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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, Q_Anon Flag.png)

e264c8 No.1780653

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Sign the petition for unredacted declassification of IG report for public viewing


FF weather alert (WW).

Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.


Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Saturday 06.16.2018

>>1769937 rt >>1769896 ---- No one person is above another. We are in this together

>>1769874 rt >>1769812 ---- Well done, Anon. Shows commitment

>>1769801 rt >>1769691 ---- IG started long before Huber setting stage

>>1769716 rt >>1769202 ---- JP / Huma NOV. Huber recent reveal by Sessions (Nov start)

>>1769202 ----------------------- These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded

>>1768724 rt >>1768697 ---- News unlocks

>>1768636 ----------------------- Future proves past. News unlocks

Friday 06.15.2018

>>1765157 rt >>1764829 ---- Note CF children drop in IG report. 'The Beginning'. Not all are awake.

>>1764930 rt >>1764782 ---- Search foreign posts (State). Face important. (Re: Obama Administration)

>>1764829 rt >>1764595 ---- IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE. Keep your eyes on the ball. We owe it to our children.

>>1764595 rt >>1764453 ---- Have you IDEN other person?

>>1764530 rt >>1764437 ---- Plants need water!

>>1763507 rt >>1763411 ---- Marine One proofs forthcoming. AF1 (inside) thereafter. More & More

>>1763457 rt >>1763343 ---- Proof? Check timestamp

>>1763131 rt >>1763093 ---- Have a wonderful weekend. Trust in your President! Q

>>1763103 rt >>1762921 ---- What came out in IG report? JC gmail. ES is KEY. What a wonderful day

>>1762912 rt >>1762874 ---- Think meeting yesterday

>>1762761 rt >>1762748 ---- >>1762748

>>1762748 ----------------------- GOOG Guest badge pic

>>1762746 ----------------------- Access Kills

Thursday 06.14.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/110 ---------- POTUS Tweet: What's taking so long with the IG report?

>>>/patriotsfight/109 ---------- [[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others.

Wednesday 06.13.2018

>>1739490 rt >>1739449 ---- Thank you USSS.

>>1739449 ----------------------- POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):

>>>/patriotsfight/108 ---------- We hold these truths to be self evident

>>1732422 rt >>1732221 ---- They never anticipated POTUS DECLAS, WE ARE HERE TO UNITE THE CORE

>>1732293 rt >>1732221 ---- The TIP. SR 187. (legal) DISCOVERY

>>1732221 rt >>1731991 ---- Slowly & Carefully

>>1730618 rt >>1730584 ---- Iranian resistance tagging #QAnon. Big things coming folks.

>>1730584 ----------------------- Busy day. (confirms /patriotsfight/105, 106)

Tuesday 06.12.2018

>>1725084 ----------------------- TRUST YOURSELF

>>1724065 rt >>1723986 ---- Q will confirm proofs

>>1723927 rt >>1723855 ---- Be Prepared

>>1723807 rt >>1723756 ---- Proofs Collection

>>1723746 ----------------------- Link to Proofs?

>>1723395 rt >>1723475 ---- ...from what is about to happen.

>>1723368 rt >>1723305 ---- Who controls Ryan?

>>1722594 rt >>1722473 ---- Lets watch Laura Ingraham!

>>1722473 ----------------------- Connected. Kashyap Patel - name to remember.

>>1719243 ----------------------- Ghost-CON active

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1730603 How To Quickly Spot A Clown, >>1510286 Useful filters & >>1652199, >>1674519 Freedom of Speech

e264c8 No.1780660


are not endorsements


>>1780057 Possible 2nd NYPD Officer from Previous Crumbs

>>1779969 ES Makes Trip to North Korea

>>1772236 Supporting Potus Tweet

>>1753009 "+0(": Obama was one of the 13 individuals with whom Clinton had direct contact using her e-mail

>>1746620 ; >>1746924 Announcements From The War Room


>>1780307 FBI Review of Weiner Laptop Emails

>>1780219, >>1780440 Planefag Updates


>>1779653 Judge Who Jailed Manafort also Let Clinton Off in Benghazi Case

>>1779259 Kellyanne Says "Tippy Top" on Judge Jeannine's Show Twice

>>1779333 Obama Pal Does Business with Saddam's Nuke Scientist

>>1779319, >>1779575 Planefag Updates


>>1779045 Catholic Church collects $1.6 billion in U.S. contracts, grants since 2012

>>1778735 , >>1778757 DOJ Assistant Attorney Peter Kadzik Outed as Mole for HRC Campaign

>>1778463 Sofa boi's name, nickname and name given in play

>>1778455 Weinstein statue appears in HW ahead of Oscars


>>1778211 Cap for anyone questioning the latest Q posts without trip

>>1778094 Why did ES (himself) arrange a C-link in multiple countries? DIG

>>1778022 Weinstein Update: Ashley Judd sues saying he wrecked her career

>>1778008 WL email: HRC discusses ES trip to NK

>>1777988 The highest paid CEO's sorted by state

>>1777953 Hussein's college years: article

>>1777809 Anon's notebook of the juciest notables, posts, links and more

>>1777777 ES, NK, GOOG crumbs: Digits say DIG


>>1777339 , >>1777492 Mohammed Hasan Chandoo dig

>>1777481 Sign the #IGReport #Unredacted petition if you haven't already

>>1777421 , >>1777462 Is the Hussein photo shopped?

>>1777433 Sometimes we are...

>>1777219 4am Talking Points: Seth Rich worked for the Russians

>>1777199 The Hillary campaign's secret party for key reporters

>>1777176 Richard Verma talking about counter terrorism in India

>>1776884 Photoanalysis assist: Ear ID is better than fingerprints


>>1776696 Hussein's Stay in Pakistan

>>1776453 Trump to Nominate Budget Official as Next Consumer Bureau Chief - Kathy Kraninger

>>1776305 GermanArchiveAnon Update

>>1776253 Watch the Water Theory, Needs More Digging

>>1776612, >>1776571, >>1776213, >>1776361, >>1776369, >>1776385, >>1776430, >>1776461, >>1776495, >>1776518 Planefag Updates


>>1775605 Planefag Updates

>>1775407 Mystery MissileTheory


>>1775239 Female Muslims in Obama Administration Dig (1 of ? to be continued)

>>1774923, >>1774933, >>1774950, >>1774959, >>1774963 Recommended reading for US Patriots. Q-style socratic dialog with a point.

>>1774930 History of the Cabal (AKA Rothschilds) Hold on America Through Money (AKA Banking)

>>1774673, >>1774705, >>1774760, >>1774768, Planefag Updates

>>1774604 Kirsten Gillibrand / HRC / NXIVM connections

>>1774517 Dig on Obummer, Early 1980's >>1775162, >>1775205


>>1774228 New Creepy Comey Tweet, "Plants need water" realted?

>>1774109, >>1774109, >>1774279, >>1774305, >>1774306, >>1774313, >>1774386, >>1774527 Planefag reports

>>1773791 Reviving Q crumbs and analysis

>>1773792 Nike won’t supply Iran with soccer boots at World Cup amid sanctions

>>1773795, >>1773947, >>1774052 IDEN Sohale Siddiqi?

>>1774103 Every day at 5:23…

>>1774002 Day 0?

>>1774106 BIG Pharma Dig ties to Pakistan and has THAT Logo.

>>1774178 Ex Cult Gillbrand and Tillis of NC offering a watered down bill which misses the mark on sexual abuse of children in the military.

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

e264c8 No.1780667

Summaries Of IG Report 2018.06.14

>>1747860 Proof that we are reading the redacted version of the IG Report

Numbering per .pdf pages

Good Work. Now Let's Reread.

Link to IG Report: https://www.justice.gov/file/1071991/download

pg 01 - 20 ——— >>1747509 , >>1747805 , >>1747957 → Summary of 'We'll stop him' Strzok-Page Text"; >>1747965

pg 20 - 40 ——– >>1747772

pg 40 - 60 ——– >>1755490

pg 60 - 80 —— >>1747537

pg 80 - 100 —— >>1747564 , >>1747862 , >>1747977, >>1749302, >>1749507, >>1749114, >>1747977, >>1751032, >>1754500

pg 100 - 120 —– >>1748215, >>1764454

pg 120 - 140 —– >>1748336 Reports: >>1756672, >>1763391

pg 140 - 160 —– >>1764180, >>1764613

pg 160 - 180 —– >>1748418 Reports: >>1752746, >>1752794, >>1752800

pg 180 - 200 —– >>1748984, >>1748989

pg 200 - 220 —– >>1748466 Report: >>1751208

pg 220 - 240 —– >>1749012 Reports: >>1751004 , >>1752440

pg 240 - 260 —– >>1749332 Pt 1/2 >>1750369, Pt 2/2 >>1750369, >>1752260

pg 260 - 280 —– >>1749515 Reports: >>1750903, >>1751118

pg 280 - 300 —– >>1750186, >>1771852, Comprehensive Summary >>1771856

pg 300 - 320 —– >>1750594

pg 320 - 340 —– >>1752689 , >>1752705 , >>1752724, >>1752736 , >>1759531

pg 340 - 360 —– >>1752957 Reports: >>1754243, >>1754248, >>1754255

pg 360 - 380 —– >>1754322 Reports: >>1755429, >>1755440, >>1755447

pg 380 - 400 —– >>1755463 Reports: >>1756365, >>1756374, >>1756378, >>1756382

pg 400 - 420 —– >>1750687 Reports: >>1752506, >>1752786

pg 420 - 440 —– ------------ Reports: >>1754107, >>1754699, >>1755187

pg 440 - 460 —– ------------ Reports: >>1754709

pg 460 - 480 —– >>1755870, >>1755884

pg 480 - 520 —– >>1747603, >>1747572, >>1747525, >>1747790, >>1752911

pg 520 - 540 —– >>1766802, >>1773274

pg 540 - 568 —– >>1753854 Reports: >>1754312, >>1754335, >>1754347, >>1754461, >>1754472, >>1754488, >>1754502

e264c8 No.1780675

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q proofs thread - proofs of Q validity

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 - Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1618616 - Tucson Human Trafficking Thread

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288 , >>1773052

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>1683845 >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

e264c8 No.1780681

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 6/12]) >>1718255

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


21,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

24 >>1745576 23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist -- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1751361

e264c8 No.1780687



c0e6b4 No.1780703

File: 2033a6ba3ceeba1⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, HAND_OPPOSED.jpg)

File: 797f5652f1c5cc1⋯.jpg (3.94 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, JUNE17.jpg)

Happy Anniversary!

82d73d No.1780715

File: d0c5605fb90fff7⋯.jpg (8.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, DfyjPwnV4AAS7wd.jpg)

File: d96cbd36cfe8ced⋯.jpg (9.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, DfyjTNwVAAU9UdI.jpg)

File: 226384958fbac79⋯.jpg (10.84 KB, 255x255, 1:1, DfyjWrQVQAUlKS1.jpg)

File: 6a4464c0539f88e⋯.jpg (51.55 KB, 800x871, 800:871, Vali_Nasr_2013.jpg)

File: b6f3167ca35d2ac⋯.png (395.03 KB, 904x926, 452:463, firefox_2018-06-17_00-02-2….png)



Notables have been cucked all day. Now I think this confirms it. Baker totally ignored the digs on Vali Nasr last thread, despite a ton of info and a ton of recognition from anons.

Here's what was written:


While Sohale Hal Saddiqi was probably one of Obama's butt-buddies - there's one big problem with this guess.

>No facial hair.

We can't just ignore that because we want something to fit. Q was very specific.

So, looking elsewhere - I have to say, this is the closest match I've seen to date:

>Vali Nasr

>Nasr is a member of the State Department's Foreign Affairs Policy Board and served as senior advisor to the U.S. special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, between 2009 and 2011. He is a Life Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.


Ears, hairline, chin, and even eyebrows match!

No doubt about it in my mind now: this is our mystery mustache man!

dcf9b7 No.1780722

Know your enemy


32e28e No.1780723



bdcab0 No.1780724

We know that the Cabal loves their symbols. The Obelisk and the Pool. Dragons. Serpents. Geometry. Gilding. Owls. The list goes on.

Much ado has been made of understanding their symbols, and rightfully so. It's important for all of us to understand what we're fighting.

But Q team knows their love of symbolism in everything, don't they?

They tell us all about it.

So are the Q team sending symbols in return?

What was Trump's nickname for JEB BUSH during the campaign?

"Q clearance" comes from the Department of ___ (Six letters).

If George W. Bush is denoted from his father by the letter W, what letter denotes the last son from their father in the presidential succession?

What was unusual about this president's election?

What issue was this president HUGELY dedicated to?

What POLITICAL PARTIES did this president found?

Who came AFTER this president in the succession?

What connection does THIS figure have to the current admin?



4f2dd8 No.1780725

File: e1a0d0bd0648c70⋯.png (242.28 KB, 1105x980, 221:196, IRC dig on qpost for katep….png)

my spade -> irc and CF dig repost for night crew (best crew)

38b6b4 No.1780726


>>1780654 (You)

>>1780601 (You)

Q didn't say who is the OTHER person in the photo



the photographer

his father was an expert on germany and was in the state department for 30 years

also lived in germany for a long while

e1b238 No.1780727



b1677d No.1780728


Oh god the big NK letter. Oh Jesus.

This is why Bill made that comment about not being able to be in politics anymore. Trump is humiliating them in their own eyes.

1ba83c No.1780729

Petition update


Keep it up brothers and sisters

f9c666 No.1780730


I haven't weighed in on this yet because, frankly, most attempts were lame. This looks the most credible so far. Kudos anon.

4fccad No.1780731

File: 57c93af61b97bf6⋯.png (731.81 KB, 732x636, 61:53, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

38b6b4 No.1780732

File: 1e05730ed70ab13⋯.png (617.5 KB, 1068x476, 267:119, Screen Shot 2018-06-17 at ….png)



e5a67d No.1780733

What does the government know about autism?

The silence is deafening.

bb3610 No.1780734

File: 0bcff8e90e26760⋯.png (539.28 KB, 620x443, 620:443, 0bcff8e90e267608d8917d1f2a….png)


100% its not this Vali Nasr. Guy in the pic with Obama was going bald 40 years ago….

586efc No.1780735

File: 1c35314336ea65b⋯.jpg (121.68 KB, 777x772, 777:772, certt1.jpg)

File: 6eb20809b3e7493⋯.jpg (125.64 KB, 777x827, 777:827, certt2.jpg)

I was looking for info on Mr. Moustache, found some stuff I didn't know about, so I'll share it here.

Also there’s the unexplained deaths of three men: Donald Young, Larry Bland, and Nate Spencer were killed in 2007. The similarities: they were members of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, they were killed execution style, were homosexual, and they “knew” Obama as in sexually. They were also black (Israelites).

Bland was murdered execution-style on November 17, 2007;

Young was murdered execution-style on December 24, 2007;

Spencer reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV on December 26, 2007.

(pic related)

James T. Cone, Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology at Union Theological Seminary brought liberation theology to mostly liberal, dissatisfied American blacks.

In many ways his theology is more radical and extreme than the Latin American version as it is based not only on wealth but on color. He writes,

“It is evident, therefore, that this book is written primarily for the black community, not for whites. Whites may read it and to some degree render an intellectual analysis of it, but an authentic understanding is dependent of the blackness of their existence in the world. There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness, asking from the depths of their being: How can we become black?”

The foremost church, the religious spearhead which advances the Black Theology of Liberation, is the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. It is the church where former Pastor Jeremiah Wright’s mentor is James Cone. It is also the church where Barack Obama and his wife attended for over 22 years. Can a man attend a church for 22 years and not be influenced by its doctrine?

d237db No.1780736




2b07d5 No.1780737


From 1980 to 1986, Osama bin Laden maintained a base across the Pakistani border, providing financial and logistical support to the Mujahedeen.

That is the same time period that Hussein travelled to Pakistan. His mother managed a project north of Lahore in Gurjanwala which is on the road leading to Islamabad, Abbotabad and Kabul.

Osama Bin Laden git his engineering degree in Saudi in 1979 so he could have been in the USA when the Obama photo was taken.

Osama, under the name Tim Osman, spent some time in the USA with Zbigniew Brzezinski. Then during the time Hussein was in Pakistan, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Brennan were both there. Hussein was likely working for them and likely met Osama.

Now some people have noticed that in Bin Laden's videos, he ages (consisten with Marfan syndrome) and then he seems younger and his appearance is slightly changed. In fact people have noticed that the later Bin Laden looks like Hussein.

Was Hussein the actor who portrayed that role? Was he really Obama Sin Laden, the satanist lord headed for destruction of the USA?

3354f2 No.1780738


And he looks very gay, plausible

057c41 No.1780739


I doubt that picture is from the USA. Probably in Paki.

2b07d5 No.1780740


This is a photo of Bin Laden holding an AK-47. His little finger is over the characteristically curved magazine but Google image search brings up other shots from this session that clearly show it is an AK-47. He is in tribal garb.

Could this be Obama Sin Laden?

Better known as Hussein or Barry?


584f49 No.1780741


do you think he used to get a perm, or that he now straightens his hair?

82d73d No.1780742

File: 868cf1f072f23e5⋯.png (118.42 KB, 197x507, 197:507, firefox_2018-06-17_00-40-1….png)


Those saying "he's too young" - the wikipedia photo is five years old now. He was born in 1960.

He's also written some striking books:

The Shia Revival.

The Dispensable Nation.

bf4a18 No.1780743

File: 6b73f470a7adf42⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 564x518, 282:259, 96705.jpg)

>>1780355 (last bread)

Get your estrogen in check. Anon said "You don't see MANY female frontiersmen or hermits", which is historically accurate.

Anon didn't say they CAN'T be, just that there aren't MANY.

This is why we have the Tits or GTFO rule. We don't need estrogen rampages at some percieved slight towards 'muh strong wymenz'.

31b76e No.1780744

File: fa9ee0f8893fde8⋯.jpg (52.42 KB, 392x731, 392:731, 1471854892224-4.jpg)



is that part of the Q plan ? is this necessary ?

<be a good goy do NOT talk about the zog

hm yes, good plan yes indeed my greatest ally

3cca72 No.1780745


Q meant for us to look for a picture of him without facial hair. He didn't have facial hair at the time the picture was taken. That doesn't mean he's incapable of growing a beard if he feels like it.

e264c8 No.1780746

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Last Song before request handoff

fe8ee1 No.1780747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2b07d5 No.1780748

Obama Sin Laden in tribal garb holding an AK-47


In Chrome you can right click or Ctrl-click on the picture and select Google Image Search to find other similar pictures which include more photos from the same photo shoot where the AK-47 is more clearly visible. This particular photo shows the face.

