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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, Q_Anon Flag.png)

64e9f5 No.1752582

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

FF weather alert (WW).

Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.


Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Thursday 06.14.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/110 ---------- POTUS Tweet: What's taking so long with the IG report?

>>>/patriotsfight/109 ---------- [[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others.

Wednesday 06.13.2018

>>1739490 rt >>1739449 ---- Thank you USSS.

>>1739449 ----------------------- POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):

>>>/patriotsfight/108 ---------- We hold these truths to be self evident

>>1732422 rt >>1732221 ---- They never anticipated POTUS DECLAS, WE ARE HERE TO UNITE THE CORE

>>1732293 rt >>1732221 ---- The TIP. SR 187. (legal) DISCOVERY

>>1732221 rt >>1731991 ---- Slowly & Carefully

>>1730618 rt >>1730584 ---- Iranian resistance tagging #QAnon. Big things coming folks.

>>1730584 ----------------------- Busy day. (confirms /patriotsfight/105, 106)

Tuesday 06.12.2018

>>1725084 ----------------------- TRUST YOURSELF

>>1724065 rt >>1723986 ---- Q will confirm proofs

>>1723927 rt >>1723855 ---- Be Prepared

>>1723807 rt >>1723756 ---- Proofs Collection

>>1723746 ----------------------- Link to Proofs?

>>1723395 rt >>1723475 ---- ...from what is about to happen.

>>1723368 rt >>1723305 ---- Who controls Ryan?

>>1722594 rt >>1722473 ---- Lets watch Laura Ingraham!

>>1722473 ----------------------- Connected. Kashyap Patel - name to remember.

>>1719243 ----------------------- Ghost-CON active

>>1718985 rt >>1718830 ---- Comms dark. Think hack

>>1718830 rt >>1718708 ---- Ref: VOL pic, POTUS Tweet(s), Missing letters….

>>1718497 rt >>1718351 ---- "D"

>>1718290 ----------------------- Certain events were not suppose to take place

>>>/patriotsfight/107 ---------- GODSPEED ONE AND ALL

>>1717714 ,, >>1717717 ---- FOX M1 STOLEN TAKEDOWN (Deleted: Full screencap >>1717801 )

>>1717316 ,, >>1717829 ---- CASTLE ARRIVAL GOOD. BLUE METAL. (Deleted: Full screencap >>1717383 )

>>1715654 ----------------------- Alaska_Vols_G7_SING.png

>>1715080 rt >>1714982 ---- When the OIG info is released, [RR] is done. When the info is released, it will factually conclude the corruption of the Hussein administration before and during 2016.

>>1715118 rt >>1715083 ---- Think strategically. Let them all DIG THEIR OWN GRAVES.

>>1714928 rt >>1714826 ---- CS, DJT tweet, and "MISSILE. MISSLE. FOX THREE. SPLASH."

>>1714862 rt >>1714785 ---- What a coincidence. 4 points / 4 booms.

>>1714793 rt >>1714675 ---- ES isn't sleeping well.

>>1714675 rt >>1714630 ---- [releasing] (3) generals removed the cabal's connections.

>>1714572 ----------------------- Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the summit? He did not have his updated phone number.

>>>/patriotsfight/104 ---------- Dark to Light. 1:07 [Marker]. Do you believe in coincidences?

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1730603 How To Quickly Spot A Clown, >>1510286 Useful filters & >>1652199, >>1674519 Freedom of Speech

64e9f5 No.1752594


are not endorsements


>>1666554 BO Creates Static Welcome Pages For Newfags

Link to IG Report: https://www.justice.gov/file/1071991/download

>>1746620 ; >>1746924 Announcements From The War Room

>>1747860 Proof that we are reading the redacted version of the IG Report


>>1752451 Tom Fitton "What troubles me about IG report is that it ignores evidence that Hillary Clinton knew her email system was risky"

>>1752420 Y-heads Found!!

>>1752395 Potus and Pruitt roll back agenda 21

>>1752359 Important History Lesson On Isreal & Rothschild Connection

>>1752206, >>1752266 Q Post Deleted Just Like Clockwork

>>1752068 Lynch's Husband on the Plane

>>1752065 [[RR]] A No Show for Keynote Speech Today

>>1751932 North & South Korea Agree to Restore Military Communication Lines - Joint Statement

>>1751904 Giuliani: ‘Comey Really Has A Chance Of Being Prosecuted’


>>1751770 FBI Official: Clinton’s Testimony Was ‘Hard To Impossible To Believe’

>>1751672 ‘Viva Le Resistance’: Mueller Team Attorney Sent Anti-Trump Texts

>>1751525 New to Qanon Video

>>1751369, >>1751487 Q Told Us EXACTLY what to Expect, Anons... Stay Calm Please (and shills FO)

>>1751328 Hussein KNEW Clinton's server was not secure.

>>1751241 War Room Update


>>1750599 OIG Report is CopyPasta with Changes Visible

>>1750480 Pollak: DOJ Inspector General Report Undermines Basis for Mueller Investigation

>>1750411 This Report is Separate from the FISA Abuse Report, Anons!


>>1749742 Q Proof

>>1749661 War Room Update

>>1749741 FBI leak charts (pg. 563), >>1749821

>>1749843 Wikileaks on OIG report

>>1749869 Wray's Press Conference


>>1748845 Assorted OIG findings >>1748952

>>1748906 Agent: "Awesome. Lied his ass off"

>>1749049 ISIS threatens Russia calling attacks on World Cup

>>1749093 Gowdy: FBI and DOJ Failed to Investigate Clinton Espionage Act Violations

>>1749099 FBI orders bias training for employees after latest embarrassing emails

>>1749158 FBI's Peter Strzok: Don't worry Lisa, honey, we'll 'stop' Trump

>>1749308 Another mysterious death of ELITIST/ROYALTY

>>1749335 13 Angry Democrats

>>1749480 IG Reports on [HRC] & Foundation's Crimes Against Children

>>1749485 POTUS Schedule: No travel outisde the White House expected

>>1749533 Aaron Rich, Brother of Seth, sues Ed Butowsky, Ty Clevenger; Matt Couch and his media company, America First Media & The Washington Times.



>>1748102 Re: Why was Rachel Brand removed?

>>1748118 OIG Reports: What's redacted and what not?

>>1748195 Scattered OIG findings, >>1748280, >>1748320, >>1748379, >>1748396, >>1748399, >>1748489, >>1748412, >>1748500, >>1748740 (Anons reading this, please summarize a section)

>>1748335 BAE to develop conflict modeling software for DARPA

>>1748365 (You) are in control: sign the petitions

>>1748611 Facebook's Chief of Communications, Policy to step down


>>1747274 Comey happy with IG report

>>1747338 Clinton emails presumably sent to State Department for review

>>1747371 Hussein was in contact with HRC via clintonemail.com account

>>1747378 M. Meadows on the Strzok/Page texts (from IG report)

>>1747413 FBI Priorities: Fake Russia >> Weiner’s Laptop

>>1747465 OIG didn’t even slap them on the wrists

>>1747494 On the Midyear investigators

>>1747542 ; >>1747574 Gmail Drafts

>>1747576 Why was Rachel Brand removed? (analysis)

>>1747607 Gowdy’s statement on the IG Report

>>1747765 Comey says he didn’t know Weiner was married to Huma

>>1747772 OIG provides copies of appendices to Congress

>>1747781 Brand completely omitted from report (analysis)

>>1747860 Proof that we are reading the redacted version of the IG Report


>>1746475 Sen. Graham calling for 2nd special counsel

>>1746488 On why Rachel Brand was removes (analysis)

>>1746523 ; >>1746551 ; >>1746592 ; >>1746609 ; >>1746709 ; >>1746747 Planefag Update: The “What Are They Planning?” Edition

>>1746552 Civil rights commissioner on helping Americans before immigrants

>>1746574 Comey used personal gmail account to conduct FBI business (DOCUMENT PENDING)

>>1746597 Stanford Prison Experiment FAKED

>>1746708 Rachel Brand “Doorways for Women and Families” charity

>>1746720 On ARM and Andy Biggs, Ben DeSantis, and Matt Gates

>>1747050 Summary of Anti-Trump texts

>>1747115 Strzok plan to influence Judge Contreras never occurred

>>1747131 Agent activity in the CF investigation

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

64e9f5 No.1752600


Numbering per .pdf pages

Anons, Read and Report

pg 1 - 20 ————— >>1747509 ; >>1747805 ; >>1747957 --> Summary of 'We'll stop him' Strzok-Page Text"; >>1747965

pg 20 - 40 -------- >>1747772 ;

pg 40 - 60 --------

pg 60 - 80 -------- >>1747537

pg 80 - 100 ------ >>1747564 , >>1747862 , >>1747977, >>1749302, >>1749507, >>1749114, >>1747977, >>1751032, >>1751232

pg 100 - 120 ----- >>1748215

pg 120 - 140 ----- being read: >>1748336

pg 140 - 160 -----

pg 160 - 180 ----- being read: >>1748418

pg 180 - 200 ----- >>1748984, >>1748989

pg 200 - 220 ----- being read: >>1748466 Reporting: >>1751208

pg 220 - 240 ----- being read: >>1749012 Reporting: >>1751004

pg 240 - 260 ----- being read: >>1749332 Pt 1/2 >>1750369, Pt 2/2 >>1750369, >>1752260

pg 260 - 280 ----- being read: >>1749515 Reporting: >>1750903, >>1751118

pg 280 - 300 -----being read: >>1750186

pg 300 - 320 ----- being read: >>1750594

pg 320 - 340 -----

pg 340 - 360 -----

pg 360 - 380 -----

pg 380 - 400 -----

pg 400 - 420 ----- being read: >>1750687 Reporting: >>1752506

pg 420 - 440 -----

pg 440 - 460 -----

pg 460 - 480 -----

pg 480 - 520 ----- >>1747603, >>1747572, >>1747525, >1747790

pg 520 - 540 -----

pg 540 - 568 -----

64e9f5 No.1752603

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q proofs thread - proofs of Q validity

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1618616 - Tucson Human Trafficking Thread

Graphics of All Q's Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1628987

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>1683845 >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 —————————————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————– >>>/comms/966

64e9f5 No.1752608

Q-Proofs And Resources (For Newfriends)

>>1254488 - Newfriend Q&A

>>4352 ———————- RESOURCES LIBRARY

>>4356 ———————- Tools and Information

>>93735 ; >>>/qpro/ —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 –—————- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1552095 —————– Q proofs thread - proofs of Q validity

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 6/12]) >>1718255

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

'* API Q posts:’’’ http://''qanon.news/help

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


21,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

24 >>1745576 23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————– http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1751361

64e9f5 No.1752618



5456a1 No.1752668

File: 1fc93942f6a8259⋯.png (436.41 KB, 1211x731, 1211:731, Q.png)

guys i found out who Q is

a8f685 No.1752669

File: 46c2e743d6bd6e8⋯.png (4.08 MB, 1066x1600, 533:800, TANKQ BAKER.png)

64e9f5 No.1752670

Baker Requesting Handoff, 3rd Request

I won't leave y'all, but surely someone else can bake…

223907 No.1752671

File: 65e99f47fd48031⋯.png (131.35 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d69c1f00e084ef⋯.png (104.85 KB, 255x168, 85:56, ClipboardImage.png)

NASIM is comped

3851e1 No.1752672

File: 81d3055dd42edfd⋯.jpg (13.95 KB, 255x245, 51:49, magacoffee.jpg)


Still 'nothingburger' amiriteguyz


jews, in general, are pretty stupid.

9b7253 No.1752673

Who was that pretty woman posted at the end of the last bread?

d3b647 No.1752674

File: f1dd768be64c662⋯.png (631.34 KB, 1182x954, 197:159, fuhq.PNG)

File: 70af7986d723cb7⋯.png (732.13 KB, 1189x679, 1189:679, GTFO.PNG)

b59322 No.1752675

File: c64ee5f1312dc56⋯.png (1.3 MB, 859x1013, 859:1013, Sea of Gallile Storm.png)



Can Bake If you are still looking.

Just got in, didn't see handoff.


f8e0b5 No.1752676


We've got our work cut out for us. Even after everyone has been arrested and evil has been exposed, it's going to be hard work turning things around.

I'm in a Master of Education program and work in a public school, so I get to see things close up. The teachers are all brainwashed. The curriculum is run by the Cabal. The students are being taught propaganda and they enthusiastically accept it (for the most part).

The teachers presented their final projects today for a Master's class. With the except of me, 100% of the presentations (that weren't science-related) promoted the globalist agenda (Homosexuals, transgenders, and Muslims are awesome. White men are the root of all evil).

School superintendents give speeches that sound like they were written by George Soros and teachers give standing ovations. The hatred of Trump is almost universal. This is group think at it's finest. The sad part is that the teachers are intelligent, charismatic people.

Like Trump said, he inherited a mess. A mess! The whole education system needs to be redone……top to bottom. Literally. Pre-K through doctoral degrees is all Cabal bullshit.

f2726d No.1752677

File: d486bfabb498d43⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 666x500, 333:250, MuhEmails.jpg)

def55d No.1752678

File: 00288afd0244977⋯.jpg (7.5 KB, 292x173, 292:173, 00288afd0244977ffd6829c297….jpg)

240aef No.1752679

DJT Jr. talking about clinton foundation on Tucker

Pretty damning

97715e No.1752680

File: da4abcc1609dd83⋯.png (45.71 KB, 677x282, 677:282, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e97d20e5f8453c0⋯.png (5.43 KB, 381x47, 381:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8d2f3187a5b7f5⋯.png (221.19 KB, 572x338, 22:13, ClipboardImage.png)

fucking kek, after a day of digging (and moar to do), I had to post this:

JUNE 14–A woman who had a loaded handgun hidden in her vagina at the time of her arrest last year has been sentenced to two years in state prison on weapons and heroin possession charges, Illinois court records show.

Anika Witt, 27, was sentenced last month after pleading guilty to a pair of felony charges as part of a plea agreement that required her to testify against a codefendant.

Jailed since her arrest last September, Witt faced a maximum of ten years on the gun charge and 15 years for narcotics possession. While sentenced to two years in state prison, Witt has been credited for the eight months she spent in the McLean County lockup.

Witt and a male acquaintance were busted following a traffic stop on Interstate 55 just north of Bloomington. A search of the duo’s car turned up heroin and Ecstasy, cops reported.

Witt’s .380 caliber Kimber handgun was not discovered by investigators until she was subjected to a strip search while being booked into the county jail. A female corrections officer recovered the loaded weapon from Witt’s vagina. The gun had a bullet in the chamber and its magazine was fully loaded, police say.

The gun seized from Witt is seen in the above police evidence photo.

Witt, pictured below, was transferred late last month from the McLean County jail to the Logan Correctional Center, a state prison housing more than 1800 female inmates.

Illinois Department of Corrections records list Witt’s “projected discharge date” as September 7, 2019.


a3e0a1 No.1752681

File: fef128a2ebe73e6⋯.png (419.39 KB, 800x799, 800:799, Step-1.png)

File: a25be302ae1b4a7⋯.png (341.11 KB, 800x799, 800:799, Step-2.png)

Per Q, be LOUD!

1. Sign Petition at https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/unredacted-declassification-department-justice-inspector-general-report-public-viewing

2. Call your Representative at (202) 224-3121 the Capitol Switchboard

2b0f5f No.1752682

File: db4983440b4c4f7⋯.png (314.66 KB, 725x484, 725:484, 2c6dd1697395d1179180a601ff….png)


28be89 No.1752684


I can bake, but I can't track Notables…still workfagging

any other anons up for a team-bake?

c35add No.1752685

Q points out qanon Iran, but we're supposed to just sit back on our phones etc.?

305ae3 No.1752686

Lol ISIS threatening Russia at World Cup.


223907 No.1752687

File: 63becbaabc95d22⋯.jpg (738.75 KB, 1282x961, 1282:961, skull.jpg)

d01d2b No.1752688

File: 06fc56991612ce8⋯.gif (3.68 MB, 217x272, 217:272, neuro diseased.gif)

>tfw you are hillary and you be reading the unredacted/unedited IG report.

921a46 No.1752689

File: 74a9fb274386e30⋯.png (178.03 KB, 968x309, 968:309, 320-1.png)

File: d2689be11ccd94a⋯.png (106.6 KB, 968x309, 968:309, 322-1.png)

File: e2377a94c1f6389⋯.png (215.55 KB, 968x378, 484:189, 323-1.png)

File: bc3cf379c92ab8a⋯.png (236.76 KB, 968x529, 968:529, 323-2.png)


Pg. 320-340 of IG Report

Weiner's laptop with Clinton emails on it.

#1 of 3

f79027 No.1752690

Not normally a Biblefag here, but I consider myself a man of faith. I have had the story of Gideon from the OT on my mind much of late and I think I know why.

In Gideon's time the Israelites had turned to false gods, and were suffering. They cried out to their one true God for help, not realizing the reason for their suffering.

An angel came to a good man named Gideon and wanted him to lead his people against their enemies and back to God. After some quite amazing gamesmanship with the angel, Gideon agrees and raises an army of 32,000 men.

God, through the angel tells him that is too many any instructs him how to reduce the number, which he does… to 10,000. God, in n his inscrutable ways, tells Gideon this is still too many, and tells Gideon how to further cull the number… to 300.

Now, the enemy he faced was described as being as numerous as the locust in a field. But Gideon held fast and planned an attack with 3 companies of 100 men.

What followed was a slaughter… but not like you'd think. God made their enemies turned on each other, and wiped the majority of their forces out. The rest were easily finished off by Gideon's small force.

The message? We are being culled here, anons. God (or random chance, to our atheist anons), will handle the numbers. All we have to do it stay faithful and true to our beliefs.


a42a1d No.1752691

File: c4105c2bd124e14⋯.jpg (122.29 KB, 1107x830, 1107:830, crazteyes.jpg)


stop looking at me

8acd28 No.1752692


Thank you for all your service baker.

