY EVENT" - hijack the meme with a tragic connotation and then point the finger at Q/POTUS.

Not sure if it would be considered "winning", but thank heavens for the pilot's skill & training…and for working electronics.

b86b9f No.1962098

File: 7bb1db053a7b398⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1458x1754, 729:877, NugeSheilaJacksonLee1.png)


Then, he can round up this piece of trash.

89b042 No.1962099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

66aba0 No.1962100


o7 ole fren

4d9e4a No.1962101


Uncle Ted would be great!

9054ad No.1962102

>>1962082 more proof Liberals are calling for civil war. this time THEY want to be the abolishionists

4d9ad3 No.1962103


Thanks for your concern.

Now GTFO back to plebbit.

4653b0 No.1962104

File: a80820987043154⋯.jpeg (64.36 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 89E179EC-8383-4772-BEC8-6….jpeg)

079c18 No.1962105


>Maybe July will be better…but starting to doubt it…

Trust the plan anon. We are playing a long game. We are winning on many, many fronts. The cabal is confused, panicking and afraid. Do not let the MSM propaganda reduce your resolve


6255c7 No.1962107


Sounds like that would be breaking news.

f274b0 No.1962108


discount nothing, I say.



696a73 No.1962109


and then there are the kids.

Job's daughters for the girls and .. Demolay for the boys.

A friend told me once.

558fa5 No.1962110

give me your taut

your puckered

your clenched assholes yearning to…

966079 No.1962111


<Best option? Oil exports for a western built oil refinery and perhaps a thorium reactor plant. First thing that must be done is the currency problem, it's fallen to worthless against the dollar.

Iran always will be with The eastern, that is sure. The Coup.


Maybe Iran is the previous of Ukraine-Venezuela. if exist the balls.

aa86c2 No.1962112


That's just someone's opinion. We're free to research what we wish to research and anyone who tells others how to direct their time is glowing. You should know that.

65cc21 No.1962113


rememeber. This is not a game.

2ea4d2 No.1962114


One has to carefully watch the news, watch the hearings, detach emotionally (probably easier for non-USfags here) and then you'll see undeniable proof that this is real.

3a7adb No.1962115


Careful of the 1% or 2% wind/hail deductibles, Anon!!!

ee20c1 No.1962116

File: 446b6df5d43c69e⋯.jpg (9.13 KB, 257x202, 257:202, th.jpg)

I'll be like Jeff Flake.

ca7b95 No.1962117


I would love there to be a 3rd term, but surely that sets a dangerous precedent. The way this is going Trump will be on Rushmore. But also DJT is 72 … who will go next?

73f686 No.1962118


I commend you on the lovely creature.

9915d3 No.1962119




related to planefags 2-RBTS planes and all 2-xxxx planes due to they have military clearance and can avoid customs - rbts now linked to panama papers, what else can they smuggle?

20e14b No.1962120


KEK !!! yeah TED would be a REAL thorn !! too bad hes not a lawfag

3a3251 No.1962121


Jeff Flake on steroids

d838b5 No.1962122


>warlike culture

these were typically ksatriyas, or kings so yes in that regards, and the time frame and topic of mahabharata is the buildup to and the detailed account of a huge war that lasted 18 days, as a side note, the generals in that war stood in the first line of battle

ee20c1 No.1962123


Don't Jr

12e264 No.1962124


That pdf has 'line one' & 'line two' as surnames. This is spoopy as hell.

Phone line one & phone line two?

2469f2 No.1962125


That was just the kings

And perhaps that is where the Persians split with the Vedas. i.e. the word DEVA became a daemon in Persian.

Interestingly, even though Russian ethnos and language have Iranian roots, the word DEVA means FEMALE and is not negative at all.

I suspect that the people who stayed behind in India never really knew where those kings really went or how their ideas ended up. And they could well have assimilated the local cultures which is something that often happens to small ruling clans.

62a3d9 No.1962126

Rogers/Flynn 2024

aa86c2 No.1962127


Checking it >>1962042

2efbcb No.1962128


I was sooo very disappointed it wasn't him. He is awesome

3812b8 No.1962129


…but not as ugly.