Now you know why Q said, look at the beardless guy instead of look at Hussein. Because we needed to find Hussein WITH A BEARD to really understand.

184998 No.1780749

A scientific way to tell if a picture of people who look alike are the same people is to use interpupilary distance. Once you scale the image where the pupils are, you can overlay the head/faces and see if the eye sockets, lips, nose, ears, necks, etc., match.

35efe1 No.1780750

File: 6cdb0367e6002b7⋯.jpeg (103.99 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, EFA06E3F-3F90-4469-B06D-9….jpeg)

Virtue Signaling at its finest

24f9db No.1780751


It's Sohale, the man Q was referring to is the one who took the picture Boerner, no facial hair BOOM, that's our target

7016dc No.1780752

File: 45a708cd23e3584⋯.jpg (3.55 MB, 2744x1889, 2744:1889, General_BenjaminFranklin_L….jpg)


Ben Salutes.


dcf9b7 No.1780753

File: b600ff35d6ad47a⋯.jpg (70.15 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, m0di420fze411.jpg)

fb3889 No.1780754


Quit putting (you) there dude danka. Cellfagging and it totally fucks us up if u didnt know

35efe1 No.1780755

File: 43476ea43a817fc⋯.jpeg (79.25 KB, 724x640, 181:160, E6A67EBB-4749-4F1C-9615-1….jpeg)

82d73d No.1780756


See speculation that he's had hair plugs done:


8d3c9e No.1780757


not seeing a match in the cheeks and maxillary bone structure… eye brows also don't quite match

131302 No.1780758

Unequal justice? From two days ago:

GALVESTON, Texas — A former member of the U.S. Navy has been sentenced to prison for illegally keeping classified national defense information, including that of some U.S. nuclear operations.

The Justice Department says 43-year-old Weldon Marshall of Sherman, Texas, was sentenced Wednesday to 41 months in prison.

Marshall pleaded guilty March 5 as part of a deal in which he admitted taking top secret documents when he left the Navy in 2004. He also admitted taking secret documents about U.S. operations in Afghanistan while he worked as a defense contractor for various companies.

Marshall’s rank and how he used the documents were not revealed. Assistant U.S. Attorney Alamdar Hamdani and defense attorney Mark Diaz declined further comment.


71a568 No.1780759


Impressed! That is really good!

95ac71 No.1780760

File: 6271fa1753489c2⋯.png (313.31 KB, 586x520, 293:260, Q Trump motorcade looking ….PNG)


slowed vid down got this

see image

passenger back seat window open both sides you can see someone????

7cdebe No.1780761

File: b49f2eb4b1a406b⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

a6e530 No.1780762


The couch is gay

e16dd6 No.1780763




Good find on those death certificates, anon. Damn good find. We won't ask where you got 'em, either.

82d73d No.1780764


Then you're blind. It's a dead match.

fb3889 No.1780765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


New dude on my radar.. dont like much of the new music, too deep state agenda bubblegum bullshit.

1ba83c No.1780766


Sorry djbaker. I can't ride the country train with you.kek. toooo much bahdink bahdink! Kek

2b07d5 No.1780767

File: 7e3b2e28e93ae5d⋯.png (400.6 KB, 838x458, 419:229, ClipboardImage.png)


Compare with Osama Bin Laden's height. Most people are claiming this other guy is a 5'5" Paki. Sorry but no.

35efe1 No.1780768

File: fb6b0acad46f030⋯.jpeg (105.88 KB, 742x640, 371:320, A57D1DF1-B79A-463F-ABD3-A….jpeg)

e3d842 No.1780769


good one to sign off on for the decent country fans.

Ty DJ baker, Arbitron will be in touch.

82d73d No.1780770


And the State Department!

The timeline and the roles fit!

0b2088 No.1780771

File: 95f908b7e0e0a31⋯.jpg (97.4 KB, 634x517, 634:517, obamaandroommate-480.jpg)

I think I solved the mystery, Shaggy

df0ae2 No.1780772

File: dba9e4f866f1eea⋯.jpg (49.38 KB, 324x333, 36:37, Mr Potatrudeau Head.jpg)


>eye brows also don't quite match

yeah, tell that to trudeau.

05def3 No.1780773


Agree, eye area is completely different

7630dd No.1780774


^^ THIS ^^ THIS ^^ THIS ^^

460086 No.1780775



I'm not baker but it's

Not he same guy.

09e1ae No.1780776


he does it to them every single day….so much fun! even if we aren't in on it….Rocket Man (in WikiLeaks)…Liddle…so much fun! We learn but really he is trolling ((them)) the water….kek

b69d06 No.1780777

"Third Man Accused of Child Marriage in Utah Sex Cult''

'Knights of the Crystal Blade men charged with rape and assault after allegedly marrying each others' young daughters.'


Utah, Huber, Notable?

25a528 No.1780778

>>1780661 last bread

>"Lisa" and "Page" are said to be the names of McCabe's daughters. I didn't double check that myself. But if that's the case "her" name is likely fake

I tried and tried to find info on his family, and the only thing i can find is a website that says he has 2 kids (no names), and a pic from Jill's twatter account with a family photo (2 kids in it). I read all the comments and nobody mentions a name that could possibly be a kid of theirs (ex: "OMG Billy is so big")

I also have yet to find a video of Lisa Page. Same thing with Strzok, just 2-3 generic photos

aade25 No.1780779

>>1780601 (pb)

>>1780611 (pb)

>>1780634 (pb)

Nice find on Phil Boerner's father being in Foreign Service. I went down this path last night a little. Phil Boerner is mentioned in the biography "The BRIDGE" but not Obama's autobiography "Dreams from My Father."

1ba83c No.1780780


Don't look how tall they are on the couch. Obama is slid down, while paki is sitting straight upp-er. Look at the shins and hight of the knees

a6e530 No.1780781

25a528 No.1780782

>>1780704 last bread

>Seems legit for Grassley to ask Horowitz to confirm that the released report is the one Horozitz submitted.

>Standard question.

Oh please let this happen

dcf9b7 No.1780783

File: 50f7af23d453446⋯.jpg (105.06 KB, 620x620, 1:1, Osama-bin-Laden-afghanista….jpg)

bf4a18 No.1780784



d237db No.1780785



DANKE!!! with an EEEEE goddammit…

e264c8 No.1780786


Board Owner Questioned My Choice…

That is why


3cca72 No.1780787


Barrack is slouching.

5e1aff No.1780788

File: 294ee0be607c0bf⋯.jpeg (154.69 KB, 1934x602, 967:301, baker.jpeg)

BAKER what happened to the other NOTABLEs from the last bread? pic related

e12b8b No.1780789

File: 62509ba24c5f52e⋯.jpg (126.62 KB, 1600x1071, 1600:1071, Vali Nasr, Jason Patent.JPG)


>Vali Nasr

NO. Arms, where is the hair?

4fccad No.1780790


I don't think it's a match.

The Vali Nasr cunt has a square top of his forehead vs. the Paki fag's top of forehead being much more rounded.

And the hairline doesn't match. Paki fag is balder way back when Jugears was fucking his ass … and no signs of hair plugs on the Vali Nasr cunt.

35efe1 No.1780791

File: 5518187d4811ae8⋯.jpeg (161.11 KB, 650x400, 13:8, 0E44F883-1F4C-46AC-AE7F-F….jpeg)

2b07d5 No.1780792


As far as it goes this is a good dig

But your conclusion is wrong

You forgot to compare height

Even if you find the height and it matches Hussein

Your conclusion is still wrong

Because guessing the right answer doesn't count

Anyone can fire a shotgun

But it takes a master autist to be a SNIPER

This board is for snipers

25a528 No.1780793

Looking at pics of Obama and OBL, the lips dont match. OBL's lips are much larger and flatter than Barry's

cb8b85 No.1780794


wrong school

e264c8 No.1780795

Baker Requesting Handoff

Much Love to All, but tired…

f9c666 No.1780796


To be sure someone has the knowledge here to extrapolate a fairly accurate height from the length of the lower leg.

a1ea4d No.1780797

File: 425fe9a8db112bc⋯.jpg (179.41 KB, 423x683, 423:683, 425fe9a8db112bcb77d9aab384….jpg)




What if what we're supposed to be looking for is the camera man?


I've already cast doubt on this because of his wiki page:

https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Vali_Nasr

"Son of Iranian academic Hossein Nasr, Vali Nasr was born in Tehran in 1960, went to school in England at age 16, and immigrated to the U.S. after the 1979 Revolution. He received his BA from Tufts University in International Relations summa cum laude. He earned his Master's degree in International Economics and Middle East Studies from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in 1984, then went on to earn his PhD in Political Science from MIT in 1991.[3]"

d237db No.1780798

File: c12f5cb3416eaf1⋯.jpg (54.3 KB, 300x223, 300:223, consequences-will-never-be….jpg)


ya boy dun goofed.

2a63e7 No.1780799

File: 374845b870111be⋯.jpg (123.5 KB, 736x1306, 368:653, sophia3.jpg)

Thx, Baker!

bb3610 No.1780800

File: 436f783be0cd7b5⋯.jpg (20.48 KB, 250x330, 25:33, wahidhamid467478364222275.jpg)

File: cfad437bd61411e⋯.jpg (26.81 KB, 473x324, 473:324, ObamaWahid248917429816491.jpg)


Look heres a guy i was digging into last night. Wahid Hamid. Although im not convinced its him either.

People are going off the deep end tonight. Hardly any autists on.

4fccad No.1780801

File: cc721cd5ae6055e⋯.png (552.88 KB, 474x872, 237:436, ClipboardImage.png)


Looking for a little strange are ya anon?

32e28e No.1780802

For those sculpturefags/drawingfags, can't you take the face of our guy and try to make it older (If that's even doable)? It would maybe help cross some names.

6babdb No.1780803


Where did Q say they went to the same school???

Q didn't.

38b6b4 No.1780804

File: 5ade50293a81c3e⋯.png (521.43 KB, 748x455, 748:455, Screen Shot 2018-06-17 at ….png)



you did notice that jill mccabe's photo is definitely photoshopped right? look at her hips

1df3a3 No.1780805

File: 5ae5d32dd8eba0d⋯.png (261.71 KB, 519x548, 519:548, qproofscom.png)


We've been working hard af on QProofs.com

…heres what we've got so far:


check it out. PLEASE give me some feedback…

If we get the greenlight from you guys we will

switch the domain over to qproofs.com

We tried to keep it to proofs only


You guys built them.. so you are just as much a

part of this as we are, I figured it'd be best to

get your approval before launching it.

that means no (fabulous) memes or (killer) Analysis infographics.. It has to prove something a skeptic can't argue away.


8885d9 No.1780806

File: 29c0431345bc23b⋯.png (4.07 MB, 1730x3000, 173:300, ClipboardImage.png)

185844 No.1780807


not getting it, not q. but it's late for me….

7b8ac6 No.1780808

In Indonesia, reportedly in some Arab countries, and perhaps in Pakistan, men sometimes hold hands for short times. Its not gay.

In Indonesia that photo would not be gay.

82d73d No.1780809


Baker was told numerous times







And instead tried to make fun of it:


1dd022 No.1780810

File: ce1a13b12faaaf3⋯.jpg (103.25 KB, 800x1026, 400:513, 78420537885e3a225645dd91ab….jpg)

another thing to consider is that many of the OBL pictures and videos, especially after 911, have been said to be stunt doubles used for propaganda purposes to justify perpetual war.

b29744 No.1780811

You guys know why we are having such a hard time finding the guy in the photo with obama?


460086 No.1780812

File: af5fd2dda822ff8⋯.png (292.57 KB, 703x367, 703:367, ClipboardImage.png)


>It's a dead match.

No it's not!

I'm just glad you fuckers aren't giving cops a discription of a murderer!

25a528 No.1780813


Haha yep people were even commenting on the pic about that

cb8b85 No.1780814


no facial hair…

fe8ee1 No.1780815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ec8a81 No.1780816


The shoe fits but the thing is many people wear the same size… Needs to tie with the CF and Obama, you might be on to something. Foreign Advisory Board, eh? Make the connection to CF and I'll endorse it as notable too.

e16dd6 No.1780817

File: f57fe4f0e277d39⋯.gif (1009.53 KB, 312x286, 12:11, PepeInfrared.gif)


Ah geez, that's it! That cartoon-size letter!


If anybody ever needed humiliating, it's the Clintons and all their goddamn "friends".

dcf9b7 No.1780818

File: 776c388ca029a9f⋯.jpg (29.63 KB, 350x225, 14:9, osama.jpg)

e1b238 No.1780819


if it's CFR, it's a fat fish.


Iranians. kek.

8d3c9e No.1780820


Falsee. My IQ is confirmed beyond four standard deviations above the mean. As a competent commentary, my perspective is not invalidated with your bullshit response. It is an obvious non-positive at a fundamental level of structural detail.

584f49 No.1780821


that makes sense. the person without facial hair is the photographer.

it's a riddle. autists took it at face value?

24f9db No.1780822


Bunch of blind bats. That's what we're working with here

9f6a0b No.1780823


no he has too much chin

e1b238 No.1780824


And She is???

25a528 No.1780825

As far as OBL goes, wasn't he fighting the Russians in Afghanistan in the 80s when Obama would have been in Pakistan?

54c7fc No.1780826


>four standard deviations above the mean


dcf9b7 No.1780827

Tim Osman

0d923b No.1780828


In January 2009, Hussain was named Deputy Associate Counsel to President Barack Obama. Previously, he served as a trial attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice and as Associate Counsel to the Obama Presidential Transition Team.

The Washington Post reported that, "After the 2008 election, Hussain was recruited to the White House Counsel's office by Greg Craig and Cassandra Butts, a fellow Tar Heel and Obama's former Harvard Law classmate. He has worked there on national security and new media issues, and helped inform the administration's Muslim outreach efforts.

Mr. Hussain also "began advising the president on issues related to Islam after joining the White House counsel’s office in January 2009." Ben Rhodes, Obama's chief foreign policy speechwriter and Deputy National Security Advisor, sought Hussain's counsel as he drafted the president's Cairo address and other speeches to Muslim audiences. Hussain also joined the President and the staff that traveled to Egypt for the speech at Cairo University in 2009.

7b8ac6 No.1780829


New Baker Accepts Handoff

b69d06 No.1780830


Praise kek!

3cca72 No.1780831

Why are some anons so resistant to the idea that Sohale Saddiqi could have been clean-shaven while working for the government and then grew a beard later?

8885d9 No.1780832

File: f4e9c0a4bda7325⋯.jpg (40.73 KB, 600x542, 300:271, brennan sketchPalmeK201803….jpg)

8d3c9e No.1780833


He's either a shill or a moron. Time to ignore at this point.

04d6ca No.1780834


any way to make the font for anonymous smaller?

If not for the board at least as an option

Very distracting to me

584f49 No.1780835


no we have a bunch of comey-toons muddying the waters. they do NOT want us to dig this

25a528 No.1780836

File: 8f8c71b99babaa8⋯.jpg (88.96 KB, 540x419, 540:419, 03 Tim Osman - Osama bin L….jpg)

24f9db No.1780837

762d34 No.1780838

File: e27fbb1111fe54c⋯.png (166.1 KB, 1211x483, 173:69, Screenshot 2018-06-16 21.5….png)

File: 734d3b75b1048a3⋯.png (132.85 KB, 1187x504, 1187:504, Screenshot 2018-06-16 21.5….png)

Going off this article, chief, and digging on Chandoo.



584f49 No.1780839


greenlight go

35efe1 No.1780840

File: c32d08f4ac99b6d⋯.jpeg (69.33 KB, 482x640, 241:320, D206F442-0E45-489B-97D2-3….jpeg)

“Give up your second amendment right because I pepper sprayed myself..”

Where do they get these idiots?

185844 No.1780841

File: 2ae72efb84917f6⋯.jpg (9.89 KB, 162x255, 54:85, 1c7048a6100d761cfdcfe51872….jpg)

File: 33ef4ab3b04b6e8⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 4130d65e96df555e1268a95c8e….jpg)

File: f42f8b4d9ee1fce⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 248x189, 248:189, c24242574d2edd4b820093fd69….jpg)

5e1aff No.1780842


Q Proof


June 12 Anon request another "tippy top" shout out.


June 16 Kellyanne complies.



(Re-posted from last bread because baker missed it in the notables.)

460086 No.1780843


>We've been working hard af on QProofs.com

>…heres what we've got so far:


very cool, Anon, I'm going to ck it out!

I just added 20+ Q proofs at https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1739215.html#1780320

I'll add older ones tomorrow.

3cca72 No.1780844



24f9db No.1780845



5c264e No.1780846

File: b42a336b3c70f90⋯.png (4.13 MB, 1605x904, 1605:904, 19284875789375811.png)

e12b8b No.1780847


It's not our fault that all Pakastani's look alike.

ccaffe No.1780848

Why are Obama's records sealed?

He is a Bin Laden

0b2088 No.1780849

File: 9da79636f312bf5⋯.jpg (133.71 KB, 529x529, 1:1, fm.jpg)

File: 083c841ca09d72e⋯.jpg (40.14 KB, 474x589, 474:589, jew.jpg)

File: e468025319f50e5⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 480x392, 60:49, obama roomate.jpg)


Freddy Mercury?

1ba83c No.1780850


Font size is the same as all the other letters. It's not up to BO to change shit. ..close your left eye if it helps. Kek

3354f2 No.1780851

File: 41f41325bf47006⋯.jpeg (26.76 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 2F7D72CC-5FFF-45C5-8CB6-6….jpeg)


Sometimes we’re pretty good…

1dd022 No.1780852


how do you prove your IQ without doxxing yourself? take your time … waiting for OC …

32e28e No.1780853



d13f14 No.1780854

Pretty harsh to call baker a shill because they don't agree with you. It doesn't look like we have conclusive evidence on who the guy is, and not everyone is agreeing that it's the same person.


Thank you for your work baker.

ea6ee5 No.1780855

File: c481dbfee70ec9f⋯.jpg (105.61 KB, 640x842, 320:421, obama sin laden 2.jpg)

54c7fc No.1780856

File: c5c3a3e554b15ee⋯.png (296.03 KB, 606x372, 101:62, ClipboardImage.png)





hasan chandoo


imad hussein

26b78e No.1780857

File: d5c8839b60ad35d⋯.png (898.85 KB, 1834x287, 262:41, ClipboardImage.png)

82d73d No.1780858


>You forgot to compare height

No, I didn't, faggot.