I can't even boil water yet. But much appreciated

c06997 No.1752693

File: e9212b9a77ef2aa⋯.jpg (86.69 KB, 676x500, 169:125, IMG_1275.JPG)

File: a838d6ad9367763⋯.jpg (86.34 KB, 500x666, 250:333, IMG_1274.JPG)

File: 172f736296e3ba5⋯.jpg (79.79 KB, 640x448, 10:7, IMG_1273.JPG)

File: 1f713ec4ca2dc34⋯.jpg (70.21 KB, 381x336, 127:112, IMG_1272.JPG)

File: d5f3d76269909c1⋯.jpg (130.88 KB, 751x500, 751:500, IMG_1203.JPG)

97715e No.1752694


I can get notables


a3f140 No.1752695

File: 2024df27206d9aa⋯.jpg (475.86 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, !newsweak24..jpg)

de1b6c No.1752696


dcb9bb No.1752697

File: 40146506e5acabd⋯.jpg (176.26 KB, 1879x1219, 1879:1219, _20180614_204554.JPG)


need new ' memes 24 ' board

ee0353 No.1752698

File: b914a9c74018341⋯.jpg (226.7 KB, 600x695, 120:139, abramovic-the-the-pleasure….jpg)

2b6090 No.1752699




xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAxxxxxxxNxxxxxxxx ?

d3b647 No.1752700

File: 570e8ada01f6f3e⋯.png (89.5 KB, 967x416, 967:416, ClipboardImage.png)

6546ac No.1752701

just like I said in last bread for those claiming the IG report was good it is nothing but pure damage control because they have to let some things out or it works against them and doesn't hold a candle to the real unredacted oig report.

5cc245 No.1752702

0be031 No.1752703

File: 3398b30ebc69dd8⋯.jpg (128.95 KB, 428x518, 214:259, MissingSub.jpg)

921a46 No.1752705

File: 7b478bfcd715aa6⋯.png (127.37 KB, 968x309, 968:309, 325.png)

File: 32a69513ca6233d⋯.png (239.35 KB, 968x377, 968:377, 326-1.png)

File: 47b485123e20715⋯.png (142.83 KB, 968x309, 968:309, 326-2.png)

File: c97a0b4e43eefed⋯.png (156.21 KB, 968x309, 968:309, 327.png)

Pg 320-340

Clinton email on Weiner laptop

#2 of 4

28be89 No.1752706




baker baker

plz confirm handoff

63a765 No.1752707


That wouldn't surprise me, at this point.

0a4da6 No.1752708

File: df8ba6ee4a3e2c1⋯.png (912.9 KB, 872x639, 872:639, Comey Instagram 6-14-18.PNG)


2b6090 No.1752709

File: ed4b193cd63982a⋯.png (333.05 KB, 1538x2754, 769:1377, jimmay.png)

File: 57af60894f2b840⋯.png (284.45 KB, 1748x2343, 1748:2343, jimmmay.png)

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)

File: 06bf633bd1e9eda⋯.png (590.8 KB, 651x924, 31:44, JesusSaves.png)

e97764 No.1752710

File: c03603659d4ac45⋯.jpg (127.64 KB, 650x965, 130:193, invictus-2.jpg)

To take over a community, you have to break their soul. Be the captain of yours!

642499 No.1752711

>>1752657 (LB)

I agree 1million percent… this all they got???

Fecking PLEASE..

72f775 No.1752712

File: 9b328fc869f61f3⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 614x406, 307:203, 9b328fc869f61f38464766a18f….jpg)

File: 270162a44919ee1⋯.jpg (80.91 KB, 600x601, 600:601, 08e7ff4a930bea78a56c6e7b40….jpg)

File: 2961326e66566a2⋯.jpeg (119.29 KB, 727x500, 727:500, 2961326e66566a2c098ec63cb….jpeg)

File: cbe5902f188a5a9⋯.jpg (512.6 KB, 788x622, 394:311, 9cdb88b182281f656708bfe37b….jpg)

Newfags dont despair this is just a normal day on the chans when theres a 'happening' happening. Read Q crumbs IG report doesnt mean shit.

33a8b6 No.1752713


this isn't notable, should be removed.

>>1752420 Y-heads Found!!

26707e No.1752714

>>1752563 Cheryl Mills and Co were not acting in good faith! They smashed the devices and held back the sd cards.

305ae3 No.1752715


Possible Happening ^^^

f8e0b5 No.1752716


Digging? This was on Drudge Report and has nothing to do with Q.

5456a1 No.1752717

so what if everything thats happened since potus election is literally a movie

and nothing is real so the normal people and us get let down gently

84e881 No.1752718

File: f2c6484a48a8819⋯.jpg (178.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening510.jpg)

File: cdefdace96305e6⋯.jpg (190.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening511.jpg)

File: 3dd11ec8ae850a8⋯.jpg (255.33 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening513.jpg)

File: fa30493e38c7709⋯.jpg (147.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening521.jpg)

File: 46919fe0b33a3c0⋯.jpg (253.66 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening522.jpg)

f2726d No.1752719



63a765 No.1752720


Why do you keep posting this degenerate tranny whackjob?

Are you into meat socks?

64e9f5 No.1752721


Thank You Baker

Been looking for a while, already missed deadline for what I was trying to go do :(

I can can come back in a couple of hours if need be, Bakers seem scarce this evening

Confirming Handoff?

d1cc2c No.1752722

>>1752605 (lb)

Likely yes.

Military justice is seperate and totally aside from civilian justice - double jeopardy DOES happen against military personnel.

Get a DUI, drug possession and use charge - or any major felony (had a guy in my unit actually got prosecuted for rape first in civilian court and then again courts marshall - he's basically in prison for life) and the military will Court Marshall or non-judicial punishment as the CO so chooses.

c07e32 No.1752723

File: 6eb6f73461a984a⋯.jpg (282.46 KB, 1200x480, 5:2, sessions-012.jpg)

File: e9a58e20be7821c⋯.jpg (611.15 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, GEOTUS-Enough.jpg)

File: 12ef269a3aca30c⋯.jpg (233.64 KB, 900x606, 150:101, AdmR-Enough.jpg)

File: 853d5738f62d048⋯.jpg (680.2 KB, 1688x1200, 211:150, Gina001.jpg)

Gotta go jobfag. Be back in a few hours.

921a46 No.1752724

File: 037e154fe1a7cf5⋯.png (97.37 KB, 968x309, 968:309, 328.png)

File: 73862d87cf3aef4⋯.png (144.91 KB, 968x309, 968:309, 330.png)

File: 8e41e89bb25b63f⋯.png (96.48 KB, 968x309, 968:309, 330-2.png)

File: 4b0e32479300c7e⋯.png (135.29 KB, 968x309, 968:309, 334.png)


Pg 320-340

Clinton's email on Weiner's laptop

#3 of 4

f1b45c No.1752725

97715e No.1752726


I'm GETTING notables FFS


I know:

>fucking kek, after a day of digging (and moar to do), I had to post this:

642499 No.1752727



f2726d No.1752728


That's fucked up. What a shitty way to die.

2b6090 No.1752729



xxxxxUxxxxx H

y ?

o N

0–→ xxxMxxxAxxx^

3e60bd No.1752730


I feel bad for all the NYPD who saw that laptop Insurance file years ago. How blue balled they must be. No way I would've been able to hold back from leaking all that shit by now. Just think of the memes. Those guys either really trust the plan or have all been whacked.

614c1e No.1752731

>>1752529 lb

Comey just covered His ass.

NYPD we're going Public if he didn't.

McCabe sat on info 3 weeks.

Trust me, Comey didn't want to.


b59322 No.1752732

File: a7d81086c0b6b16⋯.png (340.3 KB, 491x642, 491:642, alien pepe bro.png)






HandOff Confimred

Other Baker-Tag-Team-Bros.


I got it, thank you for stepping up!

a3f140 No.1752733

d3b647 No.1752734


i think it was off the coast of whitbey island a few days ago….

f8a151 No.1752735

Why doesn't Trump just release the unredacted version from the start?

921a46 No.1752736

File: 734fd93e48461b2⋯.png (175.89 KB, 968x381, 968:381, 337.png)

File: d2153a893d882eb⋯.png (111.18 KB, 968x309, 968:309, 338.png)

File: 9501e1bddfc43e1⋯.png (128.2 KB, 968x312, 121:39, 339.png)

File: 8523a15b952a662⋯.png (165.24 KB, 968x313, 968:313, 340.png)


Pg. 320-340

Clinton emails on Weiner's laptop

#4 of 4

84e881 No.1752737



>>1752440 IG REPORT SUMMARY pp.228-240

Please add this post from last bread to dough

91cb07 No.1752738


Signed + 6 members of my family

64e9f5 No.1752739

>>1752675 This Baker Will bake


Appreciate the effort workfag Baker

a076d0 No.1752740

File: 68dfa54a7bb3146⋯.png (695.85 KB, 1058x367, 1058:367, opopollo.PNG)

ec732f No.1752741


Foreplay before sex.

a8f685 No.1752742


it a show aka movie

0be031 No.1752743


She is pretty.

6546ac No.1752744


to hurt them 3 fold to make sure they cant recover and red pill the fuck out of the normies thats why.

5cc245 No.1752745



ab92f0 No.1752746



This block starts with a backpedaling of the imfamous "loaded for bear" comment and what it actually meant.

10:52 p.m., Page: "One more thing: she might be our next president. The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear. You think she's going to remember or care that it was more doj than fbi?"

10:56 p.m., Strzok: "Agreed."

The common-sense interpretation is that they were worried about pissing off a notoriously vile and bloodthirsty crime boss whose presidential run was backed by all the dark powers in the universe.

The whitewashed interpretation is that Page didn't want to spook Hillary Clinton by having 50 agents at her interview. Clinton should be handled the same way as anyone else interviewed by the FBI. Her presidential run was irrelevant. Pages 161-164 expound on this point, with some added details:

-McCabe says he dindu nuffin (p. 162).

-Standard practice is 2 interviewing agents. They ended up having 4, plus 4 prosecutors. They say this is proof there was no intent to go easy on Clinton, nor was such a thing ever discussed (p. 162).

-They say the FBI had already completed their investigation before the interview and concluded that there was insufficient evidence to convict Clinton unless she confessed or lied (p. 163).

-One of the interviewers (Agent 1) texted "You should know;…. that I'm…. with her." and that he was "adamantly opposed" to being forced to deal with 20+ people demanding disparate information (p. 163). He later said he wasn't sure what he originally meant by this (p. 164).

-None of the eight people interviewing Clinton expressed concerns about how the interview was conducted (p. 164).


Pages 165-170 mainly describe the FBI's reluctance to make anything stick to Clinton:

-Clinton had previously denied having used a personal server in order to avoid Federal requirements. She played clueless about her computer knowledge, blaming everything on her flunkies (p. 165).

-She claimed she didn't know that "(C)" meant Classified, an assertion which Agent 1 "filed in the bucket of hard to impossible to believe". Lying to the FBI would be a crime for anyone else, but Agent 1 (and others) chose to ignore this (p. 166)

-Clinton had five attorneys at the interview, including Mills and Samuelson, who were also witnesses. This looks dodgy (p. 167).

-Putting Clinton before a grand jury was one way of avoiding the issue with the two lawyers, but there was no will to put her before a grand jury, and the lawyer issue wasn't important enough to justify this (p. 169).

-Investigators were concerned a grand jury would have needed to go through clearance to hear classified information. They were concerned that using a grand jury would have been disproportionate to the case. They were concerned that it would not change the outcome, but would make the FBI look bad. Laufman said "We did not think this was worth blowing up the investigation, and, and creating what almost certainly would have become a matter of public knowledge that we had suddenly issued a grand jury subpoena to the Secretary at this stage of the national electoral process." (p. 169).

-Comey didn't think there was much of a case (p. 170).


e79587 No.1752748

"Happy Birthday! Mr Trump." You will always be MY President. I love you!

3851e1 No.1752749


So stupid (((shills))) can rag on anons, piss off Patriots, and have people WILLINGLY support showing the memo. Counters any 4am talking point about 'political hit job'.

223907 No.1752750

File: e5e314509db359e⋯.png (215.2 KB, 414x276, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

0a4da6 No.1752752


Because it is not permissible for the Dems/left to become upset

921a46 No.1752753

090c4e No.1752754


because somehow there will be devastating differences between this one and the "original" - all of which POTUS has right now…

d3b647 No.1752755


this. gonna be even better for nofappers that way.

2b6090 No.1752756


RRRxxxx Yoo

xxxxxYyyy xx[m]xx

yyyyEcc vvvv(a)–

…..W…. +++N—- ?

267754 No.1752757


Tomorrow is Friday, and we all know people are fired on Fridays, after the stock market closes in the Trump Administration.

64e9f5 No.1752758


Godspeed Baker

Thanks for stepping up

f98b67 No.1752759

I would rather chew my own arm off than listen to Rush Limbaugh. He's a tool.

ed3aa1 No.1752760

File: 02d296f65a11f0d⋯.png (70.65 KB, 492x640, 123:160, ClipboardImage.png)

>Why was Rachel Brand removed?

Critical thinking.

97715e No.1752761


didn't have a chance to get any other notables but


pg 1 - 20 ————— >>1747509 (You) ; >>1747805 (You) ; >>1747957 (You) → Summary of 'We'll stop him' Strzok-Page Text"; >>1747965 (You)

pg 20 - 40 ——– >>1747772 ;

pg 40 - 60 ——–

pg 60 - 80 ——– >>1747537

pg 80 - 100 —— >>1747564 , >>1747862 , >>1747977, >>1749302, >>1749507, >>1749114, >>1747977, >>1751032, >>1751232

pg 100 - 120 —– >>1748215

pg 120 - 140 —– being read: >>1748336

pg 140 - 160 —–

pg 160 - 180 —– being read: >>1748418 , >>1752746

pg 180 - 200 —– >>1748984, >>1748989

pg 200 - 220 —– being read: >>1748466 Reporting: >>1751208

pg 220 - 240 —– being read: >>1749012 Reporting: >>1751004 , >>1752440

pg 240 - 260 —– being read: >>1749332 Pt 1/2 >>1750369, Pt 2/2 >>1750369, >>1752260

pg 260 - 280 —– being read: >>1749515 Reporting: >>1750903, >>1751118

pg 280 - 300 —–being read: >>1750186

pg 300 - 320 —– being read: >>1750594

pg 320 - 340 —– >>1752689 , >>1752705 , >>1752724

pg 340 - 360 —–

pg 360 - 380 —–

pg 380 - 400 —–

pg 400 - 420 —– being read: >>1750687 Reporting: >>1752506

pg 420 - 440 —–

pg 440 - 460 —–

pg 460 - 480 —–

pg 480 - 520 —– >>1747603, >>1747572, >>1747525, >1747790

pg 520 - 540 —–

pg 540 - 568 —–

33a8b6 No.1752762


are going to remove it, cause it makes us look like fucking idiots.

ddcddb No.1752763

File: 9298b8e21d46215⋯.jpg (85.74 KB, 710x473, 710:473, [RR].jpg)

de1b6c No.1752764


Just a jewish story about jews dividing and conquering white people and then saying their satanic god told them it was good to kill people.

Your mind is mush because of the hebrew bible.

921a46 No.1752765


I bet they'll never be the same again. I know I wouldn't if I had seen such evil. Sickening!

97715e No.1752766


pg 1 - 20 ————— >>1747509 ; >>1747805 ; >>1747957 → Summary of 'We'll stop him' Strzok-Page Text"; >>1747965

pg 20 - 40 ——– >>1747772 ;

pg 40 - 60 ——–

pg 60 - 80 ——– >>1747537

pg 80 - 100 —— >>1747564 , >>1747862 , >>1747977, >>1749302, >>1749507, >>1749114, >>1747977, >>1751032, >>1751232

pg 100 - 120 —– >>1748215

pg 120 - 140 —– being read: >>1748336

pg 140 - 160 —–

pg 160 - 180 —– being read: >>1748418 , >>1752746

pg 180 - 200 —– >>1748984, >>1748989

pg 200 - 220 —– being read: >>1748466 Reporting: >>1751208

pg 220 - 240 —– being read: >>1749012 Reporting: >>1751004 , >>1752440

pg 240 - 260 —– being read: >>1749332 Pt 1/2 >>1750369, Pt 2/2 >>1750369, >>1752260

pg 260 - 280 —– being read: >>1749515 Reporting: >>1750903, >>1751118

pg 280 - 300 —–being read: >>1750186

pg 300 - 320 —– being read: >>1750594

pg 320 - 340 —– >>1752689 , >>1752705 , >>1752724

pg 340 - 360 —–

pg 360 - 380 —–

pg 380 - 400 —–

pg 400 - 420 —– being read: >>1750687 Reporting: >>1752506

pg 420 - 440 —–

pg 440 - 460 —–

pg 460 - 480 —–

pg 480 - 520 —– >>1747603, >>1747572, >>1747525, >1747790

pg 520 - 540 —–

pg 540 - 568 —–

shit use this please o7

c06997 No.1752767

File: 7b55e702688fdb0⋯.jpg (51.47 KB, 480x360, 4:3, IMG_1276.JPG)

File: e8b0a4f4781b155⋯.jpg (31.65 KB, 306x204, 3:2, IMG_1227.JPG)

File: 30c81c9ae701cec⋯.jpg (31.64 KB, 239x211, 239:211, IMG_1225.JPG)

File: 2b7616eee7f5c95⋯.jpg (96.93 KB, 580x500, 29:25, IMG_1229.JPG)

File: a0e3883337b8fc3⋯.jpg (118.87 KB, 750x499, 750:499, IMG_1195.JPG)

642499 No.1752768


That isn’t buying her way out of a wet paper bag

a93997 No.1752769

File: 1bccb977580ef93⋯.png (678.74 KB, 1117x456, 1117:456, BleachShart.png)

When I am pissed off at world of lies, I reach out wif muh feewins, steal a meme or 2, add to it, and make it my own.

Mu hu ha ha ha ha ha.

