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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2243.png)

9857f7 No.1781396

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Sign the petition for unredacted declassification of IG report for public viewing


FF weather alert (WW).

Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.


Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Saturday 06.16.2018

>>1769937 rt >>1769896 ---- No one person is above another. We are in this together

>>1769874 rt >>1769812 ---- Well done, Anon. Shows commitment

>>1769801 rt >>1769691 ---- IG started long before Huber setting stage

>>1769716 rt >>1769202 ---- JP / Huma NOV. Huber recent reveal by Sessions (Nov start)

>>1769202 ----------------------- These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded

>>1768724 rt >>1768697 ---- News unlocks

>>1768636 ----------------------- Future proves past. News unlocks

Friday 06.15.2018

>>1765157 rt >>1764829 ---- Note CF children drop in IG report. 'The Beginning'. Not all are awake.

>>1764930 rt >>1764782 ---- Search foreign posts (State). Face important. (Re: Obama Administration)

>>1764829 rt >>1764595 ---- IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE. Keep your eyes on the ball. We owe it to our children.

>>1764595 rt >>1764453 ---- Have you IDEN other person?

>>1764530 rt >>1764437 ---- Plants need water!

>>1763507 rt >>1763411 ---- Marine One proofs forthcoming. AF1 (inside) thereafter. More & More

>>1763457 rt >>1763343 ---- Proof? Check timestamp

>>1763131 rt >>1763093 ---- Have a wonderful weekend. Trust in your President! Q

>>1763103 rt >>1762921 ---- What came out in IG report? JC gmail. ES is KEY. What a wonderful day

>>1762912 rt >>1762874 ---- Think meeting yesterday

>>1762761 rt >>1762748 ---- >>1762748

>>1762748 ----------------------- GOOG Guest badge pic

>>1762746 ----------------------- Access Kills

Thursday 06.14.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/110 ---------- POTUS Tweet: What's taking so long with the IG report?

>>>/patriotsfight/109 ---------- [[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others.

Wednesday 06.13.2018

>>1739490 rt >>1739449 ---- Thank you USSS.

>>1739449 ----------------------- POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):

>>>/patriotsfight/108 ---------- We hold these truths to be self evident

>>1732422 rt >>1732221 ---- They never anticipated POTUS DECLAS, WE ARE HERE TO UNITE THE CORE

>>1732293 rt >>1732221 ---- The TIP. SR 187. (legal) DISCOVERY

>>1732221 rt >>1731991 ---- Slowly & Carefully

>>1730618 rt >>1730584 ---- Iranian resistance tagging #QAnon. Big things coming folks.

>>1730584 ----------------------- Busy day. (confirms /patriotsfight/105, 106)

Tuesday 06.12.2018

>>1725084 ----------------------- TRUST YOURSELF

>>1724065 rt >>1723986 ---- Q will confirm proofs

>>1723927 rt >>1723855 ---- Be Prepared

>>1723807 rt >>1723756 ---- Proofs Collection

>>1723746 ----------------------- Link to Proofs?

>>1723395 rt >>1723475 ---- ...from what is about to happen.

>>1723368 rt >>1723305 ---- Who controls Ryan?

>>1722594 rt >>1722473 ---- Lets watch Laura Ingraham!

>>1722473 ----------------------- Connected. Kashyap Patel - name to remember.

>>1719243 ----------------------- Ghost-CON active

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1730603 How To Quickly Spot A Clown, >>1510286 Useful filters & >>1652199, >>1674519 Freedom of Speech

9857f7 No.1781411


are not endorsements


>>1780057 Possible 2nd NYPD Officer from Previous Crumbs

>>1779969 ES Makes Trip to North Korea

>>1772236 Supporting Potus Tweet

>>1753009 "+0(": Obama was one of the 13 individuals with whom Clinton had direct contact using her e-mail

>>1746620 ; >>1746924 Announcements From The War Room

>>1780275 Board Owner Post Regarding "New CSS Applied"


>>1780715 Vali Nasr of State Department Obama's couch buddy?

>>1780735 Donald Young, Larry Bland, and Nate Spencer, Obama buddies, all killed execution style.

>>1780777 Third Man Accused of Child Marriage in Utah Sex Cult

>>1780842 Kellyanne says tippy top after board request.

>>1781358 #2242


>>1780307 FBI Review of Weiner Laptop Emails

>>1780219, >>1780440 Planefag Updates

>>1780235 Vali Nasr? Too Tall…

>>1780307 FBI Review of Weiner Laptop Emails

>>1780219, >>1780440 Planefag Updates

>>1780111 Kellyanne Answers the Call


>>1779653 Judge Who Jailed Manafort also Let Clinton Off in Benghazi Case

>>1779259 Kellyanne Says "Tippy Top" on Judge Jeannine's Show Twice

>>1779333 Obama Pal Does Business with Saddam's Nuke Scientist

>>1779319, >>1779575 Planefag Updates


>>1779045 Catholic Church collects $1.6 billion in U.S. contracts, grants since 2012

>>1778735 , >>1778757 DOJ Assistant Attorney Peter Kadzik Outed as Mole for HRC Campaign

>>1778463 Sofa boi's name, nickname and name given in play

>>1778455 Weinstein statue appears in HW ahead of Oscars


>>1778211 Cap for anyone questioning the latest Q posts without trip

>>1778094 Why did ES (himself) arrange a C-link in multiple countries? DIG

>>1778022 Weinstein Update: Ashley Judd sues saying he wrecked her career

>>1778008 WL email: HRC discusses ES trip to NK

>>1777988 The highest paid CEO's sorted by state

>>1777953 Hussein's college years: article

>>1777809 Anon's notebook of the juciest notables, posts, links and more

>>1777777 ES, NK, GOOG crumbs: Digits say DIG


>>1777339 , >>1777492 Mohammed Hasan Chandoo dig

>>1777481 Sign the #IGReport #Unredacted petition if you haven't already

>>1777421 , >>1777462 Is the Hussein photo shopped?

>>1777433 Sometimes we are...

>>1777219 4am Talking Points: Seth Rich worked for the Russians

>>1777199 The Hillary campaign's secret party for key reporters

>>1777176 Richard Verma talking about counter terrorism in India

>>1776884 Photoanalysis assist: Ear ID is better than fingerprints


>>1776696 Hussein's Stay in Pakistan

>>1776453 Trump to Nominate Budget Official as Next Consumer Bureau Chief - Kathy Kraninger

>>1776305 GermanArchiveAnon Update

>>1776253 Watch the Water Theory, Needs More Digging

>>1776612, >>1776571, >>1776213, >>1776361, >>1776369, >>1776385, >>1776430, >>1776461, >>1776495, >>1776518 Planefag Updates


>>1775605 Planefag Updates

>>1775407 Mystery MissileTheory


>>1775239 Female Muslims in Obama Administration Dig (1 of ? to be continued)

>>1774923, >>1774933, >>1774950, >>1774959, >>1774963 Recommended reading for US Patriots. Q-style socratic dialog with a point.

>>1774930 History of the Cabal (AKA Rothschilds) Hold on America Through Money (AKA Banking)

>>1774673, >>1774705, >>1774760, >>1774768, Planefag Updates

>>1774604 Kirsten Gillibrand / HRC / NXIVM connections

>>1774517 Dig on Obummer, Early 1980's >>1775162, >>1775205

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

9857f7 No.1781417

Summaries Of IG Report 2018.06.14

>>1747860 Proof that we are reading the redacted version of the IG Report

Numbering per .pdf pages

Good Work. Now Let's Reread.

Link to IG Report: https://www.justice.gov/file/1071991/download

pg 01 - 20 ——— >>1747509 , >>1747805 , >>1747957 → Summary of 'We'll stop him' Strzok-Page Text"; >>1747965

pg 20 - 40 ——– >>1747772

pg 40 - 60 ——– >>1755490

pg 60 - 80 —— >>1747537

pg 80 - 100 —— >>1747564 , >>1747862 , >>1747977, >>1749302, >>1749507, >>1749114, >>1747977, >>1751032, >>1754500

pg 100 - 120 —– >>1748215, >>1764454

pg 120 - 140 —– >>1748336 Reports: >>1756672, >>1763391

pg 140 - 160 —– >>1764180, >>1764613

pg 160 - 180 —– >>1748418 Reports: >>1752746, >>1752794, >>1752800

pg 180 - 200 —– >>1748984, >>1748989

pg 200 - 220 —– >>1748466 Report: >>1751208

pg 220 - 240 —– >>1749012 Reports: >>1751004 , >>1752440

pg 240 - 260 —– >>1749332 Pt 1/2 >>1750369, Pt 2/2 >>1750369, >>1752260

pg 260 - 280 —– >>1749515 Reports: >>1750903, >>1751118

pg 280 - 300 —– >>1750186, >>1771852, Comprehensive Summary >>1771856

pg 300 - 320 —– >>1750594

pg 320 - 340 —– >>1752689 , >>1752705 , >>1752724, >>1752736 , >>1759531

pg 340 - 360 —– >>1752957 Reports: >>1754243, >>1754248, >>1754255

pg 360 - 380 —– >>1754322 Reports: >>1755429, >>1755440, >>1755447

pg 380 - 400 —– >>1755463 Reports: >>1756365, >>1756374, >>1756378, >>1756382

pg 400 - 420 —– >>1750687 Reports: >>1752506, >>1752786

pg 420 - 440 —– ------------ Reports: >>1754107, >>1754699, >>1755187

pg 440 - 460 —– ------------ Reports: >>1754709

pg 460 - 480 —– >>1755870, >>1755884

pg 480 - 520 —– >>1747603, >>1747572, >>1747525, >>1747790, >>1752911

pg 520 - 540 —– >>1766802, >>1773274

pg 540 - 568 —– >>1753854 Reports: >>1754312, >>1754335, >>1754347, >>1754461, >>1754472, >>1754488, >>1754502

2df31b No.1781419


9857f7 No.1781424

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q proofs thread - proofs of Q validity

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 - Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1618616 - Tucson Human Trafficking Thread

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288 , >>1773052

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>1683845 >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

9857f7 No.1781428

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 6/12]) >>1718255

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


21,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

24 >>1745576 23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist -- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1751361

9857f7 No.1781449



4ad55a No.1781468

File: 33e2acc2f01fb51⋯.jpg (120.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, bakerteam.jpg)

File: cbf2cc6e8a7f259⋯.jpg (17.27 KB, 255x191, 255:191, martin-original.png.jpg)

b526e8 No.1781477

We're still trying to find who Sohale Saddiqi (Sadik) became? Ambassador?

Has anyone tried running his name(s) through a name translator, the searching Obama adim lists for matches/similarities?

Usually when people change their names, it's not too far off from the original.

cc8ce3 No.1781481

ts my opinion that some of these players, Manafort (maybe), Wray, Sessions are sacrificing themselves to expose the deep state. Exposing the Judges, the OIG exposing the FBI Bias and corruption. With the upcoming reports on FISA and Russia Russia Russia, the CIA too. All of this pubic exposure will compel Potus to declare that these agencies are TOO corrupt and incapable of providing real justice , and bring in military courts. Remember Q saying how it would be impossible to put HRC and the rest in front of a public grand jury, and corrupt judges. Hence,

Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?

Everyone has an opinion.



772202 No.1781482


Apparently Roger Stone went too far "rattling the cage." Now Randy Credico, who apparently took it upon himself to befriend Julian Assange, says he's turned over his phone and his personal computer because he's tired of Stone's lies. Interesting.

Some of the language quoted as being Stone's emails is pretty rough. Like, improper usage of "to be" (i.e. everyone is says you are) Not sure if he's just really jazzed up when he's arguing with this guy, or is there something fishy? I lean towards fishy but

e09ecc No.1781483

File: c55e22927aa1c80⋯.jpg (148.43 KB, 800x670, 80:67, 20180617_015222.jpg)


7beae7 No.1781484


I found almost nothing on him. He's been scrubbed good.

4e0810 No.1781485

>>1781369 (Last Bread)

>This means that RR will NOT review the Mueller report (due out soon).

RR doesn't have to review Mueller's work.

Those two cunts are on the same fucking (get Trump) team.

Q has already made that clear.

89c94c No.1781486


This is notable for sure

Anon mentioned a recent request last bread but there was not a snip of it

The guest right after, the mooch, made a Q reference as well. Can't remember exactly what he said, but he definitely made a reference. When I head Kellyanne and then right after, the mooch, it was definitely a shout out to the awakening.

675103 No.1781487

File: 21bdaecbd2bc72d⋯.png (1.72 MB, 716x854, 358:427, Screenshot_51.png)

9fe250 No.1781488


hi friends, does anyone have that pic of KJU looking unhappy and being manhandled by two military guys? need to show someone and can't find that pic on google right now…

20de78 No.1781489

File: f72b89016ba58d1⋯.png (414.65 KB, 833x558, 833:558, FathersDay2018.PNG)

Happy Fathers Day Dads!

4e0810 No.1781490

File: bb32e41a06873b3⋯.png (573.97 KB, 525x960, 35:64, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

6a5973 No.1781491



Sayed Hassan raya

b89ecd No.1781492


There were a lot of pron pics of taints up at the time… freudian slip? kek

cacab7 No.1781493


Please don't throw me in that briar patch

34925f No.1781494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

71d6d8 No.1781495


Hillary just doesn't know when to shut up

846b0e No.1781496

File: a412604cba36b60⋯.jpg (490.82 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ct-rahm-emanuel-ethics-eve….jpg)

b526e8 No.1781497



Variant transcription of SUHAIL.

SUHAIL m Arabic, Urdu

Derived from Arabic (sahula) meaning "level, even". This is the Arabic name of the second brightest star in the sky, known in the western world as Canopus.

5a3998 No.1781498

File: f26cc046838444c⋯.jpeg (118.98 KB, 640x671, 640:671, 4FCC26C6-A859-4D73-9F4E-6….jpeg)

Is this him?

25d01d No.1781499

File: 7e5b09d7d9d62f2⋯.jpg (30.9 KB, 484x481, 484:481, 12026545_10207833233858506….jpg)


This one?

0ed68b No.1781500

File: 0cdebff690b5020⋯.gif (208.73 KB, 479x681, 479:681, 0cdebff690b502073325c4a037….gif)

Over the Target.

36ebc0 No.1781501

Hi, sorry…I know I'm not supposed to talk to but I need a supervisor to email me. I didn't get any new pictures or list today. Should I just post yesterdays? Also, my direct deposit didn't go through on Friday. Am I still supposed to work tonight? Please have a supervisor email me


175a17 No.1781502





36514a No.1781503

File: 1ff61c110d01c04⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 500x656, 125:164, thankyou.jpg)

Thank you kindly, baker.

4e0810 No.1781504

File: 94ef6dc2ebaf7aa⋯.png (886.1 KB, 566x907, 566:907, ClipboardImage.png)

4ad55a No.1781505


>Remember Q saying how it would be impossible to put HRC and the rest in front of a public grand jury, and corrupt judges.

I memember that…

9fe250 No.1781506


Thats the one! Doesn't he look like the leader of NK in that pic?

09f941 No.1781507

37ed3d No.1781508

Vali Nasr anon screams and yells to be in Notables.

And there is NOT enough connection from couch to successful man with a name change.

Ego wins out. MOAR NOTABLES waaa waaa

2df31b No.1781509

File: 48f82bd639c46a6⋯.jpg (126.3 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 48f82bd639c46a65c95427fc99….jpg)



36ebc0 No.1781510

File: ab3452c8bda2675⋯.jpg (45.72 KB, 500x670, 50:67, muh diqi.jpg)

0a8907 No.1781511

File: e7d84d08caf4a85⋯.jpg (878.25 KB, 2938x1250, 1469:625, POTUS-Drudge-Mueller-repor….jpg)

>>1781396 >>1781411 >>1781428 >>1781449 >>1781477 >>1781468

Re-posting because forgot to include links and was posted too late in bread to fix. It's late, sleepy…

Guys I think POTUS/Q just dropped another sandwich analysis [event between two fixed time frames]

6/15/18 - POTUS says look to Drudge "Matt Drudge is a great gentleman. He really has the ability to capture stories that people want to see.”

6/17/2018 - Drudge lead story - "TRUMP TEAM PREDICTS MUELLER REPORT SOON… "

The Drudge article is an article in the Chicago Tribune. It states this important line:

"The confidential obstruction report, which would be delivered to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein…"


BUT….Q Post 1470 & 1496 says Rosenstein will be out after the IG ORIGINAL DRAFT report comes out, proving RR tampered with and edited it in a cover up.

= This means that RR will NOT review the Mueller report (due out soon). it will go to the Acting USDAG ie: #3.

= POTUS cleared = BOOM

= Sealed Indictments cleared to drop = BOOM

= More BOOMs….

175a17 No.1781512


I wouldn't say shillcon 1, that was the day of the IG report and a few others

moar like 3 or 4 right now

25d01d No.1781513

File: e6e063f7aa6c12c⋯.jpg (36.75 KB, 525x535, 105:107, jongunarrested.jpg)


Heads up anon, I believe thats photoshopped and this is the original

675103 No.1781514

File: b757118703acb87⋯.png (854.05 KB, 491x614, 491:614, Screenshot_52.png)


Yes. Yes.

Thank you,


fdb2bd No.1781515

File: 882b70b38717ff5⋯.jpeg (120.14 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, halftwist.jpeg)

Do you know what to do after you unplug the cord?

27ac90 No.1781516


I think it's wrong to say they are sacrificing themselves. They are protected. What anon here would not jump at the chance to do what they are doing to free this nation. They will be heroes to millions (maybe billions the world over) once this is over.