And your picture, where you're expecting someone who is 6'4" is wrong. It's not correctly accounting for the perspective of the room, or the shortness of the friend's shins.

The dude in the pic is 6' at most. He is NOT taller than Barack.

You're no sniper. You don't even have a pea shooter.

586efc No.1780859




Possible relation?


Sandra Annette Bland (February 7, 1987 – July 13, 2015) was from Naperville, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago,

Sandra Bland was a 28-year-old African American woman who was found hanged in a jail cell in Waller County, Texas, on July 13, 2015, three days after being arrested during a traffic stop.[1] Her death, which was ruled a suicide, was followed by protests against her arrest, disputing the cause of death, and alleging racial violence against her.


Really fuct situation there.

Bad luck to have that last name if there is not relation.

2a63e7 No.1780860

File: a167982c840ea2b⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 500x268, 125:67, sophia4.gif)

71a568 No.1780861


>Obtain name.

>Cross FBI sec clearance?




It sounds like he doesn't have a security clearance because born in Pakistan. How would one confirm?

>Face important.


e264c8 No.1780862


BO Questioned me about choice

What should I do?



All Yours Bro

==Handoff Confirmed=

31721b No.1780863

File: 5bcf6a54b0d71d0⋯.png (35.9 KB, 142x144, 71:72, gigglingpepe.png)


>close your left eye if it helps

04d6ca No.1780864


Not for me

The font is double the size since the change was made last bread

So shut the fuck up and stop talking out of your ass

307ae4 No.1780865

File: c55f33333d8d933⋯.jpg (17.56 KB, 250x272, 125:136, mostash.jpg)

Here he is.

900e5f No.1780866


Just because (You) tl;dr doesn't make your post the authority. Pay attention to the eyes goddammit. I said this lb but nobody cared because of muh redheads. THE FUCKING EYEBALLS DO NOT MATCH. Couch fag has obtuse eyeball alignment. Captain Smugfag has Chad eyes - totally straight alignment. You have to go back. Be less assertive and moar lurker.

057c41 No.1780867


42 didn't have security clearances. Done.

8885d9 No.1780868

File: f529f724440f538⋯.png (2.58 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

82d73d No.1780869


Re_read! He also worked for the:

>State Department's Foreign Affairs Policy Board

This fits with what Q said!

>Search foreign posts (State).

>Face important.


6874a5 No.1780870


The guy on the couch has a very dark 5 0'clock shadow. That will be evident if the guy has a shaved face now.

d237db No.1780871

File: 66afed5a112a0c8⋯.jpg (28.03 KB, 453x512, 453:512, 66afed5a112a0c82faa1b4beae….jpg)

1ba83c No.1780872


Kek. Fucken font size…kek. wtf?

ea6ee5 No.1780873


VERY possible

0b2088 No.1780874


Try a different theme in the settings menu

185844 No.1780875



2a63e7 No.1780876

File: 445d0ab10f50af8⋯.jpg (79.52 KB, 523x955, 523:955, all woman.jpg)


Its an improvement. KEK

3cca72 No.1780877


Unfortunately "Imad Hussein" is the "John Smith" of the middle-east. A simple web search is not helpful, kek!

3354f2 No.1780878

File: 5481f7f31b00bf4⋯.jpeg (18.94 KB, 474x270, 79:45, A06A54D9-7BAC-4660-967D-5….jpeg)

25a528 No.1780879


Brennan? McNoName?

0d923b No.1780880


An empowered Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, currently a small component of the U.S. State Department, will spearhead the new campaign to fight the ISIS propaganda machine.

Rashad Hussain, a Muslim American with close ties to the White House, will replace Alberto Fernandez, the center’s director, according to The Times.

185844 No.1780882


pinch your screen…

d13f14 No.1780883


Oh fuck, you're right. Font size was 16. Changed to 14.

ec8a81 No.1780884


A LOT of articles confuse Chandoo and Saddiqi for one being the other. Maybe they're the same person but different alias'? I didn't see it in notables but do we even know where ALL of Obama's roommates are now? Seems like anons are spastically posting random stuff.

e1b238 No.1780885

File: 2e0a4b61f47b8ca⋯.png (325.37 KB, 1048x664, 131:83, EM....png)

it's my idea or the MIC/Alliance found the Way to cross The Van Allen radiation belt?

https:// www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/jPAB7q/mystiskt-ljusfenomen-skramde-slag-pa-flygpassagerare

(Source in Swedish and I don't know Swedish)

f9c666 No.1780886


If you are using Firefox, you can set your font size and style and then deselect allowing sites to use their own fonts.

72f2c9 No.1780887


nicely done

25a528 No.1780888

File: 5644283689e8023⋯.jpg (99.81 KB, 980x551, 980:551, tweet.trump_.jpg)

from 2012

926f77 No.1780889


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0d582e No.1763103

Jun 15 2018 17:43:38 (EST)


What came out in IG report?

JC gmail.

They all had them.

Re_read drops re: private emails re: convicting HRC = convicting themselves.

Why did the entire Hussein admin use private emails?

ES is KEY.

What a wonderful day.


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.40

Jan 19 2018 02:45:44 (EST)


Who used private email addresses?

What was the purpose?






e12b8b No.1780890


Come on, just do a reverse image search.

Sophia Loren.

1ba83c No.1780891


That's an extremely personal problem newfag. But you can post your address and BO or closest Anon , can stop by your house and change the settings for ya…or just close that left eye..kek

54c7fc No.1780892

File: a50b6b09ff0ecec⋯.png (398.37 KB, 829x283, 829:283, ClipboardImage.png)


185844 No.1780893

File: f74ea1f8dec0178⋯.gif (483.36 KB, 280x215, 56:43, johnny-laugh.gif)

584f49 No.1780894

File: 5c891217021f594⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1389x2400, 463:800, pajeet-hogg.PNG)


when the gayspam doesn't work, of course they'll try something different.

YOU find who YOU believe matches and dig that. don't wait for consensus, trust yourself.

d7c9a4 No.1780895

Hey Q friends, I need some really good Q Movies. Doesn't have to any of the ones he's mentioned, just anything you think it is related. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!

04d6ca No.1780896


Imagine that

I was making it up

691f59 No.1780897

25a528 No.1780898

File: 8b8ed18b4080d06⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 620x400, 31:20, epaxin2nvkektqtncxcy.jpg)


057c41 No.1780899


Picture is named Sophia and the Anon said Loren. Can't figure it out apparently.

04d6ca No.1780900



d237db No.1780901




moar than just possible, imo…gaypr0n shills showed up last bread right after that faggots picture got posted.

521bab No.1780902


the digits do not lie.


584f49 No.1780903



f2cbfd No.1780904


So ES set up a private Gmail server for the Obama administration, located in NoKo where no one could ever get to it even if they found out about the Gmail accounts.This arrangement allowed them to communicate freely without having their emails subject to FOIA requests and public scrutiny as they would be on a state.gov server. It also gave them a convenient way to traffic in state secrets and SAPs. They never thought they would lose control of the White House, and made little or no effort to cover their tracks beyond this private server/Gmail account arrangement. But Trump won, and now Kim has given him the contents of the server. Was that what was in the envelope? They are all toast.

67c443 No.1780905



That's what they tell you. There's no way to prove it. but interesting who they tell you was the phtog.

No image of the photog.It's just what you are told. Just as you are told the name of the guy is "Saddique" and the "Lisa Page" and "Strokes" had a love affair. kek

9f0c1f No.1780906

File: 55c5cf9f6d13fb4⋯.jpg (17.8 KB, 220x330, 2:3, Islam_Siddiqui.jpg)



54c7fc No.1780907


get uTorrent

go here https://thepiratebay-proxylist.org

2b072a No.1780908


Will you anons who are having fun posting porn and similar nudes please consider the damage that this is doing to this cause. I'm telling my friends about Q and the incredible work that this network on the Qresearch boards is doing. However, when they start researching and go to the Qresearch boards on 8Chan, they are appalled at the porn posted as am I. These porn posts coupled with the advertisers of Japanese sex toys that I see on almost every page where the imagery looks like little girls destroys the credibility of the movement as many people simply will never come back to view the incredible work done to bring down the Deep State and the child sex trafficking ring. To many of us, porn is just as reprehensible and just a few steps behind the child sex trafficking. Can you try to understand this connection? Porn coupled with the Anime characters used to advertise sex toys where the characters look like little girls is not a combination that makes a respectable and confidence building first impression. Q has asked you incredible anons/autist/bakers to prepare proofs for the normies. Many normies, especially those whose belief in God is the foundation of their life, view this porn as evil and destructive. Please, all of you wonderful people who are doing this incredible work to save our country and stop this sex trafficking, please find a way to clean this up. Perhaps someone can develop another avenue, such as Qanon.pub, where his posts are all clean and viewable to the general public. Please make this site accessible to the millions of good people who view porn for the evil that it is as this country desperately needs their support. I have seen classy posts of beautiful "baker girls" that don't offend. If WWG1WGA means something, please keep these boards decent so that it is a place where we all can go.

057c41 No.1780909


Pretty nice text feature you have going on there BO.

fe8ee1 No.1780910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

17357c No.1780911


and it continues with with the hussein pres. library housing no official documents from his regime days.

2b07d5 No.1780912


Q likes to use double an triple meanings.

This is a valid dig

Often there is no single right answer

This time, the photographer is on right answer

Another right answer is why were so many Pakistanis in the Obama admin?

Another valid answer is, Hussein has no facial hair, therefore who is he and what role did he have when he had facial hair.

Obama Sin Laden wore tribal garb and held an AK-47

And another right answer, is why were there two Tamils in the Obama admin, one rather openly and the other under the guise of an Indian.

There are lots of right answers because the criminal conspiracy network is VAST

It was set up over generations

And the only conspirators that will ever face justice

Are the ones that WE THE PEOPLE call out.

Once we point a finger, it is not classified and the FBI can investigate and charges can be laid

82d73d No.1780913


No faggot, just because you're faceblind, doesn't mean I have to be, too. Their eyes are EXACTLY the same. You have no idea what you're talking about.

And who do you think you are, exactly? You don't get to order other anons around and shut down research threads.

So how about this:

I'm going to keep on posting this for as long as I have to, BECAUSE I'M RIGHT.

Neck yourself.

04d6ca No.1780914


Been here since Oct

Fuck off

1ba83c No.1780915



Fucken KEK! And here I was telling poor distracted Anon to close their left eye… I've done pissed myself…kek. OMG, the laughing hurts

ccaffe No.1780916



26d945 No.1780917

File: 667b7988d25a58f⋯.png (788.33 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-16-23-5….png)

File: 6ff81000bcddfdb⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-16-23-5….png)

File: 47cbfb774f5209f⋯.png (777.26 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-16-23-5….png)


No no no not bin laden

54c7fc No.1780918

File: c89e774246da57e⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 342x248, 171:124, bakergirl11.gif)






261758 No.1780919


Turrible shop job

ea6ee5 No.1780920


One of my favorite albums

Del was good shit back in the day

a1ea4d No.1780921

File: 829ee87cd75f9aa⋯.jpg (80.44 KB, 564x751, 564:751, c0cb3f597b1508e6dad2bbf918….jpg)

File: 29286e86e4e9bf4⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1920x3401, 1920:3401, Q - The North Korea Story ….png)


I have a graphic that I think could be added to Q proofs. Please let me know what you think.

26b78e No.1780922

File: b3611b4e165bea1⋯.jpg (337.69 KB, 979x907, 979:907, tracy.jpg)


dang cant read the font could someone maker it bigger please

67c443 No.1780923


kek. I think it's the shills. this makes it so easy for them. Just laugh. I've had some good laughs over this. Should've saved the image. The more I look at it the more I swear that moustache is bad photoshop.. It's just a black line. kek.

521bab No.1780924

File: 237e7c014316bb0⋯.jpg (151.35 KB, 586x597, 586:597, lmao3.jpg)


my fucking sides!!!!

2c770c No.1780925


He didn't age well

31721b No.1780926


That is an insane story if true.

There will be movies about this shit in 20 years.

584f49 No.1780927


nice summary, anyone could follow that

1ba83c No.1780928




Fuck you, it's funny. You know you laughed. We all did, octoberfag. Kek

2b07d5 No.1780929


When you tweet on social media, point out that POTUS has the power to declassify and release an unredacted report therefore this petition is one that REALLY CAN LEAD TO ACTION, and quick action as well.

900e5f No.1780930


I dig the new CSS BO.. Well done fo sho.

185844 No.1780931

File: 8414bf2007d0962⋯.png (255.26 KB, 318x480, 53:80, ClipboardImage.png)

521bab No.1780932

File: 26c09887bddee98⋯.jpg (49.41 KB, 500x411, 500:411, reddit.jpg)


this isn't fucking reddit you newfag! LEARN TO DEAL OR GO HOME.

7016dc No.1780933

File: 9a1fd7d5f0a8714⋯.jpg (133.28 KB, 958x1341, 958:1341, 8wt0leh62anz.jpg)

File: 38ce5eb3d6651fb⋯.jpg (109.91 KB, 1200x1199, 1200:1199, DeAxRpwUQAAZRlj.jpg)


The One & Only

Sophia Loren!


4f2dd8 No.1780934


thx anon, IRC has many connections to CF and i think the PORT message is deff for yemen, its looking to displace many more ppl, and could be a source for future trafficking

19f31c No.1780935

Hello, Q.

Is it time for the paradigm shift, yet?

Can we share the 5:5 signal? (is this still confidential?)

5:5 related to Q-team numerological system (perception grants power)

I understand that this all takes time but I'm so ready.

26b78e No.1780936


send them to brietbart

6babdb No.1780937

File: 9741ebd2c81db24⋯.jpeg (33.74 KB, 463x499, 463:499, Board Black:White Baby Su….jpeg)

Q please drop a few more hints.

Anons going to choke each other soon…..send help soon

25a528 No.1780938

File: 3124a2da6927116⋯.jpg (65.57 KB, 787x442, 787:442, 4e1c824b-3b06-4c28-83e5-be….jpg)

Interesting too. from 2016 before he even won the primary

87a292 No.1780939

File: b24a2584f71e3e7⋯.png (14.65 KB, 639x222, 213:74, Capture.PNG)


b69d06 No.1780940


You took the time to type that?

b82b65 No.1780941

Anons, look into corsi, he was in Kenya with evidence to blow it wide open but he was forced not to about birth certificate of Obama, I believe Obama was born in kenya

3cca72 No.1780942


Vali Nasr went to MIT.

The kind of people BO was sitting around, doing coke with were probably not MIT students.

020514 No.1780943


go on…..

d7c9a4 No.1780944



I mean like real movies. But that channel looks great.

25a528 No.1780945

File: 76c6ac4dbdcb1cc⋯.png (64.48 KB, 678x339, 2:1, Screen-Shot-2018-01-17-at-….png)

Old one of our POTUS owning HRC

926f77 No.1780946


Classic Q to bounce off an incendiary post to do a crumb and redirect.

Then the subject will later show up and be relevant, as events develop.

e1b238 No.1780947

File: e209d0b2d5fc042⋯.gif (110.95 KB, 479x681, 479:681, 668e2da26fa6682c32a802288b….gif)

Over the Target Again..

9f0c1f No.1780948


After a dozen breads of him, neither have I

4f2dd8 No.1780949


hostel or hostel 2, they are based on real stories, and expose the elites activities

2b072a No.1780950


But Q has asked that we send them here and he has asked for building proofs here.

584f49 No.1780951

File: 84cd3cba9c5a1cb⋯.png (97.15 KB, 813x858, 271:286, welcome.PNG)


this is not your safespace. THE ENTIRE REST OF THE INTERNET IS FOR YOU.

This is not an 'inclusive' area where we have to cater to everyone's fee fees.

This is the hurtbox. not a hugbox.

go back to reddit until you can handle free speech

f9c666 No.1780952


The retail site is qanon.pub. This is back office wholesale stuff here.

54c7fc No.1780953


FFS lurk moar

5:5 is signal:noise meaning a 1 to 1 ratio


8885d9 No.1780954

File: da7b7a41f43b138⋯.mp4 (67.21 KB, 320x188, 80:47, Baseball MLB GIF - Basebal….mp4)



b2424a No.1780955

File: d47668a69ac899e⋯.png (1.73 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, CNNLiesAboutChildren.png)

CNN is lying about this directly, and it's easily provable. This isn't something that started under POTUS. Do a search on "children separated at border" and you'll see that almost every evil media outlet is promoting the idea that this started under Trump. It did not.

If we're going to beat the MSM, we need to attack their credibility first, and we need to be Blunt and Direct about it. Those are the legs that carry the giant.

Most people that understand subtlety have either already turned away or think that they're in the in crowd that understand that the media is lying for their benefit. For the rest, we need to hammer them with the truth, and we need to keep doing it over and over again.

3cca72 No.1780956


THIS! Q, you listening?!

26b78e No.1780957

File: 0db0fd2df5e9cb6⋯.jpg (130.5 KB, 1658x912, 829:456, HeKnowsEverything.jpg)

dcf003 No.1780958


a nice remix for you anon:


2c770c No.1780959


I don't think any of us have since November kek

fe8ee1 No.1780960


Keep it going. It looks like we are the the DJ's

e1b238 No.1780961


Keep the Push Anons

ea6ee5 No.1780962




9d19b9 No.1780963

File: e11b2f1493651aa⋯.jpg (25.77 KB, 480x360, 4:3, f045fef407ef11523da55c0f32….jpg)

2b07d5 No.1780964


Don't blame us for your idiocy

You should be sending your friends to Twitter

Look at #qanon or #greatawakening or even #MAGA

Only an idiot would send people here unless they know for sure

That the person has HIGH-FUNCTIONING AUTISM such as Aspergers syndrome

Or at the very least, is an idiot savant or super recognizer

This place is not for ordinary people so if you are an average citizen of the USA, FUCK OFF out of here. There is literally NOTHING USEFUL for you here. The friend that sent you here is an asshole. Tell them I said so. My name is A. Non or you can call me Anon for short.

dcf9b7 No.1780965

Stonetear gave it up

b69d06 No.1780966

Shills fighting shills fighting shills.

584f49 No.1780967


brilliant way to make us visualize the 4d chess. I get too focused on minutiae and rely on anons to paint a bigger picture like this.

<3 no homo

25a528 No.1780968


I wish to one day be as good as him

e1b238 No.1780969


Or Indonesia..