0a4da6 No.1752772


Comey was fired on a Tuesday in the middle of the day

97715e No.1752773


I don't have the dough, ask the baker for that

2d2f47 No.1752774

File: c1064e9fb536a4e⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1500x1334, 750:667, schiff-blank.png)

File: c1064e9fb536a4e⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1500x1334, 750:667, wl-keys.png)

File: 2853d8eb8a8f1da⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1500x1334, 750:667, bad-clams.png)

we can make all your memes come true.

63a765 No.1752775


>Why doesn't Trump just release the unredacted version from the start?

This is my question.

After over-hyping and delaying this goddam IG report for 6 months, why the fucking game?

Why make Americans scream and beg for transparency?

Treating us like fucking children is what got us into this swamp to begin with.

I voted for full transparency in my government on Nov 8, 2016.

I don't care to keep screaming for it for 8 goddam years.

Are ALL politicians deaf?

5456a1 No.1752776


ill take 540-568

b59322 No.1752777


Is this from this bread, Or previous?

223907 No.1752778

File: c23fa019c90adb6⋯.png (587.55 KB, 699x469, 699:469, ClipboardImage.png)

6ae107 No.1752779

File: ab66021fb29493d⋯.png (73.33 KB, 749x667, 749:667, Splat-15--NicholasJudy456.png)

d3b647 No.1752780

File: adab7c51fba6da7⋯.png (324.58 KB, 540x517, 540:517, ClipboardImage.png)

dcb9bb No.1752781


My apoligies…found it


97715e No.1752782


updated with all the new submissions from THIS BREAD

234eaf No.1752783

Court Sets Hearing on Motion to Compel Email Testimony from Hillary Clinton

Hearing in Judicial Watch Lawsuit Set for October 11 (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered a hearing for Thursday, October 11, 2018, on…


f477cc No.1752784

Is it just me or does Q feel really LARPY?

b59322 No.1752785


An Honor Anon,

Sorry Couldn't be here sooner to help you out.

THank you for your sacrifice.

It will pay off, Promise


76d8eb No.1752786

File: c7b0fae2931d1ac⋯.png (213.53 KB, 637x625, 637:625, ClipboardImage.png)

PG 428 Getting to the good stuff.

d1cc2c No.1752787


I'm gonna go with self-censoring due to political correctness and accidentally saying the wrong thing (who can you really trust at work?) can get - and does - get people fired, even still now.

Piss off the wrong person by offending 'their' political leanings and you've silently made an enemy for life.

Leads to people speaking in dark corners, in hushed words and to a very small group of like-minded individuals.

Nothing gets said openly for fear of losing everything.

0fc4b4 No.1752788


Because it gives him leverage.

7d8018 No.1752789


sigh. From December. Catch up.

586f0f No.1752790

File: 7cb02b752d5beda⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 370x335, 74:67, 1501267613718.gif)

Margot Cleveland

‏ @ProfMJCleveland

5h5 hours ago

Everyone is laughing @Comey for not knowing Weiner was Huma Abedin's husband. But think about that for a minute: Comey thought some random dude had Hillary's emails on his laptop and didn't think twice about it.


97715e No.1752791


just you shill

de1b6c No.1752792


Better than Levin and Savage. Certainly better than Hannity.

None would even exist without Rush.

He created the entire industry.

Listen to Rush and replace the words LEFT DEMOCRAT AND LIBERAL with JEWS.

Then you will get it.

ab92f0 No.1752794



Pages 170-177 are about the investigation into Strozk and Page's texts and political bias. This is the FBI investigating itself, with predictable results:

-They chose to stick to the contents of the official FBI Midyear File, and not do any interviews, or look at any messages, emails, or handwritten notes! (p. 171).

-No substantial investigative oversight was found (p. 171), although this conclusion may have been based on insufficnent information (p. 172).

-There was concern that running the investigation out of the Counterintelligence Division might have limited its power, although there was no precedent for using the more powerful Crimminal Investigative Division (p. 172).

-Classified information was improperly stored on Clinton's email server and it was transmitted to foreign agents. "The treatment of the investigation as a traditional espionage matter rather than a criminal investigation significantly hindered the ability of the investigative team to obtain full, accurate and timely information." (p. 173).

-Agent 1 complained that because he was stuck in a SCIF all day during the midyear investigation, he used instant messaging for "stress relief", venting about work frustrations with his then-girlfriend, Agent 5. (p. 174). In one of these candid messages, he stated "Have a really bad feeling about this…this case…situation…. No control and horrible decisions and chaos on the most meaningless thing I’ve ever done with people acting like fucking 9/11." (p. 174). There are other messages in which he complains about the Midyear investigation being politicized (p. 175-176).

-On February 4, 2016, Agent 1 said he got one of Clinton's flunkies lying about being in her personal SCIF and handling classified documents. He complained that nothing will be done about it. (p. 176).

-My general impression of Agent 1 is that he knows Clinton committed crimes but he is still "with her".


Pages 177-180 are about the OIG trying to determine if the FBI acted reasonably during the Midyear investigation:

-The OIG is "dissapointed" in the degree to which Agent 1 and Attorney 2 expressed political views regarding those under investigation. Others involved in the investigation were professional (p. 177).

-Strozk and Page showed bias, a desire to stop Trump, and increased aggressiveness relative to peers (p. 178). This has clouded the FBI's reputation, but the OIG found no evidence that the FBI's actions were inspired by bias (LOL)

-The File Review report had a number of inaccuracies due to limited information when the FBI investigated itself (p. 178).

-Strozk may have been biased in his decision that the Russia investigation was more important than Anthony Weiner's laptop (p. 178). Of course, we know that the Russia investigation was a witch hunt from the beginning and Weiner's laptop contains horrifying proof that pedophiles secretly rule the world.

-Prosecutors favored consent-based legal processes. Some FBI agents disagreed with this but the OIG found that there were legitimate reasons for it, mainly a desire to complete the investigation before the election (p. 179). They were also not certain that they could justify probable cause- WTF (p. 180).



Hillary is a liar. The FBI is politicized and they take over investigations and turn them into coverups. Of course we all know this already. The OIG report is simultaneously damning and too soft.

beeb8d No.1752795

IG report confirms comey briefed on clinton and clinton foundation sex crimes with children.

7c0801 No.1752796


He was spotted at MSP airport so I’m guessing this is Iowa? iIRC his wife is from there and she was with him @ airport. Bitchy saying ‘don’t take my picture!” Or something like that

28be89 No.1752797

f477cc No.1752798


No shill just wondering how much of this is real

73c9d6 No.1752799


It's just you. GFYS

1822f4 No.1752800


"Pages 165-170 mainly describe the FBI's reluctance to make anything stick to Clinton:

-Clinton had previously denied having used a personal server in order to avoid Federal requirements. She played clueless about her computer knowledge, blaming everything on her flunkies (p. 165).

-She claimed she didn't know that "(C)" meant Classified, an assertion which Agent 1 "filed in the bucket of hard to impossible to believe". Lying to the FBI would be a crime for anyone else, but Agent 1 (and others) chose to ignore this (p. 166)"


Ignorance of the law is no defense.

40e650 No.1752801


Did you think that up all by yourself? Tell me how it all works out for you when you get to hell.

223907 No.1752802

File: 25849c1336c9c5a⋯.png (1.66 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

29f819 No.1752803

File: 0a2f7bd1c2e94ae⋯.png (111.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Seth Rich tweet.png)

Focus last q post, old trump tweet

45fcbe No.1752804


normies move slowly.

FantasyLand is shifting, but the herding has to be done in slow waves, agonizing for those in the know, but necessary for those that have to be herded (and unfortunately, they do come in large quantities).

2b6090 No.1752805





We have bot baker after bot baker after bot baker… Do we think they are doing it because they care?


432ff1 No.1752806

File: ba559ffd1822c34⋯.png (264.39 KB, 678x763, 678:763, ClipboardImage.png)

RS has always been pees.

0fc4b4 No.1752807


How NK played out is proof enough for me.

64e9f5 No.1752808


Baker, I had a request last bread, no clue how to do it… I fixed the pic related delete #2

Have no clue about the video, or if you agree - but putting it out for your consideration

>>1752029 (lb)

bf43b7 No.1752809

File: 4fcf803ca2b9083⋯.png (461.15 KB, 587x640, 587:640, Capture.PNG)

File: 7df2e2637a21e21⋯.gif (3.14 MB, 320x180, 16:9, bc.gif)

Remember when lefties celebrated too early last time?

ed3aa1 No.1752810

File: 0c7bc4eb890bbd8⋯.png (245.77 KB, 765x662, 765:662, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83c1e7f8cc8e7f9⋯.png (149.04 KB, 723x601, 723:601, ClipboardImage.png)


Think timing

> are these 2 related?

1b836e No.1752811

File: bf32ba2e571ede1⋯.jpg (167.2 KB, 964x500, 241:125, IMG_4896.JPG)

63a765 No.1752812

File: ad376f5c500653e⋯.jpg (81.15 KB, 900x585, 20:13, pits.jpg)

97715e No.1752813


goddamn you're still here muh BO/Baker is a bot shill?

d3b647 No.1752814

File: e9df21a0ef8fd22⋯.png (322.44 KB, 540x517, 540:517, ClipboardImage.png)

b59322 No.1752815


Rgr, are we good from last bread?

c35add No.1752816


OH, Q is real, starts to seem like they're just buying time. What's really going on behind the scenes? We know something doesn't smell right, or is it legal to commit treason now?

5ee588 No.1752817

File: 8e7bbc2bb5381ac⋯.jpg (378.72 KB, 1217x721, 1217:721, TRUTH BELONGS TO THE PEOPL….jpg)



>100,000 signatures by midnight tomorrow!





0a4da6 No.1752818


The point is Comey is standing with a large Troll

3e008c No.1752819


Seth RIch

70cde1 No.1752820


To perfectly illustrate the Deep State's ability and willingness to lie to the American public.

2a4374 No.1752821

Q, I am enjoying the show and playing my role.

Anons, BO, BVs, I have a question. If traffic here is going to increase dramatically how will discussions occur within the limit of a 750 post bread?

As can be seen already the amount of signal to noise is so low in a given bread it can be hard to decipher. In the past noise was culled out of breads but slowly and seemingly after the post limit was hit.

What I'm getting at is if the noise increases significantly won't our breads be 700 shill posts and 50 actual worthwhile posts? This isn't an efficient means of communication. I hope some thought is being put into how this platform can facilitate communication with "normies" with so much noise.

I think this gets at why Q asked us to provide proofs at the start/top of a thread. We need to begin considering the bread itself as mostly for anons and the dough as for normies?

2b6090 No.1752822

File: 776f1483d44f0ff⋯.png (336.73 KB, 898x801, 898:801, kekekek.png)

8172f3 No.1752823

POTUS is so quiet. People should be shitting their pants.

683464 No.1752824


happy flag day, happy b day US Army, happy b day potus, and i am adding happy day to Sarah and happy day to Q team

Sarah and Q team because they both had to fight A**holes today, and they won

Big Happy Day for ALL

love you

ffa28a No.1752825

File: cd6e8115e2f65c3⋯.png (16.48 KB, 605x330, 11:6, wehavesub.PNG)


Dunno if relevant, I let the anons decide.

614c1e No.1752826

a60b6a No.1752827


I needed this. Thank you anon! True wisdom, even though it can't be seen by some.

2f2b04 No.1752828


It'd be unique, if it went off when she turned her head and coughed during the exam.

0be031 No.1752829


You are an idiot. You have to live with it.

642499 No.1752830


Removed because she would need to be out so the #3 person could go in /ourguy/..

The reason she was removed was acurate and fair.. plus no reason has to be given, but REALLY IT IS ABOUT #3 SPOT! OURTEAM needed to be able to fill #3 spot for AAG.

921a46 No.1752831


I can read pages 340-360 if no one else has spoken for them.

ddcddb No.1752832

File: 9b631244dfcbf2e⋯.jpg (61.2 KB, 409x409, 1:1, 1517213081996.jpg)


He's comfy.

88af60 No.1752833

Light to Dark

SA to LA

Cleveland to LA


Houston to LA

Lakers lineup next year = [FIRE]






26707e No.1752834

>>1752800 rather than read the details and bang your brain with modified silliness, count the reasons why the investigation has been re opened

a93997 No.1752835


Good stuff?

That's the same shit I've been hearing from their side for over a year.

8172f3 No.1752836


Reference to Q's Hunt for the Red October signature.

5456a1 No.1752837


l0l lakers lineup you do care

cea316 No.1752838

File: 5da8cbe4ef56eb4⋯.png (139.54 KB, 1166x971, 1166:971, disinfo shill board slide ….png)

f98b67 No.1752839


I don't listen to any of them. Maybe Hannity for 10 minutes.

I watch Tucker and sometimes Laura. It's just a personal preference.

2b6090 No.1752840


We also need a welcome page that is actually welcoming.

We also need to stop letting AI be our bakers. Since the AI is not here to help us.


f2726d No.1752841


God that looks like my ex. Minus the pit hair.

223907 No.1752842


report back when sara carter is on

63a765 No.1752843

File: 0bc2c3bb902f9f2⋯.jpg (96.7 KB, 1344x1033, 1344:1033, prettygirl.jpg)

a8f685 No.1752844

File: 1e0b32cb760a716⋯.png (267.1 KB, 452x340, 113:85, DD712D45-2A49-457A-8C3A-BB….png)

97715e No.1752845


yes further updated since last post:

pg 1 - 20 ————— >>1747509 ; >>1747805 ; >>1747957 → Summary of 'We'll stop him' Strzok-Page Text"; >>1747965

pg 20 - 40 ——– >>1747772 ;

pg 40 - 60 ——–

pg 60 - 80 ——– >>1747537

pg 80 - 100 —— >>1747564 , >>1747862 , >>1747977, >>1749302, >>1749507, >>1749114, >>1747977, >>1751032, >>1751232

pg 100 - 120 —– >>1748215

pg 120 - 140 —– being read: >>1748336

pg 140 - 160 —–

pg 160 - 180 —– being read: >>1748418 , >>1752746 , >>1752794 , >>1752800

pg 180 - 200 —– >>1748984, >>1748989

pg 200 - 220 —– being read: >>1748466 Reporting: >>1751208

pg 220 - 240 —– being read: >>1749012 Reporting: >>1751004 , >>1752440

pg 240 - 260 —– being read: >>1749332 Pt 1/2 >>1750369, Pt 2/2 >>1750369, >>1752260

pg 260 - 280 —– being read: >>1749515 Reporting: >>1750903, >>1751118

pg 280 - 300 —–being read: >>1750186

pg 300 - 320 —– being read: >>1750594

pg 320 - 340 —– >>1752689 , >>1752705 , >>1752724

pg 340 - 360 —–

pg 360 - 380 —–

pg 380 - 400 —–

pg 400 - 420 —– being read: >>1750687 Reporting: >>1752506 , >>1752786

pg 420 - 440 —–

pg 440 - 460 —–

pg 460 - 480 —–

pg 480 - 520 —– >>1747603, >>1747572, >>1747525, >1747790

pg 520 - 540 —–

pg 540 - 568 —–

305ae3 No.1752846



642499 No.1752847



6fd40f No.1752848


It's his Birthday

9e465c No.1752849


It's going to take decades to even begin to turn it around. The norms that are pushed on people are "completely extreme", but no one realizes or notices. The public have been slow-cooked into the globalist mindset - it's the new normal.

c06997 No.1752850



Rosenstein Schumer

8172f3 No.1752851


Who is able to take classified markings off of emails that are being forwarded to private email accounts?

7b78fe No.1752852


I feel bad for you. I pray God calls you to repentance. You are headed towards eternal destruction.

223907 No.1752853

File: ce3a5ad81f5f41e⋯.png (1.55 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

97715e No.1752854

DON'T FALL FOR FAKE Q, ffs anons

0067ea No.1752855


Yet, Horowitz saw no political bias. The Feebs sat on the info that 300K emails were found for over a month, yet no political bias.

The NYO couldn't believe no one from the Midyear team was acting on it. According to Comey he only became aware of it one month after NYO notified Midyear team. He said he wasn't aware that HUMA was married to Weiner. Now if that isn't fucked up I don't know what is.

The only hope I'm holding on to is that this is simply laying the foundation to get all of them for providing false testimony to the IG.

a0b33b No.1752856


SA is San Antonio?

c3a77c No.1752858

File: c76fab3f53d4892⋯.jpg (339.58 KB, 888x479, 888:479, 2c956l.jpg)

6546ac No.1752859

>>1752846That Q is fake its in bold look closely.

45fcbe No.1752860


nice collaborative work from all those (You)s in there

beautiful sight

d3caeb No.1752861

File: ff61901c812396e⋯.gif (166.95 KB, 500x275, 20:11, e532f54c-b5b9-4ef6-a86e-21….gif)

still caint type a link faggit huh…


9d1c2e No.1752862


You're the only AI around here.

Sub-par at best too…

223907 No.1752863

File: 056b19748b26a0d⋯.jpg (356.97 KB, 1961x635, 1961:635, 5.jpg)

63a765 No.1752864

File: 68ef65a5d506a1b⋯.jpg (59.96 KB, 800x533, 800:533, notsureifbiofemale.jpg)

1822f4 No.1752865


Many normies get home from work, turn on the morgue-channel CNN, or the borg channel, MSNBC, or the tickity tickity tock channel with 2 screaming heads who incessantly argue their talking points into the ground–FOX.

8172f3 No.1752866

Who is able to take classified markings off of emails that are being forwarded to private email accounts?

Huma and Mills were busted with classified emails being transferred through their private accounts but the emails didn't have classified markings on them. How did they take them off? Or did they just copy pasta them into a new email and send them that way?