Besides, the left has been calling Sessions a racist and worst for years. He is used to the flak.

9fe250 No.1781517

71d6d8 No.1781518


I'm surprised at least snopes didn't show up in results


0bd26f No.1781519



threadreaderapp com/thread/1006763550843367424.html

361755 No.1781520


It is from a 2012 Atlantic article..

Kim was being toured around many facilities in his country.

He was not 'in custody' like Wictor is claiming.

15b72d No.1781521


Image taken after Kim had foot surgery, he's being assisted by his troops. No biggie.

2df31b No.1781522


Post your email broken with spaces, and I will be in contact shortly.

9d18e6 No.1781523



675103 No.1781524

File: 0e29f6c54eec413⋯.png (1.33 MB, 795x616, 795:616, Screenshot_53.png)

175a17 No.1781525


thats fake and gay

see: >>1781513

9fe250 No.1781526

whats fake? The last time I saw this pic I didn't remember the black eye. Someone post real pic.

deb731 No.1781528


asshole lol

9fe250 No.1781529



249409 No.1781530

File: dbf2b79130659c9⋯.png (65.79 KB, 1066x844, 533:422, bakr.png)

853374 No.1781531

(Bread #2242)


That's what I've been thinking since this dragged on more than a couple of hours. How much of the news is real, how much is fake for the sake of distraction, and how much is fake to hide real? Mockingbird, CIA created it, looks like they still control it, big problemo, enemy running around in drag as the MSM.

fdb2bd No.1781532



34925f No.1781533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


From prevision bread. Worth a repeat.

bc5847 No.1781534


>Aron Kay, the “Yippie Pie Man,” said Stone tried to buy pot from the Yippies, but Kay turned him down. “I don’t know you,” Kay told him.


361755 No.1781535


From this article


0a8907 No.1781536


Bread is slow tonight. Late, everyone sleepy

9d18e6 No.1781537



3b7d8d No.1781538

File: bd514637961cc1e⋯.jpg (5.64 KB, 199x199, 1:1, index.jpg)

>Have you IDEN other person?

So last night, there was a theory floated by a couple of anons that Q may have been alluding the third roommate, Phil Boerner. As in, the other person, not in the picture. I did some digging, along with a couple of anons.

1. He was born in DC

2. He attended Occidental and transferred to Columbia, just like Obama

3. Now does PR work in CA

4. Does a lot of charity work

5. Follows only one person on LinkedIn (Southwest CEO)

1,2, and 3 seem kind of fishy but nothing solid. But even if he isn't the 'other person', who the fuck took the photo? That's what I would like to know.

444858 No.1781539


Departure Soon.


18a09a No.1781540

So Q recently reiterated that an influx of normies are coming, and that we need to have proofs ready for the normies' arrival.

Lately on the MSM, the new narrative has been that POTUS' followers are a cult, and POTUS is like a cult leader. I'm speculating that this new talking point has been injected by white hats, and the MSM's evidence to substantiate their "cult" narrative will be pointing everyone here and discussing how ridiculous the idea of Q is.

Buckle up, Patriots, the ride is about to get wild.

deb731 No.1781541



The day of the IG report is forever remembered as DunQirk

/pol Harbor was gamergate repercussions, 2014. 100 anons went into the water. 10 anons came out.

4386a6 No.1781542


Definitely pain killers involved.

KJU F'n High!

a058b2 No.1781543

File: 46dad182062b78d⋯.png (671.59 KB, 543x569, 543:569, ClipboardImage.png)

71d6d8 No.1781544

File: 665f8a978c45af0⋯.jpg (252.61 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, DoorKnob.jpg)

e2a7a0 No.1781545

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: bb2ba6 No.1764595 📁

Jun 15 2018 19:16:54 (EST)


Have you IDEN other person?

Search Hussein admin.

No facial hair.

Obtain name.

Cross FBI sec clearance?





9fe250 No.1781546


I don't know if he was in custody. But was he in custody? I mean he is 30 years old, goes home to NK, his dad dies, does he have a choice to leave?

09f941 No.1781547


Yes. I was trying to thank you last bread, but couldn't post..lag like a motherfucker. Thank you for the great music brother. Much appreciated

37ed3d No.1781548


I agree that should be linked with the other Kelly Tip Top.

0ed68b No.1781549


We're good with the research, Red-pill the normies and the world.

but it sucks for to find recognize people and the distraction of the shills


Date for the history, I guess

4d9349 No.1781550

>>1781056 (Last bread)

The copypasta the board owner is responding to sounds like BS to me also. Porn or no porn our breads are not normie friendly enough to invite people to yet. If we want normies to actually be able to come here and find something they can easily understand, we need to work on the proofs like Q asked us to. Even though I've been convinced since +++, wonderful day, and the POTUS "Home From Asia" North Korea photo, I still have not seen a proof that I can use to convince an intelligent but skeptical friend.

For instance, I can do proofs proving correlations between Potus tweets and this board. That would prove that Potus or someone in his circle is encouraging this board, but it does not prove that Potus is using this board for good rather than evil. From a skeptic's perspective, Potus could just be stirring up his base to protect him from the Mueller team.

Similarly I'm convinced that too much money has flowed into the Clinton Foundation from people who would stand to benefit from a friendly nod from the Clintons, but that does not prove that the quid pro quo actually took place.

I'm working on trying to put together convincing proofs. I've convinced myself, but actual proof is more difficult.

I'd say that the whole porn hoopla is nothing but a distraction from what we should be doing.

Once we have genuine, solid, irrefutable proofs, it wouldn't matter if we published them in Penthouse.

Proof is proof. Everything else is just window dressing.

fdb2bd No.1781551


Christmas is a special time of year.

a058b2 No.1781552

File: 425d695a7bab0cc⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1084x1600, 271:400, ClipboardImage.png)

dig dig dig

b89ecd No.1781553


that's the boner guy

7767fc No.1781554

Several nice articles, videos, and data in this collection about military aviation mishaps:


6bc346 No.1781555

File: e11986339e1b6b5⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1310x818, 655:409, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1781418 (LB)

>>1781394 (LB)

>>1781287 (LB)

Judge Jeanine whispers 'Nobody's acting now.'

e52181 No.1781556

File: bbf9f4c1f9d7e25⋯.jpg (546.47 KB, 1598x1289, 1598:1289, 20180617.jpg)

Qlock for today, 17 JUN 2018

Good vs Evil is real.

SATAN has left the WH.

Day of days.

Only the beginning.

These people are STUPID.

Bill Binney.

PATRIOT of the highest caliber.

e09ecc No.1781557


Qult of Personality

8430b3 No.1781558

File: b32caed5d3c5e67⋯.png (189.94 KB, 467x317, 467:317, ClipboardImage.png)


>Sayed Hassan on linkedin?

34925f No.1781559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

548dd2 No.1781560

File: 75d4281d914775b⋯.png (8.26 KB, 390x228, 65:38, firefox_2018-06-17_01-56-0….png)

File: 315be7c54772347⋯.png (60.82 KB, 856x488, 107:61, firefox_2018-06-17_01-56-3….png)



>Cross FBI sec clearance?




Vali Nasr never obtained a security clearance, because he was born in Tehran, Iran.

He traveled to Iran with his Iranian passport, because he could not get a security clearance by virtue of having been born in Iran.



b2579e No.1781561



Opioids are a serious problem. ;)

675103 No.1781562


That's my gut feeling, that we need to focus on other roommates. This is a good start along with Hasan Chandoo.

89c94c No.1781563


Can you remember what he said? It's going to bug me, and I accidentally deleted it from my DVR.

3bc54e No.1781564


Could this be the mystery roommate?


bc5847 No.1781565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0ed68b No.1781566


And Also CFR?

Where is him?

a058b2 No.1781567


hes less fat

07138c No.1781568


Q is right about clickbait

easy to jump to to thinking something is real because its funny

3bc54e No.1781569

File: c61290a6db899ba⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1085x1004, 1085:1004, arif.png)

Could this be the mystery roommate?

0d5bd0 No.1781570

File: ef05a826f0216dd⋯.png (232.26 KB, 482x255, 482:255, fareed-side-by-side-with-f….png)

File: 40337b6fc978f32⋯.jpg (41.83 KB, 700x351, 700:351, post-american-world.jpg)


Fareed Zakaria. Yale Alum. 2.5 years younger than Hussein. CNN special guy. Author.

27ac90 No.1781571


Agreed. They needed a successor to maintain order. Do you really think he killed his own brother? Maybe the deep state had him killed because he was going to spill the beans.

15b72d No.1781572


Can you post the stripped down audio?

f8a069 No.1781573

omfg are you still digging on the guy that has been identified 24 hours ago? luark moar!

deb731 No.1781574

File: d58e253135f39e0⋯.jpg (7.11 KB, 236x130, 118:65, f642051174353d91dbe9d658be….jpg)


>I'd say that the whole porn hoopla is nothing but a distraction from what we should be doing.


>Once we have genuine, solid, irrefutable proofs, it wouldn't matter if we published them in Penthouse.


>Proof is proof. Everything else is just window dressing.

5a3998 No.1781575

File: 7fecb6516f7a111⋯.png (206.74 KB, 550x310, 55:31, 83CEDB7E-D11E-4975-912A-64….png)


But really..

It can’t..

Q … for real???

36ebc0 No.1781576

Think 2.5….

The OTHER Roommate. The first roommate was Charlie Sheen, who was then replaced by Asthon Kutcher.

He also posted AK…think two and a half men.

795b13 No.1781577

File: 70ba1c539938555⋯.jpg (42.83 KB, 800x638, 400:319, bernini2.jpg)

File: 3a7b4f6b1368da2⋯.jpg (67.06 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cheeks2.jpg)

TY, Baker!

c67de9 No.1781578


some never stop

a058b2 No.1781579

File: 425793a504b364f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 585.05 KB, 600x584, 75:73, ClipboardImage.png)

b526e8 No.1781580


got it

you want us to stop because we are getting closer.


7beae7 No.1781581


He wasn't at Columbia U until 1989.


e09ecc No.1781582


Fgt, post the pic, not link to pic….

3b7d8d No.1781583

File: bd514637961cc1e⋯.jpg (5.64 KB, 199x199, 1:1, index.jpg)

File: 52573bf362b7772⋯.jpg (402.51 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, qmy61qi4io111.jpg)


Look at the windows. Could Phil's photo have been taken inside the WH, in a different room?

675103 No.1781584


I'm an adult, and I know I'm here for research. When shills start dropping hard core and homosexual porn, I either just ignore it and keep on keeping on, or I stare for a while and wonder if that shit was photoshopped.

deb731 No.1781585


agreed. we focus on details we're missing bigger pictures.


this has always been the 'toxic underbelly of the internet'. nothing is new

2df31b No.1781586

File: 33ae6fb69a6f827⋯.jpeg (7.9 KB, 255x208, 255:208, 528da540293d9528e42ea1c91….jpeg)


>>1781488 dubs of truth are proof enough

aed84c No.1781587


Need to change board name from 8Chan to PAKICHAN !

2d1518 No.1781588


>>1780725 THis is a pretty big noteable from last bread IMHO

f8a069 No.1781589


they have by now claimed that every brown person on the fucken planet has been bo's roommate.


619936 No.1781590

File: 6ca29db498d2939⋯.png (53.46 KB, 200x173, 200:173, ClipboardImage.png)

675103 No.1781591

File: 417fb43830ebf69⋯.png (247.99 KB, 366x502, 183:251, Screenshot_44.png)

6a5973 No.1781592

f8a069 No.1781593


you don't even know what you are doing. re-read, we already know who this guy is.

462a96 No.1781594

File: 983f2a6499cb1b1⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1294x830, 647:415, Screen Shot 2018-06-16 at ….png)


according to the guardian where the photo was published it was Boerner

eca1cb No.1781595

File: d34f091b581677e⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1148x802, 574:401, valinasr.png)


>Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?

>Why not?

>Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?

I read this as explaining why the IG Report couldn't contain any of the important parts

a058b2 No.1781596

File: e004166ebceaa50⋯.png (109.42 KB, 440x252, 110:63, ClipboardImage.png)

15b72d No.1781597


Same here, but at times I shitpost a comment if its exceptional porn.

eca1cb No.1781598


Pic unrelated

e6a8a9 No.1781599


I think there is more to it than that, it continues as Kellyanne is talking about DACA while they are showing the images of POTUS. Working on getting Audacity FFMPEG installed unless you have something better and can isolate it.

548dd2 No.1781600


Cry about it and waste moar bread, faggot.

067151 No.1781601


Is that Kal Penn?

7beae7 No.1781602


Fareed Zakaria is comically far off the mark.


36ebc0 No.1781603

File: 62998aadf0a2189⋯.jpg (194.05 KB, 1400x2000, 7:10, gandhi.jpg)

Can someone shoop out the moustache? Could be him.

b526e8 No.1781604



post link

249409 No.1781605

I will go out on a limb since it appears this could be an old bloodline.

Preet Bharara has to figure into this mess somewhere along the way.

34925f No.1781606


I have a thing for trumpets. I guess it sets the mood. NOFX the decline.. Perfect use of trumpets..

19bbfa No.1781607



Anyone consider the possibility that the "original picture" that we have been pointed to has been altered before it was allowed into the public MSM circulation.

Any thing seem a bit extra and tacked on? Mustache/facial hair, would spooks add that on to conceal who Obama was truly with?

What about darken the skin tone….or manipulate eye color.

bc0534 No.1781608


Thomas Wicktor did a thread on it yesterday or the day before (twatter) with a lot of photos of Kim and military grabbing his arms

a058b2 No.1781609

File: 27a1ab2b19a883c⋯.png (123.22 KB, 450x276, 75:46, ClipboardImage.png)

2df31b No.1781610


only multiple times in the last few threads

0ed68b No.1781611


Already exist a board for pakistan in 8ch?

10d8bd No.1781612

File: 7c07620e1361d85⋯.jpg (94.07 KB, 657x452, 657:452, Giants-02.jpg)

File: eba3b738cc3ffa4⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 320x485, 64:97, Giants-05.jpg)

File: 2015dab50185e79⋯.jpg (68.78 KB, 402x458, 201:229, Giants-07.jpg)

File: 3c222bf85288794⋯.jpg (112.44 KB, 816x502, 408:251, Giants-33.jpg)

Forbidden History

The Order of the Illuminati, Giants, the Bible & Stonehenge

Dear Awakeners, anything you can learn about the Illuminati's secret society will massively increase your understanding of what's actually going on in the world. The Illuminati are essentially Satan's mafia, very powerful, driven and globally connected. The best information comes from ex-Illuminati who have learned the secrets that have been kept from the public; from those that truly understand the hidden dark side. These excellent video interviews are time VERY well spent, far better than concerning yourself with the "Congressional Days of Our Lies" soap opera. Below are some notes I took from the start of the first fascinating video.

1) Rare interview: A former member of the Illuminati exposes the origins of the society (1:08:56)


2) A conversation with ex Illuminati insider Ronald Bernard and Sacha Stone (33:08)


3) Worldwide testimonies on Child Sacrifices part one, intro by Ronald Bernard (10:13 C/C)


4) here's another interesting one w/link starting on Freemasonry part:

Channeling. Mediums. Freemasonry - Bill Schnoebelen (1:46:37)


The Illuminati is synonymous with witchcraft and sold-out souls to Satanism, and living in the Illuminati is basically a death sentence under normal circumstances. But no matter how powerful Satan and the Illuminati think they are, if you are born again into Christ you are protected by God and will leave this earth when God says it's time. The Illuminati don't call their God Satan, that's a Christian idea. They teach that Satan was a Christian bogey-man to keep their kids in line. They refer to him as Lucifer. They teach that in the beginning, Lucifer was equal to God in all things in heaven, as the millennia rolled by, it was God who became jealous of Lucifer's equality and cast him out in 'the great war of heaven' and all those who follow him. Right now, the Illuminati believe they are summoning up enough force, that at the battle of Armageddon, they're going to kill God and the Holy Spirit, and put Lucifer at the top where he belongs, and that right now Christ is chained to a huge boulder in hell for betraying the cause.

In Genesis, after the first 6 books, it talks about the ancient giants for the first time. They undoubtedly have existed. The Bible tells us that the giants ranged in height anywhere from 9.5 to 40 feet. One passage said that the giant there was as tall as a cedar tree. The average cedar tree is 40 feet in height, that's a 4 story building. They had 6 fingers and 6 toes, they had double, sometimes triple rows of teeth. The giants were not nice people, they were all evil foul creatures.

It was fallen angels or demons that mated with female human beings that created the giants. Remember Lucifer was just cast out of heaven to the earth with all the others. He wanted to get revenge. He wanted to take over the world now. If he couldn't have heaven, he was going to take the earth. But in order to do this he would have to create an army. What better type of army could you create than solders being 9.5 to 40 feet tall? We know that God wiped them out the first time in the great flood. But in Genesis 6:4 it says that there were not only giants then, but afterwords too. We have a prophecy here which states they'll be coming again. They did. They came back after the flood the same way it happened the first time. And this is where Joshua who was leading the armies of Israel comes into the story…

In the land of Canaan, there were over 40 tribes that had giants in them. By extrapolating from all the towns and numbers in the Bible, around Bashan and in the entire area, there were approximately one million giants. That's a number that's almost unheard of at that time. Why would Lucifer put a million giants in that one area? There was a prophecy in the old testament that tells of a messiah that would be born right in the area of Jerusalem. And we know that was Jesus Christ. Lucifer was going to try to stop the prophecy of Jesus Christ being born, because the prophecy says that since Jesus would be God himself, that ultimately he was going to defeat Lucifer. The Illuminati teaches that if you can stop just one prophecy of God, then God can't be God then. So the rest of the prophecies could be undone at that point. They know of the Bible, but that's not to say they believe it. They were going to try and stop Christ from being born, but we know that Christ came about no matter what these people tried… (end of part one)

Forbidden History

89c94c No.1781613


Because what KellyAnne and the mooch said could be used in a side by side, as Q proofs for sure. Especially since more proofs we're requested, and responded they'd be injecting. I can't wait for the AF1 and Marine1 proofs. Just hope they can get them, without risking security concerns (lots of classified stuff in both these, that keep our POTUS safe).