41499a No.1962130

File: 2e8a34b966dd5db⋯.jpg (30.57 KB, 640x462, 320:231, IMG_20180628_030932.jpg)

File: 09f66d0cc40b0af⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 4096x2731, 4096:2731, IMG_20180627_022449.jpg)

Meme fodder for you magnificent bastards!! Love you, no homoo

a18d01 No.1962131

File: baa05a367844bcf⋯.jpg (27.72 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

Has anyone heard about this? My uber-liberal Berkeley brother-in-law posted it on fbook. The conversation starts at 1:07, 1:08.

They talk immigration and SCOTUS. My BIL thinks it's very funny because this person got to talk to POTUS so easily. I don't get it.

http: //www.businessinsider.com/prank-called-trump-and-got-a-call-back-2018-6

ee20c1 No.1962132


Romney and Flake are both scumbags.

696a73 No.1962133


They are all a part of the one Masonic Lodge. The groups use the main hall at different times. All have their own ceremonies. That friend told me that as well.

1d4865 No.1962134

left media will only doxx Trump as Q to attack something like the p.s. leak

playing dumb is their best tactic(and only move) at this point.

e1650c No.1962135


They will see it. Just by the power it will convey. And it’s a good thing to do. A Q meme card can be given with shirt.

ecdaa0 No.1962136


The guy is a regular psycho…. wow

f4f73e No.1962137


IDF surgical strikes on Iranian mullahs' homes and Iranian military assets.

Iranian people rise up and physically take their country back once the mullahs are snuffed out.

93e318 No.1962138

File: aca27b4f14d8b26⋯.png (1.39 MB, 932x1406, 466:703, 20180629_170427.png)

5ae6d6 No.1962139

File: 16a579e9c00f70f⋯.gif (999.56 KB, 500x375, 4:3, gabbo.gif)


something along these lines . . .

1da256 No.1962140


Trying to communicate to everyone in the shadows what was/not revealed.

1c9cb0 No.1962141


>Don't Jr

Ok. How about Ivanka then?

abf24c No.1962142

File: 0d6ccc6b4cb4e83⋯.jpg (138.98 KB, 799x532, 799:532, 0d6ccc6b4cb4e83cfca9819515….jpg)


Careful, Pence Prime can hear you.

5a691e No.1962143


It's fun to ponder how badly they would lose their shit. But hell, it was their idea to pack the court, so maybe Trump should jump ahead of them!

e2e6e3 No.1962144

File: 6f25e12ca5f8280⋯.jpg (204.19 KB, 756x839, 756:839, migration.jpg)



the democrats fought to keep their serf class once, they are trying to do it again

12e264 No.1962145

2fde29 No.1962146

File: b51ea90cd779f42⋯.jpg (254.69 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Border Trump vs Obama.jpg)

0d943e No.1962147

WE are under attack Qresearch EU

Ihave been trying to post for 17 mins…but keep getting blocked and cut out…website down etc…

82dfb6 No.1962148

so i think we need to dig on who is the head of the masons.

is it the queen, roths, vatican


i know they r not funding everything they do on membership dues and fund raisers alone

145433 No.1962149


evil bitch!

475c2b No.1962150

I don't even know what that is Anon. Smh… I've. Never had to use insurance before


afca85 No.1962151


You’re probably the coarsest, nastiest poster we’ve had on here in awhile and that includes the gayporn shill. Porn is one thing. Good hearted “tits or GTFO” is just a lighthearted jab. You, on the other hand, are dark, nasty and depraved, just shy of pedophilia level. I’m for a free speech internet and that includes grownups calling out sickos. So I’m exercising my own freedom by saying you’ve crossed the line, repeatedly. You’re a hostile pervert.

e2e6e3 No.1962152



1cd289 No.1962153


First link already 404s

7ffbc0 No.1962154




And the bread you refer to is the bread that the 5Anon wanted to make 'sticky'; a thread that they had created AWAY fro the main research bread.


^THAT IS NOT one of the 3 original breads in the official research but a 'solo' bread!!!>>1962072

41499a No.1962155


Devil's spawn

560da8 No.1962156

File: 884355cd867b07d⋯.png (289.93 KB, 1298x966, 649:483, Freemasons.png)

The Freemasons are up in arms.