97715e No.1752867


it was great timing on anons' part

we started this about 30 - 45 minutes before the report dropped

a2b3fe No.1752868

File: 01e96bf666c3eef⋯.jpg (56.96 KB, 567x571, 567:571, DbF5WSZVwAAp_cl.jpg)

File: 91745f98ae856a9⋯.jpg (30.74 KB, 603x407, 603:407, imwithstupid.jpg)

And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for Carlos Danger and his meddling dickpics

2b6090 No.1752869

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)


If you were sincere, you'd just Turing test me. But bots can't properly conceive of turing tests. KEK

8f9ad9 No.1752870

File: a2d7f2d0cbf19da⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 2888x2099, 2888:2099, IMG_7289.JPG)

Sean Hannity states the IG REPORT IS A SWAMP DOCUMENT!

Pay Attention! Hannity is setting the STAGE!!

Don't forget there are FBI AGENTS WANTING TO TESTIFY! Hannity describes them as HEROS! He knows what is coming!

Trust POTUS & TRUST THE PLAN! If you can't do these 2 simple things after all these months & after everything Trump has done for THIS COUNTRY…then you DO NOT BELONG HERE!

de1b6c No.1752871


>>Why wasn't the infiltration stopped long ago?

Because all of your democrat jew commie sacred cows like FDR IKE CHURCHILL were surrounded by neocon jews that your jew history books and documentaries never mention.

Lies by omission.

They allowed the takeover of the USA by jew commies and that is the absolute truth.

The Bad War


McCarthy was right.

Hitler was right.



f477cc No.1752872


Someone said Comey was out of the country. Maybe they are waiting on him to come back to the US first.

88af60 No.1752873

acca53 No.1752874

File: 632b418fc4cd668⋯.jpg (503.83 KB, 2026x846, 1013:423, 6-14-18 HRC crimes against….jpg)

You wanted a freaking Boom!?

Well here ya go!

IG Report Confirms True Pundit BOMBSHELL on Hillary’s Emails; Details Comey Was Briefed on Clinton-Linked ‘Sex Crimes Against Children’ Evidence on Weiner Laptop https://truepundit.com/ig-report-confirms-true-pundit-bombshell-on-hillarys-emails-details-comey-was-briefed-on-clinton-linked-sex-crimes-against-children-evidence-on-weiner-laptop/


2266f0 No.1752875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ed3aa1 No.1752876

File: 8ab5d9251e1e4ef⋯.jpg (110.22 KB, 982x704, 491:352, qpainnnnnn.JPG)



9e465c No.1752877


You're missing the point:


b59322 No.1752878


One of these posts at the end of the bread is

a great help brother, thank you. I can see anons

update them also, its good to be able to

cross check so please keep doing what your doing

just not as often.


a8f685 No.1752879

File: 6820da9b7299d53⋯.png (193.85 KB, 600x641, 600:641, pepe_skimask.png)

240aef No.1752880


copy/paste and screen shots

223907 No.1752881



c26235 No.1752882

Yemen conflict: Hudaydah's 'calm before the storm'

https:// www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-middle-east-44482432

234eaf No.1752883

Court Sets Hearing on Motion to Compel Email Testimony from Hillary Clinton

JUNE 13, 2018

Hearing in Judicial Watch Lawsuit Set for October 11

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered a hearing for Thursday, October 11, 2018, on a motion to compel testimony about the email practices of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The order was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.

The development comes in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was required to submit, under oath, written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails. Judge Sullivan is considering Judicial Watch’s motion to compel answers to these questions.

In her responses sent to Judicial Watch and the court on October 13, 2016, Clinton refused to answer three questions and responded that she “does not recall” 20 times concerning her non-government clintonemail.com email system. She preceded her responses by eight “general objections” and two “objections to definitions.” The words “object” or “objection” appear 84 times throughout the 23-page document submitted to the court and Judicial Watch.

Judge Sullivan will also hear arguments on Judicial Watch’s motion to compel testimony from former State Department Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat John Bentel (who asserted his Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer 87 questions at his deposition) and Judicial Watch’s motion to unseal the audiovisual recordings of all depositions. Judicial Watch took the testimony of key Clinton aides and State Department senior officials, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, but the videotapes of the depositions are currently under seal.

“The Clinton email scandal isn’t going away especially as Mrs. Clinton refuses to answer key questions about her conduct,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch uncovered the Clinton email scandal, and since the DOJ and FBI have dropped the ball, is the last best hope for accountability and justice.”

305ae3 No.1752884

Where is the Q clock Autist at?

a895b5 No.1752885

File: 9d1353bad08d5c0⋯.png (7.97 KB, 418x215, 418:215, 2018-6-14 Q Research Gener….png)

File: 4b331b04d74c067⋯.png (723.33 KB, 1192x1312, 149:164, 2018-6-14 Sell Paul Ryan ….png)

File: cfeec64b1c3bfc7⋯.png (28.29 KB, 965x291, 965:291, Screenshot-2018-6-14 Paul ….png)

Full weight of House vs. ARM. -(ARM = American Resistance Movement?)

-Optics are needed for red-pilling sheep

-DC works in cash. Cold and hard.

-Ryan is still in office in order to sabotage the house/Trump

-Ryan is running for PRESIDENT

-Ryan is owned by the Koch brothers

-Ryan plans to run for POTUS

2b6090 No.1752886


Here's some top-tier Strzoking for you:

" [I]t angers me because there is not, if there were bias, and there is not bias, if there were bias…it didn’t result in actions which would be indicative of bias. "

614c1e No.1752887


RR was called to WH by Trump today.

2.5 hour Ass chewing

0c042f No.1752888


Thanks for this anon!

413c3f No.1752889


any hints or talk about seth rich in ig report ?

c35add No.1752890

Potus can use his power to optically pardon someone for Kim K, but not to drop everything the people really want?

223907 No.1752891

File: 5ceb2e3f131171a⋯.png (1.6 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

2b6090 No.1752892


I don't think "American Resistance Movement" is it.

586f0f No.1752893


Stop shouting like a god damn lunatic.You're part of the reason people think we are crazy. Asshat

a419f0 No.1752894

File: 6a5b1f71a3c149a⋯.png (264.18 KB, 505x324, 505:324, ClipboardImage.png)


Snowball starts the avalanche

f2726d No.1752895


I like it. Good job.

d13732 No.1752896


True, but what a great opportunity it will be for anons like you to be a difference maker during the Great Awakening!

9e465c No.1752897



8172f3 No.1752898

We've been waiting for the IG report since January. I hope you all take time to read it. its pretty damning even redacted and with a watered down conclusion.

26707e No.1752899

>>1752821 research will be over by then. Our job will have shifted to providing proofs to normies. Responding to shills will be a serious waste so practice ignoring them now so you are ready

97715e No.1752900


wtf is your problem


223907 No.1752901



921a46 No.1752902


I'll read pages 240-260 if no one else has spoken for it.

0be031 No.1752903


You are ASSUMING that doesn't mean Wiener and 15 year olds. The fact is we do not know.

5cc245 No.1752904


wasn't he "reassigned" expressly for bias?

7c0801 No.1752905


That’s why I posted above, I think he’s in Iowa..with that big troll picture.

2b6090 No.1752906


Get out Tubbakksbot. You are so obvious wherever you pop up.

642499 No.1752907


🐔 💩

e0ff99 No.1752908

File: e153b435dce35dc⋯.png (39.66 KB, 385x268, 385:268, screenshotAtUploadCC_15290….png)

a895b5 No.1752909

File: a5e435b1a462351⋯.png (464.89 KB, 476x565, 476:565, amdispont (2).png)


I don't either.

Just can't think of anything else.

Hence the (?).

a42a1d No.1752910


ugly dude, look at hands

4afb41 No.1752911

File: 6ce06d2647f5393⋯.png (36.85 KB, 822x740, 411:370, ClipboardImage.png)

IG report recommendations (page 500)

The way I'm reading this is they're recommending steps to prevent agents from getting caught, but says nothing about avoiding the behavior they got caught engaging in.

0a4da6 No.1752912

File: c7f4198728618b3⋯.png (28.21 KB, 661x285, 661:285, Nolte re Wray 6-14-18.PNG)


In the real world people get fired.

In the movie they keep their jobs on the taxpayers dime

305ae3 No.1752913

File: 84b9a6490b611f2⋯.jpg (49.31 KB, 653x646, 653:646, DeXlCMaVQAEMJJH.jpg)

Name we don't say.. old twats.

a8f685 No.1752914

File: 77c0b60070a5c34⋯.jpg (237.78 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Memeoral day_b10776_593359….jpg)

f2726d No.1752915

File: e6cb69bb459b3e3⋯.jpg (44.79 KB, 518x520, 259:260, sandniggerbakergirl.jpg)


Here's a wife

223907 No.1752916

File: 96ffad912bd0b8b⋯.png (1.15 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

d3b647 No.1752917

File: 539e8dfedfbefbb⋯.png (239.26 KB, 540x517, 540:517, ClipboardImage.png)

84e881 No.1752918

>>1752809 "Remember when lefties celebrated too early last time?" Every. Frigging. Time. End zone celebration before realizing there was a flag on the play.

0be031 No.1752919


Poisoned seed.

b33cec No.1752920


>Yet, Horowitz saw no political bias.

Horowitz found no documentary or testimonial evidence of bias… are there other types of evidence besides documentary & testimonial? how about actual actions? The explanations for their actions are feeble or non-existant

a8f685 No.1752921

File: bc86f6bb962d99c⋯.jpg (35.96 KB, 736x551, 736:551, 05bcc21e899b876216f5ef1b3b….jpg)

c35add No.1752922


Fuck comey, everybody knows who is who, and guilty of what,. Things that should not be allowed to go on, Cuz of muh optics.

c3a77c No.1752923

File: d48407d9e47b75b⋯.jpg (337.96 KB, 888x481, 24:13, 2c95fm.jpg)

413c3f No.1752924


wray said he reported to the ARM

some type of oversight group

759b44 No.1752925

I got the ball rolling on the omnibus bill reading. Good to see y'all doing the OIG already.

See the power of the chan!!!!!!!!!!!!!

63a765 No.1752926


>its pretty damning even redacted and with a watered down conclusion.

And yet Wray and Sessions say otherwise.

And those two are the ones responsible for bringing charges ….

No way to put lipstick on this pig, anon.

Sorry, but that IG report is one big pile of nuthing.

168e79 No.1752927

File: b811305785f5792⋯.jpg (436.55 KB, 2185x3333, 2185:3333, P_20180614_200109.jpg)

We're not there yet but gaining ground.

Some are remembering how to play the game. Some are learning fast.

A reminder of what awaits us after the storm.

Happy flag day!

f98b67 No.1752928


He's trying to build base. It is probably one of the easier decisions he's made. Plus, he has talked about prison reform, etc.

The rest is not so easy. Politically

b59322 No.1752929

how about 340-360 bro?

240-260 is spoken for

8f9ad9 No.1752930

File: d821f31b7fd3a1c⋯.png (103.52 KB, 682x678, 341:339, IMG_7118.PNG)


Hey shill

642499 No.1752931

File: 054b596cf2b3323⋯.jpeg (28.95 KB, 300x420, 5:7, 117CE280-84B7-4675-A1A3-F….jpeg)

a895b5 No.1752932


I thought it was the OPR

2b6090 No.1752933


I think it might mean "Artificial Media"– certainly the entire internet forum/message board component of media is now dominated by artificially generated stuff. And this would fit as a bookend to MSM… But I am not highly confident, acronym-wise, that it fits.

d5a3e5 No.1752934

File: 9d8137d27a5e8e0⋯.jpg (151.41 KB, 1080x567, 40:21, snowball.jpg)

0be031 No.1752935


No he didn't. Don't mislead.

He said Office of Professional Responsibility.

7c0801 No.1752936

Sorry..not a troll, a gnome. Comey in Iowa.


b59322 No.1752937

acca53 No.1752938

File: f4de1417ad74409⋯.png (4.64 KB, 92x25, 92:25, ClipboardImage.png)


>You are ASSUMING that doesn't mean Wiener and 15 year olds


Can you read? GTFOH

a93997 No.1752939


He has to go. Filtering you now.

a419f0 No.1752940

File: f079928f65d4fad⋯.jpg (25.44 KB, 257x361, 257:361, GrandTetons.JPG)


Woof, eye bleach

0fd9c8 No.1752941

File: 640e61d70259bad⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ewww.jpg)

8f9ad9 No.1752942


Are your ears hurting little one?

9a8f92 No.1752943

File: 4ca8e771cb083bc⋯.jpg (23.83 KB, 811x213, 811:213, New Q.JPG)

New Q

a93997 No.1752944


Thank you very much.

a8f685 No.1752945

File: 4dc9affe0ea9b11⋯.jpeg (468.54 KB, 1066x1600, 533:800, 4dc9affe0ea9b11260a08aa2a….jpeg)

751c2b No.1752946

Lou Dobbs

‏Verified account @LouDobbs

4h4 hours ago

Lou Dobbs Retweeted Lou Dobbs

Ryan is running for President, undermining @realDonaldTrump and the GOP and trying to open our borders even more, and give illegal immigrants the biggest amnesty in American History.

896d32 No.1752947

File: 53673beb4495561⋯.png (487.3 KB, 632x1254, 316:627, 1529019234514.png)


ed3aa1 No.1752948

File: 4f135797758d1cb⋯.gif (3.1 MB, 320x256, 5:4, PPaR.gif)

97715e No.1752949


you should go back

413c3f No.1752950


Wray used the word "ARM"

7d7578 No.1752951

Hannity going off

Why is he still abroad

I'm Convinced he's a dead man's switch or a contingency plan.

Shit goes left with something, he is protected abroad and goes live with info?

642499 No.1752952


Thank christ anon..

d3b647 No.1752953

File: 563f3fba0a258c8⋯.jpg (24.63 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 563f3fba0a258c81444da7d8e7….jpg)


Hey Gal !

a8f685 No.1752954

a42a1d No.1752955

0be031 No.1752956


It is describing what was found on the laptop. You are tying them together.

921a46 No.1752957


I'll do pages 340-360.

c3a77c No.1752958

File: 8c3682328197266⋯.jpg (253.52 KB, 499x596, 499:596, butt.jpg)

de1b6c No.1752959



I live in the present.

Not in some 2000 year old desert book written by jews.

Jesus said paradise will come in the hereafter. Face it fuckfaces we are all stuck here forever.




Great awakening.

Heaven on earth.


Jesus pissed off religious people in his day too. Consider yourselves one of them.

4132e7 No.1752960

File: fda3dcf37151e70⋯.png (106.71 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorSM.png)

ed3aa1 No.1752962

File: 484cc5f8a007184⋯.gif (306.52 KB, 400x300, 4:3, uLF.gif)


meme this

759b44 No.1752963


>And yet Wray and Sessions say otherwise.

what is your statement?

Wray and Sessions think the OIG is a nothingburger?

63a765 No.1752964


>they're recommending steps to prevent agents from getting caught, but says nothing about avoiding the behavior they got caught engaging in.


And with no charges being brought for the fuckery, any new rules enacted due to this useless IG report will be promptly ignored by the crooked FBI agents that are still fucking employed!

a895b5 No.1752965



"Here's how to avoid a lawsuit and criminal implications"


40f0bd No.1752966


kill me now

beb472 No.1752967


I posted several relevant sections from the IG report that were ignored, despite me tagging the bakers directly. Fuck it.

a42a1d No.1752968

File: e11b2f1493651aa⋯.jpg (25.77 KB, 480x360, 4:3, f045fef407ef11523da55c0f32….jpg)

896d32 No.1752969

File: 4b5df22331949fd⋯.png (504.28 KB, 671x726, 61:66, ryan.png)

80d09b No.1752970


leave– your stupidity is showing

642499 No.1752971

223907 No.1752972

File: ab6eeadf4885765⋯.png (177.16 KB, 349x261, 349:261, ClipboardImage.png)

78d03c No.1752973

File: 7bfcc989c2d0061⋯.png (296.78 KB, 1675x1718, 1675:1718, hmm.png)

maybe some of you autists can help me. since posts 105-107 are deleted, i decided to go look at them. Q said 1:07 is the marker. i'm not quite as autistic as some of you, and these numbers are running together in my mind. maybe someone can find some more connections. sorry my graphic is pretty garbage. newfag to this.

b8e62f No.1752974

how is the American public ever going to trust Wray after today?

118c46 No.1752975

Just a thought

POTUS has been very quiet on twitter after a few tweets

Must be having a great time during his Bday

Wonder who was invited to his Bday at the WH

Group Photo of the party would rub it in against the left - (get it) - here comes the pain - rub salt into the wound is very painful

a2b3fe No.1752976


yeah, but if Anthony Weiner hadn't sent a picture of his dick, he wouldn't have been investigated. No investigation = no laptop found. Laptop leads to wife/top Hillary aide. Without that. the FBI doesn't sit on the server for a month while the figure out how they want to handle it because it's before an election.

fucking hilarious

9db0aa No.1752977

Trust Wray? Bullshit

db044c No.1752978

Hillary supporters jubilant that the big IG BOOM! was a tiny fart.

586f0f No.1752979

File: 607968033287758⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 502x267, 502:267, 607968033287758408d2a6e934….jpg)

f98b67 No.1752980


Why did you include me in this little rant?

f477cc No.1752981


There is so much shit lost here it is ridiculous. I keep my own notes instead.

6546ac No.1752982

yea it seems the new tactic being used by shills is to make us comment on pictures of ugly ass hairy women that look like men because they probably are. this is the level of desperation they have descendand into.

6ecc63 No.1752983

Hannity is an amazing actor.

Hannity, no bias

Wray statement, no bias


>NO prosecutorial power

>just the FACTS


2f9154 No.1752984

File: 94009eb83df11be⋯.gif (370.34 KB, 300x225, 4:3, itsafake.gif)

c26235 No.1752985


Maybe the response of this

http:// www.foxnews.com/world/2018/06/14/strike-paralyzes-nicaragua-capital-as-talks-to-resume-friday.amp.html

8d846f No.1752986

That BOOM was the biggest DUD of all time!

acca53 No.1752987


>It is describing what was found on the laptop. You are tying them together.

ONLY BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING TIEd TOGETHER! lmao Go fuck yourself clownshill!

Your asses are toast!