04d6ca No.1780970

File: 42fa4b8be32af6e⋯.png (531.23 KB, 656x811, 656:811, DoD 6-16-18 9 pm PDT.PNG)

0b2088 No.1780971

File: 127173ef7e9fd36⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 216.88 KB, 808x1000, 101:125, myboobsrbig.jpg)

25a528 No.1780972

File: 0e4eb9fd53b50f4⋯.jpg (58.04 KB, 717x379, 717:379, tweet-obama-wiretapping-wh….jpg)

Well this one aged very well. Remember how everyone (liberals) thought he was so crazy

185844 No.1780973



i didn't take the time to read it. lost me at 'will you anons'…

e16dd6 No.1780974


Put those things in a folder where you can find 'em down the road.

f2cbfd No.1780975


Tell those you send here that the anons who post porn are shills who are intentionally trying to drive serious anons away from the board, and to ignore them. I think that the Q Team will eventually solve this problem, but for now there is little we anons can do about it.

cb8b85 No.1780976

File: 7c56b0478fb431b⋯.png (106.74 KB, 267x331, 267:331, ias1.png)

File: 1e47fccbe800d45⋯.png (107.13 KB, 267x331, 267:331, ias2.png)

File: e3654f494d615a8⋯.png (107.83 KB, 267x331, 267:331, ias3.png)

File: 02a64b57a99472c⋯.png (110.04 KB, 267x331, 267:331, ias4.png)

Worked for Hillary


Also worked for Obama

87a292 No.1780977


now how do I get this as a persistent side bar

ccaffe No.1780978


Always gotta be some nigga tryin to infringe on my muthafuckin firs anemint

b52132 No.1780979

File: d444dd37da4ec29⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 551x558, 551:558, checkem_nasim.jpg)


Evan McMullin

24f9db No.1780980


That does make sense. Could be Obama with facial hair could refer to when he was pretending to be Osama. I remember back in the day in the 00's there were such theories floating around that Bin Laden already was dead and some actor was playing him and in the videos you could even see differences. Also why they never showed the body, he was dead for a long time already, maybe it was Sahole or what was it they killed him so he wouldn't sing about Obummer being gay like

057c41 No.1780981

File: 5bde4bd337c9ddd⋯.jpeg (28.16 KB, 474x270, 79:45, 12.jpeg)


Another option.

584f49 No.1780982


if vaccines create autism, then they created their own downfall

2c770c No.1780983

File: 745b4528b977861⋯.jpg (68.38 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, basic-yellow-cake.jpg)



He should have also asked her where the yellow cake went

9f0c1f No.1780984


I spent a "hunnert years" in here since then.

2a63e7 No.1780985

File: 80e4fb5250366dd⋯.gif (980.66 KB, 300x337, 300:337, wow.gif)


Fuck yourself, dude.

72f2c9 No.1780986


calm down anon.

I've been around with Q since the move from 4ch to here and I just picked up on the meaning 2 or 3 days ago - not everyone can live on the board and not miss a post.

b5a956 No.1780987

File: 1d8812e48dab26b⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1032x1100, 258:275, Screenshot_42.png)

File: 417fb43830ebf69⋯.png (247.99 KB, 366x502, 183:251, Screenshot_44.png)

File: 4f17d8b08991d00⋯.png (153.91 KB, 1279x813, 1279:813, Screenshot_45.png)

File: 46b1c8bec8e8661⋯.png (145.92 KB, 1097x906, 1097:906, Screenshot_46.png)


Sadik. It's been researched already.

Reread crumb.

Expand your thinking.

Sadik is leading you somewhere else.

Sadik is the easy find.

The much harder find is Obama's roommate BEFORE Sadik.

Sadik met Obama through a friend at a San Francisco party–Hasan Chandoo.

I can only find ONE pic of Chandoo, I am currently searching for more recent pics.

Chandoo works for Oppenheimer & Co. in New York. He was invited to the WH in 2009 for breaking fast at the Iftar Dinner.

I suppose he needed to pass security clearance for that.

I'm still digging for Chandoo, it's clear that Sadik has already been IDEN.

Have you IDEN other person?←-Sohale Siddiqi

Search Hussein admin.←-For who? Doesn't have to be "Sadik".

No facial hair.←-Clearly the person is not "Sadik"

Obtain name.←-Name of who?

Cross FBI sec clearance?←-Was unknown name able to cross FBI clearance?

No.←-This is your answer.

Why?←-Foreign ties

Origin?←-confirm other roommate to "no facial hair", since "Sadik" clearly has facial hair.


25a528 No.1780988


haha troll level: EXPERT!

31721b No.1780989

File: 5dbe2ccae156670⋯.jpg (16.13 KB, 240x255, 16:17, Jesusmiddlefinger.jpg)

e1b238 No.1780990

The Shills hate the Girls. lol

e5a67d No.1780991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9f6a0b No.1780992

this is getting closer to being possible


32e28e No.1780993


The forehead and head shape is 100% compatible.

0fd3a9 No.1780994




57a94b No.1780995


these guys want to help Q take down the pedophile industry by supporting the same industry that enables it

how ironic

how stupid

25a528 No.1780996

File: 4f3378b34480dfb⋯.jpg (34.52 KB, 570x310, 57:31, o-TWEET-570.jpg)

HOLY SHIT ANONS!!! How did I miss this one?!?! Back in 2016. Troll master!!!

691f59 No.1780997



This is truth.

e1bb18 No.1780998


the nose, eyes and eyebrows are way off

9b6cfe No.1780999

File: 1650d0ce5fe195d⋯.jpg (44.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1650d0ce5fe195d61ab377e8c1….jpg)

b52132 No.1781000

File: e5778dd4c464c9a⋯.jpg (19.36 KB, 540x373, 540:373, lurq3.jpg)

fe8ee1 No.1781001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9f0c1f No.1781002


Hollyweirdos are pushing it REAL hard too

4fccad No.1781003


Kinda sick of the fucking riddles at this stage of the game.

Feel like a cat chasing a laser pointer …

584f49 No.1781004



Eventually team Q will have to create their own board, as we get the internet cleaned up and people realizing that 'safe spaces' are merely tools for brainwashing conformity and they start rejecting 'political correctness' and 'safe spaces'.

32e28e No.1781005

8b54e4 No.1781006

>>1753009 (lb)

From the transcript of Trump speaking with thw press on the lawn of the White House on June 15….. the 13 angry democrats are Mueller's guys…

THE PRESIDENT: No, but I think that whole investigation now is — look, the problem with the Mueller investigation is everybody has got massive conflicts. You have Weissmann who was at Hillary Clinton’s funeral, meaning, her party that turned into a funeral. And they were screaming and crying and they were going crazy. How can you have people like this? So you have — "I call them the “13 Angry Democrats."” You have a tremendous animosity.

a1ea4d No.1781007

File: 8ca5099e047c522⋯.jpg (160.44 KB, 1261x840, 1261:840, Sophia_Lauren_and_Jayne Ma….jpg)

File: ce01edd49474ced⋯.jpg (373.04 KB, 710x778, 355:389, Sophia_Lauren_and_Jayne Ma….jpg)



Here, you seem to have good taste. You might appreciate these.

6babdb No.1781008


The left does this all the time. They don't look up anything.

Strictly emotional knee-jerk reactions.

They did the same thing with the Incubator babies,

bloody child in ambulance, dead baby by water,…..etc.

82862d No.1781009


Ears don't match, no dimple in chin.

Notables aren't mob rule wins.

cb8b85 No.1781010


Smile, age, hair loss. Watch a video of him, he's boney as well.

e12b8b No.1781011


>Oh fuck, you're right. Font size was 16. Changed to 14.

Don't change the tities. Asking for a friend.

39d67c No.1781012

File: 8c39bb837f66da5⋯.png (740.87 KB, 956x781, 956:781, bhomonkeypepe.png)

ea6ee5 No.1781013

File: 806522f5cfa3aa6⋯.jpg (155.88 KB, 800x532, 200:133, vinnie jones 6.jpg)


Knights of the Crystal Blade WTF

4fccad No.1781014


And that shut W's ass up for the rest of the campaign.

dcf003 No.1781015


triple 0's prove so

8c20ca No.1781016


Info on Chandoo is already in Notables today, anon. Check them out.

2b07d5 No.1781017


Same rounded eyebrows and lips. Bushy head of hair. This fits the guy in 1980 with Obama.

You won't get a precise match on one blurry photo, or with childhood photos.

1df3a3 No.1781018



I'll pass it on…

b3baa0 No.1781019

File: 92b2b54fccbb490⋯.png (161.07 KB, 403x457, 403:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83fa5da7dabdc26⋯.png (47.9 KB, 326x166, 163:83, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks good so far.


How are resizing the snips?

They are loosing a lot of quality.

3354f2 No.1781020

File: 621c796ad2b9785⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, A17CDA1F-24FB-46E1-B413-5B….png)

WHOLLY CRAP!!! I just did a web search on ‘why do all Pakistanis look the same’…lol, just for kicks, nothing came up, but I found this a page down! Isn’t this the city Obummer went to over their in the 80’s?


057c41 No.1781021


Let 'em hang Jayne.

547ae3 No.1781022

File: b77392baf680a59⋯.jpg (100.31 KB, 615x615, 1:1, 1529211019388.jpg)

File: b1139bce0bd918a⋯.png (46.44 KB, 1547x250, 1547:250, zxxs.PNG)

File: 825aafc6d4b18d9⋯.png (75.8 KB, 768x387, 256:129, xxa.PNG)

This picture is driving the JIDF fucking NUTS on 4chan. They are deleting thread after thread, trying everything they can to defeat it. Consider what this picture represents to the average voter. Get it out there.

67c443 No.1781023


Maybe she's sitting on a pillow. It looks black?

for such evil people they sure know how to smile.

460086 No.1781024

File: 78cdd5268e1516e⋯.png (277.84 KB, 649x361, 649:361, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdf6cf2ca9225f4⋯.png (977.04 KB, 2179x337, 2179:337, ClipboardImage.png)



Except aging doesn't make your nostrils flare out but this guy is awful close…except for the nose. Just look at this craziness!

54c7fc No.1781025

File: e6c34599fa0d53e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.56 MB, 909x1125, 101:125, pepetit2.png)

19f31c No.1781026


Think: double meanings.

When perception is the foundation of reality, what gives information power?

How is this power utilized?

a0d812 No.1781027

File: f98dc280d42a75b⋯.png (267.01 KB, 420x315, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

f9c666 No.1781028


You have never been involved in anything this important. Have fun with it. For damn sure the cat is having a ball.

cb141f No.1781029



double check your certs.

d237db No.1781030

File: bb60b16054bbf93⋯.jpg (178.25 KB, 1476x777, 492:259, nasimtopkek.jpg)

900e5f No.1781031

File: acb8a7099776892⋯.jpg (217.82 KB, 800x942, 400:471, Geraldo-Rivera--129364.jpg)


OK 9 post out of 200 post (20%) fag, here the real culprit for (You)…

Just to show I'm not bossy, will you please dazzle us with your talents on a new dig please? As far as who I think I am, I think I am 8 months in and at the same place many of us are at to be requesting the end of a slide. Let's ALL get onto diggin for the crescendo of this thing. Don't get caught caught being caught up. You're next man. The eyes are too fukken wide apart to be ME Chad.

ccaffe No.1781032

File: d4905105a690c61⋯.png (166.52 KB, 455x377, 35:29, Screenshot 2018-04-23 at 5….png)

415594 No.1781033

File: 7043e2219e07668⋯.jpeg (17.06 KB, 255x165, 17:11, e34b04dea5bf8da215545ee0b….jpeg)

File: 7adca9d984c73eb⋯.jpg (17.11 KB, 361x400, 361:400, obama-osamaii.jpg)

72f2c9 No.1781034

>>1780908 (you)

>>1780918 >>1780932 >>1780936 >>1780940

>>1780951 >>1780954 >>1780963 >>1780964

>>1780971 >>1780975 >>1780978 >>1780985

>>1780989 >>1780995 >>1781000

I don't suppose it occurred to you that the actual anons may not be the ones posting those bread-shitting pics had it?

I mean, Q being legit there would be a pretty strong effort to discredit, and as you so succinctly put it, that's one hell of a good way to do just that.

9d19b9 No.1781036

File: c4105c2bd124e14⋯.jpg (122.29 KB, 1107x830, 1107:830, crazteyes.jpg)


will you stop looking at me, lol

584f49 No.1781037


there's no thing they will believe, even the pictures of the nice dormitories.

I have think that this is part of the show, part of the moves prepared for and we'll see a plan introduced that will give the screaming liberals what they want..no separation of families…by processing them and deporting them the SAME DAY and no 'catch and release'.

32e28e No.1781038


Hence why I type forehead and head shape.

cb8b85 No.1781039


smile, and feel your nose. Aging, nose and ears get bigger.

54c7fc No.1781040

File: b99502f2cfe1314⋯.png (28.88 KB, 358x243, 358:243, ClipboardImage.png)


understood, but Q has been using it now like: "understood?" (pic related)

cb141f No.1781041


googleapis will pretty much get everyone here to avoid it….

7b94f1 No.1781042

File: 445a59523a2b0ef⋯.png (1.99 MB, 2936x1128, 367:141, michigan_chicago.png)

File: 03e889ab775ce6f⋯.png (189.71 KB, 602x536, 301:268, 2over nc.png)

File: 371a3dd2adf729a⋯.png (3.51 MB, 2416x1760, 151:110, 3 over st louis.png)

File: a6555a8ad622fb1⋯.png (368.04 KB, 888x704, 111:88, 2_over_fl_panhandle.png)

earlier I posted a wide shot with 16 helicopters up in the air

since then clusters of 2 and 3 helicopters have popped up in many of those locations

a1ea4d No.1781043


LOL; struck a nerve with that one!!!



c61bc2 No.1781044

File: ffafe69266daaec⋯.png (471.64 KB, 1536x2030, 768:1015, IMG_3659.PNG)

File: cbb3395671d20f1⋯.png (380.94 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_3660.PNG)

File: 2c5982f9ef32afc⋯.png (624.54 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_3661.PNG)


4fccad No.1781045


Good for Pakistan.

Idea: let's ship all of our turd-pushers to this buttfuck paradise Pakistan. They'll love it.

I hear Pakistan has beautiful fag views from the rooftops.

d237db No.1781046

File: bca7a25254bc580⋯.webm (2.56 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, nasimwink.webm)

0fd3a9 No.1781047


I switched to css but still have to hover over to see the post numbers

b5a956 No.1781048


Got it, Anon. Thanks!

e5a67d No.1781049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can you read the writing on the wall?

82d73d No.1781050


Yeah, and that research is WRONG.

You're trying to force it in with a crowbar to make it fit Q's instructions, when it just doesn't fit.

Q explicitly said that our target worked for the foreign arm of the STATE DEPARTMENT.

You can't just go and find someone who works at OPPENHEIMER, and go "¯\_(ツ)_/¯ OOPS OH WELL, CLOSE ENOUGH!" That's pants-on-head retarded.


(Without any crowbarring. Without any blatantly ignoring Q's instructions).


24f9db No.1781051


Different eyes, different ears, different nose. I'm not feeling it

b2424a No.1781052


I know, I know–that's why all of us are here: we're not the ones that fall for it. But most people that don't pay attention to the news do fall for it, so we've got to hit them hard, repeatedly, bluntly, and in as many ways as we can think of.

I see it like this: what does the front of a tabloid look like, and why?

They're meant to grab attention so they have large, bold images and alarming messages. We've got subtlety and humor down, but there's a whole crowd of normies that we're missing.

185844 No.1781053


it's the largest city

25a528 No.1781054

File: 7e36480bd6da354⋯.jpg (311.86 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, hillary-clinton-3.jpg)


You think they knew they were fucked in this moment?

26b78e No.1781055

File: 3e8df720b1c43ca⋯.png (1014.87 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

d13f14 No.1781056

File: d0a9a605d205b2b⋯.jpg (197.3 KB, 1811x291, 1811:291, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….jpg)

File: 1fce6ee05315f80⋯.jpg (501.21 KB, 1903x1103, 1903:1103, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….jpg)


I already gave you an answer when you posted this EXACT copypasta in the Q Construction Board, and you still haven't responded. This is starting to look like bullshit.


1dd022 No.1781057


simple solution is don't tell your friends.

opsec is everything

026dac No.1781058

dirac sea generator

negative energy

think mirror

up is down

down is up

“One gets over the difficulty in the classical theory by arbitrarily excluding those solutions that have a negative E. One cannot do this in the quantum theory, since in general a perturbation will cause transitions from states with E positive to states with E negative.” [ Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Vol. 117, 1928, p. 610.

In the study of electrons, we get a weird problem, where our equations predict electrons with negative energy. The negative energies will go from 0 to negative infinity. This is a problem, firstly, because we have never seen a single negative-energy particle. Moreover, it is a problem because electrons like to lose energy and go to lower energies whenever they can. If there are negative energies, then electrons will *always* have a lower energy state they can go to, so electrons should *always* be losing energy.

54c7fc No.1781059


>bread-shitting pics

do you mean baker girls or the legit gay pron shill?

63f19f No.1781060


So confirm other roommate without facial hair would be trying to find out hussein is?

da4cf3 No.1781061

File: 527d1abd15e3d9d⋯.png (1004.43 KB, 1200x733, 1200:733, ClipboardImage.png)


how about tallyweed

e16dd6 No.1781062

Posting something great an old friend wrote because it's fucking great.


DJT is one of the cringiest people I've ever seen. Can't even watch the man most of the time.

Obama was a smoooooth talker, easy on the ears.

It worked on many, including me at first. After Shrub he seemed like the perfect choice. Little did most of us know that he was indeed on a quest to "fundamentally change" this country, but not for the good of all. It continues to this day with the deeply entrenched apparatchik he and his "team" inflicted on us, not to mention his globetrotting efforts to undermine this administration.

The Chicago way is real, and it almost destroyed our Republic.

They will pay.


It takes a salty man to do some jobs, draining the swamp is not for the squeamish or polite.

Thank you for stepping up, President Trump.

We got your back.

415594 No.1781063


do you think its possible that using the research they have from looking into dna/ gene sequencing they targeted certain individuals/bloodlines who would be a threat to them ?