9d517c No.1781614

5a3998 No.1781615

175a17 No.1781616

27ac90 No.1781617


Apparently, you're on it.

675103 No.1781618

File: 97dd878780973d6⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1054x590, 527:295, Screenshot_143.png)

591841 No.1781619

File: 1ccfa1c6562a4fb⋯.png (512.16 KB, 616x445, 616:445, obama-ex-sheila.png)

File: 80eabea58b5817c⋯.png (538.53 KB, 622x428, 311:214, michelle-wedding-library.png)

does the book in sheila's office arouse your curiosity?

"Brothers at War"


did Barack and Michelle marry in an elementary school?

with bridesmaids wearing black?

is this a sacrifice? wtf?

she could afford a formal wedding gown? (unless she borrowed it)

and not afford a hall or a church?

what am I missing here.

34925f No.1781620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f8a069 No.1781621


now this guy is more interesting. I was unable to find anything about him except that the siddiqi guy mentioned him and his wife in the pbs interview.

->Hasan Chandoo

here the link to the interview with Siddiqi again

https:// www.pbs.org/video/frontline-frontline-interview-sohale-siddiqi/

aed84c No.1781622



e58956 No.1781623

File: fa974def7cd551c⋯.png (1.74 MB, 891x885, 297:295, 7532732725138319833068.png)

Stop Fugly Porn NOW!

462a96 No.1781624


3c3ec8 No.1781625

>>1781388 (pb)

people are being ridiculous. they sent GoldBug over here. It works so well since people can see. Literally blind?

The reason many of "Obamas" appointees and men around him look alike? Could it be he likes the same "type" - and this child on the couch was his first love? They say he's still wearing their "wedding ring?" So he picks the men who surround him based upon that?

>>1781463 (pb)


Yes It was implied by Q that the person in question was in the State Dept. that's why we were told to look there. simple. Also "State" implies "State Dept"

>>1781434 (pb)

Not about what you are told.You are also told many things about "Obama" history which are untrue. What you are told is unreliable . You must rely upon your own eyes. And if you want to take Q as an authority; upon his tips.

675103 No.1781626

File: 7f1f8f54c097f4e⋯.png (949.62 KB, 808x449, 808:449, Screenshot_54.png)


Hey! Do you remember a few nights back an Anon posted a small video piece about some Canabal Giant Festival in Sardinia?

898293 No.1781627

File: c00d1fef928d47e⋯.jpg (42.1 KB, 474x394, 237:197, Q&Anon.jpg)

Q…we require your assistance. Anons going full autism, shills preying on our paki paradox syndrome.

07138c No.1781628

File: 19ba7f0872d75ec⋯.jpg (73.62 KB, 1280x677, 1280:677, imran-awan.jpg)

File: e468025319f50e5⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 480x392, 60:49, obamaandroommate-480.jpg)

File: 67acf9d1d22386e⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 237x255, 79:85, 973aa29d0c3dbd710b55bcc1b8….jpg)


i wonder if this has anything to do with the awan tribe

which i am fairly sure the awan brothers are a part of

anons in here few weeks ago mentioned they were drug running pakis

175a17 No.1781629

File: 84c5196e48464b3⋯.gif (3.09 MB, 437x504, 437:504, bakergirl8.gif)

0d5bd0 No.1781630

File: 49358ef91e9df7e⋯.png (221.77 KB, 424x255, 424:255, fareed-mid-2000s-side-by-s….png)


is that so, fareed?

fdb2bd No.1781631

If you guys can't decode the name of the board yourselves ask for help.

f8a069 No.1781632

File: 3c36cb035080233⋯.jpg (214.3 KB, 960x656, 60:41, kim-jong-un-north-korea-vf.jpg)


yes they do it a lot. why would the supreme leader let himself be tackled like that all the time?

9fe250 No.1781633


I've read in this forum that a theory is a few NK military blackhats were taken out and KJU is "free". Possibly?

deb731 No.1781635


sometimes if you marry in a church, the nicest rooms they can give you and your girls to change/get ready, are the sunday school rooms

aed84c No.1781636


it was a joke…ffs

462a96 No.1781637

Anyone remember this trial from May of 2010?


deb731 No.1781638

a4b884 No.1781639


Don't know about Mustache Man, but there has been speculation that Obama's black shirt is Photoshopped.

0ca13b No.1781640

File: 588e9288921630c⋯.gif (281.25 KB, 200x150, 4:3, 8E528EB0-5DF1-47BB-9DD3-61….gif)


Is this offensive?

175a17 No.1781641

File: 53805eb82fc0591⋯.mp4 (6.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 53805eb82fc05910599f20ec41….mp4)

why, because I can

0ed68b No.1781642


Something as /Pak/

For Pakistani people (In Arab or English) I guess

16ce93 No.1781643

File: 18b42fe14c6bd33⋯.png (108.65 KB, 491x430, 491:430, 1525461274181.png)

27ac90 No.1781644


That seems to be where Q has led us. I believe most anons hold that belief. Something changed over there.

6bc346 No.1781645


Here it is looped. Use headphones



I use Adobe Audition, But I'm no audio engineer… I need to run out for a bit, will listen to the whole thing when I get back. Should be worth listening to anyway.

deb731 No.1781646


do you need a pat on the back from daddy? on your feet, keep moving

a6c010 No.1781647

File: deed174adda12b2⋯.mp4 (6.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Spacepussy.mp4)

8d54e7 No.1781648



Fucking savage.

9fe250 No.1781649


Well I did image search but the image didn't show

16d417 No.1781650

File: 903c074eb998c77⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Axelrod.jpg)

Axelrod????twatter is asking

9d177b No.1781651

File: 09dfedf894e0b0b⋯.png (310.56 KB, 607x504, 607:504, ClipboardImage.png)


Has "cult" always been a bad thing? Or is that just more marxist faggotry?

b89ecd No.1781652


eyes too narrow

face/eye size ratio is off.

3bc54e No.1781653

File: aceac4298d474ea⋯.jpg (19.33 KB, 291x330, 97:110, Arif_Alikahn_25.jpg)

Arif Alikhan, former Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for the Office of Policy Development. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano made the appointment.

063a56 No.1781654

File: 20ca288c7243506⋯.png (607.71 KB, 644x621, 28:27, ClipboardImage.png)


Boerner was the photographer

https:// www.thesun.co.uk/news/3485300/cocaine-pot-gay-crushes-and-the-white-lover-ambitious-barack-obama-ditched-to-become-president/

15b72d No.1781655


Big up Anon! Breaking out headphones

42d166 No.1781656


Surely you can point to the time fareed was in the hussein admin.

27ac90 No.1781657


I don't know. Check the catalog. If not, you can make one I'm sure.

10d8bd No.1781658

File: 80453fb8ca8b1ca⋯.jpg (44.68 KB, 427x480, 427:480, Giants-09.jpg)

File: 8660f0240181c1d⋯.jpg (146.62 KB, 527x535, 527:535, Giants-34.jpg)

File: 5d463b62d4804da⋯.jpg (117.43 KB, 609x553, 87:79, Giants-39.jpg)

File: 1bcb9aea028e2b1⋯.jpg (39.91 KB, 311x402, 311:402, Giants-12.jpg)

Forbidden History

(Part 2) The giants were almost up to 7 times taller than normal 6 foot humans. Some people try to say they were taller, but they're wrong. There's a cover up trying to hide the truth about the giants, because if you can prove the existence of giants, than the Bible must be right. That's why they bury a lot of this archeology, like many other hidden or forbidden things. The same thing with Noah's ark. We have photographic evidence, satellite images too, we know it exists, we know where it exists, on the hillside of the mountain of Ararat, Turkey. The governments of Russia and Turkey (it's right on the border) refuse to allow Christians to go there and excavate it. Why? Well Turkey and Russia (govts) don't believe in God like in Christianity, do they? [However, Putin has recently tied their government to the Christian Russian Orthodox Church,…a change is a coming.] If we could unearth Noah's ark and show the world, it would prove that God existed, and they can't have that. We would have a whole change in our morality at that point. That would strictly go against the plans of the Illuminati, to set up a New World Order.

We are on the verge of a major discovery, if we can extract the DNA from the bones or teeth (from the unearthed giants), we can verify everything. With my medical background, I doubt the giants had a double helix, I think they may have had a triple helix. The double helix carries all the information to create a human construct…

Goliath was a small giant, only 9.5 feet tall. There's a story of Merlin the Magician (from the Knights of the Round Table) who, with the help of the giants, built Stonehenge. Stonehenge dates back to 3,000 bc., but there are thousands of stone circles peppered all throughout ancient Persia that date back to 11,000 bc., and it was the giants that built them all. There are stone circles found all over the world. Our history has been altered to keep the truth from the public, because it would only validate God and the Bible.

The stone circles like Stonehenge had three purposes. They were used for religious purposes, as astrological observatories, and as places for the rites of human sacrifices where they would summon up demons. Under Stonehenge alone, there were over 4,000 human skeletal remains found from human sacrifice. No-one seems to notice or make the connection, but directly across the street from Stonehenge there's a large hexagram crop formation. It's not the star of David, it has a circle around it. It is the foulest, the strongest, the most evil of occult symbols in all of history, nothing can touch it. You need this symbol if you're going to summon up a demon into this plane of existence.

Demons are making the crop formations, not people. The crop formations are usually found in close proximity to stone circle ritual sites. Like the two mile wide stone circle of Amesbury, there are two adjacent formations forming a triangle. The triangle inside a circle is called a Thaumaturgic Triangle and it's used for the summoning of demons. The whole purpose of the stone circles is to bring back demons or fallen angels to mate with female human beings. The demons that created the giants knew the prophecies of God, so they made a way, through their children (the Giants) to make the stone circles so that the demons could come back through. That's been the purpose of the stone circles all along.

In England, Scotland, Ireland, Russia, Sweden, the Middle East, America, all the stories speak of ancient giants that lived in their areas. All of these cultural stories, their weapons, their tools and other things that they've found, are being hidden by the governments of the world to make sure people don't know about them. Most all of the crop formations are not being shown in papers and magazines. The media says the myserious crop circles, and the mysteries of Stonehenge, and that no-one actually knows what they're for or who made them. Well, a lot of people throughout the governments and the rest of the world know exactly what they are and what they're used for, but it's their secret.

Forbidden History

98b8c9 No.1781659

File: ce8b992a4b4724c⋯.png (134.23 KB, 661x672, 661:672, Screen Shot 2018-06-15 at ….png)

File: 39c4a1f26ac1698⋯.png (75.47 KB, 602x139, 602:139, Screen Shot 2018-06-15 at ….png)

File: a5f5d5f2088ea96⋯.png (126.96 KB, 667x514, 667:514, Screen Shot 2018-06-15 at ….png)

File: 1e05730ed70ab13⋯.png (617.5 KB, 1068x476, 267:119, Screen Shot 2018-06-17 at ….png)


and his father michael phillip boerner spent 30 years in the state department… often stationed in germany

he died in 2012

9fe250 No.1781660


Say what you want. In the pic of chad vs austist I'm the guy in new balance looking at ground :[

b89ecd No.1781661


3 NK generals that were blackhats

deb731 No.1781662


tell twatter to dig for themselves, they are anons and have the internet just like we do

a6c010 No.1781663

File: 68bdf26d566099b⋯.mp4 (7.08 MB, 640x360, 16:9, George Soros crys crocodil….mp4)

a058b2 No.1781664

File: 87349ac507073fa⋯.png (192.01 KB, 367x526, 367:526, ClipboardImage.png)

16ce93 No.1781665


just filter em or something

2df31b No.1781666

3c32d4 No.1781667


Those are the Generals whom were removed.

175a17 No.1781668


kek stone circles are for astronomy dumbass


e6a8a9 No.1781669


I'll keep working on it, there are at least two more things said. Our own Laurel vs Yanny

36ebc0 No.1781670

File: 87169402fb891d4⋯.jpg (16.33 KB, 500x317, 500:317, bruce-lee-portrait-e150835….jpg)


Holy shit, that's him. Here's the picture before college.

249409 No.1781671


Distinct possibility.

It's all connected, but have not researched or looked for pictures of his family members.

Cointel op?

2286b4 No.1781672


Nasr is a leading scholar on the politics of the Middle East and the Muslim world and on foreign policy. His two most recent books, The Shia Revival and Forces of Fortune, foresaw, respectively, post-war sectarian violence in Iraq and the uprisings that have become known as the Arab Spring. The books contributed to U.S. policy formulated in response to those events.

e58956 No.1781673


now that's more like it!

ty anon

19bbfa No.1781674



Dont think this was a message really intended for us. We arent going to find shit.

That pic is heavily, heavily altered. Original had a clear picture of someone else and that person is a foreign intel operative. Q is signaling to Obama and the other guys that Q team has everything, including the original.

This means that Q even has evidence of what Obama was really up to during his scantily recorded college years and weird foreign trips.

3b7d8d No.1781675

File: bd514637961cc1e⋯.jpg (5.64 KB, 199x199, 1:1, index.jpg)

File: 1403253057ae5db⋯.png (1.22 MB, 910x607, 910:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 535d5e6fe9a9261⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1300x867, 1300:867, ClipboardImage.png)


BOOM! Check the wallpaper, sofa color, and windows. Phil Boener was in HUSSEIN's Oval Office.

81ac81 No.1781676


Where were these three generals getting their power from such that they could hold KJU hostage?

How was that power broken?

4b7159 No.1781677

File: 7d3245d0cfec772⋯.jpg (4.89 KB, 310x162, 155:81, femaboat.jpg)


444858 No.1781678


It is ALL connected.

ad969c No.1781679

I am just hoping that the reason this first IG report was so bland is because they cannot compromise ongoing investigations.

With the number of sealed indictments posted, the huge scale and magnitude of the evil and the necessity to take this all apart and still be able to function as a country… this is like brain surgery under fire. This HAD to be long in the planning, with shitloads of contingency plans.

I also think this is why we were told 'future proves past' - because timing must be based on battlefield conditions, and no plan survives contact with the enemy. To win, a plan must have flexibility, even to the extent of tossing it out and getting option 2 out of the drawer.

Just my thoughts while tractoring before dark hit…

a058b2 No.1781680


not fugly

898293 No.1781681

File: 6bae8443b174785⋯.png (506.48 KB, 955x1077, 955:1077, 0YT85Xb.png)


Nah but I am calling it a night, been at this since 5am. I check back later on after I rest my eyes. Hope I don't dream of pakis…

175a17 No.1781682

File: 5115644981f2446⋯.jpg (359.66 KB, 600x600, 1:1, saint michael.jpg)



he might've been a lefty comped fuck, but NO ONE is irredeemable, some just refuse redemption

444858 No.1781683


It is not bland.

It is setting the expectations for the HAMMER.

Enter ….

27ac90 No.1781684


Interesting. He died (?) and then BHO's roommate suddenly appeared.

Kind of like AJ and BH

9d517c No.1781685

File: d6e178878834057⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 532x450, 266:225, fidel-castbrow.jpg)


unbereavable but iz tru do…

4b7159 No.1781686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10d8bd No.1781687

File: 3b78671bc2e46a2⋯.jpg (94.61 KB, 586x401, 586:401, Giants-17.jpg)

File: d93c3323bf0c243⋯.jpg (90.72 KB, 680x446, 340:223, Giants-18.jpg)

File: 7fb6882ff72c9f9⋯.jpg (106.28 KB, 651x469, 93:67, Giants-29.jpg)

File: 568e4f007dbf603⋯.jpg (80.82 KB, 465x428, 465:428, Giants-44.jpg)



Forbidden History

(Part 3) There's another stone circle called Gilgal Refaim, in Golan Heights, Israel. In Hebrew, Gilgal Refaim means Wheel of the Ghosts, or Wheel of Giants. More than 42,000 basalt stones make up the formation, and dates back to over 5,000 years ago. The records indicate there were no known civilizations or tribes around Gilgal Refa'im during that time except for the ancient giants.

The giants of the Americas stood between 15-18 feet in height, and had orange hair. Most were in Western North America and they would run around doing whatever they wanted. They would grab the cattle from the indians, buffalo & deer, carry them away under their arms and eat them. The problem was they were so big that one tribe could do nothing to stop them. Someone got the idea that if all the tribes united, they could hunt them down and take care of them once and for all. So that's what they did. They hunted them all to the point of near genocide, but 12-15 of them remained in a cave and wouldn't come out. They used spears, arrows and sling-shots to drive them out but they wouldn't come out. So they built a huge fire in front of the cave to smoke them out. They wouldn't come out so they all died in the cave. Being very supersticious, no-one would ever go into the cave again. So somewhere in the Western US in a cave there are the skeletal remains of 12-15 giants.

