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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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First time on 8chan? First time on /QResearch/? Click here before posting, newfag.

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bake.jpg)

142ae8 No.1616121

Welcome To Q Research General

Rest in peace, President Kennedy. Through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and, by the grace of God, activated the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.

". . . Start A Storm . . ."


Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity >>1552095

Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1510286 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic



Build A Qlock, >>1566766 , >>1586462 ClockFags update/layers all clocks, >>1591115 Blank template

>>1610688 Transparent winder

142ae8 No.1616122


are not endorsements


>>1610176 8Chan Maintenance: Starting 6.2.18

>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO

#2032 - Back Online

>>1615833 Transcript and video of The Inaugural Address

>>1615812 Free Tommy Robinson Rally in Washington

>>1615748 Abramovic on the board of trustees for an art project in Antartica

>>1615743 NATO chief: No assistance for Israel if Iran attacks

>>1615729 Trump suggests DoJ officials are leaking letters from his lawyers to media

>>1615711 Where is Steven Hildebrand? Part of the Hussein birth cert coverup. DIG

>>1615697 More info on 5 eyes, 9 eyes and 14 eyes

>>1615630 Weinstein RICO Class Action Complaint: Document

>>1615627 POTUS blasts “the resistance” on Saturday in his weekly address

>>1615622 Mexican Officials Charge Former Border City Official with Organized Crime

>>1615602 Hungarian Govt Outlines ‘Stop Soros’ Legislation

>>1615593 Alleged CURE for blood, prostate, and brain cancer

>>1615503 The Qclock for today: 6/2

>>1615374 , >>1615614 , >>1615586 , >>1615786 Plane Crash: Largest builder in the Hamptons, his wife & 2 others die


>>1614464 What ARE the odds that these two men would be in Dallas the same time JFK was there for his last trip?, >>1614471, >>1614487, >>1614498

>>1614522 Clinton BlackRock connection, >>1614481

>>1614635 Al-Vernacchio sex educator has PG/pedo symbolism

>>1613678 GREAT Theory behind Horowitz & Sessions OIG report, >>1613685, >>1613694

>>1614691 Those who scream the loudest, Sally Fields version

>>1614737 Clock connections for Friday/Saturday, >>1614728

>>1614813 The President, as Commander in Chief, & Classifying/Declassifying powers holding the Office brings, >>1614975

>>1614824 Sky Drone / Caret stringer Connection, >>1614599 Connection to CARET/Drone _^_ Graphic

>>1614848 HRC connection to Vital Voices Global Partnership (women's org), >>1614848

>>1614883 All Five Eyes were in Japan recently

>>1614959 Airkek Updates: Planefag Notables >>1614968, >>1614987, >>1615009, >>1615090

>>1615003 Departement of Education: 43% Audits were a fail

>>1615052 Anon Asks: Anybody up for tracking down a Church in Northern AZ?, >>1615063

>>1615065 HumanCyborg Saturday: HeadApp/HearsApp, ( >>1615021 More Info) >>1615211 Robot Ears

>>1615123 UN $ Inceased $335M (69%) With NO GOOD EXPLANATION

>>1615124 Harvey Weinstein's Class Action Complaint

>>1615185 Thread on Clintons & Child Trafficking

>>1615195 New POTUS Tweet: NYTimes: We ran out of words on how to describe how good the job numbers were.


>>1613828 Piet Van Haut connection to vomitting passengers on plane, >>1614335

>>1613912 Trump tweets at same timestamp on consecutive days

>>1614334 GHWB connection to JFK assassination - Pindar? ; >>1614354 ; >>1614369 ; >>1614412 ; >>1614413

>>1614169 06/01 [56] Q Clock

>>1614171 Large Graphic for Q Clock

>>1613742 RFK's Sister and Brother Call for New Investigation into Assassination

>>1613703 Trump appoints Rear Adm. Fears as homeland security adviser

>>1614241 Sophisticated surveillance equipment intercept cell phones near WH

>>1614409 Border wall construction underway in South San Diego County

>>1613730 Operation Garden Plot


>>1612957 Amityville Horror, What the Fuck?? $75,000 Bond For a Pedo in NY

>>1613340 Weinstein being RICO'd - Racketeering Charges for all, unless they agree to cooperate- I can hear sphincters tightening

>>1613210 , >>1613243 Pope, Obama and Ping Pong Tables Killerspin

>>1613532, Trump appoints Rear Adm. Fears as homeland security adviser


>>1612397 Pope Francis addressing climate change with oil producers and investment firms

>>1612325 28 FBI Agents With Knowledge of Clinton Server Ask to Testify Against Deep State Corruption

>>1612628 Pentagon to take over security clearance checks (Wise Decision Commander in Chief)


>>1611709 '43 Connections' - '43 Eyes' found

>>1611698 IG report: Defense lawyers jockey to protect FBI brass

>>1611677 White House planning for potential trump putin summit

>>1611643 Republican John Cox In Solid 2nd for California Governor

>>1611517 Mad Dog talks from Singapore: summation

>>1611617 Court Orders Calif. to Count Ballots in Union Decertification Vote

>>1611437 Interdasting Stringer posted

>>1611507 Great Awakening Vol. 34


>>1611034 Judicial Watch Sues to Expose Potential DOJ FISA Warrant Abuses and Stonewalling

>>1611009 Moar on congressional hopeful, pedo Nathan Larson

>>1610960 111 Days Ago Today

>>1610893 Russian lawmakers request testimony from Facebook's Zuckerberg

>>1610867 Manafort postponed until the 29th

>>1610865 Facebook scraps 'Trending' section that ignited fracas over anti-conservative bias

>>1610696 'Unreal' results from the QClock today

>>1610690 , >>1610718 Epstein property records and ranch renovations

>>1610688 Transparent clock winder for clockfagging

>>1610685 Is the Master in charge of the chair the Jesuit Order? DIG CALL

>>1610640 Pentagon to take over security clearance checks

>>1610606 , >>1610651 , >>1610656 , >>1610617 And.. poof… Rex is gone from Twat

>>1610608 Long list of Bill Cosby's many doctorates

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

Post last edited at

142ae8 No.1616123

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1587271 - @EyeTheSpy & @BackChannel17 thread

142ae8 No.1616124

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived ———————————————– >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 —————————————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————– >>>/comms/966

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

* NEW: Real Estate Public Records: >https://publicrecords.netronline.com/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

Post last edited at

142ae8 No.1616126

Will post dough when it's ready.

43cd7d No.1616135

File: 68b78cee0f47d2c⋯.jpg (96.17 KB, 579x578, 579:578, 5b135cee742e1.jpg)

Thank you BO Baker

19075f No.1616136

Nice work BO, kudos! How did you get it to post?

- last baker

ab0d29 No.1616138

wow that was shortbread

9d8953 No.1616140

File: 173dc70b2e4656b⋯.png (537.13 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, image.png)

Post this and captchas Fk up

Thanks for your hard work board owner.

19075f No.1616141

ac53ba No.1616143


Q incoming. We must be primed for Monday madness

b4fc78 No.1616144

Holy shit… have you guys seen this shit?!

These veterans busted a cartel sex trafficking site in Arizona…. watch his videos!

https:// www.facebook.com/VOP-Alpha-Co-Team-Pulaski-1415347948612114/

c68dbe No.1616145

File: b3bceb759e48e49⋯.jpg (273.16 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ComfyQ.jpg)

298b1d No.1616146


Uhmmm… He's BO?!…. KEK!

142ae8 No.1616148

File: aaa74b75e6cb42b⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 499x188, 499:188, n-screen-sys.8ch.net-2018-….jpg)


Used https://sys.8ch.net/dnsbls_bypass.php to complete the captcha.

I opened 2 tabs in the catalog, then posted the new bread in one tab. Got error message in pic related. Switched to other tab and refreshed the page, so the bread showed up. Then entered the bread from there and finished the rest.

396633 No.1616150

File: 0a202cb0165bf29⋯.png (71.6 KB, 684x619, 684:619, Apollo_Affair_NUMEC_Israel….PNG)

Has anyone looked into this?


"The Apollo Affair was a 1965 incident in which a US company, Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC), in the Pittsburgh suburbs of Apollo and Parks Township, Pennsylvania was investigated for losing 200–600 pounds (91–272 kg) of highly enriched uranium, with suspicions that it had gone to Israel's nuclear weapons program."

19075f No.1616152



396633 No.1616153


Is the site still updating?

Is that why you're having trouble baking?

142ae8 No.1616157


I'm not having trouble. I think the updates must be complete by now. That error message I posted is somewhat common.

c7716b No.1616158

BO! My god it's good to see you. Can you turn the captchas off till this mess is ironed out?

396633 No.1616160

File: 16b9e80121eecd4⋯.jpg (303.03 KB, 749x1001, 107:143, Apu_Fren_Doing_All.jpg)



Thanks for all the work fren!

579c82 No.1616162


Reunited and it feels so goooooooooooooood!

Nohomo…cough….of course.

19075f No.1616163


Nice work BO. Tried that on 2 browsers here, cleaned the cache and rebooted and just tried again, still doesn't work for me bread posting. Will have to keep the oven gloves with you for now but can help with notables. Any other help you need just let me know.

3db4ec No.1616164






these are the people we are dealing with lol

how do you wake up people like this ? they think its funny…

88d2ff No.1616165

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Ty BO!!

b85fa8 No.1616166

File: 2250addf4d3df91⋯.png (777.7 KB, 960x408, 40:17, ClipboardImage.png)

I've been having trouble getting the captcha to do anything after clicking submit.

6bbcc2 No.1616167

File: 8fa486ca22d5ce1⋯.png (425.04 KB, 1124x1624, 281:406, PickYourFavoriteArrestMont….png)

Q said mass arrests will come swiftly when they start.

And POTUS would be safely aboard AF1 and isolated.

There are only 6 months to go before MidTerms.

Summer makes the most sense for protecting kids.

Pick your favorite month.

I choose any summer month.

Pros and cons for each.

Be logical.

b85fa8 No.1616168


FINALLY worked for me!

142ae8 No.1616170


I would definitely appreciate the help with the notables. Thank you anon. I'll take care of everything else.

9d933d No.1616172

Good day to look over old news.

I saw this: https://www.btcnn.com/crypto-millionaire-matthew-mellon-dies-leaving-more-than-500-million-lost/

A member of The Bank of New York Mellon family who curiously died of a heart attack in April. Supposedly lost $500 Million in Crypto.

Also, found an old bookmark on the Btc-e cryptocurrency exchange that the FBI took down. They got the guy in Greece, though the documents for the exchange claim it's in Cyprus. There is a lot of shenanigans to be looked at there. He was extradited, and the article claims the exchange was being used for bad stuff. There is some shell company that owned it. I didn't dig much, but there were some similar names that popped up connected to Mossack Fonseca.


19075f No.1616173


Roger. Notables on me, will post around 500 or earlier.

f64d10 No.1616174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



ab0d29 No.1616177


sounds good school is out

aad03d No.1616180

File: 327383a367ecb79⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 473x419, 473:419, 00e5859d7e5a1edb9e0f70edea….jpg)

File: 5c4bb8d94b5f0b3⋯.jpg (138.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 5c4bb8d94b5f0b30a0a7f97235….jpg)

File: 5d47585519d7cce⋯.jpg (139.94 KB, 736x1104, 2:3, 5d47585519d7cce51ec6bd9b03….jpg)

File: 7d3d31ef8f0ac92⋯.gif (676.22 KB, 500x212, 125:53, 7d3d31ef8f0ac928b02548d228….gif)

File: 0185d15aa6e2b82⋯.jpeg (55.54 KB, 500x749, 500:749, 79ab10d4_cute-redheads-ga….jpeg)

Danke, BO!

142ae8 No.1616181

Bakers: Try posting new threads in >>>/test/ to see if you're able to. If you can, then we know you're good for a handoff.

3fd488 No.1616182


aad03d No.1616183


Shower thought: It would be hilarious if Q has a demonic ginger ex…

11d382 No.1616185

File: 85bfb5340312026⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180603-031739….jpg)

Here is a diagram of the heaviest cluster areas that the E coli contamination affected. The Department of Agriculture is beginning to suspect foul play in the contamination. One can't help but Wonder, if the new norm will be attacks on our food and water sources.

7fd8fe No.1616186

Morning anons.

VQC here.

Missed you faggots yesterday.


Can you feel everything building?

SA, US, Asia, EU.

The EU is on suicide watch.

NK was sorted in advance.

Are the last three going to happen at once?


When the IG report drops on the election, the fallout includes the UK committing an act of war in the US.

Interfering in elections.

Unseating an elected US president.

Conspiring to create false evidence to justify spying after it started.

Russian mafia may have had small part.

Russian meddling was UK meddling.

This will be the chance for us to become friends with the US again and clear out the scumbag corrupt pedos running our country.

396633 No.1616187

File: 147b324b4fd5176⋯.png (21.61 KB, 680x224, 85:28, Apollo_Affair_NUMEC_Israel….PNG)



b9757d No.1616188

File: fc2c17cc90c6d6f⋯.jpg (115.18 KB, 1439x745, 1439:745, nnnewcapcha.JPG)

File: 7c239771ba5faaa⋯.jpg (102.98 KB, 1321x736, 1321:736, nnnewcapcha2.JPG)

File: aa957be2de21747⋯.jpg (146.98 KB, 1150x769, 1150:769, hilleg14.JPG)


You call it captcha….

I call it poon-tang.

142ae8 No.1616190

Notables from hijacked bread

#2032 - Back Online

>>1615833 Transcript and video of The Inaugural Address

>>1615812 Free Tommy Robinson Rally in Washington

>>1615748 Abramovic on the board of trustees for an art project in Antartica

>>1615743 NATO chief: No assistance for Israel if Iran attacks

>>1615729 Trump suggests DoJ officials are leaking letters from his lawyers to media

>>1615711 Where is Steven Hildebrand? Part of the Hussein birth cert coverup. DIG

>>1615697 More info on 5 eyes, 9 eyes and 14 eyes

>>1615630 Weinstein RICO Class Action Complaint: Document

>>1615627 POTUS blasts “the resistance” on Saturday in his weekly address

>>1615622 Mexican Officials Charge Former Border City Official with Organized Crime

>>1615602 Hungarian Govt Outlines ‘Stop Soros’ Legislation

>>1615593 Alleged CURE for blood, prostate, and brain cancer

>>1615503 The Qclock for today: 6/2

>>1615374 , >>1615614 , >>1615586 , >>1615786 Plane Crash: Largest builder in the Hamptons, his wife & 2 others die

This ok with you guys?

f8ac40 No.1616191

captchas rank up around 11.4 on the Suck-O-Meter.

Holy shit, spank my ass and call me Johnny, the damn captcha worked like a charm this time. Looks like were back at 100%

MR SCOTT! Warp 10!

43cd7d No.1616192


Here's a link right to the video. vets find a camp and start extracting evidence of kiddy sex slave stuff. (no porn, just toys, paraphenelia etc in the video) They show rape trees in the video, and documenting everything. They are not getting any help from local or state authorities. there is also evidence that construction was ongoing. Cartel, human trafficking etc.

https:// www.bitchute.com/video/VSGPMnRFbpv0/

a05a82 No.1616193

File: 23c2e05f5f69e9a⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 564x564, 1:1, IMG_20180603_022305.jpg)


TY for all the hard work BO and bakers, you keep this movement alive as much as anybody. Cheers.

f996b0 No.1616194

Cabal is surrounding our citizens in Tucson Arizona and our government is ignoring their calls for help. Now what?

https:// youtu.be/Q2SnNT2W7qA

f8ac40 No.1616196


I trust you brother, do what you think is right and we'll go from there. Ain't nothing striking enough that we can't fix later.

ab0d29 No.1616197


like those digits

I went over to youtube started red pilling in live chats, have to say AJ live chat was the craziest had em going crazy

3db4ec No.1616199


i watched it thats why im mad how can people see that and go lul stupid vet thats just homeless people. are they evil or just stupid ?

b9757d No.1616201

File: fde85fbfc60836b⋯.jpg (195.34 KB, 796x768, 199:192, sallyfield.JPG)



c98c71 No.1616202


Ah, bless!!!

19075f No.1616204

File: 43a0760af24a3e9⋯.jpg (64.23 KB, 745x502, 745:502, ScreenShot_001.jpg)

File: 3f8e816b9b2cedb⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 792x483, 264:161, ScreenShot_002.jpg)


Worked for me at >>>/test/ however it doesn't need a captcha there it seems (there's no verification field at test) Pics related.

396633 No.1616205

File: 464df235e06e803⋯.jpg (219.86 KB, 1241x717, 1241:717, Harvey_Mossad.jpg)


Reminder that the RICO case will lead all the way to Israel.

I love it.

3fd488 No.1616206


Not UK. City of London needs a MOAB or a rod from god.

11d382 No.1616208

File: 8f2398e8dbe6bfc⋯.jpg (270.16 KB, 1430x1577, 1430:1577, 20180603_032551.jpg)

POTUS hard at work

We support you mr. President!

78d78f No.1616210

File: 25b6370b24c5ee5⋯.png (14.23 KB, 232x255, 232:255, b860b5fe89c73f0fcc8916ab9b….png)

Thanks baker

7fd8fe No.1616211


Many people feel like that.

There are many good people here.

We need to cut out the cancer and then begin to make the UK great again.

Huge support for President Trump here.

Huge numbers hate the lies and see through them.

19075f No.1616212



6bbcc2 No.1616213


Is the City of London modern day Babylon?


BABY London.

Read Isaiah 46-47. Of course, New York City fits the mold as well.

142ae8 No.1616214



Still need whatever was posted throughout that bread though (If there was anything). I just took from the initial posts at the top.


Ah I see. Ok, well feel free to test here then. I'll clean the posts up afterwards.

3db4ec No.1616215


yeah i highly doubt the average person likes whats going on. killing the public wouldnt solve anything its the leaders that are corrupt

ab0d29 No.1616218


heard it was Vatican city today???

678bd6 No.1616219

– Ephesians 6:10-18

(The Date)

19075f No.1616220


Don't think there was anything but I'll go back and check.

Here's the dough with those notables you posted above included – https://pastebin.com/h7y1tpLk

Thanks mucho, will keep trying here then. Is there any way to turn the verification off for bread posting on this board for now? If it wouldn't cause an issue?

ab0d29 No.1616222


yea noticed that also

love those verses

139d81 No.1616228


You all need to protest at 10 downing street en mass more so than what was done for Robinson.

f8ac40 No.1616229

I'm so freaking glad this place is back. I missed you fuckers.

I had to go to the bar just so I wouldn't go crazy. I still went a little crazy.

*Flirting with a young lady in the bar*

ME: Hey, let me see your phone, I'll put my number in there.

Unsuspecting fool: Haha, okay, *hands me her phone*

ME: *Transfers her entire Pokemon go team to myself*

Fool: Hey, wtf?

Me: Rips open jacket to reveal a HUGE BEDAZZLED RED R on my chest, and Shouts - "TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM DEVASTATION!!!"

d18171 No.1616230


Da fuq u thinking bout Q in the shower for? Kek!

396633 No.1616231

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.





I am watching the doc in vid related now, seems to me like the Sum of All Fears reference is about Israel being a rogue nuclear state.

7fd8fe No.1616233


Think Iraq.

Better not to take out everything.

Leave enough leadership in place.


Let the beautiful green shoots come through.

Jacob Rees Mogg

11d382 No.1616234

File: 34f3bd8fe617fc6⋯.jpg (368.69 KB, 1440x604, 360:151, 20180603_033147.jpg)

File: 2d37b4317dea47d⋯.jpg (406.33 KB, 1440x676, 360:169, 20180603_033128.jpg)

Q will be busy until their return, after the 9th. At least in my opinion. The obvious reason why, China's buildup in the south sea.

aad03d No.1616235

File: 40bf157782e8627⋯.jpg (44.77 KB, 800x530, 80:53, we-love-our-5b1097.jpg)



Looks good, man.

19f7f6 No.1616236

File: 03f4bbbaba13258⋯.jpg (326.02 KB, 640x640, 1:1, The Fucking Wolves.jpg)

>>1616017 (last bread)

I really wish I left stickynotes somewhere, tbqhf.

Would have made shit a lot easier this go around.

3db4ec No.1616237


yeah i meant the corrupt. cant really run a country with people with 0 experience can you ?

ab0d29 No.1616238

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

American People Warned about the true head of the shadow government

045171 No.1616240


Vatican = Religions, Social Propaganda,

London = Finances

Washing DC = Military

They all work together under Masonics

Then Shadow Dark over Masonics

aacd31 No.1616241


>…beginning to suspect foul play….

Give me a break. It's always been foul play. It's been going on for years.

9c02ae No.1616242



There are still a few of us in the UK who are fighting back against our dictatorial governments - Labour and/or Conservative - they're all the same - Establishment lackeys.

If any of our US anons haven't come across Pat Condell, he is one of the few Brits who tell the truth. Here's a link to one of his videos. Sorry, don't know how to embed - bit of a tech dummy.


4a2300 No.1616244

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GermanArchiveAnon Update

Welcome Back Edition!

Good morning frens!

I added #2022 to #2032 to the folder and updated the checksums.



2022-2032.zip MD5: 9ef2bda393a51d3a9c662c2358d40a84


2022-2032.html.zip MD5: 2174704a57d7b63db9e8579b0723fa52

The archive now contains 2038 breads.


GermanArchiveAnon Out

333553 No.1616245


If you want to go to sleep watching something, he's a good one to listen too. His voice is like a lullaby. Interesting enough to listen too, and then it's off to la-la land!

f8ac40 No.1616246


Sum of all fears was about the cabal gaining their own nuclear arsenal and holding us hostage. That won't be Israel.

6b6194 No.1616247


Trump needs the miracle. 3% up the dems in the last polls

11e12e No.1616248


tis the pyramid

with media (all platforms)

as its

all seeing eye

3fd488 No.1616249


City of London home of the Bar, controls LEGAL which is why we are enslaved. LEGAL name all caps.

aad03d No.1616250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6bbcc2 No.1616254


Maybe it's all of them. DC, Vatican, NYC, London. Not sure.

Trump: Trumpets

Baby London: Babylon

Obama Nation: Abomination

b4042f No.1616255

File: adf5ec6f8cb5f5a⋯.jpg (8.48 KB, 183x275, 183:275, gungirl1.jpg)


thousand thanks to the BO's

333553 No.1616256



9c02ae No.1616258


Thankyou, kind anon.