HRC will bury EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU to try to get a deal!!! ahahaha

ENJOY HELL, pissant!

0c042f No.1752988


nice that's catchy

133bae No.1752989

I have no fear over outcome

[ ]

97715e No.1752990

File: 27f4f76f946b17d⋯.png (2.74 MB, 6154x1831, 6154:1831, nocoincidencesidebyside.png)


1:07 of the video Q linked too:

07b83d No.1752991

Hannity is ripping Wray. It's like Sessions' time as the whipping boy is coming to and end, and now Wray gets to play that role for a while. We will owe them a big thanks on the other side for taking so much shit.

a8f685 No.1752992

File: 746263a90301c35⋯.jpg (49.37 KB, 785x757, 785:757, pepe maga punch.jpg)

642499 No.1752993


I finally know why random picks of people shitting get posted

5456a1 No.1752994


i dont care what anyone says this shit is funny

33fbcf No.1752995

File: f9fee529f89e514⋯.jpg (859.66 KB, 2160x1308, 180:109, trump-rope-a-dope.jpg)


I admit a few hours ago I was as pissed as you anon, but now the emotions have settled and I think this is going according to plan.

Trump is just letting them punch themselves out.

He just about has them where he wants them.

c360fa No.1752996


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 90dc6d No.1723368 📁

Jun 12 2018 22:09:05 (EST)


Full weight of the House v. ARM.

Why are optics important?

How does DC work?






POTUS controls Ryan.

8d846f No.1752997


What happened to Trust Wray?

No Way!

beb472 No.1752998


Can't find the source right now, but there were discussions captured where people were instructed to remove the classified markings before forwarding.

0fd9c8 No.1752999

File: 242ac6b4454740a⋯.jpg (115.7 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 242ac6b4454740a15d7dc62b1e….jpg)


Good evening Anon.. I needed to step away. Things were getting a bit bitter earlier.


8acd28 No.1753000

File: 1d5c6adb809763a⋯.png (282.45 KB, 570x505, 114:101, copy paste.PNG)

Copy Paste?

Are they really that lazy?

e1fbe4 No.1753001


Didn't Q just claim that the 4 BOOMS were the 4 statements in the Trump/Kim document?

Which I thought was kinda lame because that was 1 big boom, not 4 booms

223907 No.1753002

File: 7b4e2637fbc3528⋯.png (313.21 KB, 351x351, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

586f0f No.1753003



If only he was real. Take a good chunk of those vile creatures out would be a God sent

0be031 No.1753004


Ryan is a weak, mealy-mouth RINO. Doesn't stand a chance. If he takes the primary a 3rd party candidate will fuck up the whole thing. Count on it.

c35add No.1753005

Inaction as a strategy, becomes a liability.

9db0aa No.1753006


Trust Huber? With WHAT? No indication of any charges from this crap IG report.

de1b6c No.1753007



Meant for the two bible fags.

beb472 No.1753008


Found it…


8bb881 No.1753009

File: 45d119aab84e91a⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB, 2352x2479, 2352:2479, 3963DE49-7ED5-4C29-9A44-A….jpeg)

File: b35fb2e2cab0f75⋯.jpeg (441.5 KB, 1368x1703, 1368:1703, 2EA50AD9-DB42-4B86-8E65-A….jpeg)

614c1e No.1753010


Answer: Hillary

0be031 No.1753011


Lordy-ness, as a strategy, is extremely weak and not succesful.

b59322 No.1753012


Repost it, If its notable other anons will

call it


and i will add it to the dough for the next


Normally its considered bad form to notable

your own posts unless its something Yuge.

acca53 No.1753013

File: 8699777a4c67fa4⋯.jpg (492.23 KB, 2026x846, 1013:423, 6-14-18 HRC crimes against….jpg)


fuck off!

642499 No.1753014


Easiest way to put them into category.. unredeemables.. 6%ers

84eeb5 No.1753015


Do not remove it!! Definitey notable. Podesta here visiting us?


Cannibalism, Y heads, this is Q all the way.

c3a77c No.1753016


Its pertaining to the well known boner pic with his daughter on the bed…old news…nothing to see….move along…

87c776 No.1753017


I have an 11yo finishing Grade 6, who spends their time watching YouTube videos like Prager University ones and rants about gender dysphoria and the Illuminati. This is who is going to change the education system. Not the teachers. Not the educators.

The kids are already waking up, at least some of them, and this will gather steam in the next year once the violence against conservatives is ended.

889686 No.1753018


Nicely put, anon. I don't have a redhead handy, else I'd give you a few.

c26235 No.1753019


https:// www.rt.com/uk/429781-sky-advertisement-politcalite-islamophobic-/

9e465c No.1753020


Read this:




e1fbe4 No.1753021


>POTUS controls Ryan.

Ryan is pushing a big amnesty bill

If POTUS controls Ryan, he's doing a shitty job

97715e No.1753022

moar RUDY!

a895b5 No.1753023

File: bc1c4a883174d5f⋯.png (479.92 KB, 459x565, 459:565, amdispont (4).png)

This fucking cunt is making a mockery of her having made a mockery of our godforsaken justice system.

FFS man.

So our only hope now is a dead-end, pre-doomed special fucking counsel?


0be031 No.1753024


It was lame. Wash your brain.

acca53 No.1753025

This POS!

James Clapper: U.S. Intel Community ‘Legitimately Angry’ at Hillary Clinton’s Email Misuse www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/06/13/james-clapper-intel-community-members-were-legitimately-angry-at-hillary-clintons-email-misuse/

63a765 No.1753026


This IG report is an over-hyped piece of shit.

But, I don't know how Hillslag wins in all of this.

Hillslag is still a crooked cunt who broke multiple security laws.

This useless IG report just covers up the investigation of HIllsalg … like all DC cover-ups.

These leftards are unhinged.

a895b5 No.1753027

File: d842e29e97175c4⋯.png (37.87 KB, 640x407, 640:407, Screenshot-2018-6-14 Hilla….png)

0a4da6 No.1753028


No we won't

We really really won't

They are government employees

I bet their slightly bad day getting ripped for something that is presumably a show

Is no way fucking way near what happens to Trump supporters in the REAL world

They have jobs

Trump supporters get fired

They are safe

Trump supporters get their asses beaten

223907 No.1753029

File: 2b98951fb7ef2c7⋯.png (408.38 KB, 500x354, 250:177, ClipboardImage.png)

ok im sorry

40f0bd No.1753030


interdasting….especially at the end when they plugged McCabe's name in

5f07bd No.1753031

File: 80e4fb5250366dd⋯.gif (980.66 KB, 300x337, 300:337, wow.gif)


Sadly, this is more interesting than the 'real' Q.


d3b647 No.1753032


Mueller investigation is full of the same people who botched the Hillary investigation. Ergo….

26707e No.1753033

>>1752967 I read every post on every board without fail today. I took breaks from reading the report to come back. I jumped pages to follow the posts here to confirm legit. I did not take time to thank the anon working diligently and I did not take time to pat myself on the back for not only staying focused on reading / sharing but also being on guard for fake ig posts. but I will take time now to say thank you and anything you posted was legit. I know this because I read every post and confirmed no frauds.

ffa28a No.1753034



c26235 No.1753035


Emigrate to Russia

f2726d No.1753036


I got an 18 year old and a 12year old. Both are red-pilled as hell.

37e807 No.1753037

File: bc3798da96e6eeb⋯.jpg (27.81 KB, 312x416, 3:4, Marie-Mccray-0.jpg)


Wow Marie McCray has really let herself go.

de1b6c No.1753038


Prager is a jew controlled opposition. Be careful who you follow. I would recomend Rush Revere books.

614c1e No.1753039


In the summary it says:

Horowitz was seen wiping Semen from his chin after every interview he conducted.

That's what happened.

a3f140 No.1753040

File: 840933b385014ba⋯.jpg (79.05 KB, 571x703, 571:703, !C YA.jpg)

07b83d No.1753041


Wise words, anon.

223907 No.1753042

File: 6b0eeb20e44cfce⋯.png (505.06 KB, 500x493, 500:493, ClipboardImage.png)

this ig was supposed to be the cats ass

af40f7 No.1753043

File: 65d1aa4b50cb5b5⋯.png (44.86 KB, 1041x530, 1041:530, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuckery afoot @jack twatter

0067ea No.1753045


So Comey was briefed and sat on the information.

When does the information on the lap top come to light?

Does Huber pick up at this point?

Why no mention of him?

d01d2b No.1753046

File: 8cc7c58f0da11e3⋯.png (154.28 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pepe destroys baal.png)

>>1753009 Obama was one of the 13 individuals with whom Clinton had direct contact using her email; "+0(" dig


a42a1d No.1753047

File: 22f57e7ad94d09a⋯.jpg (271.15 KB, 664x1208, 83:151, bcoffended.jpg)


this and this has all got to be done on purpose

and they are playing parts ffs

anyone in right mind would be laying really low if not

no critical thinking necessary on this just

plain ol' common sense

b33cec No.1753048






Prosecutor's powers reside where?




5f07bd No.1753049

File: e762126c09e976b⋯.png (215.8 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Im Confus.png)


Q, do you mean San Antonio or South Africa? Or South America?

Thanks for everything you do.

3ab235 No.1753050


Above average Q crumbs.

6546ac No.1753051


the current IG report as i said before is just damage control and things are only going to get worse for the cabal. I cant wait for the unredacted report but we first have to get the next redacted oig report that RR will say is unredacted but it actualy is redacted then here comes trump who will release the oig report in all its unredacted golden goodness.

712665 No.1753052

File: 1ee5e3c8d40ed1a⋯.png (63.95 KB, 436x713, 436:713, Screenshot 2018-06-14 at 9….png)

File: 9efbfa54b4df328⋯.png (67.68 KB, 460x737, 460:737, Screenshot 2018-06-14 at 9….png)


Fuckery. count drops over 2 min.

f2726d No.1753053

File: 70f693394c10fa4⋯.jpg (12.23 KB, 255x194, 255:194, Fuckery.jpg)

3e3d1d No.1753055

File: 1abc61623020d6c⋯.png (88.73 KB, 848x771, 848:771, paine.PNG)

Is Q going to comment this? Is Trump and Q ever going to get their thumbs out of their ass? Seems unlikely at this point, and the question asked in tweet is relevant AF. What point, at this time, does this make if none is willing to act?


d3b647 No.1753056

File: 40e564d746ae916⋯.jpg (15.14 KB, 193x255, 193:255, a94ffef627f7e43198dc7777fd….jpg)

that gasp you hear is the left starting to realize the 'russia collusion' investigation was really about them the whole time…

de1b6c No.1753057


There is a very jewish reason for why that is happening. Just saying.

13dc96 No.1753058



34f1f1 No.1753059


best yet was

"6 Million My Ass"

223907 No.1753060

File: 5f1de76586e3f52⋯.png (694.89 KB, 620x620, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

acca53 No.1753061


>I thought was kinda lame

Yeah, four points to denuclearize the Korean peninsula… "kinda lame"!


POTUS just avoided the nuclear WWIII that the fucking cabal was planning!



Go right now!

Get it over with and do the fucking world a favor!

1cf4b1 No.1753062

File: ee01b2cae450538⋯.jpg (11.94 KB, 255x205, 51:41, ee01b2cae450538f92743a2c1c….jpg)


What does this mean, anons? Kek!

413c3f No.1753063


OPR was said. Still think I heard the word ARM.

I will relist-en and leave a marker with a link.

I thought it refereed to the map

47c392 No.1753064


these would look a whole lot better without the stupid hashtags. it kills every one you put it in.

84e881 No.1753065


In this copypasta on line

pg 80-100

please change >>1751232 to >>1751032

It is darn confusing. Kudos on keeping up with a tough task.

c35add No.1753066

Basically everything is legal now, as today's example shows, accountability is out the window!

c3e85e No.1753067

Same……17 yr old son asked me today why George Soros hasn't been shot in the face yet

14 yr old told me yesterday that her friend kept coming at her with flat earth bullshit

19 yr old came home with a t-shirt on that had the image of kids lining up to sell their souls for stuff


2b6090 No.1753068


Because the bots are bakers.


40f0bd No.1753069

File: 586ff34c31ca6ff⋯.png (314.67 KB, 878x290, 439:145, Screenshot 2018-06-14 at 8….png)

Yahoo faggots hyping that baby muncher's tweet

0067ea No.1753070


When do these procedural issues get further investigated. Is this when Huber picks up? What next? Because there are tons of procedural issues here. The lack of action on the Weiner data being the most glaring.


c26235 No.1753071


https:// sputniknews.com/military/201806081065247597-mysterious-new-spy-radar-cuba/

ffa28a No.1753072



Show me the Unaltered #IGReport==

I don't have the Twatter anymore, I get shadow-banned within 24 hrs of opening a new account.

Even got a burner phone still no-go.

07b83d No.1753073


We see what you're made of. I don't see you out there taking fire for the team on a daily basis on every platform in the world. Nobody knows who you are.

0838b3 No.1753074

File: 1e9ac7ea5a68edd⋯.jpg (217.41 KB, 1008x489, 336:163, Fox1.jpg)

2d2f47 No.1753075

File: 5a82000d2e63f19⋯.png (462.17 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, tactics.png)

File: d12f6f110461fed⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1500x1334, 750:667, anonymity.png)

in this life

of toil and sin

your head grows bald

but not your chin


e1fbe4 No.1753076


Unbunch your panties Princess and go have a good cry

614c1e No.1753077


Fake Q, have you got some Better writers this Time?

Your last Stand-Up bombed.

I'm listening. Make me Laugh…

6ecc63 No.1753078

d3b647 No.1753079

File: 0d4732ca4eb8867⋯.png (250.02 KB, 540x517, 540:517, ClipboardImage.png)


here's a special 'gold' edition just for you…

223907 No.1753080

File: 5d7ee250c015f8b⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2753x1911, 2753:1911, MrEvil.jpg)

c3a77c No.1753081

File: a8cecbf0f1e167d⋯.jpg (335.91 KB, 706x714, 353:357, red.jpg)

a93997 No.1753082

File: 98726eb63d97717⋯.jpg (72.34 KB, 600x540, 10:9, Knobs4Jobs.jpg)


We need more scarfs and door knobs.

c06997 No.1753083


Wray never mentioned Russia.

4e8cca No.1753084

are the left upset that this report

did nothing to prove their Russian collusion thing?

I am sure they were also waiting for their


that did not happen

425e1a No.1753085



Never come here again.

Go to a dos prompt.

type this del c:\*.*

Then kill yourself

acca53 No.1753086


Fake fucking Q, idiotfag!

de1b6c No.1753087


I understand why some find it incomprehensible how or why that story could be bogus…

But once you find the right explanation the entire hoax falls apart.



63a765 No.1753088


Koch brothers control cuck Ryan.

Koch brothers love illegal invaders.

c06997 No.1753089

File: 9d98d839de68a90⋯.png (197.37 KB, 533x642, 533:642, IMG_1042.PNG)

97715e No.1753090

pg 1 - 20 ——— >>1747509 ; >>1747805 ; >>1747957 → Summary of 'We'll stop him' Strzok-Page Text"; >>1747965

pg 20 - 40 ——– >>1747772 ;

pg 40 - 60 ——–

pg 60 - 80 ——– >>1747537

pg 80 - 100 —— >>1747564 , >>1747862 , >>1747977, >>1749302, >>1749507, >>1749114, >>1747977, >>1751032, >>1751032

pg 100 - 120 —– >>1748215

pg 120 - 140 —– being read: >>1748336

pg 140 - 160 —–

pg 160 - 180 —– being read: >>1748418 , >>1752746 , >>1752794 , >>1752800

pg 180 - 200 —– >>1748984, >>1748989

pg 200 - 220 —– being read: >>1748466 Reporting: >>1751208

pg 220 - 240 —– being read: >>1749012 Reporting: >>1751004 , >>1752440

pg 240 - 260 —– being read: >>1749332 Pt 1/2 >>1750369, Pt 2/2 >>1750369, >>1752260

pg 260 - 280 —– being read: >>1749515 Reporting: >>1750903, >>1751118

pg 280 - 300 —–being read: >>1750186

pg 300 - 320 —– being read: >>1750594

pg 320 - 340 —– >>1752689 , >>1752705 , >>1752724

pg 340 - 360 —–

pg 360 - 380 —–

pg 380 - 400 —–

pg 400 - 420 —– being read: >>1750687 Reporting: >>1752506 , >>1752786

pg 420 - 440 —–

pg 440 - 460 —–

pg 460 - 480 —–

pg 480 - 520 —– >>1747603, >>1747572, >>1747525, >1747790 , >>1752911

pg 520 - 540 —–

pg 540 - 568 —–


beb472 No.1753091

File: 727e25d1d0ec0a8⋯.jpg (47.59 KB, 405x720, 9:16, sara-carter-on-the-beach.jpg)

sara incoming!