This is a good thing.

I hope Italy goes through with it.

These evil men need to be stopped.


f4f73e No.1962157


Face of a man that dogs 10 year old boys.

696a73 No.1962158


Let's get Trump elected in 2020 first. Then you can think ahead a bit.

6f077f No.1962159


Did you see the Tweet re Scott Adams suggestion?

Make them try to abolish NICE if POTUS changes the name


9dab3f No.1962160

Q - The Plan To Save The World - video - on twatter


551963 No.1962161


This might be more effective leaving off the bottom third. Let people see the obvious on their own.

d838b5 No.1962162


spot on anaon

35e58e No.1962163


noname final exit thwarted?

2efbcb No.1962164


ANYTHING that isn't Q or Q approved should be scrutinized or put somewhere else. At this point, anyone that falls for namefags deserve to burn with the rest of the riff raff

4d9ad3 No.1962165


< beer that tastes like piss

I still agree with you that Flynn should have been VP, though.

41499a No.1962166



82dfb6 No.1962167



cry baby masons cry

907115 No.1962169

File: 0f9cb70946b71c2⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 0f9cb70946b71c2a6326cc2f46….jpg)

696a73 No.1962170



no families!

18ba23 No.1962171


I want to smack faggots who say Ivanka or DJT Jr should run. Haven't these fucks learned anything from the Clinton and Bush clans?

411d2e No.1962172


All the pictures of Sarandon available (((they))) use the one that almost spells "awakening" to the left of the illuminati eye in grayscale.

"Their symbolism will be their downfall"

6f077f No.1962173



The link is now gone

52a135 No.1962174

File: f8b2e2af9e99687⋯.png (244.49 KB, 626x289, 626:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa10b19e3ff2fa3⋯.pdf (3.41 MB, Proof US Separating Law Ab….pdf)

File: 243f8a4ea8544a2⋯.png (117.72 KB, 490x420, 7:6, ClipboardImage.png)

Proof SCOTUS and Local Courts make kids disappear!


Alright, anons I'm sick of this! Attached is a SCOTUS case that was never heard!!! A law-abiding US Citizen parent had 2 children SNATCHED FOREVER in a CLOSED DIVORCE CASE. NO CPS. NO LAW ENFORCEMENT.

This law-abiding US CITIZEN never got an appeal from a county trial court's order despite going to INTERMEDIATE STATE APPELLATE COURT, STATE SUPREME COURT, AND


So this shit about saying POTUS IS SEPARATING PARENTS & CHILDREN needs to stop!!!

It has nothing to do with laws on the books and EVERYTHING TO DO WITH US CORRUPTION!!!

"How can we expect U.S. Family Courts to ever resolve more complicated child custody issues it it can't resolve this very straightforward case, where one parent is fit but on unequal footing with the other parent who is withholding the children above the fit parent who wants to care for them? Where a trial court judge issues a two-sentence non-expiring order ripping the children from a fit XXther without having any evidence or holding anything that resembled an evidentiary hearing?"

4f4c14 No.1962175

File: f0a52685c46be37⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1120x800, 7:5, happening.png)


They listened.

check this >>1961938

It's happening

696a73 No.1962177



288530 No.1962178

File: 1abc6cf3c90ff95⋯.jpg (8.25 KB, 292x172, 73:43, images.jpg)


Thank youuuuuuuu

3812b8 No.1962179

File: ce3ac18044ea127⋯.jpg (146.77 KB, 749x499, 749:499, bp1.jpg)

ab14f4 No.1962180

File: 27fffa2abc379f1⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 27fffa2abc379f1f22f228325e….jpg)


But you've been posting quite regularly now?

//Another EUfag (Swe)

966079 No.1962181


I Prefer a coup.

We don't know how much infiltrated are the protests in Iran with MEK/MOK.

907115 No.1962182

File: 0a1bf5d26a849db⋯.jpg (4.32 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, 0a1bf5d26a849db80bee3e5b57….jpg)

abf24c No.1962183

File: 94be196a9a588b0⋯.png (682.43 KB, 1394x960, 697:480, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png)


f3808c No.1962184


https:// www.blipbillboards.com/how-to-videos/

Only a static message seems supported for the pennies per display option.