The Illuminati's religion goes all the way back to Babalonia itself. Remember, Lucifer wanted to take over the world and he will try to do so during the last seven days of the tribulation period. Lucifer is a spiritual being, time means nothing to him. He's been planning this for thousands of years. So when this started, lets say 5,000 years ago, that's along time to us but not to him. It's taken time to set all the plans but they're almost all set up. Now what's going to happen is you're going to see more activity at these stone circles than ever before in recorded history.

To be in the Illuminati, you practice the rite of human sacrifice 8 times a year. It has to happen. The last one was Dec. 1st on the night of yule in the Illuminati. Most of the power brokers, the big people who are running this world are in the Illuminati. Israel's Supreme Court building was built by the Rothschilds, and they still head the Order of the Illuminati to this day.

They all want to be in the Illuminati so that they'll be big and powerful people when Lucifer/Satan starts his reign in the New World Order here on earth. They don't believe in heaven or hell. The believe in reincarnation. That's why a lot of their plans take a hundred years or longer. Because they believe that when they die, they'll come back and finish their plans anyway. In incarnation, you come back exactly the same as when you left. The Hindus believe in reincarnation, but if you didn't live a good enough life, you come back as a bug, a bird, an animal-that's one way of looking at it. The Illuminati has their way of looking at it. Just like there are different forms of Christianity, it all depends on your interpretation.

Forbidden History

98b8c9 No.1781688

File: fe0121bddfd641b⋯.png (289.27 KB, 362x652, 181:326, Screen Shot 2018-06-16 at ….png)

File: 500d0ff2d49aeea⋯.png (318.8 KB, 594x436, 297:218, Screen Shot 2018-06-16 at ….png)

File: ba56d645e5ab3ab⋯.png (350.77 KB, 1192x623, 1192:623, Screen Shot 2018-06-16 at ….png)


yeah he admits it… its on his facebook

a4b884 No.1781689

File: 17eee9d832b2821⋯.png (634.62 KB, 721x598, 721:598, boots.png)



"Foot surgery."

8d54e7 No.1781690


Yup. Has anyone XREFed his entourage in SING to NKMIL pics? just curious.Don't see how IDing those taken out would help us without Inside intel though, as im sure NK higher ups are classified.. And in such a dark country, with so little internet, if no internet, not sure would be a lot to dig on connection wise… Maybe ill dig into it anyways, no new stuff lately.

175a17 No.1781691



wtf is this shit muh giants shilling?

adding to list

700247 No.1781692


Neither Paki nor fugly. Where am I?

27ac90 No.1781693


Justin Trudeau was the guy on the couch. The eyebrows!

15f70b No.1781694


>Vali Nasr

No college time with Obama or other roomies of Obama.

Not State Dept.

Not Foreign State Dept.

3b7d8d No.1781695


Not much of dig. haha

6da3b7 No.1781696



0d5bd0 No.1781697






also plausible

f5d2ae No.1781698


Clowns In America. (and Abroad)

Remember the Deal made Clowns out crumb?

What is a proxy war?

What is a proxy state?

067151 No.1781699


Oh shit. Not good

09f941 No.1781700


Dem some big ass shills. Kek

5a3998 No.1781701

Obama had the Irish spying on American citizens

Facebook gave them all access

100% ‘Look the other way’

Anons before Trump was elected when I used Facebook I noticed it was using ‘Facebook Ireland’ IP addresses.

Different company

Circumventing US Law


853374 No.1781702

(Bread #2242)


Paki Provincetown. So the O found some queer peers among a group that included some Pakis.

591841 No.1781704


wikileaks doesn't want to be blamed for loss of classified information?

working with gov to preserve sensitive info?

next thing we'll be hearing is

hrc did it all just to throw off the hackers

cept one or two little details


and podesta makes the best nut sauce

a058b2 No.1781705

File: 3e6fb69c23330b5⋯.png (596.26 KB, 657x444, 219:148, ClipboardImage.png)

3c3ec8 No.1781706

File: 0f57fc5eeb2182c⋯.png (406.58 KB, 1000x1014, 500:507, mysteryman1.png)



Black shirt photoshop is a red herring.

Mustache is fake. Doesn't match color of eyebrows. Line underneath his left side of lip is a hard line. The shape is crazy. It goes into his nose. I'll try again with a better copy of the photo from q drop? This is the best close up with a shitty copy.

175a17 No.1781707

File: c2838e5bc537239⋯.png (213.23 KB, 500x618, 250:309, ClipboardImage.png)


found the giant

2286b4 No.1781708


He was a State Department Advisor

9fe250 No.1781709


>Yup. Has anyone XREFed his entourage in SING to NKMIL pics? just curious.Don't see how IDing those taken out would help us without Inside intel though, as im sure NK higher ups are classified.. And in such a dark country, with so little internet, if no internet, not sure would be a lot to dig on connection wise… Maybe ill dig into it anyways, no new stuff lately.

Remember that military parade in NK that was televised during the twitter shit talk phase? If we can compare who is nearby then during who is nearby at summit maybe that can help.

827563 No.1781710


What is this fuckery? What the hell is she even trying to say here?

2c2dce No.1781711

Dug this up a while back.

> Marc Rich, pardoned by Clinton.

> Gold dealer/smuggler.

> Pays bribe to Bill to set up Tungsten importing from China.

Skolnick was on the ball, but missed the connection on matching densities with GOLD.

Not making bullets so much, but fake clad ingots?


175a17 No.1781712


/qresearch/ when its comfy as fuck

71d6d8 No.1781713

File: dad79657f3bb48d⋯.jpg (44.2 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, wright.jpg)

>Henderson man’s motives in standoff near Hoover Dam still murky


754254 No.1781714


no. the buddy would be more bald by now.

e2a7a0 No.1781715


I'm thinking Richard Verma then. Doesn't look like perfect match but poor quality old photo

3c32d4 No.1781716

5a3998 No.1781717


How many Irish guys he have in his cabinet?

0ed68b No.1781718

File: 1439103bdaaa3ee⋯.png (10.15 KB, 266x304, 7:8, ROGUESTATES.png)



898293 No.1781719

File: 630f858bcf5ecd8⋯.jpg (63.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1515287904984.jpg)

aed84c No.1781720


Mine is usually Mexico

8d54e7 No.1781721


Fun part is, THEY used him as a savior to his people… We just took the exalted czalf and freed it. The people will follow without the ShadMil controlling him. This is huge, i'm excited, are you excited? I'm excited, I can feel the electricity in the air… God bless us all and guide us to do his will.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

09f941 No.1781722


Ho ho ho, frog giant!!!

Pepe smash

3b7d8d No.1781723


Kind of curious he would post it after HUSSEIN left office

10d8bd No.1781724

File: bb0e518647aec59⋯.jpg (84.47 KB, 365x545, 73:109, Giants-04.jpg)

File: febee615a77d7a3⋯.jpg (116.37 KB, 407x551, 407:551, Giants-06.jpg)

File: ee6a733bc40a6f7⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 302x522, 151:261, Giants-14.jpg)


The last of the notes on the Giants video:

Rare interview: A former member of the Illuminati exposes the origins of the society (1:08:56)


Forbidden History

Lucifer fell from grace because he thought there was nothing that he couldn't do, like megalomaniacs with delusions of grandure. Like narsacists, everthing is all about me and everyone must bow down and worship me. What did it was pride, he wanted all the power and glory for himself and this is what he's still after. What the Bible says is going to happen during the 7 day period of the tribulation. They will get the earth for seven years. (day year?) And this is the plan of the Illuminati, it's ages and ages old, but this is the goal; a New World Order.

The Bible gives us prophecies that shows us how close the rapture is and then the tribulation period. It's in the book of Matthew where it's prophesized about the budding of the fig tree, the olive tree and the branches & stuff, when that happens, the next generation will be the last one. That reference is directly to Israel. When Israel became a nation back on May 14, 1948. The Bible tells us that Israel comes back as a sovergn nation again, the next generation, that's the last one. The Bible says a couple of thing about how long a generation is; 35, 40, 70, 100, or 120 years in length. That would bring it to 2018, 2048 or 2068. Now I'm not saying those are the years, I'm saying if we go by the Bible's definition of a generation, it could be any time now. 2018 could be the year but I'm not betting on it. With the internet, like in the end times knowledge would increase. They say now that every 6 months our knowledge is doubling.

There's always hope, and the greatest hope is found in the Bible in the prophecies. It tells us first of all that a person dosn't have to die and go to hell if they don't want to, they can get saved through Jesus Christ. That's why they say he died as the ultimate sacrifice upon the Cross of Calvary. And by turning to Christ and accepting his gift of salvation in him, and especially during your life. Trust me, your life is going to be so much better after that. I was in the Illuminati for 20 years of my life, I was raised in it. I saw a lot of things no-one should ever have to see. But I was part of this new world order system. I remember the plans , the times, the dates, the names, all of it.

But, for everything I have been, it's nothing compared to what I have now. And I bearly have two pennies to rub together but I have never been this happy or more content in my life. My final time is going to be with Jesus Christ in the heavens of God. I know that what ever happens at the end of the tribulation period, God is going to win in the end. So my hope for a better future has been secured. I don't have to worry about any of it because in the end, we win. But that's up to every individual. To accept the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ or reject it, and I wouldn't want to be in their shoes if they reject it. (Doc Marquis - Video by: Avner Valer, Published on Jan 22, 2018)

Forbidden History

700247 No.1781725


Floating fucking prisons.

5a3998 No.1781726


Where data is held or stored it falls under THOSE laws.

Who has access?

9fe250 No.1781727


Ok but hard to follow the big picture based on "ES". ES was nobody 20 years ago. How he involved now?

2d1518 No.1781728


I was thinking that operation that Q posted back in November was some kind of extraction. I coulndt really tie it, just seems to me that POTUS couldnt just met wiht KJU without him being out from underneath certain handlers. JMHO

dfbc7d No.1781729


>I'm an adult, and I know I'm here for research



754254 No.1781730


She trying to be sarcastic at Comey. (I am guessing) Because it was all about her emails but it turns out the FBI was illegally partisan.

9fe250 No.1781731


and what led to his involvement, who led to his involvement, when, etc.

71d6d8 No.1781732

File: 5d924c2c4555a8f⋯.jpg (76.91 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, Gun-Hoover-Vehicle.jpg)

8d54e7 No.1781733


sorry wrong post. meant to post that to >>1781513

47e5f8 No.1781734

Watch the water -'pole shift

The last magnetic pole shift was approximately 13,000 years ago during the times of Atlantis.

Pull that plug and watch the water swirl a different way down the hole.

3c3ec8 No.1781735



Yes, they found him last Night?

He's a civilian. that's why he doesn't match.

Lives in the North East. Different spellings of the name?

2df31b No.1781736


If it wasn't meant for anons, then why did Q ask if he could be identified? In >>922596

>Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

How do you know what will be found? How can you be so confident what Q means?

dfbc7d No.1781737

File: 3620959c5daebba⋯.jpg (971.88 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, PORN CONCERN FAG.jpg)

9857f7 No.1781738

How does one go about hanging oneself on a doorknob?

2d1518 No.1781739


We must be gettin a bunch of newfags in here. I been popping in ant out the past two days and people complaining about porn. What gives? Its just porn. What next they gonna complain about our memes?

9fe250 No.1781740


Plants need water? related to watch the water?

1d7297 No.1781741

>>1772236 Last bread (Trump Twitter)

Two countries. One pre-Civil War. One still in a state of emergency.

8d54e7 No.1781742

don't worry Hillary learned from her last falls and decided to start wearing a plate carrier to break the fall in the event of a future sprained ankle.

be01e5 No.1781743

File: 9befe00a4033b9b⋯.png (279.61 KB, 474x513, 158:171, ClipboardImage.png)


The Kashmir giants was the first thing that came to mind.


Microsoft’s Aspire School Program Suite (MASP Pro) will be used to equip schools with innovative learning solutions and technology. This programme combines the benefits of Microsoft’s technology and e-payment solutions from Efee Online to empower teachers and students to be future-ready.

“This is an integrated learning online system in which a student will be given a software, ‘Lycee’ worth Rs 25,000 free with MASP Pro,” said Ali Sait, CEO, Tech Avant-Garde.

“The teachers will be given a device by which they will remain connected with the students especially during the closure of internet and education institutes.”

He said the service was started in the Kashmir Valley first because “we want Kashmir to become a headquarters of the system” that will transform the education in India.

3c32d4 No.1781744



Obama admin was using Gmail for secret coms

ES set it up

27ac90 No.1781745


That was during Trump's China trip, I believe.

175a17 No.1781746


atlantis was an allegory

a058b2 No.1781747

File: f746b81c5cd5a5f⋯.png (443.21 KB, 488x750, 244:375, ClipboardImage.png)

09f941 No.1781748



Not sure if it's just nothing, but might be something.huh

3c3ec8 No.1781749


I think they got somebody in place to keep the "movie" going; so some people who are still being investigated won't know what's going on.

Either that or she's cracked under pressure?

15b72d No.1781750


Muh emails…. libtards call it a Hillary whataboutism. Go check out the comments on The Hill, warning you might puke from reading them.

deb731 No.1781751


saying its a shop before the electronic copy reached the internet. would explain the line of O's neck outside the shirt

0ed68b No.1781752


What that?

And why Hawaii?

a3f1c0 No.1781753

>>1781607 Enlarge the couch pic and see if the dick on O's left leg is shopped

18a09a No.1781754


I think it was just related to Manafort "plants".

9fe250 No.1781755


But how relate to NK? NK always been the way it is right? (our lifetimes) so what made ES involved. what changed. when.

b89ecd No.1781756



175a17 No.1781757

File: 00801498e0e4a0f⋯.jpg (19.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepesleep.jpg)

cya for the morning shift anons


89c94c No.1781758


Q, has said the tip of the ICE burg when referencing the investigations, correct? Hoping an anon can remember off the top of their head, 100%.

34925f No.1781759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e09ecc No.1781760


Thanks anon, good review materials….

a058b2 No.1781761

which tech company will go to NK first ZTE?

0ed68b No.1781762


Volcano was a distration for a prison?


700247 No.1781763


Frens don’t let frens go to The Hill, anon. It’s like looking into the abyss.

4ad55a No.1781764



"Excited" doesn't even begin to describe it…

9fe250 No.1781765


I don't know they need more than a tech company to get going.

27ac90 No.1781766



37ed3d No.1781767


And he was clean shaven back in Obamas drug den,

and clean shaven here.

2d1518 No.1781768


yea thats what Im talking about. That was when Trump supposedly actually met with KJU. That was the raod Q was taking us down months ago. The whole time I just kept wondering there had to be some kind of extraction before Trump could meet him. I dunno. I gave up on the idea a month ago. Just my brain tends to follow up on shit.

e7be05 No.1781769

File: 5d524b69b788690⋯.png (374.29 KB, 1111x833, 1111:833, Sleep.png)

Sleep comfy Anon. GodSpeed!!

249409 No.1781770

File: 909c80cca6340f1⋯.png (525.29 KB, 854x833, 122:119, blago rezko.png)

What about Blogoevich & Rezko? What information would they give up?

3c32d4 No.1781771


NK was the Deep States threat to US security EM supplied them with rocket tech ES supplied them with Coms and computer tech Hussein was daddy to it all.

3b7d8d No.1781772


The guy on our right is deformed like Andre the Giant and the guy on the left looks like two guys. Look how small his head is

9d517c No.1781773


wherz the measurements on the rest of the bones, Deju? Just the leg of one in the "Toomz"? Fer rizzle?

7beae7 No.1781774

Phil Boerner appears to have nothing in his life but be BO's roommate.

A Fed Employee Lookup revels nothing.

a4b884 No.1781775



This is the best explanation I've heard of Pakistan pic.

It reminds me of the State of the Union phone pics where Q asked us to take a closer look and we discovered that Candycrush was Photoshopped in.

17ab05 No.1781776

File: c33fa145b24703a⋯.jpg (45.07 KB, 980x552, 245:138, 141008134220-04-roots-fare….jpg)


>Fareed Zakaria


89c94c No.1781777


It's talking about manafort being a plant. He was an 'insider' spy, for (((them))). It goes A LOT deeper than the Steele dossier. They tried their damnedest to dig up dirt on the POTUS.

98b8c9 No.1781778


just like the obama witch pic… posted on the day of trump inauguration

b82eb4 No.1781779


good luck with that on the high seas!

37ed3d No.1781780

>>1781675 Phil Boener (couch photo taker) in Hussein's Oval Office.


d996d3 No.1781781

File: 28f4659b05a59a7⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 5634x4569, 1878:1523, 2010_NYR_02367_0083_000(to….jpg)

File: 01d22ffbf2472d6⋯.jpg (54.54 KB, 500x683, 500:683, 1acbc9f2911102b224baf66f1f….jpg)

15b72d No.1781782


True dat, scary shit. Liberalism is a disease that may not have a cure.

ad969c No.1781783


I can imagine Pontius Pilate talking about that "Jesus cult" after reading this.

Hard to imagine any anon actually worshiping Q - look at all the bitching! kek

If I see magic handshakes and secret decoder shit that requires special knowledge to use (clock is close to that), then it starts to seem like a priesthood is developing.

I think normies mistake excitement and hope for worship when they read the board during a Q Team drop.

YHTBT was the old saying - 'you had to be there' to grok it.

Also think Qresearch should stay as-is. Normies need to understand 1st amendment bi-directionality. There is no better way than boot camp right here.

27ac90 No.1781784


That's been pretty much confirmed. Talks been ongoing since Pompeo became SOS.