5456a1 No.1753092


some of the clinton advisors are starting to notice

but they have no way of communicating it to the rest

80d09b No.1753093


that's not going to age well

3e3d1d No.1753094


a garden gnome is not a troll, try again tryhard

8108e7 No.1753095


People need to be put on trial for


period the end, if not this country is gone and Trump is a joke.

a42a1d No.1753096


thats insane, u r insane

97715e No.1753097

shit had a broken link this:

pg 1 - 20 ——— >>1747509 ; >>1747805 ; >>1747957 → Summary of 'We'll stop him' Strzok-Page Text"; >>1747965

pg 20 - 40 ——– >>1747772 ;

pg 40 - 60 ——–

pg 60 - 80 ——– >>1747537

pg 80 - 100 —— >>1747564 , >>1747862 , >>1747977, >>1749302, >>1749507, >>1749114, >>1747977, >>1751032, >>1751032

pg 100 - 120 —– >>1748215

pg 120 - 140 —– being read: >>1748336

pg 140 - 160 —–

pg 160 - 180 —– being read: >>1748418 , >>1752746 , >>1752794 , >>1752800

pg 180 - 200 —– >>1748984, >>1748989

pg 200 - 220 —– being read: >>1748466 Reporting: >>1751208

pg 220 - 240 —– being read: >>1749012 Reporting: >>1751004 , >>1752440

pg 240 - 260 —– being read: >>1749332 Pt 1/2 >>1750369, Pt 2/2 >>1750369, >>1752260

pg 260 - 280 —– being read: >>1749515 Reporting: >>1750903, >>1751118

pg 280 - 300 —–being read: >>1750186

pg 300 - 320 —– being read: >>1750594

pg 320 - 340 —– >>1752689 , >>1752705 , >>1752724

pg 340 - 360 —–

pg 360 - 380 —–

pg 380 - 400 —–

pg 400 - 420 —– being read: >>1750687 Reporting: >>1752506 , >>1752786

pg 420 - 440 —–

pg 440 - 460 —–

pg 460 - 480 —–

pg 480 - 520 —– >>1747603, >>1747572, >>1747525, >>1747790 , >>1752911

pg 520 - 540 —–

pg 540 - 568 —–

acca53 No.1753098


Good grief we are surrounded by fucking idiotfags! God help us! lmfao

84eeb5 No.1753099


Expand your thinking. We are writing their script for them. That’s all they’re saying today, much like all they said about NK was we’re gonna start a nuclear war and that we need to meet.

Political bias, undeniable evidence for such, will come to light.

Also, funny how our new AG in NY is scrutinizing Trump’s foundation. Wants to take it over even…. wonder how that will turn out.

Trust the plan amigo.

d3b647 No.1753100


wait for it…..gasp coming in 5…4…3….

97715e No.1753101

not sure which Baker is baking, DO YOU STILL NEED HELP WITH NOTABLES????

9d4095 No.1753102

File: f8c3fff49981cd2⋯.png (362.3 KB, 883x685, 883:685, 591c6fa8bbc73df412973b987e….png)



13e6d9 No.1753104


FFS it's just a "grave" emoticon using standard ASCII.

c26235 No.1753105

India Declines to Buy Venezuelan Oil With Petro Cryptocurrency Despite Discounts

https:// sputniknews.com/business/201805311064982532-india-declines-venezuela-oil-petro/

586f0f No.1753107

File: 1e3ccf25acd066a⋯.jpg (24.78 KB, 280x373, 280:373, 1503714996578.jpg)

f96c09 No.1753108

File: 4c3d13de6922a48⋯.jpg (702.97 KB, 1626x1032, 271:172, 2015 N 2012 blue earth.jpg)

File: 66d22641b217104⋯.jpg (415.18 KB, 1361x713, 1361:713, Earth Meme.jpg)

a9cf46 No.1753109


Doing fine, Baker. Thanks for vetting your own dough.

9b63e6 No.1753110


Love these

84e881 No.1753111

File: e96ffdab867f4fe⋯.jpg (161.29 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening308.jpg)

File: 194980ba2b39648⋯.jpg (238.93 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening530.jpg)

File: 11b1d27e318aede⋯.jpg (143.22 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening541.jpg)

File: 5a51ed931894d4b⋯.jpg (164.43 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening552.jpg)

File: 9b4e8b65df85e62⋯.jpg (256.06 KB, 1025x519, 1025:519, GreatAwakening701.jpg)

97715e No.1753112


how long did it take you to make that stupid shit?

since last night?

63a765 No.1753113


>Is no way fucking way near what happens to Trump supporters in the REAL world

>They have jobs

>Trump supporters get fired

>They are safe

>Trump supporters get their asses beaten

Well said, anon.

3ab235 No.1753114



Think strategically.

All The Times and Seasons

We warned [you]

We prepared [you]

We told [you] what to expect

How's Ireland?

[[JC]] Problems

We can hear you fart

Beauty And The Beast


Post last edited at

97715e No.1753115


not baker lol

just have it in my textEdit

759b44 No.1753116

>Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing.

<Din Du Nuffin?

Fuck em.

d3b647 No.1753117


right. can't wait to see what 'hillary' tweets next.

b59322 No.1753118


and you have doubles for pg 80-100

Please post just one update towards the end of

the bread.

I totally appreciate your help Anon, theres like

three other anons all posting updates everytime

one anon posts an update.


acca53 No.1753119


>Unbunch your panties Princess and go have a good cry

I prefer you fucking off, you lame fucking Clown shill POS!

63a765 No.1753120


Never gets old.

Better every loop.

a9cf46 No.1753121

File: 9cd49e5c6203c4a⋯.png (98.84 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Post Detector Shill.png)

f79a2e No.1753122


13 Angry Democrats?

c35add No.1753123

Let's just fund the white hats while we're at it

8bc006 No.1753124


>We are being culled here, anons.

You bet!

bf43b7 No.1753125


Wait that's a bold one…awww you can't fool us (right ..this is fake ? :p)

d922b3 No.1753126

File: 21502676ba790af⋯.jpg (128.19 KB, 427x600, 427:600, download.jpg)



5456a1 No.1753127


Q was not kidding when he said hillary detained lmao

de1b6c No.1753128


Just like that the yews shills concernfags and boomerfaggots got BTFO'D and qresearch returned to normal…

What a time to be alive!

35f117 No.1753129


top kek

614c1e No.1753130


Haha. Yup

ffa28a No.1753131


Funny but filtered

519b22 No.1753132

Anons I can’t figure this one out:

Was Sessions recusing himself part of the plan?

Was making a deal with RR really part of the plan?

It would have been ideal if the >>1753127

good guys had control over our justice system, no?

That way the president doesn’t need to get involved to look like he is interfering?

I’ve read every Q post.

Today has proved to me the only way eliminate the corruption is through martial law and military tribunal.

No one. No one. Has provided a reasonable explanation for the continued cover up of the corruption and treasonous actions from officials in our government.

Don’t buy the “there would be chaos” excuse

84e881 No.1753133

File: f15b38d9a491e6d⋯.jpg (177.31 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening561.jpg)

File: d88b908cb9bbae7⋯.jpg (177.96 KB, 700x487, 700:487, GreatAwakening600.jpg)

File: 1da6c142bf8a4b9⋯.jpg (258.8 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakening750.jpg)

File: a370063b2d9a092⋯.jpg (142.07 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, GreatAwakening4112.jpg)


Yah. ThankQ. We want to stay cheerful and keep our place decorated with our own thoughts and beliefs.

d01d2b No.1753134

File: 33e937226efdb3f⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 33e937226efdb3f60ce19d48aa….jpg)

File: 408b51e57a23b94⋯.png (332.21 KB, 733x1047, 733:1047, sad moloch.png)

File: e51935c2d78ebd8⋯.webm (1.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, FUCKOFFGLOWNIGGER.webm)


Patience is a virtue.

It is happening.



c06997 No.1753135

File: 1f5f35167103b1e⋯.jpg (90 KB, 555x500, 111:100, IMG_1280.JPG)

28ec44 No.1753136

File: 260f72845d734bc⋯.jpg (91.37 KB, 730x278, 365:139, aaaa.jpg)

File: 05fef2cd75ae684⋯.jpg (46.47 KB, 731x100, 731:100, aaaaa.jpg)

File: 330731673833a3a⋯.jpg (5.19 KB, 356x25, 356:25, aaaaaa.jpg)




>>1751766 (all from bread #2204)

there are indeed sky happenings this next july, also Mars will be the closest to earth again (pics)

97715e No.1753137


shit I do will fix that, and I'll post it at 600 that good?

and need help getting notables or no?

0fd9c8 No.1753138

File: 9cec572f3f5e3d3⋯.jpg (5.03 KB, 234x216, 13:12, you're fired.jpg)


Trying to work your way up to that Office with the corners windows, huh Shill?

NEVER gonna happen…. never

8108e7 No.1753139


It's an accurate representation of this board and the retards who believe this Q bullshit

EVERYTHING was easily predicted from news releases and common sense, the months ago tweets were from an API exploit in twatter.

5003a6 No.1753140


Fake Q

6546ac No.1753142

whats awsome is we dont have long to wait now cause i would imagine each oig report will go by pretty fast until we get the unredacted version.

whats awsome to about the oig report that gets unredacted as well is that they can finaly seize all the data on the dnc server and like Q said the server will bring down the house.

97715e No.1753143


cya next bread shill

759b44 No.1753144


>Today has proved to me the only way eliminate the corruption is through martial law and military tribunal.

We have already reached that conclusion months ago.

07b83d No.1753145


If you folks are getting your asses kicked and losing your jobs all the time, you're doing it wrong.

4e8cca No.1753146


Garden Gnomes

are German protectors

of Gardens

34f1f1 No.1753147

I just had a thought. What if Q wanted the cabal shills to blow their wad today? Think about it. Hype up today here on the board. Hint at Huber, indictments, forming a new government, Horowitz/Huber connection, having us prep with proofs, hyping, hyping, hyping right? Maybe it was a YUGE fakeout to help them target where the heaviest shilling is coming from. Maybe they are still in the process of taking out rogue/bad actors and their bot farms so when the real storm hits our /qresearch/ board will be hyper focused, mainly shill free and ready to welcome the incoming flux of normies looking for answers. Long story short, maybe today was the ultimate bomb of shill chum to get them to all swarm the board at once for target acquisition followed by neutralization. idk just spitballin' here.

614c1e No.1753148


Pls keep your shirt on..


a0b33b No.1753149

File: 722c9a2877f2c76⋯.jpg (168.75 KB, 1007x1024, 1007:1024, Page.jpg)

Page's family

8bc006 No.1753150


Sub missing November 15….related?

>On January 13, 2018, a false ballistic missile alert was issued via the Emergency Alert System and Commercial Mobile Alert System over television, radio, and cellphones in the U.S. state of Hawaii.

83e1a6 No.1753151


If you don’t believe deepstate has been trying to kill Trump and ppl associated without him your not paying attention …I wouldn’t call that “safe”

bf43b7 No.1753152


How does this add up, too?

- Rosenstein recommends Comey be fired

- Trump takes full responsibility for firing Comey

- RR hires Mueller

- Trump interviews Mueller

- RR tells Trump he's not target of any investigation

- Judge rebukes Mueller for trying to "get Trump"

nothing adds up.

e7d0a3 No.1753153

File: 36702662cc08286⋯.jpg (81.56 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Less_fag2.jpg)


>I’ve read every Q post.


121383 No.1753154


Does anyone know who the current Associate AG is?

5f07bd No.1753155

File: ee19853662b6e75⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 387x387, 1:1, pepe admiring.jpg)

b59322 No.1753156

File: 381163353f8baa5⋯.jpg (99.91 KB, 581x602, 83:86, marine pepe.jpg)


always Good to collect your own when its

this shilly brother, if i miss any, on the update

lemme know





Numbering per .pdf pages

Anons, Read and Report

pg 1 - 20 ————— >>1747509 ; >>1747805 ; >>1747957 → Summary of 'We'll stop him' Strzok-Page Text"; >>1747965

pg 20 - 40 ——–- >>1747772 ;

pg 40 - 60 ——–-

pg 60 - 80 ——– >>1747537

pg 80 - 100 —— >>1747564 , >>1747862 , >>1747977, >>1749302, >>1749507, >>1749114, >>1747977, >>1751032,

pg 100 - 120 —– >>1748215

pg 120 - 140 —– being read: >>1748336

pg 140 - 160 —–

pg 160 - 180 —– being read: >>1748418 Reporting >>1752746, >>1752794, >>1752800

pg 180 - 200 —– >>1748984, >>1748989

pg 200 - 220 —– being read: >>1748466 Reporting: >>1751208

pg 220 - 240 —– being read: >>1749012 Reporting: >>1751004 , >>1752440

pg 240 - 260 —– being read: >>1749332 Pt 1/2 >>1750369, Pt 2/2 >>1750369, >>1752260

pg 260 - 280 —– being read: >>1749515 Reporting: >>1750903, >>1751118

pg 280 - 300 —– being read: >>1750186

pg 300 - 320 —– being read: >>1750594

pg 320 - 340 —– >>1752689 , >>1752705 , >>1752724, >>1752736

pg 340 - 360 —– being read: >>1752957

pg 360 - 380 —–

pg 380 - 400 —–

pg 400 - 420 —– being read: >>1750687 Reporting: >>1752506

pg 420 - 440 —–

pg 440 - 460 —–

pg 460 - 480 —–

pg 480 - 520 —– >>1747603, >>1747572, >>1747525, >>1747790, >>1752911

pg 520 - 540 —–

pg 540 - 568 —–

Any missing link this post



>>1752883 Court Sets hearing on Motion to Compel Email Testimony from HRC

>>1753043 #IGReport Censored on twitter

>>1753052 Petition for Un-redacted Declassed IG Report losing signatures (think why)

>>1752803 His Name Was SETH RICH

Any missing Link this post

8108e7 No.1753157


exactly, and chirp chirp…. nothing

c3e85e No.1753159

So Sara and Hannity just moved to Singapore, apparently

13dc96 No.1753160


Yeah I know but in all seriousness as long as we do our part and push the narrative I think its safe to say 2018 will be glorious.


13 angry democrats reminds me of the movie 12 angry men, about wanting to rule an innocent man for murder and all it took was 1 level headed person turn them all to not guilty by showing them that evidence didn't add up.. Could be what PoTUS is eluding to. People should watch it, its aged very well.

7c0801 No.1753161


Those poor kids will grow up and learn what their mother did…

4132e7 No.1753162

File: dcca9e5b4ab1840⋯.png (98.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorM.png)

5456a1 No.1753163


maybe Q just likes watching them squirm

but seriously my guess is that they want to change the narrative first because of the public knew there would be riots

cant really have hillary and her goons lynched in the streets can we

4afb41 No.1753164


Technically the recommendations I posted here >>1752911 are on page 529 (PDF page numbers). The page 500 I mentioned was based on the numbering at the bottom of each page.

d3b647 No.1753165


can you blame him?

40f0bd No.1753166


You really think Q gives a shit about shills on this board? Geezus

84e881 No.1753167

File: 3c7b3eb815e9ec9⋯.jpg (380.5 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakening743.jpg)

File: fa6676f854ca1ec⋯.jpg (239.04 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening731.jpg)

File: 00952f15b4cde79⋯.jpg (191.35 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningBrave4.jpg)

File: 37d63bd1d37c827⋯.jpg (467.43 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningRain5.jpg)

0fd9c8 No.1753168


What a legacy to leave your kids… wow

5f07bd No.1753169

File: c52a39920edd4f7⋯.png (1.05 MB, 740x1102, 370:551, doll.png)


The bitch was married?

What a skank

97715e No.1753170



got it and fixed anon o7

c3e85e No.1753171

Husband predictably looks like a pussy


223907 No.1753172

File: 42d545caf964204⋯.png (193.68 KB, 529x382, 529:382, ClipboardImage.png)

4132e7 No.1753173


Thanks for picking up on My Post Detector :)

59bfa2 No.1753174


No way I filter you.

First funny thing I've seen that parodied the whole Q thang. KEK

751c2b No.1753175

File: 3a8ff3085319865⋯.jpg (719.27 KB, 1500x1310, 150:131, comey1.jpg)

Why will history be much kinder to this guy…..

642499 No.1753176


I think it is Rudy. Posted aboat that during the first drops on the AAG/Rudy coming on team.. think Rudy 1meeelion%

1cf4b1 No.1753177


Why does it say 'the Burrow family?'

959e8f No.1753178

File: 5daf9157235eabb⋯.jpg (90.91 KB, 736x1102, 368:551, HuberComing.jpg)

When the info is released [RR] no more.

When the info is released no more Russia investigation

When the info is released you'll have more than you know… you just won't know it!

a93997 No.1753179

File: 66c2689e2d4b085⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 480x360, 4:3, You.jpg)


< We can hear you fart

Prove it, wet or dry?

On a scale of 1 - 10 how did it sound?

Can you smell it also?

If so, what's it taste like?

1228d4 No.1753180


Ryan is being blackmailed by the Deep State. Q has everything.

If Ryan runs as a third party Q will release the evidence of his blackmail. Ryan doesn't stand a chance.

af40f7 No.1753181

That Flynn jr tweet from earlier…exactly 14 spaces = War Powers Act

5456a1 No.1753182


notice how most of them are gone now

fbfe3c No.1753183

File: 1419ea3376927ac⋯.jpg (93.03 KB, 763x767, 763:767, 1528871864285.jpg)

Stay positive brothers!

759b44 No.1753184


>exactly, and chirp chirp…. nothing

Who put POTUS in office?

I can absolutely guarantee it wasn't the voters.

Our electoral system HAD been 100% compromised.

Who's going to make sure these traitors hang?

I can guarantee it won't be the Justice Department.

The people who are taking care of business are one and the same.

The PEOPLE must demand action.

It's coming. Enjoy the show.

52bc63 No.1753185


Noel Francisco

e0ff99 No.1753186

d3b647 No.1753187



beb472 No.1753188


Because like him or not, his announcement of reopening the Clinton email investigation likely did sway the election.

1822f4 No.1753189


They never thought she would lose.

c3e85e No.1753190



Sara needs to go home to her kids tho

She has 4 little ones….so I wonder if she is hiding out or something

13dc96 No.1753191

>>1753160 (me)

If he is eluding to that, 13 angry democrats assumes that the jury itself is stacked and the justice system is not working as originally intended. The game/court/system is rigged? Something to maul on tonight I guess.

b81f66 No.1753192

File: d7411dcf31de75d⋯.png (484.95 KB, 925x862, 925:862, Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at ….png)

Guliani also said:

"Strzok should be in jail be the end of next week"

798c1a No.1753193

File: 65057fa00794715⋯.png (53.32 KB, 496x443, 496:443, Screenshot (474).png)

Longtime "lurker"

Q told us exactly what would happen. He was right! Yesterdays crumb told us the version we would see..

440a97 No.1753194

File: 1d0b8b2a3139342⋯.png (914.32 KB, 826x834, 413:417, FRENCH PEDOPHILES.png)

They are now being openly proud of their pedophilia, HOW DISGUSTING.