43076d No.1962185

Sorry if this has been said already but

Fox Financial Live interview few mins ago: charles PAyne W/candace olsen explaining “walkAway”


7ffbc0 No.1962186


Glowing? (You) with 14 posts in this bread alone?

This research and that bread was a solo endeavor.

It was done outside of the main research bread!

Going solo defies WWG1WGA

Not fooling me.

a46ee1 No.1962187

File: 9e6991123c002f2⋯.jpg (38.27 KB, 638x638, 1:1, MattisLaughter.jpg)

8ef44c No.1962188

File: 675ad56f27f3b26⋯.png (740.25 KB, 1011x823, 1011:823, 33states.PNG)



41499a No.1962189


Damn!! SAVED

9d9bbe No.1962190


Hey R7, I posted in Planefagging 101 if you have a minute to reply.

3a7adb No.1962191


>I received some media relations training at one point in my career.

It shows, as does the rest of what you wrote in explaining how the questions are rigged for trigger. Thank you for your response, it's quasi NOTABLE as to what is going on, and as you note, how Sarah S. can tolerate these people day in and day out is beyond me.


How the press frames questions so that if you start to answer without thinking, you risk tacitly confirming a hidden assumption that was built into the question… If you listen to a press conference you will notice that almost every question is framed in this way.


907115 No.1962192

File: 28d20408caac051⋯.png (232.08 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 28d20408caac0514e206a5e93b….png)

9e854c No.1962193



Latest update to be found in the clock thread, as usual.


2ea4d2 No.1962194



f4f73e No.1962195


> … including two women.

I'd love to see Trump nominate Sarah Palin to SCOTUS …

af2358 No.1962196

Have you heard about this yet? They are going to have a huge percentage of american teenage boys looking at this game at the exact same time tomorrow. It is apparently a big deal. Seems like a good time to pull some spoopy stuff…



966079 No.1962197

5e8108 No.1962198


Trump will point us to the "heir" in good time -→ might be former MI. He's not doing all this work only to let one of (((them))) back in our WH.

d838b5 No.1962199

File: 1712dc2f08d1997⋯.png (311.71 KB, 731x683, 731:683, mek.png)


>We don't know how much infiltrated are the protests in Iran with MEK/MOK.


08d39b No.1962200

>> 1961903

Anytime you see a preamble just assume it's 100% faggotry & you'll be right most of the time.

>Hey Anons…LONG Ass Post Here…But it's sort of an assignment, And if you're not interested in it, please just skip over it without commenting, it's meant for a very specific audience

Fuck you gay assed faggot

907115 No.1962202

File: aa988222710f36d⋯.jpg (17.96 KB, 255x255, 1:1, aa988222710f36d2086c3a8cee….jpg)

a46ee1 No.1962203



98fd9e No.1962204

File: 3077c201e17428b⋯.jpg (71.67 KB, 788x685, 788:685, 2314sda.jpg)

ced248 No.1962205

File: 9831d68e7d3f69b⋯.png (87.45 KB, 363x941, 363:941, SEXYBAITCHICK.png)

I'm looking for a site that has all the threads on Qresearch archived and searchable.

2efbcb No.1962206


I wish I had friends because I would LOVE to play this game

82dfb6 No.1962207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


jfk warned us

1c9cb0 No.1962208


I fully agree. I was just playing off the anon's obvious phone autocorrect of Don Jr to Don't Jr.

4e9550 No.1962209

File: e025805556dc8fc⋯.jpg (358.78 KB, 720x971, 720:971, trump coat of arms winning.jpg)

f4f73e No.1962210


Nobody who has been here since at least October can deny these facts.

I'm not holding my breath for any habbenings in July … or anytime after, for that matter.

1512a6 No.1962211

Hey Acosta, what is the seventeenth letter of the alphabet?