5aa778 No.1616259


Hard to use logic for me. If I was in charge it would have been martial law and mass executions on day one . . . and that's why I'm not in charge.

If I tried to use logic, strike while the iron is hot. Early is better, we need time to recover and rebuild. The longer we wait, the better chance the cabal has at causing a mass pandemic or something. I vote for the 4th of July, seems appropriate for America 1st to do this on independence day and it meets the other criteria listed.

14b83f No.1616260


Trumpets- TrumpPence

6b6194 No.1616261


China seems invincible with the New TTIP.

These Yellows…

678bd6 No.1616262

– 1 Cor 13:4-13

1:4 (-13)



Everything has meaning.

Who is AMB Matlock?






Maybe something?

ab0d29 No.1616263


yea I found something about hundreds of pounds uranium going missing in 1960, thought I posted it here, months ago

f8ac40 No.1616264



I keep thinking, 4th of July, just as fireworks start going off.

c6a1fb No.1616265

File: 32e05a18b2e1335⋯.jpg (161.02 KB, 532x400, 133:100, 32e05a18b2e13358508f3b8bed….jpg)

File: 69df0e9a6c4e94c⋯.jpg (159.22 KB, 1536x991, 1536:991, o-JOHN-BRENNAN-NOMINATION-….jpg)

File: b1f9659bcd60190⋯.jpg (33.87 KB, 640x480, 4:3, stefan-halper-Oxford-Union….jpg)

Could the nine minute gap in the post between when POTUS corrected "i" to "I" in "intelligence" in tweet https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1002884227753480193

be related to 9 days until June 11 which ends the 30 day countdown presented by Q in previous posts? So June 11 big day…

My theory is simple. If POTUS were to want to have a good way to fire Rosenstein and not draw flak to Q…He would A) Schedule the firing for around IDK let's say day before biggest summit for peace in modern history perhaps. A day where POTUS could negotiate a NOBEL PEACE Prize. And force MSM to cover this. Meanwhile, behind the scenes.

Sessions, Wray, Huber, Horowitz and others are working night and day to put cases together which are so overwhelming in volume that FBI, DOJ, Q, & EVEN POTUS!!! have to delay.

Any thoughts ANONS?

WWG1WGA God bless

3db4ec No.1616266


what about nyc ? or singapore? or beijing ? cant just be dc vatican and london

396633 No.1616267

File: 7f7f24606ae83ea⋯.png (72.62 KB, 684x619, 684:619, Apollo_Affair_NUMEC_Israel….PNG)

File: 147b324b4fd5176⋯.png (21.61 KB, 680x224, 85:28, Apollo_Affair_NUMEC_Israel….PNG)

File: 0bb56bc2aa6df9a⋯.png (599.22 KB, 2836x1720, 709:430, Cabal_15.png)


Why won't it be Israel?

Israel for all intents and purposes is pretty much the main HQ of the cabal (pic related #3).

Updated Apollo Affair archive.

b4042f No.1616268

File: 483bf320d07da65⋯.jpg (10.11 KB, 246x205, 6:5, sign.jpg)


confused much?

dff2e6 No.1616269

File: b480ea088e849d3⋯.jpg (178.06 KB, 1105x975, 17:15, Q-FireEngine.jpg)


I vote for July 30th because it lines up with :55 on the Qlock.

Also Q post 74 on /patriotsfight/ might be a signal for 7/4 aka July 4th, where info will drop.

396633 No.1616270



And speaking of being held hostage, that's what the Sampson Option is all about, the terrorist state of Israel getting what it wants under the threat of nuking everyone into oblivion.

7fd8fe No.1616271


Good to see you fellow UK anon.

Feels like the stage is being set here.

The Italians, Spanish, Polish, Hungarians, Greeks and others have had enough of the EU.

396633 No.1616272


What do you mean?

045171 No.1616273


Yes, other cities are corrupt - but the orders/plans come from those 3.

f8ac40 No.1616274


Invincible? We destroy them so quickly, so thoroughly… it wouldn't even be fair. But, that's not really part of the plan. We don't want war and needless deaths.

US military IS invincible by any and all combined forces on Earth. They all know this too.

72e060 No.1616275

File: d2db3cc46a1671b⋯.jpg (33.58 KB, 680x350, 68:35, Baker Woman-Addicted-to-Wh….jpg)

TY baker!

396633 No.1616276


Can you repost pls?

I am digging at this now, I missed your posts anon.

43cd7d No.1616278


Don't worry, their equipment is made in China

3db4ec No.1616279


ah ok. you would think nyc would have power too tho. i definitely agree london dc and the vatican have serious power tho. particularly the vatican

aad03d No.1616280

File: 2b7a07b07a96b7c⋯.jpg (47.08 KB, 367x479, 367:479, 367.jpg)

No reason to post other than bewbs…

(Unless you want to help take down money laudering in back rooms of precious metals forums. Then I'm your anon)

6e7055 No.1616281

File: 470e6562b059bb1⋯.jpg (51.38 KB, 475x475, 1:1, 2biamd~2.jpg)

Royal family is a travesty.

b4042f No.1616282


Yawn. Meh.

Now here is some real bad news:

The hailstorms, which also occured in late April and throughout the month of May, have wiped out a reported eight million bottles' worth of grapes that would have been used to make champagne


396633 No.1616283


Everyone is.

Take a look at pic related number 3 in this post: >>1616267

EU was a cabal project, and it's easily verifiable.

ed27d1 No.1616284

File: 81ddc9a4bd3e2ce⋯.jpg (88.9 KB, 889x499, 889:499, wisdomfrommattis.jpg)




Aside from not calling out JIDF and pro-jew (((shills))) as well as trying out the tired old 'muhjooshill' stupidity angle, i'd say you are on the mark, anon.

t.one of the major contributors to the dialogue you posted.

There is a reason triple parantheses are a built in feature. The hatred for these scum is the same hatred people hold for anti-western, anti-white, anti-decency scum pawns and psyop'd fools.

There is only one foreign entity, racial or religious, on these boards (((shilling))) for a particular entity.

There is only one state that is specifically ((roth)) created and engineered to be their #1 pawn.

There is only one race/religious group that has spread such subversive acts so thoroughly racially and religiously motivated to various nations across the earth in such prolonged, hateful manner.

jew/muzzies = two sides of the same shit coin.

We Patriots are fully capable of telling which anons are real Patriots voicing RIGHTFUL WRATH against such criminal (((middle eastern scum))) and which are just slides/fakes posing as angry psy-op'd/controlled entities like the KKK and such.

These spaces are being shilled to all oblivions by actual JIDF and (((black hat shills))) posing as them. We know. Q knows. POTUS knows.

We will NOT be held hostage

The game is on, Patriots.

FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0e543f No.1616285


Who is DS really working for? AJ…GS?…the Clowns?

396633 No.1616286


Are you one of those israel first traitors that get pissed off when someone mentions facts about the kikery of israel?

You seem to be frustrated and trying to deflect from a serious thing just because it is related to israel.

045171 No.1616287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A conversation with ex illuminati insider

Ronald Bernard and Sacha Stone

EVERY Anon should watch Ronald Bernard.

33 min. (And other videos on YT under his name)

142ae8 No.1616288


Yeah I'll turn it off for a day or so if it helps. I'll have to turn it back on later though to prevent board sliding.

Captchas disabled.

For now.

Post last edited at

b185ea No.1616289

b4042f No.1616290


the sum of all fears is not about Israel being a rouge state.

In any event, Israel is a friend and ally, but I aim't going down the road of arguing the point.

6bbcc2 No.1616291


July 30th is the only 30th in the next 6 months that is on a Monday. 1st Q post ever said HRC would be arrested on 10/30 MONDAY. Can't be that simple? Can it? And Congress would be getting ready to go on recess 8/4 for three weeks.

6e7055 No.1616292

File: 003824a7d3293d2⋯.jpg (23.04 KB, 480x480, 1:1, a40ba5b0d0310710c63abbf34c….jpg)

John McCain Butler.

f8ac40 No.1616293


Isreal doesn't have enough nuke power to nuke anyone into oblivion and we could shoot their shit down before it left the launch pad. The reason they are last is because they hold the key to ending the masonic hold. They're the only ones who can break that chain. That's why they're last and that's why we need them. Love them or hate them, we need them.

c2cc01 No.1616295


June “feels” right. Normies are waking up already and are stronger than we may think. Enough is enough! Strike!!!

139d81 No.1616296


>EU was a cabal project, and it's easily verifiable.

Indeed. They've been trying everything to keep it from dissolving too. Dragging the feet with Brexit and nullifying the Italian election

b4042f No.1616297


China and Russia are far weaker than they appear. The USA can dominate in any fight.

19075f No.1616298

File: 0eef103ee3106e6⋯.jpg (18.64 KB, 326x253, 326:253, 0eef103ee3106e6632781a6243….jpg)


Excellent. Thanks BO, you're SO SOLID.

6e7055 No.1616299

045171 No.1616300

f8ac40 No.1616301


Thanks BO…. they are annoying. If it gets shilly or we get bot-infested, it's a simple matter to turn them back on.

dd02cb No.1616302




This anon posted in the hijacked thread. I think it's important. Possible exposure of CIA fuckery in Panama.

f0ec2b No.1616303

File: 06f3071f17fe442⋯.jpg (77.33 KB, 400x444, 100:111, belgium_triangle_ufo.jpg)

File: c9c8b52bdf3e44f⋯.png (1.15 MB, 960x1046, 480:523, arv.png)

File: a43f2749c80a810⋯.png (3.71 MB, 1591x2348, 1591:2348, Faked photos and footage.png)

File: 789351c9507708d⋯.png (2 MB, 1440x863, 1440:863, Tesla_Trump_Teleporation_T….png)

File: bb7687ee53febc0⋯.png (745.79 KB, 1298x884, 649:442, Barry Soetoro Andrew Basia….png)

7fd8fe No.1616304

Good to see BO.

Huge thanks to BO and BVs who take such flak from the shills.

Big loves to the anon that maintains the shill list.

That's a great way to nullify the shills.

Take their power.

WE are a power greater than individual selves.

There's a Storm coming anons.

Our great leaders have hollowed out our enemies and the tidal wave of justice shall destroy and overwhelm all resistance.

President Trumps statement or weekly address feels to me that the resistance is apart to be taken apart.

Prepare your stand, prepare your spiritual armour, prepare your hearts.

The army of Q will be called on soon.

Many fine anons here.

Pleased to be one of you.

Time to bring the RAIN.

19075f No.1616305


Is that only for thread posting or comment posting too?

b4042f No.1616306


no, I am the kind of anon who knows facts from fiction. Israel is a friend and ally. Enough said 'bout it. Fill your comic boots if you want to.

f8ac40 No.1616307


I already stated that. Why are you telling me again after I just posted it?

ab0d29 No.1616308


Think about the cities with Masonic layout of streets and buildings??? just an Idea

also heard a lawfag today talking about corporate law structure going back to year 0 ROME and almost all nations being under that law

ed27d1 No.1616309

File: 45689379b8a34da⋯.jpeg (59.94 KB, 474x474, 1:1, noelthekike.jpeg)



The lengths to which some comfortable useful idiots will go and defend that fucking racially motivated criminal race and state is beyond pale - it is treason. Literally psyop exhibit A.

You defend them with same vigor as those leftists who scream 'antisemite' or 'racist'.

You defend them with same vigor as those mossad who tried to bail out weinstein and other kike pedos.

You squeal and shudder from the very idea that you can be part of the 'deplorable' who will fight ANYONE to preserve our people, our nations, without being held hostage.

You fear emotional attacks, no matter how justified.

That is how (((they))) rule - by holding you willingly hostage.

Expand your thinking.

4a2300 No.1616310


I just noticed that the QMap Graphics in GMT went MIA.

The dough only has the EST ones.

Here they are from a pre. bread:

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Anyway. Thanks for the bread!

b4042f No.1616311


I am agreeing with you.

9d933d No.1616312



Entry in the Panama Papers.

139d81 No.1616314


It pisses me off they are keeping reverse engineered alien technology for themselves and a select elites only for military use instead to benefit all humanity with their alternate energy technology.

f8ac40 No.1616315


You're an idiot… and a filtered one at that.

333553 No.1616316

File: 5bd9178654a052e⋯.png (520.79 KB, 930x310, 3:1, Screenshot_250.png)


Just a fucked up thought, I just woke up and "logged in", but first thing I saw was your post. I noticed right away, because I'm still half awake-goofy, but the first thing that hit my brain was that the ending letters on that sig are:


If you "think mirror" and imagine putting a mirror under those letters you would see:


Ok. I don't know if it means a fucking thing, I just thought I would tell you that my brain is in wake up mode, and that's the first inspiration I had when I looked at your post.


b4042f No.1616318

File: 5c9c405388cb14d⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Q freedom.png)

396633 No.1616319

File: 1ce1c396d8b500c⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 500x566, 250:283, Bibi.jpg)


>Israel being a rouge state

But Israel IS a nuclear rogue state. They refuse nuclear inspections.

>In any event, Israel is a friend and ally

Ok, so you're either a israel first traitor, or you've been gaslit by disinfo.

Israel is not an ally to the US.

Would an ally try to take away your free-speech and 1st Amend rights? Watch this if you haven't:



Would an ally subvert all technology the world uses:


Would an ally attack US soldiers?


Would an ally celebrate the terrorist attacks on WTC in 2001?


Israel is not an ally to the US or the American people.

Would an ally try to false flag US personnel in order to force the had of the US against Egypt?

You need to educate yourself on the Lavon Affair:


Israel is an enemy of the US.


“Netanyahu speaks candidly about his Agenda and view of Americans.”



What has Israel ever done for the US?

They're no Ally. Brit Hume on Fox News admitted that Israel is the biggest threat to SPY on us, and this was right after 9/11.

They might have had info that could have prevented that, but they withheld it..


Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli, was the most dangerous spy in recent times.

We need to STOP giving BILLIONS of dollars to Israel.

We need to STOP supporting them as a Nuclear Regime that has NEVER signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty.

Read pic #3 in this post: >>1616267

142ae8 No.1616320


24hour captcha still in place. There's no option to turn that off unfortunately, it's a site-wide setting.


Thanks, I'll fix that right now.

43cd7d No.1616321


>turning of captchas


>muh aliens spam

That didn't take long

6e7055 No.1616322

File: fa91d3d566b5453⋯.jpg (55.09 KB, 480x595, 96:119, 2bhn96~2.jpg)

America is in a new Dimension now.

Obama's suck dog dick.

139d81 No.1616323


>24 hour captcha

Hmmm, strange that's the only ones I've ever gotten. Never gotten an every post one.

f8ac40 No.1616324


Another idiot, filtered.

6b6194 No.1616325


Don't be so Sure with Spain. Podemos/PSOE has suspect vincules.

b4042f No.1616326


fool you are.

I am a retired military guy & Christian with many deployments and big time MAGA promoter and POTUS fan.

So stay calm and fuck yourself.

678bd6 No.1616327


Looking up EO 6713-a (was in killbox)

from 5/22/1934

establishing code of labor provisions for the alcoholic beverage industry

ed27d1 No.1616328


Noticing lack of usual (((shills))) on the bread. Think the 'upgrade' finally managed to get (((them))) to fuck off?

But their effect still lingers. This must be reversed.

Thanks for the bread, BO.

6e7055 No.1616329

File: 7130c07924f34e4⋯.jpg (76.85 KB, 500x661, 500:661, 2bhnl9~2.jpg)

Trump currently run's the universe.

dff2e6 No.1616330


Who knows.

396633 No.1616331

File: 7f2b16db0e175be⋯.jpg (25.48 KB, 425x240, 85:48, Ariel_Sharon_Isreal_Contro….jpg)

File: 79f0266087cd63d⋯.png (1007.6 KB, 1350x3570, 45:119, AIPAC_Subversion.png)

File: ed2574e689356cf⋯.png (882.32 KB, 681x4703, 681:4703, Fighting_Israels_Wars_US_M….png)

File: 407ec046aa1eb51⋯.png (77.88 KB, 659x1026, 659:1026, US_Middle_East_Policy_Pro_….png)

File: 1a498c6db7f497d⋯.png (1020.84 KB, 672x5180, 24:185, Israels_Money_Machine_Crim….png)


>we need them

Nope. If anything, they need US to be able to cool people down from wanting to glass them from the face of the earth when people get redpilled on the truth.

Pics related.

And also, why do they refuse to get nuclear weapons inspections?

Get a grip pal.

9d933d No.1616332



Bryce was an early crypto shill.

That said, this is an interesting thread on the subject:


Even Comey pedo comments!

Btc-e is going to come back into this story…

b4042f No.1616333

File: 70f44b4ea3439d3⋯.jpg (109.42 KB, 742x1024, 371:512, the cat.jpg)



he can do amazing things, for sure.

7fd8fe No.1616334


With the amount of countries waking up to the EU…

If your fears are correct, the other fronts will be enough.

Europeans have had enough.

Financial collapse attempts have been anticipated.

Seized assets are in place to counter any move to do so.

We have seen this strategy play out.

Are their weapon are belong to us.

396633 No.1616335


Yes, run to your safe space like a liberal antifa faggot, you israel first traitor.

6e7055 No.1616336

File: 14d92f7cefb859b⋯.jpg (77.06 KB, 1080x966, 180:161, DeLQwkMW0AAjIw4.jpg)

Obama suck a tranny dick.

ed27d1 No.1616337


Watch your mouth, fool. You never know who you are talking to.

There is no use for beautiful lies where we are going. Useful idiots are dime a dozen and come in every color.

You have not been on the other side of the fence. Our nation has been (((their))) lapdog for too long. This will be corrected.

Be sure to remember your oath, boy.

19075f No.1616338


BO, the fixed dough is here -


Last night I added 'Public Real Estate Records' to the 'Tools'. It made section 4 too long, so I removed the last line, Video to be posted in case we can't post images.

Someone later added that back in, must have realised when they couldn't post the section, and they removed the GMT graphics.

In the dough above I've removed the new Tool, added back the video line and the GMT graphics. See what you think though…

9c02ae No.1616339


>Dragging the feet with Brexit and nullifying the Italian election

Too right. The EU will keep holding a referendum on whatever issue until the voting population get the answer "correct" according to EU diktats. Once that occurs the decision is set in stone - no more referenda. In other words our votes don't count unless we vote the way the EU wants. So much for our democracy - it's a sham.

aacd31 No.1616340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ever hear of Stuxnet? The ability to gain access to other people's shit and make it do things. Another tiny (physically) example is the piggyback processor sitting on every CPU of every computer:



What else could they have?

0e543f No.1616341


I remember these vids from a while back. I'm surprised that Google allows them to stay up on YT. I wish Bernard had gone into more specific details…especially about the child sacrifice stuff. He got emotional during the interview and teared up and skipped over certain things. I didn't believe him the first time I watched. This was back in 2015 when I was just starting to seriously look into the possibility that the cabal is real.

A documentary that I saw on the Discovery channel about the NWO started me on this journey. Discovery doesn't air those types of shows anymore. I hate the way the world is. The Matrix steak used to taste so good.

e47dee No.1616342

64-year-old Rustem Kazazi put $58,100 of his life savings in his carry-on when he left the US to visit his home nation of Albania.

It was seized by Customs and Border Protection.

Now he is suing, trying to get it back.


Doesn't everyone carry $53,100 when they vacay? Interdasting.

6b6194 No.1616343


Don't forget Kazakhstan..

396633 No.1616344

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


You need to get some sense inside your soft head pal.

4a2300 No.1616345


>Thanks, I'll fix that right now.


I had no issiues with the captcha btw as i postet the archive update. (Mac/Firefox)

139d81 No.1616346


Yup, that's exactly how I see it. Hillary would have love to pull something that.

ed27d1 No.1616347


Astana has been dug to hell and back. That 'insignificant' central asian republic has vast importance for (((them))) and their ((masters)).

5c5820 No.1616348

whoever anti joo fag is, he is also owner of this store


6e7055 No.1616349

File: 52b05802bd138ed⋯.jpg (12.8 KB, 236x314, 118:157, 61533427530839cff5f78b9d7f….jpg)

File: fa91d3d566b5453⋯.jpg (55.09 KB, 480x595, 96:119, 2bhn96~2.jpg)


Liberal Democrats are stupid ideological fuck ups.

142ae8 No.1616350


Perfect, thank you baker. Current bread has been edited. Refresh to check the changes. We will use your dough for the next bread.

My brother is visiting tonight so I may be afk. Will need a baker to keep watch/at the ready for next bread.

ec70f9 No.1616351

File: a7e2c22f2be9d6f⋯.jpg (80.7 KB, 560x741, 560:741, 1527936418751.jpg)

Hey all. The fight continues. It was weird not having the board today.

396633 No.1616352

File: b183da2980cd72b⋯.png (141.97 KB, 635x648, 635:648, Talpiot.PNG)

File: a67d2527cf12c85⋯.png (19.15 KB, 1127x152, 1127:152, Talpiot_Wiki.PNG)

File: 04fd60952806292⋯.png (26.61 KB, 721x256, 721:256, Talpiot_Wiki_Alumni.PNG)



Israel is the biggest terrorist nation in existence right now and since its creation.

And its all verifiable.

9d933d No.1616353


Don't encourage him.

045171 No.1616354


Yes, I saw him a while back too. But, time on my hands to day,

I watched again. He does talk about other topics. There is a 5 min one about child sacrifice that he has a hard time getting out. Tearful and emotional.

He had a NDE and saw the light.

139d81 No.1616355


Too late

ed27d1 No.1616356


Joint mossad/c-a creation. did more damage to the muzzies than you think.

396633 No.1616357


If I was to list all the kikery, terrorism and betrayal of israel, then I would need 10 breads just for myself.

Jewish-supremacism is one of the top problems we have in the West.

6e7055 No.1616358

File: 470e6562b059bb1⋯.jpg (51.38 KB, 475x475, 1:1, 2biamd~2.jpg)

File: 76dc7a31c5c4282⋯.jpg (30.88 KB, 480x269, 480:269, 2bhetn.jpg)

File: c5263c36c59795a⋯.jpg (39.47 KB, 454x454, 1:1, 2bhtrq~2.jpg)


Faggot you have nothing to offer.

43cd7d No.1616359


Not surprising. the parts of east ukraine that voted overwhelmingly to leave ukraine had their vote nulliified and ignored by NATO and the UN. this made Russia the bad guy over occupying donbass and crimea (They were there under an agreement with ukraine gov beforehand) All the bloodshed could have been avoided if the people were allowed to be independant. No coincedence Trudeu's father was put in place to stop Quebec from separating from Canada back in the day. Same with the situation in Catalonia.