Brigette Macron's daughter praising and gushing over how she watched her 40 year old mother fall in love with a 15 year old child, when she was 9 years old( 6 year difference)


Emmanuel and Mummy are a vision of love': Brigitte Macron's daughter reveals how, aged nine, she watched her then 39-year-old mother fall for 15-year-old future French president

Tiphaine Auzière is the youngest of Mrs Macron's children from first marriage

She revealed how 'smitten' her mother was with a teenage Emmanuel Macron

Ms Auzière spoke in a documentary about her mother that aired on Wednesday

Brigitte Macron's daughter has revealed how, at the age of nine, she watched her 39-year-old mother fall for a 15-year-old Emmanuel Macron.

Tiphaine Auzière, 34, the youngest of Mrs Macron's children from her first marriage, described how 'smitten' the couple were with each other soon after they met in a television documentary about her mother.

Brigitte Macron: A French Novel aired on Wednesday night on France 3, a state television channel, a year after she became France's first lady when her husband, almost 25 years her junior, became the country's youngest president.

It presented Mrs Macron, 65, as her younger husband's coach and muse and the couple as very much in love

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5843181/Brigitte-Macrons-daughter-reveals-watched-mother-fall-French-president.html

1f97ac No.1753195


fucking kek.

At least some of these shills have a sense of humor tonight. Maybe it's stress relief from another nuttin-burger.

83e1a6 No.1753197


Both are/were

beb472 No.1753198


Ryan doesn't stand a chance anyway. NOBODY likes him.

d3b647 No.1753199


i've thought that too. her and sean. VERY important to the plan. surely under protection.

c35add No.1753200


Are you crazy, this is good news. It means we can infiltrate our government and try to overthrow it, and not get in trouble for it.

41d345 No.1753201

>>1753136 … A Lunar Eclipse is always and can only happen on a full moon…lol…Mars at Opposition and its a pic of Jupiter…

a0b33b No.1753202


Her husband is (was?) Joseph Burrow.


5456a1 No.1753203


dude potus was so popular that he won even with the cheating

white hats just prevented enough of it to get the ec

7c0801 No.1753204



Lisa Burrow? Or is Page her maiden name she kept?

0067ea No.1753205


I thought the plan was clear.

Activate Horowitz

Activate Huber

What do you see as the next step?

e6a734 No.1753206


>100% of the presentations (that weren't science-related) promoted the globalist agenda

so only (((their))) scientism is not agenda biased?


121383 No.1753207


Not Rudy. He is atty for DJT.

acca53 No.1753208


Page is married while being dicked by Strzok? Okie dokie smokie!

INCREDIBLE she got TWO men to fuck her! #UglyAsSin

642499 No.1753209


Pretty sad when u could explain things better if you were a prostitute or a pornstar…

223907 No.1753210

File: e58e826cb8a397d⋯.png (6.31 MB, 2500x1681, 2500:1681, ClipboardImage.png)

beb472 No.1753211


Tomorrow…interesting. I can hold out faith until tomorrow.

47c392 No.1753212


we saw #2 / [[RR]] today.

[[[RR]]] would be #3.

[RR] will mean the one we want to see.

Is this correct, Q?

4e8cca No.1753213


I think their handles were stolen and used as cover

I don't think the real Page and Strok (sp)

had anything to do with this

I think they were set up

and two other actors were just using their names

as insurance

34f1f1 No.1753214


definitely feels a little more calm and comfy. I checked in earlier and barely recognized this place. It looked like Shillcon 5. Some of the worst I've seen.

759b44 No.1753215



>white hats just prevented enough of it to get the ec

That's what I'm saying.

Wisconsin, for one. I believe Maine for another.

896d32 No.1753216

File: 055c2c4c8904a6b⋯.jpg (936.91 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, 1529024529163.jpg)

63a765 No.1753217


>"Strzok should be in jail be the end of next week"

I'll bet my car that Strzok never goes to jail.

97715e No.1753218

>>1753194 Macron's step daughter (at age 9) watched her mother fall in love with Macron (at age 15)


(we've known this just different take on it)

a419f0 No.1753219

File: 4f51310af65e6cc⋯.jpg (25.9 KB, 452x293, 452:293, Incoming.JPG)

642499 No.1753220


When he came on he was att for POTUS not Trump..

3e3d1d No.1753221

File: 1abc61623020d6c⋯.png (88.73 KB, 848x771, 848:771, paine.PNG)

File: 92e7248cff32bf4⋯.png (79.44 KB, 550x715, 10:13, umm.png)

umm.. Q… comment?

2a4374 No.1753222


Q already said as much. They didn't expect POTUS would declassify the redacted portions.

The shill machine doesn't turn on a dime. Remember 4am?

The only thing you should be thinking about is if you're going to successfully fight the MSM to reach the normies once everything is dropped.

If you had the weapon could you wield it? Could you really and do you even understand? Fight or larp?

Is Q the larp or are the people here larping that they would fight if given the chance?

f98b67 No.1753223

File: d81ed39a41f3d31⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 298x403, 298:403, 2c96p0.jpg)

52bc63 No.1753224

c06997 No.1753225


Golf ball



d3b647 No.1753226


you got both sets of keys?

84eeb5 No.1753227


Yep I heard it too.

Also he said they are reviewing internally what was brought to light in the document and the people involved.

RR out.

26707e No.1753228

lawfag jr here with an after thought from (self proclaimed ) lawfag sr. response. Immunity deals are done outside the jurisdiction of a Court and before any charges filed. Honoring an immunity deal is not under the jurisdiction of a Judge to enforce so where does your braggadocious seniority come in to play? Asking for a friend

31bdbf No.1753229


I will never give up.

I reincarnated for exactly this.

Every thing here is a test of Faith.

And I've kept mine through lifetimes.

I will not give up now when it matters most.

8108e7 No.1753230

File: 74b6481bf48a5f7⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images.jpg)


We elected him, the system is comped.

The answer is in the Declaration of independence.

WE THE PEOPLE need to start draining, it. ALL OF IT.

c3e85e No.1753231


It was so bad today….so bad

121383 No.1753232



You really believe anything Rudy says?

b59322 No.1753233


500-600 is perfect.

if you can keep your list, and check it against

mine (once i post an update) if i'm missing any

link my update post, and let me know what i

missed that is a huge help.

JDIF rollin hard right now,

really appreciate you anon


5456a1 No.1753234


i miss the shills they give me energy

acca53 No.1753235


>Q told us exactly what would happen. He was right! Yesterdays crumb told us the version we would see..

And still Anons & shills alike got their panties in a wad!!!

798c1a No.1753236



Previous bread, outstanding!

28be89 No.1753237

File: 717e0a984607bb2⋯.jpg (216.9 KB, 711x366, 237:122, Le-baboon.jpg)

c26235 No.1753238


What could to happen when finish the War in Syria…?

751c2b No.1753239

de1b6c No.1753240


I hope these red heads don't race mix because the electric jew tells them to.

No more red or blondes after that.

642499 No.1753241


No, he was #2, AAG spot is cause of him recusing or quit or fire..

683464 No.1753242


potus is not a tyrant

if he moves too quickly congress will impeach him and we lose

dont doubt it for a moment they are enemies of the plan

they wont even recess to prevent appts. and they repeatedly vote against him

c06997 No.1753243


anon considered rr out with emergency services crews in cognito

84e881 No.1753244

File: 7d186df87c6b8c3⋯.jpg (173.23 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, GreatAwakeningRespected.jpg)

File: aa7f28c20b86554⋯.jpg (433.27 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningRain12.jpg)

File: d40fe5efa347846⋯.jpg (408.5 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningRain9.jpg)


It has been bad. Mostly we were heads-down digesting our 20-page sections of the report and posting findings.

83e1a6 No.1753245


Let’s not assume …I mean are you sure their real men?

614c1e No.1753246

It's Time for Q.

We've discussed this enough here.

998034 No.1753247



Take version with link, link has links that text doesn't link

47c392 No.1753248

File: 4d145abfb6fea90⋯.png (314.15 KB, 542x700, 271:350, Nightwatch.png)


it's ok. night shift is here. we know how to take care of bidness.

beb472 No.1753249


I think Rudy has been playing the ultimate joker distraction..contradicting himself, appearing unhinged and even drunk. He's there for a reason.

8bb881 No.1753250

File: 412b1bf0248e16a⋯.png (84.23 KB, 600x587, 600:587, 3B433FB2-019B-473F-9F79-02….png)

c3e85e No.1753251

Did Sara just say the next IG report wont be out for another 18 months?

If this goes on that long I will need one of those emergency groups that cuts fat people out of their house by removing a wall

75e5f7 No.1753252

Judge Jeanine on Hannity….

VERY INTERESTING…she looked so nervous while Sara and Greg were doing their segments….I'VE NEVER SEEN HER NERVOUS BEFORE…EVER…

When it was HER TURN, she actually had a "talking sheet" that was just out of camera (but caught it)….felt like she TOTALLY had to make sure she "nailed" her points….like a SCRIPT….lol

0c042f No.1753253

File: c358eca984b6b44⋯.jpeg (19.02 KB, 255x175, 51:35, whoa.jpeg)

97715e No.1753254


got, planning to give the update at about 600 - 620





3027ee No.1753255


I thank you for your words

I know what Im supposed to do

nothing will shake it

9db0aa No.1753256


What the hell difference does it make as two portions that were rejected? We have already heard from Wray and the IG. No bombshells. A total whitewash.

ec732f No.1753257


My 12 yo red-pilled his whole middle school.

c06997 No.1753258


Q knew

We knew

Not going to change

d50019 No.1753259

File: 722ee23e9e06ce7⋯.png (3.46 MB, 2000x1571, 2000:1571, flag.png)

121383 No.1753260


Potus = Trump.

1cf4b1 No.1753261


Damn, they called in the cavalry in case he he threw a bitch fit kek?

0b56a3 No.1753262



Modified and redacted = completely rewritten and redacted

97715e No.1753263

File: 259b6d2e27d5cf6⋯.png (166.15 KB, 661x358, 661:358, strzok-pageText.png)

d3b647 No.1753264


ya know, sean had to point sara in the right direction earlier.

you're right.

a93997 No.1753265


Correct. But hearing Wray's report was still disgusting and horrible.

Am recovering from an anger attack, logic levels slowly returning.

f2726d No.1753266

File: 8a670a0858596f0⋯.jpg (42.76 KB, 436x369, 436:369, aa.JPG)

642499 No.1753267


It will be interesting to see, but him and Meuller are friends.. so not sure who AAG IS.. but still think it might be him. Noel guy.. have to look into him

c3e85e No.1753268


That is very true…night anons are on it

There are good folks during the day, but a lot gets lost in the shillacane

7e00f7 No.1753269

i feel like wray did a comey…..

c06997 No.1753270


anon sauceless (scotch almost gone) kek

f80d36 No.1753272

File: 2b90969c83e3d0a⋯.jpg (33.71 KB, 619x349, 619:349, 1524093601295.jpg)


nice one KiwiAnon

5456a1 No.1753273


i was more mad at the liberal media theyre so fucking obnoxious

84eeb5 No.1753274



Also, in 2 days this comes up on the Q clock.



17 Apr 2018 - 6:48:15 AM




2a4374 No.1753275


You really have no idea what is going on. Who the hell are you?

Go read the manual again. You aren't even talking in my language.

c26235 No.1753276



83e1a6 No.1753277


Exactly? All this locked up frustration..we post on fb we fight on Twitter …now what? WHAT? We still left angry and I refuse to protest like a heathen in the streets that’s for liberals

6e5d2a No.1753278


Could also be reception with ear piece. Not denying your claim, but that stupid crap would definitely throw me off too.

0d61cc No.1753279

File: 555c8a7a885faaa⋯.png (1.12 MB, 694x926, 347:463, BB8.png)

File: f5be38a07fec5f4⋯.jpg (813.2 KB, 989x3556, 989:3556, e_bot&flat_tards&muh_joos_….jpg)

File: e578a4cc5a3428d⋯.png (415.84 KB, 749x499, 749:499, out_of_a_job_soon.png)

File: 7b0cb6e9965d795⋯.jpg (251.9 KB, 1146x1200, 191:200, BB10.jpg)

Whew, that's all they had?

223907 No.1753280

File: be12df9961d03c6⋯.png (96.24 KB, 213x288, 71:96, ClipboardImage.png)

9db0aa No.1753281

Q told us to trust Wray. What did Wray say to make us trust him? He blew the thing off.

0b56a3 No.1753282


Watch Laura tonight…she's also playing a role in the movie.

b95c81 No.1753283






187 or Flip



Think shell

Re-read past drops


Down she goes

Post last edited at

4e8cca No.1753284

84e881 No.1753285



SpouseAnon says your kid is heroic.

acca53 No.1753286

File: 71ebfb6d6c437eb⋯.jpg (116.88 KB, 1092x382, 546:191, 3 x IG report.jpg)


>we saw #2 / [[RR]] today.

>[[[RR]]] would be #3.

>[RR] will mean the one we want to see.

96cca0 No.1753287

File: 1183ba70400b328⋯.png (480.94 KB, 981x654, 3:2, gasp3.png)

35bf35 No.1753288



You are right on Q.

8108e7 No.1753289

File: 0b0994b076c3353⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 202x249, 202:249, download.jpg)

File: 74b6481bf48a5f7⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images.jpg)



97715e No.1753290

File: e9db5af6a4e3b36⋯.gif (414.65 KB, 174x256, 87:128, soyboyGIF.gif)





what a whining little soyboy you are

stfu FFS

0b56a3 No.1753291


Try italics next time…lol

83e1a6 No.1753292


Booms haven’t aligned yet no booms

9004a9 No.1753293

File: 69d6d5e80fe77bf⋯.jpg (98.27 KB, 1140x798, 10:7, Lemmy-Kilmister.jpg)

f2726d No.1753294

File: 2d62260744d7680⋯.jpg (128.28 KB, 567x560, 81:80, Jesse.JPG)

97715e No.1753295



bf43b7 No.1753296


He also said the Mueller would be wrapping up in a "couple of weeks"…five weeks ago.

a4a605 No.1753297

File: 6f97546a8e215f5⋯.jpg (344.81 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, tl-lemon-v2-IG.jpg)

7c0801 No.1753298


That’s faux Q

f0395c No.1753299

File: 7c553626c3e2ac4⋯.jpg (325.08 KB, 1060x1654, 530:827, Pyi0iMw.jpg)

abf101 No.1753300


Come on fake Q lift your game you forgot to sign

20ff04 No.1753301

File: 0b0d83ecde35065⋯.jpg (546.66 KB, 1294x1717, 1294:1717, 20180615.jpg)


Yes, you are correct. Here's tomorrow's Qlock. The Qlock you mention will be coming out soon.

b23995 No.1753302


Fake Q is the closest we will ever get to Real Q.

41d345 No.1753303

121383 No.1753304

Does anyone wonder why no FF today?

b81f66 No.1753305

File: c343439379c4adc⋯.png (291.56 KB, 681x610, 681:610, Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at ….png)

f2726d No.1753306


111 days?

959e8f No.1753307

File: f3bfceeb776ccc9⋯.jpg (111.4 KB, 929x818, 929:818, MuellerEndsProbe.jpg)

It's happening!!!

Just like Q said!!!

223907 No.1753308

File: f62a4b8a029186f⋯.jpg (687.27 KB, 2126x730, 1063:365, 8.jpg)

2b0f5f No.1753309


Use non pedo-friendly version, please

c3e85e No.1753310


I wonder what the timeline will be on this?

Horowitz testifies on Monday…maybe the EO will allow him to be more open?

28afcc No.1753311


OK. Roger That. Than.x. Don't have to waste any more time now. We can let the Democrats fix the country in piece. O U A lot. Keep up the gud work. Maybe you can go to the Twitter machine next and let them all no 2. Yes no.2. That's wut U R. A peace of sht. MayB u a moose limb to.

6be0df No.1753312


It would only take him two weeks to wrap up the Russia investigation he said.

2 months ago he said.

f3dd9c No.1753313


Q reminds us they are that stupid and lazy

8112ee No.1753314


I recognized the sarcasm font. Didn't you?

121383 No.1753315


Exactly. Why I don't believe a word he says about anything. Forever cast as an idiot.

896d32 No.1753316

File: cf514f2f65e6409⋯.jpg (123.98 KB, 301x498, 301:498, Jesse_Panuccio_Headshot.jpg)




Jesse Panuccio


If RR is going down, Jesse will be the one to take his place.

He is a Trump appointee.

f0395c No.1753317

File: fb9d6ba1600f983⋯.png (725.69 KB, 600x722, 300:361, 84a.png)

c35add No.1753318

Q is real, it's how (they) buy time

52bc63 No.1753319


It's not going to be him…. It's Noel Francisco

ddcddb No.1753320

File: ebc6c7f325e36bd⋯.jpg (240.81 KB, 1500x966, 250:161, For REE and country.jpg)


Agreed. Done digging the IG. We need to let this play out a bit. Hell I wasn't expecting the IG until the 18th anyway, the UNredacted version, so piddling here with scraps seems very counter-productive. WE are supposed to be working on irrefutable proofs for Q to vet.

Anybody wonder if POTUS and Q team are stalling for us to have our shit together?? Time to stop sliding.

bf43b7 No.1753321


Fuckin fake as fuckin fuck

e1fbe4 No.1753322

File: c57cf31a4359e07⋯.jpg (49.52 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 8BALL.jpg)

Is it possible that Q is just a very sophisticated Magic 8 Ball?

47c392 No.1753323

File: b8ed8fe426e230c⋯.png (379.3 KB, 487x635, 487:635, djt_pepe_moab.png)


not really. they thought they were safe - no bad news. no reason to avert attention with a FF.

Little do they know…!!!

35bf35 No.1753324


I'm trolling.

Calm down.

Wondering why the fuck there's a fake Q even here.

6be0df No.1753325


He has a nice mouth.

5456a1 No.1753326

so if reddit comped why did nobody leave lol

acca53 No.1753327


>My 12 yo red-pilled his whole middle school.