82d73d No.1781064

File: 180761f8ec7a08f⋯.png (41.63 KB, 162x119, 162:119, firefox_2018-06-17_01-14-2….png)


ARE YOU #$^$%&$% BLIND?!?

fe8ee1 No.1781065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c58bc0 No.1781066


as in he flipped?>>1780965

e264c8 No.1781067


Damn, we almost there

b3baa0 No.1781068

File: fedd5f7c788b620⋯.jpg (369.84 KB, 928x629, 928:629, potus-slap.jpg)

82862d No.1781069


Q knew the crowd when he came here. Stop trying to SJW it up.

aa153b No.1781070

File: a9d27dae03e24cc⋯.jpg (31.73 KB, 504x360, 7:5, brofist.jpg)

c58bc0 No.1781071


24f9db No.1781072

File: 197a1bf2a14aa1c⋯.gif (34.69 KB, 414x403, 414:403, 1526389185548.gif)


That's usually how the baddies go down

1d66d2 No.1781073

File: 4cf34b5dab2bfe3⋯.jpg (566.23 KB, 2772x1282, 1386:641, img_eggsif_450697252861610….jpg)

Notable Baker ==RED TEXT== "bold"

Weiner PC HRC+Huma/Child Porn ==RED TEXT==

F_I agent in NY wanted to expand search warrant because of what he saw while executing the initial warrant regarding Anthony Weiner sexting and HRC Emails related to the MYE. (((They))) made it go away with the help of Eric Schneiderman.

Are we warm here anons?

9d19b9 No.1781074

2a63e7 No.1781075

File: 82ffcb7e540d551⋯.png (387.88 KB, 674x514, 337:257, Screen Shot 2018-06-17 at ….png)


Thanks Anon!

Look at her checking 'them' out. LOL

c58bc0 No.1781076


584f49 No.1781077


oh feelsfag copypasta? lol

Im going to add that cap to the shill discussion thread

b52132 No.1781078


no way dopey prince would be caught dead in a pair of filthy converse

1ba83c No.1781079





26b78e No.1781080

File: e305e1f8de38a6c⋯.jpg (404.88 KB, 2112x2459, 2112:2459, YouFags.jpg)


thanks for the green(you)

dam (you)fags

e1b238 No.1781081

File: df49d35b4d9cf8d⋯.png (380.76 KB, 716x429, 716:429, df49d35b4d9cf8dd3879de6048….png)



In a Muslim Country?

Minimun in a Gay in the Middle east is castated or dead.

2e9bf4 No.1781082

Biggest Undeniable Q Proof?

The complete DEAFENING silence that #Qanon has remained unnoticed with.

ANY, and I mean ANY occurrence that can be spun and attributed to a perceived weakness against /ourPresident/ would be jumped on faster than anything the fake news cycle has ever seen.

Just think if the headlines would read:

"Inside In Trump Camp Travel Team Obtains Exclusive Photos And Posts Online In Conspiracy Theorist Infested 8Chan Imageboard WebsIte"

Why, I reapeat, Why has this not yet happened?

We know some of the failing media members right down to the reporters are here….

You know the reason.

Everyone knows.

Q has become DC's Open Secret.

That is ALL the proof I need.

2c770c No.1781083


It's like that alien selfie image all over again

b2424a No.1781084


That may well be true. I'm tempted to kick back, because I'm confident that Q team is going to win no matter what. But the one job I think we have is swaying opinion. As much as the research is my favorite, I don't think it matters as much as getting the truth out.

Q doesn't need us to give them the answers–they already have them.

What they need is for us to get the answers out.

95ac71 No.1781085



Sustainable Development Series = Destruction of this Civilization, what they know they can do and the results

History's Greatest Misconceptions Held by the Masses of People

1. The earth is flat

2. The Sun revolves around our Earth

3. "If God had wanted man to fly, he would have created us with wings".

4. Only God can control the Weather

Since our educational system has been deliberately dumbed down to prevent citizens from being well trained in logic, mathematics, and science, most people do not believe that man controls the weather. In this article, we will demonstrate the obvious worthlessness of this stagnate belief.

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.



We will discuss this fascinating subject from two major avenues. First, we shall discuss the proofs from a journalistic point of view that scientists can control the weather and can use its various means as weapons. This line of reasoning is important because the great majority of Americans have passed through a Public School System that has deliberately not taught logic, mathematics, and science.

d237db No.1781086


no amount of blow will ever shake that feeling…

4fccad No.1781087

File: ac8eb186abdccaa⋯.jpg (203.18 KB, 1280x1110, 128:111, asians.jpg)


← This is for your hard work in trying to clean up a board that was chosen for its commitment to free expression.


366ff6 No.1781088

File: 7eaf17db0cb79c8⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1594x861, 1594:861, zzzQ4DRONE.PNG)

9f6a0b No.1781089


not even close

25a528 No.1781090

File: bbdba73f1a3c739⋯.jpg (73.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 13.jpg)

13 hardened = 13 angry?

6d720e No.1781091


Dammit, I can't fuckin' breathe now.

Ah, home. Faggots.

5c264e No.1781092

File: 812829ce7fd9a43⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1761x922, 1761:922, 02362803947952.png)

9d19b9 No.1781093

File: ab6db6931007b95⋯.jpg (65.54 KB, 957x294, 319:98, perfectmatch.jpg)

File: 812cddb51330dd4⋯.jpg (39.04 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, mysteryman.jpg)

307ae4 No.1781094


Don't send them here. Give them these links, or send them this pdf. It is all they need to know, and is updated often.

-MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!xvwRWIAJ!8gTNs7D0bSv3nDaZDOA8v_2MJL4xtEDljsb-XJ1ZmQ8

-SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/381649759/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-4-0?secret_password=NeYfhMHHjCrRhYEoz0Tb

-MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/qoohdwmk88rer23/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.4.0.pdf

a1ea4d No.1781095

File: f5c2fe66a62d6be⋯.jpg (91.33 KB, 542x878, 271:439, 2abd407e718737244e9ced0d17….jpg)


Shills come here en masse. Please send your friends to normie friendly places. Q wants us to clean things up for presentation, but I can assure you that will not be able to happen here. There will always be shills posting shit, and there aren't ban-hammers big enough to get rid of them all.

Just send your friends somewhere else. Drinking directly from the "tap", here, can be tough task, and not everyone is up for it. Good luck, anon. Don't give up!

cb8b85 No.1781096

From the Guardian article-

Pakistani students Imad Husain, Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid who, like Siddiqi, were part of Karachi's wealthy elite. So close were the group that Obama went to Pakistan with them for a three-week holiday in 1981, staying with Hamid and Chandoo's families.


c58bc0 No.1781097

Obama sucks

0b2088 No.1781098


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

24f9db No.1781099


I think the bottomline here is with all these Pakistanis it somehow maybe links to either Osama or Awan or both

7b8ac6 No.1781100


New baker.

Why isn't that a copy paste list?

9d3163 No.1781101


>this isn't fucking reddit you newfag! LEARN TO DEAL OR GO HOME.

I suppose you are an oldfag now huh? Face it bitchfags, porn distracts and there is no way around it.

cb141f No.1781103



95ac71 No.1781104

****Secondly, we shall examine the scientific evidence that scientists do control the weather using Tesla Technology, which he developed from 1886-1928 ["The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla", by Nikola Tesla and David H. Childress, 1993.] As you read about our capabilities to control the weather, remember that the brilliant mystic scientist, Nikola Tesla, made the key discoveries almost 100 years ago! We do not know how far advanced Tesla was with his work on controlling the weather and its storms, but we feel fairly confident that the terrible storms and drought in the late 1920's may have been brought on by a deliberate use of Tesla technology.

b96b4d No.1781105

According to WL of emails from HRC/JP, multiple trips were made by Eric Schmidt(Google), Bill Richardson(Former Gov. Of New Mexico) & Jared Cohen(former U.S. State Department policy & planning adviser who then headed Google's New York-based think tank)



35efe1 No.1781106

File: fbe90cbf63a248c⋯.jpeg (48.49 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 2C317900-76D4-487E-9526-E….jpeg)

Dudes name is Sohale Siddiqi aka Hal Siddiqi.

All I had to do was google: ‘Obama Gay roommates’ and it showed up.

Mystery Solved

54c7fc No.1781107

File: 3c4d3d0c1598d7c⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, trumplaughing5.png)



415594 No.1781108


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuMShxAq7XQ i cant figure out how to embed but i watched this video a few months back

osama and obamas eyes match up alarmingly well

460086 No.1781109

File: 0993b09bb89af04⋯.jpg (256.71 KB, 804x1094, 402:547, hussein 4.jpg)


>Aging, nose and ears get bigger.

6d720e No.1781110


Jayne Mansfield is still my favorite.

The original bombshell O.O yowza.

2c770c No.1781111

>>1781080 (ewe)

9d19b9 No.1781112


lol there u r, havent seen i awhile

c58bc0 No.1781113


95ac71 No.1781114

Tesla Technology that makes control of the weather possible, is a fact of history that rivals any other single fact; the Illuminati made Tesla a very wealthy man for the rest of his life once he signed over his work, his discoveries, and the capabilities of his system to them.

From that moment on, Tesla virtually disappeared from the textbooks of American education, keeping us from becoming acquainted with the man who had discovered how to deliver free electricity to every home in America, among many other things. But, the Illuminati was driven by their occult beliefs and goals; therefore, they kept Tesla's technology secret, readying it for that day and hour when it could be used to set the stage for their coveted Masonic Christ, the Biblical Antichrist. It is toward this end we discuss that aspect of Tesla technology that controls the weather. We now believe that American and Russian scientists can and do control our weather. They can and do create much of the disturbances seen in nature for at least the past several decades.

fe8ee1 No.1781115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

All caught up on the crumbs and breads. Dang I missed a good day. Fathers take the day off and spend it with your kid(s). Happy Fathers day.

d13f14 No.1781116


I was waiting for someone to post that.

25a528 No.1781117


Wow its been way too long lol

26b78e No.1781118


just pos disruptors

d7c9a4 No.1781119



Obama is Osama? What???

f9c666 No.1781120


I was looking for one with green eyes.

1ba83c No.1781121


Kek. Home is fun, huh?

72f2c9 No.1781122


Didn't McCabe also recently get a divorce?

521bab No.1781123


if you come across other illicit items while undergoing a legitimate search subject to warrant then that evidence too can be used in a court of law.

c05475 No.1781124


You ought to try the Jap sex toyz- they are the shitz.

1d66d2 No.1781125

Notable Bake

"Weiner PC HRC+Huma/Child Porn"

F_I agent in NY wanted to expand search warrant because of what he saw while executing the initial warrant regarding Anthony Weiner sexting and HRC Emails related to the MYE. (((They))) made it go away with the help of Eric Schneiderman.

Are we warm here anons?

Take two no file upload.

54c7fc No.1781126

Well, the muh pron shills are back

they want the board "PG13"


95ac71 No.1781127

How many times have you heard the weatherman say:

Worst storm in history

Worst flood in past 100 years

Unprecedented ————— [fill in the blanks]

500-year Flood

Unbelievable ——– [fill in the blanks]

Unexplainable — [fill in the blanks]

1. Earthquakes – This phenomenon might be the most terrifying, since people cannot live without foundation. Entire city structures are based upon buildings having dependable foundations. Therefore, since the New World Order Plan envisions eliminating cities, we might expect that earthquakes would be a preferred weapon of choice. Severe earthquakes might result in the wholesale evacuation of cities.

2. Hurricanes and/or Typhoons – Wind has proven to be such a devastating force that, once again, it might force large-scale evacuation of cities if the incidence of hurricanes were to become so regular as to render a city location untenable.

3. Flooding – Rampaging waters are a huge force that threatens entire regions of the country. Since the goal is to force farmers out of business, or to return the most fertile farmlands back to "Nature" [which New Agers call 'Rewilding'], floods would be a most useful weapon. Flooding can also force farmers to miss an entire planting and growing season, thus reducing the amount of food available to a population. Most people think of a lack of food being caused by drought, when the reality is that flooding at the wrong time of the year can produce an equal loss of food production.

4. Drought – Lack of water is more devastating to farming than flooding. Since the population growth of the past 60 years would not have been possible had it not been for the growth in food production, we might expect that drought might be a useful tool in persuading people of the need to drastically reduce population growth.

In both flooding and drought, we have the potential of totally devastating a people's way of life.

Remember that the overall goal of the New World Order Plan is to reduce the world's population by two-thirds, and to set aside over 50% of America and other nations that would not off limits to humans for using or residing. These same people, i.e., Gore, Clinton, Bush now have control both over the amount of emergency stocks of food and of Weather Control capabilities!

5. Tsunami Waves – If someone would want to force people away from living on the coastline of any nation, consistent tsunami waves would be the ideal tool. This huge wave is totally devastating and terribly frightening.

110dd0 No.1781129

File: 98a78fb6a12fe6e⋯.jpg (60.96 KB, 564x602, 282:301, 2ff95d0a7f09be123ff78e113b….jpg)

File: 63c4fa8dfe07c8d⋯.jpg (71.58 KB, 500x503, 500:503, ae6aade2bd8d36a52863816216….jpg)

File: 7a67fdcc286c183⋯.jpg (12.02 KB, 236x318, 118:159, 9c51aac49a4aba4580dd96268d….jpg)

File: da3754362a1c117⋯.jpg (172.46 KB, 1400x1050, 4:3, praying_man.jpg)


Pray and meditate for your fellow anons because they carry the same Light of God.

Pray and meditate for yourself, because you carry the same Light of God.

Pray and meditate for the board, for your strength alleviates the weight that is carried on the shoulders of Good and Righteousness, and your belief in Truth banishes darkness and evil; their lies will never find a home here.

Pray and meditate for your families, anons, and for your friends: for it is for them that we do this, not for ourselves. The future is made for those that are not ourselves, but still we have Faith that they will continue to stand and be ready to fight for Truth and Love.

Pray and meditate for the families and friends of other anons; because we are strong, because of the sum of our individual, anonymous, but equally massively valued parts is incomprehensible. Where We Go One, We Go All, and thus, as we are bound to other anons, we are bound to those they Love through our Love for them and our cause.

Pray and meditate for POTUS and his loved ones; the sacrifices they have made has been softened by what they have gained by basking in the Light and Love of God, which is everlasting while all else is temporary.

Pray and meditate for those on the ground, air, and see fighting a secret but physical war: protection comes not only in armor that defends against bullets, but in knowing that there are those that recognize how great their contribution is, by taking our task with the upmost seriousness. We provide them a strength that cannot be defeated by our Faith, made possible by God.

Pray and meditate for the politicians who have fought for the side of Light; the swamp was deep, but they stayed submerged to the eyes and beyond to make sure that the lantern was held high above these abhorrent waters. Some swallowed the filth, but spat it out when given the first, True opportunity for Salvation.

Pray and meditate for the artists, the actors, and the athletes who have done the Righteous thing: they have gone above and beyond to show us that these people are only worthy of our True adoration when they conduct themselves in the Spirit of God and fight for Light, Love, and Goodness. Gone will be the days that the Colosseum hypnotizes the people and we will stand victorious as music, movies, television, sports, and other forms of art tell us what is Truly beautiful instead of the sickness they peddle as Glory.

Pray and meditate for the doctors, the teachers, police, firefighters, and all the other occupations entrenched within the battle for our youth, our health, and our safety knowing fully well they are surrounded by enemies and yet they do all they can to reverse the damage done by evil and strengthen us so we are better prepared to face it next time.

Pray and meditate, anons.

Pray and meditate together.


“For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them.” - Matthew 18:20

Why is this?

Because in each other, in sharing and strengthening God's Light and Love, we bring God closer to us and those that we touch.

So pray and meditate anons.

Pray and meditate.

Or don't. I can't make you do shit.

The Choice to know will be yours.

95ac71 No.1781130

6. Volcanoes – Erupting volcanoes can also dramatically change the landscape of the region in which it is located. Nearby cities can, and have been, eliminated. 7. Tornadoes – We have experienced such an increase in devastating tornado activity, one has to really wonder why.

8. Severe Heat over a long period of time – Of course, this capability produces the Drought of which we speak, above, and probably should have been mentioned in conjunction with it. However, our nation is currently in the grip of unprecedented heat this summer. How many consecutive days of 100+ degree weather does it take for fertile and productive farmland to be turned into wasteland? Does anyone know? Are we about to find out?

Now, let us return back to this United Nations' treaty prohibiting the hostile, or military, use of Weather Modification capabilities.

. These Weather Modification techniques can also control the "dynamics" of the earth. The Jet Stream is one such dynamic, but so are rainstorms, thunder and lightening, and hail. Can they control these as well? Doubt it not! Controlling the Jet Stream is a major factor in Part 3, so keep it in mind.

3. Scientists can also change the "composition or structure of the earth". This certainly sounds like earthquakes to me! We have been reporting since 1992 that the military can create earthquakes at any place on earth, using small nuclear devices. However, we had no idea they can create earthquakes using "Environmental Modification Techniques"! Such capability means that scientists afar off, pulling certain levers, can create earthquakes wherever they want, and probably, of the intensity they desire. It is one thing for people to live in such earthquake prone areas like California, thinking they will just "take their chances" of an earthquake killing them. But, it is another matter, indeed, for people living in these earthquake prone areas to understand they are in a hunter's rifle scope!! Of course, the "rifle" being aimed at them is not a traditional rifle, but the weapon of Weather Control that can produce earthquakes wherever and whenever they choose, of whatever intensity they choose.

4. These Weather Control techniques can damage, injure, or destroy, the "biota" of a nation! The word, "biota" refers to the "animal and plant life of a particular region considered as a total ecological entity". [Dictionary] In other words, these Weather Control capabilities can wipe out an entire ecological system?! This revelation is astounding…… http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1694.cfm

7016dc No.1781132

File: 063623de0cfbd16⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: 8f98896c0858d42⋯.jpg (77.16 KB, 800x930, 80:93, Sophia-Loren.jpg)

c51e6f No.1781133


The street runs both ways… freedom comes with responsibility … Some day you will loose the DEM programming

e5a67d No.1781134


We know when and how to cut the rope.


8f8cd5 No.1781135


You may be absolutely right Anon! Can you give sauce for this?

54c7fc No.1781136


did you just IP muh pron shill?

35efe1 No.1781137


That copypasta is legendary..


691f59 No.1781138


Love (You) BO!!!


9d3163 No.1781139


> This is for your hard work in trying to clean up a board that was chosen for its commitment to free expression.

We're here to fight the evil cabalist and kid rapists and killer who use porn industry for their evil purposes. Are you fucking brain dead or something?