Any form of united nations organizations, EU, UN, NATO are cancer. They want mega countries and not small culture rich countries

fdcb42 No.1616360


I wonder why the Clowns In America can't see this crap and dislike it? Why do they constantly want to screw up the bread and keep us from seeing it? What kind of people are they? Clowns, look in the mirror and try to figure out who you are really fighting for.

584aae No.1616361


What was it?

Symbolism something something downfall?

The imagery would be a nice historical bit but I am all for the Q team and Potus scraping the bottom of the barrel clean.

ff2b5f No.1616362

b185ea No.1616363


Says the fart sniffer posting buckets of garbage.

396633 No.1616364

File: baf0b2e3d3cbba4⋯.png (3.49 MB, 2800x7240, 70:181, Mossad_Helpers_Sayanim_BIG.png)


Define "anti joo fag".

You sound like an ip hopping israel first traitor.

6b6194 No.1616365


And it's curious that The countries more ruined in the debt are awakening more fast that others, As Germany, UK or Sweden,

They need more capitals of the Saudis, Middle east..

7fd8fe No.1616366

Question for anons from early on…

What needs to occur for three branches to become one?

What needs to occur for MI to take over?

What is needed for martial law in the US?

Is the stage set?

b4042f No.1616367


very true.

"The U.S. and Israeli governments intended Stuxnet as a tool to derail, or at least delay, the Iranian program to develop nuclear weapons. The Bush and Obama administrations believed that if Iran were on the verge of developing atomic weapons, Israel would launch airstrikes against Iranian nuclear facilities in a move that could have set off a regional war. Operation Olympic Games was seen as a nonviolent alternative. Although it wasn't clear that such a cyberattack on physical infrastructure was even possible, there was a dramatic meeting in the White House Situation Room late in the Bush presidency during which pieces of a destroyed test centrifuge were spread out on a conference table. It was at that point that the U.S. gave the go-head to unleash the malware."


fa2e68 No.1616368

File: 3407e9d424bdc40⋯.jpg (274.19 KB, 1440x1404, 40:39, IMG_20180602_222028.jpg)




Ugh I went over to 4 chan to keep rocking

Qresearch and oh my what a bunch of faggots 4/pol/ BO is a comped faggot too

much moar comfy here

Love u Qresearch (NO HOMO)

while we were down:


6e7055 No.1616369

File: e64d0152512795e⋯.jpg (62.09 KB, 425x424, 425:424, 2bhqle~2.jpg)

Trump is going to fry this bitch.

942fe2 No.1616370

File: 067a0a69f7bf1bd⋯.jpg (99.06 KB, 785x472, 785:472, QTEAM.jpg)


>Love them or hate them, we need them.


>Get a grip pal.


>What else could they have?


>Jewish-supremacism is one of the top problems we have in the West.

0e543f No.1616371


Well…let's still be grateful even for small things because they give people hope. The Italians still kinda sorta got their populist government. Its not perfect but it doesn't need to be, its a start.

The EU will not last no matter what they try to do. POTUS has their balls in a vice and he's turning the crank.

b4042f No.1616372


yes, self-referencing echo chambers does seem to be your forte.

139d81 No.1616373


Never mind looking at the Dems we also need to send the DNC the bill for this farce. Better yet, send the bill to Hillary since she started this shit.

7fd8fe No.1616374


Why so little mention ANYWHERE of what Germany's intelligence services are doing? HAVE been doing?

Who else besides HRC had access to five eyes?

What is about to be revealed about German intelligence services?

Open questions.

396633 No.1616375

File: cc2621cb464eff9⋯.jpg (189.35 KB, 900x1046, 450:523, jews_Migrants.jpg)

File: 2b9e4c1f0e893cd⋯.png (873.96 KB, 1750x2280, 175:228, 1500_Rabbis.png)

File: f24906c656d3f81⋯.jpg (732.5 KB, 1488x932, 372:233, Iceland.jpg)

File: ff16fd62dc5b769⋯.jpg (2.66 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Israel_Sends_Migrants_To_T….jpg)

File: eb713a96c909b1d⋯.png (262.16 KB, 507x446, 507:446, Jew_Muslim_Alliance_Source….png)


And the rest of the world.

Why do you think that the jewish interest groups pump the people of ME into the West?

Perhaps because it aids israel perverse agenda to bring about great israel?

62819a No.1616376


Slack jawed anon

fdcb42 No.1616377


NAZI LARP Asshole SHILL, just shove it.

396633 No.1616378


What are you trying to say?

ed27d1 No.1616379


America First

Also remember, JIDF can indeed impersonate to create discord. (((they))) are watching as are /ourguys/.


America FIRST

West and all decent nations FIRST

OUR people, whites/westerners (and patriots) FIRST

Like it or not, demographic is a MAJOR part of this 'deal'.

Reality isn't blind to anything.

Nature has no delusions.

We are fighting those who pervert the truth to the point our people are taught to be raped, killed, kidnapped, and have their children exploited, destroyed - because others feel they have the 'right'.

We kill such criminals.

We are here for survival and WAR.


(((they))) and their ((masters)) will be DESTROYED.

Don't let down POTUS. Don't let down your children.

ff2b5f No.1616380


Stop blaming ordinary people for the crimes of the satanic elite.

6b6194 No.1616381


Correct, And also a lot of muslim presence (Maybe similar to the Middle east?, 70% Sunnis?)

They also needs the sanctions, As all Central Asia, it's very dangerous now with the presence of ISIS/Taliban in Afghanistan.

f0ec2b No.1616382

File: 0e250f956b6f5c3⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1440x808, 180:101, Rust Reptilian Map.png)

File: cc7e032e499cee9⋯.png (937.03 KB, 1238x900, 619:450, Reptilian Queen.png)

File: 7ca6da90f09325a⋯.png (80.17 KB, 291x682, 291:682, reptilian tweets.png)

File: 982f5d5eef69a7d⋯.jpg (231.04 KB, 600x602, 300:301, yxcad5wz3k9y.jpg)

File: f935ab892870f27⋯.jpg (195.31 KB, 1185x592, 1185:592, we_love_children_2.jpg)

43cd7d No.1616383


Small things matter. The left has been killing us with thousands of micro cuts for years.

Austria, Italy, Hungary, Poland. The Brexit vote, WW change.

f3966a No.1616384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video of Muh Jew Fag.

He looks like a jew too.

57289b No.1616385

File: f2fda4516aef4c7⋯.jpg (3.6 KB, 58x98, 29:49, images.jpg)

6e7055 No.1616386

File: 36e9a3f293e2d97⋯.png (56.58 KB, 480x642, 80:107, Screenshot_2018-06-02-11-0….png)

File: d3ea35d560bc706⋯.png (63.77 KB, 480x625, 96:125, Screenshot_2018-06-01-08-1….png)

Trump is a premier ruler.

ed27d1 No.1616387


Western EU is thoroughly comp'd on many levels. Patriots are truly in the corner at the belly of the beast.

Pray for them.

fa2e68 No.1616388

uh oh


75372d No.1616389

the truth awakens slowly

the lies are filled with scorn

the rumble in the sleeping

the coming of the storm


579c82 No.1616391

Tonight I've gone from Super Mario Brothers (the live action movie.) to a great video about the Great Pyramid….trippy shit.

No wonder I've had astral like dreams my whole life….. Super Mario64 likely to blame.

396633 No.1616392

File: 56d54ed111626ee⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1271x2097, 1271:2097, IDF_Shilling_Grills.png)

File: 97248f9991190f0⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, Jewish_Zionist_Censorship.jpg)

File: 28c786e7eec9bd5⋯.png (717.1 KB, 1254x1522, 627:761, Memeri.png)

File: 3a3de6959ae0668⋯.png (698.67 KB, 1272x692, 318:173, SPLC.PNG)

File: e6bb16f76a3ad6c⋯.jpg (60.21 KB, 600x613, 600:613, Trolls_JDIF.jpg)


Not really, but you do seem to favor smear and ad-hominem attacks in the face of facts and sources, like all israel first traitors do.

It's a very jewish thing to do, trying to silence truth speakers:


"Zionist Editing on Wikipedia"


"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"


"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"


"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"


"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations anti-semitism are used as a tool to silence goyim who criticise anything related to jews. Focuses a lot on ADL, who controls the censorship happening in Youtube, Twitter and Facebook today. Made by a jew.

fe577b No.1616393


No coincidences!

2600bf No.1616394


I'm talking to a real faggot who sucks jewish cock, obviously. If you knew who you were talking to, FRED, you'd shit your bloody pants mate.

aacd31 No.1616396



Japan, assholes.

139d81 No.1616397


Nice find. Arkancided.

197727 No.1616398

File: efe361a139582c8⋯.jpg (104.24 KB, 900x574, 450:287, Husanne-Keck.jpg)

6e7055 No.1616399

File: 5c2f1c91fc5145e⋯.jpg (71.9 KB, 480x546, 80:91, 2bhh8z~2.jpg)

>>1616382 (You)

Spot On…👍

139d81 No.1616400


That was for


Nice find. Arkancided.

ed27d1 No.1616401


Be sure to learn where your muzzies are. They will be your targets soon.

Stay on target, son.

396633 No.1616402

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Oh yes, the favorite smear word of the israel first traitor: nazi.

Patrick Little is not a National Socialist thou, sorry.

Your jewish-supremacist friends and MSM might try to twist his words, but he records all his interviews, so the truth is out :)

Vid related.

333553 No.1616403

File: f83cc6984c04091⋯.png (14.75 KB, 890x242, 445:121, Screenshot_5.png)


Probably nothing, but…just in case it is.

43cd7d No.1616404



>Steven Pitt knows more about criminals and the criminal mind than most. The forensic psychiatrist has worked on the JonBenet Ramsey case and the Columbine massacre. An expert in interviewing techniques, he has worked with police departments all across the country.

This guy was probably playing ball with the black hats but probably a loose end and far too dangerous as an expert witness if he ever decided to flip

396633 No.1616405


If that bozo is a JIDF, by definition he is israel first, so it works for both kinds of enemies :D

578634 No.1616406


Noice, poetanon.

5c5820 No.1616407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q was right about those who scream the loudest having the most to hide. Take this jew hating faggot named Fred that's always here posting anti jew shit. Look at the schnoz on him. Looks extremely jewish to me. No doubt he sucks jew cock for a living.

ed27d1 No.1616408



"Real" Assassin Arrested In Staged Kiev Hit Linked To Ukrainian Intelligence As Official Story Unravels

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-02/real-assassin-arrested-staged-kiev-hit-linked-ukrainian-intelligence-official-story

"The Ukrainian government's staged assassination of anti-Putin journalist Arkady Babachenko has taken an even stranger turn, as evidence has emerged that his would-be "Russia-ordered" assassin and the man who supposedly hired him, both say they worked for Ukrainian counterintelligence, casting serious doubt on the official story."

Fight is on in Ukraine. Black hats vs White hats.

7fd8fe No.1616409

We will be hearing a flood of information about German intelligence services.



Their agents often seem British.

Their agents often are British.

How to spot?

No sense of humour, obsessed with fetishes.

396633 No.1616410

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Jewish-supremacism is a real problem. Not all jews are jewish-supremacists, but the issue needs to be talked about if we are to be able to fix it peacefully.

The patriotic jews need to call for the removal of every jewish interest group in the West, because those are used by the globalist Cabal to subvert.

I do not agree with genocide until all peaceful options have been depleted.

Patriotic jews really need to call for the removal of all jewish interest groups in the West, because the globalist Cabal uses those to subvert and then everyone blames all the jews. Only the jews can save themselves from the backlash this whole mess is going to brew against them.

There needs to be a open and honest discussion regarding the subversive actions perpetrated by jewish interest groups in the West if we are going to fix things peacefully.

Only the jews can save the jews from the backlash this whole mess has brewed against them.

Pointing to jewish/zionist-supremacism is not an appeal to punish all the jews.

It's about defanging jewish nepotistic and subversive inclinations.

White people, Black people, Asian people, all the peoples have the right to self determination, independent of jews.

Jews as a group have repeatedly and continually subversed all nations that kindly host them, and in a way they operate like narcissistic sociopaths against all those that refuse to be controlled by them.

They are hurting themselves and going against their own interests because one day, people will get fed up of trying to fix these issues peacefully and being constantly being silenced, harassed and destroyed (even killed, like legendary patriot General George S. Patton) left and right just for stating FACTS and trying to stand up for their own interests and RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION.

b185ea No.1616411

Yay!!! The filters work again.

UID related: 6e7055

942c56 No.1616412

File: 2b10c36ea0c1213⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, adjourned.png)

File: 060dcaccf15878d⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, adjourned-2.png)

File: dff044c9bf0485e⋯.mp4 (5.44 MB, 854x480, 427:240, exit-frontseal.mp4)


I realized something yesterday while watching the inauguration of Gina Haspel as CIA Director

>Haspel becomes CIA directoror on 21.05

>Q's radio silence begins at 22.05

Coincidence .. ?

173ca3 No.1616413


Proof that the justice system has been irrevocably compromised and that wide-scale conspiracy to commit treason and subversion exists across the highest levels of government.

This is what we're hoping for from the IG report, anon.

6b6194 No.1616414


They're a lot of money in their Central Banks. Almost the Banks use these countries as BRIDGES for the transactions/Capitals. As the Nordic Countries.

If you wait that They awake. It needs the sanctions.

ae2469 No.1616415

File: 76bd641f69e37b2⋯.jpg (81.45 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 32972209_10156682362057125….jpg)

Many of us have been through a number of periods where Q ran silent. We should use the time to properly digest previous posts. They have dropped a lot of info over the past month:

> review earlier posts

>do a bit of digging

>read some of the specific threads within QResearch. There is some good stuff hidden within

>don't give up the fight


0e543f No.1616416


Israel will never be great because its people are missing a sensitivity chip. The term 'Jew' has become generic. Present day Israelis are not in any way connected to the Israelites of long ago. Modern 'Jews' have more in common with Muslims than they will ever admit. The one thing they have most in common is their penchant for purposefully causing problems everywhere they go by subverting and destroying other people's homelands and cultures.

396633 No.1616417

File: 945df3eac061fdc⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1033x4069, 1033:4069, Patton_Jews_3.jpg)


Still IP hopping, israel first traitor?

Have a history lesson:

Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton

On a letter to his wife he commented:

“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing (to the Germans) is Liberty, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”

And in his diary he noted:

“Today we received orders… in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc?… We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles.”

General George S. Patton knew who was behind the subversion of the USA:



General George S. Patton was murdered:



7fd8fe No.1616418


POTUS has set the stage to be vindicates and outraged by the IG reports.

Makes martial law MUCH more likely.

He only needs to sell this to his supporters.

584aae No.1616419

File: 447310c4a4011c2⋯.jpg (10.45 KB, 208x242, 104:121, deus vult.jpg)

e29f07 No.1616420


We get it, you're a jew. It's okay.

ab0d29 No.1616421


I looked, and I saw beside the cherubim four wheels, one beside each of the cherubim; the wheels sparkled like topaz. As for their appearance, the four of them looked alike; each was like a wheel intersecting a wheel. As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the cherubim faced; the wheels did not turn about as the cherubim went. The cherubim went in whatever direction the head faced, without turning as they went. Their entire bodies, including their backs, their hands and their wings, were completely full of eyes, as were their four wheels. I heard the wheels being called “the whirling wheels.” Each of the cherubim had four faces: One face was that of a cherub, the second the face of a human being, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle. Lion is associated with England Eagle is often associated with either Germany or USA

942c56 No.1616422


Some more notables i collected from bread 2032


>>1615276 Trump Tweet about Brennan + Delta Marker

>>1615312 Podesta's 2014 IRS Form 990 and 990-T. + Attached Podesta-email

>>1615350 Q's Clock applied to POTUS Tweet, Delta markers: [RBG] & Hanoi Educational

333553 No.1616423


Related I think, Anon.

942fe2 No.1616424


>What are you trying to say?

those calling out J_Ws based entirely on group identity and not on legitimate crimes of Israel/ROTHs are merely singing wore out platitudes to a seasoned and experienced choir.


We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.



75372d No.1616425


The Jew question is so complicated I don't think we can make a judgement. I find it hard to believe that ALL Jews are evil. But exactly how deep it goes is pretty much impossible to know at this point. Yes, there are some evil Jews, but there are evil white people too. From the perspective of an average Iraqi it could appear that America and Americans were all evil.

I think we need to focus on the provable things against specific people. The propaganda runs deep - a lot of innocent people have been duped.

333553 No.1616426

File: 76a112dc7b29f19⋯.png (271.61 KB, 1396x1346, 698:673, Screenshot_14.png)

139d81 No.1616427


Nope especially when JonBenét Ramsey articles were popping up recently.

Especially this:

>Burke Ramsey, the brother of JonBenet Ramsey, the 6-year-old beauty pageant queen found dead in her family home in Boulder, Colorado, nearly 20 years ago, spoke for the first time today in an exclusive interview on "The Dr. Phil Show," explaining why he has stayed out of the public eye for so long.


>Updated 5:23 PM ET, Tue December 12, 2017


Things were beginning to heat up again

aad03d No.1616428

File: 2e7927168003b4e⋯.jpg (70.41 KB, 600x583, 600:583, pantysnifferpepe.jpg)


You say fart sniffer like it's a bad thing.

ed27d1 No.1616429


The fact that we need to spell this out shows how far we are behind. POTUS and Q team need the original HIGH ENERGY of these boards back.

Remember, Q team came to /pol/ for a reason. I can testify that gov't people legitimately love /pol/ especially.

Truth is a heresy in a world full of cowards and the blind.

Roman polanski was more significant than you think.

We will not be held hostage.

584aae No.1616430


I keep seeing people throwing Martial Law around like they think it's a good thing.

Those people have no fucking clue.

what that really entails.

e29f07 No.1616431


Dude, get over yourself. Being a jew isn't the end of the world. Come out of the closet. We all know those who scream the loudest have the most to hide. It's okay.

942fe2 No.1616432




396633 No.1616433

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.




I hope they can come to their senses and monitor their own to stop the jewish-supremacism, otherwise they'll probably all pay for the kikery, no matter how unfair that is. Vid related.

139d81 No.1616434



And this was updated 4 days ago



A&E Television Networks

Last Updated

May 30, 2018

173ca3 No.1616435


We need high-level indictments and the resulting "outrage" circus from the mockingbird media, et al, to fully set the stage. Staged Soros-funded riots, most likely as well.

ea044a No.1616436

sorry i'm repeating this… but i'm only doing so because the wonkiness of the early return breads



have we stopped taking the time between tweets (delta) and subtracting that time from the first tweet… to go back in the bread to look at posts close to that time (first tweet - delta) to find other things to look at?

i may have missed the directive to stop… if i have, my apologies anons

if not.. this post was around that time: >>1614466


333553 No.1616437

File: cf9e18f063a20ce⋯.png (405.83 KB, 556x281, 556:281, Screenshot_249.png)

File: 1308ef75a232f1f⋯.png (762.97 KB, 1111x562, 1111:562, Screenshot_249 - Copy.png)

3d17c0 No.1616438

File: 09282e148cc8e44⋯.png (482.7 KB, 1050x803, 1050:803, PatriotsShillsPepe.PNG)

7fd8fe No.1616439


If it is short to do what the original message from Q suggested, it will be a short sharp operation to protect the masses on a weekend.

dd2e4f No.1616440



Talpiot Arc Program - Backdoor on all internet based systems

fdcb42 No.1616441


This NAZI can not even answer the simple question put to him: "How many?"

9b2e28 No.1616442


End of June, something to celebrate on the 4th of July. He can't wait too much longer, people are stressed, people are dying. I understand he can't act too early either, or more people die. Such a weird calculation to make.

9d933d No.1616443

File: acecee5a512fc01⋯.png (78.64 KB, 1252x406, 626:203, Screenshot 2018-06-03 at 5….png)


This shit needs a # onslaught.

fa2e68 No.1616444

File: 173e86ab82b7053⋯.jpg (69.86 KB, 994x645, 994:645, 1527985006305.jpg)


that felt great, now I can crash after buzzing the tower

happy digs anons


ed27d1 No.1616445


Board needs refreshing. Literally cuckservative types (yes that is a word known in the beltway) and fucking flip the leaf liberal ready useful idiots abound.

Reality has no filter, no morality.

Only survival.

b79cac No.1616447


4chan doesn't have board owners

it's a team of mods that police the whole site and the most annoying ones are usually tumblrinas from /co/

e29f07 No.1616448


It's because he's a closet Jew. Check his tiny penis, you'll see, it's circumsized and he's never stopped craving the popes tender kisses there.

584aae No.1616449


This our government we are talking about. Martial Law for two days?

Say, I have this really good deal on a bridge I'd like to discuss with you.

7fd8fe No.1616450


Cut the money supply.

Pick up the leaders.

HOLLOW out the gangs.

Our side have all the guns.

Shut down Twitter, Facebook and the Media via EBS law during the op.

Most won't blink until it's over.

9d933d No.1616451


start there: https://www.google.com/search?q=sticks+and+stones+memes&rlz=1CASMAK_enBR799&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi7wtPBiLfbAhUFlpAKHQd8CqUQ_AUICigB&biw=1200&bih=726

396633 No.1616452


If I was, I would be talking about this even more, because this is going to end badly for all jews if jewish-supremacy isn't talked about without jewish-supremacists trying to harass and silence the truth speakers.


Where do I call out ALL jews? I am talking about jewish-supremacism, which is easy to prove exists and people like you always try to silence the discussion with that moronish accusation. Get better at reading comprehension pal.


>I find it hard to believe that ALL Jews are evil.

I never claimed they ALL are evil, I claim, with PROOF that there is such a thing as jewish supremacism and that that issue needs to get fixed, and the only way to fix it peacefully is to talk about it.

The more the discussion about jewish supremacism is post-ponned, the worse the backlash against ALL jews will be, no matter how unfair that is.

139d81 No.1616453


>Ugh I went over to 4 chan to keep rocking

>Qresearch and oh my what a bunch of faggots 4/pol/ BO is a comped faggot too


That's why Q abandoned 1/2 chan and came here

bae34b No.1616454


This is such an emotional, sad photo….

But I simply can't take my eyes off the wing nut!

ed27d1 No.1616455


4ch has been compromised since 2014. Thoroughly.


Do not respond to 'muhnazzzes' useful idiot. Focus on digs - important ones.

MK ultra bears reading. So does the big pharma and the dem/slavery angle.