907115 No.1962212

File: 3e1cda043d86d41⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 2968x644, 106:23, 3e1cda043d86d41b5a877b4e8….jpeg)

82dfb6 No.1962213


they been playing irl

2de80d No.1962214

File: ed6ef07cc8b34a1⋯.jpg (62.79 KB, 246x436, 123:218, lazlowCloset.jpg)

c3f0af No.1962215

File: d86f9e65e679eb1⋯.png (85.87 KB, 290x344, 145:172, 2018-06-29_18-09-44.png)

File: 84fa7526bd650e4⋯.png (300.59 KB, 594x403, 594:403, 2018-06-29_18-11-02.png)

File: c0a21a986b2265b⋯.png (371.34 KB, 533x451, 13:11, 2018-06-29_18-10-42.png)

File: 4dc0ce8eb2cbc76⋯.png (261 KB, 351x480, 117:160, 2018-06-29_18-11-36.png)


The Horror!

4f4c14 No.1962216

File: 9d0c6892aa9a2f2⋯.gif (3.76 MB, 870x350, 87:35, 1509408439300.gif)


Earlier than that, learn history

ab14f4 No.1962217


It may or may not be posted at the top of each bread.

aa86c2 No.1962218


7d51a4 No.1962219

File: c45b9f121fd30cc⋯.png (179.23 KB, 1499x611, 1499:611, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dce2bfcafb3ea3⋯.png (32.12 KB, 1474x346, 737:173, ClipboardImage.png)

6f077f No.1962220

File: e05ed3606e7d081⋯.png (127.68 KB, 664x826, 332:413, DC re Abolish ICE 6-29-18.PNG)


Dem Senator Calls For ICE To Be Abolished – Forgets What She Said About Illegal Immigrants In 2009


[Replacement article]

d076e1 No.1962222



Sarah Palin?

She’s a walking disaster. So many skeletons in the closet they can’t even shut the fucking door.

Fun lady, I’m sure but seriously?


b9a518 No.1962223

File: e9f9e30959a8e0a⋯.jpg (37.74 KB, 400x360, 10:9, 1345451242_cover.jpg)

907115 No.1962224

File: 2bf5b46186def10⋯.png (331.95 KB, 733x564, 733:564, 2bf5b46186def107ff04d75edc….png)

20e14b No.1962225

File: 4ed4f2e2a44b40f⋯.jpg (84.22 KB, 673x767, 673:767, 0d02d86b7a9db7e2580e172d81….jpg)

File: 0c04d56eb3ba308⋯.png (70.21 KB, 225x211, 225:211, 0c04d56eb3ba3083f91656117a….png)

File: 2ae72efb84917f6⋯.jpg (9.89 KB, 162x255, 54:85, 2ae72efb84917f6ae4ed55ba85….jpg)


OMG he would be so vocal about gays and trans people

>>1962198 Gowdy / ?????

>>1962200 ROTFF !!!

81c11e No.1962226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this has hit home

a6b397 No.1962227




>Sensitive anon here. I have a feeling of impending doom today and I can’t shake it.

Yeah…soon comes the water…

Nothing can be done about it, so…one could silver line it with "well, at least we won't have to worry about 'three' Californians anymore (or one)".

The difference in severity of the upcoming correction is night and day. Trump was a timeline shift, he was NOT supposed to win, it's as if the dark had everything cemented and the energy of the will of the light bubbling under the surface, parted those dark waters and Trump rose to the top. Now the correction will right the balance. La Purga, earth is sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Fresh air…once the dust settles tho

e2e6e3 No.1962228

File: 6eb05ce2ff30ba8⋯.png (132.01 KB, 501x499, 501:499, ClipboardImage.png)

261999 No.1962230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicans in the streets.

They are on a hellraiser toture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , harderend cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nausious vomiting, had to be restrained from immedatly trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.

>imprgenating underage girls and killing them upon birth

>raping the newborns and eating them

>eating children brains

>drug use , every drug imaginable involved, cocaine, lsd, meth, heroine

>children and babies totured and killed out of Bordem

>eating kids and babies alive

>babies hung from hooks and raped

>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse vald tepes

>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood

>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit

>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones

>children living in cages

>children dismemberd and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age

>children fed other children and babies

>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong

>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids

>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos

>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids

>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed

>if only you knew……..