8db12d No.1781140

File: ade11a0829f5a76⋯.png (316.35 KB, 413x431, 413:431, Screen Shot 2018-06-16 at ….png)

b3baa0 No.1781141

File: 07d3bb9be29cd36⋯.jpg (367.63 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Poppy-Kek.jpg)

026dac No.1781142

Any given musical composition can be precisely analyzed for its emotional impact. This invention systematically categorizes all kinds of music on a valence - arousal plane (explained below) using a probabilistic approach akin to communication systems. All music - irrespective of region, lyrics and culture - is identified as evoking a certain combination of emotions that can be precisely quantified and located on the valence-arousal plane. A detailed questionnaire is designed to validate the assumptions and predictions of the theoretical approach. A sample set of 79 individuals who were given the questionnaire were asked to adopt a rating scale to quantitatively assess the impact of each musical piece. Analysis of the data so gathered lends excellent support of the estimated impact (from theory) of any given musical composition. We all know that music of any kind or culture evokes/inspires/stimulates to a large extent an emotional response that is very specific to the stimulus. To start with, classical Carnati Indian music is considered in all its flavor. The fundamental claim is that every note (swara) evokes a corresponding emotional response independent of the specific position in the melody (raga). We consider the collective emotional impact of the fundamental 16 notes of an octave. Of these four notes termed dissonant notes (vivadis) also play a decisive role although only 12 notes are known to be 'fundamental'. One of the most common frameworks in the emotions field proposes that affective experiences are best characterized by two main dimensions: arousal and valence. The dimension of valence ranges from highly positive to highly negative, whereas the dimension of arousal ranges from calming or soothing to exciting or agitating.

c58bc0 No.1781143


9f0c1f No.1781144


Obama and his "circle" of buddies all went there

2a63e7 No.1781145

File: 62af648fd300d6d⋯.jpg (98.89 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, sophia2.jpg)



185844 No.1781146


there are over 16 million people in karachi.

0fd3a9 No.1781147

File: aee9856d3f8f27c⋯.png (393.24 KB, 365x491, 365:491, LP.PNG)

God Bless our daily Bread

Remember Anons, we are ALL God's children.

72f2c9 No.1781148

File: ae3688a923448cb⋯.png (173.23 KB, 248x379, 248:379, ClipboardImage.png)

b69d06 No.1781149


Is this Jesse Ventura?

e1b238 No.1781150


Fight of Copypasta. KEK.

1df3a3 No.1781151


its going to be Qproofs.com

rn Qproofs is just my megadrive…

the domain switch should happen sometime tomorrow

00e2d8 No.1781152

come on anons… its Vallery Jarrett' he had some

"work" done >>1780715

057c41 No.1781153


Liddle Whoops. Luckily he got to be in the picture.

9f6a0b No.1781154


Raping young boys is allowed. Of course when those young boys grow up confused and seeking homosexual relationships as a result of their abuse, then there is trouble.

3354f2 No.1781155


I thought all Japanese women had pixelated Bush?

a35700 No.1781156

MSM heavily pushing immigration. Completely ignoring IG findings

ec8a81 No.1781157


So now Saddiqi is Maqbool? Dammit man WTF…

521bab No.1781158

File: ec27b2a6320fb9d⋯.jpg (87.84 KB, 310x255, 62:51, no.jpg)

54c7fc No.1781159


those are baker girls

ea0171 No.1781160


Red text "baker is comped" guy has always been the mark of a shill.

Thus it is now. Hairlines, nose, and eyes don't match. Shill is trying to divert with false info.

7b94f1 No.1781161

File: d35d429eb7efe63⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1878x1784, 939:892, blocked_out_of_LI.png)

460086 No.1781162

File: bd60aa8ebd86b8f⋯.png (227.07 KB, 635x331, 635:331, ClipboardImage.png)


40c97b No.1781163


The only thing this guy is going to kill are millions of sperm cells in his mom's shower.

f9c666 No.1781164



7339ca No.1781165

Tits and arse pics are just a sliiiiiiiiiide. If you think posting a pic is more important than posting truth of shit, then your just a useful idiot shitting up the board. Yeah yeah, female appreciation, bullshit. Just a slide tactic.

d237db No.1781166

File: 89986ed18e1bc9f⋯.jpg (316.52 KB, 980x551, 980:551, nasimseal.jpg)


nasim win

fe8ee1 No.1781167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2eee26 No.1781168

File: 3ffa0132f8c21c1⋯.jpeg (147.33 KB, 1670x974, 835:487, image.jpeg)


Slang Report Formats (Five by Five; 5:5)

A report format commonly referred to as five by five is often used in media. The report format ostensibly consists of two digits, each ranging from 1 to 5, resulting in 25 possible combinations, with five by five being the best signal possible out of 25 combinations. As no reliable source has been found documenting this format, it may simply be Cold War-era slang, inappropriately mapping the radiotelegraph signal report numbers to radiotelephony signals.

Some radio users have inappropriately started using the Circuit Merit telephone line quality measurement. This format is unsuitable for radiotelegraph or radiotelephony use because it focuses on voice-to-noise ratios, for judging whether a particular telephone line is suitable for commercial (paying customer) use, and does not include separate reports for signal strength and voice quality.

ec8a81 No.1781169


Ah that's the actor, confused me for a minute.

54c7fc No.1781170


KEK, I thought you were the one I asked, but when I saw you weren't, audibly kekked

ffaae3 No.1781171


Yeah, they are totally NOT gay, but some how they can get a hardon and reach orgasm by fucking little boys in the ass. Yeah, totally NOT gay.

26b78e No.1781172

File: cc6b4766f4c8d7a⋯.png (757.54 KB, 722x920, 361:460, ClipboardImage.png)

25a528 No.1781173

File: ba52a2e47d717aa⋯.png (185.96 KB, 980x504, 35:18, 980x.png)

He knows

4cda3c No.1781174


first observation

6 foot tall

my 2¢


04d6ca No.1781175


If you friends are appalled by some tits and ass they are not ready for the truths exposed here

I think you are likely a shill making up this story

My neighbor, very religious, no TV etc etc saw some images when I tried to show her the BDT proof

She didn't even flinch

I just said sorry ignore that it's 8 chan

Wasn't even an issue for her

a1ea4d No.1781176

File: e9bc9572968792e⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 250x197, 250:197, wooooooo.gif)

8db12d No.1781177



it reminded me of the spacing in the McCabe family photo

cb141f No.1781178


shit should post some of him doing the hail satan signs to aggravate them further….

d237db No.1781179



72f2c9 No.1781180


that's why there's a filter by post/id/id++ etc


8d3c9e No.1781181


Doesn't matter. I have the luxury of not lying and XVII team can vouch. TRUTH BEFORE GOD!

e264c8 No.1781182


I don't even know what in the fucking fuck to think…

584f49 No.1781183


Imagine them all, anon.

imagine them hunkering down over every word to see if we found THEIR individual weak spot yet. trying to glean the plan. their darkened rooms, their sweat. Oh the big ones are paying people to watch and scribble frantic notes and try to intervene. imagine the minions weak knees in the morning as their overlords scream at them for not being able to stop or sway anons from their appointed rounds.

We post. we dig, we meme, we LAUGH.

ee4b9e No.1781184


didn't they have another roommate at the time?

he would be most likely photog just by proximity and opportunity

1ba83c No.1781185

>>1781167 keep it up Anon. Exactly what I need brother!

>>1781162 fucken kek…. I think you got it anon

4fccad No.1781186



W looks 3 sheets to the wind, just so he can deal with the impending prison term.

Hillslag and The Rapist look like Beelzebub himself just winked at them.

9d3163 No.1781187


Hey assface, I'm throwing up two fingers in your general direction right now. Want to guess what they are?

25a528 No.1781188

File: ed0f7d4ac71adb6⋯.jpg (41.64 KB, 600x521, 600:521, monroe_21.jpg)

82d73d No.1781189


Want to make sure it gets included this time:


95ac71 No.1781190


LINK WO weather warfare has waaaaay more info. I postid only tidbits


54c7fc No.1781191


no just double meanings

reread crumbs

d237db No.1781192

File: 9057ade254dfe5e⋯.gif (6.14 MB, 302x200, 151:100, ricflairgif.gif)

f2cbfd No.1781193


Thanks for this list. I am here to stay, but I'm afraid to send my increasingly red-pilled family and friends here.

f9c666 No.1781194


The truth is going to be ugly and offensive to most, churchgoer or nah. Many will wish it was only pics of naked girls.

26b78e No.1781195

File: a1cb09a84a04ee6⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 4010x1901, 4010:1901, nassim.jpg)

if you can stop the porn could you stop the nasim please!

584f49 No.1781196

File: 3ffd00edfd4fa96⋯.jpg (68.59 KB, 612x411, 204:137, 1478738348351.jpg)

307ae4 No.1781197


I could care less about safe spaces, but a shill free board would be fantastic.

54c7fc No.1781198


cya next bread (or IP hop) muh pron shill

e1b238 No.1781199



And it's british Colony. that could be territory of the India



Obviously Pakistan is the Palace for baseness.

a1ea4d No.1781200

File: 7e23aab83969e10⋯.jpg (117.94 KB, 910x596, 455:298, englishmofodoyouspeakit.jpg)

05def3 No.1781201


I would be on board with these beauties as new baker girls

4cda3c No.1781202

File: 4b7283378da8060⋯.jpg (108.13 KB, 904x1158, 452:579, _20180616_034419.JPG)

d237db No.1781203

File: 34e3545d9becd4f⋯.jpg (95.69 KB, 1134x556, 567:278, nasimpickels.jpg)

35efe1 No.1781204

File: ee22f29e08a194a⋯.jpeg (118.33 KB, 640x660, 32:33, C98D2DA3-7F91-49CF-9217-8….jpeg)


54c7fc No.1781205


post them, we don't mind at all

e5a67d No.1781206


Don't send anyone here who is a risk of suicide unless that is your intent or you have a way of pulling them back.

4cda3c No.1781207

File: 68ccdf46eb54e14⋯.jpg (102.84 KB, 1063x876, 1063:876, _20180616_033056.JPG)

7016dc No.1781208

File: e1b000a8e2d2f71⋯.jpg (94 KB, 692x865, 4:5, s-l1000.jpg)

File: a0ef52556955295⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 366x488, 3:4, movie-star-news-sophia-lor….jpg)


The true Essence, of the term


Oh Sophia

Mi amore!

9f6a0b No.1781209


Escept that noses and ears both continue to grow with age. And the nose will dip down at the tip with age. I'm not by this saying that it is him. But only that these are positives rather than negatives in regards to this photo.

The eyebrows differ not as bushy does that change with age?

31721b No.1781210

File: 81040473fb0c711⋯.jpg (29.69 KB, 630x228, 105:38, abcwapol.JPG)

That had to hurt ABC to admit.

9d19b9 No.1781211


nasim is ok, one of us

just marches to the beat of a dif drummer as we all do

2c770c No.1781212


Yup. You'd think they'd be all over this like stink on shit to discredit and ridicule day in and day out.

04d6ca No.1781213


Remember last week when POTUS said he didn't need to "prepare" for NOKO, that he'd been preparing his entire life.

His old tweets are telling in what he plans to change during his presidency

He's been been preparing for more than NOKO his entire life

6874a5 No.1781214


Eric Schneiderman also made the NXIVM complaints go away for a while.

9d3163 No.1781215


Bill and Hillary both look like they know they are about to get railroaded.

Dubya is smirking, probably thinking "I hope this shit stays with Bill and Hillary and gets buried with them."

Question is, what does Laura Bush do? She has an bad feel to her in this picture.

3cca72 No.1781216

This may be heresy, but…. what if Q mistook the guy in the photo for someone else.. who meets all of the criteria?

4fccad No.1781217


Only when the bush has a dick in it.

87a292 No.1781218

File: b90be1cc2d7e4f7⋯.png (153.41 KB, 414x235, 414:235, ClipboardImage.png)


54c7fc No.1781219


can you imagine what the REAL stats are?

26b78e No.1781220


never saw that one of her, great find

early stuff

584f49 No.1781221


because they dont want to call more attention to it

they think they will outlast us

1df3a3 No.1781222

File: 4b284bba0b32d86⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, trumplaughing3.png)


its an old inside joke from 2017.

…you'd had to been there.

95ac71 No.1781223


I say nah, much better looking that cozystache

4c6942 No.1781224


>"Inside In Trump Camp Travel Team Obtains Exclusive Photos And Posts Online In Conspiracy Theorist Infested 8Chan Imageboard WebsIte"

I thought Vice had an "A look at the illogical, bonkers, and definitely untrue, goy, conspiracy theory called Q" story recently?

95ac71 No.1781225

*than damn

67c443 No.1781226


I have no idea how 'the photog" could be the right answer; but it's a lead.

If Barry never had a beard. Maybe he just liked to shave?

the hips on McCabe's wife? I'm unsure that's a photoshop, looks like a black pillow. and what would be the purpose. If the children were photoshopped that might be something. But it doesn't look to me like they are.

the mustache on the guy on the couch looks definitely drawn in. why would they do that? Could it be because he was underage? Doesn't "Obama" like underage?

ea6ee5 No.1781227


Been awhile kek

31721b No.1781228


MSM is quickly losing control of the narrative. Finally.

e1b238 No.1781229



72f2c9 No.1781230


You would be correct. Maybe my message was not received.

54c7fc No.1781231

File: 43e2a626c4b1e74⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1440x1079, 1440:1079, trumplaughingpepe.png)

da4cf3 No.1781232

File: 6c159caa799d5f6⋯.png (1.12 MB, 712x1024, 89:128, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice job.


6e27c3 No.1781233


Um no, homicidal maniac, narcissist. Not like us at all.

b35c70 No.1781234



But a good laugh.

2c770c No.1781235

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


His replacement is here. Starts at 1:13

24f9db No.1781236



It's much older than that

4c6942 No.1781237



I. Hate. Cokeheads.

A drink or a pothead anyday over coke fiends.

430744 No.1781238


this is a good example of a post that deserves a simple "newfag" or "lurkmoar" or link to welcome page. Too many anon's rage responding are thinning out the breads. To all the anon's that responded here who are not bots: if you see someone has already dealt with the "newfag" then you don't have to.

d237db No.1781239


>He's been been preparing for more than NOKO his entire life

I recognize a winner when I see one, and I don't waste my time with people whom I find morally reprehensible. KEK

4fccad No.1781240

File: 05cd29d2661f606⋯.jpg (190.4 KB, 750x1156, 375:578, fatfuck.jpg)


Fuck off back to reddit.

I already have a mother, and you ain't her, censorcunt.

f96508 No.1781241


Was he part of Obama's Choom gang, do you know? Asking because Post I did last bread makes reference to someone he called Kook

38b6b4 No.1781242

File: 75f6f9016eaf4aa⋯.png (423.86 KB, 661x513, 661:513, Screen Shot 2018-06-16 at ….png)

9f0c1f No.1781243

04d6ca No.1781244


I am looking into Chandoo as well

I thought these pics might be of the same person


cozystache has been identified by different names

may be one or the the other or neither

584f49 No.1781245



she's a meme now. You can't stop the memes.

nobody can stop memes.

I promise you, 10 years from now someone is going to post nasim in some totally unrelated board. And you're going to be giddy with joy and realize another anon is near.

9d19b9 No.1781246


so u believe the official story?

i do not

54c7fc No.1781247


the shills are SJW fucks

theres a difference between a picture of a woman/man and pron

25a528 No.1781248


I saved the pic of yours that I responded to. Just beautiful

7016dc No.1781249


you are a bot!

6babdb No.1781250


It is not agreed upon yet. Put your ego aside for a bit.

67c443 No.1781251

72f2c9 No.1781252



I'm agreeing with you

2c770c No.1781253


Forgot to add this sets the stage to go after the Clinton Foundation.

26b78e No.1781254

File: 5e8a720b2a9bf7b⋯.png (410.83 KB, 480x612, 40:51, ClipboardImage.png)

71a568 No.1781255

File: ffc3f753a4b77b1⋯.png (961.06 KB, 1102x750, 551:375, vn1.png)

File: e9c8b702f05dd7c⋯.png (453.76 KB, 892x702, 446:351, vn2.png)

File: 8e65854641ecacd⋯.png (531.35 KB, 592x902, 296:451, vn3.png)

7b8ac6 No.1781256


Needs a link to proof.

da4cf3 No.1781257


plot twist: that's eric schneiderman in drag.


e5a67d No.1781258


We celebrate her life, not her death.

4fccad No.1781259

File: a99beb851b291b6⋯.jpg (39.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, bikinicontest.jpg)


>who use porn industry for their evil purposes.

I'm sure the cabal uses guns for their evil purposes as well.

Gonna give up your guns, fuckwit?

Stupid argument … are you fucking brain dead or something?

d13f14 No.1781260


No, this meme's almost 8 years old now.

Post last edited at

f9c666 No.1781261


Damn! Aren't there any attractive progressive women? Are they all fat and ugly?

2c4d24 No.1781262


she filed the suit against Trump yesterday

c61bc2 No.1781263

File: 317c8a422f11bef⋯.gif (19.98 KB, 175x95, 35:19, IMG_3656.GIF)

82862d No.1781264


When was he in college with Obama?

2b07d5 No.1781265


If this is Soomro, then who is on the couch. I cannot find any trace of this Chandoo other than the one picture on the couch

cb8b85 No.1781266


3rd in line Jimmy

35efe1 No.1781267


‘Gay Leader’

At a conference or speech

Don’t know name but here’s link:


6babdb No.1781268


NO facial hair.

fe8ee1 No.1781269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

584f49 No.1781270



this is not your safespace. you have the entire REST OF THE INTERNET for that. Please enjoy any one of the other 2 billion websites on the internet.

26b78e No.1781271


im with it

i think she would have loved this place

she could have vented here

25a528 No.1781272


oh wow. Its sexy because its playful

9f6a0b No.1781273


This is stupid, this is not the couch guy.

1df3a3 No.1781274


10 4…

good to know.

I seen it for the first time on /cbts/

d00d54 No.1781275


I put it up on farcebook and got blasted to kingdom come.

fe8ee1 No.1781276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prevision bread mellow music fags.