6b4fe3 No.1616456

File: bc821b1670b2b3c⋯.png (29.94 KB, 404x352, 101:88, snek002.png)

File: c372d7c985c955e⋯.png (233.57 KB, 731x590, 731:590, snek004.png)

File: 85a1f0146afac61⋯.png (246.82 KB, 500x743, 500:743, snek-where-u-goin-snek-sta….png)

7fd8fe No.1616457


Second guess?

Whatever you or I think, this has been planned so well, our opinions will act as a smoke screen to what really happens.

This board acts as a way to see if anyone can guess what is planned.

Plans can change accordingly if consensus builds.

333553 No.1616458

File: 809ea0aa9a2796e⋯.png (120.58 KB, 440x370, 44:37, Screenshot_7.png)

File: c4c663929c4f94b⋯.png (13.29 KB, 441x373, 441:373, Screenshot_8.png)


Go -111 days from the date of that image post from Q.

[Future Comms]

Pre_stage ele_y

Pre_stage sec_y

Pre_stage dir_y

Pre_stage cap_y



You will come to Jan 13 posts, and this is what you will see:



















Jeremiah 29:11


7fd8fe No.1616459


Dry run

Given illegal spying and CP distribution by Facebook and Twitter, the Feds can seize both at any time.

ab0d29 No.1616460


wonder how much dod has war gamed this out

9d933d No.1616461

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.


139d81 No.1616462


In the beginning of Q that's what made me suspicious of him/they. Q should have know this about 4chan. It wasn't 4chan who found Shia's flag in the middle of nowhere. Those threads kept getting deleting from there. It was us here at 8chan that found the flag. We were the autists Q was looking for all along.

ad9c18 No.1616463


Did you have questions about MkUltra? I can help.

Here are some good CIA links to get you started.


When you finish those, if you still want to learn more, just ask. I have tons of stuff on it.

333553 No.1616464

File: 489fd6fe01db24b⋯.png (471.62 KB, 495x505, 99:101, Screenshot_4.png)




Hey, let's move thousands of ANONS showing up from /pol/ to /bant/ and tell them it's a good thing! Fucking CUCKS at halfchan!

fa2e68 No.1616465



they kicked our Q board off pol because it wasn't political? Dafuq? Bunch of sore lips over there. was outpacing all the black cock and muh joo threads which is saying something

7fd8fe No.1616466

How much outrage will there be when it is revealed that social media was used as a shopping catalogue for people's children to be kidnapped and trafficked?

fdcb42 No.1616467


Wow! You FAGGOT, NATZI, CLOWN, LARP, SHILLS hate everyone don't you. You fucking Dems want everyone to be exactly like you: snobbish assholes..

88d2ff No.1616468


don't forget the open drug dealing on craigslist. Just search black roofing tar in any major city and look at the pics. TLDR, it's not for roofing…

bae34b No.1616469

File: 39c2f55f0042485⋯.jpg (55.46 KB, 960x608, 30:19, 1487139572874.jpg)


Yeah! Snek!!!

5aa778 No.1616470



54a143 No.1616471


Watched a JFK video while chans down.

11/22 will be the 55 anniversary of his death.

Is that why the hands of Q Clock are on 5:5???

Also – the 23rd (as in "NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!") is the

day(s!) after the 22nd (meaning EVERY day after 11/22/63)

But also – it was the 23rd that Q went silent – like in CBTS,

like huge storm right before us!!!

173ca3 No.1616474


Need a podiatrist anon to explain exactly what the fuck is going on there?

54a143 No.1616475


sorry, didn't mean to spoil it all, do it again

cc3a61 No.1616476

What is this board without Q?

There won't be any strenuous "proofs"

What little we do have is easily dismissed as circumstancial or coincidental by sheeple

Our board was strong with Q. Without him we're no different than any other conspiracy forum.

I still trust the plan but honestly we were just spectators with first row seats courtesy of Q team.

Now we're just left to wallow in speculation

75372d No.1616477


You may believe there to be such a thing as "Jewish Supremacism", but how does this conversation fit into WWG1WGA? The problem isn't Jews. Yes, certain people are using Jews as their shield, pretending to be Jewish, claiming victimhood etc. But their crime isn't being Jewish.

We need to call about the specific people for their specific wrong doings. Ranting about Jewish supremacism is not helpful.

7fd8fe No.1616478


8ch is back in time for dawn on 6/3/18..

Getting comfy

d18171 No.1616479

I bet this


is related to this


139d81 No.1616480


Looks to me like those nails are in for serious trimmings and then a treatment of Penlac

fdcb42 No.1616481


I forgot to add "Illiterate" to my list, sorry.

dd2e4f No.1616482


This needs to be called "Zionism" or something other than "Jewish". Society will not tolerate anti-semitism. They can stomach a group of supremist extremists intent on ruling world.

6cab9e No.1616483

File: 7e3d5d8cf1e08fe⋯.jpg (673.39 KB, 648x1352, 81:169, Israel_Advocates_For_Soros.jpg)

File: b27be26c6331972⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3580x1252, 895:313, Jews_Immigration_And_Natio….png)


Kek, you're an israel first transparent traitor.

By all means, keep trying to use smear and ad-hominems as a result of your lack of arguments in the face of the facts.

Thanks for admitting to your defeat :)

Have some more truths about jewish-supremacism and subversion.

333553 No.1616484

File: 2aac3167835b60a⋯.png (358.42 KB, 493x510, 29:30, Screenshot_9.png)

7fd8fe No.1616485


Top Kek!

eb2971 No.1616486

File: c33b7c1e5e7e0d9⋯.jpg (14.41 KB, 261x223, 261:223, 1520553446502.jpg)


>semetic arguments, and I'm sure of it!

Come out of the closet, yid-kun, it's okay :3

942c56 No.1616487

File: 6e572210e7001a6⋯.webm (2.69 MB, 853x480, 853:480, 1422099894802.webm)


>4ch comped back in 2014

Why did we move to 8ch in the first place?

d18171 No.1616488


Patient has conjuncta-cornchip-itis

54a143 No.1616489


Watched a JFK video while chans down.

11/22 will be the 55 anniversary of his death.

Is that why the hands of Q Clock are on 5:5???

Also – the 23rd (as in "NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!") is the

day(s!) after the 22nd (meaning EVERY day after 11/22/63)

But also – it was the 23rd that Q went silent – like in CBTS,

like huge storm right before us!!!

ad9c18 No.1616490

File: 02ce32e0b6b2c40⋯.png (174.2 KB, 495x508, 495:508, snek-where-u-goin-snek-sta….png)

045171 No.1616491

File: f8f3f170046e74e⋯.png (321.17 KB, 876x435, 292:145, Roseanne Together Strong.png)

File: 5cea14d16eb37cb⋯.jpg (111.71 KB, 600x429, 200:143, Roseanne Media Double Stan….jpg)

46ceda No.1616492


Sky Event

75372d No.1616493


This board is exactly the same without Q, because Q has taught us how to think, and why we need to.

ed27d1 No.1616494


I have been combing through many docs - the real implications is how they relate to current social psyop - dynamic wise. Racial, cultural, economic, ALL.

The majority of the population is living under thorough and complete delusion. 99% going to the hospital or winding up rioting is not a hyperbole. Minority population is especially subject to this vector of approach.

US military and Patriots world wide is the core of the pushback.

Security is essential. Changes at street level must be felt.

We are Q.

Where we go one, we go ALL.

Dark future ((they)) have in mind for us must not come to pass - but ((they)) will try through their (((pawns))).

Blood has been spilt, and will be spelt more.

This is war.

cb5096 No.1616495


Is there a fungus among us?

9d933d No.1616496

File: 3e63120ca39a281⋯.png (409.86 KB, 940x620, 47:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3d5a36385ab0c6⋯.png (40.25 KB, 1042x294, 521:147, Screenshot 2018-06-03 at 5….png)

Worth a read.


7fd8fe No.1616497


Obvious desperation is obvious

333553 No.1616498

File: a2664f7dd5dae81⋯.png (1.06 MB, 952x538, 476:269, Screenshot_10.png)

ed27d1 No.1616499


Most likely Q team decided that approaching wider audience first was a priority.

6cab9e No.1616500

File: 5c1a65728d5dbbd⋯.jpg (433.15 KB, 1286x902, 643:451, Jews_Population_1933_1948_….jpg)

File: 0d20a531c768c81⋯.jpg (58.68 KB, 874x650, 437:325, 1526396390544.jpg)

File: 5570067aa617d63⋯.jpg (120.07 KB, 759x1023, 23:31, Jews_Lie_About_Holocaust_2.jpg)

File: 66c193db0185805⋯.jpg (636.13 KB, 2446x921, 2446:921, Jews_Lie_About_Holocaust_3.jpg)



Why would you call that guy a nazi?

Is it because he is telling the truth?

Also, have a redpill on the falseness of the official numbers of the holocaust, that big racket of yours, along with some jews talking about it.


Why would you call me an useful idiot?

Show me where I claimed something that can't be verified with sources.

You are the one that is acting like a useful idiot pal.

333553 No.1616502

File: afdc8e97df585f1⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1274x788, 637:394, Screenshot_17.png)

757497 No.1616504

File: 36467b163775711⋯.jpg (65.76 KB, 480x364, 120:91, theplan.jpg)

And try again…

ab0d29 No.1616505


Qanon will continue to work on exposing the EVIL even if Q-team never does another Q-Drop, Q-team is still on the board posting anonymously.

333553 No.1616506

File: a734e3acf84f24a⋯.png (522.97 KB, 484x631, 484:631, Screenshot_47.png)

Half-Baked Baker Thank you!

(can't post this on HalfChan!)

ef4fa9 No.1616507

File: 5fc89198d997d54⋯.png (2.94 KB, 420x98, 30:7, Screenshot-2018-6-3 Q.png)

File: 8caa6a40befa99d⋯.png (3.02 KB, 420x61, 420:61, Screenshot-2018-6-3 Q(1).png)

ed27d1 No.1616508


For those who have been paying attention, night/fire watch and helper anons have been with us.

Stay on target for specific topics. We need evidence and PROOFs.

aacd31 No.1616509


Something to set off martial law, and we'll be on our way.

Hoo boy! After all that's gone down, I can see that on the menu.

da3c4a No.1616510


Certainly charismatic

cb5096 No.1616511

File: 002f1258b24aeea⋯.jpg (45.74 KB, 330x234, 55:39, NOTSAFE.jpg)


Anon, WE are Q.

We have more than enough proof.

Stay strong.

We don't fear, (((they))) do.

dff2e6 No.1616512


Interesting connections anon.

So 11/22 will be a day to look out for as well.

I did some thinking about numerology as well while the board was down.

111 shows up in LoTR as Bilbo's age.

666 + 111 = 777

666 - 111 = 555

Also, Q = 17 which is a prime number.

Cicada talked about that number a lot, and some anons brought them up in a bread last night.

3db4ec No.1616513

File: 380c6953868c9cd⋯.jpg (15 KB, 246x255, 82:85, f10367d631e90001ca6ebb52ec….jpg)


i think text messages implicating obama and his cronies in a assassination attempt might be enough lmao

1056cd No.1616514

Potus tweet this morning seemed funny to me will all the capitol letters.

"There was No Collusion with Russia (except by the Democrats). When will this very expensive Witch Hunt Hoax ever end? So bad for our Country. Is the Special Counsel/Justice Department leaking my lawyers letters to the Fake News Media? Should be looking at Dems corruption instead"

NC? North Carolina is what automatically comes to mind

WHHC - white hat hackers club?

FNM - This is where it got interesting. Friday Night Magic (or FNM) is a format of Magic: The Gathering tournaments, held on Friday nights in gaming stores and associations all across the world.

Games advertised all over NC. Then I found this about Wizards of the Coast and Pedophiles

Wizards of the Coast harboring pedophiles

Social forum

Posted on Dec. 30, 2017, 12:51 a.m. by masterpeez

Hey everybody, I don't know if you've heard or not, but it turns out that Wizards of the Coast has been harboring Pedophiles in their Pro-tour Judges panels and in positions within their company. Multiple members of their staff have been arrested for having sex with minors. I don't know the full extent of it, but Wizards of The Coast has been very hush-hush about this issue.

I went ahead and looked up the arrests and mtg-related publications about the judges mentioned in the video, just for the skeptics.

Hurry and read these links for yourself, before they are gone, as Wizards of the Coast are quickly getting rid of all mentions of these outed pedos.

It wouldn't be that big of a deal to have a few bad apples in the bunch, but Wizards of the Coast's reaction has not been to apologize for having these people in their group, but instead they are actively trying to scrub their websites and have launched a campaign of defamation and DOXING against TheQuartering and other individuals who are trying to shed light on this situation. To me, this suggests that Wizards of the Coast is harboring a pedophile ring. The least they could do is have background checks for their staff, as there are many minors at MTG events, but they don't.

Until Wizards of the Coast is completely turned out and replaced with decent folk, I'm not giving them a dime, and I highly recommend everyone to do the same.

And to you kids out there, be careful at any social MTG event.


all of this may mean nothing but thought I would share

757497 No.1616515

File: 54d87a1e2cb5b62⋯.png (43.71 KB, 590x252, 295:126, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)


Farking FINALLY. I could NOT get in via Chrome, so I had to jump back over here. What's up Anons, I missed all of you butI slept and ate and at least thought about bathing.

Anyway, lot's of Good habbenings yes?? It just feels like we're almost there. Here's some GREAT news tonight from LA. We're winning.

Shadilay and It's GREAT to be back on!!

46ceda No.1616516

File: 907a641cd0c42ff⋯.png (18.68 KB, 498x435, 166:145, screenshot-8ch.net-2018-06….png)

f0ec2b No.1616517

File: 073110c653e9d6c⋯.png (308.61 KB, 1282x385, 1282:385, patton Nazis and suppresse….png)

7fd8fe No.1616518



Reading Art of the Deal.

The dems have nothing to campaign on.

Then the coming scandals will be a death blow.

And remove vote rigging…

333553 No.1616519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not taking their shit!

757497 No.1616520

File: 4a7bf3dcf00be0a⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 960x868, 240:217, 4a7bf3dcf00be0a7832519c494….jpg)


None of this is true. Stop lying. KEK!!

a05a82 No.1616521

File: 9ab072076a96d3e⋯.jpg (82.34 KB, 564x771, 188:257, IMG_20180603_024233.jpg)

File: a60286c4283ac6b⋯.jpg (92.59 KB, 540x754, 270:377, IMG_20180603_024221.jpg)

File: 2db336f26ebe6d0⋯.jpg (71.04 KB, 515x685, 103:137, IMG_20180603_023941.jpg)

Late night MAGA inspiration and eye candy for Anons ;) Enjoy.and keep digging!!

6cab9e No.1616522

File: 2e0f7a24fc7b3da⋯.jpg (218.7 KB, 752x890, 376:445, Israeli_Lobby_Influential.jpg)

File: 4b3f3d2073b7882⋯.jpg (102.13 KB, 1014x394, 507:197, Jewish_Over_Representation….jpg)

File: a1b95c5d33888a1⋯.png (521.19 KB, 786x1139, 786:1139, NSA_Israel.png)

File: 407ec046aa1eb51⋯.png (77.88 KB, 659x1026, 659:1026, US_Middle_East_Policy_Pro_….png)

File: 6a469e175ee4c30⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 1651x4679, 1651:4679, Jewish_Over_Representation….jpg)


>You may believe there to be such a thing as "Jewish Supremacism"

Because there is, and it's easy to prove and easy to verify.

Pics related.

>but how does this conversation fit into WWG1WGA?

All kinds of subversion need to be dealt with if the West is to be free.

>The problem isn't Jews.

I agree, the problem is not ALL jews, it's the jewish supremacists and the non-jews that help them out.

>Yes, certain people are using Jews as their shield, pretending to be Jewish, claiming victimhood etc.

And there are jewish criminals as well, and there is jewish-supremacism as well.

>But their crime isn't being Jewish.

I never said it was. Get better at reading comprehension.

>Ranting about Jewish supremacism is not helpful.

Exposing the phenomena of jewish supremacism is CRUCIAL to have freedom and self-determination, and the sooner it is exposed, the more chances we have to fix it peacefully.

d30bef No.1616523


Great stuff, thanks BO. I'll watch this bread and wait for a hand off next. Enjoy your evening off!

757497 No.1616524

File: 62e52c5248cabed⋯.jpg (180.01 KB, 640x505, 128:101, 7df83-trump_president_ben_….jpg)


They're going to lose in a landslide and POTUS Sweeps in 2020. Full sweep.

6cab9e No.1616525


>This needs to be called "Zionism" or something other than "Jewish".

Zionism is not the correct term, jewish-supremacism is because it includes the phenomena of jewish-supremacim motivated jewish nepotism.

>Society will not tolerate anti-semitism.

It is not anti-semitism because semites include other peoples than the jews. What I am talking about is counter-jewish-supremacism.

>They can stomach a group of supremist extremists intent on ruling world.

What are you talking about?

f0ec2b No.1616526

File: f4daff8f3481c65⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, disrupting disclosure stra….png)

File: 0295f91fa7fa873⋯.png (4.62 MB, 2011x1337, 2011:1337, German Antartic SSP.png)

File: da90394ad9504a1⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1600x975, 64:39, 1511565881806.png)

File: 902744cf75e9c98⋯.jpg (261.38 KB, 748x940, 187:235, 1510948183544.jpg)

File: 125cf55cc60718f⋯.png (661.19 KB, 1024x687, 1024:687, 125cf55cc60718fcb55322b75e….png)

ec70f9 No.1616527

File: 54690b49c3f8505⋯.jpg (129.18 KB, 750x841, 750:841, 1525944143399.jpg)


Ill take that as a "Welcome back"


>Liberal Democrats are stupid ideological fuck ups.

Youre a fucking retard. All leftists are mentally ill. If youre still a leftard in Jun 2018 you need to be put in a camp. A rehab camp of course…

ed27d1 No.1616528


No one cares what 'society' thinks. Truth is truth. Optics are for those whose role is to deal with it.

Plausible deniability is here for a reason.

(((they))) and their pawns must PAY. ((masters)) must be brought down.

No more lies. No more delusions.

You HATE criminals and sin.


333553 No.1616529



-111 days from that Q post with the cannon, Q posts for the first time the word BOOM!


also, Q posts along the with the cannon pic:

[Future Comms]

Pre_stage ele_y

Pre_stage sec_y

Pre_stage dir_y

Pre_stage cap_y



-111 days on Jan 13, Q posted:



















Jeremiah 29:11


75372d No.1616530


There is no need to hate.


f0ec2b No.1616531

File: 4ae4240c8331d05⋯.png (562.34 KB, 864x735, 288:245, Michigan_Kinetic_Bombardme….png)

757497 No.1616532

File: 9de4330fa5aa48a⋯.jpg (24.18 KB, 575x1024, 575:1024, DK0GVSEVwAARMDR.jpg)

333553 No.1616533

+111 days from May 4th is August 23rd?

3db4ec No.1616534

File: 20b4c277c8e4409⋯.jpg (13.83 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 42e0942a54a1f8090a9d9bb13f….jpg)

ab0d29 No.1616535



01f7de No.1616536

File: 12ec23079da31c0⋯.jpg (124.48 KB, 782x782, 1:1, jew_surprise.jpg)

6cab9e No.1616537


The only hate I see comes from the israel first traitors.

None of the posts I made contains hate toward jews just for the fact that they are jews, so stop trying to equate speaking out about jewish-supremacism to hate, because that only makes it worse for all the jews.

757497 No.1616538

File: 7d5f084e3161024⋯.jpg (226.52 KB, 1200x882, 200:147, Deu-WESWsAERR9S.jpg)



I think we can all agree…TRUST THE PLAN

54a143 No.1616539


>111 shows up in LoTR as Bilbo's age.

>666 + 111 = 777

>666 - 111 = 555

Not sure what you are trying to say.

Any more explanation?

045171 No.1616540

File: c2822776d8e7a81⋯.jpeg (10.55 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Board Colorful Q Anon.jpeg)

Hate, attacking, name calling, vile discussions and shoving things down people's throats

will NOT red-pill anyone. It only causes division, more hatred and disgusting withdrawal from the discussion.


If you conduct yourself this way, you are NOT any better then who or what group you are attacking.

The dark thrives on dark hateful energy.


333553 No.1616541


Bilbo Baggins is the Keystone for Satan?

f109ca No.1616542

ec70f9 No.1616543

File: 9bceeabc7de56ff⋯.jpg (103.57 KB, 750x600, 5:4, 9bceeabc7de56ff92b21bc547e….jpg)


It just depends how you explain it. There is no such thing as antisemitism. Youre either aware of what/who Jews are or youre not.

6cab9e No.1616544


What are you referring to specifically?

8b8512 No.1616545


There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. - Proverbs 6:16-19

Like the Lord, I be hatin' on these things too.

3db4ec No.1616546

File: d9ea654dc9a0c4a⋯.jpg (17.41 KB, 255x216, 85:72, 6eb24e5f329c2ca0d24d7157da….jpg)

god damn it stop with the muh joos crap.youre not fooling anyone

333553 No.1616547


Esau? Esau never murdered his brother, but instead welcomed him from the wilderness? I don't get how Esau = Satan?

6cab9e No.1616548


Define "muh joos crap".

Show me where in any of my claims I am not being factually correct.

The more you try to stop people from discussing jewish-supremacism, the worse the backlash is going to be for all jews, no matter how unfair that is.

So think carefully before you try to stiffle other people free speech when it is used to state FACTS.

ab0d29 No.1616549


ABSOLUTELY AGREE, it would appear some are trying to divide

757497 No.1616550



You're a very sharp Anon.

07edfd No.1616551

File: 327e2fd0ee1465c⋯.png (708.38 KB, 594x730, 297:365, ClipboardImage.png)


6cab9e No.1616552


Which posts, specifically?

3edf4d No.1616554


757497 No.1616555

File: 7b8d5234e7890b5⋯.jpg (239.93 KB, 1236x1404, 103:117, WeGoAll.jpg)


I never speak on what I think is planned, ever, as who knows if I've thought it out and it screws anyone. But at this stage, the game seems over other than being ready to welcome and help those who are still asleep as they get a shock or two here real soon.

And I still think ML is going to happen.

ccc5d6 No.1616556

Robert Kennedy's family have finally come out publicly to call for a new investigation into his murder.

They must know!

75372d No.1616557


Who are you to judge?

d30bef No.1616558


Thanks anon.

Notables so far

Anything missed pls holler.