34925f No.1781785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e52181 No.1781786


Goodnight, Anon, from a Q Clock fag. I'm turning in too. Latest Qlock on this bread. >>1781556

a058b2 No.1781787

File: df9d9f16ffec8ce⋯.png (808.56 KB, 500x741, 500:741, ClipboardImage.png)

no newfags would know who she is

067151 No.1781788

File: c09721a1a35ea5d⋯.jpg (120.12 KB, 780x585, 4:3, mirror mirror.jpg)

97dba5 No.1781789

This Strozk is not a real person stuff is horse manure. Gen Flynn knows who interviewed him as does the second FBI agent who who was there with Strozk.

3c32d4 No.1781790


water…. maybe then a bit of sunshine.

47e5f8 No.1781792

The Earth is beginning to show signs of a magnetic pole shift.



All events occurred one after the other in a short time frame within or near the ring of fire.

977848 No.1781793


Oh my word. You've got it. He was sitting on the couch in front of the door. So, what do we know about this guy?

07138c No.1781794



prosecuted blago

appointed by comey

As special counsel for the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, Fitzgerald was the federal prosecutor in charge of the investigation of the Valerie Plame Affair, which led to the prosecution and conviction in 2007 of Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff Scooter Libby for perjury.[4][5]

As a federal prosecutor, he led a number of high-profile investigations, including ones that led to convictions of Illinois Governors Rod Blagojevich and George Ryan, media mogul Conrad Black, several aides to Chicago Mayor Richard Daley in the Hired Truck Program, and Chicago detective and torturer Jon Burge.

Larry Nassar Investigation

In 2014, Fitzgerald was hired by Michigan State University to conduct an internal MSU investigation to discover whether and when university officials knew about sexual assault allegations against Dr. Larry Nassar. Fitzgerald reported directly to university officials that no MSU official "believed" that Nassar had committed sexual assault, but did not provide any written report detailing the evidence for this claim.[45]

be01e5 No.1781795


Good pick up anon - does look a bit fake

15b72d No.1781796


Classic shit Anon!

37ed3d No.1781797


And referrals to Huber would have only been made if the person

was not already under investigation by Huber.

700247 No.1781798


Not even the Rockefeller Foundation has that particular cure in its vaults

0ed68b No.1781799

File: 8a50dcbc3285d05⋯.png (124.29 KB, 764x600, 191:150, Jammu-Kashmir-map.png)


Kashmir.. A place very fought..

9d177b No.1781800

File: 7d15a91bb400c18⋯.png (270.12 KB, 612x344, 153:86, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb55ab0d08252c8⋯.png (278.1 KB, 612x344, 153:86, ClipboardImage.png)

I smell clinton niggers

Two Kansas sheriff's deputies killed in shooting were both parents

The two Kansas sheriff's deputies who were fatally shot while transporting an inmate between jail and a court hearing both leave behind children.

Deputy Theresa King had three children and Deputy Patrick Rohrer had two, Wyandotte County sheriff's Maj. Kelli Bailiff said on Saturday.

King, 44, was a 13-year veteran of the Wyandotte County Sheriff's Office while Rohrer, 35, was with the department for seven years.

Rohrer died on Friday while King died early Saturday from injuries suffered after an inmate overpowered the two deputies.

The incident occurred when the deputies were taking the inmate from the courthouse back to jail, Terry Zeigler, the chief of the Kansas City, Kansas, police department.

Bailiff said during a news conference on Friday that it was possible the deputies were shot with their own weapons.

The suspect was also shot and underwent surgery. Zeigler said the last he heard, the suspect was in stable condition.

FOX4 Kansas City identified the suspect as Antoine Fielder, 22, who had been tried twice for the murder of a 22-year-old but both trials ended in hung juries. He was recently charged with the murder of a 55-year-old woman.

Bailiff said the investigation was now being handled by the police department in Kansas City. Police officer Zac Blair said authorities were reviewing surveillance video.

"This incident remains under investigation by the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Division, who is encouraging anyone with information to call the TIPS Hotline at 816-474- TIPS (8477)," the Wyandotte County Sheriff's Office said.

"We continue to pray for our brothers and sister with the Wyandotte County Sheriff's Department as we lose our sister this morning. No words could explain the feelings and emotions you feel. Praying for Wyandotte County!!" the Kansas City Kansas Police department wrote on Facebook following King's passing.

Kansas City, Kansas, has dealt with other officer shootings in the recent years. Two Kansas City officers were shot and killed within less than three months in 2016. Capt. Robert Melton was slain in July while searching for a suspect in a drive-by shooting. Melton was part of the police honor guard for Det. Brad Lancaster, who was fatally shot earlier in 2016 near the Kansas Speedway.

In 2015, Wyandotte County Deputy Scott Wood was shot seven times but survived.


827563 No.1781801


I leaning toward this. I'm doubting she's still in control of that account. All part of the movie

2d1518 No.1781802


I was just trying to actually picture the actual meeting in my head. Trump didnt just fly into NK eve after they disabled the deepstate over there. Something had to be setup. I guess it doesnt matter now. I was just making another idiotic point I guess. grr

20d495 No.1781803

Q directs attention to the person Barry is holding hands with.

The photos starts organically getting out there.

Other photos of Barry, some we haven't seen, start hitting the threads.

Over at half chan the mods go mental over pictures of Barry in blue Y devil costume.

Pics of Barry that raise many questions.

Q's post about where he came from.

I think I see where this is heading.

The public is about to find out about Barry.

Clinton is a distraction.

Notice how Barry has been very quiet.

10d8bd No.1781804




Yes, they were used for astrological purposes. But the stone circles were built by the giants and were also used for human sacrifice, as well as portals for summoning demons. Back at you…dumb fuck.

675103 No.1781805

File: b4d48ee79abe353⋯.png (266.06 KB, 680x634, 340:317, Screenshot_55.png)

I don't always post pictures of exotic Pakistani men, Anons.


0d5bd0 No.1781806

File: 355a71c5bf1f155⋯.png (181.8 KB, 424x255, 424:255, fareed-1980-side-by-side.png)


hard to find an old pic of the booger


a058b2 No.1781807

File: bd18a34ec4579ae⋯.png (903.98 KB, 937x1318, 937:1318, ClipboardImage.png)

for you oldfags

e09ecc No.1781808

File: f78ad072c2d3679⋯.jpg (172.95 KB, 653x367, 653:367, 8acx16_627_0034F.jpg)


Yes we do….

20d495 No.1781809


Don't get me wrong, as everyone focuses on Barry when it happens, Clinton is then next.

3c3ec8 No.1781810

File: 2e3cdcc4da9f811⋯.png (204.01 KB, 740x595, 148:119, mysteryman2.png)


Are you talking about the hard line at the neck. that's all I see. I don't see his neck outside shirt. Maybe I need a better copy.

It would be done by previous methods? Before photoshop. Maybe Barry kept the picture itself for sentimental reasons and doctored it. Mustache on the lover to make him look older. And fill in on the shirt so you couldn't see a maybe more risqué or gay looking top?

He's going to be President, after all.

deb731 No.1781811


if you're going that route, you know what you have to post next


675103 No.1781813


Time to prune the hedges!

ea4730 No.1781814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

249409 No.1781815


This would potentially open the floodgates looking at all the names which would be involved.

27ac90 No.1781816


To be sure. Like most things, details will not be known until it's all over. Enjoy the ride.

37ed3d No.1781817


They must have been close - photo of him standing next to Chelsea before she walks down isle.

9d177b No.1781818


Kansas City shuffle?

19bbfa No.1781819

File: 86dc943689dfe05⋯.jpeg (66.87 KB, 850x350, 17:7, obama-photo-holding-hands….jpeg)


>This is the best explanation I've heard of Pakistan pic.


>If it wasn't meant for anons, then why did Q ask if he could be identified? In >>922596

Because the face was clearly altered but the rest of the body was not. Look at the visible left ear of the PERSON and check its angle. You can see that the original face was actually pointed slightly to the left so the person must have been looking at the cameraman with his eyes. Funny, is that an ankle showing and what is the skin color? What about the hairy arms? Hair would be a pain to add or remove, but darkening the skin color easy.

We are looking at a possible Mid East or even European male here.

d996d3 No.1781820

File: 6c91f387059f2e2⋯.jpg (9.36 KB, 241x209, 241:209, images(2).jpg)

File: 8b2de23c6433ccc⋯.jpg (37.27 KB, 540x400, 27:20, sharon-stone-naked-harpers….jpg)

7beae7 No.1781821


Yeah, I found the usual smattering of news puff pieces. But nothing about government employment.

700247 No.1781822


Thank you. That’s made the world a far, far better place.

e7be05 No.1781823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm so sick of ALL these FUCKERS. I've had my share of mistakes Anons, but never once have I gone to bed with intentions or plans to fuck people over the next day. To lie to them, to propagandize them so my masters can genocide them, to rob them of their liberties and rights.

Sick of The Fuckers. (((they))) ruin everything. Or did. KEK!!

a058b2 No.1781824

File: 8e0f042cbb1c1ae⋯.png (51.56 KB, 300x183, 100:61, ClipboardImage.png)

15b72d No.1781825


Strozk maybe real but he sure ain't just FBI, seems like a deep state cleaner, think harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction as the Wolf.

3b7d8d No.1781826

07138c No.1781827

some of you guys inspire me to be a better person with your autism keep it up

3c32d4 No.1781828



deb731 No.1781829


I did not save it, but anon had a sharper copy that clearly showed that a line of brown neck is OUTSIDE the black turtle neck on the left side (O's right side)

5a3998 No.1781830



Body Language

Dry Mouth


Present Tense Statement (Think about it)

Facebook Ireland inc

Obama Used Irish to spy on Americans

Facebook complicit

MZ a dickrider for money

MZ sold out Americans

846b0e No.1781831


He had foot surgery, the photo Wictor showed was of KJU leaving the hospital.

a058b2 No.1781832


he was 2nd in FBI counter intelligence office under bill prestrap

34925f No.1781833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7f5e52 No.1781834

boom boom BOOM!!


19bbfa No.1781835


Hey asshole, >>1781819

>was actually pointed slightly to the left so the person must have been looking at the cameraman with his eyes.

was actually pointed slightly to left from the cameramans perspective.

15b72d No.1781837


Liberals are like the zombies on Walking Dead, only one way to fix their problem….

2d1518 No.1781838

File: 3d739a851105f9c⋯.jpg (10.05 KB, 167x302, 167:302, psychodlicsht.jpg)


I guess. I try. Im trying. Who knows. I tend to be a stickler for followup and details sometimes. Maybe a little flat earth theory will clear it up a little. :)

f8a069 No.1781839


sauce with that info?

3c3ec8 No.1781840


The ankle is white because it doesn't usually see the Sun.

15f70b No.1781841

File: 3b21c6d8c7c9a27⋯.png (324.3 KB, 503x437, 503:437, obama-roomy-best-found.png)

71d6d8 No.1781842

File: 32aae8466eb254e⋯.jpg (461.39 KB, 1920x1056, 20:11, dindu.jpg)

e7be05 No.1781843

File: f7c8144830bb7f4⋯.png (179.22 KB, 270x364, 135:182, Screen Shot 2018-06-17 at ….png)



This was my first girl poster. KEK!!

27ac90 No.1781844


Yeah, he's got a bit of a farmer's tan on his upper arm, too.

cbeeb9 No.1781845


I remember hearing it from Mooch as well and immediately making the connection. I think he said tip top though, not tippy iirc.

675103 No.1781846

File: bbf60eeac2a2ad5⋯.png (865.02 KB, 860x523, 860:523, Screenshot_56.png)


Cut off their arms and their bottom jaws so they can't effect anyone anymore!

f8a069 No.1781847

File: c5910ad9e9c38ed⋯.jpg (53.71 KB, 720x460, 36:23, 51cc348997490.jpg)

look, everybody's best friend in Pakistan

4b7159 No.1781848



591841 No.1781849


possibly the picture is from pakistan

pakistan rug

pakistan gold couch

grass curtains

low end table

obama wearing boots (traveling in rough country maybe?)

and then there was the story – mentioned tonight

that obama and his friends thought of themselves as a TRIBE

meaning they were foreigners of a bond?

they were all blacks or pakistani?

and then there is the possibility that it is staged

or that it is being preserved for history

rather than just a spontaneous photo

of friends sitting around on a couch

could obama be drugged? voluntarily? not voluntarily?

was this his indoctrination photo?


make your own conclusions

same as with the IG report

37ed3d No.1781850


Because she was being 'investigated' for private emails,

and he was also using private emails. (along with 12 other people including Obama)

3c3ec8 No.1781851


fake name "Siddiqi" At the very least not who he became.

18a09a No.1781852


He dindu nuffin!

700247 No.1781853


Red nose and big flappy shoes.

deb731 No.1781854

File: 4b93828e35273bb⋯.jpg (51.06 KB, 639x628, 639:628, DGZcU2BUQAAXuuH.jpg)


so O may have been bare chested or had faggy or che shirt on

has line of neck OUTSIDE shirt upon close inspection

Face of other guy has been doctored

>so nice when shill shift ends

9d517c No.1781855


Peter Stroke, Lease-a-page

462a96 No.1781856

Is Q starting the hunt of who Hussein really is?

How long has DJT been asking that question?

15b72d No.1781858


Thats what ((they)) say, can't believe anything in this here wonderland. Expand your thinking.

063a56 No.1781859

File: 670ff7da9ba5803⋯.png (878.73 KB, 930x1815, 62:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b6830b24ac10ab⋯.png (948.71 KB, 927x2097, 103:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71913dfb20ad9b4⋯.png (670.29 KB, 707x1923, 707:1923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cc79b9aaa572b4⋯.png (348 KB, 699x865, 699:865, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 436d21cd6ca466b⋯.png (443.26 KB, 686x1719, 686:1719, ClipboardImage.png)

Who is Obama, Really? (con't Obama & Friends dig)

Here is a snippet:

In the summer of 1981, Barry traveled to Pakistan with CIA handler John Brennan and Zbigniew Brzezinski. His host while there was Muhammadian Soomro, who is linked to the Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI), which was involved in money laundering, bribery, terrorist support, tax evasion, smuggling and illegal immigration. A front company for CIA. They were there supporting Osama Bin Laden against the Russians in Afghanistan. Barry’s history is missing for the next three years but we do know he was in Indonesia and India as well during this time.

>>1780464 >>1773238 >>1773484

http:// el.saianarchy.com/2016/10/28/who-is-obama-really/

37ed3d No.1781860


Anon….. please call the suicide hotline. Don't do it.

17ab05 No.1781861

File: 52683c6b30b34d4⋯.jpg (160.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, enoch.jpg)


The angels that mated with human women were not part of Satan's group, they were an off-shoot.

200 of them supposedly. Book of Enoch they are named. Their leader was Azazel.

They were punished so harshly by GOD, because they corrupted ALL flesh (humans and animals) that no angel again dared to mate with a women. Basically they were chained inside the bowels of the Earth in eternal darkness.

The living giants, the DNA never died out. It continued after the FLOOD, and those descendants some became the Illuminati. Satan, in mocking the twelve tribes of Israel "blessed" 12 evil bloodlines. Only 3 apparently have survived to present day.

a058b2 No.1781862

File: cf79736a06ace75⋯.png (784.93 KB, 450x640, 45:64, ClipboardImage.png)

e09ecc No.1781863



55beea No.1781864


Pro tip for pornophobes and newfags: whenever you see porn just think about Granma and Granpa gittin' it on and those bad thoughts will go away.

3c3ec8 No.1781865


so it was like a nyah nyah your in trouble too?

Remember the last apparent tweet of Barlow. Seemed like he was taunting Snowden.

The "cops are coming" and she's freaking out.

Or somebody else took her Twitter account

846b0e No.1781866

It was discussed at length yesterday. Re-read bread from yesterday.


2286b4 No.1781867

File: 3c2e4b89225de24⋯.png (447.4 KB, 1198x844, 599:422, ApplicationFrameHost_2018-….png)

700247 No.1781868


Did you have boy posters before that?

deb731 No.1781869


op delivers

27ac90 No.1781870


First, you have to already be dead.

9d177b No.1781871

File: 38c56056d74c9e5⋯.jpg (106.24 KB, 846x653, 846:653, Selection_174.jpg)



15b72d No.1781872


Ok, two ways.

b82eb4 No.1781873


I'd love to know why Hussiens shirt has been blacked out, what could it have shown?

Same colour was used to photoshop the 'stach with one pass of the airbrush tool, same width used right across it. Amateur. But WHY?

9d177b No.1781874




9acb0e No.1781875

File: 47b0cd88139ffa8⋯.jpg (61.32 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 4793956.jpg)

3b7d8d No.1781876


If Pakistan, unusual that they would be wearing shoes indoors

3c3ec8 No.1781877




You think those two look alike?

89c94c No.1781878


I went back and watched the interview. He said the teeny tippy top of the iceburg. That's why I asked in a previous comment, as to whether Q has referenced the tip of the ice burg when speaking about the investigations. I'm pretty sure they have, but not 1000%. If Q has, it should definitely be tied to the KellyAnne notable, or referenced seperately., but proofs for sure.

47e5f8 No.1781879


It used to say I suck dick on it ;p

ad969c No.1781880


Bland maybe wrong word.

Mild? unBoomy?

Lots of us are eager to see the mockingbirds heads spinning around followed by mounting them on pikes. desirous of feeling a visible boom they hate to report but must.

Just one would be enough, but I am hoping for snowball for sure

675103 No.1781881

File: 5e8d2477c85da72⋯.png (580.94 KB, 397x628, 397:628, Screenshot_57.png)


I was in love with this one.