71a568 No.1781277


Notables aren't endorsements, it can be included as a theory

c51e6f No.1781278


Hey guys this shill just pulled the mommy thing on me LMAO…

Done .. Basement rat making $14.95 p/h Soros paycheck.. SO SAD

32e28e No.1781279


you got balls, that's basicaly social suicide

54c7fc No.1781280

File: 0d90069e21cb478⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1501x1079, 1501:1079, trumplaughing6.png)


]BO, the meme is old(just goodfellas), but with the different people in them I've been making over the past few days

I think they're hilarious

4cda3c No.1781281

File: 1e08b6e14008296⋯.jpg (127.52 KB, 1358x1170, 679:585, _20180616_034851.JPG)


who evr pissed this guy off needs to go back to reddit

0b2088 No.1781282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Might be kind of interesting, short video pointing out Obama never mentioned his trips to pakistan and indonesia in either of his two memoirs. Check out the comment at the bottom from six years ago


Day 699 May 29/12 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign to Remove & Indict the man dba Barack Hussein Obama 11, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano et al. Barry is a crook with Bank One now CHASE who with SAC created fraudulent estates of me deceased. I was in Great Britain for one day in late 2003. Also France. I did NOT know that REIT attorneys had created my death on paper in 1999. Probably long before as well. Insurance for the CIA American Com

Honey R Siegal (imatruthsayer)

6 years ago

Chicago lawfirm where Bogus Barry met his future wife in 1989 was Sidley Austin Brown & Wood in Bank One Plaza. This lawfirm IS doing global fraud using my co . of Zenadev to manipulate the global debt. There is a choice of 2 people who funded this dastardly deed. One is the real unindicted mastermind of 911 who tried to murder me & created the fraudulent estate of Honey R Siegal deceased. The other is his MafiosoMort father who stole my personal property with forethought & Malus. Honey R Siegal

4c6942 No.1781283


No, that's "Shecks fer favers, secrets, coverupsh, corrupshon."

6874a5 No.1781284


She looks pretty swampy to me. Her wiki is too.

e1b238 No.1781285

File: 3355a5c4a6507af⋯.png (54.18 KB, 646x356, 323:178, SN.png)

Meanwhile in the Middle East.

This Cute Sandnigger said that 390 Hothings were killed (600 Injured) by the Arab Coalition Yesterday

https:// twitter.com/ToEducate/status/1007952116932018176

9f0c1f No.1781286


…………………..Jeebus Fekking Cripes

597fad No.1781287

>>1780032 (lb)

Uh not sure if anyone noted this but in the video..

5:57 - 6:05 Someone whispers "Look who's acting now" or something similar.


71a568 No.1781288


Was it stupid when people posted Sohale Siddiqi for 24 hours? Kek

ffaae3 No.1781289

File: 6bba8fcc303bb12⋯.jpg (6.08 KB, 259x194, 259:194, bert.jpg)

Found him…eyebrows match, and he was in Pakistan. Worked for the Sesame Street dept.

f2cbfd No.1781290


This isn't about safe spaces or political correctness, it's about losing the opportunity to red pill new visitors because they are disgusted by the porn and leave before we can convince them. This is a battle against pure evil and having porn on our board does not lend credibility to our efforts.

95ac69 No.1781291


Nice. Or WWG1WGA or "no one person is above another" is just for the lower class and the elitist shit starts all over.

2c4d24 No.1781292


she filed the lawsuit against Trump yesterday.

185844 No.1781293

File: 78b6bd47cd3fa7c⋯.png (525.39 KB, 500x710, 50:71, ClipboardImage.png)

3354f2 No.1781294

File: b1b31e2dd0f02ca⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 600x338, 300:169, 74CE7DD9-D193-43F0-B54E-7C….gif)

9d3163 No.1781295


>cya next bread (or IP hop) muh pron shill

Guess what buddy, it's a fuck you and a fuck you too. See ya round kid, dont take it personal.


>its an old inside joke from 2017.

>…you'd had to been there.

i member seein that copypasta on /k/ in the early meme wars of 08. this was before the glockanades.

1df3a3 No.1781296


nah nigga, i was talking about the

"what the fuckd u say to me lil bitch" copypasta…

which I also realized is much older than I assumed.

82d73d No.1781297


LOTS of anons already thought it was worthy, when it was ignored by sleepy baker last bread.

LOTS MORE anons thinks it's a worthy theory in this bread.

It's not about me. It's about the research, and the research is good - an no amount of faceblind sperging is going to change that.

7a8afa No.1781298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



584f49 No.1781299

File: 60f63c64d6d4808⋯.jpg (108.03 KB, 915x561, 305:187, mushtache.JPG)

415594 No.1781300

did we ever figure out what it was that made the shills post gay porn

i noticed it started when people said that the guy on the couch was not saddiq

4fccad No.1781301


>Aren't there any attractive progressive women?

They are known as trannies.

26b78e No.1781302

File: a75cb2e71e1baa3⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 2165x2639, 2165:2639, comfortfag.jpg)

the problem with the porn is it is usually taking advantage of someone in a bad spot

drugs pros

not always but most.

also alot of girls get started early by force

porn not always fun

bdd472 No.1781303

File: 8b81f057755e99d⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 255x244, 255:244, e1749ace59c3c47bcb7231fb02….jpg)

Just stopping by to say one thing.

Fuck Thomas the "Me. I said it, I was right, none of you know anything without me attention seeking whore." Wictor.

I can't stand the mother fuckers attitude towards people.

Bitter old faggot.

(((Wictor))) divisionfagging

31721b No.1781304


Really anon. Stormy?

f9c666 No.1781305

25a528 No.1781307

File: 1300ef40e102728⋯.jpg (173.6 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, pjimage (1).jpg)

72f2c9 No.1781308



>>Aren't there any attractive progressive women?

Attractiveness is such a misygonistic attribute

aa153b No.1781309

File: 28440fa3a48d196⋯.jpg (5.17 KB, 300x168, 25:14, putin.jpg)

fe8ee1 No.1781310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

26b78e No.1781311

File: 07371b69b07a661⋯.png (637.27 KB, 1000x1462, 500:731, ClipboardImage.png)

5f9fcb No.1781312

Here's another slip up by Pamphlet Anon


efc4a0 No.1781313

Got an interesting lead here. Not sure where it ends up. Follow me down the rabbit hole. The name Christopher Harvin from this article jumped out as having the same profile of a non-registered foreign agent as Manafort: https://www.thedailybeast.com/watchdogs-gops-man-in-israel-illegally-lobbied-for-anti-semite

I'll let the forum piece it together. FYI, there might also be a "follow the wives" case here as well, but that's not where I dug first. I haven't determined if this is an /our guy/ or /their guy/ case, but he's somebody's DC creature for sure. Lots of establishment connections on both side and some worrisome historical connections. Some, though, are more positive. The New America panel is suspect, but the content of his responses put him right into the conversation of winning hearts and minds through social media, PR, defense, etc. Doesn't seem to think that leveraging social media isn't propaganda, but only empowering…you guys figure it out. He does seem particularly knowledgeable about the crossroads of social media, military psyops, and geopolitics.

Advisor to plasma company: https://www.advancedplasmasolutions.com/staff/christopher-harvin/

Working with Arabs: https://www.algemeiner.com/2012/05/01/a-brutal-business-arab-nations-make-10-new-pr-agency-hires-since-last-year/

Libya: http://lias.ly/en/news-read/lias-hires-sanitas

Hired by Hungary on Trump recc: https://english.atlatszo.hu/2018/03/12/hungarian-government-hires-trumps-israel-campaign-chief-as-a-lobbyist/

Partner: https://www.sanitasint.com

New America panel: https://youtu.be/ndWlSuUdYBE?t=10m27s

Dec 2016 Trump spokesman: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/politics/political-pulse/os-trump-thank-you-tour-orlando-20161216-story.html




Partner: https://barbaricum.com/


NGO co-founder, work, and symbolism: http://vanguardafrica.com

5c264e No.1781314

File: 7b69f1def5629fd⋯.png (99.62 KB, 1752x657, 8:3, 070648014911430164381.png)

3354f2 No.1781315

File: 28268d510fa35a3⋯.gif (498.71 KB, 500x280, 25:14, A9B69D8B-7587-4003-96D6-5E….gif)


Money Shot - - -

2c770c No.1781316


Anyone who can't spell their own Victor name should always be ignored.

35efe1 No.1781317

File: e62af23af0af320⋯.jpeg (118.19 KB, 640x657, 640:657, 57B73483-382D-42F7-AAF0-5….jpeg)


What’s habbenin here?


Dude he’s hugging looks like him.

Described in photo caption as a ‘Gay Leader’.

I did a google search for ‘Obama Gay Arab’ and this popped up in images lol

Here’s link:


‘Gay Leader’

At a conference or speech

Don’t know the gays name but here’s link:


306d6c No.1781318

File: 3c05aeb6052fbde⋯.jpg (314.38 KB, 1505x1129, 1505:1129, FREE_WILL_Q.jpg)

File: edb2dea98c7cd5a⋯.jpg (49.49 KB, 313x493, 313:493, shilltering.jpg)



>please keep these boards decent so that it is a place where we all can go.

With Liberty comes personal responsibility. The beauty of this venue is that everyone has access to a trash can (the "Filter" function in the top left corner of each post), so if you see some garbage that is personally disturbing you, you just filter that post and the ID+ and POOF!!! NO MORE TRASH!!!


67c443 No.1781319


I don't care who the credit is.

these people are liars.

He fucking forged his birth certi

You think you can trust that?

Oh "Q" didn't want us using our eyes and brain to figure out who it was.. It must be the photog. He has not beard." Ur insane.

72f2c9 No.1781320


Guessin you just got blocked.

welcome to the club - here's your card, the kek in down the hall will help you fill out your paperwork.

He's a mossad shill, or did you think he gets that solid of info on such a fucking huge range of topics just by being a shut-in PTSD mommas boy?

602b2d No.1781321


Geez dude this is 8chan. The more you complain, the worse it gets, especially with all the shills/clowns coming here. You're like the old biddie storming into a strip club demanding the girls put their clothes on and yelling at all the dudes to not look at them. If you have to send people here send them to Q Proofs. DON"T send normies here! It's like sending Girl Scouts to the front lines. FFS can we have just one fuckin' place on the internet where we can say and post what we want? You normies have all kinds of social media to go to. Ya know what? I think I think you're a clown/shill trying to stir up shit. Go fuck yourself. Start your own board!

a1ea4d No.1781322



Could you imagine being a black hat, at this point, checking the drops/crumbs from Q for your name; constantly wondering if it's your turn yet?


9d19b9 No.1781323

File: e009854ddd85d4f⋯.jpg (114.71 KB, 561x700, 561:700, beautiful_asians.jpg)

File: 44f4d0febd81e42⋯.jpeg (145.32 KB, 607x1280, 607:1280, sexyindian.jpeg)

File: a0d3cd5c5d1ba0a⋯.jpg (417.74 KB, 1920x2500, 96:125, niceass.jpg)

i prefer these types of baker girls as well as the real classy ones

71a568 No.1781324

File: 582b9964a7c5953⋯.png (1.02 MB, 734x958, 367:479, flowers.png)

File: 2407dc11bf3b793⋯.png (664.36 KB, 1288x882, 92:63, image2.png)

26b78e No.1781325

File: 18d549e3f7daefc⋯.png (298.69 KB, 836x315, 836:315, ClipboardImage.png)

e5a67d No.1781326

They wanted to know how many people I was going to kill. Some decisions should be made together over dinner.

82862d No.1781327


When was he at college with Obama?

Looking sorta similar isn't enough.

fe8ee1 No.1781328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fe8ee1 No.1781329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

17dcc9 No.1781330


What a swamp rat shithead. This bitch is splitting hairs on procedural nonsense. It gives out MORE than it takes in. I hope the special place in hell that is set aside for this swamp rat has no child porn for her.

c61bc2 No.1781331

File: 3416644e859eaea⋯.jpg (111.09 KB, 640x888, 80:111, IMG_2857.JPG)

25a528 No.1781332

File: abad9e818a69a30⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 2c8cvz.jpg)


Ok here you go

ea6ee5 No.1781333

f9c666 No.1781334


No, it's a biological imperitive. Natural selection and all that stuff. We are made that way. Misogyny is a made-up issue created by the PC police.

4fccad No.1781335

File: 250718189977bae⋯.png (546.69 KB, 425x950, 17:38, ClipboardImage.png)



26d945 No.1781336

File: 222967c4a14bcad⋯.png (261.65 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-17-00-2….png)

File: 1e9c30406b469c9⋯.png (335.49 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-17-00-2….png)

File: f5003e3940983dd⋯.png (308.24 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-17-00-2….png)

File: f5003e3940983dd⋯.png (308.24 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-17-00-2….png)

File: f72fa035c322188⋯.png (316.67 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-06-17-00-2….png)

This is a must read article, even if you don't think Nasr is dude on couch


d237db No.1781337

File: 41394ca646957ba⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 700x420, 5:3, dworkin.jpg)

0fd3a9 No.1781338


I get your point, I have kids that I would love to show some things but won't expose them to this board because of the things shown. That being said, we will have a place to send the normies,family and friends without all the stuff we endure here, and i'm not talking about the baker girl pics, who cares , if anons like them so be it, freedom is what it's about in here. No,i'm talking about the clown shill posts of tranny porn and the like, even if every anon agreed to never post nudes, what about (((them)))? Face it, You won't ever stop those posts until (((they're))) all gone. Lifes a Beach dude, have a Margarita

fe8ee1 No.1781339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aa153b No.1781340

File: d9ebf36478ab01e⋯.jpg (61.17 KB, 1100x734, 550:367, pom1.jpg)

e16dd6 No.1781341

File: d6f896c7df224dd⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Puppy.jpg)


This is wonderful. Thank you.

That last picture is hanging on a wall in my house.

Q told us to pray. We know the power of focused intention.

There are people under crushing amounts of pressure right now, awaiting the next steps in their tasks.

Pray for Q team and all active operators in every role, all over the world.

Dear Lord protect them all with Your loving care. Give them all perfect health and safety, and the clarity of mind and strength of body to complete their tasks. Also ask that You give them health of their MINDS and perfect peace when their tasks are complete. Please bless all our veterans who struggle with mental health, Lord. Lay Your healing hands on their minds and bodies. In Jesus' name. Amen.

9f6a0b No.1781342


>Sohale Siddiqi

No, If it wasn't for Q's comments I would be convinced it was him. And maybe it is and we're misunderstanding Q. He seems the personality I would expect from seeing the quirky looking fellow on the couch.

4fccad No.1781343


That's a feminist hero.

Any questions?

521bab No.1781344

File: 9ecc55a6363d85f⋯.jpg (124.59 KB, 1057x729, 1057:729, gay.jpg)

9d3163 No.1781345


>I'm sure the cabal uses guns for their evil purposes as well.

>Gonna give up your guns, fuckwit?

Guns are weapons and tools. What is porn again exactly, i know it's not a tool you can use for self defense or offense. Man, how dumb are you?!

If I gave you two quarters, how many half dollars could you trade that in for?

584f49 No.1781346


pfft fuck off

you're missing the point. the work gets done HERE.

to learn about Q gets done OUT THERE.

go be a translator. take the results we find there and go post on twitter and reddit where normies are and tell them.

and if you are going to hang here, girlie, then you better read the warning label and learn to use your own brain to filter yourself. Believe me, I GET IT. and your tired argument has been used everywhere on the internet to dumb free speech down until it is unrecognizable. We want to get people to re-learn how to be their own filters. which you would know if you read the newfag rules. which obviously you didn't. Im not giving ONE inch on free speech it is too dire that everyone relearn what it means.

900e5f No.1781347



026dac No.1781348

Space travel is still really part of a belief system, rather than

being some kind of over-licensed, dictatorial, kingdom-now tourist

trap philosophy for carnal pleasure (that can be espoused only by

the ignorant) because the original ideas surrounding superluminal

transport currently being propogated do not belong to the ignorant,

but with the Creator alone. We are living on borrowed time. This

represents the 'value' of technology as we know it. Any "dumbing

down" of this type of technology will not recognize it as such,

and will be unable to "afford" it as such. The "runaway" techno-

logy of superluminal space travel is not so much "runaway" if it

represents the free will of carefully nurtured intuition. The

scientific method represents a logical foundation from which to

launch an intuitive project that is based upon careful observa-

tion, as well as applied science, or engineering.

This is why I have presented some of the science involved as a

premise for launching what follows. My hope is that a careful ob-

server will notice to where this is all leading - it is revolu-

tionary technology that far exceeds our current levels of expec-

tation, and although in it's infancy, promises to deliver private

enterprise into the dawn of a galactic economy - if our current

dominionist government can reinvent themselves according to what

would be defined as a New Constitutional Convention.

6babdb No.1781349


We've had a lot of theories. Did he go to Occidental College? If he changed his name, is there any fuckery with his parents names?

There needs to be more of a connect from the couch to the time of this great success.

Lot of time missing linking the two.

b35c70 No.1781350


Agree. This is bigger than the "board". Historic. Embarrassing.

1df3a3 No.1781351


your logic is on point.

but how bout mine…

Twitter would slap a "this site is dangerous"

on it, which will deflect THOUSANDS of grannyanons… but ((they)) cant say shit if we used THEIR OWN POISON.

I feel you bro. I do. but most ppl here won't use it… its to pass around to the normal fuckers.

67c443 No.1781352



Wictor is a prictor.

a2fb2b No.1781353


Ive aslo got the last picture hanging on my wall #MeToo KEK

25a528 No.1781354

File: b03f510aaddee04⋯.jpg (70.16 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2cdaj5.jpg)


Sorry, I had to :D

82d73d No.1781355


Vali Nasr on Jon Stewart in 2013.

You can clearly see he dyes his hair, but also, he was advocating for all sorts of action in Syria at the time.

This guy was working at the State Department, and helping to manufacture the Syrian Refugee Crisis under the guise of peace and diplomacy!


71a568 No.1781356


So that means the FBI didn't approve him, and Hussein still appointed?

e1b238 No.1781357


Possible pawn for the swamp?

7b8ac6 No.1781358

#2242 Notables


>>1780715 Vali Nasr of State Department Obama's couch buddy?

>>1780735 Donald Young, Larry Bland, and Nate Spencer, Obama buddies, all killed execution style.

>>1780777 Third Man Accused of Child Marriage in Utah Sex Cult

>>1780842 Kellyanne says tippy top after board request.

23de0e No.1781359

File: 944cb8a8502bf38⋯.jpg (14.59 KB, 257x196, 257:196, IMG_3379.JPG)

9d19b9 No.1781360

d237db No.1781361


why does this look liek awkward photoshoop?

71a568 No.1781362


Yes, and they appear in the notables above

a35700 No.1781363


So happy you obliged

25a528 No.1781364

File: 13a5deb9432d764⋯.jpg (86.45 KB, 746x500, 373:250, download.jpg)

b5a956 No.1781365

And you can't just deny that Sadik isn't the one in the photograph. All searches lead to Sadik being the one in that photo. After we have IDEN the person in photo, Q clearly is leading us somewhere else.