>>1616352 Talpiot Arc Program - Backdoor on all internet based systems

>>1615350 Q's Clock applied to POTUS Tweet, Delta markers: [RBG] & Hanoi Educational

>>1615312 Podesta's 2014 IRS Form 990 and 990-T. + Attached Podesta-email

>>1616302 Ex Panama president extradited back to US: Connections to CIA and Hussein administration: Video

>>1615276 Trump Tweet about Brennan + Delta Marker

>>1616267 The Apollo Affair, 'The Sum of All Fears', Israel and missing enriched uranium

>>1616244 GermanArchiveAnon Update

045171 No.1616559

File: b8e3d455dc2f784⋯.jpg (16.84 KB, 255x178, 255:178, Board Anons United Earth.jpg)

File: 5c494338e1d6a6e⋯.jpg (29.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Board Colorful Cosmic Eye.jpg)

File: 5f134f5b925ff88⋯.jpeg (12.03 KB, 255x220, 51:44, Board Do It Q Flag.jpeg)

d18171 No.1616560

This theory still holding up?

Pamela Anderson received the blackmail info (Hollywood/pedo sex crimes) from Hugh Hefner and then she went to see Julian Assange. This is who broke the info and why we would laugh if we found out who it was.

757497 No.1616561

File: 81beb82c8bbabca⋯.png (153.34 KB, 888x279, 296:93, Screen Shot 2018-04-13 at ….png)


I wept when backpage was dropped. That's when KNEW the game had changed.

God what a ride!!

454125 No.1616562

Praise Kek and BO, we're back.

Good morning anons

FUCK YOU deep state losers.

757497 No.1616564


Makes sense to me. Always has.

3db4ec No.1616565


i would really like to know who owned more than 3-5% stock in backpage…

757497 No.1616566


I'm sure all the top dogs have spilled it all. Is there anything TO spill at that level?? We have it ALL.

72e060 No.1616567

Breaking-sorry if this had slready been dropped but:

Exec who cancelled Roseanne is Mr SUSAN RICE…

Daily Rabbit Hole #344 | ABC executive that cancelled Roseanne married to Susanne Rice

The Outer Light2,097 views

Sauce: https://m.youtube.com/

6cab9e No.1616568


I am so happy that we have:


(((Allison Mack))) sex trafficking cult members ready to sing;


Huma's (((husbandu))) laptop; and


(((Harvey)))'s case going RICO.

Really really happy.

d30bef No.1616569

File: 15aa88503f33dea⋯.jpg (28.82 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 15aa88503f33deadbbebfe7309….jpg)

4a45da No.1616570

File: fea8854235730ed⋯.png (121.33 KB, 823x539, 823:539, dopeInc.PNG)

Kudos to the itfags on the pwer upgrades. Looks to be running well!

During my chan withdraw yesterday I went digging and found this gem. Written by LaRouche acolytes it covers some very interesting history that ties to what we are up against. Lots of ammo for the muhjew fags and the monarchy cabal hunters.


d18171 No.1616571


Tfw Hugh Hefner, Pamela Anderson, Donald Trump, Dennis Rodman, Kanye West, and Roseanne have joined forces to save the modern world. Most interdasting timeline.

6cab9e No.1616572



What is his name?

757497 No.1616573


A LOT!! This is the stuff I've been lacing into my talks and social media. Now that BackPage & NXIVM have popped, I have more traction.

Just wait….

01f7de No.1616574

File: 8068c065e9fb3dd⋯.jpg (50.29 KB, 457x546, 457:546, jesus.jpg)


This picture has been circulating alot lately. It was originally posted in dec/jan. I doubt it's a coincidence.

I read the picture like this:

Ram, Bull, Jesus, Doves = Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Jesus tips over the money changing tables and whips the heathens, and leads the way for peace/love, represented in the picture by doves.

I'm going with the height of Gemini in the first week of July.

d30bef No.1616575

File: 674b13fc6dbe456⋯.jpg (31.49 KB, 385x383, 385:383, IMG_0986.JPG)

6cab9e No.1616576


>muhjew fags

Define "muhjew fags".

ab0d29 No.1616577


would not want to point any out , just lots of division right now, we all have our own opinions and time only will prove, I have heard much evidence pointing in many directions, my mind not made up yet, just dislike the bickering would rather see honest discussion …. REMEMBER THE ENEMY WANTS US DIVIDE

fdcb42 No.1616578


It's getting touchy around the country now. We are on our way to bad things if Q can't fix it soon. The Civil War will look like child's play if we keep going like this.

757497 No.1616579


KEK!! Seriously.


ef4fa9 No.1616581


The Sun transits Gemini between May 21 - June 21.

6477a0 No.1616582


not true

he left ABC in 2011

have anons never learned to vet their information?

9b2e28 No.1616583


good reminder

045171 No.1616584


He also was the one who canceled Tim Allen's show.

01f7de No.1616585

File: 6acbff9cfd2df59⋯.png (8.36 MB, 3333x2222, 3:2, cabalwarroom.png)

6cab9e No.1616586


Please, do specify.

Because, in case you didn't notice, there are people whose israel first sensitivities get hurt when legitimate criticism is pointed at jewish-supremacist behavior and israel treason and fuckery, and those same people have the habit to attack the people who talk about those issues with accusations of divisiveness.

864f96 No.1616587

File: bab268047aa6d93⋯.png (453.06 KB, 718x707, 718:707, 20180602_221719.png)

Missed you Anons! Ty Baker. Onwards.

6477a0 No.1616588



this is why you DON"T get your info from memes and unvetted sources


d18171 No.1616589


And they said Igor talked to Valeria Jarrett and Michelle Obama too. Wtf Obama's who crew running ABC? And VJ daughter is part of CNN (as is Brennan and Clapper). And Podesta is on Washington Post. Does every normie have their head up their ass? How does any of this seem normal to them?

ab0d29 No.1616590

What do we think about WEAPONIZED PROPAGANDA designed to inflame hearts and minds to kill their neighbors??????????????

6cab9e No.1616591


Kek, thanks for the laugh :D

01f7de No.1616592


Oh that would mean like now(ish), then. But there are some things still not ready…

6cab9e No.1616593


What type, specifically?

4a45da No.1616594

File: 5fb6dc28fd38b63⋯.png (976.31 KB, 761x512, 761:512, JudahBen.PNG)


Here's one. Judah Benjamin. Court jew of the confederacy. Ties to Licoln's assassination.

6cab9e No.1616595

File: 16dcb7273c93b96⋯.jpg (3.62 MB, 3884x7735, 3884:7735, Kikery_Graph.jpg)



The cultural marxist type, created and spread by jewish supremacists?

ab0d29 No.1616596


How high tech has propoganda become???

4a45da No.1616597


Both waged by the cabal? Check Both ordered by the British monarchy? We'll see.

54a143 No.1616598


finger alphabet - cool!

fdcb42 No.1616599


What makes you think they have nukes? Just because they won't answer the question doesn't mean they have them. IT'S A BLUFF.

197727 No.1616600

File: de9546108ba8d9a⋯.png (895.05 KB, 1236x1404, 103:117, ClipboardImage.png)


Not sure if you made that meme, so I'll add a caveat.

To Whoever made this meme!!!

the thought is good, but


Margins Matter.

Take down the leading, keep the 'ONE' Aligned to his eye, add 50ish px to the left….


(and keep it up ;)

56b0b9 No.1616601

21e494 No.1616602


June is for Seth Rich revelations via Assange surprise, IG report, Korea meeting, and more. If you look at google trends, you'll see qanon searches skyrocket when ppl are on break.

I think all Summer is going to be BOOMS, with big victories for POTUS and nasty reveals for Dems. I say all of this results in low-level arrests starting, say, early September, which people will be demanding by then. That leaves a steady drumbeat of arrests all the way up to the election, with HRC detained Oct 30, Podesta indicted 11.3, Huma indicted 11.6, and BHO detained 11.6. Celebration commences 11.11.18.

Having promoted before, you don't want to hand out flyers too far ahead of the event; people tend to forget.

6cab9e No.1616603

File: 1cf2605a7bda4cf⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 2717x2362, 2717:2362, Stein_Aint_Fine.jpg)


I don't.

But that question doesn't answer my question.

You asked for our opinion on a type of propaganda, I dind't got what you meant because you're being vague on that question, so I asked you to specify what type of propaganda were you referring too in this post: >>1616590

So, please, answer this question if you want me to answer your question: >>1616593



I see having a traitor jew in senate shitting things up is not something new. Pic related.

757497 No.1616604

File: 1b6b36ea05e1d2a⋯.png (147.14 KB, 696x928, 3:4, calm.png)


No sir Anon, I just collect. I like it as well, It's got something going on. I'm not sure what advice you gave, but thank you for taking the time to help. Good to see. KEK!!

ab0d29 No.1616605


A Very Good Example, Do we condemn those that are victims of such devious propaganda?? Or do we pull as many from the the fire as we can ??

6cab9e No.1616606


Stop being a moron, or stop being a israel first traitor.

If they would accept being inspected, we would know. If they refuse so they can pull the bluff, then they'll get treated like they have them, because that is their choice.

I hope your actually an israel first traitor and not someone that is a moron to such a degree that he can't see that having a rogue nuclear state that threatens everyone to do their bidding with nuclear attacks is somehow acceptable.

53cba6 No.1616607


agree…"2018 will be glorious" & only a 1/2 year left

53e90f No.1616608


Wrong end of the teleacope.

d18171 No.1616609


I just realized something. School is almost out. Aside from a massive influx of newfags we will have several months of unfettered redpilling with little to no socialist school influence indoctrinating the kids. We can absolutely break the spell for large swaths of teens/young adults. All just before the midterms.

838dbd No.1616610


Normies have been raised by normies. They were not brought up to mistrust the system. They were taught Whites suck and the Government loves them. KEK. You repeat a lie long enough without bold opposition and they accept the lies because no one really tells them otherwise.

And the Left teaches to cut people off and not talk to people who disagree with you. They learned that cutting weak minds from the herd scares the others to sticking close and not thinking for themselves. It is an ancient Human trait because rejection is one step away from being kicked out of the tribe and forced to wander alone. It is scary and increases the chances of you dying and not spreading your genes to the next generation. (((they))) are very good at attacking human weaknesses.

They suck and we have to see if the aliens will buy them off us.

6477a0 No.1616611

File: f5e19e6f6faf006⋯.png (958.82 KB, 1278x560, 639:280, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 9c3e1b588543547⋯.png (103.14 KB, 222x200, 111:100, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 7887309e85d8e63⋯.jpg (121.24 KB, 424x469, 424:469, trumpheader.jpg)

guys am i seeing things?

01f7de No.1616612

File: 939c114a9f90913⋯.png (307.01 KB, 540x290, 54:29, ClipboardImage.png)

942c56 No.1616613

File: cab5797e4d93560⋯.webm (1001.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1422103067890.webm)


>baker needed

got your back, if noone else steps up

6cab9e No.1616614

File: bacc8473c823cb2⋯.png (184.64 KB, 639x1231, 639:1231, AntiFa_ISIS_Connections.png)

File: 1ffb34eebb48c15⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Cultural_Marxism_Frankfurt….jpg)

File: 611a44da1e9fb78⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Cultural_Marxism_Frankfurt….jpg)

File: 25338768eb410c8⋯.jpg (133.28 KB, 771x1200, 257:400, Cultural_Marxism_Pedos_1.jpg)

File: 43c04d50865ac34⋯.jpg (108.8 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Cultural_Marxism_Pedos_2.jpg)


Depends on their behavior.

All traitors need to pay.

Perhaps not all of them with their lives, but some sort of punishment WILL be applied, because the gen pop, once redpilled, won't just accept no bullshit kumbaya narrative, and you know it.

ab0d29 No.1616615


I left it vague intentionally to get as many different answers as possible , Propaganda designed to divide is probably never only ONE sided

fdcb42 No.1616616


No, the biggest problem we have in America is Democrats.

6477a0 No.1616617

File: adc2831a9d606ba⋯.png (164.2 KB, 492x544, 123:136, Screen Shot 2018-06-02 at ….png)

File: 8d3516c2e021bcd⋯.png (149.6 KB, 493x502, 493:502, Screen Shot 2018-06-02 at ….png)

197727 No.1616618

File: 28c0731b8b5aa61⋯.jpg (86.29 KB, 798x1071, 38:51, Hussein004.jpg)

File: 5241ae3a4079609⋯.jpg (290.21 KB, 2100x1400, 3:2, AdmR-ThePain.jpg)

File: b2b7311885d96f8⋯.jpg (589.26 KB, 1282x960, 641:480, Jack-IBOR.jpg)

File: 3b2ad3098e924c8⋯.jpg (60.95 KB, 1000x474, 500:237, Schiff02.jpg)

File: 977c667e571fbff⋯.jpg (78.98 KB, 900x450, 2:1, sessions-005a.jpg)


That one is added to the ammo box!!!

I may rework the WWG1WGA GEOTUS one, if i do not see an improvement from originating Anon……

(sorry the teacher in me comes out every once in a while.)

592b5f No.1616619


well it looks like Somebody..

thinks its cool anyway

714b29 No.1616620

Wired Sources

‏ @WiredSources

Nearly 30 FBI officials involved in Clinton probe are hoping to be served federal subpoena so they can expose behind-the-scenes corruption in handling of Hillary email investigation - Fox

7:55 PM - 2 Jun 2018

75372d No.1616621


The biggest problem is division.

6477a0 No.1616622


nope…. your biggest problem is


53e90f No.1616623


Bluffing is not allowed on the world stage.

fb59ed No.1616624


when i first saw him

i thought he was Waldo from the rally with the van pic

1b1022 No.1616625

File: ee2e74912675d0e⋯.jpg (148.54 KB, 800x532, 200:133, St Theodore.JPG)

File: 81884103a0e6a1e⋯.jpg (2.02 MB, 1170x1920, 39:64, trial.jpg)

File: f79a6731c4f8dc1⋯.png (134.44 KB, 249x265, 249:265, Aynali Cave.png)



Thank you. Excellent graphics ITT.

6cab9e No.1616626


You look like a dumbass if you just shout to the air "NO DIVISION" without being specific.

That, in itself, IS a division tactic because it plays on people's confirmation bias, and incentives them to NOT look into shit that might go against their current beliefs.

Now, I ask again, specify, as in, point me to some of the posts you think are the application of such divisive propaganda.

21e494 No.1616627


Right. Sure will be Summer in here, and we've got to make it count.

7c2bb8 No.1616628


Or a somewhat disguised Seth Rich recovering from traumatic, paralyzing gunshot wounds to the back…

6477a0 No.1616629

File: bf05bfd98236136⋯.png (175.42 KB, 340x478, 170:239, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)


and is the instagram link on his twitter new?

if not why have i never noticed?

and why don't we ever pay attention to it

dff2e6 No.1616630


There's nothing solid to give BUT:

666 is the number for Evil.

111 is what? Is it just a number? I don't know.


If you take 111 and add it to 666, you get 777, which is the number for Good.

So 666 cannot survive 111.

And if you think mirror and subtract instead you get 555, which is near 5:5

Making some sense?

Or just for autists only?

f109ca No.1616631


I'm pretty sure that isn't the way to red pill someone. I can understand why you would hate it. No one appreciates learning anything new by having someone shove it down there throat.

There should be a link to a really nice way to go about sharing information so that the person becomes interested in hearing more. It's not an us vs. them sort of thing anyway. So if it doesn't feel natural to impart some interesting nugget of information you find the person your talking with at the time, wait until the opportunity to talk about it is.

6cab9e No.1616632

File: 79f0266087cd63d⋯.png (1007.6 KB, 1350x3570, 45:119, AIPAC_Subversion.png)


And do those problematic democrats bend the knee to the jewish lobby?

How much of the censorship the reps suffer is commended by ALD?

6cab9e No.1616633


And yet, you refuse to specify what you mean by that, I think, in order to play into peoples confirmation bias.

6cab9e No.1616634



And who are the main instigators of such id-politics?

Who are the ones that created and spread the cultural maxism?

The answer is easy to verify, and it is jewish-supremacists.

6cab9e No.1616635


No problem, glad to deliver.

01beeb No.1616636


The link below lists the VPN services of 5 eyes that the NSA has agreements with to monitor. If the VPN provider is on the list you do NOT want to use that VPN provider.


9d8953 No.1616637

File: 08dde49240a643f⋯.png (475.04 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, image.png)


Thanks for the input / chat earlier.

I know no at least one anon is similar to me - there should be a lot more.

Pic related as id's probably changed.

Peace out.

fdcb42 No.1616638


When have you ever seen them test a nuke? They don't even have a delivery system for them. All of their defense comes from the Iron Shield which was provided to them by the USA. Give it up NATZI traitor. We took care of your kind before and we can do it again.

678bd6 No.1616639


It is harder than multiplication. Except when it's 0.

197727 No.1616640


Wow… A Neo pushing confirmation bias.

Sorry. Just had to laugh my ass at that….

c145b4 No.1616641


That might be a bit of a stretch a capital Q is a radius with an intersecting line. It's not a difficult 'face in the clouds' to find.

I'm actually a bit more intrigued by the contraption and if the "get smart" remark has any connection to the "smart" comment about missiles in Syria.

What do the tarriffs do for the position of Russia, I wonder.

af77a0 No.1616642


Do you want to take over? I've got notables up to here collected and can post a paste for you if so. Could use some zzzz's.

fb59ed No.1616644

File: e1559cd8871a506⋯.png (103.01 KB, 568x558, 284:279, Screenshot_25.png)

File: 31813ef623e8473⋯.png (107.75 KB, 662x531, 662:531, Screenshot_27.png)

File: b2509c39bf56abb⋯.png (101.54 KB, 424x456, 53:57, Screenshot_30.png)


that too

maybe like 8 more days of recovery?

Right to Try - found some amazing bring you back from the dead type stuff

heeeeeere's Seth….

9d8953 No.1616645


Wrong image, my bad see this

53e90f No.1616646



9d933d No.1616647

File: 873e3db407ed308⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

9d8953 No.1616648

Having a tard day,

This >>1616140

Ill do a 360 and walk right out - it's my birthday after all.

Apologies Anons

942c56 No.1616649

File: 79ddbc8e5c1d25f⋯.png (55.27 KB, 296x314, 148:157, Fire.png)


Sure thing man, pass the dough and i'll fire up the bakery

ab0d29 No.1616650


I would site this not as a division tactic. However a VERY good example of what I was trying to get at, I respect the Fact that many here are FAR more Intelligent than I ,.. I am just an old man that does not want to see my country to go up in flames as I have seen so many others in the last few decades.


6cab9e No.1616651


Here we go again, calling me a nazi for speaking a truth that hurts your israel fisrt sensibilities.

So, you agree that we allow the terrorist state of israel to threaten everyone with nuclear weapons they for all intents and purposes WANT people to believe they have, while absolving them from their terrorist hostage taking of the world with the sampson option by claiming that its just a bluff.

You're a sad traitor, and you'll be put in your place, one way, or the other, and the more you try to bullshit people and smear them for speaking the truth, the more people will start to believe the only solution to such inclinations might be a more permanent one.

But by all means, do keep digging your own grave, traitor.

01f7de No.1616652

File: f1ff83eaf26b744⋯.png (166.06 KB, 521x434, 521:434, jidf.png)

6cab9e No.1616653


>Wow… A Neo pushing confirmation bias.

What do you mean by that?

a73db5 No.1616654

File: 2756801abe7c46b⋯.png (144.68 KB, 1080x835, 216:167, IMG_20180603_174240.png)

Anyone catch this? BDT?

757497 No.1616655

File: d19144e89c70d7d⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 4656x2620, 1164:655, 20180603_033937 (1).jpg)


Nothing wrong with teaching if it's in the right Spirit. What is life except a classroom??

Great memes. I grabbed the Jack one the other night. All are really clean in a unique way. The Rogers and Hussein ones are top Kek. Great work Anon!!

cb5096 No.1616656


Happy Birthday, Anon.

…and you'll want to do a 180, a 360 will bring you right back. But you're welcome to stay.

6477a0 No.1616657

File: b8dea81d34eefe4⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 578x398, 289:199, israelmuslim.jpg)


i'm no israel-shill

and i hate the fact that we have dual citizens in the gov

but come on man

bf3c44 No.1616658

Who didn't unlock the front door? Gettin in's a bitch today!

6cab9e No.1616659


But that is NOT a division tactic, that is stating FACTS.

Because the enemies of the whites DO engage in id politics (incited by the jewish-supremacist school of cultural marxim), either whites manage to shut that shit down, or they'll have to engage in them themselves.

We are here because we want to fix shit peacefully, and that is only possible if the truth is spoken loud and clear.

9d8953 No.1616660


I'll just do a 720 instead.

Thanks anon.

Old chan jokes….

dff2e6 No.1616661

File: e82f3d7ad520697⋯.gif (45.94 KB, 300x200, 3:2, fd1.gif)


It's comments like these that make me want to turn 360 degrees and walk away.

bf3c44 No.1616662



Thanks for the captcha work around!!


9d933d No.1616663

File: 08f1f151ae07e4f⋯.png (907.17 KB, 600x900, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

philly cheesesteak breadbowl

b49aa2 No.1616664


A comprehensively awesome 202-post twitter thread by The War Economy about "Spyfall", as he's calling it. This may have already been posted, but if so, it bears repeating:


6cab9e No.1616665


>and i hate the fact that we have dual citizens in the gov


>but come on man

Come on man what? Show me where is the lie. I am stating FACTS my friend. It's why we are here, because we WANT TRUTH.

c145b4 No.1616666



Billion, in that context, can be capitalized, so it could be considered proper or improper depending on who you ask.

dff2e6 No.1616667


How did Muslims gain that land?

Who did they take it from?

Who did they REALLY take it from?

Think Europe.


cb3ca7 No.1616668

nothing like waking up to my board being back online!

good morning you glorious faggots!

I have a feeling Q will be posting today

b49aa2 No.1616669


Don't post that after the bad toe-nail pics. It looks like a close-up of some kind of ruptured necrotic abscess.

cb5096 No.1616670


LOL me likes

eb2971 No.1616671


Looked like gore at first glance.


af77a0 No.1616672


Handoff Confirmed

Thanks brah, really appreciate it. Here's the dough, notables up to here. A heads up that the QGraphics is moved to section 3 as Section 4's at max cap. Shares the load between the 2 sections. Thanks again and enjoy ;)


cb3ca7 No.1616673

9d933d No.1616674


With the spoon in there, maybe the cannibals will get the wrong idea.

b49aa2 No.1616675



678bd6 No.1616676


BD is emphasized for impact. "think in DT voice" TTWT is what should be looked at.