87beee No.1962231


a46ee1 No.1962232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5e8108 No.1962233


Parade's in Nov.

The stage had to be set.

It all takes time.

Trust the plan.

c8d39c No.1962234


We’ve already had far too many dynasties in US politics. It’s all over the country under the guise of “name recognition.”

No hereditary rights of succession. By merit alone.

69b46d No.1962235

File: eb1d91f816516c3⋯.png (334.87 KB, 599x394, 599:394, sht.PNG)

File: 18b1696d5c9efab⋯.jpg (116.61 KB, 887x499, 887:499, cnn3.jpg)

c50aeb No.1962236

>>1962156 Italian Government May Seek Restrictions on Secret Societies


for consideration

e2e6e3 No.1962237


kys mahmoud

2469f2 No.1962239


I agree with them, abolish ICE

Just use regular police SWAT teams to arrest illegal immigrants. Collect the illegals in concentration camps in the Nevada desert where there is no chance of escape. When there is enough for a planeload to their home country, march them through the desert to an airstrip and fly them back. Feed them a plain diet of beans and rice in the camps.

Great idea folks. Let's all lobby for ICE to be abolished and for illegals to be REUNITED WITH THEIR FAMILIES back home in the country they come from.

941e78 No.1962240

File: 9e622fdae50464f⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 370x264, 185:132, IMG_2539.JPG)

File: 96a6fb6abc06d97⋯.jpg (66.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_2526.JPG)

File: 42eda08faa8535a⋯.jpg (77.76 KB, 381x378, 127:126, IMG_2527.JPG)

File: cab49127086eac0⋯.jpg (45.54 KB, 500x350, 10:7, IMG_2528.JPG)

File: cae3e9c136e7903⋯.jpg (119.27 KB, 666x500, 333:250, IMG_2501.JPG)

ecbdd9 No.1962242


907115 No.1962243

File: 13b6789f46a6a21⋯.jpg (593.02 KB, 1024x677, 1024:677, 13b6789f46a6a21c99abe6c6b1….jpg)

5e8108 No.1962244



Not Palin.


4f4c14 No.1962245


>17 posts by this id

>screaming MUHJOO

>denying reality

>posting shitty mspaint memes

/qresearch/ in a nutshell

558fa5 No.1962246


death to my bussy!

3a3251 No.1962247


Hell NO, USE the Military to STOP them at the BORDER and Do NOT Let Them in. PERIOD

696a73 No.1962248


you could always Corsi

ef9f9b No.1962249

File: e0ffdd2d1e5dcb3⋯.jpg (54.08 KB, 640x370, 64:37, gayjew.jpg)

b5f769 No.1962250


It needs to be Gowdy. This would be the biggest Q proof ever. That or I'm going to look like a total fool. I've been telling everyone it's Gowdy.

205bc7 No.1962251

File: 161bf7d4af892d5⋯.jpg (41.33 KB, 825x433, 825:433, Kamala.jpg)



what a bunch of douchebags.

>He wore a dark blue police uniform with badges and insignia on both arms. He told the staff at the country western-themed eatery off the Sierra Highway he was a police chief and handed out his business card with pride.

>It read MASONIC FRATERNAL POLICE DEPARTMENT in capital letters and identified Henry as Chief Henry 33

0429c9 No.1962252

File: 772630c225a6661⋯.jpg (24.81 KB, 361x359, 361:359, PalinSP.jpg)


Quads confirm.

"Okie dokie?"

0c5591 No.1962253


Could be related to the ACROSS MULTIPLE PLATFORMS thing too.

a46ee1 No.1962254

File: 11cecd9c3186ca2⋯.png (38.94 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, game-over.png)


needed to be said

if it's seen, it can begin

941e78 No.1962255

File: 25484b3f69c2c94⋯.jpg (103.63 KB, 758x499, 758:499, IMG_1329.JPG)

File: d16d07d7ea2de18⋯.jpg (95.42 KB, 714x483, 34:23, IMG_1353.JPG)

File: fa2f31865a50ecc⋯.jpg (68.42 KB, 501x500, 501:500, IMG_1332.JPG)

File: ea0cb9ef228ec58⋯.jpg (127.3 KB, 1086x499, 1086:499, IMG_1331.JPG)

File: 92ef8ae7ba92838⋯.jpg (122.83 KB, 500x707, 500:707, IMG_1354.JPG)

e2e6e3 No.1962256



go back to half

cf89be No.1962257


you are a fool.