Her sister does movies now.

a4b884 No.1781882


I can't un-see that fake black neckline. It looks so obvious now.

If I'm this mad at myself for not noticing it years ago, I can only imagine how much of a mindfuck the normies are going to feel when it's revealed beyond-all-doubt that Obama himself is a giant, treasonous fraud. I know, I know…our job is to help the normies through it.

f8a069 No.1781883


this is good for starters

17ab05 No.1781884


There was no 11,000 BC anon. Please, most of your post is correct, but CREATION means the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

a058b2 No.1781885

File: 88aa885ac89c598⋯.png (1.31 MB, 600x874, 300:437, ClipboardImage.png)

896178 No.1781886


Good job as always Qlockfag!

1472df No.1781887

>>1781022 (last thread)

hey baker, i would call this observation notable. maybe anon agrees?

18117a No.1781888


Yes! No mas butt buddies.

b4b4ec No.1781889

File: 7961ae9acbfb9ef⋯.jpg (91.6 KB, 625x626, 625:626, 796.jpg)

bd0e56 No.1781890

Anons, 7 people just got redpilled on Q at a game of poker with me. People are so much more accepting of the information because it's a message of hope instead of horror. Funnily enough 3 had heard of Q but couldn't find qanon.pub

e09ecc No.1781891


…used to be a YT vid where they claimed Hussein was Osama the clown, perhaps just crisis actor kinda, if there was any validity to claims of Pentagon sending money to UK firms to film Terrorist film propaganda….

a058b2 No.1781892

File: c1df196f24cf55a⋯.png (263.28 KB, 474x315, 158:105, ClipboardImage.png)

different Heather

675103 No.1781893


I think I have to grammar Nazi myself.

It's affect…not effect.

Isn't it? God, I get those wrong all the time!

deb731 No.1781894


to hide the shirt (or bare chest, but probably shirt) and to change the appearance of his guest

something damaging to someone running for president obviously

>night shift delivers

64ccf0 No.1781895

Jared Cohen was on the trip to NK with Schmidt along with others. Interesting things with Cohen, he made a request to Twatter in 2009 to keep the service up for the Iranian rebels who were using it to communicate. Hussein got mad about this claiming it violated a non-intervention policy. Also, Jared Cohen is one of the JCs who had gmail accounts on HRC's server.

Evidence of Hussein trying to prop up Khomeni for later nuclear "deal?" Cohen in NK with Schmidt to set up some system related to the emails? Why? Bad blood w/Hussein or HRC? Maybe cut a deal and agreed to help Schmidt?

9d177b No.1781896

File: 7ad6a7114d3dae9⋯.png (41.84 KB, 704x544, 22:17, pepe_moloch1.png)


your death cult is 6,000 years old

700247 No.1781897

File: d552493cde85ab3⋯.jpeg (147.08 KB, 1066x1600, 533:800, 5EBD519E-156A-475A-BA55-9….jpeg)


Oldfags will recall this beautiful woman (and still is) replacing FFM

9d517c No.1781898


Tie off to the knob on the opposite side than you want to die on. Throw the rope OVER the top of the door. Place your tailor-made noose over your head and neck. Tighten the noose knot in the appropriate place, rope just UNDER the Adam's apple. Jump up, bend your knees in the air, resolve yourself to not fighting the KNOT. Before you know it, you're Robin Williams-meets-David Caradine. Or so I've heard from a friend.

619936 No.1781899


The earliiest image I could find was 2009, after he was elected.

ad969c No.1781900


It would not be the first or tenth time for Q Team to do that either

37ed3d No.1781901


Look at Obama's right hand. It looks like it is wrapped around the butt end of a rifle.

15b72d No.1781902


Its the nightshift, shit like grammar goes out the door.

a058b2 No.1781903


shorts gotta go tho

b82eb4 No.1781904


like an AK47 shooting up the American flag perhaps

7992e0 No.1781905

File: 4828b78033c72bd⋯.jpg (51.58 KB, 480x444, 40:37, 2cdcbo~2.jpg)

Degenerate nigger's love white capitalism.

675103 No.1781906


Actually, if I grammar Nazi myself one more time to be safe…I should have said "infect" instead of "effect" or "affect".

641030 No.1781907


Dems used Illegals (Gangs) and Irish (Intelligence and high profile) as assets to do their dirty work.

59694c No.1781908

File: 06818d4db43c307⋯.jpg (180.28 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, minimes.jpg)

2d1518 No.1781909


Dems some hairy ass legs negro. IM gonna back away from that one.

827563 No.1781910

Anons I had a fucked up day. Met a girl on Tinder, we've been talking for weeks, and it was going great. I live out in the sticks, and she lives in the nearest big city. She drives 2 hours to come see me after we've been planning this all week. She walks in, sets her purse down, sees Drudge Report on my computer, asks me if I voted for Trump, I say yes, try to explain it's for reasons you probably haven't heard of, and she picks up her purse and drives the 2 hours back home. I tried a 2 text red pill, and I get a single response back.

"If you don't think Trump is evil, we have irreconcilable differences on what evil is, and if you don't think Trump is a misogynist, then you're a misogynist and I want nothing to do with you."

Just wanted to share with anons. Think I better put MAGA or something on my Tinder acct to keep that from happening again, but I'm just tired of the division. I'm ready for normies to see the light

2286b4 No.1781911


>as to whether Q has referenced the tip of the ice burg when speaking about the investigations

Just the tip. (Feb 18)

Only the tip. (Feb 22)

The TIP. (Jun 13)

a058b2 No.1781912

File: 43bf628c049cbe5⋯.png (598.22 KB, 678x451, 678:451, ClipboardImage.png)

675103 No.1781913


Life before Photoshop, Anon.

7a779f No.1781914

File: 3eed18f7a9f375e⋯.jpg (79.13 KB, 334x499, 334:499, ray-lahood-bike-portland-f….jpg)


Is this the bicycle , Q?

Took longer to post thanto find and this board sucks balls to post on :-[

9d177b No.1781915

File: aa3d3a4e375fadf⋯.jpg (57.78 KB, 578x390, 289:195, pope_head.jpg)


these r guud

34925f No.1781916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0ed68b No.1781917


So Hussein could be from Indonesia…

15b72d No.1781918


When you start overthinking shit this hard, it's time for break.

8e5391 No.1781919

What if BO is just a "Get out" version of aleister crowley, he was a low level thug, radicalized then brainwashed and got the tea spoon treatment. I say crowley but replace that name with whoever would fit the most.

37ed3d No.1781920


Trump didn't fly into NK. They met in the Forbidden City in China.

c5c40c No.1781921


happy ending then.

glad you got rid of such closed-mindedness, anon. <3

59694c No.1781922


ty anon, i thought it was funny af

look at jrs eyes

3c3ec8 No.1781923

File: 36313d0000e4524⋯.mp4 (10.37 MB, 320x240, 4:3, osamaobama.mp4)

e09ecc No.1781924


Yuh… still up from morning shifts…. long day, digging prevents me from sleeping most nights..

But graveyard shift everywhere is the shift where ALL fucks go out the window

675103 No.1781925


Yeah, my feet and ankles are blowing up and they are getting tingly. Thinking maybe I'm getting a stroke or something…sat here way too long!

6da3b7 No.1781926


You're better off without her! Psycho lib not worth crying over.

a058b2 No.1781927


shit for keks

15b72d No.1781928


Time for a solid fap muh frend

35a871 No.1781929

>>1781232 (lb)

This individual (Vali) is not the man on the couch with Hussein. His head is more regularly shaped and evenly featured than Hussein's friend. Plus the man on the couch had a hairline that was already receding over 20 years ago. It would only be downhill or more bald during the time of BHOs presidency.

8e5391 No.1781930


bullet dodged

deb731 No.1781931


well sorry about that, anon. But you're better off you know that. You couldn't have kept it hidden when she started grilling you about pussy hat activism.

564095 No.1781932

File: 9c6f02784530a11⋯.jpg (33.51 KB, 299x448, 299:448, IslamSiddiquiCroplifeLobby….jpg)

File: da0bb2236f59533⋯.jpg (38.06 KB, 763x128, 763:128, IslamSiddiquiBlurb.JPG)



>Yes, they found him last Night?

>Different spellings of the name?

Different spelling like this Islam Siddiqui who was one of Obama's "beautiful lobbyists" also an Ag advisor and Monsanto shill? Looks related to Sohale but surname spelled differently: Siddiqui v. Siddiqi. If the Sohale guy is a civilian, what was his past connection to State? If we're not sure maybe we should pore through pics of staff from each of the names Q posted of Obama ppl in >>1764782 post.

Or maybe anon's right that this post was meant to troll deep state and set us up for a later future proves past, not send us on a digg we don't enough open source data to land.


2d1518 No.1781933


yea thats what me and some other anons have been saying as well. Some of these fuckers will not redpill just on principle. Sometimes I wonder what world the Q team lives on. They act a bit too optimistic. Ive tired redpilling peole for years. FOr some people, its just not gonna happen.

846b0e No.1781934

File: 18003041afbf663⋯.png (175.43 KB, 2879x1611, 2879:1611, Screenshot 2018-06-16 23.5….png)

File: 305954c84befb61⋯.png (232.52 KB, 2878x1620, 1439:810, Screenshot 2018-06-16 23.5….png)

Definitely shopped

59694c No.1781935


i couldnt do no moar pakis

17ab05 No.1781936


I don't want to bust your bubble, but Accepting Jesus Christ means you accept his one holy Catholic Church (the only one HE FOUNDED, the others are all flawed Satanic copies), you accept his Mother (She was a Virgin, many Protestants insult the Mother of GOD who is the Queen of Heaven), you accept the laws of his Church which means you go to confession, to get sins forgiven. it's not automatic. Christ died on the Cross to give you a chance, not to make you lazy.

Basically if you reject his Church, his mother, and don't have sins forgiven in confession, you have rejected Christ and you won't be able to enter heaven. I'm sorry, but this is very clear if you study things. It's one reason why the Protestants have their own Bibles, to hide truth.

Stuff like rapture are again, MEN who falsely interpret Scripture. There won't be a rapture. There will be trials, then Christ will return.

deb731 No.1781937


yes. I agree with you. all signs point to Indonesia.

675103 No.1781938

File: 002efbf77ef8cd6⋯.png (867.45 KB, 904x632, 113:79, Screenshot_148.png)

bc5847 No.1781939


You dodged a bullet.

641030 No.1781940

File: 43476ea43a817fc⋯.jpeg (79.25 KB, 724x640, 181:160, 0CF817C5-AF1D-49A2-BE19-7….jpeg)


Tinder = AIDS

b4b4ec No.1781941


If it was scanned from a photo it was probably just covered in black marker and not shopped

18117a No.1781942

File: f3d2fa03aeab02d⋯.jpg (55.68 KB, 500x617, 500:617, 2cdcje.jpg)

7aa47c No.1781943

If I didn't know any better I would say that both Barry and couch buddy had clothes photoshopped on. Any chance they were on that couch naked?

35a871 No.1781944


The nose and hairline look like the man on the couch. But Hussein's friend looks like he has buck teeth.

641030 No.1781945

File: 6cdb0367e6002b7⋯.jpeg (103.99 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 19E52540-BA18-484A-A568-2….jpeg)

b4b4ec No.1781946


You dodged a bullet and probably a case of crabs

790198 No.1781947

File: 795c7c1c8cdfdef⋯.png (1002.04 KB, 1918x1236, 959:618, ClipboardImage.png)

Painting on the wall?

7992e0 No.1781948

File: a3792fe937093f5⋯.jpg (37.88 KB, 420x420, 1:1, 2cctsy~3.jpg)


Obama is America's premier faggot.

71d6d8 No.1781949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anyone who would kiss Hillary will do anything

deb731 No.1781950



nice anon. any way you can make an infographic of all the shop points? this one and maybe dig back through the last two breads find the one with the left of the neck outside the shirt? Morning is going to have shills to deal with again and they will want to see this!

e09ecc No.1781951


Yeah anon, Q always says THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID

So, if the American people did elect a President that was actually the BIGGEST CLOWN OF ALL…. the cabal would be saying "these people are stupid"

a058b2 No.1781952

File: 2757de14e7b8a1e⋯.png (844.26 KB, 816x469, 816:469, ClipboardImage.png)

977848 No.1781953


hog wash

89c94c No.1781954



Thanks Anon. Definitely notable then.

Here's the interview where the Mooch says it, and it was actually right after KellyAnne's interview with the judge.



Can either be tied with KellyAnne's notable, or referenced separate. Definitely a Q proof, and both can be used in a side by side. Wish I wasn't phone fagging it right now.

0d7ba5 No.1781955


Probably covering a communist, gay or islam logo.

27ac90 No.1781956


I would not think the hotel would change the wall art/decor for the meeting.

700247 No.1781957


That is precisely why you need to find a girl whose father was in the military

641030 No.1781958

File: fb6b0acad46f030⋯.jpeg (105.88 KB, 742x640, 371:320, DA2DF7A8-1BAB-41BC-B33B-8….jpeg)

846b0e No.1781959

File: 35c4a425b07f6a8⋯.png (237.85 KB, 2878x1611, 2878:1611, Screenshot 2018-06-16 23.5….png)

063a56 No.1781960

I believe he is, getting ready to add to post another connection in a few.

b89ecd No.1781961


probably a che shirt

3c3ec8 No.1781962

File: 9aa50b00cfbea36⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB, 256x208, 16:13, osamareal.mp4)


FWIW I don't think they are the same man. But it ws a psy-op to make their names so close

The tapes sent to scare American public were all fakes. Actors.

b4b4ec No.1781963


Enjoy your pseudo christian cult's dwindling population

59694c No.1781964


start putting in your profile "do you Q?

might meet a love of ur life

ad969c No.1781965

File: f01fadf0a9b16c7⋯.jpg (4.87 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pupe.jpg)

675103 No.1781966


Haven't you ever heard of lying to get laid? All you have to do is tell them that you're a brain surgeon emasculated homo who hates Trump. Then when you got your peckerwood inside the liberal cunt, put your MAGA hat on!

9acb0e No.1781967

File: 8e38ab038f0d73b⋯.jpg (156.41 KB, 505x714, 505:714, 00c66509f6d7dde11574cc9673….jpg)

I don't me to sound "so bored", but regardless of what I do for money, supposedly…

I fucking hate "hurrying up to wait".

Things take the time they need.

there is no rushing them.

And sometimes they need more time.

So until then, I am sated by the bread.

If "IT" never happens, we're all fucking dead anyway.

And that's not going to happen.

Just… ….

-hand motion-

Let's… let's get this show on the road, please.

89c94c No.1781968


Damn it, not sure why the other post was referenced there. Sorry. Hate being on qresearch on my phone/tablet, but don't have a choice at the moment.

b82eb4 No.1781969


KEK x10

a058b2 No.1781970

File: c843c8a7457f0b4⋯.png (866 KB, 815x465, 163:93, ClipboardImage.png)

9d177b No.1781971

File: 649c28aa2506822⋯.jpg (85.46 KB, 628x612, 157:153, Selection_175.jpg)


maybe he was wearing a chest hair vest

0d7ba5 No.1781972

File: 81eec563975e580⋯.jpg (33.77 KB, 469x447, 469:447, 81eec563975e580433b7da2d95….jpg)


If you want anything more than a fuck then youre better off. If you didnt youre a fucking moron.

591841 No.1781973


only one beautiful woman

among all those generals??

bc5847 No.1781974


>That is precisely why you need to find a girl whose father was in the military

Dated a few, ever heard of 'preacher's daughter' syndrome anon? LOL

a520e0 No.1781975


Hello Charlie!

6da3b7 No.1781976


Great idea Anon!!!!

b82eb4 No.1781977


looks like 'weekend at bernies'

72b929 No.1781978

File: f056e63d89feed5⋯.jpg (156.89 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, jeannie-vs-samantha-2.jpg)



Pshaw, youngun's.

You want Oldfag fapping material?

a058b2 No.1781979

File: 27f6ca972287580⋯.png (165.87 KB, 474x373, 474:373, ClipboardImage.png)


bring it here…

675103 No.1781980


Back to smokin' cigars for old Bill.

59694c No.1781981


if i start looking again im looking for someone thats on the same f page as me 4 sure

8e5391 No.1781982


Mere human, thinks its aware what's up


700247 No.1781983


They’re entirely different. And frequently psycho.

2df31b No.1781984


where did you get this? this is *the one*?

a058b2 No.1781985


they were the first weren't they…


dff66a No.1781986

File: dd5315690f6a01f⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Z8a0A1GJd296L5o78kRR.jpg)

so just to clarify I understand correctly…

Baker Girls = Ok (tits or gtfo)

Gore = will not be tolerated


34925f No.1781987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

35a871 No.1781988


A woman should not travel to meet a man on the first date. It suggests she is either desperate or bossy/controlling. A man's role is to pursue and protect his mate. You did dodge a bullet. Plus her thinking is irrational.

bc5847 No.1781989


>They’re entirely different.

Not in my experience.

675103 No.1781990

File: 704da6d4ca7a9be⋯.png (506.97 KB, 627x803, 57:73, Screenshot_58.png)


For the AncientAnons.

3c3ec8 No.1781991


I think it's Obama's Ambassador to India

.It was shouted down. Gone over a few nights ago. Richard Verma.

3c32d4 No.1781992



bac2a0 No.1781993


The red pill is a burden.

Truth is a burden.

Defend it well.