045171 No.1616677


^^Does this guy ever shut the fuck up? So obnoxious.

Good night anons.

af77a0 No.1616678


Meant to remove this from this breads notes as it's false -

>>1616567 ABC executive that cancelled Roseanne is married to Susanne Rice

ab0d29 No.1616679


and I agree with you, I am not your enemy I have been exposing these ideas for decades and no one would listen, they just called me crazy

3db4ec No.1616680

File: 7c97c2be394b945⋯.jpg (13.59 KB, 301x167, 301:167, images (14).jpg)

File: edaef7f2706f338⋯.png (691.74 KB, 1071x565, 1071:565, archofhystaria.png)

muh joos

why go after jews ?

when you should be going after this ?

eb2971 No.1616681


Don't let the door catch your yarmulke, fag.

d18171 No.1616682


>had 2 of my vpns on 5 eyes list

Welp guyz it's been fun. Name, rank, and social is all I'm saying. I'm not songbird.

cb3ca7 No.1616683


shills dont shut up

6cab9e No.1616684


I am glad my truth-posting is hurting the sensibilities of the israel first traitors that try to silence the facts with vague and outright false accusations of divisiveness.

Good night :)

045171 No.1616685


I don't even know what the hell that is.

Native American.

Good night.

942c56 No.1616686

File: 0504c3b917674c7⋯.jpg (45.71 KB, 552x382, 276:191, 0504c3b917674c7f944eeed64b….jpg)



handoff confirmed!

thanks a lot baker

enjoy your sleep

af77a0 No.1616687



>With so many VPN services on the market, it can be time-consuming and frustrating to sift through feature-lists and review scores only to find that what seems like the ideal VPN is based in a 14 Eyes country. We have informative reviews on some of the best VPN providers which are registered outside of the 14 Eyes and EU compliant partners:

ExpressVPN (British Virgin Islands): Read review

NordVPN (Panama): Read review

CyberGhost (Romania): Read Review

PureVPN (Hong-Kong): Read review

Ivacy (Singapore): Read review

Hide.me (Malaysia): Read review

Astrill VPN (Seychelles): Read review

VPNArea (Bulgaria): Read review

Trust.Zone (Seychelles): Read review

iVPN (Gibraltar): Read review

VyprVPN (Switzerland): Read review

ProtonVPN (Switzerland): Read review

6ed7fe No.1616688


I think this >>1616567 was proven false on last bread.

fb59ed No.1616689

File: ead11b5c0dc88bb⋯.png (364.44 KB, 590x639, 590:639, 631.png)

File: 0991d8bea59a957⋯.png (247.22 KB, 586x645, 586:645, 632.png)

File: 13761a989cc6a59⋯.png (147.88 KB, 586x609, 586:609, 633.png)

File: adc86c402e19d5c⋯.png (104.83 KB, 582x470, 291:235, 634.png)



saw this posted overnight on the twat

interesting deduction, regardless of source

fdcb42 No.1616690


Why should I listen to a report written by a known NAZI that is using uncited information in one of his regular anti Jewish rants?

fb59ed No.1616691

File: 8c32d9b3321c959⋯.png (197.75 KB, 586x636, 293:318, 635.png)

File: a99c61a9e9fa7b9⋯.png (144.95 KB, 583x432, 583:432, 636.png)

b49aa2 No.1616692



I hate that this is notable.

af77a0 No.1616693

File: 2e3197544039e96⋯.png (603.54 KB, 962x532, 481:266, 2e3197544039e96280e2a4820c….png)

6cab9e No.1616694

File: 3d1f288766db92d⋯.jpg (506.9 KB, 2047x1582, 2047:1582, Israel_Pedos.jpg)


Because pizzagate is a massive pedo trafficking ring and a massive grooming operation that seeks to put pedophiles into top political cargos, because they are easily blackmailled, and all the roads in pizzagate lead to israel (Jaime pizza merchant is a Rothschild and Epstein handler was mossad).

Also, not going after jews you dumb moron, just after the jewish-supremacists :)

Also, did you knew Allison Mack and the blood magick chief witch are jews, as well as that pedo female supreme court judge and the biggest opioid dealing family, as well as the Warburgs (related to the founding of the FED)?

dab009 No.1616695

Yesterday when I left a small town in the Netherlands (close to the German border), I saw on the back of the City-Board with large letters Qanon! That while I was listening in my car to a Trump motivation speech! It filled my heart with hope, we are everywhere! Missed you guys yesterday, keep the Truth going Brothers and Sisters Patriots! No coincidences! WWG1WGA

75372d No.1616696



6cab9e No.1616698


Shills, in fact, IP hop to disguise their shit spam. I don't, so that's why my post count is high. And show me where is the lie on any of my posts, faggot.

197727 No.1616699


I mean all you have behind you is 100 years of Cecil Rhodes's bullshit.

You would not understand the word Saxon if Zarah himself strangled you to death with the Coat of Many Colours.

cab69e No.1616700


Backchannel is not Q

cb3ca7 No.1616701

File: 7fa4c6bdd087e26⋯.png (709.39 KB, 800x543, 800:543, ClipboardImage.png)

Yellowstone boss to retire after Trump agency proposed move

His seven years leading one of the premier national parks have been marked by an explosion in visitor numbers; tension with neighboring states over wild bison slaughters, wolf hunting and grizzly bears; and a sexual harassment scandal involving Yellowstone’s maintenance division that echoed allegations at other national parks.

Wenk, 66, said he had not planned to announce his decision to leave so far in advance but went public following recent news reports that said he faced possible transfer to a job in Washington, D.C.

https:// apnews.com/9e733e9570cf4f2da351602656fcc5cb/Yellowstone-boss-to-retire-after-Trump-agency-proposed-move

cb3ca7 No.1616702


its like we periodically regress every once in a while.

Didn't Q come out and say NO to backchannel specifically?

Didn't backchannel say he wasn't Q at one point?

Newfags need to catch up


6cab9e No.1616703

File: 948b29283d9d4dc⋯.jpg (937.19 KB, 2047x2052, 2047:2052, List_Jew_Orgs.jpg)

File: a923e783d76c457⋯.png (886.48 KB, 807x693, 269:231, Israel_Receives_Massive_Ai….png)

File: 1a498c6db7f497d⋯.png (1020.84 KB, 672x5180, 24:185, Israels_Money_Machine_Crim….png)

File: a906821ce2b66ae⋯.png (1.46 MB, 678x9812, 339:4906, Trump_AntiIranian_Policy_N….png)


Why would you call that guy a nazi?

Also, is it the article not true?

Do you deny the power and size of the jewish lobby in the US?

Are you an israel first traitor? Because you sound like one.

cab69e No.1616704


Lots of shady shit going on in national parks. Lots of people go missing, adults and children. Highly mysterious. National parks don't release much data on missing persons statistics

c145b4 No.1616705


It is hard for people to communicate without getting wrapped up in emotions.

It should be presented what our perspective is on the facts which exist. It should be made clear that our terms are not negotiable and the result of continued pressure by these groups will result in warfare.

Unfortunately, this will not resolve the problem. Many of these groups think they are hot shit, and that they are 'predators' and going to 'hunt' 'oppressors.'

The warfare angle is exactly what is anticipated and has traps lain in front of it. Getting them to think outside the conditioning and to believe that they can succeed on their own personal merits is not easy. They believe that whites run the world and succeed through favoritism and labor exploitation. They believe that they are doomed to fail until they are in a similar position to hand out favors and exploit labor.

This means that the promised war against their nonsense would only further entrench their ideology.

We should not lie or make it unclear what the consequences will be. However, the focus isn't to have them comply with our demands so much as realize that their success and failure has far more to do with their own attitude and preparation than it will ever have to do with us. They have power and agency and need to start acting responsibly with regard to their goals, rather than yielding to the deceptions of social vampires who transfer that power and agency to evil people.

6cab9e No.1616706


I still don't get what you mean.

If you want to debate any of my claims, please do so in a way I can understand you, otherwise I will just consider you a deflecting israel first traitor who has no arguments in the face of the facts and so reverts to obfuscation and deflection.

53e90f No.1616707


The sides don't look evenly matched numbers-wise to me. How's that going to work? Plus, what I am assuming is the smaller side of that asymmetry is very impractical, couldn't come up with a coherent plan on their own (I used to live with one and am related to others). But, as I think of it, our pot stirrers want murder and mayhem to create grief and despair, I mean, after all, these would be our very own ineffective, hair-brained relatives, friends, and neighbors, and the other side on the spectrum from protecters to rambos.


197727 No.1616708

notice how the [shill] must respond to every last reply to it…. It's like they do not get paid if they don't.

cb3ca7 No.1616709

File: 97ac8ac24533f4f⋯.png (830.15 KB, 1344x742, 96:53, ClipboardImage.png)

Google won’t renew a contract with the Pentagon that provides the company’s artificially intelligent algorithms to interpret video images and improve the targeting of drone strikes.

The reports said Google Cloud business head Diane Greene told employees of the decision not to renew the 18-month deal past the end of 2019, when the current contract ends.

https:// apnews.com/4aa55aafba8b47528b0fd4edc29d6a6c/Reports:-Google-won't-renew-Pentagon-contract-to-use-AI

942c56 No.1616710


fixed in the current dough as well

thanks for your vigilance

abeb33 No.1616711


The Washington Post admitted the use of a spy inside the Trump campaign could be problematic for Democrats. Ya think?

Most recently, after Trump demanded the Justice Department investigate possible political spying on his campaign, the department again turned to Horowitz, asking him to expand his review of the Page investigation to encompass the president’s request. Trump’s demand stemmed from the FBI’s use of a confidential source in the Russia investigation. The source interacted with three Trump advisers during the campaign, although it remains unclear to what extent the bureau directed those interactions.

And then the WaPo says President Trump wants fired leaker James Comey “investigated and charged.”

Trump also has repeatedly mused to associates and aides in the Oval Office about Comey being investigated and charged.

1b1022 No.1616712

File: e1d1d617e62f488⋯.jpg (16.72 KB, 183x275, 183:275, samson.jpg)

File: e29ef6de325a804⋯.jpg (9.67 KB, 300x168, 25:14, sux.jpg)

noticeable posts






Valuable intel for TRUTH seekers about Israel's rouge WMD program and STUXNET

6d56ad No.1616713

File: 7a4a695e02c71f2⋯.jpg (374.62 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1526254990368.jpg)


Who is Tony Rodham?

dff2e6 No.1616714


Which country is Google loyal to?

Who was ES pictured with?


197727 No.1616715


You can't and you won't. You are an idiot, paid to spout bullshit, (If you ever get sick of, spend half an hour researching Rhodes) You will come to understand who you work for.

757497 No.1616716

File: 68d9535d77c2263⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 2556x3441, 852:1147, Q-Truth (1).jpg)


Thank You for this Anon. A family member was just diagnosed with leukemia a day or two ago, and I forwarded ALL of that on to the family.

Wouldn't it be something if something saves a "normies" life, in a family of normies, came from HERE??

I hope it happens. He fits the profile, and I'm really feeling good about this. Again, thank you anon!!

cb3ca7 No.1616717

File: 1553313d76a9ec3⋯.png (423.48 KB, 800x518, 400:259, ClipboardImage.png)

Missouri governor quits in scandal, signs ‘revenge porn’ law

Just hours before he left office Friday, Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens signed scores of new laws, including a measure that makes it a crime to try to threaten a person using a private sexual image — the same allegation that led to his downfall.

In the flurry of last-minute activity, the scandal-plagued governor approved 77 new laws, granted several pardons and commutations and won at least a temporary reprieve in a court battle over campaign records. He posted a long Facebook message touting his accomplishments — without any mention of why he was quitting — and quietly left Capitol about an hour before his resignation took effect.

https:// apnews.com/f596b02899a745efbad4f0b85f1dd2bc/Missouri-governor-quits-in-scandal,-signs-'revenge-porn'-law

1b1022 No.1616718

File: 9a2364cdca678bf⋯.png (747.21 KB, 1044x1860, 87:155, AIPAC.png)



fdcb42 No.1616719


Where have you stated any facts? witch post was it in? I have thus far seen nothing but dribble from you.

c145b4 No.1616720


Unity with what?

While I am in agreement that good people should be unified - the question of who/what is to be considered good and thusly incorporated is pertinent.

Discernment is a necessary skill. Unity over division… So let's all give Hillary a nice hug and send the grandkids to have fun with Bill?

Screaming and hollering at each other, decrying everyone shills and the like is, obviously, not a productive use of board space or time. But unifying with stupidity or evil for the sake of unity is the path of fools.

838dbd No.1616721

What is that a human/alien hybrid?

e64ce4 No.1616722

File: e55e06a05871007⋯.jpeg (715.29 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 2D0578BB-8F1E-43A0-A865-0….jpeg)


thanks bo for the e bake

welcome back guise

nice vacation there!

missed this place tho


678bd6 No.1616723

File: 990f4a1fc651774⋯.jpg (24.08 KB, 291x300, 97:100, FootSpoon.jpg)


Like this?

9d8953 No.1616724


No problem, I can't take credit though.

I posted that by mistake - but something drew me to that post. If it helps at least one person, that's excellent. Spread the love….

6cab9e No.1616725

File: 9ded917b71edc28⋯.png (120.86 KB, 1024x792, 128:99, Fellow_Whites_1_They_Live.png)

File: 2319e8687c3a793⋯.png (1.64 MB, 2988x2068, 747:517, Fellow_Whites_2.png)

File: f4b13b9ac942e31⋯.png (1.44 MB, 5052x2526, 2:1, Fellow_Whites_4_Twitter.png)

File: 8beb7249f4f3f02⋯.jpg (277.08 KB, 647x861, 647:861, Jews_Slave_Traders.jpg)

File: 9ceabe4db0f1569⋯.jpg (156.39 KB, 600x1030, 60:103, Jews_Slavery_Tony_Martin_J….jpg)


>They believe that whites run the world and succeed through favoritism and labor exploitation.

And why is that?

Who created and spread cultural marxism?

Who poses as white when doing shit and then calls themselves jews when they want to pose like victims (the (((fellow whites phenomena))) )? Pics related.

Who are the ones that dominated the slave trade and then pinned it on the whites with their Hollywood industry? Pics 4 and 5 related.

Jewish-supremacism has a LOT ramifications.

>This means that the promised war against their nonsense would only further entrench their ideology.

All that means is that if they are dumb enough to not be able to process facts, they'll have to be terminated completely. If they act like unreasonable beasts, they'll get put down. Can't negotiate with terrorists.

> However, the focus isn't to have them comply with our demands so much as realize that their success and failure has far more to do with their own attitude and preparation than it will ever have to do with us. They have power and agency and need to start acting responsibly with regard to their goals, rather than yielding to the deceptions of social vampires who transfer that power and agency to evil people.


abeb33 No.1616726

A fresh batch of now-unveiled emails recently obtained by


Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) contains some shocking revelations about the collusion that’s been taking place between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and fake news network CNN in their joint effort to take down President Trump.

We now know that the FBI put together a “sensitive matter team” prior to the president’s inauguration that actively discussed the details of the infamous Steele dossier with CNN before the fake news network decided to break the story on former FBI Director James Comey’s briefing of it with President Trump.

These emails show that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fully aware of the fact that CNN was being briefed by the FBI on the details of the dossier briefing, as well as the fact that FBI officials on the “sensitive matter team” were discussing these correspondences using coded language in their back-and-forth emails.

b101ae No.1616727

File: 339fe4bc2951f76⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1753x1227, 1753:1227, Q Clock - CARET Drones Feb….png)




Last night I found another link which connects the posts of anon and Q. (Could not post it directly b/c of maintenance...)

June 1st, anon made 3 posts.

On Q-Clock June 1st, is in line with February 1st.

Anon Caret stringer posts on June 1st:




On Feb.1st, Q posted:

Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/01/18 (Thu) 00:27:49 e2ade3 No. >>231813



Re_read crumbs.


Also another post made by Q on January 22nd refers to 'drones'. On the Q-Clock this falls in line with Q's latest post on May 22nd.

Q !UW.yye1fxo Jan 22 2018 22:37:35 No.53

Drones over US.

Tracking only.


All together there are too many 'coincidences'. Something's up with this. Are 'free-energy' drones being released to the public in some form of 'Sky Event'...?

Eyes in the Sky!

75372d No.1616728


Unity with all those who wish to be unified.

cc3a61 No.1616729

All work and no Q makes qresearch a full board

d0b6e0 No.1616730


It's been there a few months anyway…can't remember when it was added tho…

838dbd No.1616731


This is a false argument. The Jews stole Palestine and they are not even genetically Jews in the first place. They need to leave.

cb3ca7 No.1616732

File: adf015551fc55e7⋯.png (457.43 KB, 634x447, 634:447, ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona forensic psychiatrist who assisted in JonBenet Ramsey case gunned down outside his office

The forensic psychiatrist who assisted in the investigations into the death of American child beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey has been shot dead outside his office.

Dr. Steven Pitt, 59, helped investigate the high profile 1996 murder case as well as a string of other killings in the Phoenix area more than a decade ago.

In JonBenet’s case Pitt believed the pineapple found in the six-year-old’s digestive tract, which her mother denied she ate, was proof of a family cover up.

https:// www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/high-profile-forensic-psychiatrist-who-raised-suspicions-about-jonbenet-ramseys-family-during-her-murder-investigation-is-shot-dead-outside-his-office/ar-AAy88ii?li=AAnZ9Ug#image=1

dff2e6 No.1616733


Who are genetically Jews?

8da13d No.1616735


Spain…Psoe/Pedro Sanchez/Pablo Iglasias/Cuidad/Podemos…All recieved funding from Soros foundations.

The above are now in charge of Spain, all done without the consent of the people (no vote on change of government).

abeb33 No.1616736


While the headline stories on the Drudge Report on June 1st screamed out the successes of President Trump's economy with May's unemployment rate falling to an 18-year-low of 3.8%, hourly wages rising an average of 2.7% and black unemployment at a record low, in a speech this past Tuesday in Paris, globalist George Soros warned that the world could be on the brink of another devastating financial crisis.

Claiming that "everything has gone wrong" despite the Drudge stories offering completely contrary information, were Soros's words a sign that globalism is failing or words of warning the globalists are preparing to bring down the entire system, by design, also taking down America's economy with the US economy tightly tied in with everyone else's?

And while the re-announced summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un for June 12th offers us hope that a once seemingly inevitable devastating war with North Korea will be forever avoided, the globalists are still attempting to undermine the meeting and we should never forget these words of wisdom from 1 Thessalonians 5:3:

While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

fb59ed No.1616737


did i say that?

do the posts i link state that in any way?


no, newfag, Q responded 'fake.' please catch up

Q has also pointed out that disinformation is real, and that distractions are necessary

however, he never said that he would not provide disinformation or distractions

i simply stated

>interesting deduction, regardless of source

regarding me being a newfag, you're very mistaken

been around since long before this mess

now, please kindly fuck off back to parroting like a close minded little sheep

6cab9e No.1616738


Notice how the real shills make vague statements into the air trying to smear the people who state facts and which no real shill like the one I am replying to can face in clean debate.

Thanks for admitting defeat, israel first traitor :)

838dbd No.1616739


Not the Khazars.

197727 No.1616741


I actually feel sorry for you, the agency hired you to do IT work, And now you are forced to do this shit??? Sad.

6cab9e No.1616742


>You can't and you won't. You are an idiot, paid to spout bullshit, (If you ever get sick of, spend half an hour researching Rhodes) You will come to understand who you work for.

Kek, cry more.

Either debate me on something specific, or take your high horse and proceed to fuck your own israel first traitor ass with it's benis.

c93e13 No.1616743

File: ac179d04f099f71⋯.jpg (85.58 KB, 764x551, 764:551, IMG_1235.JPG)

File: 8ea5e4ef50bfb39⋯.jpg (72.68 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_2281.JPG)

Descartes was right

dff2e6 No.1616744


Not an answer.

c145b4 No.1616745


Governments don't often have much in the way of missing persons statistics. Which is rather odd. If I am being tracked to give me 'benefits' when I die… Would be kind of nice if they at least noticed I suddenly stopped claiming taxes and all of my property fell into abandoned status. I mean… Where is the security in that social-ness?

Which is interesting. How many children are born without a social security number or other official documentation? Importance of border wall? While I generally disagree with such concepts, children who are born or transfered without any official records of their existence would be particularly 'valuable' for the fact that operations with access to them could be very large without leaving much suspicion in paper trails.

01beeb No.1616746




I don't see Virtual Shield on the lists. They claim they do not save your activity. I use this VPN and am satisfied with it.

cb3ca7 No.1616747


filter and move on..no point in responding to the retard

this is like elementary school level shit

6cab9e No.1616748


Thanks. Saved.

It's pure subversion.

And they brag about it.

What could go wrong…


In all of them. if you want to debate something specific, be my guest.

Until then, keep crying in impotent rage, israel first traitor :)

abeb33 No.1616749


The CFR’s Richard Stengel, a former editor of TIME magazine, told an audience at a CFR event in late April called Political Disruptions: Combating Disinformation and Fake News that governments “have to” direct “propaganda” toward their own populations.

Stengel, himself a former high level official who headed the US office for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs at the State Department from 2013 to 2016, is also a regular pundit on MSNBC.

He explained: Basically, every country creates their own narrative story and, you know, my old job at the State Department was what people used to joke as the ‘chief propagandist’ job. We haven’t talked about propaganda… I’m not against propaganda. Every country does it, and they have to do it to their own population, and I don’t necessarily think it’s that awful.

6cab9e No.1616750


What if Hillary and Soros wish to be unified?

bf3c44 No.1616751

My eyes are always in the sky now, thanks to the constant barrage Barium Aluminum and Strontium chem-trails they are dousing us with!! Haven't seen any drones yet……

94a337 No.1616752

File: 8f80111acf113c1⋯.png (18.94 KB, 701x412, 701:412, how to embed video.png)


Uk oldfag here,

just click post options and paste video url where it says embed.

Fuck, I would love to see the power structure crumble in the UK and all the filthy pedovores and criminals rounded up and publicly executed.

Do you think the masses would want to see only the second reigning British monarch executed?

Not unless they've been awoken and that's a tough ask after millennia of royal indoctrination.