Little Anons rock!

America's future!!!

223907 No.1753328

File: e443066b0087979⋯.jpg (221.45 KB, 722x633, 722:633, JeffandRR.jpg)

223907 No.1753329

File: a6f4e34073653f3⋯.jpg (570.42 KB, 1229x1094, 1229:1094, germany.jpg)

97715e No.1753330

this is what I got baker:

pg 1 - 20 ——— >>1747509 ; >>1747805 ; >>1747957 → Summary of 'We'll stop him' Strzok-Page Text"; >>1747965

pg 20 - 40 ——– >>1747772 ;

pg 40 - 60 ——–

pg 60 - 80 ——– >>1747537

pg 80 - 100 —— >>1747564 , >>1747862 , >>1747977, >>1749302, >>1749507, >>1749114, >>1747977, >>1751032

pg 100 - 120 —– >>1748215

pg 120 - 140 —– being read: >>1748336

pg 140 - 160 —–

pg 160 - 180 —– being read: >>1748418 , >>1752746 , >>1752794 , >>1752800

pg 180 - 200 —– >>1748984, >>1748989

pg 200 - 220 —– being read: >>1748466 Reporting: >>1751208

pg 220 - 240 —– being read: >>1749012 Reporting: >>1751004 , >>1752440

pg 240 - 260 —– being read: >>1749332 Pt 1/2 >>1750369, Pt 2/2 >>1750369, >>1752260

pg 260 - 280 —– being read: >>1749515 Reporting: >>1750903, >>1751118

pg 280 - 300 —–being read: >>1750186

pg 300 - 320 —– being read: >>1750594

pg 320 - 340 —– >>1752689 , >>1752705 , >>1752724

pg 340 - 360 —–

pg 360 - 380 —–

pg 380 - 400 —–

pg 400 - 420 —– being read: >>1750687 Reporting: >>1752506 , >>1752786

pg 420 - 440 —–

pg 440 - 460 —–

pg 460 - 480 —–

pg 480 - 520 —– >>1747603, >>1747572, >>1747525, >>1747790 ,

pg 520 - 540 —– >>1752911

pg 540 - 568 —–

beb472 No.1753331

Mark Levin is a total Sperg…just sort of looks toward the camera without making "eye contact".

41006a No.1753332

File: 0fdc825895a4fdd⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 500x660, 25:33, IMG_1583.GIF)


Night shift checking in.

e5392f No.1753333

84e881 No.1753334

File: 5d524b69b788690⋯.png (374.29 KB, 1111x833, 1111:833, Sleep.png)


Here ya go. Need to replace yours with this one.

d3b647 No.1753335

File: 5520d7bd829ffd3⋯.png (365.92 KB, 973x899, 973:899, ClipboardImage.png)

97715e No.1753336



what do you think

3027ee No.1753337

File: 39994a09263f33a⋯.jpg (127.37 KB, 283x1024, 283:1024, 1511631997834.jpg)

File: 4ab3188e0e29cca⋯.png (40.21 KB, 1536x516, 128:43, trends-2000-hrs-06-14.PNG)


It was as bad as half/pol just before Q had to move, I'd say. yes, seriously shillcon 1.


#IgReport trended for more than 6 hours, the petition has been gaining 1k sigs per hour since it started

and normies are hearing some things for the very first time

acca53 No.1753338


>He has a nice mouth.

Bango music speeds up!

4132e7 No.1753339

File: c39b24260828d96⋯.png (107.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOS.png)


Upgraded Graphics

642499 No.1753340


You remember all 8yrs of obama?????

121383 No.1753341


Thanks anon. I had thought RR recently appointed someone to be permanent.

And I can't remember the name Q mentioned might be AAG.

1945a9 No.1753342


Mark Levin just called the whole IG report the CABAL…he introduced it, he is highlighting the anti-Trumpism and the Pro-Hillarybots. Its so obvious the way Mark describes it. Q is right these people are so obviously….stupid…they don't even know how guilty they look by trying to hide their corruption and crimes. It makes me ask Why? What? The experts must be doing that right now.

8108e7 No.1753343

File: 6ff2fa5cb5a4cd1⋯.jpg (10.1 KB, 309x163, 309:163, 33.jpg)


as long as they can sell T Shirts, Bracelets and

keep MAGA divided…. "Q" will be around.

This is all bullshit.

97715e No.1753344



e2fa85 No.1753345

Do you anons realize what it means when the IG writes in an official report that the Director of the FBI used a private email to conduct business?!

d3b647 No.1753346


he's doing his job though.

8bc006 No.1753347




Burrow old news, known in December, see link

2a4374 No.1753348


Did you not even see the two major Fake News stories run today? Do you think a false flag always involves guns?

3be190 No.1753349

File: e1f59b357579954⋯.jpg (53.34 KB, 640x460, 32:23, AdjustTheFacts.jpg)

Adjust the facts, man…

(sorry for the crappy gimp work, new at it)

300992 No.1753350

File: 0b681ef7e33a826⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 765x387, 85:43, fartcomey.jpg)

b59322 No.1753351

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


84eeb5 No.1753352


No, lined up on the Qlock. 111 days would be 8/6.

d653cc No.1753353


Got to stir and wake the beehive first to affect a stinging attack.

41006a No.1753354


Brain drain.

Tards stayed.

0b56a3 No.1753355

The last time 'The FBI' had any credibility was when it was a TV show.

35bf35 No.1753357

Was here earlier for Shillcon 5, too.

Q said to expect attacks.

Was not disappointed.

Still trusting the plan.

God bless.

9004a9 No.1753358

File: f90b4c65b3596f4⋯.jpg (9.25 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 0ede9f4d5e75e704618575d8ff….jpg)


quads don't lie

896d32 No.1753359

File: 3a3cb8a05491326⋯.png (91.54 KB, 925x527, 925:527, 24444ca43579704785c0c89adb….png)

File: a37c1ac61ebd38b⋯.png (22.25 KB, 576x233, 576:233, paine.png)

2a0bdb No.1753360

File: 1ecd31c967bc806⋯.jpg (771.96 KB, 1112x1230, 556:615, stopper-c.jpg)

959e8f No.1753361

File: 23b57fd57a634a0⋯.png (6.38 KB, 468x302, 234:151, TheMoreThanYouKnow.png)


Quit SHILLING, shill.

bf43b7 No.1753362


I'd say Trump Foundation getting sued was FF-ish

97715e No.1753363

Mark Levin is always yelling at me

good points, but I didn't do it

47c392 No.1753364


dammit!!!! thought it was gonna be a comfy night!!!


0d61cc No.1753365

File: 3a3148a34e3f145⋯.jpg (193.46 KB, 1920x921, 640:307, FireShot Capture 018 - IP ….jpg)

File: 3b3698882b235d9⋯.png (64.06 KB, 1470x240, 49:8, ClipboardImage.png)


Figures you're a nasimfag

fbfe3c No.1753366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some work tunes..

614c1e No.1753367


We know this is a product of Rod Rosenstein and that's fine but I want to see that EO BLOW this Shit wide open by tomorrow.

Not next week, not the week after is not in six months

abf101 No.1753368


Shilly AF in here Anon, lots of whining.

642499 No.1753369


Haha 👍🇺🇸👊

97715e No.1753370


its fake as fuck (the article not the crumb)

f2726d No.1753371

Nice. Q said something about Callighan I think. I'm looking for it.

84eeb5 No.1753372


Gotta give most people time, this happens every event, they buy the spin. So much more in there as well.

Timing is everything.

240aef No.1753373

File: d547785fdfbb5be⋯.jpg (203.3 KB, 1381x745, 1381:745, cabal.jpg)

"This was a cabal"

This movie is good. Starting the 3rd act?

c06997 No.1753375


Silver Lining

Silver Fox

87c776 No.1753377


It is part of the plan to normalize pedophilia

There are lots of players in the Illuminati plan

Hollywood still makes TV series and movies aligned with the plan

Politicians who still have power are moving ahead with the plan as best they can

Use Google image or video search to find underage sexual images or videos, freely available

They are out there thanks to mobile phone selfies and apps like snapchat

This is not a problem that can be solved by some authorities

The President has no power over the actions of teens and pre-teens

The only way for the Illuminati plans to really be stopped

Is for the masses of people to wake up

In the Great Awakening

And to change the trajectory of their lives

The lives of those close to them

The lives of their communities

And this is beginning to happen

Teens and pre-teens are beginning to question the liberal education system

They are beginning to rebel

Conservative political groups are filled with young adults

A new generation is on the march

This is not a quick fix

It will not come from above

But the wave is gathering strengths every day

World wide

Watch the World Cup events in Russia

Perhaps they are showing an example to the rest of the world

Perhaps we should be emulating Russia

And not attacking them.

2a4374 No.1753378


Correct, that is one, what was the other?

8bc006 No.1753379


Macron has to be brainwashed. Has to be.

c8ab0d No.1753380

File: eb0e32d36495275⋯.jpg (70.55 KB, 661x436, 661:436, hapsburg2.JPG)

File: 8a0f597b911cee7⋯.jpg (55.04 KB, 783x504, 87:56, hapsburg1.JPG)

File: a652d9361ebef97⋯.jpg (81.7 KB, 1047x540, 349:180, hapsburg3.JPG)


Need some royaltyfags to dig into this.


84e881 No.1753383


Not found on Washington Times website.


28be89 No.1753384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>1753000 chekek'd

Reminds of that scene in "The Pentagon Wars" where the general's aide "re-words" the original test report for the Bradley Fighting Vehicle.

a42a1d No.1753385

573c9d No.1753386


lol. even kek-bombs useless with the germans. have been mku'd nicely and are "hart wie Kruppstahl".

1f97ac No.1753387


You don't mean that.

Tell the truth.

You're upset because he stole your meme.

You can say it. I got your back.

5456a1 No.1753388


>Use Google image or video search to find underage sexual images or videos, freely available

i would not reccomend doing this

300992 No.1753390

she's pretty


35bf35 No.1753391


Yes, if you consider brainwashing another way of saying bought by greed, suppressed by fear.

c3e85e No.1753392



c35add No.1753393


That's cool, but we gotta worry about optics.

beb472 No.1753394

File: 061e8591cca8cb7⋯.jpg (102.44 KB, 666x500, 333:250, muh email.jpg)

d25cf9 No.1753395


Maybe the other server is the one Becarra had in Cali?

a4a605 No.1753396

File: 136cade6d296510⋯.jpg (309.63 KB, 999x561, 333:187, tl-lemon-v2.jpg)


muh dick guy stole my they leave meme as soon as I posted it

feels bad

de1b6c No.1753397


His job is to promote holohoax dogma while sounding patriotic to conceal the cabal.

Unhappy with NK peace.

Always wanted WWIII.

Paytriot neocon fat fuck.

b23995 No.1753398


She is pretty.

f2726d No.1753399

File: cbf201716b0ebcb⋯.jpg (28.31 KB, 446x255, 446:255, ed.JPG)


what happened to him then?

83e1a6 No.1753400


For some it’s not about “buying the spin” as you say ..it’s about action ..ppl are tired of what this means that means ..ya we get it bad ppl lock um up …ppl don’t wish to learn every law and be lawyers …ya follow me?

61983d No.1753401

I know timing is important, but if November is there only shot at interfering with whats coming, we are getting pretty close. People need time to accept what they learn. If we are too close to Novemeber, people might just reject what they read as conspiracy. I know we have slowly been seeing information come out, but I am worried if we are to close to the midterms people will just dismiss the bombshells.

b0541c No.1753402


Haven't you heard of the expression "Giving them enough rope to hang themselves" ?

8108e7 No.1753403

File: 7db80ff670af031⋯.jpg (11.63 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 8994.jpg)


The only optics we really need..

bring it to motherfucker's doorsteps

2d2f47 No.1753404

File: 1a80ede0355ba8b⋯.png (115.86 KB, 1050x780, 35:26, not-a-test.png)


beware the fake nasimfags

a895b5 No.1753405


fuck you asshole

bf43b7 No.1753406

Can I be easily DOX'd on Twitter even I have zero info up and no pictures?

d3b647 No.1753407


i meant regarding this ig report. generating rage.

c0b153 No.1753408

File: adec8dd9b68b34f⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 777x610, 777:610, rankandfileFBIwhippingboys.jpg)

Sorry guys - but you won't be able to fix this one.



64e9f5 No.1753409


I know Baker…

But it was nominated the other day when I posted it and the baker did not include it in notables

I think anons need to read that shit if they have not…

it was my 20/20 moment

f98b67 No.1753410

If you guys recall, Wray said he was referring the personnel issue(s) to the appropriate people for review. He said he was going to do it by the book.

Page is already gone, but not charged, Stroke will be dismissed. Charges may come later.

223907 No.1753411



35bf35 No.1753412



It's been about a week. Feels like it anyway.

I don't understand why he doesn't just drop it.

He's anon. Nobody's even gonna notice.

It's all quite pathetic, really.

0c042f No.1753413

File: 66a20258fb35919⋯.png (118.48 KB, 502x471, 502:471, copyrightpepe.png)

1228d4 No.1753414


Awhile back he was going to release something and didn't. Thomas1774paine has done this before. Last time it was a big #nothingburger

47c392 No.1753415

File: f9430753d8e3594⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 284x284, 1:1, triggered.gif)

abf101 No.1753416

File: d19a45ab7c75413⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1203x580, 1203:580, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd817f8c9f3cdc8⋯.png (125.46 KB, 989x606, 989:606, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e488724e87bdfe⋯.png (179.53 KB, 1038x690, 173:115, ClipboardImage.png)

IG Report Confirms True Pundit BOMBSHELL on Hillary’s Emails; Details Comey Was Briefed on Clinton-Linked

‘Sex Crimes Against Children’

Evidence on Weiner Laptop

Keep in mind True Pundit broke this story on November 2, 2016. (That’s 21 months ago for those keeping score).

Now, today, the Inspector General confirmed the FBI knew there was evidence on Anthony Weiner’s laptop and Hillary Clinton’s emails linked to sex crimes against children.

And James Comey was briefed about it.

From our 2016 news breaking article:

New York Police Department detectives and prosecutors working an alleged underage sexting case against former Congressman Anthony Weiner have turned over a newly-found laptop he shared with wife Huma Abedin to the FBI with enough evidence “to put Hillary (Clinton) and her crew away for life,” NYPD sources told True Pundit.

The NYPD seized the computer from Weiner during a search warrant and detectives discovered a trove of over 500,000 emails to and from Hillary Clinton, Abedin and other insiders during her tenure as secretary of state. The content of those emails sparked the FBI to reopen its defunct email investigation into Clinton on Friday.

But new revelations on the contents of that laptop, according to law enforcement sources, implicate the Democratic presidential candidate, her subordinates, and even select elected officials in far more alleged serious crimes than mishandling classified and top secret emails, sources said. NYPD sources said these new emails include evidence linking Clinton herself and associates to:

Money laundering

Child exploitation

Sex crimes with minors (children)


Pay to play through Clinton Foundation

Obstruction of justice

Other felony crimes

Now, today, sex crimes with minors is mentioned several times in the 500-page IG report.

Here is the first, where a FBI investigator testifies he debriefed Comey on the materials after being notified of the sex-crimes-linked intelligence from the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division. Page 294:

Under the heading — “Hillary Clinton & Foundation Crime Against Children:”


c35add No.1753417



Why even tell us to

Fight fight fight

121383 No.1753418


My thoughts exactly. (((They))) KNEW it was going to be a nothingburger. How did they know that?


Purpose for FF is to give a reason to NOT cover bad news they are going to get. I am aware FF do not always include guns, but does usually include loss of life.

1f97ac No.1753419

File: 4a80a0c4faa27b2⋯.jpg (151.71 KB, 1225x607, 1225:607, 7255eaa5b9473746003c30da43….jpg)

2a4374 No.1753420

Q, thanks for the heads up. I've tried to prepare for the blackout in order to help others. I hope Justice will be swift once word is served.

5456a1 No.1753421


you ever wonder if he does that on purpose

mccabe seems afraid of him lmao

8bc006 No.1753423


They ALL did it, even Obama.

c17401 No.1753424

Your girl wants you to go to church less and masturbate more you are playing on hard mode.

b0541c No.1753425


That pedovore cunt should be the guest of honor at a human pinata party.

41006a No.1753426

File: dd9523f45e64f45⋯.jpg (50.55 KB, 540x546, 90:91, IMG_1824.JPG)


Sound scientific research determined Muh Dick guy's problem.

ffa28a No.1753427

File: e72906b4e03a3b3⋯.gif (996.72 KB, 400x392, 50:49, HillaryCock.gif)

More shills than anons tonight

177ba2 No.1753428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

got a feelin the anons here will like this. jfk vs poppy & boom of zionism info

a595f0 No.1753429

shaky over here but internet ok elsewhere in the casa. ddos happening?

586f0f No.1753430


He is SUCH a drama queen holy fuck

b59322 No.1753431

File: 9478c1142dfcd10⋯.png (410.88 KB, 853x1200, 853:1200, POTUS 8ch.png)

CUrrent Bradee


Fresh Breads





repost it next bread, will notable if notable!




c06997 No.1753432



Anon ‘members twitterpated twat anon

b81f66 No.1753433


Thank you Anon

223907 No.1753434

File: 605fd9e810963b9⋯.png (45.71 KB, 255x205, 51:41, ClipboardImage.png)

87c776 No.1753435


Why not?

Yes, it may be unwise to actually click on any of the links if you don't know the site

Although, Google does tend to warn you about bad sites that harm your browser.

Just looking at the results should convince you that pedophilia is now widespread in public

056afa No.1753436


I have an MEd and have been teaching for 25 years. You must be in SoCal or some flaky place like that because this has not been my experience at all. If it were, you'd be damned sure I'd be speaking out against it locally and publically, not garnering (You's) on 8 chan. Methinks you hyperbolize.

45fcbe No.1753437

File: 80c7227e9ba9505⋯.jpg (543.53 KB, 750x725, 30:29, ComfyNukd.jpg)

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