It's Mike Lee

81c11e No.1962258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reagan Warned Us About Obama

1258f7 No.1962259

File: c09f7925bb58af6⋯.png (59.97 KB, 251x168, 251:168, Screenshot 2018-02-21 at 1….png)


The absolute state of this board

696a73 No.1962260


this is the easiest thing to do.

lay miles of razor wire quickly and position people along it. worked for Hungary.

907115 No.1962261

File: 878dcc00ca4208b⋯.jpg (67.23 KB, 603x500, 603:500, 878dcc00ca4208be820d76d659….jpg)

5e8108 No.1962262


Sheen rocks.

696a73 No.1962264

83eeb4 No.1962265


Wasn't Dennis Hastert charged with pedophilia for having sex with 14 year old boys? Hmmm. These people really are all connected in this global Satanic pedo shit. How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Why does Q keep asking whey they are trying to normalize and then asking what's coming? I used to say that I want to know everything. But if its exposure of some organized child kidnapping and rape scheme then I don't think that I could take it.

It all makes sense. The love affair with Islam and all its pedo bullshit… These people do not deserve prison. They need to hang or burn.

c8d39c No.1962266


WOW! Haven’t see that cover since about 1977…

b5f769 No.1962267


YOU don't Trust the Plan

82dfb6 No.1962268


oh i know how long its been going on

why dont u stop being so f rude

u have no idea who u r talking to son

i put this up for newfags

being helpful and half ass nice to people would go farther then being an asshole… js

c50aeb No.1962269

f4f73e No.1962270


>Did you see the Tweet re Scott Adams suggestion?

>Make them try to abolish NICE if POTUS changes the name

I like that, but it would be seen as a gimmick and portrayed as Trump knowing that ICE is bad.

We need to stand behind ICE and the vital work they do.

The left's tactics are to pick a target and demonize it.

This election, ICE is the target. We need to fight the left's attempts to demonize ICE.

7ffbc0 No.1962271

Going out on a limb…

I often wondered of Fifth Ave. Anon was Beanz.


And why does the red Notable not include a link?

And NO. It is NOT confirmation of anything Fifth Ave Anon may or may not have done because WWG1WGA.

Anon was not a super-hero or the only researcher.

Shameless self-promotion, imo.

2469f2 No.1962272


>>drug use , every drug imaginable involved, cocaine, lsd, meth, heroine

This is why the elite are so stupid.

By the way, you posted a point list with many, many items of different types of crimes. A clever Anon could use that as a subject guide to write many, many tweets, each one on a competely different horrendous crime topic, and send it to journalists demanding they ask questions about this one crime in this one tweet.

1512a6 No.1962273


South, or Canada?

4f4c14 No.1962274


You are here on our turf, halfchan is comped and you should go back to reddit since it's pretty obvious you're not from here neither from half

1d4865 No.1962276


trudeau is drowning in bs

he was suppose to have it all handed to him Obama style and life was suppose to be a cake walk

Trump has ruined everything

Canada's silent voters have in the last little while, exposed a huge hidden conservative base that are silently cheering for Trump

the Trudeau gov and the Trudeau media are going mental and can not figure out the way forward

696a73 No.1962277


always "ASK" Corsi to do it.

ee20c1 No.1962278


To liberal.

907115 No.1962279

File: 171d43160c10ca5⋯.jpg (44.73 KB, 590x493, 590:493, 171d43160c10ca56267649c14d….jpg)

f4f73e No.1962280


Poor doggo.

3a7adb No.1962281


>Iran always will be with The eastern, that is sure. The Coup.

Difficult to refute, but then that's part of the problem. The west screwed them over in 1953 and in supporting Iraq in the war against Iran. Still, oil for $$$ is the quickest way and not with the current regime or with the EU.