14b51e No.1616753

File: 8466209f581f88f⋯.jpg (109.29 KB, 831x500, 831:500, Recon Patrol kek 3a.jpg)

File: 3c125c3f53362f3⋯.jpg (57.63 KB, 832x500, 208:125, Kek P8 Recon.jpg)

Yay!! We're back….

I took the opportunity to give the old Shackleton a re-paint and I've splurged out on some modern hardware for our US planefags.


6d56ad No.1616754

File: 082f55794de408e⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 318x405, 106:135, 1509930348872.jpg)



Who is Tony Rodham?

197727 No.1616755


Do 30 minutes of honest digging into your master Cecil Rhodes…. than get back to me….

You won't, you fear truth… good night.


Sorry had to do that. Off to bed bow.

6cab9e No.1616756


Nice projection you have going on, traitor :)

757497 No.1616757

File: e6528c5bc34b40b⋯.jpg (429 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, american-flag-2260839_1280.jpg)


There will be no war.




Well…Let's see. Boy…That would restore some of my graces with the family. KEK!! Keep an eye out and I'll update Anons with what we find out. They already responded and said, "big pharma doesn't care and we HAVE to run this one treatment first" and then I told them about #RightToTry, which they haven't even heard of, and hopefully it will go from there.


838dbd No.1616759


The Palestinians have more Jewish blood than the Asian Khazar Grifter Horde Tribes. They even have had many Palestinians who grew weary of oppression reveal to the Khazar that their families have a long secret history passed down from person to person that they were of Jewish blood. The Israeli does not care. They dont want real Jews there. They seek to create a colony so they can keep an eye on the House of Saud their Khazar brothers in identity theft.

6cab9e No.1616760


>Go dig this.

Nope. Either debate me on something specific, or take your pseudo-elitism and shove it up your israel first traitor ass.

5840ca No.1616761

File: e58e173668c61a3⋯.jpg (7.15 KB, 286x176, 13:8, images.jpg)


Caret was a hoax.

14b51e No.1616762

File: e6ea6b0901f1aad⋯.jpg (252.73 KB, 1229x957, 1229:957, 2JBMF 2 Jun 18 1110 San Xa….jpg)

File: 6199d9b07c83f2d⋯.jpg (268.99 KB, 1219x963, 1219:963, 2JBMF 2 Jun 18 1300.jpg)

File: 76653a2b499e905⋯.jpg (330.72 KB, 1221x899, 1221:899, 2JBMF Kemble 2 jun 18 1345.jpg)

File: 16015f8a8a5f0fc⋯.jpg (387.12 KB, 1655x813, 1655:813, 2JBMF 2 Jun 18 1540.jpg)

File: 2cc6c886c0f3500⋯.jpg (311.82 KB, 1223x949, 1223:949, 2JBMF Marseille 2 Jun 18 1….jpg)

Planefag Report, 2 June

It's Oh So Quiet Edition

The skies yesterday were very quiet, which made tracking easier. 2-JBMF left San Xavier in Spain, went to Kemble UK then off to Marseille, France.

c58d31 No.1616764

I wonder how everyone's sensitivity training went while the board was down yesterday…

942c56 No.1616765

File: 55984ae818ee756⋯.png (169.46 KB, 438x810, 73:135, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ef39fcd504675a⋯.png (285.08 KB, 423x807, 141:269, ClipboardImage.png)

#1 DJT Tweets since Board went down for upgrades

#2 POTUS tweets since board went down for upgrades

9d8953 No.1616766


Praise kek and the power of meme magic.

14b51e No.1616767

File: 2b92d36abef2013⋯.jpg (185.73 KB, 1571x731, 1571:731, A6HWR Exeter 2 Jun 18 1300.jpg)

File: 0ce6298a8c9e871⋯.jpg (361.74 KB, 1743x795, 581:265, JM23 2 Jun 18 1405.jpg)

File: 004ae68a5d535be⋯.jpg (300.99 KB, 868x910, 62:65, JM23 2 Jun 18 1540.jpg)

File: 087a0f45ec2b04b⋯.jpg (485.31 KB, 1221x927, 407:309, JM23 2 Jun 18 near Monteli….jpg)

File: c779d2c48588be7⋯.jpg (331.26 KB, 1343x895, 1343:895, EJM23 Teterboro Nice 2 Jun….jpg)

Part 2

Almiri flight A6-HWR is still at Exater Airport, I think it's undergoing some sort of repair, upgrade or test. Lots of movement around the airfield.

78cd37 No.1616768

File: f45fddb8a778c4b⋯.png (597.37 KB, 1254x4236, 209:706, 833898393.png)



Youngest brother to Hillary Rodham Clinton.


cb3ca7 No.1616769

File: f46ffe6a5827c34⋯.png (668.68 KB, 744x499, 744:499, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. may soon claim up to $1.7 billion penalty from China's ZTE - sources

China’s No.2 telecommunications equipment maker has been crippled by a ban imposed in April on buying U.S. technology components for seven years for breaking an agreement reached after it was caught illegally shipping goods to Iran and North Korea.


6d56ad No.1616770




b101ae No.1616771


No. Was not. Afterwards CGI vids were made and models were made.

Never debunked.

You'll see.

Clowns will reject and deny. Anons won't be fooled by you.

ae2469 No.1616772

File: 59c801443ca24ce⋯.jpg (215.84 KB, 800x410, 80:41, bab268047aa6d93c2cffb1940d….jpg)


When I saw this I thought of the Gmail logo/Masonic apron similarity.

It's like POTUS is using the envelope to trawl the Freemasons.

cb29dc No.1616773

File: 5d6ec38e37af3c4⋯.png (425.59 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180603-062757.png)

New update in McMasters father. 4 falls in 4 days. No resussitation

14b51e No.1616774

File: 004ae68a5d535be⋯.jpg (300.99 KB, 868x910, 62:65, JM23 2 Jun 18 1540.jpg)

File: 087a0f45ec2b04b⋯.jpg (485.31 KB, 1221x927, 407:309, JM23 2 Jun 18 near Monteli….jpg)

File: d7ca383a9decf6c⋯.jpg (360.73 KB, 1567x705, 1567:705, USMC 166380 2 jun 18 1820.jpg)

File: 98e2fab410358e4⋯.jpg (531.05 KB, 1371x919, 1371:919, JM23 2 Jun 18 possible to ….jpg)

File: c779d2c48588be7⋯.jpg (331.26 KB, 1343x895, 1343:895, EJM23 Teterboro Nice 2 Jun….jpg)

Part 3

I forgot to add in part 2. ADS-B was being VERY fuzzy yesterday and I was tracking what I thought was a USMC flight down France towards Marseille.

It then changed to a flight from Teterboro to Nice that I found in the arrivals tables. JM23 became EJM23..??!

cb3ca7 No.1616775


hhahah good eye, anon!

584aae No.1616776

e64ce4 No.1616777


thanks planefag

i did see a magma callsign around florida yesterday

9b127f No.1616778



Twitter's Stock is "TWTR"

Message to @Jack?

14b51e No.1616779

File: e215fb4a59ce7a6⋯.jpg (532.94 KB, 1907x695, 1907:695, A6SIL 2 Jun 18 1100.jpg)

File: 7522f9365aa9133⋯.jpg (552.42 KB, 1741x819, 1741:819, A6SIL 2 Jujn 18 1110.jpg)

File: facbe5fe5ce19d4⋯.jpg (511.58 KB, 1665x811, 1665:811, A6SIL 2 Jun 18 1120.jpg)

File: f8c13e17fed9474⋯.jpg (435.5 KB, 1743x631, 1743:631, A6SIL 2 Jun 18 1135.jpg)

File: 3d2848d4ac45bee⋯.jpg (322.98 KB, 1745x811, 1745:811, A6SIL 2 Jun 18 1145.jpg)

Part 4

Almiri Flight A6-SIL went to Zurich from Geneva, returning a little later.

584aae No.1616780

File: abdaed6fe2d5d6a⋯.jpg (24.77 KB, 480x360, 4:3, cat.jpg)


I am literally nodding off here but didn't want that to slip by.

e64ce4 No.1616781

File: 7bba4426e0d5b8a⋯.jpeg (348.81 KB, 1800x1020, 30:17, 9D479F99-435C-4202-B017-B….jpeg)

14b51e No.1616782

File: 0eca3c6501e7147⋯.jpg (391.24 KB, 1025x729, 1025:729, 2MSTG 1 Jun 18 Farnboroug….jpg)

File: d845d17af1795b1⋯.jpg (314.45 KB, 1233x953, 1233:953, 2MSTG 2 Jun 18 1055.jpg)

File: 85649f55d80e89c⋯.jpg (361.93 KB, 1211x937, 1211:937, 2MSTG 2 Jun 18 1100.jpg)

File: e8be297ebb1400a⋯.jpg (316.2 KB, 1223x951, 1223:951, 2MSTG 2 Jun 18 1210.jpg)

File: 9e693a6ffa44722⋯.jpg (263.64 KB, 1215x931, 1215:931, 2MSTG Brindisi 2 Jun 18.jpg)

Part 5

2-MSTG went to Farnborough then journeyed off to Brindisi, Italy.

7fd8fe No.1616783


Imagine my surprise.

POTUS tweet. Trade War. Then just Trade. What is missing second time? War!

Blunt and direct time.

cb3ca7 No.1616784

File: 0149aa127d157c8⋯.png (333.61 KB, 697x495, 697:495, ClipboardImage.png)

Apple to debut phone-to-phone augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) allows viewers to see virtual structures superimposed on their surroundings via their smartphones or other devices. It is the technology used in mobile game Pokemon Go, and by industry, such as factories seeking to map new assembly lines. Apple and rival Google are racing to release AR tools to attract software developers to their platforms.

The subsequent players perform a scan that sends more limited information to the same server, which matches the phones up and lets them each see the same virtual object on the same physical space.

However, Apple’s system avoids storing any raw mapping scans of a user’s surroundings in the cloud, said the two sources. Google says it will discard raw mapping data after seven days.

The precise details of how Apple’s new system will work, or if it would support three or more players, were not available. But a phone-to-phone approach could eventually run into technical limitations. It could end up being harder to handle three or more players at a time if a player who started the game drops out, a person involved in Google’s AR efforts said.


6c3376 No.1616785

File: 56fe0a9c65580ba⋯.jpeg (147.78 KB, 1582x890, 791:445, 95023E58-93FD-4E5D-ADB5-4….jpeg)

File: 7eeeb6bc028eeee⋯.jpg (66.05 KB, 472x447, 472:447, IMG_2274.JPG)

File: 92059051be68fb5⋯.jpg (52.19 KB, 500x557, 500:557, IMG_2275.JPG)

dff2e6 No.1616786


What's the proper way to catch an identity thief?

7fd8fe No.1616787


Lot of military in Hampshire where Farnborough is.

Lot of spook listening stations and satellite relay stations.

757497 No.1616788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Damn Anons, POTUS @ the 7 minute mark. One of my FAVORITE speeches ever. See that fire?? MUST WATCH!!

a3cc9d No.1616789

File: f74094b6919d63e⋯.png (64 KB, 868x504, 31:18, sddfsdf.PNG)

Jonbenet Ramsey in the NEWS!

14b51e No.1616790

File: 5e8b9362ac826f3⋯.jpg (99.02 KB, 566x558, 283:279, Red Arrow.jpg)

That's it for now.








Please add to the dough. Thanks

cb29dc No.1616791

File: f02250abfd1b3df⋯.png (356.82 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180603-063639.png)

5 falls in 4 days. He was moved. Does not state his previous place. Temporary nurses. Does not name them. Highly suspect.

d18171 No.1616792


He got the rights to open the mines in Haiti after it was devastated.

7fd8fe No.1616793

Five months out from mid terms.

Those who didn't resign are going to be caught up in RICO and worse?

What happens when congress critters and senators are perp walked?

What actually is a constitutional crisis?

6c3376 No.1616794

Just wait till we start digging murdergate

838dbd No.1616795


DNA testing and releasing the NSA spying evidence on the Khazar talking amongst themselves when they think the Goy are not listening. That is a start.

d18171 No.1616796


Them damn temps. That's what happened with Forrestal at Bethesda too. "Temps".

cb3ca7 No.1616797


think atom.

think magnet.

expand your thinking.

78cd37 No.1616798


Planning gold mine, and housing development after the earthquake. He went off the rails a little earlier, I guess, with the divorce, bankruptcy, assault, and bad investments.

6c3376 No.1616799

File: f8729a83559667b⋯.jpg (21.39 KB, 188x188, 1:1, IMG_2202.JPG)

I will redact that tongue out of your mouth

a3cc9d No.1616800

File: 159f06ba9389ffc⋯.png (947.08 KB, 1196x676, 23:13, manhunt.png)

clowns at it i guess…

7fd8fe No.1616801

Using this board as feedback, it is possible to continually adjust plans to outfox the enemy.

6c3376 No.1616802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1b1022 No.1616803

File: ccd5279063f54ab⋯.jpg (239.86 KB, 670x480, 67:48, 670_0_4568997_119714.jpg)

File: 7a93b82faa17eed⋯.jpg (20.02 KB, 250x332, 125:166, apron.jpg)


seems very deliberate

d18171 No.1616804


Surely just a coincidence. ;^)

fdcb42 No.1616805


I am not an Israel first anything. I am not associated with any organization. I am just an American who was born in the only country in the world that is guided by Judeo-Christian love of God. Jesus was a Jew. Even when they crucified him he still loved them.

Now, if you shills want to castigate all Jews for the actions of a few, just remember that what goes around often comes back to bite you in the ass. You and your team of Jew hating satirists are doing just that. You are fomenting valance towards an entire class of people. You are i9n short arrogant asswipe Democrat scum of the earth bottom feaders.

a3cc9d No.1616806

>>1616804 It's this one..they're cleaning up the psychologists and related guys in AZ..state of shitFlake and WDSHN..and all these churches where celebritiescunts go to get clean from diddling and 'worshippin'..


757497 No.1616807


When 50%+ of the "opposition party" and at least 10% of the other party get arrested all at once??

That would be sticky.

d18171 No.1616808

Only 2 bodies found from the plane crash in NY. 2 "missing". Smelling like a cpl faked deaths. Not sure which 2 are missing yet. Just came across on Fox News.

757497 No.1616809


That's what I would guess. On top of 10 different other operations I suspect.

fdcb42 No.1616811


Tell that to President Trump and see what his response will be.

757497 No.1616812


Some sort of, "How woke and unified" are we at the lower echelons litmus test.

6cab9e No.1616813

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Judeo-Christian love of God

You have been gaslit by jewish-supremacists.

There is no such thing as judeo-Christian religion.

Proof in audiobook related.

>Jesus was a Jew.

Jesus was an Israelite, and jews killed him because he spoke against their kikery.

>Even when they crucified him he still loved them.

Yet, he brought out the whipping belt when needed.

>Now, if you shills want to castigate all Jews for the actions of a few

You moron, were do I castigate all jews? I am speaking out against jewish-supremacism. Get better at reading comprehension.

>just remember that what goes around often comes back to bite you in the ass

Exactly what is happening to jewish-supremacists.

>You and your team of Jew hating satirists are doing just that.

You're a moron. Ppoint me to the post where I speak out against anyone but the jewish supremacists.

>You are fomenting valance towards an entire class of people.

Another iteration of the same lie.

>You are i9n short arrogant asswipe Democrat scum of the earth bottom feaders.

More smear from a liar who only calls me names and refuses to debate any of the facts I stated.

Educate yourself, moron.

6d56ad No.1616814



7fd8fe No.1616815

The IG report will either be classified or drop UK leadership in it.

6cab9e No.1616816


Bring them all down, please.

EU needs some serious swamp draining.

757497 No.1616817

File: 928e5925a959b77⋯.jpg (118.98 KB, 496x623, 496:623, Screen Shot 2013-04-05 at ….jpg)

File: 9c9f6610d2de84e⋯.jpg (20.01 KB, 212x255, 212:255, dfffaee6b71690aae93cabe1ad….jpg)

File: 5e04976e19fab99⋯.jpg (76.9 KB, 558x924, 93:154, IMG_20180322_120859.jpg)

File: d8f2597815c3852⋯.jpg (17.76 KB, 212x255, 212:255, shithole.jpg)


"There is no such thing as judeo-Christian religion."


And if Jesus was a Jew, he wouldn't have been lowered in through the roof. The clues are there. Jesus!!

7fd8fe No.1616818


This is going to backfire spectacularly.

Top kek

584aae No.1616819


Slithering out from under her rock is she?

Spotlight that bitch.

d8e40f No.1616820

File: 2dd128ad35605db⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1336x750, 668:375, shitbags.png)

6cab9e No.1616821

File: 083cf3e6e3cfe6d⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 720x558, 40:31, Judeo_Christian.jpg)


Pic related.

d18171 No.1616822


And remember the psychologist's shooting came out right after the vets discovered that underground pedo trafficking tunnel also in AZ. Going further, Paddock traveled through AZ (and had stash houses there) to get to Mexico and return to Vegas. We know he was a transporter of guns and kids. Wonder if they're all connected.

6c3376 No.1616823

Despotism always had malevolence


Bring the pain

Me eyes glow

Elected pedo murderer wants to be Mugabe

Muhdick rhetorics

bf3c44 No.1616824


EU fag, are you seeing excessive resignations or deaths [187] there similar to America?

Reason I ask is that there is a lot of stuff going on in Asia, Japan especially. Marines are VERY busy "training" and everyday another"Shacho" (owner) is stepping down or dead. Just not reported here like US' is.

757497 No.1616825


KEK!! Yup!! I was actually a minister at one time. I love a REAL church, but then I started encountering issues. Real issues.

Like this one.

cb29dc No.1616826

Builder to the stars including Martha Stewart, whom POTUS may pardon and Billy Joel…hmm 7/10 says Q. Deep divel titime

0ba67b No.1616828


I bet Q will post the letter, it'll be the only reference to whats in it

cb3ca7 No.1616829


"..and alot of that trying is going to be successful, I really believe that! I really believe it!.."

Our GEOTUS speaks the truth. Not only did he liberate countries under the stranglehold of the deepstate, he is saving people who have been poisoned by the deepstate.

Yesterday when I woke up I went into the garden. The sky was completely clear. After about an hour I saw planes leaving a trails in the sky.

So many planes. The trails expanded and expanded followed by more and more planes with more and more trails.

After 5 hours the sky was completely gray. No rain. Just gray.

If there is any of /ourguys/ reading this, please, for the sake of our sanity, let us have an unmolested view of the sky. I don't understand how they keep doing it. And I don't understand how it hasnt been addressed

bfa704 No.1616830




James May Rides in a U2 Spy Plane [HQ]


7fd8fe No.1616831


Muslim Brotherhood about to be exposed.

Iran about to be exposed.

Iranian links to US and UK about to be revealed.

Oooooooh Jeremy Cornyn.






6c3376 No.1616832

File: 113f1a52777e3ee⋯.jpg (38.42 KB, 384x384, 1:1, IMG_2258.JPG)

File: bcd6816d6c66c60⋯.jpg (161.28 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_2264.JPG)

Muhsatanshillis on board

6cab9e No.1616833


I see A LOT more corruption cases and human trafficking cases coming to light, which is abnormal where I am (everyone knows about corruption, and we had some big cases, but they are more and more now, and human trfck was not as talked about in the past).

The globalist cabal is falling apart, that is for sure.

1b1022 No.1616834

File: 514693cc3494ba0⋯.jpg (39.08 KB, 590x350, 59:35, (((spielberg))).jpg)




“The level of urgency to make the movie was because of the current climate of this administration, bombarding the press and labelling the truth as fake if it suited them.

a3cc9d No.1616835

cb3ca7 No.1616836

File: 614fed3eaca0286⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 300x168, 25:14, BOOM.gif)

bf3c44 No.1616837



Obviously then that all of this IS working WW, even where we can't see it. Good luck EU Brotherfag!!

6cab9e No.1616838





Yep, the jewish-supremacists always subvert everything with their psy-ops to get support from the people they most abuse (Scofield bible is another jewish-supremacist psyop).

But that shit is all going to end, one way or another.

cb3ca7 No.1616840


Don't forget:


54a143 No.1616841


>Making some sense?

Okay. It's less about known facts

and more about the gut feeling that

there is moar there, right?

It's like with those Tesla numbers 3-6-9.

Most feel that there is something,

but it's still mostly just in the gut.

Only when it gets to the brain

as a collective experience,

it will be free energy for everybody.

So, seems to be Gut vs. Head knowledge,

Spiritual vs. Physical.

They need to come into the right order

to bring about TRUTH + GOOD in this world.

a3cc9d No.1616842



052968 No.1616843

File: 8a82f6a22a7a7f7⋯.jpg (154.11 KB, 1259x793, 1259:793, 060218TrumpTweet.jpg)

File: d0cf8c88da20dee⋯.jpg (56.57 KB, 699x498, 233:166, 060218TrumpTweet_2.jpg)


I captured this, maybe someone can confirm the double tweets.

584aae No.1616844

File: 88358234e14ec17⋯.png (244.7 KB, 350x350, 1:1, toast.png)

I'm done, been up since 10:00 AM yesterday.

Keep after the bastards.

6cab9e No.1616845



The stupid cabal stooges still double down, off course, but that only increases the pressure.

2020/2021 is the start of the big shit, me thinks. Gotta prep!

6c3376 No.1616846

File: d0c89fff62dfbab⋯.jpg (44.32 KB, 343x447, 343:447, IMG_2276.JPG)

6c3376 No.1616847

File: ef47cac49254e3a⋯.jpg (32.55 KB, 360x408, 15:17, IMG_2269.JPG)

File: 493c9e211a05ba3⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 254x199, 254:199, IMG_2270.JPG)

From Thursday

d8e40f No.1616848



1b1022 No.1616849

File: ad9b81e41116078⋯.jpg (313.37 KB, 1576x2358, 788:1179, do it.jpg)

bfbdff No.1616850

File: f6d51ef2678e460⋯.png (407.5 KB, 868x748, 217:187, 1527976592221.png)

Halfchan/pol got a hold of 2000 pages of las vegas shooting witnesses statements last night, and videos of police body cams.

The threads start here, along with the download links: http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/173814644

NOTE they almost screwed it up as the pages were taken down immediately from scribd, fortunately someone grabbed right away and re-uploaded to dropbox. ABC-odd!- filed takedown notices on the videos on youtube within an HOUR, so look for the hooktube links in the thread.

MULTIPLE shooters, shots coming from the ground, shooters at the Bellagio, shooters in Hooters. And 3-4 witnesses who had proof of that or were vocal about it, mysteriously dead.