You are not expanding your thinking, Anon.

Your analogy on this is totally wrong, and I believe that you are the one using a "crowbar" as you are being blinded by Q's "no facial hair" post.

Q never says a word about the person being in the State Dept.

They just say that the person in question was not able to CROSS FBI clearance. But since you are good buddies with the president, he probably got a pass.

Sorry, but you are heading down the wrong road on this, Anon.

Get a grip.

597fad No.1781366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5:57- 6:10 of video someone is whispering while Kelly Anne is speaking. Sounds like "Look who's acting now…pause… you" Any anon with ability to tweak audio?

8c80c0 No.1781367

File: 24692f27d4ba186⋯.jpg (107.26 KB, 510x500, 51:50, 27hsuiog.jpg)

cb8b85 No.1781368


He's got bed-beard… looks curved.

784f93 No.1781369

File: e7d84d08caf4a85⋯.jpg (878.25 KB, 2938x1250, 1469:625, POTUS-Drudge-Mueller-repor….jpg)

>>1780667 >>1780675 >>1780681 >>1780687 >>1780703 >>1780715

Guys I think POTUS/Q just dropped another sandwich analysis [event between two fixed time frames]

6/15/18 - POTUS says look to Drudge "Matt Drudge is a great gentleman. He really has the ability to capture stories that people want to see.”

6/17/2018 - Drudge lead story - "TRUMP TEAM PREDICTS MUELLER REPORT SOON… "

The Drudge article is an article in the Chicago Tribune. It states this important line:

"The confidential obstruction report, which would be delivered to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein…"

BUT….Q Post 1470 & 1496 says Rosenstein will be out after the IG ORIGINAL DRAFT report comes out, proving RR tampered with and edited it in a cover up.

= This means that RR will NOT review the Mueller report (due out soon). it will go to the Acting USDAG ie: #3.

= POTUS cleared = BOOM

= Sealed Indictments cleared to drop = BOOM

= More BOOMs….

584f49 No.1781370


Dear Lord, add my prayer to this anon's so that You know we are of like mind and intent. Protect Q team, our President, and anons everywhere. Keep us firm in our resolve and strong in your loving kindness. In Jesus' name, Amen.

35efe1 No.1781371

File: 4bdc0cdb598e432⋯.jpeg (115.74 KB, 640x641, 640:641, 3F6A565E-FEEC-4A94-8145-A….jpeg)


Fake lol look at Michelle in background yeah okay..

That dude looks different

Different schnoz

The real bacon is this photo

Other one is a ploy

🤡 🚨

ea0171 No.1781372


Kek kek.

7b8ac6 No.1781373


notable list from #2241 updated

da4cf3 No.1781374

File: 0560cf0c9154146⋯.jpg (8.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fareed-zakaria-young.jpg)

File: 2a897ebd4588bd9⋯.jpg (28.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, fareed-zakaria-older.jpg)

File: 3c82b268eeadb0d⋯.jpg (984.42 KB, 1240x775, 8:5, fareed-older-2.jpg)

File: 40337b6fc978f32⋯.jpg (41.83 KB, 700x351, 700:351, post-american-world.jpg)


oh fuck

it's Fareed Zakaria

He wrote Post-American World

Obama was reading his old butt buddy's book

fe8ee1 No.1781375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One for the country boys.


9d19b9 No.1781376

File: 007e96eb20e34ee⋯.jpg (75.18 KB, 578x390, 289:195, popeshrunk.jpg)

67c443 No.1781377


Shape of head is wrong.

Was he in Obama Admin. ?

54c7fc No.1781378

26b78e No.1781379

File: 17b34750a603c63⋯.png (1.03 MB, 567x850, 567:850, ClipboardImage.png)

185844 No.1781380

File: fd6e2f2536a55ac⋯.png (87.38 KB, 1208x212, 302:53, ClipboardImage.png)


Posted this earlier today but we were flooded with gay pron and diq pics. Don't know if it got any traction but it's a '187' day banner on Reuters involving 3 of their journalists.

54c7fc No.1781381

WHO THE FUCK GAVE THE LINK TO /leftypol/??????

25a528 No.1781382

File: aa9043720b9eb2f⋯.jpg (59.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2ccy70.jpg)

9f0c1f No.1781383


bet your kids already have seen worse,

real life comes at you fast in school

909c17 No.1781384

File: 44f1bc817fd1716⋯.png (388.45 KB, 607x899, 607:899, obama 6.png)

Person is named Chandoo in this article.

8885d9 No.1781385

File: f1fae0b281834e6⋯.jpg (56.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, crybaby.jpg)

b5a956 No.1781386

185844 No.1781387



415594 No.1781388

File: 131121eae267604⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 4307x2335, 4307:2335, ap-648160854550.jpg)


maybe im dumb but he looks like ben rhodes to me

tbh they all look like alike

people say the cabal loves incest and interbreeding

is it a stretch that they are all pakistanis

how advanced is cosmetic surgery ?

2c770c No.1781389


What link?

784f93 No.1781390


image resolution came out crap, open image only in new tab, is cleaner.

eb7c64 No.1781391


I def heard something…. don't have the ability to separate out the sounds… wish I did I want to know what is being whispered.

b35c70 No.1781392


Q signed off for the weekend. I would imagine one of the "helpers" will drop a huge hint that leads us in the right direction.

da4cf3 No.1781393




It's CNN's Fareed! Surprised no one caught this when we first saw the pics 10 years ago

6874a5 No.1781394


Sounds like Judge Jeanine whispering.

0b2088 No.1781395


Ben rhodes would have been 4 in 1981 according to his bio

521bab No.1781397

File: 05165cca04e74e8⋯.png (136.39 KB, 368x294, 184:147, haha.png)



e5a67d No.1781398


I need to take a shit. Maybe I'll come up with something there.

95ac71 No.1781399

File: 24a8fa636fe4820⋯.jpg (78.15 KB, 525x519, 175:173, obama quote on preservasio….JPG)


4fccad No.1781400


And she got even better with age … smokin' hot.

32e28e No.1781401


And he has a cock sucker mouth

54c7fc No.1781402


to /qresearch/

nvm lol

71a568 No.1781403


So 24 hours of Sohale's face and endless posts about which of his nicknames is real is good, but a couple more photos of Vali is stupid, gotcha

67c443 No.1781404



shape of head is wrong.

No. skin is too white.

d0b2a0 No.1781405

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>1650926 (previous 1)

>>1760990 (previous 2)

tonight, we trouble the witch.

let the weight of her sins, sink in.

remember them.

meditate, on her fate, on her fears.

and all the years,

she's stolen


a witch's goals,



All the pain and all the hurt.

for what it's worth, we trouble her.

and now we're in her head, in her dreams.

and she can't divine

what it means,

when we

trouble her.

Exo 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

Deu 18:10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,

ee4b9e No.1781406


this is a toetally shill tactic

look at the bread it ate up

I'm guessing that most shills have figured out that we are HUGE pro1stamend types

pretend to be angry newfag - bitch about the girls - anons castigate instantly and burn bread

I am suggesting also that most newfags would not yank their pants down this way, as they see others getting spanked for a lot less

therefore I am calling this 'pornconcern' and ignoring it

it just ate like 30 slices of the bread

415594 No.1781407


didnt mean he literally is ben rhodes

just that he looks like him

they all look alike

2b072a No.1781408


Sounds like John and Tony Podesta, HRC and Jeffrey Epstein type logic. You think people are just cattle and women are objects. I never intended my post to be a lightning rod for all the shills and Podesta buddies as I am new. But hey, at least I contributed to exposing that.

04d6ca No.1781409

File: 5c373d5ec4e60d2⋯.png (404.98 KB, 482x918, 241:459, Guardian 1 Siddiqi 10-3-20….PNG)


Siddiqi in this article

dcf003 No.1781410

File: 58c4762d923783e⋯.jpg (106.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, get_a_fkn_clue.jpg)


not even close

521bab No.1781412

File: 52a7374c03a2b5b⋯.jpeg (372.19 KB, 1242x1230, 207:205, kek_seal.jpeg)


hahaha the shills dont get the joke

fucking top kek anon

a35700 No.1781413

Kat is looking particularly attractive tonight on Greg Gutfeld

b0ba47 No.1781414

File: 92e7248cff32bf4⋯.png (79.44 KB, 550x715, 10:13, screen_shot_2018-06-14_at_….png)

Brietbart interview with Erik Prince 11/04/16

Prince states NYPD found crimes against children on Weiner laptop. Prince was telling the truth as per IG report.

http://www .breitbart.com/radio/2016/11/04/erik-prince-nypd-ready-make-arrests-weiner-case/

26b78e No.1781415

File: 430f32d67499b80⋯.png (410.13 KB, 542x374, 271:187, ClipboardImage.png)

35efe1 No.1781416


Hairline is off from photo I posted and yours

Look at hair around temple and compare

Same day the picture was taken he cut it and different skin tone?

Cover up with fake pic!

🤡 🚨

54c7fc No.1781418




af9501 No.1781420


THAT would be one hell of a story should it be true.

Interesting scenario. Lil Kimmy being Trump's new pal, turning over sleazy emails to him. Wonderful symmetry.

9f0c1f No.1781421

Q dammit

This whole Saddiqui/Chandroo pin the face on the faggot is all your fault….

cb8b85 No.1781422


and the first pic is at 25% blending…. I know, cause I made those pics.

I was testing out all possibilities when we first started searching.

d237db No.1781423

File: df7783d38cf2d2a⋯.jpg (9.78 KB, 228x217, 228:217, advancedfaggotry.jpg)


>Vali Nasr went to MIT.

for a PhD in "political science"…aka "Advanced Faggotry for Faggots who Snort Coke All Day"

67c443 No.1781425


Sorry nothing like the guy on the couch.Head totally different shape.

909c17 No.1781426

a2345d No.1781427

File: 4b959e29cc6e5c1⋯.png (462.95 KB, 1536x1913, 1536:1913, IMG_3805.PNG)

File: 628ac63d27fd421⋯.png (478.44 KB, 1536x1881, 512:627, IMG_3807.PNG)

File: 92b4d869408f9e9⋯.png (417.38 KB, 1501x1956, 1501:1956, IMG_3808.PNG)

File: b6f211e87114db5⋯.png (406.98 KB, 1491x1967, 213:281, IMG_3809.PNG)

File: 2cafe4c8d56dd89⋯.png (414.07 KB, 1493x1959, 1493:1959, IMG_3823.PNG)

5c264e No.1781429


it might help if a list could be compiled/obtained in obongo's adm without security clearance.

that might be a starting point.

anons might be wasting time comparing facial features when they would not fit into Q's no clearance criteria.

maybe digging on individuals that didn't have clearance.

4fccad No.1781430

File: 89b77d2634bb92e⋯.png (382.69 KB, 523x548, 523:548, parentsraisedapussy.png)

File: da6a8d427a77bfc⋯.png (758.13 KB, 980x980, 1:1, crybaby2.png)


>as I am new

5c6366 No.1781431

71a568 No.1781432


>Q never says a word about the person being in the State Dept.


>Search Hussein admin.

>Search foreign posts (State).

9f6a0b No.1781433


No, that,s not what I was saying. It is stupid because the guy doesn't look ANYTHING like the guy on the couch.

b5a956 No.1781434


Vali Nasr is total horseshit.

Sadik can be confirmed easily.

Here, let me help you Anons that can't search. It was searched within the first minute of Q's post.


25a528 No.1781435

File: ff0e5c1dfdb30ca⋯.jpg (82.05 KB, 648x500, 162:125, 2ccwse.jpg)

0b2088 No.1781436

File: c78e4adc1c757a5⋯.png (704.01 KB, 1017x323, 1017:323, br2.png)


You're not kidding

597fad No.1781437



I put it into a vid editor and it sound like after another long pause the whisperer says Tippy Top so all together from the 5:57 mark on to 6:20 or so it says "Look who's acting now….pause…. you….pause… tippy top"

bbeedf No.1781438


Larry Sinclair talks about his personal acquaintance with Obama and the murders of a couple of gay black men at the church Obama attended.


efc4a0 No.1781439


I have an undisclosed reason to suspect he's /ourguy/. That said, I can't corroborate it for the moment.

He's aware of things more that most, maybe not a big player for us, but he might be a bigger player than we realize behind the scenes. Trump also seems to have gotten him…or had him for a short while. I'm not sure about his most recent work. Perhaps he's flipped or just merely more neutral, but, like most PR lobbyists in D.C., their south paws when need be.

Looks like ex-DOD became Paytriot and now maybe back to Patriot as he wised up. I hope so, at least.

584f49 No.1781440


Well the way to beat pornconcern fags is trust each other that no SJW bullshit will get into Qresearch. Aye I can do that. back to work

cb8b85 No.1781441


Why I think Islam Siddiqui is the one… just changed first name.

also formed the AMU in 1982

584f49 No.1781442


oh fuck


nice interpretation

762d34 No.1781443

File: 7770b2c373d4a99⋯.png (641.45 KB, 1283x1428, 1283:1428, Screenshot 2018-06-16 22.4….png)

File: e16d6b831c9c0e5⋯.png (663.21 KB, 1304x1106, 652:553, Screenshot 2018-06-16 22.4….png)


Imaad Zuberi

http://freebeacon.com/issues/clinton-bundler-faced-no-punishment-failing-register-foreign-government-work/>Mad zebu

2e9bf4 No.1781444


Big Fan.

909c17 No.1781445


I don't believe it is either of them.

b0832c No.1781446


are you the guy who wrote that spoopy reddit thread a year ago?

eb7c64 No.1781447


Hmmmm…. obscure shot-out to us Anons. Another proof, noice.

185844 No.1781448

File: e84736e53909383⋯.jpg (19.43 KB, 255x208, 255:208, 7b8be83eb70c20713252356255….jpg)


we don't care anymore. it doesn't matter. we are watching a movie.

584f49 No.1781450

File: 19ffe7d25f093d9⋯.png (112.75 KB, 500x801, 500:801, super-rare-pepe-22359334.png)

4fccad No.1781451


Checked … and Kekked.

eeca00 No.1781452

File: 41f919291fece44⋯.jpg (54.03 KB, 255x244, 255:244, dream_751b8gdfkpx.jpg)

File: 838aec60148f894⋯.jpg (41.18 KB, 255x244, 255:244, dream_tksd45si7xa.jpg)

File: 87f08714360e640⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 255x244, 255:244, dream_rs6xm4f5hkc.jpg)

File: 7758a750fde386f⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 255x244, 255:244, dream_rm6c9dd8ikj.jpg)

17dcc9 No.1781453


I have the same feeling … nice to see it laid out. Nice work Anon.

25a528 No.1781454


That's what Q meant. Calling Manafort a plant because he was a Dem plant in the Trump campaign

cb8b85 No.1781455


I don't think is sohale either… still unconfirmed.

Tired of looking at paki's… kek

d13f14 No.1781456




Kek. Yeah the Navy Seal copypasta meme is what I was referring to, not the pic.


Awesome job on the site, it looks really good.


Also faggots, I have the keys to the /qproofs/ board. I saw a bunch of anons talking about creating /qproofs/ and utilizing it for basically the same thing the other day. Well the previous owner is too busy to moderate it so he sent me the owner credentials. One use I could think of would be to host/mirror images for the QHistory website. That would only take one thread, and then more once we added more pictures. We could still use the board for other things if anons have any more ideas.

521bab No.1781457


no it's a FE shill. they stepped up their game but u can sniff it out first sentence. multiplying by 0 is still 0.

306d6c No.1781458

File: 6c1d4d3ad842fd7⋯.jpg (93.53 KB, 790x295, 158:59, CICERO.jpg)


> To many of us, porn is just as reprehensible

SEE #6

eb7c64 No.1781459


Wonder who the whisper is…. any thoughts? Can't be Kelly, she was talking.

026dac No.1781460

booping the wetiko

04d6ca No.1781461


I am beginning to agree

Too much confusion regarding the names used in the articles

Almost like that was the plan/ different name and dates used for the pic

2e9bf4 No.1781462



Oh What A Night.

82d73d No.1781463

File: 24ab8db073f2cd8⋯.png (4.9 KB, 403x123, 403:123, firefox_2018-06-17_01-49-4….png)


>Q never says a word about the person being in the State Dept.

Here, I linked and screenshot it for you:


Your theory is wrong. It's not just one point of failure. It's MULTIPLE points of failure. You can't expand on anything if your foundations are crumbling.

e1b238 No.1781464


They're as the Asians.

Very Similar between so.


102ca6 No.1781465


See what you've done sir? (Me) [scarf/doorknob] now…

71a568 No.1781466


Also I think the thing is a security clearance is generally required for these jobs.

Found this in a forum online. So the appointment is sketchy in that regard. Presumably because a dual citizen – possibly not even a US citizen?

"All State Department Foreign Service Officers are given a security clearance based on an in-depth background investigation. If there is any question as to your allegiance and dedication to the United States then you will never be cleared and therefore never allowed to serve."

3cca72 No.1781467

I hate to say it, but shill attacks seem to be working.

After we IDed that guy in under an hour, shills have us chasing our tails for more than a day.

e16dd6 No.1781469

File: 2728522024a3fdf⋯.jpg (36.8 KB, 700x466, 350:233, PaulineBonaparte.jpg)


There are paintings and sculptures of unclothed women in museums, and the reason why that is so is that they're beautiful.

Once when in Rome, I saw a sculpture of Napoleon's sister Pauline (1780-1825) in the Borghese Gallery that looked so beautiful and real it looked like if you touched her, she'd be soft. Pic related, but does not do the real thing justice.

Porn feels so much lower than art, such a (((lower))) thing, because it is.

25a528 No.1781470


>This means that RR will NOT review the Mueller report (due out soon).

Mueller report due out soon? Was it announced recently? I missed it

30da26 No.1781471


If you knew anything of readability or how paragraphs are integral, you might get someone other than yourself to read it.

597fad No.1781472


Spouseanon and I both agree sounds like Judge Judy. I will have to see if I can strip the audio track and clean it up

cb8b85 No.1781473


foreign posts in the hussein admin

da4cf3 No.1781474



my niggas


35efe1 No.1781475

File: f26cc046838444c⋯.jpeg (118.98 KB, 640x671, 640:671, 0203753A-2C72-48E4-8916-0….jpeg)


54c7fc No.1781476

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, somuchtext.gif)


stfu FE shill

7b8ac6 No.1781478

784f93 No.1781479




584f49 No.1781480


on another note

petition is up to 30,534 sigs


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