453d35 No.1781994

File: 7a5ba3e2b650a50⋯.png (468.67 KB, 610x406, 305:203, peacethrustrength.png)


How goes the war frogs?

10d8bd No.1781995


I never stated my beliefs. These were notes I took from an ex-Illuminati member who explained what they believe. The comments were from Doc Marquis who seems to me to have a far better grasp of things than the Jesuits. Do you really trust the Pope?!?

9d177b No.1781996

File: 041f2ff85f47b7c⋯.png (416.89 KB, 637x510, 637:510, ClipboardImage.png)


what's this?

37ed3d No.1781997



17ab05 No.1781998


Had same happen to me.

Believe me, you want NOTHING to do with her. She's all messed up if see can't tell truth from the baby eating evil that is Hillary.

59694c No.1781999


ive had woman travel from each coast, canada, all over the f place.

after talking for awhile of coarse.

700247 No.1782000


To libs Q means the last letter of LGBTQ.


36514a No.1782001


Ah man

Old golf buddy's mom (RIP) was Elizabeth Montgomery's roommate in NYC once upon a time.

2d1518 No.1782002

Well here is my redpill strategy. Not sure how its going to go. A month ago or so I signed the Convention of States petition. Well turns out they needed a district captain. I thought about and thought about, and said fuck it. So I filled out the form and sent it in. Welp yesterday they called and wanted me to be District Captain of my district. Not sure how this is going to go, but I figured fuck it, good way to try some red pilling. Most of these people are republicans, but hey. Who knows.

2df31b No.1782003


holy. fuck.

b89ecd No.1782004

17ab05 No.1782005


It will happen because they have no choice after the Storm.

89c94c No.1782006


I've never seen it either, but definitely could have missed it. I'm doubting it though, Q stated Obama would be shooting an american flag, or referenced something like that. Maybe that photo was cropped from the original though?

bc5847 No.1782007



700247 No.1782008


That’s always the problem with small sample sizes…

e09ecc No.1782009


It's widely claimed that Osama was actually a C_A informant, and as far as psy-op, they basically dripfed images of the (then) future POTUS…

The identities of both Hussein and bin Laden are/were always questioned. Hussein spoke Pakistani well enough to know slang phrases fluently, according to Sohale siddfagggie….

Perhaps a video of Hussein speaking Pakistani would/could help clarify, side by side with bin laden

2286b4 No.1782010

File: 9e8fe09eaae43cd⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1020x574, 510:287, ApplicationFrameHost_2018-….png)

Vali Nasr, Senior State Department Advisor to Hussein, architect behind Iran Deal

2d1518 No.1782011

675103 No.1782012


Tribal attire with an AK, I think it was.

35a871 No.1782013


How did those relationships work out? Private details not necessary.

b82eb4 No.1782014


trips confirm!

36514a No.1782015


LOL I need that sofa, haaaaahahaha

6bc346 No.1782016


JP says something along the lines of 'Ticker tape' or 'Take a tape' probably talking to the booth.

Talking heads are almost consistently communicating with the Directors. Drives the sound guys nuts.

462a96 No.1782017

I think that Q wants to start focusing on who Hussein really is.

Q keeps saying don't get caught up with clickbait. was searching for the other person in that couch photo clickbait?

Why are Hussein records sealed?

What happened in that Pakistan trip in 81?

How long has POTUS been asking who Hussein is?

Just my current thought process

f745f5 No.1782018

Obama dumped a load and left me to die.

453d35 No.1782019


I thought the infamous photo is him in muzzie garb sporting an AK?

37ed3d No.1782020


Q said WHO

A flag is not a who.

18d609 No.1782021


The original dude is weak-chinned and scrawny and dorky… rarely have I seen people outgrow those traits in life…just an old-anon's 2 cents.

4ad55a No.1782022

File: 2815d325bbfb707⋯.png (198.57 KB, 300x381, 100:127, ClipboardImage.png)

675103 No.1782023

File: 59701dcc19de319⋯.png (125.98 KB, 520x329, 520:329, Screenshot_149.png)

945eb4 No.1782024

File: 3a10cb1bbbf6452⋯.png (41.78 KB, 920x343, 920:343, IMG_4979.PNG)

I wonder if there are cures out there that have been hidden because I really do miss me. And it's a hard.

f9b5e3 No.1782025


This pic been around a long time from birtherreport.com days. not new at all and I do think it was shopped.

b89ecd No.1782026


That's more of a dirty sanchez

e09ecc No.1782027


Hussein Admin = TrapStaff?

89c94c No.1782028


Agreed, so that isn't the pic that Q referenced.

18117a No.1782029

File: 45d1470019176de⋯.jpg (64.32 KB, 644x500, 161:125, 2cdctm.jpg)

All you Paki and butt buddy freaks need to

f745f5 No.1782030

59694c No.1782031


same as any, some are flings, some get serious, same as any dating situation.

bc5847 No.1782032


In my case it was several dozen. How about your sample size?

a058b2 No.1782033

File: c9c00143de1f9ca⋯.png (499.7 KB, 806x541, 806:541, ClipboardImage.png)

e09ecc No.1782035

15b72d No.1782036


Whats that thingy on her desk with what looks like a keyboard?

27ac90 No.1782037


They will accept it or go underground and do something stupid and finally end up dead or in prison or wind up in a mental institution. That seems the three paths for the majority of them.

71d6d8 No.1782038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

34925f No.1782039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

827563 No.1782040



>>1781928 Way ahead of you there anon







>>1781964 GREAT IDEA



>>1781988 She lives w her parents kek, it was more practical this way



Thanks for the support anons. I know I dodged a bullet, I just hate the division amongst otherwise civilized people.


42d166 No.1782041


Didn't they make that acronym more inclusive; something like LGBTQBENIS+

or something?

>less than 10


<imagine my shock.

a058b2 No.1782042

File: 056b19748b26a0d⋯.jpg (356.97 KB, 1961x635, 1961:635, 5.jpg)

700247 No.1782043


Do some research on the Article V process. It’s inherently risky: the potential for a runaway convention always lies in the background. Big money can hijack a constitutional convention and then we’d all be in a world of trouble.

675103 No.1782044


It's what AncientAnon females used tap their vaginas with to get them in the mood.

79f0cb No.1782045

yall should look into wikileaks and anti-clinton forums from around the election time. there's tons of research and connections made that y'all can just nab from

72b929 No.1782046


It's what they used to use to write suicide notes on back in the day.

37ed3d No.1782047


A girl 'meets' you on Tinder and goes to your house not knowing who the fuck you are??? Out in the sticks?????

She's a nutcase.

8e5391 No.1782048



6bc346 No.1782049

File: f196a498b7c413c⋯.jpg (84.66 KB, 589x857, 589:857, beQ.jpg)

I know it's corny.

But the thought made me smile.

So I went with it.

b89ecd No.1782050


self proclamation of only 2 genders.

005277 No.1782051


I saw that pic long ago. He had a white gauze wrap that made an X on his body. I have searched and searched but can't find it.

e09ecc No.1782052



35a72c No.1782053

File: 83e7fd849dbc5de⋯.png (376.3 KB, 500x520, 25:26, tranny-faggot-muslim.png)

37ed3d No.1782054


Q sure says only the tip a lot.

2d1518 No.1782055


Probably. Who knows. Alot of these people are too stupid for anything. Republican or democrat. Have any of you actually paid attention to the average person around you? Id say about 40% of them are just plain fucking stupid!

16d75c No.1782057

File: 144eb45efae423d⋯.jpg (257.39 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

File: f9f899749ba026d⋯.jpg (245.25 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ddb004bfd34e70611adb8f065f….jpg)

File: 5b433360d3b958b⋯.jpg (37.68 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 21ee4a9d75cfe86d4002ca5351….jpg)

File: 934ddaa86d51d66⋯.jpg (7.23 KB, 272x182, 136:91, th (4).jpg)

File: e914daa819d8d78⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2025x717, 675:239, e914daa819d8d780a8e46e0b01….jpg)

>>1776243 —- from prior Notables

Water Theory.

WATCH THE WATER is addressed to {them}.

It is how we are publicly signaling deals to {them}

North Korea calm water picture = deal accepted.

Trump Pence water off the table = deal rejected.

Netanyahu to Iran water on table = deal offer.

G7 leadership calm water photo = deal accepted.

Manafort "plants need water" = deal offer.

Without water, everything dies.

Add: Fiji water bottle (2 hands) + water glass (2 hands) = Consuming THEM / Arresting THEM……

>>>> Anons, I don't know if said elsewhere,

But I personally thought all along Q telling us to Watch the Water meant THIS platform…….. "This is why we're here."

—— for many obvious practical & symbolic reasons……

59694c No.1782058


depends on how long they had long distant thing before hand

meeting people online is no dif, its actually easier and you can get to know them

alot better than going on a few normal dates

b89ecd No.1782059


Q is uncle bumblefuq?

700247 No.1782060


Yeah. There’s galloping acronym inflation, but with all the genders and permutations of sexual preference now invented they’ve actually run out of letters

8e5391 No.1782061


People got fucked for so long I wonder why he doesn't get it all in at this point it should be loose and ready

675103 No.1782062

File: cdcebd6d1778ff2⋯.png (125.26 KB, 520x329, 520:329, Upsidedown.png)

f9b5e3 No.1782063

When was Obama missing supposedly?

Looking into 1981 Iran crisis. Interesting bit from CNN of all places.

3) Some of the hostages were beaten and tortured, and even underwent a mock execution.

Iran has maintained a narrative that the hostages were treated well, but that is not true. Not all the hostages were treated the same. The two women, Ann Swift and Kathryn Koob, said they were treated "correctly" by their captors, but others, including Al Golacinski, John Limbert and Rick Kupke, were subject to a mock execution, where they were awakened in the middle of the night, forced to strip to their underwear and marched to a room in the basement where their guards made it seem they were about to be executed by firing squad. The guards fired their weapons, but they were not loaded. Then the guards laughed. Why did they do it? Limbert said it was because "they thought it would be fun."

https:/ /www.cnn.com/2014/10/27/world/ac-six-things-you-didnt-know-about-the-iran-hostage-crisis/index.html

bc5847 No.1782064


Being a Trump supporter makes it very clear how many of your "friends" really are as open-minded as they claim to be.

You don't need sneaky marxists in your life.

8da3c3 No.1782065

File: 6e49381643494a6⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 2117x2117, 1:1, jesusislord.jpg)

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

063a56 No.1782066

File: 350ed30e0a84b03⋯.png (218.06 KB, 797x1092, 797:1092, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b7e4294a4e1e9e⋯.png (89.83 KB, 799x714, 47:42, ClipboardImage.png)

Who is Obama, Really? (con't Obama & Friends dig)


Tom Mboya Celebration in Memphis Commemorates Obama Legacy Starting 60 Years Ago on Aug 15

The thread that connects President Obama to Kenya and Airlift America is threaded to a home called the "Safari House" in Memphis located in an Area that is called "Orange Mound." Orange Mound is the 1st neighborhood built by former slaves. Orange Mound was formerly the John George Deaderick Plantation.

https:// www.pressrelease.com/news/tom-mboya-celebration-in-memphis-commemorates-obama-legacy-23789


72b929 No.1782067


Watched a few vijayo's have you?

cd20f1 No.1782068

File: c02d175933b0d8b⋯.jpg (182.8 KB, 1212x1186, 606:593, IMG-20180617-WA0001.jpg)

9d177b No.1782069


Maybe they're related. Osama Bin Laden was like 6'6" tall. There are other Bin Ladens though. They were arrested in November.

e02f51 No.1782070

File: d21b79b6ce6b831⋯.jpg (19.89 KB, 249x420, 83:140, kpieit-25bcobamaphoto.jpg)

15b72d No.1782071


I've used that line many a time Anon, quit effective.

2949a0 No.1782072

File: 51611c8de387e51⋯.jpg (10.22 KB, 300x250, 6:5, alaweed.jpg)

b89ecd No.1782073


you betcher cockford ollie

2286b4 No.1782074


It's almost as if we have more than we know.

005277 No.1782075



Totally agree. Some don't realize that Soros and the CPUS already have new Constitutions ready to go. Just say no to COS.

59fc91 No.1782076

File: f19849ed37c6e6d⋯.jpg (128.56 KB, 1200x732, 100:61, GEOTUSvFakeNews.jpg)

15c501 No.1782077


you should try dating a guy. they're much more agreeable!

e1333e No.1782078


Astana ?



WAPWP . . .

NEOM from that . . .dirty thot

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=a2hN7CHGGqU&index=2&list=WL

591841 No.1782079

File: 248861a921f69f4⋯.png (235.09 KB, 645x350, 129:70, obama-best-friends-kids-2.png)


would it be a revelation to discover that the arabs wear their turbans to


thus the slowing of the culture change?

fat bellies and baldness? hiding behind tradition?

oh me, oh my

the world is crazy, ain't it, anons?

from what I understand

the Obummer birth certificate was exposed

by removing layers after layers and seeing what got lost in each layer

You could see the irregular type ink, fonts, changes

Same way to do these photos

when there is reason to suspect a manufactured life story

Who can really believe his "childhood photos"?

does one face look square? the other round?

f745f5 No.1782080

>>1782042 (You)

>>1782023 (You)

Lmao good stuff.

89c94c No.1782081


Missing the AK 47.

3c3ec8 No.1782082

File: aa0ea7827535d64⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1456x2592, 91:162, staycomfy2.jpg)


too late for me to argue the case so late

a lot of goofing off. Weekend night.

675103 No.1782083


"And this is how you hold a bull's penis, Renegade."

34925f No.1782084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c26621 No.1782085

Is the baker still a shill baker?

005277 No.1782086


The clothing, yes. The pic I saw was only Obama with a rifle.

4c8ed6 No.1782087


BS. No woman with any sense meets a man for the first time in person in anything other than a public place. People can be anything online.

20d495 No.1782088

File: 38b8444ce7b4cc5⋯.jpg (209.57 KB, 1080x619, 1080:619, Screenshot_20180617-081311….jpg)

Meanwhile Brexit kill shot against Remainers to be announced today.

This will shore up support to leave, support May and unite a big chunk of the country.

Also, it is coupled to reducing corruption in the health service.

15b72d No.1782089


If gotta ask, does it matter?

2d1518 No.1782090


Well Im all joined up, so Im not gonna back out now. Might as well see where it takes me. FUCK IT I always say.

063a56 No.1782091


What is that on his shoe?

e09ecc No.1782092

File: 97f478cc996d45c⋯.jpeg (8.92 KB, 194x259, 194:259, images.jpeg)


So, popculture and dripfeeding, this tran is from Orange is the New Black, Netflix Exclusive…… MO lookalike kinda…. also, add the the Hussein/Netflix deal, and Zomg…. dots….

15b72d No.1782093


Big Mikes brother, right?

c26621 No.1782094


Fake and actually Gay

a058b2 No.1782095

File: b3ed61a7ddd8ba0⋯.png (279.45 KB, 485x326, 485:326, ClipboardImage.png)

453d35 No.1782096


poorly shopped pink gum??

17ab05 No.1782097

File: 9beaee5543339da⋯.jpg (76.86 KB, 1370x347, 1370:347, compare.jpg)

59694c No.1782098


bs, ive done it hundreds of times.

weeks of talking, showing pics of where u live and who you are being honest.

them old fashioned days are gone.

fbfeac No.1782099







I got yer giants right here you filthy fucking faggot

20de78 No.1782100


Sounds like she's in the 4-6% category,hopeless, try farmers only, they're prob Trump supporters : )

bac2a0 No.1782101


The real burden begins when we tell the truth about Israel/Mossad and get labeled antisemitic by the MSM. It will be easy until then. Rosanne will be pissed.

59694c No.1782102

thought the fagporn shills was gone


35a871 No.1782103


Agreed. But God's mercy is greater than we can realize and God will give chances for repentance where none is deserved.

e09ecc No.1782104


…now glue on fake beard…. think… Mandarin, IronMan3

0ed68b No.1782105


Hussein will do a trip for Kenya in July..


Kenya or indonesia?

What a mystery

c26621 No.1782106


If you have to ask, you're shillin'

f745f5 No.1782107


Michelle Obama is a ugly dog turd tranny.

72b929 No.1782108

Aaaaand we're of to the races. The first filter of the night has been deployed.

700247 No.1782109


I have the Constitution developed in the late 60s-76 and funded by the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations. They even attempted to get it adopted during the Bicentenary.

It’s as revealing an expose of what the NWO wanted to do to the US, (just as an initial step mind you), as anything I’ve read.

8a06ff No.1782110


I vote for this image to not be used as a meme. Birth defects are off limits. Poor kid.

I'm serious fucking anontards. This is in bad taste.

453d35 No.1782111


Jesus founded the Catholic Church.

Please explain how that is even remotely possible.

f9b5e3 No.1782112


You should have had CNN on your computer played dumb and gone down on her spelled DJT 100 times with your tongue and told her she came to Trump. After you were done of course.

27ac90 No.1782113


People only know about the things that interest them. Why do celebrities have more followers on social media than the leader of the free world? But life comes at you fast. It's about to make people very interested in a lot of different subjects to which they have previously given little thought..

e09ecc No.1782114


Not entirely sure who Big Mike is…. Ex-wife loved the show, I fucking hated it.

675103 No.1782115

File: a4612def7c6ee97⋯.png (282.49 KB, 644x580, 161:145, StalonePunchy.png)

8e5391 No.1782116



2d1518 No.1782117


grosses me the fuck out every time I see it.