Even if you don't want to dig on vegas GRAB AND ARCHIVE!!!!

cb3ca7 No.1616851

File: 0b4008c33953062⋯.png (298.25 KB, 541x362, 541:362, ClipboardImage.png)

6cab9e No.1616852


Checking it out now!

cc3a61 No.1616853

File: 32000e800057a1c⋯.png (219.53 KB, 1079x1569, 1079:1569, Screenshot_2018-06-03-13-0….png)

These people are fucked up

942c56 No.1616854


I hope so, but this is a rumor and does not qualify as a notable.. keep your eyes open for news pertaining to the matter, please


Added.. no coincidences.

6c3376 No.1616855



Pressing murder charges on potus faggot

0ba67b No.1616857

did you guys train shillbot to like heavy metal?

d18171 No.1616858


So Q was answering that both Vegas and Seth Rich info was coming out in June despite it looking like he didn't respond to the Vegas question.

cb3ca7 No.1616859

File: 0689f364c3ece8f⋯.png (408.25 KB, 475x530, 95:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d31cda50a6440d2⋯.png (279.05 KB, 480x482, 240:241, ClipboardImage.png)

the best photoshop experts our stolen money can buy

4ce142 No.1616860


NATIONWIDE FORM 335 voter id's with 335 and 355


FL 335 = CA FORM 335







ONLY FOR (PROPOSED) CONSERVATEE WITH DEMENTIA ((zombies/homeless encampments))


Are all of California's homeless illegals declared wards (mental slaves) of the state? Where are their "checks" being mailed too?

It gets better what other Gov't forms use 335?

FCC 335-AM.ofm - Federal Communications Commission


Search Results

[PDF]FL-335 - California Courts - State of California





Form Adopted for Mandatory Use. Judicial Council of California. GC–335A [New January 1, 2004]. DEMENTIA ATTACHMENT TO. CAPACITY DECLARATION— …

[PDF]GC-335 - California Courts - State of California


File pages 1 through 3 of this form and form GC-335A. … The purpose of this form is to enable the court to determine whether the (proposed) conservatee (check …



Jan 1, 2012 - See the Proof of Personal Service (form FL-330) if the documents are … the documents must complete a proof of service form for the documents.

NRC: Form 335 - Bibliographic Data Sheet


2017 Corporate Excise tax forms 335U and instructions | Mass.gov





e5c116 No.1616861


That you B?

b101ae No.1616862

File: 7ebeea7c8521d2c⋯.png (418.61 KB, 1333x956, 1333:956, 89 days timetable june3-ma….png)




Today, June 3rd = March 6th (89 day timetable)

Q post March 6th:

Q !UW.yye1fxo 03/06/18 (Tue) 11:30:38 3c553f No. >>567803

Wait & see.

Re_read drops - you have more than you know.

Eyes in the SKY.



Just what I said in post no >>1616771

Everything and everyone is connected in Quantum Wonderland.

4ce142 No.1616863

File: ceb67f47eda65ac⋯.png (32.33 KB, 671x43, 671:43, SMALL BUISNESS DISASTER RE….png)

File: 674fd1191776c43⋯.pdf (321.75 KB, gc335.pdf)

File: 33b96d3828e2f22⋯.pdf (181.35 KB, gc335a.pdf)



AZNG Form 335-4-R / Applicant Background Form


AZNG Form 335-2-R / Applicable Knowledge, Skills & Abilities


Michelson v. United States, (full text) :: 335 U.S. 469 (1948) :: Justia US ..



united states statutes at large 1958 - US Government Publishing Office


85-335. Small Business Act of 1953, amendment. AN ACT To pro- vide for …… one entryman, form a compact unit and do not exceed in .



Admission Procedures - Lifespan RIC


Rhode Island Parents' Guide to Children's Mental … - Bradley Hospital


We at Bradley Hospital and the Rhode Island Department of Health want to help solve this problem and …. and this time we were told that she had Asperger's Disorder (a form of Autism). The …… www.health.ri.gov/family/specialneeds/autismguide.pdf. TREATMENT …… 203 Concord Street, Suite 335, Pawtucket, RI 02860.

Amity Lodge No. 335 Temple/Spiritual Israel … - State of Michigan (possible stolen social security numbers)


National Register of Historic Places Registration Form. This form is for use in … Historic name: Amity Lodge No. 335 Temple/Spiritual Israel Church and Its Army.

Form 1040 - IRS.gov


Oct 25, 2017 - This is an early release draft of an IRS tax form, instructions, or ….. Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, or Rhode Island, skip lines 2 through 5, enter …… 335. 365. 384. 399. 411. 427. $40,000. $50,000. 424. 454. 474. 489.

Community College of Rhode Island Transfer Credit Equivalency


Sep 24, 2015 - Introduction to Sculpture & Form. 3. VARTS 231. Foundations of ….. CIS 335. Database Management. 3. Community College of RI. COMI 1430.

Finally 13 Angry Democrats 6/09/2009 these are the people who made 335 bills/legislation



94cc3c No.1616864


Mass Arrests will come swiftly? Oh yeah, I know that story. It starts "Once upon a time, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away"….

6477a0 No.1616865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

anyone seen this BS shit

"look guys even fbi agents can't be trusted with guns"

watch it in slow motion to see how fucking fake the muzzle flash is

6c3376 No.1616867

File: 2146ccffd363774⋯.jpg (52.31 KB, 468x895, 468:895, IMG_2207.JPG)

Did rectum taunts vanquish the Benis or was the muhsatanshills sliding

d18171 No.1616868


Suppose David Frum said some stupid shit in twitter. Would that be obstruction? Yes. Yes it would. His head is causing a small bowel obstruction from being shoved so far up his own ass.

2a22ca No.1616869

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>1615378 (lb)



James May Rides in a U2 Spy Plane [HQ]

6477a0 No.1616870


then he puts his hands up and walks away


6cab9e No.1616871


No, mr. C here :P



4ce142 No.1616872

File: a5fd26e87200ab2⋯.png (122.17 KB, 541x587, 541:587, map.png)

File: a94e227cf65311c⋯.png (24.51 KB, 396x100, 99:25, logo_web_peq_new.png)

File: 85b21550b10c816⋯.png (134.49 KB, 834x626, 417:313, iQ products.png)

File: 5969b24ce5ffab0⋯.png (318.51 KB, 853x757, 853:757, iq engineering group.png)

File: df72930f4cfee7d⋯.png (309.07 KB, 944x277, 944:277, coming soon stay tuned.png)

iQ Miami Florida

ab0d29 No.1616873

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The Enemies of Freemasonry - Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma

b49aa2 No.1616874

Back in November Q asked,

>How did Soros replace family ‘y’?

>Who is family ‘y’?

Is there a consensus on who family 'y' is?

I've been pondering why the Rockefellers are conspicuously absent in Q's posts and I came across that.

bde4ff No.1616875

File: ebfc54acba3634b⋯.jpg (243.67 KB, 1199x799, 1199:799, Dequck3WsAE100H.jpg)

File: 30cf7beb28498a7⋯.jpg (72.02 KB, 1350x1090, 135:109, Q waiting MOAB.jpg)

TY Baker

9d933d No.1616876

File: c7e83ba206deb6c⋯.png (57.32 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

567fe7 No.1616877


Need to fix that shit.

6cab9e No.1616878


I don't know if it is related to the Warburg and/or the Kalergi, but I have a hunch it is.

See the center portion of this graph in pic related 3 of this post: >>1616267

4ce142 No.1616879

File: 971f924c4f23b78⋯.png (590.87 KB, 604x749, 604:749, sky event.png)


ab0d29 No.1616880


clear browser cache helps

cb3ca7 No.1616881

File: b5d8ad80f9c1634⋯.png (385.93 KB, 743x569, 743:569, ClipboardImage.png)

This is how Obama replaced his SS detail.

"..The incident is yet another in recent security breaches at the White House that have led to questions of the Secret Service’s effectiveness, and the reassignment of four high-ranking executives. There is a three-mile no-fly zone around the White House that affects all pilots as well as unmanned drones, but that has been violated by small unmanned aircraft in the past. On July 3, Secret Service patrols detained an individual who was flying a quadcopter drone similar to the one in today’s crash, about one block from the White House grounds. The Secret Service did not identify the pilot or release whether charges were filed, but they did confiscate the drone. On July 7 another person was questioned after flying a quadcopter drone near the Lincoln Memorial.."


8b8883 No.1616882

File: 32ba99630bd4038⋯.png (121.88 KB, 622x211, 622:211, ClipboardImage.png)

Golf is a good old game.

Two Justin and a Dustin leading the world golf rankings.


ffe3b9 No.1616883

File: 6c9de5283bc2744⋯.jpg (91.11 KB, 468x483, 156:161, I am back.jpg)

File: cc8f31c129bd85e⋯.jpg (147.84 KB, 496x558, 8:9, Listen up.jpg)

4ce142 No.1616884

File: 37bac4438c89564⋯.pdf (896.08 KB, HEATINGTECHNIQUESINHOTMACH….pdf)


12 elements to a nuclear reactor.

942c56 No.1616885

File: bb165abff66bac4⋯.jpg (43.35 KB, 400x533, 400:533, Black-nazi.jpg)



i dont want to build a nuclear reactor, kek

bde4ff No.1616886

File: 992113f61757d7f⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 992113f61757d7f95395056b44….png)

File: ebfc54acba3634b⋯.jpg (243.67 KB, 1199x799, 1199:799, Dequck3WsAE100H.jpg)



"the thought is good, but


Margins Matter.

Take down the leading, keep the 'ONE' Aligned to his eye, add 50ish px to the left…"

I have no idea what you just said….. but having been here since the Fall, there is still not a day that goes by I am NOT blown away by all the amazing Anon power, insights, knowledge, & love shared on these Boards.

THEY will never win. Keep it up!

a3cc9d No.1616887

File: 8e208245fc56c0b⋯.png (405.47 KB, 632x560, 79:70, ClipboardImage (11).png)

cb3ca7 No.1616889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7b00ca No.1616890


We need Macron & Markel gone. Quickly.

There is a big strike movement in France right now, and me thinks that this is not innocent and will be pushed forward, hopefully to bring Macron down.

3ec2f2 No.1616891

File: 74c9ec89cd57c11⋯.jpg (158.87 KB, 598x603, 598:603, _un6k4c6mkx8.jpg)

>captcha test

>good to be back

6c3376 No.1616892

File: 48194841aa5befa⋯.jpg (80.81 KB, 620x472, 155:118, IMG_2286.JPG)

But muhsatanshills /b blamefagging

bfbdff No.1616893


Yes, it was early on that Rockefeller was family Y and soros replaced.

45db62 No.1616894

File: 7a018d5ec18f546⋯.png (773.37 KB, 736x981, 736:981, 7a018d5ec18f54682bde4fb9af….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm this day and forever.

bde4ff No.1616895

File: 35ef668393c18f8⋯.jpg (21.24 KB, 570x252, 95:42, 34268734_1818652558193810_….jpg)

Someone already comment in last 48 hrs about this yet???


Unsure of source.

ecf601 No.1616896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4ce142 No.1616897



In many important industries, prominently so in electronics, computer software, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, it has been suggested that innovation has been stifled by a so-called patent-thicket: ``a dense web of overlapping intellectual property rights that a company must hack its way through in order to actually commercialize new technology'' (Shapiro, 2001, p.\ 120). This has been an integral part of the debate among academics and policymakers concerning the reform of patents and patent law, with arguments ranging from the abolition of intellectual property (IP) rights altogether (\emph{e.g.}, Boldrin and Levine, 2009) or limiting patents in certain affected areas (\emph{e.g.}, Heller and Eisenberg, 1998), to cross-licensing or the deliberate bundling of related patents in so-called patent pools (\emph{e.g.}, Clark \emph{et al.}, 2000, M\'{e}ni\`{e}re, 2008). In this paper we consider the latter suggestion by exploring the interplay of IP-licensing and knowledge transfer in product development and commercialization.

A patent pool is an arrangement in which patent holders bundle distinct patents and then collectively license these. The first such combination in the United States was the formation of a patent pool covering patents related to sewing machines in 1856. After initially being viewed as fully protected under the doctrine of freedom of contract,\footnote{\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.0}\footnotesize See, \emph{e.g.}, \emph{E.\ Bement \& Sons v.\ National Harrow Co.}, 186 U.S.\ 70 (1902).} in 1912 the U.S.\ Supreme Court ruled that patent pools were subject to antitrust scrutiny.\footnote{\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.0}\footnotesize \emph{Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co.\ v.\ U.S.}, 226 U.S.\ 20. For a brief synopsis of the historical development see Miller and Almeling (2007) or Gilbert (2004).} Since then a nuanced view of patent pooling has emerged in which ``blocking (complementary) and ``competitive (substitutable) patents are distinguished.

Shapiro (2001) notes that when the patents that are included in the pool are perfect complements, a pool should be viewed benignly. The insight rests upon applying Cournot's (1838) analysis of independent monopolies providing perfectly complementary inputs to a downstream producer, in which neither of the upstream suppliers incorporate the negative externality that their pricing decision has on the

other.\footnote{\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.0}\footnotesize Cournot illustrates his point by considering the pricing decisions of a monopolist for copper and a monopolist for zinc who are providing the necessary inputs to a

downstream producer of brass.} The implied (horizontal) double-marginalization then results in lower producer and consumer surplus. The analysis was further refined in a general model by Lerner and Tirole (2004), who also conclude that the more complementary the patents in the pool are, the greater are the welfare benefits associated with the formation of a pool.\footnote{\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.0}\footnotesize It should be noted that they recognize that, in the context discussed, the notions of complementarity and substitutability are not actually as clear-cut as it might seem, but a meaningful distinction is nonetheless possible on the basis of changes in patentees' willingness to pay for additional patents.} Quite in line with these theoretical findings, contemporary antitrust recommendations and

practice in Europe and the U.S.\ hold that pooling complementary patents is generally not anti-competitive.\footnote{\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.0}\footnotesize \emph{Cf.}\ the Guideline on the Application of Art.\ 81 of the European Commission Treaty to Technology Transfer Agreements (2004/C 101/02), and Chapter 3 of USDOJ/FTC (2007).}

6cab9e No.1616898



e3e3e6 No.1616899

154 Uids on a Sunday morning. I think we have an addiction problem Anons

4ce142 No.1616900

File: 8c8df5a817b1ae4⋯.png (258.77 KB, 648x556, 162:139, trans rights 3rd gender ma….png)

File: a0c3d32b81433a3⋯.png (31.54 KB, 685x303, 685:303, hillary 3rd gender.png)



e47dee No.1616902

>>1616841 >>1616630 >>1616539

Don't know but fwiw, I glanced at the clock this morning and it said 1:11. It hit me that I don't remember ever seeing that on the clock before. I got several 11:11s, 2:22s, 4:44s and one time 3:33.

94cc3c No.1616903


Building? Buildings eventually collapse from rot… Too much time taken… 44 team given way to much time free to cover tracks, obfuscate…. While cleaning house at fbi/doj and courts, 44 team busy cleaning as well? Get the feeling in for big let-down in the end….

4ce142 No.1616905

File: 06453693b4b0701⋯.pdf (8.64 MB, scottaff.pdf)

File: fc429f38bed9b43⋯.png (146.01 KB, 1220x557, 1220:557, 2015 RI Mackenzy Chandler ….png)

File: 41cf4b9fe37aa50⋯.png (278.93 KB, 567x742, 81:106, Mackenzi Scott Broward Cou….png)

File: ce6d6c790f8f93c⋯.png (87.43 KB, 750x743, 750:743, RI man sentenced to 2 year….png)

Mackenzy SCOTT (DoB: 1996)




Mackcenzy "Chandler" Scott




April 8, 2015 - RHODE ISLAND It is alleged in court documents that Franklin Liberto, 20, and Mackenzy Scott, a/k/a Bangazz, a/k/a Mackenzy Chandler Scott, a/k/a Banks, 19,



Mckenzie Scott 1 public record

MAY 22 2015 ARRESTED ON BURGARLY Mckenzie Scott DOB 1993


OCTOBER 2016 - Rhode Island man sentenced to 2 years for sex trafficking girls

A co-defendant in this matter, Mackenzy Scott, 20, "of" Providence, pleaded guilty on September 20, 2016, to conspiracy to sex trafficking children. He is scheduled to be sentenced on December 14, 2016.


DECEMBER 2016 - Second Rhode Island man sentenced in sex trafficking conspiracy




1b1022 No.1616908

File: 8123006316db51a⋯.png (489.31 KB, 640x478, 320:239, babel.png)

File: e992644f85a88f3⋯.png (1.03 MB, 915x511, 915:511, map.png)

File: 6f6e89e2a489e53⋯.jpg (131.13 KB, 960x720, 4:3, babylon.jpg)

File: aac4281aeacda36⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 335x319, 335:319, dragon slayer.jpg)

bfbdff No.1616909


I am addicted to truth.

I am addicted to freedom.


9d933d No.1616911


FPS Russia. Hell yeah.

54a143 No.1616912


for me it's versions of 222 A LOT

right now I saw 13:33:33

e3e3e6 No.1616913


Meme addiction here…

6c3376 No.1616914

False promises false taxes false wall false orange colored skin false economy false duress false psy ops false rhetorics false narratives false captchas false corpses false zombies false cash false religions false keywords false clocks false bills false hair weaves false virtues false memes false news

6cab9e No.1616915

File: b052308dd5db738⋯.png (163.81 KB, 385x479, 385:479, Pepe_Cures.png)

d8e40f No.1616916


Just GTFO Dirtbag

045b1f No.1616917

Couldn’t post last night when back up so trying again-

Koch Brothers openly showing Swamp/Uniparty status which suggests pressure is increasing on Swamp draining:


942c56 No.1616918

File: 0459dca8a00ce56⋯.jpg (44.29 KB, 635x464, 635:464, obamaevidencesandyhook.jpg)


dont reply to the schill

e-bot is just really sad & needs to cry

4ce142 No.1616920

File: 5f58113e2a9f598⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1237x1221, 1237:1221, q dna.jpg)



fdcb42 No.1616921


It's "America First" dick weed.

6c3376 No.1616922


Pay sauron

dabd7b No.1616923


Never Gonna Give, Never Gonna Give,


RICO Rollin'

942c56 No.1616924

File: 81305ca046a7ac8⋯.png (8.48 MB, 2245x2647, 2245:2647, ClipboardImage.png)

> > 1616922

ok then, just this once..

80050c No.1616926



I posted the LAPD phone log here and it indicated many calls of multiple shooters.

4ce142 No.1616927

Saucy T

Qpost 151 CIA sanitized Rapid Systems https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP83T00573R000500130036-7.pdf …

6477a0 No.1616928

File: ae5218f03e19430⋯.jpg (53.3 KB, 618x670, 309:335, kimjongunimpersonator.jpg)

23 days later…. kim jong un impersonator

d18171 No.1616929


Upload the PDF anon.

e3e3e6 No.1616930

File: 64b9bc6a4365747⋯.jpeg (156.67 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1528025282.jpeg)

6c3376 No.1616931

File: 8235362eb3988e9⋯.jpg (34.41 KB, 236x295, 4:5, IMG_2250.JPG)

Toomuch muhsatanshills ruining the FEtard muhjoosshill trannyshillinwedding forbittfuckitunes cause tredeau is a pedovore? Try a hula hoop


d8e40f No.1616932

File: 0bd4b4e5b2b1bf2⋯.jpg (9.2 KB, 218x218, 1:1, Wicked_.jpg)

d18171 No.1616933


Posting relevant post

>>173818551 (4/pol)

PDF Dropbox link:




ab0d29 No.1616934

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

(32º) The Sublime Prince of The Royal Secret by Albert Pike

cb3ca7 No.1616935



e47dee No.1616936


Lots of 222s and 444s here. Those 3's are interesting.

a3cc9d No.1616937

File: d08ead5c32798dd⋯.jpg (105.57 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, kanzleramtEYE.jpg)

german kanzleramt EYE symbolism..

e3e3e6 No.1616938

d18171 No.1616940

Do we have a baker? Seen notables called out but no responses. Getting close guys.

942c56 No.1616943

File: 2ffe3f534d9f47d⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1906x837, 1906:837, potus-the-greatest.png)


I'll take "Check the catalogue" for 5 sheckles.

6477a0 No.1616944

File: 70e402a4fac3634⋯.png (455.17 KB, 1107x698, 1107:698, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: ecd6abb1169563d⋯.png (430.5 KB, 1188x698, 594:349, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

File: 7f8a37f8c280926⋯.png (132.92 KB, 1084x188, 271:47, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)


obviously witness testimony can be unreliable… but there is no way someone can confuse gunshots from several hundred yards away, with ones coming from very close

6477a0 No.1616946


one thing i've noticed… an awful lot of people are referring to north south east and west. to me… that screams of testimonies written by clowns/officers and not regular people

6c3376 No.1616947

File: 22bf7675162b3c9⋯.png (124.15 KB, 500x610, 50:61, IMG_2178.PNG)

Do ya bring the scalps or do I get the them myself

cb3ca7 No.1616948

File: a879ff88850ad10⋯.png (323.11 KB, 655x569, 655:569, ClipboardImage.png)

20 days ago but seems relevant

https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-china-oil-futures-insight/chinas-night-owl-retail-investors-leverage-up-to-dominate-oil-futures-trade-idUSKCN1IF0PB

54a143 No.1616949


yeah, don't know what these #s mean to you

but for me it's

2: Jesus being not only my #1, but also my Kinsmanship Redeemer – my Double

3: mostly Glory and any aspect of it

4: Love, Blood (of Jesus), Mercy, Kingdom Age

942c56 No.1616950

File: 4642c54698bb7b5⋯.jpeg (257.61 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, yew2.jpeg)

next bread!


cb3ca7 No.1616951


what? this didn't take place at fucking coachella..

alot of the people in the audience know their directions. They know where the sun sets….its not that hard to figure it out…

cad9a1 No.1616954

File: e7ba0780ee274bf⋯.jpg (248.47 KB, 978x504, 163:84, LV.JPG)

6477a0 No.1616955

File: 32e8b12d3e7d60b⋯.png (513.99 KB, 1177x704, 107:64, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at ….png)

052968 No.1616956




Imagine I am the only one who captured the 2 tweets with 12 minutes difference, then it never happened?! …clicked on the 1st one, but it was already gone.


Just found out the meaning of KYS by myself hybrid, only knew it was smth negative

7b00ca No.1616961


d8e40f No.1616963


7b00ca No.1616965


Hello anon!

d8e40f No.1616966

Bake it already

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