82dfb6 No.1962282


then been pushing the fake alien invasion for a long long time

b86b9f No.1962283

File: 3170b287a6655c9⋯.jpg (478.88 KB, 1458x1754, 729:877, NugeSheilaJacksonLee3.jpg)


>…but not as ugly.

2fde29 No.1962284

File: 4ede439ee8937e8⋯.jpg (247.13 KB, 741x512, 741:512, Border Trump vs Obama2.jpg)


Agree, and though it's not my meme, here it is without the bottom third.

01a03a No.1962285


butthurt much?

cf89be No.1962286


yes I do.

Pay attention.

Q asked if Gowdy should be added to THE LIST

POTUS said SCOTUS pick will come from the list

GOWDY isn't on the list.

558fa5 No.1962287

i’m a mike pence in the streets and a donald trump in the sheets!

4f4c14 No.1962288


You want to redpill the world

but you avoid talking about Hitler

you're retarded

admit it

941e78 No.1962289

File: bc400e23c8f3e28⋯.jpg (60.41 KB, 620x387, 620:387, IMG_1866.JPG)

File: 4a9384d98e8798a⋯.jpg (92.15 KB, 751x500, 751:500, EVNP6640.JPG)

File: 89bd82595a50247⋯.jpg (23.56 KB, 300x168, 25:14, IMG_1986.JPG)

File: e2f007e60b76a65⋯.jpg (72.83 KB, 740x499, 740:499, IMG_2017.JPG)

File: ba9517552a1eb7e⋯.jpg (93.38 KB, 600x433, 600:433, MNEA7468.JPG)

e2e6e3 No.1962290


>your entire presence and contribution here

the jews did it

4f4c14 No.1962291



welcome to reality

don't talk to me if you deny it

f4f73e No.1962292


Howard Stern and his blowjob cult members are fucking idiots.

907115 No.1962293

File: 5de456f79721732⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 432x496, 27:31, 8b81c6ee3267bd826fc1f6b02e….jpg)

89d2cd No.1962295

File: cb1447f49bc428b⋯.jpg (180.25 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DNC.jpg)


I agree…. I remade that from an old degraded meme.

b5f769 No.1962296


Lerk moar. Gowdy SC about 6 months ago.

aa86c2 No.1962297

File: c1f906c1831edbe⋯.jpeg (461.24 KB, 1214x814, 607:407, c1f906c1831edbe2bb70a6e5f….jpeg)

New Bread Call





Bread's been baked anon, so will add to next.

a67c37 No.1962298

File: 63b3814d5a7ad18⋯.jpeg (343.68 KB, 750x783, 250:261, IMG_5E5046060688-1.jpeg)

What the shit?


f44b23 No.1962299

File: fa605dcf3aa33e1⋯.jpeg (102.47 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, tea-sippin-coolface.jpeg)


f76684 No.1962301


No he was charged with fraud and he's already out of jail.

9c73d6 No.1962302


We know how scared you are based on how much you're shilling right now.

3a7adb No.1962303


Call your agent,Anon…))

5ae6d6 No.1962305

File: 9c9f7e418a40c91⋯.jpg (95.76 KB, 1200x807, 400:269, my face my soul.jpg)


^^^ THIS. anons , this.

6255c7 No.1962306


You must be new here. Welcome.

66aba0 No.1962308

File: ec321867cde5637⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 248x255, 248:255, (you).jpg)

9d9bbe No.1962309


20 post of nothing. chatfaggot

1c9cb0 No.1962310


Thought about it- too expensive

a46ee1 No.1962311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


e2e6e3 No.1962312

File: 5c87c01f66e81d4⋯.png (202.02 KB, 392x397, 392:397, ClipboardImage.png)


at least you admit it

fbb6fc No.1962313

File: c2bcc3b883f1610⋯.png (257.81 KB, 500x595, 100:119, c2bcc3b883f1610d0da6ab2669….png)

205bc7 No.1962314

File: c1c7e82bb33a016⋯.jpg (26.98 KB, 794x185, 794:185, Q-Everything_has_meaning.jpg)



783298 No.1962315


POTUS said he was going to add a few names to the list in a speech. Don't remember which speech.

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