6bc346 No.1782118

File: fedd5f7c788b620⋯.jpg (369.84 KB, 928x629, 928:629, potus-slap.jpg)


Than why are you here?

71d6d8 No.1782119


Right now it looks like Obama is reading books


15b72d No.1782120


What??? You new here? Big Mike is Michelle Obama, duh.

c7dab2 No.1782121


Is this a new photo or no?

f9b5e3 No.1782122


Degrading dog turds around the world you are.

37ed3d No.1782123


Yeah, it looks like a really secure password now.


17ab05 No.1782124

15b72d No.1782125


no, been around

c7dab2 No.1782126


this also looks kinda fake?

5001d2 No.1782127


Shut, man, you did dodge a bullet but you didn't deserve that face plant! Cast that net back out, the next one can't be that crazy!

675103 No.1782128


Wasn't it Saul that founded the church?

9857f7 No.1782129

#2243 Notables

>>1781511 Using Drudge, POTUS/Q dropped another sandwich analysis

>>1781556 Q Clock

>>1781560, >>1781929 Vali Nasr, State Department, could not get a security clearance.

>>1781675 Phil Boener, Obama couch photo taker and old Obama roommate, was in Obama's Oval Office

>>1781794 Patrick Fitzgerald, Special Prosecutor for Valerie Plame affair, convicted Scooter Libby

>>1781859, >>1782066 Who is Obama, Really? (con't Obama & Friends dig)

>>1781932 Islam Siddiqui one of Obama's "beautiful lobbyists" also an Ag advisor and Monsanto shill?

>>1781954, >>1781878, >>1781911 Tippy Top of the iceberg discussion

>>1782057 Watch the water theory

067151 No.1782130



Where did this come from?

005277 No.1782131


Not worth the risk. Second A would be gone.

790198 No.1782132


The Church IS We the People.

Fuck religion.

a91fa2 No.1782133

>Anons finding any dune coon they can and making a collage with it's face next to Obama's bum buddy and screeching "IS DIS IT, TWAT ASKIN"

No wonder people take the piss out of this board

675103 No.1782134


Out of a Shithole country.

20de78 No.1782135


Jesus founded Christianity and didn't like churches

59694c No.1782136


its a numbers game, all woman are nuts

the key is finding one thats a 3 or 4 on the nut scale

you dont want them upper number nuts

fd156d No.1782137


Post last edited at

102c64 No.1782138


I like the crazy ones. Send her to me.

9857f7 No.1782139


e09ecc No.1782140


Yes, newfag… Michael Robinson… sorry, nooosleeeeppppzooone.

b4b4ec No.1782141


TIP - Talent identification program by Duke university to seek out gifted children and put them in special programs


TIP - Tripoli International airport code

TIP - Threat image projection - TSA Software in x ray machines at airports to detect guns. They are HACKABLE AND CAN LET GUNS PASS SECURITTY!


TIP - Trafficking in person - I THINK THIS MAY BE IT. Government reports on human trafficking. is Q trying to tell us to check the reports?


More TIP acronyms here but these were the most notable I could find


2d1518 No.1782142


We shall see. But Im around tons of people every day, especially when I gotta go downtown. And I just watch them wondering how the fuck some of these poeple would even process this shit. I think alot of them will just oust themselves. Or ignore it.

17ab05 No.1782143



>Jesus founded Christianity and didn't like churches

That's false.

853374 No.1782144


I admire her. Given her limited information and news resources, she's trying to stand on her principles and live them. Within her media brainwashing that would have her think it's okay to go to some strangerfags digs out in nowhere, she is trying to be independent and responsible. A couple of self-inflicted redpills and she'll be on her way.

4ea565 No.1782145

Ever thought the Obamas are already producing content for Netflix?

Why did we assume they might appear in front of the cam?

What if they only wanted the capacity to produce propaganda through Netflix studios?

Could they then leak or feed the MSM with their work?

d72ec0 No.1782146

Not being good autist tonight, I posted the story from Corsi, i back checked and it checks out. The guy is Mohammed Hasan Chando. He is from rich family(Pakistani) an "upper echelon" democratic party fundraiser for democratic party and fundraiser of the East Coast Muslims. Mother is Gilshan Chando . So he goes by Hasan Chando, Hassan Chando, hasan Chandoo, Ali Hassan Chandio ( all names i came across.. )

In Hussein's admin he was Pentagon Defence Business Board and was in direct contact w Dr. jafar jafar an Uranium enrichment specialist that fled Itaq in 2003 ahead of our invasion.. (he is Iraqi) and had ties to really all the middle east states.

Chando currently resides in Ny and is vice president of pepsi co.

a91fa2 No.1782147


Kill thyself

453d35 No.1782148

File: 48e7472fdf3a439⋯.png (132.93 KB, 300x169, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)

Found one from back in his College days…

72b929 No.1782149

File: a4440aea7d2dec4⋯.jpg (25.23 KB, 280x341, 280:341, big mike.jpg)

17ab05 No.1782150


Good luck when you face GOD anon. I don't think for a second that excuse will work

453b16 No.1782151


Argh I discovered this earlier.

I don't really get a nice feeling about this.

Authorities admit they have no clue what will happen.

Also I hear 'insiders' (likely bullshit but I dunno. I cannot recall the channel on which I saw the vid) said that if locals see FEMA people to get tf out of there. Avoid at all costs, because they'll ship you off to a camp on the mainland.

That part may be hype.

But those ships are hell holes.


37ed3d No.1782152


No women don't. They meet in a public place. The women I know also have GPS on their phones that they let their friends watch.

4c8ed6 No.1782153


I think I was clear when I said "no woman with any sense" would meet a man for the first time at his home.

102c64 No.1782154


You guys know what they should really put in those millimeter brain wave scanners?

81ac81 No.1782155


>TIP - Talent identification program by Duke university to seek out gifted children and put them in special programs



Wonder if this is an elite grooming prog?

0ed68b No.1782156


The Old capital of Kazakhstan was Almaty.

The Capital was moved to Astana for seismic problems in 1997

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almaty

And, And Bad Actors wants the cryptos.

591841 No.1782157


Most of what we take from ancient history is based on THEORY.

Suppose there was a tribe of mutants

who happened to build huts of stone,

and scientists declared

"see they were elephant men"

when really they had elephantitus.

the Mayans were believed to forcibly shape the skulls of their royalty

so scientists cannot assume this was aliens

even carbon dating amazes me

how can scientists assume such accuracy??

and every tribe wanted to have a better god than the other

just to protect themselves

so they created proofs in stone


700247 No.1782159


Trouble is that the dial settings are unstable, anon. What looks and feels like a steady volume 4 can unexpectedly become full Spinal Tap amps to 11, with no prior warning signs.

20de78 No.1782160


I'm not going to argue about a book and religion that many years ago with dirty paw prints all over everything. Would love to know the truth of all things already, do we really know which parts are really lies and which are truths?

005277 No.1782161


Look at those who are pushing it. Globalists and Globalists in sheep's clothing.

27ac90 No.1782162


You're correct…we shall see. To me, it will be one of the most fascinating things to watch about this whole ordeal. For some, their gods (literally) will be destroyed. How can they respond?

59694c No.1782163



ok well im with one that did

sweet farmer girl, been strong for 3 years

453d35 No.1782164


Jesus said his body was the temple.

The PEOPLE are the BODY of the church.

The Church is the People.

Go back in your bible before you hurt your self.

15c501 No.1782165

b9bc75 No.1782166


Rly…? Is that shopped? IF not that dude is SO GAY!

… BOMB Texas on his fan as well? Treasonous poofter!

70a6e6 No.1782168

File: 6d87aa9ca252046⋯.jpeg (528.41 KB, 1242x1458, 23:27, A8084A01-0417-409F-8079-E….jpeg)

Not him but camera focuses on this quite angry face in campaign clip. Looks Iranian or Pakistani to me.

9d18e6 No.1782169




I DON'TKNOW HOW but this should be. https://youtu.be/SArKZhnHnKo

15b72d No.1782170


All good Anon, glad to have you aboard. Get some rest.

453d35 No.1782171


course it's shopped. just copypasta from image search

619936 No.1782173

File: b3e74014ce70dd9⋯.png (289.8 KB, 430x286, 215:143, ClipboardImage.png)

3cb431 No.1782175

File: 579d80780934a0d⋯.png (11.68 KB, 713x184, 31:8, google-clinton.PNG)

File: 5c252b3209617b9⋯.png (16.11 KB, 900x204, 75:17, obama-cuba.PNG)

Eric Schmidt

I think our digging on ES should go back to election days and beyond when Obama admin "set their stage" with Google.

Here's what I turned up in a brief dig:





641030 No.1782177

File: 0cf9b3ac202852e⋯.jpeg (109.19 KB, 640x698, 320:349, CE920672-46AA-4744-BDA2-7….jpeg)

Saw the Gay Porn being posted – am I too late?

fd156d No.1782179


Post last edited at

102c64 No.1782180


I like 11

9d18e6 No.1782181



675103 No.1782182



Don't think i'm clicking on a link somebody is SCREAMING about, especially when it says


453b16 No.1782183


-bows head for a moment quietly-

102c64 No.1782184


That is NOT my likeness.

6bc346 No.1782186


Don't give in. Do not engage the idolatrous Taig shills. They don't just slide…. D5 level shit.

700247 No.1782187


Exactly! The prosecution rests.

Also, Larry Lessig is somehow involved in COS and he’s the traitor that attempted to flip the electoral college delegates on POTUS.

8a06ff No.1782188

File: b3f5036f936e5f8⋯.jpg (40.67 KB, 432x285, 144:95, chill.jpg)

2d1518 No.1782189



0ed68b No.1782190


Don't lose the focus in Hussein.

063a56 No.1782191


In the summer of 1981, Barry traveled to Pakistan with CIA handler John Brennan and Zbigniew Brzezinski. There are no records of Obama at Columbia University. The ID he claims as proof did not exist in 1981 when he supposedly attended. Barry’s history is missing for the next three years but we do know he was in Indonesia and India as well during this time.

9d18e6 No.1782192



20d495 No.1782193

Pelicanfag is back. Red text a giveaway. Baroach the retard is STILL butthurt.

59694c No.1782194

7beae7 No.1782195



It was just some Alex Jones video. You didn't miss anything.

9b645d No.1782197


Chery Tiegs.

f9b5e3 No.1782198

File: 84b77d898194355⋯.jpg (136.82 KB, 500x838, 250:419, cheryl-tiegs-fishnet-sport….jpg)


No not Charlie. Tiegs. Early fap material anon.

4ad55a No.1782199



cat's over 850K now.

<keep yer dik in a vise. kek

2d1518 No.1782200



b9bc75 No.1782201


No one seems to know too much about Agenda 21….

I have lots of information on it…

It starts with land. Land = assetts in ground, which they leverage the value of the assetts and then generate money on this.

THEN, they surpress the people (starting with the tribes / as they have the connection and legitimate claim to the land), then they want to do populate (and yes that is their ENDGAME), but before the endgame comes massive proffits..

We have stopped their proffits.

We are trying to stop their land acquisitions.

d4a4ca No.1782202


Post last edited at

e09ecc No.1782203


There was a 2013 article as well, I shared earlier, ES trips to NK, article suffered to POWS, I'll dig back for linky

9d18e6 No.1782204


sorry i do other typing and forget about caps

fair enough its alex but the info is very telling

453b16 No.1782205


Please please please do not EVER tell an online date where you live.

I say this because I fucking care.

Please please.


0ed68b No.1782206



Good Cash

17ab05 No.1782209


You have to believe in the power of GOD that things in the Bible do not change. Because he will not allow it.

For example the Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed the entire Old Testament (outside of the Book of Ester) had not changed in over 2,000 years.

We have the original documents from the 4th century as to the New Testament. So, you can rest assured that what we have is correct.

GOD protects his holy Catholic Church. Core teachings are NOT ALLOWED to change and neither is HIS WORD.

Without religion, you have NOTHING.

The Protestants then came along 500 years ago and created their own mess, using only the Greek - avoid all that. That is among Satan's finest corruption. They doom themselves.

f9b5e3 No.1782210


So supposedly summer. Trying to figure out who or where the AK pic could be from. And why it would be so eye opening.

067151 No.1782211


I think this is the cause of the shill storm

35a871 No.1782212

ce43ba No.1782213




Baker notable please add to dough if possible

4ce7d8 No.1782214


Actually, women are higher in agreeableness and neuroticism, on average. The latter probably had a lot to do with this situation.

e09ecc No.1782215



e02f51 No.1782216


Did this trigger the gay porn? My eyes my eyes

453d35 No.1782217

So weird coming here and seeing all these pictures of what the CIA wishes their dicks looked like as they fantasize about being the homos in the pictures. Spooks got a serious penchant for plowing other dudes fer sure.

102c64 No.1782218

File: a4f03d73cdaea15⋯.jpeg (42.56 KB, 772x578, 386:289, thats_it.jpeg)


Wrong Mike.

641030 No.1782219



You took the bait

Enjoy the reward

Internet acting funny?



0ed68b No.1782220


Why the pic is relevant?

3cb431 No.1782222

File: 75d4c359676ff96⋯.png (31.24 KB, 484x400, 121:100, harvey.PNG)

=Harvey Link==

Bottom of article


9b645d No.1782224

File: cfe951d50c6fc4a⋯.jpg (36.45 KB, 500x350, 10:7, Cheryl-Tiegs-Plastic-Surge….jpg)


Cheryl was a cutie…she fucked it up.

4ad55a No.1782225


and just like that…the gayniggerpron is back

6bc346 No.1782226

File: 3cd19ed8d461f76⋯.jpg (592.99 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, Untitled-19.jpg)

File: 6a221b83008e7fa⋯.jpg (382.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, facialHair.jpg)


go back to them with one or both.

17ab05 No.1782229


1. right….so a Church is not necessary.

2. It's not necessary to go to Sunday mass and worship your Creator and thank him.

3. It's not necessary to have sins forgiven.

I do, however, find it necessary to filter you, as you are a moving disaster of lies.

37ed3d No.1782230

File: 8a83aa264f93c0b⋯.jpg (124.56 KB, 768x960, 4:5, Welcome Newfags.jpg)

f9b5e3 No.1782231


Land and water. Water is massive. Land like BLM taking whatever they want and having FBI kill patriots like in the Lavoy Finicum case and Bundy's etc..

15c501 No.1782232

9857f7 No.1782233

37d9fc No.1782234


Save it you Catholic mongoloid.

I hope humanity tolerates you no more after this.

Burning pedoshrines evrywhere.


063a56 No.1782235


Also another gap here:

From 1983 to 1984, Barry worked as Editor at Business Internation Corporation, a Business International Corporation, a known CIA front company. Saudi Arabia donated $20 million to Harvard in 1988 to buy an admission for Barry Soetoro under the fake name Barack Hussein Obama. Barry has no license in law from Harvard as he had to rescind it to not be disbarred for fraud. However he did get away defrauding the State Bar of Illinois.

b89ecd No.1782236

File: 799ecea2c5885d8⋯.jpg (23.85 KB, 378x504, 3:4, jhorsesaraparker.jpg)

59694c No.1782237


lol, i would never if i just met them, im talking about getting to actually know someone before meet.

ive literally done this hundreds of times and im still here.

i wouldn't recommend a female do it, im just sincere

and they can obviously sense that or so many of them wouldnt of came.

maybe i just got some good game and not bad to look at, lol

9b645d No.1782238


Such little balls. A shame.

700247 No.1782239


Actually, there are voluminous papyri of New Testament and other early Christian texts dated to the second century.

b9bc75 No.1782240


It is always about the water.

The "Clever water" that is within us, is the most potent water.

641030 No.1782241

File: 739092c92d39ab2⋯.jpeg (73.4 KB, 661x640, 661:640, 36EA8DEF-2E21-4EA0-B624-1….jpeg)

5a26bc No.1782242

I'm still trying to isolate the whisper, swear it sounds like "Look who's acting now...you...tippy top" Maybe someone with better audio skills can isolate. File of the portion of video where this occurs linked.

>>1781287 (lb)



>>1781418 (lb)

>>1781394 (lb)



6c46ae No.1782244


Make a bet with her, that she'll be voting Trump by the midterms.. and if so you get steak and bj

15c501 No.1782245

9d18e6 No.1782246



>MOaR ERIC SCHMIDT: small cut outs from content under each heading w/link

>Google defends its search engine against charges it favors Clinton


>SAN FRANCISCO – Google defended itself against charges of political bias in its search algorithm after a video alleged it distorted display results for Hillary Clinton. Creators of 3:min vid on YouTube channel SourceFed {4Uhaul-daLink} https://youtu.be/d6ki2QKVa_8 which had accumulated over 15 million views on Facebook and nearly 300,000 on YouTube by Friday evening, alleged Google’s search engine Autocomplete feature suppresses searches pairing the presumptive Democratic nominee with criminal activity. If someone types “Hillary Clinton cri,” Google’s search suggests phrases like “Hillary Clinton crime reform” and “Hillary Clinton crisis”, said Matt Lieberman, host and writer for SourceFed, in the video* Yet after typing the same phrase on Yahoo or Bing search, suggestions on crimes and criminal activity are among the first suggestions, he notes -the autofill on Google occurs despite the fact “hillary clinton crimes” is a far more popular search phrase than “Hillary Clinton crime reform-.” “The intention is clear: Google is burying potential searches for terms that could have hurt Hillary Clinton in the primary elections over the past several months,” Lieberman said ……. mor ahead

17ab05 No.1782247


That St. Jermone corrected and selected anon for the Latin Vulgate…

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